Thailand is a place where you have the “Right to bear arms”

Most Americans exist within a kind of bubble of isolation. It’s a secure and solid environment that only allows a specific type of information transfer to the citizens. As such Americans are constantly fed a rich and steady diet of propaganda. With is designed to [1] make them feels special and unique, while at the same time, [2] designed to make them fearful of the rest of the world. This propaganda machine is enormous and has completely absorbed just about every news outlet in America from the mainstream to all the outlying fringe sources.

There are so many aspects to this intense degree of control that it would take a couple of lifetimes of writing to even begin to touch the subject matter at hand. Instead, I’m just gonna take bites and chunks out of it as I deem fit. And in this post we are going to blow-up the notion that “America is exceptional because it has a Bill of Rights that includes the Right to bear arms“.

This is yet another fallacy that needs to be revisited. Being exceptional” has nothing to do with what ever “Rights” a government allows you to possess. And the idea that “The Bill of Rights” still exists is laughable. It doesn’t. But most importantly is the idea that ONLY in America can you own and possess guns and firearms. It’s a lie. You can live in numerous other nations and own firearms as well.

It’s just that they aren’t so worried about their government infringing on their ability to own guns. They don’t.

So we never hear about them. There are no news articles about them, and there isn’t billions of federal funds for “studies”, and “Blue Ribbon Panels” looking into the “Gun Control Issue”.

Let’s look at a nation that has more freedoms than what’s present in America. Let’s look at Thailand. The “Land of Smiles”. And let’s look at the ability for local citizens to buy, sell, possess and use guns; firearms, and weapons. Let’s look at what real freedom is like. Shall we?

No Gun Control

One of the things about stable nations is that they tend to let their people own firearms. Those nations that disarm their populace tend to do so for tyrannical reasons (yes, and this includes Australia and the UK).  Did I upset you, the reader’s sensibilities, well then… good!

Thailand trusts it’s people.  They are permitted to possess firearms.

Consider that in your calculus.

A country that loves pick-up trucks, 7-Eleven convenience stores, and has a special relationship with guns. No, not America. I’m talking about Thailand, a country better known for its beaches, warm weather, and friendly people. Turns out, it also has a thriving gun culture. Shooting is popular and primarily targeted at self-defense training. Guns are easily available, shooting ranges are commonplace, and gun regulations are lax.

Gun Ownership in Thailand

With a population of 67 million people and an estimated 10 million firearms, Thailand doesn’t come close to the number of guns owned in the United States, which has more guns than people.

Still, gun ownership is popular in Thailand.

Gun ownership is legal in Thailand, but the guns themselves are more expensive than in the United States.

In fact, of those 10 million firearms in Thailand only roughly 6 million guns are officially registered, meaning likely over 4 million guns are in illegal possession. Illegal firearms ownership is said to be particularly high in the southern border regions between Thailand and Malaysia, which has seen ongoing separatist insurgency and rebellion over the past ten years.

Gun Licensing & Regulations

In Thailand, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law. Neither is the right to hunt.

Thai citizens, as well as foreigners with a residency permit, can apply for a firearms license, which is granted if a person’s personal conduct, criminal record, living conditions and income don’t raise red flags during a background check by local authorities. A legitimate reason for a license being granted can be self-defense, property protection, hunting, or sport shooting.

Firearms safety classes are not required, and the license costs only 500-1000 Baht (15-30 USD) depending on the province in which the license is issued.

One license is required per firearm, and unlike US states with instant background checks, that license generally takes two weeks to issue and requires registration of the gun after the purchase no matter if it is a private sale or a gun shop sale.

Citizens are not allowed to carry guns in public unless they hold a carry license, which contrary to everybody’s claims doesn’t seem too difficult to attain, at least judging from newspaper headlines such as “man accidentally shot ex-wife with Uzi in restaurant”. State agencies keep a record of every firearms license and carry license issued as well as a record of every gun and whom it is registered to.

Guns on the Thai Market

Thailand doesn’t have its own small arms industry so gun shops sell mostly American imports. European models are less common because most European countries do not issue export licenses to Thailand due to the on-going separatist insurgency in the southern provinces.

Glock and Sig Sauer pistols available in Thailand have US markings rather than being Austrian or German made.

Used 1911 pistols for sale seem to be military excess.

Prices are typically 2-3 times the US retail price. This premium price is a result of the cost for the export permit in the country of origin, secure international shipping, and import fees into Thailand as well as high margins at the gun stores.

Civilian possession of automatic or semi-automatic rifles is illegal, but gun stores stock them since police and military frequent these stores.

Semi-automatic .22LR carbine are excluded from the ban because there is a loophole that allows semi-automatic small caliber rifles. Interestingly the possession of an air gun requires a firearms permit while airsoft BB guns can be bought anywhere.

The Black Market

There is a black market of military-issue guns that have somehow found their way into civilian hands. Some believe that the Thai government provided guns to the southern provinces to arm the counter-insurgents and “defense volunteers” fighting the separatists. Other illegal guns cross the border into Thailand from surrounding countries.

Thai Police Service Pistols

Police officers are not issued service pistols and have to buy a gun to use on-duty out of pocket. I have seen officers carry a mishmash of Glock 19, Sig Sauer P226, Colt 1911M1 as well as really old revolvers and .22LR pistols (yes, seriously) as their sidearm. I have also seen one police officer with an empty holster (Don’t bring an empty holster to a gun fight!).

If an officer can’t afford a gun when they are fresh on the force, they can apply for a loan from the police union and pay it back in monthly installments. Sig Sauer seems to try to penetrate the Thai law enforcement market in a similar way Glock did in the 90’s and continues to do in the US by offering the P320 at very low cost to police officers directly, bypassing the middlemen. These guns are being sold in Thailand close to US retail price.

Shooting Ranges in Thailand

Shooting ranges can be found all over the country not far from temples and bars, palm trees and beaches. Due to the warm climate, these are all outdoor ranges where paper targets, steel plates and IPSC courses are shot. Human silhouette shooting is permitted, as self-defense is a legitimate reason to own and shoot a gun in Thailand.

At the beaches of Ao Nang and in the mountains of Chiang Mai you can find typical shooting ranges.

There, 30 bullets cost 1700 Baht (45 USD) including the rental gun. Typical guns to select from include the Glock 34, Sig Sauer 226 Elite, 1911, Glock 34 IPSC open tuning, CZ 75 and Makarov or.22lr pistols and revolvers.

Shooting ranges are heavily frequented by tourists, posing with pistols held sideways, with shotguns and an ammunition belt wrapped around their neck, or hamming it up with a big revolver.

Guns are legal in Thailand, but if you plan to bring any inside the country, you must register them properly or expect to suffer legal consequences.

The Thai IPSC shooters were quietly practicing on a stage set up on the other end of the range, protected by thick concrete walls from stray bullets fired by tourists holding a .357 super-magnum, blowing the smoke from the burning oil off the tip of the barrel, pointed to the sky like Dirty Harry, while his friend was taking a picture of this experience of a lifetime on his phone.

Why bring this up…

When someone is trying to disarm you, you have a duty to question their motives.

Most Americans haven’t a clue as to how the rest of the world operates, and they in their ignorance, think that America is “best”. Well, sorry, it is not. Don’t go a knocking the way Thai’s or the Chinese live their lives.

Just remember, when an enormous government wants to disarm you, and your family “for your safety”, you have a duty to question their motives.

Ultimately, I can’t show cause and effect for events that occurred years ago. But here is some history that you can research for yourself. This is what CAN happen when the people are disarmed, regardless of how much time passes before it actually occurs. Ask yourself this: can events like this even happen if the people are armed?

1911, Turkey

Established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, were rounded up and exterminated. Search Armenian Genocide.

1929, Soviet Union

Established gun control. In 1937, about 2million dissidents, including 30000 military officers, were rounded up and imprisoned or executed. Search The Great Purges

1935, China

Established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.

1938, Germany

Established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, leaving a populace unable to defend itself against the Gestapo and SS. Hundreds of thousands died as a result.

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country.”

- Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition, Pg. 425-426.

1956, Cambodia

Established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, 1-2 million ‘educated’ people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. SPECIAL NOTE: The law was passed in 1956, but was not used for 20 years. But it WAS used.

1964, Guatemala

Established gun control. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

1970, Uganda

Established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. The total dead are said to be 2-3 million.


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Inspirational Rufus-related micro-videos out of Thailand

I have gotten some grief by posting things about Thailand on Metallicman. But people don’t really understand. Thailand is a very spiritual and religious land, and they view sex as something natural and pure.

Not as something ugly, evil and perverted like they do in the United States.

Anyways, here are some treasures. These are micro-videos that were written, directed and take place in Thailand. If you want to have a good look at yourself, then watch these videos and note your reactions to them.

All of these videos are very short movies. Whether they are culled from actual movies or compiled on their own accord is actually unknown. But they are rather nice and exceptional in their own regard. They are about people, situations and relationships. All very Buddhist and all very Thai.

If you want to “feel the pulse” of a nation, you look at it’s society. And for Thailand, you look at the people, the families and the relationships there. I hope that these micro videos puts smiles on your faces and an appreciation for other realities and other cultures.

This is the Thailand that I know…

The is the Thailand that I know and that is hidden by all the bad press out in the West…

This is the Thailand that I know…

I really love this next movie…

And some surprises…

And for the father…


My father would call these movies “schmaltz” and tell me that I was wasting my time watching them. It means “excessive sentimentality, especially in music or movies.” He told me that it’s a “dog eat dog” world out there. That I have to “fight to survive” and that I must do it alone. A “Lone Wolf” style because that is what a Man does and that it is the “American Way”. And that no one is going to come to help me. That I must either succeed or fail. And everything else is just a “waste of my time”.

He was wrong.

We are all part of a community. And if everyone contributes within that community, then the entire community benefits. The lone wolf idea is a failed strategy. For it only results in the occasional lone wolf with the rest of the community struggling and destitute.

You can see this in America today. The nation that completely and absolutely embraces the “lone wolf” society is one with a mere handful of ultra-wealthy, and the rest of the nation is unhappy, destitute and not doing well at all.

And nations like China, that embraces the concept of community first is running “rings” around America. When people work together there is a synergy that transcends the individual contribution. Which has a better defensive mechanism, a lone bee, or a swarm of angry pissed-off bees?

Community. You all should be an ACTIVE participant in your respective communities.

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Having Sex in Thailand while drinking beer, singing, dancing, playing and other worthwhile activities

This post is a newbie’s guide to having sex in Thailand. It’s a compilation of information that the interested reader can rely on to meet companions and have some fun with them. And by fun, I mean drinking alcohol, singing, dancing, exploring the local sights, eating the amazing food, and having sex with an attractive companion. You can find this information elsewhere on the internet, don’t you know, but here we are going to include it all in one place for your personal use.

Included herein for your personal use.

Please realize that I am not a “monger”. I am just a normal guy that likes pretty girls, exotic cultures, singing, dancing and drinking. And I believe that if you would rather sit in front of the boob-tube (television set) rather than have a pretty girl on your lap then you go ahead and do it. As they used to say in the United States “different strokes for different folks”.

Now, you can take this information and use it. Or you can read it and absorb it, and then forget it. Or, you can take what is provided herein and say “My! What an interesting place. I should go ahead and visit it. Yes, I think.”

Sex in Thailand

And so let’s talk about life in interesting places, with interesting people, doing interesting things.

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"People will always buy food, alcohol, drugs, coffee, and sex. A lot of men are stressed and want a release,"

-Loretta from Prostitutes tempt clients with deals. 
By KEITH LYNCH 13:34, Feb 27 2009

I like Thailand. It is everything that the USA isn’t.

“For me I live in Thailand and have done so for the past 3 and a half years and it remains the best decision of my life. 

But what is it really like to live in Thailand day in and day out is it like living anywhere else and does the attractions of what it was like as a tourist still alive or has it waned.

When you live here you don't do the elephant treks or the jet skis on the beach you work and live a life like you would anywhere else except for one difference for me at least you have a lot more sex!

For most of the guys that I know who live here their sex life improves 1000% and it doesn't matter how old you are in fact the older you are the more the improvement! (Good Site for Details)

And more than likely the majority of the guys reading this blog living in Thailand is about having as much sex as you can!”


Ah, yes.  But it is true by all accounts.

Always uses a condom. Most younger men are not ethical in their whoring practices. This is very dangerous.  Listen to me; all it takes is to get the clap or gonorrhea just once, and spend a week in a hospital that will make you wear a condom for the rest of your life. (In addition, don’t try to look on the Internet for medicines and try to cure yourself.  No.  You go to a hospital.)

Getting an STD involves hospitalization if you get some of the more dangerous strains. Do not mess around. Wear a condom. 

Not only has Metallicman dealt with hospital stays for STD's, but also know more than a few fellow expats that caught HIV/AIDS while "having fun". Their stories are sad, sad, sad.

Wear a condom.

And while you are probably going to say that you have heard this all before, let me be the first to drive this point home to you, in the clearest and most forceful way that I can.

Wear a condom.

But with the proper precautions and attentions, you stay in Asia can be outstanding and just amazing.

The point being that Asian women have different cultural norms than American women have.  (Don’t believe me?  Read THIS.)

However, that does not mean that they aren’t female. They have needs, desires, feelings, and issues like any other normal person would. In all cases, if the man is 100% devoted to sexual pursuit, he will get it. However, he will live a shallow and lonely life.  It would be a life unfulfilled.

You do need some alcohol.

You do need some delicious and very tasty food.

You do need to have some fun activities.

The truth is that most men, aside from sex, NEEDS a companion.  This would be a person that they can share their life with. Indeed, some of my favorite times is just being at home with my family, drinking VSOP (or wine) and talking. Then comes the sex.  LOL!

Don’t drink too much – the biggest obstacle to knowing whether a bar girl really likes you or not is alcohol. Also when you get older, the booze inhibits the enjoyment of doing the deed. Finally, is it really fun to get shitfaced? (I don’t know, it doesn’t happen too much any more. The last time that happened to me was at a KTV in China where I drank an entire bottle of Hennesy by myself, and woke up with three nude girls.)

A man needs a companion…

Written by Steve Rosse. January 8th, 2014.

He sits at his desk and dreams about the girl with the French braid. It was the elaborate hair that caught his eye in the Safari Bar, but it was hearing her laugh that made him offer her a drink. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept her at the front of his mind for a whole year.

She hangs onto the chrome pole and dreams about the man with the gap between his front teeth. He was more generous than most of the men who paid her for sex, but it was the fact that he was a little more clean, and a little more sober, that made her agree to go with him. It was two days in a room that contained nothing but a bed and a small refrigerator that has kept him at the front of her mind for a whole year.

His job is mundane and he does it without thinking about it. He shuffles the paper from one side of his desk to the other, makes the appropriate comments in meetings. His job is just what he does to pay the bills. His annual trips to Thailand are what he lives for. He’s had many women in Thailand (almost none at home) but when he’s daydreaming at his desk it’s always about the girl with the French braid.

Her job is mundane and she does it without thinking about it. Her job is just what she does to pay the bills. She shuffles her feet to the music and makes the appropriate comments to the men on their stools. Her annual trips home to Saphan Buri are what she lives for. She’s had many men in Bangkok (none at home) but when she’s daydreaming on the catwalk it’s always about the man with the gap between his front teeth.

He doesn’t really know why she stands out from the others in his memory. She was pretty enough, but other women were prettier. She was skilled in bed, but others were more skilled. There was just something about her, about the way she was so worried about messing up her braid. About how she folded her clothes so neatly before she got into bed. About how she actually seemed to mean it when she asked, “Was I good for you?”

She doesn’t really know why he stands out from the others in her memory. He was generous enough, but other men were more generous. His demands in bed were easy enough to satisfy, but other men’s were easier. There was just something about him, about the way he asked if he could do things before he did them. About how he discreetly tucked the money under her purse on the nightstand rather than just hand it to her. It was something about how he actually seemed to mean it when he asked “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

He shuffles his papers and jokes with the other guys in the break room. He pays his bills and does his shopping and watches TV. But he’s counting the days until his next trip to Thailand. He’s going for the whole month of April, when the air fares are cheapest. He’ll go back to the Safari bar and ask for the girl with the French braid. He wishes he could remember her name. She gave it to him once, at the bar when they met, but after that they were “Darling” to each other and he never thought to ask for it again.

She shuffles her feet and jokes with the other girls on the catwalk. She pays her bills and does her shopping and watches TV. But she’s counting the days until her next trip to Saphan Buri. She’s going for the whole month of April, for the Songkran holiday. She’ll sit on the bus and dream of the man with the gap between his teeth. She wishes she could remember his name.

It’s easy to love the “Land of Smiles”

Typical girl in Thailand.

Anyways, moving on…

“Some people have a hard time understanding relationships where the male is significantly older (decades),"what do they have in common" is a question you'll hear a lot and the answer is pretty simple. 

Not much at all.If a 45 year old wants to date a 19y/o Thai university girl then I see nothing wrong with that. 

In fact just a quick look on Thai Cupid and you'll find thousands of girls in their late teens with profile titles like "seeking Farang man 30-50". 

Most guys wet dream!

Do most guys care if they have anything in common? 

No. And that's fine because in most relationships whether they are close to each others age or not there's always compromise. 

If you want to have common interests then find a girl you work with.”

-Living Thai


To a young person, it seems all messed up. 

To an American, indeed, especially to an American woman it seems so disgusting.  Well, that is why you are still in America, and I am outside of it.

Anyways, here’s a nice rant directed at 20-something millennials who have strong opinions about what us “old farts” do with our life and time.

“Yeah, I'm supposed to sound like the jaded old guy I am.

But, OK pal...

... it's all great as you're a youthful stud who happens to be in Bangkok at the right time to meet Thai women...

...women, who've shed many of their cultural proscriptions against co-mingling with farang, and now have communication vectors making it convenient.

Let's hear from you in a decade or two.

After maybe, just maybe, you've been raked over the coals by an avaricious family and your former teeruk has her golden parachute, your DNA in her kids.

After you've grown weary of corruption / incompetence, built the house and learned you can't own the land.

(Where you've) seen your fortune dwindle and learned how merciless Thai courts can be when it comes to divorce proceedings.

Let's hope this doesn't happen – plenty of happy couples out there.

But in your mid-20s, you don't even know what the wringer looks like, let alone been through it. 

And yes, (you are correct) there are those whose chick magnet days are memories, who've been married / divorced / through the wringer yet we still want to enjoy life, intimacy, friendship and sex (OK, maybe not in that order).

We're not ready for the grave yet, we're just closer than you are. 

And we're not deluded that women in their 20s (or even 30s) will tumble all over us because we are shit-hot farang like you.

Guys in their 20s have no concept of life without mobile comms. 

The older guys will say, yeah, right on – the target audience will think, there's those old guys complaining about "the good old days" again. 

I've seen both ends.

Have you?”

-To the young’uns.

Ah Thailand.  A land of complex relationships, and are colorful and very interesting. There is all kinds of interesting things about relationships in Thailand.  Like this,

“If you just want to have sex with a bunch of Thai Girls then it's recommended you search for a farm girl. 

Maybe she works on a rubber plantation or rice plantation, maybe she works in an industrial area where everyone has a factory job. 

Sure these girls have no money but typically these kind of girls are easy to please eat 30 baht meals and know the only thing they have of value is their sex drive so they really turn it on.

This girl doesn't dress very well probably has bad looking toes but she's also 21y/o or younger and a super tight body. 

She doesn't use Tinder prefers Skout and has little English. 

She may even be a virgin or had very few partners. 

She was broken in by some Thai guy who left her shortly so if you're a white guy you're in because she's meeting you with a preconceived notion that if she has sex with you, you won't leave her.”


Anyways, many (male) expats move to Thailand to “sow their wild oats”, and to enjoy the more wiley pleasures of the flesh.  That’s fine. Yet, Thailand has much to offer.  One of the benefits, or course, is that Thai girls are not American girls.

“What does Mr Bean have to do with getting more girls in Thailand?”

This is a great comment I found somewhere. It's interesting and worth a read.

I knew you’d ask what Mr Bean has to do with getting more girls in Thailand and it’s pretty simple. Thai’s love slapstick comedy.

Ever watched those boring Thai TV programs yeah they are a little funny but nothing compared to the Bean in fact I’m sure all those producers of Thai TV reels were first introduced to comedy through Mr Bean.

Mr Bean never says a word though which is yet another reason why you should learn the Bean way. He can be funny without using lines English or Thai, but they get the humor and they think he’s hilarious.

You know I’m from Australia and growing up in Australia meant either being or knowing the toughest people in the neighborhood, bully’s and thugs put a tight lid on anyone not conforming.

If you were gay you were teased, if your fat your teased, if you wore something like plastic fake pink bear claw flip flops with tight half jeans an orange tank top to the mall and walked into a mall shaving your tongue with a razor you’d be taken to the nearest hospital.

Here in Thailand however people would laugh with you and think your funny and cool.

And this is where Thai’s and Farang differ the most.

Farang will go up to one another and say “Fuck man you look like a total wanker” whereas Thais will go up to that person and say “Wow your funny and dressed different want to be my friend”.

Same reason why there are so many gays and lesbians in this country, in our country if you were gay at school you’d have a shit time because people who didn’t like that shit would tell you, however in Thailand they keep their difference in sex, dress, style to themselves, well mostly anyway.

I have no way of explaining the Thai reasoning behind this different as you can imagine trying to talk to a Thai about something in depth get’s you answers like “have you eaten yet?”. But it doesn’t really matter why but how to use Mr Bean to take advantage of this difference in cultures.

Mr Bean is the biggest playboy in Thailand

Be Stupid!

The more idiotic your actions the funnier it is to Thai’s, watch some re-runs of Mr Bean and get into his groove then go out and do repeat the same in public, people will come up to you.

Have you ever been to a mostly Thai nightclub in Thailand, everyone’s just kinda standing around waiting for something to do or look at.

Maybe it’s you they are waiting to look at, remember if it’s stupid funny and Thai people are looking at you that’s a good thing.

When my ex was working in Alcatraz Pattaya she comes home one night and tells me about this guy in her club. How he was doing all this stupid Mr Bean shit and the girls in the club were eating it up, all the girls were sitting around his table.

My next question is of course well how many drinks did he buy, she replies “none, but he so funny”.

He was doing shit like putting straws up his nose and walking around like a Walrus.

I’m sure if I did that with some mates around they walk away. But why were the girls all around. I decided to do some tests.

Test 1: I went to the “go go club” sat down, and bought a drink; didn’t smile

Test 2: Went to the club sat down bought a drink and smiled.

Test 3: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, and smiled, and waved some girls over.

Test 4: Went to the club, sat down, bought a drink, stuck two straws in my nose, and walked around like a chicken. When someone asked me where I’m from I turned into a kangaroo.

The results were surprising!

The first test was boring, I sat there drank the whole bloody drink and the only person who I spoke to was the waitress and that was very short.

The second test went a little better with getting more than short talk with the waitress and some girl come over and ask for a drink but still at 150 baht a beer and the crap show I still feel like I’d been ripped.

The third test which is what I normally do was much more fun had some drinks good time but was down about 1500 baht and really only touched one girl. I had fun but I wouldn’t do it every day.

The fourth test is something I would never normally do, in fact if you did this shit at the Doonside Pub in Western Sydney someone would come over and smack you in the head, and again don’t believe me go try that one yourself but I want video! So I walk into this GoGo club sit down get my drink put two straws in my nose and walk around like a chicken scratching my feet then sat back down. By the next hangover of girls on stage there were 5 girls around my table. Anytime they’d ask for a drink I’d just do something funny stupid from Mr Bean and they’d laugh after a while they stopped asking but wouldn’t go just wanted more stupid shit. I pretty much danced and felt up every one of those girls in the two hours and got two phone numbers I was there and left with a 240 baht check bin.

Sure this is only one test but it seems to work well in any nighttime entertainment venue in Thailand. The Mr Bean Playboy effect does have it’s use in Thailand and I’d imagine if the Bean himself came to Thailand he’d have more than all of us.

No Sexual hangups

Ah, you’ve got to love Asia.

It’s not just Thailand. It’s China, Vietnam, Laos, the Phillippines. It’s everywhere.

“Love you long time” refers to overnight sex with multiple “shots”.
“Thai girls can go from 0-100 in a relationship very quickly. 

Typically there is no "will you be my boyfriend" it's pretty assumed that if you have sex that you are now in a relationship.

There should be at no point talking about how you're going to stick your cock down her throat. 

Instead if you want to know how randy she is after  a while of talking you can test the conversation by simply kidding with her like if she says "have you eaten yet?" reply "no, but I want to eat you 555". 

Unless she's a virgin she's going to fuck you anyway.95% of the girls that I meet up with have already decided they will have sex BEFORE they come to meet you. 

So really there is no need to discuss it, discussing it just makes her feel that that's all you're into.”

-Living Thai

Myths about Sex Workers

There are many myths about sex workers. 

Heck, if you believe the feminist social justice warriors around the world you would think that they are all uneducated, trapped, drugged and imprisoned young waifs. Ha! What a crock of bullshit.

Thailand’s sex tourism industry is polarizing and everyone from do-gooders and religious zealots with the most puritanical attitudes to sex tourists who travel the world looking for the cheapest bonk has an opinion.

These opinions are just that – opinions – often with no basis in fact, yet they are repeated to the point that many actually believe these myths to be facts.

Let’s go through these myths and tackle them one by one…

Myth #1 Thai bargirls are being forced against their will

Many believe that Thai bargirls are there against their will, are forced in to it / sex slaves / indentured and / or sold by their family.  Western sex tourists have long been aghast at the idea that working ladies may be there against their will and it is one reason why they tend to stick to the expat bar areas.

In the expat bar areas, girls are there of their own volition and can come and go as they please. 

They are free to leave the bar and spend the night with a customer. 

Contrast this with many Thai-style bars where everything happens on the premises. It may also be where the girls live. That creates doubt about whether she is free to come and go.

I don't think I can recall ever meeting a lady in an expat bar area who was there against her will, enslaved or sold to the bar by her family. Maybe it happened once upon a time, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. 

All the gals I know have a smartphone, and freely access their various social networks with it.


While I have had experiences with women for sex, the reader might feel uncomfortable with this idea.  After all, isn’t sex “dirty”? Well, it isn’t. And, people have been marketing sex for years.  

This can be for money by [1] one-on-one sexual romps or [2] being filmed engaging in sex for fun. 

Indeed, the reader might ask what it is like to be an actress in the porn industry. For a pretty decent article of what it is really like to work in the porn industry.  Hint – it’s all work. 

Go here;

While it is a myth in terms of the bar areas for Western men, in the Thai bar areas, however, there may be some truth in it. Western Media “reports” suggest that this sort of thing was not uncommon in the past (note the use of the word suggest: many reporting on this issue have an agenda). Yes, there have been a few reports of families in the poorest regions of Thailand, often the rural north, selling their daughter to bar recruitment agents but how widespread it is, I just do not know.

Myth #2 There are 2 million prostitutes in Thailand.

The number of prostitutes in Thailand is high and no doubt runs in to 6 figures, but 2 million?

No chance!

2 million is roughly 6% of the total female population of Thailand. 2 million would be 17% of all females aged 18 – 40 (assuming most prostitutes are aged 18 – 40) – and there is no way that’s the case. (One in five females is a prostitute? Give me a break!)

The Thailand has 2 million prostitutes comment is often used by NGOs, religious groups and opponents of the industry to support their argument that prostitution is widespread in Thailand.


It’s not that widespread.

Someone came up with this number a long time ago and it has been repeated ad nauseum by those with an anti-prostitution stance. Is it any wonder today that so many have become cynical about NGOs in the region working with underprivileged women when some are caught perpetrating these myths with outright lies.

Myth #3 The girls like what they do.

Comments that bargirls enjoy what they do is barstool banter and naughty boy forum talk. Outside of the naughty bars, no-one suggests the girls like it. 

A job is a job, is a job.

Little gets sex tourists more upset than being faced with the reality that the girls hate what they’re doing, and some come to hate themselves and turn to alcohol and / or drugs to deal with it.

The unusual thing about the myth that the girls like what they do – or at the very least that they don’t mind it – is that the girls themselves are at least partly responsible for this myth. They tell guys that they like their job – they can hardly tell a potential customer that they hate what they do, can they? That’s the last thing a guy with a conscience wants to hear!

Any Westerner who speaks Thai well or gets close to the girls soon learns that in apart from rare cases, the girls hate it. The girls like the money they make, but that’s all they like.

The money.

Myth #4 The girls like sleeping overnight in a customer’s hotel room.

Thais working in the bar industry often live with friends, colleagues or family.

For unmarried Thais, especially those from rural areas, communal living is the norm. It’s what they’re used to and how they are most comfortable. Half a dozen ladies may share a small room, a couple sharing the bed and the rest sleeping (quite happily) on the floor.

A customer staying in a nice hotel might reasonably believe that the lady he is with would prefer to stay in a swanky hotel room with a bathroom larger than her entire apartment, cool air-conditioning and a soft bed. That is seldom the case.

The reason bargirls may stay the night in a customer’s hotel room is simply because she can charge a higher fee if she stays all night.

Whether it is a 5-star hotel or Khao San Road flophouse, she is concerned about the cash in the morning, not the state of the room.

This myth would seem to be perpetrated by guys who appear to be trying to show they treat a lady well. What they don’t get is not only that most girls would rather stay in their own room with their friends (or boyfriend or husband), but that many girls are terrified of spending the night with a stranger, especially a foreigner who is bigger and stronger than she is, who might be a drinker and who could, if he so chose, do whatever he wanted to her.

Myth #5 The sex you pay for is cheaper than a regular date.

Some argue that sex with a prostitute is a sure thing and sex with a lady you date is not, and as such sex you don’t pay for can be costlier, both time-wise and in dollar terms. That may be the case in Farangland where it might take a few dates to hit a home run but most guys find they get to take her home much sooner in Thailand!

A few drinks in a bar for you and lady drink or two for her typically runs several hundred baht or more. Barfines average around 700 baht these days. A room in a short-time hotel is about 500 baht and most girls expect at least 2,000 baht. You’re looking at around 4,000 baht for a short-time with a Bangkok gogo girl. (Yes, it could be much cheaper but this would be about average.)

Compare that with a regular date in Bangkok. Dinner for two and drinks can be around 2,000 baht. You could do it for much less if you chose to. Starbucks seems to be the favorite and coffee followed by a movie is often followed by a romp.

The amount of money some guys report spending on a night out in a bar before taking a bargirl to the nearest short-time hotel far exceeds what I have ever spent on a first date. In Farangland you might get some action by the third date; in Bangkok she’s talking marriage by date #3!

Sex with bargirls in Thailand costs much more than sex with regular girls (and I bet sex with non-bar girls is much better too!)

Myth #6 Sex tourists are old, fat, bald dudes who can’t get laid in their homeland.

The old fat and bald stereotype has never held water. While not sex tourists per se, what we know as the expat bar industry today was born out of the Vietnam era when young, fit American soldiers were in Bangkok on R+R. A new sector of the Thai commercial sex industry was born.

These guys were anything but old, fat and bald!

Following the Vietnam War, sex tourists followed and no doubt some weren’t shining physical specimens, but photos from the bar industry in the early days show many looked slim and healthy.

These days the bar industry attracts the full gamut of men from young, fit and handsome guys to older, less healthy guys who may not be so easy on the eye.

Yes, the average age of sex tourists might be north of 50, but what surprises many mainstream visitors who check out Bangkok’s expat bar areas is that there are plenty of young, handsome guys in the bars – and they are participating!

The old, fat and bald myth usually comes from Western females…

… and Western is the critical word here because a Thai female would never say this.

Some Western women talk ill of sex tourists and use the only two weapons they have in the battle of the sexes – [1] guilt and [2] the withholding of sex. These women want to try and make men participating in the industry to feel guilty about what they are doing because they don’t want the guys to be getting easy sex as that greatly limits their own options.

Sex tourism has become a lifestyle choice for a wide cross-section of men, some of who simply find they prefer meeting women and attending to their manly needs that way.

Myth #8 Escorts are a higher class.

Think of “escort” and you probably think of a higher class of woman who is not just – perhaps even not necessarily – a sex partner, but someone you can take to business functions and someone who you can present to others.

If your work life is important to you, don’t make that mistake in Bangkok!

There has been an explosion of escort services in Thailand in recent years. Most come and go in very much the same vein as bars come and go – no surprise given that some of the escort service owners had previously tried and failed with a bar.

Most Bangkok escort services are not escort services in the traditional sense. Rather, most Bangkok escorts are simply sex workers you can book online. Rather than going to a gogo or other bar, you can simply get online, make a booking and an hour or two later you will get a knock on the door.

Many of the ladies working as escorts in Bangkok previously worked in other sectors of the industry. Many once (or even still) were on the freelance circuit, and some were gogo dancers.

Myth #9 The economy would fail if the farang bar areas closed.

When things don’t go the way that some sex tourists feel they should, such as drinks prices increasing, bars closing early and attitudes and service levels in the industry deteriorating, some say they may choose not to visit Thailand which would cause the industry to go in to decline and which in turn would see the tourism fail because visitor numbers plummeted. This would have a dire effect on the economy, they reckon.

The sector of the bar industry for foreigners is a very small part of the tourism industry and a tiny part of the greater economy. Granted, Pattaya might face challenges if its nightlife industry was to fail, but even in Sin City the tourism industry is greatly diversified from 10 years ago.

Sex tourism makes up a very small part of Thailand’s economy and a big chunk of it does not even show up in GDP numbers. If the entire sex tourism industry was to close down, it would barely register a blip economically. Real estate would be turned over and new businesses would be created – and they’d probably pull in more money than the bars do.

In terms of the Thai economy as a whole, sex tourism is infinitesimal.

Sex Prices

“’…We all know why men choose to live in Thailand – to satisfy their sexual appetites with women who are expected to behave in ways that appease the broken egos of men unable, or unwilling, to deal equally with empowered women, in societies that do not condone their sexual exploitation…’

I read a lot of comments like this on places like Reddit. 

That men only move to Asia for ‘submissive’ women, and / or because we can’t get high quality women in our home countries. Like I said maybe there’s some 10% truth to that, but some act like it’s 100%.

I’d just apply Occam’s razor and look for the simple reasons...

[1] girls here are more friendly,
[2] less fat, 
[3] they like men more 
[4] and want a relationship / family instead of chasing careers, 
[5] and you can live better for the same amount of money.”



Since this is the most commented upon section of this website …

Seriously! – not world-line travel, not my brief time in the US Navy, it’s questions about sex in Thailand.  Interesting stuff, certainly but not that overwhelmingly controversial.

let’s spend some time getting down into the “nitty gritty” regarding this fun pastime. 

I must remind the reader that sexual liasians in Thailand is a popular occupation for some, it is however representative of only a small part of what Thailand has to offer. What Thailand is really about is much more than just sex, food, family and fun.

It’s about freedom.

Woo! Woo!

+ + +

The following is from a Thailand blog called Livingthai. There are many different types of Thai prostitutes and then you’ve got “normal girls” which also have a price as well, here is the list:

Thai Go Go Girl

Current standard prices for short time with a go go girl is 2000 baht long time is 3000 baht.

Short Time = One sex usually under an hour with one ejaculation.

Long Time = Overnight sex sleepover. Multiple ejaculations.

This is on top of the cost of a few drinks you will have to buy her whilst in the club. The cost of Lady drinks differs from venue to venue, but an average is 130 baht.

Think of it is you paying for her time, and getting a priority spot in a lineup of guys waiting in line.

Buying a "lady drink" is different than a "barfine".

A go go bar has a number of Thai bar girls working who you can barfine and sleep with. You simply choose the girl, pay the barfine and leave with her. This means if a girl doesn’t like you, if you pay the barfine you can take her home.

A "barfine" is the "price of admission" to have sex with the girl you select.

(Granted if you do this you’ll most likely have a bad experience and terrible time, but nevertheless you can still take her home.) There are times when it was quite obvious the girl did not want to leave with a customer but had no choice because of the mamasan.

Thai Go-go girls.

In general, you should buy her a drink and get to know her a little more.

You’ll know within 15 minutes or so if she really likes you or not, if you’re still unsure you could just go ahead and ask:

“Do you like me, would you be okay if I barfined you?”

Don’t be shy, they’ve heard it a 100 times.

[1] You buy her a "lady drink" and get to know her. This is the price you pay for her wasting time with you.

[2] If you and her are fine, you can "barfine" her. This registers her as "your companion" and you have "dibs" on what you can do later on.

Although these are always negotiable depending on the feeling you get from the girl but these are standard prices. Bar Fines for the go go are going up though where is used to be 600 is now 800 and some places on Walking Street Pattaya are charging 1000 baht before midnight.

The good thing about pricing of Go Go girls is all the girls ask the same price in the same shop. So if you pick the best looking girl you’re actually getting a good deal.

“This is a lesson for anyone who bar fines a girl long time, even if you've agreed on everything your going to do you should always get a receipt. 

Anytime you bar fine a girl for more than one night you must get a receipt. 

Most go go bars are oblivious to this as well and think it's strange that you even want a receipt. 

But without a receipt you have no proof that you paid more than just the day for the girl! 

This happens more often than you'd think as the girls either change their mind or they have a better customer in town.”

It’s interesting stuff, for sure.  It’s a life that I am not part of.  I don’t know if I could be part of it. Never the less, it’s pretty interesting.

Here’s a story about dealing with a chick that they wanted to have a threesome with…

“I'm finding her reason for not staying kinda suspicious but getting a Thai girl to tell the truth is like trying to get water out of a rock. 

My girlfriend suspects the same thing and we demand to hear the truth but she continues to lie and my girl it outraged now and starts hitting this girl and while I break it up she grabs her phone and our suspicion is confirmed one of her customers is in Hua Hin and she wants to go meet up probably because he's paying more money than we will, whatever.

I tell her to get the hell out before my girl puts her in a coma and she asks to be paid in full. 

Hahaha geez the hide of these girls. 

Man my girl goes bat shit now and I try to calm her down and say that i'll pay for the 2 nights minus the bar fine of 2 nights which comes to a grand total of 1700 baht. 

Now she's angry cause she gets like 800 baht a night to come with us when she could have stayed another night can get the 6000 which she just won't have any part of it. 

So I have to pay the money now cause my girl refuses to and we kick her out.”

Interesting stuff. But, nothing that I personally experienced.

Coyote Girls

Go Go Girls are not “coyote dancers”.

The top of the tree for Pattaya is the Coyote girls, these are regarded as the crème de la crème of the working girls in Pattaya.

Although strictly speaking not all of these show girls are working, but the majority are willing to top up their incomes with extra activities.

Coyote’s are show girls, exceptionally beautiful and talented. They are hired into the Go Go bars on a nightly basis and are paid a lot more than your usual Go Go dancer. They perform set shows at designated times and are designed to entice the customers into the clubs.

A simple rule of thumb is that “coyote dancers” are supposed to perform best on the dance floor.

Gogo girls save their best performances for the bedroom.

Gogo girls dress skimpily and dance to promote themselves in the hope that someone will barfine them, take them away so they can make some money. Gogo dancers are primarily sex workers. They wear a bikini, or less.

Coyote dancers are entertainers who dance and are supposed to be able to really shake it on the dance floor. They typically wear short shorts and sexy tops – more than a bikini.

They are primarily dancers i.e. entertainers, but they may be available.


It varies from bar to bar, girl to girl.

Coyote dancers are entertainers who dance and are supposed to be able to really shake it on the dance floor.

Coyote dancers are a relatively recent thing, first introduced around the middle of last decade. Prior to that they basically didn’t exist in gogo bars. Now they are a common sight and today perhaps 1/3 or more of gogo bars feature coyote dancers.

The reasons for bars hiring coyote girls are numerous; primarily it’s because bars just cannot find pretty girls to recruit these days. Recruiting used to be easy, but with Thailand’s economy now more diverse, more developed, with compulsory education increased from 6 to 9 years and the country experiencing full employment, girls have more options these days and don’t have to resort to bar work.

Being the top of the tree usually means these girls cost a lot more than your average.

They are extremely well paid by the clubs and can easily make more in a night, what most Thai girls make in a week. As such they can afford to be choosy with which customers they go with, if any at all.

The girls can afford to be choosy.

Expect the bar fine to be at least double that of any other Go Go dancer and a minimum of 3,000 baht. On top of that the fee negotiated between you and the girl depends on many factors, such as the chemistry between you, whether she fancies you, or even whether it is high season or not. Yes even Go Go dancers are subjects of the economic forces of supply and demand. It is not uncommon for these girls to want another 3000 baht for short time, or 5000 baht upwards for overnight.

Coyote girls are slim, young, attractive, can really dance and whose role it is to entertain. Right? So why is it that in bars from Walking Street to Patpong, Cowboy to Nana, and even Sukhumvit soi 33 there are coyote girls who are available?! 

Fake Coyotes

Now for some confusion…

A few farang bars term their dancers “coyotes”.

The girls are done up as you would expect a coyote to be done up – in cut-off shorts and tight top. But, and it’s a big but, they don’t dance any different to a gogo dancer. Secrets in Pattaya, a hostess bar, calls its dancers “coyotes” and charges a premium barfine for them, a concept that has been replicated in Pattaya. The barfine for a coyote girl is 1,000 baht, higher than for a hostess – a girl who is available but does not dance. So in Secrets, the coyote girls are the dancers, but they’re not professional or accomplished dancers and in other venues they would be considered gogo girls wearing a coyote’s outfit.

To confuse things further, there are venues with both gogo dancers and coyotes. Examples would be Club Electric Blue and The Arab’s bars in Soi Cowboy. In each of these bars, gogo dancers and coyotes are available.

And then there are bars which have both gogo girls and coyote girls, where the gogo girls are available, but the coyotes are not! Tilac in Soi Cowboy is a good example where the coyotes cannot be barfined.

So no need to be confused…

  • Real coyotes will look great and dance great.
  • Fake coyotes will just look great, but cannot dance.
  • They always make more than a stand-grade “go go” girl.


There are also showgirls. Showgirls are employed in gogo bars to perform choreographed and practiced shows in the likes of Angelwitch, Long Gun, Billboard and Las Vegas. The showgirls perform shows which are more elaborate. Showgirls may or may not be available and if they are, again, a premium barfine is placed on them.

Basically, gogo dancers, showgirls and coyote dancers are all different.

In Bangkok they are called coyotes, but in Pattaya the term you hear more often is “agency girls”. Because, after all, they work for an agency.

Bar girls trying to lure customers into the bar.

Lure away girls.  You can chat with me.  For one thing I’d tell you not to leave the sticker price on the bottom of your high-heels.  Especially when the sole of the shoe is red.  It really looks awful. Otherwise, I’d be happy to pay your bar fine.

Thai Bar Girl

Beer bars can be found all over the city, they are everywhere. The term pretty much refers to any open air bar anywhere in Pattaya. The girls here are not employed as dancers or show girls, but as waitresses. This doesn’t mean they are not available to bar fine, as pretty much all of them are.

The standard of girl really varies from bar to bar, but little diamonds can be found all over the city. When girls first arrive in Pattaya, most will start of working in a bar, before moving up to the Go Go’s or working as Coyote’s. Bars are also where the older ladies work when they have past their Go Go stage.

Bar girls are always a good choice for those on a budget but want to feel safer with going with a Thai bar girl instead of a Street Walker. Girls cost 1000 baht short time and 1500 long time again these prices are negotiable. An average bar fine will cost 300 baht and a lady drink will be around 100 baht.

“Working at a beer bar, the pay is very lousy. 

Typically a Thai bar girl would make only 6000 baht a month, and to make that they need to get customers to buy them at least two drinks, normally the first two drinks that the girl gets she doesn't get any money for, after that though she normally gets a very high percentage of the profit of the drink, they normally just get an orange juice this way they can get more money. 

The amount of money she gets working at a bar is very dismal, she may as well be working in a factory and could make more money than that. 

However as a factory worker she can't get someone to pay her 1000 baht for the night now can she? 

The bar fine you pay, usually she gets a small cut of that, and the money you negotiate with her she keeps 100% off it. If a Thai bar girl can go with a John every night (impossible because of periods) she can make a good amount of money, actually more money than any English teacher in Thailand could make. 

Overall the beer bar and Thai bar girl can make money handsomely if she is a hard working. But have you ever seen a hard working Bar”
Bar girl from Scooter’s Bar.

The reason why you pay more for a Go Go girl is because you get a better look at her body, watch out for Thai Bar girls you don’t know what you’re going to get…


Thai Bar Girls

Some interesting video links;

Thai Karaoke Girl (KTV girls)

Not every Karaoke has girls to take home and because of this scarcity and this contributes to the whole G-Club feel of Thai Karaoke .  Not only that, but the prices have increased considerably while only a few years ago it cost 1500 for a girl overnight prices are now around 3000 baht (all in).

The overall impression that I get is that KTV is just as popular in Thailand as it is in China, however it’s use as a venue for obtaining girls is not as popular. In China, Business KTV’s with 300 to 400 hostesses is common everywhere.  However, in Thailand, if you want a girl (for private sexual fun) you would try other venues.

Thai Street Hookers

It’s still possible to get the 500 baht Thai hooker off the street but like everything else prices are going up. Most street walkers now ask for at least 1000 baht off the bat if they are in OK condition, better looking girls might ask for more but the general cost is 700 baht short time.

Soapy Massage Girls

The cost of a Soapy Massage around the country is a standard 1600 baht for what they call Models. In most major cities around the country this is what they cost. But if you want a soapy massage in Bangkok as a Farang you’re going to pay more. But when you pay more you’re expected to get more and some of the Bangkok Soapy Massage Parlors you’ll pay more like 5000 baht. The best value for money soapy mass parlors are in Pattaya.

Colonze 2

Some of the most expensive soapy massage girls in all of Thailand can be found at the Colonze 2 soapy massage parlor in Bangkok with prices going up to 20,000 baht for a few hours! Why because they have the hottest girls of any place in Bangkok. This place is also Farang friendly and should be no surcharge.


If your looking for a Best Happy Endings Massage in Bangkok experience then the one place I suggest is Emmanuelle! There is now Casanova at the same place which is Thai style karaoke and coyote joint something I enjoy more than the actual massage, rooms here are awesome! Price range 2500-6000 baht.

Colonze 4

This is a very popular chain soapy house you won’t find any penthouse models at this bad boy but it does have good value for money and the girls are very capable, not looking for 5 star then this is the place to go! Prices start 1600 – 3000 baht makes this place good value for money.


An older Thai style soapy massage parlor in the Bangkapi area of Bangkok prices are very reasonable starting at 1300 up to about 2600 for the sideline girls. Open from 1pm till midnight every day. There is no extra charge for Farang! There are some cute girls here but nothing outstanding.

La Belle

This is a soapy massage parlor that caters mostly to the Japanese clientele well so I’m told I’ve never been here before and their website doesn’t have much in the way of costs so I’m guessing that’s a sign that they have more than a 2 tier pricing structure which isn’t really fair especially for guys that live here.

Viva Palace

Another Thai style soapy massage with decent prices starting from 1900 up to 3000 baht. I don’t know how old this place is but the rooms are kinda warn in so don’t expect a 5 star room but then again your not paying 5 star prices either. Helps if you speak Thai here the girls don’t speak much English at all. But I will say this the girls here are young and good looking for the price.


You won’t find this bad boy on any other Farang website actually this place has the same name as my favourite Karaoke in Chiang Mai! Pronouced Lee Lah Wadee also the name of a famous Thai Soap Opera they actually have Karaoke available here as well. Honestly the girls are a little country here but if you like that then this is your place!


The girls here are cheap but the room isn’t included you can ask for different rooms girls are 1300-200 baht but rooms start at 1000 baht but are definitely worth it, weired lounge area with band playing kinda like karaoke but it isn’t, still great place and some really good looking girls.


Nice clean place this soapy massage parlor has a good reputation in the Thai community well run and fair prices starting from 1700 up to 3000 baht for sideline girls. The bathroom although it has granite tiles has a cheap ass jacuzzi that is well worn. I’d give this place a 7 out of 10.


This place looks straight out of France and the prices might be as well starting at 2600 up to 6000 baht the place is brilliant and the girls are gorgeous! This is one of my must see recommendations for a soapy massage in Bangkok. You’d think this place would have a website but I couldn’t find one anyone know what it is?


Voted the Best Soapy Massage in Bangkok but most though I don’t like the place because they charge Farang an extra 1000 baht just for the services yet they still have some of the best girls in the businesses. Because of the extra charge I won’t go there but guys have told me half the girls there are just going through the motions and you’ll get a robot experience.

Caesars Entertainment complex

Located right near the Poseidon club and roughly the same prices is the Caesars entertainment complex and soapy / spa massage. Definitely take a model here if your coming if you want the cheaper girls you may as well go elsewhere you might find something better for the same deal.

La De’fense

Strangest name for a soapy massage that I ever did see. This place has a lounge area with girls as well as a traditional fish bowl. The girls in the lounge are hotter in my opinion but you can also ask the guy for an album and he’ll bring you out an album full of girls. The centre of the room is dim while two of the four walls are brightly lit. In these brightly lit areas sit the girls, in what is sometimes referred to as a fish bowl. Fish bowls often have tiered seating on which sit beautifully made-up Thai women in evening wear. Fish bowls are typically enclosed with glass separating customers outside from the ladies inside.

One final note about Soapy Massage parlours in Bangkok and Thailand in General is you have to think about how many guys go to these places and all the guys aren’t like you and I some are real freaks, some guys have some nasty diseases and some guys force the girls to not wear a condom! Make sure you protect yourself by wearing a condom and not going down on the girl. It’s still possible to catch something though so use these services at your own risk.

Soapy massages and nuru massages work by you choosing the girl from a list or fish bowl. The girl cannot reject you (usually). The good thing is that some of these shops allow you to drink a beer and even talk to the girls. In fish bowl situations girls that do like you will keep giving you smiles which is a good sign.

How a soapy massage works…

If you’ve never tried a soapy massage before then this is what it is all about;


For starters, typically a bath is run where they clean your entire body, of course they clean themselves as well, then it’s to the mattress where she lathers you down in soap suds and massages you with her naked body, sliding up and down you quickly and with a scary confidence.


Then you will head over to an air mattress where she will give you a sexy body to body massage rubbing her naked body all over yours. This is the type of thing that stands out in soapy massage porn videos. Pro tip: make sure you always ask if the Thai massage girl you choose will do body to body at any soapy massage parlor in Bangkok you visit. Some girls don’t do this part, if you are expecting it to happen make sure you choose on that does it. She will probably finish the body to body with a blowjob, then she will dry you off.


The best part is also the easiest to describe.  After the massage, they will clean you up and dry you off and head to the bed where you get to have sex.

Online Escort

Typical costs for an Escort off the internet in Bangkok and Chiang Mai is usually around 5000 baht for 2 hours and they will come to your hotel room. I recommend these good hotels in bangkok to take the girl to. The convenience of an escort online and the appeared anonymity is attractive. However most of these girls work out of the go go bars in Chiang Mai which is often just cheaper to go to. I recommend however you check out which has some of the best priced escorts in all of Thailand.

Other sites;

Thai Brothel Worker

Typically Thai brothels are aimed at those on a budget, real dirty mongers like these places  and I’m not sure why I don’t see more Indians in these places. The girls in these places are typically not of Thai origin they are usually Burmese, Laos, or Cambodian. Short time in these places means 40 minutes and for that you’ll typically pay 300-500 baht.

Short time girl

The current going rate for short time girls are 700 baht which typically includes the cost of the room.

Massage Girl

Massage girls are more known for getting blow jobs than they are for having sex but if you met one and wanted to go for it and she allows it then the fee is typically 1,000 to 1,500 baht per shot.

One of the best Massage in Bangkok and Nuru massage specialists is Club 102 near BTS Phrom Phong on Sukhumvit Soi 24. You can pretty much find happy ending massage joints anywhere but a 5 star massage where girls don’t look like granny with perfect surroundings you’d think you were back home in a 500 dollar joint without the 500 dollar price tag.

Thai Massage girls.

Bar Freelancer

As far as working girls go in Pattaya, freelancers are a mixed bunch. They range from the younger Thai girls who don’t want to work in a beer bar or Go Go, but instead punt themselves over internet apps such as Badoo. To the older or less attractive girls who can’t get jobs in the bars or clubs.  Even those Thai ladies who have regular jobs will often top up their incomes with a little freelance work.

Punting for freelance girls in Pattaya is a bit like playing the lottery, there is no set standard and you have no idea what you will end up with.

The best of the freelance girls are either generally those who are too shy to work in the bars and clubs, or those with normal 9-5 jobs looking to top up their income. The best place to find these is on the internet, there are now many apps such as Badoo and other Thai dating apps where they will have profiles.

Many of the nightclubs on Walking street will be packed with freelancers most evenings, looking to hook up for the evening. In the clubs you will generally meet the younger freelance girls. The best club to pick up great looking freelance girls is Insomnia on Walking street.

Pattaya beachroad is probably the most famous freelance hangout in all of Pattaya, and here you can find ladies and the odd ladyboy most evenings after sunset. Be warned Pattaya beach road generally attracts the lower end of the market, both punter and lady. Pattaya beach is also regularly raided by the police, and is also a well known place for tourists to be scammed. Our advise is steer well clear of the girls on beach road.

A bar Freelancer has the same price has a regular Bar Girl which is 300 baht bar fine and 1000 baht short time and 1500 baht long time. It is not uncommon for some of the girls, especially in the clubs to not want paying at all, but you would have to be extremely lucky for this to happen.


Sideline Girls

Sideline girls also known as Dek Thai Sideline Girls can be found everywhere in fact you may even be with one but you don’t even know it. There are reports that Sideline girls are considered to be more attractive than typical Thai girls because they have lighter skin color.  That means they are more white than tan in color. Sometimes Sideline girls will have sex for free in the hope that they will get something else out of it perhaps clothes and makeup or a new Iphone. Sideline girl prices are average 1000 baht short time.

Thai Sideline Girls

Internet Sideline Girls

Internet Sideline girls are ones that need money asap in order to pay for rent or schooling and/or family. They typically don’t do it full time only when they need money and they usually ask for 2000 baht but some of the better looking girls will ask for 3-4000 baht.

Club Slut

There are a lot of “club sluts” in Thailand and can be typically found around the tourist areas or clubs that tourists frequent.

Nightclubs are great hunting spots because girls come here after work on their own accord and have the power to say no. However, there are times when a mamasan will bring her girls to such clubs. You’ll usually know if the girl has a boss because when you discuss price she will pass the information on to the mamasan who makes the final choice, you’ll see a lot of ear whispering and the mamasan may even talk to you directly.

If you can read situations you’ll also be able to notice who the mamasan is in their group, she is usually the oldest one, isn’t drinking and happens to be fat more often than not… and yes may be able to sleep with her too.

Thai University Girls

Thai University girls don’t have a lot of money, you remember being a student you probably didn’t have much money either. There are many Thai University girls that are willing to be sponsored.

Sponsorship typically costs around 10,000 baht a month but can be as cheap as paying for her accommodation. Really good looking girls can cost as much as 30,000 baht a month to keep. But not all Thai University girls are about money, many if not most are open or trying different experiences and are happy to have sex without any monetized reward.

Thai  Mall Workers

Thai mall workers can be lots of fun and very down to earth, they are typically well behaved and diligent. There jobs are boring and they come alive if you show them the right attention. While most are willing to go for free they would love nothing better than to quit their jobs and move in with you. Cost 10,000 baht a month.

Thai Factory Workers

Factory workers are only a step down from the Mall Worker. She probably didn’t finish high school like the Mall girls did and lives way out of town with few opportunities. These girls are cheaper at 6,000 baht a month to move in permanently. At first you might not realize that you’ll have to pay because she’s a normal Thai girl. But they all change after they start thinking there is more to the relationship.

Thai Hiso Girl

Let’s be honest, you can’t afford a Thai Hiso Girl, real Hiso you’re really not going to touch but the Bangkok Upper middle Class girls are bored and want to try slumming it with a Farang. Hiso girls are then typically free if you’re looking at a one night stand, longer term relationships could also be free and she pays for you but at some point if you don’t have the money she will leave for a Hiso Thai guy.


There are a few Tom clubs in Bangkok and Pattaya catering to the Thai lipstick lesbians who like their men to be women. Typically the Bar Fine on at a Tom club is 500 baht and for the Tom is 1000 baht.


Gik sex is always the best sex, you don’t get to see each other often and you both know that the whole basis of the relationship is to fuck each other. Gik in English is difficult to translate but for our purposes it just means “Thai fuck buddy”.

Giks are almost exclusively Free but they expect their noodles and movies. If you live in Thailand you’ll probably have sex with a dozen different giks before settling down with a Mia Noi.

Mia Noi (Mistress or second wife)

If you get fully entrenched into Thai Life then you’ve probably already married and possibly have some kids. At this point if everything is going good and you have the money you get yourself a Mia Noi.

A Mia Noi will cost you anywhere from 15,000 baht a month to 100,000 baht, if you have a Mia Noi you probably have a few Giks as well.

Best places for sex in Thailand

The guide continues with suggestions on location.


Bangkok has the most sex going on in Thailand, it’s also home to the best gentlemen’s clubs[i] in all of Thailand and the best soapy massage parlors[ii] as well. But probably what most expats and even tourists on a month long holiday realize that the dating sites in Thailand are jam packed with Thai girls from Bangkok and when you sign up it makes you wonder why anyone wants to pay for it.


Pattaya bar street.

While Bangkok has more sex available those who come to Thailand and have visited both places still say that Pattaya is the sex Capital of Thailand. This is probably because of the huge number of beer bars and go go bars located along the 4km stretch of beach which are also lined with many Thai Hookers and Prostitutes.

Be careful while in Thailand.

However, the Thailand government has taken steps to change that image;

“The article in the UK Daily Mirror last month, which claimed without evidence that one in five women in Pattaya were prostitutes, has certainly ruffled some feathers in senior Thai bureaucracy.  Normally, criticism of Thailand in the foreign popular press is ignored, so what is different this time is not clear.  Perhaps it was the wide discussion of the article by Thais in the social media, commenting that the Daily Mirror was not telling them anything new.  Or maybe the military-appointed Pattaya City Hall management felt it had to act.”


Phuket, Thailand. Looks a little bit like my home in Zhuhai, China.

Patong on Phuket Island in Thailand’s south has a unique feel that you don’t get anywhere else in Thailand. Maybe it’s the smell of the beach that makes the girls in Phuket so horny or the smell of opportunity and tourist dollars but the Sex scene in Phuket is wild. However, you had best take your credit card because this is one place where the sex is cheap, but living isn’t.

Chiang Mai

Chang Mai

People who pass through Chiang Mai on a few days expecting there to be a huge party scene that’s easy to follow and understand are going to be disappointing  Sex in Chiang Mai is not as in your face as elsewhere in the Thailand. But don’t be fooled, those living in Chiang Mai know that if you know how to chase Thai Tale and live there you can get all sorts of free sex especially with the huge University presence.


This is your Metallicman “how to / go to” guide for a good time in Thailand. It might be out of date, as I only visit the land of Smiles on occasion. The point here is that this world is quite different than your life in the States, isn’t it?

You bet.

Angry boss, crazy taxes, upsetting news, insane demands by the opposite sex. Well it doesn’t have to be that way. You can leave.




A real man defines his life on his terms.

Never, ever forget that. If your life is not on par with your desires, then change the script. While “Forrest Gump” might say “life is like a box of chocolates”, I am here to tell you that you can choose the box.

Choose the box you want to live in.

Tell the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.

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Expat stories of Thailand “The Land of Smiles”

After reading my post on "Snapshots of life in China. Surprise! It doesn't look anything like Alex Jones says it is.", Ohio Guy commented that he is falling in love with China, but he is trapped in that God-forsaken mess known as the United States. Well, that response got me to thinking.

People who have gone to other nations, and who have seen how other nations do things, they have pretty much concluded that the "Exceptional America - the Land of the Free" is all pretty much FUCKED UP. And they have written about their impressions and thoughts on this matter.

Here are some stories from expats who have lived in Thailand.

I have collected some of the more interesting stories and decided to post them here. Indeed, it’s a tough call on which to accept and which to discard. They are all so very good. As such, there are pages and pages of this.  I have just included this choice selection to “round off the corners” for the interested reader.

Beware of other expats

First off, whether you are in Thailand or in any other Asian nation, beware of other expats…

“The biggest "rip offs" I've seen and encountered have been perpetrated by expats on other expats. My best friend here is a 76-year-old Thai man and his family who have always shown me more generosity and kindness than I could ever possibly repay. On the dark side, one so-called expat "friend" actually had someone email me his fake obituary to avoid repaying loans I had made to him. I kid you not!”


I can certainly vouch for that.  Ouch!  In fact, I no longer meet other expats for a coffee or informal talk. It’s simply not worth my time of day. Most are sadly pathetic. Not all, mind you. Just a lot of them. What I mean is that quality of what one would expect is rather low. 

I just received a friend request on one of the expat forums.  This guy is going to visit China for a week and wants to sit down with me and talk about tax and investment strategies with me over coffee.  


I told him I didn’t have any money. None. 

He responded “how can that be, how are you going to help the poor people?”. 


What planet is he on? 

He wants me to trust him, a total stranger, with my money. He expects me to let him fly in, buy him coffee, give him money, and let him fly away with it...

I have met more than my fair share of young bright-eyed teachers, interns, and students on travel for the “experience”.

Interspersed with this group are the grubby tattooed covered “carnies” who now go by the moniker of “backpacker”. 

Carny or carnie is a slang term used in North America for a carnival employee. It also refers to the language they use, particularly when the employee runs a "joint" (booth) (i.e. a "jointie), "grab joint" (food stand) , game, or ride (i.e. a "ride jock" or "ride operator") at a carnival, boardwalk or amusement park. The term "showie" is used synonymously in Australia.

Give me a break .  They are just nomadic beggars without a home.

The older expats, for the most part are better. 

They are typically trying to make a new life abroad, whether it is part of a retirement concept, or just out of raw need.  They tend to be a little desperate. It’s tough starting out on scratch in your 50’s or later. 

The problem is that within this mix of desperate “good guys” are a significant number of experienced fraudsters.  I’ve had more than my fair share of bad experiences, thank you.

British conman Tony Kenway, 39, was shot twice in the head as he climbed into his Porsche in Pattaya in January. Police believe the hit was arranged by a rival underworld figure. 

The Times reported that Kenway was one of ten shady UK mafia figures operating in Pattaya. 

At the time of his murder, he had been out on bail and was scheduled to front court the following month.

“Tony Kenway had a call center that employed foreign staff and made calls to Australia and Britain. He had two different companies that were involved in the scam,” an unnamed police source told The Sun. 

“The aim was to get people abroad to give their life savings. It was not small amounts. He was strong and pushed them for big investments. He promised them a big win. Like winning the lottery. The people who paid the money lost out. It was big amounts, millions and millions of Thai baht that many different people paid to him.”

The source said Kenway’s victims were foreigners because he “did not dare” target local Thais.


Luck comes your way…

When you live in an area for some time, opportunities come and go.  Some are quite noteworthy. For instance, here’s a “lucky guy” and his story;

“I went to a club on Soi 11 a few months ago and a mamasan who runs a massage shop I know well was there. 

She invites me to her table, buys me and my friend unlimited drinks for the next 3 hours and then tells me I can sleep with any of the girls on her table for free, oh and if I don’t like the girls that I can go visit her shop tomorrow and sleep with anyone who is there, again for free. 

The more I live in this social circle the more I realize how truly free I am. 

There are fewer hang-ups compared to other circles which have stupid ass logic and taboos.”


As always, please have fun.

One of the things that I do happen to know is how to dance. In fact, I was involved in semi-professional ballroom dancing for over five years.  So I can dance a spell, and all women, no matter where they live can follow.  They really can. Even if they don’t know the dance moves, they can instinctively follow.  It’s truly amazing that women have this innate ability to follow in dance.

“Does sanuk (fun and the pursuit of fun) trump money in Thailand? 

You know, it just may. 

Talking with a friend who does not like to pay for lady drinks and considers them an unnecessary expense, he has found a way of keeping the girls with him when they're not up on stage yet not buying them a drink, or at the very most, buying just one. 

He dances with them right in the bar – and they love it – probably because he's a decent dancer. 

They forget all about the lady drinks because they are having so much fun – and the other girls in the bars seem envious. 

Yes, it would seem that sanuk really does trump money, even for the ladies of the night.”


What about visitors?

Ah.  You live in an interesting place.  Everyone wants (or at least say they want) to visit and stay a while. Oh, it sounds so nice.  But, is it really? What about when your friends actually come to visit?

“You didn’t mention, when a friend arrives in Bangkok with his GF, it’s a big pain in the ass for me too. 

I have to entertain him and his bird in a non-threatening environment, often for up to 3 nights in a row, even more when they return from the islands or up north.

So we sit in some artsy gaff in Ekkamai sipping overpriced cocktails and discussing the weather, I get flashes of us beering it up at some dive full of sexpots only he could dream of. 

Add to that the rules in most lap dance joints back home, you cannot touch. 

If you do you’d risk a team handed beating off the bouncers. 

In Bangkok he can touch and even get to sleep with these young vixens without any strings attached.Would most men be tempted to cheat under these circumstances?”

-Pat 26 January, 2017

Thailand Men…

What about the guys in Thailand?  Well, they are an interesting bunch for certain. Consider this story;

“One of my wife's aunts had been married to a Thai gent who had spent time in prison for murdering someone for a motorbike. 

He was not much of a husband as he regularly beat her and eventually left her with two teenage children. 

Child support? Dream on! 

To make a long story short, she met a well off man from Norway and he popped the question so they set a date to marry in the village. 

Two days before the wedding she received a call from the ex, "I am going to bomb the wedding and kill everyone." 

The police were contacted to supply security and the wedding went off as planned, but everyone was on edge the whole day. 

Around 10PM the ex called, "I am sorry but I started drinking whiskey this morning and could not come and bomb the wedding. I will kill you some other time." What a polite chap!”

-A Polite Killer

Thailand Girls…

What about the girls in Thailand? Some expats claim that they are all money-grubbing crooks, while others say they are all angels.  What are they?

“I have the following to contribute. I have lived in Bangkok 7 years and have dated every kind of Thai gal imaginable. In regard to your opening piece about Thai good girls, it is my opinion that one can break Thai gals into 4 categories:

1) Good girls – just as you stated, they are controlled by their families, are raised to always be conservative and do the right thing, and would make excellent wives in my opinion for those guys who want the gal “to be seen and not heard.” This is the type of gal 95% of Thai guys want to marry.

2) Nice girls – The largest group by far, these gals are raised to be good girls but are so only in front of their families. With their friends or boyfriend they are more outgoing, very interested in sex if they have one special guy, and a lot more fun and interesting than the good girls. They are usually polite, fun and sociable. This is my target group.

3) Party girls – They don’t work in naughty nightlife places, but these gals drink, sleep around and love the nightlife. They can be a lot of fun, but they are basically the female equivalent of us (all of us party guys who love booze and broads) so be careful with your heart.

4) Bad girls – the gals who work in the naughty nightlife or any other arena where the main goal is to trade sex for money. Any additional comment would be superfluous.

I think most Thai parents try to influence their daughters to be good girls, but would be more than happy if they became nice girls. Party girls most definitely hide their real persona from their families, and unfortunately bad girls are usually trained from birth to be so by their greedy families. Speaking only of Bangkok, I would estimate the breakdown by percentage to be the following: good girls – 10%, nice girls – 75%, party girls – 10%, bad girls – 5%.

Stickman contributor

Tales of Adventure.

Thailand can be full of adventure. The stories who have lived there are certainly interesting.

“…When Nok shows up she’s got a good body, nice face, white skin, she doesn’t like talking Thai but speaks Lanna to me which I hate but I roll with it. So I ask her if she wants to go get noodles, “sure” she says.

So she gets on the bike and I ask where she wants to go using those exact words. She says wherever I want. Not the best thing for a chick to say to me, so we drive off.

And I’m thinking “stuff it”.  I’ll just take her to the curtain hotel.

She I drive over to the Love Boat a short time hotel around Jed Yort and park in the parking space and walk inside. She’s standing outside looking a little confused (she really is from the mountains) and I said “it’s ok, come inside”.

When she is inside she’s looking around and asks me “so how long have you lived here for?” I can’t stop but laugh, this girl really doesn’t know anything.

If you’ve never been to a curtain hotel in Chiang Mai it’s basically a parking spot with a door, the door is unlocked you walk into the door there is a room and then they pull a curtain behind the car, you pay by the hour and you pay when you leave not when you arrive.

Inside the room and the curtain already pulled I tell her we are going to have sex. She tells me she doesn’t want to and thought we were just going to get noodles. I say we can get noodles after we have sex.

She doesn’t seem pleased but gets on the bed and goes along with it anyway, wasn’t that much fun honestly but since the room only cost me 160 baht for the hour I figure it was worth it. I ask her afterwards why she had sex with me and she said she had sex before so why not. No I didn’t force her either guys! We have a shower get dressed and I drive her home.

When we get to her place she asks me “are we not going to have noodles”?

I tell her next time.

A week later I call her up and tell her that I felt bad about last time and that I want to buy her noodles again. She seems hesitant and so I assure her that this time we really are going to eat noodles and that last time I was just bad and want to make it up to her.

So this time I pick her up at her apartment around 10pm at night she hops on and again I ask her where do you want to go. Again she says “Up to you”.

So without hesitation she jumps on and again I drive straight to the curtain hotel and have sex with her again. After cleaning up she asks me are we going to have noodles now, I tell her I’ve already eaten and I’ll drop her off back at home.

A few days later I call her up again and she picks up the phone, I say what are you doing? Nothing she replies, so I ask her “Do you want to go for noodles”.

She hangs up the phone.”

Living Thai

Just for American men…

Many men, most especially Americans have “had it” (Are tired of, or exhausted from…) with “the way life” is for men in the States. 

How a person lives their life. In the United States, this is work in a job where you give everything to a company who will fire you with no notice, taxed where most goes to the government and you don’t qualify for anything back, and where society limitations and the latest round of anti-Male…anti-white… anti-man… attitude is far too oppressive to live acceptably.

This is a typical response and is quite accurate in that it reflects the feelings of many of my fellow male Americans.

“Yeah because spending 40+ years sucking your boss ballz all day long to earn a medium salary and having a single monthly intercourse with your fat wife (that is going to divorce you and take about half your earnings after 10-15 years) is not being a loser. 

Call us loser as you please, making our own jobs, our own money (even if it’s little) and creampie tight pussy all year long isn’t that much of a bad life.

I need to go, it’s almost 2pm, time for my morning blow-job before I start my daily hour of work.”

-bkkyolo 17 April, 2017

Yes.  He is right and he is telling us all how he feels.  To all those readers who aren’t listening are not paying attention…  It is exactly how he feels.

Yet, it is more (much more) than that.  It is about betrayal on all levels. 

Not just by society. 

For society has turned him into an unappreciated moneymaking machine to his wife, but also the nature of business, which terminated the longevity of his career. No longer can he work and retire on a pension. 

In fact, more than likely he will be forced to start new from scratch in his 50’s after he has been stripped of all his possessions.  (Like myself.)

Yet, it is even more than that.  It is the absolutely criminal nature of the government that he must toil under as well.  The decision to escape all these conditions is a valid one, and he is absolutely justified in making it.

Want to know what I am referring to?

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy. 

Consider the revelations coming to light about Hollywood Oligarch Harvey Weinstein perfectly capture the true nature of our status quo: a rotten-to-the-core, predatory, exploitive oligarchy of dirty secrets and dirty lies protected by an army of self-serving sycophants, servile toadies on the make and well-paid legal mercenaries. 

Predators aren't an aberration of the Establishment; they are the perfection of the Establishment, which protects abusive, exploitive predator-oligarchs lest the feudal injustices of life in America be revealed for all to see.

The predators reckon their aristocratic status in Hollywood/D.C. grants them a feudal-era droit du seigneur (rights of the lord) to take whatever gratifications they desire from any female who has the grave misfortune to enter their malefic orbit. 

Indeed, anyone who protests or makes efforts to go public is threatened by the oligarch's thugs and discredited/smeared by the oligarch's take-no-prisoners legal mercenaries. 

The dirty secret is that the oh-so-hypocritical power elites of Hollywood and Washington D.C. circle the wagons to protect One of Their Own from being unmasked. 

The first weapons of choice in this defense are (as noted above) threats from thugs, discrediting the exploited via the oligarchy's paid goons and lackeys in the mainstream media and dirty lies about what a great and good fellow the oligarch predator is. 

The last line of defense is a hefty bribe to silence any peasant still standing after the oligarchs' onslaught of threats, smears and lies.

Should the worst happen and some sliver of the truth emerge despite the best efforts of the thugs, corporate media, legal mercenaries and PR handlers, then the playbook follows the script of any well-managed Communist dictatorship: the oligarch predator is thrown to the wolves to protect the oligarchs' systemic predation and exploitation of the peasantry/debt-serfs.

Just as in a one-party Communist dictatorship, an occasional sacrificial offering is made to support the propaganda that the predators are outliers. Rather than the only possible output of a predatory, exploitive feudal status quo comprised of a small elite of super-wealthy and powerful oligarchs at the top and all the powerless debt-serfs at the bottom who must do their bidding in bed, in the boardroom, in the corridors of political power, and in the private quarters of their yachts and island hideaways.

Media reports suggest that the real reason Mr. Weinstein has been fired is not his alleged conduct over the past 27 years but his loss of the golden touch in generating movie-magic loot for the oh-so-liberal and politically correct Hollywood gang that was pleased to protect Mr. Weinstein when he was busy enriching them.

What's truly noteworthy here is not the sordid allegations and history of payoffs--it's the 27 years of intense protection the Hollywood/ media /D.C. status quo provided, despite hundreds of insiders knowing the truth. 

Just as hundreds of insiders with top secret clearance knew about the contents of the Pentagon Papers, and thus knew the Vietnam War was little more than an accumulation of official lies designed to protect the self-serving elites at the top of the power pyramid, only one analyst had the courage to risk his career and liberty to release the truth to the American public: Daniel Ellsberg.

Why are we not surprised that Hollywood, the corporate media and Washington D.C. lack even one courageous insider? 

If you want to understand why the status quo is unraveling, start by examining the feudal structure of our society, politics and economy, and the endemic corruption, predation and exploitation of the privileged oligarchs at the top. 

Then count the armies of self-serving sycophants, toadies, lackeys, hacks, apologists, flunkies, careerists and legal-team mercenaries who toil ceaselessly to protect their oligarch overlords from exposure. 

Open your eyes, America: there are two systems of "justice": one for the wealthy and powerful oligarchs, and an overcrowded gulag of serfs forced to plea-bargain in the other. 

If John Q. Public had done the deeds Mr. Weinstein is alleged to have done, Mr. Public would have long been in prison. As Orwell observed about a totalitarian oligarchy, some are more equal than others.

Here’s another…

“Two reasons I come to Thailand, warm weather and sex! 

Although some times the birds are not quite as fit as I would like, too tight to pay more than 1500 baht for ST 555! 

I do like Thai beer and food though, so that’s four reasons, actually apartments are cheap, so that’s five.

I bought Harvie’s ebook on freelancing, I got bored of writing for clients, so instead I write about rustic decor and shabby chic, Well, it pays for trips for to BKK and being down right dirty…”

-The Bamboo Bazaar  26 April, 2017

Honeymoon Period

Ah, it’s all fun and games when you arrive. Yet, how long it is sustainable before it gets dry and old?

“I reckon the honeymoon period for the average new expat to Thailand, irrespective of financial position, age, nationality etc is around 2 years. 

During the honeymoon period everything is wonderful and the new arrival may feel like he is in paradise. 

Some new expats become quite defensive when long-timers make comments about the country or the expat lifestyle that aren't positive.

I often receive emails from new arrivals who feel the tone of this column and the site in general errs on the negative. I wouldn't say it's negative, rather that it's realistic.

As a regular Thai female reader of this site (yes, they DO exist) said to me recently, many of the criticisms simply reflect the harsh reality of life for foreigners in Thailand. 

Those were her words. 

Get through the honeymoon period – it lasts a different period for each of us, but figure it to be around a couple of years – and then let me know what you think. Ignorance is bliss.”


Going back home…

What about when you return back to your home country?

“I have found it is now unacceptable to visit Thailand in the eyes of many westerners back home. 

I recently rode the train from the USA to Canada. 

Upon entering customs in Canada the cheeky immigration woman saw a 30-day entry stamp in my passport showing I had been to Thailand on a holiday two years previously.

She immediately grilled me with questions as to why I would ever go to Thailand and what I was doing there. 

She sent me to a private area where all my bags, camera and computer were thoroughly searched. 

Like most males returning to their home country from a visit to Thailand, this type of harassment by immigration officials has unfortunately become typical and expected. 

However, I have never heard of it happening when traveling solely within North America. 

I have been branded guilty and am being harassed simply because I took a holiday to Thailand!”

-Stickman Blog

Yeah, the social justice warrior types can make your life miserable…

“I met a man and his wife (she wanted to know about the Land of Smiles) in Cambridge (near Boston). 

Before the main course was served she was being rude in an ignorant feminist way. 

I just kept smiling. 

Did you know that all single men that go to Thailand are pigs?

I did not know that. I gotta tell ya. Life for me is just one learning moment after another.”


Do you want to move to Thailand?

What about advice for those who might want to move to Thailand?

 “I have some advice to any westerners out there contemplating moving to Thailand.

If you are rich and are sensible with money, then go ahead. If an international company or similar offers you a high salary job in Thailand then fine. If your are retired or have steady funds from aboard and want to live modestly on those funds, go ahead, but watch yourself. And if you're a young dude traveling around the world, and you want to spend some time in Thailand teaching or whatever for experience, then that's OK too.

If you don't fall into these categories then "don't" consider it for a moment. 

Many middle aged westerners in particular (including professionals) like the idea of living there, having a business or making some money and "enjoying life" in Thailand. But very few make it. (Forget about western restaurant or bar owners and alike you might meet in Thailand boasting about their good life there. It is common for faltering foreigners to keep up appearances). 

Mostly they end up broke or crazed, sometimes both, then they leave. 

Thai business, visa and residency laws get you in the end. 

The "Thai way" will get you in the end. Have a minor run-in with a wealthy or important Thai and your status and possibly your life will be at risk. Their whole culture is geared around making sure that foreigners pursuing individual efforts are not successful. 

It's ingrained in them from an early age to believe that they are the never-colonized master race of Asia (yes they really think that) and their mythology runs so deep you'll never budge it. 

Remember, in Thailand you'll never have any real business, legal or ownership rights. But Thais can go to your country (very possibly) and buy and own anything they can get their hands on (because of the more tolerant business laws). To Thais, this is just further evidence of how clever they are, and how foolish are the foreigners to go to Thailand.

Remember too, that Thailand is dominated by a comparatively small military-industrial elite. They have all the power and most of the wealth in the country. (Sounds like America, actually.  In America the ILLUSION of the ability to “move ahead” is promoted in the mainstream media, but the reality is something other than that.)

The idea of western foreigners living in the country and achieving wealth and status through individual entrepreneurial efforts is seen as a threat to the hegemony that they have over the Thai underclass – the bulk of the population. For this reason, it is never allowed to happen.

Think of Thailand, for westerners, as being a bit like a casino. A casino is a place with a touch of excitement, the lure of good fortune / the good life, and a place for fun, even with a bit of a risk. Go to a casino every now and then for fun and that's OK. Go there everyday all-day and you will ultimately lose, because the House Advantage will always get you. So it is in Thailand. The Thai "House Advantage" will get you. They make sure of it.

Of course, if going to Thailand with all your money and slowly losing it and ending up teaching English for a pittance (because that's about all you can do), either illegally or working legally but being treated like a serf by Thai institutions, appeals to you then go ahead. 

And running around the country several times a year getting visas, or always being at the mercy of authorities on visa matters might be your bag. If so, then go ahead, at least you'll be able to spend your nights at cheap restaurants sharing your impoverishment and frustration with other exploited western teachers. If not, think seriously.

In case you are thinking, let me say that I am not a former go-go bar owner gone bust, I have not lost my all doing business with Thais, no I haven't been cheated of everything by a bar-girl, no I haven't been reduced to the indignity of teaching English for a pittance. I have my own money, have spent a lot of time in Thailand, and have done some business there, have observed the experiences of a lot of foreigners, can see what goes on, and have enough concern to want to tell others about it.

If my words can prevent even one westerner of modest means from selling up and going to "enjoy life" in Thailand (and getting shafted in the end) then that will be something. Don't make the mistake of thinking that as a foreigner (even with professional skills) you can "make a contribution" to Thailand, no matter how good your intentions or needed your skills may be. Your contribution will *never* be welcomed, only your money. 

There is a saying in Thai that captures it well: "farang roo mark my dee" – foreigners who know too much [about Thailand] are no good. Gullible tourists, however, are great.

So, go to Thailand as a tourist if you like, enjoy what you enjoy there, but don't be taken in by the culture or people, as many westerners have, and don't under any circumstances give up anything back home to go and stay there unless you are financially secure for life, or know exactly what you are doing.

There is a tradition of resident foreigners in Thailand not telling you the truth about the country because they don't like to admit to themselves and to others about the mistake they have made in moving there. 

But especially now, with the financial mess Thailand has got itself into through a mixture of greed, incompetence, arrogance and corruption, and the prospect of difficult times ahead (to say the least) it is time for plain speaking.

A final comment to anyone who strongly disagrees with these comments. Unless you have lived, worked and conducted business in Thailand for many years, I'm not interested. The views of "oh how can you say that, Thailand is really great" 2 week tourists carry no weight with those of us who know Thailand and Thais well. “

- John Zachary Smith

Stickman says:
Controversial, and will no doubt get certain folks fuming. While I don't agree with it in its entirety, there are a lot of points that I do concur with. The points you make are food for thought and should NOT be dismissed immediately!

Ah, but other expats have totally different opinions. Here is a retort to the above article;

 “I have a feeling that I am in a position that frankly very few farang have ever been in. The odds seem to justify my opinion considering I work for a Thai company in Chonburi with 4,500 people and am the only farang here, let alone the only one that is not a teacher in the entire industrial estate.

I'm 33, have a work permit, do the same professional work I did back in my country, make a pretty damn good income and am treated extremely well both at work and in the town I live.

Based on everything I have seen, read and heard, I feel like I have won the lottery. I sense I am in an incredible position compared to how ruthless and xenophobic Thailand is portrayed.

I haven't met one Thai person who has been rude, derogatory or angry at me for being here. In fact I've only received the opposite. Adulation, even just for being a farang (which perplexes me).

Most of my friends (all Thai) have university degrees and are intelligent people. I asked a few of them why they love farangs and the answers I got back were (hell, I'll quote one verbatim) "I think farang people are just perfect".

I get drinks and food bought, given or offered to me all the time.

I've had more interest from beautiful women since arriving here 2 months ago than I had in 10 years back home. I don't get farang prices at shops or stalls and to top that all off I can barely speak Thai to save my life.

This isn't aimed as a gloat email. It's more a case that sometimes there are examples that differ from the norm, as per the Don't Move to Thailand post.

I feel like this country is one of the last bastions of optimism left in the world and I plan on trying to be as good and honest with the people here as they have been with me. I don't know if Thailand attracts fools who cannot make it or I lucked out. Either way, sometimes stereotypes can be broken.
I love this country and it's been incredible to me. “

- A happy camper.

Those who Returned Home

What do others have to say about Thailand?  You have got to be careful.

“Whenever I get depressed I feel like I just want to run away to Thailand. Rent a nice place, get on Tinder, join a gym and start a new adventure. 

But I have learnt from my mistakes and going to Thailand is not the answer. 

Whenever I go I always start off on the right path. I always say to myself, enjoy the sun, no hookers, go out and explore, join a gym. 

That usually lasts a week. 

Then I get lost down soi 4, I get drunk, I wake up late. 

I ignore Tinder dates and just bang hookers. 

I even ended up with a few ladyboys hanging out the back of me on occasions. Disgraceful. Life is about good company and staying away from trouble.
As I get older I have come to the conclusion that while one's freedom is important, too much freedom can send a man feral.”



Living in another country can change you.

“After living in any Asian country for more than 10 years, one definitely does not fit into one's homeland. I've been back in my home country for nearly 10 months after living in Japan for almost 20 years, having extensively enjoyed the hypnotic allures of such cities as Tokyo, Bangkok, Beijing, and Shanghai along with numerous trips to the mystically appealing islands on Thailand.

Returning to the West can be a shock!

I now fully understand why many of the expats I met found it difficult to live in their native country and had to return to Asia. It reminds me of trying to fit a square block into round hole. No matter how you place it, it just does not fit!

To all of you foreign residents in Thailand and in Asia, enjoy your existence there, because when you return to your homeland, you will dream of those exciting days when you lived in Asia! 

Know well you can easily leave Asia, but it can never leave your heart! It's a stern price to pay for the sights, sounds, sensations, and pleasures one takes from Asia!”


Not everything is perfect when you return home…

“I would have to disagree with one of your readers complaining that beer in a Bangkok a gogo is now more expensive than in a pub in England. In some cases it is (I assume he can't live in London), but you just can't compare having to wait 10 minutes to get served in an English chain pub by one of the 2 bar staff to the instant service you usually get in a Bangkok gogo whilst watching the dancing with a lovely in a thong sitting on your knee!”

-Comment on Stickman Blog

The reality of taking a Thai woman to America…

“Many American men bought in to the whole idea that Thai women were more marriage type than the angry American women we encounter all the time.  Sadly, for many of us that is not true.  

I work every day, come home dirty and earn my pay.  

I took good care of my family.  

The only way to keep a beautiful Thai woman happy here is the same as anywhere – you must have money to keep them in high status with their family back home and keep them entertained here.  

And if you live in small-town USA, you are wasting your time thinking they will be happy.  I know many will disagree with this, but wait about three years and then see.”

-Stickman (Having Two Homes)

Thailand is an adventure, but is it a “rest of your life” destination? Many argue against it.

“There is something very sad about an older man still being a slave to his desires and vices. It takes strength to stop lying to oneself. It's uncomfortable to consider we might be wrong or that we're really just a slave to some 45 kg girl. A photo you took of old guys sitting around waiting for their next fix was almost my future.

Thailand will never change, but it always changes us.

The venom some readers spit at you is jealousy. You are making many people reevaluate their lives in Thailand and that is scary for them. The truth is that they don't need Thailand as much as it needs them.

I've noticed quite a change with the men and women I work and come in to contact with lately here in Canada. They somehow smell something different about me, even when I say nothing. Maybe that I project no desires, I'm unapologetic, professional and not overly polite and stumbling over myself. I'm comfortable in my own skin, I don't need them and they respect that.

I can thank Thailand.

I would still suggest to any single man to go and check it out, but just don't get caught up in that black hole long-term. Go have some fun, boys, but remember, your coffin probably won't be buried in Thailand and eventually we all need to come home.”


Thailand will change you.  Just remember the four rules.  Living as an expat WILL change you. However, Thailand will change you in ways that are beyond my ability to convey.

"A man with a hard cock has a soft heart and a soft cock equals a cold heart".
  • Do NOT believe that Thais have the same values you may harbor.
  • Do NOT act on any impulse to come to the aid of another person being attacked – for any reason.
  • DO understand that your presence is tolerated ONLY because of the currency that accompanies you.
  • DO acknowledge that your well-being depends upon your strict adherence to the above.

You’ve been warned, farang. Otherwise, enjoy your stay!

Although all of this should, by now, be common knowledge to regular visitors and expats, it never hurts to reinforce the obvious. This was made even more obvious by the recent beating and knife attack on a Belgian male who came to the aid of a Thai woman being attacked in Satun by her husband. And no-one should be shocked that the husband first went to secure a knife and the help of his brother before launching his assault.

Thailand will expose you to realities and situations that will provide you with new perspectives.

“A few weeks back, I get a call from a distant cousin about his daughter coming to Bangkok with her boyfriend and was asked if I would mind showing them around. They are in their 20s and figured out their own way around, but they did meet me one evening for dinner. At the end of the evening, the 20-something daughter said to me, "I would like to get some new boobs. Can you recommend someone?"

I have a nurse in my network who works in one of the better clinics, a phone call was made and an appointment was set to meet the doctor the next evening. We show up at the clinic – the girl, the boyfriend, my girlfriend (translator) and me. She was very satisfied with the interview and we left. But there was a small issue….she wanted to see and feel what new boobs would be like. Could I arrange that too?

Like now, tonight, as they are off to Samui in the morning! Sure, no problem! 

You would like me to find a girl who has had them done, so you can feel them like right now? Yes! Off to Nana we go. In a ladyboy bar, a round of drinks later (double for the boyfriend who was freaking out), "There, pick the one you would like to be like!" She pointed to one very good looking "girl" and my girlfriend went on to explain the situation to her.

Off they went to the toilet: the candidate, the translator and the model. They came out after a while, all of them with a huge grin on their faces: the cousin because she got to feel and take pictures to show the doctor, the ladyboy who was now 500 baht richer, and my girlfriend who could no longer keep a straight face.

Just another typical evening in Bangkok!”


Perhaps here is one of the best descriptions of what it is like to live in Asia (for three years), and then return back to America. It’s honest, and harsh, and if the reader has no idea what the writer is talking about then I strongly suggest you leave the USA and experience life…

“I'm writing this from the West Coast of USA, in a very quiet, very peaceful duplex. I have returned to the US after 3+ years living in Bangkok. 

I'm still deciding what really happened out there. My decision to move to Thailand, back in 2010, was based on a lifelong dream of living out of the US for at least one year of my life. 

I had originally wanted to live in Europe, but during the time I was looking for the right place to land, European economics were in meltdown. So I started researching Asia. For work purposes I almost went to Singapore, but then decided Bangkok would be more fun.

I was right.

It wasn't just the sex. I never had trouble landing women in the States. I broke up with a very attractive Thai / Cambodian woman in the US before I left. She was fun, but a bit of a bitch at times. I know enough about women to understand that ratio changes the longer you're in a relationship. Married, she would have been a bitch that was a bit of fun at times. She wanted kids and I didn't. That was that. Before that I had two different 20-something girlfriends, great sex, lots of drama, not long-term but fun. I had learned stellar game skills and liked landing semi long-term relationships with pretty women. It was worth the pursuit, the hunt, the thrill of the conquest and of course, all the great sex. So I didn't go to Thailand for sex. I went to fulfill a lifetime goal of living out of my country for a year, and when I added up how I was supporting myself, what the costs of living were, and the fact that English teaching provided a safety net if things went wrong, Thailand just made sense.

I landed in Bangkok and fell in love with the place. I had lived most of my life in New York City, and spent time in Paris, Rome, London, LA, Berlin, Caracas and many other amazing places. But Bangkok blew my mind. The chaos, the sexiness, the otherness, and just how freaking different it was from the staid, plain US was like medicine. Even New York City – supposedly that wild town – is to me, a very processed and predictable place when compared to Bangkok.

So I loved it. I traveled Thailand for a month and returned to Bangkok.
I set up shop pursuing my dreams. I got lucky with real hard work, landed my business contacts back West, and managed to live for more than three years in Thailand. I had a nice condo, pool on the roof, and money to play with. There were a few rough patches for sure, but also some nice straight-aways. Basically, it turned out to be what I was looking for: the adventure of a lifetime.

That adventure meant broadening my horizons. 

I loved learning the language. I was a Thai language class nerd. I made a few Thai friends and played badminton religiously. I put a damn good pool game together. I travelled all over, made expat friends, and had a blast. I even finally got a local job offer in my industry, which is really tough to do, and held that for a while, living the Bangkok executive life although admittedly not on the high end of that scale. Still, it was all really remarkable.

However, when a job offer came up with an old employer in the West, I took it. After more than three years, I was ready to leave. They flew me back, settled me here, and I plugged in. I actually landed on the fourth of July, if you can believe that. And I was thrilled to be back. I hadn't been back in the US for even a holiday the whole time I was in SE Asia. 

Any time I had to travel, I had gone all over Thailand, Laos or Cambodia. I love SE Asia, but my reasons for repatting were professional. 

The jobs are better in the US. I stayed with mine for five months. It was a contract. When I was offered a full time job, I turned it down in order to start another business I had been planning. And that's where I am now.

I loved being back in the States when I landed. I loved being back in familiar settings, and hearing familiar speech. I loved catching up with friends. I fully intended to plug back in here, and resume life where I had left it when I had jetted to Thailand. 

Thailand had been working against me in the half year before I left. I was getting fed up with the visa issues, and the outsider status. I became depressed at how hard it was to positively affect the business world there, or even the fate of the country. I like to think I can make a difference where I am. Of course, there are charities, and I did a bit of work with those. But ultimately, Thailand is for Thais. 

God bless them for that, is my attitude.

In this One World homogenization that is happening, I have lots of respect for countries that retain national values and identities. Although I respect it, that doesn't mean I wasn't frustrated by it, and ultimately, living as a constant outsider was getting to me.

I had also come to the conclusion that marrying a Thai, or even having a serious Thai girlfriend wasn't what I liked, due to the many reasons cited in other posts here. I dated “civilians” who weren't in the leisure industry, but found the culture gap too huge to leap. Plus the adjustment I had to make in terms of being 3rd on the totem pole (Family, Career, Boyfriend) never did it for me. 

After that decision, I partied too much. I was drinking and balling and more than a bit adrift before I left. That's why I was really happy to be back in the US. It was just time to go. My hand had been played. I felt very lucky to leave when and how I did.

But here's the problem.

After the glow of happy returns wore off, I have to be honest with the fact that I just don't like the US lifestyle. 

I came back to give the west a full on fair shake. I even saw it with new eyes. And there's much I really love about US that I had to be away from before I could appreciate it. It truly is a tremendous land of amazing professional opportunity, as well as a place where self development is encouraged and valued.

Every system is crooked, but the corruption here is way toned down compared to SE Asia. The work place has some clowns, but is largely a meritocracy, where good workers are advanced, and losers get let go. People try hard. They want to make things better. The innovate. But what's really turning me off is how processed it all is.

How boring.

It feels like this grey machine. A conveyor belt. Relationships feel flimsy. Everybody works. Watches TV. Works more.

The amount of hostility towards men is repulsive, as it plays out in the workplace and in media. But the underground of MGTOW and Red Pill is filled with a tremendous amount of hostility as well.

I just really can't believe how unhappy and depressed most people in the west are.

It's like there is this War on Love, destroying relationships between lovers, friends, and communities. There's not much neighborhood or local cohesion. I feel everybody keeps busy busy busy all the time, working buying and watching, working buying and watching, to avoid admitting how bleak and punishing the average life is here. I don't want to support it. I don't want to fit in and be part of it.

I have no regrets I left Thailand, and in terms of timing, when I was pulled back here was really a blessing. 

But I can't deny the fact that I feel a huge void in my life out here. I believe what I miss most is the excitement and adventure and just fantastic thrill – with all the tribulations that went with it – which living abroad in SE Asia provides. 

I just had more fun there. 

I felt more alive there. And what's also really difficult is that all of the experiences I had in Thailand aren't really welcome out here.

Beyond the natural bias that women have of "men who go to Thailand", I'm just shocked that nobody really wants to know what life in another land is like. 

Maybe I'm a bad story teller. 

But maybe Americans are just living in their bubble. 

My countrymen have little frame of reference outside of their work and TV shows. It's heartbreaking, really. So much of the world, so much to see and hear about, and nobody wants to hear about it. I read a lot of columns on Stick that talk about how Thais don't really know much about the outside world. But in a way, the Americans don't either. So I'm left with this huge piece of living, and no place to process it. It's disheartening.

The place runs well.

The trains are on time, as they say, but psychologically, I feel the West is a very hostile and weird place these days. 

Especially when it comes to men / women relationships. 

I am shocked at the deterioration in relationships that I have seen, in just the past ten years. It's just so aggressively mercenary. The romance has been drained from the punch. There's very little charm in the process. I found dating pretty pointless, but still fun and sweet enough in Thailand. Even it if leads nowhere beyond walking around a mall and having some sex, it was lighter and more pleasant.

In America, dating is this grim operation to perform: shit tests, hoops, Social Market Value, and the flat-out rude bossiness that has become the modern American woman. Joyless. Probably that's what this entire post comes down to… that one word: Joyless.

America is not a life.

It's a job. The job is work. And work sucks.

Thais value fun. They like life light. Sanuk isn't just something in tour books. They have an art to daily living that has a pleasant ambience based on a healthy injection of “I don't give a damn”. All of us who have lived there have been on the maddening side of it. But from where I'm writing now, I see it now as a great way to resist the corporate take-over of every part of life.

Why the fxxk should we all have to work so hard?

Who's getting rich off our sweat? Just this morning I read that a new crisis on American college campuses is that many American university students are killing themselves or crowding counselor's crisis centers. Shouldn't higher learning be a better experience? They are probably feeling total dread at what the American system has laid out for them: joyless toil. It's like we're all fighting as hard as we can to jam our way into jobs that shred us.


Life shouldn't be so damn serious. Thais know that. I miss that. I miss them. I miss their land.

With luck I'll be back and honestly, probably bitching about lots of the things I just heralded in the previous paragraph. lol. Should fate decide otherwise, and slugging it out in the US is my path, I have my memories. They will remain a precious jewel for life. Either way, I am richer, wiser, and more the man I dreamed of being for having spent my time in LOS.

Enjoy it out there, gentlemen. Play smart and it's a brilliant part of the world to live life. Play dumb and it's still one hell of an adventure. My time there was a blend of both and I wouldn't trade it for anything. “

- “After 3+ Years in Thailand, Reflections From Home” by Rich Archer on the Stickman Blog. Reader submission.  May 2015

The Top 10 types of expat in Thailand

Let's talk about steriotypes. There are some particular sub-sets of Thai expat that you can spot a mile away. I knwo that it is bad to type-cast a typical expat, but it's boat-loads of fun, and it's a natural thing to do. Here are some sub-sets that you can use as a guide.  Jus tkeep in mind that there are plenty of other varieties of  expats floating around Thailand.

Here are just some major classifications of Thailand Expat that are pretty obvious. You can point them out with big splayed brushes, and will pretty much be right on target. Check them out…

1. The search of a wife
Finding looking for love in the West daunting? Or had a few failed marriages? Head to Asia and find a wife there instead. Right?!

  • Thailand is the place for sex.
  • Thailand is not the place for love.
  • If you indeed want to find true love in Thailand, then expect to change and adapt to the way that things are done in Thailand. Not the other way around.

These gentlemen come to Thailand for the sole purpose of finding love and maybe a wife. There seems to be some belief that Asian women are going to be more polite, obedient and submissive than the women in their own country.

Oh! Boy or boy are they going to get a shock.

Others are looking to ‘trade in’ their older, western model for a younger, prettier Asian version. And where are you going to find this source of Asian ladies? At an expat bar (or on the internet these days). And so the well-trodden path and litany of perilous adventures begins. We know how most of these relationships end.

Of course there are many western men, and women, who do find a Thai partner and live long, happy lives. But (please kindly be advised) they’re vastly out numbered by the stories of love-gone-wrong in the Land of Smiles.

Don’t take life too seriously
Read a couple of hundred stories on the internet before moving in with the Thai GF.  Realize that you must have deep pockets. As wll as a wallet that resembles Alladan's magic lamp. Oh, and one more thing; Guys, please keep in mid that the bar girls don’t actually love you.

2. The businessman
Many professional expats live, mostly in Bangkok, working for big international companies on salaries that would make them rich in any country. They can afford to, and do, live the high life.

  • Some are single but others bring their family along for the adventure.
  • They rent a big house.
  • They have a live-in maid.
  • They have a driver and live a great life indeed.

But, living their life in an artificial bubble in their working years, they rarely transition into a more mundane retired life in ‘normal’ Thailand.

3. Retiring in Thailand
The mantra used to be that you could move to Thailand and live off your pension (which would translate to lots and lots of baht), walking the Phuket beaches, shopping in Bangkok or living a quiet life in Chiang Mai.

Ah, yes. The perfect retirement lifestyle.

Other single, mostly, men would be lured by a carefree life of cheap beer, endless beaches and a seemingly endless supply of attractive young ladies in the many bars. (And who wouldn’t be lured by such wonderful attributes?)

A lot of this has changed in recent years.

The Thai economy has gained strength, along with the Thai Baht. With some international currencies have comparatively deflated. Which means that people hoping to live off their overseas pensions or savings are not getting the same bargain they once did.

This is especially living in tourist hubs like Bangkok, Phuket or Pattaya, the cost of living has been rising in recent years pricing them out of the retirement market.

If you’re contemplating a retired life in Thailand spend some time on the internet and come and spend a few months in selected locations. Try before you buy and don’t start packing the crockery until you’ve done your homework and your calculus.

4. Teaching English
The English teacher is found everywhere in the LOS (Land of Smiles) and is still a reasonably sure-fire way to extend your time living in Thailand.

These teachers usually break down into four categories….  

  • Some are career educators and love teaching English.
  • Others are backpackers trying to extend their stay and top up their travel budget.
  • There are some older guys who have spent their life savings and will do anything to stay in Thailand.
  • Finally, there’s the bored wives who want something useful and meaningful to fill their days whilst their husbands work for larger international companies.

There are numerous TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) courses around the country. The pay’s not great and you’ll be living a local lifestyle rather than the lap of luxury. But many former teachers remember their time teaching English in Thailand fondly and say they’ll never forget the smiling Thai children.

5. The entrepreneurial spirit
Savvy business people often come to Thailand for some better weather and the chance to make their fortune. The joke used to be that if you wanted to start a small business in Thailand, just invest in a big business here and wait a few years.

But many actually make a go of it and end up doing well.

Like starting a business anywhere else in the world, do your homework and make sure you tick all the right boxes, including a business and marketing plan (in a foreign country).

The flashy, brash real estate hacks that sell one property a year and spend the other 364 days sitting at the beach bar spending their commission, are a local cliché and a dime a dozen. Same goes for the internet hacks, the blogger hacks, and the travel-lifestyle hacks. It’s all nonsense. Don’t buy into the lies.

Remember that the paperwork and administration requirements of a Thai company can be bewildering and you WILL need some good local advice before you open up shop. Take someone who’s already done it for a few years to dinner and ask lots of questions.

6. The bored wife
Many of the categories mentioned so far have a predominance of males. Life for a single foreign woman in Thailand can be a challenge. Kudos to those who cut through the cultural issues and make a go of it.

There’s also the wives and partners of the many, many men who get to work in Thailand and bring their families with them. The live-in maid, driver and shopping trips eventually get boring and they will often be looking for other things to do. In most cases their visas won’t allow them to legally work. So many do end up doing various charity and volunteer work (thought you should be very clear about what your visa will and won’t allow you to do).

There are numerous expat groups around the country to provide information, social outings and community for the many mums or spouses who find themselves at a loose end whilst the husband works in the office. Jump on your computer and do some homework and you’ll discover a whole new world of other woman out there.

Your next coffee or movie gal-pal is as far away as the internet.

7. The fresh-starter
For whatever reason, Thailand seems to attract its fair share of misfits, vagrants and social outcasts that can’t seem to get their act together in their home country. So they come to Thailand where the cheap booze, beaches and travel brochures have lured them.

Of course they find a very different culture and an entirely new list of reasons they can’t fit in and get their life established.

Some are just running away from …

  • Bad marriages
  • The law
  • Anything-they-don’t-want-to-confront.

The long term prognosis for many of these misfits isn’t good. We end up reading about them as over-stayers, drink driving road deaths or victims of balcony falls.

8. Sexpats
‘Sexpats’ are notorious and much-maligned.

They come to Thailand, lured by a slightly old-fashioned notions of the Kingdom as an easy place to find sex. And sometimes, in some locations the opportunities are still available, for a price. Sexpats usually hang around other expats who are less likely to frown on their indulgences. The three P’s – Patpong, Patong and Pattaya – sum up most of the popular sexpat locations.

In most cases they’re here for a good time, not a long time.

They will frequent the sleazier locations in Thailand pursuing their goals and, eventually, running out of money or getting bored. Or getting into trouble. Or contracting any number of available STDs.

9. The serial complainer
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be as good in Thailand compared to where they come from. They will find fault in everything from the traffic to the food to the government to the medical system to the culture to the visa system to the corruption to the heat to the roads to the culture to the girls.


Thailand is a foreign country with a rich, frequently bewildering culture. The longer you spend here, the less it all makes sense. But that’s part of the glorious adventure of living in Thailand. Whilst many expats revel in the wonders and excesses of Thai life, some just wallow in their own self-righteousness.

Many of these haters and complainers have never been to Thailand but are happy to share their wisdom, often, in chat rooms and social media.

Blah, blah, blah.

Worse, there are plenty of haters living amongst us who bore us sideways with their whinging and complaining. They can be directed to the nearest international airport where they are invited to escape the country they so despise and return to their homeland or just go somewhere else, anywhere really.

10. The digital nomads
We see them tapping away on their keyboards at cafés and work spaces around the country. As long as they have wifi their business is open. They’re trading stocks and shares, selling property, gambling, posting stories, filing news reports, selling stuff on their Facebook pages – they’re working.

If you can run your business outside of a traditional office, hey, why not do it sitting next to a beach or high up in a mountain overlooking Chiang Rai. The digital nomads fall between the cracks in the Thai Immigration system and often have to run the gauntlet of dodgy visas and visa runs although a recently introduced Smart Visa helps some of them get a proper visa.

There is an increasing range of co-working spaces opening around the country and almost every café in Thailand will now have wifi – whether it’s working or not is another matter. Then again you can always tether your phone to your laptop and use your smartphone’s wifi.

However, as I have mentioned above, do NOT mistakenly believe that you can become a rich and successful person by banging around on your keyboard in a foreign land. If so, then Metallicman would have the wealth of George Soros. This is an option only for people who already have a successful online operation and they are able to port it over to Thailand without interruption.


For many Americans, Asia is Heaven. America has become the land of the heavily taxed serf, a land of the obese and argumentative, and the ugly. And when you leave the “wonderful shores of exceptionalism”, you discover that you wasted 50, 60 years of your life following a LIE. It’s an ideal that might at some time, long ago, existed for other people…

…but one that you never got a chance to participate within. So for you’se guys, like me. Asia is Heaven.

You go from this…

American girls tend to be on the chubby side.

To this…

This is what women are like all throughout Asia. They make fine wives, are fantastic, playful companions, and admire their man. They NEVER, ever belittle them in public.

This says it all, I would think;

“The expat rule is, you have found paradise and you don’t want to share it with anyone, especially those you believe to be unworthy.”


And, with that I must add, do not debauch yourself to death… 

An interesting write up about judgemental people, mostly Americans, of the “ugly American" persuasion. 

It is a great read, and spot on;

The act of seeing a prostitute in Western countries has been demonized, sometimes even more so than the act of prostitution itself. 

In many states in the U.S., if you’re caught soliciting a prostitute, you’ll be arrested and charged, and your name will appear in the Newspaper and on the Newspaper’s website. Then when anyone Google’s your name, the first thing to come up will be the article about you trying to see a whore. 

Many feminists sympathize for the “poor working girls,” who are simply misguided, while vilifying the evil “Johns” who take advantage of the women by buying sex from them. 

You pay her $300 for her to tell you to “hurry up,” and yet you’re the one taking advantage of her - oh the irony!

Don’t be THIS guy…

An American male aged 55 just fell off the 27th floor landed right near the pool. 

He wrote a letter before jumped said that he ran out of money, his visa is expired and express a wish to live in Thailand longer. 

It’s a sad story indeed. You spend your entire life working inside the “American Dream”, only to be taxes, swindled, and squeezed out of everything. 

Then you take what little remains and go somewhere where you are appreciated. 

Yet, when the money dries up, everything is over.  

Sad.  Looks like he'll be here forever now.

Or this fellow…

60 Year-old British Expat Found Dead in his Rented Room in Buriram Province. 

Upon entry of the rented room police found the body of James Track, 60 on the bed, surrounded by beer bottles, Deputy interrogation chief Pol Capt Decha Thongprapa said. 

Pol Capt Decha said the Briton might have died from consumption as it was revealed to him by other tenants that his wife had threatened to break up with him due to his drinking.

Things are different in Thailand.

Things are different; prostitution is more accepted and you certainly don’t have to worry about getting arrested for bar-fining a girl.  We’re not usually judged for it in Asia, but we’re judged even more harshly by Western women than men who solicit prostitutes in their own country. 

Because now we’re not just taking advantage of a “misguided woman”, and now we’re actually taking advantage of a “very poor and uneducated, misguided third world woman”.  

Yeah. Right.

I’ll have to remember that the next time a bar girl begs me to spend the night with her.

I’ve been targeted numerous times by groups out there who try to shame me for “the proliferation of the prostitution scene.”  It’s as if I tell people that it’s wrong NOT to see prostitutes, or that it’s wrong to treat them well when you do see them. 

Some of these people act as if the prostitution scene in Thailand exists only because dirty old white men come here and throw their money around in ways that uneducated women simply can’t refuse.  

This implication is mean spirited and outright false.

1) I find that to be an insult to Thai women; they’re not robots and they are acting on their own free will.  To imply that they don’t know any better is another way of calling them stupid.  Most of them are much more calculated than feminists give them credit for being, usually saving hordes of cash by the time they’re done in the profession.

2) The prostitution scene in Thailand has a long history that has only recently included white men.  The facts are that most of the “Johns” throughout the country are Thai.  But feminists, and those quick to point the finger, live in some sort of vacuum where they think that Soi Cowboy and Walking Street are the only prostitution havens in Thailand.

Feminists, and basically all Western women, have always been on that side of the issue.  But lately, I’ve noticed a new group of people quick to throw stones at any man who would dare see a Thai prostitute: foreign men!   These guys fall into different categories, I’ll list them for you.

1) The dating guru who insists that it’s STUPID and PATHETIC to have to see prostitutes since it’s so easy to score here with an unlimited amount of non prostitutes.  In other words, “do as I do or you’re dumb and sad.”  I’ve had my successes in the dating scene here, but I don’t see what that has to do with the prostitution scene.

2) The man who takes care of his wife’s Thai daughter from a past marriage, as his own, and is repulsed by the thought of her selling her body to foreign guys when she becomes of age.  I don’t blame the guy for not wanting to see it happen to the girl, but it won’t happen if he does a decent job as a parental figure in her life.  If he fails as a parent, and she does become a prostitute, it’ll be his fault, not the fault of the “johns” she sells herself to.

3) The “fragile heart” guys, otherwise known as: walking contradictions.  These are the guys who fall in love with the first bar girl they buy sex from.  They become so consumed with their “love,” that they have to find a way to justify the fact that she was sexing and fucking 20-40 guys per month for the past year or two.  So, for whatever reason, some of these guys start to visualize the johns as being the villains.  It doesn’t sound like a particularly healthy way of handling the situation, but that doesn’t seem to stop them.  The craziest thing about it is that they themselves were a john when they first met the girl.  They find a way to separate that from the evil guys who did the same thing as them, just without the falling in love part.

4) The guys who are just “above it all.”  Most of these guys are outright liars, the rest of them are just judgmental assholes.   Finding guys who have never truly seen a prostitute in their entire lives, especially those who have been to or live in Thailand, is even more rare than finding a guy who never had an alcoholic beverage before.  I suppose there’s a few of them out there, but there’s a lot more guys out there who simply say they’ve never seen a prostitute, despite that being a lie.  And if a guy saw a prostitute even one time in his life, and vows that he never has and is repulsed by anyone who does or has, that is just a sick and twisted way to go about things.  Now, for those few guys who truly have never seen a prostitute, good for them.  I’m not going around saying that they’re prudes or pussies for not doing it; I actually don’t care.  I wouldn’t judge them either way.  But if they are going to judge me, simply because I don’t adhere to the same moral codes as they do, then they can go and fuck themselves!

5) The religious type.  If a guy’s religious code dictates that I’m a sinner, then so be it.  Prostitution is known as the “oldest profession in the world.”  It’s also pretty damn harmless compared to some more obvious “sins.”  I don’t judge anyone for being very religious, that’s their prerogative.  But I just wish some of them wouldn’t so often judge others that just don’t happen to follow the same religion with the same passion.  Some of these guys are quite the hypocrites, because they’ve seen hundreds of prostitutes, but since that was “before they were saved,” that doesn’t count anymore.

I’m not even going to discuss the group of people out there who makes it like any “john” is basically a rapist sex trafficker; obviously those people need more help than most prostitutes.  But that is basically the final end of the spectrum of people who hate on anyone who has ever been with a prostitute before.  We’ve gone through all of the groups, and they all have two things in common: they’re judgmental and intolerant people.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter, and to follow through in the way they see fit.  Just as everyone can have their feelings on the topic, I have mine as well.  I don’t judge others who don’t see me eye to eye on it; it’s just my own personal code. 

This is true whether it is about China, or Thailand. About work, career, or pretty girls. It is the same regardless about how you live your life and what you do with your time. All men need a code; a code of behaviors.

And that is, that seeing prostitutes is like drinking alcohol – its fun sometimes, but it’s best to do it in moderation, and it’s important not to become completely addicted to it. 

Like alcohol, if you’re not somewhat cautious, there can be some downsides.  But if you can stick to the limits that you set, you’ll be fine.

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An introduction to Thailand by an occasional traveler, and a lover of great food, pretty girls and sunshine

Here, in this post, I am going to discuss the wonderful land of smiles; Thailand. It is an enchanting country. It is filled with happy, easy going people, cheap prices, lots of open fresh air, seas of beauty, mountains and hills, and lots and lots of great delicious food. I haven’t written about this place at all because the vast bulk of my time is spent within China. But this is a great place, as is the rest of South East Asia, and I have a few things to say about it.

Read this post. Then re-read this sentence. As far as a man is concerned, Thailand is really the land of the free.

“The Thais are proud to say their country has never been colonized and delighted to explain that translated in to English, Thailand means "land of the free". 

Many Thais genuinely believe their country is free and that regular citizens are afforded a level of freedom that doesn't exist outside the Kingdom's borders.

Given the way certain parts of Thailand's history are explained in the local education system, it's no surprise. 

But the way that some foreigners resident in Thailand also feel more free in Thailand than they do in Farangland (Oh, “farang”, or for those of you who hate that word, Caucasian) floors me.”

- Thailand, Land of the Free

One of the places that I would live at, from time to time, was Thailand. It’s a truly amazing place, with beautiful beaches, excellent delicious food, warm welcoming climate, a decent infrastructure, and hordes of sexy willing women. What’s not to like?

“hhahahhha  Pattaya! 

I ran into a few FAT and outraged American "chang nams"...


...chang nam is a hippo and polite word for American (women) wildebeast that seem to stray into Pattaya now and again. (The great white water buffalo.)

There were three American chang nams that ganged up on me, asking me all sorts of "triggered questions.

"When their mouths stopped flapping, I ran my fingers across my lips, then launched into international sign language dialogue. 

One of the girls said ".....oh shit, he's deaf---and THEY APOLOGIZED."

My sign language is very good and I suggest all ZHers to at least learn a few phrases correctly in dealing with hostile, bat-shit crazy American women and their failed NGOs in Thailand and Cambodia. 

These American goody-two-shoes are the ones that demonize sex and then run around to the back room to boom Somchai.

PS...To call someone "Somchai" in Tai and Kampuchea, really you are saying "John Doe." "Somchai" is better than saying "....where's Woody?"

- buttmint (reply to) MaxThrust Aug 12, 2017 10:57 AM

I have visited Thailand with my Chinese wife numerous times.  We have stayed at everything from fancy hotels to cute residential home-stays. We have frequented the bars and clubs and sampled the night life there, we have even had an adventure where a taxi driver drove us out into the middle of the jungle and left us there to rot at 4:30 am! 

Thailand, since it is so close to China, is my 2nd home.

It’s a very cheap (from China) two hour flight and BOOM!, I am in a land where all the girls call me a “Handsome Man”.

"Hey! Handsome Man!"

Though, I have never sampled the female fun there, it’s enough to know that I could if I wanted to.

Personally, I find the girls there a little chubbier and shorter than my tastes allow.  (You can see for yourself in the pictures and videos herein.) However, that’s just me.

My ideal woman is a curvy and robust Chinese gal, with a handsome face, and a smile that last forever. Long black hair is an extra five points. Brown eyes improves the look another five points, and having an oval face tacks on another ten points.

(The taller “girls” tend to be ladyboys… yikes!)

In any event, Thailand is a beautiful place with cheap prices, delicious food, and nature everywhere.  It is paradise.

People come to visit and LIVE in Thailand for all sorts of reasons;

“There isn't one kind of person that comes to Thailand there are many. 

There's the sex starved older English gent that finds paradise in the Neon lights of Pattaya to the American couple who have figured out that they don't want to live there lives drowned in debt only to realize they've missed out on Living their lives. 

You'll find a lot of grumpy old men who are single and spend their time Farang bashing on Thai Visa and younger guys who party to the break of dawn every night. 

The English teacher who's looking for "world experience" I'm sure you've met all sorts of people in Thailand.”

-From here;

And, for guys, often the reason is for sex…

“The problem with sex is that it’s a natural male instinct to fuck everything that moves, not just the hottest, but anything attractive – you’ll never stop looking, but you might stop chasing. God help you if you’re very good looking, getting ‘opportunities’ thrown at you wherever you live. You may never escape this vice – and it will cost you big time.”


Thailand is a different place for certain. Different is Good.

“Frustrated foreign residents are known to have the odd rant about life in Thailand at times, but sometimes we need to take a look at the big picture and consider that things are not as bad as they may seem. 

A mate who gets around Bangkok by motorbike tells me that whenever he parks his motorbike, he leaves his helmet resting on the handlebars, attached by a simple clip. This is something he would never do in his native Belgium for it would likely not be there when he returned but in 10 years of riding in Bangkok no-one has ever taken his helmet. 

Still, I have never seen his helmet and maybe the shocking pink color and the slogan I love ladyboys in Thai on the front has something to do with it?”



“Never in my life did I imagine I would ever turn down a girlfriend of mine for sex until I got to Thailand; 

...there’s just only so much I can handle. 

American women (and I’m sure British and Australian women are very similar) use sex more as a tool in a relationship, and they’re usually willing to sacrifice the enjoyment from sex just to prove a point. 

I don’t find this too often in Thailand and that’s a beautiful thing.”


I’ve been to Pattaya numerous times.

A famous Pattaya themed T-shirt, sold at many of the vendor’s stalls about town, sums up the divergent opinions about the place. “Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya”.

I can’t say the beach is all that great.  But it has (had) an amazing street devoted to bars and night life.  Both my wife and I felt like we had died and gone to heaven.

The first time we went there, we separated from the group (that we had been with) and went solo exploring this amazing area. Of course, you have the go-go girls, and the bar girls and all of that. However, what really struck me was the presence of old fat western guys who had plopped themselves down at a bar and who were nursing a beer.


You call that fun and exciting?

We bar hopped each and every time we visited that town. 

First Impressions

My first experience was awesome. I must tell the reader that when you go into these bars, you will see (easily) 20 to 30 totally nude gals standing and dancing slowly in super high heels.

That has since changed, and as of 2016 they all seem to be wearing some kind of attire.

With a short old 70-year old grandmother walking around them with a meter long switch telling them to arch their backs, etc. The girls seemed fine.  (They were) all thin and in their 20’s. A patron might come in and pick a girl and pay the girl and get a blow-job on the spot.  (I’ve seen it done numerous times.)

You can even take the girls upstairs for a short-time (this is known as a “short time girl”). However, to be honest, you see 30 girls without a lick of clothing on it’s not really arousing.

Since then, the local government placed laws requiring the gals to wear clothing. I have mixed feelings about it.

It’s just a bunch of nude girls.

Old fat men (Bogan) nursing beers in Pattaya bar street.

Pattaya is known (outside of Thailand) for one place. 


I think I can safely say that Patong Beach is now Bogan central for Thailand. 

A Bogan is a bit of a derogatory term for a person who hails from the western suburbs of Sydney, West Auckland or the working class areas of Melbourne. 

In Thailand they are normally identified as blokes, or sheilas, with minimal attire – a beer brand singlet, billabong shorts and flip flops – and whose main priorities in life are knocking back copious amounts of beer and watching their preferred style of footy. 

Take a stroll down Soi Bangla in the early evening and the sports bars lining each side of the street will be packed with Bogans getting their fixes of beer and footy. 

The thing is, though, if you hang around the place for long enough you’ll soon pick up on the idea there are Bogans from all over the world cruising the streets and crowding the shopping malls of Patong. 

Aside from your bog standard Aussie and Kiwi Bogans, there are also English, Russian, German, Scandinavian, Indian and even Thai Bogans to be seen.

That being said, let me be the first to point out that the Pattaya Police Chief say’s that there is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya.  Apparently it doesn’t exist.

And it is true that sex can be obtained.

However, it is not as common and rampant as the British tabloids make it out to be. There’s only a precious few areas that you can get your “fix” for secual excitement. The rest of Pattaya is like the rest of Thailand, very conservative and very religious.

Pattaya City officials, local police units and administrative units of Chon Buri held a press conference on the new policy; Pattaya Happy Zone, which has been immediately implemented with the main purpose of keeping popular areas of Pattaya under control and crime-free. 

The Happy Zone is being enforced in the infamous Walking Street in order to control all illegal activities to make sure that the holiday experience in Pattaya is hassle-free for everyone.

Pol Col Apichai Krobpetch, the Pattaya police superintendent, told the magazine “Spectrum” that Pattaya is not a hub for the sex trade.

He was upset about the British media’s stories, insisting they were fabricated.British newspapers The Sun, Mirror and the Daily Star recently ran articles describing Pattaya as “the world’s sex capital” and as a “modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah”, sparking anger among government officials, especially PM Prayut, who vowed to crack down on illegal businesses and prostitution in Pattaya, viewing them as a major embarrassment for Thailand.

Offshore Bar – Pattaya, Thailand.

“There is no such thing as prostitution in Pattaya,” says Col Apichai. “Where did they get the figure of 27,000 sex workers in Pattaya? Anyone can make up this information.


But sex and booze. Well, that’s something that I happen to enjoy.

And I am not afraid to admit it. Many a fine night has been spent with a female companion drinking wine, singing and dancing, and chatting and eating delicious food, and then having some great sex. It’s a wonderful way to pass the time, make new friends, and just relax.

Which brings me to the most awesome bar street. 

(Drinking booze, rock music and sex everywhere.) When I went there with my wife, we were just floored over by the sheer size and awesomeness of it.  It put New Orleans French Quarter to shame.  It is amazing and awesome at the same time.

We first visited Pattaya during a Chinese organized tour for tasting all the food of Thailand. 

The reader should realize that I am (what is called) “a foodie”.

A foodie is someone who has a deep interest in food. In addition to being interested in food itself, foodies are also interested in the back story: the history, production, science, and industry of food. As a general rule, foodies are amateurs, rather than professionals working in some aspect of the food industry, and many of them are self-taught.

-What is a Foodie?

We were not disappointed.

After one of the many, many dinners we were taken to the “bar street” for a look around.  The tour guide would not let us go alone, so we had to sign a “safety waiver” and off we went.  We’ve been in love with the place ever since.

It is not like what is portrayed in the American movie “Hangover II”, that is unless you are a drinker. Never the less it is an awesome place.  I actually prefer it over New Orleans “French Quarter”, Reno, Los Vegas, Macao, and some of the more “interesting” places that I have explored.

Both myself and my wife think of it as an awesome place.

First meal I had in Pattaya was fresh crab and shellfish.

The servings are huge and the prices were cheaper than in China. This I’m super surprised about even looking at the western meals around Pattaya are much cheaper than China also. Must be something to do with the amount of competition here. One thing that is first noticeable about the food in Pattaya is it tastes way better than what you get in China. I don’t really know why. This is probably because it’s either Isaan food and central food and I’m in the right place for that.

Since I’m a big foody I fell in love with the place immediately. (Not to mention all the pretty girls calling me a “handsome man”!)

A fine Thai curry chicken dish.

Pattaya is a very small place, well it’s not exactly small but the truth is that really, it’s just not that big. Pattaya is more concentrated making it easier to get around. This is especially true in the center of all “the action”.

Traffic isn’t as bad as people say though there are way more of those little mini-bicycle-car-like things (hoons) here which is expected.

Most of the hoons are either motorbike taxis or tourists joyriding. I hate driving in Thailand but it’s a must if you want to cover more ground quickly and save money and hassles getting taxis.

A lot of people walk in Pattaya compared to Bangkok. Bangkok is a city. Pattaya is a small coastal town.

If you’re a first time visitor to Pattaya then get ready for a surprise. This is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before. This has to be one of the greatest concentrations of night time venues anywhere in the world.

The famous walking street is the epicenter of the Pattaya’s party scene, stretching from Bali Hai pier in the south to beach road at the north. This neon lit street is closed to traffic from around 6pm until the early morning. This mile long strip of pure hedonism is a mecca for party goers from all over the world. Lined with a mix of Go Go bars, drinking bars, restaurants, world class nightclubs and live music venues anyone who visits Pattaya has to experience this party wonderland.

(Don’t be afraid of entering any of the bars, clubs or go go’s you won’t get bitten (unless you want). The workers are all super friendly and the bad old days of getting ripped off are long gone. So be brave, and go on in.)

Metallicman in a Northern Bangkok 7-11 during the “Water Festival” (Songkran). That white stuff on my face is some kind of talc mixed with water that they put on you after they soak you with water. I don’t understand it, but I’ll bet it has an interesting story behind it.

Water Festival

The reader can just simply forget about staying dry during the water festival.  Little children, and not so little adults man each and every corner with plastic water guns, water machine guns, and water bazookas. The wife ended up staying in the room for three days afraid to go out and get soaked.

The Water Festival is the New Year’s celebrations that take place in east and South-east Asian countries such as China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Taiwan and Thailand.

It is called the ‘Water Festival’ by Westerners because they notice people splashing or pouring water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the New Year. Traditionally people gently sprinkled water on one another as a sign of respect, but as the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia, many people end up dousing strangers and passersby in vehicles in boisterous celebration.

The act of pouring water is also a show of blessings and good wishes. It is believed that on this Water Festival, everything old must be thrown away, or it will bring the owner bad luck.

Here’s what another expat has to say about this festival;

“Songkran in Pattaya is celebrated for 7 days from the 13th until 19th April. It's difficult to avoid getting wet.

No food carts or girls ordering food get attacked with high-powered water guns and buckets as the Thais respect food. The Thais also consider people walking the sois with their luggage on the way to check-in to hotels.

Even long after the sun has set, the Thais still playing with water don't target people who are dry and heading out for dinner.

You know where I'm going with this… 

Of course, some young Thais on bikes riding the sois and drinking too much end up having fights. From my week-long Songkran experience here, having played with water and sat and observed, it's the dickhead Farangs with high-powered water guns hitting people in the face, attacking people with food, people going out dressed for a night out etc.

Even drunk bargirls manage to recognise and respect people who want to avoid water later in the evening. While writing this email in a dry area on sois 7 with 45 baht beers, I have witnessed 2 altercations between Westerners with high-powered guns attacking people who are dry. Only 28 more hours left of this craziness then off to track Everest. I'm confident Everest will be less to endure.“


Going for a visit

It’s not just about the sleazy side of Pattaya and thousands of people a night descend here to watch some great live music acts, eat fresh seafood over the water or watch one of the numerous street performers. Even organized tours of Chinese and Korean tourists regularly wander up and down the street to soak up the atmosphere. The smaller alleys are called “Soi”. Check out the map below.

As a man, I have to admit that Thailand has so much going for it.

The cost of living is very cheap.  In fact, it is even cheaper than China.  If you have enough money saved away (stashed from the clutches of your first or second wives) you can live quite comfortably. Further, it is beautiful. The weather is NOT SNOWY. The food is awesome, though you might need to learn the language or use a cute girl to translate to order.  The beaches, mountains, and history are amazing…And, the girls… the girls are all cute, beautiful and AVAILABLE. What’s not to love?

Pattaya bar street map. All credit to the amazing Mike Baird.

Hotels in Pattaya.

Here’s just some informationt that I collected from my files. As Asia, both China and Thailand is in a constant state of flux, probably the best thing that you can do is chat with a local and get the best deals for your particular situation. Never the less, you can consider this guide as a helpful venue to get you started.

More information can be found here;

Wave Hotel Pattaya

The wave hotel is by far the best combination of luxury, value, and location in Pattaya; this is where the smart ballers stay. The price is around 160 dollars a night, but when you see this place, you will feel like it is a bargain. The rooms are high class, and the location can’t be beat. They offer a nice sized pool and garden area, along with a par. They also have free wifi access. The staff here will treat you like royalty.

Hilton Hotel Pattaya

Located dead center of Walking street and on the beach… What more can you expect from the Hilton? They offer an amazing infinity pool and pool side bar “Shore Bar”, which offers stunning views. They also have many rooftop restaurants with incredible views as well. This is a great getaway no matter what kind of vacation you are having in Pattaya. Don’t forget, Central Pattaya Beach is located downstairs!

Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel

Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Hotel is a little different from the first two 5 star hotels offered here, Dusit D2 Baraqude offers a nice fusion between Thai and Western architecture so you will get a little culture, it is also suited in an excellent location right on walking street and offers amazing views of the surrounding area and ocean.

Pattaya Marriott Resort and Spa

The Marriott name speaks for itself, especially here in Pattaya. The Marriott is one of only a few five star hotels located in Pattaya and it shines here as one of the best hotels. It offers an amazing swimming pool and outdoor lounge, fine dining inside, in an excellent location, and high-speed internet access in every room. The gardens here are also amazing. They also offer a breakfast buffet every morning for all guests until 10:30am… If you are not too hung over!!

Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel

Intimate Hotel by Tim Boutique Hotel is easily my choice for a medium budget traveler. It offers free wifi, stunning views across the city, Jacuzzi tubs in some rooms, a great rooftop bar/restaurant. It also provides a small, but nice fitness center and a decent international buffet. From here, you are within walking distance to Pattaya Beach, and also some of the shopping malls in the city such as Central Festival Beach and Royal Garden Plaza.

The Scenery City Hotel

Traveling on a budget? The Scenery City Hotel is my favorite budget hotel in Pattaya. They offer very nice clean rooms with a balcony for under 1000 baht per night. Free wifi is offered in public areas (some rooms can grab access from the public areas if within reach). Located right in the center of Pattaya, the location can’t be beat. The rooms are extremely clean and held to a very high standard, the staff is also very friendly and informative. Basically, everything is within walking distance of here, including the beaches.

Areca Lodge Hotel

Another one of my favorite hotels in Pattaya on Walking Street is the Areca Lodge Hotel. This is one of the most popular hotels in Pattaya with good reason. The prices are borderline cheap/medium so it fits most people’s budgets. They offer free in room wifi, and the rooms are extremely clean. Areca offers two large pools with Jacuzzis and other amenities including a fitness center, sauna and on-site eateries, also all rooms have balconies.

Hard Rock Hotel

The Hard Rock Hotel name speaks for itself, not much explaining needed here. Geared for the active crowd who would rather have a fun time with activities rather than a quiet time. The rooms are all modern, hip, and cool with purple styling. Every room offers a sea view or city view, depending which side of the building you’re on. The pool is one of the best in Pattaya and they offer lots of activities in the pool/garden area. It also offers many restaurants, bars and lounges including the world’s popular signature Hard Rock Café.

Sooi-Tee Guest House

For those of you on a super budget, I highly recommend the Sooi-Tee Guest House. Rooms start around 500 or 600 baht a night and all offer free wifi. The location is perfect and each room has AirCon, which you won’t find in a lot of guest houses in this price range. The rooms are clean and offer a baloney. Staying at a place like this is is good because you get that nice homey feel and special attention from the staff.

View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium

View Talay 6 Pattaya Beach Condominium by Honey is one of the best medium priced hotels in Pattaya and also one of the most popular. Located on the beach, it offers great views of the ocean and city. There is a nice pool with a pool side bar and massage service on site. The location couldn’t be beat if you want to be on the beach AND close to Walking Street. This hotel also offers free wifi.

Bars and Nightclubs

There are many great nightclubs on the Pattaya walking street. Each has its own vibe and feel and most will be open until the sun comes up.

The clubs are extremely popular and are generally very busy every night of the week. Most don’t get going until after midnight. The clubs are a favorite of both younger tourist and locals. Here are some links to all the bars. (Up to date when I was last there, back in 2017.)

“Walking street really is one of a kind. Little could I have known, that all I had to do was jump on a plane and instantly be transformed into a ‘handsome man’ . It’s a blast. The vegas of the east. Minus gambling.”

-学习如何水肺潜水 JANUARY 5, 2017 AT 7:01 AM

Girls of the Toy Box.
69ers Beer Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya (umgezogen von der Soi 8)
Apple BarSoi Chaiyapruek, Jomtien Beach
Armageddon BarSoi LK Metro, um die Ecke von der Soi Buakhao
Atlantic BarPattaya Second Road
Aussie BarSoi 7, Central Pattaya
Barracuda Bar
Facebook Seite
Naklua Road, Nord-Pattaya
Billabong Bar & HotelSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Booze Lounge
Facebook Seite
Soi Khao Talo, Ost-Pattaya (ca. 1,5 Kilometer hinter der Sukhumvit Road)
Borussia Park
Facebook Seite
Deutsches Gästehaus und Bar, Naklua Road
Brass Monkey BarSoi Nern Plub Wan, Soi 26, Ost-Pattaya
Buffalo Bar
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya
Butcher’s Arms PubEnglischer Pub & Gästehaus, Soi Buakhao
Facebook Seite
Pub & Gästehaus, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 17
Camel ToeGentleman Club, Soi Korpai 10
Candy LocaRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
The Castle Fetish Club
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Third Road, Central Pattaya (neben der Buffalo Bar)
Champions Sports BarRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
Devil’s Den
Facebook Seite
Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya (vormalig Hell’s Club)
Easy R-Con Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Buakhao, Central Pattaya
FLB BarWalking Street, Süd-Pattaya
The Golf ClubSports Bar, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Gulliver’s TavernPattaya Beach Road, Nord-Pattaya; Walking Street
I-Rovers Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Bar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Jameson’s Irish PubSoi Sukrudee (Soi A.R.), Central Pattaya
Joy’s Paradise
Facebook Seite
Deutsche Bar und Gästehaus, Soi Welcome Jomtien
Kåres Party BarPattaya Second Road
Kawaii BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Kiss Kool BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
KitCat Club Lounge410/8-10 Thappraya Road, Dongtan Beach, Jomtien
La La Land BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Legends Pool & Sports Bar
Facebook page
Pattaya Klang Soi 5, Central Pattaya
Lord Nelson Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Pub, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak)
Lucky Love BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Mai Lu Si BarSoi Buakhao, gegenüber vom Pattaya City Hospital
Maxies BarSoi 16, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya
M Club
Facebook Seite
Gentleman Club, Pattaya Third Road, Soi 14
Medusa Bar & RestaurantDeutsches Restaurant und Short Time Bar auf der Soi Wat Boon am Jomtien
Metro Bar & ApartmentsSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Moonshine PlaceAmerikanische Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 4
Murphy’s Law PubSoi LK Metro, Central Pattaya
Night Wish BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Nong Beer BarSoi Diana
O Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
One BarDeutsche Bar, Soi Night Out, Central Pattaya Road
Passion Gentleman’s ClubThappraya Road (Hanuman Statue), Jomtien
Pattaya Beer GardenPattaya Beach Road (Eingang zur Walking Street)
The Pig & Whistle Pub
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya
PJ DJ Bar & Guesthouse
Facebook Seite
Soi 7, Central Pattaya (vormalig Anna Jet Bar)
The Pussy ClubSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Queen Victoria Inn
Facebook Seite
Englischer Pub, Restaurant & Hotel, Soi 6
Quickie BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Retox Sports Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao
Retox Game On
Facebook Seite
Soi Honey, um die Ecke von der Pattaya Second Road
The Rock House
Facebook Seite
Bar & Gästehaus, Soi LK Metro
Ruby ClubSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Rum Dum BarRompho Barkomplex, Jomtien Second Road
Ryan’s BarNaklua Road, Nord-Pattaya (vor der Soi Wongamat)
Saigon Girl BarSoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Sailor InnNorwegisches Restaurant & Gästehaus, Soi 13/2
Scandinavia Bar & RestaurantPattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 13 und Soi Yamato
Scandinavia Beach ClubPattaya Beach Road, zwischen Soi 5 and Soi 6
Scooters BarSoi Buakhao, Central Pattaya
Secrets Bar & Nightclub
Facebook Seite
Soi 14, Walking Street, Süd-Pattaya
Sexy In The CitySoi 6 (Soi Yodsak), Central Pattaya
Shooters Coyote Bar
Facebook Seite
Coyote Bar & Gästehaus, Soi 7, Central Pattaya
Siam CatsDeutsche Bar and Gästehaus, Jomtien Soi 5
Simple SimonEnglisches Restaurant & Bar, Jomtien Soi 5
Smurf BarDeutsche Bar, Soi Buakhao (Nähe Pattaya Klang)
The Sportsman Pub
Facebook Seite
Pattaya Soi 13
Telephone BarSoi Batman, Süd-Pattaya
Tim Bar BeerBar und A-GoGo, Pattaya Second Road, Süd-Pattaya
Valentines Bar
Facebook Seite
Soi Lengkee, zwischen Pattaya Third Road und Soi Buakhao
Viper Bar
Facebook Seite
Coyote Bar, Pratamnak Road Soi 4 (gegenüber vom Asia Hotel)
WhyNot BarDeutsche Aircon-Bar, 179/86 Naklua Road
Wombat BarBar, Restaurant & Gästehaus, Jomtien Beach Road

Some fun Links;

I would say that the number one advantage of visiting or living in Pattaya, is the “walking street” and the things that you can purchase there. As a man, I can see distinct advantages in living there.

“Last night we were in Gulliver's and one sight made me chuckle.

A large group of Brits walked in and took up about three tables. The women were obese but their boyfriends (how the hell did they get guys) were trim. 

The group was approached by four waitresses and two beer promotion girls. 

The waitresses were pretty with slim figures and you can guess how good the promotion girls looked. 

Needless to say the guys were enthralled by the display and had trouble ordering, much to the displeasure of the blobs sat around them.

I bet there were a few arguments back in the hotel rooms later. 

Welcome to Thailand, boys! I bet they are currently praying for their girlfriends to get food poisoning so they can go out unhindered and get some ‘cultural experiences’.”

- Praying for food poisoning!

Buying a Car in Thailand

Yes, the initial purchase of a car in Thailand will probably cost more than it would in the United States. A small-engined Japanese sedan such as a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic runs from 800,000 baht up to 1,000,000 plus for a fully loaded, top model.  This is much more than you would pay in most Western countries. European or luxury cars can cost as much as 3 times what the exact same model would cost in the West.

Used Cars

The initial purchase price of a new (or second hand) car will also be greater than the West, but that is where the idea of car ownership in Thailand being expensive ends.

The good news is that cars devalue at a much, much slower rate in Thailand than they do elsewhere.  Indeed, Hondas and Toyotas will command a high resale price due to their perceived reliability.  You can pretty much expect vehicles from either of these manufacturers to devalue at not much more than 10% per year. A Honda Civic in good condition and with reasonable mileage that cost 800,000 in 2003 would go for around 400,000 baht now. A two-year old Toyota Vios that has travelled 30,000 km may sell for only 100,000 baht less than the exact same car brand new. If resale value is a concern choose carefully as not all cars from certain manufacturers maintain a great resale value.

Take note. European manufactured vehicles depreciate in value at a frightening high rate.

Pickup Trucks

If the price of a new car is beyond your budget, consider a pickup truck. Pickup trucks are subject to a different tax rate than sedans and as such are much cheaper. You can get a new pickup for as little as 500,000 baht or a fully featured model with a luxurious interior that gives it the feel of a well-speced sedan for around 700,000 baht. Pickup trucks sell very well in Thailand because they represent good value.

Other Costs

The cost of gasoline in Thailand is fairly low. Granted that it is a little bit more expensive than North America and about the same price as you would pay in Australia, but it is however much, much cheaper than what you’d pay in Europe.

Insurance is cheap and policies don’t seem to have an excess so if you have an accident you pay nothing (unless of course the police demands a donation!)

The cost of getting a vehicle serviced in Thailand is ridiculously low. For a small to medium sized Japanese vehicle you’re looking at around 1,000 baht per service at the franchised dealer. No, not a corner garage but a franchised dealer where they use the right oil, genuine parts and the workshop is so clean you could just about eat your rice off the floor.

Not that one should break the traffic laws, but fines for traffic infringements are ridiculously low. If you are miraculously issued with an official ticket, the odds are it will be in the range of 400 – 800 baht. Usually it won’t even cost that much however as the friendly police will invariably offer you a pay now discount.


This is just my introduction to Thailand, and as you might have guessed, I have a lot to say. So expect many more posts.

One of the things that I like about the world is how different other places are. As an American, I was programmed into believing that the “American way of life” was the best; that it was superior to all other forms of governance, and that so many people want to come to America to experience it.

Well, it’s not. Not by a long shot, and when you leave the “Exceptional American Experience” you realize just how much of your life that you have wasted pursuing that “American Dream”.

More to follow.

In the mean time appreciate what you have, and if you don’t have what you need to be happy, open up your horizons and go for it.

Nothing will put a smile on your face quicker than a “romp in the hay” with a beautiful and pretty girl after a day of quaffing beer and eating delicious food.

You can have some wonderful massages in Thailand.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my KTV Index here…

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The rest of the world is living life, what is holding you back? Is it the belief that you are somehow “special”?

Americans are constantly reinforced how dark and gloomy the rest of the world is. They are told that America must fight wars all over the globe to “free people” from the evils of Communism, and “to spread democracy” and the “American way of life”. It’s all a big nasty lie. The rest of the world is doing just fine thank you. And Americans need to straighten up, get their collective shit together and stop putting their nose in everyone else’s’ business.

This post consists of some videos from the rest of the world. And no, it doesn’t look like a “save the children” commercial either. People are living life, having fun and just enjoying themselves. They are not probed, monitored, reported on, and over taxed. They are doing just fine. And we are going to have some glimpses into their lives right about now.

Meanwhile in America

Ah. The Drudge Report offers us a snapshot of how America is doing. It’s a fucking mess, I’ll tell you what.

I will tell you how bad things are.

I know that change is a normal art of life, but man….

And yet, if you go on American social media it’s still the same old narrative. America is so fantastic and so wonderful and so great that it must be the “will of God”, and all the rest of the world is evil. America needs to get involved and “teach them lessons”.

Today, Sen. Ernst says, we face a different supply chain threat: China.
"We rely on communist China for far too much," she explains.

She hasn't only been talking about the Chinese threat. Sen. Ernst recently wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in which she stressed that the U.S. must be more aggressive toward China, particularly after the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus. China's role in the pandemic resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, as well as devastating economic consequences.

-Joni Ernst Focuses on China in First TV Ad of the Year

Oh Fucking Brother!

"...the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus..."

Please give me a fucking break.

The videos of people dying all over China during CNY were everywhere.  I myself have collected thousands.  And while this was going on, you had President Trump telling everyone that "nothing is going on", and that you don't need to wear a mask. The idea that there was some sort of coverup is just political theater.

What “mishandling”?

Six days after discovery, everything went public and under lock-down. If anyone is mishandling anything it is the idiots running the United States right now.


America is in bad shape. And the general “rule of thumb” (historically) is to claim some foreign threat. Then launch a war, claiming that it’s all in “self-defense”. Right now, the build up is all against China.

But if Trump loses the election, the build up will be redirected against Russia.

And if so, then it looks like the John Tutor narrative will really start to have some legs...

… Nuclear War.

But of course, the PTB, the Oligarchy aren’t thinking this. They just simply cannot envision a life where they are not inside their nice comfortable homes living life and sipping tea while fondling with their pearl necklaces. They cannot envision major change on the order of Genghis Khan level disruptions.

Instead, they are pushing the same, tired old, narrative…

Export “democracy” to the rest of the world so that they can be as fantastically wonderful as Americans are, with all those American “freedoms”!

American freedoms in action. Let's export this to the rest of the world!
American freedoms in action. Let’s export this to the rest of the world! Woo woo!


Let me tell you’se guys. The rest of the world doesn’t want any “American exceptionalism”. They just wish to be left alone, and the dearly wish that America would just “go away”.


Because the are NOT suffering. They are NOT some starving village out of a “Save the Children” commercial. And most people are very, very far removed to that 0.0003% of people who live in the elitist bubble in Washington DC where stocks, bonds and public manipulation are the norm.

They are having fun.

They are living life.

Having fun like everyone used to back in the day, in America before all those progressive "improvements".
Having fun like everyone used to back in the day, in America before all those progressive “improvements”.
Here's some glimpses into the rest of the world. The images are from South East Asia. This includes Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Burma. Now, there is a lot of cultural back-and-forth going on in these areas, so there is a chance that I am mixing up a few regions with nearby societies. lease excuse the mistakes if appropriate.

Burma Music Video

Most Americans don’t know where Myanmar is.

It’s a small nation West of Thailand. It’s relatively poor, but peaceful. The only time most Americans hear about it has to do with some military excursion one way or the other. Then suddenly the news is plastered with buzz-words and trigger phrases. You know the drill “democracy”, “military junta”, “regime” and “communist”.

But aside from that, Americans are kept ignorant.

Myanmar map.
Myanmar map.

Americans just do not care.

“Out of sight is out of mind” as we all used to say.

At most, Americans might look at the news and see what constitutes as a video portrayal of events and daydream of starting a KFC franchise, introducing those “poor starving people” to ATM machines, and American social media. Not realizing of course, that they already have all of this. Each and every bit, only under their terms. Not under the oppressive terms of the iron-fisted American empire.


Here’s what it’s really like.

This is what the rest of the world is like.

And while you Americans were out having a BBQ with some chicken, some hamburgers, bags of potato chips, and watermelon, this is what other people were doing. While you were flying the red, white and blue flag on your porch, and drinking some fine Budweiser beer or PBR. Only…



…they didn’t need an official government holiday to do it. They just went out and lived life. Because for the rest of the world, just about every day is a holiday.

Check out this (partial) MV video from Burma…

Burma music video.

Ah it’s one of my favorites.

Now for some bad news…

Political Islam against China
by Thierry Meyssan

You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.

All in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”…

But, take a gander. Do these people seem to need “democracy”, or “The American way of life”, or “American exceptionalism” that Donald Trump so loudly proclaim?

DO you really think that they want ANYTHING that America exports right now?

Do they look like they eat a lot of McDonald’s hamburgers, are all worked up and stressed about the IRS reporting dates, the up coming November elections, the new laws on social distancing on beaches or fishing? Nope. They are not. Because that nightmare world that all Americans live within is far, far removed for the lifestyle, and the societies of the rest of the world.

Thirteen years ago my life changed forever.

Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State and the most credible person in George W. Bush’s cabinet, made the case for war in Iraq on February 5, 2003.

As a young military intelligence officer at the time, watching from a makeshift army base in Kuwait not far from the Iraq border.

Back then I was a true believer, trusting that the government was a force for good “making the world safe for democracy. . .”

But that night it all changed.

Powell told the world unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, an assertion that history has proven categorically wrong.

But within the intelligence community, many people knew the appalling truth immediately.

That night it became clear to me that the government was lying and that the whole case for war was being fabricated.

It was crushing, like finding out everything I’d been told throughout my life was total bullshit.

So for the first time, I broke out of the spell and began questioning. Everything.

I started learning about the extraordinary political power of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about.

That led me to the fraud of many previous wars going as far as the Mexican War in 1845, one deeply criticized by Abraham Lincoln himself.

That led me to the Constitution, to which all military officers swear an oath to support and defend…

… and it surely didn’t seem like supporting or defending the Constitution in waging an ill-conceived, illegal war.

Needless to say I couldn’t talk to my professional colleagues. Everyone was so gung-ho, I felt like an outcast.

When I returned home, things didn’t improve.

While I was away the country had noticeably turned into a police state.
Yet people seemed oblivious to the change, drinking in the propaganda like a spiked punch bowl.

All the loud, bombastic nonsense and pledges of allegiance were merely illusions masking modern day serfdom.

-Simon Black

And now, well America is really knee-deep in shit. And it desperately needs a major military conflict for the PTB to stay in control and they are all “chomping at the bit” to make it happen.

It’s terrifying.

Yes. I know. I am in a “safe place”. And I know that change is going to happen. But, you all do know that I want peaceful change. Not violent change. And these elitists sitting in Washington DC are just delusional. On both sides of the isle. They do not know what they are asking, and the result will NOT be what they expect.


Did the starvation of China work? How about the mass riots in Hong Kong? What about the UN going against the Uighur “concentration camps” (nonsensical, but still) or of course the COVID-19 bioweapons attack against China on the CNY eve 2020? How did it all pan out.?

Do you all somehow think that a war with a major power is going to be a “walk in the park”?

The United States needs to leave the rest of the world alone.

It needs to concentrate on it’s own problems and start fixing things.

No one believes the United States any longer. All the masks of self-righteous truth and Godliness has been stripped away to expose the evil dark underneath.
No one believes the United States any longer. All the masks of self-righteous truth and Godliness has been stripped away to expose the evil dark underneath.

Instead of filling their own pockets and letting the rest of the nation suffer. And that is what is going on right now. Those trillions of dollar bailouts are not going tot he citizens. They are, instead, going to the politically connected and the cronies that support the PTB. This is not good…

It’s like throwing kerosene on a smoldering fire.


The rest of the world is living life. Having fun. Chilling.

Let’s go to Thailand.

Local Thailand Music

Of course, in Thailand you can hear classic American Rock blaring from the bars and nightclubs, but if you listen carefully and go outside the tourist areas you can find real genuine local music. And it’s all pretty darn cool.

One of the most curious things that fascinated me is that the local music, and the styles all tended to resemble the hotter sections of Southern Mexico. And I am not the first to notice it.

A curious new trend has emerged in Bangkok, where young Thai men are identifying as “Mexican gangsters.” 

On the outside, many of these Thais resemble the Cholos who inspire them. Their clothes, tattoos, and hairstyles emulate those sported by real homies.

What became clear is that the Thai obsession with these groups is simply an appreciation of their aesthetic. All of the men we spoke with were captivated by “the clean and simple style” that “worked well in this (Thai) weather,” as one gang member said. 

So while they might appear and look like Mexican gangsters, they really emulate their style and appearance. As they both have a similar build / stature, a similar family lifestyle, a similar society, and similar weather. One should not, however, think that they aren’t able to handle themselves were “push comes to shove”. Thailand is the land of “kick boxing” and they do not play.

I dont know about the clothes but on a hand to hand combat fight my moneys on the thai boys! 

They would kick their ass in about 2 seconds with that martial arts shit! 

As for the idiot who wondered wtf this story got to do with anything? Get the f**k outta here! U need a change of pace sometimes! 

I saw a little woman from thailand once bring a grownass man to the floor with a damn broom handle once honest! If i hadnt seen it myself i wouldnt have believed it! 

I was like dayuum!

March 20, 2014 at 11:19 PM

Perhaps what most separates the Thais from the Mexicans they imitate is that almost all of them hold innocuous 9-5s as teachers, policemen and bureaucrats. Many are family men, and some admitted to consulting their wives before getting certain tattoos.

Thailand Music Video

In a nutshell, this is a brotherhood of style-conscious men who bond over baggy white shirts and gothic-baroque tattoos.

That’s not to say that the Thais don’t have an understanding of the fierce take-no-shit Cholo attitude. Thanks to Youtube and movies they’re very much aware of that culture’s hyper-aggressiveness and machismo. One Balcony Pain gang member – Mr. Shiro Local – bared his inner gangster to us when he rapped a few lines from an original song he had written called “Fuck the Popo” in which he compared corrupt Thai police to parasites in his scrotum. 

Such outright vitriol is rarely directed towards people in authority in Thailand, where the dominant culture is one of extreme deference towards the powerful. Yet, you’d be hard pressed to find Thais who disagree with Mr. Local’s assessment of Bangkok’s cops. Perhaps a little more Mexican gangstah chutzpah is exactly what Thailand needs. 

Just some local Thai men being themselves and living life.

Nice. Eh?

Local societies doing local things. People living life.

Good. Right?


Not everyone thinks so…

Trump, Pompeo and Bolton.
Trump, Pompeo and Bolton.

Now all this is going on while the PTB and the Oligarchy are moving military forces around the world. Both the American and English forces are moving in preparation for the World War that America so desperately needs…

What this article in fact announces is the state of war between the Anglo-American Empire and the PRC which with characteristic euphemism is called "hybrid".

"Britain’s armed forces pivot east to face growing China threat
Security and defence review dominated by ways to counter Beijing’s hybrid warfare"

The FT as a mouthpiece of the Establishment is announcing that the conventional warfare elements are being mobilised as cover for covert operations already in progress for at least 18 months.
By placing visible assets near the "front" any PRC responses to covert action can be dressed as provocations justifying selective escalation.

Since the AAE is aware that it is unable to challenge PLAN elements in Chinese territorial waters or EEZ, these naval elements serve to inhibit or disrupt maritime traffic toward or from China.

The preoccupation with repeated instances of viral infection not only consume resources but reinforce the negative public image of the PRC and force its "self-isolation".

Since at the same time the promoters of the "pandemic" are determined to drive Trump out of office at all costs, both to restore control over the W**** House and hence the state bureaucracy and to continue the rollout against China and Russia unobstructed, there is little reason to expect any change in the WHO status before December.

By that time the scale of basic economic disaster will require the draconian "public health (in fact policing) measures" on a far more coordinated scale than at present is apparent.

We are going through what might best be called an indoctrination phase. This is a shift from overt criminal policing or political repression to a general "health and safety" doctrine- already well anchored in Britain and the US (the white dominions).

My gut feeling is that the protests in the US are in fact a managed "watertight integrity" test. The natural anger and opposition to all sorts of real and imagined injustice is being selectively detonated. This will starve the real opposition of the "oxygen" it needs to resist the next phase of suppression.

It would be nice to think that it is all more chaotic and less subject to management than I describe above. However, I see little cause for optimism of this sort.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson


I know that it is depressing. It’s like you have this really nice calm life. It’s fine and tranquil and then suddenly American planes zoom overhead and release a fireball that completely wipes out your small village.

Americans spreading “democracy”.

Like what happened in Panama…

In Libya…

In Afghanistan, Syria…

And many, many other places…

Syria before and after America spread "democracy" and let them have a fine taste of American "freedom".
Syria before and after America spread “democracy” and let them have a fine taste of American “freedom”.

Hey! I know it’s depressing.

You want to know what’s even more depressing?

It’s that any attack on China or Russia will end up with nuclear attacks on American soil. And yet somehow, somehow and in some crazy way, the American and British PTB Oligarchy leadership doesn’t think that this will happen. Thinking that a war with China will be limited to conventional weapons in the South China Sea is absolutely foolish.

What is the matter with these people?

  • It will not be limited to conventional weapons.
  • It will not be limited to the South China Sea.

Don’t they realize that on the grand scale of things that you just cannot move about… being a destroyer of things and NOT have some “flash back”?

Look at these videos.

America is a bubble of insanity.

Has anyone seen this from Rod Campbell of Australia Institute? He claims thousands of bot accounts controlled by US government spread the Wuhan bioweapons narrative nearly 5 million times in the first half of 2020:

The life of the people in the rest of the world is…

… normal.

The life of Americans in America is…


People… the rest of the world is not like this. The rest of the world is normal and doing well. The rest of the world is living life and having fun. They are not in the same kind of extremes that Americans are enduring.

It is like night…

… and day.

Having fun at the clubs in Thailand.
Having fun at the clubs in Thailand.

They are not living in this bubble of extreme freak-out that exists within the USA today. They are innocents. They are just minding their own business. And when the brave American bombs start dropping, there will be a response…

… you want to avoid the areas where the response(s) will end up.

Come on…

Look at the rest of the world.

What about life in Cambodia?

How about checking things out there…eh?

America Needs a War

As I am trying to make the point, I want you the reader to pay attention and listen. It’s simple really.

  • Americans are living within a “bubble”.
  • The rest of the world lies outside this “bubble”.

They are happy, doing well, and want to be left alone. They are now protected with strong military alliances with peer-capable weapons, serious and powerful leadership, and an understanding of the stakes and the evils of the American Military Empire as it exists today.

America needs a war. It is the only technique remaining in the arsenal of control that will allow the United States to stay coherent and not break apart through internal division.

The severity of the internal American discord is an indicator of how serious the projected war that America wants…

…and the rest of the world is aware of this.

If you all think that the Chinese, and the Russians are going to sit back and allow the America to go initiate a global war to preserve their control over the rapidly crumbling American structure…

…you are sadly mistaken.

Right now, and keep this in mind… China is STILL at DEFCON ONE. Last week they just called up all of the national reservists. All of them. (What? You didn’t see this in the American or Western press did you?) If you think that China is going to permit the five aircraft (2 + 3 = 5) carriers heading to China right now, and the two invasion flotillas to be a threat, you are crazy.

Chinese and Russian military advisors have been having a flurry of meetings over this last month.

Do not think that the rest of the world is going to sit back and pretend that nothing is going on? Don’t be silly. The leadership of both China and Russia are experts that obtained their positions through merit. Not though some diversity checklist and under-the-table bribes.


…In Cambodia.

Party Time in Cambodia

It’s “party time”. There, just like it used to be in America, people would customize their vehicles and make them into mobile party-centers. Then all they would need to do is go to an empty parking lot and have a good time. Sort of like this…

Cambodian Music Video


The rest of the world is just having fun. They are just enjoying themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But, you would never know that this was going on from reading the American news…

To Americans within their own bubble, they are convinced that they are “special”, and “wonderful”, and all is “great”.

How could they get this kind of idea?


It’s because it has been drummed into them ever since they first started attending school, and getting participation trophies for showing up.


I’ve got news for everyone.

Americans are NOT special. In fact, most aren’t really functional at the most basic level. The PTB realize this, and many people are starting to wake up to this frightening situation.

Here’s one…

The following is the full text of an article titled “RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity” by Mike Adams. It was found on Natural News and all credit to the Author.

The opinions are of the author and not necessairly that of Metallicman. So please take advisements. Realize that there are changes and you need to be a participant or else you will be flushed down the drain with the rest. Be advised.

Aside from that. Realize that other people are starting to "wake up" and look around...

RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity

Sunday, July 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) The mantra of “Black Lives Matter” has been pounded into our heads 24 hours a day, and we’re told it’s an enlightened, progressive statement while anyone who claims “White lives matter” is somehow a racist bigot. Even worse, those who utter “ALL lives matter” are now threatened with being killed by this Harvard graduate, and people are being fired from their jobs for claiming “all lives matter.”

In truth, almost no lives really matter to the future of humanity, and that’s because roughly 97% of the people are oblivious, clueless consumers who are doing absolutely nothing to help secure a legacy of truth and freedom for future generations.

If you are sitting on your ass, watching The View and devouring Weight Watchers donuts as you allow the TV to fill your brain with mush, your life actually doesn’t matter. If you were to cease to exist, nothing about the future of human history would change one iota.

If you are still watching CNN and predominantly using Facebook, Twitter and Google because you don’t realize all the voices of truth have been banned by the authoritarian Left, your life probably doesn’t matter. You are nothing but a mind puppet of the globalist-run corporate propagandists (Big Tech and Big Media).

If you conform to the insane demands of the progressive left-wing fascists because you cower in fear over being “cancelled,” your life doesn’t matter, either.

If you’re not standing up against the lunatic left-wing mob to defend logic, reason and rationality, your existence really doesn’t matter. You aren’t changing history; you’re being used as a “useful idiot” to help achieve the aims of the anti-human globalists who despise human populations.

If you’re not fighting for the right to speak, the right to disagree and the right to question the lunacy of the mob, your life doesn’t matter.

If you’re doped up on a dozen prescription drugs to the point that you’re mentally incapacitated and can barely process events happening right in front of you, your life doesn’t matter. (But you might get nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate, notably.)

If you vote for candidates based on political tribalism without having any real clue what those candidates stand for, your life doesn’t matter.

If you think you are owed everything without having to work for anything, your life doesn’t matter.

If you think the answer to today’s existential threats to our nation, our freedom and our Bill of Rights are no big deal and everybody should just “think positive,” then your life doesn’t really matter. You will accomplish nothing that matters.

Approximately 97% of the lives of Americans today don’t matter one bit. They are NPCs — Non-Player Characters — also known as PLFs (Programmable Life Forms), and they will do whatever they are told by the media, the corporations and the fake establishment “authorities.” They add exactly zero value to society and if they vanished tomorrow, the course of human history wouldn’t be altered one bit.

Here’s a video showcasing some members of the 97% — the clueless masses whose lives are pointless and inconsequential. Watch as they explain how the United States of America achieved its independence “in 1964” by fighting “the Civil War” against “America.” Seriously… and two of them are teachers!

Whose lives matter? Those who are informed and who make a difference. The 3%.

Only about 3% of the population have any clue about our history and are actively engaged in shaping our future. That’s fewer than 10 million people nationwide.

It is these 10 million people who will determine our shared future and whether or not we end up enslaved under left-wing tyranny or are able to reclaim our constitutional republic and defeat the anti-American forces that are rising.

So out of a nation of 330 million people, about 320 million lives make no difference at all. They are what globalists call “useless eaters,” and they are on the list to be exterminated via global depopulation efforts that are now underway via the plandemic and the coming coronavirus “vaccine.”

Another way to look at this is by simply being active in the effort to spread the truth and defend humanity against tyranny, you matter more than any 33 other people who are oblivious. Your life “counts” more, in other words, because you’re fighting to make a difference. And the 97% figure for the clueless masses is actually quite generous. The real number is probably more like 99%, which means one active, aware person “matters” more than 99 other people who are clueless.

What makes your life matter isn’t the color of your skin or your political affiliation. What determines whether you matter is how committed you are to fighting for human freedom and opposing authoritarianism and tyranny. Notably, people who really matter are self-selected: They alone determine that they wish to take a stand and make a difference. No one can appoint you to this position of relevance; you must seize it for yourself and become a person whose life really does make a positive difference in the world.

How to make your life matter

If you are an oblivious conformist who surrenders to the lunatic mob, your life is pointless and redundant. But if you want your life to really matter, you must break away from the mob and start thinking (and acting) for yourself.

There are many, many people who have set the example of independent thinking that you might allow to inspire yourself to do the same:

… and many others. There are lots of examples out there. Are you among these types of independent thinkers who challenge the status quo and work to truly empower and uplift humanity with wisdom and knowledge?

Don’t go through life on a pointless, narcissistic rampage of a cult-like obedience to the puppet masters of our time: Think for yourself. Learn history. Share knowledge. Branch out and away from the content controllers at Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter. Change the channel and stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by CNN, MCNBC and NPR.

Use alternative platforms for sharing real knowledge, like…


Seek out uncommon knowledge and use it to empower yourself. Create your own channels and post your own videos, texts or articles.

Freedom is so easily accessible that you can find it by typing a URL into your browser. Instead of typing “,” type “” and discover a whole new world.

Be someone who matters.

Change the future for the better. Join those of us who are doing this work every single day, dedicating our lives to protecting human freedom and a sustainable future of abundance and liberty for all.

97% of lives don’t matter, but yours can. What will you choose to do with it?

Be the Rufus

Make no mistake. Those that will survive and be permitted to procreate and live life through this tumultuous time period with be those that are aware, kind and knowledgeable. But most certainly have the kind of sentience deserving of mankind.

Sitting on a couch, smunching on pork rinds, and demanding that taxes get raised so that you can still keep using your food stamps is not representative of the future of mankind.

This is…

The rest of the world is starting to fight back.

The rest of the world is changing.

The way things have been is coming to an end, and people are starting to fight back. They demand stability, families, and stable relationships. They tire of the vermin… rich and the poor that prey on the rest of society. Now, with the proper tools, and the proper motivation they have declared a new order of society.

Have you noticed?

  • The CIA/NED instigation of the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement and the pay-offs of the Judges to let the criminals have a pass. Even when it came to killing people, damaging critical infrastructure, and maiming people.


  • China changing the law. Throwing out the judges. Shutting down the CIA/NED “safe spaces”. Arresting and severely punishing the wrong-doers. Organ harvesting with life-time of hard-labor in the salt mines for many many years. No wonder that even Joshua Wong has disbanded his organization.

It’s all starting to come down. It’s all starting to fall apart.

USA compared to China. 2020.
USA compared to China. 2020.

And the petty criminals and the evil folk in positions of power must change or else they will face the consequences.

Remember this;

A functional nation devotes 100% of it's time, energy and resources on bettering the lives of it's people.

If it is unable to do that, or devotes a smaller percentage of time, money and effort to the domestic needs of it's people, it is disfunctional.

The world, and the human race, needs functional, healthy and substantive people, organizations and governments. Anything less MUST be purged and culled from existence.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness

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Asian Nazi Chic – When being politically correct is against the law.

Asians and Nazis are two things that you would think wouldn’t really go together. That is because there just aren’t any well known (in the West) associations between the two. You would assume that there would be no way that they’d fit together to create a single perfect shape.

Ah, but Asia is all about the Yin and yang.

It’s all about rain clearing the air so that the beautiful day can manifest. It is about war clearing the bad so peace can come about. It is about the woman that complements the man, and the good that comes about from the bad.

Japanese pop boys band dressed in Nazi clothing. They are considered to be very stylish and very popular. Not in the USA, obviously.
Japanese pop boys band dressed in Nazi clothing. They are considered to be very stylish and very popular. Not in the USA, obviously.

In Asia, you won’t find things that you cannot talk about. Things you are forbidden to do. Lifestyles that are considered too odd or strange to show in public. And yes, things that others might find repulsive has a home in Asia. Because being politically correct is often against the law.

Nazi chic is a thing, and yes in Asia (all over Asia, actually) a very popular thing.

Asian Nazi Chic wedding.
Asian Nazi Chic wedding. Notice it is the white colors against the black colors. The man against the woman. The soft of the woman against the steely hard of the man. It’s all about the Yin and the Yang.

Being able to dress as you like, free of anyone or any government telling you otherwise is called freedom.

It’s terribly refreshing, if a bit disturbing.

Asian Nazi fashion. It's not uncommon to see young people dressing like this and goose-stepping down the streets. No one bats an eye. Though, seeing a "white water buffallo" (American woman) would most certainly invole stares and snickers of polite laughter and disgust.
Asian Nazi fashion. It’s not uncommon to see young people dressing like this and goose-stepping down the streets. No one bats an eye. Though, seeing a “white water buffalo” (American woman) would most certainly invoke stares and snickers of polite laughter and disgust.

Asian Nazi Fashion

Every few years we hear of some incredibly bizarre subculture that startles us away from our comfortable life inside of Starbucks, and McDonalds.

Often it is so unlike what we would find on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, or on Oprah Show.

They would behave, dress and act in ways that we would find absolutely disturbing and outrageous. Ways that are most certainly banned in the more sensible sections of New York City or San Francisco.

A popular Nazi themed dining establishment. I wonder if they have some mustard and good beer?
A popular Nazi themed dining establishment. I wonder if they have some mustard and good beer?

In the United States and Europe it’s just not a very good idea to don the ornamentation of the Third Reich. Unless you want to send a very specific message, that is: I’m a fascist and antisemitic, and damn proud of it.

Many just can’t wrap their minds around these obscure behaviors.

They argue “there ought to be a law“, and “how dare these people flaunt the unwritten societal rules of behavior“. But they don’t. They just go on living their life, oblivious that others in far-away places like Pasadena, and Martha’s Vineyard are repulsed by their actions.

Meanwhile the Asians are all just smiling inside.

I think that they (deep down inside) love to watch the horror creep on the faces of the elite millennials from their protected cribs in the United States. Maybe it’s kind of a game to them. Like “look what I can do, and you cannot”. Sort of like that.

Nazi themed parade in Thailand. Pretty girls with toy automatic weapons, and Nazi style clothes make up this very popular parade. As they are all very fashionable.
Nazi themed parade in Thailand. Pretty girls with toy automatic weapons, and Nazi style clothes make up this very popular parade. As they are all very fashionable.

They are living life on their terms. Right or wrong and totally oblivious to who it offends.

It’s called freedom.

Others, living as LGBT, or who identifies as a transgender potato, are just as free to live their life as they see fit. Aren’t they? But most Americans wouldn’t have anything to say about that. Now would they?

They don’t. They are protected. They are privileged.

Nazi themed clothing store in Hong Kong. What? You think that hte youths protesting in black and wanting Trump to "liberate them" are being honest? Being a Nazi is high Chic in Hong Kong. It's engrained in the culture.
Nazi themed clothing store in Hong Kong. What? You think that the youths protesting in black and wanting Trump to “liberate them” are being honest? Being a Nazi is high Chic in Hong Kong. It’s ingrained in the culture.

Alternatively, if they want to be a full-functioning male, but enter the ladies room in a middle-school, and it is allowed by the local government, they why should anyone else have a problem with how someone else dresses? Heck, they would be fully supported by the government, the educational establishment, the school board, and the media. You know this is true.

If they want to shit on the sidewalk in San Francisco, well fine and dandy. If they want to wear hats that look like a woman’s neither regions, well then let them.

Asian Nazi fashion themed Asian gal on the public bus.
Asian Nazi fashion themed Asian gal on the public bus.

Live and let live.

Or is that too repulsive a point of view to accept?

People, you cannot pick and choose "types" of freedom. You are either free, or you aren't. It's black and white. Either everyone is free to do as they wish, or no one is.

If you are in a situation where SOME people can do what they wish, while others cannot, then you are on the dangerous Marxist road to the elimination of all freedoms and all liberties. Hey! How about cracking open a history book why won't ya?
America used to be "free". Free to act as you want. Free to dress as you want. Free to say things that you want. All with full knowledge that someone might be terribly offended by your actions. Yet today, in our society, there are two rules of behavior. They go like this; What I like, is ok. What I don't like should be banned. It's what the Antifa and the BLM stand for.
America used to be “free”. Free to act as you want. Free to dress as you want. Free to say things that you want. All with full knowledge that someone might be terribly offended by your actions. Yet today, in our society, there are two rules of behavior. They go like this; What I like, is ok. What I don’t like should be banned. It’s what the progressive liberals and their military arms the Antifa and the BLM stand for.

Fashion exists everywhere.

To close our eyes to other cultures, and other ways of doing things is really not smart. If we are so easily offended about such a silly thing as how people dress, then perhaps we really need to take a serious reappraisal of our life. Our priorities are seriously out of wack.

  • Do you get all upset because the person in the other car is listening to 1970’s era Disco?
  • Are you furious when you discover that there are no lilac colored doggie collars in Pet-Smart?
  • Do you totally freak out when your transgender supervisor comes to work wearing bright red lipstick, and eyelashes?
Why not go in and get a hamburger and fries at your local McHitler in Thailand? It's good eating for sure, and have a nice Bavarian beer with free refils while you are at it.
Why not go in and get a hamburger and fries at your local McHitler in Thailand? It’s good eating for sure, and have a nice Bavarian beer with free refills while you are at it.

People! Different places have different cultures and different ways of doing things. If you want to live in your closed and shallow life and be fearful of the world outside of Starbucks, it’s up to you. But, it will hurt you.

We need to accept the fact that different people are different, and different and being different is a GOOD THING. If you don’t believe me, just ask a Chinese person what they thought of the universal-blue clothing that Mr. Mao made everyone wear.

Being different is a good thing.

Nazi clothing, and regalia are all high fashion in Hong Kong. YOu don't hear about it in the Americas because you aren't SUPPOSTED to know about it. You are spoon fed what you are to know and nothing else. Remember, the most dangerous propiganda is that propiganda that we want to believe.
Nazi clothing, and regalia are all high fashion in Hong Kong. You don’t hear about it in the Americas because you aren’t SUPPOSED to know about it. You are spoon fed what you are to know and nothing else. Remember, the most dangerous propaganda is that propaganda that we want to believe.

People are different. Different is good. It adds color to our life and permits us to view things in a completely new light. Instead of being in an echo chamber where everyone else tells us what we want to hear.

You should not be offended by something as silly as clothing. Really!

Young fashionable men in the Southern Americas. Love the shoes. Don't you, or are you terribly offended by this as well?
Young fashionable men in the Southern Americas. Love the shoes. Don’t you, or are you terribly offended by this as well?

Culture and Fashion

Now this trend in Asia, in the big picture, isn’t really that strange. It certainly isn’t as bad as any other things that many others find offensive. Take the United States for instance. These things are considered normal…

Yet, for all the craziness that Americans take for granted in their own life, they are absolutely horrified by this trend on the other side of the globe.

Fashion can take numerous themes for instance, like this Nazi Angel chick.
Fashion can take numerous themes for instance, like this Nazi Angel chick.

To them, this one; this love of Nazi style uniforms, really stands apart.

It is about as politically incorrect that you can get. And many of the PC-crowd in the USA, and Europe are absolutely horrified by it.

Which is really silly. Especially what passes for as “normal” in the United States today. Normal in the United States today…

Halloween costume of a girls being burned at the state, and this offends no one? Yet, someone dresses up in a uniform that is over 75 years old, and everyone loses their collective minds. WTF?
Halloween costume of a girls being burned at the state, and this offends no one? Yet, someone dresses up in a uniform that is over 75 years old, and everyone loses their collective minds. WTF?

This subculture in Asia is called “Asian Nazis” and it’s basically what it sounds like. It’s a bunch of young kids with an affinity for militarism, anti-semitism and a love for all things Hitler.

It’s sort of like the Obama-worship subculture in the United States. Only not so rabid, and hyper-monitized.

Normal in the United States today…

Obama as a diety for worship.
Obama as a deity for worship. For many, this is a far more repulsive than any act of putting on historical period clothing. This worships… a person as a God. This is an abomination.

America has it’s very own fashions and trends that people in other nations find offensive.

Normal in the United States today…

A woman (I think) of Walmart. This is considered normal, and fashionable in America. Yet in Asia this would be considered to be absolutely revoliting and hideous.
A woman (I think) of Walmart. This is considered normal, and fashionable in America. Yet in Asia this would be considered to be absolutely revolting and hideous. But in America, this is considered “normal” and acceptable. It is a sign of being free and living a life in liberty with the ability to “do yer own thang”, and what not.

More HERE.

What’s going on.

Over the last few decades or two, groups of fashionable young people in Asia have discovered Nazi clothing and paraphernalia.

Apparently, they’ve also decided that “hey, this is pretty stylish, I wanna look like this!” without realizing that they were connecting themselves to the propagators of the Holocaust and, you know, the entire World War II thingy.

Why not a Nazi Barbie doll? It's all the rage with the youth in Asia.
Why not a Nazi Barbie doll? It’s all the rage with the youth in Asia.

They don’t know that they are being offensive to Americans and Israelites.

In their world, people are free to live the life as they choose. As long as they are not bothering anyone, they can be themselves. It’s called liberty. It’s called freedom. You all should give it a spin. It’s actually really nice once to get used to the concept of “live and let live“.

This is what happens when you regulate things so that no one is ever offended…

This is what "freedom" is in the United States. You are free to obey others and free not to be offensive.
This is what “freedom” is in the United States. You are free to obey others and free not to be offensive. It’s the price you pay for living in a modern progressive utopia.


In Japan, the latest example of this incredibly strange fashion style happened with the pop group Pritz, who performed in public in 2014 while wearing dark clothing and symbols that were unmistakably inspired by the Nazis. Although they apologized and claimed that they didn’t know what they were doing, examples of subtle Nazi love are found in several Asian countries.

In Thailand in 2007, students held a Nazi-themed parade, and another school held an SS sports rally in 2012. At a top Thai university, students painted a giant mural depicting Hitler with other superheroes, while some students delivered the sieg hiel salute. Nazi-themed pop groups are also popular.

In China in 2003, the Chinese retailer Izzue decorated all 14 of their stores with swastikas. After complaints from foreigners (Mostly Americans, and Canadians.), the company’s marketing manager said: ‘This is Hong Kong, and Chinese people are not sensitive about Nazism’. With comments like that, it looks like this bizarre-and somewhat offensive-subculture is here to stay.

In South Korea, there are Nazi-themed bars, and in China, it was fashionable to dress up like Nazi officers for wedding photos. Whether there’s an extreme case of “lost in translation” going on here or whether Asians just think that style takes precedence over historical tragedies, we’re not sure.

It's sort of like how the NFL now has African-American themed anti-white people rally's during the half-time show. No one gets offended, and they just continue without any "push back".

What a time to be alive…!

Yeah, it’s completely crazy.

Nazi cosplaying is taking place all over the continent, too, from Tokyo to Hong Kong, plus parts of China, South Korea and even Burma. There’s even a Tumblr account dedicated to ‘Nazi chic’ (their words, not mine!) called Fun With Asian Nazis.

Asian Nazi fandom on the march in Thailand. This is what freedom and liberty looks like. It is ugly. It is messy and it is offensive. This is what the real deal is. The places where no one is ever offended exist. These places are called "prison".
Asian Nazi fandom on the march in Thailand. This is what freedom and liberty looks like. It is ugly. It is messy and it is offensive. This is what the real deal is. But, of course it will offend the more sensitive in the audience. You know the types, the busybodies that were never spanked as a child in Kindergarten, or the school play-yard bully, or the folk that led a protected life until their first ob in corporate America.

There is but one thing that’s crystal clear: If you’re planning to go abroad, try to leave your offended and outraged pants back home because vacations are for de-stressing, not clawing your eyeballs out in horror.

Get your head out of the sand…

The rest of the world are not encumbered with limits on their behavior. Right or wrong, a limit on a behavior is a restriction on freedom.

These limits, while constructed with the best of intentions, eventually stifle creativity and life. Look at how well it has worked out for North Korea, Stalinist Russia, Modern Iran, and Mr. Mao’s China.

All of them started to place little, simple rules, you known to make life better… for the children.

And while you go about your day-to-day life in the United States, watching the goings on, keep in mind that the rest of the world is living their life oblivious to your problems, and restrictions.

As such, here’s a window to what the rest of the world is like…

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The reactions from Americans

A typical American reaction to this Nazi fashion in Asia.
A typical American reaction to this Nazi fashion in Asia.
Thai students practicing freeom in a prade much to the digust and horror of CNN and the NGO's stationed there. These busybodies wanted to interrupt the parade, but the police threatened them with severe consequences if they did anything to interrupt the festivities.
Thai students practicing freedom in a parade much to the disgust and horror of CNN and the NGO’s stationed there. These busybodies wanted to interrupt the parade, but the police threatened them with severe consequences if they did anything to interrupt the festivities.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

What is going on in Hollywood?
Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
The two family types and how they work.
How to manage a family household.
The most popular American foods.
Soups, Sandwiches and ice cold beer.
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Things I wish I knew.
Bronco Billy
How they get away with it
Paper Airplanes
1960's and 1970's link
The Confederados
Democracy Lessons
The Rule of Eight

Funny Pictures

Picture Dump 1

Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.

Be the Rufus - 1

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 16)

We continue in our video exploration of Asia. This episode has some really great and noteworthy entries. Especially the Chinese reaction to the Trump Trade War.

Before we get moving on to the videos, let’s talk a little about the screen splash above. It is from the music video by Kid Rock called “First Kiss”. It is a tribute to the care-free and easy life of the 1970’s when people would go about and have fun and drink together.

Scenes from the Kid Rock song tribute to the 1970's lifestyle in the song "First Kiss".
Scenes from the Kid Rock song tribute to the 1970’s lifestyle in the song “First Kiss”.

Morning & Evening group exercises are still a common sight

When the Chinese government co-opted the “Dancing Grandmother” network, no one knew what to expect. They thought that at the bare minimum that it would tone down all the noise and obstreperous racket that infested the Chinese cities. Well, by making it part of the “healthy China” initiative, it has become very popular.

Read about this program, and why it exists here; (Don’t fret the link will open up into another tab. It’s a good read, I’ll tell you what.)

Fat China

Anyways, it is just as popular as ever and everyone from elementary and middle school ages to 90-year old grandmothers participate in the group dances (and learn a few dance moves in the process).

China responds to the Trump Trade War

China wants and desires very much to be on friendly and peaceful relations with the USA. In many ways, traditional conservative Chinese are very much like their American counterparts. They understand why Trump is doing what he is doing and feel that he is a formidable businessman. Not the “joke” that CNN, and the UK Guardian make him out as.

That being said, the attitude in China is that if you want to have some competition (say in sports, or in this case) in business, then they will fight to win. The Chinese will unleash everything, and they do fight to win.

So While Trump is instigating the “tariff wars”, exerting influences on up-and-growing tech companies (like Huawei), negotiating with other nations to stop doing business with China, and using CIA dirty tricks in Hong Kong, the Chinese are not sitting back. They released the brakes on the yuan-USD conversion and let the market decide. So far, the value of the yuan is falling relative to the USD, and now everything made in China is 30% cheaper relative to what it was before Trump.

But it’s more than that.

You might not like China. You might be under the impression that China is hard-core Marxist (it’s not), or you might be under other misconceptions as spread by the Western media. But one thing is very clear to anyone who has had any dealings with the Chinese; they don’t play around, and they fight to win.

The Chinese fight to win.

Here’s one of the more popular movies this Summer and you should look at it from the point of view of the Chinese in a “trade war” with the West…

Look at it as a friendly, but serious, message to Trump from Beijing.

Oh, you don’t think that it has anything to do with trade? Watch the clip again, and pay attention to the English dialog…

Who do you think you are?

You collect money from me. You don't share it.

Do as I say.

You are not qualified to make deals with me.

And the discussion continues…

If you quit, you can take this business too. I can get anybody to take care of it.

And then, the sheer arrogance of the Westerners reaches an explosion point when he says…

Will somebody get this yellow piece of fat to get out of here!

After that we see how the Westerner battles and demolishes the Chinese man. It’s strong. It’s vicious, and he dies.

He’s dead. The Westerner has won.

Then, it’s payback time.

Get together in Thailand

In the United States, at least during the 1960’s, the 1970’s, and well into the 1980’s mu friends and I would go cruising in our cars up and down the town streets. We would then go to specific spots. Much like the “Moon Tower” in the movie “Dazed and Confused” where we would party.

Which always involved beer, and often some kinds of other libation.

Hanging out
Hanging out. During the 1970’s we would all hang out together with friends and go drinking, singing, and dancing together in the countryside. At that time we would listen to Led Zep, and other classics of the 1970’s.

I don’t know if this is still an activity in the Untied States.

For some reason, I don’t think so. Simply because it would be one of the first things that busy-body democrats would try to regulate, fine, fee or make laws against.

Yah. You know this is true.

First Kiss by Kid Rock
Screen shot from the song “First Kiss” by Kid Rock. It’s a tribute to the days when young folk would go riding around the town and hanging out with each other. While many Americans wish and yearn for those day again, they are not gone. They might be banned or difficult int he USA, but the rest of the world still celebrates those times…everyday.

Well, it’s still a popular pastime in the rest of the world. Here’s what it’s like to gather with your 20-something friends and play around with along the Thailand-Cambodian border…

Everyday China

This next video takes place in Shanghai at night. yeah it’s super-typical. But what I would like to point out is some of the very common elements that are found all over China, that you might miss if you were not aware of it all.

When you watch the video, please pay attention to the painted road markings on the road. Notice that they have incorporated solar powered LED lighting that flashes to alert people. Notice the body cameras, radios, and lighting on the police officers. Notice the streets how clean they are and devoid of trash, as well as notice that there isn’t any graffiti anywhere.

You will also notice the raised walkway surfaces on the sidewalk. This is common all through China. It is for blind people so that they can make their way around town.

Watch the video and look for those things…

Hiphi – The Chinese Tesla

Of course, the vast bulk of storage batteries, electric motors, automotive controls, and complex wiring systems are all made out of China. (Outsourced from the USA since the mid 1990’s.) Therefore, it should not be any surprise that China is leading the world in the production of electric and hybrid vehicles.

Bet ya didn’t know that.

Not only are there more vehicles (on a quantitative basis) made in China, but there are far more models, types and variations. Heck, here in tiny Zhuhai, almost all the buses have been fully “green” (all electric) for two years now.

I like them that way. So quiet.

Big difference from the noisy gas-powered behemoths that lumber along.

Here’s one of the car brands. I place it here not because it’s the best or anything like that. I just like the design and the style. Oh, by the way, you can’t buy it in the USA. It’s going to be another ten or so years before the automotive regulations catch up with the innovations out of China. (That’s why the implementation of LED’s on American cars took 15 years, don’t you know. And, only five years in Germany and the UK.)

We become conditions to accept our chains.

This video is addressed to my fellow Americans, not all of them, but rather to the trolls who don’t read anything that I post. Those that don’t study the issues. Those that refuse to look at things from a third-person point of view and are not listening to my warnings.

– Warnings –

  • China is growing and it is not what you think it is.
  • China is a serious nation, run by serious people who got into positions of power through merit, not popularity.
  • China plays to win.
  • America was established as a Republic. But, today it is an Oligarchy.
  • We have grown used to the loss of liberty and freedom that America now represents. We do not realize that America today is the absolute opposite of what it was first established as.

Most Americans live a life in ignorance and fear. They don’t realize just how far down into tyranny they have fallen.

For instance, we pay taxes, and watch as the government overspends it. That is NOT in the benefit of the citizenry.

We believe that we own houses and cars, yet both are subject to confiscation by the government. That is NOT ownership.

We must submit to regulations, pay various fees for the most simple tasks and ask permission to do anything from selling lemonade in your front yard, to fishing.

People that is NOT freedom.

Americans do not realize how conditioned they are to their life as a serf. They have no idea that all these things are all chains and bindings that restrict their freedom.

Like this video aptly illustrates…

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 15)

We continue with the video exploration of Asia, as well as my often cantankerous narrative. As we proceed, let’s talk a little bit about the splash screen above. It’s from the wonder 1960’s movie “Our man Flint”, which is a sort of parody of 007 James Bond movies.

Our Man Flint is a 1966 American action film that parodies the James Bond genre. The film was directed by Daniel Mann, written by Hal Fimberg and Ben Starr, and starring James Coburn as master spy Derek Flint. The main premise of the film is that a trio of "mad scientists" attempt to blackmail the world with a weather-control machine. 


James Coburn stars as super-spy Derek Flint in this action comedy which takes the tongue-in-cheek wit of the James Bond series and shifts it into high gear.

Flint is an ultra-sophisticated operative of international intelligence agency Z.O.W.I.E.

He’s a master of martial arts, electronic gadgetry (his cigarette lighter can perform 83 special functions), languages both human and animal (he can communicate with dolphins in a pinch), and even gives ballet lessons to the dancers of the Bolshoi.

Being a specially trained secret agent, he is able to rest most comfortably in the most unusual circumstances. Here he is getting a full weeks rest in a few hours by using his super powers of concentration.

So when his fellow agents begin dropping like flies, Z.O.W.I.E. assigns Flint the task of finding out who the killers happen to be.

One of the things that I, and many others, enjoyed is the bevy of attractive women that secret agents always seemed to have surrounding them. It comes with the territory… that is, as long as you know your real purpose… heh heh.

In LIke Flint with all the girls.
While James Bond was obviously the king of the international spy boom of the 1960s, there were many pretenders to the throne – Dean Martin’s Matt Helm, the Men (and Girl) From U.N.C.L.E., Richard Johnson’s Bulldog Drummond, television’s Maxwell Smart. even Neil Connery as 007’s alleged relative in Operation Kid Brother. The only super-agent who came close to Bond on the big screen was James Coburn’s know-it-all Derek Flint, the man from ZOWIE (Zonal Organisation for World Intelligence and Espionage).

Flint is the sort of fellow who meditates by suspending his life functions for a three hours, fills his spare time by compiling a dictionary of dolphin language or teaching ballet in Russia, and lives in a chic, gagdet-filled penthouse with four varied glamorous girlfriends.

It doesn’t pretend to be a serious thriller, though Coburn – the man who made silver hair and roll-neck pullovers into icons of cool – has some Bruce Lee-tought martial arts moves in acrobatic fight scenes which require him to toss stuntmen around the room.

By the time of the third James Bond film, 1964's Goldfinger,  the spy craze had exploded across pop culture, spattering the walls  with poison blow-dart ink pens and steely-eyed, ultra-virile heroes.  

Perhaps the Cold War fantasy adventures of "real men" ruggedly  vanquishing godless Commies and other evil empires, all while bedding  improbably beautiful women, were a meat-eating guy's antacid against the  discomforting reflux from real global tensions — not to mention  home-grown indigestion embodied by the Beatles,   antiwar protests, and the Women's Movement. 

Plus, utilizing the Cold  War for entertainment sure simplified things for moviegoers and  TV-watchers. Head-throbbingly complex geopolitical currents were reduced  to sprightly three-act suspense dramas that could be wrapped up within  two hours. 

Guns, gadgets, and girls were the primary colors of the  comic-book spy universe. Certainly there were serious-minded Bond  imitators, such as the Harry Palmer series starring Michael Caine. But  someone was bound to play the genre for laughs, and in short order the  Bond spoofs outnumbered the Bond movies themselves. 

In fact, the film  version of Ian Fleming's first Bond novel, Casino Royale, hit the  screen in '67 as a clowned-up comedy. 

Cocktail crooner Dean Martin  starred in four mixed efforts featuring soused secret agent Matt Helm.  Then as now, a Hollywood trend didn't end until it was well past tired,  and titles such as Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine and Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs, both starring Vincent Price and his army of lethal fembots, made sure that we all tired quite thoroughly. 

The best of the spy-spoof bunch was 1965's Our Man Flint,  a hyper-kitschy and entertaining time capsule starring James Coburn as a  Bond surrogate played so straight you could shave with him. 

This  tongue-way-in-cheek action comedy garnered favorable reviews and became  Fox's third highest grossing film of the year. Coburn — terrific with  this dry, crackling material — is Derek Flint, ultra-secret agent aiding  Z.O.W.I.E. (Zonal Organization for World Intelligence and Espionage). 

Our Man Flint  made a shrewd move by sticking to the Bond template.  The brilliant and  resourceful Flint works alone, follows each clue to the next level,  employs superhuman physical and mental prowess, beds gorgeous gals, gets  captured, and prevents World Domination in an orgy of destruction at  the evildoers' secret volcano island. 

However, instead of being a  bozo-nosed vaudeville like the Austin Powers movies, Our Man Flint out-Bonds the Bond films by respectfully retooling the familiar Bond elements and then turning the knob to 11.  

-DVD Journal
Flint with many beautiful women.
There’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in beloved spy spoof Our Man Flint when an extra blatantly cops a feel from a curvy, scantily clad actress. This unintentional detail probably as much about Our Man Flint’s place in the firmament of swingin’-’60s camp as anything else in the picture. Released at pretty much the zenith of the “spy craze”—clinched by the James Bond films and carried on by slew of imitators on screens big and small—Our Man Flint introduced private superspy Derek Flint, as portrayed by the inimitable James Coburn amongst bevies of “babes.”

The plot is the usual hokum and Edward Mulhare isn’t really eccentric enough to compete in the villainy stakes, but Coburn is plainly enjoying himself so much, and the trimmings are so stylish, that it’s impossible not to enjoy.

Jerry Goldsmith provides a jaunty, hummable score. Coburn and Cobb returned, in similarly lightweight style, in a sequel, In Like Flint, which took the super-agent into outer space a decade before Roger Moore got there in Moonraker. The character later reappeared, played by Ray Danton, in Dead on Target, a 1976 TV pilot that didn’t go anywhere.

Flint with more women.
To the extent that Our Man Flint works, it does so due to its tossed-off wit. For instance, like the odd mismatch of names and faces for mad scientists Doctors Krupov (Rhys Williams), Wu (Peter Brocco), and Schneider (Benson Fong). And let’s not forget the sheer oddity of Coburn, the toothy, gangly character actor who nevertheless charms his way into stardom here with laid-back cool. You know, there’s definite nostalgic appeal in the shag-adelic style, which laid the groundwork for Austin Powers (which sampled Flint’s Presidential-hotline ringtone).

This movie is a classic of the spy-genre, in its all-out parody glory.

Age has only added a new sheen of humor, as we guffaw at the retro aura such as the kung-fu grips, the 1960’s womanizing, go-go dancing, and ridiculous faux-buddhist upper-class chicness.

Our hero, having just returned from teaching ballet  at Moscow's Bolshoi, is called into service. Z.O.W.I.E. agents have been  killed while seeking the mysterious masterminds behind G.A.L.A.X.Y, an  organization controlling the world's weather and holding humanity  hostage to a plan for a scientifically regimented (and otherwise  wonderfully beneficial) new world order. 

While enforcing The American  Way, Flint performs impromptu surgery, stops his heart for prolonged  periods, repeatedly annoys his flustered boss (Lee J. Cobb) with his  undisciplined ways, invents a Zippo lighter with 82 functions ("83 if  you want to light a cigar"), traces a poison through a bouillabaisse  recipe served in only one spot on Earth, jump-starts a man's heart via a  light bulb socket, wisecracks with British Agent "Triple-O Eight,"  judo-chops gangs of bad guys, avoids disintegration in an  electrofragmentizer, and finds his four live-in lovelies ensnared within  G.A.L.A.X.Y's Dr. Evil-like H.Q. 

Supported by Jerry Goldmsith's way  groovy musical score, Flint does it all while keeping his tux spotless,  his demeanor cool, and his women satisfied.

Comparisons between Flint's pastiche heroics and the Austin Powers series are obvious. However, Our Man Flint and its sequel, In Like Flint,  are exaggerated burlesques of their own time and the pop superspy  tropes that flourished then. Therefore, we can more accurately compare  the Flint flicks with Scream or Not Another Teen Movie,  two  sendups of contemporary conventions and clichés that had grown so  familiar to audiences that laughter was the only response left.  

-DVD Journal 

Our Man Flint is an essential entry in the genre of parody, and actually manages to stand on its own without knowledge of what it is trying to parody in a way that the more recent (and less sophisticated) Austin Powers has managed to do.

Yet where Austin Powers is slapstick hilarity, Our Man Flint is buffoonishly mock-serious…. a parody style that fits the spy-film genre far more comfortably and more satisfyingly… and has aged remarkably well for a highly topical parody.

All that is asked of me, I shall perform.
Derek Flint (James Coburn) is America’s answer to James Bond but, unlike his British counterpart, Flint is a bona-fide master of, well, everything: Disguises; Karate; Languages; Gadgets; Ballet; Zen (Flint ‘relaxes’ by suspending his stiffened body between two chairs, one under his head, one under his heels. No special effects or support required, Coburn could actually do this). Women throw themselves at him, and men want to be him. Everybody, that is, except his frazzled old boss Lloyd Cramden (Lee J. Cobb) who, against his better judgement, must persuade Flint to come out of retirement when the evil Galaxy corporation unleash their wicked plot to control the world’s weather. Flint’s globetrotting takes him from New York to Marseilles to Rome and, finally, to Galaxy’s island hideout (which bears a striking resemblance to the Fox Ranch seen in many other films), a spectacular paradise full of bikinied beauties spouting phrases like, “All that is asked of me I shall perform.”
And guys, you may want to think twice about watching Our Man Flint  with a wife or girlfriend. As part of their broad comedic approach,  both Flint films unashamedly parade coprolitic sexual attitudes that  would make even Mr. Powers wince. 

By their nature, '60s spy movies bared  a phallocentric revolt against the era's "sexual revolution." Our Man Flint  is giddy and harmless while still being sexist in ways that no one  could get away with today. Flint's sybaritic lifestyle includes a  Manhattan penthouse staffed by a quartet of pliant babes who, it's  clear, exist to provide him with anything he desires. 

The sexy  villainess (Gila Golan, Miss Israel 1961) likewise falls into his arms  and bedsheets within minutes. 

The film's final third is an adolescent  male Disneyland of bikini-clad centerfold models brainwashed to be  smiling, willing "pleasure units" who "offer their bodies for the good  of G.A.L.A.X.Y." 

Although played for good clean "Yeah, baby!" fun, the  scenes of Joe Blow henchmen queuing up to enjoy the "units" like Happy  Meals might even leave a few Maxim readers squirming. (Another  raise of an eyebrow is occasioned when, as the space age lair  self-destructs, we watch Flint and company cheer while hundreds of  uncondemned people, including a crowd-scene's worth of those "pleasure  units" we just saw, are blown to smithereens.) 

-DVD Journal  
In LIke Flint movie.
Our Man Flint contains lots of nods to his more famous British counterpart, James Bond, in several silly ways. At one point we encounter a celebrity agent known only as ‘0008’ (Bob Gunner, who looks a bit like Sean Connery), a spy with his own series of novels. Flint asks if the criminal organization known as SPECTRE could be involved, and 0008 replies, “It’s bigger than SPECTRE!” Earlier in the film, Flint is initially offered a Walther PPK and a briefcase with a concealed throwing knife – as seen in Dr. No (1962) – which he dismisses as crude.

This is a great movie.

It takes you back to a time when it was fine to talk about sex, and sexual situations without offending anyone. As such, it is a precious look at a world that the United States has lost and may never recover again. I would suggest the reader go ahead and watch this movie. Watch it before it is either banned, or the person who views the movie get penalized by the up-and-coming social-scoring methodology.

Anyways, back to Asia…

Sword Dance Exercise – China

It’s perhaps a cultural thing, but the first time that I visited Asia, I went to Hong Kong. There, at the wee hours of 5 am (jet lag, don’t you know) I saw the early risers get up and do their daily morning exercises.

Some would exercise doing Tai Ji, others would do the group dances, and others would do various forms of martial arts. The most popular is a kind of Kung Fu with fans (the “fan dance”) and others using swords. Here’s a cute video of a girl who is obviously a master of this kind of exercise / kung fu / dance. Taken in mainland China…

Cambodian Singer

I came across this gal singing her heart out in this music video. It think it’s well done, but might sound a little strange to our western ears. I love how she is putting all her emotion and passion into the music and song. I also love the simplicity of it. You don’t have a lot of bling, and complex African-American rhythms with huge assed girls wagging their asses all over the place.

I think that this gal is from Cambodia, but she could as well be from Laos or Thailand. I do think that she is great and she is certainly worth a listen.

No it’s NOT easy.

I commented on an essay that I found on LinkedIN the other day. In it, Fionn Wright wrote his comments on a statement by one of Donald Trumps’ advisors. Who said…

“The Chinese economy is crumbling. It's just not the powerhouse it was 20 years ago." 

- White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow‬ August 2019.

This is a pretty drastic comment. “Crumbling”? WTF. Ain’t nothing “crumbling” don’t you know.

So, Fionn Wright wrote…

What a simple Google search tells us: Chinese Economy: 1999 GDP: 1.09 trillion (nominal) Figure for 2019: 14.2 trillion (nominal) That’s 13X 

1999 GDP per capita: $3,800 (PPP) 2019 GDP per capita: $19,520 (PPP)  More than 5X 

The #ChineseEconomy has also surpassed the US in terms of PPP and is #1 in the world 

Larry Kudlow is the “Economic” Advisor to the #WhiteHouse So I have to assume that he knows this If he is referring to the #GDP growth slowdown, it’s still 3X the US 

That would lead me to the conclusion that he is consciously misleading people The main problem here is not that he’s lying (or really incompetent) It’s that a lot of Americans will actually believe these kinds of “absurd” statements as Ian Bremmer puts it (People in Britain do too - welcome to #Brexit) 

Business Insider, CNBC, MSN and a host of other media sources publish this as if what he is saying makes sense. If this isn’t #FakeNews I don’t know what is? 🤷‍♂️  

And, you know what? He’s right. Compare the numbers.

So I wrote…

The propaganda is flowing hard and fast. Do not think that the recent upsurge in HK protests is organic. Trump is involved in full-scale passive-aggressive economic warfare. But, you know what, the Chinese are the toughest on the planet. 

I hope that things ratchet down a peg or two. 

All in all, pretty benign.

I just agreed with him, and argued that there are forces bigger than us that are taking place. Donald Trump is fighting this war on behalf of the American people, and China is striking back. Both are formidable forces, and I hope that it gets resolved soon.

To which case, this Mr. Caspar Smeets (A pro-Gay Activist, who works as a design director) responded to me most aggressively…

Could you not promote the Chinese Dream in its own right without your political rants and America-bashing; on LinkedIn out if all platforms? You tell us zero news, sound so childish, unnecessary, uninspiring, and boring for someone claiming to help people achieve their Chinese dream, which incidentally is of course based on an American concept. Go play on Twitter or something where you can start your own private trade war. 

Pretty uncalled for. But that’s a Jack-Ass for you.

He’s from the UK and living in Oman. He knows nothing about China, never been to China, and comes at me out of the blue with this kind of response.

I’ll tell you what, it’s disheartening. For me, as the target of such shit, it hurts. It’s sort of along the lines of this…

Well, then out of the blue, a fellow comes to my defense. He writes…

 Caspar, got out of bed the wrong side this morning?   

The conversation continues. With sparing banter back and forth from the antagonist, who eventually admits to why he was so nasty responding to my rather bland opinion. He says…

Don't get me started on happy go lucky western people getting all smart about a totalitarian, repressive, rascist dictatorship over the back of America. 
  • Totalitarian, I can understand. There is one party. The traditional party. If you want anything other than conservative, traditional China, you will suffer.
  • Repressive, it depends on who is being repressed. I’m not gay, transgender, I’m not a SJW trying to force other people to do things such as banning straws, or turning playgrounds into “safe spaces”. I’ve been living here heading towards two decades. So far, I’ve never been repressed.
Playground Comparisons
  • Racist? China has over 65 minorities, and invites everyone into the nation (provided they have something to contribute). They have enormous public work projects all over the world and are almost single-handedly building up a middle-class in Africa.

This Jack-Ass doesn’t even realize that I am a conservative, American-expat, Trump follower who lives in China. That I wish peace between both nations. That I recognize that both sides have valid arguments and are engaged into a trade war that I hope, will soon be resolved.

He just shows just how off-the-wall insane these progressive democrat Marxists are. They really, really are just like those NPC meme’s you see on the internet.

NPC Meme describing progressive Marxists
NPC Meme describing progressive Marxists.

At which point, my rescuer replies…

Well, at least we're all in agreement about the US being a totalitarian, repressive, racist dictatorship. That's something we can build on. 


Moving away from the nonsense…

In case you are all wondering, I dropped out of this nonsense a long time ago. Every nation has it’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • America = Oligarchy. With citizens treated as serfs for profit. Maintains the appearance of a Democracy (Modified Republic into a Democracy) with zero accountability. The Oligarchy control the mobs by offering social re-engineering efforts via propaganda outlets.
  • China = Single party, traditional conservative Chinese.

Which is better?

It depends on who you are and your role within the stratified communities that make up those two nations. Different people have different situations and thus would have different points of view on this.

Certainly if you are wealthy, America is best for you. There are two sets of laws, rules, public discourse, and juridical systems that favor you. They favor you to a point that the government will pay you at tax-time rather than you owing money to them. They favor you to a point that you can commit treason, sell of American assets, get people killed, and break just about every law in the book including the systematic rape of children, and be allowed a pass.

Also, if you are dirt poor, illiterate, lazy, slothful or have addictions, America is also better. As you will be taken cared for and given special treatment than the rest of society. Thus people with mental illnesses, the gender confused, and those misfits that are not trying to fit within society will be cared for with “special” treatment.

However, if you are a working “stiff”, middle class, with ambitions to move up the social ladder, then most certainly China will offer you more opportunities, take less of your money, and provide a much healthier place for you to raise your family within.

That’s just the way it is today.

A comparision of the social-economic favortism that the countries of CHina nd the United States can provide for their citizens.
A comparison of the social-economic favoritism that the countries of China and the United States can provide for their citizens.

The United States, being an oligarchy, is perfect for the massively wealthy, or the incredibly poor. The nation has systems in place for people within those two spheres of influence to prosper within.

China however, provides advantages for the vast bulk of the citizenry, say 80 – 90%, though it is an environment where the poorest and the wealthiest may find disadvantage.

Looking at the nations as automobiles

Here’s a fun exercise for those of you who don’t like to read charts, tables and look at numbers. Think of each nation as a car. That’s it, think of each nation as a wonderful car.

Now, the United States started off with the most pure and perfect automobile design ever conceived in the history of the world. God created man. Men creates governments. The governments serve man so that they may serve God.

Wonderful. Pure and simple.

So this is America as it was designed and forged back in 1776…

America as desgined. Simple, robuste and pure. This is an image of what America (as designed) would look like. A beautiful Bughatti.
America as designed. Simple, robust and pure. This is an image of what America (as designed) would look like. A beautiful Bugatti.

But, you know, times change. People want to make “improvements” and game the system for their own benefit. You know, like ignoring the tenth Amendment, setting up “free Speech restriction zones”, and of course going “Red Flag” on gun laws. Sort of like this post…

Parable about America

Anyways, all these changes has resulted in America looking quite different from it’s original intent. Indeed, today America looks something like this…

This is what America would look like if it was a car.
This is what America would look like if it was a car.

Of course, other nations would look quite different.

China, where I live, would be more direct, traditional, conservative and functional. It’s rather harsh on the rules and doesn’t throw money away on trivialities. So, for China, it might look something like this…

This is what China would look like if it was a car.
This is what China would look like if it was a car.

To better understand the point that I am trying to make, you can check out this link below (it opens up in a separate tab)…

Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

Sex Doll Technology is really advancing…

In China there are two industries that you (the reader) should keep your eyes on. One is the robotic industry, and the other is the sex-doll industry. Both industries concentrate on specific features, function and utility. However, both like to use human appearing body structures.

As both industries lie within close proximity of each other geographically, I can well anticipate cross-over technology advancements within the next five years. Just like how China took the personal drone industry from zero to the powerhouse it is today.

El paso shooting survivor’s mother left her gun home the day of the mass shooting by a radical progressive Bernie Sanders follower…

OMG! I just read this today. Check it out…

“Christopher Grant said he recognized the sound of gunshots, “So I ran toward my mother to try to shield her and I’m like, mom — cause my mom, she’s a gun-wielding grandma. She carries a snub nose Smith & Wesson, .38 special with a built-in scope in it, everywhere she goes,” but she did not have it on her.

“An hour before we went to Walmart, she decides, ‘We’re just going to Walmart, I’m going to put it in my room.’ So when I went to her, no gun. And I was like, ‘Oh, my God, you got to be kidding me.’”

Grant ran off and saw the shooter in the Walmart parking lot and started to throw bottles at him to distract him. The shooter then started to fire his rifle at him, hitting Grant.”

Not the best way to make money…

The police broke up this counterfeiting ring. Here’s a video of their operation. I found it interesting.

OK, let’s move on…

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 13)

Let’s continue on our exploration of videos and things about Asia. However, firstly, let’s comment on the splash screen above. It’s from the 1990’s situation comedy on television (anyone remember watching television?) called “Seinfield”.

Seinfeld is a situation comedy which ran from July 5, 1989 to May 14,  1998. One of the most popular and influential TV programs of the 1990s,  it epitomizes the self-obsessed and ironic culture of the decade. In  2002, TV Guide ranked Seinfeld as the greatest TV show of all time. The  show was created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. 

The show stars Seinfeld as a  fictionalized version of himself, and mostly focuses on his personal  life with a handful of friends and acquaintances, including best friend  George Costanza (Jason Alexander), friend and former girlfriend Elaine Benes.
Seinfield cast on the set of Seinfield.
Seinfield cast on the set of Seinfield. I loved this show when it came out, and it was always a subject of light water-cooler banter during the coffee breaks at work.

I think that this funny comedy is a monument to itself. Yet, the trivia associated with it is quite noteworthy…

Larry David famously  instituted a policy of "no hugging, no learning", meaning that the show  must avoid sentimentality and moral lessons, and the characters must  never learn or grow from their wrongdoings.   
As Kramer (Michael Richards)  became more popular, his entrance applause grew so prolonged that the  cast complained it was ruining the pacing of their scenes. Directors  subsequently asked the audience not to applaud so much when Kramer  entered.   
Seinfield in the puffy shirt.
Seinfield in the puffy shirt. Did you know that you can buy this shirt on the internet? Yup, you can. I think that it would make a great thing to wear on casual Friday. Just make sure that your coworkers have seen Seinfield and knows what the shirt is all about.
Jerry Seinfeld turned down an offer from NBC that would have made him $110 million for a tenth season of the show.   
Michael Costanza, Jerry Seinfeld's friend after whom George is named, filed a $100 million lawsuit against Seinfeld, Larry David,  and NBC, claiming invasion of privacy and defamation of character.  Costanza claimed damages due to the show's alleged use of his likeness.  The case was dismissed with the judges adding that the statute of  limitations on the case had run out, as Costanza did not sue within one  year of the show's debut in 1989.   
George and Kramer on Seinfield.
George and Kramer on Seinfield. In this episode, George poses for some sexy photographs.
The Soup Nazi (Larry Thomas)  is based on the actual owner, Al Yeganeh, of a take-out soup business  in Manhattan on West 55th Street between Broadway and 8th Avenue. Just  like in the sitcom, his soups were known for their excellent quality,  but Yeganeh was also famous for the unusual way he treated his  customers. Instead of calling him a Nazi, local patrons called him a  terrorist, presumably because they knew Yeganeh was born in Iran, not  Germany. Yeganeh was so angered by the episode (Seinfeld: The Soup Nazi  (1995)), that he forbade the use of the "N word" in his restaurants.  Even the slightest reference to this show would push his buttons (it can  be seen in an interview he did with CNN). So when some cast members and  writers from this show bravely visited the restaurant after the episode  aired, Yeganeh claimed that the show had ruined his life.   
The puffy shirt used in episode 5.2, Seinfeld: The Puffy Shirt (1993), is currently placed in the Smithsonian. A doll-sized replica was included with the fifth season DVD set.   
George orders soup from the soup Nazi.
George orders soup from the soup Nazi. Ah, the best soup in New York City, but the cook is something else entirely…
John O'Hurley  (Peterman) recalls attending a friend's 40th birthday party and being  recognized at the buffet line. A man came up to him to say "that would  be grounds for dismissal.", one of his J. Peterman lines. During their  conversation, O'Hurley learned that this guy was not only a fan of  Seinfeld but a fan of the real J. Peterman catalogue, too. He would  actually read the over-the-top item descriptions to his wife in bed. He  thanked O'Hurley for finally giving him a voice to use for the catalogue  readings. The fan was none other than Tom Hanks.   
Jerry's (Jerry Seinfeld) girlfriend's infamous "man hands" in episode 8.3, Seinfeld: The Bizarro Jerry (1996), were actually those of James Rekart.   
Seinfield's girlfriend has "man hands" Yikes!
Seinfield’s girlfriend has “man hands” Yikes! This is yet another classic show. It would probably be too politically incorrect today.
ABC Entertainment executive Lloyd Braun lent his name to a character appearing in three episodes, season five, episode seven, Seinfeld: The Non-Fat Yogurt (1993), season seven, episode ten, Seinfeld: The Gum (1995), and season nine, episode three, Seinfeld: The Serenity Now (1997), and is an old childhood neighbor and nemesis of George Costanza (Jason Alexander).   

Now, moving forward, let’s go back to Asia…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Thailand School

Here’s a cute music video of an elementary school in Thailand…

Videos about the Protests in HK

All these (so called) “pro-democracy” protests in Hong Kong get a lot of air-play in the United States. I can’t but help that they are instigated by Donald Trump and his CIA operatives to stir up and instigate some “backyard” conflict for China. You know, just like how the CIA agitated the protests the last time Obama visited HK.

The American news media, whether it is CNN, or (even) Rush Limbaugh all parrot the same line.

They parrot the same old narrative; [1] It’s organic and “grass roots”, [2] all they want is “freedom” and “democracy”, and [3] that they are fighting against Communism. The videos and movies on you-tube all support this narrative. It’s a nice narrative, and everyone in the USA is repeating this.

The only thing is…

The narrative is nonsense.

What do they actually want? Well, for one thing, they want universal suffrage. You know where everyone can vote, with no age limits, or limits on the number of times that you can vote, or whether you are a citizen or not. Pretty radical stuff.

Sounds like the American democrat platform, I’ll tell you what…

While Hong Kong is part of China, it operates autonomously. It has it’s own laws, and own systems, and own ways of doing things. Many of which are freakishly different from the mainland Chinese way.

So… very… predictable… How do we know? It’s all recorded in the history books. You all should read them some time.


And, this is what happens when no one puts their foot down and squashes the SJW movement…


Tear down the Chinese Flag

One of the often promoted videos is how the “Chinese people” joyfully tore down the Chinese flag in Hong Kong. Then they discarded it into the water, and danced around joyously.

What they don’t tell you is what happened afterwards…

Residents are sick of the SJW Kids

Almost all of the protesters are Social Justice Warriors in their early 20’s attending school or otherwise unemployed. Their desire for social upheaval is disruptive to the crowded Chinese community, and the residents are rather fed up with their protests and the interruptions in their lives.

Just like how the black-clad Antifa stopped traffic, and broke apart stores and ships, these SJW troops are doing the same thing. The only thing is, in America they did it in enclaves where the local leadership wanted them to protest and supported the protests. Say Berkley and Baltimore, for example. Not in places where they would get shot. Like in Pittsburgh and Cleveland. That is the big difference between China and the USA.

The Chinese do not accept this kind of nonsense. So they fight back as these two videos indicate.

First, we have a pissed off mother. (Though she is blaming Japan for initiating all the violence.)

Then we have some pissed off office workers…

You will note that this narrative is not promoted in the Western press. At best they might mention that “Pro-Chinese” people lash back at the protesters. But what is really happening is that shop owners, workers, people going to work, and street vendors are all really pissed off that their nice orderly life is being torn apart by these kids.

Hands are NOT tied…

The Chinese government is not ham-strung by an aggressive media propaganda machine, and public opinion. They have lived through numerous SJW uprisings and they know what can happen with they are not squelched rapidly and forcefully.

People die.

President Xi Peng saw this personally… up front and up close. He will NOT permit to happen on his watch. No way. No how.

If you don’t know what I am referring to, then read this article (opens up in a separate window.).

When the SJW movement took control of China

To this end, they have practiced, planned, and have worked on solutions. Here is one such video on what to expect if the local HK government fails to contain the radical Social Justice Warrior elements…

Make no mistake. The Chinese government will shoot to kill if order is not stabilized soon.

Make no mistake. The Chinese take these protests as a very serious threat, and they are prepared to fight against the protesters.

And while I can show you the reader, video after video of Chinese SWAT and paramilitary forces training inside Hong Kong in riot and capture duties, perhaps this recent video of HK police can convince you that the Chinese do NOT mess around…

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 7)

Thank you for continuing on this video adventure into Asia. But firstly, let’s spend a few moments to talk about the photo splash (above). It’s a screen shot from the glorious movie “Bedazzled”. It’s all about a man who meets the devil. She grants him seven wishes in exchange for his soul.

You’ve got seven wishes. Choose carefully.

"You can't sell your soul. It doesn't really belong to you in the first  place. No way, nohow. It belongs to God—that universal spirit that  animates and binds all things in existence."

-Great quote from the movie "Bedazzled".

The main character, a dweeb named Elliot, desperately wants to change his life (also being unduly influenced by a girl) inspired him to sign over his soul to the devil. In exchange she gave him seven wishes. Each wish, he uses to create a different life for himself.

We can see that right?

Elliot becomes a rich ang powerful drug lord.
What would you wish for? Elliot wanted more control over his life. He thought that money and power would provide that. So the devil gave it to him. Elliot becomes a rich and powerful drug lord.

Things aren’t going well, we want to change things. We made mistakes in our past, we wish to undo them. We missed out on opportunities or completely revamp our life into something different. You know, like Elliot does…

 Inmate: What are you in for, brother?
 Elliot: Eternity.

 Inmate: Oooh. You must've done some really bad shit.
 Elliot: The worst— I sold my soul.

 Inmate: Well, I hope you got something good for it.
 Elliot: Actually, I got nothing for it.

 Inmate: Sounds like a really bad deal, if you ask me.
 Elliot: [glances over] I'm not asking you.

 Inmate: Doesn't matter. You can't sell your soul. It doesn't really belong to you in the first place. No way, no how.
 Elliot: Is that so? Then who does it belong to?

 Inmate: [looks straight at Elliot] It belongs to God:  that universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence.  The Devil's gonna try and confuse you, but that's her gig. In the end,  you're gonna see clear to who you are and what you're here to do. Now,  you're gonna make some mistakes along the way. Everybody does. But if  you just open up your heart, and open up your mind, you'll get it.
 Elliot: Who are you?

 Inmate: Just a friend brother. Just a really good friend. 

There are great things all around us. What we need to start doing is to CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS. We must turn off all those bad influences that abound around us, and yes that most certainly means the news. What a piece of horse shit. I swear to God.

Look around you. The world is a truly beautiful place…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Just some rain

Yes, it’s just some rain. But, it’s (you know) glorious.

Do you remember coming in from the rain when you were young. You would get home and your mother would peel off your wet clothes. She would rub you dry and maybe make you a cup of hot coco with little white marshmallows. Or maybe a nice warm bowl of tomato soup with a melted cheese sandwich.

Delicious tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich.
Delicious tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. As wonderful and delicious as this this, it is the people that we spend our moments with, and the great times that we share that makes our heart soar. Our emotions generate thoughts and those thoughts create our reality. Treasure those moments, for they are often fleeting.

Yes. You don’t remember the rain so much. But you do remember the times that you spent with someone who you love.

He stood before the yellow door. The printed letters over it said THE SUN DOME. He put his numb hand up to feel it. Then he twisted the doorknob and stumbled in. He stood for a moment looking about. Behind him the rain whirled at the door. Ahead of him, upon a low table, stood a silver pot of hot chocolate, steaming, and a cup, full, with a marshmallow in it. An beside that, on another tray, stood thick sandwiches of rich chicken meat and fresh-cut tomatoes and green onions. And on a rod just before his eyes was a great thick green Turkish towel, and a bin in which to throw wet clothes, and, to his right, a small cubicle in which heat rays might dry you instantly. And upon a chair, a fresh change of uniform, waiting for anyone—himself, or any lost one—to make use of it. And farther over, coffee in steaming copper urns, and a phonograph from which music was playing quietly, and books bound in red and brown leather. And near the books a cot, a soft deep cot upon which one might lie, exposed and bare, to drink in the rays of the one great bright thing which dominated the long room. 

-The Long Rain

Please do great things with your life…

Here is a blind girl hailing a DD. This is the Chinese version of Uber. He asks her where she wants to go. Then she asks how much, and he says 30 yuan. She agrees and he then helps her get in the car.

Because she is blind she cannot pay using the cellphone like most Chinese people do. So she asks how much. And then show him a wad of cash for him to take what he is owed.

Then he does something really special…

People, just be the best you can be. Be kind to animals, and people who need help. That’s the American way. Never forget that that is how REAL Americans behave.

You might notice that the bricks that comprise the sidewalk are in different shapes and colors. This is the norm in China. In China those yellow bricks are used by blind people to make their way through the large complex world that is China. It’s not that they are yellow, but rather they have a raised surface that blind people can use to get around with.

Young Love – Chinese Style

You know, the one thing that I really love about Asia is that young people go to school work hard, and then fall in love. They wait. And because of this, they tend to be very sweet when it comes to romance.

Floor Installation

Most homes in China have solid stone or wood flooring. It is extremely rare to have carpet covering particle board flooring. Here is a video of how the stone tiles are laid down. It’s interesting.

Anyways, I thought that it was very interesting. That is how it is done. Don’t you know.

You know, after a hard day of floor installation, there is nothing finer than a nice hearty meal and a tall frosty glass of ice cold beer. I am sure that the fellows in the video would appreciate it as well. Here’s a nice photo of some grilled cheese to inspire you.

Delicious and tasty grilled cheese sandwich.
Delicious and tasty grilled cheese sandwich. It would go great with some hot tomato soup and a nice tall glass of frosty icy beer. Maybe a delicious Budweiser, or PBR. I’ll tell you what.

All over the world are roads. Roads that exist and call out your name. Roads that you should travel upon. Roads that can lead you to adventure, and if you are fortunate…romance.

Rural Road in China

This is very typical. Please take note on the condition of the road. Note the amount of litter on the side of the road. Note the conditions of the building and the general care that the local government takes in maintaining public systems, roads and utilities.

Once the Chinese government established the crime and corruption police, there was a drastic and marked increase in the overall care and maintenance of public structures. It was very noticeable.

I wonder why.

Having Fun with Friends – China

OK. This is just a nice fun video. I guess that the point of this is to enjoy life. Everyone else is. So stop reading the bullshit news and being so serious. Let your hair down and start enjoying life.

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 5)

Thank you all for keeping with me and following this video narrative and (sort of) political editorial through humor, adventure and audio visual exploration. But first, let’s explore the picture splash at the top of this page.

About the picture splash above; this is a screen capture of a scene from the movie Roxanne.  The large-nosed fireman C.D. Bales is in love with the beautiful Roxanne. Ah, but alas, she falls for his personality but another man's looks.              

This is an old movie that I used to have on Betamax.

I thought it was cute, but not really memorable. However, when rewatching the move, I swear, it took me back to a far simpler time in America. A time of smaller communities, and far less problems. For that trip down nostalgia lane… it is worth the watch.

Sometimes movies and pictures can take us back to a simpler and better time. One that is free of many of the worries and concerns that have been foistered upon us within our reality.
Sometimes movies and pictures can take us back to a simpler and better time. One that is free of many of the worries and concerns that have been fostered upon us within our reality. Like this photo for instance. The family goes out to watch a football game in cool fall air. The housewife prepares some warm coffee and sandwiches for the boys. Simpler times and simpler solutions. Movies and pictures can take us back to those times.

Ok. Now for the micro-videos and dialog…

Welcome to Beijing

Everyone knows about Beijing, in fact, many Americans when asked what cities are in China, they will only be able to name but one or two. Beijing being the first. With Shanghai a distant second.

Here’s Beijing. And yes, outside of the dust-storm season, many days do actually look a little like this… blue skies. I can see those readers just shaking their heads. They tell me, that it is ALWAYS full of terrible air pollution. You can see, they argue, all you need to do is perform a Google image search for Beijing.

Yup. That’s right. Go straight to the largest propaganda outlet in the United States to get your answers – Google.

But, really… Why stop there, how about Snopes?


Here’s a pollution profile that I just screen grabbed for Beijing as I write this.

Beijing Air pollution index
Beijing Air pollution index. Taken 2AUG19.

And here is one for Los Angles. Again, it’s just a screen grab that I took just a few seconds ago…

Los Angles Air Pollution index 2AUG19.
Los Angles Air Pollution index 2AUG19.

Hum. It seems that the Air Pollution index for Beijing and Los Angles, at least on 2AUG19, were the same. Imagine that!

Who’d figure, given the near relentless breathless reporting on how bad pollution is in China, these days.


This is what Beijing looks like, ya all…

American, and British, media will take pictures of the smoggiest days in Beijing. If they can’t get the weather to cooperate, then they will use a very smoggy photo out of their photo files.

Beijing does have smog, and the weather can be nasty at times. Much of it is a combination of particulate matters from the deserts (which create intense Sahara-style dust storms) and Winter related smoke from coal-fired furnaces in the cold-cold weather.

However, it is not ALWAYS like that.

Just like not every American gets FREE healthcare. FREE medicine. FREE homes, FREE cell phones, FREE cars. Nope. America was not called the “land of the free”, because of all the FREE stuff you would get.

It was called that for other reasons.

Reasons that no longer exist.

Check out some of the cities in the rest of China, why don’t ya. If you would believe those trolls on the Internet forums, China is one filthy dirty, smoggy place. With only America being the most beautiful spot int he world.

Guangzhou Air Pollution 2AUG19
Guangzhou Air Pollution 2AUG19
Hong Kong Air Pollution 2AUG19
Hong Kong Air Pollution 2AUG19
Yangzhou Air Pollution 2AUG19
Yangzhou Air Pollution 2AUG19

Take note…

Comparatively, with say Los Angles, the smog is Beijing is far easier to deal with. Masks are very sufficient to remove the gritty particles out of the air. You can use a HEPA air purifier to keep your office and home nice. However, no such luck on LA. That is a different kind of smog. It’s particulate level micro-beads of acid. It attacks the eyes, the nostrils and the mouth.

I have found that most American news is nonsense. It is designed to manipulate you. It is designed to keep you living in some kind of a box. Part of which is controlled by fear, and constant reassurances that you have it better than everyone else as long as you stay in your box.

American Propiganda.
American Propaganda; “Since the beginning of this year, the levels of air pollution in Beijing have been dangerously high, with thick clouds of smog chasing people indoors, disrupting air travel, and affecting the health of millions. The past two weeks have been especially bad — at one point the pollution level measured 40 times recommended safety levels. Authorities are taking short-term measures to combat the current crisis, shutting down some factories and limiting government auto usage. However, long-term solutions seem distant, as China’s use of coal continues to rise, and the government remains slow to acknowledge and address the problems. “

From The Atlantic.

What you all need to do is make comparisons ON YOUR OWN. Don’t listen to the news, and even don’t listen to me. Just you go to Beijing, yourself, and if you think it has terrible pollution, then believe it. Otherwise, don’t.

Automobile Problems – Thailand

Let’s go to Thailand.

Beautiful Thailand.
America isn’t the only place that has beauty. It exists all over the world. It really does. Just like Detroit is not a typical American city that represents what America looks like, nor does the images of other nations as portrayed in American media. Here is a beautiful Thailand beach.

I really like Thailand, but many of the rural roads are not paved, and just simple dirt. Not even gravel. that can cause problems for vehicles during the rainy season. As this poor fella has discovered much to his dismay.

Primitive, yes. But, bad… not so.

While we are in Thailand, let’s head out a little further East and go to rural Vietnam…

But let’s realize that just because the American mainstream media hasn’t been reporting on Vietnam for fifty years, the country still exists. It grows, people live and die. Things progress forward and change. It is not frozen in time, like many Americans seem to think that it is…

Siagon in the 1960's.
Saigon in the 1960’s. Vietnam has changed substantially over the years, and many Americans would not recognize it if their only experiences outside of America is through the American mainstream media.

Of course, Vietnam today is not anything like Americans remember it from the media narrative in the 1960’s. We need to look at the world with new eyes. Eyes that are not colored or flavored by the American mainstream press narrative.

Chicken Noodle Soup – Vietnam

This is modern, contemporaneous Vietnam. Here we have a rural village. (And I do like the rural areas of South-East Asia.)

With that, I would like to post some historical pictures of Vietnam during the 1960’s when America first decided to have a war there. And, while I am at it, let me remind everyone that while many Americans were quite patriotic, they could not understand why thousands of Americans would need to die in a far off land. They argued that the ONLY people who would benefit from such a war was the rich oligarchy.

Historically, we now know that they were ABSOLUTELY correct.

Does this picture strike a bell?

Americans refusing to fight in Vietnam.
Americans refusing to fight in Vietnam. Looking back, the ONLY people who benefited from the war in Vietnam were the wealthy that had stocks and power within the military-industrial environment. This was something that the Johnson Presidency cultivated, and now today has grown into such an unwieldy monster. You do realize that today 2AUG19, America is currently fighting eight (x8) military shooting wars all over the world. Let me ask you, how are YOU personally benefiting?

This is the Vietnam that Americans had to fight (and protect) for (you know) mah democracy…

Life in Vietnam in the 1960's when America first started to get involved there.
Life in Vietnam in the 1960’s when America first started to get involved there. This is obviously outside a cafe or a restaurant.

I am of the opinion that the wealthy oligarchy in the United States couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the people in Vietnam, or the brave Americans that fought, became crippled or died over there.

All they cared about was their own personal profits. You know, like how the American software giants in Google, Facebook, and Twitter care about YOU today.

They do not.

They don’t give a rat’s ass about you, and think nothing about squashing you, your opinions, your thoughts and your life. They have absolute disdain for you, your culture and your family, and would squash your life out like they would step on a cockroach. they despise you.

Look at what the American rich did in Vietnam…

Killed so some wealthy Americans could make money.
Pretty couple riding their moped in Vietnam. This was in the 1960’s when America was first getting involved in the Vietnam conflict. Apparently the wealthy felt that the deaths of a couple thousand Americans, and many thousands of Vietnam citizens were of no consequence if they could be able to by another mansion.

Well, we did send troops to Vietnam.

Boeing 727 under guard.
Political and business VIP’s would visit Vietnam from time to time to see how things were progressing. They would always return back to America and demand more and more money…. you know, for the cause. Though it was just a way for them to cycle the money into their own pockets. Evil fucking bastards. Here we have one of their aircraft being watched by military personnel.

Many of whom died. Those that came back didn’t like what America had become. So they “dropped out”. They started to take drugs and get involved in non-social activities.

See what happens when the corrupt are permitted to rule over a nation. Everything becomes distorted and corrupted. Nations with long histories, such as China, know that crime and corruption can alter the face of a people in terrible, twisted and bad ways. So they try to do things to change all this.

Here’s some photos of the Vietnam military forces today. Yes they do want to trade with the United States. It’s a new generation, in a new nation. Let’s hope that everyone realizes just how important and precious life is, and the need to ONLY FIGHT to defend your family and way of life.

Modern Vietnam military.
Modern Vietnam military.

Exploring a Park in China

Ah. Sorry for being so serious.

It’s just that I really hate injustices, and I get really angry when people use their wealth to hurt others. And, I do not care what it is. Hurt is hurt. Whether it is erasing all of someone’s posts on social media, or bribing a politician to send another 30,000 solders to fight a war where many will get killed.

Wealth corrupts.

Here is China. There are many parks in China and many are very lovely.

I am of the very strong belief that a wide selection of different experiences, shared with others, causes us to think different. Since thoughts create our reality, that is how we grow.

We grow physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually though our thoughts.

Which is sort of why this post-sequence is all about shutting off the American media propaganda, getting out of the fear-cage that many Americans sit within and go forth and explore. You will discover, as I have, that many of us are quite similar, but it is our differences that should be enjoyed and savored.

As I am sure that this American serviceman discovered when dating his pretty Vietnam girlfriend…

Vietnam in the 1960s.
A United States soldier in Vietnam with his pretty Vietnamese girlfriend. It is the similarities that attract us to each other, and the differences that enable us to grow.

Water Festival – Thailand

Let’s take a look at the water festival in Thailand.

The Water Festival is the New Year's celebrations that take place in Southeast Asian nations such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand as well as among the Dai people of China. 

It is called the 'Water Festival' by Westerners because they notice people splashing or pouring water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the New Year. 

Traditionally people gently sprinkled water on one another as a sign of respect, but as the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia, many people end up dousing strangers and passersby in vehicles in boisterous celebration. The act of pouring water is also a show of blessings and good wishes. It is believed that on this Water Festival, everything old must be thrown away, or it will bring the owner bad luck. 


Ah, some links if you are at all interested…

Small Community on the coast -China

Let’s take a look at some of the non-big city coastal areas in China. As you must know, there are thousands of these communities. All much, much larger than many American cities.

They all sort of resemble Miami or Fort Lauderdale beaches, more or less. As like this…

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 4)

Thank you for continuing on my micro-video narrative. But first, let’s chat a little bit about the splash screen photo above.

About the splash-screen photo above. It's a screen shot of the movie "Kelly's Heroes". It's a World War II movie made in the 1960's that is loosely based upon the actual events during the war. 

You see, as Germany was collapsing, a bunch of Americans wanted to go ahead and seize all the gold that Hitler had squirreled away. It's a great movie, and the pop song "Burning Bridges" came from that movie.

You only have to mention the film ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ and within seconds everyone is firing off quotes from the film – our non WWII friends really do look at you as if you are  some type of weird sandwich…

Kelly's Hero screen shot.
Hey! Don’t you go giving me off any of those bad waves.

Has to be one of the best war films of all time. So here is a challenge – how many of these quotes can you remember? And how many can you get into a conversation today…

Let’s start with…

Quotes from Kelly's Heroes

Anyways, go ahead and chat with your friends. See how many remember the movie Kelly’s Heroes. It’s a great conversation starter. Sure better than talking about the new female 007 who is going to rock the movie world this year.


Just look at this pathetic picture. I look and I see that the producers are seriously Jonesing for a Michelle Obama (or Oprah Winfrey) leadership role to pave the way for a 2024 Presidential Election candidate. (Wanna bet this isn’t the case?)

Black Female British Actor Lashana Lynch to Play New '007 Agent'
Black Female British Actor Lashana Lynch to Play New ‘007 Agent’. Hint. She’s a diversity hire. (wink wink). Can’t wait to watch the latest James Bond flick… not!

Yeah. Just like they made so many Hollywood movies with female Presidents that looked markedly like Hillary Clinton during the last ten years. It’s ground work to prep the American population subconsciously.


I argue that the significance of this role placement is associated with the r/K survival strategy which pretty much establishes a Marxist social dominance within America under the r survival strategy. It’s all pretty obvious to those of us who are paying attention.

If you haven’t a clue as to what I am talking about, then check out this link…

r/K selection theory

So, when you have a society (like the “great society”) giving away all sorts of free-things (you know, to “eliminate” poverty), you end up with a society of abundance. People can live off the dole. They don’t have to work. They don’t have to compete. They don’t have to survive. They turn in to r-strategists.

Now, back to Asia…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Puddle Jumper

One of the things that I really like about the world (not just Asia) is flying in “puddle jumpers” into the smaller more rural airports and visiting the countryside. Here is a small micro-video about flying into the Tachiletk airport near Thailand.

Adventures may or may not come with a map. But no matter what, enjoy yourself and savor your experiences.

That’s what adventure is all about.

Here is a photo that kind of tells you where Tachileik is located. It is in Myanmar near Northern Thailand. (It is near Myanmar and near Maesai, Thailand.) It is a religious place with temples and mosques, as well as monasteries and pagodas.

Tachileik, near Maesai Thailand. Seriously, wouldn’t you like to visit this place?

Oh, yeah. Speaking about travel, let’s inject another great quote from the great movie Kelly’s Heroes. I mean, why not?

Here's some quotes from the great movie "Kelly's Heroes".

I mean. So many positive waves. Maybe we can’t lose!

That’s one of the advantages of travel. So many positive waves.

Return of the Monkey King

Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, is a melee agility hero,  best known for his slippery nature and his ability to do Mischief,  deceiving his enemies by turning into trees and other objects. Armed  with his magic extending staff, the Monkey King slams the ground with Boundless Strikes, and leaps to the treetops to have advantage over his foes with Tree Dance.


Now, the Monkey King is a big thing in China. Everyone knows about the Monkey King and admires it. But for me, as an American, I don’t see the big deal. I think that it is a cultural thing. Like about how Jarts, and click-clacks were popular in the 1970s’.

You remember those eh?

“At Least He Didn’t Have Access To Jarts” Say Authorities Of Florida School Shooter
“At Least He Didn’t Have Access To Jarts” Say Authorities Of Florida School Shooter. No kidding. That’s what the detectives said.
 Trying to extract some positive from the horror in Florida, local  authorities reflected today on how much more carnage the school shooter  could have caused were it not for sensible regulations.

 “At least he didn’t have access to Jarts because they are thankfully banned in this country.”

 The outlawed lawn toys feature sharp metal tips designed to stick  into the ground when the Jart is lobbed underhand causing it to fall in a  large parabolic arc. 

 “This could have been so much worse.”
When  asked what could be done to prevent tragedies like this happening  again, they say they are staying focused on making sure this is as bad  as it gets.

 “Our number one priority right now is to ensure the Jart ban  isn’t repealed, and, beyond that, we are taking a serious look at banana  peels.”

-Breaking Bourgh

Ah, cultures can be so interesting.


Anyways, back to the Monkey King…

Check out this short micro-video about the Monkey King…

OK, now after connecting Jarts to the Monkey King, and Kelly’s Heroes with those positive waves in Northern Thailand, let’s talk about kitties…

Ah. But first, look at what I discovered…

Cheetos are being changed so that they will not resemble President Trump.

Now for the kitties after looking at bright lime green Cheetos…

Butting Heads with the Kitty Store Owner

I do think that many cat lovers might appreciate this micro-video…

This is in China, and no, it’s really quite rare for the Chinese to eat pets like dogs and cats. That’s one of the lies propagated by the American mainstream media. They want to keep you all huddled, isolated and afraid of others.

They want you to sit inside your house, work as a serf, pay your taxes and obey your “betters”.

The River Runs Through it…

Speaking about China. Here’s a nice video of a small rural town in the hills. I guess that you could say this is a little like San Louis Obispo in California. Only the Chinese are far more religious than those progressives in California. Look at the hill. There you can see lighted Buddhist statuary.

I like this video.

This video reminds me of how nice small towns can look like when the politicians are being policed by the “corruption police” and are unable to “game the system”, “funnel money” away from projects, and generally abuse their positions. You know, like they do in the United States.

Hey! You do know what I am talking about don’t you?

Rush talks about inner city corruption.

Yeah. Crime and corruption was pretty bad in China up until 2013, when roving militarized “corruption police” started their crack-downs on corruption. Anyone who says that China is full of corruption today is a fucking idiot. (Or barring that, just horribly misinformed.)

It is nothing like it was.

China is VERY SERIOUS about corruption and crime. They know that the nation cannot survive unless they are able to take control over the high-level corruption that has made China famous two decades ago. So they declared war on corruption. But no, this wasn’t like they do in the USA, where enormous sums of money are dished out to “influencers” and “blue panels of experts”.


Targets are identified, systems are put in place. Evil people are rounded up. Many are tortured and incarcerated. Some are killed.

Today, most Chinese are petrified of tangling with the Corruption Police. Arrest means their lives are effectively over, both literally and figuratively.

Corruption Police Arrest
One of China’s most-wanted fugitives suspected of bribery was brought home on Friday from the Republic of Guinea, following cooperation between the two countries’ law enforcement departments. Pei Jianqiang, 48, former director of import and export department of China Enterprise International Cooperation Co, was suspected of bribery and fled in November, 2009.

China launched a “Sky Net” campaign in April, 2015, with aims to bring back 100 suspects who were accused of economic crimes and have fled overseas. Pei was listed as the No. 10 suspect. Law enforcement officials from China and Guinea collaborated on the investigation, which confirmed that Pei was hiding out in Conakry, capital of Guinea, and running a bath center.

Pei was arrested on Dec 25 and sent back to Beijing Friday afternoon.Operation Sky Net launched In December, Huang Yurong, former Party chief of Henan Provincial Highway Administration and another fugitive on the list, surrendered herself to the police and returned from the United States where she had fled in 2002.
China takes corruption very seriously.
(150509) — BEIJING, May 9, 2015 (Xinhua) — Chinese police escort Li Huabo (C), the second suspect from China’s “100 most wanted economic fugitives” list, upon his arrival at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, May 9, 2015. Li was repatriated Saturday as part of operation “Sky Net”. The Sky Net campaign aims to return fugitives for trial. (Xinhua/Chen Yehua)(mcg)
Corruption Police arrest corrupt civil servant.
In January 2013, Hebei Xinhe County Police notified Guangxi Dongxing Municipal Police that between 2008 to 2011, the former Director of Baoding City Mancheng County Bureau of Land and Resource in Hebei Song Jianzhong used his power to illegally profit and collect 1.5 million RMB in bribes, and when faced investigated by the relevant departments fled to Vietnam with his mistress. Photo is of about 6pm February 5th, Mong Cai Municipal Police in Vietnam handing the suspects over to Guangxi Dongxing Municipal law enforcement officials. Picture by Zhuo Huang/CFP.
Corrupt offical arrested.
After over 20 days of investigation, in the afternoon of February 5th, Song and his mistress, Ren, appeared in Mong Cai, Vietnam. Mong Cai Police successfully arrested the two. In January 2013, Hebei Xinhe County Police notified Guangxi Dongxing Municipal Police that between 2008 to 2011, the former Director of Baoding City Mancheng County Bureau of Land and Resource in Hebei Song Jianzhong used his power to illegally profit and collect 1.5 million RMB in bribes, and when faced investigated by the relevant departments fled to Vietnam with his mistress. Photo is of about 6pm February 5th, Mong Cai Municipal Police in Vietnam handing the suspects over to Guangxi Dongxing Municipal law enforcement officials.

Corruption Police is exactly what America needs today.

Make no mistake. It’s Long…long… LONG overdue.

Anyways, back to the video, pay attention to how clean the streets are. Notice how nice the houses are. Corruption turns nice communities into Detroit, or Baltimore. Look, and pay attention.

When there is corruption, the buildings fall into disrepair. The streets fall apart and have potholes, and the general standard of life is very poor. You can ALWAYS judge the level of corruption in a non-industrial community by how clean and well taken cared for it is.

If things are not so well taken cared for, and there are funds earmarked for maintenance, then you know that the levels of corruption are rather enormous.

Savage in a Parking Garage

On a lighter note. Let’s go Savage in one of those hyper-clean underground parking garages in China. It’s a thing, and I quite like it; those super clean parking garages. In the USA, it’s all damp, bare cement with dimly lit lighting. Yuck.

It’s so refreshing to be in a place where public places are treated as worthy of respect.

Back in the day, Americans used to take pride in their public spaces. Trees were planted in parks to provide shade. Benches were placed, and painted every year. Picnic tables were set up and yearly repaired and maintained. Roads and bridges had yearly inspection teams, fully funded, and taken cared for.

America of the past.
There was once a time when being an American was something special. It was not spit upon by members of Congress. The moneys to repair public works were on the local, not Federal level, and everyone was part of a community that participated. Not isolated, and living in fear facing an electronic box.

That all ended during the progressive onslaught around 1913 or so. Then it became something different. It went from “America for all of us”, to “What’s mine is mine, and I’ll give you a little bit if you obey me.”.

Now, back to China garages…

Ah it’s so refreshing.

Sure beats what you see in America everyday. Here is a typical photo of an American woman. It doesn’t matter where you go in the Untied States, or what city you visit, you will always be able to easily find American women that look like this…

American beautiful woman.
American woman shopping in Walmart. I wonder where she works? What do you think she does for a living? Do you have any idea how well she performed in school, and what she must be like as a person? People! We owe it to ourselves to reverse the obvious progressive decline of the American society.

Jackie Ma

China is a land of merit. You either do your best or fail and suffer the consequences. Much like America used to be when it was first founded. As such, I want to put a plug in for Jackie Ma. For he represents what China is today.

Sort of how Hillary Clinton represents what America is today.

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan. (Part 2)

Thanks for sticking with me on this. Now, let’s continue forward, shall we…

About the splash photo above. This is a scene from the early 1980's movie "Hot Dog - The Movie". Ah, it's a classic movie for certain, and maybe worth a re-watch. 

"Ah... I had Sunny side up. Und... I had Sunny side down. Und... I had Sunny side all the way around." LOL.
Hot Dog the movie quote

But first, might I suggest a nice snack. You know, something that you can enjoy with your buds. Maybe a fine meatball sandwich in fresh crusty bread with delicious melted cheese? You do know, that it tastes delicious with some fine frosty beer.

Oh, and you had best be careful. Make sure that it is extra cold.

Delicious meatball sandwich with beer.
Delicious meatball sandwich with beer. I find that this goes well with just about anything. I rather suggest that everyone enjoy a nice meatball sandwich from time to time.

On second thought, maybe you should open up a nice bottle of wine.

You do know that wine goes with everything. I happen to like red wines, especially the rather dry wines. What ever you do make sure that you find someone to share the wine with. You can get by drinking a beer alone, but wine… ah, that is meant to be shared.

Me when we are out of wine.
Can you just imagine what it would be like if your local supermarket was out of wine? What a horrible, horrible thought. Yeah, no doubt, this is me.

For some reason, I don’t know why, I do enjoy wine with a grinder. Any wine goes great with long crusty bread, as does it with prepared meats, cheese and olives. In fact, how about a nice salad with some fine anti-pasta? Yeah, now doesn’t that sound great?

You bet it does.

So what are you waiting for. Grab a bottle, call over some friends, and make some great snacks. Then you can watch some of these obscure and unusual videos while munching, drinking and just paling around with your friends.

Hot dog the movie quote 2

We have forgotten that we NEED to connect with others. So, make that connection. Solidify it with good delicious food and fine drink.

Spend the time with others.
Life is really short. Spend you time with others. Enjoy your time with family, pets and friends. Drink well, and eat well. Tell jokes and play around. Just have a great time.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Getting together with friends…

While I do like to talk about food, beer, wine and pretty girls. The most important thing is friends and family. We are social creatures, and it is our relationships that add color to our lives. I really believe that. not only that, but it is our uniqueness and our “special-ness” that really makes our relationships great.

Friends at a ball park enjoying a beer.
Friends at a ball park enjoying a beer. All Summer baseball, with hotdogs and beer. Now, doesn’t that sound great? Or would you rather see how many “likes” you get on Facebook? People! Let me tell you, life is too shot not to enjoy a baseball game with your friends.

I believe that many of us just take our friends and family for granted. They are just “there”, and we don’t appreciate how important they are to us. We don’t appreciate how they enhance our life, and how they are our support network with things go wrong.

Hot dog quote 3

It is our real friends who will be there for us when we need them. We need to cultivate our friendships and spend time with our friends, and (of course) our families. This is very old fashioned. Back in the 1960’s and long before that (but it ended in the 1960’s.) People used to go out on picnics and outings.

Camping, and cooking some fresh fish, with some delicious PBR.
Camping, and cooking some fresh fish, with some delicious PBR. Can’t you just smell the pine needles, listen to the creek ripple and flow, and pop the tab on a nice frosty beer? Life is meant to be enjoyed and shared with friends. So do it. Don’t fall into the progressive liberal trap of strength though isolation in electronic wonderment.

The wife would cook up and package some great, healthy wonderful fresh food. You would take a baseball, or maybe a frizbee, and bring the dogs (the cats would usually prefer to stay home) and go out and play. You all would make a day out of it.

Sadly, this is pretty much a thing of the past in the good ol’ USA, but it is quite active in the rest of the world. Well, at least those areas that haven’t been poisoned with new new progressive improvements of being alone… isolated… lonely… desperately trying to connect to others through electronics…

Yes. Make no mistake. This is the ideal utopia that is just now being realized. It was set in place in the USA back in 1913. That is when Americans lost their freedom in the hope that the government would provide for them a marvelous utopia. (The “Never Trumpers” still believe in this lie.) You can see elements of this utopia just by visiting Wal-Mart at night.

Friends and family on a picnic.
Friends and family on a picnic. Life is too short, not to play catch with your old man, have a coke with your mother, or chat with your son about how delicious peanutbutter, jelly and bacon sandwiches are. Life is too short to squander it on the trivial.

Friendships. We all need them.

Yeah. This is pretty much what it is like all over the world. here, in this case, this is what it looks like in China. You will notice that they all don’t go to their individual houses and apartments after work. They don’t eat a burger in their car while they are going from point “A” to point “B”. They don’t rush home to play games on the computer and surf the internet.


They go outside and gather in communal settings. Often around food and beer. They spend time with each other. They cat, laugh and play. And yes, they might be playing games and connected on their cellphone, they are doing so with friends, not isolated and alone, hidden inside some kind of box.

Southern China on the Laos and Vietnam border…

In the bigger communities it becomes more lively…

Of course, the above is a rural section of the country. In the towns and cities there are areas with much more life and excitement. One of the the things that I like about this is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to decorate or establish venues. Just some cheap tables made out of plywood, and some gas barrels, will do.

Here we have some friends enjoying a nice fire at a campsite. They are drinking coffee, so it must be in the morning. Ah, now that’s a great adventure, what do you think. Fishing at the crack of dawn, and drinking some coffee with friends.

You can play some music. String up some lights. Cook some chicken on the grill, and roast up some corn. It’s cheaper and healthier than any fast food available, and as a bonus you can make friends. You see guy or a girl, you say, “Hi” and then you offer them a beer. They will accept it and you two can then start talking.

It’s what has been historically what has been done all over the United States for decades, well at least up until the progressive utopists started to gain power and started to ban things. Now today, you need designated smoking areas, fees and taxes, and of course rules on times and permits. It’s the price you must pay for living in a progressive Marxist paradise.

Free people do not need to purchase permits, pay fees, or suffer through regulation.

Cooking iwth your son.
Ah, the best part of Summer. Teaching your son the importance of cooking hamburgers, and bacon. Oh, and don’t forget the baked beans, and the nice cup of coffee (or icy beer). The boy can have a nice soda instead. then, when he turns 14 he can have his first beer. As he is now a working man. Don’t you love it? Friends and family, the most important ingredients for a successful life.

In the rest of the world, in places where social progressiveness (such as communism) is frowned upon… like China, you don’t have any of those perversions. You are free to live life on your terms, and while China is officially called “communist”, in practical terms, it functions more like a libertarian environment.

Some baked beans at the picnic.
Here the wife prepares some delicious baked beans for everyone to eat. Looks like a very nice picnic to me. I personally believe that the best baked beans has lots of brown sugar and nice chewy pork and bacon simmering while it is cooking. You can smell the aroma and enjoy it over a nice frosty beer.

Ah, but don’t believe me.

You can read CNN, and Rush Limbaugh. They will tell you what China is like. Heck, how’s all that working out for you all? Think about it. Jeff Sessions is playing 5D chess, don’t you know. The Muller investigation will prove that Donald Trump is a Russian Spy, and your taxes must be raised because a 22 trillion deficit is good for you!

Don’t believe me. What do I know?

Meanwhile, this is what the rest of the world is doing…

Party Time – Northern Thailand

I love how everyone gets together and has a great time. I most especially love how open and friendly everyone is. I like the food, the smiles, the pretty girls in the pretty outfits and the tons of tasty delicious food.

Fun on the beach.
Fun on the beach. You can enjoy yourself with loved ones on the beach. You can pitch a big ol’ tent up to provides some shade and just eat and build sandcastles. You can listen tot he radio. You can have fun, and walk along the water. Life is too short not to spend it with friends.

This video below is taken in Thailand, not in China. You can tell by the music, the people, and the language. Still… look at how happy they are and what they are doing. They are together. They are talking, dancing, eating, and drinking. People! We need each other.

The progressive utopia of sitting in a work cubicle, eating a burger alone in your car, going home to a lonely life in front of the TV or the PC is a lie. The progressive Marxists want you to be isolated. Together, in force, with friends and family, we have power and strength. Realize it.

There is no set formula or rules for having fun. I believe that all it takes is two people, and some food and drink. That’s it.

Having fun in a mall

Here we have a kind of human “got-ya crane”. Sort of like a human version of those devices that you find all over the world. I think that this is a pretty cute idea, and it is replayed over and over again all over China. Why doesn’t it happen in the USA?

Yes, I know, it’s a gimmick. But so what? It’s cute, and good for a few laughs. It might make a good venue for a church fair, or a school fund-raising program. (Provided of course, that you pay the necessary fees, obey the necessary regulations, and pay off the proper people… Oh, you know who I mean. Yup, life in the USA today.)

Yes, I know it’s just some bags of chips, and that they aren’t healthy and full of salt and oil. But, there’s nothing wrong with eating one or two… just make sure that you have it with a nice frosty mug of beer and some delicious snacking dip.

Call some friends over and have some fun. than maybe go play putt-putt afterwards, or even go par-3 golfing. Or, perhaps just wack some balls at the driving range. Life is too short not to have fun.

How about plinking some cans with that trusty .22 that you haven’t fired in a while? Go ahead. Have some fun.

Do not sit at home and let life pass you by.
Do not sit at home and let life pass you by. Do something with your life that involves smiling faces, a little laughter, good food and drink. If you can, include your friends and family, and never forget to bring along your pets. Life is far too short to waste it.

What’s Stopping YOU?

Yeah, here’s another video about the Chinese islands. I’ll bet that you that you weren’t even aware that China had islands? Were you? There are many videos about the many beautiful islands of China. You don’t have to limit your expose to them by what you hear on CNN or MSNBC.

Of course, there are many more videos…

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Some fun videos of Asia; to include China, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan.

Oh, about the image splash. That's Vincent price in Dr. Goldfoot and the bikini machine. Yeah, you see, he's turned all these girl robots into bombs. Just your typical 1960's era Hollywood fare.

It’s all about having FUN.

By request, I’m posting some fun videos of what is going on in the rest of the world. You can turn off Drudge, CNN, MSNBC and the rest of all that nonsense. Here’s what the rest of the world are up to.

So grab a seat.

Pour yourself a big bowl of Doritos and some salsa. (Don’t forget the tomatoes, and onions, and delicious cheddar cheese.) Make sure that you are well equipped with frosty mugs of delicious beer (oh, and BTW, never scrimp on the beer. If, it’s not worthy of the money, it’s not worthy of drinking), and settle down.

Oh, and don’t forget your dog or cat, or both if you are anything like me. Make sure that there is enough room for them to squeeze in besides you. Relax. Light up.

I’ve selected some of the more unusual micro-videos from my collection. Some are really entertaining, while others are well… just really strange.

Watch them or not.

Just recognize that our world is a great and wonderful place. It is filled with wonderful, great people, and it is our differences from each other that should be appreciated and treasured, not our bland sameness. Let the sheep be like everyone else. Be the odd-man-out that follows a different beat.

Be who you are.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

First up, let’s see a micro-video that kind of looks a little bit like me. Well, in style, anyways. And, no let’s not get all too deep about this subject matter.

We are all just having fun playing around.

He’s just like me!

Let’s start with this cool little video, that I jokenly refer to as a reflection of my life. LOL. It’s close… sort of. It’s a collection of clips from one of the top Chinese movies of this season.

The theme that runs through Chinese movies is pretty much [1] massive success after [2] tremendous study and preparation. (Yah. I’ve got tons, just tons, of micro-videos on these theme.)

That differs from many of the themes that you can find in Hollywood. You know the type. You are gifted with luck beyond your control. A meteor falls from the sky and you get magical powers. Or you are bit by a radioactive spider and become enhanced, or you are granted special abilities at birth, or some other kind of nonsense. Hollywood loves to produce those kinds of movies; “the world is outside your ability to control. But you can somehow… in some way… be magically transformed. Somehow…”

I guess is a difference between a traditional meritocracy, and a progressive utopia.

Guess which is which.

  • China = Traditional, Single-political party, Conservative.
  • USA = Progressive, forward thinking, Social utopia.

Anyways, I love his fashion sense, his cigars, and diving into the pool with all those cute bikini clad chicks. I can easily see myself wearing those fashionable plaid pants, the green sports jacket, and his polyester attire.

Can’t you?

Not to mention being surrounded by bikini clad ladies. Life is too short not to be surrounded by cute attractive women. Don’t you think? (At least, that’s my take on this matter.)

Oh, and don’t forget the pizza, beer, wine and lots and lots of music…

And, here’s another video that is a reflection of the kinds of movies coming out of China these days…

Having the beat…

Well, you asked. You see, everyone needs to dance to their own beat. And maybe you don’t know how to dance, heck you can still move your neck muscles around, eh?

Maybe a bit of explanation is in order. You will note that they are wearing traditional Han clothing. This is a regular thing in China. You honor tradition and you keep the memories alive of the past. You treasure statues, monuments, and traditions.

Again, that is what traditional conservative nations do. They honor their past.

Progressive enlightened nations tear down the past. They ignore or rewrite the past to fit a more “enlightened” understanding. Since China is very traditional, and extremely conservative, you can see this being reflected in their movies made within China.

This is the top movie in China this season…

Yeah. I don’t get it either.

Now who wouldn’t want to have a crew of nappy well-dressed mobsters wearing fedoras (and top hats) and carrying axes. Especially when they perform line dance routines to fight the opposition? I can relate. Can’t you?

Maybe this is how you deal with all that mob violence in cities like Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco or Baltimore. You know the places… those liberal progressive utopias where everyone is equal, just and happy!

Rap God

How about being a Rap God? They’ve got them in China, don’t ya know. It’s sort of like this. Hey! Can you rap in English and Chinese simultaneously?

I feel like I am getting a little too sidetracked on movies.

Let’s check out some other unknowns. Let’s check out the cool and beautiful islands.

Chinese Islands

Everyone knows about the thousands of islands in Thailand and Vietnam. What many people don’t know is that China has many, many thousands of islands as well. All of which are sitting right there waiting for you to explore and enjoy.

And people… that’s what you do.

Let’s continue forward, shall we… Ugh.

I have many more videos, but I just cannot put them into a single post. It will bog down your computer terribly. So to watch the rest of the videos in this post, please continue. The arrow will flush this page’s cache (sort of) and allow you to check out some more cool micro-videos.

I’ve got stuff on all kinds of things. From the HK riots, to eating, drinking, and pretty girls, to sudsy cluster parties. Ho Ya Baby!


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 10).

Let’s continue on our exploration of Asia…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Cute Girls on a Motorcycle in Thailand

This is what it’s like. It’s not some dingy polluted evil place with mean black clothed SWAT armed police watching your every move. Nope. It’s not America. Seriously, different places are different. As such, you simply cannot compare contemporaneous America with the rest of the world.

It’s rural Thailand, and yes, this is the what it looks like.

It’s sort of like Alabama.

Speaking of cute Thai girls. Check this out…

Hong Kong at Night

Yup, this is pretty much what it is like.

Automobile Show in Shanghai

I always like to look at the new cars, and the pretty girls at the Chinese car shows. They are really pushing towards being a dominant global player in the latest in automotive technology. This year we have many of the Chinese models with face recognition instead of key fobs, and 5G access as standard.

I also like all the pretty Chinese and Russian girls.

Have you gone to a politically-correct American car show lately?

American automotive car girl.

Where the heck do they pull those tubbies from?

Talk about big and a lot of lovin’! (Not complaining, mind you. I just have different tastes.) I guess it must be the Michelle Obama influence. You know she was voted the most beautiful woman in the world numerous times… eh? Yeah. No shit. She is considered the most beautiful woman in the world.

I attribute this attitude to two factors. Drugs, and mental illness.

Now, let’s see what real women look like, and what is going on in the Automotive Arena in China, shall we…

Now that I have offended just about everyone, let’s move on…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 6).

This post continues…

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Small Town China.

Everyone knows about Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. But what about the smaller towns and cities? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Here’s a typical fly through.

War Movies – China.

China is a nation with an enormous and complex history. If you think that the history of Europe, and all the wars and conflicts there were complex, you haven’t seen anything. The history of China if far older, with a far greater number of conflicts, battles and strife.

Not to mention, completely and positively, horrific.

 Most people perceive China as a monolith that existed peacefully  since its inception until today. That is far from being true. Back when  Europe was enjoying relative stability under Roman rule, the Celestial  Empire confronted one of the most prolonged crisis.

 Between 184 and 280 AD China was divided in three empires – Wei, Shu,  and Wu. The three emerged after the breakdown of the Han dynasty and  would be again reunited by the Jin monarchs.

 All historians base their life loss estimates on two national  censuses that give a difference of 38 million. Whether the calculations  were accurate will remain a mystery. Nevertheless, one thing is clear.  China has a formidable capacity of regenerating its population.

 It seems that the Chinese were so happy once the century-long conflict ended that they celebrated mostly in their beds. 

 -Unknown but not hidden  

As such, popular shows, television series, and movies all discuss the history of China from various perspectives. For comparison, in the United States, we have war-themed movies as well. They generally consist of…

  • World War II
  • The Vietnam conflict
  • Cowboys and Indians

Certainly there are a rare handful of outliers, however, most of the movies fit within the top three main groups.

Well, while the USA might have three main groups, the Chinese have around 200-300 sub-groups. All of which may, or may not, involve magic, powers, and God-like beings. To understand China is to understand that they are historically, a culture that has been immersed in war for 5000 years. They are TIRED of it, and want no part of the glories of war.

The Taiping Civil War, the conflict lasted between 1850 and 1864 and  produced the most dramatic death toll in history at that time. The  rebellion started with the millenarian movement of the Heavenly Kingdom  of Peace, which tried to overthrow the Qing dynasty.

 As you seen saw far on the list, every significant political change  in the history of China came with savagery. The Taiping Rebellion counts  as the bloodiest civil war in history and makes the American equivalent  look like a banquet.

-Unknown but not hidden 

Here’s a video taken from a popular Chinese television show.

 Between 1618 and 1683, China completed a full transition from its  southern Ming emperors to the new ruling elite coming all they from  northern Manchuria. You could say that in this fragment of history the  Starks were victorious.

 As you suspect, the Ming did not leave without a fight. The Manchu  (Qing) retaliation was unprecedented. More than 25,000,000 lost their  lives in a conflict that spread across the entire land.

 Whole provinces like Sichuan and Jiangnan were completely  depopulated, and chronicles mention massacres like the one of Yangzhou  where 800,000 innocent souls perished. The expression “women and  children first” had a terrifyingly different meaning for the Qing  generals.

 At this point, we need to stress the fact that Qing Manchurians were  foreigners who managed to conquer China mostly through betrayal and  manipulation. Their savagery will be avenged similarly just three  centuries later. 

 -Unknown but not hidden  

In comparison, while the United States has been in a near state of fighting wars for much of the years since 1776, most of the population has been sheltered from war. They never had to flee their homes, suffer through periods of starvation, or experienced being rounded up by armed forces and killed in large groups.

The only two exceptions were the Revolutionary War, and the American Civil War.

Now, since many Americans haven’t experienced the horrific violence that war can bring, they are easily manipulated by an evil self-serving oligarchy to rant and rave about wars in far-off lands. Like Iran. Like Yemen. Like Libya. Like Syria. Like the Ukraine. Like China.


 At first glance, the An Lushan Rebellion seems to deserve just a footnote.

 That’s the error most historians make when they fail to check the  numbers. More than 21 million perished as a result of an attempted coup  that was close to overthrowing one of the most influential dynasties of  the time.

 Take a good look at the man who can be held responsible for the mess.  General An Lushan detonated order and peace once he proclaimed himself  emperor of Northern China in 755 AD. Seven years of turmoil followed,  during which China lost one-third of its population. 

 -Unknown but not hidden   

Rural Holidays…

In China, the government has specifically designated the use of certain communities for travel, tourism and recreation. In these areas, large amounts of funding pours into the community to render that area especially attractive to visit.

Part of the reason is to generate tourist revenue to non-industrial areas, but also another part of the reason is based on the Chinese concept of tradition. They believe that it is duty as conservative traditional Chinese to take care of their environment, their habitat and their environment.

This belief is top down straight from Beijing, and is still meeting strong resistance from (now very old) progressives. These people were very active SJW in the day and followed Mr. Mao with a fine revolutionary fever. Luckily they are dying out, though the “Dancing Grandmothers” are still a royal pain in the ass.

Progressives, of every age, think only of one thing; ME! All they care about is themselves.

Thank God that Beijing follows a traditional Chinese conservative model.

Bike Paths

China believes that the purpose of government is to serve the people. It’s not a slogan like it is used in the United States. They actually believe it.

In fact, they have enforcement police that constantly reviews budgets and the behaviors of government officials to prevent crime and corruption. And you do not want to get into trouble with the “enforcement arm” of the “corruption police”. That little bribe, or way-sided amount of money, could cost you your eyes, your liver, a kidney or even worse. Not to mention hard time in the Chinese mines cracking rocks for a spell.

Now, one of the things that the local Chinese government does is to increase the livability index of the various cities and regions that they control. This is most commonly handled by planting flowers, creating parks, planting trees, adding ponds, and walking paths. As well as providing bike paths.

Here is a typical two-lane bike path in a smaller third-tier city.

You will see things like this throughout Europe, and maybe one or two places in the USA. In China is mandated to be everywhere. Everywhere.

Let’s continue on…


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia (part 5).

Here we continue with a selection of micro-videos that amply illustrate what is going on in Asia this summer. There is quite a bit going on, let me tell you all. And it is all so very different from what you would find in the West that it becomes noteworthy, though rather difficult to classify individually. Here, the videos depict China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Roller Skating

Roller skating is a thing in China. It really is, and it is a great way for a young couple to go on a date followed by a nice dinner, and a walk afterwards in the cool night air.

Roller skating rink
This is an old roller skating rink that used to be popular in Oregon. In those days, many young couples and friends would come and skate the night away.

America used to have very many roller skating rinks. All during the 1920’s up through into the 1980’s young couples, and friends would go out to go roller skating. Sometime around the early 1990’s America adopted a more progressive society. It was one which people stopped spending time with each other, and instead became connected electronically. As a result, roller skating rinks fell in disrepair and disuse.

Which is just sad.

In China, the roller rinks are more like bars, or disco clubs. they feature loud music, flashing lights, and various amusements like barriers, cone paths, and other things for a person to navigate around.

Chinese roller skates.
Here is a pair of Chinese roller skates with a set of carbon fiber boots, with LED spinners in the wheels. This is very much a part of contemporaneous China.

Also four-wheel (LED) lighted skates are very popular. In fact, I would say that the market share for this “Roller Derby” style shoe is about equal to that of a roller blade shoe.

The very odd thing about China, and I don’t really understand it, is that many Chinese like to skate backwards. They don’t like to skate forwards like us Americans do. Strange. Yes. But, cute, too.

And here’s another view. Note that many of the skating rinks have bars, and in this next video we can well see the girls hopping on the skating floor that is part of a trampoline arrangement. Pretty cool huh?

Bubble Tea.

 Bubble tea is a tea-based drink  that has gained a lot of popularity in recent times and has quickly  spread past its native boundaries of Taiwan. Initially popular with  Taiwanese schoolchildren, it is now becoming a favorite among adults for  its sweet taste, unique ingredients, and for its huge range of flavors.

 What is Bubble Tea?
 Bubble tea, also known as pearl milk tea, boba juice, boba tea, and bubble milk tea, is a Taiwanese tea-based drink. It is also called as tapioca tea, as tapioca balls are the main ingredient in this tea.

 Bubble tea consists of a tea base (white, green or black) that is mixed or shaken with milk or other fruits,  and fruit jelly or tapioca balls are added, which sink to the bottom.  Ice is often blended into the mixture, which results in a slushy or  smoothie consistency. There are different fruits and flavors that can be  used in bubble tea and the most popular varieties are bubble milk tea  and bubble milk green tea.

 Combined with the variety of teas, the amount of milk, and the choice  of fruit jelly or tapioca pearls, there are thousands of combinations  of bubble tea. Each of these has different nutrient compositions, which  offer excellent health benefits. 

-Organic Facts

Bubble tea is a staple all over Asia. I had my first bubble tea back in Shreveport Louisiana back in the early 1990’s. Then in completely disappeared. I don’t know what happened. MWI shifts? Cultural variances? Changes in tastes and attitudes? Who really knows?

Maybe Wilder has an idea...HERE.
A typical bubble tea selection.
A typical bubble tea selection. This one, in particular, is from Vietnam. These drinks are a favorite all over China.

Anyways, bubble teas can be bought anywhere in Asia. It’s a sweetened milk tea with chewy tapioca pearls. It’s pretty good. For me, though, as common as it is, I just prefer to drink Southern style mint orange-slice Iced Tea.

And people, this is what it is like. The gals and guys dress like this (as these hoodies are their office uniforms) and this is the full “real deal” treatment.

The Vast Chinese Deserts…

China is an enormous nation. It has everything from long coastlines, to huge mountain ranges, and yes… it has enormous deserts as well.

The two main large deserts within China.
The two main large deserts within China. This includes the famous Gobi, as well as the relatively unknown Taklamakan regions. There are also other much smaller deserts as well.

There are two main large deserts within China. This includes the famous Gobi, as well as the relatively unknown Taklamakan regions. There are also other much smaller deserts as well.

Check it out…

Boy Meets Girl.

I happen to like this micro video. Thus I place it here. People, these kinds of videos, made by local Chinese folk, aptly describe the culture, the styles, the attitudes and the way of life of the modern Chinese man and women.


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Snapshots of Summer in Asia.

Here are a selection of micro-videos that amply illustrate what is going on in Asia this summer. With that being said, let it be well understood that there is quite a bit going on, let me tell you all. And it is all so very different from what you would find in the West that it becomes noteworthy, though rather difficult to classify individually. Here, the videos depict China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan.

I hope that you all will enjoy these micro-videos and visions of Asia as much as I do.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Local Popular Music

All through Asia there are small groups of musicians that are making their scene. They are notable in very many ways. One of the things that I like about them, are their own individual uniqueness. You won’t find clones of Nicki Minaj here. Thank goodness.

Of course, I have other earlier posts that delineate the many, many musical venues and styles that are present in China. What I happen to like is the way that traditional music is fuzed with popular Western musical styles. Merged, they result in a very interesting sound.

Such as this example.

Here’s the full song. Listen on to it.

封茗囧菌 sung by 三国恋

Tom & Jerry

Who would figure? Everyone in China, from two year olds to great-grandmothers love the American comic strip Tom and Jerry. They are, by far, THE most popular thing in China. Don’t ask me how this came about, or even why. I haven’t a clue. I really do not know.

There are 246 Tom and Jerry cartoon suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying country is China (Mainland), which supplies 100% of Tom and Jerry cartoon items respectively. These products are exported globally. 

Outside of China, Tom and jerry cartoon products are most popular in North America, South America, and the Mid East.

Here are some shoppers in a grocery store checking out a Tom and Jerry cartoon on the television screen. I mean, it’s an enormous hit! Look at the expressions on their faces. My goodness!

Come on! Any society that loves Tom & Jerry can’t be all bad. Really!

Pouring Tea for Congress

China is all about face, and the importance of ritual. They view the collective society as more important than the individual, and so they have adopted various rituals and ways of doing things that seem so strange to our free-wheeling progressive lifestyle in the United States. And yes, in case you are confused, America today is quite a progressive-society. All you need to do is step outside the borders of the USA and compare it with other traditional conservative nations.

The People's Republic of China practices the system of people's congress. China's Constitution stipulates that all power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people, and the organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People's Congress and the local people's congresses at different levels.

- National People's Congress

Here we have the auditorium for the Chinese version of Congress getting served tea in the proper ritualized manner. In China everything is about tradition, and “face”.

Face (Mianzi) The concept of “face” or “self-image”, known as Mianzi in Chinese, is core to Chinese culture and one which is critical to understand. It can be loosely described as someone’s social status or reputation in the eyes of others and is integral to both social and business dealings.

- Chinese Culture 101 

Come on! Those three videos are all pretty cool. You do have to admit. Well, there are many more. However…

Too many videos will slow down the loading of this page, so I have broken this most into multiple pages so that you (the reader) can enjoy. Please click on the link to go to the next part of this multi-part post.


If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.