The coincidences in America during this period of COVID-19 coronavirus are astounding!

As I have mentioned before, we only see the tip of the iceberg in our day to day lives. This leads to some odd and strange phenomena. Nothing is more poignant than when it is associated with a global situation or catastrophe. As is the case with the COVID-19, coronavirus. And thus we have this curiosity…

Here we have a new American coin.

It was designed and developed years back and just hit the “streets” in February 2020. Just about the same time when the COVID-19 is starting to assault the American population. Check out the design.

Notice anything interesting?

The new American quarter features a  rare bat found in American Samoa.
The new American quarter features a rare bat found in American Samoa.

On February 13, 2020, the U.S. Mint released a quarter honoring the National Park of American Samoa in Utulei, American Samoa. The quarter is the first release of 2020 and the 51st release of the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program.

Keep in mind that the mainstream American media narrative is that the COVID-19 virus came into being by Chinese slurping bat soup. Bat soup made from “rare” (in China) South Pacific bats…

Imagine that!

Conspiracy Considerations

What better way to keep Americans thinking about “bat slurping” Chinese than to have them confront that idea every time they pay in cash?

It’s like the Will Smith movie “Focus”…

Nicky and Jess go to the football game. They make small bets with each other such as if one fan will catch a hot dog, and if another is too drunk to get up for the wave. They see a woman in short shorts and bet how many men will look at her ass as she walks by. Jess bets 8 while Nicky bets 3. 

A curious man named Mr. Liuyan (B.D. Wong) joins the game and bets 5. Seven men check out the woman as she walks by, making Jess the closest. Liuyan makes more bets with Nicky over the game, practically begging him to play when Nicky tries to back out. 

Nicky plays and loses $1,000. The bets escalate as the two men double the bets, even as Jess tells Nicky they should just leave. After losing $100,000, it looks like Nicky has finally had enough and is about to walk away. 

Mr. Liuyan goads him back in, and Nicky bets all the remaining cash ($1.1 million) on a simple high card draw. 

Liuyan pulls the card with a higher number, winning all their money. 

Nicky and Jess are heartbroken. Nicky chooses not to walk away and decides to double the bet again. 

He tells Liuyan to pick any player on the field, and he will guess which one, seemingly impossible odds. Mr. Liuyan thinks he is crazy and doesn't bet on crazy, so he refuses. 

Nicky sweetens it when he says Jess will pick the player that Liuyan spotted, much to Jess's terror. Liuyan can't turn down free money, so he picks a player. As Jess nervously looks through the binoculars, Liuyan gives them a chance to back out. 

Jess looks to Nicky, seemingly begging him to take this chance to back out, but Nicky tells her to pick. Jess again nervously scans the players. All of a sudden, she spots Farhad wearing a jersey with 55 on it. She grins and picks him, and to everyone's surprise, that's the correct answer.

On the taxi ride home, Nicky, now with a LOT of money on him, explains to Jess that this was set up from the beginning of the day. 

He knew that Liyuan is a notorious gambler, so he had it set up so that Liuyan would see the number 55 throughout the day, thereby subconsciously getting him to pick that number when the moment was right. 

Will Smith in the movie "Focus".
Will Smith in the movie “Focus”.

Another Coincidence

Australian mystery.
Australian mystery.

Airport worker said the vehicle has been left in the staff car park since before Australia’s coronavirus lockdowns began.

The disease caused by coronavirus was first officially labelled “COVID–19” on February 11, and was declared a pandemic one month later.

Mr Spry said as far as colleagues could recall, the car had been there since “February or even earlier”, and was definitely there from mid-March when most airport staff went on four weeks of forced leave.

Remember the time to have a custom license plate made in Australia is typically six months.

Did you know that Donald Trump collects a coin of every “battle campaign” that he has ever fought?

It’s true. And if you look carefully, you will certainly see that new US Nickel in his display. Check out the picture…

What a coincidence!


What can I say?

Just a coincidence, eh?

People! Listen up. NOTHING in this universe is a coincidence.

As an aside, I have visited this park. It is beautiful. I used to live in Tafuna. And my work project was in Pago Pago, which was not too far from the park.

Map of Tutuila Island in American Samoa.
Map of Tutuila Island in American Samoa.

The only thing about it is the holes in the road going up and down the mountain. The locals have placed large stones near each pot-hole so that people can avoid hitting the bumps. Though, aside from that, it’s a truly beautiful place. It’s towards the North side of the island, and very picturesque. It’s worth a visit next time you are in the South pacific.

The amazingly beautiful American Samoa island. It is well worth a visit, provided you have the time and the resources.
The amazingly beautiful American Samoa island. It is well worth a visit, provided you have the time and the resources.

Oh, and those fruit bats are noisy. When they fight it sounds like a cross between a cat fight and a car wreck.

Anyways, not bad mouthing American Samoa, but all things considered it’s pretty strange. Yes, all in all, it’s pretty strange. With a bat coin developed that would enter America just when the COVID-19 was hitting the United States.

It’s a curiosity. Don’t you think?

Especially when the “go ahead” to make this coin corresponds with the restructuring of the American bio-weapons office under John Bolton in 2017. Curious.

Have a nice day.

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Escapist entertainment during a time of stress; some suggestions.

This is a very stressful time that we are all enduring. many stores and factories are closed, and many people are locked inside their homes. No one is sure when the prohibitions will be lifted, or what they will do to catch up with their bills.

It’s the COVID-19 SHTF event.

The thing is, that when we try to turn on the internet for escape we are blitzed with a combined narrative; it’s either [1] hate-China or [2] fear-the-corona-virus. I mean can’t we get a break? Why does the US government feel the need to constantly and incessantly manipulate the media and try to control us all. Can’t they just take a holiday, or something?


Well, I am not the government, and I do have some suggestion of what you all can do. So, here I provide some thoughts on what you can do to escape from this nightmarish assault.

Let’s start with a list of some movies and television shows. Shows that you can use to pull up interesting escapist entertainment to look at.

Now, rather than list well known movies, or the latest in special effects, instead I have decided to put together a list of 1980’s feel-good movies, and 1960’s – 1970’s forgotten comedies. The key driver here is “overlooked” and / or “forgotten”. (With the first one being “unknown” to anyone under 50 years old.)

I do hope that at least one movie or show listed here will remind you of some pleasant memories . And that maybe… maybe, you would use my suggestion as a seed to take you on a trip. A trip far away from the current frustrations of modern locked-up life.

We start with a pretty well-known movie. At least well-known to my generation.

The newer generations not so much.

Though, you would be surprised at how many people under the age of 30 never heard of it. Which is a shame. The movie is a classic and it’s all about growing up with your first heart-pounding crush…

Sixteen Candles (1983)

Climax of the movie when Samantha gets her birthday wish.
Climax of the movie when Samantha gets her birthday wish.

The tale is classic. American teenager Samantha (Molly Ringwald) is despondent that her entire family has forgotten her sixteenth birthday. You know, being so caught up are they in the wedding of her sister. Now, Samantha has a crush on a classmate of hers. He’s Mr. Bo-Hunk; Jake Ryan (Michael Schoeffling), and she wrongly thinks he has no interest in her.

Oh, but we do find out what happens…

This John Hughes film is one of the best romantic teen comedies in history. 

Starring 2 of the Brat Packers, Molly Ringwald, playing the lovesick Samantha, and Anthony Michael Hall who plays "The Geek", he practically stole the entire movie with his one-liners. 

His friends were the best, it's funny to see John Cusack as one of his geeky friends, and I just noticed Joan Cusack makes a small appearance in this as the girl with the neck brace on. That's funny. 

I recommend this classic to anyone who likes romantic teen comedies. 

Oh and whoever said that "Sixteen Candles" was perverted, all i have to say is WHAT? What is perverted about this movie, American Pie was perverted, this movie is a classic. There was ONE scene of nudity and it lasted about 3 seconds. I give "Sixteen Candles" 10 out of 10!!!!

- LittleRascal-15

Matters are not helped by a party that evening at school, at which much mayhem breaks out, nor by the chaotic wedding day itself.

"They Fucking forgot my birthday!!!"... 

These are the immortal words spoken by SIXTEEN CANDLES heroine Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) in the ultimate 80's teen comedy. 

This movie has become a classic to those born in the 70's, like myself, and I now consider it a "guilty pleasure". Its a movie we all grew up with. 

Didn't we all know a person like 'Farmer Ted', or a hot queenie like the blonde he hilariously gets. It was every young freshman's fantasy. This funny flick is also a relic of the 80's that is not all that dated.

The jokes still work (as long as you see it uncut) and it is neat seeing things of the not so distant past be on display. Floppy disks, headgears, leotards, etc... 

Time has not been so good to the featured stars. Ringwald and Anthony-Michael Hall, who was born to play this role, and this one only, have all but disappeared. The biggest stars now are blips on the screen here: Joan (in a headgear) and John (a geek) Cusack. The film is like a toy you can't put away.

Some situations are beat, but at least Paul Dooley adds an extra dimension to the father. Too many of John Hughes' teen-angst comedies of the era feature tissue-thin parental figures. 

This was the first and best of the so-called "brat pack" movies, and will always hold a place in 1980's filmmaking history. Girls learned never to lend their underwear to a geek and we all learned that high school is just a phase, easily forgotten as time goes on.

-Don-10229 March 1999

Now, maybe you have already seen that movie ten or twenty times and do not care to re-watch it. No problem.


No problem.

Maybe get yourself a nice bag of chips. Pour it into a nice big bowl and grab yourself some beer, or like me… a nice glass of wine. (Just a reasonably cheap red will do.)


Stop allowing the “news” and those that control it and the internet to control you.

Some Lays potato chips that I bought. The Chinese really like all these odd kinds of flavors. This particular flavor is a white grape drink soda drink flavor.
Some Lays potato chips that I bought. The Chinese really like all these odd kinds of flavors. This particular flavor is a white grape soda drink flavor. Who figures? Eh? For me it was a cross between Korean style barbecued squid with Hunan spices or plain “American style” potato chips.

So, now that you have some fine tasty chips… a nice beverage of your choice, and (hopefully) a companion or two (can be a loved one, a trusted pet, or some children), settle down to some friendly escapist enjoyment.

I'm drinking red wine, so I think that it could be paired quite nicely with a white grape soda flavored potato chip.

With that being said, how about a feel-good television show.

I really like the world of Mayberry RFD. Nothing ever seems to go wrong in it. Seriously, nothing bad or really serious ever happens in it short of a cat getting stuck in a tree, or an arrest for a broken tail light.

It’s all just good, safe escapist enjoyment.

The Andy Griffith Show

The Andy Griffith show.
The Andy Griffith show.

This sitcom was spun-off from an episode of The Danny Thomas Show. In that show, Danny Thomas was arrested in a small North Carolina town. The character of the small town sheriff turned out to be so popular that they made a complete show around him.

Of course, named “The Andy Griffith Show”, and focused on Sheriff Andrew Jackson Taylor in the small town of Mayberry.

Andy Taylor was a widower with a young son (Opie) and the pair of them lived with Andy’s Aunt Bee – famous for her most excellent pies.

Andy’s Aunt Bee was famous for her most excellent pies.
Andy’s Aunt Bee was famous for her most excellent pies.

Crime in Mayberry was of the distinctly petty variety and much of the comedy centered around Andy, his family life and working life especially with his somewhat stupid deputy (and cousin) Barney Fife.

Andy wouldn’t allow Barney to load his weapon for fear he would shoot his own feet off! He allows him to carry a solitary bullet (usually in his left shirt pocket).

Throughout the show’s run, Andy had two love interests – the first was druggist Ellie Walker, and then later schoolteacher Helen Crump whom Andy ended up marrying in 1968.

Sheriff Andrew Jackson Taylor

When Andy Griffith decided to call it quits with the show it was still popular and the network decided to carry it on under the new name of Mayberry RFD with Ken Berry in the lead as councilman Sam Jones.

Also a most excellent show.

Griffith helped with the change over by appearing in the first episode (it was in this episode that he married Helen and the pair then moved away from the town).

A typical day in Mayberry with Andy and councilman Sam Jones.

I know. I know.

Mayberry RFD is more about hotdogs and hamburgers instead of potato chips. It’s a show about mowing lawns on hot July afternoons, pitchers of icy lemonade on shady porches, and tree-houses that hide in the back yard. It’s about comic-books, airplane models that hang from the bedroom ceiling, and classmates that you play baseball with. It’s about watermelons and fresh buttered corn on the cob.

And I really do emphasize. I really do.

Maybe something along these lines, eh?

What's life without a nice tasty home-cooked hamburger?  Not much, I'll tell you what. Hey!  How about taking notice of that nice beer in the background...
What’s life without a nice tasty home-cooked hamburger? Not much, I’ll tell you what. Notice the cheese! (No tomatoes, though. Bummer.) But hey! How about taking notice of that nice beer in the background…

Oh, and speaking of hamburgers and beer…

F Troop

This is just a fun silly television series that I used to watch when I was in elementary school. LOL.

But now, after decades of the rigors of Life, I have come to appreciate it’s silliness. And yes, silliness has an important role in our lives. If you disagree with me, then leave. You can go ahead and split up your time between CNN and the weather channel.

As an aside, American Airports have non-stop CNN coverage, or the Weather Channel. Chinese airports have silly light slapstick entertainment, Mr. Bean style. Why do you think that the two philosophies are so different?
F Troop
F Troop

This show is a military farce about the gallant incompetents of F Troop. It all takes place at “Fort Courage” way back in 1866 Kansas. This was an interesting time period, being the final days of the Civil War.

The CO was the wide-eyed, bumbling Captain Wilton Parmenter (Ken Berry). You see, he had been promoted from Private during the last days of the war. Imagine that! Private to Captain. What did he do, you ask? Well, he accidentally led a charge towards the enemy with a sneeze that sounded like “Charge!”

The episodes were fun and creative.

V Is for Vampire

Count Sforza, an emigrant from Transylvania, arrives in town. He comes in a hearse, has pale skin and has a crow he calls "Brother." The men of F-Troop suspect he may be a vampire, given the count's tendency to say, "Good evening," regardless of the time of day. When Jane can't be found, O'Rourke, Agarn and the Captain decide to check out Sforza's spooky mansion.

Bill Koenig

Reveille is played at 10 am “because of the three hour time difference” and that even though rations and pay allotments are drawn for 30 men, only 17 are stationed at the fort (the other 13 are allegedly “Indian scouts out on patrol”). LOL.

Perhaps the United States government were taking notes, eh?

Unbeknownst to the captain, Sgt. Morgan O’Rourke (Forrest Tucker) had already negotiated a secret – and highly profitable – treaty with the Hekawi Indians. These Indians were led by Chief Wild Eagle (Frank De Kova) from whom he also had an exclusive franchise to sell their souvenirs to tourists via O’Rourke Enterprises.

The treaty benefited both sides. This is because it permitted the Indians to trade and upgrade their living conditions, and the troops to maintain the illusion that they were involved in a deadly land war. While all the time no one was actually in danger.

The only flaw in this otherwise happy arrangement was the troublesome Shugs, a genuine war-mongering tribe (with whom there was no peace treaty) who occasionally went into action.

F Troop is a happy, go-lucky television comedy that would NEVER be permitted to air in today's modern progressive America.
F Troop is a happy, go-lucky television comedy that would NEVER be permitted to air in today’s modern progressive America.

Corporal Randolph Agarn was O’Rourke’s chief aide and assistant schemer and Wrangler Jane the hard-ridin’, fast-shootin’ (and very scrumptious) cowgirl who ran the post office and was out to marry Parmenter.

Other soldiers in the troop included Hannibal Dobbs, the troop’s bugler – who couldn’t play the bugle – and Troopers Duffy and Vanderbilt.

A lot of colourful Indians passed through the Fort in one-time special appearances. Some of those included Wise Owl (Milton Berle); Roaring Chicken (Edward Everett Horton); 147-year-old Flaming Arrow (Phil Harris) and Bald Eagle (Don Rickles).


Other special appearances included Sgt. Ramsden (Paul Lynde) and Wrongo Starr (Henry Gibson).

F Troop was an entertaining enough production which, in similar dubious taste to Hogan’s Heroes made light of a deadly serious period of history.

Let’s look at a movie.

Maybe television shows aren’t your thang, eh?

Well, let’s go and check out a teenaged boy science fiction movie from the 1960’s. It’s got all the elements of boyhood dreams. the title says it all… adventure, shipwrecked, on a lone desolate place… Mars!

And it’s got a monkey!

But first, movies like this remind me of food. They really do. Often, as a boy I would go raid the refrigerator and heat up some leftovers that were sitting inside. I would use the microwave rather than the stove, and there were always some good delicious leftovers. Back then, in the 1960’s the US dollar was still worth around twenty five cents, and middle class families could afford to eat. Not like today where it’s actual value is a fraction of a penny.

I would often make up a sandwich from scraps that I would pull out of the refrigerator.
I would often make up a sandwich from scraps that I would pull out of the refrigerator.

Anyways, I would pull out some pork-chops and applesauce, or maybe some meatloaf (and make a sandwich from it), or perhaps some left over lasagna. I would hurriedly scramble and whip up a quick meal with the commercials were rolling…

Of course, more often than not, I would just end up making a “Dagwood” or a hoagie out of all the fixings in the fridge.

Anyways, back to the movie…

Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)

Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)
"Special-effects wunderkind and genre master Byron Haskin (The War of the Worlds, The Outer Limits) won a place in the hearts of fantasy film lovers everywhere with this gorgeously designed journey into the unknown."

Robinson Crusoe on Mars tells the story of US astronaut Commander “Kit” Draper who must fight for survival when his spaceship, Elinor M, crash-lands on the barren wastes of Mars.


The story begins with the Elinor M orbiting Mars on the first official probe to test the planet’s gravity. Aboard are Draper, Colonel Dan McReady (Batman‘s Adam West) and Mona (The Woolly Monkey), a monkey, space suited for medical research.

The perfect mix of period science fiction for pre-teen boyhood dreams.
The perfect mix of period science fiction for pre-teen boyhood dreams.

McReady and Draper suddenly realize that their craft is on a collision course with a giant meteor. Yikes!

In a split-second evasive action, the spacecraft swings too far off course and is dragged inexorably down by the gravitational pull of Mars.

McReady and Draper separately abandon ship with McReady taking charge of Mona.

Despite its retro rockets, Draper’s ejection capsule crashes on landing, wrecking the craft and leaving food and water for only a few days. Exhausted, Draper falls asleep only to wake up suffocating for lack of air. Without oxygen, he can sleep only an hour.

The true hero of the movie; the spacesuited monkey Mona.
The true hero of the movie; the space-suited monkey Mona.

Draper sets out to find McReady but in his search only locates Mona. With no more than a few hours oxygen, Draper seems doomed.

Lightheaded, he passes out but is miraculously saved when little yellow rocks, burning and giving off bursts of gas, revive him. This gas is pure oxygen and Draper devises a method to feed the oxygen into his regular tank.

Imagine that! Little yellow rocks…

Several weeks later, a spacecraft appears over Mars and then lands.

Draper, sure he is being rescued, runs to the ship only to discover that it is not from the USA or even the Earth. Watching the ship, Draper suddenly sees a figure detach himself and run in his direction. The two face each other warily.

A stranded astronaut recording his audio diary within a martian cave. Wait until you see the alien. He looks like something out of per-Aztec Mexico. LOL.
A stranded astronaut recording his audio diary within a martian cave. Wait until you see the alien. He looks like something out of pre-Aztec Mexico. LOL.

Gradually, Draper allays the fears of the newcomer and they settle down for the night.

With the arrival of the newcomer – who Draper jokingly dubs Friday – his worst problem, loneliness, has gone. Slowly, over the months, Draper teaches Friday English, and together, wondering if they will ever be rescued, set out to explore the Martian terrain.

Not a movie that will leave you wondering about life. Not so much.

It’s just a silly enough pre-adolescent movie for young boys that was written int he 1960’s. But, you know what? Maybe that’s what we need right now. Maybe we need to “escape” and forget our life for a spell. To give us a break and to relax our minds somewhat.

Now, as a man, I prefer other (ahem) more adult pleasures.

Manly adult pleasures.
Manly adult pleasures.

Beer, wine and VSOP can help. But you know, if you don’t watch out it could consume you instead. So I would recommend just some lighthearted escapist shows and movies. Nothing too serious or upsetting.

Oh, and enjoy with something delicious to eat.


If you have lived through the 1980’s then you knew all about Newhart. This show as a hoot!

The cast of the television show "Newhart".
The cast of the television show “Newhart”.

In this series, Newhart played Dick Loudon, a writer of “how-to” books who moved from New York to Norwich, Vermont to realise his dream of running a country inn. His smart, funny, and sexy wife was named Joanna (played by Mary Frann).

As with Newhart’s previous comedies, there were numerous quirky supporting characters. Tom Poston (who had been a frequent guest on the earlier show) was the inn’s unhandy handyman, George Utley, and Julia Duffy played the vain and spoiled Stephanie Vanderkellen (an heiress working as a maid at the 200-year-old Stratford Inn – Stephanie replaced her less interesting cousin, Leslie, after the first season).

Stephanie’s boyfriend, Michael Harris (Peter Scolari), was an insufferable 1980s yuppie and producer of a local TV show, Vermont Today, which Dick began hosting a few years into Newhart’s run.

Perhaps the most memorable, and certainly the most unusual, characters were three bizarre backwoodsmen, of whom only one ever spoke (until the final episode).

Larry, and his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl.
Larry, and his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl.

“I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl,” was their stock introduction. They could always be counted upon to enjoy any activity that would disgust most people.

The trio of backwoodsmen known as Larry, Darryl, and Darryl actually made their first appearance in the series’ second episode. Dick hired their “company,” Anything for a Buck, to unearth the 300-year-old body of a woman buried in the Stratford Inn’s basement. The audience’s reaction to the brothers did not go unnoticed by Newhart and co-creator Kemp, and they were one of the first additions to the regular cast when Newhart underwent a makeover after season two.

-13 fun facts about the Newhart show.

William Sanderson, who played Larry, graduated from Memphis State University with a BBA and JD, but the acting bug bit him before he sat for the bar exam. Despite this educational pedigree, Sanderson remained very much a good ol’ Memphis boy at heart. While working on Newhart he sipped Jack Daniels and read the Bible in his dressing room between takes, and he constantly chewed tobacco. He had a habit of leaving his spittle cups all over the set, to the disgust of his co-workers.

Tony Papenfuss (First Darryl) and John Voldstad (Second Darryl) are both classically trained actors who had years of stage experience on their resumes when they landed their Newhart parts. Both actors’ agents actually advised them against accepting the roles, since they were non-speaking parts.

Newhart is a classic piece of 1980's television. It described America leading up to the Bill Clinton Presidency and thus was free of all the political correctness mumbo-jumbo that followed it.
Newhart is a classic piece of 1980’s television. It described America leading up to the Bill Clinton Presidency and thus was free of all the political correctness mumbo-jumbo that followed it.

Everyone in town sold their property to a Japanese corporation, and the finale included a parody of Fiddler on the Roof, and ended with Newhart waking up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette and explaining that he’d had a very strange dream (a tongue-in-cheek reference to the famous 1986-87 season of Dallas.)

Best Episode - Season 6 
Episode 121: “Take Me To Your Loudon” (Aired: 10/26/87)
It's Halloween, and the townspeople believe the town is about to be invaded by aliens.

A beloved excursion, many fans cite this installment as their very favorite of the entire series. They’re also likely to use it in evidence of the show’s supposed bent towards the surreal.

You see, this story doesn’t totally forsake logic — it just asks that we find it in the broad, heightened, and not all together relatable depictions of some of the characters. That‘s the reason that it’s hard to believe and thus seems “surreal.” 

It's Halloween and the Stratford is having a costume party, Michael has the station run the film "War Of The Worlds (1953)" on TV and the townsfolk believe they are being invaded by aliens from outer space.

A hilariously funny episode, in the top five best in the series. The laughs are non stop, George is the Cowardly Lion from "Wizard Of Oz', Dick the Tin Man, Joanna is Vampira, Michael dresses as a Canadian Mountie and Stephanie (naturally) is a princess. Harley shows up and tells about the invasion when he sees the movie on TV. Michael sees a chance for the same kind of panic Orson Welles caused with his radio version of "War Of The Worlds". Dick tries to be the voice of reason to the wacky towns people but they just accuse HIM of being from outer space! And Larry, Darryl and Darryl show up with their funniest introduction ever.

I think it represents the era most accurately, and, as such, is the most valuable.

And now, while we are at it, for another classic 1980’s movie…

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

Ferris Bueller takes a day off from school.
Ferris Bueller takes a day off from school.

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) is a born con artist. When he’s not talking a mile a minute to his girlfriend Sloane (Mia Sara) and his best friend Cameron (Alan Ruck), he’s stepping aside, facing the camera and addressing the audience.

In his dedication to the joy of loafing, Ferris convinces his parents he’s ill, the student body starts raising money to save his life with a kidney transplant, and the dean of students thinks all sorts of people are dying.

But Ferris isn’t dying. He’s just lying, and it’s the ninth time in the same semester.

He convinces Cameron to ‘borrow’ his father’s irreplaceable 1961 red Ferrari, and then swing by school to kidnap Sloane.

A large part of the film (directed by John Hughes) is then devoted to elaborate schemes designed to keep Ferris and his pals out of school: Answering machines are fixed, a fake body run by strings attached to a doorknob rolls around in Ferris’s bed to fool concerned and nosy parents, a sickbed message is recorded through a loudspeaker to answer the doorbell and deter inquisitive truant officers.

While the kids are bulldozing their way into an expensive restaurant, catching a ball game at Wrigley Field, and staging their own musical production number from Grease in the middle of a mysterious parade the principal – determined to catch Ferris red-handed – slinks around like a CIA agent on secret manoeuvres.
While the kids are bulldozing their way into an expensive restaurant, catching a ball game at Wrigley Field, and staging their own musical production number from Grease in the middle of a mysterious parade the principal – determined to catch Ferris red-handed – slinks around like a CIA agent on secret manoeuvres.

Hold the phone . . . if it’s a holiday, with floats and marching bands and 10,000 extras, why does anyone need to play hooky from school in the first place?

Brat-packer Charlie Sheen appears in a side-splitting cameo role as a drugged-to-the-eyeballs boy that spiteful sister Jeannie encounters at a police station. To get the necessary spaced-out effect, full method acting would have been a step too far, but Sheen did keep himself awake for 48 hours before the scene was shot. LOL.

If life is far too serious for you now with the COVID-19 pandemic a raging, perhaps some good old-fashioned Ferris Bueller wisdom might be in order.

I do believe that we all need to take a lesson from Ferris Bueller in today's day and age.
I do believe that we all need to take a lesson from Ferris Bueller in today’s day and age.

Oh, and while I am on a 1980’s bender…

Weird Science (1985)

Weird Science (1985)
Weird Science (1985)

Triumphant geeks have always been a common theme of writer/director John Hughes, but that triumph was never achieved as raucously as it was in 1985’s Weird Science – a screenplay which took the high school movie guru just two days to write.

Among the feats of sex-starved no-hope geek boys Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt (Ilan Mitchell-Smith): vanquishing a psycho older brother, gaining popularity and acceptance at school, and best of all, getting the girls – both the computer-generated kind and the real kind.

With a little Frankenstein-type mission on the brain, Gary convinces Wyatt to sit down at his souped-up computer and go to work on an interactive onscreen lady friend.

But with the lightning brewing outside, the bras atop their heads and the Barbie doll hooked up to the hardware, it’s inevitable the boys take things a little too far . . .

Lisa, the Frankenstein creation of two 1980's nerds.
Lisa, the Frankenstein creation of two 1980’s nerds.

Behold Lisa (Kelly LeBrock). Named after the computer (the Apple Lisa) on which she was designed, she is beautiful, brilliant and capable of some treacherous hocus-pocus. She also does their washing, cleaning and cooking – feminists will loathe this film.

Lisa fast becomes the boys’ well-needed mentor of cool. She brings them to a steamy nightclub, where they’re instant hits with the regulars; she hosts a whopper of a party at Wyatt’s house, where her duties include freezing Wyatt’s absurd grandparents and dealing with the gang of killer mutants who crash the festivities.

Weird Science (1985)
Weird Science (1985)

But most importantly, she teaches Wyatt and Gary how to stand up for themselves – which in this case, means facing off against the gun-toting, wedgie-bestowing older brother Chet (Bill Paxton), and, as if that’s not bad enough, a beastly biker type (played by Vernon Wells, reprising his Mad Max 2 role).

It’s enough to say that in the end, everyone gets what they deserve.

With that geek-dream-come-true premise and a quirky, catchy theme song from Oingo Boingo, Weird Science quickly became a favorite of the timid and nerdy. It is all 1980’s and it WILL carry your back to another time and place.

I know, I know…

Too many 1980’s flicks.

You all probably thought that I was going to give you REAL GENIUS (1985), and indeed I was. Nothing quite says the 1980’s more than this movie. For some reason it just carries me back… way back to that time. The music. The fashion. The “feeling”. Man, if you want to escape, nothing is better…

Ahhh Heck.

Real Genius (1985)

Female geniuses have bowl-cuts, no social boundaries and never sleep…

You can tell how dated this movie is. Instead of having a creme frappichino latte at a coffeehouse, the gang go ahead and drinks some beer and hamburgers together. man! Don't you just love it?
You can tell how dated this movie is. Instead of having a creme frappichino latte at a coffeehouse, the gang goes ahead and drinks some beer and hamburgers together. man! Don’t you just love it?

As a child of the 80s, I have a soft spot in my heart for creatively-executed movies from this period. At their worst, 80s movies become dated more quickly than films from nearly any other period in film history. At their best, 80s movies reflect the cultural undertones of an exciting time where humor and optimism were rampant in films despite the specter of cold war, the advent of AIDS and a rocky economy.

Oh, and did you know, dorm room closets are a fine place to put an entrance to a secret lair…

Terrific nostalgia trip down 80s memory lane - loved it! 
by heisenberg8313 November 2005

Had very fond memories of this film as a kid in the 80s. Still holds up even today. DVD widescreen format shows off how well directed this movie is. Val Kilmer is terrific as the genius slacker hero. The whole cast gel well together, and the dialogue is very sharp and well-written (reminded me of TV show Scrubs in places). Had me laughing out loud in many places - rare for a modern version like American Pie. Lots of tasty 80s musical montages scattered throughout. Something really likable and positive about this movie, leaves you feeling really good at the end. Highly recommended - really hasn't dated at all. An enjoyable trip down 80s memory lane!

Real Genius takes the happy, go-lucky optimism of the 80s and superimposes it on the grim topics of military research, cold war espionage and assassination. The movie is set in a west-coast college (see Caltech, Berkeley, Stanford) and makes full use of the hyper-intelligent, eccentric dialog you might expect in elite California academia.


And eating hamburgers gives you very large breasts!

The sound track from Thomas Newman (Less than Zero, American Beauty and many others) is technically complex and involving and fits the movie perfectly.

In this classic 1980's movie, our heroes get to play with lasers and other cool things like popcorn.
In this classic 1980’s movie, our heroes get to play with lasers and other cool things like popcorn.

At times, the movie suffers from the usual poor depiction of science (see lame computer applications and some bad blue screen work on aircraft) and unbelievable scenarios (see water slide in lecture hall and ice sledding in dormitory). But we all know that top secret military computers use 6-character passwords…

Despite these forgivable breaches, the Neal Israel’s unique dialog is truly brilliant, the situational comedy is eccentric, and the humor is uplifting.

Getting even is a moral imperative!

Val Kilmer is outstanding in his portrayal of Chris Knight and I lament his departure from this odd and extremely intelligent form of comedy (See Top Secret) – Though Kilmer has been involved with “better” movies since, I don’t think he has ever been more genuinely entertaining.

One of the all time best 80's college movies 
by thirdi  3 November 2001

Val Kilmer is hilarious as a college genius on par with Einstein, but is more interested in partying and chasing girls. A new arrival to the campus, Mitch, is a brilliant 15 year-old whom Val takes under his wing and tries to get to loosen up and have a good time.

There are probably some important themes and ideas to analyze within this movie, but for me it's just an old-school personal favorite that I've seen about 100 times. Great 80's music soundtrack and funny performances. William Atherton is perfect as the self-important, snobby professor, and another highlight is Robert Prescott, who plays his butt-kissing, nerdy assistant "Kent".

A movie that asks the question, isn't life experience just as important for education, as classrooms and books? A very funny, fine film that is up there with "Animal House" in my opinion.
The bag guys get "their's". I love it. It's a good feel-good escapist movie that take you back to pre-Clinton America.
The bad guys get “their’s”. I love it. It’s a good feel-good escapist movie that take you back to pre-Clinton America.

I think this movie is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys science, comedy and the 80s genre, or for anyone who is planning on attending a technology school on the West coast. This movie may not depict reality, but it communicates a hopeful spirit we could all use more of in today’s world of harsh reality. Besides, Any problem can be solved with a catchy 80’s pop song and a montage.

Oh, and don’t forget, Jesus wants you to stop playing with yourself.

Ah, what can I say. The 1980’s was “the shit”. It’s great escapist clap-trap as it occurred at a time that predated all the political correctness nonsense of the Bill Clinton years, and the Military Empire building of the Bush years. It’s just a nice time capsule that will take you back to a time when people were not so easily offended and when people were ok with just being ok.

With that being said, I am going to offer up just one more 1980’s movie. This movie is a tad bit more obscure. Indeed finding it is near impossible, but OMG is it awesome.

Water (1985)

Water is a funny satire about West Indies-style politics and the decline of British colonialism. It is also a kind of raw smack in the face of commercialism and the media.
Water is a funny satire about West Indies-style politics and the decline of British colonialism. It is also a kind of raw smack in the face of commercialism and the media.

British comedy-writing legends Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais wrote this funny satire about West Indies-style politics and the decline of British colonialism in the Thatcher Era. Elements of the story were also inspired by the 1982 Falklands conflict (when Argentina invaded the British overseas territory in the south-west Atlantic Ocean).

An extremely funny film 
sxct16 June 2004

I am quite disappointed with the average for this film. I found it to be one of the funniest films I have ever seen. 

The cast is superb and the script, although not one of the best written, is filled with humor that was was made even better by the acting. It was filmed on the island of St. Lucia. 

It's a story of a company drilling for oil and accidentally discovers mineral water, a substance that is even more valuable than oil. But it is important to keep it a secret. Jimmie Walker, who I don't particularly like, plays the part of a radio dj and does it wonderfully. Michael Caine and Brenda Vaccaro are fabulous as is everyone else. 

Please give this film a chance. I think it might be one of those little surprises that come along every once in a while.

Set on a fictional Caribbean island (Cascara) owned by Britain but largely left to its own devices, the story centers around the discovery of a lucrative resource – the natural mineral water of the title – and the reaction of people on the island and other nations.

Location shooting for the fictional British Caribbean colony of Cascara took place in the real former British Caribbean colony of St. Lucia in the West Indies.

Water has a plot that is all over the place, but I have to admit the fact that the personal fights between the governor and his wife being broadcast all over the island really cracked me up.
Water has a plot that is all over the place, but I have to admit the fact that the personal fights between the governor and his wife being broadcast all over the island really cracked me up.
...of Houston Texas 
lavean on 13 December 2001

I thought this movie actually had some very funny and memorable lines...The characters are so stereotyped that they have all become caricatures...from the French Commandos on the beach who when they are breaking out their emergency rations are having the menu read to them by a Sergent who informs them that it will be "accompanied by an unpretentious St Emillion which will amuse even the most cynical palate"...the American Colonel who can't see the target for the Limbo dancers...when the guerilla mets the oil man he calls him a "Yankee capitalist imperialist...of Houston Texas", says the oil man extending his hand.

It was produced by George Harrison and has Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton and a lot of other name musicians involved in the soundtrack.

It has a nice way to spend an hour and a half. 

No it has no deep hidden meaning nor will it change your life or make a social statement...but then I watch movies as a bit of escapism...this is one I sought out to own and when it comes out on DVD will buy it in that format as well.

The stand-out cast features Brits Leonard Rossiter, Billy Connolly, Maureen Lipman and Fulton Mackay and Americans Valerie Perrine, Fred Gwynne, Ruby Wax and Jimmie Walker.

Jimmie Walker, everyone…

Jimmie Walker plays the sole radio DJ in the sole radio station on the tiny island. He's hilarious.
Jimmie Walker plays the sole radio DJ in the sole radio station on the tiny island. He’s hilarious.

The charity rock band featured at the end of the movie – The Singing Rebels – features George Harrison (whose Handmade Films produced the movie), Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton and Jon Lord (of Deep Purple).


Maybe you don’t have the attention span for a movie. So let’s look at a nice 1980’s television show. Something that will take you to a land far, far away.

Maybe a little too far…

Let’s look at the classic…

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

A small-town housewife struggles to cope with the increasingly bizarre and violent events unfolding around her. It’s a way that the media was preparing America for the Bill Clinton years.

Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.
Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.

Set in fictional Fernwood, Ohio, this deliriously demented serial focused on the beleaguered heroine Mary Hartman, an average American housewife. In the first season, Mary suffered the travails of mass murder, adultery, venereal disease, homosexuality, religious cults, and UFO sightings, before she finally succumbed to a nervous breakdown on a syndicated talk show.

Then, things start to get crazy…

Wow, what a bizarre show 
7 July 2000 | by A-Ron-2 

This was one of those seminal moments in television history, because the 70s seemed to be more open to experimentation and strangeness than certainly the 80s and definitely the 90s.

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman was a show that was unclassifiable by any standard of TV today. Now, I haven't seen the show in about 15 years (I watched the whole series on tape at a friend of mine's back in the mid or late 80s), but I am sure that it would be just as bizarre and wonderful today as ever.

Martin Mull was brilliant as the psychopathic wife beater, Barth Gimble. I hope that TV Land or some other such channel will pick this show up, because I would really love to see it again.

A more insightfully absurd and comically astute series has not been made. Mix the daily grind of ALL MY CHILDREN, the experimentation of MONTY PYTHON, the self-absorbed and urbane existentialism of WOODY ALLEN and the offbeat quality of BLUE VELVET and you have MARY HARTMAN MARY HARTMAN.

Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.
Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.

I grew to love Mary Hartman’s kitchen (and other Fernwood locales) as if they were an extension of my own town and home. Too bad the show couldn’t have lasted longer than it did.

Candide in a consumer society 
melvelvit-1 written on 31 May 2008

A sharply satirical soap opera about a modern-day "Candide" (Louise Lasser) and the dysfunctional pre-fab Americana she inhabits. 

In the opening episodes (beginning 1/76), Mary has to contend with her impotent husband, indifferent daughter, pervert grandpa, hot-to-trot sister, and the massacre of a local family (along with their 2 goats and 8 chickens) but it seems the waxy yellow build-up on her kitchen floor subliminally affected the mass media-influenced Mary more than all the domestic drama combined. 

The absence of a canned laugh track can make viewers feel they're either losing their mind or experiencing a darkly comedic, penetrating pop-culture parody. Possibly both. I loved it then and I love it now!

For a brief period of time, somewhere around 9-11, I was fortunate enough to have viewed, for the first time in 20 years, the first episodes in which Mary is held captive by the guy who “killed the whole Lombardy family, two goats and six chickens”. And thus, from the vantage point of my 40s, I was finally able to really “get it.

Mary Hartman is one of the great emblems of the distress of the mid-20th century American woman. Her hair in childish pigtails while wearing those little girl dresses, Mary was an example of the overly-consumered, growth-stunted American housewife trying to function while in a semi-daze.

...The other thing that makes this tough on reruns is that Mary Hartman was so much a part of the 70's. What's hard to explain to people who weren't there, is how weird the 70's were. 

The whole country was in this very odd mood, partly giddy, partly freaked out, partly numb. 

I don't know if I can explain how Mary Hartman fit in to that, but it did and maybe not enough time has passed where it won't seem dated. 

The other thing is that the show had a whole parallel life running at the same time in the live soap opera of Louise Lasser's sudden fame. Her personal trajectory towards a nervous breakdown tracked Mary Hartman's. 

Do I need to remind everyone of her bizarre interviews in Rolling Stone, her bust for cocaine, and her appearance as the host on SNL, in which she also had a nervous breakdown. 

Years later it came out that this was not faked, that she was ready to refuse to appear on the show minutes before curtain time, and only agreed to appear once Chevy Chase convinced her that if she didn't go on, he'd go on in her place wearing a wig.

-outnaway  9 March 2009
Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.
Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman.

Her confrontations with adultery, contemporary feminism, and countless other social issues (often found within her own family) while trying to be the perfect little housewife and mother makes her eventual nervous breakdown more than just another crazy plot twist.

In actuality, it was an inevitable progression.

Compare her and her friends and neighbors to Carol Burnett’s Eunice and other 70s television characters like Edith Bunker and you’d have a rather fascinating college course, I think. Perhaps I need to put one together!

Remember when Loretta came over to bring Mary Jell-O with Cracker Jacks suspended in it?

So, for those of you who have a similar fondness for this groundbreaking, offbeat series and to those who have never seen it, here’s to bringing Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman back in reruns.

A demented,glorious, masterpiece 
coop-1616 February 2002

Truly one of the greatest-and least remembered -TV shows of all time.I loved this show back in the seventies. It was a rich tapestry of comic-and touching- characters, exemplified by the naive heroine, Mary Hartman,and her friends, perhaps most unforgettable of whom was would be Country Music queen,Loretta Haggers, played by the sadly underused -and brilliant-Mary Kay Place.

But then this show was rich in fine acting-Dabney Coleman, martin Mull, and Marian Mercer, among others.If the Comedy channel can rerun "soap" why cant they rerun this masterpiece?

I know that it is tough to decide.

Just go hop in the car, and go through a drive through and get a burger. Then on the way ponder which movie or television show to watch. I always find it easier to think on a full stomach. So have the burger and then settle down and choose one…

Burger King's Whopper.
Burger King’s Whopper.


When you are living in a stressful and uncomfortable situation, it is time to sit back, enjoy a frosty beer and disconnect. It will relax your mind and permit you to recover. Nothing is better than reliving times that pre-dated the chaotic life that Americans now live.

Pick your “poison”;

  • Sixteen Candles
  • The Andy Griffith Show (Mayberry RFD)
  • F-Troop
  • Robinson Crusoe on Mars
  • Newhart
  • Ferris Bueller’s day off
  • Weird Science
  • Real Genius
  • Water
  • Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman

Pick one. Rent it, torrent it, or Netflix it.

Get some food and drink.

Take care, and enjoy life. The coronavirus will pass. America will be changed and a new “normal” will manifest. In the meantime, relax.

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have more in my Movie Index here…


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I have been using 5G for over a year in my home. This is my experience.

My brother, and a number of friends, have been warning me all about the dangers of 5G. They tell me to “stay away” from it, and avoid any technology that might have it. They do so because they earnestly believe that it is dangerous. They know that it is dangerous ever since there was a flood of articles about how dangerous it is.

The articles are convincing. They have great charts, links to impressively worded scientific studies, and stores that tug at my emotions.

An article written on 26 April 2020 titled "5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death". Yet, it's been in use in China for nearly three years with ZERO problems.
An article written on 26 April 2020 titled “5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death“. Yet, it’s been in use in China for nearly three years with ZERO problems.

The articles talk about cell damage due to radiation. They discuss about how once the cells are damaged, that you can get ill. You can catch diseases, and that you are receptive to such things as cancer, strange and exotic illnesses and even the COVID-19. Yikes!

Nasty stuff for sure.



China has been wired for domestic 5G for a couple of years now. It’s NOT coming soon to you and you need to avoid it and stay clear of it. It arrived years ago, been here, been everywhere, and the fear-mongering is three years too late…

…inside of China.

Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.

Like how there was an article in 2019 about how the Chinese were afraid of the implementation of "face recognition" technology. Except that "face recognition" technology was implemented around 2014 and today is considered a mature, and well established technology. 

I guess the point here is that the United States is not leading the world in "cutting edge" technology. It is lagging behind.

So the products and the "innovations" that Americans need to be fearful of are all chimeras. Americans are roughly (right now) approximately 3 to 5 years "behind the ball".

Yes. China is where all of the world’s factories are and where most of the technology development occurs. My 5G Huawei phone is almost two years old, and my Wifi station is a full year and a half old.

And that is the way that it is.

The anti-5G narrative.

Like most of the fear-mongering American media, it only applies to Americans.

When other people, outside of the United States, read the American “news” they end up scratching their head. “WTF?” they ask.

It’s not just China, Europe, Russia and all of Africa. It’s places that Americans consider to be “Third World Shit Holes” like Cambodia and Vietnam…

In Hanoi, Vietnam everyone is using the amazing Huawei 5G phones with amazingly quick speeds and all sorts of abilities and capabilities unheard of in the Untied States. You know like 3D QR purchases, and hologram GPS overlays.
In Hanoi, Vietnam everyone is using the amazing Huawei 5G phones with amazingly quick speeds and all sorts of abilities and capabilities unheard of in the United States. You know like 3D QR purchases, and holographic GPS overlays.

In the United States, 5G is a new, and unobtainable, technology for Americans. It’s a big dark “boogieman” that Americans must fear.

But for China, nah. The first 5G towers domestically are over three years old.

We’ve been using 5G and getting (according to the US media) “dangerously irradiated” for almost three years now…

My theory on why…

So 5G technology came out and started to be disseminated everywhere. It went to China first. Then to Vietnam, Germany, Poland, France, Brazil, and then started to snake into the American markets after the American agencies finished their near-glacial approval process…

The American industry could not compete.

Diversity director being interviewed in how "inclusiveness" and "social realignment" will make their technology company stronger.
Diversity director being interviewed in how “inclusiveness” and “social realignment” will make their technology company stronger.

The 5G technology is so over-the-top better than 4G and it’s predecessors that it is “mind blowing”. It’s like comparing modern CGI animation with 1920’s black and white cartoons. Fast is only part of the story. The first time I turned on my phone, I was actually startled in how fast it turned on and how blazingly quick it worked.

The American industry could not compete.

Over the last decade they laid off American engineers, outsourced to India, and China, and contracted work to China. Meanwhile they spent enormous amount of time, resources and expenditures on “Diversity Directors” and social engineering causes.

Now, do not misunderstand.

It’s not that I do not think that “fairness”, and “corporate responsibility” and the “environment” are not important. They are. Very much so. I believe that we all need to step up to the plate and work together to make the world a far better place to live in.


The point that I am making is that the emphasis on what a company does, it’s “bottom line” and the salaries and the work force do not reflect a healthy working and corporate environment in America. Instead other considerations have taken over. While I use the social re-engingineering as an example, it actually consists of an entire litany of ills. From shareholder desires to human resource policies.


  • The salaries of one “Diversity Director” at any of the companies above is around $450,000 / year.
  • The salary for a design engineer is around $50,000 / year.

My argument is that instead of hiring five design engineers to develop 5G technology, the America companies opted, instead to hire social re-engineers. This resulted in a slew of meetings, training, and policies for social justice. While other nations, and other companies, focused on improving their products, their services and their manufacturing.


American technology is losing ground and is being eclipsed by hard-working intelligent competitors that reward merit and hard work with wads of cash. Meanwhile American industry clutches on fads, and social restructuring in the belief that their monopolies will always stay intact.
American technology is losing ground and is being eclipsed by hard-working intelligent competitors that reward merit and hard work with wads of cash. Meanwhile American industry clutches on fads, and social restructuring in the belief that their monopolies will always stay intact.

Now, with that understood…

The anti-5G cabal

The anti-5G narrative only came into being when Huawei completely eclipsed their American counterparts in technology leadership, and their CEO’s came to Trump and begged for his help.

It did not materialize in a manner associated with scientific concern or distress. It came about precisely when the political scene narrated an anti-Huawei, and thus anti-5G stance.

The American industry, lead by Cisco approached the Trump administration, latched on his “Make America Great Again”, anti-China screed, and demanded for action. Their arguments were valid. They donated millions to the Republican and Trump campaigns, and now they needed government help and action.

They genuflected in front of Trump. Kissed his signet ring and placed accolades at the feet of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. And then…

…lo and behold, it suddenly became a “national security issue”.

The flood of articles came immediately hard and fast, once President trump declared war on Huawei.

One wonders why America ends up with Trump as president. Trump is just a symptom. He is not the only one doing the non-stop and endless lying. America is an empire of lies and its leader is the emperor of lies. One shouldn't be surprised.

All this talk about US-China conflict is just wishful thinking. All China needs to do is ignore the lying liars and go its own way. America will self immolate. A people so delusional with its own lies will wake up one day to notice that reality and viruses do not care. Nature abhors a moron; it most certainly abhors a moronic and delusional nation. 

There is no news in truth and no truth in news.

-Peter Man

When I point this fact out, they retort, well the President is (after all) looking out for people. He wants to protect them. You know, from the evil dark communists that want to take over the world. We know this, because Trump told us so.

Well. Personally, I think it’s more an economic issue rather than a health issue.

You know, like how GM bought up all the trolley cars in Los Angles, or the way that GM rode Preston Tucker out of business. It’s an American norm. If your company has a monopoly you use everything in your power to crush the opposition.

GM bought up all the streetcars in Los Angles and then sold their buses to a captive market.
GM bought up all the streetcars in Los Angles and then sold their buses to a captive market.


An American company is being eclipsed by a Chinese company that spent money on scientists and engineers. While the American company spent money on social engineering programs, diversity, and diversity officers (all very, very well paid for, of course).

This is the result.

The result of all this.

Well, all these events have created a very interesting situation.

  • People in Vietnam have access to 5G, and Americans do not.
  • People in Burma, Cambodia, and Japan have access to 5G. Americans do not.
  • People in China, Russia and Poland have access to state-of-the-art 5G technology. Americans do not.

Don’t you think that there is something wrong about this picture?

But, you know, Americans are just fine and dandy with that. You see, 5G is bad. It is terrible. It’s evil communist technology. Not the pure, free and wonderful “democratic technology” constructed through “American exceptionalism”, don’t you know. Just google it. It’s outrageous.

So Americans can live without that terrible, icky, nasty technology.

How do I know?

I’ve been using 5G phones and a base station in my house for years now.

I have a 5G router in my living room, and another on the nightstand beside my bed. (You see, the 5G technology cannot penetrate walls that well. You need to have multiple wifi stations to use it effectively.)

My two year old, 5G router inside my living room. Sorry for the dust.
My two year old, 5G router inside my living room. The normal 2.4G is the low flat rectangular box to the right, and the 5G is the big white cube to the left. Sorry for the dust.

Now I am not sick, I haven’t been sick and none of the problems that all those articles profess that should happen to me are no where to be found.

Now the reader should not be confused.

Just because the radiation has not affected me, my family, those around me, the city that I live in, or my nearby business associates, does not mean that the American narrative is a fiction. It could be that we are all the exception rather than the rule.


I've been using 5G for a while now, and I don't see anything wrong.
I’ve been using 5G for a while now, and I don’t see anything wrong.

Tab soda drink

I well remember the 1970’s. My father was trying to keep his weight down, and so he switched from drinking Coke-cola to “Tab”.

He would go to the local “beer distributor” and pick up cases of the stuff. And he ended up guzzling that soda just like it was water.

In a world filled with sugary drinks, the Tab product was one of the first to offer a non-sugar beverage.
In a world filled with sugary drinks, the Tab product was one of the first to offer a non-sugar beverage.

Tab was similar to Coke except that it didn’t use sugar.

Tab is a diet cola soft drink created and produced by The Coca-Cola Company, introduced in 1963. Coca-Cola's first diet drink, Tab was notably popular throughout the 1960s and 1970s, and several variations were made, including a number of fruit-flavored, root beer, and ginger ale versions. Caffeine-free and clear variations were released in the late-1980s and early-1990s.


And it really started to take a big bite into the Pepsi-cola franchise. They started to lose money, and their competitor (the one who manufactured Tab) started to gobble up Pepsi market-share.

So what do you think happened?

Suddenly sugar-fee substitutes were "dangerous" and had to be banned. Otherwise people would get brain damage and cancer!
Suddenly sugar-fee substitutes were “dangerous” and had to be banned. Otherwise people would get brain damage and cancer!

That’s right!

All of a sudden, studies “proved” that the sugar substitute in Tab was dangerous. As I recall, lab mice started to die.

Of course, it came out later that they were given near-lethal does of sugar-substitute to begin with. I think it was an equivalent to a human ingesting a 50lb sack of chemicals every day until they died. It was pretty gosh-darn horrific, I’ll tell you what.

The studies proved that mice feed enormous doses of sugar substitute got fat and died.
The studies proved that mice feed enormous doses of sugar substitute got fat, ended up with cancer and died.

Anyways, this is all “ancient” history. Those that have a monopoly do everything in their power to keep and hold market-share. This was true of GM, Coke-cola, and is very true with Microsoft and Cisco.

So I am not at all surprised that they decided to create an exclusive market for their products.

You WILL use American made cell-phones! You will use what ever technology we say, and we will make it a law to punish you if you refuse!

Just like how the American military-industrial market has forced the DoD to purchase inadequate, outdated, and very expensive products with questionable utility and dangerous application.

The problem is, it’s only a short-lived phenomenon.

Soon, they will lose ground in the market unless they develop innovation, product design and development. But that is not what I am seeing. Instead, I am seeing more of the “same oh, same oh”. With no real aggressive technical efforts.


I use 5G technology. I haven’t had any problems with it. I like it’s speed and the amazing things that it can do. It is revolutionizing technology outside of America and while the rest of the world are advancing in leaps and bounds, the United States is hunkering down and entrenching.

If this keeps up, the prognosis will not be good for America and Americans.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have more in my Trump Trade War Index. You can access it through this little green button.

Trump Trade War

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A discussion on how to pray or structure your intention narratives and verbal affirmations in order to manifest your desires and world-line materialization.

Here we enter into a discussion on how to pray or structure your verbal affirmations. If you are doing it properly, it will look like an operation manual for a VCR or refrigerator. Here we discuss how to write your own operation manual for world-line travel and your personal adventures. For some it might be a little too cut and dry, and not all that “traditional” and “religious”.

But it works, and that, after all, is all that matters.

Instruction manual for a camera.
Instruction manual for a camera.

As I have discussed in my other posts, the idea behind all this is that you are in control of your reality. Your reality is constantly changing and shifting. And in order for it to be exactly what you want, you need to have the discipline to control your thoughts.

I have specified an exacting method to do so.

This is the use of prayers / verbal affirmations along with an “image board” or similar device.

In this post we will specifically discuss how to pray or vocalize your affirmations. With an emphasis on how to structure your prayers for maximum effect.

The Basics

Firstly you must have two elements that you must use simultaneously. This is [1] “prayer” and [2] a “vision / dream board”. A purist might argue that you do not need both simultaneously, but I am not a purist and if you want to use my technique, then you will use both simultaneously.

I have another post on how to construct a dream board. That is here…

Using intention to navigate the MWI.

But, in any event, this post will concentrate in how your words and phrases used within your verbal prayers can best direct your consciousness to manifest the reality that you desire.

Why Prayer?

If you do not ask for things, the answer will always be “no”.

We have been taught that life is random and that we are just floating on the seas of chance that nothing is within our control. Instead, we are told to obey others, do not “step out of line”, and do as we are told. That is fine for infants, and young children, but quite dangerous for adults.

We cannot be sheets blowing in the wind. We have responsibilities, and obligations, and we absolutely need to control our lives. And since our reality, our universe is ruled by thoughts. We must control our thoughts.

Prayer (or Verbal affirmations) is a specific technique that helps us to control our thoughts.

A Common mistake

Perhaps the most common mistake in using prayer is to “talk to a deity”.

We “pray” to ask for promises, help and guidance from Jesus, God, Mohammad, or other historical figures that we hope and wish listens to us, and agrees to granting our petitions.


It does not work that way. The mechanism is quite different.

Prayer is actually YOU directing YOUR thoughts. YOU are reprogramming YOUR brain how to direct YOUR consciousness in movement in and out of world-lines. No other entities are involved.

So, yes, you are actually talking to yourself. I strongly advise that you speak clearly and aloud in doing so, however you can whisper it if you are among others.

Now, that being said… DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. Non-physical entities can be asked to assist you. You can pray to them. You can ask them to help you. You can petition to them. Yes you can.

However, prayer / intention affirmations are not ONLY a petition to a non-physical being. It is much more expansive and inclusive. Please heed this advice.

Private and personal

The world is filled with busybodies that somehow believe that they have a say in what you do, what you think, and how you act. This is false. No one has that right. No one, and that includes your family and your spouse.

Your affirmations are personal. You should keep them under “lock and key”, and do not share them with anyone.

Unless of course, you want to.

The reason for this is simple. While we inhabit a world line (apparently) alone, we actually share it with the “quantum shadows” of others. Their thoughts, good and bad, will have an influence on your thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to keep your thoughts, your desires, and your intentions secret and private.

You see, when we enter a world-line, it’s not only the physical environment that we enter, but all the the thoughts and non-physical influences that are floating about the world-line.

No realistic limits

There are no limits to what you can wish for and create within this mechanism. Now, the most outrageous and far-out changes to your life will take some time to manifest. While those that are simple can manifest quite quickly.

This all have to do with the number of world-lines that you must pass through. The more outrageous the goal, the more world-lines that you must travel through.

Now, that being said, there are SOME limits.

  • You cannot turn into another person.
  • Things that are physically impossible within this universe will stay that way.
  • You cannot resurrect the dead.
  • You cannot force another consciousness to do anything.

But aside from that, you are free to desire and plan on anything your heart desires.

Use and duration

A prayer “list” or a list of verbal affirmations will take time to read. Sometimes my affirmation list is actually quite lengthy. It ends up taking 15 to 20 minutes reading it all out loud. And, as such, I am also updating, revising and improving my affirmations.

In general, you need to be reading and praying your affirmations every day, if you can. Eventually there will come a time when you will feel it’s time to quit. As nothing is going on, and you have other things in your life to worry about. That is fine, and it is normal.

When that happens it means that your prayers have effectively programmed your mind and now it is time to give everything a break and allow things to happen and manifest. Let it go. This is normal.

In general, everyone is different, however personally, I find that my prayers redirection effort is on a three-month cycle. Three-months of reading my affirmations, and then three-months off and resting. Then I begin the entire event all over with new or revised affirmations.


I use an excel spreadsheet.

I call it “verbal affirmations”, and have a date with it. That way I know that I am using the most recent version.

I also have it password locked.

You must put a password on your affirmations, and keep it to yourself and tell no one else, nor write it down. This is most important. Make no exceptions.

You must protect your prayers from prying eyes.
You must protect your prayers from prying eyes.

To lock a MS spreadsheet is very easy.

Just go to FILE, and then assign a password to the book by clicking on the PERMISSIONS button. Like this…

How to assign a password.
How to assign a password.

Now inside the spread sheet are just line after line of prayer / intentions…


I separate the intentions into groups.

You do not need to do this, but I have discovered that if I do not, I have a pesky problem with repeating myself and making the entire prayer event much longer to read than it should be. Ugh!

Here are my classifications. Yours can be quite different.

  • General
  • New Stuff
  • Self Control (my emotions and thoughts)
  • My appearance
  • My enjoyments
  • My relationships
  • My property
  • MWI Routing and corrections
  • Safety
  • Intention Canvas (Desktop splash screen)
  • Blocking and protections
  • Asking for assistance
  • Money & Career
  • Jealousy
  • Opportunity
  • Respect / Power
  • Personal Health
  • Household
  • Fun
  • Lifestyle
  • Other / Misc
  • Death

Now, I am going to go into some detail about my various categories and why they are important and how I structure them. These categories are those in BOLD above.

“New Stuff” category

A significant portion of my affirmations are “carry over”, “cut and paste”, “boiler-plate” affirmations that I have used in other affirmation campaigns. This category is my way to keep track on a new campaign and what I wish to manifest.

Campaigns are prayer / intention projects that I implement as I notice that my life is changing.

For instance, once I realized that after I manifested a tropical South Pacific island life, I suddenly discovered that I wanted to eat fresh loaves of French Bread. So I started a new campaign to manifest this.

Fresh loaf of French Bread. You know, sometimes what you want might not be something that is easy to obtain.
Fresh loaf of French Bread. You know, sometimes what you want might not be something that is easy to obtain.

BTW. What happened was that there was a family on the island that baked French bread that I was unaware of, and once my intentions manifested, I ended up “discovering” this family and getting nice fresh delicious hot-piping crusty French Bread. What do you know!

MWI Routing and corrections

This is where I define the “rules” on how my affirmations work; how to think of things to say, how to move about the world-lines, as well as what happens. This is not like a game of “Monopoly”. You can make the rules and establish how they will manifest.

This is from my own list…

  • I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality.
  • I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
  • As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness.
  • I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
  • I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines.
  • I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
  • I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
  • I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires.
  • I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
  • I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest.
  • I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but that substantial positive and proactive events are unfolding for my benefit that might be hidden from me.

“Safety” category

I have had experience, first hand, that clearly show and illustrate the dangers of world-line manifestation. You need to put in place specific affirmations that will purposely isolate you from dangers and strife.

  • I and my family are safe and secure.
  • Any battles, wars, conflicts or social upheavals occur far away from us.
  • My family and I are safe and isolated away from conflict, strife, and danger.
  • We are always safe.

This category includes so many subcategories as well.

Intention Canvas (Desktop splash screen)

You need to link your verbal affirmations to your “intention dream board” or Desktop splash screen. For starters you need a statement much like this…

  • I utilize the desktop image display on my XXXXXX PC to help cultivate and imagine the reality that my world-line is.

But you also need to define what the images represent, and how they work. It’s sort of like this…

  • In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
  • In images related to gold, money, currency and wealth, the intention is broadly associated with large sums of money, wealth and success given and provided to me.
  • Images portray the situation that I am participating in, and if the image is of a static item it is representative of my personal ownership of that material item.

You get the general idea.

The idea is that you want the good aspects of the image to manifest, and not the bad aspects. If, for instance, you have the picture of Tony Soprano from the television show in your dream canvas, you need to say…

  • In images showing actors, it is the character, personality and role that they play that manifests in my life, not that of the actual actor.
  • Images that portray mafia figures, or “bad people” portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people against me.
Tony Soprano and associates from the televisions series "The Sopranos".
Tony Soprano and associates from the televisions series “The Sopranos”.

Blocking and protections

Over our lifetime, there are others (quantum shadows) that can disrupt our sentience, our world-line and our environment with all kinds of physical and non-physical events. In olden days they called this the “evil eye”, a “hex” or a “spell”. While we have learned to laugh at these old-fashioned and quaint notions, the raw truth is that they actually do exist and they actually do work.

In quantum physics, you can clearly see how the thoughts and the "spells" of other intentions and directed thought can adversely influence your own. You must not ignore these action and must take specific action to protect yourself.
In quantum physics, you can clearly see how the thoughts and the “spells” of other intentions and directed thought can adversely influence your own. You must not ignore these action and must take specific action to protect yourself.

So, you need to free yourself of all the chains and limitations that others have placed upon you.

  • I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
  • I define my reality, and undo any spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
  • I have awareness on how to avoid the manifestation of problems. I follow that advise immediately without question automatically.
  • I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
  • I purposely avoid negative, dangerous, bad, or problematic reality world-lines to achieve my goals.

Asking for assistance

While our consciousness moves in and through the world-line via thought, we can always ask for help. And why not? This can be physical help and non-physical help.

Do not be shy in asking for help. The only thing is to specify the limits of that help and assistance and how you want it to manifest and what to avoid.
Do not be shy in asking for help. The only thing is to specify the limits of that help and assistance and how you want it to manifest and what to avoid.

Some of the non-physical entities can perform just amazing feats, if you just ask them.

  • I ask for help to achieve my intention targets; and I do get help from all the non-physical beings that can assist me.
  • I also get help from any physical beings that can assist making my dreams and wishes come true and manifest.
  • Other entities, not limited to but including, Mantids, greys, guardian angels, friendly sprites, and other entities are permitted to assist me obtaining my goals as defined here.
  • In no way can these other entities hurt, harm, or mess up my life and intentions. They may only help, and are welcome to help gladly.
  • I know how to embrace opportunities as they manifest around me, and implement those necessary changes and actions promptly.

Personal Health Category

If you do not add this category, then you are being foolish.

Otherwise your wishes can come true, but there won’t be any safeguards or brakes to the damage your physical body might endure in the process.

As I have stated before, world-line travel is not for the meek. Do not assume that you will always be healthy and fine. Life happens, and the further your goals are, the greater the risk to your health.

Plan accordingly.

  • I am in top physical shape. I am healthy and happy.
  • I am well-read, have impeccable manners, and am a very elegant dresser.
  • My wardrobe is professionally matched, and my body is clean, pleasant and attractive.
  • Nothing is permitted to cause me harm, damage or physical discomfort.

Misc Category

This is an area where you can put things that do not fall within the other categories that you have listed elsewhere.

  • I know of, and use, the specialized techniques to improve the actionablity of my verbal affirmations listed herein.
  • My family is happy and I have a very calm and happy domestic life at home.
  • I am healthy, happy, relaxed and doing what I love.
  • I am careful in putting affirmations in place so that I will NOT have any bad or negative consequences.
  • All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.


Ah, we are all going to die. We might as well accept that reality and put in place some affirmations regarding it.

Our consciousness travels in a herd with other consciousnesses associated with soul clusters. When they enter a world-line they do so (for the most part) individually, one per world-line, but the quanta is jointly associated through all the world-lines.

Therefore, do not worry about anything. You are never completely alone.

The transition will be smooth. What will happen is that the world-line migration “carrier wave” (in and out of the various world-lines) will stop and your consciousness will stay at “wave propagation” behavior.

Some nice affirmations…

  • When the time comes for my death, it will be smooth and easy.
  • Those left behind will be well taken cared for.

Free Use

You are all free to use any of the ideas or affirmations / prayers listed herein. Just go ahead and update them for your very own goals and situations.

I sincerely wish for you to have a most excellent and wonderful and happy life!


If you are going to utilize prayer and affirmations to control the navigation of your personal world-line adventures, then you will need to be very careful about how to do it. If you fail to take the necessary precautions you could easily fall into traps, troubles or events that are uncomfortable.

The way to prevent these missteps is to be careful in writing out your prayers.

Take the time to navigate your life in and out of world-lines. This requires careful thought and consistency.
Take the time to navigate your life in and out of world-lines. This requires careful thought and consistency.

You can use the suggestions listed herein to help you in that task. Do not be afraid to dream big and set lofty goals. Just realize that the farther away the goal is, the longer that it will take to manifest. So start now, today and dream big. Sooner is better than later.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others in my MAJestic index, here…


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A little discussion on the kinds of planets where intelligent life can naturally evolve from. Are they like earth, or something else?

OK. Let’s have a go at some MAJestic stuff. How about that?

One of the biggest misconceptions that (typical) people have is that life, anywhere in the universe, must have the identical conditions that exist for “our” earth. The argument is that a G0 to G3 star (much like our own) is needed, and that the target planet must lie within the “habitable zone” around that star.

  • Must be a star like our sun.
  • Must be a planet like our Earth.
  • Must have a moon, like our moon.
  • Must have water, much like our Earth does.
  • Must be in the “habitable zone”.

There are all sorts of other criteria that folk use as well. But, you know what?

It’s all specious.

It’s lazy. It uses Newtonian scientific method to come to conclusions when we admittedly don’t have enough information to come to any conclusions in the first place.

As such… well, it’s all pretty much wrong.

Life forms all over the place in all sorts of environments. This varies from tiny microscopic organisms to large and complex entities and everything in between.


For the most part, when we (as humans) talk about life we imagine something similar to what we see on the Earth around us. This being a “people” with intelligence and tool-making ability, surrounded by other creatures that are either farmed or share the environment with us.

You know what I am talking about.

In the television series an extraterrestrial intelligent humanoid (Spock) holds a pet that looks similar to that of a dog. To the viewing audience, they are strange, yet familiar. This is the idea of what extraterrestrials look like from the lens of Hollywood.
In the television series an extraterrestrial intelligent humanoid (Spock) holds a pet that looks similar to that of a dog. To the viewing audience, they are strange, yet familiar. This is the idea of what extraterrestrials look like from the lens of Hollywood.

Well, dolphins live a rich full life, have society and speak a language. They do not use tools but are actually quite advanced, and in a number of ways have surpassed the human species.

Creatures do not need to be identical to humans to be intelligent. And that is the first lesson you all must learn here.

Dolphins are intelligent creatures that we humans share this planet with. They are, however, not a tool-making species.
Dolphins are intelligent creatures that we humans share this planet with. They are, however, not a tool-making species.

The ideas that people have about life elsewhere are all wrong. And here, I would like to take a moment to address this subject.

Life forms easily

Yup. It forms under the harshest conditions. Maybe it won’t look like me or you, or the zebra down the street, but it is life. And that is all that matters.

Once native from Europe all the way to Mongolia, the Saiga antelope is now considered to be critically endangered. Found only in the grasslands of Russia and Kazakhstan this funny looking animal uses its trunk-like nose to help regulate its blood temperature by warming air in the winter and cooling air in the summer.
Once native from Europe all the way to Mongolia, the Saiga antelope is now considered to be critically endangered. Found only in the grasslands of Russia and Kazakhstan this funny looking animal uses its trunk-like nose to help regulate its blood temperature by warming air in the winter and cooling air in the summer.

Right now the level of science education in schools are stuck in a 1970’s level, and while there might be some contemporaneous additions (as well as a very healthy dose of political correctness, and social re-engineering), for the most part, the fundamental scientific advances are ignored or treated as extraordinary. They are not treated as a fundamental insight into the way the universe actually is and how it works.

Ah, but they should.

Don’t you know…

Over the last decades, scientists have been intrigued by the fascinating organisms that inhabit extreme environments. Such organisms are known as extremophiles.

Extreme – O – Phile

They thrive in habitats which for other terrestrial life-forms are intolerably hostile or even lethal. They thrive in extreme hot niches, ice, and salt solutions, as well as acid and alkaline conditions; some may grow in toxic waste, organic solvents, heavy metals, or in several other habitats that were previously considered inhospitable for life.

Tardigrades, eight-legged micro-animals that live in water, resemble little fat cushion piglets with vacuum-cleaner spout-like mouths – are also known as moss piglets. Since first discovered by German pastor Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, these tiny creatures have charmed and astonished biologists.
Tardigrades, eight-legged micro-animals that live in water, resemble little fat cushion piglets with vacuum-cleaner spout-like mouths – are also known as moss piglets. Since first discovered by German pastor Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, these tiny creatures have charmed and astonished biologists.

Extremophiles have been found depths of 6.7 km inside the Earth’s crust. They have been found more than 10 km deep inside the ocean. And at pressures of up to 110 MPa. They have been found in environments ranging from extreme acid (pH 0) to extreme basic conditions (pH 12.8). They have been found inside hydrothermal vents at 122 °C to frozen sea water, at −20 °C.

For every extreme environmental condition investigated, a variety of organisms have shown that they not only can tolerate these conditions, but that they also often require those conditions for survival.

And before your mind starts cranking out thoughts that maybe they came into being in a “normal” Earth environment and then adapted to the harsh environment, face the facts. They evolved naturally within the singular harsh environments that we discovered them in.

They are classified according to the conditions in which they grow:

  • Thermophiles – Organisms that grow at high temperatures.
  • Hyperthermophiles – Organisms that grow at very very high temperatures.
  • Psychrophiles – Organisms that grow best at low temperatures.
  • Acidophiles- Organisms adapted to acidic pH values.
  • Alkaliphiles – Organisms optimally adapted basic pH values.
  • Barophiles – Organisms that grow best under pressure.
  • Halophiles – Organisms that require NaCl for growth.

In addition, these organisms are normally polyextremophiles, being adapted to live in habitats where various physicochemical parameters reach extreme values.

Poly – extreme – O – phile

For example, many hot springs are acid or alkaline at the same time, and usually rich in metal content; the deep ocean is generally cold, oligotrophic (very low nutrient content), and exposed to high pressure; and several hypersaline lakes are very alkaline.

An extremophile (from Latin extremus meaning "extreme" and Greek philiā (φιλία) meaning "love") is an organism with optimal growth in environmental conditions considered extreme in that it is challenging for a carbon-based life form with water as a solvent.
An extremophile (from Latin extremus meaning “extreme” and Greek philiā (φιλία) meaning “love”) is an organism with optimal growth in environmental conditions considered extreme in that it is challenging for a carbon-based life form with water as a solvent.

An entire world of extreme organisms opens up to the possibility and the reality that life can evolve just about anywhere, and under a combination of the most extreme conditions.

Scientific research types like to classify things and put them into nice neat boxes. They give them names and they spend a considerable amount of time developing methodology used to classify they shape, behaviors and survival considerations.

Are you ready for a memorization test? Imagine trying to study all the various names and classifications that we have created to classify these creatures and the environments that they live within.

For instance, extremophiles may be divided into two broad categories.

  • Extremophilic organisms which require one or more extreme conditions in order to grow.
  • Extremotolerant organisms which can tolerate extreme values of one or more physicochemical parameters though growing optimally at “normal” conditions.
Extremophiles include members of all three domains of life, i.e., bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. Most extremophiles are microorganisms (and a high proportion of these are archaea), but this group also includes eukaryotes such as protists (e.g., algae, fungi and protozoa) and multicellular organisms.

I know that this is all very interesting, and I do tend to get a bit carried away… but let’s concentrate on the most important aspect of this knowledge.

Life forms all over the place, and under the most extreme environments.

Jupiter's rocky moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the solar system, with hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles (or kilometers) high. Io’s remarkable activity is the result of a tug-of-war between Jupiter's powerful gravity and smaller but precisely timed pulls from two neighboring moons that orbit farther from Jupiter – Europa and Ganymede.
Jupiter’s rocky moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the solar system, with hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles (or kilometers) high. Io’s remarkable activity is the result of a tug-of-war between Jupiter’s powerful gravity and smaller but precisely timed pulls from two neighboring moons that orbit farther from Jupiter – Europa and Ganymede.

As long as there is some kind of heat source, and some kind of environment to live in, life will anchor itself and propagate.

But we don’t care about tiny insignificant bacteria, right?

Most people, fed a steady diet of science fiction movies, could care less about bacteria and other critters that you need a microscope to see.

We want to find pristine uninhabited lands that we can seize and make our own. We want to find other species, much like us, who can teach us the “secrets of the universe”, and we want to discover what their homes, their societies and behaviors are like.


While the universe if filled with all matter or creatures, from aquatic beings to spiritual beings, to other creatures what are difficult to classify, we are going to concentrate on the image on what people imagine “extraterrestrial aliens” look like and the worlds that they come from.

For this archetype, we will consider images from Hollywood Movies and television. Perhaps maybe, something along these lines…

Views of extraterrestrial creatures that are ambulatory and that possess human-like qualities, but have a non-human appearance.
Views of extraterrestrial creatures that are ambulatory and that possess human-like qualities, but have a non-human appearance. Notice that they always seem to carry guns and weapons, wear “fashionable” clothing with straps, buckles and attire, and have a distorted, but decidedly human-appearing shape.

What we care about is people that we can walk with, talk with, and interact with in a level of comfort so as not to be repelled or disgusted.

Now, with that in mind, let’s look at the kinds of worlds where these creatures might come from.

So right off the bat, we need to make something perfectly clear…

It’s not the type of star that matters, it’s the age of the star.

In other posts, that I have written, I strongly suggested that the most common stars for [1] naturally evolving [2] native [3] intelligent [4] ambulatory life are the cooler stars. Not the bright stars that populate our night sky.

This is the K, M stars and the various brown dwarfs L, T and Y.

Our sun is a G class, and it is on the outer edge of the (native) habitable range. It is not the middle-range by which a species could evolve within. I would argue that cooler stars are more appropriate for natural sentence evolution crucibles.

Brown dwarf stars in the three classifications.
Brown dwarf stars in the three classifications.

Most of the stars in the universe are the smaller and cooler stars. Not those hot, bright and young stars that we see in the night sky. Most of the stars that have naturally evolving intelligent life are too dim and too far away for us to see with our naked eyes. We need electronic equipment to peer into the distant heavens to see where they are.

More visible "mainline" stars that are home for many naturally evolved intelligent life.
More visible “mainline” stars that are home for many naturally evolved intelligent life.

The hotter stars than this (the O, B, A, and F) all tend not to have any naturally developed life.

They can have colonies. They can have settlements. But the development of naturally evolved native intelligent life is rather slim (but NOT impossible). You see, life takes time to develop. And these bright, fierce and fiery stars are just too short lived.

That being said, you know it’s not really due to the heat and radiation of the star as much as it is due to the age of the star.

A easy and handy-dandy method to compute the expected maximum age of a star.
A easy and handy-dandy method to compute the expected maximum age of a star.

Most native intelligent life needs a star with a minimum of two billion years in age, with three billion years to be the universe norm. Our earth is four billion years old, so that should be able to give you all an idea of what we are talking about here.

Thus, the very hot burning and short lived O, B and A stars are far too young to develop any kind of life that we would be interested in. That also includes F stars, but they are a very special case with all kinds of exceptions involved.

And while I am at it…

An important consideration is planetary influences.

Stop looking for an Earth-like planet to nurture and generate the evolution of human-similar intelligent life.

Size isn’t nearly as important as tidal forces.

Our own planet, earth, was pretty much a barren world with only life in the oceans for billions of years. It wasn’t until the moon moved in orbit around the world, that tides came into play, and the movement of life onto the land began.

But, ya, the good news is…

Tidal forces from close proximity stars or planets will generate the necessary atmospheric and water movements that are conducive to evolutionary growth. The strong gravitational forces of a nearby star, or huge planet will cause movements in the various gas and liquid atmosphere. We call these things “tides”, and the ebb and flow of them generates evolutionary changes.

The influence of the sun and the moon in the generation of tides on earth.
The influence of the sun and the moon in the generation of tides on earth.

And that means planet size as well…

The point that I want to make is that the size of a “rocky planet” will have an influence, but other factors will mitigate that influence somewhat.

  • Small planets (like Mars, perhaps) would be able to develop life provided that the atmospheric conditions are stable.
  • Large planets (like “super earths”) can also develop human-like life. It depends on the gravitational pull of the planet due to the nature of the rocky interior. A low-metal planet can be awfully big and still have the same gravity as the earth, don’t you know.
A "super earth" Gliese 832c compared to our planet.
A “super earth” Gliese 832c compared to our planet.

With those “pointers” out of the way, let’s talk about something that I would really like to emphasize right now.

Gas Giants that exist within habitable zones.

A [1] gas giant that is [2] within the habitable zone of a star that is [3] at least three billion years old and [4] can possess planets larger than the size of Mars that would have all the necessary criteria to develop native, ambulatory intelligent life.


The authors also address the idea of habitable exomoons rather than exoplanets. It’s conceivable that in other solar systems, moons might be more likely to be habitable than planets. In that case, other factors come into play, like tidal forces. That could be especially true around M-type stars, or red dwarfs. That’s because the circumstellar habitable zone around these low energy stars is already much closer to the star than around a G-type star like our Sun. The combined gravitational forces of the exomoon, its planet, and the star might eliminate habitability altogether.

-Universe Today

You know, cool stars have a “frost line” (soot line) close to the star. This means that gas giants (like Jupiter and Neptune) can retain their gasses and not evaporate away to become a rocky planet. They can keep on being what we see them as, and they can have moons that behave as singular planets.

How the idea of a frost or soot line works in the type of planets that form in the orbit around a star.
How the idea of a frost or soot line works in the type of planets that form in the orbit around a star.

And with that understood, we can best look at recent planetary discoveries in a new light. Indeed, as of 2018, UCR researchers have identified 121 giant planets that may have habitable moons within the habitable zones of the parent star..

From the 1950s, when astronomers talked about finding other, habitable worlds, they focused entirely on planets like Earth. In a 1993 paper in Icarus, geoscientist James Kasting of Penn State University laid the basis for the most popular definition of “habitable zone” in use today: It’s the “Goldilocks” region where temperatures would be not too hot or too cold for liquid water. But that criterion doesn’t apply to all planets within a habitable zone: Kasting’s model works only for a rocky planet with an Earthlike atmosphere, made up of carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen.

“Any type of planet can orbit in the habitable zone,” but only such Earthlike planets are likely to have liquid water on their surfaces, says astrophysicist Elizabeth Tasker of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. “We all secretly know this, as both the moon and Mars orbit within the habitable zone, but neither have lakeside retreats.”


Knowing a planet’s density also isn’t enough to tell if it has an Earthlike surface. Venus, after all, is nearly the same size and mass as Earth, and sits just a bit nearer to the sun than the habitable zone. But Venus’ atmospheric chemistry sizzles its surface at lead-melting temperatures (SN: 2/13/18).

“Venus is a warning to us that size isn’t everything,” says Stephen Kane, a planetary astrophysicist at the University of California, Riverside. “That planet is screaming at us that planetary habitability is complicated.”

- Why just being in the habitable zone doesn’t make exoplanets livable

In a paper published Wednesday (June 13, 2018) in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Southern Queensland have identified more than 100 giant planets that potentially host moons capable of supporting life.

Since the 2009 launch of NASA’s Kepler telescope, scientists have identified thousands of planets outside our solar system, which are called exoplanets. Keep in mind that the primary goal of the Kepler mission is to identify planets that are in the habitable zones of their stars.

The idea behind this is that terrestrial (rocky) planets are prime targets in the quest to find life because some of them might be geologically and atmospherically similar to Earth.

But to many, the results were disappointing. Instead of finding tons of earth analogs, they discovered that many solar systems instead had gas giants (like Jupiter and Saturn) in the habitable zones.

This is actually a good thing.

So instead of looking for earth analogs, another place to consider is the many gas giants identified during the Kepler mission. While not a candidate for life themselves, Jupiter-like planets in the habitable zone may harbor rocky moons, called exomoons, that could sustain life.

Exomoon orbiting a gas giant that lies within the habitable zone of a star.
Exomoon orbiting a gas giant that lies within the habitable zone of a star.
“There are currently 175 known moons orbiting the eight planets in our solar system. While most of these moons orbit Saturn and Jupiter, which are outside the Sun’s habitable zone, that may not be the case in other solar systems,” 

- Stephen Kane, an associate professor of planetary astrophysics and a member of the UCR’s Alternative Earths Astrobiology Center. 

The researchers identified 121 giant planets that have orbits within the habitable zones of their stars. At more than three times the radii of the Earth, these gaseous planets are less common than terrestrial planets, but each is expected to host several large moons.

Scientists have speculated that exomoons might provide a favorable environment for life, perhaps even better than Earth. This is because they receive energy not only from their star, but also from radiation reflected from their planet.

The size of the moon will play a role.

The researchers have identified 121 gas giants within the Goldilocks zones of their respective stars. If they’re anything like the gas giants in our Solar System, each is expected to be orbited by several large moons of its own.

And the scientists believe these moons would be an excellent place to look for life, since they’d receive radiation not just from the Sun, but the radiation belts of their host planets’ magnetospheres.

A earth like planet that could resemble an analog earth is very possible when you have large gas giants orbiting a star in the habitable zone.
A earth like planet that could resemble an analog earth is very possible when you have large gas giants orbiting a star in the habitable zone.

As an earlier study has pointed out, such moons might have to be at least as big as Mars for their gravity to be able to retain their water.

This implies that gas giants will need to be rather larger to collect “large moons” able to hold an atmosphere.

If the moon is too small, the gravity will not permit an atmosphere to retain water.
If the moon is too small, the gravity will not permit an atmosphere to retain water.
Planet Sizes Matter for Habitability Too.

In order to be considered habitable, a planet needs to have liquid water. Cells, the smallest unit of life, need water to carry out their functions. For liquid water to exist, the temperature of the planet needs to be right. But how about the size of the planet?

Without sufficient mass a planet won’t have enough gravity to hold onto its water. A new study tries to understand how size affects the ability of a planet to hold onto its water, and as a result, its habitability.

The issue of what might make a planet habitable is an ongoing debate. Not only for exoplanets, but for some of the moons in our own Solar System’s future. Scientists have a pretty good idea how much energy a planet needs to receive from its star to maintain liquid water. That’s given rise to the popular notion of the “Goldilocks Zone,” or the circumstellar habitable zone, a range of proximity that’s neither too close nor too far from a star for liquid water to persist on a planet.

With the search for exoplanets in habitable zones ramping up, and as we get better telescopes and techniques to study exoplanets in greater detail, scientists need more constraints on what planets to spend observing resources on. As this paper shows, a planet’s mass could be a useful filter.

The new paper is titled “Atmospheric Evolution on Low-gravity Waterworlds.” It’s published in The Astrophysical Journal. The lead author is Constantin W. Arnscheidt, a Grad Student at MIT.

To maintain liquid water on its surface, and an atmosphere, an exoplanet or an exomoon has to have enough mass, otherwise that water and atmosphere will simply drift off into space. And it has to hold onto its water long enough for life to appear. Astronomers use a ballpark figure of a billion years for that to happen.


That critical size, according to Arnscheidt and the other authors of the study, is 2.7 percent the mass of Earth. They say that any smaller than that, and the planet simply won’t be able to hold onto its atmosphere and water long enough for life to appear. For context, the Moon is 1.2 percent of Earth’s mass, and Mercury is 5.53 percent.

The researchers use comet-like planets as an example. Comets have lots of water, which is sublimated when they get near the Sun. But they lack the required mass to hold onto that vapor, and they can never form an atmosphere. The water is lost to space. So a planet that was too small, even if it had lots of water, would never hold onto it.

-Universe Today

Thus, we must expect that gas giants under the size of say Uranus or Neptune might not be able to retain a moon of sufficient size to hold liquid water. While gas giants larger than Jupiter might be able to hold multiple moons that would be able to retain atmospheres, hold water, and have the necessary magnetospheres, and tidal forces to generate a find hospitable environment for native life to evolve.

Other considerations – Tidal extremes

“There are many processes that are negligible on Earth but can affect the habitability of planets orbiting M dwarfs. Two important ones are strong tidal effects and vigorous stellar activity,” 

-The author on the habitability study published in the journal Astrobiology. Luger R et al. 2015. Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs. Astrobiology 15 (1): 57-88; doi: 10.1089/ast.2014.1215

As mentioned earlier, the tidal forces play an important role in natural evolution of intelligent life upon a planet. But like anything else, there is a range from with this is desirable and when it is not.

  • Small to zero tidal forces will not be sufficient to advance the development of native life.
  • Large tidal forces can hinder the development of life.
The proximity of a planet orbiting around a gas giant, that is in the habitable zone of a cooler star will create complex tidal forces and a complex environment.
The proximity of a planet orbiting around a gas giant, that is in the habitable zone of a cooler star will create complex tidal forces and a complex environment.

A tidal force is a star’s gravitational tug on an orbiting planet, and is stronger on the near side of the planet, facing the host star, than on the far side, since gravity weakens with distance. This pulling can stretch a planet into an ellipsoidal or egg-like shape as well as possibly causing it to migrate closer to its star.

“This is the reason we have ocean tides on Earth, as tidal forces from both the moon and the sun can tug on the oceans, creating a bulge that we experience as a high tide. Luckily, on Earth it’s really only the water in the oceans that gets distorted, and only by a few feet. But close-in planets, like those in the habitable zones of M dwarfs, experience much stronger tidal forces,” 

- The author on the habitability study published in the journal Astrobiology.Luger R et al. 2015. Habitable Evaporated Cores: Transforming Mini-Neptunes into Super-Earths in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs. Astrobiology 15 (1): 57-88; doi: 10.1089/ast.2014.1215

This stretching causes friction in a planet’s interior that gives off huge amounts of energy. This can drive surface volcanism and in some cases even heat the planet into a runaway greenhouse state, boiling away its oceans, and all chance of habitability.

Other Considerations – Stellar activity

Vigorous stellar activity also can destroy any chance for life on planets orbiting low-mass stars.

M dwarfs are very bright when young and emit lots of high-energy X-rays and UV radiation that can heat a planet’s upper atmosphere, spawning strong winds that can erode the atmosphere away entirely.

Many of the stars that are dim, red (class-M) dwarfs have a tendency to exhibit unusually violent flare activity. Since these flare stars seem to be so common, we need to take into account the estimated age of the M class star.

  • Young M-class star – Unstable with flares.
  • Old M-class star – Generally stable for billions of years.

Flares on these so-called flare stars occur sporadically, with successive flares spaced anywhere from an hour to a few days apart. It only takes a few minutes for a flare to reach peak brightness, and in fact more than one flare can occur at a time.

A flare star can emit enormous plumes of radiation and can cause all sorts of trouble for a nearby planet.
A flare star can emit enormous plumes of radiation and can cause all sorts of trouble for a nearby planet.

More importantly, flares on such dim dwarfs may emit up to 10 000 times as many X-rays as a comparably sized flare on our own sun.

As such, they would be lethal to any life forms otherwise developing on planets near the flare star, so life around such stars is unlikely.

During a deep survey of 215,000 red dwarf stars for planets called the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS) using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers found some 100 stellar flares over just a week of observations. 

Constituting the largest continuous monitoring of red dwarf stars ever undertaken, the astronomers announced on January 10, 2011 that their survey results suggest that even "fairly old stars" which are several billion years old can flare violently. As such they can become as much as 10 percent brighter in a short time, with an average flare duration of 15 minutes. 

As a result of such flares, planets orbiting near enough to such stars to host Earth-type life within close-in liquid water (or "habitable") zone orbita can have their atmospheres heated, puffed up, and possibly "stripped away." 

Although red dwarf stars are smaller than our Sun, Sol, and other Sol-type stars, they have comparatively "deeper convection zones where cells of hot gas bubble to the surface " and powerful magnetic fields stronger than Sol's are generated that enable red dwarfs to erupt with energetic flares. 

Star spots on red dwarfs cover a much larger area than the Sun (e.g., half of their surface), while Sunspots typically cover less than one percent of the Sun's surface 

- Hubble news release; and Kowalski et al, 2011.

Some flare stars have also been observed emitting radio bursts simultaneously with the flares. Please note that since flare stars are variable stars, they will usually have a variable star designation such as UV Ceti or V645 Centauri.

A look at some candidates.

Within 10 pc of Sol, astronomers may have detected planets in the Solar System and at least 12 other M-class stars (as of 2014).

Today, we are uncertain whether many red dwarfs are capable of hosting Earth-type planets in stable orbits within their respective habitable zones.

Yet, data clearly shows that planets exist withing those regions. The question then becomes, just what kind of environments exist within those planets?

Consider Solar System Kepler-62.

It has two planets, a little bigger than the earth within it’s Goldilocks zone.

The star, Kepler-62, is a bit smaller and cooler than our Sun, and is home to a five-planet system. Two of the worlds, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are the smallest exoplanets yet found in a habitable zone, and they might both be covered in water or ice, depending on what kind of atmosphere they might have.
The star, Kepler-62, is a bit smaller and cooler than our Sun, and is home to a five-planet system. Two of the worlds, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are the smallest exoplanets yet found in a habitable zone, and they might both be covered in water or ice, depending on what kind of atmosphere they might have.
“These planets are unlike anything in our solar system. They have endless oceans. There may be life there, but could it be technology-based like ours? 

Life on these worlds would be under water with no easy access to metals, to electricity, or fire for metallurgy. 

Nonetheless, these worlds will still be beautiful blue planets circling an orange star — and maybe life’s inventiveness to get to a technology stage will surprise us.”

- Lisa Kaltenegger of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

As the warmer of the two worlds, Kepler-62e would have a bit more clouds than Earth according to computer models. More distant Kepler-62f would need the greenhouse effect from plenty of carbon dioxide to warm it enough to host an ocean. Otherwise, it might become an ice-covered snowball.

“Kepler-62e probably has a very cloudy sky and is warm and humid all the way to the polar regions. Kepler-62f would be cooler, but still potentially life-friendly. 

The good news is — the two would exhibit distinctly different colors and make our search for signatures of life easier on such planets in the near future. “

- Harvard astronomer Dimitar Sasselov.

Well, is that true?

If a planet is in the habitable zone of a red dwarf, it would be very near to the star. The sky would be filled with this huge sun. And while there would be one side constantly facing the star, convection in the atmosphere would play a role as to keep the oceans wet and in liquid form.

A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.
A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.

Indeed, the atmosphere on a tidally locked planet around a cooler star might create very interesting atmospheric conditions.

Some believe that within a red dwarf’s habitable zones orbit, liquid water may not be possible. They argue that tidal locking would be problematic. However studies has shwon that this concern might not be as problematic as it appears on first glance. The atmosphere may not freeze out on the dark side as previously believed.

“The more data we get, the more signs we see pointing to the notion that potentially habitable and Earth-sized exoplanets are common around these kinds of stars. 

With red dwarf stars almost everywhere around our galaxy, and these small, potentially habitable and rocky planets around them too, the chance one of them isn’t too different than our Earth looks a bit brighter.”

-Andrew Vanderburg (University of Texas at Austin)

Which brings us up to the idea that a planet-sized moon, in close orbit of a “protective” gas giant, that resides within the Goldilocks zone, could very well provide the conditions for safe natural evolution of native intelligent life.

This is because, all the negative points about a singular rocky planet around a cool star, are mitigated by the complex environment of a nearby gas giant.

Gas giant in a Goldilocks zone

Because the sky is full of surprises, we can’t afford to be too conservative about what tomorrow’s discovery might be.

What we do know is that using our studies as a guide, the presence of gas giants lying within the habitable zones of stars are indeed quite common…

Plot of known planets in the various zones of stars. The star class is on the right with the cooler stars towards the bottom of the chart, and many gas giants in orbit around 6,000 K temperature stars. The class F and G type stars. Here we look and consider the gas giants around the cooler stars, the 3,000 K red dwarfs.
Plot of known planets in the various zones of stars. The star class is on the right with the cooler stars towards the bottom of the chart, and many gas giants in orbit around 6,000 K temperature stars. The class F and G type stars. Here we look and consider the gas giants around the cooler stars, the 3,000 K red dwarfs.

I don’t think we can rule out the idea of habitable moons around a gas giant in the habitable zone, but there are reasons to question how numerous they would be.

One problem is that moons around a gas giant will probably be made largely of ice and rock, because the planet itself would have formed beyond the snow line and migrated into the habitable zone. A Mars-sized moon is going to melt and, given its low escape velocity, will gradually lose its atmosphere in these warmer regions.

Because we know that this is what happened to Mars…

Mars lost its atmosphere because it is too small to have a magnetic field strong enough to protect against solar radiation.


… it seems like icy exomoons that thawed out as their planet spiraled into the habitable zone would be protected by the host planet’s magnetic field and could have an atmosphere.

The protection of the gas giant would cause the moon to retain it’s atmosphere.

And this is what is so very exciting about all of this.

All the objections to earth-like planets around cold stars are eliminated by the pretense of a gas giant.

And thus we end up with this narrative, that habitable planets require a large gravitational body nearby in order to shepherd, protect and create the environments necessary for earth-like environments and intelligent evolution.

Life on an earth-like planet around a large gas giant planet.
Life on an earth-like planet around a large gas giant planet.


Instead of thinking that a planet MUST be like the earth; singular, alone with a moon and a G-class sun…

We must recognize that the most important criteria consists of the attributes that this environment creates, and not the specific situation itself…

  • Age (at least three billion years old).
  • A shepherding gas giant, large moon, or other protective body.
  • A protective body to deflect or absorb meteors and asteroids.
  • A large gravitational sink to produce tidal effects.
  • A lower temperature star, that is not very active.

And if we accept this criteria, this environment, this crucible for the intelligent growth and protection of a given life-form…

… then we can realize and recognize just how special our planet is, and why we need to husband our resources and treasure what we have. We need to take care of, protect and nurture what we have. It is not an unlimited resource that we can mine for profit.

It is a special environment…

…That out of “chance” somehow, by some technique or fate or technology, was able to replicate the habitable regions most commonly found throughout the universe, right here.

A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.
A view from a habitable moon that lies in orbit around a gas giant.


Well, our solar system is unique.

It’s uniqueness suggests one of two things.

  • Intelligent life is very rare in the universe. Just as rare as a singular G class star (not a binary, trinary or other multi-star system) with a planet in the habitable zone with a large orbiting moon around it. (A common argument.)
  • Intelligent life is common in the universe. But it forms in an environment that the G star / earth / moon appears to replicate.


MAJestic has been working with extraterrestrial life and their technologies for decades. Those of us within the organization fully realize that life is common in the universe, and that intelligent humanoid life is very, very common. We know… well, because we are using their technologies and working with them face-to-face directly.

It's pretty darn impossible to tell a man who is petting a dog on the street, that dogs do not exist. Don't you know.

With this knowledge, you can see where the conclusion of this article / post is heading…

Our solar system is unique and constructed intentionally to act as a crucible for intelligent humanoid life.

You can label the architects of this sentience nursery as God, Buddha, Mohammad, Guardian Angels, Mantids, the Progenitors or whomever you feel most comfortable with. But the fact remains that this solar system of ours appears to replicate what a “natural” crucible for intelligent life would appear as.

Life on a moon that orbits a gas giant, which is itself, in orbit around a brown dwarf.
Life on a moon that orbits a gas giant, which is itself, in orbit around a brown dwarf.

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have more in my MAJestic Index.


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Americans today are living within a failed state.

This is a pretty good article written by George Packer that was printed in the Atlantic and has pretty much been circulating everywhere. My friends from both sides of the political spectrum are discussing it, and urging me to read it. So I have, and I found his points… oh so delicious. Here is his article and I think that you all would see that he makes some good points no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on.

The COVID-19 event, regardless of what caused it, has exposed America for what it is. And the picture is decidedly not pretty.

You might not agree with everything that he has to say. You might not like the dish of food that he serves to you, but you must admit that the COVID-19 has exposed America to be fully and completely incapable of governing during a serious emergency. And while the idea for “Make America Great Again” is laudable, it is unfortunately beyond the reach of everyone inside the monstrous American government.

It’s a good read. All credit to the author.

We Are Living in a Failed State

George Packer

When the (COVID-19) virus came here, it found a country with serious underlying conditions, and it exploited them ruthlessly. Chronic ills—a corrupt political class, a sclerotic bureaucracy, a heartless economy, a divided and distracted public—had gone untreated for years. We had learned to live, uncomfortably, with the symptoms.

It took the scale and intimacy of a pandemic to expose their severity—to shock Americans with the recognition that we are in the high-risk category.

America responds to the COVID-19

The crisis demanded a response that was swift, rational, and collective.

The United States reacted instead like Pakistan or Belarus—like a country with shoddy infrastructure and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering.

The administration squandered two irretrievable months to prepare.

From the president came willful blindness, scapegoating, boasts, and lies. From his mouthpieces, conspiracy theories and miracle cures. A few senators and corporate executives acted quickly—not to prevent the coming disaster, but to profit from it.

When a government doctor tried to warn the public of the danger, the White House took the mic and politicized the message.

American Citizens caught in the middle.

Every morning in the endless month of March, Americans woke up to find themselves citizens of a failed state. With no national plan—no coherent instructions at all—families, schools, and offices were left to decide on their own whether to shut down and take shelter.

When test kits, masks, gowns, and ventilators were found to be in desperately short supply, governors pleaded for them from the White House, which stalled, then called on private enterprise, which couldn’t deliver.

States and cities were forced into bidding wars that left them prey to price gouging and corporate profiteering.

Civilians took out their sewing machines to try to keep ill-equipped hospital workers healthy and their patients alive. Russia, Taiwan, and the United Nations sent humanitarian aid to the world’s richest power—a beggar nation in utter chaos.

Presidential Leadership

Donald Trump saw the crisis almost entirely in personal and political terms.

Fearing for his reelection, he declared the coronavirus pandemic a war, and himself a wartime president.

But the leader he brings to mind is Marshal Philippe Pétain, the French general who, in 1940, signed an armistice with Germany after its rout of French defenses, then formed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime. Like Pétain, Trump collaborated with the invader and abandoned his country to a prolonged disaster.

And, like France in 1940, America in 2020 has stunned itself with a collapse that’s larger and deeper than one miserable leader.

Some future autopsy of the pandemic might be called Strange Defeat, after the historian and Resistance fighter Marc Bloch’s contemporaneous study of the fall of France.

Despite countless examples around the U.S. of individual courage and sacrifice, the failure is national. And it should force a question that most Americans have never had to ask: Do we trust our leaders and one another enough to summon a collective response to a mortal threat?

Are we still capable of self-government?

A major crisis

This is the third major crisis of the short 21st century.

The first, on September 11, 2001, came when Americans were still living mentally in the previous century, and the memory of depression, world war, and cold war remained strong. On that day, people in the rural heartland did not see New York as an alien stew of immigrants and liberals that deserved its fate, but as a great American city that had taken a hit for the whole country. Firefighters from Indiana drove 800 miles to help the rescue effort at Ground Zero. Our civic reflex was to mourn and mobilize together.

Partisan politics and terrible policies, especially the Iraq War, erased the sense of national unity and fed a bitterness toward the political class that never really faded.

The second crisis, in 2008, intensified it.

At the top, the financial crash could almost be considered a success. Congress passed a bipartisan bailout bill that saved the financial system. Outgoing Bush-administration officials cooperated with incoming Obama administration officials. The experts at the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department used monetary and fiscal policy to prevent a second Great Depression.

Leading bankers were shamed but not prosecuted; most of them kept their fortunes and some their jobs. Before long they were back in business. A Wall Street trader told me that the financial crisis had been a “speed bump.”

Ah, but the American middle class…

All of the lasting pain was felt in the middle and at the bottom, by Americans who had taken on debt and lost their jobs, homes, and retirement savings.

Many of them never recovered, and young people who came of age in the Great Recession are doomed to be poorer than their parents.

Inequality—the fundamental, relentless force in American life since the late 1970s—grew worse.

This second crisis drove a profound wedge between Americans: between the upper and lower classes, Republicans and Democrats, metropolitan and rural people, the native-born and immigrants, ordinary Americans and their leaders.

Social bonds had been under growing strain for several decades, and now they began to tear.

The reforms of the Obama years, important as they were—in health care, financial regulation, green energy—had only palliative effects.

The long recovery over the past decade enriched corporations and investors, lulled professionals, and left the working class further behind. The lasting effect of the slump was to increase polarization and to discredit authority, especially government’s.

No one noticed.

Both parties were slow to grasp how much credibility they’d lost.

The coming politics was populist. Its harbinger wasn’t Barack Obama but Sarah Palin, the absurdly unready vice-presidential candidate who scorned expertise and reveled in celebrity. She was Donald Trump’s John the Baptist.

Trump came to power as the repudiation of the Republican establishment.

But the conservative political class and the new leader soon reached an understanding. Whatever their differences on issues like trade and immigration, they shared a basic goal: to strip-mine public assets for the benefit of private interests.

Republican politicians and donors who wanted government to do as little as possible for the common good could live happily with a regime that barely knew how to govern at all, and they made themselves Trump’s footmen.

Like a wanton boy throwing matches in a parched field, Trump began to immolate what was left of national civic life.

He never even pretended to be president of the whole country, but pitted us against one another along lines of race, sex, religion, citizenship, education, region, and—every day of his presidency—political party.

His main tool of governance was to lie.

A third of the country locked itself in a hall of mirrors that it believed to be reality; a third drove itself mad with the effort to hold on to the idea of knowable truth; and a third gave up even trying.

The American government

Trump acquired a federal government crippled by years of right-wing ideological assault, politicization by both parties, and steady defunding.

He set about finishing off the job and destroying the professional civil service.

He drove out some of the most talented and experienced career officials, left essential positions unfilled, and installed loyalists as commissars over the cowed survivors, with one purpose: to serve his own interests.

His major legislative accomplishment, one of the largest tax cuts in history, sent hundreds of billions of dollars to corporations and the rich. The beneficiaries flocked to patronize his resorts and line his reelection pockets. If lying was his means for using power, corruption was his end.

This was the American landscape that lay open to the virus: in prosperous cities, a class of globally connected desk workers dependent on a class of precarious and invisible service workers; in the countryside, decaying communities in revolt against the modern world; on social media, mutual hatred and endless vituperation among different camps; in the economy, even with full employment, a large and growing gap between triumphant capital and beleaguered labor; in Washington, an empty government led by a con man and his intellectually bankrupt party; around the country, a mood of cynical exhaustion, with no vision of a shared identity or future.

COVID-19 exposed America for what it is.

If the pandemic really is a kind of war, it’s the first to be fought on this soil in a century and a half.

Invasion and occupation expose a society’s fault lines, exaggerating what goes unnoticed or accepted in peacetime, clarifying essential truths, raising the smell of buried rot.

The virus should have united Americans against a common threat.

With different leadership, it might have.

Instead, even as it spread from blue to red areas, attitudes broke down along familiar partisan lines. The virus also should have been a great leveler. You don’t have to be in the military or in debt to be a target—you just have to be human.

But from the start, its effects have been skewed by the inequality that we’ve tolerated for so long.

When tests for the virus were almost impossible to find, the wealthy and connected—the model and reality-TV host Heidi Klum, the entire roster of the Brooklyn Nets, the president’s conservative allies—were somehow able to get tested, despite many showing no symptoms.

The smattering of individual results did nothing to protect public health.

Meanwhile, ordinary people with fevers and chills had to wait in long and possibly infectious lines, only to be turned away because they weren’t actually suffocating. An internet joke proposed that the only way to find out whether you had the virus was to sneeze in a rich person’s face.

When Trump was asked about this blatant unfairness, he expressed disapproval but added, “Perhaps that’s been the story of life.”

Most Americans hardly register this kind of special privilege in normal times. But in the first weeks of the pandemic it sparked outrage, as if, during a general mobilization, the rich had been allowed to buy their way out of military service and hoard gas masks. As the contagion has spread, its victims have been likely to be poor, black, and brown people. The gross inequality of our health-care system is evident in the sight of refrigerated trucks lined up outside public hospitals.

Right now…

We now have two categories of work: essential and nonessential. Who have the essential workers turned out to be?

Mostly people in low-paying jobs that require their physical presence and put their health directly at risk: warehouse workers, shelf-stockers, Instacart shoppers, delivery drivers, municipal employees, hospital staffers, home health aides, long-haul truckers.

Doctors and nurses are the pandemic’s combat heroes, but the supermarket cashier with her bottle of sanitizer and the UPS driver with his latex gloves are the supply and logistics troops who keep the frontline forces intact.

In a smartphone economy that hides whole classes of human beings, we’re learning where our food and goods come from, who keeps us alive. An order of organic baby arugula on AmazonFresh is cheap and arrives overnight in part because the people who grow it, sort it, pack it, and deliver it have to keep working while sick.

For most service workers, sick leave turns out to be an impossible luxury. It’s worth asking if we would accept a higher price and slower delivery so that they could stay home.

Dangerous parasites

The pandemic has also clarified the meaning of nonessential workers. One example is Kelly Loeffler, the Republican junior senator from Georgia, whose sole qualification for the empty seat that she was given in January is her immense wealth. Less than three weeks into the job, after a dire private briefing about the virus, she got even richer from the selling-off of stocks, then she accused Democrats of exaggerating the danger and gave her constituents false assurances that may well have gotten them killed. Loeffler’s impulses in public service are those of a dangerous parasite.

A body politic that would place someone like this in high office is well advanced in decay.

Political Nihilism

The purest embodiment of political nihilism is not Trump himself but his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.

In his short lifetime, Kushner has been fraudulently promoted as both a meritocrat and a populist. He was born into a moneyed real-estate family the month Ronald Reagan entered the Oval Office, in 1981—a princeling of the second Gilded Age.

Despite Jared’s mediocre academic record, he was admitted to Harvard after his father, Charles, pledged a $2.5 million donation to the university.

Father helped son with $10 million in loans for a start in the family business, then Jared continued his elite education at the law and business schools of NYU, where his father had contributed $3 million.

Jared repaid his father’s support with fierce loyalty when Charles was sentenced to two years in federal prison in 2005 for trying to resolve a family legal quarrel by entrapping his sister’s husband with a prostitute and videotaping the encounter.

Jared Kushner failed as a skyscraper owner and a newspaper publisher, but he always found someone to rescue him, and his self-confidence only grew.

In American Oligarchs, Andrea Bernstein describes how he adopted the outlook of a risk-taking entrepreneur, a “disruptor” of the new economy. Under the influence of his mentor Rupert Murdoch, he found ways to fuse his financial, political, and journalistic pursuits. He made conflicts of interest his business model.

So when his father-in-law became president, Kushner quickly gained power in an administration that raised amateurism, nepotism, and corruption to governing principles.

As long as he busied himself with Middle East peace, his feckless meddling didn’t matter to most Americans. But since he became an influential adviser to Trump on the coronavirus pandemic, the result has been mass death.

In his first week on the job, in mid-March, Kushner co-authored the worst Oval Office speech in memory, interrupted the vital work of other officials, may have compromised security protocols, flirted with conflicts of interest and violations of federal law, and made fatuous promises that quickly turned to dust.

The federal government is not designed to solve all our problems,” he said, explaining how he would tap his corporate connections to create drive-through testing sites.

They never materialized.

He was convinced by corporate leaders that Trump should not use presidential authority to compel industries to manufacture ventilators—then Kushner’s own attempt to negotiate a deal with General Motors fell through.

With no loss of faith in himself, he blamed shortages of necessary equipment and gear on incompetent state governors.

To watch this pale, slim-suited dilettante breeze into the middle of a deadly crisis, dispensing business-school jargon to cloud the massive failure of his father-in-law’s administration, is to see the collapse of a whole approach to governing.

It turns out that scientific experts and other civil servants are not traitorous members of a “deep state”—they’re essential workers, and marginalizing them in favor of ideologues and sycophants is a threat to the nation’s health.

It turns out that “nimble” companies can’t prepare for a catastrophe or distribute lifesaving goods—only a competent federal government can do that.

It turns out that everything has a cost, and years of attacking government, squeezing it dry and draining its morale, inflict a heavy cost that the public has to pay in lives.

All the programs defunded, stockpiles depleted, and plans scrapped meant that we had become a second-rate nation. Then came the virus and this strange defeat.

Our fight against the COVID-19

The fight to overcome the pandemic must also be a fight to recover the health of our country, and build it anew, or the hardship and grief we’re now enduring will never be redeemed.

Under our current leadership, nothing will change.

If 9/11 and 2008 wore out trust in the old political establishment, 2020 should kill off the idea that anti-politics is our salvation. But putting an end to this regime, so necessary and deserved, is only the beginning.

Facing a stark choice.

We’re faced with a choice that the crisis makes inescapably clear. We can stay hunkered down in self-isolation, fearing and shunning one another, letting our common bond wear away to nothing.

Or we can use this pause in our normal lives to pay attention to the hospital workers holding up cellphones so their patients can say goodbye to loved ones; the planeload of medical workers flying from Atlanta to help in New York; the aerospace workers in Massachusetts demanding that their factory be converted to ventilator production; the Floridians standing in long lines because they couldn’t get through by phone to the skeletal unemployment office; the residents of Milwaukee braving endless waits, hail, and contagion to vote in an election forced on them by partisan justices.

We can learn from these dreadful days that stupidity and injustice are lethal; that, in a democracy, being a citizen is essential work; that the alternative to solidarity is death. After we’ve come out of hiding and taken off our masks, we should not forget what it was like to be alone.

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Fun escapist movie- The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

Well, if you are stuck inside your home, with tons of time on your hands, nothing could be more rewarding than watching this jewel of a movie. For me, as I watched it, I became an eleven year old boy again. It’s a movie about adventure, strange lands, mysteries, pirates, and a cute white dog named Snowy. It’s also about treasure, hidden secrets, maps, and hidden clues, motorcycle escapes, and survival at sea. Oh, and let’s not forget being kidnapped and Shanghaied by your crew and an endless supply of whiskey. It’s everything that an eleven year old boy could want and more. And that is why I loved this movies and recommend it for all your co-shut-ins.

The movie is perfect, but I do believe that a bowl or Doritos or Wise / Lays (American style) potato-chips with a nice onion dip would really help to enhance the enjoyment of this movie. Oh, yeah, and don’t forget the frosty ice-cold beer while you are at it.

It’s a great movie to have your favorite pet by your side as well.

The Plot

Before he died in 1983, (the man who created Tintin) Hergé said that if any filmmaker was to adapt his collection of stories about the adventures of Tintin into a movie, then Steven Spielberg was the only man for the job.

Thus after two decades of trial and error, the cinematic version of Tintin has finally reached our screens.

Alongside Spielberg on this project was maestro Peter Jackson as producer (perhaps you know him from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) and three of Britain’s brightest writers (Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish).

What begins as a fun, nimble little mystery in the first act soon kicks into comedy-action-adventure high gear when junior reporter Tintin, with his brave dog Snowy, stumbles upon boozy Captain Haddock (an excellent Andy Serkis), whose family legacy may prove pivotal in a race to uncover the secret of the Unicorn.
What begins as a fun, nimble little mystery in the first act soon kicks into comedy-action-adventure high gear when junior reporter Tintin, with his brave dog Snowy, stumbles upon boozy Captain Haddock (an excellent Andy Serkis), whose family legacy may prove pivotal in a race to uncover the secret of the Unicorn.

This 3D motion-capture and CGI masterpiece combines three of Tintin’s most beloved stories ([1] The Crab with the Golden Claws, [2] The Secret of the Unicorn and [3] Red Rackham’s Treasure).

Spielberg and Jackson and all the team behind this movie adaptation obviously gave the original material the love and respect it deserved, while making it their own.

To clarify the origins of the story itself, you have to know that it isn’t the adaptation of one, but three Tintin comics.

Its beginning takes root in [1] “Le Crabe aux Pinces D’or”, while the rest of the movie revolves around the two-albums story of the hunt for Rakham the Red’s treasure, [2] “Le Secret de la Licorne” and [3] “Le Trésor de Rakham le Rouge”.

While it could seem like a lot of material for a whole movie, the choice of blending those three (two and a half) stories together turns out giving the movie a rather perfect pacing.

Snowy, while definitely smarter than your average cute canine, is also given to chasing cats, digging up fossilised bones from the desert, and gobbling sandwiches at decidedly inopportune moments. In other words, he's an instant audience favourite.
Snowy, while definitely smarter than your average cute canine, is also given to chasing cats, digging up fossilized bones from the desert, and gobbling sandwiches at decidedly inopportune moments. In other words, he’s an instant audience favorite.

After discovering an elegant model of the ship the ‘Unicorn’ at a market, Tintin (voiced by Jamie Bell) and his loyal dog Snowy are intrigued as to why so many desire it, and comment on the secrets it holds.

When the model is stolen, more information surfaces. And so the pair set out to discover the truth. Thus teaming up, after a surprise meeting, with the boisterous drunkard Captain Haddock (voiced by Andy Serkis).


The group’s adventure spans the globe, with each destination bringing more danger and that crucial step closer towards unraveling the mystery.

From the moment the picture opens, the film’s tone and mood is set: mystery and adventure merged with fun and frolics.

The classy, hand-drawn, animated titles use the Tintin signature silhouette imagery with style and sophistication.

One extended chase sequence through the flooding streets of a North African city is so dazzling and dizzying it reminded me why no other filmmaker can match Spielberg when he lets his imagination out for a spin. Another action scene, told in flashback, depicts a breathless pirate showdown in a storm, and features some of the most playful transitions I've seen since Ang Lee's Hulk. There's a pretty good villain, too, played by a wily Daniel Craig.
One extended chase sequence through the flooding streets of a North African city is so dazzling and dizzying it reminded me why no other filmmaker can match Spielberg when he lets his imagination out for a spin.

The Adventures of Tintin is an entirely new bunch of blistering blue barnacles – every frame enforces impeccable detail and naturalism. And like the best animated pictures, viewers will forget they are watching digitalised representations in no time.


Whether the visuals are mind-blowing as in the all-important action sequences or brilliantly subtle this film is a clear example of just how magnificent technology is in this day and age.

Tintin is brave, and he always gets out of the tangles he gets in. He is a good guy. He doesn’t know doubts…

Haddock is the dark side of Tintin. He is prone to anger and shouting insults, hard drinker, natural born loser…

Far from a being just a comical sidekick, Haddock is the human counterpart to the flawless hero that Tintin is.

The plot is a by the numbers mystery/adventure/treasure hunt, complete with bumbling detectives (so-so comic support from Simon Pegg and Nick Frost), exciting sea plane action and hidden clues, but it's brought to life in gorgeous visual style. While the script only comes alive in fits and starts, the whole film is bursting with rich detail, and is given added depth by a good, solid use of 3D. The virtual camera-work throughout is stupendous.
The plot is a by the numbers mystery/adventure/treasure hunt, complete with bumbling detectives , exciting sea plane action and hidden clues, but it’s brought to life in gorgeous visual style. The whole film is bursting with rich detail, and is given added depth by a good, solid use of 3D. The virtual camera-work throughout is stupendous.

With it’s tremendous visual flair, the feature’s script is a masterpiece. It is beautifully written. It possesses a kind of whimsical dialogue that is frequently hilarious and yet manages to keep people riveted to their seats.

An adaptation from the origional

Considering Hergé’s original stories are completely separate volumes, the writing trio behind this movie are able to make a sensible structure with the texts at hand.

And let’s not forget the laughs, as the script provides great character development for those new to the world of Tintin without insulting audiences with an hour’s lesson.

Young children will have no trouble picking up who’s who in the early stages, before settling back for the incredible roller coaster ride of the second and final climatic act.

The film is a really mixture of action and adventure. We see the heroes on board ships, rowing boats, fly airplanes, riding camels, having car\bike chases and crane fights. The time flew past for me and not once did i feel bored, this was probably down to the amount going with the film, the quick pace of the action and the different locations of the characters were always in. It reminded me of the Indiana Jones films a lot, where he is on the hunt for treasure, and he only has half of the clues, and the bad guys have the others half and both sides are trying to get the other half for the themselves. He then needs to go around the globe via different transportation to get the info he needs to find the treasure.
The film is a really mixture of action and adventure. We see the heroes on board ships, rowing boats, fly airplanes, riding camels, having car\bike chases and crane fights. The time flew past for me and not once did i feel bored.

Action fans will gain greatness from this movie too.

Expect high octane chases, pirate swordplay and more bullets than a Sylvester Stallone entry – just a lot less gore and swearing.

The main character is Tintin, who is a journalist who we never see doing any journalism though, but that doesn't matter because he is the textbook example of a heroic boy with boy scout qualities. The voice of Jamie Bell fits perfectly for the character. Andy Serkis gives here an incredible performance as Captain Haddock, the drunken sailor who to me was often reminiscent of a grumpy Harrison Ford. The story did seem as too much centered on Captain Haddock though, you could even say this should have been called "The Adventures of Captain Haddock" instead of Tintin. Daniel Craig is unrecognizable as the main villain Sacharine. Although his voice did jump to his normal voice in one line but otherwise you didn't know it was him. Of course I can't forget to mention the lovable dog, Snowy. He steals almost every scene that he is in. He is very realistic, he acts like a real dog and even gets his own chase scene. I'm telling you will adore this dog.
The main character is Tintin, who is a journalist who we never see doing any journalism though, but that doesn’t matter because he is the textbook example of a heroic boy with boy scout qualities. Of course I can’t forget to mention the lovable dog, Snowy. He steals almost every scene that he is in. He is very realistic, he acts like a real dog and even gets his own chase scene. I’m telling you, you will adore this dog.

Action packed

In fact, although The Adventures of Tintin is action-packed, its PG certificate is justified. Seriously, I cannot recall anything remotely damaging or frightening for young eyes. So relax. Eat some chips and spend quality time with your young-in’s.

The voice casting is collectively brilliant with Bell (Tintin) and Serkis (Haddock) being the obvious standouts.

Bell provides the voice for Tintin. It is his inquisitive tone and frequent high-pitched bursts that mirror the speech bubbles that Tintin utters in the comic panels.

When reading a Hergé story, this is exactly how the character sounds in your head don’t you know.

The action scenes are brilliantly written and directed, the angles of the camera, the drive of the action scenes, timing of all the jokes(physical or visual) is genius. Because Spielberg is a genius. He is the master of adventure movies and there never will be another genius in adventure movies like him.
The action scenes are brilliantly written and directed, the angles of the camera, the drive of the action scenes, timing of all the jokes(physical or visual) is genius. Because Spielberg is a genius. He is the master of adventure movies and there never will be another genius in adventure movies like him.

Serkis steals the show as Captain Haddock and is given splendid dialogue to growl through bitter Scottish chords. Haddock’s often stupid remarks and forgetfulness is beautifully represented through the animated character.

Daniel Craig is also fantastic as the less-than-trustworthy Ivanovich Sakharine, Heh heh.

And let’s not forget Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as the voice overs for the lovable policing dunces Thomson and Thompson.

Plus Snowy (the lovable dog) is absolutely wonderful.

The animation is magnificent, the motion capture has gone a long way since The Polar Express. It looks very realistic, especially all the features on Captain Haddock's face. The beard, the wrinkles and the eyes, they all looked amazing. Especially the eyes, they aren't so dead-eyed anymore as in The Polar Express.
The animation is magnificent, the motion capture has gone a long way. It looks very realistic, especially all the features on Captain Haddock’s face. The beard, the wrinkles and the eyes, they all looked amazing.

Welcome to the world of Tintin

Perhaps those new to Tintin will be influenced to re-visit the books and television shows of yesteryear and become more involved with one of the century’s most beloved and important literary creations.

Overall Spielberg has created an old-fashioned style adventure movie for the whole family to enjoy,where the important things are just the hunt for the treasure, the friendship two people can make and the most important thing of all that it is an entertaining ride. Spielberg never disappoints, it doesn't matter if you are a fan of Tintin or not, you will enjoy this film nonetheless
Overall Spielberg has created an old-fashioned style adventure movie for the whole family to enjoy,where the important things are just the hunt for the treasure, the friendship two people can make and the most important thing of all that it is an entertaining ride. Spielberg never disappoints, it doesn’t matter if you are a fan of Tintin or not, you will enjoy this film nonetheless

This was such an enjoyable film, there are so many great things about this movie.

Easily one of the most visually stunning films I have ever seen. The animation is perfect. it’s bright, colourful and scarily lifelike.

Tintin (Jamie Bell) is a young reporter who gets tangled in the affairs of smugglers when he buys a model ship from a scrap meet. When he gets kidnapped to the smugglers' ship, he meets Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis). He's a pure-hearted old drunk, who has information on a great treasure, told as a legend in his family for generations. He just needs to get sober enough to remember it. The adventure takes the pair to the Atlantic, Sahara, Morocco and finally back home. Tintin lives in an unmentioned European city that could be Brussels, London or any other one that has a sea port, really.
Tintin (Jamie Bell) is a young reporter who gets tangled in the affairs of smugglers when he buys a model ship from a scrap meet. When he gets kidnapped to the smugglers’ ship, he meets Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis). The adventure takes the pair to the Atlantic, Sahara, Morocco and finally back home.

The characters, scenery and landscapes all look incredible and so creative. Even the opening credits look fantastic! I can’t stress how good the visuals are in this film.

The film's story is faithful to the comic book, and thus ends promising more. I hope there will be, because I was willing to follow Tintin and Haddock on new adventures straight away! I'd say it's among the best, the most innovative comic-book films with Sin City and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. The film is excellent escapism from the dreary day-to-day life and it made me smile for the rest of the day.
The film’s story is faithful to the comic book, and thus ends promising more. I hope there will be, because I was willing to follow Tintin and Haddock on new adventures straight away! The film is excellent escapism from the dreary day-to-day life and it made me smile for the rest of the day.

The Movie Flows Well

Spielberg has done an incredible job here, nothing could have been improved in this aspect. The way the movie flows and the way the scenes intertwine and change is beautiful.

There are scenes where it switches from past to present and back again in such a way that you just get lost in it.. you will understand what i mean when you see the movie.

There are scenes of fights and chases which are so creative and so imaginative, the way he uses angles and the way everything links on is a real joy to watch. Its hard to explain, watch the film and you will know exactly what I mean.

Billions of blue blistering barnacles, Ten thousand thundering typhoons – for a whole generation these were the epitome of cuss words thanks to Captain Haddock. I am one of those in late 20s who grew up reading ( mugging to be precise as Thomson & Thompson would have said) Tintin and almost worship Herge for the genius intelligent stories created in the black and white times of our grandpas. Being an hardcore Tintin loyalist the excitement to see the boy sleuth of screen was certainly brewing high. But the movie left me wanting more. It left a mixed reaction in me and here I come one by one at different levels.
Billions of blue blistering barnacles, Ten thousand thundering typhoons – for a whole generation these were the epitome of cuss words thanks to Captain Haddock.

However, the film is not just a visual feast like many films are. It has a good solid story with likable, interesting characters – I found the story line kept my attention throughout. A very original adventure/quest film, searching for hidden treasure and defeating the bad guys along the way!

I cannot recommend this film enough, i was so surprised by just how good it was. I am sorry I didn’t go and see this in the cinema as it really would have been a fantastic experience.

Captain Haddock works brilliantly for the most part: he's unpredictable, endearing, and colourful in all the ways Tintin himself isn't. While the youngster is well played by Jamie Bell, he's mostly just there to work out the clues for the audience. Tintin and Haddock make for a good double-act, though: brains and brawn, cunning and in-over-his-head rashness; together they'd make a good Indiana Jones.
Captain Haddock works brilliantly for the most part: he’s unpredictable, endearing, and colorful in all the ways Tintin himself isn’t. Tintin and Haddock make for a good double-act, though: brains and brawn, cunning and in-over-his-head rashness; together they’d make a good Indiana Jones.


The movie also deftly skips what could have been a typically Hollywoodish mistake of giving Tintin exposition. But none of that nonsense here.

Exposition in a written work is the passages which explain where events take place, what happened before the story begins, and the background of the characters.

Tintin is a reporter, that’s all you need to know.

That’s all the comics ever told us about him. None of them ever showed Tintin doing actual reporter work.

I don’t think he ever used a typewriter, he has no boss, no workplace. Tintin just finds himself where adventure is.

Because he’s a reporter.

Hergé never needed more, kudos for the guys behind this movie for keeping true to that. It will be held against them, but that will be coming from people who don’t know the original material.

Spielberg is almost perfect in designing the characters. The look and the way the screen Tintin reacts brings in nostalgia of childhood days when we imagined (and discussed amongst friends) how Tintin would have behaved if made on screen. The attire to expression was all nicely done. Same goes for Snowy, the cute loyal dog of Tintin who can fight with the goons to save his beloved master. In fact children will fall in love with Snowy after watching this film. In one of the scene when Tintin gets kidnapped Snowy follows the car of the goons to the ship were Tintin was deported. The scene indeed brings out the pathos and concern inside Snowy for his master.
Spielberg is almost perfect in designing the characters. The look and the way the screen Tintin reacts brings in nostalgia of childhood days. The attire to expression was all nicely done. Same goes for Snowy, the cute loyal dog of Tintin who can fight with the goons to save his beloved master. In fact children will fall in love with Snowy after watching this film. In one of the scene when Tintin gets kidnapped Snowy follows the car of the goons to the ship were Tintin was deported.

CGI Bad?

Yet the movie did a great job of shutting up the anti-CGI geek in me. It simply looks stunning, and your mind easily jumps back and forth between forgetting these are cartoon characters and appreciating their transition to a 3D environment, respectful of the original designs but literally bringing them to life.

Captain Haddock the characterization isn't as perfect as the comic book. The laziness and craziness in the first half were apt but then Captain fighting in the second half is too hard to digest. The detective duo Thompson and Thomson is appropriate and so is famous nightingale singer Bianca Castaphiore. But Spielberg should have included the verbal fights between Castaphiore and Haddock though he hinted Haddock and Snowy's disgust for Castaphiore's opera. Coming to the villains I am not convinced of Sachcharin as the main villain. The original had Bird Brothers as the villain duo which was more convincing than the screen one. In fact if they wanted to include a dreaded notorious villain then Rastapopulous (the evergreen big nosed enemy of Tintin) would have been the right choice. Even malicious Captain Allan has been relegated to side kick of Sachcharin. Captain Francis Haddock and Red Rackham's characters were true to the original book and it worked well.
The detective duo Thompson and Thomson is appropriate and so is famous nightingale singer Bianca Castaphiore. Captain Francis Haddock and Red Rackham’s characters were true to the original book and it worked well.

In short, all these elements drew me to the same conclusion, Spielby and co. managed to deal a great adaptation.

One that has true respect for the original material, and the great ambition of adding something to it.

Yes, not everything of it. “Le Crabe aux Pinces D’or” could have deserved a whole movie itself. So yeah, shortcuts are taken, and as true to their originals as they are, the characters have been redesigned.

But in the end you have a movie that can be appreciated both by fans of the comics as well as people who have “just heard about them”.

It is fun, packed with adventure and action, enjoyable at all ages.

And most of all, you can go see it without having to worry about seeing another piece of Hollywood-flavored perversion, a fast-foodified betrayal.

It's an old-fashioned treasure hunt. Tintin runs into a frequently inebriated Captain Haddock (voice of Andy Serkis), who has a strong connection to the original Unicorn and to the scrolls themselves. With Haddock and Snowy at his side, Tintin races across the globe to solve the mystery before Sakharine, a journey that takes him to multiple continents, fighting bad guys with swords, guns, fists, and feet. It's a throwback movie; a movie quite similar to Raiders of the Lost Ark, itself a throwback to the serials of the early 20th century. And, of course, the director here is one Steven Spielberg, whom you might recognize as a progenitor of that Raiders universe himself.
It’s an old-fashioned treasure hunt. Tintin runs into a frequently inebriated Captain Haddock (voice of Andy Serkis), who has a strong connection to the original Unicorn and to the scrolls themselves. With Haddock and Snowy at his side, Tintin races across the globe to solve the mystery before Sakharine, a journey that takes him to multiple continents, fighting bad guys with swords, guns, fists, and feet.

Some background

Since 1981, Spielberg has become an avid fan of this gorgeous “Tintin” comics and has been longing to create a film about it. Before he and “Tintin’s” master, Herge could meet, Herge passed away.

However, Herge’s widow decided to give them the rights and began the adventure to re-create this marvelous wonder of art.

Three comics

Adapted from three of the comics, Spielberg’s re-creation of the comics introduces us to Tintin (Jamie Bell), a Belgian reporter who gets caught up in all sorts of adventures.

One day, he found a model of a ship, the Unicorn and bought it and brought it home. However, when Tintin was buying the ship, two men came to try to buy the model, Sakharine (Daniel Craig) and Barnaby.

Later, Tintin discovers that the model holds an important secret and somehow, the secret is linked to the real ship itself. On the way for answers, he meets the grumpy Haddock and head off to an adventure spanning around the globe with his white fluffy dog Snowy.


The animation is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. It’s not right to call it a CGI film as the motion of the characters are much smoother than that of CGI films. Tintin’s animated self looks stunning (even though he looks kind of different from his comic-self) in his blue long sleeves.

Snowy is fluffier than ever.

Captain Haddock is grumpier than ever.

All of the animation is simply breathtaking and the best I’ve ever seen.

Here's an added bonus - apparently, the movie is very close to the source material. Tintin has not been updated or modified to mollify new audiences; remember, so many Americans have never heard of the intrepid reporter. And there's no time waste on explaining who Tintin is, or what he is, or how old he's supposed to be. You know why? Because it's irrelevant, that's why. He's just an adventuring dude with a smart dog and a lot of panache.
Here’s an added bonus – apparently, the movie is very close to the source material. Tintin has not been updated or modified to mollify new audiences; remember, so many Americans have never heard of the intrepid reporter. And there’s no time waste on explaining who Tintin is, or what he is, or how old he’s supposed to be. You know why? Because it’s irrelevant, that’s why. He’s just an adventuring dude with a smart dog and a lot of panache.

Scene shifting

I like how they change scenes.

While most other movies just shift scenes normally, this film uses a little imagination and is ingenious in shifting scenes. They can change from a scene of shaking hands to a desert scene by using the outline of the two hands into the surface of the desert.

This thing is just entertaining and great in its own right and deserves some reward.

A Fun Movie

The movie itself is fun to watch. The story is compelling, the lines are natural-sounding, and the action is plenty of fun to watch. It is great excitement to watch and I was hooked from beginning to end. Great plot + awesome action + breathtaking animation equals up to amazing movie.

The 3D is perfectly fine. The depth is seen and the 3D just makes the movie even more fun to watch.

The movie is animated, both literally and figuratively, and the animation is so exquisitely realistic that it's easy to perceive it as completely lifelike. The action is intense and relentless, but because of the depth of detail in the animation, it's tough to imagine it as anything other than a terrific live-action film. When Tintin leaps from building to building or from a moving car, we actually cringe - can he make it?
The movie is animated, both literally and figuratively, and the animation is so exquisitely realistic that it’s easy to perceive it as completely lifelike. The action is intense and relentless, but because of the depth of detail in the animation, it’s tough to imagine it as anything other than a terrific live-action film. When Tintin leaps from building to building or from a moving car, we actually cringe – can he make it?


OK, let’s release now all the excitement about this movie. If I had just five short seconds to say how I think this movie is I’d chose 7 words: Mesmerising from the beginning to the end. That’s quite true if you consider that even the opening credits are little shining pearls of direction and creativity.

Overall Impression

The general impression you get from this movie, talking about direction, is that nothing could have been better. Spielberg’s direction is, in this case as well, a real warranty of general great quality.

Three things I particularly appreciated:

  • There’s literally a STORM of brain-waves (and here comes the Spielberg’s touch); especially, in the connection phases between one scene and the other the director totally expresses his genius, turning the open ocean into a pond, making two shaking hands become dunes in the desert and so on (you’ll understand what I mean when you’ll watch the movie)
  • The ‘camera’s movements’ literally pull you into the movie and you can’t help feeling excited or scared according to the situation.
  • The movie flows perfectly; it is kind of a pleasure for your eyes and for your brain to follow the adventure.

You can tell it’s a Spielberg’s movie even just looking at these things.

The quality of animation.

I really could not find a proper term to define my astonishment when my eyes approached the beautiful places and landscapes shown in the movie. They look perfect, shining and bursting with emotions, sensations; they almost look like paintings: For instance, there’s a sunset in the movie that I will hardly forget. It’s the same with the CGI models: you can see the wrinkles on the character’s faces, even their sweat.

The Actors

Furthermore, some words about the actors: Bells and Serkis are maybe the sole two living beings who could have given birth to the cinematographic version of the two main characters.

The first succeeds in the hard challenge to provide the audience with a convincing and faithful interpretation of the beloved protagonist (he did A GREAT job indeed), the second is a delightful surprise again, with a funny Scottish accent and a very good interpretation.


One last word goes to one of the best composer alive: Sir John Williams. There’s nothing to do, every piece of music he creates is able to touch the deepest strings of our hearts.

With a soundtrack that ranges from the epic tones to the mysterious ones he gives us another example of his limitless genius, because he still remains one of those composers able to make us cry.


‘The Adventures of Tintin’ is quintessentially the perfect family film and has plenty to offer audiences of all ages. This is an incredibly joyous, thrilling and comically genius adventure. Hergé was onto a winner with his thoughts towards Spielberg and he can rest easy now knowing his tales have been faithfully and beautifully translated into a cinematic masterwork. Great Snakes, it’s good.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have other similar posts in my movie index here…


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The mechanism for memory access in a MWI (world-line) universe and why reincarnation prevents prior access.

Phew! That’s a mouthful. Not really the best post title.

Here we address how your memories are accessed. We discuss how the memory “address” is accessed by the consciousness. We look at the differences between the physical brain, and thought / memories. And, finally, we look at the reincarnation process and why souls that have reincarnated cannot recall memories of prior incarnations.

Is is a post on how the soul uses memories to select world-lines to occupy.

Quick Comment
Yeah. I’ll bet you all pretty much gave up on me continuing on my MAJestic disclosure. Well, nope. It’s just that the immediate situation pretty much hijacked my blog. But not to worry, I’m a man on a mission and more posts with more “meat” are forthcoming.

Here, we are going to look at memories.

Yeah, I know. It sounds very boring. Doesn’t it?


The way that memories actually work in no way resembles what conventional science thinks. Here we present a very brief and simplistic overview of the system.

How it works.

Well, look at it this way. Our reality changes and molds to what we think. I covered this over and over before in other posts. Time is the movement of our consciousness as it moves in and out of world-lines.

And, of course, what we think thus changes our reality.

Because our thoughts determine what world-lines we enter into. So if we are thinking wonderful thoughts, and are calm, and direct our energy into wonderful things, our life would be wonderful.

Movement through the different world lines appears as time. As we think, we select the world lines to migrate towards. We need to control and master our thoughts.
Movement through the different world lines appears as time. As we think, we select the world lines to migrate towards. We need to control and master our thoughts.

But if we surround ourselves with negative thoughts, manipulative news, and people. If we are reacting to events instead of manifesting them, or if we hold grudges and evil negative thoughts… then our world experiences will become progressively darker and darker.

Thoughts generate memories.

Memories shape our thoughts.

Thus, our prior experiences shape the thoughts that we have. So they are crucially important to the creation of our life and our reality.

Thoughts create memories.

Our memories influence how we think and what we think about.

Our thoughts are influenced by our memories and the environment in our reality. So in order to overcome your immediate environment, you must overcome that influence and generate new and healthy thoughts.

It’s like this…

A poverty stricken beggar might yearn for a reality where he has a warm meal and a roof over his head from the rain. While a wealthy oligarch might yearn for forbidden activities, and serendipitous pursuits.

Russian Oligarch.
Russian Oligarch.

Why the difference?

It’s because of their experiences. And their experiences are molded by their memories which is a record of their reality.

Why are memories important?

Memories are important because they attract and repel quanta. You want a balanced mixture of good and bad memories so that the attractions are balanced.

That is how soul grows don’t you know.

The consciousness enters world-lines (via the MWI) and has experiences. These experiences are recorded as memories. These memories influence your actions and also power “The Law of Attraction” (for lack of a better term.)

Your realities are created by directed thoughts.

PLEASE SHUT OFF THE NEWS NOW. Do not allow the thoughts and actions of others to influence you, or cause you to live in fear.

The news media is dangerous and creates situations and thoughts that mess up your well-tended and directed thoughts.
The news media is dangerous and creates situations and thoughts that mess up your well-tended and directed thoughts.

Operate off your very own memories and your very own experiences.

Eventually, memories influence your thoughts in such a way that your sentience becomes defined. And we do want that, don’t you know. We want our sentience to be defined.

  • Service for ones self. (“Western” societies preference.)
  • Service for others. (Mantid preference.)
  • Service for another. (Human oligarch preference for everyone else.)
  • Service for things.
  • No service what so ever.
  • Disjointed and indeterminate sentience.

The brain does not record memories.

Firstly the brain does not record memories. Instead, it accesses them.

Memories reside outside any given reality and “world-line”.

Which is currently at odds with “modern” medical science. Pull up any internet article and they will point to specific regions in the brain where memories are “stored”.

Sorry, but nope.

Conventional belief on how memories are stored within the body.
Conventional belief on how memories are stored within the body.

Those are the regions and areas inside the brain that accesses memories. they do not store them.

To use internet technology here…

Conventional Medical science

Memories are recorded and goes directly into the brain "Hard Drive". As you get older more and more memories are packed inside of the "hard Drive".

MAJestic understanding

Memories are accessed from the cloud via a Wifi router. It collects the memories in "packets" and puts them in ROM / RAM for immediate use.

So instead of thinking of your brain as a big old hard-drive. You need to start thinking of it as a wifi router that accesses memories in the cloud.

How your memories are accessed.

Since the consciousness cycles in and out the physical repeatedly, each time the consciousness is outside of a world-line it refreshes the memory cache. It does not do this while it is within a reality.

  • Inside a world-line reality. Particle behavior. Accesses stored memories and generate thoughts.
  • Outside or between reality world-lines; dumps the physical memory contents to the non-physical memory stack. Gathers and collects all memories once dumped and generate new thoughts based on that combined action.

How the memory “address” is accessed by the consciousness.

In the “Heavens”; that space between world-lines, there are all sorts of things. It’s a realm of thought and all sorts and manner of activities. This includes thoughts and memories of others. Obviously there must be a mechanism for the consciousness to “anchor” onto the memories as they accrue over time.

There is.

The memories are “anchored” within the garbions of a soul.

The soul is composed of “clumps” of quanta. Each “clump” is called a garbion. Each garbion has a specific role for the soul. One such role is the assignment of memories for a given consciousness.

A soul can only assign memories out if it’s garbions via the consciousness that it projects.

Therefore, no one else can access then unless there is approval from the soul itself.

The differences between the physical brain, and thought / memories.

Thoughts and memories have no physical analog. You cannot measure them, trap them, or replace them. You can only suppress their access.

Further, the only way that the brain can access thoughts directly is through wave behavior. particle behavior are for process behaviors after the memories and thoughts have been processed.

The reincarnation process and why souls that have reincarnated cannot recall memories of prior incarnations.

A “consciousness” is generated by a soul for a given body to use to obtain experiences. It uses the power of directed thought to migrate in and out of the world-line realities to obtain experiences so that the soul would grow. As such, the experience, the thoughts and the memories are all associated with a given consciousness.

The soul can opt to permit reincarnated consciousnesses to retain prior experiences and memories when they enter into a new body. But this is rarely done.

The reason is simple.

The greater the number of memories you have, the less mistakes you will have. And thus the less new experiences that you would obtain. For the soul to grow, you need to start with a “clean slate” and learn from scratch to obtain new experiences, learn from mistakes and failures and to grow.

What this means

What this means is that if the physical body is old, the brain is damaged, or other physical travesties avail the human, the memories still exist. It’s just that they (at that moment in time) cannot access those memories. So a person who has dementia, can fully access all their memories when they enter the “spiritual realm”. This is the space in between the various world-lines (in the MWI).

Dead, and diseased pets, likes dogs and cats, can contact you and other loved ones once they passed on. And yes, this includes people and humans as well. I have an interesting post on this issue, that you all might want to read…


A species that can inject thoughts into another (telepathy) is utilizing a method and technology that lies outside a given MWI reality. In other words, they are injecting a thought into your consciousness (stream) while you are between MWI world-lines realities.

Like during my first encounter with the type-1 greys…

Or experiences that I myself had with horses, and drunk companions, which are stories for another time and another place.


To master your world, you MUST control your thoughts.

They help you navigate into the world-lines where you would obtain experiences of life.

To obtain those experiences that you want, you must radically demand full control over your thoughts. You must NOT allow yourself to be manipulated by American propaganda campaigns or the thoughts of others. The only reality that matters is your very own. Nothing else.

When you experience something, you will record that experience in all it’s aspects as a memory.

The memories that you have will influence how quickly you will be able to direct your thoughts and control your life. So please start experiencing great and positive experiences NOW. Control your thoughts.

Now, all that being said, you cannot control the thoughts of others. If you find yourself being chained to a negative thought generator, a mentally or socially ill person, or a dysfunctional person, they will hijack your thoughts. Do not allow that to happen. For they will hijack your life.

Finally, no human, can steal your memories. They can only suppress them, and implant new ones by all manner of manipulation and propaganda campaigns. That being said, there are species that have the technology to actually farm your memories and quanta. Luckily our benefactors are protecting us from them.

Think good thoughts. Your life depends upon it.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have many more here…


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Accept no wooden nickels.

I have been informed by various people that there are others “out there” in internet land who sound like me, that say that they live in China / Asia and post (seemingly) “disclosure” type information. And thus I am asked, is that me?


I only post in one place.

That is right here and right now.

Accept no wooden nickels.

A wooden nickel is a worthless or counterfeit coin. A wooden nickel is a person or thing that only vaguely appears to have any real value, but is ultimately worthless. A nickel is worth five cents, thus already being worth very little.

-Don't take any wooden nickels


Please take special note. I do not comment or post on any other forum.

However, there are two exceptions.

  • The first exception to that rule is LinkedIN. I have posted some topical links to metallicman in the comment sections of my feed from time to time. People who know me personally, and have connected to me professionally are the only ones that can see that feed.
  • The second exception is the posting of entire metallicman posts on Free Republic in 2016. I did that until I was banned. The situation behind the banning was my accurate contention of suggesting the NID was behind the “pro democracy” movement in HK. I am now perma-banned and will never return.

That is it.

So, if you read, hear, or someone that seems to be me on any American forum, please realize that they are not me. No matter how much of what they say seemingly appears to fit within this dialog.


I do not trust American-based social media. So I do not use it.

Do you want to know why?

Perhaps it is my experience with the American police state, when armed black-clad assault troops poured into my home as I was leaving for work. The event left scars. And, I will never forget how I was treated, and the absolutely ease at which they went though my personal papers and household belongings.

I talk a little bit about it here…


And while I am at it, you might want to check this out. They do go hand-in-hand, don’t you know.


Additionally, please take special note that I live in China.

I live in China

Most access to American social media and software is banned in China. That means that you cannot use it because your computer cannot even find it. There was a time when you could bore through the firewall with a VPN, but that ended in 2016.

The Chinese internet presence is much larger than what is available in America. There is a greater selection of websites, software, applications, and larger audiences by a factor of ten compared to anything in the United States.

Once you get adjusted to the differences, you pretty much appreciate getting all that nonsense out of Politically Correct California off your home computer.

Trust no one who says that they are in China, yet posts on American media platforms. They are lying.

The following social media sites are IMPOSSIBLE to access from within China;

  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Gmail
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr

And there are many others.

Do not believe anyone who says that a VPN can bore or tunnel through the “Great Fire Wall of China”. An occasional lapse in the wall might happen from time to time, but it is not consistent, nor stable. Certainly the best that I have been able to accomplish was a seven minute “window of opportunity” for my ProtonMail account back in the Summer of 2019.

It’s a situation that allows brief and temporary access to banned Western websites and APPs, but prevents practical and substantive long-term utility.

Do not be confused

There are well meaning people out there who earnestly want to spread the “gospel” about our benefactors and other things that I discuss. They mean well, but they are not me.

Since they are not me, their experiences are not mine and not shared. Thus they will say things that I not only disagree with, but that I know is absolutely false. Keep in mind…

  • Solar systems with large stars, hot stars, variable stars, and young stars are pretty much devoid of civilization.
  • MAJestic is an American organization.
  • “Reptilians” do not exist. It’s a fiction.
  • There is no prohibition on drinking alcohol, doing drugs, having sex, or eating certain kinds of foods by any of the species that I encountered. Those are human fabrications.

This does not mean that I am the sole guardian for “the truth”. I am not. I only know what I know. No more, no less.

So read what you see from others and absorb it in, but know that it is not me, and I cannot validate any information that they might have provided to you.

Accept no wooden nickels.

At that, please have a great day! Be safe, and make the day special in some way.

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This is what was intended to happen with the COVID-19. This is the big enchilada. The big Trump-Pompeo-Bolton plan to completely suppress China.

Yah. Make no mistake.

The evidence is in, and with [1] Pompeo admitting that the COVID-19 strike against China was intentional, and [2] the Chinese treating it as a bioweapon, you just cannot deny what is going on. Not to mention that the bio-weapons scientists from Russia and America also agree that this is an American biological weapon.

I mean, you can only keep your head in the sand for so long. If it acts like a duck, waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and has a painted sign saying “I am a duck!”….

…it’s a duck.

It's a duck, gosh darn it!
I can hear the scoffing already, I continue to think lots of people have a big blind spot in understanding power and how it's being executed because they don't want to consider silly sounding things like the occult.

it's taken me many long years and lots of reading to start wrapping my head around the twisted belief system of these sociopaths. I don't think it benefits anyone to underestimate what they are capable of, yet many of you here seem to be doing precisely that.

-Posted by: lizard | Apr 15 2020 17:10 utc | 2

COVID-19 was an American biological weapons attack to suppress China. It was a part of many other efforts, and all which are combined into the so-called “hybrid war” that Trump has been promising his followers for the last four years. (More about that here.) You know, that pesky “hybrid-war” that everyone is talking about on the internet.

He kept his promise, don’t you know.

Now before you all get your tail feathers all ruffled up, ask yourself these questions...

[1] Does Donald Trump try to keep his promises?
[2] Will Trump try to Make America Great Again?
[3] How does China fit in that equation of America being great?
[4] Would John Bolton support a war against China?
[5] Would Mike Pompeo support a war against China?

It's all there. No matter how uncomfortable it might be to accept.

The COVID-19 was indeed part of an aggressive “hybrid war” that Trump and his advisors; Pompeo and Bolton, were using to suppress China. This is obvious to anyone paying attention, and any student of history, that America is tumbling into the historical dangers of the Thucydides Trap.

“Make America First.” Right?

This is the best write up so far on the big plan out of Washington DC, and how it actually materialized. It fully explains the mysteries that surrounds this event. And as you read it, many puzzle pieces will come into focus. Indeed, the abject clarity of the entire effort will materialize right before your very eyes.

It’s a great article.

Let's look at this COVID-19 situation in terms of the geo-political ramifications. Let's look at the big picture.
Let’s look at this COVID-19 situation in terms of the geo-political ramifications. Let’s look at the big picture.

But first, before we look at American’s big plan to suppress China, let’s consider the global ramifications, and what China must think of all this. You do know, that they don’t get their news from CNN. They have real experts, not actors or diversity hires, from which to make their decisions upon.

What do you think that the Chinese think of all this…

A Chinese response to US regime strategy would have to be genuinely asymmetrical.

In the sense it would use resources against which the US has little or no defense. 

Since the US is probably one of the most poorly organized industrial countries in the world, any degree of well-organized and disciplined action is likely to do damage to the US. (But that is another issue.)

It is entirely possible that China was active "below the surface" after so many other attacks (the last four years of non-stop viral attacks against livestock and food grains) and because it has been unwilling to waste efforts or goodwill in overt military action. It seems to me at least clear that China deliberately refrained from accusing the US of what was so obviously an attack. 

The question that must have arisen for China was-- if this attack is not suppressed systematically then other similar attacks can continue. 

The issue was to map the pipeline so to speak and find ways to cut the flow (of the COVID-19) into the country. This was certainly a military and not just a public health priority. 

For me at least, it makes perfect sense to conceal as much as possible about the nature of a covert attack until one has developed a defense or other response. China had every reason to deny the US any excess intelligence about the results of its attack. That is also why no one wanted (or wants to call it a war). 

If there is no "war" then any information China withholds is negligent. If it is a war-- then we are talking about self-defense against an aggressor and all his NATO allies. 


Even if we did not have the war with China however we would be faced with the fact that the NATO, and the US regime that owns it, is ruled by psychopaths. Psychopaths for whom human life is merely a conduit for potential cash-flow. They constitute pathogens for which there are no BSL standards high enough to contain.

-Dr. T. P. Wilkinson
A mighty big duck.
No one wants to see what is really going on; that their beloved President would willingly launch bio-weapons against the world in order to Make America Great Again.

The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.

This article was passed on to me in it’s really raw state by Chua. Who wrote this as the preface…

Wow, entire logical analysis that convincingly joins all the dots. 
Anybody who studies the bombings, invasions, slavery, killings and looting history of the United States will have no doubt about the possibility of such bio attacks against China. 

-Cheers Chua 

And as such, I just had to post it in my blog.

But you know what? The article was not blog-ready. Grammar, punctuation, idiomatic expressions and other factors rendered it generally unreadable for the general audience. I needed to flush it out, enhance it, and clarify things.

So what we have here is not the raw content that I first saw, but my cleaned up and edited version. I hope that you will like it. Godfree Roberts is a most excellent word smith. I just hope that I did not botch up his magnificent piece with my “improvements“.

Yah! E-gads! Like the United States has been improved by the 16th amendment, eh?

This is a reprint of an article written on Mon, 13 Apr 2020, 9:28 am by Godfree Roberts. It has been edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. This is taken raw from an email chain and required substantial editing. So I added grammar, punctuation, spelled out the idioms, and abbreviations, and flushed out complex meanings into far simpler (easy to digest) sentences. Never the less, it is a great and outstanding read.

But first recognize some terminology that might confuse…

Z-US = Zionists in US government. 

But you know, you could easily change the nomenclature to PTB (The Powers that Be), the 1%, the Oligarchy, or the global elite. It's just a name. And, after all, they are are one and the same.

OK. Here we go…

The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.

By Godfree Roberts, and edited by Metallicman.

Just my speculation.

After a series of asymmetrical warfare efforts and aggressive trade war failed to derail China, the Z-US deep state decided to deploy bioterrorism as a last-ditch attempt, a final-effort, short of a hot war.

Quote from General Patton. Both Bolton and Pompeo believe that if you are going to fight a war to obtain objectives to utilize every piece of equipment in your arsenal and nothing is off-limits.
Quote from General Patton. Both Bolton and Pompeo believe that if you are going to fight a war to obtain objectives to utilize every piece of equipment in your arsenal and nothing is off-limits.

Since US has always gotten away unscathed in all its successful bioterrorism efforts on China…

  • 2003 SARS1.0,
  • H1N1 swine flu,
  • H1N5 bird flu,
  • African Swine flu,
  • locust seeding,
  • plant parasites,
  • river parasites pollution,…

…it decided to utilize the Pentagon-patented attenuate-Coronavirus again.

But this time it decided to go real big.

Stage 1 – Suppress China

Many intelligent commentators have argued that coronavirus plays to Trump’s strengths – above all his hostility to globalisation and hatred of China. Trump is already playing the Chinese card and will go on doing so. No wonder, blaming China is Trump’s last hope.

-Global Research

They used a virus that is hard to contain. A virus with a long incubation time. A virus that will infect a billion, and overwhelm hospitals. They selected a virus that would kill hundreds of millions. And they targeted China. China, with all its aged Communist Party leadership, to wipe absolutely and completely out.

They would let the COVID-19 run it’s course, and ruin China completely.

And, it certainly has caused damage. That is for certain.

China GDP over time.
China GDP over time.

So, yes. The plan worked. The launch of this bio-weapon tanked the Chinese GDP. It completely stopped the Chinese “machine” in it’s tracks.

The neocons in the Trump administration must have been giddy with glee.

James Mattis, former head of the military under President Trump. He sat along side with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in discussions on how to stop China's rise and suppress it.
James Mattis, former head of the military under President Trump. He sat along side with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in discussions on how to stop China’s rise and suppress it.

Stage 2 – Control all of Asia

Then, in short order, they could enact the second stage of their plans.

After that, a global Marshall Plan 2.0 will launch.

It would include many elements. From Congress approving measures for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang “independence”, to American military carrier groups sitting right off the China coast, to legal actions to neuter Chinese industry and government on the world stage, to complete disruption of the Belt and Road initiative.

And China, preoccupied with the COVID-19 bioweapons emergency, and it’s leadership neutered inside of hospital ICU’s on ventilators, the American forces would have the upper hand.

The Marshall Plan 1.0

The Marshall Plan was an American initiative passed in 1948 for foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred over $12 billion in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II.  

The stated goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity, and prevent the spread of Communism. 

The Marshall Plan required a reduction of interstate barriers, a dropping of many regulations, and encouraged an increase in productivity, as well as the adoption of modern business procedures, and the adoption of American social norms (fashion, trends, education, policing policy, and pornography), implementation of American society conventions, control of media by American entities, control of industries by American industry, and government that were controlled by the American government..

This Marshall Plan 2.0 is intended to enslave the devastated world just like it did after WWII. The EU, Africa, all of the Pacific and maybe even Russia would bend to the all-knowing, all-powerful, American rule. Thus, establishing a NWO with Z-US as the ultimate unchallenged master.

The entire world would thus use GMO seeds and hormone injected livestock. It would obey and follow centralized American laws, rules and regulations. No matter how nonsensical they would be locally.

Any industry would be majority owned by Americans, and the rest of the world would be neutered militarily and subjected to American style surveillance and manipulation techniques.

And that was / is the big plan.

It’s pretty simple, though the implementation was tricky. And, as we know now, it did not go anywhere near what was planned.


So the US started the whole shebang by planting a false flag in a Fort Detrick Lab.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


The false flag was / is “having a leaking (potential) bioweapon“.

It is used as a cover; as an excuse. As a fall-back explanation, were anyone start to trace the biological makeup of the virus back to it’s point of origination.

You know, just in case they’ve been caught red handed. Which they actually were.

This was the fall-back position for “plausible deniability“.

Plausible deniability is the ability of people (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others. 

-Plausible deniability
Fort Detrick, a map showing the wide expanse of this military development facility, with the various QUADS, the parking lots, and all the various outer buildings used in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction.
Fort Detrick, a map showing the wide expanse of this military development facility, with the various QUADS, the parking lots, and all the various outer buildings used in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction.

This is (of course) quite necessary. Otherwise being caught “red handed” would certainly [1] spark a public outcry or even worse [2] an immediate Chinese WMD retaliatory first strike on American cities.

Pretty risky shit. I’ll tell you what.

So ask yourself. Can a civilian agency shut down a military base under the direct control of the President?

No, of course it cannot.

And in this case. Can a weak US CDC shutdown a Pentagon’s powerful Fort Detrick military biowarfare lab? No it absolutely cannot. Or else, for instance, GITMO would be long closed.

We still do not know for certain where the virus that causes the current pandemic has come from. China's first known Covid-19 case has now been traced back to mid November. While the virus is most likely a natural creation the U.S. State Department officials now point to alleged insecurities at the safety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan which did research on similar viruses. It spreads unfounded rumors that the virus escaped from there. But the U.S. itself has many such laboratories with long documented security issues and there is reasonable suspicion that the real patient zero case has happened in the U.S.

Science will eventually solve that conundrum. Until it does there is little to gain from further speculation about it.


If 3000 lives can be sacrificed for 911, what’s 30,000 to win another century of American hegemony and rule?

Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us".

Herd Immunity

Now, here’s the beauty of the plan. And why Donald Trump was so adamant in insisting that the Flu was far worse, and that the COVID-19 was nothing that Americans needed to worry about…

The plan was to release a mild strand “A” for “herd immunity” in US.

Not only to release it, but to have it propagate and spread so that the largest number of Americans would get this low-level illness. Sure they might have a sore throat for three days, but that would be it. And afterwards they would be immune to the COVID-19 biological weapon. They would be immunized by “herd immunization”.

And this is exactly why, in the face of all the videos and the news out of China, that Trump was telling people to mingle and not wear masks. To go to outings, and to enjoy themselves. He told people to ignore the news out of China. To go forth.

He did this intentionally. He wanted the American citizenry to get the least lethal stain of COVID-19 to immunize themselves against the most lethal strain.

The basic plan was to release two strands of COVID-19. The weaker strand would allow immunity to build up in the populations that it infected, while the more dangerous strand would decimate the nations that it would encounter. Thus a "perfect" biological war would take place. Where the Chinese would be devastated by the dangerous virus, and the American population would be inoculated from it.
The basic plan was to release two strands of COVID-19. The weaker strand would allow immunity to build up in the populations that it infected, while the more dangerous strain would decimate the nations that it would encounter. Thus a “perfect” biological war would take place. Where the Chinese would be devastated by the dangerous virus, and the American population would be inoculated from it.

This was intended, and actually took place, before launching a more lethal “B” strain on China. Thousands did die during the immunity (herd immunity) program just like they die during normal vaccinations. However, it was easily covered up under the excuses of a bad flu season, e-vaping deaths, and other reasons.

And it actually was…

According to the latest US media reports, the 2019-20 flu season is "on track for one of the worst flu seasons in decades." 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the flu has affected 19 million people so far this season and at least 10,000 have died, including at least 68 children. In addition, at least 180,000 people have been hospitalized. 

Some US media outlets said flu remains greater threat than coronavirus in the US.

-Global Times

US allies Nato, Australia, New Zealand, Japan & South Korea are also given the “A” strand for herd immunity via US military bases. In short, the United States, all all of it’s Western allies were inoculated in such a way that their populations obtained immunity to the COVID-19.

This is a biowar hypothesis to explain several anomalies in this pandemic. There are two CoronaVirus (CV) strains: “S”, which is low fatality and “L”, which is high fatality.

Propaganda Onslaught

Now, it wasn’t enough to immunize the American nation, and it’s allies, and then unleash the more virulent and dangerous strain inside China during their most vulnerable time of the year (CNY). Other actions also needed to take place.

SST has fully jumped the shark, it seems, going full in with the "Chinese poisoned us/this is war" concept, which will be the new "Putin stole the election". 

Racist troglodytes are already flooding the comment board calling for the summary execution of anyone involved with Chinese students or academic institutions. The empty wheel blog went full in with the Russiagate nonsense and became virtually unreadable. SST is next.

Americans are wigged out, in general. They will believe what they want to believe, and shout anyone else down while insisting they must be Russian or Chinese agents.

-Posted by: jayc | Apr 15 2020 17:26 utc | 3

An entire anti-China propaganda war needed to take place.

  • Convince industry to decouple from China.
  • Raise American opinion against buying Chinese made or developed products.
  • Prepare America for a “hot” war, and military intervention into China.
American propaganda comes in many forms. From news and media, to Hollywood and the idea that Americans fight for "Liberty and Freedom".
American propaganda comes in many forms. From news and media, to Hollywood and the idea that Americans fight for “Liberty and Freedom”.

Thus, a series of media warfare efforts began in early 2019. They instigated numerous narratives. With the first narrative being the notion that the vaccine facility in Wuhan (the Wuhan Lab) was actually a military reverse engineering base. And it was stealing American pathogenic Coronavirus to develop Chinese bioweapons. Further, that the Chinese were dirty people, incompetent, and the facility was leaking the dangerous COVID-19, and covering it up….

I find it really interesting how the many millions of articles that promote the idea that the COVID-19 virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, fail to provide a simple map showing the relative locations of the buildings in question.
Or, pictures showing an unguarded entrance way. No fences. No security guards. And the clinic sitting right next to a major shopping mall.
Anyone can walk right off the sidewalk and walk right directly into the main lobby unopposed. This is not at all what is described in the American media.


Meanwhile the propaganda onslaught ended up doxxing Chinese scientists. Imagine that! Eh?

And in every other way … to prepare ground for smearing campaign against China.

The anti-China campaign, which the Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger is running, leaked to Bloomberg that a secret U.S. Intelligence Report claims that China concealed the real numbers of its Covid-19 cases:

"...China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials."

Nonsense. China did not conceal its number of Covid-19 cases. Nor did it hold back any information.

Reporting numbers during an outbreak of a new disease is actually very difficult.

Cont. reading: China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult

Hide the details

It is also extremely critical that the American public believe that there is but one singular virus and that everyone is fighting it together and equally.

Each nation is “fighting the Coronavirus pandemic“.

  • Not that America has the very, very mild COVID-19A with a R0=0.01%.
  • And that China, Iran, North Korea and Russia has the very lethal COVID-19B with a R0=20.0%.

And to do this, all videos, news and pictures from inside of China must be banned. No one must notice that the action of the two strains are very different.

You can see these videos in my SHTF COVID-19B Video collection HERE. These are the specific Videos that Trump absolutely forbid Americans to watch.

In these videos you notice something very interesting. You notice how sudden the onslaught of the virus is, and how absolutely lethal and debilitating it is. It isn’t some sick patients walking to the hospital because they are having trouble breathing. It’s people raising a spoon to their lips while drinking soup and then collapsing on the spot.

Attack on China

So, after the following prerequisite steps were put in place…

  • Immunized America and it’s allies with the non-lethal strain of COVID-19.
  • Conducted push and push, and push trade-war “negotiations”.
  • Instituted a anti-China propaganda onslaught.
  • Created a fall-back “plausible deniability” excuse for the COVID-19 virus.

The attack on China began.

In December 2019, 300 herd-immunized US Military soldiers with some injected with higher fatality “B” strand were sent to Wuhan military games to spread. They were also asked to target North Korea & Iran soldiers particularly.

In the process, 5 US soldiers became very sick.

These soldiers were hospitalized at the local hospital in Wuhan, bioposies were taken, and everything was recorded on video, and meticulous records were taken. They were all evacuated in emergency and airlifted by American military transport with the excuse of malaria.

American military troops who were infected with the COVID-19 were evacuated out of Wuhan by military transport in December 2019.
American military troops who were infected with the COVID-19 were evacuated out of Wuhan by military transport in December 2019.

But Chinese did not get alarmed by it.

A series of events then unfolded exactly like what was predicted during the Event 201 simulation. From global outbreak to economy impact.

President Trump with his two trusted advisors on International geo-political issues; John Bolton and Pompeo.
President Trump with his two trusted advisors on International geo-political issues; John Bolton and Pompeo. All of whom wanted to suppress China to Make America Great Again, by any and all means possible.
"while I abhor violence, I sometimes wonder if the true way to fix our broken world is to find a screening process for sociopaths/psychopaths and, once identified, either execute or sterilize them. we've been taking their top-down eugenics programs for decades now (centuries?). maybe what we need is a bottom-up program to rid our institutions of their influence."

I have had that exact same thought before, and I do believe that would be the only way to 'fix' our problems. Our system rewards those socio/psyco traits, hence they always rise to the top. Kind, caring people rarely rise to the top.

-Posted by: David F | Apr 15 2020 19:48 utc | 27

Trump tells everyone that the flu is worse.

Of course, now that the United States is effectively immunized against the COVID-19, there is no need to worry.

Thusly, President Trump could continue to push on the “everything is fine” narrative, and the the “flu is much worse“, and “you do not need to wear masks” narratives.

One of the very few remaining posters / pictures that told Americans not to wear a mask. Once, Trump discovered that the "weak" non-lethal stain did not grant viral immunity, he made a "U turn" and told everyone to start wearing masks.
One of the very few remaining posters / pictures that told Americans not to wear a mask.
Once, Trump discovered that the “weak” non-lethal stain did not grant viral immunity, he made a “U turn” and told everyone to start wearing masks.

It, from the point of view of President Trump, was to get as many people exposed to the less-lethal COVID-19 virus strain as possible. The more people exposed to it, the more people who would be immune from it’s effects. It’s no wonder that he INSISTED that masks not be worn, that people must continue to attend groups and church meetings, and that everyone should ignore what is going on in China. That America is somehow different.

And what do you know…

That’s the American mainstream narrative; that the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t serious. It isn’t as bad as the flu, and the flu kills thousands of people each and every year. So that there is nothing to be worried about.

Try to find those posts on the internet now. The past has all been white-washed out. They have all disappeared. Go ahead Google it.

Until the big "U-turn" by Trump, he insisted that everyone not wear masks. That everyone get exposed to this minor sickness, and that it is not as bad as the flu. Which is true. The mild "herd immunity" strain isn't all that bad. So, how did Trump know that America had the least dangerous strain, and the Chinese had the nasty strain?
Until the big “U-turn” by Trump, he insisted that everyone not wear masks.
That everyone get exposed to this minor sickness, and that it is not as bad as the flu. Which is true. The mild “herd immunity” strain isn’t all that bad. So, how did Trump know that America had the least dangerous strain, and the Chinese had the nasty strain?







And of course, the entire American media propagates this narrative. Here’s from USA Today…

So far, there have been an estimated 19 million cases of flu,  180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths in the U.S. this influenza  season – including 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention.

Worldwide, seasonal  influenza epidemics cause 3 million to 5 million severe cases every year  and kill up to 650,000 people a year, according to the World Health  Organization.

"That just far surpasses the  amount of cases compared to the novel coronavirus," Colburn said. "If  you didn’t travel specifically to Wuhan, China, or have contact with a  person with suspected or known coronavirus, your chance of contracting  this is extremely low." 

-USA Today

That is simply because America and it’s allies are now (at this point in time) convinced that the Herd Immunized theory has been effectively put in place. Thus, the West was not overly concerned about the outbreak despite the numerous WHO warnings.

Yeah. He, President Trump, know something that everyone else didn’t. For not only did he unleash the deadly strain against China, but he intentionally unleashed the far less virulent strain against the American people.

  • One strain to attack China with.
  • One strain to defend the United States with viral immunity.
As part of the propaganda onslaught, President Trump and his entire administration and all the Alt-Right media renamed and referred to the virus as the "Chinese virus", instead of it's actual name.
As part of the propaganda onslaught, President Trump and his entire administration and all the Alt-Right media renamed and referred to the virus as the “Chinese virus”, instead of it’s actual name.

The US sat still and waited for the big China collapse.

It was going to infect everyone, and in a few months the entire Chinese nation would collapse.

Mike Pompeo was in great spirits and in a fine positive mood in late January when the COVID-19 started to hit China. Here he is right before he took a flight to Minsk, Russia to discuss geo-political issues with Putin.
Mike Pompeo was in great spirits and in a fine positive mood in late January when the COVID-19 started to hit China. Here he is right before he took a flight to Minsk, Russia to discuss geo-political issues with Putin.


With the knowledge that China was in the throes of a complete collapse, Trump authorized and set up a propaganda onslaught designed to pull out its entire supply chain and decouple it globally with border closings. A declaration of global crisis would give US a great excuse for unlimited Quantitative easing (QE) to execute Marshall Plan 2.0. Everything was put into place, and started to be engaged.

And if you recall, at that time, when the news was just starting to say that something was going on off in (far away) China, the American media propaganda machine absolutely and ruthlessly plummeted China for every direction for every possible reason. Within weeks, the American populace were “foaming at the mouth” and demanding Chinese “pay”. Don’t know what for… but “pay!” they demanded.

Leaving the rest of the world “scratching their heads”, why all this anti-China news saturating my feed? Why now? What’s going on?

The recovery will NOT be, but Trump will distract all Americans by screaming against China and how China is responsible for everything. Expect Americans to fall in line and the anti Russia hysteria to now turn into super anti China hysteria. Expect attacks against Asians in USA

And all because the Chinese were greedy bastards eager to make money and they quickly forgot history and how the Ango Saxon treated them just merely 150 years ago.

As somebody who grew up in Communist Eastern Europe it the 70s, I vividly remember how we were warned how the Americans will try to hurt us by spreading bio weapons. This was grilled into us over and over. The Communists knew. China better gt prepared, the West will try to rip them a brand new assholes. And they got nobody to blame but themselves!

-Posted by: Hoyeru | Apr 16 2020 20:13 utc | 21

The attack on Iran & Italy

The Iran attack reason is obvious.

Italy was singled out for “B” strand infection in Oct19, for committing unforgivable sins in: joining China BRI, adopt Huawei 5G, and refused to join US-Nato hostility towards Russia.

Italy has been hit hard by this virus.
Italy has been hit hard by this virus. Their military who visited the Wuhan Olympic games shouldn’t have shared the same hotel with the American servicemen.

Saudi MBS was tasked to collapse oil price to devastate Russia, Iran & Venezuela oil economy in crisis.

But what really happened…

But Chinese CDC system was so damn good that it detected the COVID just with only 4~8 reported cases by 31Dec2020.

Only 4 people, perhaps as high as 8, had the virus. Yet the Chinese immediately recognized what was going on and took action.

This was not expected.

As the simulation predicted a few months later with 100 million infections. The simulation expected the Chinese to react months after the CNY holiday, and by that time, the devastation would be uncontrollable and disastrous. They expected and anticipated a scene from a Hollywood movie, or a zombie movie.

The Trump leadership expected a scene right out of a Hollywood movie to take place in China. They planned for it to happen exactly that way.
The Trump leadership expected a scene right out of a Hollywood movie to take place in China. They planned for it to happen exactly that way.


It was expected that all of China would be shut down, and it’s GDP would plummet while deaths overwhelmed the cities, the leadership and the society. The world would then pull away from China, as they would be immune to the virus. It would be an absolute collapse of the Chinese nation, and agitator cells in Hong Kong and Taiwan would begin efforts (already in place) to topple the government for “democracy”.

But, yah, that DID NOT HAPPEN.

The Chinese immediately determined it was a biological attack; a biological WMD. A military weapon. A dangerous and lethal virus directed at the Chinese nation, the Chinese people, and the Chinese culture all during the most significant time of the year inside of China.

The Chinese communist party decisively locked down the entire country at DEFCON ONE. They did so realizing the enormous and astronomical economic trillion dollar cost. 

The United States' DEFCON (short for "defense readiness condition") scale is a measure of the level of alertness of the nation's defense forces. The DEFCON scale uses a minimum of 5 (for normal peacetime status) and a maximum of 1 (for situations of global severity, like nuclear war).

-How to Understand the DEFCON Scale
The Chinese military went DEFCON ONE and the entire military was alerted on CNY eve. All the military were put on high alert. Not just the bio-weapons division, but also the nuclear, the naval and the special forces were all put on high alert.
The Chinese military went DEFCON ONE and the entire military was alerted on CNY eve. All the military were put on high alert. Not just the bio-weapons division, but also the nuclear, the naval and the special forces as well.


Within 2 months the Chinese contained the epidemic with only 84,000 infections, and 3,400 deaths. The dragon is injured, but not fatally.

So, China got their house in order.

They knew who all the agitators were in Hong Kong, most of whom were “journalists”. They rounded them up, and deported them. The protests in Hong Kong came to a complete and absolute end.

No more “Mr. Nice Guy”.

Enough is enough.

While the Western media outlets and politicians blame the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administration and the central government for the turmoil, it is these self-serving and finger-pointing media outlets and politicians who should be blamed for not only fueling the chaos in the SAR but also undermining relations between China and the United States.
It was American journalists working for the NED / NID that trained and funded the insurgency in Hong Kong.

Jimmy Lai, the billionaire “yellow journalist” who had dreams of being the new King of Hong Kong when China collapsed was seized, and sent to the mainland for “extraction of information”, and punishment (that may or may not include organ harvesting).

Meanwhile all the “rats nests” were cleaned out. Including lawmakers. Which resulted in the complete firing of all the “pro-democracy” teacher elements in the schools and universities.

And while the United States was busy sending two carrier fleets to sit right off the coast of Taiwan (You might have forgot about that eh?) – they expected to instigate some military action while China was busy fighting the bioweapon – China started to “lay down the law” and warn Trump of the consequences.


But… It’s now ready to revenge, with its own biowarfare defense chief Gen Chen Wei. And now he took over the game.

The Chinese military, while not as large as America's is peer capable and nuclear armed. They are a force to be reckoned with, and know what actually happened.
The Chinese military, while not as large as America’s is peer capable and nuclear armed. They are a force to be reckoned with, and know what actually happened.

‘Wolf Warrior’ strives to make China first with coronavirus vaccine.

The virus keeps on mutating…

The virus then mutated from “B” to “C”, “D”, “E”..and spread to Asia and back to US & EU.

Mutation paths for the COVID-19.
Mutation paths for the COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Virus has 40 strains.

Ya. The Chinese knew the source of virus.

The US was caught off guard by China’s unexpected quick success. It was not what was expected. Not at all.

With no excuse for its unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) plan to save a completely collapsing Wall Street, Plan B was launched. 

Plan B is launched by the United States

Plan B: US-Nato play fear porn by competing to be the most infected nations. This justified their Quantitative Easing (QE) & trillion dollar bailout plans…

…. as well as preparing an American police state for a full-on WMD war.

But there is a snag…

But US found its Herd Immune program wasn’t working very well. The COVID-19 “safe” strain did not provide immunity. Once people had the COVID-19 “safe” strain, they still could obtain the COVID-19 “lethal” strain afterwards.

The “herd immunity” system DID NOT WORK.

Further, to make matters even worse, the new virus is a mutated “C” strand, and it was something that it don’t anticipate. And recent data suggests that US cases are more severe than in China.

It didn’t work according to Event 201 playbook.

The US locked everything down. The US thusly alerted UK & Nato make a quick U turn to fully lock-down everything, crippling West economy.  It also insisted that any of the vaccines developed by Germany for the COVID-19 would be owned by America for Americans only.

In case you are wondering why Trump insisted in this absurd demand, now you know. The only way that the BIG PLAN would ever be able to come to fruition was if the West had a vaccine and the Chinese did not. Thus it was critical to maintain this level of control over the virus.

America went into lock-down when the weak COVID-19 virus strain was displaced by the very virulent and lethal mutated strain.
America went into lock-down when the weak COVID-19 virus strain was displaced by the very virulent and lethal mutated strain.

They did so on the advice that the “C” strand if left to run it course it would be horrific…

  • Typical 60% (210 million) infections.
  • With 15% (30 million) hospitalizations.
  • Expected 3% (6 million) in the ICU.
  • And 0.1~4%(200,000 to 8 million) deaths.

All of this is devastating.

Meanwhile the Russians and the Chinese are not stupid.

China & Russia played along the game by sending medical aids team to study the pandemic situation in the EU.

(I wouldn’t be surprised if) A new strand of Coronavirus is co-developed with vaccines for retaliation. (For, after all, What’s Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander.)

The US is between a rock and a hard place.

US-Nato now finds itself in a quagmire.

If they lift the lock-down too fast to declare success, global economy has not yet devastated with 60M deaths as Event 201 simulated. Unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) global Marshall Plan 2.0 will not be able roll out successfully if the world economy is not damaged.

N95 masks are in hot demand in the United States, as the government did not believe that the people and citizenry would ever actually need to wear them. They did not plan on that contingency.
N95 masks are in hot demand in the United States, as the government did not believe that the people and citizenry would ever actually need to wear them. They did not plan on that contingency.

Additionally, the mutated “C” strand is also not responding well to its ready Remdesivir & other prepared vaccines. Nor to the chloroquine treatment. So some lock-down is still required to buy time for new vaccine development.

But holding lockdown for too long, global supplies and food will run out in 60days.

Trump tweet on the use of  chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.
Trump tweet on the use of chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.

This will end up giving China an unprecedented upper hand using its supply chain power. In fact some clusters have already moved production orders to China from West recently due to global supply disruption.

China is now watching the game in a high position.

It has yet to decide if to retaliate or benefit from the crisis. A Chinese Marshall Plan is also been envisaged.

US-Nato is struggling with its own created “epidemic” with no effective vaccines yet.

A Plan C of WMD war with China can’t be launched until Gate’s digital vaccines can be completed, with a well prepared West police state.( The Anglosaxons Mission). America is really not ready. The situation changed, and the plan did not go as it was supposed to.

The US punts.

Seeing no near timeline to end the pandemic, Trump suspended the $10 oil price game by calling Putin & MBS.

He had to do this.

Even Americans like Scott Ritter are admitting that the United States got played by the chess masters:

"Trump cannot turn on or off the U.S. oil-producing spigot, a fact Russia knows only too well. When Trump attempted to gain credit for a 2.5-million-barrel reduction in production brought on by bankruptcy, Russia refused to allow it. Likewise, when Trump promised cuts in oil production to help Mexico meet G20 targets, it was a promise the American president is unable to deliver on. In getting the U.S. to agree to attend a G20 summit on oil production, the Russians lured the U.S. into a policy trap from which there is no escape."

Is Putin Laying a Petroleum Trap for Trump?

-Posted by: ak74 | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 30
China and Russia have been busy making joint military treaties and both consider America and it's allies as a dangerous, out of control, nation(s).
China and Russia have been busy making joint military treaties and both consider America and it’s allies as a dangerous, out of control, nation(s).

Otherwise devastated oil nations may cave in to start selling oil in RMB to China, the single largest oil buyer. This will collapse Petrol-dollars, hence destroying US global power.

Cold War 2.0

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even called the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is going all out to lead the Chinese people in the fight against the coronavirus, the "central threat of our times" on Thursday. US Senator Tom Cotton also made a series of exaggerated accusations against China regarding this crisis.

-Global Times

A Plan D Cold War 2.0 is also on brewing.

Everything is unfolding per the "hybrid war" that Pompeo, Bolton and Trump launched. It is not going as planned, nor as expected, but all indications are that they will continue fighting until they win... or the world is destroyed in the process. They do not care.
Everything is unfolding per the “hybrid war” that Pompeo, Bolton and Trump launched. It is not going as planned, nor as expected, but all indications are that they will continue fighting until they win… or the world is destroyed in the process. They do not care.

That is to play victim suing China as culprit of pandemic for compensation. US & gangs will then confiscate all China overseas assets & treasury, and decouple China permanently.

US, UK, Australian & India politicians have already started making noise, with US officially filing law suits in Texas for $20 trillion dollars, while India suing in International Court. Breaking/Hilarious: India Accuses China of Bio-War Attack with CV19, Files Court Case

China is very busy right now.

China has started its vaccines testing on humans. Once they work, they will able to contain US global bioterrorism damage, hence derailing NWO Marshall Plan 2.0

Chinese attack subs have been on alert since CNY and moved into place when China went DEFCON ONE.
Chinese attack subs have been on alert since CNY and moved into place when China went DEFCON ONE.

Its also now aggressively ramping up its food production, anticipating a global food shortage soon.

With medical aids and later food aids, the world geopolitical situation will incline in favor of a benevolent helpful China. While Trump continues his tyranny of tightening sanctions and snapping at the allies medical supplies.

Its unlikely China can replace US Petrol dollars with RMB soon, so it will has to contest a new Cold War 2.0 with its aids program and a Marshall Plan after the pandemic is over.

This may divide the world into two, like during the Soviet era. 

But India is a “wild card”.

But India is the most unstable nuclear time bomb to watch out. Its already fragile fake economy $2.8T will be devastated by its unprepared sudden lock-down on 4hrs notice. 

  • 50M homeless and beggars are now packed in gov and charity houses to get food.
  • 100M migrant workers have lost jobs walking back to village spreading infections. 
  • 200M slum dwellers living in open cesspits have mostly become jobless running out of food. Living 10 to one tiny zinc roof hut with no toilet and water to wash hand, its super hot bed for virus spreading.
  • 700M Indians are still defecating outdoor with no clean water access. Feaces & urine are proven to carry virus for long time. 90% of India cities has no sewage system, polluting all water sources with direct discharge.
  • 800M depending on agriculture can’t plough/ harvest their land for spring season will see food shortage & lost income. Many farmers relying on loan to buy Monsanto GMO seeds & weed killers will go bankrupt.
  • 1300M poor will deplete most of their tiny savings if any without jobs in couple of months. Consumption will fall to rock bottom. Millions of business will shut in vicious cycle. 

India’s economy relies on over 50% in service sector and tiny export will collapse. Its already existent bad debt ridden banking sector will be put to acid test.

But India has no ability to print rupees out of trouble for unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) like the US & EU. Its already nose deep in debts(70% to GDP) to get more loans.

So Modi may resort to border confrontation with Pakistan again to divert attention.

And we can well expect that the US will try goad it for a false flag nuclear war hoping to drag China in using India as canon fodder.

Conclusions about the Big Plan

The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.

Expect Trump to escalate the trade war, further restrict exports to China, block Chinese corporate requirements, and threathen China's debt holdings as some form of "reparations." Expect military saber rattling to increase around Taiwan in addition to shows of strength from Guam (B52 flights).

In other words, recall Bukharin's warning that trade wars are only "partial sorties." In the end, they will be solved by "real force...the force of arms."

What we are witnessing is an unprecedented concentration of all contradictions of global capitalism and imperialism.

-Posted by: Prof K | Apr 16 2020 18:57 utc | 8
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
  • The US is geared toward a hegemony world lead by its MAGA policy.
  • China is for a common destiny of mankind with a multi-polar world.

What will occur during this tumultuous time is undefined, but quite frightening.

What will be next?

As the entire world is right now suffering from the United States bio-weapon attack, keep in mind that any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any qualms to using nuclear weapons either.

Any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any problem in using nuclear weapons either.

Donald Trump is already deploying low yield nuclear weapons on active military platforms.

Inuit's view of Socipaths: "Kunlangeta is allegedly an Inuit Yupik word for psychopath – in a 1976 study anthropologist Jane M. Murphy, then at Harvard University, found that an isolated group of Yupik-speaking Inuits near the Bering Strait had a term (kunlangeta) they used to describe “a man who … repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and … takes sexual advantage of many women—someone who does not pay attention to reprimands and who is always being brought to the elders for punishment.” When Murphy asked an Inuit what the group would typically do with a kunlangeta, he replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.”

-Posted by: john | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 31
Time to get out while the getting is good, and it's not too late.


Finally, one year later, a book comes out reporting that Trump was very angry about some (unspoken, but very BAD thing that John Bolton did) and as a result he wished or vocalized that John Bolton would end up getting Coronavirus.

BOOK: Trump talked of COVID killing Bolton…

What you can do…

Not too much. You need to accept things as they are right now. You need to look at the real situation and not endlessly debate the news and propaganda. You need to start taking action, on a personal level, right now.

Right now.

There will be change.

It might be sudden, and swift. Or, it might be slow and gradual. But change will occur. It will occur on many levels.

The changes that everyone are expecting will probably NOT be the ones that will actually manifest. Be safe. Spend time with loved ones. Be part of your community. Be able to contribute, in some way, and at some physical level to the world around you.

You will be fine.

It's very unlikely the USA will collapse in a single historical event. 

As a capitalist nation, the USA is much more decentralized, fragmented and anarchic (in production and distribution of the wealth it produces and consumes) than the USSR. The USSR was a centrally planned economy: when Gorbachev committed the mistake of demoralizing and destroying the CPSU, he automatically destroyed the USSR. 

That will not be the case of the USA: the fall of Washington D.C. - or even Wall Street - would not be the immediate end of the USA. 

The most likely scenario for an end of the USA would be for a gradual and constant degeneration of its social structure, with or without balkanization (probably with). This balkanization would be very violent, because local capitalists would assemble private armies and fight against each other for supremacy and the reunification of the USA (a la Roman Empire). 

It would be a Mad Max cum Yugoslavia scenario. 

The problem with this is: who would be in control of the American nuclear arsenal? 

Will the USAAF be capable of stopping with the balkanization process and thus keep the country united? 

Will the USA anihilate the rest of the world before it would disappear, in an act of nihilism? 

A lot of known unknowns - let alone unknown unknowns.

-Posted by: vk | Apr 16 2020 20:06 utc | 16

Finally, a final statement.

Well the “big plan” did not go as it was supposed to.

Most of the people who are now going to pay for the mistakes made by the Trump – Pompeo – Bolton cabal are just normal people trying to live their lives in peace. You cannot undo their folly. Instead, you must ride out the situation…

You must play the cards that you are dealt with.

Just keep in mind this truth;

People who make or work with real physical things will do better than those that work with paper, budgets, theories, and intangibles. When the going gets tough, it’s the farmer that stays employed, not the social justice activist.

What this means is…

Dollar as global reserve currency will persist only so long as China goes along with it, which won't be all that long as they are already hashing out deals to denominate trade with other countries in currencies other than the dollar. The dollar stuck around so long as GRC because for quite a while after WWII much of the international trade involved purchasing goods manufactured in the US. Obviously that is not the case anymore.

As vk @16 mentioned above, manufacturing is the real economy. Capitalist finance is just a parasite on the real economy. On its own finance can do nothing but shuffle paper around.

What the dollar worshipers don't realize is that it isn't the share of the GRC that is important, it is what currency the people who make stuff that other people want to buy are selling their goods in that is important. The US has very little leverage to force the Chinese to sell their products in dollars.

-Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 16 2020 20:35 utc | 36

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An American Bio-Weapons scientist suggests that the Coronavirus was an American Biowarfare Attack Against China.

Man, no sooner do I want to sit down and type up some thoughts about 55 (Rho1) Cancri 2e, something else comes up. Geeze! Can’t I get a break! As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say (on Saturday Night Live), if it’s not one thing, it’s another.

COVID-19 is still dominating the news.

You cannot run away from it if you wanted to.

The same tired old manipulators are still doing their same tired old games. It’s all propaganda, blame, pointing fingers, fear mongering, war, conflict, and lots and lots of manipulation. President Trump is blaming everyone but himself. The American neocons are waging a massive non-stop anti-China propaganda war, and the American sheeple are taking on mob psychology.


I mean, the United States is beyond incompetent. It’s like a parody of a horrible dark comedy, and we are all stuck watching it unfold.

As the coronavirus bore down on New York City, Barbot and the Health Department were busy operationalizing social justice while remaining oblivious to the scientific realities of the pandemic.

... "As we confront this emerging outbreak, we need to separate facts from fear, and guard against stigma and panic," Commissioner Barbot signed off: warning that the real enemy was prejudice.

What was Commissioner Barbot doing when the epidemic was erupting all around her? She was:

"spearheading the creation of the Center for Health Equity which operationalizes the Department’s commitment to racial justice, meaningful community engagement, and internal reform".

-Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish and here.

I’ve got some posts covering these subject, but frankly I’m getting pretty tired of it. The cancer that saturated America has fully metastasized. We are now just watching the death throes. It’s really not pretty, any you know what?

I’ve reached a saturation level. Don’t you know.

Yet, here…

…plopped down right on my desk is an interesting article by an American bio-weapons scientist / developer / engineer. He pretty much confirms that it appear (to him) to be a bio-weapon. He gets into some “meat” and it’s all pretty engaging and interesting. It’s stuff that you won’t find anywhere else.

And thus, it’s a good read and worthy of posting herein.

Here’s an article titled “Was Coronavirus a Biowarfare Attack Against China?” Posted by OldMicrobiologist on March 13, 2020 . Edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. The following is the republication of several long and very detailed comments by an unidentified purported expert on biowarfare that originally appeared on a recent thread of the Saker blogsite.

Was Coronavirus a Biowarfare Attack Against China?

I’ll throw my 2 cents in here. I have zero proof other than my gut feeling that this is a bioweapon.

I do have 40 year of biodefense research experience behind me and worked at Fort Detrich on bacterial vaccines where I developed my own aerosol infection routes and developed multi-species models of pathogenesis to establish correlates of immunity.

Because I was a one-stop shop doing everything including animal care, aerosol exposures, sample analysis, necropsy, and histopathology, etc. …

He was fully engaged, and pretty much was involved in all aspects of bioweapon design, research and testing.

…plus I had research programs in endemic areas studying the immunopathological response in human populations…

Nicely stated. He means "biological weapon" designed to be used against humans. Oh, I just love that babble-speak.

…used to establish immune correlates of protection for candidate vaccines all for the Biological Defense Research Program (BDRP).

He means to increase the lethality of the pathogens.


I recall the early years when the Department of Homeland Security was stood up and they got the lion’s share of poorly performing civil servants un-fireable under the then OPMA policies.

I was brought in as a technical expert as we were in dire straits for funding so I (and others) was lent out as a research prostitute.

This is a little known problem with civil service employees.

They are impossible to eliminate and generally rise to levels where they can cause the most damage.

However, an opportunity arose whereby agencies in the Federal government had to contribute bodies to the new Department of Homeland Security (as no new vacancies were created when the agency was stood up meaning everyone had to sacrifice personnel) so most, if not all, employees sent to DHS were the worst of the worst.

However, the DHS labs (specifically NBACC) also tied into some nefarious microbiologists working at the CIA (ostensibly part of DHS) and it is an understatement to say that what I saw being proposed horrified me.

That work, I am certain was performed at Battle Memorial Institute in West Jefferson, Ohio under a DHS contract doing the work for the CIA under the auspices of NBACC.

NBACC was working for the CIA.

As I was very vocally opposed to this stuff I was removed from the secure access at DHS but not DoD to the offensive work which I had pointed out was not only illegal but unethical.

I have since retired now more than 10 years and am far away from all of that.

I won’t say more as they will reach out and seek retribution.

But, if you look hard enough you can find still on the internet some references. There are some pissed off people out there should anyone care to actually do some leg work and try and figure this out.

But, our news people no longer does this work so there is very little possibility of ever learning the truth.

The COVID-19

However, that said, I notice some interesting things with COVID-19, that perked my ears up a bit.

Yes, it could be a natural infection jumping species from bats to humans with a probable intermediate host, under conditions of human encroachment into world habitats.

It is actually most likely to have been that, except for the strain differences being observed.

That leads one to believe that it is, in fact, true.

That the COVID-19, by nature of it's strain differences, is a biological weapon.

And I have no reason to doubt the Chinese on this, that it originated outside of China and it seems likely to have originated in the US.

If, in fact, the US has 5 strains currently and China only one then it must have been percolating in the US for some time before it arose in China.

Likely, the deaths in the US were attributed to other diseases such as influenza and only retrospective sampling will determine this.

It would be interesting to do a combination GPS-Molecular biology tracking of strains over time and distance.

Also, a definite genetic analysis of strains over time would also be beneficial and can be done easily on every isolated strain.

This would have value in attributing the course of the disease over time as part of a natural history study of the virus.

We would need access to all samples of every lung disease related death for the past 12 months to be certain to track all potential deaths.

NBACC is the key to figuring out what nefarious stuff was being funded.


It is possible that this virus has mutated over time to become more virulent.

In particular engineered strains are generally unstable over multiple passages through multiple hosts.

In my experience when testing strains for pathogenesis and lethality it is wise to first passage a frozen isolate several times through a susceptible animal host to regain full strength.

If you test a lab isolate (usually frozen or lyophilized) generally it is wimpy unless you passage it at least 3 passages through an animal model.

The worst strains are always those recovered from humans who died from the disease and not field collected strains.

If this was perceived to be a useful agent from the likes of Bolton or Pompeo, who are terrible and evil people, then it is conceivable this was thought to teach the Chinese a lesson in economics.

President Trump with his closest and most trusted advisors, the neocons Pompeo and Bolton.
President Trump with his closest and most trusted advisors, the neocons Pompeo and Bolton.

You have to be a complete idiot to release a virus for which you have no effective countermeasures but this administration seems to be filled with complete idiots.

So, expecting normal behavior from these people is futile.

Released in Wuhan, China

It could have been released during the 7th CISM military games held in Wuhan October 18-27, 2019 and that fits perfectly into the time scale for the actual infections.

The timetable fits the use of a bioweapon in this instance.

Now interestingly enough, I was a participant in several CISM competitions in Europe for skiing (I was on active duty for 26 years) so I am very well versed in who these athletes are.

In general the best are Olympic competitors who are ostensibly part of the National Guard of their states who pay for their training by extended military active duty periods where their sole job is sports training.

I used to lose every year to one of these guys and generally I placed a distant second place in cross country skiing.

I also participated in the biathlon competitions and our soldiers were the very top level because they were in fact Olympic athletes.

Rumor is that the US participants at CISM were atrocious which is very atypical.

So, naturally, one wonders who these “athletes” were.

He is skeptical that these Olympic "athletes" were actually what they were supposed to be.

I am reminded of the US military mission in Brazil to help flood victims which coincidentally was the exact same time that all the power transmission stations in Venezuela were destroyed. (Imagine that!)

So, again a hackle or 2 rise when I heard about that.

He, like myself, are reminded of other instances when the USA, and it's various secretive military organizations were involved in subversive activity.

However, the Wuhan Olympics was the perfect opportunity to release a virus on a target population.

He concludes that the Wuhan games was the perfect opportunity to release a bioweapon upon China.

Lethal agents

I will also like to add that not all biological warfare agents are lethal.

In fact, the worst are non-lethal as it consumes vast amounts of resources in treatment and lost productivity.

Deaths are actually cheaper.

So, a high communicability, low lethality disease is perfect for ruining an economy.

As Trump’s administration claims they are waging war against economic enemies (currently China heads the list) using all possible actions.

This fits perfectly into that; however, it may end up destroying the American economy which would be ironic.

It is difficult to believe that the Trump Administration, that goes b the phrase "Make America Great Again", would not use everything in it's power to subdue China. Especially when one realizes that it is neocons Pompeo and Bolton that are making the tactical decisions in this matter.

The Chinese Response

I believe the Chinese response was exactly what a country would do if they were attacked with a bioweapon.

This actually explains a lot of their actions.

Read that two times.

I do NOT believe it was an accidental release from the BSL-4 labs in Wuhan.

Read that three times.

In fact, this may have been an irresistible opportunity.

An opportunity that is similar to the alleged Novichuk release just 8 k away from Porton Down laboratories (the UK Fort Detrich). Interestingly, the potential release from PDL was never put forward as a logical explanation.

Anyway, it sticks me that the CIA seems to have developed a pattern over time.

American use of biological weapons is mature and covert and has been in place for years. Just because CNN, WaPo, FOX, and Rush Limbaugh aren't talking about it, is not reason to ignore the truth.

Bioengineered Adenovirus

As long as I am pushing my gut feelings I will throw out there the potential for a bioengineered adenovirus with c-fos and c-jun over expression which would cause sarcomas.

That work was all published at the National Cancer Institute located where?

Fort Detrich.

I am certain it is just a coincidence.

I can imagine the cackling going on at the CIA when planning this operation and again the coronavirus operation(s).

Other nations

I believe there were at least two attacks with Iran being the second and perhaps North Korea as well.

However, evidence against it being a bioweapon is Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba are minimally affected. This could mean effective countermeasures or botched attacks.

It is inconsistent though with the way the CIA operates.

Not a coiencidence

Adenovirus is another virus similar to coronavirus in usage and easily aerosolized.

I have made my own for over expression of medical treatments for wound infections.

Has anyone other than myself noted that so many enemies of the US have died from sarcomas particularly in South America?

My point is perhaps this stuff has been ongoing for quite some time and with some fairly good results.

So, familiarity breeds contempt so as they gin more experience and begin to think this is good stuff…

… it is not out of the realm of possibility that this is in fact a bioweapon.

That Iran was hit so hard is another hackle rising. It is just simply too good (for the idiots in the US government) to be a coincidence.

Interesting problems

So, we are left with some interesting problems about this virus.

Where was patient zero in China?

What will be the results if a natural history study is conducted correlating geolocation, strain identity, severity of disease over time?

Will that work be prevented? If so, that is yet another reason to be suspicious.

Will it continue to mutate and what will be the outcome of this?

Lots and lots of good stuff to examine here and it will keep a lot of people busy for years.

Another point…

Maybe you can explain this:

“Coronavirus have not previously been known to cause severe disease in humans”. 

This is excerpt from the patent issued to CDC, US government. Link:

So the question for me is why should a harmless virus be patented by the US government. And then used for research in labs like US army research at Ft. Derick?

That makes it military.

That makes it a military “system”.

Why is there then the SARS-CoV, and the latest COVID-19 which is SARS-CoV-2 ?

The swine-flu was likewise proven to be lab made at least in sources other than mainstream and WHO, the same was the case with Ebola, and even HIV.

International bans ignored by the USA

It immediately raises the question of ban of biological weapons labs in my mind, by international treaties just like a ban on the use of napalm, landmines and so on, since a harmless virus are researched in army labs and suddenly appears as aggressive viruses .

It is an interesting question.

Under the bioweapons conference treaty no offensive work can legally be done and any signatory can demand an onsite inspection of facilities for verification at any time.

To my knowledge that has never been demanded of the US.

It has been done to Russia and China is not a signatory, nor is Israel or North Korea.

We have been caught doing inappropriate bio-defense research several times now but only because it became known and there were no consequences.

The USA is too comfortable using bio-weapons

The slippery slope within DoD is to make a counter measure you have to try and look forwards and using intelligence based informatics to design offensive agents.

In my opinion this is fallacious as we can’t make countermeasures against the normal 10 agents on the high threat list (since the program’s inception in 1942) other than anthrax and smallpox for which we have had effective vaccines for decades.

Since 9/11 no new effective and/or safe vaccines have been been made for any of the rest of the agents on the list.

This includes several far more likely bio-threats like the plague, tularemia, glanders, brucella, Ebola, Marburg, etc.

This was despite pouring billions into biodefense research most of which went to universities.

When things cooled down the funding dried up as always.

USAMRIID is currently shut down and may never re-open.

But contracted services still go on and are funded using black money so not under the purview of Congress.

So trying to make vaccines against biothreat agents that don’t exist seems ridiculous when the real threats, some of which the US has used in warfare, are still out there without effective preventatives.

What happens is when you pour money into an area as happened after 9/11 all kinds of ridiculous stuff gets funded with very little oversight.

The goal is to spend the money and no one really cares if any actual product is created.

In fact, success means the demise of your program so the incentive is to drag it out for as long as funding is available.

I had programs managed under DTRA funding that because I got new program managers as often as every 3 months had no clue or even any expertise in the matter and had zero idea of what we were doing.

I got tired of doing a new dog and pony show each time I was assigned a new manager who usually was some very young recent PhD graduate with no experience at all.

Often they were nebutistic appointments and daddy was a Congressman or Under Secretary.

Intelligence based decisions

The intelligence based decisions are as usual idiotic as is most intelligence coming out of the CIA and its affiliates.

You get better intelligence reading PUBMED than you get out of any intelligence agencies.

The microbiologists who work at the CIA and its contract companies were all military microbiologists who because they were essentially incompetent drifted over to the CIA.

Then you have some IMHO ridiculous events.

I recall when Ken Alibekov “defected” he spoonfed a bunch of made up BS which the CIA bought lock stock and barrel.

I had working for me at the same time several former Soviet microbiologists (one of who was a senior researcher at Biopreparat) who were in fact the real deal and all told me he was a bullshit artist.

One thing he peddled was a chimeric smallpox-Ebola and another a Ebola-anthrax.

So the CIA immediately funded an effort to create chimeric viruses.

To my knowledge these were unsuccessful however, the COVID-19 may be being caused by a chimeric virus.

The only good reason to make a chimeric virus is to develop a attenuated strain for use as a vaccine.

But, as often happens some attenuated mutants become more lethal as an unintended consequence.

Another event was trying to force photo data from Iraq to prove they had an offensive bioweapons program. These guys had no clue what laboratory equipment was in actuality and had offered up a cooking truck with pots and pans etc. as proof.

They were and I assume still are, idiots.

DoD Programs

DoD programs are actually transparent and managed by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Less transparent are the foreign stuff being funded under the Nunn-Lugar Act which includes the debacle of the “white elephant” lab and its satellite labs in the Republic of Georgia.

No one will ever look into any of this but likely will end up blaming Russia or China.

They tend to underestimate their adversaries.

China has an offensive program and if they get convinced they were attacked then I believe something nasty will be coming soon to the US.

But, China is not stupid and won’t release a biothreat agent they have no preventative or treatment for.

I also had several Chinese scientists working for me and I respect them immensely.

USA Censorship

That should be PROMED for current infectious disease reporting around the world.

It is exceptionally good and not funded or controlled by governments.

PUBMED is for online publications which is also good but controlled by the government.

I am fully aware of censorship of research papers by the US.

I recall I wrote a letter to the editor of Science back in 1999 when the government decided to stockpile billions of doses of ciprofloxacin.

I did a quick BLAST search and found that only a single base pair mutation in anthrax made it completely resistant to cipro.

That letter was published and after 9/11 never seen again.

There are other example such as the Canadian paper maybe also in 1999 showing that anthrax delivered in envelopes was not very effective.

That one disappeared as well and the same as the Canadian paper where they were aerosolizing B. cereus spores out the back of a moving truck.

They were using aerial infrared cameras demonstrated that these streams of aerosolized spores agglomerated into cloudlets which moved along in the wind.

As such they would usually avoid detector arrays which sampled airflow for aerosol particles.

That is still the current state of the art for battlefield detection and that paper showed it to be ineffective at best.

I can think of dozens of papers that were removed.

After 9/11 any research paper that could be used by a foreign actor to develop better biothreat agents was rejected for publication outright.

Almost none of my work was published after that except in classified reports which I believe were never read by anyone.

I recall part of the madness in setting up NBACC was to generate very lengthy “white papers” that scrubbed through all published articles to assemble the complete picture for the then 10 threat agents.

I wrote or edited two of those and they were immediately buried in some deep classified archive to the researchers who might benefit from this work could never actually use it.

A complete waste of months and a ton of money.

If you are perceiving that the US government biothreat programs are a complete shambles then you are not wrong.

I’ll go into that a bit more as well.

“Command Directed”

It used to be in the military programs we were “command directed”. This means the military made a decision to make a vaccine against a perceived threat agent.

They would assemble a research group assign them the mission and give 5 years funding to be continued if milestones (reasonable given the pittance of funding given).

If you made progress then you got another 5 years of funding.

That funding agency located at MRMC Fort Detrick was a Research area managed usually by a Major and a Captain, both microbiologists and experienced. Two people.

There were 5 research area Directorates so a total of 10 program managers and a couple administrative colonels.

This managed the entire DoD biothreat research programs and did it well.

However, someone decided we needed an Agency to manage this stuff and DTRA which was funded by the Nunn-Lugar Act. It was already involved in the disassembly of Soviet nuclear capabilities so they wanted a bigger piece of the pie. As a result it absorbed the Research Directorates.

The BDRP program at DTRA (basically identical as before) was now managed by over 400 contractors. The money came out of the research money we were supposed to be allocated.

After DTRA took over the funding, it was no longer Command Directed and we were all required to go out and find whatever funding we could. Hence, this is why we made “deals” with DHS and the CIA.

We went to an annual funding cycle instead of 5 years and never ending Gantt charts and reports.

This was the age of 6 Sigma and the end of Management by Objective.

We were also charged rent and had to pay for every service at our Institute including the security and even the library. Even our higher command MRMC stole 6% off the top to pay for pet projects unfunded by anyone with a brain.

So, this became the age of entrepreneurial research and the end of productive research.

Our commander, as an example, had no idea what we were doing at all and was shocked at all the “cool” stuff we were doing.

This is the new breed of commander who manages by committee and never goes out walking the floors to visit labs.

What the old school commanders call management by walking around and poking your nose into everything.

But now these guys sit in their office and are fed whatever the REMFs decide they should hear. This is management in the US government as a whole and there are so many hidden agendas and internal conflicts between programs it is difficult to describe just how awful it is to try and do research in that environment.

A lot of the worst of those commanders or research Division Directors went on to be current heads of HHS, CDC, and their undersecretaries, etc. which explains why those agencies are so screwed up and why there is such a horrible response to this virus.


A bioweapon scientist, who is willing to admit that he worked on these kinds of programs for the DoD, and CIA, concludes that it is highly possible that this COVID-19 event is an American bioweapon attack on China for “economic supremacy”.

He does not believe that it originated in China.

He does not believe that it naturally evolved.

He does believe that it’s structure, composition, and the way that it was deployed fit all of the criteria that have been discussed in high-level DoD and CIA meetings for the use of these pathogens.

He does believe, like most normal people, that Presidential advisors Bolton and Pompeo are fully capable of ordering it’s use and application against China.

The economy has come to a screeching halt, people are scared and confused, theories are flinging left and right, and everyone wants to know – why are we being forced to shut down our businesses and stay in our homes, and why is President Trump going along with this while shady characters stand at his side?

There is a lot of confusion because nefarious characters are propagating fear tactics, embellished stories, and doom and gloom scenarios, while those with hope want to believe this is all a cover story to take down these nefarious characters.

-Corey Lynn

But, after all, it’s only his opinion. Others, like Rush Limbaugh, FOX news, CNN, and WaPo have their own opinions. If you don’t like what he has to say, you can listen to someone else. It’s your life and your reality.

Perhaps Ellen DeGeneres might have another interview with Barrack Obama and would offer some words of enlightenment. We can only hope…

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It is time for America to dramatically alter it’s government structure. It needs to change.

The United States was set up as a Republic way back in 1776, and over the years “improved” into other things. First it was a “democracy”, then into an “oligarchy”, followed by “empire” in the 1960’s and now exists as a military Empire controlled via oligarchy. It’s a real mess. It’s ungainly, corrupt and dysfunctional.

And, it is handling this COVID-19 emergency outrageously bad.

In fact, the handling of it is so incompetent, and unfathomably bizarre, that it would probably be best not to have a government at all. Just let the sheeple graze on the “fruited plains” freely without any “assistance” from Big Brother Government.

Seriously, it’s time to demolish the old, and look towards new horizons.

Is It Time for a New Direction?

This article was written by Jacob G. Hornberger on April 10, 2020. Edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author.

If Americans are not doing some serious soul-searching in the midst of this crisis, they need to start. Where America goes from here is not some sort of esoteric debate. What we do at this point has life or death consequences. Get it wrong, and suffer more death, suffering, and impoverishment. Get it right, and America moves toward life, health, liberty, peace, prosperity, and harmony.

What everyone needs to recognize is that they are facing a choice of systems, not a choice of people. Either stick with the same systems or switch over to new systems. That’s the choice now facing the American people.

Let’s examine four systems under which we currently live and have lived for decades.

America’s economic system
This is a centrally planned and centrally managed system run by the federal government. Its central aim is to “wage war on poverty” by forcibly taking money from everyone and redistributing it to people in need, such as the elderly and the poor. It is based on massive confiscation of income and wealth by the Internal Revenue Service, in the form of income taxes and payroll taxes.
America’s healthcare system
This too is a centrally planned and centrally managed system run by the federal government. It is based on big, powerful central planning agencies like as the Centers for Disease Control and the FDA, as well as massive socialist programs like Medicare and Medicaid, both of which are responsible for foisting a never-ending healthcare crisis onto the American people consisting of ever-increasing healthcare costs that have bankrupted people or sent them into deep debt.
America’s monetary system
This too is a centrally planned and centrally managed system run by the federal government, specifically the Federal Reserve. From its beginning in 1913, its job has been to print up ever-increasing quantities of paper money to enable the federal government to fund the ever-increasing expenditures of the welfare-warfare state way of life.
America’s system of empire and foreign intervention
This too is a centrally planned and centrally managed system by the national-security branch of the federal government. Its job is to wreak death and destruction among foreigners and, in the process, bring ever-increasing amounts of taxpayer-funded largess to its army of well-heeled “defense” contractors, which are composed of former members of the national-security establishment.

Consequences of central planning

How are all these systems working out? Most, if not all, people would agree that they are not working out well at all. Together, they have either bankrupted people through taxes or debts or left millions of people without even enough savings to get them through a couple of months of unemployment.

And guess who is now paying the biggest price for the coronavirus crisis — seniors and the poor. That’s because the FDA, in all its central planning wisdom, prohibited the private sector from producing test kits that would have, without any doubt, significantly reduced the coronavirus infection rate.

How can they lower the infection rate if they don’t know who has the virus, especially since people who have the virus are infecting people for about a week before they show any symptoms? A massive number of cheap testing kits would have enabled people to ferret out quickly and early who was infected, enabling everyone else to continue working.

Given that their dysfunctional healthcare system has totally failed to stem the crisis, they have resorted to tyranny and oppression through a mandatory shutdown of the economy, sending millions of people into unemployment and even bankruptcy.

To relieve the financial distress from their destruction of people’s livelihoods, they are resorting to their dysfunctional monetary system. The Federal Reserve is now printing money like it was going out of style. Does anyone really believe that printing trillions of dollars is a way to relieve economic distress? It’s just another form of taxation, one that plunders and loots people, specially the elderly and the poor, through the massive devaluation of their money.

Meanwhile, their fourth dysfunctional system is ensuring that the national-security establishment will suffer no budget cuts whatsoever in order to enable to maintain its oversees machinery of empire and intervention.

Isn’t that ironic? Their four systems of central planning and management are responsible for massive death, suffering, and impoverishment not only here at home but also abroad.

A different direction

If you like how all these dysfunctional systems have worked out, are working out, and will continue to work out into the future, just continue supporting their existence.

But make no mistake: There is a choice to be made here because there are four systems that are opposite to the four systems under which we are are suffering. These four systems are as follows:

A free-market economic system
Under this system, everyone keeps everything he earns — 100 percent, which enables everyone to save lots of money. No income taxation and no IRS. It’s a system based on 100 percent voluntary charity. This was America’s founding economic system for more than 100 years. It produced the wealthiest and most charitable society in history.
A free-market healthcare system
Under this system, the private sector and the free market are entirely responsive for healthcare. No more having to get permission from federal bureaucrats to produce test kits or anything else because the federal government will play no role whatsoever in healthcare. A total separation of healthcare and the state, just as our ancestors had the wisdom to separate church and state. This was America’s founding healthcare system and last for more than 100 years. It produced the finest healthcare system in history, one in which healthcare costs were cheap and affordable and in which doctors and hospitals treated the poor for free on a purely voluntary basis.
A free-market monetary system
Under this system, the free market determines the currency that is going to be used. No more Federal Reserve and no more legal-tender laws. For more than 100 years, America had the finest monetary system in history, one based on gold coins and silver coins. A free-market monetary system would improve upon that concept.
A limited-government republic with a small, basic military force.
No more national-security state and no more foreign military bases and foreign interventionism. No more sanctions, embargoes, invasions, occupations, wars of aggression, torture, state-sponsored assassinations, secret mass surveillance, and other destruction of civil liberties. America was founded as a limited-government republic, which lasted for more than 100 years.

The same old direction versus a new direction

So there you have it: Four completely different systems from which to choose. Americans should choose wisely. Your lives, health, and financial well-being and those of your loved ones, friends, and neighbors depend on it.

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Emerg Decom

When I was a teenager I watched a (made for television movie) that depicted a horrific post-nuclear war reality.

The story line was that a top-secret military operation in Carlsbad Caverns had frozen a “time traveler” inside a sealed capsule for what was intended to be a short period of time. However, there was an earthquake and he was buried alive.

Years passed.

Many years, and a global nuclear war.

Coming out of artificial hibernation.
Coming out of artificial hibernation.

The movie starts when an archaeological / salvage crew was digging inside the ruins of the old underground military base. As they dug around, they saw a complete, and intact, hibernation chamber.

They twisted on the door handles and swung open the port. They then entered his containment chamber and saw that he was still alive. Alive for all these years!

One of the scientists, pushes some debris off the control panel and brushes off the dust revealing an array of controls. They start to look for an emergency shut-down switch.

One of which was the button to revise him in an emergency. The button was labeled “EMERG DECOM“.

She presses the red button, and revived him to his new reality.

This term and the scene has stuck with me all these many decades.

This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the bask of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.
This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the bask of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.
Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. 

During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. 

However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete.

-Genesis II (1973)

Crazy Times

I write this in April 2020. The COVID-19 has been tamed inside of China, but is rampaging all over the United States. The American government seems to feel that if they print more money and hand it out to everyone that everything will end up just fine. So to this end, they plan on giving everyone a little over a $1000.

Woo. Woo!

Maybe people will be able to make a partial rent payment and buy a few tacos with it. You know, it’s not going to be enough for a six month span of unemployment.

But what do I know?

To me it looks like Trump (and cohorts) are trying to buy votes for November. Rather than trying to take control of a bad hand of cards that was dealt to you.

Right now, the news is all pointing fingers and blaming everyone. With the villain de jour being China.

Beware of the elite that promises you riches, happiness and free stuff. Especially if they have two belly buttons.
Beware of the elite that promises you riches, happiness and free stuff. Especially if they have two belly buttons.

Throwing money around is not the kind of solution that is needed right now. This is a failure of government, and it needs to be reformed… STAT!

Meanwhile the nation is going into an absolutely unsustainable debt. The first bill was $2 trillion dollars, a secondary bill for another $2 trillion dollars is being considered and Senator Pelosi is wanting to have a third bill for a minimum of another $1 trillion dollars.

I cannot imagine that this is going to be good.

In my mind, I picture this enormous balloon that is getting filled with more and more air. Eventually the surface area of the balloon will be too thin to hold all the internal pressure…

…and like the movie, it will either explode or someone is going to have to press a big red “Reset Button”. You know. The one that says “EMERG DECOM” on it.

What does it mean?

This 1973 movie Genesis II stuck with me at the back of my mind for all these years. I could never forget the scene where the hero awakes to a new horrific reality after the EMERG DECOM button is pressed.

And maybe, just maybe, that is exactly what is going to happen here.

Action needs to be taken. We just cannot all the government to keep using the same old tired playbook in this particular emergency. It is not appropriate, and very dangerous.
Action needs to be taken. We just cannot all the government to keep using the same old tired playbook in this particular emergency. It is not appropriate, and very dangerous.

A series of events might cause someone, or something to press the EMERG DECOM button and we will all awake from our slumber to a new, harsh reality. A reality that is similar to what we know and are comfortable with, but one with many changes that we will not be at all comfortable with.

In the movie, there were numerous changes that the hero ended up waking up to…

  • A caste system of genetically, and evolutionary modified “improved humans” and their servants.
  • A system of control using electronics (A “Stem”) that gave both pleasure and pain as needed.
  • A loss of knowledge and skills.
  • A destruction of infrastructure.
  • Isolated groups of military that still tried to fight wars and hold on to old ways of doing things.
  • People who were trying to improve the lot of mankind, but had to live underground and hide.
  • A vast bulk of ignorant, primitive humanity that spread disease and illness.
  • Rule by the 1% PTB oligarchy.

Perhaps Gene Roddenberry was on to something, eh?


There are many articles discussing the dangers of printing more money, the failures of the American government to deal with this crisis, the failure of the Trump administration on the international scene, and the worries about how Americans will deal and adjust to the changes.

All are speculative.

What I am saying right here and right now is that a big reset is on it’s way.

In many ways it is similar to the John Titor writings nearly twenty years ago. Domestic upheaval, government crackdowns at an extreme level, and a lead up to nuclear war. The cancellation of sports events and Olympics are mentioned, as are social changes. Such as people watching home-made videos instead of mainstream news, simpler life and closeness to local family and friends, and a lesser reliance on consumerism.

Isn't that all what is happening now?

Maybe you all might want to read my John Titor posts in my MAJestic Index.

Anyways, the BIG RESET is on it’s way. Make no mistake.

What everyone needs to recognize is that they are facing a choice of systems, not a choice of people. Either stick with the same systems or switch over to new systems. That’s the choice now facing the American people.

-Is It Time for a New Direction?

We do not know what form it will take, but we do know that someone is pressing the EMERG DECOM button.

Welcome to the New World and your role in it.
Welcome to the New World and your role in it.

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The Golden Egg (full text) by Theodore Sturgeon

Here’s a nice classic story from the Golden Age” of Science Fiction literature. It was sritten by one of the “greats” of the gendre, Mr. Theodore Sturgeon and this work is classic. I hope that you read it and enjoy it as much as I have. It’s a great story for a nice lazy afternoon day.


WHEN time itself was half its present age, and at an unthinkable distance, and in an unknowable dimension born.

He left his world so long before he came to earth that even he did not know how long he had been in space. He had lived so long on that world that even he could not remember what he had been before his science changed his race.

Though we can never know where his world lay in space, we know that it was in a system of two mighty suns, one blue and one yellow. His planet had an atmosphere and a great civilization and science beyond humanity’s most profound visions. He spoke little of his planet because he hated it.
Too perfect. Their sciences fed them, and controlled the etheric currents that gave them comfort, and carried them from place to place, and taught them, and cared for them in every way. For many aeons there were members set apart to care for the machines, but in time they died out, for they were no longer needed. There was no struggle and no discomfort and no disease. There were therefore no frontiers, no goals, no incentives, and eventually no possible achievements, save one—the race itself, and the changes possible to it.

Step by step the thing was done. Limbs were not and wasted away from long-lived, lazy bodies, and were replaced, redesigned, or forgotten. And as the death of an inhabitant became more rare, rarer still became the advent of new life. It was a mighty race, a powerful race, a most highly civilized race, and—a sterile race.

The refinement went on endlessly, as occasional flashes of initiative appeared down through the ages. What was unnecessary was discarded, and what could be conceivably de­sirable was attained, until all that was left was a few thou­sand glittering golden ovoids, supermental casings, func­tionally streamlined, beautiful and bored. It was life of a sort. The beings could move as and if they wished, through air or time or space. Everything was done for them auto­matically; each was self-sufficient and uncooperative. Brains they were, armored in a substance indestructible by anything less powerful than the heat of the mightiest of suns or by the supercosmic forces each could unleash at will.

But there was no will. There was nothing for them. They hung in small groups conversing of things unimaginable to us, or they lay on the plains of their world and lived within themselves until a few short aeons buried them, all uncaring, in rubble and rock. Some asked to be killed and were killed. Some were murdered by others because of quibblings in remote philosophic discussions. Some hurled themselves into the blue sun, starved for any new sensation, knowing they would find there an instant’s agony.

Most simply vegetated. One came away.

He stopped, in a way known to him—stopped in space so that his world and solar system and corner of the cosmos fell away from him and left him free. And then he traveled.

He traveled to many places and in many ways, as his whims dictated. He extended himself at times around the curve of curved space, until the ends of him were diametrically opposite; and then he would contract in a straight line, reforming countless millions of light years from the point of his extension; and his speed then was, of course, the speed of light cubed. And sometimes he dropped from his level in time to the level below, and would then lie poised and thoughtful during one cycle, until he was returned to the higher level again; and it was thus he discovered the nature of time, which is a helical band, ever revolving, never moving in its superspace. And sometimes he would move slowly, drifting from one gravitic pull to another, searching disinterestedly for the unusual. It was in such a period that he came to earth.

A goose found him. He lay in some bushes by a country road, distantly observing the earth and analyzing its elements, and the goose was a conventional one and blindly proud of its traditional silliness. He ignored it when it approached him and when it rapped his shell curiously; but when it turned him over with its beak he felt that it was being discourteous. He seized it with a paralyzing noose of radiations, quickly read its minuscule mind for a way to annoy it, and then began pulling its tail feathers out tb see how it would react. It reacted loudly.

Now, it so happened that Christopher Innes was on that country road, bringing the young’un home from Sunday school. Chris was an embittered and cynical mortal, being a normal twelve-year-old who had just learned that increasing age and masculinity made for superiority, and was about to be a teen-ager and find out differently. The young’un was his five-year-old sister, of whom he was jealous and protective. She had silly ideas. She was saying:

“But they tol’ me in school last week, Chris, so it mus’ be so, so there. The prince came into the palace an’ everyone was asleep, an’ he came to the room where she was, an’ she was asleep, too, but he kissed her an’ she woke up, and then everyone—”

“Aw, shut your fontanel,” said Chris, who had heard that babies shut their fontanels when they started to grow, though he didn’t know what one was. “You believe everything you hear. Ol’ Mr. Becker tol’ me once I could catch a bird by putting salt on its tail, an’ then whaled me for loadin’ up a twelve-gauge shotgun with rock salt and knockin’ off three of his Rhode Island Reds. They tell you that stuff so they’ll have a chance to hit you afterward.”
“I don’t care, so there,” pouted the young’un. “My teacher wouldn’t hit me for b’lieving her.”

“Somebody will,” Chris said darkly. “What’s all that racket, I wonder?

Sounds like a duck caught in a fox trap. Let’s go see.”

Chris stopped to pick up a piece of stick in case he had a trap to pry open, and the young’un ran ahead. When he reached her he found her jumping up and down and clapping her hands and gurgling, “I told you so! I told you so!” which is the most annoying thing any woman can say to any man.
“You tol’ me whut?” he asked, and she pointed. He saw a large white goose digging its feet into the ground, straining to get away from its invisible bonds, while behind it lay a glittering ovoid. As they watched, a tail feather detached itself from its anchorage and fell beside two of its prototype on the ground.

“Chee!” Chris breathed.

“They tol’ me that story, too!” chortled the young’un. “About the goose that laid the golden egg. Oh, Chris, if we take that goose home an’ keep um, we’ll be rich an’ I can have a pony an’ a hundred dolls an’—”

“Chee,” Chris said again and gingerly picked up the golden egg. As he did so the goose was released suddenly, and its rooted claws shot it forward face first into the earth, where it lay stunned and quonking dismally. As only a farm child can, the young’un caught its legs together and picked it up in her arms.

“We’re rich!” breathed Chris and laughed. Then he remembered his assertions and frowned. “Aw, it didn’t lay no egg. Someone lost it an’ this ol’ goose jus’ found it here.”

“It’s the golden-egg goose! It is too!” shrilled the young’un.

Chris spat on the egg and rubbed it with his cuff. “It’s sure pretty,” he said half to himself, and tossed it into the air. He must have stood there open-mouthed for two full minutes with his hands out, because it never came down. It vanished.

They found out later that the goose was a gander. Neither of them ever quite got over it.

“It might be interesting,” thought the armored brain to himself as he lay in the stratosphere, “to be a biped like that for a while. I believe I will try it. I wonder which of the two is the more intelligent—the feathered or unfeathered ones?” He pondered a moment over this nice distinction and then remembered that the boy had armed himself with a stick, while the goose had not. “They are a little ungainly,” he thought, then shrugged mentally. “I shall be one of those.”

He plummeted down to earth, braked off, and shot along just over the surface until he came to a small town. A movement in a tiny alley caught his attention; a man there was leveling a gun at another across the street. Unseen, the being from space flashed between them, and his path intersected that of the bullet. It struck his smooth side and neither left a mark nor changed his course by a thousandth of a degree as it spun into the street four feet below him. The intended victim went his way unharmed, and the man in the alley swore and went to his room to take his gun apart wonderingly. He had never missed a shot like that before!
Just outside the town the brain found what he had been looking for—a field under which was a huge mass of solid rock. He came to rest in the field and dropped from sight, sinking through sod and earth and granite as if it had been water; and in a matter of minutes he had cut himself a great underground chamber in the rock, with high arched walls and a vaulted ceiling and a level, polished floor. Hovering for a moment in midair, he tested the surrounding countryside for its exact chemical content, sending out delicate high-frequency beams, adjusting them fractionally for differences in molecular vibrations. The presence of a certain fine harmonic at any given frequency indicated to him the exact location of the elements he needed. There were not many. These bipeds were hardly complex.

“A type—a type,” he thought. “I must have something to work from. I gather that these creatures are differentiated from each other in certain ways.”

He slipped up through the roof of his chamber and went back to the town, where he found a busy corner and hid up under an eave, where he could watch the people passing.

“Those smaller ones must be the males,” he ruminated, “the ones that strut and slink and apparently do little work and wear all those blatant colors and so ridiculously accentuate the color of the oral orifice. And the larger, muscular ones, I suppose, are females. How drab.’’

He projected a beam that would carry thought impulses to him. It touched the mind of a young man who was mooning after a trim blonde just ahead of him. He was a hesitant and shy young man, and a passionate one, and the battle he fought within himself, between his inclinations and his diffidence, almost dislodged the creature in the eaves.

“Whew!” thought the golden ovoid. “An emotional monstrosity! And it appears that I was a little mistaken about males and females. How very quaint!

“I shall be one of the males,” he decided at length.

Wisely, he searched about until he found a girl who was suffering from every “osis” in the advertisements, as well as an inferiority complex, acne, bunions, and tone-deafness, knowing that her idea of an ideal man would be really something. Inserting gentle thought tendrils into her mind, he coaxed her to dream a lovely dream of her ideal man as she walked along, and carefully filed away all the essentials, disregarding only the passion the dream man showered on the poor starved creature. Enveloped by the dream he had induced, she walked into the path of an automobile and was rather badly hurt, which was all right, because she later married the driver.The brain sped back to the laboratory, nursing his mental picture of a muscular, suave, urbane, sophisticated, and considerate demigod, and began to assemble his machinery.

Now the brain had no powers, as such. What he had was control. The engineer of a twenty-car train would be stupid even to dream about hurling such a train at a hundred and twenty miles an hour along a track if he had to do so himself with his own physical powers. But with his controls the thing is easy. In the case of the brain, his controls were as weak compared with the final results of it as is a man’s arm compared with the two thousand horsepower delivered by a locomotive. But the brain knew the true nature of space: that it is not empty, but a mass of balanced forces.
Press two pencils together, end to end. As long as the pressure is even and balanced the effect is the same as if the pencils were just resting their ends together. Now get some tiny force to press on the point where the pencils come together. They snap out of line; they deliver a powerful resultant, out of all proportion to the push which upset the equilibrium, and you probably break a knuckle. The resultant is at right angles to the original equalized forces; it goes just so far and then the forces come together in equilibrium again, knuckles notwithstanding.

We live in a resilient universe; the momentary upset is negligible, since the slack is taken up to infinity. Such a control had the brain from space. Any and every form of energy —and matter is energy—was his to control, to any degree. The resultant from one tiny upset balance could be used to upset another; and a chain like this could be extended ad infinitum.

Fortunately, the brain knew how not to make mistakes!

He made his apparatus quickly and efficiently. A long table; tanks and small bins of pure elements; a highly complex machine with projectors and reflectors capable of handling any radiation that can be indicated on a circular spectrum, for compounding and conditioning the basic materials. The machine had no switches, no indicators, no dials. It was built to do a certain job, and as soon as it was completed it began working. When the job was done it quit. It was the kind of machine whose perfection ruined the brain’s civilization, and has undoubtedly ruined others, and will most certainly ruin more.

On the surface of the table appeared a shadow. Cell by cell appeared as the carbon-magnesium-calcium mixtures were coordinated and projected by the machine. A human skeleton was almost suddenly complete—that is, an almost human skeleton. The brain was impatient with unnecessary detail, and if there were fewer vertebrae and more but finer ribs, and later, a lack of appendix, tonsils, sinal cavities, and abductors minimi digiti, then it was only in the interest of logic. The flesh formed over the skeleton, fiber by perfect fiber. Blood vessels were flat, their insides sealed to each other until the body was complete enough to start distributing blood. The thing was “born” with a full stomach; it began its functions long before it was complete enough for the brain’s entry.

While it was forming, the brain lay in a corner of the room reasoning it out. He knew its construction and had carried it out. Now he asked the reasons for its being this way, and calculated its functions. Hearing, sight with light, communication by vibrating tissues, degree of telepathy, organs of balance, possible and probable mental and physical reflexes, all such elementary things were carefully reasoned out and recorded on that fathomless brain. It was not necessary to examine the body itself or to look at it. He had planned it, and it would be as he had planned. If he wished to study any part of it before it formed, he had his memory.

The body lay complete eventually. It was a young and strong and noble creature. It lay there breathing deeply and slowly, and under its broad, intellectual forehead its eyes glowed with the pale light of idiocy. The heart beat firmly, and a tiny twitch in the left thigh developed and disappeared as the cells adjusted themselves to each other. The hair was glossy and black and was in a pronounced widow’s peak. The hairline was the line separating the two parts of the head, for the top part was a hinged lid which now gaped open. The white matter of the brain was formed completely and relaid to make room for the metal-encased creator.
He drifted up to the head of the table and settled into the open skull. A moment, and then it snapped shut. The young man—for such he was now—lay quiet for a long while, as the brain checked the various senses—temperature, pressure, balance, and sight. Slowly the right arm raised and lowered, and then the left, and then the legs rose together and swung over the edge of the table and the young man sat up. He shook his head and gazed about with his rapidly clearing eyes, turned his head stiffly, and got to his feet. His knees buckled slightly; he grasped the table spasmodically, not bending his fingers because he hadn’t thought of it yet. His mouth opened and closed, and he ran his tongue over the inside of his mouth and lips and teeth.

“What an awkward way to get around,” he thought, trying his weight on one leg and then the other. He flexed his arms and hands and hopped up and down cautiously.

“Agh!” he said waveringly. “A-a-a-gh-ha-agh!” He listened to himself, enchanted by this new way of expressing himself. “Ka. Pa. Ta. Sa. Ha. Ga. La. Ra,” he said, testing the possibilities of linguals, gutturals, sibilants, palatals, labials, singly and in combination. “Ho-o-o-o-owe-e-e-e!” he howled, trying sustained tones from low to high pitch.

He tottered to the wall, and with one hand on it began padding up and down the room. Soon the support was no longer necessary, and he walked alone; and then he went faster and faster and ran round and round, hooting strangely. He was a little disgusted to find that violent activity made his heart beat fast and his breathing harder. Flimsy things, these bipeds. He sat panting on the table and began testing his senses of taste and touch, his muscular and oral and aural and visual memories.

Chauncey Thomas was an aristocrat. No one had ever seen him in patchy pants or broken shoes. They would, though, he reflected bitterly, if he didn’t get a chance to steal some soon. “What de hell,” he muttered. “All I ast is t’ree meals a day and good clo’es, an’ a house an’ stuff, an’ no work to do. Hell!. An’ dey tell me I can get t’ings by workin’. It ain’t worth it. It just ain’t worth it!”

He had every right to be bitter, he thought. Not only do they throw him down three flights of stairs in the town’s most exclusive apartment house just because he was sleeping on the landing, but they stick him in jail for it. Did he get a chance to rest in jail? He did not. They made him work. They made him whitewash cells. That was hardly right. Then they gave him the bum’s rush out of town. It was unfair. What if it was the ninth time they had booked him? “I got to find me another town,” he decided. He was thinking of the sheriff’s remark that next time he was run in the sheriff would pin a murder on him if he had to kill one of his deputies to do it.
Chauncey turned his slow, unwilling feet onto the Springfield Turnpike and headed away from town. The night was two hours old and very warm. Chauncey slouched along with his hands in his pockets, feeling misunderstood. A slight movement in the shadows beside the road escaped his attention, and he never realized that anyone was there until he found himself picked up by the slack of his trousers and dangling uncomfortably from a mighty fist.

“I ain’t done nothin’!” he squalled immediately, resorting to a conversational reflex of his. “Le’s talk this over, now bud. Aw, come on, now; you got nothin’ on me. You—awk!

Chauncey’s mouthings became wordless when he had man­aged, by twisting around in his oversize clothes, to see his captor. The vision of a muscular giant, at least six feet five, regarding him out of fathomless, shadowy eyes as he held him at arm’s length was too much for Chauncey Thomas. He broke down and wailed.

The naked Apollo spun the bum about in midair and caught him by the belt. He plucked curiously at the worn jacket, reached down and tore a piece of leather out of the side of an outsize sport shoe as if it had been made of blotting paper, studied it carefully, tossed it aside.

“Lemme go!” shrieked Chauncey. “Gee, boss, I wasn’t doin’ nothin’, honest I wasn’t. I’m goin’ to Springfield, I’ll get a job or somethin’, boss!” The words burned his mouth as he said them, but this was an emergency and he had to say something.

“Gha!” grunted the giant, and dropped him on his ear in the middle of the road.

Chauncey scrambled to his feet and scuttled off down the road. The giant stood watching him as he slowed, made a U-turn, and came running back under the influence of a powerful hypnotic suggestion emanating from that great clean body. He stood awed and trembling before the new-born one, wishing he were dead, wishing he were away from there—even in jail.

“Who-who are you?” he faltered.

The other caught Chauncey’s shifty eyes in his own deep gaze. The hobo’s shaken mind was soothed; he blinked twice and sank down on his knees beside the road, staring upward into the inscrutable face of this frightening, fascinating man. Something seemed to be crawling into Chauncey’s mind, creeping about there. It was horrifying and yet it wasn’t unpleasant. He felt himself being drawn out; his memories examined; his knowledge of human society and human customs and traditions and history. Things he thought he had forgotten and wanted to forget popped up, and he felt them being mulled over. Within a few minutes the giant had as complete a knowledge of human conduct and speech as Chauncey Thomas had ever had.

He stepped back, and Chauncey slumped gasping to the ground. He felt depleted.

“Get up, bum,” said the big man in Chauncey’s own idiom.

Chauncey got up; there was no mistaking the command in that resonant voice. He cringed before him and whined: “Whatcha gonna do wit’ me, boss? I ain’t—”

“Shut up!” said the other. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.” Chauncey looked at the immobile face. “Well . . . I . . . I guess I’ll be on my way.”

“Aw, stick around. Whatcha scared of?”

“Well . . . nothin’ . . . but, who are you, anyway?”

“I’m Elron,” said the giant, using the first euphonious syllables that came to mind.

“Oh. Where’s yer clo’es? You been rolled?”

“Naw. Well, yeah. Wait here for me; I think I can—”

Elron bounded over the hedge, not wanting to astound the little tramp too much. From Chauncey’s mind he had stolen a mental photograph of what Chauncey considered a beautiful outfit. It was a plaid suit with a diamond-checked vest and yellow shoes; a wing collar and a ten-gallon hat. Slipping into his underground laboratory, Elron threw back the casing of the complex projector that had built him his body and made a few swift adjustments. A moment later he joined Chauncey, fully clad in Chauncey’s own spectacular idea of tailoring to taste.

“Hully gee!” breathed Chauncey.

They walked along the road together, Chauncey quite speechless, Elron pensive. A few cars passed them; Chauncey automatically and without hope flung a practiced thumb to­ward each. They were both surprised when a lavish roadster ground to a stop ahead of them. The door was flung open; Chauncey slid in front of Elron and would have climbed in but for Elron’s grasping him by the scruff of the neck and hauling him back.

“In the rumble, lug,” he ground out.

“Nuttin’ good ever happens t’ me,” muttered Chauncey as he followed orders. He had seen the driver. She was lovely.

“Where are you bound?” she asked as Elron closed the door.

“Springfield,” he said, remembering from something Chauncey had said that the town was on this road. He looked at this newest acquaintance. She was as tiny and perfect as he was big and perfect, and she handled the car with real artistry. Her eyes were deep auburn to match her hair. Judging her by human standards, Elron thought her very pleasing to look upon.
“I’ll take you there,” she said.

“T’anks, lady.”

She looked at him quickly.

“What’s up, babe?” he asked.

“Oh—nothing. Don’t call me ’babe.”

“Okay, okay.”

Again she flashed him a look. “Are you—kidding me?” she asked.

“What about?”

“You look—oh, I don’t know.”

“Spill it, sister.”

“Oh, sort of—well, not like the kind who calls girls `babe.’ “

“Oh,” he said. “You mean—you’d say it different, like.”

He was having trouble with Chauncey’s limited vocabulary.

“Something like that. What are you going to do in Springfield?”

“Just look around a little, I guess. I want to see a city.”

“Don’t tell me you never saw a city!”

“Listen,” he snapped, covering up his error by falling back on one of Chauncey’s devices, “it ain’t worryin’ you any, is it? What do you care?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said acidly. He sensed something strained about the silence that followed.

“Mad, huh?”

She looked at him scornfully and sniffed.

The trivial impasse intrigued him. “Stop here,” he ordered her.

What?” she asked furiously.

He leaned forward and caught her eye. “Stop here!

She cut the ignition and the big car slid to a stop. Elron took her shoulder and turned her to him. She almost struggled but hadn’t time.

Tendrils of thought stole into her brain, explored her memories, her tastes, her opinions and philosophies and vocabulary. He learned why it was déclassé to address a woman as “babe,” and that among civilized people ten-gallon hats were not worn with wing collars. He liked the language she used a little better than Chauncey’s harsh inadequacies. He learned what music was, and a great deal about money, which, strangely enough, was something that almost never crossed Chauncey’s mind. He learned something of the girl herself; her name was Ariadne Drew, she had a great deal of wealth she had not earned, and she was so used to being treated according to her station in life that she was careless about such things as picking up hitchhikers on the road.

He let her go, snatching the memory of the incident from its place in her mind, so that she started the car and drove off.

“Now what an earth did I stop for?”

“So I could check up on that rear tire,” he ad-libbed. He thought back about things he had discovered that might interest her. Clothes were a big item.
“I must apologize,” he said to her, word for word in her own vernacular, “for this hat. It’s just too, too revolting. I saw a cute little number the other day in a shoppe on the avenue, and I mean to get it. My dear, I mean!
She glanced aghast at his noble profile and bulging shoulders. He chatted on.

“I saw Suzy Greenfield the other day. You know Suzy. Oh, she didn’t see me! I took care of that! And do you know who she was with? That horrible Jenkins person!”

“Who are you?” she asked him.

“I hear that Suzy is— What? Who am I? Oh, yes; about Suzy. You’ve probably heard this awful gossip before”—she had!—”so stop me if you have. But she told her husband—”

“This is as far as I go,” snapped the girl, wheeling the car over to the curb.

“Well, I—” Elron sensed that the right thing to do would be to get out of the car. He opened the door and turned to her.

“Thank you for the lift, darling. Let me know if I can do the same for you sometime.” He stepped up onto the walk, and she slammed the door and rolled the window open.

“You’ve forgotten to polish your fingernails,” she said nastily, and slammed the car into gear.

“Now what the hell did you do?” asked a voice at the side. Chauncey was looking longingly after the roadster.

“Don’t swear,” said Elron. “It’s vulgar. You are very crude, Chauncey. I don’t want to have you around. Good-by, darling.” Could Elron help it if Ariadne Drew called everybody “darling”?

The little bum stood open-mouthed, staring after the Greek god in his noisy plaid suit, and then followed slowly. “Dat mug’ll bear watchin’!” he muttered. “Hully gee!”

Elron, with his new-found knowledge of human affairs, had little trouble securing a few dollars from a man he passed on the street—all he had to do was to demand it—and getting a hotel room for his body. From Ariadne’s mind he had found out what handwriting was, and he signed the register and paid for a room without a hitch. Once his body was parked conventionally in bed, he popped the head open and slipped out. He felt that the body would relax a little better without him.

He drifted out of the window and hung for a while high above the town, searching for a familiar vibration—the impulses of Ariadne’s mind. Freed from the cumbersome human body, Elron was far more sensitive to such things. He wanted to observe Ariadne now because he wanted to check up on his performance.

He caught it soon. It was to him as a gentle perfume is to us. He whisked over to the outskirts of the city and settled down toward a massive red brick pile surrounded by lovely landscaping. He circled it twice, finding her exact place in the house, and then dropped down the chimney. He hovered just above the artificial logs in the fireplace and began his eavesdropping.

Ariadne was sitting in her extravagant living room, chatting with—of all people—the redoubtable Suzy Greenfield. Suzy was a small-souled, graceless girl with the ability to draw a remark out of any given acquaintance, and by ardent agreement she could cull enough back-biting comment to keep her busy for weeks. She looked like a buck-toothed sparrow, dressed like a sweepstakes winner from Dubuque, and had a personality as soothing as the seven-year itch.

“Well, what have you heard today?” she asked expectantly.

Ariadne was gazing into far distances, and she only smiled.

“Oh, Ari,” said Suzy, “come on! I know something must have happened today from the way you’re acting. Please; you never tell me anything!
Ariadne, being a woman, ignored this untruth and would have changed the subject had not Elron, in the chimney, gently stroked certain of her brain convolutions with his intangible tentacles. She stared up suddenly, turned to Suzy. Elron could have had her reaction directly, but he was interested in the way she would express it to another and in the way the other would receive it.

“If you must know,” said Ariadne, “I met someone today, a man.” She sighed. Suzy leaned forward happily. When she was not all mouth she was all ears.


“Picked him up on the road. Sue, you never saw such a pair as those two.

They looked like a couple of comedians. One was a tramp—at first I thought they both were. The little one got into the rumble and the nice handsome one rode in front.”


“Darling, you don’t know! I’ve never seen—”

“But you said they were comic!”

Looked comic, dear.” In the fireplace the golden-armored brain gave the equivalent of a nod and sent a thought current out to Ariadne. As if answering a question, she said, “He would have looked so nice in a soft gray suit and a Homburg. And—I don’t know what he is, but I think he should be an adventurer. A sort of poet-writer-adventurer.”

“But what was he?”

Ariadne suddenly felt it possible to speak of other things. She got Suzy started on the peccadilloes of her long-suffering spouse and soon had completely eclipsed all thought of her volatile mystery man. Elron was gone.

Back at the hotel, the ovoid hovered over his sleeping body and thought bitter thoughts. He was ashamed of himself for underestimating the subtle nuances of human behavior. He had succeeded in making something ridiculous out of this biped he had created, and the fact annoyed him.

There was a challenge in it; Elron could control powers that would easily disintegrate this whole tiny galaxy and spread its dust through seven dimensions, if he so wished it; and yet he was most certainly being made a fool of by a woman. It occurred to him that in all the universes there was nothing quite as devious and demanding as a woman’s mind. It likewise occurred to him that a woman is easy to control as long as she always has her way. He was determined to see how closely a man could resemble a woman’s ideal and still exist; and he was going to do it with this man he had made himself responsible for.

It was a long and eventful three months before Ari Drew saw Elron again. He went away in his ten-gallon hat and his blatant plaids and his yellow shoes; and he took away with him his conversational variants and Chauncey the bum. He went to the greatest city of them all and sought out people who knew about the things that he must be to achieve the phenomenal status of a man good enough for Ariadne.

He found it a fascinating game. In the corridors of universities, in prizefight training camps, in girls’ schools and kindergartens and gin mills and honkytonks and factories he cornered people, spoke with them, strained and drained and absorbed what their minds held. Sorting and blending, he built himself an intellect, the kind of mentality that awed lightweights like Suzy Greenfield who spell Intellect with a capital I. Instead of trying to suit each man’s speech by using each man’s speech, he developed a slightly accented idiom of his own, something personal and highly original. He gave himself an earthly past, from a neatly photostated birth certificate to gilt-edged rent receipts. He sounded out the minds of editors and publishers, and through the welter of odd tastes and chaotic ideology therein he extracted sound and workable ideas on what work was needed. He actually sold poetry.

While his body slept in luxury, his mind hurtled over the earth, carried by its illimitably powerful golden shell. Elron could lecture a New York audience on the interesting people he had met in Melbourne, Australia, and the next day produce a cablegram from one or two of those people whom he had visited during the night. Scattered all over the earth were individuals who believed they had known this phenomenal young man for years.

It was at one of those pale-pink and puffy poetry teas that Ariadne saw Elron again. Suzy gave the tea as a current-celebrity show. Ari came gracefully late, looking lovely in something powder-blue, chastely sophisticated. Elron was scheduled to speak—something about “Metempsychosis and Modern Life.” Ari was scheduled to sing. But she—
He was watching for her. He was dressed in soft gray, and the Homburg awaited him by the door. Her entrance was as ever in the grand manner, and all realized it; but for her it was that breath-catching experience of realizing that she was putting on the show for just one person in all that crowded room. She’d heard of him, of course. He was the “rage,” which is a term used in polite society to describe current successes. Would-bes and has-beens are known as outrages.

But she had never seen him that she remembered. He rose and stood over her and smiled, and he wordlessly took her arm, bowed at the hostess, and led her out. Just like that. Poor Suzy. Her protruding teeth barely hid the tiny line of foam that formed on her lips.

“Well!” Ariadne said as they reached the street. “That was a terrible thing to do!”

Tsk, tsk!” he said, and helped her into his new sixteen-cylinder puddle-jumper. “I imagine Suzy will get over it. Think of all the people she’ll be able to tell!”

Ari laughed a little, looking at him strangely. “Mr. Elron, you’re not . . . not the same man that—”

“That you picked up on the pike three months ago, dressed like a comedian?”

She blushed.

“Yes, I’m the man.”

“I was . . . rude when I left you.”

“You had a right to be, Ariadne.”

“What happened to that hideous little tramp you were traveling with?”

“Chauncey!” Elron bellowed, and the trimly uniformed chauffeur swiveled around and nodded and smiled.

“Good heavens!” said Ariadne.

“He doesn’t offend any more with his atrocious diction,” said Elron precisely. “I found it possible to change his attitude toward work, but to change his diction was beyond even me. He no longer speaks.”
She looked at him for quite a while as the huge car rolled out into the country. “You’re everything I thought you might possibly be,” she breathed.

He knew that.

That was their first evening together. There were many others, and Elron conducted himself perfectly, as befitted a brilliant and urbane biped. Catering to every wish and whim of Ari’s amused him, for she was as moody as a beautiful woman can be, and he delighted in predicting and anticipating her moods. He adjusted himself to her hour by hour, day by day. He was ideal. He was perfect.

So—she got bored. He adjusted himself to that, too, and she was furious. If she didn’t care, neither did he. Bad tactics, and something that supercosmic forces could do nothing about.

Oh, he tried; yes, indeed. He questioned her and he psychoanalyzed her and he even killed off all the streptococci in her blood stream to see if that was the trouble. But all he got was a passive resentment of her. Half as old as time itself, he knew something of patience; but his patience began to give way under the pressure applied by this very human woman.

And, of course, there was a showdown. It was one afternoon at her home, and it was highly spectacular. He could read her mind with ease, but he could know only what thoughts she had formed. She knew he annoyed her. She also knew she liked him immensely; and for that reason she made no attempt to analyze her hostility toward him, and therefore he was helpless, tangled in her tenuous resentment.

It started with a very little thing—he came into the room and she stood at the window with her back to him and would not turn around. She did not speak or act coldly toward him, but simply would not face him. A very petty thing. After ten minutes of that he strode across the room and spun her around. She caught her heel in the rug, lost her footing, fell against the mantel, and stretched becomingly unconscious on the floor in a welter of broken gewgaws. Elron stood a moment feeling foolish, and then lifted her in his arms. Before he could set her down she had twined her arms around his neck and was kissing him passionately. Poor, magnificent thing, he didn’t know what to do.

“Oh, Elron,” she blubbered. “You brute! You struck me. Oh, darling! I love you so! I never thought you would do it!”

A great light of understanding burst for Elron. That was the basic secret of this thing called woman! She could not love him when he acted in a perfectly rational way. She could not love him when he was what she thought was ideal. But when he did something “brutish”—a word synonymous with “unintelligent”—she loved him. He looked down at her beautiful lips and her beautiful black eye, and he laughed and kissed her and then set her down gently.

“Be back in a couple of days, darling,” he said, and strode out, ignoring her cries.

He knew what to do now. He was grateful to her for amusing him for a while and for teaching him something new. But he could not afford to upset himself by associating with her any longer. To keep her happy he would have to act unintelligent periodically; and that was one thing he could not stand. He went away. He got into his huge automobile and drove away down the turnpike.

“It’s a pity that I’m not a man,” he reflected as he drove. “I’d really like to be, but— Oh, I can’t be bothered keeping track of anything as complicated as Ariadne!”

He pulled up at the outskirts of a small town and found his laboratory.

Once inside, he lay down on the table, popped open his skull and emerged. Going to the machine in the corner, he added and took away and changed and tinkered, and the glow began to form again around the still body. Something was happening inside the skull. Something took shape inside, and as it happened the skull slowly closed. In three hours Elron the man climbed off the table and stood looking about him. The golden egg flew up to his shoulder and nestled there.

“Thank you for this . . . this consciousness,” said Elron.

“Oh, that’s all right,” replied the ovoid telepathically. “You’ve had it for some months, anyway. Only I’ve just given you what you needed to appreciate it with.”

“What am I to do?” asked the man.

“Go back to Ariadne. Carry on from where I left off.

You. can—you’re a man, perfect in every cell and gland and tissue.”

“Thank you for that. I have wanted her but was never directed—”

“Never mind that. Marry her and make her happy. Never tell her about me—you have history enough to carry you through your lifetime, and brains enough, now, to do the work you have been doing. Ari’s been good to me; I owe her this much.”

“Anything else?”

“Yes. Just one thing; but burn this in your brain in letters of fire: A woman can’t possibly love a man unless he’s part dope. Be a little stupid all the time and very stupid once in a while. But don’t be perfect!”

“Okay. So long.”

“Be happy. . . er . . . son—

Elron the man left the laboratory and went out into the sunlight. The golden egg settled to the floor and lay there an hour or so. He laughed once within himself and said, “Too perfect!”

Then he felt terribly, terribly lonely.

The End

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There is no such thing as a hybrid-war. What we are witnessing is the initial stages of World War III.

It all began when I was researching "hybrid war". In almost every occasion, a "hot" (shooting) war would erupt. The only exception was the "cold war" with Russia in the 1960's and 1970's, but actually "hot wars" did actually erupt - via proxy in other lands. It got me to thinking. I started to wonder just what is a "hybrid war".

Still the COVID-19 bio-weapon fiasco is rampaging and tearing apart the fabric of human civilization. Still the “news” is reporting on deaths, pain, sorrow, economic collapse and suffering. Still, the “news” is relating on all sorts of “bail-outs” and “stimulus plans”, and “blue ribbon panels” to “solve” some of the imperfections inherent in modern American governance…

Yada. Yada. Yada.


What’s the big friggin’ deal?

It’s all pretty simple.

America started out as one thing, it grew and grew and grew. It changed and changed and changed. Evil and greedy people took over and now the United States is a military empire that serves the top 1% of the global elite. They farm the American people as serfs and “cash cows” and bludgeon the rest of the world into submission through raw military power.

And China has changed.

Today it is an adaptable, young, and modern country ruled by merit. They realize what the USA is, and they also realize that the future is one of global cooperation, not 19th century military might.

Global politics today is a power-struggle between the USA and China. It need not be that way, but the Trump administration, led by his neocon army of advisors want it that way, and thus they are fighting a “Hybrid war” with China.

And we, yes all of us, have a “front row seat” to this entire mess.

We sit here and watch the events unfold in absolute and abject horror.

Sure, it was ok, trying to destroy the Chinese pork industry, the Chinese chicken and poultry industry, the Chinese wheat industry, and the Chinese rice industry. These were events that were far away from America. They could be contained and controlled.

But trying to kill the Chinese people with the COVID-19, now that was when the “bullet hit the bone” and things got ugly really quick. Because, human viruses and pathogens cannot be easily contained within a far-away nation. They can come right back and “bite you in the ass”, “sure as shit”.

And that is exactly what happened.

What America is going through right now, is what the Washington DC neocons and the Trump Administration had planned for China. Except…


It didn’t happen that way.

China saw what was going on and took immediate action. Maybe the readers of the “National Star” and CNN, FOX and Rush Limbaugh hadn’t a clue as to what was going on, but not the Chinese leadership. They knew exactly what was going on.

And so when the Americans unleashed this bio-warfare attack on China during the CNY holiday, China went military DEFCON ONE. They mobilized the entire nation, and tackled the virus, and controlled the outbreak and took control of it.

In three months it was all over.

All the time, the Trump Administration treated it as yet another long-remote war that would never come back to “bite the hand of it’s master”.

It did boomerang back

But it did boomerang back to America.

And America, soft, lazy, slothful and used to centuries of peace and feared respect was unable to adapt to it. Americans demanded their “freedoms”, and openly defied their government. A government that they did not trust and did not believe.

Right from day one, while Trump turned a propaganda war against China, he was telling Americans not to worry, that it was a hoax, and that no one should wear masks. American stockpiles of medical supplies, now depleted, were funded (on paper) with billions of dollars from the Treasury. But that money went no where. Instead the money was spent on other things.

It went into the pockets of the Washington elite. Where it was squandered on expensive cars, homes and luxuries.

And America, and Americans are caught in between the reality of the ultra-rich (PTB) rich elite, and the harsh reality of the bio-warfare out of the Trump administration.

It’s not pretty.

It’s not comfortable.

It’s not nice.

Hybrid War

Now, if you read the “news” you might think that all this is just part of a “hybrid war” that America is conducting against China. A “Hybrid war”, how nice and sterile and pat. It’s not a “hybrid war”.

America is not conducting a “hybrid war”.

This is not a “hybrid war”.

It is a instead a “prelude to a hot war”.

And that is exactly what it is.

A prelude to a “hot war”.

The machinations, and elements of this “hybrid war” are all identical to the preparations necessary in a “hot war”. It’s just that no one wants to believe that President Trump would actually try to launch a “hot” war against China and Russia.

(And it would be against Russia as well, let’s not pretend that China and Russia are isolated and do not have military coordination.)

So people refuse to believe that this is what is going on.

They call it something else.

It’s a “hybrid war”, not “the prelude to World War III.

Events leading up to a “hot war”

The events leading up to a “hot” war are all well documented. You can go ahead and read some history books if you do not believe me. All these things that we are watching as part of the Trump “hybrid war” are the exact same elements that occur right before a full-on “hot” war. It shouldn’t be any surprise to the history buffs out there.

Primary Attributes

No one seemingly pays attention to the characteristic lead-ups to a “hot” war. But they are actually well documented. They include such things as…

  • Propaganda campaign of demonizing a nation.
  • Destruction of food, livestock, and farming to create famine and distress.
  • Restrictions on use of a nation’s exports and technology.
  • Arrest or seizure of nationals from the other nation.
  • A trigger “event” from which can be used to BLAME the other other nation.

All of these characteristics are part and parcel of all the major World Wars, and all are going on right now as part of the “hybrid war” campaign.

The Propaganda Campaign

For illustrative purposes, let’s take a moment and study the anti-China propaganda campaign unleashed by the Trump administration.

As you get into the details, please ask yourself “just what other purpose would this campaign serve, were it NOT to be a lead up to a hot war”.

Because, people…

…it’s exactly that, and these kinds of campaigns take time. The larger the target, the longer the campaign.

I give a “hot” war with China two to three years. 2023 – 2024.

It’s pretty horrendous.

Here we look at one of the aspects of this war; the aggressive and relentless non-stop anti-China propaganda campaign to turn the world against China, and to jimmy-up support for a “hot war”.

There are various people writing about this subject.

One of the better articles is here and I do think that it is worth a read. The author tackles some of the well-known “givens” that pretty much saturate the internet these days. And I do mean saturate. Heck, you cannot click and go anywhere without encountering one of the millions of anti-China articles that are saturating the internet.

It’s sickening.


This article was initially posted on Passages here. It is titled” Don’t Blame China For Your Government’s COVID-19 Failures” and was written by Davide Mastracci. It was formatted to fit this venue, but aside from that left intact. All credit to the author.

Trump and his advisors.

The anti-China narrative is based on falsities, and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism.

April 7, 2020

In early January, COVID-19 was largely limited to China. Now, just three months later, it has spread far beyond China’s border, and has effectively been halted domestically within the country. 

There are currently around 1.36 million reported COVID-19 cases globally, with more than 76,000 deaths. China accounts for just 6 per cent of all cases, and 4.4 per cent of deaths. Yesterday, China reported no new deaths for the first time since January.

Countries in the West, meanwhile, have gone into lockdown, hospitals have been overwhelmed and markets are crashing. There appears to be no clear end in sight for us here.

Despite that, a group of ideologues already have their eyes on the post-pandemic world, and are concerned China may emerge as the new global superpower. As part of an effort to prevent this, these figures think other countries should hold China “accountable” for the pandemic, and are working to create popular demand among the public for this to happen.

In his 1997 book Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism, political scientist Michael Parenti wrote, “In the United States, for over a hundred years, the ruling interests tirelessly propagated anticommunism among the populace, until it became more like a religious orthodoxy than a political analysis. During the Cold War, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence.”

We’re currently seeing that happen with China, from columnists, reporters and politicians alike. 


When the Chinese government had yet to put millions of people into lockdown, it was because they cared about their image more than fighting a pandemic.

When they did enforce a lockdown, it wasn’t about fighting a pandemic, but a totalitarian move for more power.

Attack again…

When China was reporting hundreds of deaths a day, it was proof their government was incompetent because of just how bad the numbers were.

When death counts dwindled, it was proof they were lying about numbers. 

And again…

When global health organizations say anything remotely critical about China’s handling of the pandemic, it’s proof the country should be punished.

When they say anything positive, it’s proof they were bought off by China.

Attack some more…

When China had yet to send aid to other countries, they were portrayed as cruel.

When they did send aid, it was portrayed as a propaganda effort.

Time for another attack…

When Chinese citizens complain about the government, it’s a sign the entire state is on the verge of collapse.

When Chinese citizens praise the government, it’s evidence they’re being forced or brainwashed. 

What about these streaming attacks?

COVID-19 does appear to have originated in China, and so it makes sense, to an extent, that the country will be part of most conversations about the pandemic. However, this isn’t the reason these ideologues have focused so intently on China. Instead, it’s because of the ideological function their attacks serve. 

Those in power, or adjacent to power, in the West see their government failing to deal with COVID-19, but don’t want to shoulder any blame. So, instead of criticizing policies they adopted, or failed to adopt, they direct anger outward. 

For example, on March 21 the Daily Beast reported they were given a leaked government cable that contained “guidelines for how [United States] officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.” Unsurprisingly, officials were told to blame China for the pandemic when giving statements or answering questions from the press. 

On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of an upcoming propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China:

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast. The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.

The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”

Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term "China Cover-up" now finds 449.000 results.


Those who aren’t in power, such as rightwing journalists, realize their neoliberal ideology is unequipped to deal with the pandemic, and therefore is under attack. They won’t abandon their views, so they have to shift blame to an outside country with an ideology that is different in the right way. Attacking China clearly serves this purpose, and offers a chance for anti-communism, which, as Parenti notes, people have been primed to hate for more than a century. 

For example, Postmedia’s executive editor Kevin Libin wrote in a March 23 National Post article, “We will likely persevere, but what the world can no longer afford is the threat to our collective health and well-being that is the Chinese communist regime.”

These attacks aren’t justified, and I will break down three of the more popular pieces of the anti-China narrative in the media to show the lies or half truths they’re built on. In order to ascertain what these pieces of the narrative are, I went through the pages of the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Toronto Sun and the Ottawa Citizen, and read through every opinion piece they published that focused on China and COVID-19, from January until early April 2020. 

China Imprisoned A Whistleblower

A main piece of the anti-China narrative is that the government arrested or imprisoned a COVID-19 whistleblower. 

The story goes that a doctor found out about a new virus, tried to tell the world, was arrested and imprisoned, and then died from the virus. Commentators claim China did this because they wanted to cover up the existence of a deadly virus in the country, and that the result was COVID-19 spreading quicker and further than it otherwise would have. 

Most of this narrative is false, or at least based on half-truths

Doctor Li Wenliang was an ophthalmologist, not an epidemiologist. He initially misidentified the novel coronavirus as evidence of a SARS outbreak. He shared that claim, along with patients’ medical records, in a WeChat group on December 30 with a few colleagues, not to any hospitals or public health organizations. Li was not arrested or imprisoned. He was called in to a police station on January 3, after a screenshot from his WeChat group leaked and caused panic. At the station, he was reprimanded for falsely claiming there was a SARS outbreak, asked to sign a document pledging not to continue spreading the misinformation and then was free to leave. Unfortunately, it’s true that Li did die on February 7 from COVID-19, which he reportedly got from treating one of his patients who had been infected. 

This narrative also serves to distract from another sequence of events. 

Zhang Jixian
Zhang Jixian

On December 26, Zhang Jixian, the director of respiratory and critical care at Hubei Provincial Hospital, noticed that four patients in her unit who sought treatment for suspected pneumonia — an elderly couple, their son and someone who had come in from a seafood market — all had similar and unusual CT images, which led her to believe they were suffering from something else. The next day, Zhang — who played a crucial role in combating the 2003 SARS outbreak — reported it to the head of her hospital. Within the next two days, the information was passed on to the provincial Centers for Disease Control, which then initiated full scale research into the hospital.

All of this took place before Li shared those screenshots in his WeChat group. Zhang wasn’t punished for her efforts — she was given an award by the regional government.

I used the ProQuest database to search through the entire print editions of the five publications I mentioned earlier in the article. Li was mentioned 44 times between them. Zhang wasn’t mentioned at all. 

China Didn’t Act Fast Enough

Another core part of the narrative, mentioned in nearly every one of the opinion articles I looked at, was that China didn’t react to the outbreak quickly enough due to malicious intent. 

Here are quotes from just a few of the many examples I examined: “Beijing’s authoritarian government hid information about its origins, spread and severity for weeks”; “It wasn’t until Jan. 20, 40 days after the virus was first detected, that Chinese President Xi Jinping first issued instructions to control the virus, but by then it was too late”; “We know they hid this for at least a month before they told the [World Health Organization]”; “It wrapped the communist cloak of silence around the then-unknown virus running wild in Wuhan and kept it a secret until word got out.”

What these articles fail to mention is the unique difficulties of dealing with a novel coronavirus, as going through the process of noticing something is happening, identifying what it is and confirming the extent of the danger it poses takes time. This effort should not be viewed as something China was doing for itself, but rather on behalf of the world. Any country the pandemic started in would have had to do the same thing, and there are several steps involved before widespread action can be taken. 

Here is a timeline of China’s efforts, continuing from the one mentioned in the previous section.

On December 31, just a few days after Zhang noticed strange CT results, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued a public notice about the disease. That same day, officials informed the WHO. On January 1, officials shut down the market where they believed the virus crossed over to humans, and a day later the WHO activated their incident management system. By January 7, China had isolated what was at this point believed to be a new coronavirus. All of this happened before the first confirmed COVID-19 death, which occurred on January 9

On January 12, China shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus for countries around the world to use in creating diagnostic kits. The next day, the first case of the novel coronavirus outside of China was reported, in Thailand. 

As of January 14, the WHO was still noting that “there is no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission,” a crucial component of determining how dangerous a virus may be. The first confirmed case of human-to-human transmission came more than a week later. It wasn’t until January 30 that the WHO declared a global health emergency.

So, the idea that the disease was wreaking havoc within China and in neighbouring countries before the government did anything about it is false. This isn’t to say China’s response has been perfect, although it’s unclear what perfection would even look like. 

Whether China reacted quickly enough to the outbreak is a matter of opinion, which I’m sure will be debated and investigated — including by the Chinese government — long after the pandemic is over and people are able to see everything in scale. For now, however, we can look at what the experts have said about China’s performance.

In a January 30 statement, the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General wrote, “The Committee welcomed the leadership and political commitment of the very highest levels of Chinese government, their commitment to transparency, and the efforts made to investigate and contain the current outbreak. China quickly identified the virus and shared its sequence, so that other countries could diagnose it quickly and protect themselves, which has resulted in the rapid development of diagnostic tools.”

In a series of tweets the same day, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO’s director-general, wrote, “In many ways, #China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response.”

A February report from the WHO noted, “In the face of a previously unknown virus, China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history.” The report added, “The remarkable speed with which Chinese scientists and public health experts isolated the causative virus, established diagnostic tools, and determined key transmission parameters, such as the route of spread and incubation period, provided the vital evidence base for China’s strategy, gaining invaluable time for the response.”

The examples go on, and beg the question: Why do columnists feel more qualified to assess China’s response than the WHO? Some would say the WHO is lying, but what’s more likely: a successful conspiracy to silence the global health organization or a columnist who wrote about cancel culture a week ago being wrong? 

China Is Responsible For The Crisis Globally

Commentators accusing China of failing to act quick enough likely aren’t doing so out of a concern for Chinese citizens. Perhaps that was the case initially, but now that we see China, with a population of 1.3 billion, has thus far managed to keep their death count to around 3,300, these concerns seem motivated by something else.

The reason, sometimes stated explicitly and other times just implied, is that these commentators believe the carnage in other countries is because of China. Here are just a few examples of these sort of headlines or statements: “China’s lies allowed the coronavirus outbreak to spread”; “now the whole world is paying dearly for Beijing’s behaviour”; “The virus is no conspiracy, just a cataclysmic natural phenomenon tragically mismanaged by the puppeteers in Beijing.”

This is absolutely not the case, and, difficult as it may be to accept, the carnage COVID-19 has caused within our countries is almost entirely the fault of our governments. The clearest example of this is the stark difference in how South Korea and the U.S. have dealt with COVID-19.

Both countries reported their first confirmed COVID-19 case on January 20. Since then, as of writing this article, South Korea has reported around 10,200 cases, and 192 deaths. The U.S., meanwhile, has reported more than 367,000 cases, and 10,900 deaths. Accounting for the population difference between the two countries, the U.S. has reported 5.6 times the cases, and 9.5 times the deaths. 

President Donald Trump recently predicted a best-case scenario of 100,000 to 240,000 deaths within the country from COVID-19, although experts who put together the data the projection was based off of have said they’re unclear how the number was reached. South Korea, meanwhile, seems to have beat back the virus for now, with just six new deaths on April 7.

These stark differences are due entirely to the varying approaches the two countries have taken in combating COVID-19.

For example, as of mid-March, South Korea had tested more than 290,000 people for COVID-19, while the U.S. had done just 60,000 tests. Accounting for population differences, South Korea conducted 31 times more tests than the U.S. According to the Nation, “Many of the Korean tests were administered in drive-in centers around the country, where the procedure was available for free to any citizen who asked for one and results were available by text or e-mail within six to 12 hours.”

Moreover, South Koreans were encouraged to wear masks, and they were readily available. People were able to pick up two a week from their pharmacy, with the distribution of them based on the last number of one’s birth year. The U.S., meanwhile, has had a massive shortage of masks, even for frontline healthcare workers. In recent days, they’ve resorted to essentially hijacking shipments of masks intended for other countries, and asking manufacturers to stop sending them elsewhere, including Canada.

South Korea is not the only example of a nation that has performed far better than the U.S., or Italy, France, Spain and various other countries. Vietnam, for example, with a population of more than 95 million, has had zero reported COVID-19 deaths, and around 240 cases. Their success has had less to do with testing, due to a lack of resources, and instead has come from aggressive tracing measures, enforced quarantines and the conscription of medical students and retired doctors and nurses’ to fight the virus.

All of this is to say that China’s initial handling of COVID-19 didn’t doom other nations to the fates we’ve seen in the West. Instead, as journalist Ajit Singh argues in Monthly Review, China actually bought time for the rest of the world. As such, the countries in crisis are in that position due to their policies alone. Their governments should get the blame, not China.


The anti-China propaganda campaign is well-funded, active, aggressive and saturating the American media at an unprecedented level. It makes both the anti-Trump propaganda campaign, and the anti-Russia propaganda campaigns look like “pikers” in comparison.

This level of ferocity is dangerous and it well illustrates how the United States is falling right into the The Thucydides Trap.

When ever you see or hear the term “Hybrid war’ please replace it with the term “lead-up to nuclear World War III on American soil”.

Hybrid War = Nuclear War on American Soil.

Please take care, as I have stated earlier, this current sequence of events are all part of a great sentience sorting exercise. This is but the first volley of about fifteen to twenty other events that will occur over the next century or so. The good news is that this upcoming nightmare will pretty much end around 2030 to 2045, and at that time there will be a nice long period of prosperity and calmness.

Just turn off the American Alt-Right propaganda outlets. They just cannot wait for World War III. It’s all China’s fault, don’t you know!

UPDATE 11:48 PM EDT --

At 11:15 PM Eastern US Time Tonight, I got a communication via SECURE methods informing me of the following (VERBATIM):

"Valhalla, (my former FBI Code Name)  things are very bad and getting worse.  Listen closely . . .
COG (Continuity of Government) has already gone to Cheyenne mountain.
DHS (Department of Homeland Security) goes to PN mountain.
Reservists are called up (1 million).
Expats are called home.
People are told to "stay put at home and get masks."
Long standing military patterns are suddenly changed.
War rhetoric against China is at a TOP PEAK

What comes next?"
I respond with my personal assessment by saying "We are going to war with China."

In the meantime, take what ever actions that you feel appropriate to survive the sequence of turmoil that is starting to manifest. Try to maximize your luck.

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The Strength of Broken Dreams

As the COVID-19 ravishes the United States, a number of interesting articles are appearing. These articles consider the COVID-19 as the “pivot moment” of change that the United States sorely needs. Maybe so, or maybe not. We will see. In any event these articles are interesting, introspective, and poignant. Here is one such article.

This article is titled “The Strength of Broken Dreams” by Matthew J. Peterson and was written on 1APR20, when the COVID-19 just started to turn the United States upside down. It was edited to fit this venue and all credit to the authors.

The Strength of Broken Dreams

“The American Dream” is dead, but America remains.

In the 1960s the American Dream spread quickly through the American mind.

At its best it meant that Americans could fulfill the moderate, but deeply rooted, desire most people have to work, own a home, and raise a family on the income earned by one parent.

At its worst, it was not attached to much more than this—a generic promise of economic and social mobility. The phrase was always ridiculed by intellectuals and activists as much as it was used positively. This is America, after all.

It was always amorphous. But for some time now, the American Dream has been dead, both as concept and as reality. In the coming months, regardless of exactly how long it lasts, millions will be forced to further reevaluate their dreams as the virus takes its toll on our bodies, our economy, and our way of life.

American Dreams

Dreams slip into air outside the grasp of mind the more fully we try to hold onto them. Is their unraveling noble or unsavory? Is their letting go freedom—or slavery?

Today we hold that two parents must work for ideological as well as practical reasons. We’re told the family itself is oppressive. Certainly it is harder for many people to start and raise one, as both lived experience and data show. The suburbs are castigated as evil. Certainly it is now harder in many regions to afford a home in one. The idea of working for the same employer for years and “settling down” was long unthinkable to Millennials, and the “gig economy” celebrated, up until recently.

It made sense to tell people looking for a decent way of life to move to southern California in the 1950s and ’60s. They could buy a home, and their children could go to college and work to become doctors or lawyers. Would you advise an young, aspirational family to move to southern California now, in 2020?

But from the end of World War II to the present day, we have not stopped dreaming. We dreamed many dreams. The American Dream became an increasingly feverish kaleidoscope of dreams, manipulated by many mad masters, both within and without ourselves. Our own desires, as well as our ruling classes, increasingly untethered our dreams from reality. First whimsical and sentimental, Disney’s childhood; then Dionysian, like 70s teenage rock; then hardening into habitual vices pretending to be respectable, responsible adulthood; culminating in denial, dysfunction, and vicious delusions.

These dreams did not ultimately better us or draw us out of ourselves. They did not call us to higher purpose or action. Nor did they finally cause us to go wild, become revolutionary or reactionary, violent, or unrestful.

Instead they acted like cultural ketamine, lulling us into dissociative sleep. In our near past, many have lived in a steady twilight of manicured dreams and illusions, a coma stabilized and maintained by the anaesthetic drip of electronic media, nourished only by the feeding tube of petty consumption. These dreams are coming to an end.

As my friend and colleague James Poulos has frequently suggested over the last few years, the rise of digital technology—combined with impoverished, if not dystopian, elite “ethics” and “politics”—have interrupted our dreams and left us disenchanted with the televisual era. We are now collectively waking up to the reality around us: our doddering leaders long past retirement age, our corrupted institutions, our paltry or absurdist political ideologies, our weakened bodies and souls, and, for many, a deep unhappiness and dissatisfaction with present circumstances.

This is the real reason for the rise in deaths of despair despite a historically high level of material prosperity—which is rendered meaningless in context. The first to wake up were those affected most by economic realities, haunted as they were by the dawning perception that no way out, no path forward, no respectable, honored, or fulfilling way of life was available to them. What, in our contested landscape, is the American way of life now?

Our dreams were already dissipating. The coming of the virus has perhaps hastened their demise, widening the demographic range of those waking up in the valley of the real. Trust in our political, cultural, and economic system and its leaders was already waning. Regardless of how long the virus lasts, how many people are now being forced to rethink their education, their status, their work, and the very course of their lives?

The experience of the changes that have only just begun will have deep and personal effects on each of us. Our dreams are unraveling, and we cannot hold onto them.

The Death of Celebrity

Dreams unmasked and untethered, threads unbound. 

Celebrity killed people—but the crowd was entertained.

Celebrity routinely, ritualistically killed people, but the crowds that created and sustained them throughout their lives were also entertained by their deaths. For the crowd which they became obliged to serve, a “tragic” death was all part of the final act, drenched in maudlin sentimentality—catharsis on the cheap.

One could never interrupt the show to speak at length of the likely actual causes of their deaths, of their inner wretchedness and pain—whatever propelled them to seek refuge in addictive pleasures. Whatever really haunted them. Whoever managed and directed their lives. Whatever kept them from healing and strengthening themselves and living accountable lives.

“No. Money and fame are good and make you and us, your fans, happy. Let us keep our fantasies,” said the plaintive crowd. “You can’t take them from us. They are ours. They do not condemn us like the heroes of old. They are our living puppets. Our living symbols. And they must die so we can live these fantasies. They must die so we can live in dreams.”

More proximately, the celebrities were the puppets of those who controlled our dreams. When the mechanism of dream creation fails, in part because it has become readily observable, all involved are revealed for what they are. And we no longer care about them. Celebrities singing “Imagine” are no longer likeable, with or without their makeup. They no longer dazzle, and we’d rather see those to whom we have some real connection on our screens. We’d rather see our family and friends than watch these dull strangers off stage without their masks on.

The #metooed men behind the curtains that have lately lifted are uninteresting to us. They are going into retirement as quickly as they can. The galaxy of interwoven mythologies they created has lost its luster, no longer appealing to our inner feelings. Nostalgia, already made uncomfortable by the totalizing “woke” politicization of our media companies, now dwindles as the future becomes more pressing on the present than the memories of childish comforts past.

For the educated classes, the same logic applies to the “news” and what passes for analysis, punditry, and intellectual notoriety. The desire for fame in the 20th century, when the screen was “silver” and the carpets ran red, boiled over briefly onto social media before the reality of digital life devalued all punditry, talking heads, and even the glamour of entertainment itself.

It was always a strange and slavish notion: why would multiple generations of millions of children desire such a thing—to be an actor or musician strutting about the stage, often paid as a part-time employee, “project” by ”project”, show by show, by producers and owners who are actually in charge? One need not be a Socrates nor a Plato to see this as nothing other than a sign of great sickness, of a society in the throes of worsening political disease.

Yet we thought it could go on forever, until it didn’t.

Dissociative Slumber

Dreams deferred? Dreams opaque and vanishing in the nude, once covered in robes that now fall silently like snow to ground.

To live the unexamined life is to be lost to yourself: to be cut off from outside light and air, cultivating an empty darkness within that eventually suffocates even the inner light by which you see yourself, snuffing out your very person. It is a long and difficult journey both to get to such a place, and to journey back—although jolting experiences can hasten the process in both directions. The streaming flood of borrowed dreams, which could not be countered by our broken families and decrepit educational system, made it possible for masses of people in our lifetimes to approach it.

We spent hours daily looking into screens pretending to substitute for reality. They gave us shared mass dreams and epistemologies by which we saw ourselves and the world at large. As time went on, the televisual medium became less reflective of us as a people and more directive, seeking to influence our way of life in an ever deeper, ever “woker” manner. At the same time, digital technology fractured the shared nature of those dreams and their corresponding epistemologies, allowing for multiple “channels,” voices, and ways of seeing the world that undercut mass control.

The temptation of all human beings in slipstreams of relative peace at home is to go to sleep—to pretend that the vivid drama of good and evil is not playing out within our hearts and minds and across the globe every day. To pretend that one can simply absolve oneself from the pursuit of justice. To pretend that one’s own society or social clan is incorrupt. To laugh off the deepest questions and airily dismiss earnest answers, as if “science” or some “expert” out there has dissected and explained it all. To lazily believe and indulge in distractive fictions and comforting technocratic myths about your world.

Such matters are extraordinarily difficult, after all. That’s what makes individual virtues and political life noble.

But this is also what makes giving up altogether so tempting. If all institutions are perfectly fine—or perfectly corrupted—why bother? This giving up, or refusal to take responsibility, leads to lives cut off from actual politics and real virtues, in which either soft hedonism or asinine idealism of all sorts flourishes. Live Action Role Playing, or idealism, leads in turn to more dashed hopes and dreams, fostering more shallow cynicism. And here we are.

What incidents like the 1619 Project reveal is how deep the suicidal urges of the western world have seeped into the American psyche. People on the Left (and Right) want to denigrate, revile, and blame the founding—our origins and intrinsic system. It makes them feel good. It doesn’t matter what some of the best historians (leaning Left with no bone to pick) say about the truth of the matter. We wanted to believe negative mythology about ourselves.

This is so because we knew something was amiss, but whatever that is we cannot easily discern. 1619 is but one example. It’s not just that it pronounces we are flawed, like every human society (although not every human society is equally good about admitting it). It’s that we want to believe we are intrinsically broken and cannot be fixed—at a time in which we are indisputably the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth. This is a spectacle worth meditating on.

We want to believe we cannot change ourselves or our system and that it must break down, or be broken down. It would be one thing if we did so because we wanted something better, but this is by no means clear. Insofar as anyone does seemingly want things to improve there is a deep divide over what would constitute “improvement.” Regardless, this sort of fatalism is often a self-fulfilling prophecy in individual human lives.

We are indeed waking up now, but not in the manner the Social Justice Warriors or Right-wing culture warriors might wish. The virus is yet another quickening event that threatens our posturing. It makes a mockery of our preferred stance and subgroups. It reveals things as they are—and challenges us to confront reality.

The new reality is uncomfortable because it snaps us out of our stupor. The populace, waking up from a long distracted, T.V.-induced sleep, discovers that in real life it’s now often functionally illiterate, increasingly unemployed or engaged in meaningless employment, obese, addicted, and grumpy, if not suicidal. People increasingly feel real fears and have no idea what to do with them.

Meanwhile, our various officially approved groups of rulers are exposed as vapid, apolitical, smoothly medicated drones who wish to live as comfortably as transhumanly possible and are uncomfortable dealing with anything that bursts their finely tuned bubbles. And in differing ways, in digital life everyone seems far more vulgar and vicious than what used to be shown to us “on” the major vehicles of social engineering.

Who will rescue us from them—and ourselves?

The Courage of the Real

You find yourself looking up from the bottom of a large and ancient lake. Disorientated and troubled, you eventually get your bearings. Reflexively longing to reach the sunlit surface, you begin to feel the weight of the deep bearing down on your body. Above the underwater motions of living creatures, your countrymen are engaged in fierce naval battle on the surface. The wreckage and bodies drift downwards, but you cannot rise. Held in place, you can do nothing.

The human soul is difficult to rescue and resuscitate when habitually distant from the real, entranced in a kind of living death. But the jolt of events increasingly allows us to see our caves for what they are. The inner pilot light needs to be lit again, but what will catch? This is the problem America now faces.

The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves about ourselves and end up believing. When those lies are taken from us, we are disorientated and feel the pain of their removal. But as we begin to see past them, we see the distance we have created between ourselves and reality, and we despair.

We often don’t tell ourselves outright lies so much as hide from ourselves, shoring fragments against our ruins to hide our ruinous parts from ourselves and others, attempting to cordon off or even willfully self-amputate what we consider undesirable.

We cling desperately to these fragments—these distractive or reflective fictions—as if camouflage, armor, or shelter could turn us into something we think we’d rather be, never mind heal the disease or wounds they might conceal.

Courage is needed first to seek out and confront the truth about yourself and reality, and then to conform and develop yourself accordingly. It takes courage to confront and develop one’s inner life, and above all to conform that life to reality as it is.

We are most often cowards not because we make the effort to run away, but because we merely turn away. We turn our gaze from the truth about our inner and outer reality, and we act according to our willful ignorance.

Having so turned, we too easily recreate ourselves in our own preferred image by way of simplistic amputation, bifurcation, or cosmetic concealment. Over time, we each begin to live within a partial framework of habitual blindness or willful fantasy.

In this sense, certain forms of even physiological mental illnesses or debilitating conditions can often be seen as more extreme forms of what all humans suffer, often at their own hands along with those of others in the same troubled state.

What festering wounds are we hiding? The metastasizing soft hedonism of distraction. The painful brokenness of shattered families. The apolitical “politics” of “naturally” unsocial atomistic gods. Disembodied bodies, puritanically dedicated to amorphous, directionless, prophylactically un-gendered sex within themselves, social only for the sake of attaining a continuous, inner-directed masturbatory self-affirmation.

In a sense there is no “other” when we are all autonomously equal godlike beings. When we forgo seeking fulfillment out there, or simply use what is outside ourselves for our own ends, we discover a certain devilish equality. This the inverse of the natural equality yet buried deep at the heart of the American regime. It is an imposter, born ex nihilo, rather than the substance of human nature.

As in John Lennon’s song, we imagined the impossible. We saw evils mixed up with being. Therefore being itself was evil. So we imagined we were nonbeing, or that we could become so.

We imagined we were pure potential, to be molded within ourselves without any form from the outside. We thought we could share the world because we had nothing to unify us other than our rejection of any religious or political claim to its rightful use. We thought we could attain unity merely by each seeking to use the other for their own purposes. What is everyone’s is no one’s, we thought, and so we should realize we are each no one in the empty solipsism of our self, within which we could form our own being.

In sum, we imagined that our imagining alleviates the unpleasantness of the real by eliminating the central forms of human community. This practically defines everything that went wrong with the televisual era. This was the best we could wish for—the best we could imagine—preferring imagined nonbeing to engaging with the difficulties of the real, which we wanted to evade, or saw no way to resolve. It was to act as if in the here and now we could be either gods or beasts, with nothing possible in between.

This is also the path to power for those who would rule without the bother of deep consent. Get the populace to think they are all perfectly equal, self-sufficient, atomistic little gods who make their own, fully informed, rational choices and arrive at their views the same way: internally, by means of the majesty of their own will and the gloriousness of their own mind, without learning from others outside themselves, least of all leaders or any kind of order or hierarchy. Without taking cues from anyone or anything or any event. Without suspecting that entertainment and advertising no less than punditry and education affects them in anything more than a neutral way.

Flatter them. Get them to think they are independent, free thinkers without ever having to work to think.

Give them leaders they don’t see or acknowledge and a shadow government of hierarchical order which gives them cues. Create and shape events and images that lead them to desire whatever you wish, from within, as if they’d thought of it themselves. Let them project their desires into the emptiness of the images and talking heads while you control the frame and focus, molding their desires. Let the millions of independent, free thinkers each buy millions of the same product so they can show each other they are independent and free.

Enslave them to their own internal desires. Profit and rule.

It’s an old story, forever new.

Reality-#Based Hope

Looking down the trail ahead at dusk, before having to turn back. Looking down the long roads as you pass. Looking up before turning in. Looking up before heading down again.

Tocqueville, in his introduction to Democracy in America, describes how the very people who could have helped shape democracy for the better rejected it for the wrong reasons while the worst people led its rise for all the wrong reasons. As democracy rose regardless, Tocqueville was keenly aware of the screeching, jumbled train wreck that is human existence, tried to describe it, and hoped someone paid attention. Which no one often does, really, until well after the fact.

And that’s life, often enough. To glimpse the contours and predict the directions of the train wreck—which is to see the flaws on all the “sides”—and yet refrain from despair is achievement enough. This alone is so difficult that, to clean things up, people generally construct or retreat into another’s ideological fantasy world. To fight to see the real is hard enough, and then we find it hard to bear much of what we are given to see.

But some times in life the real is forced upon us. I suppose this is why Christianity treats hope as one of only three supernatural virtues, presuming that we understand enough to know why it is needed. In this life, as anyone who has ever undergone its tragedies knows, hope is a virtue.

In our technologically advanced, spiritually primitive paganism, hope is the forgotten of the three new preeminent virtues Christianity offered as gifts to the world. Charity is abused to death; talk of love now bores us and is near meaningless from over-use. Faith or belief we think we know, even if we reject it. We think it means a kind of reasonless act of our individual will. A planting of our willful flag wherever we choose.

But hope as a kind of core or supreme virtue is almost a mystery. What does that even mean?

We don’t need hope if the arc of history bends our way and progress is inevitable.

Worse, we have hidden the very truths that reveal our need for it so as not to trouble ourselves. Death. Deep institutional corruption. Civilizational collapse. The underlying currents of pain in our particular lives like loneliness, guilt, and other anxieties. Unpleasant fictions, all. Eat, drink, and be merry. Take more pills. “Love.” Have “faith” in what you will. And “hope”—well, there’s no need for wishful thinking. Work hard and study, believe in the dreams our culture gives you, and you will be set free.

And the suicide rate rises.

The difference between hope and the shallow self-help that passes for it (often aping faith in one’s own will rather than hope) is in many ways the difference between life and death—sadness and distraction versus happiness and fulfillment.

Hope is what Christianity gave the world, even if you think it bunk. The European primitives before conversion struggled with just this: a dark vision of a doomed world. The monsters would encircle them eventually, they thought. In the end, the dragon would come and slay them all.

The therapeutic and distractive uses of technology in our time are designed to keep such visions at bay. Some iterative mythos of ekpyrosis would inevitably return except for the fact that our masters today have isolated us, and told us a different lie: like Sisyphus in reverse we must keep entertaining and pleasuring ourselves, over and over, with small delights, alone. This is happiness.

And yet we are not happy.

But we think we should be. There must be something wrong with us! Why doesn’t it work? Why am I not happy? We must climb the hill again!

Our ignorance of the human condition is vast. It is astounding that it is even possible to keep a population so ignorant. But we came to think that we had no need for hope. The problem must be in our procedure or its execution. There must be some external or internal constraint holding us back from happiness. We must further free ourselves. And thus we find ourselves enslaved.

Hope is what truly frees the oppressed, which is why the deepest form of oppression obviates not only the perception of its reasonableness or its possibility but the understanding that we need either cultivate it deep within, or live as dead among the living.

All flesh is grass, says the prophet—meaning that it dies quickly and fades away. But unlike the leaves of grass, we each have a name.

Yet even a name comes from another, just as each of us do. A name is given and received.

Names remind us that identity is not and cannot be wholly self-determined. Even in a world that recklessly seeks total atomistic self-determination, and increasingly lauds even self-mutilation accordingly, the nature of naming remains difficult to thwart. This is why it is now a hate crime to “deadname” those who say they wish to change their sexual biology.

A name is blessed or cursed, loved or hated, and gathers reputation from others. This is why Aristotle says fame or status is not a secure good upon which to base one’s ultimate happiness. A name comes from another.

We do not create ourselves or anything else out of nothing, but remain mere temporary stewards of what we are given, and whatever we finally wrought from what we were given. A name comes from another who recognizes us as something determinate.

We both name and receive names. The first human, Adam, did not create but named the animals, the Old Testament tells us, even as God often changes the names of the prophets. We need space to form ourselves and build human communities, but this does not fully unmake what we are and naturally need to become. We need to discover and receive wisdom beyond ourselves and our own experiences to do so, but this does not mean slavishly repeating old mantras or stale formulas.

The Strength of Broken Dreams

Looking through the mirror, through the glass. Looking through the water, past your own reflection, at living things, darting fast.

This transitional slipstream, in which we see suddenly and much too clearly through the water instead of being lulled to sleep by the familiar, muddying currents of the rhetoric of pre-digital life, will eventually pass. At some point we will no longer behold our own reflection mirrored on the increasingly digital surface, as all the old policies and outdated ideologies dissolve.

And perhaps, if we are conquered by those who would further control us, we will all float on into false dreams and visions again, but of another, more terrifying kind. But in the present we need the courage to jettison the old and think anew. We need new humbler but more noble dreams, conformed to the real. The best hopes and dreams are more real than the reality of present experience, because they bring what already exists unseen into sight, and what could and should actually be into being.

But fitfully waiting for this to happen is not a strategy or a plan. We can’t dream our way to better dreams.

A new frontier is the only way forward—and out of—what is and what is to come. But it is not clear where and what manner of frontier it could be. A trove of wisdom and achievement, retrieved and repurposed, is necessary for any needed renaissance. But it is not clear where in the past and what manner of wisdom might revitalize us.

As Peter Thiel wrote recently, “a renaissance will require motivational goals,” which means goals that are “both ambitious and achievable.” The goals of the televisual era were either hubristic and unachievable (“world peace”) or too small and hedonistic (“netflixing”). We are increasingly searching for something else now; like it or not, for the foreseeable future we will be compelled to grasp for it—or die trying.

There are certain summer nights when you can stride the earth and feel as if you could reach up and touch the full moon. But to actually get there, one needs to keep one’s wonder at the skies while willfully submitting to the crushing realism of humility. Reach your hands in the sky as you dream and you will experience the futility of attaining the heavens.

To accomplish such a “dream,” like those who actually put the man on the moon, one needs to abandon dreams. One must observe, learn, and act. One must work hard to know—and then overcome—every physical obstacle that stands in one’s way. One must see, in real life, what prevents the dream from being accomplished, and alter it accordingly.

Dreams in the best sense arise from wonder about what truly is, and concerted effort to discover it. This means that a clinical scientism that pretends to know more than it does, and lashes out at and seeks to cover up the great mystery of existence, can be as much of an impediment as distractive dreams to human vitality. This is because scientism itself has become a dream, and separated itself from the totality of human experience accordingly.

We must experience genuine wonder about human life and nature again, not strain within ourselves to dictate like gods.

It may be necessary for those whose dreams are still borrowed from mass culture, to be disrupted and turned away from the streaming images so that they might have dreams of substance, based on who and what they truly are, and who and what truly is outside themselves and beyond the shadows on the walls of the cave. Many need to be rehabilitated and encouraged to dream natural dreams—to be given truer dreams.

But even for those who perhaps have truer dreams already, it may be necessary to periodically sacrifice them upon the altar of our hearts. What if one must routinely give up the callings of your dreams in order to discover your true calling, or even merely glimpse it, reaching for a goal that, like a shade in Homer, Virgil, and Dante, cannot be grasped by the hands of the living? Is this not the fate of all men? The way of all flesh?

We make idols of good things, as well as bad. We make idols of things worth idolizing, in their way. But to grow and develop, to avoid stuntedness and stagnation, one must sometimes break them and enter out into the unknown once more.

There is a season and a sense in which we ought not to encourage or nurture dreams, or urge others to follow them, but rather to give them up. To let them remain illusions only, patches of glimmering sunlight on the earth beneath the trees in summer.

When I am overburdened by clinging to these dreams too long, can I recognize it? Can I free myself of them? Can we each put aside the unfelt weight we carry and dive into the ocean free? Perhaps they will return. Perhaps not. But to put bread out on the waters is to expect it not to return, to expect only the unknown, and to have to search again to know.

This is why our dreams are so hard to give up: they give us something known—something to hang on to—regardless of their realism, regardless of our circumstances. We imagine we might someday carve them into the future—into the rock of reality itself. We enjoy these imaginings, and linger with them, and attempt to chisel them into stone. To put these plans and their corresponding tools down is to begin again, even if they have propelled us forward to wherever the place we actually stand.

We must sometimes let go of what we have been chiseling, and when we do so we discover where we truly are again, and eventually resume traveling, moving, seeking.

What if, then, to offer up our dreams is not weakness but strength? What if it was silly to think one could hold on absolutely, could conclusively determine and dictate one’s dreams to the world?

To weather broken dreams is to pass through a portal into a vast reality beyond the constraints of your former world, which was likely a sort of constructed idol—an idolatrous landscape or constructed reality, meant to serve virtual goals. If, that is, one can survive the passing through—if your broken dreams don’t break you.

If our dreams become leverage against us for fear of losing them, they may have become idols. You must smash your idols to be free of fear. You must mentally work through killing your Isaacs. Kill your darlings. Even the most noble ones. Neither the world nor God owes any of us our dreams made real.

The American Dream is dead, but America still lives. If it is to live on, we must let the past die, look to our present, and habitually act to confront and determine it. We must not look to the past for dreams, but for the wisdom to perceive and act in the present. We must clear and build more humble paths towards higher ground. It is only then that we can begin to dream naturally again.

When reality has already broken your dreams, holding onto them will only accelerate your own self-destruction.

We are born naked, and we die so—with nothing that is ours except what we formed inside ourselves. But it may be that if we can sacrifice our dreams, what we are inside cannot be broken.

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COVID-19 has shown that the American King is not wearing any clothes.

There’s a bunch of people posting their opinions on the current state of Geo-political affairs, now that the COVID-19 is ravishing the United States. These opinion pieces run the gambit from “Donald Trump is the best President ever, and handing this emergency like a Pro“, to “China is going to collapse any day now“. It’s pretty much evenly divided between the same tiresome shrills.

However, independent bloggers and outliers are providing other points of view. Much of which are way outside the “Washington DC beltway”, and more connected to what is really and actually going on. Here we look at one of these opinion pieces.

It’s a good read.

The premise is that the handling of the COVID-19 is pretty darn obvious. China found out about the virus, and took immediate and drastic steps. America dilly-dallied around, made mistake after mistake and relentlessly blamed China for all of the problems that America has encountered. That’s pretty much it.

Simple. Accurate.

These bloggers and writers are observing these events and thinking about them. They are also coming to some rather obvious conclusions about this entire mess, and the “Washington DC beltway” and their supporters are absolutely clueless as to what is going on. They are far too caught up in their isolated bubble of reality.

So read on, and check out this particular writer.

He postulates that the success that China has had tackling the COVID-19 wasn’t due to blind luck, but rather to a strong leadership and a successful governance. While the opposite is true about how America handled this event.


While people might not want to face these facts, we all know that this is the truth, and it WILL affect what is going to occur in America in the next few months and years.

Listen up and take notes. It’s a taste of what will drive what happens in the next six months or so in the United States.

The following piece is titled “Coronavirus has vindicated China, exposed the West” and was written by Ravi Veriah Jacques on March 18, 2020. It was edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.

Coronavirus has vindicated China, exposed the West

Coronavirus has been unfairly used to attack Chinese governance. Those in the West have roundly condemned China’s handling of the virus as reeking of authoritarian oppression and censorship.

Amnesty International has declared that… “[c]ensorship, harassment and punishment for speaking out are hindering the fight against the coronavirus outbreak,” …while The Washington Post proclaimed in February that…“[t]he coronavirus outbreak shows the vulnerability of the ‘Chinese Model.’”

Against these denunciations, however, China’s response to coronavirus has been resounding vindication of the country’s deeply efficient and competent model.

Not Perfect

China’s response was not perfect, of course. Its initial response in early January was poor, as Wuhan city authorities covered up the virus and made some serious errors that slowed the Chinese response. But far too few have recognized that this was a fantastically difficult situation to handle. China was going in blind: This coronavirus was new, and nothing was known about it. These mistakes, moreover, happened in a two-week period in January when infections were still in the dozens. The United States — now with over 7,000 cases — is still dallying. 

China takes action

China more than made up for its slow start. As soon as the full gravity of the situation became apparent in late January, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leapt into action. Wuhan, with a population of 11 million, was promptly shut down, while broad swathes of the country — including Beijing’s 21 million people — were quarantined. These measures were certainly drastic, but they have proved highly successful and have saved thousands of lives. Indeed, China now has coronavirus largely under control: The country recorded just 13 new infections yesterday

This is an extraordinary achievement

This is an extraordinary achievement, recognized as such by the experts. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), commended China for… “setting a new standard for outbreak control.”

Responding to the fierce Western criticism of China’s approach to Wuhan, he quipped, “Can’t you appreciate [the shutdown]? They should be thanked for hammering the epicenter. They are actually protecting the rest of the world.” 

Rather than accepting the words of these international experts, though, many in the West have instead cast aspersions on the WHO’s objectivity, suggesting that the organization is somehow a vassal of the Chinese state. This is to succumb to a Trumpian mindset, to disregard scientific and medical expertise in favor of prejudice and ignorance.

The Chinese Model

Ultimately, coronavirus has demonstrated the strength of China’s “model.” To quote Tedros again, “China’s speed, China’s scale and China’s efficiency …  is the advantage of China’s system.”

China built a hospital in 10 days and shut down a city with 3 million more people than New York. This display of deep competence, expertise, and efficiency should come as no surprise. China, after all, has put 25,000 kilometers of high-speed rail-lines into operation since 2008 and, most impressively, has dragged 700 million people out of poverty in 40 years.

Europe and America

Europe and America should have been able to combat coronavirus with ease. After all, they had a crucial head start: Not only do we now know hugely more about the virus than was known in mid-January, but Western countries were also given a two-month head start to prepare for potential outbreaks.

They also had the chance to learn from China’s success.

But the opportunity for proper preparation was wasted. The widespread attacks on China lulled Europe and America into a false sense of security — instilling the belief that the severity of China’s outbreak was down to some fundamental flaw in the country’s governance. 

In fact, rather than exposing the vulnerability of the “Chinese model,” coronavirus has instead highlighted the deep ills of contemporary Western governance.

Western incompetence

Incompetence has been the order of the day in the West. America has so far fumbled the fundamentals of containing the virus — above all, testing. Washington botched its attempts to produce a test, meaning that as of the start of last week only 8,554 people had been checked for the virus.

South Korea is conducting 10,000 tests per day. Moreover, New York’s attempts to quarantine its cases have been slipshod, and counts have risen from 105 to over 2000 in just over a week. The contrast with China couldn’t be starker.

The Western response has been further hampered by a neglect of expertise at the highest levels of government.

President Donald Trump stated last week that COVID-19…

“is a flu. It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for … We’ve done a great job keeping it down to a minimum. Tremendous success at keeping the virus away.” 

Trump proceeded to place Mike Pence — who believes that “smoking doesn’t kill” and “global warming is a myth” — in charge of containing the virus. And while visiting a hospital housing coronavirus patients earlier this week, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson “shook hands with everyone.” Championing ignorance seems to be rather popular among Anglo-American leadership.

Deep Problems

But the problems go deeper than incompetent, inefficient and philistine political leadership. The crisis has served as a damning statement on the chronic Anglo-American underinvestment in healthcare in the neoliberal era.

Symptomatic of America’s deeply backward healthcare system, it is still unclear whether Americans will have to pay for their coronavirus treatment, and the signs aren’t good.

An American family flown back from Wuhan faced medical bills totaling thousands of dollars while Trump suggested that the coronavirus vaccine may be unaffordable to most Americans — let alone the 18 million Americans who have no medical insurance.

China, by contrast, made testing and treatment for the virus free. In the U.K., underinvestment in the National Health Service over the past decade has left healthcare workers in a profoundly vulnerable position in the face of coronavirus.

The Chinese System of Government

The current crisis has fully demonstrated the superiority of Chinese governance. And as things worsen in the West, many are coming round to the realization that China is the coronavirus model.

A Forbes report last week was headlined “Italy takes China’s approach to fighting rampaging coronavirus.”

Indeed, the Italian government has now quarantined the whole country, while America has already had to deploy National Guard troops in the state of New York. The real, troubling question though, is whether European and American governments will actually be capable of replicating China’s efficiency, competence and expertise.

Don’t hold your breath.


Well, this fellow is gonna anger a lot of Americans, especially conservatives, that think and believe inside their hearts that the most superior model of governance is a “democracy”.

They believe that America must be the “policeman” for the world, and that it is our “duty” to be the foremost nation, convert all other nations into democracies, and if they do not obey… destroy them ruthlessly.

Maybe you don’t agree with this narrative?

Well, that puts you in the minority. All you need to do is check out any conservative website and the narrative will all be along these lines.

But it need not be.

America was NEVER intended to be a “democracy”, let alone a “democracy in name only”. What it is today is a functional Military Empire ruled by the global elites. The PTB (Powers That Be) don’t you know.

America today is the direct result of the last two-hundred years when progressives, and their conservative ilk reformed, and changed America to make it “better”.

But you know what?

That utopia never materialized.

Now, an awful COVID-19 is tearing through the fabric of American society, and it’s going to cause some serious people to do some serious thinking. This thinking and thought process is important and is the reason why solutions can end up resolving the most difficult of problems.

It must happen this way.

Otherwise, there will be two outcomes;

  • Domestic war inside the United States on many levels, and…
  • International war against a global power or two.

Let’s pray that there is a peaceful resolution to this conundrum, and perhaps America can revert back to individual state control instead of the big ultra-powerful gigantic Federal monster.

We can only hope.

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Some cool videos of everyday people performing heroic feats.

As most American are “sheltering in place”, and the cloud of COVID-19 is slowing evaporating from China, I think that many people are stressed, and feel uncertain about their lives. I really do not think that the $1000 gift from Trump in the $2 trillion dollar emergency bill is going to amount to anything Mostly it’s the rich bankers that are going to pocket millions of dollar. Most Americans realize this. So this results in fear and uncertainty.

It need not be that way. There was a time when America was self-reliant and self-contained. Men went about and conducted their business freely. They never had to ask permission, report their actions or pay taxes to the American government. They were on their own and self-reliant.

They were heroes.

Here are some videos of normal “everyday” people performing heroic actions. I do hope that they can inspire you to be the best that you can be.

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Boy helps old man.

An old man collapses while crossing the street. But a young boy goes forth and helps him up. This is a good story and a great lesson that we all need to take heed of. Good going son. Good going.

Video HERE.

Woman rescues children from burning car.

Here’s a woman who braves the engulfing fire that has trapped young children inside a car. Does she pause? Yes, but then she steel’s herself and brave the heat, the fire and the smoke. She does what ever she needs to. She must go and save the baby. It’s her sole purpose and focus.

Video HERE.

Thief stopped by shopping cart.

Purse snatcher tries to make a get away. Unlucky for him that there are others in the parking lot who are aware and ready to deal with this miscreant properly. Nothing like a spare shopping cart to take care of problems.

Firemen rescue trapped family.

Firemen are all heroes. Here we see some Chinese firemen rescuing a family that is trapped inside a burning building. This is why they exist. This is their job, however that does not mean that they are not heroes. They are and their actions are heroic.

Rescue of a boy in the street.

This is a head-slap event. What the Hell is this kid thinking? He’s going to run out in the middle of an 11-lane super highway? Lordy! You need to keep your eyes on the children at all times, that’s for certain.

Emergency CPR.

An old man collapses on the sidewalk. A stranger sees this and immediately starts emergency CPR on him. It’s all captured on film. This is what heroes do. They don’t get on CNN and talk about how great they are. They live quiet lives and help others when the need and time comes.

Climb up to rescue the children.

Bravery is what we see in hindsight. True heroes react immediately without thinking. Here we have a man crawling on his 6th floor porch to get to the apartment above to rescue some screaming children.

Prevent an accident.

Kids do the strangest things. Like perhaps riding out into a busy traffic road. What are you going to do? Allow him to get squished and turn into jelly, or are you going to do something about it, eh?

Catch a falling child.

OK. So you are walking down a sidewalk and you hear frantic screaming up above you. You look up and it seems like someone is outside the building scrambling, but that they might fall. What are you going to do? Maybe call 9-11? Maybe pretend nothing is going on?

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America is falling apart at the seams – or will World War III start already!

My inbox is now getting all cluttered up with people asking me about World War III. Seriously. They are doing this. Though, I cannot blame them. The anti-China propaganda out of America has been absolutely relentless and horrific. It has gotten so bad that I even stopped following many of my favorite conservative websites because of the outright lies, nonsense and bullshit that is pouring out of them.

As China’s Ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, pointed out in a recent interview, the political atmosphere you have in the U.S. can be characterized as the “ABC policy”, meaning “Anything But China”, that is, that nothing good should be said publicly about China or the Chinese government, whose growing respect in the international community is deemed a threat to Western hegemony.

The last time then this propaganda onslaught was this severe was in the days leading up to World War I.

Though, people are beginning to see the obvious propaganda. Check out this post at MoA; "China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult". 

Americans are waking up, and just read the comments. All of them are pretty much seeing America as the "King without any clothes on". Maybe this pile on propaganda onslaught will ease up soon. But don't get too soft and comfortable. It will just change form.

"The fact that China had an outbreak of corona virus dose not mean it originated in China ! This virus came from a USA /UK bio warfare lab."

So, obviously, given all this steaming bullshit…

It’s getting worse.

Senators are calling for “war” to “punish” China…

… people are naturally asking me what I think about what China would do…

…how it would react

…were America to start moving some troops about and flying in and out of Chinese airspace. Maybe landing a contingent of Marines on Taiwan, or taking over tiny Hong Kong, or lobbing some cruse missiles at some of the Spratly islands. You know, doing the same kinds of things that led up to the USA invasion of Libya.

Or, the USA invasion of Panama.

Or, the USA invasion of Grenada.

Or, the USA invasion of Kuwait.

Or the USA invasion of Vietnam.

Or the USA invasion of Iraq.

They ask me, off line and via e-mail, about (my thoughts on) what “might” happen if the USA decides to “protect” Taiwan. They wonder about China, and what China’s reaction might me. They see the constant anti-China propaganda as all pure pristine truth. And after this onslaught, they view China as a very vary bad nation, full of evil despicable people.

Thus they are worried about China’s “saber rattling”.

Anti-China propaganda = China “saber rattling”.

Well, rather than send out about twenty e-mails, I decided to jot down a few things herein so that everyone can read them. Right or wrong, here it is.

But some things before I get started…

Firstly, I was not in the CIA, or the DOD. I was in MAJ.

That gives me a unique perspective, but one that might not be in agreement with the current set of folk in charge of the levers of power. What I know comes about via other avenues and with other (um) “baggage”. I sort of see the “bigger picture”, don’t you know. The “why” rather than the “how”.

Secondly, I am an American inside China. I read both Chinese and American “news”. I live, breathe and fully understand China, and no it does not resemble anything even remotely like the image and the caricature that is portrayed inside of America.

What passes for “news” out of America these days isn’t any kind of reporting, or even educated editorials. It’s mostly pure lies, and distortions. They (the writers) take a piece of information and twist it beyond recognition into something evil, dirty and dangerous.

No wonder Americans are so petrified and afraid of the rest of the world. Jeeze Louise!

But, you know, you asked, so I’ll tell you all what is going on.

Most Americans are all living inside their own “bubble”; their own “echo chamber” and surrounded by their own “yes men” that nod and agree with everything they say. They read the same publications and earnestly believe that what they want will be best for their idea of the future of America.

They believe that what they read is mostly true, and that America needs to take action! And take control of the situation, NOW!

The USA is losing it’s role as the leading superpower. This is intolerable as the entire fiction that the US dollar is stable would fall apart were another nation take supremacy. So the USA is working to “suppress” China.

This could go easy or it could go hard. Apparently the people occupying the buildings in Washington DC want it to go hard.

The problem is, have absolutely no fucking idea what they are asking for. And here, is my opportunity to tell you all what to expect.

First things first…

This anti-China propaganda is not organic. It is intentional and designed to prime Americans for war with China.

On March 21 the Daily Beast reported of an upcoming propaganda campaign the White House was launching against China:

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to grow at a rapid pace in the U.S., the White House is launching a communications plan across multiple federal agencies that focuses on accusing Beijing of orchestrating a “cover-up” and creating a global pandemic, according to two U.S. officials and a government cable obtained by The Daily Beast.

The cable, sent to State Department officials Friday, lays out in detail the circumstances on the ground in China, including data on coronavirus cases and deaths, the local business environment and transportation restrictions. But it also issues guidelines for how U.S. officials should answer questions on, or speak about, the coronavirus and the White House’s response in relation to China.

The talking points appear to have originated in the National Security Council. One section of the cable reads “NSC Top Lines: [People’s Republic of China] Propaganda and Disinformation on the Wuhan Virus Pandemic.”

Soon the mainstream media started to spread the new talking points. A Google News search for the search term “China Cover-up” now finds 449.000 results. It’s interesting stuff for certain, but let’s not get side-tracked.

The USA has an active propaganda campaign to prime Americans up for War against China.

Discussions of War!

This all began innocently enough. I received an email asking about how China would react were American forces were to “make moves” inside of Taiwan. You know… for “democracy” and “freedom“.

Most of the world supports China. The USA is pretty much alone except for the UK and Australia.
Most of the world supports China. The USA is pretty much alone except for the UK, Japan and Australia.


Rescue Taiwan from the evil clutches of nearby neighbor China, huh?

Well, first things first.

How Taiwan is described to Americans is off-the-wall incorrect. Taiwan is not a small independent nation that is “under the thumb” of a brutal tyrannical Communist Dictatorship out of Beijing.

Taiwan is part of China.

Just like Rhode Island is part of America. It shares the same race, the same culture, the same society, the same familial relations, the same meals and is tied financially to mainland China. People go back and forth between the two nations regularly. Most people in Taiwan have relatives on the mainland. They share the same holidays and the same interests and the same behaviors. The Taiwanese have both Chinese and Taiwan citizenship. People living inside of Taiwan are card-carrying mainland Chinese.

The only thing is that Taiwan’s local government is a “democracy”.

Saying that the USA should “make moves” on Taiwan is like China tying to “make moves” on New Hampshire. It’s an issue of “outsiders” getting involved in things they know nothing about and risking world war III in the process.

Nations famously tend to always try to fight the last war, and what America is preparing to do today with the newly assertive China is no exception. 

The problem is our last war was against primitive religious fanatics in the Middle East. China is an emerging superpower with approaching-peer level conventional capabilities.  They have an actual strategy for contesting the United States in all the potential battlespaces – land, sea, air, space and cyber. 

America is simply not ready for the Pacific war to come. We’re likely to lose.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

So let me be absolutely clear on this. The United States is the sole major military aggressor left in the world. It is currently fighting eight simultaneous wars, and has been fighting them for long, long periods of time. The presence in Afghanistan is almost twenty years now!

That is not a “policing” operation. That is nothing less than a good old fashioned military excursion to acquire territory for the empire. Just like Britain, France, and the Dutch used to do. It’s just like the Nazi’s did when they overran Poland, or what Russia did when it annexed Lithuania.

America today is a military empire.

China knows this. Russia knows this, and both of them are getting pretty alarmed at what they are seeing. Their “spies” inside of Washington DC are informing them of terrible plans. Just terrible, and they are going to try to avoid the events by purposely dancing, and waltzing around them.

That is…

… up to the point where there isn’t any “dance floor” left.

And then, well… it will not be pretty.

The mass-produced Chinese DF-41. The new weapon delivery system is reportedly designed to be launched as the final stage of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile, which would approach its target at a velocity of up to 10 times the speed of sound. Hypersonic speed range lies between Mach 5 and Mach 10, or 3,840 to 7,680 miles per hour.
The mass-produced Chinese DF-41. The weapon delivery system is designed to be launched as the final stage of China’s intercontinental ballistic missile, which would approach its target at a velocity of up to 10 times the speed of sound. It carries a warhead that is 1000 times more devastating than what was used on Hiroshima. Hypersonic speed range lies between Mach 5 and Mach 10. (Bullets generally travel about Mach 2, twice the speed of sound.)

The neocons are dangerous.

Honestly, anyone that is contemplating war with China needs to have their head examined. They really do.

China wants a “win-win”…

The Chinese do not want war.

They view the world as a small village. They see nations and groups of people as different families (in that village) that have their own customs and habits as well as different ways of doing things. They believe that they should be left to live their own life on their own terms. They do not believe that they have the rights to scold or persuade or negotiate with the heads of these other families to change their way of doing things.

Yeah. It doesn’t agree with what you have been reading in American media does it? Eh? But then again, facts don’t matter to the ideological American press. China is planning to invade America!

Yuppur! With it’s single landing craft and one and only aircraft carrier!

I guess that all the Chinese soldiers will swim to America.

Anyone who knows anyone from China (on a personal basis) will agree with this assessment. China is looking for global win-win situations. They don’t want to control the world. They only want to provide a safe haven for the Han race.

It’s like most other nations, don’t you know.

Like Israel wants safety for it’s Jews. Just like the Palestinians want safety for their people. Just like most normal nations want. The nations want to protect it’s people, help it’s people, and provide a good and healthy place for them to live their lives in peace. Anyone who has traveled to Asia can see this instinctively.

Most Chinese cities are new, clean,modern and high-technology. The Chinese people are proud of their country and their accomplishments. They want to share in their success with others.
Most Chinese cities are new, clean,modern and high-technology. The Chinese people are proud of their country and their accomplishments. They want to share in their success with others.

The Oligarchy wants POWER!

But that is not what the Powers That Be (PTB) that own, run and control America want. This oligarchy wants full and absolute dominance of the world. They want to maintain a post-World War II level of global control and will stop at nothing to make sure that that reality is maintained.

To maintain that level of control, America must suppress any nation that approaches the leadership role.

Which is what China is doing. Google up “China’s rise”…

Suppressing China.

So America must suppress China, and has been involved in doing so ever since Donald Trump became President. From 2017 to 2019, it has been using germ warfare designed to destroy the chicken, pork, foul, wheat and (unsuccessfully) the rice industries. Yes, it is true. America attempted to suppress China via wide spread famine.

And it was pretty innovative too. With using drones to spray Swine Flu all over the widely separated pig farms in the remote hinterlands. Pretty crafty. I mean, I am personally impressed on how the virus was obtained, stored, converted into aerosols, and sprayed in specially designed and manufactured drones. It wasn’t a “garage” operation that’s for certain.

Do you, dear reader, know how to obtain a virus? How to handle it? How to store it? How to put it into an aerosol, and then modify a drone to fog it over livestock?

Pretty fucking innovative, I’ll tell you what.

And let’s not even get into the efforts to collapse the RBI (Road and Belt Initiative) via protests, and violence in Hong Kong and Xinjiang. Hey! Did you all notice that the “pro-democracy” protests came to a complete (and sudden) end once the American “journalists” were expelled from Hong Kong. What a coincidence!

Imagine that!

But China is not that card-board cut-out that the neocon echo chambers think it is. America tried to starve China. But you know, China did not starve. They just moved to other things to eat. Like water, they moved like water.

America tried to make “pro democracy” protests in Hong Kong, a place that already had a democratic government. It fell flat on it’s face, but forced the movement of international companies out of Hong Kong, but into the welcoming arms of mainland China.

Imagine that!

China is not what the “echo chamber” thinks.

American neocons have no idea how intelligent and flexible China is or how resilient their people are. That is because we are all fed a constant and steady diet of “bat slurping” evil Chinese.

There is a kind of fantasy, a card-board cut-out, or cartoon image of what the Chinese are, what China is, and what the Chinese government is. It’s all wrong.

Looks like something that you would see on Rush Limbaugh,, Hal Turner, or Alex Jones, eh?
Looks like something that you would see on Rush Limbaugh,, Hal Turner, or Alex Jones, eh? Is any of their statement about the Wuflu, Chicoms, or “bat slurping” any different from this 1940’s era poster?

War! War! War!

The Chinese do not want war.

They are not stupid either.

Again I note that the PRC leadership can read maps. It is probably more aware and less self-deluding about the economic precariousness of its situation than American politicians would be if the positions were reversed, because Marxist doctrine insists that politics is an epiphenomenon of economics.

The PRC can start a war, but they don’t have the capability to win one. That’s why, barring a Hitler-scale episode of insanity in the PRC leadership, it’s not going to happen.

-On the implausibility of a war with China

It’s the American neocons who want war, and they have ramped up their entire propaganda machine to jazz up the American people into a pro-war frenzy. The articles are everywhere, and the decision to blame China for the COVID-19 is from the very top of the Presidency.

America selected China as the Villain de jour.

In Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was dumb enough to choose to face a U.S. military that was ready to fight its last war. 

That last war was the Cold War, where the Americans were prepared to fight a Soviet-equipped conscript army using Soviet tactics. And Saddam, genius that he was, decided to face America and its allies with a Soviet-equipped conscript army using Soviet tactics, except fractionally as effective as the Russians. 

It went poorly. I know – I was there at the VII Corps main command post as his entire army was annihilated in 100 hours.

Chances are that the Chinese will not choose to fight our strengths. In fact, those chances total approximately 100%.

It’s called “asymmetrical warfare” in English. What it’s called in Chinese I have no idea, but Sun Tzu wrote about it. 

Don’t fight the enemy’s strength; fight his weakness. Strike where he is not. Spread confusion about your intentions; force him to lash out. 

It’s all there in The Art of War; it’s just not clear anyone forming our current American military strategy has read it. Maybe they would if we labeled it “Third World” literature and said checking it out would check a diversity box for promotion.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Motivated and angry sheeple!

Are you one of the people so jazzed up? Are you getting all hot and bothered about the “evil Chinese”? Do you want to go ahead and “teach them a lesson”?

  • Save Taiwan from the hideous horde?
  • Rescue Hong Kong so that they can have “democracy“?
  • Embrace the poor downtrodden Uighurs in Xinjiang?
  • Crush China so that Tibet can be “independent”?
  • Evaporate the naval Bases on the Spratly Islands for climate change?

Well, if so, then welcome to being a sheeple.

Sheeple. Blindly obeying and listening to what the American media says. People, the US Government OWNS all American media. That includes the mainstream press, the Alt-Right and the Hard-Right press. Not to mention the Alt-left and Progressive press as well.
Sheeple. Blindly obeying and listening to what the American media says. People, the US Government OWNS all American media. That includes the mainstream press, the Alt-Right and the Hard-Right press. Not to mention the Alt-left and Progressive press as well. If you read Alex Jones, know that he is fed information from the CIA. If you listen to El Rushbo, know too that he is fed information. Whether it is intentional or coincidental, both are puppets for the government propaganda machine.


Because that is exactly what you are. Depending on your age range you are either a sheeple or cannon fodder. You are being manipulated, and it is in coming hard and fast.

Well take a chill pill.

A build up for war!

The Chinese are not going to invade the USA. They are not going to do anything. They are going to continue to improve their economic situation, build up relationships all over Asia and Africa, and keep on keeping on. they haven’t fought a war since 1977. How many wars has the USA fought since then?

Right now, today, the USA is fighting EIGHT wars.

So who is “saber rattling“?

The American neocon faction, led by Pompeo, is all setting a massive military system in motion designed to suppress China’s rise on the economic stage. This is on going. And the COVID-19 offers some great excuses to ready up the military.

The Trump administration is filled with hard-core absolute neocons.
The Trump administration is filled with hard-core absolute neocons.

Every indication indicates that the American political machine has targeted China as an enemy.

Every indication.

Every one of them.

Which is WHY I am getting a small flood of emails on this subject.

We seem intent on fighting not the enemy we face but the enemy we want to face. This is a rookie mistake. And we’ve built our strategy around that error. 

Take aircraft carriers. I have a sentimental attachment to those potent floating fortresses – the Schlichters are usually Navy officers and I’m the random green sheep who went Army. There was a picture of my dad’s carrier (the U.S.S. Lake Champlain) hanging in my house as a kid. 

I love them – but in 2019 they’re a trap.

We’re hanging our whole maritime strategy in the Pacific Ocean around a few of these big, super-expensive iron airfields. If a carrier battle group (a carrier rolls with a posse like an old school rapper) gets within aircraft flight range of an enemy, then the enemy will have a bad day. 

So, what’s the super-obvious counter to our carrier strategy? 

Well, how about a bunch of relatively cheap missiles with a longer range than the carrier’s aircraft? And – surprise – what are the Chinese doing? 

Building a bunch of hypersonic and ballistic anti-ship missiles to pummel our flattops long before the F-35s and F-18s can reach the Chinese mainland. 

We know this because the Chinese are telling us they intend to do it, with the intent of neutering our combat power and breaking our will to fight by causing thousands of casualties in one fell swoop.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Manipulation 24-7.

The news media is all FUCKING BULLSHIT.

None of it is true.

None of it is true.

None of it is TRUE.

Have I made myself clear on this?

Now that the American population is sufficiently primed towards war with China, what’s next is some “spark”, or some “event” to justify a military excursion. That’s the standard template.

It happened in World War I, and in World War II, and the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, and Kuwait, and Panama, and Iraq…

…now, it’s the same “song and dance” about China.

It always works because most Americans are just mindless sheeple.

Americans that believe the government controlled media are Sheeple. If you believe what you read on Alt-Right, hard-Right, Alt-left or mainstream media, you are sheeple.
Americans that believe the government controlled media are Sheeple. If you believe what you read on Alt-Right, hard-Right, Alt-left or mainstream media, you are sheeple.

Therefore, it is likely that the United States will make some kind of provocative move that will enable the enormous military system to grind into action. Expect some sort of provocation, and the American mainstream media to hammer (over and over again) that war is necessary to destroy China.

You know…

… for democracy.

The sinking of the Lusitania was the trigger (the provocation) that dragged the United States into a war against Germany. Up until that event, Americans and their government had no desire at all to go to war with Germany at all.

Reality Check

Well, we cannot control things outside of our reality. We have to run with the herd and try to be an outlier, somehow, so that we do not run off the cliff. You know, it’s not enough to know that this is going on, it’s being aware and TAKING PROACTIVE ACTIONABLE STEPS.

Another mistake is over-prioritizing quality over quantity, which is the same mistake the Nazis made with their tanks. 

The Wehrmacht had the greatest tanks in the world – all top notch. Really good tanks. Tank-to-tank, they were the best – the dreaded Tiger had an 11.5-to-1 kill ratio. 

The Americans and Russians had merely decent tanks, just multiples more of them. 

Quantity has a quality all its own. Right now, America has something like 280 ships. We’ll have about 326 by 2023. That’s to cover the entire world. We had 6,768 ships when WWII ended in August 1945

Of course, it would also be nice if the Navy would emphasize seamanship and basic skills again so that it could keep its super-expensive ships from running into other vessels. The U.S.S. Fitzgerald collision not only killed some of our precious sailors, but took out a key weapons platform – 1/280th of our entire fleet! – because its officers failed again and again and because key systems on the ship were out of commission.

This is inexcusable, but it is being excused.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Well, the United States today is going to get it’s ass handed to it were war to erupt. China does NOT PLAY. They are a serious, serious, SERIOUS nation that wants to avoid war at all costs. But, if they decide to fight, Lord help the people on the receiving end.

That means the Fucking United States.

The DF-41 is currently the most powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), developed in China. It is one of the deadliest ICBMs in the world. It is based on an 8-axle launcher vehicle.
The DF-41 is currently the most powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), developed in China. It is one of the deadliest ICBMs in the world. It is based on an 8-axle launcher vehicle.

Keep in mind…

  • China is geographically larger than the USA by about 30%.
  • China has 4 times the population.
  • China has about 35 times the number of STEM trained workers.
  • China is a nation by merit. You either win or you beg on the streets.
  • China has 40 times the number of manufacturing factories.
  • The Chinese are survivors and will do anything to survive.
  • China is aligned militarily with Russia

A War with China is a war with Russia also.

So these neocons who are getting you all worked up and hot and bothered about “liberating” Taiwan are unaware that once they set a war machine in motion, both China and Russia will attack America.

Let me say that again.

China has specifically told the world, and Donald Trump personally, that any action against China in any way will result in the harshest and most devastating response that they can muster.

What do you think that means?

  • Trade tariffs?
  • Blockade?
  • PLA military movement inside of China?
  • Economic sanctions.
  • Arrest of dissidents?

You are NOT listening to what they said. They said the harshest and most devastating response.

Harshest and most devastating…

People that is not economic. That is not trade. That is not diplomatic. That is not about internal policing, or military movements within China. That is about war. War that is fought by a truly pissed off capable nation.


Are you ready for a radioactive America?

No one wins a nuclear war. Someone had best tell Trump and his staff this. You cannot survive it, and even if you did, the landscape would be altered beyond recognition.
No one wins a nuclear war. Someone had best tell Trump and his staff this. You cannot survive it, and even if you did, the landscape would be altered beyond recognition.

Let’s talk about China’s reaction…

It’s not about an electricity “grey out”.

It’s not about a loss of some internet for a spell. Or, not being to access Alexa, or your book collection on your EPUB appliance. It’s not about not being able to use Facebook or check Google.

It’s not about lines at at a gas station for gas.

It’s not about people running to COSCO for toilet paper.

America is not used to dealing with a peer-capable military nation. This will not be some "rag heads" waving AK-47's about, and screaming "God is great!". This will be a hornet's nest of really, really pissed off nerds who are out for blood.
America is not used to dealing with a peer-capable military nation. This will not be some “rag heads” waving AK-47’s about, and screaming “God is great!”. This will be a hornet’s nest of really, really pissed off nerds who are out for blood.

Are you ready to not just no wifi, but no electricity, and no gas? Are you ready to turn on your water, and nothing comes out? Are you ready to discover that no electronics works at all. That an EMP fried everything. Imagine. No cell phones. No computer. No car starters. No lawnmowers. No cable. No movies. No radio.

Anything that uses electronics would be non functional. Even that old CB Radio that you have in a dusty box on a garage shelf.

Have you stockpiled food and supplies for two fucking years?

The focus of our military has shifted from victory to satisfying the whims of politicians. 

Here’s a troubling thought – if you go to one of the service branches’ War Colleges and poll the faculty and students about America’s greatest strategic threat, as many as 50% of the respondents will tell you it is “climate change.” 

That’s not an exaggeration. 

Our military is supposed to be dealing with the Chinese military and its brain trust is obsessing about the weather in 100 years.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

America would be reshaped completely were just ONE American city to be obliterated by a high-yield nuclear warhead…


… Imagine what it would be like if every city larger than Fort Wayne, Indiana were reduced to glass slag and radioactive rubble.

Imagine what it would be like when the new capital of the United States was relocated to Augusta, Georgia.

How would you be able to handle this situation?

Are you ready to follow a leader that wants to "spread democracy" way off in far-away China? If so, then take a good hard look at what your life will become. Imagine how your family, your children and your relatvies will fare in this environment. War situations are always very hard on the women-folk. You had best be sure that Trump and his neocon buddies are doing the best for you and your family.
Are you ready to follow a leader that wants to “spread democracy” way off in far-away China? If so, then take a good hard look at what your life will become. Imagine how your family, your children and your relatives will fare in this environment. War situations are always very hard on the women-folk. You had best be sure that Trump and his neocon buddies are doing the best for you and your family.

Now, take this sanity check. Let’s see how prepared you are.

Don't drive your car / truck today. Try to go to work, pick up groceries or do anything without a car. Try it. I am not kidding. Try it.

America without infrastructure is Somalia.

You will not even begin to start repairing things. No dozers, lifts, electric tools, and electric generators would work. All would have their electronics completely and absolutely fried beyond usefulness. It will just be you, and your muscles.

Of course…

…all the time while wearing radiation protection and masks for the various bioweapons unleashed.

Under this situation, would you give a “rat’s ass” whether or not Taiwan is politically connected to Beijing?

Look what you all will get when you try to help those poor Taiwanese get "democracy". I hope it's fucking worth it.
Look what you all will get when you try to help those poor Taiwanese get “democracy“. I hope it’s fucking worth it.

That is what is being set up. The media is treating all or you as dupes to go ahead with a war that they believe will be similar to Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria. But you know what? It won’t be that way at all.

There will not be any “carriers off the coast plinking at the Chinese mainland“, or “Marine expedition forces moving on Taiwan or entering Hong Kong“.

Nor will there be any riots and protests demanding “regime change”. Or that China switch from a traditional conservative Chinese government to that of a diverse and progressive democracy. And you won’t find anyone (except those on the CIA payroll) demanding that China embrace American style “democracy”.

It’s going to be something else entirely.

Put yourself in the Chinese shoes…

Here’s how the Chinese win. 

First, they take out our satellites. You know the GPS location service on your phone? Satellites, which are easy to hit. Say “bye-bye” to much of the ability of our precision weapons to find their targets. 

Also up for destruction are the communications satellites we rely on to coordinate our operations. 

And then there is the Chinese cyberattack, not only on our military systems but on systems here at home that control civilian power, water and other logistics. 

A U.S military with no comms and no computers is essentially the Post Office with worse service. An America with a ruined internet is Somalia.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Imagine if you were Chinese…

You have studied and studied and trained and trained and trained. You grew up attending schools that only had one winner and everyone else were losers and you rose to the top through sheer blood and guts. You rose to the top, not by diversity quotas, or racial advantage. You rose to the leadership position through merit.

America is a nation who's leaders are selected by politically-justified criteria. Not through merit or hard-labors.
America is a nation who’s leaders are selected by politically-justified criteria. Not through merit or hard-labors.

Now today, you, as a Chinese leader / advisor / strategist are tasked with kicking America in the gut, disabling it’s strategic response ability, and disabling it with the least number of causalities as possible.

What would you do?

Well, for starters…

  • EMP – fry all electronics and render all vehicles, cell phones, computers, and manufacturing equipment into worthless slag.

And you know…

  • Detonating nuclear weapons on the top 20 cities would cut the American population in half.

As well as…

  • Nuclear bombs, already buried beneath the major cities would be detonated bypassing all the expensive early warning systems.

But you are the top of the top. You would be crafty and creative. You would not be a “diversity hire” and most certainly wouldn’t be there because of “political pull”. You would handle things differently…

  • Nuclear destruction of Mono Lake would turn California into the Sahara desert. It would dry up, and any water that would seep up from the ground would be heavily radioactive.

Oh, and why have China do all the “heavy lifting”…

  • Allow Russia to perform a “double tap” using it’s Satan II weapons systems.
Last view of downtown Chicago after US Marines enter Taiwan.
Last view of downtown Chicago after US Marines enter Taiwan.
The Dongfeng 41, of DF-41, is currently the most powerful Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), developed in China. It is one of the deadliest ICBMs in the world. It is based on an 8-axle launcher vehicle and is similar in concept to Russian road-mobile ICBMs such as Topol-M and Yars. First test launch of this missile was made in 2013 and the second followed in 2014. Some sources report that the DF-41A missile was fielded in 2016 or 2017. It was first publicly revealed in 2019.

   The DF-41 is a solid-fuel missile. It has an estimated range of 12 000 km and carries up to 10 Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs). Its range is sufficient to reach all areas of United States, Europe and Russia. It will take roughly 20-25 minutes from launch for the DF-41 to reach targets in the United States. This missile is extremely devastating and can wipe out entire countries.

   This missile has internal navigation system with indigenous Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system update. It could be accurate to 150 meters, or possibly, even more accurate.

-Military Today
China's short and medium range missiles that are in extremely well hardened shelter.
China’s short and medium range missiles that are in extremely well hardened shelters.

America would be reduced to pre-Medeaval England but without water, and religion to sustain any sort of community unification. Far flung bases would be on their own. All 800 of them. They would die out or start to turn to the neighboring host nations, who (in case you haven’t noticed) are now close friends with China and Russia.

Then they hit our land bases on Guam, Okinawa and elsewhere with a blizzard of missiles, knocking them out and annihilating our aircraft on the ground. 

Maybe we could respond with B-2s flying from the continental United States. 

We have 19 whole combat-capable aircraft, assuming a 100% operational readiness rate, which is just not a thing. We might even take out a few missile batteries on the Chinese coast. 

We won’t know the difference though. 

As for our carriers, if they come to play, they are likely going to get sunk, and if they stay out of the fight, they are merely useless – assuming quiet diesel subs do not find and sink them.

This is not a surprise. We play wargames against the Chinese all the time, and we lose.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Ah, Kirk, yeah this is possible if nuclear weapons were not used. But, that’s your American biases showing.

All of the American Aircraft Carrier groups would be sunk using modern, aggressive, and mass produced missiles designed to take them down. If they are unsuccessful, a very large nuclear detonation would sent them to the great deeps.
All of the American Aircraft Carrier groups would be sunk using modern, aggressive, and mass produced missiles designed to take them down. If they are unsuccessful, a very large nuclear detonation would sent them to the great deeps.

All carrier groups would be destroyed. Not by precision missiles, but by big, dirty and nasty nuclear weapons that could detonate five miles away from the carrier and sink it easily.

Boomer subs would be sunk before they could launch anything and the ICBMs would be pre-targeted by specialized anti-missile spacecraft.

Chinese fighters with anti-ship missiles.
Chinese fighters with anti-ship missiles.
Moreover, we need to get it through our heads that no one is going to be as dumb as Saddam was and conveniently fight us the way we want to be fought. 

We need a complete strategic mindset revolution, one that moves from a few super-expensive systems to many affordable ones. 

We need to say good-bye to legacies of the 20th century, like mostly manned combat aircraft and a few huge carrier battle groups. 

We need to prepare to defeat the enemy we actually face, not the enemy we want to face.

-We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

Of course, there would be a response…

American forces react

The American forces are all set in motion for an “easy peasy” invasion and would need to be re-directed to new objectives. Nuclear missiles would be launched, and much of the Chinese cities would lie in ruin. Chinese military would take hits, and once the nuclear genie was let out of the bottle, America would continue to utilize it’s already announced strategy of using “low yield” nuclear weapons on China.

China would hurt. Make no mistake.

There would be damages ships everywhere, and none of this would be reported. American losses would be hidden, and Chinese losses would also be hidden. No one would know the true scope of things.
There would be damages ships everywhere, and none of this would be reported. American losses would be hidden, and Chinese losses would also be hidden. No one would know the true scope of things.

Chinese ships would be sunk. Chinese cities would be plummeted and damaged. Smoke, oily smoke would fill the skies, and American Marines would engage in efforts to make land fall in critical strategic points all through the South Pacific.



America could destroy the largest Chinese cities and still maintain a population three times that of the United States. They still would have their factories. They still would have their infrastructure. They still would have Russia on their side.

The Chinese would pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and get right back to work improving their lives and making the world a better place.

Oh, you don't believe me. You think that China as "lucky" that they got the COVID-19 under control in two months. While America is going to be dealing with it for two years. It's "luck" you say.

The Chinese DO NOT PLAY.

America would be in ruin.

Surviving Americans would fight among themselves and various fiefdoms would be established. America would devolve into city-states and much of the rural country side would be no-mans land.

The Balkanization of America would manifest as enclaves; all of which would kill each other off for scraps of moldy turnips.

It won’t be at least ten years before America stabilizes.

America would try to put itself back together. In some areas the local government would be able to maintain control, in other areas, local militia would take over that role, and in still others it would be a dog-eat-dog nightmare.
America would try to put itself back together. In some areas the local government would be able to maintain control, in other areas, local militia would take over that role, and in still others it would be a dog-eat-dog nightmare.

At that, when the dust clears, America will probably end up a five separate nations.

It would be a mere shadow of it’s former self.

Horrible, right?

Yes, it is horrible.

And that is just my point.

The end game. Be careful what you want.
The end game. Be careful what you want.

Anyone wanting war or conflict is nuts. Pure and simple. They are nuts, crazy and evil.

occupatio @11: "A hot war is not imminent..."

I just read Pepe's leak from finance insiders and am not so sure about this. The US has tried sanctions, tariffs, various trade barriers and dire threats to all and sundry, and even a series of bio attacks on China in order to maintain global dominance. As Peter AU1 has suggested not long ago, the US may try to blockade China's oil supply, but that will lead to "kinetic encounters" guaranteed and for sure.

Does anyone really believe that the US will give up on hegemony without playing every possible card it has? And what cards does the US have left other than its military?

-Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 8 2020 16:26 utc | 13

Fighting China will not be a “walk in the park”. It will be the end of the United States as you know it. Your children will curse you, your behavior and your actions.

What you can do is fight back

Anyone who talks to you, suggest to you, and posts an article (anywhere) suggesting war with China needs to be shut up immediately. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that things WILL NOT GO as they assume it will.

Do not wish for war. It’s an awful, awful thing.


Conclusion and Take Aways

When people ask me what I think about the USA getting involved militarily with China, they are often of the mindset that it will be some sort of regional conflict, conducted far away, off in China.

It will not.

Any war with China will go nuclear on American soil.

Let me make myself perfectly clear on this.

Any American military “intervention” in or around Taiwan, the South China Sea, or any Chinese bases and facilities will be considered an attack on Beijing. Just like if the Russians decided to land their Spetsnaz in New Orleans, it would be considered an act of war.

The result will not be a police action. It will be a declaration of war.

If any American military operations are conducted on or near China, there will be complete nuclear Armageddon unleashed on American cities. Make no mistake, and let’s be frighteningly clear about this. This is not debatable. It will not be a far-away war that you can eat popcorn to while you are cruising through your internet news feed.

It will be up close and very personal.

I mean ANY attempt to interfere with China overtly or militarily.

So please don’t try to come up with “questionable” scenarios where the Chinese might somehow be convinced to play a conventional war with America. It will not happen. The Chinese do not play. They are a serious, serious nation.

They make the rules.

You all should realize this by now. haven’t you been paying attention during the last four years of the “Trump Trade Wars”. Things will be done on their timetable, on their terms, and under their control.

America doesn’t have a chance.

  • One nuclear hit on Mono Lake will render the entire West coast uninhabitable for centuries.
  • The destruction of New York with zero out the stock market and with it will be the collapse of every public American company.

Any one who thinks otherwise is a fool.

If you are going to shoot Tony Soprano, you had best make sure you kill him. Otherwise, your life is over.
Tony Soprano does not play. If you mess with him, you can expect to pay the price as this MEME illustrates. But China is not a television show, but they are just like Tony. They are a serious, serious nation that does not play.
Tony Soprano does not play. If you mess with him, you can expect to pay the price as this MEME illustrates. But China is not a television show, but they are just like Tony. They are a serious, serious nation that does not play.

Keep in mind…

  • China knows what is coming and is prepared to confront it.
  • A war against China will result in a full-MAD level response.
  • A war with China will result in nuclear destruction of American cities.
  • China has peer-level military capabilities.


  • Both Russia and China will fight together against the United States.
  • The EU will side with China and Russia.
  • The Middle East will side with Russia and China.
  • India will try to stay neutral.
  • Australia will probably side with the United States.

The results…

  • China can handle a nuclear war and return to normal.
  • America cannot handle a nuclear war and it would destroy everything.

Check out these links…

Remember, China and Russia are military partners.

If you attack one, the other would chime in. Combined, any attack on either Russia or China would result in both coming for the American jugular vein. And there would be no mercy. Both would conduct “double taps”, and America would become a radioactive agrarian society… without electricity or running fresh water.

Chinese ICBMs.
Chinese ICBMs.

It’s not just myself that understand this. This has been the continuous, steady state response to all the simulations conducted by the RAND group, the pentagon, and other NGO’s.

Yet, the anti-China narrative has ramped up. It’s fucking insanity.

A Final Word

All this neocon talk and discussions in preparation for a war with China will absolutely tank the United States completely. With this in mind, it’s probably best to have Bozo the Clown as President rather than Donald Trump and his army of neocons.

President Trump and his top most trusted advisors.

China and Russia will not permit a war to manifest.

So, to answer the question;

Question: “What would happen were the United States to start making military movements and actions around China in the South China Sea?”

Answer: China would unleash nuclear Armageddon upon all of America with their military partner, Russia.

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Awesome Movies – Galaxy Quest (1999)

Any geek can proclaim “Live Long and Prosper.” An even lesser geek will  require you to “Use the force.” A truly hardened, experienced, and  involved geek however will tell you “Never give up, and never  surrender.” 


If you love Star Trek, then you would love and appreciate Galaxy Quest. You see, there is a reason why this movie (which is NOT set in the Star Trek universe) is considered one of the best Star Trek movies.

It’s a comedy, ai, that is certain. But it appeals and has appeal to anyone of us who has fallen in love with the characters, the narrative and the tropes of the Star Trek universe.

Galaxy Quest is special. It really is. Galaxy Quest has everyone in the theater laughing. It cut across ages and backgrounds with a very simple premise…

…you are what you believe yourself to be.

You are  what you believe yourself to be.
You are what you believe yourself to be.

Which is, after all, the exact same premise that the movie “Bronco Billy” was based upon.

'Galaxy  Quest' couldn't be better. It's not a mockumentary, it's not a Star Trek  parody. It's pure comedy based on the Star Trek legend with excellent actors and absolutely brilliant production.

The visuals are  magnificent. You would expect nothing but mediocre stuff for a space  comedy, but this is not the case with 'Galaxy Quest'. These are the best  effects for a space movie, since 'Starship Troopers'!

The story  is also very original and interesting. Not only jokes on thin air, but a  great story nonetheless. The triumphant ending is beautiful, it  elevates you! In fact, it would easily compete with the some of the best Star Trek stories of all time.                                   
- atzimo           

This movie is not only about the television series, but it is also about the fans.

Indeed, science fiction conventions can be a lot of fun, and a real hoot. If you ever have the chance to check one out, please do so.

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

At shows you will meet all kind of folk.

You will meet the seemingly useless get-a-lifers, the just-for-fun guys, and the not-so-rare I’m-only-in-it-for-the profit gang.

Never give up, never surrender!

You will meet actors who loved the whole shebang, actors who loathed it, and actors who didn’t have a clue what was going on.

Fandom is a very big place, with room for all sorts of people.

This film  was amazing.  I saw the trailers and swore I'd never watch it. A couple  of friends overruled this after watching it in the theaters, and I'm  glad they did.

Not only is this film an amusing spoof of Science  Fiction Fen-dom, it's a brilliant action-adventure/science-fiction film  in its own right.  The only other film I can think of that is a  righteous satirical look, yet a splendid example of the genre, is the  Fifth Element.

Galaxy Quest Has It All. Beautiful women in scanty  clothing.  Love interests.  Computers.  Space ships.  Ugly and evil  monsters.  Blasters. Arcane martial arts.  Dynamite catch phrases.  And  best of all, the very population that is satirized is the group that  Saves The Day.

The dialogue is brilliant - you'll find yourself  quoting from this film regularly.  The acting is marvelous.  Tim Allen  doing William Shatner doing a Heroic Spaceship Captain is worth the  rental all by itself, not to mention Alan Rickman's memorably dry  performance as the I-Am-Not-My-Strange-Looking-Alien character.

The  first thing I thought upon leaving the theater was that I had to see  this film again.  The first thing I thought upon seeing it again was  that I would have to own this movie.  Check it out - you won't be sorry.                                       
- tygirrl           
Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

And Galaxy Quest got it right–the conventions, the costumes, the geeks, the groupies, even the mocking “mundanes” who attend cons looking for kicks. It took notice of all the science fiction cliches, acknowledged them, and then twisted them to its own comedic purposes.

Galaxy Quest captured not only the silliness of fandom, but the inspiration of it.

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

In the end, the demoralized and cynical actors found strength and meaning in the same characters which stereotyped them.

The fans of SF, are what makes this movie classic!
The fans of SF, are what makes this movie classic!

The geeks saved the day. The good guys won. The bad guys provided entertainment to masses of fans. Things blew up. And isn’t that what science fiction is all about?

This is what I would call a PERFECT film. 

As a long-time Star Trek fan I  have waited for a movie which had that total feelgood factor, not a spoof, but a humorous and heartfelt homage.  

A film which shows fans in a good light, in a way that, of course, we can laugh at ourselves, but in an unoffensive and entertaining manner. 

I never thought it would arrive, and so in GALAXY QUEST, I found one of the best films in cinema  history. 

Everything is spot on. The story is fantastic, and telling it  from the point of view of normal people was great.  Making them play  those stereotypes that we know and love was just the tip of the iceberg, and everyone played the parts superbly. 

The special effects speak for  themselves.  When the Protector leaves space dock...Wow.   When she goes  through the minefield...Wow!  When Tim Allen faces the biggest rock  monster since The Never Ending Story...Wow Wow WOW! 

The score is also  great, capturing the adventure of the old Star Trek shows, and the epic  scope of the story at hand. And then there's the way everything just comes together at the end into a sensational package of laughs, thrills, sometimes bitingly moving scenes, and a genuine feeling of warmth inside. 

Go and see this, buy the DVD, whatever.  Just see it. Never give  up, and never surrender! 

- selfy_nagus 

The entire cast was excellent, especially Tim Allen and Alan Rickman doing their best Shatner and Nimoy impersonations. Special credit must go to the four actors who played the naive aliens. Their wide-eyed innocence reminded me of the quality that drew me, and draws children of all ages into the world of science fiction.

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

This movie didn’t rely on vulgarities or overt violence. It didn’t need to resort to meanness or cruel jokes, either. While it poked fun at science fiction and its fans, it never resorted to the kind of mockery you see in other films.

A beautifully-crafted film, Galaxy Quest is a love letter to sf fans of  all sorts everywhere. The characters are perfectly drawn, the story is  well-written, and there's the right amount of goshwow to make the whole  thing work perfectly. And it's funny as hell in all the right spots.

Tim Allen is amazing. He's got his Shatneroid character down perfectly.  He's a vain, pompous clown who finds out what a laughingstock he's  become, and when he gets a chance to redeem himself, he pounces on it.

Sigourney  Weaver is a delight. Sexy without trying, her character Gwen DeMarco is  as far from Ripley as you can get. Alan Rickman is flawless as  Alexander Dane, massively talented Shakespearean actor who's been stuck in this Spockish role for years because he played it too well. Darryl Mitchell is great as Tommy "Laredo" Webber, and Sam Rockwell is  hilarious as Guy, the hack actor stuck in the middle of something that scares him silly.

The two actors who really stand out are Tony  Shalhoub and Enrico Colantoni. Tony plays Fred Kwan with understated  glee, while Colantoni plays Commander Mathesar with a smiling  earnestness that makes you firmly believe everything he's saying.

The  supporting cast is incredibly talented. Robin Sachs is perfect as  Sarris, Patrick Breen essays his role as Quellek beautifully, and Missy  Pyle amazes as Laliari.

But it's still Tim Allen's movie above all else, and he makes the most of it.

A  final note: this movie wouldn't have worked nearly as well if not for  the production design work of four of the greatest artistic talents in  science fiction: Simon Bisley, Brom, Wayne Barlowe and the lengendary  Berni Wrightson. Barlowe is an expert in xenobiology, and designed the  Thermian's native form. Wrightson's quite possibly the best horror  illustrator of all time, and Sarris and his minions are his work.

My  favorite moment in the film? the point where Alan Rickman gets his  first look at the NSEA Protector II for the first time... his look of  astonishment is a joy to behold.

Like The Last Starfighter, this is a popcorn movie with a message. See it with your kids. 

- Ludwig_Meyer 

Galaxy Quest is a solid, funny movie. Go see it. Take the kids. Go see it and see it twice.

On the way to adventure!
On the way to adventure!

Some Dialogues

 Brandon (Justin Long)
→ I just wanted to tell you that I thought a lot about what you said.

Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen)
→ It's okay, now listen--

→  But I want you to know that I'm not a complete brain case, okay? I  understand completely that it's just a TV show. I know there's no  beryllium sphere...

Jason Nesmith
→ Hold it.

→ digital conveyor, no ship...

Jason Nesmith
→ Stop for a second, stop. It's all real.

→ Oh my God, I knew it. I knew it! I knew it! 
This movie is a true classic.
This movie is a true classic.
 Gwen DeMarco (Sigourney Weaver)
→ What is this thing? There's no useful purpose for there to be a bunch of chompy, crushy things in the middle of a hallway!

Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen)
→ Gwen —

Gwen DeMarco
→ No! I mean, we shouldn't have to do this! It makes no logical sense! Why is it here'!

Jason Nesmith
→ Because it's on the television show.

Gwen DeMarco
→ Well, forget it! I'm not doing it! This episode was BADLY WRITTEN! 
[Witnessing Fred Kwan having sex with Laliari] Oh, that's not right! 

But wait! There’s a documentary…

“Never Give Up, Never Surrender,” the “Galaxy Quest” documentary, highlights the magic of the 1999 film.

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

The flick earned its “cult classic” status by putting sci-fi superfans in the role of the hero and perfectly balancing the subtleties of comedy and drama. 

The fans of SF, are what makes this movie classic!
The fans of SF, are what makes this movie classic!

“Never Surrender” features intimate interviews with almost the entire cast of the original film (excluding, of course and sadly, Alan Rickman, who died in 2016), including actors Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Justin Long and Sam Rockwell. The film also interviews writers, the film’s director and other behind-the-scenes people who made the film possible. “Never Surrender” even features cameos from sci-fi legends like “Star Trek” actor Wil Wheaton and “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof.

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

This documentary explains why, despite an initially disappointing turnout at the box office, “Quest” has become one of the most beloved sci-fi movies of all time. It was even dubbed “the best ‘Star Trek’ movie” by Wheaton in the documentary, despite being, well, not a “Star Trek” movie.

“Galaxy Quest” isn’t unique because it’s a sci-fi parody. Other films, like “Spaceballs,” spoofed “Star Wars” and other sci-fi classics, but there has always been something unique about “Quest.”

The "Captain" of Galaxy Quest.
The “Captain” of Galaxy Quest.

As the documentary explores, the film isn’t a campy or “cheesy” spoof movie; it isn’t strictly a comedy (though I believe anyone would be hard-pressed to watch it without cracking up at least once).

There are some movies that are better watched while you are not eating.  'Galaxy Quest' fits into this category as I made the mistake of watching  it while having dinner and I almost choked several times. This is one  of the funniest smart comedies I have seen. The film is brilliantly  executed and it brilliantly spoofs the science-fiction-spaceship genre.  But the film isn't mere silliness as it does have a soul and tells an  action adventure story of 5 has-been stars of a famous Star-Trek-type TV  show that got cancelled two decades ago. The screenplay is great and  the dialogues are witty fun. There is no crude humour or  over-the-top-out-of-context joke.

The special effects wonderfully  add to the spoofiness. The monsters and aliens are a 'treat' to watch.  An intelligent comedy isn't easy to make as the maker has to pay close  attention to line delivery, characterization, situation, comic timing  and direction. 'Galaxy Quests' fulfills all criteria from start to end.  Tim Allen as the pompous hero, Alan Rickman as the whiny has-been  'Shakespearean'-actor-forced-to-play-an-android, Tony Shalhoub as the  funny Fred, Sam Rockwell as the terrified-of-being-the-first-one-to-die  Guy, Enrico Colantoni as the gullible Mathezar and last but not least,  the incredibly sexy Sigourney Weaver as the tired-of-playing-dumb-blonde  Gwen (the total opposite of her famous Ripley character) play their  parts.

I'm glad that I bought this film on impulse yesterday as  most American spoofs I have seen, like the abysmal Scary Movies (puke)  or the silly Screams (yawn) and the ridiculous Naked Guns (okay this  last one was kind of funny) hardly have anything more to offer than  silliness. Actually I was given the choice between this and 'Naked Gun  33 and a Half' and i'm glad I made the right decision. 'Galaxy Quest'  definitely surpasses these films by several miles as I wouldn't even  mind calling it one of the best comedies. 

- Chrysanthepop 
Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

The documentary is pretty good.

It’s a movie with real heart. While you might giggle as a panicked, rambling Rockwell says, “My character isn’t important enough for a last name, because I’m gonna die 5 minutes in,” while descending to an alien planet, you may soon have tears in your eyes as Quellek the Thermian dies in the arms of Alexander Dane, or Dr. Lazarus (Rickman).

"It's  this little movie. It's not a part of a franchise. It was just made by  pure heart alone by a lot of people, and because of that heart, I think,  it had a massive, lasting impact," 

-Roth Cornet, a producer on the  documentary.
Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

And the documentary similarly has a few tender, teary-eyed moments. For example, with the mention of Rickman, who passed before a proposed “Galaxy Quest” series on Amazon could be realized, it is hard to not feel sentimental as the cast, one by one, describes what it was like to work with him and how badly they all miss him. “If you love Alan Rickman, that’s the moment for me, when we talk about Alan passing. I got choked up,” Cornet said

The documentary has a few surprising, heartbreaking and hilarious tidbits about Rickman you can look forward to. 

Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest.
Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest.

The team behind this documentary has considered it a passion project and has pushed to make it happen, Cornet said. “Something like this highlights [that] when people love something and they come together, it can really, really, really have a huge impact on their whole life, even just a little movie about a TV show. And we’re making a documentary about a movie about a TV show,” she added about the meta nature of the documentary, which dives into a movie about actors in a “Star Trek”-esque television show. 

Cornet added that the creators aimed for the documentary to be “an hour and 25 minutes of delight.” And in my humble opinion, it is just that. 

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.
 By Blake French: 

As I walked out of the theater in which I  screened "Galaxy Quest," I thought how surprised I was to have enjoyed  what seemed as a cheesy family spoof. But the film turned to be an  action adventure with some really hilarious moments. I loved the film.  It has qualities of a successful science fiction drama, but also  contains a variety of comical characters that had the whole audience  overwhelmed in laughter. "Galaxy Quest" is right up there with "Toy  Story" in merit, it entertains adults and children alike, standing out  as one of the year's best family films. 

The story details the  adventures of a canceled television science fiction fantasy cast,  similar in content to "Star Trek." "Galaxy Quest" is the name of the  program. In their years, the stars, including Jason Nesmith, Gwen  DeMarco, Fred Kwan, Alexander Dane, and Tommy Webber, were some of the  biggest, most popular names in TV. Now, their means of making a living  is signing fans' autographs for a price and being cast in amateur  presentations.  
Never give up. Never Surrender.
There is very detailed character development  here. The characters are wonderfully cast and brilliantly portrayed.  Unfortunately, most family films don't contain the patience for such  necessary material. We bond with these characters; they are likable,  funny, energetic and independent.  These individuals are the key of  success to this kind of movie.

 The real plot begins when strange people come to Jason beging for him to  save their existence from a powerful evil force who wishes to wipe them  out of the universe forever. Naturally, at first our television star is  skeptical, but when the strange people turn out to be humble aliens and  transport Jason to their spaceship, he realizes this is something  serious. The aliens begin to explain that they think he and his "Galaxy  Quest" team are the only people in the universe who can save their race.  He rushes to the members of his old cast and tries to justify his  experience. He says that there are extraterrestrial creatures who  require the help of their "Galaxy Quest" characters. None of his friends  believe him, but once again give in when they find themselves  transported off earth, onto the creature's spaceship.  Of course, the  aliens don't realize that their hopeful heroes are simply out of work  actors, but who needs to tell them? So it is up to Commander Peter  Quincy Taggart, Lt. Tawny Madison, Tech Sergeant Chen, Dr. Lazarus of  Tev'Meck, and Lt. Laredo to save the day for our innocent and haunted  alien life forms. 

"Galaxy Quest" is a slapstick comedy that is  smart, and does not go over the edge with its humorous material. It  leaves room for several other essential elements such as happiness,  romance, honesty, excitement, and contains a dramatic purpose. The story  is very original, and contains a firm theme of action in its premise.  It also has lots of outstanding visual effects and sight gags that are  effective and interesting to watch.  
The Galaxy Quest team discovers that things are going really bad.
The Galaxy Quest team discovers that things are going really bad.

A Television Show?

Paramount is currently putting together a television version of the 1999 Dreamworks film!

Hopefully, this show will be even better than the show in the film. Or not, and that will totally be its appeal! Whatever happens, today is an awesome day for sci-fi comedy fans everywhere. Paramount, we salute you.

Galaxy Quest.
Never Give up. Never Surrender!

Deleted scenes included on the DVD:

  • Tech Sargeant Chen helps an engineering crew solve a difficult problem without offering any insightful help whatsoever.
  • Alexander is presented his living quarters: an empty room save a bed of spikes and a daunting toilet.
  • An alternate version of a scene in which its revealed Jason and Gwen were old flames.
  • Guy overreacts when his foot gets caught in a rock, and Jason does his “rugged pose”.
  • Alexander uses an acting method to figure out the rock monster’s “motivation”.
  • Gwen rips open her uniform to seduce two enemy soldiers, before crushing them with a door. (Part of this scene was featured in the trailer.)
  • General Sarris revives himself and attacks the crew while crash landing.
The Galaxy Quest team.
The Galaxy Quest team.


Never give up and never surrender!

Galaxy Quest.
Galaxy Quest.

I do hope that you appreciated and enjoyed this little post. I have more in my Movie Index, here…


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