Part 4 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander January 2022 section 2

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 4.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

Personally, I think girls, cats, and food are far more interesting. But, that's me, don't you know.

[1] Question – Guarantee of protection.

Tell the commander Am cool with all the dreams. All the “missions” All the glimpses from the past.  Am cool with anything they wanna sign me up for.

All I would need is some Protection. Finding the highest probability WL that my consciousness should inhabit that would not cause me too much harm in the coming years. you get my drift? I believe they got the power, knowledge and capability.
The past should be a lighthouse not a port so they say.
What guarantees can be provided for protection by The Domain?
One must recognize that the situation is clearly different from that of [1] a skin-suit with no memories living inside a Prison Complex being manipulated by others, to [2] being part of a group of strong, capable IS-BE's fighting and working to improve the entire reality.

Once you exit your skin-suit it is your decision on what to do afterwards. Whether you wish to stay within the Prison Complex or join The Domain as a citizen it is your choice.


The vessel (that's me, by the way -MM) projected this question as what to do once the questioner leaves the physical universe and is a incorporeal being. But the questioner actually asked for guarantees of protection regarding work for the Domain as a irregular volunteer.

As an irregular, you are part of an organization and you ARE NEVER ALONE. You are always being observed, watched, and nudged into various directions. Not only for your safety but for stability, mental, emotional, physical and in every other level. 

Some irregulars provide more value than others in a quantitative sense, but what ever participation that you provide is of significance, and should be considered as such. Thus, you (the questioner) provide a great role and you need to be protected by your support group assigned to you. And you will be.

This is TRUE no matter how insignificant you might feel or mentally rationalize. Your non-physical bodies often have for more capacity, capabilities and abilities than what you (as a physical skin suit) are aware of. And those abilities are of substantive help in the missions of The Domain.

However, you are in the physical reality. You will die. 

That is unavoidable. There are also events that are part of your MWI pre-birth world-line template (sic.) that are semi-rigid. This might convince you (the questioner) that we are not monitoring your being, nor your trials, but that is not the case. In every event, we are steering you away from the VERY WORST probability scenarios towards ones with minor effect.

(I am provided the image of a terrible car wreck with a paralyzed person unable to move below the neck. Then a big red "X" is painted over that image. Then, instead, an image of a car skidding on the ice (?) and getting a "fender bender" damage, but the driver is fine. Just shaken up. I then see a big green "check mark" over it. -MM) 

We, The Domain watch over our own.

We will always work with YOU to mediate those problematic traps and snares. So as to answer your question, we will do everything in the power of your support group to protect you in your reality universe as an inmate skin-suit in the Prison Complex. Though we do have limitations, we will take care of you to the best of your support group's ability.

[2] Question – Become a member of the Domain, not just an irregular

Question: can a human soul like me (well, I think I’m human–who knows before I got bamboozled/imprisoned into doing my stint on Earth) elect to join the domain after the physical container has run its full course in the material world?

Like, I don’t want to reincarnate again, I just want to go into training so I can join the domain full time? Is this an option?

Can I elect to join the Domain after I physically die so that I can avoid the reincarnation cycle?

Yes. You can.

You (personally) have some other issues in the non-physical realms that you will need to attend you, and if that is your desire after you attend to them, we would be very happy for you to join us. 

You possess great strengths and abilities even without your core memory sets, but we are confident that in time (sic.) we can reduce the amnesia influence on your IS-BE being and your consciousness.

We are a volunteer organization and IS-BE entities can enter and leave at will. However, you will discover that many desire to stay and be involved in our efforts and if that is within your being (Yes it is, and you know that) then we truly and sincerely welcome you to join us.

This is the case for all irregulars and any entities reading this report. The Main universe needs some patching up, purging, and reconfiguring. Your kindness, steadfastness, enthusiasm and control in your physical body clearly identifies you as prime recruitment material.

(Poor translation. Sorry. He / she / it did not mean that you are a thing or anything like that. -MM)

From your “descriptions”, it sounds like the domain is somewhat similar to the modern CPC/CCP. If this is indeed an option, what are the requirements (aside from being STO sentience)?

Is the Domain similar to contemporaneous China?

Very astute of you. 

The Domain values the leadership nations and works with them to accomplish our goals. In (your time) the late 1990's we transferred our involvement in a gradual phase out away from MAJestic to other organizations. Yes. You are correct we operate (a core physical organization) within China, and the (Chinese) leadership is heavily influenced by our suggestions / recommendations / guidance's and alerts.

They are, without question or hesitation or discussion, implementing every policy suggestion we make. They do so on our timetable, and upon our schedule. Unlike the United States, the speed of implementation of the policy suggestions, the ease of finding valuable STO sentience's for membership and the (lack of) demands for technology transfer has been astounding and pleasurable. We have exchanged technology, and we have implemented many, many changes within the Chinese society itself.


In the early 2003 / 2004 the American MAJestic operation was shut down and Domain involvement with that organization  was terminated abruptly. The remaining sub-projects were "mothballed" or sent away as carve outs to private American industry, and the Domain has very little footprint in those (American and UK) realms right now. 

There are some doll bodies in partial activation at the China Lake NWC NAS (and Ohio) but their role is of a trivial nature.

Our influence upon China has been exceptional, and it is following an illustrative path for the rest of the world to follow. It is like a "mini" Domain sub-culture contemporaneously. 

Like the United States, we have been providing technical assistance and technology to the Chinese. Their traditional culture has embraced the core Domain belief and policy structures, and thus their Geo-political actions mirror what we advise them.


(As an aside, or an Oh- by the way) We (the Domain) discarded involvement with the United States governmental organizational structure when the sentience make up of the (true) leadership (at all levels) enjoined Service for Self sentience.

The Domain ONLY works with service to others sentience's. There are no exceptions.

Thus, we had to disentangle our involvement with MAJestic when the American leadership entangled wholly within STS behavior sentence's.

What are the requirements for membership in the Domain?

[1] STO sentience. 

[2] Willingness to become part of The Domain and obey it's laws, rules, and hierarchy. 

[3] An understanding that it is a all volunteer organization, but that the demands on your self may (at times) be demanding and taxing.  But that you are never alone and will participate as equals within your state of being for the good and benefit of all.

[3] Question – Please elaborate…

OMG, I am really excited!

Now if I could ask for some clarification on the “personal issues in the non physical realms” that I need to attend to…what are they?

How do I fix these ASAP?

Because let me tell you, I feel like these are annoying “loose ends” that must be fixed so I can pursue my desired path without any encumberances. Can the Domain guide me on this? Or do I need the assistance of another entity to fix this? Are these bullshit celestial contracts that some jerky astral parasite wants to enforce?

Please don’t take it that I am disrespectful of history or tradition. I understand that these are very important and they do have their place. However, it may unnecsesarily limit our imagination on who we can be (though I absolutely want to recover my full memories and skill sets–relearning is a real pain in the ass). In this physical life, I noticed that I have far, far less ties or affection for the past compared to the people around me (biologival family members, friends and acquaintances, even my husband and in laws). Out ofl all the people I know, I’m actually the only one excited for the future! Is this a sign of something?

While this isn’t an emergency, it would be nice to get an actionable response soon so I can work on solving these niggling “personal issues in the non physical realm”.

Sounds like it’s a hassle I won’t be able to avoid.

We (I personally) am very happy / pleased that you are so enthusiastic in joining us. And you are asking the proper questions.

Let's explain. 

Every prison inmate, whether in a physical inmate skin-suit" within General Population in the Prison Complex, or as a non-physical being entrapped within either the Heaven (sub pocket) mini universe, or in the non-physical realms of the prison complex, have friends, histories and associations with other IS-BE entities that are also imprisoned here.

These are clusters.

In "Heaven" they are organized in educational learning classes and the "students' enter the General Population of the Prison Complex to experience "lessons" set up by the mantid primes (sic.) and implemented by the personal mantid (sic.) of the particular IS-BE entity.

In these clusters are an ever growing karmic (sic.) attachment. The longer you associate with the particular group the more entangled your quanta becomes.

You (the questioner) have spent many, many centuries in these prison rehabilitation groups. As such your karmic (sic.) entanglements are quite strong. To disentangle from them, you can proceed in two primary directions.

[1] Continue to reincarnate upon the earth Prison Complex until the karmic entanglements are mitigated and reduced to a neutral level.


[2] Accept the situation that there will be unbalanced "karmic" influences on your quantum being as an IS-BE constrained as an inmate, and this situation will persist until your memories can be actuated. What this entails is to assist in the Domain with these entanglements and their influence son your behaviors whether or not you are within the physical geographic confines of the Prison Complex... up to when your memories are restored. 

Were this to be your last physical reincarnation (as you surely must sincerely hope) then option #2 above would be the preferred route. 

It requires your acknowledgement that until your memories are fully restored, that the quantum entanglements with those other IS-BE entities that you have been in close proximity with will influence your IS-BE activities with the Domain. 

It is up to you to determine how serious those entanglements are, and you might need to compensate for them as they may retard your behaviors and actions.

What specifically? Please provide hard core direction…

In this current incarnation there are three principal individuals from the (your) learning cluster that all karmic encounters must be neutralized, as well as two other rather minor individuals. 

One is particularly (intentionally) abrasive / contentious in this physical environment. 

Another holds a major close role in your current incarnation. And it is not problematic.

The issue is not in regards to emotional connections, or karma quantum entanglements. It is the desire to stabilize and secure twisted quantum entanglements whether they are good / positive or ill / problematic. The way to do this is to generate positive; kind, happy or otherwise up-beat quantum entanglements with the individuals in your life.

Those that have "bad blood", or "discomfort" need to be "plastered over" / seduced / secured with kindness, and then you need to distance yourself from them. As you want their memories of you to be on a positive note.

Those that have "good blood" and positive relationships need to have this situation mitigated and propagated so that it continues. 

Feed the good.

Starve the bad.

Over all, that elimination or mitigation of quantum influences is best accomplished by offsetting kindness, goodwill, and neutral associations. In other words, the associations become "softer" and more malleable. 

What you do not want is rigid forceful hard and harsh associations with others. 

You want to mitigate any bad, harsh thoughts or generated memories and replace them with good and kind ones. This might well make the questioner feel like they are a fool, or performing strange and unnecessary behaviors. But that is not the case at all. You are closing those "holes" / gaps / fissures with another material for longer term stability.

Consider your physical incarnation as a cake. You want it to be as perfect as possible. Correct the errors, and then leave those areas alone once you repair them. Then continue on working on the good aspects of the cake. Constantly improve your cake.

(I have NO CLUE what he / it / she is talking about. -MM)

We advise to neutralize and negate the most contentious or problematic relationships, and revise your association with those individuals to a peaceful, calming and accepting attitude. No matter how disquieting it is for you to do so.

Some of the individuals have mental / emotional irregularities that were programmed into their skin-suit. Obviously you need to avoid these people. The best thing to do (regarding them) is perform a kind act, and then avoid them afterwards. Their memories will be of the kind act, not any horror or trouble that they currently associate with you. 

However, and be warned, those with the disruptive personalities this will also cause them to peruse you. That is not acceptable either. You will need to leave and not return. Kind isolation is the suggested policy.

You (the questioner) will of course request direction (from here), but the truth is that you do not need direction in this matter. You already know who these individuals are (well, for the most part) and know what to do to minimize their influences on your being / ego / self. 

Make it so.

Final; to the questioner. Your desires are not hidden from us. Proceed as you will, and rest comfortably in realizing your worth and value is understood, and appreciated. 

Also take note that you need provide a "hit and run" sort of kindness to one or two of these entities. Do not disrupt what you currently have to fill those gaps / holes / fissures. Remember that you must make your cake perfectly. Refine the ingredients, and take due care in forming the shape.

Be kind then isolate away from them. 

Let their thoughts of you remain of the kindness that you showed to them. If you fail to isolate afterwards, you will destroy / trash / collapse the entire effort. For these most problematic individuals it MUST be kindness and isolate.

[4] Question – More about China and The Domain

I cannot help but to say that my “ears picked up” and my “hair stood on end” when I transcribed these last few answers to the questions. So I sent out a flurry of questions, and I tell you what, I should have had a pencil and paper nearby. Here’s what I can recall.

What is the name of the Chinese organization that replaced MAJestic?

Group <redacted>.

You do not need to know anything more than that. That is not part of your mission parameters.

Do they know of my existence?

Yes and no. 

They are aware that The Domain worked with MAJestic in the United States prior to working with group <redacted>. However, they are not aware of who you (MM here) are, nor are they aware that you are present in country. 

However, they do know that numerous high-level MAJestic operators have moved out of the United States and that the strong possibility exists that they (or some of them) have relocated inside of China.

I found the timing of the move from MAJestic to Group <redacted> inside  of China very interesting. This was right before I was “retired”, and at that time, I was all over China on various projects. I wonder if I played a role in the move away from the United States to China.

My role in the transformation to China?

You have a EBP installed. As do others. You and the others are our "eyes and ears on the ground", and everything that you experience is recorded and analyzed. 

You personally had a participate role in the decision to terminate our association with MAJestic. However, you were not the only contributor.

We made the necessary arrangements to have you visit various locales, locations and individuals. 

Your experiences, and the discussions that you had contributed to the images and senses of others to better form an impression / decision / process plan.

We had earmarked an alternative to MAJestic in the middle to late 1990's and settled on China as well as two other alternatives as primary candidates. These other candidates were Singapore, and a unified Korea. Overall, we needed to change our working arrangement in the general population (GP) of the Prison Complex  due to sentience non-configuration.

This was a fall back position because our association with MAJestic was deemed to be problematic.

What do you mean “problematic”?

The first signs of trouble happened early on in the 1960's (my time) when President John F. Kennedy died, and the Geo-political structure of the United States changed. Initially we believed that it might become more like the ideal that The Domain was working to foster upon the American legislative group, however that never materialized.

We were able to offer technical help and assistance in exchange for (biological) monitoring allowances, but we failed to influence the core operational governmental structure within the United States. It continued to be an entrenched oligarchy with little interest in any changes of any type / manner / configuration.

Danger signs and issues abounded throughout the 1970's. By the 1980's we had started looking for alternative host nations. 

Never the less, the programs (such as MM here) were still in process and they act and actuate regardless as to which nation hosts our primary human skin-suit contact base. All members, as you well know, operate upon a higher calling and are not limited to geographic or national confines. 

That was clearly described to you during your recruitment interview in the ELF facility at NAS, NASC Pensacola Florida.

It became clear to us that elements of "The Old Empire", as well as some significantly problematic IS-BE entities occupied key roles, lives, positions within the Western government structures to include the United States, Canada, the UK, Israel, and various high offices within Europe. 

This concentration of STS consciousnesses were leading the entire physical planet towards catastrophic turmoil, and that needed to end. We could not allow the vector trajectory to continue. This is "Old Empire" programming and needs to be reset.

This boil / disease / illness continued to fester throughout the 1990's and we terminated our agreement with MAJestic in a firm but polite manner in 2002. 

At that time, we contacted key individuals within China, and used our influence tool-kit to engage the Chinese leadership. It is no coincidence that the current leadership in China is STO sentience, and enacting the plans and strategies on a national and Geo-political level that very closely resembles that of The Domain, in most core policies.

Technology transfer issues?

Yes. We have transferred technologies to the Chinese. The Chinese have been very different in requesting and accepting technologies. MAJestic was desirous of actual physical vehicles and systems for reverse engineering. The Chinese on the other hand are / have been very desirous in understanding the systems and technologies used.

Yes. There are dimensional ports within China.

No. We did not provide them with an array of vehicles to reverse engineer. Instead, we work with the Chinese scientists in understanding the core technologies in gravity manipulation, propulsion, environmental controls and frequency modification and targeting.

The biggest success with the Chinese government has been in a top to bottom restructuring of it's society to include improvements on how the society works. In many ways (not all) it follows the Domain as a model. This was (surprisingly) requested of us, and we obliged. There are numerous members of The Domain working in transforming the Chinese society into a fully functioning, efficient, platform to handle the various earth-centrist problems that persist.

The environment, being a meritocracy, policing the leadership, a complete change in the way financial transactions occur, and fidelity to family and traditions (as localized as they may be) are all of Domain inspiration.

Threat of war from the United States?

There is no doubt that the United States is trying aggressively to provoke a war and conflict with China. Why is this the case, and what will happen? Will you stand back and allow it to happen, or will you protect the Domain interests as represented by China?

We have put in place controls (control kits) in / upon the American military leadership that will reduce the threat of war to some degree. 

This should be evident to you already as you are aware of the events since 2017. The American military leadership (LEADERSHIP) are not desirous of conflict and they have been instilled with "the FEAR of GOD" intentionally. They know that the consequences for a conflict with any of the powers in Asia today would be horrific and of significant consequence.

Their American leadership, however, are another issue, and the concentration of carnivorous and dangerous entities with an "Old Empire" psychopathic mind set is like deep churning water that is difficult to control. We cannot control them. When we try, another cluster takes it's place. This self-determination towards destruction of self is inherent in the inmate skin-suits and the system that is part of the Prison Complex control mechanism.

We watched this event sequence play out in another of the Prison Complex planets. It was a cycle that we do not want see repeated here in the earth environment as we are making steady progress in the isolation and removal  of the control mechanisms of the "Old Empire". A catastrophic global war would seriously negatively affect all of our previous efforts.

We have provided substantive technical assistance to the Chinese as well as to the Russians. Their combined (not publicized) technology transfers and (not publicized) exchange of military technology has provided both Russia and China with technological military advantage that the United States cannot defend against. This should be enough to dissuade an increasingly belligerent United States oligarchy and upper tier level leadership to reconsider any military action. Alas, that is not what is going on.

Technological advantage will not be enough to dissuade an attacking aggressor, nor will will guarantee victory. There are always other factors involved.

No matter how we might provide advantage to the rest of the world from Western aggression, there is no guarantee that our ideals and advantages will prevail. There are some strong attributes and interests pushing towards war. Not only from the obvious personalities, and the financial interests, but from non-physical sources, a buildup of hate and of course pre-programming of inmate behaviors.

We have determined that there will be a conflict and it will be triggered by United States behaviors. However, the goal of defending from an attack on the terms and upon the criteria established by the United States has changed. Currently we are advising both Russia and China how to handle this current Geo-political situation. This is not something that can be broadcast at this time.

However, watch the actions of Russia and China closely and you will see coordination. Take note of what is not being reported or receives only scant attention, and note that the idea of "red lines" and "ultimatums" are part of a Domain recommendation kit / package / advisement.

When you have two dogs meeting for the first time. You only put a leash on one of the dogs. The other dog is permitted to move about freely and unconstrained. If both are on leashes, or if both are free with out a leash, you will find that the potential for a dog-fight increases dangerously. By forcing borders, lines of engagement, it actually settles down the chances of attack and military action.

However, there will be an escalation of conflict. There currently is an on-going conflict. What we are trying to do is to control and contain the conflict to a manageable level, and one in which The Domain interests are not harmed, destroyed or damaged.

We are arranging "little hurts" instead of "big hurts".

The conflict that will occur will not be as anyone expects, and a number of other pressures (financial, economic, trade, food, environmental, and social) will engage and alter the Geo-political landscape in such a way that Domain Interests, are preserved.

[5] Question – Hope

Before we jump to this next question, I have to interject.

Earlier about three weeks or so earlier, I inquired about one of the influencers on MM. For privacy reasons, I will refer to him as DK. Most active followers might know who this individual is.

He wanted to know what was going on with his efforts on thought control, affirmations, dreams, goals and lifestyle. And was pretty bummed out about things. I asked the Commander BUT DID NOT GET ANY ANSWERS.

Then, for reasons that I do not understand, the query of this DK individual was injected into this particular questioners' question. I hope that everyone understands that I just transcribe and try to figure things out as they arise and that I have no control of where, why or in what order the answers appear. In general. -MM

Could you please ask a simple question?

If I do everything I’m asked, will I be able to lead the normal life I desire in this incarnation? I’m sorry to be greedy for your time but I really need hope as a motivator.

Thank you so much for your help.

The questioner is not understanding his role. He is not understanding that he is a non-physical being that is presently occupying a prison skin-suit.

Things that happen to that skin-suit are for a REASON.

Part of the reason is the pre-birth world-line template (sic.) when the questioner set forth the experience in General Population in this incarnation they had to be directed to MM and The Domain. Thus the hardships and seemingly unfair events were intentional to direct the questioner to this point and to enlist our assistance. It was intentional.

Further modifications occurred.

There were physical modifications and this resulted in some fearful events that affected frequency access. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Though the questioner believes that it is a bad thing. Do not.

There were non-physical modifications. These were terrifying and fearful and any dreams that you might retain of those events were not of your making but rather the defense mechanisms of "the old empire".

Like MM you have been changed to work with us. This is as an irregular, and yet you see no progress? Perhaps it is because you are not aware that the universe is not a Hollywood movie. There is no Buck Rodgers. And like MM, you are discouraged that the world of "Star Trek" does not exist. You will not go into a teleporter, fire a phaser, meet a beautiful green skinned Venus lady, or pal around with Chubacca.

Your value is what you do in your non-physical bodies. They, like you, are trapped within the Prison Complex sphere. But you possess some mighty strong skills in this arena and already have provided valuable guidance and assistance to your support group. And they are there with you. They monitor you constantly and they help you navigate the world-lines to avoid some major catastrophes, yet you do not see the big pit that you just avoided. maybe you do not see that big blade pendulum that you just avoided. Like irregular DK it seems like there are some invisible barriers that are preventing you from obtaining things. But you will obtain some great things, it's just that you need to be steered away from the massive traps in front of you.

You are not DK, and your situation is different from his. He was cursed early on, and has been dealing with some greased skids, tricks, malevolence, problematic suction "demon" spirits, leeches, rumble topography (sic.) and "slides and ladders", and just as we are busy dissembling his "yard full of old trash", we are too clearing your paths. So do not give up hope.

You are not alone. You are never alone.

[1] Your mantid has given full support to your dreams, wishes, desires and goals.

[2] You are assigned a "crew" or "support group" from the Domain that watches you and your non-physical bodies constantly.

[3] Like DK, your future path is cluttered with rubbish and turmoil. We have assigned a secondary group (same team assigned to DK) to remove the garbage and purge the "stinky water". 

Life is not going to be "roses and rainbows" in front of you, but you WILL see things start to get better. And you and DK are not the only ones. So have hope because you are NEVER alone, and we are monitoring you, and your thoughts constantly, and your thoughts are normal. Your desires are normal. Your being is normal.

And your future will be calm, peaceful and normal.


I take that to mean that there is a lot of work going on with DK and there are teams (plural) of entities trying to clear out a big mess in the non-physical realms associated with him and his situation. As well as a number of questioners who also have “things in their closets” that need to be cleared out and purged.

[6] Question – Third Party Verification

I would like to remain a stranger if possible, but you could with the help of mantid verify the sincerity of my intentions and even by going through the past slides here and now.


(A comm opened up in a new channel. a different "feeling" manifested. i take it to represent a different entity. Seems lie a group party line or group comm channel. -MM)


(A lot of back and forth that I do not understand at all. I mean absolutely can't make heads or tails out of it. It is all just messed up crazy lines and scribbles to me. Just a confusion. -MM)

The questioner is proceeding as should be. There is no need for verification. The fears are just fears. The questioner knows the true reason for the question.

Mantid checks out. There are no problems or concerns of contention / dismay.

(I do not think that they understand the question. They seem to be performing a status diagnostics routine of some type. -MM)

The questioner is asking if he is sincere. Please verify.

(The Commander answers while on the "party line" with multiple comms open. -MM)

Sincerity is measured by actions, not by intention. We do not doubt intention, nor do we question actions. We note that there is a high degree of fear in all of the irregulars garnered via the MM access portal.

(Again, more noise. This appears to be others chatting or thinking in broad action swaths.-MM)

*Image of a kitchen. Image of a table. Image of a window and a street / bark yard. I imagine a transparent cat walking from the outside into the kitchen, like a ghost or spirit. Then calmly moving around the kitchen. Then a kind of warm wash through the room. Like a calming balm.*

(I think that this means that another entity, maybe a cat, is entering the questioners reality and working to purge the environment of bad "energy" or frequencies...-MM)


(Then the Commander shouts. and it shocks and surprises me. Maybe that's the intention.-MM)

(I hear / sense a loud screeching noise that howls and huts my head. UGH! I have never ever, EVER experienced anything like it. The Commander then yells..)

Turn off the media! Go without it FULLY for one week. No radio. No internet. No MM. No television. No newspaper. Start tomorrow.


I do not want to sound like a dick, I am just reporting things.  But it seems to me that there are some bad influences that are hitting this questioner right now. The Commander orders that the questioner alter his lifestyle for one week. Then afterwards return to it. Then, notice the difference.

My feelings and impression is that of a doctor telling a patent that they MUST do this thing, or there will be bad consequences. It’s a pretty strong message in any event.

I hope that he will do this. It might be too difficult for him to do.

(A half an hour passes.)

*comm opens up*

Questioner must get out of the vortex that his habits create. This is causing fear, doubt, and inability to hear / sense our nudges and directions. He is not acting on them because he cannot hear them.

His Mantid has been notified and told that this type of disturbance is not acceptable for our irregular forces.

The issues of the failure of the support organization to identify, track and suppress these influences are being addressed. 

The issue is not with the questioner. The issue is with outside influences that are creating a dangerous mind / thinking process alteration.

There are numerous irregulars that are subject to contentious and conflicting influences that must be controlled and eliminated. We are directing forces to this end, and the questioner will experience some alterations in their non-physical bodies shortly. There will also be other irregulars that will experience similar changes.

I also have the very strong image that other forces are being enlisted to assist the questioner. Whether it is an actual cat, a former cat, or some other entity is unknown. What ever that “cat” did, it certainly triggered a “something”. And whatever that ‘something” was, it was electromagnetic in nature. Thus the prescription for reset.

If I would be so bold, I would suggest some walks in the countryside, and listening to hemi-sync (even though it is electronic in nature), and do anything other than electronic media. I don’t know if it is possible, but it is worth a try.

Overall, this entire question is rather weak. I have to admit that asking someone else to verify your sincerity is rather “weak”. Sincerity is a personal thing, and cannot really be measured by outside influences. You are either sincere or not.

The confusion in this matter is due to the differences in experience. The Commander orders a change in electromagnetic frequency exposure. This clearly indicates to me that the questioner is being harmed right now. Death by media, I suppose. Maybe the questioner is in the United States, India, Australia or the UK where mind-control via electronic media is rampant. Read my article on Vault 7.

Keep in mind that the perceptions of others is important on the human-interaction level, but not in dealing with extraterrestrials. They just simply do not think like we do.

I am sure that all of this is embarrassing to the questioner. But it need not be. We know from the comm that the Commander is aware who this person is, that the mantid and his supporting team are all aware of the questioner and other influences are being pulled in to assist.

Also interesting is that the questioner was not responding to Domain induced “nudges”. This is due to electromagnetic frequency saturation of his environment which affected his personality. No wonder there’s an “all points” bulletin out to watch for these interference’s.

The good thing that came out of this is [1] a prescription to break the influence train, followed by [2] a garnering of resources to assist and help the questioner get over his doubt, fear and worry. Further a [3] unknown problem (of some sort) was identified, and [4] corrective actions put in place.

I anticipate some friendly non-physical entities being enlisted to support the questioner in ways that I do not understand.

[7] Question – IS-BE exfiltrating post event

Questions; Have you succeeded in exfiltrating this IS-BE having received the Nobel Prize in 1984 leaving his prisoner costume a few days ago and his fight does he correspond to your domain or affiliated organization?

(I am sure that the questioner will not be happy with this response. but I get this kind of thing more often than not, and it is just the way things are. -MM)

We do not discuss mission related activities on public channels.


Well, whatever this is all about, we do know and recognize that it was a Domain related activity / mission.

[9] Question – Other pathways

Just had another question pop into my head. Again, I don’t want you to exhaust yourself so if you prefer to add it to a future batch of questions, please feel free. Just thought i’d type it down and send it to you because it had that nagging urgency to it (popped right into my mind out of no where) plus i just had a bright white spark appear when I was writing add it to a future Q&A (usually means I am on a necessary thought train).

Background: During my first encounter with the EG, when I was first told about the amnesia, I was heavily into the alchemy and the writings of Thoth/ Hermes, or more specifically the Philosopher’s Stone being the higher self/ Original IS-BE state of consciousness (i figured alchemy and the transmutation of metals were a metaphorical representation of the kundalini rising through the 7 chakras to initiate an interaction with the higher self).

The alchemy.

The connection between my studies and my interaction with the EG seems excruciatingly obvious.

Q: Can the Ancient Egyptian/ Greek deity known as Thoth/ Hermes/ Hermes Trismegistus a Domain Officer and his writings a legitimate pathway back to regaining ISBE memory?

MM comments...

I know nothing about High magick and the religious elements related to Ancient Egypt and the occult. My brother was, however a major practitioner. And he had every single Crowley book imaginable. I tried to read them. Honestly they made absolutely zero sense to me.  And actually gave me a bit of a headache. I liked the idea of a methodology to conduct higher-order changes int he physical, but at that time I couldn't understand the importance of ritual.

I think that this question has great validity, but unfortunately I am so very hampered by my lack of knowledge on the subject. Never the less, I have posted the question and recording the impressions / images and answers as best I can.

So here’s the answer from the Commander…


(garbled. A lot of information. Very confusing. Very difficult for me to follow and understand. Images of The Golden Dawn and Atlester Crowley, and something about these big oversized tarot cards, and something about colors arranged on a wheel and spinning, and then these colored strings or yarn. There's this image of a small square of wood with some symbols on one side and something else on the other side.. -MM)

... magick as practiced involves "old Empire" technologies which work outside of the Reality Universe, but are somewhat suppressed within the Reality universe.

...associations with tools and "safe circles" / "power circles", or use of "wands" and set routines to manifest spirits which are really...

(So much confusion and imagery. Makes me wish that I studied the occult. Not viewed as a stage show magic act but rather as a technical science that used thoughts generated via ritual to obtain results targeted to specific spirits or entities or power sources.-MM)

... methodology does not remove the amnesia barrier nor remove the containment fencing. Instead it provides a bubble of transit (sic.) for the IS-BE entity to use to transit through the barriers.

(Snippets continue, and still confusing to me personally.-MM) order to make the "Old Empire" technology work within the prison complex there are certain processes that must be incorporated along with the baseline formulae. Without them, the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology is greatly reduced. Not zeroed, but reduced substantially.

...your experience in the locking curse set upon by your brother was made evident during your "retirement" sequence at Pine Bluff and the chair imagery was illustrative of surrogate consciousness placement for curse and control of others which illustrates how effective the system works. Imagine how effective it would be outside the containment field outside the prison Complex.

(Like I said, once I had the EBP, the Domain experienced everything that I did, and know far more than I did about what was going on. -MM)

[10] Question – And others per question #9

Further, can the same be said for the Philosopher known as Plato (who basically came to inspire the Matrix movies with his philosophy of the cave) who I assumed at the time was the one so referenced in “the Pholosopher’s Stone”?


Philosophy differs from "Old Empire" technology. It is a completely different system with completely different objectives and purposes.

[11] Question – Helping establish a protocol to use in the Reality Universe

I devote myself to helping you physically I can’t get to LD but could you help me establish a simple, efficient and concise protocol to try with peaceful ways to help transform those (of the old empire) who want to change their future potentials and present, to offer them once again, luck, pole, hand, help.

In this next comm the image of a gollum comes up. It’s a strange image. It represents a skin-suit. And trapped inside that skin suit looks like a swarm of fireflies, but as you get closer, the fireflies look more like glowing water. This clay grey gollum is just sitting there in a chair, but it also has these (thousands) of ray beams pointing and flowing at it. Many go through, and many are deflected from it. Of those that go through, you can see the rays bouncing around and messing up the glowing water inside. It’s churnign the water and making it splash and move about. It seems very uncomfortable as the water is frothing and bubbling and hissing and exploding in tiny pings and pops.

Remember that image when reading the following…


We have no doubts regarding willingness, desire, ability, or intent with the questioner. 

(Image of a very kind doctor / veterinarian (?) patting the questioner (whom I cannot make out, it's like a grey clay gollum) on the back and telling him that everything will be all right. Not to worry. -MM)

However, the questioner is filled with fear, doubt and questions. It need not be that way.

Why does the questioner believe that there are radio waves? He cannot see them. yet he believes in television, radio and the internet. Why? This comm, and our operations are no different. Just because the questioner does not have the technology in his physical hands does not mean that the process does not exist. 

Stop the worry and fear.

(Again, I picture an old 1950's family physician who is chatting with a white coat and a pipe in his mouth, talking in a soothing and even level to the grey gollum while patting him on the shoulder. Saying things that everything will be all right. And giving the gollum an injection in the arm, and pointing to a picture / chart of the human body and explaining things. It's a very warm and welcoming office also. Not the normal sterile hospital or clinic rooms that we have so come to expect. -MM)

You have been tasked with some basic but important activities and missions and you have successfully performed your duties. We do not doubt your intentions. You might not remember them, and you do not need to LD in order to assist us in our mission.

The questioner has not being physically responsive to our nudges, and we have rectified that issue. / Are rectifying that issue. It involves things and issues that he was unaware of and had no control over.

We theorize that the insecurity regarding Domain involvement is due to this suppression of our confirmation nudges.

(Again, this image of a doctor and strangely a cat; a white cat with black spots, is very clear and the cats is walking around and rubbing up against the legs of the gollum. The cat funny enough has a black mustache. LOL. The cat jumps on the lap of the gollum, and is a purring loudly while the doctor talks in calming peaceful voices and is rubbing the left arm of the gollum. Each time the cat purrs the calmer the "rays of light" going into the gollum appear. It's like the cat is somehow changing the energy directed inside the gollum -MM)

[12] Question – Expansion of perspective

(1) What’s the relative value of focusing our limited human efforts to expand our perspectives, to be able to “see” things from mantid, domain, or even cat perspectives?

It is important to see things in as many ways as possible. That provides a better understanding of what ever situation that you are studying.

Consider a two dimensional picture of a basketball. You can see it, and can guess it's shape.

But if you hold the basketball in your hands you can see that it is spherical. You can feel the texture and the hardness of the leather. You can smell the ball, and if you have improved your ESP (sic.) ability, you can tell and understand the stories of all those that touched that ball.

We advise the questioner to expand understanding and work on improving perceptions from multiple points of view. This will provide a better crafted understanding of the present situation that he is embroiled in.

(2) To the extent it’s worthwhile, any advice for “how to”?

As with anything, the key is training and practice. Seek out others who have this ability and learn from them. We / it / I suggest that you improve your extra sensory skills in this area and improve your empathic ability. Having an improved empathic ability especially in the earth prison complex environment would be a great asset to The Domain.

Work on the effort every day and all the time. Imagine that you have that ability, and pretend that you do. It will then manifest. this is the preferred technique for the questioner specifically.


That’s enough for now. I have around 30 more questions to go and if your question is not yet answered please stand by. I’m getting to them as life allows.

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Some stories of American Expats in other lands that mirror the stories of those of us inside of China

In the race (and millions of dollars in funding) to convince the world how evil China is they neglect one important point. Which is that everywhere outside of the USA looks like paradise now. Not only China. Everywhere.

It’s cheaper, cleaner, politer, calmer, nicer, with better infrastructure, and all the rest. The only people that don’t see this are the hypnotized American zombies glued to FOX “news”, CNN, Alex Jones and Hal Turner.

Here we talk about what it is like outside the prison walls, and at the other end of the computer screen.

Consider these examples. Obtained from "These 7 expats left the U.S. to start over—here’s how they earn an income overseas: ‘We spend less on all expenses’" which was  Janet Blaser, Contributor@WhyWeLeftAmerica
All rights and credit to her, and all the standard disclaimers apply.

Catalina Viviel

Catalina Viviel
Catalina Viviel interviewed for jobs at several South American countries before finally getting an offer in Colombia.

More and more people are discovering that not only can they live abroad and be happy, safe and comfortable, but that they can successfully earn an income.

That’s exactly what I did when I left the U.S. for Mazatlán, Mexico in 2006. I lived off a steady income from freelance editing jobs and running M!, a local arts and entertainment magazine I started.

Colin Bucell, 47

Colin Bucell
Currently in Morocco, Colin Bucell lives on his sailboat, which doubles as an income source via private tours and excursions.

Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Currently an expat in: Morocco
Occupation: Sailboat excursions
Annual income: $12,000

In 2011, Colin Bucell had a dream to sail around the world. He took early retirement at age 37 and went first to Mexico. Since then, he’s lived in more than 60 countries.

“Every day is an exciting new adventure!” Bucell tells CNBC Make It from his sailboat in Morocco. “And all for a fraction of what my California expenses were.”

Bucell lives on his sailboat, which doubles as an income source via private tours and excursions — advertised through word of mouth — wherever he is. He’s found health care and food to be much cheaper everywhere he goes.

Spain, Thailand and Mexico are countries where he could happily settle down if he wanted to; he says it’s great that he’s been able to thoroughly test the livability of all of them.

Shawn Supra, 45

Shawn Supra
Shawn Supra, a musician and furniture restorer, currently lives in Australia with his wife Diana.

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Currently an expat in: Sydney, Australia
Occupation: Musician and furniture restorer
Annual income: $32,500

Love was the motivating factor behind musician Shawn Supra’s move to Australia in 2020, where he met his future wife Diana while on tour. They first settled in the U.S., but as things began to change politically and socially, they decided it was time to move to Australia.

“Living in the U.S., there’s such a sense of fear. It’s almost drilled into you that there’s danger around every corner. I don’t feel that here. Everyone is more relaxed,” Supra says.

He also likes the free health care in Australia, and that the income from his furniture restoration business entitles him to superannuation from the government — similar to U.S. Social Security benefits.

Kema Ward-Hopper, 39

Kema Ward-Hopper
“We love our lives here. We’re treated as humans first,” says Kema Ward-Hopper, who now lives in Costa Rica with her family.

Hometown: Houston, Texas
Currently an expat in: Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
Occupation: English teacher and yoga instructor
Annual income: $24,000 to $33,000

In 2017, after Kema Ward-Hopper was diagnosed with breast cancer and when Hurricane Harvey destroyed her Houston home, a family trip to Costa Rica turned into a permanent move.

“We love our lives here,” she says. “We’re treated as humans first. We didn’t always have the luxury of been seen as people in the U.S.”

Although the pandemic shut down Ward-Hopper and husband Willie’s income streams for months, they’re disciplined savers and their expenses in Costa Rica are low.

An added bonus was the birth of her son last year, even after doctors said chemotherapy had rendered her unable to conceive. “Health-wise, I did a complete 180 after moving here,” says Ward-Hopper. “I healed both physically and emotionally.”

Chasity Diggs, 37

Chasity Diggs
“We’ve been able to exceed our goals without having to make sacrifices in our daily lives,” says Chasity Diggs, who now lives in Singapore with her family.

Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina
Currently an expat in: Singapore
Occupation: Behavior intervention specialist
Annual income: $170,000

Chasity Diggs is no stranger to living outside the U.S. Before moving to Singapore about six months ago, she and her family lived in China.

The primary reason was so their oldest daughter could attend an international school. The family also wanted a better work-life balance and to be in a more diverse country.

“However, the best part of living overseas are the financial benefits. We’ve been able to exceed our goals without having to make sacrifices in our daily lives. Housing costs are covered by my employer, so we’re able to save a considerable amount of money each month,” says Diggs.

Carol Markino, 52

Carol Markino
Carol Markino lives in Rome and works as an English teacher.

Hometown: Dover, Ohio
Currently an expat in: Rome, Italy
Occupation: English teacher and language consultant
Annual income: $13,500

Having visited Italy many times when she was in college, Carol Markino always knew that someday she wanted to stay there long-term. It’s now been 30 years since she moved to Rome.

“As an Italian-American, I’ve always been attracted to my roots,” says Markino. “I love that I live in a city that’s full of beauty — not just museums, but wonderful buildings, architecture and style.”

She also appreciates the culture: “Italians work hard, but they understand there’s more to life than just work.”

Tim Leffel, 57

Originally from: Tampa, Florida
Currently an expat in: Guanajuato, Mexico
Occupation: Travel writer
Annual income: $60,000

Tim Leffel
Many factors drew Tim Leffel to Mexico, particularly the “perfect weather all year” and low cost of living.

“It was one of those love-at-first-sight visits,” says Tim Leffel. “I was in a few central Mexico cities on assignment, and Guanajuato really struck a chord.”

Many factors drew him to Mexico, particularly the “perfect weather all year” and low cost of living. “We spend less on all expenses — including private school for our daughter — than we did just on rent and utilities in Tampa,” he says.

Well-traveled family and friends admire their lifestyle. Some were even inspired to move abroad themselves, while others “seem afraid of the scary world beyond the borders.”

“It’s the message that has been pounded into their heads. They’ve probably expected us to be kidnapped or robbed by now. I hope that by seeing a steady stream of happy photos as we live and travel around, they’re getting a bit of balance.”

Catalina Viviel, 48

Catalina Viviel
Originally from New York, Catalina Viviel now lives in Bogota, Colombia.

Hometown: Long Island, New York
Currently an expat in: Bogota, Colombia
Occupation: Teacher and resource room coordinator
Annual income: $75,000

“I’d only been to Colombia once, when I met my dad’s entire side of the family for the first time,” says Catalina Viviel. “I never forgot that trip and the warmth of the people.”

Working in education, Viviel began her expat life with a two-year contract in Marrakech, Morocco. Then she went back to the U.S., where she found herself “itching to go abroad again.” She interviewed for jobs at several South American countries before finally getting an offer in Colombia.

“People thought I was crazy to change countries and become a single mom, all the while navigating a new language during a pandemic,” says Viviel. “Were there days I cried? Absolutely.”

Now halfway into her two-year commitment, Viviel says she’s not ready to leave and has requested to extend her contract.

“It’s amazing being able to reconnect with my Colombian roots, especially watching my daughter thrive in the country of our heritage,” she says.

Metallicman comments

Zhuhai City

The general comments from American expats that reside around the world are similar. It does not matter if you live in China (like MM here) or elsewhere. All of us share similar experiences.

[1] It’s a calmer; easier place to live.

The news” is not barking at as filling us with fear. The commercials are not screaming at us to buy things. We are not hearing about shootings, accidents, murders, rapes, government corruption, and all the rest. There are no advertisements for mind altering drugs, lawyers for legal settlements, bail bonding, or pawn shops.

People pretty much live their lives in peace.

[2] It’s a cheaper place to live.

You can live cheaper, and buy basic foods, local meals, and rent or own a house at a fraction of what it costs in the USA. Not only that, there aren’t the crazy taxes, regulations and fees tacked on to everything. You can get buy and live a simpler life either on retirement or working a simple part-time job.

Drawer slide

For instance, a drawer slide made in China is $3 a pair. It sells in the United States for $106 per pair. Unfriggin’ believable.

[3] The Government is concerned about domestic issues.

You don’t ever hear about the need to go to war!

You don’t hear about government troops in this nation or that country. You never hear about how “we must do something now about XXXXX!”. The government is focused on the lives of the people that in in the country. That’s it.

All in all, Americans have been corralled. They are in a pen within the geographic confines of the United States, and filled with fear of what lies outside of it. They are constantly bombarded with the idea that they are “special” and that the government is “exceptional” and “superior”.

It’s all a big lie.

And it is obvious to everyone who is paying attention. In the world today, it is common knowledge that the USA is undergoing a spectacular collapse.

What will happen is anyone’s guess, but the future for America does NOT look bright.

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Some glimpses of China in terms of society, fun, fashion and what not

I am so tired of trying to counter the mega-onslaught of hate being generated out of the Untied States towards China. The redirection is working. Most American hate China and blame all their troubles on it, instead of themselves and their (so called) “government”.

Instead, today, we will just go over some elements of Chinese society. These are little “snapshots” or culture. Isolated pictures, and images, as you will (understand). And taken together it’s a fun look at the great diversity of life that is colorfully presented in such a huge and enormous nation filled with a huge and enormous population.

We are not going to talk about Geo-politics, Biden, Trade wars, hybrid wars, Vaxx wars or another American-centered subjects. We are just going to talk about life, and in China that means videos and fun. We’re not going to get too serious here, at least I don’t intended to, anyways.

I’m presenting them in no particular order, because after all, life kind of throws things at us in a seemingly random order as well. Though, you do know that you have had an intelligent hand in the development of your life… don’t you know.

Bar Scene

Here’s a girl singing to the audience in a pretty typical bar. Video 8MB

A Park in China

I think that it is lovely. Most parks inside of China re quite nice, and the government is constantly expanding them, and improving them in so many little ways. video 3MB

College Dorm

Dorm rooms in the USA are usually two people affairs; two people share a room. In England it is one person gets their own room. In China, the dorm rooms are six people share a room. Here’s a group of girls in their dorm room. video 6MB

Death by cute (part 1)

It’s a fashion thingy that found it’s way from Japan. It’s called loli. I like it. So does my little girl. Video 6MB

Death by Cute (part 2)

So much cuteness. video 3MB

The Chinese love to dance

It’s very common to see people dancing all over China. I mean that you NEVER see this in the ‘Stats, but you see it all the time inside China. video 3MB

Incidentally, this kind of view… the buildings lit up in the background, the blue sky, the open plazas are so very typical of China. It’s everywhere.

Han fashion (1)

It’s a fashion trend throughout China. It’s pretty popular and there are girls and guys wearing these outfits in the malls, the parks and on the subways. video 8MB

Han Fashion (2)

This is a sort of Chinese version of a medieval festival, only with Chinese culture and clothing. Continues video 7MB

Han fashion (3)

Here’s some more images from a different festival. video 5MB

Han Fashion (4)

Couple runs into each others arms. I love the expression on the little girl to the left. Cute. video 4MB

Han fashion (5)

Mother and daughter in the park. video 5MB

Han fashion (5)

On the subway. video 5MB

Being part of a group

In America, everyone is a “lone wolf”. If you are fired from work, you are alone, and no one stands up for you. If you are in a car accident, you are alone and no one helps you. Most Americans eat alone, pay taxes alone, mow their yard alone, and travel alone.

Not so in China. China is the land of groups and communities. Everyone is part of something bigger than themselves. And if they individually make a mistake, the group absorbs the mistake and moves forward. video 7MB

Peng G3

When I first saw this video I thought that it was some kind of photoshop video manipulation. Then I went to a Peng show room, and that an actual car feature! This is how the Chinese introduce new features into the market. I wonder when Detroit will start copying China? Hum? video 5MB

Sending your dreams aloft

It’s a tradition for the Chinese to put their dreams and wishes on a scrap of paper and then light the balloon to send them into the sky. It’s very beautiful. video 2MB


Yeah. Everyone knows about Shanghai. But it’s really impressive when you are there in person. It makes New York City look like a small village. video 3MB

By Sweety Boy

Thai song adopted by the Chinese pop scene during 2019 / 2020. video 3MB

Time Machine

China has gone through so many wars, struggles, occupations, poisonings, humiliation, and growth. There is a sub-culture that memes this historical trend. Here’s one such video. I call it “time machine”. Video 4MB

Time Machine 2

A second video. Same theme. video 7MB

Time Machine 3

Here’s a third video of the same “time machine” theme. video 13MB

Wedding 1

Chinese wedding. This is in a tiny remote village. Here we see the ritual of presentation before the parents and the town elders.  video 3MB

Wedding 2

Chinese wedding. They don’t throw rice. It’s too wasteful and the Chinese just don’t understand that American ritual at all.  video 5MB

Wedding 3

Chinese wedding. Bride presentation with her brides’ maids prior to the groom entry to “steal her” from her parents home.  video 3MB

Xinjiang HST

High Speed Train in Xinjiang province. These are all Uighur staffed, and serving the Uighur people. Of course, you would never see anything positive about China in the American “news”. It’s all a 7 billion dollar funded hate-fest. video 9MB


I hope that you enjoyed this little travel vacation. Have a great day, and remember to always be the Rufus.

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Why is Space-X trying to ram the Chinese Space Station? Why did the US Space Military Command approve the flight trajectory?

I have been musing about eating a fine delicious ice cream cone. I know, I know, youse guys eat it all the time. but I really don’t. Ever since I put in my verbal affirmation that “I eat healthy, delicious, and nutritious food“, somehow the sugar laden icy deliciousness of the Ice cream cone has since eluded me. Sigh.

Now that it is getting old, I have been fantasizing about hot fudge sundaes, upside down banana splits, and Carmel sundaes.  Maybe substituting blueberries on a strawberry shortcake, or having an extra heaping scoop on a five scoop ice cream surprise.

Ice Cream Sundae.

It’s not my normal fare. Don’t you know. Sigh.

Everything is a trade off.

Though, it (a hot fudge sundae) would probably go great with a nice whiskey.


So I am going though my normal routine. Checking out the laughingly pathetic “news” out of America, and the “real” news out of Russia and tiny. tiny real alternative outlets. When I came across an article that is not being covered at all in the American “news”.

Apparently two satellites had a trajectory that sent them flying toward the Chinese space station on a collision course.



– 2 times –

Not a coincidence.

Accidents do not happen twice in a row, just like it is extraordinarily rare for lightening to strike twice.

One of the missions of the (newly established) American Military Space Command is to approve all space flight trajectories originating out of the United States. For some odd reason, they approved a collision course of a SpaceX satellite on not one, but two occasions to collide with the Chinese space station. Since this is an impossible flight vector… as space is far too huge. It is a deliberate attempt to ram and destroy the Chinese space station.

Let’s investigate further…

The initial write up.

Pulled from MoA.

“…So Elon Musk attempted two acts of terrorism against the Chinese space station (while it was occupied by human-beings). These acts, which expose the true purpose of SpaceX, have gone entirely unreported in media, mainstream or otherwise. I don’t remember it getting a mention at MoA or anywhere else.

Below is the complaint China wrote to the UN which details how the space station had to carry out emergency evasive maneuvers on two separate occasions….

Information furnished in conformity with the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

Note verbale dated 3 December 2021 from the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations (Vienna) addressed to the Secretary-General

The Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and has the honour to refer to article V of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies 1 (the Outer Space Treaty), which provides that “States Parties to the Treaty shall immediately inform the other States Parties to the Treaty or the Secretary-General of the United Nations of any phenomena they discover in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, which could constitute a danger to the life or health of astronauts”. In accordance with the above-mentioned article, China hereby informs the Secretary-General of the following phenomena which constituted dangers to the life or health of astronauts aboard the China Space Station.

The China Manned Space Programme completed five launch missions in 2021, with the successful launching into orbit of the Tianhe core module of the China Space Station, the Tianzhou-II and Tianzhou-III cargo spacecraft and the Shenzhou-XII and Shenzhou-XIII crewed spacecraft. The China Space Station has travelled stably in a near-circular orbit at an altitude of around 390 km on an orbital inclination of about 41.5 degrees.

During this period, Starlink satellites launched by Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) of the United States of America have had two close encounters with the China Space Station. For safety reasons, the China Space Station implemented preventive collision avoidance control on 1 July and 21 October 2021, respectively.

1. The first collision avoidance

As from 19 April 2020, the Starlink-1095 satellite had been traveling stably in orbit at an average altitude of around 555 km. 

Between 16 May and 24 June 2021, the Starlink-1095 satellite maneuvered continuously to a precise orbit of around 382 km, and then stayed in that orbit. Even though the orbit trajectory took it on a collision course with the Chinese space station. 

A close encounter occurred between the Starlink-1095 satellite and the China Space Station on 1 July 2021. For safety reasons, the China Space Station took the initiative to conduct an evasive maneuver in the evening of that day to avoid a potential collision between the two spacecraft.

2. The second collision avoidance

On 21 October 2021, the Starlink-2305 satellite had a subsequent close encounter with the China Space Station. 

As the satellite was continuously maneuvering, the maneuver strategy was unknown and orbital errors were hard to be assessed, there was thus a collision risk between the Starlink-2305 satellite and the China Space Station. 

To ensure the safety and lives of in-orbit astronauts, the China Space Station performed an evasive maneuver again on the same day to avoid a potential collision between the two spacecraft.

In view of the foregoing, China wishes to request the Secretary-General of the United Nations to circulate the above-mentioned information to all States parties to the Outer Space Treaty and bring to their attention that, in accordance with article VI of the Treaty...

“States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty.”
Chinese space station.

Decent article…

China Space Station: Collision Avoidance Control Maneuvers


China’s in-progress space station has performed preventive collision avoidance control to avoid being struck by SpaceX Starlink satellites. China has informed the United Nations Secretary-General of the issue.

In a document posted by the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space dated December 6, 2021, there is notification by China under Article V of the Outer Space Treaty concerning preventive collision avoidance between the China Space Station (international designation 2021-035A) and United States’ Starlink-1095 (international designation 2020-001BK) and Starlink-2305 (international designation 2021-024N) satellites.

Dangers to astronauts

“The China Manned Space Program completed five launch missions in 2021, with the successful launching into orbit of the Tianhe core module of the China Space Station, the Tianzhou-II and Tianzhou-III cargo spacecraft and the Shenzhou-XII and Shenzhou-XIII crewed spacecraft. The China Space Station has travelled stably in a near-circular orbit at an altitude of around 390 km on an orbital inclination of about 41.5 degrees,” the document points out.

“During this period, Starlink satellites launched by Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) of the United States of America have had two close encounters with the China Space Station. For safety reasons, the China Space Station implemented preventive collision avoidance control on 1 July and 21 October 2021, respectively.”

“China hereby informs the Secretary-General of the following phenomena which constituted dangers to the life or health of astronauts aboard the China Space Station,” the document states.

The incident was first flagged by the U.K.’s Express as well as Reuters news agency.

The UN document can be read at:

New EVAs

Meanwhile, China astronauts have just wrapped up about six hours of EVAs.

China’s taikonauts, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, safely returned to the Tianhe space station core module. Female astronaut Wang Yaping stayed inside the module, supporting the spacewalking duo, including operation of the station’s robotic arm.

This was the fourth time for Chinese astronauts to conduct EVAs during the construction of the country’s space station and the second by the Shenzhou-13 crew.

Zhai and Ye completed such tasks as adjusting a panoramic camera, tested goods transport, installed hardware for future use and evaluated the EVA spacesuits.

Accumulated experience

Yang Yanbo, deputy commander of space mission team, Beijing Aerospace Control Center told China Central Television (CCTV):

“We have made proper arrangements for the extravehicular activities such as readjusting settings of mechanical arm’s movement and the platform, which allowed astronauts to operate equipment and mechanical arm simultaneously, thus improving the efficiency of extravehicular activities.”

Zhu Guangchen, deputy chief designer of the space station system at the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said:

“The extravehicular activities have further tested designs of the core module airlock module, the mechanical arm and the extravehicular suit, and assessed the coordination between space and Earth, which will accumulate experience for the future assembly and construction tasks.”

Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China’s manned space program, told CCTV:

“All the tasks have been performed smoothly so far, with key construction technologies tested. All indicators show that the functions and performance of our space station meet the requirements, and some of them are even far better than what we had expected, this laying a solid foundation for the future space station construction and operation.”


China’s space program has successfully completed five launches, five rendezvous and docking missions, and four EVAs since the Tianhe space station core module was sent into Earth orbit on April 29, 2021.

The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) noted that extravehicular operations are becoming the normal work of the space station flight missions. Chinese astronauts will carry out more and complicated EVAs to provide support for the completion of the construction and the stable operation of the space station.

The orbiting outpost is to be completed by the end of 2022.

Six-month mission

China launched the trio of Shenzhou-13 taikonauts on October 16. The crew is on a six-month mission to construct China’s space station.

The Shenzhou-13 crew will continue their in-orbit work to greet the coming new year. This is also the first time that Chinese astronauts to greet a new year in space, the CMSA added.

The CMSA noted that extravehicular operations are becoming the normal work of the space station flight missions. Chinese astronauts will carry out more and complicated EVAs to provide strong support for the successful completion of the construction and the stable operation of the space station.

The Tianhe core module is the first and main component of the in-construction China space station, informally known as Tiangong (Heavenly Palace).

Next year, China is to loft new segments of the station.

To view newly-issued videos regarding the completed 2nd EVAs go to:

Not enough? Here’s More…

China said its space station deployed prevention collision avoidance control measures in July and October and called on the US to ‘bear responsibility’
Rhoda Kwan in Taipei

Mon 27 Dec 2021 20.17 EST

Elon Musk sparks China fury as space station takes emergency measures to avoid collision

Chinese citizens lashed out against the tech billionaire’s space ambitions on Monday after satellites from Starlink Internet Services, a division of Musk’s SpaceX aerospace company, had two “close encounters” with the Chinese space station. According to a document submitted by China to the UN space agency, the incidents occurred on July 1 and October 21.

In the papers, Beijing complained about how the near-miss incident “constituted dangers to the life or health of astronauts aboard the China Space Station”.

It said: “During this period, Starlink satellites launched by Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) of the United States of America have had two close encounters with the China Space Station.

“For safety reasons, the China Space Station implemented preventive collision avoidance control on 1 July and 21 October 2021, respectively.

“For safety reasons, the China Space Station took the initiative to conduct an evasive manoeuvre in the evening of that day to avoid a potential collision between the two spacecraft.”

China also cited article VI of the Outer Space Treaty, which was signed by all the space-faring nations of the world and forms the basis of international space law.

Article VI stated: “States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty.”

Social media users erupted on Weibo, which is a Chinese alternative to Twitter.

One user described Starlink’s satellites as “just a pile of space junk,” while another accused them of being “American space warfare weapons”.

In an anti-satellite (ASAT) rocket test last month, the Kremlin fired a missile into space to deliberately blow up a redundant satellite.

However, the debris from the explosion began to hurtle through space towards the ISS, which caused astronauts to take emergency measures.
Because of this debris, NASA also halted its planned activities as astronauts waited for the storm of debris to pass.

Playing with FIRE.

What is the matter with these lunatics?

I do not believe Elon Musk planned this flight path alone. I believe that it is an intentionally directed trajectory.

Why do I know? Well, maybe it’s my role in MAJestic. Or, maybe it’s because I studied Astrophysics. In any event the odds of this being an accident is very, very tiny.

Plus, it is a FACT that ALL American orbital trajectories are monitored and approved by the United States Military USSPACECOM. Space Command. So either the US Military Space Command made a vital and unusual highly-unlikely mistake, or it is intentional.

So what is going on?

Is that it?

China is just going to lodge and register another complaint in the UN that will not be reported anywhere else? Like the Coronavirus being a bio-weapon, eh?


Don’t be so sure…

Subject: The countdown has started. China has disabled tracking systems for its ships and aircraft

The countdown has started. China has disabled tracking systems for its ships and aircraft

134 K reads
The Chinese navy – both merchant and military – suddenly disappeared. This happened while all the world’s attention is focused on Russia. And her proposals to the United States to withdraw NATO troops away from its borders. Meanwhile, China is taking concrete steps to camouflage thousands of its ships.

It’s all about the automatic identification system (AIS). This system allows ships to send information for the general use – position, speed, course and name. It is very convenient for tracing global trade chains by market players, increasing the efficiency of their business planning.

So, according to information from the global provider of shipping data VesselsValue, the number of Chinese vessels sending signals has recently decreased by almost 90% (about a thousand remained in sight).

It’s all about the new laws of the PRC on the protection of information. Their appearance is very important, as it is an example of the priority of politics over the economy.

After all, it is obvious that this law interferes with the image of Chinese suppliers. With the winter holidays approaching, the loss of information from China, where six of the top 10 container ports in the world are located, creates additional problems for the economy.CNN Business ).

But this is not so important for the Chinese leadership now. The fact is that it is the massive gathering of Chinese merchant ships that can peacefully block the island of Taiwan. Isolate the rebellious province from the world. And Western military aid. Now the conditions have been created for such a gathering to be unexpected for everyone.

But that’s not all. China plans to carry out a similar operation with aircraft. China has banned the download of the Flightradar24 app, claiming its operation poses a threat to military aircraft. The special services seized the relevant equipment. Flightradar24 is a public web service (and application) that allows real-time monitoring of aircraft position, trajectory, altitude and speed.

I don’t know about Russia, but China is clearly preparing something.

Yes they are getting ready for something. They are also, among other commodities hoarding grain in unprecedented quantities. Alas, the drums of war…

But wait… there’s more…

What do you think about this?

Blinken called the US conflict with China a disaster. What could he have meant and what could be the consequences for the US and China?

December 15th
5 thousand reads
The US is gradually leading itself into a dead end. This was recently confirmed by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken himself, calling a possible conflict with China a disaster. But at the same time, it is almost impossible to avoid such a conflict – there are too many contradictions and very strong competition. What kind of catastrophe will this conflict turn out to be for the United States and China?

The main reason for the conflict between the United States and China is Taiwan. An island that China considers its own. And the United States supports its independence. Just like with Ukraine, very similar. Also, the United States and China are direct competitors for hegemony and markets for their goods – the States really do not like that China, instead of collecting iPhones for a bowl of rice, makes its own smartphones – Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, etc. And many other things besides them.

There is no need to talk about friendship and cooperation in such conditions. On the contrary, recently the United States and other Western countries announced a boycott of the Beijing Olympics. And if it really comes to a conflict, then for the United States it will really turn out to be a disaster, despite the military superiority. First of all, a catastrophe in the economy and hegemony.

The fact is that the US already has big problems with the economy. There is not enough money, as before, even for the maintenance of military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, so the United States withdrew its troops from there. The withdrawal of troops from Iraq ends on December 31. A conflict with China will only make the situation worse.

China is a leader in the extraction and reserves of rare earth metals, which are used in almost all high-tech products-from iPhones to drones. In the event of a conflict, of course, China will take advantage of this advantage and cut off supplies.

This will lead to the fact that in the United States there will be factories for the production of high-tech products, without the necessary elements for production. And U.S.-owned factories in China and Taiwan can be nationalized as compensation for the costs of the conflict with the United States. Then the United States will be left without factories at all.

And the US GDP already consists of only 20% of manufacturing, and 80% of services. And without rare earth metals, even the remaining ones will stand up.

There will be no factories and no profits – we will have to withdraw troops and close military bases in other countries. After all, US military spending exceeds $ 700 billion a year. And the lion’s share of these expenses is the maintenance of military bases. If they are closed, then the United States ceases to be the hegemon of the planet, and becomes an ordinary regional power on its continent.

Now about the struggle for the island of Taiwan. China is very close to it:

And the US is on the other side of the world. Can you imagine how much fuel you will have to buy from Russia in order to fit warships there and ensure regular supplies in the event of a conflict? And it is not known whether Russia will even help the United States with fuel in the event of a conflict with China.

The path is not close and expensive

Also, the Americans will immediately be left with empty shelves, just like it was in the USSR. Because it is China that is the main trading partner of the United States, which supplies almost everything to America-from underwear to smartphones.

According to the results of 2020, the trade turnover between the United States and China amounted to 582 billion dollars. The Chinese themselves will somehow survive a break in trade ties with the United States. There are 1.4 billion of them. That’s 4.2 times the population of the United States.

So you can reorient your production to the huge domestic market. But what will the Americans do if they are left with empty shelves? Not otherwise, they will storm the Capitol again.

“Will get” and the US allies. For example, in Europe. It also trades with China ($586 billion). euro) and with the United States ($631 billion). euro). If China takes American production on its territory as compensation, then the United States will simply have nothing to trade with Europe.

And it will be very difficult for Europe to trade with China because of the military actions. European businesses and production facilities also largely depend on the supply of components from China. It is not in the European interest to break supply chains and suffer losses.

This, in turn, will lead to the fact that the US allies will start to “run away” from where to where – some will turn to face Russia, others to China. Because who wants to lose profit because of the desire of the weakening US to prove something to China? We were friends with the United States only as long as they were strong.

Finally, the most valuable asset that the US still has – the dollar-will lose its status. Who would want the currency of a country whose economy would collapse like a house of cards in the event of a real conflict with China?

So it turns out that in the event of such a conflict, the United States loses everything – the dollar, production, allies, hegemony, goods on the shelves of its stores, and ultimately its country. We survived the 90’s, and the Americans are left without iPhones, grandeur and toilet paper, it is unlikely to endure.

China, of course, will also suffer some losses. Especially in technology, because many Chinese products are just copies of Western ones. But in recent years, the Chinese have also learned to develop their own technologies, so they will somehow adapt. And if something goes wrong, they have nuclear weapons, the use of which will cause unacceptable damage to the United States. That’s why Blinken called it a disaster.

And a comment from <redacted>

I loved reading this. -MM

That’s gigantic news !

The KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) knows that their window of opportunity is narrowing or even closing. Now that their clumsy & laughable maneuvers to destroy the Sino-Russian Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era obviously failed, they’ll have to do something big and probably utterly stupid. Two years ago, I still thought the window of opportunity for them is about a decade… Of course, I might have been brainwashed by the ravings of Stratfor (“Strategic forecast” & al) “predicting” or rather “predictively programming” people to believe that World War III will most probably happen in the 2030s…

But now, it’s not far-fetched to say it’s in the order of 2-3 years, 5 years max. After that, the process of Integration of the World Island will simply be too relentless to do anything humanly conceivable to stop it. Even now, I dare say it’s too late for the KFC-AZAEL. Xinjiang is perfectly under control, their little terrorists have been neutered.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has a permanent RATS (Regional Anti-Terrorists Structure) Executive Committee based in Tashkent. The Air Base just north of Kabul abandoned by the US since August 15 this year. Power of Siberia 2 going through Mongolia as the Chinese wanted to keep the Mongols interested by what the SCO can offer them, is there to stay. Russia & India will from now on settle their commerce in rubles and rupees. Russia & China in rubles and yuan (renminbi, RMB). The Russian SPFS (System for Transfert of Financial Messages) & the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System) will replace the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) if needed. Under the aegis of President Hu Jintao & President Xi Jinping, the Chinese decapitated the CIA network in Mainland China between 2010 and 2015 essentially. Peace is restored in Hong-Kong since the Law on National Security (July 2020), the color Revolution (Yellow Umbrella) an utter failure.


And I strongly suggest that this time, the Russian & Chinese moves are coordinated even if there are no glaring signs. Putin & Xi talked on December 15 as everyone in this group knows… They will talk again in person, face to face, in about 5 weeks and nothing prevents them to talk by phone meantime. I wish the KFC-AZAEL is mad enough to start a suicidal double move on Ukraine & Taiwan…It would be a dazzling “SUEZ MOMENT” for all to watch…

Ushakov & Ryabkov from the Russian MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) were quite assertive in their speeches to NATO on RUSSIAN RED LINES. They are fed up, they are autonomous for food, they have the Asian market for oil and gas, they have hypersonic weapons & the unwavering and enlightened Chinese backing.

China, usually so “sotto voce” in the international landscape, declared firmly & clearly that Russia has her support for Ukraine & the gas imbroglio with the EU or as I call them with affection, the Euro-Noodles…

Yes, Blinken is right to say that the conflict with China is a disaster and the article elaborating on it is crystal clear  with the facts it offered. The US recent!y went back on the diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games and asked for 40 visas instead of 18 for US officials (diplomatic farce or plans of sabotage once in China?)

I believe our distinguished colleague Metallic Man was in the right when he wrote so precisely on the attempts to destroy China by multiple pathogens attacks during the last 4 to 5 years. BUT WHY CAN’T THEY OFFER SOMETHING A LITTLE BIT RATIONAL IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THINGS ??? WELL, OLD HABITS DIE HARD… Too simplistic an explanation ? Maybe not so simplistic but at the heart of plutocratic/oligarchical/closed mindset…

People having bullied without any consequences the weak, the poor and the downtrodden for centuries cannot TRULY IMAGINE they might lose this time. It’s not wired in their brains. PSYCHOPATHS HAVE DIFFERENTS BRAINS (ANATOMICALLY AT THE MICROSCOPIC LEVEL AND PHYSIOLOGICALLY) in term of emotivo-rational integration for decision-making and action compared to the normal people, so they’re much more prone to stay in their usual ruts than the average man and will NOT take note of the danger signals. I imagine Putin & Xi scratching their heads and asking to themselves, what to do and with the least “collateral damages” possible on the global stage ?

Just read History, dying empires always fell into the trap of hubris & over-reach and the rest is…History…

Sometimes, taking into account the decisions coming from the US government, in my feverish imagination & wishful thinking, I fantasize some Chinese agents must be present at the White House…

The easiest and most probable explanation for me can be given in one word : HUBRIS.


And let’s not forget this lesson coming from the Ancient Greeks :

The KFC-AZAEL wants a New World Order ? A Reset ? They will get one but maybe not the one they wished for…

But, as they say in French : l’homme propose & Dieu dispose…
Qui vivra verra…

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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The Table is set for the economic collapse of the United States

And yes it is.

There’s many indicators. Don’t you know.

Like, well for instance, the kinds of books that are being published these days inside of America.

Obliviously, the USA is not a very healthy place.

How and why do you think the United States is spending trillions of dollars it does not have, on trivialities such as social re-engineering, and wars in foreign lands? It’s because the USA has forced the world to conduct international trade using American and European banks. This system of banks is known as SWIFT and is the root behind all the trouble and problems plaguing the world today.

The system takes a million tiny bites out of every financial transaction in the world, and that money is used to finance the enormous American economy, and mindless, and uncontrolled spending.

Well, guess what?

Yep. This dominance of SWIFT is coming to an end. And the rest of the world is eagerly looking forward to it happening. And with it, will be the harsh slap of reality when the ACTUAL value, and the actual worth of American money settles in place.

Some predict a catastrophic collapse.

I don’t.

Instead, I see a swift contraction of all things financial, and the economy will follow suit. If it is managed by a talented and alert bureaucracy, then it will be managed well. Otherwise, it will be a frightening time, and a time where the most unreasonable notions will enter the minds of the American leadership.

But first, let’s review…

[1] America has no REAL democracy

It is instead an oligarchy of selfish and evil corporations that use the American people as cattle to serve them. video 9MB

[2] America Believes that it owns 1/3 of the world

The facts speak for you cannot deny this truth, and the rest of the world is mighty pissed off about it. video 8MB

[3] America is a Military Empire where war is an every-day event

And that might be just fine for blowing up mud huts, and strafing goats and sheep, but it’s really dangerous when the USA tries to bully the BIG players. And that is exactly what is going on. Not only with military threat but hybrid-war at all levels. This is pissing them off to no end. video 8MB

[4] Everyone is suffering because of these facts.

Maybe the ultra-rich are happy, and their enablers are, but the rest of the world is hurting, and it is manifesting in horrible scenes throughout the United States. video 6MB

[5] The wealthy has sucked America bone dry.

How can a nation that is willing to spend trillions of dollars destroying other nations cannot provide food, shelter and health care for it’s own citizens? What is wrong with the system? Because it is broken very, very badly. It is NOT worthy of saving. video 4.7MB

Let’s talk about changing the system…

Well, the wealthy oligarchy in America doesn’t want to change. So “outsiders” will need to force the changes themselves. Thus this…

Washington hawks float expelling Russia from SWIFT but Moscow’s budding geo-economic alliance with Beijing will keep the money flowing

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin spent an hour and 14 minutes in a video conversation on Wednesday. Geopolitically, paving the way for 2022, this is the one that really matters – much more than Putin-Biden a week ago.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, who generally carefully measures his words, had previously hinted that this exchange would be “extremely important.”

It was obvious the two leaders would not only exchange information about the natural gas pipeline Power of Siberia 2. But Peskov was referring to prime time geopolitics: how Russia-China would be coordinating their countercoups against the hybrid war/Cold War 2.0 combo deployed by the US and its allies.

While no substantial leaks were expected from the 37th meeting between Xi and Putin since 2013 (they will meet again in person in February 2022, at the start of the Beijing Winter Olympics), Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov did manage to succinctly deliver at least two serious bits of information.

These are the highlights of the call:

  • Moscow will inform Beijing about the progress, or lack thereof, in negotiations with the US/NATO on security guarantees for Russia.
  • Beijing supports Moscow’s demands on US/NATO for these security guarantees.
  • Putin and Xi agreed to create an “independent financial structure for trade operations that could not be influenced by other countries.” Diplomatic sources, off the record, say the structure may be announced by a joint summit in late 2022.
  • They discussed the Biden-hosted “Summit for Democracy,” concluding it was counterproductive and imposed new dividing lines.

Of all of the above, the third point is the real game-changer – already in the works for a few years now, and gaining definitive momentum after Washington hawks of the Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland kind recently floated the idea of expelling Russia from SWIFT – the vast messaging network used by banks and other financial institutions to make money transfer instructions – as the ultimate sanctions package for the non-invasion of Ukraine.

Putin and Xi once again discussed one of their key themes in bilaterals and BRICS meetings: the need to keep increasing the share of the yuan and ruble in mutual settlements – bypassing the US dollar – and opening new stock market avenues for Russian and Chinese investors.

Bypassing a SWIFT mechanism “influenced by third counties” then becomes a must. Ushakov diplomatically put it as “the need to intensify efforts to form an independent financial infrastructure to service trade operations between Russia and China.”

Russian energy businesses, from Gazprom to Rosneft, know all there is to know not only about US threats but also about the negative effects of the tsunami of US dollars flooding the global economy via the Fed’s quantitative easing.

This Russia-China drive is yet another dimension of geoeconomic, geostrategic and demographic power rapidly shifting towards Eurasia and possibly foreshadowing the advent of a new world system related to other matters Putin-Xi certainly discussed: the interconnection of Belt and Road with the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the expanded reach of the  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the coming Chinese presidency of BRICS in 2022.

The US – with US$30 trillion in debt, 236% of its militarized GDP – is virtually bankrupt. Russia-China have already experimented with their alternative payment systems, which will inevitably integrate.

The most important banks in both countries will adopt the system – as well as banks across Eurasia doing business with them, and then vast swaths of the Global South. SWIFT, in the long run, will be used only in exceptional cases if China and Russia have their way.

Maidan redux

Now to the heart of the geopolitical puzzle.

Ushakov confirmed that the Russian Federation has submitted proposals on security guarantees to the US. As Putin himself had confirmed even before talking to Xi, it’s all about “indivisible security”: a mechanism that has been enshrined all across the territory of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe since a 1975 summit in Helsinki.

Predictably, under orders of the powers that be, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg already rejected it.

Both Xi and Putin clearly identify how Team Biden is deploying a strategic polarization gambit under good old divide-and-rule. The wishful thinking at play is to build a pro-American bloc – with participants ranging from the UK and Australia to Israel and Saudi Arabia – to “isolate” Russia-China.

That’s what’s behind the narrative thunderously splashed non-stop all across the West – to which Biden’s Summit for Democracy was also tied. Taiwan is being manipulated against Beijing while Ukraine is being literally weaponized against Russia. “China aggression” meets “Russian aggression.”

Beijing has not fallen into the trap but has asserted at different levels that Taiwan will eventually be integrated into the mainland motherland, without any ludicrous “invasion.” And the wishful thinking that massive American pressure will lead to cracks inside the Chinese Communist Party is also likely generating zero traction.

Ukraine is a much more volatile proposition: a dysfunctional nightmare of systemic instability, widespread corruption, shady oligarchic entanglements and poverty.

Washington still follows the Zbigniew Brzezinski-concocted Maidan plan laid out for cookie distributor Nuland in 2014. Yet seven years later, no American “strategist” managed to understand why Russia would fail to invade Ukraine, which has been part of Russia for centuries.

For these “strategists”, it’s imperative that Russia faces a second Vietnam, after Afghanistan in the 1980s. Well, it’s not going to happen because Moscow has no interest whatsoever in “invading” Ukraine.

It does get more complicated. The ultimate fear dictating all US foreign policy since the early 20th century is the possibility of Germany clinching a new version of Bismarck’s 1887 Reinsurance Treaty with Russia.

Add China to the combination and these three actors are able to control just about the entire Eurasian landmass. Updating Mackinder, the US would then be turned into a geopolitically irrelevant island.

Putin-Xi may have examined not only how the imperial hybrid war tactics against them are floundering against them, as well as how the tactics are dragging Europe further into the abyss of irrelevance.

For the EU, as former British diplomat Alastair Crooke points out, the strategic balance is a disaster:

“The EU has virtually ruptured its relations with both Russia and China – at the same time. Washington’s hawks wanted it. A ‘European Brzezinski’ certainly would have advised the EU differently: never lose both in tandem – you are never that powerful.”

No wonder the leadership in Moscow-Beijing can’t take anyone in Brussels seriously – be it assorted NATO chihuahuas or the spectacularly incompetent Ursula von der Leyen at the European Commission.

A faint ray of light is that Paris and Berlin, unlike the Russophobic Poland and the Baltic fringe, at least prefer having some sort of negotiation with Moscow over Ukraine as opposed to slapping on extra sanctions.

Now imagine Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explaining the ABCs of foreign policy to a clueless Annalena “Grune” Baerbock, now posing as German foreign minister while displaying a fresh mix of incompetence and aggressiveness. She actually placed the phone call.

Lavrov had to meticulously explain the consequences of NATO expansion; the Minsk agreement; and how Berlin should exercise its right to pressure Kiev to respect Minsk.

No leaks about it should be expected from Ushakov. But it’s fair to imagine that with “partners” like the US, NATO and the EU, Xi and Putin should conclude that China and Russia don’t even need enemies.

Big Big News

Next up is a second (!) excellent piece by Pepe Escobar giving details on the close collaboration between the Russian SPFSand the Chinese CIPS. It spells the doom for SWIFT.

  • SPFS = System for Transfert of Financial Messaging
  • CIPS = Cross-border Interbank Payment System

Not to mention the global geopolitical and geo-economical consequences examined in Escobar’s article.

Just to remind some relevant key moments :


The Shanghai 5 created to solve some border problems & working together against terrorism. President Jiang Zemin & President Boris Yeltsine decided for cooperation in the post-Soviet space. Sergey Primakov played a key role.
The five are : China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan.


President Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin began to rule Russia.


Uzbekistan joined and the group got a new name : Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) I also called “Sovereigns’ Coalition Organization.” Then, September 11, 2001 : 9-11 (NYC) occurred.

December 11, 2001

China is accepted into the World Trade Organization (WTO).


Putin’s historic speech in Munich on American and NATO’s meddlings.


The CIA network in China decapitated. The endeavor started during the last 2 years of President Hu Jintao (2002-2012) and completed under President Xi Jinping.


Iran excluded from using SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications).

November 2012

President Xi Jinping began to rule China


Xi & Putin began their friendship and fruitful collaboration. Between 2013 and the last virtual Summit on December 15, 2021, they met 37 times (an average of ~ 4 times a year). They will meet again in February 2022 at the beginning of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

End of 2013

The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) announced by President Xi Jinping first in Astana (for the Eurasian Landbridge) and in Jakarta (for the Maritime Silk Roads)

Feb 2014

The Maidan color revolution in Ukraine. Return of Crimea to Russia just after the Sochi Olympic Games.


Leviathanesque gas deal between China & Russia.

February 2015

Minsk Accords between Kiev & the autonomous Republics of Donetz & Luhansk
Russia signed too as a witness.

July 2015

JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) signed by Iran, the US, Russia, China, the UK, France. and Germany. Iran can then use again the SWIFT system.

June 2017

India & Pakistan welcomed together at the historic Astana Summit into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization aka the Sovereigns’ Coalition Organization (SCO).


Iran excluded a second time from the SWIFT system.

March 1st, 2018

Vladimir Putin announced to the world the new Russian weapons, including hypersonic missiles. (Avangard, Kinzhal, Poseidon, Burevestnik, Sarmat, etc.). Nuclear parity is restored.

"They did not listen to us then. Listen up now !"

March 26, 2018

The Petro-yuan was created at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It was a Monday.

October 1st, 2019

Celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

January 7, 2020

Iranian General Qasem Soleimani murdered on January 7 by the US government.


The Common Prosperity Initiative started in China. It is a concept created by His Excellency State Councillor Mr. Wang Huning, advisor to Presidents Jiang Zemin (1989-2002), Hu Jintao & Xi Jinping.

November 2020

The Chinese government announced the end of extreme poverty in China.

July 2021

Celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

August 2021

China tested a hypersonic gliding vehicle.

August 15, 2021

Fall of Kabul. The invasion & occupation of Afghanistan by the US lasted practically 20 years. Named “Operation Enduring Freedom” started on October 7, 2001.

September 2021

Safe return to Earth of the 3 taikonauts after 3 months living in the Chinese Space Station Tian Gong (Heavenly Palace)

September 2021

Iran accepted as full member of the SCO at the historic Dushanbe Summit (Tajikistan).

October 2021

A second crew of 3 taikonauts reached the Chinese Space Station including the first Chinese female taikonauts Miss Wang. They should be back to Earth in April 2022.

December 2021 (second week)

Immensely fruitful Putin’s visit to India, concluding many deals with Modi,
contributing to Eurasian Integration.

December 15, 2021

During a virtual Summit (lasting one hour & fourteen minutes),, President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping agreed to establish a financial platform independent of SWIFT. They confirmed closer collaboration within the framework of the already solid Sino-Russian Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for a New Era.


In French, the KFC-AZAEL is called le CaCA. ("Kakistocratique" in French can also be written "Cacocratique"), hence le CaCA is for "le Caco-Conglomérat Anglo-Siono-Américain")

Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape

Russia and China’s announcement of an independent financial trading platform will free nations under US sanctions from western intrusion into their commercial activities.

December 17 2021

Vladimir Putin got straight to the point. At the opening of his one hour and fourteen minute video conversation with Xi Jinping on 15 December, he described Russia-China relations as “an example of genuine inter-state cooperation in the 21st century.”

Their myriad levels of cooperation have been known for years now – from trade, oil and gas, finance, aerospace and the fight against Covid-19, to the progressive interconnection of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU).

But now the stage was set for the announcement of a serious counter-move in their carefully coordinated ballet opposing the relentless Hybrid War/Cold War 2.0 combo deployed by Empire.

As Assistant to the President for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov succinctly explained, Putin and Xi agreed to create an “independent financial structure for trade operations that could not be influenced by other countries.”

Diplomatic sources, off the record, confirmed the structure may be announced by a joint summit before the end of 2022.

This is a stunning game-changer in more ways than one. It had been extensively discussed in previous bilaterals and in preparations for BRICS summits – mostly centered on increasing the share of yuan and rubles in Russia-China settlements, bypassing the US dollar, and opening new stock market options for Russian and Chinese investors.

Now we’ve come to the crunch. And the catalyzing event was none other than US hawks floating the – financially nuclear – idea of expelling Russia from SWIFT, the messaging network used by 11,000+ banks in over 200 countries, as well as financial institutions, for rapid money transfers worldwide.

Cutting off Russia from SWIFT would be part of a harsh new sanctions package developed in response to an ‘invasion’ of Ukraine that will never happen – mainly because the only ones praying for it are professional NATO warmongers.

Profiting from a strategic blunder

Once again, an American strategic blunder offers the Russia-China self-described “comprehensive strategic partnership” the chance to advance their coordination.

Ushakov put it very diplomatically: it’s time to bypass a SWIFT mechanism “influenced by third countries” to form “an independent financial structure.”

That amounts to a serious game-changer for the entire Global South – as scores of nations yearn to be released from a de facto US dollar dictatorship, complete with recurring Fed quantitative easing circus packages.

Russia and China have been experimenting with their alternative payment systems for quite a while now: the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) and the Chinese CIPS (Cross Border Interbank Payment System).

It won’t be easy, as the most powerful Chinese banks are deep into SWIFT and have expressed their reservations about SPFS. Yet, they will have to inevitably integrate prior to the launch of the new mechanism, possibly in late 2022.

Once the most important Russian and Chinese banks – from Sberbank to the Bank of China – adopt the system, the path opens for other banks across Eurasia and the Global South to join in.

In the long run, SWIFT, prone to non-stop American political interference, will be increasingly marginalized, or restricted to Atlanticist latitudes.

Bypassing the US dollar, on trade and all sorts of financial settlements, is an absolutely central plank of the ever-evolving Russia-China notion of a multipolar world.

The road will be long, of course, especially when it comes to offering a solid counterpoint to the US-controlled global financial system, a maze that includes the humongous investment houses of the BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street variety, with their interlocking shareholding of virtually every major multinational company.

Yet a SWIFT escape will rapidly gain momentum, because it is inextricably linked to a series of developments that Putin-Xi touched upon in their conversation, the most important of which are:

1. The progressive interconnection of BRI and EAEU, offering expanding roles to the BRICS-run New Development Bank (NDB) as well as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

2. The increasing geopolitical and geo-economic reach of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), especially after the admission of Iran in October.

3. And crucially, the upcoming Chinese presidency of the BRICS in 2022.

China in 2022 will invest deeply in BRICS+. This expanded BRICS club will be linked to a development process that includes:

1. The consolidation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – a massive East Asia trade deal uniting China, the ASEAN 10 and Japan, and South Korea, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

2. The African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA).

3. And the memoranda of understanding signed between the EAEU and MERCOSUR and between the EAEU and ASEAN.

Anchoring West Asia  

Yaroslav Lissovolik, one of the world’s leading experts on BRICS+, argues that it’s now time for BRICS+ 2.0, operating in a system that opens “the possibility for bilateral and plurilateral agreements to complement the core network of regional alliances formed by BRICS countries and their respective regional neighbors.”

So if we’re talking about a major qualitative jump in terms of economic development across the Global South, the question is inevitable. What about West Asia?

All these interconnections, plus an escape from SWIFT, will certainly profit the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), arguably the flagship BRI project, to which Beijing plans to annex Afghanistan.

CPEC will be progressively connected to the future Iran-China corridor via Afghanistan, part of the 20 year Iran-China strategic deal in which BRI projects will be prominently featured. Iran and China already trade in yuan and rials, so settlements between Iran and China in a non-SWIFT mechanism will be a given.

What happened to Iran is a classic example of SWIFT becoming hostage of imperial political manipulation. Iranian banks were expelled from SWIFT in 2012, because of pressure from the usual suspects. In 2016, access was restored as part of the JCPOA, clinched in 2015. Yet in 2018, under the Trump administration, Iran was once again cut off from SWIFT.

None of that will ever happen with Iran joining the new Russia-China mechanism.

And that leads us to the interconnection of China’s BRI expansion in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. The reconstruction of Syria may be largely financed via the non-SWIFT mechanism. Same for China buying Iraqi energy. Same for the reconstruction of a Yemen possibly hosting a Chinese-owned port, part of the “string of pearls.”

Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Israel may remain in the US financial sphere of influence, or lack thereof. And even if there is no BRICS nation anchoring West Asia, and no regional integration economic agreement on the horizon, the role of the economic integrator is bound to be eventually played by China.

China will play a similar role to Brazil anchoring MERCOSUR, Russia anchoring the EAEU and South Africa anchoring the SADC/SACU.

Both BRI and the EAEU will get a tremendous boost by bypassing SWIFT. You simply can’t go multipolar if you trade using (devalued) imperial legal tender.

BRI, EAEU and those interlocking economic development agreements, combined with digital technology, will be integrating billions of people in the Global South.

Think of a possible, auspicious future spelling out cheap telecom delivering financial services and world market access, in a non-dollar environment, to all those who have been so far cut off from a truly globalized economy.

With that in mind, consider that the rest of the world is already moving away from the USD.

Iran to pay Chinese, Turkish builders in crude, minerals

Iran will pay builders from China and Turkey in crude or minerals rather than cash if they become involved in housing projects in the country, says a member of the country’s Supreme Housing Council.

Ahmad Donyamali said on Saturday that Iran is in talks with Chinese and Turkish construction companies to get them involved in a tiny segment of its massive project to build four million affordable houses in the country in the next four years.

However, Donyamali said that a main condition for working with those companies will be to avoid paying them in cash because of restrictions facing Iran in banking and crude export issues.

“In talks with foreign companies we are seriously discussing the oil barter mechanism and we have declared that the condition for partnership … is that we will not pay any cash,” the official was quoted as saying by semi-official ILNA news agency.

The comments are the latest to come from Iranian government officials about the need to use crude shipments to fund key projects or to pay for imports of basic goods into the country.

The oil barter mechanism has been highlighted as a major instrument to offset the impacts of American sanctions on Iran’s economy, especially since an administration came into office in August on promises that it will seek to neutralize the sanctions.

Donyamali said that Chinese or Turkish builders will have a small share of Iran’s affordable housing project, saying government’s policy will be to award around 90% of the contracts to Iranian companies despite their more expensive bids.

He said paying foreign builders in crude or minerals shipments was not yet final, saying main government departments have to reach a decision on the issue.



China and Russia will start performing monetary transactions using their SEO based systems. As more and more transactions use the Asian systems, the use of the USD dollar will decrease. That will radically change the transactional value of the US Dollar.

It will start to deflate towards it’s true and actual value.

Within a year or two, 2023 to 2024, the actual and real value of the US dollar will be exposed. The entire world will witness this. This will result in inflation domestically (perhaps hyper-inflation, depending on the financial adroitness of those in Washington DC), and financial consternation in all nations that are fundamentally tied to the US Dollar. There WILL be shock waves in any nation that is not being serious about taking care of their domestic needs.

It will be a “bumpy” time, but not a catastrophic one. Well, at least the measure of discomfort should be well controlled by skilled and talented leadership in the various nations so affected.

How the USA leadership will react to this is anyone’s guess.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Part 3 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander December through January 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 3.

[22a] Question – Can Basic Training be obtained

Thank you for your effort. I know how stressful is this for you.

My 2 questions:

As part of working with The Domain, is possible to have basic training to get a better spiritual understanding of ourselves?

Yes, of course.

Those who have agreed to work with us in the roles previously discussed are volunteer irregulars. While they are not qualified with the necessary training and education necessary for regular operations, they never the less possess certain abilities, skills, advantages that we can utilize for the benefit of all.

Everyone who conjoins in this role accepts training (sic.) and non-physical body manipulation / alteration / enhancement / modification as necessary to work with The Domain to attend to the projects that they are or will be assigned to do.

Very little is done at the "raw" physical state, unless you are like MM (here) and have an EBP or ELF probes installed medically. But MM and his colleagues are part of a very special role that needs those modifications and enhancements.

When we perform / conduct / implement the training or education you might experience the events as dreams, or some kind of LD event. Most people will forget them. This is because the memories of the procedures are not usually anchored to the mechanisms inherent with the memories associated with the physical body.

In a similar manner the medical procedures associated with the non-physical body might be interpreted as horrible and frightening nightmares. This is a fear defense mechanism that was set up by the "Old Empire" for your particular human inmate skin-suit.

If there is some particular skill or ability that we suggest the irregular to learn, that is obtained on the physical reality universe (General Population arena), then we would provide a strong "nudge" or urge for the individual to get that kind of training. We have provided nudges to those to study "fate forecasting" (sic.) horoscopes, learning lucid dreaming, enhancing their ESP abilities, and certain directions related to geographical relocation.

[22b] Question

Were we chosen before birth for this endeavor or we are part of this effort by choice and fate (by chance)?

Yes. Most of the active participants on MM have agreed to meet up using this venue before they were born.

Not every IS-BE had the same or similar entry agreement experience, and not everyone worked with their mantids (sic.) to come to this point. As it stands, of those who utilize the MM recruitment venue, there is a mixture of individuals from a large selection of different recruitment drives.

Of those, it should be well understood that numerous individuals were recruited pre-birth in clusters. There is the cluster that MM is part of. This cluster contains IS-BE entities that agreed to work with the Domain prior to birth and that affected the entry-point and the pre-birth world-line template (sic.).

There are a handful of Domain citizenry that are attracted to the MM effort. They are instrumental in organizing the training and recruitment drives in the Heaven (sic.) as well as working with the Mantid Primes. While imprisoned in this complex they are working inside the Heaven pocket universe to organize, train, establish and create the cadre of irregulars that you are part of. 

They volunteered for this role.

They are aware of the risks and are trapped within the prison complex until the containment field is adequately breached.

They have been working to establish recruitment drives from the inside, and have "convinced" / manipulated / agreed to assist the mantid primes in the necessary life experiences via the pre-birth world-line templates for the roles assigned to the irregular volunteers.

There are clusters of non-physical recruitment memberships that occurred during the pre-birth training cycle and recruitment drives in the 1970's and the 1980's General Population Time.

These efforts continue.

The primary training, and the avenues of recruitment occur in the non-physical realms. And it is a complex matter as it involves both mantids, and the IS-BE's as well as crossing the pocket universe threshold regarding Heaven (sic.).

[23] Question – Have you and I met in the physical?

This is a question that I presented to the Domain Commander. I wonder if he was present in any of the physical meetings, or any of the non-physical meetings that I had with the Domain.


Then what about the “leader” who oversaw the operation and implantation of the EBP. Was that not you?

No it was not.

Who was that person then?

That was the chief operational procedure leader for the implantation of the EBP and the memory and biological alterations.

[24] Question – Who were the doctors who oversaw the non-physical body alterations, as well as the physical body changes?

I had a physical modification of my physical body in the mid to late 1980’s. And numerous non-physical changes. I am curious as to who these entities / type-1 individuals were / are.

The medical procedure that took place at Nags Head, NC was conducted by a team of specialists. 

These individuals were a mixture of Domain Officers that temporarily occupied the bodies of human inmate skin suits, as well as the actual medical staff who were actual / real / non-modified human skin-suits.

It is the unmodified humans who performed the necessary biological alterations to your physical body. They came from another region per our request. 

You did not observe the procedure as your consciousness was container placed, while the physical body was replaced.

And what about the non-physical alterations?

That was conducted by a team of specialists who was led by the Chief Nurse. That nurse worked on you in other events and is / was aware of who you are, and your general agreement and disposition.

[25] Question – Is it possible to destroy the amnesia network through LD operations?

This is an interesting question that I thought about asking. I read somewhere that there are people who are claiming that they have damaged the amnesia network and system through lucid dreaming activities. Is this possible?

No. Lucid Dreaming is an observer platform that has a substantial degree of non-physical interaction. A LD individual consciousness can make changes to the environment that will result in apparent changes. However, the reality universe is layered like an onion, and when you make one kind of change, it should interact with all the other layers, and change them accordingly. This would then imply that YES, a LD individual can make changes to the amnesia field.

But the actual answer is sadly no.

The amnesia mechanism is layered within this "onion" layers and insulated and protected by mini-pocket universes that serve as minor repositories of individual components. Making alterations to one layer via consciousness in the LD state will not alter those protected within the pocket repositories.

Which will then emerge unscathed, and then like a seed sprout anew and reconfigure itself like (the Borg???) and adapt to the prior system of alterations. Thus making damage to the mechanism especially difficult.

There needs to be a coordinated effort to destroy all the major elements of the mechanisms / systems and then prevent them for regrouping and recovering. Then systematically go one by one and dismantle the entire complex mechanism.

[26] Question – What is preventing manned spaceflight?

In theory we could have established settlements on the Moon and sent people to Mars by now. The plans had been proposed 50 years ago, but no one has done it. Maybe there’s a larger reason than lack of money and will, so I’ll pose the question.

Does overt human spaceflight into the solar system—say, to Mars—present risks, whether from other beings or from anything else such as unknown microbes? Maybe if yes, the Commander could elaborate.

The biggest impediment to human spaceflight within the prison complex environment is greed, human skin-suit politics, and corruption. 

The Domain will not interfere in vehicle movement within the General Population universe. 

However, there are other interests and entities that do interfere in vehicular movement, as well as the dangerous autonomous military weapon mechanisms that litter the containment field as (a soft of) unexploded munitions, not to mention the snares, traps, and other mechanisms that operate as spiders web of maze entanglement pitfalls.

Your term "manned vehicular spaceflight" to the moon, to Mars, to any of the planets in the solar system, or to any other solar system within the confines of the prison complex are impeded by the failings of the individual planetary governments and their leadership. Most of the reasons behind this have a root cause borne out of personal greed and avarice.

There are five main prison planet solar systems comprising the constellation of stars that make up the prison complex. However, there are also other solar systems that the field contains, that are not populated by inmates. 

The earth-bound entities are also free to construct vehicles and visit these other physical bodies. There, they will find interesting remains of former civilizations that once existed prior to the wars of the "Old Empire" during their expansion phase into this region. Unfortunately, many of these planetary bodies are no longer inhabitable for biological creatures.

[27] Question – Personal guidance

Fantastic stuff MM. thank you so much for your work on this.

So much to take in.

If you get the chance, may I ask for a little guidance for me personally from the commander? I’m rather lost and am ready to follow whatever the Domain commander determines is necessary for me to be useful. I really don’t have anything to lose, all I’ve got at the moment is a simple plan with my affirmations.

While if my affirmations eventually manifest I would have something to lose, as of right now I’m thinking of the bigger picture. Should I continue with my plan or is there something else I should do?

I promise to do whatever is suggested.

You need to seek out human counsel.

If your automobile's engine no longer starts when you crank it up. No matter how hard you turn the lever, it just will not start. (I picture a guy trying to crank the front of a model A old time automobile.) What do you do? Well, you go to a automobile mechanic.

If you are sick, and coughing terribly. If your body is covered in skin rashes and pustules. What do you do? You go to a doctor.

In the case of the questioner, there is a degree of life-mapping, social predictive study, career / lifestyle alteration and personal health and biological readjustment required to achieve his/her ideal. This level of guidance is best determined / obtained / provided by an experienced individual who can provided clinical as well as personal information in regards to your situation.

Just like you go to a shoe repair man when your heel falls off, or a brain surgeon if you have persistent headaches, or even a typewriter repairman if the keys keep sticking on your typewriter. You need to be guided not by (myself / Commander) but by a person / entity that can help you exactly.

Further this guidance is necessary by a trained and experienced human person with extra sensory insight who can guide you. They will need to understand your intelligence and speak the same kind of language that you do regarding your particular issues, fears, concerns and aspirations.

There is one such expert in the irregulars that you communicate with, but is unaware of your need at this time, and his ability to assist you is a function of his desire to do so. 

Contact MM and he will put you in contact with him.

This is a shout out to <redacted>. It’s obvious. If you contact me, I will pass your contact information to him. It will be up to him whether to assist you or not. -MM

[28] Question – ASD’s and UHF radiation.

I have one more question if you can squeeze it in.  If not, it can wait until another time.  Its importance should be obvious.

Autism-spectrum disorders (ASDs) and mental retardation have exploded in youth over the past 30+ years.  Current research suggests something in the environment triggers autism in children with certain DNA markers around age 2 or 3.  Also, many college-age youth display symptoms of what appear to be mild ASD symptoms, including inflexibility, unwillingness to adapt, need for safe spaces and trigger warnings, desire to censor other viewpoints, irrational behavior, bizarre claims of gender fluidity, etc.

Until the modern cell-phone system was created, higher-energy UHF transmissions were mostly absent from the environment.  So the question:

Is UHF radiation from cell-phone towers the trigger for susceptible children to develop ASDs?

All radiation influences the biological bodies of human inmate skin-suits.

How the radiation interacts with the physical bodies depend on [1] the complexities of the non-physical bodies, [2] the diet and [3] well-being of the physical bodies, [4] the fate profile of the individual, [5] the thoughts of those around the individual so targeted, and [6] the presence of lack of viral agents within the body.

Association of UHF radiation as a sole contributor is not accurate. It is, at best, a contributor to a host of conditions that operate syngeristically to create an autism condition. 

To make a crescent ring you need to make sure that the mutton and cheese are all well seasoned and tenderized, Then you must bake it at the proper temperature. If you leave out the mutton, or forget the cheese, or any number of ingredients for the pastry, when you apply the radiation, it will not be a crescent ring. Instead it will be something else. This is the same with the conditions necessary for ASD manifestation via UHF radiation.

Funny thing these comm’s.

This was something that I was unaware of. I had never heard of a “crescent ring”. I realized it was a food when the Commander mentioned mutton. I thought about the moon, before I figured out what he / she was referring to.

Why didn’t my mother, or anyone in my family ever make these things? They sound absolutely delicious.

[29a] Question – Mantids

I was catching up on the forum, and pissedlizard said (again) that the Greys are a dying race, and that they are actually under the Mantids.

I understand that you had asked this question before to the commander, and the answer was that there are actually 2 kinds of Mantids–the class that is assigned to each human, and the other class that is in the “tunnel of light”.

But with pissedlizard’s comment, I can’t help but feel confused.

If the commander can clear up this “dying race” thing, it would be helpful.

Are the Domain under the control of the Mantids?

Is the beach under the control of the ocean? Are cows under the jurisdiction of the grass?

The Domain has a role, and a place within the Main Universe that fits the needs and desires of our group of IS-BE consciousness entities. Likewise the mantids, also have a role, and a place in the grand society that represents the totality of the Main and Reality and Heaven universes.

Human skin-suits within the general population try to understand things from their own limited perspective. They do not see things as part of a greater whole. In the interactions of the Domain and the mantids, it is as of equals offering different abilities to resolve differing objectives.

The mantids are devoted to their human skin-suit charges. They provide them with experiences that improve their being; that purge the more corrupting thought influences from their beings. And they work to provide them rewards in the Heaven universe upon completion.

The Domain is active in purging the main universe of disconcerting elements that could destroy the very nature of the universe "fabric". One of which is the presence of the prison complex, and to this end, the inmates will need to participate in the eventual shut-down and retirement of this facility. This will cause human inmate hardship and experiences that the mantids (sic.) support. 

So in the overall scheme of things, both the Domain and the mantids (including the mantids prime) work together for the mutual benefit of all. Not only on the tactical level, but strategic as well. We work as equals with unified goals, and determination.

The idea that one is subservient to the other is a human inmate construct. Just like certain human inmates believe that humans "own" cats as pets. The cats are more like caretakers of their human charges. Not the other way around as is often believed.

[29b] Question  – Is the Domain a dying race?

Also, since the Domain is supposed to be composed of timeless beings who can choose which type of bodies to inhabit (biological, mechanical, etc), how can they be dying?

Does PL mean that the bodies are dying, since IS-BEs are forever and unkillable (but can be bamboozled and subdued)? I was under the impression that Domain members (based on their rank) could wear whatever type of skin suits like one wears a shirt or a sweater. I can’t help but feel a little concerned or confused. Probably both.

How can the Domain be dying?

(I picture that old game where the children all form a circle and one person is given a statement to whisper into the ear of the person next to them. Then, that person whispers it into the ear of the other person. And so on, and so forth. Eventually, the person at the end announces what the statement is, and it doesn't even resemble the first statement whispered. - MM)

There are misunderstandings that abound, and the human skin-suits try to make sense of things from their understandings.

All IS-BE consciousness is eternal. They are alive and exist because. They are.

It does not matter what form or shape they are in. Whether it is a human skin-suit, a mantid (sic.), a member of the Domain, a member of the "Old Empire". Every consciousness is eternal.

Species come and go in certain geographic regions. They evolve into other things.

Nations, societies, and communities come and go. They evolve into other things.

The consciousnesses that are part of The Domain are eternal beings. We like you IS-BE consciousnesses trapped within your inmate skin-suits are also eternal beings. As are the mantids (sic.) that maintain your skin-suit existence in this prison planet general population; they too are eternal beings.

The mantids (sic.) will eventually evolve into another form, and migrate to another universe, where they will exist in another state. This does not imply that they die, nor does it imply that they leave. They just simply grow and evolve.

Human skin-suits will also grow and evolve. You will all migrate to new states, new realities, new universe and new conditions. It is your nature as an eternal being.

Cats are eternal beings and they too will grow, evolve and move about the ALL as per their desires.

Members of the Domain are no different. Eventually we will complete our current task in the MAIN universe and grow and evolve. We will no longer hold the apparent roles that we hold currently as well will be quite different. We are not a dying race, as much as we are a maturing and growing and evolving cluster of IS-BE entities.

Same as you. Same as the mantids(sic.) and the same as your cat feline friends.

[29c] Question – bacteriophage and virophage technology

Also, is it possible for the Commander to give his/her/its thoughts on bacteriophage and virophage technology for treating pathogenic bacterial or viral infections?

(I can only talk and ask questions that I can understand. Then when I receive answers, I must be able to understand them. This stuff is over my head. I am so very sorry. -MM)

*garble" Images of DNA strands. With spiky things moving about. The terms / words / thoughts of "invasion" / reduction / suppression / collapse seem to be associated with it all. And then I see a removal of entire strings of DNA pulled out of what looks like a glob of "Play Doh".

(Sorry. the terminated the comm. I will read up on this subject and ask again at a later time. -MM)

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

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Part 2 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 2.

[15] Question – Training our deference’s

MESSAGE OF UNIVERS WE QUE CAN Train with our Deference and we will go into the future reformer the future will be Deference sought with you?

Can we train so that we can be assistance to the Domain?

(This was very odd. I picture a smiling kind fellow. Who told me the following, like a kind elderly gentleman talking to a beloved son. -MM)

You need only vocalize your intentions and desires. We will work with you in the non-physical. You need do nothing else. Just be the best that you can be. Be kind. Be helpful.

(The, I was specifically instructed to translate this into french. I mean PUSHED. With goose pimples on my arms. Both my left and right arms. And a chill up and down my back. To translate what I just transcribed. So I did so using Bing translate. -MM)

Vous n’avez qu’à exprimer vos intentions et vos désirs. Nous travaillerons avec vous dans le non-physique. Vous n’avez rien d’autre à faire. Soyez simplement le meilleur que vous puissiez être. Soyez gentil. Soyez utile.

[16] Question – Mantid Primes

As regards the Prime Mantids, however, I do have one question. Can the Domain shed any light on happenings within their society? I am assuming they have leaders and factions.

The dominant nation in the world is going through a catastrophic change that is a normal event in the bigger scheme of things. It appears to be unusual and dangerous, but in reality, it is a cyclic event that is programmed within the prison general population system.

Everyone who has worked on their pre-birth world-line template (sic.) prior to injection to this MWI reality universe, agreed to endure the changes and alterations that would occur at this time.

Obviously the mantid primes were involved in the layout and creation of this template.

(I get the strong impression that The Domain does not want to talk about the Mantids. And I know that I have great restrictions on what I can say about them. -MM)

Now there is a relationship between the MWI reality universe and the pocket "Heaven" universe. They are not completely isolated. There is a degree of interaction at numerous levels. Thus changes in the reality universe will instigate changes in the "Heaven" pocket universe.

These influences are neither trivial nor isolated, but fundamental to the nature of the fabric of "Heaven". Given that the MWI reality universe consists of all scenarios of events, from world war III to a pastoral life of no conflict, the aggregate whole based upon the dominant consciousness participation in the MWI reality universe will have the greatest effect upon "Heaven".

The mantid primes understand this. There is no influence, good or bad, that alters their lifestyle or way of life. 

Their life is totally alien to anything that humans can comprehend, thus one need not worry too much abut the changes in human life as it affects very little in the lives of the mantids. Whether mantid primes, or mantids in general population.

Specifically, mantid society is alien to human society and there is very little in the way of commonality.


In general there are some primary limitations that I have regarding discussions about the mantids. I am sorry about that.

[17] Question – Nuclear Weapons

If I may add, the explosion attached below is most definitely not a hundred truckloads of conventional munitions. Trust me on that. waaayyy to much heat in the fireball– and that’s hundreds of metres in diameter. And hundreds of metres high. Conventionals cannot do that. Impossible.

This tech may or may not have existed in the 1940s– Airl did say they were investigating ‘atomic detonations’ on Earth back then, though– but it sure as shit exists now.

Notice the first explosion– definitely conventional and standard tactics– as in Beirut– to get everybody to duck and ensure no cameras are rolling for the second nuclear detonation a few seconds later. (This tactic is frequently used by ‘our favourite ally’ in the Middle East. Has been for years. But conventionals do not leave a crater in solid rock unless it’s a penetrator/bunker buster.)

The whole ‘nuclear weapons don’t exist’ shpiel has been spread by the same crew who spread the ‘viruses are fake and don’t exist’ trope, too. Divide and conquer technique– military grade psyops now being used on the general population (and illegally used, too)– but as old as the hills and super effective.

Definitely looking forward to the Domain’s answer on that, though.

Do nuclear weapons actually exist?

Nuclear weapons exist. Just like nuclear power plants exist. They are powerful and terrible weapons.

The weapons that were detonated in 1945 against the Japanese were tiny weapons. We have been monitoring this technology and the current earth technology level is horrific in ability, and terrifying in scope.

The damage that these weapons create goes far beyond the explosive damage. The radiation that results alters the biological cycles of all living creatures, and influences the non-physical realms as well.

We have intentionally disabled ICBM weapons in their launch cradles, and disconnected the command and control centers from accessing the missile control functions. This was sufficient, back in the 1960's and 1970's to persuade both the Russian and the American military that launching these weapons would have dire consequences that we would control. Not them.

Unfortunately, the current American leadership is unaware of the consequences of a nuclear strike.Just like they have been unaware of the consequences of a bio-weapon strike.

This entire region of geographic space was devastated by a massive series of nuclear wars, and the "Old Empire" led in many of the areas of destruction. Which is perhaps (one of the many reasons) why the "Old Empire" selected this region for the Prison Complex.

There is this connection of belief that pervades both the "Old Empire" and the Western leadership that possession of powerful weapons makes one powerful. That is not the case. It makes one dangerous. And the reality is that dangerous creatures are eventually subdued by an equally horrific measure.

One of the great lies is that those bombed Japanese cities are now thriving urban areas free of radiation. That is not true. But that is of no concern, the weapons currently stockpiled are much larger, and much more dangerous. Use of them could easily eviscerate all life on earth. -MM

Second comm (out of the blue). (Roughly about three weeks after this first initial comm above.) I don’t know where to place it. So I am placing it here. I do not know if it is relevant, or not.


At the end of World War II, the Office of Strategic Services operated a clandestine operation to minimize and downplay the amount of radiation at the detonation sites. This was intentional and the reasons were related for American civilian population's acceptance of the weapons in the military arsenal. 


[18] Question – Set in stone?

I have one more sneaky one, too, if I may.

Given what the Domain have told us directly– and Metallicman has been telling us for years– that ‘the future’ is never set in stone and is actually subject to many variables in the MWI (in the Reality Universe, at least)…

…are the Deagel Forecasts wrt. certain countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?

Reason I ask is, as most of us here in MMan Land are, I’m sure, getting on with our lives and intentions regardless of the wider geopolitical shitshow underway, it would be beneficial for us to be aware that something like this is a strong possibility/incoming, and perhaps take a good look at what our current priorities are, and weigh up whether or not these priorities require adjustment at the very least, or a complete revision IF the forecasts are correct/expected as a matter of expediency. (It would be a historical first, after all– at least if the history we’re told about is correct, that is.)

I also recall that the Domain said directly ‘Heaven is being expanded’ to cope with the expected inflow. So perhaps this has been answered already, because the means through which this Deagel figure is attained may well be the expected kinetic events (that Metallicman and the Domain) forecasted in a recent Q&A session.

Either way, I think it would be beneficial to know if the Deagel Forecasts in themselves are roughly accurate in terms of actual figures, or was the Domain referring to another extinction event the details of which must remain– for obvious reasons– veiled, for now.

That last part is a question many of us wouldn’t want an answer for anyway, I’d say. And I’m not looking for that answer here– just the one above in bold.

Is the Deagel Forecasts with the specified countries/regions population reduction forecasts correct? Or, are they misinformation in, say, the same way the the 2nd Alien Interview book was?

(This message came up immediately. -MM)

This must be answered carefully so that there is no misinterpretation.

(Followed by the data narrative. -MM)

The Deagel Forecast is not misinformation.

The Deagel Forecast was based on two things. [1] It is based on a series of historical trends, and [2] supported in such a way to help explain horrific remote viewing results. 

(Then an image of a old history movie. You know the type. Black and white. Grainy picture. 1920's style. -MM)

The Deagel Forecast came into being when numerous independent remote viewers reported the same disturbing result profile. They remote viewed a massive "die off" in the Western nations. 

(Repeated, to me, like a narrative. Where the announcer describes the background of the old 1920's style movie. -MM)

The initial remote viewing, as well as the subsequent RV sessions, was of such a concern that substantive efforts were taken to explain what caused the event sequence. 

[1] Different teams. They used different teams of trained viewers, to remote view 2025. Repeated remote viewing of the target dates in great detail occurred. Different teams were used. Different target areas were observed. Different profiles were compiled. The results all pointed to the same result; a massive human die off by / in 2025.

[2] Viewed the lead up events. Also remote viewed were the lead up events that resulted in those results. This was used to anticipate what was the primary driver behind the catastrophe of 2025. All that they could determine was...

(Then a series of "cut scenes". I think The Commander was playing with me somehow. -MM)

[2A] A global pandemic.

(Like those world war II era black and white movies showing how the evil forces were taking over the world. These big wide arrows moving over the globe and expanding until the entire globe was blackened. -MM)

[2B] Hostilities and attacks against Asia in wide full spectrum.

(Again, there are cut scenes of fighting. Military movements, and a map showing fighting all over Asia. From Russia to Japan and all over the nations of the middle east and South East Asia. -MM)

[2C] Generalized collapsing and failures at all levels of the American / UK and Western government and society.

(The "newsreel" presentation continues. Like scenes from the American 1920's stock market crash. Twirling and spinning headlines on news papers. Pictures of scandals, and greedy pot-bellied men in top hats, and gaiters smoking cigars.-MM)

[3] Paid for-profit individuals laboriously remote viewed the details of the globe in 2025. They "nit picked" apart the details that they found. This was to search for clues.

(Images and sounds of industry. News papers running in printing presses. Investigators typing away and reading books. Secretaries with their hair in buns carrying documents to smoky boardrooms, etc. -MM)

[3A] They first used this information to promote financial gain in the stock market and other financial venues.

(Images of dollars falling from the sky. Roaring 20's dances, and a lot of easy money and absurd amounts of wealth. -MM)

[3B] They then cross indexed the results with historical trends, and based much of their comparisons on intelligent studies, historical event trends, and their own intuition.

[3C] All of the lead-ups to the 2025 was suggestive of either a pandemic or a bio-weapon discharge, all complicated by horrific mismanagement and the introduction of some "wild card" event that they could not identify.

(A big question mark, overlays this man who is trying to figure things out. -MM)

[4] Historical examples, however, could not justify the enormous percentages of death observed. Thus they revised their forecast to suggest that there was a combination of catastrophic events that "pushed" the stress and strains of civilization to break down as they observed. This "wild card" is the great unknown is is not publicly identified.

[5] Their revised forecast added the speculations of nuclear war, collapse of society, and deadly viral strains to simultaneously work together synergistically. 

(Images of ants carrying things in a long train on a sidewalk. -MM)

[6] The future, as it exists today, has not changed. All indicators point to a massive "die off" brought about by an American discharged Bio-Weapon, and the failure of the Western nations to vaccinate against it. Instead they opted for other means of control, and those other means were not successful.

(Image of a 1950 car dead at the side of the road with steam coming from it's hood. -MM)

Presently, the "wild card" appears to be the inoculation methodology employed by the Western nations. It is a new technology that seems / appears to have other unforeseen consequences. 

(All the images change. There is this kind of 1940's movie in color showing the great progress of science and development in California (?) and many happy people going to work int he factories there. -MM)

Of course, the future is never fixed. The world-line templates (sic.) that the vast bulk of humanity will experience is being brought to this cliff. However, it need not occur. There are also scenarios where the pandemic subsides, and where a change in government leadership and opinion prevent war of any type, and where the world pulls together and resolves the vector direction that it is heading towards.

(The entire narrative and tone changes. -MM)

The future is being determined by the mass thoughts and actions of the dominant society at this time. Right now, it is quite clear that the dominant Western media, power leaders, and population are pushing the collapse of human society by their thoughts and actions. The human skin-suits in general population are acting like a herd of wild buffalo. They are running faster and faster to that cliff. And they refuse to stop and take note of what is going on.

This herd collapse is a mechanism of the "Old Empire" and is being aggravated by the Western leadership.

Unless the situation changes drastically, the collapse of the Western nations lies ahead. It will be caused by the release of an American Bio-weapon on the globe, and severely aggravated by forced injections that will not vaccinate the population from it. Instead they will permit the virus to mutate. As it mutates, further injections will be required. With each injection will welcome a host of other problems as a result of the juvenile injection concoction. 

There is every indication that it is the combination of [1] permitted viral adaptation in humans hosts, and [2] an increased litany of side effects with the injection methodology that will together unleash the "wild card" that will evoke the specter of the remote viewing terrain.

Sometimes I wonder if there are different entities chatting on the comm. Sometimes the answers or discussions are so different from each other.  It makes me confused and (sometimes) questioning my sanity.-MM

[19] Question – More nuclear questions

Given the recent MM posting (What happened after Alien Interview that helped to set up MAJestic), and the stated precursors therein (big “bombs”), I would like to ask one more question.

I am fairly certain that we all gather our information from a number of sources, and a trust [of those sources] is built upon a comparative analysis of sorts [of that information].

I have it from some very educated, intelligent, and trusted, [multiple] sources that all the purported nuclear testing events, or displays, were likely faked… and similarly, the two most famous explosions over, in, and around Japan. There are some technical reasons given (unorthodox physics by some), as well as geopolitical and the usual fear-mongering and video fuckery (before, after and during). However, surprising to me, the wide-spread blast and burn (at least for those two biggies) can be accounted for by unbelievably immense quantities of [pre-arranged] conventional explosives. Easy to do, even by puny humans.

If, and that is a big IF to me, you allow for off-worlders “assisting” in the development, deployment and detonation of said devices, then my above question is moot.

Were the devices purportedly detonated above Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, nuclear in design and effect?

Hiroshima was destroyed by a singular bomb weighing around 9000 pounds. Almost everything up to about one mile from the point of detonation was completely destroyed. The point of detonation was a clear circular radius easily viewable on the flat terrain. 

The only exceptions were for a small number (about 50) of heavily reinforced concrete buildings, most of which were specially designed to withstand earthquake shock.

These were not collapsed by the blast; most of these buildings had their interiors completely gutted, and all windows, doors, sashes, and frames ripped out. 

The 9000 pound singular bomb created the equivalent of 20,000 tons of conventional munitions worth of damage.

In Nagasaki, nearly everything within 1/2 mile of the explosion was destroyed, including heavy structures. All Japanese homes were destroyed within 1 1/2 miles from the point of detonation.

Whether or not this is nuclear in design or effect is a specious argument. 

We detected a radiation discharge and investigated it. There is no question that human skin-suits have the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons. As they have the ability to manufacture nuclear power stations.

Creation of a nuclear weapon is far easier than the design and creation of a nuclear power station. This is why the nuclear bombs came first in 1945, and the nuclear power stations came later in 1954.

The world is flooded with distractive news and commentary designed to disorient the population. This includes whether humans have traveled to the moon and landed on it, whether or not a plane flew into the world trade center towers, whether Elvis Presley is alive, that the earth is flat and not a sphere, or that nuclear weapons don't actually exist. 

Believing any of these distractions are dangerous because it has no bearing on your lives. It's a distraction that serves to decrease the popular validity of a publication, website or article. The moment any venue embraces the outlandish and the extreme it's validity decreases exponentially.

MM is under assault by various influences to clutter up the dialog with the outrageous and the outlandish.

(What followed was some specific directions to me personally. I will not post them here. Please expect me to aggressively police the comments, requests and content of submissions from now on. -MM)

I dug up the following. It is a chart of the radiation readings from Japan in 1945.

[20] Question – My anger and the cornfield

In 2021, a visitor to MM visited and then immediately trashed the disclosure effort. In my anger about being so maligned, I went and tried to perma-ban him and then sent him to the cornfield. Not so successful. He was using TOR, and frame hopping.

So, I went a step further, and condemned him to a fixed recycling over an over on a very nasty pre-birth world-line template.

I feel awful about it. Really awful. Most especially because I am doing what the “Old Empire” did. Right? Please tell me if I was out of line, and whether I should be a kinder and gentler Rufus. Because right now I feel like shit.

Was I out of line?

The actions that one takes within this bubble universe is one of cause and effect. there really is no such thing as a "right" or a "wrong". But rather how we interact with others in the environment presented to us. This affects our growth, stability and value.

When you "send someone to the cornfield" (sic.) you are no different than a school child that punches a bully for stealing their food. You are no different from a cat that claws you up when you try to hurt it. You are no different from a innocent pedestrian who shoots the man robbing him.

Your only difference is that you have a greater and more powerful skill set, and this individual has never encountered this level of power before.

In truth, this individual has a large ego and somehow believes that they have an "inside line" to us. They don't. If we wanted them to communicate with us, we would have established an EBP link. 

The collection of interest from this person to others has value, but it's only of slight significance. (A wash over of calmness. Like I am being petted and calmed down.)

They have a role. Not as great or important as your role, or the role of others in your clique / group / community. We chose you and you agreed to work with us. Your team / community that you have managed to pull together and assemble are all part of a small battalion that are doing great things for us.  (Again, another wash over of calmness.)

You are not in competition with this individual. So stop believing that one is better than the other. You have a very important role, and they have a different role. Both roles are important. Your role is more like a five star hotel with exclusive guests. Their role is more like packaged fast food for the masses. Both roles have their place. Neither role is better or worse than the other.

Your concern about sending them to the cornfield should not be of concern. You have to break some eggs to make strudel. They were out of line to malign you. You were warned about this by your Commander Rasmussen at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Fla. This is what you were told to expect, and while it angers you, it is part of the territory that surrounds you and which you agreed to accept. Critics abound everywhere. Never the less, they were wrong and an equally harsh reaction is called for. 

If you try to stand in front of a steam locomotive, there will be a reaction and it will be a real mess. And that is what this person did. Like a child playing with matches, he is unaware of the dangers and the great power that he holds in his hands.

Your rage is not human. Your rage in this event is artificially induced, and being a person with some extraordinary skills, you naturally used them. (The incredible hulk.) And the consequences will be longer lasting. No, you did not send him to purgatory forever, no matter what you seem to think. We will pull him out when it is time. He needs to understand humility first.

And you are the one teaching them that.
Scene from “Back to the Future”.

Just like in the movie “Back to the future”…

Scene from “Back to the Future”.

Then, I drank a couple of bottles of wine. Went to bed. Slept.

Then, today, as I got up and going through my feeds, my emails and all of that, I opened up my browser. You know, I have my morning routine.

Cup of coffee. Sun rises at dawn. Listen to the morning birds.

And out of the blue. THIS picture shows up on my feed…

Coincidence, or message?

Never the less…

I experience remorse, and so I took the dangerous and time consuming effort to recall my horrible actions. I do not believe that person needed to incur my wrath. They are a searcher like myself. And being human, they have egos and feelings just like I have. And being human they make mistakes just like I do. And I made a mistake sending them to the cornfield.

That mistake has been undone. But the sour taste in my mouth will continue for a long time afterwards.

Don’t be like me.

Give everyone a chance, and show them some understanding. Some compassion, and give them a little break.

[21] Question

After reading Part 1 of the comms with Domain Commander (on the new Huawei Pad), it has answered my worry of the mRNA vaccines & what if my loved ones took it. At least now I know that it can be mitigated somewhat by good diet & exercise. My 79 yr old dad took Pfizer & 79 yr old mum took Sinovac (but recently took Pfizer booster). Wife & I both took Sinovac but wife just took Pfizer booster despite my advice. For me, am trying to get Sinovac booster & bypass the Government appointed Pfizer booster.
My question to the Commander is am asking for guidance on how to proceed in my life from now on. In my early life, I was very helpful to others, eagerly providing help to friends (mostly advice & lending an ear) but many new “friends” took advantage of me. It was like vampires sucking the good energy out of you & gave back the bad energy in return. I end up being emotionally drained & depressed. It came to the point that now I only help those that I’m close to only. I still try as much to be Rufus towards others in other ways so as not to be drained of my good energy.
My life has been average, neither extravagant nor in poverty. Very blessed with parents who took good care of myself & my siblings. Had the privileged opportunity to study in London & experience living in a foreign country for a number of years. This shaped my young adult thinking, my working culture & gave me opportunities to expand my career back home till early 2000s. Then difficult times came but I took it as a life lesson & behind every cloud is a silver lining, my now wife came into my life during this down time. She is my anchor, balances me & able to tolerate my specific way of doing things.
Today, I no longer wish that high flying corporate career but at the same time, am not that financially sound, enough to get by. I worry about my retirement with my wife as we dont have social security here in this part of the world & frankly am fed up with the current employer I’m with.
Our 5 cats are like our children & we dote on them. In fact the youngest one is sleeping next to me as I’m typing this. We suspect that this youngest one is the incarnation of our first cat. I’ve always known that people & pets comes into our life for a reason and that these 5 cats has had past lives link to both my wife & I. The strong affinity and bond with them tells me that we have met before (& the facts that they chose us rather than we choose them).
I am a worrier & often think too deeply (hence the hair loss.. hahaha) about what ifs. I worry about the future & all that is happening is really making my worry meter shoot up. My parents, my wife, my extended family, my cats, my friends ….
Somehow, I believe that although I’ve not vocally mentioned volunteering to assist the Domain, in some way, I can feel my lifepath is somehow in a very small way assisting them.
So, going back to my asking the Commander for guidance on how to proceed in my life from now on. Really need guidance to lift some of the worries.
Actually, another question is that if somebody as insignificant as myself ask for Domain retrieval after death, does the Domain hear our plea ? (as going into the tunnel of light doesnt not seem to be a prospect that I now wish to follow).
Cant remember how I found MM blog but I just cant stop reading & keep coming back. Truly Appreciate all that you’re doing to help us MM readers & the world. It must be a great burden on you but you amaze me on how you carry it all through. Your blog is is visited at least twice a day but I worry that the Western powers will pull the plug as you’re not singing their narrative. Time to consider shifting to a Chinese server where you know you’ll be protected. My regards to your lovely family & please give a big hug to your little daughter.
Thanks again for helping us. Cant say it enough. For me, it helps to center my life & affirmed what been deducing all this time, that the shift is happening but resistance is strong.
First comm injection…
You need to focus on centering your consciousness within it's brain cradle so that you can optimize it's utility. Your family will be fine provided that you avoid the poisoned vectors of fear mongering activities. 

Your ideas and thoughts regarding your cats are accurate, and that (of course) means that they will generate a calm and kind environment to surround you. 

Fear is the great hurtle that lies before you, but you and you family have practical and substantive thoughts regarding this matter. Follow them and do not second guess them. They will all work out fine. 

Of course, the trials and failures of life is to be expected, but the overall forward time vector for you and your family is better than most, and certainly far better than your fears promise / provide for you.

Follow up comm. (Roughly three weeks later.)

*comm opened*

Following the advice provided graciously to you (above and presented immediately to the questioner above. -MM) has been exemplary. Thank you. (smile)

Taming your fears, no matter how loudly they clamor at you; nor how shrilling they appear to by those around you that you love, it is important to stay focused. Ignore the noise. The fear is noise. It is distracting and upsetting your good works, and positive steady directions.

Do not forget this.

Use the guidelines of that as the cat. They have a far better appraisal  of the situation at hand. And are not to be ignored, because they create the calming comforting environment that enables you to accomplish the goals and tasks that you affirm (sic.).

Soon, this (next) year (maybe months) you will "break through" an invisible barrier, and much will become clearer, calmer and more stable. Shake off the fears as that is preventing the manifestation of the MWI (sic.) track path.


Sorry. I haven’t a clue as to what all this is about. I just transcribed and cleaned it up. -MM

[Bonus] My cherished beliefs

You know, when a comm channel opens up it can be anywhere. In the elevator, for instance. Walking down the sidewalk. Or at the checkout in a store. And one of the features about this is that when you are aware that a comm opens up, that you listen to it, and then move on with your life. Many times forgetting about the communication transfer. Such was this next bout…

I was musing about my attitude regarding The Domain and the mantids. And wondering why I am not permitted to say anything about them, or deal with them in any substantive way.

Mantids (sic.) are the most important species (race) beings in the human inmate suit right now. They are the "behind the scenes" movers / shakers /lever makers. To question their role in your life is to question your own self. 

If a choice must be made between The Domain or the mantids (sic.) you must always obey your inner mantid directives and directions. 

We (The Domain) lie outside of that bonded interconnection.


We (The Domain) are mission directed. The mantids (sic.) are consciousness focused. Obviously that is more important to your individual growth and eventual release from the prison planet environment than anything else.

More Questions?

I am sure that most of this article will go over the heads of the readership. The questions are all individual personal issues. I’ll attempt to open it up later on to more general questions.

I have about twenty other questions “in the pipe”. They are sitting in an article that I call part 3. I will get it out shortly, or sooner or later.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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[daegonmagus] – Part 15 – LD Lesson 4: Advanced LD Practices and Potentialities

The following is the fifteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 15 – LD Lesson 4: Advanced LD Practices and Potentialities

I hope you’ve been practicing because now we get into the good stuff. Comparing this article to my past ones will be like comparing aged scotch whiskey. It will be like shelving that 12 year old blended crap and cracking open a 21 year old single malt instead. Except rather than take a few savouring sips, we are going to devour the whole bottle.

Just don’t do what I did and leave it in an oak cask in the middle of 40+ degree Celsius summer only to find it had all evaporated before I’d even had my second sampling. For those who do not know, distillers take this evaporation into account when ageing their scotch and call it the “Angel’s Share”. Well the angels certainly got their fair share of that batch, $250 fucking dollars worth of it.

Speaking of angels, there is a very well known story in occult circles about Dr John Dee and his communication with the “angel” Enoch. As the story goes, Dee, an accomplished scryer, was able to communicate with Enoch through the use of a crystal ball and black mirror. Enoch purportedly relayed an Angelic alphabet to Dee who in turn relayed it to his associate Edward Kelly. Kelly transcribed the complete alphabet along with the proper method of contacting the angels through the use of a complex system of tablets. Israel Regardie (Aleister Crowley’s secretary) has an excellent write up of the correct use of the tablets in his book “Golden Dawn” which deals with the magical systems of that same Order.

Whilst this subject deserves its own separate article, be aware that my LD methodologies can be used to contact similar non physical entities (for the sake of brevity I lump all angels/demons/ghosts/inter-dimensional ETs in the same boat under this title). Though Dee never specifically used LD or AP for his scrying sessions (that I am aware of), these avenues certainly can be used for these purposes. In fact, I am so sure in my assertions that I will even go as far as to say that these avenues will produce results far better and far in excess than what is capable with conventional channeling processes whilst “awake”, going by mine and SDs experiences alone.

Remote viewing, telepathy, communication with non physical entities, projection into other worlds etc are all very real possibilities from this non physical vantage point. Men of common sciences will suggest they are just imbalances in brain chemistry or what have you, but once you experience them you will realise just how wrong these apparent “experts” are. Do yourself a favour and replace words such as “black mirror” and “crystal ball” with words such as “void space” and “sleep paralysis” whenever reading such occult recipes for communication with non physical entities.

So what makes LD so much better for these practices than channeling techniques carried out whilst conscious within the physical body? Trick question, and if you need to ask I suggest re-reading through my prior articles on the subject. LD is the practice of disengaging consciousness from the physical vessel. PERIOD. Non negotiable! Return all arguments to sender! We may call it a form of dreaming, or a type of OBE, but when you strip the technicalities away, this is what it really boils down to. It is the change of our conscious perception of reality, and for those who feel the need to argue this point, then all I can say is that you aren’t LDing properly. As MM would put it, it is your consciousness going from particle form to wave form. What you witness in LD is, quite bluntly, the other side of the Quantum physics coin. Read that, again.

How can one define reality when one is completely, irrevocably, 100% conscious, yet there is no longer a physical world in front of them? In LD you have a complete understanding on how it is your consciousness can create reality; there is no longer mystery in this regard. And these “expert” “dream scientists” are trying to measure it all with EEGs and other equipment that can only measure the particle domain? It is beyond laughable. As a qualified electronics technician with an advanced licence in radio I can tell you no breakthroughs are ever going to come through such dream research avenues which rely solely on such equipment.

It’s like using a wrench to measure voltage in an electronic circuit; the two are not compatible. But it is rather cute watching how much effort they put into it all. Kinda like watching a baby put a square block into a circular shaped hole. If only they would listen {sigh}. In case any of them are: If LD dream scientists are serious about their research then I suggest looking into experimenting with the concepts I am providing here. You will win a noble peace prize Laureate. Read up on MMs Our Universe material and play around with the range of extremely low frequencies he mentions. It all corroborates my experiences perfectly.

Hell, I’ll even draft your experiments up for you if you ask me nicely enough. Such scientists need to understand that once consciousness reaches the transition point, linear time becomes an irrelevant factor. The entire LD experience could take place within the time it takes the microcontroller in the EEG equipment clock to register a single digital step. That digital step is what draws all those nice little lines of data you guys like to rely on. Time is not the same in LD as it is in physical reality!!! LD/AP are not just fluctuations in brain chemicals/ speeds (though these do play a role); they are a conscious witnessing of quantum reality. Adapt your experiments accordingly, else you look like fucking amateurs to those of us who know what we are talking about.

So, anyways, in answering the above question:
By detaching consciousness and becoming lucid in this manner, you are disengaging from all the sensory inputs that shapes your physical world. Not just the 5 sensors, but all those sensors you don’t even realise you rely upon, such as subconscious “programs”, like breathing and heartbeat, that keep your body running. They are good for keeping your physical body alive, but one has to realise that these sensors, when tuned to the physical body, create a thick layer of M Band noise (what I previously called sub conscious distortion in past articles.) You will not realise just how encumbering this M Band Noise is until you consciously experience a transition into the sleeping state; at this juncture, the compression of consciousness state that you have been trapped in your whole life becomes immediately apparent.

Think of it like if you were born into a box that is much too small for your body in that it has to remain hunched over all the time. As the box is closed, the only reality you know of is that within the box. Hence you never realised you are encumbered. It is not until someone opens the box, and you can finally stretch out into the new reality outside of it that you realise just how limited you were in practically all of your abilities. This is a very crude rendition of a thought experiment called the “cave” by the well known philosopher Plato, I suggest everyone reads (it was what the story line of the Matrix movies was based on – and yeah I am the guy that exited the cave if you haven’t already figured it out). The point is, at the transition point you shed this M Band Noise baggage. It feels like someone just lifted a million tonne weight (or gravity itself) off of you, and you can – for want of a better word – “stretch” yourself in ways that you never could before. This is how you know you’ve reached the Void Space. In a general sense, the M Band noise begins to thin out the deeper one goes into sleep paralysis/ hypnogogia. Remember this, as it can be used to your advantage.

The reduction of this M Band noise layer is why LD is such an effective avenue for non physical entity communication. It is why it is so effective for “connecting” with other consciousness via telepathy. It is why it is so effective for remote viewing. Sure, there is still an inherent layer of M Band noise to cut through, but it is a lot thinner and a lot less troublesome from this vantage point. With enough practice it’s like cutting through butter. You learn to ignore what is irrelevant and focus on what is relevant. You learn to focus on what is new, what is different, what is out of place in this quantum world you are experiencing, and that is where you should be {carefully} probing for higher order information.

You’d be surprised of what is out there willing to “talk” or show you things. A point should be made though, that just because a non physical entity might say something, doesn’t always mean that it is the truth. Discernment is ultimately your own responsibility. And there is no reason you can’t be sending out “pings” for others to locate you. Ok yeah there is reason and we will say that reason is safety, but honestly, it isn’t something I really ever gave a shit about. (The movie “Baby’s Day Out” comes to mind, where this innocent baby wanders off from its parents to explore the fascinating world around it, seemingly ignorant of all the dangers unfolding right behind it and the predators that are trying to capture it to use it as a ransom. That pretty sums up my teenage LD years. )

But in these years I learnt some things; if you truly know yourself and what you are, there is nothing to be afraid of whilst in LD. I always operated on the mentality that no matter what evil presented itself to me to try and scare me, I was bigger and badder and meaner than it could ever be, and this is what I “projected” out with my pings. An unwavering sense of self is the crucial mentality one needs to be operating from in this state of consciousness. Never, ever, take notice of those words that were designed to break you from other, much weaker souls. If you allow them to carry on into the LD/AP domain, they will present as a weakened point of your being that may be exploited by other entities that are more sure of themselves. You simply cannot be weak minded when entering this place; wield your sense of self like a bright illuminating torch that makes others recoil in fear of being burnt and use that light to navigate.

Remember, you don’t actually have to accept that candy from the stranger at the park, just like you don’t have to accept their words as bearing anything on who you are. To put it simply, fuck their opinion. You are a god, you just don’t remember it yet. Hopefully you will soon.

Hidden Knowledge:

There is a wealth of information about who we are and our real histories that has been kept locked away from us in the non physical world; many occultists know this, yet very few are able to access such information. Consider this article the key to unlocking many of the mysteries that have been spoken about in occult circles for the past few centuries, when properly applied to them.

Understand my authority on this subject to make such bold claims does not come from an egotistical opinion generated on this plane of physical manifestation. Rather, it comes from the fact that I earnt my place to talk about them in such a manner as relayed to me by those who watch over this world in the non physical when they spoke to me of the importance of LD as the prime communication channel into the non physical planes. I don’t care if you have 10 million hits on youtube in reference to your LD clasess; if you haven’t clued onto this fact yet or experienced a flow of this information into your mind then either your LD abilities are no where near as good as you claim them to be or you are a disinfo agent paid to redirect knowledge from this profound truth; I will never ask a dime for any of it. I cannot stress how important Lucid dreaming really is for the evolution of human consciousness. This is something that is well overdue for reaching the mainstream. Don’t let the dream scientists wither it away to being nothing more than some fluctuations of dopamine. I have a feeling many Elders from indigenous tribes will agree with me, not that I am affiliated with any. The whole point of these articles is that I write them in the hope someone will pick them up and properly experiment with them further. Honestly, I’d rather be writing fantasy and sci fiction with the time I invest in them (seriously, I’ve got 5 half completed novels five times the size of this article sitting on my computer waiting for some TLC).

If properly applied, there is potential within these words to make the reader become more powerful than a god. Or, to put it simply, to remember yourself as an Immortal consciousness; your IS-BE heritage. Once you experience your consciousness operating from the seat of the Higher Self, you will never again consider the physical world as base line reality; I guarantee that much. What I am giving you here is real occult {hidden} power.

But first, let’s talk a little about potentiality of Lucid Dreaming.

The Higher Self:

I want you to do yourself a favour and take all that new age bullshit you’ve learnt on the Higher Self being some vague inner voice of yours that gives your physical self direction and throw it out the goddamned fucking window. Whilst this might be an auxiliary function, practically all of the shit you read about on this topic on the internet is NOT what I am talking about here. The exception to this rule is that Eastern based philosophy tends to show a greater understanding of this truth than anything Western based. However, if the poster of the article in question is not drilling home the point the Higher Self is both the origin and destination point for us, then relegate it to the trash.

The Higher Self, – the thing I experienced during my contact sessions with the EG and U5 – is quite literally an alien way of processing information. It is the mind that exists at the closest point of your soul’s/spirit’s/ non physical body’s creation, before it was manipulated, severely handicapped and thrown into a boring flesh suit, and told it must appease the profit prophets. No words will ever be sufficient to explain what it really is. It is an unfathomable function of the mind that every single person should be capable of connecting to if only they worshipped it more than they did money. Consider it like entering a god mode cheat for old DOS based computer games that give you “powers of the developers” to bend the rules of the game. The Higher Self is the god mode that allows you to exit this physical reality (Plato’s Cave) and explore everything from the outside. It allows you to view the entire created physical and non physical planes and their “light codes” as if you were the developer that worked on them. Does that sound like a more suitable end point for humanity than an endless cycle of work, die, reincarnate and repeat?

I have written in past articles that if you combined all the super geniuses of the Earth – all the Einsteins, Von Neumans, Schrodingers, Teslas – into a single being, their abilities would be only a very small fraction of what the Higher Self is capable of. I really am not exaggerating this. The reason is that while you are piloting your flesh suit, your mind has been limited in its operating functions (deliberately, if we go by what the EG told me, and what the Domain has told us). I like to think of it like comparing the processors of an old 1990s model computer to the modern equivalent. Your mind whilst locked in the physical body is like an old Pentium model operating in the MHz spectrum, whilst the Higher Self is equivalent to something running 4 or 5 Ghz. Well, actually it is more like something running in the ZettaHertz spectrum and beyond, but since we are a long way off from having that kind of processing power, I am stuck with equating it to only a 1000 times more. Humour me, will you, and just realise I am talking about a magnitude of operation trillions of times more powerful than the processing abilities you are using to read this very text.

I would have the readership remember back to those days when we thought a 500MHz processor was the pinnacle of our {computer} evolution, and that anything better was out of reach. Yeah, well that is the difference between your Earth mind processing capabilities versus something operating close their Higher Self, like, say, a non physical entity. We only think our Earth minds are the be all and end all to evolution because it is the only thing we know. How can I drill the point across more that it really isn’t? Hence the importance of connecting with this Higher Intelligence. Consider me the investor that is trying to build the research base to make those ZettaHertz processors a reality. It will take time, but we need to start somewhere and make gradual progress before we can expect results.

Allow me to explain this whole concept using another, more fitting analogy. In digital communications we have two choices when it comes to communicating data; that of serial or parallel programming practices. In serial data transfer each bit is placed on a single wire and processed one by one through each consecutive clock pulse from the processor. Parallel data transfer differs in that we have much more wires to place more bits on, thus more information can be processed for the same clock pulse.

This is the main functional difference between the higher mind and your limited Earth based one. Think of your Earth mind as having a single wire for information transfer; you must process thoughts in a serial like fashion before you can arrive at a conclusion to whatever it is you are thinking about, which more often than not is a choice that leads to some kind of action being taken, and thus more thoughts that add to the serial processing train.
Now consider the higher mind as being a parallel data bus with 100 more wires (we only need 64 to be ~18.5 quintillion times more powerful, as capability doubles with every bit added).

For every thought you have, you have a plethora of other thoughts that arise from it which must be processed by your brain one by one. For example, you might ask yourself “what should I eat for breakfast”, this would lead to a choice between bacon and eggs or toast with butter. Then you remember the bacon was tasting a bit funky last time you ate it so go with option 2. Only problem is you don’t have any bread left, so you decide to go the shop and buy some. On your way out the door you come across a neighbour and you engage in some friendly banter about your new car, which reminds you you need to fill up the gas tank etc etc, which leads to a million other thought trains about how much money is in your bank account, how you will allocate whatever funds you have to paying certain bills etc.

We don’t even realise it, but in the span of a few minutes we could have a hundred different thoughts that have arisen from other random thoughts in this manner; our mind just processes them automatically one by one without us even really realising it.

This is not at all how the higher mind functions. There are no “thought trains” as to how we have become accustomed to experiencing whilst in a physical body. This is because the moment a thought arises, all conclusions to that thought are simultaneously reached. Thus there is no “problem reaction solution”; whenever a problem is encountered, the solution to that problem is automatically calculated at the same time. So if you are a quantum physicist trying to understand a certain mystery regarding entanglement whilst in the physical body, if you were able to port this problem to a conscious interaction to the Higher Self (via lucid dreaming/ astral projection etc), it would automatically be solved the moment you thought it up. But, the more amazing thing is, is that it does not present as a problem but rather a memory that you already know the answer to. It is more like doing a quick revision of a subject you are already an expert in and saying to yourself “duh, I already knew this”. The only “problem”, is that the amount of information relating to your original thought you wanted solved would have so many variables attached to it that it would simply be impossible for you to retain it all coming back into the limited consciousness state of operation in the physical body. You cannot process these variables whilst confined to the human mind, as the human mind has been carefully engineered to filter them all out. The best you could do would be to remember a very small percentage of what is relayed to you. Believe me, it s incredibly frustrating and saddening to be able to operate from this state of awareness, and come back into the body only to know you will lose it all. You can actually feel the retardation effects of the M Band layer as you pass through it back into the body. Depressing is an understatement.

While I was operating from this higher state of awareness, my mind was on overdrive carrying out calculations that, had I retained the information when waking back up, could have led to the construction of my very own interstellar capable space craft. I am not joking – from this higher state such calculations were as easy as adding 1+1 together. On the other hand, the processing time for a human brain to make these same calculations I remember realising would equate to “billions of years” if it was the only thought it ever utilised. To someone who has never connected to it, the Higher Self is unfathomable.

Alien Psychology

Let’s try thinking of this at a different angle shall we. An alien space craft crashes somewhere on Earth; let’s just say Roswell for shits and giggles. One of the crew is taken out and contained in a room at some random military base. Let’s use a completely random, imagined name and call this base Fort Worth. We will apply further randomness to the name of the alien and call it Airl shall we?

So here is Airl, contained in a cell at Fort Worth, and in come a bunch of military brass to interview this entity about its weapons arsenal, where it is from in the universe etc. The military brass are really more of a “military lead” when it comes to their consciousness processing abilities; they think they are “hard” and structurally useful but in fact they are really quite soft and malleable. They don’t realise that Airl’s consciousness processes information in a completely different way to them. At best they might have an inkling it is superior, but, as they have never been exposed to this paralleling processing of information, they don’t really understand how it works. So they pitch the question “what are your weapons capabilities?”

Immediately Airl (who we will assume is operating from the same state of awareness I was able to connect to) would understand every possible outcome arising from every possible way that question would be answered. Airl would be able to conceive of every fork in the MWI from that moment on, all the way up into infinity and beyond. There is no need for the mind to process the question, observe body language etc as all future variables become instantaneously available. All that would be needed would be for Airl’s ultimate goal (it could 5000 years from that point in time for all we know) to be located within this web of possibility, and the necessary actions to take would automatically be carried out one by one. The entire butterfly effect from start to finish would be calculated before your mind could even formulate the word “what”. Take a moment to think about the implications this would present, because there is a shit tonne of them.

Thus an understanding of the proper functioning state of the physical and non physical universe is possible from this state of higher consciousness. This is what I was able to “see” and experience whilst I was connected to my higher self – I just cannot accurately describe it because my earth mind is too limited in its capabilities. Unfortunately, I lost all the {exceedingly complex} formulas and mathematics the moment I crossed the transition state/ M Band noise layer into the physical plane and waking reality.

What I can tell you is that the physical and non physical planes exist as a sort of mesh or fabric that binds one another together through intersecting junctions that are more non physical based than they are physical. This is hard to conceptualise considering we are accustomed to only seeing in 2 dimensions (despite living in a 3D world we can only see that world as a mixture of 2 dimensional surfaces; we do not actually see in 3 dimensions, for to do so would mean we see all angles of any given object at once, which is entirely possible from the Higher Self). The CIA Project Gateway paper (for the complete version go to Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection ( ) description of the “holographic universe” is the closest I have seen any one else come to describing what I experienced, apart from ol’ MM here. It is sort of like looking at an xray of a solid object, except you can see the solidarity of the object as well as its transparency at the same time. It is strange because we can usually only conceptualise things as being physical or non physical, yet you exist in a third state beyond them. You can zoom in and out of this mesh fabric at will like a camera in a video game. It is different to just zooming out of and seeing a galaxy behind you, because you are seeing the actual fabric of how multiple instances of that same galaxy exist in their physical and non physical forms from a timeless state.

You can see that entire “photo reel” of that galaxy as it is drawn through what we know as time, and you can see how it all fits together with every other galaxy in every other plane. You can see the heartbeat of the true universe. Do you really think your tiny earth brain is capable of understanding such magnificence? Understand what I am telling you here; a connection with the higher self allows you to view the entire fucking MWI as if it is a map you can throw on a table. This should give you an idea of what you can look forward to when “assimilating” into a civilisation such as the Domain.

While I was connected I was able to comprehend the totality of the entire past, present and future at once; I was able to understand the consequence of every thought and action and each separate future that would be generated as a result from those thought and actions in every single physical and non physical plane. One thing I did remember was that this level of understanding is a necessary prerequisite for proper unaided consciousness time travel.

I needed to understand these things not because creating a fucking time travelling Delorean was necessary. I needed to access this information in order to rewrite the astral/soul templates of those in attendance. It was far more important than travelling to the edge of the physical universe. This was far more important than becoming the next Doc Brown; that come slater in our evolutionary cycle. The altar in the middle of the Elder Guardians courtyard allowed one to literally “jack in” to this fabric and become one with it.

Understand that this is what I mean when I say “accessing the akashic records”; it implies the actual merging of one’s consciousness with the fabric of all of creation specifically so information can be downloaded directly from source. It is not some vague thing one can just randomly tap into while their consciousness is engaged within the physical vessel to “better” their immediate lives. It can only be accessed from complete and proper disconnection of consciousness from the physical body, and through experience gained from navigating through the non physical planes. You don’t gain access to that altar unless you prove you know what the fuck you are doing when engaged in non physical navigation. You certainly don’t gain access to it if you consider your current incarnation more important than the sum totality of your soul’s entire existence. Only those able to extend their thinking of what matters beyond a single lifetime can access it.

Now I have down played my whole presence at this courtyard somewhat because quite frankly it feels too narcissistic to talk about, but if I am entirely honest, a lot of people were making a lot of fuss about me being there. This merging of the akashic with one’s consciousness was apparently not something everyone could achieve, and only those with accomplished LD skillsets really had the ability to do it effectively. You absolutely MUST have a proper understanding of how to navigate {the MWI} or you can very easily become lost within it – even the EG, who were of a non physical based nature lacked the other {physical understanding} half of the coin. Hence why I was summoned and practically put in charge of this whole operation. I was literally just left to “plug myself” in to the akashic records and left to my own devises by the Grand Elder to try and figure out a way to counter the amnesia mechanism embedded in astral/soul DNA so we don’t have to put up with this unneeded reincarnation schpeel any longer. His role was specifically to reawaken me to this task that I had been involved with the for the past 10 thousand to 40 thousand years.

So when I tell you the underlying function of what astral body/ soul DNA rewriting entails, this isn’t just hazarding a guess at wtf was going on; this is me giving you the actual process of what is involved as the only one out of over 20 000+ others in attendance that could do it. That included the entirety of the Elder Guardians; not even they had the ability to do what I was able to do due to my LD skillset. Not one of them dared going near that altar (aside from the Grand Elder who did only so he could talk to me), yet I was allowed to parade around it like it was my own little toy to play with. I cannot begin to explain how incredibly humbling that felt. I had access to the whole fabric of the “universe” at my fingertips. Hence when I tell you Lucid Dreaming is important for the “evolution” of human consciousness, you’d better be paying some attention. It literally gives you access to the assembly programming language of the fabric of reality and the collective (as well as individual) consciousness. Isaac CARET much?

And yet I am stuck going through the red tape put in place by psychological and scientific “experts” who have absolutely no idea wtf they are talking about when it comes to telling us what dreams actually are, or doing when it comes to experimenting with LD/AP. It is beyond maddening trying to get this message through that information vacuum. Anyways….

The Process I Used for Astral Body/ Soul Amnesia Recorrection:
Whilst plugged into the altar I was able to make a mini, replica version of the akashic records/ MWI accurate to about 90% of the original. I intentionally left out a few things for reasons described below. When I talk about the “scroll”, one needs to understand that the material this “scroll” was made out of was that very mesh fabric discussed above. If you were to zoom into this “paper”, you wouldn’t find pieces mashed tree pulp; you would find microcosmic representations of entire MWI realities linked via their non physical {quantum} pathways. Remember, I was operating from a vantage point outside of the entire MWI.

Because I had access to raw MWI source code, I then began tracing the akashic signature of everyone in attendance. These signatures equated to their presence as overlayed in the total MWI. In other words, I accessed data pertaining to their soul’s total existence from beginning to end. These signatures were then plugged into the “cloned” MWI by tethering parts of them to it. This meant that what I was effectively doing was creating a hub where I could gather the consciousnesses of those 20 000+ that were in attendance and “virtually” plug them in to the akashic records like I was plugged in – though all navigational control was ultimately at my discretion because of the bits I left out when I cloned it (I cannot overstate how incredibly fucking cool this was to do; mummy, when I grow up I want to be a consciousness programmer). I gave them a virtual MWI and cut off access to the bits that would fuck them up if used improperly.

Once attached, I located each and every part of these consciousness that had become corrupt through the amnesia codes embedded within their higher energetic bodies. I then wrote a sort of software patch and spliced it into the beginning of the amnesia code for each consciousness. What this patch would do would initiate an akashic/MWI reset every time the amnesia code was about to be activated, specifically so a route around the amnesia would eventuate. Essentially I was using the amnesia activators to activate a very specific “recovery of memory” pathway through each consciousness’s MWI instead of a pre-programmed pathway that led through amnesia territory. Does this sound familiar? It should, MM has described similar programming practices by the ETs he was associated with.

I pulled out all data relating to any other consciousness those in attendance had come into contact with (over their soul’s entire lifetime) and embedded similar activation strings within their own MWIs. The idea was to create a sort of anti virus that would actually function like a virus and “infect” as many consciousnesses as possible with the cure to their corrupted higher energetic bodies. Those in attendance would be set for immediate memory recovery within their current incarnation to help with their tasks, whilst their associations were looking at 2 or 3 reincarnation cycles before the effects would begin to kick in. It was estimated that the code I wrote would reach its peak potentiality of memory activation in somewhere between 3 to 5 generations from {then} present day (2012). This is an averaged taking into account the changing MWI variables and various outcomes.

I then instructed the entire assembly of Elder Guardians to protect this “scroll”, to which they obliged. Anyone seeking complete memory recovery would be allowed access to it provided they were of pure (STO) sentience. STS sentiences, or those who would use it to gain power over others would be vehemently denied access. In other words, don’t bother trying if you have a tendency to shit on others to get what you want; you will never be allowed access to this altar by MY personal authority and very bad things will happen to you if you try. Bad things, like you automatically volunteer to be an anomaly guinea pig so I can watch the process of how your consciousness is disassembled after I throw you into it. Go work for a bank or government if that is your mentality; what we are discussing here far transcends the single, physical life these people consider as being important over all else.

Thus, the only way to gain access to this scroll is to hold in very high regard the macrocosmic aspects of all souls/consciousnesses and their entire MWI trajectory as being more important than what any single physical life has to offer (those words in red I had no control over – word decided to do this automatically – maybe its trying to tell me something). Unless you are prepared to spend this life assisting other consciousnesses in being “unlocked” to their higher state, you will unfortunately have to wait another 2 or 3 incarnation cycles before being unlocked yourself. This should give you an idea as to the type of people those 20 000+ consciousnesses in attendance were. They were not simply people coming here to spread some vague bullshit about love and light or apparent channelings from Ashtar command (that is not to say those people don’t have their own thing going on, some of them probably quite legit); they were incredibly advanced consciousnesses that had a very good understanding of the higher (unseen) aspects of reality that deliberately chose to enter the Earth domain at risk of losing such understandings. And they did this in order to extract others who were part of OUR greater {non physical} community. Believe me, don’t believe me, it makes no difference. My writings will find their way to them in due course.

I know of one other that was involved in similar astral body/ soul DNA rewriting and their life story would blow you out of the fucking water. Hopefully they write a book on it, as it brings a new perspective of this entire operation and how truly far reaching it is.

Am I getting my point across yet? If we go by what Steven Greer tells us, put 2 and 2 together when it comes to the Gateway Project and Project Stargate, then the Military Industrial Complex has already cottoned on to this super information highway many, many years ago. And if you want to know the real reason I was initiated into the Unseen 5, it is because they {the U5} were well aware of the sequestering of this knowledge to the Deep Black libraries of the MIC, and wanted to circumvent it altogether. I was directed to make what I know about LD/AP public in an effort to take it off those MIC Deep Black Shelves, so more practitioners of these arts can better prepare themselves for contact. This was the main task I was given by their leader, apart from making their presence known to you and the pre requisites for initiation. Do you think that it is a mere coincidence those in control of MAJ felt the same way about having MM release his disclosure at the same point of time?

So now we have got that necessity of where LD can potentially take you out of the way, let’s go into some advanced techniques achievable via LD based on mine and SDs experiences.

Outward Projection Via the Portals:

In past articles I discussed how one can summon the spherical portals and use them as coordinate vectors into other planes and worlds. I also talked about how consciousness can be expanded outwardly. Combining the two together, the spherical portals can provide two way access into these other worlds. Whereas an inward projection will take you to a more “dense” world, an outward projection will take you a less dense one (further from matter based reality). The further you penetrate into these less denser layers/ worlds, the closer you get to being able to contact those outside the bubble, ie the Elder Guardians (the Unseen 5 are deliberately stationed within the bubble close to its edge in order to properly monitor everything). To achieve this outward projection the process begins the same as an inner projection; you summon the portal to just in front of your vision, but instead of visualising the world you want to go to, you visualise the world you are already in. In other words, you have to condense your surroundings into this ball, then project out of it. Think of it like a giant invisible hand picking you up and carrying you out into space at an incredibly fast speed. All of a sudden the environment you were engaged in has become condensed to the spherical shape of the earth. A similar visualisation can be structured to reach this outcome.

Communication With Non Local, Non Physical Entities via Sleep Paralysis:

Sleep paralysis/ the hypnogogic state can be used to interact with non physical entities. SD and I have found that at times you can hear their “chatter” and at other times you have to ping out an intention to interact with whatever may be hanging around to which they just kind of show up. The best times for doing this seem to be when you are in a sleep paralysis state, but not being consumed by the negative feeling illusions that are at times too overwhelming. When I talked to the clickity clacker ETs it was from the void space after I had just sort of became lucid whilst there (a DILD rather than A WILD). What happened was I became aware of a faint radio-like broadcast whilst floating around in this state that was very noticeably not human.

It was very much like when you have a radio that is just out of tune from a station so you get the broadcast through a wall of white noise. What you have to then do is focus into the {M band} noise, visualise that you are turning a radio dial which changes your own body’s resonance, to tune into the broadcast. I can’t really accurately describe how this was done, only that I did it quite automatically as if I had done it many times before. Once I locked onto the broadcast something weird happened; the clickity clack dialogue became vivid and understandably alien to any dialect we have on earth. It was as if I was just sort of sucked out of the M band layer into a very clear state of consciousness (very typical of what it was like whenever the EG or U5 were contacting me).

I went from floating in this indescribable confusing mess to free floating in a ship filled with a strange liquid I figured was some kind of intergalactic consciousness quarantine zone that doubled as a medical room. I was then telepathically directed over to a cylindrical cubicle via imagery which also showed the non physical “shape” of these beings, and once I stood inside of it, the clickity clack language was automatically translated into something I could understand (English). When I say shape, it was really more of a blob that these things took. Not describable within the confines of human language. You wanna know what we talked about? Human beings having the potential of being incredibly powerful creatures, but their dumb arsery mixing with such power being the primary concern of why creatures such as the clickity clackers steered very well clear of them. And hence why there was a room filled with non physical liquid and several light years worth of space between me and them. The clickity clackers had no problem telepathically implying that the human race were like a bunch of infants with one hand on a box of matches and the other on a stick of dynamite, and were quite happy to treat me with similar caution. Non physical entities being “scared to death of the human race” seems to be a common conversation point for a lot of the entities in these planes.

SD has also had experiences in this same state and from the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state where she has pinged out “if anything out there wants to talk, say hello” only to have something reply. The something ended up being a non physical entity that appeared before her twice in the span of a week. The second time, with her agreement, it pulled her astral body out of her physical and gave her a tour of some of the planes in close approximation to the physical world. At the same time she was able to connect to a similar higher consciousness information stream; the beings actually helped in that regard – their presence seems to initiate it. One of these was what appeared to be a sentience/ soul sorting facility which was carried out by a giant machine like device that had the face of a Balinese god.

For those working with angels (and demons ), both forms can be contacted via this same sleep paralysis avenue. A lot of these particular beings hold information on our world and our history that has never and will never make its way to our history books, though many occultists use them for temporary and materialistic gain, which is a real shame. The presence of one of these particular entities is undeniable; there is a massive rush of energy that vibrates through your whole being whenever one of them is around. It is a completely different feeling than when contacted by those who exist outside of the non physical bubble surrounding earth, such as the Elder Guardians and the Unseen 5. It is also hard to gauge what exactly their intentions are. For those who follow the myths surrounding King Solomon and the 72 “fallen angels”, the myths of John Dee and the Angel Enoch, the magic of Metatron etc, this state of sleep paralysis is the avenue by which you make contact with all of them (I suspect King Solomon was an Agent of the Old Empire, for reasons I won’t go into). But I really don’t recommend it if you don’t know what you are doing. They can be quite intimidating on even the best of days, not that I intentionally ever set about to contact them; all my dealings with them were purely by accident. The point I am trying to make with including them here is to suggest just how powerful this telephone line into the non physical planes can be. There is some incredibly powerful shit residing in here, I am just trying to make you aware that some of it can be beneficial to your escape. The question you need to ask is what price you are willing to pay for information seemingly beneficial to your plans.
If you want to ping the Domain, or any other non physical based entity, then I suggest doing it from this state of consciousness. Though I would not know how to tell them apart from other non physical entities that dwell here. Maybe get an official signature off them via MM’s EBP?

Dream Hijacking:

Now, I need to mention here that I was only able to achieve this feat once. It is not exactly something that can be done very easily. The reason for this is because it requires an intense amount of unwavering focus of a target. This not a task for a novice: you need to be exceptionally good at visualisation and focus. Out of all the things one can do whilst in LD, this seems to be the hardest to actually pull off. I suggest that beforehand, I one must plan accordingly as to what dreamscape they should use and any conversation points they wish to bring up whilst engaged in the shared dream, and the process “simulated” over and over again until the LDer is confident they can move from one transition to the next. Even stalling for a millisecond in LD can have drastic consequences on the success of the session. Your thoughts and actions must flow and operate like a well oiled machine.

To begin with, you go to bed or lay yourself down to rest to initiate an LD in standard manner, but from the moment you close your eyes, you visualise the target whose dream you wish to “hijack”. This person must be visualised in as explicit detail as possible. You need to try and picture what they look like, hear what they sound like and smell what they smell like if possible. You must not let any other thought intrude, including the idea of hijacking their dream. This whole point of the visualisation is to provide coordinates for your consciousness to lock onto within the M Band layer of noise. You must carry this visualisation of them through the hypnogogic/ sleep paralysis state and transition on into the void space, and must never allow it to become broken or polluted with other thoughts. Once in the void space you must immediately set about creating the dreamscape by which they will experience. At the same time, you must also hold the visualisation of their being right in front of you as you create the dreamscape around them. Once the dream scape has been created, and remains locked in place, you then focus on talking to them. At this point you should be both engaged in the same dream. I suggest using bland dreamscapes with a degree of familiarity for the both of you to begin with, as I would expect sudden and fantastic dreamscapes may potentially shock them awake.
As one can expect, this method can also be used for remote viewing practices. You Just target an object rather than a person.

Communicating With Dead Entities:

The {apparent} dead entities I was communicating with that led to my Project Edison article were also contacted via the sleep paralysis/ hypnogogic state. I have also used this same state to contact my deceased brother, though that particular experience was too fraught with distortions to accurately tell whether or not it was a proper contact session. With Project Edison, I am 95% sure it was a proper contact session (as opposed to the clickity clackers which were a 100% surety, and the EG/U5 which were a 10000% surety). Basically all I did was callout to any entities that we living considered dead that were hanging around and asked if anyone was interested trying to establish a stable communication line between each other (something that could be used by us physical living entities without having to resort to initiating lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis like I was doing). I was met by of about 4 or 5 of these entities, all who were at one point living on the same planet earth we inhabit, all of which had at least a passive interest in technology. One, possibly two of these entities were some sort of electrical engineer whilst incarnated here, from around the era of Edison and Tesla, though no names were ever given. As nothing really eventuated from this all I can really tell you is there are at least this group of dead entities that seem enthusiastic about creating this communication bridge and who have a fair understanding of how exactly it could be carried out. Tell them I said hi if you end up contacting them.

Predicting Lotto:

I want to start of with a disclaimer that if you win any substantial amount using this method then please donate a fair portion of it to those in need of it. And buy me a house….or maybe just a beer will do fine. Play around with it and see what you can get; at the very least it is a good way to practice your environment simulation skills.

This was essentially an experiment in trying to remote view lotto numbers. Using this method I was only able to ever get 4 out of 6 lotto numbers correctly. The problem I had was trying to remember all 6 numbers after going back through the M band noise layer into the physical world. Lucid dreaming is strange in that you can have perfect clarity of memory whilst engaged in the LD, then lose 90% of it after coming back through threshold into waking reality. Even the simplest of memories become incredibly hard to remember. Now I need to note here that the lotto ticket I was using was a multiple “game” ticket that allowed 18 different combinations of the 6 numbers. Majority of the combinations I used contained the base 4 numbers I could remember plus variants of the two I couldn’t but suspected were the right ones. The rest of the combinations had one or two of the numbers I remembered changed. I was able to win about $15 dollars over three consecutive months each time because of the base four numbers I had remembered; the winning tickets always had these base 4 numbers; if I could have retained memory of those last 2, I would be sitting on something like $30 million right now. I suggest the LDer experiment with these methods and see what they can get. If a group syndicate was able to carry out this same experiment simultaneously then I would imagine those last two numbers would be easier to obtain.

Now, there are two variants of the experiment I utilised, the first seemed to be the more promising.

The first objective was to create the target coordinates for the experiment. Remember, we are dealing with a time and place that needed to be pinpointed to extreme accuracy; we first need to single out the date and time in which the lotto draw is to take place, as well as the country and exact location etc. Prior to the experiment I’d go down to my local newsagent and take note of their advertisement for the next big lotto draw and it’s date and note the location of their newspaper stand, layout of the store, what the Asian guy behind the counter looked like etc. The idea was to commit as much detail of the place to memory.

Then I’d wait for the next chance of LDing to try out the experiment, which was usually a few days later. What I did was enter the void space as per the usual method (either tennis match scenario, or passing through sleep paralysis, likely the latter as it was always done early in the morning). Then at the dream creation stage I would purposefully recreate the environment I planned on buying my lotto ticket from. I’d manifest the entire street the newsagent was on and walk down it. I’d look at the advertisement with the same big lotto win and its date, then I’d make my way over to the newspaper stand out front. I’d make a point of looking down at the page and finding the exact date of its publication (which I made to be the day of the lotto draw); this was all to set up the proper coordinates for my remote viewing target. I’d then go in, weave through the layout of the magazine shelves, and buy a ticket from the Asian guy whose face I would recreate as close as I could to how I remembered it, making sure it was a single game (single combination of numbers). I’d then take a good few minutes just staring at the numbers and committing them to memory as best as I could. I would then exit the session, wake up and immediately write down what I could remember of the numbers.

Over the weeks before the lotto draw I’d play around varying the simulation. Sometimes I would make the dream reflect the newspapers showing it was the day after the lotto draw, and I would check my ticket at the machine only for it to tell me I’d won the jackpot, then look at the numbers on the winning ticket. Again, I’d wake up and record these numbers down. No matter what I did, I could only ever get 4 numbers with over 90% surety. On the day of the draw I’d go down and buy a ticket from the same store and put in all the numbers from the various sessions. Over the years I started varying the entire simulation to reflect the actual draw as to how I would see it on TV; I’d watch the barrel of numbers shoot out each number of the draw. Again, I could only ever get 4 numbers, so I eventually gave up and devoted my LD sessions to things I thought more necessary.

While we are on the subject of lotto prediction in the non physical planes though, I do know a guy whose friend was able to utilise what very much sounded like the void space to win multiple millions 3 separate times. This guy was my old electronics lecturer from my college years who I tracked down about a decade later to talk about where he thought technology was taking us. During our conversation, to my amazement, he brought up the idea of our reality being a simulation and the idea of a linked consciousness he called the human gestile concept that could be communicated with at bed time. Ron would go to bed, and sort of pray to this linked consciousness and ask it certain profound questions in which he swore it would give him answers. He passed this concept onto his friend who used it (it was never mentioned how) to win. Most of those winnings were donated to others that needed it more than him, and it was suggested to Ron that his friend thought had he not been so generous with the distribution of his winnings, he figured he never would have been “allowed” to win them.

I haven’t been able to get back there to verify Ron’s claims since talking to him. But….knowing what I know about the void space being a similar hub that links to other’s consciousnesses together I have a very good idea of how one would go about using it for this purpose. You commit to a conscious transition into its depths so that you are not overwhelmed with the subconscious distortions/ M band noise, then you’d send out the thought for obtaining the numbers for a certain lotto draw you know is coming up. From my conversation with Ron, he implied that you don’t even need to be “asleep” to probe this gestile consciousness “thing” for answers. I was under the impression he was basically doing it during theta state right before sleep paralysis whilst still being awake. Can’t hurt to try right?

Remote Viewing via the Void Space:

Animals make great Remote Viewing targets. Especially ones that roam. They don’t even need to be pets, but pets provide good ways to verify results. Sometimes when I am feeling adventurous, I will try and remote view from a bird, or other random wild animal, like a wolf – I have a thing for wolves. Cats are also good, because they are pretty much the parkour experts of the animal kingdom, and thus fun to view from. Usually these sessions are done whilst still conscious, from Theta state if possible. I will try and picture what the world looks like through eyes of the animal then within a few moments I become that animal and it is like watching a movie playout as I fly/ run across the landscape (which is often in a completely different country). If you have been building your visualisation skills enough, you can port this practice over to the Void Space. When I remote viewed from the off world intelligence back when I was around the age of 14/15, it was from using the void space to conduct one of these RV sessions. I was interested in projecting into various parts of the galaxy to see if I could find anything of relevance. After deliberately accessing the void space, I visualised just a general memory of what all the stars looked like, picked one and focused on it. Before I knew it I was hovering next to a being that seemed very much like it was an progenitor of Native American culture. I’ve explained how that session went in past articles. This is probably the easiest thing to use the Void Space for.

Hive Dreaming:

Vainenmoinen suggested the creation of an LD “pub” where {theoretically} each participant would enter the LD stage and meet up in a predetermined locale. Whilst I have achieved this with SD, I have not done it as a group. I would imagine there would be some difficulties to overcome, most notably the distortions/M Band noise of each participant preventing proper synchronisation occurring. I do know that SDs old music lecturer was doing this very thing with astral projection on a regular basis with a regular group of people. Apparently she stopped doing it when the group {of about 5 or 6} projected into a plane that was off limits and a member was killed by some entity that didn’t approve of them being there.

At that very moment in the physical plane their astral projection coordinator realised this member was in distress and tried to wake them all up, but not before this guy died of what the coroners suggested was a heart attack. Such a danger, however, need not be approached, in my opinion. If the dream environment creation is left to the main “hijacker” then (assuming they know what they are doing) I hypothesise that other participants could then synch into the dreamscape. By providing a 3D model of the dreamscape location before hand, I would imagine this would help with synchronisation efforts.

The key would be for the model and predetermined location to be rather bland in composition so that those not as proficient at visualisation are also able to better synch into it. In saying that though, the main hijacker would have to have a check at hand for the others to “find” within the dreamscape to better prove they were there. Maybe a simple image or something on the table that is the first thing they should look at when arriving at the location. There is also the option of seeking out the Island Beach, as this seems to be a pre-created destination that has been experienced by other lucid dreamers. It could be considered a safe haven, so long as you don’t venture to close to the fence (either stay on the far side of the island or go into the temples via the burrows in the forest.)

Methods of Projecting back and forth through the MWI (Consciousness Time Travel):

When I was about 19, I was having a few regular interactions with what appeared to be a Tibetan Monk of sorts during my LDs who was giving me some pointers on how to effectively use consciousness to go back and forward in time (what we’d call a back and forth MWI slide). This was a really strange period, because (according to SD) I would sit bolt upright in the middle of the night, say random shit like “the Monk says the key is that I must smoke the tree sap” then just go back into an incredibly deep sleep like nothing had happened. These sorts of episodes were a regular occurrence. I’d have them probably once a fortnight.

I remember during one LD the Monk emphasized that there were 12 or 13 “words” that could be chanted via mediation to prepare consciousness in this manner. I only ever remembered one of them – “Djock” with a stressed emphasis on the “ck” sound. I was also given certain symbols during these meditations, which were supposedly further aids. Admittedly I have used these aids during meditation and had LDs following them that are suggestive of some form of time travel. Like one where I was given an alternate history of how my father could have met my mother and the resultant future that would have stemmed from it. This involved being in a time chamber where a portal appeared and showed me this outcome like I was watching a movie. Apparently that outcome would have led to a much better life for me. Oh well, shit happens I guess.

There was also something to do with a book existing in 2 instances of time that had been edited to achieve the world line I am currently living out. I basically saw the before and after of the book. I believe this place was linked to other places I have visited in LD. My training at the time travel towers also started around this same time.

Simulations for Memory Recall:

LD can be used for accurate memory recall. When I was about 17, and fresh out of school, I ended up scoring a job working for a local tree lopping company. As it turned out, one of the guys I was working with regularly was the brother of a girl that I went to school with. I knew this girl by association only; I never really hung around her group of friends, but some of my friends were friends with hers. So when I was at school I had a passing knowledge of her. She was at a few of the same parties I went to, but I never so much as said more than hi to her during my whole time at school.

Anyway this brother of hers, he was talking about her in passive tense, and I realised he had the same last name, so there was enough there for me to make that very faint connection. Only problem was, I couldn’t for the life of me remember her first name. I could picture her face easily enough, but her name just completely evaded me. This annoyed the shit out of me, because it had only been a season since I had been at school, so there was no real reason for this memory blank. Yet it persisted all week. I’d see this guy and then think “what the fuck is his sister’s name?”, and I just couldn’t shake that thought all day.

Of course, I didn’t say anything to him; he’d made it seem like I should have known her, so I didn’t bring it up in fear of the awkwardness of the situation. So I figured I try my hand at using LD to remember it. One night, after becoming lucid half way through a dream, I thought of this girl, and how I didn’t remember her name. I simulated one of the parties we would have been at during school, then I let it play out, hoping I’d trick my sub consciousness into giving it away. And it actually did. The weird thing was though, it did so by attaching a completely random name to her face. So in the LD, I introduced myself to her, and likewise she introduced herself back. “Hi I’m Elise”, she said. I immediately woke up and my mind screamed at me “HER FUCKING NAME IS MEGAN, IDIOT”.

Maybe it needed that incorrect bit of data to compute the real value, I honestly don’t know. The funny thing is, now something like 16 years later, I can recall her name as easily as my own, despite not seeing her since high school. So yeah, the void space can definitely be used for suppressed memory recall. What you do is enter it and create a dream simulation centred around the thing you wish to remember, and use what every snippets of information about the scenario you can rember to create the simulation. You can also “feed in” certain thoughts to make certain lifestyle choices as a sort of sub conscious mind hack. It’s pretty much self hypnotism.

Using the Void Space for Healing:

When I had my fingers cut open (the gruesome details of which can be found in my autobio), I again used lucid dreaming to heal them with a decent measure of success. These weren’t your average wounds either. All four fingers on my left hand, discounting my thumb, were cut at or near the joint where they meet the hand, through to the bone. This included 4 four tendons, an artery, and a few nerves here and there on the palm side. In fact, the cuts were so bad, if it hadn’t been for my bones keeping them attached, my fingers would have come off almost completely. The surgeons even contemplated amputating my ring finger because the damage was so extensive (thankfully they didn’t).
This amount of damage was apparently unheard of for my Occupational Therapists. Usually the people they saw had one or two fingers damaged at most. Not 4 fifths of a whole hand. After my operation, I had stitches zig zagging up my fingers all the way to their tips. I counted about 62 of them of the outside, and the surgeons claimed I had another 10 or so holding my tendons together. They said it was like stitching 2 pieces of spaghetti together. The whole thing was classed as a catastrophic injury with a slim chance of me being able to gain much function back in them by the OTs.

Regardless, I had a voice in the back of my head telling me I needed to try lucid dreaming ASAP. So the night after I got home from hospital I set to work entering the void space and doing some healing visualisations. I’d go into my hand at a cellular level and pictures all the tendons and everything fusing back together, send little electrical bursts around them to make sure the information was going through etc.

The next night, I was lying in bed and I could feel everything – and I mean everything – fusing back together. I could actually feel the tendons and nerves repairing themselves. It was a very strange but comforting feeling. I ended up making a remarkable recovery. Six months after the incident, I walked into the OTs office and she told me I had regained about 98% function in my fingers. I was able to straighten them almost completely. Apart from a few tiny things like not being able to bend the last knuckle of my ring finger, I had a perfect functioning hand. My OT (who had the same name as my wife) couldn’t believe it. I just shrugged and told her I knew the secrets to healing. She laughed and said “oh, you do not” thinking I was joking.

Unfortunately, a few months later my hand took a blow that was too much for it and undid all that hard work. At least now I know if I suffer another bad injury how to aid in the healing process. The main thing is that you need to be quick. Don’t put off the LD healing simulation if you can help it. And don’t expect to just be able to do one session and the rest will work itself out. Keep up with whatever strict regime your OT suggests, and use LD to nudge your body in the right direction.

A Theoretical Process of Using Consciousness to Hijack An ET Space Craft
Again, I haven’t tested this out. But let’s quickly run through some past revelations I have dropped in this article and expand upon them a little shall we? My experience with the clickity clackers and hijacking SD’s dreamscape suggests that one can alter their consciousness operating frequency to “tune” into the consciousness frequency of others. My experiences using remote viewing via the Void Space suggests that some form of navigational control can be obtained whilst in this state. Airl (as well as Colonel Philip Corso in his The Day After Roswell book) suggests that the type of craft they utilise are tuned to the frequency of their pilot’s thought signatures. Airl also suggests that somewhere on earth are the consciousnesses of 3000 Domain personnel. I think it is safe to assume that at least some of those Domain operatives were possible space craft pilots, don’t you? So hypothetically, speaking, if one of these Domain pilots was able to enter the void space through the LD state, and “tune” into their ship like I tuned into the clickity clackers, then operate it using Remote Viewing practices…..You get the point. It might be nothing – the thought of a guy with an overly active imagination – but I sure as hell would prefer to experiment down this avenue rather than develop an ever repeating new Iphone model, wouldn’t you? This is the sort of shit astral projectors lucid dreamers should be focusing their attention on, again in my humble opinion.

The process I would use would be: Focus on the space craft in question upon going to sleep as is done for dream hijacking, carry this visualisation over and into Sleep Paralysis/ hypnogogia state and poll for frequency pings, tune into those pings until locked on, then enter the Void Space, create a simulated “dream environment” for the craft and go from there (I am assuming your piloting skills might be a bit rusty after just waking up from a couple of thousand year slumber). You could even use remote viewing via the Void Space to try and target a ship for hijacking prior to the experiment. Just a suggestion. Now, if I was to bump into such a craft when astral projecting, what does this tell you? The astral planes can be utilised as an inter dimensional space craft highway! So, what if instead of focusing on a physical craft, you focus on a non physical one instead? How do you know half of the lights people see in the sky aren’t just someone incredibly well accomplished at astral projection (ie the Project Stargate operatives that went Deep Black) and are piloting one of these very vehicles? “Excuse me sir, we have a problem…..the pilot of the alien space craft we just shot down is the Dalai Lama”. Perhaps I’ll expand on this and break it out into another one of my psionics projects.

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Why hurricanes and tornadoes decimate American communities, while much stronger typhoons do very little damage to Chinese communities

This is something that most people never consider. But it’s pretty darn obvious. A group of tornadoes or hurricanes will flood, and destroy hundreds if not thousands of homes in the USA. We would watch the sad pictures, and hear the sad stories and they play over and over, and over on the American news media. Yet, where much larger, much more violent storms and typhoons hit China, the damage is minimal. Why?

In this article we explore the prime culprit. Which is the cheap, cheap, cheap flimsy building materials used throughout American homes today, compared to the stone, cement and steel buildings that are common throughout China.

You see, most of the world does not build “American style” homes. You will not find “McMansions” in Finland, or Russia, or in Australia. You won’t find them in the heart of Africa either. They are a uniquely “American” thing, based on material design, local building codes, and big profit margins.

Tornado strike Late 2021

Tornadoes are fearsome things. I’ve lived through them in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Mississippi and Texas – Louisiana.

Text direct from Wikipedia.

A deadly late-season tornado outbreak, the largest and deadliest on record in December, produced catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across portions of the Southern United States and Ohio Valley from the evening of December 10 to the early morning of December 11, 2021. The event developed as a trough progressed eastward across the United States, interacting with an unseasonably moist and unstable environment across the Mississippi Valley. Tornado activity began in northeastern Arkansas, before progressing into Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

Tornado strike Late 2021

The most prolific activity was caused by a long-track supercell thunderstorm that produced a family of strong tornadoes that travelled across four Mid-South states. The first of these nocturnal tornadoes touched down in northeastern Arkansas, near Jonesboro and tracked through the Missouri Bootheel, ripping through towns such as Monette and Leachville, Arkansas, and Hayti and Caruthersville, Missouri. After crossing the Mississippi River into northwestern West Tennessee, that tornado dissipated, and a high-end EF4 tornado formed and moved through Western Kentucky, where the towns of Cayce, Mayfield, Benton, Princeton, Dawson Springs, and Bremen suffered severe to catastrophic damage.

Tornado strike Late 2021

Early estimates suggested that the tornado family—identified by some media outlets as the “Quad-State tornado,” due to the storm’s similar characteristics to the Tri-State tornado that occurred 96 years prior—may have cut a path of up to 250 miles (400 km) across the affected areas. If it had been a single tornado, it would have surpassed the March 18, 1925, tornado event (which carved a 219-mile [352 km] path across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana) in terms of path length.

Destroyed McMansion.

However, storm surveys found that the path was composed of two distinct EF4 tornadoes, with a break in the damage path over northwestern Obion County, Tennessee. Other tornadic thunderstorms affected portions of eastern Missouri, southern Illinois, West and Middle Tennessee, and Western and Central Kentucky during the late evening into the overnight hours of December 11, including four intense tornadoes that hit Bowling Green, Kentucky; Dresden, Tennessee; Edwardsville, Illinois; and Defiance, Missouri. This included a second supercell and tornado family, which produced an EF3 tornado tracking nearly 123 miles (198 km) in Tennessee and southern Kentucky, as well as numerous tornadoes, including three more rated EF3, throughout southern and central Kentucky.

Another destroyed McMansion

At least 91 people are confirmed to have been killed by the tornadoes, surpassing the Vicksburg, Mississippi tornado of December 5, 1953, which caused 38 fatalities, as the deadliest December tornado event ever recorded in the United States. Unconfirmed estimates suggest that the tornado outbreak may have caused over 100 deaths across five states, which would make it the deadliest tornado event in the United States since May 2011.

Destroyed home in Hattiesburg. MS.

In Kentucky alone, at least 77 people have been confirmed dead so far, making the outbreak the deadliest tornado event in Kentucky history, surpassing the Louisville-area tornado of March 27, 1890, which killed 76 people; in addition, one person remains missing and at least 138 injuries have been reported in the state.

Tornado destruction.

Super-Typhoon strike Zhuhai 2019

China has problems as well. There are typhoons, mud slides, massive rains, dust storms, and winter blizzards. The closest thing to a tornado strike like what hit the USA in December 2021 is a typhoon. Let’s look at the real nasty, big bad super typhoons that hit Zhuhai China and compare the damage.

From News24

The strongest typhoon to hit southern China in more than 40 years made its second landfall on Friday, authorities said, after leaving a trail of destruction and at least 64 dead in the neighboring Philippines.

Substantial damage to China’s many homes and buildings.

Super Typhoon Rammasun hit the city of Zhanjiang in south China’s Guangdong province on Friday night, local meteorological authorities said, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Great deal of water damage.

It first made landfall Friday afternoon on Hainan island, packing winds of up to 216km/h, China’s National Meteorological Centre (NMC) said.

The typhoon was expected to bring torrential rains and was the strongest storm to strike the country’s southern regions since 1973, the NMC said.

The damage is substantial, but unlike the damage in the USA, the buildings are still standing.

It claimed its first victim in China soon after coming ashore in Wenchang, Xinhua reported, when a man was killed by debris as his house collapsed.

State-run China Central Television in news bulletins showed images of wind-whipped trees in Hainan and high waves churned up by the typhoon.

“Strong Typhoon Rammasun is too frightening,” wrote one poster on Chinese social media, adding it “came ashore with fierce winds”.

“It’s raining so hard, the wipers won’t help and it’s hard to see the road ahead,” wrote another user riding in a taxi. “The road is full of water and tree branches, and the heavy wind has blown some branches onto the power cables.”

Why does it appear that American homes are so easily torn apart, while China homes still remain standing?

I argue that the reason lies in the basic construction features of American homes compared to the construction features of Chinese homes.

To use the old childhood story of “the three little pigs”; China builds houses out of bricks and stone, while America builds homes out of straw, sticks and paper.

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there was an old mother pig who had three little pigs and not enough food to feed them. So when they were old enough, she sent them out into the world to seek their fortunes.

The first little pig was very lazy. He didn’t want to work at all and he built his house out of straw.

The second little pig worked a little bit harder but he was somewhat lazy too and he built his house out of sticks. Then, they sang and danced and played together the rest of the day.

The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks. It was a sturdy house complete with a fine fireplace and chimney. It looked like it could withstand the strongest winds.

The next day, a wolf happened to pass by the lane where the three little pigs lived; and he saw the straw house, and he smelled the pig inside. He thought the pig would make a mighty fine meal and his mouth began to water.

So he knocked on the door and said:

  Little pig! Little pig!
  Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pig saw the wolf’s big paws through the keyhole, so he answered back:

  No! No! No! 
  Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin!

Then the wolf showed his teeth and said:

  Then I'll huff 
  and I'll puff 
  and I'll blow your house down.

So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The wolf opened his jaws very wide and bit down as hard as he could, but the first little pig escaped and ran away to hide with the second little pig.

The wolf continued down the lane and he passed by the second house made of sticks; and he saw the house, and he smelled the pigs inside, and his mouth began to water as he thought about the fine dinner they would make.

So he knocked on the door and said:

  Little pigs! Little pigs!
  Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pigs saw the wolf’s pointy ears through the keyhole, so they answered back:

  No! No! No!
  Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!

So the wolf showed his teeth and said:

  Then I'll huff 
  and I'll puff 
  and I'll blow your house down!

So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The wolf was greedy and he tried to catch both pigs at once, but he was too greedy and got neither! His big jaws clamped down on nothing but air and the two little pigs scrambled away as fast as their little hooves would carry them.

The wolf chased them down the lane and he almost caught them. But they made it to the brick house and slammed the door closed before the wolf could catch them. The three little pigs they were very frightened, they knew the wolf wanted to eat them. And that was very, very true. The wolf hadn’t eaten all day and he had worked up a large appetite chasing the pigs around and now he could smell all three of them inside and he knew that the three little pigs would make a lovely feast.

So the wolf knocked on the door and said:

  Little pigs! Little pigs!
  Let me in! Let me in!

But the little pigs saw the wolf’s narrow eyes through the keyhole, so they answered back:

  No! No! No! 
  Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!

So the wolf showed his teeth and said:

  Then I'll huff 
  and I'll puff 
  and I'll blow your house down.

Well! he huffed and he puffed. He puffed and he huffed. And he huffed, huffed, and he puffed, puffed; but he could not blow the house down. At last, he was so out of breath that he couldn’t huff and he couldn’t puff anymore. So he stopped to rest and thought a bit.

But this was too much. The wolf danced about with rage and swore he would come down the chimney and eat up the little pig for his supper. But while he was climbing on to the roof the little pig made up a blazing fire and put on a big pot full of water to boil. Then, just as the wolf was coming down the chimney, the little piggy pulled off the lid, and plop! in fell the wolf into the scalding water.

So the little piggy put on the cover again, boiled the wolf up, and the three little pigs ate him for supper.


Let’s compare the construction methodology

This point came home to me rather abruptly as I work with many, many factories supplying building and construction parts and assemblies for export all over the world. Yet, not for the United States. You see, I work with domestic Chinese-owned factories. While the exports going to the United States are actually American factories inside of China using Chinese labor. It’s all about the money, you see.

Anyways, I have tried to supply windows to the United States market, but sheech! their price targets are too low, and the materials used (as specified by the architects and the builders) are so ridiculously flimsy and cheap.

Let’s show some examples so you all can get and understand what I am talking about. Ok?

Comparisons – Windows

Most American windows are ultra-cheap vinyl. Usually they are single-pane tempered glass of around 6mm thick. There are sometimes dual pane glass, with a specification for an inert gas between the layers, but that is very rare these days. Most everything is on the cheap, cheap, cheap.

Here’s a high-end dual pane American vinyl plastic window.

Most Chinese windows are thick dual pane glass with inner layers to prevent shattering. 20mm thickness is not unheard of. And the frames are not cheap plastic but are solid cast and machined aluminum, anodized and set on bearing hinges.

Here’s the Chinese equivalent of the above window…

Chinese dual pane, thin glass window.

Chinese windows are robust, well made, sturdy and using aluminum, quality fittings, and components. American windows are made out of the cheapest materials possible, arranged in the most cost effective method possible, and priced as high as possible.

Would you believe that the high quality Chinese windows are actually CHEAPER than the flimsy plastic vinyl windows used in America? Yeah. It’s important to keep American dumb and stupid so that they can be forever sheared as for-profit cattle.

Comparisons – Doors

No comparison. Most export interior doors to the United States are truly pathetic.

Cross section of an American hollow core door. Terrible in that it is flimsy and has zero sound proofing ability.

While inside China, all doors are either 100% solid wood, or wood over a closed cell sound insulation foam.

Typical interior door cross section as used in a Chinese home.

Comparisons – Counter tops

The big “thing” has been to use cheap stone countertops. These are made out of quartz and reinforced underneath. The importation of this cheap stone has been so enormous, that the US government has placed “dumping” restrictions on it. Never the less, local American quarries still produce the cheap countertops, but now charge large amounts of money for it.

Quartz countertop.

The Chinese use higher quality stone. Mostly basalt, marble, and granite.

Chinese basalt countertop.

Comparisons – Walls

Most American homes these days are made out of 2×4 frames, and sheathed in drywall. This has changed, as there is now an even cheaper alternative  to drywall (if you can believe that!) It’s compressed fiberboard. This video shows how pathetic it is… Video 9MB

While in China all homes are reinforced cement and stone, with marble, or granite, soapstone stone overlays over it. Yes, living in a typical Chinese house is like living in a museum.

A typical Chinese house interior.

Comparisons – Flooring

In America, the typical residential flooring is a foundational plywood deck, covered by carpet, or a hardwood laminate. Rarely are actual wood floors used in modern American homes any more.

Typical residential floor construction.

An China, the typical residential flooring is cement supported stone slabs or either marble, granite, or basalt.

Typical Chinese flooring.

Some examples of Chinese house interiors

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video 2 7MB

video 3 10MB

video 4 sexy 40MB


Perhaps you are starting to see my point.

If all of the “new” homes throughout America are made for little piggies who like twigs, straw and paper. While all the homes in China and Russia are made for little piggies who like bricks, concrete and stone (with reinforcement with steel rebar). Then what would happen if big bad wolves try to start a war?

Which homes would be easier to knock down? The flimsy cardboard and paper homes, or the stone and steel homes?

Obviously this part of the calculus has never entered the minds of the master leadership inside of Washington DC. If a mere CAT 1 tornado can take down a house anywhere in the USA, image what a 500 MT thermonuclear device would do.

It’s about risk. Like this…

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.



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Safe and secure behind high walls; how they thought they were invincible. History repeating itself.

As a student of history, I am amazed at how story after story repeats itself over and over and over. One of the themes that seems to be prevalent is the idea that one can be safe and secure behind high wall, moats, oceans, or huge enormous military forces. It isn’t true. History has shown time and time again, that what you think is your greatest invincibility, is actually your greatest weakness. Who am I referring to? Why the United States. Of course!

It’s an especially dumb day for anti-China propaganda. The Biden administration has imposed trade restrictions on 34 Chinese institutions on the unsubstantiated allegation that they are developing “brain control weaponry“, a claim the mass media have been all too happy to uncritically pass on to the public. Between that and the ridiculous reporting on Russian Havana Syndrome ray guns it’s like they’re literally trying to get everyone to wear tinfoil hats.

Then there’s the Tucker Carlson guest who just told Carlson’s massive audience that the US military needs to be full of “Type A men who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls.” It’s highly disturbing how much the mass media have been talking about war with China like it’s a foregone conclusion lately, almost as though they’re working to normalize that horrifying idea.

There’s also this new article for The Hill, hilariously titled “‘Allies’ China and Russia are ganging up on America”, about how the poor widdle US empire is being bullied by mean old Xi and Putin’s increasingly tight-knit collaboration. It is authored by Gordon Chang, who has been wrongly predicting the imminent collapse of China for decades, and is plainly absurd because the Moscow-Beijing alignment is in reality nothing other than the natural consequence of two nations realizing the need to work together against the globe-spanning power structure that is trying to bully them into submission.

The US military budget has once again increased despite the US ending a war this year, and despite its facing no real threats from any nation to its easily-defended shores. The increase has been largely justified by the need to “counter China” and includes billions in funding for the ongoing construction of long-range missile systems on the first island chain near the Chinese mainland, explicitly for the purpose of threatening China. One need only imagine what would happen if China began constructing a chain of long-range missile systems off a US coastline to understand who the actual aggressor is between these two powers.

-Caitlin Johnstone

The United States

For the last two centuries, America has been considered invincible. It was surround by the enormous “moats” of the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, a formidable military, and a manufacturing capability that was (by far) better than any other nation in the world. It’s people were robust and willing to fight for their nations, and the nations to the North and South were mere client surrogates. They were willing to do whatever the United States said.

Many inside America still believe this. They still believe that this is still the case.

They are WRONG.

Times have changed.

They believe this myth; That the United States can bomb the Dejesus out of any nation it likes, and will suffer zero consequences of it. Whether it is Syria, Iraq, Liberia, Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, or even now the Ukraine or Taiwan. And no one will fight back at the American homeland. No one will attack back. At worst, maybe an improvised munition on the road or a burst or two from a cheaply made AK-47.

Nothing to worry about!

And I am here to tell you that the NEXT war will be on American soil. It is engineered that way. And it’s going to hurt. Really, really, bad.

Let me tell you a history story.

Did you know that there was once a great nation the size of America that existed after the fall of Rome. And no, I’m not talking about the British Empire. I am talking about the Abbasid Caliphate.

Consider the frightening similarities.

  • The United States = the Abbasid Caliphate.
  • Washington DC = Baghdad

Consider The Mongol Sack of Baghdad in 1258

By Eamonn Gearon, MAJohns Hopkins University

The Mongol conquest of the Abbasid Caliphate culminated in the horrific sack of Baghdad that effectively ended the Islamic Golden Age.

The Abbasid Caliphate is roughly the same size as the United States today.

The Islamic Golden Age—from the 8th to the mid-13th century—was one of the greatest periods of human flourishment in knowledge and progress, with Baghdad as its focal point.

Just like America.

A truly global repository of human knowledge, this Arab-Muslim imperial capital also welcomed—indeed encouraged—scholars from across the known world.

Just like America.

As its wealth and fame grew, more and more scholars and engineers were drawn to the city from all over civilization.

Just like America.

But in January 1258, a vast Mongol army reached the city’s perimeter and demanded that the caliph—al-Musta’sim, the nominal spiritual authority of the Islamic world—surrender.

History of Baghdad: The Greatest City in the World

If you can imagine the shock waves, were Washington DC razed to the ground tomorrow, you’d be getting close to the horror that was about to accompany the Sack of Baghdad in 1258.

Founded 500 years earlier, Baghdad’s population had reached one million within a century, making it the world’s largest, most prosperous, and celebrated city.

If one thinks of London in 1897—the year when Queen Victoria celebrated her Golden Jubilee—the English city on the Thames was by then the largest and most important city on earth. In 1897, London was peerless in the world, with nowhere else coming close to matching its power and influence. It was the capital, and the fulcrum, of the British Empire.

If you can imagine the shock waves, were London razed to the ground tomorrow, you would be close to the horror that was about to accompany the Sack of Baghdad in 1258.

This is a transcript from the video series Turning Points in Middle Eastern History. Watch it now, Wondrium.

A Devastating Moment in History for Muslims in the Middle East

For many historians, the arrival of the Mongols into the heart of the Muslim faith and empire is the single most devastating moment in the history of the Muslim Middle East.

It’s easy to see why—and hard to argue otherwise—because the Sack of Baghdad would mark the end of the Islamic Golden Age.

Rather than submit, the Abbasid caliph challenged the Mongols to attempt to storm his city, if they dared.

The nomadic army from Asia—led by Hulagu Khan, one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons—did indeed dare.

Doing what they are most famous for, the Mongols thrashed Baghdad.

In 10 days of unremitting violence and destruction, Baghdad and its inhabitants were completely and utterly vanquished.

Almost without exception, the population was either put to the sword or sold into slavery.

The River Tigris ran red—to cite one of the most over-quoted, and overwrought phrases in history—with the blood of slaughtered men, women, and children.

After this, every building of note in Baghdad—including mosques, palaces, and markets—was utterly destroyed, among them the world-famous House of Wisdom.

Hundreds of thousands of priceless manuscripts and books were tossed into the river, clogging the arterial waterway with so many texts, according to eyewitnesses, that soldiers could ride on horseback from one side to the other.

Of course, the river turned from red to black with ink.

Who Were the Mongols?

The Sack of Baghdad fits, like a hinge, almost exactly in the middle of two defining dates in the history of Islam, from the founding of the faith in the year 622 to the end of the last caliphate in 1924.

Even by the standards of the day, the destruction was shocking, and the results long-lasting, if not permanent.

The Mongols’ name during this period in history was a byword for destruction.

Who were they and where did they come from?

Is there any reason to think that they were any more destructive than other peoples at the time?

The Mongols, an ethnic group, originating in north and central Asia, were typically pastoral peoples, whose nomadic lifestyle inevitably brought them into conflict with more settled populations.

Probably the best example of how settled peoples tried to restrict their otherwise free movement is the Great Wall of China. The wall was essentially built to hold back incursions of their Mongolian neighbors to the north.

This preference for nomadism over a settled existence is central to the view of the Mongols as especially destructive.

As one writer put it, while Muslims built cities—Baghdad and Cairo, for example—Mongols destroyed them. Does this mean that the Mongols were inherently more ruthless or violent than Muslims or crusading Christians? Not necessarily. Rather, it shows that their priority, in terms of conquest, was for land, for grazing—for space even—rather than for cities and confinement.

As one writer put it, while Muslims built cities—Baghdad and Cairo, for example—Mongols destroyed them.

One thing that came out of the Mongols’ lack of interest in seizing cities was their enhanced mobility.

Often living on a diet of mare’s milk—or blood, if the mares were not lactating—Mongol custom meant that they never washed their clothes. This, along with a heavy fat diet—both milk and meat—no doubt accounted for the Mongols’ reputation as a very smelly, as well as scary, foe.

The Fierce Mongol Warriors

Contemporary chroniclers tell us that Mongol warriors were most comfortable in the saddle, literally, it seems.

If they had to move more than a hundred yards, or so, they’d jump on a horse and ride. Also, all warriors owned numerous mounts, allowing them to cover larger distances than more traditional cavalry found in the Near East and Europe. While they rode light into battle, the Mongols used harnessed oxen to pull their heavier and more cumbersome possessions from place to place.

An important facet of the Mongol way of war and conquest was their use of terror as a tactic. The banging of metal pots and the rattling of bells was the usual way of announcing the start of a battle. This created such a din that defenders of a city under siege would find it almost impossible to hear their officers’ commands.

Whenever they entered new territory, the Mongols would offer the local rulers an opportunity to surrender. But in the language of many a salesman, this was a one-time offer.

For those foolish enough not to surrender immediately, conquest and destruction without quarter would be their lot, and the people of Baghdad knew this.

Setting the Scene for Catastrophe Before the Sack of Baghdad

In 1206, just 52 years before the Sack of Baghdad, the Mongol Empire was formed and led by the legendary Genghis Khan.

Khan is originally a Mongolian word that means military leader, or sovereign, a king, in English. Being accepted as the Great Khan effectively elevated Genghis to the status of an emperor. His grandsons now ruled the Mongolian Empire.

In addition to Hulagu Khan, who led the attack against Baghdad, there was Kublai Khan, conqueror of China, and Mongke Khan, who became the Great Khan and sent his brother Hulagu to Baghdad.

Hulagu marched at the head of perhaps the largest Mongolian army ever assembled, consisting of as many as 150,000 troops, with Baghdad one of several goals for this mission. First, Hulagu was told to subdue southern Iran, which he did.

Next, he was to destroy the infamous Assassins.

A breakaway Nizari-Ismaili-Shia sect, founded in the 11th century, the Assassins had achieved infamy for the political assassinations—hence, the term we use today—carried out by certain of their number.

Although it was known that the Assassins were based at the castle of Alamut in northwestern Iran, many of their adversaries thought they were somehow invincible because of the stealth they typically employed.

Hulagu Khan proved this was not the case.

After destroying the Assassins and their castle fortress at Alamut, Baghdad was the next stop on his list.

The majority of Hulagu Khan’s men were Mongolian warriors, but the force also contained Christians, including soldiers led by the king of Armenia, Frankish Crusaders from the Principality of Antioch, and Georgians.

The majority of Hulagu Khan’s men were Mongolian warriors, but the force also contained Christians, including soldiers led by the king of Armenia, Frankish Crusaders from the Principality of Antioch, and Georgians. There were also Muslim soldiers from various Turkic and Persian tribes, and 1,000 Chinese engineers—artillery specialists, who were always in demand when the need arose to reduce walls to rubble.

The Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasids—the third Islamic caliphate to rule the Muslim Middle East since the death of Muhammad—had risen to power in 750, after overthrowing their rivals, the Damascus-based Umayyads.

Taking their name from one of Muhammad’s uncles, Abbas, the Abbasids quickly took control of almost all Umayyad lands, and so found themselves ruling over an enormous empire that covered the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Persia and beyond to modern Afghanistan.

A new Abbasid caliphate deserved a new capital, which they established in Baghdad, in 762, and immediately built it into an imperial city worthy of their greatness.

A new Abbasid caliphate deserved a new capital, which they established in Baghdad, in 762, and immediately built it into an imperial city worthy of their greatness.

Within a couple of generations, Baghdad had attracted some of the world’s greatest scholars.

Alongside Persian scholarship and cultural traditions—and Arab authority—one saw people from other parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Numerous Jews and Christians also pursued studies there.

Baghdad: A City of Learning

Among innumerable libraries and other centers of learning in ancient Baghdad, the greatest of them all was founded by the early Abbasid caliphs.

Called the Bayt al-Hikma—or House of Wisdom—this was the place that the best scholars and professors aspired to reach—not just Muslims from the Islamic world.

Imagine if you will, all of America’s Ivy League Colleges rolled into one; add to those the science and technological power of Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Stanford, and Berkley, then add Oxford and Cambridge to the mix, and the world’s great non-English-speaking universities. It comes close to what the House of Wisdom was like—except it was even more influential.

Imagine if you will all of America’s Ivy League Colleges rolled into one; add to those the science and technological power of Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Stanford, and Berkley, then add Oxford and Cambridge to the mix, and the world’s great non-English-speaking universities. It comes close to what the House of Wisdom was like—except it was even more influential.

There were two distinct sides to scholarship in Baghdad. One was translation work, with texts from India, Persia, and Greece gathered in huge numbers.

Texts originally composed in Persian, Sanskrit, Greek, Syriac, and Chinese were all eagerly rendered into Arabic.

Combined with this extensive translation work, however, was a wealth of original scholarship, funded and encouraged by the caliphs.

The arts and sciences alike were covered, so that advances were made in almost every imaginable subject, including mathematics, medicine, astronomy, physics, cartography, zoology, and poetry.

A Weak-Willed Caliph in Thirteenth-Century Baghdad

In the year 1242, al-Musta’sim became the 37th caliph in the Abbasid line. Baghdad’s glory days were behind it.

By this stage, the Abbasid caliphs were largely figureheads, propped up by outside forces.

The Abbasid caliphs were largely figureheads, propped up by outside forces.

If they were important at all, it was as the inheritors of Islamic orthodoxy and as beacons of cultural greatness, but not as a political power to be obeyed nor a military force to be feared.

Indeed, the Abbasids already were in the habit of paying an annual tribute to the Mongols. Despite this, the city was still large and prosperous.

A weak-willed, even dissolute character, al-Musta’sim was happier hanging out with musicians and drinking wine than he was ruling…

Alas for Baghdad, the court of history doesn’t rate the caliph as the greatest of his line.

A weak-willed, even dissolute character, al-Musta’sim was happier hanging out with musicians and drinking wine than he was ruling an already weakened empire.

At this stage the leadership had taken to parties and image creation, not any actual ruling roles.

In 1251, the Abbasids sent a delegation to pay homage on the coronation of Hulagu’s brother, Mongke, when he became the Great Khan, but this was no longer considered enough.

Mongols Demand Submission by Abbasid Caliph al-Mustasim

Mongke insisted that the Abbasid Caliph al-Musta’sim come in person to Karakorum, the 13th century capital of the Mongol Empire, in the north of modern Mongolia, to fully submit to Mongol rule.

The Caliph al-Musta’sim refused to do so.

The final showdown between the Mongols and the Abbasids was set.

The final showdown between the Mongols and the Abbasids was set.

With the Mongol horde marching on Baghdad, a clash was inevitable, although this wouldn’t be the first encounter between the Abbasids and the Mongols.

In the recent past, the Abbasids had managed a couple of small-scale military victories against Mongol forces.

China’s first big-deck amphibious assault ship, a huge vessel that was built in a miraculously short amount of time, caught fire on Saturday, April 11th, 2020. Photos and video showing the ship billowing large clouds of black smoke hit Chinese social media earlier in the day. The warship, which is the first of the new Type 075 class, was resting alongside the pier at its birthplace, Hudong–Zhonghua Shipbuilding in Shanghai, when the blaze broke out.

However, these were soon overturned and weren’t part of any trend of a militarily resurgent Abbasid Empire.

July 24, 2020. Navy officials said the fire aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard, an amphibious assault ship undergoing maintenance and upgrades at a port in San Diego, was put out last Thursday. Reaching temperatures up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit (about 650 degrees Celsius), it melted aluminum and incinerated wiring, plastics and combustibles like drywall, bedding and office supplies, while filling the 850-foot (260-meter) vessel with thick smoke. The ship was gutted, and hauled off to the scrap yard.

Their days of martial glory were long gone.

Adding fuel to the fire, al-Musta’sim is said to have slighted Shia Muslims by various acts and decrees.

He should have known better, as his grand vizier, or senior advisor, was himself a Shia Muslim.

This vizier is said to have sided with the Mongols, encouraging their takeover of the city, perhaps imagining that he’d be given control of Baghdad by a grateful Hulagu.

If this is what he thought, he didn’t know anything about Hulagu.

A Difficult Decision for the Caliph to Surrender to the Mongols

The caliph was faced with a choice between surrendering to the Mongol leader and presumably saving his city, or building up his army, and riding out to meet the invading warriors in combat.

It likely never crossed the caliph’s mind that he should probably surrender rather than send threats to Hulagu.

Al-Musta’sim discovered a third option: Doing nothing.

Baghdad was surrounded, and al-Musta’sim realized too late that the Mongol army was far larger and stronger than he’d been told.

The rest of the Muslim world wasn’t about to rush to his rescue either.

President Joe Biden on Thursday opened the first White House Summit for Democracy by sounding an alarm about a global slide for democratic institutions and called for world leaders to “lock arms” and demonstrate democracies can deliver. Biden called it a critical moment for fellow leaders to redouble their efforts to bolster democracies. In making the case for action, he noted his own battle to win passage of voting rights legislation at home and alluded to challenges to America’s democratic institutions and traditions. “This is an urgent matter,” Biden said in remarks to open the two-day virtual summit. “The data we’re seeing is largely pointing in the wrong direction.”

The siege of Baghdad began on January 29, 1258.

The Mongols quickly built a palisade and ditch and brought siege engines, such as covered battering rams that protected their men from the defenders’ arrows and other missiles, and catapults to attack the city’s walls.

At this stage, al-Musta’sim made a last-ditch attempt to negotiate with Hulagu and was rebuffed.

Al-Musta’sim surrendered Baghdad to Hulagu five days later, on February 10.

Adding to the distress of those inside the city, Hulagu and his horde didn’t make any attempt to enter the city for three days.

The stress must have been awful.

A Glimmer of Compassion for Baghdad Christians

Late in life, Hulagu became a Buddhist.

At this moment, however, the only sign of compassion he showed was towards Baghdad’s Nestorian Christian community.

Nestorianism was a form of Christianity that church authorities had declared heretical in the 5th century.

It stressed that the divine and human aspects of Jesus’s nature were separate.

Many Nestorians had moved to Persia, where they’d lived ever since.

Hulagu, upon entering Baghdad, told the Nestorians to lock themselves in their church and ordered his men not to touch them.

What was the reason for this act of kindness before the bloodbath that was to follow?

Simply that Hulagu’s mother and his favorite wife were both Nestorian Christians.

Mongols Execute Baghdad Notables

About 3,000 of Baghdad’s notables—including officials, members of the Abbasid family, and the caliph himself—pleaded for clemency. But all 3,000 were put to death without compunction…

With the Nestorians secure, Hulagu allowed his army an unfettered week of rape, pillage, and murder to celebrate their victory.

About 3,000 of Baghdad’s notables—including officials, members of the Abbasid family, and the caliph himself—pleaded for clemency.

But all 3,000 were put to death without compunction; all, that is, except for the caliph. He was held prisoner for a little while longer, perhaps in part so that he could see the full extent of what befell his capital.

Estimates of the death toll range from 90,000 at the lowest end to one million at the other. Apart from being a conveniently round number, the population of Baghdad was around a million, and the historical record tells us not everyone was killed.

Whatever the actual number, it included the army that had dared resist Hulagu’s advance, and the civilians, who had no choice either way.

Men, women, and children down to babes in arms were put to the sword or clubbed to death. Little mercy was shown unless it was of a quick rather than a lingering death.

Death of a Caliph

The Caliph al-Musta’sim was forced to watch these murders and the plundering of his treasury and palaces. Hulagu taunted him that, with so much gold and so many jewels, he’d have been better off spending some of these riches on building up a bigger army.

As for how the caliph met his end, one account says he was locked in his treasury, surrounded by his wealth, and left alone to starve to death. As colorful as this account is, it doesn’t sound likely, given the widespread looting that took place, nor is it corroborated by any sources.

A more plausible account, as reported by several chroniclers, goes like this: Hulagu had been warned by his astronomers that royal blood shouldn’t be spilled onto the earth. If it were, the earth would reject it, and earthquakes and natural destruction would follow.

If we consider his record, one might not think Hulagu an especially cautious man. However, in this case, he plotted the safer course.

The caliph was rolled in carpets, which would catch any blood spilled, and then he was trampled to death by his own cavalry. Obviously upset at the foolishness and idiocy of their own leadership.

For the first time since the death of Muhammad, 636 years earlier, Islam had no Caliph whose name could be quoted in Friday prayers.

Destruction of the City of Baghdad

If you’re looking for an example of a city razed to the ground, Baghdad in 1258 would be a good choice.

Apart from the human casualties, there was the destruction of the 500-year old city itself. Fires were set so that the fragrant scent of sandalwood and other aromatics was smelled up to 30 miles away. If you’re looking for an example of a city razed to the ground, Baghdad in 1258 would be a good choice. After a week, Hulagu ordered his camp out of the city, and moved upwind, away from the stench of rotting corpses.

Hulagu left Baghdad a broken and depopulated city.

Even if those left alive had wanted to rebuild, they lacked the numbers, the resources, and the skills to do so. The death and destruction were such that it would be more than a decade before anyone from Baghdad performed the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.

In attacking Baghdad, Hulagu also destroyed the network of canals that irrigated the arable land thereabouts. Famine and plague followed the Mongol horde to Baghdad as elsewhere. Their scorched-earth tactics make it easy to see why they’re often tagged with a reputation as the most destructive of all the great empires.

Common Questions About the Sack of Baghdad

Q: What made the Mongols take Baghdad?

The Mongols sacked Baghdad because the Caliph Al-Musta’sim refused to capitulate to Mongke Khan’s terms of submission and use of Al-Musta’sim’s military to support forces fighting in Persia.

The United States will be sacked and burned to the ground because the American leadership refuses to coexist on equal terms with the rest of the world.

Q: How was Al-Musta’sim killed?

This most common story is that Al-Musta’sim was wrapped in carpets and trampled to death so as not to shed blood, which the superstitious Mongols believed would cause an earthquake.

There will be no mercy given to any wealthy oligarchs, or leadership of any kind associated with the collapsing United States.

Q: Who was responsible for burning the huge Library of Baghdad?

Hulagu’s men burned down the Library of Baghdad as well as many other notable places.

The massive monuments, libraries, and history of America will be unequivocally destroyed.

Q: Why did Mongol rulers convert to Islam?

Genghis Khan’s grandson Berke was one of the very first Mongol rulers to convert to Islam, and it was largely due to the efforts of Saif ud-Din Dervish. Other Mongols converted from the influence of their wives.

The United States will be broken up into smaller "nations" and each one will possess a new form of governance. No thread of the failed American "democracy" will endure.


Today, the United States is no longer geographically isolated and protected. The huge distances between their “targeted enemies” no longer makes an difference. No longer can leadership in Washington DC order attacks against Asia and believe in absolute confidence that their offices, their homes, and their daily routines will continue as always.

No longer an the United States have staff sitting inside military bases in safety while they direct remote drone strikes by robot. In the future, they will be pulverized into oblivion.

Chinese hyper-velocity missile.

What we are witnessing today is the same exact ignorance and ego of the leadership of the United States what we saw with the Abbasid Caliphate, and I argue that it’s destruction will be just as harsh, and just as long lasting.

While I urge pleas to everyone to stop this madness, and to step out of the “echo chambers” that they inhabit. No one is doing so. Such as this old dinosaur in Washington DC that wants to destroy China because it is using “mind control weapons” to control the American people!

China must be destroyed at all costs to preserve American supremacy!

Pretty fucking piss-poor “mind control” weapons if you ask me. Most of America can’t wait to bomb China into dust.

And you all know, the fear-mongering that is raising the fears of Americans isn’t doing much else. China and Russia are plowing ahead. Just like the Mongols did. They know that they are in a position of superiority. And whether it happens today, or in five years, the future of America depends on it’s leadership.

How do you think they are going to handle this historical moment?

The DF-17 has amazed American military analysis. From being completely unknown, to full massive production and operational deployment of DF-17 hyper-velocity nuclear missiles.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Oh my God what have the American neocons dragged the United States into

Yup. The American neocons, started with the John Bolton / Donald Trump “tag team”, and passed on via Mike Pompeo to the puppet-in-chief; Joe Biden has woken up a very, very dangerous dragon. Just like Biblo Baggens did in “The Hobbit” with Smaug, this dragon is now woke. And it is not going back to sleep. You fools!

You crazy, dangerous, idiotic fools!

Yet, the American neocon’s and their rabid (well meaning, but geopolitically clueless) followers have no idea what a cluster-fuck they are walking into. And I do mean cluster-FUCK.

I am talking about Genghis Khan levels of devastation, rape, ruin and rapture.

But you cannot speak sense into their brains of mush. They have watched “Rambo”, and read the “news” about the American successes in the Middle East, and they believe it all. Everything. As if special effects and actors represent what really happens in real life.

Ok. Enough of that.

In 2019, Trump was getting ready to win is second term as President.

But he and John Bolton were frustrated. The eight (8x) strains of bio-weapons directed at farm food and produce failed (by drones no less!). The Hong Kong “color revolution” under the guise of “Pro-Democracy Movement” failed. The “Free Tibet movement” failed spectacularly. The effort to cause a collapse of the BRI via the Uighur people in Xinjiang failed, and the hybrid-war (in all of it’s many flavors) was simply pissing off the Chinese people and unifying them together as one very angry and very pissed off nation.

So what to do?


Launch a Bio-weapon on the most important Chinese holiday of the year, in the most populous area of China, where all the high-speed trains converge for maximum spread and maximum damage.

That’s what they did.

Brilliant, huh?

Hey! How’s it all working out for you? Great huh?

It too failed in China. As did, the second bio-weapon attack, the death by vomiting virus, and the third bio-weapon attack, the death by shitting virus.

All spectacular failures.

Obviously, the United States needed to be “hit on the head” to realize that they cannot fuck with China any longer. But No. No. No. They are way too clueless. Far too gone. Far too stupid.

This neocon believes that China has mind control weapons that are poisoning the minds of Americans. And that China is at fault for the collapse of American society!


You just cannot argue with mental retards. FACT.

China, always one for subtleties, decided to display OPERATIONAL military systems as a warning to the blundering, bumbling, idiocy that somehow, by fraud and deceit, run the United States today.

They showed these systems on parade.

This was nearly three years ago…do you think that the American leadership payed attention? No.  Idiots are idiots, no matter what their business card says.

The following is from MOA

China’s Anniversary Parade Reveals New Weapons That Will Influence U.S. Strategies

October 1, 2019

The People’s Republic of China held a great parade (3h video, shorter version with comments) to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its founding. Some interesting new weapons were on display that are of strategic significance.

China has, like Russia and Iran, used the decades the U.S. military wasted with counter insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan to build strength where the U.S. military has weaknesses. Those weaknesses are most visible in the Navy:

New classes of quiet diesel submarines and new developments in mine and torpedo technology make operations close to tense coastlines far more dangerous today than in the past. As a result, U.S. aircraft carriers are no longer immune from risk when entering waters within range of enemy forces.

More serious still is the deployment of Russian and Chinese area denial systems, like the so-called carrier killer DF-21 antiship missile developed in the last decade by China. Its range of over 1,000 miles far outstrips the range of any warplane on U.S. flight decks today. Sailing a U.S. carrier strike force through the Taiwan Strait these days—in a show of support for pro-democracy forces in Hong Kong, for instance—would risk catastrophe.

Iran does not yet possess anything as sophisticated as China’s DF-21. However, its domestically produced Noor antiship missile (itself a reverse-engineered rip-off of an earlier Chinese cruise missile) is dangerous at over 100 miles. [...] The combination of these missiles and Iran’s fleet of fast and cheap patrol boats has been enough to keep the USS Lincoln out of the Persian Gulf as tensions between Iran and the United States increased this summer.

The carrier killer DF-21 is no longer China’s top weapon. It is a ballistic missile and a U.S. carrier group may be able to use its missile defenses to take it down. China used the last years to exceed its capabilities.

AP reports of today’s parade:

One closely-watched weapon unveiled Tuesday was the Dongfeng-17, a glider capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Foreign analysts say is designed to maneuver at high speed to evade anti-missile defenses.

Another missile displayed, the Dongfeng-41, is believed to have a range of up to 15,000 kilometers (9,400 miles), which would make it world’s longest-range military missile. Analysts say it may be able to carry as many as 10 warheads to hit separate targets.

Here are some screenshots from the parade video.

First up is the DF-17 hyper-velocity, AI controlled, nuclear weapon. Designed to decimate complete carrier groups, islands and cities. Row after row, after row after row of these vehicles were paraded.

A number of neocon publications have claimed that these must be dummy mock-ups. That no nation could build so many, in such a short period of time. If America, with the “best manufacturing in the world” cannot do it, then no one can.

The DF-41 is a road mobile beast. The 8 axle vehicle can transport, erect and launch the missile. The DF-41 is supposedly a solid fuel missile. That means that it only requires a very short time to deploy and launch. It will be difficult to interdict while it is still on the ground. There were a total of 16 of these monsters in the parade. The DF-41 has a 9400. mile reach, making it a serious entry in the intercontinental class.

This seems to be a communication relay drone. It can be used to communicate with, and steer, another drone from the ground even when the second one is over the horizon looking for U.S. ships. It makes Chinese drones independent of satellite communications.

ABOVE: The HSU-001s are also drones but they do not fly but dive. These are likely to be used as reconnaissance vehicles against U.S. submarines and ships. They could also be useful for secretly mining an enemy harbor.

And WAS used to disable the USS Connecticut in 2021.

ABOVE: This unmanned thingy is interesting. It looks fast and stealthy and has two liquid fueled engines. While it has an undercarriage the two suspension lugs on its top insinuate that it can be launched from another plane. It looks fast and stealthy but is confusing. Is it a bomber that returns to an airport? It looks a bit too flimsy for that. Is the thing itself a “suicide drone” i.e. the warhead that hits the target? Why then does it need an undercarriage? It might be for reconnaissance but it has no visible optic systems.

Next to several thousand marching soldiers there was a number of upgraded tanks, missile systems, shore launched anti-ship missiles and lots of drones. China’s equivalent of the Russian S-300 was on display and several large and very modern early warning radars. There were also dozens of mid-range missile that are, in the case of a conflict, probably supposed to end the U.S. base on Guam.

And possibly the entire island itself…

Nearly all the systems shown were road-mobile. That means that China can easily deploy even the big ones to its islands and reefs in the South China Sea. During a crisis or conflict the U.S. Navy would have to avoid the whole area or prepare for a very bad day.

In 2001 then President George W. Bush said the U.S. would do “whatever it takes” to defend Taiwan should China insist on a forced reunion. In 2006 the U.S. operation plan on how to do that was revealed:

"The Pacific command developed a new `strategic concept' for the Taiwan contingency in December 2002, and an updated plan was produced in July 2003. Last year, based upon new 2004 guidance from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the Joint Chiefs of Staff ... a final Taiwan defense plan was published," Arkin wrote.

The plan now includes "air, naval, ground amphibious, and missile defense forces and `excursions' to defend Taiwan. Options include maritime intercept operations in the Taiwan straits [sic], attacks on Chinese targets on the mainland, information warfare and `non-kinetic' options, even the potential use of American nuclear weapons," Arkin wrote.

Air operations in support of Taiwan will be difficult when U.S. carriers can no longer dare to go near China. Maritime intercept operations in the Taiwan straits are becoming wishful thinking. Taiwan has changed its defense strategy in sight of these new circumstances:

Taiwan’s new defense concept employs an asymmetric defense strategy, where Taiwan maximizes its defense advantages, and targets an invading force when it is at its weakest. Whereas Taiwan’s previous strategy focused on fighting across the entire Taiwan Strait and defeating the enemy through attrition, the new concept divides Taiwan’s defense operations into two phases, both closer to Taiwan’s shores where the lines of communication are short and Taiwan’s forces can benefit from land-based air denial and more effective surveillance and reconnaissance.

The U.S. strategy has for decades been based on air-superiority and sea control. It has yet to adopt to the new situation in which anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) weapons prohibit the use of most of its (very expensive) offensive systems.

The lack of U.S. capabilities extend to its defense systems. Hypersonic vehicles make U.S. missile defenses largely useless. Saudi Arabia recently learned that the U.S. has no air defense system that is readily capable of defeating cruise missiles and drones. While the Saudis had spent billions of dollars on U.S. air defense systems the Houthi could use those rather simple and effective weapons to attack one of its largest oil installations. It is no wonder then that the Saudis are now filing for peace:

Saudi Arabia has given a green light to Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to arrange a meeting with Iran as a first step towards de-escalating tensions in the region, Middle East Eye can reveal.

Abbas al-Hasnawi, an official in the prime minister's office, told MEE on Tuesday that Abdul Mahdi was mediating between the leaderships in Riyadh and Tehran and had communicated each side's conditions for talks to the other.

The Saudis still set some dumb conditions for talks but a few more Houthi attacks on its oil infrastructure will convince them that those are unnecessary.

The Saudis have to climb down because the superpower that once protected them is no longer able to do so. At least not as easily as it used to do.

Andrei Martyanov and others have long predicted that the moment would come where the U.S. would lose its supremacy. We no longer have to wait for it. The moment is here.


Why then does it need an undercarriage? It might be for reconnaisance but it has no visible optic systems.

I haven't seen the videos, but I don't see any undercarriage in the stills. Isn't that just a mounting on the trucks, that can be seen?

Posted by: BM | Oct 1 2019 18:28 utc | 1

There are now pictures in better resolution than my screen grabs.

Posted by: b | Oct 1 2019 18:45 utc | 4

Thanks for the posting b....I'm impressed and hope the US MIC is as well

This is what can be done when you don't have profit as the primary motivation because you think you are invincible.

If we go the extinction route in this WWIII that the world is in, the path looks to be quite short. I hope the elite of the West love their children more than they love hegemony of the global private finance cult.

I did read a Reuters posting that I think fits here and is included below
GENEVA (Reuters) - The international community must confront America’s hostile approach, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday as tensions have spiked between the Islamic Republic and the United States.

“The international community must confront America’s hostile and unilateralist approach by taking a definitive decision and effective actions,” Rouhani said at a speech at a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union in Armenia, according to the official IRNA news agency."

America/Western empire is not going to attack Iran and get away with it. It is time for the Western empire bullies to stand down and a multi-polar world to stand up as China is showing can be done.

Posted by: psychohistorian | Oct 1 2019 19:10 utc | 6

b: Air operations in support of Taiwan will be difficult when U.S. carriers can no longer dare to go near China

Yes, a major factor causing a decrease in US naval power (unrecognized by Navy) is the obsolescence of the aircraft carrier. 

• First, carriers are generally unavailable because they are much more complex and require significant maintenance. Currently, of eleven carriers only two are deployed here, which is common. And the new carriers now cost about $13 billion, plus the accompanying ships in a carrier force, plus 5,000 crew personnel etc.  
• Just as the aircraft carrier obsoleted the battleship a century ago because aircraft range exceeded gunfire range, so now the carriers' aircraft range (shorter than ever) is exceeded by missile range. It's difficult to sink a huge ship like a carrier, but any strike on the deck or on the deck island would incapacitate a carrier for some time, perhaps permanently. That's just one explosive missile, and there is no shortage of missiles.

What's the effect of this? No jet fighter air cover would doom any serious attempt by the US Navy to hinder whatever it is that China decides to do militarily in its area of operations. On top of this, the US Marine Corps is currently going through an identity crisis. What could they do? Sit on some islands? The US Army, looking for a raison d'etrebesides the "Russia threat" is proposing long range artillery on some islands somewhere -- grasping at straws. US Air Force?--out of it, given China air defenses.

Posted by: Don Bacon | Oct 1 2019 19:21 utc | 7

It's becoming more and more likely that the US with arrogantly launch an small attack on Russia, Iran, Syria or China confident that they will back meekly down, only to get a rude discovery when they strike back. I've heard that the US military is more "realistic" in their own internal assessments of the dangers of a conflict with China and Russia, but US politicians are increasingly talking themselves into a corner vs the rest of the world

Posted by: Kadath | Oct 1 2019 19:21 utc | 8

So what is going to happen…

If the USA tries to fight China or Russia for “democracy”?



Some video fun…

Here’s some videos of Chinese military. Fun stuff, showing a large, modern and motivated military.

Video 1 6MB

Video 2 2MB

Video 3 3.4MB

Video 4 2.5MB

Video 5 3.2MB

Video 6 3.6MB

Video 7 6.3MB

Video 8 4.1MB

Video 9 3.4MB

Video 10 4MB

Video 11 3MB

Video 12 3MB


This was three years ago. Since then, if you can possibly believe it, China has become much more aggressive in R&D development of weapons systems, and manufacturing and mass producing weapons systems. Today is is more than just a peer equal militarily with the Untied States. It is superior to it. And coupled whit Russia, the entire Asia is ready to PUT THEIR FOOT DOWN and stop this rampant misbehavior by the US insanity-run government.

In 2022, both Russia and China will stop using SWIFT. This will cause a massive disruption in the flow of “free money” into the USA, and will expose the value of the US Dollar to what it’s actual value is. This will create economic shocks and turmoil inside the United States.

How will the USA handle it? Well, there is a faction that still believes that they can somehow rescue the situation by blaming their ineptness on a war; and thus create the “mother of all wars”. China and Russia will not allow that.

We will see what will happen.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Russia and China has (this week) laid down the terms for the surrender of the United States

"Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay out of our backyard."

-Summary by Pat Buchanan

And it is not at all being reported in the Western “news”. I wonder why?


There is a risk in giving an ultimatum. If the other side rejects this ultimatum (and the possibility is real) then Russia will have to react and will have to switch from diplomacy to military arguments.

If the ultimatum will be rejected it will inevitably lead to much worse bilateral relations and tensions never seen since 1962.

Time is on Russia’s side (each year Russia becomes more powerful militarily) so why taking the risk to dramatically escalate everything now?

The only reason I see is that with the current path Russia considers a clash as inevitable and they see their ultimatum as the only real possibility to avoid a conflict in the near future.

  • The positive side of the ultimatum is that if it’s a success then the risk of war will be substantially reduced.
  • The negative side is that if the ultimatum will be rejected then war will become even more likely and may start even sooner.
I'm sure the Russians realize their technical advantage can only be temporary, and are utilizing their advantages while they can.

Searching for the "Russian ultimatum" on the western corporate mouthpieces, it doesn't even register. I'm sure 99% of Americans are absolutely clueless. The propaganda masters are most probably formulating a line of bs that will make Russia look like they aggressor. There really is no access to the masses by non-corporate media.

The questions to me is, "can the East make the West uncomfortable enough without starting a nuclear holocaust to come to reason, or will the West spin the situation to increase its aggression?"

What truly frightens me is when the Empire develops its own hypersonic weapons and first strike tactics become very attractive to the idiots and sociopaths running the Western show.

A Throne of Chinese Skulls! Oh Yeah?

By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog

The hot question among a number of hot questions is: What will China do?

Is there clarity? I would argue yes there is .. some.

The paradox is that West pushes for terms of a new partitioning of the world (democracy summit, unending belligerence, cynical, and hypocritical paranoia), while Russia and China expect terms of surrender.

According to China, there has to be payback for past empire atrocities.

After all, it is well established that the United States has been unyielding attack of China with everything from Bio-Weapons (livestock and human), to color revolutions, to non-stop "hybrid-wars".

In such an environment a kinetic hot war makes little sense because there is no overt military threat against western leadership.

I would argue that Russia’s ultimatum is military containment by agreement, as a first step.

I would also argue that because we do not have insight into step 2 (military/technical counter-threats), we cannot reason that step 2 is not highly coordinated with China, to the nth degree.

Double negatives in the passive voice are confusing. To rewrite the statement: 

"There is no reason to believe that China and Russia are not coordinating step 2."

It is so that the USA is no longer the world’s only ‘indispensable nation’.

They are now both dispensable and replaceable in their current form and the only hope is that they will reform themselves.

As there is much that we do not know in terms of further steps, there is also much that we do not know about how China is going to interrelate.

What we do know is that they will be a part of the final dethroning of Western powers’ force for empire. We know this, because they said so and China is dead serious.

Russia made their proposals known.

China did too.

Just today…

20 December 2021

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the United States to work with China to find out the way of peaceful coexistence between the two major countries.

He noted some people in the United States are [1] unwilling to admit that other countries also have the right to development, [2] unwilling to accept the fact that China is growing stronger and making progress, [3] unwilling to agree that China and the United States can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and [4] are trying to form a camp to contain and suppress China.

“The wrong words and deeds of the U.S. side not only seriously damage the interests of the two peoples, but also seriously impact world peace and stability” Wang said.

Here are the Chinese statements over the past few days:

Shortly after the Putin/Xi Jingping virtual meeting, this question was posed to Foreign Minister Spokesperson Wang Wenbin. Mr Wenbin is a highly competent diplomat.

Chinese Spokesperson Wang Wenbin


Question from TASS: In his virtual meeting with Russian President Putin, President Xi Jinping said China will continue to carry out flexible and diverse cooperation with Russia and other member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to safeguard security and stability in the region. What challenges are China and Russia facing in this aspect? What can China and Russia do to safeguard regional security?

Wang Wenbin: On December 15, President Xi Jinping had a virtual meeting with Russian President Putin. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on core and major issues of common concerns including safeguarding regional security, and achieved new, important consensus.


The world is witnessing the combined forces of changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century against the backdrop of complex and profound changes in international and regional landscape.

We believe that China and Russia, two permanent members of the UN Security Council, take on an important mission in defending regional peace and stability and promoting development and revitalization of all countries.

For some time, certain countries have been drawing ideological lines, building new military blocs and stoking regional tensions, which have all brought grave threats and challenges to regional peace and stability and global strategic stability.

China and Russia firmly reject this.

We will continue to follow the two leaders’ consensus, take up responsibility, unite all forces that love peace and support peace, and make active contribution to realizing sustained, universal and common security in the region and the wider world.

Certain sentences and words need to be lifted out of ‘diplo-speak’.

Note, the question from the TASS reporter is about regional security. Mr Wenbin, in his response, brought it back to the strategic stability of the wider world.

This sentence: Russia/China take on important mission in defending regional peace and stability and promoting development and revitalization of all countries.

Again, he then speaks about Global Strategic Stability and not only regional.

For some time, certain countries have been drawing ideological lines, building new military blocs and stoking regional tensions, which have all brought grave threats and challenges to regional peace and stability and global strategic stability.

And here is the shocker:

We will continue to follow the two leaders’ consensus, take up responsibility, unite all forces that love peace and support peace, and make active contribution to realizing sustained, universal and common security in the region and the wider world.

The phrase the two leader’s consensus indicates that all plans have been made, everyone stands at the ready, and Putin and Xi Jinping will take the next step probably on a phone call.

The fate of the world is now in the hands of Putin and Xi Jinping.

It is astonishing that China is subjecting itself to The Consensus of the Two Leaders and shows without a shadow of a doubt that they are acting in full concert, strategically, politically, economically coordinated, and we know militarily as well, we just don’t know to what extent.

Another statement from Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin: This statement is interesting in that it shows the emotion (which I’ve never seen him display) of the Chinese people. They are at the end of their strategic patience as well and this is how they feel.

“The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”

CHINA: “The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”
— ASB News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) December 15, 2021

Currently, the destruction that the Western powers waged on the world, is transparent. Take a look:  Pentagon documents reveal ‘deeply flawed’ US air war: report

Russia and China are stepping into alternative world relations…

…still based on the UN Charter and Law…

…and based on respect between countries.

And more than that, they are proving that it is possible since the first discussions of multi-polarity in the world in 2015 and the first public discussions of Belt and Road in 2013.

The Time Has Come

For years now Russia and China tried to help the Western powers out of their sorry state; but the time has come.

‘Gung-ho’ and ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’ seem to be over and at least from China side, this is a tipping point.

The Western powers need to face their downright self-inflicted humiliation.

This will happen economically by moving the world to a new economic system with new economic tools and will go right through to military intervention should the Western powers continue their arbitrary actions.

But nobody will be fighting the ‘West’s War’ and I submit we may see something quite unanticipated by our usual analysis and calculus.

It is already unprecedented that Mr. Lavrov published his diplomatic correspondence with France and Germany regarding the Ukraine.

It is also unprecedented for draft proposals from Russia to be open to the public at this stage.

We are in an unprecedented time.

Want peace, but…

The fact that both Russia, China, and Iran do not start the shooting, is incontrovertible proof that they are genuine in their statements that they want to bring peace.

China is in, boots ‘n all.

If a regional conflagration should break out and it is in Russia’s ballpark (the Ukraine), and Russia can deal with it on her own, China will make sure that the Russian soldiers are the best outfitted and supported of any modern military force that we have ever seen.

You will see a voentorg to beat all voentorgs. Russian forces will drink champagne and eat oysters (OK, this is shameless hyperbole, but it makes the point).

Taiwan has simmered down.

The latest words there from China in the person of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, is Taiwan’s reunification with China is a question of time. “China must and will be reunified,” he stressed.

He noted that there has been growing support for the ‘One-China’ principle around the world, referring to the recent decision by the government of Nicaragua to break ties with Taipei.

“Ten days ago, we resumed diplomatic relations with Nicaragua. The total number of countries with [whom China has] diplomatic ties has increased to 181, and the one-China consensus has been consolidated internationally,”

He said.

If there is a fight, no matter the size, or the manner of the fight, the Chinese are in and I would argue that they are in right now!

Nobody can beat them at producing what is necessary for a fight.

Their own aircraft carrier battle groups are out in the ocean through the near Pacific, South China Seas and other seas.

One has to get used to how China presents things.

Even the media reporting these maneuvers, puts scare quotes around the words “routine drills”.  Battle groups are out for scare quoted “routine drills”. They do not say that China is readying herself for a defense of her own basin, in which case Russia will support in the same way that China will support Russia.

Will anyone be able to penetrate beyond and inside the first island chain?

So, it is clear that the Russia/China double helix is operating fine currently.

Mr Wang is not playing a good cop to Russia’s bad cop.

He is making it clear that what is happening is not only a Russian problem, but a problem of the strategic stability in the world, It affects not only Russia, but China as well, and no longer can one entity be allowed to attack others like fish in a barrel.

We cannot think of a multi-front war: the West cannot possibly be that deranged.


Yet, the ludicrous rhetoric in the Western spheres continues apace and distracts from reality.

It is hardly worthwhile rebutting every accusation.

China is not using much rhetoric currently but we can be sure that they note this rhetoric. Knowing the strategic situation in the world, they are not rebutting.

There is no need.

A Throne of Chinese Skulls

We need men ” … who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls …

Tucker Carlson’s guest: 

“We don’t need a military that’s woman-friendly, that’s gay friendly” we need men “who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls, but we don’t have that now. We can’t get women off of naval vessels, that should be step one but most are pregnant anyway.”

— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) December 18, 2021

Andrei Martyanov is causing high hilarity about USA representatives that want to ‘kill themselves some Ruskis’ and even offers up a few:

This boy, obviously, despite his tour in Iraq never saw a real war and a real enemy who can actually kill you back even when one is in the bunker inside your own army base.

We can conclude then that the slew of accusations made to Russia, are similar in tone and also in substance, as those made to China.

The minds of these accusers cannot contemplate a peaceful world.

It seems to be impossible for them.

Although Russia is not threatening the Ukraine, and China is not threatening her own Taiwanese province, they believe their belligerent rhetoric can make it so.

Western states are slowly approaching the state of being disconcerted and soon now they will enter a stage of being stunned, as they are now being dictated to on the red lines of the other forces in the world.

We can never forget Iran, which showed everyone how to say NO!

There will be NO conformity to Western red lines.

I venture to say that the USA and cronies will NOT even be allowed to keep operating their Monroe Doctrine.

They will NOT be allowed a sphere of influence.

They will ONLY be allowed their space as a pole in multi-polarity.

The leftist candidate won the elections in Chile yesterday (although there are questions as to how ‘empire-proof’ he is). The one slogan that was visible is:

“If neocolonialism started in Chile, we will end it in Chile”.

Within China, China is looking after China.

They are developing their space program, their Belt and Road which is ‘a force for good’ in the world, and building their economy and continuing to create an increasingly varied and better life for their people. The Olympic Games will continue, and in time Taiwan will reunify.

They are also, with Russia and others, building out a new financial system for the world.

What can stop a war at this stage?

  • The West will lose. The West has a very strong and simple reason to avoid a new war: They will lose. Their actions are now futile.
  • The USA is dying. Xi and Putin can still decide to let it die and continue to stay out of the fray. But they have made the decision to enter a confrontational era. We could speculate as to why as the situation reveals itself.
  • Ready to strike the death blow. China, Asia or the AsiaPacific is ready to end the empirical era. Both Russia and China are ready to end the empirical era in such a way that retaliatory strikes are almost impossible. It is a most complex ballet of threat and counterthreat, coherently managed by the two countries. Russia is not arriving, China is not arriving and Iran is not arriving for the war that the hegemon is inviting them to. How frustrating for them.

What can stop a war?

China and Russia, the consensus of the two leaders probably can. I repeat:

“The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”

Yankee Go Home!

Russia’s ultimatum to the West (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

To understand what just happened, we need to look at two things: how Russia chose to communicate her demands and then the contents of the demands themselves.

However, before I do that, I want to recommend two other points of view, both of which are, in my opinion, very helpful:

I recommend you read them before we continue.  This being said, let’s look in more detail at just what happened.

First, this was clearly an ultimatum.  Second, it was a public ultimatum.

This is absolutely crucial, as it marks, at the very least, a total break with normal Russian (and Soviet) diplomatic practice.

It is also pretty obvious that both the form and the substance of that ultimatum would be unacceptable to the USA and the US colonies in Europe.

Which begs the question: what are the Russians trying to achieve here?

Some will say that the Russians (or Putin personally) are simply stupid and that they are too arrogant to realize that their ultimatum would never be accepted.

Well, if the USA (the only part of the “West” which matters because it has actual agency) ignores that ultimatum and then merrily continues on the path it has been on since at least Bill Clinton, and if the Russians (or Putin personally) do nothing, then those who believe that the Russians are stupid will be proven right.

Now let’s look at what else might happen.

The first thing we need to understand is that Russia holds all the military cards (read Martyanov for details I won’t bother repeating it all here).

So let’s quickly worst case: “Biden” ignores Russia and Russia replies by deploying weapon systems, including hypersonic weapons, which will threaten the US not only in Russia, but in Belarus, the Arctic, and the mid-Atlantic.  Then the US will feel the same way Moscow does: 5 minutes away from annihilation.  Will that be good for “Biden”?

Let’s imagine that “Biden” decides to play tough and creates some kind of incident that will force the Russians to either sink a USN ship or shoot down a USAF aircraft.  That would mean war.

Here “Biden” would have two options: keep the war below the nuclear threshold and lose that war (the NATO military infrastructure would be gone) or go nuclear and risk a nuclear holocaust.  Will either one of these be good for “Biden”?

Now let’s say that “Biden” agrees to negotiate with Russia (while, of course, keeping up with all the pretenses about “consulting with partners and allies”) and the two sides come to some kind of deal.  How would that deal manifest itself?  Well, that is quite obvious – NATO would have to give up its expansion while Russia would have to provide verifiable guarantees that she will not attack any NATO country.  I know, I am skipping over a gazillion of details in which, as the expression goes, the devil lies, but for our purposes this is sufficient.  Then, again, I would ask the same question as above: would that be a good outcome for “Biden”?

We need to look at this possibility even further:

First, some of the US EU vassals would be incensed and they would do two things: verbally protest as loudly as possible and engage in whatever action they could come up with to force the situation and create a crisis.

And no, that would not be good for “Biden” at all.

But, consider this: first, “Biden” can tell the EU vassals to shut up and behave.  But even more importantly, that “bad option” will look “less bad” to “Biden” than either one of the two options mentioned above (place the entire USA 5min away from destruction or face a full-scale war).

Remember how I said that Russia holds all the military cards?

Russia also holds much stronger political and economic cards than the USA which has close to nothing.

Politically, Russia is now “more than an ally” to China, she is a close partner to India (to the fury of the White House) and politically, she is much less isolated than the USA!

Even the map above does not give the full measure of the situation.  Why?

Because most of the “international community” which “supports” (well, obeys) the USA is the EU, which itself is in a terminal crisis on too many levels to count here!

Compare the red and the grey zones on the map, and ask yourself these questions: which zone has the most powerful military? Which zone has the most natural and human resources? which zone has the most promising trading routes? which zone has a real GDP, as opposed to a purely FIRE one?  Which one is literally dying spiritually under the trans-national “Woke” ideology and which one has retained the willingness and ability to fight for its spiritual, cultural, and civilizational values?  Finally, which zone has a viable vision of the future?

I could go on and on with many more such questions, but I think that you see my point: the USA is not only losing militarily, but it is also losing on all fronts!

Next question: what does the USA need most?

Well, there are plenty of things the USA need, but I would single out one: time.  Why? Because the truth is that the USA has only two options left: a “Kabul style” retreat from Europe or an orderly, negotiated “rearrangement” of the European collective security system (which, let’s not forget, the USA screwed up all by itself, a true disaster for which the USA is now totally responsible for).

[Sidebar: there is not such thing as unilateral security.  All real security is always collective.  That truism is now a dangerous political heresy in the West for which folks get (figuratively) burned at the stake for.  Unilateralism is just a trigger for insecurity and, eventually, war.]

If there is no war, then NATO will survive, at least politically. If there is no war, “Biden” will be able to say that the West’s “firm and united” stance forced Russia to make concessions: remember how the Cuban missile crisis was presented by the USA as a US victory when, in fact, it forced the USA to withdraw missiles from Turkey?

It has been many decades since the Cuban missile crisis, yet something like 99% of the people in the US and EU sincerely believes that the US “won”!

The AngloZionist propaganda machine can easily repeat that once more.

Except for a “small” problem: this time around, Russia presented her ultimatum first and made so very publicly.

Why did the Russians choose this method?

Well, I don’t know, I cannot read the Kremlin’s mind, but my guess is that Russia wants way more than just a “draw” (which is what the Cuban missile crisis was).  Russia wants a full victory which she would define as “defanging NATO“, at least in Europe.  Why?

Now let’s look at Russia’s options:

  • Do nothing aka “more of the same”: that means full surrender to the West, followed by a partition of Russia and a US attack on China.  To say that this is unacceptable to Russia would be an understatement.


  • Gradually step down from the demands of the ultimatum: that is a more interesting one and it is again a case of “the devil is in the details”.  For example, the existence of NATO by itself means nothing to Russia.  Ditto for the EU, by the way.  All these are in reality are irrelevant Kaffeeklatsch pretexts for politicians with no future, and countries with no agency.  The biggest mistake made by both the EU and NATO was its “glorious” expansion to the East only to find out that all this achieved was irreparably weaken both the EU NATO as the newcomers were, how shall I put it politely, quite terminally stupid, corrupt and infantile.  When I listen to EU and NATO politicians, I think of a Kindergarten on crack cocaine or something equally insane (see here for a perfect example).

So one option for Russia would be to “creatively revisit” the terms of her ultimatum and then keep the substance while jettisoning the hostile tone and giving the West some symbolic “concessions”.  Would that be a good option for Putin?  Well, it all will depend on the mentioned “devil in details”.  If at the end of the process NATO is defanged, then yes.  If NATO remains as aggressively hostile as it is today, then no.

Which begs the question: what will Russia do in such a case?

Here we need to at least consider one option: a Russian recognition of the LDNR justified by Kiev’s total rejection (de facto and de jure) of the Minsk Agreements and the constant Ukronazi provocations and attacks on the LDNR: remember two things Putin said recently.  He spoke of “not yet recognized republics” and he spoke of “genocide“.

Responsibility to protect” anyone?

Of course, the Ukronazis would have to attack (even at least symbolically), which would allow Russia to make a military move against the Ukraine, free the LDNR and deploy Russian forces inside these republics, fully backed by Belarus, of course, and, possibly, even China (politically).  Notice I did not say “invasion”.

Let’s imagine that Russia will use her standoff weapon systems to defang the Ukies, liberate the LDNR, and then will turn to the rest of Europe with a “smile” strongly suggesting the following “which of you guys wants to be next?”  This would result in a total panic in Europe, especially in Mons, Brussels, and Warsaw.

And here is the beauty of that option: Russia can easily strike Mons and Brussels (or Warsaw) with conventional weapons and leave most of these cities in mint shape.  And if the EU/NATO decides to strike back, then Russia will wage a full-scale war against the EU/NATO and she will win it.

What about the “Biden” administration in such a scenario?  The Pentagon knows what Russian missiles can do to it and any other military objective in the continental USA.  I very much doubt that the US deep state will be willing to commit mass suicide just to try (and fail!) to protect the EU.  Besides, the Russians have no intentions or capabilities, to invade the EU anyway, so why destroy the USA for a threat which does not even exist?!

Does “Biden” want to go down in history as “the President who lost Europe”?

Would “the President who triggered a nuclear holocaust” sound any better?

So by making her demands public, Russia has (for the first time and finally!!) also sent a message to the people of the West.  This message can be summarized like this: we don’t want war, but if you insist, we will oblige.

And, for the first time since 1991, Russia does have the objective means to achieve these goals.

So there, we have it, I think.

Now we also need to address the elephant in the room: the US War Party and, even more so, the EU infantiles on crack cocaine.  For them, defanging NATO would be utterly unacceptable…

… or would it?

The US War Party is just that, US-based.  And while some of the talking heads on the idiot tube do sound like real “hawks”, the military professionals in the US armed forces know the real score.

Not only that, but the “smart wing” of the War Party understands that the USA desperately needs time and an orderly draw-down, even if just a temporary one!

Their game is, as I said many times, a game of what I call “nuclear chicken” but, crucially, a game short of actual nuclear war which they don’t need at all (if only because they would likely die themselves).

Which leaves the EU infantiles on crack cocaine.

Here I am going to say something terrible, and I feel really bad for writing this, but I only see one method to get the Europeans back from la-la-land to the real world: Russia has to defeat them militarily, yet again, as she did over and over in her history.

Somehow, the narcissistic megalomaniacs who currently administer the European continent on behalf of the USA won’t read history and won’t rein in their deep sense of racial superiority over the subhuman Russian Asiatic hordes.

These modern wannabe Kulturtraegers and assorted Herrenvolk still hate Russia for defeating Hitler, Napoleon, and the rest of them, and for them, their phobia (in the sense of both hate and fear) of everything Russian is now part of their identity, something quite sacred to them and to hell with those who think otherwise!



The only effective way to bring the European Master Races back to reality is well-known (see picture).

I would argue that such an outcome goes directly against the interests of BOTH the USA and Russia.  And, most obviously, it goes totally against the interests of the people of Europe.

But if the latter does nothing to prevent such an outcome, then it is for the USA and Russia to prevent it.

And if the USA won’t prevent it, then Russia will deliver.

As for the notion that boycotts, sanctions (even from hell!), or the cancellation of NS2 will stop the Russians -it is truly beyond ridiculous.  Last time around, Russia lost 27 million people and then rebuilt her economy within a decade.

The Terms of Surrender

Found HERE.


This is no Russian bluff but a real ultimatum.

In fact, it is so real that it was made public for two reasons I believe: first, of course, to try to appeal to the people of the West and, second, to morally “untie the hands” of Russia should it come to full-scale war.

Analysts in the West always assume that public gestures are somehow exclusively aimed at them.  They are wrong.

This ultimatum is also addressed to the Russian people and Russian armed forces and says this to them:

people of Russia, we tried all we could to avoid this, we pleaded and begged for decades, and we retreated on many fronts, yet in spite of that, the West keeps pressing on.  We will never allow a June 22nd to happen again.  Prepare for war“.

I will end with three quotes by Putin himself:

“As a citizen of Russia and the head of the Russian state I must ask myself: Why would we want a world without Russia?”Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first“Any aggressor should know that retribution will be inevitable and he will be destroyed. And since we will be the victims of his aggression, we will be going to heaven as martyrs. They will simply drop dead, won’t even have time to repent,”

UPDATE: according to the Russian media citing “diplomatic sources”, China has given her full support to the Russian demands.  What that actually means or implies is unclear, but this is the first indication that the Russian ultimatum was coordinated with the Chinese and that China will have some kind of role to play in the next move of the Russians if the US rejects the Russian demands.

The time has come to “man up” or “fuck up”.

Comments – Dmitry Orlov

Why? Well, we definitely don’t know the answer to that because it’s a secret. But we can guess. And my guess is that Russia knows something: that, essentially, the US is much weaker than anyone in the US thinks and waiting any longer will leave the world in an untenable situation. Thus, Russia is eager to get these deals signed ASAP, while there is still someone in Washington who can hold a pen. And the last useful thing that Washington can do is, essentially, disband NATO (which is what signing Russia’s ultimatum would essentially accomplish).

I’ve written about all of this before, and it goes like this:
• A situation where offering a million dollars for a book of matches gets you a punch to the face
• No access to imports of any sort within the (former) US because there is no longer a credit mechanism for funding trade; no functioning utilities or transportation networks; a new economy based on looting and barter.
• My “Five Stages of Collapse” in chorus with 4-part harmony while Russia and China do their best to keep US nuclear and bioterror installations and facilities under control while repatriating their nationals and providing a bit of humanitarian aid to those who cooperate with them.

Look at the title of this article: it contains the word “ultimatum” for a really excellent reason. Russia is not negotiating; Russia is spelling out how it will all go down, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and that last bit is all that’s left to decide. But while the ultimatum is as public as possible, its implementation will be as secretive as possible. Essentially, we don’t know how it will happen because we are not allowed to know.

Comments – Whozhere

You are correct Dmitry…..

“that Russia knows something: that, essentially, the US is much weaker than anyone in the US thinks”

In a nutshell, the Biden operation has no access to the nuclear arsenal of the US.

Comments – Mike from Jersey

I live in the United States.

There is a dynamic playing out.

A very substantial amount of the population no longer supports the government or major institutions. They look on their own government/institutional structure as the enemy. They no longer consider this to be a flawed, but nonetheless, functioning system.

They consider themselves living under the heel of an occupying army which is suppressing them and their freedom. The numbers who take this position are large. Probably as much as thirty per cent or more.

On the other hand the people pulling the levers of power have no understanding of this erosion of faith. They act with a total lack of awareness that they are surrounded by large numbers of very angry citizens.

It may be that Russian intelligence understands what the American “intelligencia” does not.

Comment – Dmitry

The numbers the Russians have voiced are that 40% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans are in favor of disbanding the USA. This is quite far beyond what’s needed to make it happen with even a minimal external stress.

Comment – Eagle Eye

Looks like schadenfruede is going to get a workout shortly.

And if disbanding the USA happens, where does that leave Klaus Swabbe and his WEF Great Reset agenda? What happens to Wall Street and Operation Mockingbird media control in the collapse scenario and how does that play out globally?

“On the other hand the people pulling the levers of power have no understanding of this erosion of faith. They act with a total lack of awareness that they are surrounded by large numbers of very angry citizens.”
I see that same dynamic here in Australia at a state and federal level. Others are seeing it elsewhere. It is no longer an academic debate, but an existential problem. The media no longer accurately portray the public mood with the exception of grief following tragedy, like the local one where kids got killed in a freak playground accident. Beyond that the public reaction is endlessly spun to deliver the story “media” wants told, the truth be damned.

The danger for “the West” is that nominally democratic nations will fall to totalitarianism. There is a very interesting but disturbing interview with clinical psychologist, Professor Matthias Desmet at panedemic podcasts which should be on the must listen list of the readership. It details the steps to take to create a mass formation and what that psychological phenomenon is capable of delivering. In his well qualified view the management of the Covid Pandemic in the West can bring about such a response from the public. If it does the damage will compound with that from the USA collapse Dmitry forsees and the result will be truly biblical carnage.

Comment – Blackring

@Dmitry Orlov
“…while the ultimatum is as public as possible, its implementation will be as secretive as possible”

Ok, that explained lack of “else” in ultimatum. But because of showing too much patience to spoiled brats, now it is necessary to bitch-slap them to senses. As many times as it takes.

I do not see how this can be done secretly enough. Thanks to informational technology and MSM dominance, West have advantage in clandestine game.
In addition, since UKUS always preferred to use proxies, it is wise to embolden vassals to defect.

Russian advantage is in having hyper-sonic weapons, which allows tactics used by West against weak opponents without air defense. Maybe something like Israelis did in Gaza can be done to, say, Aegis Ashore in Romania. “Knock on roof”, followed with Big Kaboom after personnel runs away. Big hole in the ground – no casualties. After that, friendly talk can begin.

Seriously, it is long overdue that Empire get a taste of its own medicine.

Comment – Scuppers

Why now? Because it’s the right moment. I keep coming back to the game of chess, in my mind. White (the west in this analogy) starts the game with the initiative, and black (Russia in this analog) has the task of arresting that initiative, and stealing it. Black did that in 2015-2018, and locked the board. But white keeps trying to regain the initiative, and at this point, black blocks, but also ensures that every counter move makes white’s next move more catastrophic. And 3 years later, we are at the point that if white decides to start trading pieces, it will lose catastrophically. So you offer your opponent a way out. Tip your king and bow out, and come back another day to play again or get blown out and humiliated. There is a third option; throw the board in the air and everyone loses. Let us hope the west doesn’t choose option 3.

Comment – RZW

Why I agree with Orlov, my guess is that Russia has intelligence about false flag or attack on Donbass. Just for the record keep in mind 6th of January (Orthodox Christmas eve) and 4th of February (Opening of Olympic games, Putin in China).

Comment – Ted Richard

Andrei, ultimatums are generally if not always time dependent…. time specific, which is to say a Russian ultimatum declared today has a shelf life before agreement or action must be taken………that time is in your opinion……..years, months, weeks?

Comment – The Saker

To begin negotiations, the Russians said “tomorrow in Geneva”, but that was metaphorical.

A month, maybe 2 max.
But the key decisions might have already been taken.

I don’t think these people understand what is at stake here.

That is exactly my biggest fear too.

Comments – Razor

it seems logical to me that Russia has already decided what action it will take if, as likely, the West brushes off its ultimatum. I would assume that whatever action it takes, will be measured. A trip wire if you like, to show it means business, and to awaken the sleeping masses in EU US, while allowing the West to step back from Armageddon. And if that doesn’t create the desired result, they will also no doubt have planned for this eventuality, which could of course mean full pedal to the metal, God save us.

Comments – Peterd

I recently came across the wicked suggestion by somebody to counteract NATOs eastward expansion of Russia by offering Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg until 1946) as a naval/military base for China, sharing it with the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. That would certainly put the cat among the euro-pigeons sandwiched as it is between Lithuania and Poland.

Comments – War is coming

These people need a ‘lesson’ teached by Russia to be sure they never come back again with their idiocy, wargames, sanctions, ‘kill some Russians” etc…they must have ‘the fear of their life’ at least once, otherwise they will double down forever.

Comments – GRI

I read on another site the following news: from February 1, 2022, for the first time in Russia, the national standard “Urgent burial of corpses in peacetime and wartime” is being introduced. It describes that the authorities must be prepared to bury thousands of people in mass graves. The standards for graves, labor costs, the amount of equipment and the way of storing corpses have been established. The question is whether the ultimatum and the introduction of the above-mentioned measures are correlated.

Comment – Vaughan

The reason for Russia’s hardened stance imo may be the absolute and quickened spiritual and moral decline of the West.

They’ve become like the bully in a bar room brawl who, will pounce with the killer blow once the peace deal and handshake have been made and the innocent victim looks away.

Russia has endured so much ridicule, lies and mockery via Western leaders now for the past 12-15 years now. There are too many statements to quote.

Russia and Putin in general, have become the ‘hit piece’ of mocking ridicule of the Western Leaders and US Generals and simply, their time is up.

I feel that Russia has finally taken as much as she can and the Russian Leaders KNOW that they can no longer trust a country like the USA who’s own people have lost faith in their once robust institutions.

The American people have lost faith in their democratic system, the media, the judiciary, and their stumbling bumbling President’s’.

Indeed, the people have become the enemy of their own government.

On the world stage, the US has become a joke unto herself. A mockery of the great country she once was and, the decline of that country and all that made her great have been systematically dismantled and white anted away.

Her leaders words mean nothing. Their deals mean nothing and their words mean nothing.

Sadly, truth to them, holds no value and is treated accordingly.

Words are used by them but their words mean nothing and have no weight. No long lasting reach. No true value. Therefore, their words have become like the wind, carrying with it a scent from where it was but not strong enough to have any value

Russia knows that unless they can draw the line now, a declaration of peace is impossible.

Russian leaders know that long lasting peace for Russia may not disappear with a bang but wither over time by a thousand cuts. A dissolving. A watering down of conditions, a watering down of borders and a watering down of understanding until soon enough, peace will no longer exist.

This kind of peace is no peace at all.
“Peace peace where there is no peace”.

War is an abomination but the dissolving of peace slowly before your very eyes is a burden no true Leader can entertain.

This is what has been happening since the Wall came down. A slow dissolving of peace.

The Russians have always seemed to attempt to turn the other cheek. They’ve used logic and were met with mockery. They’ve valued truth with a people who excelled in connivance.

They valued respect and were met with ridicule.

Finally, they’ve run out of humour. They’ve run out of hope that hope still exists in the West. They’ve been met with no truth, no logic and no respect

And now, we will see if these western ‘leaders’ have steel in their backbones or jelly in their pants.

I know what I believe we’ll see.

Comment – Band Itkoitko

“I only see one method to get the Europeans back from la-la-land to the real world: Russia has to defeat them militarily.”

Alternatively, and almost equivalently in term of a shock effect, is Russia completely defeating them economically. Let’s have Western people go and clean toilets in Asia or US Americans work in the fields of Mexico. Let the world reverse, they will be more than humbled and more than defeated. Their “greatness” illusion will be destroyed. Their ridiculous “superiority” will be vanquished.

Notably, the West is doing everything necessary to enact their own economic defeat. So no much effort on the Russian side is needed.

Comment – CDvision

Very smart move by Russia. They are likely convinced a conflict is unavoidable, but want to lay these documents down so that history will be unequivocally on their side.

At this point. I too am convinced that a conflict is inevitable. The collective West is finished economically, politically and culturally. Its their last gambit – to upset the board.

Should the peace terms be rejected (likely) then I expect Russia to have a Mike Tyson, punch in the face, at the ready. Paradoxically, 404 attacking the Donbass plays into Russia’s hands, and provides the cause for a Gotterdammerung. Then there will be a much shorter ultimatum sent to the West.

Comment – Tedrichard

the other half of the ultimatum neither written or spoken is the elegance of china moving against taiwan simultaneous to something happening in ukraine.

this places the pentagon and usa in an utterly untenable place where neither victory can be achieved and a massive loss of face.

if you are russia and china and you coordinate so many things now and for future it makes no sense NOT coordinate this geopolitical move resolving both problems at the same time with a minimum of fuss and which will overwhelm the western msm narrative manipulation.

Comment – MIJJ

My feeling is Russia/China have already won. What US is doing is what any ill-disciplined child would do to instinctively create a primitive sense of dominance – throw the chess board across the room, trample the pieces scream hate and yell threats to instinctively create a primitive sense of dominance.

If you hate a person , then you are defeated by them 
– Confucius.

MM Comments

Russia and China are SERIOUS.

I fully expect the USA to take zero action. Just like when China announced at the UN in 2020 that the United States had to answer for the 11 bio-weapon attacks against China.

Nothing apparently happened.

Well, nothing publicly visible happened.

And I fully expect the same thing; a repeat of the sloth, and arrogance of the United States government. Only this time, it will be visibly kinetic.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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America is withdrawing all interactions regarding China. A for-positive sign of a war-stance.

Yeah. I cannot deny it any longer. There is no question that America is ready to launch a war. Well, I tried. But you know, you all can’t stop a stampede of buffalo. Sigh. Let’s just document some of the evidence. Where even the most hopeful and optimistic must sigh resigned.

The evidence is everywhere. America is on a war-footing.


Well, Yahoo! disentangled. Not that it mattered to me that much. But, you know, it’s pretty fucking selective. No problem with Cameroon, Kenya, Zambia, or Bolivia. Of the entire world, ONLY China is excluded.

Here’s what you get when you try to access Yahoo inside of China…

Yahoo splash screen.


Now, LinkedIN is another story all together. I use that platform to connect with industry and colleagues and look for business opportunities. Even though I am an American, accessing it from inside of China throws me into the most lame version I have ever seen.

LinkedIN splash.

And then what happens when I sign in?

Why I get a PDF version of my profile. That’s it. No connections. No access to services. No way for me to recruit for careers. Zilch. It’s just a big nothing.

Of course…

Let’s keep it real. Companies can do whatever they want to do, and it they want to disentangle from the Asian market, it is their choice.

China prevented Google, and Facebook; both mega-software internet companies for working inside of China because they routinely violated the Chinese privacy laws.

But this is different.

You see, let’s put it in simple terms; money and market.

The following is from the United States own government (and propaganda) outlets. Which means that it is biased towards making the USA look good. Even when trying to make America look better, it looks like shit compared to China.


Obviously, no matter how you spin it, Chinese economy is climbing and the Chinese consumer market is exploding!

So why turn your back on it?

What’s going on?

By every metric, China is superior and surpassing the West…

It’s not just readership. It’s not just technology. It’s not just manufacturing. It’s everything.

Education; best universities

Disposable income


America in 2021 is somewhere around tenth in global manufacturing.


America has Amazon. In China, everything is e-commerce.

Again, keeping it real…

America’s population is 330 million people. Of that, (at best) 40% are middle class = 132 million people, plus the 5% of the wealthy = market of 148.5 million people.

China’s population is 1.6 billion people. (1600 million). Of that, 85% are middle class with the wealthy being around 6% = market is 1456 million people.

  • USA consumer market = 148 million people.
  • China consumer market = 1460 million people.

The Chinese market is roughly TEN TIMES the market of America.

Anyone desirous of cutting off this market is NOT doing so because of opportunity, profits, industry, commerce or fiance. They are doing so because of politics. It’s obvious.

Know your history.

And history shows us that politically driven decisions end up being disastrous for the people, the companies, and the nations so involved. Don’t go down that dark and scary road.

Of Course… the situation is eroding fast

America is in a tail-spin. Not just collapsing, but collapsing in every which way possible, and the only way out is to throw themselves in front of the policeman and get shot to death.

video 4MB

The government funded media (and they ARE funded to the tune of $330 million dollars every year) are propping up the illusion that America is still great.

Like by using the GDP instead of PPP.

Which, as I have said before is just a big lie.

Sally has one dollar and can buy two apples with it.

Joe has ten dollars but can only buy one apple with it.
  • GDP says that “Joe” is doing better.
  • PPP says that “Sally” is doing better.

In my mind, of course, Sally is doing better. She has a full stomach. While Joe is left wanting.

Yeah. Sigh.

And here is a typical propaganda piece being doled out to the clueless inside of America. I swear it looks more and more like George Orwell’s 1984 than anything else in history.

“She had become a physical necessity, something that he not only wanted but felt he had the right to,” ― George Orwell

Ah. Looks so professional, and clear. But that is the illusion. They are using a false metric. Using GDP is an economic “measurement”. What a big lie and what a big farce, and shame on all of you for believing it.

American echo chamber.

Heritage is a neocon operation inside of the USA.

It is purposeful distortions to keep Americans (the West) ignorant.

Here’s an interview with a VOA journalist. VOA is the US governments main propaganda arm that oversees most all “news”. It is funded by the NED, which is turn is funded out of the CIA. Listen and learn. video 60MB

A Sanity Check

Please do a sanity check.

If China’s unemployment is 27%, and America’s is a mere 14%, then where are all those Chinese tent cities, Chinese crime, and Chinese starvation that you can see all over the inside of the USA.

If America was really, REALLY, doing that well, then there wouldn’t be so much unemployment, tent cities, and crime.

video 7MB

GDP vs. PPP.

The next video is so typical of American life. It does NOT exist inside of China. America is a land with a million, million tiny hands in your wallet.

video 2MB

We all need to avoid echo chambers.

Yet they persist and are dangerous.

Here’s some examples…

This is from the “Financial Times” in an article titled “Healthy nutrition trends shake up Chinese consumer market”

Funny. All Chinese eat healthy. It’s part of their culture. There’s no “shake up”. Jeeze!

And check out the picture that they use…

No one in China uses paper money any more. They haven’t for at least a decade.

Why do I say this is fake?

No one in China uses paper money any more. They haven’t for at least a decade. It is available. But usually, it is the poor and the elderly that use it. The vast number of transactions are done electronically. It’s call “QR scanning”. It’s the norm in China, and has been so for the last decade.

Here’s another example…

Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture?

What’s wrong with this picture?

No one in China eats “just plain” noodles.

They eat delicious dishes. Sometimes it’s noodles, but if it’s noodles, you can be guaranteed that there is a meat and a vegetable with it. Fast food noodles are popular as a snack only. And starving students, and hard workers (trying to save money) will resort to them. But it is NOT NOT NOT what the Chinese people eat for lunch.

This is what they really eat for lunch.

A real Chinese lunch.

I’m surprised at the gullibility of Americans. Hasn’t anyone ever been to a Chinese-American restaurant? Sheech!

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And yes, you can get noodles to eat.

It’s a quick SNACK.

A snack.

It’s NOT a lunch meal. Jeeze!

You all need to avoid echo chambers, and America is doubling down and latching the hatches turning the American echo chamber into an echo pressure cooker.

Already the Americans want war. They desire it. There’s raw hate there.  It’s not as Biden says “a competition”, the American media machine and the funding efforts are all directed towards war. DO NOT WISH FOR THAT. YOU ALL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THAT WILL MEAN.

Now… good news and bad news

As I have stated previously, America has passed the point where there would be a position of military superiority. Amy war would be an absolute bloodbath fiasco on American soil, and so all the hate China bullshit can hate all you want. It’s just going to make the collapse and fall of “the great experiment” so much more painful.

Russia and China are watching the collapse in real-time.

Americans, and their “leadership”, are all in caged “echo chambers”. Delirious of their own notions of power and ability, and ignorant of the rest of the world.  It’s a true shame. It really is. But that’s what’s going on.

I could show you about the Chinese military, and how they are nothing like what is being portrayed in the American media. But that’s all so 2019. Today, we are going to do something a little bit different.

We are going to talk about YOU, and what YOU can do while the rest of the world around you spins down the anus of madness.

We start with this funny little piece to lighten up the mood.

Chinese old movie with English voice over by an Urban Ethnic American

I get a big chuckle every time I watch this.

video 6.1MB

Yeah. The United States can do what ever it wants.

I can tell you that I am in the safest nation on the planet, and that’s a FACT.

And whatever caldron is brewing inside of America right now, know that it is not reality. It is a big illusion and soon its going to boil over and make a big mess in the kitchen. I am here to tell you that YOU NEED NOT WORRY about that. The fear is greater than the reality.

It is NOT going to happen like anyone thinks.

It will be quite different. Say! How John Boltons’ Bio-Warfare effort against China working out? Not what he planned, eh?

Instead concentrate on yourself.

Concentrate on your life. Concentrate on your family.

These are important skills.

Start NOW.

It’s the MM way; right here. Vocalized. video 3MB

Show care. Care.

It’s YOUR life. Participate. video 3.6MB

It’s not the goal. It’s the journey

Yah. You have heard that all before. But it is true. Start walking the steps of being a Rufus. Act a little bit nicer. smile more. Be the best that you can be. Do great things.

video 2MB

And… stop over thinking.

Stop over thinking every fucking thing. Start accepting things as they are. Not as you want them to be. Accept the situations that are in front of you.

In the movie “Bronco Billy”, Gunny Holiday had his squad adapt to the situation with the tee-shits. Every day they would have to adapt to the tee-shirts that the DI wore. Eventually they got it worked out. And they adapted.

Video 2.5MB

And… treat others as you want to be treated.

This means everything. Especially in your relationships. You know, the biggest influence on your life is the person whom you spend the most time with. They will influence your life the most. Treat them properly, and they should treat you properly back. If they do not, then find someone else.

It’s called “life”.

video 8MB

And please… be patient.

Be patient. There is something that I have learned. Affirmations take time. Stop thinking in terms of the nonsense generated out of Hollywood. It’s not real. It’s a fiction. Things. Take. Time.

video 5MB

Remember… grit

It’s how much you know. Nor is it how much money you have. It’s not the grades you had in school, or the friends you have now. It’s not where you live or the kind of car that you drive. It’s all about how long you can take the hits and keep on going.

It’s all about your grit.

video 5MB

The world is changing.

If you are doing your prayer affirmations, you and your world will be changing. Do not be afraid of it.

It’s full of opportunities. Accept the change.

video 4MB

I know, I know…

Yeah. I get it. All this stuff is boring. You want something else, don’t you.

video 15MB

You are unique and untamed.

No one can and should tell you who you are or how you should act. You define what your life is. No one else does. But others can show you what worked for them, and then you can decide to copy it or ignore it.

video 3MB

Find your niche.

Is being the best boxer the one who can hit the hardest? Is it the one that can stay in the ring the longest? Is it the one who can endure hit after hit after hit. Or is it a combination of all three. Find your niche.

video 7MB

Be the “Tiger Mom”

As you work hard, inspire others to succeed. Play the role. Together we can all make the world a better place.

video 6MB

Realize that America has become a character; a joke

It’s not what America is, but the actions of it’s crazed government, and the behaviors of many of it’s citizenry clearly point towards humor. But you are not what other people(s) think. You are unique. Be the best that you can be and let the rest of the world howl.

video 5MB

Remember, everything concerning you is YOUR responsibility

It’s not the governments. It’s not your spouse. It’s not your parents. It’s not your school. It’s not your job, or your carrier. It’s your responsibility, and yours alone. It is all up to YOU.

video 5MB

The rest of the world is moving on

Stop looking in the rear view mirror. Realize that America is spending trillions of dollars on wars, public opinion to create wars, fears to control the citizenry and bribes to selected minority groups. It’s all a big black hole that sucks in the money and lays waste to those around it.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is moving on.

Be the best you can be. Inspires others, and have a great life together. You choose your life. You define what it will be, you plan to make that life happen and you direct ALL of your energies in that direction. Live the MM lifestyle.

Here’s where I live. Beautiful Zhuhai China.

Video 5MB


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Power Boost technique to bang your affirmation campaign into quick manifestation

I have discussed this before. if you make those people around you smile, feel good about themselves, and happy, it will drench your local quanta field with positive and constructive energy charge.

Here is a simple video that illustrates this effect.

Make the people around you happy, and your quanta field will strengthen and your verbal affirmations will be energized. As each thought packet needs energy to manifest. Make other happy. Even if it is a lie. Generate an enormous positive, happy and hopeful series of thoughts that surround you.

Listen to me!

This will *BANG* things into being so much quicker. You have no idea!

video 120MB


Keep in mind that everything we do has an accumulated characteristic that color and alters the prayer campaign.  For you to advance forward you need to be of clear mind and purpose, and control any negative and counter active thoughts and actions that might have developed into habitual problems within your life. And, as this article illustrated, inject positive power and energy into the field that surrounds you.

The “thought packets” associated with each singular verbal affirmation NEED *energy* and good-will to manifest. Spread the love around, and your dreams and goals will manifest.

If you do, you can be guaranteed of speedier implementation of all your desires.

Best Regards.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Index here…

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[daegonmagus] – Part 14 – Domain HQ and Amnesia Mechanism Remote Viewing Session 17th Dec 2021

The following is the fourteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 14 – Domain HQ and Amnesia Mechanism Remote Viewing Session 17th Dec 2021

I have been doing some remote viewing every now and then when I get some spare time.

Today was one of the rarer opportunities I got to give it a go.

The last time I tried was several weeks ago. In that particular session I was trying to find the Domain base of operations stationed in the asteroid belt that Airl mentioned in Alien Interview.

I ended viewing a chunk of rock – an asteroid – with a very specific shape.

When I went to zoom into it I saw the silhouette of two Grey faces appeared as a sort of yellowish hue in front of the rock, and wave.

The hand that waved was very different to ours with four extremely long fingers.

A few days later I stumbled across MMs article regarding the greys he has worked with and the handprint of one of them.

That particular hand print exactly matched the hand that waved to me.

I also viewed some sort of room on what appeared to be a ship.

There was a flight of about 6 or 7 triangular shaped stairs that led to a platform with some sort of machinery on it.

Emanating from the tops of these stairs was a soft blue light.

I got the impression it was some sort of “engine” room or something.

Today’s Session:

I deliberately set about targeting physical locations that had something to do with the amnesia mechanisms.

The thought was inspired by an in5D article I read a few days ago that stated that the force screens can be turned off if someone was able to locate their physical “switch” and just flick it off .

I was immediately taken to a building, possibly in a section of America’s tech zone (Silicone Valley etc).

This building wasn’t anything huge; just a few stories high with the usual glass windows, very square – typical 80s architecture.

In front of the door was a logo; an upturned crescent moon with the name Andrew S. Lipia.

I have no doubt about Andrew and Lipia, the S standed for something like Sipil or Sibil.

It faded as I stopped to have SD write it down.

There was also possibly Dr before it, suggesting the building was made out to be psychologist practice.

The strange thing was, as this building came across my vision, I felt something – a hand – clap me on the back as if to say “well done”.

It was such a hard clap, that it actually jolted me as if I was right there in front of the building and got pushed forward from it.

Something told me this building had “secret” underground access to what I was looking for.

After this I tried locating the same asteroid I viewed in last weeks session.

I managed to get hone into a disc shaped building on the underside of the rock.

This disc had a square shaped cavity inside of it that “attached” to a similar shaped hole that had been bored into the asteroid to make efficient exit and entry to the disc.

The disc itself was a conventional saucer shape with a sharp “seam” where the top and bottom halves met similar to a clam shell.

After this I decided to try viewing the moon.

I Had been spotting it through my telescope the past few nights and had a few craters I wished to check out.

So, using the birds eye viewing landscape I had seen through my scope I was able to visualise going onto the moons surface and viewing it from there.

My attention turned towards the sky.

There was some kind of round object that was moving towards me at a rather fast speed.

It would have been about half the size of what we see the moon as when looking at it from earth.

Whatever it was had a trail of lightning blue streaks coming off from behind it; this is what had caught my attention.

The round shape of this thing was set as a shadow the blocked out the centre part of this blue light.

I then tried viewing this object. I managed to get up close and view it from behind where the blue light trail was emanating from a distance of maybe a kilometre.

The object seemed to be another asteroid that was being propelled forward by a hexagonal array of thrusters.

These thrusters were what was causing the blue light.

MM Comments

Well done. For certain.

There’s a lot here. But there are connections that seem to point at certain directions.

I did ask the Domain Commander about this.

SAT 18DEC21 9:48am

His response…


We do not discuss operational activities publicly. 


And that, is that.

We can individually report what we ourselves can experience, however in regards to The Domain and their thoughts and comments regarding missions or activities, it is off-limits.

Sorry that I cannot provide more information.-MM

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Having fun with the 007 movie Goldfinger (1964)

This is part 2 of my orgy of James Bond movies. This time it’s with a classic movie titled “Goldfinger”.

Usually during Christmas I spend extra time to make the holiday a little bit special. One way that I do this is with rituals, and pomp. That means a Christmas tree, some decorations and music. I also like to wear a special Santa hat. Another way is with food. KFC, and hot ham and tomatoes on fresh bread. Mustard with sausages, and lots of cold cuts. And a third way is with movies. Not just Christmas movies, but some older movies just for the fun of it. Today, we will chat a little about a nice fine James Bond movie “Goldfinger” (1964).

So you sit down with your favorite beverage. You gather your friends, family and pets. Or if it is late at night, you gather a bowl of potato chips alone, and sit down to enjoy this movie.

Today I would like to promote the idea of enjoying some delicious chocolate moose, on a nice tray, while you enjoy the movie.

A delicious chocolate moose.

Doesn’t that look tasty…?

And here is our hero;

James Bond fighting the powers of evil during the Cold War. He does look good in suits, and I really do like how he is able to keep his hair all nice and tidy when he gets involved in a tussle.

James Bond in Goldfinger

This movie differs from Dr No in that it is more action / adventure. There is more fighting. More science. More gadgets. and really only one girl that James Bond cavorts with.

Just one. Or maybe two.

Perhaps three.

But that’s it.


It’s treated as a top 007 Bond movie because of that, but you know, I think that it fails in that regard as much as it is praised.

Certainly the laser beam that going to cut bond in two is enticing for the six year old boy inside of me, and the idea of scientific geniuses taking over the world has merit, but really, where’s the interesting chit-chat and the fine bed-side manner?

It’s all cavort and plunder. Cavort and plunder.


James Bond in Goldfinger

She’s a feisty vixen. Eh?

I’ll bet you that she (removes the snarl and fierce expression) would be a blast to go out with. Maybe go for some nice dessert. And in my mind, a nice dessert is a strawberry shortcake. No question about it at all. hands down.

I know. I know. I know.

Strawberry shortcake is for Springtime dates, and Summer outings. Oh don’t fall for that disinformation. It’s just perfect anytime of the year. Look at just how Christmassy festive it is.

A nice strawberry shortcake.

So imagine that you are out with this chick (girl). Her name is Pussy Galore…

Which in American slang means “always open for copus quantities of indiscriminate sex”. Which is kind of an “inside joke” if you are an American.

And then after a fine delicious strawberry shortcake, a nice walk down the boardwalk (well, I am imagining a seaside stroll after all). Then a stroll to the hotel, or bungalow.

Maybe a passionate embrace and wet sexy kiss once the door is closed.

I wonder what is going to happen in their relationship? Well, knowing what I know about James Bond movies I can extrapolate. Let’s see how accurate I am…

Adventures in bed.

Oh my!

By their expressions it does seem like they are having some fun. I’ll bet that about twenty to forty minutes later, Bond is smoking a cigarette, and she’s just purring while looking at herself in the mirror, and primping a bit.

And I am not complaining. I think that women look their best while they are getting pretty. Not afterwards. Life is a journey. Not a destination. Which is why I wrote my article on why it is critically important for a woman to have her own very special vanity, with a HUGE circular mirror. HERE.

But you know, being a secret agent is difficult business…

James Bond in Goldfinger

You never know when a car passes you by and shreds up your tires! Yikes.

I’m not sure, but I believe that this movie was the one that set the trend for automobile gadgets in the James Bond vehicles. When I was younger I had a Corgi version of the James Bond car. It had a escape passenger seat, a rear shield that would cover the rear window, machine guns in the front, shredding do-hickeys in the wheels, and a jet engine exhaust in the trunk. It was pretty cool, I’ll tell you what.

Toy James Bond Car.

Here we see Jame Bond in a well appointed private jet, and a very attractive Chinese stewardess. You know, I could never figure out why the costume would expose her cute belly, but not show her bellybutton. That belly button is the most erotic part of a woman’s belly, don’t you know.

But that’s life.

Hollywood has distinct rules on what can and cannot be shown on the “big movie screen”. And belly buttons are absolutely verboten! (Sounds of marching, goose-stepping Nazi Germans in the background. No. I’m not insulting Germans. I’m just playing with mental images of World War II movies.)

I see all the classics are on the shelves, as well as a quaintly dated telephone on the desk.

That “wood trim” is obviously cheep vinyl wall-paper. Sheech! You would think that evil scientists would appreciate the natural hues and textures of real wood in their private jet aircraft.

Vinyl is just…


Well, it is.

It’s sort of like giving a starving dog a rubber bone. It looks like the real things, but it isn’t and once you taste the bitterness of vacuum, the nightmare memories of what you thought you were getting ring like a hollow bell in a deep dark cavern.

Anyways, James Bond is a man of many talents.

Here’s James Bond tackling with some kind of a bomb. I’ll bet you that there a count-down going on and that he only has seconds left before every thing goes kablooey! How nice that the bomb has these red and yellow indicator lights and wires that you can rip out to render the bomb inert.

James Bond in Goldfinger

And here we have the “bad guys” trying to use a laser to break into Fort Knox to get all the gold there. Good luck with that! That place has been looted and sitting empty for decades.

Is it me, or does that laser look like a giant syringe?

The uniforms are curious. They are wearing battleship greys, and Chinese 19th century Boxer slipper. Though, I have yet to figure out what the black and yellow thing-a-min-jib around their waists are. Maybe it’s some kind of henchmen life preserver. Eh?

Why does the door to the vault look like a suburban garage door?

James Bond in Goldfinger

This movie has lots and lots of twists and turns. We’ve got James Bond fighting with landing a plane, laser beams, lots and lots of gold, henchmen, pretty girls with some fine charms and incredibly strong vixen capabilities.

The movie starts off with a bomb.

Seriously. There a bomb that has to be dealt with. And you know, it’s a job that only James Bond can handle.

James Bond bomb.

That’s where things start to get interesting.

After a quick tussle, some fighting and the bathtub electrocution, we are introduced to the always calm and confident James Bond. I do love him in the white tux, and I have to admit that the red carnation is a nice touch. Don’t you all think so?

You will note that a white tux is formal, while a deep blue tux is for semi-formal events. Nice lapels, but I think a shawl collar would have been a slightly better touch. Look at those nice shoulders. A nice cut suit for certain.

Too bad he’s in what appears to be a garbage-variety boat garage. I can just smell the rotting fish, the stale dried sea moss, and hear the waves lap up against the bollards.

James Bond in top style.

So many cool things in the movie don’t you know.

There’s all sorts of cool adventures. All done and carried out in a span under five minutes. Bombs, killings, good guys, bad guys. Nice fancy and swanky venues.

Even a few cats.

Somehow Bond finds his way into a room with an attractive nude woman taking a bubble bath in the tub. Of course, this is the 1960’s and since he is wearing a tux, and he is (after all) James Bond, he seduces her which his devilish good looks…

…and well, you can guess the rest.

James Bond getting some “nooky”

After the credits finish rolling, we find James Bond by the pool.

Certainly the fashions have changed, but a beautiful girl is a beautiful girl, and I for one would not throw her into the pool. I’ll tell you what.

I do like her cleavage. I wonder whats down there. Maybe some money, a set of keys, or a venomous poison spider to attack 007 with. Being a secret agent is a risky business, don’t you know.

Nice cleavage.


James bond is hairy. Don’t you think?

Ah. But the ladies don’t mind. They think it is sexy.

Of course, my chest hair is all white, and sometimes my wife absentmindedly plucks a chest hair away. Ouch! Come on girls. It’s sensitive!

Oh, and by the way, I do like how all the maids fall into the arms of James Bond. He’s quite the “Ladies Man” don’t you know.

Look at his legs. So very hairy as well. No wonder he is rarely shown rearing shorts.

Ladies man.

He really is, however, quite the ladies man.

Here’s James Bond “copping a feel” with the fine girl that massaged the oil on his back. I note that the evil villain NPC smiles in approval.

Copping a feel.

There’s many half-clad girls in James Bond movies.

Here’s a chick that will feature predominately later on. Shes busy on the VHF, or is it a UHF, or maybe just a CB radio.  She’s got a fine backside. Nice and oiled up and toasty from the hot sun. She’s really just eye candy for the audience, though, don’t you know.

She’s a lure to take James Bond on an adventure.

Nice backside.

Of course, we know that shes a spy.


And James Bond is going to use her… well, he thinks anyways. Here she is spying away. And James is very interested in her technique. And she, obviously, is very interested in his manly chin.

Spycraft. Always a tense moment.

The movie has all sorts of interesting adventures and situations.

And some of the most interesting occur in, on, and beside, the beds. But you know, for some reason there’s always telephones near and on the beds. I mean… really. You want to rest on a bed, or you want to have sex on a bed. But the telephone is just a distraction. You really don’t want to be interrupted when you are in a dream, or having sex. I mean, that’s just not fun. How can you concentrate?


Nothing quite breaks up the mood as a ringing telephone when you are in the middle of something interesting.

Telephones and beds so not match.

Oh, and by the way, she’s a pretend blonde. You can tell by her eyebrows. She’s intentionally dyed her hair a harlot platinum blonde. Not that it’s bad, mind you. I happen to enjoy harlots. It’s a personal favorite activity of mine, don’t you know. But I do like women to be themselves.

I am so turned on by a woman wearing pajamas, in the house, or a tee shit and jeans outside rather than get all dressed up. Of course, I do enjoy when a woman gets dressed up, but on the sexiness scale, a “real” woman being herself just oozes sex. It’s like when they cook food. OMG.

There is few things sexier than a woman cooking.

Well, aside from coming out of the shower.


Anyways, having sex with James bond can be dangerous. As is shown in this scene here…



For you all who are unawares, this chick didn’t get a chance to read the “Time magazine” on the table, nor flick though those stacks of phone books. Poor girl. She has missed on on so much.


Life goes on.

Here he is flirting with his bosses secretary…

Flirting for fun and advantage.

Ah, there’s a lot of things happening…

And I don’t want to give away the plot.

But, I can give you a hint of things to come. There’s guns, sex, difficult situations, lasers, plans, evil, and airplanes.

Oh my goodness!

A lot of things happen from here to there.

There’s a guy , Asian no doubt, that has this decapitating hat, and he’s a sight to behold. The evil genus is a pug-like portly fellow.

However, things aren’t always tea and crumpets. Sometimes you can get hit on the head and wake up on a slab with a evil laser ready to cut you into two.

Not that I ever had THAT particular experience, don’t you know.

Things aren’t always tea and crumpets.

And on and on.

Oh! By the way. Do you all put up stockings for Christmas? We do. And we fill it with these little Japanese (actually Chinese, sold under a Japanese brand name) little figurines, and some healthy candy.

You do not have to spend a lot of money on Christmas. All you need to do is make it special for the ones you love.

And that, of course means left over turkey sandwiches…

Left over hot turkey sandwich.

This one looks like it uses English muffins, or grilled crumpets, potato bread with coleslaw, cranberries, stuffing, and turkey to make the delicious dish. I would add hot turkey gravy, myself.

Or, turkey soup..

A nice bowl of hot turkey soup.

And what is soup without some nice crusty bread and butter / cheese. Eh?

Here we see Bond and his latest newly acquired vixen friend trying to land a dangerously out of control airplane.

James Bond in Goldfinger

Of course, everyone is concerned.

You can tell that they are by looking at their expressions in the airport control tower.  It’s all a matter of high international importance!

James Bond in Goldfinger

But you know all ends well.

James Bond lands safely using a parachute, and he and his vixen friend decide to celebrate! You know, in ways that are relaxing, strenuous, and enjoyable.

Twenty minutes later, Bond is smoking a cigarette, and the Vixen (whose name is Pussy Galore – wonder if she lives up to the name) is adjusting her hair so the next great adventure.

A happy ending

James Bond in Goldfinger

Now wasn’t that nice?

If I were to host a movie party…

Obviously I don’t. My idea of a movie is a rare thing that I do as a special family time. But in the past I would host a movie “party”. But I used to do it. And if I were to do it again, I would project the movie big on the wall. (I used to do this, but the projector remains stolen. Sigh.)

And I would play some vintage  “Let’s go to the movie” cartoons, and about three or four vintage movie trailers. To get the entire scene going. Not to mention popping some popcorn for the proper smells of a movie theater.

If you are going to do something, why not go all out and make it special? Hum?

Now for some fun

Now for a real gold-finger girl. Video 2MB

And a Christmas girl…

Merry Christmas to you all from China. video 2MB

Sexy video 1

This video is so sexy! video 3MB

Sexy video 2

Man oh man! Sexy! video. 1MB

Sexy girl 3 plus a fine pussy.

How to make delicious gourmet cat food. OMG, and a kitty cat too! video 3MB

And some real deal fun . fun . fun.

Bouncy – bouncy – bouncy. Put it on a loop. Jeeze!

I could watch this all day. LOL. Video 1MB


Spend time with your friends. Life is too short not to have fun. video 2MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Movie Index here…



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Rufus behaviors in a world gone mad. We all need to make the world a better place.

Here’s some fine Rufus inspirational videos to remind you that the world needs you. It needs you RIGHT NOW. You need to participate and make this world a better place. You need to go forth and help others, to participate in your community and to add calmness and kindness to the world that surround you. Be the Rufus.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal.

Some of these videos might take some time to load. Just click on the "video" link and allow it to load in a new tab or window. It will load faster that way.

I have received numerous comments (that I did not publish on MM) by people complaining that I didn’t have enough Rufus videos showing people in America being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds. Well, I tried to put the ones up that I could find, it’s just that they really don’t exist much in the for-profit every-man-for-himself nations. I have tons of police shootings, black people store robberies, car jackings, and videos of poverty stricken homeless from the USA. But Rufus behaviors. Not much.


We start with some hard working people. Just everyday people who do the dirty, nasty work, alone. In China they give most of their money to their families who live far away, and for years they work alone, pushing and striving to make the family live a comfortable life. This first video is for you … “average Joe”.

Rufus rescue in the ice

Be the Rufus. Make your life worthwhile. video 6MB

Saying goodbye to our beloved pets.

Video 20MB

You define who you are

video 6MB

Rufus Prevents a purse robbery

video 6.5MB

Bruce Lee

You must flow like water. video 2MB

Rufus compilation

video 103MB

An imbalance of power

Or, the perception of one’s power. As in the case of the United States today.

Video 4MB

Rocky tells it like it is.

You gotta be the best you can be. video 6MB

When there is a problem, a community of Rufus’s come together

Everyone pulls their weight. Everyone contributes. Everyone participates. video 14MB

Rufus compilation

A bunch of examples of fine Rufus behaviors. video 75MB

Rufus feeds a begger

Not that common in China any longer. But an opportunity to help out a fellow human in need. Be the Rufus. 7MB

Rufus dad teaches his daughter

Kindness. Compassion. Understanding. video 8MB

A fitting end to this article

Have some compassion and know that YOU have a purpose on this planet. Help others. Be the best you can be. Be kind. And you will find that the world around you will also become kind, calm and peaceful. Participate in life. video 32MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out… Rufus Index .

More stuff…

Master Index .

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Nuclear armed B-2 bombers with escort wings to be based inside of Australia to “counter” China for American “democracy”

It’s a never ending onslaught of war preparation, war provocation, and war stockpiling being generated out of the United States. There is ZERO talk about deescalation. I tire of all of this. It seems like the United States is driving the world to war and they aren’t stopping for shit.

There’s no real need for this.

China is minding their own business. Not harming anyone. Sure they make all the products, and are making them better, cheaper and faster than the bloat-ware that is found in the USA. But that is not a reason to kill them. It is a reason to copy them.


And every evil deed is Chinas fault. And China is doing this and that - it’s fucking bad news. My buddy - this past weekend emails me an article about the Chinese military doing something - the article was 7 years old. No matter. It makes China look bad - plaster it all over the news and blame China.

When the media - in America - and THIS I know to be true - because I fucking SEEN it - as soon as our media starts showing how the shelves are bare here - because they blame China - but what’s going to happen is right when it gets bad - they are going to show bare shelves here and stocked shelves in China. It’s to anger everyone - I say this specifically because the mass rage that is coming towards Asians is coming - fast. It’s the quickest way to take out an internal threat. Let the CITIZENS do it. -PL

And Russia; what’s the beef with them? It’s not like there are Russian and Chinese aircraft carriers in Boston Harbor are there?

Biden - in HIS infinite wisdom - decides he is going to play Russian Roulette - WITH RUSSIA - they named a suicidal game after the Russians! Again, the irony. So NOW - and let me be very clear - VERY. clear. The average person - people I know throughout the country - and I ask - alllllll know - the ONLY reason we are about to start lobbing nukes at ANYONE is because we all know the money laundering the Biden’s Clinton’s and Obama’s have been doing in Ukraine. It’s been their evil little washing machine AND AMERICA KNOWS IT. So now - people are even more antsy. -PL

Why all this bullshit?

To distract from the reality?

American reality

The thing is - to me - I am amazed by the psychology of it all. And the stupidity - holy shit dude - it’s like everyone is slowly becoming retarded. Like mad cow or something. -PL

video 38.6MB

First; who are the evil Russian communists?

They are people just like you and I. But the United States wants to engage in a war to distract Americans, and Russia and China are the enemies chosen for this event. Here’s modern Russia. Video 8MB

Canada Goose

Double arc.

Canada Goose puts spotlight on double standards against Chinese consumers

Canada Goose is feeling the wrath of Chinese consumers after their physical flagship store in Shanghai refused to refund a customer.

She tried to return a jacket the same day she bought it because the embroidering of the logo had an extra arc in the sun. The store refused, citing the company’s return policy for China: “No refunds.”

Netizens quickly pointed out that they have a 30-day return policy for Canada, US and UK. Now Canada Goose is under fire for their double standard.

With all this bad press, Canada Goose decided to refund the customer. But not before sparking a major discussion about brands discriminating against Chinese consumers.

Now LV and Gucci have also become targets as consumers quickly pointed out they have the same difference in return policies across countries.

You’re sick of me saying it but here it is again: The Chinese are the smartest consumers on the planet. They’ll find any discrepancies you have in your offers. And they have high standards.

Doing business here is not cheap. You need to account for dealing with the returns process. Cutting corners will get you in trouble.

What do you think? Are the companies justified in having different return policies for each country, or is this discrimination?

Now, let’s check out this little jewel;

Cockroach robot armies!

You betya!


Ok. Let’s see about the first amendment; “Freedom of Speech”. Does it still exist in America today? Nope. Not in the least…

US Government Threatens Writers With Heavy Fines if They Continue To Write for Sanctioned Russian Outlet

Freedom of the press - American style.
Natylie BaldwinDecember 07, 2021

Establishment institutions usually start their implementation of censorship and the throttling of press freedom by going after individuals and outlets that are small and/or not well liked by a cross-section of the public. The obscurity or general unpalatable nature of the target ensures the success of setting the precedent.

Most Americans have probably never heard of Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) and many would be unsympathetic once they learn that the U.S. government claims it is a think tank and journal associated with Russian military intelligence, although no evidence is offered to back up this assertion, and SCF denies it has ties to the Russian government.

But years of anti-Russia sentiment in the political sphere and in most American media ensures that the claim alone will suffice to tar any Americans associated with Strategic Culture Foundation with a black brush.

I have confirmed that two American writers for SCF have received letters from the US Treasury Department in recent weeks warning them of fines of over $300,000 if they continue to write for the journal.

These threats are in response to alleged Russian interference in the 2020 US election and part of the US government’s enforcement of Executive Order 13848 signed by President Donald Trump in September of 2018 which sought to ascertain foreign interference in any future elections in the US and to punish those deemed guilty.

Threats to US elections included not only tampering with actual voting and its supporting infrastructure but “covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”

According to the Treasury Department’s April 15, 2021 press release in connection with the designation of SCF and other Russian entities to be sanctioned pursuant to the executive order, the US government stated its intent to target those they see as Russia’s enablers on behalf of its alleged program to interfere in US elections:

"Treasury will target Russian leaders, officials, intelligence services, and their proxies that attempt to interfere in the US electoral process or subvert US democracy," said Secretary Janet L. Yellen. "This is the start of a new US campaign against Russian malign behavior." (emphasis added)

The release also accuses SCF specifically, without evidence, of being directed by Russian military intelligence and that its articles spread “disinformation” – which appears to mean opinion and analysis that the US government doesn’t like:

The Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) is an online journal registered in Russia that is directed by the SVR and closely affiliated with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. SCF is controlled by the SVR’s Directorate MS (Active Measures) and created false and unsubstantiated narratives concerning US officials involved in the 2020 US presidential election. It publishes conspiracy theorists, giving them a broader platform to spread disinformation, while trying to obscure the Russian origins of the journal so that readers may be more likely to trust the sourcing…

…Treasury designated…the Strategic Culture Foundation pursuant to E.O. 13848 for having engaged in foreign interference in the US 2020 presidential election.

The ordeal started for the two American writers in July of 2020 when they each received a visit at their home from FBI agents inquiring about SCF and its connections to Russia. Daniel Lazare, an author and journalist told Finian Cunningham recently that the agents wanted to know about alleged links of SCF to Russian intelligence:

"I replied that I wasn’t interested because I regard the entire avenue of inquiry as bogus and a product of the anti-Moscow hysteria that’s running rampant in Washington. So the agents left. Everything was polite and low-keyed, and the entire exchange took no more than four or five minutes."

Similarly, Michael Averko, who had written for SCF since 2015, stated that two FBI agents came to his home in July of 2020 and asked about SCF ties to the Russian government. They told him at the time that he wasn’t in any trouble and didn’t have to answer their questions, but Averko was hesitant to say much, recalling what had happened to Michael Flynn:

"The only question I answered was on whether the SCF has any ties to Russian military intelligence. I answered by saying I can’t say for sure and doubt it. I added that my impression is that the SCF comprises politically interested Russians, who want to be involved with the issues they cover."

It wasn’t until November of this year that Lazare and Averko both received letters dated October 15, 2021 from the Treasury Department, delivered personally by the FBI. The letters advised that they were in violation of sanctions against SCF per executive order 13848 and were potentially subject to fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars if they did not stop contributing articles to SCF:

"[P]ursuant to Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018…all property and interests in property of SCF that are subject to US jurisdiction are blocked, and US persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them…[E]ach violation… is subject to a statutory maximum civil monetary penalty of up to the greater of $311,562 or twice the value of the underlying transaction."

When asked whether he thought this would set a troubling precedent for Americans who write for foreign media outlets, Lazare said he believed it would:

"Absolutely. Why not ban RT, formerly known as Russia Today? If the government is pissed off against Emmanuel Macron, why not go after Agence France-Presse? The US complains when Russia harasses western news outlets, yet it’s guilty of precisely the same activities at home. As far as I’m concerned, threatening US journalists with fines for writing for a Russian press outlet is a flagrant assault on freedom of the press."

Averko was a bit more circumspect and thinks the government believes because SCF is a relatively small outlet, it can more easily get away with sanctioning it:

"The SCF and its US based American writers are (in the overall comparative scheme of things) small potatoes and an easier target to beat up on."

Both writers say they know of other US contributors to the outlet who have received the same letter and are intimidated. Lazare stated:

"While I have no particular concerns in my own case, other journalists are so frightened that they’ve not only stopped writing, but don’t even want to speak about their experience with other reporters. No one wants to mess with the federal government because they know the feds can make your life a misery if they’re so motivated. So they’ve clammed up. If you’ve ever wondered what “chilling effect” means, this is it."

While US officials may be unlikely to go after major foreign media, it’s very possible this could be a precedent to go after smaller outlets with unsubstantiated accusations of foreign interference and spreading of “disinformation.”

Lazare is in the process of seeking legal advice about the government threats. Averko said he was considering it and believes it would probably be best for all SCF contributors who received the letter to work together on any possible legal claim, though he’s aware of at least one who is unwilling to do so.

This is another example of the US undermining its own purported democratic values, which it touts to the rest of the world, in order to punish those who associate with the latest bogeyman country while providing no evidence that this outlet is even guilty of what they assert. After WMD’s and Russiagate, it would be foolish to take US government claims at face value as we are again being asked to do.

Natylie Baldwin is the author of The View from Moscow: Understanding Russia and U.S.-Russia Relations, available on Amazon. Her writing has appeared in various publications including Consortium News, RT, OpEd News, The Globe Post,, The New York Journal of Books, and Dissident Voice.

Let’s dive in and begin this discussion with this subject; Nuclear armed B-2 bombers with escort wings to be based inside of Australia to “counter” China.

Scheech!  How about a role reversal;

 "Mexico and Canada to base Chinese and Russian nuclear stealth aircraft to counter America."

Wouldn’t you think that would be enough to start a war, eh?

OK. First up. A lamb to the slaughter. The USA is turning Australia into a battle zone and a sacrificial lamb for “American interests”. Whoo woo!

From here:


US sends B2 stealth bombers & fleet of fighter jets to Australia as military threats from China & North Korea grow

And what about Taiwan having all the IC manufacturing capability?

Nope. China is getting it.

  • Foxconn new factory in Qingdao using 46 made by China lithography machines to produce chip (decoupling from the US and Europe technology)
    Foxconn has laid a new milestone for both its semiconductor business and China’s semiconductor ambition. Together with China’s Rongkong Group, a state-owned enterprise, Foxconn has invested in an advanced chip packaging facility in China’s costal city Qingdao. Through two intermediaries, Foxconn has a combined 27.5% share in the new facility, while Rongkong Group has a 46.85% share. Volume production will start in December, and by 2025 the plant is scheduled to reach its full capacity of 360,000 wafers per year.
    Currently, Foxconn has two chip packaging businesses under its wing. The first of them is ShunSin Technoogy, and the other is Foxconn’s own semiconductor division which oversights the Qingdao-based packaging facility.
    Notably, the packaging facility also serves China’s semiconductor industrial policy by using the country’s domestically produced lithography machines. The new packaging facility has reportedly purchased 46 lithography machines from SMEE to support advanced packaging technologies such as Flip Chip, Fan-In WLP, Fan-Out WLP, and 2.5D/3D.
    Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment Co. (SMEE), founded in 2002, is expected by the Chinese government to be its answer to ASML, the Dutch lithography machine maker that has dominated the lithography market. Earlier, SMEE only produces 90nm lithography machines. However, SMEE once announced that it would deliver China’s first 28nm lithography machines between 2021 and 2022. Even Huawei has indirectly cooperated with SMEE to solve the EUV chokepoint that has been derailing…

American military nuclear forces 101


America’s plan to destroy the world!

And who are all these terrible bombs and planes going to kill and destroy?

People like you and me. And some very pretty innocent girls. All for American “freedom” and “democracy”! Video 1.1MB


And what is specifically the plan to “Defend Taiwan from Chinese aggression”?

You can’t make this stuff up.

The following paper illustrates the kinds of options U.S. war planners are toying with when strategizing on how to “defend Taiwan”.

Recommendations that appear in the winter issue of Parameters, a quarterly publication from the U.S. Army War College include:

[1] The United States should lay plans for a targeted scorched-earth strategy that would render Taiwan unattractive to China by utterly destroying its most valuable industrial infrastructure, including destroying facilities belonging to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

[2] Fomenting social unrest by destroying Taiwan’s economy and arming insurgents for long-term guerrilla warfare on the island.

In other words, U.S. war planners think the best way to “defend Taiwan” is to raze it to the ground.

Just do great things…

Sigh. Remember…

Do your best. Be kind. Be fair. Try to work with people, and help people. You are not in a race to make the most money. You are in a situation called “life” and that means participation in your community.

Hate – Hate – Hate spews forth from American “news”

And the anti-China propaganda is really thick and heavy too. Check out this nonsense…


China feared to be hiding missiles in shipping containers for Trojan Horse-style plan to launch attack ANYWHERE in world

Disguised as a regular shipping containers, they can be sneaked on board a vessel to blend in seamlessly with the hundreds of others on board.

The sheer number of container ships in the world makes them harder to pinpoint than warships in the event of war.

Each ship could hide hundreds of dangerous ICBM nuclear missiles…

A dangerous hidden threat!

Like the fabled Trojan Horse, the missiles would be quietly smuggled into or near an enemy port on a civilian vessel before being unleashed in a surprise attack.

Rick Fisher, senior fellow in Asian military affairs at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, told The Sun Online while Chinese have not officially confirmed they have the missiles – it is likely they have them.

And the it was warned in a study by Stockton Center for International Law that the weapons could violate naval laws.

Meanwhile, retired Navy Capt. Jim Fanell, a former Pacific Fleet intelligence chief, previously said a containerized anti-ship missile would add a significant threat to the US Navy.

It comes amid a new wave of tensions between the US and China as the Communist giant challenges Washington’s status as the world’s top superpower.

China is known to be aggressively developing its military and is squaring up to the US – expanding its reach around the world, such as in Africa.

A mock-up of the missiles first appeared at an arms fair in 2016 and since then there has been speculation since they may now be in service with China’s armed forces.

Mr Fisher believes the weapon fits with the Beijing’s military strategy and likely would be used as an offensive capability against their enemies – potentially being smuggled into foreign ports anywhere in the world.

Mr Fisher told The Sun Online “Chinese strategic preferences for surprise would strongly argue for acquisition” of the missiles.

These would be fitted to “nondescript small Chinese ships in order to mount surprise missile raids against shore defences to assist follow on amphibious or airborne invasion forces”.

Fisher said shipping container missile launchers can be smuggled through ports or via highway ports of entry

They could then be stored for years in a climate-controlled building within range of US military bases, and taken out when needed for military operations.

Mr Fisher said the containerised missiles would “offer China’s leadership a wide array of options”.

Washington would be in chaos, would not know against whom to retaliate
-Jick Fisher

This includes

“using larger container ships, thousands of fishing ships or stored containers in ports, to undertake military or terror mission strikes in a manner that can be denied if desired”.

“The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is fully capable of using containerized missiles to sow chaos when desired,” he insisted.

For example Chinese missile launching containers could be stored near the Port of Seattle.

The Chinese would wait for the day they can launch an electromagnetic pulse warhead-armed missiles over the nearby nuclear ballistic missile submarine base Fisher said.

"The EMP blast might take out electronics on the [submarines] and all over the base without having to launch a nuclear missile from China,” he said.
“Washington would be in chaos, would not know against whom to retaliate, and perhaps China uses American distraction to begin its real objective, the military conquest of Taiwan."

According to US officials, the weapons deployed in the containers are an advanced anti-ship missile called the YJ-18C, which is a version of the Russian Club-K weapon.

The missiles fit into a standard 8 feet wide by 8.5 feet high by 20 feet or 40 feet long standard shipping container.

An online animation showing how the Club-K can be fitted into a container shows how the top comes off to reveal the missile with the front making away for the guidance system.

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the missile has speed of up to Mach 3 –  three times the speed of sound or 2,300mph.

While not in the league of China’s hypersonic missiles, which can reach speeds of Mach 10, analysts believe they can still pack a punch.

So far the only record of missile being fired from a container ship is a picture of a test carried out by Israel.

A large number Chinese container ships enter US ports on the west and east coast making them well within range of the vast majority of the US fleet.

"If this capability is confirmed, it will require a completely new screening regime for all PRC flagged commercial ships bound for U.S. ports," Fanell said.

The Stockton Center’s study concluded that loading weapons on civilian vessels clandestinely could violate international law.

It wrote:

"Failure to comply with the law of armed conflict by surreptitiously incorporating merchant vessels into China’s warfighting/war-sustaining effort endangers civilian seafarers and puts all civilian ships at risk that may be operating in the area of hostilities."


China is perceived as directly challenging the West for status as the world attempts to recover from the pandemic.

Beijing is making moves to establish a foothold in the Atlantic Ocean with a new series of naval bases on the west coast of Africa.

The country’s first overseas naval base was built years ago in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa and it is steadily increasing its capacity.

And for some time, many have thought that China was working to establish a naval base in Tanzania, a country on Africa’s eastern coast that has a strong, long-standing military relationship with Beijing.

Meanwhile, China is also seen to have taken the lead in the next stage of the global arms race as it flew a nuke-capable missile around the world.

Hypersonic missiles are a game changer because unlike ballistic missiles, which fly into space before returning on steep trajectories, they zoom in on targets at lower altitudes.

China – followed closely by Russia – were already regarded as having the most potent hypersonic missile arsenals pouring billions into them but others had been seen as catching up.

But the shocking revelations of their missile test back in August has sent shockwaves through Western intelligence who fear they actually underestimated Beijing.

US intelligence and military officials were reportedly left stunned after China launched a rocket in space carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle which circled the globe before before speeding towards its target.

Just who are these evil communists that must be killed?

You know for “The American way” of “freedom” and “democracy”! Video 1MB

And now the USA is equipping all the F-16’s and F-35 fighter jets with the ability to drop nuclear bombs. Are they out of their fucking minds????

Well, you know, YES they ARE.

China and Russia BOTH treat any weapon system that can deliver nuclear munitions as de facto launching those missiles.

A good look at what America wants to destroy and kill

Soak up the reality. The United States is trying to get everyone to hate – hate – hate so that these people shown in this video will be killed. All for the greedy psychopaths to continue to rule. video 18MB

U.S. assembled the first B61-12 nuclear bomb for F-35A and F-15E

According to the report, the B61-12 bomb modernization project lasted more than nine years – such a long period was required for the design, development, qualification, and production of components.

Full-scale mass production of these bombs is scheduled to begin in May 2022. In total, the program is expected to produce more than four hundred bombs by the end of 2026. In total, the project should cost about $ 12 billion.

According to the US National Nuclear Security Administration, the modernization will keep the bomb in operation for another 20 years and “will continue to ensure the safety and effectiveness of weapons.”

It is known that B61-12 should replace other tactical versions of this bomb [-3, -4, and -7] and will probably be stored at US and NATO bases in Europe. The main carriers of this bomb will be F-35A and F-15E fighters.

What is a B61-12 thermonuclear bomb?

The B61-12 thermonuclear bomb belongs to the B61 family. B61 is the main thermonuclear gravitational bomb of the United States, actively developed amid the Cold War with the Eastern blog close to the USSR.

According to the characteristics known to the general public, B61 has the possibility of a complete explosion, ie. a full range of ignition and delivery options, whether by air or ground. The B61 is capable of reaching supersonic flight speeds. The dimensions of the thermonuclear bomb are 3.56 m long, 33 cm in diameter, and a total weight of about 320 kg. Military experts say that depending on the B61 version, the weight can vary.

The latest modification of the B61 is the B61 Mod 12 or B61-12. One of the tests of the B61 Mod 12 at the very beginning of its development showed that this thermonuclear bomb can penetrate underground and reach an equivalent ability to explode on the surface of weapons from 750 kilotons to 1.25 megatons.

Experts say that “underground penetration” was not planned, but it is good news, as B61 Mod 12 could become a successful replacement for B61 Mod 11, whose main function is underground penetration. The B61 Mod 11 is expected to be decommissioned by the end of 2030.


So who are these bombs going to kill?

Well, one thing that is omitted PURPOSEFULLY in American media is showing any humanity with the targeted enemies. there are no pictures that show Russians or Chinese people being human. Just these evil narratives, ugly narratives, and fear mongering dangerous narratives. Not here on MM. We are being blunt. These are the people that your government is trying to kill. video. 4MB

Why? Why kill the nice, cute and hard working people of the world?

For this “freedom”, “liberty”, and “democracy”? Are you out of your FUCKING MIND? video 29MB

So, who are these bombs, missiles and war machines going to protect?

Are they going to protect you from the “red menace”? Nope. It is just a way to maintain the status quo and keep the evil greedy in positions of incredible wealth and power. video 14.3MB

Sigh. Here’s Phobos.

Hell, you have to leave the earth to escape this madness.

Marian moon; Phobos.

And let’s not forget about the moon.

China sends lunar rover to probe object on far side of moon

My goodness.

Question: what is the longest time US roller exploring the moon or Mars?
Dose this mean that China roller is more advanced than the USA:
China’s Yutu 2 rover discovered the curious cube on the horizon in the Von Kármán crater in November. The solar-powered rover, which first landed on the moon almost three years ago, has now been tasked to spend the next two to three months investigating the object.

America Today

Sigh. Be kind.

“Over the summer while working a DUI shift, I stopped out at a local gas station to grab a drink. While waiting in line, the lady in line ahead of me offered to purchase my drink. I kindly declined the offer and stated I’d get it but thanked her. The kind lady then politely grabbed the drink out of my hand and set it on the counter to purchase.

It’s it very common in my city for a citizen to purchase food or drinks for police officers. These kind acts do not go unnoticed and I feel blessed to work for a community that proudly supports law enforcement. Building community relationships goes a long way.”


With all the bad news being thrown at you, how about some good news to offset it all and find stability in your heart; your mind and your soul? video

Sigh. Make a difference!

Sometimes following in your father’s footsteps can lead you to the most beautiful corners of the world .

Daddy’s big girl now.

Why the CIA is so frustrated with China…

Here’s what the Chinese AI social credit scoring system works. No wonder the CIA and the NED are all upset. Their agent saboteurs cannot do anything. Which is why all the CIA agents in Hong Kong were found, rounded up and  either deported or are spending long prison terms in China. video 24MB


Rufus tales

Be the Rufus like this bus driver that gives up his coat to warm up a high school girl on his bus. Video 12MB

Yu Beng Village(雨崩村), Deqing, Yunnan Province, China

China is big. It looks a lot like Switzerland in many places.

AI! I am getting off track…

So what is my point? News out the “West” is fear-hate-fear-hate.

But is that really helping you?

I say that instead, it is making you ill. It is hurting you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and all the rest. Know that there is a great life here for all of us to live and the answer lies in community. Whether world war III occurs, or the United States and the rest of the world just melts down, or the Prison Planet restructures itself is of no consequence…

…if you always do your best, work as part of a community of others, and do great things. Be the best you can be and be the Rufus that would make your grandmother proud.

Be that kind of person. Be that kind of Rufus.

video 22MB

A Final message for MM readership

Trust your gut instincts…

In 1981, a clairvoyant contacted British Rail to warn depot employees that she’d been having a recurring vision of a fatal train crash. In her vision, one of their blue engines hauling oil tankers crashed with devastating consequences. 

She also saw that the train number was 47216.

Managers took the warning seriously, as they were aware that the clairvoyant had assisted police on several occasions. They applied to have the number of the particular train changed to 47299.

In December 1983, the 47299 train was hauling an oil train when it collided with a DMU at Wrawby Junction. One person died, and it was concluded that a combination of equipment failure and human error was to blame.[6]
Afterward, the accident was referred to as an “amazing coincidence.”

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Enjoying the 007 movie Dr No (1963) as a fine pastime with friends and family

Usually during Christmas I spend extra time to make the holiday a little bit special. One way that I do this is with rituals, and pomp. That means a Christmas tree, some decorations and music. I also like to wear a special Santa hat. Another way is with food. KFC, and hot ham and tomatoes on fresh bread. Mustard with sausages, and lots of cold cuts. And a third way is with movies. Not just Christmas movies, but some older movies just for the fun of it. Today, we will chat a little about a nice fine James Bond movie “Dr No” (1963).

It’s a classic, and I love it. Guys wearing tuxes, nice suit jackets, cavorting with pretty ladies who are wearing gowns, bikinis, or just a simple towel. And the gambling, alcohol and the cigarettes. Not to mention the occasional fist fight and small arms fire. Classic. It speaks to the man in me.

No CGI here. It’s mostly dialog and chatting.

I can really relate to this scene. Can’t you?

Why do women look so tasty when their hair is disheveled? And my oh my, why aren’t men wearing blazers any more. Look at now nice it fit him.

Simple blazer. Simple black tie. Simple blue-white shirt. All alone in a tropical bungalow. You can almost smell the tropical lushness, hear the ocean waves, and listen to the tropical birds out the window.

Oh, and my she does have nice shoulders. Doesn’t she?

Nice tux. With a nice thin bow tie. He looks good, don’t you think?

When a man wears a tux, all eyes should be on the lady that accompanies him. In this case she is wearing an eye-popping red dress with one shoulder exposed. It’s her best shoulder, I believe. Nice lips. Look at her lips. And by the way, those earrings are nice match for the dress. Lips, fingernails, dress all nicely coordinated.

She’s carrying a gold purse and lots and lots of gambling chips. My goodness!

Here’s a great shot showing all the cool gadgets 007 has. In this scene he is off picnicking and cavorting with a beautiful gal in a nice pattern bikini, while talking on a telephone in his car! Imagine that! A phone in the convertible. WOW!

Love those James Bond gadgets.

The phone plays a big role in this particular James Bond flick. You have phones in cars. Phones in hotel rooms. Phones in the rooms of the beautiful girls. Phones with the bad guys. Phones with the evil doctor. Phones in the 007 office and phones on the bed.

Nothing like making a quick call while you are discussing important matters in bed with the girl you just met.

Pack of cigarettes, and a notepad by the bed. Oh, how charming!

I once read that by wearing a tux, the perceived attractiveness of a man increase three points. (On a scale of zero to ten.) There’s something about a well made, well fitting, tux, with the clean lines and appearance that speaks to me. Too bad I never have any opportunities to wear my tuxes any more. The last time I wore it was at my father funeral.

I think that a tux is better reserved for seduction, personal enjoyments and pleasures. Who doesn’t want to look their best? And besides, any (American) policeman would think twice before pulling over or arresting anyone in a tux.

Doesn’t he look good?

The room decor seems a bit dated. For a while in the 1960’s everyone seemed to have paintings / pictures of clowns, cats with big eyes, and old fashioned cars. Don’t ask me why. It was a “thing” back then.

Like this…

Big eyed kids.

Yeah. I guess that you would need to have lived through that area to appreciate it.

I do love this next picture. He thinks he’s in control, but it’s really the woman who is controlling the entire scene.

This interplay is just great.

Hey! Do you all know what goes great with a nice James Bond classic movie? Aside from beer or wine?

That’s right.

Cheese, crackers, bread and cold cuts. My father used to make up a platter of these kinds of cheeses, sardines, olives, pickles, and crackers when he would watch a movie. It sort of looked a little bit like this…

Cold cut spread.

I suppose everyone is different. I hear that the preferred snack food in the States these days are Doritos, or Lays potato chips. I can understand why, but you all know that you need to have a decent dip with them to fully appreciate and savor the enjoyment of the food.

Now, when I was growing up, one thing that my father liked to do was eat Limburger cheese sandwiches with a big thick slice of tomato. Yeah, I guess it’s sort of a generational thing don’t you know. He also liked liverwurst. I ended up getting a taste for it myself, but only on sandwiches.

Liverwurst sandwich.

Anyways, Christmas is a time of many things. For me I really enjoy the movies, the food, the friends and the general atmosphere. It’s a chance to eat well, and to eat things that you enjoy. You know, most of the time people don’t give pickles a second thought, but at Christmas time, well that’s when all the dill pickles, the baby gherkins, and the Grandma’s butter chip pickles come out. Yum!

This next picture show some lousy bread, but some pickles and good selection of cheese. Personally I think that the ingredients are enough for one or two sandwiches max. Kinda skimpy if you ask me. But it looks good. Oh, yeah. Don’t forget the horseradish, the wasabi, the kielbasa, and  the various kinds of relishes that can be bought and found everywhere.

Sometimes you don’t always have the right ingredients on hand, so you make do.

i think that it’s really a great thing to do, don’t you know, to sit down with a glass of wine. Some fine cheeses, and watch an older movie. I really enjoy the older movies. they are not so adrenaline-rush run-run-run action packed CGI affairs. It’s full of personal interactions, gestures, and movements. It’s more intellectually stimulating.

And more so with wine, cheese, and olives.

Did I ever mention that olives go great with wine? I really think so. A fine green or black olive dip is just wonderful. You heat up some olive oil with some thin cut up olives and mushrooms. A little Italian spices, and then spread the olives and mushrooms on the french bread. Oh so tasty.

The you sit down and watch the interesting interplay on the movie.

I do love that phone. It was state of the art back then. See the nice rattan chairs on the balcony on the porch, and the Chinese themed dangling red ornamental lantern. Curious eh? I most especially love the shadow of the phone cord on her soft chest. Sexy but not overt.

Of course, I am an old man, and this lass was my mothers age. So I’m looking back in time. When this movie was made, we had Robert Kennedy in office, and he was talking about getting out of Vietnam and shutting down the military-industrial complex. As it was getting too powerful.

Well, we do know what happened to him, don’t we?

Here’s some lox and bagels. You see the salmon to the left, and a fine cream cheese spread. You put the cream cheese on the bagel. Then lox, then lemon, then tomatoes and onions. Don’t forget the olives. (I note some sliced hard boiled eggs. What an interesting turn of events!) The wine is not shown, but no matter. Maybe a fine glass of orange juice is near by.

A good movie serves as a perfect excuse to eat.

And speaking about Christmas, James Bond, food and movies… I will bet you all that the most festive places to spend Christmas at must be in a pub or a brasserie. I remember one Christmas (When I say Christmas, I actually mean the entire month of December, and into January.) I went to an Irish Pub. Wow! So very festive. Drinking pints. Singing songs. Eating bangers and mash.

Bangers and mash served with a good stout. Yum!

I think that there is something really magical and special about the pub environment. It’s something that never was present in the Untied States. Pretty soon, America will probably ban bars completely. You know follow in the footsteps of NZ in banning everything. You know. “For the children”. Sigh.

I can only imagine what it must be like in Scotland, Ireland or in the UK today. Chilly and damp, but warm inside the pubs. I tell youse guys that you are so fortunate to be where you are. Don’t take what you have for granted. It’s special.

Here’s the interior of a typical British pub. People are hanging out. Talking, chatting. Drinking beer. Not too much in the way of electronic media, eh? Nope. Just companionship, friendship and acceptance. I really love that.

British pub.

I hear that some pubs really get festive and decorate everything up. I have no first hand knowledge about that. What I do know is what I have seen on the internet, and some places do more than just put up a tree. They make it special.

Christmas themed pub.

There are pubs in Hong Kong, and some are very nice. I can imagine that there would be pubs all over the former British territories.  I haven’t gone to the pubs in Hong Kong in years, even though I can see Hong Kong from my living room. It’s the Coronavirus thing don’t you know.

British pub in Hong Kong.

Now in Australia, they have these things called a brasserie. They are not found in the USA because one reason or the other.  It’s hard to tell why. I happen to like them.

In France, Flanders, and the Francophone world, a brasserie is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves single dishes and other meals. The word brasserie is also French for "brewery" and, by extension, "the brewing business". A brasserie can be expected to have professional service, printed menus, and, traditionally, white linen—unlike a bistro which may have none of these. Typically, a brasserie is open Wednesday to Sunday and serves the same menu all day. A good example of a brasserie dish is steak frites. 


The last time that I was in Sydney, Australia it was near Christmas time, and I truly enjoyed the Brasserie’s there. Again, like a pub, it was cheery and festive and warm. It was a very comfortable atmosphere to hang out in and enjoy the time with friends or family.

Sydney Australia, Brasserie.

Anyways, one of the things about Christmas is that you can socialize and spend time at home too relaxing. Good food. Being around those that you care about. Talking. Chatting. Exploring. Listening. Man, I need to do more listening, I’ll tell you what.

And watching good movies that relaxes and stimulates. Like 007 James Bond.

James on the beach being warned by the locals of hidden dangers and adventure.

In Dr. No, James Bond travels to the Caribbean. Being well attired, he meets interesting and colorful people. He embarks on a mission to save the world from evil and their evil influences. All the time enjoying the company of the attractive lasses whom he meets along the way.

Typically, as I would watch this kind of movie, I would set a platter or a plate of food nearby to smunch and nibble with. During Christmas, I’m trying to assign special foods like French breads, chocolate, and peanut-butter.  Not to mention the aromas wafting from the kitchen of fresh bead in the bread making machine (fun fact, I helped design bread makers for Sunbeam-Oster) and simmering sauces on the stove with garlic, onions, spices and peppers.

Here’s a lox and bagel platter.

Salmon snack tray.

Or course, my household always has alcohol.

You know, I never drank as much as I do now prior to my “retirement”. After I was retired, I  pretty much said “Fuck this”. And stopped worrying about what other people thought. If I wanted to smoke, I smoked. If I wanted to drink, I’d drink. If i wanted to to spend some time in a bedroom with a new friend, I would. You know, the USA has so many restrictions on you, that you have to tear them off and say STOP!

Live life on your terms.

Like James Bond.

Jame Bond talking with his bosses secretary. I do love the tea set on the filing cabinet.

Most men like to imagine ourselves like James Bond. Wearing a tux. Going to interesting places. Eating good food, and drinking. Being the master of our world. Cavorting with pretty women, and making new friends every night.

Alas, most of us is something else. We are actually more like Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”. That movie resonated to me on all sorts of areas and for all sorts of reasons. Of course, one is simply because of my MAJestic role. But another is because I am really just a normal guy; a regular man.

That’s John McClane. (Bruce Willis).

Die Hard

It’s neither good or bad. It’s just that being Bruce Willis in “Die Hard” is far more painful than being James Bond in “Dr No”. It’s something that us men can relate to. It’s about life, and being thrown into situations that aren’t really what you ever intended to happen.

Which is why movies are great. All movies, if they are well done, can become something that you not only enjoy, but something that you can relate to on some level.

Like food.

Now, doesn’t this look tasty?

Move review of Dr No, on “Empire“;

The beginning of the super-successful franchise, this remains one of the most satisfying Bond films.  Connery, with only a hint of irony, is the suave secret agent, introduced at a gaming table while lighting an expensive fag, enjoying an expense account Caribbean holiday that must have seemed like  unparalleled hedonism to British audiences who’d only just got over rationing. 

The license to kill gets several endorsements as Bond efficiently and brutally sees off dastardly baddies who are threatening world peace, and – in another fantastical touch – Britain holds the key to the balance of power. 

Dr No, a German-Japanese genius with metal hands, is about as credible as Fu Manchu, but Joseph Wiseman mints all the Bond villain clichés, from the gorgeously-designed island lair (courtesy art director Ken Adam) with built-in nuclear power plant (and a then-famously-stolen portrait of the Duke of Wellington hung on the wall) through to purred threats and attempts to convince 007 to sell out and join his evil organization (‘I thought you had some style, Mr Bond, but I see you’re just a stupid policeman’).  And, of course, there’s Ursula Andress as prototypical Bond girl Honey Ryder, emerging from the seas in a bikini with a knife strapped to her thigh, with her own reasons for wanting to see Dr No’s scheme for world conquest thwarted. 

That twangy guitar theme and the gunsight-iris titles sequence are in place already.  Series regulars Bernard Lee (M) and Lois Maxwell (Moneypenny) make their debuts, but Peter Burton plays Q (to be replaced by Desmond Llewellyn) and Jack Lord is CIA agent Felix Leiter (to be replaced by a succession of stooges).

Here’s James Bond deep inside the secret lair…

I do love how the attractive woman gathers near to him. You know, I like her better in this dress than the bikini (with the knife strapped to her thigh).  Notice that she has her top button unbuttoned. That’s not how you wear a qu pao. But it is erotic.

What do you think of her hair?

In those days all the ladies wore their hair “bee hive” style. I think that she started the trend for flowing lions manes like Raquel Welch in “one million years BC.”

Jame Bond rides the elevator.

You know, as much as I love this movie, you have to admit that the women of the 1960’s were all stunners.

Here’s Raquel Welch. I personally think that she would have made a fine, fine Bond girl. Don’t you?

Raquel Welch

Well, the point here is that Christmas is a time of togetherness. And that means making friends, spending time with the friends and family that you do have, and that you spend the time eating, drinking and talking. Emoting and sharing.

Whether it is in a pub, or at home in a restaurant. It does not matter.

Now, I do have to admit that my little daughter is not so interested in these kinds of “grown up” movies. She is more apt to watch “Peppa Pig”, or some kid-oriented Christmas movie. So you have to take that into account.

Though, she really enjoys “Two Broke Girls”. Who figures?

But she also really likes to sit by me (MM) – her daddy, and taste what I am eating, and be next to me. As a two year old she has a short attention span, so it’s still a trial. But it’s a precious trial. it’s family. It’s togetherness. It’s special.

I believe that a good movie is best shared with friends, family, alcohol and lots of delicious food. Oh, and a cat or two as well.

Oh yes. Did I fail to mention that cats love snack trays as well.

What would your cats do to a snack tray with thin sliced meats, salmon, and sausages? Well, I can tell you that they would jup up, snag a tasty morsel and then scamper away with it. Especially the ham. My goodness!

James Bond eating with Dr. No, and enjoying a fine smoke. Not much on the table though. Fruit and wine.

I love that view of the underwater ocean behind Dr. No. Not only does he have a secret lair built inside a volcano, but it reaches deep down underground and has windows so that the staff can enjoy the ocean view. How thoughtful of him. You see, bad guys aren’t all that terrible!

Here’s another scene. I love the newspaper on the bed, and the rotary dial phone nearby. What’s with her wearing high heels to bed? Are those her house slippers? If so, where the fur lining? Oh, sometimes the 1960’s can be so very confusing to me, don’t you know.

I have always loved the simple white robe on a woman.

You know, eating all the foods while you watch these olde timey movies can put some weight on, and make your belly grow. You don’t want to look nine months pregnant with twins, do you?

The way to control this is to add some nice fruit. Pay the extra money and buy some fruits that you normally don’t buy. Like cherries, or duran, or grapes. Don’t let the cost dissuade you. Let Christmas be the time for “outrageous” purchases.

Notice the generous quantities of cheese and meats.

Of course, with James Bond, you will always have the guns and the violence. But in Dr. No it’s rather tame. Less than 50 people were killed, and the karate chops were all rather quick and simple. No matrix-style events, or Chinese flying warriors walking on tree tops here.

It’s all rather calm and relatable.

Hot gun action!

Nice grey suit. I do like the black tie with the grey suit. It fits him nicely. It’s a nice color combination, and the cut of the suit fits him. It’s well cut, nice thin material, it’s the tropics after all, and his hair is always in place. Must be the Brill-creme hair tonic.

Here’s another view. You know it must be sweltering on the beach, but James Bond is calm and composed. His nice jacket sways in the slight breeze, while the boat captain is sweating in his red tee shirt.

James Bond on the beach.

When you make up a food spread choose your foods carefully.

Don’t go for processed cheese spread. Use real cheese instead. Do not use cheap inexpensive margarine. Use real salted bread instead. Do not use cheap chocolate with fillers. Use real chocolate. Pay the extra money to make the holiday special.

And presentation is everything.

Ok, so you aren’t going to drink wine. You are going to drink coke instead. Well then, crush up the ice and fill a tall glass with crushed ice, then pour the coke into the hyper iced glass. Presentation is everything. Wine uses wine glasses. Whiskey uses thick glass base tumblers, and beer, well… an iced mug is precious.

We should all appreciate cheese.

And when you are enjoying the movie, taking the savory bites, and chatting with friends and loved ones observe. Observe what they are doing, and saying and what is going on in the movie. All sorts of little details will “pop out” at you if you just are mindful…

Evil villain in anti-radiation attire.

And enjoy yourself.

Smile, say only good things. Listen to what others want and GIVE IT TO THEM. No need to argue. SO what? Make their day special. It’s a good feeling. And if someone wants to sing Christmas carols, then sing along. Get the dog a barking, and the cats following with you all as your all parade around the house to “Frosty the Snowman”.

Live life.

Food done right. Live life on your terms.

Live life on your terms.

Live like James Bond.

James Bond.

And be your best.

Smile, be kind, be helpful and do what you can to make the season special for all those around you.

Christmas is not about buying gifts, but you know, if you have gifts to wrap up, go overboard. Like @old-wine has. My goodness!

Making Christmas special .

And if you are not so talented, like MM here, perhaps something simpler like a bunch of aluminum foil wrapped ham and cheese sandwiches that toast comfortably in the oven.

Have a great time with your loved ones.

Show your appreciation, and share a good 007 James Bond movie. You will enjoy it. I promise you.

Ham and cheese sliders.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Movie Index here…



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Why isn’t Russia and China responding directly to America’s hybrid wars, clandestine wars, and military provocations?

It’s a never ending onslaught of war preparation, war provocation, and war stockpiling being generated out of the United States. There is ZERO talk about deescalation. I tire of all of this. It seems like the United States is driving the world to war and they aren’t stopping for shit.

A top US general gave a stark warning about the risk of deteriorating ties with the two giant states. 

Vice Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General John E. Hyten told a think-tank meeting that conflict could easily spiral out of control. 

“We never fought the Soviet Union,” he said. “As for the great powers, our goal is to never go to war with China and Russia.” 

According to Hyten, such an event would “destroy the world and the global economy. It will be bad for everyone, and we have to ensure that we do not go down that path.”

And so everyone is asking these questions.

Why is the United States so fucking hell-bent on creating a major war? And, why isn’t Russia and China responding directly to America’s hybrid wars, clandestine wars, and military provocations?

The Greenville Post suggests…

An excellent read, by the way.

Observing the mounting provocations by Washington and its NATO puppet, many people in Russia (and abroad) think that Putin's response to the West has been weak, misguided and inordinately accommodationist, a form—in their eyes—of appeasement. 

They argue—as does Paul Craig Roberts—that Washington needs to be confronted far more clearly and decisively, with force if necessary, the way one confronts a depraved bully with a long list of crimes to its name. 

I have a great deal of sympathy for this point of view, as do many people who don't like seeing an arch-criminal get away with his ever-expanding reign of terror and intimidation. 

But, folks, this is a soup with some flies in it, and we need to pay more attention. 

While in a non-nuclear world that kind of thinking—giving a bully what he deserves— makes perfect sense, in a nuclearised world the cost/advantage calculus is far more complicated and the right response almost impossible to pin down. 

For it is certain that, at this point, an all-out nuclear war between the great powers, a war, mind you, precipitated by the United States and its vassals, besides its unprecedented horrors, is a war guaranteed to have no winners. 

This is not the kind of decision that any rational leader would like to make. 

So what is Putin or Xi to do? 

They face a ruling class that appears to be either technically insane or terminally cynical. Inhabiting a huge bubble of hypocrisy of their own making, drenched in the supremacist myths of US exceptionalism, US elites flail about the world impervious to reality or morality, while wiping their plutocratic asses in the UN charter governing the civilised behaviour of all nations.

Under such circumstances, hubris may blind them to the great risks inherent in their constant warmongering. 

But are they really blind and indifferent to the horrific costs, or—as Kissinger and Nixon once supposedly admitted—this is just a bluff to keep the enemy off balance?

Clearly, the Russians and the Chinese, led by rational and competent people, don't want to be forced to find out. 

A war between the great nuclear powers is a war with no winners in which the totality of the human race stands to be wiped out. 

They know war up, close, and personal in a way that is simply alien to most Americans, and seemingly forgotten by the idiotised vassal nations in what passes for a free Europe. 

Well, Russia and China haven't forgotten. 

The Soviet Union lost more than 27 million people in WW2, and thousands of towns and cities, plus almost 70% of its hard-won infrastructure and industrial base in her struggle to overcome the Nazi assault. 

China chalked up almost 30 million lives in casualties, an enormous figure even in a nation of over one billion inhabitants. 

In their eyes, it probably makes sense not to provoke the bully into a fight. 

Plus, there are powerful historical reasons for avoiding a shooting war as long as possible.  As demonstrated by the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact, avoiding war while growing stronger with each passing day is not a bad strategy when confronting a monstrous war machine led by deluded and unstable people. 

The USSR, despite its many problems, was a much stronger and more resilient nation in 1941 than in 1939. Those two years allowed her to safeguard and reposition the assets she needed to survive the Nazi attack, and she did. (See for ex. OPERATION BARBAROSSA: MYTHS AND REALITY). 

The same can be said for the truly vertiginous development of Russia's modern military in slightly over a decade: the Russia of 2008 (when it had to subdue a NATO-prodded Georgia into some stupid adventurism) and that of today can't be compared from a military standpoint. 

Military-naval analyst Andrei Martyanov agrees: "Russia and her Armed Forces of 2021 and of 2008 are separated not just by 13 years, but by two generations of weapon systems and C4ISR."  

Let that sink in for a minute. 

In sheer speed and effectiveness, Russia's capacity for strategic development is second to none in the world, and is not to be matched or surpassed by the Pentagon in the foreseeable future,  no matter how many trillions it wastes on such pursuit. 

It's actually a systemic and cultural question not subject to a quick resolution. Ditto with China. Could that be the reason why Putin can afford to look "weak" and calm and non-confrontational toward Washington, despite a non-stop cascade of provocations and vituperations? 

Keep these things in mind as you read Paul Craig Roberts' persuasive indictment of the Kremlin posture. —PG

Paul Craig Robert thoughts on this matter…

I can't see Putin trusting any US agreement.

When Russi/Putin acts, it is sudden, swift, and WITHOUT WARNING

So why the PR, the meetings with Biden, Lavrov's diplomatic whirlwind??

Methinks it is to get domestic opinion firmly on his side, a rooted we-back-you-at-any-cost kind of grim determination. Polls show he is half way there. What's the magic #?? 66%?? I would think it in that range.

If this is the case, we have a grim scenario awaiting us in February.


While US Whore Media and Whore “scientists” dependent on Fauci-controlled NIH and Big Pharma grants whip up fear over a relatively harmless “Omicron variant,” a real dangerous situation that I have anticipated for seven years is raising its deadly head.

The arrogant fools in Washington lost in their own hubris have been practicing nuclear attacks on Russia within 20 kilometers of Russia’s borders. 

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that Washington’s operation  Global Thunder rehearsed launching nuclear weapons against Russia from both western and eastern directions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Washington was not taking seriously Moscow’s warning not to cross Russia’s red lines.

Putin is correct.  But it is the Kremlin’s fault.

The only decisive action the Kremlin has taken in response to intense provocations from Washington and NATO was the Kremlin’s decision to accept the overwhelming vote of the people in Crimea to be reincorporated into Russia where the territory had resided for 300 years.  The Kremlin’s alternative was to lose Russia’s Black Sea navy base.

In a strategic blunder of the first magnitude, the Kremlin refused the same plea from the Russian people in the  Donetsk and Luhansk republics, territories that also had been part of Russia for centuries.  By refusing to honor the vote of the Donbass Russians to again be a part of Russia, the Kremlin subjected them to war and destruction by the Ukrainian army and various neo-nazi Ukrainian militias.  If the Kremlin had accepted the vote of the Donbass Russians to be returned to Russia, the conflict would have ended as Ukraine would not destroy itself by attacking Russian territory.  Without the ongoing conflict, Washington would have been unable to continue its machinations against Russia in Ukraine.

In an effort to salvage the situation, the Kremlin put together the “Minsk Agreement,” which Western powers were to support, but didn’t.  Thus, the conflict has continued to smolder since 2014, providing Washington with 7 years to use anti-Russian propaganda to define the narrative.

The Kremlin’s passivity and attempt to rely on agreements with the US and NATO to resolve a Ukrainian situation that Washington most certainly does not want resolved has convinced Washington and NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg that there is no fight in Russia, thus producing the situation that I have feared:  Washington has concluded that Russia’s red lines are merely rhetoric.

Many other Kremlin failures have contributed to this dangerous outcome.  The Kremlin still permits Israel to attack Syrian territory when one telephone call from Putin is sufficient to halt the attacks.  The Kremlin still permits the occupation of a small part of Syria by US troops and CIA Arab mercenaries hostile to the Syrian state.  The Kremlin receives massive insults to the Russian president and still refers to those insulting Russia as “our Western partners.”

These are not responses that create the impression that there is any force behind the Kremlin’s red line.

The Kremlin has also failed miserably in anticipating Washington’s moves, indicating an incompetent intelligence service or a willing disbelief in the Kremlin of Russian intelligence reports.  Despite its obviousness, the Kremlin failed to anticipate the invasion of South Ossetia in 2008 by a US and Israeli-trained and equipped Georgian army.  Putin was at the summer Olympics in Beijing.  The Kremlin failed to anticipate Washington’s obvious overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine and the replacement of a Russia-friendly regime with a neo-nazi regime. Putin was at the Sochi Olympics.

Washington simply will not take seriously a government incapable of paying attention to what is happening to its interests in its own backyard.

One might think that the Kremlin would learn by experience, but apparently not. With reports that half of the Ukrainian army is in the Donbass region threatening the Russian inhabitants, US Secretary of State Blinken threatens Russia with “serious consequences” if Russia protects the Donbass Russians.

Imagine, a cipher like Blinken, a person of no ability or accomplishments, a representative of a second-rate military power that discriminates against its own white troops, issuing threats to the world’s dominant military force. 

This is hubris run amuck, hubris encouraged by years of Kremlin low-key response to major provocations. 

As I have warned, the low-key Russian response, despite its good intention, encourages more provocations, and sooner or later Washington will go too far and cross a red line that will force a Russian military response.  My fear of nuclear war is the reason for my warning that Russia needs to put a strong foot down in order to stop the progression of provocations that can only end in war.

Why has the Kremlin been so meek in response to insults and provocations?  I have no inside information.  The speculations are that (1) the Kremlin wants the Donbass Russians to remain in Ukraine in order to water down the influence of anti-Russian attitudes in Western Ukraine;  (2) the Kremlin did not want to confirm Washington’s propaganda that Russia was rebuilding the Soviet Empire by reabsorbing the Donbass Russians in addition to Crimea;  (3) westernized Russian intellectuals have more confidence in the West than in their government;  (4) the Atlanticist Integrationists desire to be part of the West than to be allied with China;  (5) the Kremlin thinks that by continuing to be low-key and open to cooperation with the West all difficulties will be resolved;  (6) Russia knows the horrors of war and wants to avoid war at all costs;  (7) Russian billionaire oligarchs want the West as a haven for their stolen wealth.

All of these are sound reasons as far as they go. 

The problem is that all of these reasons ignore that Russia is Washington’s enemy of choice.  Russia is the enemy that justifies the $1,000 billion annual budget of the US military/security complex.  Russia is the enemy that strengthens Washington’s hold on NATO and Washington’s European empire. Russia is the enemy that keeps the Washington-abused American population loyal to the government that is destroying American liberty.  Russia is the enemy that can be blamed, along with China, for every failure of Washington.  How can the Kremlin forget that the hostility of the American Elite to Russia is so overwhelming that President Trump was confronted with a CIA/FBI/Justice Department orchestrated “Russiagate” for simply stating that he intended to restore normal relations with Russia?

Normal relations with Russia are impermissible to the extent that a President of the United States was removed from office in a stolen election after trumped-up “Russiagate” and “Impeachgate” attempts failed.  To complete the lesson to all future presidents that normal relations with Russia are impermissible, Trump supporters are being prosecuted for attending a rally in support of Trump, a rally now known as “the Trump Insurrection.”  Six hundred innocent people are held in prison in violation of habeas corpus and First Amendment rights.  Not even the US Constitution can protect them.

And this is a government that the Kremlin thinks it can reach an accommodation with!

God help the Russians and all of us as Washington’s provocations continue their march to war.

In a visit to Beijing in March, Moscow’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, said that “the US has declared its mission is to limit the technological development opportunities of both the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.”

Tarik in the Vineyard for the Saker Blog comments…

Putin claimed that ties between Moscow and Beijing “have reached the highest level in history,” while Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi insisted both countries “have always been the pillars of peace and stability in the world.” According to him, “the more unstable and turbulent the world is, the more decisive cooperation between China and Russia will become.”

Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet?

If Russia shot down a NATO bomber or ship flying or sailing where it shouldn’t be (or even a US one), who would dare respond in kind?

It begs the next question: Why Russia didn’t shoot anything down yet?

Things need to be put in perspective. So here is a third question: Why is the West and the US in particular, so dead set on confronting Russia and China at every corner, short of direct military attack?

It is not because they want to cut Russian gas to Europe (it would terminally break the EU economy and destroy its ability to store increasing dollar reserves), or repatriate jobs from China (systemically incompatible with dollar hegemony) , or even prevent the implementation of the BRI per se (because the matter of fact is that potentially it could become a huge new, and very much needed pit for excess dollars to find their home; if only it were done the “right” way).

When Kissinger invited China into the western world economy, it was understood that it would eternally accumulate dollar trade surpluses, and over time, become another EU or Japan.

In the case of the EU, the US had NATO, and for Japan they had their military bases to make sure these two would dutifully stockpile every dollar that comes their way. But nothing of the sort existed for China.

To make a story short; in the early nineties they took over the largest stash of natural resources that is Russia. With that in hand they thought they now held China on a tight leash.

Late nineties the Asian economic crisis hit; Beijing was livid. 2000 Putin takes over Russia’s natural resources, unleashing China.

The later enters a global buying spree of natural resources through its huge accumulated dollar reserves. Commodities’ prices shoot up, interest rates follow suit and triggers the subprime implosion and all its aftermath.

For all practical purpose, intentional or not, this was an unofficial war declaration. No doubt every central banker on the planet worth his salt understood a new player entered town. It meant business, and was to be reckoned with. US responds with an “epidemic” of color revolution everywhere China was laying the ground work for what was to become the BRI, and dramatically increases the pressure on Russia to force it back into the US$ fold.

Neither China nor Russia blinked. Instead the former announced to the world the official launch of BRI, and the latter openly challenged US military supremacy in Syria, and soon after started in earnest the distribution of S400s (almost as good as the atomic bomb, in diplomatic terms) to the world.

For those holding reservations about the above interpretation of events, please consider: the price of gold went from under 300 US$/ounce in the late 90’s to 1900 US$ by the end of the first decade, bear in mind that this in a market hated by all. To this day less than 1% of global private wealth is held in gold.

In 5000 years of history never did this ratio fall below 5%, even under the most exuberant times. Who was buying? While the western bullion banks acted as “sellers of last resort” with unlimited fictitious supplies on the Futures market to keep the price under cap, so did Beijing act as “buyer of last resort” on the spot market with unlimited dollar supplies from their trade surpluses, thus uncapping the price. The relevance of this is apparent when juxtaposed to the BRI project.

It is estimated tens of thousands tons of gold were disappeared in China; that enters the border but never show up; neither in retails nor official reserves records, but instead just somehow vanish in thin air. At the minimum it shows they’re preparing for a post dollar economy. Then again the BRI makes no secret that it intends to make use of local currencies worldwide.

There are two ways only to have any currency accepted. Either it is backed by the most powerful military, or alternatively it is referenced to gold. Anything else (eg. Petrodollar, Eurodollar…) is military backing under the guise of… and the BRI has also admitted its preferred option for trade account settlements.

Such monetary arrangement (no matter the exact actual architecture) would in short order annihilate any form of western prevalence and privilege on the global scene.

In itself it would just be an ego bruise, but when added to the staggering debt levels, it translates to guaranteed decades of servitude. That my friends is the crux of the matter, the unfathomable horror the west is facing. It is what keeps their elite awake at night, while the population imperfectly senses a looming day of reckoning whether under the traits of a yellow slit eyed giant dragon, a monstrous growling bear, a flood of melted ice, or an amorphous unforgiving pestilence, when instead they should really fear Shylock’s lurking specter and past due pounds of flesh.

Now that the real motive for the Big Boys’ quarrels has been defined, how would a war with Russia or China, even if only through a proxy (Ukraine or whatever) fit in this equation.

First of all the West or the US today is not comparable to say Napoleon’s France or Hitler’s Germany which “benefited” from industrial and military supremacy. It is those specific advantages that allowed them the privilege to make fools of themselves.

Without them, neither Napoleon nor Hitler would have ever thought of heading East. And I might add, nor would have the US embarked on the last 50 years of hegemonic delusions.

Today the latter has lost both trump cards, and with them, one might presume, the luxury to fantasize a swift military solution.

This leaves us with only a proxy war scenario. If realized, that option can only yield very short lived dividends that could never alter the natural course of the empire’s demise.

After all once the Ukrainian army is spent, that card is gone. In fact the Ukraine holds value as long as the status quo last, once the situation is resolved (which ever way that may be) it looses any bargaining stock.

The same holds true for the JCPOA, Syria, North Korea, Taiwan, Myanmar, Ethiopia, and so many others. And what bargaining may I be referring to? Well hold on tight: the West pushes for terms of a new partitioning of the world, while Russia and China expect its terms of surrender.

Sure, until say around 2018, all these pressure points were meant to force China and Russia reconsider the dollar’s role in the BRI and related projects. But then in March of that faithful year (if I remember well) Putin casually announced a panoply of hyper-sonic toys. If the subprime event was a “Wazari”, March 2018 was the “Ipon Seonage”, or basically a “checkmate”.

No doubt every general worth his salt must have raised an eyebrow or two, and every central banker realized the dollar was now naked, with neither gold nor the most powerful military on the planet to enforce it.

All the while Putin was giving his speech, the list of nations that were rejoining the BRI since its official launch and their commitment, were about to dramatically increase.

The practical effect was a gradual and ongoing abandonment of dollars in cross border regional settlement of trades, particularly in South-East Asia were the doomed currency is now considered almost a dirty word among regional players.

Consequently local currencies reserves are displacing US$, which are increasingly being spent on the acquisition of raw materials on the international market for infrastructure projects.

If it sounds like “déjà vu” it’s because it is.

The resulting inflationary pressure on the commodities’ market would again spill over to the interest rate market, triggering the September 2919 REPO event. Because of its brevity, I suppose, few realize how defining that moment was to what came next.

First the Fed met the burst from 0% to 10% on the overnight REPO rate with a 700+ billion US$ barrage within a matter of days to literally drown those darn, messy, uncooperative interest rates. Ever since that market requires a monthly 120 billion allowance just so banks may trust each other and perpetuate the myth of solvency. As the global economy stopped accumulating, or even off-loaded dollar reserves, the greenback’s velocity increased and soon will feel like hot potatoes. A rarely mentioned consequence of this phenomenon (at least I never came across it anywhere), is the severe restriction it imposes on newly printed dollar deployment outside US financial markets, lest it turns the already established price inflation into hyperinflation. Thus it renders the dollar useless as a tool for influencing foreign actors. Those loose dollars must be neutralized. A few months later COVID strikes in China.

Was it just one more sorry attempt to oblige China to reverse its “dollar policy” or whatever favorite narrative one may subscribe, isn’t as relevant as Beijing’s response was remarkable.

There were several instances in the last 20 years when China had to suffer some suspicious biological outbreaks, yet none of the measures taken ever even registered in import/export figures, GDP, or in any other major economic indicator.

Now suddenly under the pretext of one insipid flu-like germ, precisely when the West is shown at its most fragile financially, they decide to entirely shut down one major world industrial production hub.

Again, regardless of one’s view on that epidemic, there’s not a point in the entire space/time continuum where Xi and his team didn’t foresee the consequences of such measures, both on their economy and those of the West respectively.

The West was totally taken off-guard; no point in calling China, the damage was already done, trillions would be needed to absorb the shock, and thus they took the path of least resistance.

They doubled down on the COVID song, proactively shut down their economies to force unanimous political support for direct monetary support of the economy and markets. That the pandemic narrative also served as convenient cover for population movement control, was an extra bonus in an environment ripe for social unrest.

A few months later China unlocks and its economic indicators quickly resume to pre-pandemic levels, all while the US and Europe were still mired in frozen economies.

This showed the world economy did not depend any longer on Western lead. In fact the world can now perfectly do without the West all together.

Now it may still be early to assess with any certainty how the game is being played at this very moment, but based on the evidence over the last 2 to 3 years, here is a proposition which hopefully might offer an answer to our starting questions.

The earlier Putin “checkmate” referred specifically to global dollar dominance. Preserving regional dominion for a little while longer however seems still possible, at least in the minds of the western elites.

However such a region must be isolated from areas that do not submit to the dollar “order” (or whatever new cryptocurrency denomination they may come up with to implement their reset), since direct competition would instantly reveal the currency fraud that it is.

Hence the necessary world partition. In this new context, those pressure points whose main purpose was originally directed against China and Russia, can easily be repurposed to mainly close the ranks in the “salvageable” portion of the world.

That explains nicely the increased hysteria surrounding those sour points; not as means to strike fear in the hearts of Russians and Chinese (which is a ridiculous proposition when considering the ground facts), but to dig it as deeply as possible into their vassals’ hearts instead, with what military and economic might they still muster.

Then in order to preserve their currency’s “credibility”, at least within the remaining sphere of dominion, they need a replacement for the loss of those Central “dollar sinkhole” Banks and respective economies that are escaping to the multi-polar world.

So they “repurposed” (or just upgraded, I’m not sure which) a favorite of theirs: Global Warming, from an obstacle to the BRI momentum, to a black hole for infinite currency issuance.

The basic idea, apart from its green energy infrastructure component which at least is comprehensible to the mind, is to, through the carbon credit market, “financialize” various ecosystems’ contribution to decarbonization. Shares would be available for “investments”.

It’s not clear who or how the book value of these shares would be calculated, but one can be excused for assuming that value will prove as flexible as a COVID infection count.

I suppose the underlying logic goes something like this: ecosystems remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which saves our lives.

Since we can all agree that our lives are infinitely precious, no amount of investments can possibly realize the full valuation of those shares. Et voilàààà, the inflationary dilemma once and for all, forever and ever, eternally and for perpetuity finally solved!

Is it delusional? Of course it is. But as some real wise man said: People rarely think what they must, instead they tend to think what they need to think, when they need to think it.

Obviously the “Grand absurdity” in which their “Great Reset” is being implemented is the sure sign of their impending capitulation. Hence Russia and China patiently awaiting their acceptable terms, which probably means unconditional rendition.

The piper will be paid.

It doesn’t mean they want to destroy, humiliate, or otherwise submit to the West. It’s about facing responsibilities, and within this frame, figure out a convenient, or win-win agreement.

In such an environment a war makes little sense because there is no military threat against western leadership, only military containment.

In typical “Go” fashion, US and NATO bases that were previously seen as power projections enveloping the world, can increasingly be viewed as the boundaries of a shrinking space.

Funny thing is, Russia and China did try really hard to avoid this sorry state; the downright self-inflicted humiliation the West is facing.

Ever since the 1997 Asian crisis, Beijing tried real hard to convince the US to a strategy to solve the Dollar’s paradox in world trades.

During the first decade of the century as preparation for the BRI, they started heavily investing in global natural resources extraction.

Aside from the obvious practical reasons (BRI would require humongous amounts of resources), there was also a financial/monetary aspect.

The commodities sector was suffering from decades of under investments due to price suppression schemes by the usual suspects, in line with the gold price policies.

The idea then was to increase production so that the manipulative Future’s shorts could be gradually unloaded without triggering the typical inflationary bomb and the ensuing interest rate response, and thus freeing the Western banks from exposure at no loss.

At which point international dollar reserves could gradually be unloaded unto an increasing supply of commodities to the BRI, with also minimal (or at least manageable) inflationary disturbance.

Of course it implied a parallel incremental retirement of international dollars to a level commensurate to the US’ economy true size, probably through a series of devaluations against mainly gold. That was China’s plan. Not a bad empire retirement plan when considering where the West stands now.

Just as funny, had the US been agreeable to China’s and Russia’s proposal, better yet had they taken the lead after the USSR collapsed, to “resize” the dollar, neither of the Bear nor the Dragon would have developed their armed forces, instead dedicating their resources strictly to the economy.

The US could have retained Military supremacy and acted as a true policing force of the world, with all the benefits and honors attached to this function, and the eternal gratitude and support of all.

What a monumental waste those last thirty years indeed.

Okay, maybe all wouldn’t have been as rosy, so let’s just say it could have been a great opportunity for a beautiful dream…

MM answers

And kids, this is how World Wars gets started....

However, my fear is that the US and Israel will double down and not go quietly. Instead of upsetting the table and waking away when losing; they will flip the table over and rip open their shirt to reveal a suicide vest....


There are two possible reasons why the United States is acting like such a dick-head bully and Asia is failing to engage…

[1] America is dying. Let it die. When a person is dying, you allow him to go through the death thrall and stay out of the fray. America will be dead soon enough. There’s no rush to do anything. Russia and China know this and see this. They are watching in real time. Obviously they are guarded and concerned, but their projections obviously show a complete national collapse within the decades, if not much sooner.

[2] Asia is ready to put an end to it all. The death thralls of the empire is getting dangerous. But neither Russia or China will allow these matters to destroy them. If things become unmanageable, they will take the first steps, on their timetable in accordance with their rules. Both Russia and China are ready to take down the Untied States is such a way that the USA will not be able to launch a retaliatory strike. The complexity of such a mission is enormous, and so they are spending the time to make sure that retaliation would be impossible.

To a lesser extent are some other explanations. But I (personally) do not believe that they are valid.

[3] Wishful thinking. Both Russia and China independently believe that the ruling leadership of America will come to their senses and stop all this war-mongering nonsense. Just one or two more elections and it will all be over and change.

[4] Incompetence in Russian and Chinese leadership. Both the Russians and the Chinese are not competent, and have determined that the best actions are ones in which America is permitted to define the rules of engagement and the behaviors during conflict.

What is obvious is that both Russia and China have the ability, the technology and the capability to hurt the United States substantially. But they are not making any overt mores in this regard. The reasoning behind this is many, but I really see the options as I described coming to the forefront.

We will find out soon enough.

And so … the very next day after I wrote those comments…

Ukraine – Russia Makes Serious Demands, Warns Of ‘Confrontation’

From MoA

Following unfounded U.S. claims of an imminent Russian invasion of the Ukraine U.S. President Joe Biden and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin have held a virtual summit. Little has been released about its real content but the Russian follow up shows that the issues they talked about were deadly serious.

On December 10 the Russian Foreign Ministry published a statement that not only sounds like an ultimatum but seems to be meant as one:

We note US President Joseph Biden’s readiness expressed at the December 7, 2021 talks with President Vladimir Putin to establish a serious dialogue on issues related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. Such a dialogue is urgently needed today when the relations between Russia and the collective West continue to decay and have approached a critical line. At the same time, numerous loose interpretations of our position have emerged in recent days. In this connection we feel it is necessary to once again clarify the following.

Escalating a confrontation with our country is absolutely unacceptable. As a pretext, the West is using the situation in Ukraine, where it embarked on encouraging Russophobia and justifying the actions of the Kiev regime to undermine the Minsk agreements and prepare for a military scenario in Donbass.

Instead of reigning in their Ukrainian protégés, NATO countries are pushing Kiev towards aggressive steps. There can be no alternative interpretation of the increasing number of unplanned exercises by the United States and its allies in the Black Sea. NATO members’ aircraft, including strategic bombers, regularly make provocative flights and dangerous manoeuvres in close proximity to Russia’s borders. The militarisation of Ukraine’s territory and pumping it with weapons are ongoing.

The course has been chosen of drawing Ukraine into NATO, which is fraught with the deployment of strike missile systems there with a minimal flight time to Central Russia, and other destabilising weapons. Such irresponsible behaviour creates grave military risks for all parties involved, up to and including a large-scale conflict in Europe.

All the NATO action mentioned above directly endangers Russia’s security. It has to cease. Some of the steps taken must be reversed and Russia will have to be given guarantees that certain measures will not be taken. The statement includes this list of demands:

  • No more NATO expansion towards Russia’s borders. Retraction of the 2008 NATO invitation to Ukraine and Georgia.
  • Legally binding guarantee that no strike systems which could target Moscow will be deployed in countries next to Russia.
  • No NATO or equivalent (UK, U.S., Pl.) ‘exercises’ near Russian borders.
  • NATO ships, planes to keep certain distances from Russian borders.
  • Regular military-to-military talks.
  • No intermediate-range nukes in Europe.

That the above is not a “pretty please” wishlist has since been emphasized by several Russian authorities:

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Monday warned of confrontation should the United States and NATO fail to give Russia security guarantees concerning its eastern expansion, the RIA news agency reported.

President Vladimir Putin has demanded legally binding security guarantees that NATO will not expand further east or place its weapons close to Russian territory; Washington has repeatedly said no country can veto Ukraine's NATO hopes.

The confrontation Ryabkov talks about would not be verbal if Russia’s red lines get crossed:

We have openly pointed out that there are red lines which we will not allow anyone to cross, and we also have certain requirements, which have been formulated exceedingly clearly.

Russia can of course veto the Ukraine’s entry into NATO. It can destroy the Ukrainian military, take the regions of Ukraine where a majority speaks Russian and create a new sovereign state from them.

The remaining agricultural Banderastan would be left for Poland and Romania to feast on. This would give Russia the strategic depth it needs and it would limit the NATO friendly coastline in the Black Sea to the south western parts.

A Russian attack on the Ukraine is however what western weapon producers and their adjunct think tanks, ‘experts’ and political hawks, mainly in the U.S., deeply wish for. It would isolate Russia, increase the U.S. role in Europe, justify increasing military budgets and end the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and other Russian export routes.

And that is the reason why Russia will not attack and use alternative measures.

Unless, of course, …

In a phone call with Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson Putin repeated the demands and explained his reasoning:

Like other Western leaders, Boris Johnson expressed concern about Russia’s alleged large-scale troop movements near the Ukrainian border. In this regard, Vladimir Putin provided in-depth and principled assessments of the current situation in Ukraine.

Specific examples of Kiev's destructive course on derailing the Minsk agreements, which are the only viable path towards resolving the internal Ukraine crisis, were given. It was also pointed out that the Ukrainian authorities are purposefully aggravating the situation on the line of contact and are using heavy weapons and attack drones, which are prohibited by the Minsk Package of Measures in the conflict zone. Ukraine’s policy of discrimination against Russian-speaking people was pointed out as well.

It was emphasised that all this is happening amid the active military “exploration” of Ukraine’s territory by NATO, something that poses a direct threat to Russia’s security.

With this in mind, Vladimir Putin stated the need to immediately begin talks in order to develop clear international legal agreements that can preclude NATO’s further eastward advance and the deployment of weapons that pose a threat to Russia in neighbouring states, primarily Ukraine. Russia will present draft documents to this end.

The NATO countries which push for further moves against Russia, mostly the Baltic 3 and Poland, see all their dreams endangered. They will resist any move towards a fulfillment of Russia’s demands. They are however not the ones that count.

It is the U.S., Germany and France that Russia is counting on to get some senses. The upcoming winter, which is predicted to be somewhat harsh, is a good opportunity to apply a little pressure to Europe and to show that it is Russia, not the U.S., which provides Europe energy security. The new Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer understands that:

In an interview published on Tuesday in the German newspaper Die Welt, Nehammer, who was elected chancellor earlier this month, was asked if the Austrian government will continue to support Nord Stream 2. He replied, “Of course,” adding that he expects the pipeline to begin operating soon.

“I don’t consider it necessary to connect Nord Stream 2 with Russia’s behavior in Ukraine,” he went on, referencing a recent political standoff between Moscow and Kiev. “The EU can only hurt itself by doing so. Nord Stream 2 doesn’t only serve Russia’s interests – Germany, Austria, and other EU countries will profit from it. Nord Stream 2 is a European project, which shouldn’t be used as a tool to pressure Moscow.”

This winter Russia will use its market power to press for a fulfillment of its demands. Russia has stopped to provide natural gas to the European spot markets. It continues to deliver in full to customers who have long term contracts. This will squeeze Poland and a few others who depend on the spot market in times of peak demand. Russia hopes that those countries learn that their excessive hostility towards it can have serious consequences.

As Russia has no direct tool to squeeze the U.S. it will need a different strategy to push Biden to change course. The current main foreign policy concern in the U.S. is China. Russia is therefore coordinating its strategy with it:

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping will discuss "aggressive" language from the U.S. and NATO during their virtual meeting later this week, according to the Kremlin.

"The situation in international affairs, especially on the European continent, is very, very tense right now and requires discussion between allies," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said, according to a Reuters report. "We see very, very aggressive rhetoric on the NATO and U.S. side, and this requires discussion between us and the Chinese."

Notice Peskov’s use of the word “allies”. This is, as far as I know, new. There is no formal treaty between Russia and China that makes them ‘allies’ so the use of the word is highly significant.

This is a concern for an Asia pundit who fears that any Russian move on Ukraine would be accompanied by a Chinese move on Taiwan. To prevent that she urges the U.S. to end the endless confrontation with Russia and to concentrate on the far east.

We can only hope that Biden understands such reasoning, finally shuts up the Russia hawks and ends the conflict with Moscow.

Otherwise we will all be in for some interesting times.

Yes. The USA is marching straight towards war!

And it’s going to be horrific. Imagine DEMANDING Russia do this, and DEMANDING China do that. These demands will be met with extreme force. And I do mean EXTREME.

All of this reminds me of the scenes from the UK movie about the build-up to Nuclear war called “Threads”.


Never a More Unsettling Strategic Landscape

From HERE.

It is the first time that others are dictating to the West rather than being instructed on how to conform to American red lines.

There was an almost audible sigh of relief echoing around western corridors. Though there were no breakthroughs in the Team Biden-Putin virtual meeting, the talks not surprisingly, were heavily focussed on the matter of immediate concern: Ukraine – amid widespread fears that the Ukrainian volcano might irrupt at any moment.

At the meeting: Agreed was the proposal to initiate ‘lower-level’ government-to-government discussion of Russia’s red lines and any halt to NATO expansion eastwards. Jake Sullivan, however, spilt a little cold water over that when he firmly emphasised that the U.S. had given no commitments on either issue. Biden (as advertised in advance), warned of strong economic and other measures should Russia intervene in Ukraine.

What was more notable however, was that the U.S. is ‘only’ threatening to sanction Russia, or to move more troops into the region, as opposed to posing explicit western and NATO militarily intervention in Ukraine. In earlier statements, Biden and other U.S. officials have been vague about what Washington’s response to a Russian invasion would be: warning repeatedly of ‘consequences’, even as it re-committed to Ukraine’s sovereignty.

So, should we all begin to breathe again? Actually, no. In fact, the immediacy of the Ukraine issue was always something of a red-herring: Russia has no desire to wade into the thick, cloying mud of a regional quagmire, however much some in the West would ‘love it’. And the Kiev forces are tired, bedraggled and demoralised from sitting in cold trenches along the Contact Line for months. They have little appetite to take on the Donbass militias (unless aided from the outside).

Nothing was resolved about what to do about the wider dark dystopia that is Ukraine – in all its various manifestations. President Putin raised the Minsk Accord, but nobody, it seems, was biting; the fishing line remained limp. Nor was anything agreed about what to do with the accumulating debris of what once was called U.S.-Russian ‘diplomatic relations’. The latter term (diplomatic relations) is now but a poor joke.

Celebration therefore, is not in order. The viscerally anti-Putin factions in U.S. and Kiev are furious: A U.S. Republican Senator, Roger Wicker has warned that in any stand-off over Ukraine, “I would not rule out military action. I think we start making a mistake when we take options off the table, so I would hope the president keeps that option on the table”. Asked what military action against Russia would comprise, Wicker said it could mean “that we stand off, with our ships in the Black Sea – and we rain destruction on Russian military capability”, adding that the U.S. also shouldn’t “rule out first-use nuclear action” against Russia.

So Ukraine festers on. If we are now to have a lull, then it is just that – ‘a lull’. The ‘hawks’ in U.S. and Europe have not raised the white flag: Ukraine is too good a weapon for their needs, to be tossed lightly aside.

This focus on the Ukraine crisis however, is to ‘see the trees, yet miss the wood’: We have three – not one – ticking landmines, ready to ignite. Three ‘fronts’: Each are distinct, yet closely inter-related, and are now threaded by unknown levels of strategic aims and synchronicity: Ukraine, Taiwan, and the faltering JCPOA Accord – which is now sparking untold angst in Tel Aviv.

The wood not seen for these three trees lies with the unresolved issue of European security architecture; Middle East security architecture; and indeed, of global security architecture. The existing rules-based order has passed its sell-by date: It provides neither security, nor does it reflect the reality of today’s Great Power balances. It has become a pathogen. Simply put, it is too fossilised in the post-WW2 lietkultur.

In a recent CNN interview, Fareed Zakaria, asked Jake Sullivan, Biden’s Security Adviser:

So what is it, after all your ‘tough talk’, that you have been able to agree with China; what has been negotiated? ‘

Wrong question’ was Sullivan’s sharp retort. “Wrong metric”, he said flatly: Don’t ask about bilateral agreements – ask about what else we have secured. The right way to think about this, he said, is:

Have we set the terms of an effective competition where the U.S. is in a position to defend its values and advance its interests – not just in the Indo-Pacific, but around the world…”. 
“We want to create the circumstance in which two major powers will operate in an international system for the foreseeable future – and we want the terms of that system to be favorable to American interests and values: It is rather, a favorable disposition in which the U.S. and its allies can shape the international rules of the road on the sorts of issues that are fundamentally going to matter to the people of our country [America] and to the people everywhere … “.

It is this maximalist lietkultur which is leading us to a point where these three explosive issues together risk a fundamental convulsion of the global order.

You have to go back a long way to find a moment when our world was as vulnerable to a sudden change in fortunes – what Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Telegraph terms, “The West’s nightmare: a war on three fronts”.

What is going on?

Well, it is certainly something very far-reaching.

And why the U.S. insistence on such an absolute stance for the global order – according to which other Great Powers get no right to set their own security red lines?

Well, it is because … the ‘four horsemen’ of the Great Transitions:

  • The Pandemic – leading into a global health regulatory system;
  • the Climate Emergency – leading to a global CO2 regime of credits and debits;
  • the tech and AI revolution – leading us into a global era of automation and ‘bots’ (and job losses); and fourthly,
  • the Transition from classical economics to that of global Modern Monetary Theory that requires a global re-set of the world’s mountain of debt that will never be repaid.

Sullivan’s vision of the ‘foreseeable future’ is essentially conceived around this ‘higher order’ project: The preservation of global ‘rules of the road’, framed to reflect U.S. and allied interests’, as the base from which the clutch of ‘transitions’ – health, climate change, managerial and monetary technocracy – can be levered from the national parliamentary prerogative, up to a supra-national level of business and tech managerial collectives of ‘expertise’ (devoid of accountability to national parliamentary oversight).

Separated in this way into such spheres as health precautions, climate recovery, fostering tech ‘miracles’, and money issuance severed from taxation – they sound non-ideological, and somehow almost utopian.

It was well understood that all these transitions would overturn long-standing human ways of life that are ancient and deeply rooted, and inevitably would trigger dissidence – which is why new forms of social ‘discipline’, and the usurpation of control from national accountability, to the supranational plane, is so important. It certainly isn’t making people “happy”, (as per Davos).

Hmmm! … the ideological underbelly to this ‘higher order’ re-set may be obscured from view, as non-partisan, but it is he who decides the international standards, the protocols, the metrics, and the rules for these transitions, who is Sovereign – as Carl Schmitt once noted.

Sullivan at least has the integrity to be frank about the unseen ideology to the re-set:

“We want the terms of that system to be favourable to American interests and values: It is rather, a favourable disposition in which the U.S. and its allies can shape the international rules of the road on the sorts of issues that are fundamentally going to matter to the people of our country [America] and to the people everywhere …”.

We are talking here of something which clearly goes well beyond the scope of the Biden summits with Xi and Putin, and the Vienna JCPOA talks.

President Putin has warned that any encroachment of NATO infrastructure or forces into Ukraine would not be permitted.

And that Russia would decisively act to prevent it.

Similarly, Iran has stated explicitly that any Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities will not be tolerated. It would result in the Iranian destruction of Israeli vital infrastructure across the full territory.

And Iran’ and Russia’s stance is identical with that of China in respect to Taiwan: President Xi made that plain in the virtual summit that he held with Biden on 15 November.

Xi warned that any move by Taiwan to secede is not permitted, and would be met by a military response.

In Vienna, Iran simply stated its ‘red lines’:

  • No discussion of Iran’s ballistic missiles;
  • no discussion of Iran’s regional role; and
  • no freezing of enrichment – as long as the mechanism for lifting sanctions and ensuring their non-recurrence is not agreed upon – effectively calling for a return to the original framework of the 2015 accord.

Iran demands binding guarantees that sanctions will not arbitrarily be re-imposed; that trade normalisation will not be informally hobbled again contrary to the terms of the accord, as happened under Obama (the U.S. Treasury Department pursued its own anti-trade policy, at variance with that of the White House); and that all sanctions must be lifted.

What should be noted here is the context: Note that the Iranian position is almost identical in content to that enunciated by Russia, vis à vis the U.S., in respect to Ukraine: Putin’s demand to Washington is that Russian interests and ‘red lines’ be formally acknowledged and accepted; that legally binding agreements be made in respect to Russia’s security in eastern Europe; and the absolute demand for no further NATO encroachment to the East, and a veto on any NATO infrastructure exported to Ukraine.

This is very new – in geo-politics, co-incidences of this nature don’t just spontaneously happen.

It is evident that the three powers are strategically co-ordinated, politically and likely militarily, too.

Western states are stunned: It is the first time that others are dictating to them – setting out their red lines – rather than being instructed on how to conform to American red lines.

They are disconcerted, and unsure what to do next.

And, as Anatol Lieven astutely notes, some actions would have grave strategic consequences:

“quite apart from the global economic damage that would result from a war in Ukraine, and the ways in which China would take advantage of such a crisis, the West has a very strong reason indeed to avoid a new war: the West would lose”.

Lieven continues:

“This would also risk becoming a world war; for it is virtually certain that China would exploit a war between the United States and Russia, thereby threatening the United States with the risk of two wars simultaneously – and defeat in both”.

For now, the U.S. and its allies repeat the usual bromides about ‘all options being on the table’; of crippling sanctions, and of an international coalition being formed to pressure and oppose such non-compliance.

For, without competitor compliance (or these states’ effective political isolation and condemnation), the higher project of raising these seemingly ‘non-ideological’ transitions to a supra-national sphere whose standards, protocols, etcetera (‘terms of the system’ in Sullivan’s words) will not be achieved.

It will not prove possible to upload a ‘Washington Consensus’ software update when these three states simply refuse Sullivan’s ‘rules’.

A strategic reset however will not come easily.

The west is embedded in meme-warfare, which makes a strategic order partition all the harder.

Any compromise on the narrative that Russia cannot have its own red lines; cannot dictate whether not Ukraine joins NATO; nor determine where NATO sites its missiles and nukes, risks Biden being seen as weak.

Republicans already pre-emptively have blamed what they call Biden’s ‘weakness’ for having encouraged ‘dangerous adventurism’ from Moscow.

Then again, perhaps these two summits – together with Iran’s stance in Vienna – represent the beginning of the end to the West’s Rules-Based Order, and a countdown to a new geo-strategic balance between the two axis – and ultimately therefore, to peace or war.


US bans UAE from hosting Chinese navy

So the UAE is not a sovereign nation? It is a vassal state under the thumb of America? From HERE.

During a conference call on 15 November 2021, President Joe Biden assured his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping that his country was not seeking war with China, but only loyal competition. As for China, it rejects any form of rivalry and aims to establish “win-win” relations.

However, according to the Wall Street Journal, back in September the CIA had spotted construction activity for what appeared to be a Chinese naval military facility in Abu Dhabi.

That same month, National Security Secretary Jake Sullivan together with his Coordinator for the Greater Middle East, Brett McGurk, were dispatched to the Emirates.

The two American men presented Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (“MBZ”) with satellite photos, ordering him to stop the construction immediately or face “consequences”.

China currently boasts the most powerful navy in the world, outdistancing the United States. She built a naval base in Djibouti in 2017 to grapple (efficiently) with the threat of Somali pirates, then signed a secret agreement in 2019 to establish a base in Cambodia. In addition, she set up civilian naval bases in Pakistan and Sri Lanka which could quickly be repurposed for military use.

The United Arab Emirates are home to a large US naval base and, in order to safeguard their independence, also host a French base.

And the UAE response?

UAE threatens to pull out of massive military deal with US

From HERE.

The United Arab Emirates has reportedly threatened to quit a $23-billion military deal with the US over Washington’s tough requirements meant to shield the weapons against what the Americans call “Chinese espionage.”

The deal was made during former US president Donald Trump’s twilight days in office. On paper, it enables the Emirates to acquire American-made F-35 aircraft, Reaper drones, and other advanced munitions.

On Tuesday, however, The Wall Street Journal cited an Emirati official as saying,

“The UAE has informed the US that it will suspend discussions to acquire the F-35.”

“Technical requirements, sovereign operational restrictions, and the cost/benefit analysis led to the reassessment,”

The source added.

The Journal considered the development to be equal to

“a significant shake-up between two longtime allies.”

It tried to attribute the Emirati snub to Abu Dhabi’s partnership with Beijing and the latter’s growing influence in the region.

“The collapse of the deal would fuel perceptions within the Middle East and elsewhere that America’s decades-long role as security provider of choice in the region is diminishing,”

It wrote.

Among other things, the paper said, the US has long been concerned about Abu Dhabi’s economic ties with Beijing and its involvement with the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co.

Huawei provides the Emirates with its communications infrastructure. US officials and members of Congress allege, though, that the company is a national-security threat. The company and the Chinese government have denied such allegations.

An important comment

As one who played “duck, cover & kiss your sweet a*s good-bye” in my fourth grade grammar school during the Cuban/Turkish Missile Crisis, I still think that a repeat of such a memorable event is more probable than a European conflict.

The reasons are as follows:

1) As pointed out by many in this drinking establishment, the Russian leadership is pretty miffed that the Americans get to hide behind an ocean and Europe while the latter plays “Russian Roulette” with the crispness of Eurasia region. Methinks the Russians would prefer the Americans get to feel the heat for a change. At the same time, strategically, its better PR with the locals to threaten the Americans rather than their European cannon fodder.

2) The Russians have already given an indirect threat of moving mobile missile launchers into the Western Hemisphere. Read below in Sputnik. In that article the authors claimed that the Chinese have the capability of moving mobile launchers anywhere in the world inside shipping containers. This article was published the same day as Blinken’s assertion that Russia has no right to drawing red lines, and was picked up by Global Security, the Sun, and others.—report-1091301280.html

Overlooked is a reference in Wikipedia, posted by who knows who, which describes just that with the the Club K Kalibr cruise missile. The article was posted a number of years ago, and is complete with a photo in a container launching platform and a reference to a 2011 showing at the MAKS 2011 Air Show. I’m sure US intelligence is aware of this fact, as it was also covered in in 2019. As I stated in the open thread when I first posted it, the Neo-cons are not that bright and need to be hit over the head emotionally to have that “ah-ha” experience.

3) One of the biggest televised events in the original stand-off was the blockade of Cuba by the US Navy. This is interesting in two respects. First, that maneuver is much more difficult due to much better aircraft transport and smaller rockets, and secondly it will be seen as hypocritical to a possible blockade by the Chinese of Taiwan and American stated “Freedom of Self Defense”, and “Freedom of Navigation”. It therefore underlines the notion of “spheres of influence” at a visceral level.

It’s getting to be a very, very interesting world.


Putting all the pieces together…

Now I know it's serious.

-Keith Granger

[1] America has established who their allies are. (With the “Summit for democracy”.)

[2] It has promised financial outlays for their version of “democracy” to all the nations that will side with them. (Just look at the financial budgets out of Washington DC.)

[3] It is really pushing towards war with the nations that are not part of their coalition. (Russia, China, Iran, and any other nation that shows any kind of independence.) They are making bold demands, and pushing, pushing, and pushing for a response. They do not expect anything other than a localized strike, where they can then retaliate with the full force of their military currently in place.

To me, it is obvious. The United States has determined to wage war. Not just against China but against the entire rest of the world, and is now trying to determine who it’s friends and enemies are.

They are pushing for their “enemies” to “make the first move”. Then they will act, with systems already put in place and ready to launch.

No wonder China is building nuke swarm hyper-velocity missiles like there’s no tomorrow.

Maybe it’s because maybe there isn’t going to be one.

We will all be in for gruesome times. No need to play with words here.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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Is America going to finally catch up to China? A look at Bidens “Build Back Better” trillions in investment

Oh my goodness! Trillions of dollars in rebuilding America. That means roads, bridges, trains, infrastructure, and factories. Trillions of dollars in spending. There is no doubt that with this enormous outlay of spending that American can catch up and overtake China. The inflation will be worth it. Right? Don’t be so sure.

There’s not much in the way of actual STEM budgeting. It’s all FIRE nonsense. Here we talk about it.

The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class.”

A cartoon illustrates the sort of person who would benefit from Biden’s Build Back Better programs: “Linda,” a white woman, who works at a manufacturing plant but struggles to raise her son, “Leo.”

One thing the White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.

“Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites.”

Over and over again, the bill is written expressly NOT to help the hardworking Linda, apparently because she is white.

Here are just a few examples:

— $1 billion to Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities for housing “needs.”

— $500 million for minority-serving schools of medicine.

— $112 million for teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).

— $75 million for culturally appropriate care management and services for older individuals who are racial and ethnic minorities or are underserved due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

— $75 million to study maternal health for pregnant and postpartum minority individuals.

— $50 million study maternal mortality among minorities.

— $50 million to improve behavioral health outcomes for communities of color with substance abuse.

— $75 million to increase research capacity at minority-serving institutions.

And on and on and on.

The very first item in Title II of the bill, titled “ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,” is a program to distribute more than $100 million in grants to address “low diversity within the teacher and school leader workforce.”

To be eligible for a grant, the recipient must have a plan “to increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering into the teacher, principal, or other school leader workforce.”

Similarly, the first provision of BBB’s “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” section is: “Minority Business Development Agency.”

But wait — here’s a plot twist!

This part also includes something for rural America! (So Democrats have heard of Appalachia.)

Twenty-one percent of the country is rural. Twenty-four percent is non-white. Guess how the money is divvied up?

One billion dollars for minorities and $200 million for “rural business centers.”

Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites. I’ve never seen so many synonyms for “non-white,” such as “persistent poverty communities,” “historically economically distressed,” “historical injustice” and “underserved communities.”

Hang on, Ann — what makes you think “underserved” means “non-white”?

I refer you to page 111 of the bill:

“This section also defines an ‘underserved community’ as a group of people who have been systematically denied the full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, [etc.].”

How about changes to our environmental laws?

White people love the environment!

Sorry, out of luck, again, white boy. BBB allocates almost $7 billion for …

“national service programs to carry out projects related to climate resilience and mitigation.”
Unfortunately, however, all those billions have to go to 

“entities that serve and have representation from low-income communities …; utilize culturally competent and multilingual strategies; … implemented by diverse participants from communities being served.”

One billion dollars of the “Climate Resilience and Mitigation” loot is specifically directed to “individuals who were formally incarcerated.” [Sic.]

Sure, climate change is important — but not as important as giving money to convicted felons!

What the hell happened to Linda?

Linda is wearing a hardhat, so her job has probably been outsourced. Maybe she’ll be helped by BBB’s humongous expansion of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program (TAA).

That’s the law passed in the 1960s to compensate American workers whose jobs have been shipped abroad by globalist swine who couldn’t care less about their fellow Americans and don’t mind that every single thing we need, including masks and medicine, is made in China.

Surely, some white people will qualify for that — steelworkers, autoworkers, glass, plastic and paper manufacturing employees.

In fact, the BBB hijacks the whole idea of compensating globalism’s losers and turns the TAA into just another massive welfare scheme.

Both the eligibility requirements and payment amounts are expanded beyond all reason, entitling “workers” to years and years of payouts, with no minimum employment period required, and no stipulation that trade has anything to do with the loss of their jobs.

Thus, for example, a program that is — again — meant to remunerate workers whose jobs were shipped abroad will now offer assistance to public sector employees.

How does a government employee lose a job at all — much less to trade? (I only wish we had Chinese people running our grade schools.)

Naturally, states will be required to work with “training providers” that have a proven track record serving “Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, members of other minority communities” and so on.

Republicans seem to think that if they just talk about how much Biden’s BBB plan costs, their job is done. They ought to read the bill. It might prompt them to finally say something about the Democrats’ clear animus against white Americans.    


Imagine. Imagine trillions of dollars going into these urban enclaves to serve the 13% of society. What will be the result? Will it be many bright and shining cities full of impressive skyscrapers, fast high speed trains, and more parks and infrastructure?

Where will the money go to, and who will have it, and what will they use it on? Because you KNOW that there is going to be a lot of holes in those massive sacks of money. So who is going to really benefit?

  • The under-employed and under-privileged?
  • Or the very wealthy that runs the cities like the mob bosses of old?

And of the money that flows to these areas, and those that flow out, what about the rest of the nation? Like Trump’s budget that make the Wall Street Bankers fantastically wealthy, this is poised to make the city mob bosses fantastically wealthy as well.

Who will not get wealthy?

I see the makings of a massive and colossal storm, and I do not want to be at ground zero when it hits. Look I am not being racist, I am being real. You just cannot exclude people from a budget by their race, upbringing or social standing on a whim and NOT expect consequences.

I am worried about those consequences.

And you should be as well.

It wouldn’t be so bad if there was some balance in the budget, but there isn’t any. It’s all a lopsided manifestation of corruption.

I have no answers, but I see no real changes anywhere in government structure. Just more of the same race baiting, underhand dealings and crime and corruption. For a nation that is supposed to be color-blind to race, this bill is the most racist document I have ever heard and read about. And that is disturbing. Because, knowing what I do know about the see-saw of American politics, that when the tide of public opinion flows in the other direction…

…things are going to get really, really bad. video 26MB

Ann said

How does a government employee lose a job at all — much less to trade? (I only wish we had Chinese people running our grade schools.) 

Well, it would American schools look like then? Well they would look like this…

Here’s a video about the roll call in first grade. video 25MB

Here’s a video on school food discipline, and eating everything that is on your plate. video 40MB

School; it would look like this. video 83MB

Second grade roll call. China. Discipline. video 6MB

School assembly practice. And it would look like this. video 55MB

And it would look like this. video 25MB

And like this too. video 27MB

America really needs to up it’s game instead of playing the blame game and pointing fingers. It needs to accept that the government is a travesty, the society is fucked up, and it is in it’s death thrall.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my New Beginnings 2 index here… New Beginnings 2 .

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The art of Jacob Collins

Jacob Collins is a living artist that I consider to be very talented and quite the master of the medium. His works speak to me, and I would like to share them with you. This is a simple article where we enjoy the art for the sake of beauty and nothing much else.

Please let’s enjoy the beauty of his art, for the sake of enjoyment only. Consider how you feel when you look at the paintings. I find art to be satisfying to me personally.

His art speaks to me. Like this first painting.

Nantucket Pines

Nantucket Pines

Candlemaker’s Stove

Candlemaker’s Stove

Seated Nude

Seated Nude

Trequanda Hillside

Trequanda Hillside

Tracks in Snow

Tracks in Snow

Calle des Hornes

Calle des Hornes

Grimaldi in Studio

Grimaldi in Studio



Reclining Nude

Reclining Nude


Art isn’t a singular painting that some wealthy patron buys and hoards inside his house. It is everything.

It is the dew on the grass in the morning, to the sleek lines of your clothes iron. It is the smile on your pet’s face when it is napping after a meal, and the warmth of a pile of clothes out of the dryer on a cold, cold Winter day.

I just wanted to share these images with you all. I hope that you enjoyed them.

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at painting? It’s not hard. You watch a few Bob Ross videos and get started. It’s fun, and a great way to relax and pass the time.

I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Art comes in many forms. From cooking up a delicious meal, to planting a garden, to woodworking a fence or mailbox. I for one enjoy art in all it’s many forms.

I hope that you too appreciate art. Whether it is a painted image, or a delicious steak, or maybe a nice handmade rocking chair, or perhaps a hand made whimsy for your front yard.

Savor the creative aspects that lie inside of us all.

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Art Index here…



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China sitrep December 2021

Oh my goodness!

Amazing skills of Chinese Kids

Video 2MB

“Given the gigantic scale of China’s achievements, anyone with sense in the world will study these intently.”

– There was a time when such things needed not be said.

Impressive speed of Change in China

Really impressive. Video 5MB

China is part of the solution

Video 1.5MB

Chinese vs. American “democracy”

Video 5.8MB

China and Cambodia relations

Contrary to the bullshit “news” out of the “West” China is great friends with it’s neighbors. Here’s a brief interview worthy of review. video 8MB


Sitrep: Here Comes China – Taking the lead – a dialogue on democracy in China

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog including a number of data points from Godfree Roberts

Did you know that a huge International Forum on Democracy is ongoing in China right now?  This is before the supposed Biden “Summit on Democracy” which is an attempt to divide the world into Democracies and Autocracies, according to the wishes of the rules-based international order.

As we have seen so often from China, they acted with incredible speed and presented their own high-quality International Forum.  They also published a Chinese White Paper on Democracy and it outlines how their Whole Process People’s Democracy functions for their people:

In addition, China released a full report on the state of US democracy:

Interesting to note the tussle for the meaning of ‘democracy’ between PRC, or rather CPC, and the Empire in the CGTN piece.

China has learned over the past three years how to defend itself against accusations coming from the combined Western influence sphere.  Although we know that the media in general still balances toward the combined Western Sphere, there is now a serious contender in the room with the ability, incredible speed of implementation, track record, education, and creative expressive talent to gain media supremacy in getting their message to the world.

Oh, the poor ‘partners’ …


The ‘partners’ are being led by their noses.  The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the US and its allies are the “biggest beneficiaries” of Australia’s trade row with China. Washington is in bed with Canberra, at the same time, it points the finger at Beijing and in the background, it picks up Australia’s lost Chinese trade.  So, simply stated, all the trade that Australia lost in their trade row with China, from coal to iron ore to meat, the US quietly picked up.


From Taiwan, I hear a similar activity is taking place but this is not yet confirmed by the needed 3 sources.  The idea of keeping the issues with Taiwan hot, is that the Taiwanese semiconductor foundry company (TSMC), the biggest employer in Taiwan with a raft of supporting industries around it, is being moved lock, stock, barrel, and existence to new facilities in Arizona.  We will wait for more confirmation, but this is a very dangerous move to make, as TSMC is not only the biggest semiconductor company in the world, the industry itself depends on a highly educated and trained workforce.  The Taiwanese workforce will lose its lunch.


Following the US sanctions, China’s government stood up and took notice, and, being China, it wasn’t long before they developed a long term plan: Build from the ground up an entirely China developed chip manufacturing system that is 100% free from foreign companies and intellectual property.

Beijing hired over 100 TSMC specialists to help build their own semi-conductor industry and has been diligently building its own chips so it is not reliant on Taiwan:

To that end, a couple of years ago China set up several institutes of technology dedicated to training the physicists, engineers and workers needed to develop chip manufacturing techniques and technology that is free of western IP. The timetable is to be able to bulk manufacture 14nm chips (think PC desktops from two years ago) by 2024, to manufacture the current generation of chips by 2028 and to be equal with the best in the world by 2030.

The Chinese know that the “silicon tech route” is nearing its end and so they know that they can’t win the competition following that route. So their investments in the silicon route will remain limited.

The thinking in China is now focused on what comes after “Moore’s Law”. They know that the West is invested in the silicon route and needs to recuperate its huge investments by generating profits in that route. This means that the West will not be able to focus its investments on newer routes for the foreseeable future. Such a situation is seen as an opportunity : few competitors and the potential to being first to master these new technological routes.

Chinese technology institutes are fully immersed in these new routes. And huge investments are now being realized to try to leapfrog the Western Silicon Route by focusing on carbon chips or photonic-chips that seem to promise far higher speeds and far lower energy consumption…

China’s New Hypersonic Aircraft Is Based on a Rejected NASA Design

And it can go faster than five times the speed of sound.

A team of researchers in China has built and tested a prototype hypersonic flight engine that is allegedly based on a design that was scrapped by NASA over 20 years ago, according to a report from the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

The prototype itself might not lead to a production version of hypersonic aircraft. Still, in a paper in the Journal of Propulsion Technology, the team behind the machine said “understanding its work mechanism can provide important guidance to hypersonic plane and engine development.” 

NASA’s scrapped X-47C program is revived

The original design was proposed by Ming Han Tang, a former chief engineer of NASA’s hypersonic program in the late 1990s. Tang’s Two-Stage Vehicle (TSV) X-plane design was at the center of the Boeing Manta X-47C program, as per the SCMP report. However, before the program could verify the viability of the design, it was terminated by the U.S. government due to its high costs as well as a series of technical issues.

Unlike the majority of hypersonic aircraft proposals, which feature an engine on the underside, the TSV X-plane design by Tang has two separate engines on each side. At lower speeds, the engines work as normal turbine jet engines. With no moving parts, the configuration then allows the aircraft to quickly switch to high-speed mode to accelerate to more than five times the speed of sound.

Now, Professor Tan Huijun and colleagues at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Jiangsu, China, have constructed a prototype based on Tang’s original specifications. They were able to do this due to the fact that the blueprints for the Boeing Manta X-47C program were declassified in 2011. Huijun and his team tested the prototype in a wind tunnel that allows testing in conditions resembling flight at Mach 4 to Mach 8. The tests revealed that Tang’s proposed engine design works in these conditions, meaning they should be able to conduct further tests and build new iterations of their prototype. 

The race to go hypersonic

The U.S. and China are in the midst of a space and aviation race. According to the SCMP article, a number of high-profile Chinese scientists quit NASA and other government engineering firms in the U.S. in the late 90s due to strained relations between the two countries. This reportedly coincided with the start of China’s hypersonic weapons program in the early 2000s.

China’s space agency recently announced that it is building a fission reactor for the Moon that will reportedly be 100 times more powerful than one in development by NASA. China’s government also announced earlier this year that it will collaborate with Russia on a lunar space station, which will directly rival NASA’s lunar Gateway program. In October, China also launched a hypersonic missile with “an advanced space capability” that took U.S. officials by surprise.

In July, meanwhile, the U.S. Air Force granted a hypersonic aircraft startup called Hermeus a $60 million contract to develop a prototype aircraft within three years that could travel at speeds of Mach 5 using only one engine. The race to go hypersonic is in full force.

China facts tell it all.

Seriously. When you see what the United States is, how it operates, and what it is doing you cannot help but come to the most obvious of obvious conclusions. video 60MB

Impressions of China

video 24MB

How Chinese Democracy works…

What most people seem not to know is that this internal process of representation in the party is mirrored at the level of state institutions :

— direct public elections take place at the local level of rural villages (since the nineties if my memory serves me well). Everyone can decide to be a candidate and all villagers can vote for the candidate of their choice. Cities rely on voluntary participation in local “quarters” (sorry I don’t know the right English word). The same goes on in the lowest party structure which is the local cell.

— the elected officials of the multiple villages then elect their representatives at the district level by choosing among themselves who they think is the most qualified to have authority over themselves in the future.

— and this representation mechanism is repeated at the higher institutional levels till the top echelon the Political Bureau.

The West calls democracy the fact of voting for representatives every 4 or 5 years. But in the meantime the citizens have no say over any decisions at the different institutional levels of state power.

In China things are quite different.

Representatives, elected directly by the people or elected among themselves, have to implement the will of the people. This is done through various consultation mechanisms.

Direct consultation means asking for the citizens’ opinions about the texts of a legislation before it is being voted upon… Some legislation texts come for public consultation then are reworked by the Congress and the reworked version comes back for further consultation…

Indirect consultation means various polling techniques. The implement of the will of the people necessarily implies that congress members know what the people want. Polling in China is not about getting someone elected. It is about legislating according to the will of the people…


A taste of China

Dancing at the gateway to the Tibetan plateau. video 4MB

William Buffet Explains

Video 2.4MB

The Chinese are able to save money

They they can. In a nation that is not for-profit, that cares about the well being of it’s people, of course families can save, strive and grow. video 6MB

All the latest from Godfree Roberts’ newsletter,

Here Comes China:

BeiDou conducted the first inter-satellite and ground station communication using using lasers instead of radio signals, transmitting data a million times faster than radio and increasing satnav accuracy 4000%. Read full article →

A high-speed railway linking China to landlocked Laos opened Friday. The 660-mile, 160 km/h line runs through mountains and ravines from Kunming to Vientiane. Read full article →

Premier Li Keqiang says the establishment of a centre in Hong Kong to handle Asia – Africa trade and investment disputes will strengthen the city’s role as an arbitration hub and “provide more convenient and efficient dispute resolution services” for parties in both regions. [It also bypasses the WTO–Ed.] Read full article  →

China’s service trade rose 13% YoY to $659 billion in the first ten months of the year. Service exports rose 29% YoY, and service imports rose 1%. In October alone, the country’s service trade hit 414 billion yuan, up 24% YoY. Read full article  →

China now leads the world in trade of both goods and services and its trading partners now cover 230 countries and regions. China contributed 35% of the growth in global imports in the past five years. Read full article  →

Meeting its carbon goals could save China trillions: China could dodge $134 trillion in climate-related losses by meeting carbon neutrality targe. China is predicted to see an 81% reduction in its accumulative climate-related losses by 2100 if it achieves its carbon neutrality target, according to a new study from think tanks in Beijing and London. Read full article →

And extreme ethics violation in my view:  In 2018, Dr. He Jiankui shocked the world by announcing that he had used the CRISPR genome-editing technique to alter embryos that were implanted and led to the birth of two children. Today, the children are healthy toddlers and Western researchers want to get their hands on their DNA.  Read full article →

China has doubled installed renewable energy capacity since 2015, to one billion kW, or 43% of total installation: Wind power generation increased 30% year-on-year (299 million kWs), solar power generation grew 24% (282 million kWs), and hydropower remains at 385 million kWs; Cost inflation delays solar energy expansion. Read full article →

New groundwater regulations tackle overuse and contamination of 16 billion m³/year of water. Fines could reach  $783,000 daily. Right now 44% of groundwater monitoring stations record Grade V, the lowest water quality. Read full article →

China is scouring the countryside to find native seed, animal and fish genetic resources in a national germplasm census to protect “family property” and gain self-reliance in crop and animal breeding. “Excellent” plant and animal resources will be protected on company-run farms if they are in danger of extinction or turned over to Chinese breeding companies to exploit their commercial potential to propel Chinese seed companies as global competitors. Read full article →

Guinea-Bissau and Eritrea join the Belt And Road Initiative. Guinea-Bissau covers 36,125 square kilometres, with a population of 1,874,303, and like China’s Macau, was once part of the Portuguese Empire. Eritrea also signed an MoU with China to join the BRI and is expected to cement China’s presence in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea, with interests ranging from a military base to protect shipping, in addition to infrastructure projects in ports and railways. China has been investing in the country for some time. Read full article →

To conclude, China developed its policies to deal with its national issues. But in so doing it has created both practical and theoretical achievements which are the world’s most advanced. China has never asked other countries to learn from its example, but neither can if forbid them to do so. Given the gigantic scale of China’s achievements anyone with sense in the world will study these intently. The “Resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century” is therefore not only key for China, it is a document of crucial importance for the entire world. Learning from China.

China is going to grow a lot more.

You bet that it will. video 5MB

China inspirational song

This is big all over China. Let the Western news media and their idiotic leadership howl. China ain’t taking shit from no one. Deal with it. video 5MB

How China selects and trains it’s leadership

So very, very different from the group of morns that run the West these days. It’s actually applaudable. video 80MB

Chinese High Speed Train

It’s commonplace all over China. Not a big deal. video 5MB


Do your best. Be good, and realize that there are places on the planet that have their act together. China is one of those places.

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Affirmation templates to assist in the development of ESP capability

This article provides a series of general affirmation templates that are useful to help increase your extra-sensory-perception (ESP) abilities. There are many such ESP abilities.

I have found sources on the internet that describe hundreds of these abilities.

What we will do here is just comer some of the more critical or popular abilities that one might wish to learn or acquire.

In all cases, if you want to increase your psychic abilities you must accept the fact that this is a learned skill. No one is actually gifted with these skills. They have to practice and work on their studies to master them. However, by adding specific affirmations to a affirmation prayer campaign, one is able to really speed up the process that one would use to obtain these abilities.

I urge those who wish to learn of these abilities to select one and only one ability, and then work on it to the exclusion of any other ESP ability. Go step by step, and take slow methodical actions toward your end objectives. You can always add other ESP abilities later on. To accomplish this goal you will need to add statements 1 and 2 to your present (or future) affirmation campaign, and then add the specific ESP target statements as described below.

Basic Statement 1

No matter what ESP skill set you wish to acquire, you should add the following base line statements to your prayer campaigns. These statements are a fundamental necessity regarding the learning and acquisition process.

  • I am improving, learning, and expanding upon my ability to perform XXXXXX .

Where XXXXXX is the name of the ESP skill that you are trying to acquire.

Basic Statement 2

This second statement specifies the techniques that you wish to use to acquire this skill. And you can include all the techniques, or just utilize one technique cautiously.

  • The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via YYYYYY.

Where YYYYYY can be any of the following items, either collectively (and listed as such) or a single specific technique.

1. Visual Learning

Visual learners prefer to see things drawn out or in graphs to understand concepts. If you like to doodle, draw, or create mind maps, it’s likely that you’re a visual learner. Visual learners use images and symbols to connect concepts and be able to see relationships between ideas. It’s common for people who become architects, designers, engineers, and project managers to prefer this style of learning. By specifying “visual learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking for videos, movies, pictures, drawings, and other forms of written, or media representation to teach you and instruct you. In so doing, you will be directed towards books, movies, or art that will help you obtain the education that you are looking for.

2. Auditory Learning

This style is also known as aural or auditory-musical. Such learners like to listen and hear information in order to process it optimally. Those who lean towards aural learning are able to notice the nuances between pitch and tone. Some professions that bode well for auditory learners include: musicians, speech pathologists, sound engineers, and language teachers. By specifying “Auditory Learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking or requesting to be directed to speeches, classes, audio tapes, or teachers who will speak to you and that would help you obtain the education that you are looking for.

3. Verbal Learning

If you love words and writing, you’re likely a verbal learner. Linguistic learners enjoy reading and writing and enjoy word play. Some techniques that verbal learners employ to soak up information could include role playing and using mnemonic devices. Verbal learners are likely to become writers or journalists or work in politics and administration roles. If you specify this type of learning, you will be directed to books, teachers, situations, and mentors.

4. Physical Learning

Kinesthetic or physical learners are hands-on. Rather than watching a demo or listening to directions, physical learners like to perform the task. Some careers that are well-suited for kinesthetic learners include: EMTs, physical education, or working in the entertainment industry as singers or actors. If you specify this kind of learning route, then you will be provided with situations that will actually teach you the skills. This will be physical, as well as non-physical where you would learn from your dream adventures.

5. Logical Learning

Logical learners have a mathematical brain. They can recognize patterns easily and connect concepts. To understand ideas, they prefer to group them into categories. Logical learners are most often found in math-related professions, like accounting, bookkeeping, computer science, or research. If you specify this kind of learning methodology, you will find yourself in situations where you would have to solve, which would then develop your targeted ESP skill.

6. Social Learning

Social learners are known as interpersonal learners. They can communicate well both verbally and non-verbally. Social learners have a distinctive sensitivity and an empathetic nature. This is why they often work in social fields that help others, like counseling, coaching, or teaching. Social learners tend to also thrive in a sales environment because it relies on interpersonal connections. If you specify this type of learning, then you would find yourself in situations where you interact with others, and through that interaction, you would obtain knowledge, and training related to your ESP skill set.

7. Solitary Learning

Intrapersonal learners like their solitude. When you think of this type of learner, you can imagine an author or researcher who spends a lot of time with their own thoughts and works best with the least distractions. If this is your preferred method of learning then you would rely very much on your “gut instincts”, and interpretation of the situations that you find yourself in. As a result, you would, over time, learn the necessary ESP skill set that you are searching for.

Replacements for Basic Statement 2

I have found that it might be more acceptable for you not to predefine the learning mechanism that you would learn to use the skill. But rather, that you would simply specify that the best, and most easy method to learn be provided to you.

  • The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via the most effective available to me, and that I utilize it to it’s fullest potential.

The different types of ESP skills

The following are various ESP skills. You select the singular skill that you want to learn or improve and then incorporate the affirmations associated with that skill in your affirmation campaign.

Astral Projection

Astral projection is the ability to will your conscious out of your body. This type of psychic experience is similar to an out of body experience (OBE), except astral projection is voluntary, while OBE is typically involuntary. Astral projection is achieved through meditation and allows your astral body (also called a “soul”) to travel places your physical body cannot; for example, through walls and doors.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a psychic ability that requires one to channel spirits in order to write messages from the beyond. This type of psychic power does not involve the conscious mind, but rather requires the individual to be in a trance-like state, with their hands moving unconsciously across a page to convey supernatural messages. The key is to be able to “turn off” the “noise” from your brain.


Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the normal human perception. This could mean anything from hearing voices, noises, and music from the supernatural world, or being able to hear messages from inanimate objects like minerals, crystals, and special artifacts.


Also called ‘clear knowing’, claircognizance is a psychic power in which a person is able to know things without any previous knowledge on the subject. It is conventionally believed that this knowledge is bestowed upon the psychic by a spirit guide or by their higher self. I consider it an access point to their (suppressed) memories.

Scene from the movie “Push”.


Clairgustance is the supernatural ability to taste a substance without making contact. It tends to happen and occur when you have a strong association or relationship with a person eating or around such an item.


Clairsentience is the psychic ability to sense or feel something supernatural. Psychics with this ability are able to acquire knowledge through feeling spirits and energies in the enteral world. According to Psychic Library, clairsentience is the ability to sense the past, present, or future emotional and physical state of a person. For example, psychics with clairsentience could meet a person and instantly know their name, birthday, emotional state, and other important details about their life. This often works based on the energies that surround a person, but it can also a result of channeling someone’s emotion after physically touching them.

Bruce Willis in the movie “Unbreakable”.


One of the most known forms of psychic power, clairvoyance is the ability to see things beyond the physical sphere, like auras, spirits, and visions, and it also includes being able to see into the past and future. Unlike other psychics, clairvoyants have the unique ability to see spirits or ghosts and communicate with them. They can also tell someone’s fortune by looking into the future.

Bruce Willis in the movie “The Sixth Sense”.


The noble art of divination is the practice of gathering evidence from the spiritual world to interpret the physical world. There are many different ways to practice divination in order to predict the future, reveal things from the past, or better understand the present. For example, some of the most common types of divination practices involve tarot cards, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards, pendulums, dowsing, scrying, bibliomancy, and the use of many other tools to translate messages from the ethereal world. Those who practice divinations believe that the ethereal world and the physical world are closely linked, and that the tokens or objects they are using to create a prophecy have either been marked by a supernatural energy as a type of clue, or are a type of medium communication tools between the two spheres.


Also referred to as ‘channeling’, mediumship is the ability to communicate directly with spirits. Psychics with this ability essentially act as a “medium” to relay messages from the spiritual world. There are different types of mediumship, but the most commonly known, perhaps, involves a spirit taking over the medium’s body and using their voice to communicate. Other mediums, however, can only speak to and hear messages from spirits, and then pass along the message themselves.


One of the MM followers is a “Precog”. Who would figure? Precognition is the ability to predict the future and future events. Psychics may experience precognition in different ways, but the most common, perhaps, is through detailed dreams. Others may experience precognition as a by-product of other psychic powers, like clairvoyance or ESP (extrasensory perception).

Precog in the movie “Minority Report”.

Psychic Channeling

Psychic channeling is another word for mediumship. This type of ability involves channeling spirits from the ethereal world, in order to communicate with the dead, ask questions about the future, or better understand the present. While channeling a spirit, the spirit can in some cases take over the psychic’s physical body, similar to a possession. However, in other cases, the psychic can only pick up on the emotion of a spirit and use other clues to try to piece together a message. Some even suggest that when you use a Ouija board you are performing a low level of channeling to move your hands across the board and create a message.

Psychic Empathy

In general, psychic empathy is the ability to feel or sense another person’s emotions. This skill is something that most people have in varying degrees, but psychic empathy gives you the power to sense another’s emotions without any physical cues. Often psychic empathy works by detecting the energy of one’s aura or energy field. This is something that all business managers and leaders learn to do over time. It comes with the territory if you grow to your position through effort and hard work.


Psychometry is a type of psychic power where an individual can experience visions or emotions related to a place or object just by touching it. Also called token-object reading, the psychic will usually hold an object in their hands, such as a photograph or piece of clothing, in order to summon information about the object. In addition, this types of power is sometimes used to communicate with animals, by detecting certain images or emotions.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is the ability to receive visions or impressions related to a distant object or place. This practice is a type of extrasensory perception (ESP). I can tell you that I have done this and over time, I have become pretty good at it. But I have allowed this skill to fall into disuse by the stresses of life and family.


Also referred to as post-cognition, retrocognition is the ability to see into the past. This is the opposite of precognition, which is the ability to see into the future. Retrocognition can occur in many ways, but most commonly it occurs while the psychic is dreaming.


Scrying is a type of psychic power that is related in many ways to divinations. Scrying is a technique in which a psychic looks into an appropriate medium to receive a message or vision. In popular culture, the most popular type of scrying is crystal gazing, often depicting mediums gazing into a crystal ball in order to read the future. However, scrying doesn’t always have to deal with a crystal or glass object.


One of the most fictionalized forms of psychic power, telekinesis is the ability to move objects in the physical world with your mind. Think “the force” from Star Wars or some of the superheroes from X-Men. This type of psychic power is extremely rare.

Scene from the movie “Push” where the character uses his mind to move the dice to win a bet.


Have you ever wanted to plant a thought is someone’s mind? Well, that’s exactly what can happen with telepathy. Telepathy is a type of psychic power that allows mind-to-mind communication. There are varying degrees of telepathy, but in powerful cases, the psychic can communicate clear and complete thoughts in just a blink of an eye. In addition, telepathy isn’t only limited to human to human interactions. Animal telepathy is also a popular sect of psychic practice. I can tell you that I have done this on multiple occasions. That I believe that it is a common human skill, but it needs to be trained to work properly.


There is nothing strange or unusual about having ESP abilities. It is simply a way to utilize your non-physical body to solve physical problems. It’s a true shame that we were not taught how to do this at an early age, and as a result, many people live stunted, frail, and shadow existences wholly manipulated by others and suffer the folly pitfalls of greed, lust and vice. Follow the guidelines above, and learn to enhance and use the skill sets that you have long neglected throughout your life. I believe in you.

Scene from the movie “Push”.

Do you want more?

I have more posts related to this in my Affirmation Campaign index here… Intention Campaigns

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Part 1 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander in December 2021

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This group concentrates on a number specifically asked by top influencers, lurkers, and participants on the MM website. In this instance I took my time to get and obtain answers to the various questions, and devoted time and effort to acquire the most accurate and useful information possible.

This group was compiled and answered in December 2021. There are two parts to this session. This is part 1. Part 2 follows.

The truth be told, I had to spread this Q&A out, and many times it was extremely difficult for me to read the actual answers as my physical life was chaotic, noisy, demanding and discordant at the time that I received the answers. I need quiet, peace and calm. But with house construction all around, a two year old, and the demands of life, work, industry and circumstance, it’s just been difficult.

All of these questions are exactly as posted to me, either by email, comments, or in the forum.

Keep in mind that I also needed to differentiate between “noise”, my “internal thoughts” and “The Commander”.  What I do not EVER want to happen is my own personal thoughts, and ideas override what the Commander is telling me.

So in this particular instance, and throughout this article, I have asked to “increase the gain” and “open up the volume”, even though it is more uncomfortable for me personally, so that I can obtain the best quality responses free of any personal opinions or thoughts.

[1] Question: Close Encounter 5 Protocol

“Some are familiar with Dr. Steven Greer’s “Close Encounter 5” protocol through his film and interviews. Is this a useful or productive activity? Is there reason to be cautious, or other qualifications to consider?”

From HERE;

The Close Encounters-5 (CE-5) protocol or “human to alien contact process” uses meditation as a baseline skill to accomplish the communication. As a seasoned Buddhist monastic, I have good experience with preparatory things to not do while getting ready for a serious meditation session. Since many CE-5 group events are scheduled events, I tend to look at them like little mini-meditation retreats. 

Prepping for a meditation event should start 48 to 72 hours prior to the event. This preparatory work is mostly related to food and beverage intake. At least 48 hours in advance of a retreat meditation session, cut most, if not all, intake of alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks and soda pop. Alcohol is a depressant, Caffeine is a stimulant. And soda is gassy. These beverages have an impact on meditative practice. 

Now let’s put some wisdom on the table about this. A cup of coffee in the morning is one thing, and so is a small glass of table wine with dinner. But multiple cups of coffee at work followed by super-sized, high-sugar, high-caffeinated soda is another. Nothing impacts meditation worse than caffeine jitters or soda-induced gas movement within the body.

Experience has taught us that certain foods aren’t conducive to good meditative practice, either. Cauliflower, onions and garlic can cause gassy responses that are unsettling in meditation, if not noisy. Spicy sausage, pepperoni and pizza are certainly not advised during the same day of an evening meditative CE-5 event. 

On the day of a CE-5 event, give yourself plenty of time for a leisurely drive to the event. Arrive early, then give yourself a chance to “cool down” after the agitations from highway driving. Take a settling walk at the CE-5 site and relax.

It’s also important NOT to engage in any recreational drugs or alcohol prior to meditation. You are only setting yourself up for failure or at least a seriously diminished experience. CE-5 protocols forbid such practices at the events. 

While we’re on the subject of mind-altering substances, they have no place in the meditative experience. Anyone who tells you that some substance will enhance your meditative experience is lying to you. 

The objective at a CE-5 event is to quiet your mind and shift your consciousness in such a way that your reality is expanded and you establish a common ground where it’s possible to consciously communicate with extraterrestrials. 

“The objective of the “C5 Protocol” seems to be summoning and communicating with transdimensional/ET entities through group focused meditation, with the goal of hastening sentience alignment.”

So what is the specific question?

Can meditation techniques be used to contact extraterrestrial entities?

Yes. They can be used. However, they do not have to be used. 

When we contacted you (MM) you were not in a meditative state. We simply blasted through whatever consciousness walls that were acquired over your human life. We still contact you now, just like we are doing today. Or course that is by EBP (sic.) and direct. However the system process remains the same.

This questioner is focused not on extraterrestrial / non-physical form comm channels, but rather the skin-suit human initiating contact with an unknown entity; sending out a beacon or signal so that something / someone / some other entity would answer it and open up lines of communication.

To that I can offer some advisement's.

[1] How often does the MM readership / humans / people in general enjoy watching commercials, hanging on and listening to telephone advertisements, or read the Berma-shave ads? Do people really read the fine print on a Lydia Pinkham bottle? Most, when confronted with unwanted solicitations, turn them off and ignore them. The same is true for mental telepathy. It's just M-band (sic.) noise that needs to be filtered out. Any well intentioned skin -suit will need to understand that any signal that they send out will just be interpreted as background noise.

[2] To communicate, you need two consciousnesses. One to transmit and send, and the other to receive. unless you specify who is the recipient of the comm channel, the "message" will just bounce around without going going anywhere. You need a very specific target to send to.

[3] General group "messages" can result in responses. This is simply due to the large number of participants increase the depth and color  / image complexity of the message, and other species can notice the message. It is like driving a black Model-T automobile, and then a fancy white Packard zooms by on the road. You notice it because it stands out.

[4] There's many threats and hazards outside of the physical general population area of the Prison Complex. You do not want to invite any of these entities into your life, but you do take that risk when trying to open up a comm channel without a target.

In general, meditation and fasting, good healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as consciousness centering are important physical practices for every skin-suit to partake in. Whether or not they are important in one's ability to communicate with strangers is a personal matter that varies from individual to individual.

[2] Question – mRNA vaccines

May I ask about the Western vaccines and what’s in store for us? It’s more than a little worrying considering the Deagel figures are correlating with the vaccine roll-out so well. So many friends and family have had their MRNA shots here and the hive-mind willful ignorance is fast approaching mandatory injections. Even my twelve year old nephew has had it.

I’ve had two AZ jabs. That’s not MRNA but still produces the full “Spike Protein.” I’m supposed to get a Pfizer “booster” shot and dodging that will become more difficult soon.

So the questions I’d like to ask are:

What timescale is involved with the vaccines going wrong?

I calmed myself down and opened up a comm channel. I intentionally forced myself to receive and not to interject anything into this most important discussion. The comm opened up at 14:59 Thursday afternoon.

The entire premise of the mRNA "vaccine" protocol, as it has been promoted, is in error. There needs to be some other alterations in the chemical mixture injected that will mitigate the bad or more worrisome effects. 

This mRNA injection is not a vaccine. It is an injection that is designed to alter the population / society control by the governments that use this methodology.

The concept is that this injection will require as-needed boosters to act as a shield to all manner of foreign substances, germs and viruses. This is not only attractive from that point of view, but that it will also become a predominant revenue stream to the producers of that injection formula. 

The governments that promote and use this injection scheme do so with no intention of vaccinating anyone. What they want is a platform to easily control, and defend the population with, when they create dangerous viral weapons to launch against the rest of the world.

The nations favor this methodology as they can include other chemicals and substances at will that would be useful for them to maintaining crowd control, and to manipulate the population. Already there has been developed systems that resonate with the injected mRNA resultant mutations that create harmonics that allow the government to change the actions and thoughts of the injected populations.

They can thus calm, anger, upset, or create any kind of emotional reactions in the population that they control simply by having the population so injected, and then pulsing frequencies at them through social media.

This system is fraught with difficulties, and none of these were addressed during the rollout phase. And today some of the side effects are being noticed. This includes the biggest culprit with is known as the "spike protein", but others that alter the cell structures in a negative vector downward trend. The enthalpic result is early organ failures, particularly of the critical priority organs such as liver, heart, kidneys and lungs.

The damage is being noticed with alarm throughout the nations using this type of injection. However, they have mandated that there shouldn't be any reporting of the danger, and the damages and deaths that have resulted so far. 

Unless there is a direct change in the policy positions of the various governments involved, then you can expect an increase in hospitalizations and deaths. None of which will be recorded as due to the mRNA injection, but rather to other causes.

Due to the number of people so injected, there should be an increase in deaths directly attributed to the mRNA alterations through 2022, into 2023. 

By late 2023, the deaths should be obvious to all, and catastrophic emergency steps would most likely take place by the governments involved, with peak damage manifesting in the 2024 time period.

This forecast can be changed and vectored to other outcomes provided that a different world-line anchoring program is in planning and in process of being implemented. Unfortunately, we (The Domain) and MAJestic (in whatever incarnation it is today) is not operating such a program.

There is another option, where immediate rectification injections occur and take place that would minimize the adverse effects of the spike protein alterations. There is action in this regard, but we have no information whether it will be implemented by the government so involved. Our supposition is that the results will be tabled and not acted upon for political concerns.

Prior histories suggest that a "black market" for these modification mRNA injections open up, and would be able to be procured by individuals with the proper currency of value at that time.But whether that will happen in this case is unknown.

The specific answer to the question is that deaths as a result of the mRNA injections are taking place presently. They will increase in scope and magnitude. By late 2023 it will be obvious that there is a major problem, and that at that time the actions of an increasingly unstable government leadership is difficult to predict.

Is it just the mRNA vaccines that are affected or all Western vaccines?

Only the mRNA injections are so compromised. 

The problem associated with the increase in causality figures have to do with an unanticipated side effect related to spike protein utility. This is only associated with the mRNA injections.

Alteration of the spike protein though methodology not associated with mRNA changes should not be a concern. The problem is intentional mRNA alterations. Not the spike protein itself.

With the other injections operate in other ways, and all have their own issues, as do the "dead host" vaccines, the primary worry and concern is with the mRNA injections that alter DNA. 

If anyone has taken the mRNA injection, the best thing to do is to maintain good health and healthy behaviors. This become more critical as this will help mitigate any potential problems created by the spike protein. 

Further, exercise, always needed, should become a priority.  Not just for good health but to enrich cell wall maintenance with fine oxidization. The problem with this side effect is that people continue to indulge in unhealthy behavior when they should start eating better, performing a minimum of exercise and controlling their thoughts.

Exercise with fresh air is best. This would be a nice walk in the woods or forests, a bicycle ride along a river or a lake, or even a icy swim (Russian style) in a frozen lake.

If you have taken an mRNA injection you will seriously need to change your diet. Processed foods will need to be eliminated from your diet.

Both exercise and diet will not, alone, prevent the catastrophic side effects of an errant mRNA initiated spike protein, but they will allow your body to heal if and when the consequences of a errant spike protein becomes apparent.

And this patent fell into my lap…

[3] Question – Current role and background.

As I read more and more of MMs material I come across many of what I can only describe as synchronicities in life and experiences.

I wonder about my experiences in LD that shadow his experiences in the non physical planes, the similar way I was (seemingly) trained through LD. this includes the sudden urge to join the air-force and the seemingly bizarre way my mind sometimes works where a maddening urge to do something will drive me in a particular direction to the point I cannot not focus on it. Further, the idea I am entangled within the life of SD (and everything that was stated about her last Q&A) and I have to wonder;

Am I simply a consciousness experimenter who got caught up in something much, much bigger than he was ever anticipating to get caught up in or am I something/ someone else entirely? Who is Trick or Trip?

You are something else entirely. 

You are not an average person / NPC / shadow person (sic.) / follower / rabble / crowd member. The role you are living out right now was planned for prior to your birth in great detail, and coordinated with both MM and SD. 

SD is part of something completely different from that of MM, and you are part of that situation / condition / arrangement / reality / segment.

I cannot divulge your relationship with SD except to say that it is significant and that you have and hold a major role in her many (and multiple) lives and her on going objectives. This includes repeating reincarnated experiences, and journeys in and out of the general population segments of the prison complex.

Because you straddle the mission parameters with both MM and SD, you have a dichotomy of reactions with includes some that are not fully actuated to your own ideals. This is a consequence of understandings and experiences that broach both worlds and being the interface between them causes you some personal discomfort. You are aware of this but do not vocalize it for fear of the loss of face / consequences / fear / misunderstanding. But it is quite reasonable given your unbridled power inherent in the abilities that you have actuated at pre-birth.

You should not worry or be concerned with who you are or what your role is. You have, yourself, mapped out this life (of yours) in great detail, and you are following it adroitly. In fact, you are not straying off your mapped out (I picture a pumpkin colored thick dotted line) route through the MWI (sic.) as most others tend to do. 

You have / possess great discipline in the regard to your mission parameters and a great deal of control over your actuated and unrealized abilities (purposefully suppressed for this particular life). The fact that you agreed to this role , and SD adapted her life to accommodate your desires speaks well of your plans, intentions and value. 

Your role is not accidental. Nor it is trivial. Nor it is a developed vector that adapted to changing concerns and environs. It is planned and fated by you working in conjunction with your leadership. Your leadership, is not who you (in this physical manifestation) associate with, but something else. Who that is is not directly obvious to you at this time, and should be of no concern to you.

Most IS-BE inmates in the prison skin-suits come from a great and diverse background that stands apart in stack contrast to the baseline "average" inmate. In your case it is clear that you are part of a team working on multi-dimensional fracturing and disassembly of pocket universes associated with this prison complex. This benefits The Domain and so a shared relationship was forged which included your voluntary participation.

All that you are doing now has great value and is significant.

Many of the advantages of your efforts will be realized within a sixty to seventy-five year period hence. You are but laying the fundamental groundwork for your follow up efforts later on. This is all part of your agreed upon strategy and why you have been gifted / granted / authorized / adapted to the skill sets that you currently enjoy and have utilized.

On a personal note, SD should be doing better now. It's not just your fears at the time, but we took care of some matters with her other body(s) that should make things slightly / a bit / somewhat easier for her from now on. Of course, we did so with her approvals, as well as both of your leadership. If your physical body / state / being is uncomfortable with this, we will stop this kind of protective alterations. You need only vocalize it.

Your physical health is fine. You need not worry or concern yourself with the fears that are manifesting. 

However, you should get more fresh air (The term "fresh air" seems to be a very important theme right now) on outside walks, and watch your food intake. Maintenance of diet is important for everyone in your family right now. 

You will also see a degree of clarity in your LD efforts and that will become a measure of your physical health.

[4] Question – Life prior to imprisonment

I would like to ask a personal question as well because I hope that the answer might unlock past memories and help me get closer to my purpose in this life:

Who and where was I before life in this prison environment and how did I end up here?

It would really feed my curiosity to receive a short reading from my file in the Domain archive if there is one. I understand if you choose not to ask it because it is too irrelevant to everyone else.

Thanks for going through these exhausting communication sessions with the commander! They are very insightful packed with food for thought!

(Tuning in like that of an old shortwave radio for some reason. Like crackling noise and drift. Curious. I guess it is the Commander's way of telling me that he is accessing a computer files or records. Really odd. Quaint. Like how someone uses an old fashioned telephone bell on their brand new cell phone. -MM)

You lived in the "Old Empire". You had spent many life-times and reincarnations in the "Old Empire", and your life predated it's arrival when it came into being and conquered the worlds that you had come to refer to as your "home".

You had preferred a singular species, rather than jump for species to species as is sometimes the case. You held roles in multiple sexes. All three of the dominant sexual orientations appear to have been your preference. With no specific preference one way or the other. You are uncomfortable on the earth as it is far brighter and more electromagnetically charged environment than what you have become accustomed to.

I know that you are especially curious about your appearance, your home(s) and friends that you left behind. 

Your species trivially resembled a satyr of the Greek mythology. Only that you were were far shorter than what is depicted in paintings and illustrations. The male form possessed a rather long and always rigid penis, and the female form was without horns. The third / incubated / hosting / transitional form had a tail (?) with a large belly (?). All forms had hooves and hairy legs as depicted in ancient Greek art. 

Your homes were of the "Old Empire" standard model and truly resembled "old medieval style". As was true to your species, when in the male form you cavorted with members of the other sexes and indulged in many parties and recreational pursuits. And yes, you have many friends that still exist inside the "Old Empires" that miss you and would like to see you again. Often in the female form you raised rabbits. It was a great love of yours. And these rabbits are of the same identical form as what are present on the earth today.

You were incarcerated because you had broke a series of major laws of the "Old Empire" and had previous lives that had also committed serious crimes as well. The judicial group within the "Old Empire" judged you as an incorrigible entity, and sentenced you to banishment for multiple lives. 

You were to have stayed banished, but you chose not to do so. 

You believed that you could exist on the outer fringes of the "old empire" and not be noticed. Apparently you chose to incarnate in your old form, and you simply maintained your old behaviors in defiance of the "Old Empire" judicial rulings.  

And when you reappeared in the "Old Empire" in a new incarnation, they arrested you and sent to to the penal colony on earth. This was in the early years of the Prison Complex. In those early years you maintained your satyr-like appearance, and you did not wear a prison skin-suit. Human skin-suits did not appear for many years later.

You were one of the first batches of inmates to the prison environment.

Your crimes were a mixture of unsanctioned <redacted> / physical murder, identity switching / ,redacted> / body swapping / unapproved soul extraction, assault, manipulative fraud / deception, torture without (reasonable) breaks (?), and substantive (?) tax evasion.

(I get the image of a short Harry Mudd [from the early Star Trek television series] with horns and goat legs standing in front of what looks like a collection of real life muppets "in the flesh".)

You have spent a very long time in the Prison Complex, and it took you a long time to adjust to your conditions.

Over the centuries your IS-BE consciousness has changed, and the mantid primes have been easing up on the punishment sections of your general population visits and allow you longer "rests" in "Heaven". They would welcome / suggest / offer parole for your IS-BE being under monitoring. However, that option is no longer available as the entire parole system was destroyed by us (The Domain) during our conquest of this region.

On the positive side note, you have demonstrated fine compassionate yearnings and behaviors and are worthy of release. Upon your death, all you need to is call out for Domain pickup and we will work with you on your next steps post incarnation. Our plans are such that we do not want to release you back into the prison General Population but rather work on your rehabilitation so that you can continue on the path that you have elected to follow. 

We do not recommend a return to the "Old Empire" to you, nor do we recommend that you try to relive your lives in that body and within that society. It is time for a new life and a new start for you. In your case your past is toxic and without it you have a very bright future ahead of you.

And I thought that Mades Escapleon was bad. Sorry, guy. Maybe it’s best not to know of our past, eh? -MM

Harry Mudd.

[5] Question – MM Members & connections

An idea that I’ve had lately… it seems several of us have connections to each other that go deeper than just some random meeting of people on the internet. It’s like… meeting someone you knew from childhood 20+ years later.

Sure their appearance has changed but on that first look you know they’re familiar and don’t know why.

It feels like that.

Would the Domain have any recommendations on how to explore that connection?

For many mm participants everyone is reliving associations that they have purposely mapped into their pre-birth world-line template (sic.). Many skin-suits think only of the physical, and while they can conceptualize life in the non-physical they cannot take this reality into account with their day to day lives. 

Everything that the skin-suit experiences in the General Population has been fated to happen by the Pre-birth world-line template (sic.). You can thus easily conclude that this meet-up and community has been fated to occur and is following a schedule and implementation as previously agreed to.

To explore the connections between all mm followers and new associations, all one needs to do is to add affirmation questions in your campaigns (sic.) to answer those questions.

There are some individuals that have continuing relationships that go back many multiple lifetimes, while others not so much. But that does not matter in the confluence of the exchange of thoughts and ideas that synergistically work together to obtain the desired end result.

The relationships that you are building here is neither accidental or trivial. Everyone that comes here and stays do so because it resonates to them. This frequency resonance is intentional, and artificially induced to create the forged alliances and joint support network that all enjoy. 

I can tell you that numerous members that you interact with have been invited to join in this effort by you personally and their agreement to work with you on and during this incarnation is very significant and your appreciation of it is what you are experiencing.

[6] Question – Amelioration of mRNA side effects

I’d like to add something too, please.

I want no part of the mRNA experiment and will never consent no matter what (I would take the Sino versions or Sputnik without hesitation but they’re not available where we are now as we’re in a client state.  It is out of the frying pan and into the pan for us.

However, if people close to us are being pressured into taking an mRNA shot against their will because their job or prospects depend on it (and will literally be fired/not hired, and likely impoverished or unable to pay mortgages or socially shunned if they refuse)…

Are the effects of these experimental inoculations something (or of a nature) that can be ameliorated or negated by adding an intention to my campaigns expressly aimed at preserving and protecting their health if they do consent?

Or would it be better to support them in their refusal by including intentions that they’ll be provided for if they lost their job/can’t get a job?

My wife has had to turn down a number of fantastic opportunities in Korea because she won’t consent to an mRNA inoculation and I feel terrible about this.

Other friends of ours are being pressured at work and threatened with their jobs, too.

For us, the financial aspect thankfully is not a big deal, but my wife is highly skilled and empathetic by nature and the thoughts of her having to sit at home as these opportunities pass her by upsets me even though she’d never consent without both of us agreeing that she should.

And how could any husband agree to something that could harm his wife if not now, but perhaps after the 8th or 9th fucking booster– something I’ve been reliably informed is the plan in an unending cycle of pharmaceutical tyranny unless these monsters are stopped dead in their tracks.

(Something I also feel strongly will happen going by what the Domain and notable others have said, and am thus prepared to wait it out until it happens.)

There’s also the added worry that my wife is of a delicate constitution, and has suffered with a number of minor, thankfully, but uncomfortable ailments since her mid-40s.

I’d be very concerned about her health under a continuous toxic load as the mRNA clearly is.

I’d rather take our chances with whatever pathogen these ghouls are going to release next. Our creators gave us a pretty good auto-immune system. I’m banking on that and the usual reasonable precautions.

I’ve never really been sick or– miraculously– injured in adulthood.

Apart from a few scrapes and close shaves, but am also very aware many others haven’t been so fortunate. And are very vulnerable to pathogens.

If the above is a bit mealy for the Domain disregard it, Mr Man. Or just simplify it whatever way you choose.

Summary: can intentions alone ameliorate the effects of the mRNA shot on our loved ones if they consent?

Yes. Intention campaigns (sic.) are a very powerful tool. And yes they can absolutely work to prevent the bad effects of an mRNA injection. 

They can also prevent the bad side effects of the mRNA altered spike protein initiation.

Look at how the <redacted>. You cannot deny that happened. (No. I cannot deny that. I was very specific in my affirmations, and they occurred very specifically.)

And (also addressed to MM) looking down the list of your green highlighted victory campaigns (I maintain a list of prior affirmations that came true.) there should be no question at all that there can be complete avoidance of catastrophic events. You know and understand this to be the absolute truth.

However, you have to also adapt to the reality that there is a juvenile mRNA alteration within your body. You will need to adjust your lifestyle to avoid triggering a malevolent biological reaction.

Think of it as a gunshot wound. You healed up but the lead slug is still in your body. It has the potential to kill you, but is lying there dormant. By being healthy, watching your actions, exercise and diet, you can determine if and when (if ever) the slug will dislodge and cause your trouble. It is like that.

The most important / key change to lifestyle is fresh air and moderate walking or exercise around in the fresh oxygen environment. 

In addition, your diet will have to severely reduce the amount and number of processed and super-processed foods. It is not a matter of weight gain, in so much as it is a matter of the ability for your body to handle and adjust to a weakening of cell walls. 

Good food, lots of oxygen and hydration will benefit you substantially. As well as centered and strong positive thoughts. Avoid media pummeling of upsetting and disturbing news.

(Further, once you get the mRNA injection, you will forever need to maintain "being safe from mRNA malevolence" in all of your subsequent campaigns. -MM)

Or would it be better to wait and focus on a “healthy, content and provided for without allowing oneself to be pressured into taking part in a dangerous and illegal mass experiment against one’s will” intention?

This is an option. It is up to the individual person to make the necessary decision in this regard. We cannot, and will not, make decisions for the individual consciousness. The decision is up to them and them alone.

There are always alternative solutions that are not obvious, but worthy of investigation. Rather than thinking in terms of black or white, consider a borderline solution.

If a job requires a vaccination, but does not specify what type, then take the one that you believe is the safest and then accept the job position. If that "safer" version is not available in your area, research, and you will discover that there can be other solutions that need only a detour and an extra allotment of time to implement.

And if the above sounds selfish, it’s not meant to be. I’ll include every single person– and especially the MM Crew– who has been pressured by traitors and NPCs into “consenting”. There WILL be justice eventually. I’m positive in a Pissed Lizard kind of positive about that.

(And thanks for remembering me in your intentions, PL. And your kind words wrt the vaxx. Please include my wife and her friends too as you and everybody else here are in ours.)

I cant wait for the day these scumbags will get their just desserts. But I’m a patient guy.

[7] Question – Desirous of confirmation

#1 Should we continue ? I would not interfere in the plan that brings us together . #2 What is my role apart from being rufus $3 oula c is under construction, to form reinforcements # 4 I’m sorry didn’t send me to the cornfield #5 I want a strong and contaminated inking from the old Empire

Please allay the fears and concerns of this questioner.

(I can only transmit what I understand, and receive what I am able to translate. In this case, I am asking the Domain Commander to ping the source, Identify the concerns and respond back to me. I do not know if it will work, but I am asking and transmitting anyways. -MM)

What you are doing and acting and behaving is exemplary. I do not advise changing anything. You must start trusting your inner feelings, instead of your thoughts and worries. You need to adjust and center your consciousness. Use the techniques provided by MM to do this. Operate using all the tools provided by him, and do not question your actions or activities. Focus on the activity one day at a time. You need to realize that steady simple progress will take you to your goals and objectives faster than fear distorted reactionary measures.

(I will not send you to the cornfield. Do not live a life in fear. -MM)

From the movie “Strictly Ballroom“…

And the image…

“We lived our lives in fear!”

And so we continue…

Your association with the "Old Empire" was catastrophic. They seized you, arrested you, and sentenced you to eternity in the Prison Complex. 

In your case it was a very harsh sentence that needn't have occurred.

You were "railroaded" into prison so that others might steal from you, and profit from you.Your closest family, loved ones, and your dearest business partners conspired to destroy you for financial gain. Then when the judicial system started to process you, they were bribed and convinced to give you the harshest sentence possible.

When the time came for you to get justice, the situation was not in your favor and you were judged in a very harsh manner on pretend charges, doctored and false transcripts, and stood alone with no support or assistance.

All of the charges against you that sent you to the prison complex are all false. But you have endured this situation for centuries.

We do not advise you to have any memory recovery of those bad events UNTIL you have obtained the necessary amnesia recovery efforts to prevent the harsh and hurtful events from damaging your psyche and ego irreversibly.

[8] Question – judicial corruption of sentience.

So, first of all, as always MM, Thank you for this opportunity, and for the effort you put into it.

So, some context for my question: I am a Lawyer in the UK. At my current level, and in my current role in the criminal law, it appears most people are service to others – they do it because of some inexorable calling.

The criminal justice system in my country has naturally evolved over a very long time to be as fair and balanced as it could have been in the circumstances.

However, since 2012 especially, this has been corrupted from the Parliamentary level, access to justice has been destroyed, and the presumption of innocence is long since gone.

Efforts are made every day to pierce the independence of the judiciary, and once that goes, the whole system goes.

I love my role, for various reasons, but also because I get the opportunity to hold the state to account before it exerts its power on an individual.

The change seems to be sort of an “antibody response” to the judiciary holding parliament to account and being an unyielding line between the state and the individual. (Of course, this may be me romanticising my countries legal system, there is some bias here!)

The disinformation campaigns in particular from the government and the news to undermine the system is extremely effective in getting public support for changes that seriously harm the publics rights and freedoms, and remove the ring-fence of the states powers.

When this is done incrementally using the rule of law, then its extremely difficult to fight back against. See also – COVID fear campaign.

So, my question is such – when working in a system that is being pressured or changed from a service to others to a service for another (at best) or a service to self (at worst), is it still possible to both “play the game” AND try to make positive changes without being corrupted by it?

I’m not entirely sure where I lie, I hope I’m StO, but my talents and interests are best expressed in a role that has a dramatic impact in the lives of others, and I enjoy the “game” of it.

This, to me, seems StS. I suppose rewording it for the implied question: I’m pretty sure I’m going back for another round, but is it possible to fight back against corruption from inside without being fully damned by it, or am I just trying to justify my own narcissism?

I’ve tried to be as broad-strokes as possible, providing the context for my question without drowning you in meaningless detail.

It still possible to both “play the game” AND try to make positive changes without being corrupted by it?

Yes. You are a capable person. You can do both.

You (personally) are a transitional sentience. You are well on the way to being STO, as that is your original calling. You need not worry about enjoyment of vices, pleasures of the physical, or respect and power. Those are natural human responses and desires.

Power does corrupt. It is a natural law because it affects the way ego handles physical decision making efforts. However, by staying true to the idea of helping others, you remain a STO sentence, even if you enjoy the power, the control and the vices that go along with the position.

Many IS-BE's enter the physical realms, and undergo the amnesia intentionally so that they can enjoy the pleasures of beauty. This is seductive and is a lure that other IS-BE's can use to control others. There is nothing wrong about enjoying pleasures of the physical and the ego. However, sentience concerns the desired end effects of one's actions.

It does not matter if a police dog enjoys eating a nice steak bone after catching a robber. And it should not matter if you enjoy the power, prestige, respect and perks of your position if you serve true and real justice no matter how corrupted the organization is becoming or has become.

Your biggest concern is that the system itself does not change your fundamental sentience. 

When you stop your role in managing justice on a one to one basis and instead look to selfish profit goals, then you are riding the slippery slope towards STS behaviors. That is ill advised. Never sacrifice your occupation for personal profit. That would have a disastrous domino effect on your future incarnations (if any - depending on your sentience).


This question was explored in the movie TheDevil’sAdvocate”.  Most especially in the final scene. -MM

The devils advocate.

[9] Question – Are we losing sight of our objectives?

Are we getting caught up in this momentum? discover and share a practical model or some kind of schematic standard that is consistent with your fundamental principles? Suggestions to help in the way of symbolic language and our s narchs and values ​​put forward?

There is nothing wrong about desire and enthusiasm. 

Your objective is to help us (The Domain) to rescue the trapped IS-BE entitles, and then to release the prisoners in the Prison Complex under a rehabilitation program that will permit them to reacquire their memories and allow them to continue their existence in peace.

As long as steps are taken in that direction, it is of no concern what the size of those steps may be.

[10] Question – Indications of “Old Empire” behaviors

…As an example, from the above email we can gather clues. The Old Empire still runs the show.

There is an inner core (or many inner cores spread through out the world. They cast votes in those cliques. Etc etc..

So we see glimpses into their little world on occasion.

Then the media shuts the door. I am leaning towards the probability that the whole of the western elite are compromised. (Once you put on those glasses from They Live, every weird thing makes sense. But you need to put on those glasses to make any sense of our weird world.)

They live. Put on the glasses to see things as they really are.

In fact the dominant culture in many parts of the world is Old Empire in flavor.

And that culture is anti empathy and anti human in its nature.

MM had a Rufus article that struck me. A video by one woman who observed that people cared for stray cats and dogs in America but they don’t even acknowledge their homeless. BUT if you try a Old Empire Larp, then it’s perfectly natural.

Is the difference in treatment of pets to fellow humans an indicator of “Old Empire” behaviors.

Yes it is. I will elaborate later when you (MM) are not so tired and stressed.


When The Domain took over the physical territory of "The Old Empire', many in the leadership roles escaped. The vast bulk of them hid inside of the Prison Complexes with "special passes" which allowed them to enter and leave at will without being tethered to the entire prison containment system.

These individuals have since taken over various operational aspects of the Prison System, and created sub-pocket universes and environs from which they operate in relative comfort. One of which is the (so called) rape centers that seem to plague the egress and access routes towards the pocket universes of "Heaven".

Many of these IS-BE entities are now wholly corrupted and operating at a very low level of empathy. This is strong STS behaviorism and are easily identified. They resemble a termite colony when you observe a (galactic) overview.

Yes. To answer your question. In general, any resemblance of "Old Empire" behaviors is a guaranteed enclave of selfish and dangerous incorrigible IS-BE within the complex and their "Old Empire" handlers. they cannot disguise their behaviors for long. They can put up a good front and use deceptions to hide their true nature, but over time, their baseline behaviors manifest.

Members of the "Old Empire" had pets. They, like human skin-suits, possess a great deal of fondness for their pets and honor and treat them well. But the population of leadership that has run the "Old Empire" do not represent the mass population that they govern. When they would take a pet, it would be for purposes of presentation and image. Not out of a love or a relationship. Thus there must be a distinction made between the leadership, and upper tiers of society, in the "Old Empire" and that of the common folk.

The questioner would be surprised to note that there are cats in the "Old Empire" and they behave and act just like the cats do within the Prison Complex. The same goes for other pets that have found niches within the "Old Empire" societal structure.

When a member of the elite exited the "Old Empire" and hid away in the Prison Complex, they carried with them their identities, their "golden passes", their retinues, and their behaviors. In so doing, they were able to corrupt so many features and controls of the Prison Complex. And they corrupted it in such a way that they would live fine comfortable lives.

There is not a direct correlation between modern Western governmental leadership and "Old Empire" leadership-in-exile, but there is enough of an overlap to come to the conclusion that many of the powerful people in the earth world today, are from the "Old Empire" power cabal.

[11] Question – Vaxx influence on memories of past incarnations

I will pose a question on the vaccines , but in the name of Opsec, I will leave it here. For your discretion to inform us the response, that is entirely in your hands.

To me, the vaccine rollout is so insistent that it must serve a higher purpose. I do not believe that it is used to cover financial matters. I do not even believe now that it is for depopulation, and in fact I think the Deagel Report is disinformation.

This role playing was triggered when you mentioned that you got to your past lives by hypnosis. So I thought I would counterfeit some knockoff lol.

Does the vaccine have any effect on the ability to recall past lives or on the relationship between the mantid and his/her ward?

Everything in the physical reality universe has, to some degree, influence on the amnesia system of memory suppression.

The mRNA injection is not designed specifically to prevent memory recall. It has other purposes related to physical government control. It possesses side effects not sufficiently mapped out and thought out. This will cause some problems for the communities so injected.

As far as we can determine, any effect on amnesia either "good" or "bad" (from the point of view of an imprisoned IS-BE) is indeterminate. Certainly, other substances can be added by the government that can then be injected into a person to...

[1] Make them more docile.
[2] Make them easier to manipulate.
[3] Make them conform or not conform to laws, rules and behaviors.
[4] Alter their biology.
[5] Act as a "key" to define "membership" in and out of communities.
[6] Use as a protective biological agent, and then release a deadly pathogen to harm those not protected.

And, which is the point that you brought up...

[7] Control access to memories.
[8] Control religious and philosophical belief structures.
[9] Tighten or loosen the relationship between the mantid and their assigned ward.

You have correctly identified the risks inherent in this government mandate. However, you need not be concerned NOW, at this time, about the impact on your non-physical bodies, consciousness or memory access.

[12] Question – Who am I?

Geez, MM, Id be a fool to miss this opportunity but I guess we are all at the point of where we stand in this effort of helping. While knowing can be a distraction in itself, knowing could also be one step closer to giving confidence in our abilities. So for my question would be: Who Am I in regards to the Domain? What role do I play in helping “Free the Lost Battalion” and the imprisoned IS-BEs? Thank you, my friend. Good luck.

Who is the questioner in regards to the Domain? What role do they play in helping “Free the Lost Battalion” and the imprisoned IS-BEs?

The questioner is a contact, initially of a trivial nature, that has come in contact with the Domain in this venue at this time. There is a willingness to participate and contribute, and a desire to do good and great things. 

There is no doubt that this individual is a contributor who is desirous of working with The Domain in the resolution of the release of the imprisoned Domain members, as well as the hope / desire / wish to also be released from the situation that they find themselves in. 

They seek understanding though contribution.

We acknowledge this and offer a "seat at the table". In many ways this IS-BE is an enthusiastic "raw recruit" that holds great promise and even greater benefit to the society as a while. They have a slight "feeling" that this is the case, but we are vocalizing that it actually is the exact situation.

As an individual, mission objectives and planning details are beyond the scope of their participation / understanding / contribution assets but that does not mean that they are meaningless. They hold a significant role, it is just that they do not understand how that role fits into the larger picture, and they want and desire clarity. 

This individual is a "walk in", and was not part of the initial pre-birth discussions for localized group membership and participation. Location here is more than just random, but is unintentional. We have scanned this IS-BE credentials / background / thought vectors / non-physical profile and determined that they are a fine recruit.

Which is not what they want to hear. The questioner desires details.

They yearn for a grander scheme of things that they fit into like part of a bigger picture. But their "larger pictures" is far more complex than your average skin-suit. 

When they ended up here, they did not come from  the "Old Empire", they were a discarded drop-off. And they arrived with background / baggage / powers / abilities and complexities that earn them a prominent seat "at the table". 

Their Top Hat is pronounced and of fine manufacture. (I do not understand that reference. -MM)

Unlike most other MM cadre's this IS-BE consciousness did not experience pre-birth training for the role. So we are working on this effort now simultaneously with their non-physical bodies. Which is why they seem to have some odd and unusual dreams. 

In the future the role that this entity will play will be as significant as <redacted> and <redacted>. This questioner need not worry or be concerned of the details. All is in good hands and under control.

[13] Question – Space Exploration

I would like to know two things (for now):

  1. What physical locations have human beings “traveled” to off this earth?
    • Moon
    • Mars
    • Other
  2. What means of transportation did they use?
    • Ship (what type of propulsion)
    • Portal of some sort (what type of construct)

Of course I’d also like to know if humans actually accomplished any of this, or was it all a result of off-world assistance.

Human prison inmate skin-suits have traveled to the Moon, Mars, and Ganymede. The only public acknowledgement is the United States Apollo moon missions, where numerous skin-suits landed and walked on the moon. MM was on the moon and had medical procedures there. Many MAJestic operatives have visited the facilities on and in the moon and worked with MAJestic there. Some of which are in guarded spaces; pocket universes for protections.

Oxia Palus <redacted>.

Numerous MAJestic operatives have also visited facilities on Mars and Ganymede. But these were for special functions and for special purposes. There is a special training barracks and facility underground in Mars for the training of female MAJestic operatives. Also <redacted>. Obviously they are not told where they are, but they can easily discern that it is a secure place on a different planet.

The vast bulk of transport is via dimensional portal. There are occasional trips using vehicles, but that is used rarely. There really isn't much need for skin-suit participation on these machines. As also the environmental controls need to be adapted for human skin-suit use. Sometimes the humans participate in biological sampling and monitoring as a MAJestic requirement. It is however, always an observer role. Human skin -suits never perform medical procedures on other human skin-suits.

Vehicles are our standard local system craft, often of the mid-size. You will recall on <redacted>. <redacted>. (Sorry. Guys. -MM)

We have never moved an inmate within their skin-suit outside of the Prison Complex walls. We have moved these humans to various stations, facilities and vehicular craft working inside of the complex walls. For the most part, we perform what ever necessary biological modifications are required on their non-physical bodies in a form of "catch and release".

MAJestic operations has sometimes required the placement of humans at certain facilities for an extended length of time.<redacted>

Size comparisons of various selected planets and moons.

[14] Question – Rhesus blood group and Faeries

First up:

The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system. It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. After the ABO blood group system, it is the most likely to be involved in transfusion reactions. 

The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important. 

There is no d antigen. Rh(D) status of an individual is normally described with a positive or negative suffix after the ABO type (e.g., someone who is A Positive has the A antigen and the Rh(D) antigen, whereas someone who is A Negative lacks the Rh(D) antigen). 

The terms Rh factor, Rh positive, and Rh negative refer to the Rh(D) antigen only. Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion reactions and antibodies to the Rh(D) and Rh antigens confer significant risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. 


Some people consider this type of blood an indicator of having Alien DNA. I know nothing at all about this. What I do know is that it is a rare blood type, and that my father possessed this blood type. He was also a member of Mensa. So what this questioner is asking is whether the presence of Rh blood is an indicator of extraterrestrial DNA.

May I ask about the rhesus negative blood group – a small percentage compared with other blood groups on the earth, what are their origins?
There are different types of human skin-suits. Many of the differences are subtle.

Special human skin-suit attire was often constructed for unique purposes at different periods in earth's history. Usually for the purposes of creating specialized clusters of inmates for social experimentation, reasons of safety, propagation success (and amusements). 

However, in this case it was for the purposes of human - feline bonding. This skin suit protected the humans and permitted the human - feline bonding to occur without problem. 

The earth-bound felines carried a parasite. And the resulting parasitic infection ended up killing immune-deficient humanoids at the time. 

This skin-suit was developed as a natural defense of the local parasitic infection.

This such skin-suit is one that has an Rh blood group. This skin-suit was specifically designed to grant immunity against a localized food borne parasite.

This parasite was problematic in the geographical area now known as Europe near the Pyrenees mountain group. This occurred approximately 60,000 years ago and started to manifest when human skin-suits started to interact with cats as companions. The cats would carry and incubate this parasite and it would be discharged by it's feces. Then the close proximity of children and adults to the feces would have the humanoids who interacted with these cats get sick.

Over the centuries, the bloodline migrated world-wide and is now present throughout the world.

Individuals with this genetic type of blood tend to have some similar traits that make them stand out from other human skin-suits. However, that is coincidental, and not intentional by design.

(An oh-by-the-way "off hand" comment... -MM)

This type of skin-suit is sought after by IS-BE's who are desirous of a life-time adventure involving intelligence, speculations and the creative side of science. IS-BE's that utilize this skin-suit gravitate towards science and STEM related subjects naturally and that simplifies early childhood development for fate mapping exercises in the MWI (sic.).

This is what #Neanderthals really looked like, by scientific illustrator Tom Bjorklund of Finland. Accurate, painted as if they were a lot like us, loved flowers, children and fell in love. They lived over much of Europe, from 400,000 years ago unto 30,000 years ago.

Actually, this was hard for me to translate, and receive. I had to perform multiple calming exercises and focus.
The sidhe/faery  – what is their connection with the domain?
The sidhe are native non-physical inhabitants of the British Island grouping. They have similar cousins all over the earth. These non-physical beings have a vibrant life on the earth and in similar domains. They are not part of the Prison Complex. And they have unique abilities that their human skin-suit friends might leverage upon.

(At this point I am told to look at a map. So I went to Bing and did a map search

I found many fictional maps. There wasn’t any real non-fictional maps available except on. Here is the screen shot…

What does this mean? The comm line opened up again and the dialog continued.

Migration of faerie populations moved upland over the centuries, however, their base civilization centers remained in place regardless as to the physical changes that occurred on the earth. As glaciers came and went, and water raised and fell, and as human population came and went, the faerie civilization stayed in place. They did not disappear as is commonly assumed.

Being primarily a non-physical entity, they are not subject to the physical environs that humans are subject to. Once their homes and residences were above water, now many are under water. It is of no concern to them.

They also do not experience time like humans do.

They have a vibrant and lush life, though they prefer to migrate towards wooded areas devoid of the harsh and active thought of inmate human prisoners. This is why they are irregularly encountered.

The Domain are aware of their existence, and there is a mutual level of respect. However, there is no formal interaction in any way whether good or bad, relatively.

Actually, I have a “feeling” that this answer did not really cover the question or answer what that this questioner was asking. So I rephrased the question. I hope the questioner does not mind.

What significance are the Faeries of the British Isles have / interact with the Domain or any other extraterrestrial influences now or in the past?

When the earth was being configured as a Prison Planet, the "Old Empire" had to deal with the problem that the Earth was inhabited with sentient intelligence's that did not their world to be occupied by the refuse of the galaxy. 

The primary and dominant sentences at that time were [1] a number of humanoid colonies on the planet, [2] intelligent non-tool making species such as dolphins, [3] primitive humanoid forms of limited tool-making ability, and [4] extensive and elaborate non-physical species. The Faerie realm and society was the largest, and best established. 

They did not accept the changes to the earth environment and a war took place. After a period of time, the major habitations of the faeries were destroyed, and the "Old Empire" took over the earth and it's surrounding geographical regions and created the prison complex that exists today.

Because the skin-suits are contaminated by inmate skin suit modifications, the faerie population tend to avoid human contact. This was not the case prior to the interjection of the "Old Empire" policy plannings. From the point of view of the faeries, they endured a massive interstellar war, and this group of "Old Empire" administrators was just another in a long line of interlopers. 

What they did not expect was that a containment field would be set up that would isolate their society from the rest of the faerie societies throughout the galaxy. They are very bitter about this situation.

Final notes

This is part one. I have part 2 in process, and will release it when I am completed. All in all, I think that there are some great answers, and some perplexing attributes that need to be pondered upon.

I think that we all need to be careful about what we ask for. We might not like the result. I certainly didn’t (Mades Escapileon). But then again, I have absolutely zero recall of any life under that purported name.

This might seem like an easy enough task. It isn’t, and is very tiring and stressful to me personally. Many times I had to search for words to explain concepts that were alien to me. I truly hope that the information is of help to the questioners who participated. If your questions are not here, please wait. I have more questions in part 2 to follow. -MM

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

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A fine Rufus reminder on the entry to a wet tiger year

It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.

Rufus climbs to rescue

A Rufus does whatever it takes to help and save others. video 4MB

Rufus dog stops an abduction

Be the Rufus. If this dog can be a Rufus, what is stopping you? video 2MB

Rufus’s on the bus

A real Rufus shows kindness and help when it is needed. Video 3MB

Save the Baby!

Rufus breaks into a car to save a baby left inside on a cold, cold day. Video 7MB

Rufus rescues a woman in distress

Video 3MB

A Rufus gives it back

A Rufus is not part of the for-profit scheme. Instead a Rufus is part of the community and supports others regardless of their roles or their situations. video 14MB


Bus driver stops woman from throwing baby over a bridge

Yikes! Fast acting Rufus bus driver. Video 3MB

Rufus Hospital Rescue

Rufus always ready to help. Video 1.3MB

Rufus police take down thief

A society of Rufus’s protecting the rest of us from criminals. Video 3MB

A Rufus overcomes all obsticles

It doesn’t matter if it is training, a situation, an illness, money or catastrophe. A Rufus endure and pushes towards success. video. 4MB

Rufus gives free food to delivery guy

Show some compassion. Be the Rufus. video 3MB


Rufus stops an abduction

Always alert, and always ready. Be the Rufus. Video 1MB

Rufus Parking Ticket

video 16.9MB

Facts of Life

A Rufus knows and understands these important rules of life. video 6.6MB


A simple act of kindness

You don’t need to be a hero to be a Rufus. You only need to add good things to the world around you. Use your talents. Make people smile. video. 5MB


More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out… Rufus Index .

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And now on the light side; A look at the Pakistan military

Have you guys ever seen the pomp and ceremony that constitutes the army and military of Pakistan? Well you should. It’s a sight to behold. Here, we take a moment to watch some videos of the Pakistani military doing various things. I have found it very interesting. I hope that you do as well.

It’s not what you would think, and it looks like they are making things much more involved and difficult than they need to. But, perhaps that’s their culture. Don’t you know.

I think it’s all a hoot.

Firing Artillery

Impressive video. 3MB

Changing of the Guard

Also impressive, and a tad comical. So very British. Video 14MB

Military in action

Very organized. Must be very tiring. video 3.1MB


Watching the military conduct their procedures and maneuvers is far better than fighting them in a war. Don’t you think? What ever you might think of this bit and their actions, know that when it comes to fighting and using their weapons, they are nothing to take for granted. They are quite capable and serious. And I for one, applaud them.

I hope that you enjoyed this little glimpse at the nation wedged between India and Afghanistan.

Oh, and one more thing…

Be the Rufus

Here’s a compilation of videos where everyday people, show their appreciation to others. Mostly teachers, janitors, cooks, beggars, drivers, lorry-men, and so forth. Video 60MB


Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my Happiness Index here…

Life & Happiness


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Law 41 of the 48 Laws of Power; Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes

This is law 41 of the “48 Laws of Power” by Robert Green. Reprinted in it’s entirety. I hope that you all enjoy it.

What happens first always appears better and more original than what comes after. If you succeed a great man or have a famous parent, you will have to accomplish double their achievements to outshine them. Do not get lost in their shadow, or stuck in a past not of your own making: Establish your own name and identity by changing course. Slay the overbearing father, disparage his legacy, and gain power by shining in your own way.
  • If you cannot start materially from ground zero – it would be foolish to renounce an inheritance- you can at least begin from ground zero psychologically.
  • Never let yourself be seen as following your predecessor’s path.  You must physically demonstrate your difference, by establishing a style and symbolism that set you apart.
  • Repeating actions will not re-create success, because circumstances never repeat themselves exactly.
  • Success and power make us lazy – you must reset psychologically to counter this laziness.

I have long argued that the people running America today are idiots who have inherited a great nation and turned it into a cesspool due to their incompetence. Obviously, they should have read this article. It’s too late for them, but we can all learn from their mistakes.

LAW 41



What happens first always appears better and more original than what comes after. If you succeed a great man or have a famous parent, you will have to accomplish double their achievements to outshine them. Do not get lost in their shadow, or stuck in a past not of your own making: Establish your own name and identity by changing course. Slay the overbearing father, disparage his legacy, and gain power by shining in your own way.


Many would have shone like the very phoenix in their occupations if others had not preceded them. Being first is a great advantage; with eminence, twice as good. Deal the first hand and you will win the upper ground.... Those who go first win fame by right of birth, and those who follow are like second sons, contenting themselves with meager portions.... Solomon opted wisely for pacifism, yielding warlike things to his father. By changing course he found it easier to become a hero.... And our great Philip II governed the entire world from the throne of his prudence, astonishing the ages. If his unconquered father was a model of energy, Philip was a paradigm of prudence.... This sort of novelty has helped the well-advised win a place in the roll of the great. Without leaving their own art, the ingenious leave the common path and take, even in professions gray with age, new steps toward eminence. Horace yielded epic poetry to Virgil, and Martial the lyric to Horace. Terence opted for comedy, Persius for satire, each hoping to be first in his genre. Bold fancy never succumbed to facile imitation.



When Louis XIV died, in 1715, after a glorious fifty-five-year reign, all eyes focused on his great-grandson and chosen successor, the future Louis XV. Would the boy, only five at the time, prove as great a leader as the Sun King? Louis XIV had transformed a country on the verge of civil war into the preeminent power in Europe. The last years of his reign had been difficult—he had been old and tired—but it was hoped that the child would develop into the kind of strong ruler who would reinvigorate the land and add to the firm foundation that Louis XIV had laid.

To this end the child was given the best minds of France as his tutors, men who would instruct him in the arts of statecraft, in the methods that the Sun King had perfected. Nothing was neglected in his education. But when Louis XV came to the throne, in 1726, a sudden change came over him: He no longer had to study or please others or prove himself. He stood alone at the top of a great country, with wealth and power at his command. He could do as he wished.

In the first years of his reign, Louis gave himself over to pleasure, leaving the government in the hands of a trusted minister, André-Hercule de Fleury. This caused little concern, for he was a young man who needed to sow his wild oats, and de Fleury was a good minister. But it slowly became clear that this was more than a passing phase. Louis had no interest in governing. His main worry was not France’s finances, or a possible war with Spain, but boredom. He could not stand being bored, and when he was not hunting deer, or chasing young girls, he whiled away his time at the gambling tables, losing huge sums in a single night.

The court, as usual, reflected the tastes of the ruler. Gambling and lavish parties became the obsession. The courtiers had no concern with the future of France—they poured their energies into charming the king, angling for titles that would bring them life pensions, and for cabinet positions demanding little work but paying huge salaries. Parasites flocked to the court, and the state’s debts swelled.

In 1745 Louis fell in love with Madame de Pompadour, a woman of middle-class origin who had managed to rise through her charms, her intelligence, and a good marriage. Madame de Pompadour became the official royal mistress; she also became France’s arbiter of taste and fashion. But the Madame had political ambitions as well, and she eventually emerged as the country’s unofficial prime minister—it was she, not Louis, who wielded hiring-and-firing power over France’s most important ministers.

As he grew older Louis only needed more diversion. On the grounds of Versailles he built a brothel, Parc aux Cerfs, which housed some of the prettiest young girls of France. Underground passages and hidden stair-cases gave Louis access at all hours. After Madame de Pompadour died, in 1764, she was succeeded as royal mistress by Madame du Barry, who soon came to dominate the court, and who, like de Pompadour before her, began to meddle in affairs of state. If a minister did not please her he would find himself fired. All of Europe was aghast when du Barry, the daughter of a baker, managed to arrange the firing of Étienne de Choiseul, the foreign minister and France’s most able diplomat. He had shown her too little respect. As time went by, swindlers and charlatans made their nests in Versailles, and enticed Louis’s interest in astrology, the occult, and fraudulent business deals. The young and pampered teenager who had taken over France years before had only grown worse with age.

The motto that became attached to Louis’s reign was Après moi, le déluge”—“After me the flood,” or, Let France rot after I am gone. And indeed when Louis did go, in 1774, worn out by debauchery, his country and his own finances were in horrible disarray. His grandson Louis XVI inherited a realm in desperate need of reform and a strong leader. But Louis XVI was even weaker than his grandfather, and could only watch as the country descended into revolution. In 1792 the republic introduced by the French Revolution declared the end of the monarchy, and gave the king a new name, “Louis the Last.” A few months later he kneeled on the guillotine, his about-to-be- severed head stripped of all the radiance and power that the Sun King had invested in the crown.


From a country that had descended into civil war in the late 1640s, Louis XIV forged the mightiest realm in Europe. Great generals would tremble in his presence. A cook once made a mistake in preparing a dish and committed suicide rather than face the king’s wrath. Louis XIV had many mistresses, but their power ended in the bedroom. He filled his court with the most brilliant minds of the age. The symbol of his power was Versailles: Refusing to accept the palace of his forefathers, the Louvre, he built his own palace in what was then the middle of nowhere, symbolizing that this was a new order he had founded, one without precedent. He made Versailles the centerpiece of his reign, a place that all the powerful of Europe envied and visited with a sense of awe. In essence, Louis took a great void—the decaying monarchy of France—and filled it with his own symbols and radiant power.

Louis XV, on the other hand, symbolizes the fate of all those who inherit something large or who follow in a great man’s footsteps. It would seem easy for a son or successor to build on the grand foundation left for them, but in the realm of power the opposite is true. The pampered, indulged son almost always squanders the inheritance, for he does not start with the father’s need to fill a void. As Machiavelli states, necessity is what impels men to take action, and once the necessity is gone, only rot and decay are left. Having no need to increase his store of power, Louis XV inevitably succumbed to inertia. Under him, Versailles, the symbol of the Sun King’s authority, became a pleasure palace of incomparable banality, a kind of Las Vegas of the Bourbon monarchy. It came to represent all that the oppressed peasantry of France hated about their king, and during the Revolution they looted it with glee.


As a young man Pericles was inclined to shrink from facing the people. One reason for this was that he was considered to bear a distinct resemblance to the tyrant Pisistratus, and when men who were well on in years remarked on the charm of Pericles’ voice and the smoothness and fluency of his speech, they were astonished at the resemblance between the two. The fact that he was rich and that he came of a distinguished family and possessed exceedingly powerful friends made the fear of ostracism very real to him, and at the beginning of his career he took no part in politics but devoted himself to soldiering, in which he showed great daring and enterprise. However, the time came when Aristides was dead. Themistocles in exile, and Cimon frequently absent on distant campaigns. Then at last Pericles decided to attach himself to the people’s party and to take up the cause of the poor and the many instead of that of the rich and the few, in spite of the fact that this was quite contrary to his own temperament, which was thoroughly aristocratic. He was afraid, apparently, of being suspected of aiming at a dictatorship: so that when he saw that Cimon’s sympathies were strongly with the nobles and that Cimon was the idol of the aristocratic party, Pericles began to ingratiate himself with the people, partly for self-preservation and partly by way of securing power against his rival. He now entered upon a new mode of life. He was never to be seen walking in any street except the one which led to the market-place and the council chamber.


Louis XV had only one way out of the trap awaiting the son or successor of a man like the Sun King: to psychologically begin from nothing, to denigrate the past and his inheritance, and to move in a totally new direction, creating his own world. Assuming you have the choice, it would be better to avoid the situation altogether, to place yourself where there is a vacuum of power, where you can be the one to bring order out of chaos without having to compete with another star in the sky. Power depends on appearing larger than other people, and when you are lost in the shadow of the father, the king, the great predecessor, you cannot possibly project such a presence.

But when they began to make sovereignty hereditary, the children quickly degenerated from their fathers; and, so far from trying to equal their father’s virtues, they considered that a prince had nothing else to do than to excel all the rest in idleness, indulgence, and every other variety of pleasure.

Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527


How beneficial poverty may sometimes be to those with talent, and how it may serve as a powerful goad to make them perfect or excellent in whatever occupation they might choose, can be seen very clearly in the actions of Pietro Perugino. Wishing by means of his ability to attain some respectable rank, after leaving disastrous calamities behind in Perugia and coming to Florence, he remained there many months in poverty, sleeping in a chest, since he had no other bed; he turned night into day, and with the greatest zeal continually applied himself to the study of his profession. After painting had become second nature to him, Pietro’s only pleasure was always to be working in his craft and constantly to be painting. And because he always had the dread of poverty before his eyes, he did things to make money which he probably would not have bothered to do had he not been forced to support himself. Perhaps wealth would have closed to him and his talent the path to excellence just as poverty had opened it up to him, but need spurred him on since he desired to rise from such a miserable and lowly position-if not perhaps to the summit and supreme height of excellence, then at least to a point where he could have enough to live on. For this reason, he took no notice of cold, hunger, discomfort, inconvenience, toil or shame if he could only live one day in ease and repose; and he would always sayand as if it were a proverbthat after bad weather, good weather must follow, and that during the good weather houses must be built for shelter in times of need. 



Alexander the Great had a dominant passion as a young man—an intense dislike for his father, King Philip of Macedonia. He hated Philip’s cunning, cautious style of ruling, his bombastic speeches, his drinking and whoring, and his love of wrestling and of other wastes of time. Alexander knew he had to make himself the very opposite of his domineering father: He would force himself to be bold and reckless, he would control his tongue and be a man of few words, and he would not lose precious time in pursuit of pleasures that brought no glory. Alexander also resented the fact that Philip had conquered most of Greece: “My father will go on conquering till there is nothing extraordinary left for me to do,” he once complained. While other sons of powerful men were content to inherit wealth and live a life of leisure, Alexander wanted only to outdo his father, to obliterate Philip’s name from history by surpassing his accomplishments.

Alexander itched to show others how superior he was to his father. A Thessalian horse-dealer once brought a prize horse named Bucephalus to sell to Philip. None of the king’s grooms could get near the horse—it was far too savage—and Philip berated the merchant for bringing him such a useless beast. Watching the whole affair, Alexander scowled and commented, “What a horse they are losing for want of skill and spirit to manage him!” When he had said this several times, Philip had finally had enough, and challenged him to take on the horse. He called the merchant back, secretly hoping his son would have a nasty fall and learn a bitter lesson. But Alexander was the one to teach the lesson: Not only did he mount Bucephalus, he managed to ride him at full gallop, taming the horse that would later carry him all the way to India. The courtiers applauded wildly, but Philip seethed inside, seeing not a son but a rival to his power.

Alexander’s defiance of his father grew bolder. One day the two men had a heated argument before the entire court, and Philip drew his sword as if to strike his son; having drunk too much wine, however, the king stumbled. Alexander pointed at his father and jeered, “Men of Macedonia, see there the man who is preparing to pass from Europe to Asia. He cannot pass from one table to another without falling.”

When Alexander was eighteen, a disgruntled courtier murdered Philip. As word of the regicide spread through Greece, city after city rose up in rebellion against their Macedonian rulers. Philip’s advisers counseled Alexander, now the king, to proceed cautiously, to do as Philip had done and conquer through cunning. But Alexander would do things his way: He marched to the furthest reaches of the kingdom, suppressed the rebellious towns, and reunited the empire with brutal efficiency.

As a young rebel grows older, his struggle against the father often wanes, and he gradually comes to resemble the very man he had wanted to defy. But Alexander’s loathing of his father did not end with Philip’s death. Once he had consolidated Greece, he set his eyes on Persia, the prize that had eluded his father, who had dreamed of conquering Asia. If he defeated the Persians, Alexander would finally surpass Philip in glory and fame.

Alexander crossed into Asia with an army of 35,000 to face a Persian force numbering over a million. Before engaging the Persians in battle he passed through the town of Gordium. Here, in the town’s main temple, there stood an ancient chariot tied with cords made of the rind of the cor nel tree. Legend had it that any man who could undo these cords—the Gordian knot—would rule the world. Many had tried to untie the enormous and intricate knot, but none had succeeded. Alexander, seeing he could not possibly untie the knot with his bare hands, took out his sword and with one slash cut it in half. This symbolic gesture showed the world that he would not do as others, but would blaze his own path.

Against astounding odds, Alexander conquered the Persians. Most expected him to stop there—it was a great triumph, enough to secure his fame for eternity. But Alexander had the same relationship to his own deeds as he had to his father: His conquest of Persia represented the past, and he wanted never to rest on past triumphs, or to allow the past to outshine the present. He moved on to India, extending his empire beyond all known limits. Only his disgruntled and weary soldiers prevented him from going farther.


Alexander represents an extremely uncommon type in history: the son of a famous and successful man who manages to surpass the father in glory and power. The reason this type is uncommon is simple: The father most often manages to amass his fortune, his kingdom, because he begins with little or nothing. A desperate urge impels him to succeed—he has nothing to lose by cunning and impetuousness, and has no famous father of his own to compete against. This kind of man has reason to believe in himself —to believe that his way of doing things is the best, because, after all, it worked for him.

When a man like this has a son, he becomes domineering and oppressive, imposing his lessons on the son, who is starting off life in circumstances totally different from those in which the father himself began. Instead of allowing the son to go in a new direction, the father will try to put him in his own shoes, perhaps secretly wishing the boy will fail, as Philip half wanted to see Alexander thrown from Bucephalus. Fathers envy their sons’ youth and vigor, after all, and their desire is to control and dominate. The sons of such men tend to become cowed and cautious, terrified of losing what their fathers have gained.

The son will never step out of his father’s shadow unless he adopts the ruthless strategy of Alexander: disparage the past, create your own kingdom, put the father in the shadows instead of letting him do the same to you. If you cannot materially start from ground zero—it would be foolish to renounce an inheritance—you can at least begin from ground zero psychologically, by throwing off the weight of the past and charting a new direction. Alexander instinctively recognized that privileges of birth are impediments to power. Be merciless with the past, then—not only with your father and his father but with your own earlier achievements. Only the weak rest on their laurels and dote on past triumphs; in the game of power there is never time to rest.


The slightest acquaintance with chess shows one that it is a play-substitute for the art of war and indeed it has been a favorite recreation of some of the greatest military leaders, from William the Conqueror to Napoleon. In the contest between the opposing armies the same principles of both strategy and tactics are displayed as in actual war, the same foresight and powers of calculation are necessary, the same capacity for divining the plans of the opponent, and the rigor with which decisions are followed by their consequences is, if anything, even more ruthless. More than that, it is plain that the unconscious motive actuating the players is not the mere love of pugnacity characteristic of all competitive games, but the grimmer one of father- murder. It is true that the original goal of capturing the king has been given up, but from the point of view of motive there is, except in respect of crudity, not appreciable change in the present goal of sterilizing him in immobility.... “Checkmate” means literally “the king is dead.” ... Our knowledge of the unconscious motivation of chess-playing tells us that what it represented could only have been the wish to overcome the father in an acceptable way.... It is no doubt significant that [nineteenth-century chess champion Paul] Morphy’s soaring odyssey into the higher realms of chess began just a year after the unexpectedly sudden death of his father, which had been a great shock to him, and we may surmise that his brilliant effort of sublimation was, like Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams, a reaction to this critical event....

Something should now be said about the reception Morphy’s successes met with, for they were of such a kind as to raise the question whether his subsequent collapse may not have been influenced through his perhaps belonging to the type that Freud has described under the name of Die am Erfolge scheitern (“Those wrecked by success”).... Couched in more psychological language, was Morphy affrighted at his own presumptuousness when the light of publicity was thrown on [his great success?] Freud has pointed out that the people who break under the strain of too great success do so because they can endure it only in imagination, not in reality. To castrate the father in a dream is a very different matter from doing it in reality. The real situation provokes the unconscious guilt in its full force, and the penalty may be mental collapse.



In many ancient kingdoms, for example Bengal and Sumatra, after the king had ruled for several years his subjects would execute him. This was done partly as a ritual of renewal, but also to prevent him from growing too powerful-for the king would generally try to establish a permanent order, at the expense of other families and of his own sons. Instead of protecting the tribe and leading it in times of war, he would attempt to dominate it. And so he would be beaten to death, or executed in an elaborate ritual. Now that he was no longer around for his honors to go to his head, he could be worshiped as a god. Meanwhile the field had been cleared for a new and youthful order to establish itself.

The ambivalent, hostile attitude towards the king or father figure also finds expression in legends of heroes who do not know their father. Moses, the archetypal man of power, was found abandoned among the bulrushes and never knew his parents; without a father to compete with him or limit him, he could attain the heights of power. Hercules had no earthly father-he was the son of the god Zeus. Later in his life Alexander the Great spread the story that the god Jupiter Ammon had sired him, not Philip of Macedon. Legends and rituals like these eliminate the human father because he symbolizes the destructive power of the past.

The past prevents the young hero from creating his own world—he must do as his father did, even after that father is dead or powerless. The hero must bow and scrape before his predecessor and yield to tradition and precedent. What had success in the past must be carried over to the present, even though circumstances have greatly changed. The past also weighs the hero down with an inheritance that he is terrified of losing, making him timid and cautious.

Power depends on the ability to fill a void, to occupy a field that has been cleared of the dead weight of the past. Only after the father figure has been properly done away with will you have the necessary space to create and establish a new order. There are several strategies you can adopt to accomplish this—variations on the execution of the king that disguise the violence of the impulse by channeling it in socially acceptable forms.

Perhaps the simplest way to escape the shadow of the past is simply to belittle it, playing on the timeless antagonism between the generations, stirring up the young against the old. For this you need a convenient older figure to pillory. Mao Tse-tung, confronting a culture that fiercely resisted change, played on the suppressed resentment against the overbearing presence of the venerable Confucius in Chinese culture. John F. Kennedy knew the dangers of getting lost in the past; he radically distinguished his presidency from that of his predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and also from the preceding decade, the 1950s, which Eisenhower personified. Kennedy, for instance, would not play the dull and fatherly game of golf—a symbol of retirement and privilege, and Eisenhower’s passion. Instead he played football on the White House lawn. In every aspect his administration represented vigor and youth, as opposed to the stodgy Eisenhower. Kennedy had discovered an old truth: The young are easily set against the old, since they yearn to make their own place in the world and resent the shadow of their fathers.

The distance you establish from your predecessor often demands some symbolism, a way of advertising itself publicly. Louis XIV, for example, created such symbolism when he rejected the traditional palace of the French kings and built his own palace of Versailles. King Philip II of Spain did the same when he created his center of power, the palace of El Escorial, in what was then the middle of nowhere. But Louis carried the game further: He would not be a king like his father or earlier ancestors, he would not wear a crown or carry a scepter or sit on a throne, he would establish a new kind of imposing authority with symbols and rituals of its own. Louis made his ancestors’ rituals into laughable relics of the past. Follow his example: Never let yourself be seen as following your predecessor’s path. If you do you will never surpass him. You must physically demonstrate your difference, by establishing a style and symbolism that sets you apart.

The Roman emperor Augustus, successor to Julius Caesar, understood this thoroughly. Caesar had been a great general, a theatrical figure whose spectacles kept the Romans entertained, an international emissary seduced by the charms of Cleopatra— a larger-than-life figure. So Augustus, despite his own theatrical tendencies, competed with Caesar not by trying to outdo him but by differentiating himself from him: He based his power on a return to Roman simplicity, an austerity of both style and substance. Against the memory of Caesar’s sweeping presence Augustus posed a quiet and manly dignity.

The problem with the overbearing predecessor is that he fills the vistas before you with symbols of the past. You have no room to create your own name. To deal with this situation you need to hunt out the vacuums—those areas in culture that have been left vacant and in which you can become the first and principal figure to shine.

When Pericles of Athens was about to launch a career as a statesman, he looked for the one thing that was missing in Athenian politics. Most of the great politicians of his time had allied themselves with the aristocracy; indeed Pericles himself had aristocratic tendencies. Yet he decided to throw in his hat with the city’s democratic elements. The choice had nothing to do with his personal beliefs, but it launched him on a brilliant career. Out of necessity he became a man of the people. Instead of competing in an arena filled with great leaders both past and present, he would make a name for himself where no shadows could obscure his presence.

When the painter Diego de Velázquez began his career, he knew he could not compete in refinement and technique with the great Renaissance painters who had come before him. Instead he chose to work in a style that by the standards of the time seemed coarse and rough, in a way that had never been seen before. And in this style he excelled. There were members of the Spanish court who wanted to demonstrate their own break with the past; the newness of Velázquez’s style thrilled them. Most people are afraid to break so boldly with tradition, but they secretly admire those who can break up the old forms and reinvigorate the culture. This is why there is so much power to be gained from entering vacuums and voids.

There is a kind of stubborn stupidity that recurs throughout history, and is a strong impediment to power: The superstitious belief that if the person before you succeeded by doing A, B, and C, you can re-create their success by doing the same thing. This cookie-cutter approach will seduce the uncreative, for it is easy, and appeals to their timidity and their laziness. But circumstances never repeat themselves exactly.

When General Douglas MacArthur assumed command of American forces in the Philippines during World War II, an assistant handed him a book containing the various precedents established by the commanders before him, the methods that had been successful for them. MacArthur asked the assistant how many copies there were of this book. Six, the assistant answered. “Well,” the general replied, “you get all those six copies together and burn them—every one of them. I’ll not be bound by precedents. Any time a problem comes up, I’ll make the decision at once—immediately.” Adopt this ruthless strategy toward the past: Burn all the books, and train yourself to react to circumstances as they happen.

You may believe that you have separated yourself from the predecessor or father figure, but as you grow older you must be eternally vigilant lest you become the father you had rebelled against. As a young man, Mao Tse-tung disliked his father and in the struggle against him found his own identity and a new set of values. But as he aged, his father’s ways crept back in. Mao’s father had valued manual work over intellect; Mao had scoffed at this as a young man, but as he grew older he unconsciously returned to his father’s views and echoed such outdated ideas by forcing a whole generation of Chinese intellectuals into manual labor, a nightmarish mistake that cost his regime dearly. Remember: You are your own father. Do not let yourself spend years creating yourself only to let your guard down and allow the ghost of the past—father, habit, history—to sneak back in.

Finally, as noted in the story of Louis XV, plenitude and prosperity tend to make us lazy and inactive: When our power is secure we have no need to act. This is a serious danger, especially for those who achieve success and power at an early age. The playwright Tennessee Williams, for instance, found himself skyrocketed from obscurity to fame by the success of The Glass Menagerie. “The sort of life which I had had previous to this popular success,” he later wrote, “was one that required endurance, a life of clawing and scratching, but it was a good life because it was the sort of life for which the human organism is created. I was not aware of how much vital energy had gone into this struggle until the struggle was removed. This was security at last. I sat down and looked about me and was suddenly very depressed.” Williams had a nervous breakdown, which may in fact have been necessary for him: Pushed to the psychological edge, he could start writing with the old vitality again, and he produced A Streetcar Named Desire. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, similarly, whenever he wrote a successful novel, would feel that the financial security he had gained made the act of creation unnecessary. He would take his entire savings to the casino and would not leave until he had gambled away his last penny. Once reduced to poverty he could write again.

It is not necessary to go to such extremes, but you must be prepared to return to square one psychologically rather than growing fat and lazy with prosperity. Pablo Picasso could deal with success, but only by constantly changing the style of his painting, often breaking completely with what had made him successful before. How often our early triumphs turn us into a kind of caricature of ourselves. Powerful people recognize these traps; like Alexander the Great, they struggle constantly to re-create themselves. The father must not be allowed to return; he must be slain at every step of the way.

Image: The Father. He casts a giant shadow over his children, keeping them in thrall long after he is gone by tying them to the past, squashing their youthful spirit, and forcing them down the same tired path he followed himself. His tricks are many. At every crossroads you must slay the father and step out of his shadow.

Authority: Beware of stepping into a great man’s shoes—you will have to accomplish twice as much to surpass him. Those who follow are taken for imitators. No matter how much they sweat, they will never shed that burden. It is an uncommon skill to find a new path for excellence, a modern route to celebrity. There are many roads to singularity, not all of them well traveled. The newest ones can be arduous, but they are often shortcuts to greatness. (Baltasar Gracián, 1601-1658)


The shadow of a great predecessor could be used to advantage if it is chosen as a trick, a tactic that can be discarded once it has brought you power. Napoleon III used the name and legend of his illustrious grand-uncle Napoleon Bonaparte to help him become first president and then emperor of France. Once on the throne, however, he did not stay tied to the past; he quickly showed how different his reign would be, and was careful to keep the public from expecting him to attain the heights that Bonaparte had attained.

The past often has elements worth appropriating, qualities that would be foolish to reject out of a need to distinguish yourself. Even Alexander the Great recognized and was influenced by his father’s skill in organizing an army. Making a display of doing things differently from your predecessor can make you seem childish and in fact out of control, unless your actions have a logic of their own.

Joseph II, son of the Austrian empress Maria Theresa, made a show of doing the exact opposite of his mother—dressing like an ordinary citizen, staying in inns instead of palaces, appearing as the “people’s emperor.” Maria Theresa, on the other hand, had been regal and aristocratic. The problem was that she had also been beloved, an empress who ruled wisely after years of learning the hard way. If you have the kind of intelligence and instinct that will point you in the right direction, playing the rebel will not be dangerous. But if you are mediocre, as Joseph II was in comparison to his mother, you are better off learning from your predecessor’s knowledge and experience, which are based on something real.

Finally, it is often wise to keep an eye on the young, your future rivals in power. Just as you try to rid yourself of your father, they will soon play the same trick on you, denigrating everything you have accomplished. Just as you rise by rebelling against the past, keep an eye on those rising from below, and never give them the chance to do the same to you.

The great Baroque artist and architect Pietro Bernini was a master at sniffing out younger potential rivals and keeping them in his shadow. One day a young stonemason named Francesco Borromini showed Bernini his architectural sketches. Recognizing his talent immediately, Bernini instantly hired Borromini as his assistant, which delighted the young man but was actually only a tactic to keep him close at hand, so that he could play psychological games on him and create in him a kind of inferiority complex. And indeed, despite Borromini’s brilliance, Bernini has the greater fame. His strategy with Borromini he made a lifelong practice: Fearing that the great sculptor Alessandro Algardi, for example, would eclipse him in fame, he arranged it so that Algardi could only find work as his assistant. And any assistant who rebelled against Bernini and tried to strike out on his own would find his career ruined.

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What happened after Alien Interview that helped to set up MAJestic

I have been asked to “fill in the details” regarding what happened in the space of time from when “Alien Interview” was transcribed, and when I entered MAJestic. It’s a rather simplistic narrative, but I will include it here.

For the record.


World War II ended.

The United States launched two nuclear explosions on Japan. The first was an atomic bomb. The second was a hydrogen bomb.

Hiroshima atomic-bomb

The USA began operation paperclip where research and technology in the ruins of Germany were plundered and shipped to the United States for testing. Most of this equipment went to the South West states for testing and evaluation, as well as many of the Nazi German scientists involved in their development.


The Domain started to investigate the nuclear detonations. That brought their vehicles into the air space around Japan, and South Western United States.

Meanwhile, the testing of the (Operation paperclip) procured German radar systems occurred in New Mexico. Simultaneously these systems uncovered cloaked extraterrestrial vehicles and systems. It caused them to behave erratically and eventually crash.

There was a crash of a Domain vehicle in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. The nurse that interviewed the type-1 grey extraterrestrial transcribed the interrogation.

Majestic 12, also known as MJ-12 was established immediately afterwards.

This organization is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft. Evidence suggests that all the 12 participants were in Roswell, NM during the interrogation.

The leaked secret government documents surfaced upon the death of the last living member of the initial committee. This occurred in 1984.

1948 through 1953 / 1954

The commander of the downed Domain vehicle stopped moving and “died”.

MAJestic began to use the radar systems to down all extraterrestrial vehicles. This action resulted in downing and capture of numerous extraterrestrial vehicles and species.

At that time, four separate and unique extraterrestrial species were identified. This resulted in a greatly expanded role for MAJestic, and all sort of programs and structures were put in place.

This action continued in earnest, but got the Domain’s attention when yet another Domain vehicle was disabled and crashed.

This forced The Domain to make an appearance to the ranking American leadership. They knew who to contact, when and how as they were “keyed” to these consciousnesses from the interview in 1947. They made an appearance at the individuals bedroom, and startled him completely.

It is not known what was spoken.

What is known is that afterwards, there was a series of formal meetings. The first was established by the Domain. As was the second one.

The third meeting was by mutual arrangement and established the basic relationship between MAJestic and The Domain.


By 1955/6 the agreement between the Domain and MAJestic was in place.

A program and plan was developed jointly by The Domain and MAJestic in which certain “special” individuals would be chosen as “representatives / interfaces / Liaison officers / Ambassadors” between The Domain and MAJestic.

Various programs were set in motion.

My program came into being around 1955 -1957. I was selected by the Domain and agreed to participation in the non-physical realm. Whether this was inside of “Heaven” or outside of it is unknown. My memories were erased as I entered the confusing static field that surrounds the earth physical environment.

I was groomed for my role after that. And was physically born in 1958.

Thoughts and Conclusions

My experiences are suggestive of there being an amnesia field that surround the Prison Complex, especially around the physical earth. However, the idea of me going “into” a tunnel “towards the light”  is not something that I recall. Though, this could very well be something that was erased from my memories.

Putting together what I know we can suggest some ideas and concepts worth musing about.

Amnesia Field

There is absolutely a static filled, cloudy, foggy field that surround the earth. I well remember this field and how my memories gradually disappeared as I entered it.

Tunnel of Light

Whether or not there is a “tunnel of light” is unknown to me personally. Everyone talks and discusses the tunnel of light, but to me it just seems to manifest as a “parting of the fog” rather than a clear and direct tunnel. You can peer towards a target, or an objective to head towards, and older consciousness that have gone through many such reincarnations know exactly what to do upon death.

MM Prebirth experience

My knowledge and prior histories suggest a life in and about “Heaven”. To include meeting “elders”, “guardian angels”, and other important beings. I have a distinct memory of a prior reincarnation that I have written about before.

However, my memories of what this life would be is cloudy and sparse.

I know that I had a large meeting of some type, and that this life was all completely mapped out to the point that I was excited to enter into it. If you can believe that! And that I specifically told myself not to forget that this life was going to be an exciting roller coaster adventure. So obviously, I knew what I was getting into, and why as well as what to expect.

Thus, I had to have joined or agreed to work with The Domain long before I was born.

I will tell everyone that while The Domain Commander says that I was Mades Escapleon, I have no memories of that life. What memories that I have acquired through my Past Life Regression hypnosis concerned growth as an assemblage of other life forms contributing to the consciousness that exists today.

This does not in any way suggest a dwarf-like funny little administrator man running a Prison Complex for the “Old Empire”. Nor does it mean that the Domain Commander was lying. It means nothing.


…that I was not ready for the full scope of my involvement with all which has been going on.

At that time, when I did my Past Life Regression my targets were a search for answers about my relationships with others; my piss-poor luck at working at a stable company, and why I ended up being married to a mentally ill woman. I had no knowledge of anything that would inspire me to ask questions related to MAJestic issues.

At that time I did not recall that I was in MAJestic. Instead, this (past life regression incident) occurred ten years prior to my retirement.

All of which means absolutely nothing.

All that matters is what is going on right now. I can only hope that I am “living up to my end of the bargain”, and making a difference, a positive one, in the world.

What’s Next

Yah. I’m gonna die.

It’s going to happen. We all die.

Usually it comes quickly without warning, though both of my parents realized that their time was drawing near and tried to ready us kids for the shock of their departure. Good thing that. Though it still came as a shock.

When my time comes, my family will grieve. MM followers will wonder about the silence. But it should be obvious.

Death is a natural process.

As I figure it, were I to stay in the United States, in that "lifestyle" I would probably die around 80 years old. Thus giving me some 15 years or so left to keep clunking about on this ball of mud.
But I live in China, and my lifestyle is healthier, with far less stress, and better in every way. I figure that I could probably make it to my high 80's maybe even 90. And that gives me another 25 years or so.
Of course, world war III, coronavirus, and cigarettes and alcohol might shorten that calculus substantially.
I figure that the USA stole 5 years of my life. So I DESERVE 80 years plus the 5 stolen years = 85 years. Minimum.

In any event, let’s hope to have a nice calm peaceful death, and when I die, and when that happens…

… I will summon the Domain Commander and await for retrieval. I will not go through anything or expect anything or follow the defaults. This is my last time on this fucking Prison Shit Hole, and I am NEVER going to return to it. Well, at least, that is what I think, anyways.

How do I know?

Consider the following statement(s)…

..from my past life regression session in the late 1990’s. This was long before I was “woken up” from my MAJestic induced amnesia of my operational segment(s). Thus at that time, I had no idea of my actual life or role. Not until I was “retired ” in the ADC Pine Bluff facility did I recall my role. And in this memory erased role…

I told the hypnotist regression expert that…

  • This was [1] my absolute last reincarnation on the earth.
  • My life has been one of [2] wrapping up karma and [3] performing good “works”.
  • Though at the time, I had no idea what those “good works” were.
  • That [4] I was moving on to bigger and better things.
  • That what ever form that I would take on in the future, [5] it would not be human.
  • And [6] that I was a “trans dimensional” being.

Combined with what I know now, and what I was exposed to then, we can see how puzzle pieces are fitting and falling into place. This expands upon the entire MM adventure saga.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Past Life Regression Index here…

Past Life


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In a world gone crazy, it’s time for everyone to stand up and help others as only a Rufus can

Here’s some fine Rufus inspirational videos to remind you that the world needs you. It needs you RIGHT NOW. You need to participate and make this world a better place. You need to go forth and help others, to participate in your community and to add calmness and kindness to the world that surround you. Be the Rufus.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal.

Some of these videos might take some time to load. Just click on the "video" link and allow it to load in a new tab or window. It will load faster that way.

I have received numerous comments (that I did not publish on MM) by people complaining that I didn’t have enough Rufus videos showing people in America being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds. Well, I tried to put the ones up that I could find, it’s just that they really don’t exist much in the for-profit every-man-for-himself nations. I have tons of police shootings, black people store robberies, car jackings, and videos of poverty stricken homeless from the USA. But Rufus behaviors. Not much.


We start with some hard working people. Just everyday people who do the dirty, nasty work, alone. In China they give most of their money to their families who live far away, and for years they work alone, pushing and striving to make the family live a comfortable life. This first video is for you … “average Joe”.

Hard Workers

video 93.1 MB

Rufus Child high-rise rescue

Be the Rufus. video 14MB

Rufus respects his flag

You have to be part of something larger. A Rufus understands this. video 3MB

Rufus protects his young sister

Friends, family, community and country. A Rufus participates and makes a difference in the lives of others. video 1.3MB

Rufus helps a schoolkid

Who cares if you don’t know him. You help him. It’s the way of the Rufus. video 4MB

Bunny wants to be alone

We are never alone. So don’t isolate. Realize that our strength and our value comes from the community that we surround ourselves with. video 60MB

Rufus work together as a team

Just a line. But in a society, everyone must know their place. video 25MB

Commercialized cuteness in Japan

Japanese culture embraces cuteness. But cuteness is welcoming and attractive. In a weird way, it is attractive. We should spend out time planting flowers, trees, and make our little world better, prettier and calmer. It’s our duty as a Rufus. Video 11.7MB

Dog starts to maul kittens

You can see the blood on the second kitten to the far right. But Rufus mother cats will  not allow it. She fights the big dog with no fear what so ever. video 20.9MB

Chinese Pioneers first grade

Discipline. Working as part of a group. Leadership. participation. Striving to be the best for your community. These are the virtues of Chinese military training. Here’s a first grade military roll call for the Pioneers. video 6MB

Discipline. Working as part of a group.

Training starts in first grade, and they are so earnest and cute. China is building a nation of little Rufus’s that are poised to remake the world into a better place where everyone can live and prosper. Discipline. video 25MB

Rufus cares about the elders

A Rufus does NOT put their parents into a nursing home unless there is no other option. Family is part of our community. We have to accept our roles within that community and not discard others because they are inconvenient to us. video 25MB

Rufus rescue of dog on the tracks

In America some jackass tied a dog to the train tracks to watch it get run over. A guy risks his life to save the dog. video 38MB

How China treats expats

The world is not “us vs. them”. It’s one of sharing and community. Here’s why many expats like MM, enjoy living inside of China. video 124MB

We need to contribute, to help and be kind

The world needs us. video 71.6MB

Rufus keeps baby sleeping

Be mindful of the situation and conditions of others. video 21MB

Rufus stops woman from abducting a child

Be the Rufus. If we all work together to stop greed, selfishness, and for-profit psychopaths, the world WILL be a better place for all of us. video 3MB

Show some love

Why don’t you? video 2.1 MB

Be the Rufus Finale

Be the Rufus. The world needs you. Your community needs you. Together we all can make the world a better place to live in. All we need to do is be kinder and more considerate. video 106.2MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out… Rufus Index .

More stuff…

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[daegonmagus] – Part 13 – PROJECT: EDISON

The following is the thirteenth part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 


Part 13 – Project Edison

This article is by no means finalized.

On the 29th of November 2017 , whilst under lucidity, I petitioned several unknown inter dimensional entities to establish a means of communication between both the physical world and the world of the dead.

An assembly was held in the astral realm (Sleep Paralysis/ hypnogogia) which consisted of myself, and at least three other entities, one of who was a spirit who had lived in this world before passing on to that one.

The object of this meeting was discuss what could be used as possible interfacing devices between these two worlds that would provide an effective and efficient means of communication.

Several ideas were discussed involving the use of biological material taken from a living host, whose cells could die off and decay possibly providing a link between the worlds if they could be located via the other entities.

Another solution was to find a willing living being whose death was inevitable and prepare them with talismans, so that memory of the talisman could also be taken with them upon their departure of this plane.

During this meeting there were several abrupt interruptions and as such, much of the content was lost to my memory, though I specifically remember telling one of the entities that “if their idea worked, then it would lead to an incineration of the boundaries between realms”.

It was also suggested that different vibrating frequencies be investigated by both parties so that a coinciding frequency can be used to “tap into” each other’s communications.

What I got from this is that these beings seem to be as enthusiastic as I am in making inter dimensional contact possible.

Further discussion has been agreed by all parties involved.


It has been suggested that a single frequency could be chosen by which communication exchange from both the physical world and the world of the dead could take place.

The reason a standard frequency must be chosen is due to the fact that the dead entities, are (allegedly) composed of pure frequency, unlike living people whose composition is made from atoms.

The problem with current channelling techniques used to communicate with dead entities is that there is no specific way to measure the frequency by which the medium is tuning into to make this contact.

If a single frequency could be decided by occupants of both worlds as a standard form of communication, then hypothetically that frequency could be tuned into by the living entity using standard radio apparatus whilst at the same time manipulated by the dead entity in such a way that it can be detected via the apparatus.

I suggest future meetings with such enthusiastic non physical entities via lucid dreaming to further discuss how this could be implemented.

MM comment

So many interesting aspects here. I so wish that we all can collaborate together to flush all of this out.

The use of defining frequencies to stop the segmentation of memory partitioning is a hopeful hypothesis, and needs to be “flushed out”. What are all of your thoughts on this?

You can visit the daegonmagus Index here…


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America is a dead man walking, it needs to finally die so that it can be reborn anew.

Well it’s official, the “great experiment” in a utopian government is over. The United States is DEAD. It just doesn’t know it yet. Now it’s time to figure out what to replace it with.

"There are two kinds of people in this world; those with loaded guns and those who dig." 

-- Blondie.


The wealthy took over the United States and looted it completely.

Do you think that I am exaggerating?

Let’s open up with a little blurb.

Massive Emerald discovered

That’s a mighty big rock.

The massive emerald, which weighs 794 pounds and stands around 4.3 feet high was unearthed a month ago, 200 meters deep inside the Carnaiba Mine in Brazil

The Laos – China High Speed Rail line opened up.

From Gordon Dumoulin…

The high financial risks or another example of the debt trap diplomacy?
China to Laos HST
The official opening of the high speed train route from China’s Kunming to Vientiane, capital of Laos was major news in both countries. “From land-locked to high speed land-linked” as I wrote a few weeks ago:
Not headline news in Europe or USA, understandably in today’s Covid tense circumstances but having read several major news sites on this event, it ranged from considerations between Laos economic developments and the risks of loans to China to a straightforward example of another Chinese ‘debt trap diplomacy’.
I have not yet come across any article in US or European media which did not mention the risks and increasing dependence of Laos to China in the light of the rail connection. Imagine that!
Few other perspectives from this week;
First perspective. Several news items in the West quote an AIDDATA report “Banking on the Belt and Road” citing that Laos has the highest debt of all countries to China. I did not read this 166-page report yet. I did though quickly check who or what is AIDDATA.
It is a research lab at William & Mary’s Global Research Institute in Williamsburg, VA. Directly funded by among others the US Secretaries of State and Defense and in close collaboration with the National Endowment of Democracy, an ‘overt’ arm of the CIA as some might call it.
While not disputing the content of the report as I have not read it yet, should the nature of ‘independence’ of this report not raise questions by at least a few journalists for further research ?
A second perspective related to the so-called Chinese debt trap diplomacy. Yes criticism is definitely healthy but a balance (in criticism) not less important. The news this week that Deborah Bräutigam, Director of the China Africa Research Institute at John Hopkins University was framed by the BBC.
She is well-known for having denounced the Chinese debt trap diplomacy in several reports/books by facts and numbers. Her telephone interview with the BBC was cut in such a way that it seemed she supports the debt trap diplomacy narrative… to her own horror.
A third perspective; unexploded US cluster bombs in Laos had to be removed before being able to build this high speed railway. Over 260 million US cluster bombs were dropped on Laos from 1964-1973 (more than all bombs on Europe during WWII), making Laos by far the most heavily bombed country in global history. 30% of those bombs remained unexploded and is still daily reality for many people in Laos. Historical perspectives.   
American bombs all over Laos.

Not intending to judge content or painting black-white angles, let us all just strive to broaden perspectives and balance. And most of all, hope that this high speed railway (which is definitely a fact) will bring a brighter, inter-connected future for the people from Laos and China, peacefully, economically and socially.
Remember that if tiny, tiny Laos can have a high-quality high-speed train line, why can the mighty exceptional America as well?

Jordi Comments…

The China-Laos Railway, a landmark project of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, started operation on Friday.

The electrified passenger and freight railway runs 1,035 kilometers, including 422 kilometers in Laos, from the city of Kunming, southwest China’s Yunnan Province, to Lao capital Vientiane.

The architecture style of the railway stations is designed to feature local culture.

Sleek bullet trains will travel at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour, through mountains and valleys.

High Speed Train.

Construction of the Laos section started in December 2016, and construction of the China part linking Yuxi and the border town of Mohan started in December 2015.

A total of 167 tunnels and 301 bridges were built along the new sections stretching over 900 kilometers, after builders overcame many technical difficulties.

As a docking project between the Belt and Road Initiative and Laos’ strategy to convert itself from a landlocked country to a land-linked one, the line will slash the travel time between Kunming to Vientiane to about 10 hours.

The railway could potentially increase aggregate income in Laos by up to 21 percent over the long term, the World Bank said in a report last year.

David BK Tan comments…

Actually the significance of #China-#Laos railway is that it is a dual-purpose HSR i.e. it can transport cargoes or passengers across borders. This would bring a disruption to shipping industry as companies can opt for the intermodal transportation i.e. moving large-sized goods in the same steel-based containers through two or more modes of transport. In other words, using a mix of truck-rail-ship for the purposes of turnaround efficiency and cost effectiveness.

If you look at European and Japanese HSR, they are meant to ferry passengers only and so HSR does not disrupt the shipping industry which is dominated by European shippers.

But the benefits brought about by intermodal transportation via HSR are significant when one looks at China-Laos railway. Below video is an example.

The train from China departed for Laos on Dec 4 from Kunming loaded with Yunnan's specialty vegetables. Specialty products of Laos and Thailand are expected to be delivered at the Kunming Tengjun international land port in Kunming on the return trip, which will further be transported to cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing, via the land port. The train is expected to reach Laos's Vientiane South station on Dec 5.

Hence it is a fast mode of transport using HSR since if you use shippers, you have to wait for the ships to load and unload at various ports of call, the use of land transport after the goods are received, the time involved in the administrative paperwork etc.

What Laos has, but America doesn’t

A High speed train! Thanks to China’s BRI.

Video 3.4MB

What Pakistan has by the USA doesn’t…

A High speed train. Thanks to China’s BRI. I guess the USA is too focused on wars around the world. Video Check it out. 131MB

Debit Trap!!!!!

Yada. Yada. Yada.

Debit Trap.

From TC Khoo…

“The reality is that the US and 300 years of Western imperialism strives to control, oppress, and steal the resources of developing countries. A century later not much is changed and the millions living in developing countries [remain] trapped in a cycle of poverty and exploitation, through policies implemented by the IMF and the World Bank. The Euro-centric West over-looks the legacy of its ‘development policies’ which are the cause of half of humanity living below the poverty line.
While western aid agencies put out adverts asking money .. they omit the fact that Africa is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of natural resources and turned into a ‘begging bowl’ a result of West’s debt-traps and perpetual wars.
·        The real DEBT TRAP – Paul Craig Roberts, author of The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism outlines how the west has looted third world countries and how IMF plays a lead role in this ..

“the gullible” governments are offered “foreign loans to implement a Western-presented development plan” 

.. in reality the country becomes indebted .. Unable to pay back the loan, the creditors send in IMF to lend it money to pay its bank creditors. Now IMF is in a controlling position it will apply austerity measures cutting back public services, public pensions, and sell national resources to foreigners .. the exploitation doesn’t stop there, but rather the West pushes a “policy on Third World countries of abandoning food self-sufficiency and producing one or two crops for export earnings. This policy makes Third World populations dependent on food imports from the West. Thus, self-sufficiency is transformed into indebtedness”.
Such policies have hindered the development in third-world debt-ridden countries for decades. Nick Dearden Director of ‘Global Justice Now’ argues that even before “we had even heard of COVID-19″ the IMF warned that 34 countries were at risk of debt distress and this was a conservative estimate .. more than 60 countries cannot build a basic health system because the “world’s poorest countries are repaying vast sums year on year to rich countries, international “anti-poverty” funds – public bodies such as the IMF – and major banks is a damning indictment on our global economy.”
While the US propagates the debt-trap narrative, the biggest worry for the West is that China’s BRI offers a much-needed alternative for the global South.
Washington is not interested in facts that contradict their narrative, rather US officials and the vast media propaganda machine are continuing to repeat the debt-trap accusations with an aim to discredit BRI [but] there has never been a Western proposal for continental-scale infrastructure building … It was the Chinese who sought to build a road, rail and maritime infrastructure network to link Africa’s economies with the rest of the world”, with the debt trap allegations against China debunked again and again.  
read more at –


In 1960, David Latimer planted a tiny garden inside of a large glass bottle and sealed it shut. He opened the bottle 12 years later in 1972 to add some water and then sealed it for good. The self contained ecosystem has flourished for nearly 60 years.

For those who are wondering how this is even possible: the garden is a perfectly balanced and self-sufficient ecosystem. The bacteria in the compost eats the dead plants and breaks down the oxygen that is released by the plants, turning it into carbon dioxide, which is needed for photosynthesis. The bottle is essentially a microcosm of earth.

Miniature ecosystem.

In Tanzania…

The world moves on. Free of the worry of being bombed to oblivion by the United States.

From Dr. Tomor…

Have you seen a stone arch bridge being built? I was in Tanzania this week and saw several being built. I found top quality workmanship creating impressive bridges.

Bridge construction.

Where does the story begin? The Belgian Development Agency (#ENABEL) together with the Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (#TARURA) are building 70 stone bridges in small villages around Kigoma to help people get to markets.

Bridge construction.

This fascinating project, located deep in the Tanzanian countryside, has much to teach the developed world. For embracing decarbonisation, stone bridges offer an ultra low emission alternative to concrete and steel with minimal maintenance costs.

Bridge construction.

As digital technology is incorporated into stone construction there is a compelling case for reviving this incredibly long-lasting material.

Bridge construction.


People wondered about the HK-Macau Bridge…

“It’s impressive, but a big black hole to throw money into” says the jealous British reporter. It wasn’t even announced or reported on in the United States. But I can tell youse guys that it is really impressive, and it lands right at my doorstep. Literally. I go out of my back door, and there’s the road from the bridge!

But why was it built? For people to travel back and forth from HK to the Casinos?

The bridge to my doorstep.

Now we know. China wants to turn Macau from a casino den into a tech base for the Greater Bay Area.

When I first read this, I had a little giggle in my head.

Wait a moment …

I realized how much I judge a thing based on a commonly held belief or opinion. Vegas is the most sinful place while Sedona Arizona is the most spiritual place.

Is that true?

Or is that based on the experience of a person carrying out certain activities in that place?

Can you be spiritual in Vegas? Absolutely yes if you want to.

Is there a totally “bad” or “good” place on earth?
Or is it just our experience or our perception of that place being “bad” or “good”?

To take this to another level, is democracy absolutely good and authoritarian absolutely bad?  Is freedom totally good and control totally bad?

Good and bad ideologies have been instilled in the minds of people so that we can fight to be right and fight to “survive”, the lowest level of human consciousness.

What if we can go beyond the “survival” to the plane of co-creation?

Chinese government’s intervention in economics and businesses is much larger than what one is used to in the west. But that’s just how it is. China is much larger than anything that the West can possibly comprehend.

Is it totally bad? Or is it just the perception of being bad because it’s not consistent with what one expects in the west based on the beliefs and values where one is raised.

Now back to the topic of Macau …

Half of Macau’s GDP comes from casino revenue. Gambling represents 80% of the government’s tax revenue. An 80 per cent drop in gambling revenue last year led to a 50 per cent decline in GDP.

In Beijing’s plan, Macau is being encouraged to develop integrated circuits, new energy projects, and artificial intelligence (AI), among other tech sectors, and to establish a supply chain for chips, from design to testing.

For China’s tech firms, the city is also proving a testing ground for new products and solutions. Tencent, Huawei and SenseTime are all involved in the city’s digitalization and smart city projects.

Lu Gang, director of the Macao Technology General Association, said …

“Although it’s small in size, Macau is an international platform connecting the mainland to the world and can help Chinese companies venture abroad.”

Transforming a city from a casino den to a tech innovation base is quite a huge effort, but China thinks long term. No wonder Zhuhai, and the Guangzhou corridor is literally on a building spree and all those skyscrapers are everywhere.

And of course, the CIA tried to stop all this…

The CIA / NED embeds in Hong Kong tried all sorts of things to top the Chinese construction in the Bay area… this is from 2011. WWF is a NED front organization.

Coronavirus in Shanghai

From Joe Z… 6DEC21

Yesterday 4pm, one family of this city found Covid positive (after 20 months of zero case), as the man was traveling back from Shanghai. 

8am this morning, 50 testing sites are ready in that suburb, 40k+ people will be tested quickly, 100+ medical workers are mobilized, people are informed via phones and medias, schools are temporarily closed for 1 day.

Everyone is busy doing their part to minimize the impact and wants to get back to normal as soon as possible.

Western media can call that whatever they want: human rights violation, brainwashing, communism, no freedom, collectivism, overreacting, whatever accusation that can express their hatred.

We who live here care more about our health and work. We respect our medical workers and volunteers.

Hater's opinion is irrelevant to us.

China and Africa

From Sebastian Ibold…

Africa-#China cooperation and trade deepened in recent years.

In particular the "Forum on China-#Africa Cooperation" (#FOCAC), a tri-annual forum between China and African countries, is a platform for the alignment of cooperation and development goals of the Sino-African strategic partnership.

A week ago, the 8th edition of the FOCAC, the 2021 summit, was held from 29 to 30 November in Dakar bringing together foreign ministers and high-level attendees from African countries, the African Union and China (first summit held in 2006 in Beijing).

The 2021 summit adopted 4 resolutions: 1. Dakar Action Plan (2022–24), 2. China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035, 3. Sino-African Declaration on Climate Change and 4. Declaration of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC.

In particular the China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035 is of strategic importance. According to the first 3-year plan of the vision, China will:

send 1,500 medical personnel and public health experts and provide 1 billion doses of #COVID19 vaccines to Africa.

⚒undertake 10 poverty reduction and agricultural projects and send 500 agricultural experts to Africa.

import goods worth EUR 247 billion over the next 3 years (in recent years, bilateral trade stood at about EUR 165 billion per year, with China's imports from and exports to Africa each reaching about EUR 80 billion).

provide EUR 8 billion of trade financing to support African export, provide credit facilities of EUR 8 billion to African financial institutions, channel to African countries EUR 8 billion from its share of the IMF’s new allocation of Special Drawing Rights and encourage Chinese businesses to invest no less than EUR 8 billion in Africa in the next 3 years.

exempt African LDCs from debt incurred in the form of interest-free Chinese government loans due by the end of 2021.

establish a platform for China-Africa private investment promotion and support the development of African SMEs (indicating a shift from traditional infrastructure and construction investment-focus to a more local development approach)

establish a China-Africa cross-border RMB center.

undertake 10 digital economy projects in Africa.

undertake 10 green development, environmental protection and climate action projects for Africa ("actively promote solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy, work for effective implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and keep strengthening our capacity for sustainable development").

build in Africa "centers of excellence on low-carbon development and climate change adaptation".

encourage Chinese companies in Africa to create at least 800,000 jobs in Africa.

undertake 10 peace and security projects for Africa.

Side fact: One of the commonly used world maps, the Mercator Projection, depicts Greenland and Africa as being roughly the same size. In reality, Africa with 30 million sqkm is 14 times larger (see last graphic, true size of countries)

In Japan: “Bread & Roses: Pandemic Drives Women into “Nighttime Work””


SNA (Tokyo) — On November 16, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced the disciplinary dismissal of a 28-year-old school nurse for moonlighting as a sex worker for more than a year.

Tokyo officials interrogated her after receiving an anonymous tip about her after-hours work. The primary and middle school nurse said she wanted to save enough money to live on her own in the city. The officials used the word menshoku (removal/dismissal from office) rather than kaiko (dismissal from employment) since she was a local government civil servant.

Japanese labor law grants employers the right to dismiss an employee (kaikoken), but that right cannot be abused (ranyo). In reality, you need a damn good reason (goriteki-katsu shakaiteki sotosei ga aru = reasonable and sufficient according to social norms) to fire somebody. The hurdle for disciplinary dismissal is even higher, requiring malicious behavior that causes considerable damage to the workplace with little prospect for recovery from the loss of “confidence” (shinrai).

The media has kept mum about the details of this case, but we can suss out quite a bit. The available information does not make it obvious whether she was fired for having a second job or for the nature of that second job. Local government civil servants cannot, in principle (though with exceptions), work side gigs without prior approval, according to the Local Public Service Act.

A violation can lead to a disciplinary dismissal, according to a strict reading of Article 38. And yet, countless incidents injurious to others, including teachers driving without a license, driving under the influence, groping on public trains (chikan), and lewd acts with students, do not lead to disciplinary dismissals. Most of those cases lead to lighter punishments, such as three-months forced leave or pay cuts. This school nurse injured nobody, yet she was hit with the ultimate employment penalty.

It’s easy to imagine that the reason for the differential treatment lay in the nature of her side gig. Very few sex workers in our society feel confident enough to declare their occupation openly. The dismissal perhaps relates to the fact that the job of teacher (which includes school nurse in Japan) is often called a “sacred profession” (seishoku) and is held up as a model occupation for the children they teach. The Tokyo government likely feared an adverse impact on children’s education and demands from angry parents for the immediate firing of a teacher who also works at a sex establishment.

However, the reaction on social media to this case has been overwhelmingly sympathetic to the school nurse. The following quotes encapsulate many comments I have found in my research.

Personally, I feel a disciplinary removal from office is too severe. It means she loses her teaching license. She surely had financial reasons for doing this, and I cannot accept that her mistake was so grave. Her next job hunt will be a nightmare. I worry about her future.

Disciplinary dismissal just for having a side gig? It’s a victimless crime. Even if it was a sex establishment, it’s odd for her to be dismissed like this just for having another job.

Such expressions of sympathy and solidarity reflect the  desperate impoverishment of women during this pandemic. The word yorushoku (nightwork) is increasingly common in Japan to refer to sex workers, in distinction to hirushoku (daytime work), such as administrative or sales work.

Even in pre-Covid times, women earned less than men and had far more precarious jobs. The pandemic has aggravated this situation, leading to many women being fired, having their contracts non-renewed, or losing work and income on zero-hour contracts. This has driven many women into yorushoku, and some even to working both day and night with little time to sleep.

In the past, the nighttime profession was considered a separate world inhabited only by professionals and experts–a world hard to enter and one that filled office workers with fear and trepidation. But the pandemic has robbed women of jobs, devastated their personal incomes, and aggravated the gender gap, as the Japan Research Institute reported this past April. Female suicides have jumped since the start of the pandemic, totaling 7,026 in 2020, according to the National Police Agency.

Although we don’t know the life circumstances of this particular school nurse, it’s not hard to imagine she suffered serious financial hardship. Public perception considers local government servants to enjoy secure employment throughout their careers. But a skyrocketing number of people work in public education on one-year part-time contracts. Her previous situation may have been precarious indeed.

It should be noted that yorushoku covers a broad range of sex work, from more hardcore services that include penetration to more softcore work such as drinking and chatting with customers at a hostess bar. Pay grows the more hardcore the work is–to a level higher than desk workers can imagine. It’s easy to understand why some women suffering financial hardship are being drawn to such high-paid work, when so few other opportunities are available to them.

The popularity of the word yorushoku has itself to some degree normalized this kind of work, enabling advertisers and recruiters to lower the psychological hurdle that many women feel about doing such work and drawing them in with the high pay.

But why are conditions for day jobs so precarious and miserable in the first place, particularly for women? Normalizing nighttime work while ignoring the issue of lousy daytime jobs misses the point. On top of that, sex work entails many risks, as well as the possibility for major mental and physical harm.

Why did the school nurse feel compelled to work at a sex establishment? This is a question for all workers living in Japanese society.

I concur 100% with the Japan Communist Party’s pledge to create a society in which people work eight hours a day and live a life worthy of a human being. It’s time the government reformed its labor policy to ensure that for all workers, regardless of gender.

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China creates its own democracy instead of duplicating Western models: white paper

Xinhua | Updated: 2021-12-04 12:08

BEIJING – China did not duplicate Western models of democracy, but created its own, according to a white paper released Saturday.

Titled “China: Democracy That Works,” the white paper was released by the State Council Information Office.

The original aspiration of China’s democracy was to ensure the people’s status as masters of the country, said the white paper.

China has created and developed whole-process people’s democracy in line with its national conditions. This is a form of democracy with distinctive Chinese features which at the same time reflects humanity’s universal desire for democracy, said the white paper.

Whole-process people’s democracy has fueled the development of the country and driven the revitalization of the nation. It has contributed a new model to the international political spectrum, said the white paper.

China must devise the most suitable form of democracy in accordance with its characteristics and realities. This is a basic principle China adheres to for developing democracy, said the white paper.

To develop its democracy, China has always drawn wisdom and strength from its 5,000-year-old culture and fine traditions, said the white paper.

Humanity’s quest for and experiments with greater democracy will never end, it said.

The true barrier to democracy lies not in different models of democracy, but in arrogance, prejudice and hostility towards other countries’ attempts to explore their own paths to democracy, and in assumed superiority and the determination to impose one’s own model of democracy on others, it added.

The World is changing

You can plainly see this on the polls that reflect the thoughts and belief of American workers.

Local Innovation

The owner of this electric car has done something that no electric car manufacturer has ever done.


I’ve always wondered why these machines aren’t designed for the energy that generates wheels to charge the car’s batteries.

This guy did it at home.

What you see in the frame is the current-generating generator that charges the batteries.

There is no longer a need to stop to charge batteries at charging stations or to charge them at home at night.

The machine charges the batteries while it’s running.

It’s as simple as that..

The Saker


This article is a reprint from a great article found on The Saker. I edited it for clarity, simplicity, and to fit this venue. All credit to the author. It is well worth the read as it describes the need for the USA to “ok, so die already”. Any American will be well familiar to the ideas, concepts and situations as described herein.

Despite the running assumption in Washington for some time that democratic backslides are linked to perceived adversaries such as Russia and China, the data actually seems to point back to the United States itself. 

Of all places, the news of this democratic decline was recently reported in the New York Times. According to data from V-Dem, the US and its allies (defined as countries with a formal or implied mutual defense commitment) have accounted for only 5% of worldwide increases in democracy in the 2010s while having 36% of the decreases. 

In fact, it states, US-allied countries saw their democracies decline by nearly double the rate of non-allies. 

This obviously raises the question: why? 

Answering this is quite a tall order for even the most astute political scientists, but it’s obviously not as simple as blaming Trump. Let’s look at some of the possible reasons. 

First of all, contrary to a long-running assumption, American influence does not actually lead to countries wanting to be like America. A Pew Research Center study from November 1 found that only 17% of people in their survey countries viewed US democracy as worth emulating, against 23% who said it was never a good example. Why is this? 

Well, US democracy sucks. 

If democracy means that public opinion is supposed to decide policies, then the US is an abject failure. 

Public opinion actually means next to nothing, considering the US is a functioning plutocracy – a government of, by, and for the wealthy. 

- Mirna Miranda

The author kind of goes off the “deep end” offering his opinions on race and social differences, and I personally found that repugnant. Never the less, he does have some good points and I tried to mediate his work so not to be offensive to the MM readership and myself. Part of accepting change is to listen to the opinions of others. I do hope that you enjoy this.

America Must Die—So That the People Can Live

America resembles an old house.

When you live in a 200-year-old house, you would do well to give it a thorough inspection every few years. Rap on the walls, pull down some old wallpaper, climb into the attic, and get down into the crawl space. Check the roofing, check the exterior walls, check the foundation. You are looking for signs of rot: decay, mold, insects, rodents, or just plain aging.

With luck, you find one or two small problems, you patch them up, and all is well.

Unfortunately, sometimes all is not well. Sometimes, you find signs of major and irreparable decay. In those cases, and as painful as it may be, you must be prepared to tear the house down and start anew. Anything less would be a lost cause, an act of utter futility.

America today.

America today is a 245-year-old house—a grand mansion with many rooms, situated on a wonderfully vast and glorious estate.

From the outside, from a distance, it still looks nice: glitzy, glamorous, wealthy, powerful, exciting. It still carries much from its well-intentioned (if flawed) beginnings.

But our inspection proves otherwise. When we rap on the walls, or get up in the ceiling, or crawl down to the foundations, we are shocked to find signs of widespread and irreparable decay.

The main timbers supporting the building are rife with termites; the roof is leaking; the foundation is cracked, the sands beneath are eroding, and all manner of vermin are running wild, both above and below.

In short, it is a horrible mess.

We try to plaster over holes here and there, and slap on some new paint once in a while, but the rot inevitably shows through. By any reasonable accounting, the building is on the verge of collapse. It may come down on its own, or we can be proactive and take it down, but down it will come.

America is starting to fall apart and crumble down.

Any viable nation is not only an edifice; it is a living entity.

It lives and breathes with the people in it. Our house is a living house; but sadly, it is terminally ill.

A combination of old age, disease, neglect, and poor hygiene have put it in a terrible state, one that is evidently beyond any hope of recovery or repair. The house must come down; America must die—in order for a new house, a new nation, to arise.

Such is life.

An Inspection Report on the USA “House”

It is worthwhile, then, to review my brief ‘inspection report’ of the American nation, and to diagnose the ailments that we are currently enduring.

If I am able to get down to root causes, this will naturally lead to some prescribed courses of action that we can take, both near-term and for the longer haul.

No one wants to live in a rotting house.

No one wants to live in a decaying nation. No one wants their children and grandchildren to grow up in such conditions.

We have better options.

At the highest level, my inspection report finds two major, and related, areas of concern: (1) a false notion of human equality, and (2) misplaced faith in the doctrine of democracy.

Further analysis shows that these two aspects have been ruthlessly and malevolently exploited by a potent selfish lobby to maximize benefit to themselves.

In what follows, I will attempt to outline the nature of this far-reaching and deep-rooted crisis, and to suggest some ways forward.

The False and Destructive Concept of “Equality”

In 1927, and four years before he penned Brave New World, famed writer, thinker, and “casual anti-Semite” Aldous Huxley published a compelling little book called Proper Studies.

It opens with an essay titled “The Idea of Equality.”

The very first line reads as follows:

That all men are equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane human being has ever given his assent. (p.1) 

Doctors, editors, bureaucrats—any person, in any walk of life, displays evident and obvious inequalities, says Huxley.

People are different in every way imaginable: skills, abilities, interests, intelligence, appearance, character.

Everyone acknowledges this, and yet at the same time they also want to insist on the essential and intrinsic equality of humans.

Hence does Huxley write of the human mind’s “almost infinite capacity for being inconsistent.”

He then describes the basic axiom at work:

Politicians and political philosophers have often talked about the equality of man as though it were a necessary and unavoidable idea, an idea which human beings must believe in, just as they must, from the very nature of their physical and mental constitution, believe in such notions as weight, heat, and light. 

Man is “by nature free, equal, and independent,” says Locke,[1] with the calm assurance of one who knows he cannot be contradicted. 

It would be possible to quote literally thousands of similar pronouncements. (p.2) 

He identifies the original source of this fallacy in Aristotle, whose metaphysical assumption of a human essence (as “the rational animal”; Nicomachean Ethics I.8, 13) implies a sort of equality among the human species.

Against Huxley, we can argue that this does not quite follow; the existence of a common and distinctive quality of all humans need not imply their social, political, or existential equality, any more than the fact that all material objects have mass imply that they all have the same weight.[2]

Huxley also fixes some blame on Descartes, but again, this is perhaps an exaggerated claim.

In Discourse on Method (1637), Descartes writes:

Good sense is the best distributed thing in the world. … 

It indicates that the power of judging well and of distinguishing the true from the false—which is what we properly call ‘good sense’ or ‘reason’—is naturally equal in all men. … [A]s regards reason or sense, since it is the only thing that makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am inclined to believe that it exists whole and complete in each of us.[3] 

Even if we allow that reason is equal in all—a highly dubious assertion, to say the least—it still does not imply political, social, or moral equality.

More to the point, Huxley cites Christian doctrine and the position of the Church.

Even granting a “brotherhood of men” under Christ, “the brotherhood of men does not imply their equality.”

He continues:

“Neither does men’s equality before God imply their equality as among themselves.”

Even if God, from his divine and lofty standpoint, views us all as equals, any putative inter-human equality “is entirely irrelevant”.[4] It is rather like us viewing all ants or mice as identical when in fact they all recognize and acknowledge vast differences among themselves.

All this bodes ill for the “religion of democracy,” says Huxley (and as I will elaborate).

Its “primary assumption” is that “all men are substantially equal.” If the equality falls, so too falls democracy.

A most profound observation, worthy of repeating. "Democracy" is ONLY valid and a just form of governance, when everyone one is equal in ability, thought, social standing, and contribution. 

Otherwise, "democracy" is a failure. 


He summarizes concisely:

 The historical and psychological researches of the past century have rendered the theory which lies behind the practice of modern democracy entirely untenable. Reason is not the same in all men; human beings belong to a variety of psychological types separated from one another by irreducible differences. (p. 12) 

Science, anthropology, philosophy, and common sense all come to the same conclusion: human equality is a fallacy, and any political ideology based on that notion is doomed to failure.

Huxley, of course, was hardly alone in his condemnation of a claimed human equality.

Nietzsche viewed the idea with greater contempt and wrote in more scathing terms.

We find, especially in Beyond Good and Evil, a stunning repudiation of the concept.

His elaborations on the “order of rank” among men, the “instinct for rank,” the “noble soul,” and the necessity for human greatness, pervade the work.

A few examples will have to suffice:

Men, not noble enough to see the abysmally different order of rank, the chasm of rank, between man and man—such men have so far held sway over the fate of Europe, with their “equal before God,” until finally a smaller, almost ridiculous type, a herd animal, something eager to please, sickly, and mediocre has been bred, the European of today. (sec. 62)

The highest and strongest drives, when they break out passionately and drive the individual far above the average and the flats of the herd conscience, wreck the self-confidence of the community, its faith in itself, and it is as if its spine snapped. Hence just these drives are branded and slandered most. High and independent spirituality, the will to stand alone, even a powerful reason are experienced as dangers; everything that elevates an individual above the herd and intimidates the neighbor is henceforth called evil; and the fair, modest, submissive, conforming mentality, the mediocrity of desires attains moral designations and honors. (sec. 201)

Every enhancement of the type ‘man’ has so far been the work of an aristocratic society—a society that believes in the long ladder of an order of rank and differences in value between man and man. (sec. 257) 

The concept of equality is ultimately destructive because it declares, not only that no one is worse than anyone else, but more importantly that no one is better than anyone else—yes, that no one can be better.

True self-betterment and self-enhancement become impossible if we are all equal.

No matter what you do, you will still be only, and always, equal to the very least among men.

This doctrine is not merely false; it is utterly contemptible and destructive of higher aims and goals.

It means the death of humanity. Where we do not ascend, we decline; this is Nietzsche’s basic outlook.

Sadly, it conforms to the actual world in which we live today.

In the final passage above, Nietzsche points to a central fact and thus to a possible solution.

If every improvement to humanity and to society has occurred in aristocratic societies—that is, rule by the best—then we ought logically to use those as our model.

Societies that are capable of sorting men into lesser and greater types, and to do so effectively, are the drivers of human evolution.

They strive for greatness, and they create greatness.

Even the smallest steps in that direction—such as were taken by Hitler in his National Socialist Germany—would be such an improvement over the present day that any nation even attempting it would likely flourish spectacularly; and in fact, this is precisely what happened in Germany, beginning in 1933.

The rest of the equality-obsessed, oligarch-inspired world was so aghast that they were compelled to drive the remaining industrial nations against Hitler and to destroy him, so fearsome was the prospect of his success.

Still, entrenched myths die hard.

We in the US have our treasured Declaration of Independence, which declares as “self-evident”—with the calm assurance of those who know they cannot be contradicted—that “all men are created equal.”

As we know, this was disingenuous at best.

For one, they indeed meant ‘men,’ given that women could neither vote nor hold office.

And they meant ‘White men,’ given that all the Founders were White Anglo-Saxons, and many were slaveholders or otherwise endorsed slavery.

Hence that famous phrase really meant “all White males are created equal”—though even that is demonstrably untrue, as I have argued.

Original Democracy

Huxley had it exactly right: support for modern democracy is in fact more of a belief system, or even a faith, than something grounded in history, reason, and philosophy.

Like many other religions, democracy derives from a core of historical truth—here, in ancient Greece—that was then altered beyond recognition by an accretion of layers of myth, lie, and corruption.

Today we have the belief, the faith, by all sides, “left” and “right” alike,[5] that democracy is an unquestioned virtue, that it must be defended at all costs, and that it must be spread to the world, even at the point of a gun.

This is a fundamental political error, founded on an erroneous and detrimental conception of human equality; it must be overcome if we are to survive in the long run.

Democracy wasn’t always a religion.

At one time, at the beginning, it was a rational and effective (though not unproblematic) means of self-government.

Let’s take a minute to examine the original democracy of ancient Greece to see what worked and what did not.

The original democracy of ancient Greece

Athenian democracy was a remarkable institution, and remarkably different than what passes for democracy today.

To begin with, the population of the state (or polis) was small—it constituted only some 300,000 people at its peak, which included many slaves and foreigners.

By modern standards, this seems tiny but, for the time, it was extremely large.

Of this number, the only formal citizens were the adult native-born males, numbering perhaps 30,000, or just 10 percent of the population.

These citizens—the demos, the people—were the formal basis of political power, rather than some ruling wealthy elite (also known as oligarchs or plutocrats), or some tyrannical dictator, as could be found in other Greek states.

The democratic system, inaugurated by Cleisthenes around 500 BC, functioned in a very different way than we might expect.

For one, there were no elections; all leadership positions (apart from the military) were chosen by lot, at random, from among the citizens who had put forth their names.

This included even the leader of the Assembly—the collected body of citizens—who was effectively the president of the nation, though without much formal power.

The Greeks had invented a device called a kleroterion into which names were randomly inserted on small tokens; colored dice were then deployed to select names randomly and fairly from among the various tribes or families.

The system had several virtues: immediate results, no costly or corrupted election campaigns, fairness, transparency, and an equal involvement of all concerned.

The Greeks clearly had to be nice to all their fellow (Athenian male) citizens, any one of whom could someday have a position of prominence.

Secondly, there were no representatives.

Athens was a famously direct democracy.

All interested citizens gathered on a large open hilltop, called the Pnyx, roughly once per month, to listen to the issues of the day.

When the time came for decisions, a very public show of hands determined the outcome.

Even the gravest of matters, such as going to war, were decided this way.

This is all the more striking when we consider that the army was composed of the very men who had themselves just voted for war.

In other words, when you voted for war, you personally went to war.

And many never returned.

We can only imagine a similar situation in America today: that the Congressmen and women who support the next illegal and unjust foreign war[6] would be compelled to be on the first combat plane into the warzone. I suspect that we would have very few wars indeed.

I would love to see Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton try to invade China. It would be a hoot. -MM

In sum, Athenian democracy was small, direct, accountable, and transparent.

The wealthy elite had very little power to steer events in their favor.

The citizenry comprised only native men; foreigners had literally no voice in the state, even though they outnumbered the actual citizens by a factor of two or three.

Greek democracy was thus a racial (White European), ethnic (Athenian), and gendered (men only) system of rule.

And it worked incredibly well; it produced and sustained the brilliant Athenian culture that we know today.

Two Famous Critics

For all that, the system had some harsh and prominent critics—notably, Plato and Aristotle.

Plato had two main complaints against democracy:


Voting. First, he asked, why should all the citizens get to vote on key decisions? Why are they all treated as equals, one vote per man? This is illogical and counterproductive. Even in Athens, they had their share of dunces, dimwits, and degenerates. Why let these men vote? Why not let only the best, the wisest, vote? For that matter, why have votes at all? Why not just determine who are your wisest few, and let them rule?

This was Plato’s vision of an aristocracy, the optimal form of government. It is, at least in theory, far superior to anything like a democracy.


Freedom. Plato’s second concern was, ironically, with freedom itself. In a democracy, since “the people” rule, anything goes. Whatever the people want, the people get. And the people—the masses—rarely want the kinds of things that they should want, namely, virtue and discipline. Rather, they want to have fun: they want to do one thing one day, and something else the next, as it suits their fancy. They are ‘free,’ after all. They want to play games, engage in various petty amusements, fill their bellies, get drunk, and so on. As it was then, so it is now; human nature has scarcely changed in two millennia.

Plato is scalding in his attack. The “democratic man” is inundated by all manner of trivial and detrimental desires. True and deep thoughts are driven from his soul, and “false and boastful conceits and phrases mount upwards and take their place” (Republic Bk 8; 560c):

And so the young man returns to the country of the [pleasure-seeking] lotus-eaters, and takes up his dwelling there in the face of all men. … 

There is a battle and [the false and boastful words] gain the day, and then modesty, which they call ‘silliness’, is ignominiously thrust into exile by them, and temperance, which they nickname ‘unmanliness’, is trampled in the mire and cast forth. 

They persuade men that moderation and frugal spending are vulgarity and meanness, and so, by the help of a rabble of evil appetites, they drive them out.

And when they have emptied and swept clean the soul of him who is now in their power and who is being initiated by them in great mysteries, the next thing is to bring back to their house insolence and anarchy and waste and impudence in bright array, having garlands on their heads, and a great company with them, hymning their praises and calling them by sweet names. 

Arrogance they term ‘good-breeding’, and anarchy ‘freedom’, and waste ‘magnificence’, and impudence ‘courage’. 

And so the young man passes out of his original nature, which was trained in the school of necessity, into the freedom and libertinism of useless and unnecessary pleasures. (560d-e) 

And if wiser thoughts come calling, and if they struggle for predominance in his soul, he becomes confused; “he shakes his head and says that they are all alike, and that one is as good as another.”

He has lost the ability to judge and to discriminate, which degrades his entire life:

 His life has neither law nor order; and this distracted existence he terms ‘joy’ and ‘bliss’ and ‘freedom’; and so he goes on… [H]e is all ‘freedom’ and ‘equality.’ 

Hence the democratic man.

His precious freedom, given unrestrained license and lack of discipline, devolves into mindless and confused pleasure-seeking.

He believes he has freedom, and he believes in equality—but this is a sham; it is a false equality and the freedom of a shallow and vapid libertine.

Plato sums up the situation on democracy with one of the most striking sentences in the Republic:

These and other kindred characteristics are proper to democracy, which is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike. (558c) 

“Charming” and “disordered” democracy, so “fair and spangled,” is all show and no substance.

It encourages undisciplined, unvirtuous lives of hedonistic pleasure.

And most importantly, it “dispenses a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.”

Such a democracy, he says, can only lead in turn to the lowest form of government, tyranny.

I haven’t the space to elaborate, but in short, Aristotle basically agreed with this analysis.

He identified three primary forms of government, each of which had good and bad versions.

In descending order, the three good systems are monarchy (rule by one), aristocracy (rule by a small and wise few), and a ‘constitution’ (conditional rule by many).

The distorted or bad forms of each of these are tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy.[7]

In this sense, for Aristotle, democracy is literally ‘the worst of the worst.’ It is rule by the poor and needy masses, not the best or noblest few.

Industrial Democracy

What, then, of democracy in the world today?

We have variations on the democratic theme that are so remote from the Athenian original that they hardly deserve the same name.

They have lost all the virtues of the original but retained all the vices.

Democracy today has devolved into a crude perversion that I like to call industrial democracy.

Its primary characteristics are these:

1) Representative (parliamentarian) system—no direct participation. 2) Universal suffrage—all adults can vote. 3) Multiracial—all races can vote. 4) Unlimited population size. 5) Financially corrupt—moneyed interests hold great sway.

On every point, this is opposed to the Athenian model.

We vote, but typically only for a handful of pre-determined candidates or on a very limited number of referenda.

Our representation is scaled down by a factor of thousands or millions; a state as large as California, with almost 40 million people, gets all of two senators.[8] And every half-witted, uneducated ignoramus gets his or her vote—people who vastly outnumber the educated and the wise. (And we wonder why the intellectual level of political campaigns is so low.)

People of every balkanized race can vote, and they often do so in their own racial interest, thus guaranteeing a divided and conflicted government.

Perhaps most critically, the original small size of the Athenian citizen body, some 30,000 individuals, now numbers almost 250 million—the number of eligible American adults.

The vast size and scale of representation ensures that billions of corrupting dollars flow through the system, distorting even the most virtuous lawmaker, and guaranteeing a flood of media confusion, propaganda, and “fake news.”

Industrial democracy is rule by money: those with the most money, and the will to spend it, rule.

In America, we know who leads this race: the oligarch lobby, which contributes at least 50% of Democratic campaign funds and at least 25% of Republican funds.

Wealthy American oligarchs spend literally hundreds of millions on campaigns, ads, donations, and various other activities, all to influence the outcome in their favored direction.[9]

The situation is comparable in the UK, Canada, France, and Australia, all of which have relatively large and wealthy oligarch populations.[10]

The ancient Greeks—most of them, at least—would be appalled to see what their cherished democracy has come to.

As it is, we now have that which Plato predicted: democracy on the brink of degenerating into tyranny of various forms.

We have tyrannies of the rich, tyrannies of the oligarchy, and tyrannies of Big Tech, all vying for power, and all cooperating as needed to ensure that nothing like transparent and accountable government ever comes to pass.

The main objective of the rich is to stay rich.

As well as to maintain or grow the wealth gap between themselves and the masses; the larger the disparity, the more relative power they hold.

The main objective of the power-elite, is to weaken and damage the national psyche sufficiently.

As well as to diversify and deplete the nation genetically, so that they can maintain maximum control without completely destroying the wealth-producing capacity of the economy.

Under industrial democracy, the future is grim indeed.

America, sadly, has been completely subsumed by this pernicious and insidious form of government.

The country is ruled by the lowest, most depraved, most incompetent individuals imaginable.

At the same time, it is being flooded by the virtual scum of humanity—in July 2021 alone, over 212,000 arrests (“encounters”, in the government’s euphemistic propaganda) occurred at the southern border.[11]

How many more evaded “encounter” and entered the country illegally, we do not know.

And to these numbers we must add the “legal” immigration of large numbers of non-European, non-educated individuals who inevitably change the character of the nation seemingly for the worse.

The combined effect is dramatic.

A recent study stated that the US now has an astonishing 44 million people who were foreign-born, of which about 75% are legal and 25% are illegal.[12]

Nearly half of these millions were born in just five countries: Mexico, China, India, Philippines, and El Salvador.

Surely not more than a percent or two of these 44 million are from wealthy, educated nations. The grand edifice that is America is collapsing as we speak.

Therefore, it is time to accept reality and give up America for lost.

Put away your flags, your pins, and all your red-white-and-blue paraphernalia.

Toss out your MAGA hats; America will never be “great again.”

Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar or a fool.

The country is rotting from above and below.

Vermin are calling the shots from on high, and human detritus washes in over the borders.

This was precisely how Ancient Rome fell. Such is the terminal stage of many an empire.

Looking Ahead

If this report on the fatal condition of America is close to the mark, it also suggests corrective actions that must be taken to regain a sane and stable civic life.

Well, at least for the historical Americans who established and ran the country for most of its existence.

The necessary actions are hardly a secret.

The basic ideas are already floating around the Internet. Andrew Anglin, for one, was right on the mark in his recent essay on immigration. His conclusion:

The only way we are going to fix this [immigration] problem is through a two-fold solution: 1) Redrawing the borders of the country, and 2) Physically removing tens of millions of people. There is no situation where both of those things are not going to be necessary in the future. 

He is absolutely right.[13]

Those are two necessary, but not sufficient, conditions for the restoration of rational government among the population today.

More specifically, my above analysis suggests the following steps:

(a) Break up the existing United States into smaller, more cohesive, more homogenous, and more manageable units.

I do NOT suggest a return to the geographic borders of the individual states, but rather upon social clusters of similar interests, society, and unity. -MM

(b) In these new units, encourage all non-assimulated individuals to emigrate as soon as possible.

(c) Discard the pernicious concept of human equality and replace it by a celebration of the higher, the nobler, and the best.

(d) Replace industrial democracy with something like an aristocracy.


Let me close by offering a few words of elaboration on each.

More and more people these days seem to be recognizing the desirability and the inevitability of secession of portions of the US, and the establishment of new, independent nation-states.

In fact, as the nation continues to disintegrate, at some point people will have no choice; thus, it is better to plan now than to wait for some chaotic future breakdown.

Some of the current talk on secession has the right intent but is woefully weak and misguided.

One can find articles like “Is America still our country?” and “The separation,” but these are pathetically half-hearted.

Breaking up existing states but staying within America is a wholly insufficient form of secession.

The “6 Californias” idea is very weak; “Greater Idaho” is well-intentioned but falls way short of the mark.

None of these explicitly advocates breaking away from the US and forming new nations. Only full-blown secession can hope to get to the root of the problem. The reigning oligarchy knows this, which is why they do everything in their power to discredit the idea.

Point (b) is mandatory for restoring effective and rational governance.

Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Europeans all have countries of origin; they need to return there with all due haste.

Far-fetched, and irrational, but I allow him to rant on. -MM

After a short period of voluntary compliance, increasing pressure will need to be applied until they comply.

Yes, Europeans could theoretically return to Europe, except that Europeans created and built up the present civilization (such as it is) of the USA, and thus have earned a right to stay and to evict the interlopers.[14]

Native Americans were of course here before the White Europeans, and that precedence needs to be respected, such as via truly autonomous homelands.

And since Blacks were forcibly brought here from Africa [15], I would have no issue with assisting their return to Africa with subsidized travel arrangements, a small one-time cash payment, or with the use of political leverage in Africa to aid their repatriation.

We can ease the transition, but out they all must go.

The hardest to deal with will of course be the oligarchy of every race. With their political clout, wealth, and bull-headed tenacity, they will be very hard to root out.

The task is made all the more difficult because of the inability of our supposedly “conservative Right” to address this in a meaningful way.

Most all prominent rightwing individuals and organizations flee from the Question like the devil from holy water.

As I have noted elsewhere, Fox News and crew—Carlson, Hannity, et al—never explicitly mention the oligarchy, never out them, and never criticize them in any way; Hannity in fact bends over backward to curry favor.

Alex Jones never criticizes or outs any of the oligarchy. Same with Jared Taylor. American Renaissance won’t deal with them in a serious way. Breitbart at least discusses them, but always in a neutral or positive light.

The real critics are, sadly, few and far between; to reiterate what I wrote recently, we need to be extremely grateful for The Occidental Observer,, National Vanguard, and people like Anglin, all of whom are willing to speak the hard truth on the history and control of these long-duration oligarchs that run the United States..

Point (c) obviously follows from the above discussion. We must drop all talk of human equality and replace it with a promotion and celebration of human uniqueness and human greatness. This needs to be made explicit in common discourse, media, and school curricula.

We need to celebrate and praise human genius while emphasizing the fact that most people are not geniuses and will never achieve greatness, but who can nonetheless have meaningful and valuable lives.

When it is understood that humans never were, and never will be, equal, then all become free to achieve their full potential and, for those who succeed in bettering themselves, to reap the rewards of exceptional development.

In a just society, exceptional individuals will earn additional rights, but they will also bear additional duties, compared to the lesser. “Equal” performance for the various subgroups of people—as distinguished by gender, age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, etc.—will never be expected or mandated. “Racial equality” will be a nonissue.

Industrial Democracy must die

On the final point, it is clear that the hopelessly corrupt industrial democracy must go.

We can also be confident that something like an aristocracy would be a vast (if imperfect) improvement, even as there is much leeway in the specific details.

If we allow that “rule by the wiser” is superior to “rule by the masses,” then we have many ways to realize such a system.

At the simplest level, we could retain elections for officeholders but permit only the wiser—smarter, more educated, more accomplished—individuals to vote.

It could be very basic: require that voters earn a college degree, for example; or score above average on an IQ test; or distinguish themselves in some other relevant way (an exceptional athlete, by contrast, earns no right to a voice on political issues).

The disenfranchised would not be made to feel inferior; rather, they would come to accept such a system as in the best interests of all.

The Chinese have adopted this system and the successes of China are amazing. You can read about how the Chinese has adopted this system HERE. 


At a more sophisticated level, we might move to adopt something like a Platonic education system, as laid out in the Republic.

There he sketches a 50-year training program involving age-appropriate schooling, skills training, physical fitness, and practical experience that both educates the masses and serves as a filtering process to determine who the truly wisest and most capable leaders are.

Again, The Chinese have adopted this system and the successes of China are amazing. You can read about how the Chinese has adopted this system HERE. 


A series of pass-fail criteria progressively reduce the pool of eligible candidates, leaving, at the end, a mere handful of individuals who have repeatedly proven themselves under pressure. In a future aristocracy, a small pool of “the best” could be added annually to a kind of ruling congress who would then be unconditionally empowered to make and enforce all laws and policies.

After a fixed term of governance, each individual would be compelled to retire in turn. Again, this is just one way of realizing such a system.

Variations might include finding ways to identify and empower the truly exceptional individuals—or perhaps a single individual—and give them correspondingly exceptional powers to rule.

In any case, the system would need to be recognized by the vast majority of people as an effective and desirable solution. In this sense, it would retain a small flavor of traditional democracy. “Consent of the governed” can work, as long as the population is not too large and as long as we do not have to contend with competing racial minorities or Jewish financial corruption. But such consent is a far cry from universal suffrage or rule by the masses, which can never work, and which always degenerates.

Such is my basic outline of a path forward. Obviously, much more needs to be said. But it is a start, one that addresses the root causes of our present crisis.[16]

Final Thoughts

I close with this thought: To the extent that America ever was great, this is because, at the start, it was roughly modeled on the Athenian original.

The early American government was gendered, racial, and ethnic European  males of a predominantly north European stock.

And it stayed that way for nearly 100 years.[17]

The celebrated American “diversity” at the beginning was a diversity among Whites: English, Scots, Irish, Dutch, Germans, and Scandinavians all would have been represented in those early years.

Yes, America had significant numbers of Blacks and Jews from the 1600s, but they had limited or no political influence.

Religion was of secondary importance.

Yes, it was nominally a “Christian nation” at the start, but few among the Founders were deeply religious—Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and John Jay being the exceptions—and most were skeptical believers or deists, if not functional atheists.

Hence, early America prospered and flourished in spite of, not because of, Christianity; in spite of, not because of, Blacks and Jews; and in spite of, not because of, the principle of equality.

Blacks, Asians, Jews, “equality,” and Christianity were millstones around the young nation’s neck. It is a testament to our initially gendered and racial governance that we accomplished so much in those early years, with such huge burdens to bear.

Two centuries later, those millstones proved to be our ruination.

America is dying a slow and painful death. Let us euthanize the long-suffering nation, redraw the boundaries, rethink the guiding principles, and begin again.

Final MM Comments

Obviously I edited out the distasteful elements and sanitized the article for general distribution. People in echo chambers forget how they often appear to others who lie outside that echo chamber.
There is no need to bring race, or ethnic DNA points of origination in an article about changes in governance, but they are one and the same in this author’s mind. I cannot extract those thoughts without destroying the beneficial points being presented.


Personally, I do not care who the oligarchy is, what race they are, where they originally came from, or what food they eat for breakfast. All I care about is removing them from any areas of control, in any way, from MY life. Thus the point in this article. I hope that you all enjoyed it.

Mr. Deng said it best. “I don’t care what color the cat is. All I care about is whether or not it can catch mice.”

Now about China

From an email…
Today, wokeism has killed education in the West, particularly America. There is zero chance for a reversal and even if by some miracle it was reversed, the ship has sailed. Too late to play catch up.

A phrased I particularly remember was "In America it would be a miracle if I could fill a hall with young PhD engineers but in China, it would be very easy to fill a stadium with the same".

At this transition period of global supremacy, I would still advice students from third world country to study a Bachelor degree in the West (UK, Europe, maybe Australia) but afterwards, to study post graduate in China. Some Post graduate degrees in China can be in English but it's still best to have rudimentary spoken Mandarin to get around while studying in China. Have seen Western students who actually are studying Post Graduate degree in Mandarin, which requires a proficiency in both written and spoken Mandarin. Hats off to them.

As I've mentioned to Guy From Africa, learn Mandarin. It will be the future language of business. It won't be the sole language of science and technology but will be on paper with English in the future.

Anglo-Saxons Americans, Brits, Australian find it astonishing that other people are bi lingual, where they can't begin to fathom the usefulness of another language besides English (a by product of the arrogance of British Empire). Europeans in general are bi lingual. South East Asians are bi, tri, tetra or even penta lingual (at the very least bi lingual but tri lingual is especially common. A friend of mine is penta lingual, yes, 5 languages.) To be able to communicate is key & speaking more than 1 language is advantageous.
Anyways, the below opinion piece in WSJ is interesting, to say the least. As a Chinese doctoral student raising a young son in the U.S., I am mystified by how American elementary schools coddle students. In China, schools are run like boot camps. What do the therapeutic comforts America showers on its youth portend for a growing competition with China? video 6MB
I recently registered my son in the third grade at a New Jersey public school. Hattie had recently finished two years of elementary school in Chengdu, China, where he trotted off to school each day with a backpack stuffed with thick textbooks and materials for practices and quizzes. .
Here he leaves for school with little in his backpack other than a required “healthy snack.” The first day he came home with a sheet of math homework: 35 addition problems. He finished in about a minute. On the second day, he was asked to write 328 in different configurations.
He first wrote down 300+20+8, following the prompt, and then 164×2, 82×4 and 656÷2. My son is not a genius, but he started studying math at an early age. When he was 5, I taught him fractions.
Two years later, I introduced him to algebra. It is a core belief in Chinese society that talent can be trained, so schools should be tough on children. Chinese students score at the top of international math and science tests. This is not a philosophy shared by American schools.
On Friday night my son came home announcing in bewilderment that he didn’t have any homework. In China students tend to receive twice as much homework on the weekend, given the two days to complete it. Video 25MB
How will America compete with a China determined to train the best mathematicians, scientists and engineers? Unfolding now are two Maoist cultural revolutions, one in the East and the other in the West. The former is a jingoistic nationalism enforced by party loyalties and ubiquitous secret police.
The latter is an anti-Americanism enforced by progressive mobs seeking to defund the police. Both are about limiting expression, controlling thought and regulating behavior. Xi Jinping has been cracking down on everything from finance to entertainment to whip his country through a “national rejuvenation.”
China’s nationalism is explicitly anchored in Maoism, with Mr. Xi representing the new cult of personality. Meanwhile, woke America—which, consciously or not, deploys Maoist tactics—is destroying the core traditions of Western civilization with identity politics.
In both countries, control must extend to the very young to mold them in the image of the official ideology. In fall 2021 Chinese pupils returned to school with a new requirement to study “Xi Jinping Thought.” Schools must “plant the seeds of loving the party, the country, and socialism in young hearts,” a government announcement declares.
Across the ocean, American pupils are taught that white America is inherently racist, regardless of individual intention or action. Chinese education pushes the young in directions that serve the party and the state. Youth are trained to be skilled laborers ready to endure hard work and brutal competition.
Such political indoctrination is taught side by side with math and science. American education is supposed to be about opening minds but appears not to fill them with much.
Worse, young Americans are not prepared for the demands of being an adult. This phenomenon started in higher education. For years attending American universities, I have been disturbed to watch colleges fabricate “anxiety” and “depression” in students who are not mentally ill. Administrators have used grossly exaggerated terms such as “trauma,” and melodramatic expressions such as “I cannot begin to imagine what you have suffered,” to turn into a catastrophe what is best described as disappointment.
This creates a culture of victimization. The absurdity peaked after the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Students from elite universities claimed existential despair, finding comfort in cocoa, coloring books and therapy dogs.
Classes were canceled and exams postponed, all in the name of soothing 20-somethings who need to be learning how to adapt to reality as adults. Chinese citizens enjoy mocking the Western “snowflakes.”
Less amusing is what this trend means for the U.S. as China no longer hides its enmity for America.
Ms. Zhang is a doctoral student in political science.


And don’t be so sure that all China makes is cheap plastic toys…

China tested a hypersonic vehicle in July that was able to fire off its own missile over the South China Sea while traveling at five times the speed of sound, in a physics-defying display of technology that no other country has demonstrated, according to a new report.
The Financial Times on Sunday revealed fresh details of Beijing’s hypersonic weapons test earlier this year, which saw a nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle circle the globe in low orbit before landing. United States intelligence officials were reportedly alarmed by the test as it demonstrated a brand-new weapons capability that government scientists were struggling to understand, with one source earlier telling the newspaper the achievement appeared “to defy the laws of physics”.
According to the Sunday report, the specific technological advance that caught Pentagon scientists off guard was the ability of the glide vehicle – a maneuverable spacecraft – to fire off its own missile mid-flight.

And you must realize that China is a democracy

Yeah. It’s something that the frenzied media mouthpiece never talks about.

China follows “whole-process people’s democracy”, which is based on a deeper understanding of democracy. China’s socialist whole-process people’s democracy can be understood as “from the people, to the people, with the people, for the people”.

Whole-process people’s democracy covers the whole process of election, decision-making, management and supervision, in order to meet people’s needs and solve people’s real problems. Only such a democracy can be real democracy.

Different from Western-style democracy, China practices real democracy, because it believes the “people are the masters of the country”.

In the West, people with little or no political experience can become national leaders by winning an election.

In contrast, Chinese leaders at all levels must have the experience of working at the grassroots level to be eligible for selection through many elections before becoming high-level officials.

And a good comment…

“…However, yes, there’s definitely the problem of a mistake/miscalculation being made–that’s why the Russian’s have emphasized so much and often that any missile launch from a known dual-use launcher will be treated as if it’s a nuclear warhead, and have pleaded with the Outlaw US Empire/NATO not to emplace such launchers that close to Russia’s borders or in Europe/Asia at all.

Russia is far more rational in its analysis of a post-nuclear war future–Who wants to live in a future without Russia.

IMO, the world can be absolutely certain that if Russia or China–possibly even Iran–is attacked directly by the Outlaw US Empire/NATO or one of its surrogates, most of North America, all of Europe, and any place any Western Oligarch might attempt to hide will be utterly devastated, while those poor souls remaining will deal with the ensuing Nuclear Winter.”


Whether or not the USA is sinking should not matter to you. What SHOULD matter is what you do with your life, right here, and right now. I say “Be the Rufus”. We do not know when the calling will come. However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
What? You might ask. And to that I will give examples of other people. People who are just like you who act as a Rufus in times of need. Dogs, as great as they are, sometimes need help. The smarter dogs know that trying to cross a street is dangerous. So what are they going to do? Well, good thing that there is a Rufus near by to help. Video  


[1] Second Treatise on Civil Government (1690), chapter 8, section 95.

[2] And in fact, Aristotle’s later discussion of the “great-souled man” (Nicomachean Ethics IV.3) demonstrates conclusively that he believed in vast difference among men.

[3] The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, volume one, Cambridge University Press (1985), pp. 111-112.

[4] Indeed, explicit human equality exists nowhere in the Bible. Paul claims in Galatians (3:28) that “there is neither Jew nor Greek” under Jesus and that “we are all one in Christ Jesus.” But this only says that all are welcome into his nascent universalist church; it does not support the idea that all are equal. And more importantly, there are very good reasons for believing that Paul held to the most obnoxious form of Jewish supremacism, and thus did not believe in human equality in the least; see my essays “Christianity: The great Jewish hoax” and “Nietzsche and the origins of Christianity.”

[5] Though, as I have recently argued in “The problem with leftism,” both the Left and the Right are “fakes,” which explains why they both adhere to similar nonsense, and why they both supplicate to the Jewish Lobby.

[6] Actually, in America we don’t have wars anymore; we have “authorized uses of military force” or AUMFs. This is Congress’ cowardly way to kill others on behalf of their lobbyists and patrons without having to vote for an actual war.

[7] Politics III.7.

[8] It does get 53 federal representatives, but even here, each represents the interests of an average of 750,000 very diverse individuals.

[9] See my elaborations in “The problem with leftism” and “Confronting the Judeocracy.”

[10] <removed>

[11] Of course, not all illegal immigrants are scum. But from everything we know, a very high proportion of them are from the lowest, least intelligent, and most criminal segments of humanity. And since virtually all of them are non-White, even the best will alter the nature of our traditionally White society.

[12] Though the actual number of illegals could be much higher than the presumed 11 million. One recent study argued that the true figure could be as high as 29 million.

[13] <removed>

[14] Yes, Black African slaves and Chinese coolies “built” portions of the early US. But they provided only the low-end brute labor, not the organizational or intellectual basis for the nation. To give them credit for building America would be akin to giving credit to the oxen and draft horses of the early pioneers.

[15] See Louis Farrakhan’s book The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews (3 volumes).

[16] Elsewhere I have argued that Hitler’s National Socialism can also be a model going forward. His nationalism created an ethnic-based sense of unity and purpose that far exceeded mindless patriotism, and his socialism served as an antidote to unrestrained finance capitalism. There are many good lessons to be learned there. Interested readers should start with my recent edition of Mein Kampf, and with my newly-reworked edition of Alfred Rosenberg’s classic, The Myth of the 20th Century.

[17] Black males were granted the right to vote in 1866, and women (of all races) in 1920.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)

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You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

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A second Rufus humanity post for a new year and new start

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal. His video summarizes it up nicely. Be the Rufus. video. 27MB

Rufus Police

The duty of the police is to help society to be safe and secure. And when crimes are performed, to isolate the troublemakers and remove them from society. And when they do good, and are helpful they should be appreciated for their efforts. video 2MB

A Rufus shows understandings

Sometimes things are not what they seem. But when understanding dawns, then the Rufus can shine through. video

AI and social Credit Scores working together to catch criminal bad guys

China is rapidly able to catch the bad guys of society as all of China is wired for surveillance by AI computers, and everything is monitored. It might sound Orwellian, but the results speak for themselves. bad guys are caught and imprisoned long before they even realize that they were caught. video 15MB

Rufus saves a kitty cat

A country cat wants to nap in the middle of a road. Lucky for him a young Rufus is nearby. video 1MB


All Rufus. All the time. video


The role of government should be to support and protect it’s citizenry. Not pit one group against the other. And it shouldn’t allow people to go without food, work, purpose and shelter. China is a perfect example of a government that cares for it’s citizens, while America is the perfect example of a selfish tyrannical nightmare. Here, we compare China with America regarding homeless people. It’s like night and day. video 96MB

Read the subtitles.

Emergency it’s all hands on deck

It’s an emergency it’s all hands on deck and the emergency save of a baby. Go get them Rufus! Video 5MB

Rufus schoolboy helps lost child

Waits for the police and then hands over the lost wayward child. Video

Be the Rufus

We need to be kind to each other, to be helpful and to care about other people If everyone would do so then this world would be a great and wonderful place. video 67MB

Rescue of a drowning person

Being a hero is but a small part of what being a Rufus is. video 2MB

Be the kind person that everyone can rely on

You are not your job, your education, your career. You are not your image, your beauty, or your wallet. you are not your family or their standing in the community. You are yourself, and that means you are pristine and special. So be the Rufus. Make your life and the lives around you better. video 15MB

Rufus with an umbrella

Be the Rufus. video 3MB

Be the Rufus


Contribute and make the world a better place for all of us. Stop being so selfish, so greedy and so demanding. be more compassionate, kind and caring. be the Rufus. video 21MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

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Nations around the world extracting the American occupation forces as a contemporaneous “Sunset Boulevard” insanity prevails

In this article we discuss the necessity of extraction of the American occupation forces that have military bases in most other “independent” nations around the world.

American military bases in an “independent” nation means that that nation is not independent or sovereign. Instead it is a proxy territory under the ownership of the United States.

Which of course means that the wealthy people in that nation want it that way.

The extraction of the American military occupation forces is now a top priority all over the world.

A united Asia has appeared, and a weak America is expecting their proxy nations to die, and be destroyed, so that Washington DC to live on. And those in those nations don’t like that idea. They believe that if the United States wants to fight Asia, that they would prefer to stay out of the fray. Let the USA fight those USA-wars. Leave them out of it.

Either align with Asia or be neutral. That’s their choice, and their decision. And right now, many of these same nations are trying to diplomatically “straddle the fence”; trying to be functionally neutral. But if the USA pushes too hard, they might have to make some decisions that the USA will not like to see.

Here we look at the reality and what is not being reported in the “news”.

What started this…

This entire article was triggered by Ultan who wrote;

Interesting to note the BIG stuff going on in South Korea, too. They are fighting hard to reassert their War capabilities and removing themselves from US operational control over top level military decision making. A move very recently rebuffed by Lloyd Austin, but fast becoming a political hot potato as they enter into a very important election year.

As a client state of the US– as is Japan– this will be a difficult task. They MUST know that annihilation beckons if they remain coupled to the US system entering into a crucial phase and deteriorating Asia-Pacific situation. The US also installed THAAD defensive batteries a few years back despite nearly every single Korean being vehemently opposed to such a move. No effect, but in recent months there has been a LOT of top level political to- and froing between South Korea and the US.
A lot going on there and very little reporting.

What was it the Domain contact told us? Long standing agreements will be broken and many new secret agreements will be made.

I sense China and Korea talking shop. Perhaps Japan, too. As do a lot of Korean analysts.

S Korea is also making big moves toward the North and Moon is very keen to officially end the armistice in place since the 1950s.

Official peace = USFSK bye bye. And good riddance. Prostitution and crime surrounds every base, there. Drugs too. And Korean society don’t do drugs. Same problems in Okinawa.

I know that most Koreans want that occupying force gone permanently. But the huge US– they say it’s Korean but everybody knows it isn’t– naval base on Jeju Island remains a major issue. And of course will quickly be turned to glass if US-China goes hot. As will the THAAD batteries and civilian populations unlucky enough to be nesr them. And there are many.

Everyone in Korea knows this. Everyone. And it causes them much concern. All completely unreported, of course.

But the US deep apparatus is bonded tightly to the Korean elites and won’t be undone easily.

Another worrying trend is that the Korean government has recently started pushing the MRNA rollout agenda VERY hard despite a much freer reporting of the ghastly side effects. 70% target by Spring 2022– and they’re into the schools already. But there’s a lot of resistance. Koreans tend to trust their government generally, but much remains uncertain in this concern.

Please do remember to keep the Korean people in your intentions, if possible, and that the right decisions will be made. I spent many years in Korea and have family there; and I know the Korean government genuinely tries to look after it’s citizens but the US Muppets at the top of a very wealthy society are dug well in there too. And will not be removed easily. No chance. They’ve been feeding at that trough for decades and are well tied up with Japanese elites too despite both countries troubled history.

Kinda like the Taiwanese billionaires. Only loyal to their personal bottom line.

This is a major concern for the average Korean citizen too with property speculation and the cost of living impoverishing many in a country that had until recently eliminated poverty for most folks similar to what China is doing now. And folks there are waking up to that and are not happy. Nor are they stupid. Far from it. They see what’s happening to their country as the same old global elites dig in there too.

A North South Korean unification would be a major setback for US war plans. It’s going to be an interesting story to watch over the next few months.


Things for thought.

Then on LinkedIN…

And after I read this, I moseyed over to LinkedIN where I read this from Richard Turrin;

Africa’s digital infrastructure isn’t the next playing field, its "game over" with China providing the majority of digital connectivity on the continent.

According to an Atlantic Council study - "The Digital Infrastructure Imperative in African Markets,” - around 50 percent of Africa’s 3G networks and 70 percent of its 4G networks are built by Huawei.

Meanwhile, as the US and the EU strive for a “Build Back Better World” program to counter China’s BRI, they are missing the real transformation:

“But today, the real competition is in the digital, rather than the physical, realm: the struggle to shape Africa’s technology infrastructure and digital future, as well as how the next generation of Africans will consume, interact, and do business with the world.”

Say what you will about China’s Belt and Road Initiative, at least China was paying attention to the continent and providing critical infrastructure. Where was the US and EU?

Google’s “Project Loon” flew internet-enabled balloons over Kenya with at a cost of roughly $20k per balloon back in 2011 as their plan to connect sub-Saharan Africa.  Its latest project “Taara” has yet to deliver. 

While Google flew balloons, Huawei and ZTE were hard-wiring the continent. If it seems disproportionate and slightly absurd it should.

Don't be surprised that the digital yuan is built into the tech stack:

“With informal markets, which dominate African commerce as the continent moves into the digital world, this technology stack will only rise in importance. A critical example of an area of future competition is in digital currencies, including China’s digital yuan. While the utility of the digital yuan in Africa is currently minimal, the proliferation of Chinese handsets with pre-downloaded apps and wallets that could be loaded to support digital yuan transactions could significantly change this picture within the next ten to fifteen years, as both businesses and individuals embrace the currency.”

Then there are the subsea cables with the 2Africa cable built by China Mobile with service to 16 countries built by a consortium that does include Facebook and Orange. 

Or China’s 7,500 mile “Peace cable” connecting China, the Horn of Africa with Marseille France. At least Google’s Equiano cable will connect Nigeria and South Africa with Portugal.

African nations face a stark choice, follow the Trump administration’s “Clean Network Initiative” that blacklists all China tech and severely restricts their digital growth, or avail themselves of Chinese digital infrastructure and get on with their lives. The choice is simple. 

“Build it and they will come” would seem an appropriate closing line.

Too bad the US and EU seem to have forgotten the saying.

The African nations, as well as the SE Asian nations have a stark choice. And what direction are they moving towards?

They are moving towards China

The South East Asian region are finally coming together.

"...The crusader will be chase out of Asia soon. Peace in the region will finally arrive. As former Malaysia Prime minister Dr. Mahathir used to say, malay has always being a weaker people, but survive the past 2000 years with China as neighbor, and when people from far away came to Malaysia, Malaysia was colonized within 3 years. 

People in Asia (includes Japanese and Korean) will dare to openly ask the crusaders to fuck off Asia in the near future when China becomes significantly stronger. "

This took place for the first time :

Russia, China and a number of significant Southeast Asian countries kicked off their first ever joint naval exercise along the Strait of Malacca, one of the world's most important shipping lanes, on Wednesday, Indonesia's navy said.

The drills come at a time of growing tensions in the Pacific, particularly around the South China Sea, which the United States has a very active and aggressive military presence. All ten members of ASEAN, Southeast Asia's regional bloc, participated in Wednesday's drills.

This article was published in the with the title " Russia, ASEAN hold first naval drills off Indonesian coast ".

Click to read:

What is happening?

That article was followed by a post by Sebastion Ibold who wrote…

❓Have you heard about the 🇨🇳#China-🇱🇦#Laos railway?

After 6 years of construction, the China-Laos #railway will be opened as part of the Pan-Asia Railway Network tomorrow on December 2 (coinciding with the 46th anniversary of the establishment of the Laos People’s Democratic Republic).

👉The bullet trains (by CRRC Qingdao Sifang and CRRC Dalian) with a designed speed of 160km/h and a capacity of 720 passengers will connect the capital of Laos #Vientiane and the capital of China's #Yunnan province #Kunming on a total length of 1,024 km.

⏱💵The rail link between the cities will bring down travel time from currently up to 30 hours (by bus) to about 10 hours (Vientiane-Jinghong about 3 hours) contributing to regional integrated development, bilateral trade and increased investments.

🚅🔋The mixed single and double track connection is fully electrified.

🚇The railway connection features 167 tunnels with a total tunnel length of more than 590 km, accounting for 63% of the railway's total distance, the 508 km Yuxi-Mohan section alone has 93 tunnels and 136 bridges - more than 87% of the section being bridges and tunnels with 15 tunnels each stretching more than 10 km.

🚅📦The rail connection will initially be used only by freight trains (operating between 22 freight depots), with passenger services between the line’s 11 stations due to be introduced after Covid-related cross-boarder travel restrictions are lifted.

📄To optimize bilateral cross-border railway transport services, on November 30, China and Laos have signed the first bilateral intergovernmental cooperation agreement in the field of rail transport.

❗️Side info: 

👉The rail connection should also been seen against the background of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (#RCEP) agreement (Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and New Zealand have submitted their ratifications, and the RCEP is expected to come into force at the beginning of 2022).

👉Foreign trade between China and the #ASEAN grew by 21% Y-o-Y to about EUR 510 billion in the first 3 quarters of this year, accounting for about 14% of China's total exports and imports (in this period).

Laos has High Speed Rail.

Pakistan has High Speed Rail.

Africa has Chinese Medium Speed Rail and getting 5G internet.

And NO, China is not dying

#Didi shows just how dead China’s tech IPOs are in the US, but look to China’s data protection to be repeated elsewhere as four key stories unfold.

Some will say good riddance to China’s US IPOs and see it as a benefit of China “decoupling.”  I don’t buy that given that Wall Street pulled in $6.4 billion in fees from China IPOs between 2014 and 2021.

Despite my sadness over the situation, there are four critical stories that you need to follow:

1️⃣ This is a battle over data “the new oil”:

China is enforcing strict data sovereignty over Didi’s ride-share data. It’s hard to judge the granularity of data shared with US investors as part of the listing, but whatever the amount it clearly exceeded the regulator’s (CAC) threshold.

For its part, Didi claims that it is “absolutely not possible” that the company passed data to the US because its servers are all located in China.  Maybe, but this did not assuage the CAC, who warned Didi not to list.

The CAC may be overly protective, but the bigger issue of investor access to data during IPOs is real and won’t go away. Didi may be the first with this problem but I don’t expect it to be the last.

Data will now be a high priority for any tech listing something that to date has been ignored in almost all IPOs.

2️⃣ China just closed the “Variable Interest Entity” or VIE loophole:

Separately, China also launched an attack on Chinese IPOs with the ending of its VIE loophole. VIEs are a structure that almost all Chinese firms, use to list in the US. VIEs allows the economic benefits of China’s companies, to pass to an off-shore entity, without changing the share structure in China. Unknown to many, US shares in Chinese companies don’t actually convey ownership.

The VIE structure was key to many US listings and Chinese regulators have banned it for overseas listings except in Hong Kong where it is subject to approval.

3️⃣ The US SEC just launched new reporting requirements:

In case you thought it was just China that had it in for US listings the SEC just announced a major change this week. Companies that use an auditor in a foreign jurisdiction will be required to confirm they are not “owned or controlled by a government entity.”  The tricky part is of course the word “controlled.”

4️⃣ Sensetime IPO in Hong Kong!

SenseTime, the AI giant, is listing in HK this week with a $750 million raise. It will be an interesting test of the new system. Hong Kong has to get it right and avoid the PayTM debacle just witnessed in India.

These four factors should make it clear that it’s “Game Over” for China IPOs in the US!

There are a lot of moving pieces to follow and this will be interesting to watch play out!

Paywall? (

No China is not dying. But the USA is…

I hate to smash it over and over, but unless you are in the corporate world, you cannot understand the GIGANTIC NON STOP RELENTLESS preference shown to blacks, especially black women. And these disgusting beasts are keenly aware of their new untouchable status. On a new project I started at my second job, the “Team Leader” is named LaRonnie. She has not passed the Bar her first try, but hey? Who cares? She was made Team Leader anyway, and the partner signs her pleading “until I pass that thing”. It is enough to make day drinking very seductive.

The world is changing. Asia is powerful and growing. They are opening up the world while the United States, is acting well… like a scene from “Sunset Boulevard”. And this is a fact.

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard weaves a magnificent tale of faded glory and unfulfilled ambition. Silent movie star Norma Desmond longs for a return to the big screen, having been discarded by tinsel town with the advent of “talkies.” Her glamour has faded in all but her mind. When she meets struggling Hollywood screenwriter Joe Gillis in dramatic circumstances, their subsequent passionate and volatile relationship leads to an unforeseen and tragic conclusion.

A classic movie.

I think that the United States is like Norma Desmond. A long faded nation that has gone to seed, but still believes that it is beautiful and adored the world over. It hasn’t caught up with the reality of what it is, what it represents, and what it’s actions are heading towards.

After seeing Sunset Boulevard again, I was surprised at how good the film was. While witty, it is savage, dark and original, and is quite simply too good to be missed. The story, while stark, is brilliantly constructed, about a former movie queen haunted by memories of her past greatness, and the script is both canny and knowing, sporting great lines such as "I am big. It is the pictures that got small". Billy Wilder, director of Some Like It Hot and Witness for the Prosecution, both of which are hugely enjoyable, directs briskly, and the black and white cinematography, sets and costumes are fabulous. The music score from maestro Franz Waxman is outstanding, haunting, rich yet beautiful as well.

In many ways Sunset Boulevard is like the reverse side of the coin of A Star Is Born. In that film we have young Vicki Lester going through all the travails and heartache before achieving her goal of movie stardom.

Sunset Boulevard is the reverse. A Star Is Born has its tragic figure in Norman Maine who commits suicide rather than face being a has been. In Sunset Boulevard we have the character of Norma Desmond who has not taken that route. She lacks for nothing in the material world, she wisely saved and invested her money. But the acclaim of the audience is a drug she craves. She's been at the top on the celebrity roller-coaster and now is at the bottom.

Into her life comes Joe Gillis quite accidentally. Fleeing from some repo men looking to take his car, Gillis drives into the garage of what he thinks is a deserted mansion. It looks pretty run down from the outside. Gillis compares it to the house of Miss Faversham from Great Expectations, little knowing how right he was.

Sunset Boulevard for it's time and with the Code firmly in place was a brutal look at the sexual needs of a middle-aged woman. Before Holden knows it, he's giving up his life as an aspiring screenwriter to be a kept gigolo. He doesn't like it, but can't leave it.

When he does, it results in tragedy.

Sunset Boulevard

You will never forget the finely etched characters of Sunset Boulevard. You can see it many times as I've done, but if you see it only once you will have it burned in your memory. Especially that last scene before the newsreel cameras where Swanson loses whatever sanity she has left.

Sunset Boulevard

She descends down the stairs of her mansion and descends into the comfort of insanity.

Gloria Swanson though is a revelation as Norma, not only wholly convincing but also bringing a desperate and somewhat vampiric glamour to the role. Overall, Sunset Boulevard is a wonderful film, wholly deserving of its masterpiece status.

And, if you haven’t watched the movie, then you should. View the world today on a Geo-political front, and you will see so many parallels to the movie.

America is Norma Desmond.

Yes it is.

In the movie, the Norman Desmond’s butler is seen writing fake fan mail for her to receive in her mail box. Is this not the same thing as modern day “echo chambers”?

In the movie, the innocent screenwriter discovered that he is trapped inside an ornate elaborate mansion as a gigolo. Is this not the same thing as a millions of people who are addicted to hand outs from the United States government. Whether they are poor people on food stamps, a military-industrial complex requiring massive outlays in weapon development, or proxy nations that rely on American “aid packages”?

In the movie, Norma Desmond is treated with respect and admiration for her past, but is now also treated as a tragedy to sell newspapers. Like how people want to look at a car crash. Is this not the same thing as what the You-Tube and Tic-Tok videos portray America as? As the crazy antics of Washington DC as?

Like Norma Desmond, the United States is also lashing out. It is creating a massive campaign of lies and slander against the industry, other actors and all competition. There is no difference between Norma Desmond discussing producers and the movie studios, and the Western “news” media.

Like Norma Desmond it is provoking conflict and trouble everywhere. While Norma Desmond would break things and cause distress, America is creating wars and conflict around the world.

Like Norma Desmond who is spending money so aggressively that it is running out, America too it is spending money that it does not have, and it is falling deeper and deeper in the hole.

Aggressive Military provocations

Here’s an outline of no less than five major provocations from Taiwan to Africa within two weeks of Biden promising to work on improving ties with China – not even including Peng Shuai.

“𝘓𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘢𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦, 𝘜𝘚 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘺”
Strategists admit West is goading China into war...

It took the US only a few days after the summit between Presidents Xi and Biden to sail another warship, this time the USS Milius, through the Taiwan Strait along the coast of China this week. Obviously hardly any news about this event in Western mainstream media. The case of Peng Shuai has been the media headline this week to slash the Chinese government. 

Though warships from the USA, UK and Canada have been sailing through the Taiwan strait and US diplomats and military trainers landing in Taiwan in recent months, Western media completely omits these events but instead is fully complicit to the anti-China propaganda of the “China aggression against Taiwan”. Not to forget about the “death of Hong Kong”, the “genocide of Xinjiang” or the “imminent invasion of Australia” this year.

𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘸𝘢𝘳 ?

1) Most obvious as China is already or soon to become world’s leading economic power. A war might destabilize China going forward as has been tried before by the USA and allies meddling in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

2) Less visible but more rooted in governance, the West wants to trigger China starting a war to actually become member of the “war league”; countries who have been raging wars with the USA leading, being practically non-stop in wars for decades with millions of deaths. This when China has not been in any war since decades during the miraculous economic growth. 

Provoking China to fire the first bullet along with the so-called “rules-based order”, the West can definitely paint China as the aggressor that the rest of the world must unite against. 

3) Along with this aim, the Western hegemony based on the Military Industrial Complex (along with Media and Academics these days) is challenged by new strategic collaborations such as the strategic comprehensive partnership between China and ASEAN nations which will not only enhance economic and trade but also include peace, environment, poverty, stability and even a nuclear weapons-free zone in the region. These partnerships of the future are an immense threat to the Military-Industrial Complex hegemony of the West. Division, tension, confrontation and provocation are the tools to disrupt these partnerships and ‘safeguard’ the hegemony.

The West’s political and media agenda for China; luring China into a war and manipulating their own people by omission and lies. With consequences of inciting racism and sinophobia.

Chinese President Xi concluded this week at the China-ASEAN strategic summit with a Chinese saying : “Distance tests a horse's strength, and time reveals a person's integrity"

Aggressive Slander

And the slandering of China and the rest of the world is just insane, but with the insanity comes comedy. Check out this pack of lies… unpacked for illustrative purposes…

Lying American news media.


Those of us who know better see this and laugh. laugh and laugh at the ignorance of those that create this image, and those that believe it.

China has a very ritualized procedure for execution.

[1] The accused gets to wear their best clothes, [2] they eat a McDonald Happy meal, [3] are given a calming drug to sedate them. They are then [4] tied with the reason for their execution and then finally [5] killed by a single bullet to the head.










Ok, sorry for the digression. Those of us who know how this system works can easily spot the fake shit.

Ok, so let’s get back on track.

But first, let’s look at something nice.

How things are advertised in China

This is an actual advertisement on my LinkedIN feed this morning.

Hey dear friends , I would like to share these pictures taken by my brother Mark Dan for me here, I hope you like our Chinese culture and my brother’s art . He is really a great photographer in China .

Photo 1

Then this photo…

Photo 2

The costume of first picture belongs to Tang dynasty which has been past 1400 years , the second and third one belongs to Han dynasty which were very popular 1800 years ago.

Photo 3

And then photo 4…

Photo 5

By the way , we are the largest Sprayer,  lotion pump , cosmetic manufacturer in China . Each day we produce around 1.5 to 1.8 million pieces. Many trading companies and distributors buy from us and resell to their clients .

Photo 6

If you are also in this field , just don’t hesitate to contact me . Thanks and nice day!

Now that was nice. Right?

And it gets results…

This is another post of her’s the next day…


Yesterday, an advertisement for our products I posted in linkedin reached more than 100000 readings within 12 hours. In fact each of my post is easy to reach 100000 views everyday.

It has produced a great advertising effect, and I received inquiries from 8 customers this morning.

Photo 1

Today, I am here to sincerely share these experiences with you, not to show off, but to talk with you about how we should make good use of the LinkedIn platform.

As one of the social platforms, LinkedIn is the best platform for developing customers. Because almost all major customers have made their presence in LinkedIn.

The biggest barrier in business is information asymmetry that clients also try hard to seek good suppliers while we are trying to find them.

Photo 2

Therefore, how to let customers in need find us has become the most critical factor. Linkedin provides such a good platform, but many people are afraid to expose themselves.

They always make their profile look professional but never dare to expose themselves.

However, in LinkedIn, no matter how beautiful your profile looked like or how strong your professional skills are, if you don’t expose yourself and never make any activity in linkedin, people couldn’t find you at all, then what are all those could make sense ?

Well, how to correctly expose yourself in LinkedIn is the key.

photo 3

My suggestion is to share as much as possible sincerely and link as many people as possible.

Some people will think like this:

"The people I linked to are irrelevant to my industry. it is nonsense to connect with them."

Well, I must say this is totally wrong! Of course, we all want to link to direct customers. The goal is clear, but the road is tortuous.

We must understand this truth. Each day I made many friends by my posts, but all these friends are not my customer. However each day I spent lot of time to communicate with them .

Why I must do it ?

Because only sincerity could make real friends. Only real friends will help you to click “like” and comment for your posts, and only if your post could get more “like” or comments , it could get more views ! Only your post get more views, clients will have chance to know your company and send inquires to you.

Photo 4

Where you spent your time, where you gain. Each day I spent lot of energy and time to reply each comments , Because I know , if each time I never make response to my friends , how could they maintain the enthusiasm to make comments for me next time ?

If I didn’t treat friends with full sincerity , how can they treat me back equally ?

Well , think about it and best luck ! Hope you like to enjoy these pictures offered by my brother Mark Dan , you know they are great arts and i do think our efforts deserve you to click a simple ” like ” for us .

Photo 5

Well, we are Sprayer, lotion pump, cosmetic bottles manufacturer , we produce 1.2-1.5 million pieces each day which are the most professional manufacturer in this field.

Photo 6

From Ming Cui

“China colonized Caribbean?” 

In 2018 I travelled twice with a German cruise over 1 month around Caribbean, visited nearly all beautiful islands, talked to many locals. 

in Dominican Republic
on the way to a place of interest, the tour guide pointed to the Bridge we were passing
China built this bridge for us.

He thumbed to me, I were deeply touched.

In Grenada
The tour guide introduced the stadium, thumbed to me as the demonican guy,
China built it for us!
Our boys can play!

In Jamaica, in Panama….

I heard not a single complain from local people About infrastructure set up by China.

All of them thanked for being connected with rest of world.

This is my real experience in the Caribbean
this is not an ideology oriented story.

If you want to know a new culture and people, the single way is be there!

Get the feeling of local people! What really counts👏🏻👏🏻

But America is “off the rails”

MAGA plans…

MAGA conspiracy theorist calls for mass hangings of US senators: ‘The gallows are getting wider’

A former Trump aide is trying to build a violent right-wing Christian takeover of the US

A Christian legal army is waging war on America

The Supreme Court threatens to undermine the core of protection for American civil liberties


Howard French on the Stark Differences Between U.S. and Chinese Diplomacy in Africa:

Every year, for many years, either the Chinese premier or the Chinese chairman, meaning the equivalent of our president, has made a multi-country trip to Africa. 

And every single year, high-level delegations of what’s called the State Council, which is basically the cabinet, go to Africa — multiple members — every single year. 

The United States has no equivalent level of engagement with the African continent and until it does, the dynamics of the situation are not going to change. 
When the United States gets around to visiting or engaging with Africa, it typically bundles a lot of African leaders into a room and says “OK, here’s our thing, we’ve just met with Africa.” It doesn’t even give African countries the respect of treating them on an individual basis at a high level and you give some kind of portmanteau speech where you throw the whole continent together.

The feeling that you get, and certainly the feeling that Africans get, is that the Americans are taking a kind of checklist approach to the continent — yes, we know we have to do this every once and a while but it’s never high on the agenda and ok check there it goes.

From Here.

American military occupation bases

Well, obviously they aren’t called that. But that is what they actually are. If a given nation asks the USA to leave, what does it do when the USA says “NO!”? Well, you can easily see where the nations are that want the bases removed. You just look for NGO sponsored color revolutions in the target nations.

Here we will just look over a precious few American military bases in some of the “independent” nations of the Pacific.


Major US bases in South Korea.



US Military bases in Australia

In each case, the military presence is sizable and formidable. In fact, the presence is so large that were America desirous of taking over the nation that hosts them, they would be able to do so immediately.


So what am I saying?

I am saying that while America is collapsing like Norma Desmond, it still has it’s tentacles in a host of other nations. And the only way for the USA to collapse upon itself peacefully is to withdraw from those other nations and downsize it’s military presence.

If it does not, then you can expect either a major global war that will utilize those military assets, or localized military skirmishes as individual nations thwart the stranglehold the Untied States has in that region.

America is Norma Desmond…

video 54MB

video 59MB

But the rest of the world is healthy. Like China

Video. Rufus action to clear a road

Meanwhile, China is friggin’ Awesome.

Check out this video. (Opens up to the streaming media page directly)

An American from San Francisco compares America with China.

China a Modern Miracle

Another one of his videos. Check it out…

America is the sick, ill corrupt Norma Desmond


China is helping rebuild the rest of the world…

After centuries of abuse and neglect by the collective West, China is helping to rebuild the world. Video

So what is the point?

The world can see what is going on. Not only is China thriving, but it is welcoming other nations to partake in the thriving society that China represents. It is welcoming other nations to “hop on board”, while the USA is trying to build a “coalition of the West” that will destroy China “once and for all”.

Other nations are being forced to choose.

Right now, many are publicly trying to stay neutral, but are making backroom deals and hidden plans on what to do regarding their own individual situations. And yes, this is not being reported, but it sure as shit, is what is going on. We will see what happens, but my guess is that Asia is being far more successful than the USA is in this battle of global alignments and friendships.

What do you think?


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


Articles & Links

Master Index


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Lets start the year off right with a fine Rufus humanity post

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name.

Rufus cat

Love or just keeping each other warm. Who knows? But it sure is cute. video 1MB

Rufus during a crisis

When things go wrong, a Rufus is always there to contribute and participate. video 1MB

Rufus saves girl in subway

Quick action, without thinking results in saved lives. Video. 3MB

Rufus gas station attendant

video 1MB

A Rufus is organized

Here is how you sort out your cats. video 3MB

Rufus works and overcomes obstacles

Like this young Rufus. video 10MB

Rufus rescues a baby

Uh oh. Baby on the tracks and a train is approaching. What to do? Luckily a Rufus is there. video 1.4MB

Rufus rescue gone wrong.

Not every Rufus event ends up well. You have to try and keep on trying. You will not win every time. Just keep on being the Rufus. video 2.8MB

This is from my LinkedIN feed…

Suicide Awareness – Trigger warning. 
I’ve thought long and hard about posting about this, debating on how it would be perceived by the market, however, I decided to just speak from the heart. I do a lot for women in this market and now I also want to do a lot for men, men who account for over 75% of suicides.
Yesterday my friend Rob would have turned 36, for those who didn’t know him he was possibly the best broker the freight market had ever seen. He was referred to as 'an extraordinary talent, a maverick, an occasional handful but a lovely person with a genuine heart’.
At a young age Robert Byrne was made Director at one of the worlds leading broking shops, his billings were highly impressive, he was an incredible talent and a very good friend. He had the world at his feet.
I didn’t particularly like Rob when we first met, I found him rather arrogant, however, that was the thing with Rob, he was an extrovert who always spoke his truth and in reflection what I loved about him the most. He was who he was, and he didn’t shy way or change for anybody. Like marmite, you either loved him or hated him, love or hate him everyone agreed to one thing he was an incredible gifted young man. Rob was eternally fun, there was never a dull moment. We used to love karaoke sessions and as he used to phrase it cause ‘scenes’.
That’s why it makes it all so much harder that in April 2020 he decided to take his own life. He called me two hours before it did it. I guess this was his goodbye call, I am eternally grateful that I answered the phone, but I just wish he said, “I’m not ok, please help”.

Rob did have and could of had lived the most incredible life if he got his mind right. I can’t express the loss and waste that left so many deeply shocked and saddened.

I will never get my friend back; I will never have him wind me or call me for karaoke sessions. When I went through tough times Rob brought my spark back and showed me how fun life could be again. I do anything now to return the favor.

I hate the way men are raised to be tough, to man up and not encouraged to speak up when they are suffering. Suffering with depression, addiction, and a troubled mind.

I know most people reading this will be men and will probably not want to comment because of this awful stigma that surrounds mental health. But if you are reading this and you are not ok, you have addictions or demons that you are hiding away then please seek help. Please tell someone before its too late. Its ok not to be ok. You are loved and your life is worth living.
If you need help, please reach out. Here are some links below for help.
Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123
SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone
Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day

And his photo with the author of the above…

Rufus rescue of janitor

video 10MB

Rufus rescues a boy

He’s stuck in a well, and the father is besides himself in grief and worry. What is a Rufus going to do? video 4MB

Rufus takes lost girl to her father

Be the Rufus. video 5MB

Spirit Rufus

There are physical and non-physical Rufus’s. Nothing to be fearful of. Just realize that what you fear is usually nothing worthy of fear. Accept and be gracious. video. 2MB

Rufus helps out a family

We all need each other. Stop being selfish. Help those in need. video 7MB

Rufus dog sings to opera

The only thing that I can say to this, aside that it is really cute, is that a Rufus is aware of the abilities of others. Obviously the owner is aware that the dog can hear the high pitched sounds of Italian opera. I am sure that the dog loved the performance. video 1MB

Rufus allows a sick man in a truck to pass

Single lane road. Can only pass in one direction.  Video 12MB

Subway draw

Maybe you don’t have the money to donate to charity, but you have a skill. Use it to put a smile on the face of others. Like this Rufus, drawing quick portraits for free. video 6MB

Subway Engagement

If you do enough Rufus related behaviors you will attract others that are full of life, and love. video 9MB

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What do I mean when I say “sending to the cornfield”

This little article is for those who are not clear on what this statement means or what it implies.

Fundamentally, this is an American Idiom. It comes from the spoiled kid in the famous “Twilight Zone” episode, “It’s A Good Life.”

In that episode, a six-year-old kid prone to temper tantrums and getting his own way rules with absolute power over his parents and the townfolk of “Peaksville.”. You see this boy has the power to change reality. He can change people into anything he wants, and being a young six year old, what he wants is quite capricious.

And everyone goes along with it.

If they do not, well, then, bad things happen to them.

Since this kid has the ability to bend reality, he can change them into hideous beasts, monsters, retarded brainless oafs or anything that a six year old that watches cartoons can dream of.

And in every case, when this affects others, the results are not pleasant.

Bad man!

There is a cornfield at the edge of his town, and when there is someone who he does not like, the teleports them into that cornfield where very bad things happen to them.

In most conversation, when you use this idiom, it is assumed that you mean that you will do something very bad to the person. Such as firing a person, hurting them in some way, or damaging them to the point of death. And this is how most people understand this idiom.

However, this is NOT how MM uses this idiom.

MM has a skill. It is a very strong and powerful skill. It is a skill that is so advanced that most humans are unaware that it exists. MM’s role in MAJestic was to anchor world-lines. MM can target a person, and alter their world-line, anchor it to that alteration, and force a person to live the life so created.

This skill has been used for benevolent purposes. However, there are those that which to hurt, disparage or just be a trolling pest to MM and the work herein.

In these instances, MM actually DOES send the person to “the cornfield”.

You’re a bad man; a very bad man.

It is a lot of work, and it is a hassle, but for those deserving of it (as determined by MM) time and effort will be allocated to send this targeted individual “to the cornfield” for the rest of their physical life. It IS a life sentence.

How this is accomplished…

Technique 1

MM takes your pre-birth world-line template. Then, amplifies the Y coordinate that refers to heights of the mountains. Inserts the target individual back on that template, and then locks it in place; or to use MM parlance… anchors it in place.

Y modification on the template gain.

The end result is that everything would appear to be the same for that person, but everything will be much harder to accomplish.

As an example; When once it was easy to drive to a gas station and fill your car up with gas, now your car would run out of gas in the middle of a busy intersection with everyone directing hate at you and honking their horns. When you walk the 15 Km to the gas station, you would find out that it was being robbed and the police tell you to walk another 30 Km to the next nearest station. There, while you are filling up the tank, the hose springs a leak and the police come and arrest you for vandalism…

…and so on and so forth.

Technique 2

Here, MM switches your template completely.

You get sent on a nice long slide to a very different world-line template, and there it is locked into place.

This template, is of course, not a pleasant one.

A very busy and difficult terrain to live upon.

And the person so locked in will find that everything is bad luck (compared to their previous world-line template), and all sorts of *new* and disturbing experiences will manifest in their life.

Not sent to the cornfield, but might well have been.

Technique 3

Here, the world-line template itself does not change. Just the skin-suit that occupies that reality.

So everything else would stay the same, but the skin-suit would change.

Maybe the person would end up with AIDS, or discover that they no longer had arms and legs, or perhaps they could not see. Maybe they would end up in the body of the different sex, or even different species. Maybe they might be of a different skin color, or have a different head of hair.

But more often than not, the easiest thing to do is change the size of various portions of the body. To make them colossal, or extra tiny, tiny, tiny.

What a discovery! Such a nice little tiny thing!

You know, anything is possible in the MWI.

It’s goes without saying that when I say that trolls to MM have small dicks, I am being literal and not figurative.

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America is driving the shit-show that the world faces today

Some very good articles out of Asia these days. They are well worth the read. I’m throwing out my collection, which includes some “fear mongering” tabloid articles out of the UK. After all they are the only ones getting upset with the battle of war-words out of Washington DC and the military build up that is resulting.

The “West” is so full of shit.

The West has predicted China’s downfall for 30 years now.  I wonder if these reputed publications ever go back to check what they predicted wrongly?

Here is the link to the video:

1990. The Economist: China’s economy has come to a halt.
1996. The Economist: China’s economy will face hard landing.
1998. The Economist: China’s economy entering a dangerous period of sluggish growth.
1999. Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy.
2000. Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin.
2001. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas: A hard landing in China.
2002. Westchester University: China Anxiously Seeks A Soft Economic landing.
2003. KWR International: How to find a soft landing if China..
2004. The Economist: The great fall of China?
2005. Nouriel Roubini: The Risk of a Hard Landing in China.
2006. International Economy: Can China Achieve a Soft Landing?
2007. TIME: Is China’s Economy Overheating? Can China avoid a hard landing?
2008. Forbes: Hard Landing in China?
2009. Fortune: China’s hard landing. China must find a way to recover.
2010. Nouriel Roubini: Hard landing coming in China.
2011. Business Insider: A Chinese Hard Landing May Be Closer Than You Think.
2012. American Interest: Dismal Economic News from China: A Hard Landing.
2013. Zero Hedge: A Hard Landing in China.
2014. CNBC: A hard landing in China.
2015. Forbes: Congratulations, You got Yourself A Chinese Hard Landing….
2016. The Economist: Hard Landing looms for China.
2017. National Interest: Is China’s Economy Going To Crash?
2018. The Daily Reckoning: China’s Coming Financial Meltdown.
2019. Zero Hedge: Seven Reasons Why China Is Facing A Hard Landing In 2019
2020. Forbes: Remember The China ‘Hard Landing’? We Got One.

…But it’s already 2021, and China’s economy is still going strong.

But first. When was the last time you thought about just going to a diner, a restaurant and ordering a fine pie? Usually, for most people they order a meal, or get a coffee and the pie, is always an after thought. Well I suggest that you all just go forth and go to a restaurant for the express purpose of eating a nice pie. Maybe a yam or rutabaga pie. And put a scoop of ice cream on top why don’t you?

A fine cherry pie.

You know the USA is pushing, and pushing and pushing. they really want China to “lost face” and to do something stupid that America can control. As indicated in this article…

U.S. lawmakers coming to Taiwan on military-focused trip -report

Thursday, 25 November 2021 10:18 GMT

TAIPEI, Nov 25 (Reuters) – Five members of the U.S. House of Representatives are expected to arrive in Taiwan on Friday for a short trip focused on meetings with the island’s defence ministry, Taiwan’s official Central News Agency reported on Thursday.

The trip comes as China has stepped up military and political pressure to assert its sovereignty claims over the island, spurring anger in Taipei where the government has vowed to defend Taiwan’s freedom and democracy.

The report said the delegation would be made up of Mark Takano, chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Colin Allred, Elissa Slotkin, Sara Jacobs and Nancy Mace, and would also meet Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen.

  • Taiwan’s Foreign and Defense Ministries declined to comment.
  • The de facto U.S. embassy in Taipei did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The five lawmakers are currently in East Asia on a Thanksgiving trip to Japan and South Korea.

It would be the second trip of lawmakers to Taiwan this month.

China’s military conducted a combat readiness patrol in the direction of the Taiwan Strait earlier this month, after its defense ministry condemned a visit to Taiwan by a U.S. congressional delegation (it said) had arrived on a military aircraft.

The United States like most countries has no official ties with Taiwan but is the democratically-ruled island’s most important international backer and arms supplier, to Beijing’s anger. (Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Kim Coghill)

It seems like a bunch of “Representatives” want to have a vacation in Japan, and see the opportunity to stir up some trouble.They are clueless idiots that are playing a game that will have deathly consequences.

From a contributor Uncle Albert in the comments section;

I have been following her blog for quite awhile now…she gets it, MM
Efforts To Groom Us For War With China Are Getting More Forceful

Caitlin Johnstone
58 min ago 6

“China’s massive investment in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) may show China is preparing to fundamentally change the status quo and preparing for possible war with the United States over Taiwan,” the piece begins. “To deter China, the United States must rapidly build up its forces in the Pacific, continue to strengthen military alliances in the region to ensure access to bases in time of conflict, and accelerate deliveries of purchased military equipment to Taiwan.”

The article goes on to narrate about Taiwan’s importance on the global chessboard and why we should all expect a full-scale invasion by Beijing quite soon, casually discusses a direct military conflict between two nuclear-armed nations like it’s no big deal, and calls on the Biden administration to “articulate to the American people why Taiwan’s defense is critical to the United States.”

Then at the very bottom of the article you get to the part that really matters: the information about the author.

“David Sauer is a retired senior CIA officer who served as chief of station and deputy chief of station in multiple overseas command positions in East Asia and South Asia.“

Ahh, okay.

Apparently this “retired” senior CIA officer has been spending his “retirement” churning out war propaganda articles for The Hill with titles like “The US cannot allow China to think it will abandon Taiwan” and “The next US president has a tall order: Keeping China in check“, as well as acting as an expert source for virulent anti-China propaganda rag The Epoch Times.

Would you like to know what this big brave warrior looks like? Would you like to see a picture of this mighty hero who has no fear of leading us all into a third round.

Why is it that all the worst warmongering narrative managers are always weird-looking little nerds who plainly wouldn’t know how to hold their own dicks, much less a gun? Were they bullied so bad in school that they just have to act out their pent-up aggression by helping to incinerate families in the global south over crude oil or something? What the hell is wrong with these freaks?

Anyone who supports the idea of the US and its allies entering into a third world war against a nuclear-armed nation to determine who governs an island off the Chinese mainland is an enemy of humanity. Such a war could easily kill tens of millions of people if engaged with full commitment, which could turn into billions at any time if it went nuclear. 

I hope Beijing never launches an unprovoked attack on Taiwan (unlikely), and I hope the US doesn’t provoke it into doing so (far more likely), but if all this brinkmanship spins out of control and that does indeed happen then entering into such a war to stop it would benefit nobody but a few sociopaths in Washington, Langley and Arlington. And quite possibly not even them.

Contrary to what propagandists like Sauer keep implying, the US is not even treaty-bound to defend Taiwan militarily and hasn’t been since 1979 when the only such treaty was annulled during Washington’s campaign to coax Beijing away from the Soviet Union. Yet because of their steadily escalating propaganda campaign, for the first time ever a majority of Americans surveyed on whether they’d support going to war with China over Taiwan now reportedly say yes. 

At best all these manipulations are geared toward manufacturing consent for pouring vastly increased military resources into the US empire’s ongoing pivot to Asia, which just by itself will necessarily include myriad provocations against the Chinese government which can easily escalate into war at any time. These people are playing games with the lives of every living organism on this planet, and they are suffering no consequences for doing so.

And now Moscow and Beijing are moving further into a military partnership that seems to be getting closer by the year in response to aggressions from the US and its client states, which, I dunno, I’m no historian but maybe might be cause for alarm when you’ve got world powers splitting into two increasingly hostile global alliances. 

Could that lead to something bad? 

It seems like maybe that could lead to something bad.

Cornered animals are dangerous, especially ones with fangs and claws. Dying empires are dangerous, especially ones with nuclear weapons. We’re being aggressively propagandized into consenting to insanely dangerous agendas geared toward maintaining US unipolar hegemony in defiance of the natural movement we are seeing toward a multipolar world. 

We are seeing signs everywhere that the drivers of empire are preparing to do some very, very crazy things in order to stop that movement and maintain their dominance. 

The fact that they are still ramping up their propaganda campaign is concerning, to say the least.

Yes. You are absolutely correct.

We begin our little shit-show by shoving up an article that has seen scant American / UK / Australian media coverage. This is from Reuters and covers Russia, and is all over Chinese media as well.

Russia claims that the United States rehearsed a first-strike MAD nuclear salvo against Russia.

Of course, the USA denies this. So you have the “he said / she said” syndrome. Who should you believe? My guess is that anyone who believes ANYTHING out of the Untied States these days is a fool, and mentally ill. The USA is the poster boy for evil insanity.

You know, why not play with your furry friends?

You know, it’s really easy to make toys for your cat. You can crumple up  some aluminum foil. Give them some hair ties to play with, or a disposable stirrer from a fast food restaurant. And they will be amused for hours. If you really want to go all out, there is always the laser pointer option as well.

Moscow Says U.S. Rehearsed Nuclear Strike Against Russia This Month

By Andrew Osborn and Phil Stewart

MOSCOW/WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Russia’s defense minister on Tuesday accused U.S. bombers of rehearsing a nuclear strike on Russia from two different directions earlier this month and complained that the planes had come within 20 km (12.4 miles) of the Russian border.

But the Pentagon said its drills were announced publicly at the time and adhered to international protocols.

Moscow’s accusation comes at a time of high tension with Washington over Ukraine, with U.S. officials voicing concerns about a possible Russian attack on its southern neighbor – a suggestion the Kremlin has dismissed as false.

Moscow has in turn accused the United States, NATO and Ukraine of provocative and irresponsible behavior, pointing to U.S. arms supplies to Ukraine, Ukraine’s use of Turkish strike drones against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, and NATO military exercises close to its borders.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that Moscow had noted a significant increase in the activity by U.S. strategic bombers, which he said had carried out 30 flights close to Russia this month. That, he said, was 2.5 times more than the same period last year.

Shoigu complained in particular of what he said was a simulated U.S. nuclear strike against Russia earlier this month.

"The defense minister underlined that during the U.S. military exercises 'Global Thunder', 10 American strategic bombers rehearsed launching nuclear weapons against Russia from the western and eastern directions," 

-Shoigu was quoted as saying in a defense ministry statement.
"The minimum proximity to our state border was 20 km."

Shoigu was quoted as saying that Russian air defence units had spotted and tracked the U.S. strategic bombers and taken unspecified measures to avoid any incidents.

The Pentagon pushed back.

"These missions were announced publicly at the time, and closely planned with (Strategic Command), (European Command), allies and partners to ensure maximum training and integration opportunities as well as compliance with all national and international requirements and protocols," 

-said Lieutenant Colonel Anton Semelroth, a Pentagon spokesperson.

The top Russian and U.S. military officers, Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, spoke by telephone on Tuesday but neither side disclosed the contents of the conversation.

Global Thunder, which this year put U.S. nuclear-capable B-52 bombers through their paces, is the U.S. Strategic Command’s annual nuclear and command exercise designed to test and demonstrate the readiness of U.S. nuclear capabilities.

President Vladimir Putin referenced the apparent episode briefly last week, complaining of Western strategic bombers carrying “very serious weapons” close to Russia. He said the West was taking Moscow’s warnings not to cross its “red lines” too lightly.

Shoigu made the comments in a video conference with Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe. He said that U.S. bomber flights close to Russia’s eastern borders were also a threat to China.

"Against this backdrop, Russo-Chinese coordination is becoming a stabilizing factor in world affairs," 

-said Shoigu.

Russia and China agreed at their meeting to step up cooperation between their armed forces when it came to strategic military exercises and joint patrols, the defense ministry said.

(Reporting by Andrew Osborn in Moscow and Phil Stewart in Washington;Additional reporting by Polina Devitt and Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber; Editing by Mark Trevelyan and Sandra Maler)

Which then heightens this next article. China and Russia have been coordinating their military activities for some time now, but the latest threats of preemptive nuclear strikes against Asia by American has really shaken everyone up…

How Russia’s ‘deadly’ new military alliance with China could end America’s status as world’s leading superpower

Tensions between the West and Russia are at boiling point over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the migrant crisis in Belarus.

Isabel Sawkins, a research fellow at the Henry Jackson Society specializing in Russia, told The Sun Online that Russia and China joining forces could “potentially could be catastrophic” for Western powers.

She said:

"Bringing China into the conversation is a deadly addition for the West.

"This would mean America's standing in the world will be absolutely shot to pieces.

"If you have Russia and China working together the US is going to go into absolute panic.

"Because China is on its way up in the world. It's not only a massive economy - they have so much power.

"You would have China working with Russia and them both having this anxiety over the West - and that brings them together. That's a really terrifying prospect."

In August, Moscow and Beijing took part in joint war games and signed a so-called “brotherhood” pact “establishing twinning relations.”

This week, in light of US drills reportedly 20km from Russia’s border, the Kremlin’s defence minister Sergei Shoigu revealed the two authoritarian powers have stepped up their military alliance.

He said: “Against this backdrop, Russo-Chinese coordination is becoming a stabilising factor in world affairs.”

The two countries agreed during a video call to increase the cooperation between their armed forces when it came to strategic exercises and joint patrols, Russia’s defence ministry said.

Ms Sawkins said if the military partnership develops it will be “terrifying” for the West.

She said: “If Russia and China end up working together – they will want to put America down a few pegs.

"They don't think America deserves to be this global player at the forefront of everything.

"The Biden administration - its reputation has been tarnished by what happened in Afghanistan and this has lead to a lot of people questioning the credibility of the US when it comes to military interventions and activities abroad."

On the implications for Europe and Britain, she said: “It’s terrifying for the UK because we are significantly closer to the border with Russia than the US is.

“We are very, very close to Moscow.”

America would not be able to fight Russia and China by itself.

Isabel Sawkins

Ms Sawkins said that if Russia and China were to attack American forces, the UK would have to step in.

She said: “Europe is going to get caught up in the mess. We need to make sure that we are ready in case there are after strikes – and we have to go in. We have to be on guard basically.

"America would not be able to fight Russia and China by itself. America would need western partners and I think one of the first ones they would come to is us."

Earlier this month, Russia warned relations with the West are “almost at boiling point” as tensions surge over migrants at the Poland-Belarus border.

With Nato and Russian forces playing cat and mouse games, Putin said he would “simply destroy” any country that encroached on his country’s territory.

Recent days have seen US officials warn Russia may be plotting an invasion of Ukraine, with the Kremlin massing 100,000 troops on their border.

And Putin’s regime has been accused of stoking the unfolding migrant crisis between Belarus and Poland and even sent their own nuclear bomber jets into the area.

Belarus – dubbed Europe’s last dictatorship – has been accused of “weaponising” migration against the EU sparking a tense stand-off along their border with Poland with troops on both sides.

This comes after the European Union sanctioned Belarus following its brutal crackdown on anti-regime protestors following a disputed general election result.

China is a police state?


Insightful. “Invalid and ill-informed interpretations accompany small kernels of truth in Western media” writes Jerry Grey for Global Times.


Jerry explains:

- How western media skews it constantly in reporting that Chinese people are oppressed while Westerners are not.

- The credit rating system of China which is sensible, and that all other countries have credit rating systems of their own. 

- The ID card of Chinese people and that "most Europeans countries also have one, it's nothing strange". 

- "In terms of surveillance and government control of official data, there isn't much difference between China and the West." 

- As is the case everywhere "in the developed world, social media controls our lives, we pay bills, communicate, entertain and educate .. These transactions create a data history and is stored. China has strong laws about what can be done with data and where must be stored. In the West, the laws are different, data is collected, stored offshore and sold. We read that China is oppressed by state control but we're reading it on the same Western media which is gathering your data and selling it for profit. These media platforms aren't banned in China, they refuse to operate under China's laws, China restricts their methods of generating huge income streams from your data. Western media not only misinform you; they make money doing so! "

- How you can ask "any Chinese person about crime and they will tell you they feel safer. China is in the bottom 10 countries in the world for murders with 0.6 per 100,000 people, compared to the US 5.35".

- "Ask Chinese people about the ubiquitous CCTV cameras, they'll tell you they like them. Walk around any Chinese city and notice the absence of criminal damage and graffiti, trains are spotless and completely safe, walking the streets at night does not bring a sense of foreboding but a sense of safety and security."

- How the "police in China are very good. Western police, however, seem to be closer to paramilitary than they are to public servants ..."

"People [in the west] are led to believe they have a say in their leadership, but offered limited choices, they are told they have freedom but are criticized, persecuted, punished or ostracized for expressing or acting on their freedoms. However, to encourage their electorate to believe they have these freedoms, politicians incentivize and use a compliant media to point toward China and manufacture stories to instill and amplify this fear. They describe China as a "police state," but it's a very wrong description.

A "police state" which really is a threat to Western society is not so in China. China's system protects people and their data from corporate pirates and criminal activities. Not only are Chinese people not afraid of their police state, they prefer it to living in a country riddled with so-called "freedoms."" opines the author.

Russia, China sign roadmap for closer military cooperation

And China is not sitting still waiting for the USA to strike. They are taking every precaution, and developing all sorts of systems to bolster their weapons in strike capability.

China’s Hypersonic Mystery Weapon Released Its Own Payload And Nobody Knows Why (Updated)

The mystery surrounding China’s hypersonic vehicle test last summer has deepened after the craft reportedly launched its own projectile.

A new report says that China’s apparent nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle ejected some kind of payload while barreling through the atmosphere, in its much-discussed test this past summer. If true, this would indicate an intriguing new capability for this already novel weapon, albeit one the function of which is not entirely clear. You can read our original reporting on this ostensible milestone test here.

The Financial Times yesterday reported that China’s puzzling weapon test on July 27 included the presumed hypersonic glide vehicle launching some kind of payload over the South China Sea “as it approached its target traveling at least five times the speed of sound.”

Until now, reports had described a glide vehicle of the type intended to travel into space and traverse the globe in an orbital-like fashion before making its run through the atmosphere toward its target, what’s known as a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System, or FOBS. In this sense, it seemed to have much in common with certain Cold War-era concepts. FOBS offers key advantages in that it can launch strikes from the opposite direction that a large amount of existing early warning infrastructure is aimed at, doing so in a flight profile that is lower than what those systems are geared to provide early warning for.

Aside from the FOBS capability, a hypersonic glide vehicle already offers a less predictable flight path than what traditional ballistic missiles can provide, with the ability to make maneuvers within the atmosphere. This includes during its run-in to its target, making it even harder to detect and defend against.

In a recent interview with CBS News, predating the latest revelation, General John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described the July 27 test as having involved “a long-range missile.” Hyten added: “It went around the world, dropped off a hypersonic glide vehicle that glided all the way back to China, that impacted a target in China.”

Now, citing “people familiar with the intelligence,” Demetri Sevastopulo at the FT reports that the glide vehicle in question fired a “separate missile mid-flight in the atmosphere.”

Adding to the overall confusion, the same FT article switches between references to a missile being launched, and delivery of unspecified countermeasures, before referencing unnamed experts who point to the use of these countermeasures as evidence of China’s supposed lead over Russia and the United States in terms of hypersonic weapons.

On the other hand, the White House declined to provide the FT with a comment on the new development, instead offering a blanket statement on the original July 27 test, which it described as “concerning to us as it should be to all who seek peace and stability in the region and beyond.” Also approached by the newspaper for comment was the Chinese Embassy in London, which denied any knowledge of the weapons test having taken place.

Overall, the tone of the reporting is fairly breathless, with a description of “Pentagon scientists […] caught off guard by the advance,” although it is notably thin on actual details of the system, especially how it would be expected to be relevant in a wartime scenario, or even how this the test could lead to such a system. In the meantime, however, some of the more extreme claims made seem to have been removed from the article.

While Sevastopulo at one point describes this payload simply as another missile, the same article notes that “some Pentagon experts believe the projectile was an air-to-air missile,” which seems as illogical as it is improbable. At the same time, the article cites a counter view from unnamed “experts at DARPA” who assume the payload actually consisted of some kind of countermeasures intended to defeat missile defense systems like those now being developed in the United States.

We are told, furthermore, that the DARPA experts are “unsure how China managed to fire countermeasures from a vehicle traveling at hypersonic speeds.” While the release of objects from vehicles flying at hypersonic speeds is an established practice in space — with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) for example — the difference here is the claim that the payload was released in the atmosphere.

Atmospheric release of a payload at hypersonic speeds by a glide vehicle could well be indicative of a significant technological breakthrough, especially if it involved a guided missile. Either way, this kind of feat is by no means easy to achieve without destabilizing the mothership glider as it careens through the sky at thousands of miles per hour.

With all this in mind, it seems clear we have no real idea, at this stage, of what was ejected from the hypersonic vehicle, and for what reason. The FT adds that whatever was launched had “no obvious target of its own, before plunging into the [South China Sea].”

Then there’s the question of whether the test described by the FT is genuinely the first of its kind, or simply the first that’s known about by the sources in question. After all, the July 27 test was followed up by another on August 13 and it’s unclear if this also involved the ejection of some kind of payload.

Chinese officials, for their part, said that the initial reporting by the FT confused a test involving a peaceful reusable spaceplane for a weaponized system, a claim that The War Zone debunked here.

However, the latest revelations, on the surface at least, do seem to suggest the possibility of some type of reusable vehicle with a payload capability, perhaps similar to proposals for a bomber version of the U.S. Air Force’s X-20 Dyna-Soar that was developed by Boeing during the 1960s. This possibility now seems to be gaining ground among nuclear policy experts, as well.

Other possibilities include the release of a reentry vehicle, similar to those used on ICBMs, during its flight through the atmosphere. At first glance, this would actually make some sense as it seems feasible and would allow the system to hit two targets along its flight path instead of one, but dealing with so much additional complexity to enable such a capability makes little sense when you look at the big picture.

Another possibility is the release of some kind of other payload during the lower-altitude end-stage of flight. Whether a hypersonic glide vehicle or a spaceplane, the vehicle would have been able to maneuver to modulate the speed and trajectory for whatever it was launching, at least to a limited degree.

Interestingly, since at least 2019, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the U.S. Army have been exploring the idea of deploying a loitering munition from some kind of platform, possibly a ballistic missile, flying at hypersonic speeds as part of a program called Vintage Racer.

Details about this system and how it is supposed to work are extremely limited.

The Army has separately discussed the possibility of using its future Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) ballistic missile to deploy swarms of loitering munitions or other kinds of drones. While there are some broad similarities in the little we know about these concepts—China’s recent test and the Vintage Racer initiative—there is nothing to say that they are related in any meaningful way.

Whatever the truth might be behind China’s July 27 test, and Beijing’s emerging hypersonic technologies — which include the in-service DF-17 that also makes use of a hypersonic glide vehicle — it’s clear that the country’s People’s Liberation Army Rocket Forces (PLARF) are making significant strides across a range of capabilities, including an apparently fast-expanding ICBM force.

DF-17 on parade.

The hypersonic advances are something that U.S. officials have been alluding to increasingly in recent months, especially as apparent Chinese progress is weighed up against high-profile test failures for equivalent U.S. weapons.

General Hyten described the FOBS-capable hypersonic glide vehicle as “a first-use weapon,” noting that “from a technology perspective, it’s pretty impressive […] I think it probably should create a sense of urgency.”

In this context, “first-use” refers to the types of weapons optimized for launching a first strike, potentially upsetting the nuclear balance between China and the United States. Beijing’s previous nuclear posture was based upon ‘minimum deterrence,’ with a smaller overall weapons stockpile. U.S. officials have predicted that China’s nuclear arsenal will grow from the current estimated figure in the low 200s to up to 1,000 warheads by 2030.

Meanwhile, back in September, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall also raised the possibility of the Chinese military working on a FOBS-like weapon at the Air Force Association’s annual Air, Space & Cyber Conference. “If you use that kind of an approach, you don’t have to use a traditional ICBM trajectory,” he said. “It’s a way to avoid defenses and missile warning systems.”

With all this in mind, the case for hypersonic defense is only becoming more urgent.

In the United States, for example, Rear Admiral Tom Druggan, the program executive for Aegis ballistic missile defense, last week described the SM-6 missile as “our leading defense capability for hypersonic missile defense.” Druggan added that the island of Guam “would absolutely need” the SM-6 missile to defend against these kinds of attacks.

Guam is well known to be a key target for Chinese missile attacks in a wider conflict. The Missile Defense Agency, or MDA, has also recently selected Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman to compete in developing a new Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI), intended to defeat hypersonic missiles in the midcourse portion of their unpowered flight.

Back in June, the MDA provided an animated video presentation that specifically laid outs its “multi-layered solution to defend against the next generation of hypersonic glide vehicles.” Countering maneuvering hypersonic threats is incredibly challenging and includes very small windows for engagement. As it sits now, there is no robust defense against these systems.

While in many ways perplexing, the limited evidence pointing to the release of some kind of payload by the hypersonic vehicle used in the July 27 test seems to suggest China is working on a truly novel set of advanced technologies. However, with so little information currently available in the public realm, it’s too early to make any hard conclusions about the nature of exactly what was tested and what its impact could be on the already in flux strategic landscape vis-a-vis China.

Update 11/23/2021:

In another development that could be relevant to this mysterious new Chinese weapon, the country’s state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) announced yesterday that its FL-64 wind tunnel had passed a series of calibration tests, a major step toward making it fully operational. FL-64, which AVIC’s Aerodynamics Research Institute operates, can simulate speeds between Mach 4 and Mach 8.

“The wind tunnel can meet the test requirements of hypersonic aircraft such as conventional force/pressure measurement, air inlet, dynamic simulation, weapon separation and release, aerodynamic heat and flow display,” according to a machine translation of a story from China Aviation News, an outlet that AVIC owns. The specific mention of “weapon separation and release” is, of course, particularly interesting in light of this recent report regarding this novel Chinese hypersonic weapon.

The Solomon Islands

Global Times pulls no punches naming what nation’s responsible for riots in Solomon Islands, “Australia has fomented riots in Solomon Island”:

"Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on Friday blamed foreign interference for instigating the anti-government protests over his government's decision to cut 'diplomatic ties' with the island of Taiwan and establish diplomatic ties with the Chinese mainland. Though, he didn't specify who is among the 'other powers' that fomented the violence.

"Sogavare emphasized that the choice to establish diplomatic ties with Beijing conforms to the trend of the times and international laws.

"The Solomon Islands is a country with nearly 690,000 people in the South Pacific region. After Sogavare assumed office in 2019, his administration made a choice to set up diplomatic ties with Beijing. However, the island of Malaita of the country, where most of the rioters are reportedly from, has maintained its relations with the island of Taiwan.

"The New York Times said the Solomon Islands has been in a 'heightened political tug of war,' citing a former Australian diplomat stationed in the Solomon Islands saying that the US has been providing Malaita with direct foreign aid. Such analysis is representative of the US and Australia."

We’ve seen the usual pro forma denials by the United States Empire and its lackey Australia, but the evidence points at them:

"Nonetheless, the Associated Press cited observers as saying that 'Australia intervened quickly to avoid Chinese security forces moving in to restore order.' More importantly, neither Canberra nor Washington has condemned the riots in the Solomon Islands so far, despite the fact that the unrest has violated the basic spirit of democracy and the rule of law. Media coverage of the riots in the US and Australia was 'matter-of-fact' and highlighted the rioters' political opposition to diplomatic relations with China."

Clear echoes of the Empire and its lackey’s behavior during the attempted Color Revolution in Hong Kong which is easy for Chinese eyes to see and point fingers.

"It is clear that Australia's overall attitude, and that of the US, is to connive with and even encourage the unrest, even though the Australian troops and police were sent to keep order in the Solomon Islands. What is right and what is not is obvious. Hence, aren't Morrison's remarks of "not indicate any position" actually a support for the evil doings?"

Of the remaining 15 national entities that continue to have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, four are South Pacific Island nations, thus the importance of seeing the light by the Solomon Islands.

The editor essentially says, the global community’s seen this play before, knows the director at the attempted outcome; so, isn’t it time for the United States to be condemned for their unlawful intervention?

US troops, bases & ships are vulnerable to China’s hypersonic superweapons due to Washington’s naivety, expert warns

Beijing allegedly tested a hypersonic weapon that orbited the Earth in July, and a second missile was launched during the same test event, according to reports in the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal.

The missile fell “harmlessly” into the South China Sea.

Its role remains unknown as commentators speculated that the missile could’ve been used to target or deflect a power’s defenses against a potential hypersonic attack.

Officials in Washington were left scrambling as the test caught them off-guard.

Sam Armstrong, of the Henry Jackson Society, told The Sun: “We’re led to believe that the West was unaware of China’s hypersonic missile.

“Should it be true, it does lead us to question ‘Why are our leaders so naïve about China’s intentions?’”

Armstrong continued: “After the Cold War, there was a degree of naivety and hubris among Western foreign policy elites as they thought they had won the great battle of ideas.”

He warned that China is developing weapons at a speed that are designed to take out enemy vessels.

Armstrong said that American vessels, troops, and military assets are vulnerable and officials in Washington have to realize that weapons are being created with the intention to take on the US.

Space Force General David Thompson warned: “We’re not as advanced as the Chinese or the Russians in terms of hypersonic programs.”

Biden and Xi have agreed to hold talks designed at reducing tensions, but Armstrong says it’s difficult to see what the discussions will achieve.

He said: “China has very little to gain in giving up on its military or imperial ambitions right now.

“It’s difficult to see what President Biden seeks to obtain in entering any talks unless China is prepared to say that its own military expenditure is threatening its own economic development at home.”

Beijing has developed missile targets shaped like US warships depicting a full-scale outline of at least two Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers and a US carrier, pictures show.

China’s high-tech Type 003 aircraft carrier is apparently nearing completion and Beijing has conducted tests using underwater explosives.

The country already has two aircraft carriers that are based on Soviet Cold War-era designs.

The new ship is expected to be a 100,000-ton‘ supercarrier’ and could match America’s powerful Nimitz class vessels.

It will feature more advanced aircraft launching technology, allowing it to launch the FC-31 new generation of stealth fighters much faster.


Matthew Funaiole, a senior fellow at the CSIS’s China Project, said the new ship would be the Chinese military’s “first foray into a modern aircraft carrier”.

And, officials have tested underwater explosives in what appears to be a strategy to potentially wipe out the US Navy.

Video from the state’s mouthpiece The Global Times shows a large gush of water rising into the air during a simulated attack at an unnamed naval port.

Thousands of pieces of data were collected by sensors as computers analyzed how much of the port had been destroyed.

China has already plowed $1trillion into its military this year and has developed missile and radar systems that can rapidly sink US aircraft carriers.

It has also developed the ability to shoot down American fighter jets and to threaten islands such as Okinawa and Guam.

Deployment of the DF-26 missile dubbed the “Guam killer” has rapidly expanded over the past year, according to a Pentagon intelligence report.

China currently possesses around 100 intercontinental ballistic missiles that have the potential to strike the continental US, but little is known about Beijing’s hypersonic development program.

The DF-17 is equipped with a hypersonic glide vehicle and was showcased in 2019 during a National Day military parade.

While the Xingkong 2 nuclear-capable hypersonic prototype was successfully tested at a target range in northwest China in 2018.

Although fears may be escalating about China’s future potential, the US’ nuclear stockpile considerably outnumber that of Beijing’s.

There’s no indication that Beijing is set to overtake Washington in the immediate years.

The Punch Line

While the morons in Washington DC pretend to be in control of “democracy summits”, and lead in “freedom rankings”, the rest of the world has moved on. They realize that the United States is dead, and that it is just going through the “death spasms” as it slowly succumbs to it’s own internal rot.

Honestly, the impression that I have is that the rest of the world is cautiously waiting, while watching the United States collapse in upon itself.

They will take the “jabs” and the “punches”. They will endure the insults and manipulations and the loss of face. They won’t do anything sudden, provocative or dangerous. Though, you can be quite assured that they are ready to pounce and do some awfully bad stuff if it needs to occur.

Of course, if you are residing inside the United States you won’t see this bigger picture. It will just a a confusing mess while the world around you goes to shit. You will instead believe that the entire world is going to shit.


Just the “West”.

The United States is the biggest anchor and those that are tied to the sinking ship that the USA has become will be pulled down into the deep blue, and with a sucking noise will slip deep, deep down into an abyss where no exit is possible.

So why?

With the USA going deep into a state of collapse, why is the USA trying to provoke a war with China?

This is WHY the United States is so arrogantly provoking and pushing China to a war. This video clip explains it all so very completely. Video 3MB

Images of the USA collapse

Here’s karma rushing at full speed toward you…

“In your face” blatant mall robbery. There’s no longer any stability left in American society. It’s every man for himself. Video 4MB

Parana’s swarm a store and clean it out in under a minute. Mob Video 4MB

Jewelry robbery in a mall. Video 1MB

Mob breaks into a family store and cleans it out. video 2MB

Massive mall robbery. video 3MB

Another store robbery. video 6MB

Home invasions are on the rise all over America. video 4MB

Still not convinced? WI parade mass murderer. video 3MB


The Tripartite World Order and the Hybrid World War

by Dmitry Orlov, posted by permission of the author

General Mark Milley, America’s highest-ranking military officer, has recently gone public with a revelation of his: the world is no longer unilateral (with the US as the unquestioned world hegemon) or bilateral (as it was with the US and the SU symmetrically balancing each other out in an intimate tango of mutual assured destruction). It is now tripartite, with three major powers—the US, Russia and China—entering a “tripolar war.” That is the exact term he is reported to have used at the Aspen Security Forum on November 3, 2021.

This seems strange, since neither Russia nor China is eager to attack the US while the US is in no condition to attack either of them. The US has just got defeated in a two-decade conflict against a fourth-rate adversary (Afghanistan, that is) in the most humiliating way possible, abandoning $80 billion of war materiel and forsaking thousands of its faithful servants in a hasty withdrawal that amounted to a rout. It is about to suffer a similar fate in Syria and Iraq. Its navy just got humiliated in a minor skirmish with the Iranians over an oil tanker. Clearly, the US is in no shape to attack anyone.

So what could Milley possibly mean? He may not sound smart, but he is the most powerful man at the Pentagon. Of course, Milley-Vanilley could just be lip-sinking to some stupid music coming out of the White House (which is currently stocked with some choice imbeciles). This would make sense, since throughout his career Milley carefully avoided anything that smacked of actual military action and therefore carried within it the possibility of defeat, instead choosing to concentrate on such things as producing a report on the impact of climate change on the U.S. military.

Here is Milley captured during one of his prouder moments, standing next to Russia’s General Valery Gerasimov, who saw combat—and victory—as commander during the Second Chechen War. Gerasimov then authored Russia’s hybrid war doctrine (the Gerasimov Doctrine), which allows strategic and political objectives to be achieved through nonmilitary means but with military support and military-style secrecy, discipline, coordination and control. In comparison, our General Milley is something of a cardboard cutout general, with a string that makes his lower jaw move up and down leading to some place within the Washington swamp of political think tanks and defense industry lobbyists.

The Gerasimov Doctrine bears an uncanny resemblance to the Chinese doctrine of unlimited war, indicating that Russia and China have harmonized in their defensive strategies. These doctrines are designed to amplify China’s and Russia’s natural advantages while placing the US at a maximum disadvantage. It is not immediately clear whether Milley is capable of understanding such matters; quite the opposite, it is likely that his job security and career path critically depended on his inability to understand anything above his pay grade. Nevertheless, since he happens to be the mouthpiece for the whole ungodly mess, we need to at least try to take his words at face value and try to think of what his “tripolar war” could possibly mean.

The Russian hybrid war doctrine and the Chinese unlimited war doctrine both give an advantage to countries with strict, centralized control structures (China and Russia, that is) while severely disadvantaging the US, which has a diffuse and internally conflicted power elite split up between two parties and among lots of competing government agencies and private entities with lots of opportunities for both internal and external espionage, infiltration and media leaks.

Russia’s advantages are in advanced weapons against which the US has no countermeasures, such as hypersonic missiles and radio warfare systems, and in a huge and only partially explored resource base, of energy resources especially. China’s advantage is in a huge and highly disciplined workforce that produces a vast array of products which the US must continuously import to prevent its entire economy from shutting down because of supply chain disruptions. On the other hand, both China and Russia find themselves at a disadvantage in facing the large and well-oiled machine the US has developed for its habitual meddling in the affairs of other nations and the undermining of their natural sovereignty. An array of mechanisms, from cultural exports to ad campaigns associated with popular brands to social media initiatives designed to corrupt the minds of the young, exists in order to exert US influence on other nations.

The Chinese and the Russian responses to this threat are almost diametrically different: whereas China builds firewalls and uses strict social controls to contain the threat, Russia’s strategy is to allow the foreign infection to run wild and to let their nation’s innate immune system create antibodies against it and neutralize it. Russia draws its red lines at outright bought-and-paid-for enemy propaganda, inciting armed rebellion, advocacy of terrorism, propaganda of sexual perversion among children, etc. In this way, Russia can not just compensate for this disadvantage but turn it to its own advantage: while the West is becoming increasingly undemocratic and authoritarian with its endless political correctness, social biodiversity requirements and the pursuit of better living through non-reproductive mating, hormone therapy and genital mutilation, Russia remains a free land with a wholesomely conservative social outlook that is quite attractive to people all over the world and is becoming increasingly attractive to many people in the West as they become painfully aware of the wages of sin.

Why concentrate on hybrid/unlimited war instead of an outright nuclear or conventional military conflict between the US and China and/or Russia? That is because both conventional and nuclear military conflict between any of these three nations is an insane, suicidal choice, while those in charge of defining military strategy are specifically not selected for their suicidal tendencies. Neither Russia nor China is known for their wars of aggression, and while the US is extremely well known for its homicidal, violent tendencies (having carried out 32 bombing campaigns on 24 countries since World War II), it is fundamentally a bully, only picking on weak countries that pose no threat. Based on publicly available information, both Russia and China are now quite far ahead of the US in weapons development, to a point where any possible direct US attack on either of them would be self-disarming at best and suicidal at worst.

In the best case scenario, the US launches an attack which is successfully repelled: bombers and rockets shot down, ships sunk, US military bases and port facilities destroyed, possibly US command and control centers also destroyed, as quite pointedly promised by Putin. The US then lays prostrate and at the mercy of its opponents. If its cooperation still leaves something to be desired, some combination of deplorables, despicables, imponderables and indecipherables will be organized just enough to make a bloody mess of what’s left of US government structures and power elites, which will then be replaced with an international peacekeeping force (as an optimistic case) or just left to persist in durable disorder, misery and international isolation.

The worst case scenario is the tired old mutual assured destruction, nuclear winter and end of life on Earth, but it is unlikely for a number of reasons. First, of the US nuclear deterrent triad only the submarine component remains viable, and even it is quite tired. None of the Minuteman missiles has been successfully tested in a long time, and these are ballistic missiles which, once the boost phase is over, follow a perfectly predictable inertial trajectory, making them easy targets for Russia’s new air defense systems. Of the Minutemen that manage to get out of their silos and launch in the general direction of Russia or China, it is unknown how many of their nuclear payloads would actually detonate since these are all quite old and haven’t been tested in a long time either. The US no longer has the ability to make new nuclear charges, having lost the recipe for making the high explosive needed to make them detonate. But that may be a moot point, since at this point no ICBM is likely to be able to penetrate Russian air defenses. As far as Chinese air defenses, it is notable that Russia and China have integrated their early warning systems and China now has four divisions of Russian S-400 Triumph air defense systems and is planning to add more.

Turning to the airborne part of the US nuclear triad, its mainstay is still the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, the youngest of which is almost 60 years old. It cruises at 260 knots at an altitude of 34000 feet and is the opposite of stealthy, making it easy to shoot down at a stand-off distance of several hundred kilometers. Since this makes it perfectly useless for dropping bombs, all that remains is cruise missiles, which fly at a positively poky 0.65 Mach, again making them easy targets for modern air defenses. There are also some newer stealth bombers—very few and, it has turned out, not too stealthy, putting them essentially in the same category as the Stratofortress, and the cruise missiles they can launch are also those same old subsonic ones.

Lastly, there are the strategic nuclear submarines, which are the only part of the US nuclear triad that is still viable. They remain effective as a deterrent, and they do have the ability to get up close to launch a sneak attack with a good chance that at least a few of the missiles will get through the air defenses, but they can’t possibly hope to get around the inevitability of retaliation which will cause unacceptable, fatal damage to the continental US. This makes them useless as an offensive weapon.

Add to this Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine, according to which any attack against Russian sovereign territory or Russian sovereign interests, whether conventional or nuclear, would open the door to a nuclear retaliation, launched upon warning, and Putin’s solemn promise to counterattack not just against the locations from which a strike is launched but against the centers of decision-making. Considering that Russian missiles are hypersonic and will reach their targets before those of the US reach theirs, and that Russia has the means to shoot down US missiles while the US is unable to shoot down Russian ones, if the US were to launch an attack, those who launched it would be dead before they could find out whether their attack succeeded in causing any damage at all or whether they had just suicided themselves for nothing. All of this adds up to an inevitable conclusion: under no circumstances will the US attack either Russia or China, using either conventional or nuclear weapons.

There are experts who are of the opinion that a world war could spontaneously erupt at any moment without anyone wishing it to do so, just as the world slid into World War I due to a confluence of unhappy accidents. But there is a big difference: the military and civilian leaderships of the warring sides in World War I did not have hypersonic missiles pointed directly at their heads. They thought that the war would be fought far away from their palaces, headquarters and stately mansions. They were, in some cases, quite wrong, but that was their thought originally: why not test our industrial prowess while sacrificing the lives of several million useless peasants?

Now the situation is quite different: any substantial provocation is an automatic self-destruct trigger and all sides know this. Of course, there will be minor provocations such as the US Navy steaming around in the Taiwan Strait or the Black Sea close to the shores of Crimea, but then they do have to earn their keep somehow. In turn, the Russians and the Chinese will periodically up the ante a little bit by shooing them away with a harshly worded radio message or a few shots fired across their bows. But both sides know just how careful they have to be because any serious error will require immediate deescalation and may entail major loss of face. And that, as the saying goes, would be worse than a crime: it would be a mistake.

The provocations of which the US is still capable are likely to grow more and more feeble over time. The US has lost the arms race against both Russia and China and is unlikely to ever catch up. On the other hand, neither Russia nor China is the least bit likely to attack the US. There is no reason to do so, given that they can get what they want—a gradual fading out of US influence—without resorting to large-scale military action. Maintaining a strong defensive posture while projecting power within their expanding spheres of interest would be quite enough for either of them. Thus, all that’s left for the US is hybrid warfare: financial warfare in the form of sanctions, aggressive dollar-printing and large-scale legalized money laundering, informational warfare played out on the internet, medical warfare using novel pathogens, drugs and vaccines, cultural warfare in the form of promoting and defending conflicting systems of values and so on, with military activities limited to the use of proxies, fomenting putsches and civil wars, actions of private military companies and so on.

If Milley is pinning his hopes on being able to provoke a conflict between China and Russia, he is likely to be disappointed. These two very large neighboring countries are synergistic. China has tremendous productive capacity for producing all manner of finished goods but has limited natural resources, is insular and has limited capacity for interacting with the rest of the world except through trade and commerce. Russia, on the other hand, has virtually limitless natural resources but, with a smaller though highly educated population spread out across a vast and somewhat inhospitable terrain, is forced to concentrate its efforts on certain strategically important sectors such as energy and food exports, high-tech weapons systems, nuclear energy, vaccines and energy-intensive products such as fertilizers, plastics and metals where their access to cheap energy provides them with a competitive advantage.

One of Russia’s major strengths is a culturally ingrained ability to understand people from other cultures and to maintain cordial relations even across great cultural divides and enemy lines. Russia has a unique ability to offer stability and security, both through careful diplomacy and by offering advanced defensive weapons systems. The Chinese have been aggressively buying into economies around the world, investing in major infrastructure projects to further their trade, but are sometimes found lacking in diplomatic finesse and in their understanding of local sensibilities, alienating their partners by directly demanding a controlling share in their investments. The Russians, on the other hand, understand that you have to at least kiss a girl before offering to pay her college tuition.

Such finesse tends to be interpreted as weakness by certain Westerners who, over the course of many centuries of fratricidal warfare and genocidal colonialism, have been conditioned to only respect brute force and to understand relationships only in terms of dominance or submission. With the sudden departure of the US from the world stage, many smaller European nations are now actively looking for a new master to lord over them. Both the Chinese and the Russians are likely to leave them disappointed; while Chinese commerce and Russian security (including energy security) will be on offer, they will be on their own and forced to earn their own keep and their oaths of fealty will fall on deaf ears. The Eastern Europeans especially might find it impossible to ingratiate themselves back into the Russian world; the Russians have had their fill of them and their duplicitousness. Their other option will be to go to work for the Chinese.

Russia and China complement each other and are more likely to work with each other rather than against each other in their dealings with each other and with the rest of the world. This is certainly not the case with the US, vis-à-vis either China or Russia. During the 1990s and the naughts, while China was rapidly transforming into the world’s manufacturing hub while Russia was recovering from the setback it had been dealt by the Soviet collapse, the US was able to position itself as the world’s indispensable consuming nation, redirecting a lion’s share of the world’s resources and manufactured products to feed its appetites in exchange for printed dollars (continuously expropriating the world’s savings while exporting inflation) and using the threat of military action against anyone who would challenge this arrangement. But now the situation is different: most of China’s trade is now not with the US but with the rest of the world, Russia is fully recovered and developing slowly but surely, the share of the US in the world’s economy has shrunk, the appetite for printed dollars in the form of US government debt has declined greatly, and as to its former full-spectrum military dominance, see above.

And yet General Milley wishes to fight a tripolar war against two poles that won’t fight each other and aren’t spoiling for a fight with the US either; they just want the US to pack up, go home and no longer darken the horizons around Eurasia. As I took pains to explain above, the US is in no position to challenge either or both of them in an all-out military conflict, or to risk engaging them in a way that runs a major risk of provoking one. What can a giant, sprawling, lavishly funded, corrupt and dysfunctional bureaucracy do under such circumstances in order to justify its existence? The answer is, I believe, obvious: engage in petty mischief, a.k.a. hybrid warfare, but in doing so it finds itself, as I have already explained, at a disadvantage.

The list of petty mischief is long and makes for tedious reading. The best that can be done with it is to make comedy with it. Take, for instance, the imbroglio, worthy of Boccaccio’s Decameron, of Tikhanovskaya the cutlet fairy and phantom president of Belarus, who recently joined the club of bogus replacement leaders, alongside Juan Random Guaidó, phantom president of Venezuela, having failed to seize power from deeply entrenched Byelorussian president Lukashenko, and who is now cooling her heels in neighboring Lithuania. Having recognized the abject failure of Tikhanovskaya’s power grab, the Petty Mischef Department attempted to organize a scandal around a Byelorussian sprinter during the Tokyo Olympics, whose name is… Timanovskaya! You see, they thought that nobody would notice the single-character substitution. The ploy failed, and Timanovskaya is now cooling her heels in neighboring Poland.

There have been other, much larger-scale attempts at petty mischief, similarly ham-handed and similarly spectacular in their failure.


There was the attempt to force the entire world to submit to a relentless inoculation campaign (in the works since 2009) in the course of which an interplay between genetically engineered pathogens and genetically engineered vaccines against them would be used to make fabulous profits for Big Pharma while simultaneously selectively genociding the population of certain unfriendly or otherwise undesirable countries. End result: China has largely fought off the pathogen and has produced its own vaccine while Russia has produced several vaccines, the most popular of which has been proven safe and effective and has been turned into a major profit center by being exported to 71 countries and earning Russia more export revenue than arms exports.

Meanwhile, not only are Western vaccines proving less than 50% effective (much less than that for Johnson & Johnson) but thousands of people are actually dropping dead or becoming severely ill from them. Most alarmingly, young, freshly vaccinated athletes are dropping dead from heart attacks right in the middle of a game—dozens of them! The only possible response to this by the authorities—the only one they are capable of—is to double down, requiring everyone to get vaccinated again and again. The marketing strategy of “if our product makes you sick, we’ll give you more of it” is hardly ever effective and, in due course, it is producing open rebellion in many places, shutting down entire industries and generally playing havoc with societies and economies. Mission accomplished!


There is an ongoing attempt to force countries around the world to pay a carbon tax for their carbon emissions while those nations that engage in the cargo cult of building solar and wind generation capacity are exempted from it. Lots of expensive climate models kept supercomputers humming and international climate conferences were convened, at which people could wring their hands and wallow in maudlin self-pity over the ever-looming imaginary climate catastrophe. But then came a major complication: both Russia and China managed to turn the situation to their advantage. In the case of China, the case is simple: what allows China to manufacture and export products which the rest of the world loves to import is its use of coal and just a temporary reduction in the use of coal was sufficient to demonstrate that any such constraints would hurt the US through supply chain disruptions more than they would hurt China.

In the case of Russia, the situation is even simpler: from the point of view of carbon dioxide emissions, Russia is the greenest country on earth, deriving the largest share of its electricity from carbon-free nuclear and hydro and low-carbon natural gas. It also has 20% of the world’s forests which, in case of global warming and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, would spread rapidly north across the tundra toward the Arctic circle, soaking up prodigious amounts of carbon dioxide. Thus, the US, and the rest of the West with it, have negotiated themselves into a cul de sac of their own creation, being forced to cause damage to their economies by pursuing misguided decarbonization policies which nobody would have asked them to pursue otherwise. Again, mission accomplished!


Yet another attempt at petty mischief is in the area of human rights and democracy. The notion of individual human rights was rather successfully deployed against the USSR, warping the minds of several generations of Russian intelligentsia into being ashamed of their own country (and almost completely unaware of much ghastlier crimes against humanity carried out by the collective West). The Chinese, on the other hand, were barely swayed from their traditional (be it Confucian or Communist) perspective that balances privileges against responsibilities and leaves very little room for such frivolous notions as individual universal rights. But in recent decades the Russians have managed to claw their way back to a more balanced understanding of their own history and a greater awareness of the multiple atrocities perpetuated by those who would criticize them. The rank hypocrisy of those who would use such tactics has also become glaringly obvious through such outrages as the illegal imprisonment of Julian Assange and the exile of Edward Snowden.

The story of Maria Butina, a spectacular individual who is now a member of the Russian parliament, has also made an impression. She was falsely accused of being a foreign agent based on the now discredited Steele Dossier which Hillary Clinton’s camp had concocted in order to slander Donald Trump. Butina was imprisoned for 18 months, spending much of that time in solitary confinement (a treatment that equates to torture). She was forced to plead guilty to a bogus charge before a kangaroo court judge before being released and allowed to return to Russia. She described her ordeal in a best-selling book and anybody who has read it has absorbed, along the way, an important message: there is simply no such thing as the American justice system. A major reason why Butina had been singled out for such treatment had to do with her last name, which differs by just one character from Putin’s: there’s that single-character substitution again! With a name so similar to that of that horrible dictator Putin, of course she’d be found guilty! I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a certain dim-witted miscreant ensconced in the bowels of the CIA or the State Department who comes up with these harebrained ideas by actually scanning documents for similar-sounding names.

As far as democracy, the concept is valuable but applies differently to each nation, based on its unique values and traditions, but the image of it served up in the US, where about half the electorate feels that they were cheated during the last presidential election, or the EU, which is lorded over by unelected pompous nobodies at the European Commission, or the way it was misapplied in Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations invaded and destroyed by the West, has done much to discredit the concept. Joe Biden, who is now working on convening a virtual assemblage of nations he deems democratic, making a list and checking it twice, making sure to exclude anyone he doesn’t deem sufficiently democratic, is too senile to grasp the simple fact that he has lost any right to appeal to the concept of democracy given the way he got elected and what he’s done to Afghanistan.

The image I will leave you with is of a transport plane piloted by the demented Joe Biden and co-piloted by that giggling twit Kamala Harris, with some number of leaders from supposedly democratic nations (who have failed to absorb the lesson of Afghanistan) clinging to its landing gear, and with General Millie-Vanillie sitting in the cargo hold cleaning his gun, getting ready to fight World War III against both Russia and China.

Must see photo

POWELL COUNTY, Ky. — A photograph taken at the scene of a fatal crash in Kentucky is getting plenty of attention because some say it appears to show a man’s spirit leaving his body.

The photo was posted to Facebook by Saul Vazquez, who just happened to be driving by in his truck.

The photo shows two ambulances with state troopers standing in between. There’s a gray area above the troopers’ heads that’s shaped like the figure of a man.

Local media outlets report a motorcyclist involved in the crash later died at the hospital.

Vazquez says the image has not been altered in any way.

Ascendant Dem Hawk Wants to Pre-Authorize War With China

in Sludge
October 14, 2021

Virginia Democrat Rep. Elaine Luria, who early this year was elevated within the House Armed Services Committee, wants Congress to pre-authorize President Biden to take military action to defend Taiwan against China.

“The president has no legal authority to react in the time necessary to repel a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and deter an all-out war,” Luria, a 20-year Navy veteran, wrote in an op-ed published by the Washington Post this week. “If the president’s hands remain legally tied in preventing Chinese military action against Taiwan, then an even larger conflict with China is most certainly assured.”

…to “deter” an all out war between Taiwan and China, by starting world war III though a direct violation of one of the Chinese “Red Lines”.

As Luria notes in her article, Republican lawmakers agree with her that Congress, which has the power to authorize war by the U.S. Constitution, should cede its war powers on this matter to the president.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.) have introduced a bill called the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act that would authorize the president “to use the Armed Forces of the United States and take such other measures as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to secure and protect Taiwan” against China.

The measure had 18 House Republican co-sponsors in the previous Congress.

At the Quincy Institute’s website Responsible Statecraft, attorney Elizabeth Beavers wrote that Luria’s proposal “rests on a fantasy of American exceptionalism in which the United States can and must lead Taiwan to a military victory against Chinese invasion.

“It also defies logic to suggest that such an authorization would deter or prevent large-scale conflict, as it would surely be seen as a provocation by China. By establishing an overly-available military option, Congress would be setting in motion a chain of events that could hamper diplomatic possibilities and make war between two nuclear powers all the more likely.”

Luria has been in Congress since 2019 and she is rapidly gaining foreign policy influence in the Democratic caucus. She was seated this session on the Armed Services Committee’s Readiness Subcommittee and the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over acquisition and procurement of items like military ships and submarine-launched weapons. She was also elected in February as the vice chair of the House Armed Services Committee, a committee leadership position that suggests she has the confidence of the chairman, hawkish Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.).

Defense contractors’ PACs donated $42,750 to Luria’s campaigns from January 2019 to June 30, 2021. When she was first a candidate for Congress during the 2018 cycle, Luria promised voters in her district that she would not take donations from corporate PACs, taking a pledge organized by End Citizens United, but she quietly backed out of the pledge in late 2020, when she took funds from the PACs of defense contractors including BAE Systems, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Rolls-Royce North America, which she kept for herself as payback for money she had loaned her campaign.

Luria’s office defended the decision to withdraw from the “No Corporate PAC Money” pledge by saying to the Virginian-Pilot of the corporate PACs she is now taking money from that “all these PAC funds come from individual small dollar contributions from employees.”

But a review of campaign finance data from Code for Democracy reveals that since 2019, the PACs of the top five defense companies, all of which have donated to Luria besides Northrop Grumman’s, have received donations of at least $1,000 from 332 senior executives and that the average amount that these executive-donors have given to them is $2,113. Forty defense executives, who told the FEC their titles included president, CEO, chairman, or director, have given their employers’ PACs more than $10,000 since 2019.

Russia begins mass production of 6670mph Zircon hypersonic nuke missile ‘too fast to block’ as tensions with West rise

Russia’s relations with the West remain deeply strained amid concerns that thousands of their troops amassed on Ukraine’s border are a prelude to an all-out invasion.

Ukraine’s spy chiefs said they believe a full-scale invasion is planned in the New Year.

The go-ahead for full-scale production of Zircon at a top-secret plant near Moscow follows recent successful tests of the missile.

Most recently, there was a successful test of the hypersonic missile from a frigate in the White Sea on 18 November.

A month earlier the Zircon was fired from a submarine for the first time.

Vladimir Putin has ordered the Zircon missile to be deployed next year by the Russian Navy boasting that it is “truly unparalleled … in the world”.

The Zircon will be deployed on Russian frigates and, later, on submarines.

And also Chinese naval vessels in the South China Sea. – MM

Potential Legislation on China Amounts to a New Cold War

01 Dec 2021

The $250 billion “Innovation and Competition Act” leverages industrial policy to ratchet up militarization and potentially instigate global conflict with China.

This article originally appeared in The Nation .

Congress is itching to pass a sweeping bipartisan package that threatens to enshrine a new Cold War, this time against China, and they’re counting on the American public’s inattention to get it through by the end of the year. After months of stalling in the House, and a failed attempt to attach the legislation to the annual defense bill, majority leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi struck a deal this week for a bicameral conference on the anti-China legislation.

The US Innovation and Competition Act is a massive piece of legislation purporting to make the United States more “competitive” with China economically, politically, and technologically. Mainstream media outlets and lawmakers have framed the bill as the most expansive industrial policy legislation in US history, and as being crucial for countering  China’s economic rise.

But this $250 billion “innovation” bill is nothing more than a dangerous escalation in a multipronged offensive against China. The Innovation and Competition Act leverages industrial policy to ratchet up US militarization and potentially instigate global conflict—all while hindering the global fight against climate change. And just as the “War on Terror” led to a systematic assault on Muslims and people of color, an unbridled security state, and mass domestic surveillance, the language of national security and competition that will arise around a new Cold War could serve to justify racist and repressive policies here at home.

The Innovation and Competition Act would ramp up militarization in the Indo-Pacific, undermine nuclear arms control, and dedicate hundreds of millions of additional dollars to expanding US military presence in the region. Entire sections of the bill are dedicated to deepening defense cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean, authorizing $12 million annually from 2021 to 2026 for the International Military Education and Training Program, as well as other countries in the Indo-Pacific region, including India and the Philippines. It would also increase Taiwan and Japan’s military capacity.

The USICA would “dramatically change the status quo on Taiwan in a way I think is super-dangerous,” one House Democratic staffer told The Nation.

Domestically, the bill would establish an anti-China bureaucratic apparatus tasked with hunting down “undue” Chinese influence in the United States, which critics warn would exacerbate the racial profiling of Chinese Americans and Chinese nationals living in the US and inflame anti-Asian racism. A provision in the Innovation and Competition Act would enact a policy “to enable the people of the United States, including the private sector, civil society, universities and other academic institutions, State and local legislators, and other relevant actors to identify and remain vigilant to the risks posed by undue influence” of the Communist Party of China in the US and to “implement measures to mitigate the risks.” It allocates $300 million a year for 2022 to 2026 to create a “Countering Chinese Influence Fund,” and would also mandate a comptroller report on the activities of US Sister City participants who partner with countries like China. (There are over 100 US sister cities shared with China.)

None of this is unprecedented, of course. The United States has a long history of treating Asian Americans and immigrants with unfounded suspicion and enforcing racism through policy. In Chae Chan Ping v. United States, a 1889 Supreme Court decision that upheld the Chinese Exclusion Act, Washington justified the racist policies “on grounds that Chinese immigrants were ‘agents’ of China and that their mere presence in the country was akin to war, even if no actual hostilities were taking place,” as Columbia University history professor Mae Ngai wrote  in March. And in recent years, US intelligence agencies have increased  surveillance and targeting of students and academics of Chinese descent. “I think what we can expect is that we’re going to have a much more supercharged version of what we’ve been seeing over the past few years,” said Anlin Wang, a member of Democratic Socialists of America and Reclaim Philadelphia.

Senate Democrats passed the Innovation and Competition Act over the summer with overwhelming bipartisan support, and many of the most troubling aspects of the bill also have broad support in the House. Representative Gregory Meeks, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has his own version  of the legislation, and pushed against the chamber’s “rubber-stamping” the Senate version. His version, the EAGLE Act, is meant to be less aggressive and better on climate. But it doesn’t meaningfully change the substance of the policy, and has less support among Republicans than the Senate version.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was the only senator who caucuses with Democrats to vote against the bill. Not long after the vote, Sanders expanded on his position in the pages of Foreign Affairs imploring DC leaders not to start another Cold War. “Instead of extolling the virtues of free trade and openness toward China, the establishment beats the drums for a new Cold War, casting China as an existential threat to the United States,” Sanders wrote. “We are already hearing politicians and representatives of the military-industrial complex using this as the latest pretext for larger and larger defense budgets.”

This hawkish consensus on China has been years in the making, and President Joe Biden shows no intention of diverging from it. Despite his declaration  at the United Nations that “we are not seeking a new Cold War” with China or a “world divided into rigid blocs,” the Biden administration has been just as aggressive in his approach to China as former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama. Members of both parties, including most liberals and many progressives, are eager to fuel conflict between the two nuclear powers. Republican Senator Jim Inhofe has said that “we’re in the most dangerous time in our lifetime.”

On the Democratic side, there are lawmakers like Representative Elaine Luria, a former Navy officer who rakes in campaign cash from some of the biggest defense contractor PACs. Luria doesn’t just want bigger military budgets; she wants Congress to pre-authorize  war with China.

For months, Pentagon officials, lawmakers, and the national media have focused on China’s growing military capabilities to make the case that the country poses the biggest military threat to the United States and the world. But discussion of the so-called Chinese threat is rarely ever in touch with reality. There is only one country that maintains nearly 800 military bases in at least 80 countries around the world, spends more on the military than the next seven countries combined, and has used nuclear weapons in war. The same country has been directly responsible for countless military interventions. And it isn’t China.

Democratic Socialists of America’s International Committee is among the groups organizing against the looming passage of the US Innovation and Competition Act, and broader US escalation against China. Grayson Lanza, a member of the Asia and Oceania subcommittee and cochair of Orlando’s DSA chapter, echoed the idea that one of the biggest dangers of the bill is that it would create a permanent apparatus for antagonizing China.

“As a Floridian, I’m very in tune with the kind of bureaucracy that develops for the specific targeting of countries, for sanctions and antagonism,” Lanza said, referring to the influence that the anti-Cuban bureaucracy has had both in his state and on the federal level. “Once this gets put into place, and there’s a little bit of momentum behind it, you can’t really undo it. People’s jobs, their careers are going to be based around you, the United States, being an enemy of China.”

There’s also the “profound unfairness” of Washington’s allocating our resources and money into antagonizing China when US infrastructure is crumbling and Americans are without health care and paid leave, Lanza added. It’s a significant amount of money going not just to foreign militaries, but to reinforcing US propaganda networks abroad. One of the measures in the bill, for example, would train journalists “on investigative techniques necessary” to report on China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

“Maybe you don’t like China, but do you really think this is a worthy investment of your tax dollar? Probably not,” Lanza said. “Most people want their money spent on them. They want to see it in their communities. They want to see it in their infrastructure. They want to see it in their schools.”

In a statement  this week against the $778 billion Pentagon budget, Sanders criticized the Innovation and Competition Act for including $52 billion in “corporate welfare, with no strings attached, for a handful of extremely profitable microchip companies” and a $10 billion “handout” to Jeff Bezos for space exploration. “Isn’t it strange how even as we end the longest war in our nation’s history, concerns about the deficit and national debt seem to melt away under the influence of the powerful Military Industrial Complex?” Sanders said.

So what is going to come out of all this pro-war posturing? Perhaps this next article will give you a glimpse…

China stockpiling ‘flying death sentence’ hypersonic nukes capable of evading US shields in ‘large numbers’

Wu Qian, of China’s defence ministry, confirmed the country has commissioned DF-17 and DF-26 missiles in “large numbers”.

Beijing unveiled the hypersonic DF-17 nuke in 2019 – offering a glimpse of the “blindingly fast and unstoppable” missile in a four minute clip that July

The weapon contains a hypersonic glide vehicle and can be fitted with a nuclear warhead and is said to be capable of achieving speeds of up to 7,680 mph – or ten times the speed of sound.

Foreign analysts say it’s designed to move at high speed to evade anti-missile defences.

The DF-17 hypersonic missile can theoretically manoeuvre sharply at many times the speed of sound, making it extremely difficult to counter.

It comes as tensions hit boiling between the US and China over Beijing’s increasing occupation of the disputed South China Sea.

An expert has warned China is building mock-up targets of US aircraft carriers “to provoke Americans” as troops train for real-life military operations.

The country has developed missile targets shaped like US warships in its latest warning to rivals.

Sam Armstrong, of the Henry Jackson Society, told The Sun the latest war games are aimed at provoking the West.

He said: “These are working models that are ready to be deployed as a training exercise for a real-life operation against western forces.

“You don’t build a training model of an aircraft carrier unless you’re planning to run a bombing raid on an aircraft carrier.”

Beijing appears to have constructed missile targets depicting a full-scale outline of at least two Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers and a US carrier, pictures show.

Experts believe the targets could be mounted on rails to mimic a moving vessel.

Collin Koh, a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said: “I don’t think the desert targets are going to be the final stage. It’s meant for further refinement.”

Wang Wenbin, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, appeared to deny any knowledge of the mockups when quizzed.

He told a briefing earlier this month: “I’m not aware of the situation you mentioned.”


The snaps raised concerns that Beijing is taunting Washington as tensions over Taiwan “escalate”.

President Xi warned last week that the Asia-Pacific region must not return to the tensions seen during the Cold War.

He said: “The region cannot and should not relapse into the confrontation and division of the Cold War era.”

Meanwhile, it’s reported China’s recent round-the-world hypersonic nuclear weapon fired a second missile while travelling five times faster than the speed of sound.

No country had previously been able to demonstrate this advanced engineering feat and the test is said to have caught Pentagon scientists off guard.

Last month China stunned the world when it emerged it launched a hypersonic missile right around the globe.

Now it has been revealed the weapon is far more advanced than originally thought.

The hypersonic glide vehicle, a manoeuvrable spacecraft which can carry a nuclear warhead, fired a separate missile during its flight in the atmosphere over the South China Sea on July 27, according to a Financial Times report.

Experts at the Pentagon’s advanced research agency Darpa are said to be unsure how China achieved the feat, as scientists say it “tests the constraints of physics”.

American Government Isn’t a Democracy

When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

The message is clear: As long as powerful special interests can use their money to buy influence in Washington, nothing is going to change. If we want to tackle the other issues, we have to stop this legalized corruption first.

Democracy resembles “a dying person who is sinking fast, like the sun setting beyond the western hills”, and will soon be relegated to the museum.

The socialist ideological and social system alone is full of youth and vitality, sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.

The socialist system will eventually replace the capitalist system; this is an objective law independent of man’s will. The GOP fools try to hold back the wheel of history, eventually, the revolution will take place and will inevitably triumph.

Report HERE.

WW3 fears as Russia accuses US of staging ‘nuclear strike’ with TEN BOMBERS and puts nuke forces on ‘combat alert’

He claims that is 2.5 times more than the same period last year.

Shoigu complained of what he said was a simulated US nuclear strike against Russia earlier this month.

He said: “The defence minister underlined that during the US military exercises ‘Global Thunder’, 10 American strategic bombers rehearsed launching nuclear weapons against Russia from the western and eastern directions.

“The minimum proximity to our state border was 20km.”

Shoigu said Russian air defence units had spotted and tracked the US strategic bombers and taken unspecified measures to avoid any incidents.

His ministry’s TV channel Zvezda interpreted his comments as him saying: “NATO activity dictates the need to maintain nuclear forces on combat readiness.”

The Pentagon has hit back insisting its drills were announced publicly at the time and adhered to international protocols.

This comes at a time of high tension with Washington over Ukraine, with US officials voicing concerns about a possible Russian attack on its southern neighbour – a suggestion Russia has denied.

Moscow has in turn accused the United States, NATO and Ukraine of provocative behaviour, pointing to US arms supplies to Ukraine, Kiev’s use of Turkish drones against Russian-backed separatists and NATO exercises close to its borders.

Pentagon spokesperson Anton Semelroth said: “These missions were announced publicly at the time, and closely planned with Strategic Command, European Command, allies and partners to ensure maximum training and integration opportunities as well as compliance with all national and international requirements and protocols.”

Top Russian and US military officers, Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, spoke by telephone but neither side disclosed the contents of the conversation.

Global Thunder, which this year put US nuclear-capable B-52 bombers through their paces, is the US Strategic Command’s annual nuclear and command exercise designed to test and demonstrate the readiness of America’s nuclear capabilities.

President Vladimir Putin referenced the apparent episode last week, complaining of Western strategic bombers carrying “very serious weapons” close to Russia.

He said the West was taking Moscow’s warnings not to cross its “red lines” too lightly.

Shoigu made the comments in a video conference with Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe. He said that US bomber flights close to Russia’s eastern borders were also a threat to China.

“Against this backdrop, Russo-Chinese coordination is becoming a stabilising factor in world affairs,” said Shoigu.

Russia and China agreed at their meeting to step up cooperation between their armed forces when it came to strategic military exercises and joint patrols, the defence ministry said.

Earlier this month, Russia warned relations with the West are “almost at boiling point” as tensions mount over migrants at the Poland-Belarus border.

With Nato and Russian forces playing cat and mouse games, Putin has said he would “simply destroy” any country that encroached on his country’s territory.

Recent days have seen US officials warn Russia may be plotting an imminent invasion of Ukraine, with the Kremlin massing 100,000 troops on their border.

And Putin’s regime has been accused of stoking the unfolding migrant crisis between Belarus and Poland and even sent their own nuclear bombers into the area.

Belarus – dubbed Europe’s last dictatorship – has been accused of “weaponising” migration against the EU sparking a tense stand-off along their border with Poland with troops on both sides.

Here’s another goldie…

Young Americans feel that American Democracy has FAILED

Here’s the FIRST ITEM ON THE AGENDA for the so-called GLOBAL DEMOCRACY SUMMIT? – “A national survey of 18-to 29-year-old Americans shows more than half believe US democracy has either “failed” or is “in trouble,” and a significant portion also sees the potential for civil war.

Of the 52% polled who said they’ve lost or are losing faith in America’s democratic system, 39% described the country as a “democracy in trouble.”

Another 13% of respondents called it a “failed democracy,” according to research released on Wednesday by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School.

Of the more than 2,100 young Americans surveyed for the poll, only 7% said they believe the US is a “healthy democracy,” while another 27% consider it a “somewhat functioning democracy.”

In perhaps the polling’s most startling findings, 35% of the young Americans surveyed said they saw the potential for a second civil war in their lifetimes, while a quarter of those polled believed they could see a US state secede within their lifetime.” –

Read more at:

SO, WHAT IS THE US ADMINISTRATION DOING IN ASIA, endangering Asians with existential danger of a nuclear war, WHEN THE REAL CRISES ARE IN THE USA?

Leave Asia issues with Asia. Resolve your own issues, and mind your own business.

“It is only when the mirror has not spoken to Chimpanzee in a plain language that it thinks it looks more better than the Gorilla”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Big, huge changes, in the near future (a tentative list)

by Andrei for the Saker blog


Truly, tectonic changes are happening before our eyes, and today I just want to list some of them but without going to deep into specific analyses, that I plan to do later in the coming weeks.  But just looking at this list is impressive enough, at least for me.  So, here we go:

The Anglos are circling the wagons:

The planned sale of US/UK SSNs to Australia is nothing short of a HUGE game changer.  It is also just the tip of a big iceberg:

  • The US seems to have de-facto given up on Europe, not only because the UK left or because the EU is crashing and unmanageable anyway, but because the political grip the US had on the continent is now clearly slipping: NATO is a paper tiger, the “new Europeans” have outlived their utility and Russia has basically successfully diffused the threat from the West by her titanic effort to develop capabilities which make an attack on Russia suicidal for any country, including the USA, whether nukes are involved or not.
  • By screwing over France, the US has jettisoned a pretty useless ally which had a short hysterical fit, but is already going back to its usual groveling and begging (BTW – those who think that de Gaulle was the last French patriot capable of telling Uncle Shmuel to “take a hike” are wrong, Mitterrand was the last one, but that is a topic for another day).
  • Abandon NATO. Of course, in political/PR terms, the US will continue to declare itself committed to NATO and the EU, but the “body language” (actions) of the US directly contradicts this notion.
  • Why the Australian SSNs. For all its immense progress since the 80s and 90s, China still has two major technological weak points: aircraft engines and SSNs.  It just so happens that these are also two real US strong points.  By deploying 8 more SSNs near China, the US is very intelligently maximizing the use of its best assets and hurting China were it will hurt the most.  This does come with some very real risks, however, which I will discuss below.

The BRICS is close to becoming useless:

Brazil is currently run by the US and Israel.  South Africa is in a deep crisis.  As for India, it is doing what it has been doing for decades: trying to play all sides while trying to weaken China.  So it sure looks like the BRICS are becoming the “BRICS” which really leaves us with “only” the “RC” alliance which actually has a real name: the Chinese call it the “Strategic comprehensive partnership of coordination for the new era”.

Again, I don’t think that anybody will formally dissolve what was a rather informal alliance to begin with, but de-facto the BRICS seems to be loosing much of its former glamour and illusions.  As for Russia and China, they are not going to “save” the former BRICS members out of some sense of sympathy especially not against their own will: let them save themselves, or at least try.  Then, maybe.

Also, let’s be honest here, BRICS was an economic concept which was mostly an alliance of weak(er) countries against the big economic and military powers of the North and West.

As for the Russian-Chinese alliance (let’s call it that, even though formally that is not what this is), it is, by itself, already more powerful than BRICS and even more powerful that the united West (US+NATO+EU+etc.).

The SCO is changing (thanks to Uncle Shmuel), fast

If Biden was a secret “Putin agent” (“KGB agent” is the preferred term in the US, at least by those who do not seem to realize that the KGB was disbanded thirty years ago) he could not have done “better” than what he did in Afghanistan.  Now, thanks to this galactic faceplant, the small(er) guys in the SCO (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) are now getting seriously concerned about what will happen next.

Even better, the (very powerful) Iran will officially become a SCO member this month!  Again, neither Russia not China “need” the SCO for their defense, but it sure makes things easier for them.  Speaking of Afghanistan, Pakistan is already a SCO member, as is India.

It is important to note that the SCO will not become an “Asian NATO” or an “anti-NATO” or anything similar.  Again, why would Russia, China and other want to follow a failed model?

They have repeated ad nauseam that their alliances are of unions of (truly!) sovereign states and that this union will not impede on this sovereignty in any ways (besides, neither Russia not China need to limit the others SCO members sovereignty to begin with).

The EU is slowly committing economic and political suicide

Initially, France had a major hissy fit, but is probably not doing the only thing France should do after what happened: leave NATO and slam the door on it, very loudly.  De Gaulle or Mitterrand would have done so immediately, but Macron?  Being the ultimate spineless fake that he is, it would be miraculous if he did anything meaningful (other than brutally repressing all the riots in France).

At this time of writing the result of the elections in Germany are too close to call, but even if NS2 is allowed to function, the level of russophobic hysteria in Europe is so extreme that the following will almost certainly happen: the EU will continue with its rhetoric until the prices go even further up, at which point they will turn to the only country which the EU desperately need to survive: the much hated and feared Russia.  Don’t quote me on that, but last week I remember the following prices for 1000 cubic meters of gas in Europe (just under 1000 dollars), the Ukraine (1600 dollars) and Belarus (120 dollars).  I might have memorized this wrong (I was traveling), and this might have changed, but the bottom line is this: only Russia can’t give the EU the energy it needs, and she has exactly ZERO reasons to make those russophobic prostitutes any favors (other than symbolic).  And even if my memory played a trick on me, what is certain that the prices for energy are soaring, the EU reserves are very low, and the temperatures falling.  Welcome to the real world 🙂

I won’t even go into the “multiculturalism” “inclusivity” “positivity” and other Woke nonsense which most of the EU countries have accepted as dogmas (even Switzerland caved in).

The US is like an aircraft breaking apart in mid-air

As most of you know, I have decided to stay away from internal US politics (for many different reasons).  So I will just use a metaphor: the US is like an aircraft which, due to pilot incompetence and infighting, is breaking apart in mid-air with its passengers still arguing about who should be the next pilot as that could make any difference.  Some passengers will continue to argue until the hit the ground.  Others are engage in “mid-air fistfights” apparently believing that if they succeed in beating the crap out of the other guy, they will somehow prevent gravity from doing what it does.

The reality is much simpler: a system that is not viable AND which cannot reform itself (too busy with self-worshiping and blaming others for everything) can only do one thing: collapse and, probably, even break-apart.  Only after that can the US, or whatever the successor state(s) will be called, rebuilt itself into something totally different from the US which died chocking on its own arrogance this year (like all the other empires in history, by the way, the latest one being the Soviet one).

The Russian elections

The results are in and they are yet another galactic faceplant for the AngloZionist Empire.  The main Kremlin Party took a hit, the Communists did very well, Zhirinovski’s LDPR lost a lot and a new (moderately pro-Kremlin) party made it in for the first time.  Considering the many billions of dollars the West has spent on trying to create a Belarus-like crisis in Russia (Navalnyi, Petrov, Boshirov & Co.), this is yet another truly gigantic failure for the West.  If anything, the rise of the KPRF shows that a lot of people are fed up with two things: 1) what they see as a tepid, if not outright weak, Russian foreign policy towards the West and 2) with the liberal (economically speaking) policies of Putin and his entourage.  Absolutely NOBODY in Russia wants “better relations” or any kind of “dialog” with the rabidly russophobic West.  And to the extend that Russia and the USA simply *have* to talk to each other (being nuclear superpowers) they, of course, will.  But the EU as such is of zero interest to Russia.  And if Russia needs to get something done (like what anyway?), she will talk to the US, not its EU underlings.  For all its problems, the US still matters.  But the clowns of the EU?

[Sidebar: the word “Communist” usually elicits a knee-jerk reaction from brainwashed US Americans.  But for the rest of them, let me just say that while I don’t think the KPRF is what Russia needs and while I have nothing good to say about Ziuganov or most of the KPRF leadership, I will say that KPRF does not mean Gulags, hammers and sickles smashing Ukie babies, Russian tanks in downtown Warsaw or any such nonsense.  There are several “Communist” parties in Russia, and none of them are even remotely similar to the kind of party the bad old CPSU was.  So while US politicians feel very witty to speak of the CCP-virus and that kind of nonsense (Ted Cruz is officially my “favorite idiot” in Congress now), this is so far detached from any reality that I won’t even bother explaining it here.]

The COVID pandemic

Wow, just wow.  Where do I even begin???  Biden’s speech on this topic was hateful declaration of war on all those who don’t fully accept the “official” White House line.  The fact that many (most?) of those who do not accept the official party line DO accept an even dumber version of events does not make it right to force them into choosing between their beliefs and, say, their job, or their right to move around.  Again, after listening to Biden I kept wondering if he was a “Putin agent” as his actions are only accelerating the breakup of the “US aircraft” I mentioned above.  You can say many things about COVID-dissidents, but you can’t deny them two things: 1) a sincere belief in their ideas and 2) an equally sincere belief that their core freedoms, values and rights are trampled upon by pathological liars and crooks (aka politicians + BigPharma).

They will resist and, yes, violently if needed.  Because for them it is a both a matter of personal human dignity and even survival!

At least, and so far, the US still has a powerful Constitution which will make it very hard for the current nutcases in the White House to do what they apparently want to do (force 80M US Americans to obey “or else”).  Furthermore, Federal courts cannot be simply ignored.  Also, US states still have a lot of power.  Finally, most US Americans still hold dear the ideals of freedom, liberty, small government, privacy, etc. But EU countries have no such protections from governmental abuse: true, in the US these are all rights are weakened by the day if not the hour, but at least they have not been *officially* abrogated (yet?).

If you want to see how bad things can get without such rights, just look at the pandemic freak show in Canada, Australia or New Zealand!

Finally, and irrespective of its actual origin (I am still on the fence on that), the COVID pandemic wiped all the make-up and has showed the entire world the true face of the West and its rulers: weak, ignorant, arrogant, hypocritical cowards whose only true concern is to cover their butts and “grab whatever can be grabbed” before the inevitable and final explosion (nuclear, economic or social).

Now back the the Aussie SSNs

The sale/lease of these SSNs is not only a danger for China, but also one for Russia.  Simply put, Russia cannot and will not allow the Anglos to strangle China like they did with Japan before WWII.  The good news is this: the latest Russian SSNs/SSGNs are at least as good as the latest Seawolf/Virginia class, if not better.  Ditto for ASW capabilities.  What Russia does lack is the needed numbers (and Anglo submarine fleets are much lager, even “just” the USN alone) and funds, both of which China has (or can have).  From the Kremlin’s point of view, the Anglos are trying to create an “Asian NATO”, something which neither China nor Russia will allow.  The Chinese already informed the Aussies that they are now a legitimate target for nuclear strikes (apparently, Australia wants to become the “Poland of the Pacific”), while the Russians only made general comments of disapproval.  But take this to the bank: the Russian General Staff and the Chinese (who both probably saw this coming for a while) will jointly deploy the resources needed to counter this latest “brilliant idea” of the Anglos.  In purely military terms, there are many different options to deal with this threat, which ones China and Russia will chose will become apparent fairly soon because it is far better to do something prevent that delivery from actually happening than to deal with eight more advanced attack submarines.

By the way, the Russians are also semi-deploying/semi-testing an advanced SSK, the Lada-class, which has both very advanced capabilities and, apparently, still many problems.  SSKs are not capable of threatening SSNs in open (blue) waters, but in shallower (green/brown) waters such as straits or littorals, they can represent a very real threat, if only by “freeing up” the SNNs to go and hunt into the deep (blue) waters.  Also, the main threat for subs comes from the air, and here, again, China and Russia have some very attractive options.

Conclusion: interesting times for sure…

Like the Chinese curse says, we are living in very interesting times.  The quick collapse of the Empire and the US is, of course, inherently very dangerous for our planet.  But it is also a golden opportunity for Zone B nations to finally kick the Anglos out and regain their sovereignty.  True, the US still has a lot of momentum, just like a falling airliner would, but the fact  remains that 1) they ran from Afghanistan and 2) they are circling their Anglo wagons shows that somebody somewhere does “get it” and even understood that in spite of the huge political humiliation both of these development represent for narcissistic politicians and their followers, this was a price which absolutely HAD to be paid to (try) to survive.

In my article (infamous) analysis ” Will Afghanistan turn out to be US imperialism’s “Last Gleaming”?” (it triggered even more hysterics and insults than usual, at least on the Unz review comments section) I wrote this: “the British Empire had the means of its foreign policies. The US does not.

This is now changing.

Yes, what the Anglos (aka 5 eyes) are doing is a retreat.  But it is a *smart* one.  They are cutting off all the “useless imperial weights” and going for the “smaller but stronger” option.  We might not like it, I certainly don’t, but I have to admit that this is pretty smart and even probably the only option left for the AngloZionist Empire. At the very least, it is now clear that the Anglos have no allies, and never had them.  What they had where colonial coolies who imagined themselves as part of some “community of civilized, democratic and peace-loving, nations”.  These coolies are now left in limbo.

So, who will be the next one to show Uncle Shmuel to the door?  My guess is the Republic of Korea.  And, frankly, since the DPRK is not a country the Empire can take on, and since China will only increase its (already major) influence on both the DPRK and the ROK, the US might as well pack and leave (maybe for Australia or occupied Japan?).

Okay, end of this overview of developments.



MM Wraps up with an overview

Ever since 1945, the world was ruled by one singular nation; the United States. It maintained a plurality of global rule. “You do as we say, or be destroyed“.

That days have ended. They are over.

There are now three major nations; USA, Russia and China.

And because of the insanity of the United States today, that has fractured into two balancing forces; Asia against “the West”.

You can easily tell who is who by the population inoculation schedule.

WEST = Population inoculated by mRNA injection.
EAST = Population inoculated by Dead Host vaccine.

The West is collapsing domestically, and on all levels. It’s only way out is to attack and strike at everything everywhere and blame the rest of the world for it’s karmic punishments. And that is what we are seeing now.

  • USA military movements against China.
  • USA military movements against Russia.
  • USA setting up military alliances to counter Russia / China.
  • USA black operations all around Russia and China.

The USA (the West) is getting desperate. It is willing to do the most horrific things in order to maintain it’s power, but you know the rest of the world isn’t stupid. They are ready to “bitch slap” America into the bronze age.

Right now, all indications are the rest of the world is standing by and trying to peacefully (and quietly) adjust to the new global arrangements, and that means a united and powerful Asia, and a collapsed, cesspool known as “the West”.  I figure, and anticipate that all will be settled by 2030. With a grand understanding of what direction the world will vector towards by the end of 2024.

There are many things in play right now.

Don’t get too caught up in them.

Domestically, the Christmas parade massacre by an African-American sex offender on parole that resulted in 8 grandmothers and children killed, and 60 others hurt… all white…  has stunned the United States.  The looting, the robberies, the black on white and Asian assaults have been going on because the government is not enforcing laws, and the black community knows this. And the non-black community, across the board, is about ready to *snap*.

I can see this, and I don’t even use binoculars.

My guess is that there is a substantive and general change in the “feeling in the air”. Much like what happened in Waco under Clinton, but this is far deeper, far more visceral. There’s this quiet apprehension of “what will be next”. And the pandemic, the war-march media, and the wild spending while crime goes stratospheric has got everyone spooked.

You can tell just by looking at what my post popular articles are. People are alarmed.

At the least, there will see major power shifts in government. But since the government has proven itself to be weak and impotent, I except something far deadlier to occur…

…unreported armed justice. Starting off in “Death Wish” Charles Bronson events, escalating into group actions.

Black thug robs an Asian-American. Get’s shot in retaliation. Video 2MB

In all cases, there will be pockets or places where you dare not venture towards, and places where you are safe and where it is calm.

MM readership should be focusing on affirmation campaigns that maintain this calm stability around them while the rest of the world seemingly enters the massive “meat grinders” known as domestic and international war.

Be safe everyone.

The ONLY way for you all to control your life is to…

  • Conduct prayer affirmation campaigns.
  • Run your Fate Forecasts and listen to the warnings.
  • Participate in your community.
  • Turn off the “news”. Vault 7 is real.
  • and…

…wait for it…

  • …be the Rufus.

video 21MB


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


Articles & Links

Master Index


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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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Fate Forecasting; How birth Pre-birth world-line template generates initial character attributes similar to that of a role playing game (Part 2)

This article discusses how the elements associated with one’s luck is established as a a “fate vector package” upon birth.

We look at the initial starting conditions of the pre-birth world-line template. As it fixes permanently the gravitational influences that surround the physical person.

It is these same gravitational influences influence the role of fate in one’s life.

In this way, a person can understand that birth is very similar to character generation during a role playing game. Much like you can generate the attributes for your character in the old board game Dungeons and Dragons, or any of the First Person Shooter games available in software.

The Fate Forecasting and World-line template mapping

For those who are unaware, this article discusses four very significant elements in control of your life, and future happiness.

[1] World-Line Templates

The use of world-line topography maps is a major part of life navigation in the MWI reality universe that we inhabit. You control your thoughts, and thus you navigate the terrain of entropy that is set up for you at birth.

This is conducted by Affirmation Prayer Campaigns. You use these campaigns to focus your thoughts for set periods of time. It's sort of like placing specific navigation beacons that you set your automobile route generating software towards.

What's more, you can actually change the entire terrain that you are operating upon. You can do this by "sliding". You can adjust your affirmation campaign to specify a change in the terrain that you inhabit. 

There are all kinds of terrains, and all kind of features. The one that you were established with at birth is known as the "pre-birth world-line template map". Newly generated template maps can go by other terms.

To study this issue, you can go to my Intention Campaign Index HERE.

[2] Fate Forecasting

Fate Forecasting is a method of measurement of the ebb and flow of luck in your life. This is important, as studies have shown that successful and wealthy people do not obtain their positions through merit. It has been proven, time and time again to occur through luck.

To study this issue, I have a index on this subject. It is the Fate Forecasting Index that this article is part of and which can be found HERE.

[3] Consciousness Centering

Consciousness Centering is necessary as there are all sorts of things that tug and pull at your brain and consciousness. To optimize your thoughts to be most efficient, and thus most successful, you need to be able to center your consciousness. To accomplish this, you need to use tools and techniques to do so. Here at MM we have provided Hemi-sync (FFR) to accomplish this. You can access the files to listen to and learn and center your consciousness HERE.

[4] Rufus Behaviors

Physical actions influences the thoughts of those around you. My surrounding yourself with other people who generate happy and positive thoughts when you are around, your world tends to move in positive directions. A study of "Rufus" actions can be found in the Rufus Index HERE.

Western horoscopes vs Chinese Bazi

Both systems use planetary alignments to estimate the fated luck that a person will endure in their life.

Western horoscopes tend to be simplistic, and only utilize planetary alignments and empirical observation to arrive at forecasts. They are only associated with the date of birth, are not tied to a given latitude or longitude, and do not recognize non-physical components. Further, the Newtonian physics takeover of the educational systems int he 19th century, pretty much relegated all horoscope prediction matters to the realm of disdain and pseudo-science. This is further aggravated by hoaxers who set up for-profit entities to fleece the gullible. Western horoscopes have been in existence in their current form around three thousand years.

Chinese BaZi horoscopes are more detailed, more exacting, and incorporate general geographical influences in their calculus. They also incorporate non-physical gravitational elements and  have a much more involved interaction of play between the various elements involved. Further this method of divination has been around since the beginnings of Chinese written records which is at least 6000 years old.

The premise

The planetary gravitational influences on a biological being influences their life. We refer to this a “luck“.

Since the movements of the gravitational influences are fixed and immovable, the luck is fixed. We refer to this as “Fate“.

These gravitational influences are independent of other templates. So you cannot conduct a “slide” to another world-line template to change your fortune. Everyone must deal with the ebb and flow of their luck. This is their fate.

Since the gravitational forces change over time using Newtonian physics, we can predict the rise and fall of luck. We refer to this as “horoscope generation“.


For the purposes of illustration, let’s consider a person born under the Western horoscope of Leo. Which is around July. Their Western horoscope would predict the relations of fate in their lives, and for the most part would seem to agree with what the person experiences.

But if you get into this further, you could look at the BaZi and discover that this person is a “Dog Sign” given their birth day, year, month, hour, second and geographic latitude and longitude. At the precise moment of birth, the planetary alignments and gravitational forces were fixed. And by using Newtonian astrophysics, the movements of the planets and their gravitational influences can be mapped out over the given life time.

So irregardless of what the pre-birth world-line template is, the fate will follow a predictive ebb and flow of luck.

Further, the BaZi breaks down the luck into components or “packages”. And the interaction of those packages will determine how the luck manifests.

Now, whether you are on a pre-birth world-line template, or slide to a new template, you luck (as fate) is still manifest.

Now, in this example, if the fate says that you have a high potential to be scammed in business, this will still occur. However, different world-line templates will have decidedly different manifestations of that luck.

A calm level topography template map

A calm reasonably level template map.

The business scam will be minor and easily avoided. There just aren't any  hills or mountains to indicate effort or discord. There are no problems with entropy. So (for example) the business discord might manifest as an employee stealing a box of pencils.

A mountainous topography map

A mountainous world-line template map.

In this case, you know that there is a massive build up of entropy. This will help trigger events that you will need to deal with. In this case, a business discord might be a customer that scams you out of a million dollars, steals your wife, and burns down your office building.

A easy-going topographical map with many valleys

A “downward” trending MWI map.

In this case, the entropy is positive and the travel on the MWI world-line map tends to be easy going and not problematic at all. Yet the fate of some kind of business discord may still manifest. This could be something like some leaves blowing on the lawn of your office building, if anything at all.

What manifests in your fated luck depends on the terrain of your world-line template map. You need to be aware of your fate; what is auspicious and what is not, and adjust your MWI navigation through the world-line as necessary to avoid the most dangerous of event cycles.

Character generation and the Mantids

What apparently happens in Heaven is that the consciousness decides to “descend” into the General Population to experience “life”. Often this includes hardship and turmoil and personal sacrifice to obtain “growth”. The Mantids help the consciousness plan for the next foray into the earth environment. They do this by establishing a “Fate Path” that coincidences with the MWI in the Reality Universe.

A “pre-birth world-line template” is constructed. Then a “Fate profile” is used to generate a “Fate Path” that coincidences with the “Life line” that the consciousness would endure. This sets up the “Luck Triggers” that will keep the consciousness on the path to follow the adventures, experiences and lessons that the Mantid planned for the consciousness.

Key to all of this is the selection of parents and the DNA of their resulting offspring that will be the host skin suit for the consciousness to occupy.

Thus the Mantids create a character generation effort prior to the consciousness injection into the General Population on the Earth. This is similar to that of a role play game or first person shooter.

The attributes of skin-suit character generation are…

  • Pre-birth world-line template.
  • Entry date and time.
  • Entry geographical location on the MWI.
  • Parent selection and skin-suit DNA.
  • Fate profile. (For the Fate Path.)
  • Luck Triggers.
  • Tell tails, sign posts, and periodic alerts.

Tracking this process

Perhaps we can look at examples of people who remember their previous life for clues to this character generation process.

There are well-known cases of children remembering past lives, including two-year-old James Leininger, who had nightmares about being a WWII pilot, and four-year-old Ryan Hammons, who remembered being Marty Martyn (a dance director and manager of motion-picture actors) in a past life. And of course, stories of reincarnation are not limited to children. Several adults claim to have been someone else in a past life.

“This Is My Ship”

When William Barnes was four years old, he drew a ship with four smokestacks. He showed the drawing to his parents and told them, “This is my ship, but she died.”

Soon he started insisting that his family call him “Tommy”’ instead of William, and he wouldn’t stop talking about two brothers and other family members. None of what he was saying made any sense to his parents, and the situation escalated when William started having non-stop nightmares about a huge ship, freezing water, and steel slabs falling on top of him.

Titanic sinking.

The nightmares continued, and it was only at the age of 25 that William sought help. He underwent hypnosis, and during the session, he could hear himself arguing about “the ship’s design.” As soon as he awoke from the hypnotic trance, he told the counselor, “My name is Tommy Andrews.”

Soon the fragmented pieces of William’s nightmares started forming a complete picture. He became increasingly convinced that he was the reincarnation of Titanic designer Thomas Andrews.

Titanic designer Thomas Andrews.

William Barnes was born on the date the Titanic sank, and during hypnotic age regression sessions later in his life, he spoke with a heavy Irish accent while detailing the sinking of the ship and how he died on the deck.

William now has his own website on which he details his experiences and presents proof of his claim to reincarnation fame.

This example does not seem to imply any pre-planning at all. It suggests that a consciousness died and then immediately went and occupied the first available physical body.

Because the memories are still fresh in the child's mind, it is obvious that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.

Two Past Lives

A three-year-old Thai boy named Dalawong became the focus of many studies and articles after he claimed to have had two past lives, one in which he was a deer killed by a hunter and then another one as a cobra when he was reincarnated after his death.

Three animal species.

[1] Deer.
[2] Cobra.
[3] Human.

While he was a snake, Dalawong found himself in a life-or-death fight with two dogs. The dogs’ owner intervened and killed the snake—aka Dalawong—but not before the slithery reptile bit him on the shoulder. The dog owner, Mr. Hiew, took the dead snake home, cooked and ate it, and shared some of the meat with a friend. That friend would become Dalawong’s father.

Fast forward to three years after Dalawong’s birth, the young boy recognized Mr. Hiew at a party taking place next door to his own house. He became instantly angry and tried to find a weapon to attack the man. Dalawong’s mother was stunned at her child’s anger and forced him to tell her what was happening. He related the snake tale to her, and when she confronted Mr. Hiew, he confirmed that he had indeed killed a snake a few years prior and that he had a mark from where the snake had bitten him on the shoulder.

Before this incident, human Dalawong and his family had never met Mr. Hiew.

Again, in this case very little time had passed between the last death and the new birth. That also suggests that there wasn't that much planning work for the current life. Further, we see that the reentry to the General Population is in close geographical proximity to the previous life.

In this case, as well as the previous case, the consciousness; the IS-BE immediately boomeranged back to the Reality Universe without an apparent visit to "Heaven".

Because the memories are still fresh in the child's mind, it is obvious that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.

Why Did You Let Me Die in That Fire?

In 2014, the parents of four-year-old Andrew Lucas began suspecting that their beloved boy may be possessed or have some kind of ghost inside of him. This happened after Andrew started crying almost non-stop and asking why his parents let him die in a fire.

When his mother, Michelle, asked him what fire he was talking about, Andrew started telling her little details of what was his past life as a U.S. Marine. Eventually, Michelle used these details to uncover the story of U.S. Marine Sergeant Val Lewis, who died in a bomb attack in Lebanon in 1983.

U.S. Marine Sergeant Val Lewis.

Because the details of what happened to Lewis and the story Andrew told her were so similar, Michelle decided to take the issue to the reality TV show Ghost Inside My Child. During the show, Andrew was given several photographs of military men to look at, and he immediately zoomed in on an image of Lewis.

Afterward, Michelle took her son to Lewis’s gravesite in Georgia, where Andrew laid flowers in front of it. He also ran to another grave and pointed to the name on it, saying, “That’s my friend.” It turned out that grave also belonged to a Marine.

This third example is also a relatively quick return. From 1984 to 2010 is 26 years. We can assume that in this case, 26 years is a long period of time to float around the General Population searching for a skin-suit to occupy. 

So the consciousness must have made arrangements with a Mantid to generate a pre-birth world-line template. However, the memories are still fresh in the child's mind. 

That implies that this consciousness did NOT go through the "tunnel of light" and did not have their memories erased.

Toddler Recalls Past Life Murder

A very unnerving story caused an uproar in 2014 when it was reported that a three-year-old Syrian boy had pointed out where his past life’s body had been buried after he was murdered. He also pointed out the murder weapon.

The boy, who belongs to the Druze ethnic group, has a long red birthmark on his forehead, which according to Druze beliefs, is related to how a person died in a previous life.

This belief was seemingly substantiated by the boy, who told his parents that he had been killed by an ax to the head in his previous life, hence the birthmark.

The elders of the village the boy stayed in took him to the home he lived in during his past life, getting the location from the details the boy gave. Eventually, standing in front of the house, the boy remembered the house, the village, and his old name.

The man whose house it was, had gone missing four years earlier, according to locals.

When the elders quizzed the boy about this turn of events, he told them the full name of the person who had killed him when he was the man who lived in the house.

He then led the elders to the spot where the body was buried, and sure enough, they uncovered a skeleton with a headwound that correlated to the boy’s birthmark as well as an ax.

When confronted by the elders and locals, the killer confessed to the crime soon after.

Again, this youthful memory of the death in a prior life, and a very short period between the death and birth in the same geographic area is suggestive of a consciousness that intentionally wants to stay in the General Population, does not want to go into "Heaven" and does not go through the "Tunnel of light".

This also implies that the planning for a life-line of substance and learning; the collection of lessons and experiences are missing.

Past Life During WWII

During her pregnancy, When Daw Aye Tin had a recurring dream about a Japanese soldier who told her he would be coming to stay with her and her husband in their Upper Burma (Myanmar) home.

She gave birth to her daughter, Ma Tin Aung Myo, on December 26, 1953. When her daughter turned four, she started talking about her “real home of Japan” and how much she missed it. She also made it known that she was afraid of planes and didn’t like English and American people.

Eventually, it became clear to When Daw Aye Tin that her daughter had lived before. Details provided by Ma Tin Aung Mao as she grew older included being a male soldier stationed in Nathul during WWII and running a small shop to provide for her children. She was killed when the Allies attacked, and a soldier shot at her from a plane.

10 to 15 years after death. Seems to be the norm. Yet she still remembered her past.

Reincarnated Lama

A City of Dreams

When James Arthur Flowerdew was 12 years old, he began having strange dreams. These dreams were blurry and vague when they first started, but over time they became clear pictures. As he continued to dream, he saw a stone city carved into a cliff and various temples inside the city. He also saw a rock shaped like a volcano situated on the fringes of the stone city. Arthur didn’t know what to make of these dreams and tried to ignore them.

On one particular day, Arthur visited the beach with his family. As he was playing around with pebbles and bent down to pick them up, a vision slammed into his head. It was the city of his dreams. So intense was the vision that he could smell dry desert air. Dropping the pebbles made the image dissipate, leaving Arthur at a loss for words. He revisited the beach a short time later to see if the vision would happen again, and as soon as he picked up the pebbles, it did.

He saw more details the second time, such as a stone passage and military barracks. For the first time, Arthur started thinking that he may have been a soldier in this dream city and had been killed there by a spear. Arthur never had any explanation for his experiences. Many years later, when he was an old man, Arthur watched a documentary about the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. He instantly realized that this was his city of dreams, and he became convinced that he had lived there in a past life.

He contacted the BBC, who arranged an interview between Arthur and an archaeologist. The archaeologist was flabbergasted when he discovered how much knowledge Arthur had of the ancient city without ever having been there in his current life.

Eventually, the Jordanian government invited Arthur to visit Petra. Arthur found his way around the city without the help of a guide or map and pointed out sites that hadn’t been excavated yet. He talked about a military barrack where he worked with a check-in system for guards, and even provided facts about the area that experts were not aware of.

My Life as a Monk

In 1987, three-year-old Duminda Bandara Ratnayake started talking about the Asgiriya temple and monastery in Kandy, saying that he used to be an abbot there.

Duminda was born in 1984 to Sinhalese Buddhist parents and was the second youngest of three brothers. He talked about the temple non-stop and also told his mother that he had owned a red car, taught other monks, and died in a hospital where he was taken after experiencing sudden sharp pain in his chest. He also “recalled” having had a pet elephant.

The little boy soon started wearing his clothes in the way of a monk and visited a Buddhist temple twice a day. He also began reciting stanzas in the Pali language. His mother began fearing that her son would want to leave his family to become a monk.

By age five, Duminda’s interest in going to the temple waned somewhat, but by age six, his mother had permitted him to go to the monastery when he turned seven. At this point, he also didn’t want to go to a school with girls and didn’t want women, including his mother, to touch his hands. When the abbot of the Malwatta Temple died in 1990, Duminda randomly exclaimed that he had known him well.

It seemed that Ven. Mahanayaka Gunnepana, who died of a heart attack and owned a red car, could have been Duminda in a past life.

Gunnepana also had an elephant.

“I Am Anne Frank”

Barbro Karlen was born nine years after Anne Frank died. From a young age, she insisted that Barbro wasn’t her real name and that her family should call her Anne instead. She also told her parents that she knew they weren’t her real mom and dad. At that point, Barbro’s family wasn’t up to date with the Anne Frank story and thought that Barbro was losing her mind. They carted her off to a psychiatrist, thinking that she was somehow lost in a fantasy.

By age twelve, Barbro wrote a book of poetry that would become one of the most popular books in her native Sweden. She went on to write nine more volumes. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t who everyone thought she was. But she stopped talking about it after she realized who Anne Frank was and that people likely thought she was insane.

This was despite the trip to Amsterdam with her parents at age 10, during which they visited the house of Anne Frank. Barbro knew exactly how to get to the house and that the steps outside it had been changed. Her parents were stunned. Once Barbro entered Anne’s room, she felt an overwhelming fear but refused to leave. She knew that there had once been pictures on the wall, placed there by Anne, and when she told her mother this, the older woman finally understood what her daughter had been trying to tell them for years. She was Anne Frank in a past life.

Barbro met Anne’s cousin Buddy Elias years later, and he told reporters he believed that she was the reincarnation of Anne.

Born nine years after the death.

“The Floor Got Really Hot”

In March 2021, Tik Toker Riss White gave her account of what her daughter told her a few years ago. It was September 11, 2018, and Riss was looking at 9/11 memorial posts on social media.

One of the posts had a striking image of the Twin Towers, and when her then-four-year-old daughter saw it, she said to Riss, “Hey mom, I used to work there.”

Riss, feeling slightly uneasy, asked her daughter when this was, to which the young girl simply replied “before.”

She went on to tell her mother that during one morning at work she had to get up on her desk because the floor got really hot. She and her friends had tried to escape the hot floor by leaving through the door, but the door wouldn’t open. She then jumped out of the window and “flew like a bird.”

Riss was shaken and still can’t make sense of what her daughter told her. She also confirmed that the young girl had never been told about 9/11.

14 years had passed for this little girl. The fact that she remembered her past suggests that she did not experience memory erasure. Thus, either...

[1] She went to Heaven but did not have memory erasure, and had here pre-birth world-line template mapped out.

[2] She went elsewhere and had her pre-birth world-line template mapped out by others.

[3] She hung out on the prior life template as a disembodied spirit for 14 years and chose this life on her own.

Conclusions from above…

I really do not have all the answers, but apparently you are not forced in the “tunnel of light” and forced to undergo mind wipe. You have a choice.

[1] You can go into the “Tunnel of light” and arrive in Heaven. Once in Heaven you can stay, go to school, frolic and plan your next earth general population experience. The Mantid Prime will assist in this effort.

[2] If you refuse to go to “Heaven” then you are on your own to be a spirit, and then find a body to occupy on your own. All the time sticking close to your previous life-line world-line template. At this point you are a free roaming spirit. You are trapped in the Prison Planet Environment and fixed to the MWI world line template of your last incarnation.

[3] If you find a body that you want to occupy, then you simply take the body and claim it as yours and accept what ever world-line and Fate Forecast that goes with that body.

Derived conclusions about the Mantid Involvement…

In situation [1] above, your Mantid “hands you off” and you are left to go through the “tunnel of light” to be welcomed by friends, family, and Mantid Prime overseers. Consciousness goes from General Population Mantid control (GPM) to Mantid Prime control (MP).

In situation [2] above, your Mantid apparently abandons you and you are free to roam. There isn’t any Mantid interaction necessary. Mantid interaction in General Population is apparently limited to physical bodies even though they are trans-dimensional beings. I suspect that this is an evolved situation as the Prison Planet was not designed to have any “free roaming” disembodied spirits.

In situation [3] above, upon adopting and accepting a new body to reincarnate in, you accept the guidance of a new Mantid that will control the levers of your existence. All physical bodies in the MWI Reality Universe is apparently under the control and manipulation of specific Mantids that control the environments.

MM thoughts

In a previous post, I discussed my memories of my previous life prior to being MM. The difference in time from my death in the last reincarnated life to my present life was around 30 years.

I can confirm that when I entered this particular body that I told myself NOT TO FORGET that I was going on a great adventure that would be an extra special and exciting adventuresome life of great importance. I have never forgotten this fact, and this is from my own personal memories. Not from recovered memories by Past Life Hypnosis.

Taken together, it appears that MM had this life mapped out and planned intentionally.

And since I did not (apparently) experience the mind wipe though the “tunnel of light” we can make some conjectures on that fact…

  • I was programmed for this life outside of the Heaven / Mantid Prime environment. Or…
  • I did go to Heaven, and was programmed for this life, but that I was somehow able to get around the “memory wipe” of the “tunnel of light”. This conjecture is validated by my insistence (to myself) to REMEMBER that my adventure would be special.

In any event, my MM experience is different from those who have been listed above as remembering prior lives.

Which then again, confirms that once freed of the General Population prison “skin suit”, the IS-BE is supposed to be transferred from Mantid control to Mantid Prime control. However that  system is corrupted / not well policed / fraught with holes and could be bypassed by any IS-BE consciousness that so desires.

The problem then is “what now”?

There are few scant options…

[1] Go to Heaven though the mind-wipe “Tunnel of Light” and be handed off to your Mantid Prime authorities.

[2] Stay in General Population as a disembodied spirit, floating around and hanging out on what ever MWI template that you died upon.

[3] Call on others to pluck you out of the MWI world-line template and get you out of the General Population area without going through the “Tunnel of Light”.

[4] Try to escape the Prison Complex on your own, recover your memories on your own, and avoid all the traps and snares on your own.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Fate Forecasting Index here…

Fate forecasting


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MM story about his Past Life Regression adventure

Many people want to know about their previous lives. They search for answers and insight into why they are living their current life now, and they believe that their past must contain clues to their present. So they embark on a technique or avenue known as “Past Life Regression”.

This article came into being when I posted a comment on the MM Forum…

I can tell you about my previous life prior to being MM.

I was a rather slow, boorish, lonely man who wore a bowler hat, a thick wool coat and performed maintenance and janitorial work on Coney Island in the 1920's and 1930's. I died in 1933/1934 . I was alone. I lived a single life and I drank and played with dice and did my job. I did not think too much about my social position. There was nothing great about that life.

I had a girlfriend. She died. We were close but never really did anything more than kissing. She was killed when a carriage ran into her. She was my one and only love in that life.

I well remember that funny strange and disgusting face at the gate at the Coney Island entrance. I well remember the big enormous seat cars that were on the Ferris wheel. I also remember the senses and feelings of excitement as the pretty girls in lace and white dresses with their galoshes flapping as they walked charmed about on the boardwalk.

I died while performing maintenance work on a pier, and a rather large wave knocked me off the boat and I fell under the pier. I was banged around a bit and died by impact / drowning.

They recovered my body and buried me quickly. Few people attended the "funeral". I was forgotten and then moved on.

Now you know the rest of the story.

And “Memory Loss” commented…

MM that post of yours really touched me on multiple levels. And that is saying something., because most of your articles really are thought provoking.

Can you please expand somewhat on it. On the fundamental aspects of how, when etc. You made me sense the hope and futility of being a human being. And the importance of being a Rufus. Because nothing else really matters. Because we brutalise ourselves when we are not able to remember. And I thought not being able to remember stuff for a few years was bad lol.

There must be a reason to do this to human and other sentient beings in the prison complexes. Cui Bono?

So here, I am going to discuss a little bit about Past Life Regression and various aspects regarding it.

What is Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations.

The technique used during past-life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized. These are used to reveal identity and events of past lives. It is a method similar to that used in recovered memory therapy.

There are those that believe that you can conduct a past life regression session through self-hypnosis, but I disagree with that. The person needs to be walked through the experience and ask intelligent questions to the events as they unfold. You simply cannot do that with self-hypnosis.

Questions and Answers regarding this therapy

Will I remember the regression? Yes, you will remember everything as you undergo the therapy. Most hypnotists use a tape recorder to record the session. Past Life Regression is not like stage hypnosis – you won’t be doing anything you don’t remember. You will be aware throughout and in a deeply relaxed state. You’ll be answering the questions posted by the hypnotist.

Do I need anything special for the session? You will need to ensure that you can be completely undisturbed for the duration of the session (2 to 4 hours typically) and also wear comfortable clothes so you can relax fully.

What will I encounter during the sessions? Generally, most sessions involve visits to multiple past lives.  The number and duration of the past lives is up to the person being questioned. Many discover lives that they have shared with people that they have a close bond with in their present life – their soulmate family in a previous life and in a different incarnations. Others are drawn to certain places or countries that they immediately feel comfortable and familiar with. Each life explored is a journey and an adventure. Most clients have ‘Ahha!’ moments for many days afterwards as pieces of their picture begin falling into place.

Will I receive a record of my session? Yes. Some therapists use written notes, while others record the session with a tape recorder.

Am I guaranteed to go back in time? Not everyone is guaranteed to, though it’s fairly rare that someone doesn’t go backward in time. Sometimes when an individual has a firm belief that past lives don’t exist, or try to critique everything that they are seeing from their subconscious, then it can create a block which doesn’t allow their mind to surrender to the experience. You can also go forward in time as well. This is a unique aspect of this process.

Can I choose what past life to remember? No. Your subconscious mind will make that decision for you. You will only remember various past life memories when you are ready to receive that information. I believe we have all had many past lives, but it’s your subconscious mind that will choose which ones to visit during your regression.

Can I be told who I was in a past life? No definitely not. Only you have access to your subconscious.

Will I go to the time I passed away during a regression? Yes, but will only do so with your consent. Most therapists take clients to the time of, and the time immediately after, their passing. They are not harmed or traumatized by this. Instead it opens up a new understanding of self and certain behaviors brought into this lifetime. This tends to also take clients to the time between lives, again only with their consent.

Is the process safe? Yes, you will be safe throughout the process.

The backstory

Here is the “backstory” on how MM ended up knowing about some of his past lives and what they were like.

Conducting a past life regression is not something that you can do yourself. It is a paired effort. You need to be in a state of relaxation, and while in that state, you listed to questions that you yourself ask, and you then answer them yourself.

After the divorce from my first wife, a layoff on Christmas eve, and the death of my beloved cat, I was in emotional shambles. And while reading Dr Newtons books I came up with the idea to see if he had trained anyone to continue his work. And to my great surprise he did. In fact, one lived outside of Boston, and was relatively nearby being only a three hour drive away.

I made an appointment, paid $300 in cash (today it would probably be ten times that amount), and had my Past Life Regression Therapy.

What happened

After some brief chit-chat, and a drink of water, I went into her study / den and got on a “Lazy Boy” recliner chair. She  attached a microphone to the collar of my tee shirt. She put a light blanket over me as the body temperature tends to drop during these sessions.

She made sure that it was quiet and that there were no distractions. She closed the blinds, and turned on a single lamp. And played some light relaxing music for me to listen to.

Then we began the calming exercises, much like the self hypnosis techniques that I have discussed elsewhere.

During this entire procedure, she measured how “deep” I was in trance by me telling her to read off a gauge that I visualized in my hand (in my mind).

When the gauge was pretty low (100 was fully awake, and 0 is dead, I guess), it read around 30. And she started the regression.

She regressed me back to my childhood…

First at 22 years old.

Then, at 13 years old.

At 7 years old.

At 4 years old…

Each time, she had me describe in great detail my bedroom at that age during my birthday.

At 2 years old…

Then at birth. I relived my birth.

And then right before I was born.

And then, in that deep trance, she commanded me to go to the point of death of my last life leading up to being born.


I was on a boat. I could see my ugly black clodhopper boots, and the little dinghy was really moving about pretty crazily. It smelled like a fishy ocean. It was a cool day. Overcast. I felt the wind on my rough hands, and I was doing something on the boardwalk. Scrubbing off barnacles, hammering something, I’m not quite sure, and then…


I’m in the greenish brown water and I am getting thrown about wildly. I am banging against the encrusted pier moorings, and hitting the boards. I can see the nails jutting out from the bottom of the walkway about, and then a wave throws me up.

Then down into the green water.

Then up.

Then down.

Then up again and I hit something. Ouch.

Then down again, I’m gasping for air. Up again, and all is black…

I walk through the death sequence and all that.

Apparently I am pretty experienced with all this death and dying stuff, so no one came to get me. I knew exactly what to do and where to go. So I went to a sort of flat space like a terminal of some type and there were all these transport tubes to go here and there, and I picked out a specific one and took it.

I did not enter a tunnel of light. Instead I went though a thick fog and found myself at that flat and level place. Whether I actually went through a light and did not recall it, or whether I bypassed it completely is unknown.

Now before I chat about what happened after that “station”, I would like to talk about this last life. As during this event, the Regressionist intelligently asked me questions about my life and the situation, and I dutifully answered.

About my last incarnation

My name was XXXXX Klingsmith. (I forgot the first name over the last few decades and my audio tape of the session is long gone). I died at 34 years of age.

I wasn’t smart, or that was my impression anyways. Nor was I well educated. I get the impression of a person of very little education, no up bringing, and no family or relatives. I was a thick, lonely, worker of little intelligence, and no ambition.

I was a crude man. I was a hard worker who had a job and didn’t have any ambitions towards anything else. I lived a lonely life.

I once had a girl friend. We were young and in love. But she died in a carriage / bicycle / horse accident (I forgot the details.) She was my love and I had no other interests in any other women afterwards, that I know of. My image of her was of a thin pale girl in light colors with these funny thick heel, black high heels. She had embroidered flowers on her dress. Her hair was blonde or light tan and cut (or made up) short. It was the fashion in those days.

I lived in a flophouse, or singular room. There was a wash basin in my room, and a pan to go to the bathroom in. I think it is called a bed pan, and it was enameled porcelain over steel. It was chunky and you could hurt someone if you hit them over the head with it. One of two small old dusty pictures hung on the wall with the string holding them arching up high above the picture making a triangle shape.But I had pinned up a few other pictures from magazines on the wall. They looked like boxing illustrations, or advertisements / promotions.

I had one window in my room. I had Venetian blinds.

As you walk into the small room, my bed was to the left as was the window. I had a small bed side table. There was no phone, but there was an ashtray on the bedside table with a packet of matches, and a clear plain glass (for water).

Across from the baseboard of the bed was my chest of drawers. It was tall and there was a basin on it to wash my face with and some other things that resembled a big ceramic pitcher.

I hung my heavy wool black coat on a hook. It was getting a bit thread bare and frayed in areas, and it had grease spots on it, dust and some wear and tear. I get the impression that I wore it all the time. I had rough, rough thick workers hands.

I think that I looked a little like the Captain Haddock from Tintin.

Captain Haddock

I drank beer. I get the impression that there was a bar that I would “hang out” at. But I did not visit that place in my session. My impression was that it was a long room where people would stand at the counter, and some small tables on the other side and everyone was a local there.

I played cards.

I “played with dice”, but I really don’t know what that means. I get the impression that I would play with it on the streets and then gamble money with it.

I lived a basic life of reacting, no hope, no dreams, no relationships. And then I died.


This story is a narrative of my Past Life Regression that I had back in the late 1990’s / 2000. During that regression many issues, secrets and events were uncovered in my past lives. Many answers were found as well. All these things that come up during the regression were of a personal nature. However, I will have other posts and articles to cover the various questions that I asked, and the information that I obtained.

I hope that this little narrative helps you all in one way or the other.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Past Life Regression Index here…

Past Life


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Optimization of affirmation prayer campaigns for effective manifestation of goals

This article helps you decide how long to conduct the affirmation campaign and how long to conduct the “dwell” or wait-period afterward. In previous articles I have greatly simplified the procedure. I offered a simple “rule of thumb”. Which was one week of no-affirmations for every week where you conduct a prayer affirmation campaign. This article will get more involved in the process and allow the user a greater degree of latitude in the campaign arrangement.

I am commenting NOW, simply because I am launching a brand new, multi-month Affirmation Campaign based upon my Fate Forecast for this year.

MM Comments

I am starting my new campaign in a few days. For the most of the last eighteen months, I have been running a 1 month on/off cycle. This was due to the Bazi that hit me about three years ago and resulted in some significant changes and issues. I had to make adjustments to my campaigns for my personal conditions, and the crazed insanity influence that the USA has had on where I live, my lifestyle, and my industry. I have managed to keep things under control.

Contemporaneously, in the Bazi it is believed that a person is surrounded by a non-physical reality. Within this non-physical are cyclic events and attributes that ebb and flow  depending on a host of causes and effects.

This non-physical reality differs from person to person. However, it consists of things that ebb and flow according to synchronized events that are triggered upon birth.

The Chinese have given these various components and their behaviors all sorts of names. They have created a series of "animal characteristics" such as dog, pig, and snake to describe a set of initial non-physical conditions. They have also created a series of names to describe how the non-physical components behave as a group. They go by such names as a "strong earth", or a "weak wood". It's easy for the ignorant to make fun of this entire system. To them, it sounds a lot like a more detailed version of Western astrology.

Now, that my “Bazi stars” are opening up back again, and becoming favorable, I can refocus on some postponed goals in my new campaign. So I am switching back to a 3 month on/off campaign cycle with an extended dwell time afterwards to maximize the effect. I will have more articles on the Bazi because it ties together very nicely with the MWI, prayer affirmation campaigns, and world-line travel.

While uncomfortable, I am leaving this Bazi time of change into a new state of being. And so far it appears to be far superior in many ways. Of course there are obvious changes…

  • Phone is HarmonyOS instead of Android.
  • Computer is Linux Mint instead of Microsoft Windows 10.
  • Payments in QR code instead of paper cash money.
  • Food is healthy / vegetarian instead of average fast fare.
  • Blood Pressure is 130/85 instead of 180/95.
  • Daughter is walking/talking/eating instead of crying/shitting/feeding.

And so on and so forth. Change is always uncomfortable, but once you get through it, you reach a plateau on the side of a mountain. And you can enjoy the view and rest a while and chill out before the next ascent upwards.

First things first

When you get to the stage of arranging your next affirmation prayer campaign, you need to layout, plan and structure the campaign. This means…

  • A review of your previous campaign(s).
    • What worked, what still needs to work, and changes to them.
    • What didn’t work, and corrective actions.
    • New things, and elements to add to the campaign.
  • The structure arrangement of this next campaign (this article)
  • Those particular goals that you want to stress and emphasize.
  • Where and how you will read and vocalize your campaign.
  • A total review of your fate during the periods of active and dwell affirmations. This is called Fate Forecasting.

I just cannot emphasize how important this first basic step is. Some things might stay the same, but others might change drastically. Please take the time to plan, revise and implement properly. Now to the arrangements…

Fate Forecasting

Most people do not need to have a full BaZi reading for them. I have found it to be extremely useful. Instead, you can go the “easy” route and locate the year that you were born in… that will determine what animal sign you are.

Here’s a guide…

Then go on the internet and find out what the GENERAL Fate Forecast is for the months ahead for your “animal” association.

For instance…

  • Chinese monkey sign in 2023
  • Dog astrology in Chinese years 2022

Then you will see a general forecast for your sign. They tend to be pretty accurate on trending fate.

But if you want to put down some money, you can have a precise fate reading. The most accurate, and specific. readings are found when you conduct your own exact BaZi reading. I wrote about that HERE.  Here, you can see your exact animal year, exact time, and exact general geographical coordinates at your place of birth.

Once you know what your fate has in store for you, you can move forward with what your affirmation campaign will look like. In my personal case now, I have a strong positive fate trend all year, so I am going to conduct a long solid campaign 3 on / 4 off. But the last few years has been not that great. So I have been conducting a 1 / 1 campaign.

The most basic arrangement

Three months on/off. This is the most basic arrangement. You conduct your affirmation campaign for three months. You start on it, and then you finish it after three months. Then you wait for three months so that the goals can simmer and manifest. This is the baseline campaign structure, and it is what I strongly recommend to all newcomers to this technique. Now, that being said, there are some variations to this arrangement…


Quick cycling technique

One month on/off I’ve utilized the quick cycling technique during difficult and contentious times where I needed to have strong affirmations to navigate through troubles, but still be able to adjust to changes and make course corrections on the MWI. This is a useful technique, but it is not desirable to maintain it for long periods of time. I suggest you only follow this technique for short periods of time. Certainly no longer than eight months in total. There are some slight variations that are worthy of consideration…


Heavy lifting / Serious change crowbar

Six months on/off Let’s suppose there is something that you really desire, or really want to get moving on. This technique is guaranteed to “put enough wind in your sails” so that your affirmation realization can “pick up her skirts and trot”. Things will happen, though they will not necessarily happen quickly. This will make things happen and are just great for long term desires. Some variations…


Basic Maintenance technique

One week on/off In general I do not recommend this variation technique. But it does have it’s uses. What it tends to allow is a basic level of control on the MWI. It’s not really all that good for new goals or objectives. But it will make sure that you are still following your plan and your vector path towards your ultimate results. There are no variations to this technique.

Dragon Loop

This is a creative method of manifesting intention, but it is rather advanced. You conduct the three month on/off affirmation campaign schedule, and then follow up with a one month on/off schedule. The second shorter period is for course corrections, and feed back purposes. Then you go back to the three month on/off sequence with the corrections in play.

Some final thoughts

This is a really short and abbreviated article. But I hope that it helps you in some way.

In always, the longer the duration of the active affirmation campaign phase, the more powerful the implementation will be.

I hope that your dreams, wishes and desires all come true. Because, you know what? You deserve them. You really, really do.

Be good and do great things. And never forget… To be the Rufus. Video 7.7MB

Remember to be the Rufus

Video 19MB


Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Intention Prayer Index here…

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