China’s social scoring system as used to control Coronavirus outbreaks; a first hand account

Here in this article we will look at the events of mid-January 2022 in Zhuhai, China where a serious outbreak of five people caught the coronavirus. We discuss how it came about, the rules and laws supporting the suppression of the virus, and MM my first-hand account of the entire wiz-bang. I hope you find it interesting and enlightening.

The opinions / scaremongering of the Western media…

The “news” is all filled with nonsense about how terrible the Chinese “social credit scoring system” is. It is presented in such a way that the individual looks upon it in horror. And from a lone, independent individual, it is a horror. It’s a bunch of added (and seemingly) unrealistic restrictions on one’s “freedom”.

All true, but all out of context.

But China is NOT a nation of independent individuals. So you cannot look at the Chinese system from that lens or viewpoint. You must look at things as they actually are. Not as you fear them to be (from your limited point of view).

China is a nation of communities.

There is the large “big” community of the Han race. Then, under that, is the (also big) community of the Mainland China nation. Then, under that, are the regional communities. Such as Guangzhou, Wenzhou, etc. Then within each of those communities are further smaller communities, and so on and so forth. Eventually, drilling down to your local community. Which in my case is my six building housing complex within the JiDa subsection of the Zhuhai city proper.

When you are part of a community, you are special.

You are not alone.

You are surrounded by others like you. Sure, you might be having a hard time, but YOUR community will not allow you to suffer. They will come to your aid. The community is self-serving. This is why you have volunteers, and this is why it’s hard to find beggars and homeless in China. The communities will not allow it to occur.

Community. China. Video. 3MB

You must obey the rules of being in that community. Membership has privileges. But, you must obey the rules, and you must participate, and you must be helpful, and you must be a good citizen.

No littering, kids cannot graffiti up the streets. The community self-polices behavior. The community provides you help when you need it. You are not alone. You are never alone, and if you are in trouble and require help, you reach out to YOUR community, and they will do whatever is necessary to help you.

China is an extension of your family. video 4MB


It’s pretty well done.


During the United States bioweapon attacks (2018 through 2021), and now the aftermath of the Covid-19 attacks resulting in rampant global coronavirus pandemics, China has maintained a posture of DEFCON ONE / TWO.

It’s a state of military readiness.

It’s a state of civilian readiness.

It’s a mandatory emergency state of affairs. China does not want to be like the clusterfuck that America is, like the UK is, like Australia is. China needs to support and protect its people.

And that means abeyance to rules and laws during a period of emergency.

This is enforced by the social credit scoring system. This system polices behavior and tracks people by AI to identify misfits, malcontents, people with poor social skills, sociopaths and psychopaths, as well as those who think they are being “free” when in reality they are just social misfits.

Why so many people have this negative idea aobut the social credit scoring system…

It’s rather simple really. video 8MB

And thus we come to my story.

How it came about

I live in Zhuhai.

It is right across the bay from Hong Kong / Shenzhen. (I can actually see Shenzhen from my living room window), and the massive (and famous) HK- Macao -Shenzhen bridge is right at my doorstep.

Map of my local region showing transportation options.

Hong Kong is part of China. Just like Macao and Taiwan are. Only it is administered at the local level differently. It is more than that. It “feels” different. It doesn’t feel “Chinese”.

It feels “Western”, which can mean many things.

The airline “Cathay Pacific” has routine flights in and out of Hong Kong. It’s a great airline, and it is (perhaps) my favorite airline to fly in. Second only to the Australian Qantas airline.

Cathay Pacific

Due to Chinese law, all crew must either stay on board their planes, or disembark to a quarantine area when landed. They are not permitted to exit that quarantine area as they are considered to be potential carriers of the Covid-19 virus.

Well, apparently, two stewardesses exited the quarantine area.

They left their hotels in defiance of the rules. They then went out and visited the sights of Hong Kong. They traveled in the subways, visited the many, many malls, ate at a restaurant and returned. Their absence was recorded, date stamped, observed and traced.

They were found out.

But not until afterwards. But by then the damage had already been done.

They lost their jobs. Obviously.

They were also arrested. They are both in jail now. They not only defied the rules. They broke the law during a time of emergency.

Maybe the Western press will not report it as such, but China has been at a state of military readiness at DEFCON ever since John Bolton / Donald Trump carpet bombed China with bioweapons in 2019 CNY. It’s a military emergency inside of China. It’s not “just another Vaxx scare”.

It’s a military state of readiness.

It’s serious, serious business.

How big their fees will be, and whether they will be charged with manslaughter, reckless endangerment, terrorism, and military sabotage has yet to be determined.

But, you can be guaranteed that they are facing some SERIOUS charges…

If one person gets Covid-19 and goes into ICU the former stewardesses can be expected to be hit with terrorism charges. 

If someone dies, it will also include manslaughter charges. 

If one of the sick people are a member of the government or military, it will ratchet up to sabotage charges. 


At best case, they are looking at the loss of their jobs, fines and fees, jail time, and destruction of their careers, as well as perma-banning ever to visit China ever again.

At worst case, they could spend years in a hard-labor mainland Chinese labor camp to include mandatory organ harvesting.

And, yeah, sure enough, they were carrying the virus, and they spread it all over Hong Kong.

Dumb fucks.

Immediately, (It’s a funny thing, how quickly it was reported on. What a coincidence!) the Western news proclaimed “Massive outbreaks all over China!“, and “China is unable to control the Omicron variant!”.

And soon…

Two women, with their three children, caught the virus and brought it back to their homes in Zhuhai.

How do we know?

The women and their children were all in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is popular with the mainland Chinese, and many make frequent trips back and forth. Even now, in this period of pandemic.

The women weren’t feeling well about two weeks after they left quarantine.  (You have a two-week quarantine period going back and forth from HK, unless you have a special residency permit.) Neither were their children.

Anyway, they ordered some throat medicine through the internet.

But you know, all medicine purchases (in China) are tracked.

The AI tracked their medicines, and their movements, and their actions and their behaviors over the last few months. It crunched the numbers. And so it then identified them as possible carriers.

Within hours of placing that order in Taobao (a popular Chinese app for purchases. Sort of like on steroids.) a medical team was dispatched to their homes, and they were tested in their living rooms on the spot.


How the local city reacted

They were told to stay in their homes until the results were cleared. They didn’t have to wait long. They found out hours later.


Their entire section of the city was shut down. Everything went into lock down, and everyone started to get their tests. Road blocks were set up. No entry or egress to stores, restaurants, or businesses. Everyone was in lock down and tested.

There were no “discussions”. Nor were there any back and forth calls and meetings to figure out what to do. It was simple and straight forward.

An outbreak had occurred.

Full lock-down protocols were engaged.

And, just like that (image of MM snapping his fingers) everyone’s QR went orange.

Snapping fingers.

How do I know this is what happened?

China is 100% transparent on it’s domestic issues.

The people and the government believe that the way to confront problems directly is to look them in the eye and deal with facts. Not what you want to see or present but as they actually are.

They do not have to lie.

There are no citizens to maniplate. No polls to jive up. There are no reasons to hide facts. They don’t need to look better, or present a better face to the public. They just tell you how things are and that’s that. (MM slapping his hands together as if washing them.)


So when the individuals were discovered, everyone inside of Zhuhai was alerted in real time.

Zhuhai, China alert notice.

And here is the translation of the above. Part 1…


And, part 2…

What is a QR code scan?

First of all, a QR code is common inside of China. It’s everywhere. It’s a funny little box of pixilated dots that you scan with your phone. It can open up apps, webpages, download things, and do all sorts of “neat-o” things.

QR codes to apply.

When I refer to a QR, I am actually using slang. I am referring to one of the multiple “Medical access QR applications”. You scan them to get into buildings, to use taxis, or DD (the Chinese version of Uber), to go into stores or malls or to enter and leave various complexes.

When you scan, it will compute and connect your movements and your interactions with the rest of society. It will see if you are up-to-date with your testing, injections and so on and so forth.

If you have been inoculated, and up to the regional testing protocols, it will be  green.

My green QR.

Consequences of an orange QR

If your QR is not green, but rather orange, you are a potential virus carrier. You will need to immediately bypass any testing clinics and go straight to the hospital. Each hospital has set up a separate (and isolated) “orange” wing. You go there and get tested or inoculated.

Until you do so, you cannot go anywhere, visit any place, or do anything. You are disabled and disbarred from entry.

Consequences of a red QR

Red is not good.

You report to the hospital and follow their instructions.

What happens if you break quarantine inside of China…

What happens?

Bad things happen. That’s what.

Well, aside from the fines, fees, code red listing, and jail time… you get to be paraded in your community to show the entire world what a fucking selfish dipshit you actually are. Video 4.3MB

Enter my Chief Engineer

So I get a call from my Chief Engineer.

He tells me that he is under lock-down. He is confined to his house, and cannot go outside except to get tested in the front of his building. He tells me that he gets five tests a day. And that this will continue for the duration of the lockdown.

Uh. Oh.

Initially he told me that it would be for ten days, but now that number has been revised to three weeks, possibly longer.

Since this is right before CNY, just like in 2019, it looks like there will not be any Chinese New Year celebrations this year.

MM is drinking wine, and getting ready for bed

One day later…

I’m drinking wine, typing some. Listening to a show in the background (Two broke girls.) while my daughter is playing with legos, (a selection of) dolls, and an abacus. We get a knock at the door.

It’s 9:30 at night.

Who would be knocking on our door? We’re the only family on the floor.

Well, there were two volunteers from the local community and they told us to go downstairs and get tested for the virus.

But, you know, we were drinking and in our bed clothes. My wife told them that we had already been tested, and we went to bed.

Snooze sounds. Z z z z z z

The next day; Uh oh!

Phones are orange. QR code is orange. Apps won’t respond.

Uh oh!

So we go downstairs and there’s a tent in front of our complex.

Some details...

Testing tents are set up on every block. These are blue tents manned by volunteers all in full hazmat attire.

It goes without saying that everyone is wearing a mask. Everyone. There are no exceptions.

So we go and get tested.

Well… Off to the hospital



We do not have a green QR. So we cannot use the regular testing qiosk. Instead, we need to go to the hospital.

One of the volunteers in hazmat garb flags down a taxi and we get in, and are whisked off to the hospital.


Of course, in front of the hospital are all those testing qiosks as well. But we cannot go and use them. No sir. Instead, we have to go to the “orange wing” of the hospital.

Once we found it…

..I mean, it was way off and around the back of the hospital and far away from everyone. And it was deserted. There were scores of chairs set up and long weaiting roped off lines, but no one was there.

We jsut walked in as the only ones to get tested.

So we QR scanned, Were assigned a number and nasal swabbed, and off we went…

We went home.

By the way. It’s all 100% volunteers.

They are not being paid to do this. They are volunteering their time and their efforts. And it is appreciated. video 30MB

Later on, everything is green

Phew! It took about five hours.

But now we are all “green”.

Sure the resturants and stroes and malls are all closed, but we are no longer shunned “orange people” we are now fully green!

Woo woo!

Some videos

Here’s some that I took of the testing in front of my home… video 22.7MB

And this one… video 24.1 MB

And this one… video 37MB

So now you can understand the meme’s used in China

And thus you all can well understand these memes that’s been floating around the internet. Maybe not in the United States.

Most of the USA videos seems to be about massive urban mob-take-downs of trains, police shootings, fat black women in tights shaking their enormous posteriors, and Blinkedin and Biden  discussing their 3.5 trillion dollar domestic spending bill (on top of the 2 trillion dollar military spending bill). Plus a few notible funny cat videos and some “ow my balls!” videos. It’s a real mix. But nothing at all about actually dealing with the virus.

Here’s two of the Chinese memes regarding the terror of the orange QR…

Meme 1.


Meme 2.

Compare all this to America

That’s what I do. After all, I’m still an American. Here’s what the equivent American line up looks for getting a Covid-19 swab. video 34MB

This next video is a line up to get checked for Covid-19 at a clinic. In the USA they don’t have free testing centers on every block staffed with volunteers. You have to go to a clinic and get tested instead.

Obviously one of those people (who made the video) who believe that Covid is a “hoax” is yelling at them.

Hoax, eh?

Well, my brother Daniel in Boulder, CO had this “hoax” for four weeks. He lost 34 pounds and hallucinated the entire time. And my first cousin died from it. She was five years younger than myself.

Line up in the USA. Video. 82MB

What’s next

Life will go on. We won’t have emuch of a celebration this year unfortunately. Already I have canceled the Company CNY dinner. Half my staff are in quarantine, and all public areas are shut down.

It’s gonna be one heck of a strange year it seems…


And that is my first hand account of what happens when someone gets Covid-19 inside of China. This is it. The real deal. I hope that you see what is going on, how China handles it and what it is like for us experiencing it first hand.

No. We are not being welded shut in our homes.

No, we are not pining away for “freedom” and “democracy”, and no we are not starving with empty and bare shelves. It’s all pretty normal, just really mellow and calm. It’s sort of like how after 9-11 all the New Yorkers walked in silence towards the outside of the city.

Calm and peaceful.

That’s us.

The longer that I am in China, the longer I have come to embrace the fact that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. And that we must all work together in our own little, tiny ways, so that our world… our bubble of existence… our streets… and our friends are all better, cleaner, healthier, and happier. The future does belong to the Rufus.

Be that kind of person. Be that Rufus. Video. 20MB

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Don’t rely on fate

This is a very short but simple article / post. The message is simple and it is clear. Don’t wait for something to happen. Just smile, take the bold step, and make it happen.

In MM here, we discuss world-line navigation via campaigns. We discuss use of fate-forecasting to maps out our auspicious and inauspicious times, and how we can generate a calmness; a bubble of calmness that surrounds us. But one thing that I haven’t really stressed is how important it is for us to become captains  of our own unique destinies.

Hopefully this article will underline this most essential point.

Video 22MB

If there is something that you want in your life… ask for it.

You can use your affirmation prayer campaigns to do so, you know, but you can also physically ask the person, the people, or the situation to open up some doors for you.

It’s much easier when you know that you are good, and kind. It’s much easier when you know what you want, and are not afraid to takes risks to get it.

Just ask.



One day in college, I was taking a walk in a park, and I saw her sitting on a bench and wearing a really beautiful dress. I went up and told her, “Your dress is really pretty!” She was like, “Oh my gosh, thank you SO MUCH!” and started to cry in my arms, explaining that she had been having a really shitty day. One thing ultimately led to another, and we’ve now been married for three wonderful years.

Be the best that you can be.

I went to one of my works nights out at a local bowling place. I kept glancing over at this gorgeous girl over in the other lane and occasionally noticing her glancing back.

After about half an hour of debating with myself I decided to just go over and speak to her, because what’s the worst that can happen right? So I walk over and start speaking to her usual flirty stuff and I feel we hit it off nicely, so confidently I walk back to my lane and continue the night as normal and end up home. A sudden fear hits the back of my head that I didn’t give her my name, number or any means of contacting me… I blew it!

So I go to sleep, and wake up the next morning to discover a Facebook friend request from the girl, so I obviously accept and message her the usual formalities and then ask the glaring question: How did you get my name? Her reply was “you yelled that’s how (insert my full name) does it you mother fuckers after getting a strike,”. I’ve never both hated and loved myself so much for that moment… But it worked out, we’ve been together in a long distance relationship for 2 years and it’s safe to say I’m in love.

Be good, and be kind. Be the Rufus. I believe in you.


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The curiosity of the forgotten, ancient, and deeply underground, mystery structure

There are all sorts of evidence of the various intelligences that occupied the earth in the past. Most are buried deep down inside mountains, or fossilized into stone, or twisted and bent into unrecognizable shapes and appearances.

I have cataloged numerous examples for the sake of curiosity. And they are able to tell us some things of interest.

In this article we will look at the discovery of a buried wall… not just a few feet under the ground (a meter), but rather many miles under the ground (kilometers down, down, and down). So far down, and so deeply underground that it is unfathomable how it got there.

Underground Wall

Indeed, often structures are often found deep, deep underground. These structures are frequently manufactured out of quarried stone; stone that is not locally quarried. The problem with such structures is that excavation at such great depths are problematic and require enormous financial outlays.

One such discovery was the 1927 find by W. W. McCormick of Abilene, Texas. Here, he reported his grandfather’s account of a stone block wall that was found deep within an Oklahoma coal mine (The reader should note the location of the wall relative to the Oil Lamp discovery.):

"In the year 1928, I, Atlas Almon Mathis, was working in coal mine No. 5., located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. 

This was a shaft mine, and they told us it was two miles deep. The mine was so deep that they let us down into it on an elevator.... They pumped air down to us, it was so deep." 

The Location

This location in on the Eastern side of Oklahoma.

General location.

It has interesting topography and geology. Here’s a geologic map of the region. The mine in question could be either in the Arkoma Basin, or part of the Ozark Uplift.

The mines…

Much of the mining done in the Eastern half of Oklahoma are coal and lead-zinc. Given the story, and other stories of objects found in nearby coal seams, it seems quite probable that the story relates to a coal mine.

The two major types of mining towns in Oklahoma were coal and lead-zinc. The coal-mining regions cover much of the eastern half of the state, spanning over twelve thousand square miles. The most prominent coal-producing areas are in the McAlester and Coalgate districts of southeastern Oklahoma.

-Oklahoma Mining Towns

The Story

One evening, Mathis was blasting coal loose by explosives in “room 24” of this mine.

"The next morning, there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. 

These blocks were 12-inch cubes and were so smooth and polished on the outside that all six sides could serve as mirrors. 

Yet they were full of gravel, because I chipped one of them open with my pick, and it was plain concrete inside. 

As I started to timber the room up, it caved in; and I barely escaped. 

When I came back after the cave-in, a solid wall of these polished blocks was left exposed. About 100 to 150 yards farther down our air core, another miner struck this same wall, or one very similar." 

Size of the structure

The “wall” or structure feature is (at least) roughly 125 yards (125 meters) long on one side. That’s a pretty big structure.

The question is, what was it doing in the middle of a swampy lowland?

Age of the structure

The coal in the mine was Carboniferous, which would mean the wall was at least 286 million years old.

The Carboniferous Period

The Carboniferous Period is a geologic time period that took place between 360 to 286 million years ago. The Carboniferous Period is named after the rich coal deposits that are present in rock layers from this time period. The Carboniferous world was a remarkably different one to that we know today, but it is extremely significant nonetheless. The name Carboniferous is Latin for coal-bearing, which is appropriate given that much of the coal reserves we rely on today were formed during this time. Nonetheless, to today’s observer, the Carboniferous Earth would have looked and felt remarkably alien.

Map of the United States at this time showing the general location of the mine. At 300 million years ago, the area was lush swamps full of bogs and large aquatic reptiles.

The Age of Amphibians

The Carboniferous Period is also known as the Age of Amphibians. It is the fifth of six geologic periods that together make up the Paleozoic Era. The Carboniferous Period is preceded by the Devonian Period and followed by the Permian Period.

The climate of the Carboniferous Period was quite uniform (there were no distinct seasons).

It was also more humid and tropical than our present-day climate. The plant life of the Carboniferous Period resembled modern tropical plants.

Life in the Carboniferous Period.

The Carboniferous Period was a time when the first of many animal groups evolved: the first true bony fishes, the first sharks, the first amphibians, and the first amniotes.

During the Carboniferous Period, the vast oceans that covered the earth often flooded the continents, creating warm, shallow seas. It was during this time that the armored fish that had been abundant in the Devonian Period became extinct and were replaced by more modern fishes.

Vast Swamp Forests

Freshwater wetlands increased and formed vast swamp forests. Fossil remains show that air-breathing insects, arachnids, and myriapods were present during the Late Carboniferous.

Vast swamp bogs covered much of the planet, and were inhabited by enormous insects.

The seas were dominated by sharks and their relatives, and it was during this period that sharks underwent much diversification.

The Air Was Completely Different

The Carboniferous, as evidenced by air trapped in ice from that period, is known for having the highest percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere ever. If you were to visit the Carboniferous, you’d instantly notice that the air is ‘richer’ to breath, since it reached a peak of 35% oxygen as opposed to today’s 21%. This dramatic difference also allowed insects to grow to truly ungodly proportions.

The insects were HUGE.

It Was a Time of Enormous Climate Change

The early Carboniferous saw lush jungles and swamps span vast stretches of the world, and the average global temperature was some 6 °C warmer than it is today. The atmospheric CO2 content was also three times higher than preindustrial levels, making for a far stronger greenhouse effect than that which concerns us today. However, from the middle of the period, the glaciers started to advance from the poles, and global temperatures decreased to bring about a severe ice age.

Timekeeping Wasn’t Easy

If you were to be transported back to the Carboniferous, your alarm clock and calendar wouldn’t be much use. 350 million years ago, the day was only 22.4 hours long, and there were approximately 385 days in a year. The Earth’s faster rotation, combined with its thicker atmosphere, also made winds significantly stronger than they are today.

The Map Was Unrecognizable

Since the Carboniferous was so long, the natural movement of the tectonic plates had ample time to change the map significantly, but at no time did it look anything like the one we’re familiar with today.

By the end of the period, what is now Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and South America were all joined together with Antarctica. The Eurasian tectonic plate was connected to this enormous southern content, named Gondwana, by a thick strip of land.

Insects ruled the earth

Long before dinosaurs, birds or mammals existed, insects ruled the Earth, leading the Carboniferous to be dubbed the Age of Insects.

Due to the much higher oxygen levels, insects were able to evolve to horror-movie sizes. The meganeura, for example, was a dragonfly sporting a 30-inch (75 cm) wingspan.

Although not technically an insect, the arthropleura was another enormous creepy-crawly, a millipede that grew as long as a car. Adapted perfectly for the Carboniferous atmosphere, animals such as these would not be able to survive in today’s air.

The enormous arthropleura.


Arthropleura (name meaning “Jointed Ribs”) is a genus of millipede arthropod that originated during the Late Carboniferous period in what is now North America and Europe. A distant relative of modern millipedes and centipedes measuring 3 meters long, it was the largest known of all the terrestrial arthropods as well as the largest land invertebrate of all time and grew so large because of the high concentration of oxygen level in the Carboniferous’s atmosphere. Despite its large size, Arthropleura was herbivorous, in fact, one of the first mainly herbivorous terrestrial animals. They had strong jaws, but it is unlikely that it may have been poisonous for defense.

Here’s an interesting write-up on these impressive creatures…

Era & Discovery

Arthropleura lived in North America and Scotland during the Late Carboniferous, approximately 315 – 299 million years ago. It lived alongside other animals like Megarachne, Pulmonoscorpius, Meganeura, and even the primitive reptiles and giant predatory amphibians. Since their discovery in 1854, there are many fossilized footprints from Arthropleura can be found on the coast of Scotland in the Scottish land of Arron.

Physical Attributes

Arthropluera was perhaps the largest arthropod of the Carboniferous and was overall among the largest arthropods that ever lived, measuring on average between 6.6 – 10 feet (2 – 3 m) long, as large as a man or crocodile and as long as a car. However, there were very rare colossal specimens that were discovered to have measured around 20 feet (6 m) in length. Arthropleura is the largest land arthropod known, a huge relative of the modern millipedes closely resembling a giant centipede or millipede.

The reason why they were able to grow so large is that oxygen levels were 50% higher than today. The higher oxygen level content in the atmosphere of the Carboniferous could support larger species whose circulatory system was not as efficient as those of mammals and other species. Therefore, it allowed this creature (and many others) to grow to very large sizes. In addition, males and females were different in appearance. Arthropluera was arguably the largest known land invertebrate of all time and would have had few predators (If any as an adult.)

Arthropleura was heavily defended by thick, tough, and wide armor plating along its back. Underneath its armor were lots of small legs and a soft underbelly. On its head, it had two pincers and two antennae. The color of Arthropleura varied. Some of them were red with yellow lines whilst some were brown with yellow lines. The body of the Arthopleura was composed of thirty armored plates, which each had a pair of legs under them. However, it was not invincible as large amphibians, like Proterogyrinus, could relatively easily get the better of it. Even its own environment could threaten it. Sharp rocks could easily impale Arthropleura and the superpowered Carboniferous storms were often devastating to Arthropleura as well as other animals.

Behavior & Traits

Arthropleura was a solitary creature, often foraging on the forest floors of the Carboniferous. Arthropleura was a massive arthropod that they were such powerful beasts. In spite of its daunting appearance, it as a herbivore, feeding on the rotting foliage, dead-wood and leaves on the floor of the steamy Carboniferous Period swamp forests. Although later found out they were vegetarians, their strong jaws can still have delivered a nasty bite.

Arthropleura was herbivorous though when they were juveniles, they ate meat because they couldn't digest plants until they grew older. Arthropleura was one of the first animals to eat plants, they had strong jaws, but it is unlikely that it may have been poisonous for defense. Arthropleura was practically blind but had a good sense of smell and touch through which to detect other animals. It is discovered that while Arthropleura was a timid creature, it was also shown to be highly aggressive and could be easily provoked into attacking.

Most Arthropleura lived in piles of leaves or foliage or in small underground dens whilst some lived out in the open. As its body armor was colored similar to its surroundings, Arthropleura was camouflaged. However, its armor couldn't protect it from the Carboniferous forest fires. Although the animal would often crouch for cover on the ground, most of the time it was burned alive.


When it comes to fighting, their armor was their best defense unless it got split. Much like cobras, Arthropleura could rear up at its opponent so it could tower over it, tall enough to look humans right in the eye. And that rearing up was obviously a defensive reaction. However, rearing up would expose its soft innards and were a bulls-eye for predators. They could spray like modern millipedes and centipedes. They could secrete cyanide. That smells of almonds and when they spray in the eyes of their enemies, and it really burned. Uniquely, Arthropleura was also able to leap long distances, which allowed it to strike at its prey like a battering ram.

Additionally, Arthropleura possessed a deadly venom, injected into a victim through a long, thin, metallic-looking tube located behind its mandibles, in a similar manner to an insect bite. When a large mammal such as a human was poisoned by an Arthropleura, the venom would slowly attack their central nervous system, putting the bitten victim into a state of uncontrollable shaking and convulsion very shortly after being bitten, and rendering them barely able to move, before they lost consciousness after a while. An antivenin could be derived from pure samples of Arthropleura venom, but without this antidote, poisoned humans would have a zero chance of survival, dying a matter of hours after being bitten. If one did survive and recover from an Arthropleura's venomous bite, then they would still be left with short-term memory loss.

As did scorpions …

Scorpions are one of the oldest orders animals on Earth, having existed for some 430 million years. However, the early Carboniferous saw the most horrifying scorpion of all – the 28-inch (70 cm) long pulmonoscorpius, and the largest arachnid that ever lived. It’s likely that pulmonoscorpius lived on other arthropods and perhaps smaller amphibians. As is the case with Carboniferous insects, it is thought that the scorpion’s terrifyingly large size was also a due to the higher oxygen levels.

A pulmonoscorpius with some other “friends”.

Sharks Dominated the Seas

The early Carboniferous saw sharks at the top of the food chain in the seas, but they weren’t much like the sharks today. Among the stranger of the many species of that period was the akmonistion, characterized by its bizarre anvil-shaped crest and spines on the top of its head. Fortunately, however, at one metre (3 feet) long, it probably didn’t look particularly threatening.

However, the helicoprion, which first appeared towards the very end of the Carboniferous, grew three times longer, and it sported a circular sawblade for jaw.

The helicoprion.

Trilobites Started to Decline

Trilobites, a highly diverse class of marine arthropod, that ruled the Earth for hundreds of millions of years, started to decline rapidly towards the end of the Carboniferous period, likely due to competition with the explosion of versatile sea life. By the end of the period, only three families survived, which themselves became extinct some 250 million years ago.

Trilobites in the Carboniferous period.

Amphibians Were Highly Successful

Alongside insects, amphibians radiated to form the ancestors of the reptiles, birds and mammals that followed. These creatures made up the taxonomic clade of synapsida, which also includes all mammals.

The earliest of these was the archaeothyris, a lizard-like creature that grew about 20 inches long and lived some 306 million years ago.

The archaeothyris.

About the wall / structure…

Perfectly smooth sided concrete blocks show an assembly sequence involving exact molds. A mirror finish suggests metal or plastic mold forms with possible release chemical to get the sides so smooth. According to the miner, it appeared to be just everyday utility grade concrete.

Concrete cubes all totally finished with smooth mirror-like surfaces.

We can say that the use of perfectly square blocks and not rectagles is instructive. As anyone who has played with Legos can attest to, it’s awfully difficult to create an interlocking structure with just simple square blocks.

Blocks that fail to interlock require the supportive mortar to bind them together.

Thus, this is suggestive of a wall, a retaining wall, or some type of decorative finish.

Since, the miner did not say anything at all about this being the outer finish of a structure, we are left to conclude that it was part of a wall, a retaining wall or a rampart of some type.

Rampart retaining wall.

Followup story

According to Mathis, the mining company officers immediately pulled the men out of the mine and forbade them to speak about what they had seen.

Mathis said the Wilburton miners also told of finding “a solid block of silver in the shape of a barrel… with the prints of the staves on it,” in an area of coal dating between 280 and 320 million years ago.


What could this be? Well, I am certainly curious. The things is that we really don’t know much about all this. It’s a wall found in an “impossibly” deep location underground. It’s made out of manufactured cement blocks at a time when the earth was covered in swamps, bogs and populated with large insects.

What else can we figure out?

What we do know is…

  • Other items suggestive of metal forgery, utensils, roads, clothing, wheeled transport and creature domestication has been found is nearby / related Carboniferous coal strata.
  • Combined together, this suggests a planet-wide series of socities and cultures that lived and thrived within the dense oxygen atmosphere, with it’s enormous insects and creatures.
  • Other items, such as the bell, and the wheeled cart suggest a society of dimunitive (child size) intelligent humanoids with insectoid attributes.

These other similiar trending explorations and discoveries are enough to better flush out what this wall-like structure represents.

Rather than a singular lone outpost in a swampy bog-like land, the picture is emerging of a large, planet-wide network of creatures that apparently seem to resemble the mantids as displayed in popular lore. They seem to have lived in societies that were well at home and comfortable in the dense swampy lands that existed on the earth at that time.

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