The Trump war on Chinese cell phone applications

Yeah. Trump is really pushing this. But we all know what is going on. If it is Chinese, it is bad. It’s a all-hands-on-deck assault on China, short of nuclear war. And the ONLY reason why America is not invading China, and blasting the living fuck out of it’s cities is because Trump knows that America will become completely destroyed and radioactive in the process. China does not play.

So he’s going all-out against everything Chinese. And part of that is the software applications that are Chinese, and being used all over the world. We have read about Huawei, and wechat, which most Americans know nothing about. So they just go with the flow and say Yah! China Bad!

China Bad!

Well, there’s a lot of articles on this. Most are propaganda justifying banning software and technology.

Little thought is whether the President of the United States actually has the power to ban anything. After all, it took a constitutional amendment to ban alcohol back in 1913. Since when did the President become a King?

But I digress.

The excuse is “National Security”. It’s a catch-all phrase which means “I can do what I want and not give any reasons or justification for it”.

Anyways, this article is a pretty decent overview on this subject and is well worth a look. It is titled “Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat” written by Larry Romanoff on August 8, 2020 it has 201 Comments . It was found on the UNZ website and all credit to the author. It was edited to fit this venue.

Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat

First, let’s dispel the combined notion that China spies on everyone and the US spies on no one. There is so much public evidence to destroy both these assertions that I won’t bother repeating them here. I will however remind readers that a few years ago China more or less banned Windows 8 from the country because it was discovered that the O/S had a built-in NSA back door.[1]

It seems that Germany reported on this first, but the devastating proof was at an IT conference where a Microsoft executive was interrupted during a speech with precisely this accusation.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

He did not deny it because the person making the accusation was the person who discovered it and had with him the proof, but refused to discuss it and changed the subject.

But this is hardly news. Forty years ago it was proven that all Xerox copy machines delivered to foreign embassies and consulates in the US were “espionage-ready”.[10][11]

Also, for at least 20 years, and perhaps much more, it was common knowledge that when any foreign embassies, consulates, banks and other corporations ordered computers and similar hardware from US suppliers, those shipments were intercepted by UPS, delivered to the CIA and/or NSA for installation of “extra” hardware and software before delivery to their destinations. This was one of the confirmations by Edward Snowden.[12][13][14][15]

Any search on this will give you millions of hits unless Google chooses that moment to lose its memory.


Trump’s problems with Huawei are twofold.

The most obvious is that China is eating America’s lunch when it comes to innovation and invention and Trump would like to slow this down by destroying Huawei and is clearly making every possible effort in this regard, including bullying and threatening half the known world against using Huawei’s products. But this is the small part of the problem; the real issue is espionage.

There is no practical value in disputing the assertion that Cisco and other American hardware and software firms install back doors to all their equipment for the convenience of CIA and NSA access. But suddenly Huawei is replacing Cisco and those other American firms with its better and less expensive equipment.

That part is okay, but how can the CIA and NSA approach Huawei and ask the company to build back doors into its equipment so the US can spy on China – among all other countries?

There is no solution to this problem other than to trash Huawei’s reputation by accusing it of being an espionage threat and having the company’s equipment banned. And this applies not only to the US, but to the entire Five Eyes Espionage Network, involving the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand.[16]

Briefly, this was set up to break laws while pretending no laws were being broken.

It is generally against the law for a government to spy on its own citizens, but that law doesn’t apply to a foreign government. So Canada spies on Australian citizens and sends the information to the Australian spooks who can claim they did nothing wrong.

Rinse and repeat.

The sad part is that the “intelligence” received is usually of little interest to the four minor participants but all of it is shared with the US who are frothing to spy on the entire world and to take possession of “every communication” of every kind in the entire world. Thus, it isn’t sufficient to ban Huawei only from the US because this company’s equipment would castrate the NSA’s effort in the other four nations. Thus, US bullying to ensure each of its five eyes is Huawei-free.

And that’s the entire story, like it or not.


Tik-Tok is nothing of consequence, except that it is in direct competition with similar American platforms and has proven too popular and too competitive to be permitted to survive.

This is just a cheap, below-the-belt and illegal-as-hell shot at China.

No threat, no nothing.

However, as with all similar IT products and platforms it contains much personal information especially useful for marketing, which has so far been the private property of people like Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Thus, Trump kills two birds with one stone: either simply kill Tik-Tok on some trumped-up accusation (if you’ll excuse the expression) of espionage, or force a sale to an American company.

Either way, China loses massively while the political oppression and marketing value of that personal information remains safely in trusted American hands.


Since few Americans are familiar with WeChat, let me give you a description. Many of these functions are available in the West through various platforms, but not always to the same extent nor with the same convenience.

With WeChat we can transmit text and voice messages, photos and videos, and other files of any description even of many Mb in size.


We can send and receive both text and voice messages in any language because WeChat has an excellent translation function in combination with one of its partners which translates not only text and voice, but will extract and translate all text contained in photos, handy for restaurant menus if you can’t read Chinese.


We can place not only voice calls but video calls to anyone anywhere that transmit over the internet.


It is so convenient that WeChat is the default communication choice for a great many people for most purposes. WeChat also has a Moments platform where we can post text, photos, videos, that are visible to those on our contact lists while selecting those who can view and who cannot, reserving some posts for close friends and others more generally public.

In China we have two primary online payment systems, one operated by Alibaba (called Alipay) and the other by WeChat. Its use is nearly universal in China and both are free to the user. Unlike PayPal…


During the past several years I cannot recall a single instance where I had cash in my pocket (even small change) when I went anywhere or was shopping for anything. Even to purchase a small bunch of green onions at a street market, the vendor has a QR code which my phone scans and the payment into their bank account is automatic.

With WeChat, we can send money to each other.


If we want to share the cost of lunch, you can pay the entire bill and I transfer my share to you through WeChat. If I ever need cash, I could go to any shop or even approach a complete stranger and ask for 1,000 RMB and instantly repay him into his WeChat account.

It is frequently used to transfer money internationally this way, sending dollars to a friend in one country and receiving RMB into a WeChat account in China.

Instant, secure, and free of all fees.


It all happens within a second, with a concurrent text message confirmation from the bank of both sides of the transaction. WeChat is the main reason people can travel anywhere in China with only a mobile phone and passport (and a change of clothing). Through WeChat, people can purchase plane or train tickets, pay taxi fares and hotel bills, restaurant tabs, in the same way.


Another useful WeChat function is real-time GPS location sharing. If a group is traveling to a destination in several cars, WeChat displays an active GPS map showing all locations in real space and time. If I am meeting a friend at a shopping mall or park or other large location, with this GPS function we can see each other’s location in real time and I know which way to walk to encounter my friend.

We have WeChat groups which we can create with any number of participants for any convenient purpose. During the COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai we had a temporary WeChat group for the purchase of meat and vegetables that functioned better than any supermarket and with much less trouble. If I want to have a Christmas party I form a group of those I plan to invite, and all our discussions and planning take place within that platform. Most communities (small portions of residential districts) have a WeChat group for notification of community events and sharing important information.

The point with Trump’s “sanction” of WeChat is first that it will terminally disrupt international communications between China and the US for students, scientists, diplomats, media reporters, for all those in the US who have frequent communications with China, effects felt more seriously by those in China, which is a plus for Trump.

Second, Trump’s administration is uncomfortable with the extent to which WeChat is encroaching on the American turf of Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and more, with already around 100 million downloads in the US, and his actions are partially to reclaim that turf by simply banning a competing medium that is threatening to take over and seriously downgrade the popularity of similar American platforms.

But most important is the espionage and censorship role of Trump’s initiative.

As the censorship noose tightens around Facebook and Twitter, Americans are naturally moving to WeChat. The real issue is not that WeChat poses any danger to the US in any sense but, as with Huawei, the CIA and NSA cannot very well approach WeChat and ask for automatic sharing of all that personal relationship data.

Therefore, under the guise of China being untrustworthy, the US government simply bans WeChat and thus no one in the US can send or receive any message without the NSA having a copy.

A huge plus is that any news not fitting the official narrative will then be strangled at birth, as Google, Facebook and Twitter are now doing.

If Microsoft or another American firm were to buy WeChat, then of course all is well since it is US firms, not Chinese, who automatically share all personal contact data with their government.

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It’s gonna blow. It would be a miracle if it don’t

The USA is a mess. America is a mess. And everyone knows this. Everyone realizes this. In fact, it is a rare person that cannot see this. Gun sales are up. People are joining local militias, and the government is absolutely powerless to do anything.

On the 27AUG20, a 17 year old conservative shot at and killed members of the progressive BLM on a march and protest event. This is the first open shots at what will eventually be known as a Civil War.

The first shootings of a Civil War.

Meanwhile President Trump is going on and on about a “hybrid war” on China, and everyone is pretty much convinced that this will evolve into a “hot” war, and yet the elections are continuing as if nothing is out of the ordinary. “Come on vote for me! The other guy is worse!” Jesus.

The United States is Bat-Shit crazy.

The following is a great post titled “It’s Gonna Blow. It would Be a Miracle if it Don’t” by Fred Reed and found on the UNZ website. It was written on July 30, 2020 and has 806 Comments . All credit to the authors. It was edited to fit this venue, aside from that the article is intact as written.

Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.

No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country.

In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker down,” meaning Louisville, if they don’t get their way. All cringe before them, with reason. They have guns. Larger numbers marched in Georgia, armed, ready to rock and roll. BLM says it will “go into the suburbs” to get Whitey. Who will stop them? Not the government. It fears them. Weimar Kentucky. An American Freikorps.

America today in video. Scroll down to the New York footage. It’s Planet of the Apes.

Gun sales are way up. A friend in Rhode Island went to a gun shop and found a long line outside. A columnist in Virginia was told that the other stores report long wait lists for prize arms, notably the AR 15. People are afraid, or fed up. They are arming. The spring winds.

There is no leadership, no one in charge.

In Trump we have perhaps the weakest President in history, mouthy, preening, ineffectual, much talk and no action. He did nothing while the rioters looted, burned, and vandalized, then disengaged himself from the pandemic, leaving decisions to the states. Much cawing and gaudy feathers, but no bird inside.

Congress does nothing, one parry neutering the other and all bought and paid for by special interests, by Wall Street and the arms makers and the big corporations. Local governments submit to the rioters or stand aside as the burning goes on. This is not society. It is chaos.

To collapsing countries these usually comes a man on a horse. A man with a big stick. You know, 1789, 1917, 1933. That kind of thing.

The media encourage the rioters, inflame passions either deliberately or through partisanship. They have little idea what they are encouraging. It may seem strange to say that the media do not know what is going on—it is their business to know–but they don’t. They were blindsided by the Trump because they had no idea of conditions in the country, in Flint and Gary, in Wheeling. Today they do not know what is brewing out there, or of how much they contribute to it.

Angry urban BLM males arm up to “take what is theirs”.

After all, nothing out in the great mysterious middle land affects them.

Journalists in the Beltway Isolation Cage are rich compared to deplorables in in Gary, live in a city proof against recession. Their decisions are whether to go out for Turkish or Vietnamese…

… not how to pay the rent.

They censor news they don’t like, suppress the seismic rumblings out there in a country they don’t really know. In censoring others they censor themselves. They cannot read stories they cannot write. For example, sickening racial attacks on whites. That would be racism. Perish or fend.

But race is just the most explosive part of an unfunctioning polity.

Other things ratchet up the fury. Add economic decay and you get more anger, more pressure. People live paycheck to paycheck, maxed out on credit cards. They don’t have a thousand dollars, or five hundred, for an emergency. The young live in their parents’ basements because they can’t get jobs to buy houses and start families.

People don’t see doctors because medical care is both costly and wretched. Student loans crush the young. Grade schools are propaganda mills; parents know it, but can do nothing. Retirement programs vanish as employers turn employees into independent contractors, avoiding the expense of benefits. People see no hope. This makes them dangerous. Watch.

And BLM wants to go into the suburbs to get Whitey. God help us. Then it will well and truly blow. BLM doesn’t know how many white men are sick of the chaos and destruction, sick of BLM. They quietly say, “Bring it on. Let’s settle it.” Laden words.

While these undercurrents grow, the media will chirp and lecture and say virtuous things.


… boom!

No one is in charge. No one will tell the rioters “No” and make it stick. No one, yet. It can blow.

BLM is cocky, aware of its power, made overconfident by easy victory. It, and Antifa, have never met resistance. If things get really wild, though, they will. They will also find that food does not really grow in Safeway, and that a Safeway burned out does not necessarily return to be burned out again.

A country gets what it asks for, and deserves what it tolerates.

Most of the social problems engendering chaos result from the failure or collusion of government. Other countries have good national medical care.

America does not.

Student loans are a calculated scam, just as credit card companies deliberately entice people to buy what they cannot afford and then charge them usurious interest. Retirement plans exist elsewhere. European countries have them. But the Pentagon and Wall Street get America’s money.

It’s gonna blow. Short of a miracle.

The deadliest question is how to accommodate blacks. One mustn’t say what everyone knows, that blacks are the least educable, least productive, most criminal, most violent, most dependent, and least assimilable of the population. If anything can be done about any of these, it won’t be, because no one is permitted to name the problem. No one is in charge.

As whites lose economic ground they will be less willing to pay for welfare, food stamps, free housing, and other charity. When a pie shrinks, someone will get less pie and, if the pie shrinks a great deal, some will get almost no pie.

Meanwhile, gun sales are way up.

At least six cities had serious riots last night with the mob throwing bricks at the police. A thrown brick is a lethal weapon. It would be met with equally lethal force. Yet governments, mayors, city councils back away, back away, back away. If they stop, it is going to be ugly.

America does not control its streets. The mob does. Everywhere. Name another country that permits this.

If confronted by force, the white rioters, mostly young, will melt away. They are Snowflakes, Millennials, young, stupid, ignorant, having the most exalted time of a life boring before and soon to be again, Blacks, more virile, will not. If they do not, the resultant mayhem will make our starter riots like like a PTA meeting at Lake Woebegone.

Then what?

Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to live together. Whites and blacks have almost no common ground, little common history. Whites trace their history back to well before the ancient Greeks, through Rome, the Renaissance, Europe. Blacks had no part in this and, it seems, have no interest in it. Aristotle? Thomas Jefferson? Einstein? Madame Butterfly? Galois? FORTRAN? These might all have come from some remote galactic civilization.

There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no worse than the common flu as hospitals report overwhelmed ICUs and epidemiologists cry the alarm.

Blue states favor lockdown while red states open up.

Libertarians peddle cockamamie conspiracy theories. Mask laws are ignored or fought over. China, South Korea, Singapore shut down, control the virus, go back to work. Not America.

Nobody is in charge.

Nothing holds the country together. There is no social glue, no dominant culture. We have no shared history, language, dialect, ethnicity, or religion. Diversity turns the country into rubble.

Diversity? It is the end of America. The country once was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone, and Christian. It worked, as approximate monocultures usually do.

No longer. The North hates—the word is not too strong—the South and seeks to erase its culture and uniqueness. The Bible Belt is intensely Christian while the northern elites, heavily Jewish, seek to suppress Christianity. The coastal elites hold the central deplorables in contempt. Blacks hate whites. Feminists hate men.

Angry BLM armed with an “Assault Gun” protesting for “equality”.

Hispanics float in indeterminate limbo, not having jumped either way. Amerindians maintain a demanding apartness. Jews, neither Christian nor, in the minds of many, neither quite European or quite American, control the media and finance, generating perennial hostility. Bulk lot Somalis, having nothing in common with Minnesota, are in Minnesota. On and on.

It is going to blow. If it doesn’t, a miracle will have happened.

Currently, if weirdly, blacks hold the whip hand in the country, but it will not last and won’t improve racial relations. it is lighting a fuse, fertilizing hatreds that cannot be expressed but, if ever they are, Katie bar the door.

Statues come down if blacks don’t like them. Universities abandon teaching English grammar because blacks can’t understand it. Whites are fired for saying, “All lives matter.” The country lowers standards for blacks in medical schools, lowers required scores on the bar exam for them. High schools give diplomas to blacks who can barely read.

Gonna blow, boys and girls. At least that’s the way to bet.

The “Deplorables” will not accept BLM or Antifa incursions into “fly over” country.

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Expat stories of Thailand “The Land of Smiles”

After reading my post on "Snapshots of life in China. Surprise! It doesn't look anything like Alex Jones says it is.", Ohio Guy commented that he is falling in love with China, but he is trapped in that God-forsaken mess known as the United States. Well, that response got me to thinking.

People who have gone to other nations, and who have seen how other nations do things, they have pretty much concluded that the "Exceptional America - the Land of the Free" is all pretty much FUCKED UP. And they have written about their impressions and thoughts on this matter.

Here are some stories from expats who have lived in Thailand.

I have collected some of the more interesting stories and decided to post them here. Indeed, it’s a tough call on which to accept and which to discard. They are all so very good. As such, there are pages and pages of this.  I have just included this choice selection to “round off the corners” for the interested reader.

Beware of other expats

First off, whether you are in Thailand or in any other Asian nation, beware of other expats…

“The biggest "rip offs" I've seen and encountered have been perpetrated by expats on other expats. My best friend here is a 76-year-old Thai man and his family who have always shown me more generosity and kindness than I could ever possibly repay. On the dark side, one so-called expat "friend" actually had someone email me his fake obituary to avoid repaying loans I had made to him. I kid you not!”


I can certainly vouch for that.  Ouch!  In fact, I no longer meet other expats for a coffee or informal talk. It’s simply not worth my time of day. Most are sadly pathetic. Not all, mind you. Just a lot of them. What I mean is that quality of what one would expect is rather low. 

I just received a friend request on one of the expat forums.  This guy is going to visit China for a week and wants to sit down with me and talk about tax and investment strategies with me over coffee.  


I told him I didn’t have any money. None. 

He responded “how can that be, how are you going to help the poor people?”. 


What planet is he on? 

He wants me to trust him, a total stranger, with my money. He expects me to let him fly in, buy him coffee, give him money, and let him fly away with it...

I have met more than my fair share of young bright-eyed teachers, interns, and students on travel for the “experience”.

Interspersed with this group are the grubby tattooed covered “carnies” who now go by the moniker of “backpacker”. 

Carny or carnie is a slang term used in North America for a carnival employee. It also refers to the language they use, particularly when the employee runs a "joint" (booth) (i.e. a "jointie), "grab joint" (food stand) , game, or ride (i.e. a "ride jock" or "ride operator") at a carnival, boardwalk or amusement park. The term "showie" is used synonymously in Australia.

Give me a break .  They are just nomadic beggars without a home.

The older expats, for the most part are better. 

They are typically trying to make a new life abroad, whether it is part of a retirement concept, or just out of raw need.  They tend to be a little desperate. It’s tough starting out on scratch in your 50’s or later. 

The problem is that within this mix of desperate “good guys” are a significant number of experienced fraudsters.  I’ve had more than my fair share of bad experiences, thank you.

British conman Tony Kenway, 39, was shot twice in the head as he climbed into his Porsche in Pattaya in January. Police believe the hit was arranged by a rival underworld figure. 

The Times reported that Kenway was one of ten shady UK mafia figures operating in Pattaya. 

At the time of his murder, he had been out on bail and was scheduled to front court the following month.

“Tony Kenway had a call center that employed foreign staff and made calls to Australia and Britain. He had two different companies that were involved in the scam,” an unnamed police source told The Sun. 

“The aim was to get people abroad to give their life savings. It was not small amounts. He was strong and pushed them for big investments. He promised them a big win. Like winning the lottery. The people who paid the money lost out. It was big amounts, millions and millions of Thai baht that many different people paid to him.”

The source said Kenway’s victims were foreigners because he “did not dare” target local Thais.


Luck comes your way…

When you live in an area for some time, opportunities come and go.  Some are quite noteworthy. For instance, here’s a “lucky guy” and his story;

“I went to a club on Soi 11 a few months ago and a mamasan who runs a massage shop I know well was there. 

She invites me to her table, buys me and my friend unlimited drinks for the next 3 hours and then tells me I can sleep with any of the girls on her table for free, oh and if I don’t like the girls that I can go visit her shop tomorrow and sleep with anyone who is there, again for free. 

The more I live in this social circle the more I realize how truly free I am. 

There are fewer hang-ups compared to other circles which have stupid ass logic and taboos.”


As always, please have fun.

One of the things that I do happen to know is how to dance. In fact, I was involved in semi-professional ballroom dancing for over five years.  So I can dance a spell, and all women, no matter where they live can follow.  They really can. Even if they don’t know the dance moves, they can instinctively follow.  It’s truly amazing that women have this innate ability to follow in dance.

“Does sanuk (fun and the pursuit of fun) trump money in Thailand? 

You know, it just may. 

Talking with a friend who does not like to pay for lady drinks and considers them an unnecessary expense, he has found a way of keeping the girls with him when they're not up on stage yet not buying them a drink, or at the very most, buying just one. 

He dances with them right in the bar – and they love it – probably because he's a decent dancer. 

They forget all about the lady drinks because they are having so much fun – and the other girls in the bars seem envious. 

Yes, it would seem that sanuk really does trump money, even for the ladies of the night.”


What about visitors?

Ah.  You live in an interesting place.  Everyone wants (or at least say they want) to visit and stay a while. Oh, it sounds so nice.  But, is it really? What about when your friends actually come to visit?

“You didn’t mention, when a friend arrives in Bangkok with his GF, it’s a big pain in the ass for me too. 

I have to entertain him and his bird in a non-threatening environment, often for up to 3 nights in a row, even more when they return from the islands or up north.

So we sit in some artsy gaff in Ekkamai sipping overpriced cocktails and discussing the weather, I get flashes of us beering it up at some dive full of sexpots only he could dream of. 

Add to that the rules in most lap dance joints back home, you cannot touch. 

If you do you’d risk a team handed beating off the bouncers. 

In Bangkok he can touch and even get to sleep with these young vixens without any strings attached.Would most men be tempted to cheat under these circumstances?”

-Pat 26 January, 2017

Thailand Men…

What about the guys in Thailand?  Well, they are an interesting bunch for certain. Consider this story;

“One of my wife's aunts had been married to a Thai gent who had spent time in prison for murdering someone for a motorbike. 

He was not much of a husband as he regularly beat her and eventually left her with two teenage children. 

Child support? Dream on! 

To make a long story short, she met a well off man from Norway and he popped the question so they set a date to marry in the village. 

Two days before the wedding she received a call from the ex, "I am going to bomb the wedding and kill everyone." 

The police were contacted to supply security and the wedding went off as planned, but everyone was on edge the whole day. 

Around 10PM the ex called, "I am sorry but I started drinking whiskey this morning and could not come and bomb the wedding. I will kill you some other time." What a polite chap!”

-A Polite Killer

Thailand Girls…

What about the girls in Thailand? Some expats claim that they are all money-grubbing crooks, while others say they are all angels.  What are they?

“I have the following to contribute. I have lived in Bangkok 7 years and have dated every kind of Thai gal imaginable. In regard to your opening piece about Thai good girls, it is my opinion that one can break Thai gals into 4 categories:

1) Good girls – just as you stated, they are controlled by their families, are raised to always be conservative and do the right thing, and would make excellent wives in my opinion for those guys who want the gal “to be seen and not heard.” This is the type of gal 95% of Thai guys want to marry.

2) Nice girls – The largest group by far, these gals are raised to be good girls but are so only in front of their families. With their friends or boyfriend they are more outgoing, very interested in sex if they have one special guy, and a lot more fun and interesting than the good girls. They are usually polite, fun and sociable. This is my target group.

3) Party girls – They don’t work in naughty nightlife places, but these gals drink, sleep around and love the nightlife. They can be a lot of fun, but they are basically the female equivalent of us (all of us party guys who love booze and broads) so be careful with your heart.

4) Bad girls – the gals who work in the naughty nightlife or any other arena where the main goal is to trade sex for money. Any additional comment would be superfluous.

I think most Thai parents try to influence their daughters to be good girls, but would be more than happy if they became nice girls. Party girls most definitely hide their real persona from their families, and unfortunately bad girls are usually trained from birth to be so by their greedy families. Speaking only of Bangkok, I would estimate the breakdown by percentage to be the following: good girls – 10%, nice girls – 75%, party girls – 10%, bad girls – 5%.

Stickman contributor

Tales of Adventure.

Thailand can be full of adventure. The stories who have lived there are certainly interesting.

“…When Nok shows up she’s got a good body, nice face, white skin, she doesn’t like talking Thai but speaks Lanna to me which I hate but I roll with it. So I ask her if she wants to go get noodles, “sure” she says.

So she gets on the bike and I ask where she wants to go using those exact words. She says wherever I want. Not the best thing for a chick to say to me, so we drive off.

And I’m thinking “stuff it”.  I’ll just take her to the curtain hotel.

She I drive over to the Love Boat a short time hotel around Jed Yort and park in the parking space and walk inside. She’s standing outside looking a little confused (she really is from the mountains) and I said “it’s ok, come inside”.

When she is inside she’s looking around and asks me “so how long have you lived here for?” I can’t stop but laugh, this girl really doesn’t know anything.

If you’ve never been to a curtain hotel in Chiang Mai it’s basically a parking spot with a door, the door is unlocked you walk into the door there is a room and then they pull a curtain behind the car, you pay by the hour and you pay when you leave not when you arrive.

Inside the room and the curtain already pulled I tell her we are going to have sex. She tells me she doesn’t want to and thought we were just going to get noodles. I say we can get noodles after we have sex.

She doesn’t seem pleased but gets on the bed and goes along with it anyway, wasn’t that much fun honestly but since the room only cost me 160 baht for the hour I figure it was worth it. I ask her afterwards why she had sex with me and she said she had sex before so why not. No I didn’t force her either guys! We have a shower get dressed and I drive her home.

When we get to her place she asks me “are we not going to have noodles”?

I tell her next time.

A week later I call her up and tell her that I felt bad about last time and that I want to buy her noodles again. She seems hesitant and so I assure her that this time we really are going to eat noodles and that last time I was just bad and want to make it up to her.

So this time I pick her up at her apartment around 10pm at night she hops on and again I ask her where do you want to go. Again she says “Up to you”.

So without hesitation she jumps on and again I drive straight to the curtain hotel and have sex with her again. After cleaning up she asks me are we going to have noodles now, I tell her I’ve already eaten and I’ll drop her off back at home.

A few days later I call her up again and she picks up the phone, I say what are you doing? Nothing she replies, so I ask her “Do you want to go for noodles”.

She hangs up the phone.”

Living Thai

Just for American men…

Many men, most especially Americans have “had it” (Are tired of, or exhausted from…) with “the way life” is for men in the States. 

How a person lives their life. In the United States, this is work in a job where you give everything to a company who will fire you with no notice, taxed where most goes to the government and you don’t qualify for anything back, and where society limitations and the latest round of anti-Male…anti-white… anti-man… attitude is far too oppressive to live acceptably.

This is a typical response and is quite accurate in that it reflects the feelings of many of my fellow male Americans.

“Yeah because spending 40+ years sucking your boss ballz all day long to earn a medium salary and having a single monthly intercourse with your fat wife (that is going to divorce you and take about half your earnings after 10-15 years) is not being a loser. 

Call us loser as you please, making our own jobs, our own money (even if it’s little) and creampie tight pussy all year long isn’t that much of a bad life.

I need to go, it’s almost 2pm, time for my morning blow-job before I start my daily hour of work.”

-bkkyolo 17 April, 2017

Yes.  He is right and he is telling us all how he feels.  To all those readers who aren’t listening are not paying attention…  It is exactly how he feels.

Yet, it is more (much more) than that.  It is about betrayal on all levels. 

Not just by society. 

For society has turned him into an unappreciated moneymaking machine to his wife, but also the nature of business, which terminated the longevity of his career. No longer can he work and retire on a pension. 

In fact, more than likely he will be forced to start new from scratch in his 50’s after he has been stripped of all his possessions.  (Like myself.)

Yet, it is even more than that.  It is the absolutely criminal nature of the government that he must toil under as well.  The decision to escape all these conditions is a valid one, and he is absolutely justified in making it.

Want to know what I am referring to?

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy. 

Consider the revelations coming to light about Hollywood Oligarch Harvey Weinstein perfectly capture the true nature of our status quo: a rotten-to-the-core, predatory, exploitive oligarchy of dirty secrets and dirty lies protected by an army of self-serving sycophants, servile toadies on the make and well-paid legal mercenaries. 

Predators aren't an aberration of the Establishment; they are the perfection of the Establishment, which protects abusive, exploitive predator-oligarchs lest the feudal injustices of life in America be revealed for all to see.

The predators reckon their aristocratic status in Hollywood/D.C. grants them a feudal-era droit du seigneur (rights of the lord) to take whatever gratifications they desire from any female who has the grave misfortune to enter their malefic orbit. 

Indeed, anyone who protests or makes efforts to go public is threatened by the oligarch's thugs and discredited/smeared by the oligarch's take-no-prisoners legal mercenaries. 

The dirty secret is that the oh-so-hypocritical power elites of Hollywood and Washington D.C. circle the wagons to protect One of Their Own from being unmasked. 

The first weapons of choice in this defense are (as noted above) threats from thugs, discrediting the exploited via the oligarchy's paid goons and lackeys in the mainstream media and dirty lies about what a great and good fellow the oligarch predator is. 

The last line of defense is a hefty bribe to silence any peasant still standing after the oligarchs' onslaught of threats, smears and lies.

Should the worst happen and some sliver of the truth emerge despite the best efforts of the thugs, corporate media, legal mercenaries and PR handlers, then the playbook follows the script of any well-managed Communist dictatorship: the oligarch predator is thrown to the wolves to protect the oligarchs' systemic predation and exploitation of the peasantry/debt-serfs.

Just as in a one-party Communist dictatorship, an occasional sacrificial offering is made to support the propaganda that the predators are outliers. Rather than the only possible output of a predatory, exploitive feudal status quo comprised of a small elite of super-wealthy and powerful oligarchs at the top and all the powerless debt-serfs at the bottom who must do their bidding in bed, in the boardroom, in the corridors of political power, and in the private quarters of their yachts and island hideaways.

Media reports suggest that the real reason Mr. Weinstein has been fired is not his alleged conduct over the past 27 years but his loss of the golden touch in generating movie-magic loot for the oh-so-liberal and politically correct Hollywood gang that was pleased to protect Mr. Weinstein when he was busy enriching them.

What's truly noteworthy here is not the sordid allegations and history of payoffs--it's the 27 years of intense protection the Hollywood/ media /D.C. status quo provided, despite hundreds of insiders knowing the truth. 

Just as hundreds of insiders with top secret clearance knew about the contents of the Pentagon Papers, and thus knew the Vietnam War was little more than an accumulation of official lies designed to protect the self-serving elites at the top of the power pyramid, only one analyst had the courage to risk his career and liberty to release the truth to the American public: Daniel Ellsberg.

Why are we not surprised that Hollywood, the corporate media and Washington D.C. lack even one courageous insider? 

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy, and the endemic corruption, predation and exploitation of the privileged oligarchs at the top. 

Then count the armies of self-serving sycophants, toadies, lackeys, hacks, apologists, flunkies, careerists and legal-team mercenaries who toil ceaselessly to protect their oligarch overlords from exposure. 

Open your eyes, America: there are two systems of "justice": one for the wealthy and powerful oligarchs, and an overcrowded gulag of serfs forced to plea-bargain in the other. 

If John Q. Public had done the deeds Mr. Weinstein is alleged to have done, Mr. Public would have long been in prison. As Orwell observed about a totalitarian oligarchy, some are more equal than others.

Here’s another…

“Two reasons I come to Thailand, warm weather and sex! 

Although some times the birds are not quite as fit as I would like, too tight to pay more than 1500 baht for ST 555! 

I do like Thai beer and food though, so that’s four reasons, actually apartments are cheap, so that’s five.

I bought Harvie’s ebook on freelancing, I got bored of writing for clients, so instead I write about rustic decor and shabby chic, Well, it pays for trips for to BKK and being down right dirty…”

-The Bamboo Bazaar  26 April, 2017

Honeymoon Period

Ah, it’s all fun and games when you arrive. Yet, how long it is sustainable before it gets dry and old?

“I reckon the honeymoon period for the average new expat to Thailand, irrespective of financial position, age, nationality etc is around 2 years. 

During the honeymoon period everything is wonderful and the new arrival may feel like he is in paradise. 

Some new expats become quite defensive when long-timers make comments about the country or the expat lifestyle that aren't positive.

I often receive emails from new arrivals who feel the tone of this column and the site in general errs on the negative. I wouldn't say it's negative, rather that it's realistic.

As a regular Thai female reader of this site (yes, they DO exist) said to me recently, many of the criticisms simply reflect the harsh reality of life for foreigners in Thailand. 

Those were her words. 

Get through the honeymoon period – it lasts a different period for each of us, but figure it to be around a couple of years – and then let me know what you think. Ignorance is bliss.”


Going back home…

What about when you return back to your home country?

“I have found it is now unacceptable to visit Thailand in the eyes of many westerners back home. 

I recently rode the train from the USA to Canada. 

Upon entering customs in Canada the cheeky immigration woman saw a 30-day entry stamp in my passport showing I had been to Thailand on a holiday two years previously.

She immediately grilled me with questions as to why I would ever go to Thailand and what I was doing there. 

She sent me to a private area where all my bags, camera and computer were thoroughly searched. 

Like most males returning to their home country from a visit to Thailand, this type of harassment by immigration officials has unfortunately become typical and expected. 

However, I have never heard of it happening when traveling solely within North America. 

I have been branded guilty and am being harassed simply because I took a holiday to Thailand!”

-Stickman Blog

Yeah, the social justice warrior types can make your life miserable…

“I met a man and his wife (she wanted to know about the Land of Smiles) in Cambridge (near Boston). 

Before the main course was served she was being rude in an ignorant feminist way. 

I just kept smiling. 

Did you know that all single men that go to Thailand are pigs?

I did not know that. I gotta tell ya. Life for me is just one learning moment after another.”


Do you want to move to Thailand?

What about advice for those who might want to move to Thailand?

 “I have some advice to any westerners out there contemplating moving to Thailand.

If you are rich and are sensible with money, then go ahead. If an international company or similar offers you a high salary job in Thailand then fine. If your are retired or have steady funds from aboard and want to live modestly on those funds, go ahead, but watch yourself. And if you're a young dude traveling around the world, and you want to spend some time in Thailand teaching or whatever for experience, then that's OK too.

If you don't fall into these categories then "don't" consider it for a moment. 

Many middle aged westerners in particular (including professionals) like the idea of living there, having a business or making some money and "enjoying life" in Thailand. But very few make it. (Forget about western restaurant or bar owners and alike you might meet in Thailand boasting about their good life there. It is common for faltering foreigners to keep up appearances). 

Mostly they end up broke or crazed, sometimes both, then they leave. 

Thai business, visa and residency laws get you in the end. 

The "Thai way" will get you in the end. Have a minor run-in with a wealthy or important Thai and your status and possibly your life will be at risk. Their whole culture is geared around making sure that foreigners pursuing individual efforts are not successful. 

It's ingrained in them from an early age to believe that they are the never-colonized master race of Asia (yes they really think that) and their mythology runs so deep you'll never budge it. 

Remember, in Thailand you'll never have any real business, legal or ownership rights. But Thais can go to your country (very possibly) and buy and own anything they can get their hands on (because of the more tolerant business laws). To Thais, this is just further evidence of how clever they are, and how foolish are the foreigners to go to Thailand.

Remember too, that Thailand is dominated by a comparatively small military-industrial elite. They have all the power and most of the wealth in the country. (Sounds like America, actually.  In America the ILLUSION of the ability to “move ahead” is promoted in the mainstream media, but the reality is something other than that.)

The idea of western foreigners living in the country and achieving wealth and status through individual entrepreneurial efforts is seen as a threat to the hegemony that they have over the Thai underclass – the bulk of the population. For this reason, it is never allowed to happen.

Think of Thailand, for westerners, as being a bit like a casino. A casino is a place with a touch of excitement, the lure of good fortune / the good life, and a place for fun, even with a bit of a risk. Go to a casino every now and then for fun and that's OK. Go there everyday all-day and you will ultimately lose, because the House Advantage will always get you. So it is in Thailand. The Thai "House Advantage" will get you. They make sure of it.

Of course, if going to Thailand with all your money and slowly losing it and ending up teaching English for a pittance (because that's about all you can do), either illegally or working legally but being treated like a serf by Thai institutions, appeals to you then go ahead. 

And running around the country several times a year getting visas, or always being at the mercy of authorities on visa matters might be your bag. If so, then go ahead, at least you'll be able to spend your nights at cheap restaurants sharing your impoverishment and frustration with other exploited western teachers. If not, think seriously.

In case you are thinking, let me say that I am not a former go-go bar owner gone bust, I have not lost my all doing business with Thais, no I haven't been cheated of everything by a bar-girl, no I haven't been reduced to the indignity of teaching English for a pittance. I have my own money, have spent a lot of time in Thailand, and have done some business there, have observed the experiences of a lot of foreigners, can see what goes on, and have enough concern to want to tell others about it.

If my words can prevent even one westerner of modest means from selling up and going to "enjoy life" in Thailand (and getting shafted in the end) then that will be something. Don't make the mistake of thinking that as a foreigner (even with professional skills) you can "make a contribution" to Thailand, no matter how good your intentions or needed your skills may be. Your contribution will *never* be welcomed, only your money. 

There is a saying in Thai that captures it well: "farang roo mark my dee" – foreigners who know too much [about Thailand] are no good. Gullible tourists, however, are great.

So, go to Thailand as a tourist if you like, enjoy what you enjoy there, but don't be taken in by the culture or people, as many westerners have, and don't under any circumstances give up anything back home to go and stay there unless you are financially secure for life, or know exactly what you are doing.

There is a tradition of resident foreigners in Thailand not telling you the truth about the country because they don't like to admit to themselves and to others about the mistake they have made in moving there. 

But especially now, with the financial mess Thailand has got itself into through a mixture of greed, incompetence, arrogance and corruption, and the prospect of difficult times ahead (to say the least) it is time for plain speaking.

A final comment to anyone who strongly disagrees with these comments. Unless you have lived, worked and conducted business in Thailand for many years, I'm not interested. The views of "oh how can you say that, Thailand is really great" 2 week tourists carry no weight with those of us who know Thailand and Thais well. “

- John Zachary Smith

Stickman says:
Controversial, and will no doubt get certain folks fuming. While I don't agree with it in its entirety, there are a lot of points that I do concur with. The points you make are food for thought and should NOT be dismissed immediately!

Ah, but other expats have totally different opinions. Here is a retort to the above article;

 “I have a feeling that I am in a position that frankly very few farang have ever been in. The odds seem to justify my opinion considering I work for a Thai company in Chonburi with 4,500 people and am the only farang here, let alone the only one that is not a teacher in the entire industrial estate.

I'm 33, have a work permit, do the same professional work I did back in my country, make a pretty damn good income and am treated extremely well both at work and in the town I live.

Based on everything I have seen, read and heard, I feel like I have won the lottery. I sense I am in an incredible position compared to how ruthless and xenophobic Thailand is portrayed.

I haven't met one Thai person who has been rude, derogatory or angry at me for being here. In fact I've only received the opposite. Adulation, even just for being a farang (which perplexes me).

Most of my friends (all Thai) have university degrees and are intelligent people. I asked a few of them why they love farangs and the answers I got back were (hell, I'll quote one verbatim) "I think farang people are just perfect".

I get drinks and food bought, given or offered to me all the time.

I've had more interest from beautiful women since arriving here 2 months ago than I had in 10 years back home. I don't get farang prices at shops or stalls and to top that all off I can barely speak Thai to save my life.

This isn't aimed as a gloat email. It's more a case that sometimes there are examples that differ from the norm, as per the Don't Move to Thailand post.

I feel like this country is one of the last bastions of optimism left in the world and I plan on trying to be as good and honest with the people here as they have been with me. I don't know if Thailand attracts fools who cannot make it or I lucked out. Either way, sometimes stereotypes can be broken.
I love this country and it's been incredible to me. “

- A happy camper.

Those who Returned Home

What do others have to say about Thailand?  You have got to be careful.

“Whenever I get depressed I feel like I just want to run away to Thailand. Rent a nice place, get on Tinder, join a gym and start a new adventure. 

But I have learnt from my mistakes and going to Thailand is not the answer. 

Whenever I go I always start off on the right path. I always say to myself, enjoy the sun, no hookers, go out and explore, join a gym. 

That usually lasts a week. 

Then I get lost down soi 4, I get drunk, I wake up late. 

I ignore Tinder dates and just bang hookers. 

I even ended up with a few ladyboys hanging out the back of me on occasions. Disgraceful. Life is about good company and staying away from trouble.
As I get older I have come to the conclusion that while one's freedom is important, too much freedom can send a man feral.”



Living in another country can change you.

“After living in any Asian country for more than 10 years, one definitely does not fit into one's homeland. I've been back in my home country for nearly 10 months after living in Japan for almost 20 years, having extensively enjoyed the hypnotic allures of such cities as Tokyo, Bangkok, Beijing, and Shanghai along with numerous trips to the mystically appealing islands on Thailand.

Returning to the West can be a shock!

I now fully understand why many of the expats I met found it difficult to live in their native country and had to return to Asia. It reminds me of trying to fit a square block into round hole. No matter how you place it, it just does not fit!

To all of you foreign residents in Thailand and in Asia, enjoy your existence there, because when you return to your homeland, you will dream of those exciting days when you lived in Asia! 

Know well you can easily leave Asia, but it can never leave your heart! It's a stern price to pay for the sights, sounds, sensations, and pleasures one takes from Asia!”


Not everything is perfect when you return home…

“I would have to disagree with one of your readers complaining that beer in a Bangkok a gogo is now more expensive than in a pub in England. In some cases it is (I assume he can't live in London), but you just can't compare having to wait 10 minutes to get served in an English chain pub by one of the 2 bar staff to the instant service you usually get in a Bangkok gogo whilst watching the dancing with a lovely in a thong sitting on your knee!”

-Comment on Stickman Blog

The reality of taking a Thai woman to America…

“Many American men bought in to the whole idea that Thai women were more marriage type than the angry American women we encounter all the time.  Sadly, for many of us that is not true.  

I work every day, come home dirty and earn my pay.  

I took good care of my family.  

The only way to keep a beautiful Thai woman happy here is the same as anywhere – you must have money to keep them in high status with their family back home and keep them entertained here.  

And if you live in small-town USA, you are wasting your time thinking they will be happy.  I know many will disagree with this, but wait about three years and then see.”

-Stickman (Having Two Homes)

Thailand is an adventure, but is it a “rest of your life” destination? Many argue against it.

“There is something very sad about an older man still being a slave to his desires and vices. It takes strength to stop lying to oneself. It's uncomfortable to consider we might be wrong or that we're really just a slave to some 45 kg girl. A photo you took of old guys sitting around waiting for their next fix was almost my future.

Thailand will never change, but it always changes us.

The venom some readers spit at you is jealousy. You are making many people reevaluate their lives in Thailand and that is scary for them. The truth is that they don't need Thailand as much as it needs them.

I've noticed quite a change with the men and women I work and come in to contact with lately here in Canada. They somehow smell something different about me, even when I say nothing. Maybe that I project no desires, I'm unapologetic, professional and not overly polite and stumbling over myself. I'm comfortable in my own skin, I don't need them and they respect that.

I can thank Thailand.

I would still suggest to any single man to go and check it out, but just don't get caught up in that black hole long-term. Go have some fun, boys, but remember, your coffin probably won't be buried in Thailand and eventually we all need to come home.”


Thailand will change you.  Just remember the four rules.  Living as an expat WILL change you. However, Thailand will change you in ways that are beyond my ability to convey.

"A man with a hard cock has a soft heart and a soft cock equals a cold heart".
  • Do NOT believe that Thais have the same values you may harbor.
  • Do NOT act on any impulse to come to the aid of another person being attacked – for any reason.
  • DO understand that your presence is tolerated ONLY because of the currency that accompanies you.
  • DO acknowledge that your well-being depends upon your strict adherence to the above.

You’ve been warned, farang. Otherwise, enjoy your stay!

Although all of this should, by now, be common knowledge to regular visitors and expats, it never hurts to reinforce the obvious. This was made even more obvious by the recent beating and knife attack on a Belgian male who came to the aid of a Thai woman being attacked in Satun by her husband. And no-one should be shocked that the husband first went to secure a knife and the help of his brother before launching his assault.

Thailand will expose you to realities and situations that will provide you with new perspectives.

“A few weeks back, I get a call from a distant cousin about his daughter coming to Bangkok with her boyfriend and was asked if I would mind showing them around. They are in their 20s and figured out their own way around, but they did meet me one evening for dinner. At the end of the evening, the 20-something daughter said to me, "I would like to get some new boobs. Can you recommend someone?"

I have a nurse in my network who works in one of the better clinics, a phone call was made and an appointment was set to meet the doctor the next evening. We show up at the clinic – the girl, the boyfriend, my girlfriend (translator) and me. She was very satisfied with the interview and we left. But there was a small issue….she wanted to see and feel what new boobs would be like. Could I arrange that too?

Like now, tonight, as they are off to Samui in the morning! Sure, no problem! 

You would like me to find a girl who has had them done, so you can feel them like right now? Yes! Off to Nana we go. In a ladyboy bar, a round of drinks later (double for the boyfriend who was freaking out), "There, pick the one you would like to be like!" She pointed to one very good looking "girl" and my girlfriend went on to explain the situation to her.

Off they went to the toilet: the candidate, the translator and the model. They came out after a while, all of them with a huge grin on their faces: the cousin because she got to feel and take pictures to show the doctor, the ladyboy who was now 500 baht richer, and my girlfriend who could no longer keep a straight face.

Just another typical evening in Bangkok!”


Perhaps here is one of the best descriptions of what it is like to live in Asia (for three years), and then return back to America. It’s honest, and harsh, and if the reader has no idea what the writer is talking about then I strongly suggest you leave the USA and experience life…

“I'm writing this from the West Coast of USA, in a very quiet, very peaceful duplex. I have returned to the US after 3+ years living in Bangkok. 

I'm still deciding what really happened out there. My decision to move to Thailand, back in 2010, was based on a lifelong dream of living out of the US for at least one year of my life. 

I had originally wanted to live in Europe, but during the time I was looking for the right place to land, European economics were in meltdown. So I started researching Asia. For work purposes I almost went to Singapore, but then decided Bangkok would be more fun.

I was right.

It wasn't just the sex. I never had trouble landing women in the States. I broke up with a very attractive Thai / Cambodian woman in the US before I left. She was fun, but a bit of a bitch at times. I know enough about women to understand that ratio changes the longer you're in a relationship. Married, she would have been a bitch that was a bit of fun at times. She wanted kids and I didn't. That was that. Before that I had two different 20-something girlfriends, great sex, lots of drama, not long-term but fun. I had learned stellar game skills and liked landing semi long-term relationships with pretty women. It was worth the pursuit, the hunt, the thrill of the conquest and of course, all the great sex. So I didn't go to Thailand for sex. I went to fulfill a lifetime goal of living out of my country for a year, and when I added up how I was supporting myself, what the costs of living were, and the fact that English teaching provided a safety net if things went wrong, Thailand just made sense.

I landed in Bangkok and fell in love with the place. I had lived most of my life in New York City, and spent time in Paris, Rome, London, LA, Berlin, Caracas and many other amazing places. But Bangkok blew my mind. The chaos, the sexiness, the otherness, and just how freaking different it was from the staid, plain US was like medicine. Even New York City – supposedly that wild town – is to me, a very processed and predictable place when compared to Bangkok.

So I loved it. I traveled Thailand for a month and returned to Bangkok.
I set up shop pursuing my dreams. I got lucky with real hard work, landed my business contacts back West, and managed to live for more than three years in Thailand. I had a nice condo, pool on the roof, and money to play with. There were a few rough patches for sure, but also some nice straight-aways. Basically, it turned out to be what I was looking for: the adventure of a lifetime.

That adventure meant broadening my horizons. 

I loved learning the language. I was a Thai language class nerd. I made a few Thai friends and played badminton religiously. I put a damn good pool game together. I travelled all over, made expat friends, and had a blast. I even finally got a local job offer in my industry, which is really tough to do, and held that for a while, living the Bangkok executive life although admittedly not on the high end of that scale. Still, it was all really remarkable.

However, when a job offer came up with an old employer in the West, I took it. After more than three years, I was ready to leave. They flew me back, settled me here, and I plugged in. I actually landed on the fourth of July, if you can believe that. And I was thrilled to be back. I hadn't been back in the US for even a holiday the whole time I was in SE Asia. 

Any time I had to travel, I had gone all over Thailand, Laos or Cambodia. I love SE Asia, but my reasons for repatting were professional. 

The jobs are better in the US. I stayed with mine for five months. It was a contract. When I was offered a full time job, I turned it down in order to start another business I had been planning. And that's where I am now.

I loved being back in the States when I landed. I loved being back in familiar settings, and hearing familiar speech. I loved catching up with friends. I fully intended to plug back in here, and resume life where I had left it when I had jetted to Thailand. 

Thailand had been working against me in the half year before I left. I was getting fed up with the visa issues, and the outsider status. I became depressed at how hard it was to positively affect the business world there, or even the fate of the country. I like to think I can make a difference where I am. Of course, there are charities, and I did a bit of work with those. But ultimately, Thailand is for Thais. 

God bless them for that, is my attitude.

In this One World homogenization that is happening, I have lots of respect for countries that retain national values and identities. Although I respect it, that doesn't mean I wasn't frustrated by it, and ultimately, living as a constant outsider was getting to me.

I had also come to the conclusion that marrying a Thai, or even having a serious Thai girlfriend wasn't what I liked, due to the many reasons cited in other posts here. I dated “civilians” who weren't in the leisure industry, but found the culture gap too huge to leap. Plus the adjustment I had to make in terms of being 3rd on the totem pole (Family, Career, Boyfriend) never did it for me. 

After that decision, I partied too much. I was drinking and balling and more than a bit adrift before I left. That's why I was really happy to be back in the US. It was just time to go. My hand had been played. I felt very lucky to leave when and how I did.

But here's the problem.

After the glow of happy returns wore off, I have to be honest with the fact that I just don't like the US lifestyle. 

I came back to give the west a full on fair shake. I even saw it with new eyes. And there's much I really love about US that I had to be away from before I could appreciate it. It truly is a tremendous land of amazing professional opportunity, as well as a place where self development is encouraged and valued.

Every system is crooked, but the corruption here is way toned down compared to SE Asia. The work place has some clowns, but is largely a meritocracy, where good workers are advanced, and losers get let go. People try hard. They want to make things better. The innovate. But what's really turning me off is how processed it all is.

How boring.

It feels like this grey machine. A conveyor belt. Relationships feel flimsy. Everybody works. Watches TV. Works more.

The amount of hostility towards men is repulsive, as it plays out in the workplace and in media. But the underground of MGTOW and Red Pill is filled with a tremendous amount of hostility as well.

I just really can't believe how unhappy and depressed most people in the west are.

It's like there is this War on Love, destroying relationships between lovers, friends, and communities. There's not much neighborhood or local cohesion. I feel everybody keeps busy busy busy all the time, working buying and watching, working buying and watching, to avoid admitting how bleak and punishing the average life is here. I don't want to support it. I don't want to fit in and be part of it.

I have no regrets I left Thailand, and in terms of timing, when I was pulled back here was really a blessing. 

But I can't deny the fact that I feel a huge void in my life out here. I believe what I miss most is the excitement and adventure and just fantastic thrill – with all the tribulations that went with it – which living abroad in SE Asia provides. 

I just had more fun there. 

I felt more alive there. And what's also really difficult is that all of the experiences I had in Thailand aren't really welcome out here.

Beyond the natural bias that women have of "men who go to Thailand", I'm just shocked that nobody really wants to know what life in another land is like. 

Maybe I'm a bad story teller. 

But maybe Americans are just living in their bubble. 

My countrymen have little frame of reference outside of their work and TV shows. It's heartbreaking, really. So much of the world, so much to see and hear about, and nobody wants to hear about it. I read a lot of columns on Stick that talk about how Thais don't really know much about the outside world. But in a way, the Americans don't either. So I'm left with this huge piece of living, and no place to process it. It's disheartening.

The place runs well.

The trains are on time, as they say, but psychologically, I feel the West is a very hostile and weird place these days. 

Especially when it comes to men / women relationships. 

I am shocked at the deterioration in relationships that I have seen, in just the past ten years. It's just so aggressively mercenary. The romance has been drained from the punch. There's very little charm in the process. I found dating pretty pointless, but still fun and sweet enough in Thailand. Even it if leads nowhere beyond walking around a mall and having some sex, it was lighter and more pleasant.

In America, dating is this grim operation to perform: shit tests, hoops, Social Market Value, and the flat-out rude bossiness that has become the modern American woman. Joyless. Probably that's what this entire post comes down to… that one word: Joyless.

America is not a life.

It's a job. The job is work. And work sucks.

Thais value fun. They like life light. Sanuk isn't just something in tour books. They have an art to daily living that has a pleasant ambience based on a healthy injection of “I don't give a damn”. All of us who have lived there have been on the maddening side of it. But from where I'm writing now, I see it now as a great way to resist the corporate take-over of every part of life.

Why the fxxk should we all have to work so hard?

Who's getting rich off our sweat? Just this morning I read that a new crisis on American college campuses is that many American university students are killing themselves or crowding counselor's crisis centers. Shouldn't higher learning be a better experience? They are probably feeling total dread at what the American system has laid out for them: joyless toil. It's like we're all fighting as hard as we can to jam our way into jobs that shred us.


Life shouldn't be so damn serious. Thais know that. I miss that. I miss them. I miss their land.

With luck I'll be back and honestly, probably bitching about lots of the things I just heralded in the previous paragraph. lol. Should fate decide otherwise, and slugging it out in the US is my path, I have my memories. They will remain a precious jewel for life. Either way, I am richer, wiser, and more the man I dreamed of being for having spent my time in LOS.

Enjoy it out there, gentlemen. Play smart and it's a brilliant part of the world to live life. Play dumb and it's still one hell of an adventure. My time there was a blend of both and I wouldn't trade it for anything. “

- “After 3+ Years in Thailand, Reflections From Home” by Rich Archer on the Stickman Blog. Reader submission.  May 2015

The Top 10 types of expat in Thailand

Let's talk about steriotypes. There are some particular sub-sets of Thai expat that you can spot a mile away. I knwo that it is bad to type-cast a typical expat, but it's boat-loads of fun, and it's a natural thing to do. Here are some sub-sets that you can use as a guide.  Jus tkeep in mind that there are plenty of other varieties of  expats floating around Thailand.

Here are just some major classifications of Thailand Expat that are pretty obvious. You can point them out with big splayed brushes, and will pretty much be right on target. Check them out…

1. The search of a wife
Finding looking for love in the West daunting? Or had a few failed marriages? Head to Asia and find a wife there instead. Right?!

  • Thailand is the place for sex.
  • Thailand is not the place for love.
  • If you indeed want to find true love in Thailand, then expect to change and adapt to the way that things are done in Thailand. Not the other way around.

These gentlemen come to Thailand for the sole purpose of finding love and maybe a wife. There seems to be some belief that Asian women are going to be more polite, obedient and submissive than the women in their own country.

Oh! Boy or boy are they going to get a shock.

Others are looking to ‘trade in’ their older, western model for a younger, prettier Asian version. And where are you going to find this source of Asian ladies? At an expat bar (or on the internet these days). And so the well-trodden path and litany of perilous adventures begins. We know how most of these relationships end.

Of course there are many western men, and women, who do find a Thai partner and live long, happy lives. But (please kindly be advised) they’re vastly out numbered by the stories of love-gone-wrong in the Land of Smiles.

Don’t take life too seriously
Read a couple of hundred stories on the internet before moving in with the Thai GF.  Realize that you must have deep pockets. As wll as a wallet that resembles Alladan's magic lamp. Oh, and one more thing; Guys, please keep in mid that the bar girls don’t actually love you.

2. The businessman
Many professional expats live, mostly in Bangkok, working for big international companies on salaries that would make them rich in any country. They can afford to, and do, live the high life.

  • Some are single but others bring their family along for the adventure.
  • They rent a big house.
  • They have a live-in maid.
  • They have a driver and live a great life indeed.

But, living their life in an artificial bubble in their working years, they rarely transition into a more mundane retired life in ‘normal’ Thailand.

3. Retiring in Thailand
The mantra used to be that you could move to Thailand and live off your pension (which would translate to lots and lots of baht), walking the Phuket beaches, shopping in Bangkok or living a quiet life in Chiang Mai.

Ah, yes. The perfect retirement lifestyle.

Other single, mostly, men would be lured by a carefree life of cheap beer, endless beaches and a seemingly endless supply of attractive young ladies in the many bars. (And who wouldn’t be lured by such wonderful attributes?)

A lot of this has changed in recent years.

The Thai economy has gained strength, along with the Thai Baht. With some international currencies have comparatively deflated. Which means that people hoping to live off their overseas pensions or savings are not getting the same bargain they once did.

This is especially living in tourist hubs like Bangkok, Phuket or Pattaya, the cost of living has been rising in recent years pricing them out of the retirement market.

If you’re contemplating a retired life in Thailand spend some time on the internet and come and spend a few months in selected locations. Try before you buy and don’t start packing the crockery until you’ve done your homework and your calculus.

4. Teaching English
The English teacher is found everywhere in the LOS (Land of Smiles) and is still a reasonably sure-fire way to extend your time living in Thailand.

These teachers usually break down into four categories….  

  • Some are career educators and love teaching English.
  • Others are backpackers trying to extend their stay and top up their travel budget.
  • There are some older guys who have spent their life savings and will do anything to stay in Thailand.
  • Finally, there’s the bored wives who want something useful and meaningful to fill their days whilst their husbands work for larger international companies.

There are numerous TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses around the country. The pay’s not great and you’ll be living a local lifestyle rather than the lap of luxury. But many former teachers remember their time teaching English in Thailand fondly and say they’ll never forget the smiling Thai children.

5. The entrepreneurial spirit
Savvy business people often come to Thailand for some better weather and the chance to make their fortune. The joke used to be that if you wanted to start a small business in Thailand, just invest in a big business here and wait a few years.

But many actually make a go of it and end up doing well.

Like starting a business anywhere else in the world, do your homework and make sure you tick all the right boxes, including a business and marketing plan (in a foreign country).

The flashy, brash real estate hacks that sell one property a year and spend the other 364 days sitting at the beach bar spending their commission, are a local cliché and a dime a dozen. Same goes for the internet hacks, the blogger hacks, and the travel-lifestyle hacks. It’s all nonsense. Don’t buy into the lies.

Remember that the paperwork and administration requirements of a Thai company can be bewildering and you WILL need some good local advice before you open up shop. Take someone who’s already done it for a few years to dinner and ask lots of questions.

6. The bored wife
Many of the categories mentioned so far have a predominance of males. Life for a single foreign woman in Thailand can be a challenge. Kudos to those who cut through the cultural issues and make a go of it.

There’s also the wives and partners of the many, many men who get to work in Thailand and bring their families with them. The live-in maid, driver and shopping trips eventually get boring and they will often be looking for other things to do. In most cases their visas won’t allow them to legally work. So many do end up doing various charity and volunteer work (thought you should be very clear about what your visa will and won’t allow you to do).

There are numerous expat groups around the country to provide information, social outings and community for the many mums or spouses who find themselves at a loose end whilst the husband works in the office. Jump on your computer and do some homework and you’ll discover a whole new world of other woman out there.

Your next coffee or movie gal-pal is as far away as the internet.

7. The fresh-starter
For whatever reason, Thailand seems to attract its fair share of misfits, vagrants and social outcasts that can’t seem to get their act together in their home country. So they come to Thailand where the cheap booze, beaches and travel brochures have lured them.

Of course they find a very different culture and an entirely new list of reasons they can’t fit in and get their life established.

Some are just running away from …

  • Bad marriages
  • The law
  • Anything-they-don’t-want-to-confront.

The long term prognosis for many of these misfits isn’t good. We end up reading about them as over-stayers, drink driving road deaths or victims of balcony falls.

8. Sexpats
‘Sexpats’ are notorious and much-maligned.

They come to Thailand, lured by a slightly old-fashioned notions of the Kingdom as an easy place to find sex. And sometimes, in some locations the opportunities are still available, for a price. Sexpats usually hang around other expats who are less likely to frown on their indulgences. The three P’s – Patpong, Patong and Pattaya – sum up most of the popular sexpat locations.

In most cases they’re here for a good time, not a long time.

They will frequent the sleazier locations in Thailand pursuing their goals and, eventually, running out of money or getting bored. Or getting into trouble. Or contracting any number of available STDs.

9. The serial complainer
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be as good in Thailand compared to where they come from. They will find fault in everything from the traffic to the food to the government to the medical system to the culture to the visa system to the corruption to the heat to the roads to the culture to the girls.


Thailand is a foreign country with a rich, frequently bewildering culture. The longer you spend here, the less it all makes sense. But that’s part of the glorious adventure of living in Thailand. Whilst many expats revel in the wonders and excesses of Thai life, some just wallow in their own self-righteousness.

Many of these haters and complainers have never been to Thailand but are happy to share their wisdom, often, in chat rooms and social media.

Blah, blah, blah.

Worse, there are plenty of haters living amongst us who bore us sideways with their whinging and complaining. They can be directed to the nearest international airport where they are invited to escape the country they so despise and return to their homeland or just go somewhere else, anywhere really.

10. The digital nomads
We see them tapping away on their keyboards at cafés and work spaces around the country. As long as they have wifi their business is open. They’re trading stocks and shares, selling property, gambling, posting stories, filing news reports, selling stuff on their Facebook pages – they’re working.

If you can run your business outside of a traditional office, hey, why not do it sitting next to a beach or high up in a mountain overlooking Chiang Rai. The digital nomads fall between the cracks in the Thai Immigration system and often have to run the gauntlet of dodgy visas and visa runs although a recently introduced Smart Visa helps some of them get a proper visa.

There is an increasing range of co-working spaces opening around the country and almost every café in Thailand will now have wifi – whether it’s working or not is another matter. Then again you can always tether your phone to your laptop and use your smartphone’s wifi.

However, as I have mentioned above, do NOT mistakenly believe that you can become a rich and successful person by banging around on your keyboard in a foreign land. If so, then Metallicman would have the wealth of George Soros. This is an option only for people who already have a successful online operation and they are able to port it over to Thailand without interruption.


For many Americans, Asia is Heaven. America has become the land of the heavily taxed serf, a land of the obese and argumentative, and the ugly. And when you leave the “wonderful shores of exceptionalism”, you discover that you wasted 50, 60 years of your life following a LIE. It’s an ideal that might at some time, long ago, existed for other people…

…but one that you never got a chance to participate within. So for you’se guys, like me. Asia is Heaven.

You go from this…

American girls tend to be on the chubby side.

To this…

This is what women are like all throughout Asia. They make fine wives, are fantastic, playful companions, and admire their man. They NEVER, ever belittle them in public.

This says it all, I would think;

“The expat rule is, you have found paradise and you don’t want to share it with anyone, especially those you believe to be unworthy.”


And, with that I must add, do not debauch yourself to death… 

An interesting write up about judgemental people, mostly Americans, of the “ugly American" persuasion. 

It is a great read, and spot on;

The act of seeing a prostitute in Western countries has been demonized, sometimes even more so than the act of prostitution itself. 

In many states in the U.S., if you’re caught soliciting a prostitute, you’ll be arrested and charged, and your name will appear in the Newspaper and on the Newspaper’s website. Then when anyone Google’s your name, the first thing to come up will be the article about you trying to see a whore. 

Many feminists sympathize for the “poor working girls,” who are simply misguided, while vilifying the evil “Johns” who take advantage of the women by buying sex from them. 

You pay her $300 for her to tell you to “hurry up,” and yet you’re the one taking advantage of her - oh the irony!

Don’t be THIS guy…

An American male aged 55 just fell off the 27th floor landed right near the pool. 

He wrote a letter before jumped said that he ran out of money, his visa is expired and express a wish to live in Thailand longer. 

It’s a sad story indeed. You spend your entire life working inside the “American Dream”, only to be taxes, swindled, and squeezed out of everything. 

Then you take what little remains and go somewhere where you are appreciated. 

Yet, when the money dries up, everything is over.  

Sad.  Looks like he'll be here forever now.

Or this fellow…

60 Year-old British Expat Found Dead in his Rented Room in Buriram Province. 

Upon entry of the rented room police found the body of James Track, 60 on the bed, surrounded by beer bottles, Deputy interrogation chief Pol Capt Decha Thongprapa said. 

Pol Capt Decha said the Briton might have died from consumption as it was revealed to him by other tenants that his wife had threatened to break up with him due to his drinking.

Things are different in Thailand.

Things are different; prostitution is more accepted and you certainly don’t have to worry about getting arrested for bar-fining a girl.  We’re not usually judged for it in Asia, but we’re judged even more harshly by Western women than men who solicit prostitutes in their own country. 

Because now we’re not just taking advantage of a “misguided woman”, and now we’re actually taking advantage of a “very poor and uneducated, misguided third world woman”.  

Yeah. Right.

I’ll have to remember that the next time a bar girl begs me to spend the night with her.

I’ve been targeted numerous times by groups out there who try to shame me for “the proliferation of the prostitution scene.”  It’s as if I tell people that it’s wrong NOT to see prostitutes, or that it’s wrong to treat them well when you do see them. 

Some of these people act as if the prostitution scene in Thailand exists only because dirty old white men come here and throw their money around in ways that uneducated women simply can’t refuse.  

This implication is mean spirited and outright false.

1) I find that to be an insult to Thai women; they’re not robots and they are acting on their own free will.  To imply that they don’t know any better is another way of calling them stupid.  Most of them are much more calculated than feminists give them credit for being, usually saving hordes of cash by the time they’re done in the profession.

2) The prostitution scene in Thailand has a long history that has only recently included white men.  The facts are that most of the “Johns” throughout the country are Thai.  But feminists, and those quick to point the finger, live in some sort of vacuum where they think that Soi Cowboy and Walking Street are the only prostitution havens in Thailand.

Feminists, and basically all Western women, have always been on that side of the issue.  But lately, I’ve noticed a new group of people quick to throw stones at any man who would dare see a Thai prostitute: foreign men!   These guys fall into different categories, I’ll list them for you.

1) The dating guru who insists that it’s STUPID and PATHETIC to have to see prostitutes since it’s so easy to score here with an unlimited amount of non prostitutes.  In other words, “do as I do or you’re dumb and sad.”  I’ve had my successes in the dating scene here, but I don’t see what that has to do with the prostitution scene.

2) The man who takes care of his wife’s Thai daughter from a past marriage, as his own, and is repulsed by the thought of her selling her body to foreign guys when she becomes of age.  I don’t blame the guy for not wanting to see it happen to the girl, but it won’t happen if he does a decent job as a parental figure in her life.  If he fails as a parent, and she does become a prostitute, it’ll be his fault, not the fault of the “johns” she sells herself to.

3) The “fragile heart” guys, otherwise known as: walking contradictions.  These are the guys who fall in love with the first bar girl they buy sex from.  They become so consumed with their “love,” that they have to find a way to justify the fact that she was sexing and fucking 20-40 guys per month for the past year or two.  So, for whatever reason, some of these guys start to visualize the johns as being the villains.  It doesn’t sound like a particularly healthy way of handling the situation, but that doesn’t seem to stop them.  The craziest thing about it is that they themselves were a john when they first met the girl.  They find a way to separate that from the evil guys who did the same thing as them, just without the falling in love part.

4) The guys who are just “above it all.”  Most of these guys are outright liars, the rest of them are just judgmental assholes.   Finding guys who have never truly seen a prostitute in their entire lives, especially those who have been to or live in Thailand, is even more rare than finding a guy who never had an alcoholic beverage before.  I suppose there’s a few of them out there, but there’s a lot more guys out there who simply say they’ve never seen a prostitute, despite that being a lie.  And if a guy saw a prostitute even one time in his life, and vows that he never has and is repulsed by anyone who does or has, that is just a sick and twisted way to go about things.  Now, for those few guys who truly have never seen a prostitute, good for them.  I’m not going around saying that they’re prudes or pussies for not doing it; I actually don’t care.  I wouldn’t judge them either way.  But if they are going to judge me, simply because I don’t adhere to the same moral codes as they do, then they can go and fuck themselves!

5) The religious type.  If a guy’s religious code dictates that I’m a sinner, then so be it.  Prostitution is known as the “oldest profession in the world.”  It’s also pretty damn harmless compared to some more obvious “sins.”  I don’t judge anyone for being very religious, that’s their prerogative.  But I just wish some of them wouldn’t so often judge others that just don’t happen to follow the same religion with the same passion.  Some of these guys are quite the hypocrites, because they’ve seen hundreds of prostitutes, but since that was “before they were saved,” that doesn’t count anymore.

I’m not even going to discuss the group of people out there who makes it like any “john” is basically a rapist sex trafficker; obviously those people need more help than most prostitutes.  But that is basically the final end of the spectrum of people who hate on anyone who has ever been with a prostitute before.  We’ve gone through all of the groups, and they all have two things in common: they’re judgmental and intolerant people.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter, and to follow through in the way they see fit.  Just as everyone can have their feelings on the topic, I have mine as well.  I don’t judge others who don’t see me eye to eye on it; it’s just my own personal code. 

This is true whether it is about China, or Thailand. About work, career, or pretty girls. It is the same regardless about how you live your life and what you do with your time. All men need a code; a code of behaviors.

And that is, that seeing prostitutes is like drinking alcohol – its fun sometimes, but it’s best to do it in moderation, and it’s important not to become completely addicted to it. 

Like alcohol, if you’re not somewhat cautious, there can be some downsides.  But if you can stick to the limits that you set, you’ll be fine.

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