A Metallicman Video Narrative; Home in Zhuhai 1

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Well, this is my first try at making a Vblog. I hear that it is a popular thing to do and I am told that I could open up an account on You-Tube and get a bunch of followers. Well, maybe. If I wanted that.

So I made a video.

It’s of my neighborhood.

Well, actually, it’s a string of around 12 or so, 2 to 5 minute long videos that I have zipped together in a folder. You just unpack and watch at your pleasure.

For me, it’s nothing fancy. Yet when I show glimpses of my life to others outside of China, they seem to like it. Cool, I guess. So… this is just myself walking around the neighborhood; my house, and filming it while I discuss the world around me. I hope that you like it.

The theme behind this video (or collection of smaller videos)  isthe feeling in China is near identical to the feeling that I had while a small boy living in the USA in the 1960’s”.

The videos themselves are but a collection of short movies, and they are all zipped up. You just unzip to a folder and then just play the movies. It’s not as convenient as You-tube, but I won’t end up getting shadow banned either.

This is all pretty much unlike the typical expat in China vblogs that visit this town, or that town and talk about what they observe. I do that as well, but overall, this effort is about me and where I live. It’s purpose and intention is to get you, the viewer, a “feeling” of the environment as opposed to someone watching a narrated adventure.

I do narrate, but … well, you watch.

I really want you, the viewer, to “feel” what “my China” is like. It’s my reality. It’s my world. And, by extension, MM readers / followers’ world as well.

The entire video set can be downloaded HERE. But, it’s super large at 392 MB. And many computers cannot download it due to the cache memory size, or clutter in their browsers. Like your’s truly.

So… Here’s the MM version. For me, I need to download things in smaller mouth-fulls.

Or if you keep on getting errors, you can download the file in small batches and then go folder by folder.

Yes, I can add streaming video code instead. And I am researching it. The thing is that I do not want code that is connected to the American oligarchy in any way. And most available codes are. 

Sure, you can host the video on your site, but the video will be directly tied to Google, which is then tied to the NSA, which is then under the control of the American Federal Government. So I am looking into this. 

I'll keep you all posted on my successes or failures in this matter. Maybe I'll ask Jeff Brown for some pointers....

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told, it’s roughly 45 minutes in total.

Or around 12 minutes per VLOG group (1 through 4) for the bite-size MM version that I used to test on my computer.

I really hope that you are not too bored.

How the videos are set up

The first video starts off quiet and then I break out into my narrative. I really, and sincerely hope that you all can get the real “feel” for China like I have. And understand WHY I say that it reminds me so much about what the United States was like back in the late 1950’s, and early 1960’s.

Some key points

One of the things that I am trying to get across is that China reminds me of what America used to be. Whether it was the 1950’s, 60’s or 70’s. It clearly has something, a “feeling”, a pace of life, a way of living, a society that has long evaporated away in the United States.

I argue that what America is today is a direct reflection on it’s leadership. And the fact that the leaders are not smart, (are terribly corrupt and behave as psychopathic fiends with no shame or attempt to hide their behaviors) reinforces this point. For them, being surrounded by sycophants and other psychopaths they are unable to see what they have created or the world that they live in is not good. It is not healthy and it is most certainly, not normal.

A Metallicman 1960’s America.


You could reasonably argue that I miss the old culture, and the older styles of cars, clothing and other attributes of the past. you could say that I miss the prices and my now dead relatives. I suppose that many of those points are actually true. But with every good point, is an equally bad point.

And I suppose that people would argue that I am looking with fondness of the past. And it’s true, I am. But what I am describing is the “feeling” of that time. And I am comparing it to the “feeling” that I have now.

Today, here inside of China, no one is on the radio, or on the internet yelling at me to buy! Buy! Buy!. It’s only $98.98.

I am not hearing from radio, television or the internet about all sorts of emergency dangers and that the world is out of control.I don’t hear advertisements that ask if I am depressed, have marital or legal problems, or how great a pill will help me in my life.

Instead I hear that things are under control, and I see that with my very own two eyes. There’s a calmness in the air that I haven’t experienced since the 1960’s, and it is refreshing to experience it.

I hope that you too are able to experience it in my VLOG herein.

A “real” car. From Shorpy.com.

Compare my reality with American reality

While I was filming these videos, this is the hysteria going on in America. Now compare reality against the perception of what is important via the “news”.

I mean, don’t you know, that it’s all bullshit.

So I am just gonna hang out here. Have a few beers, and eat some delicious food with some friends, both old and new. And that’s my reality.

Do you want more?

This article is going into a new sub-index that I am creating for it titled VLOG. You can access it here.

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“…. leaders are not smart, (are terribly corrupt and behave as psychopathic fiends with no shame or attempt to hide their behaviors) ”

Not very different from a typical third world country leadership.

Monkey see, monkey do. Third world countries leaders have zero shame in lying, looting country resources. Sure, it’s a democratic country and that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?


America’s leadership in a nutshell. It is SO sad seeing what America once was just devolve into what it is today. Since Clinton it’s one worse clown after the other.

janeavernish (AJ)

thanks for taking us on a stroll through your neighbourhood with commentary – what is most striking to me is the health and vitality of the luscious plants and trees, the care and attention of the streets free from litter. It is really refreshing and feels surprisingly tranquil for a large city.

Being a bird lover, what I noticed on a visit to friends in Berlin were the prevalence of jays and buzzards in the city – you see more foxes in the city of Glasgow than you do here in the Scottish Highlands!

Look forward to more video insights of your environment in China in the future – cheers MM


Really loving the area! Beach life is AWESOME! The propaganda against China in the USA is really reaching a fever pitch. Every time I hear it I always role my eyes. Planning on moving far away from the USA very soon. I want to live in China myself and have been checking out places. I have been doing intention prayers for several years now and things are really starting to come together for me to be able to leave and renounce US citizenship.

The fact that the government wants people living there to be successful is amazing to me. Everything in the US is pushing me out. People need to go where they are treated best.

And you are so right the tension in the USA is insane. People are going crazy in the US and the news keeps pushing fear fear fear all day long. Its disgusting.


Also US city infrastructure is extremely dilapidated and will remain that way for as long as the corrupt is in charge. For example there is a reason people are leaving New York City in droves. China has out competed the US when it comes to city building and city management. US cities are mismanaged hellholes.


WOW! First thanks for giving people like me a chance to see what I really don’t think about (horribly, to be honest) and that is just seeing a gorgeous area with people just being people. I swear all I hear (even from an estranged family member who adopted 3 kids from China) is how horrible it is. Smog, crowds… everything that this presentation is not.

What struck me though (I only watched the 1st so far) was how you can get that close behind someone without them jumping and looking at you. Does that make sense? Approach people from behind – even in my small town-and you get that jumpy “look”.

I do have 2 questions if you do not mind… 1-how long did it take you to learn the language and 2-was it difficult to really adjust or was it more of just a relief after your work? The other – and I mea REAL striking thing was how clean it was – is that typical or did the -powers that be – the ones that got you there-pick out that place for you?

I’m sure you covered this in a post and if you did – I just haven’t got there yet-but just from the small amount I have read – I know you did HUMANITY an Un fathomable amount, but how about them?

Did you get the feeling like your last slide (if that’s what it was) was like – custom made for you?

I saw some of the ladies you posted on the “get to know China by its ladies” pages and every woman has a beautiful chest. (Hey-I’m a guy)

I remember one of your posts with a pic of your ideal woman-very pretty face, huge chest-trust me I am there but we’re they like “hey, let’s let MM go here with this… he did a good job, let’s take care of him” kind of thing? Sorry for all the questions. Just curious. Thank you again!

Last edited 3 years ago by pissedlizard