When nerds stand up to bullies; how the new Asia is handling the American bully

"Russia is no friend to China."

I read this statement with a great deal of astonishment.  Hasn’t anyone been paying attention?

From MSN

BEIJING -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia-China relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level and the two sides have extensive shared interests.

Russia is willing to deepen cooperation with China in more areas, Putin said via video link when he took a question from He Ping, president and editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency, on China-Russia relations, in a meeting with heads of major international news agencies, held in St Petersburg on Friday local time.

The media event was organized by Russia's TASS news agency on the sidelines of the 2021 St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Putin recalled his close interactions with Chinese President Xi Jinping over the past few years, and said they recently witnessed the launch of four nuclear power units of a bilateral nuclear energy cooperation project, a very important part of high-tech cooperation between the two countries.

Russia and China have extensive shared interests, which is an important foundation of deepened bilateral cooperation, Putin said.

Stressing the importance of economic cooperation, Putin said Russia and China managed to keep bilateral trade at levels above $100 billion for several years in a row, particularly in 2020 despite the impacts brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Putin said the two sides are expected to boost bilateral trade to $200 billion by 2024.

Russia and China are also closely cooperating in a variety of fields such as aircraft manufacturing, lunar research, energy, environmental protection, and people-to-people exchanges, Putin said, adding that Russia stands ready to work with China to further synergize the Eurasian Economic Union with the Belt and Road Initiative.

Putin said Russia and China will undoubtedly strengthen their coordination and collaboration in the international community and safeguard common interests, noting that this Russia-China strategic coordination is certainly conducive to international strategic stability.

China military leaders are now full-time in Russian bases, as is Russian leaders on Chinese bases. Their military cross train on all operating systems and equipment, and now Russia is selling their latest and most advanced weapons systems to China.

The BRI is worth billions of dollars (every year) to both nations, and I can tell you that all over Chinese social media is a great deal of pro-Russia videos, comments and the like. None of which is reported in the least in Western, and especially American media. Check out the video here.

Chinese social media has large numbers of Russian followers and participants.

China, Russia Vow to Strengthen Ties as Putin and Xi Tout Best Relationship in History

While on his visit to Moscow, Yang also co-chaired the annual bilateral strategic security consultations with Russian security council secretary Nikolai Patrushev, a continuation of a series of meetings the two countries have been holding since 2005. During his conference with Yang, Patrushev also noted that Russia has always strove to furthering its strategic partnership of coordination with China.

The Global Times, a paper controlled by the Chinese government, published an editorial on Wednesday which stated that China and Russia keep a strong bond because of "the U.S. and its main allies' suppression of the two countries."

Putin and Xi have made similar comments in recent weeks that echoed the sentiment that the two leaders and their countries enjoy a beneficial and close relationship. During a video ceremony on May 19 to officially launch a project to build nuclear reactors in China using Russian technology, Putin remarked, "It can be said that Russia-China relations have reached their highest level in history."

During the same virtual ceremony, Xi also spoke of how diplomatic ties between Beijing and Moscow had strengthened. The Chinese leader said, "In the face of the epidemic and changes unseen in a century, China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively."

Yes, on American media the report is the absolute opposite.

Someone, or some organization is trying to keep alive the narrative that China is alone in the world, and that Russia would turn it’s back on China. And thus leave it “swaying in the wind” so that the strong and mighty American military (along with their anti-China surrogates*) would be able to devastate China completely.

*Namely Australia, the UK, Canada, and Japan.

So, the narrative. China is alone. China is isolated. China has no friends.

Check out these screen shots. This first one is so humorous that you have to live in China today to see how absolutely absurd it is. Xi Peng, with 98% approval has “betrayed” China.

Give me a break.

Only the most brain-dead zombie could possibly believe this…

And again those “buzzwords” of “betrayal to the Chinese people“.

A buzzword is a word or phrase, new or already existing, that becomes very popular for a period of time. Buzzwords often derive from technical terms yet often have much of the original technical meaning removed through fashionable use, being simply used to impress others. Some "buzzwords" retain their true technical meaning when used in the correct contexts, for example artificial intelligence. Buzzwords often originate in jargon, acronyms, or neologisms. Examples of overworked business buzzwords include synergy, vertical, dynamic, cyber and strategy. A common buzzword phrase is "think outside the box".

Where the fuck do they come up with these bullshit “talking points”? Langley, Virginia? Or, maybe on “K-street” in Washington DC. Who ever the fuck thinks them up hasn’t a clue as to what China is today.

And again those “buzzwords” of “betrayal to the Chinese people“.

And… this piece of bullshit nonsense…

Xi Peng is naive? Sounds like another talking point.

China has “benefited” from the decline of Russia. How? Tell me how? Please give me specific examples. Jeeze! How dumbed down does the American media think the people are?

My guess is moronic, IQ at an imbecilic level.

Both are “unaccountable” “regimes”.

And the USA isn’t?

And somehow they are NOT allies? How? Please define what your criteria is…

Are you convinced? 100% of the American-based search engine says that Russia and China are not friends. Which is astounding as it is the exact opposite of the truth.

Where is all this nonsense coming from?

At this point, it is pretty safe to say that basically anything the mainstream media is pushing as a narrative is a lie. I don’t know of any narrative I’ve seen on the media recently that wasn’t some kind of hoax. But just because something is different than what the media says does not mean it is automatically true, and a lot of what gets labeled a “false conspiracy theory” actually is that.

A more useful tool is to look at what they censor. For a while, everything they were censoring was true. Despite the fact that they claimed to be “fighting disinformation,” they wouldn’t really bother to censor dumb conspiracy theories, which they actually often seem to be trying to direct people towards. However, censorship is so massive at this point, that I don’t think you can assume that just because something is censored it is true.


A quick scan of the articles show a concerted effort by known American neocon publications and organizations, such as the “NationalInterest”, and “independent” non-American publications that have been happily accepting anti-China funding through the NED.

The National Interest is an American bimonthly conservative international relations magazine edited by American journalist Jacob Heilbrunn and published by the Center for the National Interest, a public policy think tank based in Washington, D.C. that was established by former U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1994 as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom.


So, yeah. The situation is that (for some reason) it is important for the war-mongering wing of the US government to convince Americans that China can be isolated and fought.

It’s a very dangerous move, and trend.

What’s the truth?

China and Russia are more than simply allies. They are tied together in such a profound way that you cannot remove one without harming the other. Together they are a mighty formidable force. Not just militarily, but economically as well.

Chinese search engines are full of articles praising the close associations.

Russian Search Engines are full of articles praising the close associations…

So why am I bring it up?

Well, we all know that the Internet is controlled by the US government, and the “news” media is also controlled. But this little discovery shows and tells me that the control of the media is all now complete. America is one big echo chamber wholly controlled out of Washington DC.

And that means that life (inside of America) is going to go downhill much faster.

Anyways, here’s a piece of news that is nowhere to be found on Western press…

Russia announces plans to build brand new city near Chinese border

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an agreement to build a new city to be named Sputnik, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East said on Friday.

Putin inked the plan while attending an economic forum in the far-eastern city of Vladivostok.

Under the plans, Sputnik will be built some 30 kilometres outside Vladivostok, relatively close to the Chinese border, and is intended to be an industrial centre that will one day be home to 300,000 people.

Sputnik, which means companion in Russian, was the name of the world’s first satellite, launched into space by the Soviet Union in 1957, causing an upset for the US amid the Cold War space race.

Then, last summer, Russia became the first country to release a Covid-19 vaccine, dubbed Sputnik V in honour of its space race victory. The vaccine is now approved in about 70 countries.

Make Siberia more attractive

The agreement to build the new city follows earlier suggestions by Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu for the construction of several new cities in eastern Siberia to make the remote region more attractive.

Russians are increasingly drawn to the capital, Moscow, however, which has better infrastructure than any other city in Russia, as well as far more opportunities for employment.

But you know, the neocons won’t let it go…

They are unable to think about cooperation and mutual benefit. They think in terms of a 1800’s static war mentality. Such as this article…

It’s a non-stop aggressive narrative of isolation and competition. When in absolute truth the exact opposite is what is going on. Did you know that the Russians no longer supply the S-400 to China, and the orders stopped mid-way though payment.

The S-400 Triumf, NATO reporting name SA-21 Growler, is a mobile, surface-to-air missile system (SAM) designed by Russia. It is capable of engaging aircraft, UAVs, cruise missiles, and has a terminal ballistic missile defense capability. It represents the fourth generation of long-range Russian SAMs, and the successor to the S-200 and S-300.

-The S-400 Triumf

Instead the rest of the orders are now the super advanced S-500 systems. State of the art anti-American and western aircraft systems.

Russian Air and Missile Defense The S-500 Prometheus is a mobile, surface-to-air missile system (SAM) currently under development developed by Russia. It is designed to counter aircraft and ballistic and cruise missiles, and reportedly can target low-orbit satellites. S-500 Prometheus at a Glance.

-The S-500 Prometey

You would never know this by reading Western media.

Kurk at China Lake

I used to train with a fellow named Kurk when I was at NAS China Lake NWC. He came from Colorado and was hustling and making his way through a host of projects on the base, and that is how I met him. He was quite a character. Anyways, he was really into martial arts, and he was pretty good, as he possessed multiple “black belts” showing his capabilities and abilities.

He once told me a story that he experienced.

He said that he was traveling in the Western Rocky Mountains, and pulled over to get gasoline. It was one of those little family run gas stations / mini-supermarket located on one of those secondary roads that serviced the many minor towns and communities in the west.

There he met, or maybe somehow got into an altercation with, the local bully. He was big and mean, and drove a pickup truck and was an arrogant son of a bitch. And for what ever reason, he started to pick a fight with Kirk.

I do not know all the details, but Kirk related how the local bully was surprised that someone would hit back, that someone would fight back. And being so surprised he didn’t know what to do. And so after being completely and thoroughly beaten, he picked himself up off the ground and went forth for round two.

And then for round three.

And finally for round four.

You see, he was too arrogant to understand that he has met his match and the the situation that he had now found himself in was not what he wanted to be involved in. Eventually, Kirk was forced to beat him senseless until he was knocked out and unable to move.

This little story reminds me what is currently going on between the United States and the Asian Block today. America is the big clueless bully, and Asia is the martial art master that looks like a guy a little down on his luck.

The following is from Strategic Culture, all credit to the author. Reprinted as found with minor editing to fit this venue.

April 2, 2021

The United States and its allies are behaving in a reckless, illegal way by invoking unilateral sanctions based on subjective accusations.

A growing, solid alliance between Russia and China is a necessary stabilizing factor against the United States and its allies who are recklessly firing off unilateral sanctions and inflaming international tensions and insecurity.

Hardly a week goes by when Washington and its allies announce sanctions against Russia or China based on spurious claims. Dozens of smaller nations are also under the lash of Western strictures, all of which are unilateral breaches of international law.

This week, both Canada and Australia gave notice of financial and diplomatic penalties on Russia over its alleged annexation of Crimea in 2014. (The remoteness of Ottawa and Canberra in such a matter speaks of a tortuous, disingenuous agenda. What and why are they doing this?)

Moscow vowed to take counter-measures.

The U.S. and European Union have already imposed sanctions on Russia over similar claims. As Russia’s foreign ministry pointed out, such Western interventions are a futile denial of the historic reality that the Crimean people voted in a legally constituted referendum to join the Russian Federation, following the NATO-backed coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014.

Last week, the United States, Canada, Britain and the EU coordinated  punitive measures against China citing accusations of human rights violations.

But then…

Surprise and SURPRISE. Beijing stood with Russia.

Beijing caused a shock when it hit back immediately with counter-sanctions, saying the Western accusations were baseless and represented a gross interference in its sovereign affairs.

China and Russia stood together “shoulder to shoulder”.

Sure enough, the West’s provocative claims about “genocide” against the Uyghur ethnic minority in China’s Xinjiang region have been exposed as fabrication and distortion.

Britain’s state-owned BBC has also been outed for running blatant disinformation campaigns regarding Xinjiang, as well as Hong Kong and the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that any Western sanctions will be reciprocated. He indicated that Russia and China had consolidated a policy of returning Western measures with counter-measures.

They work TOGETHER.

This is an important line in the sand. The United States and its allies are behaving in a reckless, illegal way by invoking unilateral sanctions based on subjective accusations. Such behavior is a violation of the United Nations Charter, the bedrock of foreign relations.

What Washington and its allies are doing is trampling over international law and kicking it to the curb. Their conduct is that of rogue states who perceive themselves to be above the law, entitled to act in whatever way they please with no accountability.

Ironically, and sickeningly, the Americans, Europeans, Canadians, Australians and other partners, talk loftily about respecting “values” and “rules-based international order”. They are the ones who are trashing any semblance of order.

It is these NATO powers that have launched numerous criminal wars of aggression without any mandate from the UN Security Council.

They have carried out covert regime-change operations which have unleashed mayhem and terrorism.

They impose unilateral sanctions on nations suffering from NATO’s intrigues, such as Syria and Venezuela.

They run assassination programs and torture-renditions to black sites around the world.

Their troops kill Afghan civilians in cold blood after kicking down their doors in the middle of the night.

The United States rips up nuclear arms control treaties with Russia, while sailing warships into Chinese territory.

Western powers are deluded in their vanity and pretensions of virtue. Their self-regarding rhetoric about upholding rule of law and human rights is hallucinatory hyperventilation.

Russia and China are not going to let Western states get away with their dangerous games of making up the rules to suit their orders. That way leads to perdition, as history has shown us in former periods of lawlessness with catastrophic consequences.

Like this one, just two days ago…

It is Moscow and Beijing who are upholding the UN Charter and the rule of law that all nations are obliged to abide by. Central to that framework is mutual respect for the sovereignty of all nations. Unilateral actions are impermissible as enshrined in the UN Charter. They undermine global security and inevitably lead to a law-of-the-jungle scenario where strong powers presume predatory privileges over weaker ones.

Earlier this year, on March 22, 2021 Russia’s top diplomat Lavrov held a landmark summit with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in China’s southern city of Guilin.

Both statesmen reiterated the paramount, inviolable principles of the UN Charter. They condemned bullying and hegemonic ambitions of the United States and its partners. And they declared that any unilateral violations will be held to account by Russia and China upholding international law and guaranteeing justice.

This is an historic moment in international relations. The world either embraces principles of equality and sovereign mutualism, dialogue and diplomacy – or the alternative is barbarism, conflict and ultimately war.

Absurdly, Russia’s Lavrov was obliged to explain that such warning to Western states of adhering to international law is not a threat from Moscow. It is simply a statement of fact and of their legal, moral duty. It shows how deranged these powers have become whenever they have to be reminded to obey the law.

The United States and its allies seem to think that “diplomacy” means “diktat”.

Diktat - definition of diktat by The Free Dictionary

A harsh settlement or decree imposed unilaterally, esp. on a defeated nation. 2. any decree or authoritative statement: 

Their arrogance and deluded self-entitlement has made them blind to the reality of their own degeneracy. Fortunately, Russia and China are formidable enough to remind others of reality.

We may conclude with a quirky news story this week that serves as an allegory of a bigger picture. One of President Joe Biden’s pet dogs reportedly went rogue and took a dump inside the White House. The mess was inflicted on a carpet outside the Diplomat Room – of all places. The story sort of sums up how the conduct of America and its lackeys has lost all sense of decency and restraint these days.

They’re going to have be re-trained.

America needs to be retrained so that it can live with the rest of the world without conflict or chaos.

So the world is a mess!

Well it appears that way, but it really is not.

The USA is a mess. The UK is a mess. The South Africa is a mess. Israel is a mess. And the degree of how much of a mess it is is directly tied to how closely that nation is connected to the United States.

The nations closest to the United States in culture, society, and financial ties are the ones suffering the greatest levels of discord.

So Australia wants to be connect to the United States hip to hip, then you can expect Australia to collapse just like America is collapsing. Iceland, which isn’t, is not collapsing. Sweden which is following the EU led American directives, is a mixed bag. Like I said. The closer the nation is tied to America, the more of a fucked up mess it is today.

So what?

Well, to see what is actually going on, you have to take a couple of steps back and look at the Big BIG picture.

And how can you deal with this?

Well, you really don’t need to get into the details. You just need to concentrate on your life, and your family life selfishly. The only things that you have any control over is your immediate reality.

Guys, guys, guys. It seems like the world is coming apart at the seams. So what can you do?

You turn off the “news”. You walk outside. You listen to the birds. You go into a restaurant and have a delicious meal. You smell the air. You hop on a bicycle and ride. You play with your kitties, or romp with your dog.

After a few days of this, then you take in MEASURED “news”.

If you live in Idaho, what the Hell is going on in New York should be of no concern to you. If you read anything about China, but haven’t been there in the last two years, then discard it as noise. Who gives a fuck of Mr. XXXXX says YYYYY that will do ZZZZZ? It’s all just a blimp on the big picture.

People! The ONLY way for you all to get through this period of strife is to be a Rufus.

That’s the ONLY way.

How do you control your reality?

You be a Rufus.

Listen to me.

You center your mind. You shut down the “news”. You kick away all the negative influences in your life. You stop eating processed food and replace it with good delicious home cooked fresh foods. You perform meditations. You operate your affirmation campaigns. You spend time with loved ones and pets. You smile. You help people in your community. You make friends and associations in your community and you cultivate them. Be the best you can be. And you be a Rufus.

Or in an easier to read format…

  • You center your mind.
  • You shut down the “news”.
  • You kick away all the negative influences in your life.
  • You stop eating processed food and replace it with good delicious home cooked fresh foods.
  • You perform meditations.
  • You operate your affirmation campaigns.
  • You spend time with loved ones and pets.
  • You smile.
  • You help people in your community.
  • You make friends and associations in your community and you cultivate them.
  • Be the best that you can be.
  • And you be a Rufus.

Be the Rufus?

Be the Rufus. This is what I mean when I say that you must be part of something larger; be part of your community. Be a giver. Not a taker. Lord knows there are far too many money-grubbing taker in this world. Contribute. Help. Make the day of someone just a little bit better. Buy a coffee for a coworker. Smile.

Be the Rufus.

Yes. We must be the Rufus. Sure this guy would probably get in trouble for being late. Maybe his boss will dock his pay. If it was America, he might even lose his job. But not here. Not now. He’s a Rufus, and he “felt” that something was amiss. He did not wait. he did not call the police. He took action.

He selflessly helped others in need.

Be the Rufus.

In a world that is seemingly “off the rails”, with a terribly inefficient, corrupt and moronic government, where everything is going wrong and you are being pinched by all sides with a crazy media shouting at you “it’s China’s fault!”…

Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus.

That’s it really.

You must be the Rufus.

Be part of something bigger than yourself. Be the Rufus.

It doesn’t take much. All it takes is to be aware and contribute to the general well being of your community. If there is trash on the road in front of your house, you clean it up. You don’t wait for the government to do so. If your grass needs cut, you cut it. If your neighbor needs a hand you give it to him. If your mailbox is an eyesore, then spruce it up.

When an emergency happens, you as the Rufus, spring into action.

Be the Rufus.

A Rufus is helpful.

Be the Rufus!

When an emergency happens, you take part and be helpful.

Be the Rufus.

Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard. Like preventing an infant from having seizures. But a Rufus does what ever is necessary. Be that Rufus. Be the best you can be.

A Rufus does what ever it takes.

So yeah, the United States is collapsing. The leadership are a group of self-centered ignoramuses. And you might be stuck, trapped and inside this massive cesspool on fire. What can you do?


Focus on you. Be part of your community. Smile. Make other feel good about themselves and want to see you. Be helpful. Devote good efforts to make your house good, calm, strong and cohesive. Spend time with pets and loved ones. Eat healthy food. Do your affirmation campaigns. Be the Rufus.

Just being helpful is all it takes.

Just be helpful.

Sometimes you have to take extraordinary measures.

Here’s a military soldier abandoning his post to rescue a three year old from getting squashed by an income horde or cars and trucks. Yikes!

Save the baby!

A Rufus is there to help others.

A Rufus is part of the community. They are appreciated. They are loved. They are the organized person that everyone know that they can count on. They are the guiding light that everyone in need turns to.

A Rufus is there.

You see, once you change your mind and decide to participate within a community, and be helpful to others you change. Your mind; and then your entire being, becomes a service to others sentience. STO.

Do not fear the insanity.

Just focus on you, your family and friends, and your community. Stick to the basics, and play the “long game”. Everything will be quite different one decade from now. All you all want to do is “ride it out” unscathed. To do this, just follow MM advice and Be The Rufus.

You don’t have to rescue anyone. You just need to be extra considerate. You need to be more humane and understanding. You need to be sensitive to the needs of those around you and be helpful to them.

Be the helpful Rufus.

A Rufus makes it his job to help others. To keep his community clean, and patrolled and away from crime.

Be the Rufus! As in this video below…

Be the Rufus.

A Rufus holds his society responsible for what ever happens to it, and works to correct wrongs, and punish those who are selfish or corrupt at all levels. A Rufus participates…

A Rufus contributes.

A Rufus lends a hand to those in need.

When there is an emergency, the Rufus comes a-running as shown in this video…

Be the Rufus.

A Rufus goes and visits a dying friend, no matter what the law says, and comforts him as only a meat-pie lady could A Rufus cares about the feeling of others. A Rufus helps the children; the animals; the cats; and the dogs. A Rufus is always there to make the community a better place to live in.

A Rufus helps others.

A Rufus doesn’t drive past an gawk at a car accident. They get out of their car and help. They do what ever they can. They are the people that make the community and their actions are attractive and contagious. All it takes is a few Rufus’s in the community and soon, others will start acting that way too.

Be the Rufus.

Make the world a better place.

Help others. Be the Rufus.

A Rufus volunteers.

When there is a need in the community, the Rufus doesn’t complain. They don’t bitch and moan, they go out and work. They volunteer, and if there isn’t any kind of organization to correct the problems, they set one up themselves.

A Rufus makes a difference.

Even if it is hot, and you are suffering from heat exhaustion. A Rufus “takes it on the chin”. A Rufus makes a difference in their community.

A Rufus is the person that you can count on.

A Rufus is not perfect, and is jut a human. But the Rufus strives to be more than just a user; a complainer, a parasite on society. A Rufus contributes.

A Rufus contributes.

Here’s some unpaid volunteers in China. They are working long, long days, and then collapse in the public areas to get some sleep before they begin again. A Rufus makes the world a better place.

Be the Rufus.

You can make the world a better place.


Be the Rufus.

Rufus– Saving a child from a crazy man.

Sometimes you have to get hurt saving people. While all the other people run away, the child is begging for you to help her. She is looking at you, and begging for YOU to save her. What would you do. What would YOU do?

He has a knife and a hammer and he is belligerent as all fuck. What would you do?

Rufus – Here’s to all the workers that take shit with a smile.

This is a tribute to all the workers who take shit as part of their job. You are not alone, many of us has had the exact same situation.

Rufus – Bus driver emergency detour to the hospital.

Here’s a bus driver that sees and emergency and then takes a detour from his regular bus route to save someone. Be the Rufus. Even if it might cost you your job.

Rufus– Man robs a woman in a bank and then changes his mind when he sees how little she has in her account.

This kind of thing has happened more than once in China, and I am at a loss to understand why. Maybe the Chinese have a understanding of things that are different than what you have in America.

Rufus – Help with an overturned wheelchair.

Talk about bad luck. This poor sap is stranded in the middle of a busy intersection and is unable to do anything. Would you go forth and help him?


The world is filled with lies, deceit and deception. It is all designed to fill your minds with fear and to control you. There’s only one way out. Be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus.

We do not know when the calling will come.

However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference.

Help others. It’s our highest calling.

And the answer for crawling out of this mess that we find ourselves in right now.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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I’ve stopped reading SCMP right around the failed colour revolution.

Sad really, since I’ve been reading SCMP since the 90s (together with The Economists).

Ohio Guy

Yikes! My employer requested I stay on 2 more weeks. We’ll see this morning if that gets cut short or not. This is madness. Thanks for the heads up, brother!