When boys go out to play; a Metallicman mini vacation and insight into my life in China

Hey everyone, I’ve been busier than a dog in a forest going tree to tree pissing indiscriminately. And some of my activities enables me to mix a little bit of business with pleasure. And isn’t that the way we want to do things? We work a little bit, and we play a little bit too.

Anyways, I decided that I would give you all a taste of what my last few days were like. It’s nothing super fantastical. I’m not driving a Ferrari, and staying in five star hotels and all that. It’s all rather middle class and plebeian. Don’t you know. But it’s so gosh darn different from what things are like in the Untied States that perhaps you all might might a glimpse into what it’s like to be me.

Sounds ok?

Everyday carry

One of the themes in Western media is “everyday carry”.  People take pictures of the things that guys stuff in their pockets when they go out. And for most of America it’s a set of car keys, a wallet stuffed with cash, a multi-purpose tool, and a nice pocket knife or so.

I’m in China. My “everyday carry” is a cellphone and a couple of fobs. No one uses money anymore. We just scan to buy things, and some fobs for access to gates, or passes. These are only for the places that don’t have facial recognition yet.

But, I’ve kind of made up a picture of my gear bag for travel that you all might enjoy looking at.

First up is my bag. Nope, it’s not a designer bag with Gucci on the side of it. It’s just a basic functional bag that has stains and wear from use. that’s about it.

Typically, I keep it pre-loaded with basic gear and when I need to go overnight, I just top it off with whatever I need, and sling it over my shoulder and out the door I go.

Next up…

What I put inside it.

The last night was typical. I met a few new bosses, and we are out drinking and there we go again! They want to “bottoms’ up” me (Geng Bei) me until I can hardly stand. Now, my aide(s) are telling him, no. Please don’t try to drink me under. that I can drink anyone under the table. but he wouldn’t listen, and then one of my aides told them my age, and he about shit himself. He thought that I was in my late 30’s early forties. LOL.

Never the less, I did continue to drink And I did drink him almost under.  He cried “uncle” after the third bottle of Beijiu.

Anyways, also in my travel bag are these essentials…

Now, of course, I have other things. But I want to elaborate on what they are and the limitations involved in using them.

For starters, you will notice that there isn’t a lighter. But there is a pack of cigarettes. In my world, people fight for the honor to light my cigarette. And they prefer to offer me my own packs out of a case that they tend to buy for the occasion. So I rarely have the need to carry my own cigarettes or a lighter. Not to mention that if I am flying that I cannot bring it on board the plane.

Of course, to this mix, I would throw into the bag a change of underwear. Usually socks and underpants. And what ever medicine that I am taking at the time. Which currently is blood pressure medicine. (It’s pretty much what you all will have to deal with when you pass 60-years old.)

And that, pretty much is my carry bag.

Having Dinner

So after arriving at our destination, we visited a couple of bosses of various factories. All friends of mine. And we enjoyed “death by tea and cigarettes”. I tend to deal with the small to middle-sized factories. And that’s just fine with me. And after we took care of some business, we went out to eat.

Now, there are all sorts of great places to eat in China. But as far as I know, no one discusses the “on the farm” eating establishments. What this is, is a restaurant that is a farm. They have a pond where they raise their fish, and cages where they raise their chickens, geese, and pigs. And a nice garden where they raise their vegetables. When you order a meal, say a chicken with leeks, peppers and garlic, they will kill the chicken there, and get the vegetables right there. All very, very fresh.

So here we are going to the farm restaurant. You can eat in these little bungalows that sit over a pond where fish are raised and the ducks and geese swim. though right now, the pond is all dried up (this is the season).

And then, of course, we all get settled in and select some food, and open up the massive quantities of alcohol. In this case, we agreed to drink a combination of Rice Wine and Beijiu. That’s 53 degree poison and will peel the paint off your car if you spill a drop. Yikes!

You will notice that we brought the alcohol with us. Which is pretty much the norm in China. You can bring in alcohol or other food to eat in any restaurant as you desire. they don’t have laws or rules forbidding you from doing that like they have in the United States.

You will also note that there are these clear plastic bags of water handing from the ceiling. these little bags keep the flies and mosquitoes away. Somehow when the insects get near the pavilions the water gets them confused and they fly away. So you aren’t bothered by them.

We pretty much ate Guangzhou style. Which is one food that walks, one that flies and one that swims. It was delicious. Of course.

So we ate and drank and had a fine time. This is what friends do. And you can see how much it resembles my life growing up in Western Pennsylvania. This is how things used to be back in the 1960’s and 1970’s before the ultra-billionaires bought up the United States and turned it into a feudal society to service them.

One of the topics of conversation is the big drive by President Biden (in the United States) to invest one trillion dollars in infrastructure.

Over all, this was welcomed as a positive development, and many felt that America was on the right track trying to copy China, though most had their doubts that it would actually come to fruition.

One said that America would need to pull out of Afghanistan, and some of the other wars that it is fighting to get the money, while another pointed out that America should have done this much sooner, and that there needs to be strong serious changes in how the United States makes and authorizes plans like this. China it isn’t.  Most people came to the conclusion that it was just a bunch of “hot air” to appease the masses, and that the money would flow upwards to the wealthy oligarchy instead.

Then after dinner it’s a drunken drive to the hotel…

Now, of course, we had one of the workers or staff drive us to the hotel. We do not drive drunk. It’s too dangerous.

So we went off and went to the hotel. Now, this is a local small town hotel, not one in the big city and as such I ended up with a room with a tea table and a tea set and a large king size bed. My companions ended up with different rooms, one of which had a Majong table, and they decided to go play Majong until late in the night.

So to make a long story short, they were off getting drunk, playing Majong, and they sent me to my room with a few new friends to play with. It was a nice calm evening of delights for all of us.

It’s always fun to make new friends. I’ll tell you what.

Of course, everyone slept in, and where we got back on the road the first thing we wanted to do is go eat something warm and filling. So we ate Congee, and  noodles. Then off to meet some more bosses who then whisked us off into their cars and we went out to eat some beef hot pot.

I am sure that many readers already know that Hot Pot is. It’s sort of a Chinese fondue. Only instead of cheese, you deal with beef, and you dip it in flavored oil. Then once it’s cooked, you can go ahead and eat it in your own sauces. It’s like this…

It’s pretty delicious.

Now, you will notice that there is this brown mixture to the side where I panned the camera to.  This is a make-your-own dipping sauce. Mine is a mixture of garlic, sauces, some peanut sauce, and other goodies.

Here’s where you go to get the ingredients to make your own dipping sauce.

Doesn’t look like China is wracked with Famine like Townhall.com has claimed since 2017, or that people are dying everywhere and that the evil CCP is hiding the “true numbers” and the “truth about China”. LOL. You have to be a brain slug dumbed down imbecile to believe the nonsense out of the American media these days.

It’s all pretty tasty I’ll tell you what.

One of the things that I enjoy about China is the FREEDOM that you have that is impossible to have int he United States. And to underline this point, I made this little video to rub it in the faces of any “I’m free and China is a boot-stomping, totalitarian nation!” folk.

Here, I do something that you all in America CANNOT do, and would probably get you arrested for even trying it.

Freedom, you either have it, or you don’t.

Anyways, here’s how you cook the beef. You put it in this kind of basket ladle and then dip it inside the scorching hot oil for a spell, then you take it out and you eat it by dipping it int he sauce that you prepare.

Cool huh?

Like this…

I’ve got much more to say about China, and the adventures over the last few days, but this will suffice for now.

I do hope that you enjoyed this little insight into my life, and if you are from America (my old stomping ground) you will note that in many ways it is similar to the way things used to be in the Untied States, and often very different. Furthermore it doesn’t resemble anything like the nonsense spewing out of Townhall.com, Hall Turner, Rush Limbaugh or FOX “news”.

Like the “famine” in China that the CCP is “covering up” and hiding…

This is the real deal yo!

Do you want more?

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All sounds pretty normal to me, Mr Man. I guess things in China aren’t as tits up as they were planned to be, by now. And I’m not referring to the Gentlemen’s club, 😂.
Meanwhile, in this corner of Muppetland, my wife has been told today by the local government piss-ants that she might be permitted to get her hair cut in June. Might.
Either it’s Karma, or a Great Reset; or something else even weirder is in the works, but it’s good to know that in other parts of the world, at least, things seem to be getting pretty much back to normal.
Enjoy! And thanks for the insights.


Actually, only China & Israel has pretty much got back to normal.

The rest of the world is still trying to contain this pandemic.


Rush Limbaugh died of cancer earlier this year. One thing I’ll give him credit for is that in his final year, when he knew he was dying and had little reason to hold back, on his radio he gave harsh criticism of the political elites and billionaires on all political sides in the US.

Bill Gates, who didn’t even finish college and has no direct expertise in much outside business and IT/computers, actually said late last year that restaurants and bars across the US should close for six months or more to combat COVID. Limbaugh pulled no punches, asking, why are people listening to this billionaire when he advocates putting a whole sector of the economy out of business?

Even the governor of New York said there was little evidence restaurants were playing much role in spreading the virus. Limbaugh did stop short of asking whether Gates would be willing to give up his billions to reimburse restaurant and bar owners’ losses. I think he should have asked that.

It’s good to see that China has not yet gone the way of the US and allowed a billionaire kleptocracy to grab everything. I found your pictures charming and they make me want to visit there.

Just for fun, I’ll leave with the sarcastic comments another (Canadian) poster made on a closed forum I’m on. The thread was about Coca-Cola forcing woke nonsense down employees’ throats. The surprising thing—or not—was how many fellow members agreed with him about billionaires. Patience with the elites is wearing thin.

Slobber on some more billionaire cock, and praise the “free market” a bit more. I’m sure the wealth will “trickle down” any day now.

Even after knowing that working at Coca-Cola means denying your own human dignity, people will still apply for jerbs at Coca-Cola …

I LOVE “FREEDOM” sooo much. I’m so glad people “fought and died” for my freedom to choose which billionaire cock I want up my ass! Can’t imagine being Russian or Chinese. They don’t have FREEDOM.

Yes, that was completely sarcastic. And that fits directly with your observations about freedom in China compared with America.



Ohio Guy

Ah yes. A refreshing look at a free country. Your loadout would be preferred as mine is heavy and oriented for a much different purpose. Thankfully, it is not (all) required for daily operations…yet. You should make these “day in the life” pieces a regular feature here at metallicman. Cheers and happiness to you and yours.


HI! I know I know, I’m not like the old Rob, now just evolutioning in hopefully the right direction. Just to say, WOW, MM you really deliver the honest truth – like bricks – on the head. I know in the real scheme of things I know little, but I wanna say this to anyone who reads this article. MM is telling it really like it is about China. It’s truth bricks meant to deliver a subliminal message to the ones who are paying attention and are discerning as “things are rolling towards resolution”. And honestly, because I am not hooked into any networks with guaranteed full participation in the New World (as opposed to some of us readers of MM, tsk, tsk, you know who you are!), I am just as concerned about how things are going to work out. But, I am glad that thru MM, I have become a NEW person and certain revelations were made clear to me from the universe. And I thank MM for the privilege of receiving his gifts (tho it’s all jumbled up with the condoms, viagra and blood pressure pills, dont ya know). I am a converted MM RUFUS. I get the feeling that “It’s coming.” And, if you are a RUFUS at heart, and you use MM’s sage advice, with the 48 Laws, and the Intention Experiment essentials, I’d think that you are AS PREPARED as any human being can be for the New World. I mean to seed its NEW beginning. Then again, I could be wrong if someone activated PLAN DGZ1474…where the sea level rises 20 m in three days, and only after all the important people get onto their Noah’s Ark (remember 2012 the movie?). Hahaha, we’re fcked! Bet ya didn’t see that comin’ right? I am just praying that MM is RIGHT on his message. May the GPU bless MM and all of us, especially those of us who do not have Noah’s Ark superyachts like some famous owners of farmland…. Hope I made ur day!


New Rob,

Hate going Biblical on MM, but I can’t stand idly by, for my own sanity.

Loved Cinderella Man and Gladiator, but lost all respect for New Zealand-born Russell Crowe for being involved with that shit movie Noah. Screenplay written by a Harvard-educated Jew butchered all Teachings and in the process severely offended Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Couldn’t watch more than 10 minutes of the $125M-$150M flop in mid-2010’s, and said I would try again for Lent this year. Still can’t get the disgust out of my body. Maybe this is my therapy.

Premise is that Noah took his wife and three sons and another girl and a stowaway onto the Ark. Noah’s wife and one of the sons are devastated that there are no other women to be wives. Almost half the movie surrounds this issue. Genesis clearly states that there were 8 humans in the Ark: Noah and his wife, and his 3 sons and their wives.


Dearest Sam, thank you for responding to my “two cents.” Actually, we don’t know what’s going to happen. And, no matter how convinced certain WAPP (sic Wise and Power people) are as they plan things and get their reps in so many different subgroups to shape global events, I am one who is in the end at peace – because of MM’s contributions, “I’ve found it!” Real cliche. But true. I cannot say that I will surely be around thru the “challenging times” (altho I’d like to…)because I don’t think WAPP control everything, altho they think they do. There is a greater POWER and a greater purpose that is larger than the people who actually have unlimited money and power who believe they own us “little people,” and can do with us what they wish. The fact there is 7.2 billion of us, and many fewer of “them” means the Great Power in the Universe (GPU) has everlasting ideas for humanity that will prevail. This idea sounds silly to many people today, but we will in the end, see. My bet is on a better world that will result thru its inevitable birthing pangs. If there is going to be extermination-level wrongdoing, I sincerely ask for those who survive to be the karmic forces that bring eventual stability – and accountability. Let humans become better through strife, but only through free will, given choices, and then firm but fair consequences. I have written the above note actually to put my finger on this issue through an indirect roundabout way – especially done for those who are only one or two degrees from the NWO control command nexus. Despite that many, actually most humans, have demonstrated their beastliness and unworthiness, I ask that those of us more vaunted, more evolved and WAPP representatives – to be as merciful as far as possible – to live and let live. Persuade your superiors to hold their hand and to be merciful, as there will surely be karma – whether you believe in it, or not. (Billions of wronged souls will not rest in peace in their wanderings on earth). Please do not in your earnestness to create a perfect world, kill many of the innocent and guiltless too, including us MM readers who are willing to be better humans in the future of humanity. (In MM parlance, “It’s a damm big waste of good p*ssy!”). So let us all thru MM’s efforts and shared knowledge, do our best to support the evolutioning of a new world, and become better human beings.


Please, please, please do not be irked, I will not be writing OFTEN. Maybe just one or two articles before IT explodes…. Please let me write to help those (FEW) who may find this of help.

Key 1: I am on your side, ALL of you. Everyone who is CONNECTED to MM and the MM site are superior humanforms with many important LIFE prerogatives. We are all different and unconnected individuals allover the world, but we are ALL CONNECTED via this site, and this coolcat called MM. Think about why anyone or the UNIVERSE would want that…. And, that’s just not me being arrogant. Just take a look at the breath and number of articles on this site, and the topics and depth covered. When I made the decision to READ ALL of MM’s key Majestic articles which I finished, some articles I could only browse quickly, or my head would have literally EXPLODED with the intellectual challenge they elicited. That is how the selection process happens. Those who stumble on this site FLEE if they do not have the gazangas to STAY like all of you who are reading this. (And that was before I made the BIG MM secret discovery which I am sure many of us readers are supposed to “get” at some point or the other. Yes, I thank MM for the discovery. It’s like knowing the answer to the long sought UNIFIED THEORY. “Eureka, I’ve found it.” And it is all in that unknown called D, which when defined, makes all unknowns, KNOWN. Powerful SH*T if you get it. Thanks, MM!)

Key 2: I apologize to Sam and others for bad writing form. In my original note above, I meant the movie “2012” and not the move “Noah’s ark” which is one of the many the earth is dying and only a very select few survive in the world through a secret “key valued human protection program” where such individuals are granted exclusive LIFE passage on 4 specially built disaster-proof ocean liners that were finallly used as the world was engulfed with Mt Everest height ocean level rise. And everybody who is not on the ships “ceases” to exist. I meant these 4 ships as the modern Noah Arks that I am sure you will find many of the world’s super special people have.

Key 3: All of us will have to face the 800 pound silverback which may be friendly or deadly unfriendly. I do not know how to face this gorilla except through a WHOLE leap of faith, and a huge guess. First, the “amswer” before I explain what I just meant and everything will make sense to those who are DISCERNING. I will be COMPLIANT to NWO minimal society expectations, be nice to all govt officials, be helpful and have a good attitude with family, neighbours and work people, get super healthy by having a BMI of 22, exercise everyday, no drinking, smoking or philandering (sorry, I have decided to do the monk lifestyle – except with the wife – thing), do my best to maintain a good immune system NATURALLY, and using ginger, garlic, curcumin, healthy balance of protein, vegetables and reduced carbs, maintain a healthy emotional outlook, stay off social media and TV, continue reading MM and using MM’s advice on how to conduct oneself in surroundings. As an MM reader, if this sounds okay to you, or something that if you do, then you can increase the quality of your life, then PLEASE, you are reading this for a reason. The UNIVERSE and the Great Power within is speaking to you and giving you answers. If you do the following, will it mean that you will only meet a friendly 800 pound silverback or a 600 pound gregarious female gorilla instead? I don’t know, but I am taking a WILD guess given MM’s gifts provided to me. You still don’t know what I mean? You see, what I am saying is all related to the three comments I made. All connected. Do you know what I am actually talking about? Extermination-level events, safe passage only for the very valued WAPP and their chosen ones among us, etc etc… What is the 800 pound gorilla? That everyone in this world is face and will be facing? Think! I cannot tell you directly because I am always skating on thin ice, when I get to close to the “nexus operations.” Think ADE. That is all I am saying.

Key 4: I ask for permission from those who are the gate-keepers. Please allow me to comment one more point: Everyday I seek direction and soul enrichment for answers to ALL the stuff I am exposed to. And one place does it all for me. It may or may not do the same for you. BUt, if you’re reading this, then the universe is beckoning YOU. Try it for a few days. See if this works for you. Search this term on the net and you will get this resource: “Toward A meaningful Life”. Is that not special? Is that not what ALL of us on earth are seraching for? Well, 7.2 billion people ain’t getting it here. Maybe only 2 or 3 people might read this comment – of it is allowed to go up…. Trust me. Try it for 5 days and then see what happens. I promise you your head will not feel like EXPLODING like when you read MM’s planetary physics articles in the Majestic series.

Key 5: Thank you, MM and everyone who is connected with MM. You have made a difference in my life and please understand that I am being irksome because I am a product of RUFUSness that you have encouraged.

Key 6: May GPU bless us all, and I hope I won’t be wishing I really should have a lifeline that allowed me to have that superyacht….

Ohio Guy

Always a pleasure hearing from you, New Rob. Thank you for the “Toward a Meaningful Life” reference. And a big thank you to our host here at MM. It is an honor to be a guest here.


MM you asked if anyone noticed a change in their templates.
Just for the record: are you talking about feeling something today the 22 or in the last weeks or So.
If just today than I say no I havent felt anything. If talking about Lets say the last two to three weeks , Yes I felt some strange things and noticed things. But perhaps those things are connected to my own campaign. If you want to hear more just let me know.


Well big Dog in that case I can tell you that , yes I have noticed too many strange things and felt weird on some days.
People around me are different.
Having colleagues around me I have never seen for instance.
We had snow and rain and sunshine and the temps going from freezing to very warm in the same day. Multiple times a day.
And many more things but that would take a long time to write down.


Nothing strange on my end, Mr Man; and things have been pretty calm domestically so Ive had the time to notice. However, the whole COVID narrative seems to be running out of steam suddenly going by the MMMedia narrative, although they are proceeding with innoculations for any terrified chump who’s looking for it, even though there’s more and more coverage of nasty side effects that the PTBe in this pissant puppet-state are trying to put a lid on. But failing badly. And folks are waking up.
One thing, though, we have 10 barn cats and they are acting very strangely the past few weeks, or so. Very subdued, and then fighting with each other a lot which they never do. There’s plenty of food and territory.
One other thing they’re doing is making a lot of full on eye contact with us– which barn cats rarely do, and I’ve noticed the eyes look more human than cat-like, too. Like theres a person in there trying to get out. We know each of them very well, and of late we’ve noticed these changes, especially wrt the eyes. Very weird. Kind of like a pleading. That we can’t respond to; other than an ear scratch!
And we don’t do mushrooms, 😂
They do say cats anchor the timelines, as Pharaoh and the witches probably recognized centuries ago. So maybe they’ve picked up on something we haven’t.
Just my ten cents!


Funny thing: my Siamese has been restless at night recently and has awakened me meowing a couple of times, and my outdoor cat has been unusually friendly and wanting attention. Noticed this about a week ago. The outdoor cat is calming down a little now.

Ohio Guy

Ok, I’m a cat and dog person, 10 cats, 4 dogs. One cat in particular, Phillip, who never was a particularly friendly cat, contracted an infection in January of this year causing missing fur/open sores around his face and neck. He was treated with antibiotics and a couple of weeks later, healed quite nicely AND his attitude changed. He now frequently rubs up to our legs for affection, looks us directly in the eyes. When we pet and love on him, he immediately starts to lick his front forearm. This is the only odd thing that I have noticed recently. Be well everybody.