[PissedLizard] A crash, then death, then rebirth and then to MM

We all have experiences, and once we step outside the realm of what is "normal", or experiences take on a surreal aspect. Others, sometimes well-meaning, don't understand what you are trying to relate. And thus, you learn. You keep quiet and you don't share your experiences with anyone. But that really isn't healthy.

The following is an introductory statement / story regarding PissedLizard's personal experiences. (Lovingly referred to as PL here on MM) If you read with an open mind, and then consider his experiences to be "puzzle pieces", you can use them to construct a fuller picture of where you are at in your own life and society. It's good stuff you all.


A crash, then death, then rebirth and then to MM

I am going to start to write what happened to me. MM can verify as soon as something happened on whoever’s end – things just got crazy…

First, I remember the crash and remembered it happened 2 years ago.

I wrote about this before. Where a person would have an accident and "die", only to find out that there was a world-line slide and they really didn't actually die. 

Though they will remember dying and the entire death sequence. Most people who encounter this tend to be quite shaken up by it.

After the “Alien Interview” things started to clear up.

I posted a series of articles, parsing and the full text of "Alien Interview" on MM. This was the transcript (and narrative by the translating nurse) of the interview with a type-1 extraterrestrial commander by the United States military in 1947.

When I say I remember the crash, it was in this body…

… but the crash and impact was elsewhere…

…even though it looked like it was in my house. There were others with me I just do not know what happened to them.

Second, the going to the light thing has a lot of Christian meaning and if they choose to believe that they go to God, then I am not to interfere only to say where I stand with them. Other than that I can only speak for me.

PL is relating his experiences. He is trying to do so free of religious overtones.

When the cycle of not going into the light is broken you remember everything. EVERYTHING.

The problem I am having is relearning how to read, speak, write and overall communicate. This is what’s freaking out my wife. Because now I am a better “listener”. Go figure.

As out of place as this sounds – I have to put it here.

When it happened to me I was shown everything that happened to Jesus Christ. The whole nine (yards).

The "whole nine yards" is an American idiomatic expression. 
"The whole nine yards" or "the full nine yards" is a colloquial American English phrase meaning "everything, the whole lot" or, when used as an adjective, "all the way", as in, "The Army came out and gave us the whole nine yards on how they use space systems." Its origin is unknown and has been described by Yale University librarian Fred R. Shapiro as "the most prominent etymological riddle of our time".

From asking for a cup of water to the resurrection. I lived it.

I had to live it because I am a pagan and always will be.

My ancestors are showing me how to communicate what has to be communicated to an area of Southern Baptist’s who believe everything else is satanic.

I have to translate (THAT – that right there – I know this and I have to know that –  this shit is driving me nuts but in a great way).

In the area where PL lives is a fundamentalist Christian hard-line, hard-Right, Hard-belief religious extremist area. It's sort of the American equivalent of Taliban-controlled, or ISIS controlled Syria. It is known as the "Bible Belt", and is peopled with some rather unique people with very strong and strange belief systems.

To exist within that society, you need to fit in and understand others. You need to be able to "speak their language" and work with them so that they accept you. Otherwise, you can be ostracized and hurt in the process.

I was sent thru all this biblical stuff in order to understand it.

For example – “Jesus died for your sins” I never understood.

Now I do. And that’s real cool of him to do so.

(But) I created my sins. I will die for them.

I made a blood oath to MY Gods and Goddesses to protect my land with my life years ago. I did not understand what the word “sacred” REALLY meant, and now I do. And I will never break that oath.

One of the most important aspects of clarity of mind, is clarity of soul and consciousness. When you stand for what you believe in and you walk the walk and talk the talk.

I was at a facility where my soul was worked on and my DNA reconfigured at the exact facility that MM describes and he was there. Slightly behind and to the right and he was helping. The whole “soul anchor thing” I understand.

Nothing to be afraid of here. There is a non-physical reality and there are others that exist there and they help us repair, recover, change and alter ourselves.

The Mantids are very, VERY real.

I am honored to be allowed to use them as a symbol.

I am going to explain how I interpret their race for you and it’s easy – it is a quote from Sonny Barger.

“Treat me good and I will treat you better. Treat me bad and I will treat you worse”.

A Mantid is what guided me and protected me when I went through the light.

And it feels like a static shock – but it depends on who you are and what is attached to you.

They have this unbelievable loving quality to them. Like a love I have never felt before. BUT – you do not want to mess with them.

Like at all.

They are showing me – along with a real Viking how to live. What signs to see and how to read them.

They explained a very important concept that those who need to know will understand COMPLETELY.

This has to do with reading and writing.

Light reflected off of something is processed very different than generated light – like from a phone or computer.

Reflected light directs the flow of information 2 ways. If you were to print this up and read it on paper – the information is accessed differently.

When you come out the other side it’s a feeling I cannot describe other than Christmas morning at the age of 5, followed by seeing all of the negativity YOU carry with you.

The way the Mantid did it – it was just AWESOME.

He was like a father showing me what I did wrong, who I did it to and how it affected everyone else.

That is all I can say about that.

But it’s really cool.

I was shown this body’s death through both murder and suicide and was given the choice on both and lived through both. I watched someone put a bullet in my head then watched it in slow motion and reverse. My Mantid was showing me what to look for.

That’s all I can write about this right now.

I am sure that PL will go on in greater detail about the death event and what transpired, but it will take time, and it will take away from what is presented herein.

I was shown the beginnings of how to live from my Mantid and “Viking” I guess I could call him, but he is showing me literally how to communicate 2 ways with animals and it’s a frigging crazy crazy way.

He showed me how to smell the difference between smoke from an enemy area versus friendly.

He is showing me how to do a ton of stuff – even what not to write here.

And that's the way it works, don't you know.

I asked what a Mantid smelled like on this board out of curiosity not to be a wise-ass. I don’t know how to put this as I still don’t know their sense of humor at this point (they have one) and I saw what they can do – so maybe another time.

They do have an easygoing sense of humor. Much more personable than say the type-1 greys. (Not bad mouthing them, mind you.) Just telling you like it is.

That’s all I can say right now.

Whoever was there – because I am CLEARLY not steering the proverbial boat and you all know that – just know that I KNOW that and genuinely appreciate it.

Once that switch was flipped – and I remember it,  I just can’t remember which one of you did it – but I do remember it and can’t wait to buy you (all) a beer.

Do you want more?

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Disjointed and hard to follow but interesting.


I do apologize for the language issues. Honestly I do.

It’s odd. It is like learning to read and write all over again, in a day or 2. I was talking like that as well for a week. It drove my wife nuts. Hopefully future articles will be easier to follow.

Thank you for the feedback though. I want as many people to get this message as possible and if I need to change, so be it.

Ultan McG

Awesome stuff, PL. You’ve been blessed. As a born and bred Catholic myself, seems to me that you had an audience with the guardian angels. It’s not common, but not entirely rare, either.
If only more folks realized that worry, pain, anger and regrets are the most inessential aspects of our existence right here in this realm; and yet they’ve been pushed to center stage since time immemorial.
And that’s no accident.
Heil og sael!


Health and Happiness to you to, my friend. The good news for the Christians is the Rapture is real. Your Christ treated me like a son as well as a man. You will understand that when you meet him! He IS a good guy. I will fight by the side of the cross if it happens, although I’d rather escape out the back door!


PL, thanks for sharing! It is a puzzle for now but I have always felt that the whole of life is a game of puzzle where your are collecting piece after piece to obtain the bigger picture. I am looking forward to more of your story. It really helps!


I am SO glad it helps! When I first came to this site, it helped me enormously. I thank you – and everyone for taking the time to read these words and having an open mind. People like yourself and those here at this site are making it easier to come out of the shell, you know?


thanks for the article PL. I find your story very interesting, especially the bit about the artificial light from screens vs reflected light. I remember coming across a guy a few years back to who was adamant he was communicating with ETs using “bent” light. Most of his stuff went completely over my head but the main gist of it was that information could be extracted from light by refracting it through substances like water. He had a few pictures of ETs he had taken by bending light in this manner and some of them did look like they very well could be legit, though most of them looked as though they were just pareidolia effects/ look forward to reading more articles from you.


More coming, buddy. I have sent a few pages out and am trying to put the rest into words. Right now I feel like Richard Dreyfus in “Close Encounters”. When he was making the tower out of his mashed potatoes and shit. I am seeing stuff all over now!

Memory Loss

PL, that’s a pretty awesome piece. Look forward to further disclosures, which I’m sure you will have.


I have as much as MM cares to post! I look forward to telling all what I can!


Very very interesting PL. I think the rest will be heavy and meaningful too. I am really looking forward to it1


I am looking forward to sharing everything I can. Thank you!