Sometimes, it just seems like the United States is just one big science-fiction movie. Seriously it does. Why? Well, there are various “news” articles popping up here, and then there, that all seem to point to a dystopic future; one that resembles a horrific science fiction film.
I argue that there are two vectors that are intersecting right now. One [1] is that of a fear-based narrative; be afraid, be very afraid. And the other [2] is one of general collapse while everyone is acting crazy and running around in crazy insanity.
These two vectors create a very horrific narrative, and it is one that is now commonplace within the United States.
Here we review some of these events. And discuss what they could mean and look at them as an impartial observer witnessing a geographic area going down the tubes in insanity.
We start with…
Bioweapon tainted monkeys escape into the population…
So many movies had this theme. Remember that that was the “cover story” for “American Ultra”, and the theme for numerous science fiction movies. Such as Outbreak (1995).

Woman claims she is sick after carrying hissing monkey that escaped truck in Pennsylvania crash. The woman’s pinkeye was so bad that she checked herself into an emergency room.
Bioweapon monkeys, eh?
Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games, that an “event” occurred where an agency closed down Fort Detrick. Of course, agencies do not have the power to close American miltiary facilities and bases. It was closed for other reasons, not for the stated reasons.
Only ONE person can close down a military base. That’s the President of the United States.
Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games…an odd closure of the Major Bioweapons facility by the EPA.
Bioweapon monkeys, eh?
Yeah. Sure.
Right before XXXXX, an odd escaped monkey started to terrorize America.

The United States and rules…
Obviously the “news” is full of such bullshit, partial truths and distortions and no one knows what is really going on. most Americans are completely confused by the onslaught of lies, and many beleive them.
And that makes it easy for the USA to do what it wants.
Thus, it is not unusual for the USA to make the rules as they see fit.
[A] Laws, and rules domestically no longer have any validity, and [B] international treaties are used when it provides advantage, and discarded when they do not.Combined, [A] and [B] clearly show a nation in chaos where there are no rules, no structures, and very little in the way of law.
As I see it, the United States is like this big thrashing monster, and it is trying desperately to cling to power and relevance. But it is failing at every level, and that is why it is engaged in World War III right now. The opening salvos hit this month, and they are concerning…
Let’s look at some of the “news” that can be found in the American, Britsh and Australian “news” media…
Supermarket tabloids
Of couse, it’s just bullshit, and made up stories. However, these things sell, and that means that there ARE people who read them. I remeber when I lived in Kokomo, Indiana, USA that my next door neighbor (a girl named Misty, a stripper by the way) would read these things weekly and believed every word written in them…
Then we have just day to day news.
I have no doubt that this actually occurred, but think about it. Look at this chick, and note that he has convinced the police detective to investigate fifteen (15!) men of raping her.
Woman Who Falsely Accused 15 Men Of Rape Given 10 Year Sentence
A woman from West London is to be jailed for a decade for falsely accusing over a dozen men of sexually assaulting her. 27-year-old Jemma Beale, who hails from Bedfont, west London, was handed a lengthy prison sentence for perverting the course of justice and perjuring innocent men in 2017, one of whom was jailed for two years.
Now, Beale has challenged her sentence throughout the latest appeal process, in a bid to clear her name. However, the prosecution presented evidence that Beale texted her then-girlfriend, saying that she was “glorying in his discomfort” when giving false evidence against one of her victims.
Beale made her first complaint on the morning of 26 November 2010, telling police that she’d been sexually assaulted by Mahad Cassim the previous night. Cassim was sentenced to seven years in prison for rape in 2012.

Beale had been supported by the authorities throughout her case as a victim of sexual violence, whose account was to be believed. Professionals will have been on hand to give her support, in addition to a police victim-liaison officer.
She received compensation from the taxpayer amounting to £11,000. Meanwhile, the innocent man whom she had falsely accused was rotting in a prison cell, his reputation destroyed and his life effectively over. Before his conviction was quashed, he had already served over two years of his seven-year sentence.
Beale later told police she had been the victim of two other sexual assaults that year, and allegedly fabricated similar allegations against six other men in 2013.
Commenting on the case, Lady Justice Hallett, the judge presiding over the appeal, stated:
“This case went far further then myths and stereotypes about a complainant’s behaviour. The appellant was accused of being a serial liar who fabricated accounts mostly of a sexual nature. In the light of the evidence called even if the guidance was given it would not have assisted the appellant.”
She added:
“The system of justice has suffered considerable harm – considerable resources have been spent investigating and prosecuting crimes which never happened. There has been no indication of remorse on the appellant’s part.”
Then we have this article. Knowing what I know of certain individuals that I have met in prison, this seems to be much more common than one woud think…
But… why?
There must also be betting, and gambling, and probably other vices as well. Don’t you know.
But you do know that maybe it’s how American children are being raised today. Consider this next article…
And when the children grow up, and they discover alcohol, drugs and influence on social media, they start to act really strange.
Like this fellow.
Well, you need to understand that the United States is fragmented, and balkenized. As this next article illustrates…
Tennessee Pastor Who Repeatedly Raped 14-Year-Old Daughter Gets Lenient Sentence Because He Was A Good Christian
A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.
The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge on the case, Steve Sword, took Richards work as a pastor, the support he still receives and his role key role in leading a Bible study at the prison as mitigating factors.
During his trial in February, 41-year-old David Lynn Richards Jr. had taken the stand in his own defense and asserted his innocence.
He claimed that the victim, Amber Richards, was a defiant teenager who made the allegations of sexual abuse against him after he tried to impose stricter rules on his children.
The victim was 16 when she reported the abuse, saying it began two years earlier.
She told authorities where they could find DNA evidence at her home and said Richards had texted her about taking their relationship “to the next level.” A
uthorities said they found her mattress stripped bare and his phone factory reset, but they were able to recover Forensic evidence showing traces of Richards’ semen on his daughter’s bed frame
Amber, who has chosen to identify herself and speak out after Richards was found guilty, delivered a powerful impact statement before Richards’ sentencing on Thursday.
“I wanted to throw my body away. Not a day goes by that I don’t, in some way, think of what he did to me. … I firmly believe if given the opportunity, he would victimize another young girl.”
Despite the overwhelming evidence, many in the community refused to believe that Pastor Richards was a rapist.
Over 30 parishioners from the church came to court to show support not for the victim, but for the rapist.
Pastor David Thompson, who shared ministry duties with Pastor Richards at My Father’s House Church of God in Lenoir City, said:
I find it impossible for me to believe he’s guilty of this. His business needs him. His family needs him. Our church needs him.
Despite being found guilty, Richards Jr continued to maintain his innocence while asking the judge for leniency in the sentence.
I stand before you convicted of crimes I did not commit. … I’m not sure why I’m here. … but I assume it’s for His purpose.
Welcome to America.
You know Hollywood, and alcohol dosen’t always mix. ..
And things are even weirder in Great Britian…
But I have to tell you all that things are off-the-wall in certain parts of the United States. Consider the American “Bible Belt”.
Here’s a map of the “Bible Belt”.

And this is what goes on there as everyday fodder…
Christian TV Host: Plant-Based Burgers Are A Satanic Plot To Create A “Race of Soulless Creatures”
Rick Wiles warned on his “TruNews” program that the rise of companies that make plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products, is part of a satanic plot to alter human DNA so that people can no longer worship God.
Appearing on his program earlier this week, Wiles said:
When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.
Wiles continued:
God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA. Why? They want to change human DNA so that you can’t be born again. That’s where they’re going with this, to change the DNA of humans so it will be impossible for a human to be born again. They want to create a race of soulless creatures on this planet.
Things are awfully strange in the ‘States right now.
No more fun in the sun for Jake.
I guess sex is a great motivator.
Consider this screen shot…
I mean, if you are hungry… well…
America is insane, and it is exploding in all sorts of strangeness.
Colorado University Warns Students Not to Say ‘America’, ‘American’ Because It’s Not Inclusive
Colorado State University has included the words “American” and “America” on its list of language to avoid because they are not inclusive.
The school’s Inclusive Communications Task Force compiled a list of words in its Inclusive Language Guide that serve to help those on campus foster “inclusion, respect, and social justice.”
The guide states that it is not about being politically correct but instead is there to help “communicators practice inclusive language” and make everyone on campus “feel welcomed, respected, and valued.”
CSU lists both “American” and “America” as non-inclusive words “to avoid,” due to the fact that America encompasses more than just the U.S.
“The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States,” the guide states. “There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total.”
By referring to the U.S. as America, the guide claims that one “erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.” The school suggests using “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” as substitutes.
The guide advises students to use the words “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” instead of “American.”
Among other words and phrases on the list are:
The words “male” and “female” (because this “refers to biological sex and not gender,” and “we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender”), “cake walk” (because it apparently has origins in “the racism of 19th century minstrel shows”), “freshman” (because it “excludes women and non-binary gender identities”), “Hispanic” (“because of its origins in colonialization and the implication that to be Hispanic or Latinx/Latine/Latino, one needs to be Spanish-speaking”), “hold down the fort” (because “the U.S. the historical connotation refers to guarding against Native American ‘intruders’ and feeds into the stereotype of ‘savages’”), “no can do” (because it was “originally a way to mock Chinese people”), “peanut gallery” (because it “names a section in theaters, usually the cheapest and worst, where many Black people sat during the era of Vaudeville”), “straight” (because it “implies that anyone LGBT is ‘crooked’ or not normal”), “food coma” (because it “directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans”), and “war” or “battle,” when used any way other than to describe a literal war or battle (because “they evoke very real tragedy that can be problematic for survivors of war or Veterans”). (National Review)
The guide does note, however, that the recommendations are not official policy.
What some people will do for a lawn tool.
And what some people will do for fun…
But, you know…
This kind of disconnect from rules, laws and tradition occur world-wide. It’s just that the United States is really very sick.
Consider the middle east…
Saudi Millionaire Who Said He Accidentally “Tripped and Penetrated” Teenage Girl Cleared of Rape
Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.
The Saudi property developer said he had already had sex with the young woman’s 24-year-old friend and it was possible his penis may have been poking out of his underwear when he tripped
The Mirror reported the group had met at an exclusive West End club last year where he entertained them before offering them a lift home.
The 18-year-old claimed that after a number of drinks at Abdulaziz’s north London home, she went to sleep on the couch.
She said she woke up to find him on top of her, forcing himself on her.
“She woke up with the defendant kissing her and his penis in her vagina,” prosecutor Jonathan Davies told the Southwark Crown Court.
“She said: ‘What are you doing?’ and he said ‘It’s fine,’ indicating that her friend was asleep.
“She got up to find her friend, tried to wake her but couldn’t, she then tried to get out of the flat as quickly as she could.”
Abdulaziz said he had accidentally fallen on the teenager and that she tried to seduce him, and that was how his DNA got onto her vagina.
“I’m fragile, I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened,” he said.
He also told the court it was possible he had semen on his hands after having sex with the young woman’s friend.
The jury acquitted Abdulaziz after just 30 minutes of deliberations.
They believed his excuse. He was obviouly being truthful as he was man and a “pillar of the community”.
And of course, there’s all sorts of lies on the Western “news” too.
Like this one about China.
Hey, do you see their faces? Do you see their clothing? How can you tell where this picture was taken?
Well. Look at the pavement. That’s asphalt.
It’s against the law to pave large public areas in China, only certain roads can be paved with asphalt. Only bike lanes maybe paved (and on special permission) cerain senic roads. But never large public areas. They are either cement, if in the rural areas, or dressed stone, which is the norm. This pavement is NOT of dressed stone.
My guess is that someone staged this photo in the UK or USA and wrote a bullshit story around it. It’s pretty common for American “news” these days.
It’s awfully strange in America these days.
Awfully strange.
And it’s not just that.
It’s everything.
Dodgeball Is “An Unethical Tool Of Oppression” And Should Be Banned, Say Researchers
Researchers in Canada say that dodgeball is nothing more than legalized bullying.
When you’re setting up the environment for students to learn, and you introduce the idea that it’s okay to slam the ball at whomever you like, even if it’s with a soft ball, the intention is there,’ Joy Butler, a professor who studies pedagogy and curriculum development said to the Washington Post.
‘When students think it’s okay because they’re being told it’s okay to do that, what do they learn? People say dodgeball is being used as an outlet for aggression or catharsis. I suspect that this is where they’re learning that.
‘Phys-ed should be an arena where teachers are helping students control their aggression and move on instead of expressing themselves through anger.’
Researchers interviewed middle-school students about their physical education classes and say the overwhelming feeling was that students hated dodgeball.
The team’s findings are to be presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences this week in Vancouver and will argue that the playground favorite actually ‘reinforces the five faces of oppression’ identified as exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence by political theorist Iris Marion Young.
‘I think of the little girl who is running to the back to avoid being targeted,’
Professor Butler said.
‘What is she learning in that class? Avoidance?’
Researchers also noted that they had observed the more athletic, authoritative students had created their own rules and purposely stacked the teams. This, naturally made it more difficult for the less athletic or popular to compete.
‘The message is that it’s okay to hurt or dehumanize the ‘other,’
Butler said.
‘The competition is about annihilating one’s opponent, and the true definition of competition is between two evenly matched teams. Well, kids stack their teams, and they really enjoy beating the other team. What’s the enjoyment of that?’ “Despite the fact that many physical educators understand their vital role in helping students develop robust, equal, productive relationships and critical awareness, their practices on the ground do not always reflect this agenda,”
they write.
“We suggest that this tension becomes sharply visible in the common practice of allowing students to play dodgeball.
They ultimately recommended that Physical Education curriculum’s focus more on health, wellness and fitness rather than just sports.
Next up is Brazil. I wonder how many followers he had…
Holy milk, eh?
I wonder if he told them that those that drank the “fresh milk” would get special privileges. Perhaps if they bent over, and prayed really hard…
Meanwhile in Utah…
Strange things in the United States these days.
And in Africa…
Say what?
And again, inside the United States…
From the low-lives, to the high brow… all of the United States has gone insane.
Colorado State University: Saying ‘Long Time, No See,’ ‘You Guys,’ ‘Freshman’ is Offensive
Students at Colorado State University (CSU), apparently, should no longer say “long time, no see,” “you guys” or “freshman,” because those terms are not considered “inclusive language.”
That’s according to a student, Katrina Leibee, who writes for the campus paper, The Rocky Mountain Collegian. Leibee met with Zahra Al-Saloom, director of diversity and inclusion at CSU, who showed her an entire packet of terms and phrases considered contrary to the university’s mission of fostering inclusion.
“One of these phrases was ‘long time, no see,’ which is viewed as derogatory towards those of Asian descent,” wrote Leibee.
The packet says the phrase originally mocked “Native Americans or Chinese pidgin English” without providing an ounce of historical context. It suggests saying the flaccid, unmeasured, structureless, “I haven’t seen you in a while” in the phrase’s place.
“We were told that the popular term ‘you guys’ was not inclusive of all genders, and we should instead replace it with ‘y’all,’” she wrote. “We were told to use the term ‘first-year’ instead of ‘freshman,’ because ‘freshman’ is not inclusive of all genders.”
“A countless amount of words and phrases have been marked with a big, red X and defined as non-inclusive,” she continued. “It has gotten to the point where students should carry around a dictionary of words they cannot say.”
When the CSU student confronted the campus language commissars about the fact that nowhere in the country are phrases like “long time, no see” being regulated, she was given empty platitudes about making the world a better place where she stands.
Even if the world isn’t good, you should be good,” one superior told her. “CSU abides by the principles of community, and we want to make it an inclusive space.”
And no one is immune.
Such as this “Chinese man”…
And it affects everyone.
Did you know that Gordon Ramsay had a dwarf porn double? And that he died in a “Badger Den”? And that they had Badger Dens in Wales?
I’ll tell youse guys it’s an awfully strange world we are living in.
Next up should be a “Florida man” article. But no. Sorry.
It’s “Oregon Man”.
High on life, I’ll bet.
And some things just make me cringe.
And if you think that things just cannot get worse, well then you have this…
Let’s see.
Oh, yeah. Here’s a “Florida man”…
Florida Man Arrested For Attempting To “Barbecue” Child Molesters
Osceola County police officers arrested a Florida man after it was discovered that he attempted to “barbecue all the child molesters on fire and kill them.” Jorge Porto-Sierra, 50, confessed to investigators that he had attempted to kill several people who were at a motel in Kissimmee.
Witnesses say the suspect was carrying a cigarette and shouting threats such as “I’m going to kill you, child molester,” during the incident at the motel. He allegedly poured gas on several doors, broke a window to pour gas into a room. In addition, Porto-Sierra allegedly attacked two other individuals inside a car in the hotel parking lot, first by pouring gasoline into the car through an open window. When the driver attempted to flee, Porto-Sierra got into his black Ford Focus and started ramming their car.
Deputies then arrived on the scene, where they say Porto-Sierra surrendered right away. Waiving his Miranda rights, Porto-Sierra confessed and told the authorities, “they raped kids, they are child molesters that all live here and deserve to die.”
Sex offenders in Florida are required to publicly register their home address with the Sexual Offender and Predator System. That system shows more than 20 offenders are using the Friendly Village Inn & Motel as their home address.
When deputies asked why he didn’t flicker his lit cigarette at the gasoline he had poured, the old man simply said, “You got here too soon.”
But at least people are starting to trust the police more.
What’s next?
I mean it’s all getting pretty bad.
Maybe cats and dogs will start fighting, and mass hysteria will hit new York (a paraphrased quote from “Ghostbusters”.)
Some final thoughts
Question to the reader. Sure these are interesting, and curious “news” items. But do they really improve your life? Are you better informed in the world directly around you and that with you interact with? Or, as I allude to, it is all puzzle pieces thrown on the floor in disarray…
Some are just made up lies. Like the China nonsense.
Some are news items; regional, small-time strangeness that takes place far away in areas that you have no idea about, haven’t visited, and know nothing of the culture there.
Some are government related, and of course, anything out of the Untied States govenrment is scheduled, preplanned and presented as “leaked” info to give it legitimity.
Some are stores of fraudsters, crooks, and criminals who use a new angle or technique to fleece others for money, or sex.
So I must ask again. Is your life better for reading about this stuff? Did you really learn somehting that you can apply to your life right now?
I argue that it just wasted your time.
Like sitting in a circus tent and watching clowns juggle bowling pins. A curious waste of time. Novel, perhaps, but does not improve your lfie.
So what things can you do to improve your life, eh?
Well, for starters. Do what you love to do. Seriously. I am not kidding. Do what you like to do.
Just do it and let the rest of the world scream! video 3MB
Identify who your friends are. Sure you can and should have all sorts of friends. But you need to identify which ones are REAL, the REAL DEAL friends, video 3MB
Get started right now. Do little things. Like Make Your Bed.
Great video. Listen to the great words of wisdom from a Navy Seal. video 7MB
If you start being nice and kind, irregardless to what others think, and act better and smile more, you will be the Rufus.
And if you are the Rufus you will find that your world-line template gets easier to endure. You will find that things get easier becuase instead of your mind filled with the daily garbage from the “news” you will have good things, and tangible things in yoru life… generated by the good thoughts of all those around you.
Be the Rufus. video 18MB
Not only that, but being a Rufus means so much more.
It means being there and acting instantly. video 5MB
Go perform deeds of kindness.
Make the world a better place. video 17MB
American and Western society is predicated in a civilian population of spectators. Those that are being told how great they are for doing nothing more than sitting into little grey cubicle boxes and giving 50% of everything that they make to the government.
That is not living.
But you can change all that.
Maybe not the entire society, but you can change your little part of it. Perform your affirmation campaigns. Mesure your fate forecast. Perfrom centering exercises though Hemi-sync, and be the Rufus. Your life will change dramatically.
Not overnight.
Certainly years of programming and fear-induced habits will not disappear in a week or so, but if you keep up with the exercises and do the best with what you have, it WILL change.
I promise you that.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my “Growth as a Person” Index here…
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Could just be entropy. The natural process of ordered systems tending to disorder. I don’t see anything wrong or offensive about that.
Everything is subject to change. To hold something in place requires constant inputs of effort and energy to do so. Remove that effort and energy and the structure dissolves.
That’s the symptoms of transhumanism.
Transhumanism begins on the psychological level and imposes pressure on the emotional body. The more one is lacking in emotional intelligence (ie: without the use of reason) the more traction transhumanism gets. In all other respects throwing a constant flow of trash journalism and ‘news’ out there is grating and unharmonic. Even bad news carries a certain harmony if delivered honestly, truthfully and with a minimum of maudlin emotion.
It’s rather like pedophile. You aren’t physically penetrating the innocent, the naive, the immature and unformed. You are psychologically penetrating the naive, the immature and unformed. But first you have to make them immature.
Back in the 70’s and 80’s there was ‘news’. Newspapers, news shows, etc. Maybe they were all full of shit but they were serious. Serious, sober news that was stuck out there in serious dry tones without provoking the emotional body much.
Contrasted by the arrival of, at first, just a couple of shows that were clearly tabloid trash news. Jerry Springer, Maury Povich. Even that sort of stuff started out as sort of serious, merely a little fringe and odd ball but grew increasingly bizarre, circus-like and ‘out there’. And the central message behind it all is that everyone had to be inclusive and compassionate to these grandmothers who were stealing their grandson’s dates. But only after the grandmother and grandson had a knife fight to settle their differences.
After a certain time had passed, it no longer seemed so bizarre. It was common place. Normal almost. Horrible but normal. Skip forward to today and the serious, sober, stick it out there and make of it as you will news of yesteryear has all been replaced on the major channels by tabloid trash journalism. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC. All of it. All screaming emotions, weeping, fear,, mostly over right wing nut jobs who are too cruel to express much in the way of feelings over people’s broken emotions. Tabloid activism. Ranting and raving, and soap boxed opinions. Like Alex Jones but with the legitimacy of having a letter agency backing you.
In all other respects most Americans tend to ignore that sort of trash journalism. But some, accept this increasingly animal state as being human. Being real. Being normal. Letting it all hang out (this is why so much of this trash is vaguely pornographic.)
It’s to turn people into animals. Animals are more easily trained, and easily controlled. Animals are often not in control of their emotions of course, and liable to lash out and be destructive. If we slap a label of poor victim on them it’s okay.
What we do with the lab animals afterwards is a topic often speculated on.
We more often see this bending of normal rational people in universities. God forbid we go back to the oppressive days of the 1950’s where people had nice manners and behaved themselves in public. That’s not being real. Now the ideal is being as much of an animal as possible.
Universities are most apt to stretch the limits of reason by targeting words as racist.
This is what racist is actually legally defined as is: Interfering or oppression of inherent or implied rights. So refusing a person a job based on their race, taking someone’s life based only on their race (not in self defense), refusing medical care, housing, loans, or the purchase of food based on race.
Now racism is using a words and phrases and gestures. Without ever once thinking America (yes America not US citizen) is a melting pot, and we’ve all melted together eating each other’s foods, adopting each other’s fashions, words, phrases, and listening to each others music regardless of where we come from. That was the entire point of a melting pot, eh? I live in a portion of the Midwest that is predominantly German. German food, festivals, names, phrases yet no one is accused of being a Nazi. Because that’s America.
People in America use the term American because it substantiates the nation one comes from. US Citizen means subject to Washington DC or the Federal Government. Most Americans don’t live in Washington DC.
But this is really all about bending the herd from normal, boring and mostly un-reactionary into children, then into an animalistic and self-chaotic state. They don’t know who they are.
This gets a small minority of emotionally damaged people clamoring to the extent that some may perceive it as a majority. Or what the majority of Americans think or do.
But they don’t.
Now when you have convinced yourself a minority of out-of-control people are a majority of animals then you have an excuse to do something. These people are easily penetrated. They all have a victim identity. They love being victims because they psychologically perceive victimhood with innocence. Control them and they can be operational to an agenda. Further create them into something they are not to serve some other purpose. Or treat them as vermin that must be eradicated. Because at that point, well they are vermin, they are animals, and every nation has accepted animal control laws.
Then those who are merely objecting to this subtle transhumanism can be treated accordingly. Democratically: Majority rules.
Look at what happened to Canada. 4 years ago this minority sighed that Canada was an ideal. Everyone were happy and peaceful liberals and there were no guns, no murder, no crime and immigrants were joyfully and easily received in nation. Oh and that nice young idealistic man who headed the government. He is the second coming of JFK.
None of which is true. Canada has always had strict and stringent immigration laws. I mean yeah it was once easy to go there. But it is much much harder to stay there. I know. I have lived on the borders of Canada since I’ve been on earth. There’s less crime because Canada has a large land mass with a proportionally smaller population. Until the news got involved however, culturally Canadians were nearly indistinguishable from Americans living in the North East of the US. Beer, guns, hunting, hockey (ie: right wing nuts).
Contrast the Canadian fable with America where everyone is angry, evil, armed and hated immigrants even though nearly everyone here is an immigrant naturalized or otherwise. Just.Like.Canada.
Now in just a matter of weeks the script has flipped again. Canada is evil, filled with armed right wing nut jobs (beer, guns, hockey, hunting) that filled up Ottawa with its filthy diesel trucks and are plotting to restore Trump to supremacy.
None of which is true either. However, everything IS perception, and any distortion of a common reality is based on psychological manipulation. And eventually one’s personal reality is evolved into something else. Then their entire destiny is altered.
That’s where transhumanism begins. On the psychological level.
And to destroy, maim, mutilate or cut off the soul from the body you must first breech the psyche. It’s an allegory of hypnosis: In order to breech the subconscious you must first breech the critical barrier of common everyday perception and that is accomplished through repetition, repetition, repetition. Once you alter the way the brain perceives things then the game is over. That becomes their reality. Mission accomplished.
Words, words, words.