Some gotta win, and some gotta lose

Well, It has been a year, but I finally got my house back from the clutches of some evil fiends that used it, stole it, abused it, and seemingly got away with their crimes. But do not be so sure that what appears on the surface is what actually going on.

Here we are going to use this example to discuss some pretty complex issues. And it know that it is going to upset a few people in the process.


About the background of this particular issue. Let it be well understood that I have discussed this elsewhere on MM, but will recap a summary here.

When the Coronavirus hit China during CNY (Chinese New Year) in 2020, China went DEFCON ONE and locked the entire nation down. It was solid, and all life, business and everything stopped. Cities that had thousands, if not millions of workers emptied out. The workers went home. And they closed their rental agreements in the homes that they were renting out in the cities.

People like MM, here, who own multiple properties suddenly found all of our tenants leaving. Our apartments going empty, and our secondary sources of income dropping to zero.

Well, suddenly we are approached by a large “reputable” company that rents out houses like ours. They are nationwide, enormous in size, and offered to rend our house out within one month at a premium price. Honestly, at the time, we didn’t believe it. It sounded too good to be true. But we figured, what did we have to lose?

And sure enough, two weeks later, we got a tenant who will pay full rent of 7000/month, locked into a one year contract, and would move in as soon as we repainted the interior, bought new furniture, bought a new television, refrigerator and washing machine.

So we signed the contract, and bought the furniture. And they moved in.

But there was something strange. Instead of the 7000/month payment, they only paid 3000. Why was this?

Seems pretty strange huh?

Yes. It did seem strange.

And then one week later the offices didn’t answer our phones calls. The sales representatives all over the nation went silent. And we discovered that the owner and the executives  stole billions of RMB, or hundreds of millions of US dollars and went into hiding.

That left us homeowners with unpaid house rent. Renters who are now “deadbeats” living in our homes, and locked into a year contract (or longer. Some up to 3 years.)

Outcome of all this

Well, long story short.

We followed up with legal action that resulted in nothing. The courts ruled in favor of the tenants, and told us to take a lawsuit against the company, which no longer exists, and who’s owners have new identities and living out of the country in luxurious mansions with bodyguards.

We lost, all told perhaps 200,000 which was lost income from rent, and the attorney and filing costs. This is a lot of money from MM, and the entire year of 2020, MM personal lifestyle (personally and family) was severely contracted.

The guy who ran off was killed. Rather quickly. Suddenly and with zero emotion. The assassins even went out and ate noodles afterwards.

And after a terms of the contact, we went people over to open the door to our house and tidy it up so that we can get new tenants…

And this is what we found.

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What was the sum total of damage?

These jackasses skipped town, leaving me with sewer, water, electricity,maintenance, security, and management fees that had accrued.

They stole the new television, the new washing machine, and the new coffee table. The new furniture, as you can see are completely destroyed.

The ruins that they left behind and all the junk needs to be hauled off, the damage repaired, and the apartment repainted, and new replacement furniture obtained.

Perhaps 50,000.

Total cost of this fiasco all told?

250,000 RMB

We would have been far better off just locking up the house and not renting it out.

What are my options?

From here what shall I do?

[1] Move on, and forget.

This is what I want to do.

Bad people, base their activity on sensible people moving forward with their lives. They take advantage of this and use it for their own personal gain. 

Sensible people don't want to have anything to do with these bad people. As the more you get involved with them, like a "tar baby", the more shit sticks to you. 

So sensible people just move on with their lives. And bad people keep on being bad.

Not a good thing. But sometimes' it's best to turn a bad thing into an expensive lesson.
I want to move on and forget.

[2] Forgive, then forget.

Ah. This is the Christian thing to do.

This is the Christian thing to do, right?

This is also the thing that evil psychopathic personalities, corrupt bureaucracies, and the habitually evil want. they want you to keep on being the victim. They want to hurt others, gain personally, and then be immune from any kinds of retribution, payback, karma or consequences.

Forgiveness appears to be the "right" thing to do. 

However, evil people rely on it to continue their malevolent actions, and those that forgive get entangled (in a quantum sense) so that more bad actions are attracted to them personally.

Not a good thing.
The Christian thing is to forgive the bad people, and then pretend that it never happened.

[3] Pay the money to hunt them down and hurt them.

This is a real option available to me.

I can have the entire family killed for 33,000 RMB. But is it worth it?

Or, alternatively, I can go after them myself. It might seem that I might save some money, but it will actually cost more in the long run, distract from my life, and really be a pain in the ass to do.

Not a good thing.

But you know, it's just money. It's only things. It could have been a lot worse. And by being on this world-line path that has this kind of event instead of nuclear war, I'd take this world-line over it any day.

So keep in mind that this is the real world. Not Hollywood. You don't just off some bad evil people because they busted up your house. It's not worth my time, my money, my thoughts, and my efforts.

Phooey! On this option.
Not a good thing.

[4] Use my MM abilities to send them to the cornfield

This is a pain in the ass to do, but it will achieve my goals.

I suppose that all consciousnesses are neutral and good. But many have actions that don't really seem to indicate this. 

Would any "teaching" efforts on my part prevent them from hurting others? 

Would it help them learn from personal consequences? 

Is it my role, even though they entered my life, is it MY ROLE to teach them anything?

By doing and taking the action to actually "send them to the cornfield", it will entangle me further with their vile nature... unless I take specific actions to prevent that kind of entanglement.
Sometimes you have to do things that you do not want to do.

And what I am actually going to do…

I just want [1] the bad people to stay away from us, but also [2] do not want them to hurt others. So which of the four actions listed above will accomplish this goal?

What do you think?


They are going to the cornfield.

I hope that the butt spanking will be sufficient to prevent their evil, vile and destructive behaviors from affecting anyone else. And maybe, just maybe they will start to contribute to society instead of being a big drain on it.

It is done.

Sometimes you must do what you do not want to do.
And I am sorry for busting up your illusions on MM being a good, kind gentle soul. Sometimes you have to put a rabid dog down. And someone has to pick up the gun and do it. As distasteful as it is.

And I guess it's me simply because there is no one else willing and available to handle this distasteful matter.

I am just the last one in a long, line of others that either [1] looked the other way, or [2] forgave and forgot. 

And because no one else had the strength to put the crazed rabid dog down, it arrived on my door-step.

And now, it's up to me. The ball has dropped. And I am the one picking it up.

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MM, what are your views on karma? Or the notion that what we put out, we receive in turn.

I am asking because some teachers have clarified that when Jesus said “do unto others what you would have them do unto you”, and Buddha similarly said “do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you”, they were really teaching that forgiveness was not for the sake of the transgressor, but for the victim. They say that forgiveness is so the victim’s consciousness does not dwell on the bad deed and in so doing continues the cycle of karma/cause and effect.

What do you think of this? Honest question.


Thanks, much food for thought.


My 2 cents on some of the things being discussed by everyone here are these.
And mind you guys these are Just things to keep in mind.
Not necessarily facts.
About forgiving and forgetting:
The forgetting part is , according to a lot of religious teachings, that one doesnt keep reminding the person who wronged you off that fact AFTER that person made up for their fault.
My take on that from a quanta perspective is that in that case its good to forget. Otherwise one keeps lingering on about something negative which has been “resolved”.
Let me give an example:
First let me split the religious people into 2 groups.
Group 1: The people who believe that forgive and forget means dont do anything. Let the perpetrator go and dont try to prevent the same situation from happening again. This i’ll call religious point of view 1. rpov 1.
Group 2: religious people who believe that forgiving means that one acknowledges to the wrongdoer that he made up his bad deed and that forgetting means that one will not keep reminding the wrongdoer at a later moment again and again.
Now for the example:
A friend off yours stole your laptop. And at first you dont know who dit it.
rpov1 people just let it go and do nothing. They forgive and forget. From the quanta side they now have a negative experience and thus negative quanta.
rpov2 people dont really forgive because there is no one to forgive.
And when it comes to forget , they do let it slide because they dont want to think about a negative experience all the time. And forget means something else to them like I wrote above. And now they are more vigilant which makes them buy security cameras. Which later help prevent a way more serious crime. This makes them grateful for the first crime.
From a quanta perspective to them it gives some negative quanta for the experience but also some good quanta because they now associate the first crime with something good.
Now the example goes further.
The friend feels guilty about what he did and comes to you and confesses. He gives back the laptop.
rpov1 people are glad and still forgive and forget the same way.
But dont do anything to prevent anything and now something more horrible happens.
From a quanta perspective this means more bad quanta.
rpov2 people will also forgive and forget in their way. They acknowledge/forgive to the perpetrator that things are good and they dont bring it up anymore/forget.
From their quanta perspective they now have the negative first experience. Then some good quanta from not lingering on it. Then more good quanta because they feel good about the friend coming forward. And after the cameras helped solve more serious crimes they now have more good quanta. And because the cameras were the result of the first crime they now view even that one better so there is some more good quanta.
Now if the rpov2 people would not “forget” and keep bringing up to their friend what he did , that means it still bothers them and so they create bad quanta everytime they bring it up. And on top of that they probably start building resentment in their friend which makes him think negatively about them and thus bad quanta.
And as you guys can see , the rpov2 people actually lines up pretty much with wat MM wrote.
If they follow their version of forgive and forget.


Thank you very much for your compliments. And i’m glad my writings came across good.
Usually i’m better when saying things because you can add nuances better.
So when writing i try to pick my words carefully.
And saying you would like my word skills says a lot, seeing how you write better and more than 99% of the population.


BTW, I feel for you. I was pretty pissed when a tenant of mine ripped off all the padded panels in the bedroom and stuck them back on with doubled over electrical insulation tape.

I cant imagine how angry you must be.


This kind of scam is entirely possible in the US. In the past several years rental management companies have popped up everywhere. They allow landlords to be hands-off by supposedly vetting tenants, collecting rent money, pursuing tenants for unpaid rent, and handling maintenance and repairs at the rental property, all in exchange for a cut of the rent money. Many property owners now depend on such companies.

You can see just from that description just how similar the situation is to MM’s in China. If you hire a middleman, don’t be surprised if he acts like a middleman by maximizing his take at your expense.


You did what you had to do. No matter what images we out here in the ether have.

Personally, the killing them – what is that going to do for you. It would be different if you needed to go that route, but that kind of stuff – you don’t need that headache.

I wish you all the best with this!


I don’t understand what Option 4 means: Use your MM abilities to send them to the cornfield???



  1. cast “accelerated karma” (optionally: “accelerated, amplified, [and/or] perfected karma”)
  2. specify that the results shall be for the greater good
  3. specify that justice, not injustice shall be done
  4. realize you are working through intermediate means which are not mechanical, but innately as intelligent and perceptive as needed to accomplish the tasks envisioned
  5. be respectful and kind to your “spirits” (or whatever word you use for them)

this prevents psychic backlash and works better than micromanaging