You know, if you are trying to find out the “truth” you, as an American, will naturally gravitate towards Google to provide answers. And behold! There are the answers! There is only ONE truth, it is the “official” truth, and interspersed within that truth are the most ridiculous claims. Here we have people pretending to be secret agents and whistle-blowers talking about reptilians and grand conspiracies involving such things as statues on Mars, and grand orbiting American space fleets.
Please, give me a friggin’ break.
The truth is that the United States government has a very sophisticated system in place regarding secrecy. No longer are secrets handled by oaths, and promises. It is controlled by memory controlling implants and supported by a very wide censoring organization. This is OLD technology and has been in place since the 1960’s. Good golly!
No longer are they classified only as “confidential” and “top secret”. For those are just general classification groupings. Instead, they are classified as “access to information” programs. Alternatively, in other words; Access Programs that are Special. There are many levels and types of access programs, and this chapter deals with the subject in some level of detail.

This is a subject that must be covered, as the entire program, that I was a member of was part of this system. Thus to understand my story, one must understand the system…
Two Part Post
This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relatively large size of it. You are here in the first part.
This is “Red Pill” type stuff. You do not need to read it to live your life in happiness. Go and eat a nice steak and enjoy it.
Special Access Programs (SAP)
(SAP programs are) “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress”. -A 1997 US Senate report
The reader, like all typical Americans, know about “secret government programs”. Indeed, the three-tier standard government security clearance levels are well known: confidential, secret and top secret. While at NAS China Lake we used that system, as does all contractors, by a color coded system.
DOD security clearances include: Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret SCI, Top Secret EBI, Top Secret Poly, Top Secret Full Scope, TS/EBI, TS/SBI, TS/SCI, SCI accesses, ISSA Lifestyle Poly, Top Secret SSBI, Top Secret CISP, Top Secret SAP, TS/SSBI, Top Secret SCI full scope polygraph, Top Secret STN TS/STN, DOE Q, DOE L, DOJ-NACI. Top Secret clearance is reported collectively as one category for our purposes.
However just having a clearance at one of these levels does not automatically give access to any information at that level. There must be a demonstrable “need to know” in order to be briefed or read in on a given project, program, facility or intelligence product. There are thousands of “Top Secret” programs. Does a person in one “top secret” program have access to another “Top Secret” program? No., of course not. Each program is identified by a specific identifier and only those assigned to that identifier can access it.
This system seems to work pretty well. With the exception being the Clinton’s and their HUGE criminal enterprise.
The problem with this system is that there are people and organizations outside the program that might know of the existence of the program. (Therefore, how can they be actually and ultimately “secret”?)
These people generally include the elected Congress and Senators who rotate in and out of government circles and are highly subject to compromise in various forms.
In fact, I urge the reader NEVER to trust an elected official. They have already been compromised. Which is why the MAJestic organization DOES NOT include elected officials in the organization. There are exceptions, of course, but typically Democrats (and a significant number of Republicans) are routinely disbarred from ever joining MAJestic.
That knowledge by those people is dangerous in that it comprises the program at its most fundamental level. Therefore this system is merely the “white” side of the security system.
“The public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the sensitive nature of the materials and the obvious effect on national security their release may well entail.” -Gerhart Gessell , Federal Judge, when explaining why the government would not release any information regarding UFO’s.
Some background on this particular quote is in order…
In a period of time ranging somewhere between 1975 and 1979, Peter Gersten, a lawyer representing CAUS (the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy) sued the NSA. He did so after its refusal to release requested files via FOIA ( the Freedom Of Information Act). You know, under law, a FOIA must be obeyed. In 1980, the chief of the Policy Office for the agency, Eugene Yeates, sent a document larger than 20 pages to Gerhart Gessell. Gerhart Gessell was the Federal Judge who was overseeing this particular case, explaining why the files in question must remain classified. This is known as the Yeates Affidavit. But, this document; his explanation, was classified as well. The judge was not authorized to read the actual content of the files, but the letter itself convinced him.
There has to be a system that controls “outside” knowledge of the secret programs from everyone else. Lest someone might discover the presence of such programs. Therefore, there is a massive secret “black” system in place to control this aspect of secrecy.
The existence of which is known while the details (naturally) are deeply hidden.
For a publicly available overview see the Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy: 1997, chaired by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Senate Document 105-2. See also the report In Search of the Pentagon's billion dollar hidden budgets by Bill Sweetman, North American editor for the British publication Jane's Defense Weekly, from which much of the material has been condensed from.
This structure has been described (by some) as a “shadow military” existing in parallel with open or overtly classified programs. It is designed for programs considered to be too sensitive for normal classification measures.
MAJestic is considered too sensitive for normal classification measures.
These programs are called Special Access Programs (SAPs). They are protected by a security system of great complexity. Many of the SAPs are located outside the United States government. Instead they are located within (private) industry funded through special contracts.
Consider about how SAP’s are handled in upper level email chains. Here is an example that is from an article on what was found on the emails that were removed from the State Department by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; “The agents also found seven email chains on her servers that were select access privilege, or SAP. SAP emails cannot be received, opened or sent without knowing what they are, as a special alphanumeric code, one that changes continually, must be requested and employed in order to do so. SAP is so secret that the FBI agents investigating Clinton lacked access to the code.”
Under arrangements called “carve-outs” such programs and funds become removed from the usual security and contract-oversight organizations. We know, for example, that in 1997 there were at least 150 SAPs.
Levels of SAP
“The way things are supposed to work is that we’re supposed to know virtually everything about what [government officials] do: that’s why they’re called public servants. They’re supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that’s why we’re called private individuals. This dynamic - the hallmark of a healthy and free society - has been radically reversed. Now, they know everything about what we do, and are constantly building systems to know more. Meanwhile, we know less and less about what they do, as they build walls of secrecy behind which they function. That’s the imbalance that needs to come to an end. No democracy (We are a Republic, not a Democracy, Glenn.) can be healthy and functional if the most consequential acts of those who wield political power are completely unknown to those to whom they are supposed to be accountable.” -Glenn Greenwald
There are also levels of SAP, the first being a division into acknowledged and unacknowledged SAPs.
This is not the arcane language of the cleared cognoscenti. No, that is the domain of bureaucrats and politicians. They have their own interesting language and nomenclature. Perhaps the reader is aware of such arcane trivia; TOP SECRET, as the name implies, is the highest official classification level in the U.S. government, defined as information whose unauthorized release “could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security or foreign relations.” SI refers to Special Intelligence, meaning it is information derived from intercepted communications. This is the business of the National Security Agency (NSA), America’s single biggest source of intelligence. They’re the guys who eavesdrop on phone calls, map who’s calling who, and comb through emails. SCI stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information. SI is a subset of what the intelligence community calls Sensitive Compartmented Information or SCI. These materials always require special handling and protection. SCIF is the place where SCI are kept. Indeed, SCI are to be kept in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility or SCIF, which is a special hardened room that is safe from both physical and electronic intrusion. TK refers to Talent Keyhole, which is an IC caveat indicating that the classified material was obtained via satellite. NOFORN, as the name implies, means that the materials can only be shown to Americans, not to foreigners. As an example; Information at the “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN” level is considered exceptionally highly classified and must be handled with great care under penalty of serious consequences for mishandling. Every person who is cleared and “read on” for access to such information signs reams of paperwork and receives detailed training about how it is to be handled, no exceptions—and what the consequences will be if the rules are not followed.
All SAP’s can be classified into belonging into one type or the other. These types are “acknowledged” and “unacknowledged”.
What the point here is whether it will EVER be admitted that this program exists. An “acknowledged” program, can and might eventually be recognized as a program of importance to various people.
However, an “unacknowledged” program never will be recognized as existing at all. It never; ever will be. It will forever be kept secret and the members will keep the knowledge of it’s existence to their graves.
- A “Black Program” is slang for a SAP. (SAP).
- A “Deep Black Program” is slang for an unacknowledged SAP. (U-SAP).
- A “Blank Stare” is what you get when you are trying to find information on any program that is more secret than a U-SAP. These programs are so secret that they are waived from all reporting and has no slang designation. (W(U)-SAP)
An unacknowledged SAP is so sensitive that its very existence is a “core secret.” Indeed, some unacknowledged SAPs are so sensitive to the extent that they are “waived” (a technical term) from the normal management and oversight protocols. My program; the one that I was in was a “waived” unacknowledged Special Access Program. I tend to refer to this as a W(U)-SAP, but this is my own nomenclature.
If you deal with extraterrestrials, then you will be part of a SAP. The level of participation will necessitate your security classification. All MAJestic programs and sub-programs are U-SAP by default.

Indeed, even members of Congress on appropriations committees (the Senate and House committees that allocate budgets) and intelligence committees are not allowed to know anything about these programs.
In the case of a waived SAP, only eight (8) members of Congress (the chairs and ranking minority members of the four defense committees) are even notified that a given program has been waived (without being told anything about the nature of the program). Such a program is certainly a deep black program.
Talking about all this secrecy… I mean, is it really necessary? I thought that the point of our Republic was to have an open and free society, not one run by the wealthy over the public in secret. To keep things in perspective, let’s step back and consider some history.
All of this secrecy is the direct result of the election of Woodrow Wilson. Here, let’s step back and look at the bigger picture and how historical conditions set up situations for a president (Woodrow Wilson) to set in place conditions for the establishment of a dictatorship of the oligarchy (or plutocracy / aristocracy).
Let’s digress for a minute or two;
In the aftermath of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson set out to make the world “safe for democracy”. (This guy, by the way, was a "closet communist".) Since then, U.S. Presidents have marched to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism. Indeed, most U.S. foreign policy is carried out under the pretext, and in some cases perhaps the genuine belief, that America is delivering democracy to the rest of the world. Most people, including most Americans, would be surprised to learn that the word “democracy” does not appear in the Declaration of Independence (1776) or the Constitution of the United States of America (1789). They would also be shocked to learn the reason for the absence of the word democracy in the founding documents of the U.S.A. Contrary to what propaganda has led the public to believe, America’s Founding Fathers were extremely skeptical and anxious about democracy. They were aware of the evils that accompany a tyranny of the majority. The Framers of the Constitution went to great lengths to ensure that the federal government was NOT based on the will of the majority and was not, therefore, democratic. With this in mind, the Constitution divided the federal government into legislative, executive and judicial branches. Each branch was designed to check the power of the other branches. The Founders did not want to rely only on the voters to check government power. As a result, citizens were given very little power to select federal officials. Further, neither the President, nor members of the judiciary, nor the Senate were elected by direct popular vote. Only the members of the House of Representatives were directly elected by popular vote. Even in this case, the franchise was quite restricted. If the Framers of the Constitution did not embrace democracy, what did they adhere to? To a man, the Framers agreed that the purpose of government was to secure citizens in John Locke’s trilogy of the rights to life, liberty and property. The Framers wrote extensively and eloquently. On property, for example, John Adams wrote; “the moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” The Founders’ actions often spoke even louder than their words. Alexander Hamilton, a distinguished lawyer, took on many famous cases out of principle. After the Revolutionary War, the state of New York enacted harsh measures against Loyalists and British subjects. These included the Confiscation Act (1779), the Citation Act (1782) and the Trespass Act (1783). All involved the taking of property. In Hamilton’s view, these Acts illustrated the inherent difference between democracy and the law. Even though the Acts were widely popular, they flouted fundamental principles of property law. Hamilton carried his views into action and successfully defended — in the face of enormous public hostility — those who had property taken under these three New York state statutes. The Constitution was designed to further the cause of liberty, NOT democracy. To do that, the Constitution protected individuals’ rights from the government, as well as from their fellow citizens. To that end, the Constitution laid down clear, unequivocal and enforceable rules to protect individuals’ rights. In consequence, BOTH the government’s scope and scale were strictly limited. Economic liberty, which is a precondition for growth and prosperity, was enshrined in the Constitution. After European settlement, America consisted of thirteen English colonies. They benefited from a rather light administration from London and salutary neglect. This contrasted with the French colonies, which were controlled from Paris, and the Spanish colonies, which had entire institutional superstructures imposed from Spain. Everything did not go well in the American colonies, however. One major colonial problem centered on money. Officially, British silver coins were the coin of the realm in America. But there were problems. The Navigation Acts prohibited the export of silver coins from England. There was also a prohibition against any of the colonies establishing mints. As a result, there was an endemic shortage of silver coins in the colonies. To fill this large gap, bills of credit were issued and circulated freely during the first half of the eighteenth century. This resulted in high inflation, which forced most of the colonies to abandon fixed exchange rates and a specific standard. Things finally deteriorated to such an extent that the British Board of Trade imposed the Currency Acts of 1751 and 1764. These acts prohibited the issuance and use of bills of credit not fully backed by specie. The prohibitions against paper money created an enormous source of resentment in the colonies. Coupled with the better-known Stamp Act of 1765, the prohibitions on bills of credit set the stage for the Declaration of Independence and the ensuing Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War added to America’s money problems. The best estimates place the cost of the Revolutionary War at about 15 to 20 percent of the colonies’ GNP. Roughly 85 percent of it was financed with fiat money. During the 1775-80 period, annual inflation was about 65 percent. Subsequently — and prior to the Constitutional Convention (1787) — the economic situation was one in which individual states increased taxes and regulations dramatically and money remained unstable. In addition, there was a great deal of political corruption and scandal. And to top it off, the economy was in a general slump which was punctuated by the crisis of 1787. As a reaction to the overall political-economic situation, the Constitutional Convention convened in 1787 in Philadelphia. In due course, the Constitution was crafted and ratified in 1789. It is a short, clear, intelligible document. The Constitution’s preamble contains only 52 words which are followed by seven short articles and ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights (1791). The original Constitution established the rule of law and limited government. It is noteworthy that about 20 percent of the Constitution itemizes things that the federal and state governments may not do, while only 10 percent of the Constitution is concerned with positive grants of power. In total, the legitimate powers granted by the Constitution were less than those that had existed. The bulk of the Constitution — about 70 percent — addresses the Framers’ conception of their main task: to bring the United States and its government under the rule of law. The Constitution is primarily a structural and procedural document that itemizes who is to exercise power and how they are to exercise it. A great deal of stress is placed on the separation of powers and the checks and balances in the system. These were not a Cartesian construct or formula aimed at social engineering, but a shield to protect the people from the government. In short, the Constitution was designed to govern the government, not the people. The Bill of Rights establishes the rights of the people against infringements by the State. The only thing that the citizens can demand from the State, under the Bill of Rights, is for a trial by a jury. The rest of the citizens’ rights are protections from the State. For roughly a century after the Constitution was ratified, private property, contracts and free internal trade within the United States were sacred. The scope and scale of the government remained very constrained. All this was very consistent with what was understood to be liberty. A remark about the Framers and the public is in order. There were 55 Framers and 35 had attended college. The college entry standards in those days were very high and strict. At the age of 14 or 15, the normal college entry age, students were required to be fluent in both Latin and Greek and proficient in the Classics. They were skilled at the art of rhetoric and were keenly aware of the necessity of garnering public support for their constitutional project. For the Framers, policies needed to be developed from the bottom up. At the time, Americans were literate and well informed, via pamphlets and manuscripts, about the political debates of the day. There were four times as many newspapers in the United States as there were in France, which was the center of continental thinking and debate on many constitutional and philosophic matters. The Federalist Papers were published in 1787 and 1788 in New York City’s Independent Journal, an ordinary newspaper. These important essays — written under pseudonyms by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay — were of very high quality and set the stage for the Constitutional Convention and the resulting product. In passing, it is worth mentioning that Hamilton organized this project, wrote most of the essays, and of all the Founding Fathers, performed most of the intellectual work for the least historical credit. That said, two notable economists have given Hamilton his due. Lionel Robbins thought the Federalist Papers were “the best book on political science and its broad practical aspects written in the last thousand years.” And if that were not enough, Milton Friedman wrote in 1973 that Federalist Paper 15, written by Hamilton, “contains a more cogent analysis of the European Common Market than any I have seen from the pen of a modern writer.” After the Constitution was ratified and George Washington was elected President, the new federal government lacked credibility. Public finances hung like a threatening cloud over the government. Recall that paper money and debt were innovations of the colonial era, and that once the Revolutionary War began, Americans used these innovations to the maximum. As a result, the United States was born in a sea of debt. A majority of the public favored a debt default. Alexander Hamilton, acting as Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, was firmly against default. As a matter of principle, he argued that the sanctity of contracts was the foundation of all morality. And as a practical matter, Hamilton argued that good government depended on its ability to fulfill its promises. Hamilton won the argument and set about digging the country out of its financial debacle. Among other things, Hamilton was — what would today be called — a first-class financial engineer. He established a federal sinking fund to finance the Revolutionary War debt. He also engineered a large debt swap in which the debts of individual states were assumed by the newly created federal government. By August 1791, federal bonds sold above par in Europe, and by 1795, all foreign debts had been paid off. Hamilton’s solution for America’s debt problem provided the country with a credibility and confidence shock. The state of economic affairs in the United States, roughly until World War I, was in the spirit of the Constitution. The economy flourished, with large increases in labor and capital inputs as well as strong productivity growth. There was, of course, one near fatal interruption during this period: the Civil War. The war consumed 15 to 20 percent of GNP, about the same proportion as during the Revolutionary War. War finance was somewhat similar in the Confederacy (the South) as it was during the Revolutionary War. About 60 percent of the financing for the southern effort was paper money. The North also resorted to fiat money financing, but at only a 13 percent rate. Consequently, there was an inflationary surge. In addition to the major disruption caused by the Civil War, it is worth mentioning one major anomaly in the U.S. economy: lands owned by the federal, as well as state and local, governments. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, wanted to sell the public lands as fast as possible. This did not happen. In consequence, the government still owns a huge amount of real estate. Its surface area is about six times larger than the total area of France. This is a stateowned enterprise. As you might expect, it is also unproductive. Detailed studies of SOE lands indicate that they are only about 25-30 percent as productive as comparable private ones. America’s SOE lands have been the center of repeated debates about the free market system in the United States. Indeed, the American Economic Association put itself at the center of one of these debates. One, possibly the major, motivation for establishing the American Economic Association was as a protest against laissez-faire attitudes in the United States. Not surprisingly, the May 1885 American Economic Review contains three papers justifying the retention of government-owned timberlands! On the eve of World War I, government expenditures were less than 2 percent of GNP and 99 percent of the population paid no income tax. The income tax had just been introduced, but the top rate was only 7 percent and applied to incomes exceeding $500,000. The federal government had around 400,000 employees, less than 1 percent of the labor force. About 165,000 troops were on active duty. No federal regulations of capital or labor markets existed. Agricultural production and distribution were also unregulated. There was no minimum wage rate and no social security. One area where there was a rather aggressive interference in the economy concerned the rates and tariffs that the railroads charged. Antitrust was also strong. The conflagration of World War I marks a violent break with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. Property rights were suspended on a large scale. There were wide-scale nationalizations of rail, telephone, telegraph and to a lesser degree ocean shipping. Over 100 manufacturing plants were nationalized. The government got involved in labor-management relations under the Adams Act in 1916. Conscription was instituted. The Espionage Act was passed in 1917. The Sedition Act of 1918 imposed penalties for anti-government expression, subverting the Bill of Rights. The novelist, Upton Sinclair was actually arrested for reading the Bill of Rights and Roger Baldwin, one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, was arrested for reading the Constitution. President Woodrow Wilson accomplished all this under emergency powers granted to him by Congress in 1916. Much of this anti-Constitutional apparatus was scrapped after World War I. However, residues remained and eventually resurfaced. It didn't take much. In fact, all it took were other national emergencies — the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, and so on. With each, laws were enacted, bureaus created and the budgets enlarged. In many cases, these changes turned out to be permanent. The result is that crises acted as a ratchet, shifting the trend line of government size and scope up to a higher level. The most often stated cause of the Great Depression is the October 1929 stock market crash. Little is further from the truth. The Great Depression was caused by a massive government failure led by the Federal Reserve's rapid 25 percent contraction of the money supply. The next government failure was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which increased U.S. tariffs by more than 50 percent. Those failures were compounded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation. Leftists love to praise New Deal interventionist legislation. But FDR's very own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, saw the folly of the New Deal, writing: "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. ... We have never made good on our promises. ... I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started ... and an enormous debt to boot!" The bottom line is that the Federal Reserve Board, the Smoot-Hawley tariffs and Roosevelt's New Deal policies turned what would have been a two, three- or four-year sharp downturn into a 16-year affair.) It comes as no surprise that governments spend more money and regulate more actively during crises — wars and economic bailouts are expensive and complicated. But a more active government also attracts opportunists, who perceive that a national emergency can serve as a useful pretext for achieving their own objectives. The U.S. and other countries seem no more aware of this today than they were in the past. And yet history has provided many examples to illustrate how damaging it is. Take the Great Depression. At that time, the organized farm lobbies, having sought subsidies for decades, took advantage of the crisis to pass a sweeping rescue package, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, whose title declared it to be “an act to relieve the existing national economic emergency.” Almost 80 years later, the farmers are still sucking money from the rest of society and agricultural policy has been enlarged to satisfy a variety of other interest groups, including conservationists, nutritionists and friends of the Third World. Then, during World War II, when government accounted for nearly half the U.S. GDP, virtually every interest group tried to tap into the vastly enlarged government budget. Even bureaus seemingly remote from the war effort, such as the Department of the Interior (which is in charge of government lands and natural resources), claimed to be performing “essential war work” and to be entitled to bigger budgets and more personnel. Within the U.S. government, the war on terrorism has given cover to a multitude of parochial opportunists, whose proposals range from bailing out the airlines to nationalizing vaccine production. As a result, former President George W. Bush — a so-called conservative — ushered in a record-setting expansion of government. This trend continued with the left-of-center President Obama. And now, populist President Trump promises more of the same. What lessons can we learn? First, “democracy” and “freedom” are not interchangeable words. Second, only the first century of the American experience represents a standard for freedom. Expanding democracy is a slogan which requires great caution. It can easily result in elected tyranny. Freedom is the concept. Our challenge is to persuade every citizen that benefits flow from freedom’s practical applications. Freedom might then flourish in very diverse and unexpected forms in different parts of the world.
Sorry, about the digression. But the United States would not have so many secret program and issues, if they FOLLOWED the Constitution, instead of using it as a method for personal wealth and power.
The number of people with access to multiple SAPs is deliberately very limited. Most members of a SAP are involved in ONE and ONLY ONE Special Access Program (SAP). Such as myself, I was only involved in one W(U)-SAP.
Please reread that last paragraph.
This virtually assures that hardly anyone knows what is going on in another program. Which is why my knowledge in all things extraterrestrial is so limited.
Black programs are often covered by white (normal classification system) or unclassified programs. For instance, the U2 spy-plane was covered by a weather-research aircraft program. The Roswell crash was also covered by a Weather balloon. (Such was the mindset in the 1960’s.)
Such covering allows technology to be relatively openly developed until such time as it is ready for application to a black program. The overt cover program is then usually cancelled, having accomplished its purpose.
Indeed, this happened to the X-30 National Aerospace-plane project (NASP) in 1994. To the media and the public, it appeared to be an unrealistically ambitious program that was eventually cancelled, but was in reality a cover project.
It was highly successful.

The Rockwell X-30 was an advanced technology demonstrator project for the National Aero-Space Plane (NASP), part of a United States project to create a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) spacecraft and passenger spaceliner. It was cancelled in the early 1990s before a prototype was completed, although much development work in advanced materials and aerospace design was completed. While a goal of a future NASP was a passenger liner capable of two-hour flights from Washington to Tokyo, the X-30 was planned for a crew of two and oriented towards testing.
That narrative and dialog was promoted by the military DARPA and their spokesmen, with the objective being to have the United States media parrot what they wanted everyone to think. The truth was that the program was a success, and showed far more promise than they expected.
What we know now, decades later, is that this project went “deep black”. Indeed, this is a project for what is almost certainly a black-world hypersonic aircraft according to defense analyst Sweetman. This may be the source of the phantom sonic boom phenomenon reported since the early 1990s.
Someone read in on an unacknowledged SAP would be required to deny even its existence. Yes, even a “no comment” would be a serious breach of security.
It can also happen that someone, such as a general or admiral, ostensibly responsible for certain types of programs or areas of technology would not be briefed on the existence of a program that should be within his jurisdiction.
If your name is not on the so-called “bigot list” for a program you will not be briefed, no matter what your rank or responsibility. Even the director of the CIA or the DIA would not ex officio and automatically be on all such lists.
The wall of denial in the deep black world can thus be maintained by both deception and deliberately designed lack of cognizance leading to apparently honest denial.
The reader should expect that the existence of the program that I was involved in to be denied. All W(U)-SAP programs are denied. They will never be made public, as many times to operate they violated core principles that the nation was founded upon. By admitting the existence of a given program, the government thus admits that they operated outside their authority and went rogue.
In addition to passive security, active measures can also be deemed necessary. These include [1] disinformation, and of course [2] implantation.
According to the report by Sweetman, two high level commissions have concluded that, among other things, black programs include “systematic efforts to confuse and misinform the public.” One disinformation ploy is to divulge both real and fabricated information of equal apparent credibility mixed together to someone or some group.
The fabricated information can then be used to discredit claims, individuals or organizations.
As we have discussed previously, a discrediting binder is attached with all MAJestic members to enable and instigate a formalized, exacting plan to complete discredit anything that they say or do. Part of this discrediting protocol is retirement though the Sex Offender registry. (No one ever believes a sex offender. They are shunned, and automatically discredited even before they open their mouth to speak.)
This is a highly effective way to keep a major secret: let the secret be revealed but mixed with sufficient disinformation to assure that the secret will not be believed by anyone who actually matters, for example the national media. The cost of such intense levels of security can be quite steep. It has been estimated that an intensively sensitive program may consume half or even more of its secret budget in security.
+ + +
The products of the intelligence community are termed Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI). It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor facility than in a government facility.
Which is what happened to me. I was not employed by the US Navy as a contractor at NAS China Lake. Instead I was employed as a contractor at Comarco Weapon Support Division outside the gates to the Naval base at China Lake.
Carve Outs
“Careful consideration of the record as it is available to us leads us to conclude that further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” -1968 University of Colorado report to the Air Force.
Deeply buried programs in contractor facilities are called “carve outs” (referring to the budget).
For instance; a UFO crash retrieval or some classified continuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep black industrially-based SAP. A program involving hardware would be considered technology rather than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. (Ironically for such a program even someone having an intelligence “ticket” at the highest level would not be considered to have a need to know.)
All of this results in very effective isolation and virtually no one in a position of open civilian governmental authority being cognizant of this. Only the Special Access Program Oversight Committee, SAPOC, would be cognizant of such a program.
The reader should realize that the MAJestic umbrella consists of W(U)-SAP “carve outs” that operate as IRAD entities. These entities are outside the government, but operate under their protection elements. They operate in the Military-Industrial theater, and are managed by former military with technical backgrounds.
Some notes;
[1] What is truly ironic is that the Hollywood actors that pretend to be members of a W(U)-SAP are paid millions of dollars, when the actual and real members are generally not paid at all. Or if they are, the opportunies are paid in small amounts. Matt Damon played the role of a person in a Hollywood version of a W(U)-SAP and made millions of dollars in doing so. However, I was the “real deal” and the most I made while in training was $9/hour. [2] From 48 CFR 31.205-18; “Applied research means that effort which (1) normally follows basic research, but may not be severable from the related basic research, (2) attempts to determine and exploit the potential of scientific discoveries or improvements in technology, materials, processes, methods, devices, or techniques, and (3) attempts to advance the state of the art. Applied research does not include efforts whose principal aim is design, development, or test of specific items or services to be considered for sale; these efforts are within the definition of the term development, defined in this subsection.” [3] The Information Assurance (IA) mission at the National Security Agency (NSA) serves a role unlike that of any other U.S. Government entity. National Security Directive (NSD) 42 authorizes NSA to secure National Security Systems, which includes systems that handle classified information or are otherwise critical to military or intelligence activities. [4] IRAD entities are also known as an Independent Research and Development (IR&D) program.
And, for some perspective…
“I find it hard to imagine something as explosive as recovered alien technology remaining under wraps for decades. So while I have no reason to believe there is any recovered alien technology, I will say this: If it were me, and I were trying to bury it deep, I’d take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.” -Christopher Mellon
“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited... The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time... [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)
I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely. Most programs that I know of seem to indicate a total lack of [1] program management audits, [2] performance measurables tied to longevity, and [3] sunset procedures.
Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes in the eyes of many within the military and intelligence communities, and as a result have varying degrees of respect and trust in that world.
Deep black programs can become quite independent of any given administration, and it would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a need to know.
Most importantly, Freedom of Information Act requests cannot penetrate unacknowledged special access programs. So, to the reader, all I can say is “good luck” in trying to get an FOA to penetrate MAJestic secrecy regarding extraterrestrials. Heck, in a reality where Senators are trying to ban every non-regulated medication, do you actually believe that they would allow public access to world-line dimensional travel?
Thus if the reader expects that “someday” a United States President will tell the truth of MAJestic and the knowledge of extraterrestrial life, they are seriously in error. It will never happen. Elected officials, with some notable exceptions, are never privy to this information. They are, and properly so, considered to be compromised. The best bet or likelihood of a disclosure would be from a Presidential candidate who has strong military and aerospace connections. Typically, that would imply a Republican elected official. That is the truth and the facts, no matter how disgusting the concept might be to the reader. On January 6, 2016, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) announced she would “get to the bottom” of the mystery behind UFO’s. CNN reported this as a humorous joke, but others took it seriously. Well, I personally wish her the best, but the truth is that she is exactly the kind of person who is banned from knowing anything about MAJestic. The reason is quite simple, her political philosophy is in direct opposition to the interests of the industrial leadership that is part of MAJestic. There can only be one set sentience in the organization, she does not possess this sentience, no matter how earnest she might appear. Further, she is not secure. She has a wide ranging web of political and financial ties in which she is indebted to. She is thus easily compromised. Those in MAJestic consider her (as well as most Republican political players as well) as a serious threat to the security of the organization. Look at what she did with non-MAJestic documentation! She vacuumed it up on her server at home and sold the information globally to the highest bidders for personal cash kick-backs. In MAJestic we all view our tasks at a level far above that of the petty squabbles between nations. Sure, we are often personally affected by the decisions and laws of the nations, but our role and purpose is of a much higher order. A Presidential candidate such as Hillary Clinton would turn the great and grand effort into something far less; a temporary media circus, and eventually disassembly into components that could be sold off to the highest bidder for short-term political gain. No. People and individuals such as herself are forever banned from the fountain of knowledge that is MAJestic. She can promise the world to her loyal followers, but her ability to deliver substantive results is minuscule.
Would the President be Briefed on a W(U)-SAP?
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater , Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, discussing his attempts to find out exactly what the US government knows about UFO’s.
In 1976 presidential candidate Jimmie Carter promised the American people that he would open any government UFO files that might exist. This is the same political promise that Hillary Clinton made in early 2016 regarding “Area 51”. The reader might also recall that while governor of Georgia, Carter had a UFO sighting and actually filed a report.
Then, after winning election to President, Carter met with CIA Director George H. W. Bush seeking a briefing on the topic. There was no question that the new President wanted answers and the full extent of the United States involvement with extraterrestrials and/or “UFO’s.
"Mars Wars", offers an account of the rise and fall of George HW Bush’s Space Exploration Initiative. In 1989, on the 20th anniversary of the first Apollo Moon landing, Bush proposed to land humans on Mars by 2019. It’s complicated, but essentially this plan fell apart after a NASA study found it would cost as much as $540 billion to do so. The fallout from this effectively took talk of humans to Mars off the table for 15 years as NASA focused on low-Earth orbit, and then completely out of space thanks to the redirection of NASA toward Muslim outreach efforts by President Obama.
However, as the reader has probably guessed, Mr. Bush turned him down, claiming that neither [1] as President nor as [2] Commander-in-Chief did he have a “need to know.” Obviously this was a severe “let down” for the new President.
This seems rather harsh and blunt, because the common misconception is that the United States President is the highest authority in the land. However, that misconception is flawed and very, very wrong. The President is the highest authority of only one of the three branches of government (the executive branch), and the highest authority of the military. Unless the program is tied to the executive branch, or the military, the President has no authority over it.
In extraterrestrial matters, our extraterrestrial partners select who has access to their programs. Not us. They specifically exclude certain individuals for specific reasons. Elected officials who have not met the sentience requirements are routinely disbarred from participation in the programs.
The information regarding UFO’s, extraterrestrial species, treaties with them, their technology, and the social implications of communication with them are not, and never was, part of the administrative functions of the President of the United States. They would only become an issue with the President when it became a matter of National Security involving military personnel. This was the case during the formation of MAJestic with Truman, and when Ronald Reagan became involved in the program. In both cases there was a concern about military intervention using military forces. Other than that, relations with the core extraterrestrial species has been cordial and did not require presidential participation.
A few months passed. Once, firmly in office, Carter turned to NASA for information. It was his hope that the Space Agency would be able to help him in ways that the others were unable or unwilling to. To this end he directed presidential science adviser Frank Press to ask NASA administrator Robert Frosch to “form a small panel of inquiry” to investigate the UFO situation. (Ugh! Yup, another one of those “Blue Ribbon Panels” to unearth secrets and investigate with solutions.)
This letter and other correspondence related to this may be found in "UFOs and NASA" (Journal of Scientific Exploration, pp. 93--142, 1988).
However, to the surprise of many in the UFO field, nothing at all came of this.
The story of “the great thud” was recounted by Richard C. Henry — then a young astrophysicist (now a prominent Johns Hopkins professor) working as a deputy to the director of what was the Astrophysics Division at NASA headquarters . It was on his desk this “hot potato” request landed.
When asked about this request, and what actions the “Blue Ribbon Panel” took to resolve the questions asked by the President, Richard C. Henry couldn’t say. For five months, NASA went through some amusing twists and turns, recounted by Henry, before politely declining. The exploratory panel found out nothing. They investigated nothing. They wrote no summary’s, and provided no answers to the President at that time.
Other Opinions
There are some that deny this report. Instead they state that the “Blue Ribbon Panel” did actually cough up (come up) with information. That, somehow and in some way (not specified), that MAJestic “opened up” it’s secrets to non-MAJestic members. That they would risk the wrath of extraterrestrials, and violate their own sentience to inform President Jimmy Carter of some aspects of MAJestic and the MAJI SAP.
The mere idea that MAJestic would provide detailed information to an easily compromised human, who has NOT been authorized permission by our extraterrestrial benefactors is truly laughable.
Ba Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…!
Discounting the NASA farce, and assuming that any possible UFO program would exist as a Special Access Program in the Department of Defense, on what legal basis would the President and Commander-in-Chief be denied access? (Assuming that the ONLY basis would be a legal one. It isn’t. The fun fact is, who knows about MAJestic and who participates in MAJestic is determined by the extraterrestrials themselves. Not by any human elected official.)
That is somewhat in line with what has been reported by Dr. Wolf;
“Both Ronald Reagan and George Bush are very knowledgeable on the ET reality - especially Bush, being former head of the CIA. Bill Clinton was the least aware. He knows of Area 51 but not S4.” "Clinton has 'Above Top Secret' and 'Need to Know' clearances but does not have the 'Umbra Ultra Top Secret Clearance' which gives access to upper level MJ12 secrets and 'Keystone Clearance' for information on ET research." -Dr. Wolf (Paraphrased and approved by Dr. Wolf.)
The Legal Issues
“I recall instances when White House officials sought briefings on highly compartmented DoD programs and were flatly refused. Access to such programs is on a need to know basis. In general, nobody outside DOD, including the Secretary of State, is deemed to have a need to know. Officials like John Podesta and Secretary Clinton can easily serve for years in senior positions and be avid consumers of classified intelligence analysis but never obtain access to DOD’s compartmented programs, which mostly relate to new weapons systems. Information about such programs rarely leaks because it doesn’t circulate, unlike the constant stream of leaked information regarding classified intelligence activities.” -Christopher Mellon
It is very likely that the UFO topic is actually classified by one or more laws duly enacted by Congress in the late 1940s concerning national security. Obviously, without any overt reference to UFOs of course, and signed by President Truman.
Only a handful of members of Congress, if any at all, would have known that more than Cold War issues were involved in this far-reaching national security legislation. Indeed, at the time of the enactment of the legislation, the USA was at a time of near panic over a Soviet nuclear threat. Because of the critical nature of the world at that time, there are at various areas into which extraterrestrial subjects could have been placed. As such, they could remain hidden,so that a future President could not unilaterally release it (legally) or, in fact, maybe even know about it.
Consider some of these avenues.
One area is [1] the category of Restricted Data (RD). This was established by the Atomic Energy Act in 1946 and pertains to Special Nuclear Material (SNM). Another area where the extraterrestrial issue could lie hidden in plain sight is [2] (what has since evolved into) the Waived Special Access Program system set up under the authority of the National Security Council. This is actually what my SAP fell under. This traces back to the National Security Act signed by Truman in 1947 (interestingly only a couple of weeks after the Roswell episode). Very curious. Don’t you think?
A highly-classified intelligence report, created just 16 days after the first two reported UFO crashes, (July 4-6, 1947 in New Mexico), has been released. It contains interesting details of who were in those spacecraft and what the military did about it. This Intelligence Assessment Summary was prepared by the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit of the Scientific and Technical Branch of the Army's Counterintelligence Directorate. Originally classified SECRET, this report was then reclassified TOP SECRET, and then in 1960 the NSA Director reclassified it as ABOVE TOP SECRET - ULTRA, restricted to a "Need to Know" basis, and restricted to 'those authorized persons with MAJIC ACCESS 'HAY".' (MAJIC is the top security classification, reserved for extraterrestrial-related matters.) The document further indicates that any lowering of this document's classification, or its declassification, would require an approved Presidential Executive Order, and also be approved by the 'U.S. MAJESTIC INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY' Group, (a secretive UFO management group often designated as MJ-12.) A photocopy of this Intelligence Assessment document can be found HERE at: Interesting! Check it out.
That means that even if an incoming President asked someone who knew about the existence of such a program, that individual would be required by law to not only not tell the President. Additionally the individual would also be required to actively mislead him, if necessary. (Such a policy is actually spelled out in controversial documents that researchers Ryan and Robert Wood obtained and traced back to CIA Director Allen Dulles in the 1950s. The source of these documents is unclear.) If a president today tried the same thing without the appropriate clearances (which he could not give to himself) he would likewise be told (legitimately) that there was nothing disclosable.
I ask the reader to think about this.
If there isn’t a military threat, there is no “need to know” under the USA military. If the organizations that operate under this SAP are involved in reengineering or other types of technical issues, then ONLY people with a technical background would and could EVER be granted access to these secrets. Such is the nature of MAJIC.
Which is one of the reasons why I have constantly stressed that only people with a technical background are in MAJestic.
If this hypothesis is correct, then extraterrestrial related information would be [1] “Born Secret” by the Atomic Energy Act, and [2] not releasable to anyone without at least an AEC “Q” clearance (and likely higher, R or above), plus [3] a legitimate need to use it in his/her job.
By law, all RD is “owned” by the AEC Commissioner at its inception.
The AEC clearance standards are somewhat different than executive branch standards (Often of low levels of restriction. It seems anyone can become a member of the Executive Branch these days. LOL, but true. Look at the “jokers” that Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama put in the White House!).
In order to grant a Q or higher clearance, the Commissioner must find that [4] the applicant is of “good moral character,” among other things. Thus, if the Commissioner didn’t like Richard Nixon’s burglary at the Watergate Hotel, or Bill Clinton’s dalliances, the Commissioner could withhold access to RD even on those grounds.
A new President who wants to know what the government knows about extraterrestrials and their UFOs would have to be persistent, clever, and informed before beginning the quest. Obviously, as Clinton’s failed attempt via Associate Attorney General Webster Hubble attests.
Simply issuing a presidential executive order declassifying the topic might yield the mistaken conclusion that there is no such material. The first step would be to determine under exactly what legal jurisdiction the matter is classified.
This could best be accomplished by a small dedicated research team reporting directly and personally to the President with at least high enough clearances to be able to read all classified Presidential Decision Memoranda and the classified appendices to the Atomic Energy Act and the National Security Act.
There are those whom believe that (somehow) Hillary Clinton would be able to unmask “MAJestic” and find out the “truth” and tell everyone about the “extraterrestrial situation”. That’s a pretty ignorant belief, as I ask the reader to point out one thing this individual EVER did where she could not profit from it personally. Never the less the belief persists. Go HERE.
The Extraterrestrial issues
Our relationship with known extraterrestrials is via their conveyance. They control the technology egress. They control our lives, and they control us.
They have reasons and purposes for operating here on the earth.
While I have discussed this issue in detail elsewhere, a certain reminder is in order. Their sole concern is to help the human sentience establish itself into a quantum configuration that is galactically approved.
With that being stated, they control [1] how we interact with them and [2] what information is dished out to the human population in general. [3] They control MAJestic, and they control [4] the membership of MAJestic. It is important for them and the success of the program to do so.
Thus, from their point of view, it makes no difference what the person’s role or position is in the earth human society. They do not care. It does not matter if they are attractive, famous, rich, intelligent, powerful, or popularly elected. They have a completely different set of criteria by which to make a determination of who will be involve in MAJestic and what their role would be.
Here is the truth. If a newly elected President wants to know all about extraterrestrials and their role in the world of UFO’s and society, they will first have to meet the requirements of acceptability by the (Omitted by request) extraterrestrial species. Their requirements are specific and unwavering. No exceptions are permitted at all. These participation requirements are;
- Must have a “Service to Others” sentience.
- Must have a fairly “clean” or “pure” quantum cloud envelope.
- Must be willing to give up a part of their soul towards the good of the human species.
- Must place the well being of the human race before any government or nation.
- Must not be part of the entrenched political machine where they would “owe” some favors that might compromise the good of the program.
- Must not be famous or well-known. (Group thoughts are terribly polluting to the quantum cloud.)
At the core of the Incommensurability Problem is the view that no intelligent species can understand reality without making certain methodological choices. These choices may vary from civilization to civilization. If extraterrestrial species have different biology’s and live in considerably different environments than humans, they may well have different goals for their science and they could have radically different criteria for evaluating the success of their science. Their explanatory mechanisms, their predictive concerns, their modes of control over nature might all be very different, and their means of formulating models of reality might differ drastically from ours.
I must present an important consideration at this time.
Contrary to what people think, our actions and decisions that we make are not made on the physical. They are made by our quantum souls, and as such are determined PRIOR to our manifestation of the physical form.

In short, they are created and made prior to our incarnation as a human in this life.
Thus, the decision of whether or not to participate in the MAJestic program was made long before any political candidate or President “made” the decision to “investigate” the issue.
The quantum soul realm that humans inhabit is primarily a construct of the sentience of our extraterrestrial benefactors, or at least the base framework surrounding it has been.
In other worlds, our extraterrestrial benefactors oversee the realm of the human “heaven”.
Our Human Heaven is under the control of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
Typically, most Presidents are “Service to self” sentiences. There have been exceptions. I like to believe that these exceptions include John F. Kennedy (D), Jimmy Carter (D), and Ronald Reagan (R). But, you know, I really don’t know for sure.
I do like to believe that Donald Trump (R) is also a “service to others” sentience, but since I am no longer “active” I really am not “plugged” into the key thought streams that hop the MWI. So I really have no idea what his sentience is, however his decision to forego a presidential salary, and transfer all business holdings currently in his name are most certainly service-for-others behavior.
When I was active, I considered Donald Trump as a very interesting, and wealthy successful businessman. I never thought of him as someone who would be interested in politics. Obviously I was wrong.
The reader might doubt the policies of MAJestic. They might question the reasoning behind why a given political personage would be forever barred from joining the organization. They might argue that the President absolutely must be the most secure person to hold a secret. This would simply be because of his position.
However, the arguments are completely and wholly inaccurate.
Consider the 2016 Presidential Candidate; Hillary Clinton. Here is a famous “Service to self” candidate. Well known, and much beloved by her followers. Her political strengths are legendary. Her connections and experience are outstanding. Yet she would be denied membership in MAJestic, and forever barred from any MAJestic related information. Why?
Hillary Clinton, of course, is the Deep State incarnate, which is the real reason so few citizens trust her. Every poor schnook getting shaken down for a $90,000 appendectomy bill looks at Hillary and knows exactly what she represents. Every 25-year-old jobless, couch-surfing millennial carrying fifty-grand in college debt sees the face of the Deep State in her self-satisfied demi-smile. Mainly, she has gulled the diversity pimps — because they are wards of the Deep State — and women, because it’s Mommy’s “turn” to direct the Deep State.
Well, aside from her sentience type (all MAJestic members are of one set sentience), the mere fact that she is a politician is reason for concern. Politicians do not keep secrets. They are unable to. The mainstream population might think and believe that everyone in the White-house holds and keeps secrets, but that is not the truth; nor the reality.
As of early 2016, at least a dozen email accounts handled the “top secret” intelligence that was found on Hillary Clinton’s server and have been deemed too damaging for national security to release.
Officials said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and others. Having access to multiple accounts is in itself illegal.
Secondly sources (not authorized to speak on the record) said the number of accounts involved could be as high as 30 and reflects how the intelligence was broadly shared, replied to, and copied to individuals using the unsecured server.
As of 2017, we were collectively shocked to discover that the number of “mishandled” secret documents was much, much higher than that. This sort of rampant mishandling of classified material cannot be minimized. This is actually a rather common practice, and well understood by the MAJestic leadership.
In July 2018, it was discovered that over 30,000 of those top secret SAP documents were instantly transferred to a foreign nation.
She was “cleared” by the FBI Director Comey due to political concerns. However, our extraterrestrial benefactors would not be so understanding were they to judge her actions.
Political personages CANNOT keep secrets unless they believe in a higher order or purpose. This is impossible for “service to self” sentience. Most, if not ALL, service to self sentience’s DO NOT BELIEVE in a higher purpose. This is true no matter how much they pretend to believe in a God, or in Nature, or in an improved social order. They only believe in one thing; THEMSELVES.
It is precisely because of this kind of behavior that certain classes of human sentience are forever disbarred from information access with MAJestic.
The MAJestic W(U)-SAP
Let’s discusses the organization that I was part of. Granted, I was in a small sub-program that fell under the organization, what I did and how I did, it was all governed by the parent organization.
This organization goes by the name “MAJI”, and falls under the “MAJestic” umbrella. The organization is probably today very much removed from what it was originally set up and intended as.
Overall, it is a very close-knit and secretive organization.
Members at my level of involvement were all members of three-man cells, in addition to all of us being implanted. That was just how secretive the organization was / is. No one knows the entire extent of this organization.
Implants control memory access.
Other implants control us personally. These particular implants access a “thought or information stream” of our extraterrestrial benefactors. Once connected, you are always connected. Even when MAJestic retires you. Which is why I am here as “Metallicman”.
Other implants act as “keys” to enable or disable MWI access.

Interesting photo this. It looks like it is from the “Golden Age of Travel”. At that time, the world was still a big place, and many regions maintained their own culture, customs, dress, and history. The more advanced cultures and nations provided outlets for exploration and adventure using the modern contrivances of that time. During such adventures culture encounters were varied and meaningful.
The photo shown above is an actual picture of a westerner meeting local members of a community in Africa sometime in the 1930’s. These kinds of meetings at that time were commonplace where one culture meets another. The supposedly “superior” or “advanced” culture usurps the social morals and customs of the local environment, often with cataclysmic consequences. Thus the creation of the term “the ugly American” (which was later made into a film). Today, being more sensitive to the clash of cultures, we often control or meter out contact to the very few remaining isolated tribal communities on the globe. Much like how MAJestic is metering out contact with extraterrestrials today.
September 24, 1947 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Dear Secretary Forrestal, As per our recent conversation on this matter, you are hereby authorized to proceed with all due speed and caution upon your undertaking. Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as Operation MAJestic Twelve. It continues to by my feeling that any future considerations relative to the ultimate disposition of this matter should rest solely with the Office of the President, following appropriate discussions with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central Intelligence. -Harry Truman
This blog post is only an overview. Those whom wish more details can find other books on the subject elsewhere. In all cases, public knowledge is greatly retarded. No one person knows the full extent of the organization. No one person knows the full extent of the program No one does. This includes the highest levels of the organization itself.
The MJ-12 “MAJestic” Committee is tasked with the study and management of all extraterrestrial events and phenomenon. This is an organization that does actually exist. (To repeat; this is an actual organization that functions within the framework of the United States government.) It is not a figment of some kind of “tin foil hat” conspiracy.
Conspiracies do exist. In the 1920 and 30s, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle and countless other major American cities had sprawling electric streetcar rail systems. That is, until General Motors, Standard Oil, Phillips Petroleum and Firestone bought up a controlling interest in National City Lines. Once the monopolizing companies owned the railways, they shut them down. Thus, forcing Americans to buy cars or ride GM-manufactured buses, fueled with Standard Oil and Phillips Petroleum, and fitted with Firestone tires. This deliberate campaign to kill the electric-powered streetcars is known as "the General Motors conspiracy". The full story didn’t become public knowledge until a Harvard Law began investigating the conspiracy in the seventies and took it all the way to the Senate. During the hearings, which brought forward the proposal to restructure the automobile, truck, bus, and rail industries, General Motors was described as ‘a sovereign economic state’ and affirmed that the company played a major role in the displacement of rail and bus transportation by buses and trucks. By the time the Justice Department caught wind of what was going on, National City Lines had already acquired and taken control of 46 transit network lines. In 1946, nine corporations were indicted in federal district court, accused of “conspiring to acquire control of a number of transit companies, forming a transportation monopoly” and “conspiring to monopolize sales of buses and supplies to companies owned by National City Lines”. Five corporations, including GM and the usual suspects, were convicted of conspiring to monopolize the sale of buses and related products to local transit companies controlled by NCL. However, they were acquitted of conspiring to monopolize the ownership of these companies. General Motors was fined $5,000 and GM treasurer H.C. Grossman was fined $1. (Hum... A whole dollar. I guess that money had better purchasing power back in the 1970's.) The General Motors conspiracy is also frequently dismissed however, claiming the corporations’ did nothing that wasn’t already happening to a bankrupt system which was already being dismantled across the country. An in-depth Vox article on the subject (one of the vocal mouthpieces of the oligarchy) points out that “while it’s true that National City continued ripping up lines and replacing them with buses — and that, long-term, GM benefited from the decline of mass transit — it’s very hard to argue that National City killed the streetcar on its own.” Pure revisionist nonsense;
MAJestic is a real and actual organization. It does exist. While I know very little about its initial formation and earlier incarnations, I do know about the manifestation of what it had evolved into while I was involved in it. This was from 1981 through to 2006. (What it is today, and how it works today, is unknown by myself at this time. I exited from the active participation in the organization in 2006, and exited from my “retirement” in 2011.)
From publicly disclosed information (that is contentious), apparently MJ-12 was first authorized in 1947 by President Truman.
This program was kept secret and entirely hidden from the public for many decades. It wasn’t until a surreptitious public disclosure was made that others became aware of it. (Released by request upon the death of one of the original MJ-12 members. Hotly and fiercely disparaged by NSA infiltrators and vocal statists.)
Again, one of the litmus tests of NSA “front” organization is whether they recognize the validity of the MJ-12 disclosure. If they have any doubt about its validity, then they are a front organization and not at all what they present themselves to be. Indeed, common sense dictates that an organization had to be created to adapt to the public outcry of all the unusual UFO sightings in the 1950’s. To pretend otherwise, and to rewrite history, are guaranteed examples of disinformation efforts. To make myself perfectly clear; any UFO organization that calls MJ-12 a hoax is a NSA or CIA disinformation organization.
Any organization that calls MJ-12 a hoax is a NSA or CIA related disinformation organization.
During my time in the program, no one knew about our organization or our involvement in it. Thus, when it’s existence was disclosed, it sent shock waves through the UFO and conspiracy-minded community. As a result, it forced an immediate debunking and disinformation campaign.
This continues to this day, with many (of the more popular and well known) conspiracy and UFO web sites and organizations touting the official government party line.
“…ongoing research indicates that many, possibly all, the so-called MJ-12 UFO documents were officially fabricated as instruments of U.S. covert psychological warfare . . .” -International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO) The reader can go to websites that completely disparage this disclosure. They are numerous and full of all kinds of nonsense. When the reader visits these sites, they need to pay close attention to the effort that went into disparaging the disclosure. Who has the time, resources and money to do so? Look at all the effort on the website. Take a guess at the amount of time and effort that went into to compiling it. Really, what do these people do to devote such time and effort towards disparaging a disclosure? Compare the observed effort to that of an “obvious” hoax. Notice the difference. That is a hallmark signature of a well-organized NSA disinformation effort. Go here and come to your own conclusions.
The reader should not be deceived, however, this program is real and quite active. Though what form and designation it currently has contemporaneously is unknown to me at this time. (My operation under this umbrella organization is limited to the times that I participated in the various programs. I do not know what is currently going on in this organization.) Some important considerations must be taken into account.
The information that I have is that for the most part, MAJestic has been disbanded and re-purposed into something different. It is mostly mothballed, and existing technical avenues have been adjusted into in-place carve outs. All of my contemporaries have been retired and put into various monitoring programs at the state level.
It is IMPORTANT to keep the vast majority of humans ignorant as to the true nature of our reality. That way they can grow through experiences within their individual realities.
There is, however, a very small segment of the population that would best obtain sentience growth were they to know of the actual reality. This small segment of the population is considered to be crucial to the advancement of mankind.
Therefore, you the reader, has a choice; a red pill or a blue pill to take. Choose. You may believe me or not. Your decision matters to only one person; YOU.
For those of you who have taken the “red pill”, here is a summary;
- I was a member of MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence).
- I prefer to refer to this organization as “MAJestic” because that was the terminology used at the time of my entry into the program.
- While I was ultimately involved in the program, it was but a small part of the much larger umbrella program.
- In no way, was I in a leadership or management position in the program.
- I held a very specialized role within the program.
- The umbrella organization operates “programs” and “projects” that are unaware of the overall parental control.
- Officially, the United States government disavows all knowledge and involvement in this organization. But it does exist. I was a member of it. This is why a W(U)-SAP has the “U”. All involvement is denied.
With that being understood, there are some other things that should be considered.
- In my particular program, all direct and active members operate in 3 man cells. No one person knows the full extent of the program. (With the sole exception of the MAJestic committee which consists of twelve individuals.)
- Most members are not told anything other than what they immediately need to know to accomplish their tasks.
- MAJestic was established to work with the various extraterrestrial species that humans would encounter for geopolitical concerns and to acquire advanced technology.
- MAJestic has since evolved. Extraterrestrials work with MAJestic to assist in the policing and maintenance of the “human sentience nursery”.
- All members in this organization are part of the W(U)-SAP security classification.
I know that this is too much information, moving forward too fast for the reader. To accept the reality of MAJestic, one must accept the harsh truth that you have been lied to, manipulated and bread to be a sheep to be fleeced and used by other humans of a “service for self” sentience. It’s a difficult reality to accept.
- This program is often confusingly referred to as “MAJestic”, “MJ-12”, “MAJI”, “MAJIC” or as “MAJestic-12”. The various names used all refer to specific areas of procedural interest, but are often used incorrectly though inadvertent ignorance.
- It is tasked with the coordination of all things extraterrestrial around the world. This includes all relationships, treaties, interaction, science exchanges, and re-engineering efforts.
- It is wholly a United States organization, though it does have relationships with other nations. (This is through treaty with the famous and iconic “Type-I grey” (nomenclature is specific to this disclosure and is my own obviously) extraterrestrial species. As far as I know, they will not have any agreements or make any deals with another nation other than the United States government. As far as I know.)
- Only the top members of the organization referred to it using the MAJestic nomenclature. Everyone else in the organization referred ONLY to their specific part within the organization. Typically using slang or their alphanumerical designation when necessary. When I communicated to Sebastian (a member of my cell, and not his actual name) and the Commander after we left China Lake, we simply referred to the program as “the program”. It was that simple. Typically, we never referred to the program, we just “understood” what we were communicating.
Our reality is not what you think it is and what you have been taught. If we can only base our sciences on what we observe, then we cannot view the total reality. All we can measure and learn from is our own individual reality.
This is limiting.
Which is why there are statists, often “service for self” sentience’s that want to convince you that there isn’t a Heaven, or that you need not worry about your behavior because there is no such thing as Hell.
Hey! You do you really want to find out? Because I can tell you that in our MWI, Hell can actually manifest. Yes it can. So, hey! Mr. Pope sir… can you hear me? Hell can actually manifest.
- Some MAJestic projects involve the [1] biological aspects of extraterrestrials, while others were involved [2] in their technologies. I was involved in [3] a project that assisted in maintenance of the human nursery. This involved MWI world-line anchoring. (I will cover an overview elsewhere.)
- I would say that the overall major objective has been to assist our extraterrestrial benefactors. We have been given technology in exchange for this role.
- MAJestic has made an agreement to assist certain extraterrestrials in the monitoring of this planet.
- All members in the organization, from the very top to the lowest member are implanted with probes into their brains. The minimum requirement is a Core Core Kit #1 set of probes. I know of NO member who was not implanted. If you fall under the MAJI umbrella, you are implanted.
- The organization is quite large consisting of various “projects”. Each project has a bland alpha-numeric designation.
The reader should take note. Warning; The Internet refers to various project names. Such as “Project Sign”, and “Project Grudge”. I know nothing about these programs other than they appear to be SUMMARIES with a corresponding SUMMARY TITLE for the benefit of executive staff, and VIP review. Actual working-level agents NEVER use these project names. You are just “participating in THE program”.
- Individual members typically stay within one project for their entire stint within MAJestic.
- The senior level or executive management in MAJestic is the only level with any idea of the scope and extent of the organization. However, the details of the “projects” under their authority is limited to the various heads or project managers of the projects. This is an extraterrestrial requirement. Therefore, the top level management in MAJestic is oblivious to the details of the activities under their authority. They only know a simplistic overview. No one person know everything about the organization. Not even the top head of the organization.
- It is not a political organization. Political members are typically considered to be security risks, with only the ones with the strongest religious or national values even considered to participate.
- Every person that I know of who was directly associated in the program had a technical background. Those with non-technical background could be invited to participate, but they would be second tier. To be direct contact individuals first tier individuals, one needed to possess a technical background.
- Every person that I was aware of, in the organization, had [1] a minimum of a four-year college education in the sciences, and [2] a military background of some sort. There are very few and very rare exceptions.
- Membership is carefully selected and culled. Most, if not ALL, members come from the military community, either directly or indirectly. All must be approved by our extraterrestrial allies. (Actually, the extraterrestrials select the candidates first, and then MAJestic recruits them.)
Perhaps the reader should give themselves a pause and consider what they have just read before moving on. It is a lot to take in.
Once you understand the MWI, you can utilize it within your own reality. Matrix via GIPHY
- Members are in the organization for life. Retirement typically involves memory lock-out and a lifetime of monitoring (such as the sex offender program). Any risks to the security of the organization results in termination of the individual without debate. There are no exceptions.
- Members in possession of Core Kit #2 probes have to alter their “normal human” behaviors and lifestyle as it might interfere with their operational missions. This behavioral “lock out” is maintained through various methods and is only released upon retirement.
- Membership to the organization can only come from approval AND selection from our extraterrestrial allies. At no time will a person be selected for membership without extraterrestrial approval and vetting.
- All MAJestic members, are “service to others” sentience. There can only be a uniformity of sentience. This is apparently a fundamental and a core requirement of the governing (name withheld by request) extraterrestrial species.
- Disclosure of MAJestic information, without prior approval by our extraterrestrial allies, will result in the death of the person disclosing the information.
And finally, and most significantly,
- Most of what is published on the Internet regarding MAJestic is fabricated nonsense.
We, as agents of the program, have always referred to this program as the “ELF drone program” or the more simpler version “The Program”. However, that is a misnomer.
This organization is one huge (multiple compartment) black-budget program that answers to the highest reaches of the American Political-Scientific-Industrial cabal.
Depending on who is President at the time, they may or may not be included in MAJestic membership. Even if included, their access to the true scope of information and issues regarding MAJestic would be severely limited.
This is a huge organization.
During its separate existence, MJ-12 had access, as needed, to UN’s Central Security Service and its Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command and Special Operations Command for UFO-related matters. MJ-12 also had a very large operations fund derived from controlled sales of reverse engineered extraterrestrial technology.
All members of this organization, except those at the very top of the administration pyramid, are implanted. (I believe, but I have no proof of this, nor validation of this belief.) They enter the program, usually via military channels, and are implanted and instructed that they are entering a “Special Access Program”, or SAP.
Depending on their particular involvement in the program thy might fall into various subsets of access and authority. Those involving direct contact with extraterrestrial technologies and individuals are generally classified as an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designation, or U-SAP. Those involved in much more serious and controversial projects, such as ourselves, answer only to the highest levels of administration and are given the “Waived & Unacknowledged Special Access Program” designation, or W(U)-SAP.
I, as a member of the “program”, was part of a W(U)-SAP program that sat under the MAJestic umbrella. I was in it from 1981 until my retirement in 2006. I was in the program for a total of 30 years. During that time, I am convinced that it was an American program. Thus any of this nonsense of it being an international organization is simply horseshit. The idea that it was international is driven by non-members who believed in a globalist agenda. All of that is POLITICAL. While I do not know what it is now, as of 2006 it was a wholly American organization. The reader might think what they will, but this is my very strong belief. However, the reader must note that American organizations can and do employ non-Americans or immigrants for membership in such organizations. However, as far as I know, the management and operation of this organization is wholly American in scope and control. The idea that some other organization, like the EU, or a control structure out of Brussels is complete nonsense.
Two Part Post
This post comes in two separate articles, due to the relative size of it.
- Our reality is not what we think it is.
- Our reality is an artificial construct.
- This construct was created by a group of extraterrestrials.
- MAJestic is an organization that worked with this group of extraterrestrial benefactors.
- The goal and purpose of our reality is to guide the evolution of mankind, and particularly sentience growth.
- MAJestic has since been disbanded and re-purposed into something different. All members have since been “retired” and put into state monitoring programs.
- The vast bulk of humans have no need to learn about MAJestic. It is not key to their personal growth. However, there is a small sub-group of humans that does need to know. This knowledge will “propel” them towards activities that will benefit their own individual growth and the growth of those around them.
Q: Is MAJestic aware of UFO’s?
A: Of course, but we don’t typically refer to them as “UFO” as we actually know what they actually are. We call them by their proper or known designation. Typically where possible they are recovered for study and reverse engineering efforts. In the mid-1980’s there was quite an extensive collection of vehicles and machinery stored and archived. Some of the storage locations would surprise the reader, as they are not typically placed in areas with signs saying “keep out”, or “restricted military installation”. Heh heh.
Q: What do you mean by “red pill”?
A: The “red pill” refers to a scene in the movie “The Matrix” where the hero is given a choice to either believe the public narrative, or accept the reality. The reality is represented as the “red pill”, and the narrative for the rest of humanity is represented by the “blue pill”.
Q: What is the purpose of MAJestic?
A: It was the control and monitoring of all things extraterrestrial. It was set in place during the 1940’s by the President. It was established to address a perceived military threat when Nazi German radar units were being reverse engineered in the American desert after World War II. The units were able to de-cloak and destabilize the operation of selected extraterrestrial vehicles.
Over the years it has evolved (see part two). Treaties were signed where as the organization would assist the extraterrestrials that managed our solar system, in exchange for technology access and assistance. Individuals such as myself were given to the extraterrestrial benefactors as part of the exchange process.
- MAJestic obtained and reverse engineered centuries advanced technology.
- Our extraterrestrial benefactors utilized MAJestic members to support them in monitoring and manipulating our planet. This planet is referred to as a “sentience nursery”.
It has since been disbanded as a different system has since been put in place. I do not know what it is today.
Q: Will there ever be a public announcement of the reality of MAJestic?
A: No. Firstly because most elected officials, as well as appointed officials, are banned from membership, and secondly that the organization has since been disbanded and re-purposed.
Thirdly, and most importantly, MOST humans do not need to know the truth about our reality. They do not NEED to know about extraterrestrials, sentience unification and evolution, the reality of who our guardians and angels are, who maintains Heaven, and why, and finally the alteration and control of our MWI.
Q: What is the purpose of this disclosure?
A: It only benefits a very tiny proportion of the population. As such it will benefit only a small number of people and will help them personally. It will not result in any great changes to how the current manifestation of the organization will work, and it will not create any great changes in anything other than what would be experienced by a given individual.
This disclosure is written for a mere handful of individuals. That is all. Once these individuals have been introduced to the concepts laid bare, then this website / blog can be shut down. This task, and this particular function will have been accomplished.
Remember, it is only one person that can alter the course of the planet. They can be famous like Michael Jackson, and affect the cultural aspects of society. They can be unknown like Srinivasa Ramanujan and greatly advance our understanding of mathematics. Our extraterrestrial benefactors are only looking for a handful of people that would be influenced by this information. Their thoughts would influence others. The funny thing about this is that these people don’t yet realize how important they are. They don’t realize that their brain works specially and that their thoughts and actions can influence other thoughts in the quantum sphere.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Some fun in relation to compartmentalization could be had if you had access to logistics or supply chain data. Not the usual “Top Secret” aspect, but likely ties to such from an entirely different angle. For instance in the late 1990’s FEDLOG had an electronic lookup program that was released on a set of 6 CDs. (Was before DVD-ROMs were common.) Pretty much anything that could be ordered in terms of supplies or spare parts could be found through a reverse look up. Maybe machinery, cutlery for a mess hall, livestock or lab animals, furniture, cars & trucks like the Crown Vic normally seen in gov’t service, etc. Whatever there was in regards to companies with a major contract to the U.S. government, often it had a listing and information relevant to ordering it in relation to government services.
So slow day… Not much else going on… What do people in the tech support center do? We made a game of it. What is the oddest sounding part, thing, or component name you can think of that will yield a listing and/or supplier. Keep in mind it’s not like telling everyone of the results (access to internet then was limited and monitored while on the job anyways), just a bumping elbows “shit look at that!” kind of thing between bored techs pulling the same shift within the same workcenter.
Basically some of those worked. And although data would be limited to something like a supplier and perhaps a price, other times you might get a cross reference to a tech manual or supplier contact and that’s it. (If you didn’t have the need to know, access or relevant info would still be missing. Things would reference to a manual which was more like an index to other manuals that then required clearance in order to access.)
However the real oddity is how many shut down companies or retired divisions of other companies were still in the system. For instance there was a “Buick Aviation Division” under GM. Obviously it was started to help in producing engine components for aircraft during WWII as part of the war effort, and even had a real short (only 4 digit) CAGE number. Seems like something like that should have been retired at the end of the 1940’s or early 1950’s? Right? Nope, still producing electronic stuff rather than mechanical parts for aircraft in the late 1990’s. But it wouldn’t come up unless you did the reverse lookup using a number or what happened to be a rather odd sounding part name. (Think of how components in Star Trek would sound like, make something up, and then get lucky.)
Would kind of make sense to hide it under a big manufacturer like that, since a lot of resources needed in automotive production, including electronics. Obviously the other parts of such supply chains wouldn’t raise any eyebrows in terms of access to other contractors or the volume of parts moved around. Likewise the production of some components would never come up with the expected suppliers from big names still considered relevant to aerospace or electronics manufacturing.
The other part of this is that in early 2000’s, somebody on Above Top Secret forums had a discussion of how this supply chain database was online. And it was, surprisingly there wasn’t any restriction on access. The website layout wasn’t too different from the software on the CDs I remembered from a few years prior. I mentioned the “fun and games” possible with reverse look-up and hinted at “retired” suppliers still being active. The result is they did not waste any time adding passwords and security (really needed to be honest – given how it worked), after more curious people started looking. Discussion made that topic into a megathread at the time, since people realized they saw one side of something big before being cut off. However I have no idea what happened after that, just something that faded from interest given all else that was going on.
This is Supriem Rockefeller, current MAJ-1. You may have worked with him during your tenure, he would have been in his 20’s back then.
Thank you for that.
And that’s pretty funny, considering that it does not represent the majority. It’s like calling a fat man “tiny”.
And this organization has given the Russians more than they’ve told our best scientists and members of congress! (Not that I have anything against Russians, but come on!)
I’d like to know why those ET’s need the consent or cooperation of criminals in government!
Yeah, I get it… but the fact that our government was hijacked by corporate pirates is not a secret: if the constitution is the supreme law of the land (as the courts say), then the federal government has been controlled by outlaws for generations, because many federal agencies are already exceeding their lawful authority, in very public ways, and have done so for a long time:
Any regulatory power that was not delegated by the states to the federal government in Article I of the constitution is reserved to the states by the tenth amendment. In all other cases, federal jurisdiction is explicitly limited to the District of Columbia and parcels of land that are granted to the federal government by acts of the state legislatures. There is no lawful national police jurisdiction. There is no federal authority to regulate land use, medicine, agriculture, education, and a bunch of other stuff. The feds have no right to spend a dime of the taxpayers money on any of those things. It’s a public conspiracy which has been acknowledged in the congressional record — but practically no one in congress feels any obligation to obey the law when they keep getting re-elected every time they pass a statute or budget which violates the constitution in some form or fashion. The ruling elite do their level best to keep the public fighting each other by manufacturing new crises, so the citizens don’t have time to fight corruption in government.
If the congress was so inclined, it could authorize disclosure and exempt anyone from punishment, just as the congress exempted itself from insider trading regulations, and exempted the telcos from lawsuits for warrantless mass surveillance. Hell, I would not even oppose amnesty at this point: the cover-up is worse than the crime, and it just needs to stop, for fucks sake. Humanity will get over this and adapt; it is our greatest strength. No one has to be forced to look at ET, they can just change the channel and ignore the news like half of the population does anyway. Why hold back the entire class from a proper education, just because retards exist? No taxpayer should be excluded from the benefits of something they already paid for, that is just robbery.
That is obvious to anyone who has done their homework, and the national news agencies are completely derelict in their duty for not reporting all of the available evidence. But I’m sure that “Operation Mockingbird” is still operating under another name, of course.
If the congress was “authorized” to fund it, then a federal court should have the authority to rule upon it, and the citizens have a right to ‘redress of grievances’. This case should have been appealed, if possible… even if it only served to demonstrate how far the cover-ups and conspiracies go.
Which they have no lawful authority to do. In other words, the nation has been hijacked by a corporate mafia — which is precisely what Jefferson said would happen when all power is concentrated in the federal government: it would become just as corrupt as the one they seceded from. In his last act as president, Eisenhower notified the public that this takeover was underway. Kennedy did the same, but few could comprehend what they were talking about. Perhaps the human species (on average) is just too stupid, and it’s our misfortune to be one of them, ha!
And look what they did to Preston Tucker for deploying new automotive technologies before the cartel was ready to compete. And how they sabotaged DeLorean. Time for people to stop pretending that America is the “land of opportunity” where you can “be all that you can be” if you just work hard enough.
…but I thought you said that Majestic was STO! What have they done for the sheep lately???
For some it is painfully obvious:
“Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.”
-Henry Louis Mencken
Some say they made a deal with the wrong ones… just like the primitive planet in Star Trek that made a deal with the “cling-ons”.
Some say we could have got so much more (and better) from a different group, if “we” had been willing to implement a nuclear disarmament treaty.
In other words, Kubrick’s depiction of future technology in the movie “2001” was basically spot-on …but the public which financed this technology did not get to see it or benefit in any way from it. Space planes take off, enter orbit, dock with orbital transfer stations, where you switch to rockets and proceed to the moon. Those are probably McKinnon’s fleet transfers. “We came in peace for all mankind” was pure bullshit: that might have been the sentiment of the Apollo astronauts, but not any government agency.
This song resonates with this article/series quite well, so I wanna share it with you.
Take a listen and tell me what you think of it. The lyrics are what really tie it all together for me.
Some interesting implications in this post, particularly for those few who actually read it (and the rest of the material on this site).
> Disclosure of MAJestic information, without prior approval by our extraterrestrial allies, will result in the death of the person disclosing the information.
This entire blog is a pretty significant disclosure, and yet, MM is still alive. Seems noteworthy.
> The mere idea that MAJestic would provide detailed information to an easily compromised human, who has NOT been authorized permission by our extraterrestrial benefactors is truly laughable.
There’s quite a bit of detailed information here as well, we’re reading it, and the page view counts for most pages here are in the low hundreds
> It is precisely because of this kind of behavior that certain classes of human sentience are forever disbarred from information access with MAJestic.
Clearly nobody reading this has been disbarred from doing so, which can lead to some conclusions about the sentience of the MM readership.
Certainly a lot to digest if you think about what a lot of this means.
It doesn’t seem that the “extraterrestrial benefactors” have humanity’s best interests in mind. Maybe they recruit people with “service to others” sentience because such people can be controlled more easily.
According to this article, extraterrestrials control us like cattle therefore we could assume that our normie reality is fucked up because they want it to be this way.
It is sad that some people sold out the rest of humanity for scraps of technology. We should govern ourselves and kick out all ETs. Any secret deals with other beings should be treason.