Breaking down the casualty figures of the 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast in terms of what is going on today

I have been thinking a lot of the Deagel Forecast for 2025 lately. More so, much more so than before. The reason being the new Australia-USA nuclear “submarine” agreement forged earlier this month. And you know, of course I am thinking about this. This singular deal does many, many dangerous things. But perhaps the most dangerous is makes it far easier for a major nuclear conflict with China. And since I live in China, that pisses the Hell out of me.

It’s a major assertive military aggression on the part of the United States.

As well as pointing out the obvious; that Australia is not a “democracy”. After all, a democracy would have the legislature making those decisions, not the Head of State. So in truth, Australia is but a “tin horn” dictatorship, bought sold, and owned by the United States. It’s pretty brazen, but then again, these fucking jokers don’t really give a damn any longer about what people think.

And to confirm how brain-dead the Australian citizenry is, they are not even noticing that the decisions on tariffs, embargoes, trade with China, military alignments with the United States are not going through the proper channels. It’s all being done in “smoky” back-rooms with “shadowy figures”, and the only time that any citizen finds out about it is after the fact.


Third-world, banana republic, dictatorship. That’s Australia today.

For those of you who are unaware, Australia has agreed to build bases, staffed by American military, to service American (and British) nuclear submarines until  (or well past) 2040 when the Australian versions of those submarines will be manufactured.

The reason is the same old, same old, “secure international maritime law”, “uphold human rights”, and secure “global democratic values”, maintain the American “rules based order”. (As opposed to the UN maritime law.)

Bla. Bla. Bla.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

The thing is ALL American nuclear submarines carry nuclear missiles. Both the SLBM’s for targeted destruction of cities, and nuclear torpedoes for the destruction of submarines and entire fleets.

Though, any thinking person might stop and wonder what does placing nuclear ICBM’s off the Chinese coast have to do with “upholding human rights”, “free navigational passage” or “democratic values”.

And the reason is, that it doesn’t.

Bla. Bla. Bla.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

It’s placing very serious offensive weapons off the coast of China.

And the real reason is…?

So that the fishing rights of Vietnamese fishermen next to Indonesian waters will be policed, and secured? Is that what we are supposed to believe?

Bla. Bla. Bla.

Yada. Yada. Yada.

This move has shocked the world. Though not so much the dumbed-down Americans who say…

"Oh, well. It's way off somewhere at the other end of the world. Who cares. We have more important things to worry about like Trans injecting booster Vaxx. And being forced to wear masks! 'Merica! 'Merica! 'Merica!"

But don’t worry. The Chinese Leadership got the telegraphed message loud and clear.

From The Sun…

The global appeal for peace comes as a top Chinese diplomat warned his country to re-examine their promise to only use nukes in retaliation, in response to the new alliances forming in the region.

Beijing’s former ambassador to the UN, Sha Zukang said China must make the first nuclear strike against the US if Joe Biden continues to defend Taiwan.

He said:

"The unconditional no first use is not suitable . . . 

...unless China-US negotiations agree that neither side would use [nuclear weapons] first...

..., or the US will no longer take any passive measures to undermine the effectiveness of China’s strategic forces. 

The strategic pressure on China is intensifying as (the US) has built new military alliances and as it increases its military presence in our neighborhood."

The threat came ahead of a meeting between the US, India, Japan and Australia – dubbed the Quad, in Washington, host by Joe Biden.

During a meeting of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association in Beijing last week he said:

"The policy not to be the first to use nuclear weapons unconditionally has given China the moral high ground internationally. 

But for some time in the future, the US will see China as its main competitor and even its enemy. 

Can this policy be re- examined and fine-tuned?"

It has already happened.

Right after the announcement, all the SEO generals met in Russia for “discussions”.

First off, SEO stands for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. And it is the de facto unified Asia. And yes. Right after the announcement about the new ICBM submarine deal, all the SEO military chiefs called a meeting to discuss things.

And right now, this is what it looks like…

(The big news, not well reported in “the West”, is how Iran just joined the SCO (this month). This is big news. This is a unified Asia.)

From HERE.

SCO chiefs of general staff meeting held in Russia

General Li Zuocheng (2nd L, front), member of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and chief of the Joint Staff Department under the CMC, attends the meeting of chiefs of general staff of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23, 2021. (Photo by Li Xiaowei)

ORENBURG, Russia, Sept. 24 — The Chiefs of General Staff of the armed forces of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states held a meeting at the Donguz training range in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23. General Li Zuocheng, member of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and chief of the Joint Staff Department under the CMC, attended the meeting.

The Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise held by the armed forces of the SCO member states is also going on at the Donguz training range.

Chiefs of General Staff of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states including General Li Zuocheng (3rd L, front), member of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and chief of the Joint Staff Department under the CMC, observe the Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23, 2021. (Photo by Li Xiaowei)

Since its establishment in 2001, by upholding the banner of “Shanghai spirit” of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development, the SCO has played an important role in promoting regional development, security and stability in the past two decades.

Participants of the meeting exchanged views on the current international and regional situations, security challenges and further cooperation of military security.

General Valery Gerasimov, chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, awards the medal of “Friendship and Cooperation” to representatives of the Chinese participating troops with outstanding performance in the SCO Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise at the Donguz training range in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23, 2021. (Photo by Li Xiaowei)

They also expressed concern about the new risks in the situation of Afghanistan posed by the hasty withdrawal of foreign troops from the country, and signed jointly the minutes of the meeting of chiefs of general staff of the SCO member states.

In addition, participants of the meeting observed the Peace Mission-2021 joint anti-terrorist military exercise and all agreed that this exercise has improved the coordination capacity of the militaries of the SCO members in fighting against the international terrorist forces.

On the same day, Chinese General Li Zuocheng met with Russia’s Chief of General Staff General Valery Gerasimov in a separate closed door meeting. Photo below…

General Li Zuocheng (3rd L), member of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and chief of the Joint Staff Department under the CMC, meets with General Valery Gerasimov (3rd R), chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23, 2021. General Li is in Orenburg to attend the meeting of chiefs of general staff of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states. (Photo by Li Xiaowei)

You all think that this is nothing and that it is going to “blow over”?

Hardly. But there’s not a peep in the Western press about any of this.

Drudge Report 28SEP21.

But like I’ve been saying all along, the cattle don’t need to know what the farmer is planning on having for dinner.

Let’s get into some details why the Russians and Chinese are mobilizing their military forces.

American Nuclear Submarines to be serviced in Australia

The United States submarine force consists of four operational classes – Ohio, Los Angeles, Seawolf, and Virginia – all of which are nuclear-powered.

[1] The 14 Ohio-class SSBNs serve as the sea-based leg of the U.S. strategic triad. [2] An additional four Ohio-class submarines are configured as SSGNs that possess both strike and Special Forces insertion capabilities. The three classes of U.S. attack submarines — Virginia, Seawolf and Los Angeles – are tasked with engaging and destroying enemy vessels; supporting on-shore operations and carrier groups; and carrying out surveillance.

Capabilities at a Glance

Total Submarines in Fleet: 70

  • Ballistic Missile Submarines (SSBNs): 14
  • Special forces / Black Ops Submarines (SSGNs): 4
  • Nuclear-Powered attack submarines (SSNs): 52

British Submarines to be serviced in Australia

The UK have four nuclear powered submarines that will be cruising off the Chinese coast. They will be the four Vanguard-class submarines: Vanguard (commissioned in 1993), Victorious (1995), Vigilant (1996) and Vengeance (1999).

All carry American nuclear SLBMs.

The United Kingdom has deployed Vanguard-class submarines with American manufactured Trident II nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) leased from the United States under arrangements negotiated with the Reagan administration in 1982.

So what?

Imagine if Russia started parking it’s nuclear submarines in Cuba, and if China started parking it’s nuclear submarines in Vancouver, BC. What if China started placing nuclear armed ICBM’s in Indonesia and Tasmania targeting “freedom of maritime passage” in Australia?


Which makes me want to take another look at the Deagel Report.

Boiler-plate Introduction

Who is the Deagel Report, what is it?

The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank.

Deagel Report.

It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.

If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.

Until the start of the Covid ‘pandemic’ many commentators were perplexed by the Deagel spreadsheets.

Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation?

However, in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between the projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, and other trends going on right now.


What trends?

  • Devaluation of the Dollar with an out of control American Congress.
  • A fake American GDP.
  • Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional “dead host” vaccine.
  • A global pandemic that America is just fucking up royally.
  • Desire for a war with China.
  • Desire for a war with Russia.
  • Desire for a war with Iran.
  • China, Russia and Iran forming a unified Asian block.
  • Race war in the United States.
  • Progressive onslaught and control of all electronic media.
  • Looming bubbles in just about every facet of American life.

But mostly the latest decisions by the Untied States to create a QUAD alliance, armed with nuclear weapons, and threaten China, or if that fails, to launch a “first strike” nuclear salvo against China to destroy it once and for all.

For “democracy” and “freedom“.

Don’t you know.

The Deagel scenario

The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of population and output figures. While we cannot take its response at face value, it nonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. And this is not an exaggeration at all.

  • World-wide bio-weapon pandemic
  • Massive domestic discord
  • Financial collapse preceded by inflation
  • Broken American government systems on all levels.
  • The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war

They updated their report last year (exactly last year 25SEP20) to compensate for the changes in the Geo-political environment since President Obama in 2012. This is what they said…

Deagel 2020 revision to the original 2012 Deagel Forecast

Forecast disclaimer revision in 2020:

In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 on-wards.

Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate.

After COVID we can draw two major conclusions:

    • The Western world (success model) has been built over societies with no resilience. They can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. It was assumed but now we’ve got the full hard confirmation beyond any doubt. They are weak to the point of a decapitated cripple.
    • The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called “Great Reset.”

The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil (…) hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system.

It can be effective for awhile but finally won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them.

Collapse of the USD Financial Banking System

The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – has been the major driver in the 2012 forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome.

Progressive Multiculturalism failures

As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship.

Coronavirus Pandemic

The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Today the world’s population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The death casualties in today’s World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people.

Economic crisis due to forced lock-downs

It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lock-downs will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Nevertheless Soviet society was more compact and resilient under an authoritarian regime. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population.

The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors. But in general terms the most diverse, multicultural, indebted and wealthy (highest standard of living) will suffer the highest toll.

Life-Support Systems

The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is over-consumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue. Nevertheless the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more.

The Predictions

Not everybody has to die. Migration (out from America, the West, etc.) can also play a positive role in this.

Second and Third World Nations

The formerly (known as) second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future.

Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries won’t be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away.

If they remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along with the Western powers. However, they won’t experience the same kind of brutal decline that the Western powers will experience so brazenly. This is partially because they are poorer and (obviously) not diverse enough. Instead they are stronger than the Western powers because they are actually quite homogeneous. This is their advantage. And that they are used to deal with some sort of hardship. Though,  not precisely the one that is coming.

If they switch to China they can get a chance to stabilize but will need to depend upon the management of their own resources. We expected this situation to unfold and actually is unfolding right now.

American Election Consequences

With the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. (Did not happen.)  If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well.

There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming.

Geo-Political Changes

However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically.

The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.

  • Russia and China are a united Asia.

Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome.

  • The European Union is on it’s own.

Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. Actually Russia and China have formed a new alliance to build a long haul airliner.

Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West.

It was clear then and today is a fact.

Preparations for war

Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead.

Chinese Technology is state of the art.

In the domain of high-tech 5G has been a success in the commercial realm but the Type 055 destroyer is also another breakthrough with the US gaining a similar capability (DDG 51 Flight IIII) by mid of this decade (more likely by 2030).

Nanchang, the lead ship of the Type 055 class, was commissioned amid the pandemic and lock down in China.

Potential for open war hostilities

Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny.

Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s.

The ultimate conflict can come from two ways.

[1] A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. Most likely initiated by the United States, with a nuclear retaliatory salvo of impressive destructive magnitude.

[2] A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 time-frame. A Russian (with possibly China) sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role.

The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015.

Massive failures in Western Intelligence Agencies

There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away.

Western intelligence had no clue.

Brainwashed Moral Superiority

The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to be able to execute a first strike (nuclear) over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may still occur but the country finished would be the United States.

Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated.

That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.

At least in the Soviet system the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed up.

We can see the United States claims about 5G being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation.

Why go to war?

Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them.

If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war.

The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. The West will completely collapse. It is fragile. It will be unable to recover from even the slightest societal disruption.

A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions.

He Concludes…

This website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions. - Friday, September 25th, 2020

So much for the introductory portion. Now the meat of this article…

Realize the following truths, before we proceed.

  • China possesses skilled leadership.
  • Russia and China are aligned militarily.
  • The United States government is a cluster fuck.
  • America is balkanized, isolated, and it’s every man for himself.
  • Handguns, and weapons are all over America.
  • COVID is raging inside of America.

If you think it is bad now, imagine what happens when a roll of toilet paper costs $20, A hamburger cost $100, no one is getting cost-of-living increases, there’s hardly any gasoline. And a new round of COVID is forcing everyone into lock-downs again. And the police start to selectively deploy.

The shootings will not be televised.

And in the midst of all this unreported turmoil will be the grand American military strategy. That is to “suppress China”, that far-away nation. To “project” a American rules “based order” on the Chinese coast. So that the miserable ‘Mericans can blame their frustration on those evil vile Communists. Instead of on their government.

The Good News

The good news is that the war will be short lived. Over very quickly.  In fact, it might as well happen, million of people die, and then be over before anything is actually reported. Countries might break up after a few short meetings and that will be that.

With banks gone, communication down, any balkanized nations will go tribal in hours. And people, the USA is very balkanized. Or haven’t you been watching the videos out of America today? Crime is open and brazen. Shootings are the norm.

The bad news…


People are going to die. Entire societies will be disrupted. nation-states will collapse, restructure and reform. There will be internal discord, and SHTF on a local level will emerge in the worst hit areas.

Most Western nations will become a Hellish fiasco of “zombie movie” proportions.

The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel (as per 2014), are:

Worst hit nations.

That’s pretty darn specific. Don’t you know. And the top nations are the most “Western” nations in society, governance, and banking.

So what is driving this entire event sequence?


The new security alliance of Australia, Great Britain and the USA, named AUKUS, is now about which arms companies can expand their business. Britain’s nuclear submarines are being built under the direction of Europe’s largest arms company, BAE Systems, with Rolls-Royce providing the propulsion. 


The sole purpose of the AUKUS is to…

  • Unite the military systems of the USA, the UK and Australia.
  • Provide bases, fuel depots and maintenance facilities for nuclear submarines.
  • Provide nuclear basing and deployment options for second-strike nuclear SLBM systems.

The members of the AUKUS and their Deagel casualty figures.

Here’s the 2025 Deagel casualty figures for the three “mighty” members of AUKUS.

Keep in mind that the American Civil War which devastated the Southern States had a 6-8% of the population killed.

Since the casualty figures include Australia, which has been (up until four years ago) neutral, we can assume that China would be involved.

And, since Great Britain (UK) would be so seriously destroyed, we must assume that Russia would be involved.

These two facts point to the realization that both Russia and China would fight in a World War III scenario, and that given the current Geo-political alignments at this time that they would fight on the same side for the same interests.

Changes in South America

Population will increase in many nations in South America. Which is very strange. Deagel predicts that this might be due to migration way from the heavily populated Northern American nations Southward. With Brazil being one of the target destinations…

Brazil 2025.

But then…

We have Argentina that also has a decrease in population. The decrease is around 7%.

Argentina 2025.

The Members of the unified Shanghai Cooperation Organization and their Deagel Casualty figures…

From what I can gather, most of the SEO nations fare pretty well, all things considered.

All have projected population decreases under 2%, with both India and Pakistan having growth in population.

My guess is that Asia doesn’t play.

A complete breakdown

The data was taken down from Deagel when the website hit the blogosphere, and that is the kind of publicity that no one wants. Like MM, they do not host advertisements or anything like that. The site is a grey-web site like MM. It is not a for-profit venue.

Never the less, here is the complete tabulated data in a nice convenient PDF for you to download. You all can thank me later.

A look on the bright side?

How can there be a “bright side” to any of this? Well, you see, perhaps we are all looking at this wrong. We are making the assumption that the nations themselves will not geographically change.

What if, in 2025, the United States says (after the elections of 2024) to Hell with the Federal government and the nation crumbles apart. It could very well resemble something like this…

In this scenario, the United States breaks up into four separate nation-states. An only one of them remains “The United States”. That simple Geo-political change produces the exact same results as described above.

The four new nation states…


Here’s a map showing the predictions made in the forecast. You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly.

  • Japan will lose 1/5th of it’s population!
  • Australia will lose a full 1/3rd of it’s population!
  • Canada will lose 1/4th of it’s population!
  • The United States will lose almost 3/4ths of it’s population!


An American centered fiasco

Keep in mind that the largest drop in population are in “Western nations”, and those that have adopted American governance suffered the worst causality figures.

Based on historical precedents, and the Deagel predictions, these kinds of numbers and figures can only be associated with an American centered disaster. Not really a global one. Because if it was a global disaster, then the causality figures would be more uniform.
For instance, here is Israel…


The closer the nation is aligned with the United States, the more damage or death toll that is has.

What’s the gig?

There are all sorts of people slicing and dicing these figures. Here’s one that claims that 2025 will be a war on Christians. That it’s the Vaxx that’s going to kill all the Christians off, and that it is a master plan by those devious Chinese to steal our precious freedoms and liberties all for Communism!


That it must be due to religion, as that is what the Book of Revelation says, and therefore the “Four horsemen” are going to spring out from deep inside of China and unleash their terrors to the world.

I exaggerate. Sure. But it’s not that far off.

Well, if that is so, then if you read the book of revelation, then you know that the real believers will be spared, and the condemned will be the ones who will end up suffering. There will be this thing called the rapture and the unworthy will perish in what will become Hell on Earth. Where will that Hell be?

The United States.

Let’s look at the unified Asia…

The charts truly show that it is the Chinese and the Russians that will be spared. Not those in the West. So please give me a break.

What ever your personal beliefs, I do not think that any of this has anything to do with religion, philosophy or social behavior. It has to do with the collapse of the United States Empire, and the desire of the ruling oligarchy to hold on while it goes down the tubes.


Never the less…

They do point out something interesting. That there is a direct correlation between the nations that are giving mRNA vaccinations, and those that do not.

The ones that insist on mRNA vaccinations…

The ones that give “dead host” traditional vaccinations…

And this is their conclusion…

  • That the Deagel projections have a strategic military purpose and should
    be taken seriously;
  • That the sharp division between Table A+B and Table C has a strategic
    military purpose;
  • That the worldwide Covid vaccine program is a cover to deliver a fatal or
    harmful vaccine to the population of a selected list of countries (those
    in Table A+B);
  • That the countries in Table C will become the new axis of the world
    economy, centered on the Belt & Road Initiative, which has been under
    development for at least 20 years;
  • That the vaccines produced by the Big Four are especially dangerous and
    should be avoided. (We are not suggesting that the other 17 are safe.)

So maybe they are making a good POINT.

Comment from Memory Loss

This came in this morning just before I published this article…

MM, looks like there is starting to be speculation about the mRNA vaccines. And you got the military aspect correct. 

20% of the pfizer vaccine contains material which is redacted on the list of ingredients. The redactions fall under b(4) which appears to be code for state of the art military stuff.

So it looks like the ungodly haste is to complete the installation of a state of the art military system into the general population. The US is getting ready for use of nuclear weapons in a strike against China it would seem. Your theory of genetic modifications for subjects to survive a nuclear war is looks really plausible.

The US is getting ready for use of nuclear weapons in a strike against China it would seem. Now why would they do that?

(P.S: I am speculating that the thoughts you have been having recently may actually be glimpses into possible future time lines. If you understand my references to Swedenborg previously, you might get my drift. So it looks like we may have to enlist as irregulars ASAP lol, )

Meanwhile new discussions are going on between the US military and the Australian military

From HERE.

As leaders from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States unveiled their new trilateral security partnership for advanced defense-tech sharing on Wednesday, it was also revealed that the first initiative of the endeavor would be the delivery of Australia’s first nuclear-powered submarine fleet.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison returned to his Canberra podium Thursday afternoon to divulge that the country should expect more than just a costly nuclear submarine fleet within the next several years.
"[W]e will be enhancing our long-range strike capability including hawk and tomahawk cruise missiles and extended missile range for our capabilities," Morrison said, highlighting the goal of a "stable and secure region."
The acquisition of Australia’s new capabilities will come as part of the country’s 2024 structure plan, and the missiles will be fitted on Australia’s Collins-class submarine fleet.
As for the nuclear submarine fleet, Morrison projected that the country should have a portion of the submarines “in the water” before 2030.
“When it comes to the delivery of this program, I indicated that we anticipate being able to commence build this year and the first of those submarines would be in the water, we believe, before the end of next decade and all partners will be working to ensure that that is achieved at a date as soon as is possible to achieve,” he said.
Morrison rejected claims that Australia “wasted” some $2.4 billion that was already funneled to France’s Naval Group as part of a $90 billion submarine contract — a deal that was rendered defunct following Wednesday’s announcement.
"We’ve invested $2.4 billion in the attack class program and I say all of that investment, I believe, has further built our capability," he proclaimed, "and that is consistent with the decision that was taken back in 2016 for all the right reasons to protect Australia’s national security interests and has served that purpose."
The French defense contractor notably expressed “deep disappointment” in response to the AUKUS nuclear submarine initiative on Wednesday.
The Australian prime minister went on to issue a public apology to Naval Group, the French government and French President Emmanuel Macron.
President Biden delivers remark on National Security at the White House
"There is few if any other country around the world that understands the importance of the Pacific and has been as committed to the Pacific as France," he said.
"We share a deep passion for our Pacific family and a deep commitment to them, and I look forward and I hope to see us continue once we move past what is obviously a very difficult and disappointing decision for France."
China also took issue with the AUKUS announcement, which was viewed as another example of the participating nations’ “Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice,” according to a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington.
"There’s an open invitation for President Xi to discuss other matters," Morrison said to a reporter asking about potential economic trade sanctions from China. "That has always been there. Australia is open to discuss issues important to the Indo-Pacific."
Morrison also stressed to the global community that Australia is not looking to become a nuclear power, or superpower, through AUKUS.
“This is about propulsion. This is not about acquiring nuclear weapons,” he said, pledging continued adherence to obligations under the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
US President Joe Biden previously clarified that Australia’s submarine fleet would be powered by nuclear reactors, but “conventionally-armed” when it comes to weaponry.
Comments from the article…

It’s not just that…

The United States is on a buying ordering spree of large conventional weapons and munitions designed to borrow deep into the earth and destroy things, huge systems to take out entire cities, and a massive construction program for missiles.

But the USA only wants peace

US Air Force Orders GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators Through 2026

The Boeing Corp., St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a $70,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators. This contract provides for the procurement via delivery order of GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator carriage and release equipment. The location of performance is Saint Charles, Missouri, and work is expected to be completed by April 30, 2026. This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. Fiscal 2019 3011 (production) funds in the amount of $18,025,770 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8681-19-D-0008).

US Air Force to Repair Minuteman III nuclear ICBM Missiles Guidance System Through 2039

The Boeing Co., Newark, Ohio, has been awarded a $1,620,707,490 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for missile guidance repair. This contract will repair the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) missile guidance set. Work will be performed in Newark, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by Sept. 27, 2039. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $32,486,160 are being obligated at the time of award. The Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity (FA821421D0003).

Etc. Etc. Etc.

The Deagel Forecast is removed from the website.

On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries.

The forecast used to exist at [link to (secure)] and now that page just redirects to the home page. This forecast was on their website since 2014.

The spreadsheet predicted a major drop in the US population from 332 million in 2019 to only 99 million in 2025 (-70%).

I find it an interesting coincidence that this deletion was made within 24 hours of every American over the age of 16 qualifying for their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

You all do know what I think about coincidences...


Do not get caught up.

The world seems to be going into a tail spin. But it is just an illusion. It’s not. It’s just that the potential futures are frightening. Do not get caught up. VIDEO.


Some final thoughts

I really hope that this does not come to pass. I really want all this nonsense to go away and not happen. Seriously I really do.

Those that predict the future are often wrong. Sometimes frighteningly so.

However, if the Deagel forecast is based on remote viewed data with an extrapolation of current events, it really does look like it’s going to happen.

Keep in mind that the Deagel remote viewed the future correctly. They printed their results in 2012. 

They PREDICTED a bio-warfare induced pandemic. 
They PREDICTED an Australian alliance with the United States.
They PREDICTED that America would start entering a period of "popping" of the various economic bubbles.

All of which came true by 2020.

Deagel did NOT change their forecast for 2025. It still stands. They just changed their thinking on how it would come about.

They remote viewed 2025 in great detail.

There will be [1] a massive die off of people in America, and Australia. The rest of the world will fare much better. And, most importantly, a [2] bio-weapon or pandemic figured predominantly in their calculus.

In 2012, they believed that there would be some kind of bio-weapon or pandemic that would kill off so many Americans. But they couldn’t (for the life of them) answer why Australia of all places would also have a large die off. At that time they never could of imagined the QUAD set up by Mike Pompeo, and that the Morrison government would wholeheartedly want to declare war on China. Instead, they figured that it must be a very serious pandemic with some other mystery event that complicated things in a negative manner.

In 2020, in the midst of the (three agent) bio-weapon attacks on China, and the absolute failure of America in securing it’s homeland, as well as the strong alignment of the Australian Morrison government to the war-loving neocons in Washington DC, the revised reasoning became one of nuclear war. Thus they reasoned that since the 2020 pandemic wasn’t that bad, and the drums of war were beating so loudly, that it must be nuclear war and bio-weapons used simultaneously.

Whether there is a nuclear event, or a bio-weapon event, no matter who caused it, or who instigated it, America will be absolutely and totally devastated. A 70% kill off implies that America would indeed be thrown back to the bronze age.

My advice?

Take your loved ones out for a nice meal. Right now. Enjoy the time that you have with them. Whether or not this will happen, the fact is that it’s not happening right now.

You are.

And what ever your situation, rich, poor, work tomorrow, day off, tired, or bored, do something special now. Live life, and don’t live in fear of an uncertain future.

  • Just call up your grandparent.
  • Or call your mom. Say hi.

Too much work, eh?

I dare you. I double-dog dare you. Call them right now.

Just say “Hi. I was thinking of you and just wanted to call. I hope that it is not a bad time.”

You will make their day.


…if you are old (like me) and your parents and grandparents are gone, then call up a brother, sister or cousin. Talk about a television show you used to watch, a movie, a music band, a shared memory and say that you were thinking about them.

It will be a trip down “memory lane”.


…if you have no family, and you don’t want to call up a friend or two to go out and grab a beer…just because. Then take your loved one to a movie. It doesn’t matter what the movie is. Just go.

Go. Let them choose the movie. It doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t quibble. Their choice. Their night out. You just make it happen.

You will be a better person for it.

So enjoy the moment now.

If you watched the movie Idiocracity, you’d get the joke.

Spend time with your loved ones.

Time will pass you by… do something TODAY.

Make a difference.

Be the best you that YOU can be.

And always, be the Rufus.

Be the Rufus.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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You said “The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war”

No bigger truth has been told than this.

We ALL know what the deal is. Why in the HELL would our administration sour an alliance that withstood the Afghanistan withdrawal?

Remember later in the years who did all this. This was not Trump. Biden reversed everything Trump did. All the Trump bashers out there – remember who lit this fire, because this fire is not burning out. He put nukes right in China’s back yard. An open act of aggression. Period.

I agree with you, MM, I agree 100% with the facts you presented here.


China is on the verge of achieving quantum entanglement computing Lidar system which is a game changer. All of the AUKUS stealthy fighter jets and sophisticated nuclear subs will be located to pinpoint accuracy and eliminated at the early stage of the war. The early warning missile defense system out of Huntsville, AL will be rendered useless.

The population is so decimated from earthquakes, tsunamis, famine, economic collapse, Yellowstone supervolcanoes, Midwest and coastal flood, pestilences and nuclear destruction. Ancient written prophecy using I-Ching binary computation shows the coming naval battle in the South China Sea and Taiwan strait to be in the year 2022-2023. The prison planet Earth is an interesting place for trials and adversity testing. Most of the IS-Be’s who are incarnated to live in the AUKUS’s lands are determined to be destroyed and not allowed to reincarnate/reincarcerate on planet Earth. My take is that they were the past dwellers from Thuban. This last round of living on planet Earth shows that they succumb to hubris and easily fall to the false narrative coming from DC and Wall St banking casino. They will not be forgiven but will be relocated to a restricted dimension at the lowest of the astral planes waiting for the final judgement. Only the humble IS-Be’s will be forgiven and allowed to pass through the other five realms in the Heavens.

Get ready, the inhabitants in the land of AUKUS, your judgement is coming!

The Order of Events
September 24, 2021 Lynne Johnson

“My Children, I AM wants you to know that it is time for events to begin.

1)  The FIRST EVENT is the earthquake in California which will devastate the State.

2)  The SECOND EVENT is the tsunamis which hits Florida, from an asteroid hitting in the Caribbean which will also destroy some islands there.

3)  The THIRD EVENT is the destruction in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from an earthquake.

4)  The FOURTH EVENT is the sinking of the USS destroyer [Aircraft Carrier], the Abraham Lincoln, where the ship is hit by enemy fire. The Ronald Reagan, another USS battleship [Aircraft Carrier] will also be hit by enemy fire.

It will be disabled, many hurt, but the ship is not destroyed.

5)  The FIFTH EVENT is the bombing of Philadelphia where the City is struck causing great damage and loss of life.

6)  The SIXTH EVENT is New York City being hit with a tsunamis from an asteroid in the Atlantic Ocean.

7)  The SEVENTH EVENT IS an earthquake in central Europe, affecting many countries, with great destruction.

8)  The EIGHTH EVENT is the volcanic eruption of the super volcano in the state of Wyoming.

This will, in effect split the United States into two separate pieces. This split will go right up to the Great Lakes causing the lakes, Lake Superior and Lake Huron to open up to the ocean through the split in the land.

The split will fill with water from the Atlantic Ocean effectively creating separate land masses right through the United States up to the Great Lakes.

This is the Order of Events.

The USS battleships being hit are NOT A SEPARATE EVENT, but rather at the same time as the City of Philadelphia being struck by bombs.


There is great destruction resulting from these events.

As you can see the hardest hit will be America-Babylon. These judgments will fall in rapid succession with little time in between each event.

The LAST EVENT TO FALL will be the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS which will cover the earth for that time.

Then the Great Harvest of Souls will happen. Once that is completed, then shortly after My Believers will be brought to Me, to be with Me Forever.

During this time of destruction, Russia and China will offer to help America due to the destructions.

They will come in under the pretense of helping to distribute food. They will start off nice, but will soon revert to being an invading force subjecting the people to total control and domination.

They will be merciless towards their captives. They will take people to Russia for physical labor, for physical pleasure. As will China.

The government of the United States will do nothing to help, as they sold out the country and the people to these two countries long ago.

All of these judgments will fall quickly, not giving the people very much time to deal with one crisis after another.

These are the judgments to begin soon.

America, you have been warned repeatedly to come back to Me but you would not do so.


Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Your Messiah.”


So I Am

Nothing to do with the Bible. But, make no mistake this has happened before in human history. And, it does appear ever 12,000 years the earth takes a roll, sometimes severe, sometime a minor adjustment. But everything is wiped out about every 24,000years and we start all over again.

No, The Yellow Stone magma chambers are not connected to the mantel. There will never be another major eruption of Yellowstone. It actually cooling off. Great for geothermal power though and and natural gas production.

Truth is we are a debtor nation and the FED’s a private bank, that is not going to let the USA out of it’s financial obligations to the international banking cartels. Which is why birth certificates of a countries is ownership of you and a Social Security (life) insurance policy is given to you is a life insurance policy that keeps tracks of your production. SSI is a life insurance policy in which the only benefactor is the government by the way.
You live you work you pay into it throughout your life. That money is kept by the US Treasury until your death. If You live long enough, you get to collect a small portion back ( about 6%) of what was insider traded/ invested on your behalf. When you die, no matter what age, that money is released from the Treasury and used to pay down Debt that is owed to the FED/ international banking cartel, which is a private bank that the US Government uses to back up it currency and take out loans.

Notice all the westernized nations are the ones pushing the vax and have the largest debt due. Thus the world wide bankers that are also engrained in the FED are not going to lose out on their life styles being affected. They are not going down with the ship.
The new digital decentralized currency has probably changed the game. and so has AI devices used in trading. Anyone can do it now.

Payment is due. US contract I believe ran out in 2013 and now struggling to pay off the amount due. We are not being allowed to refinance under the currently severe ECONOMIC CLIMATE CHANGE. We could if our nation had a civil war and thus were recreated a new nation. But no matter how the MSM news tries, we can’t seem to get ourselves to fight ourselves except for fringe groups on the street level. Even the Trump Rally/fake “insurrection: failed to convince bankers that we could quality again as as new nation and ease our or stop our debt. Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy.
Our insider investments also did not work out in the Middle East with oil pipe lines and lithium (Afghanistan) as a rare power source for powering batteries. Chania stole our tech and undersold us in manufacturing. Greater world wide farming technology means that less food is exported world wide as well as more counties grow their own with limited water. Even our lumber industry is undermine by Chile that can grow pine trees in one half the time, and Japan found a nitch with much more stronger and durable bamboo woods and it’s processing. There is gold and silver, but aside form silver, Gold is mostly used for space exploration and durable computing devices. New gold and solver is constantly being found too. Not not mention a biproduct of nuclear energy. Which is why Nixon took us off the gold standard. It was only a matter of time before nations realized they could manufacture the stuff. It still has value as a currency holder when you don’t know what to invest in, but you have little chance to get rich in the volatile precious metals trading.

There are a lot of entitlement programs in the USA though as well as there are in western nations. Who too can not longer keep pace with what citizens expect of their country to provide for them. Thus we have rat ( politicians and the wealthy insiders) jumping ship. It is literally everyone for themselves.

But first to stay in power and control means staying alive and keeping more of what they have. The debt is severe so multiple actions are being utilized. The USA western portions are being prepped to be taken over by China and Russia ( shifting political traditions have been challenged) . They also want to move their own people in, so it would be best to have a smaller population to control. The original 13 colonies will consolidate under as well under socialism ( British Monarchy getting their colonies back) . The middle portion of the country will remain and become part of the Republics of Texas, which parts may also be swallowed by Mexico. Personal freedom and rights of coarse restricted. That is why Gun culture is pushed hard in Texas and up through the middle of the country. With reorganization it is hoped the US will be smaller but stronger. New capital will be in Denver.

But first, As much debt has to be paid down before our country can downsize just like in any bankruptcy. That means for us and nations like US the MRNA vaccine is being give to people to weaken their immune system against new forms of various viruses. This is why the old and the sick were asked to take it first. With resistance came the asking of even younger people to take it. Many of them of the age with children at home. Which would leave orphans which would defeat the purpose to pay down the nations debt using SSI. Thus now kids are being ask to take it. And of coarse, the same people that rushed to get the “shot” are expected to have their kids vaccinated form COVID. But the population left in what is left of the USA will be better off once the dust settles.

Ohio Guy

Thank you for this, MM. (and BlueNarwhal) I especially appreciate the message at the end of this post.
Now that I’m officially retired, I can spend a bit more of my time continuing to being as resilient as possible. Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. Especially for those I love. Here’s to spending what “time” we do have on this unstable rock as wisely as possible. Cheers all.


There is one thing to note about the vaccines: only the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use mRNA. The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AztraZeneca vaccines use technology more akin (but not identical) to the dead-virus type, but with major tweaks, which is the best way to explain it. The AstraZeneca vax is not approved in the US.

The focus has been on the Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes. I wonder what the other two are hiding. I took the J&J one-shot vax because I saw mandates and vax passports coming and I wanted to control the process as much as I could by choosing my jab. But the question remains, what is in that vax? Will I regret having taken it? Why do I suspect the answer is yes?

So I Am

Yes, but if you believe in god, one way or another, hopefully your brain pattern will be downloaded due to the graphene in the injections. I might send you off to a nearly identical or better existence like now or a heaven on earth. At best you might even end up existing in two realms of one digitally manmade and the other spiritual. Or you simply will die from a weaken immune system. Nothing you can do about what is coming. So, seize the days and enjoy it.


Aren’t the Johnson/Jansen and Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccines “dead virus” i.e. adenovirus “viral vector” types – the same as the Russian and Chinese ones?

Possibly got other crap in them though. At least the Oxford/Astra Zeneca one was not a “for-profit” endeavour, as witnessed by the propaganda campaign against it in the U.S.


Deagel’s report is certainly frightening. I don’t want the USA enter SHTF. I lived a series of disruptive events in my home country that forced me to relocate to another country. That’s HARD. You may notice your life is just a travel bag. You have to focus, work hard tirelessly to adapt and start a new life. This is no easy feat. I would like to have a super power to prevent these events.

So I Am

You can’t. You are either in the club or you are not.

Truth is we are a debtor nation and the FED’s a private bank, that is not going to let the USA out of it’s financial obligations to the international banking cartels. Which is why birth certificates of a countries is ownership of you and a Social Security (life) insurance policy is given to you is a life insurance policy that keeps tracks of your production. SSI is a life insurance policy in which the only benefactor is the government by the way.
You live you work you pay into it throughout your life. That money is kept by the US Treasury until your death. If You live long enough, you get to collect a small portion back ( about 6%) of what was insider traded/ invested on your behalf. When you die, no matter what age, that money is released from the Treasury and used to pay down Debt that is owed to the FED/ international banking cartel, which is a private bank that the US Government uses to back up it currency and take out loans.

Notice all the westernized nations are the ones pushing the vax and have the largest debt due. Thus the world wide bankers that are also engrained in the FED are not going to lose out on their life styles being affected. They are not going down with the ship.
The new digital decentralized currency has probably changed the game. and so has AI devices used in trading. Anyone can do it now.

Payment is due. US contract I believe ran out in 2013 and now struggling to pay off the amount due. We are not being allowed to refinance under the currently severe ECONOMIC CLIMATE CHANGE. We could if our nation had a civil war and thus were recreated a new nation. But no matter how the MSM news tries, we can’t seem to get ourselves to fight ourselves except for fringe groups on the street level. Even the Trump Rally/fake “insurrection: failed to convince bankers that we could quality again as as new nation and ease our or stop our debt. Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy.
Our insider investments also did not work out in the Middle East with oil pipe lines and lithium (Afghanistan) as a rare power source for powering batteries. Chania stole our tech and undersold us in manufacturing. Greater world wide farming technology means that less food is exported world wide as well as more counties grow their own with limited water. Even our lumber industry is undermine by Chile that can grow pine trees in one half the time, and Japan found a nitch with much more stronger and durable bamboo woods and it’s processing. There is gold and silver, but aside form silver, Gold is mostly used for space exploration and durable computing devices. New gold and solver is constantly being found too. Not not mention a biproduct of nuclear energy. Which is why Nixon took us off the gold standard. It was only a matter of time before nations realized they could manufacture the stuff. It still has value as a currency holder when you don’t know what to invest in, but you have little chance to get rich in the volatile precious metals trading.

There are a lot of entitlement programs in the USA though as well as there are in western nations. Who too can not longer keep pace with what citizens expect of their country to provide for them. Thus we have rat ( politicians and the wealthy insiders) jumping ship. It is literally everyone for themselves.

But first to stay in power and control means staying alive and keeping more of what they have. The debt is severe so multiple actions are being utilized. The USA western portions are being prepped to be taken over by China and Russia ( shifting political traditions have been challenged) . They also want to move their own people in, so it would be best to have a smaller population to control. The original 13 colonies will consolidate under as well under socialism ( British Monarchy getting their colonies back) . The middle portion of the country will remain and become part of the Republics of Texas, which parts may also be swallowed by Mexico. Personal freedom and rights of coarse restricted. That is why Gun culture is pushed hard in Texas and up through the middle of the country. With reorganization it is hoped the US will be smaller but stronger. New capital will be in Denver.

But first, As much debt has to be paid down before our country can downsize just like in any bankruptcy. That means for us and nations like US the MRNA vaccine is being give to people to weaken their immune system against new forms of various viruses. This is why the old and the sick were asked to take it first. With resistance came the asking of even younger people to take it. Many of them of the age with children at home. Which would leave orphans which would defeat the purpose to pay down the nations debt using SSI. Thus now kids are being ask to take it. And of coarse, the same people that rushed to get the “shot” are expected to have their kids vaccinated form COVID. But the population left in what is left of the USA will be better off once the dust settles.


Great post.
Interesting times when sparks of honesty reflect the insanity.

It’s not America first but America, England and Australia (it is one entity), can never be second. All points to the outcome you have described. In the end of the road, one of the scripts you’ve detailed will materialized.

I’ve stumble upon this poem by Theodore Roethke, “In a Dark Time”
I quote the first paragraph, pay attention to the first line:

“In a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;   
I hear my echo in the echoing wood—
A lord of nature weeping to a tree.
I live between the heron and the wren,   
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.”

I think the eye begin to see. AUKUS is kind of an eye opener for the real power structure, which hides behind the camouflage of the sovereign state and so called democracy.

As much as it is interesting to see who is in, it is interesting to see who is out.
I am not saying that other states can not join somewhere along the road, but even if France, Germany or japan will join, this is an Anglo centered structure. and with great certainty it is the same one who was responsible for lunching WWI and WWII in order to stay in power as sole Hegemon.

The first in order to eliminate the German military empire, the second to do the same, after things got out of control while using the same Germany, this time governed by gangsters, to contain the rising of socialism and communism.

The exciting bonus was being hailed as world saviors ,while sacrificing only fracture of what other nations did. I can attach one file only, so you can look here at all the graphs:

George W Oprisko

Mr. Daegel died just before the site was taken offline, and reconfigured with the 2025 forecast removed. The site was apparently his personal project.

Bo Chen
Ohio Guy

That’s messed up, Bo Chen. Please be cautious when dealing with folks who promise things at a cheap(er) price. I know you learned something from this experience and will make better, more informed decisions regarding service providers in the future. You are a skilled and talented young man. Don’t let a few bad apples sour your outlook. Press on and accomplish your goals. OG

George W Oprisko

Mr. Daegel died just before the site was taken offline, and reconfigured with the 2025 forecast removed.

Apparently, the site was his personal project.



One thought that nags at me. With China’s return to traditional values, are they really going to continue in an alliance with western international banking powers, out of England of all places? Will a 5,000 year old country really allow itself to be subverted by 300 year old dynastic banking and aristocratic families?

Somehow, I think not.

I think China ends up betraying the New World Order, if they haven’t already.

As to the article, yes it seems the mRNA vaccines, with all of the deaths and injuries, could be the depopulation vector in the West. Add to this immune enhancement, which is showing up in Israel, combined with endless boosters, and we’ll be lucky to make it to 2025.

What’s happening in Israel? Easy. The vax enhances your response to coronaviruses, so what would be a routine infection that you wouldn’t even notice, turns into a major problem. This will happen every time coronaviruses come around, until you finally croak one day. Each booster speeds up the process.

We are being murdered. Maybe we deserve it.


No shit.

How it should work is we should have a constitutional currency: gold or silver

But if you must have a fiat currency, it should
Be managed as a public utility with no profit. And there should be a hard limit on the % you can inflate the currency which should be
Limited to making up the shortfall between taxation and government spending

America was lost when the federal reserve act was passed in 1913