America has become the worst shithole nation ever to exist in history

Provocative title, huh? Well it is true.

This article is all about what America is today, and how it compares to the rest of the world. And for centuries there has been this non-stop promotion of the idea that “Americans have a far better life than anyone else in the world”. And Americans believe this. It is at best an exaggeration, and at worst a violent canard. As all the rest of the world is kept hidden from them.

My first exposure to this reality occurred when I started work related international travel back in the late 1980’s.

I was amazed that my colleagues in Australia were doing far, far, FAR better than I was. They had better medical, better housing, lived in a better city, had a better salary, free company car, much, much better employee perks and so on and so forth.

At that time I was living in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I loved it. I loved the deep South, and the local foods were just wonderful.


I was living in a mobile home, as I didn’t have enough money to afford a proper brick and mortar home.

And when I met my colleagues from across the world I was astounded.I was working in Sydney, Australia at the time. And Australia is indeed very beautiful.

Residential Australia.

Not one of them had experienced a layoff, a company restructuring, or a slash and fire “resizing”. They never had to scramble to earn money, only to be unemployed without notice. And so they saved their money. It was easy to do since they weren’t taxed as severely as us Americans were.

Not to mention that they had a kind of lifestyle that I couldn’t even dream about. Like company beer in the office refrigerators. Nude pictures of girlfriends on their desks. Girlie calendars on the walls, the ability to wear tee-shits and jeans to work instead of the shirt and tie ensemble that I had grown accustomed to.

Sydney, Australia.

They could smoke at their desks, drink alcohol during lunch, got free coffee and snacks at their office, and were permitted to speak without having to use politically correct language.

I had to beg to take my yearly one week vacation, and it had to be justified in a form, with approvals from my boss and the group VP. While my equivalent; a project design engineer named Richard got an eight week vacation every year, that accrues over time. He (at that time) now was planning a trip around the world with his five months of accrued vacation.

You know, I would tell my colleagues back in the States about what it was like, and they would give me a “knowing look”, nod their heads politely and tell me “well you know the grass is always greener somewhere else“.

They didn’t “get it”. Things were not just different. They were BETTER. And not just a little bit better, either, but a heck of a lot better.

If an Australian was laid off, something that rarely happened, they got like 80% of their salary for (potentially) years afterwards. Which made a $98 / week Mississippi unemployment allotment for 36 weeks look like “spare change”.

But you would never hear about that in America don’t you know. Everybody “knows” that America is free™, exceptional™, and has democracy™.

Woo woo!

I will tell you that the rest of the world has changed since the 1980's. My understanding of Australia is that during the Bill Clinton and the Barrack Obama years, the Australians embraced American culture. And has since adopted a zero tolerance for cigarettes, a new "woke" society, and all sorts of restrictions on lifestyle and behavior. No where is that more evident than with the current Morrison regime. Australia has turned into a "mini" America.

And since no one is aware of what the world is like outside of America, you end up seeing remarks like this yahoo from my morning feed…

Curious how his job title is “institutional skeptic” instead of “unemployed loser troll”.

Ah. I am so sure that he is doing well, and so very happy to be living in the “land of the free” with all of his delicious and scrumptious democracy™.

What irritates me is his absolute ignorance.

But one day, when he reaches his mid 40’s he’s going to wake up and realize that he’s been living a lie.

There are truths and then there are truths.

The truth about the United States.

The truth is there, but unless you LEAVE the United States you will never see it. Because Americans are trapped in a prison; a cage full of fear of the dark, dark world outside.

And you cannot rely on the internet. All American internet is enraptured with painting the forever picture and image of America is the greatest! And (put the current villainized nation name here) is the absolute worst and they must be destroyed ruthlessly!


Now for centuries the United States has changed into the corrupted, mess of a monster that it is today. And it is a monster.

When it was first created back in 1776, it was a Republic for freedom! That lasted about 18 years. The wealthy at that time seized control of the nation and changed it into a democracy so that it would be mob rule where their manipulations would be able to control the mobs.

That’s a fact Jack.

And of course, just as Mr. Hamilton, and other other founders warned, it became an oligarchy. Which is the historical norm.

Republics tend to turn into democracies as that the only way that the wealthy can control the society, and it is in the very nature of man to do so.

And America, which somehow managed to pass by the pitchforks and lynching stage became a full-on military empire. It is the largest military empire in history. Not just in destructive ability, but in spending, global reach, technology, active participative wars, and casualty figures.

And as a military empire, it converted the American population into debt serfs to service the oligarchy. As it is the nature of all military empires.

All of them.

Don’t believe me? Name one military empire that didn’t abuse their civilian population in this manner.

The entire structure of the United States was revamped into a zillion tiny, tiny hands in your wallets, zero legal protections, or Rights, and a two tied justice system. One which served the oligarchy and their minions, while the other, a very harsh and fierce one that served their slave serfs.

The oligarchy spent the time and resources necessary to try to expand their influence and their accumulation of wealth. They set up wealth generation activities everywhere, and became near God-like in their fantastic accumulations of power. And they performed scorched earth activities on those that served them.

They addicted the entire nation of China in the start of the last century where everyone was addicted to opium.  This persisted until the Boxer rebellion where China put it’s collective feet down and threw the bastards out.

America today now resembles the shambles of what China was once the oligarchy looted, raped and abused it. And what you see in America today is all the evidence that you need to see that CHANGE must occur. Because America is in the toilet right now and it is getting worse.

America needs…



And here we take a look at the massive decay inside of America today. There is nothing outside of America that resembles this. The closest, perhaps, is 1950’s Calcutta.

America is the World’s Worst Shithole Country

You should watch some of the videos on YouTube showing what life is like now in various American cities. It’s really much worse than anything that has ever happened in the entire history of the world.

It’s definitely much worse than anything that is going on in the third world.

Here’s a recent drive through Philadelphia.

It’s a rough scene. Worse than anything we saw in San Francisco, pre-covid.


CharlieBo313 is a black guy on YouTube who goes through various black hoods and projects across the country and talks to people.

Here’s a video compilation of all the blacks that pulled out guns on camera when he was in Chicago.

That one is just short. You watch that video and you get nervous, like them niggas about to jump out the screen at you.

That is some straight up hardcore jungle stuff right there.

Not one of them was worried about being on video, and if you watch these videos, you’ll see a bunch of them shouting out their links. They are not afraid of anything. There is no law that can contain them. No police that they need to answer to. No leaders of government that can restrain them.

This is utter and complete lawlessness, right in the middle of all of our cities, and the media just isn’t talking about any of it.

Here’s a hood in Birmingham, Alabama. Short video. They’re all shouting out their Facebooks and Instagrams.

Just watch these blacks. These blacks are hardcore.

Now, imagine that they were unleashed from these areas onto white-collar suburbia. 

Just this week, CharlieBo went to Ohio and posted a video from Toledo. I’m excited to see his videos in Columbus hoods, and maybe I can show some people from where I’m from what is about to be unleashed on them.

This is literally a situation like in The Lord of the Rings, where Sauron gathers his hordes in Mordor and prepares to unleash them. They have taken any restraints off of these urban ethnic blacks, and now they’re pumping them up. Enough of these youths just want to loot and burn and kill and rape that if they get unleashed on the rest of society, there is going to be no ability to contain the mayhem.

(Of course, the military will probably come in and contain it, then you’ll end up permanently occupied by the military.)

Obviously, it’s easy to say something like “Iraq is safer than Chicago,” or some other slogan. But I think people don’t understand really just how bad these American cities are getting, primarily because it isn’t really on the media.

The media sometimes gives statistics about shootings or violent crimes, but they very rarely show the actual footage. This stuff is just unbelievable. Truly.

The really unbelievable part is that most of this has developed since the beginning of the pandemic. Before that, it was mostly isolated to violent areas of Chicago, or drug-riddled areas of California. But with the pandemic taking over the economy and putting many people on drugs, and the cops pulling out of black neighborhoods as a result of BLM, it’s now just completely outrageous all across the country.

No serious country would allow this to happen, and no other country on earth allows this to happen. You can think of third world countries as being poor and dangerous, but the reality is, if you went there, you would mostly feel safe, and you absolutely would not see scenes of drug addicts shooting up and walking around naked on main throughways.

If a third world country had a scene of these blacks with their guns out like this, they would have them isolated by cops, to ensure the safety of the rest of the population.

The United States has already descended into hell, and they are hiding this fact from normal, middle class people by pumping them with fear about leaving their homes, restricting their movement, and refusing to show what is happening on TV.

You literally have no idea how bad things really are.


This is just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s everywhere. It’s not confined to the cities. Here’s some of the rural sections of America….

No jobs. No careers. No hope.

Living off drugs, both illegal and prescribed.

Getting by. Some robbing others. Some bartering. Some just making do.

This society is NOT one worth preserving. It needs to be destroyed and replaced with something better. Anything better. And it needs to happen soon.

And yet, some decry… “that’s not MY America. It’s not all THAT bad.”

So for fair balance, here’s some further pictures of what America is for the 85% of the bulk of Americans…

Typical American highway.
Closed box stores.

Shut down malls…

More deserted malls…

Malls took over from the downtowns all over America. Then they were left abandoned.

Yes. Many small towns collapsed as the local stores couldn’t compete against the malls. And thus not only did the small towns die, but when the malls died, there was nothing left. People stayed in their homes.

The remains of America’s small towns.

Of course, there would be hope if there was some industry. But industry in America is few and far between. Most left the Untied States and “off shored” for larger profits.

American factory.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden both promised to “revise” American industry. But you know, it’s not as easy a flicking a switch.
Another great example of American exceptionalism.

The fact is that America; The United States is dying and it is in it’s last death throes. It is collapsing from many many ills, and the leadership are like the band playing happy music as the ship Titanic sinks into the cold wet sea.

It is almost at the point where the death rattles and the death spasms will occur.

That’s the frightening part.

That’s when the urban youth start to get hungry and leave their urban enclaves. That’s when supply lines and retail stores break down. That’s when the military desperately lashes out to other nations. That’s when unpredictable events start to occur with regularity.

That’s when you and yours have best be prepared.

  • Be part of your community.
  • Be a helpful understanding Rufus.
  • Have a skill that makes you useful.
  • Have a supply of food, a garden, and wood / coal.
  • Know and be part of a community watch / militia / police.
  • Have a bicycle.

Take care. Do your affirmations. And control your life.

Do not be afraid of what MIGHT occur. You are in control of what is going on right NOW. Make it worth while, and if you handle your life well now, then any problems that MIGHT occur in the future can be well taken cared for.

Oh, and what do I mean about being a Rufus? I mean this…


And I mean this too…


Be the Rufus.


Do not be afraid. Do not cower in fear. Help others. Be the best that you can be. Start now. Start today.  Like this taxi driver.

YOU can be that Rufus.

You don’t need to be a hero. You just need to be human and show some compassion like this woman here…



For those nations that want to grow and be prosperous, successful and maintain healthy happy families… be like China. Don’t follow the evil, greedy, selfish model that the United States presents. It will take you in, and strangle you until you are just a crusty old hulk.

Be the Rufus.

Make a difference.

Think on your own personal lives, friends, and community. Together we are STRONG.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Strictly speaking, the US is not so much capitalist, but corporatist. That makes a huge difference. Western Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia are hurtling down the same path and will ultimately share the same fate.

Then will come the World Economic Forum–inspired crackdown. What will follow is, “You will own nothing [including your own business] and be happy [to be allowed to remain alive], comrade. Just keep working as a slave to benefit billionaires, elites, and megacorporations.”

I’ll take the Chinese or even the Sicilian Mafia running things in the US if they would agree to leave law-abiding, productive citizens alone. It absolutely could not be worse than what we have now.


We need to find a way to put productive hard working law-abiding, non greedy citizens in positions of authority. People want to stereo type or and put others down, instead of finding a solution or a compromise. No reason decent regular people should hate the same type of person from another country.

How do we get the upper elite to go away and let us take things over so we can make it better?


Peak Oil means the end of the American dream, which was only sustainable when the US could genocide the natives and “Thanksgiving” them for the land, and enslave the Africans for free labor to perform work on said stolen land, and later on that Monroe doctrine, Manifest Destiny, culuminating into colonizing and pilliaging much of the world through its petrodollar hegemony reserve currency usury and exporting inflation to the rest of the developing world to squeeze foes and vassals alike… Now with the rise of China and Russia, the US unipolar moment is forever over…. Given the realities of climate change, global resource depletion, and human overpopulation, for the US empire to keep growing it would need another planet earth of flesh virgin resources to rape and exploit… but thats a pipedream when the best American trillonaires can do is ride a dick rocket into space for 10 minutes… American empire is structured like any other ponzi pyramid scheme in that if it doesnt grow it will die.

Only option left is to start looking within… scale invariant cannalbalization… The top 1% of Americans are eating the bottom 99%… One way or another US gov will take away everyones pensions, 401k’s, life savings soon. The masses are expendable to the elites that control America, all that freedom, liberty, human rights bullshit was lip service for when the going was good and there was still growth to be had. Now that the critical inflection point has been crossed where conservation of energy/resources become the rate limiting factor, and AI and automation can do most of the work and displace what traditionally had been huge swabs of the human workforce, the masses in America are now seen by its government as the enemy, useless eaters and parasites that must be rid of as they are an additional drag on the economy by consuming far too much resources….

As total net EROEI keeps deminishing, US is replacing the “Energy Slaves” that it lost with real slaves again. Tom Cotton says the US prison system needs to lock up far more people (13th amendment allows slavery for convicts) while some other senators are now getting bills passed to allow child labor slavery (14 year olds working to 11pm etc) and the Lets Go Brandon is intentionally letting third world migrants flow into the US to get that cheap labor locally now that China is preparing to drop the US and with BRI and DUALCIRC to cut out the fat Uncle Sam middle man.

And there is the new “Basic eCONomy” permanent underclass of untouchables in Amerikkka, the gig workers… a lot of the gig worker jobs in US actually pay net negative wages but in deperation the permanent and exponentially growing underclass of Americans are unwittingly reverse mortgaging (self cannalbalization) away their own cars to pay themselves by essentially converting the accelerated depreciation of their vehicles assets into the illusion of an temporary income source….

When the structure can no longer hold, (a matter of when, not if) thats when the great culling really begins… martial law, concentration/ indentured servitude camps… How this government once treated the Native Americans on the way up is how its likely to treat the rest of its citizens when push comes to shove on the way down…


Peak Oil means the end of the American dream, which was only sustainable when the US could genocide the natives and “Thanksgiving” them for the land, and enslave the Africans for free labor to perform work on said stolen land, and later on that Monroe doctrine, Manifest Destiny, culminating into colonizing and pillaging much of the world through its petrodollar hegemony reserve currency usury and exporting inflation to the rest of the developing world to squeeze foes and vassals alike… Now with the rise of China and Russia, the US unipolar moment is forever over…. Given the realities of climate change, global resource depletion, and human overpopulation, for the US empire to keep growing it would need another planet earth of flesh virgin resources to rape and exploit… but that’s a pipedream when the best American trillonaires can do is ride a dick rocket into space for 10 minutes… American empire is structured like any other ponzi pyramid scheme in that if it doesn’t grow it will die.

Only option left is to start looking within… scale invariant cannalbalization… The top 1% of Americans are eating the bottom 99%… One way or another US gov will take away everyone’s pensions, 401k’s, life savings soon. The masses are expendable to the elites that control America, all that freedom, liberty, human rights bullshit was lip service for when the going was good and there was still growth to be had. Now that the critical inflection point has been crossed where conservation of energy/resources become the rate limiting factor, and AI and automation can do most of the work and displace what traditionally had been huge swabs of the human workforce, the masses in America are now seen by its government as the enemy, useless eaters and parasites that must be rid of as they are an additional drag on the economy by consuming far too much resources….

As total net EROEI keeps diminishing, US is replacing the “Energy Slaves” that it lost with real slaves again. Tom Cotton says the US prison system needs to lock up far more people (13th amendment allows slavery for convicts) while some other senators are now getting bills passed to allow child labor slavery (14 year olds working to 11pm etc) and the Lets Go Brandon is intentionally letting third world migrants flow into the US to get that cheap labor locally now that China is preparing to drop the US and with BRI and DUALCIRC to cut out the fat Uncle Sam middle man. 

And there is the new “Basic eCONomy” permanent underclass of untouchables in Amerikkka, the gig workers… a lot of the gig worker jobs in US actually pay net negative wages but in desperation the permanent and exponentially growing underclass of Americans are unwittingly reverse mortgaging (self cannalbalization) away their own cars to pay themselves by essentially converting the accelerated depreciation of their vehicles assets into the illusion of an temporary income source….

When the structure can no longer hold, (a matter of when, not if) that’s when the great culling really begins… Martial law, concentration/ indentured servitude camps… How this government once treated the Native Americans on the way up is how its likely to treat the rest of its citizens when push comes to shove on the way down…


In times of darkness, things are dark.

Screen Shot 2021-10-31 at 1.44.42 PM.png

Try not to be too hard on the ‘Murkans, MM; but I understand your POV.

It is a difficult thing to admit that one is a slave, living inside a police state dictatorship. I am “American” and can write that easily, but it took many years of a real education, which I had to seek on my own. Also, I cannot openly state that fact anywhere in public.

There is a “willing blindness.” If you admit you are a slave inside of a police state, it sort of pushes you into action. Like “what are you doing about it?”

The average American will look down on the German citizen from the Nazi years or Soviet citizen during the USSR, but will look up at himself. All are simply subjects of their governments.

Their worldview depends upon them NOT seeing things as they lie.

There are secrets in this world, truths that cannot be spoken.

Take suicides in the US military, police, and medicine. Alcoholism, divorce, and drug use are all rampant in these areas. Happy men don’t commit suicide. They KNOW who and the nature of the thing they serve. They would rather die, than reveal its truth.

The most dangerous lies are the ones tells to oneself.

And I say here and now, not all IS-BEs want “freedom” from the Prison Planet. We may present the facts and the alternatives. They will choose to remain here nonetheless. I know that in that Arkansas prison, you saw instiutionalized prisoners who preferred it in there.

fu ren

So I don’t disagree with this per se. But I was looking at a chart the other day that I think about 25% of the entire world’s economic output came from the US, and about 20% from China. This was in 2019. So it may be reversed by now. Other ‘big’ economies were Japan, Germany, Great Britain, India, and France. I don’t think if you were to ask a lot of people around the world they would think of Germany of England or Italy as being very big countries.

I just found a different chart based on purchasing power parity, and the US was around 16% of the world total according to that measure.

The vast, vast majority of the around 200 countries in the world don’t even register.

I lived in England way back, and I did not find the living conditions superior to the US. I also spent some time in Italy, which I also did not find to be superior to the US.

I don’t get how America can be so bad and these things can be true at the same time.

What am I missing? I am not saying that to be argumentative, I genuinely don’t get how America can be a shit hole and it is outperforming maybe 175 other countries.

I just found another chart GDP per cap, and it seems to favor small European countries. America is the only big country in the top 20.

If America is so bad, is the rest of the world even worse?

Your article doesn’t seem to say so.

fu ren

thanks very interesting. yes i agree with you. but my personal experience is i thought this ponzi scheme was going to give out 25 years ago, and it is still limping along. back in those days i hardly was planning for the future, thinking there would be a major collapse coming right up.


Rather than be demoralized, as all the psychological operations are trying to make us, wouldn’t it be better to acknowledge that we are at war with the Chinese, rally our own patriotism, depose our Deep State Cabal, reduce Chinese imports as quickly as possible, build our manufacturing base back, and remind the Chinese of their own social, economic, and government shortcomings, as well as their ingratitude for all we did in providing them with aid in WWII, as well as all the technology we (not they) invented over the past 500 years, including all the manufacturing technology they now use?

How can we do buisness with such ungrateful liars, with such hostility and vast inferiority complex? No, the Chinese leaders cannot be trusted, and their partisans are insane.



Mark Peoples

Do you want to see the real America go into the poor neighborhoods of a big city. You obviously live in the suburbs in your nice home. That is the problem with this country people are blinded by their own view of how things are. Let me wager a guess. You drive your $20,000-$50,000 car to work through the suburbs or down the freeway then you drive that same route back to your $350,000-$1,000,000 home. You go to the same stores and restaurants your friends have introduced you to which I would venture a guess and say they are just like you…..have you ever helped out at a soup kitchen have you ever wondered where a poor woman that has been beaten by her husband and has 3 kids goes when she is too afraid to go home…..or course you haven’t because there couldn’t possibly be anyone like that in this great country of ours A country that must take care of it’s people since it is one of the richest countries in the world WAKE UP this country is becoming more and more pathetic every year. Billionaires getting richer complaining that if minimum wage was raised they would have to close their business. That is a lie why do poor people have to pay to make rich people richer I could go on for days but hopefully you will read this and wonder for yourself. Is this still the greatest country in the world. I hope not


Strangely enough, I thought on this very subject yesterday.

Let’s all agree firstly, that we are fed lies non-stop 24×7. Yes, MM, even in your adopted homeland. We are shown, in whatever medium, only that which is allowed by the controllers.

Within that mess, we, of reasonable intelligence, try and sort the gold from the ore… what is that 0.0001%? A never ending task even for the most gifted readers and researchers. I don’t have enough time for that, does anyone? To assist in that endeavor, we rely on others for summation, experience or insight. Even those others must be carefully weighed, as they have their own internal and historical bias – we ALL do. Some are paid, obviously; some are supremely intelligent and trained in the ways of our [mostly] untrained minds, offering just a nugget of truth to which you attach, and unfortunately glued also to the designed hidden agenda (lies).

Now then, to the subject at hand. I see the U.S. as the shithole that it is – especially large cities. Born, raised, “schooled” (all outside Shitcago) and traveled over six decades here. I also see the incredible beauty of its [diminishing] preserves – parks,n such. I have seen the standard education go into the toilet. I have seen the graduate education turned into a degrees-for-sale cesspool of dimwits. The factory farm “food” is all poisonous. The medical system is broken and based on profit. People like to say that they are free here – such baloney – there are rules and fees for EVERYTHING. The legal system is now a complete joke – it was always serving the rich, but that aspect was a bit more hidden in the past. Now they flaunt their wealth and control. There is no rule of law; it is rule of money now. The controllers are so ingrained, so overwhelming that they simply do not care, no longer need to hide their goals and lie to our faces. Look at the morons they place as government stooges to their needs. ALL things are now monitored -recorded – every day-to-day action is tracked in one way or another electronically.

I have read all that MM writes. He has described his life in China well. It is obvious from him and a few other sources that everything there is even MORE surveilled, but he notes the benefits to his life. I am not there and I have never visited the land in which he has traveled a bit and interacted a great deal (business, family, schools, medical). I had asked him once about the details and availability of emigration. It’s tricky for someone who is done with society (like me) – just about to “retire”. I offer that country nothing – maybe I could teach.

So, even if he is isolated in that great looking metropolis, isolated with his modest wealth, would I trade this land for his?

From what I, yes me, have accepted with all my biases and anger goes like this:

Education: China
Surveillance/Privacy: BOTH are unbearable to me, but China seems to have it up front and somewhat beneficial
Legal: China
Medical: China
Infrastructure: China
Food – real food: Not enough info for me to decide about China (U.S. is garbage – purposefully)
Society: China – we are forced to be “accepting” of even the most abhorrent behavior/cult/religion here in the U.S. – FUCK THAT!
Military: China
Political: China (although I believe that the “leaders” are controlled pawns as are everywhere)

China is heading forward while the U.S. is circling the drain.

Lies abound, it is tough to say anything with any confidence or accuracy.


Actually, China’s addiction to opium was the gift of British Empire, not USA. Not trying to undermine article’s general point, since I think that lack of time off in the American law makes this country one I’d never choose to live in, but come on, dude, check you facts 😛




America is a Fucking Shit Hole. Greedy Scum Bag Ass Hole Country. I Hope Someone Nukes this Garbage Dump.


Sexist calendars and the naked girlfriend pictures of lunchtime alcoholics is how you judge Australlia. You might be a redneck if this is what you find aspiring The cost of living in Sydney and other Australlian capitals is outrageous, housing is unaffordable, unemployment is catestrophic (always has been). Living in a commonwealth country limits job prospects as government is central to everything and business climate is weak. Taxes are high. Australia has a severe alcoholism problem, corrupt police in NSW, violence against women is prolific. You have no idea what your are talking about mate. You did zero research for most of this ridiculous piece.


There isn’t an “elsewhere” because all the countries you’re talking about are owned by the jews and all that is happening to you is being done by them to you on purpose. If you’re busy fighting each other then you won’t fight them, which is exactly why they’re importing all those people. They want all of europe + all the english speaking countries to be one big country, then they’ll use that one big country to attack the rest of the world. Wake up. WW1 + WW2 were their doing. WW3 is also their doing. If you don’t want to face who they are, then simply call them your enemy, because they most assuredly are. Remove your government or become their abject slave and die in their wars. It’s your choice.


Bollocks. The “jews” you refer to are the American jewish diaspora who I admit control a large chuck of your western economy.

However, pls do NOT lump your American & European
neocon “jews” to the other Jewish diaspora in other parts of the world.

Keep your American anti semitism to within your own country. We, the rest of the civilized world does not share your American anti semitism sentiments.

Carmen Tyson

I am deeply offended by the photo you have published. As a black person living in United States the face of gun violence is not just the black man, yes the media portray that , but we all know why, and if you don’t , let me answer that To justify why we are treated the way the police treat us, gun violence is in every community none by far less than the other

Ohio Guy

I agree deeply with you, Carmen Tyson. As a human being on planet earth, I believe the human pictured would have had gold teef! Cheers!


This “everyone is deeply offended by ……..” add personal HATE SPEECH HERE)
is whats wrong with the satanic world we live in today.
No one respects anyone’s beliefs or art work.

This voicing or displaying one’s opinions is how we MATURE to a real Civil-isation.

People do not share the same values and never will. We all see “it” differently.

Carmen, you would have been better to comment that as an AMERICAN you encourage posters to make their Point understood. Gun Violence exists and always will. Without Arms, there is no freedom of speech and while I grant you the right to claim you feel offended… I cannot make you feel anything from a ‘distance’. where I cannot touch you. You feel for yourself. Please dont push your feelings onto others if not asked. It only creates discord.
Be Positive about your Thinking. It has Power and so too does expressing a negative Feeling reinforce satans divide and rule strategy.

Dont be part of the problem… be a rufus.