2022 03 10 20 39

Which kind of computer user are you?

I’ve been posting too many serious articles as of late. This has pretty much skewed the content. Just like it was skewed during the President Trump’s administration. This article and others, are my attempt at trying to reestablish balance in MM. Let’s put a big happy smile on our faces. And I hope this article helps facilitate that.

Now, that being said, let’s face the facts. Most people work in front of a computer, or use a cellphone. Or else how do you read MM, eh? And if you are one such person, then this article is for you…

Whether your desk is messy or tidy, your walls adorned with pop culture posters or neatly framed art pieces, you could see yourself in one of these delightfully stereotypical character illustrations.

The project was started by Serbian artist Dmitry Narozhny, who drew a new character each month for Devexperts’ company calendar, with designs ranging from the hipster to the hippy, goth to the geek.

So, can you spot someone resembling you among these geeky stereotypes?

More info: Behance (h/t: creativebloq)

Who are you?

The [1] artist / poet compared to the [2] wholly-organized creator.

6 4d9
6 4d9

Or, perhaps, you are the [3] Travel dreamer / adventurer, or the [4] fastidious organized worker…

5 5d0
5 5d0

Consider the [5] cellphone as the primary medium of communication, or the [6] busy and disorganized MM. (Yup! That’s me.)

4s 51
4s 51

Not found yourself yet? How about the [7] hedonistic or the [8] comfortable gamer.

3 a53
3 a53

Then there’s the [9] urban hipster, or perhaps the [10] hard-core designer type.

a2 54
a2 54

What ever you may be, I am sure that you have found comfort in your life. What ever it might be.

I will tell you that I would like to hear what kind of person you all are, and what archetype that you fill. It’s my curiosity, only. I’m not going to collect the information and sell it to some data-collection agency. LOL.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



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Yep, I’m definitely a 6 too! 🙂

Laurie Seto

What kind of person am I with a screen in front of me thinking of Star Trek or the episode of the Wild Wild West with Dr Loveless with Michael Dunn. I’m 72 and will be 73 in four months. I took up computers in 1983 when I went back to university (UVic) and took some computer science courses. Just the General Idea which has been my main motto…the General Idea. Apple ads showing some lackadaisical dude lounging by a pool with a keyboard looking at a screen…cool like everyone else now but then an idea.

Like Michael Dunn, I just get ideas and learn things from the screen. Not a boob tube as I hate the push technology of TV but rather pull what I want. Lots of people don’t understand this…push or pull tech. Still, most people are wrapped up in push tech whether they know it or not. The decor surrounding them describes who they are. As for me, my artwork has been put away in my memory though they are still present in boxes next to me just like my music unlistened to. I’m leaving my grey mattered ready to absorb and ponder whatever comes my way…a reverse Jack Kerouac. Nobody wants to hear my statements due to their lack of breadth and depth. I should go back to university but no point as I have the tools already but not the conversation.

The material here is fun and eclectic and I also enjoy the people vlogging from China as I’ll probably won’t get there again anytime soon. It’s changed a lot since 1985 when I was there. I remember the Bund in Shanghai and my family’s home in Toisan in Guangdong. Bound to be dramatic changes. Back to my present Star Trek episode of Leonard Nimoy and Mariette Hartley in their cave waiting for the rest of their present future to continue to the next. As always…cheers.


“Nobody wants to hear my statements due to their lack of breadth and depth.”

Nonsense. Reading your words introduced a concept I hadn’t considered before, in my half-century on this earth. Thank you, friend!


In reality, we’re all a mish mash of this & that. Just like life being shades of grey rather than purely black or white.

Somehow we’ve been program to accept the dichotomy of black vs white. End result is today’s either with us or against us psychology & propaganda.

The masters has done a good job in programming the serf in this propaganda.


Laying on the bed with my laptop writer type with cell phone as second screen.


There are only 10 types of Programmers!
Those wo understand binary –
and those who do don’t.

Concidally, the one which resembles my type the closest is type 10, minus the posters.

Best regards and have nice Sunday!


Lol. I’m a mix of 5 and 6. With the walls around me plastered with my kids creations, important adresses and numbers and some quotes.

Ohio Guy

I was wondering today when MM was going to downshift his articles. Ah, today be that day! Oh, I smiled alright! And yes, I’m a #6 too. It’s a guy thing, doncha know. My neighbor to the left is a 6 also and my neighbor to the right, definately #2. Fun article.


Oh, I’m quite sad to hear that, I just found you a few days ago and MM.com has rocketed to the top of my internet hierarchy, with your gloriously non-downshifted articles.

#1 here. I guess by commenting on this and not the others, I cut my own nose.

I suppose I just don’t feel qualified to comment on top-tier articles, just merely take them in.

Last edited 2 years ago by Annato

To see all the comments on most of your articles, I have to log in. If I don’t, I’ll see only part of them or none at all. Most of your articles do have comments that are visible after login. Maybe there is some technical problem at your end or you need to do some sort of tweak.

By the way, I’m definitely No. 6. 🙂


same here.
This is most certainly related to the caching behaviour of worpress and the comment-plugin in use, in combination with server headers [ETags etc] and browser caching^^


For me it’s been much to digest in your latest articles. And I refrain from commenting political Stuff since diplomacy and tactics is really not my field of expertise. We could discuss cakelayers, kidsstories and how to massage a chickens crop. That’s more my game. Or Ballroomdancing….
But please, keep the jammed stuff too. Something to gnaw on.

Ohio Guy

What a gentle spirit you are Mirri!


Yes, Mr Man, Ballroom is my favorite! Waltzmusic always puts me in a ballroom aroundabout 1900 in a castle with all the beautiful dressedup people…sigh. Hehe Latin is sooo not my thing! When I was a kid I somehow must have swallowed a broom because my “sexy” is just ridiculous xD
@ Ohio Guy Thank you!

Ohio Guy

Personally, I enjoy the content and your wit injected therein. There has to be folks here in MM land reading these highly informative articles…yes? No? Perhaps some aren’t quite pickin’ up what you’re throwin’ down? Dunno. They don’t seem too long to me. But I’m probably biased.


MM, just found your site a week ago and catching up on your recent post and a few of your older ones. I have to say, that this is some of the best content out there and I appreciate your insights and analysis. Your Geo-political sitreps are a goldmine. I get the whole take a break from long and serious work and no offense meant at all, but this lighter style article is not what I absolutely love about your work, so please keep the longer, jam-packed with content stuff coming. We need voices like yours to be heard!

(and I am a 2) 🙂


Dearest ALL, I am so glad that MM comes up with an AMAZING RIPOSTE every few days. I’ve said it before, coming here to MM is like the Forrest Gump character played by Tom Hanks when he says, very happily, “Life is a BOX of Chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get, until you bite into one.” {paraphrase}. That’s how I feel.

As for trolls, and know-it-alls, let me apologize to MM, our brothers and sisters here, and of course, THE OTHERS, for my contributions that make it here. I dont mean to screw with your values or thoughts or beliefs. I come here and sometimes, I write stuff, bcos I am inrinsically COMPELLED to, based on some “discoveries”I have made. Only to share what I feel is important. I dont know how many ppl here actually feel “helped” by what I have said, but it has only been from the POV of a RUFUS as MM so benevolently reminds us. I believe MM has always been truthful in a 100% way with all of us. It is just that what you get depends wholly on your “destiny MWI line” and your whole being vis a vis the UNIVERSE.

There is no free lunch. You will get what you deserve. I hope. If you’re a RUFUS, then the universe should reward you with a RUFUSes reward. We all here – hope so, with the leadership of MM (…and OTHERS) in this direction.

Imagine for ONE moment. What if EVERYONE around you for the next 100 square miles suddenly become RUFUSes. Would you want that? Would you yearn for that – for your sake, your family’s sake, and everyone’s sake?

IF THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT, FUNDAMENTALLY, then you begin to see where the direction of Sentience Service to Others is being NUDGED and PUSHED by the control nexii who are of course, in the service of the Wise and Power People. (Yes, yes, I’ve said it here, and have said this before. THEY are in absolute control over the so-called ELITES, TPTB, Aliens, white hats, black hats, 3-4 letter alphabet agencies, corrupted politicians, global leaders…).

The WAPP know that they have to first protect themselves and their progeny. Can they best do it with cut throat mercenaries, wet workers, demon worshippers, nullophilics, freakshows, tatted blue haired teachers, obese M’fers, gun bearing negotiating experts, ethnic HUTU-type warriors, OR simply RUFUSes who do stuff in the service of society and a whole matrix of entrapped nulled surviving untermensch living in the metaverse – which is being pushed on us.

Er, do you think the WAPP are wise or silly ppl in knowing who to pick as guardians to carry on the management of humanity as they themselves grow older and die…. If you were a WAPP what would you do – at the every end. WHy do ppl assume thay are STUPID? The fact hat they use CATSPAWS to do their dirty work, and you think the WAPP are that SILLY???? 48laws it as you analyze every move that happens in the world.

This is one possible conception of the future…. You may or may not like it, nor believe or not believe this conception. It really doesnt matter – bcos, I’m just saying. I have no proof on whats going to happen in the future. Unfortunately, I am not a WAPP….

Choice 1

As a FIRST step to the rest of the world: https://na.vision2030.gov.sa/v2030/v2030-projects/neom/

Choice 2

As a SECOND choice that will extend to all who SURVIVE the next ten years of the Age of Deagleness:


And, choice 2 has an eventual option coming up in the near future that is quite attractive. Self choosing one’s best destiny….


Does this comment scare you or give you HOPE? That’s the crux of the matter. Who are you depends on how you react to the above – and it may determine to a large extent your next voyage into the end stages.

If you use MM’s advice that he had already given to us in the last two years (and it is going up to a cresecendo as things happen), and you 48laws everything, how do you react to the information above – compared to the NORMIES out there?

One more point. I think MM has been very forthcoming to us. And he has said this in many ways in so many articles.

Everyone DESERVES to get that which the Universe gives to him/her (except for sad cases where missiles, and jabs untimely exterminate RUFUSes and good ppl. It happens all too often, unfortunately. But they are sacrificed such that the rest of the people who deserve a better world, might have that chance. So, in that sense, not only should we mourn their loss, but celebrate their gift of LIFE to those who survive in a BETTER WORLD.)

I hope I have been of help to you all my dearest brothers and sisters. And for my comments who make it up here, I know there are many of you who disagree with me and find me excruciatingly knowitallish.

I am sorry. SOMEONE made me do it bcos I just cant help it. I am compelled to share with you – bcos of transformation into a MM inspired RUFUS. And thank you to MM and OTHERS for letting me speak – I do know that I rub ppl the wrong way sometimes.

The issue is this. Do you feel the feeling the Supreme Commander is touching you when you come to MM, and infuse yourself with MM’s stuff?

You know the answer.

May the Supreme Commander bless and keep EVERYONE of us who come here, and call ourselves endeared MM readers, safe and well as the HUGE TURNING occurs.

(Pls read between the lines to truly understand – it is time to open your hearts. It’s coming…. You can ready yourselves for it, or not.)

Hail, Caesar!

Rod Cloutier

Number 6 for sure