What’s It Like To Have Sex For 9 Hours Straight

Some people come to Metallicman for the articles on space, extraterrestrials and my experiences. Others come for glimpses and insight into China, while still other come to understand the MWI and world-line travel, and yet still others come to see pretty girls. This particular article is about observation, understanding and finding your place in a world full of situational adventures…

I once dated a woman who left me for a member of a motorcycle gang.

Her best friend was dating one of the gang, and soon she hooked up with a guy in that gang; another gang member. And, no, this wasn’t in my teenage years. I was in my 40’s at the time and my (former) girlfriend, and her friend were both in their late 30’s. Owned houses and successful businesses. The woman who was dating the (first) biker gang member owned a complete hotel with a restaurant, as well as other property. She also had a huge bank account from her ex-husband who had died earlier.They didn’t need to “go slumming”. They could have picked any guy they wanted.

And they wanted some fun and adventure, I suppose.

Anyways, they lived in a nice “bedroom community”; meaning a nice quiet town in central Pennsylvania. Not much going on. The town itself was beautiful, and calm and located in a nice part of the country.

I don’t know how they ended up getting tangled with this crew but the guys were also in their 30’s, and they looked the part of a motorcycle gang. Long hair, tattoos, and a really hash demeanor. They had a sort of a (young) Willie Nelson vibe.

Of course, they rode Harley Davidson motorcycles, and had the “colors” on their vests, and wore black leather boots. It’s not just stereotypical, it was the real way that they dressed and acted. It was like a scene from Bad Company, and The Cult. Chains dangling from their leather wallets, big massive belt buckles on leather belts. Pins on their vests, and elements of grey hair at their temples and on their beards.

They were also heavily involved in the meth trade. They manufactured it, and used it. And during the brief period of time when I was still dating my girlfriend, she would tell me about the absolutely insane levels of Animalistic sex her girlfriend would have with her gang-member boyfriend. She said all that they did was have near continuous sex, without sleeping or eating, for days.

I would imagine that it was something like what is described here…

What’s It Like To Have Sex For 9 Hours Straight

Reprint from HERE. All credit to the author and reprinted and edited to fit this venue.

It was with a girl I’d been dating over a year and it involved meth. Kids, don’t ever try meth, I am not kidding… but if you do make sure you have sex*, because – holy shit.

*with someone you trust

My girlfriend and I were already very familiar with each other’s bodies, and we were averaging at the sweet spot of about 45 minutes of intercourse a day, which is to say we were already trained for marathon humping. We’d had sex on meth once before (three hours that time), and it was so much fun we decided to set aside a Saturday night to try it again.

At 11pm, we start smoking, and put some porn on to set the mood.

By 11:15, we’re humping like frantic rabbits. Not your standard “I want you, you want me, let’s do this” sex, this is downright animalistic fucking. Fast, slow, vigorous, violent. Each sensation intensified five-fold. We’re inventing positions beyond the kama sutra, fucking at every conceivable angle to find the best ones. We are energizer bunnies running on unadulterated carnal lust, an unstoppable desire to push every limit of pleasure. This is what porn wishes it looked like.

At midnight, we’re both still horny as hell but I’m exhausted. She on the other hand has more energy now than when we started (this must be how succubus legends started) and spends the better part of the hour riding me. We go down on each other every once in a while for intermission.

1am, my orgasm is nowhere in sight, which is great because neither of us want to stop. We do slow down the rhythm and switch positions more frequently. Short break to smoke some more and change the 5-6 porno movies we have playing on loop.

2am, we are so dehydrated that we need to take an extended pause to chug several cups of water each. We’ve already passed our previous time record, but we’re just getting started. Everything is so goddamn sexy. She is so fucking hot, I’m so fucking hot, we’re just wild beasts succumbing to our deepest nature. Our passion is an unstoppable force. We just want to feel each other, as deep and intensely as possible.

3am, she’s no longer getting wet but we both want to keep going, so we chug more water and get the lube out. We go down on each other for about half an hour, slowly and oh so deliciously. She tastes better than she’s ever tasted before and I can’t get enough of her, 69 has never been so fun. We’re trying out new things that we’ve never done before. Any inhibitions about sex we’ve ever had in our lives are gone.

There is literally nothing we could do right now that would turn the other person off. We take advantage of this to ask each other to do things we’re usually too ashamed to ask for. We talk dirty like never before. Licking assholes, smacking each other, throwing her around the room, you fucking sexy slut this, give me your fucking dick that… It’s all so goddamn intense.

4am, I can’t even keep it up anymore. She goes down on me but it’s no use – my body is utterly depleted. I’m angry at myself because I don’t want to ever stop having this kind of sex, she tells me not to push myself too much. We cuddle for half an hour, softly massaging each other’s genitals with lube. The gentleness is a welcome change of pace for both of us and eventually I get it up again and slide back inside her, but now I’m alternating between hard and soft, all the while desperately willing my penis towards the former.

5am, we are so tired. We haven’t eaten in 12 hours and I haven’t done this much exercise in years. I’m not even inside her most the time anymore, we’re just rubbing each other and telling the other how turned on we are, how much we love each other, how hot this is, while our eyes are glued to the monitor that’s playing 6 porn movies simultaneously. We compare notes about which movies are our favorites, and it’s the sexiest conversation ever. We smoke a little bit more.

6am, it’s on again. Our second (or maybe 4th/5th) wind is here and we’re back at it full force. We’ve gone totally numb to the porn now, there’s been so much of it, so we turn it off, which strangely enough gets us more excited.

7am, we decide to record this on video because this is going to look amazing, but sadly we’ve missed most of the best stuff and now it’s a mix of me slow-thrusting and her trying to keep me hard with her mouth, with the occasional scene of enthusiastic passion. I spend more time watching the live recording than looking at her… I stop filming after 45 minutes so I won’t be distracted anymore. A bit more good and vigorous fucking.

8am, we can’t go on. I can’t go on. The passion is still every bit there, but the flesh is weak, so so weak. I am utterly and entirely done. I still haven’t come because of the meth, but there is literally zero energy left in my body. Every reserve has been tapped, just holding my body upright seems like a herculean task. She insists on finishing me off with her mouth. God bless her loving heart.

8:30, after a half hour blowjob, and nine hours of semi-continuous fucking, I finally come. It’s like a volcanic eruption, I almost black out from the release. I collapse hard, immobilized for a good twenty minutes.

My penis is so raw that the slightest touch is unbearably painful.

Of course I can’t sleep, because, the meth, but we both feel so amazing (and exhausted). There is lube and other fluids all over the place, but we don’t care. After a rest (and a huge spliff to ease the comedown) we pull ourselves up and go get some breakfast, which we have to force ourselves to eat.

It would be 36 hours before I got another erection.

We never replicated the events of that night after that. We decided to flush the little bit of remaining meth because it was just too powerful a force – that shit will get you addicted so hard and so fast. As amazing as we felt during the high, the sheer misery of the comedown was almost more intense, and even in our exhaustion we were desperate for another puff. Plus I was terrified that the drug-free sex would never be as good again in comparison.

But it remains a really great memory in my mind, and truth be told, our inhibition-free romp allowed us to discover even more about each other’s sexuality, and opened some gateways to more amazing (even drug-free) sex in the future.

– Jeremy Tschen

Some thoughts

I enjoy sex like most people. However, as an older man, I am more on the relaxed and laid back side of it all. Having wild and crazy sex like what is described herein is great for a younger man, but for me it might put me into a coma. Ugh!

I think that taking a drug occasionally to achieve a certain objective has it’s merits. If you have high blood pressure, you take a pill every day. If you have erectile dysfunction, you can take a little blue pill, and if you need a vacation, perhaps you can take a recreational drug to expand your frame of reference. But in all cases, I must advise against habitual use.

And this goes for sex as well. Too much sex can cause problems.

Though, you might die with a smile on your face.

I have a very good friend who was taking triple doses of Cialis every day for three years. (Why he did that, I will not get involved in.) But what I can say is that he eventually developed Esophageal cancer. Which is a very rare form of cancer, and he was in a terminal stage. Last I heard he was having a real rough time at it. It’s tough for him.

He’s only three years older than me.

Don’t get too dependent on chemistry to evoke enjoyment. It will not be good.

Anyways, I felt that this story was interesting. And it added a little bit of background and elaboration on what my girlfriend’s friend was saying. And at the time, really, I had no idea.I really didn’t. The wild sex was mentioned on more than one occasion to me, and I even wondered if she wanted me to be more active, but when I asked she’d always say “Lord, for goodness, No.” So I didn’t pay it any mind; I didn’t pay it any attention.

In hindsight, I imagine that my ex-girlfriend got to have a taste of this “forbidden fruit” and her life migrated in what ever direction that it would tend to carry her off to…

…probably not a good place.

After taking crystal meth, the desire to use more typically becomes very strong. 

This physical pull to keep taking more of a drug is called “dependence.” 

Becoming dependent on a drug is part of the addiction cycle. 

Crystal meth addicts are also likely to develop a strong “tolerance” to the drug, which means that, with continued use, more and more of the drug must be taken in order to achieve the same desired effect.

-History of Crystal Meth

I don’t believe she left me because of the promise of meth-induced marathon sex adventures. Instead I think that she left me because the allure of a big, dark, husky tough talking, rough around the corners, biker appealed to her base instincts. She, perhaps, found herself “under his spell”. And she enjoyed that.

Sometimes, it seems, that women go for either [1] the super-tough macho men, or [2] the sickly men that need nurturing and attention.

Women can’t explain it, there’s just something about a deep breathy voice that makes us weak in the knees. According to a British study, women prefer men with deeper voices because it’s subconsciously perceived as a sign of masculinity. The study asked 60 women to rate the sex appeal of 10 male recorded voices, with results showing that the deeper breather voices, which were voices both masculine and tender, win in overall popularity. "These results suggest that what makes the voice attractive are mostly properties that enhance the characteristics already in the averaged voice of the sex," explained the authors, the Daily Mail reported.

What is attractive?

Which brings up another subject that I covered elsewhere on what is attractive to me as a man. Here, let’s see what might be attractive to a woman who meets you for the first time. Or second time. Or, maybe third time.

Consider this list…

#1 Good grooming. Dress well and look good no matter where you are. You never know when you’d bump into the woman of your dreams. It’s a simple tip, but something almost all guys never focus on. Groom yourself well with quality man products and complex perfumes that smells great on you.

#2 Be assertive in your behavior. Women love a man who’s not fickle minded. Have an ego and believe in yourself and your decisions. As hard as this may seem, be the man who can put someone else in place when they overstep the line or misbehave with you.

#3 Charming personality. A charming personality is everything, but yet it’s not something most men have. In fact, meeting a man who knows to charm a girl is a hard task for any woman. Improve your body language around women and learn your manners around them.

#4 A good physique. Go build those biceps and those deltoids in your shoulders. When you work out, you look healthier and radiant, and clothes look oh-so-sexy on you. If you want to attract a girl at first sight, you have to remember that appearances do matter. A lot.

#5 Have a good sense of humor. It takes less than a minute for a girl to know if a guy has a good sense of humor while having a conversation with him. And that’s all you need to impress a girl. All girls know that a guy with a great sense of humor can be a lot of fun over dates or phone calls. Have a light hearted and fun approach towards life and try to look at the bright side all the time. You’ll draw women to you like moths to a flame.

#6 A man who’s not a pushover. A guy who’s a pushover is one of the worst kinds of men in the hierarchy of dating. A pushover is a guy who prefers to accept defeat just to avoid conflict with someone who’s dominating him. Don’t ever be taken for granted by anyone, be it your own friends or a colleague. Have a spine and principles in life. If you feel you’re being wronged, learn to voice your opinion instead of being implosive.

#7 A good job and a nice salary. Well, now we’re getting shallow. But it’s better to face the truth than pretend like money doesn’t matter. Of course it does! You like a sexy woman over an unattractive women. Women like a rich guy over a church mouse. Be rich and drive a great car and you’ll have a huge advantage already. Just a word though, it’s just an advantage, but it’s not enough.

#8 A man who’s respected by others. Women like to be respected by the man they like, but they also like being with a guy who’s respected by others. If someone doesn’t respect you, is it your own fault? If it is, try to get better. If it isn’t your own fault, walk away from them. Or stand up and claim the respect you deserve from them. It all comes down to this, if you genuinely respect yourself and have an ego, would you ever allow someone to throw you around for no fault of yours? Stand up and be a man.

#9 A confident man. Confidence is a great trait to have for any man. It’s an inner strength that’s seen and envied by anyone you meet. A confident man is more attractive to women because he believes in himself and his abilities, and he doesn’t tuck tail and run when he knows he’s right.

#10 A man who looks good. Good looks always make things easier when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. But when it comes to a man, thankfully for average looking men, there’s more than just a face carved by the gods that matters. Look your best, dress well and maintain a good posture. A straight back with an air of confidence can definitely impress the girl you like. Have a happy, cheerful face and a genuinely happy smile and you’ll do wonders.

#11 A good conversationalist. Just like a good sense of humor, knowing how to speak to a woman is a trait that all women look for in a man. Be pleasant, speak smoothly in a low tone and show genuine interest in the woman while speaking to her. Create conversations around her and make her have a nice time with you.

#12 Respectful behavior. Be respectful towards others when they deserve your respect. All good natured women like a well mannered and kind man who doesn’t treat others badly just because he can. Don’t be rude to waiters or your subordinates unless you have a reason to. Treat everyone with respect and you’ll be treated with respect. Women see kind men as good fathers, and it’s a trait that women instinctively like. Have good etiquette and treat women chivalrously, and you’ll notice them warming up to you almost instantly.

#13 An alpha male. The best women are always in the arms of the best men. No woman would want to date another guy’s man Friday if she’s desired by all men. If your friends don’t respect you, find new friends. You may have noticed this already, but there are always just one or two guys in a big group of guys who date the sexiest women while other guys sit wide eyed and hear their success stories in awe. They’re the alpha male. Be that guy.

#14 Make her feel comfortable in her skin. Women like a man who makes them feel at ease within the first few minutes of a conversation. Be the guy who can take away the air of nervousness in a first conversation while talking to a woman and she’ll like you for it. Indulge in a pleasant conversation and ensure that she feels involved and excited to talk to you.

#15 A compatible personality. Here’s a downer that you have to accept when it comes to understanding what women look for in a man. You may be a great guy, but at times both of you may just be way too incompatible for each other. She may like you, but she may not be willing to date you for her own reasons of compatibility. If you want to avoid this, be pleasant and genuine, and most of all, focus on her interests and learn about her likes and dislikes while talking to her so you know the right things to say at the right time. If she feels compatible with you and your personality, and thinks you’ll get along with her friends and family, she’ll definitely like you.


Personally, that when it comes to women’s preferences, it’s indeed complicated and depends on the situation. If there is one thing that I have learned is that everyone is different and what appeals to one person would repel another.

So my list above is just a guideline.

Seriously, if you take care of yourself. have self confidence, and can earn a buck or two, there’s no reason why a woman wouldn’t want to talk with you. And then from there… well, anything is possible.

Yet in most of my experiences, I can say that a hard, rough and “dark” man image appeals to most of the ladies that I have known. Of course, it doesn’t mean that they will just throw themselves into the sack with them, as other factors will mitigate the animal attraction, but it seems to be unmistakable. A strong man, a confident man, and a fun man are all positives when dealing with women.

Not that it matters to me. I’ve got a family, and they are a handful. In fact, more than just a handful. And yet, if I want some diversity, I go and get it. So it’s not really a big deal to me.

I want to believe that our lives and our experiences are PERSONAL matters. We can learn from the experiences of others, and apply the lessons to our own lives. But we should never want to relive the experiences of others. Simply because there are often unstated connections and conditions that complicate their relationships and situations.

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