2022 03 26 13 28

Why the Western leadership are making amazingly bad decisions

You just cannot deny it. The collective West (led by the United States) are making the absolute worst decisions possible, and observers (outside the manipulative “news” media) are absolutely horrified.

This guy, Gonzalo Lira has laid it all out.

All of it. From the educational system, to society, to economic, Geo-political, economic, in very easy and clear terms.  It’s easy to understand. It makes sense, and it’s probably the best description ever as to the horror that is unfolding before our very eyes today.

MM agrees 100% with his assessment.

Outstanding video.

The Video

Found on You-Tube.

2022 03 26 13 08
Gonzalo Lira



Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Ohio Guy

Very astute analysis of how our education system in the west picks for those lacking empathy and free thinkers are weeded out. It is a very scary system of mental servitude or slavery. Exemplary of the service to another or service to self Euroweenie education process. A stark contrast to the Asian and Eastern system of education, indeed. Mr. Lira explained this so well, anyone with common sense could understand.

There are many here in the west whom are programmed automatons. That is the dilemma we face in the west with the conflicting values taught in our schools. They will have lasting global consequences. I’m thankful, though, for the hope eastern nations offer in standing firm against the group think ideologies of the west.

Thank you congjing yu for this video article.


Gonzalo Lira maybe long winded but he breaks complicated things down to easy to understand piece meals. Very astute fella. Plus his ability to speak American helps despite being Chilean or Latino as he proudly calls himself. Love his sense of humour.

Absolutely worthwhile to spend the hours listening to him.

Max G.

Much obliged for the plenty in-depth and least extravagant as they might seem, but smack / spot on blogs you lots are putting your brains into. Bravo. Yep I say brains for I gave up my last meaningless LinkedIn social media account lastly, whereas my slogan was: You’ve got a brain, use it! Often for that reason been challenged by trolls and other diarrhea filled minds. I sure came across Gonzalo (Al tiro = Chilean expression) via “The Duran”, Alex and Alexander you might also want to look into. JIA YOU and greetings from the other end… I sure do much miss hot CQ!!!


I’m quite surprised… I see a video of his that’s 2 hours long and I think, oh yeah I’ll give it 10 minutes. I end up listening to the entire thing while I cook dinner. It’s like having a slightly inappropriate but polite and incredibly insightful friend over for dinner. Lol