A second Rufus humanity post for a new year and new start

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal. His video summarizes it up nicely. Be the Rufus. video. 27MB

Rufus Police

The duty of the police is to help society to be safe and secure. And when crimes are performed, to isolate the troublemakers and remove them from society. And when they do good, and are helpful they should be appreciated for their efforts. video 2MB

A Rufus shows understandings

Sometimes things are not what they seem. But when understanding dawns, then the Rufus can shine through. video

AI and social Credit Scores working together to catch criminal bad guys

China is rapidly able to catch the bad guys of society as all of China is wired for surveillance by AI computers, and everything is monitored. It might sound Orwellian, but the results speak for themselves. bad guys are caught and imprisoned long before they even realize that they were caught. video 15MB

Rufus saves a kitty cat

A country cat wants to nap in the middle of a road. Lucky for him a young Rufus is nearby. video 1MB


All Rufus. All the time. video


The role of government should be to support and protect it’s citizenry. Not pit one group against the other. And it shouldn’t allow people to go without food, work, purpose and shelter. China is a perfect example of a government that cares for it’s citizens, while America is the perfect example of a selfish tyrannical nightmare. Here, we compare China with America regarding homeless people. It’s like night and day. video 96MB

Read the subtitles.

Emergency it’s all hands on deck

It’s an emergency it’s all hands on deck and the emergency save of a baby. Go get them Rufus! Video 5MB

Rufus schoolboy helps lost child

Waits for the police and then hands over the lost wayward child. Video

Be the Rufus

We need to be kind to each other, to be helpful and to care about other people If everyone would do so then this world would be a great and wonderful place. video 67MB

Rescue of a drowning person

Being a hero is but a small part of what being a Rufus is. video 2MB

Be the kind person that everyone can rely on

You are not your job, your education, your career. You are not your image, your beauty, or your wallet. you are not your family or their standing in the community. You are yourself, and that means you are pristine and special. So be the Rufus. Make your life and the lives around you better. video 15MB

Rufus with an umbrella

Be the Rufus. video 3MB

Be the Rufus


Contribute and make the world a better place for all of us. Stop being so selfish, so greedy and so demanding. be more compassionate, kind and caring. be the Rufus. video 21MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


More stuff…

Master Index


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Thank you, yes I also think that rufus has more than one trick up its sleeve, and that we have a lot of example around us to notice it, understand it, practice it and share it. to be or to become rufus is a careful and responsive heart move as a kind of altered state of consciousness, mentioned in some 77 awesome articles and I am very attentive to whoever talks about it and teaches it. Thank you for offering it to us


beautiful. How humans are supposed to be.


It is that my opinion it juggles with the duel forces of the universe with diffraction share an infinite different truth and we have to write our pages with the clues of the life, I try to place myself or good place for if I have consciousness and cascade in my MWI. Why is shit out there? You know how to measure the world here MM shows us ways to measure, thank you MM and other world travelers.


On the morning of the solar eclipse I had a dream. A white horse nudged open a field gate with his nose, and ushered me through. I entered the green field and understood that I was to go in search of “the five treasures”. There appeared in my vision a red diamond shaped ruby which I took to be the “heart” of the earth, and then I found this page online and thought of the gifts of the rufus. https://peppychunk.com/article/the-five-treasures-if4cs6ox

Keep a song in your heart, and although we all walk our own journeys, we find ourselves here and give each other strength in MM land. “This I know to be true!”