It’s on! World War III has begun!

It’s war over Taiwan just like RAND specified. This comes at the heels of the great proxy war loss in Ukraine.

What has been made perfectly clear:

1. Taiwan is part of China. This is internationally recognized and has been since all the way back to soon after WWII.

2. China does not want Pelosi to "visit", and certainly not for her publicly expressed purpose of sedition and promises of military support from the US for such a purpose.

3. China will act in its sovereign interest on this and every other matter and if it so wishes it will be with any degree of violence of its choosing.

4. China repeatedly and consistently states points 1 to 3 and has done so every since the "one China" policy came into force a long time ago.

Simple, unambiguous, and clear.

There is nothing to not understand in the above.

-Sunny Runny Burger

Big changes everywhere, and I am smack dab in the middle of a big move. I will be quiet on all platforms for about a week. Do not fret. I am well, and I am safe.

America has decided to pick on China. And they are pushing towards this end with aggression.

[1] Biden calls Xi Peng

First up. Watch this very telling description of the talk between President Biden, and Xi Peng of China…

About 16 minutes. Well worth the watch.


[2] Check out this stuff from Hal Turner…

China Armor Headed To Fujian – Across from Taiwan; Navy Starts Live Fire Drills in Taiwan Strait

China is extremely displeased with the potential trip by USA Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan, and they are openly warning of military action if the Speaker dares to try landing in Taiwan without approval from, and transiting through, Beijing.

Pelosi is reported to have begun her Asia trip yesterday, with stops in various countries.   One potential stop may be into Taiwan.

In the past, if any high ranking political official from any country, wanted to go to Taiwan, that official asks for permission from Beijing, then travel TO Beijing, and later heads to Taiwan.   This is the way it has always been given that the world has a “one China” policy and that Taiwan is part of China.

Last year, however, U.S. officials began flying directly into Taiwan.   To China, this was like getting a finger stuck in their eye.  It was insulting and demeaning that the island was being treated as if it were its own country, which it is not.

So when it became public knowledge that Speaker Pelosi was planning an Asia trip, with a stop in Taiwan, China decided they’d had enough.

It was made known in China official state media that Beijing will not tolerate direct flights by foreign officials into Taiwan.  The U.S. basically ignored those challenges.

China’s “Global Times” newspaper, then began running a series of stories with accompanying editorials making clear a direct flight by Pelosi would not be tolerated.

In response, the Pentagon made known that the US Navy is setting-up concentric circles of “protection” for Pelosi’s plane!

Not only does Pelosi plan to enter Taiwan without getting approval from, or transiting through Beijing, now the US military is saying they will provide military protection for here to actually do it!   It’s almost as though the U.S. no longer acknowledges that China is its own sovereign country, and it makes the rules.

The Pentagon announcement of military protection for Pelosi’s plane caused even more backlash.  Just yesterday, the top Editor of the ‘Global Times” which is the mouthpiece of the China Communist Party, said the following:


Yes. From the Chinese point of view, it is a MILITARY INVASION.

While some may say “He’s just an Editor giving a newspaper opinion” readers must understand that media in China is tightly controlled by the Communist Party.  Absolutely nothing appears in China media unless it is approved by – or speaks for – the Communist Party.  So while the remarks above appear in a newspaper, they are very much the actual positions of the China government.

In addition to that very blunt and direct warning of having Pelosi aircraft FIRED UPON, China’s army began moving trainloads of Armor into Fujian Province, which is in mainland China, precisely opposite Taiwan:

Even more ominous, China’s Navy announced sudden, unscheduled, LIVE FIRE naval exercises in the Taiwan Strait:


It is therefore clear that China has had quite enough of the US thinking it can do whatever it wants.   There very well may be a serious confrontation over Pelosi’s trip . . . if she tries to enter Taiwan.


CONFIRMED!  Pelosi has taken off in a US Air Force C-40 aircraft, headed out toward the Pacific Ocean,  as of early Saturday morning:



Pelosi’s plane made a landing in Hawaii around 9:00 AM EDT:


“If Pelosi tries to visit Taiwan, the Chinese will respond militarily.

Asked to comment on a recent Financial Times report which suggested Beijing would respond military should the speaker of the House visit Taiwan, China’s government confirmed the contents as true:

‘We are seriously prepared,’ Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in regards to the article.

‘If the US side is bent on going its own way, China will take strong measures to resolutely respond and counteract. The United States should be held responsible for any serious consequences’” the official added.

We do not know what kind of military response, but at the moment, the American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative. The US military has not disclosed its final destination, but the route would bring the carrier group to the Taiwan Strait if it continues in the same direction.

The US administration fears that China could introduce a no-fly zone over Taiwan ahead of a possible visit by Speaker of the US House of Representatives

These provocations are a threat to the whole world, as are the provocations to Russia. Yet, the US and its cronies have failed to overthrow Hong Kong, they have failed to create an economic disaster in Xinjiang to destabilize this crossroad on the Belt and Road, and they failed in the Tibet Autonomous Region which is now a thriving region with no abject poverty or slave ownership of serfs and with protected religious and social mores, they failed the Trump trade war, and they will fail in Taiwan. They are failing in Latin America, they are even failing in Panama to safeguard their neoliberal democratic ‘free world’.

While failing everywhere, American politicians live in virtual reality and most seriously believe that the world belongs to them…”


Video has just been sent to me from minutes ago, showing part of the LIVE FIRE drill being conducted by China military off the coastline of Fujian Province, opposite Taiwan:



China has just CLOSED the Taiwan Strait:


PLA Helicopters in Fujian Province take-off for “exercises.” A group of Z-10 attack helicopters of the People’s Liberation Army of China takes to the range on the shores of the Taiwan Gulf during a large-scale live-fire exercise.



Taiwan is now deploying Air Defense Missiles, including at Taoyuan International Civil Airport!!!!!



U.S. Navy vessels in the area of Taiwan have begun their own, unscheduled, LIVE FIRE Exercises.



Video from  a US Navy source aboard fleet nearing Taiwan.  Look what shows up at 23 seconds into the video . . .



From early this week, Taiwan has been engaging in actual Civil Defense Drills, with Sirens and evacuations, so people of the island know where to get into shelters when China attacks.



The Editor of China’s “Global Times” has tweeted the official position of China’s Communist Party:

"If Pelosi really visits Taiwan as planned, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities are accomplices. 

The mainland will definitely carry out severe punishment actions on Taiwan at the same time. 

The unbearable consequences will fall on Tsai authorities."  - 

Hu Xijin 胡锡进
@HuXijin_GT China state-affiliated media


From earlier in the day, video now emerges of China moving a division of the HQ-22 medium-range air defense system of the People’s Liberation Army of China toward the coastline of Fujian Province.  (This is a CORRECTION from  previously mis-identified hardware)





China’s military is still engaged in LIVE FIRE Exercises in Fujian Province, now firing missiles out to sea:



The Russian Wikipedia page for Pelosi has been updated to show her death date as 31st July, 2022.


The map below may be helpful for readers to grasp the potential theater of war in and around Taiwan:


[3] Nuclear armed B-1 with four fighter wing escorts

Clearly, America is flying a nuclear armed B-1 bomber alongside the American leadership with four squadrons of support fighters into Chinese national territory.

This is obviously a war move, and technically an invasion.

American invasion of Taiwan.

[4]  Russia and China hold High-level discussions

Not reported in the Western “news” media.


I will be going silent for the next week. Not so much because of geopolitical issues, but due to personal reasons. Do not worry.

On the Geopolitical front, the United States is run by pure maniacs and they are doing more than “just” provoking China.

"If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is an invasion. 

The PLA has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making the tactical movement of obstruction. 

If ineffective, then shoot them down".. 

-Hu Xijin, Chinese state journalist and the former editor-in-chief and party secretary of the Global Times. From HERE

They are flying military aircraft with American leadership into China.

China will respond.

American “news” media will go full-on bullshit. “Proud and just America fighting for democracy against the evil ruthless vile Chinese. With America winning battle after battle… Yada. Yada. Yada.”

You won’t know anything. The truth will be hidden.

Keep in mind that China DOES NOT PLAY GAMES.

I do not know what they will do.

But I do know that it will HURT.

Life will be forever changed (for all of us) within the next 48 hours.






The United States plan to conquer China and Russia has been unveiled

Picture above. Chinese “stealth aircraft” in a carrier launch configuration.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder was seen in a luxury hotel in Moscow today.

Hum… Germany. Russia.

Ok. Things to ponder about. Obviously things are afoot.

I’m in the heat of my move. So things are going to be scattered and thin for a while. Please don’t get upset. It’s called life.

Now something absolutely frightening

The highlight of this collection (of misc bits and pieces) is a brilliant summary of the plan for the United States to conquer both Russia and China. It is comprehensive.

It is clear. and lordy is it frightening.

Heaven help us all.

Let’s begin with some odds and ends…

Crazy but true

The Irish Potato Famine (1845-1849) was a huge catastrophe that resulted in one million dying from starvation and one million leaving their homeland, mostly for North America.

It’s really hard to put into words how scarring this famine was for so many Irish people and the suffering was tremendous. The psychological scars still impact Ireland’s psyche today.

It almost sounds like a fairy tale to hear how a Sultan from a far away land heard of this tragedy and went out of his way to send ships crammed with food and medicine to the Irish people dying from hunger and disease.

When Ottoman Sultan Abdulmejid heard of the suffering from his Irish dentist, he felt great compassion and sorrow for the plight of the Irish. The Sultan originally wanted to donate 10,000 pounds to the starving populace but British diplomats were aghast to hear this because Queen Victoria had donated a small sum of 2,000 pounds.

Ottoman Sultan Abdulmejid

The British Government refused to accept the large donation so he only donated a measly sum of 1,000 pounds, but he secretly sent five ships loaded with food!

As you can imagine, the British government wasn’t happy to hear of this and the navy attempted a blockade to stop the aid from arriving. The ships made it through the lines and arrived at Drogheda, Ireland where they dispersed the food.

The people of Drogheda were so thankful that they had the Islamic and Ottoman symbols added to their city’s coat of arms.

It really does read like a fairy tale and is a gesture of great empathy.

It’s easy to imagine how happy the starving people were to see those Turkish ships arriving with food. According to James Hack Tuke, people were, “living, or rather starving, upon turnip-tops, sand-eels and seaweed, a diet which no one in England would consider fit for the meanest animal.”[1]

But the story does not end there.

During the Crimean War, Britain joined the Ottoman Empire in their fight against the expanding Russian Empire. About 30,000 Irish soldiers served in the war and it was noticed that the Irish people served enthusiastically in defense of the Sultan who had helped them during their greatest times of need.

This highest form of compassion was even remembered during the First World War. It was reported that British officers complained that the Irish lacked the will to fight against the Ottomans who remembered stories of the Ottoman Empire helping during a famine when no one else would.

Sultan Abdulmejid is a model of faith in humanity being restored.


On Speaker Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan, we are fully prepared for any eventuality.

China does not play. If the USA is that STUPID, they deserve exactly what will happen afterwards…

US military may be afraid China will shoot down Pelosi’s plane over Taiwan, Pelosi says

During a press conference on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the U.S. military may be concerned about her plane getting “shot down” by the Chinese military if she decides to travel to Taiwan.

US military may be afraid China will shoot down Pelosi’s plane over Taiwan, Pelosi says


Meanwhile on vacation…


US To Assassinate Zelensky?

Rumors are now exploding that the US has decided to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky; he’s not useful to them anymore.

The rumors began after US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan made a remark at the Aspen Conference this weekend.   That conference is basically a get-together of spooks and intel people.

At the conference, Sullivan remarked “I have concerns about the safety of President Zelensky’s life.”

When a remark like that, gets made by a guy like Sullivan, it is a signal . . . a projection . . .  of what has been decided.  It tells the intel community that Zelensky’s end is nigh.

Speculation surrounding Sullivan’s remark is already off the charts.   There is speculation that the US will kill Zelensky, likely while he is meeting with the top Generals of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Taking them all out with a missile strike is a simple task for the US, and it can be BLAMED on Russia!

That . . . .  that right there . . .  is RUMORED to be the new plan.

They kill Zelensky and maybe a couple of his top Generals, which will instantly implode the Ukrainian government and its armed forces.  There would be immediate chaos.   What’s left of the Ukrainian armed forces would disintegrate within hours.

Then, the RUMORS say, Sullivan and the Intel Community come out with all sorts of  (ahem) “evidence” allegedly (ahem) “proving” it was Russia that did it.

The mass-media in the west will dutifully make it the top news for a week or more, to lock-into the public mindset that it was Russia that did it.

This leaves Russia holding the bag of blame, making them a pariah state in the mind of the general public.

The conquest of the complete rest of Ukraine will be a simple task for Russia at that point but here’s the rub:

What Russia will “conquer” will be a rump welfare state.  A failed land area, incapable of supporting itself.

The whole thing will have to be reconstructed and that will be a gigantic financial burden upon Russia, not to mention the saboteurs, terrorists,  and troublemakers that the west will undoubtedly utilize to make things all that much harder for Russia.

The “war” will be over.   Russia will have won.   But the victory will be made as sour as possible by the West.


U.S. Game-Plan To Conquer Russia & China Is Clarified


On 27 September 2021, the brilliant geostrategic analyst Brian Berletic headlined “US War Plans with China Taking Shape”.

He linked to and analyzed the then-latest draft of the U.S. Government’s detailed plans to conquer China. (The plan had been drawn-up in 2016, but sounds like today.)

The objective of these plans is for the U.S. Government to continue into the indefinite future the U.S. Government’s dominance over the entire world, and to do this by conquering first Russia, and then China.

Conquering both of the now-rising superpowers simultaneously.

And thus, not only extending its presently existing global dominance, but even increasing that, with the ultimate goal being for the U.S. to become the world’s first-ever all-encompassing global empire.

(by crippling both Russia and China).

I have personally checked and verified each one of Berletic’s linked-to sources there.

All of them are authentic, and reflect accurately the U.S. Government’s actual decisions and actions.

Right up until today, which fact (the U.S. Government’s doing all of these things) suggests that those are the U.S. Government’s operative plans.

These are the U.S. Government’s plans for China.

Berletic excerpted from the draft-plan its most crucial passages, and all of them have been U.S. foreign policies ever since 27 September 2021 (actually, even since 2016).

They accurately represent U.S. foreign policies toward, in fact, both Russia and China, as-of today.

They describe the ways in which the U.S. Government is hiring proxy-forces throughout the world.

They describe the purpose of these proxy forces, in order to destroy China’s Belt & Road Initiative before it can even become operative.

They describe the U.S. Government’s employing proxy forces and agents in order to defeat Russia in the opening battlefield of World War III, which is Ukraine.

It’s the function which Ukraine is serving for the U.S. Government.

Berletic makes clear that he does not believe that the U.S. Government expects things to extend so far as getting into a direct nuclear conflict between the U.S. and either Russia or China.

The decision makers in the United States are firmly convinced that no nuclear weapons will ever be used against America.

I have published elsewhere evidence that at least ever since 2006, the U.S. Government has abandoned the prior (mutually shared, both U.S. and Russia) “Mutually Assured Destruction” or “M.A.D.” meta-strategy.

This policy formerly had guided both countries’ nuclear-weapons strategy and designs.

M.A.D. was the meta-strategy in order to prevent such a nuclear war from ever occurring.

In America, it has been replaced by what is unofficially called “Nuclear Primacy”.

Nuclear Primacy is the design and deployment of nuclear weapons so as to win a nuclear war against Russia and/or China: aiming for all-out nuclear-war victory by the U.S. Government. It is a first-strike policy where the United States strikes Russia and China before they are able to launch counter attacks.

Such ‘victory’ would be defined as consisting of the United States being destroyed less than any of its nuclear-war opponents would be destroyed.

It is a policy of accepting minor nuclear destruction as long as Russia and China are both completely ruined by major nuclear damage.

They say that “the benefits of nuclear primacy may exceed the risks” (the destruction to the American side). The USA would rule a destroyed world, but it would still rule.

Among the possible “benefits” mentioned would be to “stave off the emergence of a peer competitor,” and to be “forcibly exporting democracy.”

The U.S. Government’s “Nuclear Primacy” meta-strategy says that there are ‘acceptable’ levels of destruction of America in a nuclear war against Russia and/or China.

It is a measure of acceptable damage so long as America ‘comes out on top’ globally, at the end.

Berletic unfortunately just assumes that the U.S. Government remains committed to the M.A.D. meta-strategy.

To me, that is instead an open question.

In fact, existing evidence (such as I have linked to) indicates that the U.S. Government is now guided by the “Nuclear Primacy” meta-strategy: arming to win a nuclear WW III, not to prevent one.

On 19 July 2022, Russia’s RT News bannered “Julia Melnikova: World War Three is off – why NATO can’t afford to have Russia as its main enemy”.

They basically seconded Berletic’s viewpoint that America probably wouldn’t go all the way to nuclear war, instead relying on the belief that the destruction of Russia and China can be accomplished through conventional means, and that Russia and China would not dare use nuclear weapons against America.

Her commentary alleged that the U.S. Government had only recently been intending to conquer post-communist Russia.

Naturally, NATO’s new strategic document differs from previous entries in the series. 

The 1991 concept noted a reduction in the security threat due to the change in the balance of power in Europe, but also noted the need to take the legacy of the Soviet Union’s military potential into account. 

The 1999 edition characterized Russia, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova as partners for dialogue. 

The installment from 2010 finally attached strategic importance to relations with Russia and was aimed at deepening them on issues of mutual interest.

That “partners for dialogue” and “deepening … issues of mutual interest” never has reflected the U.S. Government’s real attitude toward Russia after the Soviet Union ended in 1991.

I have documented that the plan by America’s Government was instead to fool Russia’s Government to believe that America ended the Cold War on our side at the same time when Russia ended its side of the Cold War in 1991.

But that the U.S. Government was actually planning instead to surround Russia by increasing NATO, right up to Russia’s borders.

As well as doing it in such a way so that by the time Russia recognized that this was the case, it would already be too late for Russia to be able to defend itself against the fait accompli.

And so Russia would then become swallowed-up by the U.S. Government.

That RT analysis remains deceived by the U.S. plan, which didn’t even start to become disclosed, even to America’s vassal-nations (such as the EU), until 24 February 1990.

Russia’s Government shouldn’t continue to publish affirmations of lies that America’s Government had privately admitted to its own vassal nations are lies, as early as 24 February 1990.

Why does it do that?

Does it make any sense continuing to do that?

Consequently: the U.S. game-plan is, as Berletic documented, to defeat Russia before defeating China.

And this is the reason why the U.S. Government is so determined to win the opening battle of WW III, which is on the battlefields of Ukraine.

(The U.S. Government was, in fact, so bold in the planning of their 2014 coup that took Ukraine, that it had even included their replacing Russia’s largest naval base, which was (and still is) in Crimea ever since 1783, and to turn it into another U.S. naval base, but that part of the plan failed.)

If Russia wins its objectives in Ukraine, while the U.S. fails to win its objectives there (which are simply to defeat Russia there — so that this is a zero-sum “game”), this would, in and of itself, end the U.S. empire.

This Empire started on 25 July 1945, when U.S. President Harry S. Truman decided (on the basis of the advice that he had received from his hero, Dwight Eisenhower), that if the U.S. wouldn’t take over control of the world, then the Soviet Union would.

Ergo, and so, America must take over control of the world.

It was either “us” or “them,” Truman was told; and he decided that it WOULDN’T be “them” that will win this zero-sum game.

And President GHW Bush secretly informed America’s ‘allies’, starting on 24 February 1990, that it STILL wouldn’t be “them” to continue equally with “us” in peace.

Meaning now Russia to be a “partner” except as being a continuing adversary.

Because “To hell with that!” (meaning real peace with Russia.)

“We prevailed, they didn’t” (and “they” still need to be totally and humiliatingly defeated, by “us”; “they” need to become conquered).

That is the reality.

It is the U.S. Government’s pure zero-sum-game mentality.

It is which Brian Berletic’s article documents to be the case regarding the U.S. Government’s plan regarding China.

And (as I have documented) it applies ALSO regarding Russia.

(Yet, Berletic seems to believe that it’s not being applied in U.S. thinking about the conflict in Ukraine.)

The Governments of both nations (Russia and China) would do well to publicize that it applies throughout the U.S. Government’s international-affairs policies, instead of continuing to promote the U.S. Government’s lies to the contrary.

This is the reality.

No myth.

America’s foreign policies are laser-focused on crippling, if not destroying, all possible competitors.

Destroying Russia absolutely, and completely.

Destroying China absolutely and completely.

Especially, all nations in Europe need to know this, and to reverse course because of it.

Because, if they don’t, then Europe’s economies will be crushed this coming winter, in order to keep up the U.S. Government’s lies.

It’s their choice.

Either continuing as American vassal-nations, or else making a fundamental turn, toward freedom and justice.

Freedom and Justice:  the breakup of the U.S. empire, and emergence of a real democracy and equal rights, in the relations among the world’s nations.

It’s their choice, to make, one way or the other.

Thus far, Europe’s leaders have been virtually suiciding their nations.

How, and how well, is the U.S. Government bribing them to do that, to their nations?

Or, are they actually that stupid, to be ignorant of what they are doing, or why, or whom the beneficiaries of it are?

Of course, the press has also played a role, but it’s serving the same group of ultimate masters.

How can European publics ever wake up?

Before it’s too late?

MM Comments…

Many assumptions on the US side…

  • China and Russia will NEVER use nuclear weapons.
  • The wars will be completely fought by US proxies.
  • Supplying an endless stream of weapons to the proxy nations require a USD with value.
  • Manufacturing has no bearing on the outcome.
  • Energy has no bearing on the outcome.
  • There will be little to no American domestic unrest.
  • Prodding and poking Russia and China can continue without consequence.
  • Both Russia and China will fight the proxy nations; never America directly.

Somehow, if I were a strategist, I would consider these assumptions as weaknesses, and attack them as they are unexpected.

No wonder the United States is doubling down, and planning to get rid of their stooge: the “President” of Ukraine…


Early Sunday morning this web site published a story indicating a “major escalation” was coming by Russia in Ukraine, with trainloads of armor and troops arriving, bringing almost three times more Russian firepower to Ukraine.   Today, the world learned why:  Russia is going to oust the Zelensky regime.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, speaking to envoys at an Arab League summit in Cairo late Sunday, said Moscow is now targeting the “absolutely unacceptable regime” of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“We will definitely help the Ukrainian people to free themselves from the regime that is absolutely anti-people and anti-history,” Lavrov said.

Zelenskyy was unbowed, pleading to win “this war for independence” and to keep Ukraine on a course toward full membership in the EU and becoming one of the most modern states in the world.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

In one fell swoop, Russia completely undermined speculated western plans to get rid of Zelensky and blame it on the Russians.  Our earlier story (HERE) reported comments by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the Aspen Conference last week.  Sullivan remarked that the US “Is concerned about the safety and the life of President Zelensky.”

This was viewed by many in attendance at the Aspen Conference, as being a “projection” of what the US has now decided to do — then blame it on the Russians.

Now that Russia has publicly declared they plan to remove Zelensky, they’ve pulled the rug out from beneath the west.   The west can no longer howl that “Russia did it” if Russia now publicly says they’re going to do it.

Now, the tables are turned.

Since Russia says they are going to oust Zelensky, the west is now forced into the untenable position of having to protect Zelensky.  IF all the intelligence apparatus and the military ight of the west cannot protect Zelensky, then who can it protect?

This announcement by Russia completely up-ended any western plans to kill Zelensky (because he knows all the dirt) and thereby make a pariah state out of Russia.

And if the Russians actually do manage to oust Zelensky in spite of the west . . . NATO will likely fall apart because all the smaller countries in NATO will know that NATO “protection” isn’t worth the paper it’s written on!

What a Diplomatic / Geo-Political coup!

Regime Change; it’s not just an American thing anymore!

WAIT!  WAIT! It gets better . . . 

Think for just a second about the position Zelensky is in.   The two most powerful nations on earth now want him dead.   

The Russians say it bluntly; the Americans were plotting and scheming secretly.

So seeing as Zelensky doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving . . . what is the best (and only) thing HE can do?

He can go to the Russians, offer to give them all the proof of all the shenanigans, all the payoffs, all the Biolabs, in return for . . . . oh this is priceless . . . Asylum in Russia!

He’d screw everybody with that!

Wow has this situation with Russia-Ukraine taken some wild turns.  This is better than a soap opera.

UPDATE 12:35 PM  EDT —

Below is the full, official transcript of Foreign Minister Lavrov’s speech to the Arab League, from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs web site:



From the south of Ukraine, I am now receiving Intelligence reports saying a “massive transport” of Russian troops towards Kherson. is taking place.

The Armor and troops are being seen in Melitopol and Novooleksiivka…

Daddy going to work…


America must destroy Russia in the Ukraine. At all costs!

$270 million in new military aid to Ukraine; Officially Considering Supplying US War Planes

The United States on Friday signed off on another $270 million in military aid to Ukraine including four new Himars precision rocket systems.

The fresh aid will bring to 20 the number of M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems sent to Ukraine and also includes up to 500 new Phoenix Ghost tactical drones, White House spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

Kirby also confirmed publicly the United States Air Force is considering donating U.S. A-10 “Warthog” ground-attack aircraft to Ukraine.   This was reported verbally on the Hal Turner Radio Show a full 48 hours ago, but only now — 2 days later — is the Pentagon publicly confirming that earlier report.

Poland Announces 400,000 Man Army with 1,000 Main Battle Tanks


The Poland Ministry of Defense announced today that Poland will increase the size of its Army to 400,000 supported by one thousand (1,000) main battle tanks.

The tanks will be as follows:





If that sounds kind of small to Americans, it is, given the size of the US Military.

But wait, if what they plan to have is 400,000, and that is “small” then what do they have right now?


Yes, you read that correctly, the country of Poland has, right now, seven thousand five-hundred deployed armed forces troops.


And why is Poland doing this?   Russia!

OK, so we know that right now, Russia has eight-hundred thousand active duty troops and over ten thousand tanks.

What does Poland think it’s going to achieve bringing their army to half the strength of Russia, and only one-tenth (1/10) of the main battle tanks of Russia?

This is a joke, right?

. . . . . Inquiring minds want to know . . . .

Trainloads of additional Russian Armor Arriving against Ukraine – Giant Escalation Coming – Zelensky Assassination???


Videos of Russian trains arriving with additional armored war machines, have been published on various social media the past three days and one thing has become clear: There is a GIANT escalation coming against Ukraine – and maybe NATO.

One such video, below, shows armor, on a train, as far as the eye can see:

This new echelon of armor is literally more than DOUBLE what Russia initially sent to Ukraine, before the Special Military Operation began.  If all of it is going into Ukraine, then Russian army strength in Ukraine will increase three-fold!

The Ukrainians can’t manage what Russia already has there, never mind three times more.

As things stand right now, July 24, 2022, Ukraine is losing the war very badly despite all sorts of weapons, ammunition, and intel, being supplied by the US/EU/NATO.   A new deployment of this scale by Russia will be a literal steamroller, and it will roll through the rest of Ukraine like a hot knife through butter.

 Hal Turner Analysis and Editorial Opinion

In my personal assessment of the situation, everyone has about 8 days until things go very HOT!

July 31st  -Aug 1st is the transition point into the next phase.   In fact, I am on record as saying I believe between July 28 and August 5, there __could be__ a nuclear exchange – not a full blown nuclear holocaust — between Russia and the US/NATO.

Right now, I assess that the Special Military Operation “Z” will intensify to levels of ferocity and speed yet unseen.

I personally perceive that the Deep State (NATO) forces will begin operations overtly and also with increased violence. It is my personal belief the US will cross “the line” via the proxy, Ukraine, and that action could start at any time now.

From August 1st to the end of this year the world will experience turmoil, disruption and violence that has not been seen since WWII.

Anyone with half a brain knows that Ukraine will never win this war.

There will never be peace. Russia will never be able to trust any so called security guarantees that NATO/US may come up with. Too many red lines crossed, too many broken promises.

Russia does not want to be an occupying force in Ukraine, but Ukraine, if it continues to exist AT ALL,  cannot be left to it’s own devices. Ukraine will end up being a buffer as a military no-man’s land between Russia and an encroaching NATO.  An uneasy truce if anything.


1. If you live in the US or UK brace for possible attack.

2. If you live in any nation on the Russian “Unfriendly” list prepare for massive shortages and disruptions.

3. Wherever you live, get your preps in order NOW.

Note: Possible attack modes could range from Cyber, EMP, Nuke attack and or Tsunami Bomb attack. Therefore, all coastal areas, decision making centers, financial centers and military installations of the UK and US are at risk.

Prepare for possible loss of:

Electricity, Banking, Fuel, Internet and Cell Phones.

Of course, food and medical services availability will be GREATLY affected.

This is not a drill…

This is not a game.

May God protect the innocent and may the wicked…get what they deserve.

Best of luck to all.

How bad is it in the United States…?


China’s top chip maker SMIC may have achieved tech breakthrough, experts say

  • Researchers at a Canadian tech analysis firm concluded that Shanghai-based SMIC has been able to produce 7-nanometre chips since last year
  • SMIC’s advanced capability would put the company ahead of American and European peers, but it could also spur further US sanctions, analysts say


China’s top chip maker has likely gained the ability to produce 7-nanometre chips, according to a Canadian tech analysis firm, marking a significant breakthrough as the world’s second-largest economy pushes towards technological self-sufficiency to counter US sanctions.

Researchers at TechInsights made the conclusion after they reverse-engineered a sample chip made by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC), extracted from a cryptocurrency mining machine.

Analysts and industry professionals believe it is technically possible for SMIC to produce 7nm chips with existing deep ultraviolet (DUV) systems, under the leadership of co-CEO Liang Mong Song, a chip-making expert who was previously an executive at industry-leading Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. However, they are surprised that the Chinese were able to do so at this date.

Staged Incidents as the Western Approach of Doing Politics


By Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister – Jul 18, 2022

Today, the Russian Armed Forces, together with the self-defense units of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, are delivering on the objectives of the special military operation with great resolve to put an end to the outrageous discrimination and genocide of the Russian people and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation that the United States and its satellites have been creating on Ukrainian territory for years. While losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons have descended to staging bloody incidents to demonize our country in the eyes of the international community. We have already seen Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, and Kremenchug. The Russian Defense Ministry has been regularly issuing warnings, with facts in hand, about upcoming staged incidents and fakes.

There is a distinctive pattern that betrays the provocations staged by the West and its henchmen. In fact, they started long before the Ukrainian events.

Take 1999 – the village of Račak in Serbia’s Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. A group of OSCE inspectors arrived at the site where several dozen corpses dressed in civilian clothes were discovered. Without any investigation, the mission head declared the incident an act of genocide, even though making a conclusion of this kind was not part of the mandate issued to this international official. NATO immediately launched a military aggression against Yugoslavia, during which it intentionally destroyed a television centre, bridges, passenger trains and other civilian targets. Later, it was proved with conclusive evidence that the dead bodies were not civilians, but militants of the Kosovo Liberation Army, an illegal armed group, dressed in civilian clothes. But by that time the staged incident has already taken its toll, offering a pretext for the first illegal use of force against an OSCE member state since the signing of the Helsinki Final Act in 1975. It is telling that the statement that triggered the bombings came from William Walker, a US citizen who headed the OSCE’s Kosovo Verification Mission. Separating Kosovo from Serbia by force and setting up Camp Bondsteel, the largest US military base in the Balkans, were the main outcomes of the aggression.

In 2003, there was the infamous performance by US Secretary of State Colin Powell in the UN Security Council with a vial containing white powder of some sort, which he said contained anthrax spores, alleging that it was produced in Iraq. Once again, the fake worked: the Anglo-Saxons and those who followed their lead went on to bomb Iraq, which has been struggling to fully recover its statehood ever since. Moreover, it did not take long before the fake was exposed with everyone admitting that Iraq did not have any biological weapons or any other kinds of WMDs. Later, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was one of the masterminds of the aggression, recognized that the whole affair was a fraud, saying that they “may have been wrong” or something like that. As for Colin Powell, he later tried to justify himself by claiming that he was misled by the underlying intelligence. Either way, this was yet another provocation that offered a pretext for delivering on the plan to destroy a sovereign nation.

There was also Libya in 2011. The drama had specifics of its own. The situation did not go as far as direct lies, like in Kosovo or Iraq, but NATO grossly distorted the UN Security Council resolution, which provided for a no-fly zone over Libya in order to “ground” Muammar Gaddafi’s air force. It did not fly to begin with. However, NATO started bombing the Libyan army units who were fighting terrorists. Muammar Gaddafi died a savage death, and nothing remains of the Libyan statehood. Efforts to put the country back together have yet to succeed, with a US representative once again in charge of the process, appointed by the UN Secretary General without any consultation with the UN Security Council. As part of this process, our Western colleagues have facilitated several intra-Libyan agreements on holding elections but none of them materialized. Illegal armed groups still reign supreme on Libyan territory, with most of them working closely with the West.

February 2014, Ukraine – the West, represented by the German, French, and Polish foreign ministers, de facto forced President Viktor Yanukovich into signing an agreement with the opposition to end the confrontation and promote a peaceful resolution of the intra-Ukrainian crisis by establishing a transitional national unity government and calling a snap election, to be held within a few months. This too turned out to be a fraud: the next morning, the opposition staged a coup guided as it was by anti-Russia, racist slogans. However, the Western guarantors did not even try to bring the opposition back to its senses. Furthermore, they switched immediately to encouraging the coup perpetrators in their policies against Russia and everything Russian, unleashing the war against their own people and bombing entire cities in the Donbass region just because people there refused to recognize the unconstitutional coup. For that, they labelled the people in Donbass terrorists, and once again the West was there to encourage them.

At this point, it is worth noting that, as it was soon revealed, the killing of protestors on the Maidan was also a staged incident, which the West blamed either on the Ukrainian security forces loyal to Viktor Yanukovich, or on the Russian special services. However, the radical members of the opposition were the ones who were behind this provocation, while working closely with the Western intelligence services. Once again, exposing these facts did not take long, but by that time they already did their job.

Efforts by Russia, Germany, and France paved the way to stopping the war between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk in February 2015 with the signing of the Minsk Agreements. Berlin and Paris played a proactive role here as well, proudly calling themselves as the guarantor countries. However, during the seven long years that followed, they did absolutely nothing to force Kiev to launch a direct dialogue with Donbass representatives for agreeing on matters including the special status, amnesty, restoring economic ties, and holding elections, as required by the Minsk Agreements which were approved unanimously by the UN Security Council. The Western leaders remained silent when Kiev took steps which directly violated the Minsk Agreements under both Petr Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky. Moreover, the German and the French leaders kept saying that Kiev cannot enter direct dialogue with the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, and blamed everything on Russia, although Russia is not mentioned in the Minsk agreements even once, while remaining basically the only country that kept pushing for the agreements to be implemented.

If anyone doubted that the Minsk Package was anything but yet another fake, Petr Poroshenko dispelled this myth by saying on June 17, 2022: “The Minsk Agreements did not mean anything to us, and we had no intention to carry them out… our goal was to remove the threat we faced… and win time in order to restore economic growth and rebuild the armed forces. We achieved this goal. Mission accomplished for the Minsk Agreements.” The people of Ukraine are still paying the price of this fake. For many years now, the West has been forcing them to accept an anti-Russian neo-Nazi regime. What a waste of energy for Olaf Scholz with his calls to force Russia to agree to an agreement guaranteeing Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. There already had been an agreement to this effect, the Minsk Package, and Berlin with Paris were the ones who derailed it by shielding Kiev in its refusal to abide by the document. The fake has been exposed – finita la commedia.

By the way, Vladimir Zelensky has been a worthy successor to Petr Poroshenko. During a campaign rally in early 2019, he was ready to kneel before him for the sake of stopping the war.

In December 2019, Zelensky got a chance to carry out the Minsk Agreements following the Normandy format summit in Paris. In the outcome document adopted at the highest level, the Ukrainian President undertook to resolve matters related to the special status of Donbass. Of course, he did not do anything, while Berlin and Paris once again covered up for him. The document and all the publicity accompanying its adoption turned out to be no more than a fake narrative promoted by Ukraine and the West to win some time for supplying more weapons to the Kiev regime, which follows Petr Poroshenko’s logic to the letter.

There was also Syria, with the 2013 agreement on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles in a stage-by-stage process verified by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), for which it received the Nobel Peace Prize. After that, however, there were outrageous provocations in 2017 and 2018 staging the use of chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun and Duma, a Damascus suburb. There was a video showing people calling themselves the White Helmets (a would-be humanitarian organization which never showed up on territories controlled by the Syrian government) helping alleged poisoning victims, although no one had any protective clothing or gear. All attempts to force the OPCW Technical Secretariat to perform its duties in good faith and ensure a transparent investigation into these incidents, as required by the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), failed. This, however, did not come as a surprise. The Western countries have long privatized the Technical Secretariat by having their representatives appointed to the key positions within this structure. They contributed to staging these incidents and used them as a pretext for US, British, and French airstrikes against Syria. Incidentally, they carried out these bombings just a day before a group of OPCW inspectors arrived there to investigate the incidents at Russia’s insistence, while the West did everything to prevent this deployment.

The West and the OPCW Technical Secretariat it controls demonstrated their ability to stage fake incidents with the would-be poisonings of the Skripals and Alexey Navalny. In both cases, Russia sent multiple requests to The Hague, London, Berlin, Paris, and Stockholm, all left without a reply, even though they fully conformed with the CWC provisions and required a response.

Other pending questions have to do with the Pentagon’s covert activities in Ukraine carried out through its Defense Threat Reduction Agency. The traces that the forces engaged in the special military operation have discovered in military-biological laboratories in the liberated territories of Donbass and adjacent areas clearly indicate direct violations of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC). We have presented the documents to Washington and to the UN Security Council. The procedure has been initiated under BTWC to demand explanations. Contrary to the facts, the US administration is trying to justify its actions by saying that all biological research in Ukraine was exclusively peaceful and civilian in nature – with no evidence of any of this.

In fact, the Pentagon’s military-biological activities around the world, especially in the post-Soviet countries, require the closest attention in light of the multiplying evidence of criminal experiments with the most dangerous pathogens in order to create biological weapons conducted under the guise of peaceful research.

I have already mentioned the staged “crimes” of the Donbass militia and participants in the Russian special military operation. There is one simple fact that clearly shows how much these accusations mean: having shown the “Bucha tragedy” to the world in early April 2022 (we have suspicions that the Anglo-Saxons had a hand in setting the stage for the show), the West and Kiev have not yet answered the very basic questions about whether the names of the dead were established and what post-mortem examinations showed. Just as in the above-described Skripals and Navalny cases, the propaganda production has premiered in the Western media, and now it’s time to sweep it all under the rug, brazen it out, because they have nothing to say.

This is the essence of the well-worn Western political algorithm – to concoct a fake story and ratchet up the hype as if it’s a universal catastrophe for a couple of days while blocking people’s access to alternative information or assessments, and when any facts do break through, they are simply ignored – at best mentioned on last pages of the news in small print. It is important to understand that this is not a harmless game in the media war – such productions are used as pretexts for very material actions such as punishing the “guilty” countries with sanctions, unleashing barbaric aggressions against them with hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, as it happened, in particular, in Iraq and Libya. Or – as in the case of Ukraine – for using the country as expendable material in the Western proxy war against Russia. Moreover, NATO instructors and MLRS aimers are, apparently, already directing the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and nationalist battalions on the ground.

I hope there are responsible politicians in Europe who are aware of the consequences. In this regard, it is noteworthy that no one in NATO or the EU tried to reprimand the German Air Force Commander, a general named Ingo Gerhartz, who got carried away higher than his rank and said NATO must be ready to use nuclear weapons. “Putin, do not try to compete with us,” he added. Europe’s silence suggests that it is complacently oblivious of Germany’s role in its history.

If we look at today’s events through a historical prism, the entire Ukrainian crisis appears as a “grand chess game” that follows a scenario earlier promoted by Zbigniew Brzezinski. All the good relations talk, the West’s proclaimed readiness to take into account the rights and interests of Russians who ended up in independent Ukraine or other post-Soviet countries after the collapse of the USSR turned out to be mere pretense. Even in the early 2000s, Washington and the European Union began to openly pressure Kiev to decide which side Ukraine was on, the West or Russia.

Ever since 2014, the West has been controlling, hands-on, the Russophobic regime it brought to power through a coup d’état. Putting Vladimir Zelensky in front of any international forum of any significance is also part of this travesty. He makes passionate speeches, but when he suddenly offers something reasonable, he gets a slap on the wrist, as it happened after the Istanbul round of Russian-Ukrainian talks. At the end of March, it seemed that light glimmered at the end of the tunnel, but Kiev was forced to back off, using, among other things, a frankly staged episode in Bucha. Washington, London and Brussels demanded that Kiev stopped negotiating with Russia until Ukraine achieved full military advantage (former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried especially hard, and many other Western politicians did too, still incumbent, although they have already proved just as inept).

EU foreign policy chief Joseph Borrell’s statement about this war having to be “won on the battlefield” by Ukraine suggests that even diplomacy has lost its value as a tool in the European Union’s staged performance.

In a broader sense, it is curious to see how Europe, lined up by Washington on the anti-Russian front, has been hardest hit by the thoughtless sanctions, emptying its arsenals to supply weapons to Kiev (without even asking for a report on who will control them or where they go), and freeing up its market only to subsequently buy US military products and expensive American LNG instead of available Russian gas. Such trends, coupled with the de facto merger between the EU and NATO, make the continued talk about Europe’s “strategic autonomy” nothing more than a show. Everyone has already understood that the collective West’s foreign policy is a “one-man theatre.” Moreover, it is consistently seeking ever new theaters of military operations.

One element of the geopolitical gambit against Russia is granting the status of an eternal EU candidate country to Ukraine and Moldova, which, it seems, will also face an unenviable fate. Meanwhile, a PR campaign has been initiated by President of France Emmanuel Macron to promote the “European political community,” which offers no financial or economic benefits, but demands full compliance with the EU’s anti-Russia actions. The principle behind it is not either/or but “who is not with us is against us.” Emmanuel Macron explained the gist of the “community”: the EU will invite all European countries – “from Iceland to Ukraine” – to join it, but not Russia. I would like to stress that we are not eager to join, but the statement itself showcases the essence of this obviously confrontational and divisive new undertaking.

Ukraine, Moldova and other countries being courted by the EU today are destined to be extras in the games of the West. The United States, as the main producer, calls the tune and devises the storyline based on which Europe writes the anti-Russia screenplay. The actors are ready and possess the skills acquired during their tenure at the Kvartal 95 Studio: they will provide a voice-over for dramatic texts no worse than the now forgotten Greta Thunberg and play musical instruments, if needed. The actors are good: remember how convincing Vladimir Zelensky was in his role as a democrat in the Servant of the People: fighter against corruption and discrimination against Russians and for all the right things in general. Remember and compare it with his immediate transformation in his role as president. It is perfect Stanislavsky Method acting: banning the Russian language, education, media and culture. “If you feel like Russians, then go to Russia for the sake of your children and grandchildren.” Good advice. He called Donbass residents “species” rather than people. And this is what he said about the Nazi Azov battalion: “They are what they are. There is plenty of such people around here.” Even CNN was ashamed to leave this phrase in the interview.

This prompts a question: what will be the outcome of all these storylines? Staged incidents based on blood and agony are by no means fun but a display of a cynical policy in creating a new reality where all principles of the UN Charter and all norms of international law are attempted to be replaced with their “rules-based order” in an aspiration to perpetuate their dwindling domination in global affairs.

The games undertaken by the West in the OSCE after from end of the Cold War, where it considered itself a winner, had the most devastating consequences for the modern international relations. Having quickly broken their promises to the Soviet and Russian leadership on the non-expansion of NATO to the east, the United States and its allies nevertheless declared their commitment to building a unified space of security and cooperation in the Euro-Atlantic region. They formalized it at the top level with all OSCE members in 1999 and 2010 within the framework of a political obligation to ensure equal and inseparable security where no country will strengthen its security at the expense of others and no organization will claim a dominating role in Europe. It soon became evident that NATO members do no keep their word and that their goal is the supremacy of the North-Atlantic Alliance. Even then we continued our diplomatic efforts, proposing to formalize the principle of equal and inseparable security in a legally binding agreement. We proposed this a number of times, the last one in December 2021, but received a flat denial in response. They told us directly: there will be no legal guarantees outside NATO. Which means that the support of the political documents approved at the OSCE summits turned out to be a cheap fake. And now NATO, driven by the United States, has gone even further: they want to dominate over the entire Asia-Pacific region in addition to the Euro-Atlantic. NATO members make no effort to conceal the target of their threats, and China’s leadership has already publicly declared its position regarding such neo-colonial ambitions. Beijing has already responded by citing the principle of indivisible security, declaring its support for applying it on a global scale to prevent any country from claiming its exclusivity. This approach fully coincides with Russia’s position. We will make consistent efforts to defend it together with our allies, strategic partners and many other like-minded countries.

The collective West should come back to Earth from the world of illusions. The staged incidents, no matter how long they go on, will not work. It is time for fair play based on the international law rather than cheating. The sooner everyone realizes that there are no alternatives to objective historical processes where a multipolar world is formed based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality of states, fundamental for the UN Charter and the entire world order, the better.

If members of the western alliance are unable to live according to this principle, are not ready to build a truly universal architecture of equal security and cooperation, they should leave everyone alone, stop using threats and blackmail to recruit those who want to live on their own wits and acknowledge the right to freedom of choice by independent self-respecting countries. This is what democracy is all about, the real democracy, not one played out on a shabbily built political stage.

An interesting test

Here’s a great book called “The Psychopath Test” by Jon Ronson which has a particularly interesting case:

A man, Tony, was on trial for a violent assault on another man.

As part of his tactic to avoid doing time in prison, he came up with an idea.

Imagine you are sitting at a table, a psychiatrist is at the other end. She is asking you questions that run 360 around your entire life and your frame of mind.

At one point, you begin telling her:

“I enjoy watching people die.”

“I get sexual pleasure from seeing people scream in pain.”

And on and on. Every dark thing you can imagine.

Tony had a goal; to convince the court-appointed psychiatrist that he was mentally ill and thus unfit to go to trial.

He succeeded.

He was then shipped off to Broadmoor High Security Psychiatric Hospital.

Where he was quickly introduced to a life he didn’t want.

Strict controls, forced medication, and sedatives, smaller cells, a stifling atmosphere, surrounded by…highly unstable people.

He then began frantically telling everyone he’d lied about being crazy and that he’d made a mistake. He would rather go back to prison. When he finally got them to listen and he explained everything…

…the resident psychiatrist said the type of person who would lie about being mentally ill is actually someone who is mentally ill (a psychopath). And thus – he remained stuck at the mental institution.

Henk Heithuis.

Henk Heithuis.

And I am warning you ahead of time, his story is absolutely gruesome and terrifying. Heithuis was born in the Netherlands in 1935 and placed in the foster system, to be cared for by Catholic priests. Now priests had a tendency of abusing young children under their care, there have been many such cases… but Heithuis was not like most victims… he was about to go public.

Usually, the abuse was quietly pushed aside, shrugged off, swept under the rug. It’s been that way for centuries. Victims stayed quiet out of shame and fear. Not Henk Heithuis. He decided to make a stand. For himself and for all those others he had known who were abused, molested, raped. So he went to the police, and officially accused the priests of sexual abuse. This was revolutionary, and absolutely unheard of in the 1950s!

What Heithuis had not anticipated, is the absolute cruelty and the far-reaching power of the institution he was about to face. Since he was still legally a minor at the time of the abuse, and at the time he made his accusation, Heithuis was still a ward of the state, unable to make his own decisions, the court argued.

He insisted, however, that he was raped. The priests then came forward and denied this. Instead, they instead, Heithuis was a homosexual boy who had “seduced the priests”, can you imagine their audacity? The young victim vehemently denied the accusations, maintained he had been raped and that he was, in fact, heterosexual — he even had a girlfriend he hoped to marry as soon as he reached the age of maturity.

The church, however, had quite a bit of influence with the courts. They convinced them that Heithuis was, in fact, homosexual. And in the 1950s, homosexuality was still illegal in the now-so-liberal Netherlands. The treatment consisted of either years in an institution, chemical castration, or physical castration… with Heithuis, no rebuttal was allowed, no second opinion considered and no option given — he was to be castrated immediately. Which he was.

They drugged the teenaged abuse victim, drove him to a clinic down South and strapped him to a table where they surgically gelded him. After the operation they kicked him to the curb… Heithuis was broken. Mentally. Physically. He abandoned his friends and his fiancée and became a sailor. He made it as far as Japan, when he broke down and, when on shore leave, found his way to the Dutch embassy. Here, he told his story to a diplomat who took pity on his fate. He even showed his scars, and explained how his hormones were now out of control, his body no longer felt like his and he was suicidal.

“Please tell my story…” Heithuis insisted, “make notes, remember it. They may come for me. They may kill me.”

Surely it wouldn’t be so bad, his friend, Cornelius Rogge, assured him. Surely they would not have him killed. How could they? But Heithuis was sure of it. Arrangements were made with the shipping company to have him brought back home to his country.

When he returned, Heithuis, helped by his friends who knew his story, once again pressed charges. This time for forcible castration, lying about his sexuality and mental health problems as well as slandering his good name. Still a fiery chap, still refusing to surrender, he wanted justice, he wanted his good name restored.

But in 1958, shortly after pressing charges, Henk Heithuis got into a car accident and died on the spot.

The police confiscated all his personal belongings and material provided to them by the deceased. All material was destroyed on the day of his death.

When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon: The Assassination of Shinzo Abe


First published by Global Research on July 14, 2022


To read this article in Japanese, click here



July 8 was a muggy day in the ancient capital of Japan. Shinzo Abe, the most powerful figure in Japanese politics, was delivering a stump speech for a local Liberal Democratic Party candidate in front of the Nara Kintetsu railway station when suddenly a loud bang rang out, followed by an odd cloud of smoke.

The response was incredible. Among those in the unusually large crowd gathered, not a single person ran for cover, or hit the ground in terror.

Abe’s body guards, who stood unusually far away from him during the speech, looked on impassively, making no effort to shield him, or to pull him to a safe location.

A few seconds later, Abe crumpled and collapsed to the ground, lying there impassive in his standard blue jacket, white shirt, now speckled with blood, and trademark blue badge of solidarity with Japanese abductees in North Korea. Most likely he was killed instantaneously.

Only then did the body guards seize the suspect, Yamagami Toruya, who was standing behind Abe. The tussle with Yamagami took the form of a choreographed dance for the television audience, not a professional takedown.

Yamagami was immediately identified by the media as a 41-year-old former member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force who had personal grievances with Abe.

Yamagami told everything to the police without hesitation. He did not even try to run from the scene and was still holding the silly hand-made gun when the bodyguards grabbed him.

Even after Abe was lying on the pavement, not a single person in the crowd ran for shelter, or even looked around to determine where the shots came from. Everyone seemed to know, magically, that the shooting was over.

Then the comedy began. Rather than putting Abe in a limousine and whisking him away, those standing around him merely called out to passersby, asking if anyone was a doctor.

The media immediately embraced the “lone gunman” conclusion for this attack, repeating entertaining tale of how Yamagami was associated with Toitsu Kyokai, a new religion started by the charismatic shaman Kawase Kayo, and why he blamed Abe, who had exchanges with that group, for his mother’s troubles.

Because Toitsu Kyokai has followers from the Unification Church founded by Reverend Moon Sun Myung, journalist Michael Penn jumped to the conclusion that the conspiracy leading to Abe’s death was the result of his collaboration with the Moonies.

Although the mainstream media accepted this fantastic story, the Japanese police and security apparatus did not manage to squash alternative interpretations. Blogger Takashi Kitagawa posted materials on July 10 that suggested Abe was shot from the front, not from the back where Yamagami stood, and that the shots must have been fired at an angle from the top of one, or both, of the tall buildings on either side of the intersection across from the railway station plaza.

Takahashi Kitakawa’s postings:


Kitagawa’s analysis of the paths of the bullets was more scientific than anything offered by the media that had claimed, without basis, that Abe had only been shot once until the surgeon announced that evening that there had been two bullets.

The chances that a man holding an awkward home-made gun, standing more than five meters away in a crowd, would be able to hit Abe twice are low. The TV personality Kozono Hiromi, who is a gun expert himself, remarked on his show “Sukkiri” (on July 12) that such a feat would be incredible.

A careful viewing of the videos suggests that multiple shots were fired by a rifle with a silencer from atop a neighboring building.

安倍晋三元総理大臣暗殺について 言明します from Emanuel Pastreich on Vimeo.

The message to the world

For a figure like Shinzo Abe, the most powerful political player in Japan and the person to whom Japanese politicians and bureaucrats rallied in response to the unprecedented uncertainty born of the current geopolitical crisis, to be shot dead with no serious security detail nearby makes no sense.

Perhaps the message was lost on viewers at home, but it was crystal clear for other Japanese politicians.

For that matter, the message was clear for Boris Johnson, who was forced out of power at almost exactly the same moment that Abe was shot, or for Emmanuel Macron, who was suddenly charged with influence peddling scandal for Uber, and faces demands for his removal from office, on July 11—after months of massive protests had failed to sway him in any way.

The message was written all over Abe’s white shirt in red: buying into the globalist system and promoting the COVID-19 regime is not enough to assure safety, even for the leader of a G7 nation.

Abe was highest ranking victim so far of the hidden cancer eating away at governance in nation states around the world, an institutional sickness that moves decision making away from national governments to a network of privately-held supercomputer banks, private equity groups, for-hire intelligence firms in Tel Aviv, London and Reston, and the strategic thinkers employed by the billionaires at the World Economic Forum, NATO, the World Bank and other such awesome institutions.

The fourth industrial revolution was the excuse employed to transfer the control of all information in, and all information out, for central governments to Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, Google, SAP and others in the name of efficiency. As J. P. Morgan remarked, “Everything has two reasons: a good reason and a real reason.”

With the assassination of Abe, these technology tyrants, and their masters, have crossed the Rubicon, declaring that those dressed in the trappings of state authority can be mowed down with impunity if they do not follow orders.

The Problem with Japan

Japan is heralded as the only Asian nation advanced enough to join the “West,” to be a member of the exclusive G7 club, and to be qualified to enter into collaboration with (and possible membership in) the top intelligence sharing program, the “Five Eyes.”

Nevertheless, Japan has continued to defy the expectations, and the demands, of global financiers, and the planners within the beltway and on Wall Street for the New World Order.

Although it was South Korea in Asia that has constantly been berated in Washington as an ally not quite up to the level of Japan, the truth is that the super-rich busy taking over the Pentagon, and the entire global economy, were starting to harbor doubts about the dependability of Japan.

The globalist system at the World Bank, Goldman Sachs, or the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University has a set track for the best and the brightest from “advanced nations.”

Elites from Australia, France, Germany, Norway or Italy, learn to speak fluent English, spend time in Washington, London, or Geneva at a think tank or university, secure a safe sinecure at a bank, a government institution, or a research institute that assures them a good income, and adopt the common sense, pro-finance, perspective offered by the Economist Magazine as the gospel.

Japan, however, although it has an advanced banking system of its own, although its command of advanced technologies makes it the sole rival of Germany in machine tools, and although it has a sophisticated educational system capable of producing numerous Nobel Prize winners, does not produce leaders who follow this model for the “developed” nation.

Japanese elite do not study abroad for the most part and Japan has sophisticated intellectual circles that do not rely on information brought in from overseas academic or journalistic sources.

Unlike other nations, Japanese write sophisticated journal articles entirely in Japanese, citing only Japanese experts. In fact, in fields like botany and cellular biology, Japan has world-class journals written entirely in Japanese.

Similarly, Japan has a sophisticated domestic economy that is not easily penetrated by multinational corporations—try as they do.

The massive concentration of wealth over the last decade has allowed the super-rich to create invisible networks for secret global governance, best represented by the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program and the Schwarzman Scholars program. These rising figures in policy infiltrate the governments, the industries, and research institutions of nations to make sure that the globalist agenda goes forth unimpeded.

Japan has been impacted by this sly form of global governance. And yet, Japanese who speak English well, or who study at Harvard, are not necessarily on the fast track in Japanese society.

There is stubborn independence in Japan’s diplomacy and economics, something that raised concerns among the Davos crowd during the COVID-19 campaigns.

Although the Abe administration (and the subsequent Kishida administration) went along with the directives of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization for vaccines and social distancing, the Japanese government was less intrusive in the lives of citizens than most nations, and was less successful in forcing organizations to require vaccination.

The use of QR codes to block service to the unvaccinated was limited in its implementation in Japan in comparison with other “advanced” nations.

Moreover, the Japanese government refuses to fully implement the digitalization agenda demanded, thus denying multinational technology giants the control over Japan that they exercise elsewhere. This lag in Japan’s digitalization led the Wilson Center in Washington D.C. to invite Karen Makishima, minister of Japan’s Digital Agency (launched under pressure from global finance in September, 2021) so that she could explain why Japan has been so slow to digitalize (July 13).

Japanese are increasingly aware that their resistance to digitalization, to the wholescale outsourcing of the functions of government and university to multinational tech giants, and the privatization of information, is not in their interest.

Japan continues to operate Japanese-language institutions that follow old customs, including the use of written records. Japanese still read books and they are not so enamored with AI as Koreans and Chinese.

Japan’s resistance can be traced back to Meiji restoration of 1867. Japan set out to create governmental system wherein Western ideas were translated into Japanese, combined with Japanese concepts, to create a complex domestic discourse. The governance system set up in Meiji restoration remains in place to a large degree, using models for governance based on pre-modern principles from Japan and China’s past, and drawn from 19th century Prussia and England.

The result is feudalistic approach to governance wherein ministers oversee fiefdoms of bureaucrats who carefully guard their own budgets and who maintain their own internal chains of command.

The Problem with Abe

Shinzo Abe was one of the most sophisticated politicians of our age, always open to make a deal with the United States, or other global institutions, but always cagy when it came to making Japan the subject of globalist dictates.

Abe harbored the dream of restoring Japan to its status as an empire, and imagined himself to be the reincarnation of the Meiji Emperor.

Abe was different from Johnson or Macron in that he was not as interested in appearing on TV as he was in controlling the actual decision making process within Japan.

There is no need to glorify Abe’s reign, as some have tried to do. He was a corrupt insider who pushed for the dangerous privatization of government, the hollowing out of education, and who backed a massive shift of assets from the middle class to the wealthy.

His use of the ultra-right Nihon Kaigi forum to promote an ultranationalist agenda, and to glorify the most offensive aspects of Japan’s imperial past, was deeply disturbing. Abe gave his unflinching support for all military expenditures, no matter how foolish, and he was willing to support just about any American boondoggle.

That said, as the grandson of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, and the son of foreign minister Shintaro Abe, Shinzo Abe showed himself to be an astute politician from childhood. He was creative in his use of a wide range of political tools to advance his agenda, and he could call on corporate and government leaders from around the world with an ease that no other Asian politician could.

I remember vividly the impression I received from Abe on the two occasions that I met him in person. Whatever cynical politics he may have promoted, he radiated to his audience a purity and simplicity, what the Japanese call “sunao,” that was captivating. His manner suggested a receptiveness and openness that inspired loyalty among his followers and that could overwhelm those who were hostile to his policies.

In sum, Abe was sophisticated political figure who was capable of playing one side against the other within the Liberal Democratic Party, and within the international community, while appearing to be a considerate and benevolent leader.

For this reason, Japanese hostile to Abe’s ethnic nationalism were still willing to support him because he was the only politician they thought capable of restoring global political leadership to Japan.

Japanese diplomats and military officers fret endlessly about the Japan’s lack of vision. Although Japan has all the qualifications to be a great power, they reason, it is run by a series of unimpressive, University of Tokyo graduates; men who are good at taking tests, but are unwilling to take risks.

Japan produces none like Putin or Xi, and not even a Macron or a Johnson.

Abe wanted to be a leader and he had the connections, the talent, and the ruthlessness required to play that role on the global stage. He was already the longest serving prime minister in Japanese history, and had plans for a third bid as prime minister, when he was struck down.

Needless to say, the powers behind the World Economic Forum do not want national leaders like Abe, even if they conform with the global agenda, because they are capable of organizing resistance within the nation state.

What went wrong?

Abe was able to handle, using the traditional tools of statecraft, the impossible dilemma faced by Japan over the last decade as its economic ties with China and Russia increased, but its political and security integration with the United States, Israel and the NATO block proceeded apace.

It was impossible for Japan to be that close to the United States and its allies while maintaining friendly relations with Russia and China. Yet Abe almost succeeded.

Abe remained focused and cool. He made use of all his skills and connections as he set out to carve a unique space for Japan. Along the way, Abe turned to the sophisticated diplomacy of his strategic thinker Shotaro Yachi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assure that Japan found its place under the sun.

Abe and Yachi used contradictory, but effective, geopolitical strategies to engage both East and West, making ample use of secret diplomacy to seal long-term deals that put Japan back in the great powers game.

On the one hand, Abe presented to Obama and Trump a Japan that was willing to go further than South Korea, Australia or other India in backing Washington’s position. Abe was willing to suffer tremendous domestic criticism for his push for a remilitarization that fit the US plans for East Asia.

At the same time that he impressed Washington politicians with his gung-ho pro-American rhetoric, matched by the purchase of weapons systems, Abe also engaged China and Russia at the highest levels. That was no small feat, and involved sophisticated lobbying within the beltway, and in Beijing and Moscow.

In the case of Russia, Abe successfully negotiated a complex peace treaty with Russia in 2019 that would have normalized relations and solved the dispute concerning the Northern Territories (the Kuril Islands in Russian). He was able to secure energy contracts for Japanese firms and to find investment opportunities in Russia even as Washington ramped up the pressure on Tokyo for sanctions.

The journalist Tanaka Sakai notes that Abe was not banned from entering Russia after the Russian government banned all other representatives of the Japanese government from entry.

Abe also engaged China seriously, solidifying long-term institutional ties, and pursuing free trade agreement negotiations that reached a breakthrough in the fifteenth round of talks (April 9-12, 2019). Abe had ready access to leading Chinese politicians and he was considered by them to be reliable and predictable, even though his rhetoric was harshly anti-Chinese.

The critical event that likely triggered the process leading to Abe’s assassination was the NATO summit in Madrid (June 28-30).

The NATO summit was a moment when the hidden players behind the scenes laid down the law for the new global order. NATO is on a fast track to evolve beyond an alliance to defend Europe and to become an unaccountable military power, working with the Global Economic Forum, the billionaires and the bankers around the world, as a “world army,” functioning much as the British East India Company did in another era.

The decision to invite to the NATO summit the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand was a critical part of this NATO transformation.

These four nations were invited to join in an unprecedented level of integration in security, including intelligence sharing (outsourcing to big tech multinationals), the use of advanced weapons systems (that must be administrated by the personnel of multinationals like Lockheed Martin), joint exercises (that set a precedent for an oppressive decision-making process), and other “collaborative” approaches that undermine the chain of command within the nation state.

When Kishida returned to Tokyo on July first, there can be no doubt that one of his first meetings was with Abe. Kishida explained to Abe the impossible conditions that the Biden administration had demanded of Japan.

The White House, by the way, is now entirely the tool of globalists like Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) and others trained by the Bush clan.

The demands made of Japan were suicidal in nature. Japan was to increase economic sanctions on Russia, to prepare for possible war with Russia, and to prepare for a war with China. Japan’s military, intelligence and diplomatic functions were to be transferred to the emerging blob of private contractors gathering for the feast around NATO.

We do not know what Abe did during the week before his death. Most likely he launched into a sophisticated political play, using of all his assets in Washington D.C., Beijing, and Moscow—as well as in Jerusalem, Berlin, and London, to come up with a multi-tiered response that would give the world the impression that Japan was behind Biden all the way, while Japan sought out a détente with China and Russia through the back door.

The problem with this response was that since other nations had been shut down, such a sophisticated play by Japan made it the only major nation with a semi-functional executive branch.

Abe’s death parallels closely that of Seoul’s mayor Park Won Sun, who went missing on July 9th, 2020, exactly two years before Abe’s assassination. Park took steps in Seoul City Hall to push back on the COVID-19 social distancing policies that were being imposed by the central government. His body was found the next day and the death was immediately ruled a suicide resulting from his distress over charges of sexual harassment by a colleague.

What to do now?

The danger of the current situation should not be underestimated.

If an increasing number of Japanese come to perceive, as the journalist Tanaka Sakai suggests…

…that the United States destroyed their best hope for leadership.

…And that the globalists want Japan to make do with an unending series of weak-minded prime ministers who are dependent on Washington.

As well as other hidden players of the parasite class.

This is serious, and such a development could bring about a complete break between Japan and the United States, leading to a political or military conflict.

It is telling that Michael Green, the top Japan hand in Washington D.C., did not write the initial tribute to Abe that was published on the homepage of CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), his home institute.

Green, veteran of the Bush National Security Council and Henry A. Kissinger Chair of the Asia Program at CSIS, is the author of Line of Advantage: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzo. Green was a close associate of Abe, perhaps the closest of any American.  

The tribute to Abe was drafted by Christopher Johnstone (the Japan chair at CSIS and former CIA officer). The weird choice suggests that the assassination is so sensitive that Green instinctively wished to avoid writing the initial response, leaving it to a professional operative.

For responsible intellectuals and citizens in Washington, Tokyo, or elsewhere, there is only one viable response to this murky assassination: a demand for an international scientific investigation.

Painful as that process might be, it will force us to face the reality of how our governments have been taken over by invisible powers.

If we fail to identify the true players behind the scenes, however, we may be led into a conflict in which the blame is projected onto heads of state and countries are forced into conflicts so as to hide the crimes of global finance.

The loss of control of the Japanese government over the military the last time can be attributed in part to the assassinations of prime minister Inukai Tsuyoshi on May 15, 1932 and of prime minister Saito Makoto on February 26, 1936.

But for the international community, the more relevant case is how the manipulations of an integrated global economy by the Rothschild, Warburg, and other banking interests created an environment wherein the tensions produced by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914 were funneled towards world war.

Hong Kong students must learn China security law to graduate


HONG KONG (BLOOMBERG) – Students at Hong Kong’s most prestigious university will be required to take a course on Beijing’s national security law in order to graduate, the latest sign of China’s growing influence on the city.

The online course, titled “Introduction to the Constitution, the Basic Law and the National Security Law,” will become a graduation requirement at the University of Hong Kong from the coming school year, according to a spokesperson for the school.

“This course will be conducted in a self-directed learning approach. Students can take the course in any semester throughout their period of study,” the university said in an emailed statement to Bloomberg.

The new course offers no credit but signals an effort to explain the controversial law – and the consequences for running afoul of it – to a demographic that was at the forefront of the 2019 street protests that prompted the legislation.

The law, which criminalises subversion, secession, colluding with foreign forces and terrorist activities, purged the political opposition and led to the closure of the city’s biggest pro-democracy media outlets.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University will also be offering national security classes, Ming Pao reported.

The newspaper said schools can plan their own courses.

Soylent Gates


Hong Kong wants foreign English-language teachers to take oath of allegiance


HONG KONG (AFP) – Foreign English-language teachers working in Hong Kong government schools will need to swear allegiance to the city, officials told AFP on Saturday (June 11), as fears grow about the territory’s ability to retain educators in the face of increasing restrictions.

Hong Kong’s Education Bureau said that native-speaking English teachers (NETs) and advisers working in government-run schools must sign a declaration by June 21 in order to continue working in the coming school year.

Since 2020, Hong Kong has applied oath-taking requirements to an increasing number of jobs, mainly those in the public sector, as a way to fulfil Chinese government demands of loyalty.

NETs must declare they will bear allegiance to Hong Kong and uphold the Basic Law – the city’s constitutional text – as well as be responsible to the government.

“Neglect, refusal or failure” to sign the declaration will lead to contract termination, the authorities said.

The new declaration will “further safeguard and promote the core values that should be upheld by all government employees” and ensure effective governance, a government spokesman said.

NETs are normally hired on renewable two-year contracts, with monthly salaries that begin at around HK$32,000 (S$5,660) and can go as high as HK$74,000.

Phishing Attacks On WordPress Site Owners Disguised As Copyright Infringement Warnings

Last year, we discussed how malicious actors on the internet were using fake copyright infringement notices in order to get people to click links that downloaded malware onto their machines. While there have long been these sorts of malware scams, what was notable about this one was that copyright culture and the fear of infringement had made this sort of thing viable. Putting the notices of a copyright troll and someone looking to infect machines with malware side by side, they’re basically the same thing in terms of tactic: scare the shit out of people over copyright infringement to get them to hastily do something they wouldn’t otherwise do. In some cases, that’s pay a settlement fee regardless of guilt. In other cases, click a link and get infected with malware.

Phishing Attacks On WordPress Site Owners Disguised As Copyright Infringement Warnings

Chinese general warned, PLA will take action should Nancy pelosi dare to visit Taiwan

This is a SERIOUS violation of the “one China policy” and will result in dangerous and lethal military action. China does not bluff. There are those saying that ships will be sunk, but rather I think economic discord will be the result rather than raw military action.

Video HERE.

An interesting coincidence…

It’s just a coincidence.

The system is hacked: Leonkov explained why the US will no longer supply Ukraine with HIMARS MLRS


The Russian military delivered an unpleasant surprise to the Americans by quickly hacking into the simple system of using HIMARS and learning how to crack them like nuts.

The four American installations destroyed in Ukraine are just the beginning. It was a kind of test pen for a secret system of counter-battery combat, which Russia has not yet used in the zone of the special operation. New challenges required new means and the allied forces were promptly equipped with some products that no one in the world knows about yet.

The news, unpleasant for the American military-industrial complex and the Ukrainian military, was reported in the studio of Vladimir Solovyov by military expert Alexei Leonkov, ironically noting that perhaps that is why Washington refused to supply modernized and more long-range MLRS, not so long ago promised to Ukraine. HIMARS has already received powerful anti-advertising lately – at first it turned out that Russian air defense systems are doing an excellent job of intercepting, and then the news came about the destruction of four installations at once. Now it is simply pointless to drive them to Ukraine – it is better to sell your useless iron to someone than immediately write it off for scrap, throwing it against much more advanced weapons.

“I once said that we have learned to recognize not only air targets, but also the places where these vaunted HIMARS take off. 

Their maximum range is 85 kilometers. 

Our counter-battery systems did not work at such a distance, so the Americans at first took advantage of this advantage, and even wandered constantly - quickly moving from place to place between launches. 

Everyone has already fired. 

The American system has been hacked. 

And our secret development will be deployed in all directions. 

It's a good system, I still can't name it, but it works. 

We now work at much greater distances and instantly fix the launch site. 

For the Americans, this was a very unpleasant surprise. 

They will no longer supply their over-praised “wonder weapon” to Ukraine, ”the expert expressed confidence.

Leonkov also noted that the United Kingdom and the United States have recently become confused in the information coverage of what is happening in Ukraine. British propagandists continue to announce the defeat of Russia, arguing that material exhaustion in the troops is already affecting.

The Americans are looking at things more sensibly and are warning their Ukrainian puppets that Russia is preparing a massive offensive. But they don’t know in which direction, since powerful strike groups are concentrated on several at once. US military analysts are seriously afraid of a simultaneous attack in different regions and state that the weakened Ukrainian army will not hold back such a strike.

Formerly Ukrainian politician Dmitry Vasyletstold how Russia responds harshly to the strike by UAF drones on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

Bots are pushing the need for a Vaxx narrative…

Busy Bots.

NYC Emergency Management Now Telling New Yorkers to Have a “Go Bag” and Be Ready to EVACUATE


Just two weeks after releasing a Public Service Announcement telling New Yorkers what to do if a nuclear bomb hits the city, that same agency is now telling New Yorkers to pack a “Go Bag” and be ready to EVACUATE New York City.

According to the official government web site for New York City Emergency Management, New Yorkers should:

Go Bag

Everyone in your household should have a Go Bag — a collection of things you would want if you have to leave in a hurry. Your Go Bag should be sturdy and easy to carry, like a backpack or a small suitcase on wheels. You’ll need to customize your Go Bag for your personal needs, but some of the important things you need in your Go Bag include:

  • Bottled water and nonperishable food, such as granola bars
  • Copies of your important documents in a waterproof container (e.g., insurance cards, Medicare/Medicaid cards, photo IDs, proof of address, marriage and birth certificates, copies of credit and ATM cards)
  • Flashlight, hand-crank or battery-operated AM/FM radio, and extra batteries
  • List of the medications you take, why you take them, and their dosages
  • Contact information for your household and members of your support network
  • Cash, in small bills
  • Notepad and pen
  • Back-up medical equipment (e.g., glasses, batteries) and chargers
  • Aerosol tire repair kits and/or tire inflator to repair flat wheelchair or scooter tires Doctors’ names and phone numbers
  • First-aid kit
  • Toiletries
  • Child care, pet care, and other special items
  • Supplies for your service animal or pet (e.g., food, extra water, bowl, leash, cleaning items, vaccination records, and medications)
  • Portable cell phone chargers

If you have children, pack child care supplies as well as games and small toys.

If you’re older or have any special medical needs, consider including these items:

  • Instructions and extra batteries for any devices you use
  • Aerosol tire repair kits and/or tire inflator to repair flat wheelchair or scooter tires
  • Back-up medical equipment
  • Items to comfort you in a stressful situation

If you have a pet or service animal, you need to pack a Go Bag for them:

  • A current color photograph of you and your pet/service animal together (in case you are separated)
  • Copies of medical records that indicate dates of vaccinations and a list of medications your pet/service animal takes and why he or she takes them
  • Proof of identification and ownership, including copies of registration information, adoption papers, proof of purchase, and microchip information
  • Physical description of your pet/service animal, including species, breed, age, sex, color, distinguishing traits, and any other vital information about characteristics and behavior
  • Animal first aid kit, including flea and tick treatment and other items recommended by your veterinarian
  • Food and water for at least three days
  • Food and water dishes
  • Collapsible cage or carrier
  • Muzzle* and sturdy leash (*Note: Nylon muzzles should only be used temporarily as they can restrict a dog’s ability to pant)
  • Cotton sheet to place over the carrier to help keep your pet/service animal calm
  • Comforting toys or treats
  • Litter, litter pan, and litter scoop
  • Plastic bags for clean-up

Include items that can help protect you and others from COVID-19, including hand sanitizer, and face coverings for each person.* (*Face coverings should not be used by children under the age of 2. They also should not be used by people having trouble breathing, or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without assistance. Learn more from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))

Avoid panic buying. Buy supplies slowly to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to buy what they need. Report overcharging and price gouging to the City

If that isn’t blunt enough, Emergency Management then goes on to tell New Yorkers about EVACUATING


Evacuation should be addressed as part of everyone’s planning efforts. City officials will tell you when to evacuate through the media and direct warnings. Evacuation is used as a last resort when a serious threat to public safety exists. If you must evacuate, your first plan should always be to stay with friends or family.* In a planned evacuation, such as for a coastal storm, the City will advise residents of which areas are impacted and provide guidance on how the evacuation will proceed. In the case of coastal storms, designated routes have been identified throughout the city to effectively get people from low-lying hazard areas safely to higher ground. To find out whether you live or work in a hurricane evacuation zone, use the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder, the City’s evacuation mapping tool.

  • *Ask friends or relatives outside your area if you are able to stay with them. Check and see if they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have people in their home at higher risk for serious illness. If they have symptoms or people at higher risk in their home, make other arrangements.

In an unplanned evacuation, such as for a hazardous material spill, officials will advise affected residents to leave the immediate area until the danger can be removed. Always have your Go Bag prepared and easily accessible in case of any evacuation. You may not have time to assemble your belongings, and you may not be allowed back until the danger has passed.

Evacuate immediately when you:

  • Are directed to do so by an emergency official.
  • Are in immediate danger.

Be Prepared to Evacuate

  • Determine whether you live in a hurricane evacuation zone by accessing the Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder, or contact 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).
  • Know evacuation plans for all the places you and your household members spend time. Often buildings have floor marshals who are responsible for evacuation plans.
  • Make alternate transportation plans; the means of transportation you usually use may not be available.
  • Practice plans through regular drills. People who practice escape drills can evacuation with greater ease than those who are unfamiliar with the procedures.
  • If you have pets, consider what you would do if you cannot return home to them. Pet owners should read Ready New York: My Pet’s Emergency Plan for more information.
  • Residents of high-rise apartment buildings and basement apartments may face special risks and should be prepared to evacuate if needed. (Basements are vulnerable to flooding.)

What to Do When You Evacuate

  • If there is time, secure your home: close and lock windows and doors, and unplug appliances before you leave. Authorities will instruct you if it is necessary to turn off utilities.
  • Wear sturdy shoes and comfortable, protective clothing, such as long pants and long-sleeved shirts.
  • Bring your Go Bag with you.
  • Do NOT use an elevator during a fire or other emergency unless directed to do so by emergency personnel. If power goes out or is shut off, you may become trapped.
  • Remember, evacuation routes change based on the emergency so stay tuned to the local news, access, or contact 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115) for the latest information.
  • Go to the nearest safe place or shelter as soon as instructed.
  • If you must go to an evacuation center or shelter, remember to follow the latest guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for protecting yourself and family from COVID-19.

Disaster Sheltering

If you are directed to evacuate, make arrangements to stay with friends or family outside the affected area whenever possible. For evacuees who have no alternative shelter, the City will open shelters throughout the five boroughs. Disaster shelters may be set up in school, municipal buildings, and places of worship. They provide basic food and water. If possible, bring clothing, bedding, bathing and sanitary supplies, medications, and your Go Bag to shelters. Bring a face covering for each member of your household to the shelter. Maintain at least 6 feet of space between you and people who aren’t in your immediate family.


For anyone so dense that they cannot see the writing on the wall, New York City is preparing their citizens to be hit by a nuclear bomb and be forced to Evacuate.

And lest you think this is hyperbole, or exaggeration, the notion that New York City isn’t going to exist much longer seems to have struck a chord at the United Nations.

Interior space is now up for sale inside the UN Headquarters . . . .

Seems like a couple countries . . .  are leaving!

In America…


Spetsnaz Commander: “NATO is the army of the Anti-Christ; Russia is the army of Jesus”


A Chechen commander of Spetsnaz was on Russian television last night and he laid things out quite bluntly: NATO is the army of the anti-Christ; Russia and its allies are the army of Jesus.

It is quite interesting historically, to see Russia has returned to its Christian roots.  It is building thousands of churches and its society is prospering no matter what plots are formed against it, while the west has become a blood-soaked, authoritarian, empire.

Here is the Spetsnaz commander from Russian TV last night:


Tucker Carlson: This is bizarre

The United States justice system has collapsed.

Marilyn vos Savant

Marilyn vos Savant has the highest IQ ever recorded at 228.

She worked in her family’s general store, attended community college, then two years of state college before returning to work for her family.

She’s a kind, down-to-earth person, whose extraordinary intellect has done a lot of good in the world.

A passionate writer, Marilyn has written books on the power of logical thinking to clarify problems and make life better.

When news of her astonishing intellect got around, folks started writing her for advice.

Her surprising answers revitalized ossified areas of mathematics and logic, and generated interest in the power of logical thought.

Some famous exchanges:

  1. The Monty Hall Paradox
    Dear Marilyn,
    Suppose you’re on a game show and you’re given a choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car, behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say number 1, and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say number 3, which has a goat. He says to you, “Do you want to pick door number 2?” Is it to your advantage to switch doors?
    Craig F. Whitaker, Columbia Maryland
    Dear Craig,
    Yes, you should switch. The first door has a 1/3 chance of winning, but the second door has a 2/3 chance. Here’s a good way to visualize what happened: Suppose there’s a million doors, and you picked door number 1. Then the host, who knows what’s behind the door and will always avoid the one with the prize, opens them all except door number 777,777. You’d switch to that door pretty fast, wouldn’t you?
    Marilyn vos Savant
    For this answer, Marilyn received more than 10,000 letters from outraged mathematicians at prestigious universities and research centers, accusing her of contributing to American innumeracy by refusing to understand basic math. 
    Whether you change your choice or not, they said, the odds are exactly the same.
    It took a team of MIT mathematicians and multiple computer simulations to show the doubting experts she was right.
    2. The gross inaccuracy of “accurate” tests
    Dear Marilyn,
    A particularly interesting and important question today is testing for drugs. Suppose 5% of the general population uses drugs. You employ a test that is 95% accurate. A person is selected at random and given the test. It’s positive. What does such a result suggest?
    Charles Feinstein, PhD
    Dear Charles,
    Given your conditions, once a person has tested positive, you may as well flip a coin to determine whether s/he’s a drug user. The chances are only fifty-fifty. …
    Marilyn vos Savant
    She again received a storm of outraged letters, this time from statisticians. She explained her reasoning: 
    Suppose the general population consists of 10,000 people and 95% of them (9,500) are nonusers and 5% of them (500) are users. Of the 9,500 nonusers, 95% of them (9,025) will test negative, as the test is 95% accurate. This means 5% of them (475) will test positive.
    Of the 500 users, 95% of them (475) will test positive. So there are 475 false positives and 475 true positives. 
    When we find an individual in the positive group, there’s a fifty-fifty chance that s/he’s a drug user. 
    It again took teams of experts in the testing field and the CDC to corroborate her conclusion. 
    This is why randomly testing the general population for anything results in a very high percentage of false positives.

Some folks are saying her answers are a trivially easy application of Bayesian reasoning, and they learned these answers in the 7th grade.

Vos Savant was born in 1942; these exchanges are why your 7th grade teacher reviewed these problems, and everything looks easy in retrospect.

The MIT mathematicians who agreed with Vos Savant said they initially disagreed strongly and needed a week to sort it out.

The world-famous mathematician Paul Erdos also vehemently disagreed and had to retract.

The inaccuracy of random testing was known, but not widely. Top experts, including some working at the CDC, had to write in and corroborate.

For further information, see Vos Savant’s books, or the mathematician Martin Gardner’s extensive commentary on her answers.


If you build it they will come…


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The movie that we are living in is now reaching the climax scene

My understanding of the latest Xi policy to talk to foreign leaders; he bluntly asks the them : "Do you regard China as friend or enemy?"

If not friend, than there is nothing to talk about.

I’m still in the middle of a move. Please mind the conditions that I am producing under. I hope that you enjoy this daily update.

Mamoudou Gassama

His name is Mamoudou Gassama

His name is Mamoudou Gassama

He saw a baby dangling off a ledge and climbed four floors of the apartment like Usain Bolt would run a 100-meter race.


He was an illegal immigrant from Mali, but after this incident he was made a French citizen and had many job offers.

He became famous, the video of his heroic act was rapidly shared on the internet, and he made news headlines. Everyone talked about him.

He was hosted by presidents:

  • Mamoudou with the president of France, Emmanuel Macron:

In his new job in the fire service:


In the twinkling of an eye, Mamoudou Gassama’s life was turned around. All for being a Rufus.

What he did was selfless. I thought, “What if he had fallen and died while trying to save another person?”

I am happy he was greatly rewarded for his kind act.

Truly, fortune favors the bold.

Fleet of nuclear submarines will be sent by Britain to Australia as a warning to China

  • Britain is to send a fleet of nuclear submarines to Australia port of Perth 
  • Deployment is seen as a warning to China in the Asia-Pacific region 
  • Move is part of AUKUS (Australia, UK and United States) security alliance

Britain is to send a fleet of nuclear submarines to the Pacific in a decisive move to thwart Chinese aggression in the region.

The dramatic decision could see UK subs based in Australia until 2040, operating within striking distance of China.

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the head of the Armed Forces, will agree the arrangement at a naval conference in Sydney next week. Assigning submarines to patrol the South China Sea will be Britain’s most assertive move yet against Beijing.

According to reports in Australia, Royal Navy submarines would be based at Perth on the country’s western coast and Australian submariners would be incorporated into British crews to improve their skills.

Basing the Royal Navy boats thousands of miles from UK shores is part of the AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom and United States) security alliance.

AUKUS was set up last year primarily to confront Chinese military expansionism in the Indo-Pacific. Australia has become embroiled in a trade war and diplomatic stand-off with China. The deepening of defence ties with the UK is likely to cause further outrage with the Communist regime, which is vehemently opposed to AUKUS.

The Royal Navy declined to say last night how many of its submarines could be relocated to Australia, as all operational details surrounding Britain’s sub-surface fleet are classified.

The ‘Pacific tilt’ was signalled last year as part of the MoD’s Integrated Review.

The review set the target for the UK to become ‘the European partner with the broadest and most integrated presence in the Indo-Pacific’.

But given that China possesses the world’s biggest navy, some questioned the merits of such a deployment, arguing Britain’s boats would be massively outnumbered and outgunned.

Last night the MoD said: ‘It is UK policy that we do not comment on matters relating to submarine activity or operations.’

A brilliant solution!

“According to a news report, a certain private school in Washington recently was faced with a unique problem. 

A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. 

That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night, the maintenance man would remove them and the next day, the girls would put them back. 

Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. 

She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. 

To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. 

He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. 

Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror. There are teachers, and then there are educators...”

The Washington Post believes that the USD is here to stay!


China and Russia announced a joint pledge to push back against dollar hegemony

Last month, the United States broadened financial sanctions against China while simultaneously promising to prolong Ukraine sanctions on Russia and impose further ones for election interference, the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the SolarWinds hack. In a rare joint statement in late March, China and Russia doubled down on earlier pledges to upend the global reliance on the U.S. dollar, and the long-standing global financial system that enables the U.S. to strong-arm them.

Will the Sino-Russian strategy succeed? My research suggests “dollar hegemony” is stable for many reasons, primarily due to the United States’ financial centrality and ability to secure investments. The measures announced so far, such as de-dollarization, renminbi digitalization, and alternative financial settlement and messaging systems, are unlikely to kick the dollar to the curb…

Which "secure investments" is WP talking about? We have just watched the USA completely seize all of the assets and wealth of Russia. How is this "secure"?

Additionally, we have watched for decades as wealth has been squandered, and the American people, and those in the West live destitute lives... 

Now, there is a one trillion dollar MILITARY budget while Americans fight against dangerous levels of inflation during a recession. How is the USD secure? How are American banks secure? Are they backed with gold? Silver? Heck... copper? No. They are not.

So what the fuck makes them "secure"?

What are they smoking?


Noela Rukundo

Noela Rukundo.

In 2015, the Australian Noela Rukundo (who’s the lady in the photo) went to Burundi to attend the funeral of her stepmother who passed away only a couple of weeks back.

Straight after the funeral when she was going out to get some fresh air, she was quite suddenly kidnapped at gunpoint and shoved into a vehicle. She was blindfolded and driven to a safe house somewhere in the country.

Inside the building she was tied up, and a sack put on her head and was asked by her captors:

“You woman, what did you do for this man to pay us to kill you?”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” said Noela, she was shaking uncontrollably.

“Balenga (Noela husband) sent us to kill you.”

“What? My husband will never do that, y-you’re lying!”

Her captors smirked and giggled. She then heard a phone dialling and a voice coming from a loud speaker:

“Kill her”

It was her husband. Noela fainted.

She was woken up much much later by her captors on the side of a road and they told her she was free. The men explained they didn’t believe in killing women, and they knew her brother and was friends with him. But they would keep her husband’s money and tell him that she was dead.

Not only was she freed, she was given a phone, recordings of the captors’ phone conversations with her husband and all the evidence she needed to take Balenga to court.

Although pretty messed up and a little dizzy, with the help of the Kenyan and Belgian embassies, she got a trip to Australia, where she planned her revenge.

Meanwhile back in Australia her husband had told everyone she had died in a tragic accident and all her friends mourned her at her funeral at the family home. On the night of February 22 2015, just as the Balenga waved goodbye to the last of his neighbours who had come to comfort him, Noela approached him.

“Is it my eyes?” screeched Balenga. “Is it a ghost?”

“Surprise! I’m still alive!” said a very angry Noela.

“ oh my god oh my god, I’m sorry for everything please forgive me” replied a rather shocked Balenga.

But Noela took none of his apologies. The police swooped in and captured Balenga, who ultimately pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nine years in prison for incitement to murder.

During the investigations, it was found out that Balenga wanted to kill Noela because he thought she was going to leave him for another man, which apparently was not going to happen.

Balenga was sent to 9 years of prison while Noela lives with her 8 children somewhere in Melbourne, Australia.

US Navy aircraft carrier USS Reagan enters South China Sea

Getting ready for the Nancy Poliski visit, eh? -MM


The ship was accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh and the guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey in a ‘routine mission’.

A US aircraft carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan has entered the South China Sea as part of a routine mission, the US Navy said, at a time of rising tensions between Washington and Beijing, which claims most of the disputed waterway.

The carrier is being accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh and the guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey, the US Navy said on Tuesday.

China frequently objects to US military missions in the South China Sea, saying they do not help promote peace or stability, and the latest mission comes after China condemned the Group of Seven (G7) nations for a statement criticising Beijing over a range of issues.

“While in the South China Sea, the strike group is conducting maritime security operations, which include flight operations with fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, maritime strike exercises, and coordinated tactical training between surface and air units,” the US Navy said.

“Carrier operations in the South China Sea are part of the US Navy’s routine presence in the Indo-Pacific.”

China has ramped up its military presence in the South China Sea in recent years, including building artificial islands and air bases, where it has installed missile systems and other equipment.

The South China Sea has become one of many flashpoints in the testy relationship between China and the US, with Washington rejecting what it calls unlawful territorial claims by Beijing in the resource-rich waters, which are also claimed by Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia.

In a show of force against the Chinese claims, US warships have passed through the South China Sea with increasing frequency in recent years, invoking “freedom of navigation” rights.

Lufthansa Cancels 1000+ Flights as Ground Crews Walk-Out

Changes in Germany. -MM

Deutsche Lufthansa AG will cancel almost ALL (over 1,000) of its flights from the main hubs of Frankfurt and Munich Germany because of a strike by Ground Crews.

Labour union Verdi had called for the walkout, which is due to run until 6 a.m. (0400 GMT) on Thursday, over its demand for a 9.5 per cent pay hike for around 20,000 workers and warned that more industrial action could be on the cards.

The strike has caused Lufthansa to cancel nearly all flights at its Frankfurt and Munich hubs for Wednesday.

Strikes and staff shortages have already forced airlines including Lufthansa to cancel thousands of flights and caused hours-long queues at major airports, frustrating holidaymakers keen to travel after COVID-19 lockdowns.

Lufthansa said on Wednesday it was “a sad day” for holidaymakers who were unable to catch their flights due to the strike, adding that the walkout was unnecessary and out of proportion.

A really bad feeling…

Interesting tale. Not by MM.

When I was younger, my boyfriend & I were eating at Bob’s Big Boy. Suddenly, he said that we had to leave because we’d be late to where we were going.

A little later, while driving away, I noticed that the little pinky ring with a dangling heart on it that he’d given me was missing from my finger. I freaked out, and begged him to drive back to the restaurant to look for it. He told me that he just couldn’t due to us being late.

I had noticed that when we were leaving the restaurant, there were 2 men in the parking lot walking towards the door that looked scary, but, at that moment, I really didn’t think more about it.

Soon after, every single news channel had the most disturbing story on…


Those 2 scary men I’d seen walking in to the restaurant had gathered all the employees & customers at gunpoint, made them go into the walk-in freezer then shot & killed them.

If we had stayed longer or gone back, we’d be dead too..

STUNNING! Massive Escalation of Ukraine War

Getting ready for the big stuff. -MM


Today an elected official from Donetsk, announced the latest plan for Ukraine and it marks the single most stunning change since Russia began its Special Military Operation (SMO).

Denis Pushilin is a politician from the Donetsk region who has served as Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) since 2018.

He had previously served as Chairman of the People’s Council, and became the acting Head of State following the assassination of incumbent Alexander Zakharchenko amidst the conflict in the east Ukraine region. He successfully ran for election to a full term in the 2018 elections.

That being said, when Pushilin speaks, he speaks with authority; he’s “in-the-loop” as it was his administration that asked for — and got — protection from Russia through the ongoing SMO.

This morning, Pushilin made the following announcement:

“Today it’s time to liberate again Russian cities founded by Russian people: Kiev, Chernihiv, Poltava, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Lutsk”

This announcement is likely the single most dramatic change since the Russian Army crossed into Ukraine back on February 24. The escalation of warfare necessary to accomplish this, now seems to fully explain why so many more trainloads of Russia troops and armor poured into the theater of war all last week, nearly TRIPLING the amount of Russian firepower available (but not yet deployed) inside Ukraine.

The war is about to escalate in ways no one thought possible.

Guess Who Bought-Up Ukraine Farmland Since 2014 Coup?

For those of us who have been scratching our heads as to why the US and EU are so bent on “helping” Ukraine, I found something out today:

Since the 2014 Coup which overthrew Democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovich, and put a puppet regime, favorable to the west, in his place . . . .

three giant corporations — Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto — bought seventeen million hectares of Ukraine agricultural land.   That’s sixty percent (60%) of the total agricultural land in Ukraine!

Thought you’d be interested in that.

Hundreds of Chechen Soldiers; Uniform Patches say “To Kiev”

Obvious or psyops? -MM



Hundreds of new Chechen soldiers are boarding aircraft from Chechnya, wearing black police-style uniforms with large patches on the shirt back saying “To Kiev.”

It appears Russian strategy and tactics are escalating severely against Ukraine . . . exactly as has been reported on the Hal Turner Radio Show for days.


Video is now available showing the troops:


Australian anti-drone jamming technology has been helping the Ukraine Nazi’s fight Russia

Australians in unified brotherhood with Nazi's. Who would have thought? -MM


Australian-built drone jamming guns are helping protect Ukrainian
military units from Russian attacks.  Sydney-based technology company DroneShield told it had been supplying Ukraine with its equipment as part of a military aid contract.

The company was founded seven years ago with the aim of producing technology to counter civilian drones adapted for military uses.DroneShield chief executive Oleg Vornik said the use of drones by Ukraine and Russia in the war had propelled the unmanned aerial vehicles into the media spotlight. 

"Small drones were used against Saudi Arabia, in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and the Syrian conflict," he said. "But drones largely stayed off the front pages in those conflicts until the Ukrainian conflict came along and drones were front and centre."

Since the Ukraine war started on February 24, drones have been used by both sides to pinpoint enemy positions, guide artillery strikes, track troop movements and jam opposing forces' communications. 

Vornik said his company's Drone Gun and hand-held radio-sized units have proven effective in Ukraine because many Russian drones used Western componentry. "Even Russian military-grade drones use commercial parts ... our gear is quite effective in detecting and defeating those drones," he said.

China has been shipping 7nm chips for over a year now

But, "experts" have been telling us that China is at least two decades behind in this technology. Don't you know. -MM


SMIC has been shipping a 7nm chip for a year, says TechInsights which has reverse engineered the device and says “initial images suggest it is a close copy of TSMC 7nm process technology.”

Although it is a couple of nodes behind Samsung and TSMC, it is seen as an impressive achievement by SMIC because it is confined to using DUV lithography tools.

Although Samsung and TSMC made 7nm ICs using DUV in 2018-9, it involved using quadruple patterning.

TechInsights does not see the SMIC 7nm process as a true 7nm process but says it shows they’re getting there.

“This low-volume production product may be the steppingstone for a true 7nm process that incorporates scaled logic and memory bitcells,” says TechInsights, “since bitcoin miners have limited RAM requirements, they likely do not feature the typical bitcell memory that the true 7nm technology definition requires (both scaled logic and bitcell adoption). This chipset likely demonstrates the logic part but not the bitcell aspect." 

-SMIC said it had taped out a 7nm Innosilicon IC in 2020.

The chip TechInsights looked at was made for a Bitcoin mining company called Minerva.

China’s leading IC testing company Leadyo completes world’s first 3nm chip test

What was that about 7nm? Two decades, eh? Now China is readying for 3nm. You just can't make this stuff up. The neocons in Washington DC are either shitting in their pants, are living in a cocaine haze. -MM


By Li Panpan

China’s leading IC testing company Leadyo(利扬芯片) said it completed the test and development of the world’s first 3nm chip.

The company based in Dongguan of southern China’s Guangdong Province shared this information in its investor relationship management platform of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 7.

They say that with rich experiences in testing 8nm and 5nm chip products, it would advance mass test of 3nm chips in an orderly manner.

Leadyo was founded in February 2010 and listed in the STR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2020. It has tested 44 categories of 12-inch and 8-inch chip products of various process technology.

It has increased investment in testing and R&D of high-end chips, especially the computing power chip testing technology, with a complete set of testing solutions for the discrete problems of advanced manufacturing processes.

Its testing solutions are widely used in chips for 5G communications, computers, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, biometrics, MCU, AIoT, and industrial control.

South Korea reluctant to join US-led chip alliance

"Join us begs the United States. Don't have anything to do with China. We have lots and lots of money to give you" -MM


South Korea on Wednesday said it would not take any decision in a hurry to join the proposed US-led chip alliance, local media said.

The country’s Science and ICT Minister Lee Jong-ho said Seoul should be cautious about joining the chip alliance proposed by the US to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, Yonhap News Agency reported.

His remarks came after the US reportedly asked Seoul to decide by the end of August whether it is joining them or not.

Apparently, South Korea is avoiding going into conflict with China as the US also involved Taiwan in its proposed chip alliance.

“I believe we need to be cautious in deciding on the chip alliance matter,” the agency quoted Lee as telling reporters in Seoul.

“If a problem arises (from the decision), it could affect not only the semiconductor industry but also affect other industries,” Lee said, adding he sought suggestions from people who do business with China.

China currently supplies raw materials to the South Korean chip industry.

However, on Tuesday, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the proposed alliance would help build more stable supply chains and reduce dependence on China, according to the agency.

The US proposed the alliance in March to chip manufacturing powerhouses in the Asia-Pacific region – South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan – to strengthen cooperation throughout the chip-making production chain.

Graft Investigators Target Regulatory Official Linked to Henan Bank Scandal


Oh, and about those "banking riots" that is supposed to undermine, and topple Xi Peng...-MM

What’s new: An official once responsible for overseeing village banks in Central China’s Henan province has been placed under investigation by anti-graft agencies in the wake of a multibillion-dollar banking scandal.

Li Huanting

Li Huanting, an inspector at the provincial branch of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC), is suspected of serious violations of law and Communist Party discipline, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said in a statement Sunday, without offering further details. Such announcements typically allude to corruption.

Li, who is around 60, joined the Henan branch of the now–defunct China Banking Regulatory Commission in 2003. From January 2012 to October 2018, Li led the branch’s division that was in charge of supervising village banks, according to the CCDI.

Two of the four local village banks being investigated for freezing tens of billions of yuan in customer savings since April were set up during Li’s tenure.

The background: The four Henan lenders, along with another two in neighboring Anhui province, have been subject to scrutiny since customers complained in mid-April that they couldn’t make withdrawals online. The scandal triggered protests in June that turned violent.

Police in Henan have arrested at least two batches of suspects in the scandal, according to their statements since June. Authorities have been looking into the links between the banks and Henan Xincaifu Group Investment Holding Co. Ltd., a private company that colluded with bank executives and used online platforms to illegally take public deposits.

Plans have been announced by the CBIRC’s Henan office and the provincial government-run financial regulatory bureau this month to repay depositors in stages.

Trolling? Or Truth? Medvedev Shows “New map of Ukraine”


Ukraine is more likely to be reduced to Kiev and its surroundings than to ever re-encompass Crimea and the Donbass republics, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on his Telegram channel on Wednesday.  Is he just Trolling, or is this the simple truth?

The one-time president and long-time prime minister who now heads the national security council also posted two maps helpfully illustrating his argument.

The first map showed Ukraine in borders prior to the US-backed coup in 2014, including Crimea and the two eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. A month after the militants backed by Washington seized power in Kiev, Crimea voted to rejoin Russia, while the two Donbass regions declared independence.

Ukraine before the US backed-coup and installation of a puppet regime by President Obama.

“In the mind of the president of Ukraine, damaged by psychotropic substances, this is what the map of his country’s bright future will look like,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram.

Ukraine after the collapse of the USA installed puppet regime.

On it, “Ukraine” is reduced to Kiev and its surroundings. Seven regions in the West have been annexed by Poland, and three in the southwest by Hungary and Romania, respectively.

Everything else is marked “Russia.”

He did not specify which Western experts may have envisioned such a partition.

The Ukrainian government has repeatedly rejected any possibility of territorial concessions, insisting that Kiev’s objectives were a “capitulation” of Russia and “reintegration” of Donbass and Crimea.

 Medvedev served as president of Russia between 2008 and 2012, and then as prime minister until 2020, when he was put in charge of the national security council. Over the course of the conflict in Ukraine, he has made a name for himself with colorful Telegram posts. Just this month, he warned Kiev of “Judgment Day” if they attacked Crimea and offered a list of “Russian sins,” followed up by those of the West.

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

The Sampoong Shopping Centre Collapse.

During South Korea’s economic boom in the 1980s, Sampoong was erected in Seoul. Originally planned to be an apartment complex, a new boss by the name of Lee Joon decided midway that he wanted it to become a shopping centre instead. This required changes to the plans, most notably the removal of several support columns so that escalators could be installed.


Due to serious constructional concerns, the construction company refused to carry out these changes, leading Lee to fire them and bringing in his own builders.

His further demands meant there were other issues with the completed building too; there was no steel skeleton or crossbeams, which meant that load couldn’t be transferred across floors. He also ordered the floor columns to be reduced to below the safe thickness, to maximise floor space, and had them spread further out—increasing the load on each—for the same reason. Three air conditioning units weighing fifteen tonnes each were installed on the roof, exceeding the load capacity by four times.

Cracks in the building started to appear just a few short years after opening, after the air conditioning units were dragged across the roof, causing cracks. By April 1995, more cracks were beginning to appear on the fifth floor too. Lee and the management’s only response was to move merchandise from the top floor to the basement.

Just a couple of months later, the cracks multiplied dramatically.

The management’s response was to close the top floors. They invited civil engineers to inspect the building, who quickly came to the conclusion that the building was at risk of collapse. The directors suggested to Lee Joon that the building be evacuated, but Lee angrily rejected the idea, saying he didn’t want to lose revenue. It was very much “one rule for them” though, as Lee was more than happy to evacuate himself alongside the other executives. Do you know who was working in the building at the time? His daughter-in-law.

He didn’t even tell her.

At 5PM on the 29th June 1995, the fifth floor ceiling began to sink. Still, Lee did not close the store or order any emergency repairs. Nearly an hour later, audible cracking sounds filled the building, prompting staff to sound the alarms and evacuate the customers. However, it was too late. The roof collapsed and the air conditioning behemoths dropped through it, smashing through each and every floor. The main columns buckled and within less than twenty seconds, the south wing of the building came crashing down, killing over 500 people and injuring over 900 more.

It took a days long rescue effort to free the trapped survivors, some of whom surviving the contemporaneous hot weather by drinking rainwater. By contrast, some of the trapped victims survived the collapse but drowned to death because of the water used to suppress the fire.


The collapse was investigated by one Professor Chung, a civil engineering professor. During his interrogation of Lee, the latter disregarded the victims and stated his primary concern was the financial damage suffered by his company. He was ultimately arrested, convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison. He only served seven but died shortly after release anyway.

Lee Joon turned ruthlessness into an art form. He was utterly selfish and devoid of humanity; it’s an incredibly rare time when I say this of anyone, but I’m glad that waste of air is dead.

US fingerprints all over Hong Kong’s recent disturbances

From HERE (paywall)

Leung Chun-ying said the government had no need to reveal evidence of foreign forces interfering in Hong Kong affairs and undermining security. The former chief executive made the claim while speaking at a book launch last week.

That was a mistake. He makes it sound like the government and officials, including former ones such as himself, are making claims they can’t back up with evidence.

There is overwhelming evidence of interference in Hong Kong over many years, especially by various agencies of the US government, and not just during the unprecedented anti-government protests and riots in 2019.

Leung should have said such evidence was readily available as public records and anyone could just google the original sources, as well as news reports and numerous exposés over the years.

Those US agencies or Washington-funded entities have openly acknowledged it, either through their own documents, financial statements and other public records, or through US congressional testimonies.

I leave aside clandestine operations by secret services such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency, which by definition we could have no knowledge of.

However, revelations relating to spying on Hong Kong by Edward Snowden in 2013 did make some eye-opening reading…

Chinese Meat Pie (Xian Bing)

Traditional Chinese meat pie(馅饼) with beef, large scallion and onion.

This is my FAVORITE street food in China. Outstanding, and so very delicious. It is sort of like a deep fried hamburger encased inside of a bagel. It’s so smunching delicious!

Traditional Chinese meat pie(馅饼) with beef, large scallion and onion.

Traditional Chinese meat pie provides a crispy wrapper and savory filling. There are in fact many types of meat pie popular across the country. The fillings differ from one house to another. You can use pork, lamb, beef etc. This is a popular beef and onion version.



  • 300 g beef , with 15% to 20% fat
  • 2 large scallion , finely chopped
  • ½ tsp. Sichuan peppercorn powder
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 thumb ginger , sliced
  • 1 tbsp. light soy sauce
  • Pinch of fresh ground pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp. sesame oil
  • ½ tsp. sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Shaoxing cooking wine
  • ½ middle size white onion

For the dough

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour (300 g)
  • ½ cup hot water over 90℃ (120ml)
  • 60 ml room temperature water , plus 10ml more for adjusting
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable cooking oil
  • pinch of salt


Beef filling

  • Add beef, ginger, scallion, salt, sugar, Sichuan peppercorn powder and white pepper powder. Blend 10 seconds.  Add egg, light soy sauce, sesame oil, Shaoxing wine and oyster sauce. Blend for another 10 seconds.  Stir the filling by hand for minutes until sticky.
  • Spread large scallion white on top and then drizzle around 2 tablespoons of hot oil. Mix in chopped white onion. Mix well, cover and set in fridge.  For beginners, I recommend set the filling until slightly hardened. The filling is for 2 batches, 20 pancakes. However the dough is for 10 pancakes each time. If you want to use all of the filling once, double the dough.


  • Add salt in all purpose flour and then add hot water firstly. Gently stir the hot water in. And stir in cold water too.  Roughly knead to form a dough. No need to be smooth. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes.
  • Re-knead the dough, it should be smooth very quickly.  Cut into 50g portions (10 pancakes from this batch) and then roll out to wrapper. Seal it completely. Avoid the edges meeting the filling, otherwise the sealing work is hard to complete.


  • Place the pancakes in a pan with oil, slightly press the center so the bottom can contact with the pan in better ways.
  • Heat until the side becomes crispy.  Then turn over and fry the other side. Once the two side becomes well browned, slow down the fire and over with lid and let the pancake heat for another 3-5 minutes. This can further cook the inside part and make sure the inner part is well cooked too. Then remove the lid and heat both side for another 30 seconds separately until the surface turn crispy again.
  • Transfer to oil paper to remove extra oil and enjoy!! Meat pies are always a little bit salty, so make sure you match it with some light and healthy vegetable soup.


The Nutrition Facts is based on each single pancake.

The filling is for 20 pancakes, namely two batches. If you want to sue all of the filling, double the dough and make a 4 cups flour batch.

Cook’s Note

About the filling: flavors of the filling decide whether the pancake is delicious or not.  I highly recommend adding Sichuan peppercorn powder, which is widely considered as the best spice for beef in China in the filling to enhance the aroma.   In order to make the filling juicy, usually water, stock or other liquid content is added. I use egg this time to increase the viscosity of the beef filling.

About the dough : the dough contents a larger amount of water, compared with other regular dumpling wrapper dough, so you will find it is very easy to knead and wrap because of the softness. There is just a little bit kneading needed in the process.



To make the filling.  Add beef, ginger, scallion, salt, sugar  sichuan peppercorn powder and white pepper powder. Blend 10 seconds.  Add egg, light soy sauce, sesame oil, shaoxing wine and oyster sauce. Blend for another 10 seconds.  Stir the filling by hand for minutes until sticky.


Spread large scallion white on top and then drizzle around 2 tablespoons of hot oil. Mix in chopped white onion. Mix well, cover and set in fridge. For beginners, I recommend set the filling until slightly hardened if you have enough time.


Add salt in all purpose flour and then add hot water firstly. Gently stir the hot water in. And stir in cold water too. Roughly knead to form a dough. No need to be smooth. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

Re-knead the dough, it should be smooth very quickly. Cut into 30g portions (doubled size from dumpling wrappers ) and then roll out to wrapper. Seal it completely. Avoid the edges meeting the filling, otherwise the sealing work is hard to complete.


Place the pancakes in a pan with oil, slightly press the center so the bottom can contact with the pan in better ways.

Heat until the side becomes crispy. Then turn over and fry the other side. Once the two side becomes well browned, slow down the fire and over with lid and let the pancake heat for another 2 minutes. This can further cook the inside part and make sure the inner part is well cooked too. Then remove the lid and heat both side for another 30 seconds separately until the surface turn crispy again.


Transfer to oil paper to remove extra oil and enjoy!! Meat pies are always a little bit salty, so make sure you match it with some light and healthy vegetable soup.


U.S. Sends F-22’s toward Russia


Six US Air Force fighter jets have arrived in the United Kingdom at Suffolk’s RAF Lakenheath base in preparation for supporting NATO’s European Air Shielding mission.

The F-22 Raptors are from the 90th Fighter Squadron, 3rd wing, and are en route to Łask, Poland, from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.

Following their departure from Lakenheath Thursday morning, the aircraft will join NATO’s Air Shielding strategy, which seeks to provide a near-seamless shield from the Baltic to the Black seas.

USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group Enters South China Sea for Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit


China and the United States are building up their military strength around the Taiwan Strait as tensions rise over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to the island.

The American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative.

The carrier strike group includes the Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), the embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5, and embarked staffs of Task Force 70 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15, as well as the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG 54) and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Higgins (DDG 76).

While in the South China Sea, the strike group is conducting maritime security operations, which include flight operations with fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, maritime strike exercises, and coordinated tactical training between surface and air units. Carrier operations in the South China Sea are part of the U.S. Navy’s routine operations in the Indo-Pacific.

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will not sit idly by if Pelosi visits Taiwan island, the Chinese defense ministry warns; indicating the PLA ‘fully prepared’ for all scenarios

"Chinese analysts said the strong warnings from the Chinese military meant that the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is well prepared for all the possible challenges if Pelosi visits the island, and they advised the PLA Rocket Force to conduct drills with new missiles targeting any possible US aircraft carriers and other large military vessels that may be involved in Pelosi's visit."

A Chinese ministry of defense spokesman has warned that the People’s Liberation Army would “take strong measures” if the speaker “insisted on going ahead”.

US officials have told media outlets that if her visit goes ahead, the U.S. military will increase its movement of forces and assets in the Indo-Pacific region.

They said U.S. fighter jets, ships, surveillance assets and other military systems were likely to be used to provide overlapping rings of protection for her flight to Taiwan and when she arrives on the island.

So not only will the Speaker of the House enter China air space without China permission, to land in China (Taiwan) without permission, her flight will be protected by US fighter jets! 

Reports describe a scenario that China could send aircraft to “escort” her plane and prevent it from landing if she visits Taiwan, possibly on a US military aircraft, and a US official said the scenario is a legitimate concern.

Hu Xijin, a commentator for the Global Times newspaper, the official mouthpiece for the China Communist Party, said that he expected to see PLA’s aircraft flying together with Pelosi’s plane into the airspace of Taiwan island. That would set a great precedent for the PLA to patrol above the island, which would be far more meaningful than Pelosi’s visit.

Sooner or later, the PLA’s aircraft will enter the airspace above Taiwan in a legitimate and righteous move to manifest China’s sovereignty over the island, he continued.

"To do this, we need an opportunity which could prompt the international community to better understand the mainland's move is natural rather than a provocation. 

Pelosi's potential visit to the island will lead to major changes on the situation in the Taiwan Straits.

The PLA's strong reaction is in line with the expectation of the international community and the visit will offer PLA a good reason to send aircraft over the island"

Hu said.

"So, the ball has come to Pelosi and the Biden administration that is cooperating with her and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on the island. 

We have to make full preparations this time for a showdown to them. 

If they dare to take a small step, we will take a major step to fiercely crack down the US and the DPP's arrogance and provocation," 

Hu said.

Xin Qiang, deputy director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times that the US executive branch is very worried that this potential visit will cause a conflict to break out between China and the US.

“Pelosi doesn’t care that she might make a big mess of US-China relations, because the executive branch and the military will be the ones forced to take the consequences and deal with the aftermath,” he said.


China is not stupid.

They are completely aware that the powers (in the United States) has created this event. That Nancy Poliski is NOT acting alone, but rather than acting under orders.

The Chinese expect this event to fulfill some kind of global geo-political objective. Of some type. Of some consequence. Of some benefit to the United States.

What the United States is unaware of, or I would be surprised if they are aware, is that a very HARD response will be forthcoming.

My thoughts are that the expected results will NOT be the same as what the actual results will be.

I’ll leave this statement for you all to ponder.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The Wentian spacestation module, a new global currency, and assorted life stories worthy of great interest

The big news is that China and Russia have created a new reserve currency, and the entire rest of the world (minus the USA and it’s proxies) are rushing to use it. This will have a stunning influence on the American economy. So we will start with this stunning development right now…

Putin and China just did the unthinkable and the West is in big trouble

It’s 11 minutes long. Watch it.

China launches second space station module, Wentian

July 24, 2022
China launched the second of three modules to its permanent space station, in one of the final missions needed to complete the orbiting outpost by year’s end.

A live feed on state broadcaster CCTV showed the 23-tonne Wentian (Quest for the Heavens) laboratory module launching on the back of China’s most powerful rocket, the Long March 5B, at 2:22 pm from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on the southern island of Hainan.

Space agency staff cheered and applauded when the Wentian separated from the rocket about 10 minutes after the launch.

The launch was “a complete success”, CCTV reported shortly after.

China began constructing the space station in April 2021 with the launch of the Tianhe module, the main living quarters, in the first of 11 crewed and uncrewed missions in the undertaking.

The Wentian lab module, 17.9 meters (59 feet) long, will be where astronauts can carry out scientific experiments, along with the other lab module yet to be launched – Mengtian (Dreaming of the Heavens).

Wentian features an airlock cabin that is to be the main exit-entry point for extravehicular activities when the station is completed.

It will also serve as short-term living quarters for astronauts during crew rotations on the station, designed for the long-term accommodation of just three astronauts.

Mengtian is expected to be launched in October and is to dock with Tianhe, forming a T-shaped structure.

They are slated to return to Earth in December with the arrival of the Shenzhou-15 crew. — Agencies

A lesson for all of us…

Jews going to the cattle cars.

Angel, a Jew, owner of the most famous bakery in Germany, often said: “Do you know why I’m alive today? I was still a teenager when Nazis in Germany killed Jews mercilessly. Nazis took us to Auschwitz by train. Last night in the ward was deadly cold. We were left for many days in cars without food, without beds, which means without the possibility to warm up somehow.

It was snowing everywhere. The cold wind frozen our cheeks every second. There were hundreds of us on those cold, horrible nights. No food, no water, no hiding. The blood is frozen in the veins. Next to me was an elderly Jew who was very loved in my city. He was all shaking and looking terrible. I wrapped him with my hands to warm him up.

Hugged him tight to give some warmth. Rub his hands, legs, face, neck. I begged him to stay alive. I cheered him up. This is how I kept this man warm all night. I myself was tired and frozen. Fingers crossed, but I kept massaging this man’s body to warm him up.

So many hours have passed. Finally the morning has come, the sun has started to shine. I looked around myself to see other people. To my horror, all I could see was frozen corpses. All I could hear was the silence of death. Frosty night killed everyone. They died of cold.

Only two people survived: the old man and me. The old man survived because I didn’t let him freeze, and I survived because I made him warm.

We NEED each other. We NEED to be part of a community.

US warns losing access to Taiwanese chips could break the economy

Stark warning of a 'deep and immediate recession' if China takes over

Taiwan controls most of the world’s chip manufacturing capacity, and that worries US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

Raimondo believes the US would go into a “deep and immediate recession” and face great security risks if it lost access to the island nation’s chips

The Commerce Secretary made the warning in a Wednesday interview with CNBC as part of her plea for Congress to aid a major US semiconductor manufacturing expansion by passing the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act, which would unlock $52 billion in subsidies for new plants and research efforts.

“If you allow yourself to think about a scenario where the United States no longer had access to the chips currently being made in Taiwan, it’s a scary scenario,” Raimondo told CNBC. “It’s a deep and immediate recession. It’s an inability to protect ourselves by making military equipment. We need to make this in America.”

The issue is that Taiwan has faced ongoing aggression from China, which claims the self-governing island nation as its own and has not ruled out using military force to “reunify” the two. This has sparked fears that China could invade Taiwan and seize its manufacturing plants, which are run by, among other chipmakers, three of the world’s largest contract chip manufacturers – it hte fabs aren’t deliberately destroyed first.

This scenario would spell big trouble for the US because Taiwan produces 90 percent of the leading-edge chips that are bought by the country, according to Raimondo.

She is likely referring to TSMC, which Reuters said controls 90 percent of global output for such chips, citing industry estimates. This includes chips designed by companies such as Apple, Nvidia, AMD, and Qualcomm, and they are used in everyday devices such as smartphones, PCs, and servers. And then there’s the whole military kit issue.

These concerns around Taiwan’s security and independence are why the Raimondo believes it’s important that the US rebuilds its semiconductor manufacturing base through the CHIPS Act.

“We need a manufacturing base that produces these chips, at least enough of these chips, here on our shores because otherwise we’ll just be too dependent on other countries,” she said.

Even if the CHIPS Act gets passed, which is moving along after the Senate voted on Tuesday to advance the legislation, it will take years before new manufacturing plants in the US start producing chips.

Intel, for instance, doesn’t expect its new fabs in Ohio to begin production until 2025. The company is building two new factories in Arizona too, and those are expected to go online in 2024. That’s when TSMC and Samsung also plan to open new fabs in Texas and Arizona, respectively.

While the new factories will expand US chip manufacturing capacity, research firm TrendForce believes that they won’t make much of a dent in Taiwan’s industry dominance in the short term. By 2025, the firm said, Taiwanese chip manufacturers will still hold 44 percent of the global foundry market, 47 percent of the 12-inch wafer capacity, and 58 percent of capacity for advanced manufacturing processes.

MM Comments

Much hype. China is now producing 7nm chips. 5nm is on the way. There’s no problem. The US can (of course) always buy them directly from China.

China’s SMIC Is Shipping 7nm Foundry ASICs

The Most Advanced Foundry In The World After TSMC And Samsung

SMIC, China’s largest foundry has slowly been catching up to TSMC, Samsung, and various western foundries in process technology. They are rapidly approaching position as the world’s 3rd largest foundry and have higher margins than the current number 3, GlobalFoundries. SMIC has achieved this through a combination of large subsidies from the state, poaching TSMC talent, and tremendous home-grown expertise. Their chips ship in large volumes to a variety of use cases from smartphones to the world’s fastest supercomputer. The foundry has now quietly released and started mass production of their 7nm process node dubbed N+2.

We say quietly as this didn’t come directly from SMIC, but rather the reverse engineering and teardown firm TechInsights who purchased the chip on the open market and sent it to their labs. SMIC likely has not discussed this publicly on earnings reports as they are afraid of blowback. To be abundantly clear, China’s SMIC is shipping a foundry process with commercially available chips in the open market which are more advanced than any American or European company. While the US has high hopes for Intel to be the savior, there are no Intel 7 class foundry chips commercially available for purchase currently and they still have to build out their foundry operations. The most advanced American or European foundry produced chips are based on GlobalFoundries 12nm.

Initial images suggest it is a close copy of TSMC 7nm process technology.

TechInsights Product Brief

SMIC’s 7nm just like TSMC’s 7nm and Intel’s 7nm class technologies does not use EUV lithography. TechInsights has more information in their 3 detailed reports titled “ASIC Digital Floorplan Analysis,” “(SMIC 7nm) Advanced CMOS Process Analysis,” and “(SMIC 7nm) Process Flow Analysis.” We recommend people check those out for more details.

This is a groundbreaking discovery because the US Department of Commerce was supposed to be restricting export licenses for any equipment which can be used on technologies more advanced than 14nm. Of course, the department of commerce handed out export licenses like candy as they always do. Furthermore, almost all equipment that is used on SMIC’s 14nm FinFET can be used on their 7nm process technology as well. While SMIC likely cannot develop beyond 7nm without EUV, they still should be able to ramp their 7nm over time to very large volumes. The US government is asleep at the wheel as Lam Research off-shores production and Intel uses subsidies to import equipment used to manufacturer chips from China. Government policy is why the US will lose semiconductors.

SMIC’s foundry customer, MinerVa states this chip has been in production since July of 2021. On September 22nd 2021, MinerVa’s website was updated with information about the product and the image above. It is a small 19.3mm2 chip used for mining cryptocurrencies, but in the future, this process technology could be scaled up and adopted for high end supercomputer and consumer applications. Their miner ships with 120 chips per board with 3 board per miner and a total power consumption of 3300W.

My generation as an American…

I am not young (fast approaching 60), but I still remember the phone call I took when I had gotten home after school that day, from a classmate whose 16th birthday it was. He had gotten home (about 3 miles from my house) to find his mother had packed his things and they were on the doorstep.

She was blunt with him. Get a job, now, or an offer of one starting after this semester, and pay rent, or don’t come back. He was due to take his examinations in a few weeks’ time, and had a school place sorted for next year in a very good school (as had I).

This was before many folks had cars, but moms were still stay at home moms. My mom and I drove over to pick him up and brought him back to our house. She then called my dad. He stopped by at my friend’s house and, by all accounts, had a furious argument with his parents. They would not relent.

My dad came home more than a little upset. He made some calls to colleagues early that evening and sorted my friend an apprentice position starting in September, with funded evening school at a local community college, and a temporary job for the June to August summer period.

My friend’s parents took him back that night. He lost out on an excellent school place, and the likely opportunity to go further. He moved out as soon as he was 18, old enough to get his own home. He has not spoken to his parents since. They have never seen his family, they were not invited to his wedding, and they have never met their grand children or great grand children.

I learnt a lesson that day, on my friend’s 16th birthday. Children are not a burden to be moulded into what we want them to be. They are to be loved and nurtured.

South China Sea: Chinese permanent rescue and maritime offices stationed on disputed Spratly Islands

  • China’s three biggest man-made islands in the Spratlys will host a new flying squadron, as well as maritime rescue and administration staff
  • There have long been calls to upgrade search and rescue capabilities ‘to enhance China’s dominance over South China Sea affairs’
Chinese structures and buildings at its man-made island on Mischief Reef at the Spratlys group of islands in the South China Sea. Photo: AP

Beijing has stationed permanent rescue forces and maritime administrations on its artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea.

A new flying squadron and maritime resuce and administration staff will be stationed on the Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief reefs, China’s three biggest man-made islands in the Spratlys, state broadcaster China Central Television reported.

This boosts a regular on-call rescue ship deployment into a permanent institutional presence that could greatly improve the coverage of the southern area of the South China Sea.

God puts you where you need to be…


“Last night, I left from pulling two 14 hour shifts. Stopped by the grocery store to grab food for dinner and as I was checking out a woman started crying in the next checkout line. Her daughter asked her what’s wrong and she said we can’t afford to eat tonight. A person behind her gave her a couple dollars and she bought her daughter a Kids Cuisine tv dinner. I told her to grab what she wants, ill pay for it. I NEVER stop at this Wal-Mart. I’m simply saying GOD puts you where he needs you to be WHEN he needs you to be there.”

Credit: Bear Taliferro Jr.

Of 29 Pregnant Women That Had Received Pfizer’s COVID-19 Inoculation, Only One Had a Baby That Lived

I Am In Shock

Dr. Byram W. BridleJul 22

The United States Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) had requested 75 years to release the documents that they reviewed from Pfizer prior to issuing emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b mRNA ‘vaccine’ (Comirnaty) against SARS-CoV-2, which can cause COVID-19. However, a judge over-ruled this and issued a court order that the documents be released in large monthly installments.

Today, an absolutely shocking set of data were brought to my attention. They are not new. They are from a document that was in the data dump released back in May of this year. However, I want to help my fellow scientists in making sure that this science gets widely distributed throughout the world. This is for the sake of ‘fully informed consent’, something that regulatory agencies, public health officials and too many physicians seem to have abandoned over the past couple of years.

For a long time I have been arguing that our children need to be left out of the massive conflicts over the science underpinning COVID-19. In my opinion, adults can conduct their own risk-benefit analyses regarding whether they want to receive one of the current COVID-19 inoculations.

However, far too many adults are making these decisions based on pseudo-science, data from flawed studies, misinformation, and outright disinformation being propagated by physicians and public health officials, many of whom are unqualified to opine on anything in the field of vaccinology.

I have never felt comfortable about these injections being used in ‘children, adolescents and young-adults of child-bearing age’. This was the precise terminology I used in a parent’s guide to COVID-19 vaccines that I wrote more than one year ago.

The highest quality data for assessing a novel medical product are derived from clinical studies. This is because these types of experiments in people are typically well-controlled and include what is known as ‘active monitoring’; there is follow-up to assess safety and efficacy.

This is why the clinical testing phases should never be compromised. With this in mind, let’s explore a stunning set of data that Pfizer provided to the US-FDA. Here is the relevant document…

The data in this document were accumulated up until February 28, 2021. Notably, on page 9, safety concerns based on the US Pharmacovigilance Plan included “missing information” on “Use in Pregnancy and lactation”.

The data that had accumulated up to the end of February, 2021 were from too small of a sample size (i.e., # of pregnant or lactating women) to justify its use in these populations. However, here are the data that were available at that time regarding outcomes in pregnant women that had received Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculation; this is quoted from the top of table 6 (I have italicized and/or bolded the most important points)…

Pregnancy cases: 274 cases including:

    • 270 mother cases and 4 foetus/baby cases representing 270 unique pregnancies (the 4 foetus/baby cases were linked to 3 mother cases; 1 mother case involved twins).
    • Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).

Apparently, outcomes will never be known for 88% (238/270) of the pregnancies. Why was the follow-up rate on these cases so abysmal?

NutriTruth has a great graph on their website that summarizes the results from cases for which follow-up data were available…

It appears that data would be available for five of the pregnancies, but these outcomes were still unknown at the time that Pfizer’s document was written. As such, there are solid data available from 29 pregnancies. One out of 29 of these pregnancies resulted in a ‘normal’ outcome.

This means that 28 out of the 29 babies died! That is a 97% death rate. I don’t care which trustworthy data set you look at to determine a ‘background’ death rate, none of them come close to 97%.

Spontaneous abortions are more common than many people appreciate, but, again, they are nowhere near the rate in this study. Even in the case of the ‘normal outcome’, this means there was an apparently healthy baby.

However, one cannot be certain that the outcome was ‘normal’, until the baby has had all of their physiological systems fully mature, which means early adulthood.

I have looked at Pfizer’s pre-clinical reproductive toxicity data and they are fatally flawed. Issues included ‘vaccinating’ the females only; apparently it was forgotten that ‘it takes two to tango’.

Also, the rodent models that were used express the low-affinity version of the receptor for the spike protein encoded by the ‘vaccines’. People express the high-affinity receptor. This means the rodent models aren’t capable of revealing toxicities that might be associated with the spike protein.

In short, the pre-clinical studies could provide no assurance whatsoever that Pfizer’s vaccine would be safe in the context of pregnancy. Now there is proof that data were in the hands of regulatory agencies that suggested the potential for a 97% fatality rate for babies from ‘vaccinated’ women.

I have collaborated with scientists and physicians about the post-rollout ‘real-world’ studies on pregnancy and the COVID-19 shots. They are highly flawed. I co-authored a paper about this, but have yet to find an editor that will even allow it to undergo peer review (I have had no problems with this for any of my cancer- or basic virology-focused papers).

Regardless, many other reputable scientists and physicians have been addressing this. Further, these ‘real-world’ studies should never have been authorized based on the data presented here.

Many countries have pushed Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ on pregnant women, often via mandates. This was been done with the full blessing of their societies for obstetrics and gynecology. Are obstetricians and gynecologists going to continue to make these recommendations with these data in-hand?

At the end of the day, couples experiencing pregnancies or who wish to do so must make it their own responsibility to educate themselves to facilitate fully informed consent. Too many obstetricians and gynecologists are either too superficially trained in the immunological sub-discipline of vaccinology or are too afraid of contradicting a narrative for which dissent is punished. Some physicians are starting to speak up about this.

Unfortunately, their singular personal observations are simply deemed anecdotal. However, as a scientist, I have been trained to observe the cumulative nature of these reports; to not dismiss them out-of-hand, and to use them to formulate legitimate scientific questions.

If you or your baby have experienced any issues post-inoculation, please report these to your physician. They are obligated to submit an adverse event report, without opining on whether or not they think it might or might not be related. The accumulation of these reports is the only way scientists can help identify safety signals during a public rollout of a novel medical product.

A 97% death rate among babies from pregnant mothers that were ‘vaccinated’ is appalling. And this was from Pfizer’s own clinical trial data. This suggests a massive breakdown in the health regulatory process. The public, whom health regulatory agencies are to be serving, should demand accountability from these government-run institutions.

If I were a regulatory scientist assessing the pregnancy outcome data from Pfizer, there is no way that I would ever have supported the use of their inoculation in pregnant women. And I would never have allowed ‘real-world’ data from flawed studies to replace proper pre-clinical and clinical trials. Nor would I remain silent about this knowledge. Regulators who know better need to start speaking up.

An old lady

An old lady.

This old lady handed her bank card to the teller and said “I would like to withdraw $10”.

The teller told her “for withdrawals less than $100, please use the ATM. The old lady wanted to know why…

The teller returned her bank card and irritably told her “these are the rules, please leave if there is no further matter.

There is a line of customers behind you”.

The old lady remained silent for a few seconds and handed her card back to the teller and said “please help me withdraw all the money I have.”

The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and respectfully told her “you have $300,000 in your account but the bank doesn’t have that much cash currently.

Could you make an appointment and come back again tomorrow?

The old lady then asked how much she could withdraw immediately. The teller told her any amount up to $3000.

“Well please let me have $3000 now.”

The teller kindly handed $3000 very friendly and with a smile to her.

The old lady put $10 in her purse and asked the teller to deposit $2990 back into her account.

The moral of this story is…. Don’t be difficult with old people, they spent a lifetime learning the skill.

Italian Cheese Calzones (Folded Pizza)

Cheese calzones are an Italian classic. A calzone is a cheese stuffed pizza pocket (AKA folded pizza). Any toppings you like on pizza can be baked into these cheese calzones! Serve with homemade marinara.


Cheese calzones are quick to make for a weeknight dinner, as a game-day snack, on a weekend date night, or as a fun activity with the kids! Last weekend, the hubby Eric was craving calzones, which we’d typically get from our local pizza joint. But we decided to try our hand at making calzones at home! It turns out they are SO easy and fun to make. My 3-cheese blend takes them to a whole other level, along with any other fillings of your choice!


  • Pre-made pizza dough – buy good quality pre-made pizza dough in the grocery store or at your local pizzeria. If you prefer, you can make your own pizza dough from scratch!
  • Ricotta cheese – ricotta cheese is essential in calzones. It’s the creamy goodness! I use whole milk ricotta cheese but you can also use part skim.
  • Mozzarella cheese – mozzarella cheese adds gooey, stringy cheesiness!
  • Parmigiano-reggiano cheese – parmigiano-reggiano (or parmesan) cheese adds depth of flavor.
  • Extra virgin olive oil – olive oil is brushed on the top of your calzones to help them bake to golden perfection.
  • Sauce for dipping – you can make or buy marinara, or a different type of dipping sauce! See dipping sauce ideas below!
  • Fillings of choice – want to fill your calzones with something more than cheese? See the list below for calzone filling ideas!

Ingredient Substitutions

  • Parmigiano-reggiano (parmesan) cheese – substitute grana padano or piave for parmesan cheese.

How to Make Calzones (The Brief Version)

  1. Shape the dough

    Form a roughly 8-ounce dough ball. Stretch the dough ball into a thin, large circle.

  2. Mix together cheese (and other fillings)

    In a bowl, mix together ricotta, mozzarella, parmigiano and a pinch of salt. Mix in any other fillings, or place on top of cheese mixture.

  3. Assemble

    Add cheese/filling mixture to half of the dough round, leaving a small border as a crust. Fold over the other half, on top of the cheese mixture, to create a pocket. Tightly pinch closed your calzone pocket.

  4. Bake

    Brush the top of the calzone with a bit of olive oil, and bake for 8-12 minutes until golden brown.

Difference Between Calzone and Stromboli

Calzones are basically folded pizzas whereas strombolis are rolled pinwheel pizzas. They’re both made with similar ingredients, except strombolis are rarely made with ricotta cheese like calzones. The major difference between the two is the shape and technique to assemble them before they’re baked!

How to Reheat A Calzone

Brush calzone lightly with olive oil. Place on baking sheet and heat until hot at 400 degrees, about 20-25 minutes. Of course, calzones are always best freshly baked!

Calzone Fillings (Mix-Ins)

If you want to fill your calzones with something more than cheese, here are some ideas!

  • Diced Veggies: sweet onion, garlic, peppers, roasted peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, tomato, broccoli rabe, potatoes, corn
  • Cooked Meats: crumbled sausage, salami, pepperoni, ham, bacon, chicken, ground beef
  • Miscellaneous: olives, basil, other herbs, black beans

Sauces for Dipping

The classic way to serve an Italian cheese calzone is with marinara. You can buy jarred marinara or make your own grated onion marinara or a traditional marinara. For traditional marinara, simply stir together a 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes, 2 minced garlic cloves, handful fresh chopped basil, 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil and salt. Heat on the stove until hot!

Substitute marinara for homemade vodka sauce, BBQ sauce, Buffalo sauce, or Ranch! Basically any sauce you can put on a pizza, you can dip your calzone in!


  • Homemade marinara: 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes, 2 minced garlic cloves, handful fresh chopped basil, 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil and salt, heated on the stove until hot.

A story about the Yakuza

Despite what we hear about Yakuza in Japanese media, their lifestyle appears to be different from what most of us think. (myself included.)

Here is a story I heard from my father-in-law.

My-father-in law, Den, has been running a small restaurant in a rural area of Japan for the past 30 years. It’s located in the remote part of the town.

Because of the restaurant’s location, many customers come to avoid the crowd in the city for a nice, quiet sit down meal (food is very good, by the way).

Naturally, and eventually, some Yakuza members discovered this quiet establishment, for they, too, needed a place to eat lunch and dinner to avoid crowds. So, they started to come to the restaurant frequently.

Now, my father-in-law is quite a big man for his generation: at the age of 80, he is 183 cm (6’1″) tall and weighs 100 kg (220 lbs). Thanks to his physical feature, he is not easily intimidated, even by the Yakuza.

When one of the Yakuza members noticed his missing pinky finger, their mood suddenly changed. A missing pinky is a sign of the Yakuza – whenever they commit a serious mistake (among their organization), it’s their custom to cut their finger off.

“Hey grandpa, what did you do,” one of the Yakuzas asked.

“What do you mean,” Den asked.

“Your index finger.”

“Oh this? My finger got caught in the electric winch on my boat.”

“Your boat,” The Yakuza asked.

“Yes, I am a fisherman also. I go and catch fish and sell, when the restaurant is not so busy,” Den said.

“You are not ex-Yakuza,” The Yakuza asked.

“No. Are you?”

“Yes, we are. We thought you were because your index finger is missing. We thought you slept with your boss’s wife or girlfriend. That’s when we must cut our index finger. We normally cut our pinky for the mistakes. We thought you were reckless and courageous, worth admiring.”

“Really? Why courageous,” Den asked the Yakuza.

“Because you are reckless, we thought.”

“Why is it good to be reckless?”

“Because we cannot be. Police know what we are doing and where we are. They always have their eyes on us. Ordinary people put a petition together and force us to move out of the town. We cannot go to ordinary stores and Onsens (Japanese public hot springs prohibit a person with a tattoo to enter the bath because many of Yakuza members have tattoos.)” the Yakuza explained.

“How about all the other crimes and drug dealing we hear on the news,” Den said.

“Those are committed by the younger guys. They have too much energy and ambition, and they will do almost anything to prove their worthiness. They become Yakuza because they don’t want to deal with the rules set by the “ordinary” world, and the fact is, there are some rules in the Yakuza world, our own rules. We’ve been living in this world, and we learned and adapted to those rules, so we know better than to commit a small, stupid crime you hear about and see on TV. We almost never kill ordinary people or other Yakuza family members because, as I said, police are watching every move we make. Once we kill someone, they will know, so, it’s hard to kill someone without getting caught. In fact, the police can arrest any of us any time and shut us down by arresting the majority of our members. We think that’s harassment. We need as many members as we can to survive as a Yakuza organization. We never deal drugs because, for one, it’s really difficult to import into Japan. Even if we could, it’s hard on the buyers/users because drugs destroy their lives and, quite often, their families too. In fact, it’s hard on us. Think about it. Your product kills your customer. How would you feel to serve your food, knowing it’s going to kill us for sure? That’s hard as a person to watch.”

“Really? It sounds like you guys live in a very restricted world,” Den said.

“Yes, it’s very restricted. The challenge is that at the same time, we have to behave in the way to meet people’s expectations,” the Yakuza replied.

“What expectations,” Den asked the Yakuza.

“Well, most people who do not know Yakuza think we are loud, reckless and dangerous, like running around loose and engaging in all kinds of illegal activities. In fact, that’s not what we do. We do jobs ordinary people don’t want to do. Things that are in the “gray area” can turn either legal or illegal, and someone has to do them. Ordinary people come to ask us to perform those jobs because, for whatever reason, they are unable to do the jobs themselves, like extortion. That’s where we come in. Also, because of people’s expectations, in the view of the general public, we have to pretend and act like the stereotypical image of what Yakuza should be: loud, fearsome and reckless. We have to throw loud parties in our office so that people will notice us and be fearful of us. But, most of the time, we live quietly because otherwise, there will be no more places for us to live. Truth be told, many of us actually do live in fear, as we feel being separated from society.”

“Sounds like it’s a tough life,” Den said quietly.

“Yes, it’s tough, and probably tougher than yours. So, that is why I’d never recommend anyone to become a Yakuza,” the Yakuza said to Den.

When My Cat Feels Sad


Love Child

My father joined the Navy in 1942 at the age of 17 and went to war on diesel submarines in the South Pacific. After WW2, he was assigned to duty in Japan as part of the occupational forces. There he met a local Japanese girl he wanted to marry, but it was prohibited to do so until the early ’50s when President Truman allowed it. Dad went back to Japan and married the girl he met during the occupation of Japan.

Dad was also involved in the atomic bomb tests in the South Pacific islands of Bikini Atoll in “Operation Crossroads.” Dad passed away in 1998, from lung cancer, and I submitted a claim to VA for a service-connected death and it was approved in record time. My mother lived until 2015. After mom passed away, my sister and I took our time to clean out our parents’ home. I stumbled on photos of my father with a young female child. There was nothing else associated with the picture. In my mother’s possessions were letters written in Japanese that we thought were from family members. During one trip to the house, there was a letter from Japan in the mail box. My sister decided to get the letter interpreted. To our surprise, the letter was from a Japanese woman who claims to be the daughter of my mother and father that he had during the occupation of Japan. The Japanese woman wanted to know why her mother hasn’t written her or responded to her phone calls. It was after this revelation that we decided to get all the letters mother had saved and get them interpreted. One of the letters had an email address so I used an app called Google Translate and wrote a letter to the Japanese woman. I learned that my mother and father had a child during the occupation of Japan in the late 1940s. This woman whose name was Terri had pictures to prove that she was a daughter of my parents. To my horror, Terri said our parents abandoned her because she lived with our mother until age 7 when dad returned to Japan and married our mother and brought her back to the USA. I learned that Terri was put up for adoption and the names of the birth parents were falsified thereby making it impossible for my parents to bring Terri back to the USA. Since my father was a career Navy Master Chief Petty Officer, he did not want the love child to hurt his career since fraternization during the occupation of Japan would result in a court martial. So, my parents made the decision not to adopt their real daughter and bring her back to the USA.

In my many Google Translate emails to Terri, I learned that our mother was one of six (6) children. Of the 6, two were female, mom and Terri (if Terri is her daughter, she can’t be her sister as well) and four (4) were boys who I was told were soldiers in the Japanese Imperial Army and fought Americans in the South Pacific and all were killed. I learned that my mother was disowned by her family for marrying an America military man when her brothers died fighting Americans. I continue to write Terri and we are trying to organize a reunion but haven’t decided on when or where.

I would have never imagined that my parents had a love child while dad was involved in the occupation of Japan but short of a DNA test, I am convinced that Terri is my blood sister. To this day, my sister and I are amazed that our parents never told us that they had a daughter and abandoned her in Japan after WW2. I think that this story would make for a good book. This is something I have been wrestling with so I can get the money to have a reunion with my long-lost sister in Japan. This is a true story.


A life hack

As a kid, I remember watching a cartoon in which the hero is arrested and imprisoned in a tower.

There’s an elderly man there who has spent his entire life in prison.

The gate opens as the hero requests to be let out. The hero exits the room. “You mean all I had to do was ask?” the old man mutters as he looks at the open door and then turns to the audience.

I used to giggle at this as a youngster, but as I think on my life, there have been many times when I’ve felt like that old man.

I had a three-year crush on someone I never spoke to, I never asked questions in meetings, and I never pushed for promotions.

I’ve tried with doing what the hero in the tower did and asking for what I want over the last five years.

And, in many cases, the door did really open, precisely as it did in the cartoon.

This can range from minor requests such as not having olives in my salad to more significant demands such as getting 20% of my work time to pursue self-directed activities.

You’ll be surprised how far simply asking for things will get you whether you’re honest and generally skilled.

A policeman recounts a “it doesn’t seem right” moment…

Back in the 90s as a young Police constable working in the Home Counties I decided to do a welfare check on a woman who had been the victim of domestic stalking and harassment. I had arrested her estranged husband and after interview he had been charged with harassment and bailed to magistrates court with conditions not to contact his wife.

Anyway, it was a quiet afternoon and I was in the area so I thought it would be a good idea to pop round and update her on the case and make sure she was ok.

On approaching the front door I could hear the sound of crying children inside. I knocked on the door repeatedly but there was no reply. I announced that it was the police and that I would force entry if I wasn’t allowed in as I was concerned for the welfare of the children. The woman opened the door and asked me what I wanted, which I found strange so I asked her if she was OK? She replied that she was and I should go away. I said that I wanted to see the kids to make sure they are ok. The woman called the kids to the door at which point I pulled them outside. I then grabbed the woman by the wrist and dragged her through the door as well. At that point the estranged husband appeared, from behind the front door. He was holding his right hand behind his back. I punched him in the solar plexus as hard as I could and he dropped to the floor groaning, as he did so he dropped an 8 inch kitchen knife.

I quickly handcuffed him to the rear and called for backup to transport him to the nick. I dragged the husband to the living room and sat him on the sofa and waited for my colleagues. As we waited I saw him glancing at a large black hold-all bag sat on the floor in the middle of the room. I opened the bag and inside was an axe, another knife, a large amount of plastic sheeting, a set of disposable coveralls and latex gloves.

The husband had basically turned up five minutes before I had with a ‘murder kit’. I honestly think that if I hadn’t knocked on the door when I did then he would have murdered his wife and children.

I’m glad that I followed my instincts and I’m glad that I am 6 foot 4 and 18 stone and he was 5 foot 7 and 12 stone otherwise the result could have been very different.

I love this man.

There is this guy, who is sitting on a subway with different, fake book covers. I find this so funny, so here are a few more. Enjoy! 🙂


Swiss Steak

Swiss Steak is not Swiss. “Although many might think Swiss steak comes from Switzerland, in reality, the name comes from the ‘swissing’ technique for tenderizing meat,” according to The Spruce Eats. “Tough cuts of meat go through a mechanical tenderizer, or a swissing machine, and come out the other end with cube-shaped indentations.”


This recipe for Smothered Swiss Steak is pure comfort food at its finest. It’s at the top of my list for when there is a chill in the air, and I’m looking for something warm and cozy for supper.

And although you can prepare this Swiss Steak recipe by simmering it on the stovetop, I like to braise it in the oven for a few hours. Because when it’s cold and blustery outside, it just makes my kitchen extra warm and inviting to have a pot full of something delicious slow-cooking in the oven. Also, can I just say that while these Swiss Steaks are in the oven simmering away, the whole house will be just amazingly fragrant with the aroma of home-cooked goodness!


But I do tend to think of this recipe as something a bit old-fashioned (in a really good kind of way). This dish is something from my childhood, that my mom or grandma would prepare for supper on a cold fall or winter evening. Back in those days, growing up in Pennsylvania, fall was just magical to me (and still is to this day!) Hearty, warming foods were standard fare on those crisp autumn, after-school evenings, and were definitely a part of the magic.


  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 2 pounds cubed steak (cut into serving-size pieces if necessary)
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil (or other high-temperature cooking oil)
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 stalk celery, diced
  • 1 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 8 ounces of cremini or white button mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 (15-ounce) can diced or stewed tomatoes (or use 1 pint of home-canned tomatoes)
  • 2 cups beef broth
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 pinch celery seed (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons of water + 2 tablespoons cornstarch


  1. Preheat oven to 325° F. In a large resealable plastic bag, combine flour, salt, pepper, and granulated garlic. Add steak, a few pieces at a time, and shake to coat.
  2. On the stovetop, heat oil in a cast-iron Dutch oven (or other heavy, oven-safe pot) over medium-high heat. Brown steak in oil on both sides. Remove steaks to a plate.
  3. To the same pot, add the onion, celery, bell pepper, and mushrooms. Turn the heat down to medium, and cook and stir for 6-7 minutes, or until vegetables are beginning to soften. If needed, add a little extra oil. Add garlic and tomato paste, and cook for 1 additional minute.
  4. Stir in diced tomatoes, beef broth, Worcestershire sauce, thyme, sugar, and celery seed. Scrape the bottom of the pot with a spatula to release all of the flavorful bits. Return steaks to the pot, making sure they are covered by the gravy.
  5. Cover and bake 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until meat is tender. At this point, remove the pot from the oven and place it on the stovetop. Remove the steaks to a plate, leaving the gravy in the pot.
  6. In a small bowl, combine corn starch and water into a paste; stir into gravy. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring continuously, until gravy has thickened. Serve steaks with gravy, and mashed potatoes, egg noodles, or cooked white rice.

What are the ingredients for Smothered Swiss Steak?

Aside from being a nostalgic kind of recipe, though, I think it’s also a bit of an old-fashioned because I use cubed steaks for this dish, a cut of beef that I really don’t see too often in modern recipes.  I really believe these steaks deserve a revival, though, because when properly cooked low and slow, cubed steaks are just oh-so-tender. And as an added bonus, they are also typically very inexpensive. Often I can find cubed steaks on sale for less than the price of regular ground beef. But if you can’t easily find cubed steaks, just go ahead substitute thin-cut top round steaks.

And the gravy for these steaks? It’s a beefy-tomato gravy, filled with tender bell peppers, onions, celery, and mushrooms. And here comes the “smothered” part – this rich, thick, savory gravy is just begging to be smothered, not just over the steak, but also over a scoop of mashed potatoes, egg noodles, or even rice. Truly down-home comfort food!

Meet Shirō Ishii – a serious piece of shit

Shirō Ishii

This guy was a Doctor and microbiologist- and a rather smart one at that. He was regarded as a brilliant person for nearly his entire life. He was well educated and joined the army as a doctor. While there he caught the eyes of his superiors and was sent for further education at Kyoto Imperial University.

During WW2 he was placed in charge of Unit 731 and this is what he was known for.

What was unit 731? Well, they were a scientific unit that conducted experiments and thought up new ways to win the war. Some examples of things they did include

  • Imprisoning women, raping them until they got pregnant, and then running horrid painful experiments on them just so they could see how certain poisons affected pregnant women.
  • They would infect people with syphilis and then cut them open (while alive and awake) so they could see what their bodies did as the infection progressed. Women, men, and even children were forcibly infected
    • This is called vivisection- its the practice of cutting someone open while alive to see what their body is doing and its typically done when experimenting on animals. In unit 731 they did it to people without anesthesia- always resulting in a slow agonizing death for the person.
  • Injected people with animal blood to see what happens (bad way to die)
  • Placed people in centrifuges and spun it until they died
  • Deprived prisoners of food and water to see how long it was until they died
  • Placed people in low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped out
  • Burned people alive to see how long they would live
  • Injected people with saltwater to see what would happen
  • Poisoned people to see the effects
  • gave people radiation poisoning to see the effects
  • Leave 3-day old babies in the cold just to see how long it took them to freeze to death
  • Tested flamethrowers on live people
  • Tested grenades on live people
  • Removed organs for fun. For instance, they would remove someone’s stomach and attach their esophagus to their intestines directly.
  • Tested hundreds of diseases and biological weapons on people

In all, around 10,000 prisoners were killed by Unit 731 and as many as 20,000 were tested on. The biological weapons produced by this unit were used to kill as many as 500,000 civilians

On a side note not even the Nazis used chemical weapons in WW2 (they only did in concentration camps). The ONLY nation to employ chemical weapons against civilian and military targets in WW2 was Japan.

You may wonder what happened to Shirō. I mean we caught him and put him on trial for war crimes right?


He was given full immunity in exchange for full disclosure of his tests. American microbiologists stated that Shirō’s findings were extremely valuable and impossible to replicate unless the experiments were done again. He was protected by the United States, provided with an ample salary, and sent off to the United States to live a life in luxury.

Shirō lived out the remainder of his life a free man in the United States, and traveled frequency to Japan where he was treated like royalty. He died in 1959.

Si Kaddour Benghabrit

Si Kaddour Benghabrit

He was in charge of a mosque in Paris during World War II. He was originally born in Algeria before immigrating to France.

When World War II broke out, Germany began deporting Jews from France to concentration camps.

Si Kaddour began offering shelter to lots of Jews through willing Muslim families in the area.

When German inspectors came, he would lie about the records of Jews, saying that they were Muslim. He eventually had cellars and basements in mosques where he would allow the Jews to hide during the war. He also gave them fake certificates that would certify that they were Muslim, enabling them to escape certain death.

He had an open-door policy as well at his mosque. If any of the attendees had Jewish friends in need of refuge, they could bring them with them.

Si Kaddour saved 500 Jews by the end of the war. He risked his life in the process. And most people don’t even know of him.

A love bomber…

A Love Bomber.
      • Day 1: “Dang you’re gorgeous.”
      • Day 2: “I feel like we have so much in common.”
      • Day 3: “I really like you.”
      • Day 4: “I feel like we’re soul mates.”
      • Day 5: “I love you.”

Love bombing is an attempt to influence a person by giving them affection and attention. Cult leaders like David Koresh used this tactic to control their followers.

Having experienced this before, the only way I can describe it is as if a sun is shining on you constantly for days, weeks and months. You’re blinded not by love, but by the idea of being wanted.

The love bomber makes you feel like you’re in a trance. They shower you with compliments, buy you gifts, promise a future and bombard you with romantic texts. It seems too good to be true because it’s an illusion.

Love bombers feed you this attention to gain something in return. Whether that’s money, power, control or sex.

They can’t love you because they don’t know you to love you.

They can’t love you because they don’t understand the meaning of the word.

Relationships take time. Boundaries, opinions and space need to be valued. Relationships that start off by resembling a romantic movie is an instant red flag.

It’s easy to create an attachment with a love bomber.

It’s harder to escape.

Get out before it becomes emotionally abusive.

Easy Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

Drop biscuits are one of the easiest baked goods to make.

Despite being so easy to make, these biscuits are tender, flaky, buttery, and one of the single best things you’ll ever put in your mouth.

And, by the way, they go GREAT with real salted butter.


I’ve been nicknamed the “Biscuit Queen” by my family, because whenever we go out to eat for breakfast, the first thing I look for is biscuits. If there’s a biscuit on the menu, it’s going to be eaten.

Creating this recipe was the best AND worst decision. Since I’m a biscuit’s #1 fan, I feel like I’m well-qualified to tell you how good these little things are. Since I want to make them every week, my biscuit obsession can get a bit unhealthy…HA!

Serve with My Mom’s Homemade Strawberry Preserves.

What Are Drop Biscuits?

Drop biscuits are easy to make because they are made by simply dropping dough onto a baking sheet as opposed to rolling out and cutting dough into biscuits. No need for extra time or dishes!

Ingredients for Drop Biscuits

You need only 6 ingredients to make the most incredible drop biscuits:

  • All-purpose flour – flour is the base for our biscuits!
  • Cold buttermilk – buttermilk is the key ingredient for fluffy, flaky, tender drop biscuits. It also helps your biscuits rise.
  • Cold butter – butter gives biscuits flavor and moisture.
  • Baking powder – a combination of baking powder and baking soda helps drop biscuits rise and have a flaky, tender texture.
  • Baking soda – see above!
  • Salt – salt adds flavor.

Why COLD Butter and Buttermilk for Biscuits?

Cold ingredients, especially butter, are essential in biscuits. The cold butter pieces in the dough will produce steam when placed in the oven, creating moisture pockets and yielding a tender, flaky biscuit.


How to Make Easy Drop Biscuits

Making drop biscuits is SO easy. You can make the dough and bake them in just 30 minutes! FULL instructions are in the recipe card below (this is just an outline!).

  1. Combine dry ingredients.

    In a large bowl, use a whisk to combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

  2. Add cold butter.

    Add in cold butter chunks. Use a fork or pastry/biscuit cutter to cut the butter into the dry ingredients to form a fine crumble.

  3. Add buttermilk.

    Add buttermilk and mix until just combined. The dough should be just wet enough to form a loose ball. Add a splash more buttermilk if the dough is too dry to form a loose ball.

  4. Form drop biscuits.

    On a greased baking sheet, use a ¼ cup measure to drop dough balls about an inch apart.

  5. Bake.

    Bake for 11-16 minutes at 425 degrees, until just golden.

What to Serve With Drop Biscuits

These buttermilk drop biscuits are absolutely AMAZING alone. But here are a few ways you can serve your biscuits to make them extra special:

  1. With 20-Minute Pumpkin Butter
  2. With My Mom’s Homemade Strawberry Preserves
  3. With Homemade Honey Peanut Butter
  4. As a dessert with Hot Fudge Sauce
  5. As a Pulled Pork Biscuit Slider

How to Store Biscuits

Drop biscuits are best stored in an airtight container. They will keep well for 3-4 days!

Refresh them by heating them in a foil package in the oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes.



Keanu Reeves

He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister has leukemia.

And with everything that has happened, Keanu Reeves never misses an opportunity to help people in need. When he was filming the movie “The Lake House,” he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants; One cried because he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 and on the same day Keanu deposited the necessary amount in the woman’s bank account; He also donated stratospheric sums to hospitals.

In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery and bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.

After winning astronomical sums for the Matrix trilogy, the actor donated more than $50 million to the staff who handled the costumes and special effects – the true heroes of the trilogy, as he called them.

He also gave a Harley-Davidson to each of the stunt doubles. A total expense of several million dollars. And for many successful films, he has even given up 90% of his salary to allow the production to hire other stars.

In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.

Most stars when they make a charitable gesture they declare it to all the media. He has never claimed to be doing charity, he simply does it as a matter of moral principles and not to look better in the eyes of others.

This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: To be a good person ♥ ️

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Fred Flintstone steak, Pot Roast, Monkey Pox Potato Peeling, and a lack of topsoil in todays installment

Please enjoy this selection of tidy morsels. have fun. Enjoy  the read, and have a great day!

I’m still busy in my move. Sorry that this post is so scant. I know that I should do better.

The Banquet of Chestnuts

The Catholic Church does not like to talk about the infamous Banquet of Chestnuts.

Allegedly, on October 31, 1501, a truly filthy sex orgy took place at the pope’s official residence in the Vatican. The host was Cesare Borgia, a cardinal and, to top it off, the son of Pope Alexander VI.

No less than 50 prostitutes are said to have been present. At first, they danced with the guests in full dress. Later in the evening, the candlesticks were placed on the floor and many chestnuts were scattered on it.

The naked prostitutes crawled across the floor on all fours, trying to pick up the chestnuts with their mouths, while the guests, including the Pope, watched them and enjoyed themselves.

There was even said to be a questionable contest. The guests who were able to perform the act with the prostitutes the most times were honored with valuable prizes, for example silk tunics or shoes.

The main source for this rather interesting claim is the Liber notarum, the ceremonial diary of Johannes Burckard, who was the Vatican’s master of ceremonies at that time.

The veracity of this source is increasingly doubted by today’s historians. However, this has not prevented various artists from using this peculiar dinner as inspiration for their works.

The German painter Heinrich Lossow was known for his illustrations for works by Shakespeare, Goethe and Schiller. But he also published some pornographic works that were received as extremely piquant at the time.

His most scandalous work was undoubtedly The Sin.

The Sin

This particular painting is based on the events at the Banquet of Chestnuts. Heinrich Lossow was criticized by critics and the people for this work, but the church went one better. It accused the artist of all mortal sins at the same time.

Go East, My Son!

By Marwan Salamah for the Saker Blog

American nineteenth-century folklore tells of a young man asking his elders’ advice on what calling he should take up. The answer was a firm “Go West my son and grow!”, or to that effect. The gist of the advice was that the American West was at the time viewed as virgin, not yet settled and built up by the European immigrants. In fact, most of those who headed West did succeed, subject to exhibiting diligence, persistence, hard work, and some luck.

But today, in the twenty-first century, circumstances have changed. The West has matured, competition has increased, and returns have shrunk. Endless series of bubble booms and busts continue to occur and at ever shorter intervals. Classical economics concepts have gradually changed away from a real production economy to a paper economy which is considered by some to be fictitious, unreal, and unsustainable.

Today’s Western economy is dominated by the FIRE sectors (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate) plus the military industry, all of which have usurped the bulk of the economy’s wealth and income, leaving far too little for the other sectors to survive let alone grow. The result is an alarming rise in extreme inequality with, it is claimed, the top 1% (or 10%) of the population owning the bulk of the wealth and income.

Other sectors have also grown, most prominent are those related to IT and services. But these are highly volatile and high-risk businesses and not all who enter them succeed or remain and prosper. Quite a few have turned into Zombie companies that absorb endless bouts of capital increases in the millions and even billions of Dollars but fail to show a profit.

The great western industry has all but disappeared. It has migrated to China, Asia, and elsewhere, as a result of an erroneous application of the famous economic edict of “maximizing profits”. It was applied exclusively to the short-term with total disregard to its negative long-term implications on both the companies themselves as well as the economy as a whole. The result, among other things, was the stripping of the West’s industrial capability, increasing its balance of trade deficit, creating endless supply chain bottlenecks, and increasing its vulnerability and reliance on the outside world.

Despite the negative description above, the US, so far, remains the biggest and strongest economy and the US Dollar remains the main trade currency, the main reserve currency held by the world’s central banks, and the number one safe haven currency. Also, we should by no means ignore the huge American agriculture capacity that has fed and continues to feed a substantial number of the world’s population.

But at the same, we cannot disregard the huge and important changes that are rapidly occurring elsewhere in the world, especially as most of these changes seem intent on competing directly, commercially and economically with the US and the West. Nor can we disregard the well-published data signaling a shrinkage in the West’s global market share and the gradual erosion of the US Dollar hegemony.

And once we add the increasingly belligerent geopolitical tug-of-war between the US and its allies against Russia, China, and part of the Global South, it quickly becomes apparent that the world is on the verge of a major historic and permanent split into two or more camps.

Regardless of who fares better in the coming split, it is clear that the economic development that began a few years ago in Russia, China, Eurasia, the Far East, and the Global South has been positive and impressive, and is likely to be more so if it continues – and all indications point to its continuity.

On this basis, it is logical to assume and expect a huge growth of business and investment opportunities in those changing countries (East and South), both quantitative and qualitative. Bear in mind that those markets are still more or less virgin in that they have not reached their market or financial peaks and have ample room for additional growth. The crown jewel here is that most of the available business and investment opportunities are in the “real” economy and not fictitious paper or pencil-pushing based. Many comprise opportunities in the industrial and agricultural fields and are thirsty for smart capital. The services, trading, and real estate sectors are similarly poised for development by those with proven know-how and expertise.

It is therefore not surprising to see Turkiye begin, a few years ago, to turn its attention Eastwards, especially after a decades-long frustrating wait for the glorious EU membership approval that never arrived.

But the true attention head-spinner is Iran’s resetting of its compass from West to East. After more than two millennia of looking West, Iran has at long last realized that its future lies in the East. Obviously, the US and West’s animosity, accompanied by an endless series of harsh sanctions, and the unlikelihood of a return to the nuclear agreement has not only tipped the Iranian scale away from the West but pushed it firmly eastwards where it sees a much brighter and mutually beneficial future.

As such, Iran began a couple of years ago with a mega multi-year investment agreement with China worth approx. $400 Mill to develop and upgrade its oil and industry sectors. It then joined several segments of the Belt & Road Initiative (the new Chinese Silk Road) as well as signed a joint venture agreement with India to develop Iran’s Arabian seaport of Chabahar as a main trade transit hub. In the process, it has significantly increased its trade with its northern, eastern, and southern neighbors and the trend appears continuing. On another front, it has recently jointly inaugurated the north-south route from Saint Petersburg through Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea all the way to the Arabian sea and henceforth to India and Asia. This is claimed to be a very fast and economic route and is another potential competitor to the Suez Canal. And finally, only last week, it signed a batch of agreements with Russia, including one with giant Gazprom to develop its many gas fields.

On the international organizations’ side, Iran joined last year the Shanghai Cooperation Council (SCO), which is an important Asian economic and security cooperation organization. Turkey is a Dialogue Member and new applications are expected from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt. Similar developments are in progress in other Asian and Global South international organizations.

It is clear that the chess board layout is rapidly changing, and opportunities are aplenty. There is no logical reason not to head East and South… remember the early bird is usually well rewarded.

Just a few guns…


You may have heard on the news about a Southern California man who was put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had 100,000 rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape tunnel.

By Southern California standards, someone owning 100,000 rounds is considered “mentally unstable.


In Michigan, he’d be called “the last white guy still living in Detroit.”

In Arizona, he’d be called “an avid gun collector.

In Arkansas, he’d be called “a novice gun collector.”

In Utah, he’d be called “moderately well prepared,” but they’d probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food.

In Kansas, he’d be “A guy down the road you would want to have for a friend.”

In Montana, he’d be called “The neighborhood ‘Go-To’ guy.”

In Idaho, he’d be called “a likely gubernatorial candidate.”

In Georgia, he’d be called “an eligible bachelor.”

In North Carolina, Virginia, WV, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina and Minnesota he would be called “a deer hunting buddy.”


In Florida , he’d just be “a guy who’s a little short on Ammo.”

Doomsday Approaches: Scientists Say That The Earth Will Run Out Of Usable Topsoil In 60 Years


What will we do when we inevitably run out of topsoil?  This month, I have written a number of articles that show that the clock is ticking for humanity.  We are systematically destroying the planet that we live on, and we are already witnessing mass extinctions of plankton, insects and birds.  Our food is full of poisons, our water is full of poisons and the air that we breathe is full of poisons.  And it gets worse with each passing year.  But one thing that I haven’t talked about recently is the loss of our topsoil.  95 percent of the food that we eat comes from the soil, and so if we have no soil we have no food.  This is a crisis that has been building for decades, and now we are rapidly approaching a major crisis point.

The amount of land that is used for agriculture all over the world has been steadily climbing for decades, and the intensive farming techniques that have been employed have resulted in a staggering loss of topsoil

But beneath the feet of Iowa’s farmers, a crisis is unfolding. The average topsoil depth in Iowa decreased from around 14-18 inches (35-45cm) at the start of the 20th Century to 6-8 inches (15-20cm) by its end. Relentless tilling and disturbance from farm vehicles have allowed wind and water to whisk away this priceless resource.

The same picture is seen on farms worldwide. Soils are becoming severely degraded due to a combination of intensive farming practices and natural processes. As the layer of fertile topsoil thins, it gets increasingly difficult to grow crops for food. Without altering agricultural practices and urgently finding ways to preserve soil, the global food supply starts to look precarious.

According to Time Magazine, “soil is being lost at between 10 and 40 times the rate at which it can be naturally replenished”, and the outlook for the future is extremely bleak.

Sadly, this is even true here in the United States.  When early Americans first started to settle in the Midwest, a very thick layer of extremely dark topsoil was there to greet them.

But now that topsoil is rapidly disappearing, and what remains is soil that is “often much lighter in color”

The soil that’s darkest in color is widely known as topsoil. Soil scientists call this layer the “A-horizon.” It’s the “black, organic, rich soil that’s really good for growing crops,” says Evan Thaler, a Ph.D. student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

It’s full of living microorganisms and decaying plant roots, also called organic carbon. When settlers first arrived in the Midwest, it was everywhere, created from centuries of accumulated prairie grass. Plowing, though, released much of the trapped carbon, and topsoil was also lost to wind and water erosion. The soil that remains is often much lighter in color.

I remember the thick, black soil that I could dig my hands into when I was a child.

I would love to experience that again, but the soil in the Midwest is far different today.

In fact, it is being estimated that the Midwest has lost 57.6 billion metric tons of topsoil already…

Since farmers began tilling the land in the Midwest 160 years ago, 57.6 billion metric tons of topsoil have eroded, according to a study published recently in Earth’s Future.  The loss has occurred despite conservation efforts implemented in the 1930s after the Dust Bowl, and the erosion rate is estimated to be double what the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says is sustainable. Future crop production could be severely limited if it continues, reports Rachel Crowell for Science News.

“Future crop production could be severely limited” is a nice way of saying that everyone is going to starve if something doesn’t change.

And that could happen a whole lot sooner than many people think.

According to the UN, all of our topsoil could be gone “within 60 years”

Generating three centimeters of top soil takes 1,000 years, and if current rates of degradation continue all of the world’s top soil could be gone within 60 years, a senior UN official said on Friday.

About a third of the world’s soil has already been degraded, Maria-Helena Semedo of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) told a forum marking World Soil Day.

Maria-Helena Semedo actually made that statement back in 2014.

So that means that we don’t actually have 60 years left.

If that projection is accurate, we only have 52 years remaining until all the topsoil is gone.

And one expert recently told CNBC that there are actually some places in the world that “have already lost all of their topsoil”

“There are places that have already lost all of their topsoil,” Jo Handelsman, author of “A World Without Soil,” and a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told CNBC.

The impact of soil degradation could total $23 trillion in losses of food, ecosystem services and income worldwide by 2050, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.

2050 is only 28 years away.

Of course horrifying global famines will inevitably arrive long before we get to that point.

And we are actually hastening the demise of our soil by our own behavior.

Today, agricultural lands all over the planet are being saturated by trillions upon trillions of microplastics.

The amount of plastic that we produce continues to rise at an exponential rate, and that means that the amount of microplastics raining down on our farms will continue to rise at an exponential rate.

As the level of plastic in the soil keeps going up, it is going to become increasingly difficult to grow much of anything.

I know that the information in this article is difficult to take in, but it is vital that you understand what is ahead of us.

We aren’t just facing an economic collapse.

The truth is that what we are actually facing is the collapse of everything.

When I say that the clock is ticking for humanity, I am not exaggerating one bit.

Unless something really dramatic happens, we are heading into a future that is going to be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine.

How Americans take care of their elderly..

I am 82 years old, I have 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a room of 12 square meters.

I no longer have a home or expensive things, but I have someone who will clean my room, prepare food and bedding, measure my pressures and weigh me.

I no longer have the laughter of my grandchildren, I don’t see them growing, hugging and arguing. Some come to me every 15 days, some every three or four months, and some never.

I no longer work in the winter, I don’t bake cakes, I don’t dig up the garden. I still have hobbies and I like to read, but my eyes quickly hurt.

I don’t know how much longer, but I have to get used to this loneliness. Here at home, I lead group work and help those who are worse than me as much as I can. Until recently, I read aloud to an immobile woman in the room next to me, we used to sing together, but she died the other day.

They say life is getting longer. Why? When I’m alone, I can look at photos of my family and memories I brought from home. And that’s all.

I hope that the next generations will understand that families are born to have a future (with children) and that they do not forget about the family even in old age.

Please don’t show this to my children.

Grandma Maria loves you.

Chinese live in multi-generational homes…


Many families have a growing number of multi-generational members, and the housing costs that can accompany such a large population can add up quickly. In these situations, Multi-Generational Homes can be a great option. These properties are usually built with several different floor plans in mind. For example, young adults often move home with their parents after college, but they don’t necessarily need a place to live. In many cases, the home will be used by the whole family, and the members of each generation can enjoy the same living space.

home builder

Many family members find that living in a large house offers several benefits, including easy home financing. In addition, because the family will be living under one roof, financial obligations and responsibilities can be shared among the various members. According to a former mortgage broker, multi-generational homes are particularly advantageous for managing property expenses. For example, you can share utility and insurance bills with each other, and two construction loans can be merged into one.

Many Asian cultures have multi-generational homes as a natural part of everyday life. South Asians have a common saying that the kids are their parents’ retirement plan. In many cultures, grandparents are a central part of family life and teach respect for the elderly. In addition, they pass on cultural traditions and a connection to their ancestry. But with rising housing costs and limited real estate, more families are opting for multi-generational homes.

Multi-generational homes can provide financial benefits during challenging times and allow family members to stay close to one another. They are also more flexible than traditional single-family homes and can accommodate multiple uses. So, whether you have multiple generations or only need space for one family, these homes are the ideal solution. There are several benefits to having this type of home. And they don’t have to cost a fortune. And, as long as you have the land and the financial means, you’ll be happy with your choice.

Having several generations in a household can be difficult. It’s essential to have separate living spaces for each generation. Those with older relatives will appreciate the privacy and independence of their aging parents. Children will appreciate privacy. A multi-generational home can also provide financial benefits when the elderly need extra help. The benefits of these homes are many. They can provide comfort to multiple generations and help their families avoid expensive medical costs.

For those with aging parents, multi-generational homes are an ideal compromise. While their parents are still independent, the adult children can live with them and save for a new apartment. Likewise, a multi-generational home can also be a transitional home for a college student. This type of home is often the right choice for your family. And it can also be a great financial benefit if you have elderly parents.

Building a multi-generational home is a smart choice for many reasons. First, the financial benefits are immense. A multi-generational home can be ideal for parents and their adult children to live. A single-family can enjoy the freedom and security of a single home while having the convenience of two separate homes. Finally, the multi-generational structure will allow your parents to live closer to their elderly parents if your family is older.

Multi-generational home is an excellent choice for aging families. A multi-generational home can be a wonderful investment for all family members. The added benefits of a multi-generational home include the convenience of having a large space for the elderly. In addition, they can be a good fit for all of your family members. There are also several benefits to living in a community with multiple generations.

Having a multi-generational home allows you to enjoy the benefits of a single home for your family members. It is also beneficial for the elderly, who may want to live close to their parents, as they will not have to worry about finding someone to care for them. Having a multi-generational home will also avoid the costs associated with multiple mortgages. A multi-generational home can also help you save on taxes, as your income will be more stable.

Police constable Neman Ashraf tells his story…

On June 1st, at around 2 in the morning, we received information of an eight years old girl brought to a private hospital, unconscious, injured and bruised. The man who had brought her left the premises without staying after only informing that the girl works at his home as a maid.

Police responded immediately upon learning of the news.

Condition of that girl was critical, a few officers remained at the hospital and others left to find the suspect or any pieces of information about him who had fled the scene.

His name is Hassan, a young man living at a posh and decorated housing society, well off family, rich people. Husband, wife and their child… an infant. They were keeping the girl “maid” whose name is Zahra as “help” to take care of their son.

But as the doctors shared medical reports of the victim, we learned that the girl beaten but physically “sexually abused” too as there were signs of bleeding. She was raped.

City’s Police Chief took notice of the matter right away and ordered registration of a case against the offenders with charges of attempted murder, rape and more. There was no complainant, no family of that girl present as her parents lived hundreds of miles away and had willingly gave their daughter in service of those people in return of money.

Police became complainant, and registered the case.

Minutes after that, the girl passed away.

Hunt was on, dozens and dozens of cops were dispatched to trace out the culprits and within a day, both of the accused, the husband and his wife were arrested, murder charge had been added to the case as of now, and this is where I personally and most probably my colleagues too went into shock of a lifetime.

Arrested for the repeated rape, murder, and death of a 8 year old girl who was their slave.

Confessions, so horrific that make me say “May lord have mercy”.

That man abused the child to death as a “punishment”, for what you ask? For mistakenly opening their parrot cage that led to one of their parrots flying away.

That is it.

Wow. I mean… is that all there is to make a child subject of such gruesome endless torture and abuse?

There were videos found in his mobile phone that depicts the true horrors of what happened, the pain and misery the little Zahra went through, and all of this done by someone we’d otherwise consider a perfectly fine sensible person by his appearance.

12 injuries including vital injuries at the private parts, folks. I won’t share the images out of respect for the dead as well as for some of you will drop everything and feel like your heart skipping its rhythm. An eight years old baby girl. At such age, children giggle and roam free of worries, don’t they?

Of course, I’d consider her parents responsible of this despicable atrocity equally, as It was their duty to ensure their safety and well-being of their child. I can understand, that people are poor, needy and that people do let their children work in other people’s home for money.

Very respectfully, I don’t agree with that, and consider it insanely wrong. No matter how poorer or needy I get, I’d never let my child be on the mercy of another soul, I’ll never let my child be in service of a master simply because that’s a child we’re talking about for goodness sake!!! Those who do find it feasible, I’m not going to criticize them, they may have their reasons, but I fail to see a good one and I condemn the practice strongly.

So yea,

Zahra is gone.

I feel like she is up there in heavens, very contented of finally getting rid of all those who pained her.

We are committed to ensure justice for the little angel, Sternest conviction and befitting punishment to be ensured. We the cops; owe it to her at the very least.

Tomahawk Steak

Tomahawk steak is the classic steak that Fred Flintstone ate, according to Omaha Steaks. It’s an over-the-top, larger-than-life, bone-in ribeye steak, meant to impress. It’s similar to the Cowboy Steak with one difference: The Tomahawk has a larger bone.


This Reverse Seared Smoked Tomahawk Steak is slow smoked to perfection and then reverse seared over a hot griddle and served with a delicious garlic and herb butter compound. The result is an incredibly juicy and tender steak with a crisp outer crust that is packed with smoky flavor!


Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • The reverse sear method – Reverse searing is the process of cooking (or in this case smoking) steak slowly and at a low temperature before searing on a hot griddle to finish it off. This results in an incredibly tender and delicious piece of meat with a nice crust on the outside. A Blackstone and pellet grill works great for this recipe, but additional searing options are listed below.


  • Great for special occasions – A tomahawk steak is a rather expensive cut of beef but the next level flavor and all around presentation make it a fantastic cut of meat for a special occasion.
  • Garlic and herb butter compound – This tomahawk steak recipe is served with a delicious butter compound made up of fresh herbs and garlic that adds even more flavor to this cut of meat.

Tomahawk Steak vs Ribeye Steak

A tomahawk steak is essentially a fancy bone-in ribeye steak. This thick cut of meat is butchered leaving at least 5 inches of rib bone in tact on the steak. A cowboy steak, also a bone-in ribeye, has a shorter bone than the tomahawk.

A tomahawk ribeye typically has great marbling (meaning more fat throughout the meat muscle). In addition, it’s an extremely tender cut of beef. Because the rib bone of the tomahawk is left in tact, much of the juices are preserved helping to give it its fantastic flavor!

Ingredients Needed

For Smoked Tomahawk


For Butter Compound

For Butter Compound

Ingredient Notes

  • Tomahawk Ribeye Steak – You’ll often find this cut of meat at your local butcher rather than the regular grocery store. Look for thick steaks (approximately 2 inches) with good marbling.
  • Avocado oil – this helps the dry rub spices adhere to the steak. You can also use olive oil.
  • Butter or Ghee – Sear the steak in butter or ghee for even more flavor! Ghee is a fantastic paleo alternative to butter.

How To Smoke A Tomahawk Steak

  • Pat the steak dry with paper towels and apply a thin layer of the avocado oil over the entire surface of the steak.
  • In a small bowl mix the sea salt, pepper, granulated garlic, and dried thyme. Rub dry rub all over the outside of the steak including the sides of the steak, and press it in.
  • Set your tomahawk steak aside and allow it to come to room temperature for approximately two hours prior to beginning the cooking process. This will ensure a more even cook.
  • Preheat the Traeger or other pellet smoker to 250 degrees F when ready to cook.
  • Insert the temperature probe of the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak. Place the steak directly on the hot grill grates and smoke at 250F until the internal temperature reaches 115 degrees F and then remove the steak from the smoker. (The time will vary based on the size and thickness of the steak).
  • While the meat smokes, mix all ingredients for the herbed compound butter in a small bowl. Place the bowl in the fridge until ready to serve.
  • When the steak is nearing the end of the cook, add the ghee (or butter) to a preheated cast iron skillet or a preheated blackstone griddle and allow it to melt (being careful not to let it burn).
  • Add the steak to the hot griddle and sear for 2-3 minutes per side until the internal temperature of the steak reaches 135F or your desired doneness.
  • Let the steak rest on a cutting board for 5 minutes before serving topped with the compound butter.
  • When the steak is nearing the end of the cook, add the ghee (or butter) to a preheated cast iron skillet or a preheated blackstone griddle and allow it to melt (being careful not to let it burn).
  • Add the steak to the hot griddle and sear for 2-3 minutes per side until the internal temperature of the steak reaches 135F or your desired doneness.
  • Let the steak rest on a cutting board for 5 minutes before serving topped with the compound butter.

Recipe FAQ’s

Why should I let the steak rest?

Resting steak after cooking makes a big difference as it allows the juices in the steak to redistribute throughout the meat rather than drain out upon cutting immediately.
The internal temperature will continue to rise as your steak rests which is why it’s important to remove steak from the heat source prior to it reaching the internal temperature you desire.

At what internal temperature is steak done?

The USDA suggests an internal temperate of 145 degrees F plus a 3 minute rest for steak. However, cooking times and temperatures will vary based on your desired degree of doneness. I always recommend using a meat thermometer, like the meater+.

In addition, steak should be removed from the heat source when the internal temp is about 5 degrees lower than your desired level of doneness to prevent it from overcooking as it rests.

Rare – 125 degrees F
Medium Rare – 135 degrees F
Medium – 145 degrees F
Medium Well – 150 degrees F
Well Done – 160 degrees F


Can I make this steak on a charcoal grill?

Yes! While the process differs slightly, you’ll still get a great charcoal smoke flavor on a grill without an electric smoker. The process involves cooking the steak over indirect heat before a hot sear with more airflow. This is a great article on How to Reverse Sear a Tomahawk Steak on a charcoal grill.

A Disease That Can Make It Feel Like Someone Is Peeling Your Skin With A Potato Peeler Is Spreading At An Exponential Rate


I would highly recommend that you take this new global monkeypox outbreak very seriously.  On May 6th, there was one case.  Now it has spread to 78 countries and there are 14,945 cases.  In nation after nation we have seen monkeypox cases take off at an exponential rate, and that includes the United States.  Monkeypox cases have now been confirmed in 45 U.S. states, and the total number of U.S. cases has jumped to 2,102.  Any chance of containing this disease is gone, and that is really bad news.

Many have pointed out to me that this virus has been spreading primarily among those that are engaged in certain types of risky sexual activity, but that is not the only way that it spreads.

A bartender in Dallas named Luke Shannahan recently got monkeypox, and he is not quite sure how he contracted it

He’s not sure exactly how he got it, but Luke was contacted by the Dallas Health Department who told him he may have been exposed to monkeypox.

“I was at bars. I was going to pool parties. I did attend a music event over the weekend and recently all of those people have been becoming positive,” Luke said. “Apparently it was a contact tracing phone call.”

It is entirely possible that he was engaged in sexual activity that he is not admitting.

But if it is true that a lot of people that were at the same music event ended up contracting monkeypox, that would suggest that it is spreading fairly easily even in casual settings.

After the call from the Dallas Health Department, he was given a monkeypox vaccine, but that didn’t prevent what came next

Shannahan was administered a monkeypox vaccine after he was diagnosed, but still became bedridden for two days and felt so ill he feared for his life.

I keep making the same point, but most people out there still don’t seem to get it.

This is not the same monkeypox that we have dealt with before.

Scientists are telling us that there are approximately 50 key mutations that set this virus apart from previous strains of monkeypox…

But in the new study, when microbial genomics researcher João Paulo Gomes of Portugal’s National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA) and his colleagues compared 15 virus samples from the current outbreak with viruses isolated from people who traveled to West Africa in 2018 and 2019, they found that the present-day virus had mutated about 50 times in just four years.

So the truth is that we may be starting from square one because this virus is radically different from anything that we have previously faced.

And as I have warned in previous articles, this is a virus that you definitely do not want to catch.

According to Shannahan, any time that one of the sores on his skin touched something, it felt like “someone is taking a potato peeler to your skin”

Revealing his illness, Shannahan told KHOU 11: ‘It’s just the most traumatic experience I’ve ever had. It’s the worst sick I’ve ever been.

‘You have these blisters that are inflamed and anytime it grazes something or touches something, it literally feels like someone is taking a potato peeler to your skin.’

It turns out that Shannahan has also had COVID, but he says that monkeypox is “100 times worse”

‘The pain and tenderness was constant,’ he said.

Asked whether it was like Covid, he said: ‘Oh, 100 times worse. this was a totally different level of extreme fatigue.’

If the number of cases continues to rise at an exponential rate, it won’t be too long before monkeypox is literally everywhere.

So what will we do then?

If it can spread among people gathered at a music festival, then it can also spread at a church, at a store or at a school.

Will health authorities ultimately decide that extended lockdowns are necessary?

And will the general public start clamoring for such lockdowns?

Let’s hope not.  Personally, I don’t want to see lockdowns in the United States ever again for any reason.

But once people start to understand the sort of pain this virus causes, there will be a lot of panic among the general public.  Shannahan says that during his worst days it was as if “someone took a ball of needles and kept on stabbing you with it”

“The pain and tenderness was constant,” Shannahan said. “It’s like if someone took a ball of needles and kept on stabbing you with it.”

Of course Shannahan is not the only victim that is speaking out.

Another victim named Gabriel Morales says that he spent eight days alone in his apartment in “excruciating pain” after he contracted the virus…

Although he was covered with lesions, it took four hours of phone calls, and then five hours in a Harlem emergency room, for Gabriel Morales to be tested for the monkeypox virus earlier this month. And that was just the beginning of his wait.

Mr. Morales was sent home and told the Department of Health would call with his results in less than a week. The call never came.

He spent the next eight days alone in his apartment in what he described as excruciating pain, trying to find someone to prescribe him pain medication and a hard-to-access antiviral drug.

Doesn’t that sound fun?

If this virus is not contained, we could soon have millions upon millions of victims suffering through the most intense pain that they have ever experienced in their entire lives.

And just about everyone else could be in a state of full-blown panic because they are so fearful of catching the virus themselves.

There is a very real possibility that this plague could cause even more panic than COVID, and so it is absolutely imperative that authorities get this thing under control.

Unfortunately, many experts are now entirely convinced that it will be impossible to do so

It has been a mere nine weeks since the United Kingdom announced it had detected four cases of monkeypox, a virus endemic only in West and Central Africa. In that time, the number of cases has mushroomed to nearly 13,000 in over 60 countries throughout Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, new parts of Africa, South Asia, and Australia.

The growth in cases and the geographic spread has been rapid and relentless.

Now, even as global health officials race to curb spread of the virus, most experts polled by STAT said they don’t believe it will be possible to contain it.

For the record, I specifically warned that something just like this would happen.

Now that day has arrived.

I am still hoping that the numbers will start to level off and that this crisis will start to fade.

But I have been closely watching the numbers each week and so far that has not happened.

In fact, I believe that the WHO will soon officially declare that we have another global pandemic on our hands.

An era of great pestilences is here, and none of our lives will ever be the same again.

American Host REACTS to FACTS about CHINA

"China is run by engineers. - We're fucked."

This is a fun video. Please check it out.

Yankee Pot Roast

Pot roast has been a long-time popular dish in New England, especially appreciated on long, cold winter nights. Food world icon James Beard claimed that the dish’s roots can be traced back to France—apparently, French immigrants displayed their cooking method, à l’étouffée, for tenderizing meats, and thus the pot roast was born.

Pot Roast

This pot roast recipe is an easy and absolutely delicious dinner! The trick? Canned onion soup! This recipe has been in my family for decades, passed down from generation to generation – and it’s the absolute best!

Pot Roast

My grandmother came up with this pot roast recipe, simply using a big beef chuck roast, cans of condensed onion soup, potatoes and veggies. That’s it! Assembly takes just a few minutes, before you pop your pot roast in the oven and let it slow cook for four hours. For tender, flavorful pot roast, follow these steps. It can’t get easier!

Ingredients for Pot Roast

  • Boneless beef chuck roast – boneless beef chuck roasts make the best pot roast! I do not recommend chuck shoulder roasts for pot roast. A shoulder roast is a different cut of beef that is leaner and doesn’t shred as well as boneless chuck!
  • Canned French Onion Soup – onion soup will flavor your roast in a delicious premade oniony beef broth without the extra effort of making your own broth! My grandma always used Campbell’s Condensed French Onion Soup because of its rich flavor. It’s delicious. This is not an ad!
  • Fresh herbs (optional) – I like to add fresh herbs like rosemary and thyme to my onion soup broth for aromatics. It’s the perfect extra touch! This is optional.
  • Potatoes and root vegetables (optional) – although this step is optional, why not cook your sides in the broth with your pot roast? I like using baby red potatoes and baby carrots. You can also add cubed rutabagas, turnips, pearl onions or shallots!

How to Make Pot Roast

  1. Choose the right piece of meat in the grocery store! You want a 3 to 4 pound boneless chuck roast. A chuck shoulder roast is not the same thing! Make sure the size of your pot roast is between 3-4 pounds so the cooking time listed below gives you the best results!
  2. Place your chuck pot roast in a roasting pan. I use my 12x10x2 inch roasting pan. You’ll want a pan that’s large enough to fit your roast and deep enough to fit the broth!
  3. Add 4-5 cans of onion soup, so your roast is mostly submerged in liquid. I usually end up using five 10.5 ounce cans.
  4. Add as many potatoes, carrots and other veggies that can fit without the soup overflowing out of the pan! If your potatoes or vegetables are large, cut them into rough cubes.
  5. If you want to add in some herbs, pinch off a small handful of rosemary and thyme from the sprigs. If you only have dried herbs, you can use them instead!
  6. Cover your pan tightly with foil and place your pot roast in a preheated 300-degree oven for 4 hours. You might want to place a baking sheet or a few sheets of foil on the bottom rack of your oven to catch any juices that overflow!
  7. Let your pot roast slow cook for those 4 hours, untouched! At 4 hours, your roast should reach an internal temperature of at least 190 degrees for tender pot roast. Carefully take your roast out of the oven and enjoy, with lots of spoonfuls of that delicious onion soup broth.
Pot Roast

Ingredient Substitutions

  • Fresh herbs – substitute dried herbs for fresh herbs.
  • I do not recommend using dried onion soup mix!
Use 4-5 cans of soup so that the pot roast is mostly covered in onion soup broth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best cut for pot roast?

Boneless beef chuck roast is the best cut of meat for pot roast. A chuck shoulder roast is not the same thing! A shoulder roast is a different cut of beef that is leaner and doesn’t shred as well as boneless chuck roast. The shredded texture of chuck pot roast is unmatched!

Is pot roast beef or pork?

Pot roast is a beef dish, made by slow cooking (braising) an inexpensive, typically tough cut of beef in liquid. The liquid is usually a rich broth that not only tenderizes the beef but flavors it! Looking for slow-roasted pork instead? Try this Pulled Pork recipe!

What are the best potatoes for pot roast?

The best potatoes are baby red potatoes. They fit well in a roasting pan without cutting them, and baby red potatoes have a thin skin and a waxy texture that stand up well to slow-cooking.

What to do with leftover pot roast?

My favorite way to use leftover pot roast is to make a pot roast sandwich! Use rye or your favorite bread, slather with mustard, and stack with shredded hot or cold pot roast. There’s nothing better in the world!

How long is pot roast good for?

A cooked pot roast should last for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

How to reheat your pot roast?

Reheat your pot roast by shredding it into small pieces in the broth, covering with foil, and heating in the oven at 350 degrees until hot. If you’re really in a pinch, place shredded pot roast, broth and veggies in a microwave safe covered dish and heat in increments of 30 seconds until hot.

Can you freeze pot roast?

Absolutely! Pot roast freezes very well, although the veggies might get mushy. I recommend using frozen pot roast within 3-4 months.

What to Serve with Pot Roast

One of the best parts about this pot roast recipe is that it’s easy: your veggies and potatoes (the side dishes) go right into the pan to slow cook with your roast for a complete dinner!

Root vegetables like carrots, turnips and rutabagas are classic accompaniments for pot roast. I love using a blend of veggies, along with baby potatoes and pearl onions or peeled shallots. They’ll absorb all the rich flavors of the onion soup broth, which is just AMAZING!

You can also serve your pot roast with Homemade Yeast Rolls, Buttery Crispy Potatoes Anna, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, or Roasted Carrots & Leeks.

From the ex-con forum…

I did 15 years in prison and when I got out it was like being on another planet. Everything had changed so much and it was so overwhelming, I couldn’t even walk into a store or just be around everyday people without panicking and sweating, words couldn’t describe how I felt… I stayed at a men’s shelter for 11 months and did any kind of work I could do. I got a car, got my own place and met a woman who changed my life. I’m a plumber, but I had been gone so long and so much had changed that I was scared to get back into plumbing, plus I had 20 years probation. I was blessed to be given the greatest Probation Officer in the world, who after time had faith and believed in me. Don’t get me wrong, when I screwed up and/or got too cocky she let me know who was in charge and hammered me!! But I kept proving myself and she would give me a little more and a little more lead way which also built my confidence in myself. That’s how a P.O. should act and treat you, especially as long as I had been down. I would not have or be in the situation that I’m blessed with if it wasn’t for having the Probation Officer I was given…. Thank you Kimiko..

My P.O. gave me the ok to work at a plumbing Company and I was rusty as hell and felt stupid but I stuck with it. Plumbing prices had gone up 4 to 5 times higher from when I got put in prison and it blew my mind. I made. 40 cents an hour in prison and now I was making $20 an hour and I was in heaven. I kept giving people breaks on the jobs I did, especially the elderly and it wasn’t going over good with the company and we butted heads over me doing this where I finally said that I think I can do better on my own and the owner laughed and said, “ Good luck “… They just thought I was a crazy old long hair and didn’t know what I was talking about…

So I talked with my P.O. and she gave me the green light to start my company. I hit the ground running. I contacted the Contracting Board , took the written part of the test and had to go before a 6 member panel and prove to them verbally and with documentation that I had turned my life around, because I was a felon. So I spoke (and I can talk) for 45 minutes and… they unanimously agreed to give me my Plumbing License…Ha!!!😎😎😎 . Just another thing all the know- it-alls said that I wouldn’t be able to get and/or do…I had built my credit up and got a $15,000 loan and started hitting up property management companies and started getting jobs and worked 12 to 14 hour days… that was 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back!! I let all the companies that I work for and all my long time regular customers know that I was in prison. All the stories you heard from the guys who got out and came back saying, “nobody will hire you or you can’t get a job”.. I don’t believe it!!! People LOVE the underdog and come back stories, you might get a few who are ignorant, but for the most part people WANT to see you succeed and go out of their way to help you anyway they can….

I just bought my 3rd house , I have 2 guys working for me and the work just keeps coming in… i don’t advertise, only the artwork on my van and business cards …word of mouth is the best. At my 5 year mark of being out I got a lawyer, petition the court to consider letting me off probation and the judge granted my motion and terminated the 15 years of probation I had left.. which rarely happens and guess who said THAT would never happen….the haters.…I was a drug addict and I was a hot mess and I wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for my God and my Sobriety. I promised my God, myself and my daughter that I would do everything I could not to be that person that I was, if he could just help me make it out of prison alive. God kept up his end of the bargain and I have been sober since the day they put handcuffs on me on December 23rd 2000… And the woman I met… She’s my best friend, my beacon of light and loves me to death and she went and married me and it will be 4 years this December of 2021 and I’ve never been so happy!! It’s like a dream come true. I get to open my eyes every morning seeing this angel …. Thank you God!!

I was released from prison June 12th, 2015….

The reason I’ve written this long ass post is to try and pass on …it CAN be done!!! Don’t listen to the know-it-alls that got out and kept coming back inside saying how “you can’t do this, or you can’t do that”.. they didn’t want to put the work in!!! I did EVERYTHING they all said that I wouldn’t be able to do..I didn’t write all this to brag, I wrote this to let y’all know your dreams can come true after you get out no matter what you did… go for it!

An event at the Kroger Grocery Store…


“I went to Kroger tonight wearing one of my husband’s sweatshirts. I got in line to check out and the man in front of me asked if the sweatshirt was mine.

I said ‘oh no, it’s my husband’s.’ It caught me pretty off guard, to say the least. He then asked if Austin was with me so he could say thank you and I just said ‘thank you, but unfortunately, he’s deployed right now.’

The man then, without hesitation started putting my groceries up on the belt with his and told me he was paying for my groceries tonight.

I was speechless.

The only thing I could get out was, ‘oh my gosh, are you sure, thank you so much’ almost a dozen times. He said, ‘that place over there almost took me away from my wife and my four kids. Promise you’ll stay true and honest to him while he’s gone and love him like you’ve never loved him before when he gets home.’

I’m still in shock over an hour later.

There’s still so much good in the world and we need to start focusing on that rather than focusing on all the bad.”

Oligarchy or Patriarchy? Rule by the Few or Rule for the Many?

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog

Introduction: Capitalism or Communism?

A commentator on this site recently accused me of being ‘a visceral anti-Communist’! I was quite amused (but also grateful, as he has inspired this essay). Such an accusation goes back to the old twentieth-century apparent abyss between ‘Left and Right’. Actually, although I have always been a social conservative, I have also always been for social justice, as I have said elsewhere. This would make me, I suppose, both left and right. Indeed, I have elsewhere (in the USA) been accused of being a ‘Socialist’, though it does not take much to be accused of Socialism in the USA. The word ‘justice’ alone is usually enough.

How do we square the circle, reconcile the apparently irreconcilable difference, as it seemed in the last century, between left and right? Let us look at the two systems of governance in today’s world, the Western system of the 13%, which is in effect rule by the few, in Greek called ‘Oligarchy’, and the system of the world’s 87%, rule for the many, which I will call ‘Patriarchy’. (Here I blatantly ignore the stereotypical feminist rejection of such a word, because it means something quite different to what hidebound Western feminists, imprisoned by their ideology, understand by it).


Oligarchy (1) is simply Neo-Feudalism, rule by robber-barons, in this case, the financial barons who live in their contemporary castles. This is why Oligarchy is Anti-National, Anti-Sovereign, Anti-Traditional Religion, Anti-Traditional Culture, Anti-National Infrastructure and Anti-Family (2). This is why Oligarchy, through its CIA and other assets, has over the generations brought down so many monarchies and national governments, like that of De Gaulle in France in 1968. It does not mind fictitious monarchies, as in the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Spain, as they are simply businesses, manipulations of the masses for large sums of money.

The Oligarchy does not like national identity, it destroys nation-states, as in the EU, for it wants ‘World Government’, which is code for World Dictatorship. This is the Dictatorship of the uprooted, which is why the Jewish component in it is strong (Jews have been uprooted ever since the Romans uprooted them in 70 AD). Oligarchy is based on the priority of accumulating money and therefore guarantees corruption, instability and the boom-bust cycle, because it rules by the financial sector. Hence the importance of Wall Street in New York, The City in London, Frankfurt in Germany and La Bourse in Paris. Hence the importance in all these countries of financial indices, which, so strangely, are always announced in their national news by their media.

Although Neo-Feudalism is also called Neo-Liberalism and is more commonly still known by the euphemism ‘Democracy’, it is run on the base profit motive, known by the euphemism ‘Monetarism’. It is certainly not Democracy because political parties are controlled by ultra-wealthy ‘donors’ and ‘lobbies’, that is, by the Oligarchy. This is why Democracy is also unfairly called ‘Demonocracy’, the choice for voters between a moron and a cretin. Very sadly, judging by recent leaders of the US/UK/EU, perhaps that is not so unfair, for most Western leaders are indeed oligarchs (Bush, Trump), or else the puppets of oligarchs (Macron, Draghi). The Oligarchy’s aim is always to preserve its elitist privileges.

No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories around covid, for example, that the Oligarchy invented covid because it wanted to kill off or zombify seven billion plus in order to create more resources for itself. By definition the profit motive of Oligarchy has no interest in the majority of the world because it wishes to strip their natural resources. Another word for this is ‘Parasitism’. The Oligarchy plunders the rest of the world. This strategy is enforced very aggressively by militaristic crusades (just as in the twelfth century, except now with high tech), forcing others to sell off (‘privatise’) their land, mineral resources, utilities and infrastructure to the Oligarchy’s agents.

This is why the Oligarchy is dominated by two sectors: finance and militarism, by its aggressive economic and military warfare against the rest of the world. Any who resist are threatened by economic sanctions or bombing (‘back into the Stone Age’). This is why the USA has 750 foreign military bases, spread across 80 nations. (After the USA is the UK, with one fifth of the US population, so with ‘only’ 145 bases) (3). Therefore the Oligarchy creates clients around the world wherever it can. These vassals follow exactly what the Oligarchy tells them to do. In other words, they are ‘zelenskyised’, for the Oligarchy has as its strategy looting the rest of the world, as in the Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc etc.


‘Patriarchy’ is rule for the benefit of the people. Patriarchy, exactly the opposite of Oligarchy, is Pro-National, Pro-Sovereignty, Pro-Traditional Religion, Pro-Traditional Culture, Pro-National Infrastructure and Pro-Family. The four great traditional religions of the world, Orthodox Christianity (and its cousin of Latin American, African and Asian Catholicism), Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, are Patriarchal. The bulk of the world, over 6 billion people, Russia, most of Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam…), Africa and Latin America, confess Patriarchy, ‘throne, altar and cottage’ (4). Thus, in the Tsar’s Russia, the State ran the economy through private investors, competing for contracts granted by the State.

Today, China, ruled by Chinese Nationalism, even though it is called Chinese Communism, does much the same, though shunning the central planning that discredited Communism in the Soviet and Chinese past. India does the same. They let people get rich by being creative, by being productive, but add a component of social and national responsibility through reference to the national religious/philosophical ideology. Wealth is to be used widely, for the Nation is a higher value than mere lucre. Although we can find exceptions of corrupt oligarchs, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. When the exceptions get caught in China and Belarus, at least, they are taken out and shot, in China in prison yards, in Belarus in the forest And oligarchs do not always have an easy time of it elsewhere.

The Patriarchal countries of Iran, pre-invasion Iraq, Libya and Syria, Russia and China are the enemies of the Oligarchy because they create industrial development by creating their own infrastructure, they provide everything to help do business and create the conditions for the potential prosperity of all. Patriarchy also provides free education and healthcare. This is exactly what ‘autocratic’ Prussia and Russia did five and six generations ago, with free education and healthcare, social insurance and pensions. Patriarchy provides the infrastructure for the basic human needs of the working people.

The Oligarchy called Patriarchy ‘Autocracy’ (Moghul India, Imperial China, pre-1917 Russia), and now call it ‘Socialism’ or ‘Communism’, because these are the opposite of their elitist ‘Democracy’. Their ‘Democracy’ is what is dictated by Oligarchy. Any country that goes its own way or develops the potential power to go its own way, such as China and Russia, is called a ‘Dictatorship’ by the Oligarchy’s paid hirelings in its propaganda mouthpieces, which it calls ‘the Western media’. For Oligarchy sells off State services like education, healthcare, schools, universities, hospitals, roads, railways and public utilities, water, electricity gas and telecom, in order to pay dividends to shareholders. This is why countries like China and Russia are the Oligarchy’s enemies.

Patriarchy is any country that is strong enough to make its own investments in its national infrastructure, any country strong enough to tax or control the financial sector. Patriarchy keeps banking in its own hands, so that it can finance the creation of infrastructure. It does not create money to lend to speculators to increase their profits, it creates production. So the chief public utility to be kept under the control of the Patriarchy is the banking system and credit creation. Patriarchy promotes just economic development. It prevents people from getting rich merely because they do not provide any productive service.

Conclusion: Why is Oligarchy Supporting the Ukraine?

Today the Ukraine is the battlefield where these two systems, Oligarchy and Patriarchy, are competing. The future of the whole world is being decided there. The Oligarchy has become embroiled ever more in its proxy war there because it intends to destroy Russia so that it can then destroy China. However, in order to do this, the USA must first finish off Russian-supplied Europe. The European elite has followed the Oligarchy’s dictates because its leaders are all only other ‘zelenskies’, whose strings are also pulled by the Oligarchy’s same puppeteers.

This is why the dollar has recently been rising against the pound sterling and the euro (and also the yen). However, seeing this, other countries are seeking alternatives and the USA is threatened with dedollarisation. There is no end game in the Ukraine for the Oligarchy. Meddling in Russia and Europe has meant heading towards economic meltdown. The Oligarchy is now pulling down an iron curtain on the Western world, not to protect it from some imagined foreign military attack, but to imprison the peoples of the USA, UK, EU, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. As those peoples cotton on, this will end badly for the Oligarchy.

The Ash Street Shoot-out.

This event honestly sounds like something straight out of a 90s action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Our story begins with US Army Ranger Bill Foulk.

Sgt Foulk (the guy with the glasses in the center) with some of his Ranger buddies

In 1989, Foulk decided that he wanted to make plans for his life after service; maybe settle down, marry a nice girl, start a family. Live the American Dream. In order to start, he bought a small house on Ash Street in Tacoma, Washington for $10,000 ($23,572 today).

 While all that was happening, this handsome lad, Ronald Reagan, was the 40th president of the United States. During his presidency he had many ideas, and one of them was his infamous War on Drugs. You see, in the 1970s, drug use had become a huge problem in the United States, so Reagan proposed that we should crack down on drugs through eradication, interdiction, and incarceration.

However, this backfired. Spectacularly.

Drugs became an even bigger problem, and they facilitated the rapid rise of street gangs, including the notorious Crips. As they expanded, they moved from their original territory in California all the way up to Tacoma, Washington.

The Crips, a notorious street gang that operated in the West Coast

As they moved into Tacoma, they decided that Ash Street would be a good place to do business. Soon, the entire neighborhood had basically become an open-air drug market.

Neighbors repeatedly called 911 on drug dealers and buyers, but to no avail. The Tacoma Police Department was hilariously underfunded, outnumbered, and overstretched. They could do little but watch as the gangs took control of the streets.

This was the situation when Sergeant Foulk returned to his house after participating in Operation Just Cause in 1989. He quickly became annoyed with the drug problem and began videotaping the buys. Neighbors started doing the same. Eventually, an article was published in The News Tribune on September 21, 1989.

“A group of a dozen neighbors who live in the area of South 23rd and Ash streets said they are on the verge of vigilante action because police have failed to curtail drug dealing around their homes.”

In order to show solidarity, Foulk invited his neighbors to a barbecue.

Foulk also called a couple of his buddies from the 2nd Ranger Battalion. Oh, and he also mentioned to them that they might want to bring their guns. You can probably see where this is going…

On September 23, 1989, the Saturday barbecue began. While the meat was grilling and the neighbors were talking, a car full of Crips drove by. As they did, all of them pointed finger guns at Foulk and his guests.

The finger gun.

The meaning was clear; “we’re going to smoke you tonight.”

As it got dark and the neighbors left, Foulk and his Rangers took up defensive positions around his house. At some point, a car pulled up and two gang members got out. One of them took BB gun shots at the video camera Foulk had set up.


Foulk, fearless, stood up and walked across the street to the two hooligans and calmly requested that they leave his house alone. Probably high on drugs, they decided to respond by getting in his face and yelling that Foulk didn’t know who he was dealing with.

Foulk responded by saying that no, it was them who had no idea who they were dealing with.

Army Rangers in Panama during Operation Just Cause

The gang member responded with, “You’re history, bitch!” As they walked away, Faulk heard one of them say, “I’m gonna shoot that Army SOB.”

Shortly after, he returned to his house and turned out the lights, signaling to his Ranger buddies to get ready. And then, at 9:20 pm, all hell broke loose.

Imagine being so stupid that you think attacking these guys is a good idea

Dozens of Crip gang member surrounded the house and opened fire. The Rangers returned fire. In just 10 minutes, over 300 shots were fired.

The Crips had entered the night laughing and high, probably expecting an easy target. Instead, they ended up having to run for their lives. None of the Rangers were injured.

The incident drew national attention. The Tacoma police department finally got the resources they needed in order to effectively fight the gangs.

And the most legendary part? Bill Faulk, who is now retired and married at 67 years old, still lives in the same house: 2319 Ash Street.


Brendan Fraser

A cocktail of circumstances contrived to make Brendan Fraser one of the most universally liked people on the planet right now.

Brendan Fraser

Firstly, in his career he literally came out of nowhere and starred in a run of some of the defining movies of many peoples childhoods. In those movies such as ‘George of the Jungle’, ‘Dudley do-right’, ‘Blast from the Past’ and of course the ‘Mummy’ franchise, he almost invariably played the intensely likeable, funny, often naive, handsome, hero role. As a result people still mainly remember him in those terms.

Secondly, he has a tragic backstory. After his prime in the early naughties, he more or less disappeared off the face of the earth, appearing in less and less movies and becoming more famous for his dramatic weight gain than any acting roles:

For a while he was mocked for this in the press, however it has since come out that in 2003 he was the victim of a sexual assault by a very senior Hollywood player (allegedly Phillip Berk, the head of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association). At around the same time, his wife divorced him and the judge imposed crippling $900,000 dollar per year alimony payments on Fraser, which he was unable to make, and his mother died. He also suffered serious injuries from the many stunts he had performed over the years, leading to a knee replacement, major spine surgery and vocal chord surgery (he legally died for 18 seconds on the set of ‘The Mummy’ when a hanging stunt went wrong and he was hanged for real). All of these events sent Fraser into a deep depression which caused his weight to spiral out of control and his choice to speak out against his powerful abuser caused his career to stall. With this outrageous run of bad luck, it’s not hard to see how Frasers story inspires sympathy.

Thirdly, perhaps surprisingly considering his experiences, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Despite his financial troubles, he donated his entire salary from the 2013 film ‘Gimmie Shelter’ to the woman’s shelter featured in the film, he always seems to have time for fans and no one ever seems to have a bad word to say about him, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who has spent 30 years in Hollywood.

All in all, Fraser comes across as a nice guy whom a large majority of people think fondly of whom has had an amazingly bad run of luck, and obviously many people are happy to see him come out the other side of that. The fact that he’s still a pretty great actor with a charismatic screen presence helps as well. He’s currently experiencing a strong career resurgence on TV with more movie roles coming along the tracks, and he actually seems pretty happy. People like to see people they like coming back from adversity, it’s like watching a friend or family member you had been worried about finally sort their life out and seem like everything is going to be ok.

Tales of America…

“I thought someone else would do something…”

March 13, 1964. 3 a.m

Catherine’s friends called her Kitty.

She was young, just twenty-eight, and petite. Tiny really.

And on this particular night, she was screaming for her life, as loudly as she could. After all, there were people all around. Someone would have to hear her.


Her shouts went on for thirty minutes, as her killer sliced her, mutilating her body.

38 neighbors heard her scream.


How many tried to help her? How many called the police?



“I thought someone else would do it.”

April 28, 2010. 5:30 a.m.

Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax, a homeless man in Queens, New York, threw himself into action as he saw another man trying to mug a woman.

He was stabbed, several times and collapsed, lying on the sidewalk.

His wounds were bad, but they shouldn’t have been lethal.

He laid there for an hour before bleeding to death.

Video footage showed 20 people pass his body.


One rolled his body over and just walked away. Another snapped a photo of him bleeding out but couldn’t be bothered to call an ambulance.

When help finally arrived. Hugo was dead.

Why did no one stop to help?

“I thought someone else would do it.”

What are the most deadly, most horrible words?

“I thought someone else would do it.”

The bystander-effect is this idea that we assume someone else will react, that they’ll do something, so we walk on, literally to the point of ignoring murder.

It’s a cycle too: we don’t react and we assume because others are calm too that nothing was ever wrong in the first place.

“I thought someone else would do it.”

That string of words is responsible for more losses, more deaths, than we can possibly imagine.

Tales of China…

Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling.

Just some Rufus videos taken in China. I put them on you-tube. Hopefully they will not be banned. Imagine that! Videos that you can watch in communist China are banned in the USA. Who would have thought!


I am officially banned from LinkedIN. All efforts to recover my extensive account, and work history is not accessible.

But it’s a shrug of the shoulders and a “Meh. So what” moment.

It’s probably for the best.

But, you know, it’s a sign of the times.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The Striking Art Of Corrado Vanelli

Let’s take a little break away from the insanity of global politics. The United States has a death wish, but that is not our problem. Instead, let’s appreciate some art, why don’t we…

Corrado Vanelli is an extremely talented digital artist living and working in Italy. He discovered computer graphics around the mid 90′s. After some experiments with 3D modeling he decided to work only with 2D painting because its the best way for him to expand and concretize his ideas. His artwork are really brilliant. Don’t pass by and make sure to check them. It’s worth it!

“To eat and pay bills I work like mechanical designer because for me art is a passion, not a job. I’m not looking for job or commissions, I want only share my pieces and have your feedback to improve my art. I believe in the energy that every artist puts in his personal projects: it’s the genuine sense of the art.”, says Corrado.

More: Corrado Vanelli

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I do hope that all of you have enjoyed this as much as I have. The work is breathtaking at times.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



MM Articles & Links

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Questions of our times, and BANG, a new reserve currency is announced by China and Russia today

“They should have understood that they (The United States and it's proxy nations) have already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the World Order in the American way. 

This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world – a world based not on selfish rules invented by someone for themselves, behind which there is nothing but the desire for hegemony, not on hypocritical double-standards, but on international law, on the true sovereignty of peoples and civilizations, on their will to live their historical destiny, their values and traditions and build cooperation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality. 

And we must understand that this process can no longer be stopped.” 


Guys, I’m in the middle of a move from my one house in JiDa to Zhongshan, so things will be a bit scarce. I will try to keep things a flowing, but don’t freak out by the density of the work.

American “Democracy”

American democracy
“Democracy” American style.

$270 million in new military aid to Ukraine; Officially Considering Supplying US War Planes

The United States on Friday signed off on another $270 million in military aid to Ukraine including four new Himars precision rocket systems.

The fresh aid will bring to 20 the number of M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems sent to Ukraine and also includes up to 500 new Phoenix Ghost tactical drones, White House spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

Kirby also confirmed publicly the United States Air Force is considering donating U.S. A-10 “Warthog” ground-attack aircraft to Ukraine.   This was reported verbally on the Hal Turner Radio Show a full 48 hours ago, but only now — 2 days later — is the Pentagon publicly confirming that earlier report.

Fork-Tender Pot Roast in the Oven | Roast Beef Recipe

Savory, fork-tender Pot Roast smothered in a rich brown gravy just might be the most wanted comfort food dish of all. This one, in particular, shines far above the rest thanks to a few simple steps other recipes are leaving behind. This is everything you need to know to make a killer Pot Roast every single time.

Today, in addition to a must-have recipe, we’ll cover the simple formula for a foolproof, perfectly tender pot roast, how to know if you’ve been searing all wrong, easy steps to add more flavor to your roast, and lastly, how to take your gravy from good to great without a reduction!



When it comes to making a perfect, fork-tender pot roast, it’s all about cooking the right cut of meat low and slow, at the right temperature, in the right amount of liquid…for the right amount of time. When all of these factors come together perfectly, you are guaranteed a fork-tender pot roast every single time. The best cut of beef for a fork-tender pot roast is beef chuck shoulder roast, and a three-hour braise is perfect for a 4-5 pound chuck shoulder.

Braising sounds technical, but all it means is that you are cooking something partially in liquid (not necessarily submerged), in a covered dish. Dutch ovens are going to be your best friend for this cooking process.


Dutch ovens are by far the best product out there for braising meats, which is exactly how we are going to be cooking our pot roast. Using the Dutch oven for cooking your roast beef allows you to build an incredible amount of flavor in just one vessel. It is also an excellent even-heat distributor because of its thick cast iron makeup. Here is a simple overview of how we will cook out roast beef in the Dutch oven:

  1. Season and sear the meat.
  2. Sauté the vegetables.
  3. Add in the braising liquid and the roast.
  4. Cook low and slow for 3 hours.


The perfect pot roast recipe is all about building flavor, and the sear is where the flavor begins. After the roast is seared, it leaves behind a plethora of savory fats and juices on the Dutch oven floor. Then, the vegetables take a turn in all that beefy goodness, picking up on all those left-behind flavors. Once the vegetables have softened slightly, a bold braising liquid goes in, picking up on everything both the beef and the vegetables had to offer.

But, before we can get to the end, we must start at the beginning, and as I said before, it all begins with a proper sear.


  1. To prepare the roast, you should first pat it dry with a paper towel to remove any excess water from the cut of beef. This step is essential to getting a good sear on the roast before braising, which in turn, equals flavor.
  2. When searing a roast, you want to be sure that your meat is not going into the Dutch oven ice-cold. For the best sear, allow your roast to sit out at room temperature for about 30 minutes.


Once the excess water has been removed, season the beef liberally with your favorite seasoning. Adding the seasoning directly to meat will help to build flavor. I use my personal favorite, TAK House Seasoning. It’s a mix of Kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder, and it’s perfect for beef.

In addition to a fair amount of seasoning, we’ll also coat the roast in flour before searing.


The type of oil you use for the process of searing is important. To get a good sear on the meat you must work with medium-high to high heat. Canola oil has a high smoke point, which means that it does not quickly burn, or quite literally begin to smoke as fast as let’s say, butter, which has a low smoke point. You can use an oil other than Canola, just make certain it has a smoke point of 400° or higher.


After a nice crust has been developed from searing, the beef goes out, and the vegetables go in for a quick sauté. This is an elegant, yet simple pot roast, and calls for only onions and carrots from the vegetable department. The carrots add a subtle sweetness to an otherwise savory dish, and they’re absolutely perfect coated in a thick and luscious pot roast gravy.



To achieve a thicker consistency for your pot roast gravy, adding just a little flour to the vegetables before adding in your braising liquid is key. This approach also eliminates the need for any sort of stovetop reduction after the pot roast has finished its stint in the oven.



Earlier, we touched upon a couple of things throughout the searing process that would help us to build flavor in our pot roast. Now, we’ll bring that flavor full circle with a perfect ending of red wine, beef broth, and fresh herbs. A bold red wine like merlot or cabernet sauvignon will enhance the flavor of your pot roast and take it from good to spectacular.

After you’ve added your braising liquid to the mix, your roast goes back in, the Dutch oven is sealed, and it will need to cook for three hours total. Half-way through the cooking process, you’ll turn your roast, ensuring both sides are picking up on all of those amazing flavors.

Remember, the braise is quite likely the most important part of the whole recipe, and allowing your pot roast to cook low and slow for the right amount of time will ensure a perfectly tender pot roast every single time.

As soon as the cold winds finally start to drift into Texas, we gladly welcome them with open arms. And naturally, I begin to yearn for those hearty and warming dishes we love so much, and I don’t know that there is another meal in existence that speaks more loudly to this craving than this here very pot roast.

Braised low and slow until fork-tender, smothered in a rich and savory gravy, and variegated with soft, sweet carrots. It is the epitome of comfort food. It’s a recipe that requires only simple preparation, time, and a hearty appetite.

The You-Tube Video

And, here’s the video on how to make the above…

We arrested a father just after he had killed his own adult brother that was living with the family. A doctor and the arrestee’s 11-year-old daughter’s statement made it clear that the uncle had raped the child many times over the last several months resulting in her getting pregnant, which is why she was taken to the doctor.

The family had been told to call us when the suspect got home, but the father got home first and shot his brother in rage when the suspect arrived. The father then called us, said he had killed his brother, made no effort to run, and was standing in front of his house with his hands up when officers arrived. We had no legal choice but to arrest him.

The result was that the case was carefully walked through the district attorney’s office to obtain a DA reject and the father was released the next day, no charges filed. I still smile when I think about the instant justice of this case and how the father was treated with empathy since any father would want to kill someone who had raped his 11-year-old daughter.

The low part of the trip to Vietnam

Imagine that! Americans surprised that they are not imagined as heroes, and Rambos…


Czeslawa Kwoka, Polish Catholic, 14 years old.

She died in the Auschwitz extermination camp on 18 February 1943 with an injection of phenol into her heart.

She died in the Auschwitz extermination camp on 18 February 1943 with an injection of phenol into her heart.

Shortly before the execution, she was photographed by the prisoner Whilem Brasse, who testified against the executioner of Czeslawa, a woman who, before the photo was taken, hit her in the face, as the haematoma on her lip shows.

We only see the face of a terrified little girl, who did not even speak their language and who had lost her mother a few days earlier.

She was one of about 250,000 children and minors murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The photo, originally in black and white at the Oświęcim Memorial, was coloured by Brazilian professional photographer Anna Amaral, who was impressed by Czeslawa’s photo and decided to make it available to everyone in colour.

Russia And China Officially Announce A “New Global Reserve Currency”

And once again, as happens often with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one has noticed and no one seems to care.

If you’ve blinked over the last month, you may have missed it…

China and Russia are taking their shot at the U.S. dollar. And as often happens with consequential news in the United States and the West, no one seems to notice or even care.

Since the beginning of the year, I have been writing about the possibility of Russia and China challenging the US dollar’s global reserve status. Now, it’s happening.

It shouldn’t be any surprise to those paying attention that Russia and China are strengthening their economic ties amidst continued Western sanctions on Russia as a result of the country’s war in Ukraine.

What may surprise some people, however, is that Russia and the BRICS countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are officially working on their own “new global reserve currency,” RT reported in late June. Nobody even seemed to notice.

“The issue of creating an international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies of our countries is being worked out,” Vladimir Putin said at the BRICS business forum last month.


And of course, as Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT system, it is also pairing with China and the BRIC nations to develop “reliable alternative mechanisms for international payments” in order to “cut reliance on the Western financial system.”

In the meantime, Russia is also taking other steps to strengthen the alliance between BRIC nations, including re-routing trade to China and India, according to CNN:

President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia is rerouting trade to "reliable international partners" such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa as the West attempts to sever economic ties.

"We are actively engaged in reorienting our trade flows and foreign economic contacts towards reliable international partners, primarily the BRICS countries," Putin said in his opening video address to the participants of the virtual BRICS Summit.

In fact, “trade between Russia and the BRICS countries increased by 38% and reached $45 billion in the first three months of the year” this year, the report says. Meanwhile, Russian crude sales to China have hit record numbers during Spring of this year, edging out Saudi Arabia as China’s primary oil supplier.

“Together with BRICS partners, we are developing reliable alternative mechanisms for international settlements,” Putin said.

Putin continued, stating last month: “Contacts between Russian business circles and the business community of the BRICS countries have intensified. For example, negotiations are underway to open Indian chain stores in Russia [and to] increase the share of Chinese cars, equipment and hardware on our market.”

In June, Putin also accused the West of ignoring”the basic principles of [the] market economy” such as free trade. “It undermines business interests on a global scale, negatively affecting the wellbeing of people, in effect, of all countries,” he said.

Do not leave in a world consumed by hate…

Her name was Rebecca Miller. She was the younger sister of a high school friend, and she and I became good friends as well.

She was always a bit awkward, and until she met me, she had no other friends except her sister (my friend). She took every bit of criticism or pushback as a hostile attack. She never dated in high school, but she asked me out on a date once, to go bowling, and then she asked me to go to her senior prom (I was already in college in state, and still living at home). I found out years later, she did not ask me to go bowling because she liked me; she asked me as a test to see if I would be a decent date for the prom).

1987. Rebecca came to visit December 25, because she hated her parents and didn’t want to spend Christmas with them. We are Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas. I told her that, and she didn’t care. I think she actually had a nice visit.

She hated everyone. I was still inferior in her eyes, but she wanted to go to the prom. She used to joke that she had a list of people she hated, that went all the way back to her kindergarten years.

After high school (and one year of a local college for me) all three of us wound up at the same university in California. The two sisters shared a dorm, and I was in a neighboring dorm. We were very close throughout college, but I always had to be careful about what I said or did. Not only was she hateful, but extraordinarily judgmental.

She was an outspoken atheist, and I am Jewish. I wasn’t extremely religious (I’m still not), but I loved my community and culture, and spent a lot of time at the Hillel Jewish Center at my university. I couldn’t talk about any of that with Rebecca or even mention the center at all, or she would call me things like superstitious (which couldn’t be further from the truth). She also called me a cult member a few times.

Looking back, I wish I had had the backbone to break off our friendship, but that would have meant losing her sister’s friendship as well (Rebecca controlled who her sister was allowed to be friends with).

Toward the end of my senior year in college, I stopped hearing from Rebecca and plans kept getting cancelled. It turned out that I had made her hate list. Her sister was not allowed to tell me why or see me again.

As difficult as Rebecca was, I was a little sad, because we did have some good times together. I saw the two of them almost as relatives.

Then I got a 19 page letter from Rebecca, telling me what a horrible person I am. Here are some of the reasons she gave for hating me:

  • I was a sexual pervert for ogling women all the time in front of her (I am gay, and I wasn’t out then, but I never ogled women).
  • I practiced a religion (Reform Judaism) which she equated with being ignorant and superstitious.
  • I wasn’t as smart as she was (She was in MENSA; I took the MENSA test and only scored in the 96th percentile, missing admission by 2 percentiles)
  • I majored in linguistics, and she majored in chemical engineering. She didn’t want to hang out with non-scientists.

So she disappeared from my life for a few years. About 5 years after graduation, I received another multi-page letter from her asking for forgiveness. She had been seeing a therapist and was all better now. Dummy me, I forgave her and agreed to pick up our friendship where we left off.

It went a little better this time,except that she and her sister lived together in California and I was back home in Las Vegas. They came to visit a few times, and I visited her and her sister once.

Then…out of the blue, I got another huge letter. This one was more brutal than the last. I don’t remember all the points of this letter, but I do remember her accusing me of lying about having cancer (I really did have cancer) and she mentioned that she suspected I was gay, but it seemed more of an attack rather than a real suspicion. Some of the things she said in her letter indicated that she was somehow spying on me, which was bone-chilling.

This letter was around 2000 or so, and that was the last contact I had with her. Later I found out what happened to her.

Her sister found me on facebook around 2010, and told me that Rebecca had committed suicide, after a decade of really hostile, bizarre behavior.

It seems she became deeply involved in the occult. Then she became a born again Christian. She tried to convert her sister (also an atheist) with no luck, and eventually cut ties with her, other than bombarding her mailbox with religious literature for 10 years.

Then one day, the sister was notified of Rebecca’s death. Rebecca had specifically put in her will that her family was not to be notified, but apparently that was against California law. The sister did not cry any tears. Their mother was destroyed over it though.

Rebecca had planned her death meticulously. She found homes for her two dozen cats, and went online to research the chemicals and methods needed for asphyxiation.

The funeral had only two people there: The clergy and Rebecca’s mother. Rebecca’s sister waited in the car.

I felt a little sad over the whole thing, but also free.


United States “defense” spending


China’s official government point of view.

Please use this understanding in all discussions about “what will China do, or how will China react to American XXXXX”


The Story of Netflix

Netflix is just the latest victim of a highly predictable cycle which has been going round and round for decades that entertainment companies for some reason seem completely unable to learn from.

  • Company introduces a service people like
  • Industry gets greedy and overexploits the model, increasing prices for everyone
  • Consumers find a way around paying ridiculous prices
  • something new comes along that re-engages customers and starts the cycle again.

When TV was first introduced, everything was basically free at the point of watching. Then cable and satellite came along and started putting certain premium programmes behind a paywall. At first people were OK with it, they were paying but also getting a decent service, however the cable services diversified further and further, segregating movies, sports, and everything else behind further and further paywalls. In the early 2000’s, I remember my friend working out that if he wanted to see all the sport he wanted to watch on TV it would cost him £200 per month in various cable and satellite services. A lot of money in 2005.

As a result, people started stealing cable. In the 90’s and 2000’s it was incredibly common for people to steal cable, almost everyone knew someone who could set you up with a dodgy set top box or a cable hookup. This acted as a bit of a brake on the cable companies who knew that if they pushed too hard, more consumers would just jump to stealing it.

Then the internet came along and blew the doors off the system. The problem with internet piracy is that its effectively unstoppable and there’s approximately zero chance of consequences. 20+ years since it first became a major issue, governments and corporations are still basically powerless to stop it. The only things stopping people from streaming everything is that:

  1. People don’t like stealing. And,
  2. Its a pain in the ass. It’s often difficult to get a good stream to the show you want and it takes a while.

Then Netflix came along around 2010 and seemed to offer a solution that worked for everyone – for a low monthly fee you got legitimate access to a huge array of movie and TV services all packaged in a slick and easy to use format. It more or less removed the motivation to pirate for a huge majority of people, and people got out of the habit.

Now however, the exact same thing that happened with cable has happened again. Companies have seen the kind of money that can be made from streaming and are now taking their shows off Netflix and segregating their content behind more and more paywalls on their own subscription platforms. We are basically back where we were 20 years ago with cable where you are paying £200 for access to a dozen platforms if you want to access a similar level of content that early Netflix offered, only now there is an even easier way to steal content. What do they think is going to happen?

U.S. Attempts To Make China An Enemy Require A Lot Of Fantasy

The U.S. weapon industry needs U.S. enemies. Without those it is hard to justify an ever growing war budget. The most lucrative enemy, besides Russia, is of course China.

But there is a problem. China has no interest in being a U.S. enemy and certainly not in being THE enemy. In its view that only takes away resources that are better used elsewhere.

That is the reason why China avoids talks with the U.S. about military and strategic issues.

CIA columnist David Ignatius thus laments:

China wants to ‘reduce misunderstanding’ with the U.S. It could start by talking.

ASPEN, Colo. — Chinese Ambassador Qin Gang assured a foreign policy gathering here this week that Beijing wants “to reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation” with the United States. If that’s true, why does China continue to resist a U.S. proposal to discuss “strategic stability” between the two increasingly competitive countries?

What have talks about ‘strategic stability’ to do with reducing misunderstanding and miscalculation? The later can be achieved in very simple low level talks between ambassadors or politicians. There is nothing ‘strategic’ needed about them.

President Biden said on Wednesday, before his covid-19 diagnosis was announced, that he expects to talk with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the next 10 days, and a senior administration official said the president’s agenda will include a renewed emphasis on the risks in the relationship, and the need to establish better communications. But, so far, the official said of the Chinese, “they haven’t taken us up” on a U.S. proposal for the stability talks.

The Chinese do not see and do not want instability so there is no need to talk about it. What they sees is a U.S. trick that would make it possible to designate China as an ‘enemy’.

Ignatius’ next paragraph demonstrates that:

This difficulty in developing a Sino-U.S. dialogue about strategic issues has frustrated the Biden administration. An important lesson of the Cold War was that nuclear-armed superpowers must communicate to avoid dangerous mistakes. But China has resisted arms-control talks even as it expands its nuclear arsenal, and as a result, it hasn’t learned a common language for crisis management in the way the Soviet Union did.

China is not in a Cold war with the U.S. It does not see itself as a U.S. enemy. There is no reason then to talk in Cold war language:

Biden first proposed the talks in a virtual summit with Xi last November, saying the two countries needed “common-sense guardrails to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict,” according to a White House statement at the time. Items on the agenda for such talks would include expansion of a 1998 agreement for avoiding maritime incidents, measures to avert dangerous military activities, and plans for a hotline and other crisis communication measures, the administration official said.

If there were more agreements over incidents and military activities would the U.S. be more or less aggressive in its action against China?

Why does the U.S. want a hotline and crisis communication? Would they not help the U.S. in provoking more incidents than it dares to do without them?

Rather than embracing what former Australian prime minister and China scholar Kevin Rudd calls “managed strategic competition” in a new Foreign Affairs article, Beijing insists the United States should return to its old policies of supportive engagement, which facilitated China’s rise. Like nearly every other Chinese diplomat I’ve encountered over the past decade, Qin often repeated the phrase “win-win cooperation,” which China sees as a cure-all for its increasingly testy relationship with Washington.

What is bad with a ‘win-win cooperation’? Why replace that with ‘strategic competition’?

China wants to have it both ways as a superpower: flexing its muscles without being seen as a bully. Xi has been explicit in his “Made in China 2025” plans for dominance of major technologies. But China “has difficulty in recognizing the relationship [with the United States] as competitive,” the senior administration official said. Instead, it responds to criticism from the U.S. and Asian regional powers with a wounded tone, as though to say, “Who, us?”

Lots of countries have lots of plans to have dominance in major technologies. The Netherlands (and German) have such a dominance in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, needed to make modern computer chips, as well as in several other fields. Other countries, France, South Korea, Japan, Russia, the U.S., have other industry sectors in which they are globally dominant. That is just the normal way of global capitalism in which countries seek to do their best not in all fields but in those in which they are better.

Framing a strong and sustainable U.S.-China policy remains the Biden administration’s biggest long-term challenge, despite the current preoccupation with the war in Ukraine. Beijing is the only competitor that could genuinely challenge the United States militarily, officials believe. But Ukraine has complicated U.S.-China policy — for both sides.

Now we come to the point. How please could China genuinely challenge the United States militarily? By invading Mexico and Canada or with a big landing force that threatens Los Angeles and New York? Why would China want do that?

Xi was surprised that the Biden administration, which the Chinese expected would be weak and ineffective abroad, has been able to rally global support for Ukraine. But despite Xi’s wariness of incurring sanctions, he remains firmly aligned with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the senior administration official said. Hopes that the war might encourage a break between Beijing and Moscow were misplaced.

Ignatius has forgotten to take his meds. The ‘global support’ is the NATO, EU and the 5-eyes spying cooperation. Those are some 34 countries out of the 193 UN member states. Why did anyone expect that China would not take the neutral stand that the majority has taken? Those who did should be send back to school to learn a bit about rationality.

Enough with that blubber. Ignatius, like many other people in the Washington DC bubble, does not understand China and makes no effort to learn about it. These people just mirror what they think the U.S. would do and project that on a country that thinks in very different terms.

Another example of these ‘thinkers’ is Elbridge Colby:

Elbridge Colby’s The Strategy of Denial offers a blueprint for containing and combating China’s rise in order to preserve American freedom, prosperity, and security—emphasis on security. The argument turns on a very specific vision of China’s plans, which Colby does not attempt to link to actual Chinese policy or strategy for achieving hegemony in East Asia. The resulting prescriptions, although they’ve been lauded by some, are fatally flawed.

Colby, deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development from 2017 to 2018, believes that China could pursue a “focused and sequential strategy” of threatened or executed “wars against isolated coalition members,” starting with Taiwan. He fears Beijing would do this in such a way that does not trigger a regional war but culminates in Chinese hegemony in Asia.

To prevent this, Colby believes the United States must pursue a “strategy of denial” to preserve U.S. dominance in Asia.

The problem is that there is no evidence that there is an actual ‘Chinese policy or strategy for achieving hegemony in East Asia’.

Colby provides no sources that claim such. He made up the ‘threat’ because he things that is what the U.S. would do if it were China.

The most glaring flaw is that Colby works off what he thinks China’s strategy should be, not the evidence about what it actually is. This is a particularly bad approach to analysis, because it makes mirroring or speculation easier to smuggle into predictions of adversary behavior.

A good defense strategy requires an understanding of how the expected adversary plans to fight. Yet he does not engage with Chinese military doctrine, Chinese strategic thought, or the robust debate in the United States about Chinese strategy and ambitions. Instead, he argues that because of uncertainty about China’s strategy, the United States should simply focus on China’s “best strategy” for winning Asia. In Colby’s words, “a state’s best strategy does not ultimately depend on what the state’s leaders think it is” because it relates to “objective reality.”

In consequence of his ‘garbage in’ process Colby’s output is likewise garbage.

Building a response according to an adversary’s “best strategy” also makes you much more likely to miss what that adversary is actually doing. Colby defends his approach of strategizing based on China’s “best” strategy by claiming that “Defeating a bad strategy is easier and less costly than defeating a good one.” Therefore, if the United States prepares for China’s best strategy, any real Chinese strategy should be even easier to handle.

In reality, the defense posture and investments needed to defeat an adversary’s “best” strategy might be significantly different from those needed to defeat an adversary’s second-best strategy.

Colby’s book is not about strategy but about spending as much money on a U.S. position of aggression towards China as possible:

Colby proposes that an American-led coalition impose a strategy of denial on China, blocking China’s ability to traverse the 80 miles of the Taiwan Strait. How to put the bell on the cat?

“Defending forces operating from a distributed, resilient force posture and across all the war-fighting domains might use a variety of methods to blunt the Chinese invasion in the air and seas surrounding Taiwan.”

The US and its allies might “seek to disable or destroy Chinese transport ships and aircraft before they left Chinese ports or airstrips. The defenders might also try to obstruct key ports; neutralize key elements of Chinese command and control … And once Chinese forces entered the Strait, US and defending forces could use a variety of methods to disable or destroy Chinese transport ships and aircraft.”

Colby leaves what means we might employ here to the imagination.

Like the first reviewer of Colby’s book this one also criticizes his factless starting position:

It isn’t so much that Colby gives the wrong answers. He fails to ask pertinent questions about Chinese intent and technological capability. Instead, he gives us a pastiche of generalities that obscure rather than clarify the strategic issues at hand.

In brief, Colby depicts China as an expansionist power eager to absorb territory, citing alleged Chinese designs on the Philippines and Taiwan on a half-dozen occasions – as if China’s interest in the Philippines were equivalent to its interest in Taiwan.

Garbage input producing garbage output topped with militaristic fantasies do not create a good strategy.

The problem is that in the next republican administration Colby will likely have another high Pentagon position.

That makes such dumb thinking a danger for the world.

Posted by b on July 22, 2022 at 15:59 UTC | Permalink

Pepe Escobar July 22, 2022

NAM 2.0 drive – of which China is a key player – stands in stark opposition to how the Empire of Chaos – and Lies – wove its toxic net, via the war on terror, since the start of the millennium.

Those were the days, in 1955, at the legendary Bandung conference in Indonesia, when the newly emancipated Global South started dreaming of building a new world, via what became configured later in 1961 in Belgrade as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

The Empire of Chaos – and Lies – would never allow a starring role for NAM. So it played dirty: everything from hardcore subversion and bribing to military coups and proto-color revolutions.

Yet now, the Spirit of Bandung lives again, via a sort of NAM 2.0 on steroids: a Newly Aligned Movement, with the leaders of Eurasian integration at the vanguard.

We just had a taste of which way the geopolitical wind is blowing at the gathering of a new power troika in Tehran. Unlike Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill in 1943, Putin, Raisi and Erdogan did not meet to carve up the world. They met essentially to discuss how another world is possible – through bilaterals, trilaterals, multilaterals and an enhanced role for an array of relatively new geopolitical and geoeconomic institutions.

Russia – and China – have been on the forefront of all recent key decisions. Their diplomacy has brought Iran to join the SCO as a full member. Their pull is attracting key Global South players to join BRICS+. Russia has all but convinced Turkey to join BRICS+, the SCO and the EAEU, and facilitated the re-approximation of Tehran and Ankara as well as Tehran and Riyadh. Russia has largely influenced the remake/remodel process across West Asia.

This NAM 2.0 drive – of which China is a key player – stands in stark opposition to how the Empire of Chaos – and Lies – wove its toxic net, via the war on terror, since the start of the millennium. The Empire tried to subdue what it described as MENA (Middle East-Northern Africa) on the basis of two invasions/occupations (Afghanistan-Iraq); a total devastation (Libya); and a protracted proxy war (Syria). All eventually failed.

And that brings us to the stunning contrast between these two foreign policy approaches, graphically illustrated by the spectacular failure of the teleprompter-reading “leader of the free world” in his visit to Jeddah – he was not even allowed to go to Riyadh – compared to Putin’s performance in Tehran.

Not only we are witnessing the lineaments of a Russia/Iran/Turkey informal alliance; we are witnessing the alliance reading a soft riot act to the Empire: leave Syria, before you suffer yet another humiliation. And with a Kurd-directed corollary: keep away from the Americans and recognize the authority of Damascus before it’s too late.

Ankara could never admit it in public, but the fact is Sultan Erdogan – as much against US troops in Syria as Putin and Raisi – even seems to have swiftly calibrated his previous designs on Syrian sovereign territory.

The much-debated Turkish military operation in northern Syria in the end may be restricted to taming the YPG Kurds. The heart of the action will in fact revolve around how the Russia/Iran/Turkey/Syria alliance will make like impossible for Americans stealing Syrian oil.

As Russia is now on “take no prisoners” mode when facing the collective West – the mantra in every intervention by Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev, Patrushev – and on top of it firmly aligned with China and Iran, it’s inevitable that every other player across West Asia and beyond is giving undivided attention to the new game in town.

Go Caspian, Young Man

Interconnecting West Asia and Central Asia, the Caspian Sea has finally reached the geopolitical and geoeconomic limelight – complete with the groundbreaking consensus reached by the five littoral states at the Caspian Summit in late June to officially ban NATO from these waters.

Moreover, the leadership in Tehran in no time realized how the Caspian is the perfect, cost-conscious corridor from Iran to the heart of Russia along the Volga.

So it’s no wonder that Putin himself, in Tehran, proposed the construction of a key stretch of highway on the St Petersburg-Persian Gulf route, much to the delight of the Iranians. Cue to the nostalgic Great Game crowd in that former “rule the waves” island getting serial heart attacks: they could never imagine the Russian “empire” finally having full access to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf.

So we’re back to the absolutely crucial re-engineering of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INTSC) – which will play for Russia and Iran a parallel role the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) plays for China. In both cases, it’s all about multimodal Eurasia-wide trade and development corridors immune from interference by the imperial Navy.

And here we see the renewed importance of the hyper-strategic liberation of Mariupol and Kherson by the Russian and DPR forces. The Sea of Azov is now configured as a de facto Russian lake – and the same will eventually happen to what is bound to remain of the (currently Ukrainian) Black Sea coast, Odessa included.

So we have the ultra-strategic Caspian-Black Sea maritime corridor – via the Volga-Don canal – seamlessly connected to the Black Sea-Mediterranean, and up north, all the way to the Baltic and the fast developing Atlantic-Pacific connector, the Northern Sea Route. Call it the Russian Heartland Water Roads.

The NATO/Five Eyes/Intermarium combo has absolutely nothing to counteract these (overland) facts on the (Heartland) ground except to throw a pile of HIMARS into the Ukrainian black hole. And of course, keep de-industrializing Europe. In contrast, those across the Global South with a keen sense of history – as in the grand debate of ideas in a Hegelian sense – and also versed in geography and trade relations are busy getting ready to hit (and profit from) the new groove.

Have strategic ambiguity, will travel

As much as it’s a blast to survey all the instances of Russia playing strategic ambiguity to levels capable of baffling the entire, bloated “Western intel” apparatus, what is coming to the forefront is how Putin – and Patrushev – are now willfully turning up the pain dial to tactically exhaust not only the Ukrainian black hole but the whole of NATOstan.

Western governments are collapsing. Sanctions are being ditched – practically in secret. A Deep Freeze winter is a given. And then there’s the incoming economic/financial crisis, the Definitive Monster from Hell, as Martin Armstrong has made it quite clear: “There is no way they can get out of this other than default. If they default, they are worried about millions of people storming the parliaments of Europe…This is really a tremendous financial crisis that we are facing. They have been borrowing year after year since WWII with zero intention of paying anything back.”

Meanwhile, Moscow may be revving up the turbines to launch – this coming Fall? In the middle of Winter? Next Spring? – a multi-spectrum Mother of All Offensives, capitalizing on a rolling series of interconnected strategies that have already rendered dazed and confused every NATOstan “analyst” in sight.

That would explain Putin looking like he’s cheerfully whistling JJ Cale’s Call Me the Breeze in most of his public appearances. In his crucial intervention at the Strong Ideas for a New Time forum, he enthusiastically promoted the advent of “truly revolutionary” and “enormous” changes that would lead to the creation of a new, “harmonious, fairer and more community-focused and safe” world order.

Yet that’s not for everyone: “only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics.” What that implies is that the unipolar world order, followed by states in the collective West which are hardly sovereign, is condemned to fail, as it’s “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization.

Only a self-confident sovereign who does not expect anything constructive from the collective West can get away with describing it as “racist and neo-colonial”, bearing an ideology that “is becoming increasingly more like totalitarianism.” In the old NAM days these words would be met with an assassination.

So will the “rules-based international order” be preserved? Not a chance, argues Putin: the changes are “irreversible.” For those about to rock, NAM 2.0 salutes you.

Living in an Asian country I realized that modern Western values of “rugged individualism” are silly… There’s a certain charm to it, but the multi-generational households of many non-Western nations are far superior in my view. I know many elderly Western people who take great pride in how “they’re still living independently on their own at eighty!” or whatever.

Then they turn, say, 85, 86. Their health begins to worsen. Children and grandchildren stage some sort of mini-intervention and… grandpa or grandma gets sent off to the retirement home. Is visited a few times a year, sometimes more, sometimes less. Withers away. Dies in about a year or two, tops.

In non-Western countries, I see elderly people living with their sons and daughters. They grow old surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Some manage to hold a great-great-grandchild before they pass. Children, cousins, nieces and nephews live in houses nearby. Old friends at a walking distance.

And I don’t know, but these old people who simply rely on family, to whom a thought of wanting to be “super independent” never occurs, who aren’t ashamed to “bother anyone” and live and die surrounded by younger relatives… they seem happier. More vibrant.

My grandfather wanted to die the moment he got old to the point of losing some of his mental powers, his physical prowess, his skills. He lessened and had to rely more on others and he was always taught from an early age: “sink or swim”. He told me of old inuit walking into a snowstorm and freezing to death because they were “useless” and how he’d wish to get lost in a blizzard somewhere and die in a white blaze of glory…

It’s immensely sad to me that he couldn’t have shared a household with me or one of my siblings and our kids. In another culture he might never have felt like a failure when Alzheimer’s hit him and he ‘lost it’. But in the West, he did.

Russia and America compared…


Real life “John Wick”

I present to you Julian Sinanaj (pronounced Youleean Sea-nah-naay), an Albanian contract assasin that worked as a lone wolf. Trained by the Russians, he operated initially in Greece and later in Albania. In the first page of his notebook he wrote “Don’t say anything to anyone or you’re going to get killed”.


He operated for 15 years in Athens where he comitted over 20 assassinations. When he felt threatened by his clients there, he decided to move to Albania where he comitted another 6 assassinations, until he was cought by the Albanian police in 2014.

All it took to organize a hit was to write a Gmail address named after the children’s socialist era movie “Beni walks by himself”. His nickname was “the cleaner”. Julian could shoot with both hands, with the same precision. In Albania he also took a full course on criminology in order to avoid detection and capture. (It didn’t work out that well)

Julian also had some rules he went by. He did not accept commissions out of anger. Or he would not attack the target when accompanied by his wife and children. You know, the “clean conscience” affair.

His capture was organized as an ambush when he lowered his guard, without an exchange of fire (which is how Albanian police usually operates). When the agents went to grab him, he offered quite a resistance despite being much smaller and thinner.

As a trained assassin he remained silent but his girlfriend buckled under pressure. She gave them his address and there they found weapons, explosives and a notebook with detailed information about his targets, including pictures.

Julian Sinanaj was able to avoid life in prison by confessing to everything. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Italian writer Andrea Galli wrote a book about him titled “Sicario. How to become a killer. A true story”

The rules of the brotherhood…


UK Agency Re-working Law to ALLOW INSECTS as Human Food!

The United Kingdom “Food Standards Agency” has announced plans to review using INSECTS in — and as — human food.

Earlier this month, the Food Standards Agency put out this public notice:



The fact tthat any government, anywhere, is even THINKING of this, is astonishingly bad.

In 81% of the “edible insects” studies have found parasites of which at least 30% are known to be potentially harmful to humans.

Not only that, but these insect parasites literally mess-up your gut bacteria, also known as your microbiome.  You can read that lengthy (and highly technical/boring) study  HERE

There are also stories claiming that earth’s TOPSOIL is fading fast, and “will be gone in 60 years” thereby necessitating that humans develop new food supplies You can read that story HERE.

There are also alerts coming out now that levels of Plankton in the Atlantic Ocean have fallen so dramatically, that the Atlantic Ocean is all but “dead” from a Plankton food perspective, and that without Plankton, the supply of fish will quickly dwindle to zero, because Plankton are the base of the entire sea food chain.

An Edinburgh-based research team says plankton, the tiny organisms that sustain life in the seas, has all but been wiped out. The team’s spent two years collecting water samples from the Atlantic and in a dire warning says this means the Atlantic’s ‘pretty much dead’.

At the bottom of the food chain, plankton is consumed by the krill which are fed on by the fish that, in turn, provide nutrition for terrestrial animals including billions of humans.

You can read about that study, HERE.

All in all, the world seems to be going in a very dire direction on many, many, levels.

Domino’s Pizza


Lemon-Pepper Ribeye Filets with Roasted Tomatoes



  • 4 beef Ribeye Filets, cut 1 inch thick (about 4 to 6 ounces each)
  • 2 cups red and yellow grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons lemon pepper


  1. Heat oven to 400°F. Combine tomatoes, oil, thyme, garlic and salt in medium bowl; toss to coat well. Arrange tomatoes, cut sides up, on metal baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Roast in 400°F oven 30 to 35 minutes or until skins are wrinkled and begin to brown.
  2. Meanwhile, press lemon pepper evenly onto beef Ribeye Filets. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place filets in skillet; cook 10 to 14 minutes for medium rare to medium doneness, turning occasionally. Remove to platter; season with salt, as desired.
  3. Serve filets with tomatoes.
  • Wash hands with soap and water before cooking and always after touching raw meat.
  • Separate raw meat from other foods.
  • Wash all cutting boards, utensils, and dishes after touching raw meat.
  • Do not reuse marinades used on raw foods.
  • Wash all produce prior to use.
  • Cook beef until temperature reaches 145°F for medium rare steaks and roasts 160°F for ground beef.
  • Refrigerate food promptly.

Questions of our times…

Is this just someone’s opinion or is it objective fact?

"Truly revolutionary transformations are gaining momentum more and more. They are, of course, irreversible. Both at the national and global levels, the foundations of a more just, socially oriented world order are being worked out. An alternative to the existing unipolar world, which is becoming a brake on civilization. The model of total domination of the "golden billion" is unfair! Exclusivity based on the illusion divides peoples into first and second class, and therefore is racist and neocolonial. And globalist ideology is increasingly acquiring the features of totalitarianism. It seems that the West simply cannot offer the world its model. The West did not accidentally became powerful, but it gained its position largely due to the plunder of other nations. Therefore today its elites are panicking that other centers may present their own development models."


Some of these statements are absolutely true. “We’re in for Truly Revolutionary Transformation”. And it is Irreversible.

And we’re all hoping that it will be “the foundations of a more just, socially oriented world order”. I for one believe that the root of ALL conflict IS perceived Injustice. It is very broad, and perhaps even difficult to know where to start. I think it is most important to start internationally. But we are completely at effect of various ministries of foreign affairs, many of which have a term of 4-5 years. Five years is too long to maintain “wrongheaded” policies, in these fast moving times.

So the populations are precluded from effective action by this bureaucratic momentum. The western nations, being of origin Christian, are all hoping for a savior. Now, Russia has been given this savior role, (in our minds), because they have finally stood up to western billionaires. It will crack a lot of nuts.

But will Russia take on this role to save the world? I highly doubt it.

Why should NOT Europe and America, and the other pipsqueak Australians and Canadians stew in their own juices? All of their acquiescent populations have failed to clean out the “corruption of conflict and violence” that runs their country, and sequesters their wealth to destroy peace on earth. Most often, increased stress is met with increased repression.

It is only billionaires that benefit from conflict. But it is always you that has to pay their way, in both gold and in blood.

Will the western populations make a move? It is not that they are asleep and could eventually wake up. They can’t. They are in 100’s of years of “going with the flow”, and avoiding all risks.

They were forced into 2 world wars with false flags and skewed reporting, but I am talking about the population’s inner desires.

The best way to avoid these risks is with blinkers, (those things they put on a horse to limit its peripheral vision). They put them on themselves. To try to change those 100’s of years of acquiescence will only produce immense
befuddlement, and lashing out.

Acquiescence is a social stage when reliance on “Our Laws” has been
achieved to uphold our present state of well-being, (for that part of
the majority that enjoys control).

In itself it is not necessarily bad or wrong. But movement from one social stage to another is very slow, even when conditions on the ground warrant it. Actually Russia was in the very same predicament, but then fortuitously the one word, NAZI, triggered a 70 – 80 year reset, and they are now fully willing to take

The risk (of not taking any risks), is that the savior won’t come. You have to do it yourself. So no matter how positive armchair generals view Russian tactics and progress, and their potential against NATO: NOTHING IS ASSURED.

I view these discussions of an inevitable move toward social justice as dis  empowering diversions, that keep the billionaires in power.

Alastair Crooke  July 18, 2022

Putin’s policy of cleansing the Augean Stables of ‘predatory western capital’ is music to the ears of the Global South, Alastair Crooke writes.

Of course, the conflict, to all intents, is settled – though is far from over. It is clear that Russia will prevail in the military war – and the political war too – by which is meant that whatever emerges in Ukraine after the military action is complete will be dictated by Moscow on its terms.

Plainly, on the one hand, the regime in Kiev would collapse were it to have terms dictated to it by Moscow. And, on the other hand, the entire western agenda behind the Maidan coup d’état in 2014 would implode, too. (This is why an off-ramp, short of a Ukrainian rout, is next to impossible.)

This moment thus marks a crucial point of inflection. One American choice might be to end the conflict – and there are many voices calling for a deal, or a ceasefire, with the understandably humane intent of ending the pointless slaughter of Ukrainian young men sent to ‘the front’ to defend indefensible positions, only to be cynically killed for no military gain, merely to keep the war going.

Though rational, the argument for an off-ramp misses the bigger geopolitical point: The West is so heavily invested in its fantastical narrative of imminent Russian collapse and humiliation that it finds itself ‘stuck fast’. It cannot move forward for fear that NATO might not be up to the task of confronting Russian forces (Putin has made the point that Russia had not even begun to use its full force). And yet, to cut a deal, to move back, would be to lose face.

And ‘losing face’ roughly translates to the liberal west losing.

The West thus has made itself hostage to its unrestrained triumphalism, posing as info-war. It chose this unrestrained jingoism. Biden advisers however, reading the runes of the war – of relentless Russian gains – have begun to scent another foreign policy débacle fast heading their way.

They see events, far from reaffirming the ‘rules-based Order’, rather the stark laying bare before the world of the limits to U.S. power – giving front of stage to not just a resurgent Russia, but one carrying a revolutionary message for the rest of the world (albeit a fact to which the West has yet to awaken).

Moreover, the western alliance is disintegrating as war fatigue settles in and as European economies stare at recession. The contemporary instinctive inclination to decide first, and think later (European sanctions), has landed Europe in existential crisis.

The UK exemplifies the wider European conundrum: The UK political class, frightened and in disarray, first ‘determined’ to knife its’ leader, only to realise afterward, that they had no successor to hand with gravitas to manage the new normal, and no idea how to escape the trap in which it is ensnared.

They dare not lose face over Ukraine and have no solution that meets the coming recession (except a return to Thatcherism?). And the same can be said for Europe’s political class: they are as deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming fast vehicle.

Biden and a certain network which spans Washington, London, Brussels, Warsaw and the Baltics view Russia from a height of 30,000 feet above that of the Ukraine conflict. Biden reportedly believes he is in an equidistant position between two dangerous and ominous trends engulfing the U.S. and the West: Trumpism at home and Putinism abroad. Both, he believes, present clear and present dangers to the liberal rules-based order in which (Team) Biden passionately believes.

Other voices – mainly from the U.S. Realist camp – are not so besotted with Russia; for them, ‘real men’ take on China. These want just to keep the Ukraine conflict at a face-saving stalemate, if possible (more weapons), whilst the pivot to China is activated.

In a speech at the Hudson Institute, Mike Pompeo made a foreign policy statement that clearly had an eye to 2024 and his taking the Vice-President spot. The gist of it was about China, yet what he said about Ukraine was interesting: Zelensky’s importance to the U.S. was contingent on his keeping the war going (i.e. saving western face). He did not explicitly refer to ‘boots on the ground’, but it was clear he did not advocate such a step.

His message was weapons, weapons, weapons to Ukraine, and ‘move on’ – through pivoting to China NOW. Pompeo insisted the U.S. recognise Taiwan diplomatically today, irrespective of what occurs. (i.e. regardless of whether this action triggers war with China.) And he rolled-up Russia into the equation by simply saying that Russia and China effectively should be treated as one.

Biden however, seems moved to let pass the moment, and to carry on with the present trajectory. This is also what the many participants in the boondoggle want. The point is that Deep State views are conflicted, and influential Wall Street bankers certainly do not warm to Pompeo’s notions. They would prefer de-escalation with China. Carrying-on therefore is the easy option, as U.S. domestic attention becomes fastened on economic woes.

The point here is that the West is comprehensively stuck: It cannot move forward, nor back. Its structures of politics and of the economy prevent it. Biden is stuck on Ukraine; Europe is stuck on Ukraine and on its belligerence towards Putin; ditto for the UK; and the West is stuck on its relations with Russia and China. More importantly, none of them can address the insistent demands from Russia and China for a restructuring of the global security architecture.

If they cannot move on this security plane – for fear of losing face – they will be unable to assimilate (or hear – given the ingrained cynicism that attends any words spoken by President Putin) that Russia’s agenda goes far beyond security architecture.

For example, the veteran Indian diplomat and commentator, MK Badrakhumar writes:

“After Sakhalin-2, [on an Island in the Russian Far East] Moscow also plans to nationalise Sakhalin-1 oil and gas development project by ousting U.S. and Japanese shareholders. The capacity of Sakhalin-1 is quite impressive. There was a time before OPEC+ set limits on production levels, when Russia extracted as much as 400,000 barrels per day, but the recent production level has been about 220,000 barrels per day.

The overall trend of nationalising the holdings of American, British, Japanese and European capital in Russia’s strategic sectors of economy is crystallising as the new policy. The cleansing of theRussian economy, freed of Western capital, is expected to accelerate in the period ahead.

Moscow was well aware of the predatory character of Western capital in Russia’s oil sector — a legacy of the Boris Yeltsin era — but had to live with the exploitation as it didn’t want to antagonise other potential western investors. But that is history now. The souring of relations with the West to almost breaking point rids Moscow of such archaic inhibitions.

After coming to power in 1999, President Vladimir Putin set about the mammoth task of cleaning up the Augean stables of Russia’s foreign collaboration in the oil sector. The “decolonisation” process was excruciatingly difficult, but Putin pulled it through”.

Yet that’s just the half of it. Putin keeps saying in speeches that the West is the author of its own debt and inflationary crisis (and not Russia), which gives rise to a great deal of head scratching in the West. Let Professor Hudson however, explain why much of the rest of the world sees the West having taken a ‘wrong turn’ economically. In brief, the West’s wrong turn has led it to a ‘dead end’, Putin implies.

Professor Hudson argues (paraphrased and rephrased) that there are essentially two broad economic models that have descended through history: “On the one hand, we see Near Eastern and Asian societies organized to maintain social balance and cohesion by keeping debt relations and mercantile wealth subordinate to the general welfare of the community as a whole”.

All ancient societies had a mistrust of wealth, because it tended to be accumulated at the expense of society at large – and led to social polarization and gross inequalities of wealth. Looking over the sweep of ancient history, we can see (Hudson says)that the main objective of rulers from Babylonia to South Asia and East Asia was to prevent a mercantile and creditor oligarchy from emerging and concentrating ownership of land in their own hands. This is one historic model.

The great problem that the Bronze Age Near East solved – but classical antiquity and Western civilization have not solved – was how to deal with mounting debts (periodic debt jubilees) without polarising society and ultimately impoverishing the economy by reducing most of the population to debt dependency.

One of Hudson’s key tenets is how China is structured as a ‘low cost’ economy: cheap housing, subsidised education, medical care and transport – means that consumers do have some free disposable income left over – and China as whole, is made competitive. The financialized debt-led model of the West, however, is high cost, with swathes of the population becoming increasingly impoverished and bereft of discretionary income after paying debt servicing costs.

The Western periphery however, lacking the Near Eastern tradition, ‘turned’ to enabling a wealthy creditor oligarchy to take power and concentrate land and property ownership in its own hands. For public relations purposes, it claimed to be a ‘democracy’, and denounced any protective government regulation as being, by definition, ‘autocracy’. This is the second grand model, but with its overhang of debt and now in an inflationary spiral, it too is stuck, lacking the means to step forward.

That latter model is what occurred in Rome. And we are still living in the aftermath. Making debtors dependent on wealthy creditors is what today’s economists call a ‘free market’. It is one without public checks and balances against inequality, fraud or privatization of the public domain.

This neoliberal pro-creditor ethic, Professor Hudson asserts, is at the root of today’s New Cold War. When President Biden describes this great world conflict aimed at isolating China, Russia, India, Iran and their Eurasian trading partners, he characterizes this as an existential struggle between ‘democracy’ and ‘autocracy’.

By democracy he means oligarchy. And by ‘autocracy’ he means any government strong enough to prevent a financial oligarchy from taking over government and society and imposing neoliberal rules – by force – as Putin has done. The ‘democratic’ ideal is to make the rest of the world look like Boris Yeltsin’s Russia, where American neo-liberals had a free hand in stripping away all public ownership of land, mineral rights and basic public utilities.

But today we deal with shades of grey – there is no truly free market in the U.S.; and China and Russia are mixed economies, albeit ones leaning to prioritising a responsibility for the welfare of the community as a whole, rather than imagining that individuals left to their own selfish devices will somehow result in maximising national welfare.

Here is the point: Adam Smith economics plus individualism is ingrained in the western zeitgeist. It will not change. However, President Putin’s new policy of cleansing the Augean Stables of ‘predatory western capital’ and the example set by Russia of its metamophose toward a largely self-supporting economy, immune to dollar hegemony, is music to the ears of the Global South and to much of the Rest of the World.

Taken together with Russia and China’s lead in challenging the West’s ‘right’ to set rules; to monopolise the means (the dollar) as the basis for settling inter-state trade; and with BRICS and SCO steadily acquiring ‘bottom’, Putin’s speeches reveal their revolutionary agenda.

One aspect remains: How to bring about a ‘revolutionary’ metamorphosis, without incurring war with the West. The U.S. and Europe are stuck. They are unable to renew themselves, as the structural political and economic contradictions have locked their paradigm solid. How then to ‘unstick’ the situation, short of war?

The key, paradoxically, may lie with Russia and China’s deep understanding of the flaws to the western economic model. The West is in need of Catharsis to ‘unstick itself’. Catharsis can be defined as the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed, emotions attached to beliefs.

To avoid military catharsis, it seems that the Russian and Chinese leadership – understanding the flaws to the western economic model – must then visit the West with an economic catharsis.

It will be painful, no doubt, but better than nuclear catharsis. We may recall the ending to CV Cafavy’s poem, Waiting for the Barbarians,

Because night has fallen and the barbarians haven’t come.
And some of our men just in from the border say
there are no barbarians any longer.

Now what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
Those people were a kind of solution.

Australian Reasoning…



Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Steaks, cats, human experience, life and Ukraine. A nice mix.

Here’s a mix of some news, and a bunch of human stores. It describes the behaviors of bad people, and the good people. Some good ‘ol Americana thrown in. I hope that you enjoy the articles, the little history lessons, and the thoughts regarding others.

Oh, and be the Rufus!

NATO Boss Whines Citizens Should STOP COMPLAINING about costs of Backing Ukraine

“Our citizens must suffer for Democracy!”


NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg says that citizens of the west need to “stop complaining” about increased prices for food and fuel because these are necessary to support Ukraine.

Stoletenberg expressed his views in Brussels on Tuesday, telling assembled media he sees support for Ukraine as a moral issue; as if politicians have morals.

Give ear to this two minutes of political rationalizing to justify the unjustifyable. Almost everything he says is a worldview which is NOT based in reality:

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Clearly, to me, he is trying to ‘guilt’ hundreds of millions of scared/threatened/angry EU citizenry. Did you know he left a position with Klaus Schwabb/WEF to assume the helm as NATO spokesperson?

I don’t have enough spit for this creature.

Classic Steak Diane

First things first. Who’s Diane?

According to What’s Cooking in America, Steak Diane was a popular dish in the 1950s/early 1960s, especially in New York City—in upscale restaurants, it was often prepared tableside with all the theatrics you’d expect from the flambéing of the cognac that is used to make the sauce.

The iconic dish was supposedly named after the Roman goddess, Diana or Diane. Diana was the Goddess of the Hunt and also Goddess of the Moon, and Steak Diane was originally a way of serving venison.

Classic Steak Diane.

Looking for a classic steakhouse dinner? Steak Diane is the answer. Served with a creamy pan sauce made with mushrooms, shallots, Dijon-style mustard, and brandy, this recipe will have you skipping reservations more often.

Classic Steak Diane.


  • 2 beef Strip Steaks, Boneless, cut 1 inch thick (8 ounces each)
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 pound sliced mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup minced shallots
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 1/3 cup whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon-style mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce


  1. Combine lemon peel, salt and pepper in small bowl; press evenly onto steaks. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place steaks in skillet; cook 12 to 15 minutes for medium rare (145°F) to medium doneness (160°F), turning occasionally. Remove steaks; keep warm.
  2. Add mushrooms and shallots to same skillet; cook 3 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Add brandy; cook and stir 1 to 2 minutes until browned bits attached to skillet are dissolved. Stir in cream, lemon juice, mustard and Worcestershire sauce; cook 3 to 5 minutes until sauce is heated through and slightly thickened. Spoon sauce over steaks.
  • Wash hands with soap and water before cooking and always after touching raw meat.
  • Separate raw meat from other foods.
  • Wash all cutting boards, utensils, and dishes after touching raw meat.
  • Do not reuse marinades used on raw foods.
  • Wash all produce prior to use.
  • Cook beef until temperature reaches 145°F for medium rare steaks and roasts 160°F for ground beef.
  • Refrigerate food promptly.

COVID mRNA “Vaccines” Compromise the Immune System


Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among mRNA vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.

According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 mRNA booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.

The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and shingles.

studies suggest a link between COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and reactivation of the virus that causes shingles [1213]. This condition is sometimes referred to as vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (V-AIDS) [14].

As a safety measure, further booster mRNA vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients.

Several practical measures to prevent a decrease in immunity have been reported. These include limiting the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetaminophen to maintain deep body temperature, appropriate use of antibiotics, smoking cessation, stress control, and limiting the use of lipid emulsions, including propofol, which may cause perioperative immunosuppression.

In conclusion, COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.


Friends & Friendship


New Zealand Statesman denounces Five-Eyes/NATO Pacific war plan

A former New Zealand Cabinet Minister has warned that the actions of Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in tying their two countries to NATO is pushing the Pacific towards war.

Matt Robson was a Cabinet Minister in Helen Clarke’s Labour-led Coalition government, and served as NZ’s Minister for Disarmament and Associate Minister for Foreign Affairs, with intimate knowledge of Pacific affairs.

He is also a barrister with extensive experience in international law.

In a striking new interview with the Australian Citizens Party’s Citizens Insight program on YouTube, Matt Robson takes on the manufactured consensus regarding supposedly virtuous NATO standing against authoritarian Russia and China, which is being used to undermine NZ’s commitment to banning nuclear weapons and an independent foreign policy, and turn Australia and NZ into extensions of NATO in the Asia-Pacific, for confronting China.

For Australia, Anthony Albanese is continuing his predecessor’s policies, which is bad enough, demonstrating Australia’s complete lack of independence on foreign policy; for NZ however, Ardern is actually destroying her country’s foreign policy principles, including its independent commitment to nuclear disarmament, by taking NZ under NATO’s nuclear umbrella.

To see a NZ statesman say what no serving major party politician in Australia or New Zealand would be game to say today.

Please click here to watch CITIZENS INSIGHT – New Zealand Statesman denounces Five-Eyes/NATO Pacific war plan – Matt Robson.

The story of Cambodia

Cambodia used to be a prosperous country. After the end of the Indochina War (1945–1954), under the leadership of King Norodom Sihanouk (1922–2012), the economy of Cambodia rapidly went up for the next twenty years, with remarkable achievements.

In 1960, the GPD per capita of Cambodia was US$ 111,34 and it was even higher than both North and South Vietnam at that time (with US$ 51 and US$ 105, respectively).

Cambodia in the 1960’s.
Cambodia in the 1960’s.
Cambodia in the 1960’s.

During the 1960s, while Vietnam was stuck into a devastated war, the economy of Cambodia continued to develop rapidly.

The capital of Phnom Penh was among the “pearls” of the oriental world, where notable figures of the world such as French President Charles De Gaulle (1890–1970) and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1929–1994) had their visits.

Phnom Penh was among the “pearls” of the oriental world…
Phnom Penh was among the “pearls” of the oriental world…
Phnom Penh was among the “pearls” of the oriental world…


The fate of Cambodia was sealed on 18 March 1970, after the coup d’état against King Norodom Sihanouk, which was organized and implemented by the United States CIA.

Since then, Cambodia was mired in a bloody civil war during the next five years (1970–1975), with hundred thousand deaths.

Cambodia civil war.
Cambodia civil war.
Cambodia civil war.
Cambodia civil war.

Unluckily, the end of the Cambodian Civil War in 1975 did not mark the beginning of the new peaceful era for Cambodian nation. On the contrary, it subsequently marked the beginning of the Maoist genocidal regime of Khmer Rouge, as one of the most brutal dictatorships in 20th century.

Pol Pot

With Cambodian Maoism in his mind, in just four years Pol Pot rapidly transformed his country into a massive “killing field”, where 2.0 to 3.0 millions of “counter-revolutionaries” or 1/3 of Cambodian population were exterminated!

Historically, it was called the “Cambodian Genocide”, in which the whole country of Cambodia was returned to the “Year Zero” (Année Zéro).

From a prosperous country during the 1960s, Cambodia became a constant famine-stricken and also one of the poorest countries in the world under the rule of Khmer Rouge regime.

The Khmer Rouge regime believed in a Marxist Utopia.
The Khmer Rouge regime believed in a Marxist Utopia.
The Khmer Rouge regime believed in a Marxist Utopia.
The Khmer Rouge regime believed in a Marxist Utopia.

The whole economic structure of Cambodia was totally bankrupt to the root when Pol Pot decided not to use the paper money anymore!

The city of Phnom Penh subsequently became a “ghost city”.

There were no more French-style coffee shops, no more luxury cars, no more beautiful lights of neon at night, but only the so-called “people’s communes” located around the country, where people were forced to work until their last breath.

These below pictures were about the city of Phnom Penh under the rule of Khmer Rouge.

The city of Phnom Penh under the rule of Khmer Rouge.
The city of Phnom Penh under the rule of Khmer Rouge.
The city of Phnom Penh under the rule of Khmer Rouge.

The “Cambodian Genocide” was finally ended on January 1979, when the Cambodian national uprising together with the Vietnamese offensive finally overthrown the rule of Pol Pot and his henchmen.

During the next twenty years (1979–1999), together with the Vietnamese military assistance, the new government of Cambodia under the leadership of Hun Sen continued the fight against the remaining Khmer Rouge guerrillas until the death of Pol Pot in 1998 and the total disband of the Khmer Rouge faction in 1999.

Since 1993, Norodom Sihanouk officially returned as a King of Cambodia. Meanwhile, all of the former leaders of Khmer Rouge regime were charged with their crimes against the humanity.

The Khmer Rouge is defeated by joint Vietnam and local Cambodian forces.
The Khmer Rouge is defeated by joint Vietnam and local Cambodian forces.
The Khmer Rouge is defeated by joint Vietnam and local Cambodian forces.
The Khmer Rouge is defeated by joint Vietnam and local Cambodian forces.

Nowadays, although Cambodia is not a rich country, but the revival process is going on, the whole country of Cambodia is again going up rapidly from zero and obtains average GDP growth about 7.5% annually.

Cambodia today.
The Khmer Rouge is defeated by joint Vietnam and local Cambodian forces.
Cambodian GDP.


Confidence is the degree to which you can trust yourself.

We tend to confuse confidence for skill: we see someone who’s a great speaker, a serial entrepreneur, a daring athlete, and think “I wish I could be like them”. Able to show up and just do it.

What we don’t see is the hundreds of times they tried and it didn’t work out.

That’s how they built their skills: by having the confidence to show up again.

Confidence is not knowing that you will win at whatever game you choose to play; it’s the certainty that you can take a punch (or a few).

That, when things won’t go the way you want them to, you will keep showing up and take another one on the chin. And again. Because that’s the best way to learn and get that level of skill where things work out great most of the time.

Confidence is not about results, it’s about effort: do you trust yourself to keep showing up? Or will you give up and stop doing it?

That’s why my hack to build confidence is to get used to doing things I don’t want to be doing.

I used to hate cold water, so I took a cold shower every day.
I wasn’t a great runner, so I ran a marathon with 4 weeks of training.
I used to be uncomfortable talking to women, so I talked to 300 in a year.
I didn’t feel confident speaking in public, so I joined a speaking group.
I was scared to write online, so I started writing weekly.

I now feel confident at all the above, and more.

And that’s how I built my confidence.

By showing myself that I can trust me.

No matter the result, I’m going to show up.

– Matt

Russian Objectives “Have Changed” in Ukraine


Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced just minutes ago “The geographical objectives of the special operation have changed, now it is not only the DPR and LPR, but also a number of other territories.” Lavrov said that Luhansk and Donetsk are not longer the sole objective of the Special Military Operation; other areas are also now an objective.  He did not specify which areas, but observers suggest that everything east of the Dnieper River . . .  meaning the entire eastern half of what is now Ukraine, may now be the actual objective. Lavrov also said “If the West continues to supply Kiev with longer-range weapons, the geographical objectives of the special operation in Ukraine will move even further than they just have.”

Lavrov – Extended Range Weapons In Ukraine Will Lead To More Loss Of Its Land

Today the foreign minister of the Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov, announced the extension of the land in Ukraine that Russia intends to capture.

It will depend on the maximum weapon range of the systems the Ukraine will have under its control.

Via RIA Novosti (machine translation):

Lavrov: deliveries of long-range weapons to Kyiv will expand the geography of the special operation

MOSCOW, July 20 – RIA Novosti. If Ukraine receives long-range weapons from Western countries, then the geographical tasks of the special operation of the Russian troops will change, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT and the Rossiya Segodnya media group. “The President said very clearly, as you quoted him – denazification, demilitarization in the sense that there are no threats to our security, military threats from the territory of Ukraine, this task remains,” the minister stressed. At the same time, he recalled that during the meeting of the negotiators in Istanbul at the end of March, the situation on this issue was significantly different. “Now the geography is different. It is far from being only the DPR and LPR, it is also the Kherson region, the Zaporozhye region and a number of other territories, and this process continues, and continues consistently and persistently,” the head of Russian diplomacy added. He pointed out that as the West, in impotent rage or in a desire to make the situation as bad as possible, pumps more and more long-range weapons into Ukraine, for example, HIMARS, the geographical objectives of the special operation will move even further from the current line. “Because we cannot allow the part of Ukraine that Zelensky will control or whoever replaces him to have weapons that will pose a direct threat to our territory and the territory of those republics that have declared their independence, those who want their future decide for yourself,” he concluded.

Note to Washington: If you deliver HIMARS missile to Ukraine with an extended (300km instead of 80km) range, Russia will have to move further into Ukraine to secure its own and the Donbas republics borders.

This comes after calls in Ukraine to hit the bridge over the Kerch street that connects Crimea with Russia with extended range HIMARS missiles. The nearest point of the area which the Ukraine still holds is some 260 kilometer away from the bridge.


There are also rumors that the Ukraine has already received such missiles. Via Naked Capitalism:

Zelensky Orders Troops to Hold Siversk Despite Heavy Losses, Purges More Officials; Putin in Tehran – Alexander Mercouris. Note in particular starting at 10:10, Mercouris reports that DPR official Eduard Barsurin has stated that Ukraine has received the 300 km missiles for the HIMARS. Ukraine has made clear it intends to hit targets in Crimea, which Russia regards as Russian territory, particularly the Kerch bridge. Mercouris thinks it would take an awful lot of missiles to do that, as in more than Ukraine has now, but any strikes at Crimea would lead to very forceful retaliation by Russia. Ukraine is smoking something strong if it thinks that will lead the West to do meaningfully more for Ukraine than it is doing now.

Mercouris is wrong when he claims that the long range HIMARS missile would only have a small warhead as it must be fired out of one of the 6 tubes of the regular HIMARS canister. The long range missile is the ATACMS. It comes in a different canister which has only one tube for a missile with a diameter of 610 mm. It can be fired by all systems that usually fire the 6 missile canister.



The version of the MFM-140 ATACMS missile that would most likely be used is the M57 (ATACMS TACMS 2000):

It carries the 500 lb WDU-18/B penetrating high explosive blast fragmentation warhead of the US Navy's Harpoon anti-ship missile, which was redesignated as WAU-23/B when used in ATACMS.

It is not the ideal warhead to attack a hard target but it is significant enough to at least heavily damage the Kerch bridge.

If it should be used Ukraine will lose all land that is within 300 kilometer of Crimea, the Donbas and Luhansk oblasts and Ukraine’s northern border with Russia. Odessa is only 180 kilometer from Crimea and Kiev some 200 kilometer from the nearest Russian border. If we take Lavrov’s words seriously those cities would come under Russian occupation should an extended range HIMARS missile be used.

Lavrov named several Ukrainian oblasts that are already on Russia’s wish list:

It is far from being only the DPR and LPR, it is also the Kherson region, the Zaporozhye region and a number of other territories, ..

The number of other territories will have to include the Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts to protect the border of Donetsk and Luhansk from longer reaching weapons. Mykolaiv and Odessa may have to be taken to protect Russia’s oil and gas installations west of Crimea. The Ukraine has already attacked those with longer range weapons.



If I were a Ukrainian decision maker I would take Lavrov’s threat very seriously.

The longest reaching weapon that the U.S. and Great Britain have delivered to Ukraine so far is the Harpoon anti ship missile with a range of 124 kilometer which is near to the 120 kilometer range that Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles have. The Russian defense ministry had previously claimed that at least two Harpoon launchers had been destroyed. According to its daily report another one was eliminated yesterday near Usatovo in the Odessa Region.

Posted by b on July 20, 2022 at 13:18 UTC | Permalink

Sam Hunt – Water Under The Bridge (Official Music Video)

Artist Draws Disney Animals As Humans While Keeping Their Unique Personalities In Tact


Ever wondered what Lady from Lady And The Tramp would look like if she were human? Maybe, maybe not, but artist s0alaina has given it a lot of thought. S0alaina has recreated many of Disney’s most iconic animals as humans, and the results are pretty awesome!

S0alaina writes via Bored Panda, “I’ve often wondered what these animals would look like if they were human and I have enjoyed others’ illustrations of this concept. But I noticed that most of these versions lacked character consistency thus making them not quite as believable and lovable.”

In order to stay true to the original Disney animals, s0alaina keeps them in the context and style of the movie they are from.

“I decided to draw them in the styles of their movies, and keep consistent shape language and features to interpret the character in a more thorough and believable way… I had LOADS of fun doing this!”

Enjoy taking a peek at what Disney animals would look like if they walked upright on two-legs and talked too much.



“I think this one was harder, because O’Malley’s such a bulky character, in face and build, so he makes kind of a funny looking human. And maintaining the 1900-1910s look was hard to do for Duchess because her hair would look much better as a 20s girl~ but I found an appropriate hairstyle.”

The Lion King






Jungle Book


Lady And The Tramp


Webb telescope suffered ‘uncorrectable damage’ in micrometeoroid hit, NASA report says

·5 min read

(NEXSTAR) – A micrometeoroid caused “significant uncorrectable damage” to NASA’s $10 billion James Webb Telescope, a new report explains. While experts say the impact was small, it has prompted further investigation.

At 21 feet, Webb’s gold-plated, flower-shaped mirror is the biggest and most sensitive ever sent into space. It’s comprised of 18 segments, one of which was smacked by the bigger than anticipated micrometeoroid in May. Micrometeoroids are fragments of asteroids that are usually smaller than a grain of sand, according to NASA.

At the time, Paul Geithner, technical deputy project manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center explained it was known that Webb would have to survive the harsh environment of space, including micrometeoroids.

In a newly released report, Webb’s commissioning team said that while the mirrors and sunshields on the telescope are “expected to slowly degrade from micrometeoroid impacts,” the impact to one specific segment, known as C3, “exceeded prelaunch expectations of damage for a single micrometeoroid.”

Despite this, Webb’s team has determined the overall impact on the telescope is small. Engineers were able to realign Webb’s segments to adjust for the micrometeoroid’s damage.

“Bidenvilles” Popping-Up All Over America – The country is being wrecked


A worrisome icon of decades past has resurfaced and is worsening. Unregulated shantytowns persist around the nation — made up of tents, tiny houses, RVs or ramshackle shelters. The trend could be identified with President Biden, some say.

“It is just a matter of time before signs start sprouting up in the homeless areas of America proclaiming the existence of Bidenville,” advises presidential historian and author Craig Shirley.


“We had widespread destitution under Herbert Hoover, just as we do today under Joe Biden. The poverty was indescribable. The world looked to be all black and white. No green. No sunlight. No hope. The dark humor at the time led newspaper writers to call them Hoovervilles. Utter destitution. Every day was worse than the previous, just as under President Biden,” Mr. Shirley tells Inside the Beltway.

“Shantytowns of grinding poverty were spread across America in the late 1920s and into the 1930s. John Steinbeck wrote about them as did other Depression-era authors. Millions of people huddled together, eking out a miserable existence. Sickness, homeless, disease and starvation spread, just as today. The plight and suffering was widespread — and it lasted for years,” Mr. Shirley continues.

“Mark Twain was right. History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, he once said. Mindless liberalism has led to the new Bidenvilles,” the historian advises.

Hal Turner Remark:  Joe Biden is a monster. All Americans are in grave danger under this deranged lunatic and his mentally ill democrat cohorts.

Hooverville Life

Homelessness was present before the Great Depression and a common sight before 1929. Most large cities built municipal lodging houses for them, but the depression exponentially increased demand. The homeless clustered in shanty towns close to free soup kitchens. A “Hooverville” was a shanty town built by homeless people during the Great Depression. They were named after Herbert Hoover, who was President of the United States during the onset of the Depression and widely blamed for it.

Dwellers in Circleville’s Hooverville, central Ohio.

The Bonus Army, a group of World War I veterans seeking expedited benefits, established a Hooverville in Anacostia in the District of Columbia in 1932. At its maximum there were 15,000 people living there. The camp was demolished by units of the U.S. Army, commanded by Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

Hooverville of Bakersfield, California. A rapidly growing community of people living rent-free on the edge of the town dump in whatever kind of shelter available.

These settlements were often formed on empty land and generally consisted of tents and small shacks. Authorities did not officially recognize these Hoovervilles and occasionally removed the occupants for trespassing on private lands, but they were frequently tolerated or ignored out of necessity. The New Deal enacted special relief programs aimed at the homeless under the Federal Transient Service (FTS), which operated from 1933–35.

Hooverville. Portland, Oregon.

Some of the men who were forced to live in these conditions possessed construction skills and were able to build their houses out of stone.

Most people, however, resorted to building their residences out of wood from crates, cardboard, scraps of metal, or whatever materials were available to them. They usually had a small stove, bedding and a couple of simple cooking implements.

Hooverville- 1938.

Most of these unemployed residents of the Hoovervilles used public charities or begged for food from those that had some housing during this era.

They blamed President Hoover for this, and named the town after him. Democrats coined other terms, such as “Hoover blanket” (old newspaper used as blanketing) and “Hoover flag” (an empty pocket turned inside out).

“Hoover leather” was cardboard used to line a shoe when the sole wore through.

A “Hoover wagon” was an automobile with horses hitched to it because the owner could not afford fuel; in Canada, these were known as Bennett buggies, after the Prime Minister at the time.

Life in a shanty town 1938.

After 1940 the economy recovered, unemployment fell, and shanty eradication programs destroyed all the Hoovervilles. Hoovervilles have often features in the popular culture, and still appear in editorial cartoons.Movies like My Man Godfrey (1936) and Sullivan’s Travels (1941) sometimes sentimentalized Hooverville life

Huts and unemployed in West Houston and Mercer St by Berenice Abbott in Manhattan in 1935

The China threat: Dutton is dragging Australia into dangerous waters

Jan 13, 2022

The Defence Minister is stoking anti-China sentiment in Australia – a foolhardy stance that is damaging our economy and putting us at risk of military conflict. 

On November 23, shadow foreign minister Penny Wong said that the Morrison government’s constant

“amping up the prospect of war against a super-power is the most dangerous election tactic in Australian history”.

She is right that it is extremely dangerous, but the ploy has been used before. The difference this time is, of course, that China is a nuclear superpower.

In the 1960s the Coalition government terrified the Australian public with the prospect of the ‘Yellow Peril’ of Chinese communism toppling all the ‘dominoes’ in South-East Asia and wiping out Australia’s democratic way of life, unless it was halted in its tracks in Vietnam. So we joined the US in its ‘war of aggression’ in Vietnam (Daniel Ellsberg 2002) .

Following the destruction of cities and rural environment by more bombs than were dropped by all sides in WWII, with the attendant slaughter of 3.8 million people (Robert McNamara 1999) and the maiming and deforming of countless more by Napalm and Agent Orange, we were finally defeated in 1975.

Unsurprisingly the ‘Yellow Peril’ did not come flooding down to Australia, because the Vietnamese national liberation movement which won the war, was as opposed to Chinese intervention as it was to American intervention. It is delusional to believe that Vietnam would support an American war against China.

Wong said that Defence Minister Peter Dutton was “wildly out of step with a strategy long adopted by Australia and our principal ally” which was the “bipartisan adoption of a One China Policy and advocacy to deter unilateral changes to the status quo”.

But is Dutton really out of step with US strategy? On the contrary, he appears to be implementing the “strategy of denial” detailed in the book of that name by Elbridge Colby, a book he keenly read (Troy Bramston, The Australian, December 15).

Colby served as the lead official in the development of the 2018 National Defence Strategy (NDS). He served with the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq in 2003 and the 2004-05 President’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, making him adept in campaigns of vilification through misinformation.

He is committed to the pursuit of the ‘Wolfowitz doctrine’ of maintaining US primacy in the world by military force.

He believes a ‘limited war’ between China and Taiwan would serve the US objective of inhibiting China’s rise.

The 2018 NDS has not been significantly revised under President Joe Biden.

In it Colby recommended that US allies Japan, India and Australia should be drawn into a coalition (like the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ against Iraq) to contain China.

Two years later, under Biden, the QUAD and AUKUS were formed.

Step 1: Vilification

In line with Colby’s strategy of demonisation, Dutton is generating fear of China by characterising its efforts to protect its national territorial integrity in Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan as ‘aggressive expansionism’. These are specious examples, since all four provinces have been part of the sovereign territory of China since well before Australia existed as a nation state.

He seems unaware that China has never invaded another country for territorial gain, whereas the US has attempted the overthrow of 60 countries since WWII, succeeding in the case of 25 elected democracies.

Dutton said he had to speak the truth about China’s military build-up, but failed to mention the US ‘pivot to Asia’, which ranged 60 per cent of American naval capability along the coast of China. To the Chinese, this must have looked like a potential blockade of its most  economically vital ports, and provoked the acceleration of military counter measures.

He cited China’s construction of military bases in the South China Sea as a further sign of ‘expansionism’, but failed to mention that Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and even Taiwan had similar bases.

He did not acknowledge the possibility that China saw its bases as a counter to the constant  incursions by the US and its allies (especially Australia) into waters vital to its interests, through ‘freedom of navigation operations’. He made no mention of the fact that China has one base outside its own periphery, compared to over 800 US bases around the world, many of them encircling China.

To further stoke public fear, he pointed out that China’s navy was many times the tonnage of Australia’s and their missiles were capable of striking any target in Australia as far south as Hobart.

Step 2: Goad China to act

Colby argued that after a campaign to vilify it, China could be goaded into starting a military conflict over Taiwan and thus be portrayed as the aggressor. The US has already taken a number of steps in this direction, apart from stationing the bulk of its naval power off the coast of China. These include:

  • “Freedom of navigation” and combat exercises in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait;
  • Visits by senior US officials using US military aircraft;
  • Creation of a putative “air defence identification zone” extending well over mainland territory and then alleging Chinese violations of it;
  • Secretly providing military training personnel (while denying it);
  • Including Taiwan in the Summit for Democracy (December 8-10), implying it is a separate country.

Dutton is further goading China by reassuring Taiwan that Australia would “inevitably” come to its defence in the event of a military move against it from the mainland.

He is increasing the possibility that Taiwan will feel emboldened to declare independence from China and thus upset the status quo and provoke the war that Colby recommends.

Daniel L. Davies, a retired lieutenant-colonel and senior fellow at Washington think tank Defence Priorities, has argued that “refusing to be drawn into a no-win war with China over Taiwan will see our comparative advantage over China increase dramatically.

Their military would be seriously degraded … while ours … would be at full strength”.

The Taiwan Relations Act 1979 imposes a legal requirement on the US to “provide Taiwan with arms of a defensive character”. There is no treaty obligation for the US to intervene to defend Taiwan. According to Davies, the US should not risk any of its own military assets, but should push Taiwan to invest more in its self-defence capabilities. Colby has suggested that the US should not provide air defence to Taiwan, since widespread civilian casualties would whip up world anger against China.

Under the strategies proposed by Colby and Davies, China would become bogged down in a  drawn-out conflict that would severely deplete its armed forces and deflect its resources away from economic development and international infrastructure co-operation. It would also satisfy the insatiable appetite of the US military-Industrial complex for never-ending arms sales.

The ANZUS Treaty is a non-binding collective security agreement. It provides only that an armed attack on one of its members would  constitute a danger to the others and require consultations on measures to meet the threat. It does not bind the US to intervene to protect Australia should Australia attack a third party.

In the light of the Colby-Davies strategy for Taiwan, the US would be unlikely to risk its own military assets or any of its homeland territory in direct defence of Australia. It would increase arms sales to bolster Australia’s self-defence, at great cost to the budget and great profit to the military-industrial complex.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan promised that America would not leave Australia ‘alone in the field’ in its trade dispute with China. Instead of taking supportive action, however, the US leapt in to snatch up the markets lost by Australia’s ‘standing up to China’. This does not encourage confidence that the US would actively intervene in support of Australia in a military clash with China.

Commitment under AUKUS to heavy expenditure on nuclear-powered submarines, to arrive in the next 20 years or so, offers little  reassurance if Dutton’s ‘war with China’ erupts in the next five years.

Dutton has disingenuously asserted that the ASEAN countries would support Australia. He has failed to acknowledge that such support is far from certain, since ASEAN on November 22 renewed its Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with China. Each of its members has ongoing infrastructure projects under China’s BRI, which they would not wish to put at risk. They have all expressed varying degrees of disquiet at ‘increased power projection’ into the region through AUKUS.

The effectiveness of the QUAD in defence of Australia is also highly questionable, given that India has security obligations with China through its commitment to the Charter of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation. India is also dependent for its armament on Russia, which has a “better than treaty relationship” with China. Russia seems unlikely to equip India to fight China.

The Colby strategy has not been formally adopted by the Biden administration, but there are signs that it is gaining increasing traction in policy-making circles in Washington. There are also strong voices in Washington in favour of direct US military involvement in defense of Taiwan, arguing that if it failed to do so, the US would lose international credibility as the ‘protector of democracy’.

Fortunately, President Biden has opted, for the time being, for continuation of the policy of ‘strategic ambiguity’ (if somewhat weighted towards reassurances to Taiwan), eschewing the two competing, more aggressive scenarios.

In either scenario, the result for Australia would be the same: – If Australia were to join in the battle to “save democratic Taiwan”, as proposed by Dutton, then, judging from his own assessment of China’s capabilities, the Australian navy would be obliterated in short order and command-control centres in Australia destroyed (especially Pine Gap, in the unlikely event that US forces were involved).

The strident anti-China policy of the Morrison government has positioned Australia as the enemy of China, which is increasingly reluctant to trade with the enemy.

Hence the China trade would not be available to buffer Australia from the worst effects of the next global financial crisis (which many economic analysts believe is imminent), as it did in the 2008 GFC. Australia would be considerably weakened economically and much less able to sustain a military engagement with China.

Dutton’s pronouncements, however, are edging Australia inexorably towards outright warfare with China.

Australia needs instead to align itself more clearly to Biden’s public posture by unambiguously reaffirming (to both China and Taiwan) its adherence to the One China principle and its commitment to a peaceful, negotiated resolution of the ‘Taiwan problem’.

I’m 77. I created four successful businesses, married two beautiful women (one at a time) have two great sons, and retired at 49. My life has been full. And it really doesn’t matter – none of it. I wish I’d known that in the beginning – that it all wouldn’t matter. I beat myself up most of my life trying to accomplish success and I could have had a much easier time of it. I was chasing someone else’s dream, not mine.

No 14 hour days, six days out of the week. No heart attacks. No ulcers. No enemies. I could have learned the piano, painted, sculpted, read more books, learned to dance the salsa, had more dogs.

At the end of life, and mine is just around the corner, the important stuff is the stuff I didn’t have time for. I can’t speak for all wealthy people, but the ones I know are pretty damn empty. We come into the world naked and we leave pretty much the same way – and there are no “Mulligans”.

If you don’t get it right the first time, too bad for you. I’m too old to climb the mountains I always wanted to climb, too old to buy a dog, too old to learn to surf, too old to learn the piano. All the good stuff is behind me. Don’t get stuck in a life that isn’t yours.

Best relationship advice…

One afternoon a long time ago (we must have been around fourteen years old) a friend of mine was talking to his dad.

“I am in love with a girl” he said, “and I’d like to know how to keep her by my side.”

“You can’t” his dad said. “You can’t keep her. The best you can do is give her whatever she lacks.”

“Like, gifts? Like what?”

“No, no” said his dad. “I am not talking about stuff. I am talking about how she feels about her place in her life. Does she go through a lot of uncertainty? Give her stability. Does she feel in any way trapped? Give her freedom. Does she feel she does not matter? Give her the best quality of your attention. Does she feel things are always turbulent? Give her peace.”

I have thought about this advice for decades, and the distinction between “completing” someone and providing a counterpoint in their life.

The most fortunate relationships are a natural match between what a person lacks and what the other cannot wait to give.

Life in the “free” West


Walker Hayes – Y’all Life (Official Video)

A little bit about living life in the USA… Small town… Friday Night… teenager life.

Bad Parents and a Rufus Grandmother

These things happened to me in the late 50s.

I think it’s different now with so many groups and even teachers who are trained to notice different behavior. I was 6 years old and cried all the time away from home. I cried at church, at school, on the playground, and in our neighborhood. Not one person asked what was wrong. I would look at leaders and teachers, almost begging with my eyes to get them to ask if things were okay at home. I waited outside until the last child was called inside the house, hoping we didn’t have to walk inside the cold, dark house alone. I told my brother it was an adventure. We had no food many times, so I found some dry cereal and gave it to him and then started his bath and made sure he was in bed. The following day, we dressed, and I was worried about lunch money. I would scour around and find enough change for milk and lunch money for my brother. I didn’t want to be different at school so not having lunch money was a big thing. At this time, my mother and stepfather told us absolutely to not call our grandmother. I think so she wouldn’t know they were gone most of the time.

I would say for my brother and me; it was the sadness on our faces that never left. You can’t pretend laughter or joy. I recently found a picture of us about that time and we neither smiled and both looked down. Whereas, my baby brother smiled and enjoyed visiting at times.

It was also never passing a class and doing homework. We were the ones that never did our homework. We were fearful, but we were more afraid of my mother, and we knew she didn’t care what happened to us. I was the child that didn’t want to make anyone sad because of me. I worried if I would make my teachers upset if we didn’t do our homework. Yet, my little brain had so much crammed inside it that I barely made it day by day.

If you notice a child looking sad, fearful, and especially crying, ask if they are okay. I imagine now it would be more watching to see if a child goes alone or with someone else alone. Do they have clean clothes or shoes to wear that are the right size? Are they hungry when you get your snack or lunch, but the child isn’t eating? Do they walk in the bitter cold or the blistering heat without shoes? Do they come to school late, or do they get into trouble so someone, somewhere, will pay attention, even if it’s bad attention? These are just a few of the issues I had as a little girl.

Thankfully, our grandmother got my two brothers and me at 73, and we were almost 6, 4, and 1 years old. My baby brother was very sick, and my grandmother happened to stop by, a “God thing,” I like to refer to it. My grandmother asked where the baby was, and I told her he was cold because he kept shaking, and I covered him in his crib.

Long story, she took the three of us with her, and he was hospitalized for German Measles and almost died. The Pediatrician told my grandmother later that he would have passed away if she hadn’t brought him to the hospital within an hour. We are so thankful God allowed him to live.

Our grandmother was a strong Christian, and when my parents divorced, they also told the Judge they didn’t want us. He was going to put us in foster care, but my dear grandmother stood up and said she would take the three of us and provide. He asked her questions, and she assured him she would be fine in taking three. He talked to me privately, and I told him we loved our grandmother and would be happy to be there.

She was our Angel.

Many wonder how hard it must have been for her to raise us at 73. She was born in 1890 and became a school teacher and taught in a one-room schoolhouse for years. She rose early and rode her horse to get to the school early enough to build a good, warm fire. She was very energetic and remained very active and told us we kept her YOUNG. I doubt that, but she kept us alive and whole. God allowed her to live to be 96.

I have no words to express how much I still miss her even after 30 years. she taught us about God and His love that would always be there if she died.

I’m enclosing the last picture of the 3 of us and our dear grandmother as adults many years ago. She is always in our hearts.


CLOWN WORLD: Pentagon Spox Says Climate Change Caused fighting in Syria


Pentagon Spokesman John Kirby proved the Pentagon has become a clown show, by telling reporters during a Press Briefing that it was Climate Change that caused the military hostilities in Syria.



How does a person with idiotic views like this, even get near the Pentagon for employment?  One would think that being reality based would be an important criteria for the Pentagon to hire someone.

Clearly, John Kirby, based on his remarks above, lacks being based in reality.

The entire federal government seems to be Clown World.

A tragic Incident

In a middle school of South Korea an incident occurred which completely disgusted me!

In the school it was a rule that “No phones during class hours”. So, students gives their phones to their homeroom teacher when the classes begin.

Once, “Student X” (let’s call her that) asked her teacher Mr. Song if she could take her phone for a work on her Science Homework. Mr. Song agreed and gave her the phone but he forgot that he gave permission. So, when he was looking at the students doing their work, and saw Student X with the phone, he scolded her. Student X got very upset about it…so she raised her voice, cried and stormed out of the classroom. When she was going…Mr. Song tried to stop her and held her arm. And unfortunately, this was the worst thing he did for Student X. She pulled her arm out and stormed out of the school.

She went to her home and being afraid to tell her parents about her behaviour and coming back from school soon. She said that Mr. Song sexually abused her and that he did bad things to her. Student X’s parents immediately informed it to the police. Soon, police started to investigate and question Student X and she told that Mr. Song sexually abused her and her friends. Then, the policemen questioned all the students and they took Student X’s side and said that Mr. Song hits them.

Mr. Song was questioned about it and he denied it but still police wanted to take him to jail and when Student X saw that it was getting out of hand, she claimed that she lied. The police case was soon closed but Board of Education still pressured the incident and was pressuring Mr. Song to admit that he abused the students. They wanted to ban him but students started to protest. They said “Mr. Song never raised his hands on us. He always pat our shoulder whenever we do a good job. He is a wonderful teacher. Please return him to us. We are sorry for accusing him.”

But still the Board of Education didn’t let it go. They said to Mr. Song “If the students really lied and accused against you, then they did a crime and we are going to punish them.”

Mr. Song wanted to save his students so he said that he did actually abused them. And thus he was banned from the school and people started to attack him with saying hateful things. They hated him and said:

He calls himself a teacher?

This gives me chills. What a horrible teacher!

I wonder how he would react if his children were involved.

How dare he call himself teacher!

This went on and on until Mr. Song took his own life in his garage. Mr. Song’s family tried to sue the North Juolla Province but the case was soon shut down by the prosecution of “Finding no legitimate ground” to investigate the Board.

This tragic incident of Mr. Song’s death remains a controversy in the Board of Education. It is heavily criticized for handling the situation like this. People not only blame Student X’s irresponsible lie but also the carelessness of the Board which caused the death of Mr. Song.

Mr. Song

President of Chechnya: First Demilitarization of Ukraine, Next the same for NATO – Poland first


The President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov says that he and his people are glad to support Russia’s demilitarization of Ukraine. He went on to say they are “developing a plan to demilitarize NATO. After the capture of Kiev, next is Poland.”

Given the reality that:

1) Ukraine had the largest standing army in all of Europe, which was trained, equipped, and certified by NATO,


2) Given the reality that the Russian Army is now chewing-up and spitting out the Ukraine Army, defeating Ukraine in almost every confrontation, it appears to many observers that NATO training and certification makes them only a paper tiger.

This paper tiger has been roaring at Russia for decades, and now may face being swept away by the very Russians they have demonized for decades.

A fucked up life

I was taken in by a same sex couple after my little brother and I were abandoned by our mom.

This couple completely ruined me.

They had their own son by the way, but anyways, I was the target for their abuse. From 2011 up until march 14, 2014, I was physically, emotionally, verbally, and sexually abused by them.


These are the women I once called “my moms.”

I was taken in by them when I was I around three or four. Initially they seemed like a very nice couple they treated me and my little brother well. But they then started changing the way they treated me specifically when I was about six. I’m not sure why I was their target. Till this day I find myself wondering if I did something wrong for them to treat me like they did?

It was Christmas Eve of 2011 and they allowed me and my brothers to open one gift that night. I don’t remember what I got but I remember what my youngest brother Eraca’s son got. It was a little computer that taught you the letters of the alphabet and I grabbed it from him to look at it. When I did that Christian scolded me and asked me why I hit my little brother with it. I was really confused because I know I didn’t hit him with anything. That night I was thrown outside and had to sit on the porch in the cold for hours. That was the night everything changed for me.

Eraca was gone Monday through Friday so that just left us kids with Christian to care for us, she was a stay at home mom. Christian is the one who basically did everything to me. She had many different torture methods for me everyday while ‘her sons’ watched Cartoons and got to play outside. She would throw me into cold baths and put ice cubes in it and made me lay in it for hours. When she was feeling really good she liked to hold my head under water and attempt to drown me. I was only fed once a day, and if I didn’t do a chore right she wouldn’t feed me at all. Sometimes I went a whole week without receiving any food. It came to the point were in the middle of the night sometimes I would sneak into the kitchen and eat almost a whole entire box of cereal because I was so hungry.

One night I got caught stealing food and Eraca and Christian decided that since I liked to steal food I should be chained up. So the next day they went to home depot and purchased a dog chain for me. When we got home Eraca drilled the chain into the wall and chained me by my ankle. I was chained up everyday unless they had something they needed me to do, or if Christian was in the mood to do something crazy to me.

It came to the point were I was scared to ask if I could go to the restroom so I would constantly piss myself and poop on myself. I started doing it almost everyday and it became a habit but it was also disgusting to me because sooner or later I started smelling bad and Christian would just make me walk around like that while I did my chores. When I did sometimes get the courage to ask to use the restroom Christian would punch, kick me and drag me to the restroom.

They would have my little brothers pee on me, and Christian would sometime make me drink her pee. I was starting to get very weak from not eating and I started to have little black outs while doing chores. Just for the hell of it they would sometimes have me bathe in bleach and it came to a point were the skin on some of my toes was falling off. Christian would also put lemon juice on the missing flesh of my toes before sending me to sleep. That was one of the worst pains I’ve ever felt. They put me through more torture everyday that I just don’t want to think about.

I was saved on March 14 2014 ,and from there my biological brother and I were adopted into a Family. They changed our names and now my last name is Ochinang. I call them the Ochinangs since that’s their last name. When I got adopted I really thought I was safe and wouldn’t have to go through abuse again but little did I know.. For five years their biological son who was only two days older than me molested me and I never said anything because that’s what I learned to do best at Christian’s house. The parents never believed me and when I told them the mom said I was lying for attention. They never really supported me, and the mom also didn’t accept the fact that I was bisexual so she was always telling me I wasn’t normal and that I was going to hell.

I finally reported the sexual abuse to authorities on November 2018 when I was in the eighth grade. I got removed from my adoptive home, and since then I’ve been in this horrible foster system. I’m only fifteen-years-old and I have gone through the worst of the worst and I’m still here fighting for the love of a family. I’m in a group home at the moment until a family wants me. But I am a troubled teenager and most families see me as a bad kid. That’s how its been since May 2019. So right now I’m still going through a very bad time, but I’m still going to continue to be strong for myself. I just wanted to share my story with everyone..


(Insta- retr0.angel)

I just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone’s support! It means a lot to me

This is me btw..


Update!!!—So I have found a very great family who is taking me in I’m very happy and i’ve always waited for this moment i’m truly blessed.

I also wanted to say that I recently found my bio mom after 13 years of looking for her.

It turns out when I was younger those two women that abused me kidnapped me and my little brother from my bio family when I was younger!!!

My mom was in tears when we found each other.

Deserving Respect

November 25, 2011

In the waiting room of Taiyuan Railway Station, China. An older man fell asleep on a bench and did not move.


A passenger went up to try to wake up the older man. It turned out that the older man had already passed away! At this time, people are watching and panicking.


At that moment, a Buddhist monk dressed in yellow sea green walked up to the older man, calmly bent his waist and Paying tribute to the dead. The monk folded his hands and, chanted the sutra for the old man and compassionately hold the hand of the deceased.


Netizens have expressed that this monk pulled up not only the hand of the older man. More is to pull up the conscience and kindness of this indifferent society.

Be the Rufus


Rufus Father

My grandfather died in a work accident when my Dad was 12. Some lady upset my grandmother by calling 3–4 times a day crying about my grandfather dying and hanging up. My Dad spent an entire day knocking on every door in a 3 block radius. Asked for the lady of the house and then asked them point blank if they were calling his mother. No one admitted to calling but the calls stopped.

My sister came home crying in the 4th grade because her teacher was too lazy to learn her name (Not a difficult name at all). Kept calling her, “you” during roll call. Dad found out where he lived . Sat outside his house until he came out. Told him if he doesn’t learn my sister’s name he was coming back. Teacher learned her name.

I got robbed by 3 older guys while in middle school. My Dad told me to find out where they lived (see a pattern?). Showed up at the first guy’s house at 6am on a Saturday. Basically kidnapped him and took him to the 2nd guy’s house. Rinse, repeat and off to the 3rd guy’s house. Took all their money and retrieved my stolen BB gun. Left them on the other side of town and threatened to kill them if he ever saw them again.

Group of guys broke in my Dad’s house. Hit him in the head with a pipe and tried to cut his Airborne ring off his finger. He managed to run them out of the house. Recognized one of the guys, a neighborhood teen. Went to his house and basically kidnapped him. Scared him into telling him who and where the rest were. Called the police and had them arrested.

My Dad was in his 60s when a wannabe neighborhood criminal was terrorizing the older folks in the neighborhood. Made the mistake of setting fire to my father’s car in the driveway. Dad waited till one of those cold, wet nights and destroyed the guy’s car. He then made good on his escape down the alley through the woods and pond, up his alley, over his 6’ fence and through his basement window. (see diagram). Never had any problems after that.


I don’t agree with some of his methods but I can’t argue with his results. RIP, Dad.


My Dad was probably like a lot of fathers in the 60s and 70s who worked hard and had very little patience for foolishness. I started to edit the kidnap parts but I think most can tell the difference between a father grabbing young punks by the scruff of the neck and squashing a situation vs. an actual kidnapping. Some comments were like, “If your father did that to me I would blah, blah, blah…” To you I say something you already know:

Don’t mess with another man’s kids or his stuff.

There are stories that are not mine to share during that time period that make my Dad’s 5 stories over 50 years seem like fairy tales.

He was an Army vet, worked 20+ years at the same job. He spoke very little to my mother after they divorced but for 30+ years after their breakup, the first thing out of his mouth when we talked was, “How’s your momma doin?” He obviously thought the names we picked for his grandkids were trash and called them BrightEyes, Peaches, Amber & Amir instead.

He was a good, fair, tough, outspoken man that brought giant packs of toilet paper instead of food when someone passed away (You’re gonna run out of shit paper with all those people at the house), gave EVERYONE free cookies (retired from a large cookie company) and in his later years would call me every time Cheaters came on TV.

As one of the commenters said, if your father is still around, please pick up the phone and enjoy talking to him.

Grilled Cowboy Steaks

Giddyap! David Lewis runs a small kitchen, micro-bakery, and coffee roastery from his hometown in Alabama, and is the founder of Kitchen Ambition. And he knows a thing or two about a good cowboy steak.

“There are few meals more legendary in American lore than cowboys flipping steak over a campfire at the end of a long day on the range,” says Lewis. “If you want to saddle up your own inner cowboy, cooking cowboy steak is fun and easier than you might expect.”

For preparation over a campfire, you’ll want to pick a steak with high fat content so that it doesn’t dry out over the flames while you’re cooking it, he says. Try a ribeye with the bone in, at least 1.25 thick and with visible fat marbling, he says. “Choosing the right steak makes all the difference.”


Streaked with gorgeous marbling, as juicy as they come, and equipped with a bone that translates into big steak flavor, Bone-In Ribeyes (a.k.a. Cowboy Steaks) are almost as impressive before they hit the grill as they are coming off of it. But, make no mistake, this particular cut of beef is as unforgettable as it is mouthwatering when it hits the dinner plate, and there’s nothing that satisfies an appetite quite like this hunky, flavorful Steak.

In addition to the best Cowboy Steak Recipe and cooking method, we’re talking all the essentials, and any questions you may have? Well, they’ve already been answered. You’ll find out:

  • How to pick the perfect steak!
  • How to properly season a thick-cut steak.
  • Degrees of doneness and time guidelines for cooking Bone-In Ribeyes.
Cowboy Steak.


At the meat counter, you’ve likely noticed the same cut of beef comes in multiple grades with very different price tags. So what determines the quality of grade and that great big swing in price when it comes to steaks? Marbling.

Prime beef (numero uno) has more marbling, which is the fat running throughout a cut of meat, and when it comes to ribeyes, marbling is everything. These streaks of fat not only add a great deal of flavor, but they also help to keep the steaks moist and tender throughout the cooking process. Note, for good marbling, look for thin streams of fat running across the ribeye.

If you want a Cowboy Steak, be sure to get bone-in ribeyes. For an impressive presentation, you’ll want to look for a nice, thick, hunky bone. And, if you’d like the bone showing, ask your butcher to french it before you leave the meat counter.


Beef doesn’t need a whole lot of help in the flavor department, but most especially ribeyes. Because of their heavy marbling Ribeyes are packed with flavor. Also because of their heavy marbling, no oil is needed before these bad boys hit the grill.

To simplify matters even further, the only seasoning you’ll need for this cut of steak is good old-fashioned salt and pepper. However, you’re going to need a lot of it.

These steaks are thick, so naturally, more salt and pepper is needed, but you should also consider that a great deal of your salt and pepper rub is going to fall through the grates of the grill. Point of the story? Don’t be afraid to season very liberally.

So just a recap, for your Cowboy Steaks, you will need:

  • Bone-In Ribeyes
  • Kosher Salt
  • Coarse Black Pepper

We promise — simple as has never tasted so good.


When it comes to cooking this particular cut of beef, nothing beats an open flame, and these hunky, gorgeous steaks deserve nothing but the best.

  1. Set out the ribeyes at room temperature 30 minutes before grilling.
  2. Prep the grill and bring to medium-high heat.
  3. Season steaks liberally with salt and pepper.
  4. Grill about 4 minutes on each side for medium-rare.
  5. Allow to rest 5-10 minutes, serve, and enjoy!


Note, there are multiple factors that go into the degree of doneness of a cooked steak, and it goes far beyond cook time and the temperature of the grill. For example, the internal temperature of the beef when it hits the grill, the amount of marbling, and the thickness of the steak will all affect cook time.

Therefore, these suggested cook times should be used as “guidelines,” for grilling accuracy, nothing beats an instant-read thermometer.

  • For rare steaks, cook for about 3 minutes on each side. Pull when the internal temperature reaches 120°.
  • For medium-rare steaks, cook for about 4 minutes on each side. Pull when the internal temperature reaches 130°.
  • For medium to medium-well steaks, cook for about 5 minutes on each side. Pull when the internal temperature reaches 140° – 145°.
Cowboy Steak.



A Cowboy Steak is a Bone-In Ribeye.


A Cowboy Steak comes from the ribeye which is from the primal rib section of a cow, or the Prime Rib.



Some sources say Bone-In Ribeyes are referred to as Cowboy Steaks because cowboys would hold on to the bone like a handle. Others say it is because thick-cut ribeyes are big, hearty, and ultra-rugged, ensuring they would satisfy any hard-working cowboy’s appetite.

The heartiness of the steak is the most likely explanation, coinciding with the etymology of both Cowboy Cookies and Cowboy Casserole.


A Tomahawk Steak has an impressively long, frenched rib bone, whereas a Cowboy Steak would likely be thinner cut than a Tomahawk Steak and if there is a bone extending out of the steak, it would not be nearly as long.


This is completely dependent on the size of the cow and how thick the steak is cut. These steaks can range anywhere from 14 to 24 ounces.

Cowboy Steak





Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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It’s all Putin’s fault! Well, that is the American narrative, don’t you know!

It’s all Putin’s fault. Don’t you know!

The United States has absolutely, and without question has tried THREE (x3) times to absolutely destroy and crush Russia. Three times. Now, on the eve of attempt four, by surrounding Russia with nuclear missiles, there should be no question that Russia has every RIGHT and every justification to launch a first-strike nuclear salvo to ERASE the United States.

And then there is China.

America has tried five times (x5) to topple, collapse and destroy China (within the last six years). And China, being what it is, just keeps on ticking along.But make no mistake, if you trip the on/off switch that is China, the fury and pain that will be unleashed upon the United States will be difficult to comprehend.


Meanwhile the USA is a twitching, moaning, vomiting, and groaning. Ai! It’s in it’s death throes, and it is hemorrhaging. Money flowing out. Now Ukraine is asking for $20 billion dollars a month!. Heck one billion would get rid of homeless, and poverty. But that is not on the agenda for this brain-dead “clown show” that is driving American into the abyss.

Ok. Now you know everything that you need to know about the global political situation today. Wasn’t that simple?

Number of foreign mercenaries killed during the Ukraine Military Action as of 06/17/22

The Russian Ministry of Defense even presented a summary table, which showed how many mercenaries arrived, how many were destroyed and how many returned to their homeland with nothing.

Moreover, the department also showed the dynamics of the number of foreigners. It is expected that the representatives of Poland in this indicator belong to the palm. In the last three weeks alone, 166 militants have been killed. Another 71 fled in disgrace. Many mercenaries also come from Georgia and Great Britain. There are even Guineans, Liberians and three Peruvians.

Article from HERE

Poland – 544
Romania – 123
UK – 124
Croatia – 84
France – 73
Bosnia and Herzegovina – 53
Estonia – 56
Kosovo – 69
Albania – 51
Lithuania – 60
Portugal – 20
Germany – 37
North Macedonia – 24
Finland – 20
Ireland – 26
Italy – 21
Switzerland – 17
Netherlands – 13
Sweden – 5
Czech – 15
Spain – 6
Latvia – 8
Norway – 6
Belgium – 3
Denmark – 2
Austria – 2
Greece – 1
Montenegro – 1
Nigeria – 38
South Africa – 10
Senegal – 4
Guinea – 4
Equatorial Guinea – 1
Gabon – 2
Liberia – 2
Canada – 177
USA – 220
Colombia – 14
Bolivia – 15
Brazil – 19
Australia – 2
Georgia – 170
Syria – 94
Turkey – 21
Israel – 10
Republic of Korea – 4
Azerbaijan – 1

“Soldiers of Failure”: Captured American mercenaries spoke about the Ukrainian army and propaganda. Alexander Dryuke and Andy Hyun are American mercenaries who were captured by our military during the battle near Kharkov. KP special correspondents Dmitry Steshin and Alexei Ovchinnikov managed to communicate with the prisoners. From HERE

The Inflation Monster That Our Leaders Have Created Is Voraciously Eating Away Our Standard Of Living


The purchasing power of the dollar is not nearly as strong as it once was, and as a result our standard of living is rapidly going down.  The overall rate of inflation has been rising faster than our paychecks have been for quite a while, and this is causing a tremendous amount of pain for millions of U.S. consumers.  Unfortunately, this isn’t going to change any time soon.  The inflation monster that our leaders have created will continue to rage even as our economy plunges into a severe recession.  I relentlessly warned that the trillions of dollars that our leaders were pumping into the system would cause enormous problems down the road, and now we are trapped in an economic nightmare with no easy way out.

On Wednesday, we learned that the rate of inflation in the United States jumped even higher last month…

Shoppers paid sharply higher prices for a variety of goods in June as inflation kept its hold on a slowing U.S. economy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Wednesday.

The consumer price index, a broad measure of everyday goods and services related to the cost of living, soared 9.1% from a year ago, above the 8.8% Dow Jones estimate. That marked the fastest pace for inflation going back to November 1981.

Of course the way that inflation is calculated today is much different from the way that it was calculated back in the 1980s.  If the way that inflation was calculated had not been changed, the official inflation rate would be much higher right now.

But even if you want to take the 9.1 percent figure at face value, it is still extremely high, and last month energy and food prices were two of the main reasons why we witnessed such a dramatic surge…

  • Gas: 59.9%
  • Electricity: 13.7%
  • Food at home: 12.2%
  • New vehicles: 11.4%
  • Food away from home: 7.7%
  • Used cars and trucks: 7.1%
  • Shelter: 5.6%
  • Apparel: 5.2%

Let’s focus on that “food at home” category for a moment.

Every single one of us needs to eat, and so this is something that is deeply affecting all of us.

And right now we are seeing rapid price increases in almost aisle of the grocery store

  • Cereals and cereal products: +15.1%
  • Beef and veal: +4.1%
  • Pork: +9.0%
  • Poultry: +17.3%
  • Fish and seafood: +11.0%
  • Eggs: +33.1%
  • Dairy and related products: +13.5%
  • Fresh fruits: +7.3%
  • Fresh vegetables: +6.5%
  • Juices and nonalcoholic drinks: +11.6%
  • Coffee: 15.8%
  • Fats and oils: 19.5%
  • Baby food: 14.0%

Has your paycheck gone up by a similar amount over the past year?

If not, you are losing ground and your standard of living is declining.

Overall, real wages in the United States have now fallen for 15 months in a row.

In all the years I have been writing, I have never seen anything quite like this.

According to one expert that was interviewed by the Daily Caller, “American families are being crushed” by the inflation tsunami that we are witnessing right now…

Under the Biden administration, skyrocketing fuel costs and exploding inflation are hurting everyday Americans the most, according to an economist at the Heritage Foundation.

“Energy prices are trickling down into everything and American families are being crushed,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow for regional economics in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Antoni also says that the average worker in the United States has “lost the equivalent of almost $3,400 in annual income” due to declining purchasing power since Joe Biden entered the White House

“The average worker has lost the equivalent of almost $3,400 in annual income since Biden took office,” Antoni explained.

Real average hourly earnings decreased 3.6% from June 2021 to June 2022, according to recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) numbers. The change in real average hourly earnings combined with a decrease of 0.9% in the average workweek resulted in a 4.4% decrease in real average weekly earnings over this period.

“This is catastrophic, $3,400 is some people’s food budgets for a year,” Antoni continued.

The good news, if that is what you want to call it, is that the inflation rate will probably subside just a bit during the next few months.

I have to admit that I agree with Jay Hatfield’s assessment of the situation

Jay Hatfield, CEO at Infrastructure Capital Advisors, says this may signal the peak. “We forecast that this print will mark the peak of inflation as the Fed’s 15% shrinkage of the monetary base, which is the fastest decline since the great depression, will curb inflation as the QT has caused the dollar to appreciate by over 12% this year which has caused commodities to plummet by over 20% since the measurement period for June CPI.”

We are starting to see the size of the Fed’s balance sheet go down, and the Fed is likely to continue to aggressively raise interest rates in the months ahead.

Both of those moves are likely to add significant momentum to our economic slowdown, and demand will be suppressed.

Meanwhile, economic conditions will rapidly deteriorate as we plunge into an excruciatingly painful recession.

Won’t that be fun?

Unfortunately, even a deep recession will not be enough to tame the inflation monster, because our Congress critters continue to spend money like drunken sailors.

And I am entirely convinced that global supply problems will continue to escalate for a variety of reasons.

So even though demand will be suppressed, inflation is not going away.

I would encourage you to get prepared for the very painful years that are ahead of us while you still can.

You may think that economic conditions are bad now, but the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet.

The entire system is starting to crumble, and our clueless leaders seem to be all out of answers at this point.

The disappearance of the 9th Roman Legion

Founded sometime before 90 BC, the 9th Legion was legendary. In 58 BC they fell under the authority of Julius Caesar and from there their legend would grow.

  • They would become one of Caesar’s veteran legions, fighting with him in all of his famous battles like at Alesia
  • They would fight with Caesar in his Civil War against Pompey- being involved in both battles vs Pompey Magnus
  • While Veterans were settled after Caesar’s victory, the Legion was reinforced and soon fought for Octavian against Mark Antony in the final Civil War of the Republic
  • Then 9th found in Hispania, winning Octavian a much-needed PR boost
  • They then fought in Germania in Augustus’s Germanic Wars. They were not involved in any of the disasters but they were stationed there regardless
  • They were involved in the Roman conquest of Brittania
  • The 9th fought the legendary Boudica and were badly defeated
  • They were a major part of the invasion of modern Scotland

After almost 2 centuries of service, the 9th Legion had truly become legendary. Sometime around 104 AD to 108 AD they were stationed on the Rhine. The last records we have of them date from the year 120 and they were confirmed to no longer exist by 197. So from 120–197 they disappeared.

What happened to the 9th Legion?

Well, there was a theory for a while that the 9th Legion was wiped out by the Britons in Northern Brittania. We knew there was a disaster up there where a legion was wiped out around 110s AD. Hadrian building his famous wall was a response to the catastrophe.

This was the leading theory but then things changed. In 2015 we found a record of the 9th Legion existing in 120 AD. The record is complicated but it proved the 9th existed and that officers of the 9th were going on to have distinguished careers.

So now there are 2 new theories

  1. They got wiped out during the Jewish Revolts. The 22nd Legion was recorded to have fought in Judea and similar to the 9th Legion, all records of them disappear after AD 120.
  2. From 161 to 166 Emperor Marcus Aurelias fought a war against Parthia. During this period an unspecified legion was surrounded and annihilated according to historians Cassius Dio.

The problem is that neither of these events records the death of the 9th Legion and you think they would. So, somehow, the most famous Roman Legion in history disappeared.

Confessions of a Woman With a Photographic Memory

Is studying super easy for you?

Studying? What is that?

How easy is it for you to take tests?

Absurdly easy. It’s actually pretty great, I never have to study. People at my university get a little pissed off sometimes by that.

I have never had anything but an A or a perfect score on any test (excluding math and my current studies in Russian). I chose not to skip any grades because I didn’t want to be “abnormal,” and my talent isn’t something that I reveal to most people.

How long does it take you to remember something you’ve read a year ago?


Have you ever tried to memorize the dictionary?

No, I have not. I got bored.

Are you able to scan quickly through a book, then “read” it later in your head?

No, I can’t. I have to actually read it the first time. That would be pretty sweet though.

Can you recall by Title/Page Number?

Title, yes, without fail. Page number is more sporadic, because I have trouble with numbers.

So how far back do your memories of things you have read go?

My earliest memory is from reading the book “Goodnight Moon” when I was in kindergarden, the first book I ever read.

How fucking easy were english classes?

Haha English classes are a fucking joke. I had to make a tough decision when I got to college; be an English major and do NO work, EVER, or actually pick something I’d need to try in.

Has anyone ever thought you cheated on a test or something like that?

YES. Sometimes during tests, teachers ask questions that come directly from the book. When I was younger if I wasn’t paying careful attention, I would accidentally just regurgitate the direct answer from the book, word for word. I didn’t mean it to be plagiarizing, I was just trying to be as precise as possible. After a few visits to the principal’s office and having to explain and prove that I wasn’t cheating, I learned to be much more careful when I take tests like that. I much prefer multiple choice.

How’d you prove to the principal?

In middle school, the first test I was sent to the principal for was given to me again verbally. After that, my teachers gave me my tests verbally for a while until they were convinced. They then sent a note in to my high school when I got older, explaining the situation.

Does your understanding of the material have any effect? ie, quantum mechanics. Do you have complete recall of writings you don’t understand?

No, my understanding is completely normal. If I read a book about quantum mechanics, which I have never studied, I would understand it precisely as well as someone who had also never studied it. I’d still have complete recall, though, and I could read other, more basic descriptions of quantum mechanics and slowly understand what I read previously based on that.

Could you in theory read a complex book then go ponder on it later without the book in hand? Then go and refer to other passages in the book or other relative books and piece it together pretty easily this way?

Yes. That’s sometimes how I do it when I read a book out of my depth.

When you are deciding on a book to read, does the fact that the memory off the book will be permanent influence you decision? I guess i’m asking if memory of garbage writing (tabloids, twilight) is a burden.

Yes and no. I don’t read magazines, ever, but I don’t mind reading books on the bestseller list or anything. Generally books like Twilight have no value or interest for me whatsoever, and subsequently kind of go away after I’m done. It is a problem when people constantly bring them up though, because then the entirety of the text floods my brain and I want to jump off a bridge.

Does this ability extend to words you hear?

No, I have poor listening comprehension. If I was ever going to suffer in a class, it would definitely be a lecture class with no textbook. I remember things I’ve heard or watched exactly as well as anyone else with moderately poor listening comprehension.

Is there every anything you remember that you wish you could forget?

Yes, absolutely. I’ve gotten some pretty nasty text messages/facebook messages, and the like. I really, REALLY wish that I could forget those sometimes.

Are there ever times it becomes a burden to remember so much? Perhaps something that you remember that you wish you didn’t have to?

YES. Sometimes it’s really lonely/upsetting to have so much wandering around in my head. If I’m happy and in a good mood, it generally is okay, but if I’m upset it can be terrible.

Are you autistic?

No, I am not autistic at all, I lead a pretty normal social life. I probably drink more than the average college student. I do have a fairly extreme case of OCD, which I’ve theorized might have something to do with my memory. I’ve heard of people with OCD who have super autobiographical memories, who can remember with extraordinary accuracy and in extraordinary detail the events of their lives and the days on which they occurred.

Has this affected your social abilities any?

Um, to an extent, yes. When I was younger I was extremely combative. There is NOTHING teachers and adults hate more than a child who constantly corrects them, and who is right in that correction. I was very depressed for a long time, because I never had anyone to talk to who understood. It was in high school that I realized that my memory was not unique. Knowing you aren’t the only one makes all the difference in the world, and I’ve become pretty normal socially since then.

Has this affected your love life?

I’ve had two boyfriends for two years each. The first was fairly docile and didn’t pick arguments with me; we had a low-key, nonargumentative relationship that ended due to him leaving for college. My second boyfriend was the most religious person I have ever encountered, and judged me deeply for my beliefs and failed to acknowledge anything I said. We fought continuously and we broke up due to college and also because we just didn’t get along. Now, I try to just opt for friends-with-benefits situations or one night stands. I’m not the most emotional person, and unless something really extraordinary happens, I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Do you encounter any mental problems?

YES. I am CONSTANTLY inundated with random information. I’ll be talking to someone, and a quote from a book will pop into my head, and then another related quote will pop in, and it becomes an endless stupid chain. My current roommate discovered my ability through this once; I was very drunk and just went off on a quote chain like that, and basically gave her a running monologue of my train of thought. It gets pretty annoying sometimes. Also, if I am sad/upset/in any kind of negative mood at all, I feel like my head is a very unpleasant place to be.

Have you ever used your ability for profit?

Not yet. I’ve used it for my personal gain, such as academics, but that’s it as of now.

Do you want to use your talent for the better or follow your passion, or a combination of both?

Sort of a combination of both. I plan to attend law school after my graduation from college, which I have wanted to do since I was a child. I want to be a public defender, and I hope that my extensive memory can be put to good use there.

What is the most interesting thing you can remember reading? Favorite books, authors?

My favorite thing, and probably the most useful thing, that I have ever read has been the Bible. I am an atheist, and though I am less combative than I used to be as a young teenager, there is nothing more disconcerting to someone trying to convince me to be Christian than being able to recite the entire book back to them. Aside from this, Nietzsche, Sartre, Nabokov, Updike, and Dostoevsky are my favorite authors. My favorite book is The Possessed (also titled Demons and Devils), by Dostoevsky.

What is your favorite line of text you’ve ever read?

The poem Annabel Lee by Poe, and 2) “It was a wonderful night, such a night as is only possible when we are young, dear reader. The sky was so starry, so bright that, looking at it, one could not help asking oneself whether ill-humoured and capricious people could live under such a sky.” -Dostoevsky, White Nights

An American Special Forces Ranger talks about South East Asia…

I found the Vietnamese to be arrogant and that they felt superior to all of the different races found in the Nam. I did not like working with them. The South Vietnamese had Special Forces in their Army LLDB but we tagged the LLDB with a different set of words ‘Little Lousy Dirty Bastards’. Every payday they would shake down our Cambodian troops even to a point of taking personal items from our Cambodians. One of our teammates gave one of his Cambodian soldiers a watch only to see one of the LLDB soldiers wearing the watch.

The Cambodians were a beautiful race. They were short but well built and very brave. Many times during a firefight I had too yell for them to get down; he was showing everyone his bravery. When I proved to them that I was worthy they would come up next to me and hold my hand while we were moving toward a contact. They were always smiling with beautiful teeth and large round eyes all contained in a beautiful personality. My interpreter told me that the three guys standing near us have pledged to be my body guard. I told the interpreter to thank them but I couldn’t thing of jeopardizing their life to protect mins. The interpreter said, “you must accept or they will lose face.” So I walked over to the three and thanked them through my interpreter.

While dug in on the Nam side of a canal that separated the Nam from Cambodia there was a primitive village behind our position. Huts with dirt floors, to the left and right side once inside a hut were two platforms used for sleeping, cooking and every activity. Not wanting to take a dump in their area I asked SSG Lott (Lott was on his fourth year in the Nam without a break) where should I go to take a dump. He informed me that their was an outhouse behind the village. When I walked around doing to the back of the single row of huts I saw a reservoir approximately 50 yards long and 25 yards wide. Built close to the edge was a platform. I started walking to the structure gingerly not knowing if tThe board would hold my weight. Once on the platform I saw it was a three seater but there were no seats just three holes with worn down areas on each side of each hole. I undid my pants and squatted down to do my business. When my first load hit the water there was considerable thrashing about with water reaching up to the hole. I looked down and fish were eating my waste. As I was leaving I saw an elderly men fishing. At first you’d think damn these people are just one generation removed from the Stone Age but they built the perfect recycling system. The poop was broken down by the fish, the water would then be used in their rice patties beyond the reservoir; but also a source of food. One evening the village chief invited Lott and I to join his family for dinner. The dinner was rice and fish. I knew that I had to eat the rice and fish knowing from where the fish came from; it was a gift and could not be refused.

The one thing about the Special Forces training that is crucial to conducting guerrilla warfare, you must immerse yourself and study the local customs and respect their customs to maintain their trust. Before an ODA is deployed to a foreign country the team will study the Area Study so as to respect their traditions and culture. We didn’t like the Regular Army units coming through our area because they never respected the customs of the local people.

All of the people we were around were Buddhist and I learned that when you go to the bathroom you don’t take your Buddha with you; there will be a hook to hang your Buddha on. I was given a Buddha which I wore with my Crucifix. It must have worked came through without a scratch. When a nephew was being sent to Afghanistan I gave him the Crucifix and Buddha to him and again not a scratch after two tours.

When calling someone over you NEVER point and wave them over; you gesture with your palm down at waist level and motion them over. You only point to animals and wave them over. A kiss is simply placing your lips against their cheek and sniff once and that’s all. The French in the Nam taught them the lips on lips.

Layered Greek Dip

You’ve probably had this at a summer party in the past, and we think it’s time to bring it back – not only is this dip with hummus, feta, olives, and fresh veggies tasty – but it’s a showstopper if you get the layers just right. It’s also easy to make ahead and the flavors set into the layers to make the dip so savory!



Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • In medium mixing bowl beat cream cheese, lemon juice, Italian seasoning, and garlic with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth and combined.

  • Spread cream cheese mixture into a deep 9-inch pie plate, or shallow serving dish. Evenly spread hummus on cream cheese layer. Top with cucumber, tomato, olives, feta cheese, and green onions. Cover and refrigerate 2 to 24 hours. Serve with pita chips and/or multigrain tortilla chips. Makes about 2-1/2 cups dip (16 servings).


U.S.-led Imperialism is the World’s Leading Purveyor of Chaos

13 Jul 2022

To say that the West, currently led by the dictates of U.S. imperialism, is in trouble would be an understatement.

  • U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned on July 7th amid an escalating political crisis of legitimacy .
  • Three weeks before Johnson announced his departure, Emmanuel Macron’s so-called centrist alliance lost its parliamentary majority in France.
  • U.S. President Joe Biden continues to face his own crisis of legitimacy in the form of declining favorability ratings and public humiliation from Democratic loyalists such as Debra Messing .

For the West, political crisis is undergirded by an unprecedented level of system chaos which has given the vast majority of workers and oppressed people little confidence in the future.

That chaos was compounded by the murder of Japan’s former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe on July 7th. Abe was an imperialist, a neoliberal, and the highest expression of what it means to be a puppet of the American Empire . Abe’s so-called Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was a literal creation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Other detestable qualities of Abe include his worship of Japan’s fascist war criminals, his membership in the fascist cult Nippon Kaigi, and his unapologetic defense of Japan’s history of brutalizing and super exploiting “comfort women” from its colonies. Most important to the United States, however, was Abe’s unquestionable loyalty to the New Cold War and the military encirclement of China.

Abe’s murder and the attendant political crises in the West are a clear demonstration that U.S.-led imperialism is the world’s leading purveyor of chaos in the world.

At the economic base, the U.S. and the E.U. continue to prolong their proxy war with Russia through massive arms transfers and sanctions that have boomeranged back to spur shortages and inflation. Inflation has come with political costs. Already unpopular capitalist regimes in the West are finding themselves increasingly exposed as incapable of addressing the rising cost of living.

It doesn’t help matters that the so-called military superiority of the United States and its imperialist partners is also being challenged by Russia’s successful special military operation in Ukraine.

Thanks to the U.S. obsession with NATO expansion, the future is bleak for Ukraine’s U.S.-backed coup government established in 2014. Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine has made immense progress in the Donbass region. An already fragile and privatized vassal Ukrainian economy can only look forward to more pain once the U.S. and its junior partners in NATO come looking for repayment on its exorbitant aid packages. And Ukraine is just the beginning. The recent admission of Sweden and Finland into NATO is yet another declaration of war with Russia which opens the door to future conflicts even more destructive than the ongoing U.S. proxy war in Ukraine.

It is an undeniable fact that chaos follows U.S. imperialism wherever it goes. In Latin America, stability exists only where leftist governments have secured sufficient sovereignty .

In Africa, the spread of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) has led to widespread destabilization and political insecurity in the aftermath of the U.S.-NATO-AFRICOM invasion of Libya in 2011.

In Asia, U.S. militarism has facilitated war in the West and attempted to organize a coalition of vassal states against China in the East. U.S. meddling in Taiwan has created a dumping ground for defense contractors and prompted Joe Biden to articulate on three occasions that the U.S. is willing to militarily intervene to “defend” the island , a guaranteed nuclear exchange scenario.

U.S. militarism is the principal barrier to political stability around the world which is a prerequisite to addressing global challenges such as climate change and poverty. U.S. and E.U. sanctions murder thousands of people in poorer, non-white countries. U.S.-sponsored color revolutions and “soft power” maneuvers are preludes to regime change. So-called U.S. “soft power” strengthens the most reactionary forces in the world. The far right and fascistic Contras in Latin and Central America , ISIS in West Asia, and the Azov Regiment in Ukraine are all outgrowths of U.S. interference disguised as “soft power.”

A dialectical relationship exists between the U.S.’s domestic and foreign policy. U.S. imperialism is an advanced stage in the system of capitalism predicated upon slavery, colonialism, and racism. Jayland Walker’s brutal murder at the hands of Akron police is a near daily occurrence in the United States. Black Americans and Indigenous peoples have been subject to the cruelest forms of racist violence for centuries. The U.S.’s endless wars are an expression of this violence turned toward imperialist ends.

The chickens of chaos have come home to roost.

The Euro-American imperialist world order is suffering from terminal contradictions. Political instability reigns supreme. Another economic crisis is said to be looming but is more than likely already here. Imperialist wars no longer hold any prospect for any real “victory” without serious consequences for the war-maker.

While material conditions are pregnant with possibilities, there is no organized and independent left challenge to the supremacy of U.S. capital and its armed guards of the state. That is the task ahead of the people’s movement residing in the belly of the imperialist beast. In the face of the unprecedented chaos produced by its leading purveyor, the United States, this is no doubt the most difficult one that the working class and oppressed in the long and storied history of resistance. But such a task is not a choice. It is forced upon us by the weight of imperialism bearing down on our necks.

We must not rest until we get the boot off by any means necessary.

Singaporean Artist Depicts How Strange She Feels In Japan


Being silent on a train or not seeing a trashcan anywhere are just some of the things you can only experience in Japan. After spending some time there, the Singaporean artist Evangeline Neo decided to demonstrate the differences between the Japanese culture and her homeland.

More: Evangeline Neo, Instagram, Facebook h/t: playjunkie

“I studied in Tokyo during 2010-2014 and noticed a lot of cultural differences between Japan and my country so I started to draw these comic strips about them to deal with my culture shock,” the artist shared on Bored Panda. “I hope my comics will help more foreigners to understand Japan and Japanese better, as well as to increase awareness and change how we behave.”

William Hartung, Call It the National (In)security Budget

Posted on

Yes, Afghanistan went down the drain and Washington’s global war on terror ended (more or less) in disaster 20 years after it began. But the urge to militarize the planet? Not a chance in an American world where, as TomDispatch regular William Hartung lays out in striking detail today, the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex plan to continue ruling the roost in Washington for time eternal.

So, war, what is it good for? Absolutely something! In that sense, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a horror of the first order, has been anything but bad for the Pentagon. Just in case you hadn’t noticed, three decades after the old Cold War ended, with a distinct helping hand from Russian president Vladimir Putin, the Biden administration has been playing its part admirably in ramping up this country’s newest version of the old Cold War into an ever more militarized set of confrontations.

It’s not just the CIA operatives in Ukraine or the sending of U.S. troops to neighboring Poland early in the Ukraine war. Only last week, at a NATO summit, President Biden announced that this country would ramp up its military presence in Europe yet again on land, sea, and in the air. (Keep in mind that, since the war in Ukraine began, Washington had already dispatched an extra 20,000 troops to Europe, raising its forces there above 100,000.)  At least 3,000 more combat troops are now heading for Romania, two F-35 squadrons for Great Britain, U.S. naval ships for Spain, and the U.S. 5th Army Corps will establish a sizeable permanent base and headquarters in Poland, while there will be unspecified “enhanced” deployments in the Baltics and American forces will be upped in Germany and Italy, too.

And this isn’t just happening in Europe to face down an outrageous Russian invasion of Ukraine. An increasingly militarized commitment to Asia, especially Taiwan, and a new Cold War with China has been in the cards for a while now. I’m sure you remember our president upping the ante there by responding to a reporter’s question about whether the U.S. would ever get militarily involved in defending Taiwan this way: “Yes, that’s the commitment we made.” True, his aides walked him back on the subject, but from sending American naval vessels through the Taiwan strait and into the South China Sea to ramping up naval war exercises with allies in the Pacific, everything seems to be getting colder and colder in ways that seem hotter and hotter.

The world may look more ominous to some of us, but not, it seems, to the Pentagon. In terms of what matters to our military leaders, things — think: funding — are only (and eternally) on the upswing.  Keep all of this in mind as you read Hartung’s latest yearly look at our national (in)security budget and how, in a world with so many other problems, it continues to go through the roof. Tom

Something That We Have Been Waiting For Just Happened, And It Is A Really Bad Sign…


There has been a lot of talk recently about “the death of the dollar”, but the truth is that the euro is in far bigger trouble.  Inflation in the eurozone has risen to truly frightening levels, and the war in Ukraine threatens to plunge the major economies of Europe into a very deep recession.  Russia holds the key, because if Russia completely cuts off the flow of natural gas to Europe it really will cause an unprecedented economic nightmare.  Even now, energy prices in Europe have already soared to absolutely insane levels, and the Russians could make things much, much worse with a single decision.  The Europeans should have never allowed themselves to become so dependent on Russian energy, and now they find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.

So with everything that has been going on, it shouldn’t be any surprise that the euro has been steadily falling.

In fact, on Tuesday the euro reached parity with the dollar for the very first time since 2002

The euro hit parity with the U.S. dollar on Tuesday for the first time in 20 years, meaning that the currencies have the same worth.

The euro fell to $0.9998 against the dollar, it’s lowest level since December 2002, as the euro zone’s energy supply crisis and economic woes continue to depress the common currency.

For years, I have been warning that the euro would eventually fall so low that it would be at parity with the dollar, and now that day has arrived.

And I have also been warning that such an event would be a really bad sign for Europe, because I always felt that hitting parity with the dollar would be an indication that a collapse of the European economy had begun.

In the short-term, everyone is going to be watching for what Russia does next.  On Monday, the Nord Stream 1 pipeline was shut down for a regularly scheduled 10 day period of maintenance

Fears of a recession have grown in recent weeks due to rising uncertainty over the bloc’s energy supply, with Russia threatening to further reduce gas flows to Germany and the broader continent.

Russia temporarily suspended gas deliveries via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline on Monday for annual summer maintenance works. The pipeline is Europe’s single biggest piece of gas import infrastructure, carrying around 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea.

Many analysts in the western world are greatly concerned about what will happen if the Russians don’t turn the gas back on when the 10 day maintenance period is over.

If it doesn’t get turned back on, we are being warned that Europe could actually be facing a “doomsday scenario”

As such, DB’s Jim Reid said that July 22, the day gas is supposed to come back online, could be the most important day of the year: “while we all spend most of our market time thinking about the Fed and a recession, I suspect what happens to Russian gas in H2 is potentially an even bigger story. Of course by July 22nd parts may have be found and the supply might start to normalize. Anyone who tells you they know what is going to happen here is guessing but as minimum it should be a huge focal point for everyone in markets.”

Fast forward to today when, one day after the start of the scheduled 10-day shutdown period which has already sent flows through to NS 1 pipeline to basically zero…

… and the market is now focusing on the worst case scenario: what happens if Russia cuts off all gas on July 22, the day even Bloomberg has now dubbed Europe’s “doomsday scenario.”

So let’s watch and see what happens on July 22nd.

If the Russians decide that it is time to completely cut off the gas, European financial markets will go completely haywire.

Of course energy prices in Europe have already gone completely nuts, and authorities in Germany are preparing to use “sports arenas and exhibition halls as ‘warm up spaces’ this winter”

Cities across Germany are planning to use sports arenas and exhibition halls as ‘warm up spaces’ this winter to help freezing citizens who are unable to afford skyrocketing energy costs.

Bild newspaper reveals how the the nation’s Cities and Municipalities Association has urged local authorities to set aside public spaces to help vulnerable citizens in the colder months.

This isn’t how things were supposed to play out.

The “green energy revolution” was supposed to have totally transformed Europe by now.

But that hasn’t happened and it isn’t going to happen.

On the other side of the Atlantic, we continue to get more signs that the U.S. economy is headed for serious trouble as well.  For example, we just learned that home sale cancellations have risen to the highest level since the early days of the COVID pandemic

Approximately 600,000 home purchase agreements fell through in June, according to a new analysis by Redfin.

The figure is equivalent to 14.9% of homes that went under contract during the month, an increase from 12.7% in May and 11.2% a year ago.

And as the greatest housing bubble in our entire history starts to implode, companies in the industry continue to lay off more workers

Another lender is resorting to layoffs as the mortgage market shrivels.

Tucked in near the end of a business plan released Tuesday morning, loanDepot announced it would shed 4,800 people, or 42 percent of its workforce.

About 2,800 of them have already been sent packing as the firm slashes headcount to 6,500 from 11,300.

The last housing crash was really painful, and this one is going to be even more bitter.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is warning that we are about to see another huge inflation number

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Monday said the administration expects a high inflation number when the new Consumer Price Index (CPI) is released Wednesday, but downplayed any fault of President Biden in the matter.

“On Wednesday, we have new CPI and inflation data, and we expect the headline number, which includes gas and food, to be highly elevated, mainly because gas prices were so elevated in June,” Jean-Pierre said. “Gas and food prices continue to be heavily impacted by the war in Ukraine.”

The Biden administration has lost control, and Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to sink to horrifying new lows.

The Federal Reserve has lost control as well, and if Fed officials continue to raise interest rates they are going to greatly accelerate this new economic downturn.

If you are waiting for our leaders to rescue us from the economic nightmare that is now staring us in the face, you are going to be greatly disappointed.

The great “unraveling” that I have warned about for so long is here, and it is going to be exceedingly unpleasant.

I hope that you are doing your best to get prepared for the road that is ahead, because we are in for a really bumpy trip.

Chicken Fried Steak

Something about sitting outside with a plate of chicken fried steak and a nice slaw sure reminds us of summer at Grandma’s house. While it’s a labor-intensive meal to make, the crowd-pleasing crunch is worth it.


Chicken Fried Steak:



  1. For the steak: Begin with setting up an assembly line of dishes. Mix the milk with the eggs in one; the flour mixed with the seasoned salt, 1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper, paprika and cayenne in another; and the meat in a third. Then have one clean plate at the end to receive the breaded meat.
  2. Work with one piece of meat at a time. Sprinkle both sides with kosher salt and black pepper, then place it in the flour mixture. Turn to coat. Place the meat into the milk/egg mixture, turning to coat. Finally, place it back in the flour and turn to coat (dry mixture/wet mixture/dry mixture). Place the breaded meat on the clean plate, then repeat with the remaining meat.
  3. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the butter. Drop in a few sprinkles of flour to make sure it’s sufficiently hot. When the butter sizzles immediately, you know it’s ready. (It should not brown right away, if it does, the fire is too hot.) Cook the meat, 3 pieces at a time, until the edges start to look golden brown, about 2 minutes each side. Remove the meat to a paper towel-lined plate and keep them warm by covering lightly with another plate or a sheet of foil. Repeat until all the meat is cooked.
  4. After all the meat is fried, pour off the grease into a heatproof bowl. Without cleaning the skillet, return it to the stove over medium-low heat. Add 1/4 cup of the grease back to the skillet and allow it to heat up.
  5. For the gravy: When the grease is hot, sprinkle the flour evenly over the grease. Using a whisk, mix the flour with the grease, creating a golden-brown paste. Add more flour if it looks overly greasy; add a little more grease if it becomes too pasty/clumpy. Keep cooking until the roux reaches a deep golden brown color.
  6. Pour in the milk, whisking constantly. Add the seasoned salt and black pepper to taste and cook, whisking, until the gravy is smooth and thick, 5 to 10 minutes. Be prepared to add more milk if it becomes overly thick. Be sure to taste to make sure gravy is sufficiently seasoned.
  7. Serve the meat next to a big side of mashed potatoes. Pour gravy over the whole shebang!

Artist Modernizes Disney Characters By Placing Them In All Sorts Of Interesting Scenarios


While some are sworn haters of everything Disney, most of us enjoy a good Disney theme here and there. And then there’s a vast number of Disney fans that love everything related to it.

Well, today’s post was specially made for the latter group. Have you ever wondered what if Disney characters did cameos everywhere? Or if they lived a normal modern life? An artist that calls herself OneFairyFail on Instagram satisfies all of those needs for hardcore fans of Disney, and puts them in all kinds of weird situations. It gives a glimpse of how they would react, what they would do in certain scenarios, and satisfies such “what if” curiosity to the tee.


One reason why Americans are fucked…

As I said, America is a land with a million tiny hands in your wallet. Check out this graph, clearly showing the numbers of “indians” compared to the number of “chiefs” in the medical industry…


America’s $1.4 Trillion “National Security” Budget Makes Us Ever Less Safe

This March, when the Biden administration presented a staggering $813 billion proposal for “national defense,” it was hard to imagine a budget that could go significantly higher or be more generous to the denizens of the military-industrial complex. After all, that request represented far more than peak spending in the Korean or Vietnam War years, and well over $100 billion more than at the height of the Cold War.

It was, in fact, an astonishing figure by any measure — more than two-and-a-half times what China spends; more, in fact, than (and hold your hats for this one!) the national security budgets of the next nine countries, including China and Russia, combined. And yet the weapons industry and hawks in Congress are now demanding that even more be spent.

In recent National Defense Authorization Act proposals, which always set a marker for what Congress is willing to fork over to the Pentagon, the Senate and House Armed Services Committees both voted to increase the 2023 budget yet again — by $45 billion in the case of the Senate and $37 billion for the House. The final figure won’t be determined until later this year, but Congress is likely to add tens of billions of dollars more than even the Biden administration wanted to what will most likely be a record for the Pentagon’s already bloated budget.

This lust for yet more weapons spending is especially misguided at a time when a never-ending pandemic, growing heat waves and other depredations of climate change, and racial and economic injustice are devastating the lives of millions of Americans.  Make no mistake about it: the greatest risks to our safety and our future are non-military in nature, with the exception, of course, of the threat of nuclear war, which could increase if the current budget goes through as planned.

But as TomDispatch readers know, the Pentagon is just one element in an ever more costly American national security state.  Adding other military, intelligence, and internal-security expenditures to the Pentagon’s budget brings the total upcoming “national security” budget to a mind-boggling $1.4 trillion. And note that, in June 2021, the last time my colleague Mandy Smithberger and I added up such costs to the taxpayer, that figure was almost $1.3 trillion, so the trend is obvious.

To understand how these vast sums are spent year after year, let’s take a quick tour of America’s national security budget, top to bottom.

The Pentagon’s “Base” Budget

The Pentagon’s proposed “base” budget, which includes all of its routine expenses from personnel to weapons to the costs of operating and maintaining a 1.3 million member military force, came in at $773 billion for 2023, more than $30 billion above that of 2022. Such an increase alone is three times the discretionary budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and more than three times the total allocation for the Environmental Protection Agency.

In all, the Pentagon consumes nearly half of the discretionary budget of the whole federal government, a figure that’s come down slightly in recent years thanks to the Biden administration’s increased investment in civilian activities. That still means, however, that almost anything the government wants to do other than preparing for or waging war involves a scramble for funding, while the Department of Defense gets virtually unlimited financial support.

And keep in mind that the proposed Biden increase in Pentagon spending comes despite the ending of 20 years of U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan, a move that should have meant significant reductions in the department’s budget.  Perhaps you won’t be surprised to learn, however, that, in the wake of the Afghan disaster, the military establishment and hawks in Congress quickly shifted gears to touting — and exaggerating — challenges posed by China, Russia, and inflation as reasons for absorbing the potential savings from the Afghan War and pressing the Pentagon budget ever higher.

It’s worth looking at what America stands to receive for its $773 billion — or about $2,000 per taxpayer, according to an analysis by the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies. More than half of that amount goes to giant weapons contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, along with thousands of smaller arms-making firms.

The most concerning part of the new budget proposal, however, may be the administration’s support for a three-decades long, $1.7-trillion plan to build a new generation of nuclear-armed missiles (as well, of course, as new warheads to go with them), bombers, and submarines. As the organization Global Zero has pointed out, the United States could dissuade any country from launching an atomic attack against it with far fewer weapons than are contained in its current nuclear arsenal.  There’s simply no need for a costly — and risky — nuclear weapons “modernization” plan. Sadly, it’s guaranteed to help fuel a continuing global nuclear arms race, while entrenching nuclear weapons as a mainstay of national security policy for decades to come. (Wouldn’t those decades be so much better spent working to eliminate nuclear weapons altogether?)

The riskiest weapon in that nuclear plan is a new land-based, intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).  As former Secretary of Defense William Perry once explained, ICBMs are among “the most dangerous weapons in the world” because a president warned of a nuclear attack would have only a matter of minutes to decide whether to launch them, increasing the risk of an accidental nuclear war based on a false alarm. Not only is a new ICBM unnecessary, but the existing ones should be retired as well, as a way of reducing the potential for a world-ending nuclear conflagration.

To its credit, the Biden administration is trying to get rid of an ill-conceived nuclear weapons program initiated during the Trump years – a sea-launched, nuclear-armed cruise missile that, rather than adding a “deterrent” capability, would raise the risk of a nuclear confrontation.  As expected, nuclear hawks in the military and Congress are trying to restore funding for that nuclear SLCM (pronounced “Slick ‘em”).

The Pentagon budget is replete with other unnecessary, overpriced, and often potentially dysfunctional systems that should either be canceled or replaced with more affordable and effective alternatives.  The most obvious case in point is the F-35 combat aircraft, meant to carry out multiple missions for the Air Force, Navy, and Marines. So far, it does none of them well.

In a series of careful analyses of the aircraft, the Project on Government Oversight determined that it may never be fully ready for combat. As for cost, at an estimated $1.7 trillion over its projected period of service, it’s already the most expensive single weapons program ever undertaken by the Pentagon. And keep in mind that those costs will only increase as the military services are forced to pay to fix problems that were never addressed in the rush to deploy the plane before it was fully tested.  Meanwhile, that aircraft is so complex that, at any given moment, a large percentage of the fleet is down for maintenance, meaning that, if ever called on for combat duty, many of those planes will simply not be available.

In a grudging acknowledgement of the multiple problems plaguing the F-35, the Biden administration proposed decreasing its buy of the plane by about a third in 2023, a figure that should have been much lower given its poor performance. But congressional advocates of the plane — including a large F-35 caucus made up of members in states or districts where parts of it are being produced — will undoubtedly continue to press for more planes than even the Pentagon’s asking for, as the Senate Armed Services Committee did in its markup of the Department of Defense spending bill.

In addition to all of this, the Pentagon’s base budget includes mandatory spending for items like military retirement, totaling an estimated $12.8 billion for 2023.

Running national (in)security tally: $785.8 billion

The Nuclear Budget

The average taxpayer no doubt assumes that a government agency called the Department of Energy (DOE) would be primarily concerned with developing new sources of energy, including ones that would reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels to help rein in the ravages of climate change.  Unfortunately, that assumption couldn’t be less true.

Instead of spending the bulk of its time and money on energy research and development, more than 40% of the Department of Energy’s budget for 2023 is slated to support the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), which manages the country’s nuclear weapons program, principally by maintaining and developing nuclear warheads.  Work on other military activities like reactors for nuclear submarines pushes the defense share of the DOE budget even higher. The NNSA spreads its work across the country, with major locations in California, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Its proposed 2023 budget for nuclear-weapons activities is $16.5 billion, part of a budget for defense-related projects of $29.8 billion.

Amazingly the NNSA’s record of managing its programs may be even worse than the Pentagon’s, with cost overruns of more than $28 billion during the last two decades.  Many of its current projects, like a plan to build a new facility to produce plutonium “pits” — the devices that trigger the explosion of a hydrogen bomb — are unnecessary even under the current, misguided nuclear weapons modernization plan.

Nuclear budget: $29.8 billion

Running (in)security tally: $815.6 billion

Defense-Related Activities

This catch-all category, pegged at $10.6 billion in 2023, includes the international activities of the FBI and payments to Central Intelligence Agency retirement funds, among other things.

Defense-Related Activities: $10.6 billion

Running (in)security tally: $826.2 billion

The Intelligence Budget

Information about this country’s 18 separate intelligence agencies is largely shielded from public view.  Most members of Congress don’t even have staff that can access significant details on how intelligence funds are spent, making meaningful Congressional oversight almost impossible. The only real data supplied with regard to the intelligence agencies is a top-line number – $67.1 billion proposed for 2023, a $5 billion increase over 2022. Most of the intelligence community’s budget is believed to be hidden inside the Pentagon budget. So, in the interests of making a conservative estimate, intelligence spending is not included in our tally.

Intelligence Budget: $67.1 billion

Running (in)security tally still: $826.2 billion

Veterans Affairs Budget

America’s post-9/11 wars have generated millions of veterans, many of whom have returned from battle with severe physical or psychological injuries. As a result, spending on veterans’ affairs has soared, reaching a proposed $301 billion in the 2023 budget plan.  Research conducted for the Costs of War Project at Brown University has determined that these costs will only grow, with more than $2 trillion needed just to take care of the veterans of the post-9/11 conflicts.

Veterans Affairs Budget: $301 billion

Running (in)security tally: $1.127 trillion

International Affairs Budget

The International Affairs budget includes non-military items like diplomacy at the State Department and economic aid through the Agency for International Development, critical (but significantly underfunded) parts of the U.S. national security strategy writ large.  But even in this category there are significant military-related activities in the form of programs that provide arms and training to foreign militaries and police forces.  It’s proposed that the largest of these, the Foreign Military Financing program, should receive $6 billion in 2023. Meanwhile, the total requested International Affairs budget is $67.8 billion in 2023.

International Affairs Budget: $67.8 billion

Running (in)security tally: $1.195 trillion

The Homeland Security Budget

After the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established by combining a wide range of agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Transportation Security Agency, the U.S. Secret Service, Customs and Border Protection, and the Coast Guard.  The proposed DHS budget for 2023 is $56.7 billion, more than one-quarter of which goes to Customs and Border Protection as part of a militarized approach to addressing immigration into the United States.

Homeland Security Budget: $56.7 billion

Running (in)security tally: $1.252 trillion

Interest on the Debt

The national security state, as outlined so far, is responsible for about 26% of the interest due on the U.S. debt, a total of $152 billion.

Interest on the Debt: $152 billion

Running (in)security tally: $1.404 trillion

Our Misguided Security Budget

Spending $1.4 trillion to address a narrowly defined concept of national security should be considered budgetary malpractice on a scale so grand as to be almost unimaginable — especially at a time when the greatest risks to the safety of Americans and the rest of the world are not military in nature. After all, the Covid pandemic has already taken the lives of more than one million Americans, while the fires, floods, and heat waves caused by climate change have impacted tens of millions more.

Yet the administration’s proposed allocation of $45 billion to address climate change in the 2023 budget would be less than 6% of the Pentagon’s proposed budget of $773 billion.  And as noted, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are slated to get just one-third of the proposed increase in Pentagon spending between 2022 and 2023. Worse yet, attempts to raise spending significantly to address these urgent challenges, from President Biden’s Build Back Better plan to the Green New Deal, are stalled in Congress.

In a world where such dangers are only increasing, perhaps the best hope for launching a process that could, sooner or later, reverse such perverse priorities lies with grassroots organizing. Consider, for instance the “moral budget” crafted by the Poor People’s Campaign, which would cut Pentagon spending almost in half while refocusing on programs aimed at eliminating poverty, protecting the environment, and improving access to health care.  If even part of such an agenda were achieved and the “defense” budget reined in, if not cut drastically, America and the world would be far safer places.

Given the scale of the actual security problems we face, it’s time to think big when it comes to potential solutions, while recognizing what Martin Luther King, Jr., once described as the “fierce urgency of now.” Time is running short, and concerted action is imperative.

10 Lessons Learned From A Lifetime Of Bodybuilding Naturally

1) “Lift weights like there is no tomorrow.”

I have this in quotes because, word for word, this was one thing a bodybuilding judge, who I really respected, told me after a show and it has stuck with me through the years. It’s extremely simple, almost stupid, advice…. But it has really defined how I’ve approached this journey.

Too many people, I think, worry about which exercise is better, high reps or low reps, high volume or low volume, overtraining or undertraining, etc. I know I’ve done it… But honestly… Just go in there, lift weights as intensely as you possibly can.

Whether you choose high reps or low reps, just be intense, put your all into it. Don’t over think and don’t over complicate things.

Lift lift lift. And STAY CONSISTENT! Do it day in and day out, don’t stop lifting weights, you’ll figure out everything else as you go along. You’ll figure our your diet and you will continue to fine tune it with time, you will figure out what you need to do if you want to compete, but no matter what, just keep going into the gym.

Do machines, do free weights, do hammer strength, switch it up, try different things and see how you respond. But just keep doing whatever you need to do to get in the gym and get that work out in.

2) Consistency is the single most important factor when it comes to natural bodybuilding

This is piggybacking on that first item… but that includes being consistent with your training, with your diet, with your recovery, with everything pertaining to how you build your physique.

How many of you have had that friend that goes into the gym for a number of weeks and actually makes some decent progress, really packs on the gains, then takes a few months off and vanishes… then starts training again, and back and forth, back and forth, on and off, on and off.

In the end they just end up being stuck in the same cycle without really anything to show for it.

Bodybuilding can get extremely boring sometimes, and it takes foreverrrrrrr… Especially in natural bodybuilding…. It takes forever to move that needle and really make some significant gains, especially if you have been at it for a number of years.

But you have to find a way to make it fun and you have to love it to keep on going. You have to be passionate about it if you are going to stay consistent.

While there is still a lot of flexibility in the lifestyle, flexibility with the diet, with the training, etc… holistically you have to stay consistent.

You don’t need to put your life on hold to be a successful bodybuilder. But at times you will need to make some sacrifices.

I’ve turned down parties and dinner plans because I was prepping for a show, or needed to get up early to work out, I’ve also partied and went out clubbing until 5 am and found some time to train the next day.

You shuffle things around and you find a balance. Some mornings I get up and I don’t feel so good, I think to myself, I can skip and make it up another day, but then I think, what if I feel even worse tomorrow.

Sometimes I’ve gone in when I was sick, and left feeling so much better, sometimes I’ve gone in when I was sick, and I leave feeling worse.

Sometimes I’ve gone in when I was sick, and cut my work out short because I just felt like death. Everyday is different.

Mike O’Hearn once said in a video of his…. “Do your best for that day, not for your lifetime, but do you very best for that day.” We’ve all had days when we are sooooo unmotivated to go in, try not to cave to that… sure it’s ok to take some time off, but don’t abuse it. Consistency is key!

3) There is not one single exercise that you ABSOLUTELY have to do to get bigger.

This is blasphemy in some bodybuilding circles, but I truly believe it. There isn’t any specific exercise that you HAVE TO DO in order to avoid being doomed to eternal scrawniness.

Now, there are some exercises that are certainly more effective than others, but that doesn’t mean you have to do them if you don’t like them or if they make you uncomfortable, etc.THERE IS ALWAYS AN ALTERNATIVE.

Don’t like squats, leg press, don’t like barbell bench press, try hammer strength, don’t like barbell rows, try a seated wide grip rowing machine.

About 10 years into training I decided I would only do exercises that I enjoyed. This came at a time when I think I may have been getting burnt out, so I went in everyday only doing exercises I enjoyed.

Don’t get me wrong, I still kept everything balanced, and found ways to hit all the muscle groups, but I just focused on the things I love, and I go to the gym and do what I love, and I put my heart and soul into it!

4) Do not confuse motivation with discipline.

Even more piggybacking on the note about consistency… I know there are days we could be REALLY unmotivated to go train, and its fine to take some time off every now and then, but at I’ve said it’s also really easy to abuse this.

Something I do if I’m COMPLETELY unmotivated is what I call “Fuck around in the gym day” – basically I’ll just go in and train completely haphazardly… light weight just to get the blood flowing, random exercises with absolutely no structure or sense. just hop around from machine to machine just trying different things, eventually my competitive nature kicks in, and I start to go heavier, I start to get a good pump, I start to instinctly put some structure into the work out.

There have been times I walked into the gym extremely unmotivated and I end up leaving 2 hours later having completed a phenomenal work out, a switch happens at some point and I get into a good swing.

5)  I am still unsure if my dirty bulks throughout the years helped or hindered me.

But I have some thoughts… I would say that I have spent the majority of the last 20 years walking around looking more like a linebacker than a bodybuilder (Unless I was prepping for a show)…. Maybe an Offensive lineman when I got up to 275 lbs lol!

Nowadays, I’m more focused on staying lean but I’m still making great progress with respect to strength and even size.

Many have asked me if I think my several years of heavy bulking attributed to my progress and size today and I honestly don’t know. Would I have made the same progress if I stayed lean and built size slowly? It’s hard to answer that, but surely there has to be a middle ground somewhere.

It was cool to get up to 275 lbs and I was strong as a freaking ox… at the same time I think a big mistake is that I stayed at that weight for way way way too long, and I started to get sloppy, and lazy, People could always tell I worked out, but I was certainly a permabulker, and folks wondered, is this guy just a powerlifter? a wannabe sumo wrestler? You compete in bodybuilding? what? how? etc.

Did getting so big have it’s advantages in building muscle and my current form, sure I think so, but I think there would’ve been a ton of advantages if I just stayed a bit leaner as well. Maybe not as lean as I am now, but somewhere in the middle.

6) Having simple taste and not drinking has made things easier…

I don’t drink, never have, and I have never been drunk in my life, I think that has made things much more manageable on me with respect to bodybuilding.

I also have fairly simple taste, I’m not a big sauce and condiments guy in general, and actually enjoy plain food, this has also made things easier for me whenever I needed to cut down, or even bulk up…. I never needed to cook elaborate meals to get by.

On the other hand…. I have a major sweet tooth (see past post from a few weeks ago when I outlined one of my refeed…….. cheat days). This has made it hard hahahaha I’ve never been that guy that eats clean all the time. Now I do, and people think – wow I must love eating all this low calorie food… no not really… I love looking the way I do, that’s why I do it, but trust me, I’d much rather be chowing down on a bunch of chocolate chip cookies, then some chicken and broccoli. Just have to engage the suck if you want to stay lean lol

7) Don’t overcomplicate and overthink things.

And despite saying that, I have often over complicated things throughout the years, and I still do from time to time, but I’m learning that I don’t need to. Not always at least.

You need structure, you need to be scientific about it, you need to understand things, but there can still be a balance. Don’t sweat every single little detail but at the same time, don’t be overly lax, find a balance. Everything you can do to make progress, even by 1%, is worth it, but don’t beat yourself up about it.

8) I’ve always been a very high protein consumer

And I think that was a factor in how my journey has played out, but it’s not something I continue to do… So when I say high, I’m talking, around 300 to 400 g of protein… HOWEVER, only in the last year and a half did I do a dramatic cut, and now take anywhere from 160 to 180 g of protein.

This transition happened because I wanted to try a new approach to dieting and essentially cutting weight and getting lean while still eating up to 270 g of carbs on some days… It worked, and I keep asking myself why I didn’t cut my protein this low sooner, I’m energized, I’m lean, I’m still strong as hell, and still making progress with the weights. It’s been great.

But then I ask myself the same question as the earlier point about extreme bulking, Would I have made all this great progress through the years if I kept protein lower? I can’t answer that. But I can tell you that based purely on the last year and a half, I wish I had done dropped it sooner.

I’ve tried so many different diets. All of my contest preps were pretty much high protein , moderate fat, and low to no carbs depending on the point in time during my prep. I gradually decreased the carbs as I got closer to the show. But as I mentioned at the very top, now I only take in around 1 g per lean body mass.

9) I’m really glad I never crossed over to the dark side…

I shouldn’t really call it the dark side because I don’t really care if people use steroids or not… plus if you count my one time stint with M1T over 10 years ago then i guess you could say I did cross over once… but what I’m trying to say is that I’m so glad that I’m currently a natural bodybuilder and that steroids were never a staple or a necessity in my bodybuilding career.

There were many reasons I never fully went into it, first it was the legal aspect… But for a number of years I lived in countries where it was legal and still, I chose not to do it… It eventually became because of health concerns, then stigma, then I don’t even know why… I just didn’t want to add yet one more thing to have to worry about or think about.. but now it’s purely a pride issue.

And yes, I am fully aware users work just as hard as us naturals, some even harder especially when you get into the top ranks of the NPC or the IFBB… But still… for one reason or another, being natural is something that makes me so proud. I always joke with my wife and tell her I’m am more proud of my bodybuilding accomplishments than I am of my PhD. Bodybuilding and my physique is something that I literally built myself, with my bare hands, hard work, discipline, and tremendous consistency. But this is a good Segway to my last point.

10) It doesn’t feel like it sometimes but there are so many things in life that are much more important than bodybuilding

That’s right… I hate to admit it, because I certainly don’t practice what I preach… But putting things in perspective, unless you are a top 5 Olympia competitor in which this is your livelihood, most likely this is just a hobby… Or better yet…. a lifestyle that you’ve chosen and dedicated yourself to.

Again… Even I find it very hard to accept this… take for example our current situation with the Coronavirus… I think the number one thing I have complained about has been the gym being closed (and obviously I understand why and support the decision)… thankfully I have enough to get by at home for now… But in retrospect I should probably be worried about other things….

Will the kids manage without in-person schooling for this long? Is my job at risk? Is our mental well being going to be impacted by this? Will we get Coronavirus? Will someone we know get it? I should probably be thinking about any of these things… But no… I’m thinking… How long will it be until I get back to the gym. And maybe it’s a good distraction, but again….putting things into perspective, that’s fairly low priority.

Another example for you, in 2014 I had Thyroid cancer, and I had to have surgery to get it removed, my first question to the doctor as I was coming out of anesthesia… When can I start lifting again? Meanwhile my awesome wife was asking the important questions, what are the follow up procedures, risk of spreading to lymph nodes and recurrence, medication needed, etc etc. And here I was logging onto bodybuilding forums from my hospital bed to read about the latest bogus work out fad or the latest contest results.

There are many many many things in life that are so much more important than bodybuilding, maybe I’m writing this as a reminder to myself… But this doesn’t mean that we all should have to go and give up this sport or lifestyle that we love, it just means that we have to find the right balance so our life is complete holistically and full in all areas beyond just how big our muscles are.


The Trains Could Stop Running In The United States Literally One Week From Now


Did you know that an absolutely crippling national railroad strike could potentially start on July 18th?  If this actually happens, the historic supply chain crisis that we are experiencing right now will rapidly become far worse.  Each year, trains in the United States transport approximately “1.7 billion tons of raw materials and finished goods” to their ultimate destinations.  If that suddenly stops happening, our economy goes into the toilet.  I realize that may sound a bit crude, but that is the reality of what we are potentially facing.  So we better hope that national rail carriers and the unions representing the workers can come to an agreement before next Monday

Railroad freight traffic across the United States could come to a screeching halt July 18 if progress isn’t made on a labor contract between national rail carriers and their unions.

Union officials stressed they do not want to go on strike, but argued they are being forced to consider the option in a bid to get better benefits, wages and staffing.

We aren’t just talking about a partial paralysis of rail traffic.

This would be a nationwide strike, and the entire system would suddenly be frozen.

At the moment the two sides are in a “cooling off period”, but that “cooling off period” will be over at 12:01 AM on July 18th

The two sides were forced into a 30-day “cooling off period” after failing to reach an agreement working through the National Mediation Board. The cooling off period prevents unions from striking or railroads from locking out their workers while they continue to negotiate.

That cooling off period ends at midnight on July 18, and a coalition of unions could choose to go on strike at that point, said Sheet Metal Air Rail Transportation union president Jeremy Ferguson.

At this point, it appears that there will be a strike unless Joe Biden uses his powers to intervene.

And that is precisely what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is asking him to do

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is calling on President Joe Biden to help resolve a dispute between the country’s Class 1 railroads and 12 rail unions to avert a possible rail strike beginning July 18.

In a letter sent to the White House on Wednesday, U.S. Chamber President Suzanne Clark warned that the decision last month by the National Mediation Board (NMB) to release the railroads and unions from mediation and begin a 30-day cooling off period “presents a new challenge to the U.S. business community, which is already navigating a difficult environment.”

Unless the administration acts, either party is free to exercise “self-help” options — including a strike beginning at 12:01 a.m. on July 18, when the 30-day cooling-off period ends.

One way or another, this labor dispute will eventually be resolved.

Let us hope that it is sooner rather than later.

But the truth is that our planet is ultimately facing long-term economic problems that are far more severe than any sort of temporary supply chain disruptions.

It has been said that “energy is the economy”, and it takes a tremendous amount of energy to power the standard of living that we are enjoying today.

And with each passing year, the size of the global population continues to go up.  In fact, the UN just announced that the population of the world will hit 8 billion in 2022…

The world’s population will reach 8 billion in November, United Nations researchers said Monday, marking a milestone moment even as the global growth rate continues a long-term slowdown.

The Earth’s 8 billionth inhabitant will be born on Nov. 15, according to the U.N.’s latest World Population Prospects 2022 report, released to mark World Population Day.

Meanwhile, the amount of energy that we are producing has started to decline.

As Chris Martenson has pointed out, 2018 may have actually been the year when we hit “peak oil”

It all comes down to the amount of oil that’s available because oil is the KING of all energy sources. And the king is weak and fading…it’s entirely possible that we’ll never again see as much oil come out of the ground as we did back in 2018.  That might have been the actual peak…

There are warning signs everywhere that oil supplies are extremely tight and that spare capacity simply doesn’t exist at the moment. Someday oil will forever be in the rearview mirror and this is why an economic collapse is inevitable.

From this point forward, it is going to be increasingly costly to get energy out of the ground.

And that means that our standard of living will inevitably keep going down.  Please take 20 minutes and watch this video in which Chris Martenson goes into great detail about all of this.


You may have noticed that energy prices have been rising very aggressively over the past couple of years.

And energy prices have a direct impact on what literally everything else costs.

As food and other essentials continue to spike in price, that is going to cause societal breakdowns all over the globe.

In fact, just this week we have seen extreme civil unrest in Sri Lanka and Albania.

Sadly, what we have witnessed so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

What is eventually coming will be so much worse.

Here in the United States, everyone still has plenty of food for now.

But food prices have been going up and up and up.

Even Costco has had to raise prices substantially.  Needless to say, a lot of people out there aren’t exactly pleased to be paying quite a bit more for chicken and soda at their food courts now…

According to Business Insider, the national price hikes on its chicken bake and 20-ounce soda were confirmed by a location in Rochester, New York, as well as food courts in other locations.

The chicken bake now sells for $1 more than in June, at $3.99.

The price of the soda has increased by 10 cents, up to $0.69.

A lot of people out there still seem to think that the economic symptoms that we are currently experiencing are just “temporary”.

I wish that was true.

Unfortunately, a “return to normal” is simply not in the cards, and global energy supplies are going to continue to get tighter with each passing day.

Chris Craighead


Chris Craighead, retired, at that time active duty SAS operator. On 15 January 2019, he singlehandedly stormed DusitD2 hotel complex in Nairobi, Kenya, fighting off Al-Shabaab terrorists that killed more than 20 innocent.

Craighead, who was in the country to provide training, while being off-duty that day, reportedly rushed to the scene, cleared the complex, shot at least two of the attackers, helped to coordinate Kenyan’s GSU rescue efforts, was awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for extreme bravery.

His undesired fame forced him to give away his identity, facing multiple death threats afterwards.

He is currently authoring a book depicting events of that day.


There is very little that a central banker can do when the West has declared a war, basically, a war on a country that is completely isolated.

The response has come from President Putin and from Foreign Secretary Lavrov. And they pointed out, well, how is Russia going to trade and get what it needs. And this is what the recent meetings of the BRICS are all about.

Russia realizes that the world is now broken into two halves. America and NATO have separated the West. Basically you have a white people’s confederation against all the rest of the world.

And the West has said, we’re isolating ourselves from you totally. And we think you can’t get along without us.

Well, look at the humor of this. Russia, China, Iran, India, Indonesia, and other countries are saying, hah, you say we can’t get along without you? Who is providing your manufacturers? Who is providing your raw materials? Who is providing your oil and gas? Who is providing your agriculture, and the helium, the titanium, the nickel?

So they realize that the world is breaking in two, and Eurasia, where most of the world’s population is concentrated, is going to go its own way.

The problem is, how do you really go your own way? You need a means of payment. You need to create a whole international system that is an alternative to the Western international system. You need your own International Monetary Fund to provide credit, so that these Eurasian countries and their allies in the Global South can deal with each other.

You need a World Bank that, instead of lending money to promote U.S. policies and U.S. investments, will promote mutual gains and self-sufficiency among the countries.

So already, every day in the last few weeks, you have had meetings with the Russians about this, who said, ok, we’re going to create a mutual trading area, starting among the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

And how are we going to pay? We can’t pay in dollars, because if we have money in a dollar bank, or a euro bank in Europe, they can just grab the money, like they grab Venezuela’s money. They can just say, we’re taking all your money because, essentially, we don’t want you to exist as an alternative to the finance capital world that we are creating.

So essentially, Russia, China, and these other countries are saying, ok, we’re going to create our own international bank. And how are we going to fund it? Well, every member of the bank will contribute, say, a billion dollars, or some amount of their own currency, and this will be our backing. We can also use gold as a means of settlement, as was long used among countries.

And this bank can create its own special drawing rights, its own bancor, is what Keynes called it. It can create its own credit.

Well, the problem is that, if you have Brazil, for instance, or Argentina, joining this group, or Ecuador, that sells almost all of its bananas to Russia, how is it going to get by?

Well, if there is a BRICS group or a Shanghai Cooperation Organization bank, obviously the Western governments are not going to accept this.

So Russia realizes that as a result of Biden’s Cold War Two, there is going to be a continued rise in energy prices. You think gasoline prices are not high now? They’re going up. You think food prices are not high now? They’re going up more.

And in Europe this is especially the case, because Europe now cannot buy Russian gas to make the fertilizer to make its own crops grow.

So you’re going to have a number of countries in the Global South, from Latin America to Africa, being squeezed and wanting to trade with the Eurasian group.

And the problem is Russia says, all right, we know that you can’t afford to pay. We’re glad to give you credit, but we don’t want to give you credit [where] you’re going to simply use the money you have to pay your dollar debts that are coming due.

Because one of the effects that I didn’t mention of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates is there is a huge flow of capital from Europe and England into the United States, so that if you’re a billionaire, where are you going to put your savings? You want the highest interest rates you [can get]. And if the United States raises interest rates, the billionaires are going to move their money out of England, out of the euro, and the euro is going back down against the dollar. It’s almost down to a dollar a euro.

The British pound is heading downwards, towards one pound per dollar.

This increase in the dollar’s exchange rate is also rising against the currencies of Brazil, Argentina, the African countries, all the other countries.

So how are they going to pay this summer, and this fall, for their food, for their oil and gas, and for the higher cost of servicing their dollar debts?

Well, for Eurasia, they’re going to say, we want to help you buy our exports – Russia is now a major grain exporter, and obviously also an oil exporter – saying we want to supply you and give you the credit for this, but you’re really going to have to make a decision. Are you going to join the U.S.-NATO bloc, or are you going to join the Eurasian bloc?

Are you going to join the White People’s Club or the Eurasian Club? And it really comes down to that. And that’s what is fracturing the world in these two halves.

Europe is caught in the middle, and its economies are going to be torn apart. Employment is going to go down there. And I don’t see wages going up very much in Europe.

You’re going to have a political crisis in Europe. But also you’ll have an international diplomatic crisis over how are you going to restructure world trade, and investment, and debt.

There will be two different financial philosophies. And that’s what the new cold war is all about.

The philosophy of US-sponsored finance capitalism, of making money financially, without industrialization, and with trying to lower wages and reduce the labor force to a very highly indebted workforce living on the margin.

Or you’ll have the Eurasian philosophy of using the economic surplus to increase productivity, to build infrastructure, to create the kind of society that America seemed to be growing in the late 19th century but has now rejected.

So all of this is ultimately not simply a problem of interest rates and central bank policy; it really goes beyond central banks to what kind of a social and economic system are you going to have.

And the key to any social and economic system is how you treat money and credit. Is money and credit going to be a public utility, or will it be a private monopoly run for the financial interests and the 1%, instead of a public utility run for the 99%?

That’s what the new cold war is going to be all about. And that’s what international diplomacy week after week is trying to settle.

Butter Burgers

Midwesterners know, that the best burger is topped with a dollop of butter. It gives the meat a little extra umami and juiciness. You don’t really need a full recipe, just add a teaspoon of butter while the meat rests and let it sink in.




  1. Preheat the broiler. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and cook until translucent, 6 to 8 minutes. Add 1/3 cup water, cover and continue cooking until the onions are golden brown, about 15 more minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer the onions to a bowl and wipe out the skillet.
  2. Divide the meat into 6 loose balls, then gently flatten into thin patties. Heat the skillet over high heat. Add the patties to the hot skillet, smash them flat with a spatula and season with salt and pepper. Cook, flipping once, until well done, about 3 minutes per side.
  3. Meanwhile, toast the buns under the broiler. Put the patties on the bottom buns and top each with 1/4 cup sauteed onions. Smear 2 tablespoons butter on the cut side of each top bun, then put on top of the burgers. Slice in half and serve immediately.

The four Valenzuela sisters

The four Valenzuela sisters had enough. They were tired of poverty, tired of their abusive father, and tired of being harassed by villagers who hated their father even more than they did.

Bye to El Salto de Juanacatlan, Jalisco, forever, and on to San Francisco del Rincon to start their lives over.

The four Valenzuela sisters

The year was 1945. Prostitution in Mexico was a respectable business. The sisters weren’t talented and weren’t educated, but they certainly were not lacking in ambition. With few available choices, the Valenzuela’s set up their business. “Rancho El Ángel” was a bordello featuring, you guessed it, the four sisters. An attached bar was added to increase the allure.

Business was good, but the sisters wanted to expand. None of them were attractive. They knew what was needed. An advertisement was placed in the local papers: House maids needed; free room and board, plus good wages. Young females only.

The response was great. Those who showed up, and there were plenty, did get free room and board. But, no wages. They were to work as sex slaves, never to step outside.

Despite their booming business, the sisters wanted to expand even further. They hired mercenaries to kidnap girls along the border with the United States. Virgins who were brought in were set-aside for special customers who paid higher rates to perform the “deflowering”.

More bordellos were set up. First one, then another, and another, and another. But the prostitutes, never saw a dime for their dreadful duties. They were all enslaved, forced to take heroin and cocaine.

The girls.

If someone got sick, she was killed. If someone tried to run away, she was killed. If someone refused to work, she was killed. If someone wasn’t popular with the customers, she was killed. If someone got noticeably pregnant, the fetus was pulled out with a hanger; any complications and the mother was killed. If a patron had a lot of money, he was killed.

After almost a decade, police picked up one of the kidnappers, a woman who attracted the bait to the men that would overpower the victims. She talked. Police searched the property and found the bodies of eighty women, eleven men, and several fetuses.

When asked for an explanation, one of the sisters reportedly said, “The food didn’t sit well with them.” Most of the bodies weren’t even on the property. Police estimated the total number killed at more than 150 and likely over 200. And the victims were not killed in a humane way. Locked in an isolated chamber, they would be starved to death. Those who were lucky got bludgeoned to death.

Tried in 1964, the Valenzuela sisters were each sentenced to forty years in prison.


One of them, pictured above, died in prison. Her body was dragged outside by the guards and fed to the village rats. Several weeks later, the remaining bones were thrown in a nearby trash can.

Human trafficking remains a major issue in the world today.

Harpers Declares It’s Over – The ‘American Century’ Is Gone

From MoA

This month’s Harpers title is astonishing.


To declare that the U.S. century is over, without a question mark, is in the mainstream view still heresy. Sure the American Conservative has already done that years ago. But Harpers is positioned on the more liberal side of things and there the view is rarely expressed.

The lead essay in the edition, by one Daniel Bessner, is headlined:

Empire Burlesque
What comes after the American Century?

For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States confronts a nation whose model—a blend of state capitalism and Communist Party discipline—presents a genuine challenge to liberal democratic capitalism, which seems increasingly incapable of addressing the many crises that beset it. China’s rise, and the glimmers of the alternative world that might accompany it, make clear that Luce’s American Century is in its final days. It’s not obvious, however, what comes next. Are we doomed to witness the return of great power rivalry, in which the United States and China vie for influence? Or will the decline of U.S. power produce novel forms of international collaboration?

In these waning days of the American Century, Washington’s foreign policy establishment—the think tanks that define the limits of the possible—has splintered into two warring camps. Defending the status quo are the liberal internationalists, who insist that the United States should retain its position of global armed primacy. Against them stand the restrainers, who urge a fundamental rethinking of the U.S. approach to foreign policy, away from militarism and toward peaceful forms of international engagement. The outcome of this debate will determine whether the United States remains committed to an atavistic foreign policy ill-suited to the twenty-first century, or whether the nation will take seriously the disasters of the past decades, abandon the hubris that has caused so much suffering worldwide, and, finally, embrace a grand strategy of restraint.

At Consortium News Andrew Bacevich provides additional background and offers a mild critique of Bessner’s essay. He seems to largely agree with it.

Me? I have always been for a policy of restrain, not just for the U.S., but for all countries on this planet. People are too different in personal believes, history, tradition and social surroundings to be put under one form of government or to submit to one peculiar form of economic organization. Attempting to do such is, as Michael Hudson provides, ruinous for those who try.

It is also a question of personal capacity. The U.S. does not have the leadership, and has not had it for some time, to be successful in such an endeavor.

Even Democrats have recognized that their current president is not up to the task. The New York Times writes Most Democrats Don’t Want Biden in 2024, New Poll Shows. The Washington Post adds Democrats are skeptical of Biden in 2024. Will the party’s left finally win?. Other have also chipped in with a NYT columnist outright declaring: Joe Biden Is Too Old to Be President Again.

Matt Taibbi calls this political signaling:

Along with companion outlets like the Washington Post and The Atlantic (as pure a reflection of establishment thought as exists in America), the paper in this sense fulfills the same function that Izvestia once served in the Soviet Union, telling us little or even less than nothing about breaking news events but giving us comprehensive, if often coded, portraits of the thinking of the leadership class.

The Democrat ‘leadership class’ has declared that Biden is now a lame duck president and that he better signal that he will not run again before the likely catastrophic results in the midterms election come out.

I agree with that view but it is not just Biden’s mental fragility that is the matter here but the incompetence of the people around him who essentially set his policies. The Sullivans and Blinkens of this world or what Ray McGovern calls the Effete Elite:

The questions posed led me to comment candidly on the regrettable state of Western statesmen like EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Yes, the same Blinken who, in one breath excoriates China and the “systemic challenge” it supposedly represents, and in the next makes a pathetically quixotic attempt to cajole his Chinese counterpart to abandon Beijing’s lockstep with Russia on Ukraine.

Blinken’s anti-China policy is, to say it mildly, not a success:

Washington has devised a series of plans to counter China, but few of them have won firm support in the region.

A coalition between the United States, Japan, Australia and India, known as the Quad, is meant to show solidarity in the Asia-Pacific region, but India buys huge quantities of oil from Russia; a new U.S.-led economic group of 14 countries, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, received a lukewarm reception from its members since it fails to offer tariff reductions for goods entering the United States; and an agreement for the United States and Britain to share technology to help Australia deploy nuclear-powered submarines remains vague.

This ‘elite’ who thought out those policies is now baby sitting Biden to prevent him, but not themselves, from making more ‘mistakes’.

Dan Cohen @dancohen3000 - 14:57 UTC · Jul 12, 2022

2 days ago, the NYT reported that the White House is so concerned by Biden's age that it delayed his trip to the Middle East by a month so he could rest. Now we learn that Blinken will accompany him. Another daily reminder that Biden is a figurehead and his advisors run the show.

Biden’s and Blinken’s current Middle East trip is also likely to add to their collection of failures:

President Biden is traveling to Israel on Wednesday for a four-day trip to the Middle East to try to slow down Iran’s nuclear program, speed up the flow of oil to American pumps, and reshape the relationship with Saudi Arabia without seeming to embrace a crown prince who stands accused of flagrant human rights abuses.

All three efforts are fraught with political dangers for a president who knows the region well, but returns for the first time in six years with far less leverage than he would like to shape events.

A month ago Biden declared that he will not meet the Saudi clown prince:

"I am not going to meet with MBS. I am going to an international meeting, and he is going to be part of it," Biden told reporters at the White House. 
However, a Saudi statement announced that MBS and Biden: "Will hold official talks that will focus on various areas of bilateral cooperation and joint efforts to address regional and global challenges."

We will likely soon see photos with Biden and MBS shaking hands. Biden needs higher Saudi oil production and lower prices at the pump to lessen the Democrats midterm losses. He can hardly condemn Mohammed Bin Salman for killing the ‘journalist’ and lobbyist for Qatar Jamal Khashoggi while at the same time ignoring the Israeli murder of the U.S.-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

The return to the nuclear agreement with Iran was botched by Biden and Blinken when they dithered for months after their inauguration before starting talks. They then made new demands that Iran was obviously unwilling to fulfill. They are now left with contradicting their own arguments:

In the early spring, Mr. Malley and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said there were just weeks, maybe a month or so, to reach a deal before Iran’s advances, and the knowledge gained as it installed advanced centrifuges to produce uranium in high volume, would make the 2015 agreement outdated.

Now, four months later, Mr. Biden’s aides decline to explain how they let that deadline go by — and they still insist that reviving the deal is more valuable than abandoning it.

Following various financial crises and too high spending U.S. financial leverage is gone. As it has proven in the Middle East, and now in Ukraine, its hyper expensive military is unable to win wars against small and big competitors.

The U.S. role in international institutions has been diminished by China’s and Russia’s competing efforts like the Belt and Road program, the Asian Development Bank, Russia and Iran’s North-South Transit Corridor.

The Harpers title is correct. The U.S. century is indeed over. As the Harpers lead essay concludes:

The American Century did not achieve the lofty goals that oligarchs such as Henry Luce set out for it. 

But it did demonstrate that attempts to rule the world through force will fail. 

The task for the next hundred years will be to create not an American Century, but a Global Century, in which U.S. power is not only restrained but reduced, and in which every nation is dedicated to solving the problems that threaten us all. 

As the title of a best-selling book from 1946 declared, before the Cold War precluded any attempts at genuine international cooperation, we will either have “one world or none.”

One world, in which the individual countries refrain from boundless greed and provide for the common good, is certainly the better choice.

11 Minutes of Unvarnished Truth – The Most Blistering Assessment of the USA Ever Aired on Radio

As most Americans remain blissfully unaware that nuclear war is likely just weeks away, Love him or hate him, The Hal Turner Radio Show aired the most blistering assessment of the situation ever spoken on radio.

It is eleven minutes of absolute radio gold.  Truth for the ages.

"The USA has become a woke cesspool of 3rd world slums, meth/herion junkies, rabid feminists, and neutered femboys. 

Am I really supposed to care if 90% of it is annihilated in a nuclear fire? 

But, people say, but "muh freedums . . . 'mercia, fuck yeah!"

 Well, that place has been dead a long time. Maybe it's time its rotting carcass be put on a funeral pyre."

There’s more . . . much more.

Here is the most ferocious, brutally honest, political/social/cultural assessment ever spoken on radio:

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Cat Cafe Inspiration

I hope that this puts a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.

I want to post some uplifting happy stuff.

I hope this post makes the grade.

It all began in 2004, when the first cat cafe opened its doors in Osaka. Since then, the petting zoo/coffee house hybrids have invaded Tokyo, and business is booming. After removing your shoes and washing your hands, you can relax or play with the cats and kittens while you have your drink. Prices are reasonable, and the rules are simple: no flash photos, no grabbing tails or waking sleeping kitties.











Life is too short not to spend it with friends, family and our furry little friends. There are numerous cat, dog, and bird themed coffee houses and tea houses in China. They are nice to visit, and to spend some time in.

This is one in Japan.

It’s a great way to enjoy yourself and to make friends with some of the creatures that roam the tea / coffee establishments.

I know that this is a short post, but I am in the start of a new affirmation campaign and a large number of affirmations are coming into reality, and that means all sorts of upset, stress and change. Don’t freak out. It’s normal!

Have a great day you all.

Remember! I believe in you!

Delicious Chili, oil pipe lines connecting Iran with Russia and China’s BRI, and the howling of idiocy from the United States

Potentially, the most dangerous scenario [for America] would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances. Joe Biden has finally managed to create that.

The world is STARTING to indicate that it is taking a multi-polar direction, and that the uni-polar; American ruled – “Rules based Order” is not going to happen. The issue herein is actually how long will it take for this realization to dawn on the “Leadership” of the west.

Depending on your opinion of the “leadership” oligarchy it can be anywhere from NEVER to “maybe some time this year”.

The real issue is how high the “pain dial” must be turned up by Asia to “bitch slap” the West into compliance. I guess, for most of us, it’s going to be a wait and see.

Let’s take our time and enjoy this snapshot of history…

Seven Life tips

1. Sometimes the weight you need to lose is not on your body.

2. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

3. The struggle is real, but so are the rewards.

4. No body watches you harder than the people that don’t like you. Give them a show.

5. Don’t worry about being lonely at the top. It can be lonely at the bottom too.

6. Enjoy this moment of your life before it becomes a memory you wish you hadn’t taken for granted.

7. Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence, and face your future without fear.

China tests hypersonic missile with multi-mode engine

China is reminding the world that it is very much in the race to deploy hypersonic missiles, with a team at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnical University successfully launching the Feitian-1, a Rocket-Based Combined Cycle (RBCC)-propelled vehicle, in northwestern China.

Even though it is one of the top three contenders in the race to develop a practical hypersonic weapons system, getting solid data about China’s hypersonic program is frustratingly difficult.

Like Russia, but more so, China tends to keep its cards very close to its chest and what little information is released comes through the country’s state-controlled media, or is couched in claims such as that a test was for an orbital spaceplane.

What is particularly interesting about the launch of Feitian-1 is that it uses an RBCC engine to propel it to speeds in excess of Mach 5.

An RBCC engine is a combination of an air-breathing ramjet, air-breathing scramjet, and ducted rocket.

As the vehicle accelerates, the engine transfers from one mode to the next, allowing it to cope with air hitting the intake at greater and greater speed, and then becoming a pure rocket at top speed and very high altitudes.

School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Northwestern Polytechnical University

Such an engine has a number of advantages, chief of which is that it doesn’t have to carry as much oxidizer as a pure rocket because it can harvest oxygen from the air like a conventional jet engine.

This allows it to carry more fuel or a larger payload.

In addition, the Feitian-1 can burn kerosene-based aviation fuel.

According to the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Northwestern Polytechnical University, such an RBCC engine is the first in a hypersonic flight vehicle.

It says the July 2 ground-launched flight test made a smooth transition from one mode to the next and carried out the expected thermal throat adjustment and ultra-wide flight envelope combustion.

Pirate Queens of the High Seas: Anne Bonny and Mary Read

Female pirates.

When it comes to pirates, most people think of iconic names like Blackbeard, Calico Jack, or William Kidd . But what about female pirates? Although female pirates are less well-known, they did exist. Female pirates were not nearly as common as male pirates due to standard ship contracts which prohibited women and children from joining the crew. This “official” contract wasn’t enough to stop some women, though. Famous female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read found their way around these contracts, choosing lives of piracy over their domestic lives on land.

But how did Bonny and Read get around these contracts, and what did they accomplish as pirates?

Female Pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read by Benjamin Cole. (Copper engraving coloured, from Defoe, Daniel; Johnson, Charles (1724) A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates )

Anne Bonny’s Preparation for Piracy

Anne Bonny was born in 1697 in Cork, Ireland. Though not much is known about her early life, it is known that she was the illegitimate daughter of William McCormac, a reputable lawyer, and his servant, Mary Brennan. After Anne’s birth, her father moved to London to escape the watchful eyes of his wife’s family. As Anne aged, her father would dress her as a boy and train her as his clerk. Once this ruse was discovered, his wife and her family stopped sending him money, prompting him to move to the Province of Carolina with Anne and her mother.

Upon moving to the Province of Carolina, Anne’s father changed their last name to simply Cormac to blend in better with the locals. They also struggled financially for a time, due to the halting of his wife’s money, but he was soon able to continue working as a lawyer, which eventually paid for a townhouse and a plantation. Although finances were challenging at times, he eventually joined the merchant business and built his wealth back up.

Unfortunately, Anne’s mother died when she was only 12. After this, Anne began displaying rebellious and aggressive behavior. It was even rumored that she had stabbed one of her servants to death with a knife when she was only 13 years old. The good news for Anne was that while she was known around town for her temper, she was also known for her good looks, which helped her find favor in the eyes of James Bonny, a poor sailor who dabbled in piracy. Anne was disowned by her rich father because of her choice of husband, which removed her rights to his estate after his death.

After being disowned, Bonny and her husband moved to New Providence Island, near a pirate sanctuary called the Republic of Pirates . While it was not an official republic, it was known for being a safe place for those turning from privateering to piracy. Anne’s husband James took advantage of this location and allegedly switched from sailing and piracy to becoming an informant for the governor of the region, reporting any pirates that did not turn themselves in for the king’s pardon. This led to many pirate arrests, as well as Anne’s distrust of her husband.

Because of this wariness, Anne started spending more time with pirates in secrecy. She would normally head to the taverns in the evening to mingle and try to protect them from her husband’s position. At some point, she met the famous pirate John Rackham, also known as Calico Jack, and started having an affair with him. Eventually, their love grew to the point that Jack offered money to Bonny to divorce Anne, but he refused and threatened Jack. Calico Jack then had Anne join his crew and they ran away together.

Because of pirate standards, women were not allowed to become a part of the crew. For this reason, Calico Jack had Anne disguise herself as a man so she could blend in. This worked until she became pregnant and could no longer hide her identity. Anne Bonny gave birth to a son, married Jack on his ship, and they continued their life of piracy together. After some time, she eventually met Mary Read, another female pirate.

Famous Pirate Mary Read.

The Mischievous and Magnetic Mary Read

Mary Read was a bit older than Anne Bonny, and was born in England in 1685. She was the offspring of a woman and a sailor who died at sea soon after Mary was born. Mary was her mother’s second child; the first had been a boy, but he died soon after his father did. Mary’s mother, not wanting to lose the financial support of her husband’s family, dressed Mary as a boy to pass her off as her dead son. Soon, though, the family discovered the truth and cut them off financially.

Once they were on their own, Mary’s mother continued to dress her as a boy and would rent her out as a servant to make money for them to survive. She excelled at any task thrown her way, and even earned the position of “powder monkey” during the War of Grand Alliance, which required her to deliver bags of gunpowder to gun crews. She later served in both the infantry and the cavalry, where she eventually revealed her true identity and married one of her bunkmates, who died soon after they were married.

Once again on her own, she continued living her life disguised as a man and joined piracy on a Dutch ship set for the West Indies . On the trip, the boat was captured by English pirates, who took Mary as a prisoner. As it turns out, the ship belonged to the one and only Calico Jack.

On the ship, Anne revealed herself to be a woman to seduce Mary to get her to join the crew, not knowing Mary was also a woman. Mary then revealed that she, too, was a woman, and Anne promised to keep Mary’s secret if she joined the crew. She joined, and it is speculated that they became secret lovers during their time together, though it is not confirmed. Jack, jealous of his wife’s relationship with Mary over time, sought to kill Mary in her bed-chamber one day, where she revealed her identity to him as well. Impressed by her cunning (as well as her ruthlessness as a pirate), he spared her and continued to treat her as an equal.

Anne Bonny: Real Female Pirate of the Caribbean.

Anne Bonny & Mary Read: A Deadly Duo

No longer having secrets between them, Anne Bonney and Mary Read sailed the high seas together with their pirate lovers. Around other pirates, they would dress in their men’s garb of loose tunics and wide trousers, often with their swords and pistols at their sides. They would often fight together as well, wielding their weapons and proving themselves as tough as any man on board.

One of their victims once wrote that they, “… wore men’s jackets, and long trousers, and handkerchiefs tied about their heads: and… each of them had a machete and pistol in their hands and they cursed and swore at the men to murder her.” She also noted that she recognized them as women because of the size of their breasts.

Their ruthless piracy eventually came to an unfortunate end. In 1720, Calico Jack’s crew was attacked by Jonathan Barnet, a privateer under the commission of the governor of Jamaica, Nicholas Lawes. There was little fight, as many of the pirates were drunk at the time of the attack, leading to a quick surrender.

Anne and Mary, never ones to back from a fight, continued to fight for their lives. According to legend, Mary yelled down to her crew during the fight, “If there’s a man among ye, ye’ll come up and fight like the man ye are to be!” When no man chose to fight with them, she shot through the door and killed one. Both women were captured soon after that.

Exchanging Gangplank for Gallows

Those captured were sentenced to death by hanging . Records state that Anne Bonny’s last words to Calico Jack, true to her character, were, “Had you fought like a man, you need not have been hang’d like a dog.”

Both women pleaded not guilty, but were found guilty in court. They were sentenced to be hanged; however, both were able to avoid execution as it was soon discovered they were each pregnant. Although they avoided hanging, Mary died in prison from a “fever,” likely caused by infection after childbirth.

Anne’s fate remains unclear. She survived childbirth, but there is no record of her execution or release. It is believed she either died in prison years later or perhaps escaped, though nobody is certain.

Either way, it’s clear these two female pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read , gave their male counterparts a run for their money. Though they both met an untimely end, there’s something to be admired about the ferocity of a female pirate.

A bad date…

We were seated at the restaurant, chose our meals and I excused myself to go to the restroom. Upon returning we started talking. You know, all the small talk. At one point he mentioned that he knew I had a dog. My dog was a big boy, about 115 pounds. I said yes, he’s a rescue and a very nice dog. He sort of frowned and said, “well I have a cat and if we end up together the dog has to go.” Huh? I wasn’t sure I had heard correctly, after all this was a first date. Then the waiter showed up with our food. He set a lobster in front of me. I looked at the waiter and said, “Oh, I’m sorry but there has been a mistake: I ordered chicken.” My date, “no mistake, I’m not cheap; I changed your order.” Me: “I don’t like lobster.” Him: “just be grateful and eat it.” I didn’t say another word, just picked up my purse and walked out.

Make up some delicious “copycat” Chili…

When you need to feed a crowd and dish out a spicy kick, this retro stew can please any crowd. With roots tracing back to cowboys and cattle drives, few classic 1950s dishes evoke a similar image of the hardworking spirit that defines the U.S. Serve up a hot bowl of chili to warm up any cold night with an easy recipe and deep combination of flavors can make any home cook happy.


While I do love Wendy’s spicy chicken nuggets and chocolate frosty (usually enjoyed together), another classic order I like to snag at the restaurant is a small cup of their homemade chili. It’s the epitome of comfort food on a cold, winter day, which is why I decided to make a copycat Wendy’s chili recipe I could cook up at home.

Thanks to a clear list of ingredients on the Wendy’s website, it was easy to put together this recipe. According to the list, the Wendy’s chili has a chili base, tomatoes, chili beans, pink beans, kidney beans, onions, celery, green peppers, ground beef, chili pepper, garlic powder, and spices. While the recipe also has sugar and modified corn starch in it, I know that you can have a delicious chili without either of those additives, so I didn’t bother adding them into my version.

The trick to a delicious copycat Wendy’s chili

It may be surprising to you, but for my chili base, I like to use my homemade taco seasoning for the recipe. I like to have a jar of it prepared in my cupboard, so it’s easy to throw into the pot.

My trick to making the chili flavorful is to let it simmer for a long period of time. This recipe calls for a 30-minute simmer, but to be honest, you’ll get the best flavor if you let the chili sit for an hour—even two! Just make sure to stir it occasionally.

Don’t have garlic cloves? Try this instead

I also personally like the flavors that come from freshly minced garlic versus garlic powder, which is why I put it in this recipe. However, if you would rather use garlic powder, you can substitute the minced garlic for 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.


Copycat Wendy’s Chili


1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
1 lb. ground beef
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
1 10 oz can. pinto beans
1 10 oz. can kidney beans
1 10 oz. can tomato sauce
1 10 oz. can diced tomatoes
Shredded cheddar cheese, for topping
Sour cream, for topping

How to Make It

  1. Heat up a dutch oven or a stockpot over medium heat. Add in the olive oil, minced garlic, onion, celery, and green bell pepper. When the vegetables start to become soft (about three minutes), add in the ground beef.
  2. Using a wooden spoon, break up the ground beef and stir in with the vegetables. When the ground beef is no longer pink, using a spoon, drain the grease into an excess can.
  3. Add in the beans, tomato sauce, and diced tomatoes into the dutch oven. Sprinkle in the taco seasoning and mix together.
  4. Turn the chili on simmer, and let it cook for at least 30 minutes, stirring once in a while so nothing burns at the bottom. The longer you let it sit, the better the flavors will become.
  5. Serve with shredded cheese and sour cream, if desired.

Bruce Lee has some things to say…

Bruce Lee once wrote, “To understand and live now, there must be a dying to everything of yesterday, die continually to every newly gained experience and be in a state in the choiceless awareness of what is.”


He means that you must allow your identity to constantly die and evolve. But this is painful. It requires surrender. And the reward is wisdom.

Meanwhile, fragile egos live in orbit of their insecurities. Information must first pass through a filter bubble. It blinds them to feedback that could improve their life.

If you learn to lose or have your mind changed, you become liberated.

Cute kid


Today’s insanity from Yahoo “news”…

It’s outrageous! Yet what is even more outrageous is that many Americans BELIEVE this vomit.

Crazy 1.
Crazy 2.

Artist Imagines How Disney Characters Would Look As Oil Paintings, And You’ll Want To Hang Them In Your Room


American self-taught artist Heather Theurer has been observing people, environments, animals, and textiles for decades. She studying renaissance greats and pre-Raphaelities of the late 19th century, as well as modern artists and she feels she just couldn’t learn as much and see as much in the classroom.

In her works, you’ll recognize symbolism, fantasy realism, equine and wildlife, and below of course Disney reanimations. Her goal was to search for the meaning and emphasize the character’s struggles, hopes, and pride. Her work often includes many layers of paint and glazes, even up to 20. This is the way she gets the depth and detail she wants. Obviously, her amazing work and talent had to be recognized by many great organizations and it was. Awards were flying from everywhere including Lucca Comics & Games, Art Renewal Centar, Artist’s Magazine and Spectrum, and many more.

Lilo & Stitch
Elsa, Anna And Olaf
Peter Pan And Wendy
Mr. Toad

 Scammed in Rome

This is a true story.

What do you see in this picture ?

If you are like 99% of people I know, you may interpret this picture as a feel-good picture of a man cracking jokes with tourists. This is Rome. A city that looks and feels like a living museum. Every street corner seems to have a historic monument. It’s an amazing and enchanting place!


External Image Source: Getting Scammed in Europe!

And, you are right. In fact, he is not only cracking jokes with them, he is offering them free gifts – bracelets and trinkets – gifts that he is going to give away to the tourists as a show of kindness.

You refuse but he walks up and ties it on your wrist. “Take it, my friend, this is for you!” In fact, he will not only tie you a friendship bracelet, but if you listen to him for at least 15 seconds, he will want to offer you a second and then another. It’s all for you to keep. And all he wants is for you to be happy. He has had a tough life and he sells items on the roadside to help his young family who live in poverty. Chances are, you’ll be at a point now to feel obliged to give him ‘something’. By human nature, we are too prudent to simply take (forced to receive rather, in this case) items for free.

“No, sir, please … don’t bother,” says he.

“Let me give you something …, ” you say, feeling even worse at this point that you are receiving “gifts” from someone who is exponentially more needy than you.

So you take out your wallet. At this point two things can happen –

The first, and I hear this is the most common – he will demand money and you better pay up. You’ll suddenly become aware that he has friends all around. You didn’t notice them because you were too lost in your feel-good moment of helping this fellow. But they are there. I realised this once I reviewed some videos I had taken and observed many – many other tourists being approached the same way.

The second – and the one I can relate to is the following. I’d add that this may be an exception, but this is exactly what transpired –

As you open the wallet, in a swift, completely unexpected, chilling, moment, he will snatch everything out of your wallet – EVERYTHING – the cash you kept on your way to the Colosseum from the hotel, US Dollars, Euros – everything. Gone. You stand there – trying to process what just happened. After two seconds, you ask him to give it back and he starts screaming that you are taking his money!

There are tourists all around you. But you are not getting it back. He will keep the money and he and all his friends are ALL armed. A second ago he was a kind-hearted, jovial, cheerful fellow with a difficult life trying to share happiness with the world. A second later – you are staring into the face of a vicious and angry man – his eyes have turned red – his voice has changed, the smiles are gone. You’ve been brought back to reality from a utopian world!

This ‘scam’ is apparently known as the “African Bracelet Scam”. This site on Rome Vacation Tips

explained the factors that make this one of the most successful scams anywhere – “

This scam works by preying on the natural human instinct not to be impolite: not to brush off a friendly greeting, not to drop an unwanted gift on the ground.

You’ll pay dearly for being compassionate towards someone and you’ll regret it. That gift is something way more sinister in disguise (See the comments to this post from so many other readers who have experienced the same situation)

Many of the individuals are Africans from war-torn countries who take a dangerous trip to Europe. Countless stories in articles such as, One Migrant’s Harrowing Journey From Senegal to Italy

, talk of the harrowing tales. Unfortunately, the actions of a few leave a stigma on the entire population from the respective countries. Based on the comments, it also seems that these scams are perpetrated by organised groups based in Italy, not just migrants.

These incidents also raise an ethical dilemma. If you call the cops the individual might get deported back to where he came from and might not survive. If you don’t, he would continue to scam other tourists. It’s a hard choice that you have to make in that brief, fleeting, animated moment!

Several commentators have also mentioned being forced to wear the bracelets and in one case with the other person brandishing sharp object. Once they put it on your wrist, they oftentimes do not let go of your hand until you pay them.

As you may observe from the comments, these incidents are not just common, it is the — norm — believe it or not. If you visit any Roman site, you’re bound to be approached by someone with bracelets in a majority of cases. Every traveller to Rome should be aware of this and avoid becoming a victim.

Why the United States has such an insane level of propaganda right now…

The smoke-filled room experiment

This study takes place in two stages.

First, the subject is placed in a room, completely alone, and is asked to fill out a questionnaire of some kind.

After a few minutes, smoke begins to spread through the room from a nearby door.


On average, the test subject noticed the smoke within 2 minutes, got up and left the room.

Anyone would have done the same, right?

But that’s where it gets interesting (and scary).

The experts repeated the experiment, but this time filled the room with more subjects. They also included 2 accomplices who were instructed not to react when the smoke appeared in the room.

The result?

Only 10% of the subjects left the room or warned other participants that there was something unusual happening.

9 out of 10 people quietly continued to fill out their questionnaire (while rubbing their eyes because of the smoke).

This experiment, similar to Milgram’s or Ash’s, proved that human become more passive and easily influenced in the presence of other people.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Source: 4 Smoke Filled Room Experiment – 28 Psychological Experiments That Revealed Incredible And Uncomfortable Truths About Ourselves

Faith in humanity


I know just what you mean.

I call it “The Interdimensional Lapse” (IDiL).

Sweden is one of those rare places that seems to be not entirely present in this dimension. Part of it is still… somewhere else.

A homeopathist friend of mine from Germany who has visited repeatedly has given me this very good picture: “Most of the world is in D-potency, homeopathically speaking. Sweden though is in a C-potency.”

Make of homeopathy what you will, I think it describes it very well. Homeopathic potencies describe how earthly vs. how ethereal something is. D is most like an actual substance of this Earth, while C is already a bit higher up the ladder of mirror images of reality.

I think there are perfectly robust explanations for this impression, of course, nothing esoteric:

  • Chronemics; the dynamics of interaction in Sweden are strangely delayed. Interacting with a Swede has an extra step built in you don’t normally see (anymore, perhaps?) in most of the world: The Pause. They will always wait before answering you, to make sure you really have finished speaking. That can give outsiders a strange sensation of “uh-oh, is he/she actually going to respond?”
  • Acoustics; I’ve said it often, and people don’t understand it until they’ve been here: Sweden is quiet. For some reason, everything here is somehow muted, as if on snow. The people speak more quietly, the cars are going slower, in a higher gear, the buildings seem to swallow more echo… you may feel like there’s something off with your hearing.
  • Lighting; due to its latitude, which is comparable to that of Alaska, the sun stands much lower in Sweden all the time. You are living in a perpetual morning- or evening atmosphere. Shadows are long and light, and the light has a mellow, golden tinge.
  • Colours; again due to the low sun angle, and the clear air, you will see colours that have higher saturation than elsewhere. As a photographer, I regularly go positively bonkers here because of that. I can measure that in my digital colour charts when I do my image management. Swedish blues and greens are unbelievable. Like in an old, Florentine painting.
  • Levity; the architectural style, together with the warm colour spectrum, give an impression of the built environment being of lower weight and less substance than it is. Swedish houses seem to be sitting on the meadows as light as doll’s houses that can just be picked up and carried away. Just because of the way they look.
  • Femininity (as opposed to Masculinity, according to Geert Hofstede’s index); the roar of the alpha male never comes. There is no final grumble of bearded approval, like in most other places. Sweden is a feminine place. Even though there are plenty of men here, it has a matriarchal touch.

So there you are. Simple, natural explanations, but still, not something you find in that combination easily, if at all.

Here some photographic evidence of some of the points above:


I’ve heard this otherness described in many ways over the decades, and it is one of the main factors that kept pulling me back to Sweden all these years. It’s like a break from the world.

An Australian friend of mine once said “that place just seems magical.” An American I met at an airport described it as “strangely unreal.” A French colleague described it as “like meeting a beautiful fairy.”

I’ve been happily away with that fairy for quite some time now.

In The Multipolar World Iran Will No Longer Fear U.S. Sanctions

From the brilliant MoA

When U.S. president Joe Biden recently held a number of talks in the Middle East Iran was one point on his agenda. The U.S. has made it clear that it does not want to reenter into the nuclear deal with Iran. It is instead again attempting a ‘maximum pressure’ strategy to pressure Iran into additional concessions.

Iran has made it clear that there will not be any more then those it had made in the original agreement. Biden then tried to form an anti-Iran coalition out of Israel and the Gulf regimes. The Gulf Cooperation Council states rejected that:

[T]he Saudi foreign minister poured cold water over any imminent normalization with Israel, saying this was not a precursor to further steps. He said Riyadh was not part of any discussions on a Gulf-Israeli defense alliance to counter Iran.

All GCC are talking with Iran to normalize their relations.

Iran will benefit from the new multi-polar world. It has been seeking to ally itself with the Russia and China block with added relations to a neutral India. Last year Iran became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This year it applied for membership in BRICS.

Last month Iran’s foreign minister visited India:

Amir-Abdollahian also called on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a privilege not accorded to all visiting foreign ministers. Tweeting on the meeting, Modi highlighted how “relations have mutually benefitted both the countries and have promoted regional security and prosperity.”

The official statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs highlighted the exchange of views on important issues like the Iran nuclear deal, the Ukraine conflict, and the situation in Afghanistan. India “appreciated the role of Iran in facilitating India’s medical assistance to Afghanistan, including supply of COVID-19 vaccines to Afghan nationals residing in Iran.” In addition, all bilateral issues including cooperation in the field of regional connectivity and the progress made at the Chabahar port were reviewed. Exuding confidence at the outcome of the visit, the Iranian foreign minister said that “preparing a roadmap for strategic cooperation between Iran and India can regulate long-term relations and protect it from the impact of destructive factors.”

A few moth ago Iran signed a new transport agreement with its northern neighbor Azerbaijan. It will be good for both sides:

On 11 March, Azerbaijan and Iran signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on establishing railway, highway, communication, and energy supply lines connecting Azerbaijan’s East Zangezur economic region and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic through the territory of Iran. According to the document, there is a plan to build four bridges over the Araz River and two railways and develop communication and energy supply infrastructure to establish a new corridor.

The better relations with Azerbaijan will also open a rail corridor towards Russia.

Another new trade route was finally opened to connect India via Iran with Russia.


This project has been on and off for many years but this month it was finally activated:

An India-bound cargo sent from Russia using the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) reached the Sarkhas railway station in Iran on July 13. From the railway station, the cargo will go to Bandar Abbas port in southern India and then come to India via the Arabian Sea.

The cargo left Chekhov station in Russia on July 6 and it was received by a team of Iranian ministers

What is INSTC?

INSTC is a 7,200 km-long transportation network offering the shortest connectivity route to its member states. It was established on September 12, 2000, by Iran, Russia and India. The corridor encompasses sea, road and rail routes.

The main purpose of the corridor was to reduce carriage costs and transit time between India and Russia. The transit time is expected to reduce to almost half, once the corridor becomes fully functional.

In future the route will go from India to Chabahar, a port in south east Iran that India had helped to build. From there the goods will go by rail up north to the Caspian Sea and then by ship directly to Russia. This will shorten the route even more and will also end any dependency on other partners.

But the greatest news for Iran is a new deal with Russia’s Gazprom that was signed today:

The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and Russian gas producer Gazprom signed on Tuesday a memorandum of understanding worth around $40 billion, Iran's oil ministry's news agency SHANA reported.

The deal was signed during an online ceremony by the CEOs of both companies on the day Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Tehran for a summit with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts.

Gazprom will help NIOC in the development of the Kish and North Pars gas fields and also six oil fields, according to SHANA. Gazprom will also be involved in the completion of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects and construction of gas export pipelines.

Iran sits on the world’s second-largest gas reserves after Russia, but US sanctions have hindered access to technology and slowed development of gas exports.

Gazprom is a strong partner and can not be hindered by U.S. sanctions. Iran will finally be able export more of its plentiful gas. Russia will also have a chance to work with Iran to keep the prices at a certain level. With such a large deal will also come protection. Iran will be able to call on Russia should someone start hostilities against it.

When Iran produces enough gas it can also revive the old project of a pipeline to India. This could either go through Pakistan or, as India would probably prefer, through an undersea pipeline:

A 1,300-km undersea pipeline from Iran, avoiding Pakistani waters, can bring natural gas from the Persian Gulf to India at rates less than the price of Liquefied Natural Gas available in the spot market, proponents of the pipeline said on Tuesday.

Releasing a study on the Iran-India gas pipeline, former oil secretary T.N.R. Rao said natural gas imported through the over $4 billion line would cost $5-5.50 per million British thermal unit at the Indian coast, cheaper than the rate at which some of the domestic fields supply gas.

Despite U.S. sanctions Iran is again becoming fully integrated into its region. It is a great success and the gas and transit deals will help its economy to make some gains even as the U.S. adds new sanctions. Russia, India and China are partners who can and will ignore those.

Iran now also has the capability to produce sufficient nuclear material for a number of bombs. It will not use this capability as its religious ideology prohibits the making and use of such weapons. But it is a latent threat that can be used to deter Israel and the U.S. from any attack.

That Trump left the nuclear deal was dumb. That Biden did not revive it immediately after taking office was even dumber. To now stay out of it, only to keep some stupid sanctions against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp, is the dumbest step I can think of.

Washington has yet to understand that it has lost its mono-polar position that made the international sanctions which led to the nuclear deal with Iran possible. In the multi-polar world that exists now Iran can develop as it likes. Others will now ignore U.S. or EU sanctions and the threat of them is no longer useful. More countries under U.S. isolation, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba and Syria, will also find new ways and alliances to better their positions.

In his book The Great Chessboard the former National Security Advisor of the United States Zbigniew Brzeziński wrote:

Potentially, the most dangerous scenario [for America] would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances.

Joe Biden has finally managed to create that.

Life Lessons

  1. Cooking and cleaning is a basic life skill and not a gender role.
  2. If you don’t clear your misunderstanding in time, they became the reason for distance forever.
  3. If you want it, work for it. It’s that simple.
  4. The gap between the life you could live and the life you are living is called focus.
  5. If you’re not dating to marry, then you’re dating for heartbreak. Let that sink in and be in serious relationship.
  6. Stop comparing yourself with who started 10 years before you. Focus on your own journey.
  7. Confidence is not “I’m better than them”, confidence is “I’m great, so are they”
  8. Every time I lower my frequency to meet someone on their level I end up paying for it. That’s a lesson I really don’t need to learn anymore. Rise up to meet me.
  9. Real growth is when you start checking and correcting yourself. Instead of blaming others, you take your power back by being responsible for your life.
  10. You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
  11. Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.
  12. And there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

And now it’s “Monkeypox”…

Monkeypox. Don’t you know…



Russia’s state-owned Gazprom does not plan to resume natural gas supplies via Nord Stream 1 after the planned maintenance of the pipeline is completed on July 22.   No more natural gas for Germany or most of Europe.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Game over.

Haunting 100-Year-Old Chalkboard Drawings Discovered In Oklahoma School


Emerson High School in Oklahoma City was the site of an amazing discovery last week when contractors renovating the school found several 100-year-old chalkboards hidden in the walls. The chalkboards, dating back to 1917, haven’t been touched for almost a century, and perfectly preserve the work of students and teachers from that era.

The images and writing on the boards include an unusual mathematics lesson where a wheel is used to teach multiplication tables.
The students were also taught music…
… and basic hygiene.

“The penmanship blows me away, because you don’t see a lot of that anymore,” Emerson High School Principal Sherry Kishore told the NewsOK. “Some of the handwriting in some of these rooms is beautiful.”


Several references to the pilgrims were also made.



A school district spokesperson says they are working with the city to preserve the chalk drawings.

Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine

American soldiers are already “boots on the ground”

The White House keeps insisting that it will not directly involve American soldiers in the war in Ukraine, but it keeps taking steps that will inevitably lead to a large-scale open combat role for the US against Russia.

Among the most recent moves to increase the pressure on the Kremlin, Biden revealed at a NATO summit meeting in Madrid on June 29th that the US will establish a permanent headquarters in Poland for the United States Fifth Army Corps, maintain an additional rotational brigade of thousands of troops in Romania and bolster other deployments in the Baltic states.

Also, the number of US troops in Europe, currently approaching 100,000, will be increased. Biden also was pleased to learn that Turkey had been enticed to drop its objection to Finland and Sweden joining NATO.

On the way to the NATO summit aboard Air Force One, Biden’s National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan advised that

“By the end of the summit what you will see is a more robust, more effective, more combat credible, more capable and more determined force posture to take account of a more acute and aggravated Russian threat.” 

Presumably Sullivan was reading from a prepared script, but the objective surely seemed to be to heighten tension with Moscow rather than attempt to reduce it and come to some kind of diplomatic settlement.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also did his bit. In an astonishing display of derriere kissing, he responded that the new US force posture commitments were demonstrative of Biden’s strong leadership.

What Stoltenberg did not mention was that Biden has been lying for some time about the presence of US military personnel in Ukraine.

He let the cat out of the bag back in March, when he told troops belonging to the 82nd Airborne division in Poland that they would soon be going to Ukraine, observing that “You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see —”

It was an admission that US forces are already in place inside Ukraine even though the White House quickly did damage control, asserting that the president continues to be opposed to American soldiers being directly engaged in the fighting.

Biden also claimed that the US was working to “keep the massacre [of Ukrainians] from continuing.”

Again, the language was hardly designed to make some room for a possible accommodation with Russia to negotiate an end to the fighting.

And now there is a New York Times report entitled

Commando Network Coordinates Flow of Weapons in Ukraine, Officials Say: A secretive operation involving US Special Operations forces hints at the scale of the effort to assist Ukraine’s still outgunned military.”

The article describes a more active US role in Ukraine than the Biden Administration has been willing to admit publicly.

Back in February, before intervened in Ukraine, the US reportedly withdrew its own 150 military instructors, many of whom were training Ukrainian soldiers on newly acquired American produced weapons.

However, some Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) paramilitary operatives and special ops troops continued their service in the country secretly, directing most of the intelligence flow the US is sharing with Ukrainian forces.

In addition to that, special ops soldiers from Washington’s NATO allies have been managing the movement of weapons and equipment into Ukraine and providing some specialized training.

It has also been reported that British SAS commandos are actually guarding President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The NYT specifies, citing American and other Western officials, that the soldiers and CIA officers are currently not on the front lines with Ukrainian troops.

Also according to the Times, even though the US and NATO member states have not acknowledged the presence of their paramilitaries soldiers in operational roles in Ukraine, Russia and other intelligence services around the world are aware of this.

The New York Times report appears to be generally correct, though it does omit some details, some of which I have been hearing from former colleagues in the intelligence services.

There has been considerable overt training at the Grafenwoehr German army base as well as at the Ramstein US Air Base to familiarize the Ukrainians with the new weapons arriving.

Other NATO countries are also participating in the training.

Meanwhile, the cadres of special operations soldiers and intelligence personnel operating primarily in western Ukraine are not in uniform and many of them are working under various contrived cover designations, including sometimes loose affiliations with foreign embassies and NGOs.

There are also a conventional CIA Station, a group from the National Security Agency and a Military Attache’s office in the recently reopened US Embassy in Kiev.

All of the above means that Biden and other western leaders have been dissimulating regarding their active participation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Apart from his possible gaffe, Biden will not admit that there are American boots already on the ground, but they are there and are playing a major role in both logistics and intelligence sharing.

The potential downside for the president could come when some of these soldiers in mufti get killed or, worse, captured and start to talk about their role.

Retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former analyst for the US Department of Defense, observes that deploying plausibly deniable non-uniformed personnel

“is completely typical of the initial stages of a US-backed long war, and for long-term political manipulation of the target country. 

This is the future that neoconservative ‘strategists’ in DC and their British and European allies imagine for Ukraine. 

Rather than a negotiated conclusion, with a new Ukrainian role as a neutral and productive country, independent of both Russian and US political influences, the US government and CIA see Ukraine as an expendable yet useful satrap in its competition with the Russian Federation.”

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson sees the activity in stark terms, while also commenting that the CIA has not won a semi-clandestine insurgent war in forty years.

He observes that “Ukraine is a proxy; the West is trying to destroy Russia, it’s that simple.

It would be one thing if Russia was the most evil, oppressive, authoritarian regime in the world.

It’s nowhere even close.

Even though the West keeps trying to portray Russia as such.

The fact of the matter is, the West wants the resources that Russia has and it wants to control Russia. [But] Russia is not about to be controlled.”

In other words, Washington might be seeking an unending war entangling Russia and limiting its options globally.

The Biden Administration has staked its reputation and possible political future on enabling Ukraine to survive without succumbing to Russian territorial demands.

It is a risky and even dangerous policy, both in practical terms and politically.

The persistence of the Ukrainians in their defense is largely a product of US and Western Europe guarantees that they will do all that is necessary to support Zelensky and his regime, which is already seeking $750 billion in aid for “reconstruction.”

If western military casualties begin to surface, the political support for the Ukraine war will begin to fade in Washington and elsewhere and there will be consequences in the upcoming midterm US elections in November.

A final comment on the Times piece is in response to the question why it has appeared at all at the present time.

The mainstream media has been a cheerleader for aggressive US support of Ukraine and Zelensky, but now it is beginning to step back from that position, as have also the Washington Post and other media outlets.

Perhaps they are becoming convinced that the game plan being promoted by Washington and its European allies is unlikely to succeed at great cost to the respective economies.

Larry Johnson puts it this way:

“I think the purpose of this article coming out now is just to lay the groundwork for why we can’t put or shouldn’t put any more US military personnel or even CIA personnel inside Ukraine because continuing to put US personnel…inside Ukraine to train is becoming too risky because of Russia’s success on the battlefield.” 

One might also add that it is exceptionally dangerous. A misstep or even a deliberate false flag coming from either side could easily make the war go nuclear.

Check this out…


Coffee-rubbed steak

You may have seen meats coated with a coffee rub and wished you could cook something similar at home. Look no further than this recipe.

Coffee-rubbed steak is not only easy and quick, but it pairs with almost any roast vegetables you can imagine, making it the easiest main dish to make if you’re serving dinner for a big family.


Coffee and steak might seem like an unlikely partnership, but the flavor of beef is actually heightened by the robust notes of java.

This coffee-rubbed steak dish would be perfect with grilled vegetables and a side of black or pinto beans, or heat up a few corn tortillas and pass them out so everyone can make their own little tacos.

Either way, be sure to let the beef rest (even if it actually makes this 10-minute meal a 12- or 13-minute meal); cut into it too early, and all the still-hot juices will bleed onto your cutting board, instead of being reabsorbed by the meat.

Patience is a virtue, and so is a home-cooked meal that will save you some serious calories compared to the fast-food version.

You’ll Need

1⁄2  Tbsp finely ground coffee or espresso
1⁄2  Tbsp chili powder
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 lb flank or skirt steak (Skirt and flank are among our two favorite cuts, but any steak—strip, tenderloin, ribeye—would benefit from this coffee treatment)
Pico de gallo
1 lime, quartered

How to Make It

  1. Preheat a grill, grill pan, or cast-iron skillet.
  2. Combine the coffee grounds with the chili powder, plus a few generous pinches of salt and pepper.
  3. Rub the spice mixture all over the steak. Cook the beef for 3 to 4 minutes per side, depending on thickness, until slightly firm but still yielding.
  4. Let the steak rest for at least 5 minutes, then slice thinly against the grain of the meat. Serve with a big scoop of pico de gallo and a wedge of lime.

Eat This Tip

Steak and coffee isn’t the only unconventional pairing that yields surprisingly excellent results. Try any of these tantalizing teams for a jolt to your taste buds:

Oscar Wilde Quote

“Give a man a mask, and he will show you his true face.”

The end…

Death sentence carried out.
This morning, three foreign mercenaries from the UK (Eidin Aslin, Sean Pinner) and Morocco (Saadoun Brahim), who were sentenced to death for crimes in the DPR, were shot.

Cats are awesome!

And some sunshine.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Boston cream pie and a very strange plane crash

I am falling a little bit behind right now. I have a ton load on my plate. Do not freak out if I go quiet for a few days. Please continue to check out the MM You-Tube channel, and the MM Patreon channel, as I am making regular contributions there.

In the meantime, please enjoy this daily post.

Anyone Else Want To Bring Back Kitchen Phones With The 10 Ft Cord?

Anyone Else Want To Bring Back Kitchen Phones With The 10 Ft Cord?

Russia Announces Civilian Drills for NUCLEAR ATTACK

Moscow is announcing to its citizens the city will be conducting NUCLEAR ATTACK CIVILIAN EVACUATION DRILLS, complete with Outdoor SIRENS, TV and Radio Interruption Warnings, instructing citizens to proceed to nuclear attack shelters.

The dates of these “Drills” are not yet known, but the citizenry is being told the Drills will be upcoming and there will be SEVERAL of them.

Citizens are also being advised to have an evacuation bag with some clothing, medicines, money, ID, and hygiene products in it, so they can grab-and-go.

Beef Stroganoff

The rich and creamy combo of beef and noodles packs so much savory flavor in every bite, one taste will send your tongue on a trip down memory lane and can please anyone looking for a hearty meal. Indulge in this dish that has come to represent the cultural melting pot of American cuisine.


Beef stroganoff may be Russian in name and origin, but it’s since become a global go-to, finding a home everywhere from Iran to Brazil to Australia. Only the best dishes inspire this type of universal love, and the ease and innate deliciousness of stroganoff is clearly why Americans have embraced it as their own. Though sour cream is normally stirred into the sauce at the last second, we tested this dish several different ways and found Greek yogurt tasted every bit as good for fewer calories. Just make sure to remove the pan from the heat before adding, as high temperatures can cause the yogurt to break, jeopardizing the smooth, velvety sauce you really want in this beef stroganoff recipe.

You’ll Need

1⁄2 Tbsp canola oil, plus more if needed
12 oz white or cremini mushrooms, stems removed, halved
1 lb. sirloin, cut into thin strips
Salt and black pepper to taste
1  yellow onion, minced
2  cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp flour
3⁄4 cup red wine
1⁄2 cup low-sodium beef stock
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1⁄4 cup 2% plain Greek yogurt
Chopped fresh parsley

How to Make It

  1. Heat the oil in large sauté pan over medium heat.
  2. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes, until softened and caramelized.
  3. Remove and reserve.
  4. Season the beef with salt and pepper.
  5. In the same pan, adding more oil if necessary, cook the beef for about 5 minutes, until well-browned all over.
  6. Remove and reserve with the mushrooms.
  7. Add the onion and garlic to the pan and cook until the onion is translucent.
  8. Stir in the flour until it evenly coats the vegetables, then add the wine, stock, and tomato paste, scraping the pan to release any flavorful bits stuck to the bottom.
  9. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for about 12 minutes, until the liquid thickens and reduces by about half.
  10. Return the mushrooms and beef to the pan and heat through, then remove from the heat.
  11. After the liquid cools just slightly, stir in the yogurt. (If the heat is too high, the yogurt will separate.)
  12. Serve over buttered noodles or steamed rice and garnish with parsley.

A truly British story…

Not mine. -MM

My wife and I were walking with our youngest over the old bridge between Lichfield Cathedral and the market place. A lovely spring day. I’m British, my wife isn’t.

A young man came dashing past the end of the bridge, a police officer in hot pursuit. They both vanished from view rapidly.

We stopped to read the information board about the historic bridge. A few minutes later, the suspect and the copper came walking back, a little out of breath. We overheard their conversation.

Copper: “Sorry for running after you like that, mate. But you were running away.”

Suspect: “Yeah, sorry about that, mate. I shouldn’t have run, but I didn’t want to get caught.”

My wife stood open-jawed. I didn’t quite see why it was so unusual. I mean, just because they’re trying to arrest you doesn’t mean police officers should be rude or unsympathetic. Just because they may have done something the law may forbid doesn’t mean someone has to be abusive.

We continued to eavesdrop.

Copper, leading suspect to a park bench, where they both sat down, “Are you ready to give me your name and address, or do you want a bit of a breather first?”

Suspect, “You don’t have a cigarette, do you?”

Copper, pulling a packet of fags from his breast pocket and handing it to the suspect, “Here you go.”

As he lit the man’s cigarette, the police van arrived. Copper: “Just finish your smoke and we’ll finish the details at the station.”

I told my wife there was a good chance the cop didnt smoke, but kept a handy packet to help put people at ease.

She’s told friends and family in several countries about that. It is, she says, absolutely the most British thing she’s witnessed: a cop apologising for arresting someone who apologised for trying to run away.

If this story has failed to entertain or amuse, all I can say is sorry. And what could be more British than that?

Do you remember?

Bazooka Joe Gum

The very mysterious crash of a aircraft…


Plane Crash

It seems to be covered up and the entire story is just STRANGE. Looks like something really serious is going on. Everything about this is just ODD.

Satellite Image Reveals China Blew Up Mock Japan Warplane Amid Taiwan Invasion Fears

Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 – 10:00 AM

There’s increasing concern a possible Chinese annexation of Taiwan would fundamentally challenge Japan’s security and result in a broader conflict.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) understands an invasion of Taiwan would likely result in conflict with Japan because only 110 kilometers (68 miles) is Japan’s westernmost inhabited island of Yonaguni.


Japanese leaders have linked Taiwan’s security with Japan’s, enabling the country to play a role in Taiwan’s defense. As a result, the PLA launched a missile(s) at mock Japan Self-Defense Forces (SDF) aircraft in a desert area in northwest China called Xinjiang, according to Nikkei, citing a report from Planet Labs.

Nikkei examined photos taken by Planet Labs, a U.S.-based satellite operator. Photographs of the same location in mid-May showed an object shaped like an E-767, an airborne warning and control system (AWACS) used by the SDF, a runway and buildings resembling a tarmac. A July 13 photo shows the destroyed object, along with debris and black burn marks.
Previous satellite photographs showed the object was still in place as of July 2. The precise timing is not clear because of weather conditions that prevented photography on some days, but it appears that the object was destroyed in early July. It is the first time that an object mimicking an SDF aircraft is known to have been destroyed. -Nikkei

“I think we can safely conclude this was a test of a ballistic missile of some sort,” said Jeffrey Lewis, professor at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and a specialist in the military analysis of satellite photos, referring to what appears to be a mock Boeing E-767 AWACS used by SDF.


Tom Shugart, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, also reviewed the images and concluded a missile might have been used:

"If the purpose of the mock target was to test the ability of a missile warhead to recognize and strike specific high-value aircraft, and that capability was in fact tested successfully, then deployment of such a weapon could improve the PLA's ability to strike key aircraft like the E-767." 

It’s unclear precisely what the PLA used to target the mock AWACS or surrounding aircraft. Kiyofumi Iwata, former chief of staff of the Japan Ground SDF, said there are no impact craters, suggesting the “AWACS object may have been set ablaze, rather than hit by a missile.”

PLA forces also built a mock U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and two Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers last year in the same desert area for weapons testing. Nikkei said the “aircraft carrier was found to have marks that experts said were made by missile impacts.”

If an invasion of Taiwan is planned, it seems China recognizes that Japan and the U.S. could be drawn into the fight. That’s why China and Russia aligned and conducted a joint military exercise last month between the island of Yonaguni and Taiwan.

Pizza Hut…

Do you remember this cup?

Pizza Hut cup. Usually filled with Coke-cola.

Vintage Photos Of 12 Crazy Wooden Homes On Wheels From The Early 20th Century

There is no formal definition of a house car but in the early 1900s, Americans want to take to the roads and explore. Some creative Tin Can tourists decided that they’d rather bring their home with them rather than have the tent attachments on the sides of their Model T’s, so they built larger structures that resembled houses onto the frames and off they went. It really is the earliest example of what we commonly call a mobile home.

The superb bus of Ray Conklin, president of the New York Motorbus Company in 1915.

Mobile homes often look blocky and sterile, but these wooden houses look like gingerbread Victorian houses on wheels. Check out how people have hammered and sawed their own homes onto cars.

Gospel Car No. 1, built by William Downer in Glassboro, New Jersey, late 1910s.
Dr. A. A. Foster and his family in an auto tourist camp, ca. 1920.
A Ford Model T from the early 1920s.
On a Ford TT chassis.
A cute German country house on wheels in 1922.
A traveling minister with a tiny church car, with a tiny organ inside and a foldable rooftop steeple, 1922.
A fancy homebuilt motorhome, built on a Ford Model TT truck chassis in Ohio, 1924.
W. M. O’Donnell and his family in their “bungalow auto”, 1926.
The Burn Family (June and Farrar) and their moving house, 1929.
The homebuilt car of Charles Miller with a nice bit of lawn, 1930.
Ford Model A Traveler, 1931.


Do you remember this…

Paper Plate Holders.

Paper Plate Holders

The West is Experiencing a Contraction of its Power

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

The strategists of the hegemonic country of the West, the US, without realizing the flagrant contraction, show unlimited ambition.

What Westerners call the West or Western civilization is a geopolitical space that emerged in the 16th century and expanded continuously until the 20th century. On the eve of World War I, about 90 percent of the globe was Western or Western-dominated: Europe, Russia, the Americas, Africa, Oceania, and much of Asia (with the partial exceptions of Japan and China). From then on, the West began to contract: first with the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the emergence of the Soviet bloc, and then, from mid-century onward, with the decolonization movements. Terrestrial space, and soon after, extraterrestrial space, became fields of intense disputes.

Meanwhile, what Westerners understood by the West was changing. It began as Christianity and colonialism, then changed to capitalism and imperialism, and then metamorphosed into democracy, human rights, decolonization, self-determination, and “rules-based international relations”—it was made clear that the rules would be established by the West and would only be followed when they served its interests—and finally into globalization.

By the middle of the last century, the West had shrunk so much that several newly independent countries made the decision to align themselves neither with the West nor with the bloc that had emerged as its rival, the Soviet bloc. This led to the emergence, from 1955-1961, of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). With the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1991, the West seemed to go through a time of enthusiastic expansion. It was around this time that former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev expressed his desire for Russia to join the “common home” of Europe, with the support of then-US President George H. W. Bush, a desire reaffirmed by Vladimir Putin when he took power in 2000. It was a short historical period, and recent events show that the “size” of the West has since shrunk drastically. In the wake of the Ukraine war, the West decided, on its own initiative, that only those countries applying sanctions against Russia would be considered part of the pro-Western camp. These countries comprise about 21 percent of the UN member countries, which constitute only 16 percent of the world’s population.


Is contraction decline? One might think that the contraction of the West works in its favor because it allows it to focus on more realistic goals with greater intensity. A careful reading of the strategists of the hegemonic country of the West, the United States, shows, that on the contrary, without apparently realizing the flagrant contraction, they show unlimited ambition. With the same ease with which they foresee being able to reduce Russia (one of the largest nuclear powers in the world) to a vassal state or bring it to ruin, they foresee neutralizing China (which is on its way to becoming the first world economy) and soon provoking a war in Taiwan, (like the one in Ukraine) to achieve that purpose. On the other hand, the history of empires shows that contraction goes hand in hand with decline, and that decline is irreversible and entails much human suffering.

At the current stage, the manifestations of weakness are running parallel to those of strength, which makes analysis very difficult. Two contrasting examples help understand this point more clearly: The United States is the largest military power in the world (even though it has not won any wars since 1945) with military bases in at least 80 countries. An extreme case of domination is its presence in Ghana where, according to agreements made in 2018, the United States uses the Accra airport without any control or inspection, US soldiers do not even need a passport to enter the country, and enjoy extraterritorial immunity, meaning that if they commit any crime, no matter how serious, they cannot be tried by Ghana’s courts. On the other hand, the thousands of sanctions on Russia are, for now, doing more damage in the Western world than in the geopolitical space being defined by the West as the non-Western world. The currencies of those countries that seem to be winning the war are depreciating the most. The looming inflation and recession led JP Morgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon to say that a “hurricane” is approaching.

Is contraction a loss of internal cohesion? Contraction can mean more cohesion, and this is quite visible. The leadership of the European Union, i.e., the European Commission, has in the last 20 years been much more aligned with the US than the countries that make up the EU. We saw this with the neoliberal shift and with the enthusiastic support shown by former President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso, for the invasion of Iraq, and we are seeing it now with the current commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who seems to be operating as the US undersecretary of defense. The truth is that this cohesion, if it is effective in producing policies, can be disastrous in managing their consequences. Europe is a geopolitical space that since the 16th century has lived off the resources of other countries that it directly or indirectly dominates and on whom it imposes unequal exchange. None of this is, however, possible when the United States or its allies are its partners. Moreover, cohesion is made up of inconsistencies, as seen in the conflicting narratives about Russia. After all, is Russia the country with a lower GDP than many countries in Europe? Or is it a force that wants to invade Europe, and serves as a global threat that can only be stopped with the help of investments provided by the United States for arms and security to Ukraine—already around $10 billion—a distant country of which little will remain if the war continues for a long time?

Does the contraction occur for internal or external reasons? The literature on the decline and end of empires shows that, besides a few exceptional cases in which empires were destroyed by external forces—such as the Aztec and Inca empires with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors—internal factors generally dominate in bringing about contraction, even though decline can be precipitated by external factors. It is difficult to distinguish the internal from the external, and the specific identification is always more ideological than anything else. For example, in 1964 the well-known American conservative philosopher James Burnham published a book titled Suicide of the West. According to him, liberalism, then dominant in the United States, was the ideology behind this decline. For the liberals of the time, liberalism was, on the contrary, an ideology that would enable a new, more peaceful, and just world hegemony for the West. Today, liberalism is dead in the United States (neoliberalism dominates, which is its opposite) and even the old-school conservatives have been totally overtaken by the neoconservatives. That is why former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (for many, a war criminal) upset the anti-Russia proselytes by calling for peace negotiations while talking about the Ukraine conflict during a conference at the World Economic Forum in Davos in May. Be that as it may, the Ukraine war is the great accelerator of the West’s contraction. While the West wants to use its power and influence to isolate China, a new generation of nonaligned countries is emerging. Organizations like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Forum are, among others, the new faces of the non-Western states.

What comes next? We don’t know yet. It is as difficult to imagine the West occupying a subordinate space in the world context as it is to imagine it in an equal and peaceful relationship with other geopolitical spaces. We only know that for those leading the Western states, either of these hypotheses is either impossible or, if possible, apocalyptic. Therefore, the number of international meetings has multiplied in recent months—from the World Economic Forum meeting that took place in May in Davos to the most recent Bilderberg Meeting in June. Not surprisingly, in the latter meeting, of the 14 themes discussed, seven were directly related to the West’s rivals.

Do you remember?

McDonald’s Ash Tray

Some words of advice from an older person…

  1. Loneliness doesn’t stop when we are surrounded by people. It stops when we are seen for who we truly are.
  2. Actions and words both have value, it’s when the two don’t align that the value is lost.
  3. Our partner cannot fulfill our needs, and it’s not their job to do so.
  4. If it doesn’t bring peace, profits, or purpose, then don’t give it your time, energy, or attention.
  5. A lot of conversations need to be had in person. Tones need to be heard, facial expressions need to be seen.
  6. Your greatest test will be how you handle people who mishandled you.
  7. You can mute people in real life too. It’s called boundaries.
  8. Never lose your self-respect for someone who doesn’t care about your feelings and emotions.
  9. Some people will always be important, with or without a conversation.
  10. When you care for someone more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.
  11. The people we choose to spend time with will shape who we become.

This Proxy War Has No Exit Strategy

Sunday, Jul 17, 2022 – 03:30 AM

Authored by Caitlin Johnstone via,

The International Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America has released a statement opposing the US government’s ongoing proxy war in Ukraine, saying the billions being funneled into the military-industrial complex “at a time when ordinary Americans are struggling to pay for housing, groceries, and fuel” is “a slap in the face for working people.”

The statement advocates a negotiated settlement for peace, saying continuing to pour weapons into the country will “needlessly prolong the war, resulting in more civilian deaths” and that it “risks escalating and widening the war — up to and including nuclear war.”

In response to this entirely reasonable and moderate position, the DSA is currently being raked over the coals with accusations of Kremlin loyalty and facilitation of murder and bloodshed by blue-checkmarked narrative managers on Twitter. This is because the only acceptable positions for anyone of significant influence to have about this war range from supporting continuing current proxy warfare operations to initiating a direct hot war between NATO and Russia.

That’s how narrow the permissible spectrum of debate has been shrunk regarding this conflict: status quo hawkish to omnicidal hawkish. Anything outside that spectrum gets framed as radical extremism. As Noam Chomsky said: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

This spectrum of debate has been shrunk on the one hand by imperial spinmeisters continually hammering home the message that any support for de-escalation and diplomatic solutions is “appeasement” and indicative of Russian sympathies, and on the other by hawkish pundits and politicians pushing for the most freakishly aggressive responses to this war possible. By forbidding the spectrum of acceptable debate to move toward peace while shoving it as hard as possible in the direction of warmongering extremism, imperial narrative managers have successfully created an Overton window wherein the only debate permitted is over how directly and forcefully Russia should be confronted, with calls for peace now falling far outside that window.

Which is a problem, because both direct NATO hot war with Russia and continuing along the empire’s current course of action in Ukraine are stupid. Direct conflict between nuclear powers likely means a very fast and very radioactive third world war, and the status quo proxy warfare approach isn’t stopping Russia as more and more territory is taken in the east in cool defiance of western claims that Ukraine is bravely vanquishing its evil invaders. Biden administration officials have told the press that they doubt Ukraine will even be able to reclaim the territory it has lost already. Unless and until something significant changes, Ukraine has no apparent path to victory in this war anytime soon.

In short, there is no exit strategy to this proxy war. There are no plans in place to deliver Putin a swift defeat, and the Biden administration remains steadfastly dismissive of even the slightest gestures toward diplomacy with Moscow. Boris Johnson has reportedly been buzzing around admonishing Ukraine’s President ZelenskyFrance’s President Macron and who knows who else not to work toward peace in Ukraine. The doors to ending this war quickly by either winning it or negotiating a peace settlement are both bolted shut, all but guaranteeing a long and bloody slog.

Which as it turns out suits Washington just fine. Biden administration officials have stated that the goal is to use the Ukraine war to “weaken” Russia, and the US already has an established pattern of working to draw Moscow into costly military quagmires as we saw in both Afghanistan and Syria. Continuing to pour weapons and military intelligence into Ukraine while working to cut Russia off from the world stands no chance of ending the war in a timely manner, but it does stand a pretty good chance of bleeding and weakening Moscow.

And since this is the course of action that has been taken by the empire, we can only assume that this is its desired outcome: not victory, not peace, but a long and gruelling war.

One of the major recurring criticisms of the Iraq invasion was that Bush rushed into it without an exit strategy, without a plan for ending the war once it had been started. This proxy war with Russia not only lacks a strategy for ending the war, it apparently only has strategies for not ending the war.

No exit strategy is the strategy.

Whenever you point out the insanity of this approach you’ll get useful idiots of the empire objecting that by criticizing US proxy warfare and supporting a negotiated settlement you are guilty of “appeasement” and exactly the same as Neville Chamberlain, because the only argument empire apologists ever have is to compare every US-targeted government to Nazi Germany.

According to these propaganda-addled empire automatons, having the story of not compromising with Putin-Hitler and not committing the sin of “appeasement” is worth sacrificing everyone in the entire nation of Ukraine for. They will happily throw every Ukrainian life into the gears of this war while they sit safe at home eating Funyuns and tweeting, just so they can have that “we didn’t compromise with Putin” story hanging on their mental mantlepiece.

How many more lives are such people prepared to feed into an unwinnable war which the west knowingly provoked? How many more of other people’s children are they prepared to sacrifice? How long does the bloodshed need to drag on before their “no appeasement” story loses value to them? How long until people wake up from their propaganda-induced comas and realize we’ve been manipulated into supporting a proxy war which benefits ordinary people in no real way, and in fact impoverishes us and threatens our very lives?

There is no morally consistent argument for continuing this proxy war in the way it has been going. If you actually value life and peace, the only way out is through negotiation and compromise. I point this out not because I believe it will happen, but to hopefully help a few more people open their eyes to the fact that we are being deceived.

Kim Ung-Yong

Kim Ung-Yong at five years old.

One of the smartest, perhaps the smartest person on the planet, Kim Ung-Yong, was doing calculus and speaking five languages before age five. By age eight he was doing math at NASA and finished his Ph.D. prior to age fifteen.

It’s all a bit over the top.

None of this was by his own decision. After the discovery of his genius, an I.Q. of over 200, he was placed on an ultra-fast track program for his life.

After accumulating a mind numbing pile of academic accolades, he worked at NASA for years until he abruptly quit.

Here you have the smartest guy in the world, someone whose intelligence dwarfs most Harvard students’, and he walks away from it all.


He wasn’t happy.

It was all too much intensity for him. He felt like a machine and just wanted something normal.

He now works in a normal university faculty position as a professor. A prestigious job for most people. But for him? Not so. Kim is still periodically targeted by Korean news outlets for being a “failed genius”. With all of his gifts he was expected to change the world and innovate within several science fields.

It begs the question, who decided Kim was supposed to change the world? It certainly wasn’t him.

Mr. Kim might not be someone most of us can relate to. But he is analogous, ground zero even, for the problems intelligent people face with regards to “potential.” Just because someone is smart, strong, creative, doesn’t mean they want to be king of the world.

Some people are happy with a low key life. Happiness is the great equalizer. If they are happy, your expectations no longer matter.

Embassy: “All Americans Should LEAVE Ukraine Immediately” — U.S. Nuclear Bombs Being Moved! – GAZPROM Declares “Force Majeure”

The United States Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, has increased its Alert status and is now publicly advising all Americans to get out of Ukraine IMMEDIATELY.  All Embassy functions will be transferred to Lviv, in western Ukraine.

This seems to coincide with a report issued yesterday (HERE – Subscribers Only!) which outlined that an ULTIMATUM had been given to Kiev by Moscow.

This also seems to coincide with intelligence reports saying Ukraine plans to use new HIMARS MLRS to attack Crimea.

Crimea is Russian territory now.   Russia has previously stated that if U.S. long range weapons are used against “Russian territory” then Russia will declare the US an active combatant, and will take military action.

The US says that Crimea is “Ukrainian territory” and so the Ukrainians can use HIMARS against it.

Over the weekend, former President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev publicly spoke about possible Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, and said: “If something like this happens, Judgment Day will happen to all of them”

Overnight, the Russian Navy began moving several ships OUT of Crimea to their port at Novorossiysk.  The Russian Black Sea fleet pulled anchor and left Sevastopol, for the Kuban.  Clearly they suspect a missile attack on the port facilities. If this should happen, many observers think there will be war.



This morning, Russian energy giant Gazprom declared force majeure on gas supplies to at least one major EU customer RETROACTOVE TO JUNE.

According to a document from inside the company, Gazprom tells a large client it cannot fulfil its supply obligations due to “extraordinary” circumstances outside its control.

REUTERS News Agency now reports that its sources are saying that the letter was referring to supplies to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.  The letter makes clear that GAZPROM cannot supply __any__ natural gas via Nord Stream One pipeline, until further notice.

The route is currently undergoing planned annual maintenance which is due to be completed on Thursday, however many in Germany fear that the flow will not be resumed.  Given today’s declaration of a “force majeure” it now appears certain that natural gas flows WILL NOT RESUME.

Without the flow of Russian natural gas, Germany and other European nations had to begin drawing-down on stored natural gas reserves in their countries as of July 11.  Those reserves are finite, and will run out.   Various countries in Europe have various amounts of gas in storage, but none of them have more than a few months worth.

As natural gas runs out, there won’t be gas to power the steam boilers in gas-fired electric generating plants.  No boilers means no steam.  IF there is no steam, that means nothing to turn the turbines.  No turbines means no electricity.

       UPDATE 2:05 PM EDT — With regard to GAZPROM’s declaring a “force Majeure” this is now explicitly CONFIRMED.  The company has thus decided to void itself from all contractual obligations. Gas will stop flowing to Germany through Nord Stream 1 indefinitely.   

So right now, July 18, 2022, many differing issues are all coming to a head at about the same time.  If Ukraine attacks Crimea using U.S.-supplied HIMARS, then Russia may declare the US an active combatant and use military force against the US.

If Russia refuses to restore natural gas flows to Europe, then Europe will run out of natural gas, and its economy will utterly stop.

If Europe’s economy stops, then two weeks later, the US economy stops.

These are things that cause nations to go to actual war.

In that regard, Russia announced today it will be holding NUCLEAR ATTACK CIVILIAN EVACUATION DRILLS so its citizens can become accustomed to where they have to be in such a situation.

The Russia-China Polar Silk Road Speeds Ahead

The Dancing Man Story

“Spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week. He stopped when he saw us laughing.”

Worth the Share! #DancingManStory

Source : Man Fat-Shamed Online Gets VIP Dance Party in L.A.

Dancing Man. Stopped dancing.

He stopped dancing. was ashamed with everyone laughing, and went home sullen.

This was then published…


The girls get organized.

A hunt is on!!!

Action is taken!


Support pours in from all over the internet…


Big names get involved. Such as “Moby”…

Support from Moby.

And, you know what?

He got the message!

He got the message!

Then it actually happens!


Go ahead enjoy yourself.

Having fun!

Dance, dance, dance!

Life is too short. Have a good time. Enjoy yourself!

Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines – Except For Russia And China

Sunday, Jul 17, 2022 – 11:00 AM

Infrared satellite imagery designed to measure moisture levels and the health of farmlands suggests that staple crops such as wheat are in poor condition and in sharp decline among major exporters including the Ukraine, the US and India.  Two countries do have bumper crops so far though; namely Russia and China.

It is hard to say which governments and institutions monitor this data, but a few months ago a multitude of political leaders and global banks issued simultaneous warnings of a “global food shortage” and an impending crisis.  Such institutions included the IMF, World Bank, the BIS and even the White House.  So far, a perfect storm of stagflation, supply chain disruptions and poor weather conditions have combined to disrupt food production around the world.

Price inflation due to central bank stimulus measures has been enough to do incredible damage to the many national economies, but a single bad year for crops on top of this could spell disaster.

Russia and China, on the other hand, are enjoying a strategic advantage.

As we entered spring of this year, the mainstream media heralded the end of the Russian economy and the swift collapse of their war efforts in Ukraine.

Today, Russia is selling more oil and exporting more commodities than ever before, and both Russia and China now have the most healthy staple crops in the world.

It’s almost as if the public in the west has been deliberately misled about our economic strength.

Sadly, many people in the west have forgotten the importance of commodities, industry and energy in terms of geopolitical leverage.  Without dominance of these three arenas there is no chance for a nation or group of nations to dictate terms to a country that has such advantages.  Economic warfare is about independent production and adaptability; these are two things the US and Europe do not have right now.


With declines in crop exports, food prices will rise even further this year and there is also the possibility that Russia could cut off the EU and other nations from access to their agricultural market.  Though the Kremlin says this will not happen, given the right trigger event it remains a legitimate threat.  Already this month Europe is on the edge of an economic cliff as they wait to see if the Russian “maintenance shutdown” of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline is actually temporary, or the beginning of a full bore energy crisis that will last for years.

In other words, the temptation for the eastern nations to use food as a weapon against NATO countries will be just as high on their list as oil and gas.  With food and energy stability in doubt there is also a considerable danger of civil unrest.  Third world nations are likely to see the worst of the shortages, but price inflation in necessities is here to stay for first world countries as well.  And along with that comes all the associated economic problems, including rising crime, rising unemployment and rising poverty.

A cat story

Not mine, but adorable anyways. -MM

Found my cat as a little kitten (about 6 weeks old) left to die in a box near a container. I warmed her up with my own body temperature on the way home, she was almost half dead. When I got her home and dry (because it was rainy October and I live in cold Scandinavia), she had a stable and semi-strong pulse.

I took her to the acute vet, I’m a student and I didn’t have much money, but I would rather eat oats for two-three weeks than let another living creature die. I ended up bottle feeding her every 2 hour every night and rushing home to bottle feed her in my school breaks.

That little thing is my child, all that bonding in the night when I bottle fed her. I have PTSD, and because of her, I don’t suffer from nightmares anymore.

When it was bad, she would panic and wake me up so I didn’t have to suffer through them. Even a year after I had my last nightmare, she still sleeps with her nose on my neck or cuddles with my hand and keeps her nose on my wrist to check my pulse so she can wake me up the instant she detects any distress.

The Only Real Solution Is Default

Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 – 10:30 PM

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The destruction of ‘phantom wealth’ via default has always been the only way to clear the financial system of unpayable debt burdens and extremes of rentier / wealth dominance.

The notion that the world could always borrow more money as long as interest rates were near-zero was never sustainable. It was always an unsustainable artifice that we could keep borrowing ever larger sums from the future as long as the interest payments kept dropping.

The only real solution to over-indebtedness since the beginning of finance is default. There are pretty names for variations on default that sound much less gut-wrenching–debt jubilees, refinancing, etc.– but the bottom line is the debts that can’t be paid won’t be paid and whomever owns the debt as an asset absorbs the loss.

Every default is a debt jubilee for the borrower. Whether the default is informal or formalized in bankruptcy, the debt payments are no longer being paid to the lender / owner of the debt.

Every debt jubilee is a default that forces the owner of the debt to write the value down to zero and absorb the loss. The jubilation of the owner of the debt is rather muted unless the state swoops in and passes the losses onto the taxpayers via bailouts / transferring the losses to the public’s balance sheet.

Every default is a refinancing–to zero. We’ve refinanced the debt so the borrower pays zero and the value of the loan / debt is now zero.

Very few ordinary households own other people’s debts as assets. It’s the wealthy few who own most of the student loans, vehicle loans, mortgages, government and corporation bonds, etc.

Yes, ordinary households may own other people’s debts through pension plans or ownership of mutual funds, but by and large debt is a favored asset of the rentier class, i.e. the wealthiest few.

We’re constantly told that mass defaults would destroy the economy, but this is flim-flam: mass defaults would destroy much of the wealth of the rentier class which has been greatly enriched by the global expansion of debt, while freeing the debtors of their obligations.

Recall that debt is the transfer of income from the borrower to the owner of the debt. Borrowing money is like every other form of consumption: when it’s cheap and abundant, we over-indulge. The costs are only apparent after the banquet has been cleared.

The illusion that the global economy could effortlessly add trillions in debt to fund living large forever was based on a brief historical anomaly of zero interest rates enabled by low inflation. There’s a long lag between the vast expansion of debt / consumption and the eventual consequences on supply, demand, risk and price discovery.

The lag time is up and now the consequences are finally visible: the tide of rapid growth in consumption and income required to fund ever-greater burdens of debt has ebbed, and so the global burden of debt–$300 trillion or so– is no longer sustainable / payable.

The favored solutions of the state–printing money or transferring the losses to the public–are no longer viable. Now that inflation has emerged from its slumber, printing trillions to bail out the wealthy is no longer an option. The public, so easily conned into accepting the bailout of the wealthy in 2008, has wised up and so that particular con won’t work again. (“Bail out the super-wealthy now or your ATM machine will stop working!” Uh, right.)

The state is the protector of the wealthy, and so defaults that actually impact the wealthy are anathema. The wealthy will demand the state absorb their losses (recall that profits are private, losses are socialized) The only equitable solution is to force the losses on those who bought the debt as a rentier income stream.

I’ve been exploring the Core-Periphery dynamic for a decade. ( The E.U., Neofeudalism and the Neocolonial-Financialization Model May 24, 2012). This dynamic plays out in a number of ways on a number of levels.

Defaults will play out along the lines of Core-Periphery asymmetries. Some states will be able to “print their way out of default” but most will not, as unrestrained printing of money on such a vast scale would devalue the currency, triggering an even more destructive systemic default.


Debt is a double-edged form of power. Being able to borrow and spend huge sums is an absolutely fabulous way to expand corruption, bribes, exploitation of the powerless, bridges to nowhere and mindless over-consumption, but the habits formed by mindless expansion of debt to fund soaring wealth inequality don’t serve the indebted entities very well when default removes borrowing as a way to pay and play.

Living within one’s means–i.e. net income–is the only solution there has ever been to the end-game of over-indebtedness, i.e. default. Those with relatively secure, diversified net incomes (i.e. the Core) will do much better than those with unstable, limited income.

The destruction of phantom wealth via default has always been the only way to clear the financial system of unpayable debt burdens and extremes of rentier / wealth dominance. Let’s guess that a bare minimum of $100 trillion of the $300 trillion mountain of global debt will default far sooner than most expect. The only question is who will absorb the $100 trillion in losses. Choose wisely, as defaults of debt that are transferred to the public end up bringing down the entire system via political overthrow or currency collapse.

A bad father story

By Jessika Halitski

Not my parents just my father. The only thing i will never forgive is that when I was 13 I was just released from a psyche hospital for troubled kids.

I told my mother (sole guardian) I wanted to leave and be with my dad.

So she emailed him and they worked out a plan.

One weekend right before summer break was over my mother and grandparents drove out to my dads. It was like 14 hours or something, We get to my dads house, I am outside saying good bye to my grand parents and my mother.

I am nervous I can feel my heart racing.

I was so excited.

So my mom was helping me grab my stuff out of the trunk.

While trying to call my dad, he wont answer, so she tells me to go knock on the door. I listen and go knock.

I can hear whispering but not what they are saying.

I keep knocking and nothing. A short time later, im still knocking and I hear a car pull up behind me, I just keep knocking.

My mom calls me over and I see two cops standing with her.

She looks mad. I walk over, slowly.

The cops ask me why I am TRESPASSING and that the property owner called me in for harassment.

I was so mad I just started to cry.

My mother begins to explain why we are at this house.

The one officer goes to the door and asks for my father.

He comes out I breathed a sigh of relief thinking that he would sort this whole mess out, the cop in front of my mother is still looking over the emails my mother had printed the other officer called me over and asked my father ‘is this your child did you agree to take her from the mother’ my fathers reply broke me ‘shes not mine I have never seen her before’ .

I was floored.

My mom heard it and I could feel the anger coming off her but she breathed and called me back to the car told me to get in and she shut the door.

I saw her arguing and yelling at him and the police.

Then she gets in and tells my grandfather to drive.

I did not speak to anyone for about a week.

Following this I had 15 failed suicide attempts.

It wasn’t till a while later that I realized that I had done nothing wrong that I slowly started to cope with it.

It still hurts to this day he calls and will try to pretend this never happened but, every time I hear his voice I can hear him saying those same words over and over again…

Is A US-Russia War Becoming Inevitable?

Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 – 11:40 AM

Authored by Pat Buchanan,

At the NATO summit in Madrid, Finland was invited to join the alliance. What does this mean for Finland?

If Russian President Vladimir Putin breaches the 830-mile Finnish border, the United States will rise to Helsinki’s defense and fight Russia on Finland’s side.

What does Finland’s membership in NATO mean for America?

If Putin makes a military move into Finland, the U.S. will go to war against the world’s largest nation with an arsenal of between 4,500 and 6,000 battlefield and strategic nuclear weapons.

No Cold War president would have dreamed of making such a commitment — to risk the survival of our nation to defend territory of a country thousands of miles away that has never been a U.S. vital interest.

To go to war with the Soviet Union over the preservation of Finnish territory would have been seen as madness during the Cold War.

Recall: Harry Truman refused to use force to break Joseph Stalin’s blockade of Berlin. Dwight Eisenhower refused to send U.S. troops to save the Hungarian freedom fighters being run down by Soviet tanks in Budapest in 1956.

Lyndon B. Johnson did nothing to assist the Czech patriots crushed by Warsaw Pact armies in 1968. When Lech Walesa’s Solidarity was smashed on Moscow’s order in Poland in 1981, Ronald Reagan made brave statements and sent Xerox machines.

While the U.S. issued annual declarations of support during the Cold War for the “captive nations” of Central and Eastern Europe, the liberation of these nations from Soviet control was never deemed so vital to the West as to justify a war with the USSR.

Indeed, in the 40 years of the Cold War, NATO, which had begun in 1949 with 12 member nations, added only four more — Greece, Turkey, Spain and West Germany.

Yet, with the invitation to Sweden and Finland to join as the 31st and 32nd nations to receive an Article 5 war guarantee, NATO will have doubled its membership since what was thought — certainly by the Russians — to have been the end of the Cold War.

All the nations once part of Moscow’s Warsaw Pact — East Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria — are now members of a U.S.-led NATO — directed against Russia.

Three former republics of the USSR — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania — are now also members of NATO, a military alliance formed to corral and contain the nation to which they had belonged during the Cold War.

Lithuania, with 2% of Russia’s population, has just declared a partial blockade of goods moving across its territory to Kaliningrad, Russia’s enclave on the Baltic Sea.

To Putin’s protest, Vilnius has reminded Moscow that Lithuania is a member of NATO.

It is a dictum of geostrategic politics that a great power ought never cede to a lesser power the ability to draw it into a great war.

In 1914, the kaiser’s Germany gave its Austrian ally a “blank check” to punish Serbia for its role in the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. Vienna cashed the kaiser’s check and attacked Serbia, and the Great War of 1914-1918 was on.

In March 1939, Neville Chamberlain issued a war guarantee to Poland. If Germany attacked Poland, Britain would fight on Poland’s side.

Fortified with this war guarantee from the British Empire, the Poles stonewalled Hitler, refusing to talk to Berlin over German claims to the city of Danzig, taken from her at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference.

On Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler attacked and Britain declared war, a war that lasted six years and mortally wounded the British Empire.

And Poland? At Yalta in 1945, Winston Churchill agreed that a Soviet-occupied Poland should remain in Stalin’s custody.

Putin is a Russian nationalist who regards the breakup of the USSR as the greatest calamity of the 20th century, but he is not alone responsible for the wretched relations between our countries.

We Americans have played a leading role in what is shaping up as a Second Cold War, more dangerous than the first.

Over the last quarter-century, after Russia dissolved the Warsaw Pact and let the USSR break apart into 15 nations, we pushed NATO, created to corral and contain Russia, into Central and Eastern Europe.

In 2008, neocons goaded Georgia into attacking South Ossetia, provoking Russian intervention and the rout of the Georgian army.

In 2014, neocons goaded Ukrainians into overthrowing the elected pro-Russian regime in Kyiv. When they succeeded, Putin seized Crimea and Sevastopol, for centuries the home base of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

In 2022, Moscow asked the U.S. to pledge not to bring Ukraine into NATO. We refused. And Putin attacked. If Russians believe their country has been pushed against a wall by the West, can we blame them?

Americans appear dismissive of dark Russian warnings that rather than accept defeat in Ukraine, the humiliation of their nation, and their encirclement and isolation, they will resort to tactical nuclear weapons.

Is it really wisdom to dismiss these warnings as “saber-rattling”?

Poverty is not measured by the amount of money you have.

I thought we were well off when I was young. We had a house, 2 older but functional cars, and we always had food. I did not understand why my dad was always away, or why my mom was always nervous and irritable. I did not notice that it was always the same food, and there were no pictures on the peanut butter, vegetables, or cheese. I didn’t know other people didn’t drink powdered milk. I didn’t realize a lot of things.

One day, in school, I noticed that my lunch tickets were a different color than the ones the kids around me had. I asked why the office gave them that color, and why they did not have to initial theirs. They said they got their tickets from their parents every week. They had no idea what I was talking about. My mom deflected the question when I asked. I got curious. I noticed we did not go to the store to get clothes. I always got boxes of clothes I tried on at home. Whatever didn’t fit just wandered off. My shoes didn’t have the same logos, and my coats had none. My dad always wore the exact same pair of boots to work, and I had happily chiseled the crusted blacktop off of them so they looked nice over the years. I began to see that our cars were rustier than most, and little losses were devastating to my mom. I saw the overall quality of what we had was shabbier than my classmates’ things. It all began to make sense.

There was no “aha” moment. It was a slow dawning realization. We were poor. Not absolutely, but relative to our community. I would guess we were one automotive breakdown, one major home repair, or one medical catastrophe from being homeless at any point in time. My mom figured out I knew before my dad did. My demeanor didn’t change, but my behavior did. I asked for less. I didn’t ask for anything for Christmas that year. Or any year after. I asked to have small birthday parties at home. I was never big on clothing trends, but wore clothes until they fell apart or I had completely outgrown them. I stopped asking for money for a donut and milk at the bakery across from the school (they were day olds the manager kept for me without me knowing.) I walked to school more and asked for rides less. I paid attention to prices when we went grocery shopping, and asked for less big ticket items. I did not tell my brother. I shared more with him. I accepted more invitations when my friends parents offered dinner or to stay over. I asked my friends to stay over less often. I learned to repair my bike, to sew, and to garden. I seldom turned on my lights, took short showers, bundled up in the winter, and avoided the TV aside from a few shows.

I understood that which my parents had hidden from me. I adjusted. They accepted that I was helping in my own way. To their credit, they would offer to buy clothes, try to tempt me with the Toys’r’us catalog, and would pay attention to everything I would eyeball at the mall and Farm&Fleet. They would not let me avoid the school book fair, since they knew my great love was reading. I still have that love. What they fostered grew. I am still frugal, weigh the cost of items against their value, buy mostly from thrift stores, and live simply. I cherish experiences and people more than objects. I try to constantly keep learning and growing. I learned I was never truly poor. I just lacked money.

Grandma’s “Afghan”

The Blanket That Was Set Over Every Grandma’s Couch

We Are About To Experience An Absolutely Epic Housing Crash The Likes Of Which America Has Never Seen Before


You may not want to buy a house right now.  What goes up must eventually come down, and we have just entered the “down” side of that equation.  Over the past two years, home prices in the United States have gone up nearly 40 percent.  Now mortgage rates are rising at a pace that is truly frightening, and they are likely to go even higher in the months ahead as the Federal Reserve continues to fight a relentless war against inflation.  Needless to say, higher mortgage rates mean higher potential mortgage payments for prospective home buyers, and so millions of Americans are being priced out of the marketplace right now.  The only thing that is going to bring those buyers back into the marketplace is for home prices to go down, and that is already starting to happen in some areas of the nation.

We were already in a historic housing bubble heading into 2020, and over the past two years we have witnessed another housing bubble develop on top of the previous housing bubble.

Overall, home prices in the U.S. rose 37 percent between March 2020 and March 2022.

That is insane.

Of course our incomes have not been going up as fast as home prices have.  In fact, it is being reported that “home prices have gone up four times faster than incomes” over the past year…

Economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas put the real estate industry on edge this spring after they published a paper titled Real-Time Market Monitoring Finds Signs of Brewing U.S. Housing Bubble. Why the renewed concern? Over the past year alone, home prices have gone up four times faster than incomes. Simple economic theory, which dictates that neither home prices nor incomes can outgrow the other for very long, tells us that isn’t sustainable.

There is no way that this could continue for long, and we have reached a point where home prices in the United States are “overvalued” by almost 25 percent

The analysis conducted by Moody’s Analytics aimed to find out whether economic fundamentals, including local income levels, could support local home prices. On a national level, Moody’s Analytics finds U.S. home prices are “overvalued” by 24.7%. In other words, U.S. home prices are 24.7% higher than they would historically trade at given current income levels.

Does this mean that home prices will come down by 25 percent?

Well, it all depends on what the Federal Reserve chooses to do.

If the Fed decides to stop raising interest rates by the end of this year, the damage could potentially be minimized.

But if the Fed continues to raise interest rates throughout 2023, we are likely to see carnage that is unlike anything we have ever seen before.

Personally, I have been stunned by how rapidly mortgage rates have risen.  According to Peter Schiff, the last time that average 30 year mortgage rates crossed the 6 percent threshold was just before the last housing crash…

Average 30-year mortgage rates have pushed to nearly 6.4%. The last time we saw mortgage rates over 6% was right before the housing crash of 2008. Until mid-April, mortgage rates were in the 4% to 5% range. Just one month ago, rates were 5.49%.

Lower-income homebuyers have already been priced out of the market by spiking mortgage rates. The houses that are selling tend to be in higher price ranges.

Officials at the Federal Reserve can see what is happening, but they consider taming inflation to be a much higher priority right now.

So the housing bubble will inevitably continue to implode, and the numbers for the industry will just get even uglier.  Here is more from Peter Schiff

Air is hissing out of the housing bubble faster and faster every week.

Pending sales plunged in June and the inventory of homes on the market jumped as mortgage rates continue to rapidly rise.

Pending home sales plunged by 16% year-over-year in June. This follows on the heels of a 12% drop in May and a 9% dip in April. June marked the 10th straight month of year-on-year declines in pending sales.

Some of the hottest markets in the country have started to cool off really fast.

For example, just look at what is happening in California

The pace of California home sales plunged 21% in June from a year earlier as soaring mortgage rates took a bite out of buyer interest, the state Realtors group reported Monday.

And what we are witnessing in Boise is really alarming.

Boise was once one of the hottest markets in the entire nation, but now sales are dropping faster than Joe Biden’s approval rating

Before governors relaxed stay-at-home orders two years ago, white-collar professionals were already fleeing their exorbitantly priced apartments in cities like San Francisco and Seattle. The biggest beneficiary of that WFH homebuying wave was undoubtedly Boise—where home prices skyrocketed 53%. You could even call it the poster child of the pandemic housing boom.

But that Boise honeymoon is over. While spiking mortgage rates have pushed the overall U.S. housing market into a slowdown, it has delivered a particularly hard blow to the Boise housing market. That has seen both Boise home sales plummet—down 28% on a year-over-year basis—and inventory levels surge—up 161% this year. It’s also chipping away at home values. According to Zillow, the median Boise home sales price fell 3.5% in June.

This downturn is going to have enormous implications for home builders as well.

Sales are falling, and a key measure of home builder confidence just declined for the seventh month in a row

The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, which measures the pulse of the single-family housing market, fell for the seventh consecutive month to 55, the lowest level since May 2020. It is the second-biggest, one-month decline in the survey’s 37-year history.

The only time that the index has fallen more in a single month was during the very early stages of the COVID pandemic.

National Association of Home Builders CEO Jerry Howard fears that things will continue to get worse in the months ahead, and he is warning that “we’re going to go into a recession” unless something dramatic happens…

“For the last seven straight months it has been going down and this is a huge drop – and I think all it says is, ‘Somebody do something or we’re going to go into a recession,’” Howard said.

I am sorry to tell you this Jerry, but we are already in a recession right now, and it is going to get really bad.

Our leaders have been making decisions that have been mind-numbingly bad for a long time, and now we are all going to suffer the consequences.

If you are searching for an easy way out of this mess, you can stop looking, because there isn’t one.

What we are heading for is going to make 2008 and 2009 look like a Sunday picnic, and it will shake our nation to the core.


Television memories…

Big Wood Grain Console TVs…

Boston Cream Pie

The Parker House Hotel in downtown Boston has bragging rights as the place where Boston cream pie was invented in 1856. It’s technically not a pie, but a yellow butter cake or sponge cake with a sweet rich custard and thick chocolate glaze.

According to Historic Hotels of America, the popular dessert was known as Chocolate Cream Pie, and became a Betty Crocker boxed mix in 1958. It is still a sought-out fave on menus in Boston and throughout New England. In fact, in 1996 the Boston cream pie was declared the official state dessert of Massachusetts.

Boston Cream Pie

Check out this you-tube video…

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The forms we take as we escape

This is a Patreon video first released in early Summer 2022. It’s a very complex subject and discusses the quantum forms that are aligned upon the moment of death. Feel free to visit the MM Patreon site at any time to see the entire pile of in-depth videos that cover these most unusual subjects.

I hope that you get something out of this video.

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The Metallicman patrion page has daily videos and articles for the hard-core influencers and supporters. Here’s the really valuable stuff. Basic membership is only $5 a month. Great stuff here. It’s where I present the “secrets of the universe”…

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The art of the sketch by An Jae Hyun (안재현)

Let’s have some fun. Let’s look at some wonderful sketches. As, after all, I have always felt that sketches are the backbone of the work of art, irregardless as to what medium you employ. I hope that you enjoy this little interlude.

If you’ve ever learned to draw, you know it’s not easy (unless you were born a Da Vinci). South Korean drawing teacher An Jae Hyun (안재현) will clearly show you how to feel and correctly depict the structure of an object. This will help you learn and improve your drawing skills.

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214178231 971617213380670 3702014825663094663 n 768x768 1
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241565112 427199702076062 7833466942244940031 n 650x650 1
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241103222 825767854801086 8240770370821202837 n 650x650 1
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241010414 904857377043437 6215722194506987697 n 650x650 1
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245587103 460438268656816 3150829984449952651 n 650x650 1
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245009767 924514578164031 9143153332509344897 n 650x650 1
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244993288 882592902622746 197374845257325901 n 650x650 1
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244988832 540068843758959 5472664760434772107 n 650x650 1
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244565957 381025240362100 5323452675759913814 n 650x650 1
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244563484 224054576384896 7570702491584373925 n 650x650 1
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244517129 476424950045648 8114181512315307962 n 650x650 1
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244349958 4157726874336286 203157320213935344 n 650x650 1
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244242418 398195151678647 725240261999803330 n 650x650 1
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243766119 145238414486051 4900696628718770819 n 650x650 1
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244049734 903086610630670 6994865955760873478 n 650x650 1
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243663805 566635594455153 2456087385902166266 n 650x650 1
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243318846 1051752979003727 6389901675468516094 n 650x650 1
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243093126 4363056527122351 6825639280078390595 n 650x650 1
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243073233 165109935786844 5234364658013598015 n 650x650 1
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242852105 385262086479808 2868200656842895964 n 650x650 1
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242808574 832898034089257 687059339272556920 n 650x650 1
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242759777 398988921612064 4481587093526170597 n 650x650 1
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242744757 561777935027140 3903119561051729985 n 650x650 1
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242695805 575851916943308 3491453463204797040 n 650x650 1
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242394888 187752933443034 6817642399495934978 n 650x650 1
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242354632 608639130293165 657545658760465695 n 650x650 1
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242334188 286059606681488 669211447033670601 n
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242210480 127585949610465 9135936096239194236 n
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242179234 559124778629873 894582816344130552 n
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242102676 539200113849962 3251510251161812086 n
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242042294 126966363008533 7216581467266041465 n
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2022 03 02 20 17
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202427155 477998283496726 4631006934154076352 n 650x667 1
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248360092 1330655067352832 103924667376577818 n 650x650 1
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248357540 2006140449566928 7091344669864265821 n 650x650 1
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247178998 4543786172376909 351017608254523808 n 650x650 1
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246826486 966354484091882 4446343701689673232 n 650x650 1
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246473711 1054771995320369 3061954078532656395 n 650x650 1
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President Biden is Hell bent on destroying the world (its a fact)

My long term observations is that:

These bankrupt nations/failed States have caused a sudden drastic currency depreciation, outflow of capital, and massive inflation (cost of living stress), stock and property price drop etc. They are all linked to the United States (incredible and reckless) massive money printing. As well as the Unites States reserve Bank's interest rate rise.

This is how (in the past) the American regime would end up periodically looting the world. Not just the world, but friends and enemies alike,  including its own allies. Doing so without any military action.

This is a complex topic.

Now, the Chinese CCP studied how this US policy works.  And now, this time, China is so well prepared that there are basically no inflation in China. At all.

This time, when the US regime ran this old technique again, the EU is seriously and badly affected.

What are they to do? Well, it's obvious. Watch the outflow of currency. Indeed, a large portion of EU money is flowing to China as safe heaven instead of to the USA. 

As a result, the United States suffered catastrophic inflation domestically...

... and, in regards to China, it completely lost it effectiveness as a tool of chaos, control and power.


Here we go through the motions as our idiotic Western governments invite nuclear war upon the world.

President of Serbia: “All Hell is About To Break Loose in Ukraine” – World War 3 is Already happening


The Ukraine conflict is in fact already a world war, given that the West is fighting Russia via its proxies in Kiev, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told local media on Wednesday.

We should understand that amid the world war – because all the talks that it is a regional or a local war must be dropped – the entire Western world is fighting against Russia via Ukrainians. It is a global conflict,” he said in an interview with Pink TV.

The president said that the ongoing global war is what concerns him the most, and, in his view, it will only get worse. He also added that the conflict in Ukraine is taking its toll on the Balkans, reiterating that Serbia would do its best to keep the peace in the region.

Moreover, Vucic believes that after Russia gains some more ground in eastern Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin will approach the West with a certain “proposal.”

I know what awaits us. As soon as Vladimir Putin has done his work in Seversk, Bakhmut and Soledar, after reaching the second line Slaviansk-Kramatorsk-Avdeevka, he will come up with a proposal. And if they [the West] don’t accept it, – and they won’t – all hell will break loose,” he predicted, without providing any details on the would-be initiative.

The Serbian president also offered the reminder that his nation maintains close relations with Russia and China, adding that pursuing such policies does not come easy for Belgrade right now.

Vucic’s comments come after Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said in early July that the West should apologize to Belgrade for the 1999 bombing campaign instead of forcing it to become a “NATO foot soldier” in the conflict with Russia.

Threads – 10 minutes of the bunker scenes

Yeah. This is the real deal. Soak it up.

Tender and Militant: Artist Sung-Choul Ham and His South Korean Fantasy Worlds


Sung-Choul Ham is an artist from South Korea, he draws illustrations and concepts (mostly fighting anime girls) for games and movies. He’s currently working at Majors Studio where he’s developing characters for South Korean fantasy MMORPGs and he’s doing a great job.


U.S. Railroad Strike Begins July 18 – Trains will stop

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) voted by a margin of 99.5 percent to authorize a strike if such action becomes legal and “necessary to secure a contract worthy of their consideration.” A strike like this threatens to halt all train movement across the country.

In a statement, BLET National President Dennis Pierce said that this is the first nationwide strike vote since 2011, but that it is necessary because railroads “used and continue to use their economic strength to steamroll their employees, their customers and the nation, all for the sake of their bottom line, and it is clear that they have no intentions of changing.”

In the third year of the national contract negotiation process, he added, “the rail carriers have never made a contract proposal to our union that their employees, our members, would accept.”

The moment trains stop, all the supply-chain issues previously experienced by Americans, will grow worse by orders of magnitude.

Egg Salad

This salad takes some work, but if you don’t mind peeling a few eggs, you can enjoy this family-friendly, budget-conscious hearty salad. Mustard and paprika give it that extra kick.

Egg Salad.

Ready for something fantastic and easy? You’re in luck! This is a classic egg salad recipe, just like Grandma used to make! Sit down with it for a quick lunch … or chow down for dinner at any time as the weather gets warmer.

I know what you may be thinking … “This is such a classic! I have my own recipe passed down through the generations. Doesn’t everyone?!” To that, I answer, tradition is wonderful, but just give this one a try! It’s my own perfected egg salad recipe that you’ll simply adore. You may even use it to tweak the recipe that’s been in your family forever! It’s that amazing: creamy, eggy, and full of crisp onions and celery. So good!


And if you’ve never made egg salad before? Don’t despair!! This egg salad recipe is very, very easy. In fact, there are only a few steps: five steps to hardboil the eggs and three steps to put together the salad itself. The ingredients are the kind you can find at any store, and it lasts 3-5 days in the fridge (if you’re lucky enough to have leftovers!). If you’re someone who doesn’t have a traditional family egg salad recipe, well, here you go with your new family recipe!

Egg Salad Recipe

  • large eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • yellow mustard
  • green onion
  • celery
  • salt
  • ground black pepper
  • paprika

Note: Make sure your eggs are fresh for this recipe! Expired eggs will float to the top of the water when you try to cook them, but a fresh egg will sit neatly at the bottom of the pan on its side.

Delicious and healthy ingredients.

How To Make Egg Salad

Time needed: 30 minutes.

How To Make Egg Salad

  1. Add the eggs to a medium saucepan. Add cold water to a level where it is just covering the eggs.

  2. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let the eggs stand for 15 minutes.

  3. Remove the eggs to a large bowl with ice water and let the eggs cool.

  4. Peel and chop the eggs and place them in a medium bowl.

  5. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

  6. Spread the egg mixture on your favorite bread or crackers, or serve on lettuce or in a wrap!
Sandwich on plate.

I am in Pennsylvania . . .

I am at the house I inherited in Pennsylvania.  My wife did not come.

We’re trying to work things out.

Maybe she’ll come up next week.

I told her I feel that Russia is going to attack the United States with a nuclear first strike over our helping Ukraine kill Russian soldiers.

I told her that I believe New York City is a major target for such a first strike, because it will cripple the nation’s banking industry and stock markets.

I told her that Russia uses what they call the “YARS” missile for such attacks, and that each missile carries a warhead with an eight hundred kiloton (800kt) yeild.

I explained that such bombs are usually air-burst about 2900 meters (1.5 Miles) above a target.

With our condo being located just 3 miles west, southwest of the Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan, our condo would not survive and neither would anyone in it.

At the initial blast, the bright, white, flash would instantly cause temperatures outside our front door of over one-hundred-thousand degrees.  The entire building would burst instantly into flames.  Then comes the blast wave from the air being pushed by the explosion.  Thousand mile per hour winds  causing an “over-pressure” of about 30,000 p.s.i. would crush the building into a burning pile of rubble in seconds.

I told her there is no way any of us would have any chance at all of surviving; that we would die a horrible fiery and crushing death within seconds.

I also showed her the PSA put out this week by NYC Emergency management, telling people what to do if a nuke hits NYC., and I showed her the new warning signs going up in shopping centers in New Jersey warning people of what to do in a “Radiation Emergency.”

I told her that the US Dept. of Homeland Security is the one paying to put those signs up because they KNOW what’s coming.

She said she has some things to do and some Doctors to see, but maybe she’ll come up later next week.

I said, fine, I just want you to understand that if Russia launches, their missiles can get here before I can get from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.  I won’t be able to save her.

She understood.

So that’s where we are.

I won’t go into the marriage issues that caused such an upheaval last Friday that I couldn’t do a show.  Suffice it to say things are bad.

How bad?

I took off my wedding ring.

That bad.


I feel really bad for this guy. I hope that things calm down and settle down. Be good to each other, and remember that it is your family and friends that are you greatest strength during these times of great stress. -MM

A most Japanese thing…

Ready for an Interview.

Japan has a strict rule when you’re job hunting, especially for university students.

They all have to wear what is called recruit suit.

This is the basic black suit, white shirt, black business bag and black dress shoes. It has to be the standard design and length. Hair should be dyed black. There is a range of color of black dyes that are acceptable. For women, hair should be tied into a ponytail. For men, it should be cut short and professional-looking.

Clothing shops selling suits and businesswear sell these recruit suits every hiring season. You’ll see ads and posters all around Japan.

You should blend in together with the rest of the applicants. It will be disastrous for your application if you stray from these rules.

Very Japanese thing.

In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors is in full swing

Mega Eurasian organizations and their respective projects are now converging at record speed, with one global pole way ahead of the other.

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and cross-posted with The Cradle


The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect.

Very few, both in the east and west, are aware of how this actually has long been in the making: the Russia-Iran-India agreement for implementing a shorter and cheaper Eurasian trade route via the Caspian Sea (compared to the Suez Canal), was first signed in 2000, in the pre-9/11 era.

The INSTC in full operational mode signals a powerful hallmark of Eurasian integration – alongside the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and last but not least, what I described as “Pipelineistan” two decades ago.

Caspian is key

Let’s have a first look on how these vectors are interacting.

The genesis of the current acceleration lies in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Ashgabat, Turkmenistan’s capital, for the 6th Caspian Summit. This event not only brought the evolving Russia-Iran strategic partnership to a deeper level, but crucially, all five Caspian Sea littoral states agreed that no NATO warships or bases will be allowed on site.

That essentially configures the Caspian as a virtual Russian lake, and in a minor sense, Iranian – without compromising the interests of the three “stans,” Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. For all practical purposes, Moscow has tightened its grip on Central Asia a notch.

As the Caspian Sea is connected to the Black Sea by canals off the Volga built by the former USSR, Moscow can always count on a reserve navy of small vessels – invariably equipped with powerful missiles – that may be transferred to the Black Sea in no time if necessary.

Stronger trade and financial links with Iran now proceed in tandem with binding the three “stans” to the Russian matrix. Gas-rich republic Turkmenistan for its part has been historically idiosyncratic – apart from committing most of its exports to China.

Under an arguably more pragmatic young new leader, President Serdar Berdimuhamedow, Ashgabat may eventually opt to become a member of the SCO and/or the EAEU.

Caspian littoral state Azerbaijan on the other hand presents a complex case: an oil and gas producer eyed by the European Union (EU) to become an alternative energy supplier to Russia – although this is not happening anytime soon.

The West Asia connection

Iran’s foreign policy under President Ebrahim Raisi is clearly on a Eurasian and Global South trajectory. Tehran will be formally incorporated into the SCO as a full member in the upcoming summit in Samarkand in September, while its formal application to join the BRICS has been filed.

Purnima Anand, head of the BRICS International Forum, has stated that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are also very much keen on joining BRICS. Should that happen, by 2024 we could be on our way to a powerful West Asia, North Africa hub firmly installed inside one of the key institutions of the multipolar world.

As Putin heads to Tehran next week for trilateral Russia, Iran, Turkey talks, ostensibly about Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is bound to bring up the subject of BRICS.

Tehran is operating on two parallel vectors. In the event the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is revived – a quite dim possibility as it stands, considering the latest shenanigans in Vienna and Doha – that would represent a tactical victory. Yet moving towards Eurasia is on a whole new strategic level.

In the INSTC framework, Iran will make maximum good use of the geostrategically crucial port of Bandar Abbas – straddling the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

Yet as much as it may be portrayed as a major diplomatic victory, it’s clear that Tehran will not be able to make full use of BRICS membership if western – especially US – sanctions are not totally lifted.

Pipelines and the “stans”

A compelling argument can be made that Russia and China might eventually fill the western technology void in the Iranian development process. But there’s a lot more that platforms such as the INSTC, the EAEU and even BRICS can accomplish.

Across “Pipelineistan,” the War of Economic Corridors gets even more complex. Western propaganda simply cannot admit that Azerbaijan, Algeria, Libya, Russia’s allies at OPEC, and even Kazakhstan are not exactly keen on increasing their oil production to help Europe.

Kazakhstan is a tricky case: it is the largest oil producer in Central Asia and set to be a major natural gas supplier, right after Russia and Turkmenistan. More than 250 oil and gas fields are operated in Kazakhstan by 104 companies, including western energy giants such as Chevron, Total, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

While exports of oil, natural gas and petroleum products comprise 57 percent of Kazakhstan’s exports, natural gas is responsible for 85 percent of Turkmenistan’s budget (with 80 percent of exports committed to China). Interestingly, Galkynysh is the second largest gas field on the planet.

Compared to the other “stans,” Azerbaijan is a relatively minor producer (despite oil accounting for 86 percent of its total exports) and basically a transit nation. Baku’s super-wealth aspirations center on the Southern Gas Corridor, which includes no less than three pipelines: Baku-Tblisi-Erzurum (BTE); the Turkish-driven Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP); and the Trans-Adriatic (TAP).

The problem with this acronym festival – BTE, TANAP, TAP – is that they all need massive foreign investment to increase capacity, which the EU sorely lacks because every single euro is committed by unelected Brussels Eurocrats to “support” the black hole that is Ukraine. The same financial woes apply to a possible Trans-Caspian Pipeline which would further link to both TANAP and TAP.

In the War of Economic Corridors – the “Pipelineistan” chapter – a crucial aspect is that most Kazakh oil exports to the EU go through Russia, via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). As an alternative, the Europeans are mulling on a still fuzzy Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, also known as the Middle Corridor (Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey). They actively discussed it in Brussels last month.

The bottom line is that Russia remains in full control of the Eurasia pipeline chessboard (and we’re not even talking about the Gazprom-operated pipelines Power of Siberia 1 and 2 leading to China).

Gazprom executives know all too well that a fast increase of energy exports to the EU is out of the question. They also factor the Tehran Convention – that helps prevent and control pollution and maintain the environmental integrity of the Caspian Sea, signed by all five littoral members.

Breaking BRI in Russia

China, for its part, is confident that one of its prime strategic nightmares may eventually disappear. The notorious “escape from Malacca” is bound to materialize, in cooperation with Russia, via the Northern Sea Route, which will shorten the trade and connectivity corridor from East Asia to Northern Europe from 11,200 nautical miles to only 6,500 nautical miles. Call it the polar twin of the INSTC.

This also explains why Russia has been busy building a vast array of state-of-the-art icebreakers.

So here we have an interconnection of New Silk Roads (the INSTC proceeds in parallel with BRI and the EAEU), Pipelineistan, and the Northern Sea Route on the way to turn western trade domination completely upside down.

Of course, the Chinese have had it planned for quite a while. The first White Paper on China’s Arctic policy, in January 2018, already showed how Beijing is aiming, “jointly with other states” (that means Russia), to implement sea trade routes in the Arctic within the framework of the Polar Silk Road.

And like clockwork, Putin subsequently confirmed that the Northern Sea Route should interact and complement the Chinese Maritime Silk Road.

Russia-China Economic cooperation is evolving on so many complex, convergent levels that just to keep track of it all is a dizzying experience.

A more detailed analysis will reveal some of the finer points, for instance how BRI and SCO interact, and how BRI projects will have to adapt to the heady consequences of Moscow’s Operation Z in Ukraine, with more emphasis being placed on developing Central and West Asian corridors.

It’s always crucial to consider that one of Washington’s key strategic objectives in the relentless hybrid war against Russia was always to break BRI corridors that crisscross Russian territory.

As it stands, it’s important to realize that dozens of BRI projects in industry and investment and cross-border inter-regional cooperation will end up consolidating the Russian concept of the Greater Eurasia Partnership – which essentially revolves around establishing multilateral cooperation with a vast range of nations belonging to organizations such as the EAEU, the SCO, BRICS and ASEAN.

Welcome to the new Eurasian mantra: Make Economic Corridors, Not War.

You’re a disaster

An outstanding commentary by a former Pentagon Advisor to the US President, commenting on what he would tell President Biden…

The story of emperor of China, “Wu of Jin”

At the end of his reign as emperor of China, “Wu of Jin” brought more than 5,000 women to his palace.

From that moment on, the emperor concentrated on celebrating and enjoying women, rather than on important matters of state.

It was said that there were so many beautiful women in the palace that he literally did not know who he should have sex with; therefore, he came up with a rather… “particular” solution.


Every day he walked inside the palace in a small wooden carriage powered by goats, if the goats stopped in front of any woman, that was the one the emperor chose.

Because of this, many of the women planted bamboo leaves outside their bedrooms, in order to attract the goats.

This, I assure you, will not appear in any of your history books.

I’m 23 and I’m from California, USA but I’ve lived in Barcelona collectively for a year now. I work remotely with clients across Europe and the States.

There are quite a few things that keep me here.

Socially, I’m less isolated, less alone, more included despite my horrific Spanish.

I noticed immediately when I moved here how much more social and communal my days became. I had lived in New York City before coming here. One of the most crowded, diverse cities in the world and proclaimed ‘city that never sleeps’, made me feel the most isolated.

Anytime there is free time here, every night of the week, there is someone inviting me to just sit and get coffee or a drink. In the US, it would take me three weeks to see as many friends I catch up with here in three days. Plans are easy and people take time to interact. I’ve noticed how much happier everyone else is, including myself.

The more relaxed mentality counteracts my workaholic bs.

Both my parents are entrepreneurs as am I. I went to a competitive business school in Dallas, Texas. Stressed is a default setting for me. And to some degree, that’s been beneficial. But moving here and being surrounded by people who will tell me I’m over doing it and need a drink is absolutely priceless. I’ve actually noticed a difference in how I physically feel and physically how the day “looks” to me; more light and not so impacted even if I am still working a lot. A collective, calmer energy around me is really helpful.

They dress better and now I dress better.

Where I’m from, the standard look is work out clothes everyday and if you put on even so much as jeans people ask you where you’re going. My university in Texas was worse. Here, an actual adult outfit is what’s expected. Everyone looks nice. Of course, within about three days I went shopping and got my shit together. I actually feel more confident and put together when I’m here because of that social standard.

They eat better and now I eat better.

I find it so much easier to eat healthier here. The mediterranean diet is inescapable. At home, there is kind of this half-assed healthy/convenience diet everyone, myself included strives for. You might know what I’m talking about. I’m no longer living off Diet Coke and protein bars. Which is great. Meal time is taken a little more seriously here so I cook and put a lot more conscious thought into my food.

Social barriers we have in the States do not exist.

I have friends who are senior managers at Deloitte that are also best friends with waiters. No one cares. No. One. Cares. Career is not the main topic of conversation or what people align their lives around. It’s simply how you make money to be able to go out and drink with your friends whoever they may be. This was way different for me. My whole life is my business and I came from cities where everyone’s social circles revolves around their jobs. I really love it. There are more perspectives and understanding.

Anyways, I just spent a few months back in the US getting a new visa. Of course there are things about the US that are very much engrained in me that I believe have made me who I am and I love that. There will always be things I love about home. Right now, Spain is showing me things about myself and other perspectives I can really appreciate.

We’re learning more than ever about war from the Ukraine

By <name withheld>

That is, if you follow closely what is happening.

We see that it is brutal beyond our imagination. Our imagination fails
because for the last 30 years the Western Media’s main job was to
Ignore, Deny and Justify the daily carnage dealt out to “Brown-Skins”.
There were some Eastern Europeans in there too, but call them Commies.

Now the Western Media job is to report every nuance, and even invent
most of the stories to give their “reporting” a flare. Every atrocity
they report has already been happening for 3 decades, but the official
position is that we really didn’t care. Let “Democracy” do its work.

We see that the worst travesty on earth is what they call the proxy
war. Opposing “great” powers hire third world discontents to perform a
chicken (cock) fight, and the powers sit on the sidelines making their
bets. The person could probably make $10/day in their home country.
(Like the Ukraine average), If they can get an honest job. Or they can
push drugs and engage with crime and make more (like in Ukraine).

But on the battle field they are promised $50/day, sometimes even
$100/day, (but then are usually paid less). All they have to do is kill
some people. And most of the times it’s unarmed civilians. It is kind
of like a sports club or a fraternity. Make a few IED’s. Not quite the
same in today’s war.

In the Ukraine one side is proxy, (with their own people of course, but
with proxy armaments). The Ukrainian military is not paid any premium,
but their pay is sent in by proxy. And the other side, Russian allies,
are working for their own security against the proxy sponsors. (It is
a very interesting dynamic, that I can comment on, but not in this piece.)

The Ukraine used to have all the cities except those occupied the LPR
and DPR. They had 8 years to fortify them and stock military supplies,
according to their battle plan. Now they have lost much of that
territory plus a land bridge from Russia to the Crimea, Kherson and the
like. Therefore we can conclude by this movement, that Russia is on the
offensive and Ukraine on the defensive. Today I am not counting Russia’s
drive toward Kiev. Maybe it was just an experiment to see if things
could happen easy, without much loss of life. I find it honorable.

The offensive side controls the battle plan and the speed and direction
of the attacks. The defense has to absorb what the offense doles out to
them. The offense can easily go back and forth, with the objective to
save their lives. The defense cannot go back (unless they must), and
the lives lost can make NO DIFFERENCE.

Too many commenter’s claim the battle is stalled out. So Russia must be
hurting, because it doesn’t go forward according to MY (the commenter’s)
CONCEPT. Not to Russia’s plan? But if you look closely, on each day
that the front lines don’t move, many hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers are
killed, (each day) and many dozens of their heavy equipment destroyed.
It is through stand-off artillery not face to face combat, so the losses
are not equal. It is said that 50% of Ukrainian BTG’s have heavy
losses, one up to 80%. Can you imagine what it feels like to be in a
BTG of 900 soldiers and now there are only 180 left? Unfortunately, in
war, many countries understand only body counts. I think the USA is
like that.

So the mistake is to judge the war only by movement on the front. Asking
what major cities have been taken?

So far this war is to liberate the Ex-Russian, the Russian speaking
population from under the fascist regime. So the goal is to preserve
their lives, and allow them to build a productive society in the
future. We won’t know about the non-Russian speaking population until
they get there. You can’t just take a poll to ask what they think.
They are not allowed to express any doubt, under severe fascist
penalties, including death. If they are liberated, many might choose to
live far away from the Kiev regime. So you don’t want to kill or maim
those civilians either. Maybe by the time you get to Lvov, you can
take off the kid gloves.

1. Not all relationships will lead to marriage, some will help you discover new restaurants.

2. It’s not selfish to make your happiness your main priority.

3. Stay away from “still” people. Still broke, still complaining, still hating, still nowhere.

4. Anything that costs you your mental health is too expensive.

5. Make sure you’re not the only one who actually values the connection.

6. You don’t have to be liked by everybody. You don’t even like everybody.

7. People may be upset when you choose you over their mess. Choose you anyway.

8. Listen, that move you are scared to make, might be the game changer.

9. There is a past version of you that is so proud of how far you have come.

10. If someone’s absence brings you peace. You didn’t lose anything.

Sherry Cam.

Iran, Argentina apply to join BRICS bloc after recent summit: Report

Ahead of the summit, Saudi Arabia too expressed interest to join the grouping, according to reports.


Every nation is "abandoning the USD" and "abandoning the West" and getting on board with the united Asia. -MM

and have applied to join the mechanism, the Russian state media reported, days after a summit of the five-nation bloc during which the leaders agreed to continue to discuss the possibility of admitting new countries to the grouping on the basis of “full consultation and consensus.”

and have applied for joining (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was quoted as saying by the state-run Tass news agency.

It reported that Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Monday that Tehran has applied for membership.

Tehran filed the application for accession to the BRICS, he said.

The diplomat expressed hope that “ will be able to contribute to the BRICS’ operation and benefit the organisation.”

Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez said at a BRICS+ meeting last week that his country wants to become a full member of the association, the Tass report said.

Ahead of the summit, Saudi Arabia too expressed interest to join the grouping, according to reports.

The issue of expansion of the BRICS bloc was figured in the June 23 virtual summit hosted by China, which is this year’s chair.

The declaration issued at the end of the summit said the leaders will continue to discuss the possibility of admitting new countries to the five-nation grouping on the basis of “full consultation and consensus.”

Asked for his reaction at a media briefing here on Tuesday about Iran and applying to join BRICS, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said many countries have expressed their interest to join the five-member bloc of emerging markets.

“BRICS countries agreed that it is important to step up cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries to improve the representativeness of the BRICS mechanism and make it loudly heard on major issues so that we can better rise up to challenges and uphold the interests of emerging markets and developing counties,” Zhao said.

“We have noted that many countries including Iran and Argentina have expressed their willingness to join the BRICS family. As the chair of the BRICS this year China actively supports BRICS countries to start the membership expansion process to expand BRICS Plus cooperation,” he said.

Zhao said that at the 14th summit held on June 23 the BRICS leader made a unanimous voice on the expansion of the BRICS mechanism and they supported discussion, standards and procedure for the expansion.

“China will work with BRICS partners to move ahead with the expansion process steadily so that like-minded partners can join the BRICS family,” he said.

“We shall continue to set clear priorities in our wide-ranging cooperation, on the basis of consensus, and make our strategic partnership more efficient, practical and results-oriented,” the declaration said.

“We support promoting discussions among BRICS members on BRICS expansion process. We stress the need to clarify the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures for this expansion process through Sherpas’ channel on the basis of full consultation and consensus,” it said.

In Case You Were Wondering Why Inflation Has Started To Spiral Wildly Out Of Control…


When you keep making horrible decisions, eventually the consequences are going to catch up with you.  That is true for individuals, and it is also true for entire nations.  Here in the United States, previous generations handed down to us the strongest and most stable national currency on the planet.  Having the default reserve currency of the world has been a great blessing, because it has enabled us to enjoy a standard of living that is far greater than we actually deserve.  But instead of doing their best to preserve and protect our currency, our leaders have decided to systematically destroy it instead.  As a result, the rate of inflation has gotten completely out of control, and many experts are extremely concerned about what lies ahead.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why we have such a problem with inflation at this point.

The money supply has ballooned to levels that were once unthinkable, and this is going to cause massive problems for the foreseeable future.

Let me show you what I am talking about.  The following chart of how M1 has changed over the years comes directly from the Federal Reserve


The giant spike that you can see on the chart started during the early stages of the COVID pandemic.

Our leaders abandoned any pretense of restraint, and we went “full Weimar” for about two solid years.

I warned over and over again that what we were doing was absolutely insane, and now we are starting to experience the consequences.

Many people believe that M2 is a much more accurate measure of the money supply than M1 is, and so let me show you a chart of how M2 has changed


This chart certainly looks better than the previous one, but it is still extremely frightening.

We are rapidly destroying the stability of our currency, and as a result our standard of living is being absolutely shredded.

I’ll give you an example.  A young lady down in Texas went viral this month when she revealed that she was living in a shed in a desperate attempt to save money

A young Texas woman who moved into a shed that she purchased for just $2,000 in order to save money amid the housing crisis has opened up about her desperate struggle to cope with the summer heat while living in the property – which has no AC or shower.

Is this what they mean when they tell us that we are going to “own nothing and be happy”?

Apparently she was promised that the shed would be “fully livable”, but she quickly found out that wasn’t exactly true

However, in a video shared to her TikTok, which gained over one million views, Elizabeth revealed that she was ‘ripped off by the builders’ because she was under the impression it was a fully livable shed and is ‘dying’ in the Houston heat while thinking about how ‘nice’ a shower would be.

The good news is that her father came down from South Carolina and installed lights and air conditioning.

So now Elizabeth and her boyfriend will be able to cool off during the summer months.

But they still have no way to bathe.

Sadly, the truth is that they are far better off than hundreds of millions of others around the globe right now.

As energy costs and food costs go absolutely haywire, we are starting to see widespread civil unrest in various parts of the world.

For example, check out what is currently going on in Sri Lanka

The political crisis triggered by months of socialist economic collapse in Sri Lanka continued on Wednesday with violent clashes between protesters and soldiers, resulting in upwards of 80 people hospitalized in one day and the military announcing soldiers were “empowered” to attack civilians if deemed necessary.

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, governed for the better part of the past two decades primarily by the populous Rajapaksa family, began to run out of food, medicine, oil fuels, natural gas, and nearly every other basic good in March, the result of lavish government spending and the imposition of “green” policies that banned chemical fertilizer use.

They promised us that the “green revolution” would change everything, and they were right.

Things are starting to get really crazy in Albania too.


And what we are witnessing in Panama right now is extremely alarming.


All over the globe, energy and food are traded in U.S. dollars.

When interest rates rise in the U.S., the dollar tends to go up relative to other global currencies, and that makes things much harder for those at the very bottom of the economic food chain.

Unfortunately, in a desperate attempt to get inflation under control in the U.S., the Federal Reserve has been aggressively raising interest rates.

And we are now being warned that the Fed could raise rates “by a full percentage point” at the next meeting…

Investors see a growing probability that the Federal Reserve could hike interest rates by a full percentage point at its next meeting for the first time in the modern era. In June, the Fed raised interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point, which it hadn’t done since 1994.

Considering the fact that we are plunging into a recession, it would be absolutely insane for the Fed to do such a thing.

But they seem quite serious about making another big move.

In fact, the head of the Atlanta Fed just publicly told us that “everything is in play” at the next Fed gathering…

Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Raphael Bostic said Wednesday that “everything is in play” when asked about the prospect of the central bank raising interest rates by a full percentage point later this month, expressing concern over the morning’s news that inflation hit a fresh 40-year-high in June.

Bostic told reporters he still needed to study the “nuts and bolts” of the latest data, but said he felt “today’s numbers suggest the trajectory is not moving in a positive way.”

The Fed seems to be obsessed with trying to tame inflation here in the U.S., but in the process they will essentially be exporting a tremendous amount of inflation to the rest of the globe.

Food and energy will become significantly more expensive all over the planet.

And since much of the debt that poor countries owe is denominated in dollars, we also run the risk of sparking an unprecedented global debt crisis.

The total amount of debt in the world has crossed the 300 trillion dollar mark, and if that bubble bursts we will suddenly be facing the sort of historic financial catastrophe that I have been warning about for years.

Our leaders thought that they could endlessly flood the system with money without ever suffering any serious consequences.

Russia’s Plan To Cut Off Kazakh Oil Supplies To Europe

  • The European oil market is already incredibly tight and will soon face a supply crunch as its embargo on seaborne Russian oil imports comes into effect.
  • Last week, the EU’s oil supply was squeezed yet again as a Russian court ordered the closure of a Black Sea oil export terminal.
  • The export terminal in question is the largest outlet for Kazakh oil, a non-Russian oil supply that Europe will be eager to secure.

The European oil market just received another supply shock ahead of the looming EU embargo on seaborne Russian oil imports. A Russian court has ordered the closure of a key Russian Black Sea export route, through which most of Kazakhstan’s crude oil passes to Europe.

The Russian court ruling further complicates Europe’s efforts to procure non-Russian oil in a tight physical market. It also highlights the fact that Moscow could go to any lengths to stifle oil supply to “unfriendly” countries which are banning imports of its oil, analysts say.

The move from Russia is a threat to Europe that the Kremlin will continue using oil and gas as a weapon as it looks to destabilize European economies and the EU’s unity in imposing and enforcing sanctions on Moscow for the invasion of Ukraine.

Targeting Kazakhstan’s oil is “Putin’s new weapon of mass disruption,” Bloomberg oil strategist Julian Lee says. But how did that new disruption in the global oil market happen?

Last week, a Russian court ordered the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), which operates the key export route for two-thirds of Kazakhstan’s crude oil, to suspend activities for 30 days, citing environmental violations.

The exports take place from the Russian port of Novorossiysk on the Black Sea, and although it’s in Russia, its exports consist of 90 percent crude from Kazakhstan and just 10 percent of Russian oil.

The 1,500-km CPC pipeline from the giant Kazakh oilfields to Novorossiysk moves over two-thirds of all Kazakhstan export oil along with crude from Russian fields, including those in the Caspian region, CPC says. The consortium said in response to the court ruling that it “acts within the legal framework of the Russian Federation and is forced to execute the court Ruling.”

An appeal was heard on Monday, and the court overturned the ruling for a 30-day ban on oil deliveries from Kazakhstan.

Analysts also say it’s no coincidence that last week’s ruling of the Russian court came days after Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev offered the EU the chance to buy more oil from Kazakhstan instead of Russia.

The Kazakh president “expressed concern about the risks to global energy security and emphasized Kazakhstan’s readiness to use its hydrocarbon potential to stabilize the situation in the world and European markets,” according to the website of the president, who had a telephone conversation with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, last week.

On Thursday, after the Russian court ruling suspending CPC, Tokayev said Kazakhstan needed to diversify its oil export routes. The president ordered a study into a project for bypassing Russia by building a pipeline across the Caspian Sea.

“The Trans-Caspian route is a priority. I instruct KazMunayGas [national oil and gas company] to work out the best option for its implementation, including the possibility of attracting investors to the Tengiz project,” Tokayev said as carried by The Astana Times.

While Kazakhstan is looking to diversify its crude export routes away from Russia, the European Union is scrambling for non-Russian oil supply as its embargo on Russian seaborne oil and product imports will enter into force at the end of the year.

Per tanker-tracking data that Bloomberg has compiled, crude exports from major suppliers to Europe, including the North Sea, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, West Africa, and Libya, declined by over 1 million bpd in June compared to May. With Libya’s oil supply expected to further decline amid protests and political bickering over who should control and distribute its vital oil revenues, a loss of another 1 million bpd supply from Kazakhstan due to the Russian court order is another blow to European and global oil supply.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for

The Japanese Invasion of Korea is the one I am thinking of now, largely because it shows the crucial importance of supplies and proper logistics.

In the late 1500s, Japan was engulfed in a period of Civil War known as the Sengoku Jedai. This is the famous period of Samurai fighting Samurai that people envision when they think of feudal Japan.

The wars ended when a man named Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan (for the most part) under his rule.

Hideyoshi had a problem though. Years of war left Japan a militarized island waiting to burst. So Hideyoshi decided to invade China to keep the massive Samurai armies distracted. In order to invade China Japan needed to conquer Korea.

Conquering Korea wasn’t seen as a big deal. Korea at this time was a very weak State. The limited Korean military just defended the border from raiders and that was about it. Japan meanwhile was bursting with warriors, skilled Generals, and professional armies.

Japan invades Korea and the Korean Army is crushed. Korean forces never stand a chance and are pushed back to the Chinese border. However, Japan didn’t yet win.

On the seas, a Korean Admiral named Yi Sun-Shin had taken a handful of Korean ships and laid waste to Japanese supply lines. Entire Japanese war fleets had been sunk and eventually, Japanese supply lines were shattered completely.

It’s hard to overstate Admiral Yi’s success. He was always outnumbered and outgunned and yet he won dozens of insanely one-sided victories. For instance, he once faced down 200+ Japanese warships with only 13 ships. Not only did he win, he didn’t lose a single ship.

The entire Japanese invasion had to be halted while Yi was dealt with. Japan threw more and more fleets at him and yet never defeated him.

Finally after years of their invasion being stalled China entered the fray. They began to push Japanese forces back and support Yi with their own fleet. Yi would smash the Japanese in 1 final battle, forcing them to surrender their campaign and retreat in disgrace.

Yi would die in this final battle- his final words to his son were “We are at the height of battle. Don’t let anybody know about my death!”. A warrior until the end.

Now Japan had EVERY advantage going into this war

  1. Their armies were larger
  2. Their armies were infinitely more experienced
  3. Their armies had more advanced weapons
  4. Their economy and society were built around warfare
  5. Their economy was drastically larger
  6. They had way more manpower to draw upon
  7. Their government was more stable

Korea shouldn’t have even been able to put up a fight and yet they ended up winning- all because of supply and logistics.

Sound familiar?

Russia and China haven’t even started to ratchet up the pain dial

by Pepe Escobar and posted with the author’s permission

The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia, much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking.

Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited some degree of pathos.

Here we’re just faced by a toxic mix of hubris, abhorrent mediocrity, delusion, crude ideological sheep-think and outright irrationality wallowing in white man’s burden racist/supremacist slush – all symptoms of a profound sickness of the soul.

To call it the Biden-Leyen-Blinken West or so would be too reductionist: after all these are puny politico/functionaries merely parroting orders.

This is a historical process: physical, psychic and moral cognitive degeneration embedded in NATOstan’s manifest desperation in trying to contain Eurasia, allowing occasional tragicomic sketches such as a NATO summit proclaiming Woke War against virtually the whole non-West.

So when President Putin addresses the collective West in front of Duma leaders and heads of political parties, it does feel like a comet striking an inert planet. It’s not even a case of “lost in translation”. “They” simply aren’t equipped to get it.

The “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet” part was at least formulated to be understood even by simpletons:

“Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield, well, what can I say, let them try. We have heard many times that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian – this is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But it looks like it’s all coming to this. But everyone should know that, by and large, we haven’t really started anything yet.”


On Operation Z, Russia is using a fraction of its military potential, resources and state of the art weapons.

Then we come to the most probable path ahead in the war theater:

“We do not refuse peace negotiations, but those who refuse should know that the longer it drags, the more difficult it will be for them to negotiate with us.”

As in the pain dial will be ratcheted up, slowly but surely, on all fronts.

Yet the meat of the matter had been delivered earlier in the speech: “ratcheting up the pain dial” applies in fact to dismantling the whole “rules-based international order” edifice. The geopolitical world has changed.


Here’s the arguably key passage:

“They should have understood that they have already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the World Order in the American way. 

This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world – a world based not on selfish rules invented by someone for themselves, behind which there is nothing but the desire for hegemony, not on hypocritical double-standards, but on international law, on the true sovereignty of peoples and civilizations, on their will to live their historical destiny, their values and traditions and build cooperation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality. 

And we must understand that this process can no longer be stopped.”

Meet the trifecta

A case can be made that Putin and Russia’s Security Council are implementing a tactical trifecta that has reduced the collective West to an amorphous bunch of bio headless chickens.

The trifecta mixes the promise of negotiations – but only when considering Russia’s steady advances on the ground in Novorossiya; the fact that Russia’s global “isolation” has been proved in practice to be nonsense; and tweaking the most visible pain dial of them all: Europe’s dependence on Russian energy.

The main reason for the graphic, thundering failure of the G20 Foreign Ministers summit in Bali is that the G7 – or NATOstan plus (American colony) Japan – could not force the BRICS plus major Global South players to isolate, sanction and/or demonize Russia.

On the contrary: multiple interpolations outside of the G20 spell out even more Eurasia-wide integration.

Here are a few examples.

The first transit of Russian products to India via the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) is now in effect, crisscrossing Eurasia from Mumbai to the Baltic via Iranian ports (Chabahar or Bandar Abbas), the Caspian Sea, and Southern and Central Russia. Crucially, the route is shorter and cheaper than going through the Suez Canal.

In parallel, the head of the Iranian Central Bank, Ali Salehabadi, confirmed that a memorandum of interbank cooperation was signed between Tehran and Moscow.

That means a viable alternative to SWIFT, and a direct consequence of Iran’s application to become a full BRICS member, announced at the recent summit in Beijing.

The BRICS, since 2014, when the New Development Bank (NDB) was founded, have been busy building their own financial infrastructure, including the near future creation of a single reserve currency. As part of the process, the harmonization of Russian and Iranian banking systems is inevitable.

Iran is also about to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at the upcoming summit in Samarkand in September.

In parallel, Russia and Kazakhstan are solidifying their strategic partnership: Kazakhstan is a key member of BRI, EAEU and SCO.

India gets even closer to Russia across the whole spectrum of trade – including energy.

And next Tuesday, Tehran will be the stage for a crucial face-to-face meeting between Putin and Erdogan.

Isolation? Really?

On the energy front, it’s only summer, but demented paranoia is already raging across multiple EU latitudes, especially Germany. Comic relief is provided by the fact that Gazprom can always point out to Berlin that eventual supplying problems on Nord Stream 1 – after the cliffhanger return of that notorious repaired turbine from Canada – can always be solved by implementing Nord Stream 2.

As the whole European Suicide Spectacular Summer Show is nothing but a tawdry self-inflicted torture ordered by His Master’s Voice, the only serious question is which pain dial level will force Berlin to actually sit down and negotiate on behalf of legitimate German industrial and social interests.

Rough and tumble will be the norm.

Foreign Minister Lavrov summed it all up when commenting on the Declining Collective West Ministers striking poses like infantile brats in Bali to avoid being seen with him: that was up to “their understanding of the protocols and politeness.”

That’s diplo-talk for “bunch of jerks”. Or worse: cultural barbarians, as they were even unable to respect the hyper-polite Indonesian hosts, who abhor confrontation.

Lavrov preferred to extol the “joint strategic and constructive” Russian-Chinese work when faced with a very aggressive West. And that brings us to the prime masterpiece of shadowplay in Bali – complete with several layers of geopolitical fog.

Chinese media, always flirting with the opaque, tried to put its bravest face ever depicting the over 5-hour meeting between Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Secretary Blinken as “constructive”.

What’s fascinating here is that the Chinese ended up letting something crucial out of the bag to slip into the final draft of their report – obviously approved by the powers that be.

Lu Xiang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences went through previous readouts – especially of “Yoda” Yang Jiechi routinely turning Jake Sullivan into roasted duck – and stressed that this time Wang’s “warnings” to the Americans were “the sternest one in wording”.

That’s diplo-code for “You Better Watch Out”: Wang telling Little Blinkie, “just look at what the Russians did when they lost their patience with your antics.”

The expression ”dead end” was recurrent during the Wang-Blinken meeting. So in the end the Global Times had to tell it like it really is:  “The two sides are close to a showdown.”

“Showdown” is what End of Days fanatic and Tony Soprano wannabe Mike Pompeo is fervently preaching from his hate pulpit, while the combo behind the senile “leader of the free world” who literally reads teleprompters actively work for the crashing of the EU – in more ways than one.

The combo in power in Washington actually “supports” the unification of Britain, Poland, Ukraine and The Three Baltic Midgets as a separate alliance from NATO/EU – aiming at “strengthening the defense potential.” That’s the official position of US Ambassador to NATO Julian Smith.

So the real imperial aim is to split the already shattering EU into mini-union pieces, all of them quite fragile and evidently more “manageable”, as Brussels Eurocrats, blinded by boundless mediocrity, obviously can’t see it coming.

What the Global South is buying

Putin always makes it very clear that the decision to launch Operation Z – as a sort of pre-emptive “combined arms and police operation”, as defined by Andrei Martyanov – was carefully calculated, considering an array of material and socio-psychological vectors.

Anglo-American strategy, for its part, lasers on a single obsession: damn any possible reframing of the current “rules-based international order”. No holds are barred to ensure the perpetuity of this order. This is in fact Totalen Krieg – featuring several hybrid layers, and quite worrying, with only a few seconds to midnight.

And there’s the rub. Desolation Row is fast becoming Desperation Row, as the whole Russophobic matrix is shown to be naked, devoid of any extra ideological – and even financial – firepower to “win”, apart from shipping a collection of HIMARS to a black hole.

Geopolitically and geoeconomically, Russia and China are in the process of eating NATOstan alive – in more ways than one. Here, for instance, is a synthetic road map of how Beijing will address the next stage of high-quality development via capital-driven industrial upgrading, focused on optimization of supply chains, import substitution of hard technologies, and “invisible champions” of industry.

If the collective West is blinded by Russophobia, the governing success of the Chinese Communist Party – which in a matter of a few decades improved the lives of more people than anyone, anytime in History – drives it completely nuts.

All along the Russia-China watchtower, it’s been not such a long time coming. BRI was launched by Xi Jinping in 2013. After Maidan in 2014, Putin launched the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) in 2015. Crucially, in May 2015, a Russia-China joint statement sealed the cooperation between BRI and EAEU, with a significant role assigned to the SCO.

Closer integration advanced via the St. Petersburg forum in 2016 and the BRI forum in 2017. The overall target: to create a new order in Asia, and across Eurasia, according to international law while maintaining the individual development strategies of each concerned country and respecting their national sovereignty.

That, in essence, is what most of the Global South is buying. It’s as if there’s a cross-border instinctual understanding that Russia-China, against serious odds and facing serious challenges, proceeding by trial and error, are at the vanguard of the Shock of the New, while the collective West, naked, dazed and confused, their masses completely zombified, is sucked into the maelstrom of psychological, moral and material disintegration.

No question the pain dial will be ratcheted up, in more ways than one.

“Blow Up to Be the Size You Want!” – Vintage Inflatable Bra Ads From the 1950s and 1960s


What was a woman to do if she wanted to boost her cleavage in the days before Wonderbra was on the market and the more drastic measure of plastic surgery wasn’t so readily available? The answer is by wearing an inflatable bra that the wearer could blow up to the size they desired themselves.


The “Trés Secret” inflatable bra went on sale in the early 1950s. Each cup contained a small plastic pouch that could be inflated by the wearer with an accompanying mouthpiece. Its makers promised the bra could give any woman “a boost to bosom beauty” with their advert adding, “Do it yourself. Make the most of you. Blow up! To be the size you want.”


Shopping Mall Signs Warn of Nuclear War Emergencies



The Menlo Park Mall in Edison, New Jersey is just one of many large shopping malls in upscale areas publicly warning people about what to do if a Nuclear Bomb Hits!  They have been told by government to begin warning people . . . because Nuclear War with Russia is not only a possibility, it has become a likelihood.

The horrifying reality that would be a nuclear blast is becoming so likely now over the Russia-Ukraine/NATO troubles in eastern Europe that governments and now private sector industries are warning people about what to do when a nuclear bomb goes off!

Below is a full image of warning signs now installed at the Menlo Park Mall in Edison, New Jersey:


These signs, and a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) from the New York City Office of Emergency Management which came out earlier this week (Story Here) are all instructing people that if a nuclear bomb goes off, GET INSIDE.

The reason this effort is underway is that government knows it has caused such terrible troubles with Russia, over the Ukraine situation, that it is now LIKELY we are going to be attacked by Russia with nuclear bombs.


While the first trouble is, of course, that this is a problem of our government’s own making, the second major problem is that the advice is utterly stupid.

they tell people to get inside.   Good advice . . . if there’s anything left standing to actually get inside of!

Russia uses the YARS intercontinental ballistic missile to launch nuclear attacks.   Those missile are equipped with an eight-hundred kiloton (800kt) warhead.

The blast map below is a scientific model from Nuclear showing the actual scientifically-modeled blast effects of a single, 800kt nuclear bomb air bursting over New York City.


The inner smaller yellow area in the center show the initial blast area, all of which is vaporized.  Absolutely nothing will be left.   No people, no buildings, no vehicles.   Nothing.

The next area is a grayish circular area.  Everything in this area will be physically knocked down and on fire.  Not even the strongest concrete and steel buildings will remain standing.  And everything — all of it — will be on fire.

The next circular area toward the outer edges of the blast circle, will be THERMAL DAMAGE.   Things in this area may be severely damaged or knocked down but SOME structures might remain standing as they erupt in flames.  As for people in this area, anyone who was outside, and who sees the bright, white, flash, will have third-degree burns all over their body.

The final light gray area is where there will be light blast damage.  Most structures will remain standing but windows are likely broken.  People in this area will be injured from flying blast debris.

The signs then advise people  “If you were outside when the blast hit, take off all clothes, shower and shampoo to wash the radiation off immediately.”

Trouble is THERE WON’T BE ANY RUNNING WATER.   The water mains will be ruptured from the blast and the electric that powers the water pumps will all be off for miles.

But wait, there’s more . . .  idiocy . . . . the signs tell people “stay tuned to local media and don’t go outside until authorities tell you it’s safe.”  THERE WON’T BE ANY LOCAL MEDIA.  It will all be blown up.  All the TV and radio transmitters will be wiped out!

THERE WON’T BE ANY CELL PHONE SERVICE. The towers will all be knocked down, the transmitters fried by electro-magnetic pulse, and the electric will all be out.  THERE WON’T BE ANY INTERNET SERVICE. All the Internet lines will be blown up and the wireless all offline from EMP or no electricity!!!

Yet even though the advice is utterly useless, the signs have gone up anyway.

Government doesn’t do things like this for no reason.  They are putting out these PSA’s and asking large retailers to put these signs up because government KNOWS what’s coming.  After all, it is government that is causing it all.

Unless Americans mobilize right now, and tell federal officials we will not tolerate them starting a nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine, we’re all dead.

You, me, our wives, husbands, kids, extended families . . . . will all be dead.

Pick up your phones and start swarming members of Congress and the Senate, telling them we refuse to allow them to start a nuclear war with their economic sanctions.

There is very little time left to act.   It may already be too late.

But we have to put forth the effort or all of us will be killed.

The Battle of Saragarhi.

The Battle of Saragarhi.

In the 1890s, the British were trying to conquer Afghanistan and it was becoming a severe challenge. As the Russians and Americans would learn, Afghanistan is not a place easily conquered.

A revolt breaks out towards the end of 1897 and Afgan tribesmen rally in the tens of thousands to the rebel banner. They begin to march towards British forts to push them out of their home.

Soon a rebel army arrives at a series of British forts and the fight begins.


It’s the morning of September 12, 1897, and the British see an army on the horizon.

The British forces are locked away in Fort Lockhart and from there they see a massive army on the horizon—numbering some 10,000-12,000. The British are dangerously outnumbered and they prepare for a siege.

A signaling outpost some miles away, called Saragarhi, is manned by 21 Sikh warriors. The Sikhs are informed that an army numbering 10,000 is quickly approaching. The Sikhs request help, but the British inform them that they cannot assist, as they cannot leave the fort unguarded.

The Sikhs could run or surrender—the Afgan tribesmen would show them mercy. But the leader of these brave men, Ishar Singh, tells his men they will stay and fight.

The board up the gate, get ammunition stockpiled, and prepare to defend their small compound from an overwhelming force.

The Afgan army approaches and the fighting begins.

The Afghans send a massive charge to overwhelm the fort but disciplined and accurate rifle fire from the Sikh warriors is enough to break the charge and send the Afgan warriors running.

A second charge appears. This time the Afghans come in even greater numbers. The Sikh fire is unable to break the enemy lines and before too long, the Afgan tribesmen are climbing over the walls. A tough melee fight ensues with rifle butts, swords, and bayonets.

Again though the Sikhs hold, killing hundreds. They turn back the massive force and maintain control of the fort.

By this point, the Afgan forces have taken significant losses, considering this is a lightly manned signaling post. But several Sikhs have died as well.

Bhagwan Singh is the first to be killed in the fighting and his body is taken to the courtyard. Another warrior named Lal Singh is wounded and out of the fight.

One thing to note—this is all known not only from secondhand accounts but also the signalman, Gurmukh Singh. While all of this was happening he continued to send reports to the British at Fort Lockhart.

Now the Sikhs are down to 18 fighters the battle continues.

The Afgan army offers terms of surrender. They offer wealth, safety, power, and whatever else the Sikhs could want if they will just lay down their arms. The Sikhs boldly refuse.

The Afghans light fires to the hillside clouding everything in smoke. The signalman soon gets word that a formation of Afgan warriors is approaching the fort from the side, hidden by the smoke.

It’s too late—the Afgan warriors are in the compound.

Ishar Singh along with a few of his men charge the Afghans and another round of brutal hand-to-hand fighting breaks out inside the compound. The Sikhs are relentless and skilled, killing hundreds of attackers and holding their own despite being overwhelmed.

The Afghan warriors keep coming, though, and the Sikhs are being worn down. Pretty soon the outer walls crumble and the Afghans capture that portion of the compound.

Ishar Singh knows things are desperate. He orders his men back to the inner compound to mount a defense. He knows that if they turn their backs and run they will be cut down.

In a moment of utter bravery, Ishar Singh orders his men back and then single-handedly charges the approaching Afghan army. He cuts down warrior after warrior with his sword and pistol, cutting through the ranks of the surprised Afgan army.

After a few seconds, Ishar Singh is overwhelmed and killed—but he has bought his men the time they needed to fall back.

The Sikhs are now defending their fallback point, but the situation is hopeless. The Afghans start chopping at the wooden gate with axes and swords. Before too long they break through and thousands of them come pouring into what remains of the compound.

The Sikhs continue to fight bravely but hopelessly.

At this point, the signalman Gurmukh Singh signals the British to ask permission to abandon his post and take up his rifle. The order is approved and he calmly puts away his signal gear, takes up his rifle, and fixes the bayonet.

By now, he is the last living Sikh in the compound. The British look on as he moves to defend the door to the small building he was stationed in.

The door breaks and enemy charges in. The British watch in awe as Gurmukh Singh cuts down one, then two, then three, and then finally eighteen Afghan warriors. The men retreat and Gurmukh Singh continues to hold the building.

More charge in and he kills another twenty Afghans as the British cheer him on, watching his final battle from the fort using telescopes.

Alone and cut off, Gurmukh Singh killed 40 ENEMY WARRIORS in only a few minutes. What a total and complete you-know-what.

The Afghans are terrified by this. Unwilling to try and take the building again they set it on fire.

As the building burns, Gurmukh Singh shouts his battle cry over and over again.

“Bole so Nihal sat sri akal”

“Bole so Nihal sat sri akal”

“Bole so Nihal sat sri akal”

Shout aloud in ecstasy, true is the great timeless one.

The battle was over—the compound was taken and the Sikhs had lost.

Yet like Thermopylae and other hopeless battles, the deeds of these heroic and ferocious warriors live on in history as one of the great moments of bravery and valor.

The 21 Sikhs had sold their lives at a high cost. While all 21 died, they took 1,400 enemy soldiers with them while injuring thousands more. Estimates from most sources list 600-1400 fatalities, with many more wounded. Either way, these 21 men took a heavy toll on their enemy.

Every Sikh there that day killed 28-50 enemies. This is an insane feat and only shows how skilled and dedicated these men were.

The brave who died.


Marinated Tomatoes

Use up all those extra tomatoes with this easy make-ahead recipe – simply shake ingredients in a jar and pour over the fruit to marinate.




  • 3 large or 5 medium fresh tomatoes, thickly sliced
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon salt, optional
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped onion
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh basil or 1 teaspoon dried basil


  1. Arrange tomatoes in a large shallow dish. Combine remaining ingredients in a jar; cover tightly and shake well. Pour over tomato slices. Cover and refrigerate for several hours.

Some things I learned when I became old enough to get Social Security Insurance…

1. If you think you’re fat, you probably are.

2. Best friends see each other 3 times a year and may have no pictures together.

3. If you text, call, and still get ignored, just walk away.

4. Your hair was put on your head to remind you that you can’t control everything.

5. No one talks about how lonely healing can feel.

6. Don’t let your loneliness make you reconnect with wrong person. Meet better people here.

7. True relationship comes when the silence between you two is comfortable.

8. Go where your energy is reciprocated, celebrated, and appreciated.

9. You still haven’t met all of the people who are going to love you.

10. If today is not your day, remember there’re 365 days a year.

Sea Monkeys, X-Ray Specs, and the Twisted Secret Behind Vintage Ads from American Comic Books


American comics first came to Glasgow as ships’ ballast. In the sixties it seemed every other corner shop had a stash of these glossy-covered comics displayed on carousels or placed beside their tamer British counterparts like Beano, Topper, or Dandy. With comics like Thor, Hulk, Superman and co. it was difficult to keep collecting consecutive numbers as it was pot luck as to what arrived in the shop every month.


The clues were in the comic-book adverts for X-Ray specks, with which you could see the bones beneath your skin, or what was hidden under a layer of clothing; Sea Monkeys you could train who would entertain for hours; a mini-Polaris Nuclear Submarine with which to patrol local waterways; Aurora movie monster kits; and reinvent yourself like Charles Atlas or Arnold Schwarzenegger so no-one would kick sand in your face.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Coming clean while the world is covered in filth

A wise man from China observed that in the US you can change the party but you cannot change state policy.

In China you cannot change the party but you can change state policy.

The Chinese government is much more sensitive to the will of the people. In the west the people are ignored apart from those brief periods called elections where they are all lied to.

-Sushi | Jul 12 2022 16:18 utc | 30

Coming clean while the world is covered in filth. Yes. The American led world order is over. The Western societies are now collapsed, the governments are running around and acting completely crazy, and yes. Here we are. Brace for impact.

The American led world order is over.

The American led world order is over.

Make sure that you have a wood stove. Have wood. Solar panels. Try canning and make sure that you have a water filter, and a fully stocked larder.

Now, just move forward and enjoy this post.

The Superb Provocative Digital Art By Doping-Pong


Based in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Doping-Pong is a digital art-project started in 1997 by Dima Mishenin, Lova and Anna Maugli. Doping Pong are the pioneers of digital art in Russia.

The digital art world of Doping Pong is incredibly diverse. It is closely linked to contemporary visual culture and pop aesthetics. In the 90ties, te first digital works of Doping Pong were featured in popular youth magazines “Ptyuch” and “Om”. The late works of Doping-Pong are inspired by a realistic tradition, in which there is a place for both heroism in the spirit of socialist realism and everyday, idyllic romance of the late 60s.


The American led world order is over.

The American led world order is over.

Calm Before the Tempest?

Let’s start by stipulating the obvious: no one knows the future, and most of the guesses–oops, I mean forecasts–will be wrong. Arguing about the forecasts now won’t make any difference as to which ones are correct and which ones are wrong. Time alone will tell.

That said, here’s a scenario that fits the dynamics I see as most consequential: Core-Periphery and the demise of the waste is growth / financialization / globalization model as the reigning model of how the global economy should work.

Core-periphery dynamics are pretty simple: unraveling starts on the periphery and seeps toward the core. The core actually strengthens in the process as capital and talent seek havens where they’re treated well, and the core became the core by treating capital and talent well.

The periphery responds to the unraveling of financialization / globalization by tightening its grip on whatever capital and talent is still available, incentivizing the flight of capital and talent to the core.

A great many people think there are many core economies. In my analysis, there is only one, due to the qualifying requirements: 1) issues a reserve currency, i.e. not pegged to another currency 2) liquid global markets for securities, debt, commodities, etc., i.e. anyone anywhere can trade in size in the core markets 3) transparent market and governance mechanisms, i.e. no overnight devaluations, expropriations, capital restrictions, etc. 4) diverse economy not dependent on exports or imports for its well-being and 5) ease of flow: capital, talent, enterprises and employees all have essentially unlimited freedom of movement within the core.

We can argue about which nations qualify as core but it won’t change the outcome. Capital and talent will make their own decisions about risk, safety, exposure to devaluation and expropriation and where the odds of being treated fairly are highest. It’s a good exercise to put yourself in the shoes of a manager of a $10 billion fund and go through the decision tree of where to put this $10 billion to preserve its purchasing power first and foremost, and secondarily generate a return.

Would you really gamble $10 billion on a 15% return on the bonds of Timbukthree, whose currency has fallen 20% against the U.S. dollar this year? Or Timbukfour, which is dependent on exports of commodities in a shrinking global economy? Or Timbukfive, which is dependent on imports of commodities and exports of consumer goods in a shrinking global economy?? If you answer “yes,” you’re not actually playing like you are responsible for $10 billion.

As the periphery unravels financially, it also unravels politically and socially. Bordering states are at risk of destabilizing, and any entity with large exposure to the unraveling debt or markets starts unraveling, too. The destabilization spreads to second-tier nations whose exposure to the dynamics of unraveling are structural.

As all these dominoes fall, eventually those closest to the core also crumble, and then core itself is finally destabilized.

Humans have an interesting talent for adjusting to new circumstances, i.e. habituating to new conditions. Those households consuming 14,000 gallons of fresh water a month may well scream that they can’t possibly get by on 12,000 gallons, but then if circumstances change and all the water we have is what we can carry in buckets a kilometer over rough terrain, we find that we can live on the few gallons we can carry a kilometer.

The amount of waste in developed economies is beyond easy measure. It’s estimated 40% of all food in the U.S. is wasted. Energy, food and fresh water have been treated as if low cost and abundance were birthrights rather than brief explosions of excess. While we’re screaming about energy costs, empty buildings are brightly lit, water taps are left running and one individual per idling vehicle in a traffic jam frets about rising costs.

When the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake closed the Bay Bridge across San Francisco Bay, the main artery between San Francisco and the East Bay, economic doom was predictably predicted. Yet people quickly managed via extra BART (subway) trains that rain beneath the Bay and carpools with four people per vehicle rather than one occupant.

Is it possible that all the predictable predictions of economic doom are somewhat exaggerated by the thrill of sensationalism and projections of past trends, as if people can’t possibly make consequential adjustments to their behaviors and consumption?

Systems have constraints, and so there are limits on what adjustments can be made without altering the structure, but in many cases, we’re far from reaching limits on basic conservation work-arounds.

Is it possible that things will prove less dire than currently expected? It seems little credence is being given to the potential to adjust to new conditions.

Is it beyond conception that the core actually strengthens for a length of time before the unraveling reaches it? In my crystal ball, it seems not just possible but likely. This will be the calm before The Tempest, when the unraveling reaches the core and structural changes are finally required.

New York City Begins Preparing Population for NUCLEAR ATTACK


The New York City Office of Emergency Management has issued a video TRAINING NEW YORKERS FOR WHAT TO DO WHEN A NUCLEAR BOMB HITS.

The ninety second video was released this morning, July 11, 2022, appears below.  It is widely believed they have put out this video because THEY KNOW what’s coming . . . . because it is the government that intends to cause it.

They are pushing Russia so far with economic sanctions over Ukraine, that the Russians will have no choice but to launch a full nuclear attack because what we are doing is now an existential threat to Russia.

Rather than stop what we’re doing, they intend to keep pushing and THEY KNOW what the result will be.

Here’s the video:



In the video, they tell New Yorkers to get inside.   Good advice . . . if there’s anything left standing to actually get inside of!

Then, in the height of utter stupidity, they tell New Yorkers “If you were outside when the blast hit, take off all clothes, shower and shampoo to wash the radiation off immediately.”   THERE WON’T BE ANY RUNNING WATER.   The water mains will all be ruptured from the blast and the electric that powers the water pumps will all be off for miles.

But wait, there’s more . . .  idiocy . . . . they tell New Yorkers “stay tuned to local media and don’t go outside until authorities tell you it’s safe.”  THERE WON’T BE ANY LOCAL MEDIA.  It will all be blown up.  All the TV and radio transmitters will be wiped out!

As if to add insult to injury, they tell New Yorkers “Sign up to NYC-alerts”  (with your cell phone). . . THERE WON’T BE ANY CELL PHONE SERVICE. The towers will all be knocked down, the transmitters fried by electro-magnetic pulse, and the electric will all be out.  THERE WON’T BE ANY INTERNET SERVICE. All the Internet lines will be blown up and the wireless all offline from EMP or no electricity!!!


Government does not do things like this for no reason.   In this case, THEY KNOW what’s coming because it is government that is causing it.

They’ve been planning a “take-down” of Russia, for decades.  They expanded NATO when they promised Russia they would not move “one inch eastward” upon the re-unification of East and West Germany.  They broke that promise in stages, moving little by little closer to Russia’s borders.

When they got to Ukraine, they wooed then-President Viktor Yanukovich with promises of riches and wealth for Ukraine if they departed from Russia’s sphere of influence, and joined Europe and the United States sphere of influence.

Yanukovich thought about it.  He consulted with his government officials.  He spoke to businesses in Ukraine.  He spoke with many average Ukrainians.  In 2013, Yanukovich told Europe and America “Thanks, but NO THANKS.”  Well, that was an answer that Europe and America just wouldn’t accept.

So the US and Europe began pouring money into Ukraine to foment and facilitate violent protests; riots in every major city.  Within a year, in 2014, rioters burned government buildings. Snipers were shooting people on both sides to foment more violence.   It got so bad, that Yanukovich had to flee the country and the Ukraine government collapsed.

Who was right there to finance new political candidates?   Europe and America.  So they were able to install a puppet government favorable to the West.

When Russia saw this taking place, they were stunned.  This was happening right at their own border.  The west was overthrowing Ukraine’s government because they need Ukraine in NATO.   You see, they want to put American missile defenses on Ukraine territory.   By positioning our missiles there, they would have a flight time of only about five minutes to Moscow.  They would also have a flight time of only 7-8 minutes to Russia’s strategic nuclear missile silos.

Russia had to act in its own defense.

They did what our own President, John F. Kennedy did, when Kennedy found out the then-Soviet Union had placed medium range and intermediate range nuclear missiles in Cuba, with a flight time of only 5 minutes to Washington, DC:  Kennedy blockaded  Cuba and began massing troops for an invasion.

Thankfully, both sides negotiated a peaceful settlement to what became known as the “Cuban Missile Crisis.”   That was in 1962-63.

Today, the situation is exactly reversed; it is the West trying to put missiles within 5 minutes flight time of Moscow, and Russia said No.

When Ukraine decided they were actually going to join NATO, and allow those missiles . . . and even began preparing for a NATO naval base on the Black Sea, Russia had enough.

By November of last year, NATO had trained the Ukraine Army for eight years under the West-installed puppet government.  The Ukrainians had also massed about 80,000 troops on the borders of the eastern states of Luhansk and Donetsk (collectively called “The Donbas”) – and both states directly border Russia.   So Russia knew Ukraine was prepping its military and its land for a confrontation.  Russia thus had to strike first.  Russia entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Instead of backing off, the West upped-the-ante . . . they imposed crippling economic sanctions upon Russia specifically designed to crush Russia’s economy.   The sanctions backfired and are harming the west more than harming Russia.

So what is the west doing now . . . . massing troops in NATO countries along Russia’s border.

Russia has said that if NATO and Russia go to war, NATO has superior conventional forces.  Russia admits that.   But Russia also said “Russia is a nuclear power and Russian nuclear forces are superior to NATO.”  President Vladimir Putin said publicly, “It will be a war that no one will win.”

The only war that “no one will win” is a nuclear war.

NOW, the NYC Office of Emergency Management is publicly telling New Yorkers what to do when a nuclear bomb hits.


Because they know what’s coming . . . . because our own government is the cause of it. That’s why, in the first few seconds of the video above, they actually tell you ‘don’t ask why, or how . . . .”   BECAUSE IF YOU START ASKING WHY, YOU’LL FIGURE OUT THAT IT IS OUR GOVERNMENT THAT IS CAUSING THIS! ! ! ! !

It is now clear that the US intends to engage in a nuclear war with Russia.  THAT is why NYC OEM is putting out these warnings.


I cannot even begin to describe to you, the heat I have taken over the past few months, for warning my web site visitors and radio audience that nukes are going to fly.

I was called “crazy” by the public.   My stories were smeared as “click bait.”   My sources were derided as “fear mongers.”  My radio show was attacked as “scaring the public.”

So now that  the New York City Office of Emergency Management is actually telling New Yorkers what to do when a nuclear bomb hits, I wonder if folks might figure out that I’ve been right all along?

Skirt Steak

As delicious as a Bloody Mary is as a drink, it makes an even better marinade. That’s because the mix of sweet and salty from the tomato juice, the heat from the horseradish and Tabasco, and the acid from the lemon work together to both tenderize and energize an otherwise normal piece of beef. This marinade could do magic on chicken and pork as well, but the bold flavors of a Bloody seem to pair best with a hunk of grilled beef. Serve with grilled asparagus and roasted potatoes for a near-perfect meal. It is an easy brunch or simple dinner idea when you want a nice mix of protein, vegetables, and healthy carbs. Plus, it requires very minimal prep work for a big boost in flavor.

Skirt Steak

You’ll Need

2 cups tomato juice (spicy V8 works best)
2 Tbsp prepared horseradish
4 cloves garlic, minced
Juice of 1 lemon
1⁄2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
10–15 shakes Tabasco sauce
Black pepper to taste
1 lb skirt or flank steak

How to Make It

  1. Combine the tomato juice, horseradish, garlic, lemon juice, Worcestershire, Tabasco, and pepper in a baking dish and use a whisk to thoroughly mix.
  2. Add the steak and turn to coat.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap. Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or up to 12.
  4. Preheat a grill.
  5. Pour off the marinade and discard.
  6. Use a paper towel to pat most of the marinade from the steak.
  7. When the grill is very hot, add the steak and cook for 3 to 4 minutes per side for medium-rare.
  8. Let the meat rest for at least 5 minutes before cutting into thin slices against the grain of the meat.

Eat This Tip

Skirt and flank steak are both thin cuts of beef that offer huge flavor and a pleasantly chewy texture at a relatively cheap price tag. Because they’re thin, you’ll want a very hot grill to ensure you develop a nice char before the interior is overcooked, so keep that in mind when you fire up the grill!

No, Iran Will Not Deliver Armed Drones To Russia

In March this year we were treated to an onslaught of obviously false claims that China would deliver weapons to Russia for the fight in Ukraine.

Russia seeks military equipment and aid from China, U.S. officials sayWashington Post – March 13, 2022

Russia has turned to China for military equipment and aid in the weeks since it began its invasion of Ukraine, U.S. officials familiar with the matter told The Washington Post.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, did not describe what kind of weaponry had been requested, or whether they know how China responded.

The development comes as White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan plans to travel to Rome on Monday to meet with his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi.

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing, that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions, evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Sullivan told CNN.

Russia is an exporter of military weapons and China is one of its biggest customers. There is nothing in the Chinese arsenals that Russia can not and does not produce itself.

The claim was false from the get go but Sullivan, the mediocre National Security Advisor of the Biden regime, planted it to put pressure on China. It of course did not work.

China denied that it had received any request from Russia or that it was in any way willing to ever fulfill one if it would come:

No Chinese weapons have been seen in Ukraine.

Now an equally stupid claim was launched by the very same liar who launched the fake Chinese weapons claim.

White House: Iran set to deliver armed drones to RussiaAP – Jul 7, 2022

The White House on Monday said it believes Russia is turning to Iran to provide it with “hundreds” of unmanned aerial vehicles, including weapons-capable drones, for use in its ongoing war in Ukraine.

U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said it was unclear whether Iran had already provided any of the unmanned systems to Russia, but said the U.S. has “information” that indicates Iran is preparing to train Russian forces to use them as soon as this month.

“Our information indicates that the Iranian government is preparing to provide Russia with up to several hundred UAVs, including weapons-capable UAVs on an expedited timeline,” he told reporters Monday.

Russia has for some time build mass production facilities for its own drones.

A decade ago, the Russian Armed Forces possessed fewer than 200 UAVs, and now this figure stands at over 2000, and each year is replenished by 300. Furthermore, the Russian defence industry is conducting R&D on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in UAVs, with the ambition of enabling them to perform as unified “swarms of drones” in combat zones. Sources claim that this was already tested in 2020, during the Kavkaz-2020 military exercise.

Russia has absolutely no need to buy drones from Iran. Besides that it is dubious that Iran would be able to deliver some and certainly not ‘several hundreds’.

Gregg Carlstrom - @glcarlstrom - 6:18 UTC · Jul 12, 2022

Does Iran even have "hundreds of weapons-capable drones" to export? It has limited production capacity; would be surprising (to say the least) if it could churn out hundreds, let alone hundreds of useful weapons systems rather than worthless tchotchkes.
Esfandyar Batmanghelidj @yarbatman - 23:14 UTC · Jul 11, 2022

1. @jakejsullivan's claim that Iran is set to send "several hundred" drones to Russia doesn't make sense. Data is spotty, but it's unlikely Iran even has that many operational drones in its own fleet. It also has no experience exporting drones at scale.
2. The Defense Intelligence Agency's 2019 report on Iranian Military Power does not assess that Iran has the ability to mass produce and export drones. Hard to believe things have changed dramatically in three years.
3. From the report: "Despite advances in its UAV manufacturing capabilities, Iran remains reliant on Western manufactured engines and components to support its UAV production. Iran is developing a domestic UAV engine but is struggling with quality issues."
4. @RUSI_org's database seems to suggest that Iran has 50 operational drones in its fleet (cc @Justin_Br0nk). Also most of Iran's drones are rudimentary. These are not Bayraktars and would be of little value.
Perhaps someone can check the Jane's estimate.
5. Last year, @bellingcat reviewed satellite images and video footage "showing over 154 drones." But there's widespread agreement among analysts that these displays of air power probably include drones that are not fully armed or operational.
6. Sullivan's statement is also odd because he says that it is "unclear" whether Iran has already exported any drones. He was weirdly responding to a broader question about Russian capabilities. This export might happen, but I'll believe it when I see it.
7. The only explanation I can think of is that Sullivan believes Iran’s new drone JV in Tajikistan is primarily intended to supply Russia. But I am doubtful production can ramp up that quickly. Plus can’t the US just lean on Dushanbe if concerned?

The Washington Post notes the weird timing of Sullivan’s claims thereby hinting that it was made for purely political purposes which have nothing to do with Russia:

The revelation comes as President Biden prepares to depart for the Middle East, where he is expected to confer with key allies on a unified regional policy toward Iran. Tensions between Washington and Tehran have been further strained in recent weeks, amid faltering nuclear talks and an uptick in rocket and drone attacks on U.S. military installations in the Middle East, conducted by militia groups armed and funded by Iran.

The whole issues is just a talking point designed to put Iran and Russia into the same ‘baddies’ binder for Biden’s talks in the Middle East. The countries there may not like Iran but they will certainly not allow for a condemnation of Russia. The whole idea is, as many others Sullivan had, stupid to begin with.

So no, there will not be any Iranian drones going to Russia or fly over Ukraine.

Posted by b on July 12, 2022 at 9:32 UTC | Permalink

The Aquarium Tiger Shark that vomited up a human arm…


In 1935 in a Sydney aquarium a tiger shark that had just been taken to the aquarium vomited up a human arm, at first it was believed to be that of an unlucky swimmer, but soon the police realized that this case went further.


The shark that had vomited up the arm was not the same one that had eaten it. I mean, the tiger shark had eaten a smaller one and that was the one that had eaten the arm in the beginning.

It turns out that despite the damage to the limb, it was possible to know whose it was, in part because it had quite striking tattoos and because the fingerprints were still in good condition. Along his arm there were cuts produced by a sharp object, a razor or a knife. This indicated to the police that it had not been an accident.

The arm belonged to an amateur boxer and fellow criminal named James Smith, who had been missing since April 7, 1935.


Where COVID came from…

Suppressed info…


Ron Unz has written an EXCELLENT article on this subject. I strongly recommend you read it, if you are so inclined and want secondary confirmation that the USA is the culprit behind the world-wide bio-weapon attack. Article HERE.

Putin extends fast-track Russian citizenship to all Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday expanding a fast-track procedure to receive Russian citizenship to all Ukrainians, in yet another effort to expand Moscow’s influence in war-torn Ukraine.


Stunning Illustrations By Michal Lisowski That Will Make You Think How Fragile Our Life Is


Gorgeous and distinct illustration and digital paintings by the Polish artist Michal Lisowski based in Warsaw. Michal paints in both traditional and digital ways working already for clients like Ubisoft, Disney or NVIDIA. We are very glad to can present you some of his works and please have a look at his incredible portfolio.


Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place

Yves here. Below is the text of a new Micael Hudson speech for China’s Global University, which he delivered Monday morning. It’s already gotten 200,000 views in China and is getting coverage in the Chinese press. It focuses on how neoliberalism is a major culprit in the West’s wrong turn. Michael has graciously given us the first English transcript.

By Michael Hudson, a research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College. His latest book is The Destiny of Civilization. Originally published at his website

The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that the drive to acquire money is addictive and indeed tends to be exploitative and hence socially injurious. The moral values of most societies opposed selfishness, above all in the form of avarice and wealth addiction, which the Greeks called philarguria– love of money, silver-mania. Individuals and families indulging in conspicuous consumption tended to be ostracized, because it was recognized that wealth often was obtained at the expense of others, especially the weak.

The Greek concept of hubrisinvolved egotistic behavior causing injury to others. Avarice and greed were to be punished by the justice goddess Nemesis, who had many Near Eastern antecedents, such as Nanshe of Lagash in Sumer, protecting the weak against the powerful, the debtor against the creditor.

That protection is what rulers were expected to provide in serving the gods.That is why rulers were imbued with enough power to protect the population from being reduced to debt dependency and clientage. Chieftains, kings and temples were in charge of allocating credit and crop-land to enable smallholders to serve in the army and provide corvée labor. Rulers who behaved selfishly were liable to be unseated, or their subjects might run away, or support rebel leaders or foreign attackers promising to cancel debts and redistribute land more equitably.

The most basic function of Near Eastern kingship was to proclaim “economic order,” misharumand andurarumclean slate debt cancellations, echoed in Judaism’s Jubilee Year. There was no “democracy” in the sense of citizens electing their leaders and administrators, but “divine kingship” was obliged to achieve the implicit economic aim of democracy: “protecting the weak from the powerful.”

Royal power was backed by temples and ethical or religious systems. The major religions that emerged in the mid-first millennium BC, those of Buddha, Lao-Tzu and Zoroaster, held that personal drives should be subordinate to the promotion of overall welfare and mutual aid.

What did notseem likely 2500 years ago was that a warlord aristocracy would conquer the Western world. In creating what became the Roman Empire, an oligarchy took control of the land and, in due course, the political system. It abolished royal or civic authority, shifted the fiscal burden onto the lower classes, and ran the population and industry into debt.

This was done on a purely opportunistic basis. There was no attempt to defend this ideologically. There was no hint of an archaic Milton Friedman emerging to popularize a radical new moral order celebrating avarice by claiming that greed is what drives economies forward, not backward, convincing society to leave the distribution of land and money to “the market” controlled by private corporations and money-lenders instead of communalistic regulation by palace rulers and temples – or by extension, today’s socialism. Palaces, temples and civic governments were creditors. They were not forced to borrow to function, and so were not subjected to the policy demands of a private creditor class.

But running the population, industry and even governments into debt to an oligarchic elite is precisely what has occurred in the West, which is now trying to impose the modern variant of this debt-based economic regime – U.S.-centered neoliberal finance capitalism – on the entire world. That is what today’s New Cold War is all about.

By the traditional morality of early societies, the West – starting in classical Greece and Italy around the 8thcentury BC – was barbarian. The West was indeed on the periphery of the ancient world when Syrian and Phoenician traders brought the idea of interest-bearing debt from the Near East to societies that had no royal tradition of periodic debt cancellations. The absence of a strong palace power and temple administration enabled creditor oligarchies to emerge throughout the Mediterranean world.

Greece ended up being conquered first by oligarchic Sparta, then by Macedonia and finally by Rome. It is the latter’s avaricious pro-creditor legal system that has shaped subsequent Western civilization. Today, a financialized system of oligarchic control whose roots lead back to Rome is being supported and indeed imposed by U.S. New Cold War diplomacy, military force and economic sanctions on countries seeking to resist it.

Classical Aantiquity’s Oligarchic Ttakeover

In order to understand how Western Civilization developed in a way that contained the fatal seeds of its own economic polarization, decline and fall, it is necessary to recognize that when classical Greece and Rome appear in the historical record aDark Age had disrupted economic life from the Near East to the eastern Mediterranean from 1200 to about 750 BC. Climate change apparently caused severe depopulation, ending Greece’s Linear B palace economies, and life reverted to the local level during this period.

Some families created mafia-like autocracies by monopolizing the land and tying labor to it by various forms of coercive clientage and debt. Above all was the problem of interest-bearing debt that the Near Eastern traders had brought to the Aegean and Mediterranean lands – without the corresponding check of royal debt cancellations.

Out of thissituation Greek reformer-“tyrants” arose in the 7thand 6thcenturies BC from Sparta to Corinth, Athens and Greek islands. The Cypselid dynasty in Corinth and similar new leaders in other cities are reported to have cancelled the debts that held clients in bondage on the land, redistributed this land to the citizenry, and undertaken public infrastructure spending to build up commerce, opening the way for civic development and the rudiments of democracy. Sparta enacted austere “Lycurgan” reforms against conspicuous consumption and luxury. The poetry of Archilochus on the island of Paros and Solon of Athens denounced the drive for personal wealth as addictive, leading to hubris injuring others – to be punished by the justice goddess Nemesis. The spirit was similar to Babylonian, Judaic and other moral religions.

Rome had a legendary seven kings (753-509 BC), who are said to have attracted immigrants and prevented an oligarchy from exploiting them. But wealthy families overthrew the last king. There was no religious leader to check their power, as the leading aristocratic families controlled the priesthood. There were no leaders who combined domestic economic reform with a religious school, and there was no Western tradition of debt cancellations such as Jesus would advocate in trying to restore the Jubilee Year to Judaic practice. There were many Stoic philosophers, and religious amphictyonic sites such as Delphi and Delos expressed a religion of personal morality to avoid hubris.

Rome’s aristocrats created an anti-democratic constitution and Senate, and laws that made debt bondage – and the consequent loss of land – irreversible.Although the “politically correct” ethic was to avoid engaging in commerce and moneylending, this ethic did not prevent an oligarchy from emerging to take over the land and reduce much of the population to bondage. By the 2ndcentury BC Rome conquered the entire Mediterranean region and Asia Minor, and the largest corporations were the publican tax collectors, who are reported to have looted Rome’s provinces.

There always have been ways for the wealthy to act sanctimoniously in harmony with altruistic ethics eschewing commercial greed while enriching themselves. Western antiquity’s wealthy were able to come to terms with such ethics by avoiding direct lending and trading themselves, assigning this “dirty work” to their slaves or freemen, and by spending the revenue from such activities on conspicuous philanthropy (which became an expected show in Rome’s election campaigns). And after Christianity became the Roman religion in the 4thcentury AD, money was able to buy absolution by suitably generous donations to the Church.

Rome’s Legacy and the West’s Financial Imperialism

What distinguishes Western economies from earlier Near Eastern and most Asian societies is the absence of debt relief to restore economy-wide balance. Every Western nation has inherited from Rome the pro-creditor sanctity of debt principles that prioritize the claims of creditors and legitimize the permanent transfer to creditors of the property of defaulting debtors. From ancient Rome to Habsburg Spain, imperial Britain and the United States, Western oligarchies have appropriated the income and land of debtors, while shifting taxes off themselves onto labor and industry. This has caused domestic austerity and led oligarchies to seek prosperity through foreign conquest, to gain from foreigners what is not being produced by domestic economies driven into debt and subject to pro-creditor legal principles transferring land and other property to a rentierclass.

Spain in the 16thcentury looted vast shiploads of silver and gold from the New World, but this wealth flowed through its hands, dissipated on war instead of being invested in domestic industry. Left with a steeply unequal and polarized economy deeply in debt, the Habsburgs lost their former possession, the Dutch Republic, which thrived as the less oligarchic society and one deriving more power as a creditor than as a debtor.

Britain followed a similar rise and fall. World War I left it with heavy arms debts owed to its own former colony, the United States. Imposing anti-labor austerity at home in seeking to pay these debts, Britain’s sterling area subsequently became a satellite of the U.S. dollar under the terms of American Lend-Lease in World War II and the 1946 British Loan. The neoliberal policies of Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair sharply increased the cost of living by privatizing and monopolizing public housing and infrastructure, wiping out Britain’s former industrial competitiveness by raising the cost of living and hence wage levels.

The United States has followed a similar trajectory of imperial overreaching at the cost of its domestic economy. Its overseas military spending from 1950 onwards forced the dollar off gold in 1971. That shift had the unanticipated benefit of ushering in a “dollar standard” that has enabled the U.S. economy and its military diplomacy to get a free ride from the rest of the world, by running up dollar debt to other nation’s central banks without any practical constraint.

The financial colonization of the post-Soviet Union in the 1990s by the “shock therapy” of privatization giveaways, followed by China’s admission to the World Trade Organization in 2001 – with the expectation that China would, like Yeltsin’s Russia, become a U.S. financial colony – led America’s economy to deindustrialize by shifting employment to Asia. Trying to force submission to U.S. control by inaugurating today’s New Cold War has led Russia, China and other countries to break away from the dollarized trade and investment system, leaving the United States and NATO Europe to suffer austerity and deepening wealth inequality as debt ratios are soaring for individuals, corporations and government bodies.

It was only a decade ago that Senator John McCain and President Barack Obama characterized Russia as merely a gas station with atom bombs. That could now just as well be said of the United States, basing its world economic power on control of the West’s oil trade, while its main export surpluses are agricultural crops and arms. The combination of financial debt leveraging and privatization has made America a high-cost economy, losing its former industrial leadership, much like Britain did. The United States is now attempting to live mainly off financial gains (interest, profits on foreign investment and central bank credit creation to inflate capital gains) instead of creating wealth through its own labor and industry. Its Western allies seek to do the same. They euphemize this U.S.-dominated system as “globalization,” but it is simply a financial form of colonialism – backed with the usual military threat of force and covert “regime change” to prevent countries from withdrawing from the system.

This U.S. and NATO-based imperial system seeks to indebt weaker countries and force them to turn control over their policies to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Obeying the neoliberal anti-labor “advice” of these institutions leads to a debt crisis that forces the debtor country’s foreign-exchange rate to depreciate. The IMF then “rescues” them from insolvency on the “conditionality” that they sell off the public domain and shift taxes off the wealthy (especially foreign investors) onto labor.

Oligarchy and debt are the defining characteristics of Western economies. America’s foreign military spending and nearly constant wars have left its own Treasury deeply indebted to foreign governments and their central banks. The United States is thus following the same path by which Spain’s imperialism left the Habsburg dynasty in debt to European bankers, and Britain’s participation in two world wars in hope of maintaining its dominant world position left it in debt and ended its former industrial advantage. America’s rising foreign debt has been sustained by its “key currency” privilege of issuing its own dollar-debt under the “dollar standard” without other countries having any reasonable expectation of ever being paid – except in yet more “paper dollars.”

This monetary affluence has enabled Wall Street’s managerial elite to increase America’s rentieroverhead by financialization and privatization, increasing the cost of living and doing business, much as occurred in Britain under the neoliberal policies of Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair. Industrial companies have responded by shifting their factories to low-wage economies to maximize profits. But as America deindustrializes with rising import dependency on Asia, U.S. diplomacy is pursuing a New Cold War that is driving the world’s most productive economies to decouple from the U.S. economic orbit.

Rising debt destroys economies when it is not being used to finance new capital investment in means of production. Most Western credit today is created to inflate stock, bond and real estate prices, not to restore industrial ability. As a result of this debt-without-production approach, the U.S. domestic economy has been overwhelmed by debt owed to its own financial oligarchy. Despite America’s economy’s free lunch in the form of the continued run-up of its official debt to foreign central banks – with no visible prospect of either its international or domestic debt being paid – its debt continues to expand and the economy has become even more debt-leveraged. America has polarized with extreme wealth concentrated at the top while most of the economy is driven deeply into debt.

The Failure of Oligarchic Democracies to Protect the Indebted Population at Large

What has made the Western economies oligarchic is their failure to protect the citizenry from being driven into dependency on a creditor property-owning class. These economies have retained Rome’s creditor-based laws of debt, most notably the priority of creditor claims over the property of debtors. The creditor One Percent has become a politically powerful oligarchy despite nominal democratic political reforms expanding voting rights. Government regulatory agencies have been captured and taxing power has been made regressive, leaving economic control and planning in the hands of a rentierelite.

Rome never was a democracy. And in any case, Aristotle recognized democracies as evolving more or less naturally into oligarchies – which claim to be democratic for public-relations purposes while pretending that their increasingly top-heavy concentration of wealth is all for the best. Today’s trickle-down rhetoric depicts banks and financial managers as steering savings in the most efficient way to produce prosperity for the entire economy, not just for themselves.

President Biden and his State Department neoliberals accuse China and any other country seeking to maintain its economic independence and self-reliance of being “autocratic.” Their rhetorical sleight of hand juxtaposes democracy to autocracy. What they call “autocracy” is a government strong enough to prevent a Western-oriented financial oligarchy from indebting the population to itself – and then prying away its land and other property into its own hands and those of its American and other foreign backers.

The Orwellian Doublethink of calling oligarchies “democracies” is followed by defining a free market as one that is free for financial rent-seeking. U.S.-backed diplomacy has indebted countries, forcing them to sell control of their public infrastructure and turn their economy’s “commanding heights” into opportunities to extract monopoly rent.

This autocracy vs. democracy rhetoric is similar to the rhetoric that Greek and Roman oligarchies used when they accused democratic reformers of seeking “tyranny” (in Greece) or “kingship” (in Rome). It was the Greek “tyrants” who overthrow mafia-like autocracies in the 7thand 6thcenturies BC, paving the way for the economic and proto-democratic takeoffs of Sparta, Corinth and Athens. And it was Rome’s kings who built up their city-state by offering self-support land tenure for citizens. That policy attracted immigrants from neighboring Italian city-states whose populations were being forced into debt bondage.

The problem is that Western democracies have not proved adept at preventing oligarchies from emerging and polarizing the distribution of income and wealth. Ever since Rome, oligarchic “democracies” have not protected their citizens from creditors seeking to appropriate land, its rental yield and the public domain for themselves.

If we ask just who today is enacting and enforcing policies that seek to check oligarchy in order to protect the livelihood of citizens, the answer is that this is done by socialist states. Only a strong state has the power to check a financial and rent-seeking oligarchy. The Chinese embassy in America demonsrated this in its reply to President Biden’s description of China as an autocracy:

Clinging to a Cold War mentality and the hegemon’s logic, the US pursues bloc politics, concocts the “democracy versus authoritarianism” narrative … and ramps up bilateral military alliances, in a clear attempt at countering China.

Guided by a people-centered philosophy, since the day when it was founded … the Party has been working tirelessly for the interest of the people, and has dedicated itself to realizing people’s aspirations for a better life. China has been advancing whole-process people’s democracy, promoting legal safeguard for human rights, and upholding social equity and justice. The Chinese people now enjoy fuller and more extensive and comprehensive democratic rights.[1]

Nearly all early non-Western societies had protections against the emergence of mercantile and rentieroligarchies. That is why it is so important to recognize that what has become Western civilization represents a break from the Near East, South and East Asia. Each of these regions had its own system of public administration to save its social balance from commercial and monetary wealth that threatened to destroy economic balance if left unchecked. But the West’s economic character was shaped by rentieroligarchies. Rome’s Republic enriched its oligarchy by stripping the wealth of the regions it conquered, leaving them impoverished. That remains the extractive strategy of subsequent European colonialism and, most recently, U.S.-centered neoliberal globalization. The aim always has been to “free” oligarchies from constraints on their self-seeking.

The great question is, “freedom” and “liberty” for whom? Classical political economy defined a free market as one free fromunearned income, headed by land rent and other natural-resource rent, monopoly rent, financial interest and related creditor privileges. But by the end of the 19thcentury the rentieroligarchy sponsored a fiscal and ideological counter-revolution, re-defining a free market as one free for rentiers to extract economic rent – unearned income.

This rejection of the classical critique of rentierincome has been accompanied by re-defining “democracy” to require having a “free market” of the anti-classical oligarchic rentiervariety. Instead of the government being the economic regulator in the public interest, public regulation of credit and monopolies is dismantled. That lets companies charge whatever they want for the credit they supply and the products they sell. Privatizing the privilege of creating credit-money lets the financial sector take over the role of allocating property ownership.

The result has been to centralize economic planning in Wall Street, the City of London, the Paris Bourse and other imperial financial centers. That is what today’s New Cold War is all about: protecting this system of U.S.-centered neoliberal financial capitalism, by wrecking or isolating the alternative systems of China, Russia and their allies, while seeking to further financialize the former colonialist system sponsoring creditor power instead of protecting debtors, imposing debt-ridden austerity instead of growth, and making the loss of property through foreclosure or forced sale irreversible.

Is Western Civilization a Long Detour from Where Antiquity Seemed To Be Headed?

What is so important in Rome’s economic polarization that resulted from the dynamics of interest bearing debt in the rapacious hands of its creditor class is how radically its oligarchic pro-creditor legal system differed from the laws of earlier societies that checked creditors and the proliferation of debt. The rise of a creditor oligarchy that used its wealth to monopolize the land and take over the government and courts (not hesitating to use force and targeted political assassination against would-be reformers) had been prevented for thousands of years throughout the Near East and other Asian lands. But the Aegean and Mediterranean periphery lacked the economic checks and balances that had provided resilience elsewhere in the Near East. What has distinguished the West from the outset has been its lack of a government strong enough to check the emergence and domination of a creditor oligarchy.

All ancient economies operated on credit, running up crop debts during the agricultural year. Warfare, droughts or floods, disease and other disruptions often prevented the accrual of debts from being paid. But Near Eastern rulers cancelled debts under these conditions. That saved their citizen-soldiers and corvée-workers from losing their self-support land to creditors, who were recognized as being a potential rival power to the palace. By the mid-first millennium BC debt bondage had shrunk to only a marginal phenomenon in Babylonia, Persia and other Near Eastern realms. But Greece and Rome were in the midst of a half-millennium of popular revolts demanding debt cancellation and liberty from debt bondage and loss of self-support land.

It was only Roman kings and Greek tyrants who, for a while, were able to protect their subjects from debt bondage. But they ultimately lost to warlord creditor oligarchies. The lesson of history is thus that a strong government regulatory power is required to prevent oligarchies from emerging and using creditor claims and land grabbing to turn the citizenry into debtors, renters, clients and ultimately serfs.

The Rise of Creditor Control Over Modern Governments

Palaces and temples throughout the ancient world were creditors. Only in the West did a private creditor class emerge. A millennium after the fall of Rome, a new banking class obliged medieval kingdoms to run into debt. International banking families used their creditor power to gain control of public monopolies and natural resources, much as creditors had gained control of individual land in antiquity.

World War I saw the Western economies reach an unprecedented crisis as a result of Inter-Ally debts and German reparations. Trade broke down and the Western economies fell into depression. What pulled them out was World War II, and this time no reparations were imposed after the war ended. In place of war debts, England simply was obliged to open up its Sterling Area to U.S. exporters and refrain from reviving its industrial markets by devaluing sterling, under the terms of Lend-Lease and the 1946 British Loan as noted above.

The West emerged from World War II relatively free of private debt – and thoroughly under U.S. dominance. But since 1945 the volume of debt has expanded exponentially, reaching crisis proportions in 2008 as the junk-mortgage bubble, massive bank fraud and financial debt pyramiding exploded, overburdening the U.S. as well as the European and Global South economies.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank monetized $8 trillion to save the financial elite’s holdings of stocks, bonds and packaged real estate mortgages instead of rescuing the victims of junk mortgages and over-indebted foreign countries. The European Central Bank did much the same thing to save the wealthiest Europeans from losing the market value of their financial wealth.

But it was too late to save the U.S. and European economies. The long post-1945 debt buildup has run its course. The U.S. economy has been deindustrialized, its infrastructure is collapsing and its population is so deeply indebted that little disposable income is left to support living standards. Much as occurred with Rome’s Empire, the American response is to try to maintain the prosperity of its own financial elite by exploiting foreign countries. That is aim of today’s New Cold War diplomacy. It involves extracting economic tribute by pushing foreign economies further into dollarized debt, to be paid by imposing depression and austerity on themselves.

This subjugation is depicted by mainstream economists as a law of nature and hence as an inevitable form of equilibrium, in which each nation’s economy receives “what it is worth.” Today’s mainstream economic models are based on the unrealistic assumption that all debts can be paid, without polarizing income and wealth. All economic problems are assumed to be self-curing by “the magic of the marketplace,” without any need for civic authority to intervene. Government regulation is deemed inefficient and ineffective, and hence unnecessary. That leaves creditors, land-grabbers and privatizers with a free hand to deprive others of theirfreedom. This is depicted as the ultimate destiny of today’s globalization, and of history itself.

The End of History? Or Just of the West’s Financialization and Privatization?

The neoliberal pretense is that privatizing the public domain and letting the financial sector take over economic and social planning in targeted countries will bring mutually beneficial prosperity. That is supposed to make foreign submission to the U.S.-centered world order voluntary. But the actual effect of neoliberal policy has been to polarize Global South economies and subject them to debt-ridden austerity.

American neoliberalism claims that America’s privatization, financialization and shift of economic planning from government to Wall Street and other financial centers is the result of a Darwinian victory achieving such perfection that it is “the end of history.” It is as if the rest of the world has no alternative but to accept U.S. control of the global (that is, neo-colonial) financial system, trade and social organization. And just to make sure, U.S. diplomacy seeks to back its financial and diplomatic control by military force.

The irony is that U.S. diplomacy itself has helped accelerate an international response to neoliberalism by forcing together governments strong enough to pick up the long trend of history that sees governments empowered to prevent corrosive oligarchic dynamics from derailing the progress of civilization.

The 21stcentury began with American neoliberals imagining that their debt-leveraged financialization and privatization would cap the long upsweep of human history as the legacy of classical Greece and Rome. The neoliberal view of ancient history echoes that of antiquity’s oligarchies, denigrating Rome’s kings and Greece’s reformer-tyrants as threatening too strong a public intervention when they aimed at keeping citizens free of debt bondage and securing self-support land tenure. What is viewed as the decisive takeoff point is the oligarchy’s “security of contracts” giving creditors the right to expropriate debtors. This indeed has remained a defining characteristic of Western legal systems for the past two thousand years.

A real end of history would mean that reform would stop in every country. That dream seemed close when U.S. neoliberals were given a free hand to reshape Russia and other post-Soviet states after the Soviet Union dissolved itself in 1991, starting with shock therapy privatizing natural resources and other public assets in the hands of Western-oriented kleptocrats registering public wealth in their own names – and cashing out by selling their takings to U.S. and other Western investors.

The end of the Soviet Union’s history was supposed to consolidate America’s End of History by showing how futile it would be for nations to try to create an alternative economic order based on public control of money and banking, public health, free education and other subsidies of basic needs, free from debt financing. China’s admission into the World Trade Organization in 2001 was viewed as confirming Margaret Thatcher’s claim that There Is No Alternative (TINA) to the new neoliberal order sponsored by U.S. diplomacy.

There is an economic alternative, of course. Looking over the sweep of ancient history, we can see that the main objective of ancient rulers from Babylonia to South Asia and East Asia was to preventa mercantile and creditor oligarchy from reducing the population at large to clientage, debt bondage and serfdom. If the non-U.S. Eurasian world now follows this basic aim, it would be restoring the course of history to its pre-Western course. That would not be the end of history, but it would return to the non-Western world’s basic ideals of economic balance, justice and equity.

Today, China, India, Iran and other Eurasian economies have taken the first step as a precondition for a multipolar world, by rejecting America’s insistence that they join the U.S. trade and financial sanctions against Russia. These countries realize that if the United States could destroy Russia’s economy and replace its government with U.S.-oriented Yeltsin-like proxies, the remaining countries of Eurasia would be next in line.

The only possible way for history really to end would be for the American military to destroy every nation seeking an alternative to neoliberal privatization and financialization. U.S. diplomacy insists that history must not take any path that would not culminate in its own financial empire ruling through client oligarchies. American diplomats hope that their military threats and support of proxy armies will force other countries to submit to neoliberal demands – to avoid being bombed, or suffering “color revolutions,” political assassinations and army takeovers, Pinochet-style. But the only real way to bring history to an end is by atomic war to end human life on this planet.

The New Cold War Is Dividing the World into Two Contrasting Economic Systems

NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is the catalyst fracturing the world into two opposing spheres with incompatible economic philosophies. China, the country growing most rapidly, treats money and credit as a public utility allocated by government instead of letting the monopoly privilege of credit creation be privatized by banks, leading to them displacing government as economic and social planner. That monetary independence, relying on its own domestic money creation instead of borrowing U.S. electronic dollars, and denominating foreign trade and investment in its own currency instead of in dollars, is seen as an existential threat to America’s control of the global economy.

U.S. neoliberal doctrine calls for history to end by “freeing” the wealthy classes from a government strong enough to prevent the polarization of wealth, and ultimate decline and fall. Imposing trade and financial sanctions against Russia, Iran, Venezuela and other countries that resist U.S. diplomacy, and ultimately military confrontation, is how America intends to “spread democracy” by NATO from Ukraine to the China Sea.

The West, in its U.S. neoliberal iteration, seems to be repeating the pattern of Rome’s decline and fall. Concentrating wealth in the hands of the One Percent has always been the trajectory of Western civilization. It is a result of classical antiquity having taken a wrong track when Greece and Rome allowed the inexorable growth of debt, leading to the expropriation of much of the citizenry and reducing it to bondage to a land-owning creditor oligarchy. That is the dynamic built into the DNA of what is called the West and its “security of contracts” without any government oversight in the public interest. By stripping away prosperity at home, this dynamic requires a constant reaching out to extract an economic affluence (literally a “flowing in”) at the expense of colonies or debtor countries.

The United States through its New Cold War is aiming at securing precisely such economic tribute from other countries. The coming conflict may last for perhaps twenty years and will determine what kind of political and economic system the world will have. At issue is more than just U.S. hegemony and its dollarized control of international finance and money creation. Politically at issue is the idea of “democracy” that has become a euphemism for an aggressive financial oligarchy seeking to impose itself globally by predatory financial, economic and political control backed by military force.

As I have sought to emphasize, oligarchic control of government has been the distinguishing feature of Western civilization ever since classical antiquity. And the key to this control has been opposition to strong government – that is, civil government strong enough to prevent a creditor oligarchy from emerging and monopolizing control of land and wealth, making itself into a hereditary aristocracy, a rentierclass living off land rents, interest and monopoly privileges that reduce the population at large to austerity.

The unipolar U.S.-centered order hoping to “end history” reflected a basic economic and political dynamic that has been a characteristic of Western civilization ever since classical Greece and Rome set off along a different track from the Near Eastern matrix in the first millennium BC.

To save themselves from being swept into the whirlpool of economic destruction now engulfing the West, countries in the world’s rapidly growing Eurasian core are developing new economic institutions based on an alternative social and economic philosophy. With China being the largest and fastest growing economy in the region, its socialist policies are likely to be influential in shaping this emerging non-Western financial and trading system.

Instead of the West’s privatization of basic economic infrastructure to create private fortunes through monopoly rent extraction, China keeps this in public hands. Its great advantage over the West is that it treats money and credit as a public utility, to be allocated by government instead of letting private banks create credit, with debt mounting up without expanding production to raise living standards. China also is keeping health and education, transportation and communications in public hands, to be provided as basic human rights.

China’s socialist policy is in many ways a return to basic ideas of resilience that characterized most civilization before classical Greece and Rome.

It has created a state strong enough to resist the emergence of a financial oligarchy gaining control of the land and rent-yielding assets.

In contrast, today’s Western economies are repeating precisely that oligarchic drive that polarized and destroyed the economies of classical Greece and Rome, with the United States serving as the modern analogue (for Rome).

1940s Guide Shows How To Kiss Correctly


LIFE magazine published this guide for actors in 1942, but it may still come in handy today. According to these romantic pictures from the magazine, there are some vital basic steps to follow to achieve the perfect clinch. First, the how-to guide recommends that kissers should not stand too far apart – pointing out that actors doing this on stage look ‘juvenile if they are so stand-offish’.

“WRONG: They look too juvenile if they are so stand-offish”
“RIGHT: Boy and girl should stand close together and not hold each other too tightly”
“WRONG: Sprawling all over the chair is considered ungraceful”

“RIGHT: Girl should sit on arm of the chair and boy should hold her firmly but lightly”

Watch: NYC Unleash Nuclear-Attack Preparedness PSA

Tuesday, Jul 12, 2022 – 05:45 PM

With COVID-anxiety having waned, America’s leaders need something to stoke the fear and make us more malleable.

In the case of New York City, it appears they turned the fearmongery up to ’11’ this week as they launched a nuclear attack preparedness public service announcement, saying it’s best to be prepared even if such a strike is unlikely.

“While the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in/near New York City is very low, it is important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe,” the city’s Emergency Management Department said in its announcement.

According to the PSA, there are three important steps to take – just do as you’re told and “get inside” a building fast and move away from windows, “stay inside” while removing and bagging all outer clothing to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body, and “stay tuned” for the ‘experts’ and ‘officials’ to tell you what to do.

Oh, and don’t forget to wear your snugly-fitting N95 mask if you are forced inside a building in close confines with other humans… you can’t be too safe, right?

As Audacy reports, Emergency Management didn’t say if any factor in particular prompted the new PSA, but Commissioner Zach Iscol said in a statement, “As the threat landscape continues to evolve, it is important that New Yorkers know we are preparing for any imminent threats and are providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and informed.”

Watch the full PSA below:

Be afraid America, be very afraid…

Now An Outbreak Of The Marburg Virus Has Begun

Monday, Jul 11, 2022 – 05:30 AM

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Why are so many unusual outbreaks of disease suddenly happening all over the planet?  We were already dealing with a seemingly endless global pandemic coming into 2022, and so far this year a bird flu pandemic has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys, the worst monkeypox outbreak in history has spread like wildfire in the western world, and now it is being reported that there is an outbreak of the Marburg Virus in Africa.  We have already lost our opportunity to contain monkeypox, and that is really bad news.  But if authorities are not able to successfully contain this new Marburg outbreak, we could potentially be facing a scenario that is downright apocalyptic.

The new outbreak of the Marburg Virus is happening in Ghana.  The two victims that have died so far did not know each other, and officials believe that this is evidence that “the disease is spreading more widely”

Two people are believed to have died from the extremely deadly Marburg virus in Ghana as officials gear up for a potential outbreak.

The patients, from the country’s southern Ashanti region, were not known to each other, suggesting the disease is spreading more widely.

Initial tests came back positive for the virus and the samples are being reanalysed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Global health authorities have always warned that the Marburg virus is a good candidate for a horrifying global pandemic because it can have a very long incubation period.  The following information comes from the World Health Organization

The incubation period (interval from infection to onset of symptoms) varies from 2 to 21 days.

Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise. Muscle aches and pains are a common feature. Severe watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramping, nausea and vomiting can begin on the third day. Diarrhoea can persist for a week. The appearance of patients at this phase has been described as showing “ghost-like” drawn features, deep-set eyes, expressionless faces, and extreme lethargy.

All of that sounds terrible, but the next stage of the disease is truly nightmarish

Many patients develop severe haemorrhagic manifestations between 5 and 7 days, and fatal cases usually have some form of bleeding, often from multiple areas. Fresh blood in vomitus and faeces is often accompanied by bleeding from the nose, gums, and vagina. Spontaneous bleeding at venepuncture sites (where intravenous access is obtained to give fluids or obtain blood samples) can be particularly troublesome. During the severe phase of illness, patients have sustained high fevers. Involvement of the central nervous system can result in confusion, irritability, and aggression. Orchitis (inflammation of one or both testicles) has been reported occasionally in the late phase of disease (15 days).

In fatal cases, death occurs most often between 8 and 9 days after symptom onset, usually preceded by severe blood loss and shock.

The largest previous outbreak of the disease was in 2005.

During that outbreak, 88 percent of the victims died…

The largest outbreak to date was in Angola in 2005, when 374 caught the virus and 329 died – a fatality rate of 88 percent.

A disease that has a death rate of way less than one percent ended up paralyzing much of the planet for months on end.

So what do you think will happen if the Marburg Virus becomes a true global pandemic?

Needless to say, the panic would be off the charts, and there is no cure and no vaccine

The Marburg virus is a top concern for public health officials who are worried about the next pandemic. It has the potential to cause serious public health emergencies but there are currently no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved to treat the virus.

Meanwhile, the number of monkeypox cases continues to rise at an exponential rate.

When I wrote about monkeypox yesterday, there were 7,534 global cases.  Unfortunately, Friday was the worst day for this outbreak so far by a very wide margin, and now there are 9,109 global cases.

I had been hoping that this outbreak would fade after the initial spike of cases, but instead it seems to be rapidly picking up momentum.

Here in the United States, it has already spread to 39 different states and the total number of cases has now risen to 790.

If the number of cases continues to double at a very fast pace, it won’t be too long before we have a major national crisis on our hands.

Let us hope that doesn’t happen, because this is a disease that you definitely do not want to get.

This highly mutated version of monkeypox causes extremely intense pain In fact, one victim that was interview by NBC News said that it was “the worst pain in my life”.

Since monkeypox causes very ugly sores on the skin, many have suggested that this sounds eerily similar to a future scenario that I described in my books.

But we don’t know if monkeypox will become a true global pandemic yet.  We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Of course COVID has been a global pandemic for a long time, and now it is being reported that a new subvariant that is becoming dominant in the western world is “the worst so far”

The latest subvariant of the novel coronavirus to become dominant in Europe, the United States, and other places is also, in many ways, the worst so far.

The BA.5 subvariant of the basic Omicron variant appears to be more contagious than any previous form of the virus. It’s apparently better at dodging our antibodies, too—meaning it might be more likely to cause breakthrough and repeat infections.

Despite everything that they have tried, authorities have failed to stop this pandemic.  Our planet has been hit by wave after wave, and now hospitalizations in the U.S. are spiking once again

Eighteen states reported more cases in the week of June 30-July 7 than in the week before, according to a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data.

That has also led to a rise in hospitalizations, with hospitals in 40 states reporting more COVID-19 patients than a week earlier. Thirty-eight states had more patients in intensive care beds, and 17 states reported more deaths than a week earlier.

Personally, I am far, far more concerned about monkeypox.

If the number of monkeypox cases continues to explode like it has been, it won’t be too long before there is widespread panic among the general public.

And if the Marburg Virus starts getting loose in the western world we will be facing a scenario that is absolutely unthinkable.

So hopefully authorities in Africa are on top of this, because the death toll from a full-blown global pandemic would be off the charts.

Roast Beef

The Sunday roast has captured the imagination of anyone who wants to recreate the classic American meal, but how many of us take the time to try out this classic recipe? With slow-roasted flavors and a recipe anyone can easily tackle, taking a stab at these classic 1950s dishes should take a spot on any cook’s bucket list. Combine the roast with some sides of mashed potatoes and roasted carrots, and weekend meals are sure to transform forever.

Roast Beef

Whatever happened to the days when the 6 p.m. dinner bell would ring and Mom would pull a beautifully browned roast from the oven? Well, plenty of things: microwaves, pizza delivery, the narrowing of the gender equality gap. Although it should be said that the pay-gap has nowhere near narrowed. So why don’t we make a new tradition with this favorite meal? Point is, we miss the roast, and there is no reason dads (and brothers, and boyfriends!) shouldn’t endeavor to make a roast beef every so often. That’s right, guys, you can do it. It’s as simple as turning on the oven, putting in the seasoned beef, and pulling it out when it’s ready. This type of roast beef recipe magic should be timeless (and genderless, too.)

You’ll Need

3 lb rump roast
8 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
2 Tbsp olive oil
1⁄2 Tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
Salt and black pepper to taste

How to Make It

  1. Remove the roast from the fridge at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  2. Preheat the oven to 250°F.
  3. Use a small paring knife to make incisions into the roast and gently insert garlic clove halves all over.
  4. Rub the roast with the olive oil and season all over with the rosemary and plenty of salt and pepper.
  5. Place on a rack on a baking sheet and place in the middle rack of the oven.
  6. Roast for 90 minutes.
  7. Turn up the heat to 475°F and roast for another 15 minutes, until the beef has developed a deep-brown crust and an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part registers 140°F.

Eat This Tip

No baking rack? No problem. Many recipes call for baking racks to allow the warm air to fully circulate around the meat, but you can simulate the effect very simply with no extra equipment.

  • Position one oven rack in the middle of the oven and another immediately below it.
  • Prep and season the meat, then place it directly on the middle rack.
  • Place a rimmed baking sheet below to catch the juices as they fall from the meat. (Those precious juices can be turned into gravy with a bit of flour and broth!)

Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization

Let me recommend to everyone the speech Michael Hudson has held on Monday for China’s Global University. It digs to the core of the illness that has taken over ‘western’ societies.

The issue is debt which historically was largely forgiven by the king or high priest in case of hard times. But during the time of the Greek and later Roman empires oligarchs took over and demanded to pay back all debt in full and even in hard times. This split societies into a rich rentier class and indebted plebs. Each empire that followed that path, from the Roman to the British one, eventually came down due to over-indebtedness.

The U.S. is the current global empire which is way down on this path. It is hostile to all societies that do not open their financial markets to be robbed by U.S. oligarchs. This is at the core of the current global conflict as China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela developed from different traditions and reject to give in to U.S. demands. The U.S. is used to solve such ‘problems’ by force but is now likely too weak to achieve that.

Naked Capitalism is the first to publish the English language version of Hudson’s speech:

Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place

The core paragraphs are probably these:

The United States through its New Cold War is aiming at securing precisely such economic tribute from other countries. The coming conflict may last for perhaps twenty years and will determine what kind of political and economic system the world will have. At issue is more than just U.S. hegemony and its dollarized control of international finance and money creation. Politically at issue is the idea of “democracy” that has become a euphemism for an aggressive financial oligarchy seeking to impose itself globally by predatory financial, economic and political control backed by military force.

As I have sought to emphasize, oligarchic control of government has been the distinguishing feature of Western civilization ever since classical antiquity. And the key to this control has been opposition to strong government – that is, civil government strong enough to prevent a creditor oligarchy from emerging and monopolizing control of land and wealth, making itself into a hereditary aristocracy, a rentierclass living off land rents, interest and monopoly privileges that reduce the population at large to austerity.

It will be necessary to bring down the rentierclass. To recommit to a strong state that owns the public goods and services and does not hand them over to private interests. The coming malaise may well help to achieve that.

Posted by b at 14:00 UTC |

Russian Ministry of Defense: “We are on the verge of an immediate armed conflict with the United States”

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a very late night Press Statement saying “We are on the verge of an immediate armed conflict with the United States” after Ukraine used U.S.-supplied HIMARS weapons to attack a Russian base.  As of 7:12 PM EDT, at least 7 Russian troops are dead and at least 40 are injured.  Those numbers are rapidly rising and changing fast.

In addition to the Russian MoD, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also issued a statement:

The United States and its allies are teetering on the brink of an open military conflict with Moscow, which would be fraught with nuclear tensions, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Tuesday.

“After provoking an escalation of the Ukrainian crisis and unleashing a violent hybrid confrontation with Russia, Washington and its allies are dangerously teetering on the brink of an open military confrontation with our country, which means a direct armed conflict between nuclear powers. Clearly, such a confrontation would be fraught with nuclear escalation,” the statement reads.



Henry Kissinger just said on Fox News that we should expect direct conflict with Russia by mId-August.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Getting tired of this tedious Bla Bla

The “news” from the collective West (led by the United States) is a complete “cluster fuck”. It’s one set of ugly “news” after the other. It’s so very difficult to gleam truth amidst all the lies.  Here’s some selected (more accurate) “news” items that describe what’s going on, as well as some trivial subjects to interrupt the paid trolls and software compliance ‘bots. I hope you enjoy it.

Russia has made a decisive break with the West and is ready to help shape a new world order

Russia is now focusing on developing its ties with Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

By Russia Today

Just before the G7 leaders met at Elmau Castle in Bavaria, last week, their counterparts from the five BRICS countries held an online summit under the Chinese Presidency. Russia had been discussed as a threat at the G7 gathering but was a key participant in the latter.

Long gone are the days when Moscow could straddle the divide between the West and the non-West. Following the 2014 Ukraine crisis, the G8 reverted to its previous G7 format; in the wake of the Russian military action in Ukraine last February, Russian-Western confrontation degenerated into a full-blown “Hybrid War,” complete with an actual confrontation – if so far a proxy one.

Having tried, after the end of the Cold War, to become part of the new West, and having failed at that endeavor, Russia is now focusing on developing its ties with Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

This is both a difficult and a necessary task, for a number of reasons. First, there is a powerful inertia from the past. At least since the days of Peter the Great, Russian elites have looked westward, adopting western ways of appearance and behavior (while remaining distinctly Russian beneath the garb and manners); adapting western institutions (even if often only superficially); borrowing western patterns of thinking (while creatively developing them, as with Marxism); seeking to become a great European power; then, in Soviet days, a global superpower; and, more recently, a key component of a greater Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok.

This is a pathway hard to wean off from. Yet, now, for the first time ever, Russia is facing a united West, from North America, the European Union, and Britain, to Japan and Australia. What’s more, there are no allies in the West that Moscow can turn to – even notionally neutral states such as Finland, Sweden, Austria, and Switzerland, have all ditched their neutrality. Russia’s political rupture with the West is thus complete, and any new norm of relations between them can only emerge as a result of the “Hybrid War,“ which will take years, if not decades, to fight out.

Second, Moscow’s economic relations have been largely built with the West. Historically, Russia has been a resource for Western European industry; a breadbasket of the continent; and a major importer of industrial products and technology. Until recently, Russia’s trade with the European Union alone accounted for more than half of Russia’s foreign commerce, and Germany was the lead exporter of machinery and technology to Russia. Since the early 1970s, oil and gas pipelines from Russia to Western Europe have formed the backbone of economic ties and provided for general stability on the continent, even in the dangerous decades of the Cold War and in the turbulent times of the disintegration of the Soviet Union itself. This, too, is on the way out, however.

The severe sanctions imposed on Russia by the US, EU and the UK will not be lifted even when the actual fighting in Ukraine stops, and the painful experience of foreign exchange and asset seizures will leave a huge imprint on any future Russian approach to economic ties with the West.

Third, in cultural terms, Russians have traditionally identified themselves with the rest of Europe. Christianity; the legacies of Ancient Greece and Rome; the ideas of French Enlightenment and German philosophy; European literature and the arts, music, and dance – all of this helped shape and form Russia’s own culture, giving it a powerful stimulus for self-development. Despite the recent political rupture and the geo-economic shift, the foundations of Russian culture remain definitely European.

However, a number of elements of today’s cultural scene in the West, particularly the dominant cult of individual self-expression, runaway liberalism that is turning increasingly oppressive, the erosion of family values and the proliferation of genders, jars with the more traditional cultural code of the majority of the Russian population.

That said, the obvious necessity for Russia to now look beyond the West means it can probably overcome the historical inertia, the legacy of previous geo-economic priorities, and cultural affinities. With the West shunning Russia, trying to isolate and sometimes “cancel” it, Moscow has no choice but to kick its old habits and reach out to the wider world beyond Western Europe and North America. In fact, this is something that successive Russian leaders vowed to do repeatedly, even when relations with the West were much less adversarial, but the Europe-oriented mindset, the apparent ease of trading resources for Western goods and technologies, and the ambition to be accepted into Western elite circles prevented that intention from turning into reality.

It has been noted, however, that people start doing the right thing only when there are no other options. And certainly, capitulating to the West is no option for Russia, at this point. Things have gone too far.

Beyond the necessity of an overhaul of Russia’s foreign relations there are real opportunities to pursue. Since the end of the Cold War, the leading countries of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America have risen spectacularly in all respects, from economically and politically to technologically and militarily.

Even before the outbreak of the “Hybrid War,” China had overtaken Germany not only as Russia’s principal trading partner, but also as the leading exporter of machinery and equipment to Russia. India, a traditional importer of Soviet and Russian weapons, is now emerging as a major technology partner for Moscow. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are Russia’s principal partners in regulating oil output in the OPEC+ format.

Turkey and Iran are major independent players in a key strategic region. The fact that the vast majority of non-Western countries refused to condemn Russia for what it is doing in Ukraine – many of them despite strong US pressure – is most encouraging for Moscow. In the sense that those who are not against us could be considered to be with us.

From Indonesia to Brazil, and from Argentina to South Africa, there are many dynamic and ambitious countries that Moscow is seeking to engage.

To be able to do that, Russia’s foreign policy needs to come up with an appropriate strategy. Above all, it needs to give relations with non-Western countries priority over the de facto firmly frozen ties with the West. Being an ambassador to Indonesia should be more prestigious than an ambassadorship in Rome, and a post in Tashkent should be viewed as more important than one in Vienna.

There needs to be an audit of potential economic and other opportunities for Russia in the BRICS countries, and a plan to work on them. Apart from economics, student exchange programs should be expanded, and Russian tourism encouraged to move east, and south. The Russian media would be right to increase coverage of developments in the key non-Western nations, educating the Russian elite and the broader public about the economic realities, politics, and culture of those nations.


Monkeypox Outbreak DOUBLES in NYC . . . One Week After “Gay Pride” Parade

The number of confirmed monkeypox cases in New York City has doubled in the past week, according to data from the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.  This increase in cases comes after the NYC “Gay Pride” Parade on June 26.

The department said in a tweet on Tuesday that 111 people had tested positive in New York City so far, up from 55 a week prior. The tweet states that the city is expecting to receive additional doses of the monkeypox vaccine in the coming days and will make appointments available soon.

The department announced last month that men who have sex with men and have had sex with multiple partners or anonymous partners in the past two weeks would be eligible to receive the vaccine. The vaccine, the Jynneos smallpox vaccine, is administered in two doses four weeks apart from each other.

The city’s health department website states that most people infected with monkeypox in New York City have had mild illness, have not been hospitalized and have recovered on their own.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that monkeypox cases have been confirmed in 33 states plus Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

When it became blatantly obvious around the world that this outbreak was taking place in the Gay community, because 99% of cases have been Gay men, the CDC was asked if people should avoid Gay Events and the CDC said “no.”   So here we are, on July 6, just ten days after the NYC Gay Pride Parade . . . and the outbreak has doubled.

It’s not that Gay people can’t control their behaviors . . .  it’s that they won’t.

Why the West has failed to get the rest of the world on board to support its confrontation with Russia

The US-led bloc no longer offers the only viable model for development, which means its ability to impose its will is fading.

By Fyodor Lukyanov

The recent festival of big Western politics – which began with a meeting of the European Council, continued with the G7 Summit, and ended with a major NATO gathering – provides plenty of food for thought about the fate of the world.

On the surface, what we have seen is impressive: The West is showing unprecedented unity in the face of the Russian campaign in Ukraine.

America has gathered almost all of its allies. Right now, from Australia to Norway, from Singapore to Portugal, and from Japan to Iceland, the agenda is the same – to prevent the success of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who represents a rejection of the so-called ‘rules-based order’.

The brutality and irreversibility of what is happening in Ukraine gives the situation the character of a moral choice. Almost all statements from Western leaders refer to a confrontation between “civilization and barbarism”. Accordingly, they believe, there should be no doubt about which side to take.

The Western community has now reached maximum capacity – its European flank (EU and NATO members plus Ukraine and Moldova), its Asian club (South Korea, Japan, and Singapore stopped wavering and took the ‘right’ side), the Oceania pairing, and of course, North America. The ‘free world’ has never been so vast.

This raises a serious question, however. Has the West reached its natural limit beyond which expansion is no longer possible? And if so, what does it mean?

In fact, the topic of the limits of Western influence stems from the notorious concept of the ‘end of history’, which is already so worn out that it is even inconvenient to bring it up. Nevertheless, it is appropriate in this context. Francis Fukuyama’s reflections (he was recently banned from entering Russia, as it happens) led him to conclude that with the collapse of the communist alternative, the only question that remained was how soon and how painlessly the Western economic and socio–political model – which had proved its virtues in the showdown with the USSR – would spread to the rest of the world. The author admitted that it would not be without snags, but in general, the direction was determined once and for all.

How things actually played out after the collapse of the USSR is well known, and despite the fact that numerous crises in developed countries have dimmed the view of the expected path of development, the system has been preserved – and no one has yet come close to the Western world in terms of well-being and comfort. And the Western media still has a near-monopoly on determining the picture of what is happening on a global scale. This means it has a huge head start. But the limit seems to have been reached.

Perhaps the main surprise resulting from the events of recent months is that the West has failed to engage so much of the world in a united front against Russia – the exceptions being those who are already part of the West and a few who passionately want to join the club.

This is unexpected, since few people approve of Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Moscow is dealing with problems that are seemingly irrelevant to anyone but itself, and the harsh methods and humanitarian consequences of the conflict do not elicit much sympathy from outside. In other words, objectively, the West has an excellent chance to win over most of the rest of the world by taking the line that its cause here is about opposition to barbarism.

But this is not happening. Why? There are perhaps three main reasons.

Firstly, the non-Western world knows perfectly well that wars on the planet have never stopped, including in the last 30 years, and statements from the EU states about the era of ‘harmony and prosperity’ that Putin interrupted are perceived as both selfishness and hypocrisy. Telling people in the Middle East, for example, that Russia has violated every conceivable moral standard is, to put it mildly, difficult in light of what the region has experienced since the Cold War ended.

Secondly, most in the former third world see the current events as the culmination of a long-standing conflict related to the assertive policies of the US and its allies regarding the territories directly adjacent to Russia. Their attitude is something like: ‘What did you expect would happen when you provoked the tiger?’

Finally, the reaction of the majority of the planet illustrates their irritation with the West as a whole. It is perceived as a hegemon with a colonial history which is always abusing its powers. The reason is not support for Russia’s actions, but opposition to the West’s attempts to impose its will on others, which often harms their own interests. Also, schadenfreude over America’s failed attempts to impose its will compensates for any doubts about the legitimacy of Moscow’s actions.

In other words, it’s not about sympathy for Russia, but antipathy to the West.

Western leaders are both surprised and alarmed by this situation. If the initial calls to join the boycott of Russia amounted to orders, now the demands have been replaced by exhortations and attempts to promise something in return. The selection of the G7 Summit guests – the presidents of India, Indonesia, Senegal, Argentina, and South Africa – is indicative.

The invited parties were warmly welcomed. Everyone was in a hurry to tap Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the shoulder and give him attention. But apart from general statements, nothing happened. And almost in parallel with the events in Europe, Modi participated in a virtual BRICS summit, and Argentina, it seems, together with Iran, has applied to join this emerging association.

The position of non-Western states is dictated not only by anti-colonial instincts, although they do exist. More importantly, in the new conditions, it is difficult for the West to offer the leading countries of the rest of the world anything that would force them to radically change their positions. There are now alternative sources of resources for development – ​​a number of members of the former third world today have money, skills, and to some extent, technology. The West is still ahead of them in many ways, but – and this is fundamentally important – it has now completely lost the desire to share its advantages.

Simply because it now fears competition from them – the experience of American support for the development of China is considered a mistake by the current elites.

Developing countries are of course interested in Western investment, but the nature of interaction is also changing. To put it mildly, the former third world is becoming more demanding and picky, and the West’s ability to impose its own conditions has weakened amid large-scale global changes.

The series of meetings in Europe was intended to show that the West is still the undisputed vanguard of the world, which has both the right and responsibility to lead others. For instance, NATO is once again attempting to become a global organization rather than regional.

The bloc’s most recent experience of this kind – in Afghanistan – ended in embarrassment. But now the approach is more natural – opposition to Russia.

As they see it, Russia is a threat to Western European security (as it was in the glory days of NATO), but it is also a dangerous pariah for all mankind, so opposing it will help expand the US-led club globally. Moreover, the specter of China looms – a systemic competitor to the West and, even better, an accomplice of ‘the Russians’.

How much the Western world itself is united for the full implementation of such a mission is a topic for another article. There are a lot of nuances here. However, even assuming that this is the case, there is no reason to think that NATO’s ambition will meet with understanding beyond its borders.

As a consequence, the broad refusal to recognize the right of the West to lead means there will no longer be a world order based on Western rules.

So People Are Buying Inflatable Jesus Now…


In today’s epizode of “Weird stuff people buy” we have Inflatable Jesus blow-up doll that people are actually buying (for some strange reason). Maybe they choosing to have Jesus in their lives in a more literal way…


Easy to inflate, Jesus is 50cm (19.6 inches) tall, looks super lifelike with long locks, hipster beard and flowing white robe. He promises not to punish you with flood or famine if you do something remiss.


He’s very friendly and will serve as a reminder to go out and do good in the world. If you need proof that he’s the messiah he even floats (walks) on water! This Jesus also deflates for easy storage when you need a break from the Lord.


This might be a pretty good gag gift for someone who is not afraid to burn in hell, or for your Christian friend you wish to piss off. As you can see from the Instagram posts below, people are really spending their hard-earned money on this thing, and hanging out with it:


U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve Being EXPORTED – We are Being Sold-Out


More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a U.S. emergency oil reserves release aimed at lowering domestic fuel prices . . . were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices touched record highs.

The export of crude and fuel is blunting the impact of the moves by U.S. President Joe Biden designed to lower record pump prices. Biden on Saturday renewed a call for gasoline suppliers to cut their prices, drawing criticism from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

About 1 million barrels per day is being released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) through October. The flow is draining the SPR, which last month fell to the lowest since 1986.

U.S. crude futures are above $105 per barrel and gasoline and diesel prices above $5 a gallon in one-fifth of the nation U.S. officials have said oil prices could be higher if the SPR had not been tapped.

The fourth-largest U.S. oil refiner, Phillips 66, shipped about 470,000 barrels of sour crude from the Big Hill SPR storage site in Texas to Trieste, Italy, according to U.S. Customs data. Trieste is home to a pipeline that sends oil to refineries in central Europe.

Atlantic Trading & Marketing (ATMI), an arm of French oil major TotalEnergies, exported 2 cargoes of 560,000 barrels each, the data showed.

Phillips 66 declined to comment on trading activity. ATMI did not respond to a request for comment.

Cargoes of SPR crude were also headed to the Netherlands and to a Reliance refinery in India, an industry source said. A third cargo headed to China, another source said — even though China is buying oil directly from Russia and ignoring US Sanctions upon Russia!

At least one cargo of crude from the West Hackberry SPR site in Louisiana was set to be exported in July, a shipping source added.

“Crude and fuel prices would likely be higher if (the SPR releases) hadn’t happened, but at the same time, it isn’t really having the effect that was assumed,” said Matt Smith, lead oil analyst at Kpler.

The latest exports follow three vessels that carried SPR crude to Europe in April helping replace Russian crude supplies.


The United States of America is being intentionally weakened and drained of resources vital to our survival and to our national security.

Almost one-third of our military weaponry/ ammunition, and armor, has been exported to either Europe (for NATO) or donated to Ukraine.

Now we find that OUR emergency oil reserves are not being used here in the USA, but instead, being shipped OUT OF THE COUNTRY.

If the U.S. is attacked or, God forbid, invaded, we won’t have enough weapons or ammunition, and now, we won’t even have enough of OUR OWN OIL!

This is an intentional weakening of the nation; perhaps to make us ripe for takeover.

Remember who the people are in charge, who are doing these things, so they can be held personally accountable.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement and answers to media questions at a joint news conference with Foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei following talks, Minsk, June 30, 2022

Esteemed Mr Makei,
Ladies and gentlemen,
As my colleague and friend has just said, our talks took place in a truly friendly atmosphere of trust and were very substantial, as they should be between allies and strategic partners. First, I would like to thank our Belarusian friends once again for their traditional hospitality in the wonderful city of Minsk and for the brilliant, streamlined organisation of our work.

The visit is timed to an important historical date – 30 years of diplomatic relations (June 25). Of course, this is just one more, albeit important, landmark in the centuries-old history of our truly fraternal nations. To mark this occasion, we have just cancelled postal envelopes specially issued for this date and signed an anniversary joint statement that I hope you will read. It is worth it.

We emphasised that in the past few years we have traversed a long road in developing our integration. The foreign ministries of Russia and Belarus provide diplomatic support for implementing 28 union economic integration programmes endorsed by the Supreme State Council of the Union State in November 2021.

Today, we reviewed topical bilateral issues. We also discussed the schedule of forthcoming contacts, including preparations for a joint meeting of the foreign ministry collegiums of Russia and Belarus, scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year. We reviewed implementation of the plan for foreign ministry consultations in 2022-2023.

We believe we have managed to achieve remarkable success in trade, and economic and investment cooperation. Last year, bilateral trade reached about $40 billion. Major joint projects, such as, for example, the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, are underway. Industrial cooperation is on the up and up, paving the way for new industrial and logistics chains.

We have a high opinion of the vigorous and broad development of interregional ties. Today, the 9th Forum of Russian and Belarusian Regions is to kick off in Grodno, where contracts worth an estimated $1 billion, a record-high amount, are expected to be signed.

We spoke at length about regional and international matters and agreed to continue enhancing foreign policy coordination and stand up together for the interests of our two countries in the world arena, in keeping with the two-year programmes on coordinating our actions in foreign policy.

We supported further steps towards more active cooperation in multilateral associations, primarily, in the EAEU, CSTO and the CIS. We have almost identical views on how Eurasian cooperation should develop in the future.

We agreed that we would also continue to coordinate our approaches in other multilateral formats, first and foremost, at the UN and the OSCE. We discussed the progress on the projects that are being carried out in Belarus under the auspices of the United Nations, many of which are being funded by the Russian side. We will vigorously continue to oppose any attempts to politicise human rights issues. We see hopeless attempts like this being made at the UN and the OSCE. The West keeps making them with enviable persistence.

We are seriously concerned about NATO’s activities in close vicinity to our borders, primarily in the Baltic states and Poland. We share the opinion that these activities are openly confrontational and tend to lead to more tensions, as well as the division of the European security and cooperation space, that is, they are producing the results which the establishment of the OSCE was supposed to help prevent. Now they are dismantling all this with their own hands, waiving, among other things, the principle of indivisible security, which was publicly declared at the highest level in the OSCE in the late 1990s and in 2010, when it was said that no country should enhance its security at the expense of others. The West’s actions have buried this principle.

In the light of the manifestly unfriendly steps taken by the United States and its satellites towards our countries, we reaffirmed that we are firmly determined to further preclude any attempts by the West to interfere in our domestic affairs. We agreed to continue to join efforts to oppose illegitimate unilateral actions by Washington, Brussels and their allies in the international arena.

We advised our colleagues of our assessments of the special military operation in Ukraine. We maintain regular dialogue on these issues. Our presidents discussed this topic at a top-level meeting in St Petersburg on June 25.

We are grateful to our Belarusian allies for completely understanding the causes, goals and tasks of the special military operation. President Vladimir Putin discussed these issues in his remarks yesterday concerning the results of the Caspian Five Summit in Ashgabat.

We focused on biological security, while exchanging opinions on strategic stability and arms control. We agree that US activities on post-Soviet space are quite dangerous and non-transparent. The activities of Pentagon’s biolabs in Ukraine highlight the risks they bear. We exposed these facts but failed to obtain a US response. So, we initiated a process, stipulated by the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, in full compliance with its Article 5. We sent inquiries to countries, parties to this important international treaty. We perceive threats to the national security of Russia and Belarus, the reluctance of the United States to ensure the transparency of its military-biological activities in many countries on post-Soviet space, primarily those around Russia and Belarus. We have an agreement, within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, to establish close and transparent interaction on these issues, in order to counter attempts to advance such projects (that cause concern in our countries) behind the scenes and without due transparency.

We are also cooperating in order to counter the dirty information war unleashed by the collective West against our countries. We agreed to expand and upgrade Russian-Belarusian media cooperation, and you should be particularly interested in this issue.

We are satisfied with the results of the talks. They help advance our foreign policy coordination still further on the basis of allied and strategic partnership for the benefit of our countries and fraternal nations.

Question:  A risky redivision of the world’s energy sector is taking place. What are the United States and the EU counting on, while renouncing Russian imports?

Sergey Lavrov: I believe that everyone understands what they are counting on. They have no misgivings about openly discussing this issue. They noted this once again yesterday, at the NATO summit in Madrid. They are expecting all other states to unfailingly obey their will, reflecting their selfish interests, primarily those of the United States. We have repeatedly been convinced that modern Europe, in the form of the EU, is losing its independence or even the signs of independence that it once had. Europe completely obeys positions that the United States imposes on it, including those in the sphere of economic sanctions. It is renouncing Russian imports and demolishing logistic and financial chains that had taken decades to create.

Look at the current list of sanctions. I suggest that you conduct this interesting analysis. Compare restrictions that European countries are imposing on Russia and Belarus with the relevant US restrictions. The United States is sparing itself and is trying not to encroach on various spheres that could seriously damage its own economy. Yes, the United States is also experiencing negative effects from this activity, but Europe is suffering much more. I believe that, apart from “punishing” our countries, the United States wants to weaken the European Union as its rival.

Question: At the Madrid summit, NATO stated that Russia was the main threat to the Alliance according to its new strategic concept. Following this statement and their decision to fortify the eastern flank, does Moscow consider itself bound by its commitments under the Russia-NATO Founding Act, or has this document lost its validity?

Sergey Lavrov: In the legal sense, the Founding Act continues to exist. We did not initiate the procedure for terminating this agreement. In the run-up to the summit, NATO had lengthy and vocal discussions about whether they still needed the Act or whether they would be better off abandoning it. As a result, they decided to let this matter be, but their decisions grossly violate the Founding Act, primarily with regard to NATO’s commitment not to permanently deploy significant combat forces on the territory of new (Eastern European) Alliance members.

We will analyse the situation and decide on our further moves depending on how and in what form NATO will move forward with the decisions it adopted and announced.

Question: Will it be possible to restore more or less acceptable political and diplomatic relations with EU countries in the future? Will there be another Iron Curtain? Do we have a bloc like NATO or the EU?

Sergey Lavrov (adding after Vladimir Makei): I agree with almost all of that. As for our relations with the EU, Russia has not had them since 2014. Brussels swallowed the humiliating move by the opposition forces which perpetrated a coup in Ukraine in defiance of EU guarantees. In response, the Crimea residents refused to live in a neo-Nazi state. Ukraine’s eastern regions did the same, and the European Union failed to muster enough courage to talk sense into the putschists who carried out an illegal power grab, and in fact began to support them in their attack, including physical, on the people of Crimea and eastern Ukraine. When the referendum took place in Crimea and the DPR and the LPR were proclaimed, the European Union, instead of pushing for compliance with the agreements between President Yanukovych and the opposition it had co-sponsored, sided with the ultranationalist and deep down neo-Nazi regime which proclaimed fighting the Russian language and culture as its goal. In the years that followed, the regimes led by Poroshenko and Zelensky proved Kiev’s loyalty to this particular course.

In 2014, when it all happened, the EU, feeling powerless and aware of its own inability to enforce implementation of its own proposals, said the Russian Federation was to blame. It imposed sanctions on our country and cancelled the Russia-EU summit planned for June 2014, destroyed every other mechanism that it took us decades to create, such as biannual summits, annual meetings between the Russian Government and the European Commission, four common spaces that underlay four road maps, 20 sector-specific dialogues, including a dialogue on visa-free travel and much more. All of that was ruined overnight. Relations have been non-existent since then. There were occasional technical contacts, but nothing major. No wonder there are no relations now, but we never close ourselves off. From now on, we will never trust the Americans or the EU. We are doing our best not to depend on them in the sectors that are critically important for survival of the state, the people and our security. When and if they get over their obsession and come back with some kind of a proposal, we will see what exactly it is about. We will not play along with their self-serving plans. If it comes to resuming the dialogue, we will push for a level playing field for everyone and a focus on balancing the interests of all participants on an equal footing.

With regard to the Iron Curtain, it is already on its way down. They should make sure they don’t get anything caught in it as it goes down. In all other matters, we have a straightforward position: we are for things being fair.

In 2014, our “partners” refused to hold a summit amid serious events, including a coup, a referendum in Crimea, and a radical change in the situation in the Black Sea region. If you were serious about searching for solutions, this meeting was the way forward. It could have been used to have a candid discussion about the complaints and the counter questions the partners in the Russian Federation had for the EU. The withdrawal from all contacts that took place after March 2014 only goes to show that the EU is not interested in a dialogue, and does not want to understand our interests or listen to what we have to say. What it wants is for everyone to agree with the Brussels’ decisions which are a carbon copy of the decisions made in Washington. We have been able to see that in recent years.

Question: Norway has refused to allow Russian cargo, including food, medicines, and necessary equipment, to Spitsbergen. What steps will be taken to resolve this issue? What might our response be, if any?

Sergey Lavrov: First, we want to see Norway respond to our reaction that immediately followed the incident. We sent an official request demanding clarification as to how this move aligns with Norway’s commitments under the Spitsbergen Treaty of 1920. I hope they will respond promptly. Then, we will analyse the situation. And we will act quickly.

Russia Demands Israel Stop Sovereignty-Violating Airstrikes on Syria

Russia issued a statement Monday, warning such attacks are “categorically unacceptable.”

By Jason Ditz

Over the weekend, Israel carried out attacks against a poultry farm on the Syrian coast, wounding two civilians. Russia issued a statement Monday, warning such attacks are “categorically unacceptable.”

Russia has positions on the Syrian coast, and has warned Israel away from the area before. The latest attack came from the coast, and conspicuously Russia didn’t comment when it happened.

The Russians say it violates Syrian sovereignty, and is against international norms. Those are plainly true things, but have never stopped Israel before.

Israel has shown time and again they’re willing to keep attacking over objections. If Russia decides to flat out stop them militarily, they clearly could, but so far that’s not been the case.

Instead Russia has tried to deter further attacks with air defenses. That’s allowed Syria to intercept more Israeli missiles, but not stop them outright. This warning sounds serious, but so did the last few without any action to stop the attacks.



The EURO currency is plunging in value against the U.S. Dollar all day Tuesday, as the world realizes what absolutely must happen as a result of Russia’s announcement they will no longer sell vital commodities to “unfriendly nations.”

At the start of currency trading in the world Tuesday, it took 92 “EURO cents” to buy one U.S. Dollar.    As the day wore on, the value of the EURO plunged so that it now takes 105.552 EURO cents to buy one U.S. dollar.   That’s a plunge in value of 14.47% in one day!

The chart below shows the plunge of the EURO in trading today:


The reason this is happening has to do with a Decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, July 4.   In that Decree, Russia declared it will no longer sell vital commodities to “unfriendly nations.”

Since March, Russia decided that they would allow European countries to deposit EUROS into Russia’s GAZPROM Bank, the bank would convert the money into Rubles (Russia’s national currency) and those Rubles would be sent into Russia to pay for goods and services.

The reason Russia did that was because Europe SEIZED / CONFISCATED upwards of $285 BILLION in Russian Sovereign Wealth Funds that had been held on deposit in European Banks.   The money was grabbed by Europe as “Sanctions” against Russia for entering Ukraine militarily.

Put simply, Europe stole Russia’s money.

The Russians, unwilling to be robbed again, then established the trade policy outlined above, depositing EUROS in GAZPROM Bank branches IN EUROPE, having them converted into Rubles, and then sending the Rubles into Russia to pay.   Through this method, Europe was unable to seize any more Russian money.

In the ensuing months, the Europeans have literally doubled-down on Sanctions, grabbing the yachts of Russian wealthy oligarchs, cutting off transit of goods from Russia into its exclave state (oblast) of Kaliningrad.

So now, Russia has decreed that they will no longer sell vital commodities — at all — to unfriendly nations.

This means, among other things, no gas, no oil, no wheat, no barley, no chemical neon gas, etc.

Well, Europe NEEDS those things to exist.   Without Russian oil and gas, European industry won’t be able to operate.  Plants will shut down.  Jobs will be abolished.  Products won’t be manufactured.

Without gas, European power plants won’t be able to generate enough electricity to keep businesses running.  There also won’t be enough gas for common citizens in Europe to heat their homes this coming winter.

Without Russian Wheat and other agriculture, Europeans will go hungry.

This is the future of Europe: Cold, hungry, no jobs, no industry.

Europe thought they could literally break Russia’s economy with Sanctions over Ukraine.  Instead, what actually happened was Russia’s economy got through a tough hit and survived, but now Europe’s economy is the one being actually destroyed; by their own Sanctions.

Because the money class sees that Europe cannot survive economically, or agriculturally, they realize the European Currency will likely collapse and be worthless.  So they’re SELLING EUROS to get rid of them while they still have value.

The chart below show the gains by the U.S. Dollar against the EURO today:


Thus, today’s plunge in value of the EURO versus the U.S. Dollar.

Trouble is, as Europe goes . . .  so goes the United States about two or three weeks later.

Of course, the US has it’s own oil and natural gas, so while it will be amazingly expensive, we’ll still be able to get it.

And the US is a large producer of Agriculture, despite the fed Gov doing it’s best to order farmers to plow-under their fields due to greenhouse gases, carbon emissions, and environmental concerns.  So while food will get stunningly expensive, there will still be food in America.

There may not be, in Europe.

The real impact upon the U.S. will come as European industry closes.  THAT is what will hit U.S. industry very hard, and whether it survives . . . is a real question.

As of today, what Europe absolutely, positively, without doubt and without fail, WILL SUFFER, can only be compared to the Great Depression and conditions during World War 2.

They WILL suffer this, by the end of 2022.  No way to avoid it.  At all.

What the U.S. will end up suffering will be somewhere between the great depression and the 2008 financial crisis.   Closer, though, to the Great Depression.  Because without products and services from Europe, the US will see wide swaths of its industry, crippled.

Thank all those people who pushed “free trade” in the 1990’s and early 2000’s.  They are personally to blame for what’s coming because they outsourced so much production to foreign entities, so they could personally pocket the money saved by reduced labor costs of foreign lands, while keeping prices for goods the same as they had previously been.

They sold out America to line their own pockets.  THAT is what the “free trade” crowd did.

The Question of Ancient Kings: Cerdic of Wessex, First Saxon King of England?

Historians of the ancient world face a myriad of challenges when studying the past. Centuries of legends and myths become intertwined with recorded facts, leaving behind a complex web of mystery. Such is the case with Cerdic of Wessex. Was he an ancient Saxon conqueror, or a British ealdorman? Did he do battle with King Arthur, or was he the legendary wielder of Excalibur himself? Did Cerdic of Wessex even exist?

Cerdic of Wessex and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle , Cerdic of Wessex did, indeed, exist. The Chronicle was the first attempt at an official record of English history, written around 890 AD and edited up until 1100 AD. It tells us that Cerdic was a Saxon (referring to people of Germanic descent who occupied central and northern Germany) chieftain who landed at modern-day Hampshire in 495 with five ships full of warriors.

By 519, Cerdic and his son, Cynric, had laid claim to swathes of land through a series of battles with the Britons. After his victory at the Battle of Cerdic’s Ford, Cerdic established the Kingdom of the West Saxons (Wessex) with himself as king.

Cerdic is thought to have died in 534, yet his influence lasted for centuries. Some genealogies of the English monarchy claim that every monarch of England except for Canute, Hardecanute, the Harolds, and William the Conqueror descended from Cerdic.


South Britain in the early 6th century, which more or less corresponds to when Cerdic of Wessex lived. (my work / CC BY-SA 3.0 )

Cerdic of Wessex: King or Ealdorman?

Here is where the historical record becomes complicated. First, scholars have noted that “Cerdic” is a British name , not Saxon. Additionally, the Chronicle refers to Cerdic and Cynric as ealdormen, not kings. If they were leaders of an invading party from the continent, why the title of ealdormen, which suggests they were appointed officials in some capacity?

Finally, ancient sources differ and conflict in their account of Cerdic’s life, reign, and lineage, and the Chronicle, our primary source of evidence regarding Cerdic, was written 350 years after the events described.

Still, while the accuracy of the record cannot be completely trusted, Cerdic is referenced in numerous works. Additionally, three locations in England bear his name: Cerdicesford, Cerdicesleaga, and Cerdicesbeorg. We can presume that these places were named after an influential person, and that that person was Cerdic.

Theories Regarding Cerdic’s Name

Rodney Castleden, author of numerous well-respected history books, posits that Cerdic may have been a Briton whose family was entrusted by the late Roman Empire to defend a portion of the Saxon Shore (a series of fortifications put in place along both sides of the English Channel). Cerdic may have decided to expand his territory and initiated his invasion from his family’s holding. This would explain the title of ealdormen as well as the British etymology of the name and is supported by the lack of Saxon architecture in the area.

Castleden further argues that Cerdic may have been neither Germanic nor a local of what would later be called Wessex; he may have come from Sussex as an advance party. Cerdic’s arrival along the Southampton coast in 495 coincides with Aelle’s (King of the South Saxons) consolidation of his kingdom and would be a logical strategic maneuver. The name “Cerdic” may have been a nickname given by other residents of Sussex and adopted by Cerdic, as Saxons taking on British names was not unprecedented (Castleden points to Caedbaed, an Anglo-Saxon king who took a British name). But while these are historically logical explanations of some aspects of Cerdic’s aura of mystery, what of his relation to King Arthur ?

Arthurian Legend and Cerdic, King of Wessex

First, historical consensus is that there is no evidence King Arthur was a real person. The two primary descriptions of Arthur, Nennius’ history of Arthur’s 12 battles and Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the King’s of Britain, are based primarily on poetry or a long-lost manuscript that Monmouth supposedly had access to. Each presents a series of physical impossibilities. For example, Nennius’ 12 battles were so geographically widespread it is unlikely Arthur could have participated in all of them. Additionally, the only surviving contemporary historic record of a battle between the Saxons and Britons (Badon Hills) does not describe Arthur at all. How, then, did Cerdic become involved in the myth and legend of Arthur?

Details regarding the life and exploits of Cerdic are hardly available, which likely lead to historians “filling in the blanks” over centuries of writing. In his 1862 book, The Manual of Dates, George H. Townsend references a battle fought in 520 between Cerdic and Arthur. Yet, if Arthur, who supposedly never lost a fight, won a resounding victory over Cerdic of Wessex, why was Cerdic allowed to conquer so much territory and establish a kingdom? While much of Arthur’s supposed life is shrouded in total mystery, at least portions of Cerdic’s are accepted as fact, including his successful invasion of the Isle of Wight in 530, just a few years after he was supposed to have been defeated by Arthur. Thus, even if Arthur existed, it seems highly unlikely the two ever met on the battlefield.

Silent Hill Promotional Event In Tokyo


Models dressed as bandaged nurses take part in a promotional event for the film “Silent Hill” on June 22, 2006 in Tokyo, Japan.



Are Cerdic and King Arthur One in the Same?

Historians John and Joseph Rudmin noted a number of similarities between the Arthur of legend and the Cerdic of history (who they posit was also known as Ceredig Vreichvras). They examined several writings regarding both figures and created a table comparing them side-by-side, revealing striking parallels. The paper makes for fascinating reading and argues that King Arthur and Cerdic were actually the same person, which the authors claim resolves a number of the problems surrounding Arthur’s potential presence in history. Others, however, have pointed out that these conclusions rest on the shaky foundations of assumption and lack the kind of hard historical evidence necessary to draw a firm conclusion.

Ultimately, modern historians must grapple with the fact that history has often been used as a political tool. For centuries (and yes, even today) historical narratives served to bolster nationalism, to push political ideals, to boost the reputation of leaders, or to minimize dark deeds.

This fact, when combined with the often ill-recorded details of the ancient world, leads to figures like King Arthur and Cerdic of Wessex, people shrouded in mystery whose lives were mythologized by successive chroniclers of history weaving stories to suit their needs.

We may never know the actual truth of who Cerdic was, why he was so influential, or whether he may have inspired Arthurian legend, but to be honest, the mysteries of history are half the fun.

This is what “Diversity” Actually Is . . .

The politically-correct, and the weak-minded have, for years, told us that “Diversity is our strength” when reality shows it is just the opposite.  Want proof? Watch the two minute video of “Diversity” attacking in New York City . . .

The video below is from Bel Fries in New York City.   The three women were told that the fries they ordered would cost $1.75 more for the extra sauce they wanted.   The women didn’t want to pay the $1,75 . . . . so they did this:

THIS is what “Diversity” actually is:

The New York City Police Department has confirmed the arrests of the three women: Pearl Ozaria , 27, Chitara Plasencia , 25, and Tatiyanna Johnson , 23.”

Ahhhhhh “Diversity.”   Had enough yet?

The U.S. is welcoming Finland and Sweden to NATO. That’s a mistake.

Instead of lowering the chances of war, the membership of the two Nordic countries increases the risk for the entire alliance.

When NATO alliance members meet in Madrid this week, one of the featured agenda items is Finland and Sweden’s request to officially join the alliance. The NATO leadership has welcomed their ascension, with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saying the two countries’ “membership in NATO would increase our shared security.” Though member state Turkey originally signaled it objected to the idea, it lifted its opposition after a breakthrough on Tuesday that clears the way for the Nordic states.

While enlarging NATO might seem like a wise thing to do in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it doesn’t take much sober analysis to conclude that adding yet more NATO members is likely to have the opposite effect of what the secretary general hopes.

Instead of lowering the chances of war, the membership of Finland and Sweden would increase the risk of future conflict for the entire alliance; adding two more triggers for Article 5 — the provision in the NATO charter that stipulates that an attack on one is an attack on all — would add to the risk of war for the entire alliance. That would be an unwise course in any case, but it’s particularly ill-advised given that it would make Finland and Sweden more vulnerable, as well.

But there is an even more fundamental reason to oppose expanding the alliance at present: It isn’t needed. Russia has exposed itself as being shockingly weak in conventional military power, and it is now clear, beyond any question, that Russian ground forces don’t even possess the capacity to invade the NATO alliance. It isn’t entirely clear that Moscow will be able to capture the entirety of the Donbas region, in the single country of Ukraine, directly on its border. Russia is constrained in its ability to project power beyond its country by systemic flaws in its logistics system. It is very difficult to get supplies beyond more than 180 miles away and virtually impossible beyond that without dedicated rail links.

It is understandable that people who live near Russia would be afraid that one day Russia might invade them as it invaded Ukraine, and that, no doubt, led Sweden and Finland to make a sudden U-turn on their long-held preferences for neutrality. But an unemotional evaluation of their neighborhood shows their fears are misplaced. Sweden and Finland are at no clearer risk of an attack from Moscow than they have been for the past 70 years.

Though the U.S. has also recently shown itself eager to expand the alliance to these countries, the accession of Sweden and, especially, Finland could hardly be said to further the American national interest. Finland shares a roughly 800-mile border with Russia that NATO would be committed to defend, and this defense — or the stationing of NATO military infrastructure in Finland — would risk antagonizing Russia.

Washington should at least be clear that if Finland becomes a NATO member, it expects that the Europeans would be tasked with defending Finland’s border, as the U.S. itself is already doing too much for the defense of wealthy and capable European countries.

None of this is to say that Russia doesn’t pose a danger to Europe, however. It does.

But the nature of the threat isn’t conventional military power; it’s the massive Russian nuclear arsenal that could nearly wipe out the U.S. and Europe in an Armageddon-type scenario.

Have Breakfast Ready in 60 Seconds Each Morning with these Freezer Friendly Breakfast Burritos

This is a SUPER IMPORTANT video. Check it out.

“Partnership in Blue Pacific” to Turn Pacific Islands into Anti-China War Zone

If world war III in Europe isn’t enough, they want it to also occur in the Pacific.

Finland and Sweden’s joining NATO is the ‘opposite of what President Putin wanted,’ says former Ambassador Bill Taylor

June 29, 202200:42

Russia poses no realistic threat to Sweden or Finland. Since World War II, Russia hasn’t exhibited the slightest interest in territorial acquisition in either country, and in fact, Finland and Russia were on friendly terms during the Cold War. In contrast, Russia was consistently and emphatically clear for 15 years that it regarded any NATO expansion along its border in either Ukraine or Georgia as an existential threat that it would use force to prevent — and in fact has done so twice (Georgia 2008 and Ukraine 2014). Thus Georgia and Ukraine had reason to fear a Russian attack. Finland and Sweden don’t.

Extending NATO membership to these two countries wouldn’t only burden the U.S., which would be expected to go to war on behalf of these two Nordic states if they are attacked. It would saddle Helsinki and Stockholm with troubles, as well. Up to now, if a war ever broke out between NATO and Russia, both Finland and Sweden would have been protected by their neutral status. If membership were extended to both, that protection would be gone.

If the two became NATO members and the alliance went to war with Russia in the future, both countries would be thrust almost immediately into an armed conflict whether they wanted to be or not — and even if their national interests weren’t otherwise threatened. Given their status as NATO members, the Kremlin would almost certainly attack airfields and ports in both countries to prevent other allies from using their facilities to stage attacks against Russia.

Federal Agents Personally Delivering “Cease and Desist” Letters for Social Media Postings about Gov’t

It's American "freedom" don't you know!

Four (4) federal Agents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, paid a personal visit to Madeline Walker of Texas, to warn her, in writing, that her “harassing and threatening” social media posts about government ” are unnecessary and unwelcome” and if she doesn’t stop, they will arrest her under 18 USC 115.

Now, Ms. Walker is a radical leftist, pro-abortion person.   In a recent social media post on Twitter about the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, she wrote:

“Burn every fucking government building down right the fuck now.  Slaughter them all. Fuck you god damn pigs.”

Ms. Walker then found four federal agents banging on her Texas home’s front door early this morning.   Among those agents was:

Joshua H. Henry, Special Agent, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, National Protection and Programs Directorate, Federal Protective Service  out of Houston, TX, who questioned her about her posting and handed her this letter:

For what it’s worth, the Statute they cite is the precise statute under which I was personally convicted, after THREE trials in US District Court back in 2009 and 2010.

First trial in December, 2009, resulted in a Hung Jury.  Second trial in March, 2010 also resulted in a Hung Jury.   By the third trial, I was Bankrupt from having been held without Bail for writing an Editorial they didn’t like, filed bankruptcy because I could no longer afford to pay my attorneys – or anyone else- having been held in jail for 119 days without bail, and was given a  public Defender.  He did such a poor job that, at trial three in August, 2010, I was convicted.

I was Sentenced to 33 months in federal prison, for including in my Editorial about a Gun Control case in Chicago, my opinion that “these judges deserve to be killed.”

I was held in the Communications Management Unit (Terrorist Unit) at the Federal Correctional Institution in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Tighter security and fewer privileges than Super Max!

So, in short, I said someone “deserves” to be killed and got 33 months federal terrorist prison.  She told the world: ““Burn every fucking government building down right the fuck now.  Slaughter them all. Fuck you god damn pigs.” and she got a hand delivered cease and desist letter.

So right-wing conservatives like me get prison, while left-wing maniacs get a cease and desist letter.   Same criminal statute!  How’s THAT for “equal protection of the law?”

Oh and about the letter above, this is how they intend to intimidate Americans into shutting up.   Calling protected speech “Harassment/threats” is deliberate intimidation by them.

Such is the state of “liberty” in the USA.


Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare

If countries in Europe are already beginning to ration certain things due to “supply problems”, how long will it be before it starts happening in the United States?  Up until the past couple of years, many of us in the western world always considered shortages to be something that only “unsophisticated” poor countries on the other side of the planet had to deal with.  But the last couple of years have shown us that painful shortages can happen to wealthy countries in the western world too.  At first we were told that they were “just temporary”, but the months went by and we just kept having more shortages.  In fact, in 2022 “supply problems” have become so serious that many supermarkets in Europe have been forced to strictly ration essential items at various times.  For example, it was being reported that due to the war in Ukraine flour, sunflower oil and sugar were all being rationed by stores in Greece

After limiting the sale of some flours and sunflower oil online, Greek supermarkets are turning to rationing the sale of sugar as well, now including in their stores, over supply problems.

The AB Vassilopoulos is setting a maximum limit on the purchase of all brands of corn and sunflower oil and of flour per customer while Mymarket put a ceiling on sunflower oil purchases and Sklavenitis has added sugar to the rationed sales of corn oil through its online store, with a maximum of four packs, the products in high demand from restaurants, some of which said they have to stop selling french fries and other fried foods.

Over the past few months we have seen similar measures implemented in other major European nations as well.  For example, the war in Ukraine prompted some pretty severe rationing in Spain

Sporadic shortages of products like eggs, milk, and other dairy products also hit Spain since the war in Ukraine began. And major supermarkets including Mercadona and Makro began rationing sunflower oil earlier this month.

Now, stores will temporarily be allowed to limit “the number of goods that can be bought by a client,” according to information in the Official State Gazette published on Wednesday.

Looking forward, natural gas rationing is the next big thing that many people in Europe are talking about.  The flow of Russian natural gas into Europe has been cut back, and it appears that this may soon cause widespread rationing in Italy

Italy may start rationing natural-gas consumption to certain industrial giants, after Russia’s Gazprom halved supplies on Friday.

On the weekend, the newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the Italian government and energy industry would meet Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the crisis, with the likely outcome being the introduction of a state of alert under the country’s gas emergency protocol.

And CNN is reporting that Germany is “one step closer to rationing supplies” now that Russia has decided to reduce the flow of natural gas going to that country…

Europe’s biggest economy is now officially running short of natural gas and is escalating a crisis plan to preserve supplies as Russia turns off the taps.

Germany on Thursday activated the second phase of its three-stage gas emergency program, taking it one step closer to rationing supplies to industry — a step that would deliver a huge blow to the manufacturing heart of its economy.

Of course there are other parts of the globe that are dealing with problems that are far, far more serious than what Europe is facing right now.

As I discussed in an article that I posted earlier this week, significant numbers of people are starting to literally drop dead from starvation in portions of eastern Africa.  Global food supplies just keep getting tighter, and the head of the UN is openly telling us that the world is heading into an “unprecedented global hunger crisis”.

So if you have plenty of food to eat tonight, you should be thankful.

Here in the United States, economic conditions are deteriorating fairly rapidly, and most Americans are completely and totally unprepared for any sort of a major economic downturn.  Earlier today, I came across yet another survey that shows that about 60 percent of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck

“We find that consumers in all income brackets — including those who make more than $100,000 annually — are living paycheck to paycheck. PYMNTS’ research finds that 61% of U.S. consumers were living paycheck to paycheck in April 2022, marking a 9 percentage point increase from 52% in April 2021, meaning that approximately three in five U.S. consumers devote nearly all of their salaries to expenses with little to nothing left over at the end of the month.”

So what is going to happen when those people start losing their jobs in large numbers?

Already, we have seen the number of tech layoffs greatly accelerate over the last couple of months.

Sadly, the layoffs will get much worse in the months ahead.

And as inflation continues to systematically eat away at our standard of living, Americans are turning to credit cards at a record pace

As Americans grapple with the highest inflation in 40 years, the number of new credit cards have surged as more Americans rely on them to keep up with high prices. According to a recent report from the Federal Reserve, revolving credit (credit cards and lines of credit) increased by 19.6% from the previous year to $1.103 trillion.

Going into credit card debt is not a solution.

At best, it can buy you a little bit of time.

And it is especially a bad idea to go into credit card debt as we plunge into a recession.

At this point, almost everyone realizes that things are going to get bad.  According to one recent poll, a whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. is “headed in the wrong direction”

The national dissatisfaction is bipartisan. Most Americans, 85%, say the country is headed in the wrong direction. A majority of Republicans have been unhappy with the direction of the country since Biden’s election. Democrats had been positive about how things were going, but now 78% say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

I was astounded to see that 78 percent of Democrats believe that the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction with a Democrat in the White House.

I have never seen a number like that ever before.

But this is just another indication that the hour is late and that things are about to start getting really crazy out there.

For the moment, life is still at least somewhat normal in the western world.

Sadly, it won’t stay that way for long, and so I would recommend using your time wisely.

Neil Oliver: This supposed utopia we’re having rammed down our throats isn’t working

Well said. I really like Neil.

Pfizer fraud admitted

In an interview with The Defender, the lawyer representing whistleblower Brook Jackson said Pfizer is arguing the court should dismiss Jackson’s lawsuit alleging fraud in Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials because the U.S. government knew about the wrongdoings but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

lawsuit filed by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials is paused following a motion by the defendants to dismiss the case.

In an interview with The Defender, Jackson’s lawyer said Pfizer argued the lawsuit, which was filed under the False Claims Act, should be dismissed because the U.S. government knew of the wrongdoings in the clinical trials but continued to do business with the vaccine maker.

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can be rewarded for confidentially disclosing fraud that results in a financial loss to the federal government.

However, a 2016 U.S. Supreme Court decision that expanded the scope of a legal principle known as “materiality” resulted in a series of federal court decisions in which fraud cases brought under the False Claims Act were dismissed.

As interpreted by the Supreme Court, if the government continued paying a contractor despite the contractor’s fraudulent activity, the fraud was not considered “material” to the contract.

Pfizer is a federal contractor because it signed multiple contracts with the U.S. government to provide COVID-19 vaccines and Paxlovid, a pill used to treat the virus.

“Pfizer claims they can get away with fraud as long as the government would write them a check despite knowing about the fraud,” attorney Robert Barnes said.

The other two defendants in the case are Ventavia Research Group, which conducted vaccine trials on behalf of Pfizer, and ICON PLC, also a Pfizer contractor.

In an attempt to strengthen the False Claims Act’s anti-retaliation provisions and install new safeguards against industry-level blacklisting of whistleblowers seeking employment, Congress in July 2021 introduced the False Claims Amendments Act of 2021.

In December 2021, Pfizer hired a well-connected lobbyist, Hazen Marshall, and the law firm Williams & Jensen to lobby against the bill.

Pfizer previously was heavily fined in connection with the False Claims Act. As part of a 2009 settlement, the company paid $2.3 billion in fines — the largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the U.S. Department of Justice — stemming from allegations of illegal marketing of off-label products not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“Pfizer, one of the most criminally fined drug companies in the world, wants to weaken the laws that hold them accountable,” Barnes told The Defender.

Congress has taken no action on the False Claims Amendments Act since November 2021, when the bill was added to the Senate’s legislative calendar.

Barnes said the outcome of Jackson’s case against Pfizer is significant not just for his client, but also for the American public.

“This case will determine if Big Pharma can rip off the American people using a dangerous drug that harms millions without any legal remedy because they claim the government was in on the scam.”

Jackson was a regional director for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020 but was fired after she notified the FDA about issues with Pfizer’s vaccine trials.

After she was fired, she gave The BMJ a cache of internal company documents, photos and recordings highlighting the alleged wrongdoing by Ventavia.

The documents she provided contained evidence of falsified data, blind trial failures and awareness on the part of at least one Ventavia executive that members of the company’s staff were “falsifying data.”

Jackson’s documents also provided evidence of administrators who had “no training” or medical certifications, or who provided “very little oversight” during the trials.

Jackson filed her complaint in August 2021, in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, alleging Pfizer, Ventavia and ICON “deliberately withheld crucial information from the United States that calls the safety and efficacy of their vaccine into question.”

A district court judge in February unsealed Jackson’s complaint, which included 400 pages of exhibits.

According to the complaint, Jackson, who had more than 15 years of experience working with clinical trials, “repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns and data integrity issues” during the approximately two weeks she was employed by Ventavia.

“Brook [Jackson] brought a Qui Tam action and a retaliatory discharge case against Pfizer and others for fraud on the people concerning Pfizer’s false certifications to the U.S. Department of Defense about the safety and efficacy of their COVID-19 vaccine,” Barnes said.

A Qui Tam case refers to a provision under the False Claims Act that allows individuals and entities with evidence of fraud against federal programs or contracts to sue the wrongdoer on behalf of the U.S. government

“She was part of the clinical trials, witnessed extraordinary malfeasance, blew the whistle, and was quickly fired after she blew the whistle.”

Barnes said his legal team will in August file its opposition brief to Pfizer’s motion to dismiss, and the judge may rule on the motion to dismiss by fall 2022.

Full article HERE

We Are Witnessing A Stunning Breakdown Of Law And Order, And The Overwhelmed Police Seem Powerless To Stop It

Violent crimes are on the rise in six of America’s major cities and set to outpace the already historic levels of 2021 violent crime.

Baltimore, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and New York City are all on pace to break their 2021 levels of violent crime halfway through this year, with the nation’s largest city leading the group, according to crime data reviewed by Fox News.

At this point, violent crime is up 25.8 percent in New York City compared to the first half of last year.

That is staggering.

Of course New York City still has a way to go before it gets as bad as Chicago.

In the Windy City, there are hundreds of thousands of “high-priority emergency service calls” each year, and last year there were no police available to respond to those calls 52 percent of the time

New data uncovered by Wirepoints through public records requests to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) reveal that in 2021 there were 406,829 incidents of high-priority emergency service calls for which there were no police available to respond.

That was 52 percent of the 788,000 high-priority 911 service calls dispatched in 2021.

So if you are the victim of a violent crime in Chicago, your odds of having a police officer available to help you are about the same as guessing a coin flip correctly.

The following is a partial list of “high-priority emergency service calls” for which no police officer was available in 2021…

  • 14,955 – assaults in progress.
  • 17,828 – batteries in progress.
  • 16,350 – person with a gun.
  • 5,210 – person with a knife.
  • 12,787 – shots fired (reports from people, not the city’s automated “Shotspotter”)
  • 1,352 – person shot.
  • 887 – person stabbed.
  • 14,265 – domestic battery.

Despite numbers such as these, there are lots of people out there that are relentlessly calling for the police to be “defunded”.

Do they want total anarchy?

Because that is what would happen.

Our streets are already bad enough.  As you can see from this video, police in Chicago are having a really difficult time even protecting themselves at this point.

But Chicago actually doesn’t have the highest murder rate in the nation.

That honor goes to New Orleans

It’s no secret that New Orleans struggles with violent crime, but new statistics paint a grim picture of the Crescent City being on pace to be the murder capital of the United States if trends don’t change in 2022.

According to data from AH Datalytics, compiled using the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, New Orleans has a per capita year-to-date homicide rate of 72 per 100,000 residents. The next three U.S. cities behind New Orleans are Birmingham with a per capita homicide rate of 59 per 100,000 residents and Baltimore and St. Louis, each with a per capita homicide rate of 58 per 100,000 residents.

So far this year, the murder rate in New Orleans is up 44 percent.

But the corporate media is trying to convince us that all of this is perfectly “normal”, aren’t they?

Do you believe them?

One man that will never be fooled is World War II veteran Carl Spurlin Deke.  He just turned 100 years old on June 29th, and when he was interviewed by a local news outlet he boldly declared that the U.S. “is going to hell in a handbasket”

Deke’s gratitude for his life quickly turned into an emotional confession about his concern about the entitlement and ungrateful grievance erupting from younger generations saying, “People don’t realize what they have. They b*tch about it. And then nowadays, I am so upset because the things we did, the things we fought for, and the boys that died for it, it’s all going down the drain.” Deke began weeping as he added “Our country is going to hell in a handbasket. We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised, not at all.”

The 100-year-old WWII vet cried for those growing up in America today saying, “Nobody will have the opportunity I had. It’s just not the same. That’s not what our boys, that’s not what they died for.”

Sadly, he is 100 percent correct.

We are in an advanced state of decline, and it is getting worse with each passing day.

If things are this bad now, what will this country look like once economic conditions deteriorate quite a bit more?

Previous generations of young Americans were equipped to handle adversity.

This generation of young Americans is not.

The thin veneer of civilization that we all used to be able to take for granted is steadily disappearing, and our society is evolving into a horror show that would have been unrecognizable to previous generations.

If we would have done things differently, we could have gotten much different results.

Our choices have consequences, and now most of our major cities are being transformed into crime-infested hellholes right in front of our eyes.

Are there any old “Mad Magazine” fans out there?


Buying FLOODED Supercars at Salvage Auction for CHEAP!

Oh My God! Don’t ejaculate on your screen!

U.S. Generals Have Been Wrong on Ukraine. We Shouldn’t Be Shocked

Frederick B. Hodges, former commanding general of U.S. Army-Europe, claimed last month that Ukraine’s forces would soon slow Russia’s advance and, the New York Times reported, begin “to roll back its gains by late summer.” Hodges said his confidence was based on his belief that “the Ukrainian logistical situation getting better each week while the Russian logistical situation will slowly degrade.”

Such claims, however, are in contradiction to observable reality on the battlefield – and continue a disturbing, decades-long trend of poor and misleading advice given by America’s top military officers.

Listening over the past four months to what America’s retired generals and admirals have said on TV, one would be forgiven for believing that Ukraine is winning its war with Russia, that Putin’s troops and leaders are incompetent, and that soon Ukrainian troops will begin rolling the Russians back.

Such belief, however, would be badly misplaced, as substantial evidence indicates virtually the opposite.

A Rosy Look at the Brutal Battle in Ukraine

Rosy, optimistic – and inaccurate – assessments from U.S. flag officers have unfortunately become the norm over the past few decades. While some current and former generals give excellent and accurate assessments, there are far too many that don’t. The consequence to American policy has often been severe. It is time to reassess how much credibility we should place with American generals and admirals.

As I have chronicled on these pages, the conditions and military fundamentals clearly evident for years have strongly suggested that Ukraine could not win a war with Russia, and that both Kyiv and Washington should have made different policy choices based on that reality, both before and since Russia’s illegal invasion. But as graphically detailed below, active and retired flag officers have continually claimed that – ignoring clear evidence to the contrary – Ukraine has a chance to win the war.

Encouraging Ukraine to Keep Up the Fight

Such unwarranted assertions have led policymakers and the American public to believe, improperly, that we should continue encouraging Ukraine to maintain its fight against Russia. American official policy has been to provide Kyiv with substantial armaments to defend itself and overwhelming emotional support.

If the generals were right, if Ukraine were indeed close to winning the war, and if the aid we have offered could tip the scales in Kyiv’s favor, then our policy might make sense. But it doesn’t. Ukraine isn’t winning the war and isn’t even close to parity, much less superiority, to Russian forces.

In my most recent piece at 19FortyFive, I detail many of the practical, military reasons Ukraine is losing the war and is likely to continue losing. In my assessment, if Kyiv continues refusing to seek a negotiated settlement with Russia – something that is understandably repugnant to many Ukrainian citizens and government – they are in danger not merely of sliding into a long-term stalemate, but of outright losing the war.

I do not hesitate to admit that I can’t guarantee an outcome in this war. There are too many variables and information I don’t have, and do not have access to the secret council of either the Russian or Ukrainian general staff, or that of the western NATO leaders. A number of things could change the dynamics and trajectory of the war, which are not publicly known. Of course events that have yet to happen could result in major course changes.

But as I have laid out in detail, the current trends and military fundamentals reveal Ukraine is unquestionably losing this war. For the conditions to change dramatically enough to make an eventual Ukrainian military victory possible, as many generals continue to claim, would require a radical shift from today’s realities. Beyond mere rhetoric, there is no evidence such a radical shift is forthcoming. It is therefore irresponsible, I argue, to tell the American people that the desired outcome is possible when all evidence screams that it’s not – and downright cruel to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and civilian population, to foster a belief that they have a chance.

Should Washington Change Course?

To have the best chance to protect America’s vital national interests and save as many Ukrainian people as possible from being killed, Washington must change course and begin to form policy based on a frank and honest assessment of the combat, economic, and diplomatic realities of this war. It will be hard to get to that rational place, however, unless we first recognize the consistently rosy pictures painted by America’s flag officers over the past few decades have been atrocious.

My 21 years of active service in the U.S. Army, including four combat deployments, has put me in a position to personally observe many of the mistakes and bad judgments of both active and retired generals. The cumulative result of their frequently flawed advice has been uniformly bad for our country, resulting in some of the worst military and foreign policy decisions our country has made.

Whether it was routine claims, made over a 20-year period, of success in the Afghan War when events conclusively proved it was always a disastrous failure, or perpetual claims of success during and after the 2003 Iraq war – before the Iraqi Security Forces the U.S. trained melted away at the first contact with the Islamic State – senior American military leaders have consistently misled the American public on the true state of affairs.

Since virtually the beginning of the Ukraine-Russian war, American active and retired generals have consistently claimed that Russian troops were incompetent, that their troops were ill-disciplined, arrogant, unmotivated, and sometimes rebelled against their leaders and refused to fight. The Russians, many generals claimed, could not win, with Gen. Hodges claiming that Ukraine would begin rolling back Putin’s troops before the end of this summer.

Yet Russia controls more than 20 percent of Ukrainian territory and continues conquering urban center after urban center in the Donbas, killing upwards of 200 troops per day, wounding another 500 in the process.

Russia outguns Ukraine 20-1 in howitzers, 40-1 in artillery shells and Rockets, and has a significant advantage in air power. There is no rational basis upon which to claim that Ukraine can stop the Russians, much less roll them back.


It is appropriate, in light of the awful record active and retired general officers have amassed over the past few decades, that both the media and public should give more scrutiny to future claims made by generals. It is understandable why many would give blanket trust to the word of a senior commander: they typically have 30-plus years of experience and have served at the highest levels. But evidence confirms that this trust has been misplaced and it is up to the generals to earn that trust back. Telling the truth and giving honest assessments would be a good place to start.

Unboxing & Testing My Chinese “$2,000” ELECTRIC Truck!

A great fun and interesting video.

Some important Jeff Brown transcripts

TRANSCRIPT: USDems + Ukraine + BW + BigRx + BLPM = Evil squared.

TRANSCRIPT: Evidence in Ukraine is piling up against Westerners for the anticipated Moscow War Crime Trials. HERE

TRANSCRIPT: Does Ukraine equal Taiwan? Do they mean World War III?HERE

TRANSCRIPT: More war crimes uncovered in NATO’s Ukraine: organ harvesting behind the Red Cross.

TRANSCRIPT: $40 billion to arm Ukraine? It couldn’t happen before 1950. How the military-industrial complex took over the USA. HERE

TRANSCRIPT: Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh – Why they won. HERE

How to make French Baguettes at home

So very inspirational!!!!

Conversation with American Mercenary, DPR POW: “Be Better Informed”

NEW YORK, JUNE 28TH, 2022- Last week, two Americans who came to fight for the Ukrainian International Legion were widely reported as having been captured by the forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the breakaway republic in Eastern Ukraine which is allied with Russia in the ongoing conflict in the region. Alexander John-Robert Drueke, 39, and Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh, 27, both residents of Alabama, were apparently captured amidst fighting in the outskirts of Kharkov, and to this point, had not had any contact with American press.

This afternoon, my phone rang as I was driving home out in Eastern Long Island, and a Russian number appeared on my Caller ID. It was a number that had previously been used by British POW Aiden Aslin to contact me, as the DPR administration had my information from my time reporting in Donbass. Mr. Aslin, a British national who had been living with a family in Ukraine and was a regular in the Ukrainian marines, was sentenced to death in the DPR, for the crimes of being a mercenary and killing civilians, and is currently waiting to see if a prisoner exchange can be facilitated for his release, though current reports do not look good for him. The DPR, unlike the Russian Federation, has not banned capital punishment, and per my discussions with Mr. Aslin, the lack of footwork on his behalf on the part of Ukrainian and British authorities is the reason his exchange has not been prioritized.

This time, however, when I answered, the caller identified himself as Alexander John-Robert Drueke, accompanied by his DPR state-provided lawyer, from his captivity site in Donetsk, DPR. Alexander is from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and served 12 years in the U.S. army reserve, including two deployments to Iraq, though neither put him into active combat. Above all, he is similarly seeking a prisoner exchange, but he described to me in relative detail how he ended up in his current predicament, and some of his perspective on the situation.

He said that early this year, he had extensively watched American and other western news reports on the developing conflict in Ukraine, and was particularly affected by images of Ukrainians fleeing their homes. He is retired, was living on VA benefits, and he said that he felt that he “had to do something to help, not necessarily fighting, but whatever I could do.” He had no prior arrangements with the Ukrainian Armed Forces or the regime in Kiev, before flying to Warsaw, Poland from Atlanta, GA on April 12th of this year, hoping to find his way to Ukraine.

On the 15th of April, he rode by bus over the border into Lvov, Ukraine without incident. There, he was quickly interviewed by the Ukrainian International Legion, who signed a contract with him to work in a training role with a unit in Lvov, an arrangement which only lasted 8 days. Alexander said he was “dissatisfied” with this unit, for reasons he’s not at liberty to share, due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement he signed in his contract, and by early June, he had signed paperwork to transfer to a recon unit across the country, in Kharkov. This unit was presumably overseen by the SBU, the primary Ukrainian Intelligence agency. Alexander and his friend, Mr. Huynh, arrived in Kharkov on June 7th, and on June 9th, they were sent into a combat mission, something Alexander said he didn’t expect to happen, and separated from the rest of their unit. They were both apprehended by a DPR patrol, and brought back to Donetsk for detainment; they have not been officially charged as of yet, but Alexander understands they are to be charged with being mercenaries, and presumably eligible to face the death penalty, though their charges are likely to be less severe than their British counterparts.

Mr. Drueke’s captivity, as he described it, has been calm, and he has been well-treated, given the obviously uncomfortable broader context. He says he has been provided with food and water regularly, is in a cell by himself, and has not had any contact with his fellow American POW or any other prisoners, though for over a week now he has had access to phone calls, including to his mother, Lois Drueke, and has been contact with his lawyer every other day. He maintains a very close relationship with his mother, and she appears to be working tirelessly on his case; I have reached out to her for her comment, and have yet to hear back.

The DPR authorities, per Alexander, are extremely willing to negotiate for his release in a prisoner exchange, and are generally motivated to secure safe return for their own people. While he has been in contact with the U.S. State Department (he named one Michael Abbott as his contact; I was not able to track this person down), and while the U.S. government has told Alexander and his mother that they are “doing what they can,” he told me that “the U.S. is not technically a combatant in this fight, and they have no one to exchange with the DPR, so what they can do is limited to pressuring Kiev.” Whether the Ukrainian authorities were working on his case was not clear to him, and he has had no contact since his capture with anyone in the Kiev government.

When I asked him about his perspectives on the conflict now, versus when he made the decision to come over, his repeated emphasis was that he had been “extremely uninformed” when he was still in Alabama and relying on the narrative being spun by western media. “I can tell you that I was very surprised to see most women and children still at home and living normally in all the major Ukrainian cities I went to, and when I was detained here in Donestk, it was the first time I had been able to speak to any Russians or Russian-speakers from Donbass. There’s a side of the story that we’re not getting in America.” He noted that even from his cell in Donetsk, he had been hearing constant explosions, every day, coming from Ukrainian shelling of the city, something he had never anticipated, adding that “nothing in the western media shows you that this is a Civil War, and one that’s been going on a long time.” He didn’t go as far as disavowing the Ukrainian state, or endorsing the Russian Special Operation, but he repeatedly said to me, “if I had known the truth about what was going on over here, I would never have made the decision to come. I regret it.”

While feelings of sympathy for a man in a life-and-death predicament, who at face value seems to have been duped into his decision, above all else, are completely understandable, some on the Donestk side of the conflict aren’t shedding many tears for him, or similar detainees. Russell “Texas” Bentley, an American-born veteran of the DPR armed forces since 2014, and a resident of Donetsk, shared with me his thoughts on Mr. Drueke and those like him: “Yeah, a lot of these punks were just too big for their britches, and that’s almost forgivable, but what they wanted to do was come here to kill, and if the shoe had been on the other foot, they wouldn’t have hesitated. I was behind Ukrop [Ukrainian] lines twice, and didn’t fire a shot either time. Every single battle I was ever in was defensive. We held a position, and the Ukrops came to attack us, and they’d have killed us all if they could have. So, it will be an educational experience for them, hopefully give them a bit of a head start in their next life.”

My inquiries to the U.S. State Department and Ukrainian Military press contacts have yet to yield any responses; Alexander remains adamant that the DPR is eager to arrange his release, and hopeful that his government is trying to facilitate that, but says that “time is starting to run out.” Portuguese journalist Bruno Carvalho, with whom I worked in Donetsk, and who remains there on assignment, suggested that one of the hold-ups in these prisoner exchanges with DPR may be that a foreign government, such as the UK or US, agreeing to negotiate such an exchange might be tantamount to a recognition of the Republic, which on a diplomatic level, could have major ripple effects. After all, Russian President Putin’s recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics proved to be the great harbinger of the recent escalation in what many see as a western proxy war against Russia.

Before we hung up, I assured Alexander that I would at the very least write about our conversation, and I asked him what he might say to others who were caught in the fever of U.S. propaganda, and might have the same instincts to fly across the ocean and sign-up to fight for Ukraine.

“As I said, I did not have a full understanding of what was going on, and if I had, I wouldn’t have made the decision that I did. What would I say to someone else? Do your research, look at sources outside of the West—be better informed.”

Are You Willing To Suffer Through A Recession For The Good Of “The Liberal World Order”?

How much are you willing to sacrifice for “the future of the liberal world order”?  As you will see below, the Biden administration is trying to convince us that supporting the “liberal world order” is far more important than any short-term economic pain that we are experiencing right now.  So are you willing to pay ridiculously high gas prices for the foreseeable future and suffer through a very serious economic downturn in order to put pressure on Vladimir Putin and Russia?  Some Americans would be willing to do that, but most would not.

On Friday, we learned that the U.S. economy is heading in the wrong direction a lot quicker than most of the “experts” had anticipated.  The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model is currently projecting that economic growth for the second quarter of 2022 will be negative 2.1 percent

The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2022 is -2.1 percent on July 1, down from -1.0 percent on June 30. After this morning’s Manufacturing ISM Report On Business from the Institute for Supply Management and the construction report from the US Census Bureau, the nowcasts of second-quarter real personal consumption expenditures growth and real gross private domestic investment growth decreased from 1.7 percent and -13.2 percent, respectively, to 0.8 percent and -15.2 percent, respectively.

U.S. GDP growth was negative during the first quarter, and if U.S. GDP growth is negative again in the second quarter that will mean that we are already in a recession right now.

The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model should be taken very seriously, because it has a very strong track record of accuracy…

“GDPNow has a strong track record, and the closer we get to July 28th’s release [of the initial Q2 GDP estimate] the more accurate it becomes,” wrote Nicholas Colas, co-founder of DataTrek Research.

If it is confirmed later this month that we are already in a recession, it won’t exactly be a surprise, but the good news is that so far this new economic downturn is not that severe.

Unfortunately, we continue to see more signs that things will soon get much worse.

The pace of layoffs is really starting to accelerate and this is especially true in the tech industry.

At this point, even Facebook is looking to thin the ranks

In addition to the hiring freeze, Zuckerberg also noted the company was leaving some vacant positions at the company unfilled and “turning up the heat” on performance management to weed out staffers who are unable to meet certain KPIs.

“Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here,” Zuckerberg said, adding, “Part of my hope by raising expectations and having more aggressive goals, and just kind of turning up the heat a little bit, is that I think some of you might decide that this place isn’t for you, and that self-selection is OK with me.”

Meanwhile, we are seeing Americans cut back on their spending at a frightening pace.

In fact, one recent survey discovered that a whopping 83 percent of all Americans have “slashed personal spending due to soaring prices”

Provident Bank, based in New Jersey, found that 83% of respondents slashed personal spending due to soaring prices of food and gasoline, with 23% indicating they had to make “drastic changes” to their spending for financial survival. 

According to the survey results of 600 adults, 10.5% of respondents eliminated all non-essential purchases, and nearly 72% said they made at least some changes to personal travel habits.

And Wall Street seems to have finally gotten the message that very hard times are ahead.

The first half of 2022 was the worst first half of a year for the S&P 500 since 1970, and the index has now plunged into bear market territory

This all came a day after the S&P 500 posted a more than 16% quarterly loss – its biggest one-quarter fall since March 2020. For the first half, the broader market index dropped 20.6% for its largest first-half decline since 1970. It also tumbled into bear market territory, down more than 21% from a record high set early January.

The Biden administration is openly admitting that more economic suffering is on the way, but we are being told that it is necessary.

On Wednesday, CNN interviewed a key economic adviser to Joe Biden named Brian Deese, and what Deese said during that interview is making headlines all over the globe

CNN anchor Victor Blackwell interviewed Deese on Thursday and cited that Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said on Wednesday the war between Russia and Ukraine could be a “grinding struggle” for years.

Blackwell said, “I think everybody understands why this is happening, but is it sustainable? What do you say to those families who say, listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years? This is not sustainable.”

Deese – who was formerly the global head of sustainable investing at BlackRock – replied, “What we heard from the president today was about the stakes. This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm.”

No thank you.

I don’t want anything to do with a “liberal world order”, and I am sure that most of you don’t either.

In the old days they called it a “new world order”, but that phrase now has so many negative connotations to it that they decided to come up with something new.

Will someone please tell them that “liberal world order” is even worse?

These guys really stink at branding.

Why do we even need to have a “world order” in the first place?

Why can’t we just try to get along with everyone instead of trying to force our twisted values on the entire planet?

I really wish that the U.S. and Russia would have just left Ukraine alone and would have allowed them to determine their own fate.

Needless to say, that was never going to happen, and now the U.S. and Russia are engaged in a horrifying proxy war and countless Ukrainians are being sacrificed like pawns on a chessboard.

If both sides continue to escalate this conflict, it could ultimately bring us to the brink of nuclear war.

But at least we will be supporting “the future of the liberal world order”, and isn’t that what is really important?

Many of us have been relentlessly warning about where all of this foolishness will eventually lead us, but most of the population doesn’t want to listen.

Sadly, many will just continue to support “the current thing” no matter what the consequences are.

The first half of 2022 has been full of surprises, but I am expecting global events to accelerate even more during the second half of this year.

So hold on to your hats, because I believe that things are about to start getting really, really crazy out there.

BOOM! Nordstream One Gas Pipeline Being Shut Down by Russia in 6 Days

BREAKING NEWS: In exactly six (6) days, Germany will be completely cut-off from Russian natural gas.

The Nordstream One pipeline will cease all natural gas flows into Germany in Six days.

By Presidential Decree signed by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, Russia will no longer sell any “vital commodities” to “unfriendly nations.”

Without natural gas from Russia, the German economy will . . .  stop.

When Germany’s economy stops, the economies of other European countries, which also got their natural gas via the Nordstream One pipeline, will also . . .  stop.

About two weeks after the European economy stops, the U.S. economy will be forced to shut down for lack of goods and services.

The West has reached “The End” thanks to its own Sanctions against Russia.

The only thing left for the West to do either lift all Sanctions from Russia and HOPE they respond favorably; or go to war against Russia.

The economies of western nations cannot now be saved from collapse without cheap Russian energy.

Lift the Sanctions or declare war.  There are no other options.

Oh, and by the way . . . how would the west wage war without cheap energy to power it?


The Sanctions imposed by the West against Russia have now backfired massively.  They have destroyed the economy of the West.

Russia has won.

The west has lost.

The facts are not in dispute.

Brilliant Cross Stitches


When you think of cross stitch, you probably thing of Bible quotes hanging off the walls at your grandma’s house. There’s nothing wrong with that, but for those of you who want a little more from your embroidery, check out these hilariously brilliant examples.


The West is a Man with no Plan

They are just not serious.

For as long as I can remember (and that’s quite a while now) there’s always been a country or countries poised to eat the lunch of the Anglo-Saxons, and more recently of the West generally. And with Covid and Ukraine, we are now finding out that, apart from a few crumbs, the West has nothing much left worth eating. Why is that? How did it happen?

Let’s start with Italy. Yes, Italy. In the 1960s, there was excitement everywhere about what the Italians called Il Sorpasso: the overtaking of British GDP by Italy, according to some measures at least. Italy was admired then not just for its art, its history, its style, its cooking and its fashion, but for its engineering and industrial design. Above all, the Italians were rapidly modernising their country, with the new autostrade and train systems, while the British were just getting round to thinking about it. Later, it was the French, with their space-age TGVs and their prototype Internet, the Minitel. After the Oil Crisis, the French took a look around, and said, merde, we’d better go nuclear. The state-owned energy industry was just told to Do It, and reactors started coming on line every quickly, while the British regarded actually setting up a public enquiry into one as an achievement in itself.

Then, of course, the Japanese – they of the High Speed Trains – came along and effortlessly obliterated the European and American consumer electronics and motor industries, followed by shipbuilding and heavy engineering. In the nineties, the Koreans started to challenge the Japanese in some areas, and now, of course, just about everything is made in China, while western publics were stunned to discover that paracetamol and medical masks have to be imported from Asia. And just look: in Ukraine, western military technology and doctrine is being shredded by the Russians even as I write. Even organised crime is dominated by non-western groups these days. Can’t we do anything right?

It’s tempting, if not very intelligent, to try to relate this to the outcome of some Grand Plan. Films have been made over the last forty years about sinister asiatic conspiracies, although rather fewer these days, given where most of the world’s cinema-going population lives. But it’s actually a lot simpler than that, and in the simplicity actually lies the problem. The West has forgotten how to do simple things well, and has inevitably lost out to those who can. At bottom, economic and political success is about relative, not absolute, qualities. Just as wars are won by the side which makes fewest  mistakes, so economic struggles and often won by those who are least inefficient.

But to succeed, you need some idea of what you want, and how to get there, and it’s at that point that western thinking has increasingly broken down. There’s nothing magical about it: mostly, it’s just applied common sense, and a willingness to do a bit of forward planning. So after 1945, the French looked at the wreckage of their country, and a ruined industry that had no incentive to invest, and said, right, what are the priorities? We need steel, so for that we need iron ore and coal, so let’s go and sort that out first. Other things can take their turn. The Japanese, with a culture of attention to detail and the most demanding consumers in the world, realised they could export quality products, some of them taken and improved from foreign models. From cameras to mopeds (where Honda started), to motor bikes, to small cars, to large cars, to luxury cars to heavy engineering equipment and trains, every step building off the previous one. They were devious and subtle enough to offer western consumers things that worked well, at prices they were prepared to pay. Then there were the Koreans (as I was once proudly told by a civil engineer in Seoul many years ago), wanting to get into the construction industry. First they sent unskilled workmen abroad who came back and trained others. Then they sent skilled workers abroad, who came back and trained others. Then they sent people abroad to study at university. Well, you get the idea.

So why couldn’t Anglo-Saxons ever do this? Why have most western countries stopped being able to do this? There isn’t a single, simple, answer unfortunately, but there are a few pointers. One is simply being first, or early, and not having to struggle. Britain was built on coal and iron ore, and had a banking and credit system before most other nations. The Industrial Revolution wasn’t inevitable, but it was easy. The United States had every natural resource you could ask for, effectively unlimited space, and a constantly growing population. It would be hard not to become a major industrial power in the circumstances.  But the problem was precisely that all this was easy. In Japan, on the other hand, there were few resources, and there was barely enough food to go round. Britain was an island, and the United States was effectively one, as well. Neither was at any serious risk of invasion, or even interference. The Japanese, on the other hand, for all that they were islands too, realised in a sickening moment of clarity that unless they got themselves organised pretty sharply, they would become another western colony. So they got themselves organised.  As did others. Prussia had no natural resources except coal, and no effective natural borders. It had to work hard to survive, and did so: by the time of the Great Exhibition off 1851, the British were already finding the Prussians snapping at their heels industrially.

In Britain, and later in the United States, survival was never an issue, except perhaps at certain moments in the two Wars of the Twentieth Century. So a national consensus around a need to survive, plan and implement never formed because it wasn’t necessary. The Empire and the Royal Navy kept Britain’s problems at arms length. After the Second World War, the United States wound  up dominating much of the world, not because it was strong or clever, but because most of the rest of the world was in pieces. If you’ve never really had to work for something, you inevitably lose out to those who know what hard work is.

This consensus has to involve the elites, or it’s not going to be effective. And in Britain, which famously never had a revolution, elites never took any interest in planning, unless it was planning the family inheritance. As in any aristocratic society, social status came precisely from not working, because you had no need to. You could employ people to do actual physical tasks, while living off rents and dividends, and doing whatever it was that such elites actually did to pass the time. This attitude persisted right up to modern times: scientists enjoyed a certain wary tolerance, but engineers and craftsmen were distrusted and not allowed into polite company. To become an engineer as late as the 1960s in Britain was to accept a permanently lower status than that of, say, an accountant. (There are no more engineers today, of course, so the problem has solved itself).

If your income comes from land or inherited wealth, then planning is really a question of financial optimisation, and you can pay people to do that for you. Other than general political stability, which often means obstructing change, you have no real political objectives at all. In Britain, and then in the United States after a few generations, this was the mentality that triumphed. Planning, designing, building, maintaining … all this was difficult and complicated, took years and required specialist training. If you could generate the same profits by some clever financial engineering, why not do so?

What’s depressing is that this attitude has spread to countries where engineers and technology had a high social status. France is an especially bad case: the country’s finest engineers were trained at the Polytechnique , established by Napoleon (a very long-term thinker). These days they all seem to go into politics, like the current Prime Minister. Nobody makes things any more.

The result is a culture common to large parts of the western world which is ultimately Not Serious. Now by “serious,” I don’t mean the opposite of “frivolous”: or perhaps I do mean that as well, because the attitudes of the ruling classes of most western countries towards the problems of the present, never mind the future, could be described reasonably as “frivolous.” That’s to say the belief that they are not real problems, but essentially problems of news management and internal politicking, and don’t require actual practical solutions. But there’s also the more serious sense of “serious,” used as a compliment. Seriousness means taking the time to research and think about issues, and then deciding what to do and carry it through. No serious political system, for example, would have lurched into Brexit as the British did, without any thought for even the short-term consequences. No serious political system would have dealt with Covid as western ones did. For all the emotional attractiveness of conspiracy theories, it seems rather to be the case that most western governments hadn’t realised that medicines aren’t produced here any more. They hadn’t understood that the government capability to manage such crises no longer existed. Nobody told them that running down health services could lead to bad outcomes. And no serious political system, individually or collectively, could have staggered like a drunk into the mess that is Ukraine.

Ah yes, Ukraine. My point here is simple enough. The West was surprised because it never had a long-term plan for its relations with Russia, and didn’t realise that Russia had a long-term plan to reset those relations.

Let’s take those in order.

The Cold War ended too quickly for the West to understand what was happening, and to even begin to adapt to it. Not only did the strategic landscape change overnight, it also threw up a whole set of massive unexpected problems, and then became enmeshed with a whole variety of other issues, from the former Yugoslavia to Iraq to the future of Europe. The result was that there was never the time, or really the inclination, to develop a proper policy and think through the consequences. And too many actors and too many institutions were involved. Throughout the nineties, policy was entirely improvised, usually responding to the evanescent needs of the moment. NATO enlargement, one of the triggers of the current conflict, was never a real strategic plan: each case seemed to be individual, and had a different set of arguments. Same for the EU. So in typical fashion, we arrive somewhere we don’t like, and think: how did we get here?

The Russians know how we got here. But then they do unsporting things like develop long-term strategies, with the necessary economic and military components. They integrate these with a political strategy, and with clearly defined objectives. None of this is particularly difficult: it’s not they who are strange, it is us, for not thinking that way. And really, if you don’t understand Russian military-strategic thinking, or how they approach the operational level of warfare, then it’s a good idea to refrain from hopping between TV stations telling the world who’s winning and who’s losing.

The final irony is that most of the world actually doesn’t realise how unserious the West is. I can’t remember how many times, in Africa, in the Arab world or in parts of Eastern Europe, educated professional people have excitedly harangued me about the Master Plan of the West (sometimes just the US) to remake the world, destroy China or Russia, recolonise Africa or whatever. “Don’t you realise” they will say urgently, thrusting into my hand a poor photocopy of an obscure journal article from twenty years ago “it was all planned.” If only it was. If only we could.

10 unmistakable signs your cat really loves you

I hope this puts a smile on your face.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Greek fire paradox, delicious food, and breath-taking read from an Egyptian who studied China

The Western “news” continues the same kinds of bullshit, but there has been a very significant slide into a new kind of reality that the rest of the world recognizes. It’s a different world; a Chinese world, and the West is just simply dying.

What’s going on?

Well, for one thing, the “Greek Fire Paradox” is. And that involves the combined strength and developments of both Russia and China together against the “might” of the unified West (led by the United States).

“Greek Fire Paradox”.


The Greek Fire was a substance created by the Byzantine Empire. Nobody knows exactly what it is about: it is considered the best kept military secret of all time. It is speculated that, during those ages, only two people knew its formula at the same time. In some cases, only a father and his son would know how to make it.


It was a liquid stored in a kind of giant syringe, which ignited on contact with air; basically, a primitive type of flamethrower that worked more or less like the illustration above.

The paradox is this: although the Byzantines managed to keep the secret for hundreds of years, this super-weapon had a curious and unexpected side effect: messing with the enemy’s mind. Because of that Greek Fire, the enemies of Byzantium had to look for more powerful weapons. Eventually, they would discover gunpowder (which later would evolve into the cannon, and so on).

What the history tell us is that, even if a country or entity holds a very powerful weapon, in the long run, your enemies will come up with much better and more efficient war technology, and eventually use it against you. And vice-versa.

Once the Pandora’s Box is open, there is no way to close it.

The funny thing is that, until now, nuclear weapons have functioned more as an instrument of peace rather than war, thanks to the MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. This doctrine ensures that if one country uses nuclear weapons against another, that other country will respond with its entire nuclear arsenal, and so on, until all belligerents (or human kind) are destroyed.

Of course, nobody wants that. MAD therefore ensured a more peaceful world: without this doctrine, the world would probably have seen more bloody conventional wars. This is true for almost every nation in the world.

The current (and future) problem is that the older a particular technology becomes, the more accessible it becomes. And thus the greater it’s risk of use.


It becomes necessary for those “other” nations to come up with new, novel methods, technologies and techniques to render the strength of the old “power weapon” useless.

Florida Man Charged In $1 Billion Fraud Scheme Of Counterfeit Cisco Devices

Saturday, Jul 09, 2022 – 07:20 AM

A federal grand jury indicted a Florida man for trafficking over $1 billion in counterfeit Cisco networking equipment on Amazon and eBay stores between 2014 and 2022.


According to the Department of Justice (DoJ), Onur Aksoy, aka “Ron Aksoy” and “Dave Durden,” 38, of Miami, operated at least 19 companies formed in New Jersey and Florida that sold counterfeit Cisco networking equipment through 15 Amazon storefronts and ten eBay storefronts and multiple other entities (collectively, the “Pro Network Entities”).

Attorney for the US Vikas Khanna, District of New Jersey, and Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite said Aksoy’s scheme worked by importing network devices from China and Hong Kong (HK is de facto China) that were older models but modified to appear to be authentic versions of new, enhanced, and more expensive ones.

"The fraudulent and counterfeit products sold by the Pro Network Entities suffered from numerous performance, functionality, and safety problems. Often, they would simply fail or otherwise malfunction, causing significant damage to their users' networks and operations – in some cases, costing users tens of thousands of dollars. Customers of Aksoy's fraudulent and counterfeit devices included hospitals, schools, government agencies, and the military," the DoJ wrote in a media release Friday morning.

Aksoy generated over $100 million in revenue after selling more than $1 billion in fake networking equipment. The government alleges the Florida man “received millions of dollars for his personal gain” from the scheme.

DOJ has charged Aksoy with conspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods and mail and wire fraud, and both carry hefty sentencing times and fines.

This indictment sheds light on an entire underground economy devoted to scamming consumers on Amazon and eBay.

Terrifyingly, the counterfeit Cisco networking equipment could’ve been installed in critical systems for companies and or even government agencies, making them more vulnerable to a ransomware attack or unexpected performance issues.

FOX News Media presentation

Please check out the dress color coordination, the seat positioning, and the diversity presentation.


Country Captain (Southern-Style Stewed Turkey with Curry, Dried Fruit, and Almonds)

This colonial dish speaks to North America’s deep historical ties to the Indian Subcontinent.


Country Captain is an iconic Southern, Low Country dish with direct, unadulterated link to India.

It traces its roots to a time when Savannah, Charleston, and other Southeastern ports were the North American gateways for spice trade with the East Indies.

These towns were the entry points for black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamon, sugar, and other ingredients that would eventually make their way into the cuisine of the American South.

Many of the dishes that use these flavorings are more “Western” in inflection—the spices are subtle with little connection to the dishes of their mother lands.

Not so with the Country Captain.

Even in its most Southern avatar, this is clearly an Indian American dish. I am forever grateful to Chef Currence for introducing me to this historical recipe, for every time I make it I am reminded that we have much in common—we need only to look at what we are cooking.

*This recipe is often made using chicken; feel free to swap out the turkey for other poultry, or even pork chops or veal cutlets.

Featured in: “On Curry Powder and Colonialism.”

Yield: serves 6
Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 12 turkey cutlets* (about 3 oz. each), about ½-in. thick
  • ¼ cups ghee
  • 2 tbsp. unsalted butter
  • 1 strip thick-cut bacon, finely chopped (¼ cup)
  • 2 large yellow onions, finely chopped (2 cups)
  • 4 medium carrots, peeled and finely chopped (1⅓ cups)
  • 1 large red bell pepper, finely chopped (1 cup)
  • 1 large yellow bell pepper, finely chopped (1 cup)
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp. minced fresh ginger
  • 2¼ cups canned crushed tomatoes
  • 2 medium tomatoes, finely chopped (1⅓ cup)
  • ½ cups dried currants (or substitute dried cranberries or raisins)
  • 2 small dried red chilies (such as árbol) stemmed and broken in half
  • 2 tsp. Madras curry powder
  • 1½ tsp. garam masala
  • ½ tsp. Kashmiri chili powder
  • ½ cups chicken stock
  • 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley
  • ¼ cups toasted silvered almonds
  • Steamed white rice or grits upma, for serving


  1. Line a large rimmed baking sheet or platter with paper towels and set it by the stove.
  2. In a large, shallow bowl, season the flour to taste with salt and black pepper, stir, and set aside.
  3. To a large, high-sided skillet over medium-high heat, add the ghee. Working in batches, lightly dust the turkey cutlets in the seasoned flour and, when the ghee is hot, sear lightly, about 20–30 seconds on each side. Transfer the cutlets to the lined baking sheet and set aside.
  4. Using paper towels, wipe the skillet clean and set over medium heat. Add the butter and bacon and cook, stirring frequently until bacon begins to brown, about 3 minutes. Add the onions and continue cooking, stirring frequently, until they’re translucent and very soft, 6–8 minutes. Add the carrots, bell peppers, garlic, and ginger, season lightly with salt and black pepper, and cook, stirring frequently, until the vegetables are tender, 6–8 minutes. Stir in the canned and fresh tomatoes and another pinch of salt and black pepper, lower heat to medium-low, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes start to break down and thicken, about 20 minutes.
  5. Stir in the dried currants, dried chiles, curry powder, garam masala, and chile powder, then add the stock. Turn the heat up to medium to bring the mixture back up to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until the currants are plump, about 5 minutes. Slide the reserved turkey cutlets back into the skillet and cook until the meat is heated and cooked through, 4–6 minutes.
  6. Garnish with chopped parsley and toasted slivered almonds and serve hot, with steamed white rice or grits upma.

The Idea MUST be to weaponize the world!

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on July 5 that the cumulative amount of weapons and equipment provided by the West to Ukraine has reached 28,000 tons, and many of these military materials have flowed to the Middle East and even the black market for trading. In a program broadcast on Russia Today TV a few days ago, Russian media reporters found that weapons provided by some Western countries to Ukraine were sold at low prices on the “dark web”.

Article HERE

United States “pledges” to “shut down” Chinese IC manufacture

The US Secretary of Commerce recently repeated the remarks, naming SMIC for “shutting down” China’s largest chip manufacturer if it ignores US sanctions and supplies chips to Russia.

SMIC responded today that “there has never been a Russian customer.”

On June 28, the U.S. government blacklisted five Chinese companies for allegedly supporting Russian military and defense industrial bases.

This is the first time since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War in February that the US side has taken action against Chinese enterprises.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on June 29 that U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo would shut down China’s largest chipmaker, SMIC or other Chinese semiconductor companies, IF they were found supplying chips to Russia, according to central news agencies today.

She pointed out that since the United States and allies imposed export controls on Russia because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, global chip exports to Russia have plummeted by 90%.

According to the it of the land media IT home, some investors asked SMIC whether there were Russian customers on the e interactive platform today, and SMIC replied: “The company has always adhered to compliance operations and has never had Russian customers.” ”

Article HERE

Banana lore from Indonesia

Never ever go to the local market and say that you just want to buy “Banana” ( Pisang in their local language).

The seller will be confused and will ask for the details of what kind banana you want?

Its different if you go to the Super Market. You will meet only the Cavendish Banana or the Western known Banana.

Cavendish Banana

BUT… in the local market, especially the fruit stall, there are so many kinds of Bananas. In Indonesia it depends on what you need to do with that Banana.

These are a variety of the famous banana that you can find in the local market.

Banana Stall
  1. Horn Banana (Plantain) / Pisang Tanduk
Horn Banana (Plantain) / Pisang Tanduk

This massive banana is not sweet and the texture is hard. It tastes good when fried and the local also add chili sauce or sweet sauce.

Fried Plantain

2. Kepok Banana / Pisang Kepok

Kepok Banana

These look like pressed fat bananas, they’re sweet but very hard if they aren’t ripe. The local use it to feed their pet birds and mainly to eat in a sweet soup dish, Kolak.

Kolak sweet soup

3. King Banana / Pisang Raja

King Banana / Pisang Raja

They’re big. This banana is mainly eaten raw; it’s big, sweet and has a soft texture.

4. Milk Banana / Pisang Susu

Milk Banana / Pisang Susu

The size is medium. This sweet banana is good to eat raw. This banana’s skin is rather thin when compared to the other bananas.

5. Ambon Banana / Pisang Ambon

Ambon Banana / Pisang Ambon

They’re big. This banana can be found in two colors. The taste is medium sweet.

6. Lady Finger Banana – Gold Banana / Pisang Mas

Lady Finger Banana – Gold Banana / Pisang Mas


This banana is so small and the taste is sweet.

All of the bananas have their own unique taste and texture. Just buying a banana in Indonesia can make you stressed.

Oh… and have I mention that there are some jungle bananas that you can rarely find too? Like the Red Banana or the Crazy Big Musa Ingens Banana?

Happy Eating Bananas in Indonesia 😀

China Holds War Drills Around Taiwan “Directed” At US Senator’s Visit To Island

Saturday, Jul 09, 2022 – 11:20 AM

China is again conducting major military exercises in waters around Taiwan, according to state media reports, which further decried US support to Taiwan separatist forces as “futile”.

China’s Defense Ministry was cited in Reuters as describing the drills as a warning aimed at the visit of a US senator. It said “China firmly opposes the visit by a US senator to Taiwan which severely damages the relationship of the two countries and two militaries, while it added that the drill near Taiwan is directed at US and Taiwan provocation.”

US Senator Rick Scott of Florida arrived in Taiwan on Thursday afternoon for a two-day visit. Importantly, his visit marks no less than the seventh US senator to visit the democratic-run island this year alone. This after a group of six senators made an unannounced visit in April led by chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Menendez, which Beijing also vehemently denounced.

Sen. Scott visited Taiwanese envoy to Lithuania in April. Image: Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania

“Scott is scheduled to meet with President Tsai Ying-wen and Premier Su Tseng-chang during his visit, the ministry said, adding that Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu was to host a banquet to welcome him,” regional sources detailed of his trip.

Meanwhile a top China official who overseas cross-strait affairs on Thursday declared that “reunification” of the island remains at the center of national rejuvenation plans.

According to The South China Post:

In an article published in People's Daily on Thursday, Liu Jieyi, head of the Taiwan Affairs Office, said one focus of the strategy would be preventing and resolving major risks and hidden dangers in the Taiwan Strait, creating a "favorable environment" for national rejuvenation.

"Our growing comprehensive strength and significant institutional advantages continue to be transformed into efficiency in work related to Taiwan issues and push forward the process of national reunification," Liu said.

The concept of “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan has been pushed by Beijing for decades; however, Liu in his op-ed reiterated that China has never ruled out the option of using force.

Top Beijing officials have also recently gone on record to say that US stoking “independence forces” remains a bright red line which could result in war. But in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine over the last more than four months, the Biden administration has been wary that President Xi could borrow from Putin’s playbook and stage a ‘shock’ blitz of the island.

Prior PLA exercise, via

Taiwan has condemned the fresh PLA military drills as a “provocation” and has put its forces on high alert, as China sends fighter jets across the strait as part of its typical messaging. Taiwan’s air force in turn scrambled fighters to intercept and warn off the Chinese aircraft.

Indonesian Artist Dhany Pramata Creates Comics That Most 80s-90s Kids Will Relate To


Indonesian artist Dhany Pramata creates comics that most 80s/90s kids will relate to. Dhany Pramata, an Indonesian artist reflects upon his childhood days with nostalgic and funny illustrations. I find some of these comics extremely relatable and if you are an 80s/90s kid, you might find them relatable too.


Don’t Make Assumptions

We have the tendency to make assumptions about everything. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We could swear they are real. We make assumptions about what others are doing or thinking — we take it personally — then we blame them and react by sending emotional poison with our word. That is why whenever we make assumptions, we’re asking for problems. We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a whole big drama for nothing.

Making assumptions in our relationships is really asking for problems. Often we make the assumption that our partners know what we think and that we don’t have to say what we want. We assume they are going to do what we want, because they know us so well. If they don’t do what we assume they should do, we feel so hurt and say, “You should have known.”

Another example: You decide to get married, and you make the assumption that your partner sees marriage the same way that you do. Then you live together and you find out this is not true. This creates a lot of conflict, but you still don’t try to clarify your feelings about marriage. The husband comes home from work and the wife is mad, and the husband doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because the wife made an assumption. Without telling him what she wants, she makes an assumption that he knows her so well, that he knows what she wants, as if he can read her mind. She gets so upset because he fails to meet her expectations. Making assumptions in relationships leads to a lot of fights, a lot of difficulties, a lot of misunderstandings with people we supposedly love.

In any kind of relationship we can make the assumption that others know what we think, and we don’t have to say what we want. They are going to do what we want because they know us so well. If they don’t do what we want, what we assume they should do, we feel hurt and think, “How could you do that? You should know.” Again, we make the assumption that the other person knows what we want. A whole drama is created because we make this assumption and then put more assumptions on top of it.

China rallies support for Kylin Linux in war on Windows • The Register

Good thing that I am running Limus Mint. -MM

China’s efforts to end its reliance on Microsoft Windows got a boost with the launch of the openKylin project.

The initiative aims to accelerate development of the country’s home-grown Kylin Linux distro by opening the project up to a broader community of developers, colleges, and universities to contribute code.

Launched in 2001, Kylin was based on a FreeBSD kernel and was intended for use in government and military offices, where Chinese authorities have repeatedly attempted to eliminate foreign operating systems.

In 2010, the operating system made the switch to the Linux kernel, and in 2014 an Ubuntu-based version of the OS was introduced after Canonical reached an agreement with Chinese authorities to develop the software.

The openKylin project appears to be the latest phase of that project, and is focused on version planning, platform development, and establishing a community charter. To date, the project has garnered support from nearly two dozen Chinese firms and institutions, including China’s Advanced Operating System Innovation Center.

These industry partners will contribute to several special interest groups to improve various aspects of the operating system over time. Examples include optimizations for the latest generation of Intel and AMD processors, where available; support for emerging RISC-V CPUs; development of an x86-to-RISC-V translation layer; and improvements to the Ubuntu Kylin User Interface (UKUI) window manager for tablet and convertible devices.

Simple Minds – Hypnotised

A great classic and great fun too!

China’s love-hate relationship with Microsoft

China’s efforts to rid itself of Redmond are by no means new. As far back as 2000, Chinese authorities ordered government offices to remove Windows in favor of Red Flag Linux.

However, in the case of Red Flag Linux, those efforts ultimately went nowhere after the project failed to catch on. The org was ultimately dissolved, and the team terminated in 2014. Despite its collapse, the project appears to have been rebooted, with a release slated to launch later this year.

This is a story that would repeat on a regular cadence, fueled by periodic spats between Uncle Sam and software vendors.

It’s safe to say the Chinese government has something of a love-hate relationship with Redmond. In 2013, Chinese authorities urged Microsoft to extend support for Windows XP, on which the country still relied heavily.

However, a year later, the Chinese government banned Windows 8 in much of the public sector, just months after Microsoft ended support for Windows XP.

Today, Microsoft controls roughly 85 percent of the desktop operating system market as of June 2022, according to Statcounter.

Some of this can be attributed to the launch of Windows 10 China Government Edition in 2017, which was developed in collaboration with the China Electronics Technology Group.

It doesn’t appear those efforts bought Microsoft’s American partners much in terms of goodwill, with Chinese authorities directing government agencies to throw out all foreign-made personal computers this spring.

Article HERE

Hiroshima – One Wish

Some nice 1980s jazz.

Australian bank Volt collapses urging 6000 customers to withdraw funds; 140 jobs lost

An Australian bank that collapsed has urged its 6000 customers to withdraw $100 million worth of deposits before it starts closing accounts from next Tuesday.

Volt, a digital bank called a neobank which was launched in 2017, announced it was handing back its banking licence to the regulator on Wednesday.

It was the first start up to gain the banking licence in January 2019 after the government sought to increase competition in the sector.

The bank’s demise means 140 staff have lost their jobs after the board made the decision to close the business. It said it failed to raise enough funds to support its plans to write mortgages.

Article HERE

are particularly sad, particularly because they shed away all the myths of “noble savages” and the wishful thinking of “war as a result of the power struggles of unequal civilizations”, and thus they reinforce the ever stronger conclusion that human societies have been brutal and insanely competitive since a very long time ago. It gives us a terrifying glimpse on what the “demographic changes”, “genetic replacements” and “ethnic shifts” that we often hear about as we study the history of a given place really meant back then, in the raw reality (of course this is not the whole story, but it’s surely an awful part of it).


So what’s it about? Around 5,000 years ago, in Poland, 15 people were carefully buried together in a mass grave. Most of them belonged to the same extended family, part of a closely knit patrilineal clan, and there were four nuclear families related to each other. All of them had died by heavy blows onto their head, killed simultaneously in the same way.

The individuals who buried them certainly knew them pretty well, because they placed the bodies together with their closest relatives: women with their respective children, siblings close to each other, wives with their husbands.

The slaughtered victims are mainly adult women (one of them was 50–60 years old) and their young children, including children, teenagers and two babies, one aged 1.5 years, and the other 2.0–2.5 years (whose parents were not buried in the mass grave). They were certainly not a major “threat” to any neighboring tribe or clan.

Apart from those with familial relationships to each other, there was also one young woman who had no genetic relationship with anyone else in the extended family, but was buried close to a young man with no children, so she might’ve been his girlfriend or just married wife.


Intriguingly, with the exception of one male adult interred alongside his wife and son, no older men were found in the tomb, which points to several possibilities, but one of them is particularly sad to me: perhaps most of the adult men were away in their herding activities, in a hunting expedition, or maybe in a war campaign, and some rival tribe took advantage of that moment to wipe all the inhabitants of a small family farm/village. As the scientists concluded, “the nature of the injuries and the near absence of parry fractures (i.e. injuries sustained to the upper limbs) suggest that the individuals were captured and executed, rather than killed in hand-to-hand combat”. In other words, they had no chance to defend themselves and counter-attack, so they were murdered gratuitously. How shameful and cowardly is that!?

That would explain why, after such a violent death, the villagers were buried with such care. Maybe the men came back only to find their entire family, all the cherished ones they had left behind murdered cowardly in their absence, including the youngest among them.

Cruel though as that was, other archaeological evidences found to date suggest that such things were far from unusual and shocking in ancient warfare, even well before the stakes became much more complex, like conflicts over big empires and vast riches.

That family wasn’t even taken captive, enslaved or anything else. It was like they were “clearing the land” for their own people: nobody should be spared. The adult males probably survived just because they weren’t present when the slaughter took place, otherwise we wouldn’t expect the burial to have been made by someone who clearly took the care to make sure the dead relatives would have their eternal rest together with their most loved ones. I wonder what those males did after they saw what their enemies had done to their family, but I’ll assume it wasn’t pretty.

Unfortunately much of human history, even very recently, even now, is made up of really sad and very often appalling events like that one. What’s particularly worrisome is that, as archaeologists do their work, they increasingly find out that the despicable things that humans make when they’re in conflict were ubiquitous in all places, in all ages, in all sorts of different social and economic organizations. To me what that might tell us about humankind is what’s saddest in this story.

Wang Yi Talks About China’s Six Measures to Benefit Mekong in the Next Stage

Unlike the crusaders lip service, when China talk about assistance, the detail is clear with timeline, objectives, and targets.

Wang Yi Talks About China’s Six Measures to Benefit Mekong in the Next Stage

July 05, 2022 05:38 | Source: Xinhuanet

  Xinhua News Agency, Bagan, Myanmar, July 4 (Reporter Zhang Dongqiang) On July 4, 2022 local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced when chairing the seventh Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bagan, Myanmar, that China will We have launched six major Mekong-benefiting measures to share cooperation dividends with Mekong countries and increase development momentum.

  The first is to implement the "Million-Ten Thousand Action Plan for Lancang-Mekong Agricultural Cooperation". Carry out 100 agricultural technology extension projects for Mekong countries, train 1,000 leaders of agricultural prosperity, and build 10,000 hectares of demonstration fertile land.

  The second is the implementation of the "Lancang-Mekong Water Rejuvenation Program". Strengthen the sharing of hydrological information, build hydrological and meteorological forecasting stations, speed up the construction of photovoltaic water-lifting irrigation, rural water supply demonstration, and small watershed management demonstration construction, provide safety examinations for 20 reservoirs and dams, and ensure flood control, food, water supply and ecological security for 70 million people in the basin .

  The third is to implement the "Lancang-Mekong Digital Economy Cooperation Plan". Build cloud computing innovation centers in Mekong countries, promote digital TV R&D demonstrations, develop modern information technology systems, and carry out digital economy skills upgrading cooperation.。。。

Article from HERE

Manipur: Kuki: Indians who claim to be Chinese, refuse to marry with Indian, and do not learn Hindi, Indian festivals

Population 30 million. Their flag is like China but with 6 stars. Not five.


when i was in darjeeling, what i noticed, at least this was my perception
the people overwhelmingly resembled more so chinese. and hardly at all indians to the south.

There are dozens of tribes in Manipur living peacefully with each other. That part of the world right next to China has got nothing to deal with India.

The bloody English crusader occupied a large area surrounding India and later simply classified them as India. That is the problem China and many countries across the world are having after the crusader withdrawal.

Anyway, Manipur people blocked India access to their region, and live independently from the India government. Actually there are other part of India with their own armies blocking access by the Indian government. If china behave like the Anglo-Saxon crusaders, China would have funded and armed those forces inside India to split the country.


Rodney Dangerfield Has Dom DeLuise Rolling On the Floor Laughing (1974)

This guy is great!

Iranian-flagged tanker moves to recoup cargo seized in Greece

Looting gets harder, in a multipolar world, the victims fight back:
An Iran-flag aframax tanker released from detention in Greece last month is now moving into position to take its seized cargo back.

If it succeeds, the way will be open to resolve an acrimonious stand-off between Iran and Greece in which about 70 seafarers have been caught up in tit-for-tat tanker seizures over the past three months.

According to vessel trackers and sources familiar with the issue, the 115,400-dwt Lana (built 2003) was towed last weekend from its former arrest location at Karystos in the Aegean, to the Piraeus anchorage.

Article HERE

Jeffrey Sachs: Covid-19 may have originated in US biolabs

An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences calls for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of Covid.

JEA: VT has published numerous articles pointing out that there is strong evidence that suggests that Covid 19 could have originated in US biolabs. Now we have enough evidence which confirms this theory.

By Sharon Lerner

IN AN ARTICLE published Thursday, economist Jeffrey Sachs called for an independent investigation of information held by U.S.-based institutions that could shed light on the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sachs and his co-author, Neil Harrison, a Columbia University professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics, said that federal agencies and universities possess evidence that has not been adequately reviewed, including virus databases, biological samples, viral sequences, email communications, and laboratory notebooks.

Sachs and Harrison also highlighted a tantalizing scientific detail that may be an indication that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, originated in a laboratory: a sequence of eight amino acids on a critical part of the virus’s spike protein that is identical to an amino acid sequence found in cells that line human airways.

Sachs and Harrison are hardly the first to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might have been created in a lab. Since its genetic sequence was first published in February 2020, scientists have puzzled over the furin cleavage site, an area on the virus’s spike that allows it to be cleaved by a protein on the membrane of human cells and makes the coronavirus particularly dangerous to people.

Once split, the virus releases its genetic material into the cell and reproduces. While attaching to cells and spike cleavage is part of how all coronaviruses work, SARS-CoV-2 is the only one of its class, sarbecoviruses, that can use furin for the cleavage.

As with past discussion of a possible lab origin of SARS-CoV-2, this latest theory has already been met with considerable pushback. Even some scientists who are open to the idea that a lab accident could have sparked the pandemic remain unconvinced by the particular trail of evidence laid out by Sachs and Harrison.

The journal article offers a scientific road map for how this unusual sequence of amino acids could have made its way into the furin cleavage site, or FCS, of the virus. Sachs and Harrison acknowledge that the sequence could have arisen naturally. But they also lay out another possibility: that scientists might have purposefully inserted this particular string of amino acids into a bat coronavirus in the course of their work. They focus particularly on scientists who submitted an unfunded grant proposal to a division of the Defense Department called the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, laying out plans to insert a furin cleavage site into a bat coronavirus.

“We do not know whether the insertion of the FCS was the result of natural evolution — perhaps via a recombination event in an intermediate mammal or a human — or was the result of a deliberate introduction of the FCS into a SARS-like virus as part of a laboratory experiment,” Sachs and Harrison write. “We do know that the insertion of such FCS sequences into SARS-like viruses was a specific goal of work proposed by the EHA-WIV-UNC partnership within a 2018 grant proposal (“DEFUSE”) that was submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA).”

EHA is a reference to EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit research group based in New York City that has received more than $118 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies. WIV, or the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is a Chinese research organization that collaborated with EcoHealth Alliance in the past and was listed as a subcontractor on the DARPA grant. UNC is mentioned because Ralph Baric, a molecular biologist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was to have conducted part of the work pitched to DARPA. The grant proposal touted Baric’s “two-decade track record of reverse engineering [coronavirus] and other virus spike proteins.”

The intent of the DARPA proposal was to prevent emerging pathogenic threats, but the work, if conducted, could have created a novel virus capable of infecting humans. “We will introduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sites and evaluate growth potential in [a type of mammalian cell commonly used in microbiology] and [human airway epithelial cell] cultures,” the proposal stated.

Several scientists interviewed about the DARPA proposal in September told The Intercept that scientists often begin research before seeking funding and thus that some of the experiments described in the proposal could have already been completed. But when asked about that possibility in an interview, Peter Daszak, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, rejected it: “The DARPA proposal was not funded. Therefore, the work was not done. Simple.”

A Rational Choice

s Sachs and Harrison note, the part of a protein on the cell membrane that shares its amino acid sequence with the bat coronavirus is critical for lung function. Known as an epithelial sodium channel-alpha, or ENaC-alpha, it is found in human airway cells, as well as in human kidneys and colons. Intriguingly, like SARS-CoV-2, ENaC-alpha, which facilitates the absorption of fluid in cells, is also activated by the unusual furin cleavage site. Harrison, a physiologist affiliated with Columbia’s Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, studies ion channels, the larger category to which ENaC-alpha belongs.

Other scientists have already pointed out the match between the amino acid series in the furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 and the ENaC-alpha found in human airways. In 2020, a team from the biomedical company Nference suggested that the overlap between the virus and the sequence found in human lungs is part of the reason that Covid-19 is so damaging to the respiratory system. Those scientists described the sequence as having evolved naturally.

Sachs and Harrison, in contrast, suggest that researchers may have inserted the string of amino acids into a bat coronavirus precisely because of its known importance to lung function. “For a research team assessing the pandemic potential of SARS-related coronaviruses, the FCS of human ENaC — an FCS known to be efficiently cleaved by host furin present in the target location (epithelial cells) of an important target organ (lung), of the target organism (human) — might be a rational, if not obvious, choice of FCS to introduce into a virus in order to alter its infectivity, in line with other work performed previously,” they write.

Such a choice, they point out, would have been in keeping with another viral research project on which EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and UNC’s Baric collaborated: a 2014 grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases that involved increasing the transmissibility and pathogenicity of bat coronaviruses.

Growing List of Coincidences

The intriguing theory of viral engineering hinges on two observations: that the amino acid sequences match and that experts in both the ENaC-alpha furin cleavage site and the insertion of genetic sequences into bat coronaviruses happen to work at the same academic institution: the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Baric, whose work aims to prevent and create treatments for viral outbreaks, has previously inserted segments of DNA and RNA into viruses and created an infectious clone of SARS using his own patented “No See’m” method of inserting genetic materials without a trace. He has also collaborated on coronavirus research with scientists from a center for lung studies at UNC-Chapel Hill who are knowledgeable about ENaC-alpha. In one 2016 study, the scientists created a new virus using the spike of a bat coronavirus that had been isolated and characterized by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The experiment found that the new virus “replicated efficiently” in human airway cells that were cultured in a lab.

In another paper, published a year earlier, Baric, along with the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Shi Zhengli and a lung expert at UNC-Chapel Hill’s lung institute, described creating a hybrid virus using a SARS-like virus from a bat and a “mouse-adapted” coronavirus. The new virus caused mice to get sicker than those exposed to the original virus. The goal of these experiments was to prepare for the possibility that a virus might jump naturally from animals to humans, as SARS had in 2003. But even before the pandemic, the experiment drew criticism from other scientists, who were concerned because the researchers had created a virus that was able to spread in humans.

Sachs and Harrison note that the scientists who co-authored the DARPA grant proposal would have been aware of research on coronavirus furin cleavage sites, including one 2006 experiment in which a furin cleavage site was inserted into a coronavirus. “The research team would also have some familiarity with the FCS sequence and the FCS-dependent activation mechanism of human ENaC, which was extensively characterized at UNC,” they write.

Still, both the overlap in the amino acid sequence and the fact that experts in the furin cleavage site of the ENaC-alpha and insertion of genetic material into bat coronaviruses work at the same university could be coincidental, as Harrison and Sachs acknowledge. Some virologists, though, say that the coincidence strains credulity.

“Could be,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, wrote in an email to The Intercept when asked about the possibility that these things are both chance occurrences. “But the list of coincidences is getting verrrrrrrrrrry long.”

Ebright, a proponent of investigating the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and of investigating both natural-spillover and research-related-spillover, whom Harrison and Sachs thank “for helpful commentary on the manuscript,” spelled out some of the other Covid coincidences that he considers questionable, including its initial outbreak in a city that, well before 2019, had already been pegged as a biosafety risk. Ebright also noted Wuhan’s 1,000-mile distance from the nearest wild bats that carry the type of SARS-related coronaviruses that caused the pandemic. And he pointed to the particular coding of the amino acids in the furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV2.

“The sequence encoding the FCS of the pandemic virus contained two consecutive CGG arginine codons,” Ebright explained in his email. (A codon, or a combination of three nucleotides, supplies the genetic code for a single amino acid, though most amino acids can be represented by multiple different codons. Each nucleotide is represented by a letter — for RNA, either A, C, U, or G.) “This codon usage is unusual for a natural bat SARS-related coronaviruses (for which fewer than 1 in 30 arginine codons are CGG) but is optimal for humans (for which most arginine codons are CGG codons).”

Still, Ebright said that at first he didn’t see the identical amino acid sequences as particularly suspicious. “I had known for more than a year that there was a perfect match to an eight-amino acid sequence present in human ENaC. What I had not known was that the sequence was known to be a functional furin cleavage site and that it was a sequence extensively studied at UNC,” he said. “The crucial point that the ENaC sequence was a known functional site, not just that there happens to be a match to a protein that happens to be in humans. … That suddenly turned it from what I thought to be largely irrelevant to being a logical and obvious choice to proceed.”

Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Name Calling

Other scientists dismiss the idea that the ENaC sequence might have been purposefully inserted into a coronavirus. Scientists who are already convinced that the new coronavirus emerged naturally are unlikely to be persuaded by Sachs and Harrison’s article, which appears in the opinion section of the esteemed journal. Over the past year, many scientists involved in the debate over the origins of the pandemic have settled into an increasingly acrimonious, coarse, and unyielding opposition.

Some proponents of the natural origin theory became particularly dismissive of those open to the possibility of a lab leak after the February release of two pre-print studies mapping the early spread of the virus at the Huanan market in Wuhan. Angela Rasmussen, one of a team of virologists who worked on the project, described it on Twitter as “dispositive evidence of a zoonotic origin” that will “drive those with personal interest in the lab leak hypothesis out of their goddam minds.” In another tweet, Rasmussen referred to proponents of the lab-leak theory as a “pack of ghouls, who through gullibility, stupidity, & conspiracist thinking have decided this is their thing despite zero expertise.”

Although the pre-prints had not been peer-reviewed and may have simply illustrated the spread of the virus rather than its original outbreak, the New York Times ran a front-page story about them that quoted an epidemiologist as saying that the origins debate “has been settled with a very high degree of evidence.” The story, which was announced by a push notification from the paper, also noted a lack of direct evidence for a lab leak.

Meanwhile, Kristian Andersen, another co-author of the pre-prints and a virologist at the well-regarded Scripps Research Institute, used the “poop” emoji to criticize a deeply researched article by Katherine Eban about EcoHealth Alliance. On Twitter, Andersen tarred Eban, New York Times columnist Zeynep Tufekci, and others reporting on biosafety issues that could have led to the release of SARS-CoV-2 as “deep in conspiracy theories” and on the other side of “a clear split” from journalists who dismiss the possibility of a lab origin, whom Andersen referred to as “science-based.”

Even some scientists who have been vocal about the possibility that the pandemic may have been sparked by research have expressed skepticism about the theory suggested by Harrison and Sachs. “The pandemic virus might have been genetically engineered. However, this could have been done in various ways not limited to the specific theory by Harrison and Sachs. I’m not convinced that their hypothesis is the most plausible one,” said Alina Chan, a scientist who laid out a number of possible routes for how the coronavirus might have emerged through research-related incidents in her recent book “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19.”

While she is open to the possibility that the furin cleavage site might have been purposefully inserted into the coronavirus, Chan said there was no reason to think that researchers would mine humans for such material. “These scientists literally had access to hundreds of SARS-like viruses and sequences,” said Chan, referring to the vast collection of coronaviruses from bats and other animals that researchers amassed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. “There’s no need for them to go hunting inside the human protein catalogue to look for cleavage sites to put into viruses.”

Jack Nunberg, a virologist at the University of Montana, was also not immediately persuaded by the theory of engineering suggested by Sachs and Harrison. “It’s possible,” Nunberg said of the idea that the ENaC segment was inserted into a bat coronavirus as part of research designed to gauge the pandemic potential of a virus. “But I don’t find their evidence on ENaC compelling because furin cleavage sites have a lot of common amino acids, and therefore it may just have happened by chance.”

Others say that the article adds noteworthy information to the public conversation about the origins of the pandemic. “The defenders of the natural origin indicate that the virus on which this type of experiment could have been done — the backbone — has never been published and that specialists in the furin cleavage sites would have chosen a more commonly used furin cleavage site like RARR rather than PRRAR. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article contradicts this argument and indicates that specialists knew that the RRAR’SVAS site was efficiently cleaved by furin,” Etienne Decroly, director of virology research at the Aix-Marseille Université in France, wrote in an email to The Intercept.

Decroly added, “It is impossible to decide on the basis of the information currently available and it is urgent that the WHO Special Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens investigate this question.”

On the suggestion of an investigation, Nunberg is in agreement. “You can’t argue with that,” he told The Intercept. “Who’s going to argue for burying one’s head in the sand?”

For their part, Sachs and Harrison emphasize that they’re not saying laboratory manipulation was involved in the emergence of the pandemic virus, only “that it could have been.” They also give a nod to other possibilities, including that an airborne virus might have infected a laboratory worker. Rather than argue that any of these conceivable scenarios happened, they present the clues of the matching amino acid sequences to argue for an independent and transparent scientific investigation of the U.S.-based evidence related to the origins of the virus.

Among the institutions that Sachs and Harrison list as possibly having “knowledge of the detailed activities that were underway in Wuhan and in the United States” are the National Institutes of Health; the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which has provided grant funding to EcoHealth Alliance; the Department of Homeland Security; DARPA; the U.S. Agency for International Development, which funded the $200 million PREDICT program that catalogued potential pandemic viruses; and the University of California, Davis, which participated in that program.

The authors suggest that EcoHealth Alliance and UNC may have particularly important untapped resources. “The exact details of the fieldwork and laboratory work of the EHA-WIV-UNC partnership, and the engagement of other institutions in the US and China, has not been disclosed for independent analysis,” they write. “The precise nature of the experiments that were conducted, including the full array of viruses collected from the field and the subsequent sequencing and manipulation of those viruses, remains unknown.”

A Reversal

The publication in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences marks a reversal of sorts for Sachs, the chair of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission who, in November 2020, appointed Daszak, the EcoHealth Alliance president, to lead a task force to investigate the origins of the pandemic. Earlier that year, Daszak had signed on to a public statement published in The Lancet on behalf of scientists who said they “condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”

Yet that early certainty about the pandemic’s origins — and the sense of shared civic responsibility among members of the Lancet task force — soon disintegrated. In February 2021, emails revealed that Daszak coordinated the public statement in The Lancet tamping down suspicions of a lab leak. And by June 2021, Sachs was expressing his openness to the possibility of a lab origin, writing that NIH-funded research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology “deserves scrutiny under the hypothesis of a laboratory-related release of the virus.” Three months later, he disbanded the task force that had been organized to “carefully scrutinize the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus” in the hopes of preventing future disease outbreaks, explaining that he had concerns that several members of the commission had conflicts of interest because of their ties to EcoHealth Alliance.

After leading the mainstream scientific inquiry into the origins of the pandemic, Sachs is now skewering it. “A steady trickle of disquieting information has cast a darkening cloud over the agency,” he and Harrison write of the NIH, going on to accuse the entire federal government of not doing enough to explore the possible role of its grantees in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and investigate “overlooked details” such as the matching amino acid sequences.

Noting that the NIH has insisted that “the pandemic virus could not have resulted from the work sponsored by” the agency, Sachs and Harrison write that “blanket denials from the NIH are no longer good enough.”

Arrested in Japan

I was arrested in Japan after only being there for 42 hours. I thought I was there for a wedding, turns out my traveling companion had other plans.

My travel companion had decided it would be a ‘fantastic idea’ to mail drugs to our hotel room (without my knowledge). When I got the call from the front desk that there was ‘luggage’ for us at the front desk, I assumed he had forgotten something downstairs. I was unaware of what was going on when he instead brought up a small envelope package. He opened it immediately, and it included drugs (I won’t go into specifics, but let’s just say they were the bad kind).

Five minutes later 10 Japanese police officers burst into the room and went through all our luggage, took our passports and put us both in handcuffs. The entire time I had a horrified look on my face, and kept saying ‘What is going on??’. No one answered me. *Interesting side note: when they plopped me down in front of an investigator who spoke English (while I was handcuffed to the chair), she asked if I had any questions for her. My brain was in such a state of shock all I could think to ask was “Do you think I’ll miss the wedding?” She answered “Yes, I think you will”. Then I started crying.

I was unable to contact any family or friends after being arrested. This is applied to everyone, no matter what the charge.

Then began the worst travel experience of my life. And it lasted for 35 days. I will make a long story short in saying that it took 35 days, 2 high powered lawyers from Tokyo and becoming semi-fluent in Japanese to be released without charge. The same cannot be said for my traveling companion, who ended up in jail for much, much longer.

The biggest takeaway here (this should be a no-brainer, but just in case!): never, EVER EVER bring, or smuggle, or mail, or otherwise bring drugs into a foreign country!!! Research the country you are going to be visiting!!

Although I had nothing to do with this case of smuggling, it still took a very long time for me to prove I was innocent. And believe you me, they left absolutely no stone unturned in their investigation. Japan has a 99.5% conviction rate. The fact that I was released without charge further proved my innocence.

I lost 25 lbs, and when I returned home I lost most of my hair from the sudden weight loss and stress.

I have not let this hinder my love of travel though! Not even a year after the incident, I went back to Japan (without the companion) to explore what I did not get to experience the first time. I will keep traveling till the day I die, and I will tell this story to my grandchildren, along with all the other amazing stories I have collected along the way 🙂

Here is a picture of me enjoying tea ceremony at Hikone castle near Osaka (with no thoughts of the jail cell I spent so much time in)


Edit: this is my most prized document, received from my lawyers after I returned home – my Notice of non-prosecution! I started planning my return trip to Japan the day I received this.


Edit #2/Update: So many many thanks to Graham Healey for his wonderful translation of my document above – my first translation was a badly computer generated version.

Chiba District Prosecutor’s Office Number 2

Notice of Non-prosecution

9 January 2014

[To] Ms Krysta Lee Storer

[From] Public Prosecutor [name removed], Office of Public Prosecutions, Chiba District

At the request of Defence Attorney [name removed], I [hereby] notify you as follows:

With regard to the matter of your having been detained on suspicion of (a) infringement of the Law Relating to Special Cases Under the Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs Law Aimed at the Prevention of Actions Abetting Illegal Actions relating to Controlled Drugs under International Cooperation, (b) infringement of the Cannabis Control Law, (c) infringement of the Narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs Control Law and (d) infringement of the Tax Law, I disposed of this matter on 25 December 2013 with a decision not to initiate a prosecution because of insufficient evidence.

I was released on Christmas Day, 2013. Best Christmas Ever.

If you are interested in reading more about my experience in jail, please see my Quora space: Krysta’s Misadventures. Thank you for reading!

Falco – Rock Me Amadeus (Official Video), Full HD (Digitally Remastered and Upscaled)

Another great BLAST FROM THE PAST!

The reign of Pertinax

The reign of Pertinax was perhaps the biggest “oh sh%t” moment in Roman history thus far. It’s a ridiculous saga that’s almost hard to believe.

Let me set the stage. You all know who Commodus was right? The Emperor in the movie “Gladiator”?


Well, Commodus was a bad Emperor, perhaps even the worst Emperor. He drove the Empire to bankruptcy by throwing near-constant gladiator games where he himself fought as a gladiator and was the main attraction. Sometimes he showed off bow skills and killed animals, other times he killed people.

His reign saw famine, economic decline, inflation, and political instability. Eventually, he was assassinated and replaced as usually happens with bad Emperors.

The new Emperor was the opposite of Commodus. His name was Pertinax and he was an old wise politician who actually cared about the Empire.

Pertinax took over and immediately realized how screwed Rome was. Simply put, the treasury was nearing empty and Rome’s spending habits were out of control.


Now when an Emperor took the throne it was customary to give a “donative” (basically a bonus) to the Praetorian Guard. This was a huge sum of money- something like hundreds of millions of dollars in modern money.

Pertinax realized that the Empire lacked the funds for a large donative. So, Pertinax paid out a smaller donative than was customary.

The Praetorians were livid and brought their case to Pertinax, demanding more money. Pertinax said no and moved on with his reign.

The Praetorians responded like this.

  1. They killed Pertinax with no heir in place.
  2. The Senate was upset but afraid and couldn’t appoint a new Emperor
  3. The Praetorians decided to give the throne to whoever could pay them the most. There was a bidding war between 2 rich men named Sulpicianus and Didius Julianus. Didius promised 25,000 sesterces to every Praetorian and thus won the auction for the throne.

Think about how INSANE this is. The throne of the largest Empire on earth was literally auctioned off so that the bodyguards could cash in a big payday. Can you imagine the Secret Service auctioning off the US Presidency after murdering the prior President over the size of their bonus?

The Praetorians were pleased with themselves but nobody else was. This action was so far over the line it’s hard to fathom. Romans were shocked, dismayed, and horrified by what had happened.

When Didius Took the throne he went to the Senate and reminded them he had served with them for years and was actually a good choice. Nobody in the Senate house said a word and moved a muscle- Didius would find no friends there.

So Didius got his throne and the support of the Praetorians. The Senate and People of Rome hated him but oh well.

Off on the Rhine River at this time was Septimius Severus- commander of the Rhine legions.


Now the Rhine legions saw the most action and they were hardened warriors- serious badasses. The Rhine Legions were the crack troops of the Roman Empire at this time.

When Septimius heard about Didius buying the throne and demanding his submission he laughed hard, had his men proclaim him Emperor, and marched to Rome.

The Praetorians tried to march out and put up a fight but they were not suicidal. They realized they would be slaughtered and just opened the gates to Severus.

Didius was then killed without ceremony. His last words were

“But what evil have I done? Whom have I killed”

The Senate and People of Rome proclaimed Septimius their Emperor and damned the memory of Didius Julianus.

Gotta feel bad for the guy- he really wasn’t a bad dude.

Septimius then got rid of the Praetorian Guard…. kinda. Every member of the guard was stripped of their rank and position and exiled from Rome itself. Then Septimius formed a new Praetorian Guard made up of his veterans from the Rhine legions.

Septimius honored Pertinax for various logical reasons.

  1. He was the rightful Emperor that had been viciously and illegally murdered by greedy Praetorian Guards. This was Septimius’s justification for marching on Rome after all.
  2. Pertinax was a decent Emperor who had the right idea. He just lacked political IQ.

Septimius was politically savvy. He was trying to frame himself as the savior of Rome, who had marched on the city to overthrow a tyrant and the murderers that had killed the rightful Emperor.

Was this true?

Yes- mostly it was. Septimius would actually go down as one of the better Emperors in Roman history and the Praetorians really were murderous thugs.

American ICBM Test Rocket Exploded Seconds After Launch, Briefly Setting Fire To California Base

Imagine that! I wonder... -MM
Friday, Jul 08, 2022 – 12:45 AM

A late night ICBM missile test in California ended in disaster, as it exploded just seconds after lift-off on Wednesday.

Officials with the Vandenberg Space Force Base in Lompoc, California confirmed that “The Minotaur II space launch vehicle exploded approximately 11 seconds after launching off the test pad at 11:01 p.m. local time, Vandenberg,” which was announced Thursday morning.

The incident resulted in a fire on base, though officials noted that debris from the blast didn’t stray outside of the “immediate vicinity” of the launch bad. The local Vandenberg Fire Department responded and was able to put out the fire before it threatened other areas of the base. No injuries were reported.

A cause of the failed test was not immediately clear, and it’s under investigation. Local reports, citing military press releases, say the test was originally slated for Thursday morning but was moved up to late Wednesday night for unknown reasons.

“The military base was testing the U.S. Air Force’s new missile rocket, which is expected to be used with the future LGM-35A Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile,” one area report details.

“Both are being developed by the Air Force’s Nuclear Weapons Center to will replace the aging Minuteman missiles that have previously been tested at the Central Coast base, located near Lompoc,” the reported added.

According to a defense journal the launch was intended to demonstrate the vehicle’s “preliminary design concepts and relevant payload technologies in operationally realistic environments,” based on an Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center statement.

The precious comments from this article…


The biggest shame for ancient Rome was the loss of the “Eagle Standard”


Every legion had an eagle standard and it was the embodiment of Roman power and might. The Roman legions and Roman citizens nearly worshipped the standard.

When Crassus marched off to fight the Parthians he lost the standards. This was a horrible humiliation for Rome. To lose so many standards to an enemy was an insult to Rome itself.

Decades later Augustus became the first emperor of Rome.

Augustus wanted a big win against the Parthians and he sent his right hand man and greatest general of the age Agrippa to deliver.

So what did Agrippa and Augustus want? To conquer Parthia? To take the capital? No

They merely wanted the legion standards back.

Agrippa did what Agrippa does and found a way to negotiate for the standards back.

When they were returned to Rome it was a party. The Romans flooded the streets and partied like Rome had won some grand victory. To them getting the standards back was a victory.

Losing a battle was never great- but losing the standards was a true defeat. As long as the eagle stood strong Rome stood strong.

The Shot President

On October 14, 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was planning on giving a speech.

He started by saying, “Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible.”

He was then shot.

“I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot,” Roosevelt continues.

Much to the crowd’s shock, Roosevelt unbuttons his bloodstained shirt.


“It takes more than that to kill a bull moose,” Roosevelt assures the crowd.

Roosevelt takes his speech papers out of his coat pocket. There was a bullet hole straight through all fifty pages. The papers had saved his life.

Luckily for his speech, Roosevelt had a self-claimed photographic memory. He went on to give a ninety minute speech even though his aides insisted that he go to a hospital. Only with the speech completed did he agree to visit the hospital.

He was fifty-three at the time.

What a bad-ass.

Roosevelt’s face later that day:


Why Are Girls Attracted To Assholes?

From elsewhere. I did not write this piece. -MM

The first time I fell in love, I was 13. I wanted her to like me back so much I was prepared to do anything. I did my best to be nice, kind and giving – but none of it worked.

So I spent 2 years watching my first crush date asshole after asshole. She’d fall for the cheaters, the jerks and the guys who disrespected her. Every time, I was the one she cried to when things went wrong for the Nth time.

I didn’t get it.

Here I was, giving her so much and ready to give more; we’d be great together… But she kept choosing them over me. She wasn’t the only one; over the years, many of the girls I liked ended up with assholes.

So when I finally decided to get with women, the first thing I wanted to know was, “why do girls like assholes so much?” – and whether I had to become one to be loved.

Here are the answers to those questions.

1. Girls Like Assholes because They’re Strong

Assholes have tough, dominant personalities. They’re not afraid to assert themselves over other people – in fact, they rarely show fear at all. They take what they want from life and don’t care what anyone thinks of them.

This is incredibly attractive because girls want to be with men who make them feel safe and protected. They like strong guys who know what they want and aren’t afraid to take it. Assholes have all those qualities – and so women choose them.

2. Girls Like Assholes because They Have Other Priorities

Women like successful, accomplished men. Just look at how they act around rockstars, actors, etc; success is an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac.

As an extension of that, girls are also attracted to guys who’ll be successful in the future. And what kind of man has the capacity to succeed? One who feels passionate and ambitious about his life’s goals, of course.

On the other hand, a man who puts his woman first is unattractive. There’s no challenge to him, his life has no great purpose: nothing sexy or interesting there.

By putting their women second, assholes project the potential for success. This is the second quality that makes them so attractive to women.

3. Assholes Create Emotional Ups & Downs, a.k.a. Chick Crack

A girl can talk to her friends for hours, whining about a guy who keeps being hot & cold; complaining how she can’t figure him out. (Some even make funky songs).

But at the end of the day, she’s talking about him, isn’t she?

Women are attracted to drama, mystery and challenges. They might not enjoy emotional ups and downs, but they’re attracted to the men who create them. Assholes are real good at that, which is the third reason chicks dig them.

4. Assholes are Direct

One of the most unattractive things about “nice guys” is how murky they are about what they want. They’re so busy trying to protect themselves from rejection that they don’t show the girl what they want from her.

This is extremely confusing to a woman. Try to put yourself in her position – imagine someone is being nice to you for no reason at all.

A stranger starts being nice to you on the street. You suspect he wants something – maybe money, maybe to sell you something – and so his niceness comes across as an act. You don’t know his intentions, which puts you on guard.

That’s how women feel about men who aren’t clear about what they want.

Assholes are always direct. They may not be nice, but at least they’re real – which is infinitely more attractive. This is the fourth and final reason women like them so much.

5. Main Point… You don’t have to be an asshole to be ANY of these things.

I spent so many years thinking girls like assholes… But I was wrong. After spending years talking to thousands of women, I can tell you that much for sure.

Look back at the previous four points. Do you really have to be a bad person to have any of those qualities?

You can be strong; you can have things going on in your life; you can learn to know when it’s time to keep your distance; you can be direct… And still be a great guy.

All the most attractive men I know are incredibly kind and generous. Being an asshole isn’t sexy or manly; when given a choice between a good guy and a bad guy with all of the above qualities, women will always pick the good guy.

Girls don’t like assholes. They like strong, challenging men with exciting lives. You don’t have to be a jerk to have all those attractive qualities – great news if you’re like me and enjoy being nice to people.

Yes, a very small minority of women confuses cruelty with strength. They’ll always be attracted to men who mistreat them – but you don’t want those girls anyway.

The ones you do want will appreciate your niceness and love you for it. Find them, attract them with your awesomeness and don’t be an asshole!

by George P.H.

A contract killing in China

I don’t know if it is true, but it makes a great story…


A businessman hired an assassin to kill an enemy. He gave her two million yuan to do the job (just over $280,000). The killer decided it was better to keep half the money, and give the other half to someone else to kill him. Repeat the operation a few times, and you have five contract killers.

The killer at the bottom of the pyramid was given 100,000 yuan and decided it wasn’t enough money to kill someone, so he decided to contact the target and told him to fake his death.

Days later, the victim reported the incident to the police, and the five killers and the businessman ended up in jail.

Big Tech Isn’t Woke… It’s Totalitarian

Friday, Jul 08, 2022 – 03:30 PM

Authored by Michael Senger via ‘The New Normal’ Substack,

In the mid-18th century, a secretive political group began spreading dangerous conspiracy theories throughout Britain’s colonies. British subjects had long enjoyed the freedom of expression, but these radicals abused novel communication platforms to churn out seditious literature not often grounded in fact, even resorting to threats and violence that endangered those around them.

According to their wild theories, a series of modest taxes levied by Parliament actually represented an incremental process to strip away their rights. They had no evidence to back their claims. After they arranged one of the costliest acts of vandalism in the history of the Empire, Parliament very reasonably invoked a state of emergency to protect the public. Yet, characteristically, rather than raising their objections through proper legal channels, these extremists co-signed a document penned by one of their most wily and manipulative agitators, falsely claiming to speak for all the colonists in declaring themselves above the law.

In a helpful rebuttal, Governor Thomas Hutchinson thoroughly debunked the document, outlining the many “false and frivolous” claims in this “list of imaginary grievances,” its signatories relying on spurious overtures to “what they called the natural rights of mankind” to evade substantive argument. Hutchinson noted the signers’ racism, “depriving more than a hundred thousand Africans of their rights to liberty,” discrediting their appeals to so-called “natural rights,” as well as “the absurdity of making the governed to be governors,” a laughable contradiction. Moreover, the document was misleading. “The real design was to reconcile the people of America to that Independence.” The signers even referred to their sovereign as a “tyrant,” a profanity for which “indignant resentment must seize the breast of every loyal subject.” The Empire had always been about saving lives, after all—even if it occasionally fell a bit short.

In this story, most readers now recognize the birth of the world’s oldest democracy and the modern constitutional republic. But perhaps those who presently govern the mega-platforms collectively referred to as “Big Tech,” on which most online discourse now takes place, take it as a warning of what can go wrong if citizens are permitted to freely express their beliefs.

As strangely low an ethical standard as it was, the days of “Don’t be evil” appear to have been left far behind. Big Tech platforms now routinely side with raw state and corporate power, showing a disregard bordering on outright disdain for the rights and welfare of the human beings whom their actions affect. The recent history of Big Tech is a history of repeated usurpations, all demonstrating as their direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the people.

Big Tech platforms openly disavow any role in abiding by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, to which all American citizens owe a duty and to which any person who chooses to become an American citizen must swear an oath to uphold and defend. They censor centuries-old news organizations for publishing true, factual, and timely information.

Big Tech platforms routinely censor the legal speech of citizens, concealing the rationale behind their decisions and applying their terms of service selectively, if at all. They mislead the public as to the scale and scope of this censorship, systematically silencing the most articulate voices on one side of any given debate unbeknownst to the vast majority of the public.

Big Tech platforms openly collude with governments to suppress the speech of their own people, while overtly abusing the legal system and paying massive settlements to conceal the evidence of their collusion. They craft the false illusion of consensus on political issues of their own choosing, a power unprecedented in our democracy and historically held only by the most despotic regimes, promising in every instance to wield it for good, but falling short every time.

Big Tech platforms deploy artificial intelligence to censor and de-boost citizens and opposing viewpoints with increasingly inhuman detachment and efficiency. They retain as leading AI experts—on their boards of directors—personnel with deep and well-documented ties to the militaries of the world’s worst dictatorships.

Big Tech platforms routinely apply fact-check labels to true stories and information based on unrelated contextual issues, manipulating political narratives by deceiving the public into believing that the pertinent information is itself false. Meanwhile, they ignore large-scale bot and astroturf campaigns affecting political outcomes all over the world—despite harrowing accounts from whistleblowers—while misleading the public as to the frequency, scale, and purpose of these bot and astroturf campaigns.

Big Tech platforms censor the voices of the most well-qualified citizens under the Orwellian pretext of combatting “misinformation,” drowning out their views with those of disinformation agents and bots. Meanwhile, they anoint as “experts” those who hold no relevant qualifications in the designated field other than a groveling deference to the viewpoints of Big Tech, who then regularly publish falsehoods without retribution.

Big Tech platforms employ managers who accept bribes to censor political dissidents fighting against the world’s deadliest regimes, to whom they show obsequious deference. They bear a growing resemblance to organized crime syndicates, submitting false statements to the highest courts of law while hiding behind an unlimited legal budget and cutesy PR campaigns replete with amorphous birds and round, lower-case letters to escape legal scrutiny.

This is no far-off dystopia. As rapidly as they’ve transpired, these things are already happening, and this is the reality of the world that Big Tech has created today. Given their systematic suppression of dissent against lockdowns, which ultimately killed over 170,000 Americans and countless millions more around the world, it’s hard to think of any ostensibly-private enterprise since the British East India Company that’s been responsible for more widespread human suffering. Much of this behavior is surely being coerced by the federal government, just as the East India Company was largely doing the bidding of the British Government. But Big Tech might want to ask how well “just following orders” worked as a defense in 1945.

I conclude with the words of another individual who ultimately came to sign that radical 18th-century document, but other than whom no man ever fought harder for peace.

“Look upon your Hands! They are stained with the Blood of your Relations! You and I were long Friends. You are now my Enemy—and I am Yours.”

The Simpsons – Planet Of The Apes Musical – Dr. Zaius

Now have some fun!

Russia’s Medvedev Warns US Trying To Punish A Nuclear Power ‘Risks Existence Of Humanity’

Thursday, Jul 07, 2022 – 11:15 PM

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday warned the US against trying to punish Russia for its war in Ukraine, saying that doing so would risk humanity since Moscow has the world’s largest nuclear arsenal.

“The idea of punishing a country that has one of the largest nuclear potentials is absurd. And potentially poses a threat to the existence of humanity,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram.

Medvedev, who currently serves as the deputy of Russia’s Security Council, had warned earlier in the war that if the US destabilizes Russia like it did Iraq and other countries, it could lead to a nuclear “dystopia.” As of 2020, Russia was estimated to have 6,375 nuclear warheads, and the US said it possessed 5,750 warheads.

Even though it’s widely believed that a direct conflict between the US and Russia could quickly turn nuclear, it doesn’t appear to be a factor in the Biden administration’s response to the war in Ukraine. Instead, the US is pouring billions of dollars in weapons into the country and continues to escalate its involvement in the war.

In his Telegram post, Medvedev also called out the US for hypocrisy for trying to put Russia on trial for war crimes, citing the millions killed by the US since World War II in countries like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many others.

“So who’s going to give us a show trial? Those who kill people and commit war crimes with impunity, but do not meet real condemnation in the international structures financed by them?” Medvedev said, according to a Google translation of his Telegram post.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland recently visited Ukraine and pledged support for international efforts to investigate alleged Russian war crimes. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has opened an investigation in Ukraine, but the US is not a party to the court and has impeded its effort to investigate alleged war crimes committed by the US and Israel.

The lost bag


It’s 1989. I am nineteen working as a tour guide in Tokyo. It’s my first job.

The bus stops at the large service area parking lot filled with cars and people overlooking beautiful mountains.

I rush to the nearest phone booth to make a phone call to our next stop: lunch at a traditional Japanese restaurant. My job is to report the exact number of the guests, and estimate time of arrival. I only had five minutes before all the guests come back to the bus.

“We have 45, arriving at 12:15 pm,” I say over the phone.

“I got it,” the manager responds to me.

Relieved, I walk back to the bus and wait for all the guests to come back.

After confirming everyone hops onto the bus, we leave the service area and head for the restaurant.

The traffic is smooth on the highway considering it’s “Golden Week.” Everything is going smooth.

I open my bag to check the schedule for the rest of the trip.


The bag feels light. Too light.

Then, I realize I am missing something: Cash bag.

It has ¥100,000 (roughly US$700) in cash, and some voucher for the restaurant.

I must have left the bag in the phone booth.

My heart almost stop. I am screaming inside “Stop. Turn around the bus and go back to the service area now!” But, I couldn’t tell it to anyone. I have to pretend as if everything is going OK.

The voucher is for the lunch to pay to the restaurant. What would I tell them? The cash is for the emergency use, so didn’t have to have it to complete the trip, but then, if lose, how would I pay back?

All these questions are circling in my head until we arrive at the restaurant.

I want to run to the phone at the restaurant, but have to greet our guest first. Then, grab the phone and made a quick call to my company office.

“I think I left my bag at the last stop,” I tell my boss. “Cash and voucher was in.”

“Ok, relax,” my boss says. “First, apologize and tell the restaurant manager we will mail the voucher later. Tell them you forgot to bring. As for the cash, call the police and tell them you left at the service area.”

I realize it’s not as bad as I thought. Not definitely the end of the world.

I call the police and file a lost and found report. Obviously, it’s too early for my bag to be turned in, but I am not yet giving up the hope.

I finish the trip without cash and voucher.

Three days, later, I receive a phone call from a police.

“A gentleman found and turned in your bag.”

“Really?” I yell over the phone.

“How much was in the bag?”

“¥100,000” I reply.

“Looks like it’s all in there,” the policeman says.

A few days later, I go to the police station near the service area to pick up the bag. I meet the man who found my bag.

“Thank you,” I say to him and hand him an envelope containing some cash as a token of appreciation.


I suppose the moral of this story is, “Do onto others what you’ve have them done to you,” or “What goes around, comes around.”

The story illustrates a custom, a simple teaching embedded in the Japanese culture. I was taught this growing up in Japan. After this experience, it is embedded in me more than ever.

I’ve been living in the US for over past 30 years now. Every time I see a “lost” object in any public places – streets, cafes, public transportation, offices, I turn it in. I do this regardless of where I am. I’ve done it in Japan. I will continue to do so.

My hope is that everyone reads this story will do the same and by doing so, perhaps, the world will be a better place.

Charles Joughin

As everything was going to shit, Charles Joughin was remarkably calm.


When the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912, even the ship’s staff was in a state of panic. No one stepped up to the plate to take charge. In fact, most of the staff were running around just as frantically as the passengers.

So, our boy Charles stepped in.

Charles was head baker and fittingly, his first order of business was sending loaves of bread to the lifeboats so people would have food to last until they were rescued.

He continued by helping others onto their boats until he reached his own. Only instead of hopping on, he forced a group of women and children on, saving their lives.

The icy water filled the ship quickly and Charles was fully aware that his chance of survival was slim at best, so he did what any person would do: get drunk out of their mind.


He went to his cabin and got as much whiskey as he could. On his way, he threw chairs into the ocean for people to use as flotation devices.

And then he jumped off the ship, into the freezing water.


He spent hours in the unforgiving Atlantic ocean.

Most died in minutes.

The alcohol coursing through his body fought off the cold and kept him alive.

“I was just paddling and treading water,” he said.

As dawn broke, he found a lifeboat and swam towards it, only to find that there was no space for him.

Luckily, another nearby boat had room and he managed to climb on. They were rescued soon after and there was no illness or injury to even prove he’d been in the water.

Charles would go on to join the Navy and died at 78, living a full life thanks to some whiskey.

China Dominates The Antibiotics Market

Of course. Antibiotics are not a highly profitable product. So they are ignored by Wall Street, but the Chinese think differently that the self-centered capitalists. -MM
Friday, Jul 08, 2022 – 10:40 AM

Global exports of antibiotics originate predominantly from China – as Statista’s Martin Armstrong shows in the infographic below based on data from the International Trade Center (ITC).

China currently accounts for 42.4 percent of global antibiotic exports by value. Italy, India and Switzerland follow far behind.

For years, experts have been warning of the EU’s dependence on antibiotic supplies from abroad, especially China and India.



This dependence is not only limited to antibiotics, but affects – also for many years – a wide range of pharmaceutical products, including cortisone, for example.

In addition, the world is facing another, increasingly significant problem: More and more bacteria are developing resistance to common antibiotics.

As a result, there is now a pressing need for drugs that are specifically effective against resistant germs. Most of the antibiotic classes introduced in the 21st century do just that. However, research into these active substances is often not profitable and risky for the industry; because drugs that specifically act against resistant germs are not used across the board, but only as so-called “second-line” or “last-line” antibiotics (reserve antibiotics) – as a last resort when the established drugs are no longer effective.

Russia: New Weapons Based on New Physics; U.S./NATO Missiles Would Never Leave Their Silos


The government of Russia has developed new weapons technology, based on new physics principles, that if used, would prevent U.S. and NATO Nuclear Missiles from ever leaving their launch silos.  Russia has nothing to fear from US nuclear weapons.

BY:  Military expert Kulikov D. V.

“Russia has come close to creating weapons based on new physical principles” – V. V. Putin, 2018.

These were not empty words and cartoons, as the United States tried to convince the whole world. In 2022, the Russian Federation put on display the laser systems, which we wrote about earlier.

It’s time to reveal a conceptually new weapon based on new physical principles that only science fiction writers dreamed of in their works!

The ALABUGA complex is a high-frequency high-power electro-magnetic generator (EMP), capable, in the truest sense of the word, of burning all electronics within a radius of 4 kilometers.

“In modern warfare, the one who first blinds and destroys the enemy’s electronic eyes wins.”

All data on this complex is classified as Top Secret! But today we will reveal a little the veil of secrecy.

Russian designers managed to create a compact EMR – a generator that can be easily placed in the body of any Russian missile, in the place of the warhead (“Caliber”, “Zircon”, “Onyx”, “Dagger”, “Iskander”, “Petrel” and others ).

It is assumed that the rocket, being at the right height and above the right place, produces an explosion, forming an electromagnetic impulse as a shock wave, while the manpower and buildings remain intact.

“Alabuga” – disables any enemy electronics, such as a tank platoon, an airfield with aircraft, and even simple mobile phones, computers and other household appliances. After that, the enemy will simply have no choice but to surrender and give all their weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies” – A high-ranking specialist of the Rostec concern, who wished to remain anonymous.

And if EMP “Alabuga” are placed on the missiles “Petrel”, which have an infinite range, and “land” this missile somewhere in the United States, next to the launch silos of nuclear ballistic missiles, the coordinates of which are known, then it is possible to activate the generator at the right time, thereby disable the “atomic fist” of the United States.

The very idea of an Electro-Magnetic weapon is not new, and arose during the first Nuclear tests, because the EMP Wave is one of the damaging factors. For example, in 1962, when testing atomic weapons, the United States blew up at an altitude of 400 kilometers, a charge with a capacity of only 1.4 megatons.
The result was amazing. Unexpectedly for themselves, they disabled 2 Soviet satellites and 4 of their own.

Knowing these facts, the Alabuga complex looks like a more than realistic project.

There are many more surprises waiting and someday we will be able to tell about it!

Black Forest Cake

This German-born dessert is an exercise in seeing how many ways you can infuse one cake with cherry flavor.

It’s composed of layers of chocolate cake that have been thoroughly soaked with kirsch (a clear cherry spirit) and topped with maraschino cherries, while some versions even have sour cherries stuffed between the layers.

Though it was first invented in 1915, its popularity soared stateside in the 1970s.


What is Black Forest Cake?

This is my rendition of the traditional German black forest cake aka Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. Today’s towering beauty has 4 parts:

  1. My go-to chocolate layer cake
  2. Dark sweet cherries
  3. Fluffy vanilla whipped cream
  4. Dark chocolate ganache

Chocolate Cake

The cake recipe comes from this tuxedo cake, which was adapted from my favorite chocolate cake. It has a cake crumb so moist and chocolate-y, it sticks to your fork and melts on your tongue.


Curious about the ingredients used? Hop on over to that recipe for detail. One thing I’ll mention because it’s worth repeating: hot liquid is a must in this cake batter. Why? The hot liquid encourages the cocoa powder to bloom and dissolve instead of just sitting there. For the hot liquid, I recommend coffee which will deepen the chocolate flavor. The cake will not taste like coffee, I promise! Or you can use hot water.

Cherries & Whipped Cream

Grab a couple cans of dark sweet cherries that are soaked in heavy syrup (the can is sold as such). Reduce the syrup down on the stove as the cakes bake. Have any cherry liquor around? Add a splash and brush the mixture all over the cakes while they’re still warm. This cherry soaking syrup guarantees the moistest, most flavorful chocolate cake you will EVER taste. Think of the best chocolate cake you’ve ever eaten. This one’s better and we have the cherry- soaking syrup to thank.


Those cherries from the can? They’ll be layered right into the cake, seeping their magenta juices into the vanilla whipped cream. Swirled pink, the whipped cream is light, billowy, and doesn’t weigh down the cake. While this black forest cake is certainly decadent, it’s not overly heavy. A breath of fresh air considering most chocolate cakes are dense as bricks!

Most of vanilla whipped cream is layered inside the cake, but be sure to reserve some to lightly spread on top and around the cake. This seals in the cake’s moisture. Have I mentioned this cake is moist?

How to Make Chocolate Ganache

Black forest cake is traditionally finished with chocolate shavings, but I took it a step further and opted for chocolate ganache. The crowning glory is a layer of dazzling chocolate ganache that gently drapes over the sides for mega drama. (Because when it comes to chocolate cake, there’s gotta be drama!) Made from heavy cream and pure chocolate, there’s no garnish more appropriate for this cake masterpiece.

I’m so excited for you to try this black forest cake, a recipe that came to life from the one who inspired me to get in the kitchen.




  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C). Grease three 9-inch cake pans, line with parchment paper, then grease the parchment paper. Parchment paper helps the cakes seamlessly release from the pans.
  2. Make the chocolate cake: Whisk the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and espresso powder (if using) together in a large bowl. Set aside. Using a KitchenAid stand mixer fitted with a flat beater, beat the oil, eggs, sour cream, buttermilk, and vanilla together until combined. Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, add the hot water or coffee, and beat it all until the batter is completely combined.
  3. Divide batter evenly between 3 pans. Bake for 21-25 minutes. Baking times vary, so keep an eye on yours. The cakes are done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove the cakes from the oven and set on a wire rack. Allow to cool for 30 minutes in the pans, then remove cakes from pans and set on a cooling rack. Be careful and use two hands when handling the cakes.
  4. After the cakes have cooled, use a large serrated knife or cake leveler to slice a thin layer off the tops of the cakes to create a flat surface. Discard (or crumble over ice cream!).
  5. Prepare the syrup: Drain the cherries, reserving 3/4 cup (180ml) of the heavy syrup. Set cherries aside. Simmer syrup and cherry liquor in a small saucepan over low heat until reduced down to 1/4 cup (60ml). Brush reduced syrup all over the cakes, reserving any leftover syrup.
  6. Slice the cherries in half, leaving a few whole cherries for garnish. Set aside.
  7. Make the ganache: Place chopped chocolate and corn syrup, if using, in a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small saucepan until it begins to gently simmer. (Do not let it come to a rapid boil– that’s too hot!) Pour over chocolate and let it sit for 2-3 minutes to gently soften the chocolate. Slowly stir until completely combined and chocolate has melted. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes as you prepare the whipped cream.
  8. Make the whipped cream: Using a KitchenAid stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract on medium-high speed until soft peaks form, about 3 minutes.
  9. Assemble the cake: Place 1 cake layer on your cake stand, cake turntable, or serving plate. Spread 1 heaping cup of whipped cream evenly on top. Dot with half of the halved cherries and drizzle with a spoonful of reduced syrup. Top with 2nd cake layer and evenly cover the top with 1 heaping cup whipped cream, the remaining halved cherries, and another drizzle of reduced syrup. Top with the 3rd cake layer. Spread the remaining whipped cream on top and all around the sides in a thin layer using an icing spatula. Use a bench scraper to smooth out the whipped cream on the sides of the cake.
  10. Pour chocolate ganache on top of the cake. Spread to the edges of cake allowing it to gently drip down the sides. Top with whole cherries. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before slicing and serving.
  11. Cover and store leftover cake at room temperature for 1-2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.


  1. Make Ahead Instructions: The cake layers can be baked, cooled, and covered tightly at room temperature overnight. For the cherry syrup, cool then cover and refrigerate overnight. The whipped cream can be prepared, covered tightly, and refrigerated overnight. Chocolate ganache can be prepared, covered tightly, and refrigerated for up to 3 days before using. Let ganache sit at room temperature to soften or microwave for 5-10 seconds before using. The assembled cake can be refrigerated for up to 1 day before slicing and serving. The frosted cake can also be frozen up to 2-3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature before serving.
  2. Why Room Temperature Ingredients? All refrigerated items should be at room temperature so the batter mixes together easily and evenly. Read here for more information. Instead of sour cream, try using plain yogurt. The cake won’t taste as rich, but it’s a fine substitution.
  3. Cocoa Powder: Use natural cocoa in the cake, not dutch-process. Here’s the difference between natural cocoa powder and dutch-process cocoa powder.
  4. Espresso Powder: Espresso powder and coffee will not make the chocolate taste like coffee. Rather, they deepen the chocolate flavor. I highly recommend them both. If coffee isn’t your thing, you can leave out the espresso powder and use boiling hot water instead of the hot coffee.
  5. Buttermilk: Buttermilk is required for this recipe. You can make your own DIY version of buttermilk if needed. Add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to a liquid measuring cup. Then add enough whole milk to the same measuring cup until it reaches 1/2 cup. (In a pinch, lower fat or nondairy milks work for this soured milk, but the cake won’t taste as moist or rich.) Stir it around and let sit for 5 minutes. The homemade “buttermilk” will be somewhat curdled and ready to use in the recipe.
  6. Cherries: Canned dark sweet cherries in heavy syrup (they are sold as such) are imperative to the recipe. The syrup will be reduced down. Do not use fresh dark sweet cherries, sour cherries, or maraschino cherries.
  7. Cherry Liquor: The cherry liquor is optional, but really gives the soaking syrup (step 4) that over-the-top delicious flavor setting this black forest cake apart from others. You can also add a splash to the whipped cream!
  8. Corn Syrup: I like to add a touch of light corn syrup to the ganache to give it some glistening shine. This is an optional ingredient.

Pretty Anime Girls by The Artist Little Thunder


Little Thunder is an artist from Hong Kong who draws illustrations with adorable anime girls. She works in digital as well, but she mostly draws in watercolor – it gives the pictures an incredible tenderness, but without losing the richness of the colors. Watching Little Thunder’s work is like lying on a huge soft marshmallow. It’s a real pleasure.


An important and breath-taking read from an Egyptian who studied China

Amazing insight and conclusions for someone who only studied China for one year. But in the end, he doesn’t know how China does it. He doesn’t know why everyone else fails while China succeeds. Do you know the answer? Read on.

AS an Egyptian, I have been studying China intensely for the past year — its government, society, history, and transformation.

I’ve spoken to hundreds of Chinese and China-haters and heard everything they had to say. By now I’ve learned roughly as much about China as anyone can learn without knowing the language or living in the country, and I’ve reached my conclusion. China attracts a lot of haters, know-nothings and armchair experts.

The truth is that China is the greatest country on the face of the earth. It makes all other countries look insignificant and contemptible. It is the most brilliant, most industrious, most ambitious, most educated, meritocratic and technocratic, most modern, sophisticated, and civilised, and best-governed by far.

It is the first nonwhite, non-Western country to reach this status since the 1600s. The determination of this country is indescribable. Supernatural. There is no force that can stop it from accomplishing anything it wants to do.

Forty years ago a flush toilet in China was a luxury. Today it has its own Space Station. This is a tiny example of China’s capabilities.

It doesn’t matter who we are. Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis, Indians, Africans, even Americans. Next to the Chinese, we are pathetic. We can’t do what they do. We would have a mountain, an Everest of changes to make, and we would whine and bicker and fail at every one of them. China’s story since the 1980s has been one of an almost divine metamorphosis.

Next to China the entire Western world from Alaska to New Zealand has stagnated. Next to China the entire developing world from Brazil to Madagascar has progressed only at a crawl.

China is the mother of all gargantuan bullet trains. Every day it manages to create something new and astonishing. And unlike the United States, unlike the British Empire, unlike the French, Dutch, Germans, Spanish, Portuguese or any other Western nation that had its turn at being a superpower in the past four centuries, China doesn’t need to run anybody over or take something from somebody else, to rise majestically.

China is also standing up to the West all by herself. The West can’t believe their four-hundred-year-old global supremacy is being challenged. They hoped that the more China developed, the more it would submit to their influence, interests, and leadership. That didn’t happen. So now they will do anything possible, short of a nuclear war, to make China end.

Their goal is to destroy this country. That’s why, although the United States has killed several million people and turned several regions of the earth into hellscapes.

China is the worst fear of our planet’s Western masters. They want you to despise and dread a country that’s done nothing to you, that hasn’t invaded anyone, bombed or sanctioned anyone, that hasn’t overthrown any foreign government, or used its military on anything since 1979.

China is the only major country in the nonwhite developing world, to stand up to the West. To look it in the eye when challenged or threatened.

The Global South are simply Western puppets who submitted long ago. Even the most powerful ones. Saudi Arabia, Brazil, India.

The 1500s—1000s BC were Egypt’s time. Antiquity belonged to the Greeks and Romans. The 1700s belonged to France, and the 1800s to Britain. From 1945 to the present, the world has been under American overlordship. And they call it the Pax Americana but there isn’t much Pax in it.

There’s plenty of Pax if you’re in Europe or Australia. But the Middle East? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran and Yemen in the past 20 years. Latin America? They’ve destroyed that part of the world beyond any hope of recovery. Africa? It’s only been spared because of disinterest. The US sees Africa as nothing. The whole West does.

But in the twenty-first century, we are witnessing the rise of China. We are decades away from China becoming the greatest power on earth. This will be China’s time, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Attack China all you want, curse her and monger rumours and hysteria — but the truth is that none of your accusations are backed up by evidence. The Western press is under the thumb of Western governments that want to stay on top of the world for eternity. And the truth is that China is not affected by the noise and maneuvers of her enemies.

For her first thirty years, from 1949 to 1979, China was basically blockaded and isolated economically and politically by the West. It didn’t even have a seat in the UN General Assembly. And it was dirt-poor in those days, barely a speck of the global economy, a tiny fraction of Japan’s or Germany’s GDP — not even able to prevent famine. And it still didn’t submit to pressure or take any orders. Why on earth would it do that now?

China will be the next global power. There’s nothing that can be done about that. The first stage is that its economy only needs to grow at 4.7 percent per year to become the world’s largest by 2035. That means the usual, historical bare-minimum of 6 percent is already overkill. The US can build as many bases as it wants, slap as many sanctions as it wants, recognise whatever bogus genocides it wants. That’s what it’s been doing all along. Has any of it made a difference? China can adapt to any situation. It took China a mere ten years to go from being barred by the US Congress from participating in the “International” Space Station, to building its own Space Station from zero.

See, the US has an $800-billion war budget, 800 military bases, 13,000 aircraft, 500 warships, 6,000 nukes — but it doesn’t have what China has: invincible national resolve. It takes the US about 5 years to renovate a bridge, and it takes China 43 hours. There’s simply no competing with that.

China doesn’t need to be a military superpower or empire. That was never part of the plan. US troops, God bless their souls, will continue sitting in their bases, scratching their balls, costing their government $800 billion a year to do nothing. Meanwhile, China will continue to actually develop.

That’s the part of the equation that America totally missed, because it has barely developed since Reagan’s day. China is a better place to live today than at any time in its previous 5,000 years; Americans saw their highest standard of living in the 1960s and those days will never come back.

So yes, China will be the next global power, and the Chinese are vastly superior to us in every way. This is a fact that everyone can attack but that nobody can change, like the theory of evolution.

Look at you silly buggers, talking about China like it’s going to be the next Nazi Germany. Even many Middle Easterners I know fit in this foolish category. Did you notice when the US invaded or overthrew the governments of 20 countries in the past 32 years (my lifetime)? Did you even know? You think just because you’re ready to forget all that because of Beyoncé and Game of Thrones and Snapchat and other US cultural exports, it didn’t happen.

The US is feeding me terror-bytes about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Tiananmen Square, Great Leap Forward! I don’t see any dead bodies, I can’t show you one invasion or one example of Chinese regime change, I can’t even find Hong Kong on a map or tell you one factual detail about Tiananmen Square, but the US State Department and all its media are telling me CHINA BAD!

Aren’t you at least curious to see what a world with a nonwhite, non-Western leader might look like, after 400 years? Because God knows that leader won’t be us. It won’t be Brazil or Africa, or the Middle East or India or Indonesia or Nigeria or Pakistan. We’re a mess.

China was a mess too. But we remain a mess many decades after we achieved independence, and the Chinese went their own way, disentangled their mess and created their destiny. We’re not made of what the Chinese are made of.

I see China as hope. Hope that a colonised, brutalised, primitive and humiliated country, can rise above its past — refuse to be weak any longer — rebuild itself from nothing, with iron resolve, and become too strong to be overrun by the West again!

Hope that a nonwhite, non-Western country can look deep within itself and find its own solutions to its problems — proving that (foolishly) trusting the West to guide us isn’t necessary! Proof that if we can do what the Chinese did, there will be no limits for us.

Imagine a world where the US, France, Britain, Australia, are no more important than Uzbekistan or Paraguay.

A world where the World Court might be headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the World Bank in New Delhi, the United Nations in Jakarta, the IMF in Cairo.

A world liberated from the US banking system and the dollar as its reserve currency, so that Washington can no longer tell 200 other countries who they can and can’t trade with.

A world where an American can be tried for war crimes at the Hague, not just an Iraqi or Liberian or Serb.

A world where we don’t hear about a non-Western-made vaccine and grunt to ourselves, Oh, it must be poison. A world where we don’t have to immigrate to the same countries that turned ours into hellholes, to work as sales clerks or taxi drivers, or even if we’re brilliantly employed — to drain our brains from our homelands in the best of cases, and use them to reinforce Western riches and supremacy in exchange for a fat paycheck, instead of using them to make our own countries semi-habitable.

When I hear that China has built its own Space Station, landed a rover on Mars, ended extreme poverty, built the Earth’s biggest city, dam, telescope, 5G network, highway, air purifier, or whatever the heck it is that will come tomorrow — I feel the same pride as if I were Chinese.

It’s not happening for all of us, but it’s happening for one of us and that’s a start. There’s got to be such a thing as developing-country nationalism — a common nationalism for all the countries that were colonised and plundered, and remain economically and politically captured by their ex-rulers.

A nationalism for the Global South. We are too divided, too brainwashed, too fooled and weak — most of us still worship the countries that destroyed us, are non-Western on the outside and Western on the inside, are hating and fearing and buying all the lies about the only one of us that’s made it, and are leaving our countries in droves to let them burn while we “make a better life for ourselves” in the West.

Do you want to live on a Western-dominated Earth for another 400 years? If you do, keep doing what you’re doing. But I don’t!

You know what’ll happen for all of us if America’s sick wishes come true and its global thuggery does make China collapse? Nothing. Eternal repetition of the status quo. More enslavement, hijacking of our resources and weak corrupt governments, neo-colonialism, invasion, regime change, sanctions, MISERY.

Haven’t we already seen this? Libya, Cuba, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, the Soviet Union. Rest in peace. Even FRANCE and JAPAN for God’s sake. What does the United States do when any other country says NO, or simply becomes too powerful, too good at honest competition?

Japan was a Western-style democracy crawling with US troops, with a US-authored pacifist constitution and almost no military and an extremely pro-US government and populace, and it STILL got crushed when it looked like it would become the #1 economy in the 80s.

I remember 10–15 years ago when China was still relatively poor and impotent, and Bush and Obama would talk about China as sweetly as swans. Obama happily had dinner with Xi Jinping in late 2015, called China a crucial partner of the United States, and said the US welcomed China’s rise; it was all horseshit. Today Biden, who was there with Obama in late 2015 as Vice-President, angrily rebukes a reporter who merely said that Biden and Xi were old friends.

America has taken off its mask.

China made it, it wasn’t supposed to make it, so now it must die. What a difference 5 years can make. China went from “crucial partner” to “number one threat.”

We should be helping and supporting China to keep climbing to the top, and giving her some serious solidarity as she withstands the new Cold War of Western imperialism. It’s been a long 400 years. China is the first non-Western country to even come close to reaching a status of ultimate global importance. She is akin to the the first member of an impoverished family to go to university. That is our family of nations.

And when China gets to the top, believe me, it won’t be a repeat of the French, British, or American Empire. Not a single developing country on earth will be worse-off because of China becoming #1. There will be something good in this for all of us, so let’s wake up.

– Ismail Bashmori is an Egyptian China watcher

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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[daegonmagus] – Part 27 – The Mantids Finally Showed Up….right before an uninstigated conversation about manifestation through intent.

The following is the 27th part from a series of articles describing the adventure that a follower who goes by the handle "daegonmagus" has experienced since reading MM. They are very interesting and fascinating. I hope that you all learn from his journey and maybe learn a thing or two as he relates his unique experiences to the readership here. 

Lately he has been conducting lucid dreaming (LD) to map out the subconscious / non-physical realms that surround us. His writings are very interesting, but describe things way beyond my understanding. Never the less, many MM readers find great value in his experiences, and writings, and one can easily see benefit in reading his writings. 

I hope that you enjoy this article.


The Mantids Finally Showed Up….right before an uninstigated conversation about manifestation through intent.

Yep. They finally showed up….in our goddamned fucking house….in our goddamned fucking bedroom….after being a bunch of total fucking jackasses. We’d all just got our flu shots because there is a few flyers going around suggesting that “hey, guys, everyone got caught up in Covid and forgot all about the flu which has now mutated into some horrible chimera amalgamation of all the worst parts of Scott Morrsion, Boris Johnson and Joe Biden probably due to the use of gain of function research, so come and get a free vaccine for it before you turn into pile of useless shit”….and considering it spelt vaccine with a c, and that it wasn’t covid, I figured it would probably be ok. That and the fact our kids get royally sick when they get sick, to the point they are down and out for the count for weeks at a time. So, skipping that whole schpeel (I love all of you whether you are vaxed or not), coincidentally we all came down with blocked noses the day afterwards (I knew we should have got it earlier, just our luck).

Anyway, we have everyone in our room because it easier and cheaper to warm everyone with one heater than several sprawled out through several rooms, and because the chicken bird scared the absolute shit out of our daughter to the point she will not go back in her room at night time.

The problem is, my eldest son has autism, and having a blocked nose when he is trying to sleep might as well be the same as trying to saw ones own leg off with a teaspoon. Unfortunately he got quite bad, and was himself scaring his younger brother and sister, so I had to get him out of the house and take him for a drive at 1 in the morning to calm him down.

We were gone for about 20 minutes, during which he calmed down, we had a little talk about his interests etc, and eventually made our way home. He goes to bed, and everyone finally gets some sleep.

Storme tells me in the morning, when we were out, she saw a group of mantids around his bed, one of them very clearly, as solid as a physical object, the others just barely visible. They way she describes it was that it looked just like a tall praying mantis, but unusually thin (about 3 feet tall and body as thick as her arm, head the size of two fists put together), and when it walked it was really weirdly robotic. She said she saw it scuttle off and then it just faded away into nothing.

Strange right?

Well we all know there has been very bizarre happenings in and around this house; I have heard weird rushing noises like when a low flying aircraft pulls air through a bunch of nearby trees which sets the dog of in an act of investigation. SD has seen things wearing what appears to be the invisibility camouflage Predator uses when he is being hunted by Arnie (the amateurs stepped in a puddle of water and made a very obvious footprint when she caught it, then bailed snapping bunch of twigs in the process.), as well as ships halfway through their own cloaking operation. Then there is the case of the mysterious chicken bird my daughter has seen…

Speaking of which; now that SD has seen the mantids up close and their beaky like nose, snout whatverthefuck she thinks they very much could be the one and the same thing. The movement is very similar between the two.

So anyway, that particular day, we have some guy show up to check out some minor leaks in our roof. He is in the kitchen, and he sees my survival knife on the bench.

“Is that a military knife?” he asks me. It’s a Gerber LMF Infantry 2, so yeah, I guess I could see how he thinks that.

I tell him yeah and ask if he was in the army. “Yeah. I was involved in radiological and biological warfare”…

Well fuck me, this just got interesting.

Naturally I ask him his thoughts on COVID, if he thinks it is a biological weapon etc, and he says “Definitely. It’s the most perfect bioweapon ever made.” We get to talking and after a brief conversation about healthy dietary plans, the conversation veers back toward all this shit going on with COVID, and vaccines (I may have by this point mentioned a certain ex spook friend living in China who is quite adamant the US dropped it on them).

Somehow we get talking about CRISPR and gene splicing, and out of no where he says “you know, like, so what if I want to create a fucking Aryan kid with blonde hair and blue eyes and wings coming out of its back”….Ok, that was some weird shit to say, particularly to someone who just wrote an article on the occult connection of the Nazi’s and the Aryan race, and another one on his workings with four armed angels in the astral planes.

Very strange thing indeed.

Speaking of Nazi’s, we mention SD’s grandmother was born in A Nazi PoW camp (without a belly button, however the fuck that is possible), and had a bunch of experiments done on her where she had to have blood tests done every day….We’ve been talking an hour at this point, and suddenly I find this guy talking about the Nazi bell {alleged} time machine and some story about how they got it to levitate (I didn’t tell him I know someone whose actually seen it).

What in the fuck is going on here? This guy just pops in to fix my roof and is just opening with all this shit that is pretty much everything I have been writing about for the past year; I am not even leading him in this direction – just chucking in a few bits I know when he brings it up – it is all him. I forgot this seems to be something that happens with me when I write; things very definitely do seem to just randomly manifest (hence why I had some idea of affirmation campaigns before I came on across MM).

Write a fictional novel about the Goetic spirit Astaroth and he turns my TV on to a program with Astaroth’s Star in the middle of the day; write a book about a plane falling out of the sky due to the quantum thoughts that really gave them lift being exposed, and a week later flight MH370 goes missing (that one did actually freak me the fuck out).

Speaking of manifestation; after our conversation about Die Glocke, this guy then starts to tell me about how when he was doing radiological and biological warfare, the military brought in some Olympic Athletes. “Me and my colleagues were trying to understand what all the Athletes had in common” he told me. Turns out they had all won gold. Also turns out they had all won gold through rigorous manifestation campaigns, which they committed to quite more aggressively than even MM seems to when he does an Affirmation Campaign.

Apparently there was one woman who would think about gold wherever she went – whenever she’d walk into a room all she saw in her mind’s eye was gold on the wall; gold paintings, golden dinner table, golden dog shit on the carpet made out of gold. Whenever she took a shower… One morning she woke up the day of an Olympic swim, and felt so appalling she was almost ready to throw in the towel and call her swimming career quits. She called her coach who said “just focus on gold”. Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold. GOLD. She ended up competing and guess what she won (I’ll give you a hint, you can spell the first part of Australia with its chemical symbol.)

According to my guy here, the army knew very well about the powers of manifesting when it came to intent. The point he was making was that they sprinkled it in amongst their troops training regimes to make them collectively manifest certain goals.

“Yeah, right” I say, pretending I am one of those guys that thinks it is all bunch of new age hocus pocus bullshit. Little does he know I am 1 and a half months into my own affirmation campaign, which may involve connecting with these very fucking kinds of people (normies bore the shit out me).

He proceeds to tell me about how he has used this concept all his life since he was a little kid, to help manifest his business desires. He tells me a story about how he was doing fly in fly out work, and one day just quit his job as it was affecting his relationship with his new girlfriend, after being in the game for about 5 years. He’s thinking he needs to find a cheap $1000 utility truck and do it up as a means for starting his own business. He’s at the airport coming home, and sees this little old lady looking kind of lost. “Are you alright there , mam?” he asks, and she tells him “well, not really, I am new to Perth and I am bit confused about how to get where I am supposed to be going”.

“Do you need me to call you a taxi, or someone to come get you?” he asks her.
“Actually I would quite appreciate that if you could”. She replies.

He takes her to the waiting lounge where there is a pay phone, and they proceed to wait in the long line that has formed to use it. The old lady strikes up a conversation while they are waiting, asking him what he is doing with himself, that sort of thing.

“Well I have just come out of five year job from the mines, as it was affecting my relationship with my girlfriend, now I need to find something a bit more local”. He offers her some of his qualifications etc as part of the small talk.

Meanwhile a guy standing behind them has been listening to the whole conversation. He interjects.

“Excuse me, buddy, but I am the owner of this company that builds elevators for the commercial sector and a vacancy just came up.” He flicks him a business card and says ”Send me your resume, and we’ll see what we can do” A day later he got the job.

But it doesn’t stop there. The same day, he is talking to his friend who tells him “check out this ad for this utility truck I just came across.” This guy shows him the ad in a paper, or on his phone or whatever, and he looks at it:

“Not bad for $1000, eh? All it needs is a bit of doing up and it make a great work ute”

“Send me the number”he says, without batting an eyelid.…it was the same ute we had now both walked up to and whose trailer he was lying on top quite casually as we talked, which was now going on 2 hours.

I figured fuck it, might as well go all in.

I tell him how my spook guy living in China is an ex Majestic agent who was given the actual process of how this manifestation shit works by the ETs he was involved with, then proceed to tell him about said proper process, 3 months on, and 3 months off then 3 on again yada yada yada. He kind of looks at me, and nods, probably thinking I am a fucking nut job, but kindly suggests he isn’t thinking that.

The conversation about manifesting of desire thing comes full circle:
“So getting back to the vaccine thing. You wipe out the old and the weak, you are left with the young and strong. You then start seeding the concepts you want to see manifested into that generation, and……well, you get the idea.”
He then seems to realize the time and has to shoot off.

Well that was certainly interesting. Almost like a higher force was telling me EXACTLY what is up with the vaccines. Either that or it was just, like, his opinion, man.

Even more interesting is that that night SD and I had a fight and she sees another fucking mantid in the mirror (but not out of it) next to our bed.

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Shooting in Japan, Russia ready to flatten Lithuania, America resembling the fall of Rome and some delicious High School Pizza

There’s a bunch of “news” going on, but it’s pretty obvious (to the world) that the collective West are just crazed, corrupt appointees that are running their nations to the ground. So while we will cover some of the news events, we will focus, rather, on the human experience throughout history. And take a particular note of what happened during the collapse of the Roman empire. Enjoy and have fun.

We start with this….

BREAKING NEWS: Russia Issues Final Warning to Lithuania: They have only a “few days” to stop blocking rail traffic to Kaliningrad

Russia has completed its preparations and is ready to respond to the Lithuanian blockade of Kaliningrad if something does not change in the next few days, said Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry.

She did not specify what Russia has planned, but one thing is certain: When Russia tells another country they are going to do something, Russia does what it says.

Lithuania is a NATO member.

This could get very ugly, very fast.

The Myth of Persephone and Hades


When Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, gave birth to her first child, Persephone, she looked into her baby’s face and realized she would grow up to be beautiful.

This was a problem. As a beautiful woman herself, Demeter knew from experience that beauty brought trouble. And so, holding the crying Persephone against her chest, Demeter vowed to protect her daughter at all costs.

Years went by, and, just as Demeter had feared, Persephone grew up to be a lovely young woman. This made Demeter even more determined to keep her daughter safe. She would bring Persephone with her everywhere she went, whether she was producing a fruitful harvest to a group of villagers, or making plants flourish across the countryside.

But as Persephone grew older, the girl became curious about the world beyond her mother’s watchful gaze.

“Why don’t you let me go out on my own?” she asked Demeter one afternoon, after a long day of watching her mother bring pomegranate trees to bloom. “I’m old enough to do things by myself.”

But Demeter disagreed.

“Darling,” she said chidingly, plucking a pomegranate from the tree and handing it to her daughter. “The world is a dangerous place. You’re so much safer here with me.”

Persephone was doubtful, but took the pomegranate from her mother and munched on the seeds. Pomegranates were, after all, her favorite fruit.

But as they headed home that afternoon, they didn’t notice that someone was watching them from the shadows of the mountains.

It was Hades, the God of the Underworld, on a rare trip up into the world of the living. He had been traveling through the shadows when he looked up and froze in his tracks. Out in the dimming sunshine was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. But while the girl’s face shone with vitality, her head was lowered, obediently trailing after a woman Hades immediately recognized as Demeter.

Hades watched the pair from his safe place in the shadows, feeling his heart sink in his chest. He realized that the beautiful girl had to be Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, meaning there was no way he would be able to meet her. Demeter had grown a reputation among the gods as being highly protective of her daughter.

But as the days went by, Hades couldn’t stop thinking about Persephone. He found himself going up into the world of the living again and again, seeking out the beautiful girl, fascinated by her zest for life, her laughter, the flowers that grew in her hair.

Finally, Hades couldn’t wait any longer. He went up to Olympus to find Zeus, the King of the Gods, and asked him for his permission to marry Persephone.

Zeus was doubtful. While he thought it would be a good match, he knew Demeter would not be happy with the idea of her daughter leaving her. But, ultimately, he agreed.

That was all Hades needed. He got on his chariot and went searching for Persephone, and when he finally found her, he couldn’t believe his luck. Persephone had finally convinced her mother to let her go off on her own, and she was relaxing in a field with only a few attendants present.

Seeing his chance, Hades swooped in on his chariot, grabbed Persephone, and pulled her down into the Underworld. It all took place so quickly, none of the attendants saw what happened.

Persephone was horrified. One minute, she was picking flowers in the sunshine. The next, she was in the arms of a strange man, being brought down into an unfamiliar place that was dark and cold.

When the chariot finally arrived at Hades’s palace, Persephone pulled away from him.

“Who are you?” she cried. “Why did you take me here?”

Hades tried to explain to Persephone that he was in love with her and wanted to marry her, but Persephone wasn’t having it. She ran away from him, looking desperately for a way out of this strange world that was full of darkness and the dead.

While this was happening, Demeter learned from Persephone’s tearful attendants that their mistress had gone missing. She immediately went into a panic, scouring the surface of the earth in search of her daughter. Because Demeter was so filled with grief and worry, she neglected her duties as the goddess of the harvest, and plants all around the world began to wither and die.

Back in the Underworld, Hades had been trying desperately to win Persephone over. He showered her with gifts: wreaths of dead flowers, gems that were frigid to the touch. But Persephone spent most of her time sitting alone in his palace garden, silently wiping the tears from her eyes.

Finally, Hades had an idea. He knew Persephone was intelligent, and capable of more than being the meek daughter of Demeter. And so, he offered Persephone a throne of her own to rule beside him as an equal over the Underworld.

At first, Persephone was hesitant. She had barely been allowed to make decisions over her own life when she was living with Demeter. But as the months went by, Persephone realized she enjoyed her new responsibilities. She even created Elysium, the place where the best of mortals could go after death.

But above in the world of the living, things were still going terribly. Humans, without the help of Demeter, were beginning to starve without their crops. Even when Helios, the Sun God, confessed to Demeter that he had seen Hades take Persephone, she refused to allow plants to bloom until she was reunited with her daughter.

Zeus saw all of this, and immediately sought out Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. He told him to fetch Persephone and bring her to his palace on Olympus.

Hermes went down into the Underworld and found Persephone soon enough, standing alone in the palace garden beside a pomegranate tree. He told her Zeus had given him orders to take her away, and Persephone reluctantly got on his chariot to soar out of the Underworld and up to Olympus.

When they finally arrived, Persephone saw her mother waiting for her in the palace hall, and the two embraced with cries of delight. But as Demeter hugged her daughter, she looked down and saw Persephone was holding a pomegranate. Immediately, she stiffened.

“What’s wrong?” Persephone said with a laugh, drawing back to regard her mother.

But Demeter couldn’t speak. The pomegranate in her daughter’s hand was missing several seeds. And as she looked back up into her daughter’s face, she heard Hades come up from behind them.

“She can’t leave,” Hades said calmly. “She’s eaten from my palace garden.”

This was true. Once one ate anything from the Underworld, they were forced to stay there forever.

Demeter felt her face flush with anger. Immediately, she accused Hades of tricking her daughter, even as Persephone tried to convince Demeter that she was in love with Hades, and was happy living as the Queen of the Underworld.

Suddenly, Zeus entered the room. He listened to Demeter and Hades argue, and then silenced them so he could hear Persephone’s side of the story.

In the end, Zeus made a decision for all of them.

Persephone, because she had eaten three seeds from the pomegranate, would stay in the Underworld for three months out of the year. For the other nine months, she would live with her mother.

While everyone accepted the deal as only fair, Demeter wasn’t as pleased with the agreement as Persephone and Hades.

Therefore, during the three months when Persephone is away from her mother, ruling alongside Hades as the Queen of the Underworld, Demeter allows the plants on Earth to weaken and die. That’s why we have winters.

But when the snow melts and the flowers bloom, know that it’s because Persephone and Demeter are, once again, together.

Elon Musk TERMINATES Twitter Deal

Elon Musk has announced he has TERMINATED his deal to purchase Twitter.

Long story short: Musk says Twitter is in material breach of the Merger Agreement by failing to disclose vast amounts of information concerning phony accounts, bots and more.   Here is the official Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Notice of termination of the deal:

Official Notice found HERE

Rectangle Cafeteria Pizza

A High School “copycat”. Make it for some fine memories.

From HERE. Please enjoy!


My early school years took place primarily in the 90’s, and I remember the cafeteria serving up super cheesy rectangles of pizza on a thin crust every Friday. Everyone looked forward to Pizza Friday! As I grew older, I realized that “rectangle pizza” was a more widespread thing that existed in many schools other than my small lil’ educational establishment in East Tennessee.


While I’m sure school cafeterias had their own standardized way of preparing these pizzas on endless, massive sheet pans to be sold to hungry kiddos, you can create a very close substitute of school cafeteria pizza at home to help relive some childhood memories.

To keep things easy, I used a ball of premade dough that I found at my regular grocery store (Kroger). I recommend you do the same if you don’t want to make a homemade dough. You technically could use the canned pizza dough, but because this pizza is made in a large 10×15″ baking sheet, the dough from the cans will be very, very thin when pressed into the pan.


As far as toppings, I remember my school mostly serving the plain cheese variety, though on some days there were meat varieties offered. You can stick to those basic options for your homemade school lunch pizza, but you can also load it up with any of your favorite protein or veggie toppings.

To me, one key feature of classic school rectangle pizza is the fact that there is very little visible crust around the outside. To achieve an authentic look, spread the sauce and toppings allll the way to the edge of the crust.


Want to make things a little healthier? Consider a whole wheat crust to increase the fiber and complex carbohydrate content. Use a part-skim mozzarella and use a lean protein such as cooked chicken or lean ground turkey.

Even if you’re not seeking a hit of nostalgia with this meal, it’s also just an easy way to make a big and simple pizza for the family for your own at-home Pizza Fridays. Enjoy this school pizza recipe!!


Vladimir Putin: They want to defeat us on the battlefield. Let them try!

Vladimir Putin: They want to defeat us on the battlefield. Let them try!
After the end of the spring session of parliament, Vladimir Putin met with the heads of the Duma factions. The president, in the best traditions, flashed his eloquence. Here are his main phrases:

- We have many parties, but one homeland.

- Yes, they (the authors of Western sanctions - Ed.) create difficulties for us. But not the kind that the initiators of the economic blitzkrieg counted on.

- They tell us: we started a war. Not! It was unleashed by the collective West, supporting the coup in Ukraine.

- Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield , well, what can I say, let them try!

- The beginning of the special operation is the demolition of the American world order. It is the beginning of a multipolar world.

- Today the West is degenerating into totalitarianism, censorship and the closure of the media.

- The war to the last Ukraine, which is being waged by the West , is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But that seems to be where it all comes from. But we haven't really started anything yet.

- We did not refuse peace negotiations , but the further, the more difficult it will be to conduct them.

- The idea of ​​integrating Russia into NATO seemed absurd to the members of the alliance. And why? Because they do not need such a Russia.

- The sanctions had a goal : to sow discord, but it did not work and will not work!


The Death Of A Capable Revisionist

From MoA

Last night some man with a self build gun killed the former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe.

Adhering to family tradition Shinzo Abe has been an Japanese imperialist. As Peter Lee wrote about him back in 2013:

Myth: Shinzo Abe is a leading member of the team of world and Asian democracies standing up to China in the name of universal values like “freedom of navigation” and to help ensure the shared peace and prosperity of Asia.

Reality: Shinzo Abe is a revisionist nationalist using friction with China to pursue Japanese national interests, put Japan on the right side of a zero-sum economic equation opposite the PRC, maximize Japan’s independence of action as a regional hegemon, hopefully peacefully, but if not...

Mission for the Western media: Manage the cognitive dissonance between comforting myth and disturbing reality for the sake of its faithful readers.

Challenge: Explain away Prime Minister Abe’s Boxing Day visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.

Some of the most monstrous Class A war criminals of the second word war, which include Abe’s grandfather, were buried at the Yasukuni Shrine. The shrine and its attached museum are off-limits for most Japanese politicians. But Shinzo Abe prominently visited it because he carried the ideology of those who are buried there:

The core of Abe’s historical revisionism is not just that the bandit-infested territories of China and Korea demanded Japanese tutelage in the 1930s and 1940s, but also that the Japanese Empire was leading the fight of the oppressed peoples of Asia against British colonialism and American imperialism—in other words, the real war crime of World War II was U.S. aggression against Japan. The United States, and its pretensions to moral superiority over Japan, as well as China and Korea’s presumptuous claims to virtuous victimhood, were a target of Abe’s Yasukuni visit.

His policies of furthering militarism and conflict, especially with China and both Koreas, while making nice with Russia were born out of that ideology.Shinzo Abe’s last stint as prime minister lasted eight years. That was astonishing long as prime ministers in Japan only rarely serve longer than one year. It requires special qualities to politically survive as long as Shinzo Abe did.Gun crimes in Japan are extremely rare. Of the dozen a year that actually happen most are between rivaling groups of the Japanese mafia, the Jakuza.The Japanese police will likely find that the gunman was a ‘lone individual’. That may well be, but there are certainly others who will gain from the incident. As William Pesek writes in Asia Times:

Though the motives and longer-term implications of this attack are impossible to assess, one political dynamic may have been altered: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida may now have greater latitude to stay on past his one-year mark in office come October.

Even though the Abe camp denied it, Tokyo was abuzz with chatter that Abe, who stepped down in September 2020, might toss his hat in the ring for a third stint as leader. Abe first served as premier from 2006 to 2007, then from 2012 to 2020.

Abe had been playing a behind-the-scenes kingmaker role since resigning. Speculation was rife that he was unhappy seeing Kishida walk back Abe’s signature efforts at detente with Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Abe also reportedly disliked the optics of Kishida pledging to reform, at long last, Asia’s No 2 economy, the implication being that so-called “Abenomics” failed to put Japan on a more vibrant path.

Japanese prime ministers don’t tend to last more than 12 months. Abe’s eight-year run was a stark outlier. Suffice to say, Kishida will not need to be looking over his shoulder at Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) powerbroker Abe. This Sunday’s upper house elections are likely to give Kishida a firmer grip over his factional party, allowing him to emerge from the shadow of leaders past.

Kishida’s policies are otherwise mostly in line with Abe’s. He wants a strong militaristic Japan that can project power abroad. The U.S. is furthering that as it helps with its anti-China policies. But it should be careful what it wishes for.

Japan is a latent nuclear power as it has stored quite a bit of uranium and plutonium:

Japan has 47.8 tons of high sensitive separated plutonium., 10.8 tons of which are stored in Japan, enough to make 1350 nuclear warheads. In addition, Japan also has about 1.2 tons of highly-enriched uranium (HEU) for research reactors.
The country has the knowhow to handle such material. In a crisis situation it could quickly build nuclear bombs. Japan has long range delivery vehicles due to its space program. Once unleashed a revisionist Japan would be a danger, not only for its immediate neighbors, but for the U.S. itself.Chian and both Koreas will be relieved that Shinzo Abe, the capable revisionist, is gone.I wonder at which shrine his ashes will be buried.


TSA Orders Employees to Undergo “C.O.G” Training “Immediately”


The US Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration has ordered any Employees who have NOT already undergone the “Continuity of Government (COG)” and “Devolution” training, to “Do so immediately.”

The TSA COG program was created in the year 2012, and most TSA employees hired during and after 2012 have already gone through the program.  But as with all new training programs, quite a number of existing TSA employees did NOT go through it when the program came out.

This week, TSA began contacting each employee who has NOT yet undergone the COG program, and ordered them to “do so immediately.”

The Continuity of Government program exists so that government operations can continue even though some massive disaster, catastrophe, or attack, has taken out most government functions.  the “Devolution” aspect of COG is that important decisions no longer MUST be made by Washington.  Regions can make their own decisions.  Authority devolves to lower levels when the upper levels are either cut-off, or destroyed.

It is sort of a Doomsday Plan to try to keep a government running even when much of it – or much of the country – has been destroyed.

Now, **WHY** would the TSA insist that any employee who has not yet taken the training, “do so immediately?”

What does government think is coming, that might cause their employees to NEED TO KNOW THIS?

War with Russia, perhaps?

Nuclear war with Russia, perhaps?

You’re a smart person . . . put two and two together.

Confessions of a Man Who Shot Himself In The Head And Survived

What pushed you to do it?

A lot. Losing my girlfriend, the savings account we worked at for years, the business we created. Just exacerbated my anxiety and depression.

My ex really pushed me to get help in the times where I wasn’t struggling, so I became defensive and put it off. I shouldn’t have, because it would have given me the skills to get through the times I was struggling. Therapy is a bitch. I keep learning things about myself that I’m not proud of. Things I could have managed better for years. The more I learn, the more confident I become that I can better myself.

How long did you take to decide that you were ready to end it?

I decided the night before. It took about 12 hours for me to finalize it.

Did you think about your girlfriend before you did it?

She was in the house. I yelled that I loved her. Then I said Im sorry to my mom, and that I loved her (she wasn’t in the house). But yeah. For years, she was/is constantly my first thought.

What did it feel like when you shot yourself?

Nobody prepares you for what getting shot feels like. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t sting. It doesn’t ache. It just burns. Like fire in my head. And blood pouring from my mouth.

I think I was still in shock when I arrived at the hospital, but when they pushed the fentanyl, all that burning went away and I could recognize how much burning pain I was in.

I remember not being able to talk because my tongue hurt.

My pain the first month in the hospital got progressively worse, but high amounts of painkillers will trick you into that.

How did the shot not kill you? How did it “miss”?

I don’t fucking know. It went in by the corner of my left jaw, and came out above my forehead on the right side, taking most of the orbit of my eye with it. I fucked up.

What caliber did you use?

9mm Luger.

Maybe it wasn’t your time?

I wish. I don’t really believe in that mentality. Someone close to me said something along the lines of, “God wasn’t ready for you yet.” And my first thought was, “thousands of years of medicine research and a team of excellent doctors is the reason I’m here, but ok.”

I’ve read stories about how people who jumped off bridges (and survived) immediately regretted doing so and wanted to live more than anything as they were falling. Right after the moment, did you have regrets about doing it with a desire to live or maybe have disappointments that it didn’t work? Or maybe no feelings at all right after?

I woke up with a “what the fuck?” Mentality. I was more confused that I woke up. I didn’t really have feelings about it until a few months later when the drugs wore off.

What was the first thing your mom said to you afterwards?

I’m not sure what my mom said. I woke up post surgery and my whole family was there (they all had to fly in). I was very confused. (Now I know I was in surgery for 10 hours).

What was the road to recovery like for you?

It’s still ongoing. 2 months in the hospital/rehab, lots of follow up appointments, physical therapy, mental/emotional therapy.

Legal battles for custody and household items.

Lots of reintegration with my parents and immediate family, which has been great. It fortunately brought us all closer.

Before I did it, I can’t remember the last time my brother and I spoke on the phone even. It really shook my brother the most. I’m super grateful for his presence in my life now.

Physically, what are the long term consequences to your face and skull from shooting your self?

Physically, I lost my right eye. And I have a plate in my jaw forever. And my forehead is missing a piece of bone they took out during a bifrontal craniotomy. Beyond that, I’m pretty healthy.

Is your face messed up?

Pretty normal for a dude with one eye.

Are you dealing with chronic pain, nerve damage, headaches, etc.?

It’s alright. Headaches suck, mostly because only morphine is enough to dull them. Nerve damage is only in my jaw/tongue/cheek, which is frustrating, but I started vaping because it makes my tongue tingle, and I don’t bite it accidentally anymore.

Is she okay?

Probably not. But she won’t talk to me. I truly hope she is. Of all the negativity between us, I only hope that she’s doing well and that someday, sooner than later, we can sit down and have an honest discussion about it.

What’s something you would want to say to your ex-girlfriend?

This is something I think about all the time. Previously, I was very concerned with myself, and put myself into context when I didn’t need to. That’s something I’d change if I had an hour to sit down with her.

I’d really like her to know that I love her. To this day, nothing has changed. I’d like to have the conversation that I don’t hold anything against her, except for the fact that she knew and didn’t drag me to get help and stand by me, in ways I did for her, and leaving me in the worst of times.

I’d really like the opportunity to listen to her. I don’t know what she has to say, and I don’t need to hear anything. I wasn’t a very effective communicator during our relationship, and I’d like the opportunity to really hear her out, and share those emotions.

Do you still harbor thoughts about suicide?

They’ve mostly gone away. There are times I ponder it, but it’s more the idea of, whereas previously I was fantasizing the roadmap.

Did anything change about your personality or preferences on things as a result of the trauma? Something you would never expect that would change?

Not particularly in personality or preferences. I became a hell of a lot more forgiving and patient, which wasn’t much existent (except with my kids) before.

I think the thing that changed the most was having my emotional brain available. I wasn’t very capable of connecting with my emotions before, I genuinely thought I was broken. I really got down on myself when it came to my ex, because I couldn’t empathize with her when she experienced heightened emotions, and it put a wedge between us, or I did. Now I’m empathizing with commercials, and it’s really bizarre when I become mindful of it, even still.

Do you regret doing it?

I think a lot about regret. I don’t regret shooting myself. I regret the way I proposed to my ex. I regret the way I treated her and other people when they needed me. I regret losing sight of myself because I wanted to be someone else. I regret spending so much time looking for escape instead of looking inward. But I don’t regret shooting myself. It changed my world.

How are things going for you now?

It’s not really going better. I spent years developing a family and life. It’s going about exactly as I predicted before putting a gun to my head. But! On the other side of that, I’ve learned a tremendous amount about love, myself, and bettering myself mentally that I never could have without experiencing tragedy in my previous lifestyle.

And I get to share my story and hopefully help others, which is something I never cared much about.

Ukraine Soldiers SOLD U.S. HIMARS to Chechens . . . who were Russian Army Intel


Reports are coming in CLAIMING (not yet verified) that Ukrainian Armed Forces members SOLD a United States “HIMARS” Multiple Rocket Launcher System (MLRS) to men they thought were “Chechens” for one million dollars.

The “Chechens” turned out to be Russian military intelligence.

According to the CLAIMS, the money was delivered to the families of the soldiers and when the families told the soldiers that strange men had come and dropped off money, the soldiers turned the HIMARS over to the “Chechens.”

According to unverified reports, the Russian Army is now studying the HIMARS system to be able to either duplicate it, or defeat it on a battlefield.

More details if I get them, but I emphasize that these claims are, as yet, UNVERIFIED.

How HIMARS works

Nice graphic.


Ignoring China’s infrastructure assistance, Brazil insisted on cooperating with Japan, but the bridge collapsed before it was used

Another sign of a dying Japan. 

In recent years, Made in Japan is increasingly symbolized inferior quality. From car safety scandal to bridge collapsed , train breakdown... The scandals keep coming: Ignoring China's infrastructure assistance, Brazil insisted on cooperating with Japan, but the bridge collapsed before it was used - iNEWS

Article HERE

I’ve Seen The Saucers – Elton John (1974)

A trip down memory lane, and a well done you-tube video. I really love the way the vintage 1950s science fiction video was used.


As of 9:35 AM EDT Friday. reports are now flooding-in that ALL credit and Debit card processing in Canada is OFFLINE.   Also receiving reports that numerous Cellphone carriers are suffering service outages NATIONWIDE.

More details as I get them.  (This is why I so often encourage readers and listeners to my radio show, to HAVE CASH MONEY.)






ROGERS Canada confirms it is having massive network issues and is working on it.

Brazilian wandering spider

Seen here is a Brazilian wandering spider nursing its young under a bed.


Its Latin name is Phoneutria fera. This spider is aggressive and highly poisonous.

It appeared in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records for being the most poisonous animal.

It is one of the few really dangerous spiders for us.

The spider itself reaches 5 cm in size, but the legs can be 15 cm long.

Wandering spiders are hairy and have eight eyes, two of which are large.

And they move very fast.

It is called a wandering spider because it moves on the tropical forest floor and not in a burrow or web.


This makes it so dangerous.

Because it looks for dark shelters that can be houses, clothes, cars, boots, boxes and piles of logs.

You could accidentally disturb him and this is not a good idea.

He can also be found in a bunch of bananas, because he likes them.

But in general he likes meat. Crickets, mice or even lizards are part of their prey.

If this spider bites you, you may see and feel something like two pricks.

Or you may feel strongly poisoned.

But in both cases you have to seek the help of doctors, because you are in serious danger.

The spider has a powerful neurotoxin, which means it attacks your nervous system.

But its venom is also the most painful and excruciating of all spiders due to its high concentration of serotonin.

And these spiders are among the ones that bite humans the most.

There are certain countries, where it is better not to move too much alone, without a guide, in nature.

Europe is doing quite well in this regard.

That’s good.

Photographer Asked some Artists To Draw His Portrait Photos In Their Own Style, And The Result Is Fabulous!


Mathieu Sten is an experimental portrait photographer who asked 16 artists to draw his portrait photos in their style. The results are fabulous. It never ceases to amaze me how artists nowadays always strive to find different and unique ways of expressing their art. Some of these portraits are super realistic, some are cartoon-ish, some look like out of a Korean comics series, a fantasy series or super-digitalized movie animation, while others are digitally painted or completely illustrated from scratch. You should take a look below, but first, let’s share some information about the initiator of this artistic collaboration.


Mathieu Stern is himself an artist who uses vintage lenses, DIY lenses and other techniques which might seem a little strange, to create images that help you look at the world in new and extraordinary ways. Mathieu also likes to go on YouTube and explain his artistic experiments and discoveries. You can look him up on YouTube if you want to find out more. So far, we’ll concentrate on his collaboration with 16 artists who redid his portrait photos in their way.


“I decided to first contact an illustrator asking if they wanted to redraw one of my portraits in their own style. I told her that I would create a YouTube video about the process and create the first episode with a team of my favorite artists. She said yes and the result she sent me was so amazing that I started to contact every illustrator I liked on Instagram. One month later, I had 16 participants and I had a great looking video of their processes,”


US Hypersonic Missile Test Fails For A Second Time

The missile prototype, known as "Conventional Prompt Strike," has never even got off the launchpad back in October 2021.  When it failed to launch mere days after China completed a hypersonic missile test so successful that it literally traveled all the way around the Earth.

In 2019, Russia became the first country to successfully complete a launch of these next-generation missiles that can reportedly travel up to a whopping 27 times faster than the speed of sound and dodge whatever defense systems attempt to block their way.

Though the American military has had setbacks when it comes to these dystopian missiles, it have successfully launched at least one hypersonic weapon, DARPA's Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept — though as reports at the time indicated, that one "only" goes five times the speed of sound. Not the 25 times the speed as sound like China's and Russian missiles.

Article HERE

The Killing Has Begun: Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ASSASSINATED


The scam of COVID, the damage and death of the COVID vaccines, and the plummeting economy have finally prompted someone to KILL a political leader.  Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed last night while on the campaign trail in Nara, Japan.

Former Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated in Nara on Friday while campaigning for the upcoming election.  The 67-year-old world leader was rushed to hospital in grave condition, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said in an address to the nation. A suspect has been taken into custody.

The Nara city fire department said that Abe was in cardiopulmonary arrest before he was taken to the hospital.

Photographs published by the Japanese agency Kyodo showed Abe lying face-up on the street by a guardrail, blood on his white shirt. Some showed people crowding around him as he lay unconscious.

Nara city’s emergency services said he had been wounded on the right side of his neck and left clavicle.

The incident occurred at around 11.30 am (8 am IST). Abe was making a campaign speech on a street outside the train station ahead of Sunday’s election to the upper house of Japan’s parliament.

Two witnesses — an NHK reporter and a female attendee — told NHK that they heard two gunshots. The woman said that though the first gunshot was loud, she did not see anyone fall. But after the second shot, she saw ex-PM Abe collapse to the ground.

The alleged shooter was tackled and taken under arrest as seen in the social media posting below:




He is believed to be an ex-military member — a former maritime self-defense force member, reported Fuji TV.

A witness to the attack told NHK that the apparent shooter did not attempt to escape after the shooting. He instead laid down the gun and remained on the spot as he was caught by security personnel.

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, was known for his hawkish foreign policy and a signature economic strategy that popularly came to be known as “Abenomics”.

A conservative nationalist by most descriptions, the 67-year-old Abe led the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to victory twice.

His first stint as prime minister was brief – for a little over a year starting in 2006 – and controversial. But he made a surprising political comeback in 2012, and stayed in power until 2020 when he resigned for health reasons.

Japan was in a recession when he began his second term and his economic policy – built on monetary easing, fiscal stimulus and structural reforms – was credited with helping growth return to a faltering economy.

He also oversaw Japan’s recovery from a massive earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku in 2011, which killed nearly 20,000 people and led to a meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear reactors.


Video of the actual shooting has surfaced on Social Media.  In the video below, notice how the crowd just stands there after two apparently shotgun-type blasts.   This type of crime is so rare in Japan, the people there didn’t react the way you would see in places like the USA.

In the USA, people would be stampeding to safety.


NATO admits it’s been preparing for conflict with Russia since 2014

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that increases in deployments and military spending were done with Russia in mind.

By Russia Today

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Wednesday that increases in military spending and rising numbers of troop deployments in Eastern Europe since 2014 were carried out in anticipation of a conflict with Russia.

Speaking after a meeting of NATO members and partner states in Madrid, Stoltenberg accused Russia of “using force in the eastern Donbass since 2014,” despite the fact that Kiev’s forces have shelled cities in the region ever since the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics declared independence from Ukraine that year.

Nevertheless, Stoltenberg said that the US-led military bloc decided in 2014 to start beefing up its forces in Eastern Europe.

“The reality is also that we have been preparing for this since 2014,” he stated. “That is the reason that we have increased our presence in the eastern part of the alliance, why NATO allies have started to invest more in defense, and why we have increased [our] readiness.”

According to NATO figures, the alliance’s European members and Canada have increased their military expenditure by between 1.2% and 5.9% every year since 2014. However, only 10 out of 30 NATO states currently meet the bloc’s target of spending 2% of GDP on defense.

The increase in expenditure has been most noticeable in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, with Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania all meeting the target for the first time in 2022.

Earlier on Wednesday, NATO members agreed to adopt a new Strategic Concept. This policy blueprint sets out the alliance’s stance toward partners, non-members, and adversaries, with the 2022 iteration naming Russia as the “most significant and direct threat” to the bloc.

On the other hand, Moscow has labeled NATO’s expansion into former Soviet states since the end of the Cold War – which Western leaders explicitly promised in the early 1990s would not happen – as a threat against its own security. NATO’s official position on Ukraine, set out in the 2008 Bucharest Declaration, is that it and Georgia “will become members of NATO” at an unspecified future date. Russia has cited Ukraine’s pursuit of NATO membership as a key factor behind the current conflict.

Despite the alliance’s post-Cold War march into the former Eastern Bloc, Stoltenberg claimed on Wednesday that “NATO has strived for a better relationship with Russia for decades.”

7 Confessions That Will Take You On A Rollercoaster Of Emotions

1. A dying wife

Me and my wife were having serious issues and then she got sick with cancer.

That came like a mack truck. She said a lot of the grief she gave me was because she knew she was sick and was ashamed of burdening me and leaving me as a widow dad of four kids under 13.

I took care of that woman like she was one of my boys. That experience took 10 years off my life.

Her death was easy compared to the aftermath…

I was going through her computer and saw that she had a separate email account which was odd.

That was on purpose.

This bitch was planning on blindsiding with a divorce and was going back and forth with different lawyers about making me a weekend dad, throwing me out of my house and even seeing if I’d pay her legal bills.

This went on, for months up until a week before she saw the doctor and found out that she had terminal cancer.

This slag used me to take care of her in her final days because no one else would.

I won’t tell my kids…yet.

2. Manager for OnlyFans

I was working for a company (out of many like this) dedicated to entirely manage OnlyFans accounts for girls. Basically these girls never did anything else than just taking the pictures and videos for us.

80% of workers were guys, 20% were girls, but it’s all fake. Even when you think that the person is real and is actually talking to you, she is not.

Even when the account is verified, it could be fake.

I feel bad because I talked to MANY guys who fell in love for a girl who doesn’t even know they exist and we had to take as much money as we could from everyone, that was the goal.

We were so good at it that our standards were 700-1000 USD per day with each account, and each worker had to manage 6 accounts, so imagine the amount of money we made monthly.

So my advice: only pay OnlyFans girls when they give you a live proof that they are real, like making an specific gesture with their hand on a selfie. Don’t trust videos where they say they are real, don’t trust audios, don’t trust pictures that seem taken at the same time… Or just watch porn.

Also: it’s a PPV site and therefore it’s just a business, so don’t be the guy who just wants free content, it’s annoying af, real or not 🙂

3. Growing up from a bad childhood

So I’m not sure exactly where to put this so I thought here would be an okay place. Lately I’ve been seeing in a lot more liberal groups especially, that saying poor people shouldn’t have children is eugenics and it’s wrong blah blah blah. But I feel like a lot of people saying this haven’t had to experience growing up poor. In poverty, and homelessness.

My parent’s were poor and could barley take care of themselves, they lived in a motel when they got pregnant with me.

My entire childhood was a horrible experience having to grow up and not knowing if you were going to get fed, or have a roof over your head, it fucking sucked.

It hurt even more since I lived in a town where everyone was well off, so as a kid I never got to experience things a lot of other kids do, like going to camp, taking summer trips to Disneyland, or playing their games on their nice TVs.

Growing up being the oldest girl I raised both of my little brothers since my parents couldn’t afford childcare, which led to me missing out on opportunities with my peers, I was so socially awkward for not being around people my age enough that even to this day.

I am 21 years old and all my friends are in their early 30s late 20s because I feel like I cannot relate to people my age.

I feel like I was forced to grow up way to fast and I would be lying if part of me said I didn’t resent my parents for having me knowing they couldn’t afford to.

I dont know, if you’re someone who can barley take care of themselves, do yourself and your future child a favor and just put off having children until you can afford them.

I think a lot of people see having children as a right, instead of seeing a child as a human being that has rights.

And sorry if I hurt anyone’s feelings by saying this, but yes I truly believe if you’re poor you shouldn’t be having children, it’s not you who suffers, it’s the child.

4. Short Guys

Gave the short guy a chance and it was totally worth it

I started seeing this shorter guy, 5’5, and I really like him. I myself am 5’11, so there’s already a huge difference. He carries himself with so much confidence, he doesn’t even care if I wear heels which I have when we go out. Phew, the sex is amazing too. Definitely the best I’ve ever had. I’ve never had someone fit between my legs so perfectly before. Now whenever I see a shorter man, I wonder what they’re like in bed and I feel an instant attraction. Go short kings! Shoot your shot at the tall girls!

5. Imagine Dragons

I unironically love Imagine Dragons

I get it. It’s “corporate rock.” They’re “sellouts.” It’s “fake” music.

But the surge of emotion I feel listening to “Birds”, and the way I bop my head with confidence to “Enemy” is very real.

Guys, we are ALL being manipulated by all forms of media, all of the time. Marvel is designed to be cinematic brain candy. Pop music is the same. We crave distraction and bursts of dopamine first, and meaning and profundity second.

And while I do love GOOD music too, I’m finally ready to stand up and say this. It feels like a weight has been lifted off me.

6. Prostitute from my kid brother

I’m 30 and my little brother is 24. He’s honestly the best brother I could have asked for. I still remember the day he was born and holding my newborn baby brother when I was a kid. As we grew up I always knew he was different but he’s my brother and I love him and I wouldn’t change him. He’s honestly one of my best friends and having a brother with downs syndrome, especially one like him has made me a better person.

Last month my parents went out of town for a few days and they asked if I’d stay with my brother and take care of the house. While he might have downs syndrome he’s not entirely helpless he just can’t really be on his own like that. So of course I agreed and brought my PS5 over and some games, snacks and beers, I called out of work for a few days and figured we’d have some fun just like when we were kids.

We were having a great time and were talking the first day while taking turns playing Elden Ring and my bro started the game and got to the part where the guy calls you “maidenless” and I said something like “Ooooo he called you maidenless bro…daaaaaaamn.” and my brother got super sad looking and I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I am maidenless. I’ll never have a girlfriend.” So we talked about that for a bit and he was actually feeling super depressed because he’s never had a girlfriend and didn’t think he ever would. We kind of talked it out and he was really sad and I decided fuck it we can find him a girl.

I called a couple people I knew who were into that sort of thing to see if they knew anyone. Well one of my buddies had a number of this girl so I gave her a call. She was actually super sweet and understanding about the situation and she said she’d be glad to show my brother a good time for her usual rate. She had a cousin with downs so she was very sympathetic.

I told my brother I’d pay a girl to come over and show him some fun on the condition that our parents will die without knowing I hired a prostitute to come to their house. He agreed.

So I made plans for her to come over, got my brother shaved and showered for his date. She showed up dressed up super nice she was also super hot. I’m no chef but I had picked up some food from Olive Garden for them. She was a genuinely nice person and was really good with him and I just left them to do their thing while I played the playstation in the livingroom. Eventually they passed by going upstairs to his room. I put my headphones on and kept playing.

Eventually they came back down and both had big smiles on their faces. She hung out with us a bit then it was time for her to go. I handed her the cash plus some extra as a bonus. She said my brother was a sweetheart and that I was a good brother to do something like that for him and that she had a good time. She handed me half the cash back.

Eventually my parents came back and thankfully are none the wiser as my mother especially would probably kill me. My brother is super appreciative and said it was the most fun he’d ever had. I have no regrets.

7. Ugly. Ugly. Ugly. Girl.

I can’t really say this out loud to anyone in my personal life because it would hurt my family members and my friends would try to console me because they love me but honestly, my life has been ruined due to my ugliness.

I’m not overweight, I dress well and I do my best to treat others well but none of this matters because I simply have a very ugly face. No men have ever approached me or wanted to date me because why would any man want to date a hideous woman who doesn’t even look like a woman? I don’t blame them, I mean I could be dressed in the most feminine clothing and i would still not look like a real woman because of my face

My entire life, a lot of people have been mean to me (including some relatives) because of how ugly I am – it’s so sad but true that even little kids who are perceived as “unattractive” get treated worse by adults

I’m only in my 20s but it’s so painful to know that I’m never going to get married or have my own children with a spouse who loves me.

I understand that it’s not any one else’s job to try and make me feel better about the fact that I am ugly because it’s not like anyone intentionally did this to me.

I have siblings who are actually reasonably attractive people so it’s not even like my parents genetics are necessarily bad but I just ended up with the worst combination of their genes and honestly, what is the point of living like this.

I feel so alone in this experience because I’ve barely ever met any other women who are naturally unattractive. Every woman I know gets hit on by men and approached for dating. I wish I knew what it was like to have a man want me sexually

In Ancient China, after the emperor died, he needed a group of people to follow him to another world and continue to serve him, so there would be some people buried alive with him.

Most of his entourage were concubines.


When the grave was excavated, the discovery shocked the entire Chinese archaeological community. A total of 186 people were buried with the emperor!

Many people believe that the 186 martyrs who were in the Qin Cemetery were buried alive for Duke Mu of Qin.


In fact, according to archaeologists, 160 of them died voluntarily. The rest were probably prisoners of war or concubines.

2. Chinese archaeologists found an ancient tomb. There are about 80 corpses of grave robbers (those who dig graves to steal artifacts or personal objects in tombs) inside.


These are called quicksand graves, which the ancients used to deter grave robbers.

This mechanism takes advantage of the instability of the sand. The craftsmen poured some quicksand over the tomb chamber. Once the grave robbers entered the grave through the hole, quicksand mixed with sharp stones would plug the hole quickly, and then kill the tomb robbers or trap them in it.


Archaeologists sent excavators to clear the sand, and the next discovery shocked everyone.

At the bottom of the tomb chamber, there were 80 corpses inside.

According to research by experts, 80 people who died in the graves were grave robbers. They are trapped in a tomb that is always filled with quicksand. The tragedy at the tomb cannot be forgotten.


While the quicksand grave mechanism seems cruel (uh), stealing the contents of the grave itself is also wrong.

Such tombs could protect the owner of the tomb from outside disturbances, and at the same time, they could also preserve the cultural heritage contained in the tomb, which made one admire how wise the people of that time were.

Real data about the possible spread of Bio-warfare agents

Russia currently has some 6,000 or more Ukrainian war prisoners. Many of
these men are wounded, and all of them have had health checks. This
comes from the Russian MOD, at the end of a long article on Telegram
about the bio-labs. (I did not absorb the total article.) But this
conclusion is interesting:

I would like to present real data on the health condition of the
voluntarily surrendered Ukrainian servicemen. This dispositive presents
the data on presence of antibodies to contagious disease agents without
mentioning personal data of these servicemen.

The results are as follows: 33% of the examined servicemen had had
hepatitis A, over 4% had renal syndrome fever and 20% had West Nile
fever. The figures are significantly higher than the statistical
averages. In view of active research of these diseases held by the
Pentagon within the Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that
servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were involved as
volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerance of dangerous
infectious diseases.

The current lack of therapeutic effect of antibacterial medication has
been reported during in-patient treatment of AFU servicemen in medical
facilities. High concentrations of antibiotics, including sulphonyl
amides and fluoroquinolones, have been detected in their blood.

This fact may indicate preventive use of antibiotics and preparation of
personnel for operating in conditions of biological contamination, such
as cholera agent, that indirectly proves the information of the Russian
Defense Ministry that Ukrainian special units were planning to use
biological agents.

The data will be included in the U.S. military-biological dossier and we
will continue to examine it and keep you informed.

It is the western media which is blaming them for everything that goes wrong on our planet.

You must remember that in the US, the for-profit corporate media is owned by only six corporations, and they are dependent on several major advertisers for most of their income. These advertisers are all American, and they want to weave a narrative about the US and the world which they and the American government can support:

  • “America is the greatest country in the world, and you should be proud to live in it because you have freedom and democracy!”
  • “Freedom and democracy are under threat in the rest of the world from Russia and China who want to spread dictatorships all over the world, and are against everything Americans stand for!”
  • “You must support everything the US stands for without question because if you don’t, you are a bad person who supports Russia and China and what they are trying to do!”
  • “Don’t ask any awkward questions. We have told you everything you need to know, so just shut up!”

Now, these corporate media types hang out with their billionaire globalist buddies and their government minions at Davos and other venues, where they make deals and pat each other on the back about what a good job the West is doing running the world.

Or was doing running the world because things are going pear-shaped pretty fast in 2022.

So the problem is that while most Americans and Europeans have no trouble buying into this narrative, many other countries are not. Example: Many governments are not supporting or enforcing the Western sanctions against Russia. Some of them are significant countries like China, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Argentina and Saudi Arabia.

They have decided to stay neutral over the Ukraine matter and continue to do business with Russia while most of NATO Europe does not do business with Russia.

This should make you, dear reader, ask the question “Why am I getting such a different view of Russia in the west from those other countries and governments?”

The answer is simple: Those countries do not rely only on the Western media to tell them what to think. In those countries, their governments usually have control of the media, not private for-profit media corporations. Their governments want their people to have a very different worldview than what Americans have.

So, instead of seeing Russia and China as nation-states which do not deserve to exist, they see Russia and China as having governments which are no longer content to have the west dictate the terms of world affairs unilaterally.

Which is why Russia and China founded BRICS. They have now positioned BRICS as an alternative to G7 and are asking other nations which share their views to join it.

That is what is going on.

I remember my first night before battle.

The Croats in Bosnia had assembled almost 20.000 troops, which was about half their army, to make a decisive attack against the positions of the Bosnian army. My unit was right in the middle. Preparations had already started days before the attack. Nobody told us that there would be an attack, but this wasn’t necessary, we saw the signs everywhere.

At first a reconnaissance unit from Croatia came to our base and started to observe the territory with some big binoculars. The next day some high ranking officers arrived and were discussing their plans over maps and aerial fotos.

Two days before day zero a mortar unit set up a dozen of 82 mm mortars in our backyard. And finally, when there was only one day to go, a complete mechanized infantry brigade from Croatia arrived. As my unit was our brigade’s intervention unit, the freshly arrived Croats sent their intervention unit to join us. We would attack together with them.

It was all very busy and crowded at our camp during these days. People coming and going. Trucks bringing ammunitions and weapons.

Finally all preparations came to an end and the support and logistics troops left us in the afternoon. Dusk settled in and everybody knew that the next morning would be the day. Some alcohol was served and we were reminded not to drink too much of it. One of my comrades didn’t listen and passed out somewhere. Another one started vomiting, not from the alcohol, but from stress and anxiety.

Most soldiers were busy preparing their gear, cleaning their rifles and getting ammo for their guns.

Around midnight a blue cotton ribbon was given to each soldier. We were told to put them on our uniforms to easily recognize each other as friendly troops. This was necessary as our enemy had very similar uniforms to ours.

After midnight an eerie quiet settled in. All weapons were cleaned, checked and double checked. Everybody was prepared and there was nothing left to do then wait. You can clean your weapon only that many times and puke your guts out only once.

In these last moments most soldiers preferred not to talk to each other, but to stay for themselves. I saw some of them praying. Others tried to sleep, but most of us were just laying down on our flak jackets, staring holes into the night sky and smoking one cigarette after another.

This moment reminded me of all the soldiers and armies in history who found themselves in the same situation. From ancient Germanic tribes , the French in Dien Bien Phu to our own enemy who was just a couple of hundred meters away. They must have felt the same thing. Being part of a big army going into combat you feel big and tiny at the same time. Fate is out of your hands and you can just hope and pray that tomorrow at the same time you will still be alive. You look around and watch your comrades. To see how they cope and to remember their faces. Some of them won’t come back.

My squad leader interrupted my thinking. We were called to pick up our gear and to advance to our starting positions. As our base was practically in the center of the attack, we just had to sit there and watch the other units to leave, wondering what will happen to them.

Then came our turn. We walked a few meters to our trenches to await the final signal for the attack from there. It was now absolutely quiet and dark. No talk, no cigarettes. Everybody’s eyes were directed towards enemy territory.

Then a small “blop” sound behind us, seconds later a sound over our heads, like a gush of wind or a swarm of wild geese flying over us and finally a big explosion in front of us, right in the middle of the enemy’s positions.

The waiting was over and the game was on…

What happened next?

We left the trench in small groups of five or six soldiers. I was the last soldier to get out. This was my first “big” battle and I decided to take it slowly. We were walking in single file, because the first soldier had to keep us clear of the mines. We had mined the whole area around our base just a couple of weeks before and although nobody had made any maps that could show us where the mines were, the guy we had put to walk in front had a good memory and knew which places to avoid.

Our own artillery now started a massive barrage. As we advanced so did our artillery fire, constantly hitting targets about two or three hundred meters in front of us.

After about two hundred meters we came to the first buildings of an enemy village. There was nobody there. We had expected some resistance, but not a single shot was fired at us. There were not even the unavoidable dogs around to bark at us. The village was totally dead, so we thought. We slowly passed through it and nothing happened.

Behind the village were several railroad tracks. We were about to enter a big industrial area. In the upcoming light of dawn I could make out warehouses, an oil refinery with several huge oil storage tanks and a lot of smaller buildings, like pump stations and office buildings. There were plenty of railroad tracks going in every direction and on them were dozens of railroad wagons of all kinds.

While we navigated ourselves towards the oil refinery a bullet zipped over our heads. Used to getting shot at we continued our way without even looking up. After a minute a second bullet hit a nearby railway wagon. The more we approached the refinery the more shots were fired at us. They seemed to come from all directions, even from the village that we had left behind. Every time a bullet hit a railway car it was ricocheting from the metal surface with a nasty “pling” sound. From somewhere somebody with a megaphone started yelling : Allah u Akhbar! “

We ran the last meters to the refinery. The bullets were now raining at us. We hunkered down in a trench near a giant oil storage tank which luckily seemed to be empty. Every time a bullet hit this storage tank it made a resonating sound like a drum. Soon it was like a thousand drums were playing all at once.

Now the first enemy grenades were hitting nearby. Mortar and RPG grenades, which could be fired only from a close distance. Although by now we had complete daylight, we still couldn’t figure out from where the enemy was shooting at us. We encountered another small group from our unit nearby. They had made out an enemy position at the far end of the refinery and decided to attack it. I saw one of the guys fixing his bayonet to his AK rifle. Then they disappeared. We also decided to move, but in another direction, towards a big warehouse building next to the refinery.

The building was half empty and we used its cover to take a break from the bullets and grenades, smoke a cigarette and wait for orders coming over the radio. This was a warehouse from a tea factory: There were thousands of teabags everywhere around us: Chamomile tea. The smell of it became soon intolerable.

By listening to the radio communication we got a clearer image about what was going on : Obviously there were still enemy troops in the village we had marched through earlier on. They either hadn’t seen us when we sneaked through or they had decided to let us pass. Either way, the enemy was now between us and our base. They were in well camouflaged positions and we were an easy target for them. Furthermore, the group of soldiers we had encountered earlier on near the refinery was now in serious trouble and had suffered its first casualties.

We were ordered to retreat. Now we just had to find a way back. We decided to try our luck by following the railway line in one direction to get around the enemy village and then to cut through open ground and reach our own lines. This was easier said than done: We left the warehouse on the opposite side from where we’ve entered it and met two more groups of our unit. It seemed that by retreating from the enemy’s fire most of our unit had ended up right in this spot. We all took cover in a long trench which ran along the side of the building.

Now snipers were starting to aim at us while mortar and RPG grenades were hitting the trench. It was clear that if we would stay there any longer we would all be doomed.

The only way out was a small road, but there was absolutely no cover for at least 400 meters. We started to leave the trench in small groups of 2 or 3 while the remaining soldiers shot cover fire.

I was in the last group to leave. When I jumped out of the trench I ran over the first dead body just a couple of feet away. I ran maybe 10 meters before I fell to the ground and started crawling. There were bullets everywhere. A friend of mine crawled just in front of me and I saw how some tracer bullets were hitting the tarmac just inches away from him. Another soldier behind me got hit in the leg and started screaming.

We managed to crawl down the road until we were stopped by a big wire fence. It was too high to climb over it: All the soldiers who escaped the trench were piled up in front of this fence and were attracting enemy fire.

Finally we managed to cut through the wire of the fence by connecting an AK bayonet with its scabbard. This makes a perfect wire cutter. On the other side of the fence we continued crawling.

About 100 meters further down the road I reached the first of our own defense positions. I entered a small bunker, its floor was covered in blood. A wounded Croatian soldier was getting first aid there.

Meanwhile a Croatian T-55 tank was approaching to cover our retreat. Under its protection we started to evacuate some of the wounded soldiers along the road.

In the evening we took count: From 18 soldiers of our platoon six were killed during that day. Another two were missing. The next day we learned that they also got killed. The guy that I saw planting his bayonet on his AK was also dead. Another comrade was heavily injured by a head shot and died later in a hospital. Three days later two more soldiers of our platoon were killed when their car was hit by a mortar grenade.

The following week we buried our dead comrades. During one of the funerals we came under heavy artillery fire, but luckily nobody died.

And I don’t drink Chamomile tea anymore.

New Zealand Will Not Join the US Coalition Against China

Wellington’s deeply ingrained tradition of foreign policy independence and robust economic ties to China serve as a considerable constraint on major policy change.
...That said, a combination of countervailing imperatives, including New Zealand’s deeply ingrained tradition of foreign policy independence and robust economic ties to China serve as a considerable constraint on major policy change. New Zealand will not take lightly a decision to join a coalition against China.

Foreign policy independence is the practical expression of contemporary nationalism in New Zealand. It has two interlinked sources: geography and anti-nuclear sentiment. New Zealand’s geography epitomizes a low threat environment, which makes relative independence both an appealing and achievable goal. The country is located deep in the southern hemisphere. Its neighbors are either a close ally with near identical values and interests (Australia) or relatively small island states.

And then there is New Zealand’s anti-nuclear sentiment, which manifested itself in public aversion to the docking of nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed U.S. naval vessels in the 1970s. This was buttressed by then-Prime Minister David Lange’s widely endorsed statement in a March 1985 debate at Oxford University that “nuclear weapons are morally indefensible.” The back story is important to understand the clash of interests that broke the New Zealand-U.S. leg of the ANZUS alliance.

In February 1985, a crisis broke out in the alliance when the Reagan administration stuck to longstanding U.S. policy of not revealing whether its naval vessels were armed with nuclear weapons while transiting New Zealand’s territorial waters. Faced with this uncertainty, Wellington refused to allow a U.S. naval vessel access to New Zealand ports. When the Lange administration refused to change course, the United States suspended its ANZUS security obligations to New Zealand in August 1986.

Wellington then passed the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act in 1987, banning both nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed vessels from its ports. Congress responded immediately with the Broomfield Act, downgrading New Zealand’s status as a formal ally. To be sure, both sides have since sought to improve ties, as shown by the signing of the 2010 Wellington Declaration and the 2012 Washington Declaration. In February 2013, then-Prime Minister John Key even stated in an interview that “the relationship between New Zealand and the United States has never been better.” Nevertheless, Secretary of State George Shultz’s 1986 statement at the time of the ANZUS break, that “we remain friends, but we are no longer allies,” holds true.

Hard economic interests, exemplified in the contemporary China-New Zealand relationship, reinforce the imperative not to align with Washington against Beijing. Since signing a free trade agreement in 2008, China has become New Zealand’s top trade partner, with total trade exceeding US$33 billion in 2020. In the first quarter of 2022, New Zealand government figures reveal that China is the destination for more than 25 percent of New Zealand’s exports and the source for just under 20 percent of imports. Economic interdependence has a political effect. Like many states in the Indo-Pacific, there is a deep reluctance in New Zealand to get on the wrong side of China.

There is a clear record here. As far as possible, the New Zealand government’s formal statements of disagreement on China-related issues are expressed in as non-provocative a manner as possible. When China’s treatment of its Uyghur population in Xinjiang was heavily criticized in a non-binding resolution in parliament in 2021, the Ardern administration rejected any formal designation that genocide was occurring.

Truth be told, New Zealand’s engagement with China has been challenged as Beijing’s internal political sensitivities and problems are increasingly being projected abroad. Events in Auckland in June and July 2019 exemplify the point...

Full article HERE

The Bombardier Beetle


Meet the Bombardier Beetle, named so because it expels from its rear a highly combustible spray. It only smokes visually at this scale,, but make no mistake this is deadly!

This weapon, which is primarily used for defense, as with everything in the insect world, can fry everything within range. Ants, worms, other beetles, a spider, it all gets burns. The spray reaches temperatures of up to 100 degrees Celsius, most of it vaporizes from the heat. This bug likes its food charbroiled, apparently.

A letter…


If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? Turns Out It’s Just Chance.

The most successful people are not the most talented, just the luckiest, a new computer model of wealth creation confirms. Taking that into account can maximize return on many kinds of investment.

The distribution of wealth follows a well-known pattern sometimes called an 80:20 rule: 80 percent of the wealth is owned by 20 percent of the people. Indeed, a report in 2017 concluded that just eight men had a total wealth equivalent to that of the world’s poorest 3.8 billion people.

This seems to occur in all societies at all scales. It is a well-studied pattern called a power law that crops up in a wide range of social phenomena. But the distribution of wealth is among the most controversial because of the issues it raises about fairness and merit. Why should so few people have so much wealth?

The conventional answer is that we live in a meritocracy in which people are rewarded for their talent, intelligence, effort, and so on. Over time, many people think, this translates into the wealth distribution that we observe, although a healthy dose of luck can play a role.

But there is a problem with this idea: while wealth distribution follows a power law, the distribution of human skills generally follows a normal distribution that is symmetric about an average value. For example, intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, follows this pattern. Average IQ is 100, but nobody has an IQ of 1,000 or 10,000.

The same is true of effort, as measured by hours worked. Some people work more hours than average and some work less, but nobody works a billion times more hours than anybody else.

And yet when it comes to the rewards for this work, some people do have billions of times more wealth than other people. What’s more, numerous studies have shown that the wealthiest people are generally not the most talented by other measures.

What factors, then, determine how individuals become wealthy? Could it be that chance plays a bigger role than anybody expected? And how can these factors, whatever they are, be exploited to make the world a better and fairer place?

We finally get an answer thanks to the work of Alessandro Pluchino at the University of Catania in Italy and a couple of colleagues. These guys have created a computer model of human talent and the way people use it to exploit opportunities in life. The model allows the team to study the role of chance in this process.

The results are something of an eye-opener. Their simulations accurately reproduce the wealth distribution in the real world. But the wealthiest individuals are not the most talented (although they must have a certain level of talent). They are the luckiest. And this has significant implications for the way societies can optimize the returns they get for investments in everything from business to science.

Pluchino and co’s model is straightforward. It consists of N people, each with a certain level of talent (skill, intelligence, ability, and so on). This talent is distributed normally around some average level, with some standard deviation. So some people are more talented than average and some are less so, but nobody is orders of magnitude more talented than anybody else.

This is the same kind of distribution seen for various human skills, or even characteristics like height or weight. Some people are taller or smaller than average, but nobody is the size of an ant or a skyscraper. Indeed, we are all quite similar.

The computer model charts each individual through a working life of 40 years. During this time, the individuals experience lucky events that they can exploit to increase their wealth if they are talented enough.

However, they also experience unlucky events that reduce their wealth. These events occur at random.

At the end of the 40 years, Pluchino and co rank the individuals by wealth and study the characteristics of the most successful. They also calculate the wealth distribution. They then repeat the simulation many times to check the robustness of the outcome.

When the team rank individuals by wealth, the distribution is exactly like that seen in real-world societies. “The ‘80-20’ rule is respected, since 80 percent of the population owns only 20 percent of the total capital, while the remaining 20 percent owns 80 percent of the same capital,” report Pluchino and co.

That may not be surprising or unfair if the wealthiest 20 percent turn out to be the most talented. But that isn’t what happens. The wealthiest individuals are typically not the most talented or anywhere near it. “The maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa,” say the researchers.

So if not talent, what other factor causes this skewed wealth distribution? “Our simulation clearly shows that such a factor is just pure luck,” say Pluchino and co.

The team shows this by ranking individuals according to the number of lucky and unlucky events they experience throughout their 40-year careers. “It is evident that the most successful individuals are also the luckiest ones,” they say. “And the less successful individuals are also the unluckiest ones.”

That has significant implications for society. What is the most effective strategy for exploiting the role luck plays in success?

Pluchino and co study this from the point of view of science research funding, an issue clearly close to their hearts. Funding agencies the world over are interested in maximizing their return on investment in the scientific world. Indeed, the European Research Council invested $1.7 million in a program to study serendipity—the role of luck in scientific discovery—and how it can be exploited to improve funding outcomes.

It turns out that Pluchino and co are well set to answer this question. They use their model to explore different kinds of funding models to see which produce the best returns when luck is taken into account.

The team studied three models, in which research funding is distributed equally to all scientists; distributed randomly to a subset of scientists; or given preferentially to those who have been most successful in the past. Which of these is the best strategy?

The strategy that delivers the best returns, it turns out, is to divide the funding equally among all researchers. And the second- and third-best strategies involve distributing it at random to 10 or 20 percent of scientists.

In these cases, the researchers are best able to take advantage of the serendipitous discoveries they make from time to time. In hindsight, it is obvious that the fact a scientist has made an important chance discovery in the past does not mean he or she is more likely to make one in the future.

A similar approach could also be applied to investment in other kinds of enterprises, such as small or large businesses, tech startups, education that increases talent, or even the creation of random lucky events.

Clearly, more work is needed here. What are we waiting for?

Ref: : Talent vs. Luck: The Role of Randomness in Success and Failure

Noteworthy “news”


What happened after the death of Caeser


In all, the group of conspirators that plotted against Caesar was large- with 60 men at least. However many of these men merely dipped their hands in Caesar’s blood and tried to take credit.

The actual killers are as follows

  1. Tillius Cimber: He initiated the assassination
  2. Publius Servilius Casca: The first to attack Caesar, cutting his shoulder
  3. Gaius Cassius Longinus: This was the first man to stab Caesar
  4. Titiedius Servilius Casca: This was the second man to stab Caesar
  5. Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus: The third to stab Caesar, he stabbed him in the thigh
  6. Marcus Junius Brutus: Brutus delivered the final blow, killing Caesar by stabbing him in the groin

These 6 men were the main guys that actually killed Caesar. There were lots of other conspirators that helped but these are the actual assassins.

So what happened to them? Nothing good.

After the assassination, Mark Antony met with these men and Cicero to strike a deal. You see the assassins had made an error.

The murder of Caesar could be justified legally by being tyrannicide. In Rome, the murder of a tyrant was legal. However, if Caesar was declared a Tyrant all of his decisions were voided. It turns out that all of these assassins were appointed to their positions by Caesar.

So the deal was that Caesar’s laws and appointments would stand and that they would conduct a public funeral as a sign of unity.

During this funeral, Mark Antony rose to speak. He first talked about how much Caesar loved the people and how he had donated his wealth to them. He read Caesar’s will which stipulated that every citizen be given the equivariant of 3 months’ wages. Then, he brought out a wax statue of Caesar that depicted the stab wounds graphically.

The crowd went nuts and began to attack the conspirators. They flew into a frenzy and all of Caesar’s assassins were forced to flee.

These men would head East and raise a large army to march on Rome. Meanwhile, Caesar’s heir and Antony got their own Army together. There was a battle and Caesar’s assassins lost.

  • Brutus, Casca, Titiedius, and Cassius killed themselves after being defeated
  • Decimus was killed by Antony early on in a small Civil War
  • Cimber died in combat during the battle with Octavian and Antony

As for the other plotters that helped- they were all killed by Octavian and Antony. When Octavian began Consul he purged Rome of everyone who was anti-Caesar including even Cicero.

The Most Amazing Lasagna

This is a great video. Inspirational!

Emperor Honorius was an idiot


Honorius was one of the last “major” emperors of the Western Roman Empire. He ruled for a long time from 393 – 423, which is much longer than the average 7 years emperors reigned for.

He oversaw the collapse of his Empire. He witnessed it slowly decline into a failed shell of its former self. Worse yet – he did nothing to stop it.

Flavius Stilicho was the last great Roman leader (or one of the last). He was a brilliant general who saved Italy 2 times at least. He personally saved Honorius twice and negotiated a decades-long peace with the Sassanid Persians.

Stilicho really tried to save the empire. He wasn’t out for wealth or fame – he just really wanted to save Rome. He had limited resources, limited time, and was one of the only capable men in all of the Empire. Yet again and again he desperately tried to save the empire.

Whenever things seemed doomed, when armies were at the gates of the capital, Stilicho would raise an army, taking garrisons where he could and hiring barbarians to serve him and rush down to save Italy.

Alaric – the man who sacked Rome and one of the most brilliant generals of the age – was defeated by Stilicho twice.

As stated, Honorius was an idiot and a child. He allowed everyone to manipulate him and cared nothing for Rome so long as he got to live in luxury. Luckily for Rome, Stilicho dominated him and was the de facto ruler of the empire.

Eventually, Stilicho found himself in a hard space. He relied on barbarians to fill the ranks of his army. The Senate and Nobles hated this, but he couldn’t do anything else as they refused to allow Stilicho to recruit from their estates.

Stilicho wanted to eventually reunite East and West, but for now, he wanted Illyria back, hoping to use it as recruitment grounds. Illyria meanwhile was in the hands of the Eastern Roman Empire and Emperor Arcadius (Honorius’s just-as-stupid brother) refused to give it back.

When Arcadius died, Stilicho had a choice. He could go down to Constantinople and influence the process of crowning a new emperor. Maybe he could get Illyria back and help unite East and West. But by doing so he would be leaving Italy and Honorius would be alone – surrounded by Stilicho’s enemies. What if they turned Honorius against him?

Stilicho chose to head to Constantinople and press Honorius’s claims. It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.

Before he even left the Western Empire, Honorius fell under the sway of Olympius – an anti-barbarian racist who hated Stilicho. Olympius turned Honorius against Stilicho with ease and that was it.

Stilicho’s army revolted against him. His loyal officers were executed along with their families, and the Roman elements turned against their general. Stilicho heard and turned back. He was hoping to get a chance to speak with Honorius and fix this. He knew the risk but made for Ravenna anyway. Soon he was found and captured at a church by Honorius’s men.

He was taken away to be executed. When his bodyguards protested, Stilicho waved them off and allowed himself to be executed. In the end, he knew that a civil war would cost the empire too dearly and so he allowed himself to be killed.

A true man of Rome until the end. He was 10 times the man that ruled over the Western Roman Empire and had Stilicho been serving a capable emperor maybe the empire could have been saved.

With Stilicho gone, Rome lost maybe its last real hope of survival. Even with Stilicho alive the odds of Rome surviving were practically 0. However with Stilicho gone, everything came crashing down around the empty uncaring head of Honorius.

I guess nobody realized exactly how much of the Empire Stilicho was alone holding together. They soon would.

Bear with me a moment – this all comes full circle.

You see Rome at this time faced 3 really serious issues:

  1. Millions of barbarians pouring into the Empire. They had all been displaced by the Huns
  2. No money to raise a large army to resist this migration
  3. No recruits to fill the ranks even if they had enough money

This is what Stilicho was dealing with as well.

In response, Rome had a decent idea. They gave the barbarians pieces of the Empire under the condition they fight for Rome. This could have worked too. Rome’s great strength was their ability to assimilate new peoples into the Empire. After all, they had been doing it for 1000 years well enough.

In fact, the Roman Republic had a similar set up in Italy. They left everyone their independence if they just sent men to fight.

With this move, Rome hoped to bolster its ranks for cheap while also keeping the barbarian on their side. It’s actually not a bad idea at all and may have worked.

So where does Stilicho fit in?

Well, Stilicho was not a Roman or at least not ethnically. He was half Vandal, which made him almost a barbarian in the eyes of the Romans.

But for Stilicho, this was an advantage. He was able to easily work with the Goths and Vandals and Franks, because in a way he was one of them. He wasn’t some uppity Italian Noble looking down his nose at everyone – he was one of the boys.

In a way, this made Stilicho the symbol of this new Roman world. He was a Roman by choice – a full-blooded die-hard Roman that really believed in the Empire and the eternal city. But he was also a barbarian. He should have been a symbol of the future – but it was never so.

Stilicho thus carefully cultivated a large army of barbarian auxiliaries to reinforce his dwindling numbers.

Over the decades, this army became rather formidable. It was an army that tasted victory after victory and never knew defeat. It was an army of veterans led by a brilliant tactician – it was exactly what Rome needed.

When anti-barbarian racist Olympius took over as Honorius’s new master, he basically sent these barbarians packing. Just like that, the veteran backbone of the Roman army was gone. Worse yet – this hardened army of veterans was now hungry, far from home, and a bit angry.

Naturally, Alaric was there to take them in. Suddenly Alaric went from recently defeated and on the ropes – to flush with hardened warriors. Just as suddenly Rome had no army and no good generals.

I’m sure this won’t lead to a legendary sack of a famous city or anything.

Speaking of sacking and cities, let’s talk about another stupid thing Honorius did.

So Alaric is looking good. The only man who could ever stop him, Stilicho, is dead. Even better, Stilicho’s army is now his army. So Alaric decides he is going to make a move for power.

Alaric invades Italy and Rome has literally no army to do anything about it. Alaric doesn’t want to conquer Italy though. He just wants to blockade Rome, have the Senate pay him off, and leave.

The Senate pays him and he honors his deal and leaves Rome. He then heads up to Ravenna to meet with Honorius and negotiate a long term peace deal.

Alaric makes the following demands

  1. A spot as a Roman general
  2. A yearly stipend of gold for his people
  3. Grain shipments to keep his people fed
  4. Land in Illyria and independence

The Senate comes up from Rome to meet with Honorius. They tell him to take the deal – Alaric is strong and there is nothing they can do.

Honorius agrees to everything except making Alaric a general.

Alaric then changes his tune. He suddenly drops all his demands. He simply demands land along the Danube and regular food shipments and in exchange, he would defend the Roman border.

We need to stop here and talk about this. Alaric has an army – the ONLY army in the area. Rome can literally do nothing to stop him. All he wants is some food and useless land along the Danube river and in return, he is willing to defend the Roman border from the coming barbarian hordes. This is an amazing deal. This is like someone holding a gun to your head and demanding you take their cash.

A lot of historians question why Alaric offered this deal. Most, including myself, think that he was planning ahead. He knew Rome was 1 good emperor away from being on top of the world and that he was positioning himself as a friend of Rome when that day came.

Either way, it doesn’t matter, because Honorius is an idiot.


(Yeah. No shit!)

Alaric then sacked Rome……

Rome, the eternal city, a city that had not been taken for 800 years was sacked. 800 years…. think about that. The USA is 250 years old. So go way back to George Washington, then do that 3 times. That’s how long Rome remained safe.

This was really the true ending of Rome.

From here, the barbarians would continue to sack Rome. They made a few efforts to stay alive, but they lacked the funds, manpower, and resources to do anything at all.

Imagine how much a skilled general like Alaric with 40,000 veteran soldiers could have helped turn things around. And again – they were doing it for free.

So no matter how dumb you are, you will NEVER be as dumb as Honorius.

To be clear he

  1. Killed the best general Rome had seen in perhaps a century
  2. Then allowed his only decent army to go over to his enemies’ side
  3. When his enemy offered to fight for him he REFUSED
  4. He allowed Rome to be sacked

I mean if you tried to suck at life you still couldn’t be this bad.

EDIT: I am deleting comments about Trump. This question and answer couldn’t have less to do with Trump. No – Honorius is not Donald Trump. Honorius was a child that watched his empire burn while feeding chickens.

Artist Imagines How Pop Culture Characters Would Look If They Were Saints


Digital artist Gedo, better known as @gedogfx to his followers on his Instagram account, recently created an amazing project where he transformed famous characters from pop culture into holy figures.

All of these figures have halos and majestic religious clothes to portray them as saints and unique symbols that represent their characters best. If you look closely, you will see that the Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen, from the famous American fantasy drama series Game of Thrones, is portrayed with a little dragon resting on her shoulder. Or Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, the American crime film by Quentin Tarantino, is shown with a needle in her heart as a reference to the scene where she almost dies after overdosing on heroin, but is saved by Vincent, who stabs her in the heart with a syringe full of adrenaline.

So if you’re wondering how famous pop culture characters would look as saints with a little bit of dark humor, you’ll surely love these illustrations.


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Death trap for the USA, Greek fire under the ocean, some delicious sweet potato pie and the Funniest Raccoon Memes

I like to think that there are some really great things here. I hope you enjoy this post.

Smile for the day…


Norway and Russia settle cargo dispute

Norway and Russia have found a way to deliver goods to Russian settlements on Norway’s Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.

The statement comes after a week of tension between Moscow and Oslo, after Norway halted two cargo containers destined for Russian miners living on the archipelago on June 15, citing sanctions imposed on Moscow over its conflict with Ukraine.

Russia insisted that Norway’s “unacceptable” ban on supply deliveries was depriving Russian miners of “critical” goods, including food, medical equipment, building materials, and spare parts. Moscow threatened “appropriate retaliatory measures” if the issue was not resolved.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry now claims that the containers were blocked because they were being transported on Russian vehicles, which were banned from bringing cargo over the Russian-Norwegian border. However, it noted that there would be no issue if these containers were brought to the miners using Norwegian vehicles instead.

Dad Recycles Old Crayons Into New Ones for Schools, Hospitals and Art Programs


No young artist can resist the crisp, new box of crayons that back-to-school season so often brings, but not every little artist has access to them.


He now extends their useful life through his nonprofit startup, The Crayon Initiative, boiling them down and repurposing them into new boxes of crayons for kids in need.


It’s changing the shape of the crayons themselves, too, making them easier for special-needs children to hold. It all started about four years ago, when the Danville, California dad was out to eat with his family one evening, and the waitress brought crayons for the kids.


“He was fiddling with a crayon and said, ‘I wonder what happens to these when we leave,’” his wife, Marissa Ware, told Contra Costa Times.


More than 100,000 boxes, donated from all over the U.S., have already been transformed into 800,000 thicker, triangular-bodied crayons, while towering bags of old crayons, sorted by color still await their turn in the melting pot.


Bryan Ware estimates he has invested nearly $30,000 of his own money into the startup. He partnered with a physical therapist to create the new crayons’ easy-grip design, then arranged for the manufacture of the metal molds needed to transform old crayons into the new shape.


With the old crayons piling up in his garage, what he needs now is the corporate funding to scale up and move the operation out of his family’s home and into a proper production facility, complete with warehouse.


But for now, with or without other family members’ help, he’ll go on spending 30 to 40 hours a week at the kitchen stove, stirring two big stainless-steel pots full of melting crayons.


To learn more or to donate to the Crayon Initiative, go to Old crayons can be sent to 540 Glasgow Circle, Danville, CA, 94526.


NASA to build a nuclear base in the moon before Russia and China

According to recent reports, NASA and the U.S Department of Energy (DOE), announced on June 21, that they are jointly advancing space nuclear technology. They have planned three design concept proposals for The Fission Surface Power Project. Russia and China already have similar concepts.

The project plans to build a 40 kilowatt-class nuclear fission power system on the moon. According to NASA, this power system can power 30 homes for 10 years, the equivalent of a small nuclear power plant. The design proposals came from US aerospace companies Lockheed Martin Space Systems, and Electrical Companies Westinghouse and IX. The latter is a joint venture between autonomous driving systems company Intuitive Machines and nuclear reactor designer X-Energy. These companies will each receive a 12-month contract worth $5 million.

NASA and DOE want to explore nuclear technology in space. After all, electricity is not available on the moon or beyond, and other methods aren’t viable. When astronauts get to the moon and then to Mars, they will need a reliable and portable power system. The power system should also be able to operate in different places and in different environmental and weather conditions. Nuclear Fission Power generation systems meet these criteria.

Until the end of the century, NASA and DOE hopes to test a 40 kW class nuclear fission system on the moon. This power system will pave the way for long-term human missions to the moon and Mars.

“The nuclear fission surface energy project is a practical first step toward building a nuclear power plant on the moon for the United States,” John Wagner, director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, said in a statement.”

To recall, NASA had already tested another space nuclear power project. The KiloPower Project was launched in 2015, as the new generation of space nuclear reactors. In May 2018, the project completed all major surface tastes. Last year, DOE and NASA collaborated on a request for comments asking the U.S. companies to provide design concepts for nuclear fission surface energy systems.

The goal is clearly to build solid energy stations between the Moon and other planets. For now, everything sounds like a big brainstorm, but we can’t say that this is impossible. Worth noting that China, Russia, and other aerospace powers have also begun to explore the application of nuclear energy in space. We are curious to see if this will be the start of another technological race. Aerospace exploration, once again, will be a center of discussion in the next few years. The cold way between Russia and the United States accelerated space exploration several years ago. Now, we’re living in an era of tensions between these three countries. Will this lead to a second cold war? Time will tell.

Katharina Detzel

Katharina was admitted to an asylum after sabotaging the rails of a train so that it crashed, for stealing, and many other crimes.

The curious thing about this woman is that when she arrived at the asylum, Katharina made a life-size doll with the straw from her bed. She hit him when she was angry, and when she was happy she danced with him. This doll, she gave her the surrogate love that she needed so badly while inside the mental institution.


As you can see, the doll has three key features, a beard, glasses and a penis.

During her stay, she tried to escape from the institution numerous times, and after almost 20 years trying, she succeeded, after which she was taken to another mental institution where she was never known what became of her.


In her desire for freedom she made a whole series of runners and keys out of wood. She made figurines from bread dough (e.g. Shakespeare). Detzel also worked on a human figure with wings and made the photographed life-size male, which she hanged in her single cell. With the help of this figure (which exuded a certain authority with glasses, penis and beard, it reminds us of the ideal type of a scientist or physician of that time) Detzel tried to be relocated from the cell to the dormitory, from where she could escape. She explained to the doctors that she would soon be like this doll: should she continue to be isolated, then she too would soon be lifeless in the cell. Detzel was unsuccessful: The doctors did not respond to her threat, but removed almost all items from the cell: mattress, canvas, clothes (even her shirt) was taken from the patient, she has only chaff in the cell.

Detzel continued to vigorously opposing the suppression of patients by staff and sanctions (e.g. prolonged baths). In her struggle against social injustice, she wanted to establish a home for infants, compiled a pamphlet against prostitution and wrote a play entitled “The Extramarital Child or the Child Bed of Righteousness”.

After 19 years, she finally managed to escape from the institution. She moved out with her daughter. In 1939 Detzel was arrested again. This time because of theft and forgery. She was soon institutionalized, this time in Andernach. In 1941 she moved to another institution, Johannestal in Süchteln. It is uncertain if she survived the war and the Nazi Euthanasia Program.

The photograph above is part of the Prinzhorn Collection. The collection (on display in the University of Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic) is made up of approximately 6,000 works, all created by inmates of psychiatric institutions between 1840 and 1940. It ranges from water-colors, drawings, paintings and sculptures to textile works and texts. The major part of it was collected by art historian and psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn (1886–1933) while he worked as assistant physician at the Psychiatric Hospital of Heidelberg University.

US asked Russia to reconsider mercenaries’ status – Moscow — RT World News

Washington has requested that captured American mercenaries be treated as combatants, according to Deputy FM.

The United States has requested the recognition by Russia of American fighters captured during the Ukraine conflict as combatants, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Friday.

“There was a certain signal from the American side, mainly focused on the fact that these individuals should be considered combatants under the definition of the Geneva convention and should be subject to the relevant protections,” he told reporters.

The deputy FM added, however, that the topic of American mercenaries had not been explicitly discussed between Russia and the US.

According to Ryabkov, the presence of foreign mercenaries аnd their actions “on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalist battalions” is now one of the most “serious and problematic moments” in Russia’s relations with the US and other Western countries.

He said that the actions of captured foreign mercenaries are being investigated to determine the circumstances of “their appearance in the combat zone and the role they played there.”

“We have repeatedly warned the citizens of countries that are unfriendly to Russia to refrain from adventurous plans to ‘prove themselves’ on the battlefield in Ukraine,” Ryabkov pointed out. “But those who do not take these warnings into account are reaping the fruits of their own misanthropy and unwillingness to accept the reality of the situation that has unfolded in the region.”

On Tuesday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that some 170 foreign mercenaries had been killed in Ukraine “over the past 10 days” and that 99 had “refused to participate in combat and left the territory of Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, two American fighters – Alexander John-Robert Drueke and Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh – are currently awaiting trial in the Donetsk People’s Republic where three foreign fighters from the UK and Morocco were handed out death sentences last month over their “illegal activities.” The death sentences, however, have yet to be carried out as all three foreigners have appealed the Donetsk court’s verdict.

Article HERE

The tomb of Liu He

When archaeologists opened the tomb of Liu He, Lord of Haihun of the Han Dynasty, they found a pile of money. This includes 5,330,000 ancient copper coins, weighing about 10 tons, and 358 gold cakes.


As a distant relative of the royal family, Liu He was the emperor of the Han Dynasty for 27 days.

However, he couldn’t do the job. He liked music and chess, but didn’t really know how to become an emperor.

Unsurprisingly, he was quickly overthrown, and transferred south with his treasures.


He died in his 30s from eating too much cantaloupe.

New South Korea president may be a nail in the coffin for North Korea engagement

Soon after elected (with strong US support), His popularity dropped drastically.

He immediately followed 100% American establishment policy: he openly saluted the US flag, he completely destroyed relations with North Korea and (of course) Korea's largest revenue partner, China.

He openly endorsed Asian NATO, Japan, and is against Russia. 

Since he came to office he has done nothing that helped to revive the Korean economy. In fact, through his actions, he is in the process of destroying the foundation of the Korean economy. And already Korea is starting to economically collapse just like the rest of the collective West are.

He may be the next Abe and Zelensky

Full article HERE

Withdrawing from China failed. Apple turned to Chinese manufacturers for help.

Back ground info:
My personal knowledge and understanding is:

1) Apple is exploiting its suppliers via its volume and keep pressing their margin year on year;

2) to support apple volume, these apple supply chains have to expand their plant, production lines, and stock up materials to meet apple demand ;

3) however, Apple with the crusader DNAs showing no mercy to its supply chain partners, once apple failed in pressing down the prices the following years, Apply will look for alternative suppliers and suddenly cut off the existing one, resulting in the other party running a lost or without profit after years of hardwork supplying Apple.

4) my understanding is Apple seeking profit increment of 11% year on year by selling higher prices to retailers and squesting supply chains;

5) as such apple without any factory enjoying 70% profit while the rest of apple partners sharing the other 30%

6) so, there are many Chinese supply chains decided not to deal with apple anymore.

7) so, Apple openly announced to move supply chain elsewhere, particularly Vietnam. But Vietnam doesn't has the support industry like China, and the workers productivity is not as efficient as China. In addition, Vietnam infrastructure is not up to the Chinese standard to support mass industry expansion.

So, now Apple finally forced to return to China for help.
Thank you Putin the Great and Xi the great, the de-imperialism process has speeded up.
US Boeing already in deep trouble.
The US chip industry is another disaster in the making.
Apple 5G investment is already a failure (meaning for the first time, Apple is behind its competitors) , now Apple has a big supply chain problem…
Don’t be surprised with how fast the world most ruthless crusader will crumble within the next few years.
I am preparing more volka to celebrate…

SpaceX Poised To Downgrade “Starbase” R&D Facility

“As far as anything being launched directly to space to the moon or Mars, that’s more than likely not going to happen here.”

The real reason for this is the fact that SpaceX requires Chinese and Russian components and these are no longer available. -MM

As the current testing grounds and launch site of SpaceX’s massive Starship — a fully reusable rocket that very well may be the most powerful in the world — “Starbase” near Brownsville in South Texas, attracts plenty of space enthusiasts that want to catch a glimpse of the titanic rocket in action.

But to their dismay, that privilege could soon end, National Geographic reports, with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk hinting that the space company could eventually move operations to the Florida Space Coast.

“Everybody down here, Brownsville and the whole valley, was expecting to see that this was going to be the Gateway to Mars,” Louis Baldera, a local resident known to his tens of thousands of online followers as LabPadre, and who has closely been following SpaceX’s operations, told the publication.

“As far as anything being launched directly to space to the moon or Mars, that’s more than likely not going to happen here,” he added. “I think that’s going to bum some people out.”

Employees at the facility, who chose to remain anonymous, also told Dallas Express News this week that they no longer believe that Starbase will be the “Gateway.”

That’s in large part because SpaceX and the Federal Aviation Administration have been embroiled in an ugly battle over granting approval for orbital test flights for Starship, with the FAA citing environmental concerns and delaying their decision on multiple occasions.

“I guess our worst-case scenario is that we would be delayed for six to eight months to build up the Cape launch tower and launch from there,” Musk said at a February press conference, when asked what would happen if the FAA required a more extensive environmental review.

Permission was eventually granted last month to carry out the inaugural orbital test flight — as long as SpaceX complies with over 75 environmental provisions.

If operations were to move to Florida, that’s not a prospect that’s likely to sit well with Brownsville residents, especially given the potential consequences on the local economy such a decision could have.

After all, SpaceX is the biggest employer in the city.

“I didn’t know any of those plans beforehand,” Jessica Tetreau, the Brownsville city commissioner, told National Geographic. “What startled us was when we heard the timeline and how they would have to start moving things to Florida.”

SpaceX already started building a Starship launch tower in Florida last December and more recently added its second segment in June.

With the FAA breathing down their neck and dismay from local environmental groups growing, Starbase could be losing its desirability as a launch location.

Of course, that wouldn’t mean a complete pull-out. The facility would most likely be used for less glamorous research and development purposes, as Musk stated at the February conference.

While it’s still mostly speculation at this point — it’s still not a given that SpaceX will move operations — hopefully it won’t have too much of an economic impact on the region.


Sweet Potato Pie

The perfect Sweet Potato Pie recipe! Made with a tender and flaky, buttery pie crust and a lightly spiced, perfectly sweetened, browned butter sweet potato pie filling.

Then you have your choice to top with sweetened whipped cream or a toasted homemade marshmallow topping!


Sweet Potato Pie

If you like pumpkin pie you’ll love sweet potato pie. They’re very similar in taste but this recipe is made with fresh, baked sweet potatoes (instead of canned pumpkin) and it includes browned butter so you know it’s going to be good!

There are a few steps to the process of making it but it’s worth every step once you get to taste this luscious pie.

So What Makes the Best Sweet Potato Pie Recipe?

So I learned a few things in testing and creating this recipe:

  • Blind baking the crust will keep you from ending up with a soft and gooey pie crust.
  • Using baked sweet potatoes instead of boiled sweet potatoes concentrates their flavor rather then ending up with water logged boiled sweet potatoes.
  • Browning the salted butter adds adds some depth of flavor to the pie filling. Salted browned butter and sweet potato were made to go together (have you tried my browned butter mashed sweet potatoes yet?)
  • Keeping it light on the spices lets the sweet potato flavor shine.
  • I personally preferred the classic texture of using mashed by hand sweet potatoes vs. those pureed in a food processor.
  • The lightly caramelized flavor of evaporated milk was preferred to the flavor of milk or cream.
  • Tent pie crust edges with foil to prevent over-browning.
  • And being careful not to over-bake the pie prevented deep cracks from happening (but if they do no big deal, just cover with the topping).

This is easily my favorite sweet potato pie recipe! And I prefer the marshmallow topping for that nostalgic flavor combination, plus I feel that’s what will really set it apart from pumpkin pie but feel free to use either whipped cream or marshmallow topping.

If you use the marshmallow topping you’ll want to prepare and toast it when it’s time to serve (which is the only drawback), so it’s nice and fluffy.

Sweet Potato Pie Ingredients:

  • Unbleached all-purpose flour – this is used to make the base of the pie crust. Standard bleached flour will work too if that’s what you have, unbleached just has better flavor.
  • Granulated sugar and brown sugar – the white sugar is used in the pie crust to add a faint sweetness and the brown sugar is used for the filling. The added molasses of the brown sugar pairs perfectly with the sweet potato flavor.
  • Salt – this brings out the flavors of the pie crust and filling so it doesn’t taste flat.
  • Unsalted and salted butter – unsalted butter is used in the pie crust (unsalted butter stays cold better), and salted butter for the filling. Salted browned butter tastes so much better than unsalted.
  • Ice water – be sure to add lots of ice to the water, stir and rest before you use it. This helps the butter stay cold so you end up with a flaky crust.
  • Sweet potatoes – I like to use red garnet variety. Other orange varieties work as well but don’t use white or purple sweet potatoes.
  • Evaporated milk – I like to use the small 5 oz. can so I don’t have leftover but if you only have a larger can that will work but be sure to measure amount listed.
  • Eggs – this helps bind the pie filling together and make a custard type filling. They are crucial to the recipe.
  • Cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger – with the ratios here I recommend sticking with each separate spice rather than using a spice blend.
  • Vanilla extract – this adds another faint background flavor in the pie. Use real vanilla for best flavor.

How to Make Sweet Potato Pie Filling:

  • Prepare pie crust dough. Chill, roll, shape and chill. Blind bake.
  • Bake sweet potatoes until soft.
  • Brown butter.
  • Prepare filling and pour into crust.

How Long to Bake Sweet Potato Pie?

  • Bake until pie edges are set and center just wiggles slightly, this will take about 40 – 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
  • Let cool at room temperature 2 hours. Serve or chill (I prefer it served cold).

Can I Make It in Advance?

This pie can be made 1 day before serving. Store in the refrigerator. Wait until the day of serving to prepare topping.

Can I Use Canned Sweet Potatoes or Yams?

For best flavor and pie consistency I recommend using fresh sweet potatoes. It’s almost just as easy, just baking and scooping out the flesh – no peeling and chopping.


TSMC Wins Legal Battle Against Employee Who Violated Contract & Moved To China

This is NORMAL in the industry. You routinely sign Non-Compete agreements locking you out of a job with a competitor once you leave the firm. These contracts are rarely enforced, however, but for a high visibility industry, it could be problematic. I dare say that the Taiwanese laws do not apply to Chinese residents. And this might sound frightening, but really, it's just a bunch of "hot air". 

This happened in 2016. Since them, entire busloads of engineers left for China.-MM

A former procurement manager for the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has been fined NT$2.5 million as part of a violation of his non-compete agreement with the chipmaker. The former employee, Xue Zongzhi, had left his role at TSMC to take up a similar position at a Chinese wafer supplier, which violated his agreement with TSMC the company had argued. In response, Mr. Zongzhi retorted that his experience in procurement was not subject to a non-compete agreement and by taking up a role at his new employer, he had leveraged his skills acquired through time spent in the industry.

The report comes courtesy of the Taiwanese publication United Daily News (UDN) and it states that Mr. Zongzhi’s appeals against the Taiwanese court’s decision have been rejected. The controversy surrounding his departure started in 2016 when he left TSMC to join a Chinese wafer company within months of his departure.

Mr. Zongzhi had been managing TSMC’s purchasing department since 2011 and chose to leave the role in July 2016. As per the UDN, his contract with the company prohibited him from taking up similar roles at competing firms which were defined as companies that are engaged in “semiconductor wafer manufacturing and services.” However, in December of the same year, the executive took up a role as the vice president of procurement at the Yangtze River Storage Company which is a part of the Continental Ziguang Group and owned in it entirety by the Wuhan Xinxin Integrated Circuit Company.

The Wuhan Xinxin Integrated Circuit Company (XMC) is a direct competitor of TSMC, argued the company, since it also manufactures and sells semiconductors. As a result, the Taiwanese fab sent a legal notice to Mr. Zongzhi, asking him to resign from his new position, but failed to receive a response.

Subsequently, TSMC sent him a notice to pay damages equal to NT$15.5 million in a lawsuit. The suit also claimed that the former manager had leaked TSMC’s trade secrets such as its order contracts, bids and product prices as part of his new position.

However, Mr. Zonghzi insisted that prices and bids were not proprietary information and TSMC does not use them to compete with other companies. He also outlined that his experience over the years is not TSMC’s intellectual property and that XMC is a small fish compared to TSMC, which is the world’s largest contract manufacturer of semiconductors and chips.

As the UDN reports, the court sided with TSMC in the affair, and it ruled that contracts, bids and prices are sensitive information which is indeed used by the chipmaker to compete with rivals. It also held that Mr. Zhongzhi’s contract with TSMC did prevent him from working for other chip manufacturers, but that he was free to work with non-chip manufacturers. Finally, the court also rejected the manager’s claim that XMC is not TSMC’s rival, as it stated that the reality is to the contrary as both engage in manufacturing semiconductors.

However, it reduced the damages owed to TSMC since the company was unable to prove how Zongzhi’s departure led to losses. TSMC’s share price has grown consistently since the former manager left the company, and its profits have also grown significantly. Subsequently, Zhongxi was sentenced to pay NT$2.5 million in damages to his former employer.

The revolution industry and how the Hong Kong police were targeted


Professional destabilisers worked with activists for years to distort reality in Hong Kong, writes Phill Hynes. And there’s a specific reason why the destruction of the reputation of the city’s police became a key target.

When the protests in Hong Kong broke out in 2019, they became the focus for sustained and intense international media attention.

The saturation-level coverage of Hong Kong blanked out other major events elsewhere in the world—even though the other stories were often far more newsworthy, involving larger events with far more fatalities. Populism and right-wing politics were moving center stage in Europe, the Middle East was on fire, as was South America.

In other riots around the world, the military were called out and many protesters’ lives were lost. In contrast, Hong Kong police killed not one protester in six months of violent protest.

Yet the city received the sustained glare of the global media circus—and unrelenting coverage which was reprehensibly biased, particularly against the police.

In particular, not one mainstream media outlet reported the quickly obvious fact that the protests were organised, well-funded, and clearly using a long list of specialised techniques associated with a shadowy sector known as “the revolution industry”. It’s worth setting that right.

Doing the army’s job

In particular, one key fact was rarely acknowledged: Under-prepared, under-experienced Hong Kong police officers found themselves forced to do an incredibly difficult job that was done everywhere else by fully equipped armies with military vehicles and an bottomless supply of lethal weaponry.

Who was standing in the shadows, stirring up the protests? No one, apparently. Just try and find a single mainstream media article that mentioned the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) and/ or the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategy, (CANVAS). Who are they?

This topic will be considered in three parts. First, we’ll look at some of the players in the revolution industry. Second, we’ll look at the strategy and tactics used in Hong Kong. Third, we’ll look at their focus on delegitimising authority, and particularly the city’s police force.

Part 1: The revolution industry

There have been many civil disobedience movements, uprisings, colour revolutions and protest movements in the past 20 years—and several organisations that have had direct involvement in the majority of these movements. The AEI, founded by Gene Sharp in 1983 in the US, has been at the forefront of inspiring hybrid wars. CANVAS was created in 2004 in Serbia by Srđa Popović and the CEO of Orion Telecom, Slobodan Đinović, former founding members of Otpor, the precursor to CANVAS, the group that toppled Serbian president Milosevic. There are a number of other groups in this area, such as the Oslo Freedom Foundation (which, despite the name, is headquartered in New York). The Azov Battalion from Ukraine sent a team from its Gonor Group to Hong Kong in 2019.

The revolution industry developed techniques now associated with various terms, including “psyops”, “colour revolution”, “hybrid war”, and so on. In simple terms, the western powers trigger a battle in which conventional physical fighting is supplemented with an underhand media saturation campaign to humanise one side and demonise the other. This causes the general public to take the pro-US side and enables politicians to easily syphon public funds to the coffers of arms-makers.

No conspiracy theory

It is no conspiracy theory to talk about their involvement in the Hong Kong protests. In a 2014 BBC report from an Oslo Freedom Foundation meeting, street protest specialists admitted they had been working to prepare Hong Kong activists for almost two years, and had distributed materials to a thousand activist leaders in the city.

Furthermore, Hong Kong protesters have been widely observed using revolution industry techniques (such as marginal violence) and even admitted to it.

The Albert Einstein Institute (which has no direct connection with the scientist of that name) was founded by Gene Sharp, a US academic specialising in street protest strategies and regime change. In 1993, he published the book From Dictatorship to Democracy. Updated versions of the book are accompanied by a tactical training manual with 198 meticulously thought-out steps within structured sections.

Make it seem home-grown

AEI and CANVAS both encourage localisation by activists: indigenous elements are seen as a key component of success. The protests need to look home-grown and spontaneous, but this can be superficial. As we have seen, journalists will not dig a centimetre below the surface to check.

The CANVAS organisation has its own publications designed for social movements and revolutionaries, including:

  • Canvas Core Curriculum: A Guide to Effective Non-violent Struggle
  • Making Oppression Backfire
  • Non-violent Struggle: 50 Crucial Points

CANVAS has merged its tactical guidelines with those of the AEI to create a “manual of chaos” for protest movements that is shared freely among interested parties. Moreover, a plethora of US sponsored NGOs offer training to organisations, leaders and movements on the techniques featured in the manuals, and on how to set up, fund, recruit, manage, and run protest movements and revolutions. This is now happening on an industrial scale. CANVAS grew out of the Serbian protests.

CANVAS played a different role to AEI in Hong Kong. If AEI was the inspiration, providing a philosophical and strategic basis for the orientation of a movement, then CANVAS was the tactical source or engine to drive the movement’s objectives. (The initial creation and formation of such movements rests with other NGOs – a topic for another time.)

Part 2: Strategy and tactics

In Hong Kong, which has a very complex political landscape, the protest movement benefited significantly from CANVAS tactical know-how, but CANVAS and their sponsors also benefited from the protesters. Sharp wrote: “Movements adapt the core principles and localise them to their particular circumstances on the ground.” In Hong Kong, protesters were very adaptive, refining techniques, and adding new ones.

As a result, the Hong Kong protest movement, working with a supportive western media, was hugely successful in distorting reality. Out of all the protests around the world at that time, the authorities in Hong Kong were least violent, and most likely to continue to hand out protest permits – yet the impression given was the opposite, with the Hong Kong police painted as brutal and the authorities being characterised as unwilling to allow public demonstrations.

This level of success in news manipulation meant that Hong Kong became a benchmark for tactical developments for other revolutionary movements globally, and an incubator for enhanced tactical learning, with new and modified tactics being visibly exported to other countries. The revolution specialists could add to their list of techniques.

Six stage escalation

In the now combined AEI and CANVAS chaos manual, there are six distinct stages to achieve the movement’s objectives. They start from the final objective and work back in a system known as “Inverse Planning”. (This is critically important to understand the Hong Kong protest movement, as they had a clearly established timeframe for attainment of their objectives.)

The six key stages are:

  1. Non-violent Protest and Persuasion
  2. Social Non-cooperation
  3. Economic Non-cooperation – Boycott
  4. Economic Non-cooperation – Strike
  5. Political Non-cooperation
  6. Non-violent Intervention

Why were the Umbrella Movement techniques cast aside for an alternative system? Evolution, baby! Not to mention a revised agenda. These changes were not in any way spontaneous, or reactionary. The new techniques were planned and designed to take control of the messaging and control the communications, assisting in building a movement.

Long term planning 

Indeed, the evidence points to the 2014 Umbrella Movement being a stepping stone in a much larger game plan. The architects knew in 2012 when they were planning for Occupy Central that it had a limited possibility of success in achieving the ultimate objectives. The time was not right for a bigger assault. Using their own inverse model, the target now looks to have always been for a bigger event between 2019 and 2022. As Dr. Simon Shen put it in November 2019 in the publication Think China: “Hong Kongers need to be in it for the long game.”

Alignment of conditions

What 2019 presented was the alignment of conditions, circumstances and events that lead to the escalation and implementation of the next phase of the program.

According to the CANVAS model of non-violent protest communications, control of communications, harmonising messaging, security and delivery are critical to success. Tactically, it does not matter how strong you are. If your control of communications is flawed, you will lose. The Hong Kong government was surely in the right to clamp down on the huge amount of violence and destruction of public facilities – but with no communications skill of its own, and the media arraigned against them, the constructed narrative portrayed them as the bad guys, and continues to do so.

Part 3: Removing a pillar

Gene Sharp’s theory of power identified the pillars on which governments retain their authority. These became strategic targets for attack, so that governments can be undermined, toppled, removed and ultimately replaced. See the image below for reference.

The process of undermining the government in Hong Kong had been started long ago using precisely this strategy. Civil society, education, media, and religion, had long since been penetrated and compromised. However, the city presented a unique opportunity to undermine one of the most important pillars of support – number one in the diagram is the military.

Hong Kong does not have a military. Thus it was a weak point.

In theory, the People’s Liberation Army provides military defence. But leaders in both Hong Kong and mainland China chose not to use them, showing an unexpected level of patience.

For that reason, attacking and destroying the Hong Kong police force’s legitimacy became an imperative. Once such an important pillar starts to crumble, the others will be weakened, and the whole structure will fall. Hong Kong will descend into chaos—or so the powers behind the scenes hoped.

Demonising the police

Thus, there was a clear strategy to demonise and dehumanise the Hong Kong Police Force. When the protests started, activists had but one demand, the abandonment of the extradition bill. However, that was quickly achieved, so the protest continued with its infamous “five demands, not one less” chant.

Even supporters of the protests admitted that the five demands made little sense (and were hard to remember), but the second of the five became the focus. It was the anti-police clause. Initially, it called for an independent body to be set up to review police behaviour. In fact, such a body had already existed for years, and was well trusted by the Hong Kong public.

Nevertheless, this demand was repeated ad nauseam and evolved to call for the jailing of officers and then the complete defunding of the police force itself.

Unexpected onslaught

From the first moment of the first outburst of violence on the evening of 9 June 2019, the police were the direct target of aggression. The police had been expecting large numbers of protesters—but were not expecting the level of violence that came with them, nor the media onslaught that turned attacks on police into attacks by police.

Shocked, the police reacted largely in self-defence and continued to act in this way for the next few weeks, or until it started to become apparent that the protests were not spontaneous and were coordinated and well-planned. The protest architects had a hidden objective: the Hong Kong police force had one of the best reputations of any regional police force in Asia. This had to be attacked, undermined and discredited as a matter of urgency.

‘Get the police to hit you’

One method was the use of Marginal Violence Theory. Protesters use aggression to provoke the police into any type of response, which the media could then present as police attacks on peaceful protesters. This created escalating hostility to the authorities. One protester, Fred Chan Ho-fai, even described the strategy in a 2019 New York Times article called “A Hong Kong Protester’s Tactic: Get the Police to Hit You.”

Chan wrote: “Such actions are a way to make noise and gain attention. And if they prompt the police to respond with unnecessary force, as happened on June 12, then the public will feel disapproval and disgust for the authorities. The protesters should thoughtfully escalate nonviolence, maybe even resort to mild force, to push the government to the edge.”

Creating hate (“disapproval and disgust”) for ordinary men and women trying to do their job became the deliberate intention of large bands of masked protesters carrying petrol bombs for many months, with the media eager to play their part in the process. Protesters were directed to provoke confrontation with the police at every available opportunity. To further blacken the name of the force, they brought in school pupils, young people, mothers with children, and the elderly, for photo-opportunities.

Police not blameless

But let’s be fair. It is inevitable in such a long and sustained conflict that individuals in the police force did likely respond on occasion more aggressively than perhaps they should have. Tear gas was used at times when it was not necessary, and sometimes they seemed to have forgotten that it was not an offensive weapon, but a tool for crowd control. Rubber or plastic bullets were used incorrectly on too many occasions, firing directly at targets as opposed to ricocheting off the ground. Some individual officers behaved deplorably in the conduct of their duty.

However, it is all too easy for the layman to judge them harshly from the comfort of a secure, remote perspective.

The present writer has served front and centre in such situations, while bricks, bottles, Molotov cocktails and all manner of improvised objects rain downed upon us. But of course, as an officer of the authorities, you have to stay within the limits of professionalism and discipline. The throwers of petrol bombs have no such constraints.

By comparison, restrained

Hong Kong soon descended into months of sustained protests, rioting, arson attacks, destruction of property and businesses owned or associated with mainland Chinese. Protesters threw thousands of Molotov cocktails, committed vicious assaults against civilians, and there were undeniable attempts to harm or kill members of the police force. Compared to how other countries’ police forces would have behaved, the Hong Kong contingent were, by and large, remarkably restrained.

The media played an irresponsible role in the nurturing and cultivation of this narrative. “Citizen Journalists” (some as young as 12 years old) would at times insert themselves between the police and rioters, thereby making themselves willing victims of police actions. This would be duly reported as police brutality. Video footage was carefully edited to show the police as the aggressors. Rarely did the truth of a particular situation make it into the mainstream media. The wanton violence of the rioters would be omitted, leaving only the apparent brutality of the police. Even photographs of an innocuous interaction between public and police would be misrepresented as evidence of barbarity.

Police become focus

Since it was plainly ludicrous for that level of destruction to be justified as a call for the abandonment of a bill that had long been abandoned, the chorus of calls for the disbandment of the Hong Kong police became the main theme of the protests. However, when protest leaders were questioned on how to proceed with this, there were no answers.

None of this made any sense. But it didn’t have to. The protesters had taken the strategic objective of removing a key pillar of support from the government. The Hong Kong police force was not merely collateral damage: destroying their legitimacy was one of the objectives of the protests.

Ultimately, it failed

Ultimately, the campaign to cause Hong Kong to descend into chaos, goading the PLA into take control, and killing the “one country two systems” policy, failed. The Chinese government was too patient.

No matter. The Western media still blamed China for everything that went wrong, and refused to acknowledge any involvement by outsiders. But in Hong Kong itself, people on all sides of the debate did become more fully aware that there were underhand forces at play, and realised that their home was being used as a political football. For them, the national security law makes much more sense than the international media will acknowledge. You have to have tools to deal with wrongdoing when the games are being played below the surface of dark waters.

And the people of Hong Kong have a continuing concern, too. The game, they worry, may not be over. For the international media, the revolution industry doesn’t exist at all. For many traumatised citizens of Hong Kong, it is very real indeed. And the forces behind it are still very much at work.

Phill Hynes is a geopolitical analyst based in Hong Kong and specialising in Asian affairs.

Reposted from

Japan’s “chip giant” Sakamoto Yukio: was collapsed by the United States and South Korea, and went to China for revenge at the age of 72


In Chinese, From HERE

The Sistine Chapel of the ancients.

This latest stunning archaeological discovery from deep in the Amazon Rainforest has been referred to as The Sistine Chapel of the ancients.

Nestled between towering limestone table-top mountains that ring the horizon and dotted with immense limestone outcrops is a sheltered natural basin in the Amazon Rainforest, this isolated paradise is crisscrossed by rivers and amongst the most biodiverse places on Earth.


For centuries this strange sheltered basin was a contested landscape, since 1960 FARC guerrillas have controlled the region and much of the surrounding Columbian countryside.

Then in 2020, a team of Archaeologists from the University of Essex in the UK, and the National University of Colombia, carried out an expedition to the depths of this mysterious basin and what they discovered was so unbelievable that it was kept secret and only announced in 2021.

Impatient readers start grumbling - ‘What the heck Henrey, tell us what they found, damnit.’

Patience my young padawans, anyway, roughly 13-thousand-years-ago, a mind-bogglingly long time ago, some ancient humans reached this sheltered paradise that is guarded by immense walls of limestone mountains and rich with life.

These ancient humans settled down claiming this region for themselves and built yet to be discovered settlements that today lay buried beneath the dense Amazon Rainforest.

However, these Ancients did leave us something utterly incredible, and it was finally found in 2020, after 12,500 years of waiting, humans have once again found The Sistine Chapel of the ancients.


What these Ancients created would have taken generations of continuous work, I suppose what I’m saying is this wasn’t just some random caveman painting his willy on a wall or sketching a few doodles of animals or stick people.

What the Archaeologists found was an eight-mile-long wall of tens of thousands of prehistoric paintings, that include everything from extinct Ice Age animals, humans hunting and dancing, detailed depictions of edible plants, intricate shapes and flowing complex patterns.

“One of the most fascinating things was seeing ice age megafauna because that’s a marker of time. I don’t think people realise that the Amazon has shifted in the way it looks. It hasn’t always been this rainforest. When you look at a horse or mastodon in these paintings, of course, they weren’t going to live in a forest. They’re too big. Not only are they giving clues about when they were painted by some of the earliest people – that in itself is just mind-boggling – but they are also giving clues about what this very spot might have looked like: more savannah-like.” - Al-Shamahi.
Ice-Age megafauna displayed in the pictographs of the Serranía La Lindosa including: (a) giant sloth, (b) mastodon, (c) camelid, (d, e) horse, (f) long-neck, three-toed ungulate with a trunk.

Honestly, just thinking that there is this 8-mile long cliff face in the depths of the Amazon rainforest that was painted by ancient humans more than 12,500 years ago, and it is all still there, is simply bonkers.


Bonkers, no other words, just bonkers, the age of exploration and new discoveries is still alive.

The below image is one of my favourites, I had to zoom in and crop the original, so I know it doesn’t show all the paintings on this section of the wall, but just take a moment, it’s fascinating.


This single image shows the Ice Age megafauna these ancient humans would have hunted, two van-sized Mastodon dominate the top left of the image, while near the middle left is what looks like a large wooden tower, which was likely built to enable these ancient people to paint 20 foot off the ground and undertake this monumental generational endeavour, mile after mile.

There is another wooden tower clearly depicted to the middle right, honestly, so far we only have a handful of images and the entire 8-mile-long wall is covered with complex paintings, it will literally take the next decade to fully document and photograph the paintings along the entire wall.

Personally, I believe it is very likely there could be ancient stories depicted on this wall or lessons, because these ancient people spent generations over hundreds of years painting an 8-mile long wall in detail, creating giant wooden towers to paint every itty little bit of their canvas, I highly doubt it was all just meaningless doodles.

Q&A: Indonesia’s defence minister on security in the Asia-Pacific

At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Indonesia’s Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto tells Al Jazeera he is confident the leaders of the US and China will be ‘wise’.


Singapore – As defence chiefs from around the Asia-Pacific gather in Singapore for the Shangri-La Dialogue, much of the focus has been on growing tensions between the United States and China.

The three-day security summit organised by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies is considered the most important defence-related conference in the region. This year, more than a dozen defence chiefs from around the world, including the US, China, and more, are attending.

After a two-year hiatus, the event has returned and attracted high-profile guests, including the Indonesian defence chief and former presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

The former lieutenant general met with Al Jazeera’s Jessica Washington during the Shangri-La Dialogue, sharing his thoughts on the war in Ukraine, and modernising Indonesia’s military arsenal.

Al Jazeera: In your speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue, you spoke about the “Asian way”. Where does Indonesia fit into that idea?

Subianto: That is our culture that we always try to resolve problems with negotiations, with interactions, with engagement, and we keep on engaging, we keep on discussing until we come to an amicable, mutually beneficial solution. That is the Asian way.

And it is the Indonesian way. We call it musyawarah mufakat (discussion to reach a solution) and we call it gotong royong (working together). We look for common interests; if we always talk about the differences, we might not even meet.

Al Jazeera: A big focus during this summit has been on US-China tensions. What do you see as Indonesia’s role in dealing with those tensions?

Subianto: We are in the real and actual position that we respect and we are friendly, and we are good friends. We have good cooperation with both powers — I have said that many times. The United States has helped us many times, in our critical moments. But China has also helped us. China has also defended us and China is now a very close partner with Indonesia. And actually, China has always been the leading civilization in Asia. Many of our sultans, kings, our princes in those days, they would marry princesses from China. We have hundreds of years of relationship.

So it’s natural. So, you asked me, what is our position, as good friends we try to be, maybe a good common bridge. If not, then we maintain the good relationships.

And we are convinced that both powers will have wise leadership. I’m optimistic on that front, many people, of course, understandably are concerned, and yes there are dangers. But I believe the leader of China will be wise, and the leader of the US also. They are great powers. The world will expect them to give us good leadership.

Al Jazeera: What about some of the aspects of Indonesia-China relationships, where there are differences of opinions… for example the South China Sea. How do you navigate those challenges?

Subianto: As I said with good relations, good communication with direct contacts, we can come to an amicable understanding that’s mutually beneficial.

Al Jazeera: The US Secretary of Defense, earlier in the speech mentioned Indonesia, specifically the naval exercise called Garuda Shield…

Subianto: Garuda Shield has been going on for 14-15 years, but we have also exercises with other countries. We also plan to have exercises with China.

Al Jazeera: The US Secretary talked about the situation in Ukraine, and you mentioned in your speech, you said it is a very sad situation. Do you have anything else to say on that?

Subianto: Historically, geopolitically, there are always two versions to a story. Indonesia, as you know we voted with the many western countries in opposing the invasion of Ukraine — that’s our position on the invasion.

But once again, I would like to say that Russia has been a very good friend to Indonesia all these years. We have good relations with Russia, they helped us also when we were having difficulties and as I mentioned, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Never forget friends who helped you. That’s our position.

We say all the great powers must be respected, and their concerns must be respected.

Al Jazeera: You have made it your priority to modernise Indonesia’s defence capabilities, how is that going?

Subianto: It is going well, of course, everything needs what I call an incubation period, we can’t go to the supermarket and buy defence equipment. I would say it’s going well, of course, I’m pretty impatient, I wish it could go faster, maybe if I have a magic wand.

Al Jazeera: Following your speech, you were asked about the region and you said each country can make their own decisions. Anything further to say on that?

Subianto: Basically that’s the right of every country to assess their own security needs. So I cannot tell the Australians or the British what they should do. I also don’t want them to tell us what to do. We respect each other.

Al Jazeera: Can I ask for your views on the situation in Myanmar?

Subianto: I think Indonesia’s position is very clearly do not recognize the regime in Myanmar

Al Jazeera: Let’s look at a domestic issue in Indonesia. There is discussion about the plan to create new provinces in Papua and some international human rights groups have raised concerns about security implications and the impact on human rights.

Subianto: There’s always this, I would say double standards or triple standard, anything countries like Indonesia do. They always try to emphasise the possibility of human rights abuses. I think our needs, we have vast areas and that has been in discussion and planning for many years.

Al Jazeera: Indonesia’s foreign policy has long been guided by the phrase ‘free and active’. Do you see Indonesia as having a leadership role among countries that take a neutral stance?

Subianto: Leadership is not something that we can award to ourselves. I think the best form of statecraft in my opinion is to get your own house in order. If we take care of our own house in good order, people will look to us.

Al Jazeera: Speaking of leadership, your plans for 2024 — Are you planning to run for the presidency?

If I am needed, if there is strong support for me, then I have to put myself at the service of my people and my country.

U.S. Wants China’s SMIC to Stop Making 14nm Chips

When the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) restricted access of China’s largest contract chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) to fab equipment used to make10nm-class chips, it was considered a tough but not too severe move. Now the U.S. government is mulling restricting China from producing logic chips using a 14nm-class fabrication process.

The DOC is examining the possibility of prohibiting the exportation of chipmaking tools to companies in China that can make logic chips using 14nm-class manufacturing nodes and thinner, according to a Reuters report that cites five people familiar with the matter. The only company in China currently producing chips using its 14nm fabrication process is SMIC, which has been doing so since late 2019.

What is not completely clear from the report is whether the DOC wants to ban SMIC from getting tools used to make semiconductors on its 14nm node and thinner, or if it wants to ban SMIC from getting any tools at all because it is capable of making chips using its 14nm technology.

Currently, American companies can sell equipment good enough to build 14nm chips to SMIC without any export licenses from the DOC and other agencies. If the U.S. government decides to restrict SMIC’s access to advanced chipmaking tools, companies like Applied Materials and Lam Research will have to apply for an export license every time they deal with SMIC. The application will be reviewed with a presumption of denial.

An official for the U.S. DOC did not confirm that the department was discussing 14nm-related export restrictions for SMIC but confirmed that it was continuously reviewing the ongoing situation.

“With respect to semiconductor-related export license applications in particular, (Commerce) and the other reviewing agencies … consider a variety of factors in making licensing decisions, including the technology node for the proposed export,” the spokesperson for the Department of Commerce is reported to have said.

Because SMIC could not access extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography tools due to the Wassenaar Arrangement, the firm began the development of its 12nm, N+1, and N+2 process technologies that relied purely on deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography and were aimed primarily at inexpensive chips that did not require a high transistor density. Now, both N+1 and N+2 nodes are considered sub-10nm fabrication processes, so SMIC had to cancel their development.

When SMIC was barred from manufacturing tools advanced enough to make chips using its 10nm-class (and sub-10nm-class) nodes in late 2020, the company said it would focus on developing advanced packaging technologies to make sophisticated multi-chiplet designs out of tiles produced on 14nm and thicker nodes. That would enable Chinese chip designers to build sophisticated and capable processors with tens of billions of transistors even without using an advanced process technology. In addition, the company announced multi-billion dollar expansion plans that would triple the output of chips made on advanced nodes.

To a large degree, advanced packaging technologies could be SMIC’s way to work around the U.S. export restrictions. As a result, China would gain access to advanced computing capabilities that could be used for military purposes.

The U.S. administration certainly understands SMIC’s options and risks that it brings to America and its allies, so it wants to further crackdown China’s access to sophisticated chipmaking tools.

Article from HERE

PM Anthony Albanese issues warning to China at Quad meeting

The new PM has told China it must remove its sanctions on Australian products if the two countries are ever to improve relations.

Ellen Ransley

So the New Prime Minister of Australia attended the United States QUAD meeting. The QUAD was set up by Mike Pompeo as a Pacific NATO as a military block to "counter" China militarily. During the meeting, the new Prime Minister got up on the podium and listed demands and warnings to China. Here, in this article, the local Australian media reports on his "warnings" and the Chinese retort. -MM
The QUAD showing the United States military bases.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has warned China the only way to improve its relationship with Australia is by removing trade bans.

After years of strained diplomatic relations between the two countries, the incoming Prime Minister told the Quad meeting his government, on behalf of Australia, would seek good relations with all countries – but would not be soft on China.

In his address, Mr Albanese urged Beijing to lift trade tariffs it imposed on Australian goods such as barley, wine, coal and seafood.

“Australia seeks good relations with all countries,” Mr Albanese said in Tokyo.

“But it’s not Australia that’s changed, China has. It is China that has placed sanctions on Australia.

There is no justification for doing that. And that’s why they should be removed.”

Oh really? Eh? China just up and decided to do that without justification.  Hum...-MM

Mr Albanese’s first comments as Prime Minister about China comes as he confirmed he had received a letter of congratulations from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

The Quad leaders, which include US President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, reaffirmed their commitment to a secure and peaceful Indo-Pacific at the meeting on Tuesday.

In a joint statement, the four leaders directly referenced China’s military expansion in the South China Sea and its claims over Taiwan.

“We strongly oppose any coercive, provocative, or unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo and increase tensions in the area, such as the militarisation of disputed features,” the statement read.

Earlier this week, Mr Biden confirmed the US was prepared to “get involved militarily” to defend Taiwan if China did make good on its threats to invade.

Mr Albanese said there was no change in Australia’s position that there should be “no unilateral change to the status quo” but would not explicitly detail the issue of a military response.

The incoming Prime Minister’s demands of China, and the Quad meeting as a whole – comes as Chinese officials travel to the Solomon Islands to make further security plans.

The security arrangement was also a topic of conversation at the Quad.


China lists four criteria to get the Australian-Chinese relationship on track…

China’s Foreign Ministry also said there were four requirements for Australia to improve the relationship.
They included the following demands:
  • Australia must treat China as a “partner rather than a rival”,
  • the two countries must seek “common ground while shelving differences,
  • Australia must reject “manipulation by a third party”, a clear reference to the United States and finally
  • both countries must build “public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism”.
Chinese media has reported that Foreign Minister Penny Wong and her Chinese counterpart agreed to remove obstacles to get the China-Australia relationship back on track.

These four criteria ENRAGED the new Prime Minister…

Anthony Albanese hits back on China’s four demands to rebuild relationship

Anthony Albanese has warned China he won’t be taking orders after Beijing issued four demands to “get the relationship on track”.

Anthony Albanese has warned China he won’t be taking orders over Beijing’s four demands to “get the relationship on track” including not treating it as an adversary.

Over the weekend, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi issued Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong with a four-point list of demands to repair the relationship and

Foreign Minister Wang Yi blamed the Morrison government’s “irresponsible” words and deeds for the difficulties in the relationship.

“The root cause of the difficulties in bilateral relations over the past few years was the former Australian government’s insisting on regarding China as a rival or even a threat, allowing its words and deeds being irresponsible against China,” he said.

“It is hoped that the Australian side will seize the current opportunity and take concrete actions to reshape its correct understanding of China, reduce negative assets and accumulate positive energy for the improvement of China-Australia relations.”

It followed a meeting in Bali on Friday between the pair that ended a diplomatic freeze that has dragged on for three years.”

Speaking in Canberra, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Australia will continue to co-operate with China where it can but won’t shy away from standing up for the national interest.

“Look, Australia doesn’t respond to demands. We respond to our own national interest,’’ Mr Albanese said.

“I’ll say this. We will co-operate with China where we can. I want to build good relations with all countries. But we will stand up for Australia’s interests when we must.”

China’s Foreign Ministry also said there were four requirements for Australia to improve the relationship.

They included the following demands: Australia must treat China as a “partner rather than a rival”, the two countries must seek “common ground while shelving difference, Australia must reject “manipulation by a third party”, a clear reference to the United States and finally both countries must build “public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism”.

Chinese media has reported that Foreign Minister Penny Wong and her Chinese counterpart agreed to remove obstacles to get the China-Australia relationship back on track.

Asked what obstacles the Foreign Minister agreed to move, Mr Albanese said: “I’m not in a position to listen to what the Chinese media says. I’ll listen to what Penny Wong says about the meeting.”

“It was a constructive meeting. It was just a step forward,’’ the Prime Minister said.

“Australia has not changed our position on any issues. We’ll continue to be constructive.”

“We are engaging in the lead-up to the Pacific island forum, and indeed, ministers (Penny) Wong and (Pat) Conroy are leaving for the Pacific island forum today. This is an important meeting. We know that Australia hadn’t, in my view – we said it very publicly. It’s obvious that we had dropped the ball.

“The deal that occurred with Solomon Islands represents Australia not so much as having a step up in the Pacific, as a stuff-up in the Pacific.”

The Morrison government’s call for a full investigation into the origins of Covid-19 was one flashpoint in recent years as the ban on China’s Huawei from participating in Australia’s 5G rollout and foreign interference laws.

On Sunday, the Coalition’s foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham said China should have taken a stronger position over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

”China’s muted response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and war on Ukraine has been a shameful thing to see,” Senator Birmingham told Sky News Australia.

”We would wish to see China take a stronger response in that regard.

”What the world would no doubt love to see in relation to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is for China to show leadership. It would be an enormous opportunity for China to do so and one I’m sure many would encourage them to do.”


Funniest Raccoon Memes by Nocturnal Trash Posts


Who doesn’t like a good raccoon meme? Who doesn’t like a good raccoon? Wait, who doesn’t like a good raccoon anything? Trash pandas are awesome and no, there can’t be any other way. And speaking of raccoon memes, there is a dedicated Instagram page that celebrates raccoonhood with existential, funny, and straight up nonsensical memes.


US’s global WMD bioweapons are not “Russian-Chinese lies”. Demand war crime trials now.

Bombshell documentary! By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva..

Full video and transcript HERE.

Biscuits and Gravy

This CLASSIC Biscuits and Gravy recipe is one everyone knows and loves! Delicious buttery biscuits smothered in a homemade sausage gravy! It only takes a few simple ingredients and is perfect for breakfast (dinner) or a holiday morning!


Homemade Biscuits and Gravy

When you think of good home cooking, do you have certain recipes that come to mind? I’m talking the ultimate comfort food that mom or grandma used to make. Biscuits and Gravy is one of those recipes that comes to mind for me!

Homemade Biscuits and Gravy is a classic breakfast recipe that has become a staple in our home (we even have a Biscuits & Gravy Casserole we love). What’s crazy is that I didn’t realize how simple it is to put together until I finally got brave enough to try it for myself!

You can make homemade biscuits to go with your sausage gravy, but for simplicity sake, I oftentimes use the refrigerated biscuits that come in a can. Especially if we’re doing a big family breakfast during the holidays, or even just throwing together ‘breakfast for dinner‘ on a busy weeknight, it’s easier to whip out the pre-made stuff.

Now, I’m not above using generic brands on most things. However, I must warn you… I have tried other sausages and nothing has compared to Jimmy Dean. My family loves the Hot Sausage Roll, but if you’re not a fan of spice, stick with the regular. Or if you’re making it for big crowd, do one of each and it’s the perfect combination.


How to Make Sausage Gravy

As delicious as buttermilk biscuits are, let’s be honest – the gravy is the real star of the show. The best part? The sausage gravy recipe only takes THREE ingredients to make! And chances are, you already have 2 of them on hand.

COOK SAUSAGE. To make the sausage gravy, cook the sausage on medium high heat, breaking it up with a spatula as you go.

MAKE GRAVY. Once sausage is cooked through, carefully stir in flour, ½ cup at a time, until sausage has a nice coating. Slowly add your milk, until you’ve reached your desired consistency. (For a soupier gravy, add more milk. If you like the sauce to be thicker, add less milk. If you find you have added too much milk, add flour to thicken it up.)

SEASON. Season this with salt and pepper and enjoy your super simple and delicious biscuits and gray,

You’ll be blown away by how much flavor can be created with such few ingredients in so little time. And then when you pour it over some freshly baked buttermilk biscuits? Match made in heaven!

SAUSAGE GRAVY TIP: Remember, do not drain the excess fat from the sausage after cooking it. The sausage drippings will help bring the flour and milk together. Completely stir the flour and allow it to cook with the sausage and drippings for 1-2 minutes, then slowly add the milk.


biscuits And gravy Variations & FAQ:

Here are some ideas for changing up your classic B & G!

  • Replace the biscuits with rice, corn bread, toast, or mashed potatoes.
  • Try using ground turkey (plus 2 tbsp of butter) or ground beef in place of the sausage.
  • Replace regular milk with buttermilk.
  • Add some spice with chili flakes or tabasco sauce.
  • Try adding Mushrooms or bell peppers, or cooked bacon bits to change up the flavor.
  • Make a casserole version to easily feed a crowd

Can biscuits and gravy be frozen? Unfortunately cream/milk based gravies do not freeze well. The cream/milk will separate during the thawing process. You can precook your sausage and freeze it (along with all of the drippings) in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

When you’re ready to make the gravy thaw the sausage and follow the recipe as written. Cooked biscuits can also be stored in their own airtight freezer container for up to 3 months until ready to use.

Reheat. Leftover biscuits and gravy can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 days. Reheat the gravy in the microwave or in a saucepan in the stove top until it reaches your desired temperature.


Nothing beats some homemade biscuits and gravy! Whether it’s for breakfast or dinner or a holiday party, we hope you enjoy this simple recipe.


Being Poor in Africa


That most Africans are poor, not because they really are poor, but because someone decides to describe them as such.

My grandfather is ‘poor’. He certainly lives on “less than a dollar a day”. He is now 95 years old. In his nine and a half decades on earth, he has never lacked, and he has never begged. He only attended one year at a mission school in the 1930s and learnt how to read and write. This is how he pulls it off:

When he wants food, he goes to the banana plantation, looks at tens of bunches of matooke (banana) and decides which to harvest for the day’s dinner. Adjacent to the plantation is a sweet potato garden, cassava garden, yams and finger millet. To the south of the banana plantation are beans, cow peas or peanuts gardens. Down the valley is grazing land with tens of Frisian and cross-breed cattle. They provide him with milk daily, 365 days a year.

He also has about 20 goats. In Uganda, goat milk was generally not considered palatable, possibly due to the abundance of cow milk, so we never milked goats. He would sell a couple of them to supplement income from other produce to send his children to school. He also reared a couple of chickens, more as a hobby.

The farm produces more than he can consume. He sells the surplus to afford such essential services as kerosene (recently upgraded to solar), soap, sugar (at his age he no longer takes sugar, he uses honey — doctor’s orders).

Scattered across the farm are sugarcane (for eating, not for making sugar) and fruit trees (guava, mango, pawpaw, avocado, orange, passion fruit, pineapple). He drinks fresh juice from mangoes and passion fruit. As is evident, everything here is on a subsistence basis, but very organic. He has done this for the past 75 years.

He had eleven children, my mother being his first born. He sent all of them to school, saw eight of them through college. He sold at least two cows, some goats and some produce each school term to send his children to school.

I went to live at grandfather’s place when I was 5 years old. I left when I was 14 (my family lived in an urban area). I learnt how to farm, milk cows, tether goats, harvest fruits (by climbing the fruit tree) and harvesting honey (at night using smoke).

Why the long story?

My grandfather, just like millions of other Africans that live like him, is considered poor. He rarely holds money, and he rarely needs it. He produces most of what he needs. But using the standard World Bank/IMF description of ‘poor’, my grandfather is poor. I live in the city and earn about USD 12,000 a year after tax, which in Uganda is a decent salary. But I can hardly match my grandfather in terms of providing for my family with fresh milk, fresh food and fresh fruits.

This is one thing most people that watch International media do not know about Africa: not all Africans are poor, many simply live differently than you.

Russian Navy Takes Delivery of First “Nuclear Tsunami” Submarine


Yesterday, July 8, 2022, the Russian Navy took delivery of the first submarine capable of firing the “Poseidon” nuclear tsunami drone torpedo.  No other submarine on earth has such capability and there is no defense at all against its “Poseidon” drone nuclear torpedo.

The Russian Navy submarine armed with a strategic nuclear torpedo the size of a school bus was delivered to the Kremlin this week, according to an announcement from the shipyard.

Project 09852 Belgorod is based on a Russian Oscar-class guided-cruise missile submarine that has been altered to accommodate six Poseidon nuclear torpedoes that could each be armed with a warhead of up to 100 megatons.

The submarine was delivered to the Russian Navy in a ceremony in at the Northern Fleet’s headquarters in Severodvinsk on Friday.


“The Belgorod submarine opens up new opportunities for Russia in conducting various research, allows conducting diverse scientific expeditions and rescue operations in the most remote areas of the world ocean,” according to a statement from Russian Navy chief Adm. Nikolai Anatolyevich Yevmenov.
“The ship is designed to solve diverse scientific problems, conduct search and rescue operations, and can also be used as a carrier of rescue deep-sea and autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles.”

The cut-away shown below provides readers with an understanding of the vast capabilities of this new vessel:


Mini or Midget submarines for deep sea operations – including cutting communications cables on the sea floor – are carried aboard or beneath this new sub.

Yet the most fearsome aspect of this vessel is its new “Poseidon” autonomous, nuclear drone torpedo. Take a look:


Length: 24 meters (79 ft) (estimate)
Diameter: 2m (6.5 ft) (estimate)
Speed: 70 knots (Reports that Poseidon can travel at very high speeds and/or uses super-caitation have been debunked).
Operating depth: >1,000 meters (3,280 ft) (reported)
Propulsion: nuclear

In 2019, the Russian Navy put out a video on Youtube, showing the torpedo being LAUNCH tested (not exploding).  Here’s the video:



The torpedo is carried to maybe 100 miles offshore of a target city.  It could be launched much farther out to sea as well.

It is launched and commences autonomous operation.  The sub which launches it does not have to remain anywhere near it.

The torpedo travels to it’s programmed location at a deep depth of maybe 1 kilometer, then waits as long as it is programmed to wait . . .  could be days or even weeks, allowing the sub that launched it to be safely far away, then detonates at a depth of about 1 kilometer.

At that depth, there is so much water, that even the heat of the nuclear blast will not turn ALL of the water to steam which vents harmlessly upwards.   A massive amount of the water will be “pushed” by the expanding blast force and that “push” will create a Tsunami wave, traveling toward the target coastline.

As the depth of water gets shallow approaching the coastline, the water piles-up on itself, reaching a projected height of up to FIVE HUNDRED METERS (1500 feet) above the typical ocean surface- and slams ashore at about 600 MPH, smashing absolutely everything in its path.

Entire cities would be knocked down and totally flooded by such a wave.

Worse, because the wave was caused by a thermonuclear explosion, all the water is radioactive.  Once that water comes ashore, the radiation levels from the flooding will be so high, that nothing will be able to survive and nothing will be able to enter into the flooded area for hundreds of years.

So ferocious is this new weapons system, that, if detonated off the Atlantic coast of the United Kingdom, it could submerge the entire British Isles, wiping out every living thing, and making the entire UK uninhabitable for hundreds of years.

With the ongoing troubles between Russia and Ukraine, and with the US and UK using NATO to supply weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians, the Russians are getting aggravated to the point where, on Russian Television, they told their citizens that just one Poseidon drone torpedo could sink the UK into the sea, killing every living thing.  Here is that video from Russian TV:



Now, imagine they detonated one of these off Washington, DC, or New York City, or Boston . . . or all of them?

Imagine if they detonated one of these off Los Angeles, or San Francisco . . .  or both?

There is no defense against this type of weapon.  And there would be no surviving its effects.

Now that Russia actually has an operational submarine capable of launching this now-tested and operations nuclear drone torpedo, maybe picking a fight with Russia over Ukraine is not such a good idea for the Untied States.

The US has clearly fallen in the arms race.  Yes, we have about 6200 nuclear warheads, but Russia has hypersonic missiles and we do not.  Russia has this nuclear drone torpedo and we do not.

Looks to many people that if war breaks out, Russia survives . . .  and we . . . . do not.

Ancient Romans were a lot like contemporaneous Americans

You see the Romans are a lot like modern Americans

  1. They considered themselves the peak of civilizations
  2. They were litigious and placed extreme importance on legalism
  3. They loved to drink and overeat
  4. They loved a good party
  5. They loved sport- from gladiators to races
  6. They were materialistic
  7. They were quick to evolve and adopt aspects of other cultures
  8. They were extremely diverse culturally and racially

If you envision Romans as Americans without all this technology you’ll often be spot on.

The one big difference was Christianity. The Romans lacked the moral issues with sex that Christianity would foster. Thus Rome was far more sexually liberated than the modern United States is.

Now in Roman marriage monogamy was expected and cheating was definitely taboo. But the Romans had very few hang-ups. Divorcing your pregnant wife so she can marry your political ally was not such a big deal- and this happened multiple times.

The Romans loved origins and they loved prostitutes. Sex was super common and it was a BIG part of Roman life.

Now Rome was patriarchal. A wife cheating was a HUGE deal while a husband cheating was a much smaller deal. But it was always bad.

I’ve recently seen this meme (below) so I would like to explain further as to why this was the case.

The Chinese do NOT FUCKING play.

In one short sentence: because ancient Chinese always practiced total war.

By definition, a total war was a war where all assets of state would be managed to prioritize war effort, including civilian citizens. This differs from the kinds of “rules based” wars conducted by the Western Europeans and Americans.

There were a lot of practices in ancient wars that would be considered completely inhumane by modern standards. Let me list out a few:

  • Pillaging a captured city for loot, kept by either the soldiers themselves or their superiors. Of course some modern armies still do this, but the list gets worse.
  • Forced conscription. Many civilians were literally dragged out of their homes and force to fight. I heard a lot of old Taiwanese veterans recount this; they were usually the most pro-unify people in Taiwan with some requesting in their will to be buried back in their mainland hometown.
  • Mass execution of surrendered POW. Most notably, Bai Qi did so at the Battle of Changping. Cao Cao and Tuoba Gui had also done this (that’s just off the top of my head). This was due to logistics problems of keeping them fed, or to prevent them from rejoining the enemy army.
  • Destruction of entire cities or natural terrain to better defend or prevent resources entering enemy control. Sometimes people were forcefully migrated, other times they were left to die.
  • Intentionally killing civilians but reporting it as enemy combatants; this was for promotion or false victories. Some deathtolls of war combatants were not necessarily real combantants.
  • Rise of rebel warlords and bandits when government control was lost. If the government’s army did not commit atrocities, they would. Imagine a Walking Dead apocalypse, and how a lot of people suddenly awakened their inner psychopath.

One particular film I recommend is The Warlords starring Jet Li, Andy Lau, and Takeshi Kaneshiro (3 legendary actors!). It was a fictional account of the Taiping Rebellion, but outlined the cruelty and deeper motivations behind atrocities committed in the war.


The cruelty of war was in fact a huge shock for some of the Westerners who set foot in China. In the Taiping Rebellion, there was an incident where several Taiping generals surrendered to Charles George Gordon, commander of the Ever Victorious Army, who promised to spare their lives.

When they were delivered to Li Hongzhang, he instead had them all summary executed.

Westerner Charles George Gordon was very angry because Li Hongzhang made him lose face with a dishonored promise and threatened to leave with his army, ultimately getting an apology from Li.

Meanwhile, Zeng Guofan (infamous for his cruelty towards the rebels) gave him a pat on the back saying he did the right thing.

The Chinese population have always feared the cruelty of war, to have such idioms:

宁做太平犬 不做乱世人 
I'd rather be a dog in peacetime than a man in wartime.

One general’s success lied on tens of thousands of rotten bones.

Some final notes…

  • Wars of such magnitude usually only happened once every 200–300 years and the collapse of the central government would usually follow. Atrocities did not always happen in every single war, but usually many of these atrocities did.
  • While Sun Zi did advocate that a war of attrition with significant deaths was non-beneficial, there was never a formal code similar to the International Laws of War. Most of these wars happened obviously before such a concept even existed.
  • As I commented, it was not just government army committing atrocities, some rebels and warlords did it worse. And when one side committed war crimes, the other side followed in revenge. Take my listed example: although Charles Gordon promised to spare the Taiping rebels out of goodwill, he was a British with no previous ties to them. Most of the Chinese militia recruited had lost family members to the rebels, so they’d kill any Taiping soldiers they’d see because it was their motivation to fight (and Zeng Guofan was clever to utilize this).

Death trap for the USA

Jeff Brown

[COMMENT: New York Times citing US officials on 24/7/2022 reported that US & European allies will not be able to maintain current level of support for Kiev for a prolonged period of time.

Despite the fact that President Biden has vowed to stand with Ukraine for “as long as it takes”, no one expects more billions of support for Ukraine when the currently authorised aid package of $54 billion in military & other assistance runs out by second quarter of 2023.] 


Russian commentary [24/7/2022:

Death trap for the USA

The tactics of unhurried military operations in Ukraine are still bewildering the best Pentagon analysts, and only a few have begun to guess that the main goal of the operation is not at all the surrender of Kyiv.

The fall of the Kyiv regime is undoubtedly spelled out in the plans for a special military operation, but not at all as the culmination of Russia’s actions, but only as an intermediate stage. The war is actually being waged at a much higher level.

American politicians and generals firmly believe that the United States is using Ukraine as a weapon to deplete Russia. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite — the Anglo-Saxons were lured to this battlefield in order to put an end to the dubious and extremely dirty hegemony.

Some in Washington began to suspect something, but it was already too late, as the deadly trap for the United States was slammed, and the Americans themselves did the most to achieve this.

The main trick of the special operation of the Russian Federation was revealed by the Ukrainian politician and journalist Dmitry Vasilets, noting that with their unhurried advancement, the (Russian) allied forces most effectively implement the process of demilitarisation not only of Ukraine, but of the entire collective West. He said:

“The Russian army took some tactical pause to regroup before the attack on Slavyansk. Even in the West, many have already concluded that this is far from a traditional war. In fact, the Russian army could long ago destroy all the bridges across the Dnieper and stop the transfer of equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Donbass.

“We see a slow advance in the Donbass and near Kharkov, which is due to the fact that the army saves its forces as much as possible, giving the enemy even time and the opportunity to bring up reserves and thus destroying the entire military potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“It is already clear that Russia is planning a long-term war with the West in Ukraine. Most of the territory of Ukraine is becoming a financial yoke for Europe and the United States. As they say, politics is a concentrated economy, and war is an even more concentrated economy. The West has fallen into a deadly trap.

“For many years, Kyiv’s “partners” exported all its resources out of the country, but  now they are only forced to inject huge amounts of money without receiving anything in return. This is a death trap for the US and its satellites.”

“Most likely, this is why Russia operates in Ukraine with a limited contingent and does not rush things at all, ”Vasilets explained.

The journalist noted that one should not believe in fairy tales about the unlimited resources of the United States, which, they say, can cover any costs by running the printing press at full capacity.

The sanctions war is hurting the American economy. At the same time, the United States needs to fully support Ukraine, even paying the salaries of the entire state apparatus, and soon it will also need to support the declining economy of the European Union in order to keep the already shaky anti-Russian coalition under control.

The Americans simply will not pull out a long war in such conditions, but, in theory, they also cannot retreat, at least without serious geopolitical losses. The trap has really slammed shut and in Ukraine they (Russians) are now grinding not only the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the entire collective West.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Is China blah blah blah?

Yeah. The anti-China media is off the charts. But why focus on China while the West, led by the United States is burning?

  • Is China collapsing?
  • Is China undergoing famine?
  • Is China facing chaos?
  • Is China’s yuan failing?

Yeah. Same narrative, spewed forth over and over and over again.

Here’s some real news, some cats, a tad bit of interesting stuff, some food, and some fun.

Car Production by Country 2022

2022 report: China car production is more than US, Japan, and Germany combined

Article HERE

Real news about Russia and China trade

Real news:
China-Russia trade up 28.9% in Jan-May; further growth expected - Global Times

Article HERE
China's alumina exports to Russia surge after Ukraine invasion — Quartz

Article HERE

China’s trade with Russia up by 12% in March from a year earlier | China | The Guardian

Article HERE

POLL: 25% of All Americans Open to “Taking-up arms against government”

More than one quarter of US residents feel so estranged from their government that they feel it might “soon be necessary to take up arms” against it, a poll released on Thursday claimed.

This survey of 1,000 registered US voters, published by the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics (IOP), also revealed that most Americans agree the government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me”.

The data suggests that extreme polarization in US politics – and its impact on Americans’ relationships with each other – remain strong.

The survey indicates that distrust in government varies among party lines. While 56% of participants said they “generally trust elections to be conducted fairly and counted accurately”, Republicans, Democrats and independents were dramatically split on this point. Nearly 80% of Democrats voiced overall trust in elections, but that number dipped to 51% among independents and a mere 33% of Republicans.

Per the poll, 49% of Americans concurred that they “more and more feel like a stranger in my own country”. Again, this number reflected sharp political divisions: the sentiment was held by 69% of self-described “strong Republicans”, 65% of self-described “very conservative” persons, and 38% of “strong Democrats”.

Of the 28% of voters who felt it might soon be necessary “to take up arms against the government,” 37% had guns in their homes, according to the data.

One-third of Republicans – including 45% of “strong Republicans – hold this belief about taking up arms. 35% of independent voters, and 20% of Democrats, also agreed, the poll said.

Meanwhile, those polled voiced negative sentiments about persons from opposing political parties. Seventy-three per cent of self-described Republican voters agreed that “Democrats are generally bullies who want to impose their political beliefs on those who disagree,” and “an almost identical percentage of Democrats (74%) express that view of Republicans”.

“While we’ve documented for years the partisan polarization in the country, these poll results are perhaps the starkest evidence of the deep divisions in partisan attitudes rippling through the country,” said the Republican pollster Neil Newhouse, who conducted the survey in May with and Democratic pollster Joel Benenson.

The survey also stated that almost half of respondents expressed averting political talk with other people “because I don’t know where they stand”. One-quarter described losing friends, and a similar proportion claimed to have avoided relatives and friends, due to politics, per the survey.

Biden’s Sanctions Are a Windfall For Russia!

Joe Biden: “The reason why gas prices are up is because of Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia.”

By Ron Paul

It’s easy to see why, according to a new Harris poll, 71 percent of Americans said they do not want Joe Biden to run for re-election. As Americans face record gas prices and the highest inflation in 40 years, President Biden admits he could not care less. His Administration is committed to fight a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine and Americans just need to suck it up.

Last week a New York Times reporter asked Biden how long he expects Americans to pay record gasoline prices over his Administration’s Ukraine policy. “As long as it takes,” replied the president without hesitation.

“Russia cannot defeat Ukraine,” added Biden as justification for his Administration’s pro-pain policy toward Americans. The president has repeatedly tried to deflect blame for the growing economic crisis by claiming Russia is solely behind recent inflation. “The reason why gas prices are up is because of Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia,” he said in the same press conference.

But Biden has a big problem: Americans do not believe him. According to a Rasmussen poll earlier this month, only eleven percent of Americans believe Biden’s claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is to blame for high prices.

When it comes to disdain for the average American hurt by higher prices, there is more than enough in the Biden Administration to go around.

Brian Deese, Director of President Biden’s National Economic Council, was asked in a recent CNN interview, “What do you say to those families that say, listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?”

His answer? “This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.”

Has there ever been an Administration more out of touch with the American people? If you asked working Americans whether they’d be happy to suffer poverty for the “liberal world order,” how many would say “that sounds like a great idea”?

President Biden’s attempts to bring down gasoline prices are bound to fail because he does not understand the problem. He can beg the Saudis to pump more oil, he can even threaten the US oil companies as he did in a Tweet yesterday. He can buy and sell from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in attempt to give the impression that prices are lowing. None of it will work.

The strangest part of this idea that Americans must suffer to hurt the Russians is that these policies aren’t even hurting Russia! On the contrary: Russia has been seen record profits from its oil and gas exports since the beginning of the Ukraine war.

According to a recent New York Times article, increasing global oil and gas prices have enabled Russia to finance its war on Ukraine. US sanctions did not bring the Russian economy to its knees, as Biden promised. They actually brought the American economy to its knees while Russian profits soared.

As Newsweek noted last week, Russian television pundits are joking that with the financial windfall Russia has seen since sanctions were imposed, “Biden is of course our agent.”

Washington’s bi-partisan foreign policy of wasting trillions on endless wars overseas has finally come home. Biden is clearly out of touch, but there is plenty of blame to go around. The only question is whether we will see an extended recession…or worse.

NASA chief warns: China was able to enter the space race by stealing American technology

Yeah. Sure…

Bill Nelson, the director of NASA, warned that China joined the space race by stealing other people's technology and is now going to occupy the moon. 

The remarks provoked resentment in Beijing. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian accused Nelson of smearing.

China has accelerated its space program over the past decade, with one of its priorities being exploring the moon. 

In an interview published in the German newspaper Bild on Saturday (July 2), NASA Administrator Nielsen said: 

"We have to pay very much attention to china's landing on the moon and say, 'Now (the moon) is ours, don't come.'" ’。 

Nelson also said that China's space program is a military program. 

He further denounced China for relying on technology theft to enter the space race.



That is Bank of America’s latest forecast for the growth of the U.S. economy in the second quarter.

The second largest American bank by assets on Friday revised down its estimate for GDP growth in the April through June period from 1.5 percent to 0.0 percent, citing weaker than expected consumer spending reported by the Department of Commerce on Thursday.

“This was the first fall in consumer spending this year amid high inflation and hawkish hikes by the Fed, indicating a slightly weaker economy than previously assumed,” the bank’s economists said in a note to clients.

The Atlanta Fed’s GDP tracker, GDP NOW on Friday plunged to minus 2.1 percent growth for the second quarter, down from the one percent reading on Thursday.

The Commerce Department’s Personal Consumption Expenditure data released for the first quarter and the month of May indicated that consumer spending has been more or less flat since January. Inflation-adjusted household earnings have fallen, with wage gains swamped by rising prices. PCE inflation, the Fed’s favored measure of price changes, remained at 6.3 percent in May, defying predictions that it would come down as the Fed imposed the biggest rate hike in this century.

The Institute of Supply Management said on Friday that its barometer of manufacturing activity fell to the lowest level since May 2020, when the economy was staggering from the onset of the pandemic and lockdowns.

Bank of America expects the economy to grow 2.3 for the full year this year. It expects just 1.4 percent next year and 0.8 percent in the year after that as the “lagged impact of tighter financial conditions cools the economy.” The bank estimates a 40 percent chance of a recession next year.

Boeing takes issue with massive Chinese Airbus order

Boeing has expressed dismay with China’s ‘Big Three’ carriers placing an order for 292 A320neo family jets on 1 July.
The US company points to its long history in China’s aerospace market, and feels the joint order by the three state-owned carriers – Air China, China Eastern Airlines, and China Southern Airlines – was affected by geopolitical tensions.

Article HERE

Interview with American Fighters Who Surrendered in Donbass

Claiming disorganization and incompetence in Ukrainian military, the two US veterans have told fellow foreigners to stay at home

Two American nationals have told RT that they surrendered to Russian forces after being abandoned by their Ukrainian commanders. The pair told veterans like them to “think twice” before making the trip to Ukraine.

Alexander Drueke and Andy Huynh spoke to RT from a detention center in the Donbass People’s Republic, a day after The Daily Telegraph reported that they had been taken prisoner. The British newspaper described them as being the first American citizens captured while fighting for Ukraine, and Washington has vowed to secure their return.

The two veterans – Drueke served two tours with the US Army in Iraq while Huynh worked in logistics for the Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan – were captured just hours after being sent to the front lines near Kharkov last week. Under the command of Ukraine’s secret police, the SBU, Huynh said that the pair were sent to cover a Ukrainian retreat.

“We were told to post up on a little overlook,” Huynh recalled, describing how he was armed with a Czech CZ rifle and a Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher. Columns of Ukrainans retreated past their point, followed by armored vehicles and a tank belonging to either Russia or the DPR.

“When [the tank] shot the first time, I was readying my RPG,” Huynh said. He claimed that the tank shot at a different position moments later, and thinking it was firing upon him, Huynh shouldered his weapon and fired a rocket at the vehicle, but missed. With the Ukrainian troops gone, Huynh and Drueke “ran away and hid in a fighting hole,” as Russian vehicles and foot patrols passed by.

“We were initially supposed to do [reconnaissance] with drones,” Drueke told RT, “but when we got to our location there was already a battle of sorts in progress. Our plans changed…and one teammate and I were left in the woods.”

When the coast was clear, the Americans set off walking through a forest for several hours before Drueke said that they “took a wrong turn or a misstep and made it into a village. We were approached by a Russian patrol and immediately surrendered to them.”

Currently in captivity, the stakes for Drueke and Huynh are high. Last week, the Russia-allied Donetsk People’s Republic sentenced to death three foreign fighters captured during the battle for Mariupol, including two Britons. The republic’s top court ruled that they were mercenaries and thus not granted privileges that regular prisoners of war would enjoy under international law.

Both men described fair treatment at the hands of their Russian captors, describing how Russian troops gave them food, warm blankets and cigarettes. However, Drueke said that he has heard rumors that the pair could potentially be sentenced to death.

Drueke, who left the US military in 2014, initially set out for Ukraine without a clear plan. Flying to Poland with the intention of doing humanitarian work, he nevertheless brought military gear and said that he was prepared to fight, even if military service “was not the be-all and end-all.” He said that while he was distrustful of American news coverage, he believed that Ukraine’s struggle was being portrayed in a way that “would appeal to veterans like myself.”

Now, with Ukrainian shells falling on civilian targets in the majority-Russian speaking city of Donetsk, he told RT that he realized “there are two sides to this story and I was not getting one of them.”

Huynh said that he’d traveled to Ukraine in April and contacted a Polish priest overseeing humanitarian relief, but soon made contacts in Ukraine’s ‘International Legion.’ After joining the legion, he left shortly afterwards, citing corruption and disorganization within the ranks.

“Commanders were very corrupt and troops were very ill-prepared and supplied,” he said. Drueke also began his duty in Ukraine with the legion, where he said he was “dissatisfied with the caliber of person they had there.”

Both men traveled the country looking for a more competent unit to join, before ending up in the so-called ‘Task Force Baguette’ in eastern Ukraine, a foreign mercenary unit consisting mainly of American and French veterans. The unit confirmed on Wednesday that Drueke and Huynh – referred to by their nicknames ‘Bama’ and ‘Hate’ – had been captured.

“Watching the propaganda from the West, it says how glorious all Ukraine is, and when I came here I saw how not true that was,” Huynh told RT. “The Ukrainians say they’re the best, but from what I’ve seen, I’ve seen a lot of corruption.”

Drueke ended his interview with a warning. “Fellow veterans like me who are thinking of coming: don’t.”

“Think really long and hard about why you’re doing it and what can happen, and if this is really your fight,” he said. “If I make it out of this situation, I have a lot of things to think about.”

At time of writing, the US has not officially acknowledged the capture of Drueke and Huynh. According to Russian figures, 6,956 foreign citizens from 64 countries have arrived in Ukraine since February to fight for Kiev. Some 1,956 of those have been killed, while 1,779 have left the country, the Russian Defense Ministry stated on Friday.

French Household bills soar by €64 a month in a year, new French study shows

Household bills soar by €64 a month in a year, new French study shows. This is based on DATA COMPILED BEFORE the ware in Ukraine.
15 Dec 2021 — The average cost of household fuel bills in France has risen by €64 per month from December 2020 to October 2021, a new official

Article HERE

Bulgaria Ejects 70 Russian Diplomatic Staff; Russia may cut ties


Bulgaria has turned down Russia’s request to alter its decision about the expulsion of 70 Russian diplomats (espionage concerns) from the country.

The Russian ambassador declared she intends to discuss the issue of closing the embassy in Bulgaria with the Russian leadership.  This would cut Diplomatic ties between Russia and Bulgaria.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Bulgaria says they’ve done this over “espionage concerns.”  This is such utter nonsense.

What, in God’s name, does Bulgaria have, make, invent, or do, that anyone would even bother to spy on them?

I mean, in my 60 years of life on this planet, I cannot recall __any__ mention of __any__ invention, technology, product or service that even originated in Bulgaria, never mind be worth spying on!

What we have here is a little “nothing” of a country, posturing on the world stage to gain attention, by manufacturing a Russian bogeyman over nothing.

This is nothing more than deliberate antagonizing of Russia, o the world stage, to demean and insult the Russians, just for the sake of doing so.

Apparently, the people running Bulgaria are another set of spoiled brat children with nothing better to do than stir up trouble . . . for themselves.

All Natural Gas Flow on Yamal-Europe Pipeline Halted

Stuff going on…


Russia has completely shut off all flows of natural gas in the Yamal-Europe pipeline.

After President Putin’s Decree on July 4,  which ordered no vital commodity shipments – at any price or in any currency – can be made to “unfriendly countries,” the gas flow to much of Europe has now been completely shut off.

Europe was striving over the past month or so to build up its tanks-storage-reserves and at last look, some countries had fifty-seven percent (57%) of their winter tank storage already filled.

It is not known how much more than 57% they may have accumulated in the past month, and it is not yet known how long such tanked reserves might last if they are drawn upon to supply countries now.


More info if I get it.



As of May 5, 2022, Poland’s natural gas storage tanks were at 81% capacity, and RUMOR has it that as of today, those storage tanks are at 98% capacity.   I have not yet verified that they are at 98%.

I __have__ been able to verify that Gas Storage Poland, is responsible for operating gas storage tanks. The company’s seven LNG storage tanks have a total capacity of 3.18 bln cubic meters.   In May, we can confirm those tanks were at 81% or 2.58 bln cubic meters. Poland’s consumption of natural gas amounted to just above 21 bln cubic meters in 2021, most of which is consumed in the colder months of autumn and winter.

So presuming those tanks are full . . . Poland has seventeen percent of its ANNUAL ACTUAL USAGE, stored up.  That’s about two months worth.

Yet, bear in mind that although they can store 3.18 billion cubic meters for winter excess needs, those winter excess needs have always been IN ADDITION TO the regular amount of gas coming into Poland via pipeline.  Now, those regular flows have halted.   So . . .  less than two months natural gas for the whole country???

I am also told that wood-burning stoves have SOLD OUT in Germany.   Allegedly NONE to be had, at any price, anywhere in the country.



Germany has by far the largest storage volume for natural gas in central and western Europe (24 billion m3), which CAN supply Germany for two- to-three average temperature winter months.  But as of March, 2022, the German storage tanks were at less than 60% full.   Still trying to get more current data, but again the storage for two to three months of average winter temperatures exists while regular pipeline service continues 24/7.   Now that Yamal-Europe is offline, Germany must rely on Nordstream One, which last month, dropped from 130 million cubic meters per day down to 100 million cubic meters per day, and dropped again TODAY from 100 million to only 58 million cubic meters per day.  So Germany may, realistically, only have two months gas supply for their whole country!

World War 3 is already underway as EUROPE does the unthinkable

He’s right.

What me worry?


VIDEO: Missile/Projectile Hits Belgorod Russia

Stuff going ON.


Some type of projectile or missile has struck in Belgorod, Russia, presumably launched from Ukraine.

The ten second EXCERPT video below, taken from a longer video by a person on an apartment terrace who was outside videoing the city at night, shows the hit and detonation:



If this turns out to be a U.S.-supplied HIMAARS, then real trouble has just exploded.


Now able to report 3 people were killed and 4 injured after the explosion in Belgorod in Russia. All together, 11 apartments and 39 houses were destroyed.

Ukraine Armed Forces are DENYING an attack.  They claim a Russian Defensive Missile malfunctioned and hit the neighborhood.

But if Russia fired a “defensive missile” then doesn’t it stand to reason they were firing at incoming Ukrainian fire?

Additional source inside Russia now reports “Ukrainian Ground Forces fired a pair of 9M79-1 short-range ballistic missiles by Tochka-U systems at city of Belgorod in Russia. One hit a military site while the second failed and hit a building.”



The tail section of a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile has been found in Belogorod, Russia.


This is proof that the attack video seen above was, in fact, a Ukrainian missile attack and also proves the Ukrainian Armed Forces LIED when they told the world it was a Russian defensive missile that failed. Once again, the Ukrainians are shown to be flat-out, deliberate, liars.

Louis XI Enjoyed an Abominable Orchestra of Squealing Pigs – the Piganino


Believe it or not, but it appears that the ruthless 15th century King Louis XI of France, nicknamed the Spider King or l’universelle araignée , took pleasure in the torture of animals. One particular story tells of a pig organ, a.k.a. a hog harmonium, piganino, pigano, or even the porko forte, which created music using the squeals of a selection of carefully chosen pigs.

Looking at the date, however, this should come as no surprise. According to Lisa Kiser, in A Cultural History of Animals in the Medieval Age , it was common practice in Europe to use animals for entertainment between 1000 and 1400. From royal menageries to animal performances, including anything from juggling apes, talking bears or even a rooster dancing on stilts, animal cruelty and sadism was an everyday affair during the so-called Dark Ages. Bear-baiting, where a chained bear was made to fight against dogs, was a popular blood sport in Britain until the 19th century, while France was home to a lovely game known as getter au cochon , where four blindfolded players would enter an enclosure and beat a pig to death. The more well-known cockfights and cat burning were also par for the course.


Cover illustration for the piece of sheet music entitled La Piganino, illustrating the porko forte. ( Public domain )

The story of Louis XI and his piganino comes from Nathaniel Wanley’s 1678 The Wonders of the Little World . It appears that he made a comment to the Abbot of Baigné, known to be an amateur inventor, about the musical nature of pigs. Taking this as a challenge, the Abbott proceeded to invent one of the more sadistic musical instruments on record, whereby a keyboard was connected to a series of cages containing pigs categorized by the sound of their voices. On pressing a key, the poor creatures would be poked with metal spikes, creating “ music” made up of their fear and pain-driven grunts and squeals. All this to the delight of the king.

This is not the only time that an unbelievably bizarre musical instrument is said to have been created using live animals. Musurgia Universalis , the 1650 music-related compendium by Athanasius Kircher, mentioned the katzenklavier, or cat organ, created to “raise the spirits of an Italian prince burdened by the cares of his position.” The concept was pretty much identical to that of the piganino, with eight cats in cages, tails pulled taught and, on pressing a key, slammed with a nail to produce “a melody of meows.” While some believe the cat organ to be mere myth, it was also reported by historian Juan Calvete de Estrella, in a description of the procession of King Phillip II in Brussels. This time the cat organ was being played by a bear.

Top image: A man playing a fantastic pig organ, or piganino, composed of screaming pigs. Source: British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Patrice Rushen – Forget Me Nots (12″ Version)

Ah. Please enjoy this batch of funk.

Father’s Game Guides Are Amazing


When you play games, you most likely make notes – in your mind. It is unlikely that you write down everything in diaries. Or maybe you write down who knows you.


Twitter user Ishikoro18 published images of guides for the passage of various games that were written by her father. Among them are titles such as Final Fantasy X-2, Siren, Ico, Silent Hill 3, Kingdom Hearts and others.


On the pages you can find sketches, maps, solved puzzles and passwords. Maybe you also need to start a diary to pass on to the next generation?


America in a World of Limits

In truth, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine does not change the fact that America’s global power position is constrained.

by Dan Caldwell in The National Interest. A Neocon publication.
RUSSIA’S VILE war of aggression against the people of Ukraine has accelerated discussion about the future of U.S. foreign policy. However, the terms of the debate have done more to confound than clarify. While foreign policy elites declare that the Russian invasion “changes everything,” their resounding chorus offers a familiar refrain, namely, the vindication and perpetuation of U.S. global primacy. In truth, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine does not change the fact that America’s global power position is constrained. The heady days of unipolarity are over. Policymakers who fail to acknowledge those realities when dealing with the fallout from the war in Ukraine will only make America less safe and threaten the conditions of our prosperity.

To be sure, the United States retains a powerful economy and military. But unlike in the early 1990s, the United States faces real global competitors—in particular China—along with domestic challenges that will require better prioritization and trade-offs.

While far from guaranteed, there is a reasonable chance that China’s total economic power will overtake the United States within the next few years. China’s economy now comprises 18 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (in terms of purchasing power parity) compared to 16 percent for the United States. Additionally, future American economic growth is threatened by record levels of inflation and a $30 trillion national debt.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military has spent the last two decades bogged down in a handful of endless wars across the Middle East and Africa. The price of these conflicts has been steep. Thousands of American lives were lost and more than $8 trillion squandered. These conflicts also wore down important strategic assets like our B-1 bomber fleet, incentivized investments in platforms like the Littoral Combat Ship that are not suited for combat against near-peer adversaries, and forced cuts to the U.S. Air Force and Navy to build an Army designed to fight counterinsurgency conflicts in strategic backwaters.

Moreover, these wars were unpopular—both at home and abroad—and their pernicious effects have eroded the power of American leadership. The challenges facing America have not gone unnoticed. Many countries have refused to join the American and European-led sanctions regime imposed on Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. These nations are clearly hedging their bets in a world where American dominance is less certain. This even includes countries that have benefitted from the American security umbrella. Take the United Arab Emirates for example, which has enabled Russian oligarchs to escape targeted sanctions on their assets. The Emirati crown prince doubled down on this bad behavior when he refused a call from President Joe Biden to discuss energy market distress.

The United States should not tolerate a delusional foreign policymaking elite that ignores real constraints on American power. Instead, our leaders should adopt a sober and realistic approach to the current state of the world that recognizes our limits so that America can remain safe and prosperous.

In Eastern Europe, the United States must make it clear to our wealthy European partners that they are primarily responsible for the security of their own continent. Russia’s failures in Ukraine have revealed that its conventional armed forces are not a threat to well-funded and well-trained European armies—even without significant American support. A Russian Army that cannot take Kharkiv certainly cannot take Warsaw, Berlin, or Paris.

Accordingly, the United States should encourage the strengthening and development of non-NATO security architectures in Europe, like the European Union’s Common Defence and Security Policy. To effectively facilitate this, the United States must avoid taking actions that encourage free-riding under the American security umbrella. This would include short-sighted policies like more permanent deployments of U.S. troops to Europe, or NATO expansion to countries such as Finland and Sweden.

In the Middle East, the United States should resist efforts by authoritarian petrostates such as Saudi Arabia to exploit the current energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine to extract more security commitments from the United States. Instead, the United States should draw down from this increasingly less important region—especially from the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Syria—in order to free up resources for other priorities.

Real U.S. interests are at stake in East Asia, and this region will require careful navigation of perilous waters. China is a rising competitor that poses challenges that U.S. policymakers must take seriously. To deal with this, the United States should continue to develop defensive systems and technologies that enable partners in the region to deter Chinese aggression. Future defense budgets should prioritize funding for the Air Force and Navy over other branches since these two services would be at the forefront of any potential conflict in the Pacific. Additionally, the U.S. intelligence community should confront China’s malign economic and military espionage activities more aggressively.

But U.S. leaders should avoid overinflating the threat posed by China. Indeed, China has its own domestic and international constraints that may hinder its rise. Accordingly, policymakers should deal with the challenges posed by China without resurrecting the Cold War or raising the likelihood of direct conflict.

The acknowledgment that the United States faces real limits on its power does not mean accepting American decline or forlorn resignation that our best days are behind us. To the contrary, prudent foreign policy tradeoffs will better husband our power and provide the means to attend to our domestic economic and fiscal challenges thus ensuring future American safety and prosperity.

However, those who continue to deny reality and advocate the same failed policies that led us to where we are today will only guarantee American decline—not greatness. In the interest of American security and the American people, we must demand better.

Dan Caldwell is the vice president of foreign policy for Stand Together. He is a former congressional staffer and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.

Ok… so let’s see what The Duran has to say about this…


NATO calls China “systemic challenge,” then asks China to enforce oil price cap

Listen. This is the reality.

So how ready is Europe and the USA ready to take on Asia?



Belgium Police officials conducted a raid of Kleine-Brogel Air base, a NATO Joint base where U.S. nuclear bombs are stored, and busted a drug lab making Crystal Methamphetamine.  It gets worse: At least two individual arrested had to be let go because of “Diplomatic Immunity.”

Kleine Brogel Air Base (ICAO: EBBL) is a Belgian Air Component military airfield located 0.8 nautical miles (1.5 km; 0.92 mi) east of Kleine-Brogel, in the municipality Peer, Belgium. It is home to the Belgian 10th Tactical Wing, operating F-16 Fighting Falcons, which are capable, among other capabilities, of delivering B61 nuclear bombs.

The base has been subject to much political controversy, because of American nuclear weapons allegedly being stored in the facility by the United States Air Force (USAF), but never recognized officially by the Belgian government.

Under the NATO nuclear sharing arrangement, these nuclear bombs would require an actual dual key system, which would imply the simultaneous authorizations of Belgium and the United States, before any action is taken. Should that be the case, Kleine Brogel Air Base would be the only location in Belgium with nuclear weapons.

According to the press, Eastern European Member States of NATO resisted the withdrawal of the shared nuclear bombs in Europe, fearing that it would show a weakening of the American commitment to defend the European Union against Russian aggression.

None of the five NATO member states, whose air forces allegedly might share its premises, have ever provided an official confirmation of the bombs existence. However, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga declared that the Aeronautica Militare hosted or shared American nuclear bombs, just as other NATO member states do. In an interview he talked about French weapons. In the same way, on 10 June 2013, former Dutch prime minister Ruud Lubbers confirmed the existence of 22 shared nuclear bombs at Volkel Air Base.

Kleine Brogel Air Base is also the home of the United States Air Force’s 701st Munitions Support Squadron which allegedly is the unit in charge of looking after the shared nuclear bombs.

Belgium police raided the base just hours ago.  Several persons were taken under arrest, but there’s a massive twist; at least two persons arrested had to be let go because they have “Diplomatic immunity.”

The Source who provided this information to the Hal Turner Radio Show was quite explicit with this detail.  The source pointed out that had U.S. military been arrested, they would have remained under arrest and, if nothing else, would have been transferred to the custody of the US military and treated in accordance with the Status of Forces agreements that exist between countries.  But that is NOT “Diplomatic Immunity” which only applies to credentialed Diplomats and their staffers.

The source repeated this several times — those let go had “Diplomatic Immunity.”

It is not known yet if they were American diplomats / staff  or were from some other country . . . and right now a lid is being clamped down on information.

I expect more information soon.

The big takeaway for the time being is: What was a drug lab doing on a military base where US nuclear weapons are stored, and; who were the Diplomats invoilved?


Like my mother used to make.

Bill introduced in Russia To Give Emergency Powers to Putin; Puts Defense Industry in “State of War”

A Bill has been introduced in the Russia legislature which will give President Vladimir Putin emergency powers, will put the Russian Defense industry on 24/7 “state of war’ and lays the groundwork for a GENERAL MOBILIZATION conscription of the Russian people, for war.

The Bill makes reference to “military operations abroad” while also mentioning Ukraine, Luhansk and Donetsk.

Clearly, the intent of the Bill is to give President Putin legal authority to expand Russian military operations to outside of Ukraine, likely in response to hostile acts by Lithuania’s blockading the Russian exclave state of Kaliningrad, and now Norway’s blockage of food and supplies to Russian miners on the Svalbard Archipelago.

Lithuania announced yesterday they will be implementing a total blockade of Kaliningrad from July 10.

Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said the country would continue to implement the terms of the EU’s fourth package of sanctions against Russia and stop the transit of other goods through the Kaliningrad region from July 10, when the restrictions are due to take effect.

Knowing this would cause war-type trouble a Lithuanian Member of Parliament was brazen enough to warn Moscow – twice – not to abrogate the Treaty recognizing the independence of Lithuania in 1991!  The member of the Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania, Matas Maldeikis, asked Moscow to return to Vilnius “the ancestral lands of Smolensk”.

In fact, he asked for it twice in June!

He said “If Russia revokes its recognition of Lithuania’s independence in 1991, Lithuania will revoke the Polyanovka Treaty of 1634 and demand that Russia return all occupied territories to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Smolensk is Lithuania!’

The situation with external countries now making land claims against Russia while at the same time blockading the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, has caused Russia lawmakers and the Russian leadership to see this as an organized Nato project, both in the Baltic and in the case of Norway, and is prepared to respond militarily if Lithuania doesn’t remove the exclusions against Kaliningrad and Norway doesn’t remove the blockade of food against Svalbard.

According to information, the Russian government has submitted a draft law in order for the executive branch, that is, the president of Russia and the Russian government, to receive special powers.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma.

Amendments to the Defense Law are proposed. The Russian government supplements the law with the article on “Ensuring the conduct of anti-terrorist and other operations by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies outside the territory of the Russian Federation “.

The explanatory note states that this includes, among other things, a “special military operation in the territories of Lugansk, Donetsk and Ukraine”.

“Georgia Guide Stones” Blown-up


The famous “Georgia Guidestones” which promoted a human population under 500 million worldwide (The world’s population is 7 billion; or 14 times more than that) so as to sustain the earth, were blown up around 4:00 this morning.

Nearby residents say they heard a loud explosion but didn’t know what it was.  At sunrise, the guide stones were found reduced to a pile of rubble.

“Known as America’s Stonehenge, this 19-foot-high monument displays a 10-part message espousing the conservation of mankind and future generations in 12 languages,” according to a description on the state of Georgia’s tourism website.

Erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts.

The monument stands at an approximate elevation of 750 feet (230 m) above sea level, about 90 miles (140 km) east of Atlanta, 45 miles (72 km) from Athens, Georgia and 9 miles (14 km) north of the center of the city of Elberton.

One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the guidestones. The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”.

The monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg) in all.The anonymity of the guidestones’ authors and their apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism have made them an object of controversy and . . . conspiracy theories.


Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Well, it appears that someone decided to make a statement about the current ongoing nonsense plaguing our country and our world.  When it comes to population control, global Communism (You will own nothing and be happy) and Internationalism, perhaps the message sent today was a bold “No thanks.”

The so-called “elite” seem to think THEY know what’s best for the rest of us, and they attacked the general public with the bio-weapon “COVID-19” to start killing us off in pursuit of their grand plans.

Then they came at us with their phony mRNA “vaccines” which are killing-off millions more of us around the world.  They thought they got away with it.

Then they came at us with “supply-chain disruption” which they initially blamed on COVID.  Now that COVID is over, and the supply chain issues are getting worse, it is becoming clear to even the village idiots that this is all being done deliberately.  Surreptitiously.

Trouble is, no one asked The People whether any of __us__ wanted these grand plans. No one asked us if we wanted to “own nothing and be happy.” The “Elite” just went and started DOING what THEY wanted with the rest of us.  THEY started adversely affecting OUR lives. They didn’t ask. They didn’t care what we thought or what we want; they just implemented THEIR plans and the rest of us be damned.

Sorry Mr. & Mrs. “Elite” but, that dog don ‘t hunt.

Last night, someone apparently decided to send them a message that their plans are over.   Someone blew up the Georgia Guidestones.

Do you think the “Elite” will take the hint, or will their arrogance over-ride reason, and cause them to push even harder?

My bet: Their ego and arrogance will come unglued and they’ll go balls-to-the-wall now.

You see, with the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, THEY know, that WE know.  All the nonsense going on with COVID, the vax, the supply chain troubles . . . are all deliberate.  They are all part of the plan to destroy our way of life so THEY can . . . what phrase are they all using . . . . Oh, yes . . . . “Build Back Better.”

Sorry Mr. & Mrs. “Elite” we do not consent.

With today’s explosion, they NOW know that “The People” are not only ABLE to fight them off, but The People have now become WILLING to fight them off; kinetically.  By force.

I have a feeling things are going to get very ugly.  I have a feeling these “Elites” are not gonna stop until they ARE stopped.

In my opinion, if they’re smart, they will now realize that people are WILLING to blow-up their symbols, their plans, and maybe even them!  I certainly don’t advocate that and I absolutely have no plans whatsoever to engage in any such behavior personally.  Neither should anyone else.

But since the Elite have already taken to actually killing us with COVID and their phony “vax” they drew first blood.

If the explosions continue, or get personal for the “Elite,” it seems to me they will have brought it upon themselves.


A World War III Win is a Bridge Too Far for 21st Century Globalist America


Is USA able to fight and Win a World War 3?  VT has Questions!

You have to wonder why the U.S. and NATO keep pouring billions upon billions of dollars into a Ukrainian/Russo war that could very well be won by the Russian military regardless. This is despite what you hear from the mainstream media about the Ukraine military successfully advancing on the Russians.

They’re not.

With funding and support also coming from pro-Globalist billionaires like George Soros and an America that recently witnessed a humiliating military defeat in Afghanistan despite superior U.S. union-made products and state-of-the-art weaponry (much of which was left in the hands of the enemy), the U.S. in conjunction with NATO seem all too willing to prolong a war which, if financed and weaponized for too long, just might bring us to the brink of the nuclear annihilation.

That’s a war no one wins.

According to a new article by author John Carter, he sees no scenario in which a Globalist American Empire can possibly win World War III. Here are some of his reasons.

Point [1] The USA is a Global Hyperpower

Most conventionally minded Americans believe that the U.S. could win a new world war is because of the U.S.’s “global hyperpower.”

Its military budget actually dwarfs the rest of the world’s militaries combined. The U.S. currently has in play a dozen carrier groups, nuclear-powered submarines that can make around-the-world dives twice over without surfacing, subs called “Boomers” equipped with nukes that in theory can wipe out coastlines in mere moments.

The U.S. also maintains bases just about everywhere along with the ability to defend them. Satellites in space can surveil something as small as your hand, while predator drone fleets can rain down destruction anywhere in the world from a desktop in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

This is, of course, a very impressive show of military might. Says Carter, “no one out there wants to pick a fight with that.” He goes on to say that no one in their right mind doubts that a “direct confrontation between great powers” would inevitably result in horrible and terrific devastation.

Point [2] Radioactive Bubble

With that in mind, Carter contends that whichever powers are able to emerge victoriously from a “radioactive bubble,” it will likely not be the U.S. or more specifically, Washington, DC.

Not going to be the United States.

One of the main problems begins with the GAE (Government, Administration, and Elections) war machine. The situation today is similar to that of World War II.

At the beginning of the war in 1939, Germany’s military was bigger, better trained, and more technologically sophisticated than its competitors. They had adapted “war-fighting doctrines” which would account for every advance in military high tech that had occurred after World War I.

But Germany’s problem came in the form of natural resources of which they had little. On the other hand, the U.S. which enjoyed many resources were able to put their vast made-in-the-U.S. industrial complex to work and was able to manufacture Sherman tanks inside retrofitted Model-T factories, by the dozens.

Says Carter, the U.S. was able to bury the Reich with a “sheer mass of stuff.”

Point [3] Today’s American Industry

Over the course of the past several decades, America’s industrial base has become a rusted-out relic of what it once was.

Today, the U.S. relies almost completely on imported goods, from microchips to antibiotics. This remains true when it comes to critical wartime necessities for both the maintenance and replenishment of munitions for a supply chain that would be crushed by global hostilities.

A shortage of essential components would be a crippling blow to the U.S. and our adversaries know that.

The reliance on an over-extended supply chain might not seem all that important in the short run, but when you consider that the U.S. is supplied with much of its electronics from China while semiconductors come from Taiwan, you begin to see the bleak picture. And in a time of global conflict, China would likely snatch Taiwan up rather quickly.

Point [4] U.S. Poisoning

Rather than rely on natural remedies for the problems that ail them like good food and exercise, Carter claims that Americans have been “extensively poisoned with toxic foodstuffs.”

Approximately one-tenth of the U.S. population is reliant on psychiatric meds, while at the same time, “potent recreational drugs” such as methamphetamine, fentanyl (which comes largely from China), and legalized pot, now run rampant.

Plus, the average American is overweight.

As well as a substantive percentage are clinically depressed.

Point [5] The U.S. Global Strategic Situation

Presently, the U.S.’s “global strategic situation” is standing in the abyss of a “great power war.”

Like Eisenhower warned decades ago, the GAE will eventually have no friends that will want to come to its aid in a global conflict. After all, they are in it for the money.

The U.S. population, according to Cater, is somewhat “sick” in body and mind and has been “deliberately sickened” to make the population more controllable.

What’s more, there is almost no social capital or cohesion to tap into, while the economy continues to falter in every way.

Point [6] American “Leadership”

While the political divide hasn’t been this wide since the Civil War, the political leadership is largely corrupt and publicly despised.

The “for-profit” mainstream media is not trusted.

Military training standards have suffered greatly due to the injection of an “ideological madness” that seems to have destroyed everything in its path as Western society as a whole continues to decay.


Despite owning a large military-industrial complex, the Globalist friendly U.S. is in no position to fight World War III, much less be in it to win it.

Qatar to Demand EU Sign Long-Term LNG Deals If It Wants More Gas

I guess that it doesn’t trust the Euro-weenie. -MM

I just came across in the Chinese media: “Qatar demands [1] a 20 years contract and [2]  “must pay first” as the conditions for them to invest in an increased production to supply EU gas.
Ah. By taking Russian reserve money in EU banks and confiscating Russian private property at will, they have effectively damaged world trust towards Western nations.
So I do a search in English and found this, unfortunately pay wall:
  • Bloomberg pay wall. From HERE. 
  • Flying carpet link. Flies you over the paywall. HERE

Largest Maine Coon


Guinness World Records undated handout photo of Ludo the Maine Coon from Wakefield in South Yorkshire with owner Kelsey as they appear in this year’s Guinness World Records. Issue date: Thursday September 8, 2016. (Photo by Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records/PA Wire)

Lukashenko Says Ukraine Fired Missiles At Belarus

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday said his army had shot down missiles fired into their territory from Ukraine and vowed to respond “instantly” to any enemy strike.

“We are being provoked,” Lukashenko was quoted as saying by state news agency Belta. “I must tell you that around three days ago, maybe more, they also tried to strike military targets in Belarus from Ukraine.

“Thank God, our Pantsir anti-air systems intercepted all the missiles fired by the Ukrainian forces.”

Ukraine last week said missiles fired from Belarus had struck a border region inside its territory.

Lukashenko on Saturday denied his country was seeking to intervene in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but issued a warning aimed at Kiev and its Western allies.

“As I said more than a year ago, we do not intend to fight in Ukraine,” he said

“We will only fight in one case. If you… enter our land, if you kill our people, then we will respond,” he added, warning that Belarus would reply “instantly” to an enemy strike on its soil.

Long-term Kremlin ally Belarus has supported Russia’s military operation in Ukraine since February 24 by acting as a rear base for Moscow’s forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced last week that Moscow would deliver Iskander-M missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons to Belarus “in the coming months”.

“Less than a month ago, I ordered our armed forces to put in our sights the decision centers in Western capitals,” Lukashenko said on Saturday, citing the missiles promised by Putin and the Belarusian rocket-launcher Polonez.

Interesting Quote

I wonder if the fellows at Fort Detrick who designed and disseminated the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, thinking that China was an easy target, knew that it would ultimately herald the fall of the collective West? The brilliance of American arrogance shines so bright it is blinding. Well, no need to fret about that, for historical reflection is for losers; the United States' newly concocted recipe, an indomitable mixture of seething anger, rising unemployment, mass gun availability, and prevalent mental illness, all served on itself, will definitely turn out well.

Posted by: Bill | Jul 3 2022 15:36 utc | 9

100 Year Old Veteran U.S. Marine Breaks Down Crying “this isn’t the country we fought for”

Video below says it all . . .

Maja Säfström’s Illustrations Are Witty And Relatable


Illustrator and author Maja Säfström is known for her playful style of illustration based on her witty observations of the world around her. Based in Stockholm, she works full-time as an illustrator and runs her own shop in central Stockholm.


Having earned a tremendous international following on social media, as well as widespread critical acclaim and multiple awards, it’s surprising to learn that Säfström’s background actually lies in architecture. “I have been drawing for as long as I can remember,” she shared in an interview with Lake. “I drew a lot when I was a kid. I had a few years in high school where I thought I was really bad. Then I started studying architecture at university and found myself drawing the scenes around the buildings with MUCH more enthusiasm than the actual houses. Well, one thing led to another!”


Indeed one thing led to another. “I used to work as an architect and illustrating was something I did in my time off work,” she says. “Now that it is my full-time job, I realize, it is much less meditative. Because now the drawings are often commissioned, which is a bit different from just drawing whatever you feel like. It is the best job in the world though. Being an illustrator! My new hobby is taking care of my plants at home.”


Each of her illustrated pieces is made by first drawing a thin outline with a pencil, after which the final drawing is made with a fineliner. Her comic-like illustrations often include speech bubbles. “I think the speech bubbles are a very important part of my work,” says Säfström. “I love combining text with drawings. I often experience something in life and make a drawing of that.”




Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster

If Europe has any insight, it will separate itself from these U.S. foreign policy debacles, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement.  The Biden administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the U.S. wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is steering Ukraine, the U.S. and the European Union towards yet another geopolitical debacle. If Europe has any insight, it will separate itself from these U.S. foreign policy debacles.

The neocon movement emerged in the 1970s around a group of public intellectuals, several of whom were influenced by University of Chicago political scientist Leo Strauss and Yale University classicist Donald Kagan. Neocon leaders included Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan (son of Donald), Frederick Kagan (son of Donald), Victoria Nuland (wife of Robert), Elliott Cohen, Elliott Abrams and Kimberley Allen Kagan (wife of Frederick).

The main message of the neocons is that the U.S. must predominate in military power in every region of the world and must confront rising regional powers that could someday challenge U.S. global or regional dominance, most important Russia and China.  For this purpose, U.S. military force should be pre-positioned in hundreds of military bases around the world and the U.S. should be prepared to lead wars of choice as necessary. The United Nations is to be used by the U.S. only when useful for U.S. purposes.

Wolfowitz Spelled It Out 

This approach was spelled out first by Paul Wolfowitz in his draft Defense Policy Guidance (DPG) written for the Department of Defense in 2002. The draft called for extending the U.S.-led security network to Central and Eastern Europe despite the explicit promise by German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher in 1990 that German unification would not be followed by NATO’s eastward enlargement.

[Related: The New York Times’ Shift on Victory in Ukraine]

Wolfowitz also made the case for American wars of choice, defending America’s right to act independently, even alone, in response to crises of concern to the U.S.  According to General Wesley Clark, Wolfowitz already made clear to Clark in May 1991 that the U.S. would lead regime-change operations in Iraq, Syria and other former Soviet allies.

The neocons championed NATO enlargement to Ukraine even before that became official U.S. policy under President George W. Bush, Jr. in 2008. They viewed Ukraine’s NATO membership as key to U.S. regional and global dominance. Robert Kagan spelled out the neocon case for NATO enlargement in April 2006:

“[T]he Russians and Chinese see nothing natural in [the ‘color revolutions’ of the former Soviet Union], only Western-backed coups designed to advance Western influence in strategically vital parts of the world.  Are they so wrong? Might not the successful liberalization of Ukraine, urged and supported by the Western democracies, be but the prelude to the incorporation of that nation into NATO and the European Union — in short, the expansion of Western liberal hegemony?”

Kagan acknowledged the dire implication of NATO enlargement. He quotes one expert as saying, “the Kremlin is getting ready for the ‘battle for Ukraine’ in all seriousness.”

The neocons sought this battle. After the fall of the Soviet Union, both the U.S. and Russia should have sought a neutral Ukraine, as a prudent buffer and safety valve.  Instead, the neocons wanted U.S. “hegemony” while the Russians took up the battle partly in defense and partly out of their own imperial pretensions as well.  Shades of the Crimean War (1853-6), when Britain and France sought to weaken Russia in the Black Sea following Russian pressures on the Ottoman empire.

Kagan penned the article as a private citizen while his wife Victoria Nuland was the U.S. ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, Jr.

Nuland has been the neocon operative par excellence.  In addition to serving as Bush’s ambassador to NATO, Nuland was President Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs during 2013-17, when she participated in the overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych and now serves as Biden’s undersecretary of state guiding U.S. policy vis-à-vis the war in Ukraine.

The neocon outlook is based on an overriding false premise: that the U.S. military, financial, technological, and economic superiority enables it to dictate terms in all regions of the world.  It is a position of both remarkable hubris and remarkable disdain of evidence.

Since the 1950s, the U.S. has been stymied or defeated in nearly every regional conflict in which it has participated. Yet in the “battle for Ukraine,” the neocons were ready to provoke a military confrontation with Russia by expanding NATO over Russia’s vehement objections because they fervently believe that Russia will be defeated by U.S. financial sanctions and NATO weaponry.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a neocon think-tank led by Kimberley Allen Kagan (and backed by a who’s who of defense contractors such as General Dynamics and Raytheon), continues to promise a Ukrainian victory.

Regarding Russia’s advances, the ISW offered a typical comment:

“[R]egardless of which side holds the city [of Sievierodonetsk], the Russian offensive at the operational and strategic levels will probably have culminated, giving Ukraine the chance to restart its operational-level counteroffensives to push Russian forces back.” 

The facts on the ground, however, suggest otherwise. The West’s economic sanctions have had little adverse impact on Russia, while their “boomerang” effect on the rest of the world has been large.

Moreover, the U.S. capacity to resupply Ukraine with ammunition and weaponry is seriously hamstrung by America’s limited production capacity and broken supply chains. Russia’s industrial capacity of course dwarfs that of Ukraine’s.  Russia’s GDP was roughly 10X that of Ukraine before the war and Ukraine has now lost much of its industrial capacity in the war.

The most likely outcome of the current fighting is that Russia will conquer a large swath of Ukraine, perhaps leaving Ukraine landlocked or nearly so. Frustration will rise in Europe and the U.S. with the military losses and the stagflationary consequences of war and sanctions.

The knock-on effects could be devastating, if a right-wing demagogue in the U.S. rises to power (or in the case of Trump, returns to power) promising to restore America’s faded military glory through dangerous escalation.

Instead of risking this disaster, the real solution is to end the neocon fantasies of the past 30 years and for Ukraine and Russia to return to the negotiating table, with NATO committing to end its commitment to the eastward enlargement to Ukraine and Georgia in return for a viable peace that respects and protects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Jeffrey D. Sachs is a university professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, where he directed The Earth Institute from 2002 until 2016. He is also president of the U.N. Sustainable Development Solutions Network and a commissioner of the U.N. Broadband Commission for Development. He has been adviser to three United Nations secretaries-general and currently serves as an SDG advocate under Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Sachs is the author, most recently, of A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (2020). Other books include: Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable (2017) and The Age of Sustainable Development, (2015) with Ban Ki-moon.

This article is from  Common Dreams.

Lama High Jump record



Caspa – Highest Jump By A Llama Guinness World Records 2016. Location: Porthmadog, Wales. Photo by Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records)

Why English will lost its influence? Re: Imperial English language

When I was sent to set up a business in Eastern Europe based in Hungary in 1991, I notice that, there are more people who can speak Russian and German than English in that part of Europe. The Hungarian trade office in Singapore at the time also told me Russian and German language are more widely spoken in most part of the Eastern Europe than English.

The power and influence of a language very much dependence on the commercial and political power of a nation.

The anglo-Saxon crusaders have done too many evil things across the world, once they are down, the memory of what they did will re-emerged across the world, and many world leaders pressured and bullied by them will begin to speak and act openly against them. hated across the world will begin to reduce the influence of their language. Schools across the world will slowly replace English with another more important commercial language.

About a decade ago, an Australian friend on the Gold Coast went to Shanghai, thinking to travel the city on his own, he expressed his disappointment to me that most people he met on the streets in Shanghai cannot speak English. I than told him he should not expect the world to know his language, and begin to tell him a story:

In 1992, I took a train from Istanbul back to Hungary with a few Chinese friends, when the train briefly stop at Bulgaria capital, a Bulgarian speaking staff came to our session using his language asking us to move to the other train, we cannot understand what he said, so, after anxiously using his language trying to explain again and again, he later simply move on, there are 2 young American ladies in our session, spoke to each other and laughed: “he is so stupid, he cannot even speak English “.

I went out my train session asking other passengers leaving the train what’s going on, one told me I have to get off this train now to another train heading to Budapest. So, I use Chinese language to tell my friends to get off the train immediately. I would have told the Americans if they were not such arrogant fools.

The minute we got off the train, the train moved on to somewhere else. I decided to let the Americans learn a real life lesson that they should learn people language when they are in other countries.

Language is something that one need to regularly used to be able to speak fluently, once the Anglo Saxon empires gone, their countries disintegrated, the language will lost its commercial values. The number of people using the language will reduce.

If you went to Japan, you will notice that most Japanese despite learning English as second language in school, cannot speak English. That is because, English is not widely used among the average Japanese. Unless your job requires you to get in touch with foreigners, whatever other language you learn in school as second language, you will forget soon after you left school.

Ask those western countries students who learn Japanese in school, they will end up only able to say Ali Gato and nothing else.

I self learning Russian for a year before going to Moscow in 2002 to source for new suppliers for my Russian arts and crafts wholesales business in Australia. At that time, I at least know how to make bargain in Russian language. However, after my import business destroyed by the quarantine department, I moved on to restart another business, and now, I have forgotten even how to read the Russian alphabet despite still having a Russian English dictionary, and a Russian English electronic translator at home.

I used to growth up speaking fluently 2 Chinese dialects in Singapore (teo chew 潮州话and Hokkien 福建话), but after working in Hungary for 3 years, and living on the Gold Coast for 27 years, I can no longer speak the 2 languages beside using some swearing words to scold people. However, I learned Cantonese in Western Australia in my finally year after moving in an accommodation living with 8 Hong Kong students and later married one of them. I later work in Hong Kong briefly.

I think China has remove English as a Compulsory subject in school recently. It has become a selective subject just like any other language for higher education. The policy rationale is that, most students won’t need to use the language in real life, and most will end up wasting their life learning a language they will not be using in real life. China gov want them to use their limited time to learn something more useful such as a new skill, more in-depth learning of Chinese culture, etc.

I am sure, English will decline once the Anglo Saxon crusader empire lost its economic power. The France never like the English, and there is a widely known speculation that if you talk to a France in English in French, you will get no where. So, you rather talk to them in any other language, and they will than try to speak to you in English.



LUHANSK LIBERATED! Russia Routes last of Ukraine Army


“Dear compatriots! Citizens of the Luhansk People’s Republic! Today, July 3, is a great day, which will forever enter the red date in the calendar of our Fatherland. Today is the day we have accomplished what we have been striving to for eight long years. Today our troops, with the support of the Russian armed forces, liberated the town of Lysychansk, thus completing the liberation of the Republic within its historic borders.

The Ukrainian neo-Nazis, who came to our land to kill and plunder, have been defeated. They used sneaky tactics, using civilians as human shields. Therefore, our military had to carefully recapture literally every house, every street, every settlement. And now, finally, such big cities of Luhansk region as Rubizhne and Severodonetsk were also taken, and today Lisichansk was completely liberated!

I sincerely congratulate us all on this new Great Victory Day! This holiday, just like in the distant 1945, also with tears in my eyes – the battles were hard and bloody. And Victory is ours again, it will always be so!

How To Prepare A Big Batch Of Breakfast Sandwiches (English Muffins, Sausages, Eggs & Cheese Slices)

A good video that is easy to use. Check it out.

Bearded woman

Harnaam Kaur – Youngest Female With A Full Beard Guinness World Records 2016. Location: The Ottoman Crew, London. (Photo by Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records)


After the Cavalry Didn’t Charge.

What are we going to do when Ukraine is over?

As I pointed out last week, the war in Ukraine is exactly the kind of crisis that NATO was originally created to deal with, yet militarily, the alliance did effectively nothing. But let’s suppose the rhetoric about increasing defence budgets and expanding the militaries of western states was seriously pursued as a policy. How easy would it be? Not very. In fact, there’s a good argument that it’s scarcely feasible at all. Here’s why.

For the forty years of the Cold War, NATO members retained large, powerful conventional forces with an elaborate command and control system, in case there was a major war with the Soviet Union and its allies. Although a war like that was never regarded as likely, it was still thought possible, not least because the longer the Cold War lasted, the more deeply ingrained became the mutual suspicion  of the two blocs. Exercise scenarios in those days often began with a political crisis over a third country: Yugoslavia was a favourite.

Well, that scenario has now more or less come to pass. A political crisis in Eastern Europe has turned nasty, and the Russians have invaded a country supported by the West. And the reaction? NATO wants you to know that it is really, really cross, and it’s sending some equipment and imposing some sanctions as an indication of just how cross it is. Which is odd behaviour for a military alliance specifically founded to counter Russia, but quite explicable in term of the changes in the underlying balance of forces that I discussed last week.

But let’s go beyond that. Let’s assume a serious effort by western states to re-build their military capability to something like the level of the Cold War. What would that entail? Would it be even possible?

The first question is just one of the concept. In the Cold War, the two sides both believed  that any war between them would be the Big One, an existential struggle for survival which would be fought out to the end. NATO hoped, but didn’t necessarily expect, that the conflict could be contained to the conventional level: it’s less clear that the Warsaw Pact did. This was why the use of nuclear weapons was expected, and planned for by both sides. The assumption of the Big One dictated strategies and force structures, and produced militaries on a high state of readiness for a short, brutal war of unprecedented violence, at the end of which the combatants would be largely disarmed and their economies in ruins. By contrast, it’s not obvious what any serious conflict between Russia and the West today would actually be about, in the absence of  the kind of apocalyptic stakes that existed during the Cold War. What are the differences between Russia and the West that might justify blowing up the world? NATO’s exclusively non-militarily reaction to Ukraine is not just a sign of relative weakness, it’s more importantly a recognition that vital interests aren’t involved. So what would vital interests be, then? I don’t think anyone knows.

For that reason, it’s probably best to leave nuclear weapons out of the argument. Their main utility is political, after all, and a threat to use them would only ever be taken seriously if the very survival of a nuclear power were at stake. It’s honestly hard to imagine how we could arrive there, no matter how stupid you may think your least-favourite politicians of the moment are. So, let’s start from the hypothesis of a conventional war between Russia and some or all western nations. Where would that be, exactly?

If you look at a map it’s not obvious. Taking the most likely outcome of the current war—the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine as independent republics with close ties to Russia—then Russian forces would only be on the borders of the Baltic states and Norway, as now. If the Finns and Swedes were to join NATO formally (and the Swedes have been informal members for generations) then there would be an expanded northern zone of contact between the Russians and some NATO states. But assuming that neither Russia nor NATO set out to provoke another crisis, then there is no obvious reason why there should be conflict in that area. If there were a general crisis between Russia and the West leading to war, then there would be little point in attacking only in those areas. The Russians would want to ensure their unrestricted use of the Murmansk naval base, especially to get their nuclear missile submarines to sea, but that would be a subsidiary part of any general offensive.

So if you were a political leader, and your military came to ask what threat they should actually plan, train and exercise against, then the only one that makes any sense would be a main advance through Belarus towards Poland, with a southward thrust towards Ukraine and Romania/Bulgaria. Now the first question is whether the Russians would actually be capable of doing that. Let’s stipulate that for some reason they just have to be able to take Warsaw as a minimum objective, while neutralising Ukraine and Romania, and let’s start with distance.

Well, assuming you concentrate your forces around Minsk, the distance to Warsaw is then about 600 km, comparable to the sort of distances covered by the Allied armies from the Normandy beach-heads in June 1944 to the surrender of Germany a year later. It’s about as far as the Red Army advanced in one of its final offensives in January-February 1945, where the Russians could field two million men against an exhausted and massively inferior German Army. And that only gets you as far as Warsaw. By then, you’ve already got lines of communication and supply extending hundreds of kilometres through hostile territory, and a presumably unhappy Ukraine to worry about, as well as the threat of NATO forces in Slovakia and Hungary to the South, and the Baltic States to the North.

Oh yes, manpower. The total strength of the Russian military is about one million, including all the branches, with about two million reservists. That sounds a lot, but of course only a fraction of those are combat troops who can be used in a modern high-technology ground war. The Russians seem to be employing about a 100,000 troops in current operations in the Ukraine, and that’s probably close to the maximum effort they can make in any one operation outside the country, particularly as about two-thirds of their total strength is conscripts. By contrast, the old group of Soviet forces in the GDR alone had a strength of some 350,000 men. Overrunning Europe would be problematic, therefore.

And where would the battles take place, and how? In the Cold War, the two forces were actually facing each other in essentially in the positions they occupied in 1945. The British, French and American forces, like the Soviets, were repurposed versions of the occupying armies at the end of WW2. Over several decades, a huge infrastructure of barracks, training areas and airfields was added to what remained of the historical infrastructure in Germany. The only comparable area today is Poland. So are we going to deploy our shiny new armies along the Polish-Belarusian border? Has anybody asked the Poles what they think about turning their country into an armed camp, as Germany used to be? Who’s going to pay for all that?

But let’s say that some, at least, of the wilder promises of military expansion and rearmament are maintained, rather than being quietly forgotten. Lots more money is voted, and some kind of future NATO concept is finally agreed. That’s the easy bit, though. The first problem is time, and history may help a bit here. You don’t build up and equip armed forces overnight. So the British, and French governments all started rearming after 1934. Even at 1930s levels of technology,  though, neither was fully ready by 1939. Radar, like the Spitfires and Hurricanes, only just arrived in time for the Battle of Britain. At least the British had some government-owned arms factories: in France, successive governments found that the private sector simply wasn’t that interested in producing complex military systems where there was no guarantee of long term orders. These days, of course, it’s a lot worse. The western armaments industry is small, heavily concentrated and internationalised. It makes small numbers —often just a handful each month—of highly sophisticated and complex platforms. So the first thing you would need to do is set up a lot more factories, as the British did in the 1930s. For that, you need many more skilled engineers and a highly qualified workforce, and the time and materials to build the factories. You need raw materials and components to make the weapons and equipment, many of which come from far away, quite a few from China. And you’ll be competing with everyone else for the same raw materials and components.

You’ll need more personnel, of course. For a start, there’s an obvious limit to the number of people in any country who can be high-tech military specialists: not just fast jet pilots, but also officers or at least senior NCOs in a modern high-technology Army or Air Force. For most of those  who can, it won’t be an attractive career.  Few military personnel just carry a rifle around these days, and the militaries of most countries struggle to retain the technical specialists they do have, in the face of better salaries and conditions of work elsewhere. Modern militaries today are very small by the standards of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Take the Bundeswehr, for example. At the height of the Cold War, it had half a million active personnel, and millions of reservists. It now has less than a third of the active strength it had then , and only handfuls of reservists. Its once mighty Army has shrunk to 60,000 personnel, and it is also badly weakened by many years of underfunding. But it still has trouble attracting enough technical specialists, even at its present size.

This problem is insoluble without the return of military service. It doesn’t need to be universal: it can be highly selective, as in Russia, while maintaining an expanded permanent professional cadre. But is that even remotely politically feasible in most countries? By the end of the Cold War, military service had often dropped to token levels (typically six months)  but it was still generally accepted politically: after all, Soviet forces were not that far away. But a selective military service scheme, where often the better educated and more technically skilled receive the call, isn’t going to be popular, especially if it means Belgian conscripts spending six months in a barracks on the Polish/Belorussian frontier. And if you double or triple the size of the military, you need to double or triple the number of officers and senior NCOs, since someone has to lead, train and administer them. You can’t just magically find people with perhaps two years’ initial training and 10-15 years of experience. And of course you need a large auxiliary workforce of administrators, educators, cooks, domestic staff, security guards, medical personnel, and half a hundred other specialities.

Where are you going to train them? For a hundred years until the end of the Cold War, western nations set up a huge infrastructure to house, feed and train large numbers of conscripts every year. Almost all of that has been sold off: there are often luxury flats today where the flagpoles once stood. You couldn’t even think of returning to the sort of militaries the West had a generation ago without massive programmes of land purchase (or seizure) and new building construction.  And that’s only individual basic training. You then need to set up new establishments, with new instructors and support staff, for the technical and specialist training. After which comes collective training, for which you need ranges and exercise areas. And of course there will be a lot more flying training, which is notoriously noisy and disruptive. There are some things you can’t do by Zoom.

But let’s assume you’ve done this. Over ten difficult years,  you have doubled or tripled the size of your forces at huge expense and with enormous disruption, reintroduced selective national service, and fielded your shiny new military. What do you do with it? Where do you put it? In the Cold War, there were permanent British, Dutch, German, Belgian and US forces stationed in Germany itself, with French forces ready to move in. So are we going to do the same thing in Poland? Will Italian and Croatian forces be stationed in Romania? If not, are the Dutch going to set up and maintain a transport and logistic infrastructure enabling them to deploy a distance of perhaps 1500km to the Polish border?

I could go on. But the answer to all these question is self-evidently “no.” There will be token measures, ritual chest-beating, some rebuilding of capability and quite a lot of extra money, often wasted. But for severely practical reasons, anything resembling the size and type of the NATO deployments in the Cold War simply isn’t going to happen. What, then?

Well, we wind up with a very curious situation. The Russians will secure their frontiers and develop a protective glacis against western incursions. But the nearest Russian soldier will still be perhaps 6-700 kilometres away from the nearest NATO frontier. And the Russians will have neither the capability not the intention to go much further west, without being provoked by some catastrophic political crisis which for the moment we can’t even imagine.

So at first sight, things should settle down, and in the end not change very much. The West glowering at Russia, Russia glowering at the West, with perhaps a few Russian troops in Belarus and a few NATO troops in Poland. Can we go back to where we were before? Not so fast. As I explained in the previous essay, the underlying economic and military situation has been changing for a while. It just hasn’t been consciously registered by western leaders.  Europe will continue to be dependent on Russia for natural gas and a whole range of other raw materials, while Russia doesn’t really depend on the West for much except luxuries. Ambitious plans to replace Russian natural gas may succeed over a long enough time and with enough investment, but no amount of investment can mine scare metals that were not in the ground in the first place. (The West can’t supply its own needs for titanium, for example: Russia can.) There will be repercussions, though for the moment it’s not clear how things will turn out.

But on the military side, the position will be starker. Russia will be able to use force to keep any foreign military presence away from its borders. It can stop any western attempt to expand into Belarus, and it can keep Ukraine disarmed, by force if necessary. And there will be nothing the West can do about it. (As I’ve explained, nuclear weapons are simply not relevant here.) As a result, Europe will have to get used to living with a Russia which, whilst not a super-power,  is militarily superior to any reasonable combination of European states, assuming they could operate together, and which can defeat any plausible US force despatched to Europe.

One reason for this is precisely the lack of a common frontier. The only way that Europe and Russia can directly threaten or strike each other is by air, and there, Russia has a massive advantage. Now, this is not in manned aircraft. Individually, NATO air-superiority aircraft and pilots are almost certainly superior to their Russian equivalents. But that’s soccer, and the Russians are playing rugby. Their air defence system is effectively impenetrable by Western aircraft without horrific casualties, which would risk ultimately disarming the nations sending the aircraft. If, say, NATO sent a hundred strike aircraft against Russia in one mission, and the Russians used a thousand missiles to destroy them, their infrastructure and support, on the ground or in the air, Russia could replace those missiles in months, whereas NATO would take perhaps five years to regenerate the same capability with trained pilots and support personnel. And with conventional bomb-loads, how much damage could the aircraft and missiles actually reaching the target manage to do? The Russians have spent decades building on the impressive old Soviet Air Defence system, to produce a capability to stop the vast majority of attacks on their territory by aircraft and missiles, and with NATO’s current inventory, the alliance is simply not able to threaten enough damage. The Russians, on the other hand, have invested a great deal of money in high-precision, long-range conventional missiles, which are difficult or even impossible to stop, in spite of laborious efforts by NATO over the last twenty years to develop anti-missile defence. These are not super-weapons, and there may not be many of them, but they change the strategic landscape entirely. The West can’t hurt Russia very much, but Russia can hurt the West a lot more.

As I’ve suggested before, the political and media classes are often slow to appreciate the consequences of changes in the underlying economic and strategic realities, and tend to coast along like bicycles going downhill. This new situation will take some getting used to, but may, in the end, turn out to be stabilising. Neither Russia nor the West has any real reason to attack the other. Neither can launch a major ground attack against the others’ vital interests, and neither has any reason to resort to nuclear weapons. All we have to hope for is a minimum amount of common sense and rationality: you know, the kind of thing that hasn’t been much in evidence recently.

Finland “Seizes” Almost 1000 Russian Rail Cars


Finland has seized nearly a thousand Russian freight cars as a result of EU sanctions.  On its face, this appears to be outright THEFT.

After the EU sanctioned Russian coal in April, Finland’s state-owned rail operator VR moved to reduce railway traffic from Russia. According to a June 6 letter from Russian Railways to the Ministry of Transport, 865 Russian freight cars have been seized by Finnish bailiffs.

VR officials confirmed that about 800 sanctioned Russian freight cars were in Finland at the moment and that the company wishes to return any that have not been seized. VR’s head of logistics said there were around 5,000 Russian cars when it decided to reduce traffic, and that bailiff authorities ordered some to be seized.

The seized railway cars belong to Russian companies either targeted by EU sanctions or dealing with indirect consequences of sanctions. Russian companies impacted by the freight car seizure have denounced the move as “unlawful.”

Finnish bailiff authorities say that Finland had frozen the assets of dozens of Russian and Belarusian individuals and legal entities, including transportation firms. In total, the frozen assets are worth about $84 million.

This week at a conference in Switzerland, Ukrainian officials said they wanted seized Russian assets and Russia’s frozen foreign currency reserves to be used to pay for Ukraine’s future reconstruction. But Western officials have yet to agree to the plan, as such a move would be outright theft.

Dollar Vs Yuan: Central Banks Increasingly Want to Hold China’s Currency

Central banks are increasingly keen to hold China’s yuan as a reserve currency, according to a new survey.
Some 85% of central bank reserve managers said they already hold or are interested in owning the yuan.
More than 80% said a shift to a more “multipolar” world, where the US no longer reigns supreme, would benefit the currency.

Article HERE

Oil From US Reserves Went to Asia, Europe As Refineries Near Full Tilt

This is good news. A nation without oil, is a nation that is unable to conduct war. -MM

More than 5 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve were exported to Asia and Europe last month, Reuters first reported.

Among the shipments were two cargo ships carrying 560,000 barrels each from Atlantic Trading & Marketing, part of France’s TotalEnergies, according to Reuters. And Phillips 66, the fourth-largest oil supplier in the US, sent about 470,000 barrels from a storage facility in Texas to Trieste, Italy, where a pipeline feeds refineries in central Europe.

The exports follow similar shipments of Strategic Petroleum Reserve crude in April, when three ships went to Europe to replace Russian oil.

Overall, US oil exports have been surging since Russia invaded Ukraine in February as Western countries and companies turn away from Russian supplies.

While gas prices typically follow oil prices, which are set by global markets, US refineries have been a key bottleneck. Because of earlier shutdowns and limited investment in recent years, capacity has shrunk and refineries have been running nearly at full tilt.

With little extra scope for refining more volumes of fuel, additional supplies of crude, including from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, have been going overseas. In fact, oil exports from the US Gulf Coast hit a record rate in the second quarter, according to Rystad Energy.

The Biden administration has been releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to lower fuel prices. Releases are at a record pace of roughly 1 million barrels a day, bringing the stockpile to the lowest level since 1986 in June.

Full article HERE

Russian army converts Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant into a military base

Genius. -MM

Russian forces are transforming Europe’s largest nuclear power plant into a military base on the front lines of surveillance, exacerbating months-long security crises at the giant nuclear power plant and its thousands of workers.

More than 500 Russian soldiers occupied the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine in March, Wall Street Journal signature Drew Hinshaw/Joe Parkinson reported today. According to workers, residents, Ukrainian officials and diplomats, the Russian soldiers have deployed heavy artillery batteries and laid lethal mines in recent weeks along the coast of the reservoir used to cool the plant’s six reactors. Ukrainian troops control several towns scattered across the river, about 3 miles (about 5 kilometers), but they don’t think it’s easy to attack the plant because of the dangers of artillery battles around the reactors in use.

The newly deployed armaments allowed the plant to be virtually immune to a counterattack by the Ukrainian military, creating an unprecedented situation for the heavily regulated atomic energy industry: the slow transformation of a nuclear power plant into a military fortress. A lesser-publicized aspect of Russia’s war strategy, the country’s military deploys weapons every day around the world’s largest nuclear power plant to tighten its grip on the front line as the Russian approach to southern Ukraine comes to a standstill.

The rest of the article HERE

Done in the name of “democracy”The Airbus sales to Chinese airlines is causing upset in the Empire no doubt:

Boeing Disappointed

In the article, it cited potential loss of Boeing sales in the Chinese market of $38Billion to $51Billion per year and said this equates to loss of job for 167K to 225K workers. So, in the aircraft industry worker salaries average $225K/annum per worker??? Wow, this is higher than I thought. Salary figures usually only include wage+ benefit costs. On top of that one needs to add other loading of costs such as travel/per diem/office/factory, etc. etc. This is one well-paying labor field.

Russia Adds Wheat to “Rubles Only” Payment


The Russian government has added grain, sunflower oil, and extracted meal to the list of exports that must be paid for in rubles. A resolution giving effect to the decision was adopted on Friday and published on the official portal of legal information.

It also provides for a one-year extension of duties to be paid in the national currency in respect of exported sunflower oil and sunflower meal until August 31, 2023.

As part of the new payment mechanism, the base price for calculating the export duty on wheat will be 15,000 rubles (over $267) per ton.

Russia is the world’s largest wheat exporter and a major supplier of sunflower seeds. Russian Minister for Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev said this month that the country would export agricultural products to “friendly countries” only.

According to the minister, Russia’s grain harvest could reach 130 million tons this year, which would be enough to cover both domestic needs and ensure export potential.


Normally, this story would be COVERT INTEL for subscribers only, but this is too important: In Mid-August, Russia, China, Iran, and ten other nations will join Venezuela in “War Games” off the US from Latin America . . .  and the Caribbean.

This is just a little too coincidental given the depletion of our Ammunition and Weapons supplies sent to Ukraine, and the draining of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve which now has only 27 days of oil left in it.

Its the perfect setup for an Invader to attack us, here, in the USA.

It’s almost as though the U.S. is being intentionally weakened by our own government, to make us ripe to be invaded and taken over.

The information about this enormous “war game” fits just a little too neatly into a pattern of events that seem all designed to lead the USA to a fall.

I do not yet have the exact date for this war game BUT . . .

The nations involved will “pre-position forward-deployed military assets in Latin America and in the Caribbean.”   So they are already moving troops into place.

Maybe I’m paranoid, but maybe I can see the writing on the wall as plain as day.

How To Make DIY Cat Toys! (Super Easy)

Why not do some DIY? It’s easy and fun!

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New Beginnings 4


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I’m so tired of the geopolitical stress, let’s go through the news with a laugh, a smile and a cat

Who’s running the West right now?

It’s the Fu Er Dai. Or the adult version the Guan Er Dai. Which is a Chinese name for “spoiled rich kid from a super-billionaire”. These children are so used to being pampered and treated like royalty that they become arrogant bastards or the female equivalent.

Daddy will always “bail them out” of trouble. So they have NEVER seen the consequences of their actions. They believe that they are untouchable, and that this factor comes direct from God.

The term "Fuerdai" literally translates to 'rich second generation'. It describes Chinese people born into families of high socioeconomic status, who inherited their wealth but did not create it.

The term is often used in a derogatory manner, with emphasis on their overindulgent lifestyles and materialistic attitudes.

The term has also seen limited use as a general label for anyone with rich parents and who enjoyed a privileged upbringing as a result. Non-Chinese figures, such as Fidel Castro and Donald Trump, have been described by Chinese media as Fuerdais.


Who are these people running the USA, and what is going on?

When a civilization achieves its primary goal (namely being self-sufficient) it stops striving. This is because once having attained its goal, it no longer NEEDS to strive.

Older civilizations realize that once the primary initial goals are achieved, a series of subsequent long-term goals must be implemented. Otherwise a long-duration malaise would seep into the society.

But young nations, well, they don’t realize this. And you know, the United States is a very young nation.

Such is the nature of life.

When you do a task well, you move it aside and, behold! there is another one right behind it.

Fix the stove so you can find the problem in the gas line; replace a clogged pipe in the garden and watch the new stronger water pressure blow up a few corroded sprinkler heads.

As a society ages, it moves from a calling to a job. The calling consists of survival, and you get perhaps not immediate feedback, but at least it’s “concrete”  feedback. You are either cold, wet, and hungry surrounded by predators or you are not; you are warm, dry, and fed.

When a calling becomes a job, it moves from ends-over-means to means-over-ends.

In a calling, you set up an objective and do it however you have to, based on the situation and what works. In a job, you stick to methods prescribed by those above you for the “optics” of working hard, obeying, and helping others.

With any job, we see the problem of success. If one person uses a certain method and succeeds, it becomes de facto obligatory for the rest of the group to emulate that. Therefore, you get an impassable groupthink, and that spurs on a contrarian, ironist, and novelty-based movement.

This group turns on the idea of success itself.

They do not want to emulate what others have done, and they instead seek to declare reality unreal so that they can pursue what makes others around them feel good, which gives these anti-success people more social popularity and therefore power.

People of this nature aim to always be seen as the good guy in a social situation because they know it keeps others from attacking while building their own control over others. This makes them feel safe from attack, although since it is never certain this power is weak and like a dictator, they must constantly reinforce it.

The interesting thing here is that they no longer care about whether their ideas work in reality.

The idea — the symbol, the feelings, the theory — replaces reality.

This is because the symbol is being used to manipulate others by creating joyful feelings in them.

This mirrors how control-based civilizations work, namely that they exclude all methods which scare the group or debunk the dominant paradigm.

By choosing from among what is left, people unconsciously reinforce the system and therefore, feelings of safety, pacifism, and relevance.

In other words, people choose political opinions for the social benefit of having those opinions.

And they have become entirely disconnected from the effects of those opinions.

This is a type of mandated narcissism which quickly influences all levels of the society and individual behavior.

Manipulation also forces you to scorn those you manipulate and see them as lesser even when saying to their faces how equal and good they are. The point is to benefit yourself by manipulating these marks and rubes, not to help them. They help you.

In this way, the late stage society becomes a pathological place where everyone lies to each other in the hopes of swaying enough others to have power. How do people enslave themselves? They adopt a system of manipulation, at which point no sanity will be tolerated.

Such a society breaks down into two mirror-image groups, the “do the stuff that always works” party and the “do anything but the stuff that always works” party. The latter has better symbols but no goal except not the other goal, so they have no consistency; forever rationalization, they seek reasons to justify what they want, and have no actual reasons for what they do.

Sure, some decent ones get caught up in it too, the true believers. They believe the message of pacifism, which is that if we remove the differences in situation, people can get along and actually like each other. It is a pleasant dream.

Saner people simply opt for fairness, but realize that it has nothing to do with redistribution wealth, status, and power. Instead it means accepting people as they are and rewarding the ones who do good so that the others know what they must do.

Roots conservatives such as your scribe here see things even more simply: reward only the good, and remove the bad each generation, so that the next season you have people who are inherently and inwardly better, instead of trying to force bad people to behave as if they are good.

Better than tolerance, this is acceptance. You recognize the good as what they are, and also recognize the bad as what they are, and you send the bad away because they are incompatible with what you want. You take them as what they are and do not pretend, which is more honorable than manipulation.

This process of decay has no masters; it occurs naturally in human groups because, unless guided by kings who push the group to new heights, every group falls back on dividing up the spoils and pursuing the individualistic as a moral good.

For this reason it proves hard to fight. You are not fighting against people, but their illusions. You defeat them only by revealing the emptiness of those illusions. Otherwise, you are just killing your own people for another pointless war over symbols.

Well, with that on to the way… where is the collective West in Late Stage Democracy today?

In America, it seems the Supreme Court has pushed back on abortion, the States are gaining power, and the federal government has doubled down on its Carter-style pursuit of ideologically-symbolic actions on environmentalism, diversity, poverty, and sexual liberation.

But America is not the world.

The bigger factor will probably be the global currency market. US dollars are in high demand when we drop interest rates because the dollar becomes like BitCoin, an easy way to acquire relatively untraceable cash in many countries for quick business deals.

As time goes on however it has become quite clear that the dollar is losing actual value because we have too many in circulation that are not backed by anything tangible. They are simply paper of a value that is no longer tangible.

The rest of the world realizes this.

The markets realize that FAANG stocks are not worth nearly what the label says; there is distrust of the American economy because of our heavy debt public and private, our instability arising from diversity, and our complete political inconsistency.

In the meantime, all of the problems that the West has blown off for generations are coming home to roost. Climate change is nonsense, but the Ecocide is real. Water and food supplies are declining. Pollution is in everything. Affirmative action, unions, globalist treaties, a surplus of laws and regulations, and high taxes have killed quality of life.

This means that change is on the wind.

The American Left is fighting a rearguard action now, trying to make their retreat as devastating as possible while keeping their networks in place. However, they have lost the middle of the voting population, and as the Great Replacement becomes clear, they are going to lose many of the others.

When change comes it is first met with [1] panic, then [2] denial, then [3] tantrums, and finally [4] acceptance, after which point people start to see the potential bright side.

America is somewhere in the first two steps. And right now, the West is starting it’s plummet towards the third step. It’s an exciting step as global democracy, worldwide Leftism, fiat currency, multicultural diversity, and international finance begin their graceful arc of descent…

… accelerating as they go…

…until they reach ballistic conditions …

…where steering is no longer possible…

…and impact …

…an absolute certainty.

Man denied giving blood after refusing to answer if he was pregnant

Sinclair, of Stirling in central Scotland, was told to complete a form asking whether he was with child or had been pregnant in the last six months, prompting him to reply that the question did not apply to a man in his late 60s.

Sinclair told a staffer at the Albert Halls clinic in Stirling it was “impossible” for him to be pregnant, but soon learned that he needed to answer the query in order to give blood. He now has no plans on returning to the donation center.

The secret to the West is careerism.

Someone got promoted for writing that “stunning and brave” question into the script. This gave the bosses bragging rights at the club about how progressive they were and satisfied the insurers, politicians, and lawyers, who wanted to make sure that no one would be sued for discrimination.

Only when those same people get their careers wrecked and end up working at Tesco will the insanity stop.

In the meantime, institutions like this run on the goodwill of decent, normal people and more of them will stay away, so the voters (who have slept through all of this) will wake up when they find out that the only blood available at hospitals is being bought from teenage drug addicts who need the money.

Texas Could Vote to Secede From U.S. in 2023 as GOP Pushes for Referendum

Under a section titled “State Sovereignty,” the platform states: “Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified.

“Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto.”

Texas has a solid argument for secession: the fraudulent 2020 election.

If Texas is being manipulated by fraudulent votes, it can consider its agreement with the United States to provide fair and balanced elections to be in breach, and therefore make a solid legal argument — going back to English common law — for secession.

If Texas were to break away and roll back its policies to 1980s America levels, it would quickly become a home for most of the business in North America if not the world.

If it scrapped the majority of rules and entitlements, it would dominate the world economy. And, unlike Ukraine, it would most likely retain its nuclear weapons.

What is Japan doing buying Chinese used cigarette butts?

2022-06-29 17:19 HKT From HERE

Japan has always had cooperative companies in Qingdao, Chengdu and other places to acquire the business of cigarette butts, which will be exported to Japan after the acquisition. So what exactly does Japan need these cigarette butts for?

First of all, the main component of cigarette butts is acetate fiber. In addition to being used in cigarette butts filtering, it is widely used in medical and clothing industries because of its various characteristics. Japan is an island country with scarce resources and strong demand. Under the promotion, Japan also changed from military plunder during World War II to commercial recycling.

In China, acetate fiber currently needs to be imported, and the import price of one ton can reach about 20,000 yuan. Some people say why China does not collect and process it, and we have so many smokers. Part of the reason is that the cost of collecting cigarette butts is too high. China has only started sorting waste in recent years. As far as cigarette butts are concerned, it is also difficult to recycle. Overall, it is not as cost-effective as imported from abroad.

Therefore, China still has a long way to go in the field of recycling. Japan has started the use of recycling in the recent Tokyo Olympics. Although most people complain, it is also an attempt. I hope China can also gradually In this regard, there are some inclinations in resource research and development. After all, China has such a large population and various wastes brought about by consumption. If useful materials can be classified in it, then China’s energy will also have an independent path. In the future, the earth’s resources In the continuous consumption, solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen, and recyclable materials have become the top priorities of future energy use.

Holy Mackerel, the Confederacy Just Won

Thoughts by an American on the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. -MM

Back in the 1860s, America fought a civil war over states rights. While the touchstone issue for the North was slavery, for the South it was tariffs and other laws favoring the northeastern factories that mostly employed Irish people.

Naturally Abraham Lincoln, a student of the modern State in the European sense, found it easy to unite these new Irish voters against the mostly-Anglo South, and to use that to centralize government control with a Civil Rights Act which passed shortly after his 2500 fps lobotomy and death.

The sense in America — already divided by Irish diversity — was that if we did not force everyone into a false unity and conformity of action, the same methods at the same time, we would disintegrate and not be able to compete with modern nations.

Consequently law after the Civil War and during the world wars followed the same goal: strengthen federal authority, enforce it on the states, standardize everything, and therefore, create a sensation and sentiment of unity among the people of the nation.

Fighting dictators like Stalin and Hitler gave us a false view of what we were attempting to avoid. We assumed that the founding fathers tried to warn us off of dictatorship, but they were really trying to warn us away from infectious groupthink.

Infectious groupthink occurs when an idea becomes popular because it is lowest common denominator, after which point no one will refrain from emulating it because they want to be competitive with others who are using that idea. If something succeeds, everyone does it, even if not really relevant.

You can see infectious groupthink in America today. Even companies that make sump pumps and oil filters are advertising how they support LGBT gay pride month, BLM racial shakedowns, and other goodthinker topics.

Consequently, the Supreme Court is pushing back with a few momentous decisions, all of which favor resisting the herd and granting more power to local communities and states:

  • Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: this ruling removes a federal right to abortion, justified by the 14A, and instead throws the issue back to the states. This does not automatically make abortion legal or illegal; most states, having had time to prepare, have laws in place to either grant abortion rights or criminalize abortion. This ruling in effect gives the states the power of a nation-state, namely that they are for themselves deciding what defines murder, the onset of human life, and the degree to which they want legal sexual liberation.
  • New York State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n Inc. v. Bruen: argued on the basis of the 14A in defense of the Second Amendment, the Court holds that New York violated the rights of its citizens by imposing costs and regulations on the ability to carrry a firearm. This would have been stronger had it been a straight 2A case, but it sets up the Left to take aim at the 14A, which would great help us to get it reinterpreted or removed. This case essentially blocks not just local but federal action to impose gun control.
  • Vega v. Tekoh: on the surface, the Court holds that a citizen may not sue the state for having failed to give him a full Miranda warning, but in the process, the Court redefined the Miranda warning as “protections of rights” and not rights themselves. In other words, the expansion of human rights hit an upward limit, and Miranda failures may in the future not be grounds for overturning convictions. This also throws the question back to the states.

These cases came about for the most part in reaction to the seizure of the federal government by the Left and the rapid pace with which it has used presidential executive orders, unelected bureaucrat written regulations, and hastily assembled bills rocketed through a compliant House.

The Court exists to protect the Constitution. Therefore, when it sees federal overreach, it tends to pare it back by removing the crutches it uses to justify such power. Almost universally these have been 14A and § 1980 cases which enforce individual rights over state or local decisions via federal law.

However, as justices have hinted in the past, many of these laws were designed to fix perceived wrongs, not become eternal justifications for whatever power and money government wants to seize. By kicking these back to the states, the Court makes the voters choose on these hot-button issues.

This allows the Court to fulfill one of the purposes of the Constitution: it is designed to allow people to escape from being forced to comply with the latest trend of infectious groupthink. It allows states and individuals to break away from the herd.

Lincoln destroyed that, as did his party in subsequent years, with the Civil Rights act, much as the 1913 income tax obliterated what was left, since now people were required to fund all sorts of infectious groupthink programs that they would otherwise want to escape.

The Court has now affirmed that the Confederacy was indeed right about states rights. In order to avoid groupthink and socialist-style entitlements programs turned coercive, such as diversity, EMTALA, and the need to fund the diversity abyss, states need to make these decisions, not the fedgov.

If we are lucky, the Court will take aim at the expansion of civil rights as a blank cheque for abolishing all standards. If the next big case involves affirmative action, we could see a different America emerge quite shortly as people flee diversity and socialism.

Suspicious about military content, Nepal rejects US disaster mitigation programme

Gen. Charles A.Flynn with Nepalese PM Sher Bahadur Deuba
Nepal does not want to jeopardize relations with China
By P.K. Balachandran
Colombo, June 21: Fearing that the US State Partnership Programme (SPP) is a trap to involve it in an anti-China military alliance, the Sher Bahadur Deuba government in Nepal has rejected the programme.
The Deuba government (like predecessor governments in 2015, 2017 and 2019) was initially impressed with the SPP for its disaster mitigation content, but it had to reject it eventually, because the mood in Nepal is unambiguously against foreign programs which smack of a military alliance.
Nepalese governments have generally not wanted any trans-national agreements which could jeopardize their delicately balanced relationship between India and the US on the on hand and China on the other.

Article HERE

NATO claims Vladimir Putin and Xi Jingping collude to subvert the global order

June 30, 2022 – 8.21am
Madrid | NATO has accused Beijing of conspiring with Moscow to subvert the international rules-based order...

... as part of a new 10-year blueprint that identifies China for the first time as a global threat...

... and brands Russia the most significant and direct threat to security, peace and stability in Europe.

Beijing reacted angrily to the new NATO Strategic Concept, agreed to at its summit in Madrid, accusing the 32-member alliance of trying to launch a new cold war.

Full article HERE

Homemade Potato Chips

Forget buying a bag of potato chips at the grocery store when you can make these at home. This quick and easy recipe will delight everyone in the family. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen


  • 7 unpeeled medium potatoes (about 2 pounds)
  • 2 quarts ice water
  • 5 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons celery salt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons pepper
  • Oil for deep-fat frying


  1. Using a vegetable peeler or metal cheese slicer, cut potatoes into very thin slices. Place in a large bowl; add ice water and salt. Soak for 30 minutes.
  2. Drain potatoes; place on paper towels and pat dry. In a small bowl, combine the garlic powder, celery salt and pepper; set aside.
  3. In a cast-iron or other heavy skillet, heat 1-1/2 in. oil to 375°. Fry potatoes in batches until golden brown, 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently.
  4. Remove with a slotted spoon; drain on paper towels. Immediately sprinkle with seasoning mixture.

Manfred Mann – Blinded by the Light

I hope you all appreciate this little tune.

Beijing Slams NATO For ‘Maliciously Smearing’ China As A Security Threat

Friday, Jul 01, 2022 – 09:50 AM

Authored by Kenny Stancil via Common Dreams, 

Beijing criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Thursday after the U.S.-led military alliance asserted that China poses “serious challenges” to global stability.

NATO listed China as one of its priorities in the so-called 2022 Strategic Concept that leaders approved Wednesday at a summit in Madrid. This marked a first, as the alliance’s previous blueprint, published in 2010, made no mention of the East Asian country. According to NATO, Beijing’s “coercive policies” threaten the Western bloc’s “interests, security, and values.”

Addressing the “systemic challenges posed by the People’s Republic of China to Euro-Atlantic security” and the “deepening strategic partnership” between China and Russia is now a NATO priority, the bloc declared.

Beijing responded with indignation. “Who’s challenging global security and undermining world peace?” China’s mission to the European Union asked Thursday in a statement. “Are there any wars or conflicts over the years where NATO is not involved?”

“NATO’s so-called Strategic Concept, filled with Cold War thinking and ideological bias, is maliciously attacking and smearing China. We firmly oppose it,” the statement said. “When it comes to acts that undermine China’s interests, we will make firm and strong responses.”

As The Guardian reported:

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China has been pointing its finger at the U.S. and NATO on multiple occasions. But NATO's attention to the China-Russia partnership began even before Moscow's military operations in its neighbor. It has also been openly talking about China for some time.

In its annual summit in Brussels last June, the traditionally Russia-focused military alliance asserted, for the first time, that it needed to respond to Beijing's growing power. The language the bloc used at the time also echoed the E.U.'s phrase of "systemic rival," and the U.K.'s "systemic competitor" when describing China.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters Wednesday that “China is substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons, bullying its neighbors, threatening Taiwan… monitoring and controlling its own citizens through advanced technology, and spreading Russian lies and disinformation.”

“China is not our adversary,” said Stoltenberg, “but we must be clear-eyed about the serious challenges it represents.” In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said Thursday that NATO’s latest policy document “disregards facts, confuses black and white… [and] smears China’s foreign policy.”

China, Zhao added, does not pose “the systemic challenge imagined.” Instead, he argued, it is NATO that is a “systemic challenge to world peace and stability” and its “hands are stained with the blood of the world’s people.”

While Stoltenberg claimed that NATO is still “open to constructive engagement” with Beijing, the trans-Atlantic military alliance is moving to expand its reach across the Pacific. This is due in part to fears that Russia’s military assault on Ukraine could embolden China to invade Taiwan, a self-governing island that Beijing considers its province, and concerns about possible military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing on Russia’s Pacific coast.

As Al Jazeera reported:

Highlighting NATO's new focus on China, the gathering of world leaders in Madrid, both inside the bloc's summit and on its sidelines, included many from Asian nations.

It was the first time that the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand were invited to a NATO summit. They participated in a NATO session on new global challenges after holding a side meeting outside of the summit.

On Wednesday, Zhao encouraged NATO to abandon its “zero-sum game and the practice of creating enemies, and not try to mess up Asia and the whole world after disrupting Europe.” Referring to NATO’s response to the war in Ukraine, Zhao said that “sanctions are not a way out of conflicts, and the continued delivery of weapons will not help realize peace.”

During this week’s summit, Stoltenberg announced that “thousands of new troops would be deployed in eight countries on NATO’s eastern flank,” the New York Times reported Thursday. Biden, for his part, said that “Washington would deploy an Army garrison headquarters and a field support battalion in Poland, the first U.S. forces permanently located on NATO’s eastern flank.”

Just before issuing its strategic blueprint, NATO also extended formal membership invitations to Finland and Sweden. Peace advocates have warned that the incorporation of the two previously neutral Nordic countries, one of which shares an 830-mile border with Russia, into NATO increases the likelihood of a direct confrontation that could spiral into a nuclear war.

The Time of Our Time

We have not been so ripe for regime change since 1776. A ruling Party of Chaos is doing absolutely everything to disorder our lives and there really is no generous interpretation for its motives.

Let’s face it: most people will not read Justice Alito’s carefully crafted arguments about what the constitution says or doesn’t say about abortion, or the meaning of “ordered liberty” through our history.

We do not live in history. We live in the time of our time.

And, until just recently, this has been a time that discarded former modes of conduct between men, women, and children as inconvenient to the presumably greater project of self-actualization.

To be-all-that-you-can-be is a stirring notion, and it seemed to work nicely within the colossal techno-industrial armature of the past century, with all its inducements to thrive personally, at least for the comfortable elites who pulled the levers of that system — though not so much for those below caught in the gears, who produced children despite all the novel means for avoiding it.

For the fortunate, motherhood became just another “no” box to check off, while fatherhood merged into the odious mists of obsolete patriarchy.

History is made up of things that seem like good ideas at the time. The hard part now is moving out of a familiar time into the undiscovered country of a new time.

The support system for all that is going, going, gone and in the ensuing flux all that rousing self-actualization starts to look more like Thomas Hobbes’s war of all against all, a savage and pre-human state of nature. As this occurs, all human beings have to fall back on are modes of conduct that include a moral and ethical dimension, which is to say, what is right and what is wrong, not just what is allowed at a given moment.

Which is also to say: maybe the time of smashing boundaries is over. As that scaffold of techno-industrial comfort and safety disintegrates, and all the dazzling promises of becoming transhuman dissolve — sorry, Klaus Schwab — we will likely have to settle for being human again, and in the best way, not the worst way. That includes a certain reverence for our nature and for each other. That suggests not killing children.

These days, this place on the planet that used to be a nation groans under a tribulation of bad ideas, bad choices, bad conduct, bad management, and bad faith. We have not been so ripe for regime change since 1776.

A ruling Party of Chaos is doing absolutely everything to disorder our lives and there really is no generous interpretation for its motives.

Everything it touches breaks, wilts, withers, splinters, rots, poisons, and infects the body politic, driving it deeper into derangement. It doesn’t even pretend to make sense because that would require making distinctions between what is true and what’s not true. We follow-the-science into pure evil.

What awaits is the abandoned scaffold of the family and the community as opposed to the brute hierarchies of mere lonely, forsaken persons under the leviathan state and the behemoth corporation, which have produced mainly new kinds of cruelties, such as: the deadly “vaccine” mandates, the no-knock FBI visitations, the surveillance cameras, the robotic phone trees with their interminable holds, the obtuse insults of the HR departments, the drag queens twerking in your children’s faces, and much more.

You might not know it from the news — what is the news now, anyway, except mercenary shuck-and-jive — but these giant governments and corporations are thrashing in their death throes.

Get out of their way if you possibly can.

Form the bonds you can with people and cherish them. For many, they will be all you’ll have for a while.

You can’t overstate the havoc that we’ll have to live with in the months ahead, short of blowing up the whole joint, one can hope.

And it will happen just as a gigantic set of pretenses to a New Order of things rolls out to thumping failure. Forget about central bank digital currencies. Don’t believe that the very people who have severed the relationship between actual capital and money can just magically conjure a new order of money that they propose to control and you don’t.

Meanwhile, the old-school money they created too much of is headed for the biggest gaping black hole imaginable because that’s what happens when money based on debt is not paid back. So, for a while, there will be too much money and then there will be not enough, and then nobody will have money.

All that happens as the supply of every kind of stuff in the world stops moving from Point A to Point B, including replacement parts for every sort of machine, distribution of petroleum and its products, and food.

And at the same time, it finally becomes too obvious to ignore the fact that many millions are dying or becoming disabled from the effects of the mRNA vaccines foisted on the public, especially in the USA and Europe.

Out of all that suffering will eventually come a new respect for human life and reconstructed relations between men and women, with all the abstruse ambiguities, pretensions, and nebulosities about sex put aside for some future age of decadence.

It won’t require further agonizing reappraisals by any high courts to figure it out. Children are the consequence of sex. Children are required to carry on the human project.

American Chip Makers Stall On Building New Semiconductor Plants As Subsidies Bill Languishes

Friday, Jul 01, 2022 – 12:10 AM

The Biden administration is laser-focused on sending Ukraine billions of dollars in weapons, including the latest round of anti-ship systems, artillery rockets, and rounds of 105 mm ammo for howitzer cannons that it has entirely lost focus on reshoring efforts to boost semiconductor production Stateside.

Multiple manufacturers of semiconductor wafers have announced plans for new multi-billion dollar factories across the U.S. but are contingent on Congress allocating funds to aid in building facilities under the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act. 

Congress passed the CHIPS Act in January 2021 as part of last year’s National Defense Authorization Act, which proposed $52 billion in funding for increasing the domestic capacity of chip production, though the House and Senate have come to a standstill over disagreements on certain parts of the bill that have sparked so much uncertainty among companies set to build new factories.

In a letter on June 15, dozens of technology executives from IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Analog Devices, Micron, Amazon, and Alphabet called on Congress to move quickly on the CHIPS Act. They wrote, “the rest of the world is not waiting for the U.S. to act,” and funding for new chip factories must be achieved immediately.

The uncertainty around Congress not formally allocating any budget to finance the CHIPS Act is causing concern among top chipmakers planning to build massive factories that might have to delay expansion plans.

Unfortunately, CHIPS Act funding has moved more slowly than we expected, and we still don’t know when it will get done. It is time for Congress to act so we can move forward at the speed and scale we have long envisioned for Ohio and our other projects to help restore U.S. semiconductor manufacturing leadership and build a more resilient semiconductor supply chain,” an Intel spokesperson recently said in a statement. 

Taiwan’s GlobalWafers announced a new $5 billion factory in the U.S. on Monday, but contingent on subsidies from the federal government.

"This investment that they're making is contingent upon Congress passing the CHIPS Act. The [GlobalWafers] CEO told me that herself, and they reiterated that today," U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told CNBC, the same day GlobalWafers announced its development plan.

In 2020, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. announced a new $12 billion plant in Phoenix, Arizona, and said some of the building costs would have to be picked up by the U.S. and Taiwan.

The Biden administration has hailed the president’s efforts to increase chip manufacturing capacity, but Congress appears to be holding things up, which may result in delays for planned expansion projects this fall.

Currently, the U.S. only accounts for 12% of the world’s chip supplies, a 40% reduction since the 1990s. The CHIPS Act is supposed to restore America’s dominance in chipmaking — but expansion plans appear to be on hold as funding Ukraine seems to be the top priority in Washington.

Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes: “not medicine but less harmful”?



Smoking in Asia has become a public health crisis, with East Asian countries having 38% of the world’s smokers.1 The high smoking prevalence is complicated by the fact that many countries have state‐run tobacco monopolies, including China, with 360 million smokers.2 Japan Tobacco International is the world’s 3rd largest transnational tobacco company and is 2/3 owned by the Ministry of Finance.3 Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand all have had tobacco monopolies as well.4,5,6 The entry of transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) into the Asian markets in the 1980s has led to higher rates of cigarette consumption than would have been otherwise expected with the native tobacco monopolies alone;7 the TTCs are now particularly interested in entering the large Chinese market.8,9

Asian herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries10 and, beginning in 2000, several Asian countries started producing cigarettes that combine these herbs with tobacco. (The herbs used in Western herbal cigarettes, in contrast, use ingredients such as hazel and rose petals that are not considered medicinal nor are mixed with tobacco.11,12) Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes may appeal to Asian smokers who believe they are deriving a health benefit from smoking these products. Correspondingly, the TTCs and a 2001 Institute of Medicine report have encouraged the creation of potentially reduced exposure products (PREPs), which may deliver fewer toxins to smokers who are unwilling or unable to quit.13 The strategy of product modification as a form of tobacco control has been criticised by some public health groups and researchers, however, because there is no evidence of a public health benefit at the population level14,15 and this strategy may discourage current smokers from quitting.16

Little is known about Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes, so we sought to describe their development and product characteristics by examining international news accounts and internet sites for product descriptions and health claims. We also used the TTCs documents to determine the level of awareness and interest in the development of these products. Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes that claim to reduce the harms of smoking have been developed in China since the 1970s and the TTCs have been tracking these products since the 1980s. In 2000, other Asian countries tried to develop similar products, which coincides with efforts by the TTCs17 to work with Asian tobacco companies in promoting their “harm reduction” strategy in Asia.


Analysis of international news sources, company websites, and the transnational tobacco companies’ (TTC) documents. PubMed searches of herbs and brands.


Twenty‐three brands were identified, mainly from China. Many products claimed to relieve respiratory symptoms and reduce toxins, with four herb‐only products advertised for smoking cessation. No literature was found to verify the health claims, except one Korean trial of an herb‐only product. Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes were initially produced by China by the 1970s and introduced to Japan in the 1980s. Despite initial news about research demonstrating a safer cigarette, the TTC analyses of these cigarettes suggest that these early products were not palatable and had potentially toxic cardiovascular effects. By the late 1990s, China began producing more herbal‐tobacco cigarettes in a renewed effort to reduce harmful constituents in cigarettes. After 2000, tobacco companies from Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand began producing similar products. Tobacco control groups in Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand voiced concern over the health claims of herbal‐tobacco products. In 2005, China designated two herbal‐tobacco brands as key for development.


Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes claim to reduce harm, but no published literature is available to verify these claims or investigate unidentified toxicities.

The increase in Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarette production by 2000 coincides with the Asian tobacco companies’ regular scientific meetings with TTCs and their interest in harm reduction. Asia faces additional challenges in tobacco control with these culturally concordant products that may discourage smokers from quitting.

Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe The West Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare


If countries in Europe are already beginning to ration certain things due to “supply problems”, how long will it be before it starts happening in the United States?

Up until the past couple of years, many of us in the western world always considered shortages to be something that only “unsophisticated” poor countries on the other side of the planet had to deal with.

But the last couple of years have shown us that painful shortages can happen to wealthy countries in the western world too.

At first we were told that they were “just temporary”, but the months went by and we just kept having more shortages.

In fact, in 2022 “supply problems” have become so serious that many supermarkets in Europe have been forced to strictly ration essential items at various times.  For example, it was being reported that due to the war in Ukraine flour, sunflower oil and sugar were all being rationed by stores in Greece

After limiting the sale of some flours and sunflower oil online, Greek supermarkets are turning to rationing the sale of sugar as well, now including in their stores, over supply problems.

The AB Vassilopoulos is setting a maximum limit on the purchase of all brands of corn and sunflower oil and of flour per customer while Mymarket put a ceiling on sunflower oil purchases and Sklavenitis has added sugar to the rationed sales of corn oil through its online store, with a maximum of four packs, the products in high demand from restaurants, some of which said they have to stop selling french fries and other fried foods.

Over the past few months we have seen similar measures implemented in other major European nations as well.  For example, the war in Ukraine prompted some pretty severe rationing in Spain

Sporadic shortages of products like eggs, milk, and other dairy products also hit Spain since the war in Ukraine began. And major supermarkets including Mercadona and Makro began rationing sunflower oil earlier this month.

Now, stores will temporarily be allowed to limit “the number of goods that can be bought by a client,” according to information in the Official State Gazette published on Wednesday.

Looking forward, natural gas rationing is the next big thing that many people in Europe are talking about.  The flow of Russian natural gas into Europe has been cut back, and it appears that this may soon cause widespread rationing in Italy

Italy may start rationing natural-gas consumption to certain industrial giants, after Russia’s Gazprom halved supplies on Friday.

On the weekend, the newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the Italian government and energy industry would meet Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the crisis, with the likely outcome being the introduction of a state of alert under the country’s gas emergency protocol.

And CNN is reporting that Germany is “one step closer to rationing supplies” now that Russia has decided to reduce the flow of natural gas going to that country…

Europe’s biggest economy is now officially running short of natural gas and is escalating a crisis plan to preserve supplies as Russia turns off the taps.

Germany on Thursday activated the second phase of its three-stage gas emergency program, taking it one step closer to rationing supplies to industry — a step that would deliver a huge blow to the manufacturing heart of its economy.

Of course there are other parts of the globe that are dealing with problems that are far, far more serious than what Europe is facing right now.

As I discussed in an article that I posted earlier this week, significant numbers of people are starting to literally drop dead from starvation in portions of eastern Africa.  Global food supplies just keep getting tighter, and the head of the UN is openly telling us that the world is heading into an “unprecedented global hunger crisis”.

So if you have plenty of food to eat tonight, you should be thankful.

Here in the United States, economic conditions are deteriorating fairly rapidly, and most Americans are completely and totally unprepared for any sort of a major economic downturn.

Earlier today, I came across yet another survey that shows that about 60 percent of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck

“We find that consumers in all income brackets — including those who make more than $100,000 annually — are living paycheck to paycheck. PYMNTS’ research finds that 61% of U.S. consumers were living paycheck to paycheck in April 2022, marking a 9 percentage point increase from 52% in April 2021, meaning that approximately three in five U.S. consumers devote nearly all of their salaries to expenses with little to nothing left over at the end of the month.”

So what is going to happen when those people start losing their jobs in large numbers?

Already, we have seen the number of tech layoffs greatly accelerate over the last couple of months.

Sadly, the layoffs will get much worse in the months ahead.

And as inflation continues to systematically eat away at our standard of living, Americans are turning to credit cards at a record pace

As Americans grapple with the highest inflation in 40 years, the number of new credit cards have surged as more Americans rely on them to keep up with high prices. According to a recent report from the Federal Reserve, revolving credit (credit cards and lines of credit) increased by 19.6% from the previous year to $1.103 trillion.

Going into credit card debt is not a solution.

At best, it can buy you a little bit of time.

And it is especially a bad idea to go into credit card debt as we plunge into a recession.

At this point, almost everyone realizes that things are going to get bad.  According to one recent poll, a whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. is “headed in the wrong direction”

The national dissatisfaction is bipartisan. Most Americans, 85%, say the country is headed in the wrong direction. A majority of Republicans have been unhappy with the direction of the country since Biden’s election. Democrats had been positive about how things were going, but now 78% say the country is headed in the wrong direction.

I was astounded to see that 78 percent of Democrats believe that the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction with a Democrat in the White House.

I have never seen a number like that ever before.

But this is just another indication that the hour is late and that things are about to start getting really crazy out there.

For the moment, life is still at least somewhat normal in the western world.

Sadly, it won’t stay that way for long, and so I would recommend using your time wisely.

European road connectivity has been completely cut from Russian GPS maps

NATO sanctioned the world into self isolation. It is time for the civilized world to work and trade exclusively with each other without the crusader nations. 

By taking away Russian foreign reserve money and private assets at will, the crusaders alerted the civilized world that their currencies are untrustworthy. 

So, it is time for the civilized world to follow Putin the Great policy to stop accepting $, £, € as trading currencies as these currencies can become worthless anytime the looting civilization decided to take away from you. 

In Chinese language, the term currency is called 货币,货 is goods, 币 is money. The meaning is, only when a money able to established it trust worthiness and values in a market in exchange for goods and services, can be called currency. 

Apparently, putin the Great policy has effectively reduced the image of the crusaders currencies into its true form: untrustworthy, can become worthless anytime. The outcome is:

When The crusaders make a few hundred billions fast money from robbing the Russian reserved currency and private assets inside their countries, they alerted the world that their so-called currency are untrustworthy. So, in a foreseeable future, the crusaders will become more and more isolated from the rest of the world. Their economy will drastically reduced in size, and that they can no longer relying on printing money to maintain their economy. 

As a result , the money they print will turn into currency depreciation and domestic inflation as the civilized world no longer trust their currency. 

The speed of the crusader nations internal chaos and disintegration will be so fast that beyond most people expectations. 

The risk of the crusaders starting another world war is at all time high. However, my assessment is that, they have already lost the capability to win, so the chances of them starting another world war is reduced. Their economy will collapse sooner than they could start another war. 

Z: the number of days the crusaders live on looting the world is coming to an end:

Record numbers leaving Germany’s churches

Hundreds of thousands of people have resigned their memberships in Germany’s Protestant and Catholic churches. Fifteen years ago, 61% of Germans belonged to churches, a number that has now dropped below 50%.
An important development toward the makeup of a new, new world order.

Full article HERE

Chinese And Russian Navies Circle Japan In “Show Of Force”

This article is curious in that it displays the absolute ignorance of the writer. -MM

In yet another example of the increasingly close alliance between Russia and China, the Chinese Navy and Russia’s Pacific Fleet have been engaging in war game operations, seemingly in tandem around Japan, according to the Japanese Defense Ministry.

Reports of coordinated military exercises have not been officially acknowledged by Russia or China, though Japan continues to post regular updates on ship movements.  The naval exercises were apparently focused around the islands of Miyako and Okinawa, which hold 50,000 US forces, as well as a 70-mile wide corridor between the island of Yonaguni and Taiwan.

While not unheard of, military cooperation in the Pacific between Russia and China has grown in frequency, with naval exercises increasing over the past month.  While Japan calls these movements a “show of force,” they may very well be practice for a conflict planned in the near future.

After the recent BRICS summit in Beijing and the reaffirmation of China’s economic support of Russia during its war with Ukraine and NATO sanctions, it only makes sense that the economic relationship would evolve into at least a loose military agreement.  The latest decision on the induction of Sweden and Finland into NATO as well as naval escalation in the South Pacific are only going to drive Eastern interests closer together over time.

China is nursing a compulsive obsession when it comes to absorbing Taiwan into the CCP, and with the West overly focused on Russia and Ukraine, they may act soon.  If an invasion of Taiwan is planned it would have to take place sometime in September/October when weather conditions in the region are favorable to naval operations.  Leaked reports from Russian intel in March seem to indicate that a fall invasion of Taiwan was indeed in the works.  Some believe that the Russian war with Ukraine will force China to scuttle such plans, but there is also a chance that Ukraine will provide excellent cover for an action against Taiwan; forcing western governments to split their efforts and focus on two fronts instead of one.

The bigger question is:  Will Russia and China form an official military alliance?  There is no debate now over their trade alliance, but the notion of military cooperation between the two countries will lead many people to scoff.  Keep in mind, however, that there were numerous skeptics that argued only a week ago that the Turkish government under Erdogen would “never” agree to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, and yet that is exactly what they did.

The geopolitical landscape is changing fast and the old rules no longer seem to apply.

The Most Optimistic Woman On Wall Street Now Says That The U.S. Economy Has Entered A Recession


Even the most wild optimists are starting to sound like “doom and gloomers”.  In fact, even the most optimistic woman on Wall Street is now telling us that the U.S. economy is in a recession right now.

At one time, Cathie Wood seemed like she could do no wrong.  Many of her wildly optimistic stock predictions kept coming true, and she gained hordes of Internet followers that hung on her every word.

In 2020, her ARK Innovation fund outperformed the S&P 500 by a very wide margin, and pundits such as Jim Cramer were calling her a “genius”

In 2020, Wood’s predictions appeared to be on their way to coming true. She was riding high atop the Fed-driven bull market: Her ARK Innovation fund, often known by its ticker as ARKK, returned some 157 percent during that first year of the pandemic, compared to just 18 percent for the S&P 500 as a whole. It was a legendary performance that drew accolades from various market watchers, including CNBC’s Jim Cramer, who in February of last year tweeted, “Cathie Wood is a genius.”

But these days Cathie Wood sounds like she could be writing for The Economic Collapse Blog.  The value of her ARK Innovation fund is down 67 percent over the past year, and she just did an interview with CNBC in which she stated that she believes that the U.S. economy has already plunged into a recession…

Ark Invest CEO Cathie Wood said Tuesday that the U.S. is already in an economic downturn, and she admitted that she underestimated the severity and lasting power of inflation.

“We think we are in a recession,” Wood said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Tuesday. “We think a big problem out there is inventories… the increase of which I’ve never seen this large in my career. I’ve been around for 45 years.”

Of course she is far from alone.

Economist Stephen Moore also believes that the U.S. economy has entered a recessionary period…

Economist Stephen Moore warned on Monday that the United States is already in a “soft recession,” noting that the “real question” is now whether the Federal Reserve can achieve a soft landing.

Moore, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, provided the insight on “Varney & Co.” Monday, reacting to former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers contradicting President Biden on Sunday by saying that a recession was “almost inevitable” in the next two years.

Peter Schiff is even more pessimistic.

In fact, he is using the word “crash” to describe what is ahead for our economy…

Stockbroker Peter Schiff, the chief economist and global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, went a step further a couple of weeks ago by tweeting that most citizens have given up on the thought of a soft landing for the economy after the Fed’s interest rate hikes and now expect a harder fall.

“The only landing possible is a crash, where everyone on board dies,” Schiff tweeted. “That’s why the Fed won’t even attempt to land and give up its pretend inflation fight.”

Sadly, all three of them are correct.

At the moment, what we are currently experiencing could definitely be described as a “soft recession”, and it will inevitably get a whole lot worse.

And U.S. consumers certainly are not hopeful about the future at this point.  On Friday, we learned that U.S. consumer confidence has now dropped to the lowest level ever recorded

A closely followed University of Michigan survey released Friday found that US consumer sentiment hit a new record low in June -— the lowest recorded level since the university started collecting the data 70 years ago.

The June index saw a 14.4% drop since May as consumers became increasingly alarmed about inflation. About 79% of those consumers said they expected bad times for business conditions in the upcoming year, the highest level for that metric since 2009.

Just think about that for a moment.

In 70 years, U.S. consumers have never been more pessimistic than they are right now.

That is incredible.

Unfortunately, most consumers are also highly vulnerable.

One recent survey found that 58 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.  So when harder times come and many start losing their jobs, a lot of them are going to be in financial trouble very rapidly.

The pace at which things are now changing really is breathtaking.

Exactly one year ago, it seemed like the U.S. economy was riding high and stock prices would keep going up forever.

But now it appears that the first half of 2022 will end up being the worst first half of a year for the stock market since 1970

Stocks are about to turn in the worst first half in fifty years when the second quarter wraps on Thursday as inflation sits at a 40-year high.

The S&P 500, the broadest measure of stocks, is down nearly 18% this year the worst since 1970, as tracked by Dow Jones Market Data Group. That makes 2022 the fifth-worst half performance on record.

Trillions upon trillions of dollars of paper wealth has already been wiped out, and we continue to get more bad economic news with each passing day.

And now that the Federal Reserve has decided to foolishly raise rates just as an economic downturn is picking up speed, there is no hope that things will turn around any time soon.

The reckless optimists on Wall Street didn’t see this coming in advance.  If Cathie Wood had understood which direction things were about to go, her fund would not be down 67 percent over the past year.

But of course there are countless others on Wall Street that have been hit extremely hard as well.

The end of a party can often come very abruptly.  In this case, many investors that didn’t get out in time are now feeling an extraordinary amount of pain.

Unfortunately, a lot more pain is coming for Wall Street and for the economy as a whole.


People from the first world get weirded out when they go to the third world (and its enclaves in the first world) and see people kill each other over even the mildest slight. If you disrespect someone, meaning do not acknowledge their relevance, you have basically ranked them as worthless.

It is easy to make fun of these incidents until you understand why two pieces of chicken are worth killing for:

The 57-year-old victim said he took two pieces of chicken from another resident and ate them. Akron police said the other man became upset, grabbing the victim by the throat and throwing him to the floor.

Keeping with the chicken theme:

In a Monday, June 27, Facebook statement an MPD spokesperson added: “Officers were advised by the staff that a customer was upset about $2 worth of change and chicken sandwiches.”

“The suspect made threats to do bodily harm to the female employees, and knocked the cash registers off their stands onto the floor, causing $10,000 worth of damage.”

Chicken is serious business. If you get in a dispute over it, you may end up getting shot:

Around 8:30 p.m., two men pulled into the drive-thru lane of the KFC at 6301 15th Street E. in Sarasota and got into an argument with the restaurant’s employees at the window about the food they ordered, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.

Minutes later, two employees left the restaurant and met the customers in the parking lot, where the argument escalated. During the dispute, one of the employees was shot, the sheriff’s office said.

These barbecue-related slayings seem to form a trope:

“He said the food was too cold and he just started getting a real bad attitude about it so we were like OK, OK, if you don’t want it, we will give your money back to you. So that’s what we did,” said Bautista.

“We started walking away and something told me to turn around. When I turned around he had gone inside the house and then comes back out and he had a gun,” said Bautista.

You want more chicken-related violence?

Bountiful Police say Suliafu’s father returned home with food for Suliafu. When he discovered the wings were not the variety he liked, Suliafu became upset and began arguing with his father. During the argument, police say Suliafu went into another room, retrieved a firearm from his father’s bag, and pointed the gun at his father.

The chicken-related carnage continues:

A female passenger in a car was reportedly involved in an altercation with employees over a spicy chicken sandwich.

After the altercation, the pair left then returned in the car, firing multiple shots from the road into the parking lot, the affidavit said.

And the stunner of chicken redrum:

That’s when police say Munn’s mother got into a heated argument over “guests getting too many pieces of chicken” with another family member, according to court documents.

The family continued the argument outside in the front yard, where police say Rogers pulled out two guns and shot Dandridge seven times.

If you are following the mainstream narrative, you should pretend to be shocked here. These are seemingly pointless crimes over things of low value, so a modern citizen sees them as laughably absurd risk of jail for almost no gain.

That is because modern societies do not understand our primitive origins as a human species.

In those egalitarian or communal hunter-gatherer societies that Leftist praise in the science magazines, in theory when there is a hunt or harvest the people who found the food bring it back and share it equally with everyone in the tribe.

But in reality, no food goes to those who are disrespected and irrelevant. At the very least, they stand in the back of the line because their social status is low. When food is scarce, they may simply die in the bush if they cannot snag some bush meat, pick fruit, or dig up edible roots.

Under ideal conditions, this process works to gradually exclude those who are incompetent. They are after all “useless eaters” who want part of the profits of the hunt or harvest, but are unable to provide anything of value on their own.

Some duck out of the process by being submissive. Homosexuals, for example, seem to exist in every society as a type of domestic help and source of labor for occupations shunned by aggressive males, like interior decorating and hair cutting.

Other males accept their low status and form a gang around someone more powerful. Their loyalty and henchman status buys them some of the food, although they are usually angling for more whenever their boss starts looking weak, old, or confused.

In this way the egalitarian tribe preserves hierarchy without formally doing so, which would offend its pretense of egalitarianism, which is how it keeps the tribe together. It is a soup line with a few added conditions, essentially, namely loyalty in time of attack.

But because this society handles redistribution, your public image matters more than reality. The reality is that you do not really care about chicken that much, but if someone disrespect you, your status will get lowered if you do not fight back right away.

Even if you lose and end up in the hospital, you retain your status as someone not to be messed with. If you walk away from a fight, everyone assumes that you were going to lose, and so they see you as a loser. Only those who enforce their status through pointless violence keep rising in the public eye.

In primitive hunter-gatherer societies and many tropical societies today, you become irrelevant unless you are willing to step up over even a mildly symbolic slight. Like superstition, symbolism manipulates human minds with the belief that the symbol can be a universal, absolute cause like magic or divinity.

In other words, you are the symbol. When your symbol ceases to mean a willingness to fight over trivial displays of status, you lose ground and are on your way toward irrelevance, starvation, and death. It was never about the fried chicken; it is about your standing in the community.

The third world manages image by violence generally because this is understandable by even lower-IQ populations like we see in the third world and underclasses of the first world. The top quarter of the Bell Curve in the first world uses a different quantum of measurement.

Where in the third world, individuals preserve status through violence, in the first world they manage their rank in the hierarchy by maintaining a group mental state of cooperation. When you make others feel hopeful about our ballistic trajectory, paranoid and superstitious egalitarianism, and inflated defensive sense of self-worth, then you gain status in the middle class West.

To do that is to be seen as relevant, where those who oppose the current System are seen as irrelevant because nothing that they say or do helps anyone get ahead in the current regime. If you instill good feelings in everyone, they quiet down and do the obvious necessary things, which makes you a hero of the Party or local equivalent.

When you exist in an egalitarian society, whether first world or third world, you have nothing permanent. Your role is subject to your obedience. Non-egalitarian societies do not have this problem because you exist in a niche and level of a hierarchy, so you always have a role and place.

Relevance in nature comes from structural overlap. Different species in an ecosystem are relevant to each other; ideas which form continuous thoughts addressing some aspect of reality show relevance. Ideas unrelated to reality connect to nothing enduring and are irrelevant.

When social pressures take over from thinking, a market for importance is created, as measured in popularity, media attention, wealth, and power, all of which combine to form a factor known as status. Unless you constantly generate status, you become irrelevant.

Egalitarian societies therefore tend to be narcissistic and shape people to be narcissists. Since everyone must manipulate others in order to have status, manipulation becomes the psychology of that society and everyone follows that lead because it succeeds in the System.

Eventually they become solipsists, or those who are entirely atomized and isolated from everything else. This makes them irrelevant, except in the eyes of others, so they become pathological manipulators who care nothing for those they manipulate or the results that are achieved.

In this way, society in its end stages divides into two groups. The solipsists want to avoid inner change, and they will demand any amount of power for others to give them meaning through external influences like politics, pop culture, ideology, and symbolic religions.

The other group, realists, want to escape all of the noise and get back to what is true and real in not just the world but their inner selves. Realism, since it forces thinking about consequences and end states, leads to an exploration of intuition to find what is good.

Most people simply want jobs. There they are told what to do, and if something goes wrong, no real consequences come their way, like starving on a farm because of a failure to produce food. They succeed by being narcissistic and manipulating others but this is easy and does not require inner change.

When enough people who simply want jobs appear in a society, which happens when it reaches success and also simultaneously loses sight of any objective because it has succeeded in its first objectives, it goes down the path to egalitarianism and narcissism.

At that point, relevance contradicts reality, and so you get this silly End of Rome type stuff where people stunt and try to be as outlandish as possible in order to draw attention to themselves. It is the same impulse as killing a man over fried chicken, just buried in layers of abstraction and neurosis.

Apple in-house 5G chip for iPhones fails – to continue with Qualcomm

Earlier today, well-known Apple analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo said that Apple’s 5G chip development may have failed. This means that the 2023 iPhones will still use Qualcomm chips. In fact, the American chip maker will still get 100% of Apple’s orders. According to previous reports from Kuo, Apple’s 2023 iPhones would use Apple-designed modem chips instead of Qualcomm chips. Furthermore, Otakara, citing sources from the industry chain claims that Apple has actually been developing its own baseband. However, this is a very long project. The source did not entirely describe it as a failure because it needs more time. The original plan is to use this chip in 2023 but this did not survive. Otakara claims that this is a delay in the production process.

According to Apple’s plan, it will use self-developed baseband chips next year, while TSMC is still their exclusive foundry. The chip will use the 5nm process with an annual production capacity of 120,000 pieces. In fact, Qualcomm hints that Apple’s in-house baseband will soon be put into use. The company also hints that its share of iPhone baseband orders will drop to about 20% in 2023.

Why is iPhone 5G baseband delaying

Regarding the reason for the delay, people in the industry chain claim that the baseband is different from other chips. Since the design and production are not direct, there is a need for testing in a full range of different operators. This process is long, and the pandemic did not help matters. All these are slowing down Apple’s progress.

In addition, the testing of Apple’s baseband by many operators around the world is also slower than Cook expected, so it will be postponed. At the close of U.S. stocks on March 29, Qualcomm (QCOM) shares rose 3.48% to $131.6 per share, with a total market value of $147.39 billion. One-day market capitalization increased by $4.95 billion. Apple (AAPL) fell 2.98% to $137.44 per share, with a total market value of $2.2 trillion, and a single-day market value of $68.3 billion evaporated.

Article HERE

Happy Cats, Coffee Shops And Carefree Times In TAO’s Cheerful, Detailed And Nostalgic Illustrations


As she explains on her Tumblr profile, Sapporo-based illustrator TAO is particularly fond of cats, Showa Era things, and sneakers. With their cheerful tone and kawaii characters enjoying relaxing moments, coffee mug in hand, her artwork will surely put a smile on your face or dispel any clouds hanging over your head.


Her most recent illustration perfectly encapsulates the feel-good, relaxing mood and Showa Era nostalgia that characterizes much of her work.


The happy, relaxed mood and the cute cats are an obvious plus, but the nostalgia factor can largely be attributed to the cocktail table mahjong video game. Previously a fixture in most Japanese coffee shops, they’re all but extinct.


Behind the Tin Curtain: BRICS+ vs NATO/G7

Slow-Cooker Baked Ziti

I don’t know one family that doesn’t have some crazy, hectic weeknights. This slow-cooker baked ziti recipe was a delicious, easy fix for a busy weeknight dinner for our family. —Christina Addison, Blanchester, Ohio



  • 1 container (15 ounces) whole-milk ricotta cheese
  • 1 large egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, optional
  • 1 jar (24 ounces) meatless pasta sauce
  • 2 cups uncooked ziti
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup minced fresh basil
  • Grated Parmesan cheese, optional


  1. In a small bowl, stir together ricotta cheese, egg, basil, and if desired, red pepper flakes; set aside. Pour pasta sauce into a 5-qt. slow cooker. Evenly top sauce with pasta; pour water over top. Drop heaping tablespoons of ricotta cheese mixture over pasta. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
  2. Cover; cook on high until heated through and pasta is tender, 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Top with fresh basil and if desired, Parmesan cheese and additional red pepper flakes; serve immediately.

Chinese PLA Navy transport aircraft hold simulated landing on carrier, ‘indicate 3rd carrier to be equipped with cargo planes’

First in aircraft carrier history: Only deep thinker could come up with strategic deployment ideas beyond simply attack, bombing, and killing!

The crusaders simply cannot comprehend ideas beyond killing, bullying and looting…

China and Russia will change the currently unequal and brutal world controls by the crusaders within the next decade

Full article HERE

Poverty Rate in the United States

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC), Report P60-273: Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020-Current Population Reports (September 14, 2021):

Highlights, Poverty:

  • The official poverty rate in 2020 was 11.4 percent, up 1.0 percentage point from 10.5 percent in 2019. This is the first increase in poverty after five consecutive annual declines.
  • In 2020, there were 37.2 million people in poverty, approximately 3.3 million more than in 2019 .
  • Between 2019 and 2020, the poverty rate increased for non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics. Among non-Hispanic Whites, 8.2 percent were in poverty in 2020, while Hispanics had a poverty rate of 17.0 percent. Among the major racial groups examined in this report, Blacks had the highest poverty rate (19.5 percent), but did not experience a significant change from 2019. The poverty rate for Asians (8.1 percent) in 2020 was not statistically different from 2019.
  • Poverty rates for people under the age of 18 increased from 14.4 percent in 2019 to 16.1 percent in 2020. Poverty rates also increased for people aged 18 to 64 from 9.4 percent in 2019 to 10.4 percent in 2020. The poverty rate for people aged 65 and older was 9.0 percent in 2020, not statistically different from 2019.
  • Between 2019 and 2020, poverty rates increased for married-couple families and families with a female householder.
  • The poverty rate for married-couple families increased from 4.0 percent in 2019 to 4.7 percent in 2020.
  • families with a female householder, the poverty rate increased from 22.2 percent to 23.4 percent. The poverty rate for families with a male householder was 11.4 percent in 2020, not statistically different from 2019.

NYT equates China’s health workers with Adolf Eichmann

A twisted narrative by a paper unhinged by China’s success with Covid-19

In a article on the front page of The New York Times on January 13, reporter Li Yuan equated the public health and medical personnel behind China’s successful battle against Covid-19 in the city of Xian to Adolf Eichmann, a principal architect of the Holocaust. The article’s opening sentence views these personnel as typical of “the millions of people who work diligently toward” containing Covid-19 in China.

The anti-Covid campaign in Xian, a city of 13 million, has terminated the spread of Covid-19 without a single death and limited its spread to about 2,000 cases. The Nazi Holocaust designed and managed by Eichmann resulted in the extermination of millions of Jews.

The piece takes aim at the millions of Chinese who have worked tirelessly to do the rapid mass testing, tracing, quarantining and vaccinations and to staffing the lockdowns including ensuring that those under lockdown were supplied with necessities of life.

As a result of their work China has reported about 100,000 cases Covid-19 and fewer than 5,000 deaths. The mortality count has been verified by a count of excess deaths in a peer-reviewed article by a team from Oxford University and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the prestigious British Medical Journal; it is summarized here for the layman.

Peter Hessler, who was living and teaching in Chengdu, Sichuan, during the first of the lockdowns, described these workers as follows in a New Yorker piece in March 2020:

“When I asked if there had been much resistance to the new policies, he [the Communist Party official in charge of the lockdown in Hessler’s neighborhood in Chengdu] shook his head. ‘Ninety percent of the population agrees,’ he said. ‘We have some people who think it’s not convenient, and they want to go out and play mah-jongg or something. But most people follow the rules.’

“From what I had seen, he wasn’t exaggerating. The overwhelming compliance was one of the most impressive features of the lockdown, along with the dedication of grassroots officials. In Wuhan, the government had sent 1,800 teams of epidemiologists, each consisting of at least five people, to trace the contacts of infected citizens. The WHO report noted that the containment effort had been possible because of ‘the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action.’” (Emphasis added.)

Contrast that with this from Wikipedia’s entry on Eichmann:

“Eichmann and his staff became responsible for Jewish deportations to extermination camps, where the victims were gassedGermany invaded Hungary in March 1944, and Eichmann oversaw the deportation of much of the Jewish population. Most of the victims were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, where about 75% were murdered upon arrival.

“By the time the transports were stopped in July 1944, 437,000 of Hungary’s 725,000 Jews had been killed. Dieter Wisliceny testified at Nuremberg that Eichmann told him he would ‘leap laughing into the grave because the feeling that he had 5 million people on his conscience would be for him a source of extraordinary satisfaction.'”

How can the NYT’s Li Yuan equate the two? The polemic used to justify the equation deserves examination, because it demonstrates how the paper’s construction of the narrative of the day often works.

The tone and target are set by the online headline, which reads ominously, “The Army of Millions Who Enforce China’s Zero-Covid Policy, at All Costs.” (Emphasis added.) Later the case for the Eichmann equation begins as follows:

“The government has the help of a vast army of community workers who carry out the policy [of dynamic zero Covid] with zeal…. The tragedies in Xian have prompted some Chinese people to question how those enforcing the quarantine rules can behave like this.”

What are these tragedies? The author comes up with three presented near the very beginning of the piece.

First was a man with chest pains whose hospital admission was delayed by six hours and later died of a heart attack; the bureaucratic delay related to his living in a medium-risk district.

Second, a pregnant woman whose admission was also delayed because her Covid test appeared invalid; after admission she miscarried.

Third, a young man who was violating a curfew and got into an altercation with security guards.

Certainly, each of the first two these events is a tragic and unacceptable error. The third is hard to judge – if it is true. But in a city of many millions threatened with a deadly outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid, there were bound to be some mistakes. And if these are the worst of them, then it would seem that praise should be heaped on Xian’s hospital and public health workers.

Nevertheless, the first two of these incidents caused an outcry far and wide over the Internet, leading officials to take action. (Note that the disclosure and widespread discussion online belie the idea that there is no opening for criticism in China.)

The mass complaints led to the temporary closure of the hospitals to examine their procedures and ultimately to the punishing of those in charge. A national declaration made it clear that no patient was to be turned away from a hospital under any circumstances.

Building on these three anecdotes and neglecting any context up to this point, reporter Li continues:

“‘The banality of evil’ is a concept Chinese intellectuals often invoke in moments like Xian. It was coined by the philosopher Hannah Arendt, who wrote that Adolf Eichmann, one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, was an ordinary man who was motivated by ‘an extraordinary diligence in looking out for his personal advancement.’

“Chinese intellectuals are struck by how many officials and civilians – often driven by professional ambition or obedience – are willing to be the enablers of authoritarian policies.” 

Who are these unnamed “intellectuals”? That is not clear. Certainly, there are a good many Chinese intellectuals in the country and abroad who are proud of China’s handling of the pandemic.

In summary, the anatomy of the article is a headline, then a cherry-picked set of anecdotes to set the tone. It is important that this mood be set as arrestingly and strikingly as possible. The most outrageous exceptions to the rule must be presented as though they are the norm. Finally based on these anecdotes, far-fetched conclusions are drawn based on the assumption that the anecdotes are representative.

Later on, buried deep in the article some context may be slipped in as a way to cover the writer’s derriere. Noam Chomsky many years ago suggested reading the NYT’s articles beginning with the end, since that is where the real information may lie. Often, any such qualifications are left out, resulting in a giant lie of omission.

That is how it is done.

There is a bright spot, however. Many if not most of the comments posted online, at least at the time of my reading, found Li’s polemic to be baseless, even downright absurd. Americans are not so easily deceived as the NYT editors may think. This is heartening, because the daily demonization of China in the US mass media, relentlessly and prominently so in the NYT, is a prelude to conflict and war.

As author Caitlin Johnstone tells us, “Before they drop the bombs, they drop the narrative.”

The NYT is carpet-bombing us Americans with an anti-China narrative these days.

One must ask in the end, what is the animus that drives this anti-China diatribe? Is it fear of the loss of the US role as global hegemon? Is it the self-righteousness and arrogance of the Exceptionalists? Or is it simply careerism in the service of an evil agenda, the very thing Hannah Arendt deplored?

Istanbul connectivity the new Russia-EU transit hub

By Chris Devonshire-Ellis
European road connectivity has been completely cut from Russian GPS maps in an illustration of how serious Moscow views the EU’s perspective of the Ukraine conflict, and further evidence that Russia views the EU import and export markets as ‘dead.’
This of course has significant and long-term implications for all EU businesses conducting trade with Russia and vice-versa, and has made Istanbul (shown as a red dot) the new central point for EU-Russian trade. It is also the nearest and fastest access point between Russia and Europe. It is a 3.5 hour flight between Moscow and Istanbul, coupled with the required connecting flights between Istanbul and all European destinations.
2021 EU-Russia bilateral trade had reached €257.5 billion, with nearly all of that now looking to be sourced from new routes. Dezan Shira & Associates Chairman, Chris Devonshire-Ellis, is currently in Turkiye looking at facilitation opportunities.

Article HERE



Enjoy the stage show. LOL!

Iran, Argentina apply to join BRICS bloc after recent summit

China and Russia friendship circle continues to grow bigger and bigger.  Whereas the US and Europe friendship circle shrinks and thus, as we have observed, in the process of internal disintegration.

Article HERE


Australia’s leading wine authority to close office in China as exports plunge

Australia’s leading wine authority to close office in China as exports plunge.
Good riddance.


Here’s proof of how fast the state of Florida is growing these days. Just wow.

Here is what is going on inside of Florida.

Vladimir Putin ally warns London ‘will be bombed first’ if World War 3 breaks out

Vladimir Putin ally warns London ‘will be bombed first’ if World War 3 breaks out. ‘It’s crystal clear that the threat to the world comes from the Anglo-Saxons,’ Andrey Gurulyov said.
Emily Atkinson
5 days ago
London will be the first strategic Nato target to be hit by Russian missiles should a third world war erupt, a close ally of president Vladimir Putin has claimed.

Speaking on Russian state TV, Andrey Gurulyov, an MP who sits on Moscow’s defence committee, described how a possible full-scale invasion of Nato’s Baltic state members would work.

Paywall Article HERE

China’s colonial past is reflected in Semantics

For example, publicist Sima Nan, referring to the publications of a
famous mathematical scientist who appears on social networks under the
pseudonym Shanzhen Azhi, suggests that China’s colonial and
semi-colonial past is reflected in the way some Western countries are
referred to in modern Chinese. In a recent video posted on Chinese
social networks, Sima Nan, discussing China’s history, points out that
“once the Chinese sagged under Western pressure and consciously or
unconsciously began to praise overseas oppressors” and chose
semantically positive characters to name conquering countries. Without
going into the hieroglyphics and phonetic features of the Chinese
language, let us explain that, for example, the two hieroglyphs used to
write down the United States are translated as “Wonderful State”,
England as “Outstanding State”, France as “State of Law”, Germany,
respectively, as “State of Virtue”. The pious names of some European
powers and the United States, which once subjugated the decrepit
imperial China, were reflected in the minds of the Chinese.

According to Shanzhen Achzhi, England, which imposed the opium trade on
China, was called Outstanding, whereas it should have been called Opium,
leaving the sound, only changing the character. Virtuous Germany should
be renamed the Land of Knives, based on the crimes committed by the
“mustachioed artist” in the mid-20th century. We must discard the
incorrectly attributed “legitimacy” of French statehood, which until
very recently took part in the bombing of Libya, Iraq and Yugoslavia,
and assign it the homonymic character “fu” – which has an emotionally
colored negative meaning.

“American statehood, built on land taken from the native population,
would also do well to start writing it differently,” argues Sima Nan,
who questions the “beauty” of American history and the virtues of all
Western civilization. Of course, the above said is difficult to
understand for a foreigner not experienced in the wisdom of Chinese
hieroglyphics, but for the Chinese it all has deep meanings, i.e.,
speaking in a more understandable way – “as you call a boat, so it will
float” – the change of names of some European countries and the USA may
be followed by a revaluation of the whole Western civilization by the

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, with the defeat in the Opium
Wars, China became politically, economically and, consequently,
culturally dependent on the West. Global changes in the political map of
the world at the end of the twentieth century expanded China’s economic
ties with the West, but again forced it to maneuver politically. All
this, coupled with the increased mobility of the population and the
advent of the Internet, had by the beginning of this century only
increased the foreign influence on Chinese culture, which seems to have
recently begun to cause open concern among thinking and patriotic
people. Examples of China’s reassessment of values and purging its
national culture of foreign influences abound.

At the end of May, the Chinese segment of the Internet posted about
teaching materials released by the People’s Education publishing house
in 2013 and reprinted many times in the following years. The mother
tongue textbooks used by Chinese schoolchildren for nearly 10 years
appeared to contain a lot of “ideological subversion,” in short: Asian
children in the textbook pictures have clear signs of Down syndrome,
while the blond children are cheerful, red-cheeked, and dressed nicely
and neatly. In the textbooks, the positive heroes have foreign names,
while the bad kids are called by Chinese names. Heroic deeds are done in
stories that took place in the West, and everything bad is given
explicit references to China, etc. As many believe, the “harmful
textbook” scandal is a manifestation of a fierce struggle between
feuding forces in China itself and foreign forces interested in a change
of power in the country.

15 Exquisite Illustrations Which Sum Up Perfectly How Much We Love Our Pets

Pets always fill our home with a carefree, cheerful, and joyful atmosphere, and they don’t expect anything in return. They’re quite simply devoted to us, every day, all day. If you’ve ever been luck enough to own one, then you understand what unconditional love means. You know this feeling from all those times when you waited the whole day to come back home and stroke your cat or pet your dog.

So, we collected the 15 sweetest illustrations we could find which we think really show the incredible depth of love we have for our feline and canine friends. Go and hug your cat or dog right now! They deserve it.


F-35 Stealth Fighters ‘Suppressed’ By Russian Electronic Warfare; Missiles Fail To Hit Target

Unverified reports and videos by local Russian media claim that Israeli F-35 stealth fighters missed hitting their target due to electronic interference.


The reports claim that Israeli jets missed their target because of robust electronic suppression, which disrupted the weapon systems of the Lockheed Martin F-35 jets. According to reports, neither aircraft could strike the target during the military drills, which Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett attended.

At the same time, the report notes that this demonstrates the severe vulnerability of the fifth-generation F-35 fighters to electronic countermeasures.

Parth Satam, a defense analyst at the EurAsian Times, says: the video shows an air-to-ground munition, reportedly fired from an F-35, missing its target, which the website claims are owing to Electronic Warfare (EW) interference from Russian systems.

While it certainly is true that Russian EW systems like the Krasukha-4 have been highly effective in jamming even US drones, Russia’s interference in Israeli military exercises within its territory seems highly unlikely.

The only situation where Russia would interfere in Israeli air operations is in Syria, where they have a deconfliction mechanism to allow IAF to strike Iranian targets. They also helped shoot down Israeli AGMs with the Buk-M2/3 supplied to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) a few months ago.

But Russia would softly retaliate by electronically interfering in Israeli air operations only around its interests in Ukraine or Syria. The AviaPro report might be valid to the extent that GPS signal disruption has been observed in the Eastern Mediterranean since Russia specifically installed anti-drone and EW systems at its Khmeimem air base in Syria to protect from air and space surveillance.

Russian electronic jammers can disrupt signals from GLONASS, American GPS, European Galileo, and Chinese BieDou satellite navigation systems. Thus aircraft, drones, or missiles will see their GPS receivers go awry.

Even in March 2021, interference was reported on the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellite, which some OSINT experts and telecommunications specialists concluded was radar interference. It was over the Black Sea region.

But assuming Russia did directly interfere in the Israeli domestic military drills, it could be because it calculated that the current tensions with Iran where Israel is trying to ramp up a regional coalition against it, conducting cyber attacks within the country and assassinating its military officers and nuclear scientists have gone out of hand.

Article HERE

Hiroshima ● 1985 ● Another Place (FULL ALBUM)

Enjoy this great background music…

NATO adopts tough line on China at Biden’s debut summit with alliance | Reuters

BRUSSELS, June 14 (Reuters) – NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe Biden’s first summit with an alliance that Donald Trump openly disparaged.

The new U.S. president has urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China’s authoritarianism and growing military might, a change of focus for an alliance created to defend Europe from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

The language in the summit’s final communique, which will set the path for alliance policy, came a day after the Group of Seven (G7) rich nations issued a statement on human rights in China and Taiwan that Beijing said slandered its reputation.

“China’s stated ambitions and assertive behaviour present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to alliance security,” NATO leaders said in the communique.

Biden also told European allies that the alliance’s mutual defence pact was a “sacred obligation” for the United States – a marked shift in tone from his predecessor, Trump, who had threatened to withdraw from the alliance and accused Europeans of contributing too little to their own defence.

“I want all Europe to know that the United States is there,” said Biden. “NATO is critically important to us.”

Full Article HERE

G7 Leaders’ Communiqué on June 28. The word “China” appears 14 times


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022

2022-06-29 23:52

CCTV: The 48th G7 Summit released a Leaders’ Communiqué on June 28. The word “China” appears 14 times in the text, which is largely critical of China on matters concerning Hong Kong, Xinjiang, human rights, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, etc. What’s China’s comment?

Zhao Lijian: Despite China’s solemn position and firm opposition, the G7 used the Leaders’ Communiqué to peddle the “democracy versus authoritarianism” narrative, interfere in China’s internal affairs, attack and smear China, and incite confrontational sentiments. This shows that the G7 has no intention of having dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, that the G7 remains entrenched in its Cold War mentality and ideological bias, and that the G7 prefers bloc politics that serves the group’s own interests.

Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. Today, 25 years after Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the democratic rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents guaranteed by law are fully protected. The Chinese government governs Hong Kong in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR. On human rights, the G7 countries, with their own record being far from perfect, have no authority to lecture others or use human rights issues as a political tool to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. By attacking and smearing China on topics such as Xinjiang and Tibet, they are simply showing the world their hegemonic nature and hypocrisy. There is but one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Taiwan authorities are pushing the “Taiwan independence” separatist agenda, and the US and a few other Western countries are using Taiwan to contain China. This is the greatest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. China has the right to take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard our sovereignty and security. China has been firmly committed to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and a staunch defender of world peace and development and regional security and stability. This stands in sharp contrast with the US, a warmonger and wielder of illegal unilateral sanctions.

The G7 members have benefited the most from globalization. As such, they have a special responsibility to promote globalization, boost world economic growth and tackle global economic and financial challenges. However, at a critical juncture in the global pandemic response and economic recovery, the G7, rather than committing to solidarity and cooperation, is preoccupied with stoking division and confrontation and has shown absolutely no sense of responsibility or moral authority. I must also point out that for a group which accounts for about one tenth only of the world’s population, the G7 has no authority to speak for the whole world, still less to present its own values and standards as universal values and standards.

We urge the G7 to earnestly step up to its responsibility and due international obligations, uphold true multilateralism, and stop applying double or even multiple standards, stop causing confrontation and division, stop discrediting and slandering China, and stop all forms of meddling in China’s domestic affairs.

China Daily: French writer Maxime Vivas recently published his new book Les Divagations des Antichinois en France, or The Ramblings of Anti-China Forces in France. In this book, he has unmasked anti-China organizations like the World Uyghur Congress, the National Endowment for Democracy, and Human Rights Watch and wrote about how they made and spread lies against China with funding from the CIA. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: I have seen relevant reports and noticed that Mr. Vivas said in an interview that he has faced repeated attacks, threats and slanders for his work on debunking the lies of Western anti-China forces.

Over the years, the US and some Western countries have sought to manipulate international public opinion through propaganda machines and made up numerous lies on Xinjiang-related issues. These countries have not only been oblivious to the authoritative facts made available to the public by China, but also jointly attacked people like Mr. Vivas who speak the truth, and launched political witch-hunts against them. Is this what they call “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press”? No, this is 21st-century McCarthyism.

No matter what the anti-China forces do, nothing can hide the truth and reality from the world. Recently, Australian scholar Jaqueline James released reports on Xinjiang-related anti-China propaganda materials published by ASPI, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. She debunked and questioned the numerous lies and fallacies in those articles with detailed analysis. She asked these organizations to answer honestly whether their donors are paying for human rights advocacy or a “China bad” story?

More people have now joined the effort to expose the fact that individuals and organizations like ASPI are funded by the US and Australian governments to falsely accuse and smear China. We believe that more and more thoughtful people will see through the dishonorable action of the US and some Western countries, who use Xinjiang to contain China and spread rumor and lies about China. We believe people will choose to stand on the side of justice and truth.

MASTV: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that NATO’s Strategic Concept will speak very directly and in a clear-eyed way to the multifaceted challenge posed by China. The number-one priority with respect to China, when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is that China not become militarily supportive of Russia through the provision of equipment. Number two is that they not engage in undermining or evasion of US sanctions. He added that China has the responsibility to urge Russia to cease fire. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: We have made our position clear on the developments concerning China with regard to NATO’s Strategic Concept. NATO has publicly stated on many occasions that it will remain a regional alliance, it does not seek a geopolitical breakthrough and it does not seek to expand to other regions. However, in recent years, NATO has repeatedly made forays into the Asia-Pacific region. Some NATO member states keep sending aircraft and warships to carry out military exercises in China’s nearby waters, creating tensions and fanning up disputes. NATO has sought to make advances into new areas and domains and clamored for bloc confrontation. The world needs to keep its vigilance and firmly reject it. NATO should stop drawing ideological lines, stoking political confrontation, or seeking to start a new Cold War. It should discard the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset and stop making enemies. NATO has already disrupted Europe. It should not seek to destabilize Asia and the world.

I want to stress that China consistently opposes unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdictions that have no basis in international law or mandate from the Security Council. Reality has shown that toughening sanctions is not an effective way to resolve conflict, nor can a continuous supply of weapons bring peace. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken a heavy toll on Europe politically, economically and socially, while the US benefits from it, with arms-dealers popping champagne and American grain and energy industries making exorbitant profits.

As the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor fueling it, the US needs to reflect on its disreputable role it has played in the Ukraine crisis and stop smearing China.

CRI: We noticed that a report from the US Department of the Interior last month said a large number of Native American children died at Indian boarding schools. After that, more and more survivors and their descendants have spoken out and accused the US government of genocide against American Indians. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: We are deeply sympathetic to the tragic experience of the Native American children. Those so-called boarding schools that carried the motto “Kill the Indian, save the man” were in essence crime scenes of the US cultural genocide against Native Americans. What happened at these schools is also important evidence of the racial genocide committed by the US against Native Americans. More and more facts have come to light and shown that the US committed systemic genocide against Native Americans in three dimensions, which has lasted hundreds of years and continues to this day.

First, the US has committed physical genocide against the Native American population. Statistics show that since its independence in 1776, the US government has launched over 1,500 attacks on Indian tribes to slaughter the Indians. Before the arrival of white settlers in 1492, there were five million Indians, yet the number plummeted to 600,000 by 1800 and only 237,000 in 1900. Among them, more than a dozen tribes, such as the Pequot, Mohegan, and Massachusetts, were completely extinct. The US government also applied forced sterilization to Indians. Between 1930 and 1976, the US Bureau of Indian Affairs forcibly sterilized approximately 70,000 Indian women through the “Indian Health Service program”. In early 1970s, more than 42% of Indian women of childbearing age were sterilized.

Second, the US has committed spiritual and cultural genocide against Native Americans. They have long suffered hostility, discrimination and oblivion. The inter-generational inheritance of indigenous spirits and culture of Native Americans have long been hindered. In the 1870s and ’80s, the US government adopted a policy of “forced assimilation” to obliterate the social fabric and culture of Indian tribes and destroy the ethnic and tribal identity of the Indians. To attain the dual goal of cultural assimilation and taking Indian lands for itself, the US government began with forcing Native American children into the Indian boarding schools, banning them from speaking their native language, wearing their traditional clothes, or carrying out traditional activities. The children also suffered serious abuse and torment. US-based scholar Preston McBride estimates that the total number of deaths could be as high as 40,000, adding that “basically every school had a graveyard.” Even today, the US is still trying to deliberately obliterate the historical memory and information of the indigenous people in education and media reports. According to a report by National Indian Education Association, 87% of state-level US history textbooks do not mention the post-1900 history of indigenous people.

Third, the US has committed deprivation of the rights of Native Americans. The US has systematically deprived Native Americans and other ethnic minorities of a wide range of their rights, leaving them mired in a crisis of survival and scarcity of rights. A report by the Indian Health Service shows that Native Americans born today have a life expectancy that is 5.5 years less than the national average, and they have the highest infant mortality rate. The suicide rate of Native American adolescents is 1.9 times that of the national average. By June 2022, the COVID-19 mortality rate among Native Americans is about 2.1 times that of the White population. From 1969 to 2009, the US government conducted 928 nuclear tests in the Shoshone tribal region, resulting in nuclear fallout of around 620 kilotons. Cancer incidence rate in Native Americans’ reservations is far higher than other areas. High levels of radioactive substance has been detected in the systems of about a quarter of Navajo women and infants. According to 2018 US Census Data, the poverty rate among Native Americans was 25.4%, far higher than 8.1% among the White population.

Genocide against Native Americans is an original sin of the US that can never be erased. The untold tragedies of Native Americans should never be forgotten. The US government has every reason to admit its crimes of genocide against Native Americans, and offer sincere apologies and repentance to the victims and their descendants. The US government should also credibly make up for the trauma Native Americans are suffering, and seriously face up to grave human rights issues and crimes of racism that exist within the US.

Reuters: On the topic of NATO, leaders of South Korea and Japan will attend NATO Summit as observers for the first time. North Korean media said that this is a dangerous prelude to the creation of an Asian version of NATO. Does China share this view?

Zhao Lijian: I have just restated China’s position on NATO. For years, NATO has sought to make advances into new areas and domains and clamored for bloc confrontation. The world needs to keep its vigilance and firmly reject it.

Peace, development and cooperation represents the trend of the times and the shared aspiration of people around the world. Anyone who clings to the Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice, encourages bloc confrontation and form small circles or blocs will receive no support and will not succeed.

CCTV: According to reports, at least 50 illegal migrants were found dead in San Antonio, Texas on June 27 local time. UN Secretary-General’s press office expressed sadness on this. Do you have any comment? 

Zhao Lijian: I have noted the reports. The tragedy is heartrending. What is even more regrettable is that such tragic deaths of migrants did not happen by accident in the US.

According to statistics, US law enforcement authorities arrested about 1.7 million migrants at the US southern border with Mexico for fiscal year 2021, a record high for 20 years. That included roughly 145,000 minors. The US locks up migrants in detention centers with dreadful living conditions, where migrants are often subject to abuse, violence and other types of inhumane treatment. The US’s brutal law enforcement led to 557 migrant deaths during fiscal year 2021, more than doubling the figure for fiscal year 2020. Amid COVID-19, the US speeded up the repatriation of tens of thousands of COVID-infected illegal migrants despite international opposition. This directly worsened the pandemic situation in many Latin American countries.

The US needs to seriously reflect on and address its poor track record on migrant issues, take concrete actions to protect human rights and other basic rights of migrants, and prevent such tragedies from happening again.

CNR: Newsweek recently cited a study published by the Denmark-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation and Germany-based Latana data tracking firm, which shows that in the US, only 49% of those asked said their country was a democracy and some 63% said their government mainly serves the interests of a minority. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: The results show that in the eyes of the majority of the American people, the US-style democracy equals democracy for the minority and money-based democracy. What ties the minority to the government is nothing else but money.

Mark Hanna, a US Senator, hit the nail on the head over a century ago when he said, “There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money and I can’t remember what the second one is.” Today, the US is spending increasingly larger sums on money-based democracy. The amount of money spent on presidential and congressional campaigns in the 2020 election reached $14 billion, more than doubling that of 2016. American writer Roxane Gay once said that in the US, “policy is sold to the highest bidder”. Obviously, in the game of money-based democracy, it is the politicians and those holding the purse strings who are the true beneficiaries of elections while the general public is merely the background.

The big money the US spends on election campaigns stands in sharp contrast to the country’s yawning wealth chasm. According to statistics from the Federal Reserve, last year, the wealth of America’s top 1% hit $45.9 trillion, more than that of the bottom 90% combined. Between 1990 and 2021, the combined wealth of US billionaires increased 19-fold, while US median wealth only increased by 5.37%. More than 40 million people live in poverty in the US. Nearly 20% of all US households say they lost all their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak and more than 60,000 people had to live on the streets after losing their homes.

When people are only allowed to get involved during elections and get brushed aside after casting their ballots, when people are showered with tantalizing promises on the campaign trail and completely lose their voice after the vote, when people are courted before elections and ignored afterwards, it’s not true democracy. US elections may appear to follow the “one person, one vote” rule, but in reality it’s more like “one dollar, one vote”, “one post, one vote”, and “one advertisement, one vote”. No wonder it has been said that the US-style democracy is fake democracy. The US government is now of, by and for only 1% of the US population. Such a government would eventually lose the trust of its people.

Xinhua News Agency: We have learned that the Taiwan authorities failed to sneak into the UN Ocean Conference by trying to become part of the Tuvalu delegation. What is your comment?

Zhao Lijian: We have stated our position on the issue yesterday. I would like to reiterate that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China. The one-China principle is a basic norm in international relations and the shared understanding of the international community. It is also a fundamental principle affirmed in UNGA Resolution 2758. Certain country ignored the one-China principle and the overriding trend in the world. It facilitated the personnel of the Taiwan authorities to wedge into the conference, and deliberately hyped up this matter. China is firmly opposed to this. China practices true multilateralism and supports parties in attending the UN Ocean Conference in accordance with relevant laws and rules. We welcome the steps taken by the party concerned to correct the mistake and return to the conference. It is important that the conference focuses on the sustainable development of the ocean.

I also want to say that the Taiwan authorities will only bring disgrace to itself when it stoops to joining a foreign entourage in order to tag along and wedge into international conferences.

Dragon TV: According to reports, when talking about China’s COVID response in a recent interview with German media, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that unlike authoritarian state, it takes a while for democracy to respond to major issues, but by the end, they will get resolved. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: China follows the dynamic zero-COVID approach. We have curbed the spread of the virus at top speed and with minimum cost. We have provided maximum protection to people’s lives and health and minimized COVID’s impact on socioeconomic development. This is the responsible thing to do for the Chinese people and for the world. For over two years since COVID first hit, the infection rate and mortality rate in China have remained the lowest in the world. At the same time, China’s economy has maintained steady growth on the whole. That’s why we say China’s epidemic prevention and control policy is science-based, correct and effective, and it has been a responsible choice for the Chinese people.

The UK is among the first countries in the world to opt for “herd immunity”. But the cost for that is 22.61 million infections and 180,000 deaths. I noticed that according to media reports, a report published following an inquiry by two parliamentary committees last year found that the UK’s apparent decision to allow COVID to spread throughout the population in a bid to achieve “herd immunity” is a big mistake, which also delayed a comprehensive lockdown and could be called one of the country’s worst ever public health failures.

Countries may differ in their national realities, but that should not stop governments from taking a responsible approach to fighting COVID-19. China has no intention to compare or compete with any country in terms of the way we deal with the virus, but we hope the UK side will put China’s approach to COVID-19 into proper perspective. To propagate the narrative of “democracy vs. authoritarianism” in the context of COVID-19 would only lead to more mistakes and could take an even heavier toll on the people.

Bloomberg: Reuters has reported that China wants to host the video meeting with the ten nations of the Pacific Islands Forum during their gathering next month. Do you have any details to provide on this and have the specific islands nations agreed to this request?

Zhao Lijian: I answered this question yesterday. China-Pacific Island Countries relations enjoy sound development. We have maintained close exchanges and cooperation between government departments, legislatures, political parties, civil groups and local governments. As for the specific event you mentioned, I would refer you to the competent authorities.

MASTV: Following the inauguration ceremony of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge on June 25 in Bangladesh, Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Li Jiming said in an interview that the project is a milestone of China-Bangladesh cooperation. It will connect with other projects under the Belt and Road Initiative and serve as an important link between China and the Trans-Asian Railway. Could you share more details with us?

Zhao Lijian: We congratulate Bangladesh on the opening of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge. In recent years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has focused on economic and social development and improving people’s livelihood, and continues to strengthen infrastructure construction. It is on track to graduate from the UN’s Least Developed Countries list soon with remarkable achievements. The Padma Bridge is funded by the Bangladeshi government and constructed by a Chinese company. Having been inaugurated, the bridge will now further connect Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, with the southern and southwestern parts of the country and inject new impetus into Bangladesh’s economic development.

Reuters: The United States added five Chinese companies to a trade blacklist for allegedly supporting Russia’s military. Has China made checks into these five companies to verify whether they had sold goods to Russia’s military? 

Zhao Lijian: The US sanctioned and blacklisted Chinese companies for alleged support to Russia’s military and defense industrial base. This has no basis in international law, nor is there a mandate of the UN Security Council allowing such moves. This is another example of US unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction. China firmly opposes that and has lodged a strong demarche to the US side.

China and Russia conduct normal economic and trade cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. This should not become the target of any intervention or restriction by a third party. In handling its relations with Russia, the US must in no way undermine China’s legitimate rights and interests.

We urge the US to rectify these measures at once, revoke the sanctions and stop imposing long-arm jurisdiction and unilateral sanctions on Chinese businesses. China will take all necessary measures to resolutely protect lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Follow-up: Is China willing to let independent auditors check these companies to ascertain whether they had sold goods to Russia? Is it China’s position that even if the companies had sold goods to Russia’s military, they should not be sanctioned?

Zhao Lijian: I have stated China’s full position on this just now. What the US needs to do is to revoke the sanctions and stop imposing long-arm jurisdiction and unilateral sanctions on Chinese businesses. There is no basis for the US to slap sanctions on Chinese companies by citing domestic laws. China firmly opposes this.

Phoenix TV: The White House on June 28 released the fact sheet titled The United States Continues to Strengthen Cooperation with G7 on 21st Century Challenges, including those Posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It reads that the G7 will include a commitment that represents their values as G7 partners compete with China and calls on G7 to remove all forms of forced labor from global supply chains, such as in Xinjiang. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: The international community is now at a crucial juncture of combating COVID-19 and striving for economic recovery. The G7 needs to be open and inclusive, strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other parties, and take due responsibility to respond to global challenges, uphold true multilateralism and promote world economic recovery. The world needs the G7 to make positive contribution to world peace and development, instead of clinging to the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, or drawing ideological lines and forming small circles and blocs to promote bloc politics, antagonism and confrontation.

I also want to stress that the so-called “forced labor” in Xinjiang is a huge lie made by anti-China forces to smear China. Their allegations do not stand up to scrutiny given the reality that the labor rights and interests of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are duly protected. For some time, to use Xinjiang to contain China, the US has been rehashing the false narrative of “forced labor” and seeking to engender forced unemployment in Xinjiang and make the world decouple with China. It is clear enough that the US is a hegemonic power that tramples human rights and rules in the name of protecting them. The US chooses to ignore facts and seeks to curb the development of Xinjiang and China as a whole. It has deliberately damaged international economic and trade rules, and disrupted international industrial and supply chains. China firmly opposes this. We will resolutely defend the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies and citizens. None of these US attempts will succeed.

Phoenix TV: Nepali President Bidya Devi Bhandari has appointed Bishnu Pukar Shrestha as the new ambassador to China. What is China’s comment?

Zhao Lijian: China welcomes the new Nepali ambassador to China, and looks forward to his assumption of the post at an early date. China and Nepal are connected by mountains and rivers, and enjoy an ever-lasting friendship. China is ready to work with Nepal to follow through on the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, deepen political mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and elevate the strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity to new heights.

China News Service: An official of the US National Security Council said on June 29 that the US isn’t asking countries in Latin America to pick between working with the US or China. The US is putting forward support that China and Russia can’t offer. It is committed to supporting democracy and reforming multilateral development banks, which contrasts with a lack of transparency in Chinese investments, as well as Chinese vaccines that were sold rather than donated. He also drew a distinction between the US practice and China’s focus on buying commodities from the region. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: China has always pursued cooperation in a wide range of areas with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries in line with the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, openness and inclusiveness and on the basis of respecting each other’s needs and interests. We do not attach any political strings to such cooperation, nor do we make empty promises to these countries. We have honored our words and brought tangible benefits to the people of both sides.

Since the US official tried to make a comparison between the practices of China and the US, perhaps I should reciprocate. In the case of COVID response cooperation, for instance, there is indeed a distinction between China and the US. While busy dealing with the COVID situation at home, the US did the opposite of helping Latin America by prohibiting some companies from exporting N95 masks to countries in Latin America and seizing or intercepting ventilators and other medical supplies purchased by Latin American countries during their transit in the US. By stark contrast, China overcame its own difficulties and took the lead in providing vaccines to Latin America and other developing countries. For many countries in the region, Chinese vaccines are the first vaccines they received, and the only vaccines they could obtain for many months that followed.

China believes that different countries can carry out cooperation with LAC countries in a mutually non-exclusive, complementary and reinforcing way. If the US truly cares about the opinion of the region, it should abandon the Monroe Doctrine and hegemonic practice as soon as possible, and act upon what it has said about not asking LAC countries to pick between China and the US, instead of saying one thing and doing another, still less publicly or privately attacking and smearing China or sowing discord between China and LAC countries and hampering China-LAC cooperation.

NATO invites Finland, Sweden to join and eyes ‘direct threat’ from Putin amid Ukraine war

NATO has now officially invited Finland and Sweden to join the alliance, a sign of just how dramatically the Kremlin's war has upended the previous military landscape in Europe.

Earlier in the day, at the start of a summit in Madrid, President Joe Biden announced an increased U.S. military presence in Europe headlined by the first permanent American forces on NATO’s eastern flank and more rotating troops in the Baltic states.

The Western alliance also called Russia its "most significant and direct threat" in a joint statement, a notable shift from its description of Moscow as a "strategic partner" a decade ago.

Article HERE

Putin condemns NATO’s ‘imperial ambitions’, warns Finland, Sweden

Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned NATO’s “imperial ambitions”, accusing the military alliance of seeking to assert its “supremacy” through the Ukraine conflict.

The Russian leader also said on Wednesday that he would respond in kind if NATO deployed troops and infrastructure in Finland and Sweden after the two Nordic countries join the military alliance.

Putin made his comment a day after NATO member Turkey lifted its veto over the bid by Finland and Sweden to join the alliance when the three nations agreed to protect each other’s security.

Helsinki and Stockholm joining NATO marks one of the biggest shifts in European security in decades.

“With Sweden and Finland, we don’t have the problems that we have with Ukraine. They want to join NATO, go ahead,” Putin told Russian state television after talks with regional leaders in the central Asian ex-Soviet state of Turkmenistan.

“But they must understand there was no threat before, while now, if military contingents and infrastructure are deployed there, we will have to respond in kind and create the same threats for the territories from which threats towards us are created,” he said.

Moscow’s relations with Helsinki and Stockholm would inevitably sour over their NATO membership, he added.

“Everything was fine between us, but now there might be some tensions, there certainly will,” Putin said.

“It’s inevitable if there is a threat to us.”

Article HERE

India Cement Maker Pays For $26m Russian Coal Cargo in Yuan

Dollar as world reserve currency is built on trust, however, the moment the crusaders looted Russian foreign currency reserve in their banks, the trust is gone. When trust is gone , the world will begin to turn away from the dollar and the Euro. The RMB will replace the dollar as the world number one reserve currency sooner than people can imagine.
India’s biggest cement producer is to pay for a $26 million cargo of Russian coal with Chinese yuan.

In what could be a groundbreaking move, UltraTech Cement’s purchase could help insulate Moscow from the effects of western sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine if others follow its lead.

It could also bolster Beijing’s push to further internationalise its currency and chip away at the dominance of the US dollar in global trade.
US economy is in big trouble.

Full article HERE

Stealth Killer! Russia’s Rezonans-NE Radar That Can Track F-35 Jets Deep Inside Finland & Norway Begins Construction — Reports

Russia has reportedly begun constructing a Rezonans-NE VHF radar on the hilltop of Korzunova air base, presumably to counter the F-35 fighter jets of the United States and its allies.  

The location for installing the Rozonans-NE radar was first announced in 2020. According to the most recent claims, the construction work has been going on since July 2021, as seen in the latest satellite images.

The facility is located near the Zapolyarny, a mining town about 10 kilometers from Russia’s border with Norway. The facility comprises four radar modules covering 90 degrees and can scan an entire circular area.

According to reports, the complex is without rotating antennas and has a transmit antenna-feeder and elevation antenna-feeder devices, as well as radar data receiving and processing systems. 

Once finished, the radar will have a sufficient field of operation to keep an eye on the skies above Rovaniemi in Finland and Evenes airport in Norway. These two places are current and future bases for the F-35.

NATO already has a pair of F-35 fighter jets at Evenes. These jets are assigned for Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) missions to intercept Russian aircraft flying out of the Kola Peninsula. The first of Finland’s F-35s, scheduled to enter service in 2025, will be based in Rovaniemi.

In 2020, a Rozonans-NE radar system sold to Iran, according to the Russian state-affiliated news agency TASS, had effectively located and tracked American F-35 fighter jets just outside the country’s borders.

The new radar is one of at least six similar systems that have already been installed or will soon be installed along Russia’s Arctic coastline, from the Kola Peninsula in the west to the Bering Strait in the east. 

Rozonans-NE Radar

The radar system can identify and follow even the most complicated air targets. The Rezonans-NE is a high frequency [VHF] early warning phased-array radar.

It is intended to detect various present and potential air targets, including low-observable cruise and ballistic missiles, hypersonic aircraft, and stealth aircraft, in environments with strong electronic countermeasures (ECM) and clutter.

The radar can run in a predetermined sector or circular scan mode. In addition to tasks for peacetime, it can provide information support for air and air defense warfare operations as well as an early warning of an air attack. 

The Rezonans-NE has four radar modules, each of which can operate independently and offers control in an azimuth sector of 90 degrees. The radar module includes transmit, azimuth, elevation antenna feeders, and the power amplifier. 

The radar’s data reception and processing system collects and processes data in the four modules. The radar data receiving and processing apparatus, as well as the probe signal generator, are digital devices controlled by specialized processors. The four-module radar, which covers a 100 x 100-meter area, scans a 360-degree sector.

Yuri Knutov, a Russian military expert, previously stated that Rezonans-NE is a highly effective radar system that incorporates artificial intelligence components. This technology enables the station to simulate an electronic image of a target and precisely identify its type with flight parameters.

The Resonance-N radar’s technical capabilities enable it to identify and designate targets at distances up to 600 km for aerodynamic air targets and up to 1,200 kilometers for ballistic targets. The system finds targets at up to 100 kilometers in altitude simultaneously.

The “Resonance-N” radar is being developed in modules. It significantly lowers the cost of its production because all of the station’s nodes are assembled into special containers afterward. The station has a friend-or-foe target recognition system and can function reliably in winds up to 50 m/s at the lowest and highest air temperatures.

During combat operations, the radar is said to be able to track more than 500 targets simultaneously, giving early warning of an air attack and informing aviation and anti-aircraft defense systems about the air situation. The system does not have rotating antennas, typically used to provide all-around visibility. 

Rezonans-NE is typically set up on the ground as a square of four modules. However, the radar can be built in one-module, two-module, or three variants with viewing segments of 90°, 180°, and 270°, respectively, upon the customer’s request.

This system is also exported to a few countries. Presently, the system has already been acquired by Egypt and Iran. Algeria is also said to be a user of this system. It is assumed that the Egyptian Resonance-NE radar monitors all objects in the airspace over Israel, Syria, and other countries besides Egypt.

In Huawei Battle, China Threatens Germany ‘Where It Hurts’: with German Automakers

It’s no longer possible to hurt China without being hurt BADLY in retaliation.

VW, Daimler and BMW sell more cars in China than anywhere else and many already cooperate with Huawei — a dependency Beijing is not shy to exploit.

NYT Paywall. Article HERE

China Orders Government, State Firms to Replace Foreign Computers – Bloomberg

China has ordered central government agencies and state-backed corporations to replace foreign-branded personal computers with domestic alternatives within two years, marking one of Beijing’s most aggressive efforts so far to eradicate key overseas technology from within its most sensitive organs.

Staff were asked after the week-long May break to turn in foreign PCs for local alternatives that run on operating software developed domestically, people familiar with the plan said. The exercise, which was mandated by central government authorities, is likely to eventually replace at least 50 million PCs on a central-government level alone, they said, asking to remain anonymous discussing a sensitive matter.

Article HERE

RCMP admits they hack Canadians’ devices to spy on them


In a breathtaking admission, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) say they’ve secretly used spyware on Canadians’ devices to get audio and visual recordings of Canadians without their knowledge.

According to sources, the RCMP claim they only use such spyware in the most “serious cases,” such as when there are national security concerns. However, this is the first time the RCMP has openly admitted that they infiltrate mobile devices to collect data, despite having access to the technology for years.

Their admission came after a Conservative MP questioned what government programs are used to gather data on Canadians last week.

“This is a kind of capability that they have done everything possible to keep incredibly quiet,” said UofT senior research associate Christopher Parsons.

“This is a remarkable finding and, for the first time, publicly reveals that the RCMP is using spyware to infiltrate mobile devices, as well as the broad capabilities of their spyware.” Parsons continues, saying that many security experts have been aware of these capabilities but that this is the first time the RCMP has admitted it. He added that this “is the cleanest, most straightforward explanation of what they’re capable of doing that I’m aware of.”

The RCMP claims it only used this technology in 10 investigations between 2018 and 2020.

According to the submitted RCMP document, the decision to use spyware to infiltrate Canadians’ personal devices is in response to new encryption services that make it difficult for officers to conduct court-authorized electronic surveillance.

“In less than a generation, a high number of Canadians migrated their daily communications from a small number of large telecommunication service providers, all of which provided limited and centrally controlled services to customers, to countless organizations in Canada and elsewhere that provide a myriad of digital services to customers,” the document reads.

“That decentralization, combined with the widespread use of end-to-end encrypted voice and text-based messaging services, make it exponentially more difficult for the RCMP to conduct court-authorized electronic surveillance.”

As for the scope of the spyware used, the technology can gather pictures, videos, calendar entries, financial records, audio recordings, text messages, private communications, and “photographic images of persons, places and activities viewable by the camera(s) built into the targeted device.”

What is not being said is that [1] the technology to spy was obtained from the United States, and [2] none of the Huawei systems and towers could be "backdoored". -MM

The Economist rephrases controversial article comparing the amount of food consumption by Chinese with pigs

By GT staff reporters
Published: Jun 30, 2022 04:02 PM
The Economist rephrases controversial article, clarifies it never intended to cause offense amid accusations of racism - Global Times

Full article HERE

The Economist magazine has rephrased the controversial comparison featured in one of their articles that compares pigs to Chinese people and clarified that it was not intended to cause offense, which, however, failed to convince Chinese netizens outraged by such racist and dehumanizing language.

On Thursday, in an email reply to the Global Times, the magazine writes: "As our intention was never to cause offence, we have rephrased the article to make our meaning absolutely clear."

"In a Graphic setting out how most of the world's grain is fed to animals or used to make biofuel, we observed that 431m tonnes of grain is eaten by pigs and that, if it were a stand-alone country, this would rank at the very top of the league tables for grain consumption. By way of comparison, we pointed out that this is 45% more than the real-life country that consumes the most rice and wheat, which is China," The Economist explained in the email. 

The Economist said it had rephrased the article and attached a note at the bottom after being "contacted by Chinese readers, who object to the comparison."


The now-deleted content was part of an article titled "Most of the world's grain is not eaten by humans" published on June 23. 

"In 2019 pigs ate 432m tonnes of grain, 45% more than the people of China did," it read.

On Thursday, the Global Times found that the comparison has been rephrased to "According to our calculations, if the world's pig population were a stand-alone country, it would rank at the very top of grain-consumption league tables, chomping through as much grain as 2bn people."

In a clarification note attached at the bottom of the article on Wednesday, The Economist said "An earlier version of this article compared the grain-consumption rate of pigs with that of the people of China. We selected China solely because it is the world's leading consumer of both wheat and rice."

However, the rephrase and clarification seemingly still failed to convince the outraged Chinese netizens, as The Economist did not make any apology for the mistake.

"Spitting in our face and then 'rephrasing things,' what's the point??" said a user of China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo.

The previous comparison triggered backlash among Chinese readers as well as overseas netizens after The Economist used it in a Tweet to promote the article on Tuesday.

Although the article mainly focuses on analyzing data of food consumption per country, area, and year, the inappropriate comparison between pigs and the Chinese people was widely criticized for being "awful," "racist" and "dehumanizing."

The Tweet has also been deleted as of Wednesday.
On Thursday, the Global Times found that the comparison has been rephrased to “According to our calculations, if the world’s pig population were a stand-alone country, it would rank at the very top of grain-consumption league tables, chomping through as much grain as 2bn people.”.

California Just Leaked The Name, Address Of Every Concealed Carry Licensee In The State

Friday, Jul 01, 2022 – 06:10 AM

The California government has leaked an enormous volume of personal data on the state’s gun owners—including the name and address of every concealed carry permit holder in the stateThe data was posted to the internet on Monday—when the California Department of Justice launched its “2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal.”

The readily-downloadable information included

"names, birthdays, addresses, ages, the purchase date and type of firearm permit they possessed, and their Criminal Identification Index numbers, which are used to track state and federal criminal records,"

according to GizmodoABC30 reports that gender and driver’s license numbers were also exposed.

The state’s assault weapon registry and Dealer Record of Sale (DROS) data were also affected, but the DOJ has not yet determined to what extent associated personal data was compromised.

The personal data was available for downloading with the click of a button on the site’s mapping feature, according to The Reload. The portal was accessible from Monday afternoon until sometime Tuesday morning.

The breach potentially opened a Pandora’s box of harms for law-abiding Californians who acquired firearms and permits for self-protection. Those perils extend far beyond merely being ostracized by liberal coworkers and neighbors. For example:

  • A list of gun owners and their addresses is a treasure map for thieves seeking to steal firearms
  • Knowledge of an individual’s gun ownership can be used against them via the filing of spurious “red flag” complaints pursuant to the state’s Gun Violence Restraining Order system
  • Someone who obtained a firearm for protection from an abusive partner or ex-partner could be endangered if knowledge of that weapon acquisition sends the partner into a rage

The leaked data identified who among the concealed carry permit holders is a police officer or a judge. The Reload studied the posted data for Los Angeles County and found 244 judge permits complete with addresses and other personal data. Another 2,891 ordinary concealed carry permit-holders in the county were also exposed.

California issued 40,000 concealed carry permits in 2021, well off the 2016 peak of 100,000.

In light of the state’s dangerous mass violation of gun owners’ privacy, Monday’s press release promoting the portal’s debut now reads like dark comedy. In it, state attorney general Rob Bonta said,

“Transparency is key to increasing public trust between law enforcement and the communities we serve...Today’s announcement puts power and information into the hands of our communities."

After the leak was discovered, Bonta said,

“This unauthorized release of personal information is unacceptable and falls far short of my expectations for this department.”

As this article is written, those attempting to access the portal are presented with a notice:

"Website temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes."

California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) president Chuck Michel told The Reload that …

"vindictive sore loser bureaucrats have endangered people’s lives and invited conflict by illegally releasing confidential private information. CRPA is working with several legislators and sheriffs to determine the extent of the damage caused by DOJ’s doxing of law abiding gun owners. Litigation is likely.” 

The portal is meant to provide data on dealer record of sales, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, concealed carry permits, firearms safety certificates, “assault weapons,” and a roster of “certified handguns.”

The mass data dump was discovered by two California sheriffs who were using the new dashboard.

This Japanese Artist Imagined What Cats Would Look Like As Anime Girls


Japanese artist known as DHK recreated funny cat pictures in an anime style, turning the kittens into girls. The recreations are cute and professional. The artist manages to keep the resemblance to the original picture while creating stylish and beautiful characters that will probably make you wonder how your pets would look as humans.


The Crisis Of Competence

One of the subtexts to the current war in the Ukraine is the fact that the West has been wrong about every aspect of the conflict. None of the predictions about the actual fighting have been correct. Even the propaganda has been hilariously wrong, often making the West look foolish. The economic response, which was supposed to be a fatal blow to Russia, has gone horribly wrong. Europe now faces an unprecedented energy shortage this fall and winter.

The bulk of the blame lies at the feet of the neoconservatives running foreign policy for the Global American Empire. The same cast of characters who were horrifically wrong about Iraq and Afghanistan in the Bush years have managed to turn a regional issue into a global disaster. London and Brussels, along with the provincials occupying legacy positions in national government share blame as well. They enthusiastically went along with a war plan that had no chance to succeed.

The degree of wrongness is a thing of beauty, when you can look at it from a purely objective point of view. Rolling dice, flipping coins or pulling policy ideas out of a hat would have had a better result. One could be forgiven for thinking that maybe this series of errors is somehow deliberate. Maybe that ridiculous bald guy from the World Economic Forum really is a super villain. The masters of the universe are setting the West ablaze so they can build back better.

The question that should be pondered is why has everything gone so terribly long for the collective West? One reason is competence. The Global American Empire is led by a man who barely knows where he is most of the time. In his prime, Joe Biden was known as an affable moron. In his dotage, he is a confused and incompetent old man unable to perform his duties. His handlers give him stage instructions for basic things like where and when to sit.

Biden is the bit of the iceberg we see. There is a whole apparatus around him that was instrumental in getting him into office. The Washington political community thought a dementia patient was better than Trump. That says nothing about Trump and everything about the people who engineered Biden’s ascension. People forget that the Democratic Party had to rig its own primary to get Biden the nomination. They never stopped to think what this would mean after the election.

Of course, this degree of incompetence is made possible by a political culture that is defensive, isolated and insulated. They picked Biden because he was the safest option to get rid of Trump. Biden’s primary appeal to the political class was that he was a vegetable they could move around however they pleased. Biden and his family were simply happy to fill the role and play their part. He also provided the best chance of liberating the city from the scourge of Trump people.

That decision gets to the insularity of the political class, not just in Washington, but across the collective West. These are people without any understanding of the societies over which they rule. When you look at the resumes of these people, the common feature is no experience in the dreaded private sector. Politics has been their life since they were adults. In fact, we have reached a point where private sector experience raises suspicion in the political class.

These are people who simply have no idea how things work. They just take for granted that things work. Like the heirs of a family business, the political class has spent their life in a system without ever having to think about how it came into being. The system of power they command is a permanent feature of life. The only variable is who will have control of the institutions of power. That is politics, the game of verbal chess which picks the winners and losers in the system.

Therein lies the other cause of this unfolding disaster. The West is a collection of people who deal in words exclusively. They have never done anything, other than talk about making other people do things. Nancy Pelosi has been in Washington for eighty years and there is no single physical thing she can point to, other than her ten-thousand-dollar freezer, as a product of her political career. When she is dead, the next wave will wash away her footprints in the sand and she will be forgotten.

On the other side of this fight is a different system, one that is the result of people doing things and rising in the ranks as a consequence. Putin is a man who had to navigate a world where failure meant prison or death. When that world collapsed, he had to navigate a world of chaos. When he gained power, he then had to impose order, often taking on powerful oligarchs backed by Western interests. Putin and his ruling circle are a collection of men who do things, not just talk about things.

Six months ago, the West was prepared to give the Russians a good tongue lashing, cancel her from the internet and de-platform her from the financial system. On the other side, the Russians prepared to fight a war against a well-armed and prepared enemy in Ukraine and a well-armed and prepared West on the world stage. One side was ready for a battle of words while the other side was ready for a battle of actions. It turns out that words count for a lot less than actions.

All civilizations have periods of incompetence. The Russians suffered through the Gorbachev and Yeltsin periods. The difference for the West is that the system has been selecting for bourgeois obsequiousness for a long time. The reason Washington is run by fossils is the next in line is much worse than the geezers. Mitch McConnell knows something about running the party. Kevin McCarthy was selected because no one in power worried that he would be a challenge.

The crisis of the West is that it is now run by a managerial class that was selected for being the teacher’s pet, ticking the right box on a form and making sure to never utter a discouraging word around the boss. It is why presidents have been increasingly ridiculous since the Cold War. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden are all mileposts in the decline of competence. Next up is Kamala Harris, an absurd manifestation of a system that selects against competence.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Some witty single panel comics, the genius of Mortensen, coffee cakes, and global geopolitics

So much change.

The United States is disintegrating before our eyes.  Society has collapsed, the government is frail, ineffective, bloated, and acting insanely.

Internal domestic conflict is in process as it is trying to “right the sinking ship” somewhat.

Roe's demise marks new phase in state-by-state battle over abortion...
The Court giveth and the Court taketh away!
Ruling Highlights Diverging Paths of Roberts, Alito...
Critics fear Thomas 'extreme' position on contraception...
LGBTQ community braces for rollback of rights...
Next big fight looms over pills...
Biden confronts bombshell that could define presidency...
Condemns But Has Few Powers...
Trump Publicly Credits God -- Privately Says 'Bad'...
Kavanaugh Gave Assurances. Collins Says He 'Misled' Her...
World leaders call decision horrific...
Corporations scramble to determine what will cover...
Prosecutors vow not to go after women seeking procedures...

However, it is ultimately going to fail. Simply because the United States is in such dept that if you sell everything, in the United States… EVERYTHING, the people would be still in trillions of dollars in debt.

Historically, the only solution is to enslave the civilian survivors and have them work off their debts as serf / slaves to a conquering power.

That’s clear as day.

American “allies” and proxy militarized forces are all weak, yet still believing in their unwavering power (from God).

Meanwhile, there is a massive ray of hope; BRICS has organized, planned, and implemented a structure that is being built upon the collapsing embers and rubble of the collapsing West.

It is a superior structure.

It is a long lasting one, and it is and will continue to be, a fair one.

It’s an exciting time for those who are aware.

Yet, this period is fraught with peril.

"The US has at least two Soviet era nuclear weapons recovered by the CIA from submarine K-129 in "Operation Azorian" in 1974."

The implication is a nuclear false flag. Big yikes.

Let’s go through today’s article posting…

Chicken Fricassee – quick French Chicken Stew

Quick, simple and delicious. What’s not to love?


The CSIS, funded by the American Military-Industrial Complex, advises the United States government on what to do. Obviously, that’s one (major) reason why nothing goes right.

Here’s and example from the “brilliant advice” from CSIS:

From Seth Jones, June 2022. Senior Vice President; Harold Brown Chair; and Director, International Security Program. Subject:  Russia’s Ill-Fated Invasion of Ukraine

Lessons in Modern Warfare

Russia has failed to achieve most of its objectives in Ukraine because of poor military planning, significant logistical problems, low combat readiness, and other deficiencies, which undermined Russian military effectiveness. 

These and other challenges—including Ukrainian military efforts and Western aid—severely impacted Russian air, ground, cyber, and maritime operations. 

Russia’s failures will force the Russian military to fundamentally rethink its training practices, organizational structure, culture, logistics, recruitment and retention policies, and planning efforts. 

Nevertheless, Russia is still attempting a de facto annexation of parts of eastern and southern Ukraine that it controls. here

Senior diplomat says relations with Japan at important juncture

By MO JINGXI | CHINA DAILY | Updated: 2022-06-08 07:10 

China-Japan relations involve a number of old and new problems, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Tuesday, adding that the difficulties and challenges faced by bilateral ties should not be ignored.

Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, made the remark in a phone conversation with Takeo Akiba, secretary-general of Japan’s National Security Secretariat.

Noting that China-Japan relations have reached an important point in history, with this year marking the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Yang said China and Japan must stay on the right track, adhere to win-win cooperation, take a long-term perspective and enhance mutual trust on security.

Stable ties

He called on Tokyo to work with Beijing to ensure stable, healthy and resilient China-Japan relations over the next 50 years and jointly safeguard regional peace and prosperity.

According to a statement on the Foreign Ministry’s website, Akiba told Wang that Japan stands ready to deepen cooperation with China, and appropriately handle differences and strengthen communications on sensitive bilateral issues and international hot spot issues in order to jointly build a constructive and stable Japan-China relationship.

Yang also elaborated on China’s principled positions on the Taiwan question and issues related to Hong Kong and the Diaoyu Islands, among others, during the meeting.

Experts said that the meeting came at a time when Japan has been closely following the United States’ “Indo-Pacific” strategy and is actively engaged in containing China and stirring up confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region.

By doing so, Tokyo is also attempting to regain its status in Asia. However, such a practice is not conducive to regional peace, stability and the healthy development of China-Japan relations, and Japan will inevitably have to pay the price for this, they added.

Last month, as US President Joe Biden made his first trip to Asia, Tokyo hosted the leaders’ meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad, an anti-China grouping consisting of the US, Japan, India and Australia. Japan also endorsed the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework launched by Biden in Tokyo.

Irresponsible remarks

During Biden’s visit, Japan and the US made irresponsible remarks and groundless accusations on a series of issues related to China’s domestic affairs, including on the Taiwan question.

Wang Junsheng, a researcher of East Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that Japan is joining with the US to counter China as Tokyo is Washington’s close ally, and also because it misjudges China’s development.

“Japan is unwilling to see a rising China because it mistakenly assumes that China’s development will harm its own interests,” Wang said. “However, the fact is that as close neighbors, both China and Japan will benefit from their good relationship in various areas including trade and the economy, regional cooperation and tackling climate change.”

Xiang Haoyu, a distinguished research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies, said in an article in Global Times that hyping up or creating so-called external threats for specific political purposes will not make Japan great again or bring it absolute security.

Instead, it will only get Japan into greater security dilemmas, Xiang said.

Artist Creates Witty Single-Panel Comics Depicting Odd And Absurd Situations In A Slightly Different Everyday Life


Let us introduce you to Jim Shoenbill, an illustrator who is on a mission to brighten people’s days with positive humor. He creates witty single-panel comics depicting weird and absurd situations in a slightly different everyday life.

In this universe made by Jim, a deer can be a stand-up comedian, Jesus is no longer a miracle worker, but an optician, beverages can talk and more. As the artist described himself, he just channels his distractions and odd thoughts into funny cartoons “to make the world a better place”.

Jim’s illustrations and writing have appeared in magazines such as The Oldie, Alta, Women’s World, American Legion Magazine and more. So, without further ado, scroll down to immerse yourself in the sea of humor and puns.



PCR’s latest. He says we are headed to war now:

Source article HERE

“War With the Russian Federation
June 24, 2022

Dear Readers, this website, the Institute for Political Economy is a 501c3 tax-exempt public foundation. For it to continue to exist, public support must comprise one-third of its operating costs. Currently, this is the case. However, public support has been falling. The backbone of the website are the monthly donors. But the response to the quarterly requests are weakening. The response in September is always weak, but this June the response is weak as well.

Is this the situation — when truth is most needed, support for it is running out? Once the ruling elites control the narratives, liberty, freedom, life as Americans knew it is dead.

It is increasingly difficult to tell the truth as Americans are punished for doing so. If you do not support those few of us who are addicted to truth, truth will die.

War With the Russian Federation

Paul Craig Roberts

I remember when others tooted my horn. The French government of President Francois Mitterrand bestowed upon me the French Legion of Honor for the restoration of economic science. President Reagan sent his Budget Director, Jim Miller, to the award ceremony with a letter from Reagan giving me credit for Reagan’s successful economic policy that cured stagflation.

The US Department of the Treasury gave me its Silver Medal for “outstanding contributions to US economic policy.” Who’s Who in America gave me the Lifetime Achievements Award. The Press Club of Mexico gave me its International Journalism Award. When my children were born congratulatory letters arrived from such luminaries as the Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And so on.

Today, my horn is not tooted unless I do it myself, which I have not done but now will. I have ruined myself by telling the truth, and I don’t even get credit for that.

Yesterday (June 23, 2022) The Saker (Andrei Raevsky) wrote that it has become undeniable that what began as a Russian limited military operation in Ukraine has turned into an open and full-scale war between Russia and the West.

I was the first person to put into print that the “limited” aspect of Russia’s intervention in Donbass was a delusion.

Washington, I said, would never allow it to be limited.

For this obviously correct insight, Andrei denounced me as anti-Russian. Dmitry Orlov dismissed me as a crank who wanted nuclear war. In other words, my pointing out a Kremlin miscalculation that would result in a wider war was unwelcome despite its obvious truthfulness.

Well, as Andrei now acknowledges, the wider war I predicted is upon us.

The Kremlin’s receptivity to provocations have brought them to the situation where an insignificant country, certainly militarily, but in all respects, has blocked Russia’s provision of part of Russia — Kaliningrad. If the Kremlin, ever tolerant of provocations, accepts this, Russia is finished. If the Kremlin doesn’t accept it, Lithuania is finished.

As Lithuania is a NATO member–stupid decision–NATO will have to go to war or back down. The Jewish neoconservatives who control US foreign policy will not let them back down. Washington pays a lot for obedience and will expect NATO to comply.

In other words, Europe’s “leaders” are likely soon to be faced with a decision: Do we destroy Europe or do we give up our American payments?

They will take the money and run, but to where?

As a former Cold Warrior, as a former member of a presidential investigatory committee to assess the CIA’s views of Soviet economic and military capability, I can say, with confidence, that there is nowhere to run.

Unless the hegemony over US, and thereby the West’s, foreign policy that is held by the Jewish neoconservatives is broken, the West and Russia are headed into nuclear war.

The war will be nuclear, because the West is too weak conventionally to confront Russia.

The West is NOT aware of this, because the Russian Donbass intervention involves few Russian troops who are moving slowly using encirclement.

Normally, an invasion force relies on a 3 to 1 superiority in manpower, but in the Donbass conflict the Ukrainians probably outnumbered the Russians, with the mass of the Russian Army waiting on the sidelines for any NATO troop intervention.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Russia will clear Donbass of Ukrainian military forces. That job is almost over. But not the wider conflict.

EU and NATO forming coalition ‘for war against Russia’ – Lavrov

The Russian Foreign Minister said today: “Hitler rallied a significant part, if not most, of the European nations under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union,” adding that “now, the EU together with NATO are forming another – modern – coalition for a standoff and, ultimately, war with the Russian Federation.”

Streusel Coffee Cake

Everyone needs a classic coffee cake recipe. Simple to make and a treat to eat, this is it! Our cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake recipe is the perfect one to wake up and create for a holiday brunch. It only takes 10 minutes of prep time and is made easy with Bisquick™ Original Pancake & Baking Mix.

Streusel Coffee Cake
Streusel Coffee Cake
What you need.
How to make it.
Tips and tricks.

Commando Network Coordinates Flow of Weapons in Ukraine, Officials Say

US miliatary fighting Russian military. And not a thought to the implications of what this means. -MM

A secretive operation involving U.S. Special Operations forces hints at the scale of the effort to assist Ukraine’s still outgunned military.

WASHINGTON — As Russian troops press ahead with a grinding campaign to seize eastern Ukraine, the nation’s ability to resist the onslaught depends more than ever on help from the United States and its allies — including a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training, according to U.S. and European officials.

Much of this work happens outside Ukraine, at bases in Germany, France and Britain, for example. But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.

At the same time, a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine. The United States withdrew its own 150 military instructors before the war began in February, but commandos from these allies either remained or have gone in and out of the country since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid, three U.S. officials said. . .here

This Stray Cat Ask To Be Let Inside To Keep Her Kittens Safe | The Dodo

A heartwarming kitty cat video.

Ukraine SINKS Russian Rescue Ship on Black Sea


The Russian Black Sea Fleet Rescue Tug “Vasily Bekh” has been hit by Ukrainian-launched missiles and SUNK.

Russian Black Sea Fleet Rescue Tug "Vasily Bekh"
Russian Black Sea Fleet Rescue Tug “Vasily Bekh”

The vessel was struck by two Harpoon anti ship missiles, a U.S. produced weapons system, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas.

The 187 foot long ship sank within 18 seconds of being hit.

At least ten (10) Russian sailors are dead, 23 others are wounded.

Video, below, was taken by a Bayraktar Drone operated by the Ukraine military, shows the two missiles striking from the left, and the ship going under almost immediately after the explosions.

The assault on the Vasily Bekh Rescue tugboat was first announced on the official Twitter account of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, and a few minutes later a video showing the assault was posted on social media.

Nicaragua approves Russian troop access to country, defies US objection

Hum. Interesting. The article seems to be blocked.


Article HERE

China ready to supply components for aircraft to Russia

There are no restrictions from the Chinese side, Zhang Hanhui noted…
MOSCOW, June 17. /TASS/. China is ready to supply components for aircraft to Russian airlines, Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui told TASS.

"We are ready to supply components to Russia, we are organizing such cooperation," he said. "[Airlines] are currently addressing [it], they have certain channels, there are no restrictions from the Chinese side," the diplomat added.

On February 26, the European Union prohibited sale and supply, including leasing, of aircraft and components to it for Russian air carriers, as well as provision of any insurance and reinsurance services to its aircraft, as well as repairs, over the situation in Ukraine. The Russian authorities responded by taking a number actions, particularly allowing local carriers to continue exploiting aircraft leased or rented from foreign companies.

Full article from Tass HERE

Decoupling from China is not a serious option – Google Search

Of course.

If the Empire could do it, they would already have done it. 

I have a hunch that the powers that be in China are way ahead of the game before us mere mortals are aware of it. Perhaps the election of Xi to lead China is not an accident. Perhaps Xi's actions reining in the party and the PLA are not coincidences. Maybe his cleaning up of rampant corruption, strengthening of national defense, putting a lid on corporate malfeasance, and making term extensions possible are all for conducting a long and unspoken war. I await that moment when China finally is in firm possession of much needed technologies and resources, and then it can do what Russia has done, which is to demand payment in RMB for trade, stop measuring wealth or economics in USD, and sell 90% of USD reserves. 

China to this day is still one of the strongest supporters of the USD, which provides the hege-money that makes the empire possible. Take that away and the house of cards will fall. Maybe a better system and more responsible government will emerge. That will of course be up to the American people. Much better for the world is that America will not be able to afford its military adventurism, flooding the world with weapons, and creating havoc all over the world. Hence we will have peace. Only by attacking the empire's foundation, the dollar hege-money, that the house of cards will buckle and collapse.


Stunning Autochrome Portraits of Women Taken by Alfonse Van Besten From the Early 20th Century


Alfonse Van Besten (1865–1926) was a painter and took full advantage of the possibilities of the new color process. One can see that many of his autochromes were taken with a “painterly eye” e.g. Musing (Mrs.Van Besten) and Symphony in white. It was evident that he had a very good sense of composition.


During the First World War he was a refugee in Holland. Together with his friend A. Van Son, another Belgian autochromist and refugee, they gave countless lectures at Dutch photography societies. They were praised for their excellent autochrome work, e.g. on the 16th of April 1915 the photographic society “Meer Licht” from Nymegen paid an homage to Van Besten for his outstanding autochrome plates.


I could easily paint from these images. They are perfect to use as figurative guides.


Chinese tunnel boring machine shipped to Portugal

Remark: Previously to this, Germany sold similar machinery to China at a very exorbitant expensive price. They included a super expensive repair cost structure, warranties and insurance that provided a very nice yearly income to the German manufacturers. Meanwhile, the Germans would also block any Chinese on-site efforts while they would repair the machinery.
Today China produces much more sophisticated and advanced TBM tunneling machinery. And, thus, it is winning business in Europe.
Just wait and see. 

The west always claimed that China steals their technology. But I know from very beginning that the West is using self deception. 

I was a manager for four years in a village collectively owned factory of 175 years before I went to college. 

The factory started in 1966, with less than thirty yuan investment with five workers. 

By 1973 when I joined the factory as a fresh high school graduate, the factory had over 100 workers, with three lathes, two planers, three 60 ton presses, five big drills, more than thirty electric welders and two gas welders. 

I started as a lathe operator, and then became the manager at the beginning of next year. 

By the time I went to college in the spring of 1978, the factory had 175 people with a gross revenue of more than one million a year. 

Most of the workers had very little technical background but everybody worked together to solve technical problems. 

One time, we took an order which required technical standards that we did not have the equipment to do. 

No factory in the Qingdao Areas had the equipment to do it. 

But one of our old workers came up with a brilliant idea and told me that we could do the work without the necessary equipment.

We eventually did the job, making two huge ventilation machines for a big textile factory in Qingdao, and made a lot of money out of it. 

When the engineers came to see how we made it, they were shocked by the primitive ideas and technology we used to produce the parts and assembled the machines in the end. 

The workers in my factory were all paid the same amount of work points. 

Management and workers worked together to solve the problems. 

If we needed to work ten hours, twelve hours, even sixteen hours a day, we would do it. The shared objective was to get things done as quickly, efficiently and economically as possible. Exactly because the manager did not get more pay than the workers, it was much easier to be a leader at that time.

I left China to study in Singapore, then the U.S. and eventually stayed in the U.S. 

After I came to the U.S. and learned how the system worked here, I was convinced that the West would never be able to compete with China if China stayed its track. 

I have been teaching under five (college) presidents in the current university. 

From my experience, except the first one who was a good leader. All the last four presidents were disasters. 

They got paid five or six times more than the faculty, but did nothing good for the college and they were either left themselves or asked to leave after they did enough damages. 

But most faculty and staff tolerated them until the last minutes. Our college has been going down hill because of their poor leadership. 

I think my college's situation is very reflective of the whole country in the U.S. 

The lack of good leadership with a big gap in the pay of the workers and management. 

It would be fine for them when there was no competition. 

But now China is a serious competition, and the U.S. and the west are still doing their business as usual. It will not be long when China leads the world in every aspect.



Journey – Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’ (Official Video – 1979)

Time machine time…

Member of Russian Parliament Says “London will be Bombed first”

A Russian Member of Parliament, Andrey Gurulyov, has said that “London will be the first city to be bombed by Russia if the blockade of Kaliningrad leads to a war with NATO.”

MP Andrey Gurulyov, 54, a member of Russian parliament’s defense committee, advocated the Russian invasion of the NATO Baltic countries.

On state TV’s Channel 1 he said there was no other way to prevent the West blockading Russian exclave Kaliningrad.

Such a move would trigger the NATO Treaty “Article five” which says “an attack upon one member of NATO is an attack upon all members” and spark World War Three.

“We’ll destroy the entire group of enemy’s space satellites during the first air operation,” said Lt-Gen Gurulyov, a senior commander in the Russian Army who now represents United Russia, the main political party.

“No-one will care if they are American or British, we would see them all as NATO.

“Second, we’ll mitigate the entire system of anti-missile defense, everywhere and 100 per cent.

“Third, we certainly won’t start from Warsaw, Paris or Berlin.

“The first to be hit will be London.

“It’s crystal clear that the threat to the world comes from the Anglo-Saxons.”

Like other Moscow hardliners, he believes the West – especially on continental Europe – has no stomach for a real war.

“As part of the operation to destroy critically important sites, Western Europe will be cut off from power supplies and immobilized.

“All power supply sites will be destroyed.

“And in the third stage, I shall see what the USA will tell Western Europe on continuing their fight in the cold, without food and electricity.

“I wonder how they (the US) will manage to stay aside.

“This is the rough plan, and I deliberately leave out certain moments because they are not to be discussed on TV.”

Gurulyov is a former deputy commander of Russia’s southern military district.

He served with Russian forces in Syria.

He has been sanctioned by the US for his close links to Putin.

Pineapple-Banana Coffee Cake

Aloha! Your taste buds will welcome this tropical delight of banana coffee cake loaded with pineapple and topped with a pineapple glaze.

Pineapple-Banana Coffee Cake
Pineapple-Banana Coffee Cake
Pineapple-Banana Coffee Cake
Pineapple-Banana Coffee Cake


Russia’s army has “fully occupied” the key Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk after weeks of fighting, its mayor said Saturday.

The capture of the industrial hub of Severodonetsk is an important strategic win for Moscow as it seeks to gain full control over the east of the country.
It has been the scene of weeks of running battles, but the Ukrainian army said Friday that its outgunned forces would withdraw to better defend the neighboring city of Lysychansk.

“The city has been fully occupied by the Russians,” mayor Oleksandr Striuk said on Saturday.

A few hours earlier, pro-Moscow separatists said Russian troops and their allies had entered Lysychansk, which faces Severodonetsk across the river.

“Street fighting is currently taking place,” a representative of the separatists, Andrei Marochko, said on Telegram, in a claim that could not be independently verified at that time.   Now, however, the city is confirmed to have been conquered by the Russian Army.

Grotesque, Occult, and Bizarre Images by William Mortensen, the Forgotten Hollywood Photographer


Photographer Ansel Adams, whose beautiful black and white landscapes full of mountains still grace both museum and office walls, called fellow photographer William Mortensen “the Anti-Christ” for what he did to the art of photography.


In a roll call of the pioneers of modern photography, one name is never invoked. From the late 1920s to the 1950s, William Mortensen was one of the most famous and celebrated photographers in America. However, his subject matter – which veered towards the savage, indecorous, gothic and grotesque – as well as his use of montage and illustration, made him a pariah among the puritanical new guard in photography, led by Ansel Adams, who tried to write him out of history.


Mortensen was the last of the great pictorialist photographers, the movement that dominated early 20th-century photography. Working in Hollywood, he shot many of the leading stars of his day: Rudolph Valentino, Lon Chaney, Fay Wray, Jean Harlow, Clara Bow and Peter Lorre all submitted themselves to the gaze of his lens.




Cat Trapped In A Sewer For 70 Days Is Almost Drowned From Heavy Rain

Save the kitty! Hurry!

Reality Check: Falsehoods in US perceptions of China | Updated: 2022-06-19 19:40 

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has recently delivered a speech at Asia Society outlining the US administration’s approach to China.

With a carefully calibrated language, he sought [1] to promote the “China threat” narrative, [2] continue American interference in China’s internal affairs, and  [3] smear China’s domestic and foreign policy, all in a continuing effort aimed at [4] full-blown containment and suppression of China.

The following is the CHINESE RESPONSE.

It is printed in FULL.

You will NOT see this anywhere in American, or Western media.

In what is to follow, we will use facts and figures to show to the world how deceptive, hypocritical and dangerous the US’s China policy is.

Falsehood 1: China poses the most serious long-term challenge to the international order and is undermining it. The US will defend the international law, agreements, principles, and institutions that maintain peace and security, and protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations.

Reality Check: What the US has constantly vowed to preserve is a so-called international order designed to serve the US’s own interests and perpetuate its hegemony. The US itself is the largest source of disruption to the actual world order.

◆ China has been and always will be a defender of the international order. China is a founding member of the United Nations (UN) and the first country to put its signature on the UN Charter. China is committed to upholding the UN-centered international system, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations built on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence jointly championed by China, India and Myanmar have been widely recognized by the international community and have become the basic norms guiding state-to-state relations.

China upholds true multilateralism and global strategic stability. China is the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the permanent members of the UN Security Council and the second largest contributor among all countries to the UN peacekeeping budget. China has taken an active part in international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes. It has signed or acceded to more than 20 multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). China is against arms race.

In the wake of the international financial crisis of 2008, China adopted a responsible macro policy, remained a “stabilizer” for the world economy and made important contribution to global recovery. China actively provides international public goods to various countries, and has signed BRI cooperation agreements with 149 countries and 32 international organizations.

◆ In recent years, President Xi Jinping’s vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind has been warmly received by the international community. It has been written into multiple important documents issued by the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral institutions. UN Secretary-General António Guterres hailed China as an important pillar for multilateralism, noting that the purpose for practicing multilateralism is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Peter Thomson, president of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly, said the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind advocated by China is the only future for humanity on this planet.

In response to various new global challenges, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI). They represent China’s proposals for making the global governance system fairer and more equitable, and have received positive response and wide support from the international community.

◆ The US has blatantly violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the norms governing international relations. With its military might, the US has launched wars in numerous parts of the world, stoking divisions and conflicts and bringing huge turmoil and disaster to the world. Throughout the 240-plus-year history of the US, there were only 16 years in which the US was not at war. The US might as well be called the most belligerent country in the history of the world. US magazine The National Interest quoted Dakota Wood, senior research fellow for defense programs at the Heritage Foundation, who wrote that the US consistently needed to deploy military force every 15 years or so.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has either launched or participated in many wars overseas, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Afghan War and the Iraq War. Those wars caused extremely severe civilian casualties and property losses, and lead to colossal humanitarian disasters. Since 2001, US wars and military operations in the name of counterterrorism have killed more than 900,000 people, about 335,000 of whom were civilians, injured millions and displaced tens of millions.

◆ The US habitually puts its domestic law above the international law, and selectively applies international rules as it sees fit. Since the 1980s, the US had once withdrawn from 17 international organizations and treaties, including the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Paris Agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the Treaty on Open Skies.

Although the current US administration declared that “America is back” and the US has rejoined some international organizations and agreements, the administration has in essence not abandoned the “America First” policy, and is advancing “selective multilateralism”. The current administration has stayed out of institutions and agreements considered harmful to US interests such as the Treaty on Open Skies. European media have described it as “America First 2.0”.

◆ The US has abused its financial hegemony and technological clout and engaged in economic coercion in the name of protecting national security. The US has enacted some domestic laws, such as the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, and issued a series of executive orders to target and sanction specific countries, entities or individuals. The ambiguous rules contained in these acts and executive orders, such as the “minimum contacts principle” and “doctrine of effects”, are a willful expansion of the jurisdiction of US domestic laws. The US also abuses its domestic channels of prosecution to exercise long-arm jurisdiction over entities and individuals in other countries.

For more than 60 years, in total disregard of the many resolutions of the UN General Assembly, the US has continued its comprehensive blockade against Cuba based on its embargo policies and domestic laws such as the Torricelli Act and the Helms-Burton Act. The Cuba blockade is the longest and cruelest systemic trade embargo, economic blockade and financial sanctions in modern history. The blockade has been gravely detrimental to Cuba’s economic and social development, causing over 100 billion US dollars of direct losses to Cuba’s economy.

The US has carried out blockade and sanctions against Iran since late 1970s. In May 2018, the US government announced its unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, and soon after resumed and expanded sanctions against Iran. Many countries and relevant entities have been forced to give up their cooperation with Iran. A large number of foreign oil enterprises left the country. Iran’s manufacturing industry can hardly sustain normal operation. The country has suffered economic slowdown, coupled with heightened inflation and massive currency depreciation.

The US has imposed unilateral sanctions on Belarus, Syria and Zimbabwe, among others, over the years, and ratcheted up ”maximum pressure” against the DPRK, Venezuela, etc.

◆ Statistics show that the previous US administration had imposed over 3,900 sanction measures, which means it wielded its “big stick” three times a day on average. As of fiscal year 2021, the entities and individuals on US sanction lists topped 9,421, which was 933 percent higher compared to the fiscal year 2000.

The US’s illegal unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction have gravely undermined the sovereignty and security of other countries and severely impacted their economic development and people’s wellbeing. The sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction also constitute a gross violation of international law and basic norms of international relations.

In an article published in the September/October 2021 issue of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Drezner, Professor at Tufts University and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, criticizes successive US administrations for using “sanctions as the go-to solution for nearly every foreign policy problem.” He notes that sanctions not only are ineffective, but also “exert a humanitarian toll”, and that the United States of America has become the “United States of Sanctions”.

◆ The “rules-based international order” championed by the US is in fact another version of power politics. This is an attempt to impose one’s own will and standards on others, and to replace the commonly accepted international laws and norms with the house rules of a few countries.

In the world, there is only one international system, i.e. the international system with the UN at its core. There is only one international order, i.e. the international order underpinned by international law. And there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

Before wanting to discuss rules and order, the US should first pay up its arrears of one billion US dollars for the UN’s regular budget and 1.4 billion US dollars peacekeeping assessments, ratify in a timely manner the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, stop single-handedly blocking the negotiations on a verification protocol under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), lift illegal unilateral sanctions, earnestly fulfill its international obligations and set a good example for others in respecting laws and norms.

Falsehood 2: The US is not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. It doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China from growing its economy or advancing the interests of its people.

Reality Check: Despite its claims that it doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop it from growing its economy, the US is actually deploying its domestic and external resources to unscrupulously contain and suppress China.

◆ Without producing any credible evidence, the US government uses national security as a catch-all pretext and all its apparatus to wantonly suppress and sanction Huawei, restricting its products’ entry into the US market, cutting off its access to chips and operating system, and coercing countries around the world into banning Huawei from their 5G rollout. The US also orchestrated and pressured Canada to hold Huawei’s CFO for nearly three years without cause.

◆ In violation of the principle of fair competition and market economy and international trading rules, the US seeks to hamstring competitive Chinese hi-tech companies under all kinds of trumped-up charges. To date, it has placed over 1,000 Chinese companies on various sanctions lists, subjected biotechnology and artificial intelligence technologies to enhanced export controls and stringent investment review, and sought to ban Chinese social media platforms including TikTok and WeChat.

◆ Under the pretext of protecting human rights, the US has fabricated misinformation and disinformation concerning Xinjiang such as the existence of ”forced labor” and, on the basis of those unfounded stories, has adopted the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act which maliciously targets Xinjiang’s competitive cotton, tomatoes and solar photovoltaic sectors to contain China’s growth. This has disrupted the international trade order and destabilized global industrial and supply chains.

◆ The previous US administration, in grave violation of WTO rules, waged a massive trade war on China. Based on its own Section 301 investigation, it imposed three rounds of steep tariffs on about 360 billion US dollars’ worth of Chinese imports. In September 2021, the current US administration initiated a Section 232 investigation to determine the effects on US national security from imports of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets at a time when global commodity prices were hovering at elevated levels.

◆ The US has a record of grossly interfering in China’s domestic affairs on issues concerning China’s core interests, including Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. It seeks to undermine China’s security and stability by, both overtly and covertly, condoning and supporting separatist activities.

◆ The bipartisan innovation bills being debated in the US Congress, while professing to enhance US competitiveness, see China as a perceived rival. “China” appears more than 800 times in the text, which is packed with provisions detrimental to China’s interests.

◆ In a bid to maintain its power and predominance in international institutions, the US has attempted to smear and block the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the initiative of advancing Belt and Road cooperation, among others, in multilateral fora and also to remove references to them in UN and other international documents.

◆ Clinging to a Cold War mentality and the hegemon’s logic, the US pursues bloc politics, concocts the “democracy versus authoritarianism” narrative, cajoles other countries into forming exclusive cliques, strengthens the Five Eyes, peddles the Quad mechanism, puts together AUKUS with the UK and Australia and ramps up bilateral military alliances, in a clear attempt at countering China.

◆ The US pushes NATO to insert itself in Asia-Pacific affairs, fan the “China threat” narrative in the bloc’s new strategic concept, and include in its Madrid Summit such US allies in the Asia-Pacific as Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Australia, in a bid to build an “Asia-Pacific version of NATO”, which would disrupt security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

◆ The development of state-to-state relations should be based on equality, mutual respect and win-win results. China-US relations have reached an important crossroads. The US should stop viewing this relationship through a Cold War, zero-sum mindset, follow the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and reflect in its action the five assurances it has made to China (i.e. the US does not seek a new Cold War with China, the US does not seek to change China’s system, the revitalization of US alliances is not against China, the US does not support “Taiwan independence”, and the US is not looking for conflict with China) .

Falsehood 3: Our diplomacy is based on partnership and respect for each other’s interests, while China practices coercive diplomacy against other countries and retaliates recklessly. Our task is to prove once again that all countries will be free to chart their own paths without coercion.

Reality Check: It is the US that invented “coercive diplomacy” and excels at coercing countries. Over the years, by imposing economic blockade, unilateral sanctions and other means, the US has practiced coercive diplomacy around the world with textbook examples.

◆ In 1971, American scholar Alexander George first put forward the concept of “coercive diplomacy” to summarize the US policy toward Laos, Cuba and Vietnam at that time. The US government forced the military government of Haiti to step down in 1994, and referred to that as “a textbook example of coercive diplomacy”. In 2003, it explicitly characterized 30.3 billion US dollars additional military expenses for “coercive diplomacy” as incurred expenses.

The US government froze seven billion US dollars assets of the Afghan central bank on the grounds of punishing the Afghan Taliban and even claimed the “life-saving money” of the Afghan people as its own, which resulted in the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. Mohammad Naeem, spokesman of the Taliban Political Office in Doha, said the seizure is “indicative of the lowest level of human and moral decay of a country and a nation”.

In order to force the Nepalese parliament to approve the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) agreement, the US openly issued an “ultimatum”, saying that the US will review its ties with Nepal if it fails to ratify the compact.

After the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, the US Justice Department established the “Task Force KleptoCapture” to find, freeze and seize the yachts, apartments, private jets and huge deposits of Russian citizens in the US and Europe. This fully shows that the US-touted “inviolable and sacred right to property” is just a lie. The US has forced other countries to pick sides and pressured them to join sanctions against Russia. And those who refuse to do so will pay a “price”.

After China and the Solomon Islands had signed a framework agreement on bilateral security cooperation, the US sent senior officials of the National Security Council to the country, doing whatever it can to obstruct the legitimate cooperation between China and Solomon Islands. A Solomn Star article pointed out, “Washington DC, which has literally forgotten Solomon Islands since World War II, has finally woken up and is applying the heat on the Solomon Islands to abandon the security pact.”

In May 2022, on the eve of the High-Level Virtual Meeting of the Group of Friends of the GDI, the US exerted pressure on multiple UN development agencies to obstruct their attendance and threatened to “cut funding”.

◆ The “Clean Network” program launched by the previous administration is another textbook example of US coercive diplomacy. Under the pretext of upholding US national security and citizens’ privacy, the program explicitly requires that Chinese companies such as Huawei, Baidu and Alibaba to be purged from five areas: telecom operators, mobile app stores, mobile apps, cloud services and submarine optical cables. The then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other US politicians lobbied all around the world, coercing countries and regions to join its so-called “Network”. A US senior official even threatened Cyprus and other countries not to work with Chinese 5G suppliers, or they would bear the consequence. Former UK Business and Industry Minister Vince Cable said the government’s decision to ban Huawei’s 5G equipment and services “had nothing to do with national security”, and was because “the Americans told us we should do it”.

◆ The US shows no mercy in coercing its allies. Out of its geopolitical and energy interests considerations, the US has imposed sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project since December 2019. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US has imposed new sanctions on related companies and personnel even though Germany had announced the suspension of the certification process for the project.

◆ A US scholar pointed out that American foreign policy since World War II has been based on a simple idea: “Either you are with us or against us. America should lead, allies should follow, and woe be to countries that oppose its primacy”. His words lay bare the nature of US coercive diplomacy.

◆ China never engages in coercive diplomacy and firmly opposes coercive diplomacy by other countries. China never threatens other countries with force, never creates military alliance, never exports ideology, never meddles in others’ domestic affairs, never seeks a trade war, and never imposes unjustified oppression on foreign enterprises. That said, however, China has the right to make necessary and legitimate responses to actions that undermine China’s sovereignty, security and development rights and interests.

Falsehood 4: The US democracy is one of the most powerful assets in this contest. Our task is to prove once again that democracy can meet urgent challenges and that the future belongs to those who believe in freedom.

Reality Check: The US sets standards for democracy after its own system, does not allow other systems, paths and models to exist, and gangs up with others to wantonly interfere in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy. This not just contravenes the spirit of democracy, but also spells disaster for democracy.

◆ The American-style democracy is a rich men’s game based on capital. Money politics penetrates the entire process of election, legislation and administration in the US. People in fact only have a restricted right to political participation. The inequality in economic status has turned into inequality in political status. According to statistics, winners of 91 percent of US congressional elections are the candidates with greater financial support. Big companies, a small group of rich people, and interest groups are more generous to offer financial support and have become the main source of electoral funding. The so-called representatives of people’s will, once elected, often serve the interests of their financial backers, and speak for vested interests rather than the ordinary people. A US Senator had a sharp observation, “Congress does not regulate Wall Street. Wall Street regulates Congress.”

US Republican congressman from Alabama Mo Brooks publicly denounced ”corruption” of the US Congress in a video on social media. “If you want to be chairman of a major committee, you have to purchase it.” The purchase price depends on how important the committee is, with the minimum bid for a major committee being one million US dollars. Those who cannot afford it have to accept the contributions of special interest groups and then give ”quid pro quos” to the lobbyists. “Special interest groups run Washington. I don’t mean that metaphorically, I mean that literally.”

◆ According to a scholar in Singapore, the United States is clearly not functioning as a democracy. It is functioning as a plutocracy. A democracy is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. A plutocracy is a government of the one percent, by the one percent, for the one percent.

◆ The US presidential election follows the Electoral College system, where the president and vice president are elected by the Electoral College. The flaws of such an electoral system are self-evident. First, as the president-elect may not be the winner of the national popular vote, there is a lack of broad representation. Second, as each state gets to decide its own electoral rules, confusion and disorder often occur. Third, the winner-takes-all system exacerbates inequality among states and between political parties. It leads to a huge waste of votes and discourages voter turnout. Voters in deep blue and deep red states are often neglected, while swing states become disproportionately more important where both parties seek to woo more supporters. There have been five presidential elections in US history in which the winner of nationwide popular vote was not elected the president.

The gerrymandering is widely recognized by the US public as a flaw of the electoral system. It refers to an unfair division of electoral districts in favor of a particular party to win as many seats as possible and cement its advantage. The US conducts a census every ten years. Following the completion of the census, redistricting or the redrawing of electoral district boundaries will take place under the principle of maintaining roughly equal population in every voting district while considering demographic shifts. Under the US Constitution, each state legislature has the power to redistrict. This leaves room for gerrymandering by the majority party in a state legislature. According to a YouGov poll in 2021, only 16 percent of US adult citizens say they think their states’ congressional maps would be drawn fairly, while 44 percent say they think the maps would be drawn unfairly and another 40 percent of adults say they are unsure if the maps will be fair.

◆ The American-style democracy is ”one person one vote” in name, yet “rule of a dominant minority” in reality. Political pluralism is only a facade. A small number of elites dominate the political, economic and military affairs. They control the state apparatus and policy-making process, manipulate public opinion, dominate the business community and enjoy all kinds of privileges.

According to the Associated Press, 18.8 million people were missed in the 2020 US census. The black population had a net undercount of 3.3 percent, while it was almost five percent for Hispanics and 5.6 percent for American Indians and Native Alaskans living on reservations. The undercount robs them of their equal share of federal resources including in education, health care and housing and puts them in an unfavorable condition as to congressional apportionment. It reveals the hypocrisy in the US democracy and its “perpetuating systemic racism”.

Noam Chomsky, a political commentator and social activist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, points out that the US is a “really existing capitalist democracy”, where there is a positive correlation between people’s wealth and their influence on policy-making. For the lower 70 percent on the wealth/income scale, they have no influence on policy whatsoever. They are effectively disenfranchised.

Wertheimer, President of the non-profit US organization Democracy 21, says that corruption in the US is systemic corruption of the process itself. “When you are dealing with billions and billions of dollars, much of that focused on buying influence, it overwhelms the system, and it is much harder to defend against and maintain representation for ordinary Americans.”

Danny Haiphong, an independent journalist in the US, believes that Western-style democracy views the election itself as the highest achievement. The question of whether this system serves the needs of the broad masses of people is generally ignored in order to obscure the fact that powerful corporate interests set the policy agenda well before votes are cast.

◆ The checks and balances in the American-style democracy have resulted in a “vetocracy”. American political scientist Francis Fukuyama points out in his book Political Order and Political Decay that there is an entrenched political paralysis in the US. The US political system has far too many checks and balances, raising the cost of collective action and in some cases making it impossible altogether. The US democratic process is fragmented and lengthy, with a lot of veto points where individual veto players can block action by the whole body. The function of “checks and balances”, which was purportedly designed to prevent abuse of power, has been distorted in American political practice. Politicians in Washington, D.C. are preoccupied with securing their own partisan interests and no longer care about national development. The two parties are addicted to vetoing and caught in a vicious circle. The government efficacy is inevitably weakened, law and justice trampled upon, development and progress stalled, and social division widened.

According to a Pew Research Center report in October 2021 based on a survey of 17 advanced economies including the US, Germany and the ROK, the US is more politically divided than the other economies surveyed. Nine in ten US respondents believe there are strong conflicts between people who support different political parties, and nearly 60 percent of Americans surveyed think their fellow citizens no longer disagree simply over policies, but also over basic facts.

As political and partisan polarization continues to grow, more “opposition for opposition’s sake” is seen among Democrats and Republicans. Under its influence, voters of the two parties are increasingly antagonized over gun policy. Among Republican voters, 76 percent support the right to possess guns, while 81 percent of Democratic voters see gun control as more important. Hijacked by interest, partisan conflict and the public opinion, the legislation and law enforcement process of gun control is fraught with difficulties. For the past ten years, Democratic congressmen put forward dozens of bills on gun violence and gun control every year, but due to the continued obstruction from the Republican Party, only a handful of them successfully entered the plenary deliberation and debate stage at the Senate or the House of Representatives.

The US National Rifle Association (NRA) has five million members and spends hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising and lobbying every year. Its tentacles penetrate deep into the fabric of the American society. The NRA is an important funder of the Republican Party. Since its establishment in 1871, the NRA has successfully attracted nine US presidents to join it. According to CNN statistics in 2018, 307 of the 535 US congressmen have received either direct campaign contributions from the NRA and its affiliates or benefited from independent NRA spending like advertising supporting their campaigns. In the face of huge profits, all kinds of gun control efforts have ended up in vain.

◆ The US is not a straight A student when it comes to democracy. Its practice of democracy has been messy and chaotic. On 6 January 2021, thousands of Americans gathered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and stormed the Capitol building in a bid to stop the joint session of the Congress from certifying the newly-elected president. The incident interrupted the transfer of US presidential power, leaving five dead and over 140 injured. It is the worst act of violence in Washington, D.C. since 1814 when the British troops set fire to the White House, and it sent shock waves throughout the international community. The US Senate Republican leader described it as a “failed insurrection”.

A scholar from the US Council on Foreign Relations says that the US is not nearly as unique as many Americans believe, and that the Capitol riot should put an end to the notion of American exceptionalism, of an eternal shining city on a hill.

An American expert on international issues wrote in The New York Times that while the US leader has reunited the West, he may not be able to reunite America. Trump and his supporters would be willing to depart from established constitutional rules and norms with his Big Lie. This may undermine the ability of the US government to transfer power peacefully and legitimately. Consequently none of the institutions will work for long, and the people will be thrust into political and financial chaos.

◆ The dysfunctional American-style democracy has triggered a trust crisis. Public commitments to the people come with behind-the-scene deals. Political infighting, money politics, and vetocracy make it virtually impossible for quality governance to be delivered as aspired by the general public. Americans are increasingly disillusioned with the US politics and pessimistic about the American-style democracy.

A Gallup survey in October 2020 shows that only 19 percent of the Americans surveyed are “very confident” about the presidential election, a record low since the survey was first conducted in 2004. According to a poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal in June 2022, six out of 10 Americans feel pessimistic about achieving the American dream.

A Pew Research in 2021 shows that 65 percent of Americans see a need for major reform to the American democracy. People’s confidence in the American democracy dropped in 16 developed countries, and 57 percent of respondents think that the American democracy is no longer a good example to follow.

The Democracy Perception Index released in 2021 by a German polling agency reveals that 44 percent of respondents in the 53 countries surveyed are concerned that the US threatens democracy in their country.

◆ Over the years, despite the structural flaws and problematic practice of its democratic system, the US has been touting the “alliance of democracies” and hyping up the narrative of “democracy versus autocracy”. It is in essence attacking those who hold different views under the banner of democracy, using ideology and values as a tool to suppress others and advance its own geopolitical strategies. This is hegemony in the guise of democracy. A former CIA official openly stated: “We will intervene whenever we decide it’s in our national security interest to intervene. If you don’t like it, lump it.”

The US has pushed for the neo-Monroe Doctrine in Latin America under the pretext of promoting democracy, incited color revolutions in Eurasia, and remotely controlled the Arab Spring in West Asia and North Africa. These moves have brought chaos and disasters to many countries, gravely undermining world peace, stability and development. As suggested by the French website Le Grand Soir, democracy has long become a weapon of massive destruction for the US to attack countries with different views.

◆ Whether a country is democratic or not depends on whether its people are truly the masters of the country. It depends on whether the people have the right to vote, and more importantly, the right to participate; what promises they are given during elections, and more importantly, how many of these promises are delivered after elections; what kind of political procedures and rules are set through state systems and laws, and more importantly, whether these systems and laws are truly enforced; and whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are democratic, and more importantly, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject to public oversight and checks.

◆ The Communist Party of China (CPC) leads the Chinese people in carrying out the whole-process people’s democracy in China. It has not only a complete set of institutions and procedures, but also full-fledged civil participation. A comprehensive, extensive, and well-coordinated system of institutions has been formed to ensure that the people run the country, and diverse, open, and orderly channels for democracy are put into place. This allows the entire people to engage in law-based democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight and to manage state as well as economic, cultural, and social affairs in various ways and forms and in accordance with the law. The whole-process people’s democracy integrates process-oriented democracy with results-oriented democracy, procedural democracy with substantive democracy, direct democracy with indirect democracy, and people’s democracy with the will of the state. It is a model of socialist democracy that covers all aspects of the democratic process and all sectors of society. It is a true democracy that works. China’s whole-process people’s democracy is gaining wider recognition and acclaim from the international community.

A British scholar says that electoral democracy does not breed a close relationship with the people and government, because the people are only called upon to be involved whenever to make elections take place. The Chinese approach is different in that there is a very important consultative component in the way China operates.

◆ Democracy is a concrete phenomenon that is constantly evolving. Rooted in history, culture and tradition, it takes diverse forms and develops along the paths chosen by different peoples based on their exploration and innovation. China stays committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, uphold non-interference in internal affairs, and respect the independent choices of development paths and social systems made by people in different countries. China has no intention to engage in systemic rivalry or ideological confrontation with the US. China never exports ideology, never interferes in other countries’ internal affairs, and never seeks to change the system of the US.

Falsehood 5: The US has profound differences with the CPC and the Chinese Government. But those differences are between governments and systems – not between our people.

Reality check: The CPC’s leadership is the choice of history and of the people. The CPC and the Chinese government enjoy the wholehearted support and endorsement of the Chinese people. The US’s attempt to drive wedges between the CPC and the Chinese people only serves to reveal its animosity against China’s system and path.

◆ The CPC has deep roots among and close ties with the Chinese people. This is what has kept the CPC full of vigor and vitality. By the end of 2021, the CPC had over 95 million members. The CPC is the largest party in the world that has exercised long-term governance in the world’s most populous country. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Over 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty and 1.4 billion people are moving toward modernization. Over the course of just several decades, China has accomplished what took western developed countries hundreds of years.

A Harvard University survey among the Chinese people spanning 13 years found that more than 90 percent of respondents are satisfied with the Party and their government, the highest rate among countries for years running. A trust and credibility survey released in 2022 by Edelman, a renowned US public relations consultancy firm, shows that as many as 91 percent Chinese citizens trust their government in 2021, the highest among all surveyed countries.

◆ The previous US administration, in a McCarthyism-style campaign, went all out to attack and discredit the CPC. It has attacked Chinese leaders and China’s domestic and foreign policies, sown discord between the CPC and the Chinese people, flagrantly challenged the leadership and governing position of the CPC, incited anti-China and anti-CPC sentiment, and imposed visa restrictions on CPC members and their families.

The current administration, since its inauguration, has made no substantive changes to those policies. In June 2021, the US Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021, which is more than 2,000 pages long. It regarded China as a strategic competitor and the main challenge to the US, slandered China’s development path and domestic and foreign policies, and malignantly urged actions to counter the “influence and malign activities” of the CPC. It asked for more than 200 billion US dollars of public funding to ensure US advantages in key technology sectors over China, and advocated mobilizing US resources in strategic, diplomatic, economic, and technological realms to engage in comprehensive strategic competition with China. The US Senate also proposed an appropriation of 300 million US dollars for each of the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 to “counter the malign influence” of the CPC and designated the US Department of State and Agency for International Development to train journalists on investigative techniques necessary to ensure public accountability related to the Belt and Road Initiative, including “supporting civil society and independent media”.

The US continues to use the CPC background as a pretext for cracking down on normal people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. For some time, Chinese students and visiting scholars going to the US have been harassed and suppressed by the US. Most of them were asked whether they or their parents are CPC members. Some were repatriated on inconceivable grounds, such as being suspected of military connections simply because they had photos in their mobile phones of military training at college. These stop-and-search activities go far beyond what the US claims as “normal law enforcement”.

◆ The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people share an inseparable bond. The US says it respects the Chinese people, then it should respect the development path and political system chosen by the Chinese people and respect the CPC that represents the fundamental interests of the Chinese people. By targeting the CPC and the Chinese government, the US is in effect targeting the Chinese people. Anything done to separate the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people and pit the Chinese people against the CPC and the Chinese government will surely be met with the unanimous opposition and resolute response of the over 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Falsehood 6: The United States raises human rights issues and calls for change – not to stand against China, but to stand up for peace, security, and human dignity.

Reality Check: The human rights of the Chinese people are guaranteed like never before, with a notable increase in their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security. In contrast, the US has been engaged in grave human rights violations both at home and abroad, and its shocking track record makes it the biggest human rights abuser in the world.

◆ China always puts people’s right to subsistence on top of its agenda, prioritizes the work to enhance their right to development, regards the protection of citizens’ lawful rights and interests as its basic task, has made the safeguarding of the rights of ethnic groups an important part of its work, and considers the protection of people’s safety its long-term goal.

Guided by a people-centered philosophy, since the day when it was founded, the CPC has made seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation its mission. For the past 100 years, the Party has been working tirelessly for the interest of the people, and has dedicated itself to realizing people’s aspirations for a better life. China has been advancing whole-process people’s democracy, promoting legal safeguard for human rights, and upholding social equity and justice. The Chinese people now enjoy fuller and more extensive and comprehensive democratic rights.

◆ China has created the miracle of eliminating absolute poverty. By the end of 2020, China has lifted all 98.99 million rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty. In 2021, China completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and historically resolved the problem of absolute poverty. Since the launch of reform and opening-up, 770 million impoverished rural residents have shaken off poverty as currently defined. Based on the international poverty line of the World Bank, China accounts for 70 percent of global poverty reduction over the same period. China met the poverty reduction goal of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead of schedule, making major contributions to global poverty reduction and human rights progress. China has also put in place the world’s largest education system, the largest social security system and the largest health care system.

◆ Since COVID-19 started, China has been acting on the principle of putting the people and their lives first. Based on China’s national conditions, it has formulated and implemented a dynamic zero-COVID guideline, and has been constantly fine-tuning its response measures in light of the evolving situation, to best protect people’s life and health and at the same time, ensure sustained, sound and steady socioeconomic development with the pandemic under effective control. Both the infection rate and mortality rate of China are the lowest in the world.

◆ As an active participant in global human rights governance, China has made its contribution to and offered its initiatives on world human rights development. In recent years, the concept of “building a community of shared future” has been written into the resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council, and China-sponsored resolutions on “the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights” and on “Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights” were adopted multiple times at the Human Rights Council. China also made joint statements on behalf of developing countries on the implementation of the right to development, the promotion of human rights by poverty alleviation, equitable distribution of vaccines, among other subjects, contributing its share to safeguarding the basic human rights of developing countries, which has won it wide recognition and support from the international community.

◆ China has been an advocate and a doer in advancing the international human rights cause. A World Bank study estimates, if implemented fully, the Belt and Road Initiative could lift 32 million people out of moderate poverty — those who live on less than $3.2 a day. It shows how participating in Belt and Road cooperation can advance human rights in more countries. In the face of the pandemic, China launched its largest global humanitarian operation since the founding of the People’s Republic, and championed the building of a global community of health for all. To address the global development deficit, China proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) which sees improving people’s welfare and achieving well-rounded human development as the fundamental purpose and goal. The GDI has been echoed and supported by more than 100 countries and many international organizations including the UN. The Initiative galvanizes extensive international consensus for accelerated implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and builds up international synergy for coordinated development, thus providing a strong underpinning for the advancement of the international human rights cause.

◆ The right to life is of utmost importance, as survival is the basis of all human rights. Endowed with the world’s most advanced medical equipment and technologies, the US has registered the world’s largest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths. Pandemic response has been extremely politicized, and become a tool and lever to attack, undercut and oppose each other between the Republicans and the Democrats. Politicians only focus on political gains, with no regard to the life and health of the ordinary people. Its pandemic control, which has been unscientific, unequal and irresponsible, has gravely undermined American people’s right to life and health.

So far, the COVID-19 death toll in the US has surpassed one million. The deaths are, according to The Atlantic, “unexpected, untimely, particularly painful, and, in many cases, preventable”. Some politician even suggested that old people may sacrifice themselves for the country and that saving the country’s economy is more important than old people’s lives. Data of the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control shows that most COVID victims are aged 65 years and above. USC and Princeton researchers project that due to the pandemic deaths last year, life expectancy at birth for Americans will shorten by 1.13 years, the sharpest decline since World War II. ”For Blacks, the life expectancy would shorten by 2.10 years, and for Latinos, by 3.05 years. Whites are also impacted, but their projected decline is much smaller – 0.68 years.”

The Washington Post points to a far greater number behind the one million death toll: That number is 9 million – the number of Americans who have lost spouses, parents, grandparents, siblings and children to COVID. A study by the Imperial College London estimates that more than 250,000 US children had lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19 by 23 May 2020. Figures released by the US Government Accountability Office in March 2022 show that up to 23 million people in the US may have developed “long COVID”, and an estimated one million people suffering from the symptoms may be pushed out of work.

The US is the country most rampant with gun violence. Its population, totaling 333 million or 4 percent of the world’s total, own more than 400 million guns or 46 percent of all the private guns in the world. It tops the world in terms of gun ownership, and shooting incidents every now and then in the US takes away more than 110 lives on a daily average. Many people say it is easier to buy a gun than baby formula in the US.

Data of the US website Gun Violence Archive show about 45,000 Americans are killed in gun violence incidents in 2021. On 24 May 2022, the Robb elementary school shooting in Texas claimed 21 lives, including 19 children. By US media counts, it is the 39th campus shooting this year. According to The Washington Post tally, 202 mass shootings took place in the US in the first five and half months this year. For decades, no substantive measures have been taken by the US government to address such problems. In the past 25 years, the US federal government fails to introduce any gun control act. The New York Times observed, “The United States has become ungovernable not because of political differences or protest or a lack of civility, but because this is a country unwilling to protect and care for its citizens – its women, its racial minorities and especially its children.”

Despite the claim by US founding fathers that “All men are created equal”, slavery was preserved in its Constitution of 1789. Although the US has abolished segregation on the surface, white supremacy continues to wreak havoc, and systemic discrimination against racial minorities still exists even to this day. The entrenched racism, compounded by the coronavirus, has fueled a new spike of hate crimes against Asian-Americans. At the same time, racial persecution of the indigenous people persists, discrimination against the Muslim community worsens, racial economic divide yawns, and racial inequality aggravates day by day. Nearly 60 years on since Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, people still see a brutal reality as reflected in George Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” plea.

◆ Through slaughter, expulsion, sterilization and forced assimilation, the US committed a genocide against Native Americans, resulting in a sharp drop in their population from five million in 1492 to 250,000 in the early 20th century. The Native American community has long been neglected and discriminated against. The indigenous culture was fundamentally crushed, and the inter-generational inheritance of indigenous lives and spirits was under severe threats. Many US government statistical programs either leave them out completely or simply classify them as “others”.

Shannon Keller O’Loughlin, Chief Executive and Attorney of the Association on American Indian Affairs, said that Native Americans have diverse cultures and languages, but are often seen not as an ethnic group, but as a political stratum with limited autonomy based on treaties with the federal government. The Atlantic commented that from the expulsion, slaughter and forced assimilation back in history to the current widespread poverty and neglect, the American Indians, once the owner of this continent, now have a very weak voice in American society.

The US government enforced the system of boarding schools in Native American areas to impose English and Christian education on Native American children. It also enacted laws prohibiting Native Americans from performing religious rituals which have been passed down through generations. An article titled “The United States Must Reckon With Its Own Genocides” carried by Foreign Policy website on 11 October 2021 noted that over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, there were more than 350 government funded indigenous boarding schools across the US. Hundreds of thousands of indigenous children passed through, or died in, these schools. The purpose of Indian boarding schools was to culturally assimilate indigenous children by forcibly relocating them from their families and communities to distant residential facilities where their American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian identities, languages, and beliefs were to be forcibly suppressed. The US was not just morally, but also legally responsible for the crime of genocide against its own people.

Native American writer Rebecca Nagle believes that information about Native Americans has been systematically removed from mainstream media and popular culture. According to a report by National Indian Education Association, 87 percent of state-level US history textbooks do not mention the post-1900 history of indigenous people. According to the Smithsonian Institution, things taught about Native Americans in American schools are full of inaccurate information and fail to present the real picture of the sufferings of indigenous people. Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator, said publicly at the Young America’s Foundation that “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here … but candidly, there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

◆ Islamphobia and the discrimination against and suppression of Muslims and Islam in US mainstream society has become more pronounced. A Bloomberg report on 9 September 2021 observed that discrimination against Muslims in the US increased in the two decades after 9/11. On the same day, the Associated Press cited a survey which found that 53 percent of Americans have negative views toward Islam. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in its 2021 report that it receives an increasing number of complaints each year about bullying and hate speech against Muslims.

According to the survey findings released by the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley on 29 October 2021, 67.5 percent of Muslim respondents said they had experienced Islamophobia, and an even larger percent of those surveyed, 93.7 percent, said that anti-Muslim hatred had affected their mental or emotional well-being to some degree.

◆ The US has serious problems of human trafficking and forced labor. It still has not ratified the Forced Labour Convention (1930), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Every year, nearly 100,000 people are smuggled into the US for forced labor. Today, there are at least half a million people enslaved in the US; roughly 240,000 to 325,000 women and children are victims of sexual slavery.

◆ Immigrants and refugees have become a tool of partisan feuding and political rivalry in the US. The government changes its rules and regulations capriciously, enforces laws violently, and immigrants have been subjected to inhuman treatment such as prolonged detention, torture and forced labor. Data released by US Border Patrol shows that in fiscal year 2021, as many as 557 migrants died on the southern border of the US, more than double the previous fiscal year, hitting the highest number since records began in 1998. That same year, the US detained more than 1.7 million immigrants at the southern border, including 45,000 children. In September 2021, more than 15,000 asylum seekers from Haiti crowded under a bridge in the Texas border town of Del Rio, sleeping in squalid tents or dirt in the sweltering heat, and surrounded by trash under dire living conditions. US border patrol authorities brutalized the asylum seekers, with patrols on horseback, brandishing horsewhips and charging toward the crowds to expel them into the river. CNN commented that this scene is reminiscent of the dark era in American history when slave patrols were used to control black slaves.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the systematic violation of the human rights of its own people, the US government has wilfully attacked other countries and interfered in their internal affairs in the name of human rights, challenging right with might and trampling on justice out of selfish interest.

Since 2001, the US has waged war or conducted military operations in about 80 countries in the name of “war on terror”, resulting in the deaths of more than 900,000 people, including 300,000 civilians. The 20-year-long war waged by the US has left Afghanistan devastated and impoverished. A total of 47,245 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers unrelated to 9/11 have been killed and more than 10 million displaced as a result of US operations. The War in Afghanistan has destroyed the foundation of economic development and impoverished the Afghan people. When the US withdrew from Afghanistan, it immediately froze billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves at the Afghan central bank, pushing the Afghan economy to the brink of collapse and making things worse for the Afghan people.

At the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, many countries denounced the US as “the biggest destroyer of human rights in the world” and urged it to address its own gross human rights problems.

◆ The US has been an expert in arbitrary detention and torture. Under the pretext of “war on terror”, the CIA has set up black sites in at least 54 countries and regions over the years, where more than 100,000 people are detained. A group of independent human rights experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said in a statement released on 10 January 2022 that the US has arbitrarily detained people without trial and subjected them to torture or ill-treatment in Guantanamo Bay for 20 years in violation of international human rights law, calling this “a stain on the US Government’s commitment to the rule of law”. The US should face up to and resolve its own systemic and chronic human rights problems, reflect on the humanitarian disasters and crimes it has caused around the world, and give a responsible account of itself to the international community.

Falsehood 7: The US remains committed to its ”one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, the Six Assurances. Its policy on Taiwan has not changed.

Reality Check: The one-China principle is an established norm of international relations and a universal consensus of the international community. The US has acted faithlessly, kept regressing from its own commitments and the consensus it reached with China, and attempted to weaken and undermine the one-China principle and use Taiwan to contain China. This is a major threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

◆ In October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted, with an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, which decided to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN, and has solved once and for all the issue of China’s representation in the UN in political, legal and procedural terms. The official legal opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat pointed out explicitly that “the United Nations considers ‘Taiwan’ as a province of China with no separate status”, the “‘authorities’ in ‘Taipei’ are not considered to … enjoy any form of governmental status”, and “Reference to ‘Taiwan’ … should read ‘Taiwan, Province of China'”.

On the basis of the one-China principle, China has established diplomatic relations with 181 countries, including the US.

◆ The US made the following commitments to China regarding the one-China principle in the three China-US joint communiqués.

In the Shanghai Communiqué released in 1972, the US explicitly stated that “The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position”.

In the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations released in 1978, the US clearly stated that “The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China”; ”The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China”.

In the August 17 Communiqué released in 1982, the US unequivocally stated that “In the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations on January 1, 1979, issued by the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America, the United States of America recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China, and it acknowledged the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China”, and that “it has no intention of infringing on Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, or interfering in China’s internal affairs, or pursuing a policy of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan'”.

According to this Communiqué, “the United States Government states that it does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution. In so stating, the United States acknowledges China’s consistent position regarding the thorough settlement of this issue”.

◆ Rather than faithfully abiding by its commitments on Taiwan, the US has kept backpedaling on history.

On the political front, the US has added the so-called “Taiwan Relations Act” and the “Six Assurances” to the expression of its one-China policy, with a growing list of such prefixes. Both prefixes are unilaterally made by the US side in breach of its commitments in the three China-US joint communiqués as well as the one-China principle affirmed in the UNGA Resolution 2758 and widely observed by the international community. They are illegal, null and void from the very beginning, and China has never acknowledged and has firmly rejected them from the outset. The US has also violated its commitment of maintaining unofficial relations only with Taiwan and kept upgrading the level of engagement. In recent years, senior US officials including the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Under Secretary of State as well as members of Congress have visited Taiwan. US ambassadors overseas have also met with Taiwan’s so-called “representatives” in their host countries.

In the military field, the US has reneged on its commitment “that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution”. Instead of ceasing the arms sales, it has sold weapons at a larger scale and with enhanced capability including assault weaponries such as anti-radiation missiles, heavy weight torpedoes, and F-16V fighter jets. To date, the total volume of US arms sales to Taiwan has exceeded 70 billion US dollars. According to reports by Reuters and other new agencies, US special operations forces have been rotating into Taiwan on a temporary basis to train with Taiwanese forces.

Since 2021, the US leader has stated publicly on three occasions that the US would help defend Taiwan in case of a war in the Taiwan Strait.

On the international stage, the US has been assisting Taiwan in expanding its so-called “international space”. Recently, the US has been spreading globally the fallacy that UNGA Resolution 2758 did not determine the status of Taiwan, and that each country should be able to determine the contours of its own “one China” policy. It has vigorously advocated support for Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the 75th session of the World Health Assembly, and even blatantly helped to consolidate Taiwan’s “diplomatic relations”.

◆ These US acts have breached its commitment that “it has no intention of … pursuing a policy of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan'”. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, “my understanding of the agreement (China and the US reached upon the establishment of diplomatic relations) has been that the United States would uphold the principle of one China … it is essential that these principles be maintained, and the United States should not by subterfuge or a gradual process, develop something of a two-China solution”.

◆ The DPP authorities have been stubbornly advancing its “Taiwan independence” separatist agenda, and the US has been encouraging and supporting “Taiwan independence” forces overtly and covertly. This is the root cause of current tensions across the Taiwan Strait. To defend peace across the Taiwan Strait and beyond, we must forestall the growing tendency of “Taiwan independence” and the collusion between the US and Taiwan. The one-China principle must not be challenged. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed upon. And the red line that no one should pursue a policy of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” must not be crossed. China is fully confident, capable and prepared to resolutely curb “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, resolutely foil all external interferences, and firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US should abide by the provisions in the three China-US joint communiqués, follow a true one-China policy, and act on its commitments including on not supporting “Taiwan independence”. The US needs to genuinely reflect on and redress its regressive and erroneous behavior, and stop playing with fire on the Taiwan question. Otherwise, it would gravely jeopardize peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, undermine China-US relations and incur an unbearable cost on itself.

Falsehood 8: The United States stands with countries and people around the world against the genocide and crimes against humanity happening in the Xinjiang region, where more than a million people have been placed in detention camps because of their ethnic and religious identity.

Reality Check: The human rights of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are fully protected. There is no “genocide” or “crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang. The US has been spreading disinformation about Xinjiang simply to create an excuse for discrediting and attacking China.

◆ Xinjiang-related issues are not about human rights, but about fighting violence, terrorism and separatism. According to figures available, between 1990 and the end of 2016, there were several thousand incidents of violent and terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, killing large numbers of innocent people and hundreds of police officers, and causing immeasurable property damage.

In response to such real threats, Xinjiang has acted resolutely to fight terrorism and extremism in accordance with law. At the same time, a series of supporting measures have been taken, like improving people’s livelihoods, raising public awareness about law, and offering help through vocational education and training centers. The trend of frequent terrorist activities has thus been effectively curbed. There has been no violent act of terrorism in Xinjiang for five consecutive years and more. The region has enjoyed security, social stability and good development. The safety and security of people of all ethnic groups have been effectively protected.

◆ ”Genocide” in Xinjiang is a complete “lie of the century”. Over the past 60 years and more, the Uyghur population has increased from 2.2 million to about 12 million, and their average life expectancy has grown from 30 to 75 years.

With stability prevailing in Xinjiang, local people live and work in peace and happiness. The region has made unprecedented progress in delivering economic and social development and in bettering people’s lives. Between 2014 and 2019, GDP in Xinjiang rose from 919.59 billion yuan to 1.36 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 7.2 percent, while per capita disposable income grew by an average annual rate of 9.1 percent. Remarkable achievements have been made in eliminating extreme poverty. All 3.09 million impoverished people by current standards have been lifted out of poverty, making absolute poverty a thing of the past in Xinjiang.

The lawful rights and interests of the people of all ethnicities in Xinjiang have been protected effectively. All ethnic groups, regardless of their populations, have equal legal status and enjoy freedom of religious belief and various rights in accordance with law, including participating in the management of state affairs, receiving education, using their own languages, and preserving their traditional culture.

◆ In July 2019, permanent representatives of more than 50 countries in Geneva sent a joint letter to the President of the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, praising China’s achievements in fighting terrorism, deradicalization and human rights protection. In October 2019, more than 60 countries spoke at the Third Committee of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, commending the tremendous human rights advancement in Xinjiang. In June 2021, more than 90 countries made joint or separate statements at the Human Rights Council in support of China. In the meantime, Canada took the lead in attacking China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet. Just a little over 40 countries echoed Canada’s criticism, and none of them are from the Muslim world.

◆ In recent years, over 2,000 people from more than 100 countries, including experts, scholars, journalists, diplomats and religious figures, have visited Xinjiang, witnessing the unity, harmony and happiness of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

◆ The so-called “genocide” in Xinjiang is a lie cooked up by anti-China forces represented by the anti-China German scholar Adrian Zenz. He is a member of the far-right group “Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation” sponsored by the US government, and a key figure in an anti-China organization set up by US intelligence agencies. He is also a racist. His “research” is full of inconsistencies, fabrications and data manipulation. It does not have any academic credibility and cannot be cleared for academic publication. For example, a chart in Zenz’s “paper” claims that new IUD placements in Xinjiang average between 800 and 1,400 per person each year, which means each woman in the region would have to undergo four to eight such insertion surgeries every day. This is totally against common sense.

◆ On 29 June 2020, the Jamestown Foundation of the US published a “research report” by Adrian Zenz, in which he falsely accused the Chinese government of committing “genocide” against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Upon the release of the report, US politicians including then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, Senator Marco Rubio and House Representative Jim McGovern immediately pitched in to whip up the “genocide” accusation. Rubio, McGovern, Senator John Cornyn and Senator Robert Menendez went on to urge the administration to make a genocide determination of China’s policy on Xinjiang. Contradicting the conclusion reached by lawyers at the State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, Pompeo announced that ”I have determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups” on 19 January 2021, the last day of the previous administration. The current administration has followed the same position and continued to allege “genocide” in Xinjiang. This further exposes the US’s real intention of political manipulation in the name of human rights.

◆ The World Uyghur Congress, an anti-China separatist organization, hired people like Sayragul Sauytbay and Tursunay Ziawudun to make false statements and spread all kinds of lies about ”persecution”. In the 70-plus press conferences held so far by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, falsehoods spread by anti-China forces have been debunked with solid facts. For instance, some “performers” who claimed to be the victims of forced sterilization in vocational education and training centers have never been to one. The family members or friends reported by some “performers” as missing are actually living a normal life in Xinjiang.

◆ The false claim about ”millions of Uyghurs detained” in education and training centers was initiated and spread by “Chinese Human Rights Defenders”, an NGO supported by the US government. Based on interviews with eight Uyghurs and rough estimation, the organization came to the preposterous conclusion that at least 10 percent of the 20 million people in Xinjiang are detained in “reeducation camps”.

The education and training centers in Xinjiang are no different in nature from deradicalization centers or community correction and desistance and disengagement programs in many other countries. It has been proven to be a successful exploration in preventative counter-terrorism and deradicalization, consistent with the principle and spirit of counter-terrorism resolutions including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. At the centers, trainees acquire greater proficiency in standard spoken and written Chinese language and employability, and gain a stronger sense of national identity, citizenship and rule of law. By October 2019, all trainees had graduated from the centers. Most of them have steady employment after finding jobs by themselves or with the help of the government, or starting up their own businesses.

◆ The US and some other Western countries have been making an issue of human rights in Xinjiang in total disregard of the basic reality of human rights protection and development there. It has become a means for them to achieve their strategic objective of using Xinjiang as a pretext to contain China. Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army Colonel and chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said publicly in August 2018 that one of the three-fold purpose of the US military’s presence in Afghanistan is the containment of China — “If the CIA would want to destabilize China, that would be the best way to do it – to form an unrest, and join with those Uyghurs in pushing … Beijing from internal places rather than external”.

Falsehood 9: The CPC has imposed harsh anti-democratic measures in Hong Kong under the guise of national security. Beijing’s quashing of freedom in Hong Kong violates its handover commitments, enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Reality Check: By attacking and smearing the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), what the US is really up to is to meddle in Hong Kong affairs and make Hong Kong a “bridgehead” for infiltration and interference against the mainland. Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no interference from the US.

◆ For a long time, the US has colluded with the anti-China, destabilizing forces in Hong Kong, interfered in Hong Kong’s political agenda, stoked up social tensions, and even directly intervened in Hong Kong affairs. The US Consul-General in Hong Kong publicly criticized the Hong Kong SAR government for the proposed legislative amendments in 2019 and the One Country, Two Systems. Officials from the US Consulate-General in Hong Kong also met with the so-called leaders of the rioters. The rioters openly admitted that they had discussed with the US the legislative process of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 and urged the US to stop exporting tear gas and rubber bullets to the Hong Kong police.

◆ Funded and incited by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and other US government’s “white gloves”, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong committed vandalizing, looting and arson in the name of the so-called fight for “democracy” and “freedom”, and violently stormed the building of the Legislative Council (LegCo) of Hong Kong. NED even appeared publicly on the street to direct relevant activities, attempting to stage a “color revolution” in Hong Kong. NED contacted opposition parties, groups and organizations in Hong Kong through its affiliating National Democratic Institute for International Affairs or the National Democratic Institute (NDI). NDI funded the “1 July marches” orchestrated by the opposition to obstruct legislation on Article 23, funded the participation of opposition parties and groups at workshops and seminars, and provided personal counseling on campaigning skills for their leaders, ran a so-called “young political leaders program” to support emerging political groups in confronting the government, plotted, together with opposition members of LegCo, a “five-district referendum”, and directed and funded the opposition and young radicals in orchestrating the illegal “Occupy Central” movement.

According to the NED website, two million US dollars were spent on 11 Hong Kong-related projects in 2020, with a particular focus on disrupting LegCo elections. Key projects include: “Strengthening Citizen Election Observation”, which offered technical and financial assistance to newly formed destabilizing groups in Hong Kong, and encouraged them to obstruct LegCo elections by means of election monitoring, get-out-the-vote methods, etc.; “Amplifying Citizens’ Perspectives on Political Participation”, which collected and disseminated survey findings on democratic development, and induced young Hong Kongers to share their political participation experiences on the Internet; “Supporting Unity Among Student Activists”, which called for better coordination among Hong Kong student groups prior to LegCo elections, and instructed and trained them to build capacity for “democratic change” and international communication and to play a role in disrupting electoral order; and “Building Regional Solidarity and Empowering the Hong Kong Movement”, which sought to strengthen Hong Kong’s “democratic movement” through network building, cultivate next-generation “leading activists” in Hong Kong, and set up a network of “democratic movement” in Asia.

◆ US officials used “violence” and “shame” to describe the storming of the Capitol building by protesters, but labeled the violent, criminal activities in Hong Kong that assaulted residents and damaged public facilities as “a beautiful sight to behold”. The US police used armored vehicles to disperse demonstrators, abused their force to beat and drive away sit-in demonstrators, and arrested demonstrators after deliberately inducing them to walk on vehicle lanes which constitutes violation of the law, while discrediting the Hong Kong SAR government’s law-based actions to protect people’s rights and the public order as “violation” of human rights. This is another display of US-style hypocritical double standards and exposes its intention to undermine prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and contain China under the pretext of human rights and democracy.

◆ During the 150-plus years of British colonial rule, there was no democracy in Hong Kong whatsoever. None of the governors was democratically elected by Hong Kong residents. For most of the time, Legco members were directly appointed by the governor. In stark contrast, after the return of Hong Kong, pursuant to the Basic Law, Hong Kong has come to enjoy the executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. Its residents are masters of the SAR as provided by law who manage their own affairs within the scope of the high degree of autonomy. They enjoy a wide range of democratic rights and freedoms like never before. This is a fact that every fair-minded person would recognize.

◆ The purpose of enacting the National Security Law in Hong Kong is to close the legal loopholes in safeguarding national security in the SAR. It is a legitimate and necessary move to respond to violent terrorist activities and illegal external interference in Hong Kong. Constitutions of more than 100 countries have stipulations that the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms shall not endanger national security. According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the rights to freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and public trial may be subject to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety and order. The European Convention on Human Rights has similar provisions.

The national security law specifically targets four categories of crimes: secession, subversion, terrorist activities, and collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security. It seeks to punish a tiny number of criminals who seriously endanger national security and protect the vast majority of law-abiding Hong Kong citizens. It provides better protection for the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents and the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong enshrined in law. It creates the conditions needed for addressing the deep-seated problems in the economy and concerning people’s livelihood. It also helps maintain the rule of law and business environment in Hong Kong, ease the concerns of the business community about social disorder, and offer better conditions for people from around the world who want to work, invest and live in Hong Kong.

Over the past two years or so since the National Security Law was enacted, the rule of law in Hong Kong has been strengthened and better guaranteed. Hong Kong’s rule of law index continues to stay among the top in the world. Foreign investors have stronger confidence in the city. Hong Kong is seeing a bright prospect transitioning from chaos to order and to prosperity. According to the 2022 AmCham Hong Kong Business Sentiment Survey released early this year, the number of businesses in Hong Kong optimistic about Hong Kong’s business outlook increased by 18 percent from the previous year, while the number of businesses that are pessimistic was down by 17 percent.

◆ The legal basis for the Chinese government to govern Hong Kong is the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The Sino-British Joint Declaration is not relevant in this regard. As China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, all provisions concerning the UK under the Joint Declaration had been fulfilled. The basic policies regarding Hong Kong stated by China in the Joint Declaration are China’s declaration of its policies, which have since been fully embodied in the Basic Law enacted by the National People’s Congress. These policies have not changed; they will continue to be upheld by China. The Joint Declaration does not assign the UK any responsibility over Hong Kong nor give it any right to intervene in Hong Kong affairs after the return of Hong Kong. The UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or “right of supervision” over Hong Kong after its return. The Joint Declaration is a bilateral instrument between China and the UK; it does not involve any other country or has anything to do with a third country. Sovereign equality and non-interference are enshrined in international law and are basic norms of international relations. Other countries and organizations have no right to meddle in Hong Kong affairs on the grounds of the Joint Declaration.

The Central Government of China has unswervingly implemented the policy of One Country, Two Systems. Since Hong Kong’s return, the policy of One Country, Two Systems under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy has been earnestly implemented with widely recognized achievements. Practice has fully proven that One Country, Two Systems is the best institutional arrangement for Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability. The Central Government will continue to ensure that the policy of One Country, Two Systems remains unchanged, is unwaveringly upheld, and in practice is not bent or distorted.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the fact that Hong Kong’s democracy has improved in ways unseen before its return, the US has acted against Hong Kong’s mainstream public opinion for unity and progress and made irresponsible remarks on Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, human rights and freedom as the “preacher” of democracy. This only exposes its hypocritical double standards and the agenda to destabilize Hong Kong and contain China.

Falsehood 10: China purports to champion sovereignty and territorial integrity while standing with and defending the Russian government that brazenly violate them.

Reality Check: On the Ukraine issue, China has always adhered to an objective and just position, a position shared by most countries. The Cold War mentality and power politics is the root cause of the Ukraine crisis. The US should earnestly shoulder its due responsibilities and take concrete actions to ease the situation and solve the problems.

◆ The US has betrayed its own promises and kept pushing for the eastward expansion of NATO,creating the Ukraine crisis.

When meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, the then US Secretary of State James Baker gave clear assurances that “there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east”. However, the US has led five rounds of NATO eastward expansion since 1999, increasing its membership from 16 to 30, and advancing NATO more than 1,000 kilometers eastward to the Russian border, forming a C-shaped encirclement of the Black Sea.

In 1997, former US diplomat and observer on the Soviet Union George Kennan wrote in his New York Times Op-Ed that “expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.”

In 2014, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in the Washington Post that if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it should not join NATO, and that it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos, Kissinger said that Ukraine should have been a bridge between Europe and Russia, but that opportunity does not now exist in the same manner. Russia has been for 400 years an essential part of Europe, and on a number of occasions as the guarantor by which the European balance could be re-established. Current policy should keep in mind the restoration of this role is important to develop.

An American expert on international affairs points out in an article that the US government should bear considerable responsibility for the deterioration of relations with Russia caused by its major mistake of greenlighting the NATO expansion. Noting that “America and NATO aren’t innocent bystanders”, he also believed that it is “the height of folly” for some US officials to brag in public about leaks or even intelligence sharing between the US and Ukraine. He warned that such instigation on the US side could dangerously widen the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

According to Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament, the US has been adding fuel to the fire on Ukraine because they want to weaken Russia and benefit from the crisis, for which Europe will pay a heavy price. These is still no hope of peace in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, mainly because the US does not want Russia and Ukraine to reach a peace agreement.

Former US Senator Bill Bradley said that “the fundamental blunder that the United States made in the late 80s, early 90s was the expansion of NATO”.

Former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said in an interview if Joe Biden simply promised not to include Ukraine into NATO, the war would have been prevented.

Over the years, the US has pursued interventionism and grossly violated the sovereignty of Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria and other countries. Alfred de Zayas, a senior UN expert, said in an exclusive interview that from the perspective of international law, Russia’s military actions in Ukraine violated the UN Charter, but the United States and NATO have broken international law so often over the years that “precedents of permissibility” have therefore been set for Russia’s current actions in terms of customary international law.

◆ The US has been fanning the flames on the Ukraine issue. Instead of promoting peace talks, the US continued to provide weapons to Ukraine, escalating tensions and expanding the conflict, making it more prolonged and complicated. This has sufficiently exposed the selfish nature of the US.

On 25 April 2022, US Defense Secretary Austin said after a visit to Ukraine that the US wants to use the war to “see Russia weakened”.

In late May 2022, on top of the original 13.6 billion dollars aid, the US Congress voted to approve another over 40 billion dollars in military and economic aid to Ukraine. The total assistance has exceeded 70 percent of the combined military expenditure of Russia and Ukraine in 2021.

The ongoing crisis has cost Europe heavily in political, economic and social aspects, but the US is reaping dividends, with its arms dealers, food and energy companies gaining huge profits. For example, the market value of US military industrial giants has surged by hundreds of billions, and the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported to Europe is more than 10 times higher than a year ago.

As the result of the conflict, more than 6.5 million Ukrainians have fled into neighboring European countries, posing an unprecedented refugee crisis. But the US admitted only 12 refugees from Ukraine in March 2022. Thousands of Ukrainian refugees remain stranded on the US-Mexico border, and many were in US custody. Even when the UN and the international community are calling for an early end to the conflict, some in the US are still claiming that they would “fight to the last Ukrainian”.

◆ The relationship between China and Russia features non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third party. It is essentially different from the practice of the US and a small number of other Western countries, where they still stick to the Cold War mentality and a friend-or-foe dichotomy to draw ideological lines, form so-called “alliances” and “cliques”, pursue bloc politics and create confrontation and division.

In the joint statement issued on 4 February 2022, China and Russia call on all to champion humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of all peoples to independently determine the development paths of their countries, and the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries, protect the UN-centered international system, and the international order based on international law, seek true multilateralism with the UN and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.

◆ As a responsible major country, China’s decisions and judgments on the Ukraine issue are made independently based on the merits of the matter. China has made great efforts to safeguard international peace and security, and has been committed to promoting talks for peace and deescalating tensions. China maintains that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be upheld, that legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously, and that all efforts conducive to a peaceful resolution of the crisis should be supported. China’s position is objective, fair and consistent with the aspirations of most countries.

◆ Of the 233 sovereign countries and regions in the world, 185 are not involved in sanctions on Russia. Among the more than 190 members of the UN, more than 140 countries, including NATO member state Turkey, have refused to impose sanctions on Russia. The combined population of countries and regions participating in sanctions against Russia and those not is 6.5 billion versus 1.1 billion. Among them, those openly oppose sanctions have a combined population of 4.8 billion.

About two-thirds of the world’s population does not support Western positions on Ukraine, according to a report by the British Economist magazine.

Falsehood 11: The US is setting up new coalitions in the Indo-Pacific for regional peace and stability, and has launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), as it “shares the vision that the regional countries and people across the region hold: one of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Reality Check: The so-called US vision of a “free and open Indo-Pacific” is essentially a strategy to divide others, incite confrontation and undermine peace. It runs counter to the trend of the times in the Asia-Pacific, i.e., the trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

◆ The US administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy is self-contradictory: the US claims to promote the region’s “freedom and openness” as its goal, while in reality co-opting with allies to forge a “five-four-three-two-one” formation made up of the Five Eyes, the Quad, AUKUS, bilateral alliances and IPEF, forming exclusive “small circles” and forcing countries in the region to take sides.

AUKUS helps Australia build nuclear-powered submarines and develops hypersonic weapons, pushing up the risk for a regional arms race. Under the pretext of fighting illegal fishing and keeping supply chains resilient, the Quad has vigorously pursued military cooperation and intelligence sharing. The US has also encouraged NATO’s involvement in the Asia-Pacific. These are all attempts to materialize an “Asia-Pacific version of NATO” and promote “integrated deterrence” against China.

◆ The Indo-Pacific strategy has raised increasing alarm and concern of many countries, especially those in the Asia-Pacific. As BBC reported, in April 2021, New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta expressed New Zealand’s discomfort with expanding the Five Eyes’ remit by putting pressure on China in this way, and New Zealand still prefers to pursue bilateral relations with China. At the US-ASEAN Special Summit, ASEAN countries stressed their aspiration for peace and cooperation, not for taking sides, division or confrontation.

◆ The US has made clear that IPEF is to enable it to win the contest in the 21st century. This means that the IPEF is designed to serve the US economy. The US has shelved the development of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) for a long time, left the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and refused to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This exposes the self-serving nature of the US and its selective approach to international institutions. It is all about the US’ self-interests, nothing mutually beneficial.

IPEF is a political instrument of the US in propping up its hegemony in the regional economy. The essence is to dominate the supply chains, value chains and new economic sectors, and marginalize specific countries. The US has chosen to weaponize economic issues as political and ideological ones, using economy to coerce regional countries into taking sides between China and the US.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai publicly stated that IPEF is a standalone arrangement independent from China. US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said IPEF marks the US’s restoration of economic leadership in the region and presents Indo-Pacific countries an alternative to China’s approach. Previously, she also expressed that IPEF may harmonize export controls and other “poison pills”, such as limiting sensitive products export to China.

IPEF seeks to establish US-led trade rules, restructure the industrial chain system and economically and scientifically “decouple” regional countries from China. Many countries in the region get concerned, and believe that the cost of such “decoupling” will be huge. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad noted that any trade alliance that excludes the world’s second largest economy is not conducive to closer, multilateral trade cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. The US’s exclusion of China is not an economic issue but a political one.

◆ Hailed as “menu approach” cooperation, IPEF actually pays little regard to the development level and real needs of the regional countries. It barely gives concessions to developing countries on tariff reduction and market access, but forces participating countries to accept the so-called high standards of the US and its unilateral agenda. IPEF focuses solely on the US’s self-interests and cares little about the needs of other parties. There is no such thing as mutual benefit in IPEF.

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) pointed out in its report “Regional Perspectives on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” that IPEF has little more to offer than enlarging the US economic presence in the region. It fails to address the issues of the greater interests of regional countries. There is widespread concern that IPEF will only benefit the US, while saddling participating regional countries with a heavy burden.

Falsehood 12: China has announced its ambition to create a sphere of influence in the Pacific region. It is advancing unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom of navigation and commerce. The US will continue to oppose Beijing’s aggressive and unlawful activities in the South and East China Seas. It will support the region’s coastal states in upholding their maritime rights, work with allies and partners to uphold freedom of navigation and overflight, and will continue to fly and sail wherever international law allows.

Reality Check: China is committed to the path of peaceful development, the five principles of peaceful coexistence and opposes the practice of the big and strong bullying the small and weak. The US, by painting China as a threat and using “freedom of navigation” as a pretext to undermine China’s sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests, is actually the real threat to regional peace and security.

◆ China stands for equality among all countries irrespective of their size, respects every country’s choice of development path suited to its national condition, and does not seek any sphere of influence. China pursues a defense policy that is defensive in nature and a military strategy of active defense. In developing its defense capabilities, China aims to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, and does not target any other country. The growth of China’s defense capabilities amplifies the force for peace in the world.

◆ China is the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters, and the first to have exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over them continuously, peacefully and effectively. China’s sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea have been established in the long course of history. They are solidly grounded in history and law, and have been upheld by successive Chinese governments and recognized by the international community. Pursuant to the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation, China recovered territories illegally occupied by Japan including Xisha Qundao and Nansha Qundao after WWII, and has since affirmed sovereignty and strengthened jurisdiction by establishing official names, publishing maps, creating administrative units and stationing troops. China’s resuming its exercise of sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is a legitimate and lawful act to inherit China’s rights established over the course of history. It is also part of the post-WWII international order, and has been recognized by countries around the world including the US.

◆ With the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the overall situation in the South China Sea remains stable. With the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), the parties have increased dialogue, properly handled differences, deepened cooperation and enhanced mutual trust, and have made active progress in advancing consultations on the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea, in an effort to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea and inject positive dynamics into regional and global security, stability and prosperity. Despite COVID-19, the parties have held offline Senior Officials’ Meetings on the implementation of the DOC and 10 joint working group meetings via video link to advance consultations on the COC text. Last month, the first face-to-face COC consultations since COVID-19 was held in Cambodia. Such positive progress speaks volumes about the resolve and commitment of regional countries to steadfastly advance consultations toward a COC.

◆ China respects and supports all countries’ freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, and actively safeguards the security of and unimpeded passage through international shipping lanes. In fact, the South China Sea is one of the world’s safest and freest sea lanes. Fifty percent of merchant vessels in the world and one-third of international maritime trade pass through it, and more than 100,000 merchant ships sail through it annually. Freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea has never been an issue.

◆ Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement missions in waters off the Diaoyu Dao are legitimate measures taken by China to exercise its sovereignty in accordance with law and are necessary responses to Japanese provocations in violation of China’s sovereignty. No country or force should misjudge the strong resolve of the Chinese government to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, China stays committed to properly handling and resolving issues through dialogue and consultation, and has made great efforts to maintain maritime stability. In 2014, a four-point principled consensus was reached between China and Japan to handle and improve China-Japan relations, which includes a clear understanding on managing the situation surrounding Diaoyu Dao and the East China Sea.

◆ Acting under the logic of the Monroe Doctrine, the US often uses power politics and hegemonic and bullying acts to flagrantly undermine the international maritime order, with a view to sustaining its maritime predominance. In the 240-plus-year history of the US, there were only 16 years when the country was not at war with others. The US operates over 800 military bases in 80 countries and regions. Its military expenditure, which has topped the world for many years in a row, accounts for one-fourth of the global total and is equivalent to the combined military spending of the next nine countries. Recently, the US has proposed a national defense budget request of about 813 billion US dollars for fiscal year 2023. Such massive military spending makes the US the real “pacing challenge” to the world.

◆ The US disregards the history and facts surrounding the South China Sea issue, deliberately stokes disputes on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and sows discord among regional countries. It has become the biggest force undermining stability and fueling militarization in the South China Sea. Data from relevant organizations show that the number of US close-in reconnaissance activities targeting China has more than doubled over the past decade and more. Right now, an average of five US naval vessels cruise near China’s shore every day. This year, US naval vessels have been sailing through the Taiwan Strait about once a month, and large US reconnaissance planes have flown over 800 times close to China and repeatedly violated China’s airspace. Eager to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, the US has also encouraged its allies and partners to sail their naval vessels into the South China Sea.

On 2 October 2021, USS Connecticut, a nuclear submarine, had an underwater collision in the South China Sea. It was not until a week later that the US issued a vague statement, claiming that the submarine hit an unknown object. One month after, it said that the submarine “grounded on an uncharted seamount”. A final report on the accident was eventually released by the US Navy on 23 May 2022, yet no clear explanation has been offered in response to the grave concerns and questions raised by many, including the intent of the submarine, the specific location of the accident, whether the submarine had entered exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and even territorial sea of other countries, and whether the accident had caused a nuclear leak or damaged marine environment.

◆ The US began its Freedom of Navigation (FON) Program in 1979 ahead of the signing of the UNCLOS. Challenging the new maritime order, the move sought to maximize the freedom of the US military to rampage through the oceans. The FON Program is not consistent with the universally recognized international law, disregards the sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests of the many littoral countries, and seriously jeopardizes regional peace and stability. Its goal is to advance American maritime supremacy under the pretext of “freedom of navigation”. The FON Program has been firmly opposed by many members of the international community, especially the developing countries.

Falsehood 13: Chinese government officials spread disinformation.

Reality Check: China is the top victim of disinformation, while the US is the biggest source of spreading disinformation.

◆ With sharp confrontation between the Republicans and Democrats, habitual lying, finger-pointing and blame-shifting among politicians have become part of the US political ecology. A poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the Pearson Institute at the University of Chicago reveals that nearly half of the respondents blame the US government for the spread of misinformation.

◆ The US has used disinformation to launch multiple wars across the globe in pursuit of its hegemonic agenda. Colin Powell, the then US Secretary of State accused Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction with a test tube of “laundry powder”. The US blamed the Syrian government for using bio-chemical weapons against its own people with fake videos by the White Helmets.

In 2019, the then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo publicly claimed that “we lied, we cheated, we stole … we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”

On 4 May 2022, Republican Senator Rand Paul spoke bluntly at a Senate hearing, “Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The US government.”

◆ Manipulation by US politicians has seriously undercut the media’s credibility. A Gallup poll in 2020 shows that 60 percent of Americans remain largely distrustful of the media, among whom 33 percent have no trust at all, which is 5 percentage points higher than that of 2019.

◆ The US has on multiple occasions fabricated numerous lies and rumors on issues concerning origins-tracing, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, democracy and human rights, including the so-called “lab-leak theory”, “genocide” and “forced labor”, which have all been defeated by facts.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, the US has kept spreading disinformation on China and made unfounded accusations against it, in order to shirk its responsibilities for triggering the conflict with NATO’s eastward expansion. The New York Times quoted from anonymous US senior officials who claimed that China had prior knowledge of Russian military operation in Ukraine. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Representative to the UN, said at a Security Council meeting that China had been spreading disinformation in support of Russia. This is sheer fabrication and slandering. Meanwhile, as part of the fierce hunt of voices different from its own, the US has added special labels to Tweets sharing links of Chinese media reports, while turning a blind eye to the Western media that are actually telling the lies.

◆ The US has used disinformation as a political tool to attack and suppress China, and formed a supply chain of anti-China rhetoric combining dirty funding, fact-twisting stories and massive smear campaigns. On the surface, these anti-China rhetoric come from certain media outlets and politicians, but what lies underneath is a massive capital-driven supply chain — some institutions and organizations from the US and other Western countries provide dirty funding for political purposes to anti-China groups and individuals; some think-tanks and academic institutions make up fact-twisting stories to fuel anti-China rhetoric around the world through Western hegemony on public opinion; and politicians and media act as mouthpieces propagating lies and falsehoods about China in massive smear campaigns.

Adrian Zenz and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), both fabricated numerous Xinjiang-related lies, are typical examples of such “lies manufacturers”.

Adrian Zenz is a member of a far-right group founded by the US government and a key member of an anti-China research institute set up and manipulated by the US intelligence agency. His so-called reports on Xinjiang reflect no credibility, intellectual merit or academic integrity at all.

As disclosed by the media, the US State Department and arms manufacturers are the primary foreign sponsors for the ASPI. Funding from the US State Department alone reached nearly 1.4 million Australian dollars a year, all directed to research projects attacking China. The ASPI disseminated a series of lies and disinformation on issues concerning origins-tracing, Xinjiang and data security.

◆ In addition to constantly spreading disinformation on China, the US has also rolled out measures to suppress and contain China based on such disinformation, including China-related bills and sanctions. In December 2021, under the pretext of its so-called concerns on “forced labor”, the US signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act into law, imposing a full ban on imports from Xinjiang. This is a malicious move to denigrate human rights situation in Xinjiang, and a serious violation of international law and basic norms of international relations.

◆ China has used facts and figures to tell the truth and refute the lies and rumors created and propagated by the US. It is aimed at making truth heard, not spreading disinformation. Instead of observing basic facts, the US has acted in its own interests and labeled all views different from its own as “disinformation”. This is, in essence, hegemony and bullying in the field of public opinion.

Falsehood 14: China is circumventing or breaking trade rules and its economic manipulations have cost American workers millions of jobs, harming workers and companies in the United States but also around the world. The United States will push back on market-distorting policies and practices, like subsidies and market access barriers, which China’s government has used for years to gain competitive advantage.

Reality Check: China has faithfully delivered on its commitments made upon accession to the WTO. China upholds, builds and contributes to the multilateral trading system. China-US economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature. However, US’ wanton suppression of China in trade and investment areas has been the root cause of trade frictions between the two countries, which hurts others without benefiting oneself.

◆ Over the past 20-plus years since joining the WTO, China has earnestly fulfilled its commitments upon accession. It has rolled out nationwide the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list, kept expanding market access, brought down overall tariff level from 15.3% to 7.4%, and opened up nearly 120 sectors in the service industry.

In October 2021, the WTO conducted the eighth review of trade policies and practices of China. The report of the review fully recognized China’s efforts in upholding the multilateral trading system and its active role in the WTO. It spoke highly of China’s achievements in such areas as trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, greater opening-up and progress under the Belt and Road Initiative.

A leading official of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development pointed out that, over the past two decades, China has steadfastly supported the rules-based multilateral trading system, practiced true multilateralism, participated fully in WTO negotiations, steered negotiations in areas such as investment facilitation and e-commerce, and worked for WTO rules keeping pace with the times.

◆ Embracing the trend of regional and global economic integration, China has deepened economic and trade ties with countries around the world, signing free trade agreements and stepping up the building of free trade zones. As of now, China has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions.

◆ China has actively deepened supply-side structural reform. It has met the target of phasing out 150 million tons of overcapacity in the steel industry set out in the 13th Five-Year Plan two years ahead of schedule, 1.14 times of the global total in slashing overcapacity of steels. The process involved the reemployment of 280,000 Chinese steel workers, more than the total number of steel workers in the US, Europe and Japan.

◆ China and the US have highly complementary economies, deeply integrated interests, and mutually beneficial economic and trade ties. In 2021, bilateral trade topped record-breaking 750 billion US dollars. The US Export Report 2022 issued by the US-China Business Council showed that, in 2021, goods exports to China grew by 21 percent to 149 billion US dollars, supporting 858,000 jobs in the US. The 2020 Annual Business Survey Report on Chinese Enterprises in the United States released by the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA indicated that, as of 2019, CGCC’s Chinese member companies cumulatively invested over 123 billion US dollars, employed more than 220,000 people, and supported over one million jobs throughout the United States. Research of the US-China Business Council showed that Chinese exports have helped bring down US consumer price by 1 to 1.5 percent, saving each US household 850 US dollars per year.

◆ By blaming China for its own economic problems, the US started a trade war and tariff war against China, which only backfired for itself. US tariffs against China have cost American companies more than 1.7 trillion US dollars in market capitalization and increased average household expenditure by 1,300 US dollars per year. A 2021 report by the US-China Business Council pointed out that the trade war with China has resulted in a loss of 245,000 jobs in the US. A report from Moody’s Investor Service was cited as saying that American consumers bear 92.4 percent of the cost of imposing tariffs on Chinese goods. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize laureate in economics, incisively pointed out that US trade policy toward China has failed and tariffs harm the US more than their intended targets.

On 18 May 2022, the National Retail Federation (NRF) wrote to President Biden, calling for eliminating tariffs, which, as pointed out in the letter, could reduce consumer prices by as much as 1.3 percent. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, said that some tariffs on China hurt American consumers and businesses, and that cutting tariffs was worth considering in order to lower US inflation.

The obstacles to China-US economic and trade cooperation are mainly from the US side. Over 1,000 Chinese companies have been put on its lists for unfair suppression or sanction. The US Congress has put forth more than 300 negative China-related bills. The proposed Bipartisan Innovation Act, which is still being developed, essentially aims to hold back China’s economic growth.

◆ The US arbitrarily accuses China of its industrial subsidy policies, but the country itself was among the first to develop such policies, including subsidies and so on. Successive US administrations have rolled out plans to support emerging industries. Through tax relief, government procurement and other means, the US administrations have interfered in the market to push forward cooperation between government and enterprises and advance technology transfers. In the 1950s and 1960s, the US undertook special programs to promote the development of its aerospace and military industries. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration supported the growth of hi-tech industries with the Information Superhighway plan. Such industrial policies are still being practiced in the US today. A report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies noted that the US and its allies and partners in Europe and Asia have increased subsidies to industries such as semiconductors, electric-car batteries and pharmaceuticals to shore up support for domestic companies.

◆ The US poses the biggest challenge to the global trading system. Following “America First” policy, the US has refused to shoulder its due obligations under multilateral trading agreements, and withdrawn from international treaties and organizations, taking a heavy toll on the development and functioning of the global trading system. A WTO dispute settlement report has identified the US as the biggest rule-breaker, responsible for two-thirds of violations of WTO rules. The US also blocked the appointment of new judges in the WTO Appellate Body, leading to an impasse in the Appellate Body since December 2019.

Falsehood 15: The US will give countries an alternative choice, so that they can be free from opaque investments that leave them in debt.

Reality Check: In providing foreign assistance, China always respects the sovereignty of recipient countries, attaches no strings whatsoever and pursues win-win outcomes. Chinese assistance has delivered real benefits to the relevant developing countries and received their acclaim and appreciation.

◆ The so-called Chinese “debt trap” is a narrative trap that the US and some other Western countries use to defame and smear China and disrupt China’s cooperation with other developing countries. As a 2021 article in The Atlantic points out, the debt-trap narrative is just a lie fabricated by some Western politicians, and a powerful one.

Western capital constitutes the largest creditor of developing countries. According to the 2022 statistics of the World Bank on international debt, 28.8 percent of Africa’s outstanding external debt is owed to multilateral financial institutions and 41.8 percent to commercial creditors mainly composed of Western financial institutions. These two types of institutions together hold nearly three-quarters of the debt, making them the primary creditors of Africa’s debt.

According to the director of the China Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at Johns Hopkins University of the US, after scrutinizing thousands of Chinese loan documents, mostly for projects in Africa, CARI has not found any evidence that China deliberately pushes poor countries into debt as a way of seizing their assets or gaining a greater say in their internal affairs. CARI’s figures show that China holds 17 percent of Africa’s overall external debt, far less than that of the West.

Not a single African country has been forced to use its strategic resources such as ports or mines as collateral for financing cooperation with China. DW points out that the default of African countries does not give China the right to use the relevant infrastructure.

◆ The debt issue is, in essence, a development issue. The key to resolving this issue lies in ensuring that the loans deliver real benefits.

Take Africa as an example. Western countries’ financing for Africa is mainly concentrated in non-production fields, and most loans come with political strings attached, such as human rights and judicial reform. They have failed to truly promote economic development, boost government tax revenue and improve balance of payments. Rather, they have served as instruments for controlling and causing harm in Africa.

China always respects the will of the African people and bears in mind the actual needs of African countries. Chinese investment in and financing for Africa are mainly in infrastructure building and production-related fields. Entering the 21st century, China has worked actively to support Africa’s economic development and provided an alternative to the traditional financing channels of the Paris Club. This  has helped Africa to strengthen its capacity of self-generated and self-reliant development and to usher in a golden age of high-speed economic growth for 20 years straight.

Professor Deborah Brautigam of Johns Hopkins University noted the diversification of Chinese investment. In 2014 alone, Chinese companies signed over 70 billion US dollars in construction contracts in Africa that will yield vital infrastructure, including hospitals, oil and gas pipelines, and airports.

According to preliminary statistics, between 2000 and 2020, China helped African countries build more than 13,000 kilometers of roads and railway and more than 80 large-scale power facilities, funded more than 130 medical facilities, 45 sports venues and more than 170 schools, and trained more than 160,000 professionals across various fields for Africa.

The Nairobi Expressway project built by Chinese companies in Kenya through public-private partnership has created more than 6,000 local jobs and benefited more than 200 subcontractors and several hundred local suppliers. The Kenyan government speaks highly of the project, commending it as an important manifestation of the mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between Kenya and China.

Nigeria’s Lekki Deep Sea Port project, built with Chinese participation, has provided more than 1,200 local jobs and is expected to create, directly and indirectly, 170,000 more upon completion.

A study conducted by Hong Kong scholars finds that more than 80 percent of the employees of Chinese companies in Africa surveyed are local Africans.

A team at the London School of Economics and Political Science finds that Chinese investment in Africa has produced “significant and persistently positive long-term effects”.

A study by RAND Corporation indicates that in the BRI region, having a rail connection between trading partners has improved total exports by 2.8 percent.

◆ China attaches high importance to the debt sustainability of projects. Back in 2017, it signed the Guiding Principles on Financing the Development of the Belt and Road with 26 countries participating in the BRI. In 2019, China released the Debt Sustainability Framework for Participating Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. Based on the debt situation and repayment ability of debtor countries, and following the principles of equal-footed consultation, compliance with laws and regulations, openness and transparency, the framework aims to strengthen monitoring and assessment of the economic, social and livelihood benefits of the projects, and channels sovereign loans into areas with high yields, with a view to ensuring the long-term returns of the projects. China has also made proactive efforts to lessen the burden of debtor countries.

According to the World Bank, between 2008 and 2021, China provided 71 debt restructurings for low-income countries. In 2020, China actively responded to the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) by suspending the payment of more than 1.3 billion US dollars of debt that year alone, or nearly 30 percent of the G20’s total, making it the largest contributor among G20 members. China has signed debt suspension agreements or reached mutual understanding on debt suspension with 19 African countries, and actively participated in the case-based debt settlement for Chad and Ethiopia under the G20’s Common Framework.

◆ The US and some other Western countries, rather than taking actions themselves, point fingers at China for providing assistance. This has caused much displeasure among countries in the wider developing world.

Professor Samita Hattige, adviser to the National Education Commission of Sri Lanka, said in an interview with Global Times that Chinese loans are based on the needs of the Sri Lankan government and for the purpose of improving Sri Lankan infrastructure. The loans have brought major changes to Sri Lanka’s economy and people’s livelihood, and there is no such thing as a “debt trap”. China’s share in Sri Lanka’s external debt is around a mere 10 percent. Apparently, some media have chosen to ignore this fact. While the “Chinese debt trap” hyped up by Western media seems apprehensible at a glance, it has deliberately evaded the huge economic values that infrastructure improvement has created, such as economic development and more jobs and investment.

The article “Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal Need China for Development” published by Sri Lanka’s Daily News on 17 January 2022 says, “South Asia needs China in its development process because China is synonymous with the term ‘Development’. China’s … Belt and Road Initiative provides benefits for almost all South Asian countries.” “In the case of Sri Lanka,” the article writes, ”Sri Lanka is a beneficiary of Chinese projects. Many say only about the Chinese debt trap in this regard but no one mentions Chinese developmental activities in Sri Lanka.” “They have invested heavily in seaports, airports, … national highways, and power distribution centers. ”

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni stated in an interview with Nikkei in 2022 that “Africa has been having (debt) problems for the last 600 years due to the slave trade, colonialism, neocolonialism — and none of it was from China.” “China supported Africans’ fight against colonialism before starting economic activity on the continent.”

Rwandan President Paul Kagame pointed out that China’s presence in Africa is different from that of other countries — “I don’t think China has forced any country in Africa to take their money to accumulate the kind of debt you may find with some countries.”

Nigerian Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama stated that Nigeria had chosen Chinese companies for infrastructure projects because they were experienced and provide competitive rates. “So the issue of Chinese influence really doesn’t come in.

Falsehood 16: For too long, Chinese companies have enjoyed far greater access to our markets than our companies have in China. American companies operating in China have been subject to systematic forced technology transfer, while Chinese companies in America have been protected by our rule of law.

Reality Check: China is committed to fostering an enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standard. While China’s business environment keeps improving, the business environment for Chinese companies operating in the US continues to deteriorate.

◆ China has seen the most substantial improvement in business environment among all economies. In recent years, China has made continuous efforts to shorten the negative list on foreign investment, improved the institutions for investment promotion and protection and for information reporting, and stepped up intellectual property protection, becoming one of the most-improved economies for ease of doing business. With the continuous improvement in business environment and its super-sized domestic market, China is a strong magnet for cross-border investment from around the world. The number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises is on a steady rise in China. From 2012 to 2021, the number of foreign-invested enterprises in China increased from 441,000 to 664,000, up by over 50 percent. According to the Doing Business 2020 report released by the World Bank Group, China ranked 31st on ease of doing business, moving up by 47 spots in two years. The European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2021 released by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) shows that a majority of the European companies surveyed found intellectual property rights enforcement to be “adequate” or “excellent” in China, marking a record high in satisfaction levels.

◆ It is the foreign companies, including the US companies operating in China, that can best tell whether China’s business environment is good or not. The 2022 China Business Climate Survey Report of the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) shows that 58 percent of the US companies in China saw their operating revenue growing in 2021; 66 percent of the companies plan to increase their investment in China this year; and China remains a top-three priority of the global investment planning for 60 percent of the companies. The recently released USCBC 2021 Member Survey shows that 95 percent of the respondents remained profitable in their China operations; and 74 percent of the companies took China as a top priority or a top-five priority market in their business strategy. In the first four months of 2022, the actual US investment in China rose by 53.2 percent year on year. These figures speak volume about the optimism of foreign companies in China’s economic prospects, as well as their recognition of China’s sound business environment and confidence in building a long-term business in the Chinese market.

◆ To preserve its hegemony and economic interests, the US has abused its national power in violation of the principles of market economy and international trade rules, and resorted to every possible means to suppress and contain Chinese enterprises. The US government has fabricated all sorts of lies including “forced labor” in an attempt to bring down Xinjiang’s cotton, tomato and solar photovoltaic industries. According to preliminary statistics, in 2021, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued seven Withhold Release Orders (WROs) on the exports of goods made with “forced labor” to the US, including apparel, textiles, tomato seeds, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, and other goods made with cotton or tomatoes, silica-based products and electronic products produced in Xinjiang, and detained or confiscated 485 million US dollars worth of goods, which are notably larger in both quantity and value compared to 2020. The current US administration has already outperformed its predecessor in terms of the scale and magnitude of sanctions imposed on China for Xinjiang-related issues.

◆ The US has imposed sweeping restrictions on the financing and operation of Chinese enterprises in the US through non-transparent and unfair administrative means. According to official US statistics, the US has up to now put 1,055 Chinese entities and individuals (overseas affiliated entities excluded) on various types of sanctions lists, including 467 on the Entity List, 306 on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN), 201 on the Unverified List (UVL), 68 on the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies (NS-CMIC) List, and a few other entities. Last February, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) put WeChat and AliExpress on its latest Notorious Markets List, while Pinduoduo and other Chinese companies as well as nine physical markets located within China remained on the list.

Falsehood 17: China takes advantage of the openness of the US economies to spy, to hack, to steal technology and know-how to advance China’s military innovation, entrench its surveillance state and increase other countries’ technological dependence. The US should make sure that technologies are rooted in democratic values.

Reality check: China’s technological innovation and development is based on its own investment and efforts. The US is drawing ideological lines in scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, and this embodies its Cold War mentality.

◆ China is a big innovator in the world with leading input and growth rate in innovation. According to statistics, China’s social R&D investment in 2021 reached 2.7864 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.2 percent over the previous year. A total of 696,000 invention patents were authorized in 2021, up by 31.3 percent year-on-year. The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021 published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) shows that China’s world innovation performance ranking has moved up from the 35th place to the 12th. China is now home to 19 of the top 100 science and technology clusters worldwide, ranking the second globally. Chinese applicants submitted 69,500 international patent applications, making China the first in the world for three consecutive years. The European Patent Office (EPO) recorded 16,665 applications from China in 2021, registering a year-on-year increase of 24 percent and the biggest surge among leading patent filing countries.

◆ In recent years, China has been actively integrating into the global science and technology innovation network, and has enjoyed fruitful results in technological and people-to-people exchanges under the BRI. In addition, China has also actively worked to join the Hague Agreement and the Marrakesh Treaty, contributing its share to the global governance of intellectual property rights. The Business Confidence Survey 2021 published by the EUCCC shows that over half of interviewed companies view intellectual property rights enforcement in China as ”adequate” or “excellent”.

◆ Throughout history, the US has repeatedly stolen intellectual properties and reaped dividends from technological developments through various means, including prying out information, offering immigration status and monopolizing patents.

After World War II, the US launched Operation Paperclip to plunder Germany of its technology patents, including those on advanced aircraft and guided missile control. Nearly all German government agencies, research and development institutes and large companies were looted, and German scientists were forced to immigrate to the US.

In the 1990s, US intelligence agencies installed eavesdropping devices in the cars of Japanese negotiators during automobile trade talks to intercept internal information and gain the upper hand in the negotiations.

In 2001, the European company Airbus sued the American company Boeing for tracking Airbus employees’ telephone, fax, and e-mails for business espionage using the electronic surveillance system named Echelon developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA).

In 2013, the US DOJ detained four Alstom executives to force the French company into a fire sale of its core business, power and grid, to the US company General Electric.

In 2021, Danish media exposed that the US NSA wiretapped senior officials and business leaders in European countries using internet facilities located in Denmark.

In addition, using “chip shortages” as an excuse, the US has also set deadlines to force leading chip makers from different countries to submit key information, including orders, clients and inventory, in an effort to turn the table in the chip sector.

◆ While claiming to uphold “peace” and “openness”, the US has been wantonly setting up technological barriers, piecing together the so-called “democratic technology alliance”, politicizing science and technology and turning them into ideological issues, and forming exclusive small circles. Identifying nearly 20 categories as controlled critical technologies, including biotechnology and artificial intelligence, the US has tightened up export control and investment scrutiny. It has also overstretched the concept of national security to contain and even stranglehold the development of high-tech industries in other countries, which severely violates the rights of developing countries in pursuing science and technology advancement.

Falsehood 18: Climate is not about ideology. It’s about math. If China sticks with its current plan and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the rest of the world must go to zero by 2035. And that’s simply not possible.

Reality Check: The US holds undeniable responsibilities for climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. It shouldn’t shift responsibilities onto others, nor should it practice “double standards”.

◆ Developed countries, due to their unconstrained emissions over more than two centuries of industrialization, bear undeniable historical responsibilities for climate change. From 1850 to 2011, developed countries contributed to 79 percent of global carbon emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement all require developed countries to repay their historical debts.

◆ From a historical perspective, developing countries are not the primary emitters of GHG, but the victims of climate change. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is the cornerstone of global climate governance. As developed and developing countries do not bear the same historical responsibilities for climate change, and have different development needs and capabilities, it would be both inappropriate and unfair to apply the same restrictions on them. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change of Papua New Guinea (PNG) said on the sidelines of COP26 that countries like PNG have become victims of climate change caused by the industrialization of developed countries and are now bearing the consequences of their actions, which is absolutely unfair.

◆ In tackling climate change, China is not just a responsible participant, but also a serious doer. President Xi Jinping committed explicitly that China will strive to peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. That means China will move from carbon peak to neutrality in only 30 years, while the time the EU, the US and Japan give themselves is respectively 2.4, 1.4 and 1.2 times of China’s.

China has made notable contribution to the global efforts in energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transport and building, which are all in the range of 30 to 50 percent. By the end of 2020, China’s CO2 emissions per unit of GDP had dropped by 48.4 percent relative to the 2005 level. The proportion of coal in total energy consumption fell from 67 percent in 2005 to 56.8 percent in 2020. The cumulative installed capacity of renewable power generation exceeded 1 billion kilowatts, accounting for 43.5 percent of the national total. Chinese companies have taken 15 spots in the world’s top 20 PV companies list, including all the top five spots, and seven spots in the top 10 wind power companies list. In the past ten years, China phased out 120 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generation capacity, which is larger than the total installed power capacity of the UK. By the end of 2021, China’s new energy vehicle ownership had exceeded 7.84 million units, and 2.95 million units were newly registered in 2021, accounting for 11.25 percent of all newly registered vehicles that year.

The share of renewable energy in China’s energy mix has already exceeded that of the US. By the end of 2019, the total installed capacity of China’s hydro, wind and solar power generation had reached 756 million kilowatts, 2.8 times that of the US. Renewable energy accounts for 12.7 percent of China’s primary energy consumption, approximately 1.4 times that of the US.

◆ The US is the world’s largest GHG emitter in cumulative terms, and its per capita carbon emissions are 3.3 times that of the global average. In the 270 years from 1750 to 2019, the US emitted a cumulative 412.5 billion tons of GHG, accounting for about 1/4 of the global total. The US has produced the world’s largest cumulative emissions, which are almost twice that of China’s. Here are some statistics: the historical peak of US per capita GHG emissions was 23.44 tons; in 2018, US per capita emissions were 16.85 tons, while China’s were 7.56 tons. Despite its status as a major manufacturing nation, China’s current per capita carbon emissions are not even half that of the US, and its per capita cumulative emissions are only around 1/8 that of the US. Even by the time of 2030, when China’s carbon emissions will have peaked, the country’s per capita carbon emissions will still just be around 7-8 tons. In comparison, when the US had its carbon peak in 2005, its per capita carbon emissions had already reached 14 tons.

◆ In June 2017, the US announced its decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and in November 2020, it officially pulled out of the accord. Such a move seriously undermined the equity, efficiency and efficacy of global climate governance. The US had stayed outside the Paris Agreement until February 2021. Despite the improvement in political posture, the GHG emissions generated simply cannot be rolled back. Instead of cutting emissions, the US produced more emissions in 2021 than 2020, drifting further away from the course set by the Paris Agreement. With its flip-flopping on such an existential issue, the US has fully exposed its utilitarian approach to major issues of principles and lost its credibility in the family of nations.

◆ It is the unshirkable moral responsibility of developed countries to provide funding for developing countries to help them better cope with climate change. At Copenhagen in 2009 and Cancún in 2010, developed countries committed to a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion US dollars a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries. More than ten years have passed, developed countries have never truly delivered on their commitment. Report by a well-known international think tank shows that not only did developed countries fall short of their collective climate financing target every year, they also juggled the figures, providing far less funds than officially released figures. Most notably, the US only fulfilled less than 20 percent of its due contribution.

◆ For years, the US has been saying publicly that it wants to work with China on climate change, but its actions say otherwise. While demanding China to consume less coal, it asks China to continue buying coal from it; while appealing for the development of renewable energies, it imposes sanctions on Chinese PV businesses. Take PV products as an example, starting from 2012, the US has imposed anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Chinese PV products, with rates as high as 34 to 47 percent. In December 2014, the US conducted anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on Chinese PV manufacturers. In January 2018, the previous US administration decided to slap global safeguard tariffs on 8.5 billion US dollars’ worth of solar panel imports. In late 2021, the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” was signed into law by the US, which is yet another attempt to hobble the PV industry in Xinjiang under the disguise of human rights. Relevant US measures have not only impeded normal trade in PV products and disrupted normal supply chains, but also undermined global efforts in countering climate change. The US should correct its wrong practices in order to create an enabling environment for climate cooperation with China.

◆ Climate change has caused serious challenges to human survival and development, and must be tackled through global cooperation. Developed countries, the US included, should honor the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and follow the requirements of the Paris Agreement. They need to face up to their historical responsibilities, and level up their ambitions and actions. They need to take the lead in making substantial reductions of emissions and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. In the meantime, they need to give developing countries due space for development and emission, and deliver on their commitments of providing developing countries with adequate finance, technology and capacity-building support. On the basis of meeting financing pledges and leveraging public funds, efforts can be made to promote the development of green finance and bring private investment into low-carbon sectors. It is also important to build national, regional and global carbon markets and carbon pricing mechanisms, bring down the costs and raise the level of emissions reductions, promote technological innovation and sustainable development, and provide developing countries with stable sources of funding for mitigation and capacity-building through the benefit sharing mechanism of carbon markets.

Falsehood 19: To counter illegal and illicit narcotics, especially synthetic opioids like fentanyl, we want to work with China to stop international drug trafficking organizations from getting precursor chemicals, many of which originate in China.

Reality Check: The US has itself to blame for the root cause of fentanyl abuse in the country.

◆ Narcotics abuse, a chronic malaise plaguing the US, has deep historical and social roots.

With five percent of the world’s population, the US consumes 80 percent of opioids in the world, making the country the world’s biggest market for narcotics. There is a prevalent tradition of prescription painkiller abuse in the US, undergirded by a complete chain of pharmaceutical companies, medical representatives and doctors. All-out marketing by pharmaceutical companies, over-prescription by doctors, ineffective government crackdowns and the negative implications of marijuana legalization are among the combination of factors behind an ever-growing market for narcotics. Opioid abuse in the US and its rising toll started with OxyContin, an opioid painkiller made by Purdue Pharma and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995. When it comes to discouraging demand and curbing production, the US should have done a lot more.

While the US has the most acute fentanyl challenge in the world, it is also the biggest producer and consumer of fentanyl and has yet to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. Nevertheless, it kept demanding other countries to take actions. This is a typical example of “forcing others to take medicine for one’s own illness”.

◆The Chinese government takes a zero-tolerance approach to narcotics and strictly regulates anesthetics, psychotropic substances and their precursors. By the end of 2021, China has added 37 drug precursors and ephedrine-related substances to its control list, which became even longer than the UN list. China strictly regulates import and export of chemicals pursuant to international rules and its domestic laws, and its efforts and achievements in this regard are visible to all.

On 1 May 2019, the Chinese government became the first country in the world to class schedule fentanyl-related substances, although there was no large-scale fentanyl abuse or immediate hazard in China. This is an important follow-up to the common understandings reached between the presidents of China and the US, and a concrete example of how China, keeping in mind the health, safety and well-being of humanity, actively responds to the US concern and helps it tackle its domestic opioid crisis.

On 1 July 2021, China class scheduled all synthetic cannabinoids and another 18 psychoactive substances including fluoroketamine. On 20 September of the same year, another six chemicals, including methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA), were added as drug precursors. China is making continuous efforts to regulate precursors in accordance with law.

China has taken a host of measures to crack down on the trafficking of fentanyl and other scheduled chemicals, like introducing real-name registration of senders and receivers, parcel examination and X-ray screening in the express delivery sector, and stepping up examination of cross-border parcels to certain destinations including the US. These measures have paid off.

After class scheduling fentanyl-related substances, China’s National Narcotics Control Commission and Ministry of Public Security have maintained close, candid and in-depth coordination with their US counterparts including the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Since September 2019, the US has not seized any fentanyl-related substances coming from China. The US has expressed appreciation to China on many occasions and noted drug control as a highlight in bilateral law enforcement cooperation.

As is known to all, the responsibility to prevent the entry of non-scheduled chemicals and their use in illicit drug-making falls on the import country. The US, however, would neither officially schedule fentanyl nor address the issue of domestic consumption. Instead, it chose to shift the blame by falsely claiming that “fentanyl precursors used by drug trafficking organizations originate in China” and making an issue out of non-scheduled chemicals. This reflects an ulterior motive and an extreme lack of responsibility for the life and health of its own people.

◆ In May 2020, without producing any evidence, the US added the Institute of Forensic Science of China’s Ministry of Public Security and the National Narcotics Laboratory to its “Entity List”. Such a practice of seeking China’s cooperation on the one hand while imposing sanctions on China’s narcotics control authorities has seriously hindered the operation of China’s fentanyl monitoring system and undermined the counter-narcotics cooperation between China and the US.

While China and the rest of the world are tightening control over fentanyl-related substances, fentanyl-related problems are deteriorating in the US, causing a mounting death toll. It lays bare the US’s failure to get to the crux of the fentanyl abuse problem. China has acted out of goodwill and repeatedly advised the US to follow effective practices widely recognized by the international community, like stepping up regulation on fentanyl prescription and promoting public awareness

Falsehood 20: As a global food crisis threatens people worldwide, we look to China — a country that’s achieved great things in agriculture — to help with a global response.

Reality Check: The US has long been restricting grain exports and monopolizing grain trade. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US expanded its arms assistance and abused unilateral sanctions, further aggravating the global food shortage. It bears unshirkable responsibility for the global food crisis.

◆ The US-driven deglobalization, its grain-for-energy production policies and food oligopolies are the root causes of global food crisis.

Using its status as a major grain-producer, the US has been restricting its grain exports to other countries, causing disruptions to normal global grain trade. The 12 major grain producers such as the US, Canada and the European Union accounts for 70percent of the world’s total grain production and exportation. In global trade relations, the US and other Western countries weigh heavily on whether developing countries can buy grain and at what price.

The US consumes grain to produce biofuels, straining global food supply, especially the supply of subsistence crops. Nearly one-third of the corn produced in the US is used for biofuels. Using grain as substitute for energy leads to fewer grain for global food supply, creating a vicious circle of food and energy prices pushing up each other.

The four major grain suppliers —ADM, Bunge and Cargill and Louis Dreyfus — monopolize more than 80percent of the world’s grain trade, and control global agricultural raw materials as well as grain production, processing and supply. These four grain suppliers, three from the US, manipulate the international prices of grain and earn extra profits from global food price volatility. Since 2021, their net income has increased by 53 percent, 80 percent, 64 percent and 47.7 percent respectively, and the stock prices of ADM and Bunge have nearly tripled. These international food oligopolies are profit-seeking, and they won’t miss any opportunity to stir up food security issues and inflate food supply shortage to make bigger profits.

◆ The US has been stoking the flames in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and abusing economic sanctions. These have exacerbated global food shortage.

The protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a direct consequence of the constant instigation by the US and other Western countries. US military and arms assistance to Ukraine has increased to 53.6 billion US dollars, more than 70 percent of the combined military spending of Russia and Ukraine in 2021. The longer and bigger the conflict is, the greater its impact on global food production and supply will be, and the food crisis will further intensify.

In the face of a global food crisis, major grain-producing countries such as the US have instead kept their “grain bags” tight. According to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report released by the US Department of Agriculture this May, US wheat exports in 2021/22 will be 18.9 percent lower than the previous year. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the total amount of food exports affected by the restrictions has increased significantly, which now represents about 17 percent of total calories traded in the world

The US food security initiative is more of empty words than concrete actions, only to fragment global food security governance. Russia is a major exporter of subsistence crops and the world’s largest exporter of fertilizers. Since the US and other Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia, the price index of various fertilizers has risen by more than 30 percent, which has seriously affected agricultural production. From 2021 to 2022, wheat and barley exports from Russia account for 16 percent and 12.9 percent of the world’s total respectively. Statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) show that since the US imposed sanctions on Russia, the Food Price Index in May this year has risen by 14 percent compared with February.

◆ Serious food waste in the US has worsened the global food shortage.

First, the amount of food waste is astounding. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the US, 30 to 40 percent of the food supply and 38 percent of grain products are never eaten each year. In 2018, the US had 103 million tons of its food wasted, worth 161 billion US dollars. In 2020, the country’s food waste per capita was 59 kilograms.

Second, distribution is uneven. About 38 million people are food insecure in the US in 2020, and the majority of them are African Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans. According to National Geographic, more than one-third of the low-income households do not have access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program introduced by the US government, and its benefits fall short of helping many families in high-cost areas enjoy a healthy and adequate diet.

Third, secondary problems are prominent. Every year, the overproduction of food in the US puts a staggering burden on the environment and wastes numerous resources, including over 9.3 million hectares of arable land, 22 trillion liters of water, 350 million kilograms of pesticides, and 6.35 million tons of chemical fertilizers.

◆ China has made significant contributions to global food security. It has supported one-fifth of the world’s population with a quarter of the world’s total food, on less than 9 percent of the world’s arable land. The Global Development Initiative put forward by China has identified food security as one of the eight priority areas of cooperation. China will mobilize efforts from all parties across the globe to draw on each other’s strength, and form the greatest synergy to meet all sustainable development goals including food security. This initiative has received positive response from more than 100 countries around the world and international organizations such as the UN.

◆ The Chinese people cherish food and keep to the traditional virtue of thrift. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to food security. He has called for thriftiness and opposes squandering, stressing on multiple occasions the need to stop food waste. Since the launch of the nationwide “Clear Your Plate” campaign in 2013, consumer food waste in China has been significantly reduced. According to the Nature magazine, the amount of food discarded by Chinese restaurants and eateries has decreased by 40 percent. In 2021, the International Conference on Food Loss and Waste hosted by China was well received by the international community, including members of the G20.

◆ China is an important strategic partner of FAO in South-South cooperation. In recent years, China has donated 130 million US dollars to the FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund. China has sent more than 1,100 agricultural experts and technical personnel to and trained nearly 100,000 farmers in more than 40 countries and regions. Under the framework of the FAO’s South-South Cooperation Programme, China has donated the largest amount of fund, sent the most experts, and undertaken the most projects among all developing countries.

◆ China has provided its own solutions to global food shortage. Chinese hybrid rice is being grown in dozens of countries and regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas, with an annual growth area of eight million hectares. This increased the world’s total grain output by 150 million tons, enough to feed 400 to 500 million more people. Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Chinese Hybrid Rice”, and other Chinese researchers have offered advice and counsel in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh and many other countries. Through international training courses, China has trained over 14,000 hybrid rice technicians for more than 80 developing countries.

Falsehood 21: Beijing has perfected mass surveillance and exported that technology to more than 80 countries.

Reality Check: The US is the biggest empire of hacking.

◆ The use of video surveillance and big data technology is an important step taken by the Chinese government to improve social governance, and also a common practice across the world. It is necessary, legal and justified. Tianwang (Skynet), which is composed of video surveillance systems, effectively eliminates potential risks to public security and ensures the high percentage of solved criminal cases in China. With the increasingly digitized crime prevention and control system, 98.6 percent of the people in China felt safe in 2021, and China is widely recognized as one of the safest countries in the world. China ranked the third in the law and order index published by Gallup, a US consulting company, while the US 36th.

◆ Statistics show that there were some 70 million cameras installed in the US in 2018, one for every 4.6 people. For the US to accuse China of mass surveillance, it’s just double standard at work.

◆ For a long time, the US has carried out large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber espionage, surveillance and attacks on foreign governments, enterprises and individuals in violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations. In June 2013, the Guardian and the Washington Post reported that NSA has been running PRISM, a clandestine electronic surveillance program, since 2007, whose targets include even its own allies. Der Spiegel reported that the US intelligence may have been monitoring the German Chancellor’s mobile phone communications for nearly a decade.

◆ In 2020, Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) demanded Facebook to stop sending data of EU users to the US. The report comes just a few months after the European Court of Justice ruled the data transfer standard between the EU and the US doesn’t adequately protect European citizen’s privacy and concluded that EU citizens had no effective way to challenge US government surveillance. It is reported that US agencies such as NSA can theoretically ask internet companies like Facebook and Google to hand over data on an EU citizen and that EU citizen would be none-the-wiser.

◆ In December 2020, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) of France stated that and websites violated relevant French regulations by placing tracking cookies on their users’ computers without obtaining prior consent and without providing adequate information.

◆ In 2021, Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) reported that between 2012 and 2014, NSA used information cables of Denmark to wiretap (spy on) senior officials of Sweden, Norway, France and Germany, including many political dignitaries such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The US apparently broke its promise that it would stop wiretapping Merkel.

◆ The US abuses its leading position in internet and communication technology and is truly an empire of hacking, tapping and theft of secrets. From PRISM, the Irritant Horn project, and Stellar Wind, to Operation Telescreen, the Hive platform and the QUANTUM attack system, the US has violated the freedom of communication and speech of its citizens through digital surveillance, and has engaged in cyber attacks, surveillance and thefts of secrets across the world. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden of the Stateroom program show that the US has covertly installed eavesdropping devices in nearly 100 of its embassies and consulates to steal secrets from their host countries.

◆ A report on APT-C-39 released by Chinese cybersecurity company 360 in 2020 reveals that APT-C-39, a hacking group under the CIA, has conducted cyber infiltration attacks on China for 11 years targeting critical sectors including aviation and aerospace, research institutions, oil industry, large internet companies, and government agencies. Such attacks have seriously undermined China’s national security and the security of its economy, critical infrastructure as well as personal information of the general public.

According to a report on the indiscriminate worldwide cyber attacks by NSA’s APT-C-40 over the past decade released by 360 in 2022, NSA has attacked, using cyber weapons, 403 targets in 47 countries and regions worldwide, including China, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Japan, India, the ROK, the UAE, South Africa and Brazil.

On 19 April 2022, China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) issued an alert on cyber attacks by the US government against other countries and released a related report. It brings to light “Hive”, a lightweight cyber weapon used exclusively by the US government, and the fact that the US has deployed cyber attack platforms worldwide and has jumper servers and VPN channels in countries like France, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Malaysia.

Putin: Russia Will Provide Modern Missiles to Belarus, Capable of Carrying Nuclear Warheads

Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin announced this evening in Moscow, that Russia will be providing modern missiles to Belarus.  Such missiles will be capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

President Putin also claimed that, according to Russian Covert Intelligence, America has prepared 257 planes in Europe for possible use of nuclear weapons.  Clearly those planes are meant to hit Russia.

He went on to say that this is one, non-Diplomatic step in response to the European Embargo against the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.

Specifically, Putin stated:

– Russia will upgrade Belarus aircraft to carry nuclear weapons.
– Russia will provide Belarus with Iskander-M missile systems (they can carry either conventional, or nuclear warhead).
– Russia will train Belarus to use nuclear weapons.

For his part, the President of Belarus added today “The policy pursued by our neighbors from Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia is causing us concern.”

To that, Putin responded “the new missiles will be installed within months.”

(HT REMARK:  Spreading-out the potential targets for NATO?)


The Ukrainian Army is reporting missiles have been fired from BELARUS into Ukraine’s Chernigiv border region

We Haven’t Seen Carnage Like This Since 2008


Trillions of dollars in market wealth has already been wiped out, and investors are bracing for a chaotic second half of 2022.  We truly haven’t seen anything like this since the financial crisis of 2008.  The early months of 2020 were volatile due to the eruption of the COVID pandemic, but the Federal Reserve quickly rushed to the rescue.  The Fed poured trillions of dollars into the system, and that spurred a rally that was absolutely breathtaking.  But this time around the Fed isn’t going to be riding to the rescue any time soon.  The Fed is committed to raising interest rates in a desperate attempt to get inflation under control, and the size of the Fed balance sheet is now being reduced.  So there will be no artificial life support for the financial markets for the foreseeable future, and that is really bad news for those that are seeing their portfolios get absolutely monkey-hammered.

Things have been particularly brutal for crypto investors.

Last November, the total global market cap for all cryptocurrencies peaked out at about 3.1 trillion dollars.

Over the weekend, the total global market cap for all cryptocurrencies actually dipped below 850 billion dollars

The crypto market suffered one of its most dramatic selloffs in years this week as the prices of top cryptocurrencies declined as much as 35% week-over-week as fears of a broad economic recession intensified.

On Saturday, the total global market cap of cryptocurrencies sank below $850 billion as top tokens tumbled.


More than two-thirds of all “crypto wealth” is already gone.

CNBC is using the word “carnage” to describe what we have been witnessing in the crypto industry, and I think that fits the nightmare that is currently unfolding quite well…

Carnage in the crypto market won’t let up, as token prices plummet, companies lay off employees in waves, and some of the most popular names in the industry go belly up. The chaos has spooked investors, erasing more than $2 trillion in value in a matter of months — and wiping out the life savings of retail traders who bet big on crypto projects billed as safe investments.

It has been estimated that 16 percent of all U.S. adults either own or have owned a cryptocurrency.

So a whole lot of people out there are really hurting right now.


Last November, the price of Bitcoin peaked at $68,789.63.

As I write this article, it is sitting at $20,170.10.


Last November, the price of Ethereum peaked at $4,891.70.

As I write this article, it is sitting at $1,093.40.

I feel really sorry for those that decided to pour their money into cryptos near the peak.

Stock investors are also getting pummeled these days.

In fact, U.S. retirement accounts have already declined in value by almost three trillion dollars thanks to rapidly falling stock prices…

The U.S. stock market rout that has put U.S. equities in a bear market isn’t just reducing the net worth of billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. It’s also taking a toll on Americans’ retirement savings, wiping out trillions of dollars in value.

The selloff has erased nearly $3 trillion from U.S. retirement accounts, according to Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. By her calculations, 401(k) plan participants have lost about $1.4 trillion from their accounts since the end of 2021. People with IRAs — most of which are 401(k) rollovers — have lost $2 trillion this year.

Stocks have just kept falling and falling and falling.

In fact, the S&P 500 has fallen for 10 of the last 11 weeks

The S&P 500 posted its 10th down week in the last 11, and is now well into a bear market. On Thursday, all 11 of its sectors closed more than 10% below their recent highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell below 30,000 for the first time since January 2021 this past week.

Cryptos have already collapsed, but stocks theoretically still have a ton of room to keep falling.

There are some that are speculating about what will happen if the Dow drops all the way to 20,000, and that would definitely be a crash of historic proportions.

Of course the housing market is much larger than the stock market, and that is starting to implode too.

If you can believe it, the total value of the U.S. housing market was valued at 43.4 trillion dollars earlier this year.

Unfortunately, mortgage rates are absolutely skyrocketing and that is going to change everything.

According to Redfin, home sellers are already dropping their prices at a rate that we have never seen before…

The highest share of sellers on record dropped their list price during the four weeks ending June 12 as mortgage rates shot up to levels not seen since 2008, dwindling the pool of home shoppers.

It is being reported that in some areas of the country home prices have already been reduced by as much as 20 percent.

And this implosion is likely to accelerate as the Federal Reserve just pushes interest rates higher and higher and higher.

How long will it be before millions upon millions of U.S. homeowners are underwater on their mortgages just like we saw in 2008?

As I warned last week, those that do not learn from history are likely to end up repeating it.

The U.S. economy was almost certainly heading into a recession anyway, but now a crypto crash, a stock market crash and a housing crash all at the same time will accelerate matters greatly.

According to one recent survey, 60 percent of corporate executives expect a recession to begin “in the next 12 to 18 months”

More than 60% of executives expect a recession in the next 12 to 18 months, according to a survey of CEOs and other C-suite executives conducted by the Conference Board, a business research firm. That’s a stunning increase from the end of 2021, when just 22% of executives forecast a recession.

Sadly, we aren’t going to have to wait that long.

As I detailed last week, there are lots of numbers that indicate that a major economic downturn is already here.

It is time to batten down the hatches, because a “perfect storm” has arrived.

Global events are accelerating at a frightening pace, and the months ahead are not going to be pleasant.

US warned over ‘illusions’ about Taiwan

By CAO DESHENG | China Daily | Updated: 2022-06-15 07:24

Senior diplomat stresses China’s stand on safeguarding national sovereignty

Beijing has warned Washington not to make any “misjudgments” or have “illusions” in playing the “Taiwan card” to contain China, saying that the nation is determined and capable of defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In a meeting with United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Luxembourg on Monday, senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi reiterated that the Taiwan question concerns the political foundation of China-US relations which, unless handled properly, will have a subversive impact.

“The risk does not only exist, but will escalate as the United States attempts to contain China with the Taiwan question, and as the Taiwan authorities rely on the United States to seek its ‘independence’,” said Yang, who is a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee.

Yang stressed that China takes an unambiguous and steadfast stand in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China’s internal affairs brook no interference by other countries, and any attempts to thwart or undermine China’s national unity are doomed to fail, he said.

Yang also stated China’s solemn position on issues concerning the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Tibet autonomous region, and the South China Sea, as well as human rights and religion.

The meeting between Yang and Sullivan came three days after State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the sidelines of the 19th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

During that meeting, Wei also slammed the US for its wrongdoing on the Taiwan question, which is the most sensitive matter in China-US relations, saying that “the People’s Liberation Army will relentlessly safeguard China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and if anyone dares to separate Taiwan from the motherland, the Chinese military will definitely smash such attempts at any cost, even by going to war”.

A statement issued by the White House said that the meeting between Sullivan and Yang included candid, substantive and productive discussion of a number of regional and global security issues, as well as key issues in US-China relations.

Both sides agreed at the Luxembourg meeting that maintaining unimpeded channels for communication between the two sides is necessary and beneficial, Xinhua News Agency reported.

During his meeting with Sullivan, Yang urged the US to correct its strategic perception about China, make the right choices, and translate US President Joe Biden’s commitments to President Xi Jinping during their virtual meeting in November into concrete actions.

In November, Biden had promised Xi that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China, does not aim to change China’s system, does not target China with its alliances, does not support “Taiwan independence” and has no intention of seeking a conflict with China.

However, the US administration has been insisting on further containing and suppressing China in an all-around way. It has kept using the Taiwan question to provoke China by selling arms to Taiwan or elevating “official” relations with the island while urging its allies and partners to contain China.

Noting that China firmly opposes using competition to define bilateral ties, Yang said “mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation” are the correct approaches for China and the US to get along with each other.

Analysts said that in the light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, the interactions between the world’s two largest economies are necessary and beneficial for them to avoid misunderstanding and miscalculation and properly handle their differences, and their communication about the regional and international issues is also conducive to promoting global stability.

However, they said that the US should keep in mind that the Taiwan question is a red line for China, and Washington needs to refrain from meddling in China’s domestic affairs and rationally view China’s development in order to ensure that the growing competition between them would not escalate into a much bigger conflict.

Zhou Wenxing, an assistant professor at the School of International Studies at Nanjing University, said that while trying to establish new guardrails in terms of its relations with Beijing, Washington is simultaneously dismantling existing and other more important guardrails.

“If Washington seeks to de-escalate rising tensions, and get its sour relations with China back to normal, it should preserve rather than destroy the guardrails they both share. The one-China principle is and will be a very significant guardrail guiding China-US ties,” Zhou said.

Rabi Sankar Bosu, an Indian contributor to Chinese media outlets, said that the US, with the aim of preserving its own hegemony across the world, openly described China as a rival.

There is no doubt that the US and China bear heavy responsibilities not only to their own people but to the world at large, so the China-US relationship should still be led by mutually beneficial cooperation, and feature healthy competition and avoid confrontation, Bosu wrote in an opinion article published on the website of China Global Television Network.

Things They Don’t Tell You: Honest Guide To Life Brought To You By Cartoonist Winston Rowntree


Cartoonist Winston Rowntree created an honest guide to life about all those things that they don’t tell you (but should), all brought to you by adorable animals who try to deal with the harsh reality.


UPDATED 9:04 PM EDT — VIDEO: Russian President URGENTLY Brought to Kremlin 11:00 PM Moscow Time

A motorcade carrying Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin was seen moving swiftly into the Kremlin late Saturday night.

The specific reason for the sudden, late-night move to the Kremlin is described over Intel Channels as “A serious matter requiring Presidential decision.”

Video of the Presidential motorcade arriving at the Kremlin, appears below.

Video LINK



Intel circuits saying “Something really serious has happened.”


Russian Air Force strategic bomber voice net active 5648 Kilohertz USB and 6552 Kilohertz USB


8:53 PM EDT —



Second video emerged of Putin Motorcade “hauling ass” to the Kremlin late Saturday night in Moscow.   Moving quite fast, as if an Emergency.

Video HERE

Abandoned Cat Was Antisocial Until A Tiny Kitten Forced Him To Play With Her

A nice cute video

China Just KILLED Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse

Big, big, HUGE changes to the world are coming. Here’s just a little tiny taste of what China is doing RIGHT NOW! Jeeze!

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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“Dinotopia”: The Fantastical Art Of James Gurney

Here’s a nice change of pace for MM. I hope that you all enjoy this art.

Inspired by archaeology, lost civilizations, and the art of illustration, James Gurney’s children book Dinotopia creates an extraordinary place where humans and dinosaurs live in harmony.

“The thing I love about dinosaurs is that they are on that balance point between fantasy and reality,” says Gurney. “It might be hard to believe that mermaids and dragons really existed, but we know that dinosaurs did—we can see their footprints and skeletons but we can’t photograph them or see them, except in our imagination.”

The Dinotopia storyline chronicles the adventures and remarkable experiences of Professor Arthur Denison and his son Will on Dinotopia, a mysterious “lost” island inhabited by dinosaurs and shipwrecked travelers. The faraway land of Dinotopia—wholly the product of Gurney’s fertile imagination, scientific knowledge and meticulous artistic ability—is a civilization like no other. The society has its own language, alphabet, colorful festivals and parades. The lively cast of characters includes the inquisitive Professor Denison; Will and Sylvia, the adventurous young Skybax riders-in-training; the devious curmudgeon Lee Crabb; the beautiful musician Oriana Nascava; and a multilingual, diplomatic Protoceratops named Bix.

His first Dinotopia book, Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time, appeared in 18 languages in more than 30 countries and sold two million copies. Gurney has written and illustrated three other volumes in the series, Dinotopia: The World Beneath and Dinotopia: First Flight. A fourth volume, Dinotopia: Journey To Chandara was published in the fall of 2007. In 2002, Hallmark Entertainment produced a lavish television miniseries for ABC TV based on the Dinotopia books that received record-setting ratings and an Emmy award for best visual effects.

More info: James Gurney, Dinotopia, Instagram, Facebook

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jamesgurneyart 14240465 1428151047199576 648701872 n


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jamesgurneyart 24274043 430308500705159 6066492751271165952 n
jamesgurneyart 24274043 430308500705159 6066492751271165952 n


jamesgurneyart 23734832 130762617606523 5351589474847424512 n
jamesgurneyart 23734832 130762617606523 5351589474847424512 n


jamesgurneyart 23596390 177916769457869 8610820820391952384 n
jamesgurneyart 23596390 177916769457869 8610820820391952384 n


jamesgurneyart 23416677 1726616787371830 5913203710619549696 n
jamesgurneyart 23416677 1726616787371830 5913203710619549696 n


jamesgurneyart 23348281 1931984553793990 482031807491997696 n
jamesgurneyart 23348281 1931984553793990 482031807491997696 n


jamesgurneyart 23099183 370198660100800 5922424893734912 n
jamesgurneyart 23099183 370198660100800 5922424893734912 n


jamesgurneyart 22858078 137523667001463 1257767128090542080 n
jamesgurneyart 22858078 137523667001463 1257767128090542080 n


jamesgurneyart 22638920 173997723153529 8933535128185995264 n
jamesgurneyart 22638920 173997723153529 8933535128185995264 n


jamesgurneyart 22580359 1762934937345245 7822086802746900480 n
jamesgurneyart 22580359 1762934937345245 7822086802746900480 n


jamesgurneyart 22430509 511012742592452 3602835180265406464 n
jamesgurneyart 22430509 511012742592452 3602835180265406464 n


jamesgurneyart 22351606 2011400792464635 4206501320573583360 n
jamesgurneyart 22351606 2011400792464635 4206501320573583360 n


jamesgurneyart 22221465 1738112413152135 4037649775162556416 n
jamesgurneyart 22221465 1738112413152135 4037649775162556416 n


jamesgurneyart 21689870 1771752719790223 2764983362572517376 n
jamesgurneyart 21689870 1771752719790223 2764983362572517376 n


jamesgurneyart 21227594 1916975321902625 4662848596570275840 n
jamesgurneyart 21227594 1916975321902625 4662848596570275840 n


jamesgurneyart 21149328 128447541115426 6857047074840510464 n
jamesgurneyart 21149328 128447541115426 6857047074840510464 n


jamesgurneyart 21107993 842981015859747 6998773187357966336 n
jamesgurneyart 21107993 842981015859747 6998773187357966336 n


jamesgurneyart 20583161 2164244103715151 7114052132512202752 n
jamesgurneyart 20583161 2164244103715151 7114052132512202752 n


jamesgurneyart 20184843 1415689171799692 142674969577390080 n
jamesgurneyart 20184843 1415689171799692 142674969577390080 n


jamesgurneyart 20180557 1729082830726975 779917270125117440 n
jamesgurneyart 20180557 1729082830726975 779917270125117440 n


jamesgurneyart 19436679 511240765874635 7103709726709383168 n
jamesgurneyart 19436679 511240765874635 7103709726709383168 n


jamesgurneyart 19428877 510381289293479 5491066794028302336 n
jamesgurneyart 19428877 510381289293479 5491066794028302336 n


jamesgurneyart 18808784 134235947136666 9179055705301188608 n
jamesgurneyart 18808784 134235947136666 9179055705301188608 n


jamesgurneyart 18722341 145473965996121 2312935765450948608 n
jamesgurneyart 18722341 145473965996121 2312935765450948608 n


jamesgurneyart 18721760 955351701235056 4472872971773411328 n
jamesgurneyart 18721760 955351701235056 4472872971773411328 n


jamesgurneyart 17882836 150300575499752 2246509852790620160 n
jamesgurneyart 17882836 150300575499752 2246509852790620160 n


jamesgurneyart 17818047 412716649106208 3412174890436919296 n
jamesgurneyart 17818047 412716649106208 3412174890436919296 n


jamesgurneyart 17663399 418434825201736 6466141725906698240 n
jamesgurneyart 17663399 418434825201736 6466141725906698240 n


jamesgurneyart 17662200 383090225411001 765888403697827840 n
jamesgurneyart 17662200 383090225411001 765888403697827840 n


jamesgurneyart 17265823 260776337700982 5397594454397812736 n
jamesgurneyart 17265823 260776337700982 5397594454397812736 n


jamesgurneyart 17126409 1830612263844659 6908525685266972672 n
jamesgurneyart 17126409 1830612263844659 6908525685266972672 n


jamesgurneyart 17126030 1268260269929012 4299513089386086400 n
jamesgurneyart 17126030 1268260269929012 4299513089386086400 n


jamesgurneyart 17076647 1635245273451523 3750339965121200128 n
jamesgurneyart 17076647 1635245273451523 3750339965121200128 n


jamesgurneyart 16908541 1849558818625809 1406183107438051328 n
jamesgurneyart 16908541 1849558818625809 1406183107438051328 n


jamesgurneyart 16908145 1910116545935410 66194304401408000xxxx00 n
jamesgurneyart 16908145 1910116545935410 66194304401408000xxxx00 n


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jamesgurneyart 28157995 299135567282363 3529452936709013504 n
jamesgurneyart 28157995 299135567282363 3529452936709013504 n


jamesgurneyart 27878421 547377512314353 2503520369365745664 n
jamesgurneyart 27878421 547377512314353 2503520369365745664 n


jamesgurneyart 27580975 2087358151545835 1548918013284057088 n
jamesgurneyart 27580975 2087358151545835 1548918013284057088 n


jamesgurneyart 26865410 192534791330426 2105405492623835136 n
jamesgurneyart 26865410 192534791330426 2105405492623835136 n


jamesgurneyart 26378313 388114891634457 3499977125912379392 n
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jamesgurneyart 26374006 138295090194946 2276354214730924032 n
jamesgurneyart 26374006 138295090194946 2276354214730924032 n


jamesgurneyart 26301352 181930795894528 5826726373770657792 n
jamesgurneyart 26301352 181930795894528 5826726373770657792 n


jamesgurneyart 26275876 773754869481766 5330909662583717888 n
jamesgurneyart 26275876 773754869481766 5330909662583717888 n


jamesgurneyart 26227312 161578767814759 3490865125160648704 n
jamesgurneyart 26227312 161578767814759 3490865125160648704 n


jamesgurneyart 26185724 158076704818278 4193764320179388416 n
jamesgurneyart 26185724 158076704818278 4193764320179388416 n


jamesgurneyart 26070166 182066935722423 2134579130996359168 n
jamesgurneyart 26070166 182066935722423 2134579130996359168 n


jamesgurneyart 25023548 334933053580575 7751080311760355328 n
jamesgurneyart 25023548 334933053580575 7751080311760355328 n


jamesgurneyart 25015704 1881604981866920 9081253819592998912 n
jamesgurneyart 25015704 1881604981866920 9081253819592998912 n


jamesgurneyart 25011365 2002281500028020 5487345939305725952 n
jamesgurneyart 25011365 2002281500028020 5487345939305725952 n


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BRICS is organizing, and it’s putting its collective power behind changing the world’s currency

Some time ago, Lavrov stated the anglo west had launched (hybrid) war on Russia. He said we accept the challenge. 

To me, the main result from the recent BRICS meeting was the announcement of a new international currency being formed based on a basket of commodities. 

A large chunk of world GDP in BRICS. 

Countries have already began trade with national currencies. 
Many US dollars will be going home to roost. 

US will be lucky if it does not break into several sections with the economic destruction and resulting political destruction that is heading its way.

-Peter AU1

Big stuff going on right now. BRICS is organizing, and it’s putting its collective power behind changing the world’s currency, and thus the economic balance of power in the world. The preamble to the meeting is further down in this article. It’s a must read. This is what is REALLY going on.

But today, aside from this geopolitical stuff, I want to squeeze in some humanity. And nothing quite points to our shared humanity is how we treat other species. As such, I have placed a number of (hopefully) positive videos about cats, and dogs that I hope will help explore our sense of humanity, and why it is so very important to be a STO sentience.

As well as a mix of other things…

From Bad to Worse

Jack Whittaker didn’t need to win the lottery; the West Virginian was a wealthy and successful businessman in the construction industry. But, in 2002, he won the then-largest jackpot in the Powerball multi-state lottery. His prize was worth around $315 million, but he opted to take the one-off cash payment option that left him with over $113 million after taxes.

Whittaker was kind-hearted and well-meaning as he pledged 10% of his winnings to Christian charities and set up the Jack Whittaker Foundation to distribute food and clothing to the needy in rural West Virginia. He also rewarded the man who worked in the store where Whittaker had bought the winning ticket and threw handfuls of cash from his new sports car around the neighborhood.

Then things started to go bad. In 2003, someone stole over $500,000 that Whittaker had left in his car in the parking lot of a strip club. Not a good look Whittaker, but things kept going from bad to worse.

Next, his teenage granddaughter, Brandi, was lavished with cash and gifts, but in 2004, the body of Brandi’s eighteen-year-old boyfriend was found in Whittaker’s home. The boy had taken a cocktail of drugs leading to his death. Later that year, Brandi went missing, and her body turned up dumped on a friend’s property. She had been taking drugs, but the cause of death wasn’t clear, and authorities filed no charges.

Unfortunately, Jack had problems with gambling, and his uninsured house burned to the ground. He died in 2020.

Little Kittens Found Underneath The Floor But A Foul Odor Fills The Room..?

We begin with this little story about a foul odor beneath the floorboards in a kindergarten.

Did Obama really say that “the Earth can’t substain 1.4 billion Chinese having the same living standard as American and Australian, so we can’t allow China to be rich”, as many Chinese claimed?

Yes, it’s possible.

I didn’t find it on google, so had to search in Baidu. Here is what I tracked and finally found:

“If over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now, then all of us are in for a very miserable time. The planet just can’t sustain it…”

It is said this happened on an interview in an Australian TV program “The 7.30 Report”, April 14th, 2010.

Keep in mind that really no one wants to have a life that like Americans have, except the ignorant, the destitute, and of course, Americans.

Wine and other funny comix…

There’s some real truths here.

Inaccurate, but funny as hell.

Yup. Accurate


Exile on Main Street: the Sound of the Unipolar World Fading Away


The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states. The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back.

Let’s cut to the chase and roll in the Putin Top Ten of the New Era, announced by the Russian President live at the St. Petersburg forum for both the Global North and South.

The era of the unipolar world is over.

The rupture with the West is irreversible and definitive. No pressure from the West will change it.

Russia has renewed its sovereignty. Reinforcement of political and economic sovereignty is an absolute priority.

The EU has completely lost its political sovereignty. The current crisis shows the EU is not ready to play the role of an independent, sovereign actor. It’s just en ensemble of American vassals deprived of any politico-military sovereignty.

Sovereignty cannot be partial. Either you’re a sovereign or a colony.

Hunger in the poorest nations will be on the conscience of the West and euro-democracy.

Russia will supply grains to the poorer nations in Africa and the Middle East.

Russia will invest in internal economic development and reorientation of trade towards nations independent of the U.S.

The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states.

The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back.

How does it feel, for the collective West, to be caught in such a crossfire hurricane? Well, it gets more devastating when we add to the new roadmap the latest on the energy front.

Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, in St. Petersburg, stressed that the global economic crisis is gaining momentum not because of sanctions, but exacerbated by them; Europe “commits energy suicide” by sanctioning Russia; sanctions against Russia have done away with the much lauded “green transition”, as that is no longer needed to manipulate markets; and Russia, with its vast energy potential, “is the Noah’s Ark of the world economy.”

For his part Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller could not be more scathing on the sharp decline in the gas flow to the EU due to Siemens’ refusal and/or incapacity to repair the Nord Stream 1 pumping engine: “Well, of course, Gazprom was forced to reduce the volume of gas supplies to Europe by 20%+. But you know, prices have increased not by 20%+, but by several times! Therefore, I’m sorry if I say that we don’t feel offended by anyone, we are not particularly concerned by this situation.”

If this pain dial overdrive was not enough to hurl the collective West – or NATOstan – into Terminal Hysteria, then Putin’s sharp comment on possibly allowing Mr. Sarmat to present his business card to “decision-making centers in Kiev”, those that are ordering the current shelling and killing of civilians in Donetsk, definitely did the trick:

“As for the red lines, let me keep them to myself, because this will mean quite tough actions on the decision-making centers. But this is an area that shouldn’t be disclosed to people outside the military-political leadership of the country. Those who deserve appropriate actions on our part should draw a conclusion for themselves – what they may face if they cross the line.”

Baby please, stop breaking down

Alastair Crooke has masterfully outlined how the collective West’s zugzwang leaves it lumbering around, dazed and confused. Now let’s examine the state of play on the opposite side of the chessboard, focusing on the BRICS summit this Thursday in Beijing.

As much as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) and ASEAN, now it’s time for a reinvigorated BRICS to step up its game. In conjunction, these are the key organizations/instruments that will be carving the pathways towards the post-unipolar era.

Both China and India (which between them were the largest economies in the world for centuries before the brief Western colonial interregnum) are already close and getting closer to “the Noah’s Ark of the world economy”.

The G20 – hostages of the Michael Hudson-defined FIRE scam that is the core of the financialized neoliberal casino – is slowly fading away, while a potential new G8 ramps up: and that is directly connected to BRICS expansion, one of the key themes of this week’s summit. An expanded BRICS with a parallel G8 configuration is bound to easily overtake the Western-centric one in importance as well as GDP by purchasing power parity (PPP).

BRICS in 2021 already added Bangladesh, Egypt, the UAE and Uruguay to its New Development Bank (NDB). In May, at Foreign Ministry-level debates, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Thailand were added to the 5 BRICS members. Leaders of some of these nations will be connected to the Beijing summit.

BRICS plays a completely different game from the G20. They aim for the grassroots, and it’s all about slowly “building trust” – a very Chinese concept. They are creating an independent Credit Rating Agency – away from the Anglo-American racket – and deepening a Currency Reserves Arrangement. The NDB – including its regional offices in India and South Africa – has been involved in hundreds of projects. Time will tell: one day the NDB will make the World Bank superfluous.

Comparisons between BRICS and the Quad, a U.S. concoction, are silly. Quad is just another crude mechanism to contain China. Yet there’s no question India treads on tightrope walker territory, as it’s a member of both BRICS and Quad, and made a vastly misguided decision to walk out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – the largest free trade deal on the planet – opting instead to adhere to the American pie-in-the-sky Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).

Yet India, long term, skillfully guided by Russia, is being steered to find essential common ground with China in several key issues.

BRICS, especially in its expanded BRICS+ version, is bound to increase cooperation on building truly stable supply chains, and a settlement mechanism for resources and raw material trade, which inevitably has to be based in local currencies. Then the path will be open for the Holy Grail: a BRICS payment system as a credible alternative to the weaponized U.S. dollar and SWIFT.

Meanwhile, a torrent of bilateral investments from both China and India in the manufacturing and services sector around their neighbors is bound to lift up smaller players in both Southeast Asia and South Asia: think Cambodia and Bangladesh as important cogs in a vast supply wheel.

Yaroslav Lissovolik had already proposed a BEAMS concept as the core of this BRICS integration drive, uniting “the key regional integration initiatives of BRICS economies such as BIMSTEC, EAEU, the ASEAN-China free trade agreement, Mercosur and SADC/SACU.”

It’s only (BRICS) rock’n roll

Now Beijing seems eager to promote “an inclusive format for dialogue spanning all the main regions of the Global South via aggregating the regional integration platforms in Eurasia, Africa and Latin America. Going forward this format may be further expanded to include other regional integration blocks from Eurasia, such as the GCC, EAEU and others.”

Lissovolik notes how the ideal path from now on should be “the greater inclusivity of BRICS via the BRICS+ framework that allows smaller economies that are the regional partners of BRICS to have a say in the new global governance framework.”

Before he addressed the St. Petersburg forum on video, President Xi called Putin personally to say, among other things, that he’s got China’s back on all “sovereignty and security” themes. They also, inevitably, discussed the relevance of BRICS as a key platform towards the multipolar world.

Meanwhile, the collective West plunges deeper into the maelstrom. A massive national demonstration of trade unions this past Monday paralyzed Brussels – the capital of the EU and NATO – as 80,000 people expressed their anger at the rising and rising cost of living; called for elites to “spend money on salaries, not on weapons”; and yelled in unison “Stop NATO.”

It’s zugzwang all over again. The EU’s “direct losses”, as Putin stressed, provoked by the sanctions hysteria, “could exceed $400 billion a year”. Russia’s energy earnings have hit record levels. The ruble is at a 7-year high against the euro.

It’s a blast that arguably the most powerful cultural artifact of the entire Cold War – and Western supremacy – era, the perennial Rolling Stones, is currently on tour across a “caught in a crossfire hurricane” EU. On every show they play, for the first time live, one of their early classics: ‘Out of Time’.

Sounds much like a requiem. So let’s all sing, “Baby baby baby / you’re out of time”, as one Vladimir “it’s a gas, gas, gas” Putin and his sidekick Dmitry “Under My Thumb” Medvedev seem to be the guys really getting their rocks off. It’s only (BRICS) rock’n roll, but we like it.

Chili Mac and Cheese

This almost-instant main dish combines the flavors of two favorite comfort foods. Taco-flavored cheese and mild chilis add an extra kick without too much spice.


Sky High to Rock Bottom

We can’t know what would have happened if Edwards had won just enough money to turn his life around, but he won a lot.

David Lee Edwards was a connected armed robber who had spent one-third of his 46 years in prison. Broke and unemployed, he borrowed some cash from a friend to pay a utility bill. Unfortunately, Edwards had some change left over that he spent on a pizza and a couple of lottery tickets. He won $27 million.

At a press conference, Edwards swore that he would turn his life around and look after his daughter. Yet, he immediately began spending money left and right. His mansion in Florida was full of expensive gadgets, and his body was full of expensive drugs.

Edwards supported his and his wife’s increasing dependence on drugs. He also paid for his friend’s drugs and funerals if they overdosed. Edwards did spoil his daughter, but by 2006, he and his wife were living in a storage unit surrounded by drug paraphernalia and their own body waste.

Mrs. Edwards left him; he died penniless in a hospice in Kentucky. He was 58.

Cute Cat Enjoys 60°C Sauna Everyday

A nice cute little video to put a smile on your face.

So accurate


Maureen O’Connor

Maureen O’Connor, a native of San Diego, California, rose through the local political ranks to become the city’s first female mayor from 1986 to 1992. At the time, she was married to Robert O. Peterson—the founder of the Jack in the Box fast-food chain.

When her husband died in 1994, O’Connor’s personal fortune stood somewhere between $40 and $50 million. In the cutthroat world of politics, all successful politicians are big risk-takers. O’Connor was a political winner, but she was a loser when she began to gamble in casinos.

O’Connor lost around $13 million in casinos.

She misappropriated over $2 million from her husband’s charitable foundation, which she immediately spent playing video poker.

To raise more cash to fund her gambling, she liquidated all her savings and took out second and third mortgages on her home. She attempted to pay off her debts but found herself charged with wire fraud.

She attributed her gambling addiction to a brain tumor. In 2015, a judge formally dropped all charges against her.

Consider how the American media treats China

All in process…

1. Classification: People divided into “us & them”
2. Symbolization: People FORCED to identify themselves
3. Discrimination: People begin to face systemic discrimination
4. Dehumanization: People are equated with animals, vermin or diseases
5. Organization: Gov’t creates specific groups (police/military) to enforce policies
6. Polarization: Gov’t creates propaganda to turn public against target group
7. Preparation: Official action to remove/relocate people
8. Persecution: Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres
9. Extermination: Wholesale elimination of target group. It’s not considered “extermination” or murder because target group are NOT considered human
10. Denial: Gov’t denies it has committed any crime



Supreme Court Overturns NY’s Concealed Carry Law, Expanding Gun Rights

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a New York law that regulated who is allowed to carry a concealed weapon in public, expanding gun rights nationwide.

In a 6-3 decision by the court’s conservative majority, the justices ruled that requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry one in public violated the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

In a dissent joined by his liberal colleagues, Justice Stephen Breyer focused on the toll taken by gun violence. “Since the start of this year alone (2022), there have already been 277 reported mass shootings—an average of more than one per day,“ Breyer wrote.

The decision expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities — including New York, Los Angeles and Boston — and elsewhere. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, the high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade.

Bat Cat


Abandoned Cat Became A Monk And Promised Buddha She Won’t Eat Meat

Another cute kitty video.



Moderna and Pfizer Vaccines more dangerous than Covid

The numbers are coming in.

Stanford, UCLA, Louisiana study says that serious adverse effects from Moderna and Pfizer Vaccines exceed the risk reduction of serious adverse effects from Covid.

The excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group in both Pfizer and Moderna trials (2.3 and 6.4 per 10,000 participants, respectively).

Full paper HERE

SUPREME COURT OVERTURNS “ROE V. WADE” – No federal constitutional Right to Abortion

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, holding that there is no federal constitutional right to an abortion.   Widespread protests, maybe even riots and social upheaval, are expected beginning today, as the supporters of the right to kill babies, go on a rampage.

The opinion is the most consequential Supreme Court decision in decades and will transform the landscape of women’s reproductive health in America.

Going forward, abortion rights will be determined by states, unless Congress acts.

Already, nearly half of the states have or will pass laws that ban abortion while others have enacted strict measures regulating the procedure.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his majority opinion. “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.”

A Fall from Grace

Eike Batista is not a rags-to-riches story since Batista’s father had been the Minister of Mines and Energy in two previous Brazilian governments. It was natural that Eike Batista made his living in mining, gas, and oil with his family background. It was then a logical step to finance large-scale infrastructure projects that would support his other concerns.

At the beginning of 2012, Batista had a net worth of around $35 billion—this meant that he was the seventh wealthiest person in the world. Unfortunately, he didn’t last long in the world’s top ten. By the summer of 2013, his wealth stood at $200 million and, a year later, had fallen to minus $1 billion.

There were various reasons for this dramatic drop, but not all of them were Batista’s fault. A general downturn in the precious metals industry, underperforming assets, and poor decisions played a part. But the biggest fall from grace may be that Batista is facing 30 years in jail for bribing the governor of Rio de Janeiro.

So why should Batista never have become rich? The answer is simple. A capitalist economy relies on the operation of free markets that depend on trust. Someone who builds a business empire built on sand warps the economy, destroys confidence, and wipes out the investments that pay people’s pensions.

Supreme Court Overturns NY’s Concealed Carry Law, Expanding Gun Rights

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a New York law that regulated who is allowed to carry a concealed weapon in public, expanding gun rights nationwide.

In a 6-3 decision by the court’s conservative majority, the justices ruled that requiring people to demonstrate a particular need for carrying a gun in order to get a license to carry one in public violated the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”

Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority that the Constitution protects “an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”

In a dissent joined by his liberal colleagues, Justice Stephen Breyer focused on the toll taken by gun violence. “Since the start of this year alone (2022), there have already been 277 reported mass shootings—an average of more than one per day,“ Breyer wrote.

The decision expected to ultimately allow more people to legally carry guns on the streets of the nation’s largest cities — including New York, Los Angeles and Boston — and elsewhere. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states expected to be affected by the ruling, the high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade.

Harvey Norman declares bankruptcy after going whole month without government handout

Australia biggest electronic retailer giants. They pretty much have been sourcing from China, and can no longer compete with the Australian tariffs and restrictions.
Wonder how long the new government will still want to act tough against (Australians biggest trading country) China like the Morrison’s government has?

A Warning About The Coming Shortages Of Diesel Fuel, Diesel Exhaust Fluid And Diesel Engine Oil


What I am about to share with you is a developing situation, and I hope to share more once the facts become clearer.  It appears that a very serious diesel crisis is coming in the months ahead, and that will have a dramatic impact on our economy.  As you will see below, we are being warned that there will be shortages of diesel fuel, diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil.  Most diesel vehicles require all three in order to run, and so a serious shortage of any of them would be a major disaster.  Needless to say, simultaneous shortages of all three could potentially be catastrophic.  Most Americans don’t spend much time thinking about diesel, but without it our supply chains collapse and we don’t have a functioning economy.  In a recent Time Magazine article discussing the coming diesel fuel shortage, we are told that “the U.S. economy runs on diesel”…

Though most consumers shake their heads at the cost of gasoline and complain about the cost of filling up their car tanks, what they really should be worried about is the price of diesel. The U.S. economy runs on diesel. It’s what powers the container ships that bring goods from Asia and the trucks that collect goods from the ports and bring them to warehouses and then to your home. The farmers who grow the food you eat put diesel in their tractors to plow the fields, and the workers that bring construction equipment to build your home put diesel in their trucks.

Since January, supplies of diesel fuel have been steadily getting tighter.

As supplies have gotten tighter, prices have skyrocketed.  The average price of a gallon of diesel fuel hit $5.50 a gallon in early May, and it has remained above that level ever since.

One of the biggest reasons for the supply crunch is a serious lack of refining capacity.  Back in 1980, the U.S. had twice as many refineries

There are also fewer refineries, which process crude oil into diesel and other products, in the U.S. than were just a few years ago. There are just 124 now operating, down from twice as many in 1980, and down from 139 in 2016, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association. The northeast region is particularly spare, with just seven refineries today, down from 27 in 1982.

There have already been some temporary outages of diesel fuel at a few locations around the country, and we are being warned that disruptions are likely to intensify during the summer months.

But the good news is that we aren’t going to run out of diesel fuel.  It may become a lot more expensive, and there may be painful temporary shortages, but we won’t run out of it.

Unfortunately, the crisis that we are facing with diesel exhaust fluid is potentially much more serious.

If you have just been skimming this article, this is the part where you need to start really paying attention.

Newsweek is telling us that the United States “could soon experience a severe shortage of diesel exhaust fluid”…

The U.S. could soon experience a severe shortage of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), impacting U.S. drivers already hit with soaring fuel prices.

DEF is a solution made up of urea and de-ionized water that is needed for almost everything that runs on diesel. It reduces harmful gases being released into the atmosphere and works by converting nitrogen oxide produced by diesel engines into nitrogen and steam.

If you have a diesel vehicle that was sold in the United States after 2010, your vehicle could technically run without DEF, but in most cases your vehicle will simply not let you start it if the DEF tank is dry

Can we call it a DEF jam? Everything is in short supply as supply chains continue to unlink. The latest commodity reportedly hit is DEF, or the blue diesel exhaust fluid that every diesel sold in the U.S. after 2010 needs to cut emissions. This means that every diesel truck, diesel RV, SUV, and car owner will likely have to look harder, and pay more for, DEF. A diesel engine can technically run without DEF, but your diesel vehicle likely won’t let you start it if the DEF tank is empty.

A lack of urea is the biggest reason for the growing shortage of DEF.

The United States is one of the largest importers of urea in the world, and Russia and China are two of the largest exporters.  In previous years that wasn’t a problem, but now the war in Ukraine has dramatically changed things

A major portion of our urea comes from Europe, and because of the war in Ukraine we’re seeing a shortage of it, according to Newsweek. Russia is one of the world’s major exporters of it. China, too, is a major exporter of it, and it has suspended exports. Weather, too, has caused supply chain disruptions. Since it’s also a major component in fertilizers, there’s intense competition for urea.

Without enough DEF, our economy is going to be in for a world of hurt.

Meanwhile, Mike Adams is reporting on the growing shortages of diesel engine oil that are starting to happen all over the nation…

Retailers, customers and distributors are all reporting shortages in diesel engine oil. This is not an imaginary problem, it is a real problem that is so far entirely ignored by the corporate media.

Apparently there are some diesel engine oil additives that are in extremely short supply, and one industry insider is telling us that this problem isn’t going to be resolved any time soon.

So what this means is that people are going to start running out of diesel engine oil.

In fact, it is already being reported that the trains in Sri Lanka will soon have to completely shut down because of a lack of diesel engine oil…

Sri Lanka Railways said that it will NOT be possible to operate trains in the future due to the lack of engine oil. A senior official at Sri Lanka Railways said that the current level of engine oil would only last for another two months.

That’s in line with the warning we’re hearing in the states: About 8 weeks of diesel engine oil remaining in the pipeline.

Just solving one of the shortages that I have described in this article will not be enough.

As I noted in the opening paragraph, a diesel vehicle requires diesel fuel, diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil in order to operate.

You need all three.

This is a story that I will be following very closely.  Needless to say, there are enormous implications for our supply chains and for our economy as a whole if solutions cannot be found.

XIV BRICS Summit Beijing Declaration

This is a VERY IMPORTANT document. This is the preamble. It defines the new, new world order; a unipolar world. - MM


1. We,the Leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian  Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa held the XIV BRICS Summit under the theme “Foster High-quality BRICS Partnership, Usher in a New Era for Global Development” on 23-24 June 2022.

2. We recall that in the past 16 years, upholding the BRICS spirit featuring  mutual respect and understanding, equality, solidarity, openness, inclusiveness, and consensus, BRICS countries have strengthened mutual trust,deepened intra-BRICS mutually beneficial cooperation,and closer  people-to-people exchanges, which has led to a series of significant  outcomes. We reiterate the importance of further enhancing BRICS  solidarity and cooperation based on our common interests and key priorities, to further strengthen our strategic partnership.

3. We are glad to note that despite the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges, BRICS countries in 2022 have jointly continued enhancing solidarity and  deepening cooperation on, inter alia, economy, peace and security, people-to-people exchanges, public health, and sustainable development  by holding a series of meetings and activities, and contributed to tangible outcomes of BRICS cooperation.

4. We welcome the High-level Dialogue on Global Development at this Summit as  a testimony to the open and inclusive nature of BRICS Partnership including BRICS Outreach/BRICS Plus cooperation. We look forward to the Dialogue injecting new impetus to strengthen international cooperation and solidarity on implementing the 2030 Agenda  for Sustainable Development.

Strengthening and Reforming Global Governance

5. We reiterate our commitment to multilateralism through upholding  international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in  the Charter of the United Nations as its indispensable cornerstone, and  to the central role of the United Nations in an international system in  which sovereign states cooperate to maintain peace and security, advance  sustainable development, ensure the promotion and protection of  democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and promoting  cooperation based on the spirit of mutual respect, justice and equality.

6. Recalling the BRICS Joint Statement on Strengthening and Reforming the Multilateral System adopted by our Foreign Ministers in 2021 and the  principles outlined therein, we agree that the task of strengthening and  reforming multilateral system encompasses the following:

    • Making instruments of global governance more inclusive, representative and  participatory to facilitate greater and more meaningful participation of  developing and least developed countries, especially in Africa, in global decision-making processes and structures and make it better attuned to contemporary realities;
    • Being based on inclusive consultation and collaboration for the benefit of all, while respecting sovereign independence, equality, mutual  legitimate interests and concerns to make the multilateral organizations more responsive,effective,transparent and credible;
    • Making multilateral organizations more responsive, effective, transparent,  democratic, objective, action-oriented, solution-oriented and credible,  so as to  promote cooperation in building international relations based  on the  norms and principles of international law, and the spirit of  mutual  respect, justice, equality, mutual beneficial cooperation and  realities  of  the  contemporary  world;
    • Using  innovative  and inclusive solutions, including digital and technological  tools to  promote sustainable development and facilitate affordable and  equitable  access to global public goods for all;
    • Strengthening  capacities  of individual States and international organizations to  better respond  to new and emerging, traditional and non-traditional  challenges,  including those emanating from terrorism, money  laundering,  cyber-realm, infodemics and fake news;
    • Promoting  international  and regional peace and security, social and economic  development, and  preserve nature’s balance with people-centered  international cooperation at its core.

7. We recall the UNGA Resolution 75/1 and reiterate the call for reforms of the principal  organs of the United Nations. We recommit to instill new life in the  discussions on reform of the UN Security Council and continue the work  to revitalize the General Assembly and strengthen the Economic and  Social Council. We recall the 2005 World Summit Outcome document and  reaffirm the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its  Security Council, with a view to making it more representative,  effective and efficient, and to increase the representation of the  developing countries so that it can adequately respond to global  challenges. China and Russia reiterated the importance they attach to  the status and role of Brazil, India and South Africa in international  affairs and supported their aspiration to play a greater role in the UN. 

8. We appreciate the role of India and Brazil as members of the UN Security Council for 2021-2022 and  2022-2023 respectively. The presence of four BRICS countries in the UN  Security Council provides an opportunity to further enhance the weight  of our dialogue on issue of international peace and security and for  continued cooperation in areas of mutual interest, including through regular exchanges amongst our permanent Mission to the United Nations and in other international fora.

9. We  reiterate the need for all countries to cooperate in promoting and  protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms under the principles of  equality and mutual respect. We agree to continue to treat all human  rights including the right to development in a fair and equal manner, on  the same footing and with the same emphasis. We agree to strengthen  cooperation on issues of common interests both within BRICS and in  multilateral fora including the United Nations General Assembly and  Human Rights Council, taking into account the necessity to promote,  protect and fulfil human rights in a non-selective, non-politicised and  constructive manner and without double standards. We call for the  respect of democracy and human rights. In this regard, we underline that  they should be implemented on the level of global governance as well as  at national level. We reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the promotion  and protection of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for  all with the aim to build a brighter shared future for the international  community based on mutually beneficial cooperation.

10. We  stress that global economic governance is of critical importance for  countries to ensure sustainable development and recall further our  support for broadening and strengthening the participation of emerging  markets and developing countries (EMDCs) in the international economic  decision-making and norm-setting processes. We reiterate our support for  G20’s leading role in global economic governance and underline that G20  shall remain intact and respond to current global challenges. We call  upon the international community to foster partnerships while  underlining that it is imperative to strengthen macro-policy  coordination in driving the world economy out of the crisis and shaping a  strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive post-pandemic economic  recovery. We urge major developed countries to adopt responsible  economic policies, while managing policy spillovers, to avoid severe  impacts on developing countries.

11. We reaffirm our support for an open, transparent, inclusive,  non-discriminatory and rules-based multilateral trading system,as embodied in the World Trade Organization(WTO). We will engage  constructively to pursue the necessary WTO reform to build an open world  economy that supports trade and development, preserve the pre-eminent  role of the WTO for setting global trade rules and governance,  supporting inclusive development and promoting the rights and interests  of its members, including developing members and LDCs. We recognize that  special and differential treatment as established in WTO rules is a  tool to facilitate the achievement of WTO objectives with respect to  economic growth and development. We call upon all WTO members to avoid  unilateral and protectionist measures that run counter to the spirit and  rules of the WTO. We emphasize the top priority and urgency of  launching the selection process of the Appellate Body members to restore  the binding two-tier multilateral dispute settlement mechanism. We  agree that the Appellate Body crisis should be resolved without further  delay and should not be linked with other issues. We endorse BRICS  Statement on Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System and Reforming  the WTO. We commend the successful conclusion of MC12 that underscores  the value of multilateralism. We encourage WTO members to sustain  momentum and achieve further meaningful outcomes by MC13.

12. We  reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong and effective Global  Financial Safety Net with a quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at  its center. We call for the timely and successful completion of the 16th  General Review of Quotas by 15 December 2023, to reduce the IMF’s  reliance on temporary resources, to address under-representation of  emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs) for their meaningful  engagement in the governance of IMF and protect the voice and quota  shares of the poorest and smallest members. We welcome progress on  voluntary channeling of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) from countries  with strong external positions to support countries most in need, as  well as the IMF’s decision to establish the Resilience and  Sustainability Trust (RST). We look forward to early operationalization of the RST.

13. We note that the  COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious shock and hardship to humanity,  unbalanced recovery is aggravating inequality across the world, the  global growth momentum has weakened, and the economic prospects have  declined. We are concerned that global development is suffering from  severe disruption, including the widening North-South development gap,  divergent recovery trajectories, pre-existing developmental fault-lines  and a technological divide. This is posing huge challenges to the  implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as  economic and health scarring, particularly for EMDCs, is projected to  persist beyond the current pandemic. We urge major developed countries  to adopt responsible economic policies, while managing policy  spillovers, to avoid severe impacts on developing countries. We  encourage multilateral financial institutions and international  organizations to play a constructive role in building global consensus  on economic policies and preventing systemic risks of economic  disruption and financial fragmentation. We welcome the actions to  accelerate the progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for  Sustainable Development.

Working in Solidarity to Combat COVID-19

14. We  reiterate that it was imperative to ensure the availability of safe,  efficacious, accessible and affordable diagnostics, medicines, vaccines  and essential medical products to people from different countries  especially developing countries, and equitable distribution of vaccines  and expeditious vaccination, to fill the immunization gap globally. We  support the leading role of the WHO in combating the pandemic, as well  as acknowledge initiatives such as the COVAX and the ACT-A. We recognize  the importance of the discussions in the WTO on relevant IP waiver  proposals, as well as capacity building and strengthening local  production of vaccines and other health tools, especially in developing  countries. We stress the need to continue to strengthen the cooperation  on testing methods, therapeutic, research, production and recognition of  vaccines, the research on their efficacy and safety in light of new  variants of COVID-19 virus and recognition of national document of  vaccination against COVID-19 and respective testing, especially for  purpose of international travel. 

15. We  reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism and continue to support  World Health Organization (WHO) to play the leading role in the global  health governance, while supporting other UN relevant agencies’  activities. The BRICS countries will strengthen technical multilateral  cooperation aimed at enhancing capacities in the fields of responding to  major public health emergencies, Universal Health Coverage (UHC),  vaccine research and development, prevention & therapeutic health  care and digital health systems. We agree to deepen existing cooperation  through establishing closer cooperation ties among BRICS health  institutions and exploring opportunities for joint collaborative  projects in the health sector. 

16. We welcome the convening of the BRICS High-Level Forum on Traditional Medicine.

17. We  stress that BRICS countries should be better prepared for COVID-19 and  future public health emergencies, and enhance exchanges and cooperation  on public health emergency alert, pandemic prevention preparedness and  response, and best practices in medical treatment. We welcome the  virtual launch of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center and  commend the “Initiative on Strengthening Vaccine Cooperation and Jointly  Building a Defensive Line against Pandemic”. We welcome  the participation of other countries, especially EMDCs, in the Center to  upgrade capacity for controlling and preventing infectious diseases. We  support and emphasize the urgent need for the establishment of the  BRICS Integrated Early Warning System for preventing mass infectious  diseases risks in accordance with the International Health  Regulations (2005) and the WHO’s Global Outbreak Alert and Response  Network, and emphasize that BRICS countries should jointly take  proactive and effective measures to prevent and reduce the risk of  cross-border transmission of infectious diseases and contribute to  improving global health.

18. We support  continuing to hold the BRICS TB Research Network Meetings, which will  contribute to achieving the WHO goal of ending TB by 2030. We support  the early signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in  the Field of Regulation of Medical Products for Human Use among our drug  regulatory authorities and welcome the holding of a BRICS Seminar of  Officials and Experts in Population Development in the second half of  2022. 

19. We call on international  agencies and philanthropists to procure vaccines and boosters from  manufacturers in developing countries, including in Africa, to ensure  that the manufacturing capabilities being developed are retained. This  is critical to build health system resilience and preparedness for  emerging variants and any future health emergencies including  pandemics. In this context access to diagnostics and therapeutics is  essential to adopt quality and affordable medical countermeasures  and develop overall surveillance capabilities. 

Safeguarding Peace and Security

20. We  welcome the BRICS Joint Statement on “Strengthen BRICS Solidarity and  Cooperation, Respond to New Features and Challenges in International  Situation” adopted by our Foreign Ministers on 19 May 2022, and the 12th  Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on  National Security, held on 15 June 2022, and commend their fruitful  discussions on various strategic issues. 

21. We commit to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all  States, stress our commitment to the peaceful resolution of differences  and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation,  support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of crises.

22. We  have discussed the situation in Ukraine and recall our national  positions as expressed at the appropriate fora, namely the UNSC and  UNGA. We support talks between Russia and Ukraine. We have also  discussed our concerns over the humanitarian situation in and around  Ukraine and expressed our support to efforts of the UN  Secretary-General, UN Agencies and ICRC to provide humanitarian  assistance in accordance with the basic principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality established in UN General Assembly  resolution 46/182.

23. We strongly  support a peaceful, secure and stable Afghanistan while emphasizing the  respect for its sovereignty, independence, territorial  integrity, national unity and non-interference in its internal affairs.  We emphasize the need for all sides to encourage the  Afghanistan authorities to achieve national reconciliation through  dialogue and negotiation, and to establish a broad-based and inclusive  and representative political structure. We reaffirm the significance of  relevant UNSC resolutions. We emphasize that the Afghan territory not to  be used to threaten or attack any country or to shelter or train  terrorists, or to plan to finance terrorist acts, and reiterate the  importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan. We call on the  Afghanistan authorities to work towards combating drug-related crime to  free Afghanistan from the scourge of drugs. We stress the need to  provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people and to  safeguard the fundamental rights of all Afghans, including women, children, and different ethnic groups. 

24. We  reiterate the need to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through  peaceful and diplomatic means in accordance with the international law,  and stress the importance of preserving the JCPOA and the UNSCR 2231 to  international non-proliferation as well as wider peace and stability and  hope for success of diplomatic efforts towards the resumption of  the JCPOA.

25. We express our support  for negotiations in bilateral and multilateral formats to resolve all  issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, including its complete  denuclearization, and maintaining peace and stability in Northeast Asia. We reaffirm the commitment to a comprehensive peaceful, diplomatic and  political solution to the situation.

26. We  reaffirm our commitment to a peaceful and prosperous Middle East and  North Africa. We stress the importance of addressing development and  security challenges in the region. We call on the international  community to support efforts aimed at the stability and peace in the region.

27. We commend efforts of  African countries, the African Union and sub-regional organizations to  address regional challenges, including maintaining peace and security,  post conflict reconstruction as well as development efforts, and call  for continued support by the international community to them. We  emphasize the collaboration of AU and UN in accordance with the UN Charter.

28. We call for continued efforts to strengthen the system of arms control, disarmament and  non-proliferation treaties and agreements and to preserve its integrity  for maintaining global stability and international peace and security,  and stressed further the need to maintain the effectiveness and  efficiency as well as the consensus-based nature of the relevant  multilateral instruments in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation  and arms control.

29. We call for  strengthening the system of arms control, disarmament and  non-proliferation, including the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological)  and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC) and the Convention on  the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of  Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (CWC), and for preserving  their integrity and effectiveness to maintain global stability and  international peace and security. We underline the need to comply with  and strengthen the BTWC, including by adopting a legally binding  Protocol to the Convention that provides for, inter alia, an efficient  verification mechanism. We reassert our support for ensuring the  long-term sustainability of outer space activities and prevention of an  arms race in outer space (PAROS) and of its weaponization, including  through negotiations to adopt a relevant legally binding multilateral  instrument. We recognize the value of the updated Draft Treaty on the  Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use  of Force against Outer Space Objects (PPWT) submitted to the Conference  on Disarmament in 2014. We stress that practical Transparency and  Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs), may also contribute to PAROS.

30. We  reaffirm our commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons and stress  our strong commitment to nuclear disarmament and our support to the work  on this subject during the session of 2022 of the Conference on  Disarmament. We note the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the People’s  Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United  States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races on 3 January  2022, in particular the affirmation that a nuclear war cannot be won and  must never be fought.

31. We reaffirm  our commitment to the promotion of an open, secure, stable, accessible  and peaceful ICT-environment, underscored the importance of enhancing  common understandings and intensifying cooperation in the use of ICTs  and Internet. We support the leading role of the United Nations in  promoting constructive dialogue on ensuring ICT-security, including  within the UN Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of  ICTs 2021-2025, and developing a universal legal framework in this  realm. We call for a comprehensive, balanced, objective approach to the  development and security of ICT products and systems. We underscore the  importance of establishing legal frameworks of cooperation among BRICS  countries on ensuring security in the use of ICTs. We also acknowledge  the need to advance practical intra-BRICS cooperation through  implementation of the BRICS Roadmap of Practical Cooperation on ensuring  security in the use of ICTs and the activities of the BRICS Working  Group on security in the use of ICTs.

32. We,  while emphasizing the formidable potential of the ICTs for growth and  development, recognize new associated possibilities they bring for  criminal activities and threats, and expressed concern over the rising  level and complexity of criminal misuse of ICTs. We welcome the ongoing  work in the UN Open-Ended Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to elaborate a  comprehensive international convention on countering the use of ICTs for  criminal purposes and reaffirm our commitment to cooperating in the  implementation of the mandate adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution 75/282.

33. We express strong  condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations whenever,  wherever and by whomsoever committed. We recognize the threat emanating  from terrorism, extremism conducive to terrorism and radicalization. We  are committed to combating terrorism in all its forms and  manifestations, including the cross-border movement of terrorists, and  terrorism financing networks and safe havens. We reiterate that  terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality,  civilization or ethnic group. We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to  contribute further to the global efforts of preventing and countering  the threat of terrorism on the basis of respect for international law,  in particular the Charter of the United Nations, and human rights,  emphasizing that States have the primary responsibility in combating  terrorism with the United Nations continuing to play central and  coordinating role in this area. We also stress the need for a  comprehensive and balanced approach of the whole international community  to effectively curb the terrorist activities, which pose a serious  threat, including in the present-day pandemic environment. We reject  double standards in countering terrorism and extremism conducive to  terrorism. We call for an expeditious finalization and adoption of the  Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism within the UN  framework and for launching multilateral negotiations on an  international convention for the suppression of acts of chemical and  biological terrorism, at the Conference of Disarmament. We welcome the  outcomes of the Seventh BRICS Counter-Terrorism Working Group Plenary  Meeting and its five Subgroup Meetings. We commend the Chair for hosting  the Seminar on Targeted Financial Sanctions Related to Terrorism and  Terrorist Financing, and look forward to organization of the Seminar on  Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building in Developing  Countries, and the BRICS Police Training Program. We also look forward  to further deepening counter-terrorism cooperation.

34. We  look forward to further deepening counter-terrorism cooperation and  reaffirm the sole authority of the UN Security Council for imposing  sanctions and call for further consolidation and strengthening of the  working methods of UN Security Council Sanctions Committees to ensure  their effectiveness, responsiveness and transparency, while avoiding  politicization of any of their proceedings including listing proposals  objectively on evidence-based criteria.

35. We  reaffirm our commitment to strengthening international cooperation  against corruption. While respecting the legal systems of our respective  countries, we are committed to strengthening experience sharing and  practical cooperation on issues related to anti-corruption law  enforcement, including on pursuit of economic and corruption offenders,  on mutual legal assistance in civil and administrative matters, and on  asset recovery. We welcome the BRICS Initiative on Denial of Safe Haven  to Corruption. We will further strengthen anti-corruption capacity  building through education and training programs and enhance  anti-corruption exchanges and cooperation within multilateral  frameworks. We welcome the first BRICS Anti-corruption Ministerial  Meeting. 

36. We are concerned about the  serious drug situation in the world and reiterate our commitment to the  existing international drug control mechanism underpinned by the three  United Nations Drug Control Conventions and the various political  commitments. We appreciate BRICS Anti-Drug Working Group’s active role  in combating transnational drug trafficking and promoting global drug  governance and will further strengthen drug control cooperation.

Promoting Economic Recovery

37. We  recognize the important role of BRICS countries working together to  deal with risks and challenges to the world economy in achieving global  recovery and sustainable development. We reaffirm our commitment to  continuing to enhance macro-economic policy coordination, deepen  economic practical cooperation, and work to realize strong, sustainable,  balanced and inclusive post-COVID economic recovery. We emphasize the  importance of continued implementation of the Strategy for BRICS  Economic Partnership 2025 in all relevant ministerial tracks and working  groups.

38. We recognize the dynamism  of the digital economy in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and enabling  global economic recovery. We also recognize the positive role that  trade and investment can play in promoting sustainable development,  national and regional industrialization, the transition towards  sustainable consumption and production patterns. We take note of China’s  hosting the “Buy BRICS” online promotion event and endorse the BRICS  Digital Economy Partnership Framework, BRICS Initiative on Trade and  Investment for Sustainable Development and BRICS Initiative on Enhancing  Cooperation on Supply Chains. We recognize the challenges facing trade  and investment development in the digital era and acknowledge that BRICS  members are at different levels of digital development, and thus  recognize the need to address respective challenges including the  digital divide. We welcome the establishment of the Digital Economy  Working Group by upgrading the E-commerce Working Group. We also agree  to promote consumer protection in e-commerce by advancing the  implementation of BRICS Framework for Consumer Protection in  E-commerce. We reaffirm that openness, efficiency, stability,  transparency, reliability and resilience of the global, regional and  national production and supply chains are crucial in combating the  COVID-19 pandemic, tackling economic recovery challenges and boosting  international trade and investment. We encourage cooperation among BRICS  countries to enhance the interconnectivity of supply chains and promote  trade and investment flows. We agree to strengthen exchanges and  cooperation in trade in services and engagement of BRICS national focal  points, as established in the BRICS Framework for Cooperation on Trade  in Services, with the BRICS Business Council with the aim to promote  implementation of BRICS Trade in Services Cooperation Roadmap and  relevant documents including the BRICS Framework for cooperation in  Trade in Professional Services. We take note of the proposal of the  Chair to establish the BRICS Trade in Services Network (BTSN) and will  continue discussions. 

39. We  congratulate New Development Bank (NDB) on its relocation to its  permanent headquarters building in Shanghai as well as the opening of  NDB’s regional office in India. We welcome the decisions on admission of  four new members to the NDB and look forward to further membership  expansion in a gradual and balanced manner in terms of geographic  representation and comprising of both developed and developing  countries, to enhance the NDB’s international influence as well as the  representation and voice of EMDCs in global governance. We support the  NDB’s goals of attaining the highest possible credit rating and  institutional development. We appreciate the vital role of the NDB in  addressing the impact of the pandemic and assisting in the economic  recovery in member countries. We note the second General Strategy  approved by the Board of Governors at its annual meeting and look  forward to its smooth implementation. We encourage the Bank to follow  the member-led and demand-driven principle, mobilize financing from  diversified sources, enhance innovation and knowledge exchange, assist  member countries in achieving sustainable development goals and further  improve efficiency and effectiveness to fulfill its mandate, aiming to  be a premier multilateral development institution.

40. We  welcome the decision to establish the BRICS Think Tank Network for  Finance. We expect it to work independently and provide intellectual  support, as and when tasked, for knowledge sharing, exchange of  experiences and practices and cooperation on finance issues amongst  BRICS countries, aiming at addressing global challenges and serving the  interests of the EMDCs.

41. We recognize  the key role that infrastructure investment can play in facilitating  sustainable development. We reaffirm our understanding that PPPs are an  effective approach to leveraging the private sector to address  infrastructure gaps, and scaling up infrastructure assets. We endorse  the Technical Report on Public Private Partnerships for Sustainable  Development. We welcome the exchange and sharing of good practices and  experiences, and encourage further cooperation on infrastructure  investment and PPPs. We look forward to resuming technical  engagements with the NDB and the BRICS Task Force on PPP and  Infrastructure on the Integrated Digital Platform on infrastructure  investment projects and call for intensification of work in this area.

42. We  acknowledge the importance of strengthening the Contingent Reserve  Arrangement (CRA) mechanism, which contributes to strengthening the  global financial safety net and complements existing international  monetary and financial arrangements. We support the amendments to the  CRA Treaty, and welcome the progress in amending other relevant CRA  documents. We look forward to the finalization of the amendments which  would enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of the CRA mechanism.  We look forward to the successful completion of the fifth CRA test run  later in 2022. We support the work to improve the framework for  coordination between the CRA and the IMF. We welcome the progress in  developing the BRICS Economic Bulletin 2022 as part of our streamlined  CRA research program.

43. We underscore  the importance of continued work under the existing work streams,  including information security in the financial sector, and the BRICS  Payments Task Force (BPTF) as a platform for exchanging experience and  knowledge, and welcome the central banks’ further cooperation on the  payments track. 

44. We commit to  strengthening intra-BRICS cooperation to intensify the BRICS Partnership  on New Industrial Revolution (PartNIR) and collectively create new  opportunities for development. We encourage intra-BRICS cooperation in  human resource development through BRICS Centre for Industrial  Competences, BRICS PartNIR Innovation Centre (BPIC), BRICS Start-up  Events and collaboration with other relevant BRICS mechanisms, to carry  out training programmes to address challenges of NIR for inclusive and  sustainable industrialization. We support the BRICS PartNIR projects to  explore cooperation mechanisms with New Development Bank (NDB) and other  financial institutions based on market-driven principles. We recognize  the importance of BRICS Startup Events including BRICS Innovation  Launchpad and BRICS Startup Forum Meeting, aimed to promote networking,  interaction, mentorship among Startups in BRICS countries. We welcome  the events hosted by the BPIC including the 4th BRICS Forum on PartNIR,  the BRICS Industrial Innovation Contest 2022, and the BPIC training  programme, which are aimed at translating the vision of PartNIR into  real actions and benefits for all BRICS members. We welcome the BRICS  Forum on Development of Industrial Internet and Digital Manufacturing,  during which representatives from BRICS governments, industry and  academia participated and discussed the development of digital  manufacturing. We also welcome the release of the BRICS Initiative for  Cooperation on Digitalization of Manufacturing.

45. We  acknowledge the progress of BRICS cooperation on STI, including  outcomes of BRICS STI Steering Committee, inter alia, on advancement of  flagship projects initiative aiming to find effective STI solutions to  global challenges. We encourage further work on proposals regarding the  polycentric BRICS Technology Transfer Center Network, iBRICS Network,  joint research projects including flagship projects, BRICS Young  Scientist Forum and Young Innovation Prize.

46. We  commend the progress of cooperation in the field of ICTs, including the  adoption of the terms of reference of the Digital BRICS Task Force  (DBTF) and the decision to hold the Digital BRICS Forum in 2022. We  encourage the BRICS Institute of Future Networks and the DBTF to make  suitable working plans at an early date, and carry out cooperation on  R&D and application of new and emerging technologies. We look  forward to a fruitful and productive meeting of BRICS Communication  Ministers in July 2022. We support the coordination and interaction  among the Digital Economy Working Group and the Working Group on ICT  Cooperation, as well as the workstreams established within this track,  namely the DBTF and the BIFN as practicable to avoid any duplication for  advancing the BRICS digital economy in accordance with respective  advantages, and within respective domestic legal frameworks.

47. We  commend our Customs authorities for the Agreement Between the  Governments of BRICS Countries on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative  Assistance in Customs Matters, and the progress made in areas of mutual  administrative assistance, capacity building and law enforcement  cooperation. We recognize the importance of BRICS customs enforcement  cooperation and will work together to further strengthen it. We support  our Customs authorities in holding the BRICS Workshop on Customs  Strategy and Capacity Building and the BRICS Workshop on Customs  Enforcement Cooperation, for smart cooperation and smart practice  sharing, as also for promoting partnership in customs under the theme of  “Smart Cooperation for a High-quality Partnership among BRICS Customs”.

48. We  emphasize the fundamental role of energy security in achieving  sustainable development goals. While recognizing that the energy  transition of each country is unique according to national  circumstances, we underscore the prime importance of securing universal  access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy in line  with Sustainable Development Goal 7. We welcome the BRICS Energy Report  2022, support joint research and technical cooperation within the BRICS  Energy Research Cooperation Platform, and commend the holding of the  BRICS Youth Energy Summit and other related activities.

49. We  encourage the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism to continue playing  an important role in supporting BRICS economic and trade cooperation,  and appreciate the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between  the Member Development Banks of BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism  and the New Development Bank. We welcome the seventh edition of the  BRICS Economic Research Award to encourage and stimulate advanced  doctoral research by nationals of the BRICS countries on topics of  relevance to the BRICS nations.

50. We reiterate the commitments to promote employment for sustainable  development, including to develop skills to ensure resilient recovery,  gender-responsive employment and social protection policies including  workers’ rights. We welcome research by the BRICS Network of Labour  Research Institutes on employment and income support in the context of  COVID-19 crisis outlining impact of the pandemic, response measures and  post-COVID-19 changes.

51. We recognize  the crucial role that MSMEs play in the BRICS economies and reaffirm the  importance of their participation in production networks and value  chains. We agree to continue to deepen cooperation on competition  amongst BRICS countries and create a fair competition market environment  for international economic and trade cooperation. We agree to enhance  exchanges and cooperation in the field of standardization and make full  use of standards to advance sustainable development. We commit to  strengthen cooperation and coordination in areas of tax information  exchange, capacity building and innovation in tax administration, and  create a signature knowledge product called ‘the Best Tax Practices from  BRICS’ to serve as reference for other developing countries. We support  deepening IPR cooperation and promoting exchanges and mutual learning  on IPR protection system, and look forward to more practical outcomes in  such fields as patent, trademark, and industrial design. We support  enhancing BRICS statistical cooperation and continuing to release the  BRICS Joint Statistical Publication 2022.

Expediting Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

52. We  note with concern that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted efforts to  achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and reversed years  of progress on poverty, hunger, health care, education, climate change,  access to clean water, and environmental protection. We reaffirm our  commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in all its three  dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and  integrated manner. We stress that the international community should  attach more importance to development, revitalize global development  partnerships and push for realization of all sustainable development  goals by pooling the necessary resources to instill fresh momentum into  implementing the 2030 Agenda. We urge donor countries to honour their  Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments and to facilitate  capacity building and the transfer of technology along with additional  development resources to developing countries, in line with the national  policy objectives of recipients. We stress the importance of dialogue  between the relevant development agencies from the BRICS countries.

53. We  commemorate the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Framework  Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and call on all parties to adhere  to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and  respective capabilities, in the light of different national  circumstances and in accordance with the institutional arrangement of  nationally determined contributions, and to implement the UNFCCC and its  Paris Agreement in an accurate, balanced and comprehensive way, based  on existing consensus. We recall relevant provisions of the Paris  Agreement, emphasizing that the Paris Agreement aims to strengthen  global response to the threat of climate change in the context of  sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty, and that  peaking of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions will take longer for  developing countries. We underline that the developed countries have  historical responsibilities for global climate change, and should take  the lead in scaling up mitigation actions and scale up indispensable  support to developing countries on finance, technology and  capacity-building. We express our support to the incoming Egyptian  Presidency of COP27, working towards the success of COP27, and promote  COP27 to prioritize implementation and highlight the reinforcement of  adaptation and delivery and enhancement of developed countries’  commitments to provide financial support and technology transfer to  developing countries.

54. We oppose  green trade barriers and reiterate our commitment to enhancing  coordination on these issues. We underline that all measures taken to  tackle climate change and bio-diversity loss must be designed, adopted  and implemented in full conformity with the WTO agreements and must not  constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a  disguised restriction on international trade and must not create  unnecessary obstacles to international trade. We express our concern at  any discriminatory measure that will distort international trade, risk  new trade frictions and shift burden of addressing climate change to  other trading partners, developing countries and BRICS members. 

55. We  acknowledge the positive outcomes of the first phase of the 15th  Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological  Diversity (COP15) and its Kunming Declaration. We welcome and support  China’s hosting of the second phase of COP15 and call on all parties to  jointly adopt an ambitious, balanced and practical Post-2020 Global  Biodiversity Framework.

56. As BRICS  countries produce around 1/3 of the world’s food, we stress our  commitment to furthering agricultural cooperation and driving  sustainable agricultural and rural development of BRICS countries aimed  at safeguarding food security of BRICS countries and the world. We  emphasize the strategic importance of agriculture inputs, including,  inter alia, fertilizers, on ensuring global food security. We reiterate  the importance of implementing the Action Plan 2021-2024 for  Agricultural Cooperation of BRICS Countries, and welcome the Strategy on  Food Security Cooperation of the BRICS Countries.

57. We  take note that the breakthroughs in the applications of digital  technologies, such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) may play  an important role towards sustainable development. We take note of the  BRICS Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development. We support  information exchanges and technical cooperation on AI technology. We  recall the declaration of the 7th BRICS Communications Ministers meeting  recognizing the rapid developments and huge potential of Artificial  Intelligence technologies and its value to economic growth. We  acknowledge the need to cooperate with each other to build trust,  confidence and security, as well as transparency and accountability in  promoting trustworthy AI to maximize its potential for the benefit of  society and humanity as whole with specific emphasis on marginalized and  vulnerable groups of population. We express our concerns on the risk,  and ethical dilemma related to Artificial Intelligence, such as privacy,  manipulation, bias, human-robot interaction, employment, effects and  singularity among others. We encourage BRICS members to work together to  deal with such concerns, sharing best practices, conduct comparative  study on the subject toward developing a common governance approach  which would guide BRICS members on Ethical and responsible use of  Artificial Intelligence while facilitating the development of AI. 

58. We  welcome the establishment of the BRICS Joint Committee on Space  Cooperation in line with the Agreement on Cooperation on BRICS Remote  Sensing Satellite Constellation and the convening of the first joint  committee meeting. We are satisfied with the formulation of working  procedures for data exchange and joint observation of the BRICS Remote  Sensing Satellite Constellation and appreciate the commissioning of data  sharing and exchange of the constellation. We encourage BRICS space  authorities to continue to effectively utilize the capacity of the  Constellation, and to widely promote application with data of the  Constellation, aimed at facilitating the sustainable development of  BRICS countries.

59. We commend the  proposal to organize the BRICS High-level Forum on Sustainable  Development. Taking it as an opportunity, we look forward to deepening  cooperation on, inter alia, the fight against COVID-19, digital  transformation, resilience and stability of industrial and supply  chains and low-carbon development.

60. We  reiterate the importance of exchanges and dialogues among BRICS  disaster management authorities. We encourage cooperation in key areas  including comprehensive disaster reduction capacity, disaster resilient  infrastructure and emergency rescue and response, with a view to  improving the global and regional disaster management response.

61. We  express our support to the African Union Agenda 2063 and to Africa´s  efforts towards integration through the development of the African  Continental Free Trade Area and other means. We stress the importance of  issues including industrialization, infrastructure development, food  security, health-care, and tackling climate change for the sustainable  development of Africa. We support Africa in attaining economic recovery  and sustainable development in the post pandemic era.

Deepening People-to-People Exchanges

62. We  reaffirm the importance of BRICS people-to-people exchanges in  enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation amongst our  nations and people. We appreciate the progress made under China’s  Chairship in 2022, including in the fields of governance, culture,  education, sports, arts, films, media, youth and academic exchanges, and  look forward to further exchanges and cooperation in these areas. 

63. We  appreciate the signing of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the  Agreement between the Governments of the BRICS States on cooperation in  the Field of Culture (2022-2026), encourage the BRICS countries to  promote the development of digitalization in the field of culture,  continue to deepen cooperation in the fields of, inter alia, arts and  culture, cultural heritage, cultural industry and cultural alliances  under the framework of the action plan, and establish a cultural  partnership featuring inclusiveness and mutual learning. 

64. We  acknowledge the urgent need for tourism industry recovery and the  importance of increasing mutual tourist flows and will work towards  further strengthening the BRICS Alliance for Green Tourism to promote  measures, which can shape a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive tourism sector. 

65. We appreciate the  progress on education and Technical and Vocational Education and  Training (TVET) cooperation, especially the establishment of the BRICS  TVET Cooperation Alliance which focuses on strengthening communication  and dialogue in TVET, promoting substantial cooperation in TVET,  integrating TVET with industry, enhancing research collaboration and  supporting recognition of TVET standards. Also, the launch of the BRICS  Skills Competition will strengthen exchanges and cooperation among the  nations. We support the digital transformation in education and  TVET space, and commit to ensure education accessibility and equity, and  promote the development of quality education. We reiterate the  importance of digitalization in education and development of a  sustainable education by strengthening the cooperation within BRICS  Network University and BRICS University League.

66. We  commend the successful holding of the BRICS Business Forum and  welcome the Beijing Initiative of BRICS Business community. We encourage  the BRICS Business Council to strengthen cooperation, including in the  fields of agri-business, aviation, deregulation, digital economy, energy  and green economy, financial services, infrastructure, manufacturing,  and skills development. We appreciate contributions and activities of  the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) to deepening BRICS economic  and trade cooperation. We welcome the holding of the second BRICS  Women’s Innovation Contest by the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance  towards empowering women’s innovation and entrepreneurship. 

67. We commend the progress in sports exchanges and the role it plays in the  development of our athletes in a fair, inclusive and non-discriminatory  fashion. We look forward to the successful holding of BRICS Sports  Ministers Meeting in 2022.

68. We  appreciate the holding of the fora pertaining to political parties,  think tanks, and civil society organizations. We also acknowledge the  proposal for institutionalization of the BRICS Civil Society  Organizations Forum.

69. We support the  convening of the fifth BRICS Media Forum and the continuation of the  BRICS International Journalism Training Program within the framework of the Forum.

70. We look forward to the  BRICS Youth Summit, support youth development as a priority and  encourage strengthened exchanges among BRICS youth. We welcome the BRICS  Film Festival in Shanghai and look forward to enhancing exchanges and  cooperation in the field of film. We commend the progress made by BRICS  countries in promoting urban development, and appreciate the  contribution of mechanisms including BRICS Urbanization Forum, BRICS  Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum and BRICS  International Municipal Forum to facilitating the building of more  friendship city relations among BRICS countries and promoting the  implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Institutional Development

71. We  note with satisfaction the progress made in BRICS institutional  development and stress that BRICS cooperation needs to embrace changes  and keep abreast with the times. We shall continue to set clear  priorities in our wide-ranging cooperation, on the basis of consensus,  and make our strategic partnership more efficient, practical  and results-oriented. 

72. We emphasize  the BRICS efforts of extending its cooperation to other EMDCs and  support further promoting the BRICS Outreach and BRICS Plus  Cooperation in line with the updated Terms of Reference adopted by the  BRICS Sherpas in 2021 through inclusive and equal-footed and flexible  practices and initiatives. We commend China’s Chairship for hosting the  Dialogue session under the theme ‘Increased Role of Emerging Markets and  Developing Countries in Global Governance’ during the Meeting of BRICS  Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations on 19 May 2022. 

73. We support promoting discussions among BRICS members on BRICS expansion  process. We stress the need to clarify the guiding principles,  standards, criteria and procedures for this expansion process through  Sherpas’ channel on the basis of full consultation and consensus.

74. South Africa, Brazil, Russia and India commend China’s BRICS Chairship in  2022 and express their gratitude to the government and people of China  for holding the XIV BRICS Summit.

75. Brazil, Russia, India and China extend full support to South Africa for its  BRICS Chairship in 2023 and the holding of the XV BRICS Summit.

(Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China)

Chinese ambassador hits out at Morrison’s ‘nonsense’ COVID inquiry

China listed 14 graviences. All committed by Australia. And now we have the  Wuhan “smear campaign” by Morrison. Yeah. Sure, it’s only 1 of the 14 greviances, but the media continued to use their selective wording to continue to smear China.

Article HERE

Creamy Chicken Soup (THE BEST Chicken Soup Recipe)

WOW! I’m going to try this tomorrow! Wow, oh wow oh wow!

South Korea exposed the US military laboratory secretly made “biochemical weapons”? What do you intend to be so close to China?

The zombie movie “Travel to Busan” was shown in the world a few years ago. In the film, the virus leaked by the Busan Biopharmaceutical Company in South Korea triggered a terrible zombie crisis. Now, with the exposure of the biochemical laboratory hidden by the United States in South Korea, Koreans have begun to chant that “Travel to Busan” is not a fiction, but a preview of reality.

Travel to Busan

Recently, the United States has repeatedly sent biological warfare reagents to the Korean peninsula through the US military stationed in South Korea. After the incident was exposed, South Korean people and media investigations discovered that the US military had secretly established four biochemical laboratories in South Korea, one of which was in Busan. The sinister behavior of the United States has triggered many demonstrations by South Koreans.

So, what secret weapon is the U.S. Biochemical Warfare Laboratory making? Is it related to the coronavirus pandemic that WHO is tracing? What does the US military intend to build the laboratory on the doorstep of China?

Today, Xiaota will talk to everyone about the conspiracy of the United States in overseas biochemical laboratories.

As early as last year, South Korea’s “Tong Shimbun” published an article that broke the news: “The U.S. Army in South Korea has set up Bacillus anthracis biological laboratories at four bases in Yongsan, Busan, Gunsan and Pyeongtaek.” Bacillus anthracis is a species that can pass through the skin and mucous membranes. The bacteria spread by the respiratory tract and the digestive tract, German and Japanese fascists, have tried to make it into biochemical weapons, but now, the U.S. military, which has inherited the Japanese biochemical warfare technology and experience, has vigorously developed this extermination weapon, even It has been made “more terrible than coronavirus”. This virus can not only kill people and animals, but can even survive and reproduce in the soil. As long as it is contaminated with Bacillus anthracis, the soil must be completely removed, otherwise it will always be a forbidden zone for life.

The U.S. military has built extremely dangerous laboratories overseas, obviously not willing to allow its own country to bear unexpected risks. The United States’ wishful thinking is brilliant. Judging from the information that has been released so far, from 2009 to 2014, the US military conducted at least 15 anthrax experiments in South Korea, and there have indeed been at least one virus leak.

It happened in May 2015. The bacillus anthracis was accidentally leaked at the U.S. Air Force Base in Osan, South Korea. 5 U.S. Air Force personnel, 10 U.S. Army personnel, 3 U.S. military members, and 4 Koreans who may be exposed to the virus He was treated in isolation, and his later situation is unknown.

It was this leak that exposed the news of the US military at the Korean Biochemical Laboratory, which caused a violent shock in Korean society. Countless South Korean citizens took to the streets to launch protest marches, demanding a reply from the US, and disclosure of laboratory information, and the laboratory was immediately cancelled. Many South Korean civil organizations gathered to call for a comprehensive revision of the “Status of Forces Agreement in South Korea” to limit the privileges of US troops in South Korea. There are also calls for the South Korean government to conduct independent investigations to find out the truth of the incident.

What the Americans say is better than what they sing. The United States says that “the American system is very safe”, but I’m sorry, the system cannot be built in the United States. The United States engages in biochemical experiments, but does not aim at biochemical experiments. The U.S. states that it will alert in time when it finds danger, but what is the use of such alert? It may be for the United States to block South Korea in time and prevent the virus from spreading to the United States. The United States says that the purpose of developing chemical weapons is to defend against biological and chemical threats, but the biggest threat in the world is the United States. The United States should still find a way to defend itself.

Even more frightening is that in the surrounding area of ​​the US military laboratory, there have been outbreaks of uncommon local diseases many times. According to a 2019 report by the U.S. Audit Office, in the past 10 years, there have been 400 accidents in U.S. biosafety tertiary laboratories. Although the victims of these accidents are mainly confined to the staff in contact, the number of accidents Leakage, the harm will be to all mankind.

Article HERE

Dog’s Reaction After Seeing The Owner Who’s Abandoned Her Years Later

So many people are without compassion and humanity. The owner couldn’t even pet her when she was jumping in happiness seeing him. How humans could be so calloused and cruel like this?  It’s so painful seeing animals waiting for their owners who abandoned them yet still wagging their tails upon seeing them. These people don’t deserve these kind of pure love from these animals. It’s so sad.

My heart broke when I saw her jumping around her owner’s legs and he completely ignored her. It broke my heart and she walked back to that abandoned old house and looked over her shoulder to see if he was following her and I cried when I saw her hiding in the dry grass looking so frightened and lonely. How could anyone do that to such a sweet loving animal as her. Extremely heartbreaking….but so glad she was adopted.

Hope she has a wonderful life now.

A name?

When Jason Sadler’s mom told him his stepfather was filing for divorce, Sadler responded to the news with a joke. Sadler told his mom he’d just have to sell off his last name to avoid being stuck with the family name of a third divorced dad.

That joke became reality half a year later when Jason Sadler created a website called Sadler offered to change his last name to an advertising billboard for any company willing to pay for the privilege. What would happen if Nike wanted to change Jason’s name to Jason JustDoIt? Jason would just do it indeed, as long as the dubbing was for the highest price offered.

Within 24 hours of the auction opening, his name’s selling price skyrocketed to thirty thousand dollars. Forty days later, Jason was paid forty-five thousand dollars to legally become Jason Headsetsdotcom.

While “Mr. Headsetsdotcom” may be a memorable title, Jason decided he would not settle on that last name either. Headsetsdotcom did not go back to calling himself Jason Sadler. Instead, he auctioned off his last name again, and for fifty-thousand dollars Jason was now Jason Sufrapp.

What is in a name? Almost one hundred thousand dollars, apparently.

The United States- the Pacific bully

Jun 24, 2022

The US dominates the Pacific Islands to an extent China can never hope to achieve. With Australia’s support, the US is now engaged in an arms build-up in its Pacific territories and de-facto colonies in a little known boost to its containment of China.

The US has three self-governing territories in the Pacific: Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands. Guam hosts some of the US’s most important bases the world. After a large scale military expansion on one of the main islands in the Northern Marianas, Tinian is expected to rival Guam in importance in coming years.

The US also has Compacts of Free Association with three countries covering thousands of islands in the Pacific – the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau and the Marshall Islands. The compacts are a de-facto form of colonialism which gives the US exclusive military access to these countries’ land and maritime surrounds in return for defence guarantees and financial assistance.

The Federated States of Micronesia has a population of around 100,000. It has a land area of 702  square km on 607 islands amid 2,600,000 square km of ocean. The US will build a new base there. The residents are concerned about the impact of the base as their islands are often tiny and the landscape important to their identity. The US is also establishing a new military base on Palau, which has 340 islands and a total population of just over 18,000. The Marshall Islands landmass is 181 square km amid 466,000 square km of ocean. Although the Kwajalein atoll is only 15 square km, it is exclusively a military base with an extraordinary array of US activities; including a key role in US testing interceptors aimed ballistic missiles.

The Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi recently visited seven South Pacific countries and signed various agreements in some, including the provision of infrastructure and police training , but he failed to get support for a 10-country trade agreement. He did not seek permission to build a navy base in the Solomon Island or anywhere else. Nevertheless, some saw the visit as an act of Chinese aggression. It is an odd view of aggression compared to the damage done by US, British and French testing of thermonuclear (also called hydrogen) bombs on Pacific islands, or when Australia helped invade Iraq.

The US conducted 105 nuclear tests in the Pacific, mainly in the Marshall islands, between 1946 and 1962, as part oftits program to develop thermonuclear bombs. Operational weapons were sometimes tested, including a submarine-launched war head. One test in 1952 completely vaporised the island of Eluglab. In 1954, a thermonuclear bomb tested on Bikini atoll exploded with force of 15 megatons – over 1,000 times bigger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The radioactive cloud engulfed a Japanese fishing boat about 80 miles away in a white powder that poisoned the crew. One died from the exposure seven months later and 15 more in following years.

The radioactivity affected the drinking water and food. Children played in the ash-like powder. Some ate it. Marshall Islanders over a wide area were subject to abnormal radiological doses. In 2005, the US National Cancer Institute reported that the risk of contracting cancer for those exposed to the fallout was over one in three.

Nevertheless, in 1946, a US Navy Commodore had asked 167 people living on Bikini atoll to re-locate so their home could be used use “for the good of mankind”. They were resettled in 1969, but had to be evacuated again after high radiation levels were detected.

There has been some increase in the pathetically low initial compensation. But it is hard to compensate for the environmental damage and loss of cultural heritage, traditional customs and skills. In 2014, the Marshall Islands attempted to sue the US and eight other nuclear armed nations, for failing to move towards nuclear disarmament as required by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. A US Court dismissed the suit in 2017.

Britain tested 40 thermonuclear bombs on an islands in the Kiribati group between 1957 and 1962. Troops from Britain , Fiji (then a British colony), and New Zealand worked on the tests. Many were harmed by radiation and other causes. As usual, the locals were treated badly and their water and lands polluted.

France conducted 41 atmospheric nuclear tests between 1966 and 1974 in French Polynesia. It then conducted 140 underground, primarily of thermonuclear bombs, until 1996. One of the islands used was subject to cracking. In an act of state terrorism, French secret service frogman killed a photographer when they bombed a Green Peace protest ship in Auckland harbour on its way to the French nuclear testing area.

Labor’s defence minister, Richard Marles now refers to France as a Pacific county, despite the fact that it is a European country with a tenuous justification for holding onto its colonial possessions in the Pacific – New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Labor used to oppose colonialism. Now it seems it’s good if the colonial power opposes China.

The South Pacific Forum comprises 18 members: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Not all are normally considered to be in the South Pacific. The inclusion of three countries with Compacts of Free Association with the US and two French possessions basically guarantees they will vote for what the US or France wants.

However, the legacy of the contemptuous disregard for the indigenous residents during massive hydrogen bomb tests ensures that  nuclear issues, including the passage of nuclear submarines, remain sensitive.

At the time of the negotiation of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty in 1985 Paul Malone wrote that it was for a “partial nuclear free zone”, as it did not prohibit the “passage of nuclear-armed ships or aircraft through the region”. Malone reported that some Pacific Island countries wanted to be Treaty to prohibit access to nuclear-armed warships. The then Prime Minister Bob Hawke insisted on that omission which reflected the wishes of the US. However, nuclear issues have been revived by the creation of the 2021AUKUS pact in which Australia is committed to buying nuclear powered submarines.

A journalist and researcher based in the Pacific, Nic Maclellan says, “Any hope that Australia’s island neighbours will welcome further nuclearisation of the region is folly. Within days of the UKUS announcement, statements from Pacific leaders, community elders and media organisations highlighted the persistence of the deep antinuclear sentiment.

The general secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches, Reverend James Bhagwa tweeted

“Shame Australia, Shame.” The Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare told the UN General Assembly his nation “would like to keep our region nuclear-free . . . We do not support any form of militarisation in our region that could threaten regional and international peace and stability.”

The Kiribati President Taneti Maamau told the ABC, “Our people are victims of nuclear testing. We still have trauma. With anything to do with nuclear, we thought it would be a courtesy to discuss it with your neighbours”. He said he was especially concerned about Australia developing nuclear powered submarines which he said “puts the region at risk”

Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama tweeted that his father was among the Fijian soldiers the British sent to help with their nuclear bomb tests. He said, “To honour the sacrifice of all those who have suffered due to these weapons, Fiji will never stop working towards a global nuclear ban.”

The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern repeated that nuclear submarines “can’t come into our internal waters”. New Zealand and nine South Pacific Forum countries have ratified the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Australia hasn’t. The Samoa Observer wrote, “It is a relief seeing Prime Minister Ardern continuing to maintain the tradition of her predecessors by promoting a nuclear-free Pacific; probably she is the only true friend of the Pacific Islands.”

Contemporary Art Paintings By Stanislav Plutenko


The artist Stanislav Plutenko plays on colour contrasts, his painting is very vigorous, illustrative and imbued through by sarcasm on the reality.


In spite of the fact that the characters of his pictures are fattened and absolutely earthly ones, they are always astir – running, fluttering and flying somewhere. Having awkward bodies and unprepossessing faces they feel themselves angels and we are sympathetic towards them with their naivete.


With an identical acuteness he presents images of the people and visual psychological surroundings. In each genre stage with elements of grotesque style we can find the small history of life with symbolical underlying theme. His pictures stimulate in the spectators the scale of feelings, down to the protest, but not the indifference.


“Save My Baby Who Fell Into A 10m-long Pipe” Mom Cat Cries Out For Help

Be the Rufus! Help and save the poor trapped kitten!

Summer Preview: Rolling Blackouts, Higher Gas Prices, Natural Gas Rationing In Europe And A Historic Diesel Crisis


Almost everyone has heard about the rapidly growing global energy crisis by now, but most people assume that this crisis will eventually go away because they think that authorities have everything under control.  Unfortunately, that is not true at all.  This crisis has taken our leaders by surprise, and now many of them have shifted into panic mode because they realize that there will be no easy fixes.  Decades of neglect and foolish decisions have brought us to the precipice of a nightmare, and many of us are going to be absolutely astonished by some of the things that happen in the months ahead.

Here in the United States, we have neglected to properly invest in our power grids for a very long time, and now they are at a breaking point.

We are being warned that there could be widespread “rolling blackouts” this summer, and the situation is particularly dire in Midwest states such as Michigan

The Lansing Board of Water and Light, or BWL, warned in a press release on Tuesday that the company is preparing for potential ‘rolling black-outs’ this summer.

The Mid-Continent Independent System Operator, or MISO, is Michigan’s power grid regulator. MISO will have to ‘load-shed’ if they see expected energy shortages during peak usage times due to hot weather. Load-shedding is purposefully shutting down electric power in some areas of a power-distribution system to prevent the entire system from failing when it is strained by high demand.

Meanwhile, the price of gasoline is likely to continue to go up.

For quite some time, the amount of oil that is being produced around the world each day has been lower than the amount of oil that is being used around the world each day, and as a result supplies have been getting tighter and tighter

Fast forward to today, and where are we? Intrinsic demand is thought to be around 103 million barrels a day now, owing to 1% per year global population growth, plus increased wealth–and demand should keep growing at roughly that pace. But supplies aren’t nearly keeping up. We’re currently producing around 100.6 million barrels (reflecting the loss of about a million barrels from Russia), and the resulting spike in prices is already constraining demand to around 101 million barrels, according to Majcher.

When demand is greater than supply, either prices go up or eventually you have shortages.

And sometimes both things happen.

Bank of America is telling us that oil inventories have reached a “dangerously low point”, and until that changes prices are likely to continue to rise…

The result is a market that for the second straight year is under-supplied, and drawing down inventories as a result–on top of the drawdown in strategic reserves approved by political leaders to try and lower prices. Bank of America is already warning that global oil inventories have fallen to a “dangerously low point,” with certain gasoline and diesel supplies in particular at “precarious levels” as we head into peak U.S. driving season. U.S. oil inventories are already 14% below their five-year average, BofA notes, while distillates (like diesel) are 22% below.

I wish that I could tell you that there is hope that things will turn around eventually.

But at this point the CEO of Exxon is actually warning us to expect “up to five years of turbulent oil markets”

Consumers must be prepared to endure up to five years of turbulent oil markets, the head of ExxonMobil said Tuesday, citing under-investment and the coronavirus pandemic.

Energy markets have been roiled by the Ukraine war as Russia has reduced some exports and faced sanctions while Europe has announced plans to wean itself off dependency on Russian fossil fuels in coming years.

If you think that things are bad now, just wait until you see what happens after a major war erupts in the Middle East.

Then things will really start getting crazy.

Speaking of war, over in Europe a looming natural gas shortage due to the war in Ukraine is likely to cause immense economic problems in the months ahead.

Now that Russia has significantly reduced the flow of natural gas to Germany, it looks like the Germans will soon be forced to ration it, and the Wall Street Journal is telling us that authorities expect “a gas shortage by December”…

The German government moved closer to rationing natural gas on Thursday after Russia cut deliveries to the country last week in an escalation of the economic war triggered by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Berlin triggered the second of its three-step plan to deal with gas shortages after the Kremlin-controlled energy giant Gazprom, the country’s biggest gas exporter, throttled delivery via the Nordstream pipeline by around 60% last week. Germany’s gas reserves are at 58% capacity, and the government now expects a gas shortage by December if supplies don’t pick up, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said.

It would be difficult for me to overstate the seriousness of this problem.  Energy prices have already gone completely nuts in Europe, and one German official is actually comparing this crisis to the collapse of Lehman Brothers

With energy suppliers piling up losses by being forced to cover volumes at high prices, there’s a danger of a spillover effect for local utilities and their customers, including consumers and businesses, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said Thursday after raising the country’s gas risk level to the second-highest “alarm” phase.

“If this minus gets so big that they can’t carry it anymore, the whole market is in danger of collapsing at some point,” Habeck said at a news conference in Berlin, “so a Lehman effect in the energy system.”

Needless to say, it isn’t just Germany that is being affected

The crisis has spilled far beyond Germany, with 12 European Union member states affected and 10 issuing an early warning under gas security regulation, Frans Timmermans, the European Union’s climate chief, said in a speech to the European Parliament.

“The risk of a full gas disruption is now more real than ever before,” he said. “All this is part of Russia’s strategy to undermine our unity.”

If the war in Ukraine could be brought to a peaceful resolution, that would greatly help matters.

But we all know that isn’t going to happen any time soon.

On top of everything else, global supplies of diesel fuel get squeezed a little bit more with each passing day.  The price of diesel fuel is 75 percent higher than it was a year ago, and here in the United States we have been warned that the Northeast “is quietly running out of diesel”

The upward pressure on diesel and jet fuel prices in particular is getting attention in the White House, Amrita Sen of Energy Aspects told Squawk Box yesterday. Diesel prices are up a whopping 75% from a year ago, and the spread between diesel and gasoline prices has also widened considerably. The high cost is creating huge strains on truckers and the supply chain; the Northeast “is quietly running out of diesel,” FreightWaves warned two weeks ago.

Even though there could be a historic supply crunch, we won’t completely run out of diesel fuel.

However, as I detailed in an article that has gone extremely viral, we are potentially facing really severe shortages of both diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil if solutions cannot be found.

Urea is required to produce diesel exhaust fluid, and the U.S. doesn’t produce enough.  We are normally one of the largest importers of urea in the entire world, and Russia and China are two of the largest exporters.  Our leaders have decided that we don’t want urea from Russia, and China has restricted exports.

So that puts us in a really tough position.  If you have a diesel vehicle, I would highly recommend stocking up on diesel exhaust fluid while you still can.

As for diesel engine oil, there are several key additives that are in short supply right now due to major problems at several manufacturers.  An article that Mike Adams just posted goes into the details.  This is a very serious situation that is not going to be resolved any time in the near future.

The bottom line is that supplies of diesel fuel are going to get very tight, and there may be times when diesel exhaust fluid and diesel engine oil are not available at all.

All three are required in order for diesel vehicles to operate, and as I explained yesterday, the U.S. economy runs on diesel.

If we were suddenly unable to use our diesel vehicles, all of our supply chains would collapse and we would no longer have a functioning economy.

So hopefully our leaders are working really hard to find some solutions.

Because it looks like this summer could be quite difficult, and the outlook for the months beyond is even less promising.

Millions to Manslaughter

Ibi Roncaioli was Hungarian by birth but moved to Canada, where she married a successful gynecologist. She was not short of money but bought a ticket for a lotto game with a friend. In 1991, the two won $10 million and split the money.

Roncaioli started spending her winnings without telling her husband, but she didn’t spend much of it on herself. Mainly, the money went to her three sons. One of these was the son that she had had with her husband, one from before she married, and the third was a child that even her husband of thirty years knew nothing about.

Most people who knew the Roncaiolis described them as a happy, devoted older couple. However, in 2003, Ibi died. The authorities assumed that she had died from natural causes. Still, after careful examination, they found a toxic level of painkillers and alcohol in her body, and there were needle marks on her legs and feet.

The court found her husband guilty of manslaughter. The couple’s net worth was just $300,000 despite Ibi’s winnings and her husband’s considerable earnings. Her 72-year-old husband was sentenced to seven years.

Stranded Cat Cries In Despair As Her Last Canned Food Drops Down

How to rescue this stranded little kitty?

Too Much of a Good Thing

Gerald Muswagon was not a well-educated man but was friendly and well-liked by his family and friends. Yet, he had had brushes with the law in his native Canada since 1981.

In 1998, he bought a two-dollar lottery ticket that won him $10 million. He spent a lot of it on luxuries and gifts but did try to invest in his own lumber business. Unfortunately, his business lost money because of low sales. Muswagon was surrounded by hangers-on who were only interested in his money and never got the guidance that he needed about how to handle such a large sum.

He continued to have problems with the police, and things got worse when his wife died suddenly in 2002. Muswagon hanged himself in his parent’s garage.

“FORCE MAJEURE” DECLARED – Oil For Diesel Engines Gone in 8 Weeks

A potentially catastrophic situation is emerging that threatens to wipe out the entire supply of diesel engine oil across the United States, leaving the country with no diesel engine oil until 2023.

Chemical manufacturers of diesel engine oil additives have declared “force majeure” ( a force they cannot control)  and have ceased supply operations to the diesel engine oil manufacturers. Those manufacturers combine base oils with “additive packages” to create diesel engine oil.

(This story is referring to the OIL that goes inside a diesel engine, and NOT Diesel “fuel.”)
Antioxidants, anti-corrosion agents, dispersing additives, antirust mechanisms, friction modifiers, EP additives, antifoaming agents, antioxidants, are all chemicals that must be added to the oil for diesel engines so they can operate.  Without these additives, diesel engine oil manufacturers cannot produce the final oil products that lubricate diesel engines.

Because key manufacturers of these additives have ceased operations, diesel engine oil can apparently no longer be produced in the USA, at least not until these necessary chemicals are restored to full supply, which may not be until the year 2023.

If trucks have to shut down because their engine oil is exhausted, ALL COMMERCE will cease, because everything in the country, except electricity and natural gas, MUST – at some point – be transported by truck.    No trucks means no products.   No products means no commerce.

Full, complete, collapse.

The TRUTH is coming out

Great discussion. Tying together BRICS, inflation, and the American leadership.

To the Bitter End

John Werner Kluge (1914–2010) was a successful businessman who became a television mogul. At one time, he was the richest person in the United States. A hard-working philanthropist, he also found time to indulge in his hobby of getting married. He married four times, and Patricia was the third of his wives.

When the couple divorced in 1990, Patricia kept the Albemarle estate near Charlottesville, Virginia. The couple had built a 45-room mansion on the property that hosted parties for the rich and famous. With her new husband, Patricia Kluge opened the Kluge Estate Winery in 1999. This was an excellent place for growing vines, and their ambition was to create a world-renowned winery that would produce some of the finest vintages in the world. To an extent, they succeeded.

However, they had enough money to launch the project and were rich by most people’s standards, but their plans called for much more money than they had available. Patricia took out $65 million in loans but found that she was over-extended. When the economy crashed in 2008, she put the estate up for sale. Donald Trump eventually bought it for a fraction of the asking price. It is now known as the Trump Winery.

It is possible to be rich but not quite rich enough. This is the trap that Patricia fell into.

Kitten Trapped Inside A Pillar Wishes To Hold Mom’s Hand Before She Dies

Save the little kitten!

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Your Choices at Death

This video is one of the earlier Patrion videos. It was posted two months ago and is part of the daily Patrion videos articles and subjects regarding world-line travel, Domain, and all the good stuff that MM is known for. Here it is for free for those who are not paying patrions. I hope that it is beneficial to you.

Video here…

Tony and the Beetles, by Philip K. Dick

This text was produced from Orbit volume 1 number 2, 1953. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.


by Philip K. Dick


Reddish-yellow sunlight filtered through the thick quartz windows into the sleep-compartment. Tony Rossi yawned, stirred a little, then opened his black eyes and sat up quickly. With one motion he tossed the covers back and slid to the warm metal floor. He clicked off his alarm clock and hurried to the closet.

It looked like a nice day. The landscape outside was motionless, undisturbed by winds or dust-shift. The boy’s heart pounded excitedly. He pulled his trousers on, zipped up the reinforced mesh, struggled into his heavy canvas shirt, and then sat down on the edge of the cot to tug on his boots. He closed the seams around their tops and then did the same with his gloves. Next he adjusted the pressure on his pump unit and strapped it between his shoulder blades. He grabbed his helmet from the dresser, and he was ready for the day.

In the dining-compartment his mother and father had finished breakfast. Their voices drifted to him as he clattered down the ramp. A disturbed murmur; he paused to listen. What were they talking about? Had he done something wrong, again?

And then he caught it. Behind their voices was another voice. Static and crackling pops. The all-system audio signal from Rigel IV. They had it turned up full blast; the dull thunder of the monitor’s voice boomed loudly. The war. Always the war. He sighed, and stepped out into the dining-compartment.

“Morning,” his father muttered.

“Good morning, dear,” his mother said absently. She sat with her head turned to one side, wrinkles of concentration webbing her forehead. Her thin lips were drawn together in a tight line of concern. His father had pushed his dirty dishes back and was smoking, elbows on the table, dark hairy arms bare and muscular. He was scowling, intent on the jumbled roar from the speaker above the sink.

“How’s it going?” Tony asked. He slid into his chair and reached automatically for the ersatz grapefruit. “Any news from Orion?”

Neither of them answered. They didn’t hear him. He began to eat his grapefruit. Outside, beyond the little metal and plastic housing unit, sounds of activity grew. Shouts and muffled crashes, as rural merchants and their trucks rumbled along the highway toward Karnet. The reddish daylight swelled; Betelgeuse was rising quietly and majestically.

“Nice day,” Tony said. “No flux wind. I think I’ll go down to the n-quarter awhile. We’re building a neat spaceport, a model, of course, but we’ve been able to get enough materials to lay out strips for—”

With a savage snarl his father reached out and struck the audio roar immediately died. “I knew it!” He got up and moved angrily away from the table. “I told them it would happen. They shouldn’t have moved so soon. Should have built up Class A supply bases, first.”

“Isn’t our main fleet moving in from Bellatrix?” Tony’s mother fluttered anxiously. “According to last night’s summary the worst that can happen is Orion IX and X will be dumped.”

Joseph Rossi laughed harshly. “The hell with last night’s summary. They know as well as I do what’s happening.”

“What’s happening?” Tony echoed, as he pushed aside his grapefruit and began to ladle out dry cereal. “Are we losing the battle?”

“Yes!” His father’s lips twisted. “Earthmen, losing to—to beetles. I told them. But they couldn’t wait. My God, there’s ten good years left in this system. Why’d they have to push on? Everybody knew Orion would be tough. The whole damn beetle fleet’s strung out around there. Waiting for us. And we have to barge right in.”

“But nobody ever thought beetles would fight,” Leah Rossi protested mildly. “Everybody thought they’d just fire a few blasts and then—”

“They have to fight! Orion’s the last jump-off. If they don’t fight here, where the hell can they fight?” Rossi swore savagely. “Of course they’re fighting. We have all their planets except the inner Orion string—not that they’re worth much, but it’s the principle of the thing. If we’d built up strong supply bases, we could have broken up the beetle fleet and really clobbered it.”

“Don’t say ‘beetle,'” Tony murmured, as he finished his cereal. “They’re Pas-udeti, same as here. The word ‘beetle’ comes from Betelgeuse. An Arabian word we invented ourselves.”

Joe Rossi’s mouth opened and closed. “What are you, a goddamn beetle-lover?”

“Joe,” Leah snapped. “For heaven’s sake.”

Rossi moved toward the door. “If I was ten years younger I’d be out there. I’d really show those shiny-shelled insects what the hell they’re up against. Them and their junky beat-up old hulks. Converted freighters!” His eyes blazed. “When I think of them shooting down Terran cruisers with our boys in them—”

“Orion’s their system,” Tony murmured.

Their system! When the hell did you get to be an authority on space law? Why, I ought to—” He broke off, choked with rage. “My own kid,” he muttered. “One more crack out of you today and I’ll hang one on you you’ll feel the rest of the week.”

Tony pushed his chair back. “I won’t be around here today. I’m going into Karnet, with my EEP.”

“Yeah, to play with beetles!”

Tony said nothing. He was already sliding his helmet in place and snapping the clamps tight. As he pushed through the back door, into the lock membrane, he unscrewed his oxygen tap and set the tank filter into action. An automatic response, conditioned by a lifetime spent on a colony planet in an alien system.

A faint flux wind caught at him and swept yellow-red dust around his boots. Sunlight glittered from the metal roof of his family’s housing unit, one of endless rows of squat boxes set in the sandy slope, protected by the line of ore-refining installations against the horizon. He made an impatient signal, and from the storage shed his EEP came gliding out, catching the sunlight on its chrome trim.

“We’re going down into Karnet,” Tony said, unconsciously slipping into the Pas dialect. “Hurry up!”

The EEP took up its position behind him, and he started briskly down the slope, over the shifting sand, toward the road. There were quite a few traders out, today. It was a good day for the market; only a fourth of the year was fit for travel. Betelgeuse was an erratic and undependable sun, not at all like Sol (according to the edutapes, fed to Tony four hours a day, six days a week—he had never seen Sol himself).

He reached the noisy road. Pas-udeti were everywhere. Whole groups of them, with their primitive combustion-driven trucks, battered and filthy, motors grinding protestingly. He waved at the trucks as they pushed past him. After a moment one slowed down. It was piled with tis, bundled heaps of gray vegetables dried, and prepared for the table. A staple of the Pas-udeti diet. Behind the wheel lounged a dark-faced elderly Pas, one arm over the open window, a rolled leaf between his lips. He was like all other Pas-udeti; lank and hard-shelled, encased in a brittle sheath in which he lived and died.

“You want a ride?” the Pas murmured—required protocol when an Earthman on foot was encountered.

“Is there room for my EEP?”

The Pas made a careless motion with his claw. “It can run behind.” Sardonic amusement touched his ugly old face. “If it gets to Karnet we’ll sell it for scrap. We can use a few condensers and relay tubing. We’re short on electronic maintenance stuff.”

“I know,” Tony said solemnly, as he climbed into the cabin of the truck. “It’s all been sent to the big repair base at Orion I. For your warfleet.”

Amusement vanished from the leathery face. “Yes, the warfleet.” He turned away and started up the truck again. In the back, Tony’s EEP had scrambled up on the load of tis and was gripping precariously with its magnetic lines.

Tony noticed the Pas-udeti’s sudden change of expression, and he was puzzled. He started to speak to him—but now he noticed unusual quietness among the other Pas, in the other trucks, behind and in front of his own. The war, of course. It had swept through this system a century ago; these people had been left behind. Now all eyes were on Orion, on the battle between the Terran warfleet and the Pas-udeti collection of armed freighters.

“Is it true,” Tony asked carefully, “that you’re winning?”

The elderly Pas grunted. “We hear rumors.”

Tony considered. “My father says Terra went ahead too fast. He says we should have consolidated. We didn’t assemble adequate supply bases. He used to be an officer, when he was younger. He was with the fleet for two years.”

The Pas was silent a moment. “It’s true,” he said at last, “that when you’re so far from home, supply is a great problem. We, on the other hand, don’t have that. We have no distances to cover.”

“Do you know anybody fighting?”

“I have distant relatives.” The answer was vague; the Pas obviously didn’t want to talk about it.

“Have you ever seen your warfleet?”

“Not as it exists now. When this system was defeated most of our units were wiped out. Remnants limped to Orion and joined the Orion fleet.”

“Your relatives were with the remnants?”

“That’s right.”

“Then you were alive when this planet was taken?”

“Why do you ask?” The old Pas quivered violently. “What business is it of yours?”

Tony leaned out and watched the walls and buildings of Karnet grow ahead of them. Karnet was an old city. It had stood thousands of years. The Pas-udeti civilization was stable; it had reached a certain point of technocratic development and then leveled off. The Pas had inter-system ships that had carried people and freight between planets in the days before the Terran Confederation. They had combustion-driven cars, audiophones, a power network of a magnetic type. Their plumbing was satisfactory and their medicine was highly advanced. They had art forms, emotional and exciting. They had a vague religion.

“Who do you think will win the battle?” Tony asked.

“I don’t know.” With a sudden jerk the old Pas brought the truck to a crashing halt. “This is as far as I go. Please get out and take your EEP with you.”

Tony faltered in surprise. “But aren’t you going—?”

“No farther!”

Tony pushed the door open. He was vaguely uneasy; there was a hard, fixed expression on the leathery face, and the old creature’s voice had a sharp edge he had never heard before. “Thanks,” he murmured. He hopped down into the red dust and signaled his EEP. It released its magnetic lines, and instantly the truck started up with a roar, passing on inside the city.

Tony watched it go, still dazed. The hot dust lapped at his ankles; he automatically moved his feet and slapped at his trousers. A truck honked, and his EEP quickly moved him from the road, up to the level pedestrian ramp. Pas-udeti in swarms moved by, endless lines of rural people hurrying into Karnet on their daily business. A massive public bus had stopped by the gate and was letting off passengers. Male and female Pas. And children. They laughed and shouted; the sounds of their voices blended with the low hum of the city.

“Going in?” a sharp Pas-udeti voice sounded close behind him. “Keep moving—you’re blocking the ramp.”

It was a young female, with a heavy armload clutched in her claws. Tony felt embarrassed; female Pas had a certain telepathic ability, part of their sexual make-up. It was effective on Earthmen at close range.

“Here,” she said. “Give me a hand.”

Tony nodded his head, and the EEP accepted the female’s heavy armload. “I’m visiting the city,” Tony said, as they moved with the crowd toward the gates. “I got a ride most of the way, but the driver let me off out here.”

“You’re from the settlement?”


She eyed him critically. “You’ve always lived here, haven’t you?”

“I was born here. My family came here from Earth four years before I was born. My father was an officer in the fleet. He earned an Emigration Priority.”

“So you’ve never seen your own planet. How old are you?”

“Ten years. Terran.”

“You shouldn’t have asked the driver so many questions.”

They passed through the decontamination shield and into the city. An information square loomed ahead; Pas men and women were packed around it. Moving chutes and transport cars rumbled everywhere. Buildings and ramps and open-air machinery; the city was sealed in a protective dust-proof envelope. Tony unfastened his helmet and clipped it to his belt. The air was stale-smelling, artificial, but usable.

“Let me tell you something,” the young female said carefully, as she strode along the foot-ramp beside Tony. “I wonder if this is a good day for you to come into Karnet. I know you’ve been coming here regularly to play with your friends. But perhaps today you ought to stay at home, in your settlement.”


“Because today everybody is upset.”

“I know,” Tony said. “My mother and father were upset. They were listening to the news from our base in the Rigel system.”

“I don’t mean your family. Other people are listening, too. These people here. My race.”

“They’re upset, all right,” Tony admitted. “But I come here all the time. There’s nobody to play with at the settlement, and anyhow we’re working on a project.”

“A model spaceport.”

“That’s right.” Tony was envious. “I sure wish I was a telepath. It must be fun.”

The female Pas-udeti was silent. She was deep in thought. “What would happen,” she asked, “if your family left here and returned to Earth?”

“That couldn’t happen. There’s no room for us on Earth. C-bombs destroyed most of Asia and North America back in the Twentieth Century.”

“Suppose you had to go back?”

Tony did not understand. “But we can’t. Habitable portions of Earth are overcrowded. Our main problem is finding places for Terrans to live, in other systems.” He added, “And anyhow, I don’t particularly want to go to Terra. I’m used to it here. All my friends are here.”

“I’ll take my packages,” the female said. “I go this other way, down this third-level ramp.”

Tony nodded to his EEP and it lowered the bundles into the female’s claws. She lingered a moment, trying to find the right words.

“Good luck,” she said.

“With what?”

She smiled faintly, ironically. “With your model spaceport. I hope you and your friends get to finish it.”

“Of course we’ll finish it,” Tony said, surprised. “It’s almost done.” What did she mean?

The Pas-udeti woman hurried off before he could ask her. Tony was troubled and uncertain; more doubts filled him. After a moment he headed slowly into the lane that took him toward the residential section of the city. Past the stores and factories, to the place where his friends lived.

The group of Pas-udeti children eyed him silently as he approached. They had been playing in the shade of an immense hengelo, whose ancient branches drooped and swayed with the air currents pumped through the city. Now they sat unmoving.

“I didn’t expect you today,” B’prith said, in an expressionless voice.

Tony halted awkwardly, and his EEP did the same. “How are things?” he murmured.


“I got a ride part way.”


Tony squatted down in the shade. None of the Pas children stirred. They were small, not as large as Terran children. Their shells had not hardened, had not turned dark and opaque, like horn. It gave them a soft, unformed appearance, but at the same time it lightened their load. They moved more easily than their elders; they could hop and skip around, still. But they were not skipping right now.

“What’s the matter?” Tony demanded. “What’s wrong with everybody?”

No one answered.

“Where’s the model?” he asked. “Have you fellows been working on it?”

After a moment Llyre nodded slightly.

Tony felt dull anger rise up inside him. “Say something! What’s the matter? What’re you all mad about?”

“Mad?” B’prith echoed. “We’re not mad.”

Tony scratched aimlessly in the dust. He knew what it was. The war, again. The battle going on near Orion. His anger burst up wildly. “Forget the war. Everything was fine yesterday, before the battle.”

“Sure,” Llyre said. “It was fine.”

Tony caught the edge to his voice. “It happened a hundred years ago. It’s not my fault.”

“Sure,” B’prith said.

“This is my home. Isn’t it? Haven’t I got as much right here as anybody else? I was born here.”

“Sure,” Llyre said, tonelessly.

Tony appealed to them helplessly. “Do you have to act this way? You didn’t act this way yesterday. I was here yesterday—all of us were here yesterday. What’s happened since yesterday?”

“The battle,” B’prith said.

“What difference does that make? Why does that change everything? There’s always war. There’ve been battles all the time, as long as I can remember. What’s different about this?”

B’prith broke apart a clump of dirt with his strong claws. After a moment he tossed it away and got slowly to his feet. “Well,” he said thoughtfully, “according to our audio relay, it looks as if our fleet is going to win, this time.”

“Yes,” Tony agreed, not understanding. “My father says we didn’t build up adequate supply bases. We’ll probably have to fall back to….” And then the impact hit him. “You mean, for the first time in a hundred years—”

“Yes,” Llyre said, also getting up. The others got up, too. They moved away from Tony, toward the near-by house. “We’re winning. The Terran flank was turned, half an hour ago. Your right wing has folded completely.”

Tony was stunned. “And it matters. It matters to all of you.”

“Matters!” B’prith halted, suddenly blazing out in fury. “Sure it matters! For the first time—in a century. The first time in our lives we’re beating you. We have you on the run, you—” He choked out the word, almost spat it out. “You white-grubs!”

They disappeared into the house. Tony sat gazing stupidly down at the ground, his hands still moving aimlessly. He had heard the word before, seen it scrawled on walls and in the dust near the settlement. White-grubs. The Pas term of derision for Terrans. Because of their softness, their whiteness. Lack of hard shells. Pulpy, doughy skin. But they had never dared say it out loud, before. To an Earthman’s face.

Beside him, his EEP stirred restlessly. Its intricate radio mechanism sensed the hostile atmosphere. Automatic relays were sliding into place; circuits were opening and closing.

“It’s all right,” Tony murmured, getting slowly up. “Maybe we’d better go back.”

He moved unsteadily toward the ramp, completely shaken. The EEP walked calmly ahead, its metal face blank and confident, feeling nothing, saying nothing. Tony’s thoughts were a wild turmoil; he shook his head, but the crazy spinning kept up. He couldn’t make his mind slow down, lock in place.

“Wait a minute,” a voice said. B’prith’s voice, from the open doorway. Cold and withdrawn, almost unfamiliar.

“What do you want?”

B’prith came toward him, claws behind his back in the formal Pas-udeti posture, used between total strangers. “You shouldn’t have come here, today.”

“I know,” Tony said.

B’prith got out a bit of tis stalk and began to roll it into a tube. He pretended to concentrate on it. “Look,” he said. “You said you have a right here. But you don’t.”

“I—” Tony murmured.

“Do you understand why not? You said it isn’t your fault. I guess not. But it’s not my fault, either. Maybe it’s nobody’s fault. I’ve known you a long time.”

“Five years. Terran.”

B’prith twisted the stalk up and tossed it away. “Yesterday we played together. We worked on the spaceport. But we can’t play today. My family said to tell you not to come here any more.” He hesitated, and did not look Tony in the face. “I was going to tell you, anyhow. Before they said anything.”

“Oh,” Tony said.

“Everything that’s happened today—the battle, our fleet’s stand. We didn’t know. We didn’t dare hope. You see? A century of running. First this system. Then the Rigel system, all the planets. Then the other Orion stars. We fought here and there—scattered fights. Those that got away joined up. We supplied the base at Orion—you people didn’t know. But there was no hope; at least, nobody thought there was.” He was silent a moment. “Funny,” he said, “what happens when your back’s to the wall, and there isn’t any further place to go. Then you have to fight.”

“If our supply bases—” Tony began thickly, but B’prith cut him off savagely.

“Your supply bases! Don’t you understand? We’re beating you! Now you’ll have to get out! All you white-grubs. Out of our system!”

Tony’s EEP moved forward ominously. B’prith saw it. He bent down, snatched up a rock, and hurled it straight at the EEP. The rock clanged off the metal hull and bounced harmlessly away. B’prith snatched up another rock. Llyre and the others came quickly out of the house. An adult Pas loomed up behind them. Everything was happening too fast. More rocks crashed against the EEP. One struck Tony on the arm.

“Get out!” B’prith screamed. “Don’t come back! This is our planet!” His claws snatched at Tony. “We’ll tear you to pieces if you—”

Tony smashed him in the chest. The soft shell gave like rubber, and the Pas stumbled back. He wobbled and fell over, gasping and screeching.

Beetle,” Tony breathed hoarsely. Suddenly he was terrified. A crowd of Pas-udeti was forming rapidly. They surged on all sides, hostile faces, dark and angry, a rising thunder of rage.

More stones showered. Some struck the EEP, others fell around Tony, near his boots. One whizzed past his face. Quickly he slid his helmet in place. He was scared. He knew his EEP’s E-signal had already gone out, but it would be minutes before a ship could come. Besides, there were other Earthmen in the city to be taken care of; there were Earthmen all over the planet. In all the cities. On all the twenty-three Betelgeuse planets. On the fourteen Rigel planets. On the other Orion planets.

“We have to get out of here,” he muttered to the EEP. “Do something!”

A stone hit him on the helmet. The plastic cracked; air leaked out, and then the autoseal filmed over. More stones were falling. The Pas swarmed close, a yelling, seething mass of black-sheathed creatures. He could smell them, the acrid body-odor of insects, hear their claws snap, feel their weight.

The EEP threw its heat beam on. The beam shifted in a wide band toward the crowd of Pas-udeti. Crude hand weapons appeared. A clatter of bullets burst around Tony; they were firing at the EEP. He was dimly aware of the metal body beside him. A shuddering crash—the EEP was toppled over. The crowd poured over it; the metal hull was lost from sight.

Like a demented animal, the crowd tore at the struggling EEP. A few of them smashed in its head; others tore off struts and shiny arm-sections. The EEP ceased struggling. The crowd moved away, panting and clutching jagged remains. They saw Tony.

As the first line of them reached for him, the protective envelope high above them shattered. A Terran scout ship thundered down, heat beam screaming. The crowd scattered in confusion, some firing, some throwing stones, others leaping for safety.

Tony picked himself up and made his way unsteadily toward the spot where the scout was landing.

“I’m sorry,” Joe Rossi said gently. He touched his son on the shoulder. “I shouldn’t have let you go down there today. I should have known.”

Tony sat hunched over in the big plastic easychair. He rocked back and forth, face pale with shock. The scout ship which had rescued him had immediately headed back toward Karnet; there were other Earthmen to bring out, besides this first load. The boy said nothing. His mind was blank. He still heard the roar of the crowd, felt its hate—a century of pent-up fury and resentment. The memory drove out everything else; it was all around him, even now. And the sight of the floundering EEP, the metallic ripping sound, as its arms and legs were torn off and carried away.

His mother dabbed at his cuts and scratches with antiseptic. Joe Rossi shakily lit a cigarette and said, “If your EEP hadn’t been along they’d have killed you. Beetles.” He shuddered. “I never should have let you go down there. All this time…. They might have done it any time, any day. Knifed you. Cut you open with their filthy goddamn claws.”

Below the settlement the reddish-yellow sunlight glinted on gunbarrels. Already, dull booms echoed against the crumbling hills. The defense ring was going into action. Black shapes darted and scurried up the side of the slope. Black patches moved out from Karnet, toward the Terran settlement, across the dividing line the Confederation surveyors had set up a century ago. Karnet was a bubbling pot of activity. The whole city rumbled with feverish excitement.

Tony raised his head. “They—they turned our flank.”

“Yeah.” Joe Rossi stubbed out his cigarette. “They sure did. That was at one o’clock. At two they drove a wedge right through the center of our line. Split the fleet in half. Broke it up—sent it running. Picked us off one by one as we fell back. Christ, they’re like maniacs. Now that they’ve got the scent, the taste of our blood.”

“But it’s getting better,” Leah fluttered. “Our main fleet units are beginning to appear.”

“We’ll get them,” Joe muttered. “It’ll take a while. But by God we’ll wipe them out. Every last one of them. If it takes a thousand years. We’ll follow every last ship down—we’ll get them all.” His voice rose in frenzy. “Beetles! Goddamn insects! When I think of them, trying to hurt my kid, with their filthy black claws—”

“If you were younger, you’d be in the line,” Leah said. “It’s not your fault you’re too old. The heart strain’s too great. You did your job. They can’t let an older person take chances. It’s not your fault.”

Joe clenched his fists. “I feel so—futile. If there was only something I could do.”

“The fleet will take care of them,” Leah said soothingly. “You said so yourself. They’ll hunt every one of them down. Destroy them all. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Joe sagged miserably. “It’s no use. Let’s cut it out. Let’s stop kidding ourselves.”

“What do you mean?”

“Face it! We’re not going to win, not this time. We went too far. Our time’s come.”

There was silence.

Tony sat up a little. “When did you know?”

“I’ve known a long time.”

“I found out today. I didn’t understand, at first. This is—stolen ground. I was born here, but it’s stolen ground.”

“Yes. It’s stolen. It doesn’t belong to us.”

“We’re here because we’re stronger. But now we’re not stronger. We’re being beaten.”

“They know Terrans can be licked. Like anybody else.” Joe Rossi’s face was gray and flabby. “We took their planets away from them. Now they’re taking them back. It’ll be a while, of course. We’ll retreat slowly. It’ll be another five centuries going back. There’re a lot of systems between here and Sol.”

Tony shook his head, still uncomprehending. “Even Llyre and B’prith. All of them. Waiting for their time to come. For us to lose and go away again. Where we came from.”

Joe Rossi paced back and forth. “Yeah, we’ll be retreating from now on. Giving ground, instead of taking it. It’ll be like this today—losing fights, draws. Stalemates and worse.”

He raised his feverish eyes toward the ceiling of the little metal housing unit, face wild with passion and misery.

“But, by God, we’ll give them a run for their money. All the way back! Every inch!”


Americans remain misinformed. They think China will collapse when the United States Empire stops buying their products

Americans remain misinformed. They think China will collapse when the United States Empire stops buying their products. 

In truth, only 3% of China's GDP is derived from exports to the USA. 

Exports worldwide only make up 18.5% of China's GDP.

In this light, it seems to me that Xi JP has the patience of a saint. If I were in his shoes, would just label all my products as having origins in Xinjiang. Then sit back and watch the riots happen when Americans can't afford not just their gasoline in their cars, but also that toaster in Walmart when they finally manage to walk there.

It would be a Russian and Chinese one-two punch for the obnoxious teenage bully.


Let’s plow on though this most crazy period of time. I do hope that you enjoy my collection of “news” insanity, and various contextual snippets. Have fun.

The NGO “Hong Kong Watch” has FINALLY admitted to being funded by UK government

It took them bloody long enough.

For decades they were critical of the Hong Kong government, and were active in “uncovering crimes and human rights abuses” in China. Well, after a few of their members were decloaked as CIA assets, participants and organizers of the “pro-democracy” movements, rounded up and sent into prison, the “dust has settled”. And now the UK government admits that they were behind the organization that was instrumental in the “color revolution(s)” in Hong Kong.

Video HERE

Ukraine, Taiwan – Battle for US Hegemony Continues

A pretty good video.

Alexander Selkirk

Alexander Selkirk is one of history’s most famous missing persons, but there’s a good chance you don’t recognize his name. That’s because his story became famous only after it was fictionalized and he was rebranded “Robinson Crusoe.”

According to Smithsonian, Selkirk was really only sort-of missing. There were plenty of people who knew where he was, notably the 21-year-old ship captain who deliberately stranded him on an island 418 miles off the coast of Chile. At first, Selkirk was all, “Cool, just leave me here. I don’t like you and I don’t want to be on your leaky ship.” (Note: not an actual historical quote). When Selkirk realized no one else was going to join him on his 3-hour tour, though, he begged the captain to reconsider. And because 21-year-olds who have too much responsibility aren’t exactly known for their empathy, the captain rather predictably refused to take him back.

The ship sailed away and Selkirk was left to fend for himself for four years and four months. Fortunately, the island was populated by feral animals, so he survived on a well-balanced diet of seafood, goats, watercress, and turnips. When he was finally picked up by a passing ship, his rescuers noted that he was so wild in appearance and mannerisms that he seemed to have “forgot his language for want of use, we could scarce understand him, for he seem’d to speak his words by halves.”

Today’s propaganda of the day…

It’s from UK “Intelligence experts”. Found on Drudge.


Yuppur. More examples of Russia “losing big” in Ukraine.

Favorite Potato Salad

Every home cook should have one go-to classic potato salad recipe on hand. It’s the perfect dish to bring to summer picnics, serve at grill-outs and take along to potluck suppers. But don’t just limit this simple potato salad to warm-weather months—this dish can be served year-round. The next time someone samples your delicious side dish and asks you how to make potato salad, just hand them this easy potato salad recipe.


Five possible strikes on Lithuania as a response to the blockade of Kaliningrad

Is Russia being dragged into a war with NATO?


Lithuania has decided to stop the transit of certain types of goods from the EU sanctions list by rail from June 18. Transit stopped. Now politicians and political scientists are busy thinking about how Moscow can respond to the transport blockade of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation – the Kaliningrad region. And if earlier the talk about the war with NATO was of an abstract nature within the framework of the discussion of an unlikely prospect, then Lithuania, by its actions, brought this probability closer.

If cargo transit is not restored, Russia reserves the right to take action to protect its national interests, Maria Zakharova said.

Russian Chargé d’Affaires in Lithuania Sergey Ryabokon said on the Russia-24 TV channel :

“When the sanctions actions of the European Union began, they found the most fertile ground here in Lithuania. And Lithuania began to offer itself what could be done to inflict maximum damage on us .

Ryabokon noted that this measure was developed by the European Union a month and a half ago, but it was not specified, and now Lithuania has moved forward. Lithuanian politicians have been saying for thirty years that they have a lever of pressure on Russia – transit to Kaliningrad. And on the night of June 17-18, this lever was activated. Among other things, the import of fertilizers, the need for which is very high, is prohibited.

Commenting on the situation, the State Duma noted that the transport blockade could give serious grounds for the start of hostilities, but the Russian Federation would not use them. Another way of solving the problem is proposed – to speed up the procedure for canceling the decision of Lithuania to secede from the USSR and cease its existence as a subject of international law. It is assumed that in this case, the NATO protection regime will cease to operate on the territory of Lithuania.

Blocking transit to the Russian region, Vilnius did not calculate the consequences. How Russia might respond, Alexander Nosovich, a political scientist based in Kaliningrad , explained :

withdrawal of recognition of Lithuanian independence. The idea to recognize as illegitimate the secession of the Baltic republics from the USSR has been in the air since September 5, 1991, when this illegal secession took place;

withdrawal from the agreements with the European Union on Lithuania. Russia recognized the borders of Lithuania in exchange for guarantees for the transit of Russian citizens and goods from Kaliningrad and to Kaliningrad. Thanks to this recognition, Lithuania was able to join the EU and NATO.

“I would like to remind you that an integral part of the package of joint EU-RF-Lithuania decisions of 2002-2003 on guaranteed transit of Russian goods and, of course, citizens of the Russian Federation to/from the Kaliningrad region was a counter obligation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to ratify the State Border Treaty with the Republic of Lithuania. I remember this very well, because then I headed the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and was the special representative of the President of Russia at these negotiations , ”

writes the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. –

If Brussels and Vilnius initiatively and treacherously destroy the package of agreements they signed on the Kaliningrad transit, which entered into force on July 1, 2003, then the EU must understand the consequences of their suicidal decision for the legitimacy of their own eastern border .

The measures are as follows:

Russia’s demand to return Klaipeda. The current borders of Lithuania were established by the Soviet Union, and they have nothing to do with the Republic of Lithuania, which declares itself the legal successor of pre-Soviet Lithuania and rejects the Lithuanian SSR as a “Soviet occupation”. In fact, the only official successor of the USSR is the Russian Federation. This means that Moscow has the right to reconsider the ownership of the territories annexed to Lithuania during the Soviet period, in particular the ownership of the Klaipeda region;

disconnection of Lithuania from the BRELL energy system (an energy ring that unites Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). This would be Moscow’s most painful economic response to Vilnius’ hostile move. So far, Lithuania is strenuously pretending that it does not need to be connected to BRELL, but it is not known how it will feel after a real shutdown and a rise in the price of everything from goods to fuel;

creation of the Suwalki corridor. This is a land passage between Lithuania and Poland, which could connect the territory of Belarus with the Kaliningrad region of Russia.

“As for gas, we have the Marshal Vasilevsky LNG terminal, which has already been tested in case Lithuania cuts off gas pipeline gas ,” says Nosovich. - Regarding transit, I talked with high officials of our region and representatives of the center, and they assure that the Russian civilian fleet in the Baltic Sea is quite enough to supply all the volumes of goods that Lithuania can block us by rail. The question is how quickly we can do it all. But I am sure that we will not have interruptions in supplies, empty shelves in stores . ”

According to the governor of the region Anton Alikhanov, the ferries of the Kaliningrad region will cope with the new cargo. The transportation of oil products to the Kaliningrad region through Lithuania continues until August 10:

“According to our preliminary estimates - we have not yet completed the analysis  - this is from 40% to 50% of the cargo that was transported between the Kaliningrad region and other regions of the Russian Federation. These are cargoes, including building materials, cement, metals. A range of other materials important for construction and manufacturing. Finished products that were exported from our territory. This will require us to urgently put new ships on the Ust-Luga-Baltiysk line , ”

explained the head of the region.

State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin suggested that with all these difficulties – violation of agreements, disregard for diplomatic norms, bombing of peaceful quarters of Donetsk and oil platforms – Russia is being tested and, possibly, provoked to open a second front in the Baltics, that is, they are being drawn into a war with NATO.

Cynthia Ann Parker

By the early to mid-1800s, European occupation was taking a toll on native villages. As their populations fell, some indigenous people turned to kidnapping as a way to increase their numbers. Sometimes, kidnapped white children were adopted by indigenous families who had lost their own children to diseases like cholera or smallpox (via HistoryNet). One of these children was Cynthia Ann Parker, who was abducted from her family farm in Texas when she was just nine years old (via Humanities Texas).

Parker was missing for 24 years, though there were occasional sightings of her living among the Comanche. She eventually married and had three children, and probably would have stayed with the Comanche until her death, except some Texas Rangers decided to “rescue” her and her infant daughter. Her reunion with her white family was not a happy one, and Parker never adjusted to life in the white settlements. Despite being a grown woman capable of making her own choices, she was also not permitted to return to the Comanche and her two sons, one of whom — Quanah Parker — became one of the most influential Comanche leaders in history.

There are some conflicting accounts about her eventual death sometime between 1864 and 1871. According to Texas Monthly, she is said to have starved herself to death.

A little common sense about proxy war

The question is: why does one person initiate confrontation with another person in an aggressive way?

Isn’t it obvious? They think that they are going to win.

Or they think that they will gain some advantage by it, and still survive. (I am not talking about defending yourself from real or imagined threats.)

But you say; there are millions of examples where apparently weaker entities challenge an obviously stronger adversary. Are they just foolhardy to take on this risk? No, they still think that they are going to win, or gain some advantage. How so? Because they have “an uncle” at their back. I’ll just get Uncle to come in and save me. Or maybe Uncle wants to hobble that other entity, and they hired me to do it for them, (with certain guarantees for me of course).

In the modern day of international relations, this is called the “Proxy War”. It is the most insidious activity on the planet, to hire different factions of poor people to kill each other. It is a kind of Cock-Fighting, and the sideline bets are enormous. For as long as I can remember, America is the unavowed champion at this game. They have these magic words “Plausible Deniability”, which they think is a garment that covers their naked aggression. They even brag about how good they are at it. I find it a dead give-away, and not plausible at all.

Well, America has at least 800 military bases around the world, so there are at least 800 of these chickens (at various levels of readiness for cock fighting), those that are hosting these bases. Of course, they are paid to do this, but who is getting paid? Dictators are enriched, or Vassal type leaders, Criminal regimes and Gangster billionaires. Does any advantage filter down to the populations? Is threatening a bigger power in their interest in any way?

Let’s look at the Ukraine, where average people live on $10/day, the below average people, (you can calculate that). That’s right, the GDP/capita is $3,500/year. Surely now it will be half of that, if not less.

Ukraine does have an Uncle, actually many of them. They gave guarantees too, but what was Ukraine’s obligation with those guarantees? They had to win some battles; then everything could progress as planned. But it seems it is not happening that way, and the guarantees are getting thinner and thinner.

I don’t have to make any claims about it, since it is moving so fast that we’ll all know very soon.

So, what is the situation with their transaction at this time? Ukraine has managed the destruction of its infrastructure, Russia has started softly on some things. Can it be rebuilt, even in a generation? For one Trillion dollars? And for how many generations will the debts have to be paid off? They are also combining the death of one generation of men, it may soon arrive to that level of carnage if they don’t put on the brakes soon. To obtain such a result took 30 years of building the whole country on a foundation of HATE.

It is based on the philosophy of Dmytro Dontsov, 1883 – 1973, author of the dogma behind Stepan Bandera. His two INITIAL postulates, without which “Ukrainian integral nationalism” is impossible, are namely the cultural opposition to “Moscow” and the social opposition to “socialism”. He built a philosophy where everything nationalistic is against Russia and against Jews. He has 24 books and they can be downloaded free from web sources. But they are all in Ukrainian, so I didn’t pursue it. Maybe Yandex could translate them.

The reading of his works is mandatory for all nationalist Ukrainian soldiers, particularly for those of the Azov regiment. He is the guiding intellectual behind the Ukrainian regime and he’s been one of the best-selling authors in Ukraine these recent years.

What the Ukraine must be hoping for is that their leaders would all become billionaires. Then after the ethnic cleansing of the Russian population, they would have all the mines, energy, minerals, farmland and industry of the Donbas, to divide among themselves. If they could get the Crimea, they would get an enormous rent from NATO for the Sevastopol Naval Base.

Would they operate all these assets, or have land reform to include the common people? Highly unlikely, they would sell these assets on the cheap to westerners and to Monsanto, to further make the Ukrainian billionaires into multi-billionaires.

The main product that they WOULD produce is terrorism and insurgency, which they would deliver across the Russian border. It’s exactly the same job Stepan Bandera was hired for 70 years ago by MI6 and the CIA. (Not a conspiracy theory, but it is proudly stated in the reports of MI5 and MI6, the British handlers of Bandera.)

And NATO bases would be right next to them to supply and train the chickens.

1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport

1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport
1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport

China says it’s ready to co-operate with Australia in the Pacific

Wang told Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa that China was not seeking “exclusive rights” to help develop the area.

“China is willing to enhance communication with all countries that care about Pacific Island Countries, especially Australia and New Zealand, and give full play to respective strengths to carry out more trilateral co-operation on the basis of respecting Pacific Island Countries’ wishes,” he said.

Article HERE
China says it is willing to co-operate with Australia in the Pacific, signalling a rhetorical and diplomatic shift following the election of the Labor government.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday failed to get consensus from 10 Pacific nations to sign up for Beijing’s “Common Development Vision,” a regional security deal in exchange for trade and economic co-operation that sparked fears of China’s economic and military ambitions in Washington and Canberra. But at least half-a-dozen countries including Samoa, Kiribati and Niue have signed up for enhanced co-operation in Beijing’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road infrastructure investment program.

Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, who hosted Wang for the Pacific foreign ministers meeting in Suva, said the region had to work together to face existential threats before signing up for any major multilateral deals.

“We put consensus first,” said Bainimarama. “Geopolitical point scoring means less than little to anyone whose community is slipping beneath the rising seas, whose job has been lost to a pandemic.”

The leak of China’s proposal to Reuters and a warning by David Panuelo, the President of the Federated States of Micronesia that it would shift the region “into Beijing’s orbit” put hopes of a deal being signed on Monday in peril. The region, which has found itself in the middle of a geopolitical contest between the United States, Australia and China, puts a high value on unity in its negotiations through the Pacific Islands Forum. Instead, Wang said that China would now pursue a policy position paper in the region as it looks to build multinational support for its vision of “common development, sovereignty and territorial integrity

“Some have been questioning ‘why China has been so active in supporting Pacific countries’?” said Wang, who did not take any questions from reporters at the press conference.

“China is a major developing country, and we do this with a great sense of responsibility.”

Wang presented a message from President Xi Jinping stating China was willing to work with Pacific Island nations to build a “community with a shared future” – highlighting Beijing’s growing diplomatic investment in the region after signing a landmark security and trade deal with Solomon Islands in April.

In his first direct mention of Australia during his 10-day, eight-country tour, Wang told Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa that China was not seeking “exclusive rights” to help develop the area.

“China is willing to enhance communication with all countries that care about Pacific Island Countries, especially Australia and New Zealand, and give full play to respective strengths to carry out more trilateral co-operation on the basis of respecting Pacific Island Countries’ wishes,” he said.

Wang’s comments followed a diplomatic blitz by Foreign Minister Penny Wong last week. Wong said it was up to individual nations to make sovereign decisions about their future but warned them that a region-wide deal with Beijing could sacrifice their independence, lead to unsustainable debt levels and endanger the Pacific’s security. The countries visited by Wang sit on a key strategic route between the United States, Australia and Asia and less than 2000 kilometres off the coast of Queensland that could block supply lines in the event of a conflict.

Wang failed to get consensus on the Pacific-mega deal but halfway through his 10-day tour has signed dozens of bilateral agreements including police training in Samoa, COVID-19 economic recovery plans with Fiji, radio and television co-operation with Niue and climate change and marine protection programs with Kiribati

Beijing’s top diplomat has positioned China in meetings with his Pacific counterparts as the leader of a growing group of developing countries that feel left out of the US-led international order that he argues is fuelled by Western geopolitical aims.

“Developing countries need to strengthen solidarity,” Wang said on Sunday.

“As the largest developing country, we have always stood by developing countries and stood firm for fairness and justice for small and medium-sized countries.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has yet to publicly respond to a message from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang congratulating him on his election. Beijing’s tone since the Labor victory on May 20 has been trending softer but $20 billion in trade sanctions on Australian exports remain in place and Albanese has maintained that Australia would not begin negotiations until trade restrictions were lifted.

Ukrainian soldiers take documents and things from the bodies of the dead, by which they can be identified

MOSCOW, June 22 - RIA Novosti. Ukrainian troops opposing the allied forces in the LPR have been instructed to depersonalize the bodies of servicemen - all documents are taken from them, making it more difficult to identify foreign mercenaries, Lieutenant Colonel of the People's Militia of the LPR Andrey Marochko said on Wednesday. 

"Instructions were given to Ukrainian servicemen to depersonalize the corpses of servicemen. They simply take away all identity documents so that they cannot be identified," Marochko said on the air of Rossiya 24, commenting on the issue of the origin of foreign mercenaries previously liquidated in the Gorsky area and Golden. 

He added that the identification of the destroyed mercenaries is now underway.
Article HERE

World War III

Most friends at this group may already know that I hold abnormal opinions. Here is my not very traditional view on World War III.

1. Volunteers will not cause a World War. If they do, then Russia is already fighting one.

2. People who are truly afraid of World War III are actually people who already own the world by virtue of their hege-money. If you have 100 billion dollars by which you can get whatever you want and do whatever you want with impunity, would you rather get into something that will turn your "wealth" and power into nothing and kill you and your family at the same time? If the powerless and enslaved people like us are afraid of World War III, then let us target the miscreants, not sing kumbaya and let the warmongers continue to murder, pillage, and rape with impunity. This is what the criminals want us to believe and how they want us to act. Never do what your enemy wants you to do. Why 99% are slaves of the 1%? Because 99% are craven and stupid, that's why.

3. Don't be afraid of bullies. They will threaten fire and brimstone, including suicidal world destruction. Don't believe in their lies and don't be cowed. Bullies are usually cowards. They love living because their lives are good. Know your target, learn his weakness, have an objective, make a plan, strengthen yourself, bide your time, and the bully will be defeated. 

4. I have many personal experiences with bullies. In grade five, I was the runt of the schoolyard wearing glasses. The school bully who had already beaten everyone up decided that he wanted to beat me up after school because I ignored him and he was running out of targets. Not only did he never lay a finger on me, but I was the only victim to have laid the bully flat on his back in front of all the other kids. It took me one and half years of planning and biding my time to get there. He never bullied anyone at school again. I have also stories of facing down the Chinese mafia, but maybe another time.

5. How do we stop war then? It's not by being peaceful and throwing flowers at the warmongers. If the target is the 1%, why should anyone threaten to kill the 99% who have nothing? The whole kabuki show of suicidal world destruction by nuclear war by the 1% who controls the nuclear weapons is a farce meant to keep the stupified 99% in a stupor. Know your target. The 1% is not hard to find, their wealth and properties are no secret, and their loved ones are usually going around town in expensive cars with chauffeurs and bodyguards. But the 99% are too busy working at soul-crushing jobs, rallying for minimum wage to pay for the wars, and voting for more lying miscreants to defend their freedom.

"Niemand ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als jene, die fälschlicherweise glauben, frei  zu sein." -- Goethe (None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free) Thanks to Frans for the more elegant German original.


Another propaganda of the day…

It’s just too delicious. LOL!


It’s going to be installed in kitchen appliances that are shipped to the United States!

‘Nothing Will Be As Before’

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog

Western Europe and North America are now in dire economic straits. Four EU leaders, from Germany, France, Italy and Romania, have just been to Kiev to plead with Zelensky to start negotiating again and make territorial concessions. The Western media did not much report on the fourth Romanian/German leader, Klaus Iohannis, and showed few photograph of him; possibly because the racists who work in the Western media despise Romania ( What they all forgot to mention is that Russia has no need to negotiate and, given the way that it has been treated since 2014 (indeed, since 1991), it is not going to make concessions.

The EU leaders once more made the illusory promise that the Ukraine might soon become a candidate for EU membership (despite the Dutch veto), if it restarts negotiations. This old carrot dangled before the Ukrainian donkey is irrelevant. The EU has more than four countries and four leaders, whatever promise that the Ukraine may become an EU member in 20 years time. Long before that, there will be no Ukraine and probably no EU. The day after their visit, the Johnson clown went to Kiev too, though we do not know what he spoke of. Presumably, he just wanted to show that the UK is a ‘Great Power’ – like the EU?

It is all too late. Negotiations on the Donbass failed for eight years because the West forbade them. They failed again last March in Belarus and Istanbul, for the same reason. The West in its arrogance believed that it could crush Russia using its Ukrainian cannonfodder. This has been displayed for nearly four months now by the reports of State propaganda mouthpieces like CNN, the BBC etc. with their nonsense that President Putin is dying and that Russia is running out of fuel and ammunition! Wishful thinking all the time. Originally Russia just wanted to liberate the Donbass. However, pig-headedness in Kiev means that they will now be forced to take control of the whole country – and perhaps more, if aggression from outside the Ukraine continues. It was all so unnecessary…

The West cannot go on with its suicidal and illegal sanctions against Russia – or rather against itself. The lack of oil, gas, fertilisers and essential raw materials is biting. Inflation is taking off all over the West. In the UK a wave of strikes is threatened. The incredibly unpopular Johnson’s days are numbered. The only problem for Russia is that the rouble keeps rising. Despite interest rate cuts from 15% to 8.5%, the rouble is again at 56 to the dollar. Clearly, further Russian interest rate cuts are, forgive the pun, in the pipeline. Meanwhile, African and Asian leaders have told Zelensky to stop fighting. They want grain ( 51814770/ ?frommail=1).

Of course, it is true that many of the West’s woes began well before this year, not least with the absurd and totalitarian ‘covid’ restrictions from 2020 on, which bankrupted many companies and led to it printing ever more money and to ever higher and unpayable debts. The West is desperate for the conflict in the Ukraine to end before the autumn cold sets in. Otherwise there are going to be popular revolts in Western countries, with scenes of looting on the streets.

Western arms, usually third-rate from stocks anyway, are making hardly any difference in the Ukraine. Most, together with munitions, get destroyed before they can be used. Much that has been promised cannot be used because it will take months to instruct Ukrainians on how to use them. The rate of attrition of the Kiev Army, up to 1,000 a day according to Kuleba, the Kiev Interior Minister, is simply unsustainable. Once the fortifications in the Donbass, built by Kiev and NATO over the last eight years, have been overwhelmed, there will be a clear run to Odessa, Transdnestria, Kharkov and Kiev or indeed anywhere that Russia wants. This could happen soon.

Yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defence released figures on mercenaries ( The picture is dismal for the Ukraine. Of some 6,000 mercenaries in the Ukraine from 64 different countries, some 2,000 have been killed and some 2,000 have fled. Perhaps they thought that they were going to fight in a Third World country, where the enemy just had Kalashnikovs and not world-beating hypersonic missiles? How long the remaining 2,000 or so will remain alive remains to be seen.

Poland supplied the greatest number of mercenaries, with 1,831. Presumably as with other countries like Canada (601 mercenaries), USA (530), Romania (504), Germany and France, the majority of these were actually Ukrainians who have lived outside the Ukraine for some years, rather than native people. In third place for mercenaries from Europe comes the UK with 422, of whom 102 have been killed and 98 have fled. According to General Konashenkov who released the figures, the number of mercenaries coming has stopped and indeed been reversed. It is too dangerous to stay and get killed in the Ukraine.

This leaves the two foolish British mercenaries, not killed in action with the 102 others, but taken prisoner. And also it leaves two captured US mercenaries. There is speculation that the British might plea for their release in exchange for Julian Assange. That would upset the Americans. On the other hand, the British mercenaries, Eslin and Pinner, have already been sentenced to death. If that sentenced is carried out, it is going to make Johnson even more unpopular than he already is. Perhaps that is why Johnson went to Kiev to plead.

Thus, the first or military stage is coming to an end and should be over later this summer. However, this is only the start. The New Ukraine has to be formed. Then there is the demilitarisation and denazification of the rest of Eastern Europe. And there is the economic war, declared by the West, to be finished. On 17June at the International Economic Forum in his native Saint Petersburg, President Putin said:

‘After the Cold War the USA declared itself to be the emissaries of God on Earth, without any responsibility, only with interests….Today’s changes in economics and in international politics are tectonic and revolutionary. The Western elites are in a state of delusion, clinging on to the shadow of the past and denying changing reality…Nothing will be as before…The EU has definitively lost its political sovereignty. The current situation in Europe will lead to an outburst of radicalism and in the probable future a change of elites’.

Here is the future.

’72 Mach 1 Mustang

’72 Mach 1 Mustang
’72 Mach 1 Mustang

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As China’s Top Oil Supplier

Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 – 09:00 AM

Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,

  • Chinese imports of Russian crude surged by 55 percent in May as the world’s biggest importer of oil took advantage of major discounts.
  • Russia has now overtaken Saudi Arabia as China’s top oil supplier.
  • While Russia is sending lots more crude to Asia, it is unlikely that the Asian market can absorb all 4 million barrels that were going to Europe.

China imported a record volume of Russian crude in May, with arrivals surging by 55 percent to nearly 2 million barrels per day (bpd). This has made Russia the top oil supplier to the world’s leading crude importer—putting it ahead of Saudi Arabia for the first time in a year and a half.

A record volume of cheap Russian oil, which sells at steep discounts to crude from other countries, made its way to Chinese refiners last month, according to figures from China’s General Administration of Customs cited by Reuters.

China imported 1.98 million bpd of Russian crude oil in May, up by 55 percent from May last year and up from 1.59 million bpd of Russian oil imported in April 2022, the data showed.

The high purchases of Russian oil outstripped supply from Saudi Arabia, Russia’s partner in the OPEC+ deal. Chinese imports of Saudi crude averaged 1.84 million bpd in May, up by 9 percent compared to May 2021, but down from 2.17 million bpd imported in April, according to the data cited by Reuters.

Thanks to the increased shipments of cheap crude to China, Russia became the top supplier to the world’s biggest oil importer for the first time in 19 months, per Reuters estimates.

Russia has been increasingly selling its crude to China and India after Western buyers shun Russian oil and the EU—Russia’s top oil customer before the war in Ukraine—prepares to launch a phased-out embargo on seaborne imports from Russia by the end of the year.

Russia is also estimated to have overtaken Saudi Arabia to become India’s second-largest supplier of crude oil in May. The average daily rate of Russian oil exports to India stood at 819,000 barrels last month, compared with 277,000 bpd in April.

Half of Russia’s crude is headed east to Asia. This compares to 75 percent of Russia’s oil exports which were being shipped to Europe earlier this year, Alexander Dyukov, chief executive of Gazprom Neft, said last week.

Still, analysts doubt that the Asian market can absorb all 4 million bpd of oil that Russia was sending to Europe before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS LS3 6.2L V8

1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS LS3 6.2L V8
1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS LS3 6.2L V8

Russia’s ‘Satan 2’ missile changes little for U.S., scholars say


Russia has successfully tests the RS-28 Sarmat. This is a very large, heavy-duty ICBM, that carries [1] large nuclear weapon payloads, [2] shoots them using hyper-velocity missiles, and [3] the collective West has no defense for.

The United States government says that this is of no concern. The US has nuclear weapons also.

“This truly unique weapon will strengthen the combat potential of our armed forces, reliably ensure Russia’s security in the face of external threats, and will provide food for thought to those who in the heat of frenzied aggressive rhetoric try to threaten our country,” Putin said in televised remarks.

The RS-28 Sarmat, which NATO has dubbed “Satan 2,” is considered Russia’s most powerful ICBM: a super-heavy, thermonuclear-armed intercontinental-range ballistic missile.

The missile that was introduced during a 2018 Russian state-of-the-nation address was the “next generation” of weaponry that could breach “any missile defense” system, Putin claimed at the time.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters Wednesday that the United States did not consider the weapon a threat to Washington or its allies.

The Sarmat was intended to replace the Soviet-designed Voevoda, which was designed in 1962 with the capability to carry three warheads. The Sarmat weighs 200 metric tons (220 tons) and has a longer range, allowing it to fly over the North or South poles and strike targets anywhere in the world, Putin said in 2018. He added that the Sarmat carries a larger number of more powerful nuclear warheads. The Pentagon minimized the features of the weapon and said that “the American people should rest assured that we are fully prepared.”

Russia initially planned to finish Sarmat trials in 2021 and begin deploying it to the army soon after, but several test launches, considered late-stage trials in arms development, were postponed until 2022, the state-run Tass news agency reported last year.

“Sarmat is the most powerful missile with the longest range of destruction of targets in the world, which will significantly increase the combat power of our country’s strategic nuclear forces,” the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday, announcing a successful test launch from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region.

Putin praised the Sarmat engineers in his speech Wednesday for creating a purely “domestic” product. Rounds of economic sanctions imposed on Russia over the years, most recently for its invasion of Ukraine, have essentially barred Russia from importing any dual-purpose goods that could help advance its military complex and have left many key industries that rely heavily on imports, such as aviation, vulnerable to production and maintenance disruptions.

1966 Chevrolet Corvette 327ci

1966 Chevrolet Corvette 327ci
1966 Chevrolet Corvette 327ci

China defiant on Australian trade sanctions

China has defended its trade sanctions on $20 billion worth of Australian exports as “beyond reproach” in a rebuff to Anthony Albanese’s call for it to drop the tariffs as a precursor to repairing bilateral relations.
Unfortunately, this “Australian leader” is not very good in math. He is simply unable to workout who has the upper hand :

Abstract Seinfeld Oil Paintings Are Perfect For Any Man Cave


If you’re looking to add something special to your man cave then you might want to think about getting one of these abstract Seinfeld paintings. Artist Morgan Blair is obsessed with the show and she’s found a way to turn her passion into art.


70 Shelby GT-500

70 Shelby GT-500
70 Shelby GT-500

Cat Who Lost Her Kittens Cries When Embracing An Abandoned Kitten

Show understanding. Show humanity.

’71 Barracuda


’71 Barracuda
’71 Barracuda

Brazil: trade with China more than double that of the USA

China’s Peaceful rise through a win-win trade relationship with the world.  Successful without firing a shot. Unprecedented in human history.
Look at what other civilizations do to become great power: Portuguese, Spain, Holland, France, UK, Germany, Japan, USSR, USA!
Should the CCP be awarded a noble prize for this effort?
China used to focus her relation with the “me-only” crusader nations such as US, EU, Australia etc as being the most important relationships to keep peace
However, these warmongering, unethical , greedy, lack of appreciative morale, looting civilizations have proven themselves,  time after time, to be unable to accept any kind of win-win trade relation.
Thus, since Xi came into power, he focused on developing strong relations with all other nations.
Trump’s effort to initiate an all-out trade and technological war against China has helped free up China’s market capacity. And this is benefiting the rest of the world.


The People’s Republic of China has traditionally regarded Latin America as a zone for US interests and influence and has tended to tread carefully with countries in the region. But with the issuance in 2008 of the first ever State Council White Paper in Beijing on relations with Latin American countries, this attitude started to change. As a sign of acceleration, in 2016, a second paper came out, updating and enhancing what had gone before. This has been complemented by the number of visits to the region by Chinese President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping since his appointment in 2012–13.

Of all the places in Latin America, for China, Brazil is among the most important. As this paper makes clear with plentiful data, in terms of exports and trade, Chinese–Brazilian relations are very strong. This is particularly the case with raw materials such as iron

ore and agricultural products. Even during the pandemic, from 2020, flows of meat, soybeans and oils have been maintained, meaning that Brazil ranks as China’s largest supplier in these areas.

The paper also argues how, with China’s economic transition to a more service- sector-dominated structure, Brazil’s export pattern will need to evolve and change. China’s intensive manufacturing and high use of imported raw materials is still important, but there are new developments. The ‘dual circulation’ idea of 2020 issued from Beijing stressed the need for the government to develop Chinese consumption. It also showed how much China wished to become more autonomous in terms of research, development and technology.

Full detailed report HERE

’72 Datsun Fairlady 240z

’72 Datsun Fairlady 240z
’72 Datsun Fairlady 240z

How Russia responded to the Ukrainian strike on drilling rigs in the Black Sea

The Ministry of Defense told in detail what the plan of Zelensky’s Nazis was when they hit civilian targets and what they got in return.

Retaliation on our part was [1] the destroyed hangar with Bayraktar drones at the Shkolny airfield near Odessa. And, [2]  two more platoons of NATO howitzers M-777 on Kubansky Island, as well as [3] two launchers of the S-300 system in the Ochakovo and Tuzla regions of the Odessa region.

This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov.

By the way, according to Konashenkov, the Chornomorneftegaz platforms were not the targets of the Ukrainian raid.

They were hit rather out of desperation – they needed a bright picture for a TV show. The main task was Serpent’s Island, which the Ukrainians lost at the very beginning of the special operation and cannot get it back.

Here’s how it was:

According to the plan of the Ukrainian command, their forces were to first deliver massive air strikes and artillery on Serpent Island and then land troops there.

Serious forces were thrown – 15 attack and reconnaissance drones, the gunner of which was two Bayraktars, the US Air Force Global Hawk RQ-4 strategic reconnaissance aircraft circling nearby, and all this under the cover of the S-300.

Attacks on Serpentine were carried out by Tochka-U ballistic missiles, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems and M-777 howitzers.

Russian troops were defended by anti-aircraft complexes “Pantsir” and “Tor”.

Everything that flew in the direction of Zmeinoye – 4 Tochka-U and 21 Hurricane shells – was shot down, as were 13 drones.

When the Ukrainians realized that they had achieved nothing, they abandoned the landing on the island and hit civilian drilling rigs. 7 of those who were on them are still considered missing.

Read article HERE.

Explain It to Me, Please

If you want a war with Iran, Russia, China and Venezuela tell me why and how it would benefit Americans

Lost Cat Found With Brain Damage Dying Alone In The Cement Room

Tear jerker, but the cat recovered. The story is very interesting and tells us quite a bit about ourselves, and our humanity.

How problem solving became the problem in the west

by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog

Awoke this morning and thought it was time to review my political convictions as it had become apparent that the war in Ukraine was beholden to the usual ‘us-and-them’ arrangements that stood in for enlightened insight… Another day wherein the propaganda-controlled media confronted me with the power of its’ nuclear-ballistic narrative (based on fire power), to assure me that our ace-in-the hole superior mediation could slam dunk those who refused to acknowledge Western exceptionality-a clear sign that the Pentagon was in bed with The Chicago School of economics.

My ruminations continued as I set about preparing breakfast…I found time for coffee despite the chaos beyond my boundaries. What was wrong with our market-oriented economy? Was our model up shit creek?

We in the West have a problem it seems? People of the lesser than white pigmentation are no longer accepting the fact that we, the descendants of the first European industrial revolution, can be trusted. We, who colonized great swathes of the non-industrialized world are no longer being viewed as magnanimous partners in any sharing sense.

The neo-conservative West tried exporting its’ Globalization (WTO) rules-based business-school mentality that underpins the theories of the Chicago School of Economics to the entire planet. The white man’s burden should be applied and set… and reset… according to the rules of the inchoate modernist unilateralist and utility-minded who eschew democracy over money.

The dream; to regroup in order to grow the capitalist vision of capturing Eurasia in a muscular web of 800 military bases put there to inhibit the development of peer modelling, meant full spectrum dominance.

On hearing the news that Washington was giving Ukraine a 64 billion super-duper military handout, the inner consultant took over from the inner muse and my mind went into equative overdrive.

Do the righteous amongst us choose formulaic thinking over science-based deductive observation? Well, the answer to that seems to be a big yes!

Shall we start with the Jewish controlled media? The Jewish ability to trade themselves to the center of power is impressive, but does it contain the seed of a truly universal outlook, or is it anchored in ethnic moorings that have succeeded in pulling off a coup par excellence that has taken the West by storm! The question is, does it require an arcane narrative in order to occupy the high moral ground? And, having acquired the moral high ground vis a vis alliance with power brokers, does this give them the right to LORD it over those who are told that they are checkmated vis a vis 800 military bases in Eurasia or the iron rim of the Gaza strip. All of this is precisely what Mainstreet Media is conniving at. Accept our ‘truth’ or we will execute great vengeance upon our enemies with furious rebukes (and Palestine and America are not the only counties that have an Anglo-Zionist problem). Think of what America and Israel have in common; exemption from the injurious consequences of their actions (what’s that line again about actions speaking louder than words and why are their cinematic art forms so bereft of human dignity?).


For instance, PULP FICTION, released in 1994 as an American black comedy neo-noir crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, is from a story by Tarantino and Roger Avery. It was, and continues to be a cultural watershed…a great piece of cinematic art capturing the myopia within American culture. Samuel Jacksons treatment of Ezekiel’ passage 25:17 “And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them” is quintessentially, American hubris.

Pulp Fiction grafts contemporary narrative on arcane roots in antiquity to create a novel way of resolving the delusions of myopic grandeur that beset Jules Winnfield, a thug in need of redemption. The society Tarantino presents to the public is one where hype and entertainment paralyse the human spirit as the market economy goes about its business shredding the wellbeing of its’ citizens…the sense that an intractable appetite for personal gratification has become America’s raison d’etre is all pervasive.

Marsellus Wallace is a gang boss and husband to Mia Wallace. He is the boss of Vincent Vega, Jules Winnfield, Butch Coolidge and many other unknown gangsters. He famously states that the business he’s in “is filled with unrealistic motherfuckers” when addressing Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis), a pugilist being forced to “throw” a fight. The term motherfucker here implies the existence of somebody of indeterminate status and inevitably applies to all who get in the way of any dominant actor seeking power…hegemony…over others in a rat-race to the top. The three stories capture the ineluctable spread of corruption that seeps through to every nook and cranny of society…leaving Hollywood to capitalize on one unholy mess.

So before leaving part two, a thought: Does Volodymyr Zelensky realize what the tide of neo-conservatism lapping at the shores of Ukraine would bring to that hapless country?


When propaganda took control of macro-America, the media went along with the process of shoving Americas’ Foreign Policy ‘down the throat of all and sundry. It happened when America found itself the sole superpower on the planet. What followed was the marshaling of Anglo/Zionist forces to downplay the role of government in economics. With the help of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics, governments throughout the West became separated from governance. The Chicago School was libertarian and laissez-faire at its core, rejecting Keynesian notions of governments managing aggregate economic demand to promote growth. It was a 1930s form of economic unilateralism that succeeded in keeping finance out of the hands of the so-called ‘turbulent’ masses. It also became the political incarnation of colonial interference, aided and abetted by military overkill forever available to induct or vamoose main-street–ness.

“MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” became the clarion call of muscular America in the service of promoting the United States of Americas’ dream of empire. But was anybody listening? When Biden said “America is back”, was anybody listening? When Putin said enough is enough, quit the provocation, was he or anybody in Bidens’ administration listening? When the nonaligned nations of the world rejected Americas sanctioning of Russia, was anybody in the West listening? Isn’t it time Americans consulted their inner jerks and gave a thought to the suffering their imperial obsession has wrought on Afghanistan and Palestine, to mention but two examples of the arcane mindset.

Hollywood, the dream machine always gets it right. Life in America is about coupling in one way or another…couples struggling with their destinies are at the hub of the three stories that did it for Pulp Fiction in an extremely fractious way. Hollywood became Hollywood because it succeeded in identifying the American existential narrative as a drama belonging to couples or individuals compelled, by external social conditions, to trade their way through a dog-eat-dog system designed to produce winners and losers from within its protean boundaries.


America and Palestine are not the only countries…nations…with an Anglo-Zionist problem!!

As Europe squishes under the yoke of the pulpy Atlantic Alliance, there is little reason to believe that hope might spring eternally from the minds of its’ generally mediocre neo-conservative leadership.

An Independent Inquiry Into the American Origins of Covid?

As most are surely aware, for more than two years I have been pointing to the strong perhaps even overwhelming evidence that the Covid outbreak that devastated our own country and the world was very likely the result of an exceptionally reckless American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran).

Under my analysis, the million American deaths and massive social disruption we have suffered would constitute the most disastrous blowback of any military operation in the history of the world, and if it became widely accepted, the domestic political consequences would be monumental.

My suggestion of a central American role in the creation of this global epidemic has been excluded not only from the mainstream media but from virtually all of the alternative media as well, presumably because the possibility is simply too horrific to contemplate. However, this situation may now be starting to change.

Last month, the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences carried an opinion article authored by prominent Columbia University economist Jeffrey D. Sachs and a medical colleague suggesting an American role in the creation of the virus and arguing for an independent inquiry into that possibility.

Their paper also presented some of the very considerable evidence that the virus had been artificially engineered in a laboratory, providing a comparison chart noting the striking difference in structure between Covid and all of its closest natural relatives. Indeed, the former seems to have the sort of human-insert sequence that American researchers had been exploring in their scientific papers.

Sachs and his co-author also emphasized that the Eco-Health Alliance, heavily funded by our own Department of Defense, had been very active in organizing the collection of SARS-like bat-viruses from China, exactly the sort of viruses that probably would have constituted the precursor stock to a genetically-engineered Covid virus.

These sorts of implications are hardly surprising to those who have been following my own writings of the last couple of years, but they obviously have vastly greater impact when made by top mainstream scholars writing in one of America’s most influential academic journals. Although the two authors are careful to avoid touching upon the central thesis of my own articles, their analysis is entirely consistent with that framework.

So far, this potentially important paper seems to have received relatively little media coverage, but it may have already contributed to some renewed interest in my own work.

In February I had presented my ideas at length in several video interviews, including Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad, Geopolitics & Empire, and Red Ice TV, totaling nearly four hours of discussion. During the last ten days or so, these videos have attracted a great deal of new interest, adding another 60,000 total views, and are now rapidly approaching the half-million mark. Shortly after my interview with Kevin Barrett, he told me he hoped that the viewership might eventually break 100,000, a possibility I considered wildly optimistic at the time, but that video is now actually at the verge of reaching 200,000 views. If these trends continue, at some point media outlets may finally be forced to recognize the likely reality of what befell America and the rest of the world a couple of years ago.

Video Link

Video Link

Video Link


Meanwhile, I have recently been preoccupied with different matters. In June 2018 I resumed my writing, and during the last four years I have published more than a half-million words of articles and columns, the bulk of them in my American Pravda series. That lengthy collection of essays, focusing on the lapses and lacunae in our mainstream coverage of important past events has gradually grown into a comprehensive historical counter-narrative of the last one hundred years of Western history.

Back in early 2016 I had collected my previous articles, mostly on racial and ethnic issues, and published them as a 700 page hardcover book entitled The Myth of American Meritocracy and Other Essays. Although that volume had been partially intended as an adjunct to our unsuccessful Free Harvard/Fair Harvard political campaign for the university’s Board of Overseers, I was very pleased to have my book available in hard copy on Amazon. However, the publication project had involved a great deal of time and effort while sales soon dwindled away to scarcely even a trickle.

Then last year I began collecting all my writings into a series of freely downloadable eBooks, available in both the ePub and Mobi/Kindle formats, and this seemed a much more cost-effective means of distribution.

Since their release, these eBooks have been downloaded roughly 70,000 times, a total roughly 70,000 larger than my total print sales during that same time period. As a consequence, I had never considered investing the time and effort to produce any new hard copy editions of my work.

However, while writing my recent retrospective survey on the Harvard campaign, I was reminded of the particular advantages of having a print book available for distribution, and I began reconsidering the idea, especially since various people over the years had expressed interest in obtaining my recent writings in print form.

Obviously, a collection running 400,000 or 500,000 words would be completely unmanageable as a single text, but I discovered that Amazon’s KDP system provides a relatively easy means of creating professional-quality books using Print On Demand technology. So I decided to produce an series of shorter, more narrowly focused collections, with each generally running 50,000 to 100,000 words.

Over the last few years my reading, research, and writing efforts have absorbed an enormous amount of my time, so applying another 1% or less to make this same material available in print editions seems a very cost-effective decision. A book that you can hold in your hand may often have considerably greater weight and impact than something merely read online or in some other electronic format.

Two books in this new series are now available, each running less than 200 pages and reasonably priced at under $10 in paperback. They constitute short collections of essays that can easily be read in just a day or two, and over the next few weeks, I’m planning to release several additional ones.

The first volume is entitled Encountering American Pravda, and represents something of a short introduction to my American Pravda series, with most of the essays coming from 2016 or earlier and the book priced at just $8.99. I think this particular collection would be an ideally effective means of introducing others to the material, while doing so in a relatively non-threatening manner.

I have also now published Our Covid-19 Catastrophe, priced at $9.99. This contains my major Covid articles, presenting the American biowarfare hypothesis that has been the main focus of my writing and research efforts over the last two years.

Busy individuals are continually bombarded with emails and links and hence tend to disregard nearly all of them. However, I think that someone who receives an attractively printed book in the mail is much more likely to examine it rather than just throw it into the trash. So purchasing these hard copy editions for friends and acquaintances may be effective and relatively inexpensive means of getting this important information into much wider circulation.

I’m obviously eager to promote this material in reviews or podcasts. Therefore, I would be glad to provide complementary copies of my books to any bloggers or podcasters who think they would be interested in writing reviews or interviewing me. Just drop me an email with a link to your website or podcast and your mailing address, and I’ll have the copies sent right out.

As an example of this, I was interviewed a few days ago by Edward Dutton on his Jolly Heretics podcast. Prof. Dutton had initially been quite skeptical of my Covid biowarfare hypothesis, but the information provided in my eBook greatly surprised him, and he decided to interview me as a consequence. The 90m session is available on the Odysee platform, and I’ve also reposted it on Rumble:

Video Link

In addition, I had another hour-long radio interview with Kevin Barrett, with a copy of the transcript now available in transcript form.

Edward Curtin: Why is Everything Broken?

Unfortunately, all these people, westerners, most of them Americans, are writing about all the disaster and trouble in the USA and elsewhere. And indeed, they’re right, there’s a bad moon rising in America. But none of them is aware of the fact that there’s another much bigger nation at the other side of the world; that the population of the USA is just a small fraction of the global population. That the economy and power of the USA is over, that they should prepare for third world situations in the USA.

Are they, in spite of their vitriol on the American system, suffering from American exceptionalism ?

What I dearly miss, is the broader viewpoint, the viewpoint from the rest of the globe. None of these writers realize that there is hope for humanity at the other side of the globe. -Frans

Edward Curtin

June 9, 2022

“Begin then with a fracture, a cesura, a rent; 
opening a crack in this fallen world, a shaft of light.”

Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

Being sick for the past few weeks has had its advantages. It has forced me to take a break from writing since I could not concentrate enough to do so. It has gifted me with a deeper sympathy for the vast numbers of the seriously ill around the world, those suffering souls without succor except for desperate prayers for relief.

And it has allowed thoughts to think me as I relinquished all efforts at control for a few miserable weeks of “doing nothing” except napping, reading short paragraphs in books, watching some sports and a documentary, and being receptive to the light coming through the cracks in my consciousness.

I suppose you could say that my temporary illness forced me, as José Ortega Y Gasset described it, virtually and provisionally to withdraw myself from the world and take a stand inside myself – “or, to use a magnificent word which exists only in Spanish, that man can ensimismarse (‘be inside himself’).”

But as I learned, being “inside myself” doesn’t mean the outside world doesn’t come visiting, both in its present and past manifestations. When you are sick, you feel most vulnerable; this sense of frailty breaks you open to strange and familiar thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories that you must catch on the fly, pin with words if you are quick enough. I’ve pinned some over these weeks as they came to me through the cracks.

“Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech,” wrote Norman Brown when he argued for aphoristic truth as opposed to methods or systematic form. These days the feeling that everything is broken is the norm, that madness reigns, that truth is being strangled and all we have are lies and more lies.

Carefully constructed arguments fall on deaf ears as dissociation of the personality, post-modern attention-disorder, gender confusion, and corporate/intelligence mass media propaganda techniques are used daily to sow confusion. In simple colloquial language, people are badly fucked up.

Much of the world is suffering from megrims.  Bob Dylan puts it simply:

Who can disagree?  Everyone’s mind seems to be at the end of its tether.

Why? There are obvious answers, and while so many are true, they are insufficient, for they usually scratch the surface of a worldwide crisis that has been developing for at least a century and a half.

That crisis is spiritual. Many can feel it rumbling beneath the surface of world events. It’s a rumbling in the bowels. It’s unspoken. It’s something very dark, sinister, and satanic. It seems to be a form of systemic evil almost with a will of its own that is sweeping the world.

For many decades I have studied, written, and taught in an effort to grasp the essence of what has been happening in our world. My tools have been philosophy, theology, literature, art, and sociology – all the disciplines really, including a careful study of popular culture. It was always a personal quest, for my “career” has been my vocation.

Being trained in the classics from high school through college, and then the scientific method and textual analysis, I adhered for the most part to logical analyses in the classical style. Such an approach, while possessed of a certain elegance and balance, has serious limitations since it suggests the world follows a neat Aristotelian logic and that there is a method to the world’s madness that is easy to capture in logical argumentation.

Romanticism and existentialism, to name two reactions to such thinking, arose in opposition. Each offered a needed corrective to the reductive, materialist nature of a scientific method that became deified while dismissing God, freedom, and the spiritual as leftover superstitions from olden times.

But I have no sustained argument to offer here, just some scraps I gathered while enduring weeks in the doldrums. I sense these bits of seemingly digressive little flashes in the dark were telling me something about what I have been trying to understand for many years: the grasp the demonic has on our world today.

It is easy to dismiss the use of such a word, for it sounds hyperbolic, and it easily plays into the ridiculous themes of popular Hollywood and tabloid entertainment, which have also become staples of the formerly “serious” media as well.

It’s all entertainment now, life the movie, the unreality of endless propaganda, sick, sordid, and what can only be termed “The Weirdness,” a term my friend the writer and playwright Joe Green has suggested to me.

I think it would be a serious mistake to dismiss the demonic nature of the forces at work in our world today:

  • Like Rip Van Winkle, I awoke one recent day, a few weeks after I wrote my last article before I got sick, to see that the corporate media/intelligence narrative on the war in Ukraine had taken an abrupt turn. I had written on May 13, 2022, that certain leftists were parroting the official U.S. propaganda that Russia was losing its battle with the Ukrainian forces.  Noam Chomsky had claimed the U.S. media were doing a good job reporting Russian war crimes in Ukraine and Chris Hedges had said that Russia had suffered “nine weeks of humiliating military failures.”  Now The New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. – mirabile dictu – have suddenly changed their tune and the Russians are winning after all.
    Who was asleep?  Or was it sleep that prompted such obviously false reporting?  For the Russians were clearly winning from the start. Yet we can be assured the authoritative voices will continue to flip the switch and play mind games, for shock and confusion are keys to effective propaganda, and American exceptionalism with its divine mission, its manifest destiny, is to demonically try to destroy Russia.
  • The slogan that I learned when I was a Marine before becoming a conscientious objector came to me when I was feverish. “My rifle is my life.”  I never thought so, but I did recall how when I was ten years old my cousin killed his brother with a rifle, and how I heard the news on the radio while talking with my father.  The New York Times reported: “A 9-year-old boy was fatally wounded last night by his brother, 7, while the two were playing with a rifle in a neighbour’s apartment in the northeast Bronx….[the rifle] “was secreted in a bedroom” [under the bed] and was loaded.
  • Report: Don McLean cancels his singing performance at the National Riffle Association’s convention following the Uvalde school shooting. What an act of moral courage! Ah, Don, “Now I understand/What you tried to say to me/And how you suffered for your sanity/And how you tried to set them free/They would not listen, they did not know how/Perhaps they’ll listen now.”
    Let’s hope not to you.
  • Watched the new documentary about George Carlin – “George Carlin’s American Dream.” I have always had a soft spot for George, a fellow New Yorker with a Catholic upbringing, and a good-hearted guy who generously offered to help me years ago when I was fired from a teaching position for ostensibly playing a recording of his seven words that you can never say on television.  The real reasons for my firing were that I was organizing a teacher’s union and had brought well-known anti-war activists to speak at the school.  But what struck me in this interesting documentary was George’s facile dismissal of God – “the God bullshit,” as he put it.  Funny, of course, and correct in certain ways, it was also jejune in significant ways and threw God out with the bathwater.
    It was something I had not previously noticed about his routine, but this time around it hit me as unworthy of his scathing critiques of American life.  It got laughs at the expense of deeper and important truths and probably has had deleterious effects on generations who have been beguiled and besotted by how George’s God critique consonantly fits with the shallow arguments of the new atheists.  George was overreacting to the ignorance of his superficial religious training and not distinguishing God from institutional religion.
  • Half-awake on the couch one day, I somehow remembered that when I was teaching at another school and involved in anti-war activities, a fellow teacher stopped me on a staircase on a late Friday afternoon when no one was around and tried to get me to join Army Intelligence. “You are exactly the type we could use,” he said, “since you are so outspoken in your anti-war positions.”  I will spare you my reply, which involved words you once could never say on TV.  But the encounter taught me an early lesson about distinguishing friend from foe; how treachery is real, and evil often wears a smiley face. The man who approached me was the head of social studies curricula for the Roman Catholic Brooklyn Diocese of New York.
  • Al Capone, while speaking to Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. in 1931: “People respect nothing nowadays….It is undermining the country. Virtue, honour, truth, and the law have all vanished from our life.”
  • I also read this from Literature and the Gods by Roberto Calasso: “… all the mythologies now pass a largely indolent life in a no-man’s-land haunted by gods and vagrant simulacra, by ghosts and Gypsy caravans in constant movement. They learn only to tell their stories again …. Yet it is precisely this ability that is so obviously lacking in the world around us. Behind the trembling curtains of what passes for ‘reality,’ the voices throng. If no one listens, they steal the costume of the first person they can grab and burst onto the stage in ways that can be devastating.  Violence is the expedient of what has been refused an audience.”
  • Lying in bed after a feverish night early on in my sickness, I looked up at the ceiling where a fly was buzzing. I remembered how years ago, when my father was in the hospital after a terrible car accident in which he smashed his head, he told me he was seeing monkeys all over the ceiling of the hospital room.  Later, when I was out of bed, I heard the news reports about monkeypox and thought I was also hallucinating.  I started laughing, a sardonic laughter brought to a feverish pitch after more than two years of Covid propaganda.  These are the same people who hope to create a transhuman future – mechanical monkeys.
  • On a table lay the third volume of a trilogy of books – Sinister Forces – by Peter Levenda. I opened it to a bookmarked page.  Anyone who has read these books with a half-way open mind will be shocked by the amount of documented history they contain, history so bizarre and disturbing that reading them is not advisable before bedtime.  Sinister forces that run through American history, indeed, but Levenda presents his material in a most reasonable and fair-minded way.  I read these paragraphs:
“The historical model I am proposing in these volumes should be obvious by now. By tracing the darker elements of the American experience from the earliest days of the Adena and Hopewell cultures through the discovery by Columbus, the English settlers in Massachusetts and the Salem witchcraft episode, the rise of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Mormons via ceremonial magic and Freemasonry, up to the twentieth century and the support of Nazism by American financiers and politicians before, during, and after World War II, and the UFO phenomenon coming on the heels of that war, we can see the outline of a political ectoplasm taking shape in this historical séance: politics as a continuation of religion by other means. 

The ancillary events of the Charles Manson murders, the serial killer phenomenon, Jonestown, and the assassinations of Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Marilyn Monroe are all the result of the demonic possession of the American psyche, like the obscenities spat out by little Regan [The Exorcist], tied to her bed and shrieking at the exorcists. It is said that demonic possession is a way of testing us, and making us aware of the real conflict taking place within us every day….

The more I looked, however, the more I found men with bizarre beliefs and involved in questionable, occult practices at the highest levels of the American government, and buried deep within government agencies. I also discovered that occultism was embraced by the American military and intelligence establishments as a weapon to be used in the Cold War; and as they did so, they unleashed forces upon the American populace that cannot be called back….

One inevitably was forced back to the CIA and the mind-control experiments that began in the late 1940s and extended nearly to the present day [no, to the present day]. Coincidence piled upon coincidence, indicating the existence of a powerful, subliminal force working at the level of chaos – at the quantum level – and struggling to manifest itself in our reality, our consciousness, our political agenda.”

If that all sounds too bizarre for words, unbelievable really, I suggest that one read these books, for if only a minority of Levenda’s claims are true, we are in the grip of evil forces so depraved that fiction writers couldn’t imagine such reality.

As I finish these notes, I am sitting outside on a small porch, watching the rain subside. The sun has just emerged. It is 5:30 P.M. and across the driveway and a lawn of grass, eight foxes have come through the bushes. The parents watch as the six kits jump and scamper around the ground-level porch of a cottage that is unoccupied.

Interesting too?  Chris Hedges: America’s Death March

The foxes have a den under the porch, and every day for a few months we have been privileged to watch them perform their antics in the mornings and evenings. Cute would be an appropriate word for the kits, especially when they were smaller. But they are growing fast and suddenly one sees and seizes a squirrel and worries it to death by shaking it in its mouth.

Soon they are ripping it to pieces. Cute has turned deadly.  But as the aforementioned Ortega Y Gasset says, while people can be inside themselves, “The animal is pure alteraciόn. It cannot be within itself.”  This is because it has no self, “no chez soi, where it can withdraw and rest.”

Foxes always live in pure exteriority, unlike me, who is sitting here with a small glass of wine and thinking about them and the various thoughts that have come to me over these past few weeks.

Before I came outside, I read this from a powerful new article by Naomi Wolf – “Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide” – “It is a time of demons sauntering around in human spaces, though they look human enough themselves, smug in their Italian suits on panels at the World Economic Forum.”

In this piece, she writes about what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years, but which a court has released as a result of outside pressure.

These documents reveal evil so depraved that words would fail her if not for her moral conscience and her growing awareness – that I share – that we are dealing with a phenomenon that demands an analysis that is theological, not sociological. She writes:

“Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.

So I don’t know about you, but I must switch gears with this kind of unspeakable knowledge to another kind of discourse.”

That discourse is religious, for Naomi has realized that our world is in satanic hands, and that only a recognition of that fact offers a way out. That those who wield weapons both medical and military can only be defeated by those who realize that a key part of the killers’ propaganda has been a long campaign to convince people, not only that God does not exist, but that Satan doesn’t either.

Interesting too?  Forskellen mellem beskyldninger om dis- og misinformation er afgørende

This, while they assume the mantle of the evil one.

She says:

“This time could really be the last time; these monsters in the labs, on the transnational panels, are so very skilful; and so powerful; and their dark work is so extensive.

If God is there — again — after all the times that we have tried his patience — and who indeed knows? – will we reach out a hand to him in return, will we take hold in the last moment out of this abyss, and simply find a way somehow to walk alongside him?”

We will, but only if we also recognize the deeper forces informing our hidden history and haunting our present days. Sometimes an illness can crack you open to being receptive to shafts of light that can lead the way.

Yet to do so we must go deep into very dark places.

And since everyone and everything seems broken now – let’s say everyone is just sick in some way – maybe courage is what we need, the simple courage to open ourselves to the voices of the hungry ghosts that haunt this country.

Norman O. Brown referred to them and our stage set this way:

“Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.”

The U.S.A. and its allies are waging war on many fronts. It is a form of total war – cold, hot, medical, military, mind-control, spiritual, etc. – that demands a total response from us.

None of us is completely innocent; we are all part of the deep evil that is happening all around us. But if we listen carefully, we might hear God asking for our help. For we need each other.

I watch in horror as the cute foxes kill their prey. I must remind myself that that is their nature. As for my fellow humans, I know that it isn’t nature that drives them to kill, maim, hurt, lie, etc.

Everything is truly broken, and I’m not joking.

But someone is laughing.

It’s not God.

Two kinds of people


Jaycee Dugard

When adolescent girls are abducted by strangers, there’s almost never a happy ending. Most of the time they turn up dead, if they turn up at all. When 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard disappeared while walking to the bus stop, police feared the worst, and they didn’t get any more hopeful when days turned into weeks, then into years.

But Dugard was alive and living in a shed in Phillip and Nancy Garrido’s backyard in Antioch, California (via Biography). For 18 years, she was kept prisoner by the Garridos, who told her that her family didn’t love her and wasn’t looking for her.

While in captivity she gave birth to two of Phillip Garrido’s children and eventually gave up hope of escaping.

Then, Garrido got cocky.

He brought Dugard’s two daughters with him to see the special events coordinator at the UC Berkeley campus, where he was hoping to stage a religious event of some kind. The special events manager thought something was off about Garrido and the girls and called his parole officer, and after that everything started to unravel for the Garridos.

Dugard revealed her identity during a parole meeting and her long ordeal was over.

Dugard was reunited with her family in 2009. Her family got a $20 million award from the State of California as an acknowledgment that Garrido’s parole supervision had maybe not been as thorough as it should have been.

BRICS summit: Xi Jinping criticizes Western sanctions, analysis says China helped Putin return to the world

In Chinese. Needs to be translated. Article HERE.

US sanctions helping China supercharge its chip-making industry

China has 19 of the world’s 20 fastest-growing chip industry firms over the past four quarters

Article HERE

Jun 21, 2022 – 4.45pm
Hong Kong | China’s chip industry is growing faster than anywhere else in the world, after US sanctions on local champions from Huawei Technologies to Hikvision spurred appetite for home-grown components.
Nineteen of the world’s 20 fastest-growing chip industry firms over the past four quarters, on average, hail from the world’s second-biggest economy, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That compared with just eight at the same point last year.
Those China-based suppliers of design software, processors and gear vital to chip making are expanding revenue at several times the likes of global leaders Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing or ASML Holding.
That supercharged growth underscores how tensions between Washington and Beijing are transforming the global $US550 billion ($789 billion) semiconductor industry – a sector that plays an outsized role in everything from defence to the advent of future technologies like AI and autonomous cars.
In 2020, the US began restricting sales of American technology to companies like Semiconductor Manufacturing International and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, successfully containing their growth – but also fuelling a boom in Chinese chip-making and supply.
Nineteen of the world’s 20 fastest-growing chip industry firms over the past four quarters, on average, hail from the world’s second-biggest economy, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That compared with just eight at the same point last year.
Those China-based suppliers of design software, processors and gear vital to chip making are expanding revenue at several times the likes of global leaders Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing or ASML Holding.
That supercharged growth underscores how tensions between Washington and Beijing are transforming the global $US550 billion ($789 billion) semiconductor industry – a sector that plays an outsized role in everything from defence to the advent of future technologies like AI and autonomous cars.
In 2020, the US began restricting sales of American technology to companies like Semiconductor Manufacturing International and Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, successfully containing their growth – but also fuelling a boom in Chinese chip-making and supply.
Beijing is expected to orchestrate billions of dollars of investment in the sector under ambitious programs such as its “Little Giants” blueprint to endorse and bankroll national tech champions, and encourage “buy China” tactics to sidestep US sanctions. The rise of indigenous names has caught the attention of some of the pickiest clients: Apple was said to consider Yangtze Memory Technologies as its latest supplier of iPhone flash memory.
“The biggest underlying trend is China’s quest for self-sufficiency in the supply chain, catalysed by COVID-related lockdowns,” Morningstar analyst Phelix Lee wrote in an email responding to inquiries from Bloomberg.
“Amid lockdowns, Chinese customers who mostly use imported semiconductors need to source homegrown alternatives to ensure smooth operations.”
At the heart of Beijing’s ambitions is the impetus to wean itself off a geopolitical rival and more than $US430 billion worth of imported chipsets in 2021. Orders for chip-manufacturing equipment from overseas suppliers rose 58 per cent last year as local plants expanded capacity, data provided by industry body Semi show.
That in turn is driving local business. Total sales from Chinese-based chipmakers and designers jumped 18 per cent in 2021 to a record of more than 1 trillion yuan ($215 billion), according to the China Semiconductor Industry Association.
A persistent chip shortage that’s curtailing output at the world’s largest makers of cars and consumer electronics is also working in local chipmakers’ favour, helping Chinese suppliers more easily access the international market – sometimes with premiums tacked onto the best-selling products, such as auto and PC chips.
SMIC and Hua Hong Semiconductor, the biggest contract chip-makers, have kept their Shanghai-based plants operating at almost full capacity even as the worst COVID-19 outbreak since 2020 paralyses factories and logistics across China.
Shanghai Fullhan Microelectronics’ revenue grew 37 per cent on average because of high demand for surveillance products. The video chip designer has pledged to expand into electric vehicles and AI after winning its “Little Giant” designation.
And design tool developer Primarius Technologies doubled sales on average over the past four quarters, saying it’s developed software that can be used in making 3-nanometer chips.
Putting aside long-term profitability concerns, Morningstar’s Mr Lee said the aggressive capacity build-up from Chinese players will elevate their presence globally.
“There’s little doubt Chinese chipmakers can achieve revenue growth over the next few years from cars, consumer electronics and other devices,” he said.

The Empire Is Slipping. Get Ready for the Big Win-Win.


The American media is throwing a hissy-fit after two “Americans” (one of them is a Korean for some reason) have been captured while working as mercenaries in the Ukraine.

Previously, two British mercenaries were sentenced to death by the Russians, and that will almost certainly happen to the Americans. This is totally in line with international law.

Legally, there is no difference between a random American murdering or attempting to murder Russian civilians.

NBC News interviewed Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov about this, and he implied they would likely be sentenced to death, as they are not lawful combatants and they are not protected by the Geneva Conventions.


 It’s a tense week for Ukraine as it awaits to see whether it will be granted the status of a candidate country for the European Union.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that he expects Russia to intensify its attacks on his country while it awaits the EU’s decision. Russia’s ground and tactical air operations continued to focus on the Donbas in eastern Ukraine over the weekend and more villages around the twin cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk were pummeled by Russian artillery on Monday.

Elsewhere, there are growing concerns over the fate of two U.S. military veterans captured in Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said Moscow wouldn’t guarantee that they won’t face the death penalty.

“It depends on the investigation,” Dmitry Peskov told NBC News senior international correspondent Keir Simmons when he was asked whether Alexander Drueke and Andy Huynh would “face the same fate” as two British citizens and a Moroccan who were sentenced to death in a pro-Russian separatist “court” (widely seen as a kangaroo court) in eastern Ukraine this month. 

“Widely seen” by whom?

They are following the Geneva Conventions on the laws of war. No one is claiming that these people are not mercenaries. Actually, the nervous and ridiculous Jew Antony Blinken claimed earlier this month that the Brits who were sentenced to death were somehow “lawful combatants.”


But what does that mean? They are literally mercenaries, and no one anywhere claims that mercenaries are “lawful combatants.” So these are just ridiculous nonsense statements that the Jew Blinken can feel safe his kinsmen in the media are not going to analyze.

Peskov is really good. His English is good and he acts like an adult in the way no American does. Imagine that his official role is the same as that of… Karine Frenchman.


Everyone around President Putin is very competent, and really makes America look ridiculous.

I’m getting pretty tired of schizo theories about how there is some secret competent elite running America, and this is all part of the plan. It’s not part of the plan. They had a plan, and it is failing everywhere you look. This should be good news for everyone.

Somehow, the schizo stuff is increasing across the internet.

I think this is probably part of a conspiracy. Schizos view the Western elite as literal gods in any version of their stupid theories, and they are basically shilling for the American regime by claiming that all of its enormous, obvious mistakes are part of a secret plan.

If you call them out, they just pretend to be retarded (I’m not sure if they’re actually pretending) and start talking about the World Economic Forum, and claiming that I’m denying that there is a plan at all.

I am not denying that there is a plan.

I am denying that this plan is working.

It is obvious to everyone with a brain at this point, and not even a secret at all, that there is a plan to establish a one world government ruled by a tiny elite minority where a mass of peasants are treated like slaves and their population drastically reduced.

Acknowledging that this plan exists does not somehow equal believing that it is infallible.

Part of it is obviously just stupidity.

When people find out about the World Economic Forum, or the Bilderberg Group, or the Club of Rome, or the Trilateral Commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or any of these globalist institutions that created a plan for a global government, they apparently assume that the fact they didn’t know about that plan before means it is ultra-competent.

I’ve known about that plan for twenty years.

I was myself accused of being schizophrenic by friends and family, because I started reading all of these books from all of these high-level technocrats and finding that it was all real.

I didn’t “wake up” during Covid.

I had to work my way through the sludge of fifty million tons of garbage theories to get to my current level of understanding, and I’m explaining it in the simplest terms I am able.


If people think that there is a secret agreement between Washington and Beijing, or that Jews secretly run the Bank of China, or that China is soon going to collapse, or any of these other theories that somehow explain why the West would be failing on purpose, they need to present some kind of counter-argument to what I’ve put forward that takes into account everything that I’ve argued.

I’m not claiming to be God, I’m not claiming infallibility, but every single schizo just ignores every reply I give and comes back at me with “what if the Jews already infiltrated China though???” or “maybe the Chinese economy is going to collapse and the CIA will stage a revolution and install people from Taipei????”

It all ultimately hinges on China.

At this point, Russia is a de facto proxy state of China. China is the peer competitor for the United States. And all of these schizo theories about Jews infiltrating China, or a secret agreement with China, or an imminent collapse of China – none of them are backed with any facts at all.

The simplest and most logical explanation, which takes into account all data, is that the Americans thought the Chinese were stupid and that if they gave them all of this free wealth in the form of exporting industry to China, China would become another “human rights anal democracy” vassal state.

Instead, China became an ultranationalist superpower.

The globalist agenda had no contingency plan for this eventuality, because they made these decisions about China without any real understanding of the Orient.


Stop idolizing Jewish power.

By claiming it is infallible, you’re just saying the same thing the Jews are saying – that they are gods on earth, destined to rule you.

They’ve screwed everything up, because God is real and God is not going to allow them to take over the world.

We are in a pretty good spot.

When the US is no longer the seat of global power, these people in Washington are no longer going to have the resources to force their will on us.

If you go to any third world country, you will find that [1] people have a lot more personal freedom, that [2] families are much healthier, that [3] people are just generally doing better.

The biggest reason for that is that a third world country simply doesn’t have any resources to micromanage people’s individual lives.

When Washington falls, a strongman will rise from the ashes, and through blood and fire, we will begin to see the changes we want to see.

There will be no security.

Many will die. Many will die horribly. Your comfort zone will no longer exist, and you will never be able to return to it. But these things must come to pass and they will come to pass.

We’re right on course here.

Everything is fine, everything is exactly how it is supposed to be.

No one man can understand the Golden Path until it shows itself, and yet, the Golden Path is always there, always moving the enemies of God into places where their actions will lead to their own demise.

Chin up.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)

Petra Pazsitka

In 1984, a 24-year-old college student from Braunschweig, Germany, went to the dentist and never returned. Just in case that’s just giving you new reasons to be irrationally afraid of dental work, Petra Pazsitka didn’t die in a root canal gone wrong, she just never came home.

As is often the case when a young woman disappears, police suspected murder. A massive search ensued, and Pazsitka was even featured on the German true-crime show “Aktenzeichen XY.” For a while there was a suspect — in 1987, a man identified only as Gunter K. said he’d killed Pazsitka (via The Telegraph), and since he’d also confessed to killing a 14-year-old girl in the same part of Germany, police had no reason to disbelieve him. He later withdrew his confession (via Independent), which didn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t the killer.

Pazsitka was declared dead in 1989, and that was that — until 2015, when a woman in Dusseldorf named “Mrs. Scheider” called police to say her apartment had been burgled (via When unable to produce ID, she confessed to being the missing woman. Evidently, she’d managed to evade discovery by never opening a bank account or attempting to get a driver’s license or social security card. She also couldn’t be charged with a crime, because she’d never tried to use false documents. The reasons for Pazsitka’s disappearance are still not clear. She told police she was neither interested in discussing the matter publicly nor reuniting with her family.

Disaster In The Heartland: Wheat Crops In Kansas Are Failing On A Massive Scale


Did you know that Kansas is known as “the Wheat State”?  In 2021, it produced nearly one-fourth of all wheat that was harvested in the United States.  Needless to say, we really need Kansas to come up big again this year because the war in Ukraine and a number of other factors have combined to bring us to the precipice of an absolutely horrifying global food crisis.  Unfortunately, things are not going well in Kansas this year.  In fact, wheat crops in much of the state are failing on a massive scale

This time of year, the wheat growing in this part of western Kansas should be thigh-high and lush green.

But as a months-long drought continues to parch the region, many fields tell a different story.

“There’s nothing out there. It’s dead,” farmer Vance Ehmke said, surveying a wheat field near his land in Lane County. “It’s just ankle-high straw.”

At this point, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is telling us that 41 percent of all wheat in Kansas is in “poor” or “very poor” condition.

The situation is particularly dire in the western portion of the state.  It is being reported that many fields of wheat in western Kansas now resemble “barren wastelands”

Across western Kansas, many fields planted with wheat months ago now look like barren wastelands. The gaping spaces between rows of brown, shriveled plants reveal hardened dirt that’s scarred with deep cracks from baking in the sun.

Of all the years for drought to hit western Kansas wheat farmers, it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Even though the price of wheat has soared to crazy levels, it is being estimated that somewhere around 10 percent of all wheat fields in Kansas will not even grow enough crops to bother harvesting them.

That is really bad news, but the truth is that things are even worse in Colorado and Texas

To the west in Colorado, projections say nearly one-third of wheat fields won’t produce enough to bother harvesting. In Texas, around three-quarters of the crop will likely be abandoned.

Please read that again.

This is enormous news, and it is going to deeply affect all of us in the months ahead.

At the worst possible time, wheat crops are failing on a massive scale all over the western half of the nation.

We have been stuck in a pattern of drought that resembles the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s for many years now, and things are starting to happen which would have once been unthinkable.

Lake Mead and Lake Powell have both dropped to all-time record lows, and the drinking water for tens of millions of Americans is now in jeopardy.


I wish that more people would understand the gravity of what we are potentially facing.

Down in Mexico, residents of Monterrey are already being limited to six hours of water a day because shortages have already become so severe…

In the sprawling metropolitan area of Monterrey, home to some 5.3 million people, the drought and years of below-average rainfall have led to citywide water shortages.

“We’re in an extreme climate crisis,” Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia said at a news conference last week. “Today, we’re all living it and suffering.”

The city in June began limiting water access to six hours a day, forcing schools to adjust class schedules and sparking panic buying of bottled water that emptied supermarket shelves.

The western half of North America is in the midst of the worst multi-year drought that it has experienced in 1,200 years, and experts are telling us that it isn’t going to end any time soon.

Meanwhile, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed is warning us that the planet is potentially facing “a food crisis of global proportions” in 2023…

First, time is short to prevent a food crisis of global proportions next year. We must stabilize global markets, reduce volatility and tackle the uncertainty of commodity prices. There can be no effective solution to the global food crisis without reintegrating Ukraine’s food production, as well as the food and fertilizer produced by the Russian Federation into world markets — despite the war. To avert a food availability crisis in 2023, we must restore fertilizer availability, especially for smallholder farmers now.

Global food production is going to be way below expectations all over the world this year, and we really are heading into a nightmarish worldwide food crisis.

I hope that you are preparing accordingly.

Before I end this article, there is one more thing that I wanted to mention.

Authorities are telling us that an absolutely massive sunspot known as AR3038 “is now facing Earth”

An enormous sunspot that has doubled in size in only 24 hours is now facing Earth—meaning it could send a solar flare our way.

This particular sunspot has actually doubled in size for each of the past three days, and at this point it is approximately 2.5 times the size of our entire planet.

And we are being warned that it could “potentially send an M-class solar flare” directly at us…

“Yesterday, sunspot AR3038 was big. Today, it’s enormous,” reads the website. “The fast-growing sunspot has doubled in size in only 24 hours.”

The magnetic field associated with the sunspot means it could potentially send an M-class solar flare at Earth—the second-strongest type. However, it is not known whether this will be the case.

Scientists are assuring us that we probably don’t have anything to be concerned about, and hopefully they are correct.

But let’s keep a close eye on this sunspot anyway.

As I have always warned, it is just a matter of time before another Carrington Event comes along.

We live during such unusual times, and things seem to be getting crazier with each passing week.

The “perfect storm” that so many have been warning about is now here, and the months ahead will be filled with chaos and uncertainty.

Russia and China back together again

Some vintage posters.


This is what Putin REALLY wants, pay attention

Talking about BRICS. This is super important news. It’s about the demise of the USD.

’69 Road Runner

’69 Road Runner
’69 Road Runner

Cat Cries For Help To Save Her Kittens Stuck Inside The Cement Ground

You must save the kittens!

Make-Ahead Chicken and Dumplings

We’ve devised a clever and no-fail way to make classic chicken and dumplings into a freezer-friendly meal. Make the chicken stew ahead of time, and when you’re ready to cook, simply add easy Bisquick™ dumplings, and dinner’s ready!


Toyota 2000GT

Toyota 2000GT
Toyota 2000GT

World War 3 for dummies

A brilliant piece. -MM

By Gaius Baltar for the Saker Blog

Some knowledgeable people, apparently including the Pope, are beginning to suspect that there may be more going on in the world than just the war in the Ukraine. They say that World War 3 has already started and things will get worse from now on. This can be difficult to determine while we are participating in the unfolding events and do not have the benefit of the historical perspective. It is doubtful that people back in 1939 realized that they were looking at the start of a major worldwide conflict, although some may have suspected it.

The current global situation is in many ways like a giant jigsaw puzzle where the general public only sees a tiny part of the complete picture. Most don’t even realize that there may be more pieces and don’t even ask these simple questions: Why is all this happening and why is it happening now?

Things are more complicated than most people realize. What they see is the evil wizard Vladimir Saruman Putin invading innocent Ukraine with his orc army – for absolutely no reason. This is a simplistic view, to say the least because nothing happens without a reason. Let’s put things in perspective and see what is really going on – and why the world is going crazy before our eyes. Let’s see what World War 3 is all about.

The pressure cooker

The West (which we can define here as the US and the EU and a few more) has been maintaining pressure on the entire world for decades. This does not only apply to countries outside the West, but also to Western countries which strayed from the diktats of the West’s rulers. This pressure has been discussed widely and attributed to all kinds of motives, including neocolonialism, forced financial hegemony, and so forth. What is interesting, particularly during the last 20 years, is which countries have been pressured and what they do not have in common.

Among the pressured countries we find Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Thailand, and Iran to mention a few. There have also been recent additions, including India and Hungary. In order to understand why they have been pressured, we need to find out what they have in common. That’s not easy since they are extremely different in most ways. There are democracies and non-democracies, conservative and communist governments, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist countries, and so on. Still, many of them are very clearly allied. One must ask why conservative and religious countries such as Russia or Iran would ally themselves with Godless communists in Cuba and Venezuela.

What all these countries have in common is their desire to run their own affairs; to be independent countries. This is unforgivable in the eyes of the West and must be tackled by any means necessary, including economic sanctions, color revolutions, and outright military aggression.

The West and its NATO military arm had surrounded Russia with hostile countries and military bases, armed and manipulated Ukraine to be used as a hammer against it, and employed sanctions and threats. The same thing was and is happening in Asia where China is being surrounded by all means available. The same applies to all the Independents mentioned above to some extent. In the past 10 years or so the pressure has increased massively on the Independents and it reached almost a fever pitch in the year before the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

During the year before the Ukraine war, the US sent its diplomats around the world to tune up the pressure. They were like a traveling circus or a rock band on a tour, but instead of entertainment, they delivered threats: buy this from us and do what we tell you or there will be consequences. The urgency was absolute and palpable, but then came the Ukraine war and the pressure went up to 11. During the first month of the war, the entire West’s diplomatic corps was fully engaged in threats against the ‘rest of the world’ to engineer the isolation of Russia. This didn’t work, which resulted in panic in political and diplomatic circles in the US and Europe.

All this pressure through the years, and all the fear and panic when it didn’t work, are clearly related to the events in the Ukraine. They are a part of the same ‘syndrome’ and have the same cause.

The debt dimension

There have been many explanations for what is going on and the most common is the fight between two possible futures; a multipolar world where there are several power centers in the world, and a unipolar world where the West governs the world. This is correct as far as it goes, but there is another reason which explains why this is happening now and all the urgency and panic in the West.

Recently the New Zealand tech guru Kim Dotcom tweeted a thread about the debt situation in the US. According to him all debt and unfunded liabilities of the US exceed the total value of the entire country, including the land. This situation is not unique to the US. Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains. On top of that, most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.

During the last few decades, the economy of the US and Europe has been falsified on a level that is difficult to believe. We in the West have been living far beyond our means and our currencies have been massively overvalued. We have been able to do this through two mechanisms:

  1. The first one is the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which have enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.
  2. The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards. We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.

On top of all this, the falsification has created artificially strong currencies in the West which has boosted their purchasing power for goods priced in non-western currencies. These mechanisms have also enabled the West to run bloated and dysfunctional service economies where inefficiencies are beyond belief. We have giant groups of people in our economies that not only create no value but destroy value systematically. What maintains the West’s standard of living now is a small minority of productive people, constant debt increase, and parasitism of the rest of the world.

The people who own all this debt actually own everything we think we own. We in the West own nothing at this point – we only think we do. But who are our real owners? We know more or less who they are because they meet every year at the World Economic Forum in Davos along with the western political elites who they also happen to own.

It is clear that our owners have been getting increasingly worried, and their worries have been increasing in sync with the increased pressure applied by the West on the rest of the world, particularly the Independents. During the last Davos meeting, the mood was bleak and panicked at the same time, much like the panic among the western political elites when the isolation of Russia failed.

What is about to happen

The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism. The debt is reaching beyond what we own as collateral and our currencies are about to become worthless. We will no longer be able to get free stuff from the rest of the world, or pay back our debt – let alone pay interest on it. The entire West is about to go bankrupt and our standard of living is about to go down by a massive percentage. This is what has our owners panicked and they see only two scenarios:

  1. In the first scenario most countries in the West, and everything and everyone within them, declare bankruptcy and erase the debt by diktat – which sovereign states are able to do. This will also erase the wealth and political power of our owners.
  2. In the second scenario, our owners take over the collateral during the bankruptcy. The collateral is us and everything we own.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which scenario was chosen. The plan for the second scenario is ready and being implemented as we speak. It is called ‘The Great Reset’ and was constructed by the people behind the World Economic Forum. This plan is not a secret and can be examined to a certain degree on the WEF website.

The Great Reset is a mechanism for the seizing of all debt collateral which includes your assets, the assets of your city or municipality, the assets of your state, and most corporate assets not already held by our owners.

This asset seizure mechanism has several components, but the most important are the following four:

  1. Abolishment of sovereignty: A sovereign (independent) country is a dangerous country because it can choose to default on its debt. The decrease in sovereignty has been a priority for our owners and various schemes have been attempted such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The most successful scheme is undoubtedly the European Union itself.
  2. The down-tuning of the economy: The western economy (and indeed the global economy) must be tuned down by a very significant percentage. This down-tuning is necessary because the western economy is massively falsified now and must be taken down to its real level – which may be as low as half of what it is now – or more. The slow takedown has also the purpose of avoiding a sudden crash that would cause massive social unrest which would be a threat to our owners. A controlled takedown is therefore preferable to an uncontrolled crash. This controlled takedown is already happening and has been going on for quite some time. Many examples can be mentioned of this takedown, including the EU and US energy policy which is designed to sabotage the western economy, and the obvious attempts at demand destruction during and after the epidemic, including the fairly bizarre logistical problems which suddenly came out of nowhere.
  3. Asset harvesting (you will own nothing and be ‘happy’): All assets that can be considered to be collateral to our private and collective/public debt will be taken over. This is a clearly stated aim of the Great Reset but it is less clear how this would be carried out. Total control of western governments (and indeed all governments) would seem to be necessary for this. That precondition is closer than one might think because most western governments seem to be beholden to Davos at this point. The process will be sold as necessary social restructuring because of an economic crisis and global warming and will result in a massive decrease in living standards for regular people, although not the elites.
  4. Oppression: A great many people will not like this and an uprising is a likely response, even if the takedown is done gradually. To prevent this from happening, a social control mechanism is being implemented which will erase personal freedom, the freedom of speech, and privacy. It will also create absolute dependence of the individual on the state. This must be done before the economic takedown can be completed or there will be a revolution. This mechanism is already being implemented enthusiastically in the West as anybody with eyes and ears can see.

Russia, China, and other Independents

How do Russia and China, and the war in Ukraine, factor into all of this? Why all the pressure from the West throughout the years and why all this panic now? Part of the reason for the pressure on the Independents, particularly Russia and China, is simply that they have resisted western hegemony. That is enough for getting on the West’s naughty list. But why the increased pressure in recent years?

The reason is that Russia and China cannot be subjugated through bankruptcy and their assets harvested. They do not have much debt in western currencies which means that the people who own the West through debt do not currently own Russia and China (like they own the West and the indebted ‘third world’) and cannot acquire them through debt. The only way to acquire them is through regime change. Their governments must be weakened by any means, including economic sanctions and military means if necessary -thus the use of Ukraine as a battering ram for Russia and Taiwan for China.

Subjugating Russia and China is an existential issue for our Davos owners because when they take the western economy down, everything else must go down too. If the western economy is taken down and a large economic block doesn’t participate in the downfall, it will be a disaster for the West. The new block will gain massive economic power, and possibly unipolar hegemony of sorts, while the West descends into a feudal Dark Age and irrelevance. Therefore the entire world must go down for the Great Reset to work. Russia and China must be subjugated by any means, as well as India and other stubborn nations.

This is what has fueled the situation we now find ourselves in and will fuel the continuation of World War 3. The western owner-elites are going to war to keep their wealth and power. Everyone who resists must be subjugated so they can follow the West into the planned Great Reset Dark Age.

The reason for the current panic among western elites is that the Ukraine project isn’t going as planned. Instead of Russia being bled on the battlefield, it is Ukraine and the West that bleed. Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated. Noting is working, and to top it all off, Europe has given the Russians the means and motive to destroy the European economy by partly shutting down its industry. Without Russian resources, there is no European industry, and without industry, there are no taxes for paying for unemployment benefits, pensions, all the refugees, and pretty much everything else which holds European societies together. The Russians now have the ability to engineer an uncontrolled crash in Europe which is not what Davos planned. An uncontrolled crash might see Davos’s heads roll, literally, and that is causing fear and panic in elite circles. The only solution for them is to move on with World War 3 and hope for the best.

What to do

The Great Reset of the world economy is the direct cause of World War 3 – assuming that is what is going on. What can be done about this? From inside the West, little can be done. The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. Davos is like an octopus with its arms and suckers inside every country’s elite circles, media, and government. They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. The level of their brainwashing is such that a large part of them actually want to become poor – although they use the word ‘green’ for ‘poor’ because it sounds better. There are, however, some indications that there may be divisions within western elites. Some of them, particularly within the US, may be resisting the primarily Europe-designed Great Reset – but whether this opposition is real or effective remains to be seen.

However, outside the West, there are certain measures that can be taken and must be taken. Some of those measures are drastic and some of them are being done as we speak. Among the measures are the following:

  1. The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West. This isolation must not only be economic, but also political and social. Their economic systems must be divorced from the West and made autonomous. Their cultures and history must be defended against western influences and revisionism. This process appears to be underway.
  2. The Independents must immediately ban all western sponsored institutions and NGOs in their countries, regardless of whether they are sponsored by western states or individuals. Furthermore, they must ban all media receiving western sponsorship and strip every school and university of western sponsorship and influence.
  3. They must leave all international institutions up to and possibly including the United Nations because all international bodies are controlled by the West. They must then replace them with new institutions within their block.
  4. They must, at some point, declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.

This will create a situation where the West will descend into darkness without pulling others down with it – if we manage to escape the nuclear fire.

Tired Of Being Asked To Work For Free, This Artist Started Drawing These Client Requests


@forexposure_txt is a Twitter account dedicated to compiling quotes from artists who were expected to work for free. It was created by artist and writer Ryan Estrada. An artist has decided to take some of those quotes and use them to inspire various portraits of what she imagines those people look like. They’re part of a series titled “For Exposure,” and they were created for Format Magazine by Emmie Tsumura, a Toronto-based illustrator and graphic designer. Check out some of our favorites below. If you’re an artist then chances are that more than a few of them will resonate with you!



Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Russian Anthrax, Texas Secession from the USA, Undersea submarine war near Taiwan, NATO and UK arming up for nuclear war with Russia

Jesus! Shit the world seems to be a crumbling fast. Many changes. Many new ideas, and a collapse of the old. Things going on, but most are not being reported on. But we will touch on the items here.

Let’s begin with a plea for help investing 27 million dollars. All she needs is a tiny retainer.

Don’t you know…

I am sending my greetings to you from the Sultanate of Oman, In the capital city of Muscat.

May i use this medium to open a mutual communication with you, and seeking your acceptance towards investing in your country under your management as my partner, My name is Aisha Gaddafi and presently living in Oman, i am a Widow and single Mother with three Children, the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi) and presently i am under political asylum protection by the Omani Government.

I have funds worth "Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars" -$27.500.000.00 US Dollars which i want to entrust on you for investment project in your country.If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf, kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more details to start the transfer process.

Yours Truly Aisha

China is involved in a massive undersea operation off the South Coast of Taiwan

The flight paths are identical to the flight paths that were involved in…

  • The American Submarine “collision with a undersea mountain”.
  • The American “recovery effort” of a F-35 fighter jet in the ocean.

The flight path of the military aircraft is shown below:


The type of aircraft that are involved included:  (All images are file photos, and NOT from today’s flights)

1x Y-9 EW

Starting from the 1980s, based on a Chinese cargo plane Y-8 (a localized version of the Soviet An-12 production Shaanxi Aircraft Industry Corporation) and its radically improved version of Y-9 was created 19 different versions of special aircraft, including 11 types of aircraft series “Gaoxin” (GX, 高新) for the Air Force and Air Force PLA Navy.

“Gaoxin” – a designation for the aircraft carriers of special electronic equipment, in this family include aircraft EW, AWACS, electronic intelligence, psychological warfare and basic patrol.

Older types of patrol and other special aircraft, which were created in the 1980s – 1990s, as well as the test platform used in the aviation industry, this designation does not carry.

Also, refer to “Gaoxin” have no special plane on the basis of other platforms, such as AWACS aircraft KJ-2000 and electronic reconnaissance aircraft based on the Tu-154 (Tu-154D).

From the bottom up: Airplane EW GX-1 (Y-8CB), electronic intelligence aircraft GX-2 (Y-8JB), jammer GX-3 (Y-8G)
From the bottom up: Airplane EW GX-1 (Y-8CB), electronic intelligence aircraft GX-2 (Y-8JB), jammer GX-3 (Y-8G)
From the bottom up: Airplane communication and control GX-4 (Y-8T). AWACS aircraft GX-5 (Y-8W, KJ-200), base patrol aircraft GX-6 (Y-8Q)
From the bottom up: Airplane communication and control GX-4 (Y-8T). AWACS aircraft GX-5 (Y-8W, KJ-200), base patrol aircraft GX-6 (Y-8Q)
From the bottom up: GX-7 (Y-8XZ) psychological warfare aircraft, functionally close to the US EC-130J Commando Solo, capable of performing radio and television broadcasting in the territory controlled by the enemy; GX-8 (Y-9JB) - air complex electronic warfare for the Navy; GX-9 (Y-9W, KJ-500) - AWACS aircraft of the new generation.
From the bottom up: GX-7 (Y-8XZ) psychological warfare aircraft, functionally close to the US EC-130J Commando Solo, capable of performing radio and television broadcasting in the territory controlled by the enemy; GX-8 (Y-9JB) – air complex electronic warfare for the Navy; GX-9 (Y-9W, KJ-500) – AWACS aircraft of the new generation.
From the bottom up: GX-10 (Y-9XZ) - psychological warfare aircraft of the second generation; GX-11 (Y-9G) - electronic reconnaissance aircraft the Air Force of the second generation.
From the bottom up: GX-10 (Y-9XZ) – psychological warfare aircraft of the second generation; GX-11 (Y-9G) – electronic reconnaissance aircraft the Air Force of the second generation.

All of the variants.

All of the variants.
All of the variants.

1x Y-8 ELINT


 6x H-6

This is a bomber equipped with missiles that are designed to sink submarines.


1x Y-20 (tanker variant)


 2x KJ-500 AEW&C


 1x Y-8 ASW

Anti-submarine hunter-killer aircraft.


All aircraft were supported by a strong presence of military aircraft in support. They included…

 8x J-16

It’s sort of like a Chinese F-14 clone. Think the movie “Topgun” starring Tom Cruse.


 4x Su-30

This is sort of like the Chinese version of the American F-18. Think of the second Tom Cruse movie “Topgun: Maverick”.


 5x J-11


Australia’s leading wine authority to close office in China as exports plunge

Australia’s leading wine industry body Wine Australia will be closing its only physical office in China after sales to the greater China succumb to Beijing’s prohibitive duties.

“Wine Australia has made the difficult decision to close our physical office in Shanghai. This decision follows extensive consultation with the Australian grape and wine sector and is based on the current environment and market opportunity,” a Wine Australia spokeswoman said.

“Wine Australia will continue to maintain our brand presence in China via our wine trade and consumer facing social media channels, and will continue to work closely with in-market trade representatives on brand building and marketing campaigns.”

The once 1.2 billion Australian dollar-a-year trade ($830 million) has whittled down to just over AU$200 million at the end of March, an alleged casualty of the tension between the two countries.

Wine Australia said it will continue to operate in China as it does in other markets, through “relationships with key in-market agency and marketing partners, trade show organizers and education networks,” a format that tends to be used for smaller trading markets.

The rest of the article HERE



The Ukrainian armed forces have attacked an Oil & Gas Drilling platform in the Black Sea off the coast of Crimea.

A reported missile strike by Ukraine, blew up the Chernomorneftegaz drilling platforms.


The platforms of Chernomorneftegaz were hit this early morning, the head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, says.

“This morning, the drilling platforms of Chornomorneftegaz were attacked. I am in touch with colleagues from the Ministry of Defense and the FSB, we are working on saving people. Five people were rescued with three of them reported injured. The search for the rest of them continues. The Ministry of Defense ensures the conduct of a rescue operation with the involvement of patrol ships and aviation. We will provide updates on the events,” 

The head of the Crimea said in his post.

Chernomorneftegaz is an enterprise that independently carries out exploration and development of oil and gas fields in the Crimean sector of the Black and Azov Seas."

Word on Intel Circuits is that Russia will launch retaliatory strikes on “Ukrainian decision making centers.”

‘Stop NATO,’ protesters chant at massive rally in heart of EU

70,000 to 80,000 demonstrators packed the streets of Brussels on Monday, bringing the city to a standstill. In addition to expressing anger at the rising cost of living in Belgium, many condemned the US-led NATO alliance and its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict.

Article HERE

*****BULLETIN ***** COVERT INTEL – “The Decision has been taken . . .”

This content is for Subscribers only —


Artist Imitators Thrive in China’s Famous Oil Painting Village

When I lived in Shenzhen, I used to visit this village perhaps twice a year. It’s just awesome.


An artist working on his painting outside a gallery at the artist village on June 12, 2014 in Shenzhen, China. The Dafen Artist Village in Guangdong province, China, is home to thousands of artists who reproduce some of the world’s most iconic paintings as well as create their own works. The village, on the outskirts of Shenzhen, is becoming a major center for original Chinese art. (Photo by Palani Mohan/Getty images)


***** BULLETIN ***** Covert Intel – “Attack against broad swaths of NATO”

This content is for subscribers only —

Morocco To Receive New Vaccine Production Equipment From China

Morocco aims to position itself as a regional manufacturing hub for COVID-19 vaccines, supporting the continental vaccination campaign.

Poroshenko: Minsk Agreement Was Only To Buy Time for Ukraine

Former Ukraine President Poroshenko admitted on television that the Minsk Agreement was a complete deception; was only signed to buy time for Ukraine to build its army and economy.   He looked directly in the faces of Hollande of France, Merkel of Germany, and Putin of Russia,  and lied to them as he shook their hands.

The Minsk Agreement of 2015 was a heartfelt and earnest effort by French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and representatives from Luhansk and Donetsk, to make a peace deal to stop the battles between Ukraine and the Donbass (Luhansk and Donetsk) which had already killed thousands of civilians.

It is now revealed that the Ukraine delegation, headed by Poroshenko, was there with the express intent to deceive.  They had no intention whatsoever of negotiating a true and lasting peace, they were only there to buy time to build Ukraine’s military.

In the video below, Poroshenko, interviewed this past weekend, June 18-19, 2022, admits on TV the entire negotiation was to “buy time to build Ukraine’s army and buy time to build Ukraine’s economy.”   The entire presence of Ukraine at the peace negotiations was a complete, planned, deliberate, fraud.

Ukraine did not implement even ONE aspect of the Minsk Agreement for eight years after it was signed.   Now, they wonder why there is war on their soil?


Slow-Cooker Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburger Meatballs

Who needs a bun? These barbecue bacon cheeseburger meatballs simmer away in the slow cooker while you get the rest of your party prepped, then team up with pickles for a pretty presentation.


Ukraine SitRep – Lysichansk Cauldron – Sinking Morale – More Provocations

From MoA

The former CIA and intelligence bigwig Graham Fuller predicts a gloomy outcome of the U.S-Russia proxy war in Ukraine. Gloomy for Ukraine, the U.S. and Europe:

Contrary to Washington’s triumphalist pronouncements, Russia is winning the war, Ukraine has lost the war. Any longer-term damage to Russia is open to debate.

American sanctions against Russia have turned out to be far more devastating to Europe than to Russia. The global economy has slowed and many developing nations face serious food shortages and risk of broad starvation.

There are already deep cracks in the European façade of so-called “NATO unity.” Western Europe will increasingly rue the day that it blindly followed the American Pied Piper to war against Russia. Indeed, this is not a Ukrainian-Russian war but an American-Russian war fought by proxy to the last Ukrainian.

Contrary to optimistic declarations, NATO may in fact ultimately emerge weakened. Western Europeans will think long and hard about the wisdom and deep costs of provoking deeper long term confrontations with Russia or other “competitors”of the US.

Europe will sooner or later return to the purchase of inexpensive Russian energy. Russia lies on the doorstep and a natural economic relationship with Russia will possess overwhelming logic in the end.

Europe already perceives the US as a declining power with an erratic and hypocritical foreign policy “vision” premised upon the desperate need to preserve “American leadership” in the world. America’s willingness to go to war to this end is increasingly dangerous to others.

All the above had already been said on this website in late February and March. But it is good to see that seasoned intelligence people are now coming to similar conclusions.

Two weeks ago I wrote that the Ukrainians will soon reach a breaking point. Today’s ‘clobber list’ by the Russia Ministry of Defense has an additional part about Ukrainian troop loses that supports that take:

Since May 19, during the month, only the 14th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU has lost 2,100 persons who resulted dead and wounded. Due to low moral and psychological conditions, 800 persons destined for replenishing the losses of this unit, refused to go to the operational area and accused officers of incompetence, bribery and cronyism in paying money allowance.

About 100 servicemen of a reconnaissance unit of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade have been relieved of combat duty and transported to Kremenchug for investigation.

A considerable part of the commanders of the 30th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU have abstracted themselves from managing their units and refuse to fulfil combat tasks. All kinds of pretexts are used for simulating illness. The majority of units have already been left without any officers.

A mechanized brigade has about 3,500 soldiers. In one month the Ukrainian 14th lost two third of its people. The replacements are not trained on mechanized equipment (tanks, APCs) that likely no longer exists and can only be used as unprotected infantry. It is no wonder that they reject to be send into a hopeless situation.

Finland: NATO = “No Deal”


Finland could not reach an agreement with Turkey, over what the Turks want in order to approve Finland’s membership in NATO.  For now, it looks as though Finland will NOT be able to join NATO.

Details are sketchy at this time.

The information above comes from an Intel source in the Office of the President of Finland.

More info as I get it.

Texas is building up to leave the United States

Oh, yes it is.


Throughout this document are strongly worded sentences and directions on how to leave the United States.

A very interesting discussion on “Redacted”. It’s TEXAS SECESSION. The discussion starts at point 1:31:40 and well worth a listen to.

Surface View: A Wallcovering with a Difference


Surface View is quite simple. It’s where images and your imagination come together to create stunning interiors. Surface View’s workshops are based in Reading, England, where they make every print to order. From sourcing, reproduction and design, to individually made prints and installation, here’s how it works. Surface View is all about combining cutting-edge technology with the curator’s eye, and skilled experts are the embodiment of that process.




MoA continues…

The Russian side reported yesterday that it had killed 50 generals and higher officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a missile strike. The group was meeting to plan the further fight in the southern region of Odessa and Kherson. This now seems to have been confirmed:

Management Impact Solutions Consulting, LP - @MiExecSearch - 15:10 UTC · Jun 20, 2022

Russian Armed Forces beat out AFU generals, who were holed up in the rear. The military-civilian administration of Zaporozhye region confirmed results of a missile strike on AFU command post near the village of Shirokaya Dacha, 57 top-level officers were killed.

Last night, probably in response to the strike on the officers, the Ukrainians fired a missile against a gas and oil production platform in the waters near Crimea. The installation was damaged. Russia considers that to be a direct attack on valuable infrastructure within Russian territory and will likely give a strong response.

Yesterday Lithuania announced that it would immediately prohibit Russian goods under EU sanctions to cross from Belarus to the Kaliningrad enclave at the Baltic seas which is Russian territory. That is in breach of several international agreements which guarantee unhindered Russian access to the city. Russia has yet to announce a response to this new provocation.

Social Class Identity


This project is concerned with our social class system operating within society and in particular the ‘1’ percent of our global population. A response to NextByDesign‘s call for posters relating to the Occupy movements worldwide, in which we are entering a year polarised by the ’99’ and ‘1’ percent inequalities.


An interesting discussion

There must be some sane people at the Pentagon ...


Any sane people there who haven't already fled have no doubt been driven mad by all the lunatics in charge of their own military now protecting and defending what has become the world's first official Pathocracy.


Anthrax Case in Russia


In the Stavropol region of southwest Russia, a local resident is confirmed to be infected with anthrax.

Initial information out of the area says there’s no need for public alarm, but no one is saying how this person became infected or if anyone else is infected.


Illustrator Shows The Cultural Difference Between The East And The West


Berlin-based designer Yang Liu creates illustrations that show the cultural difference between the East and the West. Yang Liu was born in 1976 in Beijing. After studying at the University of Arts Berlin, she worked as a designer in Singapore, London, Berlin, and New York.

Drawing on her own experiences of China and Europe, Yang Liu explores a rich range of differences between Eastern and Western experience, from sleeping patterns to the role of senior citizens, from leisure activities to attitudes towards beauty, property, and public space. With their clarity, insight, and fundamental fondness towards both cultures, Yang Liu’s work has become not only a social media and magazine darling, but also a favorite with professional training programs around the world.

Blue = West, Red = East


Lithuania Warned – in Writing!


Russia has explicitly WARNED Lithuania that unless unrestricted rail passage is restored to the Russian state of Kaliningrad, immediately, “Russia will take action” against Lithuania.

These words were written and handed to the charge d’ affaires of Lithuania, who was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry to receive the written warning today.

The last time Russia warned a country they had “X” time to do something, was Ukraine.   Seven hours after being given that five hour deadline, the Russian Army entered Ukraine by force.

Russia means business. No more "fun and games". This is exactly the kind of things that Got Germany, and Poland into war in 1939. -MM

‘HELP!’ Stray Cat Pleads For Helping His Friend Be Treated

It’s important for us to be guardians for others. Whether animals or humans. Be the Rufus!

Panic Buying in Kaliningrad as Lithuania “Sanctions” Russian Railroad


Video below shows panic-buying by Russians living in Kaliningrad, a portion of Russia detached from the mainland, nestled between Lithuania and Poland. The buying began because Lithuania cut-off Russian railroad shipments to the oblast (state).

For more than thirty years, there has been an understanding between Russia and Lithuania that the oblast (state) of Kaliningrad would be supplied via the Russian railroad through a narrow strip of land called the Suwalki Gap, that runs from Russia, along the southeastern border of Lithuania.  The agreement held that the trains would be left alone, and act as a supply tunnel of sorts to the Russians living in Kaliningrad.

All that ended 48 hours ago, when Lithuania took it upon itself, to say Sanctions against Russia (over its Ukraine special military operation) would be applied to trains to/from Kaliningrad.

This means that virtually no transit can take place between Russia and its western-most state.

People in Kaliningrad fear they may starve to death having been cut-off from Supplies.  That fear caused panic, and panic-buying took place yesterday and last night.


It appears that Lithuania is trying to CAUSE Russia to attack them militarily over this new embargo.  They want this to take place because Lithuania is a member of NATO and once an attack takes place, Lithuania will invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty, collective self defense.

That would instantly place ALL the countries of NATO, at war with Russia, which is exactly what NATO wants, so as to be able to engage Russia directly to stop its operation in Ukraine.

The trouble with this thinking is that the President of Russia made clear “it will be a war that nobody will win.”   That’s a euphemism for nuclear war.

President Putin, commenting publicly at the start of Russia’s “special military operation” into Ukraine, made clear that Russia’s conventional forces are no match for NATO Conventional forces.   But, he said, “Russia is also a nuclear power.  And our technology is superior to everyone else’s.  So if NATO invokes Article 5, it will be a war no one will win.”

Knowing this, Lithuania STILL enacted a sanctions embargo against Kaliningrad.

They want nuclear war.


“The UN needs to rectify the situation with the blockade of Kaliningrad, or Russia will be free to resolve the issue of transit in any way– the head of the Russian Federation Commission for the Protection of Sovereignty Klimov.

(HT REMARK: This is almost identical to the wording used by Russia about resolving Security Guarantees, before it entered Ukraine.  Clearly, this remark is meant to warn Lithuania (and the world) that Russia will resort to armed force to open the Kaliningrad embargo.)


Senator Klimov: the blockade of Kaliningrad by Lithuania can be regarded as direct aggression

If the European Union does not correct the “impudent trick” of Lithuania, which banned the transit of almost half of the cargo to the Kaliningrad region, then Brussels itself will disavow the legitimacy of the documents on Lithuanian membership in the EU for Russia and thus “untie its hands” to solve the problem of Kaliningrad transit “by any means.” 

Brief Recap with historical notes:

Kaliningrad’s governor Alikhanov has already called on Russian federal authorities to prepare tit-for-tat measures against Lithuania in wake of the transit ban.

Alikhanov cited a key condition in the 2004 agreement that was part of Lithuania’s accession to the EU:

"that the Baltic state will apply in practice the principle of freedom of transit of goods, including energy, between the  Kaliningrad Region and the rest of Russian territory."

"In particular, we confirm that there shall be freedom of such transit, and that the goods in such transit shall not be subject to unnecessary delays or restrictions and shall be exempt from customs duties and transit duties or other charges related to transit,"

Then, in April…
When the EU first proposed the blockage of goods as part of the last major sanctions package in early April, Kremlin officials warned of war given Moscow would have to “break the blockade” for the sake if its citizens.

"I think that for now, this is a game, testing the waters <…>.

In case of a blockade, as they are saying, the Soviet Union knows how to break the blockades, we (Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union – TASS) have vast experience,” the senator said.

"If they want to go to the length of making us break this blockade to save the lives of our people, who live there, we can do this,"

Ahead of the new Lithuanian transit ban taking effect, the state railways service was reportedly ‘awaiting final word’ from the European Commission.

Then Brussels ruled that:

"sanctioned goods and cargo should still be prohibited even if they travel from one part of Russia to another but through EU territory,"

In Moscow’s eyes, this is tantamount to laying economic siege to part of Russia’s sovereign territory and one million of its citizens.

What Is Your Plan To Make It Through The Worst Global Food Crisis In Any Of Our Lifetimes?


We are being warned well ahead of time that it is coming.  Joe Biden has publicly admitted that the coming food shortages are “going to be real”, and the head of the UN World Food Program is now telling us that we could soon see “hell on Earth” because the lack of food will be so severe.

Food prices are already escalating dramatically all over the globe, and food riots have already erupted in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.  But most people in the western world are treating this crisis as if it is no big deal.  Many seem to assume that our leaders have everything under control and that things will work out just fine somehow.

Unfortunately, the truth is that everything is not going to be okay.

So far this year, the number of hungry people around the globe has risen to more than 800 million

Currently around 811 million people are experiencing hunger. Levels of food insecurity have doubled from 2019, increasing from 135 million to 276 million. Of this total around 48.9 million people are facing acute or emergency levels of food insecurity that require humanitarian intervention.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Much worse is ahead, and David Beasley is openly warning that “hell on Earth” is coming…

The UN has warned that there could be “hell on earth” due to the global economic impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Guardian reports that David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), has said that the war has been “devastating” in conjunction with various other factors.

He said, “Even before the Ukraine crisis, we were facing an unprecedented global food crisis because of Covid and fuel price increases. Then, we thought it couldn’t get any worse, but this war has been devastating.”

According to Beasley, we will soon see “frightening” shortages of food, and those shortages could potentially spark civil unrest in literally dozens of different nations…

Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned.

Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced “frightening” shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia.

But most Americans are not paying much attention to this rapidly growing crisis because they don’t think that it will really impact them personally.

For the vast majority of us, a lack of food is something that we have never had to be concerned about before.

During “normal” times, we could always go to the grocery store and fill up our carts with mountains of super cheap food whenever we wanted.

Unfortunately, things have changed.  Food production in the U.S. is going to be way below expectations this year, and the head of the National Black Farmers Association claims that we will soon see “a lot of empty shelves and a lot more high food prices”

Three weeks ago John Boyd Jr., the President of the National Black Farmers Association, said “We are in a crisis right now as far as the food chain goes with the farmer in this country,” adding “We’re going to see a lot of empty shelves and a lot more high food prices.” 

In his forty-year career as a farmer, Boyd said he never imagined he would be “paying $5.63 for a gallon of diesel fuel, $900 a ton for fertilizer, and all-time high prices for soybean seeds.” All of the prices he mentioned are at record highs, pressuring farmers’ margins.

Of course we are already seeing widespread shortages of certain products around the country.

For example, Fox Business is reporting on the serious shortage of tampons that has recently started making headlines…

A spokesperson for Tampax, which is owned by P&G, told FOX Business in a statement that this is “a temporary situation, and the Tampax team is producing tampons 24/7 to meet the increased demand for our products.”

Meanwhile, the ongoing shortage of baby formula just keeps getting even worse...

Parents aren’t getting much of a break as the out-of-stock rate for baby formula rose to 73% nationwide for the week ending May 29, according to the most recent data by retail data firm Datasembly. It’s a significant increase from earlier in the month, when the national out-of-stock rate for baby formula stood at 45%.

On top of everything else, we are now facing a shortage of hot sauce

In April, Huy Fong Foods, Inc., the nation’s leading sriracha sauce manufacturer, sent a letter to customers about an impending shortage, which would directly impact retailers and restaurants.

“Unfortunately, we can confirm that there is an unprecedented shortage of our products,” Huy Fong Foods told Fox News Digital in an email.

These shortages are just a very small preview of what is approaching.

As I have been warning on my website throughout 2022, conditions are going to deteriorate quite a bit more in the months ahead.

So what is your plan to make it through the worst global food crisis in any of our lifetimes?

Have you been stocking up?

Earlier this year, I published a list of 50 basic items that I would recommend having on hand.  The following list is certainly not exhaustive, but it will help you cover many of the essentials…

  • #1 A Generator
  • #2 A Berkey Water Filter
  • #3 A Rainwater Collection System If You Do Not Have A Natural Supply Of Water Near Your Home
  • #4 An Emergency Medical Kit (Equipped with major medicines.)
  • #5 Rice
  • #6 Pasta
  • #7 Canned Soup
  • #8 Canned Vegetables
  • #9 Canned Fruit
  • #10 Canned Chicken
  • #11 Jars Of Peanut Butter
  • #12 Salt
  • #13 Sugar
  • #14 Powdered Milk
  • #15 Bags Of Flour
  • #16 Yeast
  • #17 Lots Of Extra Coffee (If You Drink It)
  • #18 Buckets Of Long-Term Storable Food
  • #19 Extra Vitamins
  • #20 Lighters Or Matches
  • #21 Candles
  • #22 Flashlights Or Lanterns
  • #23 Plenty Of Wood To Burn
  • #24 Extra Blankets
  • #25 Extra Sleeping Bags
  • #26 A Sun Oven
  • #27 An Extra Fan If You Live In A Hot Climate
  • #28 Hand Sanitizer
  • #29 Toilet Paper
  • #30 Extra Soap And Shampoo
  • #31 Extra Toothpaste
  • #32 Extra Razors
  • #33 Bottles Of Bleach
  • #34 A Battery-Powered Radio
  • #35 Extra Batteries
  • #36 Solar Chargers
  • #37 Trash Bags
  • #38 Tarps
  • #39 A Pocket Knife
  • #40 A Hammer
  • #41 An Axe
  • #42 A Shovel
  • #43 Work Gloves
  • #44 N95 Masks
  • #45 Seeds For A Garden
  • #46 Canning Jars
  • #47 Extra Supplies For Your Pets
  • #48 An Emergency Supply Of Cash
  • #49 Bibles For Every Member Of Your Family
  • #50 A “Bug Out Bag” For Every Member Of Your Family

Many of the items on this list are now much more expensive than they were earlier this year.

And if you wait, many of them will continue to become much more expensive.

If you don’t like my list, come up with your own.

The important thing is to have a plan.

Global events are really starting to spiral out of control, and I expect the second half of this year to be even more chaotic than the first half of this year has been.

Kyle Hilton’s Paper Dolls


A series of paper dolls, based on tv shows/characters, created by illustrator Kyle Hilton.

This New Import Law Will Hurt U.S. Consumers

Today the the U.S., suffering from high inflation caused by a lack of supplies, is launching the dumbest sanction regime ever:

A new law, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, goes into effect in the United States on Tuesday and will bar products that were made in Xinjiang or have ties to the work programs there from entering the country. It requires importers with any ties to Xinjiang to produce documentation showing that their products, and every raw material they are made with, are free of forced labor — a tricky undertaking given the complexity and opacity of Chinese supply chains.
In theory, the new U.S. law should block all goods made with any raw materials that are associated with Xinjiang until they are proven to be free of slavery or coercive labor practices. But it remains to be seen if the U.S. government is willing or able to turn away such an array of foreign goods.

The 12 million Uighurs live predominantly in the south of China’s Xinjiang province. The area is arid and there is not enough water for the growing population. Over the years this had led to poverty, social unrest and, with the help of some Saudi educated Wahhabi preachers, to terrorism against non-Wahhabis.

The Chinese government had launched a large scale program to solve the problem once and for all.

It subsidized companies to move production facilities to Xinjiang. For geographic reasons these are now mostly in the northern part of Xinjiang. The government also organized large camps for vocational and language training. After people went through those they were offered jobs in the new factories where they work in exchange for normal wages.

The U.S. anti-China propaganda campaign claims that these Uighur people were forced to take up their new jobs and calls that ‘forced labor’. It is not.

Working in some industry far from home is normal in China. It is the reason why each year during the Spring Festival season 300 million  people in China travel to reunite with their families.

Real forced labor is what one sees in the U.S. prison industry where prisoner have no choice but to work for a few pennies which the prison will in the end regain due to absurd prices for small necessities prisoners have to pay for.

It is doubtful that the Biden administration will not apply the new law to many more products.

Domestic producers competing with Chinese products can complain to the commerce department which would then have to detain imports at the border, launch an investigation and could eventually seize the products.

Auxin, a small U.S. producer of solar panels, did exactly that in a tariff case causing chaos in the industry:

The investigation will cut expected solar installations by 46 percent for 2022 and 2023 and could cost more than 100,000 solar jobs should the department impose the tariffs, according to an analysis released yesterday by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), which organized the congressional meetings.

The probe is “already having a pretty devastating impact,” SEIA President and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper told The Climate 202.

The new law will replace a Withhold Release Order (WRO) which the U.S. Custom and Border Protection (CBP) issued under the Trump administration in January 2021. The WRO applied to cotton products sourced from Xinjiang and has led to some chaos in the apparels industry.

The new UFLPA law is much wider and will hit many more products. Many commodities like lithium and nickel are produced in Xinjiang and flow into many downstream products:

Xinjiang Nonferrous and its subsidiaries have partnered with the Chinese authorities to take in hundreds of such [Uyghur] workers in recent years, according to articles displayed proudly in Chinese on the company’s social media account. These workers were eventually sent to work in the conglomerate’s mines, a smelter and factories that produce some of the most highly sought minerals on earth, including lithium, nickel, manganese, beryllium, copper and gold.

It is difficult to trace precisely where the metals produced by Xinjiang Nonferrous go. But some have been exported to the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and India, according to company statements and customs records. And some have gone to large Chinese battery makers, who in turn, directly or indirectly, supply major American entities, including automakers, energy companies and the U.S. military, according to Chinese news reports.

The bureaucratic effort importers in the solar and other industry will have to make to avoid getting punished under the new law is extensive:

CBP released UFLPA guidelines last week that includes a section on polysilicon imports. In order to comply with the UFLPA, CBP said solar companies must:

[1]   Provide complete supply chain documentation that lists all entities involved in the exported good.

[2]   Provide a flow chart mapping each step in production and identify the region where each material originated.

[3]   Provide a list of all entities associated with each step of production, even if the exporting company did not directly work with them.

The CBP guidelines also state that solar companies that source polysilicon both from within Xinjiang and outside the region risk being subject to detention, as it may be more difficult to verify the products did not co-mingle with Xinjiang polysilicon at any point in the manufacturing process.

For small importers it will be impossible to do the above. Only big companies can afford to research and provide all that data and to take the risk of importing products that may get confiscated at the border. They will of course ask their customers to pay for all that.

For the U.S. consumer this does not only mean higher prices but likely less access to products they need or want. The U.S. industry is not in state where it can provide on the scale that China can.

To avoid the scrutiny Chinese producers may eventually move their factories. But they will move to countries in South Asia and not to the United States.

Why the ‘green agenda’ Biden administration thought that this is a smart move is beyond me.

Posted by b on June 21, 2022 at 17:09 UTC | Permalink

Classic Album Covers Reimagined With Kittens


These copycats are feline in the mood for rock… Legendary albums from a world dominated by kittens! All kitteny album parodies by Alfra Martini of aymvisuals.


Kitten Reaches Out His Hand For People, Hoping They’d Save Him

A fine kitten rescue story. All because a big adult cat led people to the trapped kitten. A Rufus cat!

How to Make French Toast

What’s not to love about battered and fried bread? Especially when there are so many ways to make it! Here’s everything you need to know to whip up fabulous French toast for just about any meal.


Types of French Toast

As far back as the 15th century, Europeans were following recipes for French toast—a.k.a. pain perdu (French for “lost bread”)—a simple dish consisting of stale bread that’s soaked in an egg-and-milk mixture and cooked to a golden brown. That recipe isn’t too far from the French toast we know and love today.

Nowadays, there are myriad ways to prepare this simple dish—and it doesn’t have to be relegated to the breakfast table either. Savory French toast variations, like stuffing it with ham and cheese, are perfect for cozy breakfasts, brunches, lunches, desserts or those special nights when breakfast for dinner is on the menu (hello, brinner!).

What You Need to Make French Toast



Making French toast is simple; in fact, you probably already have everything you need!

  • Bread: Fantastic French toast starts with the right bread. Select bread that is thick enough to stand up to the egg mixture, such as Texas-toast style. The thicker cut allows the bread to soak up the egg without falling apart or becoming too mushy.
    • Many people prefer day-old bread, as stale bread will soak up more of the egg mixture without falling apart.
    • Try mixing things up with French or Italian bread, brioche, sourdough, cinnamon-raisin or banana bread, or whole-grain versions.
    • If you are gluten free or Celiac, there’s no reason you can’t get in on the French toast fun! Experiment with your favorite gluten-free bread varieties.
  • Eggs: Choose medium-size eggs that are nice and fresh. If you are vegan or don’t eat eggs, try some of these vegan egg substitutes. There is also a new product on the market called VeganEgg that is mixed with water to form an egg substitute.
  • Milk or cream: The liquid thins out the egg, allowing it to coat the bread and making it less “eggy.” If you’re allergic to milk or prefer milk alternatives, try soymilk, coconut milk or nut milks such as almond or cashew.
  • Batter extras: Many recipes, especially for classic French toast, call for additions such as nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar or vanilla (see below for more ideas). • Toppings: This is the really fun part! See below for creative topping ideas.
  • Something to grease the griddle: Use butter (watch it closely so it doesn’t burn!), cooking spray or a high heat-friendly oil like vegetable or canola. If you are using a nonstick surface, this step is optional.
  • Equipment: A mixing bowl for batter, cutting board and knife for bread if it’s not already sliced and either an electric skillet or large skillet.
  • Utensils: Whisk or fork to mix batter, heat-safe spatula for flipping the bread.

How to Make French Toast Batter


Making the egg mixture doesn’t stop at beating a few eggs. This is where you add flavor that will infuse the French toast. Make your batter in a mixing bowl that is large enough for you to dip slices of bread in. Make sure the bread is coated on all sides before cooking it so it soaks up the batter and develops a nice crust as it cooks.

For basic French toast, use one egg, ¼ to 1/3 cup milk (depending on desired thickness) and ½ teaspoon vanilla extract for every 2 slices of bread. So, if you were making French toast for four, you would whisk together 4 eggs, 1 to 1/3 cups milk, and 2 teaspoons vanilla extract.

How to Cook French Toast in a Skillet or Griddle



Cooking French toast in a skillet or griddle can get messy, but it’s worth it! Preheat a nonstick griddle to 375° on your stovetop (or heat skillet over medium heat), lightly oiling or buttering if desired. Once the pan is good and hot, dip the bread in the egg mixture on both sides, make sure it’s coated, and place onto the skillet. Cook until golden brown (2-4 minutes, depending on the size and thickness of the bread) on both sides. Remove from the griddle and repeat the process until all of the bread has been cooked.

To make the process less messy, place your batter bowl near the pan, and quickly move the bread from bowl to skillet. You’ll want to flip the toast carefully—batter can splash up and burn you if you do it too fast. Keep slices warm in the oven until you’re ready to serve them up.

Other Ways to Make French Toast


Overnight French Toast: Soaking bread overnight infuses even more flavor and makes French toast extra soft and heavenly. To do this, dip the bread like normal, then place slices in an ungreased pan. Pour any remaining batter over the bread, cover loosely and refrigerate at least 8 hours but no longer than 24 hours before cooking the bread. Remember: There are raw eggs in the batter, so ensure that it’s covered and refrigerated properly!

Coated French Toast: Dredge your bread in something crunchy after dipping it in the batter—like crushed French Toast Crunch cereal (um, yum!)—for extra flavor and texture.

Baked French Toast: To avoid slaving over a hot stove or griddle while your guests await their brunch, try making French toast for a crowd in the oven as a bake or casserole!

Slow-Cooker French Toast: Put your slow cooker to use on holidays, or whenever you want an easy French toast recipe for a crowd. Cooking it low and slow lets the bread soak up even more flavor.

Stuffed French Toast: Chocolate, fruit, cream cheese or savory ingredients can all be stuffed inside French toast for extra flavor.

China’s comprehensive, systematic and elaborate response to Secretary Antony Blinken’s China policy speech

This is a comprehensive take down of Blinkens blunders about China and the US in general.  Full text on the Chinese Embassy of the USA website

It is long, very long, as any list of US problems, and dishonesty must be.

Please keep as a reference. The Chinese sound peeved, very very peeved.

Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China

2022/06/19 10:52


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has recently delivered a speech at Asia Society outlining the US administration’s approach to China. With carefully calibrated language, he sought to promote the “China threat” narrative, interfere in China’s internal affairs, and smear China’s domestic and foreign policy, all in an attempt at full-blown containment and suppression of China.

In what is to follow, we will use facts and figures to show to the world how deceptive, hypocritical and dangerous the US’s China policy is.

Falsehood 1: China poses the most serious long-term challenge to the international order and is undermining it. The US will defend the international law, agreements, principles, and institutions that maintain peace and security, and protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations.

Reality Check: What the US has constantly vowed to preserve is a so-called international order designed to serve the US’s own interests and perpetuate its hegemony. The US itself is the largest source of disruption to the actual world order.

◆ China has been and always will be a defender of the international order. China is a founding member of the United Nations (UN) and the first country to put its signature on the UN Charter. China is committed to upholding the UN-centered international system, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms governing international relations built on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence jointly championed by China, India and Myanmar have been widely recognized by the international community and have become the basic norms guiding state-to-state relations.

China upholds true multilateralism and global strategic stability. China is the largest contributor of peacekeepers among the permanent members of the UN Security Council and the second largest contributor among all countries to the UN peacekeeping budget. China has taken an active part in international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation processes. It has signed or acceded to more than 20 multilateral arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). China is against arms race.

In the wake of the international financial crisis of 2008, China adopted a responsible macro policy, remained a “stabilizer” for the world economy and made important contribution to global recovery. China actively provides international public goods to various countries, and has signed BRI cooperation agreements with 149 countries and 32 international organizations.

◆ In recent years, President Xi Jinping’s vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind has been warmly received by the international community. It has been written into multiple important documents issued by the UN, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multilateral institutions. UN Secretary-General António Guterres hailed China as an important pillar for multilateralism, noting that the purpose for practicing multilateralism is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Peter Thomson, president of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly, said the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind advocated by China is the only future for humanity on this planet.

In response to various new global challenges, President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI). They represent China’s proposals for making the global governance system fairer and more equitable, and have received positive response and wide support from the international community.

◆ The US has blatantly violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the norms governing international relations. With its military might, the US has launched wars in numerous parts of the world, stoking divisions and conflicts and bringing huge turmoil and disaster to the world. Throughout the 240-plus-year history of the US, there were only 16 years in which the US was not at war. The US might as well be called the most belligerent country in the history of the world. US magazine The National Interest quoted Dakota Wood, senior research fellow for defense programs at the Heritage Foundation, who wrote that the US consistently needed to deploy military force every 15 years or so.

Since the end of World War II, the United States has either launched or participated in many wars overseas, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Afghan War and the Iraq War. Those wars caused extremely severe civilian casualties and property losses, and lead to colossal humanitarian disasters. Since 2001, US wars and military operations in the name of counterterrorism have killed more than 900,000 people, about 335,000 of whom were civilians, injured millions and displaced tens of millions.

◆ The US habitually puts its domestic law above the international law, and selectively applies international rules as it sees fit. Since the 1980s, the US had once withdrawn from 17 international organizations and treaties, including the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Paris Agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and the Treaty on Open Skies.

Although the current US administration declared that “America is back” and the US has rejoined some international organizations and agreements, the administration has in essence not abandoned the “America First” policy, and is advancing “selective multilateralism”. The current administration has stayed out of institutions and agreements considered harmful to US interests such as the Treaty on Open Skies. European media have described it as “America First 2.0”.

◆ The US has abused its financial hegemony and technological clout and engaged in economic coercion in the name of protecting national security. The US has enacted some domestic laws, such as the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, and issued a series of executive orders to target and sanction specific countries, entities or individuals. The ambiguous rules contained in these acts and executive orders, such as the “minimum contacts principle” and “doctrine of effects”, are a willful expansion of the jurisdiction of US domestic laws. The US also abuses its domestic channels of prosecution to exercise long-arm jurisdiction over entities and individuals in other countries.

For more than 60 years, in total disregard of the many resolutions of the UN General Assembly, the US has continued its comprehensive blockade against Cuba based on its embargo policies and domestic laws such as the Torricelli Act and the Helms-Burton Act. The Cuba blockade is the longest and cruelest systemic trade embargo, economic blockade and financial sanctions in modern history. The blockade has been gravely detrimental to Cuba’s economic and social development, causing over 100 billion US dollars of direct losses to Cuba’s economy.

The US has carried out blockade and sanctions against Iran since late 1970s. In May 2018, the US government announced its unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, and soon after resumed and expanded sanctions against Iran. Many countries and relevant entities have been forced to give up their cooperation with Iran. A large number of foreign oil enterprises left the country. Iran’s manufacturing industry can hardly sustain normal operation. The country has suffered economic slowdown, coupled with heightened inflation and massive currency depreciation.

The US has imposed unilateral sanctions on Belarus, Syria and Zimbabwe, among others, over the years, and ratcheted up “maximum pressure” against the DPRK, Venezuela, etc.

◆ Statistics show that the previous US administration had imposed over 3,900 sanction measures, which means it wielded its “big stick” three times a day on average. As of fiscal year 2021, the entities and individuals on US sanction lists topped 9,421, which was 933 percent higher compared to the fiscal year 2000.

The US’s illegal unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction have gravely undermined the sovereignty and security of other countries and severely impacted their economic development and people’s wellbeing. The sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction also constitute a gross violation of international law and basic norms of international relations.

In an article published in the September/October 2021 issue of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Drezner, Professor at Tufts University and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, criticizes successive US administrations for using “sanctions as the go-to solution for nearly every foreign policy problem.” He notes that sanctions not only are ineffective, but also “exert a humanitarian toll”, and that the United States of America has become the “United States of Sanctions”.

◆ The “rules-based international order” championed by the US is in fact another version of power politics. This is an attempt to impose one’s own will and standards on others, and to replace the commonly accepted international laws and norms with the house rules of a few countries.

In the world, there is only one international system, i.e. the international system with the UN at its core. There is only one international order, i.e. the international order underpinned by international law. And there is only one set of rules, i.e. the basic norms governing international relations underpinned by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

Before wanting to discuss rules and order, the US should first pay up its arrears of one billion US dollars for the UN’s regular budget and 1.4 billion US dollars peacekeeping assessments, ratify in a timely manner the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, stop single-handedly blocking the negotiations on a verification protocol under the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), lift illegal unilateral sanctions, earnestly fulfill its international obligations and set a good example for others in respecting laws and norms.

Falsehood 2: The US is not looking for conflict or a new Cold War. It doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop China from growing its economy or advancing the interests of its people.

Reality Check: Despite its claims that it doesn’t seek to block China from its role as a major power, nor to stop it from growing its economy, the US is actually deploying its domestic and external resources to unscrupulously contain and suppress China .

◆ Without producing any credible evidence, the US government uses national security as a catch-all pretext and all its apparatus to wantonly suppress and sanction Huawei, restricting its products’ entry into the US market, cutting off its access to chips and operating system, and coercing countries around the world into banning Huawei from their 5G rollout. The US also orchestrated and pressured Canada to hold Huawei’s CFO for nearly three years without cause.

◆ In violation of the principle of fair competition and market economy and international trading rules, the US seeks to hamstring competitive Chinese hi-tech companies under all kinds of trumped-up charges. To date, it has placed over 1,000 Chinese companies on various sanctions lists, subjected biotechnology and artificial intelligence technologies to enhanced export controls and stringent investment review, and sought to ban Chinese social media platforms including TikTok and WeChat.

◆ Under the pretext of protecting human rights, the US has fabricated misinformation and disinformation concerning Xinjiang such as the existence of “forced labor” and, on the basis of those unfounded stories, has adopted the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act which maliciously targets Xinjiang’s competitive cotton, tomatoes and solar photovoltaic sectors to contain China’s growth. This has disrupted the international trade order and destabilized global industrial and supply chains.

◆ The previous US administration, in grave violation of WTO rules, waged a massive trade war on China. Based on its own Section 301 investigation, it imposed three rounds of steep tariffs on about 360 billion US dollars’ worth of Chinese imports. In September 2021, the current US administration initiated a Section 232 investigation to determine the effects on US national security from imports of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnets at a time when global commodity prices were hovering at elevated levels.

◆ The US has a record of grossly interfering in China’s domestic affairs on issues concerning China’s core interests, including Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. It seeks to undermine China’s security and stability by, both overtly and covertly, condoning and supporting separatist activities.

◆ The bipartisan innovation bills being debated in the US Congress, while professing to enhance US competitiveness, see China as a perceived rival. “China” appears more than 800 times in the text, which is packed with provisions detrimental to China’s interests.

◆ In a bid to maintain its power and predominance in international institutions, the US has attempted to smear and block the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the initiative of advancing Belt and Road cooperation, among others, in multilateral fora and also to remove references to them in UN and other international documents.

◆ Clinging to a Cold War mentality and the hegemon’s logic, the US pursues bloc politics, concocts the “democracy versus authoritarianism” narrative, cajoles other countries into forming exclusive cliques, strengthens the Five Eyes, peddles the Quad mechanism, puts together AUKUS with the UK and Australia and ramps up bilateral military alliances, in a clear attempt at countering China.

◆ The US pushes NATO to insert itself in Asia-Pacific affairs, fan the “China threat” narrative in the bloc’s new strategic concept, and include in its Madrid Summit such US allies in the Asia-Pacific as Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Australia, in a bid to build an “Asia-Pacific version of NATO”, which would disrupt security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

◆ The development of state-to-state relations should be based on equality, mutual respect and win-win results. China-US relations have reached an important crossroads. The US should stop viewing this relationship through a Cold War, zero-sum mindset, follow the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and reflect in its action the five assurances it has made to China (i.e. the US does not seek a new Cold War with China, the US does not seek to change China’s system, the revitalization of US alliances is not against China, the US does not support “Taiwan independence”, and the US is not looking for conflict with China) .

Falsehood 3: Our diplomacy is based on partnership and respect for each other’s interests, while China practices coercive diplomacy against other countries and retaliates recklessly. Our task is to prove once again that all countries will be free to chart their own paths without coercion.

Reality Check: It is the US that invented “coercive diplomacy” and excels at coercing countries. Over the years, by imposing economic blockade, unilateral sanctions and other means, the US has practiced coercive diplomacy around the world with textbook examples.

◆ In 1971, American scholar Alexander George first put forward the concept of “coercive diplomacy” to summarize the US policy toward Laos, Cuba and Vietnam at that time. The US government forced the military government of Haiti to step down in 1994, and referred to that as “a textbook example of coercive diplomacy”. In 2003, it explicitly characterized 30.3 billion US dollars additional military expenses for “coercive diplomacy” as incurred expenses.

The US government froze seven billion US dollars assets of the Afghan central bank on the grounds of punishing the Afghan Taliban and even claimed the “life-saving money” of the Afghan people as its own, which resulted in the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. Mohammad Naeem, spokesman of the Taliban Political Office in Doha, said the seizure is “indicative of the lowest level of human and moral decay of a country and a nation”.

In order to force the Nepalese parliament to approve the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) agreement, the US openly issued an “ultimatum”, saying that the US will review its ties with Nepal if it fails to ratify the compact.

After the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, the US Justice Department established the “Task Force KleptoCapture” to find, freeze and seize the yachts, apartments, private jets and huge deposits of Russian citizens in the US and Europe. This fully shows that the US-touted “inviolable and sacred right to property” is just a lie. The US has forced other countries to pick sides and pressured them to join sanctions against Russia. And those who refuse to do so will pay a “price”.

After China and the Solomon Islands had signed a framework agreement on bilateral security cooperation, the US sent senior officials of the National Security Council to the country, doing whatever it can to obstruct the legitimate cooperation between China and Solomon Islands. A Solomn Star article pointed out, “Washington DC, which has literally forgotten Solomon Islands since World War II, has finally woken up and is applying the heat on the Solomon Islands to abandon the security pact.”

In May 2022, on the eve of the High-Level Virtual Meeting of the Group of Friends of the GDI, the US exerted pressure on multiple UN development agencies to obstruct their attendance and threatened to “cut funding”.

◆ The “Clean Network” program launched by the previous administration is another textbook example of US coercive diplomacy. Under the pretext of upholding US national security and citizens’ privacy, the program explicitly requires that Chinese companies such as Huawei, Baidu and Alibaba to be purged from five areas: telecom operators, mobile app stores, mobile apps, cloud services and submarine optical cables. The then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other US politicians lobbied all around the world, coercing countries and regions to join its so-called “Network”. A US senior official even threatened Cyprus and other countries not to work with Chinese 5G suppliers, or they would bear the consequence. Former UK Business and Industry Minister Vince Cable said the government’s decision to ban Huawei’s 5G equipment and services “had nothing to do with national security”, and was because “the Americans told us we should do it”.

◆ The US shows no mercy in coercing its allies. Out of its geopolitical and energy interests considerations, the US has imposed sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline project since December 2019. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US has imposed new sanctions on related companies and personnel even though Germany had announced the suspension of the certification process for the project.

◆ A US scholar pointed out that American foreign policy since World War II has been based on a simple idea: “Either you are with us or against us. America should lead, allies should follow, and woe be to countries that oppose its primacy”. His words lay bare the nature of US coercive diplomacy.

◆ China never engages in coercive diplomacy and firmly opposes coercive diplomacy by other countries. China never threatens other countries with force, never creates military alliance, never exports ideology, never meddles in others’ domestic affairs, never seeks a trade war, and never imposes unjustified oppression on foreign enterprises. That said, however, China has the right to make necessary and legitimate responses to actions that undermine China’s sovereignty, security and development rights and interests.

Falsehood 4: The US democracy is one of the most powerful assets in this contest. Our task is to prove once again that democracy can meet urgent challenges and that the future belongs to those who believe in freedom.

Reality Check: The US sets standards for democracy after its own system, does not allow other systems, paths and models to exist, and gangs up with others to wantonly interfere in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of democracy. This not just contravenes the spirit of democracy, but also spells disaster for democracy.

◆ The American-style democracy is a rich men’s game based on capital. Money politics penetrates the entire process of election, legislation and administration in the US. People in fact only have a restricted right to political participation. The inequality in economic status has turned into inequality in political status. According to statistics, winners of 91 percent of US congressional elections are the candidates with greater financial support. Big companies, a small group of rich people, and interest groups are more generous to offer financial support and have become the main source of electoral funding. The so-called representatives of people’s will, once elected, often serve the interests of their financial backers, and speak for vested interests rather than the ordinary people. A US Senator had a sharp observation, “Congress does not regulate Wall Street. Wall Street regulates Congress.”

US Republican congressman from Alabama Mo Brooks publicly denounced “corruption” of the US Congress in a video on social media. “If you want to be chairman of a major committee, you have to purchase it.” The purchase price depends on how important the committee is, with the minimum bid for a major committee being one million US dollars. Those who cannot afford it have to accept the contributions of special interest groups and then give “quid pro quos” to the lobbyists. “Special interest groups run Washington. I don’t mean that metaphorically, I mean that literally.”

◆ According to a scholar in Singapore, the United States is clearly not functioning as a democracy. It is functioning as a plutocracy. A democracy is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. A plutocracy is a government of the one percent, by the one percent, for the one percent.

◆ The US presidential election follows the Electoral College system, where the president and vice president are elected by the Electoral College. The flaws of such an electoral system are self-evident. First, as the president-elect may not be the winner of the national popular vote, there is a lack of broad representation. Second, as each state gets to decide its own electoral rules, confusion and disorder often occur. Third, the winner-takes-all system exacerbates inequality among states and between political parties. It leads to a huge waste of votes and discourages voter turnout. Voters in deep blue and deep red states are often neglected, while swing states become disproportionately more important where both parties seek to woo more supporters. There have been five presidential elections in US history in which the winner of nationwide popular vote was not elected the president.

The gerrymandering is widely recognized by the US public as a flaw of the electoral system. It refers to an unfair division of electoral districts in favor of a particular party to win as many seats as possible and cement its advantage. The US conducts a census every ten years. Following the completion of the census, redistricting or the redrawing of electoral district boundaries will take place under the principle of maintaining roughly equal population in every voting district while considering demographic shifts. Under the US Constitution, each state legislature has the power to redistrict. This leaves room for gerrymandering by the majority party in a state legislature. According to a YouGov poll in 2021, only 16 percent of US adult citizens say they think their states’ congressional maps would be drawn fairly, while 44 percent say they think the maps would be drawn unfairly and another 40 percent of adults say they are unsure if the maps will be fair.

◆ The American-style democracy is “one person one vote” in name, yet “rule of a dominant minority” in reality. Political pluralism is only a facade. A small number of elites dominate the political, economic and military affairs. They control the state apparatus and policy-making process, manipulate public opinion, dominate the business community and enjoy all kinds of privileges.

According to the Associated Press, 18.8 million people were missed in the 2020 US census. The black population had a net undercount of 3.3 percent, while it was almost five percent for Hispanics and 5.6 percent for American Indians and Native Alaskans living on reservations. The undercount robs them of their equal share of federal resources including in education, health care and housing and puts them in an unfavorable condition as to congressional apportionment. It reveals the hypocrisy in the US democracy and its “perpetuating systemic racism”.

Noam Chomsky, a political commentator and social activist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, points out that the US is a “really existing capitalist democracy”, where there is a positive correlation between people’s wealth and their influence on policy-making. For the lower 70 percent on the wealth/income scale, they have no influence on policy whatsoever. They are effectively disenfranchised.

Wertheimer, President of the non-profit US organization Democracy 21, says that corruption in the US is systemic corruption of the process itself. “When you are dealing with billions and billions of dollars, much of that focused on buying influence, it overwhelms the system, and it is much harder to defend against and maintain representation for ordinary Americans.”

Danny Haiphong, an independent journalist in the US, believes that Western-style democracy views the election itself as the highest achievement. The question of whether this system serves the needs of the broad masses of people is generally ignored in order to obscure the fact that powerful corporate interests set the policy agenda well before votes are cast.

◆ The checks and balances in the American-style democracy have resulted in a “vetocracy”. American political scientist Francis Fukuyama points out in his book Political Order and Political Decay that there is an entrenched political paralysis in the US. The US political system has far too many checks and balances, raising the cost of collective action and in some cases making it impossible altogether. The US democratic process is fragmented and lengthy, with a lot of veto points where individual veto players can block action by the whole body. The function of “checks and balances”, which was purportedly designed to prevent abuse of power, has been distorted in American political practice. Politicians in Washington, D.C. are preoccupied with securing their own partisan interests and no longer care about national development. The two parties are addicted to vetoing and caught in a vicious circle. The government efficacy is inevitably weakened, law and justice trampled upon, development and progress stalled, and social division widened.

According to a Pew Research Center report in October 2021 based on a survey of 17 advanced economies including the US, Germany and the ROK, the US is more politically divided than the other economies surveyed. Nine in ten US respondents believe there are strong conflicts between people who support different political parties, and nearly 60 percent of Americans surveyed think their fellow citizens no longer disagree simply over policies, but also over basic facts.

As political and partisan polarization continues to grow, more “opposition for opposition’s sake” is seen among Democrats and Republicans. Under its influence, voters of the two parties are increasingly antagonized over gun policy. Among Republican voters, 76 percent support the right to possess guns, while 81 percent of Democratic voters see gun control as more important. Hijacked by interest, partisan conflict and the public opinion, the legislation and law enforcement process of gun control is fraught with difficulties. For the past ten years, Democratic congressmen put forward dozens of bills on gun violence and gun control every year, but due to the continued obstruction from the Republican Party, only a handful of them successfully entered the plenary deliberation and debate stage at the Senate or the House of Representatives.

The US National Rifle Association (NRA) has five million members and spends hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising and lobbying every year. Its tentacles penetrate deep into the fabric of the American society. The NRA is an important funder of the Republican Party. Since its establishment in 1871, the NRA has successfully attracted nine US presidents to join it. According to CNN statistics in 2018, 307 of the 535 US congressmen have received either direct campaign contributions from the NRA and its affiliates or benefited from independent NRA spending like advertising supporting their campaigns. In the face of huge profits, all kinds of gun control efforts have ended up in vain.

◆ The US is not a straight A student when it comes to democracy. Its practice of democracy has been messy and chaotic. On 6 January 2021, thousands of Americans gathered on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and stormed the Capitol building in a bid to stop the joint session of the Congress from certifying the newly-elected president. The incident interrupted the transfer of US presidential power, leaving five dead and over 140 injured. It is the worst act of violence in Washington, D.C. since 1814 when the British troops set fire to the White House, and it sent shock waves throughout the international community. The US Senate Republican leader described it as a “failed insurrection”.

A scholar from the US Council on Foreign Relations says that the US is not nearly as unique as many Americans believe, and that the Capitol riot should put an end to the notion of American exceptionalism, of an eternal shining city on a hill.

An American expert on international issues wrote in The New York Times that while the US leader has reunited the West, he may not be able to reunite America. Trump and his supporters would be willing to depart from established constitutional rules and norms with his Big Lie. This may undermine the ability of the US government to transfer power peacefully and legitimately. Consequently none of the institutions will work for long, and the people will be thrust into political and financial chaos.

◆ The dysfunctional American-style democracy has triggered a trust crisis. Public commitments to the people come with behind-the-scene deals. Political infighting, money politics, and vetocracy make it virtually impossible for quality governance to be delivered as aspired by the general public. Americans are increasingly disillusioned with the US politics and pessimistic about the American-style democracy.

A Gallup survey in October 2020 shows that only 19 percent of the Americans surveyed are “very confident” about the presidential election, a record low since the survey was first conducted in 2004. According to a poll conducted by The Wall Street Journal in June 2022, six out of 10 Americans feel pessimistic about achieving the American dream.

A Pew Research in 2021 shows that 65 percent of Americans see a need for major reform to the American democracy. People’s confidence in the American democracy dropped in 16 developed countries, and 57 percent of respondents think that the American democracy is no longer a good example to follow.

The Democracy Perception Index released in 2021 by a German polling agency reveals that 44 percent of respondents in the 53 countries surveyed are concerned that the US threatens democracy in their country.

◆ Over the years, despite the structural flaws and problematic practice of its democratic system, the US has been touting the “alliance of democracies” and hyping up the narrative of “democracy versus autocracy”. It is in essence attacking those who hold different views under the banner of democracy, using ideology and values as a tool to suppress others and advance its own geopolitical strategies. This is hegemony in the guise of democracy. A former CIA official openly stated: “We will intervene whenever we decide it’s in our national security interest to intervene. If you don’t like it, lump it.”

The US has pushed for the neo-Monroe Doctrine in Latin America under the pretext of promoting democracy, incited color revolutions in Eurasia, and remotely controlled the Arab Spring in West Asia and North Africa. These moves have brought chaos and disasters to many countries, gravely undermining world peace, stability and development. As suggested by the French website Le Grand Soir, democracy has long become a weapon of massive destruction for the US to attack countries with different views.

◆ Whether a country is democratic or not depends on whether its people are truly the masters of the country. It depends on whether the people have the right to vote, and more importantly, the right to participate; what promises they are given during elections, and more importantly, how many of these promises are delivered after elections; what kind of political procedures and rules are set through state systems and laws, and more importantly, whether these systems and laws are truly enforced; and whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are democratic, and more importantly, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject to public oversight and checks.

◆ The Communist Party of China (CPC) leads the Chinese people in carrying out the whole-process people’s democracy in China. It has not only a complete set of institutions and procedures, but also full-fledged civil participation. A comprehensive, extensive, and well-coordinated system of institutions has been formed to ensure that the people run the country, and diverse, open, and orderly channels for democracy are put into place. This allows the entire people to engage in law-based democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight and to manage state as well as economic, cultural, and social affairs in various ways and forms and in accordance with the law. The whole-process people’s democracy integrates process-oriented democracy with results-oriented democracy, procedural democracy with substantive democracy, direct democracy with indirect democracy, and people’s democracy with the will of the state. It is a model of socialist democracy that covers all aspects of the democratic process and all sectors of society. It is a true democracy that works. China’s whole-process people’s democracy is gaining wider recognition and acclaim from the international community.

A British scholar says that electoral democracy does not breed a close relationship with the people and government, because the people are only called upon to be involved whenever to make elections take place. The Chinese approach is different in that there is a very important consultative component in the way China operates.

◆ Democracy is a concrete phenomenon that is constantly evolving. Rooted in history, culture and tradition, it takes diverse forms and develops along the paths chosen by different peoples based on their exploration and innovation. China stays committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, uphold non-interference in internal affairs, and respect the independent choices of development paths and social systems made by people in different countries. China has no intention to engage in systemic rivalry or ideological confrontation with the US. China never exports ideology, never interferes in other countries’ internal affairs, and never seeks to change the system of the US.

Falsehood 5: The US has profound differences with the CPC and the Chinese Government. But those differences are between governments and systems – not between our people.

Reality check: The CPC’s leadership is the choice of history and of the people. The CPC and the Chinese government enjoy the wholehearted support and endorsement of the Chinese people. The US’s attempt to drive wedges between the CPC and the Chinese people only serves to reveal its animosity against China’s system and path.

◆ The CPC has deep roots among and close ties with the Chinese people. This is what has kept the CPC full of vigor and vitality. By the end of 2021, the CPC had over 95 million members. The CPC is the largest party in the world that has exercised long-term governance in the world’s most populous country. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Over 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty and 1.4 billion people are moving toward modernization. Over the course of just several decades, China has accomplished what took western developed countries hundreds of years.

A Harvard University survey among the Chinese people spanning 13 years found that more than 90 percent of respondents are satisfied with the Party and their government, the highest rate among countries for years running. A trust and credibility survey released in 2022 by Edelman, a renowned US public relations consultancy firm, shows that as many as 91 percent Chinese citizens trust their government in 2021, the highest among all surveyed countries.

◆ The previous US administration, in a McCarthyism-style campaign, went all out to attack and discredit the CPC. It has attacked Chinese leaders and China’s domestic and foreign policies, sown discord between the CPC and the Chinese people, flagrantly challenged the leadership and governing position of the CPC, incited anti-China and anti-CPC sentiment, and imposed visa restrictions on CPC members and their families.

The current administration, since its inauguration, has made no substantive changes to those policies. In June 2021, the US Senate passed the United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021, which is more than 2,000 pages long. It regarded China as a strategic competitor and the main challenge to the US, slandered China’s development path and domestic and foreign policies, and malignantly urged actions to counter the “influence and malign activities” of the CPC. It asked for more than 200 billion US dollars of public funding to ensure US advantages in key technology sectors over China, and advocated mobilizing US resources in strategic, diplomatic, economic, and technological realms to engage in comprehensive strategic competition with China. The US Senate also proposed an appropriation of 300 million US dollars for each of the fiscal years 2022 through 2026 to “counter the malign influence” of the CPC and designated the US Department of State and Agency for International Development to train journalists on investigative techniques necessary to ensure public accountability related to the Belt and Road Initiative, including “supporting civil society and independent media”.

The US continues to use the CPC background as a pretext for cracking down on normal people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. For some time, Chinese students and visiting scholars going to the US have been harassed and suppressed by the US. Most of them were asked whether they or their parents are CPC members. Some were repatriated on inconceivable grounds, such as being suspected of military connections simply because they had photos in their mobile phones of military training at college. These stop-and-search activities go far beyond what the US claims as “normal law enforcement”.

◆ The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people share an inseparable bond. The US says it respects the Chinese people, then it should respect the development path and political system chosen by the Chinese people and respect the CPC that represents the fundamental interests of the Chinese people. By targeting the CPC and the Chinese government, the US is in effect targeting the Chinese people. Anything done to separate the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people and pit the Chinese people against the CPC and the Chinese government will surely be met with the unanimous opposition and resolute response of the over 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Falsehood 6: The United States raises human rights issues and calls for change – not to stand against China, but to stand up for peace, security, and human dignity.

Reality Check: The human rights of the Chinese people are guaranteed like never before, with a notable increase in their sense of fulfillment, happiness and security. In contrast, the US has been engaged in grave human rights violations both at home and abroad, and its shocking track record makes it the biggest human rights abuser in the world.

◆ China always puts people’s right to subsistence on top of its agenda, prioritizes the work to enhance their right to development, regards the protection of citizens’ lawful rights and interests as its basic task, has made the safeguarding of the rights of ethnic groups an important part of its work, and considers the protection of people’s safety its long-term goal.

Guided by a people-centered philosophy, since the day when it was founded, the CPC has made seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation its mission. For the past 100 years, the Party has been working tirelessly for the interest of the people, and has dedicated itself to realizing people’s aspirations for a better life. China has been advancing whole-process people’s democracy, promoting legal safeguard for human rights, and upholding social equity and justice. The Chinese people now enjoy fuller and more extensive and comprehensive democratic rights.

◆ China has created the miracle of eliminating absolute poverty. By the end of 2020, China has lifted all 98.99 million rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty. In 2021, China completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and historically resolved the problem of absolute poverty. Since the launch of reform and opening-up, 770 million impoverished rural residents have shaken off poverty as currently defined. Based on the international poverty line of the World Bank, China accounts for 70 percent of global poverty reduction over the same period. China met the poverty reduction goal of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead of schedule, making major contributions to global poverty reduction and human rights progress. China has also put in place the world’s largest education system, the largest social security system and the largest health care system.

◆ Since COVID-19 started, China has been acting on the principle of putting the people and their lives first. Based on China’s national conditions, it has formulated and implemented a dynamic zero-COVID guideline, and has been constantly fine-tuning its response measures in light of the evolving situation, to best protect people’s life and health and at the same time, ensure sustained, sound and steady socioeconomic development with the pandemic under effective control. Both the infection rate and mortality rate of China are the lowest in the world.

◆ As an active participant in global human rights governance, China has made its contribution to and offered its initiatives on world human rights development. In recent years, the concept of “building a community of shared future” has been written into the resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council, and China-sponsored resolutions on “the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights” and on “Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights” were adopted multiple times at the Human Rights Council. China also made joint statements on behalf of developing countries on the implementation of the right to development, the promotion of human rights by poverty alleviation, equitable distribution of vaccines, among other subjects, contributing its share to safeguarding the basic human rights of developing countries, which has won it wide recognition and support from the international community.

◆ China has been an advocate and a doer in advancing the international human rights cause. A World Bank study estimates, if implemented fully, the Belt and Road Initiative could lift 32 million people out of moderate poverty — those who live on less than $3.2 a day. It shows how participating in Belt and Road cooperation can advance human rights in more countries. In the face of the pandemic, China launched its largest global humanitarian operation since the founding of the People’s Republic, and championed the building of a global community of health for all. To address the global development deficit, China proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) which sees improving people’s welfare and achieving well-rounded human development as the fundamental purpose and goal. The GDI has been echoed and supported by more than 100 countries and many international organizations including the UN. The Initiative galvanizes extensive international consensus for accelerated implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and builds up international synergy for coordinated development, thus providing a strong underpinning for the advancement of the international human rights cause.

◆ The right to life is of utmost importance, as survival is the basis of all human rights. Endowed with the world’s most advanced medical equipment and technologies, the US has registered the world’s largest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths. Pandemic response has been extremely politicized, and become a tool and lever to attack, undercut and oppose each other between the Republicans and the Democrats. Politicians only focus on political gains, with no regard to the life and health of the ordinary people. Its pandemic control, which has been unscientific, unequal and irresponsible, has gravely undermined American people’s right to life and health.

So far, the COVID-19 death toll in the US has surpassed one million. The deaths are, according to The Atlantic, “unexpected, untimely, particularly painful, and, in many cases, preventable”. Some politician even suggested that old people may sacrifice themselves for the country and that saving the country’s economy is more important than old people’s lives. Data of the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control shows that most COVID victims are aged 65 years and above. USC and Princeton researchers project that due to the pandemic deaths last year, life expectancy at birth for Americans will shorten by 1.13 years, the sharpest decline since World War II. “For Blacks, the life expectancy would shorten by 2.10 years, and for Latinos, by 3.05 years. Whites are also impacted, but their projected decline is much smaller – 0.68 years.”

The Washington Post points to a far greater number behind the one million death toll: That number is 9 million – the number of Americans who have lost spouses, parents, grandparents, siblings and children to COVID. A study by the Imperial College London estimates that more than 250,000 US children had lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19 by 23 May 2020. Figures released by the US Government Accountability Office in March 2022 show that up to 23 million people in the US may have developed “long COVID”, and an estimated one million people suffering from the symptoms may be pushed out of work.

The US is the country most rampant with gun violence. Its population, totaling 333 million or 4 percent of the world’s total, own more than 400 million guns or 46 percent of all the private guns in the world. It tops the world in terms of gun ownership, and shooting incidents every now and then in the US takes away more than 110 lives on a daily average. Many people say it is easier to buy a gun than baby formula in the US.

Data of the US website Gun Violence Archive show about 45,000 Americans are killed in gun violence incidents in 2021. On 24 May 2022, the Robb elementary school shooting in Texas claimed 21 lives, including 19 children. By US media counts, it is the 39th campus shooting this year. According to The Washington Post tally, 202 mass shootings took place in the US in the first five and half months this year. For decades, no substantive measures have been taken by the US government to address such problems. In the past 25 years, the US federal government fails to introduce any gun control act. The New York Times observed, “The United States has become ungovernable not because of political differences or protest or a lack of civility, but because this is a country unwilling to protect and care for its citizens – its women, its racial minorities and especially its children.”

Despite the claim by US founding fathers that “All men are created equal”, slavery was preserved in its Constitution of 1789. Although the US has abolished segregation on the surface, white supremacy continues to wreak havoc, and systemic discrimination against racial minorities still exists even to this day. The entrenched racism, compounded by the coronavirus, has fueled a new spike of hate crimes against Asian-Americans. At the same time, racial persecution of the indigenous people persists, discrimination against the Muslim community worsens, racial economic divide yawns, and racial inequality aggravates day by day. Nearly 60 years on since Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, people still see a brutal reality as reflected in George Floyd’s “I can’t breathe” plea.

◆ Through slaughter, expulsion, sterilization and forced assimilation, the US committed a genocide against Native Americans, resulting in a sharp drop in their population from five million in 1492 to 250,000 in the early 20th century. The Native American community has long been neglected and discriminated against. The indigenous culture was fundamentally crushed, and the inter-generational inheritance of indigenous lives and spirits was under severe threats. Many US government statistical programs either leave them out completely or simply classify them as “others”.

Shannon Keller O’Loughlin, Chief Executive and Attorney of the Association on American Indian Affairs, said that Native Americans have diverse cultures and languages, but are often seen not as an ethnic group, but as a political stratum with limited autonomy based on treaties with the federal government. The Atlantic commented that from the expulsion, slaughter and forced assimilation back in history to the current widespread poverty and neglect, the American Indians, once the owner of this continent, now have a very weak voice in American society.

The US government enforced the system of boarding schools in Native American areas to impose English and Christian education on Native American children. It also enacted laws prohibiting Native Americans from performing religious rituals which have been passed down through generations. An article titled “The United States Must Reckon With Its Own Genocides” carried by Foreign Policy website on 11 October 2021 noted that over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, there were more than 350 government funded indigenous boarding schools across the US. Hundreds of thousands of indigenous children passed through, or died in, these schools. The purpose of Indian boarding schools was to culturally assimilate indigenous children by forcibly relocating them from their families and communities to distant residential facilities where their American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian identities, languages, and beliefs were to be forcibly suppressed. The US was not just morally, but also legally responsible for the crime of genocide against its own people.

Native American writer Rebecca Nagle believes that information about Native Americans has been systematically removed from mainstream media and popular culture. According to a report by National Indian Education Association, 87 percent of state-level US history textbooks do not mention the post-1900 history of indigenous people. According to the Smithsonian Institution, things taught about Native Americans in American schools are full of inaccurate information and fail to present the real picture of the sufferings of indigenous people. Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator, said publicly at the Young America’s Foundation that “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here … but candidly, there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

◆ Islamphobia and the discrimination against and suppression of Muslims and Islam in US mainstream society has become more pronounced. A Bloomberg report on 9 September 2021 observed that discrimination against Muslims in the US increased in the two decades after 9/11. On the same day, the Associated Press cited a survey which found that 53 percent of Americans have negative views toward Islam. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said in its 2021 report that it receives an increasing number of complaints each year about bullying and hate speech against Muslims.

According to the survey findings released by the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley on 29 October 2021, 67.5 percent of Muslim respondents said they had experienced Islamophobia, and an even larger percent of those surveyed, 93.7 percent, said that anti-Muslim hatred had affected their mental or emotional well-being to some degree.

◆ The US has serious problems of human trafficking and forced labor. It still has not ratified the Forced Labour Convention (1930), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Every year, nearly 100,000 people are smuggled into the US for forced labor. Today, there are at least half a million people enslaved in the US; roughly 240,000 to 325,000 women and children are victims of sexual slavery.

◆ Immigrants and refugees have become a tool of partisan feuding and political rivalry in the US. The government changes its rules and regulations capriciously, enforces laws violently, and immigrants have been subjected to inhuman treatment such as prolonged detention, torture and forced labor. Data released by US Border Patrol shows that in fiscal year 2021, as many as 557 migrants died on the southern border of the US, more than double the previous fiscal year, hitting the highest number since records began in 1998. That same year, the US detained more than 1.7 million immigrants at the southern border, including 45,000 children. In September 2021, more than 15,000 asylum seekers from Haiti crowded under a bridge in the Texas border town of Del Rio, sleeping in squalid tents or dirt in the sweltering heat, and surrounded by trash under dire living conditions. US border patrol authorities brutalized the asylum seekers, with patrols on horseback, brandishing horsewhips and charging toward the crowds to expel them into the river. CNN commented that this scene is reminiscent of the dark era in American history when slave patrols were used to control black slaves.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the systematic violation of the human rights of its own people, the US government has wilfully attacked other countries and interfered in their internal affairs in the name of human rights, challenging right with might and trampling on justice out of selfish interest.

Since 2001, the US has waged war or conducted military operations in about 80 countries in the name of “war on terror”, resulting in the deaths of more than 900,000 people, including 300,000 civilians. The 20-year-long war waged by the US has left Afghanistan devastated and impoverished. A total of 47,245 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers unrelated to 9/11 have been killed and more than 10 million displaced as a result of US operations. The War in Afghanistan has destroyed the foundation of economic development and impoverished the Afghan people. When the US withdrew from Afghanistan, it immediately froze billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves at the Afghan central bank, pushing the Afghan economy to the brink of collapse and making things worse for the Afghan people.

At the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, many countries denounced the US as “the biggest destroyer of human rights in the world” and urged it to address its own gross human rights problems.

◆ The US has been an expert in arbitrary detention and torture. Under the pretext of “war on terror”, the CIA has set up black sites in at least 54 countries and regions over the years, where more than 100,000 people are detained. A group of independent human rights experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said in a statement released on 10 January 2022 that the US has arbitrarily detained people without trial and subjected them to torture or ill-treatment in Guantanamo Bay for 20 years in violation of international human rights law, calling this “a stain on the US Government’s commitment to the rule of law”. The US should face up to and resolve its own systemic and chronic human rights problems, reflect on the humanitarian disasters and crimes it has caused around the world, and give a responsible account of itself to the international community.

Falsehood 7: The US remains committed to its “one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, the Six Assurances. Its policy on Taiwan has not changed. 

Reality Check: The one-China principle is an established norm of international relations and a universal consensus of the international community. The US has acted faithlessly, kept regressing from its own commitments and the consensus it reached with China, and attempted to weaken and undermine the one-China principle and use Taiwan to contain China. This is a major threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

◆ In October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted, with an overwhelming majority, Resolution 2758, which decided to restore the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN, and has solved once and for all the issue of China’s representation in the UN in political, legal and procedural terms. The official legal opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat pointed out explicitly that “the United Nations considers ‘Taiwan’ as a province of China with no separate status”, the “‘authorities’ in ‘Taipei’ are not considered to … enjoy any form of governmental status”, and “Reference to ‘Taiwan’ … should read ‘Taiwan, Province of China’”.

On the basis of the one-China principle, China has established diplomatic relations with 181 countries, including the US.

◆ The US made the following commitments to China regarding the one-China principle in the three China-US joint communiqués.

In the Shanghai Communiqué released in 1972, the US explicitly stated that “The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position”.

In the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations released in 1978, the US clearly stated that “The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China”; “The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China”.

In the August 17 Communiqué released in 1982, the US unequivocally stated that “In the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations on January 1, 1979, issued by the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America, the United States of America recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China, and it acknowledged the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China”, and that “it has no intention of infringing on Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, or interfering in China’s internal affairs, or pursuing a policy of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan’”.

According to this Communiqué, “the United States Government states that it does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution. In so stating, the United States acknowledges China’s consistent position regarding the thorough settlement of this issue”.

◆ Rather than faithfully abiding by its commitments on Taiwan, the US has kept backpedaling on history.

On the political front, the US has added the so-called “Taiwan Relations Act” and the “Six Assurances” to the expression of its one-China policy, with a growing list of such prefixes. Both prefixes are unilaterally made by the US side in breach of its commitments in the three China-US joint communiqués as well as the one-China principle affirmed in the UNGA Resolution 2758 and widely observed by the international community. They are illegal, null and void from the very beginning, and China has never acknowledged and has firmly rejected them from the outset. The US has also violated its commitment of maintaining unofficial relations only with Taiwan and kept upgrading the level of engagement. In recent years, senior US officials including the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Under Secretary of State as well as members of Congress have visited Taiwan. US ambassadors overseas have also met with Taiwan’s so-called “representatives” in their host countries.

In the military field, the US has reneged on its commitment “that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution”. Instead of ceasing the arms sales, it has sold weapons at a larger scale and with enhanced capability including assault weaponries such as anti-radiation missiles, heavy weight torpedoes, and F-16V fighter jets. To date, the total volume of US arms sales to Taiwan has exceeded 70 billion US dollars. According to reports by Reuters and other new agencies, US special operations forces have been rotating into Taiwan on a temporary basis to train with Taiwanese forces.

Since 2021, the US leader has stated publicly on three occasions that the US would help defend Taiwan in case of a war in the Taiwan Strait.

On the international stage, the US has been assisting Taiwan in expanding its so-called “international space”. Recently, the US has been spreading globally the fallacy that UNGA Resolution 2758 did not determine the status of Taiwan, and that each country should be able to determine the contours of its own “one China” policy. It has vigorously advocated support for Taiwan’s participation as an observer in the 75th session of the World Health Assembly, and even blatantly helped to consolidate Taiwan’s “diplomatic relations”.

◆ These US acts have breached its commitment that “it has no intention of … pursuing a policy of ‘two Chinas’ or ‘one China, one Taiwan’”. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, “my understanding of the agreement (China and the US reached upon the establishment of diplomatic relations) has been that the United States would uphold the principle of one China … it is essential that these principles be maintained, and the United States should not by subterfuge or a gradual process, develop something of a two-China solution”.

◆ The DPP authorities have been stubbornly advancing its “Taiwan independence” separatist agenda, and the US has been encouraging and supporting “Taiwan independence” forces overtly and covertly. This is the root cause of current tensions across the Taiwan Strait. To defend peace across the Taiwan Strait and beyond, we must forestall the growing tendency of “Taiwan independence” and the collusion between the US and Taiwan. The one-China principle must not be challenged. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed upon. And the red line that no one should pursue a policy of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” must not be crossed. China is fully confident, capable and prepared to resolutely curb “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, resolutely foil all external interferences, and firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US should abide by the provisions in the three China-US joint communiqués, follow a true one-China policy, and act on its commitments including on not supporting “Taiwan independence”. The US needs to genuinely reflect on and redress its regressive and erroneous behavior, and stop playing with fire on the Taiwan question. Otherwise, it would gravely jeopardize peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, undermine China-US relations and incur an unbearable cost on itself.

Falsehood 8: The United States stands with countries and people around the world against the genocide and crimes against humanity happening in the Xinjiang region, where more than a million people have been placed in detention camps because of their ethnic and religious identity.

Reality Check: The human rights of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are fully protected. There is no “genocide” or “crimes against humanity” in Xinjiang. The US has been spreading disinformation about Xinjiang simply to create an excuse for discrediting and attacking China.

◆ Xinjiang-related issues are not about human rights, but about fighting violence, terrorism and separatism. According to figures available, between 1990 and the end of 2016, there were several thousand incidents of violent and terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, killing large numbers of innocent people and hundreds of police officers, and causing immeasurable property damage.

In response to such real threats, Xinjiang has acted resolutely to fight terrorism and extremism in accordance with law. At the same time, a series of supporting measures have been taken, like improving people’s livelihoods, raising public awareness about law, and offering help through vocational education and training centers. The trend of frequent terrorist activities has thus been effectively curbed. There has been no violent act of terrorism in Xinjiang for five consecutive years and more. The region has enjoyed security, social stability and good development. The safety and security of people of all ethnic groups have been effectively protected.

◆ “Genocide” in Xinjiang is a complete “lie of the century”. Over the past 60 years and more, the Uyghur population has increased from 2.2 million to about 12 million, and their average life expectancy has grown from 30 to 75 years.

With stability prevailing in Xinjiang, local people live and work in peace and happiness. The region has made unprecedented progress in delivering economic and social development and in bettering people’s lives. Between 2014 and 2019, GDP in Xinjiang rose from 919.59 billion yuan to 1.36 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 7.2 percent, while per capita disposable income grew by an average annual rate of 9.1 percent. Remarkable achievements have been made in eliminating extreme poverty. All 3.09 million impoverished people by current standards have been lifted out of poverty, making absolute poverty a thing of the past in Xinjiang.

The lawful rights and interests of the people of all ethnicities in Xinjiang have been protected effectively. All ethnic groups, regardless of their populations, have equal legal status and enjoy freedom of religious belief and various rights in accordance with law, including participating in the management of state affairs, receiving education, using their own languages, and preserving their traditional culture.

◆ In July 2019, permanent representatives of more than 50 countries in Geneva sent a joint letter to the President of the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, praising China’s achievements in fighting terrorism, deradicalization and human rights protection. In October 2019, more than 60 countries spoke at the Third Committee of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, commending the tremendous human rights advancement in Xinjiang. In June 2021, more than 90 countries made joint or separate statements at the Human Rights Council in support of China. In the meantime, Canada took the lead in attacking China on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet. Just a little over 40 countries echoed Canada’s criticism, and none of them are from the Muslim world.

◆ In recent years, over 2,000 people from more than 100 countries, including experts, scholars, journalists, diplomats and religious figures, have visited Xinjiang, witnessing the unity, harmony and happiness of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

◆ The so-called “genocide” in Xinjiang is a lie cooked up by anti-China forces represented by the anti-China German scholar Adrian Zenz. He is a member of the far-right group “Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation” sponsored by the US government, and a key figure in an anti-China organization set up by US intelligence agencies. He is also a racist. His “research” is full of inconsistencies, fabrications and data manipulation. It does not have any academic credibility and cannot be cleared for academic publication. For example, a chart in Zenz’s “paper” claims that new IUD placements in Xinjiang average between 800 and 1,400 per person each year, which means each woman in the region would have to undergo four to eight such insertion surgeries every day. This is totally against common sense.

◆ On 29 June 2020, the Jamestown Foundation of the US published a “research report” by Adrian Zenz, in which he falsely accused the Chinese government of committing “genocide” against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Upon the release of the report, US politicians including then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, Senator Marco Rubio and House Representative Jim McGovern immediately pitched in to whip up the “genocide” accusation. Rubio, McGovern, Senator John Cornyn and Senator Robert Menendez went on to urge the administration to make a genocide determination of China’s policy on Xinjiang. Contradicting the conclusion reached by lawyers at the State Department Office of the Legal Adviser, Pompeo announced that “I have determined that the People’s Republic of China is committing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups” on 19 January 2021, the last day of the previous administration. The current administration has followed the same position and continued to allege “genocide” in Xinjiang. This further exposes the US’s real intention of political manipulation in the name of human rights.

◆ The World Uyghur Congress, an anti-China separatist organization, hired people like Sayragul Sauytbay and Tursunay Ziawudun to make false statements and spread all kinds of lies about “persecution”. In the 70-plus press conferences held so far by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, falsehoods spread by anti-China forces have been debunked with solid facts. For instance, some “performers” who claimed to be the victims of forced sterilization in vocational education and training centers have never been to one. The family members or friends reported by some “performers” as missing are actually living a normal life in Xinjiang.

◆ The false claim about “millions of Uyghurs detained” in education and training centers was initiated and spread by “Chinese Human Rights Defenders”, an NGO supported by the US government. Based on interviews with eight Uyghurs and rough estimation, the organization came to the preposterous conclusion that at least 10 percent of the 20 million people in Xinjiang are detained in “reeducation camps”.

The education and training centers in Xinjiang are no different in nature from deradicalization centers or community correction and desistance and disengagement programs in many other countries. It has been proven to be a successful exploration in preventative counter-terrorism and deradicalization, consistent with the principle and spirit of counter-terrorism resolutions including the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the UN Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism. At the centers, trainees acquire greater proficiency in standard spoken and written Chinese language and employability, and gain a stronger sense of national identity, citizenship and rule of law. By October 2019, all trainees had graduated from the centers. Most of them have steady employment after finding jobs by themselves or with the help of the government, or starting up their own businesses.

◆ The US and some other Western countries have been making an issue of human rights in Xinjiang in total disregard of the basic reality of human rights protection and development there. It has become a means for them to achieve their strategic objective of using Xinjiang as a pretext to contain China. Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army Colonel and chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said publicly in August 2018 that one of the three-fold purpose of the US military’s presence in Afghanistan is the containment of China — “If the CIA would want to destabilize China, that would be the best way to do it – to form an unrest, and join with those Uyghurs in pushing … Beijing from internal places rather than external”.

Falsehood 9: The CPC has imposed harsh anti-democratic measures in Hong Kong under the guise of national security. Beijing’s quashing of freedom in Hong Kong violates its handover commitments, enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. 

Reality Check: By attacking and smearing the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), what the US is really up to is to meddle in Hong Kong affairs and make Hong Kong a “bridgehead” for infiltration and interference against the mainland. Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that brook no interference from the US.

◆ For a long time, the US has colluded with the anti-China, destabilizing forces in Hong Kong, interfered in Hong Kong’s political agenda, stoked up social tensions, and even directly intervened in Hong Kong affairs. The US Consul-General in Hong Kong publicly criticized the Hong Kong SAR government for the proposed legislative amendments in 2019 and the One Country, Two Systems. Officials from the US Consulate-General in Hong Kong also met with the so-called leaders of the rioters. The rioters openly admitted that they had discussed with the US the legislative process of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 and urged the US to stop exporting tear gas and rubber bullets to the Hong Kong police.

◆ Funded and incited by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and other US government’s “white gloves”, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong committed vandalizing, looting and arson in the name of the so-called fight for “democracy” and “freedom”, and violently stormed the building of the Legislative Council (LegCo) of Hong Kong. NED even appeared publicly on the street to direct relevant activities, attempting to stage a “color revolution” in Hong Kong. NED contacted opposition parties, groups and organizations in Hong Kong through its affiliating National Democratic Institute for International Affairs or the National Democratic Institute (NDI). NDI funded the “1 July marches” orchestrated by the opposition to obstruct legislation on Article 23, funded the participation of opposition parties and groups at workshops and seminars, and provided personal counseling on campaigning skills for their leaders, ran a so-called “young political leaders program” to support emerging political groups in confronting the government, plotted, together with opposition members of LegCo, a “five-district referendum”, and directed and funded the opposition and young radicals in orchestrating the illegal “Occupy Central” movement.

According to the NED website, two million US dollars were spent on 11 Hong Kong-related projects in 2020, with a particular focus on disrupting LegCo elections. Key projects include: “Strengthening Citizen Election Observation”, which offered technical and financial assistance to newly formed destabilizing groups in Hong Kong, and encouraged them to obstruct LegCo elections by means of election monitoring, get-out-the-vote methods, etc.; “Amplifying Citizens’ Perspectives on Political Participation”, which collected and disseminated survey findings on democratic development, and induced young Hong Kongers to share their political participation experiences on the Internet; “Supporting Unity Among Student Activists”, which called for better coordination among Hong Kong student groups prior to LegCo elections, and instructed and trained them to build capacity for “democratic change” and international communication and to play a role in disrupting electoral order; and “Building Regional Solidarity and Empowering the Hong Kong Movement”, which sought to strengthen Hong Kong’s “democratic movement” through network building, cultivate next-generation “leading activists” in Hong Kong, and set up a network of “democratic movement” in Asia.

◆ US officials used “violence” and “shame” to describe the storming of the Capitol building by protesters, but labeled the violent, criminal activities in Hong Kong that assaulted residents and damaged public facilities as “a beautiful sight to behold”. The US police used armored vehicles to disperse demonstrators, abused their force to beat and drive away sit-in demonstrators, and arrested demonstrators after deliberately inducing them to walk on vehicle lanes which constitutes violation of the law, while discrediting the Hong Kong SAR government’s law-based actions to protect people’s rights and the public order as “violation” of human rights. This is another display of US-style hypocritical double standards and exposes its intention to undermine prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and contain China under the pretext of human rights and democracy.

◆ During the 150-plus years of British colonial rule, there was no democracy in Hong Kong whatsoever. None of the governors was democratically elected by Hong Kong residents. For most of the time, Legco members were directly appointed by the governor. In stark contrast, after the return of Hong Kong, pursuant to the Basic Law, Hong Kong has come to enjoy the executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. Its residents are masters of the SAR as provided by law who manage their own affairs within the scope of the high degree of autonomy. They enjoy a wide range of democratic rights and freedoms like never before. This is a fact that every fair-minded person would recognize.

◆ The purpose of enacting the National Security Law in Hong Kong is to close the legal loopholes in safeguarding national security in the SAR. It is a legitimate and necessary move to respond to violent terrorist activities and illegal external interference in Hong Kong. Constitutions of more than 100 countries have stipulations that the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms shall not endanger national security. According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the rights to freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and public trial may be subject to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety and order. The European Convention on Human Rights has similar provisions.

The national security law specifically targets four categories of crimes: secession, subversion, terrorist activities, and collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security. It seeks to punish a tiny number of criminals who seriously endanger national security and protect the vast majority of law-abiding Hong Kong citizens. It provides better protection for the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents and the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong enshrined in law. It creates the conditions needed for addressing the deep-seated problems in the economy and concerning people’s livelihood. It also helps maintain the rule of law and business environment in Hong Kong, ease the concerns of the business community about social disorder, and offer better conditions for people from around the world who want to work, invest and live in Hong Kong.

Over the past two years or so since the National Security Law was enacted, the rule of law in Hong Kong has been strengthened and better guaranteed. Hong Kong’s rule of law index continues to stay among the top in the world. Foreign investors have stronger confidence in the city. Hong Kong is seeing a bright prospect transitioning from chaos to order and to prosperity. According to the 2022 AmCham Hong Kong Business Sentiment Survey released early this year, the number of businesses in Hong Kong optimistic about Hong Kong’s business outlook increased by 18 percent from the previous year, while the number of businesses that are pessimistic was down by 17 percent.

◆ The legal basis for the Chinese government to govern Hong Kong is the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law of the HKSAR. The Sino-British Joint Declaration is not relevant in this regard. As China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, all provisions concerning the UK under the Joint Declaration had been fulfilled. The basic policies regarding Hong Kong stated by China in the Joint Declaration are China’s declaration of its policies, which have since been fully embodied in the Basic Law enacted by the National People’s Congress. These policies have not changed; they will continue to be upheld by China. The Joint Declaration does not assign the UK any responsibility over Hong Kong nor give it any right to intervene in Hong Kong affairs after the return of Hong Kong. The UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or “right of supervision” over Hong Kong after its return. The Joint Declaration is a bilateral instrument between China and the UK; it does not involve any other country or has anything to do with a third country. Sovereign equality and non-interference are enshrined in international law and are basic norms of international relations. Other countries and organizations have no right to meddle in Hong Kong affairs on the grounds of the Joint Declaration.

The Central Government of China has unswervingly implemented the policy of One Country, Two Systems. Since Hong Kong’s return, the policy of One Country, Two Systems under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy has been earnestly implemented with widely recognized achievements. Practice has fully proven that One Country, Two Systems is the best institutional arrangement for Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability. The Central Government will continue to ensure that the policy of One Country, Two Systems remains unchanged, is unwaveringly upheld, and in practice is not bent or distorted.

◆ Turning a blind eye to the fact that Hong Kong’s democracy has improved in ways unseen before its return, the US has acted against Hong Kong’s mainstream public opinion for unity and progress and made irresponsible remarks on Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, human rights and freedom as the “preacher” of democracy. This only exposes its hypocritical double standards and the agenda to destabilize Hong Kong and contain China.

Falsehood 10: China purports to champion sovereignty and territorial integrity while standing with and defending the Russian government that brazenly violate them.

Reality Check: On the Ukraine issue, China has always adhered to an objective and just position, a position shared by most countries. The Cold War mentality and power politics is the root cause of the Ukraine crisis. The US should earnestly shoulder its due responsibilities and take concrete actions to ease the situation and solve the problems.

◆ The US has betrayed its own promises and kept pushing for the eastward expansion of NATO,creating the Ukraine crisis.

When meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, the then US Secretary of State James Baker gave clear assurances that “there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east”. However, the US has led five rounds of NATO eastward expansion since 1999, increasing its membership from 16 to 30, and advancing NATO more than 1,000 kilometers eastward to the Russian border, forming a C-shaped encirclement of the Black Sea.

In 1997, former US diplomat and observer on the Soviet Union George Kennan wrote in his New York Times Op-Ed that “expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.”

In 2014, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in the Washington Post that if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it should not join NATO, and that it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos, Kissinger said that Ukraine should have been a bridge between Europe and Russia, but that opportunity does not now exist in the same manner. Russia has been for 400 years an essential part of Europe, and on a number of occasions as the guarantor by which the European balance could be re-established. Current policy should keep in mind the restoration of this role is important to develop.

An American expert on international affairs points out in an article that the US government should bear considerable responsibility for the deterioration of relations with Russia caused by its major mistake of greenlighting the NATO expansion. Noting that “America and NATO aren’t innocent bystanders”, he also believed that it is “the height of folly” for some US officials to brag in public about leaks or even intelligence sharing between the US and Ukraine. He warned that such instigation on the US side could dangerously widen the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

According to Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament, the US has been adding fuel to the fire on Ukraine because they want to weaken Russia and benefit from the crisis, for which Europe will pay a heavy price. These is still no hope of peace in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, mainly because the US does not want Russia and Ukraine to reach a peace agreement.

Former US Senator Bill Bradley said that “the fundamental blunder that the United States made in the late 80s, early 90s was the expansion of NATO”.

Former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said in an interview if Joe Biden simply promised not to include Ukraine into NATO, the war would have been prevented.

Over the years, the US has pursued interventionism and grossly violated the sovereignty of Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Syria and other countries. Alfred de Zayas, a senior UN expert, said in an exclusive interview that from the perspective of international law, Russia’s military actions in Ukraine violated the UN Charter, but the United States and NATO have broken international law so often over the years that “precedents of permissibility” have therefore been set for Russia’s current actions in terms of customary international law.

◆ The US has been fanning the flames on the Ukraine issue. Instead of promoting peace talks, the US continued to provide weapons to Ukraine, escalating tensions and expanding the conflict, making it more prolonged and complicated. This has sufficiently exposed the selfish nature of the US.

On 25 April 2022, US Defense Secretary Austin said after a visit to Ukraine that the US wants to use the war to “see Russia weakened”.

In late May 2022, on top of the original 13.6 billion dollars aid, the US Congress voted to approve another over 40 billion dollars in military and economic aid to Ukraine. The total assistance has exceeded 70 percent of the combined military expenditure of Russia and Ukraine in 2021.

The ongoing crisis has cost Europe heavily in political, economic and social aspects, but the US is reaping dividends, with its arms dealers, food and energy companies gaining huge profits. For example, the market value of US military industrial giants has surged by hundreds of billions, and the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported to Europe is more than 10 times higher than a year ago.

As the result of the conflict, more than 6.5 million Ukrainians have fled into neighboring European countries, posing an unprecedented refugee crisis. But the US admitted only 12 refugees from Ukraine in March 2022. Thousands of Ukrainian refugees remain stranded on the US-Mexico border, and many were in US custody. Even when the UN and the international community are calling for an early end to the conflict, some in the US are still claiming that they would “fight to the last Ukrainian”.

◆ The relationship between China and Russia features non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third party. It is essentially different from the practice of the US and a small number of other Western countries, where they still stick to the Cold War mentality and a friend-or-foe dichotomy to draw ideological lines, form so-called “alliances” and “cliques”, pursue bloc politics and create confrontation and division.

In the joint statement issued on 4 February 2022, China and Russia call on all to champion humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, respect the rights of all peoples to independently determine the development paths of their countries, and the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries, protect the UN-centered international system, and the international order based on international law, seek true multilateralism with the UN and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role, promote more democratic international relations, and ensure peace, stability and sustainable development across the world.

◆ As a responsible major country, China’s decisions and judgments on the Ukraine issue are made independently based on the merits of the matter. China has made great efforts to safeguard international peace and security, and has been committed to promoting talks for peace and deescalating tensions. China maintains that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be upheld, that legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously, and that all efforts conducive to a peaceful resolution of the crisis should be supported. China’s position is objective, fair and consistent with the aspirations of most countries.

◆ Of the 233 sovereign countries and regions in the world, 185 are not involved in sanctions on Russia. Among the more than 190 members of the UN, more than 140 countries, including NATO member state Turkey, have refused to impose sanctions on Russia. The combined population of countries and regions participating in sanctions against Russia and those not is 6.5 billion versus 1.1 billion. Among them, those openly oppose sanctions have a combined population of 4.8 billion.

About two-thirds of the world’s population does not support Western positions on Ukraine, according to a report by the British Economist magazine.

Falsehood 11: The US is setting up new coalitions in the Indo-Pacific for regional peace and stability, and has launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), as it “shares the vision that the regional countries and people across the region hold: one of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

Reality Check: The so-called US vision of a “free and open Indo-Pacific” is essentially a strategy to divide others, incite confrontation and undermine peace. It runs counter to the trend of the times in the Asia-Pacific, i.e., the trend of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

◆ The US administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy is self-contradictory: the US claims to promote the region’s “freedom and openness” as its goal, while in reality co-opting with allies to forge a “five-four-three-two-one” formation made up of the Five Eyes, the Quad, AUKUS, bilateral alliances and IPEF, forming exclusive “small circles” and forcing countries in the region to take sides.

AUKUS helps Australia build nuclear-powered submarines and develops hypersonic weapons, pushing up the risk for a regional arms race. Under the pretext of fighting illegal fishing and keeping supply chains resilient, the Quad has vigorously pursued military cooperation and intelligence sharing. The US has also encouraged NATO’s involvement in the Asia-Pacific. These are all attempts to materialize an “Asia-Pacific version of NATO” and promote “integrated deterrence” against China.

◆ The Indo-Pacific strategy has raised increasing alarm and concern of many countries, especially those in the Asia-Pacific. As BBC reported, in April 2021, New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta expressed New Zealand’s discomfort with expanding the Five Eyes’ remit by putting pressure on China in this way, and New Zealand still prefers to pursue bilateral relations with China. At the US-ASEAN Special Summit, ASEAN countries stressed their aspiration for peace and cooperation, not for taking sides, division or confrontation.

◆ The US has made clear that IPEF is to enable it to win the contest in the 21st century. This means that the IPEF is designed to serve the US economy. The US has shelved the development of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) for a long time, left the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and refused to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This exposes the self-serving nature of the US and its selective approach to international institutions. It is all about the US’ self-interests, nothing mutually beneficial.

IPEF is a political instrument of the US in propping up its hegemony in the regional economy. The essence is to dominate the supply chains, value chains and new economic sectors, and marginalize specific countries. The US has chosen to weaponize economic issues as political and ideological ones, using economy to coerce regional countries into taking sides between China and the US.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai publicly stated that IPEF is a standalone arrangement independent from China. US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said IPEF marks the US’s restoration of economic leadership in the region and presents Indo-Pacific countries an alternative to China’s approach. Previously, she also expressed that IPEF may harmonize export controls and other “poison pills”, such as limiting sensitive products export to China.

IPEF seeks to establish US-led trade rules, restructure the industrial chain system and economically and scientifically “decouple” regional countries from China. Many countries in the region get concerned, and believe that the cost of such “decoupling” will be huge. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad noted that any trade alliance that excludes the world’s second largest economy is not conducive to closer, multilateral trade cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. The US’s exclusion of China is not an economic issue but a political one.

◆ Hailed as “menu approach” cooperation, IPEF actually pays little regard to the development level and real needs of the regional countries. It barely gives concessions to developing countries on tariff reduction and market access, but forces participating countries to accept the so-called high standards of the US and its unilateral agenda. IPEF focuses solely on the US’s self-interests and cares little about the needs of other parties. There is no such thing as mutual benefit in IPEF.

The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) pointed out in its report “Regional Perspectives on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” that IPEF has little more to offer than enlarging the US economic presence in the region. It fails to address the issues of the greater interests of regional countries. There is widespread concern that IPEF will only benefit the US, while saddling participating regional countries with a heavy burden.

Falsehood 12: China has announced its ambition to create a sphere of influence in the Pacific region. It is advancing unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, undermining peace and security, freedom of navigation and commerce. The US will continue to oppose Beijing’s aggressive and unlawful activities in the South and East China Seas. It will support the region’s coastal states in upholding their maritime rights, work with allies and partners to uphold freedom of navigation and overflight, and will continue to fly and sail wherever international law allows.

Reality Check: China is committed to the path of peaceful development, the five principles of peaceful coexistence and opposes the practice of the big and strong bullying the small and weak. The US, by painting China as a threat and using “freedom of navigation” as a pretext to undermine China’s sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests, is actually the real threat to regional peace and security.

◆ China stands for equality among all countries irrespective of their size, respects every country’s choice of development path suited to its national condition, and does not seek any sphere of influence. China pursues a defense policy that is defensive in nature and a military strategy of active defense. In developing its defense capabilities, China aims to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests, and does not target any other country. The growth of China’s defense capabilities amplifies the force for peace in the world.

◆ China is the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited Nanhai Zhudao and relevant waters, and the first to have exercised sovereignty and jurisdiction over them continuously, peacefully and effectively. China’s sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao and its relevant rights and interests in the South China Sea have been established in the long course of history. They are solidly grounded in history and law, and have been upheld by successive Chinese governments and recognized by the international community. Pursuant to the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation, China recovered territories illegally occupied by Japan including Xisha Qundao and Nansha Qundao after WWII, and has since affirmed sovereignty and strengthened jurisdiction by establishing official names, publishing maps, creating administrative units and stationing troops. China’s resuming its exercise of sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao is a legitimate and lawful act to inherit China’s rights established over the course of history. It is also part of the post-WWII international order, and has been recognized by countries around the world including the US.

◆ With the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the overall situation in the South China Sea remains stable. With the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), the parties have increased dialogue, properly handled differences, deepened cooperation and enhanced mutual trust, and have made active progress in advancing consultations on the Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea, in an effort to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea and inject positive dynamics into regional and global security, stability and prosperity. Despite COVID-19, the parties have held offline Senior Officials’ Meetings on the implementation of the DOC and 10 joint working group meetings via video link to advance consultations on the COC text. Last month, the first face-to-face COC consultations since COVID-19 was held in Cambodia. Such positive progress speaks volumes about the resolve and commitment of regional countries to steadfastly advance consultations toward a COC.

◆ China respects and supports all countries’ freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, and actively safeguards the security of and unimpeded passage through international shipping lanes. In fact, the South China Sea is one of the world’s safest and freest sea lanes. Fifty percent of merchant vessels in the world and one-third of international maritime trade pass through it, and more than 100,000 merchant ships sail through it annually. Freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea has never been an issue.

◆ Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory. China’s patrol and law enforcement missions in waters off the Diaoyu Dao are legitimate measures taken by China to exercise its sovereignty in accordance with law and are necessary responses to Japanese provocations in violation of China’s sovereignty. No country or force should misjudge the strong resolve of the Chinese government to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, China stays committed to properly handling and resolving issues through dialogue and consultation, and has made great efforts to maintain maritime stability. In 2014, a four-point principled consensus was reached between China and Japan to handle and improve China-Japan relations, which includes a clear understanding on managing the situation surrounding Diaoyu Dao and the East China Sea.

◆ Acting under the logic of the Monroe Doctrine, the US often uses power politics and hegemonic and bullying acts to flagrantly undermine the international maritime order, with a view to sustaining its maritime predominance. In the 240-plus-year history of the US, there were only 16 years when the country was not at war with others. The US operates over 800 military bases in 80 countries and regions. Its military expenditure, which has topped the world for many years in a row, accounts for one-fourth of the global total and is equivalent to the combined military spending of the next nine countries. Recently, the US has proposed a national defense budget request of about 813 billion US dollars for fiscal year 2023. Such massive military spending makes the US the real “pacing challenge” to the world.

◆ The US disregards the history and facts surrounding the South China Sea issue, deliberately stokes disputes on territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and sows discord among regional countries. It has become the biggest force undermining stability and fueling militarization in the South China Sea. Data from relevant organizations show that the number of US close-in reconnaissance activities targeting China has more than doubled over the past decade and more. Right now, an average of five US naval vessels cruise near China’s shore every day. This year, US naval vessels have been sailing through the Taiwan Strait about once a month, and large US reconnaissance planes have flown over 800 times close to China and repeatedly violated China’s airspace. Eager to stir up trouble in the South China Sea, the US has also encouraged its allies and partners to sail their naval vessels into the South China Sea.

On 2 October 2021, USS Connecticut, a nuclear submarine, had an underwater collision in the South China Sea. It was not until a week later that the US issued a vague statement, claiming that the submarine hit an unknown object. One month after, it said that the submarine “grounded on an uncharted seamount”. A final report on the accident was eventually released by the US Navy on 23 May 2022, yet no clear explanation has been offered in response to the grave concerns and questions raised by many, including the intent of the submarine, the specific location of the accident, whether the submarine had entered exclusive economic zones (EEZ) and even territorial sea of other countries, and whether the accident had caused a nuclear leak or damaged marine environment.

◆ The US began its Freedom of Navigation (FON) Program in 1979 ahead of the signing of the UNCLOS. Challenging the new maritime order, the move sought to maximize the freedom of the US military to rampage through the oceans. The FON Program is not consistent with the universally recognized international law, disregards the sovereignty, security and maritime rights and interests of the many littoral countries, and seriously jeopardizes regional peace and stability. Its goal is to advance American maritime supremacy under the pretext of “freedom of navigation”. The FON Program has been firmly opposed by many members of the international community, especially the developing countries.

Falsehood 13: Chinese government officials spread disinformation.

Reality Check: China is the top victim of disinformation, while the US is the biggest source of spreading disinformation.

◆ With sharp confrontation between the Republicans and Democrats, habitual lying, finger-pointing and blame-shifting among politicians have become part of the US political ecology. A poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the Pearson Institute at the University of Chicago reveals that nearly half of the respondents blame the US government for the spread of misinformation.

◆ The US has used disinformation to launch multiple wars across the globe in pursuit of its hegemonic agenda. Colin Powell, the then US Secretary of State accused Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction with a test tube of “laundry powder”. The US blamed the Syrian government for using bio-chemical weapons against its own people with fake videos by the White Helmets.

In 2019, the then US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo publicly claimed that “we lied, we cheated, we stole … we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”

On 4 May 2022, Republican Senator Rand Paul spoke bluntly at a Senate hearing, “Do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The US government.”

◆ Manipulation by US politicians has seriously undercut the media’s credibility. A Gallup poll in 2020 shows that 60 percent of Americans remain largely distrustful of the media, among whom 33 percent have no trust at all, which is 5 percentage points higher than that of 2019.

◆ The US has on multiple occasions fabricated numerous lies and rumors on issues concerning origins-tracing, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, democracy and human rights, including the so-called “lab-leak theory”, “genocide” and “forced labor”, which have all been defeated by facts.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, the US has kept spreading disinformation on China and made unfounded accusations against it, in order to shirk its responsibilities for triggering the conflict with NATO’s eastward expansion. The New York Times quoted from anonymous US senior officials who claimed that China had prior knowledge of Russian military operation in Ukraine. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Representative to the UN, said at a Security Council meeting that China had been spreading disinformation in support of Russia. This is sheer fabrication and slandering. Meanwhile, as part of the fierce hunt of voices different from its own, the US has added special labels to Tweets sharing links of Chinese media reports, while turning a blind eye to the Western media that are actually telling the lies.

◆ The US has used disinformation as a political tool to attack and suppress China, and formed a supply chain of anti-China rhetoric combining dirty funding, fact-twisting stories and massive smear campaigns. On the surface, these anti-China rhetoric come from certain media outlets and politicians, but what lies underneath is a massive capital-driven supply chain — some institutions and organizations from the US and other Western countries provide dirty funding for political purposes to anti-China groups and individuals; some think-tanks and academic institutions make up fact-twisting stories to fuel anti-China rhetoric around the world through Western hegemony on public opinion; and politicians and media act as mouthpieces propagating lies and falsehoods about China in massive smear campaigns.

Adrian Zenz and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), both fabricated numerous Xinjiang-related lies, are typical examples of such “lies manufacturers”.

Adrian Zenz is a member of a far-right group founded by the US government and a key member of an anti-China research institute set up and manipulated by the US intelligence agency. His so-called reports on Xinjiang reflect no credibility, intellectual merit or academic integrity at all.

As disclosed by the media, the US State Department and arms manufacturers are the primary foreign sponsors for the ASPI. Funding from the US State Department alone reached nearly 1.4 million Australian dollars a year, all directed to research projects attacking China. The ASPI disseminated a series of lies and disinformation on issues concerning origins-tracing, Xinjiang and data security.

◆ In addition to constantly spreading disinformation on China, the US has also rolled out measures to suppress and contain China based on such disinformation, including China-related bills and sanctions. In December 2021, under the pretext of its so-called concerns on “forced labor”, the US signed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act into law, imposing a full ban on imports from Xinjiang. This is a malicious move to denigrate human rights situation in Xinjiang, and a serious violation of international law and basic norms of international relations.

◆ China has used facts and figures to tell the truth and refute the lies and rumors created and propagated by the US. It is aimed at making truth heard, not spreading disinformation. Instead of observing basic facts, the US has acted in its own interests and labeled all views different from its own as “disinformation”. This is, in essence, hegemony and bullying in the field of public opinion.

Falsehood 14: China is circumventing or breaking trade rules and its economic manipulations have cost American workers millions of jobs, harming workers and companies in the United States but also around the world. The United States will push back on market-distorting policies and practices, like subsidies and market access barriers, which China’s government has used for years to gain competitive advantage.

Reality Check: China has faithfully delivered on its commitments made upon accession to the WTO. China upholds, builds and contributes to the multilateral trading system. China-US economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature. However, US’ wanton suppression of China in trade and investment areas has been the root cause of trade frictions between the two countries, which hurts others without benefiting oneself.

◆ Over the past 20-plus years since joining the WTO, China has earnestly fulfilled its commitments upon accession. It has rolled out nationwide the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list, kept expanding market access, brought down overall tariff level from 15.3% to 7.4%, and opened up nearly 120 sectors in the service industry.

In October 2021, the WTO conducted the eighth review of trade policies and practices of China. The report of the review fully recognized China’s efforts in upholding the multilateral trading system and its active role in the WTO. It spoke highly of China’s achievements in such areas as trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, greater opening-up and progress under the Belt and Road Initiative.

A leading official of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development pointed out that, over the past two decades, China has steadfastly supported the rules-based multilateral trading system, practiced true multilateralism, participated fully in WTO negotiations, steered negotiations in areas such as investment facilitation and e-commerce, and worked for WTO rules keeping pace with the times.

◆ Embracing the trend of regional and global economic integration, China has deepened economic and trade ties with countries around the world, signing free trade agreements and stepping up the building of free trade zones. As of now, China has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions.

◆ China has actively deepened supply-side structural reform. It has met the target of phasing out 150 million tons of overcapacity in the steel industry set out in the 13th Five-Year Plan two years ahead of schedule, 1.14 times of the global total in slashing overcapacity of steels. The process involved the reemployment of 280,000 Chinese steel workers, more than the total number of steel workers in the US, Europe and Japan.

◆ China and the US have highly complementary economies, deeply integrated interests, and mutually beneficial economic and trade ties. In 2021, bilateral trade topped record-breaking 750 billion US dollars. The US Export Report 2022 issued by the US-China Business Council showed that, in 2021, goods exports to China grew by 21 percent to 149 billion US dollars, supporting 858,000 jobs in the US. The 2020 Annual Business Survey Report on Chinese Enterprises in the United States released by the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA indicated that, as of 2019, CGCC’s Chinese member companies cumulatively invested over 123 billion US dollars, employed more than 220,000 people, and supported over one million jobs throughout the United States. Research of the US-China Business Council showed that Chinese exports have helped bring down US consumer price by 1 to 1.5 percent, saving each US household 850 US dollars per year.

◆ By blaming China for its own economic problems, the US started a trade war and tariff war against China, which only backfired for itself. US tariffs against China have cost American companies more than 1.7 trillion US dollars in market capitalization and increased average household expenditure by 1,300 US dollars per year. A 2021 report by the US-China Business Council pointed out that the trade war with China has resulted in a loss of 245,000 jobs in the US. A report from Moody’s Investor Service was cited as saying that American consumers bear 92.4 percent of the cost of imposing tariffs on Chinese goods. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize laureate in economics, incisively pointed out that US trade policy toward China has failed and tariffs harm the US more than their intended targets.

On 18 May 2022, the National Retail Federation (NRF) wrote to President Biden, calling for eliminating tariffs, which, as pointed out in the letter, could reduce consumer prices by as much as 1.3 percent. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, said that some tariffs on China hurt American consumers and businesses, and that cutting tariffs was worth considering in order to lower US inflation.

The obstacles to China-US economic and trade cooperation are mainly from the US side. Over 1,000 Chinese companies have been put on its lists for unfair suppression or sanction. The US Congress has put forth more than 300 negative China-related bills. The proposed Bipartisan Innovation Act, which is still being developed, essentially aims to hold back China’s economic growth.

◆ The US arbitrarily accuses China of its industrial subsidy policies, but the country itself was among the first to develop such policies, including subsidies and so on. Successive US administrations have rolled out plans to support emerging industries. Through tax relief, government procurement and other means, the US administrations have interfered in the market to push forward cooperation between government and enterprises and advance technology transfers. In the 1950s and 1960s, the US undertook special programs to promote the development of its aerospace and military industries. In the 1990s, the Clinton administration supported the growth of hi-tech industries with the Information Superhighway plan. Such industrial policies are still being practiced in the US today. A report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies noted that the US and its allies and partners in Europe and Asia have increased subsidies to industries such as semiconductors, electric-car batteries and pharmaceuticals to shore up support for domestic companies.

◆ The US poses the biggest challenge to the global trading system. Following “America First” policy, the US has refused to shoulder its due obligations under multilateral trading agreements, and withdrawn from international treaties and organizations, taking a heavy toll on the development and functioning of the global trading system. A WTO dispute settlement report has identified the US as the biggest rule-breaker, responsible for two-thirds of violations of WTO rules. The US also blocked the appointment of new judges in the WTO Appellate Body, leading to an impasse in the Appellate Body since December 2019.

Falsehood 15: The US will give countries an alternative choice, so that they can be free from opaque investments that leave them in debt.

Reality Check: In providing foreign assistance, China always respects the sovereignty of recipient countries, attaches no strings whatsoever and pursues win-win outcomes. Chinese assistance has delivered real benefits to the relevant developing countries and received their acclaim and appreciation.

◆ The so-called Chinese “debt trap” is a narrative trap that the US and some other Western countries use to defame and smear China and disrupt China’s cooperation with other developing countries. As a 2021 article in The Atlantic points out, the debt-trap narrative is just a lie fabricated by some Western politicians, and a powerful one.

Western capital constitutes the largest creditor of developing countries. According to the 2022 statistics of the World Bank on international debt, 28.8 percent of Africa’s outstanding external debt is owed to multilateral financial institutions and 41.8 percent to commercial creditors mainly composed of Western financial institutions. These two types of institutions together hold nearly three-quarters of the debt, making them the primary creditors of Africa’s debt.

According to the director of the China Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at Johns Hopkins University of the US, after scrutinizing thousands of Chinese loan documents, mostly for projects in Africa, CARI has not found any evidence that China deliberately pushes poor countries into debt as a way of seizing their assets or gaining a greater say in their internal affairs. CARI’s figures show that China holds 17 percent of Africa’s overall external debt, far less than that of the West.

Not a single African country has been forced to use its strategic resources such as ports or mines as collateral for financing cooperation with China. DW points out that the default of African countries does not give China the right to use the relevant infrastructure.

◆ The debt issue is, in essence, a development issue. The key to resolving this issue lies in ensuring that the loans deliver real benefits.

Take Africa as an example. Western countries’ financing for Africa is mainly concentrated in non-production fields, and most loans come with political strings attached, such as human rights and judicial reform. They have failed to truly promote economic development, boost government tax revenue and improve balance of payments. Rather, they have served as instruments for controlling and causing harm in Africa.

China always respects the will of the African people and bears in mind the actual needs of African countries. Chinese investment in and financing for Africa are mainly in infrastructure building and production-related fields. Entering the 21st century, China has worked actively to support Africa’s economic development and provided an alternative to the traditional financing channels of the Paris Club. This  has helped Africa to strengthen its capacity of self-generated and self-reliant development and to usher in a golden age of high-speed economic growth for 20 years straight.

Professor Deborah Brautigam of Johns Hopkins University noted the diversification of Chinese investment. In 2014 alone, Chinese companies signed over 70 billion US dollars in construction contracts in Africa that will yield vital infrastructure, including hospitals, oil and gas pipelines, and airports.

According to preliminary statistics, between 2000 and 2020, China helped African countries build more than 13,000 kilometers of roads and railway and more than 80 large-scale power facilities, funded more than 130 medical facilities, 45 sports venues and more than 170 schools, and trained more than 160,000 professionals across various fields for Africa.

The Nairobi Expressway project built by Chinese companies in Kenya through public-private partnership has created more than 6,000 local jobs and benefited more than 200 subcontractors and several hundred local suppliers. The Kenyan government speaks highly of the project, commending it as an important manifestation of the mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between Kenya and China.

Nigeria’s Lekki Deep Sea Port project, built with Chinese participation, has provided more than 1,200 local jobs and is expected to create, directly and indirectly, 170,000 more upon completion.

A study conducted by Hong Kong scholars finds that more than 80 percent of the employees of Chinese companies in Africa surveyed are local Africans.

A team at the London School of Economics and Political Science finds that Chinese investment in Africa has produced “significant and persistently positive long-term effects”.

A study by RAND Corporation indicates that in the BRI region, having a rail connection between trading partners has improved total exports by 2.8 percent.

◆ China attaches high importance to the debt sustainability of projects. Back in 2017, it signed the Guiding Principles on Financing the Development of the Belt and Road with 26 countries participating in the BRI. In 2019, China released the Debt Sustainability Framework for Participating Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. Based on the debt situation and repayment ability of debtor countries, and following the principles of equal-footed consultation, compliance with laws and regulations, openness and transparency, the framework aims to strengthen monitoring and assessment of the economic, social and livelihood benefits of the projects, and channels sovereign loans into areas with high yields, with a view to ensuring the long-term returns of the projects. China has also made proactive efforts to lessen the burden of debtor countries.

According to the World Bank, between 2008 and 2021, China provided 71 debt restructurings for low-income countries. In 2020, China actively responded to the G20’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) by suspending the payment of more than 1.3 billion US dollars of debt that year alone, or nearly 30 percent of the G20’s total, making it the largest contributor among G20 members. China has signed debt suspension agreements or reached mutual understanding on debt suspension with 19 African countries, and actively participated in the case-based debt settlement for Chad and Ethiopia under the G20’s Common Framework.

◆ The US and some other Western countries, rather than taking actions themselves, point fingers at China for providing assistance. This has caused much displeasure among countries in the wider developing world.

Professor Samita Hattige, adviser to the National Education Commission of Sri Lanka, said in an interview with Global Times that Chinese loans are based on the needs of the Sri Lankan government and for the purpose of improving Sri Lankan infrastructure. The loans have brought major changes to Sri Lanka’s economy and people’s livelihood, and there is no such thing as a “debt trap”. China’s share in Sri Lanka’s external debt is around a mere 10 percent. Apparently, some media have chosen to ignore this fact. While the “Chinese debt trap” hyped up by Western media seems apprehensible at a glance, it has deliberately evaded the huge economic values that infrastructure improvement has created, such as economic development and more jobs and investment.

The article “Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal Need China for Development” published by Sri Lanka’s Daily News on 17 January 2022 says, “South Asia needs China in its development process because China is synonymous with the term ‘Development’. China’s … Belt and Road Initiative provides benefits for almost all South Asian countries.” “In the case of Sri Lanka,” the article writes, “Sri Lanka is a beneficiary of Chinese projects. Many say only about the Chinese debt trap in this regard but no one mentions Chinese developmental activities in Sri Lanka.” “They have invested heavily in seaports, airports, … national highways, and power distribution centers. ”

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni stated in an interview with Nikkei in 2022 that “Africa has been having (debt) problems for the last 600 years due to the slave trade, colonialism, neocolonialism — and none of it was from China.” “China supported Africans’ fight against colonialism before starting economic activity on the continent.”

Rwandan President Paul Kagame pointed out that China’s presence in Africa is different from that of other countries — “I don’t think China has forced any country in Africa to take their money to accumulate the kind of debt you may find with some countries.”

Nigerian Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama stated that Nigeria had chosen Chinese companies for infrastructure projects because they were experienced and provide competitive rates. “So the issue of Chinese influence really doesn’t come in.

Falsehood 16: For too long, Chinese companies have enjoyed far greater access to our markets than our companies have in China. American companies operating in China have been subject to systematic forced technology transfer, while Chinese companies in America have been protected by our rule of law.

Reality Check: China is committed to fostering an enabling business environment that is based on market principles, governed by law and up to international standard. While China’s business environment keeps improving, the business environment for Chinese companies operating in the US continues to deteriorate.

◆ China has seen the most substantial improvement in business environment among all economies. In recent years, China has made continuous efforts to shorten the negative list on foreign investment, improved the institutions for investment promotion and protection and for information reporting, and stepped up intellectual property protection, becoming one of the most-improved economies for ease of doing business. With the continuous improvement in business environment and its super-sized domestic market, China is a strong magnet for cross-border investment from around the world. The number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises is on a steady rise in China. From 2012 to 2021, the number of foreign-invested enterprises in China increased from 441,000 to 664,000, up by over 50 percent. According to the Doing Business 2020 report released by the World Bank Group, China ranked 31st on ease of doing business, moving up by 47 spots in two years. The European Business in China Business Confidence Survey 2021 released by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) shows that a majority of the European companies surveyed found intellectual property rights enforcement to be “adequate” or “excellent” in China, marking a record high in satisfaction levels.

◆ It is the foreign companies, including the US companies operating in China, that can best tell whether China’s business environment is good or not. The 2022 China Business Climate Survey Report of the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China) shows that 58 percent of the US companies in China saw their operating revenue growing in 2021; 66 percent of the companies plan to increase their investment in China this year; and China remains a top-three priority of the global investment planning for 60 percent of the companies. The recently released USCBC 2021 Member Survey shows that 95 percent of the respondents remained profitable in their China operations; and 74 percent of the companies took China as a top priority or a top-five priority market in their business strategy. In the first four months of 2022, the actual US investment in China rose by 53.2 percent year on year. These figures speak volume about the optimism of foreign companies in China’s economic prospects, as well as their recognition of China’s sound business environment and confidence in building a long-term business in the Chinese market.

◆ To preserve its hegemony and economic interests, the US has abused its national power in violation of the principles of market economy and international trade rules, and resorted to every possible means to suppress and contain Chinese enterprises. The US government has fabricated all sorts of lies including “forced labor” in an attempt to bring down Xinjiang’s cotton, tomato and solar photovoltaic industries. According to preliminary statistics, in 2021, the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued seven Withhold Release Orders (WROs) on the exports of goods made with “forced labor” to the US, including apparel, textiles, tomato seeds, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, and other goods made with cotton or tomatoes, silica-based products and electronic products produced in Xinjiang, and detained or confiscated 485 million US dollars worth of goods, which are notably larger in both quantity and value compared to 2020. The current US administration has already outperformed its predecessor in terms of the scale and magnitude of sanctions imposed on China for Xinjiang-related issues.

◆ The US has imposed sweeping restrictions on the financing and operation of Chinese enterprises in the US through non-transparent and unfair administrative means. According to official US statistics, the US has up to now put 1,055 Chinese entities and individuals (overseas affiliated entities excluded) on various types of sanctions lists, including 467 on the Entity List, 306 on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN), 201 on the Unverified List (UVL), 68 on the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies (NS-CMIC) List, and a few other entities. Last February, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) put WeChat and AliExpress on its latest Notorious Markets List, while Pinduoduo and other Chinese companies as well as nine physical markets located within China remained on the list.

Falsehood 17: China takes advantage of the openness of the US economies to spy, to hack, to steal technology and know-how to advance China’s military innovation, entrench its surveillance state and increase other countries’ technological dependence. The US should make sure that technologies are rooted in democratic values.

Reality check: China’s technological innovation and development is based on its own investment and efforts. The US is drawing ideological lines in scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, and this embodies its Cold War mentality.

◆ China is a big innovator in the world with leading input and growth rate in innovation. According to statistics, China’s social R&D investment in 2021 reached 2.7864 trillion yuan, an increase of 14.2 percent over the previous year. A total of 696,000 invention patents were authorized in 2021, up by 31.3 percent year-on-year. The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021 published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) shows that China’s world innovation performance ranking has moved up from the 35th place to the 12th. China is now home to 19 of the top 100 science and technology clusters worldwide, ranking the second globally. Chinese applicants submitted 69,500 international patent applications, making China the first in the world for three consecutive years. The European Patent Office (EPO) recorded 16,665 applications from China in 2021, registering a year-on-year increase of 24 percent and the biggest surge among leading patent filing countries.

◆ In recent years, China has been actively integrating into the global science and technology innovation network, and has enjoyed fruitful results in technological and people-to-people exchanges under the BRI. In addition, China has also actively worked to join the Hague Agreement and the Marrakesh Treaty, contributing its share to the global governance of intellectual property rights. The Business Confidence Survey 2021 published by the EUCCC shows that over half of interviewed companies view intellectual property rights enforcement in China as “adequate” or “excellent”.

◆ Throughout history, the US has repeatedly stolen intellectual properties and reaped dividends from technological developments through various means, including prying out information, offering immigration status and monopolizing patents.

After World War II, the US launched Operation Paperclip to plunder Germany of its technology patents, including those on advanced aircraft and guided missile control. Nearly all German government agencies, research and development institutes and large companies were looted, and German scientists were forced to immigrate to the US.

In the 1990s, US intelligence agencies installed eavesdropping devices in the cars of Japanese negotiators during automobile trade talks to intercept internal information and gain the upper hand in the negotiations.

In 2001, the European company Airbus sued the American company Boeing for tracking Airbus employees’ telephone, fax, and e-mails for business espionage using the electronic surveillance system named Echelon developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA).

In 2013, the US DOJ detained four Alstom executives to force the French company into a fire sale of its core business, power and grid, to the US company General Electric.

In 2021, Danish media exposed that the US NSA wiretapped senior officials and business leaders in European countries using internet facilities located in Denmark.

In addition, using “chip shortages” as an excuse, the US has also set deadlines to force leading chip makers from different countries to submit key information, including orders, clients and inventory, in an effort to turn the table in the chip sector.

◆ While claiming to uphold “peace” and “openness”, the US has been wantonly setting up technological barriers, piecing together the so-called “democratic technology alliance”, politicizing science and technology and turning them into ideological issues, and forming exclusive small circles. Identifying nearly 20 categories as controlled critical technologies, including biotechnology and artificial intelligence, the US has tightened up export control and investment scrutiny. It has also overstretched the concept of national security to contain and even stranglehold the development of high-tech industries in other countries, which severely violates the rights of developing countries in pursuing science and technology advancement.

Falsehood 18: Climate is not about ideology. It’s about math. If China sticks with its current plan and does not peak its emissions until 2030, then the rest of the world must go to zero by 2035. And that’s simply not possible.

Reality Check: The US holds undeniable responsibilities for climate change and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. It shouldn’t shift responsibilities onto others, nor should it practice “double standards”.

◆ Developed countries, due to their unconstrained emissions over more than two centuries of industrialization, bear undeniable historical responsibilities for climate change. From 1850 to 2011, developed countries contributed to 79 percent of global carbon emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement all require developed countries to repay their historical debts.

◆ From a historical perspective, developing countries are not the primary emitters of GHG, but the victims of climate change. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is the cornerstone of global climate governance. As developed and developing countries do not bear the same historical responsibilities for climate change, and have different development needs and capabilities, it would be both inappropriate and unfair to apply the same restrictions on them. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change of Papua New Guinea (PNG) said on the sidelines of COP26 that countries like PNG have become victims of climate change caused by the industrialization of developed countries and are now bearing the consequences of their actions, which is absolutely unfair.

◆ In tackling climate change, China is not just a responsible participant, but also a serious doer. President Xi Jinping committed explicitly that China will strive to peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. That means China will move from carbon peak to neutrality in only 30 years, while the time the EU, the US and Japan give themselves is respectively 2.4, 1.4 and 1.2 times of China’s.

China has made notable contribution to the global efforts in energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transport and building, which are all in the range of 30 to 50 percent. By the end of 2020, China’s CO2 emissions per unit of GDP had dropped by 48.4 percent relative to the 2005 level. The proportion of coal in total energy consumption fell from 67 percent in 2005 to 56.8 percent in 2020. The cumulative installed capacity of renewable power generation exceeded 1 billion kilowatts, accounting for 43.5 percent of the national total. Chinese companies have taken 15 spots in the world’s top 20 PV companies list, including all the top five spots, and seven spots in the top 10 wind power companies list. In the past ten years, China phased out 120 million kilowatts of coal-fired power generation capacity, which is larger than the total installed power capacity of the UK. By the end of 2021, China’s new energy vehicle ownership had exceeded 7.84 million units, and 2.95 million units were newly registered in 2021, accounting for 11.25 percent of all newly registered vehicles that year.

The share of renewable energy in China’s energy mix has already exceeded that of the US. By the end of 2019, the total installed capacity of China’s hydro, wind and solar power generation had reached 756 million kilowatts, 2.8 times that of the US. Renewable energy accounts for 12.7 percent of China’s primary energy consumption, approximately 1.4 times that of the US.

◆ The US is the world’s largest GHG emitter in cumulative terms, and its per capita carbon emissions are 3.3 times that of the global average. In the 270 years from 1750 to 2019, the US emitted a cumulative 412.5 billion tons of GHG, accounting for about 1/4 of the global total. The US has produced the world’s largest cumulative emissions, which are almost twice that of China’s. Here are some statistics: the historical peak of US per capita GHG emissions was 23.44 tons; in 2018, US per capita emissions were 16.85 tons, while China’s were 7.56 tons. Despite its status as a major manufacturing nation, China’s current per capita carbon emissions are not even half that of the US, and its per capita cumulative emissions are only around 1/8 that of the US. Even by the time of 2030, when China’s carbon emissions will have peaked, the country’s per capita carbon emissions will still just be around 7-8 tons. In comparison, when the US had its carbon peak in 2005, its per capita carbon emissions had already reached 14 tons.

◆ In June 2017, the US announced its decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, and in November 2020, it officially pulled out of the accord. Such a move seriously undermined the equity, efficiency and efficacy of global climate governance. The US had stayed outside the Paris Agreement until February 2021. Despite the improvement in political posture, the GHG emissions generated simply cannot be rolled back. Instead of cutting emissions, the US produced more emissions in 2021 than 2020, drifting further away from the course set by the Paris Agreement. With its flip-flopping on such an existential issue, the US has fully exposed its utilitarian approach to major issues of principles and lost its credibility in the family of nations.

◆ It is the unshirkable moral responsibility of developed countries to provide funding for developing countries to help them better cope with climate change. At Copenhagen in 2009 and Cancún in 2010, developed countries committed to a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion US dollars a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries. More than ten years have passed, developed countries have never truly delivered on their commitment. Report by a well-known international think tank shows that not only did developed countries fall short of their collective climate financing target every year, they also juggled the figures, providing far less funds than officially released figures. Most notably, the US only fulfilled less than 20 percent of its due contribution.

◆ For years, the US has been saying publicly that it wants to work with China on climate change, but its actions say otherwise. While demanding China to consume less coal, it asks China to continue buying coal from it; while appealing for the development of renewable energies, it imposes sanctions on Chinese PV businesses. Take PV products as an example, starting from 2012, the US has imposed anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Chinese PV products, with rates as high as 34 to 47 percent. In December 2014, the US conducted anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on Chinese PV manufacturers. In January 2018, the previous US administration decided to slap global safeguard tariffs on 8.5 billion US dollars’ worth of solar panel imports. In late 2021, the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” was signed into law by the US, which is yet another attempt to hobble the PV industry in Xinjiang under the disguise of human rights. Relevant US measures have not only impeded normal trade in PV products and disrupted normal supply chains, but also undermined global efforts in countering climate change. The US should correct its wrong practices in order to create an enabling environment for climate cooperation with China.

◆ Climate change has caused serious challenges to human survival and development, and must be tackled through global cooperation. Developed countries, the US included, should honor the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and follow the requirements of the Paris Agreement. They need to face up to their historical responsibilities, and level up their ambitions and actions. They need to take the lead in making substantial reductions of emissions and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. In the meantime, they need to give developing countries due space for development and emission, and deliver on their commitments of providing developing countries with adequate finance, technology and capacity-building support. On the basis of meeting financing pledges and leveraging public funds, efforts can be made to promote the development of green finance and bring private investment into low-carbon sectors. It is also important to build national, regional and global carbon markets and carbon pricing mechanisms, bring down the costs and raise the level of emissions reductions, promote technological innovation and sustainable development, and provide developing countries with stable sources of funding for mitigation and capacity-building through the benefit sharing mechanism of carbon markets.

Falsehood 19: To counter illegal and illicit narcotics, especially synthetic opioids like fentanyl, we want to work with China to stop international drug trafficking organizations from getting precursor chemicals, many of which originate in China.

Reality Check: The US has itself to blame for the root cause of fentanyl abuse in the country.

◆ Narcotics abuse, a chronic malaise plaguing the US, has deep historical and social roots.

With five percent of the world’s population, the US consumes 80 percent of opioids in the world, making the country the world’s biggest market for narcotics. There is a prevalent tradition of prescription painkiller abuse in the US, undergirded by a complete chain of pharmaceutical companies, medical representatives and doctors. All-out marketing by pharmaceutical companies, over-prescription by doctors, ineffective government crackdowns and the negative implications of marijuana legalization are among the combination of factors behind an ever-growing market for narcotics. Opioid abuse in the US and its rising toll started with OxyContin, an opioid painkiller made by Purdue Pharma and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995. When it comes to discouraging demand and curbing production, the US should have done a lot more.

While the US has the most acute fentanyl challenge in the world, it is also the biggest producer and consumer of fentanyl and has yet to officially schedule fentanyl-related substances as a class. Nevertheless, it kept demanding other countries to take actions. This is a typical example of “forcing others to take medicine for one’s own illness”.

◆The Chinese government takes a zero-tolerance approach to narcotics and strictly regulates anesthetics, psychotropic substances and their precursors. By the end of 2021, China has added 37 drug precursors and ephedrine-related substances to its control list, which became even longer than the UN list. China strictly regulates import and export of chemicals pursuant to international rules and its domestic laws, and its efforts and achievements in this regard are visible to all.

On 1 May 2019, the Chinese government became the first country in the world to class schedule fentanyl-related substances, although there was no large-scale fentanyl abuse or immediate hazard in China. This is an important follow-up to the common understandings reached between the presidents of China and the US, and a concrete example of how China, keeping in mind the health, safety and well-being of humanity, actively responds to the US concern and helps it tackle its domestic opioid crisis.

On 1 July 2021, China class scheduled all synthetic cannabinoids and another 18 psychoactive substances including fluoroketamine. On 20 September of the same year, another six chemicals, including methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA), were added as drug precursors. China is making continuous efforts to regulate precursors in accordance with law.

China has taken a host of measures to crack down on the trafficking of fentanyl and other scheduled chemicals, like introducing real-name registration of senders and receivers, parcel examination and X-ray screening in the express delivery sector, and stepping up examination of cross-border parcels to certain destinations including the US. These measures have paid off.

After class scheduling fentanyl-related substances, China’s National Narcotics Control Commission and Ministry of Public Security have maintained close, candid and in-depth coordination with their US counterparts including the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the State Department Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Since September 2019, the US has not seized any fentanyl-related substances coming from China. The US has expressed appreciation to China on many occasions and noted drug control as a highlight in bilateral law enforcement cooperation.

As is known to all, the responsibility to prevent the entry of non-scheduled chemicals and their use in illicit drug-making falls on the import country. The US, however, would neither officially schedule fentanyl nor address the issue of domestic consumption. Instead, it chose to shift the blame by falsely claiming that “fentanyl precursors used by drug trafficking organizations originate in China” and making an issue out of non-scheduled chemicals. This reflects an ulterior motive and an extreme lack of responsibility for the life and health of its own people.

◆ In May 2020, without producing any evidence, the US added the Institute of Forensic Science of China’s Ministry of Public Security and the National Narcotics Laboratory to its “Entity List”. Such a practice of seeking China’s cooperation on the one hand while imposing sanctions on China’s narcotics control authorities has seriously hindered the operation of China’s fentanyl monitoring system and undermined the counter-narcotics cooperation between China and the US.

While China and the rest of the world are tightening control over fentanyl-related substances, fentanyl-related problems are deteriorating in the US, causing a mounting death toll. It lays bare the US’s failure to get to the crux of the fentanyl abuse problem. China has acted out of goodwill and repeatedly advised the US to follow effective practices widely recognized by the international community, like stepping up regulation on fentanyl prescription and promoting public awareness

Falsehood 20: As a global food crisis threatens people worldwide, we look to China — a country that’s achieved great things in agriculture — to help with a global response. 

Reality Check: The US has long been restricting grain exports and monopolizing grain trade. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US expanded its arms assistance and abused unilateral sanctions, further aggravating the global food shortage. It bears unshirkable responsibility for the global food crisis.

◆ The US-driven deglobalization, its grain-for-energy production policies and food oligopolies are the root causes of global food crisis.

Using its status as a major grain-producer, the US has been restricting its grain exports to other countries, causing disruptions to normal global grain trade. The 12 major grain producers such as the US, Canada and the European Union accounts for 70percent of the world’s total grain production and exportation. In global trade relations, the US and other Western countries weigh heavily on whether developing countries can buy grain and at what price.

The US consumes grain to produce biofuels, straining global food supply, especially the supply of subsistence crops. Nearly one-third of the corn produced in the US is used for biofuels. Using grain as substitute for energy leads to fewer grain for global food supply, creating a vicious circle of food and energy prices pushing up each other.

The four major grain suppliers —ADM, Bunge and Cargill and Louis Dreyfus — monopolize more than 80percent of the world’s grain trade, and control global agricultural raw materials as well as grain production, processing and supply. These four grain suppliers, three from the US, manipulate the international prices of grain and earn extra profits from global food price volatility. Since 2021, their net income has increased by 53 percent, 80 percent, 64 percent and 47.7 percent respectively, and the stock prices of ADM and Bunge have nearly tripled. These international food oligopolies are profit-seeking, and they won’t miss any opportunity to stir up food security issues and inflate food supply shortage to make bigger profits.

◆ The US has been stoking the flames in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and abusing economic sanctions. These have exacerbated global food shortage.

The protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a direct consequence of the constant instigation by the US and other Western countries. US military and arms assistance to Ukraine has increased to 53.6 billion US dollars, more than 70 percent of the combined military spending of Russia and Ukraine in 2021. The longer and bigger the conflict is, the greater its impact on global food production and supply will be, and the food crisis will further intensify.

In the face of a global food crisis, major grain-producing countries such as the US have instead kept their “grain bags” tight. According to the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report released by the US Department of Agriculture this May, US wheat exports in 2021/22 will be 18.9 percent lower than the previous year. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the total amount of food exports affected by the restrictions has increased significantly, which now represents about 17 percent of total calories traded in the world

The US food security initiative is more of empty words than concrete actions, only to fragment global food security governance. Russia is a major exporter of subsistence crops and the world’s largest exporter of fertilizers. Since the US and other Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia, the price index of various fertilizers has risen by more than 30 percent, which has seriously affected agricultural production. From 2021 to 2022, wheat and barley exports from Russia account for 16 percent and 12.9 percent of the world’s total respectively. Statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) show that since the US imposed sanctions on Russia, the Food Price Index in May this year has risen by 14 percent compared with February.

◆ Serious food waste in the US has worsened the global food shortage.

First, the amount of food waste is astounding. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the US, 30 to 40 percent of the food supply and 38 percent of grain products are never eaten each year. In 2018, the US had 103 million tons of its food wasted, worth 161 billion US dollars. In 2020, the country’s food waste per capita was 59 kilograms.

Second, distribution is uneven. About 38 million people are food insecure in the US in 2020, and the majority of them are African Americans, Latin Americans and Native Americans. According to National Geographic, more than one-third of the low-income households do not have access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program introduced by the US government, and its benefits fall short of helping many families in high-cost areas enjoy a healthy and adequate diet.

Third, secondary problems are prominent. Every year, the overproduction of food in the US puts a staggering burden on the environment and wastes numerous resources, including over 9.3 million hectares of arable land, 22 trillion liters of water, 350 million kilograms of pesticides, and 6.35 million tons of chemical fertilizers.

◆ China has made significant contributions to global food security. It has supported one-fifth of the world’s population with a quarter of the world’s total food, on less than 9 percent of the world’s arable land. The Global Development Initiative put forward by China has identified food security as one of the eight priority areas of cooperation. China will mobilize efforts from all parties across the globe to draw on each other’s strength, and form the greatest synergy to meet all sustainable development goals including food security. This initiative has received positive response from more than 100 countries around the world and international organizations such as the UN.

◆ The Chinese people cherish food and keep to the traditional virtue of thrift. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to food security. He has called for thriftiness and opposes squandering, stressing on multiple occasions the need to stop food waste. Since the launch of the nationwide “Clear Your Plate” campaign in 2013, consumer food waste in China has been significantly reduced. According to the Nature magazine, the amount of food discarded by Chinese restaurants and eateries has decreased by 40 percent. In 2021, the International Conference on Food Loss and Waste hosted by China was well received by the international community, including members of the G20.

◆ China is an important strategic partner of FAO in South-South cooperation. In recent years, China has donated 130 million US dollars to the FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund. China has sent more than 1,100 agricultural experts and technical personnel to and trained nearly 100,000 farmers in more than 40 countries and regions. Under the framework of the FAO’s South-South Cooperation Programme, China has donated the largest amount of fund, sent the most experts, and undertaken the most projects among all developing countries.

◆ China has provided its own solutions to global food shortage. Chinese hybrid rice is being grown in dozens of countries and regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas, with an annual growth area of eight million hectares. This increased the world’s total grain output by 150 million tons, enough to feed 400 to 500 million more people. Yuan Longping, known as the “Father of Chinese Hybrid Rice”, and other Chinese researchers have offered advice and counsel in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh and many other countries. Through international training courses, China has trained over 14,000 hybrid rice technicians for more than 80 developing countries.

Falsehood 21: Beijing has perfected mass surveillance and exported that technology to more than 80 countries.

Reality Check: The US is the biggest empire of hacking.

◆ The use of video surveillance and big data technology is an important step taken by the Chinese government to improve social governance, and also a common practice across the world. It is necessary, legal and justified. Tianwang (Skynet), which is composed of video surveillance systems, effectively eliminates potential risks to public security and ensures the high percentage of solved criminal cases in China. With the increasingly digitized crime prevention and control system, 98.6 percent of the people in China felt safe in 2021, and China is widely recognized as one of the safest countries in the world. China ranked the third in the law and order index published by Gallup, a US consulting company, while the US 36th.

◆ Statistics show that there were some 70 million cameras installed in the US in 2018, one for every 4.6 people. For the US to accuse China of mass surveillance, it’s just double standard at work.

◆ For a long time, the US has carried out large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber espionage, surveillance and attacks on foreign governments, enterprises and individuals in violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations. In June 2013, the Guardian and the Washington Post reported that NSA has been running PRISM, a clandestine electronic surveillance program, since 2007, whose targets include even its own allies. Der Spiegel reported that the US intelligence may have been monitoring the German Chancellor’s mobile phone communications for nearly a decade.

◆ In 2020, Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) demanded Facebook to stop sending data of EU users to the US. The report comes just a few months after the European Court of Justice ruled the data transfer standard between the EU and the US doesn’t adequately protect European citizen’s privacy and concluded that EU citizens had no effective way to challenge US government surveillance. It is reported that US agencies such as NSA can theoretically ask internet companies like Facebook and Google to hand over data on an EU citizen and that EU citizen would be none-the-wiser.

◆ In December 2020, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) of France stated that and websites violated relevant French regulations by placing tracking cookies on their users’ computers without obtaining prior consent and without providing adequate information.

◆ In 2021, Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) reported that between 2012 and 2014, NSA used information cables of Denmark to wiretap (spy on) senior officials of Sweden, Norway, France and Germany, including many political dignitaries such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The US apparently broke its promise that it would stop wiretapping Merkel.

◆ The US abuses its leading position in internet and communication technology and is truly an empire of hacking, tapping and theft of secrets. From PRISM, the Irritant Horn project, and Stellar Wind, to Operation Telescreen, the Hive platform and the QUANTUM attack system, the US has violated the freedom of communication and speech of its citizens through digital surveillance, and has engaged in cyber attacks, surveillance and thefts of secrets across the world. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden of the Stateroom program show that the US has covertly installed eavesdropping devices in nearly 100 of its embassies and consulates to steal secrets from their host countries.

◆ A report on APT-C-39 released by Chinese cybersecurity company 360 in 2020 reveals that APT-C-39, a hacking group under the CIA, has conducted cyber infiltration attacks on China for 11 years targeting critical sectors including aviation and aerospace, research institutions, oil industry, large internet companies, and government agencies. Such attacks have seriously undermined China’s national security and the security of its economy, critical infrastructure as well as personal information of the general public.

According to a report on the indiscriminate worldwide cyber attacks by NSA’s APT-C-40 over the past decade released by 360 in 2022, NSA has attacked, using cyber weapons, 403 targets in 47 countries and regions worldwide, including China, the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Japan, India, the ROK, the UAE, South Africa and Brazil.

On 19 April 2022, China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) issued an alert on cyber attacks by the US government against other countries and released a related report. It brings to light “Hive”, a lightweight cyber weapon used exclusively by the US government, and the fact that the US has deployed cyber attack platforms worldwide and has jumper servers and VPN channels in countries like France, Germany, Canada, Turkey and Malaysia.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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We are entering a peak transition period geopolitically

What I like about China is that it points not to the superiority of its ideology but to RESULTS!  

The US wants to make an argument based not on results, since it has little to offer in that regard, but on ideology which is infinitely flexible and demands only a control over the playing field, that is, the media.

The Chinese approach is also better at winning over the people of the world.  

-John V. Walsh

We are entering a peak transition period geopolitically. This is coinciding with the makings of an American civil war – now that the United States society has collapsed. The drivers for all of these changes are (of course) the actions decided upon by the Oligarchy that controls the United States “leadership”. This is understood and expected by the Asian powers. The changes are going to (ultimately) be stunning, but during this period of change will appear to be “out of control”. Don’t worry, it’s not. It’s just that the entire “shebang” is simply not being reported on.

Hang on tight. Don’t get too upset.

In the eyes of others, the US is not the benign power it thinks it is

  • America’s foreign policy goals are often self-serving, while its designs for a rules-based international order primarily reflect the interests of its business and policy elites
  • What’s good for the US may not be good for the world. The sooner Washington recognises that, the better

When I started teaching at Harvard’s Kennedy School in the mid-1980s, competition with Japan was the dominant preoccupation of US economic policy. The book Japan as Number One by Harvard’s premier Japan expert at the time, Ezra Vogel, set the tone of the debate.

I remember being struck back then by the degree to which the discussion, even among academics, was tinged by a certain sense of American entitlement to international pre-eminence. The United States could not let Japan dominate key industries and had to respond with its own industrial and trade policies – not just because these might help the US economy, but also because the US simply could not be No 2.

Until then, I had thought that aggressive nationalism was a feature of the Old World – insecure societies ill at ease with their international standing and reeling from real or perceived historical injustices. American elites, rich and secure, may have valued patriotism, but their global outlook tended towards cosmopolitanism.

But zero-sum nationalism was not far from the surface, which became clear once America’s place atop the global economic totem pole was threatened.

After three decades of US triumphalism following the fall of the Berlin Wall, a similar process is now playing out on a vastly greater scale. It is driven both by China’s rise – which represents a more significant economic challenge to America than Japan did in the 1980s and is also a geopolitical risk – and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The US has responded to these developments by seeking to reassert its global primacy – a goal American policymakers readily conflate with that of establishing a more secure and prosperous world. They regard US leadership as central to the promotion of democracy, open markets and a rules-based international order.

What could be more conducive to peace and prosperity than that? The view that US foreign policy goals are fundamentally benign underpins the myth of American exceptionalism: what is good for the US is good for the world.

While this is undoubtedly true at times, the myth too often blinds American policymakers to the reality of how they exercise power. The US undermines other democracies when it suits its interests and has a long record of meddling in sovereign countries’ domestic politics. Its 2003 invasion of Iraq was as clear a violation of the United Nations Charter as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine.

US designs for “open markets” and a “rules-based international order” often primarily reflect the interests of US business and policy elites rather than smaller countries’ aspirations. And when international rules diverge from those interests, the US simply stays away (as with the International Criminal Court, or most of the core International Labour Organization conventions).

Many of these tensions were evident in a recent speech by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on America’s approach to China. Blinken described China as “the most serious long-term challenge to the international order”, arguing that “Beijing’s vision would move us away from the universal values that have sustained so much of the world’s progress”.

Blinken is correct that many of the elements of the post-World-War-II order, such as the UN Charter, are not purely American or Western. But it is far from certain that China poses a greater threat to those truly universal constructs than the US does. For example, much of the trouble that US policymakers have with Chinese economic practices relates to domains – especially trade, investment and technology – where universal rules hardly prevail.

According to Blinken, the US “will shape the strategic environment around Beijing to advance our vision for an open, inclusive international system”. Again, who could possibly oppose such a vision?

But China and many others worry that US intentions are much less benign. To them, Blinken’s statement sounds like a threat to contain China and limit its options, while bullying other countries into siding with America.

None of this is to claim an equivalence between current US actions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or China’s gross human rights violations in Xinjiang and land grabs in the Himalayas and South China Sea.

For all its faults, the US is a democracy where critics can openly criticise and oppose the government’s foreign policy. But that makes little difference to countries treated as pawns in America’s geopolitical competition with China, which often struggle to distinguish between the global actions of major powers.

Blinken drew a clear link between China’s authoritarian practices and the country’s presumed threat to global order. This is a mirror-image projection of America’s belief in its own benign exceptionalism. But just as democracy at home does not imply goodwill abroad, domestic repression need not inevitably lead to external aggression. China also claims to be interested in a stable, prosperous global order – just not one arranged exclusively on US terms.

The irony is that the more the US treats China as a threat and attempts to isolate it, the more China’s responses will seem to validate America’s fears.

With the US seeking to convene a club of democracies openly opposing China, it is not surprising that President Xi Jinping cosied up to Putin just as Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine. As the journalist Robert Wright notes, countries excluded from such groupings will band together.

To those who wonder why we should care about the decline of America’s relative power, US foreign policy elites respond with a rhetorical question: would you rather live in a world dominated by the US or by China?

In truth, other countries would rather live in a world without domination, where smaller states retain a fair degree of autonomy, have good relations with all others, are not forced to choose sides, and do not become collateral damage when major powers fight it out.

The sooner US leaders recognise that others do not view America’s global ambitions through the same rose-tinted glasses, the better it will be for everyone.

Dani Rodrik is professor of international political economy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Copyright: Project Syndicate

“Sic Transit Gloria Mundi”: Thus Passes The Glory Of The World

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Standing nearly 20-feet-high, 43 U.S. Presidential busts rest on April 9, 2019 in Croaker, Virginia (previously). From George Washington to George W. Bush., these remnants of bankrupted Presidents Park are stored on the property of Howard Hankins.

He has recently partnered with historian and photographer John Plashal to provide legal tour of the busts. According to multiple media reports, Hankins has said he is seeking to restore and transport the massive sculptures, but needs to fund more than $1.5 million in order to do so.

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Alice In Chains – Down in a Hole (MTV Unplugged – HD Video)

FINLAND Having Second Thoughts about Joining NATO


The President of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, said today “Finland will not join NATO without Sweden.” Looks like Finland is having second thoughts.

Sweden is having serious trouble when it comes to joining NATO. It seems the Swedes took-in a whole slew of Middle East Refugees years back and among them are people that the nation of Turkey feels are a terrorist threat: PKK. a.k.a. “Kurds.”

Turkey is invading parts of Syria for the past two years, trying to clear all Kurds out of northern Syria along the Turkish border because Turkey perceives the Kurds and their political movement called “PKK” within Turkey, as a terrorist threat.

So Turkey will not vote to approve Sweden (or Finland) until those alleged “terrorists” are somehow purged from Sweden (and perhaps Finland).

In order for a country to join NATO, the vote by existing NATO members must be unanimous. If Turkey holds to its position, that it will not vote to admit Sweden (or Finland) then neither of those two countries will be able to join NATO.

Since Sweden seems to be in the most jeopardy from a Turkish “No” vote, the President of Finland took this opportunity to say “Finland will not join NATO without Sweden.”

But his comment is likely not related AT ALL to Sweden. You see, it appears to many keen observers, that Finland now realizes it has made a series of very bad decisions about its large neighbor to the east, Russia.

Those bad decisions included applying economic sanctions against Russia over the ongoing Ukraine Special Military Operation, and Finland refused to pay for Russian natural gas and oil in Rubles, which resulted in Russia cutting off energy supplies to Finland. Finland thought they could make it without Russian natural gas, and now it appears they cannot.

Without Russian natural gas and oil, the Finland economy is starting to keel-over. As in other western countries that Sanctioned Russia, fuel prices in Finland are now skyrocketing. That is causing prices for things like food, to skyrocket because all the food has to be transported by truck, and fuel costs for trucks have skyrocketed.

Moreover, Russia has begun moving considerable military hardware toward the border of Finland. The Russians say they have to make certain that their border is protected from NATO and if Finland is going to join NATO, then Russia has to increase its security along the Finland border.

While the movement of Russian troops is not really a concern; there are no hostile issues between Russia and Finland, the move takes place as the Russian Army is literally chewing-up and spitting-out the much larger army of Ukraine.

Neither NATO nor non-NATO countries like Finland and Sweden, ever thought that Russia was as powerful as they clearly are. Moreover, NATO trained the Ukraine Army for eight full years before hostilities broke out between Ukraine and Russia. And with all that high-tech, modern, NATO training . . . . Ukraine is getting its butt kicked.

So whatever representations NATO made to Finland and Sweden about how NATO could protect them from Russia, are all starting to ring hollow at this point.

Perhaps the President of Finland sees this as a very convenient chance to walk-back his nation’s effort to join NATO. After all, things between Russia and Finland are not bad at all. But life in Finland without Russian gas and oil, is not good at all. Maybe the Finnish President sees the obvious writing on the wall, and realizes it would be far better for Finland to walk away from NATO, and stay away . . . far away.

Iran’s Khamenei on tanker seizures: ‘You stole our oil, we took it back from you’ | TradeWinds

Supreme Leader makes plain the nation’s retaliatory motives in detaining two Greek suez-maxes.
No longer looting without consequences. Long live 21st century :

Full article HERE



Oil and Gas prices

Found in a comment section on MoA. American Gasoline prices actually hit $5 yesterday.

For gasoline

  • Current Avg. $5.010
  • Yesterday Avg. $5.004
  • Week Ago Avg. $4.848
  • Month Ago Avg. $4.418
  • Year Ago Avg. $3.077

For diesel

  • Current Avg. $5.771
  • Yesterday Avg. $5.765
  • Week Ago Avg. $5.636
  • Month Ago Avg. $5.557
  • Year Ago Avg. $3.211

Again, the US uses about 100 billion gallons of gasoline and 40 billion gallons of diesel – so the delta in prices from today vs. last year can be multiplied by the above numbers to arrive at just how much more money people are paying for transportation.

China to use Civilian Cargo Ships to Stealth Invade Taiwan

  • .
    LOL. The actual situation is something else. -MM
  • ChinaCargoShips StealthInvasion large
    ChinaCargoShips StealthInvasion large
  • Preparations for what China is now calling “the de-americanization of Taiwan” are in full swing.

    Diversion and reconnaissance teams of one of the marine brigades of the 72nd Army Group of the Eastern Zone of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)  Combat Command (the operational area of responsibility includes Taiwan) conducted exercises on covert penetration and seizure of a beachhead on the coast of a conventional enemy using civilian dry cargo ships.

    Video Below:





カネコアヤノ – ロマンス宣言 / Kaneko Ayano – Romance sengen

Recommended by an influencer. Well worth the video. Check it out. She sure is cute.





A list of American Amendments that were never approved



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Is China MORE Democratic than America Now? Poll Results will SHOCK You

Another very outstanding and great video.


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283207596 734239307732236 6243384667408970196 n

The best video about America today…

“How To Tell Your Husband You Accidentally Shrank His Favorite Wool Sweater”

husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 04
husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 04

NASA is complaining that the Chinese Space organization is not sharing it’s technology

Complaining that China Aerospace is not cooperating, the director forgot the Wolff clause? NASA is actually crying wolfe!
NASA administrator Nielsen borrowed the saying “it takes two people to dance the tango”, saying that China Aerospace does not offer cooperation and lacks transparency.
What? Have they forgot the 2011 Wolfe Clause?


None of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) or the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China[1]

——Public Law 112-55, SEC. 539


This Chinese mall has a “husband depository” with massage chairs and phone chargers


Mountain Dew

Racing fuel, Mountain Dew cocktail blamed in teens’ deaths

While the Mountain Dew we know today comes in 35 different flavors and is synonymous with “gamer fuel,” it was created for a much different purpose. Brothers Barney and Alley Hartman began bottling their lemon-lime creation in Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1932. Its name was originally a slang term for mountain-made moonshine, and it was created to be a whiskey chaser.

In order to make moonshine, a fermentation process is needed, which creates alcohol in two forms: ethanol and methanol. Ethanol is the drinkable version, but methanol is toxic. The human body converts methanol into formaldehyde. The formaldehyde is then converted into formic acid, which essentially poisons the body’s cells. Racing fuel contains almost 100% methanol, creating the same inebriated feeling that ethanol gives through alcohol consumption. While methanol is extremely poisonous, it is cheap and easy to access in the form of racing fuel, which makes it luring to underage drinkers.

Four teenage boys at a party in January of 2016 created a deadly concoction called “Dewshine,” a mix of Mountain Dew and racing fuel. The teens created the mixture on purpose and drank it. Authorities were called to the home of sixteen-year-old Logan Stephenson on January 21, 2016, after he was found dead in his bed. Just a few minutes later, they were called to the home of his best friend, J.D. Byram, because he had begun having seizures. Byram died the following Monday.

Concepts for polymer US dollars


Denmark Inflation

Inflation, its not just the US

Food and Energy prices in Denmark hit 40 year high

Prices for consumers have increased in Denmark by 6.7 percent across the last 12 months.

So now the Danish can get high food and energy prices to go along with their highest electricity price in Europe distinction:

Electricity prices, household in Denmark

Denmark, the country with the most expensive electricity in Europe

The average price of electricity in Denmark, in December of 2021, has been 0.3448€ per kilowatt hour. Electricity price has increased € 0.0548 kWh, 18.9% since the previous semester. Meanwhile, the average price of electricity without taxes in Denmark in that period was € 0.1485 per kilowatt hour, compared to € 0.104 kWh in the previous semester. The price of electricity excluding taxes increased by 42.79%.

In the last twelve months the price of electricity in Denmark has increased by 63.55%.

In Denmark, the price of electricity reached its maximum price, € 0.3448kWh, in December of 2021. Its minimum price was €0.2401 kWh, corresponding to December of 2007.

Denmark is the country in Europe with the most expensive electricity.

When looking at the difference between the price of electricity with and without taxes, we see that households in Denmark paid € 0.1963 in taxes for each kilowatt hour, which means that 56.92% of what consumers pay for electricity is in concept taxes.

“My 39-Week Pregnant Wife Went To The Store To “Get Stuff For Dinner”. This Is What She Came Home With”

husbands sharing their wife fails 640 03
husbands sharing their wife fails 640 03

A pretty interesting article

How Amish use technology –

Pretty interesting article, but the conclusion I drew was far removed from what the author was clearly trying to promote.

Throughout the industrial age and now in the information age, the Amish have adhered to the long-standing tradition of making as a primary form of work.

The fact that the Amish have also begun making digital technologies, such as the black-box phone that worked as an intended replacement for cell phones, should come as no surprise. The black-box phone, however, is just one of many examples of an increasing number of communication technologies developed for Amish people by Amish people. These devices are crafted to most precisely complete professional goals, while limiting the negative impacts that come with digital communication today. The Amish recognize that this most certainly has political implications. Making in general, and making of digital technologies in particular, further enables the Amish to exercise their creativity, resist surveillance, and control and sustain their way of life in the digital age.

The manner in which the Amish put technologies to use reveals a great deal about the relationship that they want to have to the larger society. In addition to the black-box phone, I have observed an array of Amish workarounds that reflect local values and are determined by social context. The particular assemblage that comprises a workaround can also signal one’s Amishness or shared group identity.

In particular, the capability to withstand technology is only possible with extremely tightly bound communities – and even then, it is quite clear that the “fence straddlers” that are the focus of this story are far more like those selling organic produce to rich non-believers than some progressive Amish variant.



US policies led to ‘new G8’ – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey

Imagine that!

China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey – in terms of GDP at PPP is 24.4% ahead of the old group,”

US policies led to ‘new G8’ – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union The United States “with its own hands” pushed the countries that are not participating in “sanctions wars” to form a “new Big Eight” group with Russia, the Russian State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Saturday.

Following the launch of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine in late February, the US, EU, UK and many other countries imposed hard-hitting restrictions on Moscow, making Russia the most sanctioned country in the world.

In a Telegram post, Volodin included a table with IMF data on GDP based on purchasing power parity of countries he calls the “new G8” and of countries forming the current G7 (after Russia’s participation in the bloc was suspended over Crimea’s vote to join the country in 2014, the G8 effectively turned into the G7).

The group of eight countries not participating in the sanctions wars – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey – in terms of GDP at PPP is 24.4% ahead of the old group,” Volodin wrote.

In his opinion, the economies of the G7 members – the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada – continue “to crack under the weight of sanctions imposed against Russia.”

Full article HERE

Daddy Jack’s Sicilian Pasta

"Daddy Jack has been a favorite of mine for 2-3 years. I was aware of my affection for his personality and respect for his cooking, but I was NOT prepared for how hard his passing hit me. I'm still surprised at the well of emotion when I watch certain videos, and this one might be the one that gets me the most, other than the last ones made at home with Lakisha, Titus, and Axle. I also love the ones where he speaks so lovingly about his mom, and those where he shares with the people in his life. What other chef on Youtube gave us this much? Think about it. Most just don't let us in. But Daddy Jack was happy to do it. Not making the trek to New London to meet this man and taste his food will always be a regret of mine. RIP Daddy Jack. You gave SO much more than you had to. THANK YOU."

Kremlin Responds After Polish EU Official Says West Should Give Ukraine Nukes

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 – 06:00 AM

Starting in April, dangerous rhetoric related to regional nuclear aspirations began coming out of Poland – apparently directed as a ‘threat’ to Russia amid the invasion of Ukraine. Early that month, for example, ruling Polish party leader, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski suggested that a “tougher” anti-Russian defense posture would include Poland being “open” to having nuclear weapons stationed in the country.

But this weekend has seen the rhetoric heighten even further, eliciting a fierce response from Moscow, when Poland’s European Parliament Deputy and former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski suggested that the West give nukes to Kiev. “The West has the right to give Ukraine nuclear warheads so that it can protect its independence,” Sikorski said according to regional sources.

As also detailed in a Yahoo News/Ukrayinska Pravda report, “He argued that Russia broke the terms of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances by refusing to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and integrity, so nuclear weapons should be returned to Kyiv, even though Ukrainians voluntarily disposed of them.”

In response, a top Russian Duma official warned that such a scenario would mean central Europe would in effect “cease to exist” as it would surely trigger nuclear war:

The Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Viacheslav Volodin, threatens that if the suggestion by the former Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski to provide Ukraine with nuclear weapons is fulfilled, then the possible nuclear conflict will destroy the European continent.

Volodin said specifically in response to the Polish EU official: “Sikorski is provoking a nuclear conflict in the center of Europe. He doesn’t think neither about the future of Ukraine nor about the future of Poland. In case his suggestions are fulfilled, these countries will cease to exist, as will Europe as well.”

Since 1994, Ukraine has voluntarily been a ‘nuclear-arms-free’ country based on being a signatory to the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which marked its accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

In the days ahead of Russia’s Feb.24 invasion, President Vladimir Putin accused the Ukrainian government of seeking to revive nuclear capabilities based on Soviet technology still in its possession.

“There have already been statements that Ukraine is going to create its own nuclear weapons… Ukraine does indeed still have Soviet nuclear technologies and [the] means of delivering such weapons,” Putin had said in televised address just days before the war against Ukraine started, listing it as a justification for Moscow’s actions to come.

“Therefore, it would be much easier for Ukraine to obtain nuclear weapons than to some other states – I won’t name them now – who effectively carry out such research. Especially in case of technological support from abroad, and we must not rule this out as well,” Putin added in his speech at the time.

Grape Soda Homicide

This is one of the reasons why children MUST stay with their biological parents. There is a reason why "evil stepmother" meme's exist. My stepmother was a real fucking witch. Read what the fuck this step mother did... -MM

Something about the term “forbidden” or “off-limits” seems to promote an insatiable desire to explore, especially as children. Whether it’s a particular room in the house, an area in the neighborhood, or simply an adult’s favorite treat, we’ve all been guilty at one point or another of letting our curiosity get the better of us. However, for five-year-old Alexa Linboom, stealing her stepmother’s grape soda would cost her her life.

On January 1, 2012, Alexa stole “one or two grape drinks” from her stepmother Mary Vaughn and was forced to drink more than two liters of grape soda and water within a two-hour time frame as her punishment. The excessive amounts of fluid she ingested caused her sodium levels to drop and her brain to swell. Alexa began screaming in pain, and she later fell unconscious, but her father and stepmother waited several more hours before taking her to the hospital.

She was declared brain dead and removed from life support just two short days later. Her death was declared a homicide due to acute fluid/water intoxication. Both her father, Randall Vaughn, and her stepmother were sentenced to life in prison without parole.

“We’re Moving. This Is How My Wife Packed The Kid’s Dolls”

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husbands sharing their wife fails 640 07


UPDATED: China Tells U.S. “Will not Hesitate to Start a War”

FLASH– 7:31 PM EDT  Friday, June 10, 2022 — The Defense Ministry of the People’s Republic of China told their U.S. counterparts this evening “Beijing will not hesitate to start a war over Taiwan.”

They used those exact words.


Now they’re saying it in gentler words, but PUBLICLY:

China will ‘smash to smithereens any Taiwan independence plot and resolutely uphold the unification of the motherland’ Chinese Defense Minister Fenghe told U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue conference in Singapore on Friday.

‘If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost’, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Wu Qian quoted the Fenghe as saying during the meeting, in what is a escalating of tension, not least of which in the type of language being used.

Austin met with his Chinese counterpart, Wei Fenghe who bemoaned new American arms sales to Taiwan announced this week, saying it ‘seriously undermined China’s sovereignty and security interests.’



  • 8y5n2geit0091

Google Will Declare Bankruptcy In Russia, Says Russian Authorities Seized Bank Account

The Russian subsidiary of Alphabet’s Google plans to file for bankruptcy after authorities seized its bank account, the company said Wednesday, in an apparent escalation of the Kremlin’s drive to cut Russians off from information about the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

Key Facts

Google Russia filed an intention to declare bankruptcy after the seizure of its bank account made it “untenable” to meet its financial obligations, a Google spokesperson said in a statement to Forbes and other outlets.

Google’s intention to file for bankruptcy is already on Russia’s Fedresurs financial registry website, according to Reuters and Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti.

A company spokesperson said Google will continue to operate free services including its search engine, YouTube and Gmail.

Key Background

Google has been arguably Russia’s greatest foe in challenging the war narrative advanced by Kremlin-controlled media within the country since Russia invaded Ukraine February 24.

Google suspended all advertising in Russia in March, banned state-run Russian media YouTube channels worldwide and most critically has refused to remove information on the war deemed illegal from Youtube.

The Russian communications regulator has repeatedly threatened to punish Google for not deleting certain content, and Russia banned Google News in the country last month for publishing “inauthentic” information on the war.

Crucial Quote

“People in Russia rely on our services to access quality information,” the Google spokesperson said in a statement explaining the company’s intention to keep YouTube and other services running.


In addition to YouTube, the Russian government has another U.S.-based information foe: Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia has refused to delete information on the war, including information from the Ukrainian government on civilian and troop death tolls, causing the Russian government to threaten fines against Wikipedia. Russian President Vladimir Putin chimed in on the Kremlin’s war against Wikipedia earlier this month, telling Russians not to trust the crowd-sourced online encyclopedia in an interview with state media.

MM Comments

Forbes is a CIA mouthpiece, funded indirectly from the CIA via the NED organization. This is all well-known.

Google, also, is indirectly funded by the NED, and thus the CIA out of the Pentagon. This is all well-known.

Google was operating inside of Russia during a time of war, and promoting the Western “narrative” which is a mixture of lies, distortions and manipulations.

Russia seized all of it’s funding.

Google will be forced to stop operations inside of Russia.

This runs counter to the desires of the United States Pentagon.

The Verve Pipe – The Freshmen [Original Acoustic Version] [I’ve Suffered A Head Injury] [Track #10]

[I’ve Suffered A Head Injury] [Track #10]”]

“I’ve Accidentally Shrunk My Husband’s Jacket. Husband For Scale”

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Zelensky: Ukraine is fine with China’s position on war with Russia

Article HERE

President Volodymyr Zelensky has stated that China has chosen the policy of staying away from the Russian-Ukrainian war and Ukraine is currently satisfied with this policy.
“China has chosen the policy of staying away. At the moment, Ukraine is satisfied with this policy. It is better than helping the Russian Federation in any case. And I want to believe that China will not pursue another policy. We are satisfied with this status quo, to be honest,” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said at a video link during the Davos Ukrainian Breakfast, Ukrinform reports.
Before the war with Russia, China was Ukraine’s largest trading partner, he added. And now, according to Zelensky, no China’s steps against Ukraine are observed. At the same time, the President admits that China has not taken any steps to support Ukraine.
“Although there is a rather good and long history between the countries. Therefore, I would like to have an advantage in these relations compared to Russia,” he said

“My Wife Likes To Keep Dog Food Beside Coffee Beans. Guess What I Did At 5:30 Am This Morning”

husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 17
husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 17

ASML’s growth in China a rebuttal to US interference in global chip sector

Wang Yi23:12 Jun 07 2022


Dutch chip lithography leader ASML said Monday that all of its projects in China are progressing as scheduled, and it plans to recruit more than 200 employees this year to expand business in the market, according to Chinese news outlet The Paper.

Against the backdrop of the US is trying every means to recklessly stop ASML from shipping any of its most cutting edge lithography systems to China, the company’s increasing investment in the market fully demonstrates that no matter how reluctant the US to see, global giants in the semiconductor sector like ASML are seeing business expansion in China, the world’s largest consumer of semiconductors.

Business is business. From a return on investment point of view, it’s a perfectly reasonable choice for ASML to expand business in China. ASML’s sales in Chinese mainland took up 34 percent of its total lithography system sales in the first quarter of this year, according to media reports.

China and the US are indeed in a fierce technological competition, and the semiconductor industry is bearing the brunt of that pressure. The US government has never bothered to hide its plans to stifle the development of China’s chip sector. Yet, the US chip hegemony has become the culprit in disrupting the global industrial chain. The arbitrary political interference of the US government in the industry has clearly become the biggest concern for many companies. The US chip hegemony has caused and escalated the global chip supply chain crunch.

While former US President Donald Trump’s arbitrary sanctions on major Chinese tech giants like Huawei and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) have dealt heavy blows to the global chip industry chain, the Biden administration’s political interference in companies’ operation have also stirred strong backlashes.

Last November, the Biden’s administration obstructed SK Hynix’s plan to import the advanced equipment to its chip factory in East China’s Jiangsu Province. The US’ move that put SK Hynix’s chip factory’s renovation plans in jeopardy has caused strong backlash from South Korean media outlets. If the US continues to intervene in this way, South Korean companies will suffer more losses. The purpose of an economic alliance is to promote mutual economic interests, but the US coerces its allies to suffer economic losses for its own political interests, some South Korean media outlets questioned.

The US government’s political coercion and interference in attempting to split the global semiconductor sector will not stop China’s semiconductor sector from development, but only serve to further escalate the current chip shortage and stresses throughout the global industrial chain. What the US does may block US companies and other international companies from the Chinese market, and these companies are unwilling to bear the losses and pay for this kind of political scheming orchestrated by the US.

Those politicians in Washington who are calling for tougher semiconductor export controls, secondary sanctions, and research blockades against China have clearly underestimated the costs of US-China semiconductor decoupling. According to estimates from the US Department of Commerce, if American business with China on semiconductors is cut off completely, it will probably cost anywhere between $80 to $100 billion in sales and 125,000 jobs in the US.

China’s chip market occupies a large share of global industry value and has huge potential. It is increasingly regarded as an important market by related companies in the global chip industry chain and has strong manufacturing advantages. The Chinese market will continue to expand opening up, and concrete measures are being taken to improve the market’s business environment. Foreign companies like ASML are welcome to achieve mutual beneficial development in China.



The Russian Army, using its overwhelming firepower, is smashing the Ukraine army, sending Ukraine troops fleeing for their lives.  Now, things have gotten much worse because Ukraine is simply running out of ammunition.

Newly promised Western weapons systems are arriving, but too slowly and in insufficient quantities to prevent incremental but inexorable Russian gains in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, which is now the focus of the fight.

Around 200 Ukrainian soldiers are now being killed every day, up from 100 late last month, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky told the BBC on Friday — meaning that as many as 1,000 Ukrainians are being taken out of the fight every day, including those who are injured.

To the shock and dismay of Ukraine supporters, the overall trajectory of the war has unmistakably shifted away from one of unexpectedly dismal Russian failures and tilted in favor of Russia as the demonstrably stronger force.

The odds against the Ukrainians are starting to look overwhelming, said Oleksandr V. Danylyuk, an adviser to the Ukrainian government on defense and intelligence issues.

“The Russians are using long-range artillery against us, often without any response, because we don’t have the means,” he said. “They can attack from dozens of kilometers away and we can’t fire back. We know all the coordinates for all their important targets, but we don’t have the means to attack.”

“The strategies and tactics of the Russians are completely different right now. They are being much more successful,” he said. “They have more resources than us and they are not in a rush.”

“There’s much less space for optimism right now,” he added.

Ukraine has now almost completely run out of ammunition for the Soviet-era weapons systems that were the mainstay of its arsenal, and the Eastern European countries that maintained the same systems have run out of surplus supplies to donate, Danylyuk said. Ukraine urgently needs to shift to longer-range and more sophisticated Western systems, but those have only recently been committed, and in insufficient quantities to match Russia’s immense firepower, he said.

Russia is firing as many as 50,000 artillery rounds a day into Ukrainian positions, and the Ukrainians can only hit back with around 5,000 to 6,000 rounds a day, he said. The United States has committed to deliver 220,000 rounds of ammunition — enough to match Russian firepower for around four days.

The Russians have meanwhile adapted their tactics in ways that have let them take full advantage of their firepower by remaining at a distance from Ukrainian positions, pounding them relentlessly, then taking territory once the Ukrainians have been forced to retreat.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

When this conflict erupted in February, I told listeners to my radio show, and readers of this web site, “Ukraine doesn’t stand a chance.”

Of course at the time, I had no idea the west (NATO) would pour so much weaponry into Ukraine, which, at first thought, would dramatically change the equation in Ukraine’s favor.

Then the ugly reality of American and NATO “smart weapons” struck:  Our advanced weaponry, is very, VERY, fragile.   Yes, it is sophisticated, and when it works, it is devastatingly effective, but quite often, our high tech gizmos DON’T work.   The electronics that make the weapons so smart, are not suited for the rough and tumble realities of the battlefield.

That became evident when, after killing or capturing a number of Ukrainian regiments, the Russian Army found Ukrainian troop cell phones.  One the screens of those phones: Google Searches with the search terms “Why isn’t javelin working” “javelin won’t shoot” “javelin making noises”   

Here, look at one of the phones from the Battle field:

UkrainianArmyPhone GoogleSearches
UkrainianArmyPhone GoogleSearches

The equipment failures aside, there is another far more important reason Ukraine is losing, and losing badly: history.

I am a sort of student of history and I know full well that it was the Russian Army that stormed Berlin in WW2. Not the Americans, not the British, not the French. It was the Russians that totally crushed Hitler, and at a staggering cost to the Russian nation and its people. But they DID IT.

They paid the price, and won.

The youngsters handling military strategy and intelligence analysis in the US and our NATO vasal states these days, seem to have ZERO knowledge of history. They game-out scenarios on their computers, and to them, they think they know how things will turn out. But it is blazingly clear they did not (and do not) factor-in historical realities. In this instance, the one historical reality they failed to consider is that the Russian Army is one of the two most fearsome fighting forces on planet earth.

The other is China.

As such, Ukraine never stood a chance. This was over the moment the Russian Army crossed the border into Ukraine.

Ukraine’s best hope right now is to unconditionally surrender. To do anything else, will merely delay the inevitable, and cause the deaths of hundreds-of-thousands more Ukrainians, fighting against a force they have zero chance of defeating.

Sadly, Ukraine cannot even NEGOTIATE a peace deal, because they’ve shown their word (in negotiations) is worthless. Ukraine negotiated the Minsk Agreement, then reneged and didn’t implement even ONE of the terms it agreed to. They did this for over five years!

Moreover, when the fighting initially began, Ukraine announced they would not abide by the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, they signed back in the 1940’s. So now, nobody can believe anything Ukraine says because they’ve proven their word is useless. Surrender is their only option.


Shelly West – Flight 309 To Tennessee

“”It’s Always So Cold In Our House. Our Furnace Sucks” – Wife, Jan 2020, -32C”

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husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 20

China’s PLAN Leaked — A Fleet Of VTOL Drones Spotted On Chinese PLA Navy’s Shandong Aircraft Carrier


In a first, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been spotted on the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) aircraft carrier, Shandong. According to reports in Chinese state media, Shangdong is currently at the Dalian Shipyard for maintenance and repairs.

On June 1, Andreas Rupprecht, an expert on Chinese military aviation, shared an image of UAVs on Shandong’s deck suggesting that it could be the first time, drones have been spotted on board the aircraft carrier.

In late April, the Chinese state-owned Global Times reported that Shandong was undergoing “its first scheduled maintenance and refurbishment” at the Dalian Shipyard after two years of service “to enhance the flattop’s usability”.

Before that, in March, the aircraft carrier was reported to have sailed through the Taiwan Straits, near Taiwan’s Kinmen island opposite the Chinese mainland city of Xiamen. Reports at the time also noted that there were no aircraft on Shangdong’s flight deck.


One of the UAVs spotted onboard Shangdong, has an inverted V-shaped tail and it bears resemblance to a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAV that was reportedly seen onboard the PLAN’s Type 075 LHD amphibious assault ship in December, last year.

According to Chinese media reports, it was the CW-40 dual-purpose UAV, designed and developed by the Chinese company JOUAV, which made its first appearance during the 2021 edition of the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Zhuhai Airshow.

The UAV was also showcased in March this year at the DSA 2022 defense exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2022 06 03 17 40
2022 06 03 17 40

“My Lovely Wife Bought A New Screen And A Cat Door To Go In It. Took A Few Hours And She Was So So Proud Of Herself”

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husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 44

Chris Isaak – Wicked Game (MTV Unplugged) [HD]


The CW-40 UAV 

The CW-40 is designed to conduct reconnaissance, search and surveillance, participate in rescue operations, ensure security, monitor the environment, prevent forest fires and protect important facilities.

The drone has a fuselage length of 2.3m and a wingspan of 4.6m. It can fly at an altitude of 4000m, has a take-off weight of 45kg, and carries a maximum payload of 10kg.

According to the Chairman of JOUAV, Ren Bin, the CW-40 adopts a domestically made four-stroke EFI engine.

The UAV is equipped with three light photo-electric pods for large areas, and long-distance video surveillance. The full CW-40 system can be assembled and disassembled in 15 minutes, according to claims by JOUAV.

2022 06 03 17 41
2022 06 03 17 41

The PLA has been actively advancing its employment of UAVs into its force structure for various purposes, such as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, attack purposes, or even as target drones to simulate anti-aircraft combat scenarios.

If the UAV spotted onboard the Shandong is CW-40, then it could fulfill a role similar to the ASN-209 medium-altitude, medium-endurance (MAME) UAV, known as the ‘Silver Eagle’ which has a range of 200km and a maximum endurance of 10 hours, just like the CW-40.

2022 06 03 17 42
2022 06 03 17 42

The Sky Eagle is capable of Target Designation, Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), and Electronic Warfare (EW), and can even be used for guiding missiles to the target.

Experts also suggest that PLAN might use this UAV, as a communications relay for accompanying surface or aerial forces in case the satellite communications are compromised.

Life Is Worth Losing – Dumb Americans – George Carlin

Don Bacon Logic

General Austin in Singapore: “Do rules matter? Does sovereignty matter? Does the system that we have built together matter? I am here because I believe that it does. And I am here because the rules-based international order matters just as much in the Indo-Pacific as it does in Europe.”

“We’re determined to uphold the status quo that has served this region so well for so long,” he said. “So let me be clear: We remain firmly committed to our longstanding one-China policy — guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. We categorically oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side. We do not support Taiwan independence.

UN Charter Article 2(1)
The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

So Taiwan is a domestic affair! China’s sovereignty matters!

-Don Bacon

Chinese PLA Navy Goes Unmanned?

In addition to UAVs, the PLAN is known to have incorporated a wide array of unmanned systems such as unmanned surface and underwater vehicles.

Moreover, the advancements in artificial intelligence in recent years have led China to envision a greater role for unmanned platforms in maritime security and competition for control of sea lanes and marine resources.

Last month, China launched an unmanned ship, named Zhu Hai Yun that can be controlled remotely and navigate autonomously in open water and carry dozens of drones, submersibles, and other vessels for conducting ocean research.

Also, China is currently working on a next-generation assault carrier, known as Type 076 LHD which is being developed as a successor to the Type 075 LHD. It is said to be capable of carrying Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs).

Reports suggest that China’s stealthy GJ-11 Sharp Sword UCAV may be one of the drones being planned to board the Type 076 LHD, based on a CG simulation released last year by the China Aviation Industry Group at the Zhuhai Airshow.

The GJ-11 UAV is 12.2m long, with a wingspan of 14.4m and a height of 2.7m, and has a maximum takeoff weight of over 10 tons with an estimated payload estimated of around 1.9 tons, and a combat radius of over 1,500km with an endurance of six hours.

  • U.S. gas prices hit $5 per gallon

    2022 06 12 11 50
    2022 06 12 11 50

    This is the 31st “record high” in 33 days!   Way to go, Brandon!

    Stolen elections have consequences.

    But to those of you are were foolish enough to vote Democrat, if you keep voting how you’ve voted, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.

    Wise-up.   Fast.  Before they make you choose between eating and driving to work or heating your house.

    7-up poisoning

    The Dominican Republic is a country on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean and has become a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches, endless recreational options, and rich culture. Surrounded by the Caribbean Sea on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the north, it seems like the perfect place for a family vacation, romantic getaway, or beachfront wedding.

    Awilda Montes had planned a romantic getaway to the Dominican Republic with her boyfriend in October of 2018. However, their stay at the Luxury Bahia Principe Bouganville Resort quickly became anything but romantic. Montes had only been at the resort for a few hours when she decided to grab a bottle of 7-Up from the mini bar. Upon opening the bottle, she noticed there was no “fizz” but carefully proceeded to take a sip. She immediately tasted bleach which caused her entire mouth and tongue to burn, and she began spitting up blood.

    While the resort claimed the incident was an “accidental mix-up” and tried to make things right with apology dinners, free nights, and couples massages, those “apologies” came with a price. The resort staff asked Montes to sign a disclaimer, which she refused. More disturbing is the fact that the three other Americans have also died at the same resort. A 41-year-old woman, Miranda Schaup-Werner, also died after drinking a beverage from the mini bar, and an engaged couple from Maryland were found dead in their room.

    Rodney Dangerfield Almost Makes Carson Fall Out of His Chair Laughing

    The Past can show us so much!

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    Adelaide Springett, Who Was So Ashamed At The State Of Her Boots She Took Them Off, Stand For A Photograph In London, 1901. Photo By Horace Warner
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    Isaac And Rosa, Emancipated Slave Children From New Orleans, 1863


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China Won’t “Hesitate To Start A War” Over Taiwan As Series Of Private Warnings Conveyed To US

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 – 11:00 AM

A new report by Bloomberg on Sunday has detailed a series of instances that Chinese officials have privately conveyed to their American counterparts that the Taiwan Strait does not constitute international waters, upping tensions given the Biden administration has been sailing navy warships through the contested waters on a monthly basis.

“The statement disputing the US view of international law has been delivered to the American government by Chinese officials on multiple occasions and at multiple levels, the person said,” Bloomberg writes. “The US and key allies say much of the strait constitutes international waters, and they routinely send naval vessels through the waterway as part of freedom of navigation exercises.”

The Biden administration is said to be “alarmed” by the private warnings, given that “It’s not clear whether the recent assertions indicate that China will take more steps to confront naval vessels that enter transit the Taiwan Strait,” according to the report. This also suggests China could take a more assertive stance in the South China Sea, where US warships have also been conducting freedom of navigation exercises.

On Friday during the first ever face-to-face meeting between US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and China’s defense minister Wei Fenghe, the latter warned his American counterpart that Beijing will “not hesitate to start a war” if Taiwan declares independence.

Wei had warned Austin that “if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost“, defence ministry spokesman Wu Qian quoted the minister as saying during the meeting.

Further Wei vowed that China woujld “smash to smithereens any ‘Taiwan independence’ plot and resolutely uphold the unification of the motherland,” as emphasized in a defense ministry statement issued following the conclusion of the meeting. He “stressed that Taiwan is China’s Taiwan… Using Taiwan to contain China will never prevail,” further according to the statement.

For the US side, Defense Secretary Austin warned the Chinese defense minister in the Friday meeting to “refrain from further destabilizing actions” on Taiwan.

“The Secretary reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Strait, opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo, and called on the PRC to refrain from further destabilizing actions toward Taiwan,” according to the readout.

The key takeways here:

[1] China is treating the Taiwan strait as Chinese territory, not international waters.

[2] China will "smash to smithereens" any attempts to get involved with a Chinese domestic dispute. This sounds like normal American political rhetoric, but it is NOT. In Chinese, these are very, very serious and nasty words, phrases and terms. This is serious, serious talk.

Soldier From Germany (NATO) — Bearing Arms — Caught on TV in Severodonetsk, Ukraine

FlagOfGermany large
FlagOfGermany large

It has long been rumored that NATO already has active duty military troops from NATO countries, inside Ukraine ACTUALLY ENGAGED IN COMBAT against Russia.  NATO says they are only “training” Ukrainian forces.  So why is this German soldier bearing arms in Severodonetsk?

Below is a still image taken from a FOX NEWS CHANNEL broadcast on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 8:29 PM eastern U.S. time. (h/t to HTRS Reader/Listener “Rick” for providing this image) 

The image clearly shows a soldier, wearing the uniform flag patch of Germany on his arm, in battle gear, carrying a launch tube for some type of weapon, in Severodonetsk, Ukraine, where utterly intense military battles have been taking place for the past week, between Ukraine and Russia.

GermanSoldierOnSeverodonetskBattlefield armed
GermanSoldierOnSeverodonetskBattlefield armed

What is this German soldier doing there, carrying arms?

He certainly isn’t training anyone given the gear he is seen wearing.

This seems to be the first conclusive proof that NATO is covertly engaged in actual combat against Russia.

Undeclared war?  By NATO?  Against Russia?

World War 3 now appears closer than any of us knew.

"My Wife Worked For An Hour On This Peach Crisp And Burst Into Tears Right Before My Parents Showed Up To Our House"
husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 42
husbands sharing their wife fails 640 high 42
Facebook fiasco
Below is a quote from a posting at The Register
Facebook and Instagram's parent biz, Meta, was hit with not one, not two, but eight different lawsuits accusing its social media algorithm of causing real harm to young users across the US.

The complaints filed over the last week claim Meta's social media platforms have been designed to be dangerously addictive, driving children and teenagers to view content that increases the risk of eating disorders, suicide, depression, and sleep disorders.

"Social media use among young people should be viewed as a major contributor to the mental health crisis we face in the country," said Andy Birchfield, an attorney representing the Beasley Allen Law Firm, leading the cases, in a statement.

"These applications could have been designed to minimize any potential harm, but instead, a decision was made to aggressively addict adolescents in the name of corporate profits. It's time for this company to acknowledge the growing concerns around the impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of this most vulnerable portion of our society and alter the algorithms and business objectives that have caused so much damage."

The lawsuits have been filed in federal courts in Texas, Tennessee, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and Missouri, according to Bloomberg.

So, how long before social media is reigned in within the West?

Will these lawsuits get anywhere? Is there any limit on what might be done for profit?

Filipinos urged ‘to take heart all the learnings from the past’

The Philippines emphasis has prioritized friendship with China while celebrating the coming independence day from Spain and US.

Article HERE

Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte has urged Filipinos to “take heart all the learnings from the past” in a speech ahead of the celebration of the 124th Philippine Independence Day.

He delivered his speech during the virtual celebration of Independence Day and the 21st Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day organized by the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII).

In his speech, Duterte reminded Filipinos about the importance of celebrating Independence Day on June 12 as a testament to how the country’s forefathers fought for the freedoms that Filipinos enjoy today.

“May it inspire us to take after the courage of our heroes as well as encourage us to use our ability, skills and knowledge for the benefit of our community,” Duterte said.

He also urged the public to “take heart all the learnings from the past”, especially the countless hardships that Filipinos had to endure as a nation.

“Let our rich histories move to translate our love for this country into real acts of goodwill for all our fellow men. Let us also work together so that we could realize our vision of a more harmonious and progressive Philippines. May we have a meaningful commemoration,” he added.

The country’s first president, Emilio Aguinaldo, proclaimed the Philippines’ independence from the Spanish colonial rule in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898.

From July 4, 1946, the Philippines celebrated Independence Day every July 4. However, the celebration was moved to June 12 by virtue of Proclamation 4166, issued by President Diosdado Macapagal.
PH-China friendship
Incoming President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., for his part, expressed hope that the centuries-old relationship and friendship between the Philippines and China will continue to be of great mutual benefit to their respective people.

“From trade, arts, culture, athletics to regional peace and stability to the employment of opportunities for our people, and all the significantly generous efforts extended to us during the pandemic, the cooperative partnership of our nations continues to reach new heights,” he said.

He said he looked forward to more years of not just diplomatic relations but of continuous, fruitful engagements between China and the Philippines.

The Philippines and China established their diplomatic relations on June 9, 1975.

June 9 of every year is also declared as Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day, by virtue of Proclamation 148 issued by former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in 2002.

Aside from Duterte and Marcos, also in attendance were Vice-President-elect Sara Duterte, Macapagal-Arroyo, lawmakers, and other guests.

The FFCCCII is the umbrella organization of Filipino Chinese entrepreneurs, which brings together over 170 business and trade associations from all over the Philippines. (PNA)

Russia and China connected: first road bridge (2020 04) and first cross river railway bridge (2021 08)

China’s endless infrastructure projects vs US endless wars, sanctions, military exercises, and verbal threats….
Historic $307 million road link across the Amur River - known in China as the Heilongjiang River - will open in April 2020.

Article HERE

First cross-river railway bridge between China and Russia completed - UCLG-ASPAC BRLC . A new bridge that will link Russia and China’s railway systems was completed on August 17, 2021, seven years after its much-heralded groundbreaking.

Mongolia wants to fuel Russia and China by rail – Business News

The Belt and Road keeps connecting more and more parts of the world everyday without any participation from the “West”.
After a turbulent and conflicting politics around the potential security implications of expanding its freight logistics in China, Mongolia hopes to complete three important rail lines by the end of this year. These developments will have a massive impact on commodity markets, allowing China and Russia to look inland for trade, particularly in bulk commodities like coal and metals – making both countries more energy secure and less subject to sanctions pressure.

Article HERE

Ukrainian Official Threatens THE WEST; Ukraine Could “Switch Sides”



Oleksiy Mykolaiovych Arestovych is a Ukrainian presidential adviser and military columnist.  He is deep within the inner circle of Ukrainian President VOlodimir Zelensky.

During a televised interview Arestovych said this:

Machine translation: “If Putin wins, 500 thousand Ukrainians will fight for Russia and no one will be able to stop this force.”

Zelensky’s representative explained why the West should supply more weapons and prevent Putin from winning.

“…If Putin wins. And the 1.5 million Russian army will be joined by another 500,000 Ukrainian army. Everyone has seen how we can fight. And then where will the amusing American/NATO troops be able to stop this united force, plus Belarus?”

The BEST Vietnamese PHO Recipe

Outstanding! Look at how it cooks it! WOW!!!!!

"I've never made pho before and I just made this recipe. The broth is incredible. The charring of the onions and ginger provides a subtle smokey flavor and the fish sauce and dried shrimp packs an umami punch that I looove. I was worried it would just taste fishy with these 2 ingredients but it didn't! Thank you for sharing with us, and shout out to the person in the comments who transcribed the recipe from the video! <3"

The Benefits Of Economic Collapse

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

I first began to predict a major economic collapse back in 1999. Although I understood that it was at least fifteen years off and possibly more, I believed that it would be wise to begin to prepare for it then, as the actual date of collapse could not be predicted. (Better to be a few years early than even one day too late.)

Not surprisingly, back then, this prediction appeared to most people to not only be unlikely, but laughable.

Today, we’re a good bit closer to the onset of an economic crisis and it now not only seems possible, but quite likely to an increasing number of those people who are paying attention.

And not surprisingly, as so many people are now realising the inevitability of such a crisis, they’re also realising that they should have been preparing for it. Preparation for a major event such as this requires a fair bit of time and many people are belatedly coming to realise that they may be caught with their pants down when the initial crashes begin.

Whenever the inevitability of such a debacle is first recognized, the first reaction for most people is to dive into denial, saying, “It simply can’t happen. Nobody would let it happen, because nobody benefits.”

But that’s just it. Not only does someone benefit, they’ll benefit on a grand scale.

The controllers of an economy always benefit from a collapse

In 1814, Napoleon’s army went into battle at Waterloo, Belgium. The investment moguls at Capel Court in the City of London were biting their nails with worry, as the outcome of the battle would determine stock prices. If the French won, stock prices would drop dramatically. If Britain won, prices would rise dramatically.

In those days, communication was slow. it would take considerable time for the official envoy to travel from the battlefield in Belgium to London with the news of the outcome of the battle.

England’s foremost banker, Nathan Rothschild, had sent his own messenger to Waterloo with instructions to return by the fastest possible means with the news. Consequently, Mister Rothschild received the news many hours ahead of the return by official messenger.

He then was seen at the stock exchange selling as much as he could as quickly as he could. The word went out: “Rothschild knows.” This elicited a panic and others sold as quickly as they could.

Prices plummeted quickly; then, as the official envoy from Waterloo came up the Thames, Rothschild suddenly bought heavily at a rock-bottom price. Within the hour, the envoy provided the news that Britain had won the battle and prices shot through the roof, making enormous profits for Rothschild, all within one trading day.

He later called it, “The best business I ever did.”

The above tale is one that should be committed to memory, as it informs us that those who know of an economic event will most certainly capitalise on it.

Those who pull the strings make tremendous profits by manipulating an economy over the length of prosperous times, but they make just as much in crisis periods. They simply wait until an economic collapse has been completed and the dust has settled, then they buy up the remaining companies at rock-bottom prices at a time when the average investor has been wiped out. Then, when the economy begins its recovery, they ride the next wave of prosperity.

For this reason, anyone who’s in the economic driver’s seat understands that he’s best-served by creating false prosperity, then triggering its collapse, then cashing in on the collapse.

When this realisation occurs to the average investor, he more often than not declares, “Well, if that’s true, I’m toast either way.”

But this is only true if he takes a passive role in his economic future.

You can benefit from a collapse

The Mandarin word for “crisis” also means “opportunity.”

Those who are able to understand this Chinese concept have a tremendous opportunity in terms of investment. They can recognise that the coming crisis is also an opportunity.

Yes, there will be a collapse in the stock and bond markets. These will unquestionably be deflationary events, causing asset prices to crater.

But this need not spell disaster. The game is not over, but the crisis is unquestionably a game-changer.

It’s important to bear in mind that real wealth never disappears; it merely changes hands.

To prepare for the new game, the objective would be to liquidate all or most stocks, bonds and hard assets such as real estate, in advance of a crash.

Next you would wish to expatriate the proceeds to a jurisdiction that’s less likely to be a casualty of the crisis and, hopefully, would be a net-gainer at such a time.

Like those who actually pull the strings, you’d not only avoid becoming a casualty of the economic collapse, you’d stand to gain from it.

Rescue a drowning kitten waiting to die by the lake. miracle of god

Gosh! He looks dead to me! But he’s alive!

Mark Levin: We are staring tyranny in the face

Meanwhile in America, it appears that a civil war is going to happen soon. This is HISTORIC TIMES.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Mr. Spaceship, by Philip K. Dick

This text was produced from Imagination Stories of Science and Fantasy, January 1953. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.

A human brain-controlled spacecraft would mean mechanical perfection. This was accomplished, and something unforeseen: a strange entity called—

Mr. Spaceship

Philip K. Dick

Kramer leaned back. “You can see the situation. How can we deal with a factor like this? The perfect variable.”

“Perfect? Prediction should still be possible. A living thing still acts from necessity, the same as inanimate material. But the cause-effect chain is more subtle; there are more factors to be considered. The difference is quantitative, I think. The reaction of the living organism parallels natural causation, but with greater complexity.”

Gross and Kramer looked up at the board plates, suspended on the wall, still dripping, the images hardening into place. Kramer traced a line with his pencil.

“See that? It’s a pseudopodium. They’re alive, and so far, a weapon we can’t beat. No mechanical system can compete with that, simple or intricate. We’ll have to scrap the Johnson Control and find something else.”

“Meanwhile the war continues as it is. Stalemate. Checkmate. They can’t get to us, and we can’t get through their living minefield.”

Kramer nodded. “It’s a perfect defense, for them. But there still might be one answer.”

“What’s that?”

“Wait a minute.” Kramer turned to his rocket expert, sitting with the charts and files. “The heavy cruiser that returned this week. It didn’t actually touch, did it? It came close but there was no contact.”

“Correct.” The expert nodded. “The mine was twenty miles off. The cruiser was in space-drive, moving directly toward Proxima, line-straight, using the Johnson Control, of course. It had deflected a quarter of an hour earlier for reasons unknown. Later it resumed its  course. That was when they got it.”

“It shifted,” Kramer said. “But not enough. The mine was coming along after it, trailing it. It’s the same old story, but I wonder about the contact.”

“Here’s our theory,” the expert said. “We keep looking for contact, a trigger in the pseudopodium. But more likely we’re witnessing a psychological phenomena, a decision without any physical correlative. We’re watching for something that isn’t there. The mine decides to blow up. It sees our ship, approaches, and then decides.”

“Thanks.” Kramer turned to Gross. “Well, that confirms what I’m saying. How can a ship guided by automatic relays escape a mine that decides to explode? The whole theory of mine penetration is that you must avoid tripping the trigger. But here the trigger is a state of mind in a complicated, developed life-form.”

“The belt is fifty thousand miles deep,” Gross added. “It solves another problem for them, repair and maintenance. The damn things reproduce, fill up the spaces by spawning into them. I wonder what they feed on?”

“Probably the remains of our first-line. The big cruisers must be a delicacy. It’s a game of wits, between a living creature and a ship piloted by automatic relays. The ship always loses.” Kramer opened a folder. “I’ll tell you what I suggest.”

“Go on,” Gross said. “I’ve already heard ten solutions today. What’s yours?”

“Mine is very simple. These creatures are superior to any mechanical system, but only because they’re alive. Almost any other life-form could compete with them, any higher life-form. If the yuks can put out living mines to protect their planets, we ought to be able to harness some of our own life-forms in a similar way. Let’s make use of the same weapon ourselves.”

“Which life-form do you propose to use?”

“I think the human brain is the most agile of known living forms. Do you know of any better?”

“But no human being can withstand outspace travel. A human pilot would be dead of heart failure long before the ship got anywhere near Proxima.”

“But we don’t need the whole body,” Kramer said. “We need only the brain.”


“The problem is to find a person of high intelligence who would contribute, in the same manner that eyes and arms are volunteered.”

“But a brain….”

“Technically, it could be done. Brains have been transferred several times, when body destruction made it necessary. Of course, to a spaceship, to a heavy outspace cruiser, instead of an artificial body, that’s new.”

The room was silent.

“It’s quite an idea,” Gross said  slowly. His heavy square face twisted. “But even supposing it might work, the big question is whose brain?”

It was all very confusing, the reasons for the war, the nature of the enemy. The Yucconae had been contacted on one of the outlying planets of Proxima Centauri. At the approach of the Terran ship, a host of dark slim pencils had lifted abruptly and shot off into the distance. The first real encounter came between three of the yuk pencils and a single exploration ship from Terra. No Terrans survived. After that it was all out war, with no holds barred.

Both sides feverishly constructed defense rings around their systems. Of the two, the Yucconae belt was the better. The ring around Proxima was a living ring, superior to anything Terra could throw against it. The standard equipment by which Terran ships were guided in outspace, the Johnson Control, was not adequate. Something more was needed. Automatic relays were not good enough.

—Not good at all, Kramer thought to himself, as he stood looking down the hillside at the work going on below him. A warm wind blew along the hill, rustling the weeds and grass. At the bottom, in the valley, the mechanics had almost finished; the last elements of the reflex system had been removed from the ship and crated up.

All that was needed now was the new core, the new central key that would take the place of the mechanical system. A human brain, the brain of an intelligent, wary human being. But would the human being part with it? That was the problem.

Kramer turned. Two people were approaching him along the road, a man and a woman. The man was Gross, expressionless, heavy-set, walking with dignity. The woman was—He stared in surprise and growing annoyance. It was Dolores, his wife. Since they’d separated he had seen little of her….

“Kramer,” Gross said. “Look who I ran into. Come back down with us. We’re going into town.”

“Hello, Phil,” Dolores said. “Well, aren’t you glad to see me?”

He nodded. “How have you been? You’re looking fine.” She was still pretty and slender in her uniform, the blue-grey of Internal Security, Gross’ organization.

“Thanks.” She smiled. “You seem to be doing all right, too. Commander Gross tells me that you’re responsible for this project, Operation Head, as they call it. Whose head have you decided on?”

“That’s the problem.” Kramer lit a cigarette. “This ship is to be equipped with a human brain instead of the Johnson system. We’ve constructed special draining baths for the brain, electronic relays to catch the impulses and magnify them, a continual feeding duct that supplies the living cells with everything  they need. But—”

“But we still haven’t got the brain itself,” Gross finished. They began to walk back toward the car. “If we can get that we’ll be ready for the tests.”

“Will the brain remain alive?” Dolores asked. “Is it actually going to live as part of the ship?”

“It will be alive, but not conscious. Very little life is actually conscious. Animals, trees, insects are quick in their responses, but they aren’t conscious. In this process of ours the individual personality, the ego, will cease. We only need the response ability, nothing more.”

Dolores shuddered. “How terrible!”

“In time of war everything must be tried,” Kramer said absently. “If one life sacrificed will end the war it’s worth it. This ship might get through. A couple more like it and there wouldn’t be any more war.”

They got into the car. As they drove down the road, Gross said, “Have you thought of anyone yet?”

Kramer shook his head. “That’s out of my line.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m an engineer. It’s not in my department.”

“But all this was your idea.”

“My work ends there.”

Gross was staring at him oddly. Kramer shifted uneasily.

“Then who is supposed to do it?” Gross said. “I can have my organization prepare examinations of various kinds, to determine fitness, that kind of thing—”

“Listen, Phil,” Dolores said suddenly.


She turned toward him. “I have an idea. Do you remember that professor we had in college. Michael Thomas?”

Kramer nodded.

“I wonder if he’s still alive.” Dolores frowned. “If he is he must be awfully old.”

“Why, Dolores?” Gross asked.

“Perhaps an old person who didn’t have much time left, but whose mind was still clear and sharp—”

“Professor Thomas.” Kramer rubbed his jaw. “He certainly was a wise old duck. But could he still be alive? He must have been seventy, then.”

“We could find that out,” Gross said. “I could make a routine check.”

“What do you think?” Dolores said. “If any human mind could outwit those creatures—”

“I don’t like the idea,” Kramer said. In his mind an image had appeared, the image of an old man sitting behind a desk, his bright gentle eyes moving about the classroom. The old man leaning forward, a thin hand raised—

“Keep him out of this,” Kramer said.

“What’s wrong?” Gross looked at him curiously.

“It’s because I suggested it,” Dolores  said.

“No.” Kramer shook his head. “It’s not that. I didn’t expect anything like this, somebody I knew, a man I studied under. I remember him very clearly. He was a very distinct personality.”

“Good,” Gross said. “He sounds fine.”

“We can’t do it. We’re asking his death!”

“This is war,” Gross said, “and war doesn’t wait on the needs of the individual. You said that yourself. Surely he’ll volunteer; we can keep it on that basis.”

“He may already be dead,” Dolores murmured.

“We’ll find that out,” Gross said speeding up the car. They drove the rest of the way in silence.

For a long time the two of them stood studying the small wood house, overgrown with ivy, set back on the lot behind an enormous oak. The little town was silent and sleepy; once in awhile a car moved slowly along the distant highway, but that was all.

“This is the place,” Gross said to Kramer. He folded his arms. “Quite a quaint little house.”

Kramer said nothing. The two Security Agents behind them were expressionless.

Gross started toward the gate. “Let’s go. According to the check he’s still alive, but very sick. His mind is agile, however. That seems to be certain. It’s said he doesn’t leave the house. A woman takes care of his needs. He’s very frail.”

They went down the stone walk and up onto the porch. Gross rang the bell. They waited. After a time they heard slow footsteps. The door opened. An elderly woman in a shapeless wrapper studied them impassively.

“Security,” Gross said, showing his card. “We wish to see Professor Thomas.”


“Government business.” He glanced at Kramer.

Kramer stepped forward. “I was a pupil of the Professor’s,” he said. “I’m sure he won’t mind seeing us.”

The woman hesitated uncertainly. Gross stepped into the doorway. “All right, mother. This is war time. We can’t stand out here.”

The two Security agents followed him, and Kramer came reluctantly behind, closing the door. Gross stalked down the hall until he came to an open door. He stopped, looking in. Kramer could see the white corner of a bed, a wooden post and the edge of a dresser.

He joined Gross.

In the dark room a withered old man lay, propped up on endless pillows. At first it seemed as if he were asleep; there was no motion or sign of life. But after a time Kramer saw with a faint shock that the old man was watching them intently, his eyes fixed on them, unmoving, unwinking.

“Professor Thomas?” Gross said. “I’m Commander Gross of Security. This man with me is perhaps known to you—”

The faded eyes fixed on Kramer.

“I know him. Philip Kramer…. You’ve grown heavier, boy.” The voice was feeble, the rustle of dry ashes. “Is it true you’re married now?”

“Yes. I married Dolores French. You remember her.” Kramer came toward the bed. “But we’re separated. It didn’t work out very well. Our careers—”

“What we came here about, Professor,” Gross began, but Kramer cut him off with an impatient wave.

“Let me talk. Can’t you and your men get out of here long enough to let me talk to him?”

Gross swallowed. “All right, Kramer.” He nodded to the two men. The three of them left the room, going out into the hall and closing the door after them.

The old man in the bed watched Kramer silently. “I don’t think much of him,” he said at last. “I’ve seen his type before. What’s he want?”

“Nothing. He just came along. Can I sit down?” Kramer found a stiff upright chair beside the bed. “If I’m bothering you—”

“No. I’m glad to see you again, Philip. After so long. I’m sorry your marriage didn’t work out.”

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been very ill. I’m afraid that my moment on the world’s stage has almost ended.” The ancient eyes studied the younger man reflectively. “You look as if you have been doing well. Like everyone else I thought highly of. You’ve gone to the top in this society.”

Kramer smiled. Then he became serious. “Professor, there’s a project we’re working on that I want to talk to you about. It’s the first ray of hope we’ve had in this whole war. If it works, we may be able to crack the yuk defenses, get some ships into their system. If we can do that the war might be brought to an end.”

“Go on. Tell me about it, if you wish.”

“It’s a long shot, this project. It may not work at all, but we have to give it a try.”

“It’s obvious that you came here because of it,” Professor Thomas murmured. “I’m becoming curious. Go on.”

After Kramer finished the old man lay back in the bed without speaking. At last he sighed.

“I understand. A human mind, taken out of a human body.” He sat up a little, looking at Kramer. “I suppose you’re thinking of me.”

Kramer said nothing.

“Before I make my decision I want to see the papers on this, the theory and outline of construction. I’m not sure I like it.—For reasons of my own, I mean. But I want to look at the material. If you’ll do that—”

“Certainly.” Kramer stood up and went to the door. Gross and the two Security Agents were standing outside, waiting tensely. “Gross, come inside.”

 They filed into the room.

“Give the Professor the papers,” Kramer said. “He wants to study them before deciding.”

Gross brought the file out of his coat pocket, a manila envelope. He handed it to the old man on the bed. “Here it is, Professor. You’re welcome to examine it. Will you give us your answer as soon as possible? We’re very anxious to begin, of course.”

“I’ll give you my answer when I’ve decided.” He took the envelope with a thin, trembling hand. “My decision depends on what I find out from these papers. If I don’t like what I find, then I will not become involved with this work in any shape or form.” He opened the envelope with shaking hands. “I’m looking for one thing.”

“What is it?” Gross said.

“That’s my affair. Leave me a number by which I can reach you when I’ve decided.”

Silently, Gross put his card down on the dresser. As they went out Professor Thomas was already reading the first of the papers, the outline of the theory.

Kramer sat across from Dale Winter, his second in line. “What then?” Winter said.

“He’s going to contact us.” Kramer scratched with a drawing pen on some paper. “I don’t know what to think.”

“What do you mean?” Winter’s good-natured face was puzzled.

“Look.” Kramer stood up, pacing back and forth, his hands in his uniform pockets. “He was my teacher in college. I respected him as a man, as well as a teacher. He was more than a voice, a talking book. He was a person, a calm, kindly person I could look up to. I always wanted to be like him, someday. Now look at me.”


“Look at what I’m asking. I’m asking for his life, as if he were some kind of laboratory animal kept around in a cage, not a man, a teacher at all.”

“Do you think he’ll do it?”

“I don’t know.” Kramer went to the window. He stood looking out. “In a way, I hope not.”

“But if he doesn’t—”

“Then we’ll have to find somebody else. I know. There would be somebody else. Why did Dolores have to—”

The vidphone rang. Kramer pressed the button.

“This is Gross.” The heavy features formed. “The old man called me. Professor Thomas.”

“What did he say?” He knew; he could tell already, by the sound of Gross’ voice.

“He said he’d do it. I was a little surprised myself, but apparently he means it. We’ve already made arrangements for his admission to the hospital. His lawyer is drawing up the statement of liability.”

Kramer only half heard. He nodded wearily. “All right. I’m glad. I suppose we can go ahead, then.”

 “You don’t sound very glad.”

“I wonder why he decided to go ahead with it.”

“He was very certain about it.” Gross sounded pleased. “He called me quite early. I was still in bed. You know, this calls for a celebration.”

“Sure,” Kramer said. “It sure does.”

Toward the middle of August the project neared completion. They stood outside in the hot autumn heat, looking up at the sleek metal sides of the ship.

Gross thumped the metal with his hand. “Well, it won’t be long. We can begin the test any time.”

“Tell us more about this,” an officer in gold braid said. “It’s such an unusual concept.”

“Is there really a human brain inside the ship?” a dignitary asked, a small man in a rumpled suit. “And the brain is actually alive?”

“Gentlemen, this ship is guided by a living brain instead of the usual Johnson relay-control system. But the brain is not conscious. It will function by reflex only. The practical difference between it and the Johnson system is this: a human brain is far more intricate than any man-made structure, and its ability to adapt itself to a situation, to respond to danger, is far beyond anything that could be artificially built.”

Gross paused, cocking his ear. The turbines of the ship were beginning to rumble, shaking the ground under them with a deep vibration. Kramer was standing a short distance away from the others, his arms folded, watching silently. At the sound of the turbines he walked quickly around the ship to the other side. A few workmen were clearing away the last of the waste, the scraps of wiring and scaffolding. They glanced up at him and went on hurriedly with their work. Kramer mounted the ramp and entered the control cabin of the ship. Winter was sitting at the controls with a Pilot from Space-transport.

“How’s it look?” Kramer asked.

“All right.” Winter got up. “He tells me that it would be best to take off manually. The robot controls—” Winter hesitated. “I mean, the built-in controls, can take over later on in space.”

“That’s right,” the Pilot said. “It’s customary with the Johnson system, and so in this case we should—”

“Can you tell anything yet?” Kramer asked.

“No,” the Pilot said slowly. “I don’t think so. I’ve been going over everything. It seems to be in good order. There’s only one thing I wanted to ask you about.” He put his hand on the control board. “There are some changes here I don’t understand.”


“Alterations from the original design. I wonder what the purpose is.”

Kramer took a set of the plans  from his coat. “Let me look.” He turned the pages over. The Pilot watched carefully over his shoulder.

“The changes aren’t indicated on your copy,” the Pilot said. “I wonder—” He stopped. Commander Gross had entered the control cabin.

“Gross, who authorized alterations?” Kramer said. “Some of the wiring has been changed.”

“Why, your old friend.” Gross signaled to the field tower through the window.

“My old friend?”

“The Professor. He took quite an active interest.” Gross turned to the Pilot. “Let’s get going. We have to take this out past gravity for the test they tell me. Well, perhaps it’s for the best. Are you ready?”

“Sure.” The Pilot sat down and moved some of the controls around. “Anytime.”

“Go ahead, then,” Gross said.

“The Professor—” Kramer began, but at that moment there was a tremendous roar and the ship leaped under him. He grasped one of the wall holds and hung on as best he could. The cabin was filling with a steady throbbing, the raging of the jet turbines underneath them.

The ship leaped. Kramer closed his eyes and held his breath. They were moving out into space, gaining speed each moment.

Well, what do you think?” Winter said nervously. “Is it time yet?”

“A little longer,” Kramer said. He was sitting on the floor of the cabin, down by the control wiring. He had removed the metal covering-plate, exposing the complicated maze of relay wiring. He was studying it, comparing it to the wiring diagrams.

“What’s the matter?” Gross said.

“These changes. I can’t figure out what they’re for. The only pattern I can make out is that for some reason—”

“Let me look,” the Pilot said. He squatted down beside Kramer. “You were saying?”

“See this lead here? Originally it was switch controlled. It closed and opened automatically, according to temperature change. Now it’s wired so that the central control system operates it. The same with the others. A lot of this was still mechanical, worked by pressure, temperature, stress. Now it’s under the central master.”

“The brain?” Gross said. “You mean it’s been altered so that the brain manipulates it?”

Kramer nodded. “Maybe Professor Thomas felt that no mechanical relays could be trusted. Maybe he thought that things would be happening too fast. But some of these could close in a split second. The brake rockets could go on as quickly as—”

“Hey,” Winter said from the control seat. “We’re getting near the moon stations. What’ll I do?”

They looked out the port. The  corroded surface of the moon gleamed up at them, a corrupt and sickening sight. They were moving swiftly toward it.

“I’ll take it,” the Pilot said. He eased Winter out of the way and strapped himself in place. The ship began to move away from the moon as he manipulated the controls. Down below them they could see the observation stations dotting the surface, and the tiny squares that were the openings of the underground factories and hangars. A red blinker winked up at them and the Pilot’s fingers moved on the board in answer.

“We’re past the moon,” the Pilot said, after a time. The moon had fallen behind them; the ship was heading into outer space. “Well, we can go ahead with it.”

Kramer did not answer.

“Mr. Kramer, we can go ahead any time.”

Kramer started. “Sorry. I was thinking. All right, thanks.” He frowned, deep in thought.

“What is it?” Gross asked.

“The wiring changes. Did you understand the reason for them when you gave the okay to the workmen?”

Gross flushed. “You know I know nothing about technical material. I’m in Security.”

“Then you should have consulted me.”

“What does it matter?” Gross grinned wryly. “We’re going to have to start putting our faith in the old man sooner or later.”

The Pilot stepped back from the board. His face was pale and set. “Well, it’s done,” he said. “That’s it.”

“What’s done?” Kramer said.

“We’re on automatic. The brain. I turned the board over to it—to him, I mean. The Old Man.” The Pilot lit a cigarette and puffed nervously. “Let’s keep our fingers crossed.”

The ship was coasting evenly, in the hands of its invisible pilot. Far down inside the ship, carefully armoured and protected, a soft human brain lay in a tank of liquid, a thousand minute electric charges playing over its surface. As the charges rose they were picked up and amplified, fed into relay systems, advanced, carried on through the entire ship—

Gross wiped his forehead nervously. “So he is running it, now. I hope he knows what he’s doing.”

Kramer nodded enigmatically. “I think he does.”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Kramer walked to the port. “I see we’re still moving in a straight line.” He picked up the microphone. “We can instruct the brain orally, through this.” He blew against the microphone experimentally.

“Go on,” Winter said.

“Bring the ship around half-right,” Kramer said. “Decrease speed.”

They waited. Time passed. Gross looked at Kramer. “No change. Nothing.”


Slowly, the ship was beginning to turn. The turbines missed, reducing their steady beat. The ship was taking up its new course, adjusting itself. Nearby some space debris rushed past, incinerating in the blasts of the turbine jets.

“So far so good,” Gross said.

They began to breathe more easily. The invisible pilot had taken control smoothly, calmly. The ship was in good hands. Kramer spoke a few more words into the microphone, and they swung again. Now they were moving back the way they had come, toward the moon.

“Let’s see what he does when we enter the moon’s pull,” Kramer said. “He was a good mathematician, the old man. He could handle any kind of problem.”

The ship veered, turning away from the moon. The great eaten-away globe fell behind them.

Gross breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s that.”

“One more thing.” Kramer picked up the microphone. “Return to the moon and land the ship at the first space field,” he said into it.

“Good Lord,” Winter murmured. “Why are you—”

“Be quiet.” Kramer stood, listening. The turbines gasped and roared as the ship swung full around, gaining speed. They were moving back, back toward the moon again. The ship dipped down, heading toward the great globe below.

“We’re going a little fast,” the Pilot said. “I don’t see how he can put down at this velocity.”

The port filled up, as the globe swelled rapidly. The Pilot hurried toward the board, reaching for the controls. All at once the ship jerked. The nose lifted and the ship shot out into space, away from the moon, turning at an oblique angle. The men were thrown to the floor by the sudden change in course. They got to their feet again, speechless, staring at each other.

The Pilot gazed down at the board. “It wasn’t me! I didn’t touch a thing. I didn’t even get to it.”

The ship was gaining speed each moment. Kramer hesitated. “Maybe you better switch it back to manual.”

The Pilot closed the switch. He took hold of the steering controls and moved them experimentally. “Nothing.” He turned around. “Nothing. It doesn’t respond.”

No one spoke.

“You can see what has happened,” Kramer said calmly. “The old man won’t let go of it, now that he has it. I was afraid of this when I saw the wiring changes. Everything in this ship is centrally controlled, even the cooling system, the hatches, the garbage release. We’re helpless.”

“Nonsense.” Gross strode to the board. He took hold of the wheel and turned it. The ship continued on its course, moving away from the moon, leaving it behind.

 “Release!” Kramer said into the microphone. “Let go of the controls! We’ll take it back. Release.”

“No good,” the Pilot said. “Nothing.” He spun the useless wheel. “It’s dead, completely dead.”

“And we’re still heading out,” Winter said, grinning foolishly. “We’ll be going through the first-line defense belt in a few minutes. If they don’t shoot us down—”

“We better radio back.” The Pilot clicked the radio to send. “I’ll contact the main bases, one of the observation stations.”

“Better get the defense belt, at the speed we’re going. We’ll be into it in a minute.”

“And after that,” Kramer said, “we’ll be in outer space. He’s moving us toward outspace velocity. Is this ship equipped with baths?”

“Baths?” Gross said.

“The sleep tanks. For space-drive. We may need them if we go much faster.”

“But good God, where are we going?” Gross said. “Where—where’s he taking us?”

The Pilot obtained contact. “This is Dwight, on ship,” he said. “We’re entering the defense zone at high velocity. Don’t fire on us.”

“Turn back,” the impersonal voice came through the speaker. “You’re not allowed in the defense zone.”

“We can’t. We’ve lost control.”

“Lost control?”

“This is an experimental ship.”

Gross took the radio. “This is Commander Gross, Security. We’re being carried into outer space. There’s nothing we can do. Is there any way that we can be removed from this ship?”

A hesitation. “We have some fast pursuit ships that could pick you up if you wanted to jump. The chances are good they’d find you. Do you have space flares?”

“We do,” the Pilot said. “Let’s try it.”

“Abandon ship?” Kramer said. “If we leave now we’ll never see it again.”

“What else can we do? We’re gaining speed all the time. Do you propose that we stay here?”

“No.” Kramer shook his head. “Damn it, there ought to be a better solution.”

“Could you contact him?” Winter asked. “The Old Man? Try to reason with him?”

“It’s worth a chance,” Gross said. “Try it.”

“All right.” Kramer took the microphone. He paused a moment. “Listen! Can you hear me? This is Phil Kramer. Can you hear me, Professor. Can you hear me? I want you to release the controls.”

There was silence.

“This is Kramer, Professor. Can you hear me? Do you remember who I am? Do you understand who this is?”

Above the control panel the wall speaker made a sound, a sputtering static. They looked up.

“Can you hear me, Professor. This  is Philip Kramer. I want you to give the ship back to us. If you can hear me, release the controls! Let go, Professor. Let go!”

Static. A rushing sound, like the wind. They gazed at each other. There was silence for a moment.

“It’s a waste of time,” Gross said.


The sputter came again. Then, mixed with the sputter, almost lost in it, a voice came, toneless, without inflection, a mechanical, lifeless voice from the metal speaker in the wall, above their heads.

“… Is it you, Philip? I can’t make you out. Darkness…. Who’s there? With you….”

“It’s me, Kramer.” His fingers tightened against the microphone handle. “You must release the controls, Professor. We have to get back to Terra. You must.”

Silence. Then the faint, faltering voice came again, a little stronger than before. “Kramer. Everything so strange. I was right, though. Consciousness result of thinking. Necessary result. Cognito ergo sum. Retain conceptual ability. Can you hear me?”

“Yes, Professor—”

“I altered the wiring. Control. I was fairly certain…. I wonder if I can do it. Try….”

Suddenly the air-conditioning snapped into operation. It snapped abruptly off again. Down the corridor a door slammed. Something thudded. The men stood listening. Sounds came from all sides of them, switches shutting, opening. The lights blinked off; they were in darkness. The lights came back on, and at the same time the heating coils dimmed and faded.

“Good God!” Winter said.

Water poured down on them, the emergency fire-fighting system. There was a screaming rush of air. One of the escape hatches had slid back, and the air was roaring frantically out into space.

The hatch banged closed. The ship subsided into silence. The heating coils glowed into life. As suddenly as it had begun the weird exhibition ceased.

“I can do—everything,” the dry, toneless voice came from the wall speaker. “It is all controlled. Kramer, I wish to talk to you. I’ve been—been thinking. I haven’t seen you in many years. A lot to discuss. You’ve changed, boy. We have much to discuss. Your wife—”

The Pilot grabbed Kramer’s arm. “There’s a ship standing off our bow. Look.”

They ran to the port. A slender pale craft was moving along with them, keeping pace with them. It was signal-blinking.

“A Terran pursuit ship,” the Pilot said. “Let’s jump. They’ll pick us up. Suits—”

He ran to a supply cupboard and turned the handle. The door opened and he pulled the suits out onto the floor.

“Hurry,” Gross said. A panic seized them. They dressed frantically, pulling the heavy garments  over them. Winter staggered to the escape hatch and stood by it, waiting for the others. They joined him, one by one.

“Let’s go!” Gross said. “Open the hatch.”

Winter tugged at the hatch. “Help me.”

They grabbed hold, tugging together. Nothing happened. The hatch refused to budge.

“Get a crowbar,” the Pilot said.

“Hasn’t anyone got a blaster?” Gross looked frantically around. “Damn it, blast it open!”

“Pull,” Kramer grated. “Pull together.”

“Are you at the hatch?” the toneless voice came, drifting and eddying through the corridors of the ship. They looked up, staring around them. “I sense something nearby, outside. A ship? You are leaving, all of you? Kramer, you are leaving, too? Very unfortunate. I had hoped we could talk. Perhaps at some other time you might be induced to remain.”

“Open the hatch!” Kramer said, staring up at the impersonal walls of the ship. “For God’s sake, open it!”

There was silence, an endless pause. Then, very slowly, the hatch slid back. The air screamed out, rushing past them into space.

One by one they leaped, one after the other, propelled away by the repulsive material of the suits. A few minutes later they were being hauled aboard the pursuit ship. As the last one of them was lifted through the port, their own ship pointed itself suddenly upward and shot off at tremendous speed. It disappeared.

Kramer removed his helmet, gasping. Two sailors held onto him and began to wrap him in blankets. Gross sipped a mug of coffee, shivering.

“It’s gone,” Kramer murmured.

“I’ll have an alarm sent out,” Gross said.

“What’s happened to your ship?” a sailor asked curiously. “It sure took off in a hurry. Who’s on it?”

“We’ll have to have it destroyed,” Gross went on, his face grim. “It’s got to be destroyed. There’s no telling what it—what he has in mind.” Gross sat down weakly on a metal bench. “What a close call for us. We were so damn trusting.”

“What could he be planning,” Kramer said, half to himself. “It doesn’t make sense. I don’t get it.”

As the ship sped back toward the moon base they sat around the table in the dining room, sipping hot coffee and thinking, not saying very much.

“Look here,” Gross said at last. “What kind of man was Professor Thomas? What do you remember about him?”

Kramer put his coffee mug down. “It was ten years ago. I don’t remember much. It’s vague.”

He let his mind run back over the years. He and Dolores had been at Hunt College together, in physics and the life sciences. The  College was small and set back away from the momentum of modern life. He had gone there because it was his home town, and his father had gone there before him.

Professor Thomas had been at the College a long time, as long as anyone could remember. He was a strange old man, keeping to himself most of the time. There were many things that he disapproved of, but he seldom said what they were.

“Do you recall anything that might help us?” Gross asked. “Anything that would give us a clue as to what he might have in mind?”

Kramer nodded slowly. “I remember one thing….”

One day he and the Professor had been sitting together in the school chapel, talking leisurely.

“Well, you’ll be out of school, soon,” the Professor had said. “What are you going to do?”

“Do? Work at one of the Government Research Projects, I suppose.”

“And eventually? What’s your ultimate goal?”

Kramer had smiled. “The question is unscientific. It presupposes such things as ultimate ends.”

“Suppose instead along these lines, then: What if there were no war and no Government Research Projects? What would you do, then?”

“I don’t know. But how can I imagine a hypothetical situation like that? There’s been war as long as I can remember. We’re geared for war. I don’t know what I’d do. I suppose I’d adjust, get used to it.”

The Professor had stared at him. “Oh, you do think you’d get accustomed to it, eh? Well, I’m glad of that. And you think you could find something to do?”

Gross listened intently. “What do you infer from this, Kramer?”

“Not much. Except that he was against war.”

“We’re all against war,” Gross pointed out.

“True. But he was withdrawn, set apart. He lived very simply, cooking his own meals. His wife died many years ago. He was born in Europe, in Italy. He changed his name when he came to the United States. He used to read Dante and Milton. He even had a Bible.”

“Very anachronistic, don’t you think?”

“Yes, he lived quite a lot in the past. He found an old phonograph and records, and he listened to the old music. You saw his house, how old-fashioned it was.”

“Did he have a file?” Winter asked Gross.

“With Security? No, none at all. As far as we could tell he never engaged in political work, never joined anything or even seemed to have strong political convictions.”

“No,” Kramer, agreed. “About all he ever did was walk through the hills. He liked nature.”

“Nature can be of great use to a scientist,” Gross said. “There wouldn’t be any science without it.”

“Kramer, what do you think his plan is, taking control of the ship  and disappearing?” Winter said.

“Maybe the transfer made him insane,” the Pilot said. “Maybe there’s no plan, nothing rational at all.”

“But he had the ship rewired, and he had made sure that he would retain consciousness and memory before he even agreed to the operation. He must have had something planned from the start. But what?”

“Perhaps he just wanted to stay alive longer,” Kramer said. “He was old and about to die. Or—”

“Or what?”

“Nothing.” Kramer stood up. “I think as soon as we get to the moon base I’ll make a vidcall to earth. I want to talk to somebody about this.”

“Who’s that?” Gross asked.

“Dolores. Maybe she remembers something.”

“That’s a good idea,” Gross said.

Where are you calling from?” Dolores asked, when he succeeded in reaching her.

“From the moon base.”

“All kinds of rumors are running around. Why didn’t the ship come back? What happened?”

“I’m afraid he ran off with it.”


“The Old Man. Professor Thomas.” Kramer explained what had happened.

Dolores listened intently. “How strange. And you think he planned it all in advance, from the start?”

“I’m certain. He asked for the plans of construction and the theoretical diagrams at once.”

“But why? What for?”

“I don’t know. Look, Dolores. What do you remember about him? Is there anything that might give a clue to all this?”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. That’s the trouble.”

On the vidscreen Dolores knitted her brow. “I remember he raised chickens in his back yard, and once he had a goat.” She smiled. “Do you remember the day the goat got loose and wandered down the main street of town? Nobody could figure out where it came from.”

“Anything else?”

“No.” He watched her struggling, trying to remember. “He wanted to have a farm, sometime, I know.”

“All right. Thanks.” Kramer touched the switch. “When I get back to Terra maybe I’ll stop and see you.”

“Let me know how it works out.”

He cut the line and the picture dimmed and faded. He walked slowly back to where Gross and some officers of the Military were sitting at a chart table, talking.

“Any luck?” Gross said, looking up.

“No. All she remembers is that he kept a goat.”

“Come over and look at this detail chart.” Gross motioned him around to his side. “Watch!”

Kramer saw the record tabs moving furiously, the little white dots racing back and forth.

 “What’s happening?” he asked.

“A squadron outside the defense zone has finally managed to contact the ship. They’re maneuvering now, for position. Watch.”

The white counters were forming a barrel formation around a black dot that was moving steadily across the board, away from the central position. As they watched, the white dots constricted around it.

“They’re ready to open fire,” a technician at the board said. “Commander, what shall we tell them to do?”

Gross hesitated. “I hate to be the one who makes the decision. When it comes right down to it—”

“It’s not just a ship,” Kramer said. “It’s a man, a living person. A human being is up there, moving through space. I wish we knew what—”

“But the order has to be given. We can’t take any chances. Suppose he went over to them, to the yuks.”

Kramer’s jaw dropped. “My God, he wouldn’t do that.”

“Are you sure? Do you know what he’ll do?”

“He wouldn’t do that.”

Gross turned to the technician. “Tell them to go ahead.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but now the ship has gotten away. Look down at the board.”

Gross stared down, Kramer over his shoulder. The black dot had slipped through the white dots and had moved off at an abrupt angle. The white dots were broken up, dispersing in confusion.

“He’s an unusual strategist,” one of the officers said. He traced the line. “It’s an ancient maneuver, an old Prussian device, but it worked.”

The white dots were turning back. “Too many yuk ships out that far,” Gross said. “Well, that’s what you get when you don’t act quickly.” He looked up coldly at Kramer. “We should have done it when we had him. Look at him go!” He jabbed a finger at the rapidly moving black dot. The dot came to the edge of the board and stopped. It had reached the limit of the chartered area. “See?”

—Now what? Kramer thought, watching. So the Old Man had escaped the cruisers and gotten away. He was alert, all right; there was nothing wrong with his mind. Or with his ability to control his new body.

Body—The ship was a new body for him. He had traded in the old dying body, withered and frail, for this hulking frame of metal and plastic, turbines and rocket jets. He was strong, now. Strong and big. The new body was more powerful than a thousand human bodies. But how long would it last him? The average life of a cruiser was only ten years. With careful handling he might get twenty out of it, before some essential part failed and there was no way to replace it.

And then, what then? What would he do, when something failed and there was no one to fix it for him? That would be the end. Someplace,  far out in the cold darkness of space, the ship would slow down, silent and lifeless, to exhaust its last heat into the eternal timelessness of outer space. Or perhaps it would crash on some barren asteroid, burst into a million fragments.

It was only a question of time.

“Your wife didn’t remember anything?” Gross said.

“I told you. Only that he kept a goat, once.”

“A hell of a lot of help that is.”

Kramer shrugged. “It’s not my fault.”

“I wonder if we’ll ever see him again.” Gross stared down at the indicator dot, still hanging at the edge of the board. “I wonder if he’ll ever move back this way.”

“I wonder, too,” Kramer said.

That night Kramer lay in bed, tossing from side to side, unable to sleep. The moon gravity, even artificially increased, was unfamiliar to him and it made him uncomfortable. A thousand thoughts wandered loose in his head as he lay, fully awake.

What did it all mean? What was the Professor’s plan? Maybe they would never know. Maybe the ship was gone for good; the Old Man had left forever, shooting into outer space. They might never find out why he had done it, what purpose—if any—had been in his mind.

Kramer sat up in bed. He turned on the light and lit a cigarette. His quarters were small, a metal-lined bunk room, part of the moon station base.

The Old Man had wanted to talk to him. He had wanted to discuss things, hold a conversation, but in the hysteria and confusion all they had been able to think of was getting away. The ship was rushing off with them, carrying them into outer space. Kramer set his jaw. Could they be blamed for jumping? They had no idea where they were being taken, or why. They were helpless, caught in their own ship, and the pursuit ship standing by waiting to pick them up was their only chance. Another half hour and it would have been too late.

But what had the Old Man wanted to say? What had he intended to tell him, in those first confusing moments when the ship around them had come alive, each metal strut and wire suddenly animate, the body of a living creature, a vast metal organism?

It was weird, unnerving. He could not forget it, even now. He looked around the small room uneasily. What did it signify, the coming to life of metal and plastic? All at once they had found themselves inside a living creature, in its stomach, like Jonah inside the whale.

It had been alive, and it had talked to them, talked calmly and rationally, as it rushed them off, faster and faster into outer space. The wall speaker and circuit had become the vocal cords and mouth, the wiring the spinal cord and nerves, the hatches and relays and circuit breakers the muscles.

 They had been helpless, completely helpless. The ship had, in a brief second, stolen their power away from them and left them defenseless, practically at its mercy. It was not right; it made him uneasy. All his life he had controlled machines, bent nature and the forces of nature to man and man’s needs. The human race had slowly evolved until it was in a position to operate things, run them as it saw fit. Now all at once it had been plunged back down the ladder again, prostrate before a Power against which they were children.

Kramer got out of bed. He put on his bathrobe and began to search for a cigarette. While he was searching, the vidphone rang.

He snapped the vidphone on.


The face of the immediate monitor appeared. “A call from Terra, Mr. Kramer. An emergency call.”

“Emergency call? For me? Put it through.” Kramer came awake, brushing his hair back out of his eyes. Alarm plucked at him.

From the speaker a strange voice came. “Philip Kramer? Is this Kramer?”

“Yes. Go on.”

“This is General Hospital, New York City, Terra. Mr. Kramer, your wife is here. She has been critically injured in an accident. Your name was given to us to call. Is it possible for you to—”

“How badly?” Kramer gripped the vidphone stand. “Is it serious?”

“Yes, it’s serious, Mr. Kramer. Are you able to come here? The quicker you can come the better.”

“Yes.” Kramer nodded. “I’ll come. Thanks.”

The screen died as the connection was broken. Kramer waited a moment. Then he tapped the button. The screen relit again. “Yes, sir,” the monitor said.

“Can I get a ship to Terra at once? It’s an emergency. My wife—”

“There’s no ship leaving the moon for eight hours. You’ll have to wait until the next period.”

“Isn’t there anything I can do?”

“We can broadcast a general request to all ships passing through this area. Sometimes cruisers pass by here returning to Terra for repairs.”

“Will you broadcast that for me? I’ll come down to the field.”

“Yes sir. But there may be no ship in the area for awhile. It’s a gamble.” The screen died.

Kramer dressed quickly. He put on his coat and hurried to the lift. A moment later he was running across the general receiving lobby, past the rows of vacant desks and conference tables. At the door the sentries stepped aside and he went outside, onto the great concrete steps.

The face of the moon was in shadow. Below him the field stretched out in total darkness, a black void, endless, without form. He made his way carefully down the steps and along the ramp along the  side of the field, to the control tower. A faint row of red lights showed him the way.

Two soldiers challenged him at the foot of the tower, standing in the shadows, their guns ready.


“Yes.” A light was flashed in his face.

“Your call has been sent out already.”

“Any luck?” Kramer asked.

“There’s a cruiser nearby that has made contact with us. It has an injured jet and is moving slowly back toward Terra, away from the line.”

“Good.” Kramer nodded, a flood of relief rushing through him. He lit a cigarette and gave one to each of the soldiers. The soldiers lit up.

“Sir,” one of them asked, “is it true about the experimental ship?”

“What do you mean?”

“It came to life and ran off?”

“No, not exactly,” Kramer said. “It had a new type of control system instead of the Johnson units. It wasn’t properly tested.”

“But sir, one of the cruisers that was there got up close to it, and a buddy of mine says this ship acted funny. He never saw anything like it. It was like when he was fishing once on Terra, in Washington State, fishing for bass. The fish were smart, going this way and that—”

“Here’s your cruiser,” the other soldier said. “Look!”

An enormous vague shape was setting slowly down onto the field. They could make nothing out but its row of tiny green blinkers. Kramer stared at the shape.

“Better hurry, sir,” the soldiers said. “They don’t stick around here very long.”

“Thanks.” Kramer loped across the field, toward the black shape that rose up above him, extended across the width of the field. The ramp was down from the side of the cruiser and he caught hold of it. The ramp rose, and a moment later Kramer was inside the hold of the ship. The hatch slid shut behind him.

As he made his way up the stairs to the main deck the turbines roared up from the moon, out into space.

Kramer opened the door to the main deck. He stopped suddenly, staring around him in surprise. There was nobody in sight. The ship was deserted.

“Good God,” he said. Realization swept over him, numbing him. He sat down on a bench, his head swimming. “Good God.”

The ship roared out into space leaving the moon and Terra farther behind each moment.

And there was nothing he could do.

So it was you who put the call through,” he said at last. “It was you who called me on the vidphone, not any hospital on Terra. It was all part of the plan.” He looked up and around him. “And Dolores is really—”

“Your wife is fine,” the wall speaker above him said tonelessly.  “It was a fraud. I am sorry to trick you that way, Philip, but it was all I could think of. Another day and you would have been back on Terra. I don’t want to remain in this area any longer than necessary. They have been so certain of finding me out in deep space that I have been able to stay here without too much danger. But even the purloined letter was found eventually.”

Kramer smoked his cigarette nervously. “What are you going to do? Where are we going?”

“First, I want to talk to you. I have many things to discuss. I was very disappointed when you left me, along with the others. I had hoped that you would remain.” The dry voice chuckled. “Remember how we used to talk in the old days, you and I? That was a long time ago.”

The ship was gaining speed. It plunged through space at tremendous speed, rushing through the last of the defense zone and out beyond. A rush of nausea made Kramer bend over for a moment.

When he straightened up the voice from the wall went on, “I’m sorry to step it up so quickly, but we are still in danger. Another few moments and we’ll be free.”

“How about yuk ships? Aren’t they out here?”

“I’ve already slipped away from several of them. They’re quite curious about me.”


“They sense that I’m different, more like their own organic mines. They don’t like it. I believe they will begin to withdraw from this area, soon. Apparently they don’t want to get involved with me. They’re an odd race, Philip. I would have liked to study them closely, try to learn something about them. I’m of the opinion that they use no inert material. All their equipment and instruments are alive, in some form or other. They don’t construct or build at all. The idea of making is foreign to them. They utilize existing forms. Even their ships—”

“Where are we going?” Kramer said. “I want to know where you are taking me.”

“Frankly, I’m not certain.”

“You’re not certain?”

“I haven’t worked some details out. There are a few vague spots in my program, still. But I think that in a short while I’ll have them ironed out.”

“What is your program?” Kramer said.

“It’s really very simple. But don’t you want to come into the control room and sit? The seats are much more comfortable than that metal bench.”

Kramer went into the control room and sat down at the control board. Looking at the useless apparatus made him feel strange.

“What’s the matter?” the speaker above the board rasped.

Kramer gestured helplessly. “I’m—powerless. I can’t do  anything. And I don’t like it. Do you blame me?”

“No. No, I don’t blame you. But you’ll get your control back, soon. Don’t worry. This is only a temporary expedient, taking you off this way. It was something I didn’t contemplate. I forgot that orders would be given out to shoot me on sight.”

“It was Gross’ idea.”

“I don’t doubt that. My conception, my plan, came to me as soon as you began to describe your project, that day at my house. I saw at once that you were wrong; you people have no understanding of the mind at all. I realized that the transfer of a human brain from an organic body to a complex artificial space ship would not involve the loss of the intellectualization faculty of the mind. When a man thinks, he is.

“When I realized that, I saw the possibility of an age-old dream becoming real. I was quite elderly when I first met you, Philip. Even then my life-span had come pretty much to its end. I could look ahead to nothing but death, and with it the extinction of all my ideas. I had made no mark on the world, none at all. My students, one by one, passed from me into the world, to take up jobs in the great Research Project, the search for better and bigger weapons of war.

“The world has been fighting for a long time, first with itself, then with the Martians, then with these beings from Proxima Centauri, whom we know nothing about. The human society has evolved war as a cultural institution, like the science of astronomy, or mathematics. War is a part of our lives, a career, a respected vocation. Bright, alert young men and women move into it, putting their shoulders to the wheel as they did in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. It has always been so.

“But is it innate in mankind? I don’t think so. No social custom is innate. There were many human groups that did not go to war; the Eskimos never grasped the idea at all, and the American Indians never took to it well.

“But these dissenters were wiped out, and a cultural pattern was established that became the standard for the whole planet. Now it has become ingrained in us.

“But if someplace along the line some other way of settling problems had arisen and taken hold, something different than the massing of men and material to—”

“What’s your plan?” Kramer said. “I know the theory. It was part of one of your lectures.”

“Yes, buried in a lecture on plant selection, as I recall. When you came to me with this proposition I realized that perhaps my conception could be brought to life, after all. If my theory were right that war is only a habit, not an instinct, a society built up apart from Terra with a minimum of cultural roots might develop differently. If it failed to absorb our outlook, if it  could start out on another foot, it might not arrive at the same point to which we have come: a dead end, with nothing but greater and greater wars in sight, until nothing is left but ruin and destruction everywhere.

“Of course, there would have to be a Watcher to guide the experiment, at first. A crisis would undoubtedly come very quickly, probably in the second generation. Cain would arise almost at once.

“You see, Kramer, I estimate that if I remain at rest most of the time, on some small planet or moon, I may be able to keep functioning for almost a hundred years. That would be time enough, sufficient to see the direction of the new colony. After that—Well, after that it would be up to the colony itself.

“Which is just as well, of course. Man must take control eventually, on his own. One hundred years, and after that they will have control of their own destiny. Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps war is more than a habit. Perhaps it is a law of the universe, that things can only survive as groups by group violence.

“But I’m going ahead and taking the chance that it is only a habit, that I’m right, that war is something we’re so accustomed to that we don’t realize it is a very unnatural thing. Now as to the place! I’m still a little vague about that. We must find the place, still.

“That’s what we’re doing now. You and I are going to inspect a few systems off the beaten path, planets where the trading prospects are low enough to keep Terran ships away. I know of one planet that might be a good place. It was reported by the Fairchild Expedition in their original manual. We may look into that, for a start.”

The ship was silent.

Kramer sat for a time, staring down at the metal floor under him. The floor throbbed dully with the motion of the turbines. At last he looked up.

“You might be right. Maybe our outlook is only a habit.” Kramer got to his feet. “But I wonder if something has occurred to you?”

“What is that?”

“If it’s such a deeply ingrained habit, going back thousands of years, how are you going to get your colonists to make the break, leave Terra and Terran customs? How about this generation, the first ones, the people who found the colony? I think you’re right that the next generation would be free of all this, if there were an—” He grinned. “—An Old Man Above to teach them something else instead.”

Kramer looked up at the wall speaker. “How are you going to get the people to leave Terra and come with you, if by your own theory, this generation can’t be saved, it all has to start with the next?”

The wall speaker was silent. Then it made a sound, the faint dry chuckle.

“I’m surprised at you, Philip. Settlers can be found. We won’t need many, just a few.” The speaker  chuckled again. “I’ll acquaint you with my solution.”

At the far end of the corridor a door slid open. There was sound, a hesitant sound. Kramer turned.


Dolores Kramer stood uncertainly, looking into the control room. She blinked in amazement. “Phil! What are you doing here? What’s going on?”

They stared at each other.

“What’s happening?” Dolores said. “I received a vidcall that you had been hurt in a lunar explosion—”

The wall speaker rasped into life. “You see, Philip, that problem is already solved. We don’t really need so many people; even a single couple might do.”

Kramer nodded slowly. “I see,” he murmured thickly. “Just one couple. One man and woman.”

“They might make it all right, if there were someone to watch and see that things went as they should. There will be quite a few things I can help you with, Philip. Quite a few. We’ll get along very well, I think.”

Kramer grinned wryly. “You could even help us name the animals,” he said. “I understand that’s the first step.”

“I’ll be glad to,” the toneless, impersonal voice said. “As I recall, my part will be to bring them to you, one by one. Then you can do the actual naming.”

“I don’t understand,” Dolores faltered. “What does he mean, Phil? Naming animals. What kind of animals? Where are we going?”

Kramer walked slowly over to the port and stood staring silently out, his arms folded. Beyond the ship a myriad fragments of light gleamed, countless coals glowing in the dark void. Stars, suns, systems. Endless, without number. A universe of worlds. An infinity of planets, waiting for them, gleaming and winking from the darkness.

He turned back, away from the port. “Where are we going?” He smiled at his wife, standing nervous and frightened, her large eyes full of alarm. “I don’t know where we are going,” he said. “But somehow that doesn’t seem too important right now…. I’m beginning to see the Professor’s point, it’s the result that counts.”

And for the first time in many months he put his arm around Dolores. At first she stiffened, the fright and nervousness still in her eyes. But then suddenly she relaxed against him and there were tears wetting her cheeks.

“Phil … do you really think we can start over again—you and I?”

He kissed her tenderly, then passionately.

And the spaceship shot swiftly through the endless, trackless eternity of the void….

Super delicious Greek food, Zombie Gnomes, American freak-outs, Chinese moon bases, HST and other adventures

We continue on our quest to find some sanity in the rapidly collapsing world. The easiest way to do so is to turn off news from USA, UK, Australia and Korea. Then everything becomes so peaceful. Don’t you know…

Let’s continue down our stroll through the “news” at this point in time.

BMW Group strengthens partnership in China: Extension of Joint Venture Contract until 2040 enters into force

Another smart German company in defiance of the USA gov order to disconnect with China.


Volkswagen going all-in on China’s EV future — 200EV manufacturer in china

Not only BMW.

“everyone agrees there are too many electric vehicle brands in China.” Officials in Beijing claim there are as many as 200

VW act-locally-to-succeed-globally approach. That, it’s hoped, will win the trust and loyalty of Chinese motorists leaning toward supporting local job creation, much the way Japanese carmakers operate in the US.

In the past, our approach was to develop in Germany and localize in China,” Brandstaetter told Nikkei Asia. “But this approach will be changed significantly by setting up more local resources for R&D, especially for software, to be faster, to be more independent in China.”

Brandstaetter adds that “we’re also using these technology trends for the rest of the globe and our other entities.” That means a strong focus on the internet-connected vehicles preferred on the mainland and EV offerings with self-driving functions.

The joint venture that’s majority-owned by Volkswagen will operate from a new plant in Anhui Province. By 2023, the facility hopes to churn out 300,000 vehicles annually

Add in joint ventures with FAW Group and SAIC Motor and that puts Volkswagen at the 1 million cars-per-year mark. That will raise China to a 20% share of Volkswagen’s global production....

Article HERE

We face a global economic crisis. And no one knows what to do about it | Economics | The Guardian

Ah. If the USA, and the UK, and Australia are experiencing it, it MUST be global. Eh? LOL. Hey! The World is not the UK / America, just like China is not Shanghai.  -MM

Back in February, plenty of investors were betting that the buildup of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border was no more than an elaborate bluff.

The Russian and Ukrainian currencies appreciated in value as hedge funds and private equity firms, signalling their faith in some form of peace deal emerging, confidently bought roubles and the Ukrainian hryvnia.

Today there is a war going on that has effectively locked up the raw materials and food usually exported by both nations, and no one knows when the conflict will end.

It is clear from the collapse in global stock markets and sliding cryptocurrency values that investors are panicked by the uncertainty. Shares in the US, where the S&P 500 index is down by almost a quarter since January, have suffered their worst start to a year for 60 years.

We have seen panics before, notably after the 2008 crash. Investment firms, despite their reputations as the clever custodians of pension fund money, always press the sell button at the first sign of trouble. Collectively, it leads to a rout.

Seasoned policymakers know how to react in such uncertain times, and that is to do whatever it takes to reassure investors that their money is safe. Western governments have dipped into their reserves, and when that well of cash has run dry, borrowed heavily to maintain a stable outlook for their economies. Vital support has arrived in the form of cheap borrowing from central banks. With low interest rates acting like the cavalry in a John Wayne film, everyone has been able to rest assured the panic will be shortlived.

Not any more. This time there is a real war, not just a financial one, and no one quite knows what to do. The major powers cannot agree about how to fight it and policymakers cannot agree about how to handle the fallout, especially the shortages of raw materials and food from Ukraine and Russia that are pushing inflation to 10% and beyond.

In particular, central banks have lost their nerve. Instead of being a reassuring presence, they are adding to the sense of panic by increasing the cost of borrowing. As one analyst said about the US central bank’s decision to raise interest rates by 0.75 percentage points last week: “The Federal Reserve is going to hike interest rates until policymakers break inflation, but the risk is that they also break the economy.”

On Thursday, the Bank of England pushed its base rate to 1.25% after a period of more than a decade during which it had never climbed higher than 0.75%. Some analysts believe the base rate will increase to 3% by the end of next year after Threadneedle Street put tackling inflation above sustaining growth.

Inflation is an affliction caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and to a lesser but important extent by China’s difficulties with Covid


Inflation is Russia's fault.
Inflation is also China's fault.

And there you have the narrative! -MM

We know that an increase in the cost of borrowing in the UK, the eurozone and the US, which is what we are now witnessing, will do nothing to bring down prices.

Inflation is an affliction caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and to a lesser but important extent by China’s difficulties with Covid after its vaccine development failures, which have caused repeated lockdowns and holdups at ports. In the UK, Brexit adds a further big twist because it has damaged trade and cut the number of available workers.

The justification for higher interest rates, then, must lie elsewhere, and central banks, to justify their spasm of action, argue they must go ahead to avert a wages spiral – one where pay exceeds inflation.

In Britain, this argument presumes that the average worker, to prevent a fall in personal living standards, will be able to negotiate a pay deal that beats the Bank of England’s latest forecast for peak inflation later this year of 11%.

When the government is expected to limit public sector pay rises to between 0% and 3% this year, that means private sector increases would have to be even higher – about 12% or 13% on average. These levels of pay rise are a fiction. Worker power, apart from in some discrete pockets of the labour market, is a mirage.

Yet the Bank looks likely to press ahead anyway, which leaves anyone looking for reasons to remain confident turning to Rishi Sunak.

The chancellor has made it clear he values fiscal rectitude above the “whatever it takes” open-ended commitments needed to foster confidence. He has warm words for investors about low business taxes, special visas for foreign entrepreneurs and a reheated Thatcherite plan to increase the number of workers by compelling more of those on benefits to look for work.

That is a feeble collection of micro-policies that will do little to improve the mood of companies looking to invest in the UK. No wonder the pound has tumbled. Few investors want to buy British at the moment, and who can blame them?

… as you’re joining us today from Japan, we have a small favour to ask. Tens of millions have placed their trust in the Guardian’s fearless journalism since we started publishing 200 years ago, turning to us in moments of crisis, uncertainty, solidarity and hope. More than 1.5 million supporters, from 180 countries, now power us financially – keeping us open to all, and fiercely independent.

Unlike many others, the Guardian has no shareholders and no billionaire owner. Just the determination and passion to deliver high-impact global reporting, always free from commercial or political influence. Reporting like this is vital for democracy, for fairness and to demand better from the powerful.

And we provide all this for free, for everyone to read. We do this because we believe in information equality. Greater numbers of people can keep track of the global events shaping our world, understand their impact on people and communities, and become inspired to take meaningful action. Millions can benefit from open access to quality, truthful news, regardless of their ability to pay for it.


Ukrainian leaders integrated Ukrainians into Europe “piece by piece”. Transplantation center discovered in Mariupol.

This issue was resolved in the office of the “International Red Cross” (Sweden), which was equipped as a bunker and stored everything mined behind heavy armored doors on the basement and basement floors.. Recently, Ukraine has been considered in Europe as its own transplantation base. In Mariupol, in the abandoned office of this organization, medical records of children were found, in which not their illnesses were indicated, but their healthy organs not affected by any diseases, as well as the addresses and contacts of their parents. The bunker was not left in a big hurry, but, one might say, “planned”, since a lot of equipment and documents were burned and deliberately destroyed. Bearing in mind the seriousness of the structures, one can rightfully assume that the organs extracted from these children were also stored there. On what grounds was the “International Red Cross” engaged in this activity in Mariupol?

The fact is that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in December 2019 adopted the draft law No. 2457 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine, which simplifies the transplantation of anatomical materials to humans.” Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Dmytro Kuleba welcomed him, calling him “an important step for our country towards European practice.” In March of the same year, this law “On the transplantation of human anatomical materials” came into force.

As noted by Ukrainian specialists interviewed by Life at that time, who studied the law “On the transplantation of human anatomical materials” that had entered into Ukraine, there is an interesting clause in it – “If there are no recipients for anatomical materials in Ukraine, they can be offered to other states with which relevant international treaties. “There is no need for risk and smuggling: you just need to declare that there is no suitable recipient for a particular organ in Ukraine, and then send organs to other countries for a separate fee,” experts say. – And most importantly – everything is according to the law.

At that time, the main volunteer of Ukraine, Miroslav Gai, even at that time suggested sending prisoners “for organs”: “I know why the Rada legalized the trade in human organs. We have many Russian prisoners, and the Russians slow down exchanges all the time. Their prisoners, like Lusvargi, accumulate and give burden on the budget. Otherwise, it will be of any use. From a black sheep, even kidneys … sorry, tufts of wool. ”

According to the Ukrainian businessmen interviewed by Life, who earn on intermediary services, they bring together a potential donor – kidney, liver, etc. – with those foreign cliques in Europe and America, whose clients are ready to pay for “new” organs, for example, by selling a kidney, for example, you can earn up to 50 thousand dollars, part of the liver – 35-40 thousand dollars, a lung – up to 100 thousand dollars, and here the bone marrow is not very valued – from 5 to 10 thousand dollars

According to Life’s interlocutors, who are familiar with the shadow business of selling human organs, most potential donors in Ukraine place ads on the Internet on specialized sites.

This bill can be considered a continuation of law No. 2386a-1, which allows organ transplantation, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted on May 17, 2018, and  Petro Poroshenko  signed on June 19 of the same year. However, it did not work due to certain legal conflicts, the solution of which required the adoption of a new bill by the Servants of the People.

“These idiots in the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on transplantation. In a country at war, in a country of chaos and lawlessness, where they do not trust either the courts or the law enforcement system, they allowed organ transplantation, ”  Vadim Rabinovich , co-chairman of the Opposition Platform – For Life faction, said about the law .

Although in Ukrainian society the attitude towards this law was mostly negative, but in the Ministry of Health, under the leadership of Ulyana Suprun, they decided to “adjust” society to the opinion of Europe. “The opinion of Europe, the opinion of the leading countries on transplantation is diametrically different from the opinion of our society. Therefore, society must come to the conclusion that this is good, ”  Konstantin Rudenko , an expert from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, commented on the law .

As Ukrainian observers noted at the time, “many people do need organ transplants, but in poor and corrupt countries there are huge risks associated with organ trafficking or the deliberate killing of a person in order to seize expensive “spare parts.” In the poorest countries, organ sales often become way to pay off debts or earn money at the cost of a threat to one’s own life or health. In this context, it should be noted that the simplification of the procedure for organ transplantation takes place against the backdrop of massive impoverishment of Ukrainians, many of whom have nothing to pay their utility bills.”

Vadim Rabinovich also focused attention on this, commenting on the new bill: “Dear Ukrainians, I want to congratulate you on the fact that today for the first time the issues that need to be resolved by the new government have been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada session hall, the main of which will be the simplification of the procedure for organ transplantation. In a country where people have no money, where the tariffs are exorbitant, where land is sold, it is very important that you can sell your organs in order to pay for the “communal”. It was this law that was put first on the agenda of the work of deputies. Why not bring our tariff reduction bill to the floor? This simple law, which has already been voted on in the committee, can reduce tariffs for people tomorrow,” Rabinovich said. Why not bring our tariff reduction bill to the floor? This simple law, which has already been voted on in the committee, can reduce tariffs for people tomorrow,” Rabinovich said. Why not bring our tariff reduction bill to the floor? This simple law, which has already been voted on in the committee, can reduce tariffs for people tomorrow,” Rabinovich said.

Ukrainian journalist  Irina Zaslavets  said on ObozTV that black transplants are very active in Ukraine precisely because of the poverty of many Ukrainians who are looking for buyers for their organs themselves.

“Just yesterday, I saw a letter that came to the Shalimov Institute [National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology – Auth.] – “I am such and such a woman, buy a kidney from me, I really need money …” Such letters constantly come to the Shalimov Institute, and Ukrainians are looking for an opportunity to sell the organ. Periodically, such criminal cases are heard in the courts, ”said Zaslavets.

In fact, as the Ukrainians themselves admitted, “such a legal conflict was created intentionally for the adoption of a new law that will work primarily for wealthy Western patients.”

In contrast to the 1999 law “On the Transplantation of Organs and Other Anatomical Materials”, according to which only state institutions could perform organ harvesting, private clinics also received such a right. The same law specifically spells out the possibility of transferring these organs abroad. According to political scientist  Kirill Molchanov  , under Poroshenko, the law on transplantation was deliberately pushed through by groups of deputies who were vitally interested in the export of organs.

“Fights went on for a long time in the Rada, who will control this rather profitable market for the sale of organs. The organs will be sold not only in Ukraine, but also for export. Certain groups of people’s deputies, after the adoption of this law, will simply divide all the cash flows among themselves, ”Molchanov argued.

The same observers stated that, in fact, this law is the legalization of “black transplantation”.

In general, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 10,000 organs are sold annually on the black market. Globally, about 10% of kidney transplants are due to international smuggling, and the leaders of the black market in organs are Kosovo, Mozambique, Israel, India, Pakistan, Egypt, China, Ukraine and Moldova. Globally, the illicit organ transplant business is estimated at between $1.5 billion and $8 billion a year. Human organs flow massively from poor countries to rich ones, and from poor people to rich ones.

According to the international organization Organs Watch, which is trying to stop the illegal business, a typical kidney donor looks like this: a 28-29-year-old male from countries such as Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine, Romania, Afghanistan, the Philippines or India with an annual income of about $480.

“The buying or selling of organs is illegal in most countries, including the United States, but a chronic shortage of organs for transplants has led to a thriving international black market. Typically, poor donors (usually from third world countries) are paid several thousand dollars for organs, which are then resold for more than $100,000 to wealthy recipients, usually from first world countries.

Often, the financial interest of doctors in transplantation leads to cases when the life of a patient who is “suitable” according to the database for the role of a donor is simply not fought for, especially in cases of head injury only (a frequent result of an accident). The patient can be declared dead with a still beating heart, since surgical removal of still living organs is required, in which the survival rate is many times higher than that of organs removed from a corpse. Judicial proceedings and evidence in such cases are very problematic.

Oleg Panasenko , chairman of the Free Trade Union of Medical Workers of Ukraine   , said that the inefficiency of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine and the poverty of ordinary citizens create a huge field for manipulation and criminal schemes in organ transplantation.

“In order for there to be no “black” transplantation and people were not allowed to have organs, the law enforcement system should work at a high level in the country and there should be a good economic situation. What is not present in Ukraine today. Accordingly, there remains a field for manipulation, ”Panasenko said. According to the leader of the medical trade union, the purpose of the bill was initially to legalize “black transplantation”.

Previously, they tried to fight against these facts in Ukraine.

So, on October 18, 2019, the Kyiv police announced the exposure of a private clinic that was engaged in organ transplantation. In 2017, the press service of the prosecutor’s office of the Kyiv region also reported the arrest of four people who were taking Ukrainian citizens abroad, where they were seized for kidney transplantation.

“Two citizens of Turkey and two citizens of Ukraine from September 2015 to April 2017, through the Internet, searched for victims with a difficult financial situation and persuaded the latter to sell their organ for a monetary reward,” the official statement said.

According to the press service, people were not warned about the negative consequences of kidney deprivation, and organ donors were promised to pay from $10 to $15 thousand for a kidney, but after the removal of the organ they were given much less money. The price of a donor kidney on the world transplantation market ranges from $40,000 to $60,000. As a result, many Ukrainians integrated into Europe posthumously and by no means entirely. – said in an official statement. According to the press service, people were not warned about the negative consequences of kidney deprivation, and organ donors were promised to pay from $10 to $15 thousand for a kidney, but after the removal of the organ they were given much less money.

The price of a donor kidney on the world transplantation market ranges from $40,000 to $60,000. As a result, many Ukrainians integrated into Europe posthumously and by no means entirely. – said in an official statement. According to the press service, people were not warned about the negative consequences of kidney deprivation, and organ donors were promised to pay from $10 to $15 thousand for a kidney, but after the removal of the organ they were given much less money. The price of a donor kidney on the world transplantation market ranges from $40,000 to $60,000. As a result, many Ukrainians integrated into Europe posthumously and by no means entirely.

Full article HERE.

Abandoned at 17 – new beginning for an elderly cat

What a story…

Zombie Gnomes Are A Perfect Way To Keep Everyone From Your Lawn

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Getting sick and tired of trespassers destroying your beautiful lawn? Well, maybe it’s time you taught them a lesson. And what better way to do it than by scaring the bejeezus out of them!

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For that, the Canadian group of artists RevenantFX, have created a perfect solution – zombie gnomes. These creepy undead garden decorations will make sure your Halloween-ready yard will be protected from unwanted visitors and may even turn some heads in your neighborhood.

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Scott Ritter & Ray on Ukraine, Russia, China


Scott and I focused initially on President Biden’s just-completed Excellent Adventure in the Far East and the U.S. effort to woo countries away from China or, at least, pre-empt closer bilateral ties.

I again posed the question (see my brief talk Thursday, embedded in Article HERE ), Why must China’s “win-win” approach be dismissed out of hand — especially when it was so mutually beneficial 50 years ago in reducing tension and keeping the peace?

Recent developments, including talks with Chinese officials, have fortified Scott’s view that China remains extremely reluctant to go to war over Taiwan. Nevertheless, China will do so “in a heartbeat” if Taiwan declares independence and develops a more substantial military relationship with the U.S.

Bottom line: Scott predicts that the U.S. will be at war with China within six months to a year — and will lose. This could be avoided if the U.S. takes the military aspect out of the equation in confronting China and does the sensible thing in limiting the competition to the economic sphere.

Ray discussed the lemming-like bloc heads now leading the NATO bloc and compared them to statesmen and stateswomen of the past — the German Social Democratic Party’s Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr, for example; and Angela Merkel (no Socialist she), who told President Obama to his face that Germany would not join any effort to send offensive arms to Ukraine. Sadly, serious leaders of the past, experienced in foreign affairs as well as politics, have been replaced by political hacks with little or no experience (or even interest) in Ostpolitik, which yielded a peaceful, mutually beneficial detente in the 1970-80s.

The economic sanctions are already making themselves felt, however, in Germany and elsewhere. And there are preliminary signs that even some bloc-head lemmings may be having serious second thoughts. Fissures are cracking open and expanding among the NATO countries — particularly among those most affected by the sanctions.

Scott reiterated his longstanding view that Russian forces will prevail on the ground in Ukraine, adding that recently they have been performing in a very impressive, professional way. This, despite what the NY Times and Washington Post has been saying, (and even their narrative of Russian “blundering” has begun to change under the force of circumstances). One major question: If Establishment media find themselves forced to acknowledge strong Russian advances in the coming weeks, will they turn on the Biden administration as the mid-term November elections draw near? Snippets of truth have begun to appear in the likes of the NY Times and Washington Post.

The way things have evolved on the ground, serious embarrassment may be unavoidable. Will Biden cut his loses? I suggest the answer to that is No. Rather, with no adults in the room, Biden may instead be persuaded to up the ante (see below). I do hope someone tells the president that the Russians will not back down in the face of escalatory steps they are capable of neutralizing, and that this includes what they call “offensive strike missiles” capable of reaching Russia.


In this context, the trial-balloon-type media reports yesterday afternoon, after our interview, that the U.S. is preparing to send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine, takes on added importance. A final decision by the White House is expected as early as next week. (See: Article HERE )

One key weapons system under discussion is the U.S.-made Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) capable of firing a torrent of rockets 180 miles or more. This is much farther than the systems currently in Ukraine’s inventory, and could put Russia itself within range. This system has been sitting atop the long list of requests from Ukrainian officials, who say it is needed to curb advancing Russian forces in the Donbas. U.S. officials reportedly “have concerns” that Ukrainian forces might end up firing into Russian territory, causing major escalation.

Meanwhile, CNN reports (See: Article HERE ) that Democratic Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado, who was part of a congressional delegation trip to Kyiv earlier this month, told CNN he believes the systems could help Ukraine gain significant momentum against Russia.

Crowing About the MLRS

“I think it could be a game-changer”, Crow** said, not only for offensive attacks but also for defense. He explained that Russian conventional artillery, which has a range of about 50km, “would not get close” to Ukrainian urban centers if MLRS systems were positioned there. “So it would take away their siege tactics,” he said of the Russians.

The Kremlin has warned that any country providing advanced weaponry to Ukraine will face harsh repercussions. Yesterday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the West has “declared total war” against Russia. The Russians would see any attempt to provide MLRS to Ukraine as additional proof of the West’s intent.

I would expect any MLRS that make it into Ukraine to be neutralized as soon as they are detected.  And then Lockheed Martin (poor thing) would have to manufacture and sell still more! The money is there; the only problem is how fast it can be spent down.  And so it goes.

** Jason Crow styles himself as something of a specialist on Russia. He has asserted that: “Vladimir Putin wakes up every morning and goes to bed every night trying to figure out how to destroy American democracy.”

UN Rights Chief Is Urged to Resign After China Visit

Well, under the urging of the United States, the UN sent inspectors to visit China, and investigate the claims of “human rights violations”. They analyzed the situation, made  up a full report, and stated that they couldn’t find anything.

The United States went into hysterics and a tizzy!

Following her long-anticipated trip to China, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet's statement concerning the treatment of minority groups in Xinjiang prompted strong criticism from commenters on social media and in Western governments.

These Zoom Backgrounds Turn Your House Into the Cover of An IKEA Catalog

The Swedish retailer has released a series of video-conference backgrounds pulled from the covers of Ikea catalogs of yesteryear. The backgrounds will make it look like you live in a house worthy of a catalog, even if it’s decidedly not.

HandG ikea cat 1987 2
HandG ikea cat 1987 2

The 10 backgrounds capture a time before millennial pink: the ’80s, ’90s, and early 2000s. A time of rolled-arm couches with cream-colored slipcovers, glass and metal armoires, and aquamarine and tangerine accents. One background from a 2000 cover shows a mom and her son smiling over a Game Boy while sitting on one such cream-colored couch. Another from 2003 suggests you “Go Cubic!” much like the boxy TV featured in the lightly colored living room with a cherry-red and fuchsia abstract rug and green-apple accents.

HandG ikea cat 1997 2
HandG ikea cat 1997 2
HandG ikea cat 1992 2
HandG ikea cat 1992 2
HandG ikea cat 1988 2
HandG ikea cat 1988 2

Greek chicken souvlaki | Akis Petretzikis

Lunar Research Station: Russia, China Almost Ready To Ink Pact On ‘Moon Base’ That Will Rival Artemis Accords – Rogozin

Russian space chief Dmitry Rogozin recently said that Moscow and Beijing were very close to signing the agreement on creating the joint Lunar Station.

“We are now almost ready to sign an intergovernmental agreement on creating a lunar research base with China,” Rogozin said in an interview with the state-owned Rossiya 24 TV channel.

The Artemis Accords

As EurAsian Times has reported earlier, China and Russia are leading the opposition to the US-led space block, called the Artemis Accords.

It consists of 19 countries, all of which include the United States and it’s proxy surrogates.

The overall aim is to send a manned mission to the Moon by 2025.

As well as establishing a governing framework for exploring and mining for natural resources, on Moon, Mars, and beyond.

The mission intends (some day) to build a research station on the Moon’s south pole.

The rough plans are also to have a supporting research station orbiting the Moon, called the Lunar Gateway.

As part of that program, an uncrewed mission to Moon, Artemis 1, is planned to be launched as early as July 2022.

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China and Russia are promoting their own International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) as an alternative to the US-led Artemis program.

This joint Sino-Russian mission aims to build a Moon base and install a space station in the lunar orbit. The station is planned to be a state-of-art experimental research facility created on the surface or in the orbit of the Moon.

Roadmap For the IIRS; International Lunar Research Station

Last June, Roscosmos and China National Space Administration (CNSA) presented a roadmap for the ILRS during the Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX 2021).

According to the roadmap, divided into three phases, five facilities and nine modules are planned for the station to support long and short missions to the Moon’s surface and orbit. The construction of the station is expected to be completed by 2035.

These facilities include a CisLunar Transport Facility to support round-trip transfer between Earth and the Moon, lunar orbiting, soft landing, a take-off on the lunar surface, and re-entry to Earth.

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2022 06 03 20 09 1

On the surface, a long-term support facility will feature a command center, energy and supply modules, and thermal management. The lunar transport and operation facility will help modules move the surface and support excavation or sampling.

The other two are the lunar scientific facility for in-orbit and surface experiments and the ground support and application facility.

As for the modules, the designs reportedly include a “hopping robot” and smart mini-rovers that would move around the Moon’s surface.

First Phase Of ILRS Construction

The station is planned to be built in three phases, with the first phase involving six missions, including China’s Chang’e-4, 6, and 7 missions and Russia’s Luna 25, 26, and 27. The first phase involves gathering data and verifying high-precision soft-landings which is supposed to last till 2025.

The Chang’e-4 (CE-4) mission delivered a landing platform and a rover named Yutu-2 to the Moon’s far side in January 2019, marking the first soft landing on the far side of the Moon by any country.

Yutu-2 landed in Von Kármán crater, in the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin, in January 2019. The CE-4’s purpose is to explore the area’s geology. The CE-6 and CE-7 are expected to be launched around 2025.

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The CE-6 is supposed to bring back to Earth lunar samples with a mass of up to 2 kilograms, and CE-7 will be tasked with landing on the lunar South Pole and detecting local natural resources.

CE-7 is comprised of five separate spacecraft, namely an orbiter, lander, rover, hopping probe, and a polar relay satellite.

Meanwhile, Russia also plans to launch its Luna-25 mission in August 2022, thereby reactivating the Soviet-era series of robotic lunar missions that ended decades ago. The last in the series was Luna 24, which sent about 6 ounces (170 grams) of moon material back to Earth in 1976.

The Luna-25 moon probe will launch atop a Soyuz-2.1b rocket with a Fregat upper stage from the Vostochny spaceport in the far eastern region of Amur. The probe’s primary destination for landing is the Moon’s South Polar region, specifically, a spot north of the Boguslavsky Crater.

According to Russia’s rocket design bureau, NPO Lavochkin has constructed the Luna 25’s lander. There are three main tasks for this mission: to develop soft-landing technology; study the internal structure and exploration of natural resources, including water, in the circumpolar region of the Moon; and investigate the effects of cosmic rays and electromagnetic radiation on the Moon’s surface.

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In addition, Luna 25 is also supposed to use a suite of sensors onboard to study the lunar topside and dust particles in the Moon’s exosphere.

Luna 25 also had a camera called Pilot-D, a demonstrator terrain relative navigation system, developed by the European Space Agency (ESA). However, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, ESA announced its decision in April to discontinue cooperation on Russia’s Luna series of robotic moon missions. Now Pilot-D will not be a part of the Luna 25 mission.

While the Luna 26 and Luna 27, which were earlier scheduled to launch in 2024 and 2025, respectively, will also be postponed, announced chief of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, shortly after ESA discontinued its cooperation.

Second And Third Phases Of ILRS

Following the completion of the first phase in 2025, which may get delayed considering the possible postponement of Luna 26 and Luna 27, phase two called the ‘construction’ phase, will begin in 2026, and this is supposed to go on till 2035.

The construction phase will be divided into two sub-stages, the initial one from 2026 to 2030, which will involve technology verification, sample return, massive cargo delivery, and the start of joint operations. Two missions are planned during this period, the Chinese CE-8 and the Russian Luna-28.

Stage two of the second phase will take place from 2030 to 2035 and involve completing the in-orbit and lunar surface infrastructure for energy, communication, actual resource utilization, and other technologies.

Five joint missions are planned for this sub-stage, named ILRS-1 through 5 and Russian super heavy-lift launch vehicles are listed to launch the mission.

Phase three will see the start of crewed landings after 2036, when the ILRS has been mostly completed and humans can conduct research and exploration.

Meanwhile, China and Russia are looking to add more nations to ILRS and there have been reports of negotiations with the ESA, Thailand, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia. However, as the ESA has backed out of Russia’s Luna series of moon missions over the Ukraine war.

Artemis Accords: why many countries are refusing to sign Moon exploration agreement

So why so few nations want to join with the USA in their "moon exploration" effort? Well, this UK-centrist article tries to attempt explaining why all the other space-faring nations won't participate in it, and intends to go their own way. -MM

Eight countries have signed the Artemis Accords, a set of guidelines surrounding the Artemis Program for crewed exploration of the Moon. The United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Canada, Japan, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates and the US are now all participants in the project, which aims to return humans to the moon by 2024 and establish a crewed lunar base by 2030.

This may sound like progress. Nations have for a number of years struggled with the issue of how to govern a human settlement on the Moon and deal with the management of any resources. But a number of key countries have serious concerns about the accords and have so far refused to sign them.

Previous attempts to govern space have been through painstakingly negotiated international treaties. The Outer Space Treaty 1967 laid down the foundational principles for human space exploration – it should be peaceful and benefit all mankind, not just one country. But the treaty has little in the way of detail. The Moon Agreement of 1979 attempted to prevent commercial exploitation of outer-space resources, but only a small number of states have ratified it – the US, China and Russia haven’t.

Now that the US is pursuing the Artemis Program, the question of how states will behave in exploring the Moon and using its resources has come to a head. The signing of the accords represents a significant political attempt to codify key principles of space law and apply them to the programme. You can hear more about some of the governance issues facing nations who want to explore the Moon in the podcast To the moon and beyond, see link below.

The accords are bilateral agreements and not binding instruments of international law. But by establishing practice in the area, they could have a significant influence on any subsequent governance framework for human settlements on Mars and beyond.

Natural allies

All seven partners who have agreed to the accords with the US are natural collaborators on the Artemis Program and will easily adhere to the stated principles.

Japan is keen to engage in lunar exploration.

Luxembourg has dedicated legislation allowing for space mining and has also signed an additional collaborative agreement with the US.

The UAE and Australia are both actively trying to establish collaborative links with the broader space industry, so this represents a perfect opportunity for them to build up capacity.

Italy, the UK and Canada all have ambitions to develop their space manufacturing industries and will see this as a chance to grow their economies.

The contents of the accords are relatively uncontentious.

  • Be subject to American laws, rules and regulations.
  • Pay a large fee for participation.
  • Host American Space Military forces.

Throughout, there is reference to the existing Outer Space Treaty framework, so they are tied closely to existing norms of American space law.

There is an explicit statement that the mining of space resources is in accordance with international law. This follows on from the controversial passing of the Space Act 2015, which put the right to use and trade space resources into American domestic law.

But section 10(4) of the accords also commits to ongoing discussions at the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space as to how the legal framework should develop.

The rest of the accords focus on safety in space operations, transparency and interoperability (which refers to the ability of space systems to work in conjunction with each other) under American law.

Controversial issues

If the substance is reassuring, the US promotion of the accords outside of the “normal” channels of international space law – such as the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space – will be a cause of consternation for some states.


By requiring potential collaborators to sign bilateral agreements on behaviour instead, some nations will see the US as trying to impose their own quasi-legal rules.

This is clearly seen as the US leveraging partnership agreements and lucrative financial contracts to reinforce its own dominant leadership position.

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Non Participants

Russia has already stated that the Artemis Program is too “US-centric” to sign it in its present form.

China’s absence is explained by the US congressional prohibition on collaboration with the country.

Concerns that this is a power grab by the US and its allies are fuelled by the lack of any African or South American countries amongst the founding partner states.

Intriguingly Germany, France and India are also absent.

These are countries with well developed space programmes that would surely have benefited from being involved in Project Artemis. Their opposition may be down to a preference for the Moon Agreement and a desire to see a properly negotiated treaty governing lunar exploration.

The European Space Agency (ESA) as an organisation has not signed on to the accords either, but a number of ESA member states have. This is unsurprising. The ambitious US deadline for the project will clash with the lengthy consultation of the 17 member states required for the ESA to sign on as a whole.


Ultimately, the Artemis Accords are revolutionary in the field of space exploration. Using bilateral agreements that dictate norms of behaviour as a condition of involvement in a programme is a significant change in space governance. With Russia and China opposing them, the accords are sure to meet diplomatic resistance and their very existence may provoke antagonism in traditional UN forums.

Questions also remain about the impact that the looming US election and the COVID-19 pandemic will have on the programme. We already know that President Trump is keen to see astronauts on the Moon by 2024. The approach of his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, is a lot less clear. He may well be less wedded to the 2024 deadline and instead aim for broader diplomatic consensus on behaviour through engagement at the UN.

While broader international acceptance may be desirable, the US believes that the lure of the opportunities afforded by the Artemis Program will bring other partners on board soon enough.

  • Obey USA laws.
  • Be subject to USA regulations.
  • Be offered protection by the USA Space Force.

Space-active states now face a stark choice: miss out on being the first to use the resources of the Moon, or accept the price of doing business and sign up to the Artemis Accords.

Well, of course the writer ASSUMES that NASA will actually achieve it's goals of being the first to create a base on the moon. I have my doubts, as a long time observer of this issue. Which is why most of the rest of the world has decided to side up with China and Russia. -MM


By Larry Romanoff


China has the world’s longest high-speed rail (HSR) network with some 38,000 kilometers in operation,[1] which comprises nearly 70% of all the world’s high-speed lines[2] and more than three times that of the entire European Union.[3] China has more than 2,500 high-speed trains in operation, more than all the rest of the world combined,[4] and it also has the fastest trains in operation anywhere,[5] with several generations now operating at speeds between 350 Km/h and 400 Km/h. Shanghai’s Maglev is still the fastest operating train in the world,[6] with sustained speeds of 430 Km/h. China’s rail system carries about 3.5 billion passengers per year, nearly 70% of these on high-speed trains. During the 40 days of China’s Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), passenger volume reached a peak of more than 400 million.

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The Chinese government planned the HSR program in part to compress passenger travel on these dedicated tracks and free much of the slower existing rail system for freight, to remove trucks from the nation’s highways, thus lowering costs and in turn making highways safer for automobiles. The Shanghai-Nanjing route for example has 38 trains each way each day – carrying perhaps 150,000 passengers, which frees a huge amount of track time for freight. China’s high-speed trains have dramatically reduced the travel time between most major centers. Shanghai-Beijing is down from 12 hours to 4; Shanghai-Nanjing from 4 hours to 1; Wuhan to Guangzhou from 14 hours to only 3 hours.

There are always potential difficulties establishing routes due to the number of communities to serve and the consequent number of stops – which negate the advantage of high-speed trains. China seems to have arrived at an excellent solution. As an example, the 275 Km. route from Shanghai to Nanjing serves 6 communities between the two terminal stations, with some trains on this route travelling on an express basis and making no stops (1 hour), with others stopping at one or several cities on route, with different trains making different combinations of stops (1.5 hours). This has proven to be a convenient method to serve all cities on the route while still maintaining low average travel times.

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Many of the statistics and other information available online on China’s (and other) train travel are inaccurate at best, one website claiming China in 2019 had 1.4 trillion train passengers. Even Statista is quite inaccurate, confusing test runs of experimental trains with regular operating speeds of scheduled rail.[7]

 France’s TGV is listed at its maximum one-time test speed of 575 Km/h, when it operates at only 300 Km/h. Statista has operating speeds wrong too, listing China’s Fuxing at 418 Km and Hexie at 486 Km/h, which normally operate at only 300 and 350 Km/h although they have proven capable of operating at these higher sustained speeds.

Train and Passenger Classes

China has three generations of high-speed trains in operation: G, D, and C. The G-trains are the fastest commercial-use high-speed trains in the world with speeds of 350 Km/h to 400 Km/h. The D-trains operate at 250 Km/h and the first-generation C at 200 Km/h. Below this, there are still the ‘normal’ trains with designations of Z, T, K, N and more. The Z, T and K trains run at 160 Km/h, 140 and 120. Slower trains are used for short rural trips where time is not so important.

These train alphabets are not nothing. I once took a G-train from Shanghai to Haining (the world-famous leather market), a trip of maybe 30 minutes if I recall correctly. I didn’t have a return ticket since I wasn’t certain of my return time, so I simply asked the wicket lady to put me on “the next train to Shanghai”. That was a big mistake. N-train. Ten kilometers per hour on the flat, much less uphill. That train stopped at every town, village, pig farm and strawberry patch on its way to Shanghai, and many times we had to pull off the track to permit a faster train to go by. Two and half hours to return home. I wondered why the ticket was so cheap. The kind of mistake you make only once.

I would note too that punctuality is a hallmark of Chinese transportation generally, this certainly applying to the HSR network. If the schedule states the departure time as 11:02, then at 11:02 the doors silently close and the train is moving. I’ve experienced a few departure delays, typically due to an arrival that is late, but usually by only 5 or 10 minutes. I don’t have available the percentage of on-time departures and arrivals but it must be in the high 90s.

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These high-speed trains typically have cars that are First-Class, Second-Class and Business Class, and trains not dedicated to short runs have sleeper cars which are very clean and perfectly comfortable even in older trains, the later generations offering lovely duvets, a separate TV for each bunk, electrical outlets, lights, Wi-Fi. Regular sleepers have four bunks to a room while the highest grade has only two berths to a compartment, suitable for couples, and equipped with a sofa, a wardrobe, and private bathroom. Sleepers typically carry a 25% or 30% cost premium over regular seats.

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Business Class

These offer a pleasant alternative to air travel for the typically rushed and pressurised one-day business trips, for example from Shanghai to Guangzhou or Hong Kong. We board our train in the evening after dinner, do a bit of work or watch TV, and awake at 7:00 AM downtown at our destination, with enough time for breakfast before our first meeting. On the return trip, we have a leisurely dinner with friends, board the train across the street, and awake at 7:00 AM back in Shanghai. With two full nights’ sleep, there is no jet lag and no residual fatigue.

Here are some typical ticket prices:


  • Beijing-Shanghai, 1,350 Kms; 350 Km/h (4 hours)
  • 2nd Class, 550 RMB ($80)
  • 1st Class, 900 RMB ($135)
  • Business Class, 1,700 ($250)


  • Kunming-Lijiang, 500 Kms; 250 Km/h (2 hours)
  • 2nd Class, 220 RMB ($30)
  • 1st Class, 350 RMB ($50)


  • Beijing-Tianjin, 125 Kms; 200 Km/h (1 hour+)
  • 2nd Class, 55 RMB ($8)
  • 1st Class, 90 RMB ($13)

It’s almost impossible to compare train fares with the US because in China the fares vary only by distance and train type. Amtrak has a fare schedule that on first approach appears occult, apparently following the convoluted airline model of changing fares by time of departure and other secret paranormal factors, so a particular price could be almost anywhere. On some routes, twice the distance costs half the price. Still, they appear to be much higher than in China by a factor of perhaps 5 or more.

China’s Maglev Trains

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The first Maglev train in China was a Siemens design installed in Shanghai, with service beginning in 2004. It was until recently the world’s only regularly-scheduled operating Maglev (at 430 Km/h), but now they are becoming common in China. Maglev technology is simple in principle at low speeds, but smoothness and stability at high speed are exceptionally complicated. Maglevs have a higher level of safety in that they cannot be derailed since they ‘wrap around’ the track, and maintenance costs are low compared to rail trains because there is no wear on the track bed and few moving parts to degrade or require maintenance and replacement.

Chinese engineers initially produced quite successful low-speed Maglevs (200 Km/h) entirely on their own IP, for use throughout China as city trains, done to gain experience and develop their own proprietary designs and technology. These trains are now operating in Beijing, Changsha, and other cities, running on short local routes. There are few other Maglev trains in existence. Korea built a Maglev track to shuttle visitors at the Daejeon Expo, which still runs the few kilometers between the Expo Park and the National Science Museum, but it is very slow, and another in 2016 that runs only a few kilometers between the airport and a subway station, also very slow. Japan built its first “commercial maglev line” in 2005, with a route less than 10 kilometers and a maximum speed of only 100 Km/h – about the same as Shanghai’s new subway lines.

China’s 600 Km/h Maglev

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In addition to billions poured into R&D for regular HSR trains, Chinese engineers continued their Maglev research at a brisk pace, and have pushed Maglev technology to the point where China is now beginning commercial production of a fabulous 600 Km/h (nearly 400 Mph) Maglev which will replace traditional high-speed rail on many routes.[8]


Engineers spent much time on wind tunnel testing of the design of the locomotives and cars to reduce air resistance to a minimum, greatly assisting both high speed and stability. Chinese engineers have managed, again on their own IP, to bring down the cost for this very fast train to only two-thirds that of regular high-speed trains. This new Maglev will help to fill the gap between regular HSR and airplanes that fly at 900 Km/h or more, and it is likely that this gap will be closed further.

The Changes

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It is now legendary that when the Chinese government set its mind to an objective, it doesn’t waste time. Everything you have read above has happened in only the past 16 years. “At the beginning of the 21st century China had no high-speed railways. Slow and often uncomfortable trains plodded across this vast country, with low average speeds making journeys such as Shanghai-Beijing a test of travel endurance. Today, it’s a completely different picture. [China] has . . . the world’s largest network of high-speed railways, and all have been completed since 2008.”[10]

An aside: A Brief Note on Subways

Subways are not exactly high-speed rail, although China’s new trains are pushing the envelope in this area as well, at least up to 100 Km/h (almost as fast as American high-speed trains). However, another example of the Chinese not wasting time when they decide to do something. Shanghai and other major cities have set an objective that every place within the inner cities is within about 5 city blocks of a subway station. Here is a list of a few major cities with the current length of subway track and the time required to reach that level:[11]

  • London 131 years, 400 Kms.
  • Paris 122 years, 225 Kms.
  • Berlin 119 years, 148 Kms.
  • New York 113 years, 399 Kms.
  • Shanghai 28 years, 900 Kms.

The Pleasures of Train Travel

One of the great advantages of HSR (High-Speed Rail) train travel compared to flying is the saving in wasted time. A flight in most any country normally involves a one-hour trip to the airport with a requirement to arrive at least 1.5 hours prior to departure which is frequently subject to delays. At the arrival end, there is always the seemingly long wait to deplane, the long walk to the baggage carousels and the exits, then the one hour or more trip downtown.

When we take into account the commute and the necessary pre-departure allowance for check-in and security clearance and the 2-Km walk to the departure gate, then the post-arrival delays and the commute downtown at our destination, trains are equal to flying in trips up to 1,500 Kms, and much faster than flying for shorter trips while also being less expensive. The frequency of departures, at least between major centers in China is astonishing, the Shanghai-Beijing route having some 75 or 80 HSR trains each way each day, often leaving less than 10 minutes apart with as many as 2,000 passengers (two trains linked into 16 cars). Many other routes are similar. The same is true with airlines in China, with flights seemingly departing from everywhere to everywhere every 30 minutes or so.

In China (and in most cities everywhere), the railway stations are downtown so the commute is minimal, one arriving at the station with luggage in hand only 20 or 30 minutes before departure. There is no ‘check-in’ process as with the airlines, only the usual security check and luggage scanners when entering the station where you can spend time in comfortable waiting rooms or simply find the correct platform and board your train. Even though many stations are huge, walking distances are normally much shorter than in most airports. At the destination, since that station is also downtown, taxis and subways are conveniently at hand. Also, in many cities airports and train stations are next door to each other, conveniently facilitating travel continuation.

Another advantage of train travel is the considerable convenience and comfort, trains being much superior in both categories with an absence of pressure and time apprehension. Trains eliminate most unpleasant elements of air travel, with the attraction of being able to see the countryside. On a plane, we are forced to adhere to a rigid schedule: the time for coffee or a meal, the time to close the window curtains and darken the cabin so the staff can rest. If the food cart is out, you cannot get up to walk around or go to the bathroom. Everything seems regulated and under pressure. Leaving your seat is often a major inconvenience. By contrast, on a train you are free to do as you please. Your luggage is accessible at any time, the food carts come by regularly, the dining car is always there, seats have twice the leg room, the aisles are wide enough to accommodate passengers; everything much more relaxed, pleasant, and enjoyable. And you have the advantage of constant Wi-Fi and GPS signals, with AC power and USB outlets usually available at your seat.

China’s high-speed trains are very quiet, without wind noise, and mercifully free of the incessant hum of aircraft engines and, with the flawlessly-welded rails, even the soft clacking of the rails is gone (I rather miss that). The seats are as wide or wider than airline business class, they recline partially (recline fully in business class) and, with the comfort and silence, it is very easy to sleep on a train. I would add that you are more alert (and healthier) on a train because aircraft are pressurised to 8,000 feet; you don’t normally go above 10,000 feet without supplementary oxygen.

They are also very steady. China has the highest standards for stabilising high-speed trains in their longitudinal, lateral and vertical dimensions, a rail expert stating “It is no exaggeration to say the Beijing-Shanghai rail lines were built with the highest standards in the modern world. China leads the world in rail stability.” Here is a Xinhua video of one of China’s high-speed trains where a coin rests on its edge on a windowsill for more than 8 minutes before it finally falls over – this at 350 Kms per hour. (12)

A Bit of Background

“High-speed rail” emerged first in Japan in the early 1960s with the construction of the Shinkansen ‘bullet train’ which wasn’t really all that fast at only 160 Km/h, but such speeds were unheard of in those days and the train was a world marvel. The European countries, led by Germany (Siemens) and France (Alstom), followed in the 1980s, with Canada’s Bombardier joining the group at about the same time. Nothing much was done outside of Europe, though the Europeans did embrace high-speed train travel and made good design progress.

It was widely assumed initially that there was no market for train travel, that the world would follow the North American model and rely primarily on the auto with the airlines as long-distance backup. But more than 40 years ago Chinese government officials saw the potential and disagreed, and began planning what would become the world’s largest HSR network, with enormous sums invested in the project. One expert wrote, “Chinese engineers have exhibited enormous ingenuity and creativity and are still aggressively pushing the rail technology envelope.” It is generally agreed that China’s success in high-speed rail development and its cost reduction, has resulted in “validating the feasibility of widespread adoption and greater affordability. Developing countries are particularly grateful that China has brought the cost of HSR to affordable levels.” One expert wrote, “It appears now that China will dominate the HSR market for the foreseeable future.”

And indeed, developing countries are increasingly attracted to the prospect of China’s affordable HSR trains as an impetus for their own economic development. At the time of writing, Chinese railway firms were building a high-speed line in Turkey linking Ankara and Istanbul, another project in Venezuela, and expecting contracts in Brazil, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Poland. Railway routes in China are expanding to mesh with new routes in Vietnam and Thailand, and there are plans to extend a route all the way to Singapore. Chinese rail officials are in the planning stages of a high-speed rail route passing through Xinjiang Province in Western China, through Kyrgyzstan and other ‘Stans’, connecting with lines in Turkey and proceeding Westward into Europe. It may soon be possible to travel by HSR all the way from Shanghai to London – at a fraction of the cost of flying, and with far more comfort and the ability to see maybe 15 countries on route.

Chinese engineers have said it is well within the limits of today’s technology to build a high-speed rail line between China and North America, the line passing through Siberia, with a tunnel under the 55-mile Bering strait separating Russia from Alaska, then down the West Coast of Canada and the US. It would then be possible to take a fast train from San Diego to Paris and London. However, politics will make such a development impossible.

Technology Transfer is not Free

Whenever the subject of technology transfer arises, there seems to always surface a flurry of accusations about copying or stealing. Readers should carefully note that China did not “steal” anyone’s rail technology; instead, it was all purchased. China paid billions of dollars for that transfer of technology. It is the same in all important industries today. China has the money, and is willing to pay handsomely for technology it needs to further its development.

To compensate for a late start, the Chinese government began (in only 2004) by purchasing rail technology abroad, signing agreements with Alstom and Kawasaki to build HSR train sets for China in cooperation with local firms. Kawasaki, who designed the original Hayate bullet train, signed a deal with the Chinese ministry of Railways for the transfer of a full spectrum of HSR technology. They began with Kawasaki manufacturing 50 HSR train sets in Japan and exporting these to China fully-assembled, then progressed to establishing factories in China where Kawasaki helped the Chinese manufacturers to produce another 50 train sets locally. China also paid Kawasaki for the training of manufacturing staff first in Japan and then at the factories in China. This process carried a heavy price; the arrangement with Kawasaki cost China around $800 million, plus countless millions for training and many technology updates. The contract with Kawasaki included “the transfer of the whole spectrum of technology and know-how for the bullet train”, so that these trains became in fact Chinese-owned IP.

With this experience under its belt, China then duplicated the process with Siemens, Alstom and Bombardier, in similar deals for a full transfer of technology and IP rights so that China could freely manufacture these train sets domestically and sell them internationally. Similar to the procedure with Kawasaki, Chinese engineers were sent to Europe for extended periods of study and also had these firms assist China in establishing domestic manufacturing facilities. All the firms trained Chinese engineers while helping the country develop its own supply chain for train components, and all of this involved several billions of dollars in fees.

But it wasn’t all gravy because the Chinese rail companies paid billions of dollars for was in fact old technology from those four companies. Knowing the Chinese wanted to produce trains based entirely on their own IP and technology, Kawasaki and Siemens in particular refused to sell their more advanced products and would sell China only rail technology that was already two or even three generations old. These foreign companies were actually planning to take full control of China’s vast market for HSR transportation, expecting to fully supply the “the most ambitious rapid rail system in history”, with rewards in the billions.

That did not deter the Chinese. As a first step they disassembled, evaluated, and combined all those technologies into one train, combining the best features of each. Then, they applied their formidable R&D abilities to improve and enhance those features and create entirely new trains built exclusively on Chinese-owned IP. The result was trains that were faster, smoother, quieter, and less expensive than the newest generation of their former suppliers. To say that the foreign firms underestimated the power of Chinese innovation and the speed and quality of R&D in China, is an understatement of some magnitude, with both Kawasaki and Siemens finding themselves left at the starting gate only a few years later.

“The Western firms confused their head start with their R&D capacity, attributing both to natural superiority, confidently assuming they were more innovative rather than simply having begun earlier. The assumption was that Japanese and German R&D capability coupled with their huge lead would maintain an impassable gap and permit them to capture the entire Chinese market.” Their willingness to sell their technology was from an expectation that the Chinese would need at least 30 years to absorb and implement it before being ready to proceed on their own. The reality was somewhat different: they found themselves having to compete with Chinese firms who adapted and improved their technology and produced superior products only three years later.

And Some Sellers Remorse

When China proved its ability to combine technologies from all firms and create a new, superior product, the Japanese appeared quite bitter, Kawasaki going so far as to claim that China’s trains were just ‘tweaked versions’ of its original bullet train with minor variations to the exterior paint scheme and interior trim. Even nastier, Japan’s Ministry of Transportation was quoted as saying that Japanese trains could be just as fast, but China’s trains were faster only because the Chinese ignored safety and didn’t care how many people died.

Of course, the real problem was that it was impossible for Japan to compete with China on international markets since they hoarded their technology for too long and, by the time they changed their attitude, the world had passed them by and their technology was old, with Chinese trains much nicer, 100 Km/h faster, and considerably less expensive. As someone wrote, “Marketing is difficult when your only selling point is that the other guy’s fast and affordable trains are copies of your slow and expensive ones”. Something similar occurred with Shanghai’s Maglev train. Due to pride of authorship as with the Japanese, Siemens also refused to consider a sale of technology, preferring to hold out for astonishingly high prices of the finished product. The result was that Chinese engineers turned their full R&D attention to Maglevs and Siemens now finds itself permanently sidelined in the market.

World Leader in Construction Quality

China’s HSR system is built to an intense high quality. Chinese high-speed trains run on special dedicated, often elevated tracks laid on deep and heavily-reinforced beds of high-density concrete with vertical and horizontal deviations measured in millimeters, these tracks supported by massive columns of high-strength concrete spaced very closely. With high-speed trains there is no chugging uphill and racing downhill; HSR tracks are, insofar as is humanly and technologically possible, a straight and level line. Typically, a horizontal elevation is selected for a particular route, with the rail bed maintaining this throughout the route. Depressions and valleys are filled in with bridges, and mountains and hills are met with tunnels.

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This can be more difficult than appears at first glance. China has some astonishingly-beautiful landscapes that are perfect for tourist admiration but not so attractive to railway engineers. One such route is a line running through beautiful but challenging mountainous terrain from Wuhan and Yichang (the site of the Three Gorges Dam), to Wanzhou City, just East of Chongqing. This was China’s most difficult railway to build and is the world’s most expensive railway, costing 60 million RMB (roughly US$10 million) for each kilometer. It took a staggering seven years and 50,000 workers to complete. Of the route’s total length of 380 Kms, 75% percent or 280 Kms, consists of 253 bridges and 159 tunnels. Each and every kilometer of the railway contains at least one bridge or one tunnel, most often one of each, leading the locals to refer to the railway as the “tunnel and bridge museum”. It is ironic that this railway was meant to operate at the highest speeds of the day, but the terrain proved so difficult and consumed so much construction time that when completed the system was two generations old. And, given the immense difficulties, there is nobody interested in starting again to update the track and systems. But still, this railway reduced the Yichang-Wanzhou travel time from 22 hours to just five hours, bringing new opportunities for residents who live in the steep and remote Wuling mountains. One local resident said, “We used to pay 100 Yuan (US$15) for a one-day bus trip to Yichang before. Now, 30 Yuan can get us there in two hours.” I covered this in a brief article which you may enjoy reading.[13]

A Note on Train Safety

2022 06 08 15 53
2022 06 08 15 53

Chinese high-speed trains are often completely separated from the landscape, running on dedicated tracks elevated well above roadways, with no level crossings or cross-traffic, and thus no possibility of the common variety of vehicle accidents. These high-speed trains descend from their elevated perch only when approaching a station, utilising regular trackage for this purpose but only at very low speeds, thus permitting transportation literally from city center to city center. You can see the elevation and extreme support in the photo. There are of course sections of trackage at grade level in areas where safety is assured, but extreme precautions have been taken to avoid roadway crossings which are usually handled by either elevations or tunnels.

As with every country, China does of course have its share of train accidents, with older trains derailing from landslides or other causes but, given the country’s massive rail network, the number of trains operating and the sheer number of trips taken, the country’s accident record is actually remarkably low, as are the fatalities.

China’s railway system has dozens of installations across the country where every high-speed train is constantly monitored for many metrics like speed, axle temperatures, weather conditions, and obviously also for precise location and track position of every train. Their focus on safety is extreme. The country’s high-speed system has had only one accident since inception (at Wenzhou in 2011), one that was eerily reminiscent of Boeing’s 737 Max, where a major programming change was not covered in the operating manuals for the Japanese signaling systems. The Japanese, apparently feeling a concern that the Chinese could reverse-engineer the systems code, deliberately omitted some of the operating functions from the manuals, and so provided faulty documentation that left the Chinese operators with an imperfect and incomplete understanding of the signals systems.

In this case, a train was hit by lightning and was stalled on the track. When this occurred, Chinese engineers immediately knew something was wrong and followed the operating manual, but they had no way of knowing the system was telling them that a train was stalled on the same track, because the manual was incomplete. This was the actual cause of the crash. It was true that local officials in Wenzhou panicked and stupidly tried to cover up the fact of the crash, but that doesn’t change the cause. I would note further that this was by no means the first time Chinese engineers had been deliberately misled on either the function or operation of IP they had bought and paid for. There are many tales of foreign engineers telling outright lies about the purpose or function of various components, leaving the Chinese to either figure it out for themselves or discover through adverse events the actual purpose.

This accident was widely-reported in the Western media, but only to gloat at China’s misfortune. Forbes and the WSJ (and of course the NYT) ran articles that were particularly nasty, with the Carnegie Endowment publishing what seemed a very stupid political article claiming the train accident “Shows the Dangers of China’s Nuclear Power Ambitions”.[14]

 The point appeared to be that, since China had one rail accident, they could not be trusted to ever build anything. The child-writers at the Economist gleefully ran an article with the cute title of “Whoops!” and, in another context, the Economist wrote, “To err is human. To gloat, divinely satisfying.” Exactly.

I would also add that on the event of that accident, the US media were so delirious with schadenfreude that few bothered to report the actual cause. It happens that most every opportunity to criticise China will be transformed into a proven failure of China’s one-party government. In reporting on this train accident, the entire Western media eagerly pinned the blame not on a Japanese signals failure but on China’s one-party system. But Wikipedia lists 70 pages of rail accidents for the US alone, having several major and a bunch of minor ones every year. Since theology must be universal to be credible, it seems clear where the fault lies for all these terrible disasters: democracy causes train crashes.

The topic of rail safely seems heavily politicised. For some unknown reason, the Western news media persist in promulgating a fiction that Japan (unlike China) has a perfect train safety record, but the truth is that Japan’s bullet trains derail and crash with some regularity. Wikipedia obligingly provides a full listing of train accidents in China all on one page, but one must work very hard to find a similar convenient listing for Japan.

Kawasaki Meets Godzilla

2022 06 08 16 04
2022 06 08 16 04

Rail Infrastructure is a Public Good, not a Private Benefit

Due to its unique government structure, China is able to plan and amend its entire travel infrastructure as a whole, considering air, rail and road, taking into account only the benefits to the entire country rather than having to appease a multitude of private interests. HSR trains have cut travel time so dramatically that airline services on many routes have been suspended in whole or in part. The airlines may not always be pleased, but China’s transportation system is designed for the maximum overall benefit to the nation, not to serve specific private interests or friends of the Administration.

China has not succumbed to the sometimes-intense privatisation pressure from Western bankers and has retained control of its infrastructure, an enormous blessing for rapid and efficient development. Chinese leaders recognised from the beginning that economic development follows transportation, and thus maintaining control of the transportation infrastructure derives from a determination to distribute the benefits of development to the entire nation. The reality is that not all infrastructure is destined to be financially profitable – profitability being the only measure by Western standards. A privately-developed railway system would be built only on the most profitable routes, those likely to amass billions for their owners but that would leave perhaps half the nation destitute for transportation and sentenced to perpetual poverty. Thus, railway privatisation would saddle China’s central government with the costs of building and supporting all the unprofitable routes without benefitting from the profitable segments. This is one of Western capitalism’s main mantras: privatise the profits and socialise the losses. If you’re interested in this topic, here is an essay you might enjoy reading: Private Enterprise and the National Good.[15]

In the absence of competing interests, a nationwide plan can be conceived, examined, discussed and approved in a much shorter time than in countries with a different system, and implementation times much reduced as well. China’s new HSR line from Shanghai to Beijing, a distance of about 1,300 Kms was a masterpiece of unobstructed planning and execution. For construction, the government hired almost 140,000 workers to build multiple sections simultaneously, the entire project completed in two years at a cost of less than $20 billion. By contrast, in the US, the cost of an HSR line along the Eastern seaboard, a distance only half as long, has been estimated at $120 billion and might require 20 years to complete. The province of Alberta in Canada is considering an HSR line of only 300 Kms connecting the two major cities, yet the planning stage is expected to take 5 years and cost $50 million; if approved, the subsequent construction process is projected to require another 5 years at least. The interim negotiations for right of way, the bidding processes, the dealing with all the various private interests as well as the cities involved, are expected to add 5 years to the process.

It is critical to note that economic development follows transportation. Countries like Canada and the US would never have developed without the cross-country transportation systems being in place. But it is almost certainly too late for both Canada and the US with high-speed rail, too many decades of auto-dependent development condemning both countries to irreversible transport deficiencies. In the US, General Motors (aided by a few others) managed to convince the individual states to abandon all investment (and maintenance!) in railways and other public transport, and instead make huge public expenditures on highways that were useful only to those who owned private automobiles, effectively stranding all other citizens at home with no way to go anywhere and virtually forcing everyone to buy a car. This is not trivial, but instead a critical historical narrative. One observer wrote that “A theme likely to be emphasised in history will be the enormous strategic error made by both the US and Canada in enslaving themselves to individual motorized transportation.” Here is an article I strongly urge you to read:[16]

As with most other subjects, the Internet is not lacking uninformed nonsense on HSR trains. One US source tells us, “The United States has no HSR corridors because high‐​speed rail is an obsolete technology that requires expensive and dedicated infrastructure that will serve no purpose other than moving passengers who could more economically travel by highway or air.” The preceding comment is incorrect in too many ways to count, ignoring the political factors that are actually responsible for the absence of HSR in the US. Rail is inevitably the least expensive form of land travel (except for bicycles), is provably less expensive than driving (sometimes much less), and generally less expensive than air travel.

The American Experience

In 2012 and 2013 the US wallowed in an anguish created by envy of China’s high-speed rail network, America’s rickety and accident-prone rail system suffering badly in comparison. When it became apparent that the Americans could never duplicate China’s success and, confronted with the imminent failure of their ambition to join the world of high-speed rail, the Americans revised the definition of high-speed trains from 400 Km/h to 250 and then 150, before abandoning their quest altogether. Then, rationalisation through the uniquely American moral lens of politics and religion: “Our slow rail network is the price we pay for the great things about America like our democratic political system and our freedom of religion.”

An internet reader commented:

“The American failure to realise an HSR system is not because China has better leadership, vision, planning and execution, and the wisdom to sacrifice short-term benefits and minority interests for the long-term gain and the greater good; it’s because Americans have democracy and love freedom. The bickering and indecision, the squabbling, the vacillation and eventual paralysis of all levels of US government on this issue, an impossibility in any sane country, are actually a badge of merit in America, evidence of their virtuous freedom. So, let China build its high-speed trains. The more trains they have, the less free they become. Americans would never be so foolish as to sacrifice freedom for good transportation or democracy for roads and bridges.”

I don’t know the author of this brief passage below, but I want to share the quote with you because he captured perfectly the American situation:

“At the end of 2013, California was still hoping to build the nation’s first high-speed rail line, an 830 Kms track from Los Angeles to San Francisco, that would be scheduled for completion in 2029 (more than 16 years) and would cost about $70 billion not including the inevitable cost over-runs. By contrast, China built its 1,320 Kms Shanghai-Beijing HSR line in only three years at a cost of 200 billion Yuan – about $32 billion. So, the US high-speed train – if it’s ever actually built – will be 60% slower than China’s, will take five times as long to build and cost almost five times as much for an equivalent distance. Of course, the Americans could just ask China to build their HSR in only 18 months at a cost of only $20 billion, but that would mean admitting Chinese superiority, and that means the US will never have high-speed rail.”

Amtrak is the only intercity passenger rail in the US that operates at speeds higher than freight trains, but hasn’t been very popular, with its highest passenger numbers at around 30 million in a year compared to China’s nearly 4 billion. And Amtrak has never made a profit, requiring government subsidisation of about $1 billion per year. I have no explanation for the lack of popularity of train travel in the US. It isn’t primarily a love affair with the auto, since Europeans also love to drive but also love train travel. At least some US rail facilities are acceptable, so it would seem the problem is due to a sum of other factors.


2022 06 08 16 07
2022 06 08 16 07

Amtrak is a very strange duck, a high-speed wannabe that seems determined to get most of the important things wrong and, if I can use an analogy, is too busy reading to take the time to learn to speed-read. It is difficult to make positive statements about the company because the underlying negatives make positive statements seem almost surreal.

Recent media reports that the introduction of Amtrak’s new Avelia Liberty trains (If it’s America, it’s always ‘liberty’ or ‘freedom’) manufactured by France’s Alstom are facing yet another delay of 18 months, pushing the total delay to more than three years. The cause? Surprising, to say the least. To begin, under new instructions to ban everything Chinese, the company had to turn to France to purchase their rolling stock, but what Amtrak has purchased is 3 generations old in China, at the very bottom of anything that today would be termed “high-speed rail”, and is old in France as well. Reading between the lines, it seems Alstom agreed to reproduce some older-technology equipment to match America’s abilities, but things haven’t gone so well.

According to Amtrak executives, the need for more testing is the cause of things being behind schedule, with Amtrak citing “rigorous” testing “required by federal regulations”, somehow implying American safety standards of exceptional rigor, but the details seem to tell a different story. In fact, a review of the details reveals that the real cause was “the discovery of compatibility problems with the Northeast Corridor tracks that prompted modifications to the train design”, as well as “an incompatibility with . . . its catenary system” – which is the overhead electrical source that provides power to the trains.[17]

If this isn’t clear, Amtrak executives discovered, no doubt to their complete amazement, that the trains they purchased didn’t fit the tracks on which those trains would run, nor could they connect with the available overhead power sources. The spin placed on this by Amtrak executives was that “The train had to be modified to work harmoniously with the infrastructure.” However, it wasn’t an issue of ‘working harmoniously’, but of working at all. Amtrak provided to Alstom the design necessities for 30 new train sets, which were manufactured to those specifications but, when delivered, the company discovered their design was so badly flawed that the new trains didn’t match the trackage or the power supply, and had to be modified. This sounds like a Three Stooges episode or a Jackie Gleason comedy. How is it possible for thinking persons to design and manufacture trains that can’t fit their own tracks?

According to media reports these new Avelia trains are built under an FRA rule that establishes “new safety standards for high-speed trains, . . . to allow for operation at the highest speeds on shared tracks”. The intended insinuation is that these new so-called safety standards are more rigid, but it seems they are actually more relaxed, to accommodate Amtrak’s inability (or unwillingness) to comply. Part of the problem is that Amtrak runs almost exclusively on what they euphemistically call “shared tracks”, which means running on 60 year-old rail beds that are used primarily by slow freight trains, and that Amtrak wants to run its trains at speeds much higher than are safe. Hence the “new safety standards” created by the FRA “to allow for operation at the highest speeds”.

Amtrak Also Meets Godzilla

2022 06 08 16 08
2022 06 08 16 08

“Most American (rail) infrastructure was built in the early to mid-20th century (1920-1950), the continent having been simultaneously wired for electricity and phone service while constructing the interstate highway system along with thousands of bridges, tunnels and more. But the US has spent almost no money on maintenance and repairs on any of this infrastructure for almost 60 years now. The situation today is dire and, in many instances, critical, but money is no longer available (except for Israel and Ukraine). Derailments and other accidents occur almost daily on America’s dilapidated and unsafe rail network which, like the highways, has received only urgent patching rather than proper maintenance and repair.”[18] [19] [20]

“In June of 2013 an Interstate bridge on a main commercial corridor between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada, collapsed and fell into the river below after being hit by a truck. This was not a high-speed collision; the truck simply bumped one of the main support pillars at low speed, but the weakened and dilapidated pillar broke from the strain and, without that extra bit of support, the entire bridge immediately collapsed. In prior examinations, the heavily-travelled bridge had not only been rated as functionally obsolete but structurally deficient and requiring replacement. This is only one of thousands; the great majority of the physical infrastructure of the US is in a similar condition, involving railroads, highways, dams, bridges and more. More than 160,000 bridges in the US are officially categorized as dangerous, at risk of collapse, with such collapses now regularly occurring.[21][22][23]

The same is true for subways and elevated inner-city rail systems like that in New York City; rickety, dirty, dangerous, and looking for a reason to collapse.”[24]

Welcome to New York

2022 06 08 16 09
2022 06 08 16 09

Back to Amtrak, the delivery delay “hiccups” will force the company to keep its “legacy fleet” in service, with this in turn causing severe revenue losses from the oddly-unexpected need for extra “mechanical investments” to “reduce train malfunctioning”. In non-propaganda English, this means that Amtrak’s old, one-foot-in-the-grave, trains needing badly to be scrapped before an imminent fatal collapse, will now require substantial maintenance and repair to hold out until executives can accurately measure the width of their tracks and modify the new trains they’ve purchased.

This is not nothing. Amtrak experiences operating difficulties we don’t even read about in comic books. One Amtrak passenger train in Maryland recently broke apart while traveling, with some of the passenger cars separating from the rest of the train at 125 mph and going on their own merry way.[25]

 Until this, I thought I’d heard everything. Amtrak executives said, “We are currently investigating the cause of the car separation.” I guess I would be doing that, too.

Would you like to travel at 250 Km/h on this track? Amtrak wants to.

2022 06 08 16 11
2022 06 08 16 11

But the most important issue is that no one in the US, neither the government nor the railways, seems prepared to maintain and repair rail tracks and beds to an acceptable standard, much less having the foresight to build dedicated trackage meant for high-speed trains. Attempting to run trains at speeds of 200 mph on 60 year-old un-maintained tracks that were built for freight trains at a maximum of 50 mph, is not only reckless but downright stupid. Yet, this is where we are. And Amtrak’s legacy of accidents and crashes is all the evidence necessary.

Train speeds are constantly an issue with Amtrak. We can read much hype about Amtrak trains traveling at 200 or even 250 Km/h (150 mph), but in real life they barely average 75 or 80 mph, and this is the fastest train in America. This is partly the fault of the tracks, since Amtrak operates almost exclusively on freight train tracks and ‘shares’ the tracks with these freight trains, and is often held up by them. I’m told it is quite common for an Amtrak train to get stuck behind a slow freight train.[26]

 But even with all of this, very few of Amtrak’s locomotives have the ability to exceed 110 mph or 175 Km/h, which is well below anything considered as high-speed rail today.

DC to Boston is roughly 700 Kms or 435 miles. Amtrak’s Acela Express Train 2150 takes nearly 7 hours, for an average speed of only 100 Km/h, or 60 miles per hour, not exactly high-speed. That’s not entirely the fault of the train, since it makes ten stops on the route, a case of bad planning if I ever saw one. As mentioned above, China’s solution to this is to have some trains run on an express basis with no stops between the two terminals while others make several different stops each, thus still serving all the communities but with a much higher average travel time.

Similarly, Amtrak’s record of on-time arrivals is abysmal. According to Amtrak’s 2020 Annual Report, little more than 55% of trains arrived on time, and this can be blamed almost entirely on poor management. If China and many European countries can have on-time rates of up to 98%, so can anyone who knows how to plan.

Richard Branson’s Brightline

2022 06 08 16 13
2022 06 08 16 13

However, unknown to the world at large, America does indeed have a “high-speed train”, Richard Branson’s new ‘Brightline’, that runs 100 Kms from Miami to West Palm Beach in Florida. According to the promotions, these are “sleek, neon-yellow trains, which travel at speeds of up to 127 Kms/hr (!!!)”.

To be fair to the Americans, they initially promoted this as a “higher-speed train”, a small but worthy concession to reality that quickly disappeared. To be fair to the sleek, neon-yellow train, it is quite unable to reach its advertised top speed and in fact seldom reaches even 100 Km/h, faster than a freight train, but not by very much.

Also unknown to the world, this American version of HSR has, in its first few years since inauguration, had numerous derailments, scores of accidents, and caused well over 100 deaths. In what should have been a surprising development, several of the accidents and deaths occurred during the train’s initial test run, after which it was inexplicably cleared for service. But perhaps no matter because Brightline assured us that “safety remains the company’s top priority”. Interestingly, the US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) data show 60% fewer deaths than the media reports of actual fatalities because (if you can believe this) they inexplicably (and almost certainly unjustifiably) classify most of the deaths as “possible suicides”, and then sanctimoniously impose “reporting restrictions intended to safeguard privacy”.[27]

 If this isn’t clear, the FRA is claiming that 60% of Brightline train accident deaths were from motorists deliberately stopping on the tracks in order to kill themselves. Given all the options for committing suicide, this would not be my first choice. How can American authorities fabricate such preposterous lies and why would the media support them?

Another Brightline “Assisted Suicide”

2022 06 08 16 14
2022 06 08 16 14

Also, according to the FRA, “a Brightline locomotive derailed … at four miles per hour …”. The report continued that this was the second derailment within two months, the main cause being that this US “high-speed train” is using tracks and rail beds built more than 60 years ago, intended only for slow-moving freight trains, and have not been maintained. In an astonishing display of arrogance and defiance, Brightline refused to confirm the accident for nearly six months, even during sworn testimony to a Senate Committee, then called the derailment “minor”, and dismissed the critics’ concern as a “baseless fear tactic”.[28]

 These issues are noteworthy in several ways: Running “higher-speed” trains through level crossings (at ground level), is reckless in the extreme and begging for fatalities. Even more, running passenger trains on dilapidated trackage and freight-rail beds that haven’t been maintained for 60 years, is worse.

A second item is so illustrative of a pathological quirk that appears to exist only in the US. From Brightline’s home webpage:

“Hand-stitched leather seats. Sit 2 or 4 together at a table. Relax pre-departure in our first-class SELECT lounge with an ever-changing lineup of enticing bites and beverages. Lounge business services including iPads, a scanner & printer. Access to conference rooms in our stations (a $50/hr value). Complimentary onboard Wi-Fi.[29]

Hand-stitched leather seats and an ever-changing lineup of enticing bites on a train that derails at 4 miles per hour and has already killed more than 100 people. This is the way Americans design their cars. Appearance is everything and substance is nothing.

American auto designers hold frequent market tests where they introduce citizens to new automobiles, the purpose being to see if the new degradations in quality and safety can pass these public tests undetected. A so-called high-speed train running on rickety tracks and derailing at 4 mph is glossed over for leather seats and Wi-Fi. Only in America. One internet commenter wrote, “This proves that Americans are too stupid for high-speed rail.”

“How many more deaths do we need to read about before something is done.”

Another news report stated that – according to the same FRA – this train has had “the most fatalities along the corridor in that time period”.[30][31] The situation is so bad that there are at least two Florida law firms now specialising in Brightline accident victim litigation.[32]

A recent article in the Orlando Weekly called “almost-high-speed Brightline the deadliest train line mile-for-mile in the U.S.”,[33]

 because it apparently has the worst death rate of all 821 train lines in the US. Yet Branson plans to extend the line to Disneyworld and has obtained billions in tax-free bonds for the expansion, but there are current lawsuits to prevent this, determined “to ensure it never reaches Orlando”.[34]  Nevertheless, and again, “the service intends to use existing freight lines that have not handled regular passenger service in nearly a half-century” and which haven’t been maintained for 60 years.[35]


Only in America.

Does This Look Like a High-Speed Train to You?

2022 06 08 16 16
2022 06 08 16 16

This last item may contain research worthy of a Master’s thesis, this being a newspaper headline on one of the derailments: “Brightline accidents tragic, but is railway really to blame?”[37] The article stated that this “innovative high-speed passenger rail service has been in operation for only about a week and a half, and already people have died”, then went on to say that “most readers” put the blame not on the railway but on “the decision-making of people”. There was an almost irresistible poignancy about this claim. In reading the reports, I could not shake the feeling of listening to a small child, disappointed at some failure but lacking the maturity to see reality as it was, and making an excuse typical of an 8 year-old mind. I believe we could argue this to be the consciousness level of the typical adult American.


There was a sadness in my heart while writing much of this article. Putting aside any fleeting pleasure in criticising Americans, there was a kind of despondent cheerlessness in a realisation of what might have been but can never be. Today, not only Chinese and Europeans are enjoying the manifold benefits and pleasures of high-speed train travel, but also citizens of Vietnam, Turkey, Venezuela, Brazil, Singapore, Thailand, Poland, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia and many more. American citizens surely deserve this fine mode of travel as much as anyone else, and yet their own heavily-politicised and corrupt society prevents it, and there is no solution.

The American government could easily make friends with China and have genuine high-speed trains (400 and 600 Km/h) everywhere, but Captain America doesn’t want to make friends. He would rather be the bully on the block and knock someone down, rather than building himself up.

The US sacrificed real 5G communications for its entire population for the pleasure of hurting China and trashing Huawei, and to protect the continuing freedom to spy on them. This is happening in so many areas, all with the same cause. It has been partly comical but mostly painful to watch the US during the past 8 or so years, agonising over the prospect of high-speed railways and seeing so many efforts collapse due solely to petty political ideology. It is astonishing that such a large and important nation could have such immature and even infantile politicians – at every level.

In only one or two decades, China has become a world leader or at least a peer in so many areas – IT, telecommunications, high-speed trains, quantum communications, DNA synthesising and mapping, green energy sources, space exploration, astronomy, mind-machine interfaces, small drones, aircraft production, 3-D printing.

The Chinese have built their own space station, photographed every square meter of the moon, launched their own GPS system, built the deepest deep-sea submersibles, and much more, to say nothing of all the massive engineering projects. None of this was an accident and none of it happened overnight; all were the result of planning begun 20, 30, and even 40 years ago, the results only now becoming evident.

The Americans especially, but really all Western countries, could never accomplish such speedy and successful development due primarily to the political system which prevents long-term planning and which is so indebted to a small group of elites that the common good and the welfare of the nation are lost.

The only proposals that survive are those permitting a small group of bankers and industrialists to feed at the public trough, while all those benefiting the public are stillborn. Planning cannot be done for projects beyond the life of the current government, which might be only 4 years and often less, because the opposing party would most likely kill any project, either on ideological principles or to prevent credit being given to “the opposition”.

And, on the high-speed trains themselves, it seems that no one in American government or industry has the good sense and political will to say not only “Let’s do it” but “Let’s do it right.” And that means a serious commitment to long-term adult-level planning of high-speed travel and the investment required to build a dedicated support infrastructure that can handle it. The continued pretense of having so-called “high-speed trains” running on dilapidated 60 year-old freight tracks, will lead to nothing but disaster.

This entire process of Americans so desperate to “save face” is founded on a delusion of superficiality we seem to find only in America: I paint my Pinto red and pretend it’s a Ferrari.

Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons). He often writes for Unz review where this article was first published.

His full archive can be seen at and

He can be contacted at:



China’s high-speed rail lines top 37,900 km at end of 2020


The Unstoppable Growth of China’s High-Speed Rail Network


High-speed railway in China – statistics & facts


China High Speed Train Facts – Longest, Fastest & Craziest


These are the fastest trains in the world


Shanghai Maglev Train — The Fastest Train in the World


World’s fastest trains in 2021, ranked by record speed


China’s 600 Maglev Train; CCTV


China’s 600 Maglev Train Rolled off the Production Line; CCTV 1:24


Past, present and future: The evolution of China’s incredible high-speed rail network


List of Metro Systems


Coin on Windowsill of Chinese High-Speed Train


From Shanghai to Chongqing: The World’s Most Expensive Railway


Wenzhou Crash Shows the Dangers of China’s Nuclear Power Ambitions


Private Enterprise and the National Good


The American Love Affair with the Automobile


Amtrak’s faster, higher-tech Acela trains are delayed again


Subscribe to New Columns

The Crumbling of America


1950s Railroads, The Industry In Decline;


American Railroad Accidents

[21] Deadliest bridge collapses in the US in the last 50 years




New York subway system


Amtrak train breaks apart traveling 125 mph along Acela corridor


How Fast Do Amtrak Trains Go? Really? They’re Slow!


Brightline death rates


Brightline derailments


Brightline home page





Mile for mile, Florida’s Brightline is the nation’s deadliest train line


New lawsuit would keep Florida’s ‘higher-speed’ train Brightline from reaching Orlando


Brightline deaths in South Florida spur push for state oversight


Florida’s ‘higher-speed’ train Brightline hit a pedestrian for the sixth time


Shakshuka | Akis Petretzikis

The Ukrainian command actively uses drugs as psychostimulants.

Even according to their own underestimated data, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lose from 100 to 200 people daily. Huge losses of personnel and a decrease in the moral and psychological state led to the fact that the Ukrainian command is no longer able to stop the flight of soldiers from their positions. Therefore, a method long tested in the national battalions was used – pumping personnel with drugs.

Most often, Acupan is used in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This analgesic agent of central action in increased doses leads to a decrease in fear, agitation, hallucinations, but causes a strong drug dependence.

Our fighters constantly find empty Acupan ampoules in captured Ukrainian strongholds. It is noteworthy that most Vushniks later switch to stronger drugs.

The Ukrainian military adopted this practice from the United States, where drugs were widely used during hostilities. Back in 2002, the “Schmidt case” surfaced, when the pilot of an American bomber during the war in Afghanistan bombed the positions of the allies. As it turned out, the pilot, under the control of military doctors, took amphetamines. Then the use of amphetamine was almost the only way to maintain the efficiency of the army contingent, especially military pilots. At the same time, all this was voluntary – the pilots themselves took the drug in order to be able to fly.

But alas, the action of psychostimulants cannot be fully predicted. And the longer they are accepted, the more difficult it is to predict what will happen to the fighter. According to narcologists, it is almost impossible to overcome addiction in combat conditions.

All this once again shows the attitude of the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to its personnel. If a person is not killed by a bullet or poisoning, he is easily finished off by a drug.


Singaporean Artist Gains International Following For Her Sculptures Of Body Parts

A Singaporean student has gained an international following on social media for her macabre sculptures of body parts, including a pie with little hearts for filling, tiny baby faces in pistachio nut shells and miniature brains.

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Artist Lim Qi Xuan, who goes by the moniker qimmyshimmy online, has more than 115,000 followers on Instagram from around the world. She finds inspiration from everyday objects, and pursues her hobby despite being a graphic designer by profession as “there is a part of me that just wants to make things that express my inner world and strangeness”.

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Greek Meatball Soup – Yuvarlakia | Akis Petretzikis

The Ongoing US-China Tensions Overshadowed by Ukraine Crisis

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 5


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