Agent Carter Automat Set 1024x768

What I miss from my original World-Line.

Here is a really short post.

Here are some things that I miss from my original world-line before I got all tangled up in MAJestic. It is in no particular order. It is all meaningless to the reader anyways. Here’s just some quick notes.

If you want to lecture me on the belief that the MWI is unproven, please don’t waste your time. If you only knew 10% of what I experienced, you would think differently. Anyways, with all that in mind, so here goes…

  • Sentences had two spaces after the period. Here on this world-line all the sentences look all bunched together and cluttered. I was taught that there was two spaces after every period and one space after a comma. It might seem like a little thing, but it drives me absolutely bonkers!
  • Songs are somewhat different. For instance, the song by Queen “We are the Champions” ended with “…of the world”. However on this world-line it doesn’t end that way. Which makes it really difficult to reconcile my memories when I was at a kegger in my Senior Year, and I was singing the song with my buddies. For us, the highlight of the song was “Of the World”, and we would always sing it loudly and beat our chests with our fists. Ha. I guess this world-line is “attitude lite”.
  • Breakfast egg and toast meal served with pork and beans. Here on this world line it is served with potatoes. Friggin’ potatoes!
Real breakfast.
I was raised with full egg breakfasts with toast and pork and beans. Today all through the states breakfasts are served with hash browns. Even in Howard Johnson’s of all places!
  • Howard Johnson Automats. On this world line, you have McDonald’s and other similar fast food restaurants. These are the popular places to go to get food fast. Now, my original world-line actually had restaurants too, maybe even had a McDonald’s as well. The closest thing that I remember to a McDonald’s was a “Big Boy”. However, by far, the most common way of getting “fast food” was by using an automat. It was faster. We ate better and had a better selection of food to choose from.
On my original world-line, automats were the preferred way of eating “fast” lunches. It was preferred over a fast food burger. There were restaurants that served fast food, but they were no where as popular as they are on this world-line.
  • Brands are slightly different. For instance, I ate Jiffy peanut butter and used White-Out. Not  “Jif peanut butter” and “Wite-out”. Many other brands have minor changes to their appearance. Such as the cheese that I used to eat with my father. It came in a flat circular box and had maybe eight triangular sections of cheese, each individually wrapped. Back then, the cow on the logo had a nose ring, but in this world-line the nose ring is missing. Not a biggie, but can make you question your sanity if you didn’t know better. I guess the biggest change is that on my parent world-line we drank Moxie more than Coke and Pepsi. Today, I don’t even know if Moxie exists on this world-line.
  • Dates are different. Here, if you want to say the 24th of June, 2018 you would write it as 6-24-2018. However, on my original world-line we wrote it as 24-6-2018. Military dates are the same.
  • Geopolitical Landscape is Different. In my original world-line the United States administered Panama as a US territory. After I joined MAJestic, not only was it was a separate nation, but we actually fought a war there and gave the Panama Canal to the Chinese to administer!
  • Traffic Lights are now backwards. Here, in this world-line, the colors of the traffic lights are red, yellow, and green (top to bottom). However, the traffic lights were different as being green, yellow, red (top to bottom). Again, it’s a curious difference, and in the big picture, quite meaningless.
  • There were more sidewalks. For some reason, one that I cannot reconcile, it just seems that the United States is designed for people in cars. It isn’t designed for people to walk. Sure there are older communities in Boston and Chicago that have sidewalks, but many of the newer construction projects view sidewalks as an expensive afterthought. New homes have lawns without sidewalks. On my world-line this situation would never exist. Even small towns had sidewalks.
  • Fondue was much more popular. While I will admit that fondue was never a staple of the American diet, we did eat it often enough. I would say that we had it maybe once a month. On this world-line, apparently it is a once in a decade occurrence.
  • Cats had wings. I know that this sounds really strange, but there was a high percentage of cats with wings. Maybe one in five cats had this feature. It really wasn’t feathered wings, but rather a big flap of skin behind the forearms covered in hair. The cats would climb up in a tree and glide down to get their prey. Here, on this world-line it is not at all common. You see an occasional sighting and Wikipedia states that this is “hogwash”, that it is “just” matted hair.
Winged Cat
WINGED PUSS GETS IN A FLAP. This mischievous cat has obviously spent too much time chasing birds . Ha! he’s grown a pair of furry wings! The one-year-old tom sprouted two flaps on his back after being hassled by females during a spell of hot weather in the village of Luzhou, in China’s Sichuan Province. Animal experts say the harmless growths are down to gene mutation. (ZN/WN) Credit: (Mandatory): WENN
  • Tuna Fish Sandwiches are different. We used to have tuna fish sandwiches made of tuna, mayonnaise, and pineapple. Today it is typically made the same way only the pineapple has been replaced with celery. In a like way, potato salad also had pineapple in it. On this world-line pineapple doesn’t seem to be added to that many dishes, though it actually is added to pizza of all things!

There is nothing really earth-shattering in any of this. World-line travel and / or personal migration is a natural occurrence. We migrate our individual realities though our thoughts. We share the template from which our realities are derived from. World-line travel enables us to alter that template.

The larger the deviance from your fated reality, the greater the divergence in your soul’s quantum organization. It’s all planned towards optimization. It’s planned so that our individual souls can advance and better themselves.

So we’ve got to be careful.

Now, for the sentience objectives to be realized, we have to have a dimensional anchoring effect that sets us in a reality where potatoes are served with breakfasts instead of baked beans. I know that it doesn’t seem to make much sense. Well, here you are. Though. It’s the “butterfly effect” for certain.

There is a saying in China. “There are many different ways to go to Beijing.” Perhaps living on a world-line with pineapple on pizza will have the same objectives as a different world-line with different (other) changes. Maybe this world-line is the closest anchored line to achieve our mutually defined objectives.

Anyways, world-line travel is not about entering and leaving other realities for purposes of wonderment and adventure. It is about stability and optimizing the configuration of our soul. Else, we risk discordant alignments and all kind of nightmarish problems. Good thing we have our extraterrestrial benefactors looking out for us. Eh?

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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fake name

i just came across your website from a reference I saw in a blog post.

I just wanted to comment that I clearly remember going to automats when I was a kid. When I had my own kids I thought it would be fun to take them to one like I used to go to, and I discovered they don’t exist. As recently as last month I was googling to try to figure out when I even could have been in an automat, since it seems they died out long before I was born.

James Derek Nunley

I remember things just as you have stated them, with the exception of the automats and cat wings.


I am close to your age, MM, and I remember a lot of the things that you described above. Where I lived there were automats in the large cities, but no winged cats, the pineapple thing, or pork and beans with breakfast – but I was on the west coast which could account for some differences. Other than those, I have the same memories. The last time I remember two spaces after the period was around 1989 or 90. I always wondered what happened to make that particular change.

Now I know; someone was anchoring world lines. Those are all pretty trivial things, so what were the important things that needed to be changed and dragged those other little changes along with it?

Then there is the Nelson Mandella story. Did he die in prison as many remember or get out and die outside prison some years later as I remember?

A little mind boggling is probably a good thing.