USA Admits COVID-19 was a “live exercise” biological weapon on China.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said  that the U.S. sees the Communist Party of China as the “central threat  of our times” and that the U.S. must “ensure that the next century is  governed by … Western democratic principles.”  

- Coronavirus panic stoked by anti-China media, politicians: Myth vs. fact 

Well, it was bound to come out sooner or later. Though, I pretty much expected it to come out in 70 years, like the JFK assassination did.

The facts involved here are all pretty straight forward;

At the White-house, the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 event was a biological weapon “exercise”. The moment that he made the statement, Trump took a double take and responds “I wish you would have told us”.

Pompeo stated;

“This is not about retribution, this matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”

For those of you who are confused what this simple sentence means, check out the English meanings…

"Exercises" mean military weapons, training, events, and systems.
"COVID-19" is a currently out-of-control biological virus that is lethal and disrupting national economies. This is the subject subject matter that Pompeo was discussing at the time of the conference.

"Live" means being active, engaged, and in-process.

"Retribution" means punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. When Pompeo refers to vengeance on someone or something, he is referring to China. As, after all, that is WHY he refers to the COVID-19 as "Wuhan Virus", and "China Virus".

"Get Right" means to correct something in error. To win in a conflict. Or in the case of United States geopolitics, to keep America as the dominant global leader over the rest of the world.

"Going Forward" means something that is in process presently and on a time-line.

So to rephrase the sentence into a form that non-American English speakers can understand, without idiomatic confusion, he said this…

This action we have taken, is not about punishment of China. The COVID-19 bioweapon event is continuing and unfolding. – We are currently in an active military operation to set the United States as the supreme dominant sole powerful government in the world.

So it appears that the “deep state” neocons inside the Trump Administration unleashed a biological weapon, the COVID-19, as a “live exercise” intentionally.

For after all, military exercises are always planned, and never accidental.

If he did not mean this, he chose an outrageously poor selection of words.

For, if he was referring to the governments action regarding a pandemic, we would use phrases such as "dealing with", "handling", allocating resources", "supporting", "adjusting", "reacting", "handling" and "controlling".

The phrase "live exercise" is only used in military and para-military operations.

For those paying attention, they did this against China, who is a economic rival to the United States to suppress it.

The “live exercise” using bio-warfare backfired terribly, and is now tearing the United States apart, brick by brick.

This excerpt is from “Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us”” By Shepard Ambellas Global Research, March 23, 2020 Intellihub 21 March 2020. Edited to fit this venue and all credit to the authors.

Can someone please explain exactly what is going on here?

United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a slip of the tongue while addressing the American people from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.

“This is not about retribution,” Pompeo explained. “This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.”

@realDonaldTrump is mad that the deep state took control through Continuity of Government, there has been a coup? #Covid_19 #CoronavirusPandemic #MartialLaw

— Shepard Ambellas (@ShepardAmbellas) March 21, 2020

With a disgusted look on his face, President Trump replied: “You should have let us know.”

Well, Pompeo obviously has a higher security clearance than the president does.

For those of you who are confused…

Military Exercise meaning (from Wikipedia): 

“A military exercise or war game is the employment of military resources in training for military operations, either exploring the effects of warfare or testing strategies without actual combat. This also serves the purpose of ensuring the combat readiness of garrisoned or deployable forces prior to deployment from a home base.”

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Commentary and Conclusions

Walk-Back. Expect a “walk back” from this statement. It will be mitigated as a minor “misunderstanding” and nothing more, and the mainstream media will bury it in a flood of other news. The Alt-Right, bombarded by months of anti-China narrative will twist this to mean something along the line of “oh, he’s just referring to China and their lies…etc, etc.” Then the statement will have zero coverage and the media narrative will continue unabated against China.

Geopolitical Implications. Meanwhile, Russia and China knew this information all along. They do recognize that the USA is quite dangerous and out of control. This will reinforce this belief and they will begin to look at the USA like a chaotic mess that it is. Instead of a sane economic rival with a different culture.

People, what do you do if there is a rabid, out of control dog, in your neighborhood?

What do you think that proactive nations, and nations run on merit, would do and plan on doing regarding the United States being the governmental equivalent of a "mad dog"?

Personal Implications. What this means to you (dear readers) is that the American government is completely out of control. The “deep state” is running amok and risking world war III while they operate as mindless zombies on the levers of power. People (!) this cannot be good by any stretch of the imagination.

Just keep in mind that Pompeo admitted that the COVID-19 Coronavirus was a “Live Exercise” at the White-house. It’s not a reaction to an event. Reactions are never “exercises”. It’s also not an event in itself.

As such, we know what it is not…

  • It was NOT a natural virus.
  • It was NOT an accidental release of the plague from a facility.
  • It was NOT a Chinese-developed and deployed bio-weapon.
  • It was NOT a stolen bio-weapon used by China on it’s people.

What it is…

  • It was an American “system” that was deployed as a “Live Exercise” by the American neocons inside the American “Deep State”. Furthermore, President Trump was unaware of any of this.

You will discover that this most news-worthy report will get very little traction in the mainstream and Alt-Right, Hard-Right propaganda outlets.

If you see Rush Limbaugh, or, or Hal Turner, or Alex Jones talking about this please tell me. My guess is that if they do, they will defend it as a “slip of the tongue” as the USA can do no wrong in their eyes.

To find out what is going on and other reports on this subject, go to my China Trade Wars Index, or my SHTF Index. Both have many articles about the subjects listed herein.

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The start of the Collapse of the American Empire – Part 2

So as I am reading my news and opinion feeds, I am starting to see a trend. This COVID-19 is rally causing the worst of America to manifest. I mean all the sores, and the oozing puss is now becoming obvious to everyone. America is collapsing and this COVID-19 might be “the final stray that broke the camels back”, don’t you know.

Here we have another article.

In this article we see that the craziness of the COVID-19 event is acting to highlight all the many, many things that are terribly wrong with America at this moment in time. It’s an ugly scene and it’s only going to get uglier…

The following is an article titled “All The Craziest Things About America Are Being Highlighted By This Virus” by Caitlin Johnstone on It was edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the editor.

All The Craziest Things About America Are Being Highlighted By This Virus

“Corona is a black light and America is a cum-stained hotel room,” comedian Megan Amram colorfully tweeted a couple of weeks ago. Her observation has only grown more accurate since.

The corporate cronyism of America’s political system has been highlighted with a massive kleptocratic multitrillion-dollar corporate bailout of which actual Americans are only receiving a tiny fraction. Instead of putting that money toward paying people a living wage to stay home during a global pandemic, the overwhelming majority of the money is going to corporations while actual human beings receive a paltry $1,200 (which they won’t even be getting until May at the earliest) at a time of record-smashing unemployment.

America’s capitalism worship has been highlighted with Wall Street Journal headline “Dow Soars More Than 11% In Biggest One-Day Jump Since 1933” running at the exact same time as “Record Rise in Unemployment Claims Halts Historic Run of Job Growth — More than 3 million workers file for jobless benefits as coronavirus hits the economy“. Stocks are booming, Amazon is surging, and mountains of wealth are being transferred to sprawling megacorporations, while actual human beings are terrified of what the future holds.

America’s joke of a healthcare system is being highlighted as uninsured COVID-19 patients are racking up $35,000 medical bills and even insured COVID-19 patients are looking at out-of-pocket expenses in excess of $1,300. Combine this with the millions of Americans getting thrown off of employer-provided health insurance and you’re looking at a huge number of people who will avoid getting tested and avoid treatment as much as possible. Both heads of America’s two-headed one-party system have spent decades forcefully creating this dynamic.

America’s income and wealth inequality is being highlighted in a nation suffering from all of the above problems while most Americans were already unable to afford a mere $1,000 emergency expense. A one-time $1,200 payment to a population already stretched that thin guarantees that millions will be plunged into crushing debt and destitution in a nation with a historically unprecedented billionaire class raking in even more unearned wealth.

The insanity of America’s war machine has been highlighted as awareness grows during a global health emergency that government military spending negatively impacts government healthcare spending and the US has the most bloated military budget on the planet. Now as journalist Max Blumenthal explains this war machine’s escalating hostility toward China is causing Americans to needlessly die of the virus.

America’s fake political system has been highlighted as the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee completely vanished for a week and then returned to deliver an embarrassing string of befuddled interviews upon his return, reminding the nation once again that the Democrats are running an actual, literal dementia patient for the most powerful elected office in the world. Biden will of course be running against an incoherent reality TV star who only last week decided that the virus is indeed a real problem which needs to be seriously addressed, and who now already wants to begin rolling back the inadequate measures his administration implemented far too late. The debates between two men who don’t understand what they’re doing and can’t string a sentence together between them will soon be broadcast around the world for all of civilization to behold.

America’s lying mass media are being highlighted with propagandistic lines that would make Kim Jong Un blush, like The New York Times claiming today that “the American medical system is unsurpassed and its public health system has a reputation as one of the finest in the world”. We can safely expect US media to get even more demented as they expands their hysteria-inducing new cold war propaganda campaign against Russia to China as well.

America’s murderous sanctions machine has been highlighted as the US continues ramping up its economic warfare against Iranian civilians, with thousands already dead and potentially millions to follow due to Tehran’s inability to access necessary equipment, medicine and resources during the pandemic. The Trump administration has not eased the sanctions during the outbreak, and has in fact added to them, because killing Iranian civilians has always been the goal. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has gone on record to say that the objective is to make Iranian civilians so miserable and desperate that they overthrow their own government.

So basically everything crazy about America is being amplified to absurd caricatures of its own insanity and highlighted for everyone to see. There’s a lot of ugliness coming out into the light as a result of this virus, which may end up being one of its few perks for everyone. As they say of both viruses and governments, sunlight is the best disinfectant.


It will not be long now. Four years tops. Maybe as early as one year. Figure all Hell to unravel around 2023 or so.

This is part two.

You can read part one HERE.

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The start of the Collapse of the American Empire – Part 1

While I am just “so-so” as a word smith, there are other that are more perceptive and better suited to document the decline and collapse of the American Global Empire. Here, we have a writer who editorialized how he believes America is starting to get involved in yet another “cold war” with China. I read his writing, found them brilliant, but feel that he is missing out on the big picture. America is collapsing all around us.

There won’t be any “cold war” where the world is on “America’s side”, and the “evil empire” is isolated.

Nope. Instead, China will continue to be aligned with Russia, and will continue to design, invent and manufacture high-end, high quality products. While the cheaper products and simpler constructions will be made in third-world nations for export to Americans at ridiculously high prices.

Americans in turn will continue to be manipulated, taxed, and generally forced into government-sponsored servitude of one form or the other. Social mobility will be non-existent. And American will live eating the cheapest foods, possessing the cheapest gear, and working the longest hours while praising their “inherent freedoms”…

The following is an article titled “The new Cold War with China has cost lives against coronavirus” written by Max Blumenthal@MaxBlumenthal for the Chicago Reader. It was edited to fit this venue, but aside from that, left intact. All credit to the author.

More than any event since the financial crash, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the rotten foundation of American empire.

By Max Blumenthal@MaxBlumenthal

Chinese president Xi Jinping has  called his country’s fight against coronavirus “the People’s War,” while  President Trump calls the disease "the China virus." 

-Narendra Modi; SHEALAH craighead

March 19, 2020, was a milestone for the People’s Republic of China. After enduring over two months of an epidemic of novel coronavirus, China reported that it experienced its first day without a new case of locally transmitted infection. After placing 46 million residents in Wuhan and 15 other cities under quarantine, mobilizing thousands of medical professionals to the front lines, building new hospitals practically overnight, and implementing cautionary measures such as forcing banks to disinfect cash, the country turned a corner in what its president, Xi Jinping, called “the People’s War.”

Throughout the crisis, leaders of the World Health Organization (WHO) heaped praise on the Chinese government. “Its actions actually helped prevent the spread of coronavirus to other countries,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros, as he is known, added that he was “very impressed and encouraged by the president [Xi’s] detailed knowledge of the outbreak.”

Tedros’s assistant, Dr. Bruce Aylward, who also visited China, was astounded by what he observed: “What I saw was a tremendous sense of responsibility, and of duty, to protect their families, their communities, and even the world, from this disease,” Aylward marveled in a televised interview. “I left with such a deep sense of admiration for the people of Wuhan and for Chinese society in general.”

During the early days of the crisis around Wuhan, Chinese authorities took some ham-fisted measures to suppress public discussion of the outbreak. Perhaps Beijing was in denial about the gravity of the epidemic, or terrified of its societal ramifications. It was not long, however, before the Chinese government made the genome of the virus public, shared detailed information about the virus with the international community, and provided intelligence to the WHO, which relayed it to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC). In fact, Health and Human Services Director Alex Azar recently revealed that the CDC first learned about coronavirus from Chinese colleagues on January 3. Tragically, while Beijing was buying valuable time for the West to prepare for the lethal pandemic, and losing the lives of medical personnel in the process, Washington chose conflict over cooperation.

Almost as soon as news of the viral outbreak reached the West, mainstream pundits turned up their noses and sneered at China’s aggressive response. A now-discredited January 24 op-ed published in Slate and authored in conjunction with the Democratic Party-affiliated New America Foundation proclaimed, “Many of China’s actions to date are overly aggressive and ineffective in quelling the outbreak.” The Los Angeles Times reinforced the condescending line, mocking President Xi’s efforts to rally Chinese citizens as “shoddy propaganda.” At around the same time, the cover of the neoliberal Economist magazine depicted China as a global disease infecting the planet—an authoritarian plague that threatened the free world more than any pandemic.

For his part, Trump has referred to the sickness as the “China virus,” deploying xenophobic bile to deflect blame for weeks of inaction. (“We have it totally under control,” the president insisted on January 22, trying in vain to calm markets. A month later, Trump claimed without evidence, “The people that have [coronavirus] are getting better.”) By March 14, as coronavirus exploded throughout New York City and Seattle, Joseph Biden took to the stage of a Democratic presidential debate and painted the sickness as a foreign weapon of mass destruction. “This is like we are being attacked from abroad!” he bellowed. CNN debate moderator Dana Bash proceeded to push the candidates to propose “consequences” China should face for the coronavirus–not lessons the U.S. could learn from China’s successful fight against it.

In reflexive and mostly bipartisan fashion, the U.S. political class has exploited a pandemic to ratchet up hostility against China. While the rising power is a necessary partner against a gathering storm of disease and societal unraveling, too many in Washington are unable to see Beijing as anything other than the greatest single threat to American global hegemony. 

Over the past seven decades, the U.S. has encircled China with hundreds of military bases,threading bombers, naval warships, and nuclear-tipped missiles into a geopolitical noose. President Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” designated a full two-thirds of U.S. naval forces to contain China, setting the stage for a new Cold War. Trump’s national defense doctrine formally enshrined the strategy by declaring “great power competition” with Beijing and Moscow as the Pentagon’s top priority. A trade war followed, with the U.S. jailing a CEO of the Chinese telecom company Huawei, banning its 5G technology, and slapping hefty tariffs on $112 billion on Chinese imports. Dubiously sourced stories of Holocaust-level human rights violations by China supplied the new Cold War with heartstring-tugging background music, drawing suggestible Western liberals into the hostile narrative.

The same U.S. leadership class that launched the first Cold War and reignited it during the Obama and Trump eras has also presided over a systematic degradation of America’s public health system. While the task of providing health care was handed over to corporations, the number of beds per 1,000 Americans declined steadily from 4.5 in 1975 to 2.5 in 2014, according to the CDC. Having left its citizens on the verge of mass suffocation by a ghastly respiratory infection, the U.S. government has little to offer them today beyond Cold War bluster and corporate bailouts.

More than any event since the 2008-09 financial crash, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the rotten foundation of American empire—and it has only begun to exact its toll. By March 19, the day that China declared victory over coronavirus, the U.S. achieved a milestone of its own: it boasted the sharpest increase in deaths and new infections per day of any country in the world. New York City had become ground zero for the sickness, with 10,000 new cases. At one Brooklyn emergency hospital, a doctor melted down over the lack of resources. “It’s a disaster,” he fretted. “We just had a half dozen staff test positive. We have 17 ventilators left in the institution. Some staff can’t come because they’re getting wiped out.”

In hospitals across the country, emergency room doctors have been forced to fashion their own masks, or to simply wear a bandana over their faces. Doctors badly needed N95 air-filtering respirator masks to protect themselves from infection while they treated patients hacking up toxic sputum. The Trump administration has invoked the Defense Production Act, a Korean War-era provision that would enable him to compel American businesses to produce urgently needed products. Revealingly, Trump has refused to implement the act on the grounds that doing so would mimic Venezuelan-style socialism

While doctors wait in vain for N95 masks, a bipartisan group of 130 lawmakers made their real priorities clear when they issued a call for a massive buildup of F-35 jets. “Full funding is needed for the delivery of new weapons and critical capabilities necessary to keep the F-35 ahead of our adversaries,” the lawmakers wrote in a March 19 letter to the Pentagon, demanding 98 new stealth fighters at a cost of $94 million each.

If anything has been more elusive than protective masks—and less functional than the accident-prone F-35—it is America’s coronavirus testing system. Testing kits were magically provided to entire NBA teams and A-list celebrities with symptoms, but ask any average American in need where they plan to get screened, and you’re almost certain to draw a blank. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confessed in testimony to Congress,“The idea of anybody getting [tested] easily the way people in other countries are doing it, we are not set up for that. Do I think we should be? Yes. But we are not.”

Inside China, an already effective coronavirus screening regimen is likely to improve thanks to an innovative test that can be administered in airports, and that produces results in just 40 minutes. The creator of the groundbreaking test, Weihong Tan, was a professor at the University of Florida’s cancer research lab until last year, when the Department of Justice targeted him with a McCarthy-style investigation. Accused by a Cold War-crazed U.S. government of failing to disclose Chinese funding for his department, he returned to Hunan University, where he found ample government support for his lifesaving research.

With its hollowed out public health-care system overwhelmed by a pandemic in just its early phase, the U.S. has sat and watched as China embarks on the largest international humanitarian mission in modern times. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has effusively thanked China for donating two million surgical masks, 200,000 N95 masks, and 50,000 testing kits to hard-hit areas of Europe. After welcoming a massive delivery of Chinese aid to his country, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic angrily accused the EU of abandonment: “European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairytale. The only country that can help us in this hard situation is the People’s Republic of China. For the rest of them, thanks for nothing.”

In response to China’s humanitarian crusade, the Trump administration’s National Security Council has rolled out a coordinated propaganda offensive blaming China for “covering up” coronavirus. Ironically, the same corporate networks that have spent the past year clamoring for Trump’s impeachment have provided the White House with an eager megaphone for its anti-China crusade. A report by CNN, for instance, suggested dark motives behind China’s delivery of ventilators and masks to Europe, claiming Beijing was “possibly trying to curry favor.” On Twitter, trending hashtags like #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied have suddenly materialized, amplifying the Trump administration’s influence operation.

While China and the tiny, U.S.-embargoed nation of Cuba send medical brigades to hard-hit regions of Europe, Washington is sending the world sanctions and shows of military force. The Trump administration has zealously weaponized coronavirus to drive its “maximum pressure” policy of regime change against Iran, where the death toll is approaching 2,000. During a March 18 press conference, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed to ramp up crushing sanctions on Iran, even though (or perhaps because) the economic blockade was preventing the country from purchasing vital medicine and ventilators. In Venezuela, meanwhile, U.S. sanctions have increased the cost of a coronavirus test to three times more than in non-sanctioned countries. 

Those who find Trump’s actions at home and abroad deadly and dangerous must take heart that his opponents in the Democratic Party have united behind Biden, who seems to forget where he is at times. One of the 76-year-old former vice president’s most recent public appearances saw him in a makeshift studio in his Delaware home, staring off into the distance in a stupor, seemingly frozen in confusion, until his wife shuffled him off camera. Dogged by rumors of dementia following a comically stumbling performance on the presidential trail, where his shell of a campaign has been sustained by some 60 faceless billionaires, Biden disappeared for an entire week in mid-March, as the crisis reached its apex in the U.S. He finally resurfaced on March 23 for a deeply uninspiring online livestream that pitted the stammering candidate against a barely functional teleprompter

As the pandemic spreads across the country, college students have descended on the beaches of South Florida for the spring break beer bash that has become a rite of passage for the young and mindless. The state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, a Harvard graduate who was narrowly elected after warning his African American opponent would “monkey this up,” defended his decision to keep beaches open for the annual bacchanal. “If you have a Floridian that goes and walks their dog, like a married couple on the beach,” De Santis eloquently explained, “as long as you’re not within six feet of each other, they view that as a healthy thing.”

With the shores wide open for randy fun, a widely-watched video circulated on Twitter showing a sun-burned bro gawking at a bikini-clad woman slurping a Bud Light through the rear end of a bent-over co-ed and exclaiming, “Nobody gives a fuck about coronavirus here!” 

Shelter in place and grab a protective mask if you can find one. The deluge has just begun.  v

Correction: An earlier version of this piece misidentified Xi Jinping as the premier of China; he is the president.


It will not be long now. Four years tops. Maybe as early as one year. Figure all Hell to unravel around 2023 or so.

This is part one.

You can read part two HERE.

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Awesome Movies – The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension

The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eighth Dimension (1984) is a film written by Earl Mac Rauch and directed by W.D. Richter that is one part B-Movie, one part Action Adventure, one part comedy, and one part political satire.

-All the Tropes 

Are you finding yourself taking life too seriously? It’s easy enough to do. I do it all the time. But, don’t worry we can remedy that. Here we look at a decidedly silly science fiction classic that should be in everyone’s home library. It’s titled “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension” and it’s funky strange enough to pull you out of your funk and set you down for some delicious movie time.

Why is this movie important at this time in our lives?

I personally wouldn't invest a lot of emotional energy in the hope that  things will go back to normal. "Normal" is gone forever. Even before the  virus the only consistent pattern we've been seeing is things getting  stranger and stranger. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. 

- Caitlin Johnstone  

The Characters

It’s so strange that you’ve got to love it.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension
  • Buckaroo Banzai – Peter Weller! Brilliant particle physicist and neurosurgeon, he is also a martial arts master and plays in a band.
  • Lord John Whorfin – John Lithgow! Evil leader of the “Red Lectroids.” Buckaroo vaporizes him.
  • Penny Priddy – Ellen Barkin! The lost twin sister of Buckaroo’s deceased wife.
  • New Jersey – Jeff Goldblum! A cowboy at heart, this neurosurgeon partner of Buckaroo is joining The Hong Kong Cavaliers.
  • John Bigboote (Bigbooty! Hehehehe!) – Christopher Lloyd! Red Lectroid from planet 10, shot by Lord Whorfin for talking back.
  • Rawhide – Clancy Brown! (He played Kurgan in “Highlander.”) Member of The Hong Kong Cavaliers, poisoned by a Red Lectroid.
  • Perfect Tommy and Reno – Two of The Hong Kong Cavaliers. Tommy has some serious bleached hair.
  • John Parker – Black Lectroid, sent to help Buckaroo save Earth before his people are forced to destroy it.
  • John O’Conner – Vincent Schiavelli! (He’s been in lots of stuff, the teacher in “Better Off Dead” and the subway ghost in “Ghost.”) A Red Lectroid. Vaporized.

The Plot

There’s a plot here somewhere. It’s just a tad confused.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension

This movie has more famous people in it than most blockbuster films! Look at them all! Just look at them!

What we have here my friends is a seriously out in left field piece of work.

Buckaroo Banzai and his partners have just perfected the “Oscillation Overthruster” and it allows them to travel into the 8th dimension.

Why did we miss all the ones between? I dunno!

How can a 3rd dimension being interact on the 8th? I dunno!

Lord Whorfin is trapped on Earth with a select group of followers, he wants to steal the overthruster and free all the Red Lectroids from exile in the 8th dimension.

Then they will return to their home on the 10th planet and defeat the Black Lectroids!

Black Lectroids are the good aliens by the way, they’re also all Jamaican oddly enough.

Need a romance in here somewhere so Buckaroo runs into Penny while performing at a club, she’s the lost twin sister of the woman he loved. (She died, we don’t really know how.)

Well, the Black Lectroids can’t let Lord Whorfin escape Earth, they are fully prepared to precipitate a nuclear war if necessary.

They do have the courtesy to shock (literally) Buckaroo so he can see the alien’s true forms.

With his elite band of six shooting scientists, The Hong Kong Cavaliers, Dr. Banzai is able to defeat Whorfin and save Earth.

Do you get the idea?

What more do you need?

Okay, how about Christopher Lloyd running around and everyone calling him “John Bigbooty?” Or Jeff Goldblume as New Jersey, decked out like a cowboy – he even has black and white spotted luggage.

Gateway 2000 luggage!

Watch the film two or three times, the plot is there…


Things I Learned From This Movie

Yup. I did learn a thing or two.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension
  • Neurosurgeons shouldn’t tug on things they don’t recognize.
  • Rocket powered pickup trucks don’t look right.
  • The 8th dimension looks a good deal like what you might see through an electron microscope.
  • New Brunswick, Maine is a tough town.
  • Aliens with bird like ships should stay well clear of Earth during duck season. Especially you, yeah you, darn Romulans.
  • Alien Lectroids have nads.
  • Hologram viewing glasses are made out of bubble wrap.
  • Girls: Never try to get intimate with some guy carrying a electric charge.
  • Bacteria can affect people via television.
  • Good aliens appear to hail from Jamaica.
  • Four star generals should not use the phrase, “I’m barely holding my fudge.”
  • Alien thermal pods carry parachutes.

Stuff to watch for;

If yer gonna watch it, take the time to notice these selected highlights…

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension
  • 7 mins – This is some serious high tech stuff!
  • 10 mins – Buckaroo is driving through a mountain?
  • 13 mins – John Lithgow is applying electric current to his tongue!
  • 23 mins – If Peter Weller was bawling out a song to me I’d do the same thing.
  • 32 mins – Somebody shut Penny up, damn blonde…
  • 48 mins – That little asian guy looks funny riding a Harley.
  • 50 mins – Awful lot of folks named John.
  • 53 mins – What the heck did the alien kill him with? Spit?
  • 60 mins – Yeah, why is there a watermelon there?
  • 78 mins – These guards don’t notice a double decker bus?
  • 85 mins – Now that is a mad looking slug, um thing.

Some Pictures.

Check out these screen caps.

 When it was released in 1984, W.D. Richter’s (Late for Dinner)   incomparably droll comedy was misunderstood on every level:  diluted  by editors, wrongly promoted as a straight sci-fi flick,  trashed by  many critics, and scorned by the public. Only a  scruffy band of  cultists have kept the film alive over the  years, but given the higher  ’90s profile of Buckaroo costars  Jeff Goldblum, Ellen Barkin, and John Lithgow (previewing his  3rd Rock From the Sun demented-alien shtick 12 years ahead of  schedule), it may at last be worthy of a mainstream audience. Or  vice versa.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kicking off with an expository title crawl that apes Star Wars and is, if anything, even more incomprehensible, Buckaroo  plays  like chapter 27 of a Saturday-matinee serial, and too bad for   you if you missed the first 26. All you need to know is that  Buckaroo  (Peter Weller, exuding Zen coolth) is a world-famous   physicist/neurosurgeon/rock star who leads his Hong Kong  Cavaliers to  overthrow the Red Lectroids from Planet 10 while at  the same time  wooing his ex-wife’s long-lost identical twin  (Barkin). That’s skipping  the Rasta aliens, a mysterious  watermelon, and the bit where we find  out Orson Welles’ 1938  ”The War of the Worlds” broadcast actually  wasn’t a hoax. 


Oh, it’s so very 1980’s.

Brain surgeon, rock musician, adventurer Buckaroo  Banzai is a modern renaissance man and has made scientific history. He  perfected the Oscillation Overthruster, which allows him to travel  through solid matter by using the eighth dimension. Along with his  crime-fighting team, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, he must stop evil alien  invaders from the eighth dimension who are planning to conquer our  dimension. He is helped by Penny Pretty, the long-lost twin sister of  his late wife, and some good extra-dimensional beings who look and talk  like they are from Jamaica.
Greg Bole <>                                           


Have you looked around lately? Don’t you think that the world is taking itself a little too serious? Eh?

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The Amazing Differences in Mortality Rates for the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Today, I read a couple of posts that discussed the unusually low mortality numbers for the COVID-19 coronavirus in America. While the American mainstream media was all “doom and gloom”, and doing their usual propagandized “reporting”, others were looking at the more substantive portions of this event; the numbers, the preparation, the response (failures and successes) as well as the human-events stories.

Ech! It’s all over the place.

Opinions and Biased “Reporting”

In general, in regards to the “numbers”, the “reporters” (article writers – no one ever truly reports things these days) were pretty much equally divided on this issue.

On one hand, they said that the COVID-19 mortality rate would, of course, be lower in the United States. As America is an “exceptional” nation, with exceptional healthcare, and has freedom and liberties in a wonderful democratic utopia. They argue that for most Americans this coronavirus would only be a “blip on the radar screen”. They still maintain the argument that “mostly older folk will get sick”, “the influenza is far worse”, and “it’s just like a mild cold”. This is pretty much the American politically conservative narrative. (Alt-Right). (Rush Limbaugh, and Townhall, etc)

On the other hand, the other authors argued that the virus cannot discriminate between races or geographic location. So something is amiss, and they suggest that the United States is lying. They claim that the Chinese “invented” this virus, and that the Chinese has been lying about everything from day one. That they cover up and hide the “real” numbers. Strangely enough, this narrative is also from the American politically conservative “echo chamber”. Only this is the “Hard-Right” narrative. (Alex Jones, Hal Turner, etc.)

The American left-wing is pretty much silent on all this. At most, they go along with the American mainstream media and don’t really question anything. In their mind, the global human utopia of a one-world has a “cold” and this will shape up world governance for decades to come…

So what is actually going on?

What is going on?

Here’s a chart that I compiled from data obtained by MSN on 29 March 2020…

COVID-19 Mortality Calculations 29MAR20
COVID-19 Mortality Calculations 29MAR20

Aside from the really large values (Iran), and the really low values (USA, Germany and Switzerland), the confirmed mortality of this virus apparently varies from 4 to 8% or best described as 6% +/- 2%. I like to attribute this variance to social behaviors, and the healthcare operations within a given nation.

Keeping in mind that the influenza (the flu) has a mortality rate of 0.1%, every nation is experiencing the COVID-19 at a rate at least ten times higher, and in many cases, many many times higher.

Strange Conclusions

The issue is not really just how high the COVID-19 mortality rate is compared to the influenza, but rather WHY the mortality rate is not similar between different races, and different geographical areas and national borders.

Truthfully, the mortality rate should be identical for each and every nation, and only deviate in the event that the medical care system in a nation collapses.

All things being the same, we can come up with some interesting conclusions regarding the COVID-19 at this snapshot in time.

It favors people of one geographic nation over another.

Strange, eh? But that is the conclusion that you MUST come to if you assume that every nation is telling the truth and every nation is reporting accurate numbers to the WHO.

This thus implies that there is some sort of geographic or regional variable that provides some people with advantage over others.

Nations with the highest percentage of ethnic Germanic Whites have the lowest deaths to COVID-19.

The top three nations (with the smallest number of deaths) listed in the table above, all have significant populations of Germanic Caucasian people. That would imply that this virus is race-specific, or in other words, favors one race over another.

These Conclusions cannot be correct!

These findings are preposterous…

Which leads me to the final conclusion;

  1. The different nations are using different criteria to determine who has the virus and who does not.
  2. As well as why a person dies and does not.
  3. As well as reporting methodology on those following variables.

If this is the case then, the situation becomes very simple.

Nations are obscuring their COVID-19 reporting to some extent. The degree of which varies from government to government.


None of this should be a surprise. However, a good solid look at the numbers (above) indicate some rather frightening potential possibilities.

  • To keep the mortality number low, the nation can either provide ICU’s for all the patients inflicted, or outright lie and be deceptive about the true numbers.
  • To keep the number of infected people low, and thus skew the mortality numbers, the nation can either retard (or delay) the testing for the illness or lie.

My “gut feeling” is that the United States is doing exactly this. (Whether intentionally or accidentally, I do not know.) And, I would not be surprised if Germany is also taking part in this type of action.

To believe otherwise…

… is to believe that this COVID-19 virus is [1] race specific, and [2] geographic specific in it’s behavior. Which then, of course, implies all sorts of other Frankenstein concoctions, that we won’t bother with now.

Be safe everyone.

That night I woke up in the middle of the night with chills, vomiting,  and shortness of breath. By Monday, I could barely speak more than a few  words without feeling like I was gasping for air. I couldn’t walk to the bathroom without panting as if I’d run a mile. On Monday evening, I tried to eat, but found I couldn’t get enough oxygen while doing so. Any task that was at all anxiety-producing — even resetting my MyChart  password to communicate with my doctor — left me desperate for oxygen. 

- 26-year-old Fiona Lowenstein 

A Welshman who caught the coronavirus in China has  described how the deadly disease hit him “like a train” leaving him  “suffocating” and in blinding pain for weeks. Connor Reed, from Llandudno, got ill while working as an English teacher in Wuhan.The 25-year-old described how it started as “just a sniffle” on  November 25 – a month before authorities officially announced the virus –  but over the next three-and-a-half weeks he got increasingly ill and  was unable to move. 

- 25-year-old Connor Reed 

Update 5APR20

The mortality rate is climbing.

Mortality rate 5APR20.
Mortality rate 5APR20.

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How long will the COVID-19 outbreak last? History indicates that it could last for over a year.

Donald Trump, in late march 2020, announced that he expects that “things will be back to normal by Easter”. That’s pretty much a three week time period.

I am sorry to say that that probably will not happen.

The United States is not China. The United States cannot replicate China’s success in controlling the outbreak. China mastered the COVID-19 outbreak by the implementation of extremely drastic measures, and even at that, it took a three month-long national lock-down to do so.

America, unorganized, corrupt, rife with fraud and incompetence is not going to be able to handle this event like the Chinese did. As I write this, many Americans are not wearing masks outside, and just last week everyone was partying (without a care) during Spring Break.

Nah. It’s not going to end in three weeks.

Not for Americans. Anyways.

For America, and for other “free” democracies, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak will be felt for a long time. How long? No one knows for certain, all we have is what we know from history. And, at that, history tells us that the Influenza outbreak in 1918 lasted for a solid year until well into 2019.

Here we review that event. We look at what happened and perhaps learn a little bit about history in the process.

The following information comes from the most excellent internet resource; Britannia which is an on-line encyclopedia. I find that it is better than most other internet resources and not as heavily propagandized as Wikipedia and other venues. It’s a resource worth bookmarking. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the author(s).

Influenza pandemic of 1918–19

Influenza pandemic of 1918–19, also called Spanish influenza pandemic or Spanish flu, the most severe influenza outbreak of the 20th century and, in terms of total numbers of deaths, among the most devastating pandemics in human history.

influenza pandemic of 1918–19: temporary hospital
influenza pandemic of 1918–19: temporary hospital A temporary hospital in Camp Funston, Kansas, during the 1918–19 influenza pandemic.Courtesy of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C

Influenza is caused by a virus that is transmitted from person to person through airborne respiratory secretions. An outbreak can occur if a new strain of influenza virus emerges against which the population has no immunity.

The influenza pandemic of 1918–19 resulted from such an occurrence and affected populations throughout the world.

An influenza virus called influenza type A subtype H1N1 is now known to have been the cause of the extreme mortality of this pandemic, which resulted in an estimated 25 million deaths, though some researchers have projected that it caused as many as 40–50 million deaths.

influenza A H1N1 virus
influenza A H1N1 virusTransmission electron micrograph of recreated 1918 influenza A H1N1 virus.Cynthia Goldsmith/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Image Number: 8160)

Three Waves

The pandemic occurred in three waves.

The first apparently originated in early March 1918, during World War I. Although it remains uncertain where the virus first emerged, it quickly spread through western Europe, and by July it had spread to Poland. The first wave of influenza was comparatively mild.

However, during the summer a more lethal type of disease was recognized, and this form fully emerged in August 1918. Pneumonia often developed quickly, with death usually coming two days after the first indications of the flu.

For example, at Camp Devens, Massachusetts, U.S., six days after the first case of influenza was reported, there were 6,674 cases. The third wave of the pandemic occurred in the following winter, and by the spring the virus had run its course. 

In the two later waves about half the deaths were among 20- to 40-year-olds, an unusual mortality age pattern for influenza.

Walter Reed Hospital
Walter Reed HospitalThe influenza ward at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C., during the 1918–19 epidemic.Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (cph 3a39569)

Outbreaks of the flu occurred in nearly every inhabited part of the world, first in ports, then spreading from city to city along the main transportation routes.

India is believed to have suffered at least 12.5 million deaths during the pandemic, and the disease reached distant islands in the South Pacific, including New Zealand and Samoa.

In the United States about 550,000 people died.

Most deaths worldwide occurred during the brutal second and third waves. Other outbreaks of Spanish influenza occurred in the 1920s but with declining virulence.


What does this mean?

We can expect that authoritarian governments will have a much better success in controlling the disease than the “freedom loving” democracies would. They are far better equipped in handling crisis events, emergencies and the mobilization of the citizenry.

We can expect that authoritarian governments should be able to resume “somewhat normal” life within a half year from the first onset of the sickness. China is leading the way, and showing that it can be done.

Other nations would have a longer duration of illness and it could easily move in multiple waves. The influenza of 1918 ran in three (four) waves, and each wave became successively more dangerous. It is possible that the COVID-19 would be able to suspend “normal” life in a non-authoritarian government for up to two years (worst case).

I cannot predict the future.

However, I feel reasonably confident that America will be dealing with this illness through the Fall of 2020 and into the Winter of 2021. It is unlikely that the United States could alter the path that it is firmly set upon.

An emergency spending bill was passed in late March 2020 that was so loaded down with "pork projects" that it is a wonder that the people do not rise up and lynch the entire lot of Washington politicians on the spot.

It's politics as usual. And that can be fatal for many Americans. As in this latest bow-down to big-Pharma...
Michigan’s Democrat Governor THREATENS All  Doctors and Pharmacists who Prescribe or Dispense Hydroxychloroquine for  Coronavirus Patients 

Meanwhile China, and the rest of Asia will be able to suppress the illness by late Spring 2020.


Please be prudent, take reasonable precautions, and ignore the American media advice that…

  • It is only lethal to older people.
  • It is just a kind of flu.
  • You do not need to wear a mask.

All of which are false.

People this is a SHTF event. You are either ready for it, or your aren’t. Please make the best of it, in your own way, with those that you care about. God Bless.

Please make the best of it, in your own way, with those that you care about. God Bless.
Please make the best of it, in your own way, with those that you care about. God Bless.

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Do not be discouraged. You can get it all back. Do not give up hope. Here’s some advice.

Right now, in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are frustrated, afraid and sit by watching their life seemingly crumble around them. Maybe they lost their jobs, or are watching their investments fall, or perhaps something else is going wrong. Maybe they have the illness, or some other calamity. I have written that no matter how bad things are, there is always an “out”, a “hope” a chance to get it back. Here is one such story…

From Millionaire to Car Detailer.

The global financial crisis destroyed me in 2008. The years immediately after were some of the worst years of my life. I lost everything; or at least I thought I did.

As it turns out, I didn’t lose much at all (assuming you don’t count approximately $3 million in real estate equity and a couple of hundred thousand dollars in cash, as “much”).

I was in Vegas when Lehman Brothers folded… It was my birthday … and it was the first time I’d ever lost big there. I should have known something wicked was coming, but I didn’t. So when my consulting contract didn’t get renewed, I didn’t panic. I kept doing business as usual. When my tenants defaulted on rent, I kept paying mortgages. A year later, I still had $50,000 plus in the bank … enough of a cushion.

I suppose at this time I should make you aware that I was not exactly a low-profile person. I was (and am) in luxury goods and hospitality, and I consulted with companies catering to high-net worth individuals. I helped them design sales and business strategies to keep their clients happy in the short and long term. Needless to say, the luxury sector was massacred, and is still clawing its way out of the muck and mire, at least in the United States.

So, with enough money to float for six to ten months, I kept looking for work in my field.

And looking, and looking … nothing.

Any kind of business consulting … nothing. (Six more months go by).

Any kind of sales … nothing. (Six more months … This was where it got scary).

Waiting tables, bar-tending, limo driving, grocery bagging … ANYTHING!


Bear in mind that up until this point, I had never even gone a month without a job since I was 12 years old.

My confidence was shot – I mean decimated. I was a shell of the man I had been only two years previously.

I had the stink of failure all over me.

A friend of mine owned a couple of car-washes. He offered me a job. It was outside work, taking orders when people drove in to the wash. “Would you like the undercarriage done?”

It was winter in Colorado.

I declined.

I was sharing a huge house at the time with my best buddy and his new girlfriend, who became his fiancé, and we were ALL broke. It was brutal. I don’t think I would have made it without them. I was depressed and miserable. I’m lucky they didn’t bury me in a snow bank and leave me there. I’m sure there were times they wanted to.

“Cocky” doesn’t do failure well.

My buddy with the car-wash called again a few weeks later. I said no again. Not just because of the embarrassment. Not just because of the cold weather and the elements, or standing on my feet for 10 hours a day on concrete without Wi-Fi.

It was because of my father.

Almost every good father has a catch phrase that he uses to motivate his sons to do better than he did. Typically, it’s the threat of being stuck doing any minimum-wage job that no teenager from the Gekko era would ever aspire to. For some reason, the example that my father chose was “car wash”. We’d go through Towne Auto Wash after Little League and he’d always point to that guy who asks, “Do you want a regular wash, or deluxe?” and then hands you that little piece of paper.

“Mickey” He’d say. “You have to save some money/get better grades/quit chasing girls/do your homework. You don’t want to end up like that guy, working in a car-wash, do you?” The last time I heard the speech was around 1996. The words, however, hung in the air for years to come.

So, you can see my quandary. To me, working in a car-wash was the ultimate admission of failure. Not losing all my assets. Not selling my watches and cars. Not letting go of a few rugs and some art.

I was living with friends, driving a 17-year-old car, had less than $200 in the bank with no idea where the next $200 was coming from, and I was worried about being seen as a failure.

A little deluded?

Perhaps, but reality kicked in when I didn’t have money for a niece’s birthday present.

So I called my friend back and asked if I could still have the job at the car-wash. My utter failure as a human being was complete, my humiliation final -or so I thought.

On my third day of dragging myself in to work, the raven-haired stunner that I’d hired as my assistant five years previous pulled in – driving a brand new Lexus.

NOW my humiliation was complete.

There was nowhere to run, no place to hide.

And yet … just as I was about to die from shame, something happened that literally changed my life. She smiled, jumped out of her car, pointed her Louboutins right at me, ran over and gave me a hug. We chatted for about 10 minutes while her car was getting done. She said she was happy to see me, that I’d been a great boss, and that she was glad I was working. “Sooooo many” of her friends(able-bodied twenty-somethings) were unemployed, and at least I wasn’t trapped behind a desk.

I realized that I’d been beating myself up needlessly, and saw how lucky I truly was.

In that instant, I decided that instead of just showing up until I could find something better, I would use all my skills to increase my friend’s business, and I did. Over the next few months, something amazing happened to me. Something I never saw coming, and something that impacted my life and made me a better man.

I saw hundreds of people every day and none of them thought I was a failure, and it energized me. I smiled. They smiled back. I was happy and engaging, and I sold about a gazillion deluxe washes. But also, my worst fear morphed into something I started to look forward to. I got my confidence back, and it was obvious. I saw DOZENS of people I knew – clients, old customers, friends I’d lost touch with, and every single one of them said something positive.

They respected me.

They held me in higher esteem for seeing me in the cold, wearing a red nylon jacket with a car wash logo on it. Nobody made fun of me or called me names. Nobody laughed.

There was even an article in a local lifestyle magazine about me.

They respected me for doing what had to be done (I’m sure a few were secretly happy that I’d been taken down a few pegs … but hey, we’re all human, right?)

The truth of my situation was laid bare for the world to see … there’s no way to spin a story when you are asking people if they want the basic or deluxe wash. There’s no amount of charm of polish or bullshit that can hide the truth.

I was working in a car wash – and nobody thought I was a failure. Not even my father.

Then, about 6 months later, one of my old clients called. He needed some help setting up a new luxury club. We put a deal together and when I resigned from the car-wash, my friend was genuinely sad, saying I was the best employee he’d ever had.

I approached that new consulting contract with a vigor and zest for life I hadn’t felt for years! A few months after that, another contract took me to Asia, and I’ve been consulting over here ever since.

So, my worst fear turned out to be my salvation.

It gave me confidence, paid my bills for a while and put me in a position to move my company to Asia and have access to an abundance of new cultures and growing markets.

Sure, I’m not quite back to where I was that day 9 years ago in Vegas, but I have a red nylon jacket with a car wash logo on it that reminds me that for my version of success, I don’t have to be.”

Michael Aumock

I hope that this story helped you in some way. I have other stories of a similar bent in my happiness index here…

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China Is Poised to Win Big From COVID-19 in More Ways than One

Sometimes you come across a great article that puts things into perspective that you are unable to voice. This is one such article. For China has identified who “Patient Zero” is in Wuhan.

And it’s not only that.

Pompeo wanted the Chinese not to publicize what they had discovered.

Yang’s reply:

“We await your solemn explanation, especially about Patient Zero.” 

This is a great article from Godfree Roberts. It is titled “China Is Poised to Win Big From COVID in More Ways than One“. I discovered it on Russia Insider, but it is also available on the UNZ Review under the title” Last Man Standing”. I am posting it in it’s entirety, with only minor editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

Last Man Standing

China Wins Big With Covid-19. What Were We Thinking?

China suffered through the H1N1 coronavirus epidemic in 2008 largely because the CDC took 6 months to identify it and, as a result, 300,000 died prematurely. SARS (774 deaths) was the clincher. They (China) created a hair-trigger alarm system, mandated post-mortem pneumonia DNA testing nationwide, and promoted the CDC head, Dr. George F. Gao[1], to Demigod.

Their Covid-19 emergency has now passed and must give Dr. Gao a B+ because, though his system contained a potential epidemic it suffered from a weakness: local politicians could delay, (but not stop) the alarm sounding. Doubtless for sound bureaucratic reasons, Wuhan officials delayed notifying Beijing for a few weeks but, after Beijing pried the information from the Wuhan Director of Public Health[2], the system swung into action, everyone pitched in, and they literally killed it.

National cohesion and coordination were amazing, thanks to the Communist Party.

They coordinated everything and filled all the gaps, no questions asked. Ninety percent of the frontline volunteer medical staff–of whom 18 died–were Party members sworn to ‘bear the people’s burden first and enjoy their pleasures last.’

Zhang Wenhong, a prominent Party member and Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Shanghai’s Huashan Hospital, became a local hero for his pep-talk to Party members :

The first-aid team put themselves in great  danger. They are tired and need to rest. We shouldn’t take advantage of  good people. From now on, I’ll replace all the frontline medics with  Party members from different sectors. When we joined the Party, we vowed  that we would always prioritize people’s interests and press forward in  the face of difficulties. This is the moment we live up to the pledge.  All CPC members must rush to the front line. 

I don’t care what you  were actually thinking when you joined the party. Now it’s time to live  up to what you promised. I don’t care if you personally agree or not:  it’s non-negotiable. 

Altogether, 40,000 volunteers self-organized and showed up to help Wuhan.

The storm has passed.

Now the storm has passed and China has become the world’s Santa Claus, giving out goodies and turning a potential disaster into a real triumph.

Nothing would make that triumph sweeter than the public revelation that our (American) CDC knew about Covid-19 last September.

Like many national public health systems, the CDC ignores novel Coronaviruses every ‘flu season and blends their effects in with the immense, fluctuating number of annual deaths.

That’s why, back in 2008, the CDC took so long to detect H1N1: they weren’t looking.

It was the same old, same old until January 1.

January 1, 2020

That is when China identified a nasty Coronavirus and the US went ballistic and blamed them for starting a pandemic and insulted their culture and their government.

But they handled Covid-19 so competently that they won the world’s admiration[3] and made the American attacks on them look mean.

But no big deal.

People will forget about the huge fuss we made and just remember vaguely that China is filthy and its leaders are liars.

Except for two things:

  1. Their society’s health policies are more compassionate than ours, as older readers will realize. They have always placed a higher societal value on eighty year-olds than we do. So when they were threatened with premature, painful deaths, they put their entire economy on hold for two months and cooperatively saved their parents and grandparents, to worldwide applause (at least from my age-group). Now China is competing to have the lowest per capita Covid-19 death rate of any major country.
  2. The world suspected that Covid-19 was circulating outside China last year when they recalled this: First Vaping Death Reported by USA Health Officials. August 2019, “Amid the lack of information, investigators scrambled to find shared links to the respiratory problems. Officials said earlier this week that many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue.” Covid-19 symptoms. If that’s too speculative, here’s what NPR turned up: Other Countries can Learn Important Lessons from Italy, says Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi, co-author of a recent paper in The Lancet about the country’s dire situation. The takeaways include how to swiftly convert a general hospital into a coronavirus care unit with specially trained doctors and nurses. “We had dermatologists, eye doctors, pathologists, learning how to assist a person with a ventilator,” Remuzzi says. Some question why Italy was caught off guard when the virus outbreak was revealed on Feb. 21. Remuzzi says he is now hearing information about it from general practitioners.
“They remember  having seen very strange pneumonia, very severe, particularly in old  people in December and even November. This means that the virus was  circulating, at least in northern Lombardy before we were aware of this  outbreak occurring in China.“ 

The WHO has not requested the data from CDC because the US has been attacking the WHO daily and Dr. Ghebreyesus knows the US can get him fired. But Dr. Ghebreyesus and Dr. Gao and every Health Minister on earth know the truth. Dr. Remuzzi’s Italian DNA is traceable. So is China’s.

The world is very good at tracing Coronaviruses back through their generations and China has done so and now it seems the shit is about to hit the fan.

Here’s what happened in Chinese cyberspace today (Thomas Hon Wing Polin, Facebook):


  • It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.
  • The 300-strong US contingent stayed 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market where China’s outbreak began (see map below) at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel.
  • Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
  • 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
  • The American Military Games team trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down by the CDC in July for various deficiencies.
  • The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental.
  • Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities.
Outbreak source location within Wuhan, China.
Outbreak source location within Wuhan, China.
  • A few days ago, Mike Pompeo phoned Yang Jiechi, Chinese State Councillor for Foreign Affairs. Pompeo’s counterpart is actually Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang is Wang’s boss, so Pompeo wanted to talk about something urgent and important.
  • Pompeo wanted the Chinese not to publicize what they had found.
  • Yang’s reply: “We await your solemn explanation, especially about Patient Zero.”

China’s leaders have long suspected US military involvement in the Wuhan outbreak but were determined to stop the disease before pursuing the Americans for an honest accounting.


[1] Dr. Gao has made contributions to the study of inter-species pathogen transmission. He organized the first World Flu Day on November 1 2018, commemorating the centenary of the Spanish flu. It was also the 15-year commemoration of the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak, SARS, which led to China prioritising investment in the public health system. He is a virologist and immunologist. He has served as Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention since 2017 and Dean of the Savaid Medical School of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2015. Gao is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and The World Academy of Sciences, as well as a foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and the US National Academy of Medicine. He was awarded the TWAS Prize in Medical Science in 2012 and the Nikkei Asia Prize in 2014.

[2] They fired him the next day. Henceforth local politicians will be out of the loop and everyone will have a CDC hotline number.

[3] Dr Bruce Aylward, head of the WHO International Mission said,“In the face of a previously unknown disease, China has taken one of the most ancient approaches for infectious disease control and rolled out probably the most ambitious, and I would say, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history. China took old-fashioned measures, like the national approach to hand-washing, the mask-wearing, the social distancing, the universal temperature monitoring. But then very quickly, as it started to evolve, the response started to change . . . So they refined the strategy as they moved forward, and this is an important aspect as we look to how we might use this going forward. WHO has been here from the start of this crisis, an epidemic, working every single day with the government of China… WHO was here from the beginning and never left. What’s different about this mission is it’s complementing a lot of other external experts.”


China is holding all the cards now.

Many of the events precipitated by the Trump Administration are beginning to become obvious. Manipulations, trade disputes, germ warfare against grains and wheat, and germ warfare against poultry and pork, as well as the onslaught of anti-Chinese rhetoric are all out in the open and clear for everyone to see. The propaganda machine is running in full swing, but it cannot continue like this forever.

I do not anticipate serious troubles unless the United States decides to “double down”, however this information while not public knowledge to Americans, is widely known to the rest of the government leadership throughout the world.

It certainly knocks the standing of the United States down more than a few notches in the overall scheme of things.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. You can see others in my Trump Trade War Index here…

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Business Lessons from The Sopranos.

For those of you who are unaware, “The Sopranos” is a classic American television series. It’s a show about many things, family, business, and relationships. I don’t like when people refer to the show, a show about the Mafia. For me, it’s a show about family. A family who, through generations, happen to be apart of the Italian-American Mafia.

There are two series that (I believe) are excellent in regards to life, business and family. The first is “The Sopranos”, and the second is “Breaking Bad”.

“The Sopranos” has literally redefined television as we know it. It has broken all rules, and set new standards for television excellence. Everything is flawless, the writing, directing, and for me, most of all, the acting.

Watching this show you’ll find yourself realizing that these characters are NOT real. The acting tricks you into thinking there is a real Tony Soprano, or any character. This show is also very versatile. Some people don’t watch the show because it’s violent, it’s not all about the violence, it’s about business, family, and many deeper things that all depend on what you, as a fan see.

In this post, I will like to emphasize the connections and lessons that one can learn about the world of business from that show. As they are particularly memorable and substantive.

On Opportunities;

In the show episode “Down Neck”, Tony Soprano starts to remember his childhood. He remembers when he first discovered that his father was part of the mafia, and he remembers how his parents interacted with each other.

Tony’s family told him that his dad was “in Montana being a cowboy” when he was in jail. Sometimes you just have to laugh and cry at the same time, you know?
Tony’s family told him that his dad was “in Montana being a cowboy” when he was in jail. Sometimes you just have to laugh and cry at the same time, you know?

In the first season episode, Tony remembers a fight that his father had with his narcissistic mother. The fight was an argument between his mother and his father. You see, his father had a “ground floor” opportunity to move to Reno and set up Mafia operations there with a long-time associate.

His mother, always negative and demanding, refused to let him go. She carried on so. She was relentlessly negative and even threatened to take the children and flee if he left.

Eventually she won.

It’s discovered later that were his father to listen to himself and not take the counsel from his narcissistic wife, that the entire family would be billionaires now.

Tony Soprano's father and uncle "Junior".
Tony Soprano’s father and uncle “Junior”.

This is a scene that has played out countless times throughout history. It is one where the father; a “breadwinner” for the family wants to seize an opportunity, but his partner refuses.

It’s a case, some might argue, that a “bird in the hand, is better than two in the bush”.

But, is it actually true?

Is it true in every event, all the time?

Tony Soprano as a young boy watching his father.
Tony Soprano as a young boy watching his father.

What is different is that when opportunities present themselves to the family “breadwinner” it is of a different form that a mere “pipe dream“. For it involves the labor and reward structure for the person who has the idea.

The difference here is that it’s not just an idea, and not just a dream. It’s a business opportunity that involves work alongside people that you know, and (perhaps) trust.

Look, if you have a dream, it’s up to you to follow it.

If you have a dream, you must follow it. Not wait for the approval of others.

Do not be held back by others, especially those you love and care for. Your selection of life partner (husband or wife) will have the biggest impact on your overall satisfaction in life. It will be more influential than anything else.

Look, if you have a dream, it's up to you to follow it. Do not be held back by others, especially those you love and care for.
Look, if you have a dream, it’s up to you to follow it. Do not be held back by others, especially those you love and care for.

Speaking about relationships…

On client relationships:

"When you're bleeding a guy, you don't squeeze him dry right away. Contrarily, you let him do his bidding, suavely. So you can bleed him next week and the week after, at minimum."

Let’s look at a tale of two designers.

One designer (Mr. Bob) was determined to maximize the profit of every project he undertook. Now this isn’t at all easy. He had to haggle over each and every charge and task into great detail and often was involved in seemingly endless arguments. He nick-picked every cent, and argued every clause.

You don't want to bleed a guy out all at once. You need to handle him suavely.
You don’t want to bleed a guy out all at once. You need to handle him suavely.

This quest was accompanied by massive arguments with clients, and yes the occasional lawsuits that would manifest from time to time.

On the other hand, (Mr. John) is a completely different designer with a completely different temperament.

Instead of fighting “tooth and nail” over every single point and issue, he would do the opposite. He tended to concede every (more or less) reasonable point to his clients. Of course, he would end up making less on each job. In fact, he would sometimes even lose money from time to time.

Which one never had repeat business? Which one worked with the same clients for decades?

Take a guess.

Do not fight over every last concession. Build a partnership of mutual respect, and bleed him slowly on your terms.

Of course, clients don’t want to be bled, but they do appreciate a little suaveness.

James Gandolfini is mesmerizing as Tony Soprano, a lynchpin in the Italian Mafia. However, instead of seeing Tony as just a one-dimensional thug, we see that he has a life outside of his criminal activities, and that's what makes this show different from it's competition. It's a different side to the story of criminals, that they have normal lives when not breaking the law.
James Gandolfini is mesmerizing as Tony Soprano, a lynchpin in the Italian Mafia. However, instead of seeing Tony as just a one-dimensional thug, we see that he has a life outside of his criminal activities, and that’s what makes this show different from it’s competition. It’s a different side to the story of criminals, that they have normal lives when not breaking the law.

On creative road-blocks:

"My advice? Put that thing down awhile, we go get our joints copped, and tomorrow the words'll come blowing out your ass."

Paulie’s advice to frustrated amateur screenwriter Christopher is classic. It is pretty much exactly the same as every book on creativity ever written.

Sometimes you all just need to have your joints copped, and enjoy yourself.
Sometimes you all just need to have your joints copped, and enjoy yourself.

If you’re struggling with a problem, put it aside and inspiration will come when you’re not expecting it.

While it may not be possible to follow Paulie’s prescription to the letter… heh heh … the idea that you need to reset your brain is always good strong advice.

Sometimes you all just need to have your joints copped, and enjoy yourself.

The show is mainly about Anthony "Tony" Soprano and his life as a father, husband and leader of a mob in the 21st century. The show is (as far as I know) realistic, compared to many other mafia shows and movies I have seen. The actors fit like a glove to their parts. This show made me realize how good many of these actors are in other shows and movies. This show has it all; humor, action, drama, good music, good actors, good "behind the camera" people and a good plot. The show displays all sides of the mob business; "business", private life, the cops/FBI point of view, the victims side of the story and much more.
The show is mainly about Anthony “Tony” Soprano and his life as a father, husband and leader of a mob in the 21st century. The show is (as far as I know) realistic, compared to many other mafia shows and movies I have seen. The actors fit like a glove to their parts. This show made me realize how good many of these actors are in other shows and movies. This show has it all; humor, action, drama, good music, good actors, good “behind the camera” people and a good plot. The show displays all sides of the mob business; “business”, private life, the cops/FBI point of view, the victims side of the story and much more.

On the creative professions:

"Event planning? It's gay, isn't it?"

On The Sopranos, and within that world of Dons and “Hit Men”, interest in certain things, including but not limited to event planning, fashion design, literature, and certain psychological theories, are considered awful effeminacy.

A similar macho attitude often obtains in corporate boardrooms when it comes to design, and other creative professions.

A lot of executive decision makers are comfortable with spreadsheets. Show them colors and shapes, on the other hand, and you can see the panic in their eyes.

When dealing with people of different interests and backgrounds, you need to understand that not everyone views things from the same point of view. Part of being a success is making these other fellows comfortable with their “softer” sides.

You need to deal with people on THEIR terms.

While the show has often been criticized for the negative stereotype of Italian-Americans as mafiosi, and to an extent this is undeniable, I can see so many positives from the show. The portrayal of strong family values, friendships, love and compassion; could this be present in a coarse television show about gangsters? Yes. Furthermore, other burning issues are discussed such as terrorism, social inequality and injustice, homosexuality, drugs etc. This is no shallow, dull show about tough guys and violence. It has so much more. Many of the issues we see on the show are very real.
While the show has often been criticized for the negative stereotype of Italian-Americans as mafiosi, and to an extent this is undeniable, I can see so many positives from the show. The portrayal of strong family values, friendships, love and compassion; could this be present in a coarse television show about gangsters? Yes. Furthermore, other burning issues are discussed such as terrorism, social inequality and injustice, homosexuality, drugs etc. This is no shallow, dull show about tough guys and violence. It has so much more. Many of the issues we see on the show are very real.

On professional behavior:

"You don't think. You disrespect this place. That's the reason why you were passed the fuck over."

There is a reason for corporate dress, behavior and career advice. It is a tool that separates the janitor and street garbage man from the corporate division head, and the board-room .

To fully appreciate this difference not the level of respect that the most successful people in a company place on behavior and relationships. Those that mast that behavior end up mastering that environment.

Corporate dress, behavior and career advice are tools that separates the janitor and street garbage man from the corporate division head, and the board-room .
Corporate dress, behavior and career advice are tools that separates the janitor and street garbage man from the corporate division head, and the board-room .

Corporate dress, behavior and career advice are tools that separates the janitor and street garbage man from the corporate division head, and the board-room .

On appropriation:

"Fuckin' expresso, cappucino. We invented this shit. And all these other cocksuckers are gettin' rich off us."

"Oh, again with the rape of the culture."

By his own admission, Howard Schultz was inspired by the coffee houses of Venice and Milan when he created his own little version in Seattle.

This image is just some people having a meal together right? Yet the context, and the situation, along with the understated currents running through the series creates a masterfully powerful image.
This image is just some people having a meal together right? Yet the context, and the situation, along with the understated currents running through the series creates a masterfully powerful image.

The designers of the graphical use interface at Apple were influenced by work developed at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center.

And some people think that the Flintstones are just the Honeymooners except set in the Stone Age.

Imitation, influence, and iteration are crucial to design development. The only requirement is that the goal is transformation, not replication.

 The Sopranos really approaches the bloodthirst of the Gods, their cruelty, their indifference to mere mortals...and their so, so human traits mixed in with their almost unbearable inhumanity. But don't forget they sometimes show great wisdom and kindness too. The Gods and the Sopranos mingle with us mere mortals, but we say a little prayer of thanks when they pass us by. They know things we don't.
The Sopranos really approaches the bloodthirst of the Gods, their cruelty, their indifference to mere mortals…and their so, so human traits mixed in with their almost unbearable inhumanity. But don’t forget they sometimes show great wisdom and kindness too. The Gods and the Sopranos mingle with us mere mortals, but we say a little prayer of thanks when they pass us by. They know things we don’t.

Do not try to replicate. Try to transform.

On the unintended consequences of technology:

"It sounds to me like Anthony Jr. may have stumbled onto existentialism."

"Fucking internet."

Okay, advanced technology may have introduced the idea of a godless universe to the Soprano household. Many American software engineers, however, believe that advanced technology is our best proof that God exists — and that He lives in Cupertino, California.


What ever you say.

It's just "a guy" arguing around some cardboard boxes. Right? The proper use of technology AT ALL LEVELS can create a unique and powerful venue for other purposes. You need to be able to master your craft and do so carefully.
It’s just “a guy” arguing around some cardboard boxes. Right? The proper use of technology AT ALL LEVELS can create a unique and powerful venue for other purposes. You need to be able to master your craft and do so carefully.

Technology is a double-edged sword. Use it carefully.

On commitment:

"I  came home one day, shot her four times. Twice in the head. Killed her  aunt, too. I didn't know she was there. And the mailman. At that point, I  had to fully commit."

If you’re going to make something big, make it really big. If you’re going to make it simple, make it really simple.

Or really small, or really fancy.

Any thing worth doing is worth doing well.
Any thing worth doing is worth doing well.

If you’re going after a project, if you’re trying to win a competition, if you’re serious about getting the job done, don’t bother unless you’re willing to fully commit.

On bacon and eggs;

The Chicken was involved, but the pig was committed.

Any thing worth doing is worth doing well.

On aesthetics:

"Not in the face, okay? You give me that? Huh? Keep my eyes?"

Designers like to think that it’s not about how it looks. It’s about how it works, or how it communicates, or how it changes the world. All true, except it’s also about how it looks.

Have some dignity even through the worst of life.
Have some dignity even through the worst of life.

The artifacts we make are the Trojan Horses that deliver our ideas to an unsuspecting public. Making them look beautiful — or engaging, or funny, or provocative — is anything but a superficial exercise.

We all get whacked now and then. Just make sure you get to keep your eyes.

Have some dignity even through the worst of life.
Have some dignity even through the worst of life.

On pizza

Take that shit outside! Don't ever disrespect the pizza parlor.

-Christopher Moltosanti, after getting his button in season 3

What does pizza have to do with design? What doesn’t pizza have to do with design.

Never forget the importance of pizza.

Never forget the importance of pizza.
Never forget the importance of pizza.

Keeping our creative focus:

"I'm not a cat! I don't shit in a box!" 

Uncle Junior’s response to using a bedpan. Sometimes we got to breakout of what’s expected of us and maintain some dignity.

If anyone here thinks the Sopranos is just about murder and the mafia then it skimmed over your head completely.

The pleasure of watching this show is that the barrier of the TV screen protects us. I think the writers are constantly reminding us of the moral dimension involved. The Sopranos is at the bottom of it, deeply moral. It's about actions, and codes. If you get hung up on the violence, you probably had better watch something else and leave it at that. Go drink some Kool Aid and chill.
The pleasure of watching this show is that the barrier of the TV screen protects us. I think the writers are constantly reminding us of the moral dimension involved. The Sopranos is at the bottom of it, deeply moral. It’s about actions, and codes. If you get hung up on the violence, you probably had better watch something else and leave it at that. Go drink some Kool Aid and chill.

On choice:

 "There's an old Italian saying: you f--k up once, you lose two teeth." 

Adriana in the clutches of the FBI and this time they get very serious after she is filmed disposing evidence of a crime.

She admits that Matoush the drug dealer killed someone in her office and she cleaned up after the fact even though the killing had nothing to do with her.

The FBI tell her that unless she can get Christopher to flip, she will be arrested and charged.

She tells Chris what’s happened and he tells her they’re both dead and have no way out of the predicament she’s put them in…

"That's a bad decision."

It’s gone. Black. Nothing.

The world of “The Sopranos” was never kind to a rat, even when it was our beloved Adrianna. After revealing to Christopher that she was an informant for the Feds, Adrianna met her demise. Christopher informed Tony, who had Silvio take Adrian for a ride in what may have been the show’s best episode – “Long Term Parking.”
The world of “The Sopranos” was never kind to a rat, even when it was our beloved Adrianna. After revealing to Christopher that she was an informant for the Feds, Adrianna met her demise. Christopher informed Tony, who had Silvio take Adrian for a ride in what may have been the show’s best episode – “Long Term Parking.”

When does Adriana know she’s going to die?

Is it when Silvio drags her out of the car, pulling her into the isolated woods, so she can crawl away from him pitifully? Is it when he pulls over, not at the hospital, but in the middle of nowhere?

Is it on the car ride over there, when she hears him talking about how resilient Christopher is—and must realize on some level that he’s talking about how Christopher will be in the wake of her death, not after the foiled suicide attempt that was the excuse to get her in the car?

“Heartbreaking” is the word that kept popping up in online forums in the days after this episode aired.  Probably no Sopranos episode  pulled at the heartstrings like “Long Term Parking” did.  

I remember  two or three weeks after Season 5 ended, I caught myself moping around  the house, feeling kinda down.  This in itself was not very surprising—I  always went through a period of withdrawal after a season wrapped up.   But I felt particularly raw that summer of 2004—and then I realized what  it was: 

I was still bummed out over the death of Adriana LaCerva.

I’m not normally prone to overly  emotional responses to the deaths of fictional characters.  So why was I  so downcast over the demise of this big-haired Jersey girl?  The  answer: because David Chase wanted me to be.  

“Long Term Parking” is a  powerful, resonating hour in and of itself, but much of its resonance  also comes from its connections to long-running threads, associations  and images from over the course of the series.  Some of the bells that  ring in this hour are set off by mallets that began their swing years  ago.  Almost everything in this episode—every twist, every scene, every  line of dialogue—is anchored to something that we’ve viewed or heard or  understood in previous episodes.  

If we are shaken by “Long Term  Parking,” it is because the hour taps so deeply into our experience of  being embedded in SopranoWorld over the last 5 seasons. 

- Long Term Parking (5.12) 

Is it when Tony first calls her and tells her Sil is on his way to take her to the hospital? Is it when Christopher gets up and says he needs to clear his head before they make any big moves? Or is it when the FBI tells her it’s time to wear a wire or get Christopher to turn—or go to jail?

Me, I think Adriana realizes what’s happening on that car ride to the woods.

Adriana realizes what’s happening on that car ride to the  woods.
Adriana realizes what’s happening on that car ride to the woods.

You see Drea de Matteo’s face, and there’s a moment where her tears switch over from tears for Christopher to tears for herself, for the life she’s never going to get to lead (even if that life might have involved getting fat and moon-faced or watching Christopher grow a horrifying mullet and mostly ignore their kids as they race through a gas station parking lot).

I suspect that she knew all along this was one possible way this car trip would end.

The one-way car trip.
The one-way car trip.

I expect that she knew fairly soon into it that option B—the one ending in her death—was a larger possibility than she wanted to admit. But there’s this moment of perfect, crystalline acting, when you can see the switch flip, and you can see she knows what’s about to happen.

It would be a mistake to classify Adriana as innocent—she’s clearly culpable in the various bad things she’s done over the years, and she knows more than she lets on to the FBI.

Adriana realizes what’s happening on that car ride to the  woods.
Adriana realizes what’s happening on that car ride to the woods.

But she’s an innocent, someone who’s just a little bit naïve and lacks the sense of, say, Meadow, who ostensibly knows enough to flee this life. This life is all Adriana has ever known, and it’s all she will ever know, and even as she paints a vision for Christopher of the life they’ll lead together away from New Jersey, it seems like some part of her doesn’t really believe it, even as the rest of her is giving the hard sell.

So that leaves Adriana, in a car, somewhere on the highway in the wooded landscapes of New Jersey.

Adriana's last moments in the words of New Jersey as the leaves fall all around them.
Adriana’s last moments in the words of New Jersey as the leaves fall all around them.

The leaves are falling, and a song about California’s on the radio, and she’s imagining a point where she simply skipped town, ditched the two warring factions in her life that almost never saw her as a human being.

(The mobsters, ultimately, treat her more warmly than the FBI does, on average.)

She looks out the window, and she thinks back on everything that led to this point, all of the moments in her life that got her into this car, with the man rambling endlessly about how her fiancé is going to bounce back.

And she knows.

And it all blows away like ashes.

Mistakes, in business, can be fatal.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others in my Happiness Index here…

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Will the “REX 84” program be activated this year?

Well, America is in the middle of the COVID-19 viral emergency. Due to incompetence at all levels of the various American governments, there has been a complete failure of handling this event and it has manifested into an outright fiasco. With things as they stand today, and what we know about the corrupt American government, what is next?

Already States, and local governments are placing restrictions on liberty and behaviors. Stores are being ordered to close and assembly can get you arrested.

No one stated it better than Remus in the Woodpile Report…

These are your choices. They always were and they always will be. 
Prepare when no one else is preparing.
Panic when everyone else is panicking.         
Got food? Ammo? Meds? 
It's too late now to prepare adequately  for the pandemic much less the impending derailment of civilization  itself. Preppers were calmly topping off their stashes in early January,  at regular prices, in any quantity with lots-o'-choices. They saw the    foreshadow of this emergency and acted appropriately. Prepping always  looks crazy until the rug gets pulled.  Paranoia is a survival tool,  panic is not.
Systems are visibly collapsing.  
The stock market is  out-crashing the 1929 debacle in both speed and depth. "No Admittance"  signs are posted at hospitals and needed surgeries are being cancelled.  Police aren't responding to anything less then a murder in progress.  Cities are opening the prison doors and chasing off the inmates. Food  wholesalers were cleaned out in a fortnight and many can't restock  enough to matter. Others have stopped answering their phones.  
Guns and ammo  are selling at a record rate. 
Dealers say even   anti-gun leftists are buying 'em. No one will say it, but it won't  take much  scarcity for the perpetual EBT Diversity to go where  the  food and supplies are.    It's just there they'll  meet real resistance  for the first time in their lives. The suburbs  have learned their  family freezers are worth more than  social posing. Unlike the stock  market, price discovery will be utterly reliable when it comes to fried  chicken and a six pack.
Emergency Rooms
Our Open Borders Diversities already clog the ER and get it  all for free because you're paying their bills. Activists will choose  the most deserving victims and it won't be the Deplorables.  Compulsory  charity can't be any other way. Tribal loyalty or redemption will be  served. Either way, traditional Americans are a problem to be solved and  inaction leaves no fingerprints. 
The Center for Disease Control
The CDC had one job. Virology. Other countries had reliable  test kits ready to go, in sufficient quantity to be useful. The  technology is decades old yet the "renowned" CDC managed to botch it.  The  CDC distributed excuses and promises. N95 masks? Ventilators? Um,  no. Maybe eventually, their Top Men are working on it. Somehow they    always have  plenty of everything to "fight the epidemic of obesity and  racism" but not enough  to perform their mandate.   The CDC is  useless  and incompetent, an 11 billion dollar scam, benefiting no one except  otherwise unemployable social activists.
Meanwhile, Russia is shipping nine planeloads of medics and surplus equipment and supplies to Italy, including ventilators. 
Natural News reports:
The battle for Los Angeles is lost. LA County announces no more testing  for coronavirus, containment now impossible, 100,000+ may die in LA,  prepare for chaos
The tipping point of containment has long since passed.  That’s not even the goal anymore, and the number of infections being  reported out of LA will no longer even come close to describing the real  situation on the ground there...
Expect chaos. Expect looting and violence. It's LA, after all, and the gangs are barely kept in check even during good times.          

America is right now in the midst of a full-scale SHTF event.

This is the thing that preppers have been readying for all these many, many years. And as all preppers know, there is a point in time when you are in the middle of “it”…

You know when you are in the middle of "it".
When you are in the middle of “it”.

With all this in mind, lets take a look at what will follow next

A need for "violent" change.
A need for “violent” change.

For the oligarchy (PTB) have well prepared for this. And make no mistake, they will use this event to consolidate their power and implement sweeping changes to America… to your families and… your way of life.

Let’s dust off this document of horror

The following is an article titled “The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest”By Larry Romanoff in Global Research, November 27, 2019. Edited to fit this venue and all credit tot he author.

The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest

Preparing For Civil War?

US authorities have for decades become increasingly prepared for  mass civil disturbances resulting from government and corporate attacks  on American society. 

We can recall that in the early 1980s the Hidden State launched its open war on the middle class by the savage  FED-induced recession and the unilateral revocation of the social contract that had existed since 1946.

At that time, the US government  had already anticipated widespread public unrest, fully expecting mass protests and riots, and had made preparations to deal with them in the form of internment camps. 

In a real sense, the government had prepared  for another civil war.


Like most of the “Great Transformation”, it began during Reagan’s reign with what was called “Rex 84”, an abbreviation for Readiness Exercise 1984.

It is a plan by the US government to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest.

This master plan involved the FBI, Department of Defense, the Emergency Measures group, the Secret Service, the CIA and altogether 34 government agencies.

Rex 84.

It was presented as an exercise to test military assistance in civil defense in times of national emergency, but in fact the plan was anticipating civil disturbances, major demonstrations and labor strikes that would affect continuity of government.

The anticipated civil unrest from the FED-induced financial crisis that devastated the middle class was considered “subversive”.

And, REX-84 is an authorization for the US military to implement government-controlled movements of civilian populations at both state and regional levels. Including the arrest of many segments of the American population, and the imposition of martial law. (1) (2)

Federal Police in America have been training alongside the American military to best be able to deal with Americans within the individual states.
Federal Police in America have been training alongside the American military to best be able to deal with Americans within the individual states.

Initially, the Rex-84 program was created under the pretense of a possible mass exodus of illegal aliens attempting to cross into the US from Mexico.

However, when the program accidentally became public during the Iran-Contra Congressional hearings in 1987, it was revealed that it was in fact a secret federal government program…

“to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign  military commanders to take over state and local governments, and  detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government  to be ‘national security threats’.”

Ah. That good ‘ol “National Security” reason.

An Actual Program.

This was part of a master contingency plan.

It is a plan for which the FBI today has a primary list of more than 100,000 Americans, and a secondary list ten times larger, who are targeted to be rounded up as subversives.

Scene from the 1980's movie "Red Dawn".
Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.

This list includes labor leaders, scholars and public figures. With the incarceration designed to isolate political dissidents and to contain civil unrest.

And these are prison camps, ringed with fences, barbed wire and armed guards, not places from which escape would be likely, and they were designed to hold Americans, not Mexicans. (3)

"Avenge Me" Scene from the 1980's movie "Red Dawn".
“Avenge Me” Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.

There is no question the US government is prepared for the possibility of widespread and uncontrollable domestic disorder.  

This program in place and building for years was encouraged by fears of a massive public uprising in the wake of the 2008 banking fraud.

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said some years ago that [1] concentration camps were a likely future reality for Americans and [2] that the Supreme Court would not do anything about the tyranny should the executive branch think it necessary.

"Avenge Me" Scene from the 1980's movie "Red Dawn".
“Avenge Me” Scene from the 1980’s movie “Red Dawn”.

He mentioned the World War II internment of Japanese in the US and said of these camps,

“you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again”. (4) (5)

“Internment specialists”

In 2009, as the US financial crisis deepened and concern about public unrest was increasing, the US National Guard was posting job opportunities for “Internment/Resettlement Specialists” to work in “civilian internee camps”. These camps were within the United States. With Halliburton subsidiary KBR actively seeking subcontractors to staff “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the US.

KBR, outsourced Americanized Gestapo forces.
KBR, outsourced Americanized Gestapo forces.

Earlier, in 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security to build detention centers designed to deal with “the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned.” (6) (7)

The US has for many years been dangerously close to a situation where, if the American people take to the streets in protest, these internments can be easily carried out.

By 2004, there were more than 800 of these internment camps in the US, all empty, but all fully operational, staffed, and surrounded by full-time guards, ready to receive prisoners.

I have seen photos.

State of the art American patrol car.
State of the art American patrol car.

As well, many military bases are slated to be closed down and used as extra civilian prisons if the need arises, all intended for the internment of dissidents and others deemed “potentially harmful to the state”.

Some camps can each hold 20,000 or more prisoners, a massive effort at civilian population control, and the program is still expanding.

America is at this point today.

The US is very near the point today where political dissidents questioning the actions of their government will risk being rounded up. And then forced into these prison camps,. This is essentially a government plan to forcibly suppress political dissent under the guise of rooting out domestic “terrorism”.

State of the art American patrol car.
State of the art American patrol car.

The US government defines many Americans as having become “pre-revolutionary” from their outrage at the 2008 government-approved housing collapse. They have increasing concern that massive civil unrest would emerge from both the poverty-stricken lower classes and the eviscerated middle class. They believe that this would lead to what would become an internal civil war.

This is the reason that the FBI and DHS increasingly focus their “anti-terror” apparatus on white middle-class Americans like the Occupy Wall Street protestors who were categorized as “low-level terrorists”.

State of the art American patrol car.
State of the art American patrol car.

“Domestic Security”

In 2008, the Washington Post reported government plans to station many tens of thousands of troops inside the country for purposes referred to as “domestic security”. They did this in the light of massive civil unrest that would follow an economic collapse or serious financial crisis, perhaps stemming from 2008.

According to the government document,

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would  force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to  defend basic domestic order and human security”,

stating that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

State of the art American patrol car.
State of the art American patrol car.

To prepare for this quelling of resistance, the US has resorted to demonizing its own citizens.

A recent study funded by DHS conveniently identifying those Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and who exhibit signs of being “reverent of individual liberty”, and re-categorizing them as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. (8) (9) (10)

The program is designed to “reduce and eliminate” all domestic resistance to the US government.

“Crowd control agents” will be used for this purpose, and government agencies will be involved in “gathering information on dissidents” to identify all those who have either “threatened or are creating disturbances”.

American police forces today.
American police forces today.

Manuals and Policies.

The US military produced a manual on what it termed “Civil Disturbance Operations” that outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots and civil unrest.

Military and other law-enforcement will be tasked with “breaking up unauthorized gatherings” and restoring order by

“presenting a show of force, establishing roadblocks,  breaking up crowds, employing crowd control agents, and other operations  as required”.
American police forces today.
American police forces today.

The same government manual describes how prisoners will be processed through these internment camps, and outlines how these internees would be “re-educated” while detained in prison camps inside their own country by their own government.

FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations

A leaked military document titled ‘FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations’, outlined a program for “re-education camps” in the US which contained plans for “political activists” to be “pacified” by various psychological officers.

They would be re-programmed into “sympathizing” with the government and into “developing an appreciation of US policies” while detained in prison camps inside the US.

American police are fully equipped to suppress a well-controlled American populace.
American police are fully equipped to suppress a well-controlled American populace.

The document was restricted to Department of Defense personnel but was been leaked and posted online.

It outlined policies for “processing detainees into internment camps” and made clear these operations would be used for domestic civilian situations. (11) (12) The full document is available here: (13)

“Once the detainees have been processed into the  internment camp, the manual explains how they will be “indoctrinated”,  with a particular focus on coercing political dissidents into expressing  support for U.S. policies.”
The American police are trained to control, and suppress Americans who refuse to obey Federal laws.
The American police are trained to control, and suppress Americans who refuse to obey Federal laws.

Part of the stated role of the psychological officers would be to identify political activists, political leaders, ‘malcontents’, and other agitators, and to develop and execute appropriate

“indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes”.

However, their first task would be to “pacify and acclimate detainees to accept the internment facility’s authority and regulations”.

Americans have become accustomed to the new face of Authoritarian government control.
Americans have become accustomed to the new face of Authoritarian government control.

Approved use of violence against Americans.

There are also disturbing insights into the government’s intention to use brutal force to violently quell any civil political unrest.

The manual includes a long list of weapons meant to be used against protesting American civilians, including anti-riot grenades.

All over America, from Hawaii to Alaska, from California to Maine, the police are armed with military weapons and equipment for use against American citizens.
All over America, from Hawaii to Alaska, from California to Maine, the police are armed with military weapons and equipment for use against American citizens.

Page 20 of the manual authorities the use of “deadly force” in confronting these peaceful political “dissidents”, the murderous intent made disturbingly clear with the directive that “Warning shots will not be fired” first.

Northcom itself, in a September 8, 2008 Army Times article, said the first wave of the deployment, which was put in place on October 1st at Fort Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, would be aimed at tackling “civil unrest and crowd control”.

All sorts of high precision, and lethal weapons are deployed with American police and Federal police today.
All sorts of high precision, and lethal weapons are deployed with American police and Federal police today.

In November of 2013, Forbes Magazine ran an article based on the AP newswire, detailing that DHS had been assembling a massive weapons arsenal since 2011 or 2012. (14)

The AP reported that Homeland Security had been stockpiling ammunition by buying more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in addition to a prior purchase of 1.5 billion rounds, for a staggering total of more than three billion rounds.

Depending on the state and the local police force, all manner of high-technology and state-of-the-art weapons are issued to police forces. These weapons are not for the military to use against an enemy. They are for American police to use against American people.
Depending on the state and the local police force, all manner of high-technology and state-of-the-art weapons are issued to police forces. These weapons are not for the military to use against an enemy. They are for American police to use against American people.

This is more ammunition than the US military used collectively in all its wars in the last decade, and represents about ten shots for every man, woman and child in America.

There were also confirmed purchases by various government agencies, of hundreds of millions of hollow-point rounds to be delivered to dozens of locations around the US.

These bullets are so lethal they are banned for battlefield use during wars because they mushroom and fragment on impact, their only purpose being to cause the maximum possible damage to internal organs.

The reader must ask themselves why suppression firearms, like machine-guns, and grenade launchers are being issued to American police forces. The Constitution has been quite explicit and exact that standing armies are forbidden to exist upon American soil.
The reader must ask themselves why suppression firearms, like machine-guns, and grenade launchers are being issued to American police forces. The Constitution has been quite explicit and exact that standing armies are forbidden to exist upon American soil.

Also purchased were large numbers of magnum rounds with the power to penetrate walls, and a frightening hundreds of millions more rounds of specialty sniper ammunition.

Friendly Weapons

Even more, it was reported in early 2015 that DHS had placed orders for massive amounts of other kinds of anti-civilian weaponry termed “Less Lethal Specialty Munitions”, which were described as “an arsenal of specialized weaponry for training and deployment against crowds”.

Why are American regional police forces issued and trained to us the M134 GAU-17 Gatling Gun?
Why are American regional police forces issued and trained to us the M134 GAU-17 Gatling Gun?

These included flash grenades, light bursts, gas and chemical grenades, riot rounds, rubber bullets, and much more.

These are all heavy-duty crowd control and civilian intimidation weapons.

They have no other purpose and, in the volume in which they are being purchased, it is clear the US government is expecting some very serious civil disturbances, possibly a revolution, and soon.

One such non-lethal weapon is the 500-vold shotgun.
One such non-lethal weapon is the 500-vold shotgun.

As recently as 2018, Forbes was reporting more of the same, that these purchases have reached an astonishing ubiquity.

It isn’t only Homeland Security who is arming to the teeth. Thousands of agents at the IRS now have tactical assault rifles and heavy weaponry.

  • The Small Business Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs have purchased thousands of Glock handguns.
  • The Health Services agencies purchased millions of dollars worth of Glock handguns – equipped with silencers.
  • The US Geological Survey, which is a weather bureau, purchased millions of dollars worth of Winchester Black Shadow shotguns with large bulk ammunition orders in addition to Glock handguns.
  • Even the Department of Education purchased millions of dollars worth of Glock handguns, shotguns and body armor.

I am unaware of any nation in the world where the income tax department or the departments of education and health care require huge amounts of military-grade weapons, much less body armor and gun silencers.

Non-lethal microwave cannon to use to fry the living daylights out of protesters and mobs.
Non-lethal microwave cannon to use to fry the living daylights out of protesters and mobs.

Armed to the teeth

In June of 2016, RT reported that non-military federal agencies had more firepower than the entire US Marine Corps.

This including agencies like education, health and income tax. (15) RT documented, a new report where 67 non-military federal US agencies spent $1.50 billion purchasing guns, ammunition and military-style equipment.

Tazer pistols are quite common all over America and are used with far less restraint than normal pistols.
Tazer pistols are quite common all over America and are used with far less restraint than normal pistols.

The details came from the Militarization of America: non-military federal agencies purchases of guns, ammo, and military-style equipment, published by the non-profit good government group (16) (17)

In addition to the massive purchase of ammunition, DHS was showing off its acquisition of heavily armored and mine-resistant personnel carriers.

Sticky foam is one such non-lethal weapon that is deployed inside America.
Sticky foam is one such non-lethal weapon that is deployed inside America.

These have been seen on streets all across America and verified with photos and video.

Forbes noted that these vehicles are equipped with gun ports and are “designed to withstand IEDs, mine blasts and 50 caliber hits to bullet-proof glass”, and asked why they would be necessary on American streets.

The “Thunder Generator” was originally developed by Israeli farmers to scare away crop-eating birds. However, it has now grown to become a viable weapon against humans. In good conditions, the Thunder Generator can hurl a series of super-short shockwaves up to 100 meters (328 ft) away. In general, these shockwaves serve to only knock down and stun individuals. Any closer than 10 meters (33 ft), however, and the waves can result in permanent damage or death.
The “Thunder Generator” was originally developed by Israeli farmers to scare away crop-eating birds. However, it has now grown to become a viable weapon against humans. In good conditions, the Thunder Generator can hurl a series of super-short shockwaves up to 100 meters (328 ft) away. In general, these shockwaves serve to only knock down and stun individuals. Any closer than 10 meters (33 ft), however, and the waves can result in permanent damage or death.

The DHS also purchased large amounts of riot gear and bullet-proof checkpoint booths, as well as a purchase of 7000 automatic rifles, and 2700 armored vehicles, and the deployment of drones with allowance for their use on US citizens.

The DHS is becoming a massive domestic army to handle domestic conflict. In the words of Ellen Brown,

“somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest …”
American police have taken a page out of the Communist Chinese civilian suppression manual and have adopted drones for surveillance, crowd control and suppression purposes.
American police have taken a page out of the Communist Chinese civilian suppression manual and have adopted drones for surveillance, crowd control and suppression purposes.

False Claims of utility.

DHS chief Janet Napolitano claimed this was to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States that would require the “shelter and processing” of large numbers of people, but this is nonsense.

By whom will the US be attacked that Homeland Security would be responsible for defense, and from where would arise a mass of peaceful immigrants so large as to require more than three billion bullets to repel them?

America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.
America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.

This is the same government that recently shut down many of its operations including most of the National Parks, for lack of funds, yet had sufficient money to purchase billions of bullets for a non-existent civilian army.

A spokesperson was quoted as justifying this massive purchase to “help the government get a low price for a big purchase”, and claimed DHS used “as many as 15 million rounds every year in training exercises”.

Someone should ask DHS to divide 3 billion by 15 million, which tells us the ammunition purchase will supply DHS needs for the next 200 years.

America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.
America has spent millions of dollars, if not billions, on prisons and internment facilities to deal with emergencies and large scale unrest.

The authorities naturally attribute criticism and hard questions to mentally-unbalanced ‘conspiracy theorists’, but this is one more instance where actions appear irrational and the official story is so full of holes that it makes no sense.

‘Unconventional’ paper targets.

Another DHS purchase that produced a firestorm of anger when its news went viral, was the supply of what we might call ‘unconventional’ paper targets which were used as practice shooting targets in ‘training exercises’.

This could very well be the future for many Americans who are not "with the program".
This could very well be the future for many Americans who are not “with the program”.

These targets consisted of figures of American civilians in residential settings. They included small children. They include a young pregnant mother, and old women in robes. They include grandmothers and grandfathers in their kitchens and front yards. They include teenagers in parks, little girls and more.

Perhaps the most frightening part being that all these were termed “no hesitation targets”, meaning to fire without hesitation at the sight of these enemies.

American protestors are the exact type of people that these weapons are targeting.
American protestors are the exact type of people that these weapons are targeting.

What could possibly justify the supply of such targets to a military force, with such an instruction? The US fedbiz.op website took down the solicitation after Infowars broke the story, and eventually apologized publicly for creating these targets of small children.

A Fake City

In early 2014 it was reported that the US military had built a $100 million fake city of about 300 acres in Virginia, for use in training.

The Federal government has created these fake cities and towns from which to train warriors to fight American patriots on American soil with.
The Federal government has created these fake cities and towns from which to train warriors to fight American patriots on American soil with.

This was for the training of troops for the occupation of cities, complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for future combat scenarios in American urban areas.

The subway carriages even carry the same logo as those in Washington DC. More disturbingly, it was reported that

“soldiers are being taught that Christians, Tea Party  supporters and anti-abortion activists represent a radical terror threat, mirroring rhetoric backed by the Department of Homeland Security  which frames “liberty lovers” as domestic extremists.”

The DHS is also building a 176-acre secure compound in the lowest-income area of Washington, DC, which seems almost certainly a preparation for civil war. (18) (19)

American soldiers, train alongside the DHS, in these American sized towns wearing full spectrum bio-warfare gear.
American soldiers, train alongside the DHS, in these American sized towns wearing full spectrum bio-warfare gear.

The Trigger Event

The trigger could be an economic collapse that causes angry Americans to flood the streets similar to the Occupy Wall Street and other scenes witnessed across both the US and Europe during the last FED-induced economic crisis.

Or it could be COVID-19.

It is worth noting that the Occupy Wall Street protest had the right idea but the wrong target.

A military urban training center, which is a mock 30-acre town located on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, has been recently upgraded to look more American than the ‘international city’ it once did, adding a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses.

Just last February we posted a story of another fake “American looking” city, equipped with our street signs, a church and an underground subway system nearly identical to one in Washington DC.
A military urban training center, which is a mock 30-acre town located on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, has been recently upgraded to look more American than the ‘international city’ it once did, adding a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses. Just last February we posted a story of another fake “American looking” city, equipped with our street signs, a church and an underground subway system nearly identical to one in Washington DC.

Wall Street is just an idea, and a bit player. The ultimate cause is the FED, and that should have been their focus. But the FED, the bankers and the FBI saw this coming and infiltrated and financed the protest groups as a way to take control and deflect them from any useful action or focus.

The “top secret” exercises

In the middle of 2013 several US local media reported the DHS was conducting widely public but still “top secret” exercises categorized as “full scale terrorism drills” across the entire nation.

All of this was with the stated purpose of making citizens “feel safe”, but which resulted in thousands of terrified people not knowing how to respond to what appeared as a domestic invasion by the US military.

The military has a very long history of training and using aerosols that they would spray over regions. They have done this for cloud seeding, insect control, and to practice germ and chemical warfare operations in simulated battle conditions.
The military has a very long history of training and using aerosols that they would spray over regions. They have done this for cloud seeding, insect control, and to practice germ and chemical warfare operations in simulated battle conditions.

People were capriciously apprehended and released after having their belongings searched, but nevertheless urged to celebrate their “independence” from tyranny.

These drills were presented as readiness training for potential terrorist incursions, though DHS failed to mention the New York Times observation that all the domestic terror plots in the United States over the last decade were “hatched by the FBI”.

One other worrying development …

One other worrying development was the appearance of US military C-130 cargo planes apparently spraying “mosquitoes” over various Florida cities at an altitude of less than 50 meters.

An American Air Force C-130 spraying pesticides over a target area.
An American Air Force C-130 spraying pesticides over a target area.

Pest control is hardly a military duty, these events immediately reminding me of the US military spraying bacterial and other pathogens over many parts of the US in various CIA-related experiments on the domestic population.

These low-altitude overflights are almost certainly practice runs for potential crowd control in the future, for dispensing tear gas or other non-lethal (or lethal) material that would disperse or disorient protestors.

A spraying and aerosol mixing assembly system being installed and loaded into a C-130 cargo plane for undisclosed purposes.
A spraying and aerosol mixing assembly system being installed and loaded into a C-130 cargo plane for undisclosed purposes.

I cannot imagine all the possibilities, but the US military most certainly is not going into the mosquito-spraying business. (19) (20)

US Major General Curry was quoted as stating,

“We have local police, backed up by each state’s National  Guard, backed up by the Department of Defense. So in addition to all  these forces why does Homeland Security need its own private army? Why  do the SSA, NOAA and other government agencies need to create their own  civilian security forces armed with hollow nose bullets?”

Some may want to dismiss this as just another conspiracy theory, but we might recall the words of Senator Daniel Inouye in 1987,

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air  Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to  pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and  balances, and free from the law itself.”

The threats to civil liberties

The threats to civil liberties go much farther and are much more ominous than I’ve related so far.

Another factor is the spate of secret Executive Orders that Obama signed without Congressional approval, observers claiming those orders violated existing laws and were therefore illegal, but that the powers behind the White House considered themselves above all law.

Militarized police can go and conduct military operations, using the same sort of tactics, in America against Americans at will.
Militarized police can go and conduct military operations, using the same sort of tactics, in America against Americans at will.

One of the most sinister was Executive Order 13603 which granted authorization to seize possession of every possible resource, including property and “all food storage facilities”.

One author wrote that…

“This extremist, maniacal edict is designed to enforce  our submission, rendering us totally dependent on Big Brother  government or face the obvious – starvation and extermination.”

What could possibly have instigated such an order, unless the government is preparing for an all-out war against the American people?

What possible excuse, during peace-time, would a “democratic” government have, for the initiation of a program to seize all the “food, water and food storage facilities” of a nation?

The various American government(s) at all levels have been training on how to control, herd and disarm normal American civilians.
The various American government(s) at all levels have been training on how to control, herd and disarm normal American civilians.

If we add these to the internment camps and the bullets, what conclusions are possible?

Another Threat

Another ominous threat is that much of the NSA’s illegal intelligence-gathering activities were transferred to the Department of Homeland Security.

This is the same people with the 800 internment camps and the 3 billion bullets.

The apparent reason is that the NSA can collect information on domestic political dissidents but has no police powers to act on them, whereas DHS has legislative authority to gather, arrest and incarcerate anyone on their watch lists.

American police today more resembles a military army that operates on American soil, in complete defiance of the United States Constitution.
American police today more resembles a military army that operates on American soil, in complete defiance of the United States Constitution.

DHS is apparently creating a “graded list” of these targeted so-called “security threats”. Those at the top of this list assessed according to how widely disseminated are their anti-establishment views, the followers they appear to have. These will be the first to disappear into the internment maze.

This new policy gives Homeland Security full authority to effectively terrorize the American people under a pretense of controlling domestic terrorism. When we consider these two items, Executive Order 13603 and the new powers granted to DHS, the only possible response can be fear.

When the militarized police come into your communities they will first sweep it of guns, making absolutely sure that the civilians are disarmed properly and completely.
When the militarized police come into your communities they will first sweep it of guns, making absolutely sure that the civilians are disarmed properly and completely.

Secret Procedures

If all this isn’t enough, DHS was revealed to have a secret procedure for the instant shutting down of all private communications in America. This includes mobile phone networks. It is a program that was accidentally revealed when government officials in San Francisco disabled all mobile phone calls during a peaceful protest.

The administration insisted it had the legal authority to control these communications “during times of national crisis”, and “for the purpose of ensuring public safety”. It has also given DHS the power to actually “seize” all privately-owned communications facilities in order to prevent any civilian communications occurring.

It is quite common to find militarized police in America conducting "no knock" raids on innocent American civilians. People! Not even Communist China does this.
It is quite common to find militarized police in America conducting “no knock” raids on innocent American civilians. People! Not even Communist China does this.

Some individuals applied to the courts for further information on these new procedures and policies, but DHS claimed it was “unable to locate or identify any records” in relation to the matter.

Nothing more to be said, but it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that the US government is quickly becoming fully prepared for war against its civilian population.

No Fourth Amendment.

With the NSA revelations by Edward Snowdon, there is no longer any question that many US government agencies have been monitoring and gathering information on large numbers of known American political dissidents.

These many agencies include the NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, various military groups and another 70 or 80 so-called “public-private fusion centers” scattered around the US.

Americans are monitored -, then they will be disarmed, as they are all on "lists" where the government will use to secure them into "camps" for their own safety.
Americans are monitored -, then they will be disarmed, as they are all on “lists” where the government will use to secure them into “camps” for their own safety.

Former NSA Technical Director William Binney claimed in an interview that the NSA had a list of 500,000 to one million people in the US who were closely watched and whose every communication and bit of personal data were recorded.

These are not terrorists in any sense, but potential leaders of political dissension and therefore potential suspects in the event of civil disturbances.

Americans are on “lists”…

There also exists a database known as “Main Core”, containing names of Americans who might be considered troublesome.

Knowledgeable sources claim these lists contains the names and communication information of more than eight million Americans who would be potential suspects of political activism.

“Political Activism” would include “national opposition to US military invasion abroad”.

It includes political dissidents, environmental and other activists, political and tax protesters, lawyers and professors, publishers and journalists, and many more who are most likely harmless, average people.

Average, everyday Americans, are the targets for the PTB; the oligarchy that plans to totally transform America into their vision of utopia.
Average, everyday Americans, are the targets for the PTB; the oligarchy that plans to totally transform America into their vision of utopia.

The database apparently contains all to and from email addresses, all email content, all in and out phone numbers plus duration of calls, the amounts and locations of ATM withdrawals, all credit card purchases and much more.

It appears that this dissident surveillance program dates back to the early 1980s, the time of our Great Transformation.

When it was revealed that Oliver North, operating from a secure White House site, had been using a database called PROMIS which was part of the REX-84 plan, to track dissidents and potential troublemakers within the United States.

This database was meant to identify and immediately locate perceived “enemies of the state” if mass civil disturbances were to break out. (21) (22)

The perceived “enemies of the state” are average people like you and I, who might not agree with the % who rule America.
The perceived “enemies of the state” are average people like you and I, who might not agree with the % who rule America.

The Middle-Class Revolt

In late 2008 a leaked internal memo from Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist, contained ominous predictions for American civil society after the vicious financial crisis. He wrote,

“The world is not going back to normal ‘after the magnitude of what they have done'”.

Fitzpatrick claimed that [1] the massive destruction of the middle class, [2] the draining of all the wealth from the population, and [3] the QE money creation by the FED would either bring about a resurgence of inflation…

… or that the US would fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly war”.

Occupy Wall Street protest.
Occupy Wall Street protest.

He claimed that with the passing of each week and month there was a growing danger that could lead to political instability, a risk of domestic unrest because people were becoming increasingly disenfranchised and impoverished.

Lest we succumb to the temptation of accepting the 2008 financial crisis and the resulting loss of homes as an accident of fate, it would be wise to consider these quotes by Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank of England prior to the crash of 1929, addressing the United States Bankers’ Association, New York, Idaho Leader, 26 August 1924.

“Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both  by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages  foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through process of law, the  common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more  easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a  central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well  known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an  imperialism to govern the world.”

And his thoughts on democracy:

“By dividing the voters through the political party  system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.” 

“It is thus, by discrete action, we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished.”

The US government has developed an increasing fear of its own middle class.

The PTB Oligarchy should not need to fear Average Americans unless...
The PTB Oligarchy should not need to fear Average Americans unless…

Armed Citizens

A middle class that is wide awake to the protests and uprisings in other nations where governments have colluded with the international bankers.

And where large multi-nationals to gut their middle classes and effect the same transfer of wealth to the top 1% as occurred in America.

People in many Western societies have become disgruntled and bitter at the increasing evidence that their vaunted democracies have been usurped by the unrestrained capitalists, creating intolerable situations where the people are sacrificed for the increasing wealth of that same top 1%.

While the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world some people are stockpiling toilet paper and food, while Americans are flocking to buy guns. Images and videos of people lining up outside gun stores in the United States are emerging on social media. Amelia Adams, the US correspondent for Nine News tweeted a video of people lining up outside a gun shop in Los Angeles, with the queue trailing some 10 meters from the shop’s door down the sidewalk.
While the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world some people are stockpiling toilet paper and food, while Americans are flocking to buy guns. Images and videos of people lining up outside gun stores in the United States are emerging on social media. Amelia Adams, the US correspondent for Nine News tweeted a video of people lining up outside a gun shop in Los Angeles, with the queue trailing some 10 meters from the shop’s door down the sidewalk.

At first, the US government exhibited a grim and rather reprehensible kind of satisfaction at watching the misery in other nations where the FED and IMF and the International Bankers had succeeded in their aims of wealth transference, but it also realized that the same boiling rage existed in America and perhaps much less controllable.

US citizens were protesting against a government that was no longer democratic in any sense…

… and was both unwilling and unable to repair a hopelessly corrupt and inefficient system.

They finally awoke en masse and objected to ingrained corruption, shoddy public services, high taxes, homelessness, unemployment, rising inflation, the development of a police state, and more.

Public Rage

It is public rage at the realization of having been betrayed by a “democratic” government that converts civil unrest into political activism and revolution…

… and it is this that lies at the heart of the FBI’s categorization of US political dissent as “domestic terrorism”.

The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.

This terminology is important because the US, in all its hypocrisy for democracy, free speech and freedom of assembly, cannot face the world with open and apparent suppression of political dissent.

Therefore, US citizens protesting against their own government cannot be exercising free speech but rather anarchy and terrorism, thereby justifying the use of deadly force to control dissension.

The powers that control America (PTB) have no interest in fairy-tales of freedom. They are interested in wealth and control, and the people in any country are irrelevant – including those in the US.

The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.

Americans have experienced first-hand the destruction of their quality of life; they see clearly the disappearance of future opportunity for their children, and they recognize better than most the loss of their freedom of expression which they have so valued.

And they know it is precisely the retraction of that expression that is necessary for their no-longer-democratic government to maintain control.

The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.

This is where their economic and social dissatisfaction mutate into political activism – revolution, in fact – and it is this realization among the authorities that has spawned the internship camps, the billions of bullets purchased, and the “shoot to kill” orders.

Revolution – The Struggle for Class Power

Buried in the litany of troubles the US is facing today is the primary fact that the nation is engaged in a brutal class war, a struggle for class power that the bottom 99% are losing.

This war was declared in the late 1970s, gained great momentum in the 1980s and 1990s, and is still accelerating toward its final desperate conclusion.

There are few signs on the horizon that cause hope for a change in direction, and I fear it may be too late.

The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.
The number of American militias form with each encroachment on freedom and liberty. Today, many such militias exist throughout the United States.

There is still power with the people themselves, and indeed without the both active cooperation and silent complicity of the people, none of the pathological descent into despair would have been possible.

Probably the only force in America that can change what is happening is the combined force of labor.

This isn’t so easy today, since the government killed most labor organizations and there is now little if any leadership.

A total withdrawal of labor succeeded in forcing a new social contract in 1946 and may be the only power remaining today, but times have changed and tactics must change too. If all unions withdrew their services with the full cooperation of unorganized labor, change might be possible.

Socialist Antifa shock-troops lining u to overthrow the government in favor of a social utopia.
Socialist Antifa shock-troops lining u to overthrow the government in favor of a social utopia.

But realistically, there is no hope that such a mass protest could be organized even though it is the only possible way to get the attention of whatever remains of a conscientious government and force through a reversal of the tide.

In any case, taking to the streets is unlikely to produce pleasant results. If the police don’t have enough bodies to beat up and arrest everyone, DHS has its internment camps, its 3 billion bullets, its years of practice with “no-hesitation” human targets, and it will use all of them.

BLM - Black Lives Matter forces demanding "social and racial change".
BLM – Black Lives Matter forces demanding “social and racial change”.

The only safe way for Americans to go on strike today is to stay at home. On this topic, one internet commenter wrote,

“Just don’t go to work. There is no need to picket in the  streets to be on strike, and the factories and offices will be just as  quiet and empty, and the profits just as non-existent. The police cannot  possibly conduct home-by-home visits to beat up strikers one by one,  and no military, even the DHS, is efficient when trying to blow up  houses scattered all over the county, one by one. Strikers are probably  safe if they stay at home and lock their door.”

Another wrote,

“Another tactic is for Americans to simply quit shopping.  They don’t have the money anyway, and don’t need all that useless junk.  Don’t buy anything you don’t actually need, and delay even those  purchases as long as possible, especially the big-ticket items like cars  and furniture. If at all possible, delay every purchase for at least  one year. As much as is practicable, stop driving your car. Cancel your  cable TV and read a book.” Your grandmother gave you advice 100 years  ago that is still valid today: “Use it up, wear it out. Make it do. Do  without.”

A third commenter gave this advice:

“One thing you can do to get their attention is to stop  paying your bills. VISA and MasterCard can’t cancel 800 million credit  cards at the same time, and no bank can process 100 million mortgage  defaults. No system can cope with massive non-payment of debt. You are  their only source of money and you can ensure they don’t get any of it.  That will wake them up. Tell them you’ll begin paying when the overseas  corporate tax holiday is over, when high income taxes are reinstated for  the rich, when the individual bankers are in prison and when the lost  jobs begin returning. This isn’t foolproof, but it’s the best I can do.”

And finally, a more ambitious poster offered these comments:

“Today, the US State Department, the CIA and the FBI  pride themselves on their ability to use Twitter and Facebook to cause  civil unrest, chaos, violence, and even revolutions, in other countries.  It may not have occurred to them that the same tools they use against  everyone else can be just as easily used against them. The CIA used Gene  Sharp and his Einstein Institute to prepare the Otpor civil  disobedience manuals that our government used as the gunpowder to  destroy Jugoslavia, and as the template for a dozen other “color  revolutions” of which it was so proud. Copies are freely available on  the internet.”

William Blum again:

“As I’ve said before: Inasmuch as I can’t see violent  revolution succeeding in the United States (something deep inside tells  me that we couldn’t quite match the government’s firepower, not to  mention its viciousness), I can offer no solution to stopping the  imperial beast other than this: Educate yourself and as many others as  you can, raising their political and ideological consciousness,  providing them with the factual ammunition and arguments needed to sway  others, increasing the number of those in the opposition until it raises  the political price for those in power, until it reaches a critical  mass, at which point … I can’t predict the form the explosion will take  or what might be the trigger … But you have to have faith. And courage.”

Isn’t this exactly what is happening today?

Isn’t all these suggestions what is occurring today? People are staying inside. They are not buying anything. They are sheltering in place, and cowering in fear.

This translates into one of two things.

  • Advantage for the PTB to implement drastic change.
  • Advantage for the grassroots American citizenry to implement drastic change.

Both of which are truly frightening in the “powder keg” that America is today.


Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at:


(1) Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America

(2) Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You

(3) U.S. Concentration Camps: FEMA and the REX 84



(6) Army National Guard Advertises for “Internment Specialists”

(7) Video: Become a FEMA Camp Internment/Resettlement Specialist


(9) Pentagon Plans To Keep 20,000 Troops Inside US To Bolster domestic security

(10) Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed




(14) Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies

(15) 24 Jun, 2016; Non-military federal agencies have more firearm authority than entire US Marine Corps



(17) Asymmetric Warfare Group Built a Fake City in Virginia

(18) US army builds fake city to shoot at during training


(20) Pentagon Misinformation Ops Target Press and Public

(21) Main Core – Wikipedia


(23) The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Global Research, 2019

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What it is like to be a man.

I sometimes read comments from younger women that I’m “so lucky” to be a man. Fuck that! No one ever tells that nonsense to my face. They’d die of shock seeing my resultant expression. Probably piss their trousers too.

Men and women are different, and different is great!

But here, listen up! If you all think that you would love to have some of those “advantages” of being a man, go the fuck ahead. Get some transgender surgery and walk the walk. Stop moaning and groaning about your inadequacies.

Being a man is no picnic.

Tony Soprano is the typical American male. He comes with all the good and the bad. He is typical.
Tony Soprano is the typical American male. He comes with all the good and the bad. He is typical.

There’s a reason why, in the past, men would have their own “man caves”, male-only clubs, and retreats. And it’s time for you all to throw out all that neo-liberal progressive transgender neural nonsense out the window. It’s all a big fucking lie.

Here’s a good article.

It’s titled “Men Explain to Women Why They’d Hate Being a Man” By John Hawkins . It’s edited to fit this venue, but aside from that, it’s pretty much intact. All credit to the author.

Men Explain to Women Why They’d Hate Being a Man

Some women believe we live in a patriarchy.

Some men believe we live in a matriarchy.

Me? I think it’s somewhere in between, albeit leaning a bit towards women, with both genders having advantages and disadvantages.

Gandolfini makes Tony an Everyman, which is no easy task. Edie Falco (Oz) plays Tony's wife, Carmela, with a winning mix of family loyalty and a fondness for the suburban lifestyle. Nancy Marchand (Lou Grant) is outstanding as Livia Soprano, Tony's infuriating mother, and the subject of his unacknowledged love-hate relationship.
Gandolfini makes Tony Soprano an Everyman, which is no easy task. Edie Falco (Oz) plays Tony’s wife, Carmela, with a winning mix of family loyalty and a fondness for the suburban lifestyle. Nancy Marchand (Lou Grant) is outstanding as Livia Soprano, Tony’s infuriating mother, and the subject of his unacknowledged love-hate relationship. 

However, we incessantly hear from women about the disadvantages of being their gender, but the reverse is rarer. You don’t hear a lot of men telling women what they’d hate about being a man.

However, there was an entire thread on Reddit called, “Tell me some reasons why a woman would hate being a man?” A lot of people may be interested to see the other side of the coin.

Men tell you what it’s like.

  • The biggest thing I can think of is the weight of expectations. If you are unable to live up to the expectations placed upon you, your life can become very empty, barren and lonely.
  • Be emotionally strong; be physically strong. Show no weakness.
  • Be a man; make the first move, but not too assertively.
  • Plan, make a career; make good decisions…. all with practically zero training or support from society at large. If you’re lucky, you had a good dad. If not…
  • Self beautification will not be appreciated and may in some cases cost you social status.
  • It’s like this…
  1. No compliments from anyone, like maybe twice a year tops.
  2. Any show of emotion outside of a romantic relationship is only going to grant you isolation from your peers.
  • In the event of an emergency your life is worth less than the women and children near you. Deal with it. “You’re a man.”
  • Being the sole income provider for a family and missing out 40+ hours a week on your child’s life is seen as a privilege.
  • If a man and a woman have the same problem, society will help the woman, but will expect the man to find a solution on his own.
If a man and a woman have the same problem, society will help the woman and expect the man to find a solution on his own
If a man and a woman have the same problem, society will help the woman and expect the man to find a solution on his own
  • You’re more invisible. Most men are not noticed. We operate in the background, quietly keeping the fires warm, and the machines working.
  • In general, people just won’t care about you most of the time.
  • Men are more disposable. If you lose your ability to make money no one will give a damn about you.
  • Mistakes aren’t forgiven. Name one man who has been forgiven for his mistakes.
  • Emotional weakness becomes a cardinal sin, and a career limiting move.
  • Men (not me but friends I know) get raked over the coals, primary custody of a child is always given to the mother (you have to prove she is a monster just to have primary custody).
  • Men are expected to “make the first move on a woman”.
  • A woman can hit herself in the head with a stick and all she has to do is say “he did it” and Boom… you did it.
  • My dad used to say, men at one time could support a family and children and more and more it is less and less true, but today it is the expected gold standard.
  • Any and all problems voiced will be met with derision and mockery, and probably just turned back onto you, no matter how out of your control they are “LOL. man up stop bitching”.
  • Vast majority of your interactions with opposite sex have to be initiated and carried by you.
  • Nobody will pay you compliments or make you feel good about how you look, much more likely to have people critique what you are wearing, your weight, how you act, dress, style your hair, and your selection of shoes…
  • People aren’t as nice in general as you thought they are.
Tony Soprano is the typical American male. He comes with all the good and the bad. He is typical.
Tony Soprano is the typical American male. He comes with all the good and the bad. He is typical. The Sopranos (HBO) season 1 Winter 1999 Shown: Michael Imperioli (as Christopher Moltisanti), James Gandolfini (as Tony Soprano), Steve Van Zandt (as Silvio Dante)
  • Being expected to endure anything from the opposite sex, even stretching as far as assault and rape .
  • Simplest comparison I could come up with to answer the question, is with another question. Why do so many men pay cam girls? There’s free porn everywhere on the net, but what they are actually getting is the belief, even for a moment, that they are worth those girls attention.
  • You will be told how to dress, how to cut your hair, how to behave, and how to act by EVERYONE. Your only refuge from this onslaught will be in your home.


Women can literally sit in their underwear and have money thrown at them because men are so desperate for some kind words, a little bit of attention, and a desire to feel needed and important.

Being a man is not easy.
Being a man is not easy.

Men are not permitted to have emotions or to show them. If they do, their work and career is flat-lined and with it, all respect from both males and females of all ages. The most successful men are stoic and aloof. It’s not something that men want to do. It’s something that they have to do.

That’s why women would hate being a man. Easy mode would be turned off.

So, if you are a woman, and think that men have it so easy, then be my guest. Make the change. Take the hormones and have the surgery. Go transgender. Just kiss the ability to emote away. It’s a life without overt emotional display. Do you think that you can handle it?

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War Cheerleaders – Anti-Russia and Anti-China neocons have hijacked American media.

I am appalled at the anti-China rhetoric that is spewing out from the United States these days. It is horrific and truly frightening.

This level of propaganda historically precedes a hot war with a major power.

And somehow, the American leadership thinks that they can use “small” nuclear weapons, germ-warfare, and start putting “boots on the ground” inside of China without having Chicago, Los Angles, San Francisco, and New York City vaporized within a nuclear fireball. They point out that America outnumbers the number of Chinese nuclear weapons by a huge margin, and that no one would ever risk using them against the USA.

Yes, the actually do believe that.

The mass-produced Chinese DF-41. The new weapon delivery system is reportedly designed to be launched as the final stage of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile, which would approach its target at a velocity of up to 10 times the speed of sound. Hypersonic speed range lies between Mach 5 and Mach 10, or 3,840 to 7,680 miles per hour.
The mass-produced Chinese DF-41. The new weapon delivery system is reportedly designed to be launched as the final stage of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile, which would approach its target at a velocity of up to 10 times the speed of sound. It carries a warhead that is 1000 times more devastating than what was used on Hiroshima. Hypersonic speed range lies between Mach 5 and Mach 10, or 3,840 to 7,680 miles per hour.

Given the fact that geographically China is much larger than the United States, has a population four times of America, and over 40-times the number of factories, were there to be a devastating nuclear Armageddon between the United States and China…

… it would be China that would survive.

The United States would end up being transformed to pre-medeaval England. America without electricity, gasoline, water, or medicine is Somalia.

Even though much of China would be in ruin, the enormous number of factories, all spread out everywhere, and the insane level of “get back on your feet” attitude that the Chinese possess, would be formidable. The Chinese would pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and get right to work.

And it’s not just that.

China and Russia are military partners.

If you attack one, the other would chime in. Combined, any attack on either Russia or China would result in both coming for the American jugular vein. And there would be no mercy. Both would conduct “double taps”, and America would become a radioactive agrarian society… without electricity or running fresh water.

It’s not just myself that understand this. This has been the continuous, steady state response to all the simulations conducted by the RAND group, the pentagon, and other NGO’s.

Yet, the anti-China narrative has ramped up. It’s fucking insanity.

Here we talk about this…

The following article is from Caitlin Johnstone. com It’s titled “Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China“, and a really good read. It has been edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author. And please take a moment to visit the website when you get a chance. It’s pretty good, eh?

Liberal NPCs Hate Russia, Conservative NPCs Hate China

Americans are manipulated by both sides of the political spectrum.
Americans are manipulated by both sides of the political spectrum.

The hashtag #ChinaLiedPeopleDied was recently sent trending on Twitter by “new right” pundit Michael Courdrey.

With the amplification of all the usual Trump bootlickers and their sheep-like followers.

Further feeding into the anti-China cold war hysteria conservatives have been aggressively pushing with increasingly frenetic urgency lately.

Which is hilarious, since these are the same people who’ve spent the last three years making fun of liberals and calling them NPCs for doing the exact same thing with Russia.

The Same Propaganda Technique.

And when I say the exact same thing, I mean literally the exact same thing.

The frenzied, shrieking hysteria I’m witnessing right now among Trump’s base regarding China looks and moves in the exact same way…

… the mental zombification of Russia hysteria looked and moved…

… when it began tearing through rank-and-file Democrats in late 2016 and early 2017.

The seething, screaming vitriol I get from the MAGA crowd on social media when I talk about this…

… is identical to what I got during that period from Democrats: just as irrational, just as vituperative, and just as emotion-driven.

The 2020 outbreak of China hysteria is so identical to the 2016/2017 outbreak of Russia hysteria…

…. that as of this writing if you do a Twitter live search right now for the word “wumao” or “CCP paying you”…

… you’ll see an endless stream of Trump supporters running around bleating accusations of being a paid troll for the Chinese Communist Party at anyone who disputes their hysterical China narratives.

Same  with the word "wumao". Trump bootlickers are bleating accusations of  being a Chinese propagandist in exactly the same way liberals have been  bleating "How's the weather in St Petersburg, Ivan?" at anyone who  questions establishment narratives.

— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) March 19, 2020

It’s Obvious.

Anyone who’s ever shared anti-establishment ideas on social media will immediately recognize this.

It is identical to accusations which come from the pussyhatted #Resistance crowd of brainwashed MSNBC liberals.

Liberals who accuse anyone who questions establishment narratives of being a paid troll conducting propaganda for the Russian government.

These “How much is the CCP paying you for this?” accusations which have been cluttering up my social media notifications for the last 24 hours are indistinguishable…

… from the “How’s the weather in St Petersburg, Ivan?”

McCarthyite accusations I’ve been receiving from rank-and-file Democrats for the last three years.

It’s just like the froth-mouthed victims of media-induced Russia hysteria.

The victims of media-induced China hysteria are always unable to justify their sudden Beijing anxiety in a way that makes any coherent sense.

I’ve spent the last few days debating these poor wretches online.

It’s what I do whenever a new sociopathic establishment narrative surfaces.

I do it to gain an understanding of how it works.

And I have yet to encounter a single one which can coherently reconcile the sudden uptick in shrieking China hysteria with the thing that China has always been throughout its historical existence.

Excuses and Justifications

They’ll tell me it’s because China lied about the virus and made errors in the early days of the outbreak.

But can’t lucidly explain how screaming about this helps fix any problem.

They can’t justify the fact that lying about the virus and making errors is exactly what president Trump just spent weeks doing.

They’ll tell me it’s because China is authoritarian.

Yet, they can’t explain the sudden uptick in outrage over this.

For after all, China has always had an authoritarian government and that has nothing to do with the virus.

They’ll parrot establishment narratives about Uighurs and organ harvesting, but, again, can’t explain how this has any connection to the virus.

Manipulation of American Citizenry.

When I point out that there are extremely powerful government agencies which stand much to gain from all this.

That they tend to gain from manufacturing consent for new escalations against America’s primary geostrategic rival.

I mostly get more outraged, incoherent sputtering.

But you know, once in a while a more thoughtful China Derangement Syndrome victim will say they don’t want any escalations against China.

The truth is that they just want to end an economic relationship between China and the US which they perceive as unfair.

But, again, this has nothing to do with the virus, and also it’s a mighty interesting coincidence that they’ve formed this opinion about the one nation who just so happens to be America’s primary geopolitical foe.

Emotionally driven, not rational.

This inability to draw a rational straight line from the facts in evidence to their hysterical anti-China bleating tells you everything you need to know.

They are not rending their garments over China because of facts in evidence. Instead, they’re reacting emotionally to recent propaganda narratives. Narratives that they’ve been spoon fed. Then, they begin listing off the things they’ve heard about China in an attempt to justify their irrational behavior.

In reality these people are rallying behind the campaign to blame China for the health crisis they’re now facing. This is simply because they understand that otherwise the blame will land squarely on the shoulders of their president, who’s running for re-election this year.

Deep down they know full well that this isn’t really about China, but about protecting their president.

But what they are actually doing, unwittingly, is manufacturing consent for an agenda which is far bigger and far more consequential than who wins the election in November.

And it’s no accident that they’re being shepherded in this direction with the help of right-wing establishment narrative managers.

Russiagate Isn't About Trump, And It Isn't Even Ultimately About Russia #China #Russiagate #TrumpRussia

— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) January 28, 2018

Russia! Russia! Russia!

More than two years ago I wrote an article titled “Russiagate Isn’t About Trump, And It Isn’t Even Ultimately About Russia“, about how all these Russia escalations (and the propaganda used to justify them) are ultimately not really about Russia at all, but China.

Here’s an excerpt:

This is what Russiagate is  ultimately about. Democrats think it’s about impeaching Trump and  protecting the world from a nigh-omnipotent supervillain in Vladimir  Putin, Trump’s supporters think it’s a “deep state coup” to try and oust their president, but in reality this has nothing to do with Trump, and ultimately not a whole lot to do with Russia either. 

When all is said  and done, Russiagate is about China.

In an essay titled “Russia-China Tandem Changes the World”, US-Russia relations analyst Gilbert Doctorow explains how the surging economic power China depends upon Russia’s willingness to go head-to-head with America and its extensive experience with US attempts to undermine the USSR during the Cold War. 

Alone both nations  are very vulnerable, but together their strengths are complementary in a way that poses a direct threat to America’s self-appointed role as world leader.

And now we’re seeing one of America’s two mainstream factions cheerleading for increased hostility toward America’s primary rival.

While the other faction cheerleads for increased hostility against that rival’s right arm.

This two-pronged propaganda campaign has enabled the establishment via the Trump administration to escalate tensions not just with China but with Russia as well.

America is a nation of manipulated sheep.

This tracks with something I’ve been pointing to for a while now, which I described in an article from last year titled “37 Tips For Navigating A Society That Is Full Of Propaganda And Manipulation“:

Notice  how the manipulators like to split the population in two and then get  them arguing over how they should serve the establishment. 

Arguing over  whether it’s better to vote Democrat or Republican, arguing over whether it’s better to increase hostilities with Iran and Venezuela or with  Syria and Russia, over whether you should support the US president or  the FBI, arguing over how internet censorship should happen and whom should be censored rather than if censorship  should happen in the first place. 

The longer they can keep us arguing over the best way to lick the imperial boot, the longer they keep us from talking about whether we want to lick it at all.

37 Tips For Navigating A Society That Is Full Of Propaganda And Manipulation

Added  some more tips to this article from last year in order to help navigate  through the haze of narrative manipulation in these confusing times.

— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) March 18, 2020

I wrote more about the way the establishment manipulators get the mainstream factions arguing over which nation should be targeted with aggression, rather than if any nations should be targeted at all, in a January 2020 article titled “On The Idiotic Partisan Debate Over Regime Change In Iran Or Syria“:

It  is truly, deeply and profoundly stupid because the agenda to topple  Iran’s government and the agenda to topple Syria’s government are not  two separate agendas. 

They are the same. 

Supporting one while opposing  the other is like wanting to shoot someone in the head but being morally  opposed to shooting them in the heart.Syria and Iran are  allies. 

Eliminating one government necessarily hurts the other. Iran  has been helping Syria to win the war against foreign-backed extremist proxy fighters who nearly succeeded in toppling Damascus before its allies stepped in, and should Syria  succeed in rebuilding itself (something the Trump administration is actively preventing it from doing) we can be sure it would return the favor when called upon.

We are now seeing this exact same two-pronged approach used with Russia and China.

We’ve actually been seeing it for years, like in this affectionate debate between former CIA Director James Woolsey and Fox News’ Laura Ingraham over which of the two nations America should be more aggressive toward, but it’s kicked into high gear now.

The End Result

The end result being that you have America’s two mainstream parties arguing over which establishment agenda should be advanced.

  • War with Russia.
  • War with China.

As well as how establishment interests should be served.

  • More money for the military-establishment.
  • More money for studies.
  • More money and more regulations.

Hardly anyone in mainstream circles ever questioning if the establishment should be served at all.

Which is just how the establishment likes it.

America has two war parties.

  • Anti-Russia
  • Anti-China

The Overton window of acceptable mainstream debate has been ripped away from those who simply want peace and a healthy planet altogether, and now the only permitted arguments are about which wars should occur first.

This is gravely disordered, and it cannot continue.

The war will not play out like anyone expects. Both Russia and China are serious, serious nations that do not fuck around. It’s not gonna be another Yemen. It’s not gonna be another “police action”. It’s going to be lethal and on YOUR front door.

Chinese ICBMs.
Chinese ICBMs.


War clouds are brewing. Perhaps it would be be best to start reading some of my posts on SHTF events. The Washington establishment wants war and no… it will not be televised.

If things continue along this path…

If people don’t start to put their “foot down” and demand this neocon nonsense stop…

…most Americans will notice that they suddenly have no electricity and no internet.

No phones.

No gas.

No food.

And the skies over the hills will glow red all night.

Then, and then, things will start to get really strange…

Go ahead and check out my SHTF Index.

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American foreign policy is a complete and absolute failure and it will generate hardships for Americans in the future.

I read that Donald Trump wants the COVID-19 vaccine that is being developed in Germany. He wants it to be patented as an American product and limit it’s utilization to Americans only.

Personally, I find this reprehensible.

Meanwhile, China is sending supplies and resources to any nation that needs it. Planes, boats and transports have been dispatched and are busy trying to help other nations during time of need.

America - Selfish, self-serving, and demanding.
China - Helpful, compassionate, offering help.

What in the world is going on?

Perhaps it’s time to step back and look at the bigger picture.

It’s a picture of what lies outside the shores of the United States. It’s a picture that does not resemble anything that any American media reports. This is true whether it is the Alt-Left, the Mainstream Media or the Alt-Right neocon publications.

Instead, take a look at what’s really going on, in the bigger picture…

The following is a reprint of an article found on the Global Research website. All credit to the authors.

Washington elites can’t recognize that a multi-polar world is already here. Worse, the Trump administration keeps constantly stumbling in foreign policy, thus showing the entire world that the USA may not be the almighty superpower.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the US is turning into Rodney Dangerfield of geopolitics.

Here are some recent examples of embarrassing US foreign policy:

EU & Russia

USA openly tries to block Nord Stream, the gas pipeline that links Russia to Europe. And the US-led propaganda campaign was non-stop & intense.

In the end, Germany & others went ahead with the Russian pipeline anyways.

Nord Stream
Nord Stream

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?

India and Turkey

India and Turkey ignore America’s public bullying and buy Russian missile defense systems (S-400).

Then the US threatens to retaliate by blocking the sale of F-35 to Turkey.

Turkey now says it may buy Russian Su-57 instead.

Russian missile defense system (S-400).
Russian missile defense system (S-400).

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


India — America’s strategic partner to “contain” China — buys oil from Iran & Venezuela, ignoring US sanctions.

India and Iran have made many trade agreements.
India and Iran have made many trade agreements.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


Having failed in Syria & Iran, the bloodthirsty Neocons wanted at least one damn regime change. So they targeted Venezuela and used all the standard strategies — choosing a puppet leader (Guaido), trying to bribe/blackmail military leaders, obvious sabotage of electricity across the whole nation etc.

John Bolton, Marco Rubio and Mike Pompeo spend enormous time tweeting sensational propaganda.

Yet, Maduro has survived.

Now, to rub it in, Putin is flying Russian military and aid to Venezuela; and China has sent medical supplies. The Monroe Doctrine is openly challenged for the first time since the Cuban Crisis.

Maduro and Xi Peng.
Maduro and Xi Peng.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


US bans Huawei & dictates all its allies into doing the same!

“Chinese spies are out to get you!!.” 

What happened?

Even the UK — a key member of the Five Eyes alliance (five spies alliance) — refuses to ban Huawei and says there’s no evidence of spying by Huawei!


Then Germany refuses to ban Huawei!

Then New Zealand backtracks as well and its Prime Minister is flying to China to meet with Xi Jinping.

To really rub it in, Saudi Arabia and UAE — hosts of huuuge US troops — invite Huawei to build their 5G networks.

Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone (UK) have publicly warned that banning Huawei will setback Europe’s 5G plans.


What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?

Belt and Road

USA tries to sabotage China’s New Silk Road (a.k.a Belt and Road Initiative — “BRI”).

Pompeo and Pence  go around the world warning everyone from Africa to Latin America how evil and conniving China is.

The propagandists come up with clever phrases:

Debt Trap!” … 
“Predatory Economics” … 
“Made by China, Made for China” … 
“Constricting Belt and One-Way Road.

Hello! Do the Washington elites and their Presstitutes have any self-awareness?

First of all, other countries know what they’re doing.

Second, the US should make a counter offer or keep quiet.

If you can’t build highways, railways, airports, dams etc … keep moving along, nobody wants your lectures. Last year, 6,000+ freight trains carried goods between China & 40 European cities.

This clock cannot be turned back.

Belt and Road Initiative — “BRI”
Belt and Road Initiative — “BRI”

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


Most embarrassing: the US makes all its demands in public forums, rather than using quiet diplomacy behind doors.

Pompeo threatens Panama publicly…

… and what does the tiny country do?

Panama ignores US threats, welcomes Xi Jinping, joins Belt and Road, and signs 40 bilateral agreements with China.

Xi Peng in Panama.
Xi Peng in Panama.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


Similarly, the US government publicly threatened Italy about joining the BRI…

How idiotic!

The rest of the world does not subscribe to American Alt-Right neocon publications. This type of rhetoric is fine within the American echo chamber, but looks absolutely ridiculous to the rest of the world.

Maybe Washington doesn’t know that many EU countries are already formal members of BRI — Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Malta, Poland, Portugal etc.

Well, Xi Jinping visited Italy in March, got a royal welcome and signed huge deals.

Italy ignored the US and signed on to Belt and Road. Plus, Italian PM Conte visited China in April for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Summit (where representatives from 150 countries, including 37 Prime Ministers and Presidents, attended).

As Italian leaders put it, “BRI creates a circle of virtuous growth” and “BRI is a train that Italy cannot afford to miss.”

Also please note, that during the COVID-19 crisis, the United States refused to help Italy in any way. 

Yet China not only sent supplies, but sent doctors and medical staff to assist the already stressed Italian medical staff.

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


Then Xi Jinping went to France, got a red carpet welcome again (including at Arc de Triomphe in Paris) and signed a massive deal to buy 300 French Airbus planes!

Not the American planes that they had discussed with Obama.
Xi Jinping went to France, got a red carpet welcome again  (including at Arc de Triomphe in Paris) and signed a massive deal to buy  300 French Airbus planes!
Xi Jinping went to France, got a red carpet welcome again (including at Arc de Triomphe in Paris) and signed a massive deal to buy 300 French Airbus planes!

Two days earlier, Macron had warned that Europe shouldn’t be naive about China’s influence.

But now he claims “China is EU’s strategic partner!!!”

China is EU’s strategic partner!
China is EU’s strategic partner!

What does this have to do with America? Why is America so fixated in preventing this progress?


Even Germany’s Merkel endorsed the Belt and Road Initiative by saying

“It’s an important project and Europeans want to participate in it.”
Germany has become strategic partners with China.
Germany has become strategic partners with China.

Everyone around the world realizes the power of China’s economy. And they ignore America’s hysterical reaction.

The entire saga is like that “Distracted Boyfriend” meme.

“Distracted Boyfriend” meme.
Distracted Boyfriend” meme.

America needs a proactive, constructive, positive foreign policy in this multi-polar world. And the US should stop being so insecure, paranoid and negative.

Trump should join the Belt and Road Initiative and work with 126 other member countries to build infrastructure, increase connectivity and boost trade. Also, stop demonizing Russia & picking fights with Venezuela, Iran, Syria etc.

We need to get out of the zero-sum attitude & focus on a win-win strategy.


It doesn’t take a “Rocket Scientist” to figure out where the world is moving towards.

America possesses 10% of the world’s factories. China possesses nearly 70% of the factories. China hasn’t fought a war since 1977, and they offer grants and loans with “no strings attached”. They seek harmony and a “win – win” arrangement. They view global relationships as “give and take” in a way that both parties benefit.

They keep their “noses out of” other nations internal affairs.

Hard manufacturing industry as part of a nation's GDP world-wide.
Hard manufacturing industry as part of a nation’s GDP world-wide. America is on par with Burma. Even tiny Sri Lanka, and Paraguay have better ratios.

Meanwhile the United States, like a big lumbering aged dinosaur is trying to clutch and claw itself back into global significance. It has to. For if it doesn’t, that enormous mountain of debt, based on the inflated petrol-dollars, will totally devastate what remains of America.

The only options left for America are to [1] get with “the program” and work together with the rest of the world, or [2] engage China (and by extension, Russia) in World War III.

No other options are “on the table”.

Let’s see what happens. Pay strict attention to the American mainstream and Alt-Right media. The nature of the articles will inform you as to which path America has embarked upon.

If the anti-China rhetoric keeps on increasing in intensity, a move to Iceland might be prudent.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have many others in my Trump Trade Wars Index, here…

Trump Trade War

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Solution Unsatisfactory (Full Text) by Robert Heinlein

Robert A. Heinlein’s fiction excelled at predicting the effects of technology, how particular tools would change society and the lives of people who used them daily. He usually didn’t predict the details, but his predictions of what technologies would mean were often uncanny.

The most dramatic example of this kind of prediction is “Solution Unsatisfactory,” a story which Heinlein wrote in 1940, which predicted the Cold War before the U.S. was even in World War II, and before the Manhattan Project. In the story, the U.S. develops a nuclear weapon and, for a brief time, is the only nuclear power in the whole world. America knows that its enemies will get the weapon soon.

That much actually happened in real life, five years later.

But the story of “Solution Unsatisfactory” takes a different turn than real-life events turned out. In “Solution Unsatisfactory,” the head of the nuclear weapons project overthrows the government of the U.S. and sets up a global, international dictatorship with monopoly control of the nuclear weapon. And that’s the unsatisfactory solution of the story—the narrator of the story, the head of the nuclear weapons project, and presumably Heinlein himself all hate this option, but see the only other alternative, a global nuclear war, to be worse.

Was Heinlein’s unsatisfactory solution a nightmare scenario which we blessedly avoided? Maybe. But instead, we got 40 years of Cold War, the U.S.S.R. dominating half the developed world, and the U.S. propping up nasty dictatorships in the other half. And just because the Cold War is over, the threat hasn’t gone away; nuclear weapons are still common, as are governments and organizations willing to use them.

Heinlein was writing about these issues before nuclear weapons had been invented. He got the effects of the technology right, but he got the technology itself wrong. The weapon he predicted wasn’t a bomb, it was radioactive dust.


By the author Robert Heinlein.

I had always planned to quit the writing business as soon as that mortgage was paid off. I had never had any literary ambitions, no training for it, no interest in itbacked into it by accident and stuck with it to pay off debt, I being always firmly resolved to quit the silly business once I had my chart squared away.  

At a meeting of the Mariana Literary Societyan amorphous disorganization having as its avowed purpose "to permit young writers to talk out their stories to each other in order to get them off their minds and thereby save themselves the trouble of writing them down"—at a gathering of this noble group I was expounding my determination to retire from writing once my bills were paidin a few weeks, during 1940, if the tripe continued to sell.  

William A. P. White ("Anthony Boucher") gave me a sour look. "Do you know any retired writers?" 

"How could I? All the writers I've ever met are in this room." 

"Irrelevant. You know retired school teachers, retired naval officers, retired policemen, retired farmers. Why don't you know at least one retired writer?" 

"What are you driving at?" 

"Robert, there are no retired writers. There are writers who have stopped selling . . . but they have not stopped writing.I pooh-poohed Bill's remarks—possibly what he said applied to writers in general . . . but I wasn't really a writer; I was just a chap who needed money and happened to discover that pulp writing offered an easy way to grab some without stealing and without honest work. ("Honest work"—a euphemism for underpaid bodily exertion, done standing up or on your knees, often in bad weather or other nasty circumstances, and frequently involving shovels, picks, hoes, assembly lines, tractors, and unsympathetic supervisors. It has never appealed to me.Sitting at a typewriter in a nice warm room, with no boss, cannot possibly be described as "honest work.") 

"Blowups Happen" sold and I gave a mortgage-burning party. But I did not quit writing at once (24 Feb. 1940) because, while I had the Old Man of the Sea (that damned mortgage) off my back, there were still some other items. I needed a new car; the house needed paint and some repairs; I wanted to make a trip to New York; and it would not hurt to have a couple of hundred extra in the bank as a cushionand I had a dozen-odd stories in file, planned and ready to write.  

So I wrote Magic, Incorporated and started east on the proceeds, and wrote "They" and Sixth Column while I was on that trip. The latter was the only story of mine ever influenced to any marked degree by John W. Campbell, Jr. He had in file an unsold story he had written some years earlier. JWCdid not show me his manuscript; instead he told me the story line orally and stated that, if I would write it, he would buy it.  

He needed a serial; I needed an automobile. I took the brass check.  

Writing Sixth Column was a job I sweated over. I had to reslant it to remove racist aspects of the original story line. And I didn't really believe the pseudoscientific rationale of Campbell's three spectra—so I worked especially hard to make it sound realistic.  

It worked out all right. The check for the serial, plus 35¢ in cash, bought me that new car . . . and the book editions continue to sell and sell and sell, and have earned more than forty times as much as I was paid for the serial. So it was a financial success . . . but I do not consider it to be an artistic success.   
While I was back east I told Campbell of my plans to quit writing later that year. He was not pleased as I was then his largest supplier of copy. I finally said, "John, I am not going to write any more stories against deadlines. But I do have a few more stories on tap that I could write. I'll send you a story from time to time . . . until the daycomes when you bounce one. At that point we're through. Now that I know you personally, having a story rejected by you would be too traumatic.So I went back to California and sold him "Crooked House" and "Logic of Empire and "Universe" and "Solution Unsatisfactory" and "Methuselah's Children" and "By His Bootstraps" and "Common Sense" and "Goldfish Bowl" and Beyond "This Horizon" and "Waldo" and "The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag"—which brings us smack up against World War II.   

Campbell did bounce one of the above (and I shan't say which one) and I promptly retiredput in a new irrigation systembuilt a garden terraceresumed serious photography, etc. This went on for about a month when I found that I was beginning to be vaguely ill: poor appetite, loss of weight, insomnia, jittery, absent-mindedmuch like the early symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis, and I thought, "Damn it, am I going to have still a third attack?Campbell dropped me a note and asked why he hadn't heard from meI reminded him of our conversation months past: He had rejected one of my stories and that marked my retirement from an occupation that I had never planned to pursue permanently.  

He wrote back and asked for another look at the story he had bounced. I sent it to him, he returned it promptly with the recommendation that I take out this comma, speed up the 1st half of page umpteen, delete that adjectivefiddle changes that Katie Tarrant would have done if told to.  

I sat down at my typewriter to make the suggested changes . . . and suddenly realized that I felt good for the first time in weeks.  

Bill "Tony BoucherWhite had been dead right. Once you get the monkey on your back there is no cure short of the grave. I can leave the typewriter alone for weeks, even months, by going to sea. I can hold off for any necessary time if I am strenuously engaged in some other full-time,worthwhile occupation such as a construction job, a political campaign, or (damn it!) recovering from illness.  

But if I simply loaf for more than two or three days, that monkey starts niggling at me. Then nothing short of a few thousand words will soothe my nerves. And as I get older the attacks get worse; it is beginning to take 300,000 words and up to produce that feeling of warm satiation. At that I don't have it in its most virulent form; two of my colleagues are reliably reported not to have missed their daily fix in more than forty years.   

The best that can be said for "Solution Unsatisfactory" is that the solution is still unsatisfactory and the dangers are greater than ever. There is little satisfaction in having called the turn forty years ago; being a real-life Cassandra is not happy-making.  


In 1903 the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk.

In December, 1938, in Berlin, Dr. Hahn split the uranium atom.

In April, 1943, Dr. Estelle Karst, working under the Federal Emergency Defense Authority, perfected the Karst-Obre technique for producing artificial radioactives.

So American foreign policy had to change.

Had to. Had to. It is very difficult to tuck a bugle call back into a bugle. Pandora’s Box is a one-way proposition. You can turn pig into sausage, but not sausage into pig. Broken eggs stay broken. “All the King’s horses and all the King’s men can’t put Humpty together again.”

I ought to know—I was one of the King’s men.

By rights I should not have been. I was not a professional military man when World War II broke out, and when Congress passed the draft law I drew a high number, high enough to keep me out of the army long enough to die of old age.

Not that very many died of old age that generation!

But I was the newly appointed secretary to a freshman congressman; I had been his campaign manager and my former job had left me. By profession, I was a high-school teacher of economics and sociology—school boards don’t like teachers of social subjects actually to deal with social problems—and my contract was not renewed. I jumped at the chance to go to Washington.

My congressman was named Manning. Yes, the Manning, Colonel Clyde C. Manning, U.S. Army retired—Mr. Commissioner Manning. What you may not know about him is that he was one of the Army’s No. 1 experts in chemical warfare before a leaky heart put him on the shelf. I had picked him, with the help of a group of my political associates, to run against the two-bit chiseler who was the incumbent in our district. We needed a strong liberal candidate and Manning was tailor-made for the job. He had served one term in the grand jury, which cut his political eye teeth, and had stayed active in civic matters thereafter.

Being a retired army officer was a political advantage in vote-getting among the more conservative and well-to-do citizens, and his record was O.K. for the other side of the fence. I’m not primarily concerned with vote-getting; what I liked about him was that, though he was liberal, he was tough-minded, which most liberals aren’t. Most liberals believe that water runs downhill, but, praise God, it’ll never reach the bottom.

Manning was not like that. He could see a logical necessity and act on it, no matter how unpleasant it might be.* * *

We were in Manning’s suite in the House Office Building, taking a little blow from that stormy first session of the Seventy-eighth Congress and trying to catch up on a mountain of correspondence, when the War Department called. Manning answered it himself.

I had to overhear, but then I was his secretary. “Yes,” he said, “speaking. Very well, put him on. Oh . . . hello, General . . . Fine, thanks. Yourself?” Then there was a long silence. Presently, Manning said, “But I can’t do that, General, I’ve got this job to take care of. . . . What’s that? . . . Yes, who is to do my committee work and represent my district? . . . I think so.” He glanced at his wrist watch. “I’ll be right over.”

He put down the phone, turned to me, and said, “Get your hat, John. We are going over to the War Department.”

“So?” I said, complying.

“Yes,” he said with a worried look, “the Chief of Staff thinks I ought to go back to duty.” He set off at a brisk walk, with me hanging back to try to force him not to strain his bum heart. “It’s impossible, of course.” We grabbed a taxi from the stand in front of the office building and headed for the Department.

But it was possible, and Manning agreed to it, after the Chief of Staff presented his case. Manning had to be convinced, for there is no way on earth for anyone, even the President himself, to order a congressman to leave his post, even though he happens to be a member of the military service, too.

The Chief of Staff had anticipated the political difficulty and had been forehanded enough to have already dug up an opposition congressman with whom to pair Manning’s vote for the duration of the emergency. This other congressman, the Honorable Joseph T. Brigham, was a reserve officer who wanted to go to duty himself—or was willing to; I never found out which. Being from the opposite political party, his vote in the House of Representatives could be permanently paired against Manning’s and neither party would lose by the arrangement.

There was talk of leaving me in Washington to handle the political details of Manning’s office, but Manning decided against it, judging that his other secretary could do that, and announced that I must go along as his adjutant. The Chief of Staff demurred, but Manning was in a position to insist, and the Chief had to give in.

A chief of staff can get things done in a hurry if he wants to. I was sworn in as a temporary officer before we left the building; before the day was out I was at the bank, signing a note to pay for the sloppy service uniforms the Army had adopted and to buy a dress uniform with a beautiful shiny belt—a dress outfit which, as it turned out, I was never to need.* * *

We drove over into Maryland the next day and Manning took charge of the Federal nuclear research laboratory, known officially by the hush-hush title of War Department Special Defense Project No. 347. I didn’t know a lot about physics and nothing about modern atomic physics, aside from the stuff you read in the Sunday supplements. Later, I picked up a smattering, mostly wrong, I suppose, from associating with the heavyweights with whom the laboratory was staffed.

Colonel Manning had taken an Army p.g. course at Massachusetts Tech and had received a master of science degree for a brilliant thesis on the mathematical theories of atomic structure. That was why the Army had to have him for this job. But that had been some years before; atomic theory had turned several cartwheels in the meantime; he admitted to me that he had to bone like the very devil to try to catch up to the point where he could begin to understand what his highbrow charges were talking about in their reports.

I think he overstated the degree of his ignorance; there was certainly no one else in the United States who could have done the job. It required a man who could direct and suggest research in a highly esoteric field, but who saw the problem from the standpoint of urgent military necessity. Left to themselves, the physicists would have reveled in the intellectual luxury of an unlimited research expense account, but, while they undoubtedly would have made major advances in human knowledge, they might never have developed anything of military usefulness, or the military possibilities of a discovery might be missed for years.

It’s like this: It takes a smart dog to hunt birds, but it takes a hunter behind him to keep him from wasting time chasing rabbits. And the hunter needs to know nearly as much as the dog.

No derogatory reference to the scientists is intended—by no means! We had all the genius in the field that the United States could produce, men from Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, M.I.T., Cal Tech, Berkeley, every radiation laboratory in the country, as well as a couple of broad-A boys lent to us by the British. And they had every facility that ingenuity could think up and money could build. The five-hundred-ton cyclotron which had originally been intended for the University of California was there, and was already obsolete in the face of the new gadgets these brains had thought up, asked for, and been given. Canada supplied us with all the uranium we asked for—tons of the treacherous stuff—from Great Bear Lake, up near the Yukon, and the fractional-residues technique of separating uranium isotope 235 from the commoner isotope 238 had already been worked out, by the same team from Chicago that had worked up the earlier expensive mass spectrograph method.

Someone in the United States government had realized the terrific potentialities of uranium 235 quite early and, as far back as the summer of 1940, had rounded up every atomic research man in the country and had sworn them to silence. Atomic power, if ever developed, was planned to be a government monopoly, at least till the war was over. It might turn out to be the most incredibly powerful explosive ever dreamed of, and it might be the source of equally incredible power. In any case, with Hitler talking about secret weapons and shouting hoarse insults at democracies, the government planned to keep any new discoveries very close to the vest.

Hitler had lost the advantage of a first crack at the secret of uranium through not taking precautions. Dr. Hahn, the first man to break open the uranium atom, was a German. But one of his laboratory assistants had fled Germany to escape a pogrom. She came to this country, and told us about it.

We were searching, there in the laboratory in Maryland, for a way to use U235 in a controlled explosion. We had a vision of a one-ton bomb that would be a whole air raid in itself, a single explosion that would flatten out an entire industrial center. Dr. Ridpath, of Continental Tech, claimed that he could build such a bomb, but that he could not guarantee that it would not explode as soon as it was loaded and as for the force of the explosion—well, he did not believe his own figures; they ran out to too many ciphers.

The problem was, strangely enough, to find an explosive which would be weak enough to blow up only one county at a time, and stable enough to blow up only on request. If we could devise a really practical rocket fuel at the same time, one capable of driving a war rocket at a thousand miles an hour, or more, then we would be in a position to make most anybody say “uncle” to Uncle Sam.

We fiddled around with it all the rest of 1943 and well into 1944. The war in Europe and the troubles in Asia dragged on. After Italy folded up, England was able to release enough ships from her Mediterranean fleet to ease the blockade of the British Isles. With the help of the planes we could now send her regularly and with the additional over-age destroyers we let her have, England hung on somehow, digging in and taking more and more of her essential defense industries underground. Russia shifted her weight from side to side as usual, apparently with the policy of preventing either side from getting a sufficient advantage to bring the war to a successful conclusion. People were beginning to speak of “permanent war.”* * *

I was killing time in the administrative office, trying to improve my typing—a lot of Manning’s reports had to be typed by me personally—when the orderly on duty stepped in and announced Dr. Karst. I flipped the interoffice communicator. “Dr. Karst is here, chief. Can you see her?”

“Yes,” he answered, through his end.

I told the orderly to show her in.

Estelle Karst was quite a remarkable old girl and, I suppose, the first woman ever to hold a commission in the Corps of Engineers. She was an M.D. as well as an Sc.D. and reminded me of the teacher I had had in fourth grade. I guess that was why I always stood up instinctively when she came into the room—I was afraid she might look at me and sniff. It couldn’t have been her rank; we didn’t bother much with rank.

She was dressed in white coveralls and a shop apron and had simply thrown a hooded cape over herself to come through the snow. I said, “Good morning, ma’am,” and led her into Manning’s office.

The Colonel greeted her with the urbanity that had made him such a success with women’s clubs, seated her, and offered her a cigarette.

“I’m glad to see you, Major,” he said. “I’ve been intending to drop around to your shop.”

I knew what he was getting at; Dr. Karst’s work had been primarily physiomedical; he wanted her to change the direction of her research to something more productive in a military sense.

“Don’t call me ‘major,'” she said tartly.

“Sorry, Doctor—”

“I came on business, and must get right back. And I presume you are a busy man, too. Colonel Manning, I need some help.”

“That’s what we are here for.”

“Good. I’ve run into some snags in my research. I think that one of the men in Dr. Ridpath’s department could help me, but Dr. Ridpath doesn’t seem disposed to be cooperative.”

“So? Well, I hardly like to go over the head of a departmental chief, but tell me about it; perhaps we can arrange it. Whom do you want?”

“I need Dr. Obre.”

“The spectroscopist. Hm-m-m. I can understand Dr. Ridpath’s reluctance, Dr. Karst, and I’m disposed to agree with him. After all, the high-explosives research is really our main show around here.”

She bristled and I thought she was going to make him stay in after school at the very least. “Colonel Manning, do you realize the importance of artificial radioactives to modern medicine?”

“Why, I believe I do. Nevertheless, Doctor, our primary mission is to perfect a weapon which will serve as a safeguard to the whole country in time of war—”

She sniffed and went into action. “Weapons—fiddlesticks! Isn’t there a medical corps in the Army? Isn’t it more important to know how to heal men than to know how to blow them to bits? Colonel Manning, you’re not a fit man to have charge of this project! You’re a . . . you’re a, a warmonger, that’s what you are!”

I felt my ears turning red, but Manning never budged. He could have raised Cain with her, confined her to her quarters, maybe even have court-martialed her, but Manning isn’t like that. He told me once that every time a man is court-martialed, it is a sure sign that some senior officer hasn’t measured up to his job.

“I am sorry you feel that way, Doctor,” he said mildly, “and I agree that my technical knowledge isn’t what it might be. And, believe me, I do wish that healing were all we had to worry about. In any case, I have not refused your request. Let’s walk over to your laboratory and see what the problem is. Likely there is some arrangement that can be made which will satisfy everybody.”

He was already up and getting out his greatcoat. Her set mouth relaxed a trifle and she answered, “Very well. I’m sorry I spoke as I did.”

“Not at all,” he replied. “These are worrying times. Come along, John.”

I trailed after them, stopping in the outer office to get my own coat and to stuff my notebook in a pocket.

By the time we had trudged through mushy snow the eighth of a mile to her lab they were talking about gardening!

Manning acknowledged the sentry’s challenge with a wave of his hand and we entered the building. He started casually on into the inner lab, but Karst stopped him. “Armor first, Colonel.”

We had trouble finding overshoes that would fit over Manning’s boots, which he persisted in wearing, despite the new uniform regulations, and he wanted to omit the foot protection, but Karst would not hear of it. She called in a couple of her assistants who made jury-rigged moccasins out of some soft-lead sheeting.

The helmets were different from those used in the explosives lab, being fitted with inhalers. “What’s this?” inquired Manning.

“Radioactive dust guard,” she said. “It’s absolutely essential.”

We threaded a lead-lined meander and arrived at the workroom door which she opened by combination. I blinked at the sudden bright illumination and noticed the air was filled with little shiny motes.

“Hm-m-m—it is dusty,” agreed Manning. “Isn’t there some way of controlling that?” His voice sounded muffled from behind the dust mask.

“The last stage has to be exposed to air,” explained Karst. “The hood gets most of it. We could control it, but it would mean a quite expensive new installation.”

“No trouble about that. We’re not on a budget, you know. It must be very annoying to have to work in a mask like this.”

“It is,” acknowledged Karst. “The kind of gear it would take would enable us to work without body armor, too. That would be a comfort.”

I suddenly had a picture of the kind of thing these researchers put up with. I am a fair-sized man, yet I found that armor heavy to carry around. Estelle Karst was a small woman, yet she was willing to work maybe fourteen hours, day after day, in an outfit which was about as comfortable as a diving suit. But she had not complained.

Not all the heroes are in the headlines. These radiation experts not only ran the chance of cancer and nasty radioaction burns, but the men stood a chance of damaging their germ plasm and then having their wives present them with something horrid in the way of offspring—no chin, for example, and long hairy ears. Nevertheless, they went right ahead and never seemed to get irritated unless something held up their work.

Dr. Karst was past the age when she would be likely to be concerned personally about progeny, but the principle applies.

I wandered around, looking at the unlikely apparatus she used to get her results, fascinated as always by my failure to recognize much that reminded me of the physics laboratory I had known when I was an undergraduate, and being careful not to touch anything. Karst started explaining to Manning what she was doing and why, but I knew that it was useless for me to try to follow that technical stuff. If Manning wanted notes, he would dictate them. My attention was caught by a big boxlike contraption in one corner of the room. It had a hopperlike gadget on one side and I could hear a sound from it like the whirring of a fan with a background of running water. It intrigued me.

I moved back to the neighborhood of Dr. Karst and the Colonel and heard her saying, “The problem amounts to this, Colonel: I am getting a much more highly radioactive end product than I want, but there is considerable variation in the half-life of otherwise equivalent samples. That suggests to me that I am using a mixture of isotopes, but I haven’t been able to prove it. And frankly, I do not know enough about that end of the field to be sure of sufficient refinement in my methods. I need Dr. Obre’s help on that.”

I think those were her words, but I may not be doing her justice, not being a physicist. I understood the part about “half-life.” All radioactive materials keep right on radiating until they turn into something else, which takes theoretically forever. As a matter of practice their periods, or “lives,” are described in terms of how long it takes the original radiation to drop to one-half strength. That time is called a “half-life” and each radioactive isotope of an element has its own specific characteristic half-lifetime.

One of the staff—I forget which one—told me once that any form of matter can be considered as radioactive in some degree; it’s a question of intensity and period, or half-life.

“I’ll talk to Dr. Ridpath,” Manning answered her, “and see what can be arranged. In the meantime you might draw up plans for what you want to reequip your laboratory.”

“Thank you, Colonel.”

I could see that Manning was about ready to leave, having pacified her; I was still curious about the big box that gave out the odd noises.

“May I ask what that is, Doctor?”

“Oh, that? That’s an air conditioner.”

“Odd-looking one. I’ve never seen one like it.”

“It’s not to condition the air of this room. It’s to remove the radioactive dust before the exhaust air goes outdoors. We wash the dust out of the foul air.”

“Where does the water go?”

“Down the drain. Out into the bay eventually, I suppose.”

I tried to snap my fingers, which was impossible because of the lead mittens. “That accounts for it, Colonel!”

“Accounts for what?”

“Accounts for those accusing notes we’ve been getting from the Bureau of Fisheries. This poisonous dust is being carried out into Chesapeake Bay and is killing the fish.”

Manning turned to Karst. “Do you think that possible, Doctor?”

I could see her brows draw together through the window in her helmet. “I hadn’t thought about it,” she admitted. “I’d have to do some figuring on the possible concentrations before I could give you a definite answer. But it is possible—yes. However,” she added anxiously, “it would be simple enough to divert this drain to a sink hole of some sort.”

“Hm-m-m—yes.” He did not say anything for some minutes, simply stood there, looking at the box.

Presently he said, “This dust is pretty lethal?”

“Quite lethal, Colonel.” There was another long silence.

At last I gathered he had made up his mind about something for he said decisively, “I am going to see to it that you get Obre’s assistance, Doctor—”

“Oh, good!”

“—but I want you to help me in return. I am very much interested in this research of yours, but I want it carried on with a little broader scope. I want you to investigate for maxima both in period and intensity as well as for minima. I want you to drop the strictly utilitarian approach and make an exhaustive research along lines which we will work out in greater detail later.”

She started to say something but he cut in ahead of her. “A really thorough program of research should prove more helpful in the long run to your original purpose than a more narrow one. And I shall make it my business to expedite every possible facility for such a research. I think we may turn up a number of interesting things.”

He left immediately, giving her no time to discuss it. He did not seem to want to talk on the way back and I held my peace. I think he had already gotten a glimmering of the bold and drastic strategy this was to lead to, but even Manning could not have thought out that early the inescapable consequences of a few dead fish—otherwise he would never have ordered the research.

No, I don’t really believe that. He would have gone right ahead, knowing that if he did not do it, someone else would. He would have accepted the responsibility while bitterly aware of its weight.* * *

1944 wore along with no great excitement on the surface. Karst got her new laboratory equipment and so much additional help that her department rapidly became the largest on the grounds. The explosives research was suspended after a conference between Manning and Ridpath, of which I heard only the end, but the meat of it was that there existed not even a remote possibility at that time of utilizing U235 as an explosive. As a source of power, yes, sometime in the distant future when there had been more opportunity to deal with the extremely ticklish problem of controlling the nuclear reaction. Even then it seemed likely that it would not be a source of power in prime movers such as rocket motors or mobiles, but would be used in vast power plants at least as large as the Boulder Dam installation.

After that Ridpath became a sort of co-chairman of Karst’s department and the equipment formerly used by the explosives department was adapted or replaced to carry on research on the deadly artificial radioactives. Manning arranged a division of labor and Karst stuck to her original problem of developing techniques for tailor-making radioactives. I think she was perfectly happy, sticking with a one-track mind to the problem at hand. I don’t know to this day whether or not Manning and Ridpath ever saw fit to discuss with her what they intended to do.

As a matter of fact, I was too busy myself to think much about it. The general elections were coming up and I was determined that Manning should have a constituency to return to, when the emergency was over. He was not much interested, but agreed to let his name be filed as a candidate for re-election. I was trying to work up a campaign by remote control and cursing because I could not be in the field to deal with the thousand and one emergencies as they arose.

I did the next best thing and had a private line installed to permit the campaign chairman to reach me easily. I don’t think I violated the Hatch Act, but I guess I stretched it a little. Anyhow, it turned out all right; Manning was elected as were several other members of the citizen-military that year. An attempt was made to smear him by claiming that he was taking two salaries for one job, but we squelched that with a pamphlet entitled “For Shame!” which explained that he got one salary for two jobs. That’s the Federal law in such cases and people are entitled to know it.* * *

It was just before Christmas that Manning first admitted to me how much the implications of the Karst-Obre process were preying on his mind. He called me into his office over some inconsequential matter, then did not let me go. I saw that he wanted to talk.

“How much of the K-O dust do we now have on hand?” he asked suddenly.

“Just short of ten thousand units,” I replied. “I can look up the exact figures in half a moment.” A unit would take care of a thousand men, at normal dispersion. He knew the figure as well as I did, and I knew he was stalling.

We had shifted almost imperceptibly from research to manufacture, entirely on Manning’s initiative and authority. Manning had never made a specific report to the Department about it, unless he had done so orally to the Chief of Staff.

“Never mind,” he answered to my suggestion, then added, “Did you see those horses?”

“Yes,” I said briefly.

I did not want to talk about it. I like horses. We had requisitioned six broken-down old nags, ready for the bone yard, and had used them experimentally. We knew now what the dust would do. After they had died, any part of their carcasses would register on a photographic plate and tissue from the apices of their lungs and from the bronchia glowed with a light of its own.

Manning stood at the window, staring out at the dreary Maryland winter for a minute or two before replying, “John, I wish that radioactivity had never been discovered. Do you realize what that devilish stuff amounts to?”

“Well,” I said, “it’s a weapon, about like poison gas—maybe more efficient.”

“Rats!” he said, and for a moment I thought he was annoyed with me personally. “That’s about like comparing a sixteen-inch gun with a bow and arrow. We’ve got here the first weapon the world has ever seen against which there is no defense, none whatsoever. It’s death itself, C.O.D.

“Have you seen Ridpath’s report?” he went on.

I had not. Ridpath had taken to delivering his reports by hand to Manning personally.

“Well,” he said, “ever since we started production I’ve had all the talent we could spare working on the problem of a defense against the dust. Ridpath tells me and I agree with him that there is no means whatsoever to combat the stuff, once it’s used.”

“How about armor,” I asked, “and protective clothing?

“Sure, sure,” he agreed irritatedly, “provided you never take it off to eat, or to drink or for any purpose whatever, until the radioaction has ceased, or you are out of the danger zone. That is all right for laboratory work; I’m talking about war.”

I considered the matter. “I still don’t see what you are fretting about, Colonel. If the stuff is as good as you say it is, you’ve done just exactly what you set out to do—develop a weapon which would give the United States protection against aggression.”

He swung around. “John, there are times when I think you are downright stupid!”

I said nothing. I knew him and I knew how to discount his moods. The fact that he permitted me to see his feelings is the finest compliment I have ever had.

“Look at it this way,” he went on more patiently; “this dust, as a weapon, is not just simply sufficient to safeguard the United States, it amounts to a loaded gun held at the head of every man, woman, and child on the globe!”

“Well,” I answered, “what of that? It’s our secret, and we’ve got the upper hand. The United States can put a stop to this war, and any other war. We can declare a Pax Americana, and enforce it.”

“Hm-m-m—I wish it were that easy. But it won’t remain our secret; you can count on that. It doesn’t matter how successfully we guard it; all that anyone needs is the hint given by the dust itself and then it is just a matter of time until some other nation develops a technique to produce it. You can’t stop brains from working, John; the reinvention of the method is a mathematical certainty, once they know what it is they are looking for. And uranium is a common enough substance, widely distributed over the globe—don’t forget that!

“It’s like this: Once the secret is out—and it will be out if we ever use the stuff!—the whole world will be comparable to a room full of men, each armed with a loaded .45. They can’t get out of the room and each one is dependent on the good will of every other one to stay alive. All offense and no defense. See what I mean?”

I thought about it, but I still didn’t guess at the difficulties. It seemed to me that a peace enforced by us was the only way out, with precautions taken to see that we controlled the sources of uranium. I had the usual American subconscious conviction that our country would never use power in sheer aggression. Later, I thought about the Mexican War and the Spanish-American War and some of the things we did in Central America, and I was not so sure—* * *

It was a couple of weeks later, shortly after inauguration day, that Manning told me to get the Chief of Staff’s office on the telephone. I heard only the tail end of the conversation. “No, General, I won’t,” Manning was saying. “I won’t discuss it with you, or the Secretary, either. This is a matter the Commander in Chief is going to have to decide in the long run. If he turns it down, it is imperative that no one else ever knows about it. That’s my considered opinion. . . . What’s that? . . . I took this job under the condition that I was to have a free hand. You’ve got to give me a little leeway this time. . . . Don’t go brass hat on me. I knew you when you were a plebe. . . . O.K., O.K., sorry. . . . If the Secretary of War won’t listen to reason, you tell him I’ll be in my seat in the House of Representatives tomorrow, and that I’ll get the favor I want from the majority leader. . . . All right. Good-bye.”

Washington rang up again about an hour later. It was the Secretary of War. This time Manning listened more than he talked. Toward the end, he said, “All I want is thirty minutes alone with the President. If nothing comes of it, no harm has been done. If I convince him, then you will know all about it. . . . No. sir, I did not mean that you would avoid responsibility. I intended to be helpful. . . . Fine! Thank you, Mr. Secretary.”

The White House rang up later in the day and set a time.* * *

We drove down to the District the next day through a nasty cold rain that threatened to turn to sleet. The usual congestion in Washington was made worse by the weather; it very nearly caused us to be late in arriving. I could hear Manning swearing under his breath all the way down Rhode Island Avenue. But we were dropped at the west wing entrance to the White House with two minutes to spare. Manning was ushered into the Oval Office almost at once and I was left cooling my heels and trying to get comfortable in civilian clothes. After so many months of uniform they itched in the wrong places.

The thirty minutes went by.

The President’s reception secretary went in, and came out very promptly indeed. He stepped on out into the outer reception room and I heard something that began with, “I’m sorry, Senator, but—” He came back in, made a penciled notation, and passed it out to an usher.

Two more hours went by.

Manning appeared at the door at last and the secretary looked relieved. But he did not come out, saying instead, “Come in, John. The President wants to take a look at you.”

I fell over my feet getting up.

Manning said, “Mr. President, this is Captain DeFries.” The President nodded, and I bowed, unable to say anything. He was standing on the hearth rug, his fine head turned toward us, and looking just like his pictures—but it seemed strange for the President of the United States not to be a tall man.

I had never seen him before, though, of course, I knew something of his record the two years he had been in the Senate and while he was Mayor before that.

The President said, “Sit down, DeFries. Care to smoke?” Then to Manning, “You think he can do it?”

“I think he’ll have to. It’s Hobson’s choice.”

“And you are sure of him?”

“He was my campaign manager.”

“I see.”

The President said nothing more for a while and God knows I didn’t!—though I was bursting to know what they were talking about. He commenced again with, “Colonel Manning, I intend to follow the procedure you have suggested, with the changes we discussed. But I will be down tomorrow to see for myself that the dust will do what you say it will. Can you prepare a demonstration?”

“Yes, Mr. President,”

“Very well, we will use Captain DeFries unless I think of a better procedure.” I thought for a moment that they planned to use me for a guinea pig! But he turned to me and continued, “Captain, I expect to send you to England as my representative.”

I gulped. “Yes, Mr. President.” And that is every word I had to say in calling on the President of the United States.* * *

After that, Manning had to tell me a lot of things he had on his mind. I am going to try to relate them as carefully as possible, even at the risk of being dull and obvious and of repeating things that are common knowledge.

We had a weapon that could not be stopped. Any type of K-O dust scattered over an area rendered that area uninhabitable for a length of time that depended on the half-life of the radioactivity.

Period. Full stop.

Once an area was dusted there was nothing that could be done about it until the radioactivity had fallen off to the point where it was no longer harmful. The dust could not be cleaned out; it was everywhere. There was no possible way to counteract it—burn it, combine it chemically; the radioactive isotope was still there, still radioactive, still deadly. Once used on a stretch of land, for a predetermined length of time that piece of earth would not tolerate life. 

It was extremely simple to use. No complicated bomb-sights were needed, no care need be taken to hit “military objectives.” Take it aloft in any sort of aircraft, attain a position more or less over the area you wish to sterilize, and drop the stuff. Those on the ground in the contaminated area are dead men, dead in an hour, a day, a week, a month, depending on the degree of the infection—but dead. 

Manning told me that he had once seriously considered, in the middle of the night, recommending that every single person, including himself, who knew the Karst-Obre technique be put to death, in the interests of all civilization. But he had realized the next day that it had been sheer funk; the technique was certain in time to be rediscovered by someone else.

Furthermore, it would not do to wait, to refrain from using the grisly power, until someone else perfected it and used it. The only possible chance to keep the world from being turned into one huge morgue was for us to use the power first and drastically—get the upper hand and keep it.

We were not at war, legally, yet we had been in the war up to our necks with our weight on the side of democracy since 1940. Manning had proposed to the President that we turn a supply of the dust over to Great Britain, under conditions we specified, and enable them thereby to force a peace. But the terms of the peace would be dictated by the United States—for we were not turning over the secret.

After that, the Pax Americana. 

The United States was having power thrust on it, willy-nilly. We had to accept it and enforce a worldwide peace, ruthlessly and drastically, or it would be seized by some other nation. There could not be co-equals in the possession of this weapon. The factor of time predominated.

I was selected to handle the details in England because Manning insisted, and the President agreed with him, that every person technically acquainted with the Karst-Obre process should remain on the laboratory reservation in what amounted to protective custody—imprisonment. That included Manning himself. I could go because I did not have the secret—I could not even have acquired it without years of schooling—and what I did not know I could not tell, even under, well, drugs. We were determined to keep the secret as long as we could to consolidate the Pax;we did not distrust our English cousins, but they were Britishers, with a first loyalty to the British Empire. No need to tempt them.

I was picked because I understood the background if not the science, and because Manning trusted me. I don’t know why the President trusted me, too, but then my job was not complicated.* * *

We took off from the new field outside Baltimore on a cold, raw afternoon which matched my own feelings. I had an all-gone feeling in my stomach, a runny nose, and, buttoned inside my clothes, papers appointing me a special agent of the President of the United States. They were odd papers, papers without precedent; they did not simply give me the usual diplomatic immunity; they made my person very nearly as sacred as that of the President himself.

At Nova Scotia we touched ground to refuel, the F.B.I, men left us, we took off again, and the Canadian transfighters took their stations around us. All the dust we were sending was in my plane; if the President’s representative were shot down, the dust would go to the bottom with him.

No need to tell of the crossing. I was airsick and miserable, in spite of the steadiness of the new six-engined jobs. I felt like a hangman on the way to an execution, and wished to God that I were a boy again, with nothing more momentous than a debate contest, or a track meet, to worry me.

There was some fighting around us as we neared Scotland, I know, but I could not see it, the cabin being shuttered. Our pilot-captain ignored it and brought his ship down on a totally dark field, using a beam, I suppose, though I did not know nor care. I would have welcomed a crash. Then the lights outside went on and I saw that we had come to rest in an underground hangar.

I stayed in the ship. The Commandant came to see me to his quarters as his guest. I shook my head. “I stay here,” I said. “Orders. You are to treat this ship as United States soil, you know.”

He seemed miffed, but compromised by having dinner served for both of us in my ship.

There was a really embarrassing situation the next day. I was commanded to appear for a Royal audience. But I had my instructions and I stuck to them. I was sitting on that cargo of dust until the President told me what to do with it. Late in the day I was called on by a member of Parliament—nobody admitted out loud that it was the Prime Minister—and a Mr. Windsor. The M.P. did most of the talking and I answered his questions. My other guest said very little and spoke slowly with some difficulty. But I got a very favorable impression of him. He seemed to be a man who was carrying a load beyond human strength and carrying it heroically.* * *

There followed the longest period in my life. It was actually only a little longer than a week, but every minute of it had that split-second intensity of imminent disaster that comes just before a car crash. The President was using the time to try to avert the need to use the dust. He had two face-to-face television conferences with the new Fuehrer. The President spoke German fluently, which should have helped. He spoke three times to the warring peoples themselves, but it is doubtful if very many on the Continent were able to listen, the police regulations there being what they were.

The Ambassador from the Reich was given a special demonstration of the effect of the dust. He was flown out over a deserted stretch of Western prairie and allowed to see what a single dusting would do to a herd of steers. It should have impressed him and I think that it did—nobody could ignore a visual demonstration!—but what report he made to his leader we never knew.

The British Isles were visited repeatedly during the wait by bombing attacks as heavy as any of the war. I was safe enough but I heard about them, and I could see the effect on the morale of the officers with whom I associated. Not that it frightened them—it made them coldly angry. The raids were not directed primarily at dockyards or factories, but were ruthless destruction of anything, particularly villages.

“I don’t see what you chaps are waiting for,” a flight commander complained to me. “What the Jerries need is a dose of their own shrecklichkeit, a lesson in their own Aryan culture.”

I shook my head. “We’ll have to do it our own way.”

He dropped the matter, but I knew how he and his brother officers felt. They had a standing toast, as sacred as the toast to the King: “Remember Coventry!”

Our President had stipulated that the R.A.F. was not to bomb during the period of negotiation, but their bombers were busy nevertheless. The continent was showered, night after night, with bales of leaflets, prepared by our own propaganda agents. The first of these called on the people of the Reich to stop a useless war and promised that the terms of peace would not be vindictive. The second rain of pamphlets showed photographs of that herd of steers. The third was a simple direct warning to get out of cities and to stay out.

As Manning put it, we were calling “Halt!” three times before firing. I do not think that he or the President expected it to work, but we were morally obligated to try.

The Britishers had installed for me a televisor, of the Simonds-Yarley nonintercept type, the sort whereby the receiver must “trigger” the transmitter in order for the transmission to take place at all. It made assurance of privacy in diplomatic rapid communication for the first time in history, and was a real help in the crisis. I had brought along my own technician, one of the F.B.I.’s new corps of specialists, to handle the scrambler and the trigger.

He called to me one afternoon. “Washington signaling.”

I climbed tiredly out of the cabin and down to the booth on the hangar floor, wondering if it were another false alarm.

It was the President. His lips were white. “Carry out your basic instructions, Mr. DeFries.”

“Yes, Mr. President!”* * *

The details had been worked out in advance and, once I had accepted a receipt and token payment from the Commandant for the dust, my duties were finished. But, at our instance, the British had invited military observers from every independent nation and from the several provisional governments of occupied nations. The United States Ambassador designated me as one at the request of Manning.

Our task group was thirteen bombers. One such bomber could have carried all the dust needed, but it was split up to insure most of it, at least, reaching its destination. I had fetched forty percent more dust than Ridpath calculated would be needed for the mission and my last job was to see to it that every canister actually went on board a plane of the flight. The extremely small weight of dust used was emphasized to each of the military observers.

We took off just at dark, climbed to twenty-five thousand feet, refueled in the air, and climbed again. Our escort was waiting for us, having refueled thirty minutes before us. The flight split into thirteen groups, and cut the thin air for middle Europe. The bombers we rode had been stripped and hiked up to permit the utmost maximum of speed and altitude.

Elsewhere in England, other flights had taken off shortly before us to act as a diversion. Their destinations were every part of Germany; it was the intention to create such confusion in the air above the Reich that our few planes actually engaged in the serious work might well escape attention entirely, flying so high in the stratosphere.

The thirteen dust carriers approached Berlin from different directions, planning to cross Berlin as if following the spokes of a wheel. The night was appreciably clear and we had a low moon to help us. Berlin is not a hard city to locate, since it has the largest square-mile area of any modern city and is located on a broad flat alluvial plain. I could make out the River Spree as we approached it, and the Havel. The city was blacked out, but a city makes a different sort of black from open country. Parachute flares hung over the city in many places, showing that the R.A.F. had been busy before we got there and the A.A. batteries on the ground helped to pick out the city.

There was fighting below us, but not within fifteen thousand feet of our altitude as nearly as I could judge.

The pilot reported to the captain, “On line of bearing!” The chap working the absolute altimeter steadily fed his data into the fuse pots of the canister. The canisters were equipped with a light charge of black powder, sufficient to explode them and scatter the dust at a time after release predetermined by the fuse pot setting. The method used was no more than an efficient expedient. The dust would have been almost as effective had it simply been dumped out in paper bags, although not as well distributed.

The Captain hung over the navigator’s board, a slight frown on his thin sallow face. “Ready one!” reported the bomber.


“Ready two!”

The Captain studied his wristwatch. “Release!”

“Ready three!”


When the last of our ten little packages was out of the ship we turned tail and ran for home.* * *

No arrangements had been made for me to get home; nobody had thought about it. But it was the one thing I wanted to do. I did not feel badly; I did not feel much of anything. I felt like a man who has at last screwed up his courage and undergone a serious operation; it’s over now, he is still numb from shock but his mind is relaxed. But I wanted to go home.

The British Commandant was quite decent about it; he serviced and manned my ship at once and gave me an escort for the offshore war zone. It was an expensive way to send one man home, but who cared? We had just expended some millions of lives in a desperate attempt to end the war; what was a money expense? He gave the necessary orders absentmindedly.

I took a double dose of nembutal and woke up in Canada. I tried to get some news while the plane was being serviced, but there was not much to be had. The government of the Reich had issued one official news bulletin shortly after the raid, sneering at the much vaunted “secret weapon” of the British and stating that a major air attack had been made on Berlin and several other cities, but that the raiders had been driven off with only minor damage. The current Lord Haw-Haw started one of his sarcastic speeches but was unable to continue it. The announcer said that he had been seized with a heart attack, and substituted some recordings of patriotic music. The station cut off in the middle of the “Horst Wessel” song. After that there was silence.

I managed to promote an Army car and a driver at the Baltimore field which made short work of the Annapolis speedway. We almost overran the turnoff to the laboratory.

Manning was in his office. He looked up as I came in, said, “Hello, John,” in a dispirited voice, and dropped his eyes again to the blotter pad. He went back to drawing doodles.

I looked him over and realized for the first time that the chief was an old man. His face was gray and flabby, deep furrows framed his mouth in a triangle. His clothes did not fit.

I went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t take it so hard, chief. It’s not your fault. We gave them all the warning in the world.”

He looked up again. “Estelle Karst suicided this morning.”

Anybody could have anticipated it, but nobody did. And somehow I felt harder hit by her death than by the death of all those strangers in Berlin. “How did she do it?” I asked.

“Dust. She went into the canning room, and took off her armor.”

I could picture her—head held high, eyes snapping, and that set look on her mouth which she got when people did something she disapproved of. One little old woman whose lifetime work had been turned against her.

“I wish,” Manning added slowly, “that I could explain to her why we had to do it.”

We buried her in a lead-lined coffin, then Manning and I went on to Washington.* * *

While we were there, we saw the motion pictures that had been made of the death of Berlin. You have not seen them; they never were made public, but they were of great use in convincing the other nations of the world that peace was a good idea. I saw them when Congress did, being allowed in because I was Manning’s assistant.

They had been made by a pair of R.A.F. pilots, who had dodged the Luftwaffe to get them. The first shots showed some of the main streets the morning after the raid. There was not much to see that would show up in telephoto shots, just busy and crowded streets, but if you looked closely you could see that there had been an excessive number of automobile accidents.

The second day showed the attempt to evacuate. The inner squares of the city were practically deserted save for bodies and wrecked cars, but the streets leading out of town were boiling with people, mostly on foot, for the trams were out of service. The pitiful creatures were fleeing, not knowing that death was already lodged inside them. The plane swooped down at one point and the cinematographer had his telephoto lens pointed directly into the face of a young woman for several seconds. She stared back at it with a look too woebegone to forget, then stumbled and fell.

She may have been trampled. I hope so. One of those six horses had looked like that when the stuff was beginning to hit his vitals.

The last sequence showed Berlin and the roads around it a week after the raid. The city was dead; there was not a man, a woman, a child—nor cats, nor dogs, not even a pigeon. Bodies were all around, but they were safe from rats. There were no rats.

The roads around Berlin were quiet now. Scattered carelessly on shoulders and in ditches, and to a lesser extent on the pavement itself, like coal shaken off a train, were the quiet heaps that had been the citizens of the capital of the Reich. There is no use in talking about it.

But, so far as I am concerned, I left what soul I had in that projection room and I have not had one since.

The two pilots who made the pictures eventually died—systemic, cumulative infection, dust in the air over Berlin. With precautions it need not have happened, but the English did not believe, as yet, that our extreme precautions were necessary.* * *

The Reich took about a week to fold up. It might have taken longer if the new Fuehrer had not gone to Berlin the day after the raid to “prove” that the British boasts had been hollow. There is no need to recount the provisional governments that Germany had in the following several months; the only one we are concerned with is the so-called restored monarchy which used a cousin of the old Kaiser as a symbol, the one that sued for peace.

Then the trouble started.

When the Prime Minister announced the terms of the private agreement he had had with our President, he was met with a silence that was broken only by cries of “Shame! Shame! Resign!” I suppose it was inevitable; the Commons reflected the spirit of a people who had been unmercifully punished for four years. They were in a mood to enforce a peace that would have made the Versailles Treaty look like the Beatitudes.

The vote of no confidence left the Prime Minister no choice. Forty-eight hours later the King made a speech from the throne that violated all constitutional precedent, for it had not been written by a Prime Minister. In this greatest crisis in his reign, his voice was clear and unlabored; it sold the idea to England and a national coalition government was formed.

I don’t know whether we would have dusted London to enforce our terms or not; Manning thinks we would have done so. I suppose it depended on the character of the President of the United States, and there is no way of knowing about that since we did not have to do it.

The United States, and in particular the President of the United States, was confronted by two inescapable problems. First, we had to consolidate our position at once, use our temporary advantage of an overwhelmingly powerful weapon to insure that such a weapon would not be turned on us. Second, some means had to be worked out to stabilize American foreign policy so that it could handle the tremendous power we had suddenly had thrust upon us.

The second was by far the most difficult and serious. If we were to establish a reasonably permanent peace—say a century or so—through a monopoly on a weapon so powerful that no one dare fight us, it was imperative that the policy under which we acted be more lasting than passing political administrations. But more of that later—

The first problem had to be attended to at once—time was the heart of it. The emergency lay in the very simplicity of the weapon. It required nothing but aircraft to scatter it and the dust itself, which was easily and quickly made by anyone possessing the secret of the Karst-Obre process and having access to a small supply of uranium-bearing ore.

But the Karst-Obre process was simple and might be independently developed at any time. Manning reported to the President that it was Ridpath’s opinion, concurred in by Manning, that the staff of any modern radiation laboratory should be able to work out an equivalent technique in six weeks, working from the hint given by the events in Berlin alone, and should then be able to produce enough dust to cause major destruction in another six weeks.

Ninety days—ninety days provided they started from scratch and were not already halfway to their goal. Less than ninety days—perhaps no time at all—

By this time Manning was an unofficial member of the Cabinet; “Secretary of Dust,” the President called him in one of his rare jovial moods. As for me, well, I attended Cabinet meetings, too. As the only layman who had seen the whole show from beginning to end, the President wanted me there.

I am an ordinary sort of man who, by a concatenation of improbabilities, found himself shoved into the councils of the rulers. But I found that the rulers were ordinary men, too, and frequently as bewildered as I was.

But Manning was no ordinary man. In him ordinary hard sense had been raised to the level of genius. Oh, yes, I know that it is popular to blame everything on him and to call him everything from traitor to mad dog, but I still think he was both wise and benevolent. I don’t care how many second-guessing historians disagree with me.

“I propose,” said Manning, “that we begin by immobilizing all aircraft throughout the world.”

The Secretary of Commerce raised his brows. “Aren’t you,” he said, “being a little fantastic, Colonel Manning?”

“No, I’m not,” answered Manning shortly. “I’m being realistic. The key to this problem is aircraft. Without aircraft the dust is an inefficient weapon. The only way I see to gain time enough to deal with the whole problem is to ground all aircraft and put them out of operation. All aircraft, that is, not actually in the service of the United States Army. After that we can deal with complete world disarmament and permanent methods of control.”

“Really now,” replied the Secretary, “you are not proposing that commercial airlines be put out of operation. They are an essential part of world economy. It would be an intolerable nuisance.”

“Getting killed is an intolerable nuisance, too,” Manning answered stubbornly. “I do propose just that. All aircraft. All.

The President had been listening without comment to the discussion. He now cut in. “How about aircraft on which some groups depend to stay alive, Colonel, such as the Alaskan lines?”

“If there are such, they must be operated by American Army pilots and crews. No exceptions.”

The Secretary of Commerce looked startled. “Am I to infer from that last remark that you intended this prohibition to apply to the United States as well as other nations?”


“But that’s impossible. It’s unconstitutional. It violates civil rights.”

“Killing a man violates his civil rights, too,” Manning answered stubbornly.

“You can’t do it. Any Federal Court in the country would enjoin you in five minutes.”

“It seems to me,” said Manning slowly, “that Andy Jackson gave us a good precedent for that one when he told John Marshall to go fly a kite.” He looked slowly around the table at faces that ranged from undecided to antagonistic. “The issue is sharp, gentlemen, and we might as well drag it out in the open. We can be dead men, with everything in due order, constitutional, and technically correct; or we can do what has to be done, stay alive, and try to straighten out the legal aspects later.” He shut up and waited.

The Secretary of Labor picked it up. “I don’t think the Colonel has any corner on realism. I think I see the problem, too, and I admit it is a serious one. The dust must never be used again. Had I known about it soon enough, it would never have been used on Berlin. And I agree that some sort of worldwide control is necessary. But where I differ with the Colonel is in the method. What he proposes is a military dictatorship imposed by force on the whole world. Admit it, Colonel. Isn’t that what you are proposing?”

Manning did not dodge it. “That is what I am proposing.”

“Thanks. Now we know where we stand. I, for one, do not regard democratic measures and constitutional procedure as of so little importance that I am willing to jettison them any time it becomes convenient. To me, democracy is more than a matter of expediency, it is a faith. Either it works, or I go under with it.”

“What do you propose?” asked the President.

“I propose that we treat this as an opportunity to create a worldwide democratic commonwealth! Let us use our present dominant position to issue a call to all nations to send representatives to a conference to form a world constitution.”

“League of Nations,” I heard someone mutter.

“No!” he answered the side remark. “Not a League of Nations. The old League was helpless because it had no real existence, no power. It was not implemented to enforce its decisions; it was just a debating society, a sham. This would be different for we would turn over the dust to it!

Nobody spoke for some minutes. You could see them turning it over in their minds, doubtful, partially approving, intrigued but dubious.

“I’d like to answer that,” said Manning.

“Go ahead,” said the President.

“I will. I’m going to have to use some pretty plain language and I hope that Secretary Larner will do me the honor of believing that I speak so from sincerity and deep concern and not from personal pique.

“I think a world democracy would be a very fine thing and I ask that you believe me when I say I would willingly lay down my life to accomplish it. I also think it would be a very fine thing for the lion to lie down with the lamb, but I am reasonably certain that only the lion would get up. If we try to form an actual world democracy, we’ll be the lamb in the setup.

“There are a lot of good, kindly people who are internationalists these days. Nine out of ten of them are soft in the head and the tenth is ignorant. If we set up a worldwide democracy, what will the electorate be? Take a look at the facts: Four hundred million Chinese with no more concept of voting and citizen responsibility than a flea; three hundred million Hindus who aren’t much better indoctrinated; God knows how many in the Eurasian Union who believe in God knows what; the entire continent of Africa only semicivilized; eighty million Japanese who really believe that they are Heaven-ordained to rule; our Spanish-American friends who might trail along with us and might not, but who don’t understand the Bill of Rights the way we think of it; a quarter of a billion people of two dozen different nationalities in Europe, all with revenge and black hatred in their hearts.

“No, it won’t wash. It’s preposterous to talk about a world democracy for many years to come. If you turn the secret of the dust over to such a body, you will be arming the whole world to commit suicide.”

Larner answered at once. “I could resent some of your remarks, but I won’t. To put it bluntly, I consider the source. The trouble with you, Colonel Manning, is that you are a professional soldier and have no faith in people. Soldiers may be necessary, but the worst of them are martinets and the best are merely paternalistic.” There was quite a lot more of the same.

Manning stood it until his turn came again. “Maybe I am all those things, but you haven’t met my argument. What are you going to do about the hundreds of millions of people who have no experience in, nor love for, democracy? Now, perhaps, I don’t have the same concept of democracy as yourself, but I do know this: Out West there are a couple of hundred thousand people who sent me to Congress; I am not going to stand quietly by and let a course be followed which I think will result in their deaths or utter ruin.

“Here is the probable future, as I see it, potential in the smashing of the atom and the development of lethal artificial radioactives. Some power makes a supply of the dust. They’ll hit us first to try to knock us out and give them a free hand. New York and Washington overnight, then all of our industrial areas while we are still politically and economically disorganized. But our army would not be in those cities; we would have planes and a supply of dust somewhere where the first dusting wouldn’t touch them. Our boys would bravely and righteously proceed to poison their big cities. Back and forth it would go until the organization of each country had broken down so completely that they were no longer able to maintain a sufficiently high level of industrialization to service planes and manufacture dust. That presupposes starvation and plague in the process. You can fill in the details.

“The other nations would get in the game. It would be silly and suicidal, of course, but it doesn’t take brains to take a hand in this. All it takes is a very small group, hungry for power, a few airplanes and a supply of dust. It’s a vicious circle that cannot possibly bestopped until the entire planet has dropped to a level of economy too low to support the techniques necessary to maintain it. My best guess is that such a point would be reached when approximately three-quarters of the world’s population were dead of dust, disease, or hunger, and culture reduced to the peasant-and-village type.

“Where is your Constitution and your Bill of Rights if you let that happen?”

I’ve shortened it down, but that was the gist of it. I can’t hope to record every word of an argument that went on for days.

The Secretary of the Navy took a crack at him next. “Aren’t you getting a bit hysterical, Colonel? After all, the world has seen a lot of weapons which were going to make war an impossibility too horrible to contemplate. Poison gas, and tanks, and airplanes—even firearms, if I remember my history.”

Manning smiled wryly. “You’ve made a point, Mr. Secretary. ‘And when the wolf really came, the little boy shouted in vain.’ I imagine the Chamber of Commerce in Pompeii presented the same reasonable argument to any early vulcanologist so timid as to fear Vesuvius. I’ll try to justify my fears. The dust differs from every earlier weapon in its deadliness and ease of use, but most importantly in that we have developed no defense against it. For a number of fairly technical reasons, I don’t think we ever will, at least not this century.”

“Why not?”

“Because there is no way to counteract radioactivity short of putting a lead shield between yourself and it, an airtight lead shield. People might survive by living in sealed underground cities, but our characteristic American culture could not be maintained.”

“Colonel Manning,” suggested the Secretary of State, “I think you have overlooked the obvious alternative.”

“Have I?”

“Yes—to keep the dust as our own secret, go our own way, and let the rest of the world look out for itself. That is the only program that fits our traditions.” The Secretary of State was really a fine old gentleman, and not stupid, but he was slow to assimilate new ideas.

“Mr. Secretary,” said Manning respectfully, “I wish we could afford to mind our own business. I do wish we could. But it is the best opinion of all the experts that we can’t maintain control of this secret except by rigid policing. The Germans were close on our heels in nuclear research; it was sheer luck that we got there first. I ask you to imagine Germany a year hence—with a supply of dust.”

The Secretary did not answer, but I saw his lips form the word Berlin.

They came around. The President had deliberately let Manning bear the brunt of the argument, conserving his own stock of goodwill to coax the obdurate. He decided against putting it up to Congress; the dusters would have been overhead before each senator had finished his say. What he intended to do might be unconstitutional, but if he failed to act there might not be any Constitution shortly. There was precedent—the Emancipation Proclamation, the Monroe Doctrine, the Louisiana Purchase, suspension of habeas corpus in the War between the States, the Destroyer Deal.

On February 22nd the President declared a state of full emergency internally and sent his Peace Proclamation to the head of every sovereign state. Divested of its diplomatic surplusage, it said: The United States is prepared to defeat any power, or combination of powers, in jig time. Accordingly, we are outlawing war and are calling on every nation to disarm completely at once. In other words, Throw down your guns, boys; we’ve got the drop on you!

A supplement set forth the procedure: All aircraft capable of flying the Atlantic were to be delivered in one week’s time to a field, or rather a great stretch of prairie, just west of Fort Riley, Kansas. For lesser aircraft, a spot near Shanghai and a rendezvous in Wales were designated. Memoranda would be issued later with respect to other war equipment. Uranium and its ores were not mentioned; that would come later.

No excuses. Failure to disarm would be construed as an act of war against the United States.* * *

There were no cases of apoplexy in the Senate; why not, I don’t know.

There were only three powers to be seriously worried about, England, Japan, and the Eurasian Union. England had been forewarned, we had pulled her out of a war she was losing, and she—or rather her men in power—knew accurately what we could and would do.

Japan was another matter. They had not seen Berlin and they did not really believe it. Besides, they had been telling each other for so many years that they were unbeatable, they believed it. It does not do to get too tough with a Japanese too quickly, for they will die rather than lose face. The negotiations were conducted very quietly indeed, but our fleet was halfway from Pearl Harbor to Kobe, loaded with enough dust to sterilize their six biggest cities, before they were concluded. Do you know what did it? This never hit the newspapers but it was the wording of the pamphlets we proposed to scatter before dusting.

The Emperor was pleased to declare a New Order of Peace. The official version, built up for home consumption, made the whole matter one of collaboration between two great and friendly powers, with Japan taking the initiative.

The Eurasian Union was a puzzle. After Stalin’s unexpected death in 1941, no western nation knew very much about what went on in there. Our own diplomatic relations had atrophied through failure to replace men called home nearly four years before. Everybody knew, of course, that the new group in power called themselves Fifth Internationalists, but what that meant, aside from ceasing to display the pictures of Lenin and Stalin, nobody knew.

But they agreed to our terms and offered to cooperate in every way. They pointed out that the Union had never been warlike and had kept out of the recent world struggle. It was fitting that the two remaining great powers should use their greatness to insure a lasting peace.

I was delighted; I had been worried about the E.U.

They commenced delivery of some of their smaller planes to the receiving station near Shanghai at once. The reports on the number and quality of the planes seemed to indicate that they had stayed out of the war through necessity; the planes were mostly of German make and in poor condition, types that Germany had abandoned early in the war.

Manning went west to supervise certain details in connection with immobilizing the big planes, the transoceanic planes, which were to gather near Fort Riley. We planned to spray them with oil, then dust from a low altitude, as in crop dusting, with a low concentration of one-year dust. Then we could turn our backs on them and forget them, while attending to other matters.

But there were hazards. The dust must not be allowed to reach Kansas City, Lincoln, Wichita—any of the nearby cities. The smaller towns roundabout had been temporarily evacuated. Testing stations needed to be set up in all directions in order that accurate tab on the dust might be kept. Manning felt personally responsible to make sure that no bystander was poisoned.

We circled the receiving station before landing at Fort Riley. I could pick out the three landing fields which had hurriedly been graded. Their runways were white in the sun, the twenty-four-hour cement as yet undirtied. Around each of the landing fields were crowded dozens of parking fields, less perfectly graded. Tractors and bulldozers were still at work on some of them. In the easternmost fields, the German and British ships were already in place, jammed wing to body as tightly as planes on the flight deck of a carrier—save for a few that were still being towed into position, the tiny tractors looking from the air like ants dragging pieces of leaf many times larger than themselves.

Only three flying fortresses had arrived from the Eurasian Union. Their representatives had asked for a short delay in order that a supply of high-test aviation gasoline might be delivered to them. They claimed a shortage of fuel necessary to make the long flight over the Arctic safe. There was no way to check the claim and the delay was granted while a shipment was routed from England.

We were about to leave, Manning having satisfied himself as to safety precautions, when a dispatch came in announcing that a flight of E.U. bombers might be expected before the day was out. Manning wanted to see them arrive; we waited around for four hours. When it was finally reported that our escort of fighters had picked them up at the Canadian border, Manning appeared to have grown fidgety and stated that he would watch them from the air. We took off, gained altitude and waited.

There were nine of them in the flight, cruising in column of echelons and looking so huge that our little fighters were hardly noticeable. They circled the field and I was admiring the stately dignity of them when Manning’s pilot, Lieutenant Rafferty, exclaimed, “What the devil! They are preparing to land downwind!”

I still did not tumble, but Manning shouted to the copilot, “Get the field!”

He fiddled with his instruments and announced, “Got ’em, sir!”

“General alarm! Armor!”

We could not hear the sirens, naturally, but I could see the white plumes rise from the big steam whistle on the roof of the Administration Building—three long blasts, then three short ones. It seemed almost at the same time that the first cloud broke from the E.U. planes.

Instead of landing, they passed low over the receiving station, jampacked now with ships from all over the world. Each echelon picked one of three groups centered around the three landing fields and streamers of heavy brown smoke poured from the bellies of the E.U. ships. I saw a tiny black figure jump from a tractor and run toward the nearest building. Then the smoke screen obscured the field.

“Do you still have the field?” demanded Manning.

“Yes, sir.”

“Cross connect to the chief safety technician. Hurry!”

The copilot cut in the amplifier so that Manning could talk directly. “Saunders? This is Manning. How about it?”

“Radioactive, chief. Intensity seven point four.”

They had paralleled the Karst-Obre research.

Manning cut him off and demanded that the communication office at the field raise the Chief of Staff. There was nerve-stretching delay, for it had to be routed over land wire to Kansas City, and some chief operator had to be convinced that she should commandeer a trunk line that was in commercial use. But we got through at last and Manning made his report. “It stands to reason,” I heard him say, “that other flights are approaching the border by this time. New York, of course, and Washington. Probably Detroit and Chicago as well. No way of knowing.”

The Chief of Staff cut off abruptly, without comment. I knew that the U.S. air fleets, in a state of alert for weeks past, would have their orders in a few seconds, and would be on their way to hunt out and down the attackers, if possible before they could reach the cities.

I glanced back at the field. The formations were broken up. One of the E.U. bombers was down, crashed, half a mile beyond the station. While I watched, one of our midget dive bombers screamed down on a behemoth E.U. ship and unloaded his eggs. It was a center hit, but the American pilot had cut it too fine, could not pull out, and crashed before his victim.* * *

There is no point in rehashing the newspaper stories of the Four-Days War. The point is that we should have lost it, and we would have, had it not been for an unlikely combination of luck, foresight, and good management. Apparently, the nuclear physicists of the Eurasian Union were almost as far along as Ridpath’s crew when the destruction of Berlin gave them the tip they needed. But we had rushed them, forced them to move before they were ready, because of the deadline for disarmament set forth in our Peace Proclamation.

If the President had waited to fight it out with Congress before issuing the proclamation, there would not be any United States.

Manning never got credit for it, but it is evident to me that he anticipated the possibility of something like the Four-Days War and prepared for it in a dozen different devious ways. I don’t mean military preparation; the Army and the Navy saw to that. But it was no accident that Congress was adjourned at the time. I had something to do with the vote-swapping and compromising that led up to it, and I know.

But I put it to you—would he have maneuvered to get Congress out of Washington at a time when he feared that Washington might be attacked if he had had dictatorial ambitions?

Of course, it was the President who was back of the ten-day leaves that had been granted to most of the civil-service personnel in Washington and he himself must have made the decision to take a swing through the South at that time, but it must have been Manning who put the idea in his head. It is inconceivable that the President would have left Washington to escape personal danger.

And then, there was the plague scare. I don’t know how or when Manning could have started that—it certainly did not go through my notebook—but I simply do not believe that it was accidental that a completely unfounded rumor of bubonic plague caused New York City to be semideserted at the time the E.U. bombers struck.

At that, we lost over eight hundred thousand people in Manhattan alone.

Of course, the government was blamed for the lives that were lost and the papers were merciless in their criticism at the failure to anticipate and force an evacuation of all the major cities.

If Manning anticipated trouble, why did he not ask for evacuation?

Well, as I see it, for this reason:

A big city will not be, never has been, evacuated in response to rational argument. London never was evacuated on any major scale and we failed utterly in our attempt to force the evacuation of Berlin. The people of New York City had considered the danger of air raids since 1940 and were long since hardened to the thought.

But the fear of a nonexistent epidemic of plague caused the most nearly complete evacuation of a major city ever seen.

And don’t forget what we did to Vladivostok and Irkutsk and Moscow—those were innocent people, too. War isn’t pretty.

I said luck played a part. It was bad navigation that caused one of our ships to dust Ryazan instead of Moscow, but that mistake knocked out the laboratory and plant which produced the only supply of military radioactives in the Eurasian Union. Suppose the mistake had been the other way around—suppose that one of the E.U. ships in attacking Washington, D.C., by mistake had included Ridpath’s shop forty-five miles away in Maryland?

Congress reconvened at the temporary capital in St. Louis, and the American Pacification Expedition started the job of pulling the fangs of the Eurasian Union. It was not a military occupation in the usual sense; there were two simple objectives: to search out and dust all aircraft, aircraft plants, and fields, and to locate and dust radiation laboratories, uranium supplies, and lodes of carnotite and pitchblende. No attempt was made to interfere with, or to replace, civil government.

We used a two-year dust, which gave a breathing spell in which to consolidate our position. Liberal rewards were offered to informers, a technique which worked remarkably well not only in the E.U., but in most parts of the world.

The “weasel,” an instrument to smell out radiation, based on the electroscope-discharge principle and refined by Ridpath’s staff, greatly facilitated the work of locating uranium and uranium ores. A grid of weasels, properly spaced over a suspect area, could locate any important mass of uranium almost as handily as a direction-finder can spot a radio station.

But, notwithstanding the excellent work of General Bulfinch and the Pacification Expedition as a whole, it was the original mistake of dusting Ryazan that made the job possible of accomplishment.

Anyone interested in the details of the pacification work done in 1945-6 should see the “Proceedings of the American Foundation for Social Research” for a paper entitled A Study of the Execution of the American Peace Policy from February, 1945. The de facto solution of the problem of policing the world against war left the United States with the much greater problem of perfecting a policy that would insure that the deadly power of the dust would never fall into unfit hands.

The problem is as easy to state as the problem of squaring the circle and almost as impossible of accomplishment. Both Manning and the President believed that the United States must of necessity keep the power for the time being, until some permanent institution could be developed fit to retain it. The hazard was this: Foreign policy is lodged jointly in the hands of the President and the Congress. We were fortunate at the time in having a good President and an adequate Congress, but that was no guarantee for the future. We have had unfit Presidents and power-hungry Congresses—oh, yes! Read the history of the Mexican War.

We were about to hand over to future governments of the United States the power to turn the entire globe into an empire, our empire. And it was the sober opinion of the President that our characteristic and beloved democratic culture would not stand up under the temptation. Imperialism degrades both oppressor and oppressed.

The President was determined that our sudden power should be used for the absolute minimum of maintaining peace in the world—the simple purpose of outlawing war and nothing else. It must not be used to protect American investments abroad, to coerce trade agreements, for any purpose but the simple abolition of mass killing.

There is no science of sociology. Perhaps there will be, some day, when a rigorous physics gives a finished science of colloidal chemistry and that leads in turn to a complete knowledge of biology, and from there to a definitive psychology. After that we may begin to know something about sociology and politics. Sometime around the year 5000 A.D., maybe—if the human race does not commit suicide before then.

Until then, there is only horse sense and rule of thumb and observational knowledge of probabilities. Manning and the President played by ear.

The treaties with Great Britain, Germany and the Eurasian Union, whereby we assumed the responsibility for world peace and at the same time guaranteed the contracting nations against our own misuse of power, were rushed through in the period of relief and goodwill that immediately followed the termination of the Four-Days War. We followed the precedents established by the Panama Canal treaties, the Suez Canal agreements, and the Philippine Independence policy.

But the purpose underneath was to commit future governments of the United States to an irrevocable benevolent policy.

The act to implement the treaties by creating the Commission of World Safety followed soon after, and Colonel Manning became Mr. Commissioner Manning. Commissioners had a life tenure and the intention was to create a body with the integrity, permanence and freedom from outside pressure possessed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Since the treaties contemplated an eventual joint trust, commissioners need not be American citizens—and the oath they took was to preserve the peace of the world. 

There was trouble getting the clause past the Congress! Every other similar oath had been to the Constitution of the United States.

Nevertheless the Commission was formed. It took charge of world aircraft, assumed jurisdiction over radioactives, natural and artificial, and commenced the long slow task of building up the Peace Patrol.

Manning envisioned a corps of world policemen, an aristocracy which, through selection and indoctrination, could be trusted with unlimited power over the life of every man, every woman, every child on the face of the globe. For the power would be unlimited; the precautions necessary to insure the unbeatable weapon from getting loose in the world again made it axiomatic that its custodians would wield power that is safe only in the hands of Deity. There would be no one to guard those selfsame guardians. Their own characters and the watch they kept on each other would be all that stood between the race and disaster.

For the first time in history, supreme political power was to be exerted with no possibility of checks and balances from the outside. Manning took up the task of perfecting it with a dragging subconscious conviction that it was too much for human nature.

The rest of the Commission was appointed slowly, the names being sent to the Senate after long joint consideration by the President and Manning. The director of the Red Cross, an obscure little professor of history from Switzerland, Dr. Igor Rimski who had developed the Karst-Obre technique independently and whom the A.P.F. had discovered in prison after the dusting of Moscow—those three were the only foreigners. The rest of the list is well known.

Ridpath and his staff were of necessity the original technical crew of the Commission; United States Army and Navy pilots its first patrolmen. Not all of the pilots available were needed; their records were searched, their habits and associates investigated, their mental processes and emotional attitudes examined by the best psychological research methods available—which weren’t good enough. Their final acceptance for the Patrol depended on two personal interviews, one with Manning, one with the President.

Manning told me that he depended more on the President’s feeling for character than he did on all the association and reaction tests the psychologists could think up. “It’s like the nose of a bloodhound,” he said. “In his forty years of practical politics he has seen more phonies than you and I will ever see and each one was trying to sell him something. He can tell one in the dark.”

The long-distance plan included the schools for the indoctrination of cadet patrolmen, schools that were to be open to youths of any race, color, or nationality, and from which they would go forth to guard the peace of every country but their own. To that country a man would never return during his service. They were to be a deliberately expatriated band of Janizaries, with an obligation only to the Commission and to the race, and welded together with a carefully nurtured esprit de corps.

It stood a chance of working. Had Manning been allowed twenty years without interruption, the original plan might have worked.* * *

The President’s running mate for reelection was the result of a political compromise. The candidate for Vice President was a confirmed isolationist who had opposed the Peace Commission from the first, but it was he or a party split in a year when the opposition was strong. The President sneaked back in but with a greatly weakened Congress; only his power of veto twice prevented the repeal of the Peace Act. The Vice President did nothing to help him, although he did not publicly lead the insurrection. Manning revised his plans to complete the essential program by the end of 1952, there being no way to predict the temper of the next administration.

We were both overworked and I was beginning to realize that my health was gone. The cause was not far to seek; a photographic film strapped next to my skin would cloud in twenty minutes. I was suffering from cumulative minimal radioactive poisoning. No well-defined cancer that could be operated on, but a systemic deterioration of function and tissue. There was no help for it, and there was work to be done. I’ve always attributed it mainly to the week I spent sitting on those canisters before the raid on Berlin.* * *

February 17, 1951. I missed the televue flash about the plane crash that killed the President because I was lying down in my apartment. Manning, by that time, was requiring me to rest every afternoon after lunch, though I was still on duty. I first heard about it from my secretary when I returned to my office, and at once hurried into Manning’s office.

There was a curious unreality to that meeting. It seemed to me that we had slipped back to that day when I returned from England, the day that Estelle Karst died. He looked up. “Hello, John,” he said.

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Don’t take it so hard, chief,” was all I could think of to say.

Forty-eight hours later came the message from the newly sworn-in President for Manning to report to him. I took it in to him, an official despatch which I decoded. Manning read it, face impassive.

“Are you going, chief?” I asked.

“Eh? Why, certainly.”

I went back into my office, and got my topcoat, gloves, and briefcase.

Manning looked up when I came back in. “Never mind, John,” he said. “You’re not going.” I guess I must have looked stubborn, for he added, “You’re not to go because there is work to do here. Wait a minute.”

He went to his safe, twiddled the dials, opened it and removed a sealed envelope which he threw on the desk between us. “Here are your orders. Get busy.”

He went out as I was opening them. I read them through and got busy. There was little enough time.* * *

The new President received Manning standing and in the company of several of his bodyguards and intimates. Manning recognized the senator who had led the movement to use the Patrol to recover expropriated holdings in South America and Rhodesia, as well as the chairman of the committee on aviation with whom he had had several unsatisfactory conferences in an attempt to work out a modus operandi for reinstituting commercial airlines.

“You’re prompt, I see,” said the President. “Good.”

Manning bowed.

“We might as well come straight to the point,” the Chief Executive went on. “There are going to be some changes of policy in the administration. I want your resignation.”

“I am sorry to have to refuse, sir.”

“We’ll see about that. In the meantime, Colonel Manning, you are relieved from duty.”

“Mr. Commissioner Manning, if you please.”

The new President shrugged. “One or the other, as you please. You are relieved, either way.”

“I am sorry to disagree again. My appointment is for life.”

“That’s enough,” was the answer. “This is the United States of America. There can be no higher authority. You are under arrest.”

I can visualize Manning staring steadily at him for a long moment, then answering slowly, “You are physically able to arrest me, I will concede, but I advise you to wait a few minutes.” He stepped to the window. “Look up into the sky.”

Six bombers of the Peace Commission patrolled over the Capitol. “None of those pilots is American born,” Manning added slowly. “If you confine me, none of us here in this room will live out the day.”

There were incidents thereafter, such as the unfortunate affair at Fort Benning three days later, and the outbreak in the wing of the Patrol based in Lisbon and its resultant wholesale dismissals, but for practical purposes, that was all there was to the coup d’etat. 

Manning was the undisputed military dictator of the world.

Whether or not any man as universally hated as Manning can perfect the Patrol he envisioned, make it self-perpetuating and trustworthy, I don’t know, and—because of that week of waiting in a buried English hangar—I won’t be here to find out. Manning’s heart disease makes the outcome even more uncertain—he may last another twenty years; he may keel over dead tomorrow—and there is no one to take his place. I’ve set this down partly to occupy the short time I have left and partly to show there is another side to any story, even world dominion.

Not that I would like the outcome, either way. If there is anything to this survival-after-death business, I am going to look up the man who invented the bow and arrow and take him apart with my bare hands. For myself, I can’t be happy in a world where any man, or group of men, has the power of death over you and me, our neighbors, every human, every animal, every living thing. I don’t like anyone to have that kind of power.

And neither does Manning.

The End

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Plague Ship (Full Text) by Andre Norton (writing as “Andrew North”)

Here is a piece of classic science fiction. It’s a full novel or novelle (if your wish)… maybe a novelette. Plague Ship (Full Text) by Andre Norton. What ever it is, it’s a good read from the days of pulp science fiction stories.

These books used to rest in wire frames in the fronts of pharmacies, small-town grocery stores, soda fountains, and other similiar venues all accross the United States. Boys like myself, would plop down a nickel, buy one of these books, and grab a soda to read during the long hot Summer.

Well, I actually came a little later on the scene. The stores that sold these books were mostly “booksellers”, and the cost of a soda increased to twenty five cents. But pretty much everything else stayed the same. Oh, and I fogot to add my “Banana seat” bicycle to the mix…


It’s a grood read for all of you’se guys who are all at home cooped up trying to avoid the COVID-19. Stay safe. Be cool, and enjoy this moment. It will allow you some much needed family and personal time. Don’t squander it.



Chapter I


Dane Thorson, Cargo-master-apprentice of the Solar Queen, Galactic Free Trader spacer, Terra registry, stood in the middle of the ship’s cramped bather while Rip Shannon, assistant Astrogator and his senior in the Service of Trade by some four years, applied gobs of highly scented paste to the skin between Dane’s rather prominent shoulder blades. The small cabin was thickly redolent with spicy odors and Rip sniffed appreciatively.

“You’re sure going to be about the best smelling Terran who ever set boot on Sargol’s soil,” his soft slur of speech ended in a rich chuckle.

Dane snorted and tried to estimate progress over one shoulder.

“The things we have to do for Trade!” his comment carried a hint of present embarrassment. “Get it well in—this stuff’s supposed to hold for hours. It’d better. According to Van those Salariki can talk your ears right off your head and say nothing worth hearing. And we have to sit and listen until we get a straight answer out of them. Phew!” He shook his head. In such close quarters the scent, pleasing as it was, was also overpowering. “We would have to pick a world such as this—”

Rip’s dark fingers halted their circular motion. “Dane,” he warned, “don’t you go talking against this venture. We got it soft and we’re going to be credit-happy—if it works out—”

But, perversely, Dane held to a gloomier view of the immediate future. “If,” he repeated. “There’s a galaxy of ‘ifs’ in this Sargol proposition. All very well for you to rest easy on your fins—you don’t have to run about smelling like a spice works before you can get the time of day from one of the natives!”

Rip put down the jar of cream. “Different worlds, different customs,” he iterated the old tag of the Service. “Be glad this one is so easy to conform to. There are some I can think of—There,” he ended his massage with a stinging slap. “You’re all evenly greased. Good thing you don’t have Van’s bulk to cover. It takes him a good hour to get his cream on—even with Frank helping to spread. Your clothes ought to be steamed up and ready, too, by now—”

He opened a tight wall cabinet, originally intended to sterilize clothing which might be contaminated by contact with organisms inimical to Terrans. A cloud of steam fragrant with the same spicy scent poured out.

Dane gingerly tugged loose his Trade uniform, its brown silky fabric damp on his skin as he dressed. Luckily Sargol was warm. When he stepped out on its ruby tinted soil this morning no lingering taint of his off-world origin must remain to disgust the sensitive nostrils of the Salariki. He supposed he would get used to this process. After all this was the first time he had undergone the ritual. But he couldn’t lose the secret conviction that it was all very silly. Only what Rip had pointed out was the truth—one adjusted to the customs of aliens or one didn’t trade and there were other things he might have had to do on other worlds which would have been far more upsetting to that core of private fastidiousness which few would have suspected existed in his tall, lanky frame.

“Whew—out in the open with you—!” Ali Kamil apprentice Engineer, screwed his too regular features into an expression of extreme distaste and waved Dane by him in the corridor.

For the sake of his shipmates’ olfactory nerves, Dane hurried on to the port which gave on the ramp now tying the Queen to Sargol’s crust. But there he lingered, waiting for Van Rycke, the Cargo-master of the spacer and his immediate superior. It was early morning and now that he was out of the confinement of the ship the fresh morning winds cut about him, rippling through the blue-green grass forest beyond, to take much of his momentary irritation with them.

There were no mountains in this section of Sargol—the highest elevations being rounded hills tightly clothed with the same ten-foot grass which covered the plains. From the Queen’s observation ports, one could watch the constant ripple of the grass so that the planet appeared to be largely clothed in a shimmering, flowing carpet. To the west were the seas—stretches of shallow water so cut up by strings of islands that they more resembled a series of salty lakes. And it was what was to be found in those seas which had lured the Solar Queen to Sargol.

Though, by rights, the discovery was that of another Trader—Traxt Cam—who had bid for trading rights to Sargol, hoping to make a comfortable fortune—or at least expenses with a slight profit—in the perfume trade, exporting from the scented planet some of its most fragrant products. But once on Sargol he had discovered the Koros stones—gems of a new type—a handful of which offered across the board in one of the inner planet trading marts had nearly caused a riot among bidding gem merchants. And Cam had been well on the way to becoming one of the princes of Trade when he had been drawn into the vicious net of the Limbian pirates and finished off.

Because they, too, had stumbled into the trap which was Limbo, and had had a very definite part in breaking up that devilish installation, the crew of the Solar Queen had claimed as their reward the trading rights of Traxt Cam in default of legal heirs. And so here they were on Sargol with the notes left by Cam as their guide, and as much lore concerning the Salariki as was known crammed into their minds.

Dane sat down on the end of the ramp, his feet on Sargolian soil, thin, red soil with glittering bits of gold flake in it. He did not doubt that he was under observation from hidden eyes, but he tried to show no sign that he guessed it. The adult Salariki maintained at all times an attitude of aloof and complete indifference toward the Traders, but the juvenile population were as curious as their elders were contemptuous. Perhaps there was a method of approach in that. Dane considered the idea.

Van Rycke and Captain Jellico had handled the first negotiations—and the process had taken most of a day—the result totaling exactly nothing. In their contacts with the off world men the feline ancestered Salariki were ceremonious, wary, and completely detached. But Cam had gotten to them somehow—or he would not have returned from his first trip with that pouch of Koros stones. Only, among his records, salvaged on Limbo, he had left absolutely no clue as to how he had beaten down native sales resistance. It was baffling. But patience had to be the middle name of every Trader and Dane had complete faith in Van. Sooner or later the Cargo-master would find a key to unlock the Salariki.

As if the thought of Dane’s chief had summoned him, Van Rycke, his scented tunic sealed to his bull’s neck in unaccustomed trimness, his cap on his blond head, strode down the ramp, broadcasting waves of fragrance as he moved. He sniffed vigorously as he approached his assistant and then nodded in approval.

“So you’re all greased and ready—”

“Is the Captain coming too, sir?”

Van Rycke shook his head. “This is our headache. Patience, my boy, patience—” He led the way through a thin screen of the grass on the other side of the scorched landing field to a well-packed earth road.

Again Dane felt eyes, knew that they were being watched. But no Salarik stepped out of concealment. At least they had nothing to fear in the way of attack. Traders were immune, taboo, and the trading stations were set up under the white diamond shield of peace, a peace guaranteed on blood oath by every clan chieftain in the district. Even in the midst of interclan feuding deadly enemies met in amity under that shield and would not turn claw knife against each other within a two mile radius of its protection.

The grass forests rustled betrayingly, but the Terrans displayed no interest in those who spied upon them. An insect with wings of brilliant green gauze detached itself from the stalk of a grass tree and fluttered ahead of the Traders as if it were an official herald. From the red soil crushed by their boots arose a pungent odor which fought with the scent they carried with them. Dane swallowed three or four times and hoped that his superior officer had not noticed that sign of discomfort. Though Van Rycke, in spite of his general air of sleepy benevolence and careless goodwill, noticed everything, no matter how trivial, which might have a bearing on the delicate negotiations of Galactic Trade. He had not climbed to his present status of expert Cargo-master by overlooking anything at all. Now he gave an order:

“Take an equalizer—”

Dane reached for his belt pouch, flushing, fiercely determined inside himself, that no matter how smells warred about him that day, he was not going to let it bother him. He swallowed the tiny pellet Medic Tau had prepared for just such trials and tried to occupy his mind with the work to come. If there would be any work—or would another long day be wasted in futile speeches of mutual esteem which gave formal lip service to Trade and its manifest benefits?

“Houuuu—” The cry which was half wail, half arrogant warning, sounded along the road behind them.

Van Rycke’s stride did not vary. He did not turn his head, show any sign he had heard that heralding fanfare for a clan chieftain. And he continued to keep to the exact center of the road, Dane the regulation one pace to the rear and left as befitted his lower rank.

“Houuu—” that blast from the throat of a Salarik especially chosen for his lung power was accompanied now by the hollow drum of many feet. The Terrans neither looked around nor withdrew from the center, nor did their pace quicken.

That, too, was in order, Dane knew. To the rank conscious Salariki clansmen you did not yield precedence unless you wanted at once to acknowledge your inferiority—and if you did that by some slip of admission or omission, there was no use in trying to treat face to face with their chieftains again.

“Houuu—!” The blast behind was a scream as the retinue it announced swept around the bend in the road to catch sight of the two Traders oblivious of it. Dane longed to be able to turn his head, just enough to see which one of the local lordlings they blocked.

“Houu—” there was a questioning note in the cry now and the heavy thud-thud of feet was slacking. The clan party had seen them, were hesitant about the wisdom of trying to shove them aside.

Van Rycke marched steadily onward and Dane matched his pace. They might not possess a leather-lunged herald to clear their road, but they gave every indication of having the right to occupy as much of it as they wished. And that unruffled poise had its affect upon those behind. The pound of feet slowed to a walk, a walk which would keep a careful distance behind the two Terrans. It had worked—the Salariki—or these Salariki—were accepting them at their own valuation—a good omen for the day’s business. Dane’s spirits rose, but he schooled his features into a mask as wooden as his superior’s. After all this was a very minor victory and they had ten or twelve hours of polite, and hidden, maneuvering before them.

The Solar Queen had set down as closely as possible to the trading center marked on Traxt Cam’s private map and the Terrans now had another five minutes march, in the middle of the road, ahead of the chieftain who must be inwardly boiling at their presence, before they came out in the clearing containing the roofless, circular erection which served the Salariki of the district as a market place and a common meeting ground for truce talks and the mending of private clan alliances. Erect on a pole in the middle, towering well above the nodding fronds of the grass trees, was the pole bearing the trade shield which promised not only peace to those under it, but a three day sanctuary to any feuder or duelist who managed to win to it and lay hands upon its weathered standard.

They were not the first to arrive, which was also a good thing. Gathered in small groups about the walls of the council place were the personal attendants, liege warriors, and younger relatives of at least four or five clan chieftains. But, Dane noted at once, there was not a single curtained litter or riding orgel to be seen. None of the feminine part of the Salariki species had arrived. Nor would they until the final trade treaty was concluded and established by their fathers, husbands, or sons.

With the assurance of one who was master in his own clan, Van Rycke, displaying no interest at all in the shifting mass of lower rank Salariki, marched straight on to the door of the enclosure. Two or three of the younger warriors got to their feet, their brilliant cloaks flicking out like spreading wings. But when Van Rycke did not even lift an eyelid in their direction, they made no move to block his path.

As fighting men, Dane thought, trying to study the specimens before him with a totally impersonal stare, the Salariki were an impressive lot. Their average height was close to six feet, their distant feline ancestry apparent only in small vestiges. A Salarik’s nails on both hands and feet were retractile, his skin was gray, his thick hair, close to the texture of plushy fur, extended down his backbone and along the outside of his well muscled arms and legs, and was tawny-yellow, blue-gray or white. To Terran eyes the broad faces, now all turned in their direction, lacked readable expression. The eyes were large and set slightly aslant in the skull, being startlingly orange-red or a brilliant turquoise green-blue. They wore loin cloths of brightly dyed fabrics with wide sashes forming corselets about their slender middles, from which gleamed the gem-set hilts of their claw knives, the possession of which proved their adulthood. Cloaks as flamboyant as their other garments hung in bat wing folds from their shoulders and each and every one moved in an invisible cloud of perfume.

Brilliant as the assemblage of liege men without had been, the gathering of clan leaders and their upper officers within the council place was a riot of color—and odor. The chieftains were installed on the wooden stools, each with a small table before him on which rested a goblet bearing his own clan sign, a folded strip of patterned cloth—his “trade shield”—and a gemmed box containing the scented paste he would use for refreshment during the ordeal of conference.

A breeze fluttered sash ends and tugged at cloaks, otherwise the assembly was motionless and awesomely quiet. Still making no overtures Van Rycke crossed to a stool and table which stood a little apart and seated himself. Dane went into the action required of him. Before his superior he set out a plastic pocket flask, its color as alive in the sunlight as the crudely cut gems which the Salariki sported, a fine silk handkerchief, and, last of all, a bottle of Terran smelling salts provided by Medic Tau as a necessary restorative after some hours combination of Salariki oratory and Salariki perfumes. Having thus done the duty of liege man, Dane was at liberty to seat himself, cross-legged on the ground behind his chief, as the other sons, heirs, and advisors had gathered behind their lords.

The chieftain whose arrival they had in a manner delayed came in after them and Dane saw that it was Fashdor—another piece of luck—since that clan was a small one and the chieftain had little influence. Had they so slowed Halfer or Paft it might be a different matter altogether.

Fashdor was established at his seat, his belongings spread out, and Dane, counting unobtrusively, was certain that the council was now complete. Seven clans Traxt Cam had recorded divided the sea coast territory and there were seven chieftains here—indicative of the importance of this meeting since some of these clans beyond the radius of the shield peace, must be fighting a vicious blood feud at that very moment. Yes, seven were here. Yet there still remained a single stool, directly across the circle from Van Rycke. An empty stool—who was the late comer?

That question was answered almost as it flashed into Dane’s mind. But no Salariki lordling came through the door. Dane’s self-control kept him in his place, even after he caught the meaning of the insignia emblazoned across the newcomer’s tunic. Trader—and not only a Trader but a Company man! But why—and how? The Companies only went after big game—this was a planet thrown open to Free Traders, the independents of the star lanes. By law and right no Company man had any place here. Unless—behind a face Dane strove to keep as impassive as Van’s his thoughts raced. Traxt Cam as a Free Trader had bid for the right to exploit Sargol when its sole exportable product was deemed to be perfume—a small, unimportant trade as far as the Companies were concerned. And then the Koros stones had been found and the importance of Sargol must have boomed as far as the big boys could see. They probably knew of Traxt Cam’s death as soon as the Patrol report on Limbo had been sent to Headquarters. The Companies all maintained their private information and espionage services. And, with Traxt Cam dead without an heir, they had seen their chance and moved in. Only, Dane’s teeth set firmly, they didn’t have the ghost of a chance now. Legally there was only one Trader on Sargol and that was the Solar Queen, Captain Jellico had his records signed by the Patrol to prove that. And all this Inter-Solar man would do now was to bow out and try poaching elsewhere.

But the I-S man appeared to be in no haste to follow that only possible course. He was seating himself with arrogant dignity on that unoccupied stool, and a younger man in I-S uniform was putting before him the same type of equipment Dane had produced for Van Rycke. The Cargo-master of the Solar Queen showed no surprise, if the Eysies’ appearance had been such to him.

One of the younger warriors in Paft’s train got to his feet and brought his hands together with a clap which echoed across the silent gathering with the force of an archaic solid projectal shot. A Salarik, wearing the rich dress of the upper ranks, but also the collar forced upon a captive taken in combat, came into the enclosure carrying a jug in both hands. Preceded by Paft’s son he made the rounds of the assembly pouring a purple liquid from his jug into the goblet before each chieftain, a goblet which Paft’s heirs tasted ceremoniously before it was presented to the visiting clan leader. When they paused before Van Rycke the Salarik nobleman touched the side of the plasta flask in token. It was recognized that off world men must be cautious over the sampling of local products and that when they joined in the Taking of the First Cup of Peace, they did so symbolically.

Paft raised his cup, his gesture copied by everyone around the circle. In the harsh tongue of his race he repeated a formula so archaic that few of the Salariki could now translate the sing-song words. They drank and the meeting was formally opened.

But it was an elderly Salarik seated to the right of Halfer, a man who wore no claw knife and whose dusky yellow cloak and sash made a subdued note amid the splendor of his fellows, who spoke first, using the click-clack of the Trade Lingo his nation had learned from Cam.

“Under the white,” he pointed to the shield aloft, “we assemble to hear many things. But now come two tongues to speak where once there was but one father of a clan. Tell us, outlanders, which of you must we now hark to in truth?” He looked from Van Rycke to the I-S representative.

The Cargo-master from the Queen did not reply. He stared across the circle at the Company man. Dane waited eagerly. What was the I-S going to say to that?

But the fellow did have an answer, ready and waiting. “It is true, fathers of clans, that here are two voices, where by right and custom there should only be one. But this is a matter which can be decided between us. Give us leave to withdraw from your sight and speak privately together. Then he who returns to you will be the true voice and there shall be no more division—”

It was Paft who broke in before Halfer’s spokesman could reply.

“It would have been better to have spoken together before you came to us. Go then until the shadow of the shield is not, then return hither and speak truly. We do not wait upon the pleasure of outlanders—”

A murmur approved that tart comment. “Until the shadow of the shield is not.” They had until noon. Van Rycke arose and Dane gathered up his chief’s possessions. With the same superiority to his surroundings he had shown upon entering, the Cargo-master left the enclosure, the Eysies following. But they were away from the clearing, out upon the road back to the Queen before the two from the Company caught up with them.

“Captain Grange will see you right away—” the Eysie Cargo-master was beginning when Van Rycke met him with a quelling stare.

“If you poachers have anything to say—you say it at the Queen and to Captain Jellico,” he stated flatly and started on.

Above his tight tunic collar the other’s face flushed, his teeth flashed as he caught his lower lip between them as if to forcibly restrain an answer he longed to make. For a second he hesitated and then he vanished down a side path with his assistant. Van Rycke had gone a quarter of the distance back to the ship before he spoke.

“I thought it was too easy,” he muttered. “Now we’re in for it—maybe right up the rockets! By the Spiked Tail of Exol, this is certainly not our lucky day!” He quickened pace until they were close to trotting.

Chapter II


“That’s far enough, Eysie!”

Although Traders by law and tradition carried no more potent personal weapons—except in times of great crisis—than hand sleep rods, the resultant shot from the latter was just as unpleasant for temporary periods as a more forceful beam—and the threat of it was enough to halt the three men who had come to the foot of the Queen’s ramp and who could see the rod held rather negligently by Ali. Ali’s eyes were anything but negligent, however, and Free Traders had reputations to be respected by their rivals of the Companies. The very nature of their roving lives taught them savage lessons—which they either learned or died.

Dane, glancing down over the Engineer-apprentice’s shoulder, saw that Van Rycke’s assumption of confidence had indeed paid off. They had left the trade enclosure of the Salariki barely three-quarters of an hour ago. But below now stood the bebadged Captain of the I-S ship and his Cargo-master.

“I want to speak to your Captain—” snarled the Eysie officer.

Ali registered faint amusement, an expression which tended to rouse the worst in the spectator, as Dane knew of old when that same mocking appraisal had been turned on him as the rawest of the Queen’s crew.

“But does he wish to speak to you?” countered Kamil. “Just stay where you are, Eysie, until we are sure about that fact.”

That was his cue to act as messenger. Dane retreated into the ship and swung up the ladder to the command section. As he passed Captain Jellico’s private cabin he heard the muffled squall of the commander’s unpleasant pet—Queex, the Hoobat—a nightmare combination of crab, parrot and toad, wearing a blue feather coating and inclined to scream and spit at all comers. Since Queex would not be howling in that fashion if its master was present, Dane kept on to the control cabin where he blundered in upon an executive level conference of Captain, Cargo-master and Astrogator.

“Well?” Jellico’s blaster scarred left cheek twitched as he snapped that impatient inquiry at the messenger.

“Eysie Captain below, sir. With his Cargo-master. They want to see you—”

Jellico’s mouth was a straight line, his eyes very hard. By instinct Dane’s hand went to the grip of the sleep rod slung at his belt. When the Old Man put on his fighting face—look out! Here we go again, he told himself, speculating as to just what type of action lay before them now.

“Oh, they do, do they!” Jellico began and then throttled down the temper he could put under iron control when and if it were necessary. “Very well, tell them to stay where they are. Van, we’ll go down—”

For a moment the Cargo-master hesitated, his heavy-lidded eyes looked sleepy, he seemed almost disinterested in the suggestion. And when he nodded it was with the air of someone about to perform some boring duty.

“Right, sir.” He wriggled his heavy body from behind the small table, resealed his tunic, and settled his cap with as much precision as if he were about to represent the Queen before the assembled nobility of Sargol.

Dane hurried down the ladders, coming to a halt beside Ali. It was the turn of the man at the foot of the ramp to bark an impatient demand:

“Well?” (Was that the theme word of every Captain’s vocabulary?)

“You wait,” Dane replied with no inclination to give the Eysie officer any courtesy address. Close to a Terran year aboard the Solar Queen had inoculated him with pride in his own section of Service. A Free Trader was answerable to his own officers and to no one else on earth—or among the stars—no matter how much discipline and official etiquette the Companies used to enhance their power.

He half expected the I-S officers to leave after an answer such as that. For a Company Captain to be forced to wait upon the convenience of a Free Trader must be galling in the extreme. And the fact that this one was doing just that was an indication that the Queen’s crew did, perhaps, have the edge of advantage in any coming bargain. In the meantime the Eysie contingent fumed below while Ali lounged whistling against the exit port, playing with his sleep rod and Dane studied the grass forest. His boot nudged a packet just inside the port casing and he glanced inquiringly from it to Ali.

“Cat ransom,” the other answered his unspoken question.

So that was it—the fee for Sinbad’s return. “What is it today?”

“Sugar—about a tablespoon full,” the Engineer-assistant returned, “and two colored steelos. So far they haven’t run up the price on us. I think they’re sharing out the spoil evenly, a new cub brings him back every night.”

As did all Terran ships, the Solar Queen carried a cat as an important member of the regular crew. And the portly Sinbad, before their landing on Sargol, had never presented any problem. He had done his duty of ridding the ship of unusual and usual pests and cargo despoilers with dispatch, neatness and energy. And when in port on alien worlds had never shown any inclination to go a-roving.

But the scents of Sargol had apparently intoxicated him, shearing away his solid dignity and middle-aged dependability. Now Sinbad flashed out of the Queen at the opening of her port in the early morning and was brought back, protesting with both voice and claws, at the end of the day by that member of the juvenile population whose turn it was to collect the standing reward for his forceful delivery. Within three days it had become an accepted business transaction which satisfied everyone but Sinbad.

The scrape of metal boot soles on ladder rungs warned of the arrival of their officers. Ali and Dane withdrew down the corridor, leaving the entrance open for Jellico and Van Rycke. Then they drifted back to witness the meeting with the Eysies.

There were no prolonged greetings between the two parties, no offer of hospitality as might have been expected between Terrans on an alien planet a quarter of the Galaxy away from the earth which had given them a common heritage.

Jellico, with Van Rycke at his shoulder, halted before he stepped from the ramp so that the three Inter-Solar men, Captain, Cargo-master and escort, whether they wished or no, were put in the disadvantageous position of having to look up to a Captain whom they, as members of one of the powerful Companies, affected to despise. The lean, well muscled, trim figure of the Queen’s commander gave the impression of hard bitten force held in check by will control, just as his face under its thick layer of space burn was that of an adventurer accustomed to make split second decisions—an estimate underlined by that seam of blaster burn across one flat cheek.

Van Rycke, with a slight change of dress, could have been a Company man in the higher ranks—or so the casual observer would have placed him, until an observer marked the eyes behind those sleepy drooping lids, or caught a certain note in the calm, unhurried drawl of his voice. To look at the two senior officers of the Free Trading spacer were the antithesis of each other—in action they were each half of a powerful, steamroller whole—as a good many men in the Service—scattered over a half dozen or so planets—had discovered to their cost in the past.

Now Jellico brought the heels of his space boots together with an extravagant click and his hand flourished at the fore of his helmet in a gesture which was better suited to the Patrol hero of a slightly out-of-date Video serial.

“Jellico, Solar Queen, Free Trader,” he identified himself brusquely, and added, “this is Van Rycke, our Cargo-master.”

Not all the flush had faded from the face of the I-S Captain.

“Grange of the Dart,” he did not even sketch a salute. “Inter-Solar. Kallee, Cargo-master—” And he did not name the hovering third member of his party.

Jellico stood waiting and after a long moment of silence Grange was forced to state his business.

“We have until noon—”

Jellico, his fingers hooked in his belt, simply waited. And under his level gaze the Eysie Captain began to find the going hard.

“They have given us until noon,” he started once more, “to get together—”

Jellico’s voice came, coldly remote. “There is no reason for any ‘getting together,’ Grange. By rights I can have you up before the Trade Board for poaching. The Solar Queen has sole trading rights here. If you up-ship within a reasonable amount of time, I’ll be inclined to let it pass. After all I’ve no desire to run all the way to the nearest Patrol post to report you—”

“You can’t expect to buck Inter-Solar. We’ll make you an offer—” That was Kallee’s contribution, made probably because his commanding officer couldn’t find words explosive enough.

Jellico, whose forté was more direct action, took an excursion into heavy-handed sarcasm. “You Eysies have certainly been given excellent briefing. I would advise a little closer study of the Code—and not the sections in small symbols at the end of the tape, either! We’re not bucking anyone. You’ll find our registration for Sargol down on tapes at the Center. And I suggest that the sooner you withdraw the better—before we cite you for illegal planeting.”

Grange had gained control of his emotions. “We’re pretty far from Center here,” he remarked. It was a statement of fact, but it carried over-tones which they were able to assess correctly. The Solar Queen was a Free Trader, alone on an alien world. But the I-S ship might be cruising in company, ready to summon aid, men and supplies. Dane drew a deep breath, the Eysies must be sure of themselves, not only that, but they must want what Sargol had to offer to the point of being willing to step outside the law to get it.

The I-S Captain took a step forward. “I think we understand each other now,” he said, his confidence restored.

Van Rycke answered him, his deep voice cutting across the sighing of the wind in the grass forest.

“Your proposition?”

Perhaps this return to their implied threat bolstered their belief in the infallibility of the Company, their conviction that no independent dared stand up against the might and power of Inter-Solar. Kallee replied:

“We’ll take up your contract, at a profit to you, and you up-ship before the Salariki are confused over whom they are to deal with—”

“And the amount of profit?” Van Rycke bored in.

“Oh,” Kallee shrugged, “say ten percent of Cam’s last shipment—”

Jellico laughed. “Generous, aren’t you, Eysie? Ten percent of a cargo which can’t be assessed—the gang on Limbo kept no records of what they plundered.”

“We don’t know what he was carrying when he crashed on Limbo,” countered Kallee swiftly. “We’ll base our offer on what he carried to Axal.”

Now Van Rycke chucked. “I wonder who figured that one out?” he inquired of the scented winds. “He must save the Company a fair amount of credits one way or another. Interesting offer—”

By the bland satisfaction to be read on the three faces below the I-S men were assured of their victory. The Solar Queen would be paid off with a pittance, under the vague threat of Company retaliation she would up-ship from Sargol, and they would be left in possession of the rich Koros trade—to be commended and rewarded by their superiors. Had they, Dane speculated, ever had any dealings with Free Traders before—at least with the brand of independent adventurers such as manned the Solar Queen?

Van Rycke burrowed in his belt pouch and then held out his hand. On the broad palm lay a flat disc of metal. “Very interesting—” he repeated. “I shall treasure this recording—”

The sight of that disc wiped all satisfaction from the Eysie faces. Grange’s purplish flush spread up from his tight tunic collar, Kallee blinked, and the unknown third’s hand dropped to his sleep rod. An action which was not overlooked by either Dane or Ali.

“A smooth set down to you,” Jellico gave the conventional leave taking of the Service.

“You’d better—” the Eysie Captain began hotly, and then seeing the disc Van Rycke held—that sensitive bit of metal and plastic which was recording this interview for future reference, he shut his mouth tight.

“Yes?” the Queen’s Cargo-master prompted politely. But Kallee had taken his Captain’s arm and was urging Grange away from the spacer.

“You have until noon to lift,” was Jellico’s parting shot as the three in Company livery started toward the road.

“I don’t think that they will,” he added to Van Rycke.

The Cargo-master nodded. “You wouldn’t in their place,” he pointed out reasonably. “On the other hand they’ve had a bit of a blast they weren’t expecting. It’s been a long time since Grange heard anyone say ‘no.'”

“A shock which is going to wear off,” Jellico’s habitual distrust of the future gathered force.

“This,” Van Rycke tucked the disc back into his pouch, “sent them off vector a parsec or two. Grange is not one of the strong arm blaster boys. Suppose Tang Ya does a little listening in—and maybe we can rig another surprise if Grange does try to ask advice of someone off world. In the meantime I don’t think they are going to meddle with the Salariki. They don’t want to have to answer awkward questions if we turn up a Patrol ship to ask them. So—” he stretched and beckoned to Dane, “we shall go to work once more.”

Again two paces behind Van Rycke Dane tramped to the trade circle of the Salariki clansmen. They might have walked out only five or six minutes of ship time before, and the natives betrayed no particular interest in their return. But, Dane noted, there was only one empty stool, one ceremonial table in evidence. The Salariki had expected only one Terran Trader to join them.

What followed was a dreary round of ceremony, an exchange of platitudes and empty good wishes and greetings. No one mentioned Koros stones—or even perfume bark—that he was willing to offer the off-world traders. None lifted so much as a corner of his trade cloth, under which, if he were ready to deal seriously, his hidden hand would meet that of the buyer, so that by finger pressure alone they could agree or disagree on price. But such boring sessions were part of Trade and Dane, keeping a fraction of attention on the speeches and “drinkings-together,” watched those around him with an eye which tried to assess and classify what he saw.

The keynote of the Salariki character was a wary independence. The only form of government they would tolerate was a family-clan organization. Feuds and deadly duels between individuals and clans were the accepted way of life and every male who reached adulthood went armed and ready for combat until he became a “Speaker for the past”—too old to bear arms in the field. Due to the nature of their battling lives, relatively few of the Salariki ever reached that retirement. Short-lived alliances between families sometimes occurred, usually when they were to face a common enemy greater than either. But a quarrel between chieftains, a fancied insult would rip that open in an instant. Only under the Trade Shield could seven clans sit this way without their warriors being at one another’s furred throats.

An hour before sunset Paft turned his goblet upside down on his table, a move followed speedily by every chieftain in the circle. The conference was at an end for that day. And as far as Dane could see it had accomplished exactly nothing—except to bring the Eysies into the open. What had Traxt Cam discovered which had given him the trading contract with these suspicious aliens? Unless the men from the Queen learned it, they could go on talking until the contract ran out and get no farther than they had today.

From his training Dane knew that ofttimes contact with an alien race did require long and patient handling. But between study and experiencing the situation himself there was a gulf, and he thought somewhat ruefully that he had much to learn before he could meet such a situation with Van Rycke’s unfailing patience and aplomb. The Cargo-master seemed in nowise tired by his wasted day and Dane knew that Van would probably sit up half the night, going over for the hundredth time Traxt Cam’s sketchy recordings in another painstaking attempt to discover why and how the other Free Trader had succeeded where the Queen’s men were up against a stone wall.

The harvesting of Koros stones was, as Dane and all those who had been briefed from Cam’s records knew, a perilous job. Though the rule of the Salariki was undisputed on the land masses of Sargol, it was another matter in the watery world of the shallow seas. There the Gorp were in command of the territory and one had to be constantly alert for attack from the sly, reptilian intelligence, so alien to the thinking processes of both Salariki and Terran that there was, or seemed to be, no point of possible contact. One went gathering Koros gems after balancing life against gain. And perhaps the Salariki did not see any profit in that operation. Yet Traxt Cam had brought back his bag of gems—somehow he had managed to secure them in trade.

Van Rycke climbed the ramp, hurrying on into the Queen as if he would not get back to his records soon enough. But Dane paused and looked back at the grass jungle a little wistfully. To his mind these early morning hours were the best time on Sargol. The light was golden, the night winds had not yet arisen. He disliked exchanging the freedom of the open for the confinement of the spacer.

And, as he hesitated there, two of the juvenile population of Sargol came out of the forest. Between them they carried one of their hunting nets, a net which now enclosed a quiet but baneful eyed captive—Sinbad being delivered for nightly ransom. Dane was reaching for the pay to give the captors when, to his real astonishment, one of them advanced and pointed with an extended forefinger claw to the open port.

“Go in,” he formed the Trade Lingo words with care. And Dane’s surprise must have been plain to read for the cub followed his speech with a vigorous nod and set one foot on the ramp to underline his desire.

For one of the Salariki, who had continually manifested their belief that Terrans and their ship were an offence to the nostrils of all right living “men,” to wish to enter the spacer was an astonishing about-face. But any advantage no matter how small, which might bring about a closer understanding, must be seized at once.

Dane accepted the growling Sinbad and beckoned, knowing better than to touch the boy. “Come—”

Only one of the junior clansmen obeyed that invitation. The other watched, big-eyed, and then scuttled back to the forest when his fellow called out some suggestion. He was not going to be trapped.

Dane led the way up the ramp, paying no visible attention to the young Salarik, nor did he urge the other on when he lingered for a long moment or two at the port. In his mind the Cargo-master apprentice was feverishly running over the list of general trade goods. What did they carry which would make a suitable and intriguing gift for a small alien with such a promising bump of curiosity? If he had only time to get Van Rycke!

The Salarik was inside the corridor now, his nostrils spread, assaying each and every odor in this strange place. Suddenly his head jerked as if tugged by one of his own net ropes. His interest had been riveted by some scent his sensitive senses had detected. His eyes met Dane’s in appeal. Swiftly the Terran nodded and then followed with a lengthened stride as the Salarik sped down into the lower reaches of the Queen, obviously in quest of something of great importance.

Chapter III


“What in”—Frank Mura, steward, storekeeper, and cook of the Queen, retreated into the nearest cabin doorway as the young Salarik flashed down the ladder into his section.

Dane, with the now resigned Sinbad in the crook of his arm, had tailed his guest and arrived just in time to see the native come to an abrupt halt before one of the most important doors in the spacer—the portal of the hydro garden which renewed the ship’s oxygen and supplied them with fresh fruit and vegetables to vary their diet of concentrates.

The Salarik laid one hand on the smooth surface of the sealed compartment and looked back over his shoulder at Dane with an inquiry to which was added something of a plea. Guided by his instinct—that this was important to them all—Dane spoke to Mura:

“Can you let him in there, Frank?”

It was not sensible, it might even be dangerous. But every member of the crew knew the necessity for making some sort of contact with the natives. Mura did not even nod, but squeezed by the Salarik and pressed the lock. There was a sign of air, and the crisp smell of growing things, lacking the languorous perfumes of the world outside, puffed into the faces.

The cub remained where he was, his head up, his wide nostrils visibly drinking in that smell. Then he moved with the silent, uncanny speed which was the heritage of his race, darting down the narrow aisle toward a mass of greenery at the far end.

Sinbad kicked and growled. This was his private hunting ground—the preserve he kept free of invaders. Dane put the cat down. The Salarik had found what he was seeking. He stood on tiptoe to sniff at a plant, his yellow eyes half closed, his whole stance spelling ecstasy. Dane looked to the steward for enlightenment.

“What’s he so interested in, Frank?”


“Catnip?” Dane repeated. The word meant nothing to him, but Mura had a habit of picking up strange plants and cultivating them for study. “What is it?”

“One of the Terran mints—an herb,” Mura gave a short explanation as he moved down the aisle toward the alien. He broke off a leaf and crushed it between his fingers.

Dane, his sense of smell largely deadened by the pungency with which he had been surrounded by most of that day, could distinguish no new odor. But the young Salarik swung around to face the steward his eyes wide, his nose questing. And Sinbad gave a whining yowl and made a spring to push his head against the steward’s now aromatic hand.

So—now they had it—an opening wedge. Dane came up to the three.

“All right to take a leaf or two?” he asked Mura.

“Why not? I grow it for Sinbad. To a cat it is like heemel smoke or a tankard of lackibod.”

And by Sinbad’s actions Dane guessed that the plant did hold for the cat the same attraction those stimulants produced in human beings. He carefully broke off a small stem supporting three leaves and presented it to the Salarik, who stared at him and then, snatching the twig, raced from the hydro garden as if pursued by feuding clansmen.

Dane heard the pad of his feet on the ladder—apparently the cub was making sure of escape with his precious find. But the Cargo-master apprentice was frowning. As far as he could see there were only five of the plants.

“That’s all the catnip you have?”

Mura tucked Sinbad under his arm and shooed Dane before him out of the hydro. “There was no need to grow more. A small portion of the herb goes a long way with this one,” he put the cat down in the corridor. “The leaves may be preserved by drying. I believe that there is a small box of them in the galley.”

A strictly limited supply. Suppose this was the key which would unlock the Koros trade? And yet it was to be summed up in five plants and a few dried leaves! However, Van Rycke must know of this as soon as possible.

But to Dane’s growing discomfiture the Cargo-master showed no elation as his junior poured out the particulars of his discovery. Instead there were definite signs of displeasure to be read by those who knew Van Rycke well. He heard Dane out and then got to his feet. Tolling the younger man with him by a crooked finger, he went out of his combined office-living quarters to the domain of Medic Craig Tau.

“Problem for you, Craig.” Van Rycke seated his bulk on the wall jump seat Tau pulled down for him. Dane was left standing just within the door, very sure now that instead of being commended for his discovery of a few minutes before, he was about to suffer some reprimand. And the reason for it still eluded him.

“What do you know about that plant Mura grows in the hydro—the one called ‘catnip’?”

Tau did not appear surprised at that demand—the Medic of a Free Trading spacer was never surprised at anything. He had his surfeit of shocks during his first years of service and after that accepted any occurrence, no matter how weird, as matter-of-fact. In addition Tau’s hobby was “magic,” the hidden knowledge possessed and used by witch doctors and medicine men on alien worlds. He had a library of recordings, odd scraps of information, of certified results of certain very peculiar experiments. Now and then he wrote a report which was sent into Central Service, read with raised eyebrows by perhaps half a dozen incredulous desk warmers, and filed away to be safely forgotten. But even that had ceased to frustrate him.

“It’s an herb of the mint family from Terra,” he replied. “Mura grows it for Sinbad—has quite a marked influence on cats. Frank’s been trying to keep him anchored to the ship by allowing him to roll in fresh leaves. He does it—then continues to sneak out whenever he can—”

That explained something for Dane—why the Salariki cub wished to enter the Queen tonight. Some of the scent of the plant had clung to Sinbad’s fur, had been detected, and the Salarik had wanted to trace it to its source.

“Is it a drug?” Van Rycke prodded.

“In the way that all herbs are drugs. Human beings have dosed themselves in the past with a tea made of the dried leaves. It has no great medicinal properties. To felines it is a stimulation—and they get the same satisfaction from rolling in and eating the leaves as we do from drinking—”

“The Salariki are, in a manner of speaking, felines—” Van Rycke mused.

Tau straightened. “The Salariki have discovered catnip, I take it?”

Van Rycke nodded at Dane and for the second time the Cargo-master apprentice made his report. When he was done Van Rycke asked a direct question of the medical officer:

“What effect would catnip have on a Salarik?”

It was only then that Dane grasped the enormity of what he had done. They had no way of gauging the influence of an off-world plant on alien metabolism. What if he had introduced to the natives of Sargol a dangerous drug—started that cub on some path of addiction. He was cold inside. Why, he might even have poisoned the child!

Tau picked up his cap, and after a second’s hesitation, his emergency medical kit. He had only one question for Dane.

“Any idea of who the cub is—what clan he belongs to?”

And Dane, chill with real fear, was forced to answer in the negative. What had he done!

“Can you find him?” Van Rycke, ignoring Dane, spoke to Tau.

The Medic shrugged. “I can try. I was out scouting this morning—met one of the storm priests who handles their medical work. But I wasn’t welcomed. However, under the circumstances, we have to try something—”

In the corridor Van Rycke had an order for Dane. “I suggest that you keep to quarters, Thorson, until we know how matters stand.”

Dane saluted. That note in his superior’s voice was like a whip lash—much worse to take than the abuse of a lesser man. He swallowed as he shut himself into his own cramped cubby. This might be the end of their venture. And they would be lucky if their charter was not withdrawn. Let I-S get an inkling of his rash action and the Company would have them up before the Board to be stripped of all their rights in the Service. Just because of his own stupidity—his pride in being able to break through where Van Rycke and the Captain had faced a stone wall. And, worse than the future which could face the Queen, was the thought that he might have introduced some dangerous drug into Sargol with his gift of those few leaves. When would he learn? He threw himself face down on his bunk and despondently pictured the string of calamities which could and maybe would stem from his thoughtless and hasty action.

Within the Queen night and day were mechanical—the lighting in the cabins did not vary much. Dane did not know how long he lay there forcing his mind to consider his stupid action, making himself face that in the Service there were no short cuts which endangered others—not unless those taking the risks were Terrans.

“Dane—!” Rip Shannon’s voice cut through his self-imposed nightmare. But he refused to answer. “Dane—Van wants you on the double!”

Why? To bring him up before Jellico probably. Dane schooled his expression, got up, pulling his tunic straight, still unable to meet Rip’s eyes. Shannon was just one of those he had let down so badly. But the other did not notice his mood. “Wait ’til you see them—! Half Sargol must be here yelling for trade!”

That comment was so far from what he had been expecting that Dane was startled out of his own gloomy thoughts. Rip’s brown face was one wide smile, his black eyes danced—it was plain he was honestly elated.

“Get a move on, fire rockets,” he urged, “or Van will blast you for fair!”

Dane did move, up the ladder to the next level and out on the port ramp. What he saw below brought him up short. Evening had come to Sargol but the scene immediately below was not in darkness. Blazing torches advanced in lines from the grass forest and the portable flood light of the spacer added to the general glare, turning night into noonday.

Van Rycke and Jellico sat on stools facing at least five of the seven major chieftains with whom they had conferred to no purpose earlier. And behind these leaders milled a throng of lesser Salariki. Yes, there was at least one carrying chair—and also an orgel from the back of which a veiled noblewoman was being assisted to dismount by two retainers. The women of the clans were coming—which could mean only that trade was at last in progress. But trade for what?

Dane strode down the ramp. He saw Paft, his hand carefully covered by his trade cloth, advance to Van Rycke, whose own fingers were decently veiled by a handkerchief. Under the folds of fabric their hands touched. The bargaining was in the first stages. And it was important enough for the clan leaders to conduct themselves. Where, according to Cam’s records, it had been usual to delegate that power to a favored liege man.

Catching the light from the ship’s beam and from the softer flares of the Salariki torches was a small pile of stones resting on a stool to one side. Dane drew a deep breath. He had heard the Koros stones described, had seen the tri-dee print of one found among Cam’s recordings but the reality was beyond his expectations. He knew the technical analysis of the gems—that they were, as the amber of Terra, the fossilized resin exuded by ancient plants (maybe the ancestors of the grass trees) long buried in the saline deposits of the shallow seas where chemical changes had taken place to produce the wonder jewels. In color they shaded from a rosy apricot to a rich mauve, but in their depths other colors, silver, fiery gold, spun sparks which seemed to move as the gem was turned. And—which was what first endeared them to the Salariki—when worn against the skin and warmed by body heat they gave off a perfume which enchanted not only the Sargolian natives but all in the Galaxy wealthy enough to own one.

On another stool placed at Van Rycke’s right hand, as that bearing the Koros stones was at Paft’s, was a transparent plastic box containing some wrinkled brownish leaves. Dane moved as unobtrusively as he could to his proper place at such a trading session, behind Van Rycke. More Salariki were tramping out of the forest, torch bearing retainers and cloaked warriors. A little to one side was a third party Dane had not seen before.

They were clustered about a staff which had been driven into the ground, a staff topped with a white streamer marking a temporary trading ground. These were Salariki right enough but they did not wear the colorful garb of those about them, instead they were all clad alike in muffling, sleeved robes of a drab green—the storm priests—their robes denoting the color of the Sargolian sky just before the onslaught of their worst tempests. Cam had not left many clues concerning the religion of the Salariki, but the storm priests had, in narrowly defined limits, power, and their recognition of the Terran Traders would add to good feeling.

In the knot of storm priests a Terran stood—Medic Tau—and he was talking earnestly with the leader of the religious party. Dane would have given much to have been free to cross and ask Tau a question or two. Was all this assembly the result of the discovery in the hydro? But even as he asked himself that, the trade cloths were shaken from the hands of the bargainers and Van Rycke gave an order over his shoulder.

“Measure out two spoonsful of the dried leaves into a box—” he pointed to a tiny plastic container.

With painstaking care Dane followed directions. At the same time a servant of the Salarik chief swept the handful of gems from the other stool and dropped them in a heap before Van Rycke, who transferred them to a strong box resting between his feet. Paft arose—but he had hardly quitted the trading seat before one of the lesser clan leaders had taken his place, the bargaining cloth ready looped loosely about his wrist.

It was at that point that the proceedings were interrupted. A new party came into the open, their utilitarian Trade tunics made a drab blot as they threaded their way in a compact group through the throng of Salariki. I-S men! So they had not lifted from Sargol.

They showed no signs of uneasiness—it was as if their rights were being infringed by the Free Traders. And Kallee, their Cargo-master, swaggered straight to the bargaining point. The chatter of Salariki voices was stilled, the Sargolians withdrew a little, letting one party of Terrans face the other, sensing drama to come. Neither Van Rycke nor Jellico spoke, it was left to Kallee to state his case.

“You’ve crooked your orbit this time, bright boys,” his jeer was a paean of triumph. “Code Three—Article six—or can’t you absorb rules tapes with your thick heads?”

Code Three—Article six, Dane searched his memory for that law of the Service. The words flashed into his mind as the auto-learner had planted them during his first year of training back in the Pool.

“To no alien race shall any Trader introduce any drug, food, or drink from off world, until such a substance has been certified as nonharmful to the aliens.”

There it was! I-S had them and it was all his fault. But if he had been so wrong, why in the world did Van Rycke sit there trading, condoning the error and making it into a crime for which they could be summoned before the Board and struck off the rolls of the Service?

Van Rycke smiled gently. “Code Four—Article two,” he quoted with the genial air of one playing gift-giver at a Forkidan feasting.

Code Four, Article two: Any organic substance offered for trade must be examined by a committee of trained medical experts, an equal representation of Terrans and aliens.

Kallee’s sneering smile did not vanish. “Well,” he challenged, “where’s your board of experts?”

“Tau!” Van Rycke called to the Medic with the storm priests. “Will you ask your colleague to be so kind as to allow the Cargo-master Kallee to be presented?”

The tall, dark young Terran Medic spoke to the priest beside him and together they came across the clearing. Van Rycke and Jellico both arose and inclined their heads in honor to the priests, as did the chief with whom they had been about to deal.

“Reader of clouds and master of many winds,” Tau’s voice flowed with the many voweled titles of the Sargolian, “may I bring before your face Cargo-master Kallee, a servant of Inter-Solar in the realm of Trade?”

The storm priest’s shaven skull and body gleamed steel gray in the light. His eyes, of that startling blue-green, regarded the I-S party with cynical detachment.

“You wish of me?” Plainly he was one who believed in getting down to essentials at once.

Kallee could not be overawed. “These Free Traders have introduced among your people a powerful drug which will bring much evil,” he spoke slowly in simple words as if he were addressing a cub.

“You have evidence of such evil?” countered the storm priest. “In what manner is this new plant evil?”

For a moment Kallee was disconcerted. But he rallied quickly. “It has not been tested—you do not know how it will affect your people—”

The storm priest shook his head impatiently. “We are not lacking in intelligence, Trader. This plant has been tested, both by your master of life secrets and ours. There is no harm in it—rather it is a good thing, to be highly prized—so highly that we shall give thanks that it was brought unto us. This speech-together is finished.” He pulled the loose folds of his robe closer about him and walked away.

“Now,” Van Rycke addressed the I-S party, “I must ask you to withdraw. Under the rules of Trade your presence here can be actively resented—”

But Kallee had lost little of his assurance. “You haven’t heard the last of this. A tape of the whole proceedings goes to the Board—”

“As you wish. But in the meantime—” Van Rycke gestured to the waiting Salariki who were beginning to mutter impatiently. Kallee glanced around, heard those mutters, and made the only move possible, away from the Queen. He was not quite so cocky, but neither had he surrendered.

Dane caught at Tau’s sleeve and asked the question which had been burning in him since he had come upon the scene.

“What happened—about the catnip?”

There was lightening of the serious expression on Tau’s face.

“Fortunately for you that child took the leaves to the storm priest. They tested and approved it. And I can’t see that it has any ill effects. But you were just lucky, Thorson—it might have gone another way.”

Dane sighed. “I know that, sir,” he confessed. “I’m not trying to rocket out—”

Tau gave a half-smile. “We all off-fire our tubes at times,” he conceded. “Only next time—”

He did not need to complete that warning as Dane caught him up:

“There isn’t going to be a next time like this, sir—ever!”

Chapter IV


But the interruption had disturbed the tenor of trading. The small chief who had so eagerly taken Paft’s place had only two Koros stones to offer and even to Dane’s inexperienced eyes they were inferior in size and color to those the other clan leader had tendered. The Terrans were aware that Koros mining was a dangerous business but they had not known that the stock of available stones was so very small. Within ten minutes the last of the serious bargaining was concluded and the clansmen were drifting away from the burned over space about the Queen’s standing fins.

Dane folded up the bargain cloth, glad for a task. He sensed that he was far from being back in Van Rycke’s good graces. The fact that his superior did not discuss any of the aspects of the deals with him was a bad sign.

Captain Jellico stretched. Although his was not, or never, what might be termed a good-humored face, he was at peace with his world. “That would seem to be all. What’s the haul, Van?”

“Ten first class stones, about fifty second grade, and twenty or so of third. The chiefs will go to the fisheries tomorrow. Then we’ll be in to see the really good stuff.”

“And how’s the herbs holding out?” That interested Dane too. Surely the few plants in the hydro and the dried leaves could not be stretched too far.

“As well as we could expect.” Van Rycke frowned. “But Craig thinks he’s on the trail of something to help—”

The storm priests had uprooted the staff marking the trading station and were wrapping the white streamer about it. Their leader had already gone and now Tau came up to the group by the ramp.

“Van says you have an idea,” the Captain hailed him.

“We haven’t tried it yet. And we can’t unless the priests give it a clear lane—”

“That goes without saying—” Jellico agreed.

The Captain had not addressed that remark to him personally, but Dane was sure it had been directed at him. Well, they needn’t worry—never again was he going to make that mistake, they could be very sure of that.

He was part of the conference which followed in the mess cabin only because he was a member of the crew. How far the reason for his disgrace had spread he had no way of telling, but he made no overtures, even to Rip.

Tau had the floor with Mura as an efficient lieutenant. He discussed the properties of catnip and gave information on the limited supply the Queen carried. Then he launched into a new suggestion.

“Felines of Terra, in fact a great many other of our native mammals, have a similar affinity for this.”

Mura produced a small flask and Tau opened it, passing it to Captain Jellico and so from hand to hand about the room. Each crewman sniffed at the strong aroma. It was a heavier scent than that given off by the crushed catnip—Dane was not sure he liked it. But a moment later Sinbad streaked in from the corridor and committed the unpardonable sin of leaping to the table top just before Mura who had taken the flask from Dane. He miaowed plaintively and clawed at the steward’s cuff. Mura stoppered the flask and put the cat down on the floor.

“What is it?” Jellico wanted to know.

“Anisette, a liquor made from the oil of anise—from seeds of the anise plant. It is a stimulant, but we use it mainly as a condiment. If it is harmless for the Salariki it ought to be a bigger bargaining point than any perfumes or spices, I-S can import. And remember, with their unlimited capital, they can flood the market with products we can’t touch, selling at a loss if need be to cut us out. Because their ship is not going to lift from Sargol just because she has no legal right here.”

“There’s this point,” Van Rycke added to the lecture. “The Eysies are trading or want to trade perfumes. But they stock only manufactured products, exotic stuff, but synthetic.” He took from his belt pouch two tiny boxes.

Before he caught the rich scent of the paste inside them Dane had already identified each as luxury items from Casper—chemical products which sold well and at high prices in the civilized ports of the Galaxy. The Cargo-master turned the boxes over, exposing the symbol on their undersides—the mark of I-S.

“These were offered to me in trade by a Salarik. I took them, just to have proof that the Eysies are operating here. But—note—they were offered to me in trade, along with two top Koros for what? One spoonful of dried catnip leaves. Does that suggest anything?”

Mura answered first. “The Salariki prefer natural products to synthetic.”

“I think so.”

“D’you suppose that was Cam’s secret?” speculated Astrogator Steen Wilcox.

“If it was,” Jellico cut in, “he certainly kept it! If we had only known this earlier—”

They were all thinking of that, of their storage space carefully packed with useless trade goods. Where, if they had known, the same space could have carried herbs with five or twenty-five times as much buying power.

“Maybe now that their sales’ resistance is broken, we can switch to some of the other stuff,” Tang Ya, torn away from his beloved communicators for the conference, said wistfully. “They like color—how about breaking out some rolls of Harlinian moth silk?”

Van Rycke sighed wearily. “Oh, we’ll try. We’ll bring out everything and anything. But we could have done so much better—” he brooded over the tricks of fate which had landed them on a planet wild for trade with no proper trade goods in either of their holds.

There was a nervous little sound of a throat being apologetically cleared. Jasper Weeks, the small wiper from the engine room detail, the third generation Venusian colonist whom the more vocal members of the Queen’s complement were apt to forget upon occasion, seeing all eyes upon him, spoke though his voice was hardly above a hoarse whisper.

“Cedar—lacquel bark—forsh weed—”

“Cinnamon,” Mura added to the list. “Imported in small quantities—”

“Naturally! Only the problem now is—how much cedar, lacquel bark, forsh weed, cinnamon do we have on board?” demanded Van Rycke.

His sarcasm did not register with Weeks for the little man pushed by Dane and left the cabin to their surprise. In the quiet which followed they could hear the clatter of his boots on ladder rungs as he descended to the quarters of the engine room staff. Tang turned to his neighbor, Johan Stotz, the Queen’s Engineer.

“What’s he going for?”

Stotz shrugged. Weeks was a self-effacing man—so much so that even in the cramped quarters of the spacer very little about him as an individual impressed his mates—a fact which was slowly dawning on them all now. Then they heard the scramble of feet hurrying back and Weeks burst in with energy which carried him across to the table behind which the Captain and Van Rycke now sat.

In the wiper’s hands was a plasta-steel box—the treasure chest of a spaceman. Its tough exterior was guaranteed to protect the contents against everything but outright disintegration. Weeks put it down on the table and snapped up the lid.

A new aroma, or aromas, was added to the scents now at war in the cabin. Weeks pulled out a handful of fluffy white stuff which frothed up about his fingers like soap lather. Then with more care he lifted up a tray divided into many small compartments, each with a separate sealing lid of its own. The men of the Queen moved in, their curiosity aroused, until they were jostling one another.

Being tall Dane had an advantage, though Van Rycke’s bulk and the wide shoulders of the Captain were between him and the object they were so intent upon. In each division of the tray, easily seen through the transparent lids, was a carved figure. The weird denizens of the Venusian polar swamps were there, along with lifelike effigies of Terran animals, a Martian sand-mouse in all its monstrous ferocity, and the native animal and reptile life of half a hundred different worlds. Weeks put down a second tray beside the first, again displaying a menagerie of strange life forms. But when he clicked open one of the compartments and handed the figurine it contained to the Captain, Dane understood the reason for now bringing forward the carvings.

The majority of them were fashioned from a dull blue-gray wood and Dane knew that if he picked one up he would discover that it weighed close to nothing in his hand. That was lacquel bark—the aromatic product of a Venusian vine. And each little animal or reptile lay encased in a soft dab of frothy white—frosh weed—the perfumed seed casing of the Martian canal plants. One or two figures on the second tray were of a red-brown wood and these Van Rycke sniffed at appreciatively.

“Cedar—Terran cedar,” he murmured.

Weeks nodded eagerly, his eyes alight. “I am waiting now for sandalwood—it is also good for carving—”

Jellico stared at the array in puzzled wonder. “You have made these?”

Being an amateur xenobiologist of no small standing himself, the shapes of the carvings more than the material from which they fashioned held his attention.

All those on board the Queen had their own hobbies. The monotony of voyaging through hyper-space had long ago impressed upon men the need for occupying both hands and mind during the sterile days while they were forced into close companionship with few duties to keep them alert. Jellico’s cabin was papered with tri-dee pictures of the rare animals and alien creatures he had studied in their native haunts or of which he kept careful and painstaking records. Tau had his magic, Mura not only his plants but the delicate miniature landscapes he fashioned, to be imprisoned forever in the hearts of protecting plasta balls. But Weeks had never shown his work before and now he had an artist’s supreme pleasure of completely confounding his shipmates.

The Cargo-master returned to the business on hand first. “You’re willing to transfer these to ‘cargo’?” he asked briskly. “How many do you have?”

Weeks, now lifting a third and then a fourth tray from the box, replied without looking up.

“Two hundred. Yes, I’ll transfer, sir.”

The Captain was turning about in his fingers the beautifully shaped figure of an Astran duocorn. “Pity to trade these here,” he mused aloud. “Will Paft or Halfer appreciate more than just their scent?”

Weeks smiled shyly. “I’ve filled this case, sir. I was going to offer them to Mr. Van Rycke on a venture. I can always make another set. And right now—well, maybe they’ll be worth more to the Queen, seeing as how they’re made out of aromatic woods, then they’d be elsewhere. Leastwise the Eysies aren’t going to have anything like them to show!” he ended in a burst of honest pride.

“Indeed they aren’t!” Van Rycke gave honor where it was due.

So they made plans and then separated to sleep out the rest of the night. Dane knew that his lapse was not forgotten nor forgiven, but now he was honestly too tired to care and slept as well as if his conscience were clear.

But morning brought only a trickle of lower class clansmen for trading and none of them had much but news to offer. The storm priests, as neutral arbitrators, had divided up the Koros grounds. And the clansmen, under the personal supervision of their chieftains were busy hunting the stones. The Terrans gathered from scraps of information that gem seeking on such a large scale had never been attempted before.

Before night there came other news, and much more chilling. Paft, one of the two major chieftains of this section of Sargol—while supervising the efforts of his liege men on a newly discovered and richly strewn length of shoal water—had been attacked and killed by gorp. The unusual activity of the Salariki in the shallows had in turn drawn to the spot battalions of the intelligent, malignant reptiles who had struck in strength, slaying and escaping before the Salariki could form an adequate defense, having killed the land dwellers’ sentries silently and effectively before advancing on the laboring main bodies of gem hunters.

A loss of a certain number of miners or fishers had been preseen as the price one paid for Koros in quantity. But the death of a chieftain was another thing altogether, having repercussions which carried far beyond the fact of his death. When the news reached the Salariki about the Queen they melted away into the grass forest and for the first time the Terrans felt free of spying eyes.

“What happens now?” Ali inquired. “Do they declare all deals off?”

“That might just be the unfortunate answer,” agreed Van Rycke.

“Could be,” Rip commented to Dane, “that they’d think we were in some way responsible—”

But Dane’s conscience, sensitive over the whole matter of Salariki trade, had already reached that conclusion.

The Terran party, unsure of what were the best tactics, wisely decided to do nothing at all for the time being. But, when the Salariki seemed to have completely vanished on the morning of the second day, the men were restless. Had Paft’s death resulted in some interclan quarrel over the heirship and the other clans withdrawn to let the various contendents for that honor fight it out? Or—what was more probable and dangerous—had the aliens come to the point of view that the Queen was in the main responsible for the catastrophe and were engaged in preparing too warm a welcome for any Traders who dared to visit them?

With the latter idea in mind they did not stray far from the ship. And the limit to their traveling was the edge of the forest from which they could be covered and so they did not learn much.

It was well into the morning before they were dramatically appraised that, far from being considered in any way an enemy, they were about to be accepted in a tie as close as clan to clan during one of the temporary but binding truces.

The messenger came in state, a young Salarik warrior, his splendid cloak rent and hanging in tattered pieces from his shoulders as a sign of his official grief. He carried in one hand a burned out torch, and in the other an unsheathed claw knife, its blade reflecting the sunlight with a wicked glitter. Behind him trotted three couples of retainers, their cloaks also ragged fringes, their knives drawn.

Standing up on the ramp to receive what could only be a formal deputation were Captain, Astrogator, Cargo-master and Engineer, the senior officers of the spacer.

In the rolling periods of the Trade Lingo the torch bearer identified himself as Groft, son and heir of the late lamented Paft. Until his chieftain father was avenged in blood he could not assume the high seat of his clan nor the leadership of the family. And now, following custom, he was inviting the friends and sometimes allies of the dead Paft to a gorp hunt. Such a gorp hunt, Dane gathered from amidst the flowers of ceremonial Salariki speech, as had never been planned before on the face of Sargol. Salariki without number in the past had died beneath the ripping talons of the water reptiles, but it was seldom that a chieftain had so fallen and his clan were firm in their determination to take a full blood price from the killers.

“—and so, sky lords,” Groft brought his oration to a close, “we come to ask that you send your young men to this hunting so that they may know the joy of plunging knives into the scaled death and see the horned ones die bathed in their own vile blood!”

Dane needed no hint from the Queen’s officers that this invitation was a sharp departure from custom. By joining with the natives in such a foray the Terrans were being admitted to kinship of a sort, cementing relations by a tie which the I-S, or any other interloper from off-world, would find hard to break. It was a piece of such excellent good fortune as they would not have dreamed of three days earlier.

Van Rycke replied, his voice properly sonorous, sounding out the rounded periods of the rolling tongue which they had all been taught during the voyage, using Cam’s recording. Yes, the Terrans would join with pleasure in so good and great a cause. They would lend the force of their arms to the defeat of all gorp they had the good fortune to meet. Groft need only name the hour for them to join him—

It was not needful, the young Salariki chieftain-to-be hastened to tell the Cargo-master, that the senior sky lords concern themselves in this matter. In fact it would be against custom, for it was meet that such a hunt be left to warriors of few years, that they might earn glory and be able to stand before the fires at the Naming as men. Therefore—the thumb claw of Groft was extended to its greatest length as he used it to single out the Terrans he had been eyeing—let this one, and that, and that, and the fourth be ready to join with the Salariki party an hour after nooning on this very day and they would indeed teach the slimy, treacherous lurkers in the depths a well needed lesson.

The Salarik’s choice with one exception had unerringly fallen upon the youngest members of the crew, Ali, Rip, and Dane in that order. But his fourth addition had been Jasper Weeks. Perhaps because of his native pallor of skin and slightness of body the oiler had seemed, to the alien, to be younger than his years. At any rate Groft had made it very plain that he chose these men and Dane knew that the Queen’s officers would raise no objection which might upset the delicate balance of favorable relations.

Van Rycke did ask for one concession which was reluctantly granted. He received permission for the spacer’s men to carry their sleep rods. Though the Salariki, apparently for some reason of binding and hoary custom, were totally opposed to hunting their age-old enemy with anything other than their duelists’ weapons of net and claw knife.

“Go along with them,” Captain Jellico gave his final orders to the four, “as long as it doesn’t mean your own necks—understand? On the other hand dead heroes have never helped to lift a ship. And these gorp are tough from all accounts. You’ll just have to use your own judgment about springing your rods on them—” He looked distinctly unhappy at that thought.

Ali was grinning and little Weeks tightened his weapon belt with a touch of swagger he had never shown before. Rip was his usual soft voiced self, dependable as a rock and a good base for the rest of them—taking command without question as they marched off to join Groft’s company.

Chapter V


The gorp hunters straggled through the grass forest in family groups, and the Terrans saw that the enterprise had forced another uneasy truce upon the district, for there were representatives from more than just Paft’s own clan. All the Salariki were young and the parties babbled together in excitement. It was plain that this hunt, staged upon a large scale, was not only a means of revenge upon a hated enemy but, also, a sporting event of outstanding prestige.

Now the grass trees began to show ragged gaps, open spaces between their clumps, until the forest was only scattered groups and the party the Terrans had joined walked along a trail cloaked in knee-high, yellow-red fern growth. Most of the Salariki carried unlit torches, some having four or five bundled together, as if gorp hunting must be done after nightfall. And it was fairly late in the afternoon before they topped a rise of ground and looked out upon one of Sargol’s seas.

The water was a dull-metallic gray, broken by great swaths of purple as if an artist had slapped a brush of color across it in a hit or miss fashion. Sand of the red grit, lightened by the golden flecks which glittered in the sun, stretched to the edge of the wavelets breaking with only languor on the curve of earth. The bulk of islands arose in serried ranks farther out—crowned with grass trees all rippling under the sea wind.

They came out upon the beach where one of the purple patches touched the shore and Dane noted that it left a scummy deposit there. The Terrans went on to the water’s edge. Where it was clear of the purple stuff they could get a murky glimpse of the bottom, but the scum hid long stretches of shoreline and outer wave, and Dane wondered if the gorp used it as a protective covering.

For the moment the Salariki made no move toward the sea which was to be their hunting ground. Instead the youngest members of the party, some of whom were adolescents not yet entitled to wear the claw knife of manhood, spread out along the shore and set industriously to gathering driftwood, which they brought back to heap on the sand. Dane, watching that harvest, caught sight of a smoothly polished length. He called Weeks’ attention to the water rounded cylinder.

The oiler’s eyes lighted and he stooped to pick it up. Where the other sticks were from grass trees this was something else. And among the bleached pile it had the vividness of flame. For it was a strident scarlet. Weeks turned it over in his hands, running his fingers lovingly across its perfect grain. Even in this crude state it had beauty. He stopped the Salarik who had just brought in another armload of wood.

“This is what?” he spoke the Trade Lingo haltingly.

The native gazed somewhat indifferently at the branch. “Tansil,” he answered. “It grows on the islands—” He made a vague gesture to include a good section of the western sea before he hurried away.

Weeks now went along the tide line on his own quest, Dane trailing him. At the end of a quarter hour when a hail summoned them back to the site of the now lighted fire, they had some ten pieces of the tansil wood between them. The finds ranged from a three foot section some four inches in diameter, to some slender twigs no larger than a writing steelo—but all with high polish, the warm flame coloring. Weeks lashed them together before he joined the group where Groft was outlining the technique of gorp hunting for the benefit of the Terrans.

Some two hundred feet away a reef, often awash and stained with the purple scum, angled out into the sea in a long curve which formed a natural breakwater. This was the point of attack. But first the purple film must be removed so that land and sea dwellers could meet on common terms.

The fire blazed up, eating hungrily into the driftwood. And from it ran the young Salariki with lighted brands, which at the water’s edge they whirled about their heads and then hurled out onto the purple patches. Fire arose from the water and ran with frantic speed across the crests of the low waves, while the Salariki coughed and buried their noses in their perfume boxes, for the wind drove shoreward an overpowering stench.

Where the cleansing fire had run on the water there was now only the natural metallic gray of the liquid, the cover was gone. Older Salariki warriors were choosing torches from those they had brought, doing it with care. Groft approached the Terrans carrying four.

“These you use now—”

What for? Dane wondered. The sky was still sunlit. He held the torch watching to see how the Salariki made use of them.

Groft led the advance—running lightly out along the reef with agile and graceful leaps to cross the breaks where the sea hurled in over the rock. And after him followed the other natives, each with a lighted torch in hand—the torch they hunkered down to plant firmly in some crevice of the rock before taking a stand beside that beacon.

The Terrans, less surefooted in the space boots, picked their way along the same path, wet with spray, wrinkling their noses against the lingering puffs of the stench from the water.

Following the example of the Salariki they faced seaward—but Dane did not know what to watch for. Cam had left only the vaguest general descriptions of gorp and beyond the fact that they were reptilian, intelligent and dangerous, the Terrans had not been briefed.

Once the warriors had taken up their stand along the reef, the younger Salariki went into action once more. Lighting more torches at the fire, they ran out along the line of their elders and flung their torches as far as they could hurl them into the sea outside the reef.

The gray steel of the water was now yellow with the reflection of the sinking sun. But that ocher and gold became more brilliant yet as the torches of the Salariki set blazing up far floating patches of scum. Dane shielded his eyes against the glare and tried to watch the water, with some idea that this move must be provocation and what they hunted would so be driven into view.

He held his sleep rod ready, just as the Salarik on his right had claw knife in one hand and in the other, open and waiting, the net intended to entangle and hold fast a victim, binding him for the kill.

But it was at the far tip of the barrier—the post of greatest honor which Groft had jealously claimed as his, that the gorp struck first. At a wild shout of defiance Dane half turned to see the Salarik noble cast his net at sea level and then stab viciously with a well practiced blow. When he raised his arm for a second thrust, greenish ichor ran from the blade down his wrist.


Thorson’s head jerked around. He saw the vee of ripples headed straight for the rocks where he balanced.

But he’d have to wait for a better target than a moving wedge of water. Instinctively he half crouched in the stance of an embattled spaceman, wishing now that he did have a blaster.

Neither of the Salariki stationed on either side of him made any move and he guessed that was hunt etiquette. Each man was supposed to face and kill the monster that challenged him—without assistance. And upon his skill during the next few minutes might rest the reputation of all Terrans as far as the natives were concerned.

There was a shadow outline beneath the surface of the metallic water now, but he could not see well because of the distortion of the murky waves. He must wait until he was sure.

Then the thing gave a spurt and, only inches beyond the toes of his boots, a nightmare creature sprang halfway out of the water, pincher claws as long as his own arms snapping at him. Without being conscious of his act, he pressed the stud of the sleep rod, aiming in the general direction of that horror from the sea.

But to his utter amazement the creature did not fall supinely back into watery world from which it had emerged. Instead those claws snapped again, this time scrapping across the top of Dane’s foot, leaving a furrow in material the keenest of knives could not have scored.

“Give it to him!” That was Rip shouting encouragement from his own place farther along the reef.

Dane pressed the firing stud again and again. The claws waved as the monstrosity slavered from a gaping frog’s mouth, a mouth which was fanged with a shark’s vicious teeth. It was almost wholly out of the water, creeping on a crab’s many legs, with a clawed upper limb reaching for him, when suddenly it stopped, its huge head turning from side to side in the sheltering carapace of scaled natural armor. It settled back as if crouching for a final spring—a spring which would push Dane into the ocean.

But that attack never came. Instead the gorp drew in upon itself until it resembled an unwieldy ball of indestructible armor and there it remained.

The Salariki on either side of Dane let out cries of triumph and edged closer. One of them twirled his net suggestively, seeing that the Terran lacked what was to him an essential piece of hunting equipment. Dane nodded vigorously in agreement and the tough strands swung out in a skillful cast which engulfed the motionless creature on the reef. But it was so protected by its scales that there was no opening for the claw knife. They had made a capture but they could not make a kill.

However, the Salariki were highly delighted. And several abandoned their posts to help the boys drag the monster ashore where it was pinned down to the beach by stakes driven through the edges of the net.

But the hunting party was given little time to gloat over this stroke of fortune. The gorp killed by Groft and the one stunned by Dane were only the van of an army and within moments the hunters on the reef were confronted by trouble armed with slashing claws and diabolic fighting ability.

The battle was anything but one-sided. Dane whirled, as the air was rent by a shriek of agony, just in time to see one of the Salariki, already torn by the claws of a gorp, being drawn under the water. It was too late to save the hunter, though Dane, balanced on the very edge of the reef, aimed a beam into the bloody waves. If the gorp was affected by this attack he could not tell, for both attacker and victim could no longer be seen.

But Ali had better luck in rescuing the Salarik who shared his particular section of reef, and the native, gashed and spurting blood from a wound in his thigh, was hauled to safety. While the gorp, coiling too slowly under the Terran ray, was literally hewn to pieces by the revengeful knives of the hunter’s kin.

The fight broke into a series of individual duels carried on now by the light of the torches as the evening closed in. The last of the purple patches had burned away to nothing. Dane crouched by his standard torch, his eyes fastened on the sea, watching for an ominous vee of ripples betraying another gorp on its way to launch against the rock barrier.

There was such wild confusion along that line of water sprayed rocks that he had no idea of how the engagement was going. But so far the gorp showed no signs of having had enough.

Dane was shaken out of his absorption by another scream. One, he was sure, which had not come from any Salariki throat. He got to his feet. Rip was stationed four men beyond him. Yes, the tall Astrogator-apprentice was there, outlined against torch flare. Ali? No—there was the assistant Engineer. Weeks? But Weeks was picking his way back along the reef toward the shore, haste expressed in every line of his figure. The scream sounded for a second time, freezing the Terrans.

“Come back—!” That was Weeks gesturing violently at the shore and something floundering in the protecting circle of the reef. The younger Salariki who had been feeding the fire were now clustered at the water’s edge.

Ali ran and with a leap covered the last few feet, landing reckless knee deep in the waves. Dane saw light strike on his rod as he swung it in a wide arc to center on the struggle churning the water into foam. A third scream died to a moan and then the Salariki dashed into the sea, their nets spread, drawing back with them through the surf a dark and now quiet mass.

The fact that at least one gorp had managed to get on the inner side of the reef made an impression on the rest of the native hunters. After an uncertain minute or two Groft gave the signal to withdraw—which they did with grisly trophies. Dane counted seven gorp bodies—which did not include the prisoner ashore. And more might have slid into the sea to die. On the other hand two Salariki were dead—one had been drawn into the sea before Dane’s eyes—and at least one was badly wounded. But who had been pulled down in the shallows—some one sent out from the Queen with a message?

Dane raced back along the reef, not waiting to pull up his torch, and before he reached the shore Rip was overtaking him. But the man who lay groaning on the sand was not from the Queen. The torn and bloodstained tunic covering his lacerated shoulders had the I-S badge. Ali was already at work on his wounds, giving temporary first aid from his belt kit. To all their questions he was stubbornly silent—either he couldn’t or wouldn’t answer.

In the end they helped the Salariki rig three stretchers. On one the largest, the captive gorp, still curled in a round carapace protected ball, was bound with the net. The second supported the wounded Salarik clansman and onto the third the Terrans lifted the I-S man.

“We’ll deliver him to his own ship,” Rip decided. “He must have tailed us here as a spy—” He asked a passing Salarik as to where they could find the Company spacer.

“They might just think we are responsible,” Ali pointed out. “But I see your point. If we do pack him back to the Queen and he doesn’t make it, they might say that we fired his rockets for him. All right, boys, let’s up-ship—he doesn’t look too good to me.”

With a torch-bearing Salarik boy as a guide, they hurried along a path taking in turns the burden of the stretcher. Luckily the I-S ship was even closer to the sea than the Queen and as they crossed the slagged ground, congealed by the break fire, they were trotting.

Though the Company ship was probably one of the smallest Inter-Solar carried on her rosters, it was a third again as large as the Queen—with part of that third undoubtedly dedicated to extra cargo space. Beside her their own spacer would seem not only smaller, but battered and worn. But no Free Trader would have willingly assumed the badges of a Company man, not even for the command of such a ship fresh from the cradles of a builder.

When a man went up from the training Pool for his first assignment, he was sent to the ship where his temperament, training and abilities best fitted. And those who were designated as Free Traders would never fit into the pattern of Company men. Of late years the breech between those who lived under the strict parental control of one of the five great galaxy wide organizations and those still too much of an individual to live any life but that of a half-explorer-half-pioneer which was the Free Trader’s, had widened alarmingly. Antagonism flared, rivalry was strong. But as yet the great Companies themselves were at polite cold war with one another for the big plums of the scattered systems. The Free Traders took the crumbs and there was not much disputing—save in cases such as had arisen on Sargol, when suddenly crumbs assumed the guise of very rich cake, rich and large enough to attract a giant.

The party from the Queen was given a peremptory challenge as they reached the other ship’s ramp. Rip demanded to see the officer of the watch and then told the story of the wounded man as far as they knew it. The Eysie was hurried aboard—nor did his shipmates give a word of thanks.

“That’s that.” Rip shrugged. “Let’s go before they slam the hatch so hard they’ll rock their ship off her fins!”

“Polite, aren’t they?” asked Weeks mildly.

“What do you expect of Eysies?” Ali wanted to know. “To them Free Traders are just rim planet trash. Let’s report back where we are appreciated.”

They took a short cut which brought them back to the Queen and they filed up her ramp to make their report to the Captain.

But they were not yet satisfied with Groft and his gorp slayers. No Salarik appeared for trade in the morning—surprising the Terrans. Instead a second delegation, this time of older men and a storm priest, visited the spacer with an invitation to attend Paft’s funeral feast, a rite which would be followed by the formal elevation of Groft to his father’s position, now that he had revenged that parent. And from remarks dropped by members of the delegation it was plain that the bearing of the Terrans who had joined the hunting party was esteemed to have been in highest accord with Salariki tradition.

They drew lots to decide which two must remain with the ship and the rest perfumed themselves so as to give no offense which might upset their now cordial relations. Again it was mid-afternoon when the Salariki escort sent to do them honor waited at the edge of the wood and Mura and Tang saw them off. With a herald booming before them, they traveled the beaten earth road in the opposite direction from the trading center, off through the forest until they came to a wide section of several miles which had been rigorously cleared of any vegetation which might give cover to a lurking enemy. In the center of this was a twelve-foot-high stockade of the bright red, burnished wood which had attracted Weeks on the shore. Each paling was the trunk of a tree and it had been sharpened at the top to a wicked point. On the field side was a wide ditch, crossed at the gate by a bridge, the planking of which might be removed at will. And as Dane passed over he looked down into the moat that was dry. The Salariki did not depend upon water for a defense—but on something else which his experience of the previous night had taught him to respect. There was no mistaking that shade of purple. The highly inflammable scum the hunters had burnt from the top of the waves had been brought inland and lay a greasy blanket some eight feet below. It would only be necessary to toss a torch on that and the defenders of the stockade would create a wall of fire to baffle any attackers. The Salariki knew how to make the most of their world’s natural resources.

Chapter VI


Inside the red stockade there was a crowded community. The Salariki demanded privacy of a kind, and even the unmarried warriors did not share barracks, but each had a small cubicle of his own. So that the mud brick and timber erections of one of their clan cities resembled nothing so much as the comb cells of a busy beehive. Although Paft’s was considered a large clan, it numbered only about two hundred fighting men and their numerous wives, children and captive servants. Not all of them normally lived at this center, but for the funeral feasting they had assembled—which meant a lot of doubling up and tenting out under makeshift cover between the regular buildings of the town. So that the Terrans were glad to be guided through this crowded maze to the Great Hall which was its heart.

As the trading center had been, the hall was a circular enclosure open to the sky above but divided in wheel-spoke fashion with posts of the red wood, each supporting a metal basket filled with imflammable material. Here were no lowly stools or trading tables. One vast circular board, broken only by a gap at the foot, ran completely around the wall. At the end opposite the entrance was the high chair of the chieftain, set on a two step dais. Though the feast had not yet officially begun, the Terrans saw that the majority of the places were already occupied.

They were led around the perimeter of the enclosure to places not far from the high seat. Van Rycke settled down with a grunt of satisfaction. It was plain that the Free Traders were numbered among the nobility. They could be sure of good trade in the days to come.

Delegations from neighboring clans arrived in close companies of ten or twelve and were granted seats, as had been the Terrans, in groups. Dane noted that there was no intermingling of clan with clan. And, as they were to understand later that night, there was a very good reason for that precaution.

“Hope all our adaption shots work,” Ali murmured, eyeing with no pleasure at all the succession of platters now being borne through the inner opening of the table.

While the Traders had learned long ago that the wisest part of valor was not to sample alien strong drinks, ceremony often required that they break bread (or its other world equivalent) on strange planets. And so science served expediency and now a Trader bound for any Galactic banquet was immunized, as far as was medically possible, against the evil consequences of consuming food not originally intended for Terran stomachs. One of the results being that Traders acquired a far flung reputation of possessing bird-like appetites—since it was always better to nibble and live, than to gorge and die.

Groft had not yet taken his place in the vacant chieftain’s chair. For the present he stood in the center of the table circle, directing the captive slaves who circulated with the food. Until the magic moment when the clan themselves would proclaim their overlord, he remained merely the eldest son of the house, relatively without power.

As the endless rows of platters made their way about the table the basket lights on the tops of the pillars were ignited, dispelling the dusk of evening. And there was an attendant stationed by each to throw on handsful of aromatic bark which burned with puffs of lavender smoke, adding to the many warring scents. The Terrans had recourse at intervals to their own pungent smelling bottles, merely to clear their heads of the drugging fumes.

Luckily, Dane thought as the feast proceeded, that smoke from the braziers went straight up. Had they been in a roofed space they might have been overcome. As it was—were they entirely conscious of all that was going on around them?

His reason for that speculation was the dance now being performed in the center of the hall—their fight with the gorp being enacted in a series of bounds and stabbings. He was sure that he could no longer trust his eyes when the claw knife of the victorious dancer-hunter apparently passed completely through the chest of another wearing a grotesque monster mask.

As a fitting climax to their horrific display, three of the men who had been with them on the reef entered, dragging behind them—still enmeshed in the hunting net—the gorp which Dane had stunned. It was uncurled now and very much alive, but the pincer claws which might have cut its way to safety were encased in balls of hard substance.

Freed from the net, suspended by its sealed claws, the gorp swung back and forth from a standard set up before the high seat. Its murderous jaws snapped futilely, and from it came an enraged snake’s vicious hissing. Though totally in the power of its enemies it gave an impression of terrifying strength and menace.

The sight of their ancient foe aroused the Salariki, inflaming warriors who leaned across the table to hurl tongue-twisting invective at the captive monster. Dane gathered that seldom had a living gorp been delivered helpless into their hands and they proposed to make the most of this wonderful opportunity. And the Terran suddenly wished the monstrosity had fallen back into the sea. He had no soft thoughts for the gorp after what he had seen at the reef and the tales he had heard, but neither did he like what he saw now expressed in gestures, heard in the tones of voices about them.

A storm priest put an end to the outcries. His dun cloak making a spot of darkness amid all the flashing color, he came straight to the place where the gorp swung. As he took his stand before the wriggling creature the din gradually faded, the warriors settled back into their seats, a pool of quiet spread through the enclosure.

Groft came up to take his position beside the priest. With both hands he carried a two handled cup. It was not the ornamented goblet which stood before each diner, but a manifestly older artifact, fashioned of some dull black substance and having the appearance of being even older than the hall or town.

One of the warriors who had helped to bring in the gorp now made a quick and accurate cast with a looped rope, snaring the monster’s head and pulling back almost at a right angle. With deliberation the storm priest produced a knife—the first straight bladed weapon Dane had seen on Sargol. He made a single thrust in the soft underpart of the gorp’s throat, catching in the cup he took from Groft some of the ichor which spurted from the wound.

The gorp thrashed madly, spattering table and surrounding Salariki with its life fluid, but the attention of the crowd was riveted elsewhere. Into the old cup the priest poured another substance from a flask brought by an underling. He shook the cup back and forth, as if to mix its contents thoroughly and then handed it to Groft.

Holding it before him the young chieftain leaped to the table top and so to stand before the high seat. There was a hush throughout the enclosure. Now even the gorp had ceased its wild struggles and hung limp in its bonds.

Groft raised the cup above his head and gave a loud shout in the archaic language of his clan. He was answered by a chant from the warriors who would in battle follow his banner, chant punctuated with the clinking slap of knife blades brought down forcibly on the board.

Three times he recited some formula and was answered by the others. Then, in another period of sudden quiet, he raised the cup to his lips and drank off its contents in a single draught, turning the goblet upside down when he had done to prove that not a drop remained within. A shout tore through the great hall. The Salariki were all on their feet, waving their knives over their heads in honor to their new ruler. And Groft for the first time seated himself in the high seat. The clan was no longer without a chieftain. Groft held his father’s place.

“Show over?” Dane heard Stotz murmur and Van Rycke’s disappointing reply:

“Not yet. They’ll probably make a night of it. Here comes another round of drinks—”

“And trouble with them,”—that was Captain Jellico being prophetic.

“By the Coalsack’s Ripcord!” That exclamation had been jolted out of Rip and Dane turned to see what had so jarred the usually serene Astrogator-apprentice. He was just in time to witness an important piece of Sargolian social practice.

A young warrior, surely only within a year or so of receiving his knife, was facing an older Salarik, both on their feet. The head and shoulder fur of the older fighter was dripping wet and an empty goblet rolled across the table to bump to the floor. A hush had fallen on the immediate neighbors of the pair, and there was an air of expectancy about the company.

“Threw his drink all over the other fellow,” Rip’s soft whisper explained. “That means a duel—”

“Here and now?” Dane had heard of the personal combat proclivities of the Salariki.

“Should be to the death for an insult such as that,” Ali remarked, as usual surveying the scene from his chosen role as bystander. As a child he had survived the unspeakable massacres of the Crater War, nothing had been able to crack his surface armor since.

“The young fool!” that was Steen Wilcox sizing up the situation from the angle of a naturally cautious nature and some fifteen years of experience on a great many different worlds. “He’ll be mustered out for good before he knows what happened to him!”

The younger Salarik had barked a question at his elder and had been promptly answered by that dripping warrior. Now their neighbors came to life with an efficiency which suggested that they had been waiting for such a move, it had happened so many times that every man knew just the right procedure from that point on.

In order for a Sargolian feast to be a success, the Terrans gathered from overheard remarks, at least one duel must be staged sometime during the festivities. And those not actively engaged did a lot of brisk betting in the background.

“Look there—at that fellow in the violet cloak,” Rip directed Dane. “See what he just laid down?”

The nobleman in the violet cloak was not one of Groft’s liege men, but a member of the delegation from another clan. And what he had laid down on the table—indicating as he did so his choice as winner in the coming combat, the elder warrior—was a small piece of white material on which reposed a slightly withered but familiar leaf. The neighbor he wagered with, eyed the stake narrowly, bending over to sniff at it, before he piled up two gem set armlets, a personal scent box and a thumb ring to balance.

At this practical indication of just how much the Terran herb was esteemed Dane regretted anew their earlier ignorance. He glanced along the board and saw that Van Rycke had noted that stake and was calling their Captain’s attention to it.

But such side issues were forgotten as the duelists vaulted into the circle rimmed by the table, a space now vacated for their action. They were stripped to their loin cloths, their cloaks thrown aside. Each carried his net in his right hand, his claw knife ready in his left. As yet the Traders had not seen Salarik against Salarik in action and in spite of themselves they edged forward in their seats, as intent as the natives upon what was to come. The finer points of the combat were lost on them, and they did not understand the drilled casts of the net, which had become as formalized through the centuries as the ancient and now almost forgotten sword play of their own world. The young Salarik had greater agility and speed, but the veteran who faced him had the experience.

To Terran eyes the duel had some of the weaving, sweeping movements of the earlier ritual dance. The swift evasions of the nets were graceful and so timed that many times the meshes grazed the skin of the fighter who fled entrapment.

Dane believed that the elder man was tiring, and the youngster must have shared that opinion. There was a leap to the right, a sudden flurry of dart and retreat, and then a net curled high and fell, enfolding flailing arms and kicking legs. When the clutch rope was jerked tight, the captured youth was thrown off balance. He rolled frenziedly, but there was no escaping the imprisoning strands.

A shout applauded the victor. He stood now above his captive who lay supine, his throat or breast ready for either stroke of the knife his captor wished to deliver. But it appeared that the winner was not minded to end the encounter with blood. Instead he reached out a long, befurred arm, took up a filled goblet from the table and with serious deliberation, poured its contents onto the upturned face of the loser.

For a moment there was a dead silence around the feast board and then a second roar, to which the honestly relieved Terrans added spurts of laughter. The sputtering youth was shaken free of the net and went down on his knees, tendering his opponent his knife, which the other thrust along with his own into his sash belt. Dane gathered from overheard remarks that the younger man was, for a period of time, to be determined by clan council, now the servant-slave of his overthrower and that since they were closely united by blood ties, this solution was considered eminently suitable—though had the elder killed his opponent, no one would have thought the worse of him for that deed.

It was the Queen’s men who were to provide the next center of attraction. Groft climbed down from his high seat and came to face across the board those who had accompanied him on the hunt. This time there was no escaping the sipping of the potent drink which the new chieftain slopped from his own goblet into each of theirs.

The fiery mouthful almost gagged Dane, but he swallowed manfully and hoped for the best as it burned like acid down his throat into his middle, there to mix uncomfortably with the viands he had eaten. Weeks’ thin face looked very white, and Dane noticed with malicious enjoyment, that Ali had an unobtrusive grip on the table which made his knuckles stand out in polished knobs—proving that there were things which could upset the imperturbable Kamil.

Fortunately they were not required to empty that flowing bowl in one gulp as Groft had done. The ceremonial mouthful was deemed enough and Dane sat down thankfully—but with uneasy fears for the future.

Groft had started back to his high seat when there was an interruption which had not been foreseen. A messenger threaded his way among the serving men and spoke to the chieftain, who glanced at the Terrans and then nodded.

Dane, his queasiness growing every second, was not attending until he heard a bitten off word from Rip’s direction and looked up to see a party of I-S men coming into the open space before the high seat. The men from the Queen stiffened—there was something in the attitude of the newcomers which hinted at trouble.

“What do you wish, sky lords?” That was Groft using the Trade Lingo, his eyes half closed as he lolled in his chair of state, almost as if he were about to witness some entertainment provided for his pleasure.

“We wish to offer you the good fortune desires of our hearts—” That was Kallee, the flowery words rolling with the proper accent from his tongue. “And that you shall not forget us—we also offer gifts—”

At a gesture from their Cargo-master, the I-S men set down a small chest. Groft, his chin resting on a clenched fist, lost none of his lazy air.

“They are received,” he retorted with the formal acceptance. “And no one can have too much good fortune. The Howlers of the Black Winds know that.” But he tendered no invitation to join the feast.

Kallee did not appear to be disconcerted. His next move was one which took his rivals by surprise, in spite of their suspicions.

“Under the laws of the Fellowship, O, Groft,” he clung to the formal speech, “I claim redress—”

Ali’s hand moved. Through his growing distress Dane saw Van Rycke’s jaw tighten, the fighting mask snap back on Captain Jellico’s face. Whatever came now was real trouble.

Groft’s eyes flickered over the party from the Queen. Though he had just pledged cup friendship with four of them, he had the malicious humor of his race. He would make no move to head off what might be coming.

“By the right of the knife and the net,” he intoned, “you have the power to claim personal satisfaction. Where is your enemy?”

Kallee turned to face the Free Traders. “I hereby challenge a champion to be set out from these off-worlders to meet by the blood and by the water my champion—”

The Salariki were getting excited. This was superb entertainment, an engagement such as they had never hoped to see—alien against alien. The rising murmur of their voices was like the growl of a hunting beast.

Groft smiled and the pleasure that expression displayed was neither Terran—nor human. But then the clan leader was not either, Dane reminded himself.

“Four of these warriors are clan-bound,” he said. “But the others may produce a champion—”

Dane looked along the line of his comrades—Ali, Rip, Weeks and himself had just been ruled out. That left Jellico, Van Rycke, Karl Kosti, the giant jetman whose strength they had to rely upon before, Stotz the Engineer, Medic Tau and Steen Wilcox. If it were strength alone he would have chosen Kosti, but the big man was not too quick a thinker—

Jellico got to his feet, the embodiment of a star lane fighting man. In the flickering light the scar on his cheek seemed to ripple. “Who’s your champion?” he asked Kallee.

The Eysie Cargo-master was grinning. He was confident he had pushed them into a position from which they could not extricate themselves.

“You accept challenge?” he countered.

Jellico merely repeated his question and Kallee beckoned forward one of his men.

The Eysie who stepped up was no match for Kosti. He was a slender, almost wand-slim young man, whose pleased smirk said that he, too, was about to put something over on the notorious Free Traders. Jellico studied him for a couple of long seconds during which the hum of Salariki voices was the threatening buzz of a disturbed wasps’ nest. There was no way out of this—to refuse conflict was to lose all they had won with the clansmen. And they did not doubt that Kallee had, in some way, triggered the scales against them.

Jellico made the best of it. “We accept challenge,” his voice was level. “We, being guesting in Groft’s holding, will fight after the manner of the Salariki who are proven warriors—” He paused as roars of pleased acknowledgment arose around the board.

“Therefore let us follow the custom of warriors and take up the net and the knife—”

Was there a shade of dismay on Kallee’s face?

“And the time?” Groft leaned forward to ask—but his satisfaction at such a fine ending for his feast was apparent. This would be talked over by every Sargolian for many storm seasons to come!

Jellico glanced up at the sky. “Say an hour after dawn, chieftain. With your leave, we shall confer concerning a champion.”

“My council room is yours,” Groft signed for a liege man to guide them.

Chapter VII


The morning winds rustled through the grass forest and, closer to hand, it pulled at the cloaks of the Salariki. Clan nobles sat on stools, lesser folk squatted on the trampled stubble of the cleared ground outside the stockade. In their many colored splendor the drab tunics of the Terrans were a blot of darkness at either end of the makeshift arena which had been marked out for them.

At the conclusion of their conference the Queen’s men had been forced into a course Jellico had urged from the first. He, and he alone, would represent the Free Traders in the coming duel. And now he stood there in the early morning, stripped down to shorts and boots, wearing nothing on which a net could catch and so trap him. The Free Traders were certain that the I-S men having any advantage would press it to the ultimate limit and the death of Captain Jellico would make a great impression on the Salariki.

Jellico was taller than the Eysie who faced him, but almost as lean. Hard muscles moved under his skin, pale where space tan had not burned in the years of his star voyaging. And his every movement was with the liquid grace of a man who, in his time, had been a master of the force blade. Now he gripped in his left hand the claw knife given him by Groft himself and in the other he looped the throwing rope of the net.

At the other end of the field, the Eysie man was industriously moving his bootsoles back and forth across the ground, intent upon coating them with as much of the gritty sand as would adhere. And he displayed the supreme confidence in himself which he had shown at the moment of challenge in the Great Hall.

None of the Free Trading party made the mistake of trying to give Jellico advice. The Captain had not risen to his command without learning his duties. And the duties of a Free Trader covered a wide range of knowledge and practice. One had to be equally expert with a blaster and a slingshot when the occasion demanded. Though Jellico had not fought a Salariki duel with net and knife before, he had a deep memory of other weapons, other tactics which could be drawn upon and adapted to his present need.

There was none of the casual atmosphere which had surrounded the affair between the Salariki clansmen in the hall. Here was ceremony. The storm priests invoked their own particular grim Providence, and there was an oath taken over the weapons of battle. When the actual engagement began the betting among the spectators had reached, Dane decided, epic proportions. Large sections of Sargolian personal property were due to change hands as a result of this encounter.

As the chief priest gave the order to engage both Terrans advanced from their respective ends of the fighting space with the half crouching, light footed tread of spacemen. Jellico had pulled his net into as close a resemblance to rope as its bulk would allow. The very type of weapon, so far removed from any the Traders knew, made it a disadvantage rather than an asset.

But it was when the Eysie moved out to meet the Captain that Rip’s fingers closed about Dane’s upper arm in an almost paralyzing grip.

“He knows—”

Dane had not needed that bad news to be made vocal. Having seen the exploits of the Salariki duelists earlier, he had already caught the significance of that glide, of the way the I-S champion carried his net. The Eysie had not had any last minute instruction in the use of Sargolian weapons—he had practiced and, by his stance, knew enough to make him a formidable menace. The clamor about the Queen’s party rose as the battle-wise eyes of the clansmen noted that and the odds against Jellico reached fantastic heights while the hearts of his crew sank.

Only Van Rycke was not disturbed. Now and then he raised his smelling bottle to his nose with an elegant gesture which matched those of the befurred nobility around him, as if not a thought of care ruffled his mind.

The Eysie feinted in a opening which was a rather ragged copy of the young Salarik’s more fluid moves some hours before. But, when the net settled, Jellico was simply not there, his quick drop to one knee had sent the mesh flailing in an arc over his bowed shoulders with a good six inches to spare. And a cry of approval came not only from his comrades, but from those natives who had been gamblers enough to venture their wagers on his performance.

Dane watched the field and the fighters through a watery film. The discomfort he had experienced since downing that mouthful of the cup of friendship had tightened into a fist of pain clutching his middle in a torturing grip. But he knew he must stick it out until Jellico’s ordeal was over. Someone stumbled against him and he glanced up to see Ali’s face, a horrible gray-green under the tan, close to his own. For a moment the Engineer-apprentice caught at his arm for support and then with a visible effort straightened up. So he wasn’t the only one—He looked for Rip and Weeks and saw that they, too, were ill.

But for a moment all that mattered was the stretch of trampled earth and the two men facing each other. The Eysie made another cast and this time, although Jellico was not caught, the slap of the mesh raised a red welt on his forearm. So far the Captain had been content to play the defensive role of retreat, studying his enemy, planning ahead.

The Eysie plainly thought the game his, that he had only to wait for a favorable moment and cinch the victory. Dane began to think it had gone on for weary hours. And he was dimly aware that the Salariki were also restless. One or two shouted angrily at Jellico in their own tongue.

The end came suddenly. Jellico lost his footing, stumbled, and went down. But before his men could move, the Eysie champion bounded forward, his net whirling out. Only he never reached the Captain. In the very act of falling Jellico had pulled his legs under him so that he was not supine but crouched, and his net swept but at ground level, clipping the I-S man about the shins, entangling his feet so that he crashed heavily to the sod and lay still.

“The whip—that Lalox whip trick!” Wilcox’s voice rose triumphantly above the babble of the crowd. Using his net as if it had been a thong, Jellico had brought down the Eysie with a move the other had not foreseen.

Breathing hard, sweat running down his shoulders and making tracks through the powdery red dust which streaked him, Jellico got to his feet and walked over to the I-S champion who had not moved or made a sound since his fall. The Captain went down on one knee to examine him.

“Kill! Kill!” That was the Salariki, all their instinctive savagery aroused.

But Jellico spoke to Groft. “By our customs we do not kill the conquered. Let his friends bear him hence.” He took the claw knife the Eysie still clutched in his hand and thrust it into his own belt. Then he faced the I-S party and Kallee.

“Take your man and get out!” The rein he had kept on his temper these past days was growing very thin. “You’ve made your last play here.”

Kallee’s thick lips drew back in something close to a Salarik snarl. But neither he nor his men made any reply. They bundled up their unconscious fighter and disappeared.

Of their own return to the sanctuary of the Queen Dane had only the dimmest of memories afterwards. He had made the privacy of the forest road before he yielded to the demands of his outraged interior. And after that he had stumbled along with Van Rycke’s hand under his arm, knowing from other miserable sounds that he was not alone in his torment.

It was some time later, months he thought when he first roused, that he found himself lying in his bunk, feeling very weak and empty as if a large section of his middle had been removed, but also at peace with his world. As he levered himself up the cabin had a nasty tendency to move slowly to the right as if he were a pivot on which it swung, and he had all the sensations of being in free fall though the Queen was still firmly planeted. But that was only a minor discomfort compared to the disturbance he remembered.

Fed the semi-liquid diet prescribed by Tau and served up by Mura to him and his fellow sufferers, he speedily got back his strength. But it had been a close call, he did not need Tau’s explanation to underline that. Weeks had suffered the least of the four, he the most—though none of them had had an easy time. And they had been out of circulation three days.

“The Eysie blasted last night,” Rip informed him as they lounged in the sun on the ramp, sharing the blessed lazy hours of invalidism.

But somehow that news gave Dane no lift of spirit. “I didn’t think they’d give up—”

Rip shrugged. “They may be off to make a dust-off before the Board. Only, thanks to Van and the Old Man, we’re covered all along the line. There’s nothing they can use against us to break our contract. And now we’re in so solid they can’t cut us out with the Salariki. Groft asked the Captain to teach him that trick with the net. I didn’t know the Old Man knew Lalox whip fighting—it’s about one of the nastiest ways to get cut to pieces in this universe—”

“How’s trade going?”

Rip’s sunniness clouded. “Supplies have given out. Weeks had an idea—but it won’t bring in Koros. That red wood he’s so mad about, he’s persuaded Van to stow some in the cargo holds since we have enough Koros stones to cover the voyage. Luckily the clansmen will take ordinary trade goods in exchange for that and Weeks thinks it will sell on Terra. It’s tough enough to turn a steel knife blade and yet it is light and easy to handle when it’s cured. Queer stuff and the color’s interesting. That stockade of it planted around Groft’s town has been up close to a hundred years and not a sign of rot in a log of it!”

“Where is Van?”

“The storm priests sent for him. Some kind of a gabble-fest on the star-star level, I gather. Otherwise we’re almost ready to blast. And we know what kind of cargo to bring next time.”

They certainly did, Dane agreed. But he was not to idle away his morning. An hour later a caravan came out of the forest, a line of complaining, burdened orgels, their tiny heads hanging low as they moaned their woes, the hard life which sent them on their sluggish way with piles of red logs lashed to their broad toads’ backs. Weeks was in charge of the procession and Dane went to work with the cargo plan Van had left, seeing that the brilliant scarlet lengths were hoist into the lower cargo hatch and stacked according to the science of stowage. He discovered that Rip had been right, the wood for all its incredible hardness was light of weight. Weak as he still was he could lift and stow a full sized log with no great difficulty. And he thought Weeks was correct in thinking that it would sell on their home world. The color was novel, the durability an asset—it would not make fortunes as the Koros stones might, but every bit of profit helped and this cargo might cover their fielding fees on Terra.

Sinbad was in the cargo space when the first of the logs came in. With his usual curiosity the striped tom cat prowled along the wood, sniffing industriously. Suddenly he stopped short, spat and backed away, his spine fur a roughened crest. Having backed as far as the inner door he turned and slunk out. Puzzled, Dane gave the wood a swift inspection. There were no cracks or crevices in the smooth surfaces, but as he stopped over the logs he became conscious of a sharp odor. So this was one scent of the perfumed planet Sinbad did not like. Dane laughed. Maybe they had better have Weeks make a gate of the stuff and slip it across the ramp, keeping Sinbad on ship board. Odd—it wasn’t an unpleasant odor—at least to him it wasn’t—just sharp and pungent. He sniffed again and was vaguely surprised to discover that it was less noticeable now. Perhaps the wood when taken out of the sunlight lost its scent.

They packed the lower hold solid in accordance with the rules of stowage and locked the hatch before Van Rycke returned from his meeting with the storm priests. When the Cargo-master came back he was followed by two servants bearing between them a chest.

But there was something in Van Rycke’s attitude, apparent to those who knew him best, that proclaimed he was not too well pleased with his morning’s work. Sparing the feelings of the accompanying storm priests about the offensiveness of the spacer Captain Jellico and Steen Wilcox went out to receive them in the open. Dane watched from the hatch, aware that in his present pariah-hood it would not be wise to venture closer.

The Terran Traders were protesting some course of action that the Salariki were firmly insistent upon. In the end the natives won and Kosti was summoned to carry on board the chest which the servants had brought. Having seen it carried safely inside the spacer, the aliens departed, but Van Rycke was frowning and Jellico’s fingers were beating a tattoo on his belt as they came up the ramp.

“I don’t like it,” Jellico stated as he entered.

“It was none of my doing,” Van Rycke snapped. “I’ll take risks if I have to—but there’s something about this one—” he broke off, two deep lines showing between his thick brows. “Well, you can’t teach a sasseral to spit,” he ended philosophically. “We’ll have to do the best we can.”

But Jellico did not look at all happy as he climbed to the control section. And before the hour was out the reason for the Captain’s uneasiness was common property throughout the ship.

Having sampled the delights of off-world herbs, the Salariki were determined to not be cut off from their source of supply. Six Terran months from the present Sargolian date would come the great yearly feast of the Fifty Storms, and the priests were agreed that this year their influence and power would be doubled if they could offer the devout certain privileges in the form of Terran plants. Consequently they had produced and forced upon the reluctant Van Rycke the Koros collection of their order, with instructions that it be sold on Terra and the price returned to them in the precious seeds and plants. In vain the Cargo-master and Captain had pointed out that Galactic trade was a chancy thing at the best, that accident might prevent return of the Queen to Sargol. But the priests had remained adamant and saw in all such arguments only a devious attempt to raise prices. They quoted in their turn the information they had levered out of the Company men—that Traders had their code and that once pay had been given in advance the contract must be fulfilled. They, and they alone, wanted the full cargo of the Queen on her next voyage, and they were taking the one way they were sure of achieving that result.

So a fortune in Koros stones which as yet did not rightfully belong to the Traders was now in the Queen’s strong-room and her crew were pledged by the strongest possible tie known in their Service to set down on Sargol once more before the allotted time had passed. The Free Traders did not like it, there was even a vaguely superstitious feeling that such a bargain would inevitably draw ill luck to them. But they were left with no choice if they wanted to retain their influence with the Salariki.

“Cutting orbit pretty fine, aren’t we?” Ali asked Rip across the mess table. “I saw your two star man sweating it out before he came down to shoot the breeze with us rocket monkeys—”

Rip nodded. “Steen’s double checked every computation and some he’s done four times.” He ran his hands over his close cropped head with a weary gesture. As a semi-invalid he had been herded down with his fellows to swallow the builder Mura had concocted and Tau insisted that they take, but he had been doing a half a night’s work on the plotter under his chief’s exacting eye before he came. “The latest news is that, barring accident, we can make it with about three weeks’ grace, give or take a day or two—”

“Barring accident—” the words rang in the air. Here on the frontiers of the star lanes there were so many accidents, so many delays which could put a ship behind schedule. Only on the main star trails did the huge liners or Company ships attempt to keep on regularly timed trips. A Free Trader did not really dare to have an inelastic contract.

“What does Stotz say?” Dane asked Ali.

“He says he can deliver. We don’t have the headache about setting a course—you point the nose and we only give her the boost to send her along.”

Rip sighed. “Yes—point her nose.” He inspected his nails. “Goodbye,” he added gravely. “These won’t be here by the time we planet here again. I’ll have my fingers gnawed off to the first knuckle. Well, we lift at six hours. Pleasant strap down.” He drank the last of the stuff in his mug, made a face at the flavor, and got to his feet, due back at his post in control.

Dane, free of duty until the ship earthed, drifted back to his own cabin, sure of part of a night’s undisturbed rest before they blasted off. Sinbad was curled on his bunk. For some reason the cat had not been prowling the ship before take-off as he usually did. First he had sat on Van’s desk and now he was here, almost as if he wanted human company. Dane picked him up and Sinbad rumbled a purr, arching his head so that it rubbed against the young man’s chin in an extremely uncharacteristic show of affection. Smoothing the fur along the cat’s jaw line Dane carried him back to the Cargo-master’s cabin.

With some hesitation he knocked at the panel and did not step in until he had Van Rycke’s muffled invitation. The Cargo-master was stretched on the bunk, two of the take off straps already fastened across his bulk as if he intended to sleep through the blast-off.

“Sinbad, sir. Shall I stow him?”

Van Rycke grunted an assent and Dane dropped the cat in the small hammock which was his particular station, fastening the safety cords. For once Sinbad made no protest but rolled into a ball and was promptly fast asleep. For a moment or two Dane thought about this unnatural behavior and wondered if he should call it to the Cargo-master’s attention. Perhaps on Sargol Sinbad had had his equivalent of a friendship cup and needed a check-up by Tau.

“Stowage correct?” the question, coming from Van Rycke, was also unusual. The seal would not have been put across the hold lock had its contents not been checked and rechecked.

“Yes, sir,” Dane replied woodenly, knowing he was still in the outer darkness. “There was just the wood—we stowed it according to chart.”

Van Rycke grunted once more. “Feeling top-layer again?”

“Yes, sir. Any orders, sir?”

“No. Blast-off’s at six.”

“Yes, sir.” Dane left the cabin, closing the panel carefully behind him. Would he—or could he—he thought drearily, get back in Van Rycke’s profit column again? Sargol had been unlucky as far as he was concerned. First he had made that stupid mistake and then he got sick and now—And now—what was the matter? Was it just the general attack of nerves over their voyage and the commitments which forced their haste, or was it something else? He could not rid himself of a vague sense that the Queen was about to take off into real trouble. And he did not like the sensation at all!

Chapter VIII


They lifted from Sargol on schedule and went into Hyper also on schedule. From that point on there was nothing to do but wait out the usual dull time of flight between systems and hope that Steen Wilcox had plotted a course which would cut that flight time to a minimum. But this voyage there was little relaxation once they were in Hyper. No matter when Dane dropped into the mess cabin, which was the common meeting place of the spacer, he was apt to find others there before him, usually with a mug of one of Mura’s special brews close at hand, speculating about their landing date.

Dane, himself, once he had thrown off the lingering effects of his Sargolian illness, applied time to his studies. When he had first joined the Queen as a recruit straight out of the training Pool, he had speedily learned that all the ten years of intensive study then behind him had only been an introduction to the amount he still had to absorb before he could take his place as an equal with such a trader as Van Rycke—if he had the stuff which would raise him in time to that exalted level. While he had still had his superior’s favor he had dared to treat him as an instructor, going to him with perplexing problems of stowage or barter. But now he had no desire to intrude upon the Cargo-master, and doggedly wrestled with the microtapes of old records on his own, painfully working out the why and wherefor for any departure from the regular procedure. He had no inkling of his own future status—whether the return to Terra would find him permanently earthed. And he would ask no questions.

They had been four days of ship’s time in Hyper when Dane walked into the mess cabin, tired after his work with old records, to discover no Mura busy in the galley beyond, no brew steaming on the heat coil. Rip sat at the table, his long legs stuck out, his usually happy face very sober.

“What’s wrong?” Dane reached for a mug, then seeing no pot of drink, put it back in place.

“Frank’s sick—”

“What!” Dane turned. Illness such as they had run into on Sargol had a logical base. But illness on board ship was something else.

“Tau has him isolated. He has a bad headache and he blacked out when he tried to sit up. Tau’s running tests.”

Dane sat down. “Could be something he ate—”

Rip shook his head. “He wasn’t at the feast—remember? And he didn’t eat anything from outside, he swore that to Tau. In fact he didn’t go dirt much while we were down—”

That was only too true as Dane could now recall. And the fact that the steward had not been at the feast, had not sampled native food products, wiped out the simplest and most comforting reasons for his present collapse.

“What’s this about Frank?” Ali stood in the doorway. “He said yesterday that he had a headache. But now Tau has him shut off—”

“But he wasn’t at that feast.” Ali stopped short as the implications of that struck him. “How’s Tang feeling?”

“Fine—why?” The Com-tech had come up behind Kamil and was answering for himself. “Why this interest in the state of my health?”

“Frank’s down with something—in isolation,” Rip replied bluntly. “Did he do anything out of the ordinary when we were off ship?”

For a long moment the other stared at Shannon and then he shook his head. “No. And he wasn’t dirt-side to any extent either. So Tau’s running tests—” He lapsed into silence. None of them wished to put their thoughts into words.

Dane picked up the microtape he had brought with him and went on down the corridor to return it. The panel of the cargo office was ajar and to his relief he found Van Rycke out. He shoved the tape back in its case and pulled out the next one. Sinbad was there, not in his own private hammock, but sprawled out on the Cargo-master’s bunk. He watched Dane lazily, mouthing a silent mew of welcome. For some reason since they had blasted from Sargol the cat had been lazy—as if his adventures afield there had sapped much of his vitality.

“Why aren’t you out working?” Dane asked as he leaned over to scratch under a furry chin raised for the benefit of such a caress. “You inspect the hold lately, boy?”

Sinbad merely blinked and after the manner of his species looked infinitely bored. As Dane turned to go the Cargo-master came in. He showed no surprise at Dane’s presence. Instead he reached out and fingered the label of the tape Dane had just chosen. After a glance at the identifying symbol he took it out of his assistant’s hand, plopped it back in its case, and stood for a moment eyeing the selection of past voyage records. With a tongue-click of satisfaction he pulled out another and tossed it across the desk to Dane.

“See what you can make out of this tangle,” he ordered. But Dane’s shoulders went back as if some weight had been lifted from them. The old easiness was still lacking, but he was no longer exiled to the outer darkness of Van Rycke’s displeasure.

Holding the microtape as if it were a first grade Koros stone Dane went back to his own cabin, snapped the tape into his reader, adjusted the ear buttons and lay back on his bunk to listen.

He was deep in the intricacy of a deal so complicated that he was lost after the first two moves, when he opened his eyes to see Ali at the door panel. The Engineer-apprentice made an emphatic beckoning wave and Dane slipped off the ear buttons.

“What is it?” His question lacked a cordial note.

“I’ve got to have help.” Ali was terse. “Kosti’s blacked out!”

“What!” Dane sat up and dropped his feet to the deck in almost one movement.

“I can’t shift him alone,” Ali stated the obvious. The giant jetman was almost double his size. “We must get him to his quarters. And I won’t ask Stotz—”

For a perfectly good reason Dane knew. An assistant—two of the apprentices—could go sick, but their officers’ continued good health meant the most to the Queen. If some infection were aboard it would be better for Ali and himself to be exposed, than to have Johan Stotz with all his encyclopedic knowledge of the ship’s engines contract any disease.

They found the jetman half sitting, half lying in the short foot or so of corridor which led to his own cubby. He had been making for his quarters when the seizure had taken him. And by the time the two reached his side, he was beginning to come around, moaning, his hands going to his head.

Together they got him on his feet and guided him to his bunk where he collapsed again, dead weight they had to push into place. Dane looked at Ali—


“Haven’t had time to call him yet.” Ali was jerking at the thigh straps which fastened Kosti’s space boots.

“I’ll go.” Glad for the task Dane sped up the ladder to the next section and threaded the narrow side hall to the Medic’s cabin where he knocked on the panel.

There was a pause before Craig Tau looked out, deep lines of weariness bracketing his mouth, etched between his eyes.

“Kosti, sir,” Dane gave his bad news quickly. “He’s collapsed. We got him to his cabin—”

Tau showed no sign of surprise. His hand shot out for his kit.

“You touched him?” At the other’s nod he added an order. “Stay in your quarters until I have a chance to look you over—understand?”

Dane had no chance to answer, the Medic was already on his way. He went to his own cabin, understanding the reason for his imprisonment, but inwardly rebelling against it. Rather than sit idle he snapped on the reader—but, although facts and figures were dunned into his ears—he really heard very little. He couldn’t apply himself—not with a new specter leering at him from the bulkhead.

The dangers of the space lanes were not to be numbered, death walked among the stars a familiar companion of all spacemen. And to the Free Trader it was the extra and invisible crewman on every ship that raised. But there were deaths and deaths—And Dane could not forget the gruesome legends Van Rycke collected avidly as his hobby—had recorded in his private library of the folk lore of space.

Stories such as that of the ghostly “New Hope” carrying refugees from the first Martian Rebellion—the ship which had lifted for the stars but had never arrived, which wandered for a timeless eternity, a derelict in free fall, its port closed but the warning “dead” lights on at its nose—a ship which through five centuries had been sighted only by a spacer in similar distress. Such stories were numerous. There were other tales of “plague” ships wandering free with their dead crews, or discovered and shot into some sun by a patrol cruiser so that they might not carry their infection farther. Plague—the nebulous “worst” the Traders had to face. Dane screwed his eyes shut, tried to concentrate upon the droning voice in his ears, but he could not control his thoughts nor—his fears.

At a touch on his arm he started so wildly that he jerked the cord loose from the reader and sat up, somewhat shamefaced, to greet Tau. At the Medic’s orders he stripped for one of the most complete examinations he had ever undergone outside a quarantine port. It included an almost microscopic inspection of the skin on his neck and shoulders, but when Tau had done he gave a sigh of relief.

“Well, you haven’t got it—at least you don’t show any signs yet,” he amended his first statement almost before the words were out of his mouth.

“What were you looking for?”

Tau took time out to explain. “Here,” his fingers touched the small hollow at the base of Dane’s throat and then swung him around and indicated two places on the back of his neck and under his shoulder blades. “Kosti and Mura both have red eruptions here. It’s as if they have been given an injection of some narcotic.” Tau sat down on the jump seat while Dane dressed. “Kosti was dirt-side—he might have picked up something—”

“But Mura—”

“That’s it!” Tau brought his fist down on the edge of the bunk. “Frank hardly left the ship—yet he showed the first signs. On the other hand you are all right so far and you were off ship. And Ali’s clean and he was with you on the hunt. We’ll just have to wait and see.” He got up wearily. “If your head begins to ache,” he told Dane, “you get back here in a hurry and stay put—understand?”

As Dane learned all the other members of the crew were given the same type of inspection. But none of them showed the characteristic marks which meant trouble. They were on course for Terra—but—and that but must have loomed large in all their minds—once there would they be allowed to land? Could they even hope for a hearing? Plague ship—Tau must find the answer before they came into normal space about their own solar system or they were in for such trouble as made a broken contract seem the simplest of mishaps.

Kosti and Mura were in isolation. There were volunteers for nursing and Tau, unable to be in two places at once, finally picked Weeks to look after his crewmate in the engineering section.

There was doubling up of duties. Tau could no longer share with Mura the care of the hydro garden so Van Rycke took over. While Dane found himself in charge of the galley and, while he did not have Mura’s deft hand at disguising the monotonous concentrates to the point they resembled fresh food, after a day or two he began to experiment cautiously and produced a stew which brought some short words of appreciation from Captain Jellico.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when, after three days, no more signs of the mysterious illness showed on new members of the crew. It became routine to parade before Tau stripped to the waist each morning for the inspection of the danger points, and the Medic’s vigilance did not relax.

In the meantime neither Mura nor Kosti appeared to suffer. Once the initial stages of headaches and blackouts were passed, the patients lapsed into a semi-conscious state as if they were under sedation of some type. They would eat, if the food was placed in their mouths, but they did not seem to know what was going on about them, nor did they answer when spoken to.

Tau, between visits to them, worked feverishly in his tiny lab, analyzing blood samples, reading the records of obscure diseases, trying to find the reason for their attacks. But as yet his discoveries were exactly nothing. He had come out of his quarters and sat in limp exhaustion at the mess table while Dane placed before him a mug of stimulating caf-hag.

“I don’t get it!” The Medic addressed the table top rather than the amateur cook. “It’s a poison of some kind. Kosti went dirt-side—Mura didn’t. Yet Mura came down with it first. And we didn’t ship any food from Sargol. Neither did he eat any while we were there. Unless he did and we didn’t know about it. If I could just bring him to long enough to answer a couple of questions!” Sighing he dropped his weary head on his folded arms and within seconds was asleep.

Dane put the mug back on the heating unit and sat down at the other end of the table. He did not have the heart to shake Tau into wakefulness—let the poor devil get a slice of bunk time, he certainly needed it after the fatigues of the past four days.

Van Rycke passed along the corridor on his way to the hydro, Sinbad at his heels. But in a moment the cat was back, leaping up on Dane’s knee. He did not curl up, but rubbed against the young man’s arm, finally reaching up with a paw to touch Dane’s chin, uttering one of the soundless, mews which were his bid for attention.

“What’s the matter, boy?” Dane fondled the cat’s ears. “You haven’t got a headache—have you?” In that second a wild surmise came into his mind. Sinbad had been planet-side on Sargol as much as he could, and on ship board he was equally at home in all their cabins—could he be the carrier of the disease?

A good idea—only if it were true, then logically the second victim should have been Van, or Dane—whereas Sinbad lingered most of the time in their cabins—not Kosti. The cat, as far as he knew, had never shown any particular fondness for the jetman and certainly did not sleep in Karl’s quarters. No—that point did not fit. But he would mention it to Tau—no use overlooking anything—no matter how wild.

It was the sequence of victims which puzzled them all. As far as Tau had been able to discover Mura and Kosti had nothing much in common except that they were crewmates on the same spacer. They did not bunk in the same section, their fields of labor were totally different, they had no special food or drink tastes in common, they were not even of the same race. Frank Mura was one of the few descendants of a mysterious (or now mysterious) people who had had their home on a series of islands in one of Terra’s seas, islands which almost a hundred years before had been swallowed up in a series of world-rending quakes—Japan was the ancient name of that nation. While Karl Kosti had come from the once thickly populated land masses half the planet away which had borne the geographical name of “Europe.” No, all the way along the two victims had only very general meeting points—they both shipped on the Solar Queen and they were both of Terran birth.

Tau stirred and sat up, blinking bemusedly at Dane, then pushed back his wiry black hair and assumed a measure of alertness. Dane dropped the now purring cat in the Medic’s lap and in a few sentences outlined his suspicion. Tau’s hands closed about Sinbad.

“There’s a chance in that—” He looked a little less beat and he drank thirstily from the mug Dane gave him for the second time. Then he hurried out with Sinbad under one arm—bound for his lab.

Dane slicked up the galley, trying to put things away as neatly as Mura kept them. He didn’t have much faith in the Sinbad lead, but in this case everything must be checked out.

When the Medic did not appear during the rest of the ship’s day Dane was not greatly concerned. But he was alerted to trouble when Ali came in with an inquiry and a complaint.

“Seen anything of Craig?”

“He’s in the lab,” Dane answered.

“He didn’t answer my knock,” Ali protested. “And Weeks says he hasn’t been in to see Karl all day—”

That did catch Dane’s attention. Had his half hunch been right? Was Tau on the trail of a discovery which had kept him chained to the lab? But it wasn’t like the Medic not to look in on his patients.

“You’re sure he isn’t in the lab?”

“I told you that he didn’t answer my knock. I didn’t open the panel—” But now Ali was already in the corridor heading back the way he had come, with Dane on his heels, an unwelcome explanation for that silence in both their minds. And their fears were reinforced by what they heard as they approached the panel—a low moan wrung out of unbearable pain. Dane thrust the sliding door open.

Tau had slipped from his stool to the floor. His hands were at his head which rolled from side to side as if he were trying to quiet some agony. Dane stripped down the Medic’s under tunic. There was no need to make a careful examination, in the hollow of Craig Tau’s throat was the tell-tale red blotch.

“Sinbad!” Dane glanced about the cabin. “Did Sinbad get out past you?” he demanded of the puzzled Ali.

“No—I haven’t seen him all day—”

Yet the cat was nowhere in the tiny cabin and it had no concealed hiding place. To make doubly sure Dane secured the panel before they carried Tau to his bunk. The Medic had blacked out again, passed into the lethargic second stage of the malady. At least he was out of the pain which appeared to be the worst symptom of the disease.

“It must be Sinbad!” Dane said as he made his report directly to Captain Jellico. “And yet—”

“Yes, he’s been staying in Van’s cabin,” the Captain mused. “And you’ve handled him, he slept on your bunk. Yet you and Van are all right. I don’t understand that. Anyway—to be on the safe side—we’d better find and isolate him before—”

He didn’t have to underline any words for the grim-faced men who listened. With Tau—their one hope of fighting the disease gone—they had a black future facing them.

They did not have to search for Sinbad. Dane coming down to his own section found the cat crouched before the panel of Van Rycke’s cabin, his eyes glued to the thin crack of the door. Dane scooped him up and took him to the small cargo space intended for the safeguarding of choice items of commerce. To his vast surprise Sinbad began fighting wildly as he opened the hatch, kicking and then slashing with ready claws. The cat seemed to go mad and Dane had all he could do to shut him in. When he snapped the panel he heard Sinbad launch himself against the barrier as if to batter his way out. Dane, blood welling in several deep scratches, went in search of first aid. But some suspicion led him to pause as he passed Van Rycke’s door. And when his knock brought no answer he pushed the panel open.

Van Rycke lay on his bunk, his eyes half closed in a way which had become only too familiar to the crew of the Solar Queen. And Dane knew that when he looked for it he would find the mark of the strange plague on the Cargo-master’s body.

Chapter IX


Jellico and Steen Wilcox pored over the few notes Tau had made before he was stricken. But apparently the Medic had found nothing to indicate that Sinbad was the carrier of any disease. Meanwhile the Captain gave orders for the cat to be confined. A difficult task—since Sinbad crouched close to the door of the storage cabin and was ready to dart out when food was taken in for him. Once he got a good way down the corridor before Dane was able to corner and return him to keeping.

Dane, Ali and Weeks took on the full care of the four sick men, leaving the few regular duties of the ship to the senior officers, while Rip was installed in charge of the hydro garden.

Mura, the first to be taken ill, showed no change. He was semi-conscious, he swallowed food if it were put in his mouth, he responded to nothing around him. And Kosti, Tau, and Van Rycke followed the same pattern. They still held morning inspection of those on their feet for signs of a new outbreak, but when no one else went down during the next two days, they regained a faint spark of hope.

Hope which was snapped out when Ali brought the news that Stotz could not be roused and must have taken ill during a sleep period. One more inert patient was added to the list—and nothing learned about how he was infected. Except that they could eliminate Sinbad, since the cat had been in custody during the time Stotz had apparently contracted the disease.

Weeks, Ali and Dane, though they were in constant contact with the sick men, and though Dane had repeatedly handled Sinbad, continued to be immune. A fact, Dane thought more than once, which must have significance—if someone with Tau’s medical knowledge had been able to study it. By all rights they should be the most susceptible—but the opposite seemed true. And Wilcox duly noted that fact among the data they had recorded.

It became a matter of watching each other, waiting for another collapse. And they were not surprised when Tang Ya reeled into the mess, his face livid and drawn with pain. Rip and Dane got him to his cabin before he blacked out. But all they could learn from him during the interval before he lost consciousness was that his head was bursting and he couldn’t stand it. Over his limp body they stared at one another bleakly.

“Six down,” Ali observed, “and six to go. How do you feel?”

“Tired, that’s all. What I don’t understand is that once they go into this stupor they just stay. They don’t get any worse, they have no rise in temperature—it’s as if they are in a modified form of cold sleep!”

“How is Tang?” Rip asked from the corridor.

“Usual pattern,” Ali answered, “He’s sleeping. Got a pain, Fella?”

Rip shook his head. “Right as a Com-unit. I don’t get it. Why does it strike Tang who didn’t even hit dirt much—and yet you keep on—?”

Dane grimaced. “If we had an answer to that, maybe we’d know what caused the whole thing—”

Ali’s eyes narrowed. He was staring straight at the unconscious Com-tech as if he did not see that supine body at all. “I wonder if we’ve been salted—” he said slowly.

“We’ve been what?” Dane demanded.

“Look here, we three—with Weeks—drank that brew of the Salariki, didn’t we? And we—”

“Were as sick as Venusian gobblers afterwards,” agreed Rip.

Light dawned. “Do you mean—” began Dane.

“So that’s it!” flashed Rip.

“It might just be,” Ali said. “Do you remember how the settlers on Camblyne brought their Terran cattle through the first year? They fed them salt mixed with fansel grass. The result was that the herds didn’t take the fansel grass fever when they turned them out to pasture in the dry season. All right, maybe we had our ‘salt’ in that drink. The fansel-salt makes the cattle filthy sick when it’s forced down their throats, but after they recover they’re immune to the fever. And nobody on Camblyne buys unsalted cattle now.”

“It sounds logical,” admitted Rip. “But how are we going to prove it?”

Ali’s face was black once more. “Probably by elimination,” he said morosely. “If we keep our feet and all the rest go down—that’s our proof.”

“But we ought to be able to do something—” protested Shannon.

“Just how?” Ali’s slender brows arched. “Do you have a gallon of that Salariki brew on board you can serve out? We don’t know what was in it. Nor are we sure that this whole idea has any value.”

All of them had had first aid and basic preventive medicine as part of their training, but the more advanced laboratory experimentation was beyond their knowledge and skill. Had Tau still been on his feet perhaps he could have traced that lead and brought order out of the chaos which was closing in upon the Solar Queen. But, though they reported their suggestion to the Captain, Jellico was powerless to do anything about it. If the four who had shared that upsetting friendship cup were immune to the doom which now overhung the ship, there was no possible way for them to discover why or how.

Ship’s time came to have little meaning. And they were not surprised when Steen Wilcox slipped from his seat before the computer—to be stowed away with what had become a familiar procedure. Only Jellico withstood the contagion apart from the younger four, taking his turn at caring for the helpless men. There was no change in their condition. They neither roused nor grew worse as the hours and then the days sped by. But each of those units of time in passing brought them nearer to greater danger. Sooner or later they must make the transition out of Hyper into system space, and the jump out of warp was something not even a veteran took lightly. Rip’s round face thinned while they watched. Jellico was still functioning. But if the Captain collapsed the whole responsibility for the snap-out would fall directly on Shannon. An infinitesimal error would condemn them to almost hopeless wandering—perhaps for ever.

Dane and Ali relieved Rip of all duty but that which kept him chained in Wilcox’s chair before the computers. He went over and over the data of the course the Astrogator had set. And Captain Jellico, his eyes sunk in dark pits, checked and rechecked.

When the fatal moment came Ali manned the engine room with Weeks at his elbow to tend the controls the acting-Engineer could not reach. And Dane, having seen the sick all safely stowed in crash webbing, came up to the control cabin, riding out the transfer in Tang Ya’s place.

Rip’s voice hoarsened into a croak, calling out the data. Dane, though he had had basic theory, was completely lost before Shannon had finished the first set of co-ordinates. But Jellico replied, hands playing across the pilot’s board.

“Stand-by for snap-out—” the croak went down to the engines where Ali now held Stotz’s post.

“Engines ready!” The voice came back, thinned by its journey from the Queen’s interior.

“Ought-five-nine—” That was Jellico.

Dane found himself suddenly unable to watch. He shut his eyes and braced himself against the vertigo of snap-out. It came and he whirled sickeningly through unstable space. Then he was sitting in the laced Com-tech’s seat looking at Rip.

Runnels of sweat streaked Shannon’s brown face. There was a damp patch darkening his tunic between his shoulder blades, a patch which it would take both of Dane’s hands to cover.

For a moment he did not raise his head to look at the vision plate which would tell him whether or not they had made it. But when he did familiar constellations made the patterns they knew. They were out—and they couldn’t be too far off the course Wilcox had plotted. There was still the system run to make—but snap-out was behind them. Rip gave a deep sigh and buried his head in his hands.

With a throb of fear Dane unhooked his safety belt and hurried over to him. When he clutched at Shannon’s shoulder the Astrogator-apprentice’s head rolled limply. Was Rip down with the illness too? But the other muttered and opened his eyes.

“Does your head ache?” Dane shook him.

“Head? No—” Rip’s words came drowsily. “Jus’ sleepy—so sleepy—”

He did not seem to be in pain. But Dane’s hands were shaking as he hoisted the other out of his seat and half carried-half led him to his cabin, praying as he went that it was only fatigue and not the disease. The ship was on auto now until Jellico as pilot set a course—

Dane got Rip down on the bunk and stripped off his tunic. The fine-drawn face of the sleeper looked wan against the foam rest, and he snuggled into the softness like a child as he turned over and curled up. But his skin was clear—it was real sleep and not the plague which had claimed him.

Impulse sent Dane back to the control cabin. He was not an experienced pilot officer, but there might be some assistance he could offer the Captain now that Rip was washed out, perhaps for hours.

Jellico hunched before the smaller computer, feeding pilot tape into its slot. His face was a skull under a thin coating of skin, the bones marking it sharply at jaw, nose and eye socket.

“Shannon down?” His voice was a mere whisper of its powerful self, he did not turn his head.

“He’s just worn out, sir,” Dane hastened to give reassurance. “The marks aren’t on him.”

“When he comes around tell him the co-ords are in,” Jellico murmured. “See he checks course in ten hours—”

“But, sir—” Dane’s protest failed as he watched the Captain struggle to his feet, pulling himself up with shaking hands. As Thorson reached forward to steady the other, one of those hands tore at tunic collar, ripping loose the sealing—

There was no need for explanation—the red splotch signaled from Jellico’s sweating throat. He kept his feet, holding out against the waves of pain by sheer will power. Then Dane had a grip on him, got him away from the computer, hoping he could keep him going until they reached Jellico’s cabin.

Somehow they made that journey, being greeted with raucous screams from the Hoobat. Furiously Dane slapped the cage, setting it to swinging and so silencing the creature which stared at him with round, malignant eyes as he got the Captain to bed.

Only four of them on their feet now, Dane thought bleakly as he left the cabin. If Rip came out of it in time they could land—Dane’s breath caught as he made himself face up to the fact that Shannon might be ill, that it might be up to him to bring the Queen in for a landing. And in where? The Terra quarantine was Luna City on the Moon. But let them signal for a set-down there—let them describe what had happened and they might face death as a plague ship.

Wearily he climbed down to the mess cabin to discover Weeks and Ali there before him. They did not look up as he entered.

“Old Man’s got it,” he reported.

“Rip?” was Ali’s crossing question.

“Asleep. He passed out—”

“What!” Weeks swung around.

“Worn out,” Dane amended. “Captain fed in a pilot tape before he gave up.”

“So—now we are three,” was Ali’s comment. “Where do we set down—Luna City?”

“If they let us,” Dane hinted at the worst.

“But they’ve got to let us!” Weeks exclaimed. “We can’t just wander around out here—”

“It’s been done,” Ali reminded them brutally and that silenced Weeks.

“Did the Old Man set Luna?” After a long pause Ali inquired.

“I didn’t check,” Dane confessed. “He was giving out and I had to get him to his bunk.”

“It might be well to know.” The Engineer-apprentice got up, his movements lacking much of the elastic spring which was normally his. When he climbed to control both the others followed him.

Ali’s slender fingers played across a set of keys and in the small screen mounting on the computer a set of figures appeared. Dane took up the master course book, read the connotation and blinked.

“Not Luna?” Ali asked.

“No. But I don’t understand. This must be for somewhere in the asteroid belt.”

Ali’s lips stretched into a pale caricature of a smile. “Good for the Old Man, he still had his wits about him, even after the bug bit him!”

“But why are we going to the asteroids?” Weeks asked reasonably enough. “There’re Medics at Luna City—they can help us—”

“They can handle known diseases,” Ali pointed out. “But what of the Code?”

Weeks dropped into the Com-tech’s place as if some of the stiffening had vanished from his thin but sturdy legs. “They wouldn’t do that—” he protested, but his eyes said that he knew that they might—they well might.

“Oh, no? Face the facts, man,” Ali sounded almost savage. “We come from a frontier planet, we’re a plague ship—”

He did not have to underline that. They all knew too well the danger in which they now stood.

“Nobody’s died yet,” Weeks tried to find an opening in the net being drawn about them.

“And nobody’s recovered,” Ali crushed that thread of hope. “We don’t know what it is, how it is contracted—anything about it. Let us make a report saying that and you know what will happen—don’t you?”

They weren’t sure of the details, but they could guess.

“So I say,” Ali continued, “the Old Man was right when he set us on an evasion course. If we can stay out until we really know what is the matter we’ll have some chance of talking over the high brass at Luna when we do planet—”

In the end they decided not to interfere with the course the Captain had set. It would take them into the fringes of solar civilization, but give them a fighting chance at solving their problem before they had to report to the authorities. In the meantime they tended their charges, let Rip sleep, and watched each other with desperate but hidden intentness, ready for another to be stricken. However, they remained, although almost stupid with fatigue at times, reasonably healthy. Time was proving that their guess had been correct—they had been somehow inoculated against the germ or virus which had struck the ship.

Rip slept for twenty-four hours, ship time, and then came into the mess cabin ravenously hungry, to catch up on both food and news. And he refused to join with the prevailing pessimistic view of the future. Instead he was sure that their own immunity having been proven, they had a talking point to use with the medical officials at Luna and he was eager to alter course directly for the quarantine station. Only the combined arguments of the other three made him, unwillingly, agree to a short delay.

And how grateful they should be for Captain Jellico’s foresight they learned within the next day. Ali was at the com-unit, trying to pick up Solarian news reports. When the red alert flashed on throughout the ship it brought the others hurrying to the control cabin. The code squeaks were magnified as Ali switched on the receiver full strength, to be translated as he pressed a second button.

“Repeat, repeat, repeat. Free Trader, Solar Queen, Terra Registry 65-724910-Jk, suspected plague ship—took off from infected planet. Warn off—warn off—report such ship to Luna Station. Solar Queen from infected planet—to be warned off and reported.” The same message was repeated three times before going off ether.

The four in the control cabin looked at each other blankly.

“But,” Dane broke the silence, “how did they know? We haven’t reported in—”

“The Eysies!” Ali had the answer ready. “That I-S ship must be having the same sort of trouble and reported to her Company. They would include us in their report and believe that we were infected too—or it would be easy to convince the authorities that we were.”

“I wonder,” Rip’s eyes were narrowed slits as he leaned back against the wall. “Look at the facts. The Survey ship which charted Sargol—they were dirt-side there about three-four months. Yet they gave it a clean bill of health and put it up for trading rights auction. Then Cam bought those rights—he made at least two trips in and out before he was blasted on Limbo. No infection bothered him or Survey—”

“But you’ve got to admit it hit us,” Weeks protested.

“Yes, and the Eysie ship was able to foresee it—report us before we snapped out of Hyper. Sounds almost as if they expected us to carry plague, doesn’t it?” Shannon wanted to know.

“Planted?” Ali frowned at the banks of controls. “But how—no Eysie came on board—no Salarik either, except for the cub who showed us what they thought of catnip.”

Rip shrugged. “How would I know how they did—” he was beginning when Dane cut in:

“If they didn’t know about our immunity the Queen might stay in Hyper and never come out—there wouldn’t be anyone to set the snap-out.”

“Right enough. But on the chance that somebody did keep on his feet and bring her home, they were ready with a cover. If no one raises a howl Sargol will be written off the charts as infected, I-S sits on her tail fins a year or so and then she promotes an investigation before the Board. The Survey records are trotted out—no infection recorded. So they send in a Patrol Probe. Everything is all right—so it wasn’t the planet after all—it was that dirty old Free Trader. And she’s out of the way. I-S gets the Koros trade all square and legal and we’re no longer around to worry about! Neat as a Salariki net-cast—and right around our collective throats, my friends!”

“So what do we do now?” Weeks wanted to know.

“We keep on the Old Man’s course, get lost in the asteroids until we can do some heavy thinking and see a way out. But if I-S gave us this prize package, some trace of its origin is still aboard. And if we can find that—why, then we have something to start from.”

“Mura went down first—and then Karl. Nothing in common,” the old problem faced Dane for the hundredth time.

“No. But,” Ali arose from his place at the com-unit. “I’d suggest a real search of first Frank’s and then Karl’s quarters. A regular turn out down to the bare walls of their cabins. Are you with me?”

“Fly boy, we’re ahead of you!” Rip contributed, already at the door panel. “Down to the bare walls it is.”

Chapter X


Since Mura was in the isolation of ship sick bay the stripping of his cabin was a relatively simple job. But, though Rip and Dane went over it literally by inches, they found nothing unusual—in fact nothing from Sargol except a small twig of the red wood which lay on the steward’s worktable where he had been fashioning something to incorporate in one of his miniature fairy landscapes, to be imprisoned for all time in a plasta-bubble. Dane turned this around in his fingers. Because it was the only link with the perfumed planet he couldn’t help but feel that it had some importance.

But Kosti had not shown any interest in the wood. And he, himself, and Weeks had handled it freely before they had tasted Graft’s friendship cup and had no ill effects—so it couldn’t be the wood. Dane put the twig back on the work table and snapped the protecting cover over the delicate tools—never realizing until days later how very close he had been in that moment to the solution of their problem.

After two hours of shifting every one of the steward’s belongings, of crawling on hands and knees about the deck and climbing to inspect perfectly bare walls, they had found exactly nothing. Rip sat down on the end of the denuded bunk.

“There’s the hydro—Frank spent a lot of time in there—and the storeroom,” he told the places off on his fingers. “The galley and the mess cabin.”

Those had been the extent of Mura’s world. They could search the storeroom, the galley and the mess cabin—but to interfere with the hydro would endanger their air supply. It was for that very reason that they now looked at each other in startled surmise.

“The perfect place to plant something!” Dane spoke first.

Rip’s teeth caught his underlip. The hydro—something planted there could not be routed out unless they made a landing on a port field and had the whole section stripped.

“Devilish—” Rip’s mobile lips drew tight. “But how could they do it?”

Dane didn’t see how it could have been done either. No one but the Queen’s own crew had been on board the ship during their entire stay on Sargol, except for the young Salarik. Could that cub have brought something? But he and Mura had been with the youngster every minute that he had been in the hydro. To the best of Dane’s memory the cub had touched nothing and had been there only for a few moments. That had been before the feast also—

Rip got to his feet. “We can’t strip the hydro in space,” he pointed out the obvious quietly.

Dane had the answer. “Then we’ve got to earth!”

“You heard that warn-off. If we try it—”

“What about an Emergency station?”

Rip stood very still, his big hands locked about the buckle of his arms belt. Then, without another word, he went out of the cabin and at a pounding pace up the ladder, bound for the Captain’s cabin and the records Jellico kept there. It was such a slim chance—but it was better than none at all.

Dane shouldered into the small space in his wake to find Rip making a selection from the astrogation tapes. There were E-Stats among the asteroids—points prospectors or small traders in sudden difficulties might contact for supplies or repairs. The big Companies maintained their own—the Patrol had several for independents.

“No Patrol one—”

Rip managed a smile. “I haven’t gone space whirly yet,” was his comment. He was feeding a tape into the reader on the Captain’s desk. In the cage over his head the blue Hoobat squatted watching him intently—for the first time since Dane could remember showing no sign of resentment by weird screams or wild spitting.

“Patrol E-Stat A-54—” the reader squeaked. Rip hit a key and the wire clicked to the next entry. “Combine E-Stat—” Another punch and click. “Patrol E-Stat A-55—” punch-click. “Inter-Solar—” this time Rip’s hand did not hit the key and the squeak continued—”Co-ordinates—” Rip reached for a steelo and jotted down the list of figures.

“Got to compare this with our present course—”

“But that’s an I-S Stat,” began Dane and then he laughed as the justice of such a move struck him. They did not dare set the Queen down at any Patrol Station. But a Company one which would be manned by only two or three men and not expecting any but their own people—and I-S owed them help now!

“There may be trouble,” he said, not that he would have any regrets if there was. If the Eysies were responsible for the present plight of the Queen he would welcome trouble, the kind which would plant his fists on some sneering Eysie face.

“We’ll see about that when we come to it,” Rip went on to the control cabin with his figures. Carefully he punched the combination on the plotter and watched it be compared with the course Jellico had set before his collapse.

“Good enough,” he commented as the result flashed on. “We can make it without using too much fuel—”

“Make what?” That was Ali up from the search of Kosti’s quarters. “Nothing,” he gave his report of what he had found there and then returned to the earlier question. “Make what?”

Swiftly Dane outlined their suspicions—that the seat of the trouble lay in the hydro and that they should clean out that section, drawing upon emergency materials at the I-S E-Stat.

“Sounds all right. But you know what they do to pirates?” inquired the Engineer-apprentice.

Space law came into Dane’s field, he needed no prompting. “Any ship in emergency,” he recited automatically, “may claim supplies from the nearest E-Stat—paying for them when the voyage is completed.”

“That means any Patrol E-Stat. The Companies’ are private property.”

“But,” Dane pointed out triumphantly, “the law doesn’t say so—there is nothing about any difference between Company and Patrol E-Stat in the law—”

“He’s right,” Rip agreed. “That law was framed when only the Patrol had such stations. Companies put them in later to save tax—remember? Legally we’re all right.”

“Unless the agents on duty raise a howl,” Ali amended. “Oh, don’t give me that look, Rip. I’m not sounding any warn-off on this, but I just want you to be prepared to find a cruiser riding our fins and giving us the hot flash as bandits. If you want to spoil the Eysies, I’m all for it. Got a stat of theirs pinpointed?”

Rip pointed to the figures on the computer. “There she is. We can set down in about five hours’ ship time. How long will it take to strip the hydro and re-install?”

“How can I tell?” Ali sounded irritable. “I can give you oxgy for quarters for about two hours. Depends upon how fast we can move. No telling until we make a start.”

He started for the corridor and then added over his shoulder: “You’ll have to answer a com challenge—thought about that?”

“Why?” Rip asked. “It might be com repairs bringing us in. They won’t be expecting trouble and we will—we’ll have the advantage.”

But Ali was not to be shaken out of his usual dim view of the future. “All right—so we land, blaster in hand, and take the place. And they get off one little squeak to the Patrol. Well, a short life but an interesting one. And we’ll make all the Video channels for sure when we go out with rockets blasting. Nothing like having a little excitement to break the dull routine of a voyage.”

“We aren’t going to, are we—” Dane protested, “land armed, I mean?”

Ali stared at him and Rip, to Dane’s surprise, did not immediately repudiate that thought.

“Sleep rods certainly,” the Astrogator-apprentice said after a pause. “We’ll have to be prepared for the moment when they find out who we are. And you can’t re-set a hydro in a few minutes, not when we have to keep oxgy on for the others. If we were able to turn that off and work in suits it’d be a quicker job—we could dump before we set down and then pile it in at once. But this way it’s going to be piece work. And it all depends on the agents at the Stat whether we have trouble or not.”

“We had better break out the suits now,” Ali added to Rip’s estimate of the situation. “If we set down and pile out wearing suits at once it will build up our tale of being poor wrecked spacemen—”

Sleep rods or not, Dane thought to himself, the whole plan was one born of desperation. It would depend upon who manned the E-Stat and how fast the Free Traders could move once the Queen touched her fins to earth.

“Knock out their coms,” that was Ali continuing to plan. “Do that first and then we don’t have to worry about someone calling in the Patrol.”

Rip stretched. For the first time in hours he seemed to have returned to his usual placid self. “Good thing somebody in this spacer watches Video serials—Ali, you can brief us on all the latest tricks of space pirates. Nothing is so wildly improbable that you can’t make use of it sometime during a checkered career.”

He glanced over the board before he brought his hand down on a single key set a distance apart from the other controls. “Put some local color into it,” was his comment.

Dane understood. Rip had turned on the distress signal at the Queen’s nose. When she set down on the Stat field she would be flaming a banner of trouble. Next to the wan dead lights, set only when a ship had no hope of ever reaching port at all, that signal was one every spacer dreaded having to flash. But it was not the dead lights—not yet for the Queen.

Working together they brought out the space suits and readied them at the hatch. Then Weeks and Dane took up the task of tending their unconscious charges while Rip and Ali prepared for landing.

There was no change in the sleepers. And in Jellico’s cabin even Queex appeared to be influenced by the plight of its master, for instead of greeting Dane with its normal aspect of rage, the Hoobat stayed quiescent on the floor of its cage, its top claws hooked about two of the wires, its protruding eyes staring out into the room with what seemed closed to a malignant intelligence. It did not even spit as Dane passed under its abode to pour thin soup into his patient.

As for Sinbad, the cat had retreated to Dane’s cabin and steadily refused to leave the quarters he had chosen, resisting with tooth and claw the one time Dane had tried to take him back to Van Rycke’s office and his own hammock there. Afterwards the Cargo-apprentice did not try to evict him—there was comfort in seeing that plump gray body curled on the bunk he had little chance to use.

His nursing duties performed for the moment, Dane ventured into the hydro. He was practiced in tending this vital heart of the ship’s air supply. But outfitting a hydro was something else again. In his cadet years he had aided in such a program at least twice as a matter of learning the basic training of the Service. But then they had had unlimited supplies to draw on and the action had taken place under no more pressure than that exerted by the instructors. Now it was going to be a far more tricky job—

He went slowly down the aisle between the banks of green things. Plants from all over the Galaxy, grown for their contribution to the air renewal—as well as side products such as fresh fruit and vegetables, were banked there. The sweet odor of their verdant life was strong. But how could any of the four now on duty tell what was rightfully there and what might have been brought in? And could they be sure anything had been introduced?

Dane stood there, his eyes searching those lines of greens—such a mixture of greens from the familiar shade of Terra’s fields to greens tinged with shades first bestowed by other suns on other worlds—looking for one which was alien enough to be noticeable. Only Mura, who knew this garden as he knew his own cabin, could have differentiated between them. They would just dump everything and trust to luck—

He was suddenly aware of a slight movement in the banks—a shivering of stem, quiver of leaf. The mere act of his passing had set some sensitive plant to register his presence. A lacy, fern-like thing was contracting its fronds into balls. He should not stay—disturbing the peace of the hydro. But it made little difference now—within a matter of hours all this luxuriance would be thrust out to die and they would have to depend upon canned oxgy and algae tanks. Too bad—the hydro represented much time and labor on Mura’s part and Tau had medical plants growing there he had been observing for a long time.

As Dane closed the door behind him, seeing the line of balled fern which had marked his passage, he heard a faint rustling, a sound as if a wind had swept across the green room within. The imagination which was a Trader’s asset (when it was kept within bounds) suggested that the plants inside guessed—With a frown for his own sentimentality, Dane strode down the corridor and climbed to check with Rip in control.

The Astrogator-apprentice had his own problems. To bring the Queen down on the circumscribed field of an E-Stat—without a guide beam to ride in—since if they contacted the Stat they must reveal their own com was working and they would have to answer questions—was the sort of test even a seasoned pilot would tense over. Yet Rip was sitting now in the Captain’s place, his broad hands spread out on the edge of the control board waiting. And below in the engine room Ali was in Stotz’s place ready to fire and cut rockets at order. Of course they were both several years ahead of him in Service, Dane knew. But he wondered at their quick assumption of responsibility and whether he himself could ever reach that point of self-confidence—his memory turning to the bad mistake be had made on Sargol.

There was the sharp note of a warning gong, the flash of red light on the control board. They were off automatic, from here on in it was all Kip’s work. Dane strapped down at the silent com-unit and was startled a moment later when it spat words at him, translated from space code.

“Identify—identify—I-S E-Stat calling spacer—identify—”

So compelling was that demand that Dane’s fingers went to the answer key before he remembered and snatched them back, to fold his hands in his lap.

“Identify—” the expressionless voice of the translator droned over their heads.

Rip’s hands were on the control board, playing the buttons there with the precision of a musician creating some symphonic masterpiece. And the Queen was alive, now quivering through her stout plates, coming into a landing.

Dane watched the visa plate. The E-Stat asteroid was of a reasonable size, but in their eyes it was a bleak, torn mote of stuff swimming through vast emptiness.

“Identify—” the drone heightened in pitch.

Rip’s lips were compressed, he made quick calculations. And Dane saw that, though Jellico was the master, Rip was fully fit to follow in the Captain’s boot prints.

There was a sudden silence in the cabin—the demand had stopped. The agents below must now have realized that the ship with the distress signals blazing on her nose was not going to reply. Dane found he could not watch the visa plate now, Rip’s hands about their task filled his whole range of sight.

He knew that Shannon was using every bit of his skill and knowledge to jockey them into the position where they could ride their tail rockets down to the scorched rock of the E-Stat field. Perhaps it wasn’t as smooth a landing as Jellico could have made. But they did it. Rip’s hands were quiet, again that patch of darkness showed on the back of his tunic. He made no move from his seat.

“Secure—” Ali’s voice floated up to them.

Dane unbuckled his safety webbing and got up, looking to Shannon for orders. This was Rip’s plan they were to carry through. Then something moved him to give honor where it was due. He touched that bowed shoulder before him.

“Fin landing, brother! Four points and down!”

Rip glanced up, a grin made him look his old self. “Ought to have a recording of that for the Board when I go up for my pass-through.”

Dane matched his smile. “Too bad we didn’t have someone out there with a tri-dee machine.”

“More likely it’d be evidence at our trial for piracy—” their words must have reached Ali on the ship’s inter-com, for his deflating reply came back, to remind them of why they had made that particular landing. “Do we move now?”

“Check first,” Rip said into the mike.

Dane looked at the visa-plate. Against a background of jagged rock teeth was the bubble of the E-Stat housing—more than three-quarters of it being in the hollowed out sections below the surface of the miniature world which supported it, as Dane knew. But a beam of light shown from the dome to center on the grounded Queen. They had not caught the Stat agents napping.

They made the rounds of the spacer, checking on each of the semi-conscious men. Ali had ready the artificial oxgy tanks—they must move fast once they began the actual task of clearing and restocking the hydro.

“Hope you have a good story ready,” he commented as the other three joined him by the hatch to don the suits which would enable them to cross the airless, heatless surface of the asteroid.

“We have a poisoned hydro,” Dane said.

“One look at the plants we dump will give you the lie. They won’t accept our story without investigation.”

Dane was aroused. Did Ali think he was a stupid as all that? “If you’d take a look in there now you’d believe me,” he snapped.

“What did you do?” Ali sounded genuinely interested.

“Chucked a heated can of lacoil over a good section. It’s wilting down fast in big patches.”

Rip snorted. “Good old lacoil. You drink it, you wash in it, and now you kill off the Hydro with it. Maybe we can give the company an extra testimonial for the official jabber and collect when we hit Terra. All right—Weeks,” he spoke to the little man, “you listen in on the com—it’s tuned to our helmet units. We’ll climb into these pipe suits and see how many tears we can wring out of the Eysies with our sad, sad tale.”

They got into the awkward, bulky suits and squeezed into the hatch while Weeks slammed the lock door at their backs and operated the outer opening. Then they were looking out across the ground, still showing signs of the heat of their landing, and lighted by the dome beam.

“Nobody hurrying out with an aid and comfort kit,” Rip’s voice sounded in Dane’s earphones. “A little slack aren’t they?”

Slack—or was it that the Eysies had recognized the Queen and was preparing the sort of welcome the remnant of her crew could not withstand? Dane, wanting very much in his heart to be elsewhere, climbed down the ladder in Rip’s wake, both of them spotlighted by the immovable beam from the Stat dome.

Chapter XI


Measured in distance and time that rough walk in the ponderous suits across the broken terrain of the asteroid was a short one, measured by the beating of his own heart, Dane thought it much too long. There was no sign of life by the air lock of the bubble—no move on the part of the men stationed there to come to their assistance.

“D’you suppose we’re invisible?” Ali’s disembodied voice clicked in the helmet earphones.

“Maybe we’ll wish we were,” Dane could not forego that return.

Rip was almost to the air lock door now. His massively suited arm was outstretched toward the control bar when the com-unit in all three helmets caught the same demand:

“Identify!” The crisp order had enough snap to warn them that an answer was the best policy.

“Shannon—A-A of the Polestar,” Rip gave the required information. “We claim E rights—”

But would they get them? Dane wondered. There was a click loud in his ears. The metal door was yielding to Rip’s hand. At least those on the inside had taken off the lock. Dane quickened pace to join his leader.

Together the three from the Queen crowded through the lock door, saw that swing shut and seal behind them, as they stood waiting for the moment they could discard the suits and enter the dome. The odds against them could not be too high, this was a small Stat. It would not house more than four agents at the most. And they were familiar enough with the basic architecture of such stations to know just what move to make. Ali was to go to the com room where he could take over if they did meet with trouble. Dane and Rip would have to handle any dissenters in the main section. But they still hoped that luck might ride their fins and they could put over a story which would keep them out of active conflict with the Eysies.

The gauge on the wall registered safety and they unfastened the protective clasps of the suits. Standing the cumbersome things against the wall as the inner door to the lock rolled back, they walked into Eysie territory.

As Free Traders they had the advantage of being uniformly tunicked—with no Company badge to betray their ship or status. So that could well be the “Polestar” standing needle slim behind them—and not the notorious “Solar Queen.” But each, as he passed through the inner lock, gave a hitch to his belt which brought the butt of his sleep rod closer to hand. Innocuous as that weapon was, in close quarters its effects, if only temporary, was to some purpose. And since they were prepared for trouble, they might have a slight edge over the Eysies in attack.

A Company man, his tunic shabby and open in a negligent fashion at his thick throat, stood waiting for them. His unhelmeted head was grizzled, his coarse, tanned face with heavy jowls bristly enough to suggest he had not bothered to use smooth-cream for some days. An under officer of some spacer, retired to finish out the few years before pension in this nominal duty—fast letting down the standards of personal regime he had had to maintain on ship board. But he wasn’t all fat and soft living, the glance with which he measured them was shrewdly appraising.

“What’s your trouble?” he demanded without greeting. “You didn’t I-dent coming in.”

“Coms are out,” Rip replied as shortly. “We need E-Hydro—”

“First time I ever heard it that the coms were wired in with the grass,” the Eysies’s hands were on his hips—in close proximity to something which made Dane’s eyes narrow. The fellow was wearing a flare-blaster! That might be regulation equipment for an E-Stat agent on a lonely asteroid—but he didn’t quite believe it. And probably the other was quick on the draw too.

“The coms are something else,” Rip answered readily. “Our tech is working on them. But the hydro’s bad all though. We’ll have to dump and restock. Give you a voucher on Terra for the stuff.”

The Eysie agent continued to block the doorway into the station. “This is private—I-S property. You should hit the Patrol post—they cater to you F-Ts.”

“We hit the nearest E-Stat when we discovered that we were contaminated,” Rip spoke with an assumption of patience. “That’s the law, and you know it. You have to supply us and take a voucher—”

“How do I know that your voucher is worth the film it’s recorded on?” asked the agent reasonably.

“All right,” Rip shrugged. “If we have to do it the hard way, we’ll cargo dump to cover your bill.”

“Not on this field.” The other shook his head. “I’ll flash in your voucher first.”

He had them, Dane thought bitterly. Their luck had run out. Because what he was going to do was a move they dared not protest. It was one any canny agent would make in the present situation. And if they were what they said they were, they must readily agree to let him flash their voucher of payment to I-S headquarters, to be checked and okayed before they took the hydro stock.

But Rip merely registered a mild resignation. “You the Com-tech? Where’s your unit? I’ll indit at once if you want it that way.”

Whether their readiness to co-operate allayed some of the agent’s suspicion or not, he relaxed some, giving them one more stare all around before he turned on his heel. “This way.”

They followed him down the narrow hall, Rip on his heels, the others behind.

“Lonely post,” Rip commented. “I’d think you boys’d get space-whirly out here.”

The other snorted. “We’re not star lovers. And the pay’s worth a three month stretch. They take us down for Terra leave before we start talking to the Whisperers.”

“How many of you here at a time?” Rip edged the question in casually.

But the other might have been expecting it by the way he avoided giving a direct answer. “Enough to run the place—and not enough to help you clean out your wagon,” he was short about it. “Any dumping you do is strictly on your own. You’ve enough hands on a spacer that size to manage—”

Rip laughed. “Far be it from me to ask an Eysie to do any real work,” was his counter. “We know all about you Company men—”

But the agent did not take fire at that jib. Instead he pushed back a panel and they were looking into com-unit room where another man in the tunic of the I-S lounged on what was by law twenty-four hour duty, divided into three watches.

“These F-Ts want to flash a voucher request through,” their guide informed the tech. The other, interested, gave them a searching once-over before he pushed a small scriber toward Rip.

“It’s all yours—clear ether,” he reported.

Ali stood with his back to the wall and Dane still lingered in the portal. Both of them fixed their attention on Rip’s left hand. If he gave the agreed upon signal! Their fingers were linked loosely in their belts only an inch or so from their sleep rods.

With his right hand Rip scooped up the scribbler while the Com-tech half turned to make adjustments to the controls, picking up a speaker to call the I-S headquarters.

Rip’s left index finger snapped across his thumb to form a circle. Ali’s rod did not even leave his belt, it tilted up and the invisible deadening stream from it centered upon the seated tech. At the same instant Dane shot at the agent who had guided them there. The latter had time for a surprised grunt and his hand was at his blaster as he sagged to his knees and then relaxed on the floor. The Tech slumped across the call board as if sleep had overtaken him at his post.

Rip crossed the room and snapped off the switch which opened the wire for broadcasting. While Ali, with Dane’s help, quietly and effectively immobilized the Eysies with their own belts.

“There should be at least three men here,” Rip waited by the door. “We have to get them all under control before we start work.”

However, the interior of the bubble, extending as it did on levels beneath the outer crust of the asteroid, was not an easy place to search. An enemy, warned of the invasion, could easily keep ahead of the party from the Queen, spying on them at his leisure or preparing traps for them. In the end, afraid of wasting time, they contented themselves with locking the doors of the corridor leading to the lower levels, making ready to raid the storeroom they had discovered during their search.

Emergency hydro supplies consisted mainly of algae which could be stored in tanks and hastily put to use—as the plants now in the Queen took much longer to grow even under forcing methods. Dane volunteered to remain inside the E-Stat and assemble the necessary containers at the air lock while the other two, having had more experience, went back to the spacer to strip the hydro and prepare to switch contents.

But, when Rip and Ali left, the younger Cargo-apprentice began to find the bubble a haunted place. He took the sealed containers out of their storage racks, stood them on a small hand truck, and pushed them to the foot of the stairs, up which he then climbed carrying two of the cylinders at a time.

The swish of the air current through the narrow corridors made a constant murmur of sound, but he found himself listening for something else, for a footfall other than his own, for the betraying rasp of clothing against a wall—for even a whisper of voice. And time and time again he paused suddenly to listen—sure that the faintest hint of such a sound had reached his ears. He had a dozen containers lined up when the welcome signal reached him by the com-unit of his field helmet. To transfer the cylinders to the lock, get out, and then open the outer door, did not take long. But as he waited he still listened for a sound which did not come—the notice, that someone besides himself was free to move about the Stat.

Not knowing just how many of the supply tins were needed, he worked on transferring all there were in the storage racks to the upper corridor and the lock. But he still had half a dozen left to pass through when Rip sent a message that he was coming in.

Out of his pressure suit, the Astrogator-apprentice stepped lightly into the corridor, looked at the array of containers and shook his head.

“We don’t need all those. No, leave them—” he added as Dane, with a sigh, started to pick up two for a return trip. “There’s something more important just now—” He turned into the side hall which led to the com room.

Both the I-S men had awakened. The Com-tech appeared to accept his bonds philosophically. He was quiet and flat on his back, staring pensively at the ceiling. But the other agent had made a worm’s progress half across the room and Rip had to halt in haste to prevent stepping on him.

Shannon stooped and, hooking his fingers in the other’s tunic, heaved him back while the helpless man favored them with some of the ripest speech—and NOT Trade Lingo—Dane had ever heard. Rip waited until the man began to run down and then he broke in with his pleasant soft drawl.

“Oh, sure, we’re all that. But time runs on, Eysie, and I’d like a couple of answers which may mean something to you. First—when do you expect your relief?”

That set the agent off again. And his remarks—edited—were that no something, something F-T was going to get any something, something information out of him!

But it was his companion in misfortune—the Com-tech—who guessed the reason behind Rip’s question.

“Cut jets!” he advised the other. “They’re just being soft-hearted. I take it,” he spoke over the other agent’s sputtering to Rip, “that you’re worried about leaving us fin down—That’s it, isn’t it?”

Rip nodded. “In spite of what you think about us,” he replied, “We’re not Patrol Posted outlaws—”

“No, you’re just from a plague ship,” the Com-tech remarked calmly. And his words struck his comrade dumb. “Solar Queen?”

“You got the warn-off then?”

“Who didn’t? You really have plague on board?” The thought did not appear to alarm the Com-tech unduly. But his fellow suddenly heaved his bound body some distance away from the Free Traders and his face displayed mixed emotions—most of them fearful.

“We have something—probably supplied,” Rip straightened. “Might pass along to your bosses that we know that. Now suppose you tell me about your relief. When is it due?”

“Not until after we take off on the long orbit if you leave us like this. On the other hand,” the other added coolly, “I don’t see how you can do otherwise. We’ve still got those—” with his chin he pointed to the com-unit.

“After a few alterations,” Rip amended. The bulk of the com was in a tightly sealed case which they would need a flamer to open. But he could and did wreak havoc with the exposed portions. The tech watching this destruction spouted at least two expressions his companion had not used. But when Rip finished he was his unruffled self again.

“Now,” Rip drew his sleep rod. “A little rest and when you wake it will all be a bad dream.” He carefully beamed each man into slumber and helped Dane strip off their bonds. But before he left the room he placed on the recorder the voucher for the supplies they had taken. The Queen was not stealing—under the law she still had some shadow of rights.

Suited they crossed the rough rock to the ship. And there about the fins, already frozen into brittle spikes was a tangle of plants—the rich result of years of collecting.

“Did you find anything?” Dane asked as they rounded that mess on their way to the ladder.

Rip’s voice came back through the helmet com. “Nothing we know how to interpret. I wish Frank or Craig had had a chance to check. We took tri-dees of everything before we dumped. Maybe they can learn something from these when—”

His voice trailed off leaving that “when” to ring in both their minds. It was such an important “when.” When would either the steward or the Medic recover enough to view those tri-dee shots? Or was that “when” really an ominous “if?”

Back in the Queen, sealed once more for blast-off, they took their stations. Dane speculated as to the course Rip had set—were they just going to wander about the system hoping to escape notice until they had somehow solved their problem? Or did Shannon have some definite port in mind? He did not have time to ask before they lifted. But once they were space borne again he voiced his question.

Rip’s face was serious. “Frankly—” he began and then hesitated for a long moment before he added, “I don’t know. If we can only get the Captain or Craig on their feet again—”

“One thing,” Ali materialized to join them, “Sinbad’s back in the hydro. And this morning you couldn’t get him inside the door. It’s not a very good piece of evidence—”

No, it wasn’t but they clung to it as backing for their actions of the past few hours. The cat that had shown such a marked distaste for the company of the stricken, and then for the hydro, was now content to visit the latter as if some evil he has sensed there had been cleansed with the dumping of the garden. They had not yet solved their mystery but another clue had come into their hands.

But now the care of the sick occupied hours and Rip insisted that a watch be maintained by the com—listening in for news which might concern the Queen. They had done a good job at silencing the E-Stat, for they had been almost six hours in space before the news of their raid was beamed to the nearest Patrol post.

Ali laughed. “Told you we’d be pirates,” he said when he listened to that account of their descent upon the I-S station. “Though I didn’t see all that blaster work they’re now raving about. You’d think we fought a major battle there!”

Weeks growled. “The Eysies are trying to make it look good. Make us into outlaws—”

But Rip did not share in the general amusement at the wild extravagation of the report from the ether. “I notice they didn’t say anything about the voucher we left.”

Ali’s cynical smile curled. “Did you expect them to? The Eysies think they have us by the tail fins now—why should they give us any benefit of the doubt? We junked all our boosters behind us on this take-off, and don’t forget that, my friends.”

Weeks looked confused. “But I thought you said we could do this legal,” he appealed to Rip. “If we’re Patrol Posted as outlaws—”

“They can’t do any more to us than they can for running in a plague ship,” Ali pointed out. “Either will get us blasted if we happen into the wrong vector now. So—what do we do?”

“We find out what the plague really is,” Dane said and meant every word of it.

“How?” Ali inquired. “Through some of Craig’s magic?”

Dane was forced to answer with the truth. “I don’t know yet—but it’s our only chance.”

Rip rubbed his eyes wearily. “Don’t think I’m disagreeing—but just where do we start? We’ve already combed Frank’s quarters and Kosti’s—we cleaned out the hydro—”

“Those tri-dee shots of the hydro—have you checked them yet?” Dane countered.

Without a word Ali arose and left the cabin. He came back with a microfilm roll. Fitting it into the large projector he focused it on the wall and snapped the button.

They were looking at the hydro—down the length of space so accurately recorded that it seemed they might walk straight into it. The greenery of the plants was so vivid and alive Dane felt that he could reach out and pluck a leaf. Inch by inch he examined those ranks, looking for something which was not in order, had no right to be there.

The long shot of the hydro as it had been merged into a series of sectional groupings. In silence they studied it intently, using all their field lore in an attempt to spot what each one was certain must be there somewhere. But they were all handicapped by their lack of intimate knowledge of the garden.

“Wait!” Weeks’ voice scaled up. “Left hand corner—there!” His pointing hand broke and shadowed the portion he was calling to their attention. Ali jumped to the projector and made a quick adjustment.

Plants four and five times life size glowed green on the wall. What Weeks had caught they all saw now—ragged leaves, stripped stems.

“Chewed!” Dane supplied the answer.

It was only one species of plant which had been so mangled. Other varieties in the same bank showed no signs of disturbance. But all of that one type had at least one stripped branch and two were virtual skeletons.

“A pest!” said Rip.

“But Sinbad,” Dane began a protest before the memory of the cat’s peculiar actions of the past weeks stopped him. Sinbad had slipped up, the hunter who had kept the Queen free of the outré alien life which came aboard from time to time with cargo, had not attacked that which had ravaged the hydro plants. Or if he had done so, he had not, after his usual custom, presented the bodies of the slain to any crew member.

“It looks as if we have something at last,” Ali observed and someone echoed that with a sigh of heartdeep relief.

Chapter XII


“All right, so we think we know a little more,” Ali added a moment later. “Just what are we going to do? We can’t stay in space forever—there’re the small items of fuel and supplies and—”

Rip had come to a decision. “We’re not going to remain space borne,” he stated with the confidence of one who now saw an open road before him.

“Luna—” Weeks was plainly doubtful.

“No. Not after that warn-off. Terra!”

For a second or two the other three stared at Rip agape. The audacity and danger of what he suggested was a little stunning. Since men had taken regularly to space no ship had made a direct landing on their home planet—all had passed through the quarantine on Luna. It was not only risky—it was so unheard of that for some minutes they did not understand him.

“We try to set down at Terraport,” Dane found his tongue first, “and they flame us out—”

Rip was smiling. “The trouble with you,” he addressed them all, “is that you think of earth only in terms of Terraport—”

“Well, there is the Patrol field at Stella,” Weeks agreed doubtfully. “But we’d be right in the middle of trouble there—”

“Did we have a regular port on Sargol—on Limbo—on fifty others I can name out of our log?” Rip wanted to know.

Ali voiced a new objection. “So—we have the luck of Jones and we set down somewhere out of sight. Then what do we do?”

“We seal ship until we find the pest—then we bring in a Medic and get to the bottom of the whole thing,” Rip’s confidence was contagious. Dane almost believed that it could be done that way.

“Did you ever think,” Ali cut in, “what would happen if we were wrong—if the Queen really is a plague carrier?”

“I said—we seal the ship—tight,” countered Shannon. “And when we earth it’ll be where we won’t have visitors to infect—”

“And that is where?” Ali, who knew the deserts of Mars better than he did the greener planet from which his stock had sprung, pursued the question.

“Right in the middle of the Big Burn!”

Dane, Terra born and bred, realized first what Rip was planning and what it meant. Sealed off was right—the Queen would be amply protected from investigation. Whether her crew would survive was another matter—whether she could even make a landing there was also to be considered.

The Big Burn was the horrible scar left by the last of the Atomic Wars—a section of radiation poisoned land comprising hundreds of square miles—land which generations had never dared to penetrate. Originally the survivors of that war had shunned the whole continent which it disfigured. It had been close to two centuries before men had gone into the still wholesome land laying to the far west and the south. And through the years, the avoidance of the Big Burn had become part of their racial instinct as they shrank from it. It was a symbol of something no Terran wanted to remember.

But Ali now had only one question to ask. “Can we do it?”

“We’ll never know until we try,” was Rip’s reply.

“The Patrol’ll be watching—” that was Weeks. With his Venusian background he had less respect for the dangers of the Big Burn than he did for the forces of Law and order which ranged the star lanes.

“They’ll be watching the route lanes,” Rip pointed out. “They won’t expect a ship to come in on that vector, steering away from the ports. Why should they? As far as I know it’s never been tried since Terraport was laid out. It’ll be tricky—” And he himself would have to bear most of the responsibility for it. “But I believe that it can be done. And we can’t just roam around out here. With I-S out for our blood and a Patrol warn-off it won’t do us any good to head for Luna—”

None of his listeners could argue with that. And, Dane’s spirits began to rise, after all they knew so little about the Big Burn—it might afford them just the temporary sanctuary they needed. In the end they agreed to try it, mainly because none of them could see any alternative, except the too dangerous one of trying to contact the authorities and being summarily treated as a plague ship before they could defend themselves.

And their decision was ably endorsed not long afterwards by a sardonic warning on the com—a warning which Ali who had been tending the machine passed along to them.

“Greetings, pirates—”

“What do you mean?” Dane was heating broth to feed to Captain Jellico.

“The word has gone out—our raid on the E-Stat is now a matter of history and Patrol record—we’ve been Posted!”

Dane felt a cold finger drawn along his backbone. Now they were fair game for the whole system. Any Patrol ship that wanted could shoot them down with no questions asked. Of course that had always been a possibility from the first after their raid on the E-Stat. But to realize that it was now true was a different matter altogether. This was one occasion when realization was worse than anticipation. He tried to keep his voice level as he answered:

“Let us hope we can pull off Rip’s plan—”

“We’d better. What about the Big Burn anyway, Thorson? Is it as tough as the stories say?”

“We don’t know what it’s like. It’s never been explored—or at least those who tried to explore its interior never reported in afterwards. As far as I know it’s left strictly alone.”

“Is it still all ‘hot’?”

“Parts of it must be. But all—we don’t know.”

With the bottle of soup in his hand Dane climbed to Jellico’s cabin. And he was so occupied with the problem at hand that at first he did not see what was happening in the small room. He had braced the Captain up into a half-sitting position and was patiently ladling the liquid into his mouth a spoonful at a time when a thin squeak drew his attention to the top of Jellico’s desk.

From the half open lid of a microtape compartment something long and dark projected, beating the air feebly. Dane, easing the Captain back on the bunk, was going to investigate when the Hoobat broke its unnatural quiet of the past few days with an ear-splitting screech of fury. Dane struck at the bottom of its cage—the move its master always used to silence it—But this time the results were spectacular.

The cage bounced up and down on the spring which secured it to the ceiling of the cabin and the blue feathered horror slammed against the wires. Either its clawing had weakened them, or some fault had developed, for they parted and the Hoobat came through them to land with a sullen plop on the desk. Its screams stopped as suddenly as they had begun and it scuttled on its spider-toad legs to the microtape compartment, acting with purposeful dispatch and paying no attention to Dane.

Its claws shot out and with ease it extracted from the compartment a creature as weird as itself—one which came fighting and of which Dane could not get a very clear idea. Struggling they battled across the surface of the desk and flopped to the floor. There the hunted broke loose from the hunter and fled with fantastic speed into the corridor. And before Dane could move the Hoobat was after it.

He gained the passage just in time to see Queex disappear down the ladder, clinging with the aid of its pincher claws, apparently grimly determined to catch up with the thing it pursued. And Dane went after them.

There was no sign of the creature who fled on the next level. But Dane made no move to recapture the blue hunter who squatted at the foot of the ladder staring unblinkingly into space. Dane waited, afraid to disturb the Hoobat. He had not had a good look at the thing which had run from Queex—but he knew it was something which had no business aboard the Queen. And it might be the disturbing factor they were searching for. If the Hoobat would only lead him to it—

The Hoobat moved, rearing up on the tips of its six legs, its neckless head slowly revolving on its puffy shoulders. Along the ridge of its backbone its blue feathers were rising into a crest much as Sinbad’s fur rose when the cat was afraid or angry. Then, without any sign of haste, it crawled over and began descending the ladder once more, heading toward the lower section which housed the Hydro.

Dane remained where he was until it had almost reached the deck of the next level and then he followed, one step at a time. He was sure that the Hoobat’s peculiar construction of body prevented it from looking up—unless it turned upon its back—but he did not want to do anything which would alarm it or deter Queex from what he was sure was a methodical chase.

Queex stopped again at the foot of the second descent and sat in its toad stance, apparently brooding, a round blue blot. Dane clung to the ladder and prayed that no one would happen along to frighten it. Then, just as he was beginning to wonder if it had lost contact with its prey, once more it arose and with the same speed it had displayed in the Captain’s cabin it shot along the corridor to the hydro.

To Dane’s knowledge the door of the garden was not only shut but sealed. And how either the stranger or Queex could get through it he did not see.

“What the—?” Ali clattered down the ladder to halt abruptly as Dane waved at him.

“Queex,” the Cargo-apprentice kept his voice to a half whisper, “it got loose and chased something out of the Old Man’s cabin down here.”

“Queex—!” Ali began and then shut his mouth, moving noiselessly up to join Dane.

The short corridor ended at the hydro entrance. And Dane had been right, there they found the Hoobat, crouched at the closed panel, its claws clicking against the metal as it picked away useless at the portal which would not admit it.

“Whatever it’s after must be in there,” Dane said softly.

And the hydro, stripped of its luxuriance of plant life, occupied now by the tanks of green scum, would not afford too many hiding places. They had only to let Queex in and keep watch.

As they came up the Hoobat flattened to the floor and shrilled its war cry, spitting at their boots and then flashing claws against the stout metal enforced hide. However, though it was prepared to fight them, it showed no signs of wishing to retreat, and for that Dane was thankful. He quickly pressed the release and tugged open the panel.

At the first crack of its opening Queex turned with one of those bursts of astounding speed and clawed for admittance, its protest against the men forgotten. And it squeezed through a space Dane would have thought too narrow to accommodate its bloated body. Both men slipped around the door behind it and closed the panel tight.

The air was not as fresh as it had been when the plants were there. And the vats which had taken the places of the banked greenery were certainly nothing to look at. Queex humped itself into a clod of blue, immovable, halfway down the aisle.

Dane tried to subdue his breathing, to listen. The Hoobat’s actions certainly argued that the alien thing had taken refuge here, though how it had gotten through—? But if it were in the hydro it was well hidden.

He had just begun to wonder how long they must wait when Queex again went into action. Its clawed front legs upraised, it brought the pinchers deliberately together and sawed one across the other, producing a rasping sound which was almost a vibration in the air. Back and forth, back and forth, moved the claws. Watching them produced almost a hypnotic effect, and the reason for such a maneuver was totally beyond the human watchers.

But Queex knew what it was doing all right, Ali’s fingers closed on Dane’s arm in a pincher grip as painful as if he had been equipped with the horny armament of the Hoobat.

Something, a flitting shadow, had rounded one vat and was that much closer to the industrious fiddler on the floor. By some weird magic of its own the Hoobat was calling its prey to it.

Scrape, scrape—the unmusical performance continued with monotonous regularity. Again the shadow flashed—one vat closer. The Hoobat now presented the appearance of one charmed by its own art—sunk in a lethargy of weird music making.

At last the enchanted came into full view, though lingering at the round side of a container, very apparently longing to flee again, but under some compulsion to approach its enchanter. Dane blinked, not quite sure that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He had seen the almost transparent globe “bogies” of Limbo, had been fascinated by the weird and ugly pictures in Captain Jellico’s collection of tri-dee prints. But this creature was as impossible in its way as the horrific blue thing dragging it out of concealment.

It walked erect on two threads of legs, with four knobby joints easily detected. A bulging abdomen sheathed in the horny substance of a beetle’s shell ended in a sharp point. Two pairs of small legs, folded close to the much smaller upper portion of its body, were equipped with thorn shack terminations. The head, which constantly turned back and forth on the armor plated shoulders, was long and narrow and split for half its length by a mouth above which were deep pits which must harbor eyes, though actual organs were not visible to the watching men. It was a palish gray in color—which surprised Dane a little. His memory of the few seconds he had seen it on the Captain’s desk had suggested that it was much darker. And erect as it was, it stood about eighteen inches high.

With head turning rapidly, it still hesitated by the side of the vat, so nearly the color of the metal that unless it moved it was difficult to distinguish. As far as Dane could see the Hoobat was paying it no attention. Queex might be lost in a happy dream, the result of its own fiddling. Nor did the rhythm of that scraping vary.

The nightmare thing made the last foot in a rush of speed which reduced it to a blur, coming to a halt before the Hoobat. Its front legs whipped out to strike at its enemy. But Queex was no longer dreaming. This was the moment the Hoobat had been awaiting. One of the sawing claws opened and closed, separating the head of the lurker from its body. And before either of the men could interfere Queex had dismembered the prey with dispatch.

“Look there!” Dane pointed.

The Hoobat held close the body of the stranger and where the ashy corpse came into contact with Queex’s blue feathered skin it was slowly changing hue—as if some of the color of its hunter had rubbed off it.

“Chameleon!” Ali went down on one knee the better to view the grisly feast now in progress. “Watch out!” he added sharply as Dane came to join him.

One of the thin upper limbs lay where Queex had discarded it. And from the needle tip was oozing some colorless drops of fluid. Poison?

Dane looked around for something which he could use to pick up the still jerking appendage. But before he could find anything Queex had appropriated it. And in the end they had to allow the Hoobat its victim in its entirety. But once Queex had consumed its prey it lapsed into its usual hunched immobility. Dane went for the cage and working gingerly he and Ali got the creature back in captivity. But all the evidence now left were some smears on the floor of the hydro, smears which Ali blotted up for future research in the lab.

An hour later the four who now comprised the crew of the Queen gathered in the mess for a conference. Queex was in its cage on the table before them, asleep after all its untoward activity.

“There must be more than just one,” Weeks said. “But how are we going to hunt them down? With Sinbad?”

Dane shook his head. Once the Hoobat had been caged and the more prominent evidence of the battle scraped from the floor, he had brought the cat into the hydro and forced him to sniff at the site of the engagement. The result was that Sinbad had gone raving mad and Dane’s hands were now covered with claw tears which ran viciously deep. It was plain that the ship’s cat was having none of the intruders, alive or dead. He had fled to Dane’s cabin where he had taken refuge on the bunk and snarled wild eyed when anyone looked in from the corridor.

“Queex has to do it,” Rip said. “But will it hunt unless it is hungry?”

He surveyed the now comatose creature skeptically. They had never seen the Captain’s pet eat anything except some pellets which Jellico kept in his desk, and they were aware that the intervals between such feedings were quite lengthy. If they had to wait the usual time for Queex to feel hunger pangs once more, they might have to wait a long time.

“We should catch one alive,” Ali remarked thoughtfully. “If we could get Queex to fiddle it out to where we could net it—”

Weeks nodded eagerly. “A small net like those the Salariki use. Drop it over the thing—”

While Queex still drowsed in its cage, Weeks went to work with fine cord. Holding the color changing abilities of the enemy in mind they could not tell how many of the creatures might be roaming the ship. It could only be proved where they weren’t by where Sinbad would consent to stay. So they made plans which included both the cat and the Hoobat.

Sinbad, much against his will, was buckled into an improvised harness by which he could be controlled without the handler losing too much valuable skin.

And then the hunt started at the top of the ship, proceeding downward section by section. Sinbad raised no protest in the control cabin, nor in the private cabins of the officers’ thereabouts. If they could interpret his reactions the center section was free of the invaders. So with Dane in control of the cat and Ali carrying the caged Hoobat, they descended once more to the level which housed the hydro galley, steward’s quarters and ship’s sick bay.

Sinbad proceeded on his own four feet into the galley and the mess. He was not uneasy in the sick bay, nor in Mura’s cabin, and this time he even paced the hydro without being dragged—much to their surprise as they had thought that the headquarters of the stowaways.

“Could there only have been one?” Weeks wanted to know as he stood by ready with the net in his hands.

“Either that—or else we’re wrong about the hydro being their main hideout. If they’re afraid of Queex now they may have withdrawn to the place they feel the safest,” Rip said.

It was when they were on the ladder leading to the cargo level that Sinbad balked. He planted himself firmly and yowled against further progress until Dane, with the harness, pulled him along.

“Look at Queex!”

They followed Weeks’ order. The Hoobat was no longer lethargic. It was raising itself, leaning forward to clasp the bars of its cage, and now it uttered one of its screams of rage. And as Ali went on down the ladder it rattled the bars in a determined effort for freedom. Sinbad, spitting and yowling refused to walk. Rip nodded to Ali.

“Let it out.”

Tipped out of its cage the Hoobat scuttled forward, straight for the panel which opened on the large cargo space and there waited, as if for them to open the portal and admit the hunter to its hunting territory.

Chapter XIII


Across the lock of the panel was the seal set in place by Van Rycke before the spacer had lifted from Sargol. Under Dane’s inspection it showed no crack. To all evidence the hatch had not been opened since they left the perfumed planet. And yet the hunting Hoobat was sure that the invading pests were within.

It took only a second for Dane to commit an act which, if he could not defend it later, would blacklist him out of space. He twisted off the official seal which should remain there while the freighter was space borne.

With Ali’s help he shouldered aside the heavy sliding panel and they looked into the cargo space, now filled with the red wood from Sargol. The redwood! When he saw it Dane was struck with their stupidity. Aside from the Koros stones in the stone box, only the wood had come from the Salariki world. What if the pests had not been planted by I-S agents, but were natives of Sargol being brought in with the wood?

The men remained at the hatch to allow the Hoobat freedom in its hunt. And Sinbad crouched behind them, snarling and giving voice to a rumbling growl which was his negative opinion of the proceedings.

They were conscious of an odor—the sharp, unidentifiable scent Dane had noticed during the loading of the wood. It was not unpleasant—merely different. And it—or something—had an electrifying effect upon Queex. The blue hunter climbed with the aid of its claws to the top of the nearest pile of wood and there settled down. For a space it was apparently contemplating the area about it.

Then it raised its claws and began the scraping fiddle which once before had drawn its prey out of hiding. Oddly enough that dry rasp of sound had a quieting effect upon Sinbad and Dane felt the drag of the harness lessen as the cat moved, not toward escape, but to the scene of action, humping himself at last in the open panel, his round eyes fixed upon the Hoobat with a fascinated stare.

Scrape-scrape—the monotonous noise bit into the ears of the men, gnawed at their nerves.

“Ahhh—” Ali kept his voice to a whisper, but his hand jerked to draw their attention to the right at deck level. Dane saw that flicker along a log. The stowaway pest was now the same brilliant color as the wood, indistinguishable until it moved, which probably explained how it had come on board.

But that was only the first arrival. A second flash of movement and a third followed. Then the hunted remained stationary, able to resist for a period the insidious summoning of Queex. The Hoobat maintained an attitude of indifference, of being so wrapped in its music that nothing else existed. Rip whispered to Weeks:

“There’s one to the left—on the very end of that log. Can you net it?”

The small oiler slipped the coiled mesh through his calloused hands. He edged around Ali, keeping his eyes on the protuding protruding bump of red upon red which was his quarry.

“—two—three—four—five—” Ali was counting under his breath but Dane could not see that many. He was sure of only four, and those because he had seen them move.

The things were ringing in the pile of wood where the Hoobat fiddled, and two had ascended the first logs toward their doom. Weeks went down on one knee, ready to cast his net, when Dane had his first inspiration. He drew his sleep rod, easing it out of its holster, set the lever on “spray” and beamed it at three of those humps.

Rip seeing what he was doing, dropped a hand on Weeks’ shoulder, holding the oiler in check. A hump moved, slid down the rounded side of the log into the narrow aisle of deck between two piles of wood. It lay quiet, a bright scarlet blot against the gray.

Then Weeks did move, throwing his net over it and jerking the draw string tight, at the same time pulling the captive toward him over the deck. But, even as it came, the scarlet of the thing’s body was fast fading to an ashy pink and at last taking on a gray as dull as the metal on which it lay—the complete camouflage. Had they not had it enmeshed they might have lost it altogether, so well did it now blend with the surface.

The other two in the path of the ray had not lost their grip upon the logs, and the men could not advance to scoop them up. Not while there were others not affected, free to flee back into hiding. Weeks bound the net about the captive and looked to Rip for orders.

“Deep freeze,” the acting-commander of the Queen said succinctly. “Let me see it get out of that!”

Surely the cold of the deep freeze, united to the sleep ray, would keep the creature under control until they had a chance to study it. But, as Weeks passed Sinbad on his errand, the cat was so frantic to avoid him, that he reared up on his hind legs, almost turning a somersault, snarling and spitting until Weeks was up the ladder to the next level. It was very evident that the ship’s cat was having none of this pest.

They might have been invisible and their actions non-existent as far as Queex was concerned. For the Hoobat continued its siren concert. The lured became more reckless, mounting the logs to Queex’s post in sudden darts. Dane wondered how the Hoobat proposed handling four of the creatures at once. For, although the other two which had been in the path of the ray had not moved, he now counted four climbing.

“Stand by to ray—” that was Rip.

But it would have been interesting to see how Queex was prepared to handle the four. And, though Rip had given the order to stand by, he had not ordered the ray to be used. Was he, too, interested in that?

The first red projection was within a foot of the Hoobat now and its fellows had frozen as if to allow it the honor of battle with the feathered enemy. To all appearances Queex did not see it, but when it sprang with a whir of speed which would baffle a human, the Hoobat was ready and its claws, halting their rasp, met around the wasp-thin waist of the pest, speedily cutting it in two. Only this time the Hoobat made no move to unjoint and consume the victim. Instead it squatted in utter silence, as motionless as a tri-dee print.

The heavy lower half of the creature rolled down the pile of logs to the deck and there paled to the gray of its background. None of its kind appeared to be interested in its fate. The two which had been in the path of the ray, continued to be humps on the wood, the others faced the Hoobat.

But Rip was ready to waste no more time. “Ray them!” he snapped.

All three of their sleep rods sprayed the pile, catching in passing the Hoobat. Queex’s pop eyes closed, but it showed no other sign of falling under the spell of the beam.

Certain that all the creatures in sight were now relatively harmless, the three approached the logs. But it was necessary to get into touching distance before they could even make out the outlines of the nightmare things, so well did their protective coloring conceal them. Wearing gloves Ali detached the little monsters from their holds on the wood and put them for temporary safekeeping—during a transfer to the deep freeze—into the Hoobat’s cage. Queex, they decided to leave where it was for a space, to awaken and trap any survivor which had been too wary to emerge at the first siren song. As far as they could tell the Hoobat was their only possible protection against the pest and to leave it in the center of infection was the wisest course.

Having dumped the now metal colored catch into the freeze, they held a conference.

“No plague—” Weeks breathed a sigh of relief.

“No proof of that yet,” Ali caught him up short. “We have to prove it past any reasonable doubt.”

“And how are we going to do—?” Dane began when he saw what the other had brought in from Tau’s stores. A lancet and the upper half of the creature Queex had killed in the cargo hold.

The needle pointed front feet of the thing were curled up in its death throes and it was now a dirty white shade as if the ability to change color had been lost before it matched the cotton on which it lay. With the lancet Ali forced a claw away from the body. It was oozing the watery liquid which they had seen on the one in the hydro.

“I have an idea,” he said slowly, his eyes on the mangled creature rather than on his shipmates, “that we might have escaped being attacked because they sheered off from us. But if we were clawed we might take it too. Remember those marks on the throats and backs of the rest? That might be the entry point of this poison—if poison it is—”

Dane could see the end of that line of reasoning. Rip and Ali—they couldn’t be spared. The knowledge they had would bring the Queen to earth. But a Cargo-master was excess baggage when there was no reason for trade. It was his place to try out the truth of Ali’s surmise.

But while he thought another acted. Weeks leaned over and twitched the lancet out of Ali’s fingers. Then, before any of them could move, he thrust its contaminated point into the back of his hand.


Both Dane’s cry and Rip’s hand came too late. It had been done. And Weeks sat there, looking alone and frightened, studying the drop of blood which marked the dig of the surgeon’s keen knife. But when he spoke his voice sounded perfectly natural.

“Headache first, isn’t it?”

Only Ali was outwardly unaffected by what the little man had just done. “Just be sure you have a real one,” he warned with what Dane privately considered real callousness.

Weeks nodded. “Don’t let my imagination work,” he answered shrewdly. “I know. It has to be real. How long do you suppose?”

“We don’t know,” Rip sounded tired, beaten. “Meanwhile,” he got to his feet, “we’d better set a course home—”

“Home,” Weeks repeated. To him Terra was not his own home—he had been born in the polar swamps of Venus. But to All Solarians—no matter which planet had nurtured them—Terra was home.

“You,” Rip’s big hand fell gently on the little oiler’s shoulder, “stay here with Thorson—”

“No,” Weeks shook his head. “Unless I black out, I’m riding station in the engine room. Maybe the bug won’t work on me anyway.”

And because he had done what he had done they could not deny him the right to ride his station as long as he could during the grueling hours to come.

Dane visited the cargo hold once more. To be greeted by an irate scream which assured him that Queex was again awake and on guard. Although the Hoobat was ready enough to give tongue, it still squatted in its chosen position on top of the log stack and he did not try to dislodge it. Perhaps with Queex planted in the enemies’ territory they would have nothing to fear from any pests not now confined in the deep freeze.

Rip set his course for Terra—for that plague spot on their native world where they might hide out the Queen until they could prove their point—that the spacer was not a disease ridden ship to be feared. He kept to the control cabin, shifting only between the Astrogator’s and the pilot’s station. Upon him alone rested the responsibility of bringing in the ship along a vector which crossed no well traveled space lane where the Patrol might challenge them. Dane rode out the orbiting in the Com-tech’s seat, listening in for the first warning of danger—that they had been detected.

The mechanical repetition of their list of crimes was now stale news and largely off-ether. And from all traces he could pick up, they were lost as far as the authorities were concerned. On the other hand, the Patrol might indeed be as far knowing as its propaganda stated and the Queen was running headlong into a trap. Only they had no choice in the matter.

It was the ship’s inter-com bringing Ali’s voice from the engine room which broke the concentration in the control cabin.

“Weeks’ down!”

Rip barked into the mike. “How bad?”

“He hasn’t blacked out yet. The pains in his head are pretty bad and his hand is swelling—”

“He’s given us our proof. Tell him to report off—”

But the disembodied voice which answered that was Weeks’.

“I haven’t got it as bad as the others. I’ll ride this out.”

Rip shook his head. But short-handed as they were he could not argue Weeks away from his post if the man insisted upon staying. He had other, and for the time being, more important matters before him.

How long they sweated out that descent upon their native world Dane could never afterwards have testified. He only knew that hours must have passed, until he thought groggily that he could not remember a time he was not glued in the seat which had been Tang’s, the earphones pressing against his sweating skull, his fatigue-drugged mind being held with difficulty to the duty at hand.

Sometime during that haze they made their landing. He had a dim memory of Rip sprawled across the pilot’s control board and then utter exhaustion claimed him also and the darkness closed in. When he roused it was to look about a cabin tilted to one side. Rip was still slumped in a muscle cramping posture, breathing heavily. Dane bit out a forceful word born of twinges of his own, and then snapped on the visa-plate.

For a long moment he was sure that he was not yet awake. And then, as his dazed mind supplied names for what he saw, he knew that Rip had failed. Far from being in the center—or at least well within the perimeter of the dread Big Burn—they must have landed in some civic park or national forest. For the massed green outside, the bright flowers, the bird he sighted as a brilliant flash of wind coasting color—those were not to be found in the twisted horror left by man’s last attempt to impress his will upon his resisting kind.

Well, it had been a good try, but there was no use expecting luck to ride their fins all the way, and they had had more than their share in the E-Stat affair. How long would it be before the Law arrived to collect them? Would they have time to state their case?

The faint hope that they might aroused him. He reached for the com key and a second later tore the headphones from his appalled ears. The crackle of static he knew—and the numerous strange noises which broke in upon the lanes of communication in space—but this solid, paralyzing roar was something totally new—new, and frightening.

And because it was new and he could not account for it, he turned back to regard the scene on the viewer with a more critical eye. The foliage which grew in riotous profusion was green right enough, and Terra green into the bargain—there was no mistaking that. But—Dane caught at the edge of Com-unit for support. But—What was that liver-red blossom which had just reached out to engulf a small flying thing?

Feverishly he tried to remember the little natural history he knew. Sure that what he had just witnessed was unnatural—un-Terran—and to be suspect!

He started the spy lens on its slow revolution in the Queen’s nose, to get a full picture of their immediate surroundings. It was tilted at an angle—apparently they had not made a fin-point landing this time—and sometimes it merely reflected slices of sky. But when it swept earthward he saw enough to make him believe that wherever the spacer had set down it was not on the Terra he knew.

Subconsciously he had expected the Big Burn to be barren land—curdled rock with rivers of frozen quartz, substances boiled up through the crust of the planet by the action of the atomic explosives. That was the way it had been on Limbo—on the other “burned-off” worlds they had discovered where those who had preceded mankind into the Galaxy—the mysterious, long vanished “Forerunners”—had fought their grim and totally annihilating wars.

But it would seem that the Big Burn was altogether different—at least here it was. There was no rock sterile of life outside—in fact there would appear to be too much life. What Dane could sight on his limited field of vision was a teeming jungle. And the thrill of that discovery almost made him forget their present circumstances. He was still staring bemused at the screen when Rip muttered, turned his head on his folded arms and opened his sunken eyes:

“Did we make it?” he asked dully.

Dane, not taking his eyes from that fascinating scene without, answered: “You brought us down. But I don’t know where—”

“Unless our instruments were ‘way off, we’re near to the heart of the Burn.”

“Some heart!”

“What does it look like?” Rip sounded too tired to cross the cabin and see for himself. “Barren as Limbo?”

“Hardly! Rip, did you ever see a tomato as big as a melon—At least it looks like a tomato,” Dane halted the spy lens as it focused upon this new phenomena.

“A what?” There was a note of concern in Shannon’s voice. “What’s the matter with you, Dane?”

“Come and see,” Dane willingly yielded his place to Rip but he did not step out of range of the screen. Surely that did have the likeness to a good, old fashioned earth-side tomato—but it was melon size and it hung from a bush which was close to a ten foot tree!

Rip stumbled across to drop into the Com-tech’s place. But his expression of worry changed to one of simple astonishment as he saw that picture.

“Where are we?”

“You name it,” Dane had had longer to adjust, the excitement of an explorer sighting virgin territory worked in his veins, banishing fatigue. “It must be the Big Burn!”

“But,” Rip shook his head slowly as if with that gesture to deny the evidence before his eyes, “that country’s all bare rock. I’ve seen pictures—”

“Of the outer rim,” Dane corrected, having already solved that problem for himself. “This must be farther in than any survey ship ever came. Great Spirit of Outer Space, what has happened here?”

Rip had enough technical training to know how to get part of the answer. He leaned halfway across the com, and was able to flick down a lever with the very tip of his longest finger. Instantly the cabin was filled with a clicking so loud as to make an almost continuous drone of sound.

Dane knew that danger signal, he didn’t need Rip’s words to underline it for him.

“That’s what’s happened. This country is pile ‘hot’ out there!”

Chapter XIV


That click, the dial beneath the counter, warned them that they were as cut off from the luxuriance outside as if they were viewing a scene on Mars or Sargol from their present position. To go beyond the shielding walls of the spacer into that riotous green world would sentence them to death as surely as if the Patrol was without, with a flamer trained on their hatch. There was no escape from that radiation—it would be in the air one breathed, strike though one’s skin. And yet the wilderness flourished and beckoned.

“Mutations—” Rip mused. “Space, Tau’d go wild if he could see it!”

And that mention of the Medic brought them back to the problem which had earthed them. Dane leaned back against the slanting wall of the cabin.

“We have to have a Medic—”

Rip nodded without looking away from the screen.

“Can one of the flitters be shielded?” The Cargo-apprentice persisted.

“That’s a thought! Ali should know—” Rip reached for the inter-com mike. “Engines!”

“So you are alive?” Ali’s voice had a bite in it. “About time you’re contacting. Where are we? Besides being lopsided from a recruit’s scrambled set-down, I mean.”

“In the Big Burn. Come top-side. Wait—how’s Weeks?”

“He has a devil’s own headache, but he hasn’t blacked out yet. Looks like his immunity holds in part. I’ve sent him bunkside for a while with a couple of pain pills. So we’ve made it—”

He must have left to join them for when Rip answered: “After a fashion,” into the mike there was no reply.

And the clang of his boot plates on the ladder heralded his arrival at their post. There was an interval for him to view the outer world and accept the verdict of the counter and then Rip voiced Dane’s question:

“Can we shield one of the flitters well enough to cross that? I can’t take the Queen up and earth her again—”

“I know you can’t!” the acting-engineer cut in. “Maybe you could get her off world, but you’ll come close to blasting out when you try for another landing. Fuel doesn’t go on forever—though some of you space jockeys seem to think it does. The flitter? Well, we’ve some spare rocket linings. But it’s going to be a job and a half to get those beaten out and reassembled. And, frankly, the space whirly one who flies her had better be suited and praying loudly when he takes off. We can always try—” He was frowning, already busied with the problem which was one for his department.

So with intervals of snatched sleep, hurried meals and the time which must be given to tending their unconscious charges, Rip and Dane became only hands to be directed by Ali’s brain and garnered knowledge. Weeks slept off the worst of his pain and, though he complained of weakness, he tottered back on duty to help.

The flitter—an air sled intended to hold three men and supplies for exploring trips on strange-worlds—was first stripped of all non-essentials until what remained was not much more than the pilot’s seat and the motor. Then they labored to build up a shielding of the tough radiation dulling alloy which was used to line rocket tubes. And they could only praise the foresight of Stotz who carried such a full supply of spare parts and tools. It was a task over which they often despaired, and Ali improvised frantically, performing weird adjustments of engineering structure. He was still unsatisfied when they had done.

“She’ll fly,” he admitted. “And she’s the best we can do. But it’ll depend a lot on how far she has to go over ‘hot’ country. Which way do we head her?”

Rip had been busy with a map of Terra—a small thing he had discovered in one of the travel recordings carried for crew entertainment.

“The Big Burn covers three quarters of this continent. There’s no use going north—the devastated area extends into the arctic regions. I’d say west—there’s some fringe settlements on the sea coast and we need to contact a frontier territory. Now do we have it straight—? I take the flitter, get a Medic and bring him back?”

Dane cut in at that point. “Correct course! You stay here. If the Queen has to lift, you’re the only one who can take her off world. And the same’s true for Ali. I can’t ride out a blast-off in either the pilot’s or the engineer’s seat. And Weeks is on the sick list. So I’m elected to do the Medic hunting—”

They were forced to agree to that. He was no hero, Dane thought, as he gave a last glance about his cabin early the next morning. The small cubby, utilitarian and bare as it was, never looked more inviting or secure. No, no hero, it was merely a matter of common sense. And although his imagination—that deeply hidden imagination with which few of his fellows credited him—shrank from the ordeal ahead, he had not the slightest intention of allowing that to deter him.

The space suit, which had been bulky and clumsy enough on the E-Stat asteroid under limited gravity, was almost twice as poorly adapted to progression on earth. But he climbed into it with Rip’s aid, while Ali lashed a second suit under the seat—ready to encase the man Dane must bring back with him. Before he closed the helmet, Rip had one last order to give, along with an unexpected piece of equipment. And, when Dane saw that, he knew just how desperate Shannon considered their situation to be. For only on life or death terms would the Astrogator-apprentice have used Jellico’s private key, opened the forbidden arms cabinet, and withdrawn that blaster.

“If you need it—use this—” Rip’s face was very sober.

Ali arose from fastening the extra suit in place. “It’s ready—”

He came back into the corridor and Dane clanked out in his place, settling himself behind the controls. When they saw him there, the inner hatch closed and he was alone in the bay.

With tantalizing slowness the outer wall of the spacer slid back. His hands blundering with the metallic claws of the gloves, Dane buckled two safety belts about him. Then the skeleton flitter moved to the left—out into the glare of the early day, a light too bright, even through the shielded viewplates of his helmet.

For some dangerous moments the machine creaked out and down on the landing cranes, the warning counter on its control panel going into a mad whirl of color as it tried to record the radiation. There came a jar as it touched the scorched earth at the foot of the Queen’s fins.

Dane pressed the release and watched the lines whip up and the hatch above snap shut. Then he opened the controls. He used too much energy and shot into the air, tearing a wide gap through what was luckily a thin screen of the matted foliage, before he gained complete mastery.

Then he was able to level out and bore westward, the rising sun at his back, the sea of deadly green beneath him, and somewhere far ahead the faint promise of clean, radiation free land holding the help they needed.

Mile after mile of the green jungle swept under the flitter, and the flash of the counter’s light continued to record a land unfit for mankind. Even with the equipment used on distant worlds to protect what spacemen had come to recognize was a reasonably tough human frame, no ground force could hope to explore that wilderness in person. And flying above it, as well insulated as he was, Dane knew that he could be dangerously exposed. If the contaminated territory extended more than a thousand miles, his danger was no longer problematical—it was an established fact.

He had only the vague directions from the scrap of map Rip had uncovered. To the west—he had no idea how far away—there stretched a length of coastline, far enough from the radiation blasted area to allow small settlements. For generations the population of Terra, decimated by the atomic wars, and then drained by first system and then Galactic exploration and colonization, had been decreasing. But within the past hundred years it was again on the upswing. Men retiring from space were returning to their native planet to live out their remaining years. The descendants of far-flung colonists, coming home on visits, found the sparsely populated mother world appealed to some basic instinct so that they remained. And now the settlements of mankind were on the march, spreading out from the well established sections which had not been blighted by ancient wars.

It was mid-afternoon when Dane noted that the green carpet beneath the flitter was displaying holes—that small breaks in the vegetation became sizable stretches of rocky waste. He kept one eye on the counter and what, when he left the spacer, had been an almost steady beam of warning light was now a well defined succession of blinks. The land below was cooling off—perhaps he had passed the worst of the journey. But in that passing how much had he and the flitter become contaminated? Ali had devised a method of protection for the empty suit the Medic would wear—had that held? There were an alarming number of dark ifs in the immediate future.

The mutant growths were now only thin patches of stunted and yellowish green. Had man penetrated only this far into the Burn, the knowledge of what lay beyond would be totally false. This effect of dreary waste might well discourage exploration.

Now the blink of the counter was deliberate, with whole seconds of pause between the flashes. Cooling off—? It was getting cold fast! He wished that he had a com-unit. Because of the interference in the Burn he had left it behind—but with one he might be able now to locate some settlement. All that remained was to find the seashore and, with it as a guide, flit south towards the center of modern civilization.

He laid no plans of action—this whole exploit must depend upon improvisation. And, as a Free Trader, spur-of-the-moment action was a necessary way of life. On the frontier Rim of the Galaxy, where the independent spacers traced the star trails, fast thinking and the ability to change plans on an instant were as important as skill in aiming a blaster. And it was very often proven that the tongue—and the brain behind it—were more deadly than a flamer.

The sun was in Dane’s face now and he caught sight of patches of uncontaminated earth with honest vegetation—in place of the “hot” jungle now miles behind. That night he camped out on the edge of rough pasturage where the counter no longer flashed its warning and he was able to shed the suit and sleep under the stars with the fresh air of early summer against his cheek and the smell of honest growing things replacing the dry scent of the spacer and the languorous perfumes of Sargol.

He lay on his back, flat against the earth of which he was truly a part, staring up into the dark, inverted bowl of the heavens. It was so hard to connect those distant points of icy light making the well remembered patterns overhead with the suns whose rays had added to the brown stain on his skin. Sargol’s sun—the one which gave such limited light to dead Limbo—the sun under which Naxos, his first Galactic port, grew its food. He could not pick them out—was not even sure that any could be sighted from Terra. Strange suns, red, orange, blue green, white—yet here all looked alike—points of glitter.

Tomorrow at dawn he must go on. He turned his head away from the sky and grass, green Terran grass, was soft beneath his cheek. Yet unless he was successful tomorrow or the next day—he might never have the right to feel that grass again. Resolutely Dane willed that thought out of his mind, tried to fix upon something more lulling which would bring with it the sleep he must have before he went on. And in the end he did sleep, deeply, dreamlessly, as if the touch of Terra’s soil was in itself the sedative his tautly strung nerves needed.

It was before sunrise that he awoke, stiff, and chilled. The dryness of pre-dawn gave partial light and somewhere a bird was twittering. There had been birds—or things whose far off ancestors had been birds—in the “hot” forest. Did they also sing to greet the dawn?

Dane went over the flitter with his small counter and was relieved to find that they had done a good job of shielding under Ali’s supervision. Once the suit he had worn was stored, he could sit at the controls without danger and in comfort. And it was good to be free of that metal prison.

This time he took to the air with ease, the salt taste of food concentrate on his tongue as he sucked a cube. And his confidence arose with the flitter. This was the day, somehow he knew it. He was going to find what he sought.

It was less than two hours after sunrise that he did so. A village which was a cluster of perhaps fifty or so house units strung along into the land. He skimmed across it and brought the flitter down in a rock cliff walled sand pocket with surf booming some yards away, where he would be reasonably sure of safe hiding.

All right, he had found a village. Now what? A Medic—A stranger appearing on the lane which served the town, a stranger in a distinctive uniform of Trade, would only incite conjecture and betrayal. He had to plan now—

Dane unsealed his tunic. He should, by rights, shed his space boots too. But perhaps he could use those to color his story. He thrust the blaster into hiding at his waist. A rip or two in his undertunic, a shallow cut from his bush knife allowed to bleed messily. He could not see himself to judge the general effect, but had to hope it was the right one.

His chance to test his acting powers came sooner than he had anticipated. Luckily he had climbed out of the hidden cove before he was spotted by the boy who came whistling along the path, a fishing pole over his shoulder, a basket swinging from his hand. Dane assumed an expression which he thought would suggest fatigue, pain, and bewilderment and lurched forward as if, in sighting the oncoming boy, he had also sighted hope.

“Help—!” Perhaps it was excitement which gave his utterance that convincing croak.

Rod and basket fell to the ground as the boy, after one astounded stare, ran forward.

“What’s the matter!” His eyes were on those space boots and he added a “sir” which had the ring of hero worship.

“Escape boat—” Dane waved toward the sea’s general direction. “Medic—must get to Medic—”

“Yes, sir,” the boy’s basic Terran sounded good. “Can you walk if I help you?”

Dane managed a weak nod, but contrived that he did not lean too heavily on his avidly helpful guide.

“The Medic’s my father, sir. We’re right down this slope—third house. And father hasn’t left—he’s supposed to go on a northern inspection tour today—”

Dane felt a stab of distaste for the role being forced upon him. When he had visualized the Medic he must abduct to serve the Queen in her need, he had not expected to have to kidnap a family man. Only the knowledge that he did have the extra suit, and that he had made the outward trip without dangerous exposure, bolstered up his determination to see the plan through.

When they came out at the end of the single long lane which tied the houses of the village together, Dane was puzzled to see the place so deserted. But, since it was not within his role of dazed sufferer to ask questions, he did not do so. It was his young guide who volunteered the information he wanted.

“Most everyone is out with the fleet. There’s a run of red-backs—”

Dane understood. Within recent times the “red-backs” of the north had become a desirable luxury item for Terran tables. If a school of them were to be found in the vicinity no wonder this village was now deserted as its fleet went out to garner in the elusive but highly succulent fish.

“In here, sir—” Dane found himself being led to a house on the right. “Are you in Trade—?”

He suppressed a start, shedding his uniform tunic had not done much in the way of disguise. It would be nice, he thought a little bitterly, if he could flash an I-S badge now to completely confuse the issue. But he answered with the partial truth and did not enlarge.


The boy was flushed with excitement. “I’m trying for Trade Service Medic,” he confided. “Passed the Directive exam last month. But I still have to go up for Prelim psycho—”

Dane had a flash of memory. Not too many months before not the Prelim psycho, but the big machine at the Assignment Center had decided his own future arbitrarily, fitting him into the crew of the Solar Queen as the ship where his abilities, knowledge and potentialities could best work to the good of the Service. At the time he had resented, had even been slightly ashamed of being relegated to a Free Trading spacer while Artur Sands and other classmates from the Pool had walked off with Company assignments. Now he knew that he would not trade the smallest and most rusty bolt from the solar Queen for the newest scout ship in I-S or Combine registry. And this boy from the frontier village might be himself as he was five years earlier. Though he had never known a real home or family, scrapping into the Pool from one of the children’s Depots.

“Good luck!” He meant that and the boy’s flush deepened.

“Thank you, sir. Around here—Father’s treatment room has this other door—”

Dane allowed himself to be helped into the treatment room and sat down in a chair while the boy hurried off to locate the Medic. The Trader’s hand went to the butt of his concealed blaster. It was a job he had to do—one he had volunteered for—and there was no backing out. But his mouth had a wry twist as he drew out the blaster and made ready to point it at the inner door. Or—his mind leaped to another idea—could he get the Medic safely out of the village? A story about another man badly injured—perhaps pinned in the wreckage of an escape boat—He could try it. He thrust the blaster back inside his torn undertunic, hoping the bulge would pass unnoticed.

“My son says—”

Dane looked up. The man who came through the inner door was in early middle age, thin, wiry, with a hard, fined-down look about him. He could almost be Tau’s elder brother. He crossed the room with a brisk stride and came to stand over Dane, his hand reaching to pull aside the bloody cloth covering the Trader’s breast. But Dane fended off that examination.

“My partner,” he said. “Back there—pinned in—” he jerked his hand southward. “Needs help—”

The Medic frowned. “Most of the men are out with the fleet. Jorge,” he spoke to the boy who had followed him, “go and get Lex and Hartog. Here,” he tried to push Dane back into the chair as the Trader got up, “let me look at that cut—”

Dane shook his head. “No time now, sir. My partner’s hurt bad. Can you come?”

“Certainly.” The Medic reached for the emergency kit on the shelf behind him. “You able to make it?”

“Yes,” Dane was exultant. It was going to work! He could toll the Medic away from the village. Once out among the rocks on the shoreline he could pull the blaster and herd the man to the flitter. His luck was going to hold after all!

Chapter XV


Fortunately the path out of the straggling town was a twisted one and in a very short space they were hidden from view. Dane paused as if the pace was too much for an injured man. The Medic put out a steadying hand, only to drop it quickly when he saw the weapon which had appeared in Dane’s grip.

“What—?” His mouth snapped shut, his jaw tightened.

“You will march ahead of me,” Dane’s low voice was steady. “Beyond that rock spur to the left you’ll find a place where it is possible to climb down to sea level. Do it!”

“I suppose I shouldn’t ask why?”

“Not now. We haven’t much time. Get moving!”

The Medic mastered his surprise and without further protest obeyed orders. It was only when they were standing by the flitter and he saw the suits that his eyes widened and he said:

“The Big Burn!”

“Yes, and I’m desperate—”

“You must be—or mad—” The Medic stared at Dane for a long moment and then shook his head. “What is it? A plague ship?”

Dane bit his lip. The other was too astute. But he did not ask why or how he had been able to guess so shrewdly. Instead he gestured to the suit Ali had lashed beneath the seat in the flitter. “Get into that and be quick about it!”

The Medic rubbed his hand across his jaw. “I think that you might just be desperate enough to use that thing you’re brandishing about so melodramatically if I don’t,” he remarked in a calmly conversational tone.

“I won’t kill. But a blaster burn—”

“Can be pretty painful. Yes, I know that, young man. And,” suddenly he shrugged, put down his kit and started donning the suit. “I wouldn’t put it past you to knock me out and load me aboard if I did say no. All right—”

Suited, he took his place on the seat as Dane directed, and then the Trader followed the additional precaution of lashing the Medic’s metal encased arms to his body before he climbed into his own protective covering. Now they could only communicate by sight through the vision plates of their helmets.

Dane triggered the controls and they arose out of the sand and rock hollow just as a party of two men and a boy came hurrying along the top of the cliff—Jorge and the rescuers arriving too late. The flitter spiraled up into the sunlight and Dane wondered how long it would be before this outrage was reported to the nearest Plant Police base. But would any Police cruiser have the hardihood to follow him into the Big Burn? He hoped that the radiation would hold them back.

There was no navigation to be done. The flitter’s “memory” should deposit them at the Queen. Dane wondered at what his silent companion was now thinking. The Medic had accepted his kidnapping with such docility that the very ease of their departure began to bother Dane. Was the other expecting a trailer? Had exploration into the Big Burn from the seaside villages been more extensive than reported officially?

He stepped up the power of the flitter to the top notch and saw with some relief that the ground beneath them was now the rocky waste bordering the devastated area. The metal encased figure that shared his seat had not moved, but now the bubble head turned as if the Medic were intent upon the ground flowing beneath them.

The flicker of the counter began and Dane realized that nightfall would find them still air borne. But so far he had not been aware of any pursuit. Again he wished he had the use of a com—only here the radiation would blanket sound with that continuous roar.

Patches of the radiation vegetation showed now and something in the lines of the Medic’s tense figure suggested that these were new to him. Afternoon waned as the patches united, spread into the beginning of the jungle as the counter was once more an almost steady light. When evening closed in they were not caught in darkness—for below trees, looping vines, brush, had a pale, evil glow of their own, proclaiming their toxicity with bluish halos. Sometimes pockets of these made a core of light which pulsed, sending warning fingers at the flitter which sped across it.

The hour was close on midnight before Dane sighted the other light, the pink-red of which winked through the ghastly blue-white with a natural and comforting promise, even though it had been meant for an entirely different purpose. The Queen had earthed with her distress lights on and no one had remembered to snap them off. Now they acted as a beacon to draw the flitter to its berth.

Dane brought the stripped flyer down on the fused ground as close to the spot from which he had taken off as he could remember. Now—if those on the spacer would only move fast enough—!

But he need not have worried, his arrival had been anticipated. Above, the rounded side of the spacer bulged as the hatch opened. Lines swung down to fasten their magnetic clamps on the flitter. Then once more they were air borne, swinging up to be warped into the side of the ship. As the outer port of the flitter berth closed Dane reached over and pulled loose the lashing which immobilized his companion. The Medic stood up, a little awkwardly as might any man who wore space armor the first time.

The inner hatch now opened and Dane waved his captive into the small section which must serve them as a decontamination space. Free at last of the suits, they went through one more improvised hatch to the main corridor of the Queen where Rip and Ali stood waiting, their weary faces lighting as they saw the Medic.

It was the latter who spoke first. “This is a plague ship—”

Rip shook his head. “It is not, sir. And you’re the one who is going to help us prove that.”

The man leaned back against the wall, his face expressionless. “You take a rather tough way of trying to get help.”

“It was the only way left us. I’ll be frank,” Rip continued, “we’re Patrol Posted.”

The Medic’s shrewd eyes went from one drawn young face to the next. “You don’t look like desperate criminals,” was his comment. “This your full crew?”

“All the rest are your concern. That is—if you will take the job—” Rip’s shoulders slumped a little.

“You haven’t left me much choice, have you? If there is illness on board, I’m under the Oath—whether you are Patrol Posted or not. What’s the trouble?”

They got him down to Tau’s laboratory and told him their story. From a slight incredulity his expression changed to an alert interest and he demanded to see, first the patients and then the pests now immured in a deep freeze. Sometime in the middle of this, Dane, overcome by fatigue which was partly relief from tension, sought his cabin and the bunk from which he wearily disposed Sinbad, only to have the purring cat crawl back once more when he had lain down.

And when he awoke, renewed in body and spirit, it was in a new Queen, a ship in which hope and confidence now ruled.

“Hovan’s already got it!” Rip told him exultantly. “It’s that poison from the little devils’ claws right enough! A narcotic—produces some of the affects of deep sleep. In fact—it may have a medical use. He’s excited about it—”

“All right,” Dane waved aside information which under other circumstances, promising as it did a chance for future trade, would have engrossed him, to ask a question which at the moment seemed far more to the point. “Can he get our men back on their feet?”

A little of Rip’s exuberance faded. “Not right away. He’s given them all shots. But he thinks they’ll have to sleep it off.”

“And we have no idea how long that is going to take,” Ali contributed.

Time—for the first time in days Dane was struck by that—time! Because of his training a fact he had forgotten in the past weeks of worry now came to mind—their contract with the storm priests. Even if they were able to clear themselves of the plague charge, even if the rest of the crew were speedily restored to health, he was sure that they could not hope to return to Sargol with the promised cargo, the pay for which was already on board the Queen. They would have broken their pledge and there could be no hope of holding to their trading rights on that world—if they were not blacklisted for breaking contract into the bargain. I-S would be able to move in and clean up and probably they could never prove that the Company was behind their misfortunes—though the men of the Queen would always be convinced that that fact was the truth.

“We’re going to break contract—” he said aloud and that shook the other two, knocked some of their assurance out of them.

“How about that?” Rip asked Ali.

The acting-engineer nodded. “We have fuel enough to lift from here and maybe set down at Terraport—if we take it careful and cut vectors. We can’t lift from there without refueling—and of course the Patrol are going to sit on their hands while we do that—with us Posted! No, put out of your heads any plan for getting back to Sargol within the time limit. Thorson’s right—that way we’re flamed out!”

Rip slumped in his seat. “So the Eysies can take over after all?”

“As I see it,” Dane cut in, “let’s just take one thing at a time. We may have to argue a broken contract out before the Board. But first we have to get off the Posted hook with the Patrol. Have you any idea about how we are going to handle that?”

“Hovan’s on our side. In fact if we let him have the bugs to play with he’ll back us all the way. He can swear us a clean bill of health before the Medic Control Center.”

“How much will that count after we’ve broken all their regs?” Ali wanted to know. “If we surrender now we’re not going to have much chance, no matter what Hovan does or does not swear to. Hovan’s a frontier Medic—I won’t say that he’s not a member in good standing of their association—but he doesn’t have top star rating. And with the Eysies and the Patrol on our necks, we’ll need more than one medic’s word—”

But Rip looked from the pessimistic Kamil to Dane. Now he asked a question which was more than half statement.

“You’ve thought of something?”

“I’ve remembered something,” the Cargo-apprentice corrected. “Recall the trick Van pulled on Limbo when the Patrol was trying to ease us out of our rights there after they took over the outlaw hold?”

Ali was impatient. “He threatened to talk to the Video people and broadcast—tell everyone about the ships wrecked by the Forerunner installation and left lying about full of treasure. But what has that to do with us now—? We bargained away our rights on Limbo for the rest of Cam’s monopoly on Sargol—not that it’s done us much good—”

“The Video,” Dane fastened on the important point, “Van threatened publicity which would embarrass the Patrol and he was legally within his rights. We’re outside the law now—but publicity might help again. How many earth-side people know of the unwritten law about open war on plague ships? How many who aren’t spacemen know that we could be legally pushed into the sun and fried without any chance to prove we’re innocent of carrying a new disease? If we could talk loud and clear to the people at large maybe we’d have a chance for a real hearing—”

“Right from the Terraport broadcast station, I suppose?” Ali taunted.

“Why not?”

There was silence in the cabin as the other two chewed upon that and he broke it again:

“We set down here when it had never been done before.”

With one brown forefinger Rip traced some pattern known only to himself on the top of the table. Ali stared at the opposite wall as if it were a bank of machinery he must master.

“It just might be whirly enough to work—” Kamil commented softly. “Or maybe we’ve been spaced too long and the Whisperers have been chattering into our ears. What about it, Rip, could you set us down close enough to Center Block there?”

“We can try anything once. But we might crash the old girl bringing her in. There’s that apron between the Companies’ Launching cradles and the Center—. It’s clear there and we could give an E signal coming down which would make them stay rid of it. But I won’t try it except as a last resort.”

Dane noticed that after that discouraging statement Rip made straight for Jellico’s record tapes and routed out the one which dealt with Terraport and the landing instructions for that metropolis of the star ships. To land unbidden there would certainly bring them publicity—and to get the Video broadcast and tell their story would grant them not only world wide, but system wide hearing. News from Terraport was broadcast on every channel every hour of the day and night and not a single viewer could miss their appeal.

But first there was Hovan to be consulted. Would he be willing to back them with his professional knowledge and assurance? Or would their high-handed method of recruiting his services operate against them now? They decided to let Rip ask such questions of the Medic.

“So you’re going to set us down in the center of the big jump-off?” was his first comment, as the acting-Captain of the Queen stated their case. “Then you want me to fire my rockets to certify you are harmless. You don’t ask for very much, do you, son?”

Rip spread his hands. “I can understand how it looks to you, sir. We grabbed you and brought you here by force. We can’t make you testify for us if you decide not to—”

“Can’t you?” The Medic cocked an eyebrow at him. “What about this bully boy of yours with his little blaster? He could herd me right up to the telecast, couldn’t he? There’s a lot of persuasion in one of those nasty little arms. On the other hand, I’ve a son who’s set on taking out on one of these tin pots to go star hunting. If I handed you over to the Patrol he might make some remarks to me in private. You may be Posted, but you don’t look like very hardened criminals to me. It seems that you’ve been handed a bad situation and handled it as best you know. And I’m willing to ride along the rest of the way on your tail blast. Let me see how many pieces you land us in at Terraport and I’ll give you my final answer. If luck holds we may have a couple more of your crew present by that time, also—”

They had had no indication that the Queen had been located, that any posse hunting the kidnapped Medic had followed them into the Big Burn. And they could only hope that they would continue to remain unsighted as they upped-ship once more and cruised into a regular traffic lane for earthing at the port. It would be a chancy thing and Ali and Rip spent hours checking the mechanics of that flight, while Dane and the recovering Weeks worked with Hovan in an effort to restore the sleeping crew.

After three visits to the hold and the discovery that the Hoobat had uncovered no more of the pests, Dane caged the angry blue horror and returned it to its usual stand in Jellico’s cabin, certain that the ship was clean for Sinbad now confidently prowled the corridors and went into every cabin of storage space Dane opened for him.

And on the morning of the day they had planned for take-off, Hovan at last had a definite response to his treatment. Craig Tau roused, stared dazedly around, and asked a vague question. The fact he immediately relapsed once more into semi-coma did not discourage the other Medic. Progress had been made and he was now sure that he knew the proper treatment.

They strapped down at zero hour and blasted out of the weird green wilderness they had not dared to explore, lifting into the arch of the sky, depending upon Rip’s knowledge to put them safely down again.

Dane once more rode out the take-off at the com-unit, waiting for the blast of radiation born static to fade so that he could catch any broadcast.

“—turned back last night. The high level of radiation makes it almost certain that the outlaws could not have headed into the dangerous central portion. Search is now spreading north. Authorities are inclined to believe that this last outrage may be a clew to the vanished ‘Solar Queen,’ a plague ship, warned off and Patrol Posted after her crew plundered an E-Stat belonging to the Inter-Solar Corporation. Anyone having any information concerning this ship—or any strange spacer—report at once to the nearest Terrapolice or Patrol station. Do not take chances—report any contact at once to the nearest Terrapolice or Patrol station!”

“That’s putting it strongly,” Dane commented as he relayed the message. “Good as giving orders for us to be flamed down at sight—”

“Well, if we set down in the right spot,” Rip replied, “they can’t flame us out without blasting the larger part of Terraport field with us. And I don’t think they are going to do that in a hurry.”

Dane hoped Shannon was correct in that belief. It would be more chancy than landing at the E-Stat or in the Big Burn—to gauge it just right and put them down on the Terraport apron where they could not be flamed out without destroying too much, where their very position would give them a bargaining point, was going to be a top star job. If Rip could only pull it off!

He could not evaluate the niceties of that flight, he did not understand all Rip was doing. But he did know enough to remain quietly in his place, ask no questions, and await results with a dry mouth and a wildly beating heart. There came a moment when Rip glanced up at him, one hand poised over the control board. The pilot’s voice came tersely, thin and queer:

“Pray it out, Dane—here we go!”

Dane heard the shrill of a riding beam, so tearing he had to move his earphones. They must be almost on top of the control tower to get it like that! Rip was planning on a set down where the Queen would block things neatly. He brought his own fingers down on the E-E-Red button to give the last and most powerful warning. That, to be used only when a ship landing was out of control, should clear the ground below. They could only pray it would vacate the port they were still far from seeing.

“Make it a fin-point, Rip,” he couldn’t repress that one bit of advice. And was glad he had given it when he saw a ghost grin tug for a moment at Rip’s full lips.

“Good enough for a check-ride?”

They were riding her flaming jets down as they would on a strange world. Below the port must be wild. Dane counted off the seconds. Two—three—four—five—just a few more and they would be too low to intercept—without endangering innocent coasters and groundhuggers. When the last minute during which they were still vulnerable passed, he gave a sigh of relief. That was one more point on their side. In the earphones was a crackle of frantic questions, a gabble of orders screaming at him. Let them rave, they’d know soon enough what it was all about.

Chapter XVI


Oddly enough, in spite of the tension which must have boiled within him, Rip brought them in with a perfect four fin-point landing—one which, under the circumstances, must win him the respect of master star-star pilots from the Rim. Though Dane doubted whether if they lost, that skill would bring Shannon anything but a long term in the moon mines. The actual jar of their landing contact was mostly absorbed by the webbing of their shock seats and they were on their feet, ready to move almost at once.

The next operation had been planned. Dane gave a glance at the screen. Ringed now about the Queen were the buildings of Terraport. Yes, any attempt to attack the ship would endanger too much of the permanent structure of the field itself. Rip had brought them down—not on the rocket scarred outer landing space—but on the concrete apron between the Assignment Center and the control tower—a smooth strip usually sacred to the parking of officials’ ground scooters. He speculated as to whether any of the latter had been converted to molten metal by the exhausts of the Queen’s descent.

Like the team they had come to be the four active members of the crew went into action. Ali and Weeks were waiting by an inner hatch, Medic Hovan with them. The Engineer-apprentice was bulky in a space suit, and two more of the unwieldy body coverings waited beside him for Rip and Dane. With fingers which were inclined to act like thumbs they were sealed into what would provide some protection against any blaster or sleep ray. Then with Hovan, conspicuously wearing no such armor, they climbed into one of the ship’s crawlers.

Weeks activated the outer hatch and the crane lines plucked the small vehicle out of the Queen, swinging it dizzily down to the blast scored apron.

“Make for the tower—” Rip’s voice was thin in the helmet coms.

Dane at the controls of the crawler pulled on as Ali cast off the lines which anchored them to the spacer.

Through the bubble helmet he could see the frenzied activity in the aroused port. An ant hill into which some idle investigator had thrust a stick and given it a turn or two was nothing compared with Terraport after the unorthodox arrival of the Solar Queen.

“Patrol mobile coming in on southeast vector,” Ali announced calmly. “Looks like she mounts a portable flamer on her nose—”

“So.” Dane changed direction, putting behind him a customs check point, aware as he ground by that stand, of a line of faces at its vision ports. Evasive action—and he’d have to get the top speed from the clumsy crawler.

“Police ‘copter over us—” that was Rip reporting.

Well, they couldn’t very well avoid that. But at the same time Dane was reasonably sure that its attack would not be an overt one—not with the unarmed, unprotected Hovan prominently displayed in their midst.

But there he was too sanguine. A muffled exclamation from Rip made him glance at the Medic beside him. Just in time to see Hovan slump limply forward, about to tumble from the crawler when Shannon caught him from behind. Dane was too familiar with the results of sleep rays to have any doubts as to what had happened.

The P-copter had sprayed them with its most harmless weapon. Only the suits, insulated to the best of their makers’ ability against most of the dangers of space, real and anticipated, had kept the three Traders from being overcome as well. Dane suspected that his own responses were a trifle sluggish, that while he had not succumbed to that attack, he had been slowed. But with Rip holding the unconscious Medic in his seat, Thorson continued to head the crawler for the tower and its promise of a system wide hearing for their appeal.

“There’s a P-mobile coming in ahead—”

Dane was irritated by that warning from Rip. He had already sighted that black and silver ground car himself. And he was only too keenly conscious of the nasty threat of the snub nosed weapon mounted on its hood, now pointed straight at the oncoming, too deliberate Traders’ crawler. Then he saw what he believed would be their only chance—to play once more the same type of trick as Rip had used to earth them safely.

“Get Hovan under cover,” he ordered. “I’m going to crash the tower door!”

Hasty movements answered that as the Medic’s limp body was thrust under the cover offered by the upper framework of the crawler. Luckily the machine had been built for heavy duty on rugged worlds where roadways were unknown. Dane was sure he could build up the power and speed necessary to take them into the lower floor of the tower—no matter if its door was now barred against them.

Whether his audacity daunted the P-mobile, or whether they held off from an all out attack because of Hovan, Dane could not guess. But he was glad for a few minutes of grace as he raced the protesting engine of the heavy machine to its last and greatest effort. The treads of the crawler bit on the steps leading up to the impressive entrance of the tower. There was a second or two before traction caught and then the driver’s heart snapped back into place as the machine tilted its nose up and headed straight for the portal.

They struck the closed doors with a shock which almost hurled them from their seats. But that engraved bronze expanse had not been cast to withstand a head-on blow from a heavy duty off-world vehicle and the leaves tore apart letting them into the wide hall beyond.

“Take Hovan and make for the riser!” For the second time it was Dane who gave the orders. “I have a blocking job to do here.” He expected every second to feel the bit of a police blaster somewhere along his shrinking body—could even a space suit protect him now?

At the far end of the corridor were the attendants and visitors, trapped in the building, who had fled in an attempt to find safety at the crashing entrance of the crawler. These flung themselves flat at the steady advance of the two space-suited Traders who supported the unconscious Medic between them, using the low-powered anti-grav units on their belts to take most of his weight so each had one hand free to hold a sleep rod. And they did not hesitate to use those weapons—spraying the rightful inhabitants of the tower until all lay unmoving.

Having seen that Ali and Rip appeared to have the situation in hand, Dane turned to his own self-appointed job. He jammed the machine on reverse, maneuvering it with an ease learned by practice on the rough terrain of Limbo, until the gate doors were pushed shut again. Then he swung the machine around so that its bulk would afford an effective bar to keep the door locked for some very precious moments to come. Short of using a flamer full power to cut their way in, no one was going to force an entrance now.

He climbed out of the machine, to discover, when he turned, that the trio from the Queen had disappeared—leaving all possible opposition asleep on the floor. Dane clanked on to join them, carrying in plated fingers their most important weapon to awake public opinion—an improvised cage in which was housed one of the pests from the cargo hold—the proof of their plague-free state which they intended Hovan to present, via the telecast, to the whole system.

Dane reached the shaft of the riser—to find the platform gone. Would either Rip or Ali have presence of mind enough to send it down to him on automatic?

“Rip—return the riser,” he spoke urgently into the throat mike of his helmet com.

“Keep your rockets straight,” Ali’s cool voice was in his earphones, “It’s on its way down. Did you remember to bring Exhibit A?”

Dane did not answer. For he was very much occupied with another problem. On the bronze doors he had been at such pains to seal shut there had come into being a round circle of dull red which was speedily changing into a coruscating incandescence. They had brought a flamer to bear! It would be a very short time now before the Police could come through. That riser—

Afraid of overbalancing in the bulky suit Dane did not lean forward to stare up into the shaft. But, as his uncertainty reached a fever pitch, the platform descended and he took two steps forward into temporary safety, still clutching the cage. At the first try the thick fingers of his gloved hand slipped from the lever and he hit it again, harder than he intended, so that he found himself being wafted upward with a speed which did not agree with a stomach, even one long accustomed to space flight. And he almost lost his balance when it came to a stop many floors above.

But he had not lost his wits. Before he stepped from the platform he set the dial on a point which would lift the riser to the top of the shaft and hold it there. That might trap the Traders on the broadcasting floor, but it would also insure them time before the forces of the law could reach them.

Dane located the rest of his party in the circular core chamber of the broadcasting section. He recognized a backdrop he had seen thousands of times behind the announcer who introduced the news-casts. In one corner Rip, his suit off, was working over the still relaxed form of the Medic. While Ali, a grim set to his mouth, was standing with a man who wore the insignia of a Com-tech.

“All set?” Rip looked up from his futile ministrations.

Dane put down the cage and began the business of unhooking his own protective covering. “They were burning through the outer doors of the entrance hall when I took off.”

“You’re not going to get away with this—” that was the Com-tech.

Ali smiled wearily, a stretch of lips in which there was little or no mirth. “Listen, my friend. Since I started to ride rockets I’ve been told I wasn’t going to get away with this or that. Why not be more original? Use what is between those outsize ears of yours. We fought our way in here—we landed at Terraport against orders—we’re Patrol Posted. Do you think that one man, one lone man, is going to keep us now from doing what we came to do? And don’t look around for any reinforcements. We sprayed both those rooms. You can run the emergency hook-up singlehanded and you’re going to. We’re Free Traders—Ha,” the man had lost some of his assurance as he stared from one drawn young face to another, “I see you begin to realize what that means. Out on the Rim we play rough, and we play for keeps. I know half a hundred ways to set you screaming in three minutes and at least ten of them will not even leave a mark on your skin! Now do we get Service—or don’t we?”

“You’ll go to the Chamber for this—!” snarled the tech.

“All right. But first we broadcast. Then maybe someday a ship that’s run into bad luck’ll have a straighter deal than we’ve had. You get on your post. And we’ll have the play back on—remember that. If you don’t give us a clear channel we’ll know it. How about it, Rip—how’s Hovan?”

Rip’s face was a mask of worry. “He must have had a full dose. I can’t bring him around.”

Was this the end of their bold bid? Let each or all of them go before the screen to plead their case, let them show the caged pest. But without the professional testimony of the Medic, the weight of an expert opinion on their side, they were licked. Well, sometimes luck did not ride a man’s fins all the way in.

But some stubborn core within Dane refused to let him believe that they had lost. He went over to the Medic huddled in a chair. To all appearances Hovan was deeply asleep, sunk in the semi-coma the sleep ray produced. And the frustrating thing was that the man himself could have supplied the counter to his condition, given them the instructions how to bring him around. How many hours away was a natural awaking? Long before that their hold on the station would be broken—they would be in the custody of either Police or Patrol.

“He’s sunk—” Dane voiced the belief which put an end to their hopes. But Ali did not seem concerned.

Kamil was standing with their captive, an odd expression on his handsome face as if he were striving to recall some dim memory. When he spoke it was to the Com-tech. “You have an HD OS here?”

The other registered surprise. “I think so—”

Ali made an abrupt gesture. “Make sure,” he ordered, following the man into another room. Dane looked to Rip for enlightenment.

“What in the Great Nebula is an HD OS?”

“I’m no engineer. It may be some gadget to get us out of here—”

“Such as a pair of wings?” Dane was inclined to be sarcastic. The memory of that incandescent circle on the door some twenty floors below stayed with him. Tempers of Police and Patrol were not going to be improved by fighting their way around or over the obstacles the Traders had arranged to delay them. If they caught up to the outlaws before the latter had their chance for an impartial hearing, the result was not going to be a happy one as far as the Queen’s men were concerned.

Ali appeared in the doorway. “Bring Hovan in here.” Together Rip and Dane carried the Medic into a smaller chamber where they found Ali and the tech busy lashing a small, lightweight tube chair to a machine which, to their untutored eyes, had the semblance of a collection of bars. Obeying instructions they seated Hovan in that chair, fastening him in, while the Medic continued to slumber peacefully. Uncomprehendingly Rip and Dane stepped back while, under Ali’s watchful eye, the Com-tech made adjustments and finally snapped some hidden switch.

Dane discovered that he dared not watch too closely what followed. Inured as he thought he was to the tricks of Hyperspace, to acceleration and anti-gravity, the oscillation of that swinging seat, the weird swaying of the half-recumbent figure, did things to his sight and to his sense of balance which seemed perilous in the extreme. But when the groan broke through the hum of Ali’s mysterious machine, all of them knew that the Engineer-apprentice had found the answer to their problem, that Hovan was waking.

The Medic was bleary-eyed and inclined to stagger when they freed him. And for several minutes he seemed unable to grasp either his surroundings or the train of events which had brought him there.

Long since the Police must have broken into the entrance corridor below. Perhaps they had by now secured a riser which would bring them up. Ali had forced the Com-tech to throw the emergency control which was designed to seal off from the outer world the entire unit in which they now were. But whether that protective device would continue to hold now, none of the three were certain. Time was running out fast.

Supporting the wobbling Hovan, they went back into the panel room and under Ali’s supervision the Com-tech took his place at the control board. Dane put the cage with the pest well to the fore on the table of the announcer and waited for Rip to take his place there with the trembling Medic. When Shannon did not move Dane glanced up in surprise—this was no time to hesitate. But he discovered that the attention of both his shipmates was now centered on him. Rip pointed to the seat.

“You’re the talk merchant, aren’t you?” the acting commander of the Queen asked crisply. “Now’s the time to shout the Lingo—”

They couldn’t mean—! But it was very evident that they did. Of course, a Cargo-master was supposed to be the spokesman of a ship. But that was in matters of trade. And how could he stand there and argue the case for the Queen? He was the newest joined, the greenest member of her crew. Already his mouth was dry and his nerves tense. But Dane didn’t know that none of that was revealed by his face or manner. The usual impassiveness which had masked his inner conflicts since his first days at the Pool served him now. And the others never noted the hesitation with which he approached the announcer’s place.

Dane had scarcely seated himself, one hand resting on the cage of the pest, before Ali brought down two fingers in the sharp sweep which signaled the Com-tech to duty. Far above them there was a whisper of sound which signified the opening of the play-back. They would be able to check on whether the broadcast was going out or not. Although Dane could see nothing of the system wide audience which he currently faced, he realized that the room and those in it were now visible on every tuned-in video set. Instead of the factual cast, the listeners were about to be treated to a melodrama which was as wild as their favorite romances. It only needed the break-in of the Patrol to complete the illusion of action-fiction—crime variety.

A second finger moved in his direction and Dane leaned forward. He faced only the folds of a wall wide curtain, but he must keep in mind that in truth there was a sea of faces before him, the faces of those whom he and Hovan, working together, must convince if he were to save the Queen and her crew.

He found his voice and it was steady and even, he might have been outlining some stowage problem for Van Rycke’s approval.

“People of Terra—”

Martian, Venusian, Asteroid colonist—inwardly they were still all Terran and on that point he would rest. He was a Terran appealing to his own kind.

“People of Terra, we come before you to ask justice—” from somewhere the words came easily, flowing from his lips to center on a patch of light ahead. And that “justice” rang with a kind of reassurance.

Chapter XVII


“To those of you who do not travel the star trails our case may seem puzzling—” the words were coming easily. Dane gathered confidence as he spoke, intent on making those others out there know what it meant to be outlawed.

“We are Patrol Posted, outlawed as a plague ship,” he confessed frankly. “But this is our true story—”

Swiftly, with a flow of language he had not known he could command, Dane swung into the story of Sargol, of the pest they had carried away from that world. And at the proper moment he thrust a gloved hand into the cage and brought out the wriggling thing which struck vainly with its poisoned talons, holding it above the dark table so that those unseen watchers could witness the dramatic change of color which made it such a menace. Dane continued the story of the Queen’s ill-fated voyage—of their forced descent upon the E-Stat.

“Ask the truth of Inter-Solar,” he demanded of the audience beyond those walls. “We were no pirates. They will discover in their records the vouchers we left.” Then Dane described the weird hunt when, led by the Hoobat, they had finally found and isolated the menace, and their landing in the heart of the Big Burn. He followed that with his own quest for medical aid, the kidnapping of Hovan. At that point he turned to the Medic.

“This is Medic Hovan. He has consented to appear in our behalf and to testify to the truth—that the Solar Queen has not been stricken by some unknown plague, but infested with a living organism we now have under control—” For a suspenseful second or two he wondered if Hovan was going to make it. The man looked shaken and sick, as if the drastic awaking they had subjected him to had left him too dazed to pull himself together.

But out of some hidden reservoir of strength the Medic summoned the energy he needed. And his testimony was all they had hoped it would be. Though now and then he strayed into technical terms. But, Dane thought, their use only enhanced the authority of his description of what he had discovered on board the spacer and what he had done to counteract the power of the poison. When he had done Dane added a few last words.

“We have broken the law,” he admitted forthrightly, “but we were fighting in self-defense. All we ask now is the privilege of an impartial investigation, a chance to defend ourselves—such as any of you take for granted on Terra—before the courts of this planet—” But he was not to finish without interruption.

From the play-back over their heads another voice blared, breaking across his last words:

“Surrender! This is the Patrol. Surrender or take the consequences!” And that faint sighing which signaled their open contact with the outer world was cut off. The Com-tech turned away from the control board, a sneering half smile on his face.

“They’ve reached the circuit and cut you off. You’re done!”

Dane stared into the cage where the now almost invisible thing sat humped together. He had done his best—they had all done their best. He felt nothing but a vast fatigue, an overwhelming weariness, not so much of body, but of nerve and spirit too.

Rip broke the silence with a question aimed at the tech. “Can you signal below?”

“Going to give up?” The fellow brightened. “Yes, there’s an inter-com I can cut in.”

Rip stood up. He unbuckled the belt about his waist and laid it on the table—disarming himself. Without words Ali and Dane followed his example. They had played their hand—to prolong the struggle would mean nothing. The acting Captain of the Queen gave a last order:

“Tell them we are coming down unarmed—to surrender.” He paused in front of Hovan. “You’d better stay here. If there’s any trouble—no reason for you to be caught in the middle.”

Hovan nodded as the three left the room. Dane, remembering the trick he had pulled with the riser, made a comment:

“We may be marooned here—”

Ali shrugged. “Then we can just wait and let them collect us.” He yawned, his dark eyes set in smudges. “I don’t care if they’ll just let us sleep the clock around afterwards. D’you really think,” he addressed Rip, “that we’ve done ourselves any good?”

Rip neither denied nor confirmed. “We took our only chance. Now it’s up to them—” He pointed to the wall and the teeming world which lay beyond it.

Ali grinned wryly. “I note you left the what-you-call-it with Hovan.”

“He wanted one to experiment with,” Dane replied. “I thought he’d earned it.”

“And now here comes what we’ve earned—” Rip cut in as the hum of the riser came to their ears.

“Should we take to cover?” Ali’s mobile eyebrows underlined his demand. “The forces of law and order may erupt with blasters blazing.”

But Rip did not move. He faced the riser door squarely and, drawn by something in that stance of his, the other two stepped in on either side so that they fronted the dubious future as a united group. Whatever came now, the Queen’s men would meet it together.

In a way Ali was right. The four men who emerged all had their blasters or riot stun-rifles at ready, and the sights of those weapons were trained at the middles of the Free Traders. As Dane’s empty hands, palm out, went up on a line with his shoulders, he estimated the opposition. Two were in the silver and black of the Patrol, two wore the forest green of the Terrapolice. But they all looked like men with whom it was better not to play games.

And it was clear they were prepared to take no chances with the outlaws. In spite of the passiveness of the Queen’s men, their hands were locked behind them with force bars about their wrists. When a quick search revealed that the three were unarmed, they were herded onto the riser by two of their captors, while the other pair remained behind, presumably to uncover any damage they had done to the Tower installations.

The police did not speak except for a few terse words among themselves and a barked order to march, delivered to the prisoners. Very shortly they were in the entrance hall facing the wreckage of the crawler and doors through which a ragged gap had been burned. Ali viewed the scene with his usual detachment.

“Nice job,” he commended Dane’s enterprise. “They’ll have a moving—”

“Get going!” A heavy hand between his shoulder blades urged him on.

The Engineer-apprentice whirled, his eyes blazing. “Keep your hands to yourself! We aren’t mine fodder yet. I think that the little matter of a trial comes first—”

“You’re Posted,” the Patrolman was openly contemptuous.

Dane was chilled. For the first time that aspect of their predicament really registered. Posted outlaws might, within reason, be shot on sight without further recourse to the law. If that label stuck on the crew of the Queen, they had practically no chance at all. And when he saw that Ali was no longer inclined to retort, he knew that fact had dawned upon Kamil also. It would all depend upon how big an impression their broadcast had made. If public opinion veered to their side—then they could defend themselves legally. Otherwise the moon mines might be the best sentence they dare hope for.

They were pushed out into the brilliant sunlight. There stood the Queen, her meteor scarred side reflecting the light of her native sun. And ringed around her at a safe distance was what seemed to be a small mechanized army corps. The authorities were making very sure that no more rebels would burst from her interior.

Dane thought that they would be loaded into a mobile or ‘copter and taken away. But instead they were marched down, through the ranks of portable flamers, scramblers, and other equipment, to an open space where anyone on duty at the visa-screen within the control cabin of the spacer could see them. An officer of the Patrol, the sun making an eye-blinding flash of his lightning sword breast badge, stood behind a loud speaker. When he perceived that the three prisoners were present, he picked up a hand mike and spoke into it—his voice so being relayed over the field as clearly as it must be reaching Weeks inside the sealed freighter.

“You have five minutes to open hatch. Your men have been taken. Five minutes to open hatch and surrender.”

Ali chuckled. “And how does he think he’s going to enforce that?” he inquired of the air and incidentally of the guards now forming a square about the three. “He’ll need more than a flamer to unlatch the old girl if she doesn’t care for his offer.”

Privately Dane agreed with that. He hoped that Weeks would decide to hold out—at least until they had a better idea of what the future would be. No tool or weapon he saw in the assembly about them was forceful enough to penetrate the shell of the Queen. And there were sufficient supplies on board to keep Weeks and his charges going for at least a week. Since Tau had shown signs of coming out of his coma, it might even be that the crew of the ship would arouse to their own defense in that time. It all depended upon Weeks’ present decision.

No hatch yawned in the ship’s sleek sides. She might have been an inert derelict for all response to that demand. Dane’s confidence began to rise. Weeks had picked up the challenge, he would continue to baffle police and Patrol.

Just how long that stalemate would have lasted they were not to know for another player came on the board. Through the lines of besiegers Hovan, escorted by the Patrolmen, made his way up to the officer at the mike station. There was something in his air which suggested that he was about to give battle. And the conversation at the mike was relayed across the field, a fact of which they were not at once aware.

“There are sick men in there—” Hovan’s voice boomed out. “I demand the right to return to duty—”

“If and when they surrender they shall all be accorded necessary aid,” that was the officer. But he made no impression on the Medic from the frontier. Dane, by chance, had chosen better support than he had guessed.

“Pro Bono Publico—” Hovan invoked the battle cry of his own Service. “For the Public Good—”

“A plague ship—” the officer was beginning. Hovan waved that aside impatiently.

“Nonsense!” His voice scaled up across the field. “There is no plague aboard. I am willing to certify that before the Council. And if you refuse these men medical attention—which they need—I shall cite the case all the way to my Board!”

Dane drew a deep breath. That was taking off on their orbit! Not being one of the Queen’s crew, in fact having good reason to be angry over his treatment at their hands, Hovan’s present attitude would or should carry weight.

The Patrol officer who was not yet ready to concede all points had an answer: “If you are able to get on board—go.”

Hovan snatched the mike from the astonished officer. “Weeks!” His voice was imperative. “I’m coming aboard—alone!”

All eyes were on the ship and for a short period it would seem that Weeks did not trust the Medic. Then, high in her needle nose, one of the escape ports, not intended for use except in dire emergency opened and allowed a plastic link ladder to fall link by link.

Out of the corner of his eye Dane caught a flash of movement to his left. Manacled as he was he threw himself on the policeman who was aiming a stun rifle into the port. His shoulder struck the fellow waist high and his weight carried them both with a bruising crash to the concrete pavement as Rip shouted and hands clutched roughly at the now helpless Cargo-apprentice.

He was pulled to his feet, tasting the flat sweetness of blood where a flailing blow from the surprised and frightened policeman had cut his lip against his teeth. He spat red and glowered at the ring of angry men.

“Why don’t you kick him?” Ali inquired, a vast and blistering contempt sawtoothing his voice. “He’s got his hands cuffed so he’s fair game—”

“What’s going on here?” An officer broke through the ring. The policeman, on his feet once more, snatched up the rifle Dane’s attack had knocked out of his hold.

“Your boy here,” Ali was ready with an answer, “tried to find a target inside the hatch. Is this the usual way you conduct a truce, sir?”

He was answered by a glare and the rifleman was abruptly ordered to the rear. Dane, his head clearing, looked at the Queen. Hovan was climbing the ladder—he was within arm’s length of that half open hatch. The very fact that the Medic had managed to make his point stick was, in a faint way, encouraging. But the three were not allowed to enjoy that small victory for long. They were marched from the field, loaded into a mobile and taken to the city several miles away. It was the Patrol who held them in custody—not the Terrapolice. Dane was not sure whether that was to be reckoned favorable or not. As a Free Trader he had a grudging respect for the organization he had seen in action on Limbo.

Sometime later they found themselves, freed of the force bars, alone in a room which, bare walled as it was, did have a bench on which all three sank thankfully. Dane caught the warning gesture from Ali—they were under unseen observation and they must have a listening audience too—located somewhere in the maze of offices.

“They can’t make up their minds,” the Engineer-apprentice settled his shoulders against the wall. “Either we’re desperate criminals, or we’re heroes. They’re going to let time decide.”

“If we’re heroes,” Dane asked a little querulously, “what are we doing locked up here? I’d like a few earth-side comforts—beginning with a full meal—”

“No thumb printing, no psycho testing,” Rip mused. “Yes, they haven’t put us through the system yet.”

“And we decidedly aren’t the forgotten men. Wipe your face, child,” Ali said to Dane, “you’re still dribbling.”

The Cargo-apprentice smeared his hand across his chin and brought it away red and sticky. Luckily his teeth remained intact.

“We need Hovan to read them more law,” observed Kamil. “You should have medical attention.”

Dane dabbed at his mouth. He didn’t need all that solicitude, but he guessed that Ali was talking for the benefit of those who now kept them under surveillance.

“Speaking of Hovan—I wonder what became of that pest he was supposed to have under control. He didn’t bring the cage with him when he came out of the Tower, did he?” asked Rip.

“If it gets loose in that building,” Dane decided to give the powers who held them in custody something to think about, “they’ll have trouble. Practically invisible and poisonous. And maybe it can reproduce its kind, too. We don’t know anything about it—”

Ali laughed. “Such fun and games! Imagine a hundred of the dear creatures flitting in and out of the broadcasting section. And Captain Jellico has the only Hoobat on Terra! He can name his own terms for rounding up the plague. The whole place will be filled with sleepers before they’re through—”

Would that scrap of information send some Patrolmen hurtling off to the Tower in search of the caged creature? The thought of such an expedition was, in a small way, comforting to the captives.

An hour or so later they were fed, noiselessly and without visible attendants, when three trays slid through a slit in the wall at floor level. Rip’s nose wrinkled.

“Now I get the vector! We’re plague-ridden—keep aloof and watch to see if we break out in purple spots!”

Ali was lifting thermo lids from the containers and now he suddenly arose and bowed in the direction of the blank wall. “Many, many thanks,” he intoned. “Nothing but the best—a sub-commander’s rations at least! We shall deliver top star rating to this thoughtfulness when we are questioned by the powers that shine.”

It was good food. Dane ate cautiously because of his torn lip, but the whole adventure took on a more rose-colored hue. The lapse of time before they were put through the usual procedure followed with criminals, this excellent dinner—it was all promising. The Patrol could not yet be sure how they were to be handled.

“They’ve fed us,” Ali observed as he clanged the last dish back on a tray. “Now you’d think they’d bed us. I could do with several days—and nights—of bunk time right about now.”

But that hint was not taken up and they continued to sit on the bench as time limped by. According to Dane’s watch it must be night now, though the steady light in the windowless room did not vary. What had Hovan discovered in the Queen? Had he been able to rouse any of the crew? And was the spacer still inviolate, or had the Terrapolice and the Patrol managed to take her over?

He was so very tired, his eyes felt as if hot sand had been poured beneath the lids, his body ached. And at last he nodded into naps from which he awoke with jerks of the neck. Rip was frankly asleep, his shoulders and head resting against the wall, while Ali lounged with closed eyes. Though the Cargo-apprentice was sure that Kamil was more alert than his comrades, as if he waited for something he thought was soon to occur.

Dane dreamed. Once more he trod the reef rising out of Sargol’s shallow sea. But he held no weapon and beneath the surface of the water a gorp lurked. When he reached the break in the water-washed rock just ahead, the spidery horror would strike and against its attack he was defenseless. Yet he must march on for he had no control over his own actions!

“Wake up!” Ali’s hand was on his shoulder, shaking him back and forth with something close to gentleness. “Must you give an imitation of a space-whirly moonbat?”

“The gorp—” Dane came back to the present and flushed. He dreaded admitting to a nightmare—especially to Ali whose poise he had always found disconcerting.

“No gorps here. Nothing but—”

Kamil’s words were lost in the escape of metal against metal as a panel slide back in the wall. But no guard wearing the black and silver of the Patrol stepped through to summon them to trial. Van Rycke stood in the opening, half smiling at them with his customary sleepy benevolence.

“Well, well, and here’s our missing ones,” his purring voice was the most beautiful sound Dane thought he had ever heard.

Chapter XVIII


“—and so we landed here, sir,” Rip concluded his report in the matter-of-fact tone he might have used in describing a perfectly ordinary voyage, say between Terraport and Luna City, a run of no incident and dull cargo carrying.

The crew of the Solar Queen, save for Tau, were assembled in a room somewhere in the vastness of Patrol Headquarters. Since the room seemed a comfortable conference chamber, Dane thought that their status must now be on a higher level than that of Patrol Posted outlaws. But he was also sure that if they attempted to walk out of the building that effort would not be successful.

Van Rycke sat stolidly in his chosen seat, fingers of both hands laced across his substantial middle. He had sat as impassively as the Captain while Rip had outlined their adventures since they had all been stricken. Though the other listeners had betrayed interest in the story, the senior officers made no comments. Now Jellico turned to his Cargo-master.

“How about it, Van?”

“What’s done is done—”

Dane’s elation vanished as if ripped away by a Sargolian storm wind. The Cargo-master didn’t approve. So there must have been another way to achieve their ends—one the younger members of the crew had been too inexperienced or too dense to see—

“If we blasted off today we might just make cargo contract.”

Dane started. That was it! The point they had lost sight of during their struggles to get aid. There was no possible chance of upping the ship today—probably not for days to come—or ever, if the case went against them. So they had broken contract—and the Board would be down on them for that. Dane shivered inside. He could try to fight back against the Patrol—there had always been a slight feeling of rivalry between the Free Traders and the space police. But you couldn’t buck the Board—and keep your license and so have a means of staying in space. A broken contract could cut one off from the stars forever. Captain Jellico looked very bleak at that reminder.

“The Eysies will be all ready to step in. I’d like to know why they were so sure we had the plague on board—”

Van Rycke snorted. “I can supply you five answers to that—for one they may have known the affinity of those creatures for the wood, and it would be easy to predict as a result of our taking a load on board—or again they may have deliberately planted the things on us through the Salariki—But we can’t ever prove it. It remains that they are going to get for themselves the Sargolian contract unless—” He stopped short, staring straight ahead of him at the wall between Rip and Dane. And his assistant knew that Van was exploring a fresh idea. Van’s ideas were never to be despised and Jellico did not now disturb the Cargo-master with questions.

It was Rip who spoke next and directly to the Captain. “Do you know what they plan to do about us, sir?”

Captain Jellico grunted and there was a sardonic twist to his mouth as he replied, “It’s my opinion that they’re now busy adding up the list of crimes you four have committed—maybe they had to turn the big HG computer loose on the problem. The tally isn’t in yet. We gave them our automat flight record and that ought to give them more food for thought.”

Dane speculated as to what the experts would make of the mechanical record of the Queen’s past few weeks—the section dealing with their landing in the Big Burn ought to be a little surprising. Van Rycke got to his feet and marched to the door of the conference room. It was opened from without so quickly Dane was sure that they had been under constant surveillance.

“Trade business,” snapped the Cargo-master, “contract deal. Take me to a sealed com booth!”

Contracts might not be as sacred to the protective Service as they were to Trade, but Trade had its powers and since Van Rycke, an innocent bystander of the Queen’s troubles, could not legally be charged with any crime, he was escorted out of the room. But the door panel was sealed behind him, shutting in the rest with the unspoken warning that they were not free agents. Jellico leaned back in his chair and stretched. Long years of close friendship had taught him that his Cargo-master was to be trusted with not only the actual trading and cargo tending, but could also think them out of some of the tangles which could not be solved by his own direct action methods. Direct action had been applied to their present problem—now the rest was up to Van, and he was willing to delegate all responsibility.

But they were not left long to themselves. The door opened once more to admit star rank Patrolmen. None of the Free Traders arose. As members of another Service they considered themselves equals. And it was their private boast that the interests of Galactic civilization, as represented by the black and silver, often followed, not preceded the brown tunics into new quarters of the universe.

However, Rip, Ali, Dane, and Weeks answered as fully as they could the flood of questions which engulfed them. They explained in detail their visit to the E-Stat, the landing in the Big Burn, the kidnapping of Hovan. Dane’s stubborn feeling of being in the right grew in opposition to the questioning. Under the same set of circumstances how would that Commander—that Wing Officer—that Senior Scout—now all seated there—have acted? And every time they inferred that his part in the affair had been illegal he stiffened.

Sure, there had to be law and order out on the Rim—and doubly sure it had to cover and protect life on the softer planets of the inner systems. He wasn’t denying that on Limbo, he, for one, had been very glad to see the Patrol blast their way into the headquarters of the pirates holed up on that half-dead world. And he was never contemptuous of the men in the field. But like all Free Traders he was influenced by a belief that too often the laws as enforced by the Patrol favored the wealth and might of the Companies, that law could be twisted and the Patrol sent to push through actions which, though legal, were inherently unfair to those who had not the funds to fight it out in the far off Council courts. Just as now he was certain that the Eysies were bringing all the influence they had to bear here against the Queen’s men. And Inter-Solar had a lot of influence.

At the end of their ordeal their statements were read back to them from the recording tape and they thumb signed them. Were these statements or confessions, Dane mused. Perhaps in their honest reports they had just signed their way into the moon mines. Only there was no move to lead them out and book them. And when Weeks pressed his thumb at the bottom of the tape, Captain Jellico took a hand. He looked at his watch.

“It is now ten hours,” he observed. “My men need rest, and we all want food. Are you through with us?”

The Commander was spokesman for the other group. “You are to remain in quarantine, Captain. Your ship has not yet been passed as port-free. But you will be assigned quarters—”

Once again they were marched through blank halls to the other section of the sprawling Patrol Headquarters. No windows looked upon the outer world, but there were bunks and a small mess alcove. Ali, Dane, and Rip turned in, more interested in sleep than food. And the last thing the Cargo-apprentice remembered was seeing Jellico talking earnestly with Steen Wilcox as they both sipped steaming mugs of real Terran coffee.

But with twelve hours of sleep behind them the three were less contented in confinement. No one had come near them and Van Rycke had not returned. Which fact the crew clung to as a ray of hope. Somewhere the Cargo-master must be fighting their battle. And all Van’s vast store of Trade knowledge, all his knack of cutting corners and driving a shrewd bargain, enlisted on their behalf, must win them some concessions.

Medic Tau came in, bringing Hovan with him. Both looked tired but triumphant. And their report was a shot in the arm for the now uneasy Traders.

“We’ve rammed it down their throats,” Tau announced. “They’re willing to admit that it was those poison bugs and not a plague. Incidentally,” he grinned at Jellico and then looked around expectantly, “where’s Van? This comes in his department. We’re going to cash in on those the kids dumped in the deep freeze. Terra-Lab is bidding on them. I said to see Van—he can arrange the best deal for us. Where is he?”

“Gone to see about our contract,” Jellico reported. “What’s the news about our status now?”

“Well, they’ve got to wipe out the plague ship listing. Also—we’re big news. There’re about twenty video men rocketing around out in the offices trying to get in and have us do some spot broadcasts. Seems that the children here,” he jerked his thumb at the three apprentices, “started something. An inter-solar invasion couldn’t be bigger news! Human interest by the tankful. I’ve been on Video twice and they’re trying to sign up Hovan almost steady—”

The Medic from the frontier nodded. “Wanted me to appear on a three week schedule,” he chuckled. “I was asked to come in on ‘Our Heroes of the Starlines’ and two Quiz programs. As for you, you young criminal,” he swung to Dane, “you’re going to be fair game for about three networks. It seems you transmit well,” he uttered the last as if it were an accusation and Dane squirmed. “Anyway you did something with your crazy stunt. And, Captain, three men want to buy your Hoobat. I gather they are planning a showing of how it captures those pests. So be prepared—”

Dane tried to visualize a scene in which he shared top billing with Queex and shuddered. All he wanted now was to get free of Terra for a nice, quiet, uncomplicated world where problems could be settled with a sleep rod or a blaster and the Video screen was unknown.

Having heard of what awaited them without, the men of the Queen were more content to be incarcerated in the quarantine section. But as time wore on and the Cargo-master did not return, their anxieties awoke. They were fairly sure by now that any penalty the Patrol or the Terrapolice would impose would not be too drastic. But a broken contract was another and more serious affair—a matter which might ground them more effectively than any rule of the law enforcement bodies. And Jellico took to pacing the room, while Tang and Wilcox who had started a game of four dimensional chess made countless errors of move, and Stotz glared moodily at the wall, apparently too sunk in his own gloomy thoughts to rise from the mess table in the alcove.

Though time had ceased to have much meaning for them except as an irritating reminder of the now sure failure of their Sargolian venture, they marked the hours into a second full day of detention before Van Rycke finally put in appearance. The Cargo-master was plainly tired, but he showed no signs of discomposure. In fact as he came in he was humming what he fondly imagined was a popular tune.

Jellico asked no questions, he merely regarded his trusted officer with a quizzically raised eyebrow. But the others drew around. It was so apparent that Van Rycke was pleased with himself. Which could only mean that in some fantastic way he had managed to bring their venture down in a full fin landing, that somehow he had argued the Queen out of danger into a position where he could control the situation.

He halted just within the doorway and eyed Dane, Ali, and Rip with mock severity. “You’re baaaad boys,” he told them with a shake of the head and a drawl of the adjective. “You’ve been demoted ten files each on the list.”

Which must put him on the bottom rung once more, Dane calculated swiftly. Or even below—though he didn’t see how he could fall beneath the rank he held at assignment. However, he found the news heartening instead of discouraging. Compared to a bleak sentence at the moon mines such demotion was absolutely nothing and he knew that Van Rycke was breaking the worst news first.

“You also forfeit all pay for this voyage,” the Cargo-master was continuing. But Jellico broke in.

“Board fine?”

At the Cargo-master’s nod, Jellico added. “Ship pays that.”

“So I told them,” Van Rycke agreed. “The Queen’s warned off Terra for ten solar years—”

They could take that, too. Other Free Traders got back to their home ports perhaps once in a quarter century. It was so much less than they had expected that the sentence was greeted with a concentrated sigh of relief.

“No earth-side leave—”

All right—no leave. They were not, after their late experiences so entranced with Terraport that they wanted to linger in its environs any longer than they had to.

“We lose the Sargol contract—”

That did hurt. But they had resigned themselves to it since the hour when they had realized that they could not make it back to the perfumed planet.

“To Inter-Solar?” Wilcox asked the important question.

Van Rycke was smiling broadly, as if the loss he had just announced was in some way a gain. “No—to Combine!”

“Combine?” the Captain echoed and his puzzlement was duplicated around the circle. How did Inter-Solar’s principal rival come into it?

“We’ve made a deal with Combine,” Van Rycke informed them. “I wasn’t going to let I-S cash in on our loss. So I went to Vickers at Combine and told him the situation. He understands that we were in solid with the Salariki and that the Eysies are not. And a chance to point a blaster at I-S’s tail is just what he has been waiting for. The shipment will go out to the storm priests tomorrow on a light cruiser—it’ll make it on time.”

Yes, a light cruiser, one of the fast ships maintained by the big Companies, could make the transition to Sargol with a slight margin to spare. Stotz nodded his approval at this practical solution.

“I’m going with it—” That did jerk them all up short. For Van Rycke to leave the Queen—that was as unthinkable as if Captain Jellico had suddenly announced that he was about to retire and become a kelp farmer. “Just for the one trip,” the Cargo-master hastened to assure them. “I smooth their vector with the storm priests and hand over so the Eysies will be frozen out—”

Captain Jellico interrupted at that point. “D’you mean that Combine is buying us out—not just taking over? What kind of a deal—”

But Van Rycke, his smile a brilliant stretch across his plump face, was nodding in agreement. “They’re taking over our contract and our place with the Salariki.”

“In return for what?” Steen Wilcox asked for them all.

“For twenty-five thousand credits and a mail run between Xecho and Trewsworld—frontier planets. They’re far enough from Terra to get around the exile ruling. The Patrol will escort us out and see that we get down to work like good little space men. We’ll have two years of a nice, quiet run on regular pay. Then, when all the powers that shine have forgotten about us, we can cut in on the trade routes again.”

“And the pay?” “First or second class mail?” “When do we start?”

“Standard pay on the completion of each run—Board rates,” he made replies in order. “First, second and third class mail—anything that bears the government seal and out in those quarters it is apt to be anything! And you start as soon as you can get to Xecho and relieve the Combine scout which has been holding down the run.”

“While you go to Sargol—” commented Jellico.

“While I make one voyage to Sargol. You can spare me,” he dropped one of his big hands on Dane’s shoulder and gave the flesh beneath it a quick squeeze. “Seeing as how our juniors helped pull us out of this last mix-up we can trust them about an inch farther than we did before. Anyway—Cargo-master on a mail run is more or less a thumb-twiddling job at the best. And you can trust Thorson on stowage—that’s one thing he does know.” Which dubious ending left Dane wondering as to whether he had been complimented or warned. “I’ll be on board again before you know it—the Combine will ship me out to Trewsworld on your second trip across and I’ll join ship there. For once we won’t have to worry for awhile. Nothing can happen on a mail run.” He shook his head at the three youngest members of the crew. “You’re in for a very dull time—and it will serve you right. Give you a chance to learn your jobs so that when you come up for reassignment you can pick up some of those files you were just demoted. Now,” he started briskly for the door, “I’ll tranship to the Combine cruiser. I take it that you don’t want to meet the Video people?”

At their hasty agreement to that, he laughed. “Well, the Patrol doesn’t want the Video spouting about ‘high-handed official news suppression’ so about an hour or so from now you’ll be let out the back way. They put the Queen in a cradle and a field scooter will take you to her. You’ll find her serviced for a take-off to Luna City. You can refit there for deep space. Frankly the sooner you get off-world the happier all ranks are going to be—both here and on the Board. It will be better for us to walk softly for a while and let them forget that the Solar Queen and her crazy crew exists. Separately and together you’ve managed to break—or at least bend—half the laws in the books and they’d like to have us out of their minds.”

Captain Jellico stood up. “They aren’t any more anxious to see us go than we are to get out of here. You’ve pulled it off for us again, Van, and we’re lucky to get out of it this easy—”

Van Rycke rolled his eyes ceilingward. “You’ll never know how lucky! Be glad Combine hates the space I-S blasts through. We were able to use that to our advantage. Get the big fellows at each others’ throats and they’ll stop annoying us—simple proposition but it works. Anyway we’re set in blessed and peaceful obscurity now. Thank the Spirit of Free Space there’s practically no trouble one can get into on a safe and sane mail route!”

But Cargo-master Van Rycke, in spite of knowing the Solar Queen and the temper of her crew, was exceedingly over-optimistic when he made that emphatic statement.

The End.

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Advanced studies on the MWI and how world-lines and consciousness work together.

This article goes into a much more involved study of how consciousness interacts with world-lines in the MWI.

In so doing, we have to deconstruct some of the simpler conventions that we have used in the past, and layout a better foundation of how the MWI actually interacts with the consciousness.

In earlier posts, I have gone into details on how the MWI actually manifests in our reality. In those presentations, I intentionally simplified things for easy understanding.

It's sort of like how you teach a person to swim by holding them and letting them kick their legs in the water. You use "supports". These supports aren't really the "real thing", but they help you along the road to eventually master the real thing.

In this post, we will assume that you the reader have mastered a basic understanding of those previous points.

  • Consciousness moves in and out of world-lines.
  • This movement appears as “time”.
  • Our thoughts direct which world-lines that we enter.


In this article, we will now elaborate upon the world-line construction. We will look at what it actually is and how it actually works. Not everyone needs to know or understand this. But for those that do, this will help obtain a better understanding of it.

What time actually is and how we naturally move through the various world-lines.
This is an illustration of what time actually is. Time does not exist. It is a perception that our consciousness has as it moves and weaves in and out of different world-lines. Here we use an old-fashioned movie reel projector to help illustrate this understanding.

It will appear really strange, but I do hope that I can help add some insight into everything.

Now, this article is for advanced students and are advanced studies.

Most of the people who have already mastered World-Line-Travel 101, you won’t need to read this. For the handful of people that understand world-line-travel-101, you don’t really need to understand much more than that.

But for those of you that need more, then here it is.

Of course, it’s long due. But all this COVID-19 nonsense has pretty much hijacked my postings and articles.

Quick Review

The universe is nothing like people think it is.

Instead of all of us sharing the same physical universe, we exist as consciousness within our very own personal reality. It only appears that we share it with others.

There is a near infinite number of these realities. They are known as individual world-lines.

We travel through these different world-lines at a rate of around 4 Hz. The selection of the world-line we exist within momentarily is manifested by our thoughts. This is a rather speedy switching in and out of world-lines.

Roughly, our consciousness pops in and out of four different world-lines every second.

Each world-line is nearly identical to the one before it.

The differences are determined by your thoughts, conscious and unconscious.

If you want to review what all this is about, I would suggest you check out these following posts first:

The Landscape of the MWI

So please keep in mind that while everything posted previously is quite accurate, it is actually simplified for understanding.

Now, we get into a deeper perception of how things actually work. And in the process better understand all that PSI and “twilight zone” stuff that appears from time-to-time.

Once you understand these new elements of consciousness fundamentals and world-line interaction, you can understand how people are able to do many "tricks" with PSI, and other strange things...

Clarification #1 – Consciousness cycles in and out of world-lines in a sinusoidal manner.

This should be obvious to the astute reader, but it needs to be stated.

The consciousness moves in and out of world-lines naturally. It moves in a sinusoidal manner. It moves in and out. In and out. Over and over.

The rate of travel varies from person to person, but typically averages around 4 Hz.

Standard sinusoidal waveform.
Standard sinusoidal waveform.

During this time it changes “shape properties”. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

At “the top” of the cycle it takes on wave behavior.

At the “bottom” of the cycle, it takes on particle behavior.

Consciousness movement in and out of different world-lines.
Consciousness movement in and out of different world-lines.

When it takes on wave behavior it moves from one world-line to another directed by thought. It exists “in the spirit world”.

Movement of consciousness.
Movement of consciousness.

When it takes on particle behavior, it occupies a world-line and inhabits a physical body.

Our consciousness cycles in and out of different world-lines. Between each trip it exists within "heaven".
Our consciousness cycles in and out of different world-lines. Between each trip it exists within “heaven”.

With this understood, we can define the amount of time that the transition from world-line to world-line takes, as well as the duration a consciousness spends inside each world-line.

If there are 4 cycles per second, then, each trip back and forth from the "Heavenly realms" to a world-line is 1/4 a second. 

And thus, (roughly) each moment at a given world-line is half of that. Or, 1/8 of a second.

Some “take aways”;

  • Humans, via our consciousness, is continuously in touch with the “Heavenly realms”. Every moment we touch heaven, and enter our latest world-line.
  • When in the wave form, we can perform all sorts of activities and have all sorts of “abilities” not tied to any world-line. There are no physical limitations. Humans spend approximately 50% of their time “connected” to the “Heavenly realms”.
  • For us to maintain (retain) our memories from world-line to world-line, the memories are deposited outside the brain. It exists within the “Heavenly realms” not within the physical brain.

Key Correction #1 – Consciousness moves about the MWI when attached to a human body.

In my previous simplifications, I have referred to, and drawn the consciousness as a red blob; a point of light. I have stated that “Soul” can generate multiple Consciousnesses that it places on “journeys”. These “Journeys for experience” is a life-experience for a soul.

Simplified diagram of how consciousness moves in and out of the MWI and gives us the illusion of time.
Simplified diagram of how consciousness moves in and out of the MWI and gives us the illusion of time. This is what one second of life looks like for the average person. He / she enters and leaves four different world lines each second. This “movement” appears as time.

The Consciousness normally travels in and out of world-lines all a person’s life.

Once a consciousness uses up a body as it travels in and out of world-lines, it dies. The consciousness stays in the wave-form and “rests” within the “Heavenly realms”.

A decision is thus made by the soul, the consciousness, and their associations with other spirits, angels, and heavenly denizens on what to do next.

Often, it involves being injected on another “journey” in another life. This is often referred to as reincarnation.

This graphic shows how the the "passage of time" is viewed in the big-scale of things. MWI movement occurs during a human "lifespan". You can only experience world-line travel within a given life. (There's exceptions to this, but let's stay focused.)
This graphic shows how the the “passage of time” is viewed in the big-scale of things. MWI movement occurs during a human “lifespan”. You can only experience world-line travel within a given life. (There’s exceptions to this, but let’s stay focused.)

Key Correction #2 – Consciousness is not a point-source.

Consciousness is actually quite complex and complicated.

It is not a blob, a dot, a “something”.

It’s a collection of “stuff” that operates in such a way that the soul, the consciousness, the MWI and the thoughts generate memories and navigate the life-path to create experiences that the soul can learn from.

Soul creates a “consciousness” that it uses to travel the MWI.

It inserts it into a given world-line, and allows it to move unencumbered and subject to it’s own thoughts. Each world-line is a “physical reality” that the consciousness occupies.

The consciousness is connected to the soul by a device. This device is known as consciousness.
The soul, which resides in the “Heavenly realms” creates a consciousness from which to experience things and events. Thus learns and grows. Consciousness is the passageway or “tunnel” that connects the physical reality to the soul.

Now, in all of this, I drew consciousness (literately, and artistically) as a point. I drew it as a red circular blob. Like in the two earlier drawings.

As in the above drawing showing the consciousness as a red blob in front of a long tunnel to the soul.

Movement of consciousness into a world-line as depicted as a point source.
Movement of consciousness into a world-line as depicted as a point source.

However, the true reality is a bit different.

Get ready to have your mind blown.

The consciousness actually occupies multiple World-line-realities at any given moment simultaneously. It is actually not a “red blob”. It’s a lot of “red blobs”. Each one occupying a different world-line… simultaneously.

It is a “shared potential”. Some of the consciousness occupies one world-line at any given moment, while other aspects of it’s consciousness occupies other world-lines.

Sort of like this…

Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as "our" present world-line.
Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as “our” present world-line. It appears to be but one singular world-line, but it is actually a aggregate composite of all the world-lines that our consciousness occupies at any given moment. 1 / (30/4+40/4+20/4+10/4) = Momentary reality.

Then, they move on to the next group of world lines. Then again. Then again. Then again. Over and over.

It’s not a red blob moving in and out.

Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as "our" present world-line.
Consciousness occupies multiple world-lines at any given moment. The sum total of what our consciousness experiences is what we view as “our” present world-line. They all change in the same cycle as governed by the consciousness.

Instead, consciousness occupies numerous world-lines at any given moment. Each world-line is different, but similar. The Consciousness interprets the differences as a singular world-line.

Key Correction #2 – World-Lines are not point-sources either.

We have a tendency to think of a “world” as a fixed and solid place. And the way that I have described the movement of time, has been the consciousness moving in and out from these fixed world-line realities.

A "world-line" is the resultant combined perception of a moment "frozen in time" that combines multiple world-lines into a singular apparent place. 

What we think a world-line is is not a fixed singular place.

It is the sum total average of all the experiences that a conscientiousness is exposed to at any singular moment in time.

By fracturing a consciousness and occupying many similar world-lines simultaneously, the resultant consciousness would end up with a richer "experience". It can also help to direct the travel and migrate to "better" world-lines per it's directives.
By fracturing a consciousness and occupying many similar world-lines simultaneously, the resultant consciousness would end up with a richer “experience”. It can also help to direct the travel and migrate to “better” world-lines per it’s directives.

It is the exact opposite of “living within an echo chamber“. It enables the consciousness to experience different experiences instead of simply reinforcing existing ones that the consciousness has been accustomed to over the years.

Key Correction #3 – World-Lines are not entirely empty of other consciousnesses.

To best understand how you can move in and out of multiple world-lines, it makes sense to think of things simply. Your consciousness is a point or sphere. The world-lines are empty and only occupied by “shadow consciousnesses”. But that’s really a simplistic picture.

It’s a simple narrative.

Imagine that you are only consciousness. And that you can move in and out of different world-lines freely. They seem to be occupied by all kinds of other people, but that is just an illusion. Most world-lines are just empty. And all those other people are just “quantum shadows” of others.

Now, this simplistic narrative needs to be revised to reflect the reality.

Instead of 100% of a consciousness entering a world-line where all the “quantum shadows” only have 0% occupancy within that reality…

…we now look at the reality…

Your consciousness might devote (say) 23% occupation within a given world-line, and all those “quantum-shadows” are actually occupied by other consciousnesses. Only they are a much smaller percentage. Often varying from 0.0002% to 0.1%.

Thus, in truth, all world-lines are not truly empty. They are occupied to some extent. And all of the other consciousnesses react to the way your consciousness behaves within any given particular world line.


And this, boys and girls, is the more advanced understanding of how the universe actually works. It’s simple, but complex.

It’s “rich” and “colorful”.

It also helps to understand how PSI and other psychic behaviors manifest within our reality.

And no, you are not going to find this anywhere else on the internet or in the halls of the universities. But this is what I have been tasked to understand (or at least part of it, anyways) as part of my MAJestic role.

I have much more, but it starts to really get complicated.

In it, I explain how the physical materials can be manipulated by thought and how one can travel through “apparent time”, and all sorts of curious other things. But, I am not ready to release all these other things out to the public at this time. It’s not the time.

I do not want to anger the PTB (Powers That Be) at this time.
I do not want to anger the PTB (Powers That Be) at this time.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. If you want to see more along these lines, please go to my MAJestic Index, here…


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How You are Controlled by the Government. They Control you by your Social Media Feeds.

We like to think that we are independent thinkers. We like to believe that we really know what is going on in the world. We know that the American government controls the press, and that the rich oligarchy controls the Big Government Deep State. And we think of everyone else that believes them as “sheeple”.

But perhaps, the government controls ALL of the media, both the left-wing and the right-wing.

And that perhaps you are being led to believe that you are thinking independently, when you are actually just following the programmed narrative that the PTB (the Powers That Be) desire.

I see this in the narratives that are almost always easy to categorize by political affiliation. It's become simplistic and frightening.

Here we discuss this mechanism.

The following is an article titled:”Social Media Is A Polarization Machine” by FMPadmin6120 written on December 31, 2019. It is edited to fit this venue, but aside from that left intact. All credit to the author; Paul Rosenberg at .

Social Media Is A Polarization Machine

Sure, we’ve all seen this in practice and people have developed catchy terms for it, like echo chamber, but the polarization effect of social media has been demonstrated scientifically. In fact, some of us were warning about it more than a decade ago. And while I can no longer find my original documentation on the subject, I can tell you precisely how it works.

The One-Room Phenomenon

What researchers discovered about twenty years ago was that putting people of the same opinion into a single room had a striking effect: The opinion in the room moved, inevitably, to the extreme. And this effect was the same no matter what the original opinion may have been.

So, then:

  • If you put a bunch of right-wingers in a room, the shared opinion in the room will become stridently right-wing.
  • If you put a bunch of left-wingers in a room, the shared opinion in the room will become stridently left-wing.
  • If you put a bunch of save-the-planet advocates in a room, their opinion will become all the more adamantly save-the-planet.
  • If you put in a bunch of the-planet-is-just-fine advocates, their opinion will become all the more adamantly the-planet-is-just-fine.

This happens because of human insecurity and status-seeking: Anyone taking a contrary opinion (advocating “right-wing” economics in the left-wing room, for example) is instantly branded as a traitor and suffers heavy shaming within the group.

Gaining social status in the closed room, however, is simple and obvious: You just adopt a stronger, more polarized, version of the original opinion.

Because of this, the opinion in a closed group becomes more and more severe. That is, it becomes increasingly polarized.

Yeah, They Know

Like I said at the open, if you’ve observed people at all, you’ve seen them polarized by Facebook. They climb into their groups, block discordant voices, and end up in a (partly) self-created echo chamber.

I say “partly” self-created because Facebook knows all too well what they’re doing. They want people who are emotionally tied to their groups. It’s called addiction, and it’s what makes Facebook rich.

Being polarized also makes people cold and cruel. Anyone who’s on the other side of what their group thinks is not just wrong, but evil. And whoever fails to agree with them is their opponent… an object of disgust.  

In that condition, people will advocate all sorts of stupid and even abominable positions, assured that the members of their group will support them tooth and nail. It’s now common, after all, for such groups to lump ten million people together and slap a negative verdict on them all. If you’re the wrong skin color, or too old, or too young, or a dozen other things, you’re “privileged,” or “don’t get it,” or something else. That is, you are declared evil. After that, whoever hurts you is a hero.

This serves Facebook, you understand. Once your opinions are polarized, you are dependent on your group and you’ll be unable to leave.

This addiction is also crucial for political causes. Facebook provides hard believers: addicts with claims to righteousness. And that means that politicians need Facebook, and deeply. Politicians get ahead by making their opponents into monsters, after all, and social media may be the best tool ever for creating polar opposites. (Or at least the illusion thereof.)

The Awakening Has Begun

Little by little, people are waking up to the evils of group dynamics and the devolutionary effects they generate.

Twitter, in my opinion, is  the least bad of the centralized social media platforms, and will  hopefully be decentralizing at some point. They have, at least, a team  working on that.

There are decentralized social media experiments coming along, and I hope they succeed, but the closed group problem will remain, even if it isn’t stoked to the limit by political and financial mercenaries((I was ready to write “whores,” rather than “mercenaries,” but I can’t equate sex workers, even metaphorically, with willful and purposeful abusers of mankind.)).

Thoughtful, observant and intelligent people are noticing that social media makes humans hateful, as well as lonely, insecure and miserable. I hope that knowledge spreads. I further hope that people will realize the past ten years of their life have been polluted by social media.

No, there’s nothing wrong with talking to friends and sharing ideas, but Facebook and other social media companies have weaponized this. They are intentionally abusing human instincts.

So, don’t get angry and hateful in response; just stop rewarding them. People who addict and polarize you are precisely the wrong ones to empower.

Social media is a polarization machine. Separating from it would be a very good idea.


If you’d like to learn more, see:

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. You can find more in my Happiness and Life index here…

Life & Happiness

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Why Can’t We Party Like It’s 1905?

We have gotten so used to the way that things are, we painstakingly believe that they have always been this way. We think that taxes, regulation and dual-working families are the norm. They are not. They are progressive inventions. The life we live today is the utopia that President Wilson forged back in 1913.

Here, we take a look at what life was like before the progressive improvements in American Society.

Detroit’s Belle Isle back in 1905. Source: Coleman Family
Detroit’s Belle Isle back in 1905. Source: Coleman Family

The following article is titled: “Why Can’t We Party Like It’s 1905?” written by Paul Rosenberg on . Edited to fit this venue, but otherwise left intact. All credit to the author.

Why Can’t We Party Like It’s 1905?

by FMPadmin6120 on March 13, 2020

Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, circa 1905. "Lawn tennis courts, Pocono Mountain House." 8x10 inch glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, circa 1905. “Lawn tennis courts, Pocono Mountain House.” 8×10 inch glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

When writing historical things, I try to include perspective from people who actually lived through the events. And for money issues in the US, I’m able to do that back to about 1905.

So, do you think life was nasty, brutish, and short in 1905? That there were poor and starving people falling dead on every street corner?


1905. "Lackawanna Railway station, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
1905. “Lackawanna Railway station, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

The Wright brothers were flying for 30 minutes at a crack; Einstein was upgrading the laws of physics; telephones and electric lights were being installed all across America; Henry Ford was getting the final pieces in place for his moving assembly line and Model T; radio was being developed; art was flourishing; and the world was more or less at peace.

American homes in 1905.
American homes in 1905.

Sure, we have far more tech and better medicine now, but mostly because the people of earlier times (like the 1905 era) gifted it to us.

People in 1905 lived in heated homes, refrigerated their food, had access to professional physicians, traveled the world (mostly on trains and ships), read daily newspapers (there were many more of them in those days), watched movies, and ate just about the same foods we eat.

Chicago circa 1906. "Lake Shore Drive, Jackson Park." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
Chicago circa 1906. “Lake Shore Drive, Jackson Park.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

So, was it really that bad a time?

No, it wasn’t. In fact, it was better in important ways.

Money Issues in the US: The Facts Don’t Lie

Consider this:

The working person of 1905 kept his or her money. They ended up saving somewhere between a quarter and a half of everything they made – after living expenses.
Portland, Maine, circa 1905. "Congress Square Hotel, Congress Street and Forest Avenue." 8x10 inch glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
Portland, Maine, circa 1905. “Congress Square Hotel, Congress Street and Forest Avenue.” 8×10 inch glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

It’s hard to be completely precise when reconstructing the budgets of average people in 1905 (records are hard to find), but we do have enough for a good, close guess.

Here’s how finance worked for a working family man of 1905:

Annual income:           $700.00
Annual expenses:      ($350.00)
Annual savings:           $350.00

Life in the center of a medium sized town in 1905.
Life in the center of a medium sized town in 1905.

If you’re thinking that I’m taking liberties with these numbers, let me assure you that I’m not – I’m being conservative. For example:

  • The income figure should probably be higher. I’ve found figures of well over $800 for construction workers.
  • As for expenses, I rounded up from a New York Times article, dated 29 September, 1907. It specified $325 per year.
  • Added to that is the fact that many people grew their own food during that time, which would skew the figures further.
  • As noted initially, I compared these numbers with stories I heard from relatives who lived through the time. My uncle Dave, for example, used to tell me how he got a job paying $390 per year sweeping floors as an unskilled immigrant (who spoke almost no English) in 1903.
New York, 1904. "A flower vender's Easter display, Union Square." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.
New York, 1904. “A flower vender’s Easter display, Union Square.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.

The next time you drive through an old part of town and see the grand old houses, remember that people were able to build and buy them because their paychecks weren’t stripped bare.

There were no income taxes in 1905, no sales taxes, no state taxes, and not much in the way of property taxes.

Circa 1905. "Saranac Lake central station, Adirondacks, N.Y." With a locomotive of the Delaware & Hudson Railway. 8x10 inch glass negative
Circa 1905. “Saranac Lake central station, Adirondacks, N.Y.” With a locomotive of the Delaware & Hudson Railway. 8×10 inch glass negative

There was also no such thing as a military-industrial complex in those days, and – miracle of miracles – the rest of the world survived!

And Now…

Today, the situation is much, much different. The average working family pays about half their income in combined taxes: income taxes (to the state and the Feds), payroll taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, utility bill taxes, sales tax, local taxes, and on and on.

Philadelphia circa 1904. "City Hall clock tower from South Broad Street." 8x10 inch glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.
Philadelphia circa 1904. “City Hall clock tower from South Broad Street.” 8×10 inch glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.

So, figuring an average income of just over $50,000 (the 2011 figure). And combined taxes of about $25,000, the average American family is left to pay bills like these:

Mortgage                     11,000
Car payments              6,000
Gas, repairs, etc.         2,500
Property taxes             2,500
Food                              3,000
Total                          $25,000

That leaves people zeroed-out. And again, I’m being conservative, and I haven’t included a number of smaller expenses.

The Mississippi River circa 1905. "Union Depot and steamboat landing at foot of Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minnesota." Starring the sidewheeler Hiawatha. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.
The Mississippi River circa 1905. “Union Depot and steamboat landing at foot of Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minnesota.” Starring the sidewheeler Hiawatha. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.

Great Grandpa Did It, So Why Not Us?

Your great grandfathers faced very few of the taxes that we face. (The government survived on tariffs.) There was no social security either, and – believe it or not – the streets were never full of starving old people. Families were able to take care of their own – it’s not that hard when you’re saving half of your income!

Circa 1905. "St. John Street, Quebec." Rue Saint-Jean at Côte du Palais in Quebec City, home to the drugstores of P. Mathie and J.E. Livernois. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.
Circa 1905. “St. John Street, Quebec.” Rue Saint-Jean at Côte du Palais in Quebec City, home to the drugstores of P. Mathie and J.E. Livernois. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.

We have forgotten that it was once possible for an average person to accumulate money. The truth is that productive people should be comfortable. Well-off, as they used to say.

So, why can’t we party like it’s 1905?

New York circa 1903. "Looking up Broadway from City Hall." With a view of the National Shoe & Leather Bank, and a roving vendor of DESKS.
New York circa 1903. “Looking up Broadway from City Hall.” With a view of the National Shoe & Leather Bank, and a roving vendor of DESKS.

So, why can’t we party like it’s 1905?

So why NOT?

You might want to think about that question.

May 1910. "Noon hour at Obear-Nestor Glass Co., East St. Louis, Illinois. Names of the smallest boys are: Walter Kohler, 981 N. 18th Street; Walter Riley, 918 N. 17th Street; Will Convery, 1828 Natalie Avenue; Clifford Matheny, 1927 Summit Avenue. All employed at the glassworks." Photo by Lewis Hine.
May 1910. “Noon hour at Obear-Nestor Glass Co., East St. Louis, Illinois. Names of the smallest boys are: Walter Kohler, 981 N. 18th Street; Walter Riley, 918 N. 17th Street; Will Convery, 1828 Natalie Avenue; Clifford Matheny, 1927 Summit Avenue. All employed at the glassworks.” Photo by Lewis Hine.

Paul Rosenberg

Thank you for reading this masterfully written piece. If you loved the photos, you can check out a ton-load of them on SHORPY. You can go to SHORPY HERE.

Circa 1907. "Northampton, Massachusetts -- Elm Street." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
Circa 1907. “Northampton, Massachusetts — Elm Street.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.


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How to protect yourself from COVID-19, what to do, and why.

You will find all sorts of information on the internet. This is especially true about the COVID-19 coronavirus. Contemporaneously, the advice in America has gone from [1] “not to worry, the flu is far worse”, to [2] “wash your hands, but you don’t need to wear a mask”, to [3] “stay indoors as much as possible”. Great Dejesus, people! Is that the best advice the enormous American government (and by extension, their media) can give? Ok, well, here’s what to do and why. It’s straight up and no bull shit.

The following is a reprint of an article titled: COVID-19: Why America May Be Hit Hard for 3-4 Months & What To Do, written by Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD . All credit to the author.

COVID-19: Why America May Be Hit Hard for 3-4 Months & What To Do

March 13 · updated March 16, 6:34 pm ET · now includes US cases by time, infected people without symptoms spreading the virus, and predictions based on 5 other countries.

Coronavirus cases in the United States by time.
Coronavirus cases in the United States by time.

It’s here. COVID-19 hit China, Europe, and is grinding America to a halt. On March 13, President Trump declared a national emergency. Still, as a PhD in Public Health who specialized in epidemiology, I’m worried. Here’s why:


  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pneumonia in both lungs
  • Death (in severe cases)

You are more at risk if:

  • You’re male
  • Over 65
  • You have a compromised immune system (Health Canada)
  • You have a condition (heart or respiratory disease, diabetes, hypertention, or cancer)

Symptoms can take up to 14 days to appear. You can transmit the virus even if you have no symptoms (Bai et al. 2020), and possibly 1-2 weeks after symptoms (Woelfel et al. 2020, preprint data).

In Massachussets, a cluster of 82 people have been infected by people with no symptoms.

A comparison of the top infected nations in the world today.
A comparison of the top infected nations in the world today.

“It is a failing, let’s admit it.”

This is Dr. Anthony Fauci from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, at a congressional hearing.

“The idea of anybody getting [tested] easily, the  way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that.”

Americans are not getting tested. 

As of March 12, The Atlantic estimates that about 8,000 people have been tested in the US. Compare that to 29,700 in the UK and 210,000 in South Korea, and you can see why the number of confirmed cases in the US is suspiciously low.


People tested for COVID-19 by country.
People tested for COVID-19 by country.

In fact, in many states, testing rules are so strict that doctors may not notice a community outbreak until it’s too late.

“It has probably bought us a few hours, maybe a day or two”

When people don’t interact with each other, the virus doesn’t spread. You can see it in the following chart: Chinese regions (except Hubei) contained the outbreak with lock-downs, whereas South Korea, Italy, and Iran reacted late and saw it spread.

Coronavirus Cases.
Coronavirus Cases.


Taiwan (right next to China) acted early.

They got only 50 cases out of 23 million people by isolating them (Want et al. 2020).

So the travel ban makes sense.

But with so many untested and undetected cases, it’s probably coming in too late. See the lines curving up for South Korea, Italy, and Iran? I’m afraid this is what’s coming for the US. But it may not be too late to flatten the curve.

Flatten the curve

You can slow down the outbreak by keeping your distance. In Italy, the town of Lodi had the first case, and locked down on Feb 23. Bergamo waited until March 8.

See the difference:

A comparison of two Italian cities and what happened when they waited to lock-down the community.
A comparison of two Italian cities and what happened when they waited to lock-down the community.

(Beam Dowd et al. 2020, preprint data)

How many people will die?

An initial report on Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Guan et al. 2020) found 1.4% of patients died.

As of March 14, worldwide, 3.7% of the 145,902 people infected suffered the same fate.

But rates vary by country.

Italy, where more seniors are infected, has a rate of 7.2%.

For now, the US is at 2.1%.

But with 27.5 million people (9% of the population) without any form of health insurance, it could rise. Why?

“They may be particularly at risk for the coronavirus”

People without insurance often wait until their conditions become serious before seeking medical help, so they could infect many others (CNN, 2020).

In an interview with Berkeley News, Stephen Shortell, PhD, Dean Emeritus of the School of Public Health, explains:

"Financial access to care is simply not a problem in most other developed countries, like Italy and South Korea."

But in the US, without health insurance, the situation could be worse.

"Those  without insurance tend to be lower income, have less than high school  education, work in low wage jobs, live in areas that have more pollution  and fewer health resources, and generally are in poorer health. Thus,  they may be particularly susceptible/vulnerable/at risk for the  coronavirus."

Sick Leave

Lack of paid sick leave is another problem.

“Many people will go to work sick, causing the virus to spread more widely.”

-Dean Baker, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research

Here’s Stephen Shortell, PhD, on the uninsured again:

"Those  who are employed are more likely to go to work even when they are ill,  because the low wage jobs typically do not have good sick leave  policies, and people need the income."

That’s why I’m afraid the US may be hit the hardest, and become the next epicenter of the pandemic. So what actions can you take to slow down the outbreak?

“As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million dying”

That’s a scary number. But it comes from the CDC.

According to models shared with about 50 expert teams, 160-214 million people in the US could be infected, with as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million dying if no actions were taken to slow transmission.

Total cases in the USA and 5 other countries.
Total cases in the USA and 5 other countries.

Other countries suggest outbreak will last 3-4 months

Total cases in Italy, UK, and Iran have been going up for 1 month (see above). South Korea, with great measures in place, has just stabilised after 1 month. The US, arguably, has bad measures in place. So I estimate 1-2 months of total cases going up.

Next, people infected start to recover, or die (1-7%). But new people get infected, so the curve becomes flat. The curve was stable for 1-2 weeks in South Korea and China, with good measures in place.

Then most people have been exposed. You either got it, didn’t get it, got sick and recovered, or you’re dead. So cases go down. Active cases in China have been going down for 1 month. But people are still dying, and have another 2-3 weeks to go.

Based on the above, I predict 3-4 months total. Still, it’s not too late to slow down the outbreak, and avoid overburdening hospitals. What can you do?

Stay home

The best way to stop the outbreak is to stay home. It worked in China (see lockdowns above). In fact, according to the World Health Organization, even if you have mild respiratory symptoms, you should stay home. Here are more tips from the Organization:

To recap:

  • Wash your hands often (e.g. when you get home, before you eat, after using the restroom)
  • Wash your hands at least 20 seconds (with soap or a rub with at least 60% alcohol)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow when you cough
  • Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing
  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

If you can, stay home. Tell your parents and friends to stay home. Especially those aged 65 and up (or with compromised immune systems or a medical condition), as the virus is more deadly to them. Be safe!

A note to athletes

I work with athletes. If you train, you should watch out for:

  • Overtraining. This is when you train vigorously, yet performance deteriorates (Lakier Smith, 2003). You risk supressing your immune system, putting you at risk for upper respiratory tract infections (MacKinnon, 2000).
  • Cutting weight. Hagmar et al. (2008) found that athletes striving for leanness reported being ill more often in the last 3 months. Tsai et al. (2011) found that taekwondo athletes who trained hard and cut weight before a national competition had suppressed mucosal immunity and more upper respiratory tract infections.

Concerned? It might be a good idea to ease off. What to do instead? Sleep, if you’re like the 1 in 3 Americans who don’t get enough sleep (CDC, 2016). Lack of sleep creates low-grade inflammation and weakens your immune system (Besedovsky et al. 2012).

How long should you sleep? At least 7 hours a night (CDC, 2016).

Tell your US friends

Will 200,000 to 1.7 million Americans die, as the CDC experts projected? Not if we act in a big way.

“There is a lot of room for improvement if we act appropriately”,  

- Lauren Gardner, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins  Whiting School of Engineering. 

So please share this article with your US friends. They need to understand and stay home. Act now, and we can avoid the worst.

About the Author

Dr. Carl Juneau holds a PhD in Public Health, with a specialization in epidemiology. He usually writes about exercise as the founder and CEO of Dr. Muscle. Email · Facebook · LinkedIn

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Was the COVID-19 Coronavirus already present in the United States in August 2019, and simply misdiagnosed?

I have no clear answers. Just many questions.

CDC director Redfield admits there were unreported Covid "events" in US, in which case predated outbreak in China. 

-The Hill

Functionally, the COVID-19 viral form is American. Not Asian. America has five viral archetypes, China has one. If it is natural, it must come from that regional archetype. And the COVID-19 archetype is one of the five American types. It’s not the Asian archetype.

It cannot naturally arise in Asia.

(Which is of course the argument that the Chinese stole bio-weapon technology from America.) 

Only thing is, though, why would the Chinese want to subject their own people to a lethal virus…

You need to be a tin-foil-hat-wearing-Alt-Right- conspiracy-nut to follow the sort of twisted logic that is being bantered about to fit that narrative. Most of the Chinese I know are hyper-patriotic and are tickled pink proud of their nation, their people and their struggles.

So what’s going on?

Is the COVID-19 an American bio-weapon used by Trump in his latest incarnations of Chinese rise suppression…

…or, is it something else entirely.

This post considers the idea that it might have rose naturally, or at least, semi-naturally, from the Americas.

The Argument

Could this COVID-19 virus been in the Americas for most of 2019? Could it been floating around, getting people sick and killing people? Could it be misdiagnosed as other things?

As other things…

The e-vaping “crisis” of August 2019.

Perhaps all those vaping lung problems attributed to e-cigarettes back in August 2019 were really due to COVID-19. Funny thing. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.

Dominican Republic – Mysterious Deaths.

Do you remember what had happened to the more than a few American tourists who suddenly collapsed and mysteriously died in the Dominican Republic? Funny thing. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.

Remember they thought the tourists were being poisoned.

They had respiratory failure and their lungs were filled with fluid!

See the following article about the mysterious American deaths in the Dominican Republic:

Not to worry though, the American tourists died officially of “natural causes”.

Misdiagnosed as the flu

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season is really bad this year, with almost a 100,000 people reporting symptoms in the U.S. and upwards of 30 flu-related deaths. 

- Here's why flu season is so bad this year 

Prior to the news out of Wuhan, America was rocked with “an unusually bad flu season”. Now it seems that this “flu” was actually COVID-19. Funny thing, the “flu symptoms” this year were a little different. Everyone has a low dry cough, a fever, and then their lungs filled up with fluid.


This COVID-19 is a terrible virus. Whether it is a bio-weapon or not, whether it originated in America, China or some other place does not matter. What really matters is that we fully understand what we are dealing with.

Instead of point fingers, let’s just look at what was going on over the world leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak in China.

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What were they thinking? How progressives shredded the Constitution 100 years ago.

This is an interesting article that I personal believe has merit. It is, of course, about the United States and some historical events that resulted into the cluster-fuck that America is today. It describes the “improvements” by the radical “enlightened” progressives that changed America into an oligarchy.

Good going assholes.

Well, the United States Empire is on the decline and the people on the decks of the sinking ship are all scurrying here and there trying to make sense of things, and figuring out how to survive the tumult. It’s horrific.

This article kind of winds the clock back a spell. We look at what events caused the great ship to sink. (Um. Many.) Now I have covered this subject in numerous other posts, but here we have another person that wants to throw his “two cents” into the fray.

It’s a good read.

(I am getting tired of the COVID-19 posts, lately.)

The following is titled; A Century-Long Mistake and written on October 13, 2019 by M. Noonan. All credit to the author.

A Century-Long Mistake

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how things are and how we got here – and I think I’ve identified the date when we went off course: September 14th, 1901.

The day William McKinley died, a few days after being shot.

Take a look at this last address, made shortly before he was shot – do read the whole thing.

But the bit that stands out for me is how he talks at length about the growing inter-dependence of the world…

… while also asserting that our fair trade relations must never be done at the expense of our home production.

Get it?

We must trade, but we must never harm ourselves in the pursuit of the almighty dollar.

This is the sort of speech we got when the President and Congress were trying to serve the interests of the American people…

… and they were doing what they did out in the open, debating it in public, and working strictly within the Constitutional confines of our government.

President McKinley

People don’t think much of McKinley and even someone as versed in history as I am only have a slight bit of knowledge about him…

… from a prosperous Ohio family; Civil War service, law, politics and the rise to the top.

He is portrayed as unimaginative; plodding.

He is entirely overshadowed by the man who succeeded him, Theodore Roosevelt, who is always cast in heroic terms…

…taking over and reinvigorating the American government.

But I think we can see now, at long remove, that having a vigorous American government isn’t an unalloyed benefit.

With a slight hiccup under Coolidge in the 1920’s, since McKinley we’ve seen the atrophy of Congressional power; an increasingly Imperial Presidency and the massive expansion of government control…

… and, over the long term, the imposition of policies which are overtly destructive of the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt came in and had his famous assertion that if the law doesn’t specifically prohibit a President from doing a thing, then the thing can be done.

It was a gigantic shift.

It started the process of having our system being that of a government with strictly enumerated powers to having a government doing whatever it can get away with.

Wilson and FDR just put that attitude on steroids…

… so much so that even a limited government man like Reagan still blithely exercised powers that Presidents up to McKinley would never dreamed of exercising.

But a government without limits is a government which not only can do anything…

… it will do anything…

… and as it will still be a government run by human beings, it will almost certainly end up doing whatever those with the most influence demand.

And therein lies our problem.


Realize that today – right now – there are people, right and left, who are demanding that Trump essentially go to war with Turkey because they think it wrong that the Turks are going after the Kurds.

Maybe the Turks are wrong.

But if the Turks are wrong, then it isn’t for the American President to decide if we fight them…

…or, at least, it isn’t supposed to be the President who decides if we fight…

… it is supposed to be Congress.

Our Congress, which will debate a declaration of war and then vote on it…and if approved, we go to war.

But, we’re so far down this road that most don’t even see that – they are so used, that is, to the government just doing things that they are demanding it just do something in Syria.

And do something about climate change.

And do something about trans people.

And do something about illegal immigrants.

And so on and on and on.

A big mess.

And think about what we’ve got: a gigantic system of treaties, alliances, agreements, laws, regulations and such which authorize this, that or the other thing and none of it is fully known, hardly any of it was really debated…

…and it is all in the service of doing something…

… nobody really knows what…

… but if we don’t keep things just as they are, disaster will result.

Or, so we’re told.

President Trump

I asserted some while back that President Trump is the most law-abiding President we’ve had since Coolidge: and I’m sure I’m right about that.

I do not say the most morally excellent President – first off, I can’t peer into souls and so I’m unable to judge the status of President Trump’s; secondly, because it is irrelevant to whether or not the President obeys the law.

And Trump obeys the law.

The proof of that is that after years of relentlessly being investigated (often by entirely illegal means) they still haven’t found a crime they can hang around his neck.

Hardly anyone could survive that scrutiny…

…but, Trump has.

And if you look at what he says and does, he’s always acting within the law and asking Congress to codify things into law. He isn’t President Pen and Phone.

I don’t know if this lawfulness is the result of deep thought on the part of the President or mere instinct – but regardless, Trump has hit upon the first requirement of liberty: adherence to law.

That we can only do, via government, what the law says we can do – no more, no less and if you don’t like it, change the law via lawful means.

A Nation of Laws

It is my view that a Republic must strictly enforce its laws – and because of this, the laws must be [1] few and [2] easy to understand…

… and the government must not attempt to manage the lives of the people…

… because doing so requires a multiplicity of laws…

… each of which will merely increase government power along with the ability to abuse that power.

We cannot, willy nilly, go back to 1901…

… but we must go back to it as much as we can, and the first step is to start enforcing all the laws.

The laws against illegal entry. The laws against government malfeasance. So on and so forth: it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad laws: if they are on the books, they must be strictly enforced.

And it is the strict enforcement of bad laws which will ensure their repeal or modification…

… keeping in mind that a host of laws are on the books which routinely trip up regular folks…

… and they are kept intact because they aren’t allowed to trip up the Ruling Class…

…start having people like Hillary going to jail like a poor swabby who took a wrong picture…

… and all of a sudden our Rulers will be less interested in keeping laws like that on the books.


The next part of a restoration should be, in my view, a disentangling of the United States from the world.

We can be an Empire or a Republic: We can’t be both.

NATO has to go.

The UN has to go.

Free Trade has to go – I am going to write up about what McKinley was talking up: Trade Reciprocity, which I think that Trump is on about. I want us to trade with the world – but only in ways that are mutually beneficial.

Bring our boys and girls back home.

Maintain a second-to-none military force in being. Advise the world that an attack upon the United States is a suicidal act – and then destroy the first nation which tests us on it. If we have alliances, they are to be temporary and serving a particular national goal.

No more CIA.

No more NSA.

No more FBI. Relations with tyrannical States to be kept to a minimum (tyranny and liberty cannot really coexist).

It is time – past time – that we gave up the goals of those who don’t have our interests at heart.

This is our country – it is made by us and for us.

It is not a world police, nor a dumping ground for the world’s refuse. It is a place where free people debate among themselves and decide via law what course to follow.

It is time, that is, for America to be America.


If laws are being selectively enforced, then America functionally has no laws. Instead it operates lawlessly outside the confines of its charter.

America became this “whatever it is” over the years. And it all pretty much began a hundred years ago.

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What China and Chinese people have to say about the origin of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

The horrible yank track record when included, tips this into deliberate bio weapon deployment territory. 

-Mike T

Translated from Chinese.

You don’t think that the Chinese people read CNN, MSNBC, and FOX news do you? They don’t. To them, the nonsense spouted out of the American media outlets are something from the “Outer Limits”. They have their own media, their own chat rooms, and their own theories.

Now that the COVID-19 is spreading and mutating all over the world, the idea that it was a Frankenstein-bio-weapon-virus to suppress China is taking hold within China. For the Chinese have a “front row seat” in all of this. And…

They are not stupid.

The current Covid-19 panic was caused by seven weeks of daily anti-China  propaganda as the international media abused the crisis to bash Chinese  officials, citizens and their culture. H1N1 originated in the U.S.  which utterly failed to contain it. It was therefore not propagandized. 


America is still holding on to the China-is-incompetent narrative…

 The science surrounding these apparent reinfections is further complicated by China’s handling of the outbreak, which since January has been marred by faulty testing procedures and questionable case counting methods with shifting definitions. In addition, the overburdened healthcare system has put pressure on doctors to discharge people who may not have fully recovered to free up beds for newly infected patients.

 China has been praised in recent weeks by the World Health  Organization for containing the virus. But the Communist Party’s early  moves to suppress public knowledge on the extent of infections prompt  concerns over the accuracy of information about recovered patients who  retest positive but may have been misdiagnosed in the first place.  

-LA Times

And that the virus isn’t as bad as the flu…

So, you don’t need to freak out, and you do not need to wear a mask…

You do not need to wear a face mask to protect yourself from this airborne virus.
You do not need to wear a face mask to protect yourself from this airborne virus.

But that’s gonna change…

Pretty soon you will see the Hard-Line Conservatives in the USA start to blame China for the virus. Already they are calling it the “Wuhan Flu“… intentionally to generate bad will against China.

But not to worry, the American media has this covered and is in lock-step on this narrative…

Well, what isn’t reported in the American Press is that the Chinese government has identified [1] who made the virus and [2] how it took hold so rapidly within China. And…


…they place the blame wholly on the United States.

Scientific analysis revealed by Larry Romanoff  suggests that the virus was “Made in America”:
“it appears that the virus did not originate in China  and, according to reports in Japanese and other media, may have  originated in the US.  …

In February, the Japanese Asahi news report (print and TV) claimed the coronavirus originated in the US, not in China, and  that some (or many) of the 14,000 American deaths attributed to  influenza may have in fact have resulted from the coronavirus. 

This is another article, a Chinese one, that discusses this turn of events. It’s a long read. I mean… Looooooong. But it will give you an idea of what CHINA and the Chinese people think of all this.

As you read it, please keep in your mind that the Chinese people are NOT the cardboard-cut-out black-and-white cartoon that the American Alt-Right media portrays them as. They are hyper-patriotic, smart, and industrious.

Hyper-patriotic. Keep that in mind.

This is a reprint of a Chinese article titled “*Theory* Coronavirus is biological warfare to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war”, written on March 10, 2020 by Liberty Cat. The original Source (PDF with Chinese translation). (This blog post archived.)

Aside from editing the post to fit this venue, and adding much sorely needed punctuation, little has been changed. My impression is this singular article is but a collection of similar articles all strung together into a singular format for Western audiences. All credit to the authors, who ever they might be.

*Theory* Coronavirus is biological warfare intended to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war

This is the biggest and most important issue of our time…

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China, by the American CIA.

It was done so as a biological weapon meant to…

  • Decouple the US-China economies;
  • To separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world.
  • To facilitate the closing of borders;
  • The severing of supply chains;
  • The intention of rerouting trade to bypass China.
  • All with the purpose of weakening China from within.
  • While causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord.
  • But also as a prelude to a US-initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea.

The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony.

Including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising  Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan. As well as China’s Belt  and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia

All the while intending to fully collapse the Chinese government…

  • To cut off China from global trade and international commerce
  • To force a regime change of China’s government.
  • After, of course, defeating China in a devastating physical war.

I believe and have compelling circumstantial reason to believe that the American CIA injected and planted the so-called “Wuhan virus” into Wuhan, China.

I believe that they did so in or around the dates of October 31st 2019 to December 31st 2019.

That it was done maliciously and methodically with the intent to harm China, and the Chinese people. As well as with potential to destabilize and perhaps even with the motive to collapse China from within.

Some Videos

Geopolitics of the South China Sea


China’s trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade

The People’s Republic of The Future

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison

America to Isolate China

The US wants to re-route global supply chain around China.

They want to bypass China and isolate China on the world stage as opposed to what the Chinese want.

  • The Chinese want to use Huawei-enabled digital-blockchain Yuan, and cashless WeChat, etc to topple the US Petrodollar hegemony.
  • The Chinese want also to use the Chinese the (One Belt One Road) BRI / OBOR relationships and bi-lateral trade/infrastructure agreements.

By the world accepting thus system and trade agreements, the world would adopt the use of the digital Yuan, and in order to have the world bypass the SWIFT system…

Since US has abused its dollar status and weaponized it for unlawful sanctions.

… and to bypass the US dollar as the default global reserve currency etc.

Why Now?

It was a race against time to see whom would pull the rug from underneath the other countries feet first.

The US, unable to compete fairly due to its structural disadvantages and its many other shortcomings, decided to go the biological attack route…

… which allows it to hide under the cover of “plausible deniability”…

Since it  is more difficult to conclusively prove the attribution or source of a  new mysterious virus than it would be to track the trajectory of an  incoming thermonuclear missile etc.

… to inflict maximum damage to China while minimizing the potential blow-back.

A plausible deniability meme.
A plausible deniability meme.

How it began…

Right after the signing of the so-called “Trade Deal” in which the US didn’t get what it wanted…

(The US did not get the sort of Plaza Accord  concessions that it was hoping to get out of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and thought that China would kowtow to  the US.) 

…and immediately into the start of the new decade…

(Marking  the turn of the second decade in what the PNAC would called the “New  American Century” in which it proposed using genetic viral targeting to  accomplish political motives) 

…the US resorted to biological attacks in order to contain, isolate and attempt to cripple China/CCP internally and on the world stage at large.

After its NED/CIA sponsored Hong Kong destablization / radicialization didn’t spill over into the rest of mainland China…

… and right after its intense year long anti-China anti-Huawei campaigns have peaked in effectiveness…

… the US releases the evil demon virus into the heart of mainland China, at the absolutely worst possible location…

(Wuhan being one of the Chinese main Central  hubs in terms of transportation and an important city for China’s Belt  and Road initiatives and estimated to have as high as 8% growth in GDP  in 2020)

… and in also the absolute worst possible timing…

(Right before  the Chinese Lunar New year, otherwise known as the greatest annual human  migration event, during a time in which shopping, spending and  consumerism activity would have been at a peak.)

… in order to cripple China economically…

… to cut China off from the rest of the world…

…. and force China to isolate its own cities from within…

…, and to have the effect of smearing China’s reputation on the world stage…

…while invoking the escalation of fear, racism and bigotry towards the Chinese people abroad.

Earlier bio-weapons events

All this comes right on top of the heels of the event last fall, African swine fever (ASF)…

… which had never before seen in China but now mysteriously appeared with the onset of the US trade war…

… decimated half of China’s pigs, which doubled pork prices and contributed to inflation causing pricy US pork exports to double in China.

The odds for two such consequent anomalies, timing and location are exceedingly low.

Yet both did occur – in almost perfect sequence.

Particularly devastating is the very real possibility that this virus was intentionally engineered to have as long an incubation period as possible, and with the ability to hide within plain sight…

… by being asymptomatic during its initial stages…

… hence making it orders of magnitude more difficult to eradicate.

Just recently, as recent as Feb 1st 2020, there has been yet a third mysterious outbreak in China, this time of the bird flu kind that is far more deadly to humans and wiping out Chinese chicken and poultry at the most dire of times.

Designed to kill the Chinese Advance

Indeed the coronavirus victims so far, both inside and outside of China, are only people with Chinese type of blood, Haplogroup O-M175, designed to attack that type of blood and specifically Chinese people.

Dr. Steven Hatfill Biological Weapons Expert says the Wuhan virus it will have to play it out and “run its course” not only in Wuhan but the greater mainland China.

The host of “War Room: Pandemic” Mr. Steve Bannon (Trump’s chief campaign advisor and trusted sidekick) predicted this will crush China economically, and that its the end of the XI/BRI/OBOR…

… and will give US the chance to re-route trade of all countries to go-around and bypass China…

… bringing the global supply chain back to US and its allies…

… whilst isolating China economically, politically, etc.

They are selling this to the American people and pitching it to the world as this evil Chinese Belt and Road connectivity is what is allowing this virus to spread so quickly to the rest of the world…

… and that it would behoove mankind and all nations to reconsider the security and stability of their own supply chains…

… and basically urging everyone to pull their companies, people, trade, businesses etc out of China.

This is not unlike what Wilber Ross US Commerce Secretary already stated a few days ago… that this virus is good for America and will help bring lots of jobs back to the USA… seems like the goal is to use this event to pull the rug underneath China’s development feets.

It’s a coincidence…

I suppose it could be a coincidence that China, the geopolitical adversary and economic enemy to the United States (according to the US itself)…

… suddenly gets this mysterious virus seemingly far more potent than SARS…

(which itself apparently only targeted Chinese ethnic DNA and  left the white/Caucasian population untouched)

…at the worst possible timing and in the worst possible location.

Wuhan being Chinese’s central hub and this being the Chinese Lunar New Year, it has the highest ability to spread and go “super viral”…

… whilst impacting the max amount of damage to the stability of the China…

… both in terms of having the max potential to cause political turmoil in the homeland

(Ruining people’s  new year, quarantine and lock-downs of cities of unprecedented  proportion, causing many Chinese citizens to get angry etc.)

… and doing the maximum amount of possible damage to the Chinese economy, ruining the New Year in which consumerism was supposed to be at its very highest points.

Even the SARS of 2003 had a negative impact on Chinese GDP by as much as 2%…

… and this new novel virus has already turned out to be far worse than SARS and at a much more accelerated speed of spread and deaths.

Unsurprisingly, without need for a single bullet fired or sanction imposed, it already managed to force China to self-impose the closure of its borders and cities…

… most nations have already stopped flights to China including the United States itself…

… on the world stage it is another “ding” for China’s image and gives the propaganda mouthpieces of the West something else to gripe about…

… whilst at the same time an attempt to cap Chinese One Belt One Road ambitions and sabotage China’s growing economy and hegemonic rise.

It comes right on the crisp of Trump signing the fake “Trade Deal” and the UK decided to go against the US and work with Huawei….

Behind the Curtain…

I say something else is going on behind the scenes, more than what we are being told.

We could have transition from Trade War

… to Tech War

… to now maybe bio-war...

… if that is the case, then very likely the US already fired the first, second, and third shots, so to speak.

China should at least stay very vigilant and have a credible deterrence contingency plan in place…

In the nuclear world in which China has DF-41, the “MAD” (Mutual Assured Destruction) doctrine is still well in place. But a mystery virus affords far more “plausible deniability” for the US. Thus achieving the goal with less fear of attribution and thus retribution.

Instead of directly confronting China in the South China Sea militaristically immediately, maybe they think a better way to take China down a notch or two would be the use of “other means” to an ends…

John Bolton Quote.
John Bolton Quote.

It’s a Dangerous Time.

Science and technology in the world has come a long way since the days of Westerners giving Native Americans blankets laced with smallpox to “thanksgiving” them.

It is the human condition to be risk/loss adverse.

A nation that would stop at nothing to achieve Manifest Destiny on the way up surely wouldn’t have any qualms of preserving its hegemony at all costs on the way down.

After all, the American way of life is non-negotiable and Graham T. Allison predicted the likelihood that this confrontation of a rising power with a declining power will inevitably lead to war, and history has shown that to be indeed the case.

The US is applying its doctrine of maximum pressure to destroy China on all fronts, with Trade War, Tech and supply chain War, cyberwar, information and psychological operations warfare, and now biological warfare and most likely to be followed up with conventional or even nuclear war once US believes China is sufficiently weakened.

Steve Bannon was hoping to “break the back of the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party )” by cutting off China’s supply chain…

… and was hoping the Hong Kong riots was going to catch fire in the rest of the mainland…

…so to force the CCP to lose control…

… making it easier to do an opportunistic regime change.

The Dangerous “Red Line”

I’m sure both China and US have their own red-lines.

If the US had any involvement in this new virus, if China finds any credible evidence, then there are a number of things China can do besides retaliating with its own bio-weapon…

For example, we all know the Trade War is not about trade, but wanting China to slow down in terms of hegemonic rise…

For example China could simply start building Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, making a move that would seal the US fate as the “falling empire”.

If China militarizes the island it would give China total control of the South China Sea region, so China can declare ADIZ ( Air Defense Identification Zone ) over South China Sea.

America would be pushed back to Guam, and it would be the beginning of the end of the petrodollar hegemony.

(Which never could have lasted forever anyway but  it would push it up along the timeline to make it collapse that much  faster)

Plausible deniability

Some have said that well the virus is RNA single stranded which makes it harder to target any race specific without mutations losing the specificity over many infections cycles.

And that if it were double stranded it would make it that much easier to create vaccines for and kill/contain.

But I believe in this case it is about maintaining “plausible deniability” whilst not crossing any hard red lines in case attribution is established in the future.

A virus outbreak that dings China’s GDP by 2 to 5 % in 2020 is not comparable to an end of civilization event that wipes out 90% of the Chinese population, for example.

Whatever blow-back or collateral risk is considered acceptable levels since it was deployed to China’s central Wuhan, naturally China has a self-interest in containment, and the vast majority of the damage will be internal to China.

It may have been initially engineered as race specific single stranded RNA and knowingly by hostile forces that predicted by the time it lost its race specificity that China would have already contained it.

Hence “mission accomplished” with little attribution and minimal blowback.

What better way to undermine China / CCP than to have its population grow resentful of or turn against its very Government!?

Already Western media is talking about how Chinese are filthy and if it wasn’t for eating rats, bats, dogs, etc this wouldn’t ever have befallen. Perfect cover for re-enforcing racists stereotypes for the ulterior motives of containing and isolating China, and that of Chinese culture, and Chinese ideology on the world stage.

Lead up to a hot war.

Is war between China and the US inevitable? | Graham Allison

Thucydide’s Trap

All of this should be seen within the larger context and backdrop of the so called Thucydide’s Trap.

Thucydide’s Trap.
Thucydide’s Trap.

For various reason, biological warfare against mainland China gives America multi-prong strategic and asymmetric advantages, hence why it has now become the method and weapon of choice for the US to use against China.

At what point does China take action or else find itself too little and too late to be suffering same fate as Native Americans?

History has shown that America is willing to wipe out entire Han civilization to maintain American hegemony and regain full spectrum dominance and supremacy.

It started with Kissinger

Kissinger is credited for giving Nixon the idea to open up China.

It appears as the 45 year rapprochement comes to a sudden close, the US has regretted the long term decision.

When viewed through the lens of optimization of entropy maximization and the 2nd law of thermodynamics…

… it is all about the counterbalance needed to an unchallenged US uni-polar scheme…

… one that impedes the progress and destiny of a universe in evolution.

Evil Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon was quoted to say that it is Ten times more important for the US to kill Huawei than it is for Trump to sign any trade deal.

Steve Bannon quote on China..
Steve Bannon quote on China..

The USA realizes that China will soon surpass them if status quo isn’t changed.

The true motive of the trade war is to decouple the US from China quickly enough to asymmetrically target and destroy any tip of the spear Chinese companies/projects/tech such as the Huawei, 5G, DJI, EV, trains, Cancer research, TikTok, SenseTime, etc etc.

It’s to cripple China’s plans to move up the value chain and hi-tech-ify its economy and to do so with enough force to set back China…

… and permanently prevent it from successfully climbing the arch trajectory of replacing the US.

For the US it’s not just about losing the top spot to China.

If America were to ever lose its petrodollar hegemony it would collapse in much the same way as happened to the USSR.

The whole US empire is built on house of cards, ever since Brentwood…

… they got away with taxing/usurping the world using the dollar as economic weaponization through ‘quantitative easing’ and its military to control OPEC to sustain the petrodollar hegemony.


In the 1980’s Japan became a threat to the US so they forced Tokyo to acquiesce to the Plaza Accord.

This resulted in the “lost four decades” and Japan never recovering.

Nowadays Trump, Steve Bannon, Pompeo and other Hawks are trying to impose the same sort of colonization on China.

However, it is much harder to do since China doesn’t entertain US troops/US bases unlike the Japanese vassal state…

…so the next best thing is to subvert Hong Kong by way of CIA/NED and other propaganda techniques.

It is a situation in which the American nation killed a million civilians in Iraq after a false flag event and a WMD pretext…

… but is now is banning Chinese AI startups…

… ostensibly because they care about the human rights of Muslims in China’s internal Xinjiang region?

Give me a fucking break!

War against Chinese Companies…

The United States congress has accused TikTok — the Chinese dancing video social media app — of being a grave National Security threat…

… and this concern is based on zero evidence…

… and then the US publicly maligned China in front of the world with regards to the success and popularity of this singing app.

The Chinese need to learn the real truth about what America is and what it plans to do…

So likewise if there is any possibility this virus crisis had anything to do with US government then the Chinese people deserve to all know or at least be aware of the possibility.

Certain elements in the US have already put out the narrative that it was China’s own incompetence that lead to the leak of the lab virus, so the Chinese people deserve to know the real truth.

This is all part of the bigger picture to contain China’s continued rise, as we see that if the US ever lost its hegemony it would be game over…

America is losing it’s grip…

America views Chinese ambitions such as Made In China 2025, One Belt One Road, 5G, AI, etc as existential threats to its very lifestyle and way of life.

Hence the whole “Huawei is a national security issue” stance…

Now even TikTok, a dancing video app, has become a “national security” threat and targeted and singled out by the US Congress.

By “national security” they really mean China is offering the world a better deal…

… and they are pissed that they are being undercut…

… and they view Chinese success as a direct threat to American hegemony.


The West had its chance to help out Africa but did nothing. Now China wants to help them develop and US is getting resentful.

The supreme irony in all this is accusing China of predatory lending.

It will get much worse…

This will only get much worse, Xi predicted this will last a period of 30 years until which time China has become the undisputed Number One in the world economically, technologically, politically and militaristically.

As the declining power the US isn’t going to just go down without fighting…..

Just like the Roma Empire, as the US declines on the way down the lip service of freedom, democracy, etc stops and the true colors of the ugly side all comes out…

… they just did another coup in Bolivia…

…conveniently after China signed a lithium deal to secure development of batteries for EVs.

And now US is even sanctioning its own “allies” like Germany for daring to buy energy from Russia (NordStream 2, etc)…

The Bio-weapon scenario is very likely.

Like others have already brought to light and mentioned, with the multiple initial sources surrounding this Wuhan virus, it makes “intentionally starting a pandemic with a bioweapon” scenario much more likely.

The virus failed to spread with the first group of targets, so they tried again with the market.

For those who refuse to believe the US could ever be morally capable of doing such a coordinated strike and biological attack on mainland China…

… even if you do not at all believe US had anything to do with it, and even if US in reality had nothing to do with it…

… it still doesn’t change the fact that this virus has changed the power dynamic.

And upset the balance.

The Situation is Precarious.

And we already have evidence from US such as Wilber Ross etc willing to take full advantage of the situation.

China must be prepared to adapt and adjust to this fluid situation as well, short term and as well as long term.

This thing could very well [1] politically isolate China (it is already having such an effect) and [2] crater China’s GDP, and most importantly [3] strategically pressure China to give up its long term development aspirations as well as to [4] sign away certain concessions (give up on Made-In-China 2025 etc) right at the most critical moment in history.

It’s a Critical Moment in History.

Sure we understand that the flu killed already 10,000 US persons this year alone, I also know the numbers in terms of how many up to 80,000 die of flu alone last year. And yes some of the hysteria and panic of this Wuhan thing may cause more damage than good at this point, sometimes the fear is more than just the virus damage itself.

Having said that, on the other hand, the facts are that this banning of all flights from China to the US, the enactment of the quarantine is described by the US CDC itself as the heaviest action it has taken in 50 years.

Indeed, when was the last time Russia closed its borders to China?

When was the last time Disney shutdown, and all these hundreds of other things shutting down in China and all the countries closing their door to China?

Precisely my point regardless of whether or not the real or perceived threat of this virus is overblown or not, the fact is the reaction to it has already greatly harmed China substantively at what could be argued as the worst possible timing…

…so yes, this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance.

The fact of the matter is the rest of the world isn’t closing its flights and borders to the USA, despite the flu in the US killing way more people, but the world is closing its doors to China…

This cannot be good no matter how it is spun.

This cannot be good.

I’m concerned this will be the point of inflection in which the tide permanently turns and China regresses back to being closed, isolated country…

… and America pulled the supply chain rung under China’s feet while China is down/ill…

… and then convinces the rest of the world to a new Brentwoods to basically maintain US hegemony for the next 100 years.

Perhaps this is what Trump was secretly hinting at when he gleefully announced at Davos that “now is the time for renewed and great optimism”…

Maybe he was hinting at world events to come that will greatly benefit America at the direct expense of China, events that by the time he made the speech at Davos would have already been put in place by the CIA.

If there is WAR!

If America has declared war on China, —

First by [1] economic decoupling via sanctions and tariffs...

... then [2] by trying to kill off Chinese technology ascension by attempting to cut off China’s tech supply chain...

... with [3] the  banning of Huawei and the restriction to supply chain access of many  other prominent Chinese tech companies...

... and [4] by covert bio-warfare to destroy China’s food supply...

... and [5] then finally directly poison the Chinese people with an evil sinister virus in hopes of destabilizing the entire country.

— etc and by all appearances it has.

By all appearances, it has.

With Pompeo openly stating that the Chinese CCP was the “central threat of our times”.

And Bannon calling for Trump to “takedown Xi”…

…And to “break the spirit and crack the back of the Chinese people”, then it behooves China to defend itself and its citizens and interests appropriately.

Everyone should be aware of what is going on.

This information had better be spread across Chinese media far and wide so that the average Chinese develops a healthy and warranted suspicion of certain nations….

Certain nations that have taken it upon themselves to stop at nothing to destroy the Chinese way of life and to destroy China’s development and progress.

Making more mainland Chinese aware…

… of the underlining truth…

… that all of China is constantly being targeted with warfare…

…warfare of all categories and at all levels by the United States…

… awareness cannot possibly be a bad thing.


America has been applying every kind of means of warfare that exists under the sun against China.

It has been applying it against the Chinese government and against the Chinese people and their well-being.

  • Be it Trade War,
  • Economic War,
  • Proxy War (Taiwan, HK, etc),
  • Tech War (Huawei/5G/AI/tiktok),
  • Supply Chain War,
  • CyberWar,
  • Information propaganda Warfare (including the “reverse conspiracy theory” and other false flags),
  • Biological Warfare

…and soon to be Conventional war and perhaps even someday Nuclear war.

The Chinese people for their own good should be more aware of the ideological war that America has inflicted upon the Chinese citizens both at home and abroad…


The stark contrasting juxtaposition could not be more supremely ironic and hypocritical.

Brain drain” from the rest of the nations in the world to the US is called “free market” and labeled as “freedom loving scientists going to work in open democratic Universities with higher pay and better quality of life”.

And yet this same notion of “brain drain” from the US to the rest of the world is called “intellectual property theft”, “spying”, or “sending spies to steal ‘American technology’”.

For when as China or Russia or India jailed their scientists for working with US universities and earning US research grants.

If they did that, immediately the US media will instantly accuse them of being “totalitarian communist police state with no academic freedom” etc.

During China’s moment of greatest need and vulnerability we see Westerner’s racism and xenophobia come out in full blossom from Universities.

Universities that say it is normal to be xenophobic to so-called “free speech” newspapers that take delight in China’s plight and openly incite hatred and racisms.

And doing so by publishing intentionally vile depictions of the Chinese people and the Chinese flag in order to kick China while it is down.

A Devious Design

The deviously designed CIA lab virus was specifically tailored to cause as much economic, political, and reputational damage to China, the Chinese government, and the Chinese people (both domestic and abroad) as it possibly could.

By this “Wuhan virus” being asymptomatic at the onset and specifically targeting Chinese DNA.

Not only does this make the virus that much more difficult to permanently eradicate but it also is a discriminatory virus in that it selective targets only Chinese/Asian people.

In addition to that, it also at once amplifies and concentrates on Chinese race specificity while effectively being a silent yet stigmatic racist killer.

Since the vast majority of those that could ever be affected by this virus are Chinese or people of Chinese ethnicity…

… and since this disease can be spread to other Chinese without first showing any visible nor discernable symptoms at all…

… this creates the sort of environment and dynamics that are conducive to several uniquely emergent dynamics, all of which are absolutely devastating to the Chinese race:

  • It sets in place the stigma, fear and disgust of Chinese people everywhere in all areas of the world.
  • It also sets the double whammy of making Chinese people suspicious of each other and resentful of one another.
  • Thus potentially fracturing the concept of Chinese unity and destroying that of the notion and tenability of the Chinese ‘civilization state’.

This has the effect of pitting Chinese people against one another in all aspects of life and relationships…

…it is actually a form of divide and conquer enacted by the West so that the White man could once again enslave and colonize China.

By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racism against all Chinese Americans that otherwise the US government would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.

Again this designer virus is especially devious because it allows the current rogue Trump administration and future American leadership to do…

… what otherwise would have been political unpalatable to implement…

… by creating this artificial lab-made virus that only targets Chinese people…

… and releasing into the center of mainland China…

… to encourage it to leverage the Lunar New year …

…to spread to all corners of China…

… it has at once conveniently convinced the America citizens to willingly advocate their government to shut the door to China;

… to ban all flights from China etc, and it also has created the environment whereby Chinese American citizens in America are now viewed with suspicion, contempt and disdain.

By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racism against all Chinese Americans (and against all people of Chinese ethnicity worldwide) that otherwise the US government or other Western governments would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.

Every Chinese person is now a potential threat.

Even if they look perfectly healthy on the outside they could still be deathly sick and gravely ill on the inside.

This puts disproportionate focus onto the entire Chinese race/ethnicity rather than on the symptoms of an illness itself. It also gives Western governments everywhere the convenient pretext and excuse to segregate people of Chinese ancestry and to round up and gas Chinese Americans…

… just like how the Nazi Hitler of Germany prosecuted the Jews during World War II.

Indeed, due to the selectivity of the virus it has the effect of causing public resentment towards its victims based on the basis of race (Chinese/Asian) rather than on the basis of the actual symptoms and other negative physical side effects.

And because this virus can transmit without showing any visible symptoms at all, it also furthermore re-enforces racists stereotypes by ushering in an atmosphere of the fearful unknown type. It’s a sort of “uncertainty” that breeds discrimination not on visible symptoms but by casting a broad categorical stroke against all people of Chinese descent anywhere in the world.

Possibility of WAR!

This opens the door to the possibility if America were to go to war with China that someday soon…

… all Chinese Americans will be rounded up and locked up into Concentration Camps in the USA…

… but under the ostensible guise and false-flag pretext of being quarantined, segmented and segregated by race alone for…

… public safety…

… as yet another variant of the so-called “Wuhan virus” conveniently re-appears just in time.

The Bigger Picture.

In terms of the bigger picture from the high-level top-down geopolitical standpoint, (all else being equal) America knows that…

… “time is on China’s side”…

… be it with regards to GDP PPP…

… or the situation in the South China Sea…

… or that of Hong Kong….

…or that of Taiwan…

… and especially as China’s sphere of influence continues to grow in Eurasia…

… or even in the larger context of the digital blockchain Yuan…

… and China’s BRI/OBOR to replace or supplant the US petrodollar hegemony and…

…in so many other aspects…

It’s Now or Never.

America knows that if status quo doesn’t abruptly change that one day it will be too late to confront China.

Trump, as their self-proclaimed “Chosen One” has openly stated from the beginning that he won’t allow China to surpass America “on his watch”…

… and that if his administration doesn’t stop China right now that no future generation of administrations will ever be able to do so again.

The US recognizes that the situation is quickly reaching an inflection point past which there is no point of return or going back.

It is now or never.

And since a direct nuclear confrontation is not going to help America achieve its goals…

… or retaining its status…

… nor reversing its decline…

… and coming back on top in terms of once again being sole unipolar hyperpower…

… with no contender or meaningful challenger…

… then only option left….

… after a failed trade war and failed tech war…

… was to attack China in the back…

… by secretly using biological warfare against China…

… not once…

… not twice…

… but now for a third and potentially ever more devastating time…

…. as each attack is increased in boldness and exponential in unprovoked escalation.

China Side – Fear of speculation

Some Chinese people online at “Sinodefence” and other similar forums may have overinflated egos and think they somehow represent the image of China…

… and I believe they take the posture of not daring to speculate…

… because admitting that China was the victim of a foreign biological warfare attack is somehow showing weakness…

… and they may even believe if there was hard evidence it would still be in China’s favor to keep quiet to “bide time”…

… and not directly confront and risk further escalating the issue.

In their minds, since this Wuhan virus is at most something that will make a big dent in China’s GDP growth over the next year or two…

… but nothing like a zombie virus or civilization ender…

… that it is better to take the safe conservative approach than to risk the possible damage to China’s standing and reputation.

For if it were to come out and publicly accuse the United States of such unthinkable acts against humanity.

To their line of thinking, it is far better to take a hit to economic growth and regress a few months/years than to expose those behind this attack and risk further alienation on the world scene etc…

American side – Waiting to engage the military.

From the American side the narrative has already been spun that “due to the busy new year China must have accidentally leaked their own virus”…

…and certainly there are motivated elements in Western media being compelled to push this particular narrative out in the open at the moment.

But it is reasonable to question the motive for spinning something fictional like this, why suddenly now the conspiracy theory…

… from Western powers that China did this tragedy to itself by carelessly releasing a lab made virus that it supposedly had been working on in Wuhan?

Who stands to gain the most from this event and the narrative being spun around the event?

Also, even playing devil’s advocate and assuming the Western assumption may have some element of possibility…

… in that a virus in the Wuhan lab was accidentally released to China own detriment…

… a reasonable person may also wonder about the timing, in that China’s supposedly first known incident of accidental release of virus causing harm of any magnitude…

…. just so happens to be right around signing of historic trade deal and right before the lunar new year mass migration.

Hence they attack the element of timing by preemptively suggesting that due to the new year rush it must have made operations that much more error prone etc.

Some elements in the United States on the other hand runs contrary to the scientific establishment official story as well, but for different reasons.

For example, the guy who wrote the above article admitted to having had ties to the NSA.

They concede and admit that by all appearances the evidence shows that this virus was indeed designer engineered to target Chinese/Asians, to be asymptomatic at first and with a conveniently long incubation period.

But then only admit the half-truth that its man-made but curiously proceed to argue the origin or rather the attribution as the main point of contention.

In the real world it is almost always the results that matter.

The “ends” rather than the “means” that count, and tracking missile trajectories of incoming thermonuclear warheads are a lot easier…

… than ascertaining attribution in terms of finding the actual nation responsible for a sophisticated designed and cleverly released bio-weapon.

It is about asymmetric warfare to gain advantage, the timing (right before Chinese lunar new year), location (Wuhan being central transportation hub of China and a city that had been projected for 8% GDP growth in 2020 before the outbreak) and characteristics of the virus (targeting Chinese/Asian) are just too coincidental for this to be anything random or by chance circumstantial.

Just way too fortuitous for there to be any other reasonable explanation.

Now if you were a hostile power wanting to screw with China wouldn’t this be consistent with being a plausible cover story to deflect suspicion?

What’s more likely, the Chinese government accidentally released their own virus that was designed to somehow only target their own peoples Chinese DNA and it (the accidental release of the virus) just so happened to coincide with the absolute worst timing for China;

(both in  terms of the peak of the US China trade war and right before the Lunar  new year mass migration) 

…or some hostile superpower took advantage of this for plausible deniability and then deflects suspicion away from them by spinning up this nonsense story?

Who stands to win the most from this event and who stands to lose the most?

What does common sense tell you?

Which nation in the very same first month of 2020 went against international law to trick and ambush a top Iranian general and assassinated him in a drone strike in a cowardly manner whilst pretending to operate under the guise and pretext of ‘rule of law’ and with the Iranian general being ostensibly invited for “peace talks”?

The whole idea is to provoke China into responding and in the process having China make the mistake of giving the US the excuse needed to further exponentially escalate.

America knows China prefers non-confrontation as the Chinese strategy is simply to build, to trade, to bid time and to focus on its own development and economic growth instead of worrying about confronting US directly.

Every nation simply does what’s in their own best interest, maximizing optimization strategies conducive to bettering its advantages.

For the US it means taking an early and provocative challenge direct to China in the form of trade war, tariffs, tech bans, coercing allies to switch supply chains, kidnapping Huawei CFO, and surgical bioweapons tailored to Chinese DNA and deployed at the timing and location of max impact.

This biological attack differs from conventional warfare in that it would allow the initiator of aggression, in this instance the United States of America, to preserve the option at its choosing to take a more equivocal stance and fluid position by inflicting harm onto China but without a publicly overt display of open hostilities.

This virus was engineered to have maximum devastation in high density Asian environments, and it is an asymmetric weapon because these conditions are not reproducible anywhere else in the world other than in mainland China, the factory of the global world with over 1.4 billion citizens living in high density supermegacities with the required critical threshold to cause an uncontrolled chain reaction in infection spread rate.

It would seem US is counting on the fact that China won’t respond to this attack in order to essentially score a big goal and earn major points for free.

This would allow America to crash the economy of China with impunity.

Even a total nonresponse is still a reply in the form of China believing it still benefits the most by ignoring this attack (and indeed not even publicly acknowledging it at all) and strictly focusing on growth path after it has recovered.

Is this intended to merely knock China down a few steps off the development ladder in lieu of war in the South China Sea …

— since that could end up costly for US interests as  well — 

…or is it really a prelude to war, intended to severely weaken China…

… so that an American initiated war later on would be on US terms and US timing…

… and would be much less costly for America and the rest of the world after China had already been sufficiently decoupled and isolated from the world.

Chinese miscalculations

I think Chinese leadership miscalculated and mistakenly believed America would never go down the biological warfare route.

Just like they miscalculated and never thought the US would arrest Huawei CFO.

Or that the Trump administration would not put Huawei on the US entity list and then lower the 25% IP rule down to 10% essentially with intent to kill Huawei by choking off its supply chain rather than just playing nice by slowing it down but still giving it room to live.

Even Huawei’s recent UK “win” is capped at 35% market share restrictions.

Trump had personally begged Boris to outright ban Huawei completely, so the idea that America would adopt any stance of shared prosperity or a mutual win-win propositions with the number two power in the world are naïve and misguided at best.

Crossed into dangerous territory.

One wonders what would have happened had General MacArthur not been capped and was allowed to use nukes to win the Korean War and capture the entire peninsula?

The landscape would surely be very different today.

But it would have crossed a Rubicon and set a precedent that would have sent the world down a different path.

The world’s number one superpower using a biological warfare attack on the people of the world’s number two power for better or worse has also achieved the effect of crossing such a Rubicon of no return.

But in the long term would this turn out to be an overplay?

Would it actually serve to prolong / restore American hegemony or would it inadvertently accomplish the opposite?

Hard to tell but hindsight is always 20/20 and it would seem by America initiating the recent decoupling with China that it has already tacitly admitted that its opening up with China with the Nixon approachment was a strategic blunder of a mistake.

The Soviet Union was going to collapse on its own sooner or later, but America’s warming up to China to further isolate the USSR was indeed an overplay in retrospect.

America at the time believed opening up China would force it to be Westernized and made more democratic and ultimately serve American interests by bolstering US hegemony.

Instead, China grew up and had other plans for itself.

Taking out Mao Zedong’s son in Korea with napalms was probably on the whole detrimental to US interests’ long term, although it seemed like a great win at the time.

Likewise, the Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies, led by the American CIA/NSA, ambushing and kidnapping Meng Wanzhou (the CFO of Huawei and also the daughter of the Huawei CEO Mr. Ren Zhengfei) at the Canadian border also did not have the sort of effect that the US had hoped it would achieve.

Ren Zhengfei believes strongly in meritocracy and was never going to hand the reigns of his company Huawei to his daughter anyway.

Had Mao handed the country to his son its very likely China would have opened up to the world many decades later than what had been achieved by Deng Xiaoping.

And today America would still be the sole unipolar hyperpower instead of Pompeo running around the world telling everyone that China is the “central threat of our times”.

A need for creative thinking

Graham Allison often said that it would take some imaginative creative thinking to overcome the Thucydides Trap between China and the United States.

The rising power doesn’t want to kowtow and suffer the fate of Japan’s four lost decade after acquiescing to the Plaza Accord ‘trade deal’…

… and the declining incumbent ruling power doesn’t want to give up its status and position…

… and even the mere thought of détente is out the window as the American “way of life” is “nonnegotiable”.

So what is left is the realization in Washington that time is on China’s side, and that if a military confrontation is inevitable anyway, then it would be advantageous for the US to strike first while it still retained the edge and initiative.

But absent an immediate kinetic force what other options are there to slow China down?

Perhaps this is the creative imaginative solution alluded to by Allison, we have seen this virus cause the closing of borders…

… the pulling out of international companies and the re-routing of global supply chains to bypass China…

… and physical isolation of China without so much as a single bullet fired or sanction applied.

It at once accomplished all the political objectives with none of the traditional political costs associated, no certain attribution, and thus also no blowback nor retribution.



What a long read, eh?

When the article was translated from the Chinese it resembled paragraph long sentences with very little punctuation. It was impossible for a native English reader to follow.

Thus you have the adaptations that I have made in formatting. It is not perfect, but substantially easier to read without degradation of the article content.

We can consider the “article” to be a compilation of perhaps ten Chinese articles that all share a similar theme; That the Chinese are aware of the Geo-political ramifications of everything that is going on, and they will react to it on their terms, on their timetable.

Thus we have today’s Drudge Report headline…

The comments were painful, but predictable.

Depending on who wrote the comment it was either the mainstream American media narrative or the Hard-Right American media narrative. Very little independent thought. Very little in the way of rational thought. Most responses were emotional in nature.

By all indications, The Trump administration declared war on China, and has been fighting it at various levels throughout his administration.

This will not end as long as the neocons maintain a grip on the Washington Establishment.

The four years from 2020 through 2024 are going to be rather dicey. I do not know what will happen. I really do not. What I do know is what history tells us, and the view that history provides is anything but pretty.

Take note and prepare.

I have more posts on this subject in my Trump Trade Wars Index. Here…

Trump Trade War

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The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) took a photograph of a mysterious ring space-station close to the sun.

I have been so caught up with the amazing and unique situation with the COVID-19 virus that I have neglected my MAJestic work. This is one of those anomalies that you find from time to time and that looks like a spaceship, a space-station, or some kind of science-fictional mechanism.

Back in my home town we had a saying;

If it looks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Waddles like a duck. Squawks like a duck. Has duck feet. And quacks like a duck...

... it's a duck.

It looks like one of the NASA orbiting observatories has captured the image of a large ringed space-station close to the sun.

This is an interesting and perplexing find.

On February 29, a strange, circular craft was caught on film by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).

STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) is a solar observation mission.[1] Two nearly identical spacecraft were launched in 2006 into orbits around the Sun that cause them to respectively pull farther ahead of and fall gradually behind the Earth. This enables stereoscopic imaging of the Sun and solar phenomena, such as coronal mass ejections.

This circular craft looks a lot like the circular space station in the classic sci-fi epic 2001: A Space Odyssey:

Space-station from the Science Fiction movie; "2001; A Space Odyssey".
Space-station from the Science Fiction movie; “2001; A Space Odyssey”.

Here’s a picture of the object on the Stereo Science Center (SSC) webpage (LINK):

The oopart object as captured by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).
The oopart object as captured by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).

And here’s a close up of the object.

Close up of the object photographed by the The oopart object as captured by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).
Close up of the object photographed by the The oopart object as captured by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO).

The argument is that is something easily misunderstood. Like a fleck of dust on the imaging apparatus, a glitch in the data stream, or reflective imaging irregularities. The notice on the web page describes this as…

PLASTIC suffered a high voltage anomaly on December 5.  The instrument is in the process of being recovered to full operating mode, which is expected to take several days.  Until this process is completed, PLASTIC data should be considered as untrustworthy.  

Meanwhile, the age-old saying comes to mind…

If it looks like a duck. Talks like a duck. Waddles like a duck. Squawks like a duck. Has duck feet. And quacks like a duck...

... it's a duck. 


It looks like a ringed space-station. It is unlikely that it was made by humans, staffed by humans, or near the sun for human interests of any type. That’s all that I can say.

Space station Omega 3 from the 1960's science fiction movie "The Green Slime" as it collapses and tumbles down though the Earth's atmosphere.
Space station Omega 3 from the 1960’s science fiction movie “The Green Slime” as it collapses and tumbles down though the Earth’s atmosphere.

I hope that you found this tiny post interesting. If you want more, I have posts in both the OOPART and MAJestic Indexes. Here…

Mysteries Explained



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Seven myths about the COVID-19 coronavirus.

No one can know the severity and consequences of this epidemic until  it's over. The present reaction may be needlessly excessive,  pathetically inadequate or wise and prudent. We can't know now what will  be self-evident in hindsight. 

We do know we're being misled,  kept in the dark and lied to by lunatics with credentials. We just don't know which ones are the lunatics.  

-Woodpile Report

When I read American media, and listen to people like Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh say how this coronavirus is a big nothing; that’s it’s not as bad as the flu. That everyone can relax and just ride it out and rest, I shudder.

Nothing to see here ... carry on ... it's less to worry about then the common flu  

- C D  

I scene from the movie “Aliens” comes to mind. Here, the Marines are called up on deck. There is a pre-battle briefing. During it, Ripley is trying to warn everyone about the xenomorphs. Unfortunately, no one takes her seriously, and the cocky Space Marines joke and laugh about it…

“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”

 Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley stands in front of the squad of ten cocky,  poised space marines. They laugh and joke, oozing bravado and  testosterone—even the women. As the shavetail lieutenant lays out the  situation, Bill Paxton’s mouthy PFC Hudson interrupts: "Is this going to  be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?"

 "All we know is that there’s still no contact with the colony,"  replies the lieutenant, Gorman, "and that a xenomorph may be involved."

 "Excuse me, sir," interjects PFC Frost from the back row, "—a what?"

 "A xenomorph," repeats Gorman, emphasizing the syllables. 

-ARS Technica
"Oh, it's just another bug hunt."
“Oh, it’s just another bug hunt.”

Yeah. It’s like that.

Then they get their asses handed to them on a platter.

Lots of famous people are peddling fairy tales that will collapse in the face of reality within 90 days

Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Drew and Elon Musk are all spinning delusional fairy tales, by the way. So is President Trump. If you ask them the simple question above — by what mechanism does the virus stop replication? — they can’t provide any rational answer.

Rush Limbaugh says “98% of the people survive,” which is an admission that 2% die. If half the U.S. population gets infected, a 2% fatality rate is about 3.3 million people, or 100 times more fatalities than the flu. But since Rush can’t do math, you can’t walk him through this simple equation. Rush has become the propaganda broadcast hub for Mike Pence, who knows nothing about virology or epidemiology. When Mike Pence talks about the coronavirus, it makes about as much sense as Joe Biden talking about firearms.

Dr. Drew is a celebrity doctor who says it’s, “no worse than the flu.” Yet unless he’s been lobotomized, he must know that the mortality rate of seasonal influenza is only around 0.1% (, while the mortality rate among those infected with the coronavirus is, according to the WHO, 3.4%. That means the coronavirus mortality rate is 34 times higher than the season flu. Surely Dr. Drew can follow this simple math, unless he’s gone the route of Brian Williams on MSNBC who thinks 327 million multiplied by one million is only 500 million. (Hint: The correct answer is 327 trillion.)

Elon Musk is a high-tech huckster and hype artist whose entire financial existence depends on fluffing falsehoods and denying financial reality. He’s been able to sucker millions of investors into his soon-to-fail “Tesla” fiasco, but the virus can’t be bamboozled by billionaires. The virus doesn’t care if Elon Musk is loved by millions of deluded, ignorant youth who literally think he’s Iron Man. The virus can’t be reasoned with or threatened on twitter. It just replicates.

Similarly, President Trump now repeats propaganda lines from Dr. Anthony Fauci, uttering shockingly uninformed things like, “One day it will just magically disappear” (or some similar paraphrased statement). Yet the virus doesn’t respond to magic. It only responds to biochemistry and physiology. The virus can’t even hear President Trump since the virus has no ears. So it offers no consideration to the spin of Mike Pence or Trump himself. Their words are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is stopping the replication of the virus.

 President Trump's comments on the COVID-19 coronavirus diverge slightly from other officials.

 During a Tuesday press conference, Trump sought to reassure the  public, saying everything from "it will go away, just stay calm," to  stating the U.S. has done a "very good job" in testing for the virus,  reports CNN's Daniel Dale. 

-The Week

So we ask you, dear reader, by what mechanism will the replication of this virus be stopped?

Here’s seven lies that everyone with a microphone are promoting…

[1] It’s not as bad as the flu.

If flu has killed ~300,000 worldwide this year, and coronavirus has killed 3,000, then flu is …. 100 x worse. 


I see this all over the American blogsphere.

Yeah. I get this.

 Can we put the Wu-flu into perspective? 
 It is something serious.  But like I stated in another thread, it's not an end-of-the-world serious. 
 We're nearing the end of the regular flu season. 
 A season where 18,000 people died WITH an available vaccine. 
 And no one bats an eye.  
 Hell, many threads on anti-vaccinations are on this site.  I don't get the vaccine. 
 This is a novel virus.  There is no vaccine. 
 So wash your hands, cough into your sleeve.  If you're sick?  Stay at home. 
 The last few days I've been working from home because I've caught a  nasty cold and I work in a hospital so I didn't want to freak people  out.
 Now I'll be in work tomorrow to check on Power Charting and time change  issues because of Daylight Savings Time, but I'm also feeling a little better. 
 This is the flu.  A new flu, but the flu all the same. 
 I am not stockpiling on water, toilet paper, or rice and canned meat. 
 I did stock up on scotch, vodka, wine, and beer but that's because I'm an aging booze hound and it was a Friday.  
 I won't tell people not to stock up, but you're wasting a perfectly good worry on what (in my opinion) is a minor issue.  


Go ahead.

Don’t wear a mask.

Try to self-heal in bed at home…

A healthy comparison between the COVID-19 and other illnesses.
A healthy comparison between the COVID-19 and other illnesses.

Look at the graph and read this conservative bloggers opinion…

 “Oh, but this is not the ‘flu, this is the KUNG KILLER WUHAN DESTROY  US ALL ‘FLU™”, we hear from usually sane sources. Yes. A ‘flu with about  the same infection parameters, symptoms and slightly higher mortality  than the regular ‘flu which has, last we checked, so far failed to End  the World As We Know It™ after Dis even knows how many regularly  scheduled outbreaks ever since we came up with a name for it. It’s so  regular now that we even have the name “flu season” in the vocabulary.  It’s more regular than a newborn’s bowel movements. Heck, even the  seriously dangerous Spanish ‘Flu of WWI fame failed to make much of a  mess of civilization, and that was back when we had absolutely no  flipping clue what we were dealing with.

 Not to mention SARS, MERS and H1N1, every single one of which were  more lethal by orders of magnitude than this one. Quickly, everybody  tell us about the MERS Panic™. No? Didn’t happen? Civilization didn’t  end? Well colour us surprised, because by current levels of hysteria, it  certainly should have, considering that it was every bit as infectious and 36, that’s thirty-six, times as lethal.

 Yet this one, THIS one is definitely, DEFINITELY at least one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse! THIS time it will get us!
 Listen, we’re not saying to not use your brains here, like washing  your hands, not hanging around people coughing and hacking their lungs  out without covering their mouthes, but perhaps a little bit of  perspective is in order? 

-Nice Doggie
 Further perspective:

 In the US-alone flu season, we saw at LEAST 220,690 new cases per day, on average. Over TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND.

 The peak day WORLDWIDE for COVID-19 was 15,100. Just 6.8% of the US  AVERAGE for flu. (That day was an extreme outlier, because it  represented China changing reporting standards from confirmed-by-testing to diagnosed-by-symptoms.)

 As of 3/5/2020, new COVID-19 cases WORLDWIDE: 2,800. 1.3% of the average US flu cases.

 If you truly believe you’re going to die from COVID-19, you either 1)  have some extremely high risk factors like being an 80 year old man  with diabetes and a bum ticker, who’s been french-kissing your  girlfriend from Wuhan; or 2) you already died from the frickin’ flu.

 Sure things could change. The virus could mutate again. We could  import a bunch more infected people and turn them loose. But as things  stand…

 1. Eat decent food.
 2. Wash your hands often.
 3. Avoid sick people.

 Sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same basic precautions you be be taking  to avoid the flu and common cold (which I’ll remind you is often yet  another coronavirus, too; and for most people COVID-19 is amounting to a common cold).

 People need to stop losing their shit. 

-Bear Buss

Yeah. It’s just like the flu. Right?

Just like the “common cold” right?

 The disease  is certainly a handful. It has caused and will cause tragic deaths,  economic damage, and social disruption and uncertainty that always  attend a serious pandemic. Its R –∅ rate (the rate at which the virus  spreads) seems to be high, close to seasonal flu.

But I’m getting more optimistic about the actual public health impact of the virus  because its virulence appears to be much lower than the 3.4  percent mortality rate claimed by the World Health Organization. 

The New York Times spoke with “a number of experts in epidemiology, and they  all agreed that 1 percent was probably more realistic.” 

-Jim talent on FOX News

Sure… whatever those un-named “experts”, have to say…

FOX is the same as CNN. They just have a different audience, but they spout the same narrative.

What ever you say…

"People! You can read Ripley's report."
“People! You can read Ripley’s report.”

If you are talking about number of people who die, well no one knows that answer as this is a new virus. We know that statistically the influenza tends to kill a lot of the older and infirm people in large quantities. However, to assume that it will always be in the top spot is foolish.

Coronavirus is far deadlier than the flu. Thus far, the  mortality rate for coronavirus (the number of reported cases divided by  the number of deaths) is around 3% to 4%, although it’s likely to be  lower because many cases have not yet been reported. The flu’s rate is  0.1%.  

-LinkedIN Pulse

This virus is certainly appearing to be quite the contender. It looks like it will displace the influenza for that top ranked spot.

Incidentally, If you have a chance to to an old cemetery. One from around the time of the American Civil War. You will find entire families wiped out by the flu. In those days, they just were not able to handle viruses like we can today.

Now, if you are looking at the need to go to a hospital to get better, the COVID-19 is far worse. With the flu, you can have it and stay at home and nurse yourself back to health. Not so with the coronavirus. If you have it, you MUST go to a hospital, and be observed. If you have the more serious strain, it will attack your central nervous system and you will go into convulsions, followed by complete and absolute organ failure, while your lungs fill up with water.

By the criteria of mobility, the COVID-19 is far more contagious than the flu. I have seen values ranging from 8x to 20x more contagious.

By the criteria of mortality, the COVID-19 if far more lethal than the flu. The R0 version of 4.5 – 6.6 that is from Wuhan is only after the entire nation went DEFCON ONE and all the medical doctors for the entire nation converged on to that city. Before that happened, the R0 value was 14%.

A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0  of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the  contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is  above one, it’s spreading.)  

The R0 for the flu is 0.1%.

Under every criteria, the COVID-19 is far worse than the influenza.

[2] Only old people die from it.

Once the hospitals were set up (two brand new hospitals in Wuhan built within ten days), and everyone who was ill went to the hospital and immediately went into ICU… the situation improved dramatically. Only the older folk and those with preexisting conditions were dying for the most part.

China built two complete 1000-bed hospitals in Wuhan within a ten day period.
China built two complete 1000-bed hospitals in Wuhan within a ten day period.

So, yes. The data clearly says that the old and those with previous health conditions are dying from this COVID-19 virus.

What is not being said is that tens of thousands of people are in ICU, and getting around-the-clock care. These people have a high likelihood of surviving. And only the sickest do not survive.

"They completely wiped out my entire crew in less than twelve hours."
“They completely wiped out my entire crew in less than twelve hours.”

Which means, that if you have access to a month in the ICU, you will pretty much be able to survive the COVID-19 virus.

That’s the good thing.

And hospitals that can handle maybe 30 in an ICU at any given time, will now be forced to deal with hundreds. There will be those that will not be permitted to stay in the ICU.

That’s the bad thing.

If you cannot make it to the ICU, cannot afford a month in the ICU, or have preexisting issues that you might not be aware of, the lethality of this illness increases exponentially.

So… Your chances of surviving from this virus is very high if you can afford a month in the ICU and get a spot in an already saturated hospital. Aside from that, survival is not guaranteed.

 — Coronavirus appears to spread more slowly than the flu. This is probably the biggest difference between the two. The flu has a shorter incubation period (the time it takes for an infected person to show symptoms) and a shorter serial interval (or  the time between successive cases). Coronavirus’s serial interval is  around five to six days, while the flu’s gap between cases is more like  three days, the WHO says. So flu still spreads more quickly.

— Shedding: Viral  shedding is what happens when a virus has infected a host, has  reproduced, and is now being released into the environment. It is what  makes a patient infectious. Some people start shedding the coronavirus  within two days of contracting it, and before they show symptoms,  although this probably isn’t the main way it is spreading, the WHO says.  (However, one non-peer-reviewed article this  week also suggests that coronavirus patients are shedding huge amounts  of the virus in these early stages when they have either no symptoms or  just mild ones.) The flu virus typically sheds in the first two days after symptoms start, and this can last for up to a week. But a study in the Lancet this week,  which looked at patients in China, showed that survivors were still  shedding the coronavirus for around 20 days (or until death). One was  still shedding at 37 days, while the shortest time detected was eight  days. This suggests coronavirus patients remain contagious for much  longer than those with flu.

— Secondary infections. As  if contracting coronavirus wasn’t bad enough, it leads to about two  more secondary infections on average. The flu can sometimes cause a secondary infection, usually pneumonia, but it’s rare for a flu patient to get two infections  after the flu. The WHO warned that context is key (someone who  contracts coronavirus might already have been fighting another  condition, for example).

— Don’t blame snotty kids—adults are passing coronavirus around. While  kids are the primary culprits for flu transmission, this coronavirus  seems to be passed between adults. That also means adults are getting  hit hardest—especially those who are older and have underlying medical  conditions. Experts are baffled as to why kids seem protected from  the worst effects of the coronavirus, according to the Washington Post.  Some say they might already have some immunity from other versions of  the coronavirus that appear in the common cold; another theory is that  kids’ immune systems are always on high alert and might simply be faster  than adults’ in battling Covid-19. 

[3] It originated from a Wuhan seafood market.

But when the time came, the bastards were prepared: The  Weird Animal Market! The bat soup-slurping Chinese! 

And hey, if that  didn’t work: ‘The Wuhan Level 4 Biolab!’, which was conveniently minutes  away from the designated ground (or patient) zero, at the Market. 

(Talk  about convenient! As is the coincidence that the outbreak occurred in  the midst of the ultimate Chinese travel week, the Lunar New Year. Yes,  the better to spread not only The Bug, but the panic; and to make sure  both spread world-wide, via air travel.)   

But blaming the bio-lab would be a fall-back position; ever the  optimists, the real perps were hoping mother nature as patsy would hold  water, at least for a few months.    


The idea that it originated from a seafood market in Wuhan has been disseminated throughout the internet with such relish that it is taken for granted that this is the truth.

It isn’t.

Aliens is among other things a Vietnam war allegory, pitting military arrogance against the implacability of an enemy unshackled by conventional definitions of combat. All the technology in the world, even these giant guns, won't save our heroes. If they really are supposed to be our heroes.
Aliens is among other things a Vietnam war allegory, pitting military arrogance against the implacability of an enemy unshackled by conventional definitions of combat. All the technology in the world, even these giant guns, won’t save our heroes.

When the outbreak occurred XiPeng ordered his scientists to find out the top two questions about the coronavirus;

  • Where it it originate from?
  • What was the underlying cause that created this virus?

After one month of study, the scientist came back and made their determinations…

The virus broke out all over Wuhan in widely divergent locations. At the same time, within hours, the virus broke out in the North of Wuhan, the East of Wuhan, the South of Wuhan, and the Western sections of Wuhan. One of the virus carriers, ended up infecting the seafood market.

From that point, the virus propagated the most rapidly throughout Wuhan.

The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.
The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.

The COVID-19 coronavirus brokeout on one day in widely separate regions within Wuhan. Then, one of the infected persons, apparently made their way to the seafood market, where many subsequent people were infected.

[4] It’s a natural virus.

 I’ve been reading lots of stuff about this thing – none of it clearly  definitive or trust worthy.  Hype aside, it seems there are about equal  cases to be made for the extremal “it’s nothing” and “the world is  ending” views.

 I’d opt for what I hope is true: that this isn’t a big deal, except that there are some weird things going on. Two examples:

 1 – china’s apparent over reaction. Their view of human life is rather  different from ours and I can’t see them shutting down whole cities over  a few hundred, or even a few thousand, deaths; and,

 2 – the apparent death rate among senior government people affected in Iran. 

- Paul Murphy 

This narrative is one where it originated naturally by eating bat soup. This narrative is so absolutely preposterous, it is amazing just how gullible people are.

Then it is bolstered with pictures of Asians in Indonesia and Papal New Guinea eating bat soup. While the Chinese do actually eat bat soup, they don't do it in Wuhan. They do it in the smaller more rural sections of China.

One of the questions that XiPeng asked his scientists was…

  • What caused this virus?

After studying this issue, they came back and in February had their answer.

This virus was man-made.

Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and  80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a  biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian  scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.  

As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the  American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an independent research organization on the history and innovations of biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of the hours finds more and more supporters.  

-Veterans Today 

Officially, and yes… OFFICIALLY, the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.

If there is a way to cripple a country without warfare, this is how  it's done. 

I don't doubt there is a pandemic occurring, but the sheeple  will buy into this more than what actually occurs from a health  standpoint. Don't get me wrong, people will die from this, but it will  absolutely cripple our economy.  God help us and continue stocking up.  

-  Bill Krejci   

Officially the Chinese government considers this virus to be of human manufacture.

It is the American mainstream press that promotes the idea that this is natural. Not the Chinese media.

[5] It has the same symptoms as the flu.

 The  Chinese are so scared of it they shut down their industrial base to  keep it from spreading.  And Commies aren’t know for being overly  worried about deaths.

 The problem we still know very little of what happened in China since they are not letting in CDC virologists.

 And nothing is getting shipped from China to the U.S. I live near a  rail line that brings in Chinese made goods from Long Beach Harbor to  the rest of the U.S. and those big freight trains used to run by me  every hour or so. They haven’t for over a week.

 This is no flu. 

-  Rwc1963 

No it does not have all the same symptoms as the flu does.

Here’s a comparison for your enjoyment.

Comparison between the COVID-19, the common cold, and the influenza.
Comparison between the COVID-19, the common cold, and the influenza.

The big give away is the “dry cough”. It will be like there is a little tickle in your throat. You won’t be coughing up white or green mucus. It will just be like you need a glass of water.

Also, do not look at all the symptoms, and assume that they are all of equal weight. diarrhea and a runny nose can happen, but are not typical. The typical “give aways” for this illness is the dry cough, the soreness in your body as it tries to fight the virus, and the fever.

 "Bug Stomper" nose art on the first of the Sulaco's two UD-4 Cheyenne gunships.
“Bug Stomper” nose art on the first of the Sulaco’s two UD-4 Cheyenne gunships.

The COVID-19 has different symptoms than the Flu. The most common are a dry throat, a fever and general tiredness.

[6] You do not need to wear a mask.

China found that one of the best preventions for all citizens was to  always wear face masks. This is a lesson for the world. Everyone  deserves to have an adequate supply of masks. 

-LinkedIN Pulse

In China, they made it a law that you must wear a mask at all times until this DEFCONE ONE emergency is over. You cannot ride public transportation, enter buildings, enter complexes, do anything without a mask. It is fundamental. They enforce it with police, drones, and volunteers. Everyone must wear a mask. No exceptions.

Why is China being so gosh-darn anal about this?

Because this COVID-19 can be transmitted by the air.

Federally  funded tests conducted by scientists from several major institutions  indicated that the novel form of coronavirus behind a worldwide outbreak  can survive in the air for several hours.

A study  awaiting peer review from scientists at Princeton University, the  University of California-Los Angeles and the National Institutes of  Health (NIH) posted online Wednesday indicated that the COVID-19 virus  could remain viable in the air "up to 3 hours post aerosolization,"  while remaining alive on plastic and other surfaces for up to  three days.

"Our results indicate that aerosol and fomite  transmission of HCoV-19 is plausible, as the virus can remain viable in  aerosols for 42 multiple hours and on surfaces up to days," reads the  study's abstract.

The test results suggest that humans could be  infected by the disease simply carried through the air or on a solid  surface, even if direct contact with an infected person does not occur.  That finding, if accepted, would come in stark contrast to previous  media reports that suggested the virus was not easily transmittable  outside of direct human contact. 

-The Hill

The idea that you do not need to wear a mask came from the American media that insists that the flu is far worse, and that people shouldn’t buy up all the masks, but instead, leave the masks for the hospital staff to use.

Worst Case: It's some bio-engineered frankenvirus, with who-knows what lethality, r-naught, and incubation time. 

 -Woodpile Report 

People!, you all need to start wearing masks, NOW!

Writer and director Cameron takes pains to set Gorman up as the embodiment of Vietnam-era military officer hubris and jargon-veiled incompetence, and the lieutenant holds himself above and entirely separate from the squad under his command. Dropping a fancy college word like "xenomorph" is just another way to lord rank and position over the jarheads—people whose names he hasn’t even really bothered to learn.
I guess just because you’ve done 38 simulated drops doesn’t really mean you’re ready for command. Writer and director Cameron takes pains to set Gorman up as the embodiment of Vietnam-era military officer hubris and jargon-veiled incompetence, and the lieutenant holds himself above and entirely separate from the squad under his command. Dropping a fancy college word like “xenomorph” is just another way to lord rank and position over the jarheads—people whose names he hasn’t even really bothered to learn.

You need to wear a mask and perform extra-careful sanitary procedures outside of your home.

[7] China seriously bungled the coronavirus outbreak through sheer incompetence.

You might get this impression by reading the absolutely insane level of Anti-China rhetoric that came from Washington DC, and the American media. They couldn’t do anything right.

Well, that was a lie.

The early work found that infections were doubling roughly every six  days, and that for every three to four rounds of transmission—or once  every 20 to 30 days—one minor mutation was occurring, Bedford said in a  Feb. 13 interview. “We are watching very carefully for more local  transmission,” he said at the time. 


They locked down the entire nation under DEFCON ONE after the first person died by the COVID-19 virus. They built up two hospitals from scratch in ten days, and mobilized the entire nation to fight this illness.

They also took these other steps…

  • COVID-19 medical care was free.
  • Medicines no longer need a doctor prescription.
  • Orders for medicines are now of three month duration, not one.
  • Quarantines, at every level with road blocks are everywhere.
  • Military decontamination units sweep the cities.
  • Suspect patients are held in isolation wards and monitored.
  • APPs are available for news, help, assistance and police that everyone in China can access.
  • Self-quarantine was advised for everyone for three weeks.
  • Food delivery was mandated to continue, hoarding was prohibited, as well as price gouging.
  • Decontamination robots were designed and put into use.
  • Robots deliver food.
  • Drones scan the people for sickness.
  • Drone monitor and make sure that everyone is wearing a mask.
  • Every business is checked by the regional community centers for compliance, and get free face masks by the government.

There’s many more things going on, but that is just a thumb-nail sketch. Now, compare that to the foolish and comical farce of the American response…

When a country is run by engineers, things get built to solve problems.  

When a country is run by lawyers, laws get passed to solve problems. 

And  when bankers are in charge of countries, more loans are issued to solve  problems. 

Yet, sound finances are necessary to run a country. And  indebtedness is not a sound financial state. 

Put lawyers appointed by  bankers in charge, and nothing good happens. Oh, at first it does. A  sound system can take a lot of abuse before breaking. You are drawing  down the capital built up. 

- James Dakin talks of the epidemic of stupidity. 

Anyone that still thinks that America is handling this COVID-19 out-break better than China needs to have their head adjusted. Especially now that Trump has appointed a committee to look into this matter and report it’s findings, instead of taking direct and immediate action.

What is he thinking?

You can believe what ever you want.  I know that China has taken deadly serious action against this virus. They identified it as a biological weapon, that was made in the United States and they went DEFCON ONE on CNY, of all times! But you can listen to CNN and Rush Limbaugh if you wanna. It's your life.
You can believe what ever you want. I know that China has taken deadly serious action against this virus. They identified it as a biological weapon, that was made in the United States and they went DEFCON ONE on CNY, of all times! But you can listen to CNN and Rush Limbaugh if you wanna. It’s your life.

Some Videos

This is a serious illness, and nothing like the Flu. Check out some videos…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Taking the kids shopping.
Riding the elevator
Going home from work.
Checking into the hospital.


The COVID-19 virus is a very nasty illness. It is being handled expertly with the authoritarian Chinese government, and hopelessly bungled by the inept American government. To best survive, you need to self quarantine and practice rigid and absolute cleanliness measures immediately. Make ZERO exceptions.

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America has lost the engineering capabilities that China now demonstrates.

This is a subject that I have covered tangentially in other articles. I have argued that when America was “off shoring” it’s manufacturing to Asia, it was doing more than losing jobs. It was destroying industries, evaporating engineering and design knowledge, and devastating the ability to conduct engineering efforts at all levels. Today we see this. We see bridges collapsing in Florida, and spending $77,000,000,000,000 to build a high speed rail line that only has 15 miles of track and a cardboard mock-up of a train. This article is pretty good in that it also covers this subject, though with some inherent biases, that I quickly correct. All in all it’s a pretty great read.

Please give it the attention that it deserves…

This is a complete reprint of the article titled “Can We If We May?” with a sub-heading of “America has lost engineering capabilities China now demonstrates.” written by Will Offensicht  on February 20, 2020 . This reprint is written as found with minor editing to fit within this venue and my own personal opinions interjected at obvious points.

Can We If We May?

America has lost engineering capabilities that China now demonstrates.

My mother was always a stickler for the difference between “can” and “may.”  If I’d ask,

"Can I climb the porch and jump off the roof?"

she’d say,

"You can, in that you're able to do it, but you may not." 

We’ve written about the thicket of government regulations which, among countless other things:

…and many other examples where our government says “You may not do that even if you can, not even if sensible people think you should.”

The Danger of Over Regulation

Although Mr. Trump’s tax cut understandably receives the lion’s share of credit for the current economic boom, his taking an ax to as many regulations as he can also deserves major kudos. 

The leftist media “fact checkers” like to cast his claims of red-tape-slashing as a lie; perhaps he hasn’t actually eliminated 22 regulations for every new one created, but there’s no doubt he’s killed off far more than he originated. 

It’s interesting that the media chooses to castigate him for under-destroying regulations, when they generally believe more regulation is always an unmixed Good Thing.

In fact, the opposite is more generally true as regulations rapidly reach the point of diminishing returns. 

Taxes are more or less predictable.  Even though tax rules are made insanely complicated to offer maximum opportunity for politicians to help their friends escape paying their “fair share,” taxes on a business venture change seldom and are more or less predictable.

Regulations, however, are not predictable and can change at any time. 

We’ve explained how a politician abused the regulatory agencies to keep a new restaurant from opening even after the would-be entrepreneur had followed all the rules.  Regulations cause uncertainty which quashes innovation as well as entrepreneurship.  That’s why we believe that Mr. Trump’s whacking back regulatory kudzu deserves equal credit for his boom if not more.

Having dealt at length with the “May not” effect of regulations and knowing that many of our readers have noticed that Mr. Trump’s chopping back red tape has had good economic effect, we thought we should switch to the “Can” question of whether we’re able to make timely investments that will boost growth or enhance public safety.

Can We?

Part of our ranting against regulations was because we had seen that it now takes decades to do anything constructive, where in time past mere months sufficed. 

The planning process to rebuild Highway 30 in Colorado took 14 years.  It took longer to build the 9-11 victim monument – basically a hole in the ground with a roof – than it took to build the entire towering World Trade Center in the first place.

We reported that back in the early 1970s, the head of power generation at Consolidated Edison, the PG&E of New York, estimated that he could build a power generation plant in 9 months if everyone got out of the way, whereas he couldn’t built it at all under the then-current regulatory regime.

We remember that when an earthquake destroyed a number of California highway overpasses, the governor told the bureaucrats to get out of the way and the highway was fixed in 1/10 the time expected.  We have always assumed that Americans could get things done if the regulations were cut back.

Recent events, however, have led us to re-think that.

They Can!

When the seriousness of the current coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan was recognized, the Chinese threw up a 1,000 bed hospital in 6 days

Correction. They built two (x2) new hospitals, not one. Additionally they added completely new and refurbished a number of existing hospital in Wuhan... all within ten days.


This beat the previous 10-day record, set by a 1,000 bed Beijing hospital erected during the SARS epidemic of 2003.  YouTube has any number of videos showing how it was done from a height, but the details are even more impressing.

The Chinese city of Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, has completed the  ambitious task of building two 1,000-bed hospitals in just 10 days to treat victims of the epidemic.
The Chinese city of Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, has completed the ambitious task of building two 1,000-bed hospitals in just 10 days to treat victims of the epidemic.

Both of these hospitals were built using prefabricated units which were trucked to the site and dropped in place.  Turning prefab shells into a hospital sounds easy, but is actually anything but simple, considering that this is intended as a top-flight isolation hospital for highly contagious plagues. 

For example, Siemens China boasted that their team wired up the entire hospital in 38 hours, a project which, they said, would normally take three weeks.

Hospital wiring is complicated, requiring many carefully-separated ground circuits so that stray voltage doesn’t get into ICU probes where a small amount of extra current can kill a sick patient.  Wiring normally comes after air ducts and after plumbing, because wiring conduits are easiest to bend in case some other installer put something in the wrong place.

Unless the drawings are done extremely carefully and followed with equal care, these tasks can’t be done in parallel because something will interfere with something else and gum up the schedule. 

The Chinese city of Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, has completed the  ambitious task of building two 1,000-bed hospitals in just 10 days to treat victims of the epidemic.
The Chinese city of Wuhan, the center of the coronavirus outbreak, has completed the ambitious task of building two 1,000-bed hospitals in just 10 days to treat victims of the epidemic.

Getting all this done in such a short time indicates organizational and construction skills of an extremely high order – the sort of thing Germans were once famous for, and which Americans used to do routinely, but which we rarely if ever see nowadays.

Electricity Isn’t The Trickiest Problem

Difficult as hospital wiring is, the real problem is the air handling system given that the purpose of the hospital is to treat up to 1,000 patients suffering from a virus that spreads easily through the air.

To start with, patients have to be kept in rooms where the air pressure is slightly below outside air pressure so that the virus doesn’t escape.  But that alone isn’t enough, because you don’t want the victims catching things from each other.  So each room must be kept separate from every other room – not to mention the hallways, access spaces, and so on.

Naturally, any air pulled out of isolation wards must be exhausted to the outside through filters that trap viruses, which are very small.  Doing this for 1,000 rooms requires world-class air management on a grand scale.

We know how critical air handling is from the saga of the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship that’s been in quarantine in Yokohama harbor in Japan since Feb. 3.  One 80-year-old Chinese passenger from Hong Kong had boarded the ship in Yokohama at the start of the voyage.  The ship called at Hong Kong and passengers went ashore, mixing with the general population of that very crowded city.

Since arriving at the Japanese port of Yokohama, the Diamond Princess has been quarantined at sea while all passengers and crew on board undergo health screenings.
Since arriving at the Japanese port of Yokohama, the Diamond Princess has been quarantined at sea while all passengers and crew on board undergo health screenings.

By the time the ship got back to Yokohama, the Hong Kong passenger was suffering from what looked like a severe flu.  Japanese authorities knew about the virus and wouldn’t let anyone off the ship.  There were 61 cases by Feb. 7, showing either that the Hong Kong sufferer was a “super spreader” or that many passengers had been exposed when they went ashore in Hong Kong or when gathering in communal spaces on the ship.

Among the 3,711 passengers and crew there have been at least 542 confirmed cases, giving the ship the highest infection rate in the world at 14% of the available population.  If that infection rate holds in crowded places like Wuhan or Hong Kong, the epidemic will be serious indeed.

Although quarantining people on the ship seemed like a good idea at the time, we now know that the virus spreads well through a ship’s air circulation system.  Just about all of the crew and many low-budget passengers were in rooms without portholes, so they depended on air circulated through the ship’s ducts – which, of course, were never designed for virus-rated filters.

We’ve expressed skepticism of plague statistics coming out of China, but as the number of cases and reported deaths have climbed, fatalities have always come out at around 2%, either by accident or by design.  If 14% of a general population get the disease and 2% of those infected die, .028% of the population will die.

A Dose of Opinion.

One of the things that I have learned since I moved to China, was how wrong my Alt-Right beliefs were regarding China. 

I had, over the five previous decades pretty much accepted the anti-China narrative that has saturated the American media. Most of which is designed for consumption by people who have never put foot inside of China, and thus view China using the same kinds of glasses that we all view America.

One of the narratives is that China routinely fabricates false data. 

Don't roll your eyes. Hear me out for a fucking minute.


Maybe they did so in the past. I know that Mr. Mao was a big fan of lying. I also know that the shedding away of his Marxist utopia came at a great cost. All you need to do is look at the photos of the 1960's and 1970's to see what all his lies were covering up.

But not today. 

Today it's another "ballgame".

They do not lie, because they do not need to. 

So they just tell you what it is, right or wrong. you can take it or leave it. They don't give a flying fuck what you think. No one is going to protest, complain or do anything. So they just tell you the truth. 

America on the other hand, must lie because popular opinion is what drives a "democracy". So America lies all the time...

The greatest employment jobs number ever! The GDP is now at 1.5% it is mind-mindbogglingly amazing! I did not have sex with that woman! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

China doesn't have to lie.

"Hey, we closed all your bank accounts, and seized your money. We also black listed you on social media, and are welding your apartment doors shut. But you are still alive. Let's keep it that way good citizen."

The Chinese government can do whatever it wants. But lie? Nah. They have no need to.


On the basis of past experience with SARS, the British health service estimates that 60% will get the disease.  If they’re right and the 2% fatality rate holds, that means 1.2% of the British population will die. 

What’s worse, it’s not clear that recovering from this flu gives immunity – there are reports that a patient recovered, caught the flu, or a slight mutation, again, and died.

Some Clarity.

The COVID-19 virus has mutated, and there are at least two strains. They are "S" and "L". People who have caught the least dangerous strain and recovered, then ended up getting the more aggressive strain and dying. It's a binary double-punch virus...

 A man who was discharged from one of the makeshift  hospitals built to contain the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, has  reportedly died from respiratory failure, raising questions about the  longevity of the COVID-19 virus and the unknowns about re-infection.

 The 36-year-old man had been discharged with instructions to stay in a  quarantine hotel, but returned to a hospital after five days, where he  later died, according to the South China Morning Post, which reported  that the man’s death certificate listed his cause of death as COVID-19.

 The news comes on the heels of a report from the Japanese government  that a woman from Osaka tested positive for the coronavirus for a second  time.

 “I think it’s something that we need to know more about,” said John  Connor of Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Disease  Laboratories. “This is something that needs to be watched and people  that have become infected and are feeling better should probably be  aware of if they begin to get sick again.”
 –Boston Herald 


Since “only” 14% of the Diamond Princess population have tested positive, we can expect a lot more illness among that group if British estimates are correct.  In that case, the incubation period is a lot longer than the current two week guesstimate. 

Many people who were released from quarantine after two weeks will have been spreading the virus and it won’t be possible to keep it out of the general population.

In any case, we hope that the air handler engineers in Wuhan did a truly world-class job in their new hospital.  We’ll find out!  But the fact that the hospital even appears to be up and running in 6 days is awe-inspiring indeed.

Suppose it Really Mattered?

We’ve noted that trivia such as environmental impact statements and property rights are non-issues in China.  The Party says “Put it there,” and that’s where it goes.  Complainers go to jail or disappear.


That is correct, which is why the Alt-Right narratives about the  "Chicoms" is just fabricated bullshit. They don't need approval from anyone. They do not have polls, or rely on public opinion. They do their own thing, and opinions be dammed.

Plus, the Chinese are hyper-patriotic. They don't need to kill a percentage of their population to end "starvation" or "over crowding". They would just play some patriotic music and people would line up to voluntarily die for their nation.


It’s impossible to do that in America.  When Mr. Trump declared a national emergency so that our military could build a wall on our southern border, people who didn’t want the wall went to court and blocked part of it. 

No Chinese would be so unpatriotic, or foolish, as to question a national emergency decreed from On High.

Suppose, as a thought experiment, that somehow we really got everybody out of the way – environmental, legal, financial, safety, NIMBY, every other obstacle – and told some organization like the Army Engineers to Get It Done Yesterday!  Could we build a hospital to the standards needed to contain this disease in that short a time?

A truly motivating emergency isn’t that hard to imagine – nobody wants to die from the plague, and the military owns vast tracts of empty land subject to nothing but federal law and the Commander-in-Chief.  If the coronavirus were to take hold here as in Wuhan, we fully expect The Donald to sign just such an executive order, to the massed applause of worried voters.

Unfortunately, that wouldn’t be enough to actually get the hospital built in 6 days, or even 6 months.

Unlike the Chinese, we don’t have standard hospital plans – have you ever seen two American hospitals that looked even remotely alike?  We certainly have no factories churning out prefabricated units that could be assembled into a hospital.

The British can’t do it either, which is why they’re saying people will have to self-quarantine if the virus breaks out.

Could our engineers work out designs to knock together hospitals like Legos?  Sure… eventually, by which time it would be far too late.

Let’s look at something simpler, like making 10-cent disposable masks used to stop the virus from spreading through the air.

The South China Morning Post describes mask production in China:

China, which accounts for about half of the world's mask production, is scrambling to snap excess supply from overseas, both through official diplomatic channels, and buyers like Cai [who travels to pharmacies and buys up all the masks he can find]. 

Demand for masks has surged in recent weeks, exhausting not just China's stockpile, but emptying shelves from Bangkok to Boston. In China, it is now mandatory to wear facial masks in public areas in many cities. 

Chinese mask makers are currently operating at 76 per cent capacity, which puts daily production at 15.2 million masks based on the industry's reported capacity to produce 20 million pieces a day, Cong Liang, an NDRC official, said at a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday. 

Daily demand, however, is estimated to be between 50 and 60 million units during the outbreak, according to Chinese media reports citing mainland mask manufacturers.  [emphasis added]  

Daily demand in China is now 2 or 3 times their maximum production capacity.  They won't be able to make it up by grabbing the rest of the world's mask production because any nation that can make masks will keep them.  Could they make more?  

Not to worry: they're slapping together a new mask factory in under a week. 

They clearly know how to make machines to make masks and they can raid their garment industry to assemble armies of seamstresses to make them by hand.  How many masks could one sweatshop employee sew in a 12-hour day when motivated by a credible threat of very unpleasant deaths for all their friends and relatives?

Some thoughts.

Obviously this writer has never been to China. You do not need to threaten anyone. They would willingly come to do what ever is necessary to help their nation.

You can always identify volunteers in China. They are the ones wearing the red volunteer vests that you see EVERYWHERE.
You can always identify volunteers in China. They are the ones wearing the red volunteer vests that you see EVERYWHERE. It is part of the Chinese culture to participate within your society.

In a way, this is even more impressive than the 6-day hospital.  China is home to around 1.5 billion people, and up until very recently they had very few modern hospitals if any at all.  Even without the coronavirus, they had every reason to expect tens of thousands of new hospitals to be needed in the coming years.

One of the advantages of an all-powerful central government is that it can easily standardize things.  Clearly, some Communist Party official led a team designing “Standard Hospital Models A-F,” distributed the plans, and set up “The People’s Hospital Factory” to crank them out.  They’re just turning the crank harder these days, is all.

Some Clarity.

Nope. It doesn't work that way. What? Do all the buildings in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou all look the same? No they do not. Stop confusing North Korea with China. It makes you all look like ignorant fools.

Shanghai has an amazing array of new and modern buildings.
Shanghai has an amazing array of new and modern buildings.

Nobody would have anticipated the need for a factory that mass-produces masks, yet they’ve managed to wave the wand and create those too.  How long will it be before they meet their needs and are willing to resume mask exports?

Our population is about 1/4 of China’s.  Could we make 15 million masks per day to supply our needs if daily masking was required for a similar fraction of our population?

Google believes that Americans manufacture 27.4 billion disposable diapers per year.  Masks take less material, but leaks and hidden defects are fatal as opposed to merely inconvenient.

We’d need on the order of 7 billion masks per year.  The experts at Procter and Gamble could probably retool a diaper machine to make masks, but how long would it take?  How many masks could one re-purposed diaper machine make in a day?  Could they rebuild a machine or make a custom mask maker in 10 days?  Probably not – and then we’d have a diaper shortage, which isn’t a good idea if half the country is sick with the flu.

What if everybody in America needed one every day?  350 million masks per day is nearly 130 billion masks per year, far more than our 27 billion diapers.  Not a chance.

There Was a Time

There was a time when we could grind things out.  Every one of our soldiers who fought in WW II remembered the Great Depression, during which everyone had to make do with whatever they had.  They had to learn to tinker, to “Use it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do, or do without.”

Google wasn’t around during WW II, so it doesn’t remember the story of an Air Force general demanding that Douglas aircraft install a radar on a bomber in 90 days.  The boss tried to stall, “We’ll need a plane,”  “My guys just landed one at your field,” the general said.  “They’ll leave you the keys.”  The job got done.

We’ve lost that ethos.  We no longer have a well-developed culture of tinkering.  Instead of learning to tweak cars as the previous generation of teenagers did, kids play video games.

We aren’t really prepared for the mass mobilization of building hospitals and making all the medical bunny suits that will be needed to replace shipments from China if the virus breaks out into our population.  We don’t live that way, we don’t think that way, and we certainly don’t work that way – because over the decades, bureaucracy has made sure we can’t.

The Chinese are better positioned to crank out whatever they need to fight the virus.  This is one of the few situations in which an undemocratic central government can be enormously more effective than a sclerotic democracy answerable to whichever people are screaming loudest.

What’s more, the Chinese can lose a lot more people without their civilization falling apart, if for no other reason than that they have a lot more people to start with.  Within living memory, their government intentionally murdered a huge fraction of the Chinese people, far more than the virus is on track to do – and yet their government and civilization, such as it was, soldiered on.

Historical Correction.

Yup. That's the American narrative. And it's not that off. But, the deaths came from the "Cultural Revolution" with saw 30 million people die for the progressive Marxist cause. This deeply affected China, and resulted in a complete overhaul of many aspects of progressive thought in China.


So from the standpoint of societal resiliency, China has already been tried and passed the test of surviving a plague of death-dealing human beings.  No virus could possibly match that.


It’s not just that the factory workers were unemployed, it was the technical folk as well. This is the designers, the draftsmen, the CAD operators, the systems integrators, the quality folk, the manufacturing engineers and the production engineers. Not to mention the equipment, the structures and the tools to make all the gizmos and things that are so readily manufactured in China today.

The clueless in Washington somehow believe that they can snap a few fingers and suddenly a factory will spring up in a wheat-field organically just by proclaiming that “it be so”. Who’s gonna operate it? Who’s going to set the production lines, work, and modify the machines?

A “Diversity Director”?

America is paying the price of sloth. American citizens should have butch-slapped President Wilson and all his cronies back to the Middle Ages where they belong. But we didn’t. We let the cut fester and rot, until now they are a cancer that is taking America to Hell.

Rah Rah Rah all you fucking want. America is nothing what it should be and it’s all our fault.

America is trying to claw itself out from a mess that it created. That’s what all of this is. The bigger the domestic mess, the greater the risk of America getting into a long bloody war to take people’s mind off their problems.

Buckle Up.

I hope that you enjoyed this article. I have others in my China posts index here…


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Who Made the Coronavirus COVID-19 virus?

I have been quite clear that the United States has been conducting biological warfare with China for the last four years. But others refuse to believe the train of evidence. They cannot reconcile the idea that the USA would wage covert germ warfare on a nuclear armed nation. But things are changing. Here’s an article by a detractor to this belief that begrudgingly admits that just maybe the USA is that reckless in risking World War III.

And that maybe I am right.

That the USA has been conducting germ warfare against China, and does not care if there is some “leakage” of the virus out of China. The goal is to suppress China at whatever the cost.

This is a reprint of the article titled ” Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China?”, it was published on March 6, 2020 by Enrique Suarez for the Strategic Culture Foundation. It has been edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China?

It might be possible that Washington has created and unleashed the virus in a bid to bring Beijing’s growing economy and military might down a few notches.

I’ve had to delete YouTube off my phone to avoid all the anti China stuff since the virus kicked off. 

There is a massive offensive happening to try poison people’s minds against China. 

Reality is I’ve actually never had a bad experience in China and I’m going in and out 10 years.  

-Derek Kenny

The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal-borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that adjacent provinces in China, where wild bats are more numerous, have not experienced major outbreaks of the disease. Because of that and other factors, there has also been considerable speculation that the Coronavirus did not occur naturally through mutation but rather was produced in a laboratory, possibly as a biological warfare agent.

Where did it originate?

I got the insight today that this global crisis makes one thing very clear.   

To everyone's probable disbelief in the Western world, China and other Asian countries opted for drastic measures to save the people's lives, regardless of economic impact. 

The West is so concerned about economic and consequent political fall out that they compromise lives .. ultimately it will shoot in their own feet...but meanwhile unnecessary lives will be lost. And who will take the responsibility? 

-Peter Buytaert 

Several reports suggest that there are components of the virus that are related to HIV that could not have occurred naturally. If it is correct that the virus had either been developed or even produced to be weaponized it would further suggest that its escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab and into the animal and human population could have been accidental. Technicians who work in such environments are aware that “leaks” from laboratories occur frequently.

Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab.
Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab .

There is, of course, and inevitably, another theory.

There has been some speculation that as the Trump Administration has been constantly raising the issue of growing Chinese global competitiveness as a direct threat to American national security and economic dominance.

It might be possible that Washington has created and unleashed the virus in a bid to bring Beijing’s growing economy and military might down a few notches.

If there is a way to cripple a country without warfare, this is how  it's done. I don't doubt there is a pandemic occurring, but the sheeple  will buy into this more than what actually occurs from a health  standpoint. Don't get me wrong, people will die from this, but it will  absolutely cripple our economy.  God help us and continue stocking up. 

-  Bill Krejci  

It is, to be sure, hard to believe that even the Trump White House would do something so reckless, but there are precedents for that type of behavior.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo switches disease name to ‘Wuhan virus’ opposed by World Health Organization (WHO) and Beijing to encourage racism towards Chinese, Chinese Americans and China as it spreads in the US, expect more hate crimes in the coming days and month against Asian.  


In 2005-9 the American and Israeli governments secretly developed a computer virus called Stuxnet, which was intended to damage the control and operating systems of Iranian computers being used in that country’s nuclear research program. Admittedly Stuxnet was intended to damage computers, not to infect or kill human beings, but concerns that it would propagate and move to infect computers outside Iran proved to be accurate as it spread to thousands of PCs outside Iran, in countries as far-flung as China, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia.

American and Israel designed  Stuxnet was intended to take out the computers of Iran, but "leaked" and took down half of the global internet.
American and Israel designed Stuxnet was intended to take out the computers of Iran, but “leaked” and took down half of the global internet.

Inevitably there is an Israeli story that just might shed some light on what has been going on in China. 

Israel has a vaccine!

Scientists at Israel’s Galilee Research Institute are now claiming that they will have a vaccine against coronavirus in a few weeks which will be ready for distribution and use within 90 days. 

The institute is claiming that it has been engaged in four years of research on avian coronavirus funded by Israel’s Ministries of Science & Technology and Agriculture.

Israel’s Ministries of Science  & Technology and Agriculture.
Israel’s Ministries of Science & Technology and Agriculture.

They are claiming that the virus is similar to the version that has infected humans, which has led to breakthroughs in development through genetic manipulation, but some scientists are skeptical that a new vaccine could be produced so quickly to prevent a virus that existed only recently.

They also have warned that even if a vaccine is developed it would normally have to be tested for side effects, a process that normally takes over a year and includes using it on infected humans.

If one even considers it possible that the United States had a hand in creating the coronavirus at what remains of its once extensive biological weapons research center in Ft Detrick Maryland, it is very likely that Israel was a partner in the project. Helping to develop the virus would also explain how Israeli scientists have been able to claim success at creating a vaccine so quickly, possibly because the virus and treatment for it was developed simultaneously.

The biological weapons research center in Ft  Detrick Maryland.
The biological weapons research center in Ft Detrick Maryland.

In any event, there are definite political ramifications to the appearance of the coronavirus, and not only in China.

American Political Ramifications

In the United States, President Donald Trump is already being blamed for lying about the virus and there are various scenarios in mainstream publications speculating over the possible impact on the election in 2020.

If the economy sinks together with the stock market, it will reflect badly on Trump whether or not he is actually at fault. If containment and treatment of the disease itself in the United States do not go well, there could also be a considerable backlash, particularly as the Democrats have been promoting improving health care.

One pundit argues, however, that disease and a sinking economy will not matter as long as there is a turnaround before the election, but a lot can happen in the next eight months.

National Security and Iran.

And then there is the national security/foreign policy issue as seen from both Jerusalem and Washington.

It is difficult to explain why coronavirus has hit one country in particular other than China very severely. That country is Iran, the often-cited enemy of both the U.S. and Israel.

The number of Iran’s coronavirus cases continues to increase, with more positive tests confirmed among government officials last Saturday. There were 205 new coronavirus cases, bringing the government claimed total to 593 with 43 fatalities, though unofficial hospital reports suggest that the deaths are actually well over 100.

That’s the highest number of deaths from the virus outside of China.

No less than five Iranian Members of Parliament have also tested positive amid a growing number of officials that have contracted the disease. Iran’s vice president Masoumeh Ebtekar and deputy health minister Iraj Harirchi had also previously been confirmed with the virus.

The usual suspects in the United States are delighted to learn of the Iranian deaths.

Mark Dubowitz, a Washington DC neocon and his Foundation for Defense of Democracies  (FDD) is active in pounding the drums of war against Iran.
Mark Dubowitz, a Washington DC neocon and his Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is active in pounding the drums of war against Iran.

Mark Dubowitz, Executive Director of the Washington-based but Israeli government-connected Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) boasted on twitter Tuesday that…

“Coronavirus has done what American economic sanctions  could not: shut down non-oil exports.” 

An Iranian government spokesman responded that…

“It’s shameful and downright inhuman to cheer for a  deadly Virus to spread – and enjoy seeing people suffer for it…”  

Dubowitz followed up with an additional taunt, that Tehran has “spread terrorism” in the Middle East and “now it’s spreading the coronavirus.”

 The US сould be the prime  culprit behind Covid-2019 outbreak that hit China and then Iran, head of  its elite Revolutionary Guards claimed, threatening that the virus will  eventually be turned against those who unleashed it.
“It is possible that this virus is a product of a  biological attack by America which initially spread to China and then to  Iran and the rest of the world,” Hossein Salami said on Thursday.
He vowed that Iran would “fight” the virus and cautioned that the illness “will return” to the United States, if Washington was indeed responsible for the outbreak.

 Though such conspiracy theories have been circulating for a while, there’s still no official proof it could be true.

 The Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization, General Gholam Reza Jalali,  said earlier on Tuesday that media fear-mongering over the new  corornavirus in the country bolsters claims that the virus is a  biological attack on China and Iran. He said that some reports indicate  that it could be a hostile state, but added that his suspicion requires  laboratorial investigation and a study of the virus genome.

 Iran has been one of the countries hit hardest by Covid-19 outside of  mainland China where it originated. As of Thursday, the Islamic  Republic has reported 3,513 confirmed cases and 107 deaths attributed to  the virus. Some 15 of those who have succumbed to the coronavirus died  in the last 24 hours, according to Iran’s Health Minister Saeed Namaki.

 The country has shuttered all schools and universities until the end  of the country’s calendar year on March 20 in an effort to stop the  spread of the virus.

 On Tuesday, state media announced that the head of Iran’s emergency  medical services was being treated for coronavirus. Numerous high-level  Iranian officials have fallen ill to the virus. Recently, 23 lawmakers  tested positive for the illness in the Islamic Republic.

 Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a member of a council that  advises the supreme leader, died after falling sick from the disease.  His death follows those of two other high-profile Iranians who  contracted the virus – a former ambassador and a newly-elected member of  parliament.
- Сoronavirus May be a Product of US ‘Biological Attack’ Aimed at Iran and China, IRGC Chief Claims -  RT News 

Who made the COVID-19?

 Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and  80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a  biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian  scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.

 As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the  American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international  journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an  independent research organization on the history and innovations of  biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of  the hours finds more and more supporters. 

-Veterans Today

So, you have your choice.

[1] Coronavirus occurred naturally, or [2] it came out of a lab in China itself or [3] even from Israel or [4] the United States.

If one suspects Israel and/or the United States, the intent clearly would have been to create a biological weapon that would damage two nations that have been designated as enemies.

But the coronavirus cannot be contained easily and it is clear that many thousands of people will die from it. Unfortunately, as with Stuxnet, once the genie is out of the bottled it is devilishly hard to induce it to go back in.

Back to America…

Nothing to see here ... carry on ... it's less to worry about then the common flu 

- C D 

Now it appears that it has boomeranged back to America.

The Post I’m stationed at told us today they’ve been briefed today and  it’s just like the flu and to wash our hands and not worry. 75K is a  huge number that would get out. I’m sure some have it but I have trouble  buying that number. Anyone else on active duty please chime in if  you’ve heard or seen otherwise.

-  Jonathan Weaver 

The United States government, being what it is, is actively lying to the people, covering up events and trying to tell everyone that the flu is much, much worse.

Meanwhile, the United States is unraveling.

I work maintenance for an intercity apartments had the cops called and  they were talking amongst them selves saying Kroger and several others are paying off duty cops for security. I mentioned corona virus they shut up after that. The stores know.

- Shawn May 

And finally this, from a conservative blogger who bought into the Trump narrative hook-line-and-sinker…

 Further perspective:

 In the US-alone flu season, we saw at LEAST 220,690 new cases per day, on average. Over TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND.

 The peak day WORLDWIDE for COVID-19 was 15,100. Just 6.8% of the US  AVERAGE for flu. (That day was an extreme outlier, because it  represented China changing reporting standards from confirmed-by-testing to diagnosed-by-symptoms.)

 As of 3/5/2020, new COVID-19 cases WORLDWIDE: 2,800. 1.3% of the average US flu cases.

 If you truly believe you’re going to die from COVID-19, you either 1)  have some extremely high risk factors like being an 80 year old man  with diabetes and a bum ticker, who’s been french-kissing your  girlfriend from Wuhan; or 2) you already died from the frickin’ flu.

 Sure things could change. The virus could mutate again. We could  import a bunch more infected people and turn them loose. But as things  stand…

 1. Eat decent food.
 2. Wash your hands often.
 3. Avoid sick people.

 Sound familiar? Yes, it’s the same basic precautions you be be taking  to avoid the flu and common cold (which I’ll remind you is often yet  another coronavirus, too; and for most people COVID-19 is amounting to a common cold).

 People need to stop losing their shit. 

-Bear Buss

Yeah. It’s just like the flu. Right?

Just like the “common cold” right?

Nothing to worry about.

You don’t need to wear a mask.



Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

I have other posts on this subject. You can view them in my Trump Trade War Index, here…

Trump Trade War

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Some things we can expect when the progressive Marxists take over America.

The progressive Marxists, that call the Democrat party their home, have pretty much saturated every government organization, institution and business in the United States. Since Obama was President, we have had all the Fortune Five Hundred companies hire expensive “diversity officers”, and the “Deep State” has relentlessly pushed progressive Marxism at all levels. It’s only a few short years away from when they will regain the totality of American governance. It is helpful to look at what will happen in America through the lens of what happened in the Soviet Union when they took power.

America is about to become full-on Marxist. It's only a few short years away. But, first you all must be disarmed, and by golly you will be.
America is about to become full-on Marxist. It’s only a few short years away. But, first you all must be disarmed, and by golly you will be.

Get ready, because it’s coming and you will not be able to stop it.

The Soviet Union is the blueprint for much of what the left is selling these days. We can see it all around us. And yet we mistakenly think that it is dead and buried. We mistakenly think that it only exists in Communist China.

That’s really and terribly wrong.

The progressive Marxists in America would have a very difficult time living inside of China. For it is a Chinese Conservative traditional nation with zero tolerance for any of that progressive nonsense. They believe in work, merit and participation. If you don’t agree, they will re-educate you to “cure” your malfunction. The Communist Chinese are communist in name only.

They are a traditional conservative totalitarian nation with zero acceptance of anything else.

It’s not “free” like America is. It doesn’t permit “diversity” as part of “democracy”. It doesn’t allow the “free exchange of ideas and thought” like America does. It doesn’t permit allowances for the “less fortunate” or the “less privileged”.

America has "freedom" and "democracy".
America has “freedom” and “democracy”.

The blueprint for progressive Marxist democrats is not China, it is the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was one of the most brutal regimes of the 20th century. Yet, given the significant timescale of its existence and subsequent collapse, many things have been erased from public memory. Today it is remembered fondly by the leadership of the Democrat party, and cherished by their rabid followers.

This is really strange as terms like dictatorship are often used casually in political debate. This is done without a full appreciation of what real tyranny actually looks like. As well as what to expect when it is permitted to thrive and grow inside of America…

Pseudoscience will be endorsed by the Federal government.

While Soviet socialism (typically referred to as communism) was viewed as scientific by its followers, science was unquestionably subject to ideology.

Trofim Lysenko was a Soviet scientist who backed an alternative theory to genetics which would become known as Lysenkoism. He was hostile to the idea of genetics which highlighted unchanging traits. This was at odds with his Marxist beliefs, which stated that with the right conditioning, society and ultimately humanity could be perfected.

What was once consider fringe, became suddenly real when the armed government took control of the narrative. This was true in all historical venues and will be frighteningly true in America as well.
What was once consider fringe, became suddenly real when the armed government took control of the narrative. This was true in all historical venues and will be frighteningly true in America as well.

The Soviet government eagerly embraced Lysenko’s ideas and his theory was installed as the only acceptable viewpoint within agricultural science. Any scientists who challenged this were removed from their positions and publicly smeared. Many were imprisoned and executed. Not only was science handicapped in the Soviet Union for decades, these bogus theories worsened the famines of the 1930s.

We can well expect that pseudoscience to be embraced and made the law of the land within America;

  • Global Warming.
  • Gender equality.
  • Mainstream abortions on demand as being natural.
Children protesting climate change.
Children protesting climate change.

Psychiatry will be used to silence political dissidents

In the Soviet Union, political dissidents were imprisoned for years in mental asylums and forcibly given mind altering drugs for challenging Marxist doctrine. It was claimed that anyone who lived in a socialist system but was still opposed to socialism had to be insane.

The Soviet authorities even invented a new psychiatric term; ‘sluggish schizophrenia’. Its symptoms included obsessing over philosophy or religion, having ‘delusions of reform’ and having inflated self-esteem. But of course, the disorder was completely made up and deliberately vague so it could be attached to dissidents when useful.

In a society that makes no differences regarding gender, would have no problem forcing gender change "therapy" on dissidents.
In a society that makes no differences regarding gender, would have no problem forcing gender change “therapy” on dissidents.

What made this method particularly effective was that once someone’s sanity was called into question, they were not subject to the same due process compared with a criminal case. This gave the State even more power than it normally had as it wasn’t required to inform the accused of basic details of their case. Approximately 20 thousand people were institutionalized under such claims but the total is believed to be significantly higher.

We hear about progressive liberals wishing Trump supporters would die, and they have even taken up arms and weapons to make sure this happens. Imagine what happens when they are in complete control of the medical establishment.

The top Democrat Leadership will all be sexual predators

Funny how the progressive Marxists are all about trying to out Sexual predators. However it’s been my experience that the people who talk the loudest about certain things are usually the one with the problems about that issue.

The democrat party rewards sexual predators.
The democrat party rewards sexual predators.

Lavrentiy Beria was a Soviet politician and state security administrator under Stalin. He began his career as the chief of police in Georgia and eventually became the head of the secret police, overseer of the Gulag prison system and Central Committee member. Stalin warmly referred to him as “my Himmler”.

Aside from being responsible for the murder, torture and false imprisonment of millions of peoples, he was also a well-known sexual deviant. During his free time he would prowl the streets of Moscow and identify young women for his henchmen to kidnap and transport to his private accommodation where he would sexually assault them. After his death Beria’s villa was turned into an embassy and during refurbishments the bones of dozens of young women and teenage girls were discovered buried on the property.

Historian Simon Sebag Montefiore notes that Beria’s depravity was well known amongst the Soviet leadership. While Stalin tolerated Beria due to his reliability, in one instance, when Stalin heard his daughter was at Beria’s house, he frantically called her and ordered her to leave immediately.

Bill Clinton and Jeffry Epstein.
Bill Clinton and Jeffry Epstein.

Expect, regardless of gender, the top progressive Marxist leadership will be aggressive sexual predators. They will have money, complete and absolute power, and will be able to do what ever they want with out any opposition.

Prisons will be an integral part of the United States economy.

The labor camp system was originally created by Lenin but was at its worse under Stalin. These camps, which would become known as the Gulag, were used to imprison those accused of political crimes. The conditions in the camps were appalling. Abuse and mistreatment were commonplace, and it’s estimated up to 2 million people died within them.

American prisons, both State and Federal, will be repurposed to hold "undesirables", "deplorables" and other misfits that cannot adjust to the new Marxist utopia that America has become.
American prisons, both State and Federal, will be repurposed to hold “undesirables”, “deplorables” and other misfits that cannot adjust to the new Marxist utopia that America has become.

These camps operated as a tool of political terror and also facilitated what was essentially slave labor. The Soviet authorities saw the Gulag as a way of helping the economy and believed it could produce a significant amount of income.

Gulag prisoners were frequently put to work in mines, forests, oil fields and large construction projects. Huge amounts of the resources were produced from the forced labor, creating an entire industry in itself. At Kolyma, a region in the far east of Russia, there were 80 Gulag facilities, all dedicated to mining its significant gold deposits.

However, the Gulag turned out to be an ineffective economic model because unsurprisingly slaves don’t make good workers. The labor camps ultimately became a massive drain on State finances.

Most State prisons within America today operate under a "for profit" model for private enterprise.
Most State prisons within America today operate under a “for profit” model for private enterprise.

Today, throughout the United States, the prisons exist under a “for profit” model. Expect them to be expanded and merged with FEMA and some kind of Social Program along the lines of the CCC to enroll dissidents and control them.

Starvation will be used as a weapon

Several famines occurred within the USSR as a result of farm collectivisation. This was largely due to the fact that this policy simply does not work, but what is also true is the Soviet authorities knew that access to food could be used to control the population.

An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.
An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.

This strategy was used in one of the most infamous man-made famines of the 20th century, the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor. What was particularly cruel about this famine was that it wasn’t solely caused by incompetence, bad policy or denial. Rather it was deliberately manufactured and worsened by Stalin as a means of wiping out the Kulaks, peasant farmers who were economically more successful than the rest of the population and thus, class enemies.

Historians have also speculated that the famine was targeted at Ukraine in order to weaken its national identity. Ukrainian nationalists had put up fierce resistance to Bolshevik rule during the Russian civil war and Stalin was not willing to risk the region rising up.

After seizing crops and livestock, Soviet forces closed off the borders and arrested- or just shot- anyone that tried to flee. It’s estimated that four million Ukrainians died as result of this famine but the true figure will never be known as there was a coordinated effort to cover up the death toll.

An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.
An enormous percentage of Americans rely on food stamps to live. The government can control these people by withholding their benefits.

Enemies with become friends.

While it is true that Nazism and Communism were bitter enemies, the two ideologies saw they had more in common with each other than their non-authoritarian rivals. After all, both are, fundamentally socialist systems.

Their uneasy but mutually beneficial association peaked in August 1939 with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Officially, this was a neutrality pact but in reality it was also an agreement on which areas of Eastern Europe the two regimes would take over. Poland was the main target of this deal, and within two weeks of each other, the two powers occupied the nation in September 1939. As the Nazis rounded up Jews in their half of the country, the Soviets systematically murdered Polish intellectuals and military officers in their sector.

Chuck Schumer with President Putin of Russia.
Chuck Schumer with President Putin of Russia.

Even years prior to this agreement, the secret police of both regimes, the Gestapo and NKVD, had been cooperating by exchanging political dissidents who had fled their respective countries. More bizarrely, the NKVD handed over numerous German communists to their Nazi counterparts. Many of those who were traded between the two agencies would meet their end in either the Gulag or SS concentration camps.

Like the book “Animal Farm” you will see the those in power will embrace the ideologies of other socialist nations, become close working friends and mutually support each other.

Terror and violence will be mainstream.

People who are “woke” have little respect for the thought of others. They go into “brain freeze” and immediately assault you for thinking differently than they do. You can expect this behavior to become sanctioned by the government.

Antifa are the "Brown Shirts" of the American Democrat Party.
Antifa are the “Brown Shirts” of the American Democrat Party.

When the atrocities of the Soviet Union are discussed, much of the focus is put on Stalin. However this means the crimes of other earlier revolutionary figures are overlooked, in particular with the USSR’s founder, Vladimir Lenin.

Lenin strongly believed that there could be no peaceful transition from capitalism to communism. The wealthy elites could only be removed from power by force, not to mention they had to be punished for their crime of exploiting the people. Even after the Bolsheviks had achieved control of the government violence and specifically terror were used to control the population and eliminate any perceived threat to its power.

The Democrat "Brown Shirts";
 the Antifa, thrive in Democrat strongholds, but once the Democrats obtain true and complete power, they will be everywhere.
The Democrat “Brown Shirts”;
the Antifa, thrive in Democrat strongholds, but once the Democrats obtain true and complete power, they will be everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands, potentially millions of people, were executed and imprisoned during the ‘Red Terror’, a campaign of violence against those labelled as class enemies. Additionally, during the early years of the Bolshevik government, numerous uprisings were brutally put down.

All of this was organized and endorsed by Lenin. It was under his leadership that the secret police, initially called the Cheka, and the Gulag were established. Moreover, he explicitly stated that the goal was to terrify the population into submission.

This is what the Antifa will look like once the Democrats come to complete and absolute power in America.
This is what the Antifa will look like once the Democrats come to complete and absolute power in America.

“Fake news” will be used to control thought.

We have become accustomed with Google, Facebook, Twitter and all their sub-companies censoring conservative thought. They have also created “fact check” organizations to enforce the legitimacy of their narratives. This is a well known technique and was practiced in the Soviet Union extensively.

CNN news team announces that Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election.
CNN news team announces that Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election.

The KGB was the institutional successor of the Cheka and NKVD, operating from 1954 to 1991 and was responsible for state security. Abroad, its primary goals were to foster political unrest and promote Marxist ideology.

One of the KGB’s most well-known activities was planting false stories in Western media and spreading conspiracy theories with the intent of destroying trust in institutions and inciting conflict. Today this is widely known as ‘fake news’ but its origin can be traced back to the Communist intelligence agency who referred to it as ‘disinformation’.

President Trump was the first person to take on the massive American news organization.
President Trump was the first person to take on the massive American news organization.

One of the most famous cases of a successful disinformation campaign was in 1984 when the US media covered the supposed scandal of the AIDs virus being created by the American government. This was in fact a lie that had been carefully crafted and strategically inserted into foreign news sources by Soviet intelligence until it reached Western journalists.

Within Russia, while the KGB was officially disbanded, its influence and tactics can still be observed today and have undoubtedly been boosted by the emergence of the internet.

Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.

Once the progressive Marxists take control there will be no “free thought”. Like at work, you cannot offend anyone, it will be on steroids. You will, and must act and speak in accordance with the proclaimed fashion. If you fail to do so, you might end up in a re-education camp in Alaska.

Historian Stephen Kotkin describes the Great Terror as “an episode that seems to defy rational explanation.” Between 1936 to 1938 Stalin carried out a sweeping political purge of his administrative, military and diplomatic ranks. Hundreds of thousands of people were arrested, tortured, imprisoned and in many cases summarily executed based on imaginary political offenses.

Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.
Sweeping purges of non-Marxist thought will be common.

Again, there was no rational reason to inflict this chaos on the country. Historians have been baffled for decades over Stalin’s actions in this period as his position as leader was arguably stronger than it had ever been and there were no obvious internal threats to the Soviet Union.

While several theories have been put forward, Kotkin suggests that the most creditable explanation is that Stalin wanted to psychologically destroy his inner circle so they would never try to undermine him. Alongside this twisted motivation was Stalin’s paranoia towards the influence of his exiled rival, Leon Trotsky, especially after Trotsky published books severely criticizing Stalin.

Not only was the Terror completely unnecessary, it was also damaging to the regime. With many of the Red Army’s most experienced and competent officers purged during the Terror, Soviet forces were severely weakened in their ability to fight back when the Nazis invaded in 1941. This resulted in extraordinarily high casualties for the Soviets.

There will be institutional anti-Semitism

You wouldn’t think this would occur, but it is a foundational fundamental requirement of Marxist control.

Soviet anti-Semitism was inherited to a large degree from the Tsarist era, and arguably communist anti-Semitism can be traced back to Karl Marx himself, who firmly associated Judaism with greed and exploitation.

AOC’s Democratic Socialists chant for Israel’s destruction
AOC’s Democratic Socialists chant for Israel’s destruction

Bigotry towards Jews was also closely tied to the Soviet anti-Zionist campaign. It even had an official organization called the Anti-Zionist Committee of The Soviet Public which explicitly stated that Zionists had been collaborators with the Nazis, enabled the genocides in Eastern Europe and had deliberately exaggerated Jewish victim-hood during the war.

Expect this to be the new American Leadership once Trump leaves office.
Expect this to be the new American Leadership once Trump leaves office.

Though publicly the government claimed to make a distinction between Zionism and Jews, in reality there was institutional discrimination. Jews were prevented from holding certain jobs and were often scapegoated in political witch-hunts. Additionally, as part of the Soviet’s anti-religion campaign, the Jewish faith was subject to, alongside other religious faiths, State oppression in various forms.

The ruling democrat organization will turn on the Jewish people with a vengeance.
The ruling democrat organization will turn on the Jewish people with a vengeance.

Following the Six Day War in 1967, any Jewish-Soviet citizens who applied to immigrate to Israel were denied permission and considered enemies of the people. These individuals, the ‘Refuseniks’, faced severe social and legal consequences, with many being imprisoned for years.


We can see what to expect through the lens of history.

Trump has been unsuccessful in overturning centuries of corruption of the Constitutional Republic. Minor surgery with a tweet here, or an appointment of a judge there is not enough to erase the embedded “deep state” and the progressive tears by Presidents Wilson, FDR, Clinton, Johnson, Obama and Bush.

When Trump leaves, the progressive Marxists will enact sweeping changes and you will be helpless to withstand the onslaught.

Carl Marx will call America his home.
Carl Marx will call America his home.

What you need to think about is how you will adjust to the new reality and live within it. Fighting is out of the question. You will be disarmed, and if you haven’t left the United States by now, you never will.

It’s gonna be too late.

So plan on how you will live within the progressive utopia that is bounding towards you. It’s inevitable.

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COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Virus Originated in the United States, Not in Wuhan.

Executive Summary

When the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, and Beijing got involved, one of the first things that he ordered was that people find out the origin of the coronavirus. The scientists did just that. Their results were published in February 2020.

The COVID-19 virus did not originate in Wuhan, China. It originated in the United States.

As people start digging into the causes and history behind this COVID-19 viral agent, it becomes clear that the agent did not “spontaneously” erupt in Wuhan by people eating bats. The etymology lineage has been traced, and it leads to a place outside of China. In fact, it points straight, and clear directly at the United States. This report is interesting and supports the notion that I have made that this is just the latest escalation of the Trump Trade Wars to suppress China’s rise.

Please read it with an open mind, and take special note that you will have a very difficult time finding this information inside America. Or on any of the regular American media channels. America will not EVER allow it’s citizens to know that it has been conducting surreptitious germ warfare against China.

Quick note before we begin…

Guys, I am so sorry for the flood of COVID-19 related posts. I have all kinds of other things that are in my stack of stuff that I really want to get to, but this is all just taking up my precious time. After all, it’s not everyday that you are at ground zero during a biological warfare attack.

I have stuff that I want to cover on soul construction, and consciousness partitioning, as well as some things regarding the the happiness of dogs, and some positive things to say about people. Please bear with me. Thank you.

 Even before the toll in China reached the current 3,045 dead and  80,711 infected, the Chinese Communist Party had called the pandemic a  biological weapon of the USA following the revelations of Asian  scientists on the anomalous “modeling” of the S protein.

 As reported first by Veterans Today and then by Gospa News, the  American journalist Jeff Brown, founder with other international  journalists and authors of the Bioweapon Truth Commission, an  independent research organization on the history and innovations of  biological weapons, has supported this thesis, that with the passing of  the hours finds more and more supporters. 

-Veterans Today

China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?

This article was originally titled “China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?” with a subheading of “Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus”. It was written by Larry Romanoff for Global Research on March 04, 2020. It is copied as written with the only editing was to fit within this venue. All credit to the author.

Japan, China and Taiwan Reports on the Origin of the Virus.

The Western media quickly took the stage and laid out the official narrative for the outbreak of the new coronavirus which appeared to have begun in China. They have been claiming that it has originated with animals at a wet market in Wuhan.

The American Mainstream Narrative
This is a natural virus - it originated in a Wuhan seafood market from people eating bats.

The American Alt-Right Narrative
It is a Chinese biological weapon, accidentally released by a germ weapons center that is located in Wuhan - a city twice the size of New York City.

The American HARD-Right Narrative
It is a stolen American biological weapon, intentionally released within Wuhan in order to kill Chinese people to ease population and starvation pressures.

In fact the origin was for a long time unknown but it appears likely now, according to Chinese and Japanese reports, that the virus originated elsewhere, from multiple locations, but began to spread widely only after being introduced to the market.

More to the point, it appears that the virus did not originate in China and, according to reports in Japanese and other media, may have originated in the US.

Chinese Researchers Conclude the Virus Originated Outside of China

After collecting samples of the genome in China, medical researchers first conclusively demonstrated that the virus did not originate at the seafood market.

Instead, it had multiple unidentified sources.

After which it was eventually exposed at the seafood market from where it spread everywhere. (1) (2) (3)

New Chinese study indicates the novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market.
New Chinese study indicates the novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market.

According to the Global Times:

A new study by Chinese researchers indicates the  novel coronavirus may have begun human-to-human transmission in late  November from a place other than the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.

 The study published on ChinaXiv, a Chinese open repository for scientific researchers, reveals the  new coronavirus was introduced to the seafood market from another location(s), and then spread rapidly from the market due to the large  number of close contacts. 

The findings were the result of  analyses of the genome data, sources of infection, and the route of  spread of variations of the novel coronavirus collected throughout China. 

 The study believes that patient(s) zero transmitted the  virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market, the crowded  market easily facilitating further transmission of the virus to buyers,  which caused a wider spread in early December 2019. 

(Global Times,  February 22, 2020, emphasis added (2) 

Chinese medical authorities – and “intelligence agencies” – then conducted a rapid and wide-ranging search for the origin of the virus. Thus, collecting nearly 100 samples of the genome from 12 different countries on 4 continents, identifying all the varieties and mutations.

During this research, they determined the virus outbreak had begun much earlier, probably in November, shortly after the Wuhan Military Games.

They then came to the same independent conclusions as the Japanese researchers – that the virus did not begin in China but was introduced there from the outside.

China’s top respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan  said on January 27, 2020;

“Though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China”

“But that is Chinese for “it originated someplace else, in another country”. (4)

This of course raises questions as to the actual location of origin.

If the authorities pursued their analysis through 100 genome samples from 12 countries, they must have had a compelling reason to be searching for the original source outside China.

This would explain why there was such difficulty in locating and identifying a ‘patient zero’.

Japan’s Media: The Coronavirus May Have Originated in the US

In February of 2020, the Japanese Asahi news report (print and TV) claimed the coronavirus originated in the US, not in China, and that some (or many) of the 14,000 American deaths attributed to influenza may have in fact have resulted from the coronavirus. (5)

Japanese Television Report sparks speculations in China that COVID-19 may have originated in the United States.
Japanese Television Report sparks speculations in China that COVID-19 may have originated in the United States.
A report from a Japanese TV station disclosing a  suspicion that some of those Americans may have unknowningly contracted  the coronavirus has gone viral on Chinese social media, stoking fears and speculations in China that the novel coronavirus may have originated in the US.
The report, by TV Asahi Corporation of Japan, suggested that the US government may have failed to grasp how rampant the virus has gone on US soil.
However, it is unknown whether Americans who have already  died of the influenza had contracted the coronavirus, as reported by TV  Asahi. (People’s Daily, English, February 23, 2020, emphasis added)

On February 14, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said they will begin to test individuals with influenza-like-illness for the novel coronavirus at public health labs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City.

The TV Asahi network presented scientific documentation for their claims, raising the issue that no one would know the cause of death because the US either neglected to test or failed to release the results.

Japan avoided the questions of natural vs. man-made and accidental vs. deliberate, simply stating that the virus outbreak may first have occurred in the US. The Western Internet appears to have been scrubbed of this information, but the Chinese media still reference it.

These claims stirred up a hornet’s nest not only in Japan but in China, immediately going viral on Chinese social media, especially since the Military World Games were held in Wuhan in October, and it had already been widely discussed that the virus could have been transmitted at that time – from a foreign source.

“Perhaps the US delegates (to the Wuhan Military World Games) brought the coronavirus to  Wuhan, and some mutation occurred to the virus, making it more deadly  and contagious, and causing a widespread outbreak this year.” 

(People’s Daily, February 23, 2020) (1)

Shen Yi, an international relations professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, stated that global virologists “including the intelligence agencies” were tracking the origin of the virus. Also of interest, the Chinese government did not shut the door on this.

The news report stated:

“Netizens are encouraged to actively partake in discussions, but preferably in a rational fashion.”

In China, that is meaningful. If the reports were rubbish, the government would clearly state that, and tell people to not spread false rumors.

Taiwan Virologist Suggests the Coronavirus Originated in the US

Then, Taiwan ran a TV news program on February,27,(click here to access video (Chinese), that presented diagrams and flow charts suggesting the coronavirus originated in the US. (6)

Taiwan ran a TV news program on February,27, that presented diagrams and flow charts suggesting the coronavirus originated in the US.

Below is a rough translation, summary and analysis of selected content of that newscast. (see map below)

The man in the video is a top virologist and pharmacologist who 
performed a long and detailed search for the source of the virus. 

He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes 
(varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each 
other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived 
from another. 

He explains this is merely elementary science and nothing 
to do with geopolitical issues, describing how, just as with numbers in 
order, 3 must always follow 2.
He  spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes  (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each  other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived  from another.
He spends the first part of the video explaining the various haplotypes (varieties, if you will), and explains how they are related to each other, how one must have come before another, and how one type derived from another.
One of his main points is that the type infecting Taiwan exists only  in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by  Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the United States.

The basic logic is that the geographical location with the greatest diversity of virus strains must be the original source because  a single strain cannot emerge from nothing. 
He demonstrated that only  the United States has all the five known strains of the virus (while Wuhan and most  of China have only one, as do Taiwan and South Korea, Thailand and  Vietnam, Singapore, and England, Belgium and Germany), constituting a  thesis that the haplotypes in other nations may have originated in the  United States.

Korea and Taiwan have a different haplotype of the virus than China, perhaps more infective but much less deadly, which would account for a death rate only 1/3 that of China.

Neither Iran nor Italy were included in the above tests, but both countries have now deciphered the locally prevalent genome and have declared them of different varieties from those in China, which means they did not originate in China but were of necessity introduced from another source.

It is worth noting that the variety in Italy has approximately the same fatality rate as that of China, three times as great as other nations, while the haplotype in Iran appears to be the deadliest with a fatality rate of between 10% and 25%. (7) (8) (9)

Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage focused on China, much of the world believes the coronavirus spread to all other nations from China, but this now appears to have been proven wrong.

With about 50 nations scattered throughout the world having identified at least one case at the time of writing, it would be very interesting to examine virus samples from each of those nations to determine their location of origin and the worldwide sources and patterns of spread.

The Virologist further stated that the United States has recently had more than  200 “pulmonary fibrosis” cases that resulted in death due to patients’  inability to breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms could not be  explained by pulmonary fibrosis. 

He said he wrote articles informing the  US health authorities to consider seriously those deaths as resulting  from the coronavirus, but they responded by blaming the deaths on  e-cigarettes, then silenced further discussion. …

The Taiwanese doctor then stated the virus outbreak began earlier than assumed, saying, “We must look to September of 2019”.

He stated the case in September of 2019 where some Japanese traveled  to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who had never been to  China. 

This was two months prior to the infections in China and just  after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick  bio-weapons lab claiming the facilities were insufficient to prevent  loss of pathogens. (10) (11)

He said he personally investigated those cases very carefully (as did  the Japanese virologists who came to the same conclusion)..   

This might indicate the coronavirus had already spread in the US but where the symptoms were being officially attributed to other diseases, and thus possibly masked.

The prominent Chinese news website Huanqiu related one case in the US where a woman’s relative was told by physicians he died of the flu, but where the death certificate listed the coronavirus as the cause of death.

Just for information

In the past two years (during the trade war) China has suffered several pandemics:

  • February 15, 2018: H7N4 bird flu. Sickened at least 1,600 people in China and killed more than 600. Many chickens killed.

China needs to purchase US poultry products.

  • June, 2018: H7N9 bird flu. Many chickens killed.

China needs to purchase US poultry products.

  • August, 2018: outbreak of African swine flu. Same strain as Russia, from Georgia. Millions of pigs killed.

China needs to purchase US pork products.

  • May 24, 2019: massive infestation of armyworms in 14 province-level regions in China, which destroy most food crops. Quickly spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production. They produce astonishing numbers of eggs.

China needs to purchase US agricultural products – corn, soybeans.

  • December, 2019: Coronavirus appearance puts China’s economy on hold.

China’s entire economy comes to a complete halt. American leadership boasts that American businesses will benefit from this “tragedy”.

  • January, 2020: China is hit by a “highly pathogenic” strain of bird flu in Hunan province. Many chickens died, many others killed.

China needs to purchase US poultry products.

The standard adage is that bad luck happens in threes, not sixes.


Just because you do not believe this, does not mean that others agree with you. The Chinese leadership gets their reports from their scientists directly, not from FOX News or CNN.

The Chinese leadership (and the Russian leadership) [1] has this information, and [2] they are “taking it in” and [3] are making the necessary long-term responses on [4] their terms, at [5] the time of their choosing.

Be advised.


Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at: He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


  9. Coronavirus has Mutated, Iran attacked by a Different Strain from Wuhan

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R0 vs. Mortality for the COVID-19 Coronavirus compared to other pathogens.

The following is a chart based on the latest findings (as of 5MAR20) from a Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020. I have placed the information on a graph using data from the Information is Beautiful website. It is very interesting and very instructive.

On the chart are two data points. They are labeled “L” and “S”. This is because there are two strains of the virus.

Coronavirus: there are 2 types, Chinese researchers find, while  authorities say faeces and urine can transmit the infection. They found  that one type, which they called the L type, was more prevalent than the  other, the S type, meaning it was more infectious.   

They also found that the L type had evolved from the S type, and that  the L type was far more widespread before January 7 and in Wuhan, ground  zero of the outbreak. 
This is a chart of the COVID-19 coronavirus R0 and mortality plotted against pathogens.
This is a chart of the COVID-19 coronavirus R0 and mortality plotted against pathogens.

While there are two strains, I labeled the points in the chart based on the probability of where a given individual may live and their situation.

For instance, I live inside of China, but outside of Wuhan. For my situation, the data point “S” would be most appropriate. Everyone is taking extreme caution, and the hospital and medical facilities inside China are top rate.

If you, however lived in or near a city inside America, say Pittsburgh or Cleveland your data point might be in the middle of the red box. While those inside the big cities like Chicago, Los Angles and New York might be closer to the “L” data point.

"The preliminary study found that a more aggressive type [L] of the coronavirus accounted for about 70% of analyzed strains, while 30% was linked to a less aggressive type [S]." 

- Roger Ng 黄扬光

Notice where the flu is on the chart. It’s difficult to see. It is all the way over buried in the lower left hand corner. If you are treating this COVID-19 like the flu, you are making a grave mistake. It’s no where near as lethal or contagious.

Theraflu will not stop you from going into a seizure.

This COVID-19 coronavirus shares the same general region (on the chart) with Smallpox and the Bubonic Plague.

Additional notes of interest…

  The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated

 [Excerpts:] Integrating uncertainties in the exponential growth  rate estimated from the ‘first arrival’ approach and the uncertainties  in the duration of latent and infectious periods, we estimated the  values of R0 to be 6.3 and 4.7. The high R0 values we estimated have  important implications for disease control.

 The 2019-nCoV epidemic is still rapidly growing and spread to  more than 20 countries as of February 5, 2020. Here, we estimated the  growth rate of the early outbreak in Wuhan to be 0.29 per day (a  doubling time of 2.4 days), and the reproductive number, R0, to be  between 4.7 to 6.6.

 How contagious the 2019-nCoV is in other countries remains to be  seen. If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results  suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing  efforts, such as closing down transportation system, schools,  discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall  contacts to contain the spread of the virus.

 This shockingly high original Chinese R0 value meant a doubling of  the number of cases every few days, and subsequently, regional hospitals  were overrun by infected patients. The Chinese experience indicates how  it may spread in the West and the 3rd world. Critically, the  often-quoted case fatality rate (CFR) of “only” 2% for Covid-19 occurs  when severely affected patients have access to first-class medical  treatment, with teams of nurses and doctors caring for them in isolation  ICUs. About 15% of people infected with the virus will develop severe  symptoms (pneumonia, etc.) requiring intensive individual treatment in  order to survive. Once hospitals are swamped and many of the medical  staff become infected, the CFR can swiftly rise to above 15%. This is  believed to be the situation inside the Wuhan City quarantine zone.

 An infectious disease with an R-naught above five, and the number of  cases doubling every two days, is like a biological atomic bomb chain  reaction, particularly in the age of jet travel to all points of the  globe.   

Be safe everyone.

Please implement Chinese-level quarantine measures, and do not believe the nonsense that the flu is far worse. The Chinese were ONLY able to control the outbreak by putting the entire nation under the DEFCON ONE military emergency, and building three hospitals in the infected area. As well as moving all the national medical personnel to Wuhan.

That action controlled the mortality rate and moved it from 14% to 4% within Wuhan. And 1% in the rest of the nation.

This COVID-19 has brought everyone together…

 The virus is China’s 9/11. Not literally – there is a different  mechanism that created this crisis, not a terrorist attack but a viral  attack. But the effect on society is very similar – people feel the same.

The  single biggest effect of this virus on modern China is that it brought  people together in an unprecedented and organic way.   

It’s not the  result of a government campaign to foster national pride.  It came about  naturally, people have sacrificed in ways big and small, they have lost  income, family members have died, they have lost business, their  personal freedom of movement was sacrificed,  their children’s education  and lives have been upended, and more.  The whole country has pulled  together during this crisis.  The feeling, the emotion that this crisis  created in society is one of unity. Of strength and sacrifice for a  cause bigger than the individual. It has created an overwhelming wave of  pride and solidarity, of what some call nationalism.


  On a personal note:  To the people on LinkedIN who called me out for not  piling on to the criticism of China’s leadership or government for  handling the virus in the early days – I don’t care. It was inhumane,  unkind, and worse to lob criticism of any kind during onset of the  crisis. 

There has been a clear divide. Those that are engaged in  modern China, that live(d) there, that speak Chinese, that acknowledge  the complexity of modern China and can separate the people from their  government. And on the other side of the divide those that want to  enforce their own views about religion or political governance or  whatever soap box they want to get on and don’t care who they hurt along  the way. 

People have seen which side you are on. Last minute  posts trying to recast yourself as someone who cares – don’t undo a  month or more of hateful language directed towards the Chinese. 

- The COVID-19 Virus is China’s 9/11 

Most everyone (except for the 1% of “bad apples”) are with the program and 100% with the government. They are also very hyper-patriotic and very spiritual people. Here is a church service via the internet. Everyone is connected using their cell-phones and they are all singling together all over the nation. Check it out.

Prayer service inside a quarantine barracks.

More information on this subject can be found in my Trump Trade War index here…

Trump Trade War

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What real war is like; it’s not nice, it’s not fair, it’s not humane. It’s awful. It’s COVID-19.

The  novel  coronavirus  (2019-nCoV)  is  a  recently emerged human  pathogen that has  spread widely since January 2020. Initially, the basic reproductive number, R0, was estimated to be 2.2 to 2.7. 

Here we provide a new estimate of this quantity. 

We collected extensive individual case reports and estimated key epidemiology parameters, including the incubation period.Integrating these   estimates   and high-resolution real-time human travel and infection   data with mathematical  models,  we estimated that  the number of infected  individuals  during  early epidemic double every 2.4days, and the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6. 

We further show that quarantine and contact tracing of symptomatic individuals alone may not be effective and early, strong control measures are needed to stop transmission of the virus. 

- Title: The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated 

There’s a sizable percentage of people (Americans) who have absolutely no concept of what war is like. When elements of war starts raising it’s ugly head, they come up with other ideas and excuses what it could be. Anything but war. Anything but posturing for war. Anything.

To most Americans, war is a distant concept. It is something that you do in far-away third-world shit-holes. It’s where you tromp through deserts or slosh through jungles. It’s where you are issued an “assault rifle”, ride in helicopters and expensive sleek jets blow up Arabs riding white Toyota trucks.

That’s not war. That’s a “police action”, or as I like to refer to it… “conflict lite”.

Real wars occur when one nation tries to suppress another nation.

  • Hitler attacks Poland.
  • Japan attacks China.
  • Syria attacks Kuwait.

Suppressing China’s Rise

Lose-lose is a situation where no participant has any option that is positive. As such, strategy in a lose-lose situation is aimed at minimizing loss as opposed to winning.

4 Examples of a Lose-Lose Situation - Simplicable 

The United States has spent the last three years engaged in efforts to suppress China’s rise.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

It’s called a “lose – lose” strategy because (since the USA and China are both economically co-dependent) the only way to suppress China was to accept suppression of the USA in the process.

The idea was that China would “lose more” than what America would lose.

This is the Alt-Right “standard narrative” that “China needs the USA more than the USA needs China”.

So they implemented it on all sorts of levels…

  • Radical protests by “pro democracy” agitators in Hong Kong.
  • Uyghur Muslim assaults and aggression.
  • A on-going propaganda war.
  • Pressure on Taiwan.
  • Arrest of the President of Huawei.
  • Propaganda against advanced 5G, AI and robotic technologies.
  • A plague that wiped out the wheat crop.
  • A virus that wiped out the Chicken and poultry industry… in waves.
  • A virus that wiped out the pig industry, propagated by advanced drones.
  • Now, the deadly lethal COVID-19 virus on CNY eve of all times!
Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

They tried everything short of a “hot war”…

Americans looking for excuses…

Some of it is so obvious that you have to be in complete denial not to acknowledge it… like the Arrest of the CEO of Huawei in Canada. Apparently her Chinese company sold products to Iran. And the United States wants everyone to boycott Iran.

Well, nationality is just an excuse… don’t you know.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

Another example is the on-going biological warfare being conducted against China. Trying to decimate it’s livestock, it’s chickens, it’s pork, it’s wheat crops…

…didn’t work. Though.

Oh… it’s just bad luck. Right?

Or as one website stated… “It’s God’s will”.

Good one that.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

And now the COVID-19 coronavirus attack on CNY eve. I mean, if it would have happened on Christmas eve, most Americans would be suspicious. But they aren’t.

Its just a “nothing burger”, don’t you know.

Conflicts look like this. Open your eyes.

You see people. Major conflicts start JUST LIKE THIS.

And everyone around you is in denial.

Just . Like . This.

By retaliating in the decades-old tariff war, Trump has no choice. Either China eventually bankrupts the United States or the United States bankrupts China. Finally, there is the third commonsense desired outcome: both parties settle for free trade with zero tariffs. 

- Trump's Strategy in the China Trade War 
Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

A hidden war…

When Hitler banned guns in Germany, the American media didn’t make a peep. When Stalin started starving the Lithuanians, the American media called it just bad weather and poor planning. When unrest started to hit Bosnia, the American media called it “isolated terror events”.

Trump's key figures in the China Trade negotiations. All are neocons who earnestly want a lose-lose strategy.
Trump’s key figures in the China Trade negotiations. All are neocons who earnestly want a lose-lose strategy.

The geo-political situation today is very complex. I cannot predict what will happen. I really cannot.

But you and I have a front-row seat to it.


The “big guns” came out to suppress China…

What I can say is that the COVID-19 bioweapon attack…

…and it actually was one – ask Xi Peng …

After all, he put his military on DEFCON ONE over it. Why are all the nuclear silos fully manned right now? Why is the Navy on high alert? Why are 100% of the militia called up? Why are all ports and entry points under lock-down? Why are all incoming packages frozen in customs and the internet completely locked solid?

Because of the... flu?
Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

… is that China handled the COVID-19 event exceptionally well. And the COVID-19 virus…

… still…

…it still got loose.

President Trump appoints VP Pence to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. He referred to it as Democrat Hype, and a "Hoax". He further claimed that it is not as bad as the flu.
President Trump appoints VP Pence to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. He referred to it as Democrat Hype, and a “Hoax”. He further claimed that it is not as bad as the flu.

It got loose…

Not what the Trump Administration was expecting.

It got loose… and…

… and…


Researchers identified 2 different Corona strains with different transmission rates. A binary virus? 

Imagine that! A virus mutating to increase the likelihood of hosts. Sounds biological to me.

Coronavirus: there are 2 types, Chinese researchers find, while authorities say faeces and urine can transmit the infection. They found that one type, which they called the L type, was more prevalent than the other, the S type, meaning it was more infectious. 

They also found that the L type had evolved from the S type, and that the L type was far more widespread before January 7 and in Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak. 

Not at all what the Trump Administration was expecting.

The decision to utilize biological warfare against China was hatched in the White house, and most certainly by resident neocons within the administration.
The decision to utilize biological warfare against China was hatched in the White house, and most certainly by resident neocons within the administration.

Now all people are getting infected. Not only Asians. And the mutation is observable. The current strains running through Iran, Italy and the USA are off-shoot “branches” from the “original” Chinese COVID-19 viral strain.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

People(!) brace yourself for some spicy times. You can believe whatever you want. You can believe this is natural if you wanna. You can believe that China is the scourge of the Earth and the USA is a gift from God. You can believe anything your heart desires…


The USA is not China.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

The USA does not have the ability to handle a large influx of seriously ill people. It cannot handle people dropping like flies in the middle of the street or while they are driving their cars. It cannot handle disruptions of the food and petrol supplies. It cannot handle large conditions that tax the medical system.

You all know this is true.

Which is why many Americans are running to the gun stores first, then getting food.

Panic shopping in the United States. No one thinks that this is really bad, but they are stocking up just in case. How do I know? Well, no one is wearing a mask. They are also in a crowd. Further, they are not buying food, they are buying towels and soda. They believe that the COVID-19 is "just" another strain of the flu.
Panic shopping in the United States. No one thinks that this is really bad, but they are stocking up just in case. How do I know? Well, no one is wearing a mask. They are also in a crowd. Further, they are not buying food, they are buying towels and soda. They believe that the COVID-19 is “just” another strain of the flu.

I take no joy in this. It greatly saddens me…

… and now to my point in all this…


There’s a sizable percentage of people (Americans) who have absolutely no concept of what war is like.

They think that war is 9-11, that it is Pearl Harbor, that it is bombs exploding, and fires raging, and sleek jets flying.

Oh… sometimes.

But in reality war, real war, is not the made-for-television narrative. It is something that is usually done in secret, behind the scenes.

War is ANY conflict between nations.

War can be any kind of conflict between nations. Whether it is subtle, organized, planned, overt, or serendipitous. Scene from the Chinese movie with Jet Li titled "Fearless."
War can be any kind of conflict between nations. Whether it is subtle, organized, planned, overt, or serendipitous. Scene from the Chinese movie with Jet Li titled “Fearless.”

Most wars are conducted in secret and hidden behind curtains of confusion and obfuscation. It’s “CIA type stuff”. It’s strange events “out of the blue”.

It’s a leading doctor gets sick here, and a report ends up missing there. It’s mass deaths in a obscure location over there.

It’s things like an explosion inside the North Korean nuclear weapons silo.

It’s things like pigs and chickens start dying all over China…

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

When elements of war starts raising it’s ugly head, they come up with other ideas and excuses of what it could be. Anything but war. Anything but posturing for war. Anything.


But people, listen up.

There will not be any announcements. No one is going to point at a person, place or thing and tell everyone to start fighting it. Instead, it will be conducted behind the scenes for a long time…

You see, it would be an absolute failure of the governments on both sides if it broke out into the open.

Carriers movie.
Scene from the movie about an out of control pandemic that hits the United States; “Carriers”.

It will be the worst kind of enemy; one that you cannot see and hurt and attack.

Like the movie "Invasion of the body snatchers."

This is a war that China has been dealing with since 2017, and keeping quiet and just smiling. But they have been dealing with it; fighting with it; and just keep on keeping on. They keep plugging away like the energizer bunny.

It’s got a visible face and a hidden face.

No one wants the true situation; that the agents of war; the COVID-19, has mutated to infect everyone and has washed up on the shores of the good ol’ USA.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

You had all best be wearing a mask and exercising rigorous hand washing discipline, as well as avoiding all contact outside of your homes.

Starting RIGHT NOW.

A taste of war

The neocons in the Trump administration strongly believed that they could launch this COVID-19 and it would be contained within China, and only kill Asians. They were convinced because their “experts” told them that this is what would happen.

Which explains why Trump and his administration keeps on saying the narrative that it isn't as bad as the flu...

The neocons expected that it would cause mass casualties that would overwhelm the Chinese hospital system. They figured that with a mortality rate of 10% it would cripple China for years.

The “experts” said…

Orville Schell (his father was the co-founder of Helsinki Watch) has been a card-carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which represents the highest, deepest echelon of the National Security State, and which has architected the anti-China consensus at the highest level of government and leadership in the US.   

If we go to war with China--kinetic conflict--this will be in large part the doing of the CFR.  

See here for a sampling of the type of tripe they routinely throw out about China.  Remember, this is considered the elite "expert consensus".   

The WHO is lying for China when it praises its response.   (Compare this to what Dr. Bruce Aylward reported. Dr. Aylward was previously the UN lead for the Ebola outbreak, and he would know what he's talkng about).   

Xi is aping Stalin   

China is the perfect dictatorship 

China is the bully of Asia           
Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.


…that didn’t happen.

China enacted DEFCON ONE. They locked the entire nation down. They took immediate and fast action and was able to control the mortality rate to 3% in the infected areas.

A 3% mortality rate is what you have when you go into DEFCON ONE, build three hospitals, offer free medical care, and lock the entire nation down. It's what you get when you take drastic action to control a weaponized viral pathogen.

But you can expect a much higher mortality rate when you are dealing with for-profit hospitals, a media that is saying everything is fine, and a government run by the "deep state".

Maybe, China would have collapsed by now, if China was like America with [1] a contentious political structure, [2] a huge and slow moving bureaucracy, and [3] a culture of being a “lone wolf” where it’s every man for himself…



Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

The Neocons made terrible assumptions…

But that cartoon image of China is seriously wrong.

China took a whole bunch of steps when they realized they  had to repurpose big chunks of their hospital systems to [respond to  the outbreak]. 

The first thing is, they said testing is free, treatment is free. 

Right now, there are huge barriers [to testing and treatment] in the West. You can get tested, but then you might be negative and have to foot the bill. 

In China, they realized those were barriers to people  seeking care, so, as a state, they took over the payments for people  whose insurance plans didn’t cover them. They tried to mitigate those  barriers. 
The  other thing they did: Normally a prescription in China can’t last for  more than a month. But they increased it to three months to make sure  people didn’t run out [when they had to close a lot of their hospitals].  

Another thing: Prescriptions could be done online and through WeChat  [instead of requiring a doctor appointment]. 

And (fourthly) they set up a delivery  system for medications for affected populations.  

-  Bruce Aylward 
China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.
China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.

And more…

The average case  fatality rate is 3.8 percent in China, but a lot of that is driven by  the early epidemic in Wuhan where numbers were higher. 

If you look  outside of Hubei province [where Wuhan is], the case fatality rate is  just under 1 percent now. I would not quote that as the number. That’s  the mortality in China — and they find cases fast, get them isolated, in  treatment, and supported early. 

Second thing they do is ventilate  dozens in the average hospital; they use extracorporeal membrane oxygenation  [removing blood from a person’s body and oxygenating their red blood  cells] when ventilation doesn’t work. 

This is sophisticated health care.  

They have a survival rate for this disease I would not extrapolate to  the rest of the world. What you’ve seen in Italy and Iran is that a lot  of people are dying. 
This  suggests the Chinese are really good at keeping people alive with this  disease, and just because it’s 1 percent in the general population  outside of Wuhan doesn’t mean it [will be the same in other countries]. 

 -  Bruce Aylward  

The suppression strategy was a terrible mistake.

The people who came up with this suppression strategy were wrong.

Somehow the COVID-19 virus mutated. Whether it was a natural mutation, or had "help" from a lab is unknown. But the inherent "safety protocols" mutated away and resulted in an indiscriminate virus instead of a "safe and controllable" weaponized virus.

Like in the original "Drudge Dred" movie titled "Demolition Man" where the evil leadership resurrected Wesley Snipes with training to become a master criminal. And Judge Dred trained to knit. Only they added a special mind block - you cannot kill the leadership.

Wesley Snipes tries but can't. The evil leader laughs, and looks at him... his new puppet. So Wesley snipes orders his chief henchman to kill him instead.

It's sort of like that,
Wesley Snipes plays the evil villain that was trained to become a master criminal by the current government leadership.
Wesley Snipes plays the evil villain that was trained to become a master criminal by the current government leadership.


None of the neocons have any real-world experience with the horrors of war. They don’t know that things can go “tits up” very quickly and FUBAR, then “all bets are off”.

You know, it's not just war. It's projects. It's industry. It's investments. It's relationships. The jokers in Washington has spent so much time playing politics and living in the neocon echo chamber that they are oblivious to the realities outside of it...

They did not realize that war is the last resort action of fools.

China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.
China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.

They tried to implement a “lose – lose” strategy in order to contain China. China wanted a “win – win” the neocons wanted a “lose lose” because they actually believed that it was attainable. Both nations would lose, but China would be far more damaged than the United States would be…

…it’s the alt-Right narrative; “They need us more than we need them.” It’s ridiculously false.

It is mind-blowing off-the-charts false.

It is one of the biggest lies ever made, and yet the dumbed-down alt-Right American population actually believes it.

The Lose - Lose strategy was used by the Trump Negotiation team to resolve trade issues from 2016 to 2020.
The Lose – Lose strategy was used by the Trump Negotiation team to resolve trade issues from 2016 to 2020. It’s based on the alt-Right narrative that “China needs the United States more than the United States needs China.” It’s wrong. Terribly wrong. And this move, this calculation based on this failed idea is what brought a weaponized viral agent to America.

The inescapable fact is that the neocon perceptions of what China actually is, and capable of, as well as what American capabilities are wildly divergent from reality.

I blame the belief in the propaganda bubble that surrounds America, but it doesn't really matter now.

Things did not go as planned…

China took drastic measures… going DEFCON ONE, and fully controlled and sealed the outbreak;

 Ambitious, agile, and aggressive

 The team began in Beijing and then split into two groups that, all  told, traveled to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and the hardest hit  city, Wuhan. They visited hospitals, laboratories, companies, wet  markets selling live animals, train stations, and local government  offices. “Everywhere you went, anyone you spoke to, there was a sense of  responsibility and collective action, and there’s war footing to get  things done,” Aylward says.

 The group also reviewed the massive data set that Chinese scientists  have compiled. (The country still accounts for more than 90% of the  global total of the 90,000 confirmed cases.) They learned that about 80%  of infected people had mild to moderate disease, 13.8% had severe  symptoms, and 6.1% had life-threatening episodes of respiratory failure,  septic shock, or organ failure. The case fatality rate was highest for  people over age 80 (21.9%), and people who had heart disease, diabetes,  or hypertension. Fever and dry cough were the most common symptoms.  Surprisingly, only 4.8% of infected people had runny noses. Children  made up a mere 2.4% of the cases, and almost none was severely ill. For  the mild and moderate cases, it took 2 weeks on average to recover.

 A critical unknown is how many mild or asymptomatic cases occur. If  large numbers of infections are below the radar, that complicates  attempts to isolate infectious people and slow spread of the virus. But  on the positive side, if the virus causes few, if any, symptoms in many  infected people, the current estimated case fatality rate is too high.  (The report says that rate varies greatly, from 5.8% in Wuhan, whose  health system was overwhelmed, to 0.7% in other regions.)

 To get at this question, the report notes that so-called fever  clinics in Guangdong province screened approximately 320,000 people for  COVID-19 and only found 0.14% of them to be positive. “That was really  interesting, because we were hoping and maybe expecting to see a large  burden of mild and asymptomatic cases,” says Caitlin Rivers, an  epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “That  piece of data suggests that’s not happening, which would imply that the  case fatality risk might be more or less as we currently have.” But  Guangdong province was not a heavily affected area, so it is not clear  whether the same holds in Hubei province, which was the hardest hit,  Rivers cautions.

 Much of the report focuses on understanding how China achieved what  many public health experts thought was impossible: containing the spread  of a widely circulating respiratory virus. “China has rolled out  perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment  effort in history,” the report notes.

 The most dramatic—and controversial—measure was the lockdown of Wuhan  and nearby cities in Hubei province, which has put at least 50 million  people under a mandatory quarantine since 23 January. That has  “effectively prevented further exportation of infected individuals to  the rest of the country,” the report concludes. In other regions of  mainland China, people voluntarily quarantined and were monitored by  appointed leaders in neighborhoods.

 Chinese authorities also built two dedicated hospitals  in Wuhan in just over 1 week. Health care workers from all over China  were sent to the outbreak’s center. The government launched an  unprecedented effort to trace contacts of confirmed cases. In Wuhan  alone, more than 1800 teams of five or more people traced tens of  thousands of contacts.

 Aggressive “social distancing” measures implemented in the entire  country included canceling sporting events and shuttering theaters.  Schools extended breaks that began in mid-January for the Lunar New  Year. Many businesses closed shop. Anyone who went outdoors had to wear a  mask.

 Two widely used mobile phone apps, AliPay and WeChat—which in recent years have replaced cash in China—helped enforce the restrictions,  because they allow the government to keep track of people’s movements  and even stop people with confirmed infections from traveling. “Every  person has sort of a traffic light system,” says mission member Gabriel  Leung, dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of  Hong Kong. Color codes on mobile phones—in which green, yellow, or red  designate a person’s health status—let guards at train stations and  other checkpoints know who to let through.

 “As a consequence of all of these measures, public life is very  reduced,” the report notes. But the measures worked. In the end,  infected people rarely spread the virus to anyone but members of their  own household, Leung says. Once all the people in an apartment or home  were exposed, the virus had nowhere else to go and chains of  transmission ended. “That’s how the epidemic truly came under control,”  Leung says. In sum, he says, there was a combination of “good old social  distancing and quarantining very effectively done because of that  on-the-ground machinery at the neighborhood level, facilitated by AI  [artificial intelligence] big data.”

 Deep commitment to collective action

 How feasible these kinds of stringent measures are in other countries  is debatable. “China is unique in that it has a political system that  can gain public compliance with extreme measures,” Gostin says. “But its  use of social control and intrusive surveillance are not a good model  for other countries.” The country also has an extraordinary ability to  do labor-intensive, large-scale projects quickly, says Jeremy Konyndyk, a  senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development: 

“No one else  in the world really can do what China just did.”

 Nor should they, says lawyer Alexandra Phelan, a China specialist at  Georgetown’s Center for Global Health Science and Security. 

“Whether it  works is not the only measure of whether something is a good public  health control measure,” Phelan says. “There are plenty of things that  would work to stop an outbreak that we would consider abhorrent in a  just and free society.” 


So China handled this biological weapons event expertly. They did so in a way that surprised the world. And while many find their techniques questionable, they begrudgingly admit that most other nations could not replicate their action.

What matters is that the COVID-19 that was supposed to cause strife in China has boomeranged, mutated, and like the “green slime monster” struck into the soul of America. And America is not ready for it.

American leadership is still, as of 3MAR20, treating it as a race-specific pathogenic organism. Even though all evidence shows otherwise. They are telling everyone over and over that the flu is far worse.

They say that flu is far worse.

The 1960's class "B" science fiction movie: "The Green Slime".
Nothing to worry about here. The monsters are only harmless slime. This is a scene from the 1960’s class “B” science fiction movie: “The Green Slime”.

Lord help us all.

Why this matters…

Like I said. Anything can happen.

  • It could fizzle out to be nothing…
  • It could be contained like China contained it…
  • Or it could be a genuine SHTF event.

Let’s look at historical examples of other SHTF events and try to imagine what it must have been like for the participants of these events.

[1] The Massacre of Usipetes and the Tencteri

The Usipetes and the Tencteri were two ancient tribes who were massacred by the legions of Julius Caesar in 55 BC. We have known about their slaughter for thousands of years from ancient texts, including Caesar’s own account from his book on the Gallic Wars. However, we were never sure exactly where it happened, until 2015 when Dutch archaeologists claimed they found the site of the bloodbath near the town of Kessel.

According to ancient sources, the conflict began in the winter of 56 BC when the two tribes (who were referred to as Germanic but may have actually been Celtic) crossed the Rhine into Gaul after being driven away from their homeland by the Suebi.

The Usipetes and the Tencteri asked Caesar for permission to settle in Gaul, which was denied.

After negotiations failed, the Roman legions launched an attack on their camp and killed everyone in sight.

Caesar himself describes the assault:

“there was also a great crowd of women and children and these now began to flee in all directions. 

I sent the cavalry to hunt them  down…

When they reached the confluence of the Meuse and the Rhine, they  saw they had no hope of escaping farther. 

A large number of them were killed and the rest flung themselves into the river, where they perished  overcome by panic, exhaustion, and the force of the current.” 

In his personal account, Caesar said there were around 430,000 people and that he slain them all. Modern scholars put the number at around 150,000 to 200,000, and some of them definitely survived as the tribes were still mentioned the following century. They opine that the inflated number was because Caesar wanted to portray them as a great threat and himself a protector of Rome. 

In war, everyone is killed. Women, children and innocents are not spared. Later, the victors will write and boast about their success in the destruction.

[2] Genghis Khan Beheaded People For Being Over 90 Centimeters (3′) Tall

When Genghis Khan was 20, he led an army against the tribe that killed his father and got his revenge. The Tatar army was crushed, and Genghis Khan set about exterminating the people in an incredibly unusual way.

Every Tatar man was lined up and measured against “the linchpin of a wagon,” which is the axle pin in the middle of the wheel. Anyone who was taller than these pins—which were 90 centimeters (3′) high—was to be beheaded.

In effect, Genghis Khan’s order slaughtered every male Tatar except for the infants.

The criteria used to select survivors from the conquered is often arbitrary.

[3] The Severed Hands of Avaris

Severed Hands.
Severed Hands.

A few years back, archaeologists were excavating the ruins of Avaris and found, for the first time, concrete evidence of an ancient Egyptian practice that had been, up until that point, only read about in texts – cutting off the hands of vanquished enemies.

This evidence came in the form of 16 severed hands, all of them right ones, buried in four pits throughout the former Egyptian capital. Two of the pits, each containing a single hand, were found in what was believed to have been the throne room, indicating that the presentation of the trophies was part of a much grander ceremony. 

The hands were around 3,600 years old and came from an oft-forgotten part of Egyptian history called the Second Intermediate Period or the Hyksos Period. It was defined by the arrival of a new group of people called the Hyksos who conquered Lower Egypt and installed one of their own as king. Therefore, Salitis of the Hyksos became the first pharaoh of the 15th dynasty and, in the process, also moved the capital to the city of Avaris. 

Up until this discovery, this custom had only been referenced in ancient art and writing. However, one point that is still being debated is whether this practice was introduced by the Hyksos or was already present in Egyptian society before their arrival.

Once captured, do not assume that you would be sent off to a prison camp. There are other fates that can await you.

[4] Genghis Khan Victims’ Bones Were Mistaken For Mountains

In 1211, Genghis Khan turned his focus to modern-day China and attacked the Jin Empire. It was a reckless decision. The Jin Empire controlled 53 million people, and the Mongols had one million. Still…

… Genghis Khan won.

Within three years, the Mongols had made their way to Zhongdu (now Beijing). The city walls were 12 meters (39 ft) high and stretched 29 kilometers (18 mi) around the city. It seemed impossible to get in, so they didn’t try.

Instead, the Mongols starved Zhongdu out.

By summer 1215, the people there were so hungry that cannibalism was running rampant inside its walls. Finally, they surrendered, and the Mongols sacked and burned the city.

The massacre was horrific.

Months later, a passing eyewitness wrote that “the bones of the slaughtered formed white mountains and that the soil was still greasy with human fat.”

No matter how hungry you are, the fate that can occur in the hands of the enemy can be far worse.

[5] Interesting Mongol War Tactics: Cats, Swallows and Human Fat

Real war is based on surprise and the use of unconventional weapons and strategies.

The first large-scale Mongol attack in Xi Xia happened at the mighty fortress at Volohai.

Unable to breach the walls of Volohai, Genghis Khan resorted to a clever trick. He sent a message from his encampment to the Tangut general announcing that he would end his siege in exchange for a gift of one thousand cats and ten thousand swallows.

Astonished by the unusual request, the fortress commander gratefully complied.

After the animals arrived in the Mongol camp, Genghis Khan ordered his men to tie a small cotton-wool tuft to the tail of each creature then set the tuft afire.

When the panicked and frightened animals were turned loose, they made directly for their nests and lairs inside Volohai, igniting hundreds of small fires.

While the panicked defenders were preoccupied with putting out fires, Genghis Khan’s warriors stormed the city in conquest.

Here’s another example…

The Mongol siege against the walled town of Kusong exemplified Koryo’s [Korea’s] heroic resistance.

General Sartai brought the full array of his medieval assault weapons to bear against the city’s defenses. While Mongol troops attempted to undermine the defensive walls by tunneling under them, formidable lines of catapults hurled large boulders and molten metal at the town.

Special assault teams used siege towers and scaling ladders against the earthen walls and pushed flaming carts against the city’s wooden gates.

Perhaps the most grisly tactical weapon used at the siege of Kusong was the catapult-launched fire-bomb. The Mongols boiled down their captives and used liquified human fat to fuel a weapon which produced fires that were practically inextinguishable.

Kusong’s defenders refused to surrender and stubbornly held on for thirty terrifying days and nights.

An old Mongol general, inspecting the ramparts during the siege, commented that,

"...I  have never seen [a city] undergo an attack like this which did not, in  the end, submit."  

In the end Kusong remained in Koryo’s hands.

Unconventional war is a strategy that generally results in victory. Expect the unexpected.

[6] Genghis Khan Exterminated 1.7 Million People To Avenge One Person

The marriages might have been strategic alliances, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any love involved. One of Genghis Khan’s daughters loved her husband, a man name Toquchar. Genghis Khan loved him, too, as his favorite son-in-law.

When Toquchar was killed by an archer from Nishapur, his wife demanded vengeance.

Genghis Khan’s troops attacked Nishapur and slaughtered every person there. By some estimates, 1,748,000 people were killed. Other historians dispute that number, but there’s no doubt that his armies killed everyone they found.

Women, children, babies, and even dogs and cats were tracked down and murdered. Then they were beheaded, and their skulls were piled into pyramids—a request by Genghis Khan’s daughter to ensure that no one got away with a simple wounding.

In War decisions can be made for emotional, not strategic reasons.

[7] Ancient “Barbarian” Warfare in Northern Europe

Archaeologists excavated 2,095 human bones and bone fragments—comprising the remains of at least 82 people—across 185 acres of wetland at the site of Alken Enge, on the shore of Lake Mossø on Denmark’s Jutland Peninsula. Scientific studies indicate that most of the individuals were young male adults, and they all died in a single event in the early first century A.D. (Around the time of Christ.)

Unhealed trauma wounds on the remains, as well as finds of weapons, suggest that the individuals died in battle.

The team didn’t dig up the entire 185 acres, but the researchers extrapolated that more than 380 people may have been interred in boggy waters along the lakeshore some 2,000 years ago, based on the distribution of the remains that were excavated.

In large scale conflicts, very few people will remember your heroism and the battles that you fought. You will be forgotten.

[7] The Mongols Had A Victory Feast On Top Of The Russian Nobility

In 1223, the Mongolian army was making its way through Russia and had just won the Battle of the Kalka River. The Russian army had surrendered, their towns had been captured, and the Mongolians decided to celebrate.

The generals and nobility of the Russian army were forced to lie down on the ground. Then a heavy wooden gate was thrown on top of them, chairs and tables were set on top of the gate, and the army sat down for a feast.

They held their victory celebration on top of the still-living bodies of their enemies, eating and drinking while Russian princes were crushed to death beneath their feet.

Do not expect leniency because you are rich, wealthy or powerful. In fact, you might be singled out for special treatment.

[8] Genghis Khan Diverted A River Through An Enemy’s Birthplace To Erase It Off The Map

When Genghis Khan found the Muslim kingdom of Khwarezmia, he did something unusual: He took the peaceful route. A group of diplomats were sent to the city, hoping to establish a trade route and diplomatic ties.

The governor of Khwarezmia, though, didn’t trust them. He thought the diplomats were part of a Mongolian conspiracy and had them executed. He killed the next group they sent, too.

Genghis Khan was furious. He had tried to be nice, and he’d been repaid with dead diplomats. He set up an army of 200,000 soldiers, attacked, and completely destroyed Khwarezmia.

Even after he’d won, Khan sent two armies to burn down every castle, town, and farm they found to make sure that no hint of Khwarezmia survived. According to one story, he even diverted a river to run through the emperor’s birthplace, just to make sure it would never appear on a map again.

When the victor wants to erase you, your people, your city, your nation, your society and your culture, they can do it.

[9] Slaughter at the bridge

About 3200 years ago, two armies clashed at a river crossing near the Baltic Sea. The confrontation can’t be found in any history books—the written word didn’t become common in these parts for another 2000 years—but this was no skirmish between local clans. Thousands of warriors came together in a brutal struggle, perhaps fought on a single day, using weapons crafted from wood, flint, and bronze, a metal that was then the height of military technology. 

Struggling to find solid footing on the banks of the Tollense River, a narrow ribbon of water that flows through the marshes of northern Germany toward the Baltic Sea, the armies fought hand-to-hand, maiming and killing with war clubs, spears, swords, and knives. Bronze- and flint-tipped arrows were loosed at close range, piercing skulls and lodging deep into the bones of young men. Horses belonging to high-ranking warriors crumpled into the muck, fatally speared. Not everyone stood their ground in the melee: Some warriors broke and ran, and were struck down from behind.

Strong evidence suggests this wasn’t the first battle for these men. Twenty-seven percent of the skeletons show signs of healed traumas from earlier fights, including three skulls with healed fractures. “It’s hard to tell the reason for the injuries, but these don’t look like your typical young farmers,”

Standardized metal weaponry and the remains of the horses, which were found intermingled with the human bones at one spot, suggest that at least some of the combatants were well-equipped and well-trained.

“They  weren’t farmer-soldiers who went out every few years to brawl. These are professional fighters.” 

Body armor and shields emerged in northern Europe in the centuries just before the Tollense conflict and may have necessitated a warrior class.

“If you fight with body armor and helmet and corselet, you need  daily training or you can’t move,” 

When the fighting was through, hundreds lay dead, littering the swampy valley. Some bodies were stripped of their valuables and left bobbing in shallow ponds; others sank to the bottom, protected from plundering by a meter or two of water. Peat slowly settled over the bones.

Within centuries, the entire battle was forgotten.

Being in possession of the best technology and training might not provide you the advantage that you think it will.

[10] Genghis Khan Nearly Erased A Kingdom From History For Not Sending Troops

When Genghis Khan attacked Khwarezmia, he asked the conquered kingdom of Xi Xia to send him troops. They refused.

Xi Xia tried to take a bold stand against their oppressor, and they quickly regretted it. The Mongolian army swarmed through Xi Xia, destroying everything that they found. They systematically exterminated every member of the population.

By the end, Xi Xia was erased from history.

They hadn’t written down their own stories, so the only records of their existence came from neighboring countries. Their language wasn’t recovered for more than 700 years. It took until the mid-20th century for archaeologists to unearth stones that had their writing on them. In the meantime, every word they had spoken was forgotten.

Genghis Khan died during the battle, most likely from being thrown from his horse. Still, the Mongolian army carried out his work. They slaughtered every person they found, even after their leader was dead and their enemy had surrendered.

You and your entire culture and society can be erased from history by the mistakes of your leadership.


That last lesson is poinent.

You and your entire culture and society can be erased from history by the mistakes of your leadership.

Scene from the movie "Carriers". It is a movie about a lethal virus that hits the United States.
Scene from the movie “Carriers”. It is a movie about a lethal virus that hits the United States.

What was the Trump administration doing launching biological weapons against China? Did they actually believe that it would eventually bring China to “heel”; a nation much larger than the United States geographically, and with a population four times larger and ruled by merit?

What were they fucking thinking?

  • Geographically China is larger.
  • Population wise, China is four times larger.
  • Education wise, China has far more skilled STEM scientists.
  • Politically, China is a monolithic conservative culture. America is balkanized into disparate groups.
  • Chinese leadership are there through merit, America’s through graft & popularity.
  • China possesses the vast bulk of factories, resources, materials, and a motivated citizenry. America is a service economy dependent upon reputation and the petro-dollar.
  • For the last ten years, China has won every single military simulation that the United States conducts.
  • China is allied with Russia militarily, and socially. The USA is allied with Britain, and Australia and hosts a wide range of “client states”.
  • China is the “factory for the world”, America is the big piggy-bank based on the stability of the petro-dollar.
Jet Li Fearless.
Jet Li in the Chinese movie “Fearless”.

Meanwhile, by all appearances, China is not doing anything.

They are just taking the hits and smiling.

Scene from the movie "Real Steel".
Scene from the movie “Real Steel”.

They are practicing the well understood technique of using your foe’s weakness against him. This is Kungfu. This is martial arts. This is fundamental to understanding China.

Most traditional or classical martial arts uses the opponents strength against them. The list would be too long to give them all but will include: traditional Karate (any style) Kung fu (any style) Aikido Judo TKD (traditional-no sports tkd) Most people have the wrong idea concern karate and other traditional martial arts. 

- Martial arts using opponents strength against them 

China knew (I surmise) that the virus would mutate. They always do. While there are species-specific viruses in the world, none are race-specific.

  • It implies that that a race-specific configuration is not stable.
  • Since it is not stable, that means that it has a “half-life” and soon mutates to fit a wide ranging biological host.

So now the SHTF COVID-19 biological attack has boomeranged back to it’s source.

For the last one hundred years the American government has cultivated the American citizenry into herd-mentality sheep. It’s rule over mobs of people, it serves the oligarchy well. It does not however, serve a crisis SHTF event well.

Americans are not being safe and treating this virus as the biological weapon that it is. They are treating it as if it is a variation of the flu. This is a very dangerous assumption.

America is treating this virus as some variation of the flu and are treating it as such. They expect that it MIGHT hit them, and if so, they MIGHT get sick, and if sick, they MIGHT need to go to the hospital. All of these assumptions are false.
How many face masks do you see? America is treating this virus as some variation of the flu and are treating it as such. They expect that it MIGHT hit them, and if so, they MIGHT get sick, and if sick, they MIGHT need to go to the hospital. All of these assumptions are false.

Things will probably go worse in America than what China experienced in January / February 2020.

Be safe.

This COVID-19 outbreak will hit America with the same level of ferocity that it did Wuhan.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

When the first person in China died, China went DEFCON ONE and locked the entire nation down. They built three hospitals (in ten days) and moved medial staff from all over the nation to Wuhan.

So far, as of today 4MAR20, eight people died in America. Test kits are under-supplied and do not work. The President and the media are telling everyone that it is nothing to worry about. To stay calm and wash hands often.

The Wuhan mortality rate was almost 4% a few weeks after DEFCON ONE. Now, the entire nation mortality is 1%.

My guess is that America’s mortality rate will approach the 10% figure as planned by the neocons in the White House. This is horrible. Please everyone… please be safe.

Jet Li in the movie "Fearless".
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.

Start Chinese-level personal measures now, today. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Avoid people. Sanitize. Inside clothes and outside clothes. Pets inside. Work from home or order things remotely. Isolate and self quarantine yourselves.

And Robitussin will not help you. It’s NOT the flu.

The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times. 

The death rate for COVID-19 appears to be higher than that of the flu.  

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO  Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing  at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva. 

In comparison, seasonal flu  generally kills far fewer than 0.1% of those infected, he said.

The World Health Organization had said last week that the mortality rate of COVID-19 can differ,  ranging from 0.7% to up to 4%, depending on the quality of the  health-care system where it’s treated. 

Early in the outbreak, scientists  had concluded the death rate was around 2.3%. 


But the rest of the world isn’t China…

NBC News reported the mortality rate in Iran—which has seen a spike in cases since it reported its first case last week—was around 14 percent.  

- Newsweek 

Mortality rate in Iran is 14%. The flu is less than 0.1%.

This illness will rock America to it’s core and it will…

  • Impact the 2020 Presidential elections.
  • Impact the American economy.
  • Impact the global economy.
  • Impact the way the local government and schools and businesses operate.
  • Impact all the various disparate balkanized sub-groups within America.
Jet Li Fearless
Jet Li from the Chinese movie “Fearless”.
"Now we’re facing another kind of war, against the coronavirus. Trump got  rid of our pandemic specialist two years ago and has defunded the  Centers for Disease Control because he continues to ignore science."


End Quotes

 The World Health Organization (WHO) has shipped testing kits to 57  countries. China had five commercial tests on the market 1 month ago and  can now do up to 1.6 million tests a week; South Korea has tested  65,000 people so far. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention (CDC), in contrast, has done only 459 tests  since the epidemic began. 

The rollout of a CDC-designed test kit to  state and local labs has become a fiasco because it contained a faulty  reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases—and  test them faster—have been unable to do so. No commercial or state labs  have the approval to use their own tests.

 In what is already an infamous snafu, CDC initially refused  a request to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be  the first probable COVID19 case without known links to an infected  person. 

A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0  of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the  contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is  above one, it’s spreading.) 
 The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated

 [Excerpts:] Integrating uncertainties in the exponential growth  rate estimated from the ‘first arrival’ approach and the uncertainties  in the duration of latent and infectious periods, we estimated the  values of R0 to be 6.3 and 4.7. The high R0 values we estimated have  important implications for disease control.

 The 2019-nCoV epidemic is still rapidly growing and spread to  more than 20 countries as of February 5, 2020. Here, we estimated the  growth rate of the early outbreak in Wuhan to be 0.29 per day (a  doubling time of 2.4 days), and the reproductive number, R0, to be  between 4.7 to 6.6.

 How contagious the 2019-nCoV is in other countries remains to be  seen. If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results  suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing  efforts, such as closing down transportation system, schools,  discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall  contacts to contain the spread of the virus.

 This shockingly high original Chinese R0 value meant a doubling of  the number of cases every few days, and subsequently, regional hospitals  were overrun by infected patients. The Chinese experience indicates how  it may spread in the West and the 3rd world. Critically, the  often-quoted case fatality rate (CFR) of “only” 2% for Covid-19 occurs  when severely affected patients have access to first-class medical  treatment, with teams of nurses and doctors caring for them in isolation  ICUs. 

About 15% of people infected with the virus will develop severe  symptoms (pneumonia, etc.) requiring intensive individual treatment in  order to survive. 

Once hospitals are swamped and many of the medical  staff become infected, the CFR can swiftly rise to above 15%. This is  believed to be the situation inside the Wuhan City quarantine zone.

 An infectious disease with an R-naught above five, and the number of  cases doubling every two days, is like a biological atomic bomb chain reaction, particularly in the age of jet travel to all points of the  globe. 
 The USA and the West will quickly run out of Chinese-made PPE,  medication, and hospital supplies. For example, China has nationalized  the U.S.-owned factory that makes our N-95 masks and will, instead, keep  them for their own use. The Chinese have seen Trump’s tariffs as  outright economic warfare. Now, in my judgment, they are going to repay  us by withholding shipments of PPE and medical supplies. China will  leverage its present status as “factory to the world” to their best  advantage while they still retain it. These critically needed supplies  will be kept in China for their own use during the pandemic, and  understandably so.

 So, now it will be a race to see if America can set up enough  factories to manufacture our own PPEs and other medical supplies rapidly  enough to meet our soon-to-be exploding needs. China’s providing, or  withholding, of required medical supplies will constitute a World War  dimension of the pandemic. They will not send infected travelers to  Western cities: they don’t need to do this. That ship has sailed; that  horse is out of the barn. 

Covid-19 will now travel on its own, with  asymptomatic “super spreaders” carrying the virus from country to  country for as long as unrestricted air travel is permitted. Then it  will spread within each country, with every Western and third-world city  a potential Wuhan.

 China’s recent history teaches us that interpersonal social  interaction has to be reduced as much as possible to get the R naught  number down to controllable levels, but this radical reduction comes at a  heavy price. When people don’t go to work out of fear of infection, or  after being ordered by their governments to self-quarantine at home,  economies shrink and eventually collapse. After weeks of forced home  quarantine, China is now trying to restart critical factories, but this  risks boosting their R0 number once again, leading to more hospitals  being overrun and another round of chain-reaction contagion. 


As usual, I just watched the most recent YouTube video by Dr. John  Campbell (Covid-19 Thursday monring 27 Feb). Since he has gained global  exposure, he’s getting emails from physicians all over the world,  including Iran and China. 

He typed up an email he received from the city  of Chengdu, population 16 million, which relates their mandatory  quarantine rules as China struggles to get Covid-19 under control. When  the virus runs rampant and hospitals are overrun, as in Wuhan and Hunan  Province, the death rate soars to over 15%, according to many accounts.  

Under the strict quarantine rules in the image below, the death rate can  be kept to below 2%, but at the cost of crippling the economy.

 Now, just imagine trying to enforce this level of social control in American cities. 


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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 5

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – New technology helps locate sick people.

Xi Peng has made a call out to all of China to help fight this deadly and lethal COVID-19 virus. The results have been astounding. From people running inside and handing wads of cash to the police (I have about a zillion videos on this), to people buying masks out of their “own pocket” and giving them away, to making food for all the workers… everyone is involved. This COVID-19 has really pulled the Chinese nation together. While before it was hyper-patriotic, today it is on a completely different level.

Here’s one of the latest innovations from the Shenzhen factories and R&D development centers. It’s already in mass production and the “word on the street” is that they will be handing these out to all of the police agencies all over China. Check it out.

Video 2 – America just doesn’t get it…

Nope, America just does not get it. The illness is a biological weapon. It is designed to be stealthy and hide within people and shed when they feel fine and normal.

So what you want to do is avoid crowds.

If you are trying to stock up for an emergency or SHTF event, you do not wait until it happens. You prepare years in advance. That is why they are called “preppers”.

Look at these fools. Do you see any of them wearing a mask? What about gloves? How many do you think are going to disinfect their clothing, wash their hands, or sanitize their car keys?

If the COVID-19 hits America, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

America is not anywhere as prepared, organized or run by talented and experienced leadership like China is. It just isn’t.

Video 3 – The new technology.

The new technology of the thermal imaging headsets are now in production and available. You can see them on the streets along with the flying drones and robots that are making sure that everyone is “with the program”.

America doesn’t have any of this. And won’t for years. 5G is bad for you don’t you know. It’s gonna give you brain damage, don’t you know. It’s gonna fry your brain… don’t you know…

Video 4 – Community pitches in.

China is hyper-patriotic. This is something that is unknown in the Untied States because everyone is in this propaganda bubble where everyone in China wants to move to America for “freedom” and “democracy”. Where the Chinese can’t wait to “throw away their chains” and over through the vicious tyrannical Chinese government… don’t ya know.

Here’s a common scene. The local kitchens feed the police, militia and volunteers with delicious meals. This looks to me like Guiling meifan. It’s a very delicious and spicy dish of noodles and pork.

Video 5 – Military decontamination team decontaminates the taxis.

When you are in China, most of what you will see are the civilian militia in their (either) red or orange jackets, or the hospital staff in their (either) white or blue NBC suits and masks. Most of the military presence is behind the scene. Like here…

Here is what happens before the taxis go out and about. They cycle back to their staging area for continuous decontamination by the military NBC troops.

Video 6 – Seriously sick man tries to break out of quarantine.

Yup, so you are in quarantine and you are ill and not thinking right. What you should do is call the police using the APP or the hospital and wait until they come and get you. But that’s not what this fellow does. He hops in his cart and tries to smash through the roadblock and escape on his own…

Video 7 – Xinjiang decontamination.

The Uyghur Muslims are on board with the program and are participating in the decontamination of their communities, their cities and their people. Here we have them working and participating side by side with the Chinese military crews working to decontaminate the communities in Xinjiang.

You would think that if the American narrative is correct, that the Chinese wants to exterminate the Uyghur Muslims that they would just simply let the illness run it’s course, right?


After about this bunch of videos I’m going to give it a rest for a spell. As you can clearly see, China is organized and working together to fight this terrible biological weapon. While it has put a dent in the Chinese economy, it is recovering.

Compare that to the levels of panic and ineptitude in the United States. It’s where “it’s every man for himself” and no one is trusting the government. Lord help the people in America. They have no idea what a shit-storm this biological weapon could end up being.

If you would like to check out the full index of the Trump Trade War activities, you can go here…

Trump Trade War

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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 4

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Airport Screening

While there are all sort of roadblocks and check points in China at this time, there are multiple stations at airports. This is what it looks like.

One thing, notice the lines… yeah.

They are not absurdly long like they are int he United States. When I left the USA, I had to wait in a line for three hours while TSA processed me. In China it is professional, quick and of short duration.

Video 2 – What it was like when China went into DEFCON ONE.

When China announced that the nation was under a biological weapons attack and that everyone should stay in their homes under “lock down” conditions, it was eerie. It was like a horror movie.

Suddenly sirens were blaring, messages were popping up ont he televisions, and on all the social media. Drones started to fly about telling people to stay inside and the various police, military, and militia were called up to secure roadblocks and quarantine regions of society.

It was like this…

Video 3 – Inside of one of the quarantine facilities

The Chinese government has set up large containment facilities for people who were collected at roadblocks or who have come to the hospital for treatment. These facilities are policed and maintained by hospital staff and nurses 24-7. Here is what it is like at night…

Video 4 – Hitting in Italy

This COVID-19 broke out of China and has mutated to attack other races aside from Asian. It is active in Iran, Korea (both North and South) and Italy. Here is a news-woman on Italian television reporting the news before it was publicly known that the coronavirus exploded in Italy.

I do hope that this poor girl is going to be ok.

Video 5 – Quarantine in a hotel

Not all quarantines are held inside retrofitted stadiums and public schools. Hospitals have also been converted to quarantine stations in the smaller towns and communities. Here’s one where everyone is outside the door waiting for the thrice daily medical checkups and supplies.

Video 6 – Locked inside your home

If you are ordered to be quarantined within your home, special precautions are taken. Here we see that a police official marks the door with a notice that people inside are possibly infected and the at the entire home is under quarantine. Then they put on a alarm, where any removal or movement will trigger an alert. Finally, everything is connected via WeChat and QR code so that the quarantined people have instant access to the police and hospital if they need anything or are having an emergency.

Video 7 – A reminder that this is not the flu.

To this day, even now in March, the American media is still proclaiming that the flu is far worse. Donald Trump is calling the COVID-19 a “hoax” and has put off the responsibilities for dealing it to his vice President Pence. Such is the American bubble of ignorance.

I think what is happening is that American media is a propaganda arm of the “deep state”, and now even the American leadership believes the lies and twisted narrative. It’s a dangerous situation.

Meanwhile, how in God’s Green Earth can you possible believe that the Flu is anywhere near as bad as this? You never see people collapsing on the street from the flu. Never.

There are more videos to explore…


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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 3

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Western media about China: 

Xi Jinping is not the president but the "paramount leader" of China. Chinese media don't bring news because they're the "mouthpiece" of the Party  

China doesn't fire officials, it "purges" them 

China doesn't requisition private hospitals during a health emergency by passing laws, it "seizes" them 

Chinese leaders don't strengthen laws, they "concentrate power" 

China doesn't give out loans, they "trap" countries in debt. 

China doesn't punish corrupt officials, they "net" them 

Chinese media doesn't report news, it reports "propaganda" 

China doesn't revise counting methodologies, it "under-reports" cases 

Chinese companies don't innovate, they "steal IP" 

Chinese people are not patriotic, they're "brainwashed" 

Chinese provinces don't win PISA tests, they "selectively nominate the best schools".  

-Maitreya Bhakal on Twitter @MaitreyaBhakal Feb 13. 2020 

Video 1 – Virus strikes a motorcycle rider.

The thing is that this virus comes with a one-two punch. It is light and you seem to get over this minor cold, and then it goes into remission. It borrows deep. Then out of the blue, while you are feeling just fine and normal, it will suddenly strike you. It will be sudden and you can be doing anything. From walking, to riding a motorcycle to driving a car.

Once the virus hit, there was an increase in vehicular accidents on the highways and roads. Some of them seemed strange. Like the woman who was just pulling out of the driveway and crashed into the wall unconscious. Or the truck driver that ran over the car ahead of him, or the delivery truck that ran through a red light and crashed into the trees. Or, the truck that drove clear off the die of a tall bridge. These stories are horrifying.

Like this motorcycle rider…

Video 2 – What it is like when you are tested as positive at a road block.

My brother asked me what it was like if you went through a road-block and you were tested positive for the illness. Well, it’s like this. They just cannot test for the illness, but they can test to see if you are having any symptoms of an illness, and if you are, they will sequester you and pull you aside and take you into to quarantine. Like this…

Video 3 – When it strikes it is sudden and swift.

WHen the second phase of the illness kits, it’s a Knock-out punch and it is sudden. This video says it all. It is frightening and alarming.

 I keep hearing that this isn’t as bad as all the hype makes it look.

 I would like to remind the people saying this that this particular virus was CUSTOMIZED IN A LABORATORY.

 Who knows what it will mutate into now that is out in the world FOREVER? 

-Busted Knuckles

I just cannot grapple in my mind how anyone can possibly say that the flu is worse than this. Obviously they are back-seat drivers who are just paper-pushers living within their own sweet bubble. Well, you all had best wake up. The reality can get to be pretty harsh. I’ll tell you what.

Video 4 – Medical staff collapsing from the KO punch when the illness strikes

I’ve presented many such videos of hospital workers collapsing during this emergency. Sometimes it due to exhaustion, but more often than not, they contract the COVID-19 illness and succumb to it. It’s a very sad and tragic situation, indeed.

Sadly, many hospitals are experiencing this event and watching their staff succumb to this frightening illness; this evil horror.

Video 5 – Remote temperature and vitals check on quarantine housing.

The Chinese have been very proactive in using drones to check on the health of the people under quarantine. As can be easily seen in this video.

Video 6 – Collecting some infected people that refuse to stay in quarantine.

here we have a family of people that are infected. They know that they are infected. So they were put under house quarantine, and they broke quarantine. Thus they became a risk to the community. So the police came to seize them an put them into more secure quarantine facilities.

Video 7 – Road block

This is what a road block looks like on a highway off-ramp. It is pretty much the same all over China.

These roadblocks are covered in other posts as they are both interesting and come in all sorts of sizes and shapes.

Video 8 – Going back to work.

Now that most of the Chinese factories have reopened, new procedures are in place. The factory, as a closed eco-system must maintain the strictest health guidelines for safety and control of this serious COVID-19 virus. Here is a video that pretty much shows what it is like throughout China today…

Video 9 – Some closeups of the Chinese decontamination vehicles.

Here’s a video that shows a decontamination vehicle close up. It gives you a great idea of what it is like and it’s design. These vehicles are handed out to the local communities but they are military vehicles. The Chinese have a complete army of them, and they are now in all the top tier cities.

Unlike most military vehicles, they are not painted green or grey. They are used during public DEFCON ONE emergencies so they are treated as part of the hospital units. So they are painted white like the ambulances are.


This is a very unique time in this world. Yes, not just for China but for the world. This event is unheard of, or at least the modern incarnation of it is. It’s a horror movie right out of “12 monkeys” where an evil man tries to kill a huge swath of the global population by releasing a virus on Christmas eve. Funny how this hit stride during CNY eve.

I have hundreds of videos to post, and I will get to them as time permits. In the mean time please be safe.


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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 2

Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. " 

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Girl collapses when trying to leave the quarantine zone.

Here is an interesting video, though on first glance it doesn’t look like anything special. It’s jsut some chick collapsed on the ground near a road-block.

Well the story behind this is more interesting. This woman started to have the COVID-19 symptoms and wanted to leave the complex. However, her temperature reading said that she was running a temperature and that further testing was necessary. The miitia wanted to put her into quarantine, but she refused. So she ran and climbed over the gate.

Then collapsed while she was crossing the barrier.

There she is jut lying there and everyone is afraid to touch her as she is possibly infected and (or was) terribly irritated. So they are standing around waiting for the ambulance and police to come and take her to quarantine.

Video 2 – Military Units at a Road-Block.

When China went into DEFCON ONE all of the military units were called into service. This includes such things as the nuclear forces inside their bunkers, the air forces inside their planes and the naval forces on board their ships. The group forces were dispatched and chemical and NBC decontamination troops have been busy in the cities making them habitable again. However other troops are being used to control the population and man roadblocks and triage centers.

Here we have a more or less common sight in China this month.

Video 3 – Everyone is making sacrifices.

Many of the nursing and doctor staff have had to have their hair cut off in order to service this very contagious and lethal pathogen. It’s a sad thing to see women cut off their hair that they have been growing for the last twenty years. Though not as heart-rendering as being away from your children and loved ones. They don’t understand and they don’t understand why you cannot cross the street to hug them. It’s really a tear jerker.

Here we see a flight attendant who is working triple shifts transporting hospital workers to Wuhan and the staff that she is transporting…

Video 4 – America is not with the program.

The world is entering into a new reality; a new way of interacting and working together. The old corrupted and failing structures are collapsing, and the United States appears to resemble a large dying beast, thrashing about wildly…

Because I'm 1/2 Chinese,1/2 white, I like to test Pakistani's reactions If I tell them I'm American, most become reserved, some stop smiling.

If I say Chinese? Most grin immediately & say China is an all weather friend.

Yet somehow China is painted as an enemy of Islam by US media🤔 

-Shaun Rein

So, it was just a matter of time before COVID-19 would exit China and hit the shores of America. The American media and the Leadership are not worried at all. Donald Trump calls it a hoax, and the media are still talking about how much worse the flu is.

Meanwhile, there is a complete absence of programs to deal with this issue, and the citizens are out buying everything that isn’t nailed down.

You can easily see the differences between China and the USA at this juncture of time. In China, systems are in place to maintain food supplies and controlled access and screening. In America none of that exists…

… though there is talk in some states about setting up “blue ribbon panels” to look into the matter.

Here’s a comparison between an American supermarket and a Chinese one during the COVID-19 emergency.

 I can’t remember a time when we have seen such widespread “panic buying”  all over the nation.  Today I spoke with someone that just visited the  closest Wal-Mart in this area, and I was told that there are empty  shelves all over the store.  There are very few canned goods left, some  of the most essential medications have been cleaned out, and there was  nothing left in the long-term storable food section at all.  Of course  similar things are being reported at major retail stores all across the  United States.  All of a sudden, fear of COVID-19 has motivated  thousands upon thousands of Americans to start prepping like crazy.  But  most of the population is still not taking this crisis seriously  enough.  As the number of confirmed cases all over the world continues  to rise at an exponential rate, what are the stores going to look like  when most of the country finally realizes that they should be prepping  for an extended pandemic? 


 In Los Angeles, a local Costco was quickly raided of the most essential supplies when the store opened on Saturday morning…

 At a Costco Wholesale market in Los Angeles Saturday  morning, a swarm of shoppers loaded up carts with essential items to  prepare for a possible period of quarantine.

 According to the chain, water, paper towels and Clorox disinfecting wipes were the most in-demand products.

 And up in northern California, photos of completely empty shelves over the weekend were rapidly shared on social media…

 On social media, residents further north shared shocking photos and videos from Costco centers in San Francisco.

 Shelves were depleted of tinned food, while some shoppers climbed up onto shelving in order to reach remaining supplies of rice.

 Of course the exact same thing is happening in other states as well.

 In Washington, one local resident claimed that “thousands of people” have been descending on the local Costco centers…

 I live in the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in  Washington State. My advice for those elsewhere – go to Costco now.  Thousands of people at local stores yesterday – not where you want to be  if there is a virus spreading. Glad I went a week ago.

 And one video that has been very widely shared shows hundreds of people lined up at a Costco in Brooklyn before it even opened in the morning. 

-The most important news

Video 5 – Chinese decontamination robot.

The Chinese do not mess around. It is a nation full of hard workers, talent and leadership by merit. No “diversity hires” here. They’d never survive.

With all the decontamination trucks running 24-7, and the decontamination teams working “around the clock”, there is still a lot of areas and regions that are not getting the proper decontamination attention that is required.

Enter the Chinese solution; decontamination robots and sky drones with AI capability using 5G wireless technology.

Video 6 – Hyper-Patriotic China went into High Gear!

This COVID-19 brought the already super-Patriotic Chinese closer and more unified than ever.

If you listen to the American Alt-Right media you would be under the mistaken impression that the Chinese are just pining away for the “freedom” and “democracy” that America has. You believe that the Chinese government is a totalitarian government that is very dystopian and like a scene from 1984. You believe many other false and judicious things.

Yet the truth is the absolute opposite. The Chinese by nature are hyper-patriotic. So the narrative about China developing the COVID-19 as a biological weapon to kill it’s own people is just absolutely and patently ridiculous. China does not have to do that. All they need to do is ask for volunteers, play some patriotic music and wave some flags and the Chinese people would step up to the plate and give their lives for their country.

If you think that American is patriotic, you are wrong. Only some areas in America are mildly patriotic. The Chinese are 100% unified hyper-patriotic.

Video 7 – Asshole steals the building sanitizer.

Yup there is one in every crowd. Here we have a woman stealing the building supplied hand sanitizer. What a dick-wad!

During this emergency, all building provide tissues and sanitation supplies for the residents to use when they egress from their apartments. That is what they are for. Most Chinese think in terms of the society. Family, and society come first, then it’s their turn.

But there are still those selfish and evil people who believe that it is every man-for-himself. These are evil and selfish people that should not live in that community at all.

Video 8 – American rush to stock up on supplies


So here is America, and for the last two months American media has been bashing China about this COVID-19 coronavirus non-stop. Now it looks like one or two people are carriers and are infecting others, and suddenly everyone rushes to the supermarket to get int he midst of the big crowds of people…

…with out masks!

Can you believe it?

...  the White House has no ” corona virus team as he felt it unneeded. His  answer to this particular pandemic is Mike Pence. 

... Putting Pence in charge was a move he was forced to make as he felt the  CDC was unimportant. 

-Gone to Hell 

People, if you are reading this you MUST do four things. [1] Never go outside unless you are wearing a mask. Wear it solidly and never take it off for any reason, and [2] stay away from crowds. Finally, [3] be hyper clean. Wash, scrub and do not wear outside clothes in the house. Wash them immediately.

And most importantly, [4] do not use your hands. Don’t touch anything, and most certainly do not eat anything with your hands. Use utensils.

That said, there’s probably not all that much that can be done at  this point, other than let the thing play itself out. No vaccine  anywhere in sight, nor will one be widely affordable when it finally  arrives. The contagion is already pretty much out of the barn, so other  than telling everyone to stay home and quit circulating among each other  – which ain’t gonna happen regardless – there’s not all that much to be  done at this point. 


Video 9 – Mask discipline

In China during this emergency, you MUST wear a mask at all times. You can go to jail if you do not. So it is very important, and wearing the mask below your chin does not count. It MUST cover your nose and mouth. It’s not just for your safety, but it is for the safety for the entire community. Many foreign visitors to China are very lax about this requirement.

They will pay the price if they are not careful.


Donald Trump held a press  conference on Thursday naming Vice President Mike Pence to be in charge  of the Corona Virus response. Many commented that Trump did not look confident, was reading from a script  and kept referring to the Corona Virus as ''similar to the flu'' 

These were just some more videos that were taken during the bio-weapons attack on China.

It’s the fifth such biological weapons attack since Donald Trump began the Trump Trade war. With Three chicken flu outbreaks in 2017, the drone propagated African Swine Flu during 2018 and 2019, and the collapse of the grain industry by an unusual strain…

Now this.

Well, China knows whats going on.

Zhong Nanshan said, "This plague originated in China first, but it didn't necessarily originate in China at first. " 

Well, it’s working. The Chinese GDP is at zero for two months now. And America is sitting nice and pretty knowing full well that the COVID-19 favors Asians over other races.

When Coronavirus hits Europe, should we wear a mask or not? Are you aware of the huge cultural difference between East and West? 

Within only 3 days, already 15 confirmed infections in Switzerland, which leads to increased social anxiety. 

Asian community starts to store masks and food at home, took the same measures as in China. While the Swiss community, still business as usual.  

Actually, the underline message of "Wearing a Mask" differs between Europe and China. In China, it means “I'm concerned, and don't want to get infected". 

While in Europe, it means "I'm already infected/sick, and don't want to pass it to you"... 

This cultural difference gives great social pressure to many Asian communities in Europe, who were highly worried, yet still not dare to wear a mask when going out for work or shopping.  

Therefore, I "invented" a small disclaimer to resolve this cultural crash, as:“Keine Panik, nur Selbstschutz (Don't panic, just for self-protection)”. I stick it on my bag when wearing a mask, it releases the fear for both Europeans and myself. 

There are times we try to be "The Same" to hide from cultural differences. But why not face it and smile it away? :) 

-Sally Yan

We will see. In the meantime, I am not going to fall for the narrative that this is a “natural” sickness that came about from eating bats…

…give me a fucking break will ya!

More videos on the way…


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COVID-19 coronavirus videos collected by 1MAR20 – 1

Here’s a bunch of videos that I collected during the (so far) six week long quarantine that everyone in China experienced. The videos are a selection of virus related subjects but generally relate to how China handled the biological weapons attack, and how society adapted to it. As of this writing, things have stabilized and people and companies are cautious and careful in their actions and movements.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Video 1 – Worker gets struck by the Virus

We start this post with a reminder why the COVID-19 virus is so concerning. It has a “one-two punch”. When it first hits, the effects are very mild. Then later, the KO punch hits.

You catch it, and then it incubates for around two weeks. On the third week it starts shedding the virus to everyone around you. If you touch something, it will stay on that surface for up-to twelve hours.

Then, sometime around the fourth week, you will start to not feel well. You will have a slight fever, and a mild sore throat.

You will have this for about a week and then it will go away.


It hasn’t gone away. It’s digging in deep. It’s infecting your vital organs. It’s burying in deep.

Then from two to four weeks later… it erupts.

Many people just pass out, while others go into shock and spasms.

Here we have a person experiencing the “knock out punch”.

Video 2 – Asshole spreads the COVID-19 infection intentionally.

China has an enormous population. It is four times the size of the population of the USA. In fact, there are more Chinese that speak English than there are Americans.

Chew on that for a while.

Anyways, there’s assholes everywhere. Here we have an asshole with the virus trying to give it to everyone in the apartment building.

Obviously she’s got something wrong with her.

It is precisely because of people like her that China has enacted such draconian containment measures.

Video 3 – Westerner joins the local militia.

In China during this period there are numerous levels of participation in handling this crisis. Since China went DEFCON ONE the military are all involved, as were all the military reservists. Police, Fire and Hospital services at all levels worked around the clock. Local community militia were called up and recruited residents to help the.

In this video we have a non-Chinese as part of the militia and is out setting people up for some of he free screening centers that went up everywhere. Unlike the USA, you don’t need to pay money to get tested.

It’s not a for-profit model.

Video 4 – People are dying from this illness.

"That happened to us just like throwing from happy festival to a resident evil film in 24 hours!"

-Rui Meng Wang

This video puts into words something that is entirely missing in the American media at all levels. People are dying. Families are being hurt.

This is not just something you do for geo-political advantage. This is serious business, and has serious ramifications.

Video 5 – The KO punch hits.

This video below best shows how this virus works and why it is so dangerous. For when the second phase of it hits you, it is sudden and you just collapse right then and there. This is true whether you are standing, walking, riding a bicycle, or driving a truck…

Video 6 – Not everyone wants to cooperate.

Some people are fearful. They fear the government. They fear the police. They fear the hospitals. And when they are often confronted with that fear, they react like a wild animal.

They flee.

And it is up to the police to corral them and secure them so that they don’t infect the rest of the community.

Video 7 – Decontamination in process.

The clothing used by the fire frighting crew differs from the hospital crew. Aside from being colorful, they are full spectrum NBC suits. Here we have them undergoing a decontamination procedure.

Under this DEFCON ONE emergency, everyone is playing a role and doing their part in it.


This virus is a very serious illness. No wonder people consider it a biological weapon. It is very important that we take this virus very seriously and do not be lax in our habits.

When I see pictures of Americans, and videos of Americans stocking up on supplies to “ride out” the virus, I am shocked. So here they are… a silent virus that hides in your body before it attacks, and what do all the Americans do?

They go out in public in the midst of enormous crowds of people and do so without wearing a mask.

That is the height of insanity.

Maybe it’s because of the near relentless attacks on China and the narrative that flu is far more serious. Perhaps it is because Donald Trump called this virus a hoax. Or maybe it’s just that Americans are truly that stupid.

Who knows?


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Another Opinion on the COVID-19 coronavirus. Worth a read.

Most of the negative comments to my postings come from people who don’t read the entire post / article. They scan the headline, maybe read one or two paragraphs and then lash out with some kind of vitriol. Aside from the trolls (they don’t last long here) the responses are telling. Unless you state something similar to the mainstream media narrative, you are a radical; and irresponsible fool, who needs to be “put in his place”. Maybe. Here’s another opinion. Check it out.

Mainstream media 
Government approved propaganda for the masses.

Alt-Left and Alt-Right 
Elements of real actual truth interspersed with the intentionally outrageous. The articles are designed to push an on-going narrative "off track" and move it away from the truth.

This opinion on the COVID-19 coronavirus is from another person looking at things from a different, and more expansive point of view. He omits some things that I include in my calculus, such as the use of drones to propagate germ warfare, but it’s still a good look at this situation. Please give him every consideration.

The following is an article titled “China is Confronting the COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare?” written by Peter Koenig for Global Research on February 29, 2020. It was edited to fit this venue, but aside from that, left intact. All credit to the author.

China is Confronting the COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare?

The new coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, also called COVID-19, has as of this date resulted in more than 3,000 deaths and infected more than 80,000 people Worldwide, the vast majority of them in China

The epidemic is largely confined to Mainland China.

While the virus has spread to at least 51 countries according to the WHO, the numbers of confirmed cases are low: 4691 confirmed  cases outside Mainland China. (See table right) 

Not Addressed is that this could be a man-made virus.

COVID-19 status.

Source: WHO, February 28, 2020. 51 countries according to WHO

What western media fails to address is that there is a probability that the virus could have been man-made in one or more of the numerous US bio-warfare laboratories.

Western media also are silent about the fact that the virus appears to be largely affecting ethnic Chinese, meaning, it targets specifically Chinese DNA. 

Also not addressed is that this virus initially targeted Asians exclusively.

Almost all of the deaths and confirmed cases in the 51 countries and territories to which the virus has spread, are of Chinese origin.

The virus appears to be strengthening, as it mutates over time, making its control even more difficult. Will it eventually break the “Chinese DNA boundaries” and affect also other DNA types, i.e. western “Caucasian” people.

The West expects the Chinese to control the spread and limit it to China.

But the west also expects Chinese scientists and bio-researchers to overcome the epidemic and stop the virus from further mutating, therefore reducing the western infection risk.

Finding a Vaccine.

Despite early hopes that a vaccine may be found soon – until now there has been little progress in this direction. However, Cuba’s antiviral Recombinant Interferon Alpha 2B (IFNrec) was chosen by Chinese medical and bio-researchers to combat the coronavirus.

Interestingly, Interferon had been discovered in Cuba 39 years ago, at the very onset of Cuba’s biotechnology programme in 1981. But it is not widely used in the world, even though it could save countless lives and cure countless patients (mainly diabetics), simply because of the US boycott that does not allow marketing of medication Made in Cuba.

This could be an act of biological warfare.

Nevertheless, the COVID19 infection rate seems to have been gradually declining in the last three weeks. And there is no doubt that China will overcome this epidemic. Yet, the world must wake up to the fact that this could be an act of biological warfare.

Precedents: Bird Flu, African Swine Flu affecting China

In the last two years, since 2018 alone, China was hit by several types of bird flu (H7N4 and H7N9) in 2018 and yet another strain just in January 2020 which was overshadowed by the more serious COVID-2019.

There was also an outbreak of the African swine Flu (2018), killing millions of pigs.

Propagated by drones. These advanced and technically advanced drones sprayed the virus over the widely isolated pig farms. Not talked about in the Western media, but well known in China.

And there was a massive food crop destruction (2019 – mostly corn and soybeans) by the so-called “armyworms”.

Compensating for the impacts on the supply of pork, corn and soybean, China resorted to importing theses commodities– and most of the imports came from the US.

An attempt to create a famine?

Were these ‘outbreaks’ which  had destructive impacts on China’s economy coincidental? They have created instability, food price inflation and a dependence on imported agricultural products from the US.

The western media has been playing up the so-called Trump tariff war with China, while hidden from the limelight and in parallel, more serious warfare – bio-warfare – was going on.

These actions are being kept hidden from Americans.

In fact, little is known in the west about these previous biological attacks by the US-led west. Thus aiming at damaging massively the China’s economy…

… as well as heightening China’s dependence on imports from the US.

In addition to damaging China morally, thereby, they, the west, believe (wrongly), weakening the level of resistance.

A real war with bombs and guns, maybe nuclear, aiming at total destruction, cannot be ruled out.

The Big Picture

Let’s remember the Big Picture.

Namely that this is, in whatever way you want to turn it, a bio-war against China.

And perhaps the first step of an all-out war against China’s rising economic power…

…and foremost against China’s solid currency, the yuan which may soon take over as the world’s chief reserve currency.

This would mean the fall of the US-dollar hegemony, the only force that keeps the (American) empire alive and kicking, other than its military strength which is non-sustainable…

….as it aims only at destruction abroad…

… but leaving behind a rapidly faltering economy at home.

Precisely the same pattern brought down the Roman Empire some 2000 years ago.

Too Many “Coincidences”: The October 2019 Simulation of a High Level Pandemic 

There are too many “coincidences” to conclude that this strengthened coronavirus…

… considerably stronger than SARS, the one of the 2002 / 2003 epidemic…

… ‘escaped’ a Wuhan lab by accident, or as the west would like to present it: by negligence.

Wuhan Military World Games.

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated.

The first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later…

… two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Event 201

Event 201.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum.

(WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute.

The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. (See below)

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise.

To consult the 201 videos, click here


Lunar New Year: The Year of the Rat 

Year of the Rat.

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year. When people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people. This is an event of celebrating happiness.

All now cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine. And more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.

Not “just” coincidences

Circumstantial gut-feeling tells me, this is not a series of three coincidences. This could be (yet to be confirmed) a maliciously planned disaster.

Is this is a sinister plan carried out by a western elite to attack China’s rapidly growing economy, outpacing that of the United States?

Is it an attack on the Yuan which is also gradually replacing the US dollar as a world reserve currency?

When that (the Yuan replacing the dollar) happens the US-empire which essentially relies on dollarization is doomed.

The build-up to more harm and destruction, possibly a hot war?

Strange WHO activity…

In late January,  the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director General (DG) said that the new coronavirus, COVID19, also called 2019-nCoV, was not a pandemic.

On January 30, probably on instructions from Washington, he declared the outbreak of a Global Emergency, but added on his own initiative that there were no reasons for countries to ban travel of their citizens to China.

In contradiction to WHO’s recommendation, Washington immediately issued a travel warning for US citizens not to travel to China. Many other countries followed their master, especially Europeans.

Another hit on the Chinese economy.

Cruise ships with Chinese on board are not granted docking rights. Merchandise vessels are in many countries not allowed to enter international harbors to unload their goods.

Media Propaganda

The media propaganda drums proclaim that the virus is spreading fast and will soon engulf the entire world. The culprit is China, where the virus originated. That’s what western propaganda wants you to believe.

Nobody mentions that the COVID19 virus appears to be focusing on the Chinese genome (yet to be confirmed) and that almost no westerners.

Well, if the media would talk about it, it would become clear for the entire world that the virus could not have been created or originated in China.

As China would not infect her own people.

No matter what the ridiculous Alt-Right narrative might proclaim.

And that the virus was most likely man-made and somehow transported into Wuhan.

Could it be that it was brought to Wuhan by one or more of the American participants in the military games?

Rates are declining.

The death to infection rate is about 3% in China, but has been steadily declining in the past week. The ratio is less than  1% in the several countries outside of China, where the virus was detected. Italy and Iran seem to be exceptions.

In Italy, as of this date, the official number of infected people has jumped to 400 with 12 confirmed deaths, also a death rate of 3%.

Iran with about 140 cases and 20 deaths, a 14% death rate, the highest in the world. Why? Faulty reporting, or do those who died in Iran have Chinese DNA?

In Italy, a country in the midst of the European flu season, most diseased people are elderly, according to the Health Ministry. But how precise are the tests? This is important since most symptoms of COVID19 are very similar to those of the common flu, especially for elderly people vulnerable to respiratory diseases and pneumonia.

By comparison, US deaths from in the 2019 / 2020 flu season so far are estimated at about 34,200 (CDC). Figures in Europe are probably proportionately similar. But these figures are silenced by the media.

And now Italy is building up the propaganda drama, discussing border closing, but not yet deciding, and so are France, Germany and Switzerland – the discussion is a big media hype – but so far to the question – “Shall we ban entry to travelers from Italy?” –  They decided up to now, to leave borders open, as closing them would be bad for business. Though, that’s what they don’t say.

To add spice to the drama, Italy has also canceled the Venice Carnival and other public events, even closed church service and tourist attractions and monuments.

Anti-China fear.

The point is tremendous fear mongering, propagating fear from China. People in fear can easily be manipulated. It’s always been the case. Planting fear into a docile and even placid and peaceful population has always been the precursor to a call for war.

Fear, in a first round also helps isolating China, to cause as much economic damage as possible (weakening China to the point of ‘least resistance’).

Public consent for the second round, namely a hot war, will then be easy.

There is not much time, as the Chinese economy is advancing rapidly and along with it – the Yuan’s supremacy over the dollar.

Which, once recognized by the majority of the world, means the dollar hegemony is broken, and through that the US empire is broken.

For sure the US would not shy away from killing millions, hundreds of millions, just to preserve their dollar hegemony.


Washington also realizes that the east, China, Russia and the rest of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is no longer dependent on the west. But could carry on with an autonomous “eastern” economy – which in itself would be an incentive for other countries in defiance of the US dictate to join the east.

The China – Russia – Iran alliance is one of the strongest “eastern axis” – which also provides full energy self-sufficiency to the eastern countries, i.e. the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO. 

The association of SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) comprises today about half of the world’s population and controls about a third of the world’s economic output (GDP).

Economic Damage

Nevertheless, China’s economic damage is considerable – work stoppages, limited consumption at home and in many countries a virtual ban on Chinese imports.

The stock market has dropped tremendously due to the Coronavirus outbreak and its economic consequences.

The worst may not yet be over, even if it doesn’t come to a ‘hot’ war…

… which we profoundly trust it will not.

China reacts…

To counteract this economic calamity, the People’s Bank of China (PBC – China’s Central Bank) may consider injecting quickly important amounts of money into China’s economy.

Especially targeting small and medium size enterprises, both public and private.

It would do this through China’s public banking system and other means of direct economic support…

  • To cut short losses caused by the western-imposed epidemics.
  • Reduce the risk of economic stagnation and.
  • Reducing un- or under-employment.
  • And to (once again) achieve food self-sufficiency.
  • Diversify China’s suppliers and supply-chains away from the US and western US-allies.

The accent is on food self-sufficiency.

International Trade

For international trade and transfer payments, Chinas Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and the crypto-yuan is expected to gradually increase its acceptance around the world…

… and outrank the western transfer system SWIFT…

… and the US-dollar hegemony which are key instruments the United States uses to impose…

… totally illegal economic sanctions upon countries that dare insisting on their sovereignty. And refuse to submit to Washington’s pressure.

Cases in point are Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Syria, Sudan – and many more.

These US-led western efforts to weaken China’s economy are also meant to send a discouraging message to all those countries that are planning to divest their reserves and international payment methods away from the US-dollar.

The west will not succeed.

China is far more powerful than the West believes.

Even with the massive damage caused by the recent coronavirus, China’s economy is steadier and stronger than that of most western countries, especially the US.

China’s non-confrontational approach to resolve these social – health – and economic issues, will help China to overcome and isolate her aggressive adversaries.

That’s part of the 5000-year old Tao philosophy.

What this all looks like…

As the US is increasing her aggressive stance against China (and Russia) – Washington appears and acts more and more like a dying beast…

… lashing out around itself, trying to bringing down and destroying as much as possible…

… while steadily digging itself deeper into its own (economic) grave.

Sanctions left and right and bio-wars on China – threatening China by surrounding her with some 400 military bases and nuke-equipped warships and planes…

… will not create more confidence in the US, rather the contrary.

Countries and people realize that being aligned and allied with the US of A, is dangerous, can be deadly.

So, they are driven away and towards the east, rather than being attracted by the western sinking ship.


Amazingly, western aggression will falter confronting China’s robust social and economic system…

… and more so, China’s peaceful plan to connect and build bridges between the world’s people, nations and cultures…

… through the socioeconomic development scheme of the 21st Century spanning the globe – the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road.

A way Towards a Shared Future for Mankind.

The Author

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world, including in Palestine, in the fields of environment and water.


I am not alone in the idea that the COVID-19 coronavirus is part of a legion of efforts used by America to thwart and suppress China’s rise. It’s pretty obvious if you look at the big picture and take off you “rose colored glasses”.

What I fear is World War III.

America is run by neocon idiots who believe the lies that they propagandize to the American people.

They are going to destroy the world, and no… America will not escaped unscathed. It will be a Genghis Khan level event. The few future survivors will crawl out of their bunkers and lament this period of time. And they will consider the current American leadership to be the greatest fools in all of humanity.

They had an opportunity to share in the bounty of the world, but instead chose to be the Lord over everything and everyone, and destroyed the entire world in the process.

Perhaps moving to either Iceland or Fiji might make sense at this time. Eh?

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