What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

I have been directed to post this article.

I usually have tried to refrain from injections and Vaxx subjects, but this one is special. And during a Q&A with the Domain, yet to be published, I was instructed to send this out.

Here is the entire segment from the Q&A…

"Already systems are in place to suppress the desire to generate a major conflict against China. 

Within a year or two, a conflict will be the last thing in the minds of the United States leadership. 

Everyone will notice that something is amiss by the end of this year (2022), and it will be quite obvious by the end of the next (2023). 

Most sensible humans would come to the conclusion that a war would be ill advised. 

You will write about it tomorrow."

Here is the article. Complete.

What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

Robert W Malone MD, MS

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

People frequently write to Jill and myself. People we have never met.  They call, they arrive at the farm by appointment or unannounced, they fill our email in boxes with their inquiries. They all want something; time, attention, an interview.  Many want to tell us about their fear, illness, nightmares, or (what often seems like) outright paranoid conspiracies.  And then, over time, these fears and “conspiracies” keep getting confirmed.  As Jan Jekielek (a senior editor with The Epoch Times) recently said to me, it is getting harder and harder to tell which ones are mere conspiracy theories and which are true reality.

One farm visitor told me of his foreshadowing massive numbers of deaths within three years consequent to the genetic vaccines, and that this was all about the “Great Reset” and the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF).  I tried to reassure him that, in my opinion, this was highly unlikely- while privately thinking about how easily people fall into this type of conspiracy ideation, and how I need to be careful to avoid going there when confronting so many public health decisions that appear either incompetent or nefarious.

At the time, I only knew of the WEF as the host of a big annual party in Davos Switzerland where the uber rich and the hoi oligoi of the Western nations went to watch Ted talks, drink the best wine, see and be seen.  Silly me.  What a long, strange trip this has been.  I doubt that even Hunter S. Thompson could have imagined it in his most drug and booze addled state.  Suffice to say, I nominate Ralph Steadman as official illustrator of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.  Or a resurrected Hieronymus Bosch.

But I am wandering from a point that I am afraid to clearly state…

Uh oh

It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.

And, if this rather dry report from a senior Indiana life insurance executive holds true, then Reiner Fuellmich’s “Crimes against Humanity” push for convening new Nuremberg trials starts to look a lot less quixotic and a lot more prophetic.

Here is what lit me up in this report from The Center Square contributor Margaret Menge.

“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.””

So, what is driving this unprecedented surge in all-cause mortality?

Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths,

“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.””

Take a moment to read the entire article.  Now.  Then let’s continue on, assuming that you have.

About the article

AT A MINIMUM, based on my reading, one has to conclude that if this report holds and is confirmed by others in the dry world of life insurance actuaries, we have both a huge human tragedy and a profound public policy failure of the US Government and US HHS system to serve and protect the citizens that pay for this “service”.

IF this holds true, then the genetic mRNC vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life.

AT WORST, this report implies that the federal workplace vaccine mandates have driven what appear to be a true crime against humanity.  Massive loss of life in (presumably) workers that have been forced to accept a toxic vaccine at higher frequency relative to the general population of Indiana.

The problem is the mRNA vaccines themselves

FURTHERMORE, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race.  All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic  mRNA vaccines AND/OR alternative early treatments.

IF this report holds true, there must be accountability.  We are not just talking about running over the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States and grinding it into the mud with an army of artificial intelligence-powered heavy infantry.

This article reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure. One for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the internet and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of the “Trusted News Initiative”.

George Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

MM Thoughts

I posted it as told.

It appears to indicate something odd is going on inside of the United States, and since the media is completely controlled by the government, no one really knows what is going on. However, if you look elsewhere there seems to be some alarming trends.

Taking the fact that I was told to post this article, and it was used in conjunction with a discussion of a situation that would dissuade the United States government from getting involved in a war with China, I think that it is significant.

The author is confirming that the actuarial tables (associated with Life Insurance policies) are clearly showing an unheard of association between an increase in deaths and the mRNA vaccines. There is apparently a direct correlation between the two.

Further, he accuses the media, the government and big business of a massive conspiracy. Whether it is part of some kind of depopulation agenda, a profit-motive, or just being malevolent, is not stated.

He suggests rallying up and demanding “Rights” and “accountability” fully oblivious that the United States is a Military empire and he is living in a Police State where he has no voice, no control, no power and no future.

Obviously the United States is a toxic place. But I wasn’t aware that it was this toxic. A 40% increase in a death rate is very concerning.

It’s a stealth SHTF event.

Obviously, if these trends continue or get worse, then the Deagel report will be vindicated, and there will not be enough people left alive in the United States to wage a war against China, let alone run the country.

Frightening stuff.

Special Considerations

There are MANY MM readers that might be shell-shocked from this information. I want to tell you all NOT TO WORRY. From what I understand, the human body adapts to the mRNA changes. You (if you have had an mRNA injection) will need to adapt to prevent what is apparently a potential bad series of side effects.

I do not understand it, but your body will require more oxygenation to prevent any adverse side effects.

This can be obtained via vitamin supplements, more exercise, walks outside in nature, and a reduction in super-processed food like sugary breakfast cereals, deep fried pig skins, and a reduction in fast food to perhaps once a week instead of five times a week.

It has been clearly relayed that once you obtain the mRNA injection, your body needs oxygenation at a greater level than what we all have come to live with. So you must alter your lifestyle with some vitamins, walks and a reduction in super-processed food intakes.

The article above suggests that people who do not alter their lifestyle behaviors towards more oxygenation, will start to see some health complications.

PissedLizard Comments

From an email communication... -MM
Absolutely. I am very familiar with Dr. Malone and the article referenced. I know what I am going to write goes against the narrative, but literally pick up a high school biology book and it’s right there.

The mRNA is from stem cells derived from fetal tissue.
So you are taking another human beings mRNA, mixing it with others, THEN running it thru CRISPR – which tells the mRNA in the vax to make spike proteins.
The thought is that if you naturally make the spike protein that Corona has, you will always have be able to produce anti- antibodies to the spike protein.
Sounds good in theory but you aren’t supposed to make virus spike protein. Although the HUMAN mRNA is programmed to make spike proteins – it could be programmed for anything – and that’s the boosters – but the spike proteins are getting thrown everywhere. They are sticking to the inside of the heart and irritating the blood supply of the middle “muscle” layer of the heart (myocarditis).
This is messed up. It has been from day 1. And for them – all blame goes to Trump. It’s “his vaccine”.
mRNA translates instructions from the nucleus to make a protein – which is basically almost every thing in you.
And all of these miscarriages and sterilizations – yeah. Of course… it’s fucking FETAL TISSUE. Of course mon is going to react. It usually isn’t overt but when you have billions getting the shots – as you see in other articles elsewhere – deaths in the USA up 40 – 60 percent and all non Covid. This shit is designed to kill.
And don’t be fooled about the sinovax either – follow that money for yourself to see EXACTLY what this shit is.
I hope this helps! If not or any other questions – let me know.
The spike proteins get lodged in capillary beds – that’s probably the “get oxygenated” thing though.

Final MM comments

Everyone in China is taking the “dead-host” vaccine. MM myself have taken two injections and am scheduled for a booster late February.

I have altered my lifestyle to accommodate.

I have severely cut down on my super-processed foods. I am trying (not quite as successfully as I would like) for more outside fresh air and exercise. And taking a daily vitamin supplement. The impression that I have is that this would be enough to compensate for any ill-adaptations as a result of the injections.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Ultan McG

Thanks for this, Mr. Man. Many top scientists have also been saying for nearly two years now that masks are pretty ineffective against airborne viruses– especially outside of clinical environments, where of course they have utility. I’m looking around me at little children masked up on the beach, on the sidewalks, on bikes, all MRNA injected or getting there, (90% of the adult population too, of course– they’re already there and the 4th dose is being discussed as I write), and I’m asking myself: is this why they’re pushing mask mandates throughout geographical regions where the mild COVID-A has been intentionally released? That is, in order to intentionally reduce physical aeration and efficient oxygenation of the wearer? The opposite of what we now know is the necessary way to medically proceed post-vaxx thanks to the Domain?

(In a COVID B region, I’d personally be wearing two masks outside. At the same time. All the time.)

One does hope indeed that such intentional malevolence on a global scale wouldn’t be possible, and that somebody, somewhere would act against it. And that the masks are necessary, because any day now these berserking lunatics will release COVID-22 on a completely unsuspecting world and all governments know and are expecting this– ‘but it came from Wuhan!!! Didn’t it???’

Yeah. Right.

Maybe it’s even a little bit of both?

Danger or not from a ‘new strain’ rampaging throughout EurAngloLand and associated client states everywhere, what I do know is that when one passes small groups of masked up muppets high up on a forested mountain track at 6.30 in the morning– freezing cold, sharp winds, miles from the city or civilisation– as I did this morning, one is looking at a nation that’s beat psychologically, very badly propagandized, and ripe for the picking. (As Deagel suggested, comfortable, wealthy, western liberal democracies have proved themselves redundant in the face of any kind of serious emergency– or threat to that comfortable existence, as we’re all witnessing right now.) These victims will now consent to anything they’re told to– the Rubicon has indeed been crossed– while the rest of us who at times feel very, very alone (until reminded of people like Malone, Yeadon and friends)– are marginalised and struggle to take the merest part in society. I can’t even go into a coffee shop and buy a coffee without 2 doses of an MRNA inoculation and third booster.

Good luck with that, I’ll drink powdered piss-in-a-jar for as long as I have to. And eat boiled rice.

When the Lord Shiva descends to this realm eventually, it’ll be a terrible thing to behold, indeed. Folks had better start waking up. But unfortunately for them, I for one won’t be holding my breath in anticipation.

Ultan McG

100%, Mr. Man– and of course I should have added this source as one of my stabilising factors. I personally know only one person, other than my wife, who refuses the MRNA experiment here in Korea. (But many old associates were forced to consent through financial blackmail and against their will as Malone pointed out. In itself a heinous crime.) And she is an elderly, Catholic nun, who, believe it or not, and even though she refused on health grounds, is being put under enormous pressure by folks in a local church she assists at who are beginning to avoid her. We’re talking about a senior citizen in her early 80s, after giving a lifetime of service to the urban poor of Korea (i.e. very fucking poor), and is now being shunned by terrified, overfed clerics and parishioners at her local church. (Lucky for her she’s the heart of a lion. Indominatable.)
If anyone can make sense of that– other than mass hypnosis in effect– they’re a better man than me.

I’ve opted to follow my pagan friends’ advice– never meddle. And I’d never, ever attempt to lecture at someone over their medical choices. Or even advise them on same. Haven’t said a word. Easier on my wife, and non-interference keeps our worldlines uncluttered. What’s done is done; minds made up are made up. Nothing can be said to change that. Or should be. But we will be there to help when required. Luckily for me, Koreans are polite enough not to ask about the vaxx-status– other than some plonker in a shop with his QR Code scanner– so the subject doesn’t come up– my wife just says we’re abstaining for now on health grounds, yada yada, and that works fine.

All we can do is watch, follow the basic health guidelines you’ve outlined above, and get ready to assist when and where as necessary when what’s coming, comes. A judge in Seoul struck down an attempt by the government to mandate MRNA inoculations for libraries and adult evening classes, local community colleges, etc., stating in his ruling that ‘there’s no evidence ‘vaccination’ prevents the spread of COVID’. So, the government aren’t fighting him on this conclusion– because there’s no evidence to the contrary!! Instead, they’re fighting him on the grounds that ‘unvaccinated’ folks must be protected against infection.’

Trust the science, right? But there is stuff going on– much resistance, and all– as you’ve said on numerous occasions yourself– UN-reported. But it can only be a matter of time before the cracks in this bullshit narrative begin to show, It wasn’t even put together well to begin with.

Memory Loss

Ultan, mass hypnosis eh.


Guys, y’all know I read Warhammer right? The Chaos God’s will pervert the population little by little. Then they start demanding blood sacrifices. And go on to warping reality. I am sorely tempted to go a post on this concept. But I might get sent to the cornfield haha.

Seriously, there’s a lot of weird going on in our reality. I nom try to reread 40k with this in mind. Makes it super terrifying and fun to read at the same time.

Ultan McG

Mass hypnosis or mass dumbass, M.L. Take your pick; although my own experiences in Weirdsville over the years have led me to, shall we say, an inconclusive conclusion on that score. (I try to be nice.)

I do know for sure that ‘free-will’ is rendered pretty ineffective against what we MMan readers would understand as tech that clusters strands of worldlines together toward pre-determined ends. (And the clustered aren’t the determiners as we well know, too.)

As for the chaos Gods and sacrifice? Controversial stuff, indeed, and funny you should mention it– I was informed only recently by someone who knows a lot about these things that two, popular media offerings are 100% predictive programming along those very lines. Very astute of you, yet again!

They are 1) Black Summer, and 2) Cabin in the Woods.

I haven’t seen either, and don’t watch TV or movies, but I might sample Black Summer, as I was also told that the close-range gun-battle scenes are pretty much identical to the real thing. i.e. utter chaos, with friendly fire killing as many guys as enemy fire. As opposed to say a Hollywood Battle where you can see the bad guys and the bullets,😂. There’s a reason the Americans prefer stand-off munitions and pussy-drones, let’s just say that. It is also a brilliant expose of what happens when untrained Normies get their hands on unregulated/unlicensed firearms. (Apparantly.)
The zombies might be a stretch, but the general scenarios are PP for what’s coming stateside. Particularly along the lines of how the most normal of folks would behave when SHTF. Hint: Think Selco, rather than Help-oh.

Stay safe, out there. And you know what they say: when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. Was never afraid of a little strange, meeself. But dumbass surely terrifies me. Especially around loaded firearms.(Something that was until very recently a very rare occurrence. Not so, anymore.) Not to mention uncritical thinking/blind obeyance– more dangerous than any Barret 50.


Danish study finds that for the vaccinated, Omicron is evading immune response at a higher rate vs Delta. Being boostered (three vaccines) is the highest, double vaccinated less, and the unvaccinated experience roughly the same as Delta.

So the more vaccinated you are, the more likely you are to catch Omicron. Brilliant.


WOW! I have been waiting for MM to put this on the table – bcos, it is a whole load of dangerous stuff – with IMHO double crossed and triple crossed rusetraps. First, I again ask for permission to post my ideas as once “the ppl on top” tell MM to do certain things, it means that this is an important message – life affecting. Without going onto details, I appreciate what MM has done in terms of offering solutions – and hope. I consider in my heart to be a friend of MM’s and whoever is directing him to make this post (whether you like me or not!). I would like to add more to this, and I ask permission for these issues to be shared with MM readers. I sound very cautious – bcos I AM. This is no friggin kidding in terms of the dynamite rusetraps around. Consider these issues.

Issue 1): Everything is not as cut and dry as the left (pro-vkks) and the right (anti-vkks) portray it. As MM with his 48 laws and local immersion ideas go, STAY OUT OF THE FIREFIGHT and demonstrations. This issue is to get BOTH sides truly RILED up, and the extremists and reactionaries and gullibles (ergo undesirables) to be outed and of course genetically stratified (GS, in short – MM is the first one who used this term at this site). DO NOT let yourselves be branded as being on any side, or WE THE PEOPLE. 48 laws – total invisibility means …total innocence – well, know if you are reading this already, THEY already KNOW YOU quite well. (Hmm, operating systems, creeper software, instantaneous digital profiling. Now you know why YOU are of interest to certain beings….).

Issue 2): The ppl behind everything, including the WAPP (Wise and Power People) have very high IQs, and simply “do not engage in an experiment that fails.” In this sense, whoever sees it this way, has not seen the multi-layered objectives behind it. Event 201 – research it. Direct funding by one major bioweapons country and user given to research facilities in its so called EXISTENTIAL country enemy with military funds and intelligence. This does not happen in the real world – unless of course, everything you see is part of a “Shakespeare”play with everyone having an important part. But they are all keen and amply rewarded actors…. Which means first level analysis of any issue of import is BOUND TO FAIL TO UNCOVER THE TRUTH. So, whatever info you have, you have to go DEEPER. And think like the WAPP to get a true inkling of what is actually going on.

Issue 3: Do not eat the “we must resist” death spiral claptrap the disinfo sites throw at you. Sound so much like the J6 set-up by the CLOWN. (Yes, the CLOWN who owns many many golf courses, and of course, his foil, the “Very old guy”). But, fully study the protocol at this site that some may think the WAPP have ACTUALLY released to help targeted desirable ppl who are agile and smart enough to take action to somewhat protect themselves. Go here if you dont already know: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/early-covid-19-treatment-guidelines-a-practical-approach-to-home-based-care-for-healthy-families/. Look up the benefits of drinking PINE NEEDLE tea. Add GREEN TEA and make a concoction everyday, and drink 3 cups.

Issue 4: DO NOT go further in supporting any ventures that OUTS you as having a strong opinion on this – either side. Scrub your social media clean. Go with: “I love the world and all the people in it – with all the culture, colors, and true wisdom passed on through generations. Lets all be wonderful people and RUFUSes and make babies in recognized heterosexual traditional marriages. Kumbaya.” I mean this, seriously. Act stupid that way. So you will not only be labelled “INERT” but “POSSIBLE GOOD GENETIC SPECIMEN FOR NEW WORLD”. ARE you understanding me?

Issue 5: The WAPP are ALREADY signalling, and you gotta be brain dead to not notice, that they will be taking down countries in Zone 1 (read the Saker). And, very likely, Zone 2 safe countries will not be as affected – and these countries will end up bailing out Zone 1 countries – but not before bouleversement has occurred as as it has coccured fopr nearly a 100 years in Zone 2 countries that have genetically fortified its peoples through er, genetic cleansing and optimization (Do you know what I am really saying here, WWI, WWII, political actions that have far-reaching social consequences…). I do not know the final accuracy of this statement – why else are all the billionaires buying superyachts – perhaps as INSURANCE against PLAN DGZ1474 (I just made it up…the world’s oceans rising 10m in three days – would F’up more ppl than any vkks will… And you can say goodbye to mostly everything, then as it would be the movie 2012 where only WELL-HEELED survivors in three superboats – get to repopulate earth….).

Issue 6: The WAPP believe that they are the WE WHO OWN THE PEOPLE, as opposed to those who say WE THE PEOPLE, are responsible for guiding humanity to a higher level of transcendence. Prrof: imagine what it was like in 1850, where the wold had an estimate population of 1 billion. In 2021, after many many years of superior evolutioning, and the unfortunate demise of countless millions who for whatever reason did not make it through to have a natural end to their lives, there is a population of nearly 8 billion people. The question we must ask as in general, for people who TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and believe in MERITOCRACY, is it better for them in 2021, or in 1850 – if the WAPP had not done what they have done with the MANY TURNINGS of industrial revolutions and other great superhumaning achievements? If you are honest at all, and if you have resources available to you to truly study this issue, I am guessing that you will say 2021 – as in 1850 EVERYTHING was a feudalistic order – and peasantstock like you and I would not have what we had today, if the WAPP did not do what they have done since 1850….

Issue 7: What’s the endgame – MM has been TRUTHFUL with us and fully transparent. If you didnt get it before, U MUST BE A …. I am to remind myself that as a RUFUS I should not make Ad Hominem attacks. MM in many articles (I dont remember which) has said, the world is undergoing change based on sentience, RUFUS will do well, Meritocracy is the answer (using China as an example), one country is going down in a big way, then MM suddenly changes the narrative and talks about how a country led by a BUFFOON and drunkard, broke down and MILLIONS of ppl died as a result of overnight changes – many deaths were self-inflicted harm in suicides and alcohol fuelled depression. Genetic optimization – after genetic stratification was done. MM has already given us the TELL why things are happening in the present decline of thsi country. CONVERGENCE into a new society and creating coginitive dissonance for weaklings and undesirables to fear, loath, hate and FIGHT the NEW WORLD – even more modernized form of Singapore!!! Yes, that’s it. That’s the LIE to you who dont get it, and hate the WAPP and the fearsome modern slave Globohomo perverted NWO. Er, NO! You been fooled, bro.

Issue 8: LOOK-UP the city of NEOM. Everything will be perfect here – but not dfor the losers, and haters and gun-toting LGBT-hating extremists. NEOM is the extra modernized Singapore. ALL OVER THE FRIGGING WORLD. That;s why they dont want pisshead sillyfcks around to ruin everything for the RUFUSes. Bcos only RUFUSes get to live and thrive in NEOM-World. Read this HUGE TELL in an interview of a BILLIONAIRE who sings a truthsong made by a newsinfo agency that 50 years ago – no one would ever believe – AN INVERSION OF TRUTH! Link: https://tass.com/science/1382773 Read it and weep – if you have been fooled until now. O sorry, I mean you should be truly happy. but if you live in Zone 1 countries, YOU JUST HAVE TO SURVIVE as mentioned by MM. And he has given you all the tools. Cmon man, get tethered to MM.

Issue 9: I cannot tell you WHY, bcos I think the ppl on top will think I am making this too easy for you. But, SERIOUSLY if you want to know what YOU seriously need to know, you need to parse every word spoken by this person at this link: https://www.rt.com/russia/538570-putin-valdai-speech-russia/ which explains the context, and the whole thing: https://thesaker.is/putins-speech-at-the-valdai-club-full-transcript/. It’s a lot. But If you are TRULY concerned about what’s happening out there, you cant look at it from one measly perspective. Trust me, read this, and imagine if WAPP wanted to send you a personal message in this speech, what would it be?

Issue 10: It’s going to happen. NEOM-world. But only for RUFUSes. You will never need to sleep with your Glock or AR-15 at your side…. There will be no crime. As all criminals can be targeted as they commit any crimes. This world is only for ppl who are WORTHY to live in it. But a lot of shit has to happen before then. So, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE JUST WRITTEN TO YOU? If it is of interest, GO and research all that is mentioned here. The Supreme Commander wants you to GET something – if you are able to read this. This message is only for you – and you have FREE WILL to do anything, with attendent consequences following.

Issue 11: Thank you MM and all BEINGS who are leading humanity to a higher plane. Not everyone is going to agree or wish to be onboard. I just want you all to know I have done this as a RUFUS – and thank MM and all BEINGS behind him, for giving me the privilege of ILLUMINATION.


I’d like to thank MM and others for giving me the opportunity to share the info above. I would like to add some more info that is FULLY MEDICALLY Robust on the discussion of treatment for this disease, even for the PEOPLE IN THE KNOW (PITK). You cant trust the run-off-the-mill- establishment solution for this disease. If you wish to get a hold of a medically “sound” solution to this disease, just so that you dont get hit with a DEATHpunch, PLS PLS look at this link, and listen to the interview the DR has with Joe. YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO THIS INTERVIEW: https://www.aestheticsadvisor.com/2021/05/dr-peter-mccullough-hydroxychloroquine.html. Thank you, all!


The truth will always be revealed by the Supreme Commander, and all karma leads back to those who do eeeevil. The BEAGLE SLAYER is revealed for who he is. Have a look at the recent docs from none other than the most important military research organization in the universe, D/A-R?P?A: pls read this if you have not: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/military-documents-about-gain-of-function-contradict-fauci-testimony-under/ Er, says it right here…. Let the TRUTH be known to all. PITK who do not have all the info with respect to the deadliness of the vkks, pls pls pls listen to the interview in the note above, the DR and Joe. PLS do this.


Dearest brothers and sisters all over the world, including people who are dedicated to making this a better world, we must face the truth, and let the truth help us become better beings. We cannot just at MM tell ourselves that we should be RUFUSes, when there are key moral principles involved in making this a better place. We must in the words of the MOST VENERABLE ONE, care for all living beings, and must LOVE everyone and give everyone a chance at redemption. If people should hatefully choose to go on a course of sef-destruction or of the destruction of others due to race, creed, religion or ethnicity, then the principle of self-defence can be used, and you can offer them that choice: the road of redemption, or the road to ruin. You let them choose, and whatever befalls them that is the consequences of their decision. But what has happened with the pandemic and all the machinations that have occurred, and I know it was planned this way for MAXIMUM disgust, this does not appear to follow the iwsdom of the ages, nor of the loving words of the MOST VENERABLE ONE – what would he say to those PEOPLE-IN-THE-KNOW? For clearer analysis of what happened with the discovery of these documents that EXPLAIN everything, pls READ this link: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2022/01/11/new-us-military-report-states-covid-19-was-created-by-a-us-funded-ecohealth-alliance-program-at-wuhan-institute-of-virology-n504679? If you dont get these by this link, then search the site and read the report just in case the link fails. We must face this all as HONEST human beings. The time for lies and eevil deeds is over. What would the MOST VENERABLE ONE say to each of us who are involved in this – directly or indirectly?

May the SUPREME COMMANDER guide us all through this. Thanks, MM and all.


HI, All, while we are it, for those of you who have a ROBUST scientific background (which is everyone of you! if you come here to MM), pls have a look at this article that has a list of more than 1000 scientific studies on the Vidco Vkks. The people who have low intelligence do not even know the risks, or what a normal vkks is. Of course, if we need to discuss this deeper, the vkks is a precursor for an important tool that will be useful in the NW, but because it would be better for us to discuss this further a little bit further down the road. Here is the link: https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/. Intelligent people look at the scientific data and reason. Er, ppl who dont know what scientific data is, well, they wouldnt be coming here right? MM is certainly not a site for lightheads or lightweights, and if you are convinced of the mightiness of MMs rambunctious cavorting skills, certainly not ppl with gonad shyness….

If you are concerned, (or if you are one of the PITK but didnt know this in your line of work “bettering the world”), have a SERIOUS look. >1000 scientific studies.

May the Supreme Commander grant us wisdom, and RUFUSness mercy in our hearts. Thank you, MM and others.


Dearest brothers and sisters, I append more important info. This time, not much comment, and as this is an old thread probably no one except MM gets to read this. It’s OK, I’m used to tilting windmills.

But perchace as an MM reader you are reading this, and have not seen the following, I suggest that you look at NEW RESEARCH that came out in a study published Jan,2022. It does not appear to have made an impression among normies and sillifcks and did not make it to any MSM or even science focused outlet. But as a scientist and logicians which many of you are, IMHO, PLS PLS READ the following.

This is the mechanism of the vkks KILLSHOT. How it actually works from an inside the body analysis on how the vkks is problematic. And, actual study with real SCIENCE processes explained.

You cant say something is BAD unless you can work out the actual mechanism that causes harm in the human body.

Er, not SILLIFCKSCIENCE. Real science. Follow the breadcrumbs to actually see how this thing blows up in the human body. Not claims. Not empty guarantees by the paid-off, corrupted experts.

But the actual immunological process. PLSREAD if you have been vkksed.

First the study that you can read – without the biases of reporting commenters.

“Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs”link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357994624_Innate_Immune_Suppression_by_SARS-CoV-2_mRNA_Vaccinations_The_role_of_G-quadruplexes_exosomes_and_microRNAs

If this link doesnt work, then search the title.

Commenters that explain the SIGNIFICANCE of this SMOKING MISSILE STREAK. It’s POTENTIALLY dedly…to ALL! It’s just waiting for a hair trigger to explode in each person.
link: https://bwcentral.org/2022/02/how-covid-shots-suppress-your-immune-system/
link: https://newpatriotsblog.com/how-covid-vaccines-suppress-the-immune-system-dot

If you or anyone has got the GOOD STUFF, pls read, and weigh this important info.

You might try some ideas on how to deal with this “gift”:

link: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

And may the Supreme Commander bless us with safety – especially those of us who have received this wonderful present. Er we need KARMA now, or we are screwed….

Humanity dies right at this hill.

Thank you, dearest brothers and sisters.


Dearest brothers and sisters, you will find more real life data, published by governments on the above issue. Pls do your own calculations on the veracity of the claims being made. Here are relevant info links:

1) https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/26/pfizergate-worldwide-conspiracy-hide-covid-vaccines-cause-a-i-d-s/
2) https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/28/triple-vaccinated-have-a-i-d-s-nz-uk-ca-data/
3) https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/04/02/distracted-russia-moderna-created-virus-and-vaccine-before-release/ MM has always said where this thing came from.
4) https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/30/distracted-russia-will-smith-uk-gov-data-92-percent-covid-deaths-vaccinated/

If you are truly concerned, crunch thru the values. They appear ROBUST – once you use the vkks maker’s own efficiency formula.

THe real issue is this: For those of you who are, or only one degree of separation from the “Center of ALLTHIS”, if you do not do your part in bringing this to resolution, there will no longer be a VIABLE humanity left, when this is over. And, quite probably, YOU YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY will be disposed of like a useless CATSPAW – when this is over.

The KARMA implications of ALLTHIS is staggering.

Everyone involved with ALLTHIS will have themselves and their progeny BOTHERED with BILLIONS of LOSTSOULS when this is over – for PERPETUITY.

For those of you who have SPECIAL ABILITIES, it’s time to END ALLTHIS.

Else, your message of BE A RUFUS rings hollow.

Proof: Do you not know the MOST VENERABLE ONE’s own words? We must all love ALL beings in this world.

Do ALLTHIS actions appear consistent with the MOST VENERABLE ONE’s sayings?

We are all in this together.

It is time for the darkest of times to end. We must be merciful to MORE people – would that not be consistent with the words of the MOST VENERABLE ONE?


Just as we are told the Supreme Commander has mercy, and would wish us to have the gift of redemption – AS MANY OF US as he would offer it.

ALL HUMANITY. The Supreme Commander refers to ALL HUMANITY. Or else, there would not be so many of us – who accompany the FIRSTBORNS.

May the Supreme Commander NOW force humanity to do that which is RIGHTEOUS. It is time to END ALLTHIS.

Brothers and sisters, if you can do so, DO YOUR UTMOST to bring this to an end.

Thank you. May the Supreme Commander bless us all.

Redemption now, and ALLTHIS ends.


As always, thank you very much for your work,
And happy new year, btw!

Just a short FYI, the original article can’t be accessed in the EU, due to GDPr reasons,
Error “451: Unavailable due to legal reasons”
On can’t make this up.
Ray B. would be spinning, too^^

It seems that something huge happened,
BillyG posted something in this direction on his own blog, too.

Best regards, MT


“From what I understand, the human body adapts to the mRNA changes. “

Please insert “PERMANENT” before “mRNA changes.” The purpose of which has yet to be fully identified; perhaps a subsequent mode of merging or fully utilizing those permanent changes.


I saw all this coming about the same time David Icke did.

red pill blue pill.jpg

Randwulf, you’re a GENIUS to have figured this out, and thanks for the graphic. Wonder if you did it. If you did, you are AMAZINGLY gifted. If you didnt, let me commend you on your ability to curate interesting and of course, mind stimulating art. Well, someone sent me something along the lines of your art, and I think it has a different take. Whaddya think?

New NEO with Morpheus.jpg

Using simple math, 40% of 62% of fully mRNA vaccinated* (US) population = 25% depopulation. This 25% would be the minimum.

Does this tie in to the Daegal report?

* CDC data as of 04 Jan 2022

Jeffrey E T

I read this article a few days ago on another source. It is apparently well-known – Just as The Domain appears to have endorsed it, Jim Stone has derided it as much too tame and understated, and possibly controlled opposition. It does not appear understated to me, though!
If I allow the cynic in me to come out, I would ask whether the experiment is actually “failing”, depending on who defines the objective?


Could my heart beat harder?


OK…by and large this article is correct. Some of your observations on mRNA are off…for example it is a mixed bag v-a-v the long-term impact of mRNA in the body. By and large it isn’t good. Likewise, where China go it right was the use of intervention therapeutics. In particular, Hydroxychloroquine has been widely used – as well as Ivermectin – with great results. Given that the current variant is less severe I am surprised with the lockdowns. In any event – Dr Malone is 100% on the state of affairs. Fortunately, people are slowly waking up and there will be hell to pay. Unfortunately for China where the Vid originated will come under more scrutiny. R


Read some brief things about the Xian lockdown, referring to hemorrhagic fever. Is that just nonsense misinfo or ?