America has become the worst shithole nation ever to exist in history

Provocative title, huh? Well it is true.

This article is all about what America is today, and how it compares to the rest of the world. And for centuries there has been this non-stop promotion of the idea that “Americans have a far better life than anyone else in the world”. And Americans believe this. It is at best an exaggeration, and at worst a violent canard. As all the rest of the world is kept hidden from them.

My first exposure to this reality occurred when I started work related international travel back in the late 1980’s.

I was amazed that my colleagues in Australia were doing far, far, FAR better than I was. They had better medical, better housing, lived in a better city, had a better salary, free company car, much, much better employee perks and so on and so forth.

At that time I was living in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. I loved it. I loved the deep South, and the local foods were just wonderful.


I was living in a mobile home, as I didn’t have enough money to afford a proper brick and mortar home.

And when I met my colleagues from across the world I was astounded.I was working in Sydney, Australia at the time. And Australia is indeed very beautiful.

Residential Australia.

Not one of them had experienced a layoff, a company restructuring, or a slash and fire “resizing”. They never had to scramble to earn money, only to be unemployed without notice. And so they saved their money. It was easy to do since they weren’t taxed as severely as us Americans were.

Not to mention that they had a kind of lifestyle that I couldn’t even dream about. Like company beer in the office refrigerators. Nude pictures of girlfriends on their desks. Girlie calendars on the walls, the ability to wear tee-shits and jeans to work instead of the shirt and tie ensemble that I had grown accustomed to.

Sydney, Australia.

They could smoke at their desks, drink alcohol during lunch, got free coffee and snacks at their office, and were permitted to speak without having to use politically correct language.

I had to beg to take my yearly one week vacation, and it had to be justified in a form, with approvals from my boss and the group VP. While my equivalent; a project design engineer named Richard got an eight week vacation every year, that accrues over time. He (at that time) now was planning a trip around the world with his five months of accrued vacation.

You know, I would tell my colleagues back in the States about what it was like, and they would give me a “knowing look”, nod their heads politely and tell me “well you know the grass is always greener somewhere else“.

They didn’t “get it”. Things were not just different. They were BETTER. And not just a little bit better, either, but a heck of a lot better.

If an Australian was laid off, something that rarely happened, they got like 80% of their salary for (potentially) years afterwards. Which made a $98 / week Mississippi unemployment allotment for 36 weeks look like “spare change”.

But you would never hear about that in America don’t you know. Everybody “knows” that America is free™, exceptional™, and has democracy™.

Woo woo!

I will tell you that the rest of the world has changed since the 1980's. My understanding of Australia is that during the Bill Clinton and the Barrack Obama years, the Australians embraced American culture. And has since adopted a zero tolerance for cigarettes, a new "woke" society, and all sorts of restrictions on lifestyle and behavior. No where is that more evident than with the current Morrison regime. Australia has turned into a "mini" America.

And since no one is aware of what the world is like outside of America, you end up seeing remarks like this yahoo from my morning feed…

Curious how his job title is “institutional skeptic” instead of “unemployed loser troll”.

Ah. I am so sure that he is doing well, and so very happy to be living in the “land of the free” with all of his delicious and scrumptious democracy™.

What irritates me is his absolute ignorance.

But one day, when he reaches his mid 40’s he’s going to wake up and realize that he’s been living a lie.

There are truths and then there are truths.

The truth about the United States.

The truth is there, but unless you LEAVE the United States you will never see it. Because Americans are trapped in a prison; a cage full of fear of the dark, dark world outside.

And you cannot rely on the internet. All American internet is enraptured with painting the forever picture and image of America is the greatest! And (put the current villainized nation name here) is the absolute worst and they must be destroyed ruthlessly!


Now for centuries the United States has changed into the corrupted, mess of a monster that it is today. And it is a monster.

When it was first created back in 1776, it was a Republic for freedom! That lasted about 18 years. The wealthy at that time seized control of the nation and changed it into a democracy so that it would be mob rule where their manipulations would be able to control the mobs.

That’s a fact Jack.

And of course, just as Mr. Hamilton, and other other founders warned, it became an oligarchy. Which is the historical norm.

Republics tend to turn into democracies as that the only way that the wealthy can control the society, and it is in the very nature of man to do so.

And America, which somehow managed to pass by the pitchforks and lynching stage became a full-on military empire. It is the largest military empire in history. Not just in destructive ability, but in spending, global reach, technology, active participative wars, and casualty figures.

And as a military empire, it converted the American population into debt serfs to service the oligarchy. As it is the nature of all military empires.

All of them.

Don’t believe me? Name one military empire that didn’t abuse their civilian population in this manner.

The entire structure of the United States was revamped into a zillion tiny, tiny hands in your wallets, zero legal protections, or Rights, and a two tied justice system. One which served the oligarchy and their minions, while the other, a very harsh and fierce one that served their slave serfs.

The oligarchy spent the time and resources necessary to try to expand their influence and their accumulation of wealth. They set up wealth generation activities everywhere, and became near God-like in their fantastic accumulations of power. And they performed scorched earth activities on those that served them.

They addicted the entire nation of China in the start of the last century where everyone was addicted to opium.  This persisted until the Boxer rebellion where China put it’s collective feet down and threw the bastards out.

America today now resembles the shambles of what China was once the oligarchy looted, raped and abused it. And what you see in America today is all the evidence that you need to see that CHANGE must occur. Because America is in the toilet right now and it is getting worse.

America needs…



And here we take a look at the massive decay inside of America today. There is nothing outside of America that resembles this. The closest, perhaps, is 1950’s Calcutta.

America is the World’s Worst Shithole Country

You should watch some of the videos on YouTube showing what life is like now in various American cities. It’s really much worse than anything that has ever happened in the entire history of the world.

It’s definitely much worse than anything that is going on in the third world.

Here’s a recent drive through Philadelphia.

It’s a rough scene. Worse than anything we saw in San Francisco, pre-covid.


CharlieBo313 is a black guy on YouTube who goes through various black hoods and projects across the country and talks to people.

Here’s a video compilation of all the blacks that pulled out guns on camera when he was in Chicago.

That one is just short. You watch that video and you get nervous, like them niggas about to jump out the screen at you.

That is some straight up hardcore jungle stuff right there.

Not one of them was worried about being on video, and if you watch these videos, you’ll see a bunch of them shouting out their links. They are not afraid of anything. There is no law that can contain them. No police that they need to answer to. No leaders of government that can restrain them.

This is utter and complete lawlessness, right in the middle of all of our cities, and the media just isn’t talking about any of it.

Here’s a hood in Birmingham, Alabama. Short video. They’re all shouting out their Facebooks and Instagrams.

Just watch these blacks. These blacks are hardcore.

Now, imagine that they were unleashed from these areas onto white-collar suburbia. 

Just this week, CharlieBo went to Ohio and posted a video from Toledo. I’m excited to see his videos in Columbus hoods, and maybe I can show some people from where I’m from what is about to be unleashed on them.

This is literally a situation like in The Lord of the Rings, where Sauron gathers his hordes in Mordor and prepares to unleash them. They have taken any restraints off of these urban ethnic blacks, and now they’re pumping them up. Enough of these youths just want to loot and burn and kill and rape that if they get unleashed on the rest of society, there is going to be no ability to contain the mayhem.

(Of course, the military will probably come in and contain it, then you’ll end up permanently occupied by the military.)

Obviously, it’s easy to say something like “Iraq is safer than Chicago,” or some other slogan. But I think people don’t understand really just how bad these American cities are getting, primarily because it isn’t really on the media.

The media sometimes gives statistics about shootings or violent crimes, but they very rarely show the actual footage. This stuff is just unbelievable. Truly.

The really unbelievable part is that most of this has developed since the beginning of the pandemic. Before that, it was mostly isolated to violent areas of Chicago, or drug-riddled areas of California. But with the pandemic taking over the economy and putting many people on drugs, and the cops pulling out of black neighborhoods as a result of BLM, it’s now just completely outrageous all across the country.

No serious country would allow this to happen, and no other country on earth allows this to happen. You can think of third world countries as being poor and dangerous, but the reality is, if you went there, you would mostly feel safe, and you absolutely would not see scenes of drug addicts shooting up and walking around naked on main throughways.

If a third world country had a scene of these blacks with their guns out like this, they would have them isolated by cops, to ensure the safety of the rest of the population.

The United States has already descended into hell, and they are hiding this fact from normal, middle class people by pumping them with fear about leaving their homes, restricting their movement, and refusing to show what is happening on TV.

You literally have no idea how bad things really are.


This is just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s everywhere. It’s not confined to the cities. Here’s some of the rural sections of America….

No jobs. No careers. No hope.

Living off drugs, both illegal and prescribed.

Getting by. Some robbing others. Some bartering. Some just making do.

This society is NOT one worth preserving. It needs to be destroyed and replaced with something better. Anything better. And it needs to happen soon.

And yet, some decry… “that’s not MY America. It’s not all THAT bad.”

So for fair balance, here’s some further pictures of what America is for the 85% of the bulk of Americans…

Typical American highway.
Closed box stores.

Shut down malls…

More deserted malls…

Malls took over from the downtowns all over America. Then they were left abandoned.

Yes. Many small towns collapsed as the local stores couldn’t compete against the malls. And thus not only did the small towns die, but when the malls died, there was nothing left. People stayed in their homes.

The remains of America’s small towns.

Of course, there would be hope if there was some industry. But industry in America is few and far between. Most left the Untied States and “off shored” for larger profits.

American factory.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden both promised to “revise” American industry. But you know, it’s not as easy a flicking a switch.
Another great example of American exceptionalism.

The fact is that America; The United States is dying and it is in it’s last death throes. It is collapsing from many many ills, and the leadership are like the band playing happy music as the ship Titanic sinks into the cold wet sea.

It is almost at the point where the death rattles and the death spasms will occur.

That’s the frightening part.

That’s when the urban youth start to get hungry and leave their urban enclaves. That’s when supply lines and retail stores break down. That’s when the military desperately lashes out to other nations. That’s when unpredictable events start to occur with regularity.

That’s when you and yours have best be prepared.

  • Be part of your community.
  • Be a helpful understanding Rufus.
  • Have a skill that makes you useful.
  • Have a supply of food, a garden, and wood / coal.
  • Know and be part of a community watch / militia / police.
  • Have a bicycle.

Take care. Do your affirmations. And control your life.

Do not be afraid of what MIGHT occur. You are in control of what is going on right NOW. Make it worth while, and if you handle your life well now, then any problems that MIGHT occur in the future can be well taken cared for.

Oh, and what do I mean about being a Rufus? I mean this…


And I mean this too…


Be the Rufus.


Do not be afraid. Do not cower in fear. Help others. Be the best that you can be. Start now. Start today.  Like this taxi driver.

YOU can be that Rufus.

You don’t need to be a hero. You just need to be human and show some compassion like this woman here…



For those nations that want to grow and be prosperous, successful and maintain healthy happy families… be like China. Don’t follow the evil, greedy, selfish model that the United States presents. It will take you in, and strangle you until you are just a crusty old hulk.

Be the Rufus.

Make a difference.

Think on your own personal lives, friends, and community. Together we are STRONG.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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A look at how oppressed the Chinese people are and what can be done to save them.

If you read the American (and Western) media today, you will discover that there are a number of long-running screeds regarding China, that play over and over, and over again.

For instance, China is filthy, the people are evil, they lie and cheat and steal, and they are oppressed by the evil communist regime. Etc, Etc. Well one of the narratives is exactly that; “the oppression” of the Chinese people.

You see it everywhere.

Here we are going to talk about this “oppression”.

Here’s a nice little video that works to dispel that illusion. Keep in mind that oppressed people do not smile, laugh, and have fun. They tend to hide inside their homes, and spend the evenings alone watching television or playing games in front of video monitors. They avoid groups. They talk about having to defend themselves, and they justify their stance of defense to be “freedom” from “tyranny”.

You don’t see that in China.

You do see that in the United States, though.

Shanghai, China.

Improving the lives of the citizens

All governments will say that their first order of business is to improve the lives of their citizens.

Most of them will actually mean it. Some of them will work hard at it. But only a few will succeed in doing it.

We know that GDP numbers cannot accurately capture the totality of life.

But certainly we can see that the trend of GDP per capita can offer strong clues about whether things are looking better, or worse, over time.

Harvard Business Review issued this very interesting report, that I would recommend for a read:

Check out this video

Here’s the video.

And NO, it’s not me. This is a video blogger that travels the world and speaks better Chinese than I do. He has a vblog called JaYoeNation. He’s pretty good. LOL.

Take a spell and let it download. If it is taking too much time, you can click on THIS LINK and down load a zipped-file and watch the video directly. It’s pretty good. Please enjoy.

You have got to see the pictures and this video…

Do you want more?

I have more posts along these lines in my China vs. USA Index here…

USA vs China


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How to disable, or take down, a technical using a hunting rifle while under concealed cover

This post is exactly what the title says. It discusses ways and techniques for a single person to disable an armed technical using only a hunting rifle. It requires the use of stealth so that the shooter can extract a clip of ammo and then egress out of the area immediately afterwards. This is part of my SHTF series, and discusses techniques and means that a person can survive when their entire world is turned upside-down.

Again, this is a post by request. I want to get off the SHTF nonsense, but I find that one of my posts hit the American prepper blog-a-sphere and went exceptional. Since then, I have been getting some requests. So I'm dusting off a few misc post that I need to push out there. I guess that now is the time. I guess.


Keep in mind that most Americans are good. It is an illusion that those at the other side of the political spectrum are evil, or that Chinese are evil, or that Russians are evil. Most people are not. Those that are pushing for a war... 

...they are the evil ones.

You all should stop contemplating fighting each other, and both gang up against the wealthy oligarchy playing you all as fools. They are the ones driving this entire nightmare and pushing it to it's ultimate conclusion.

The world turning upside-down is in process right now. Some areas are worse than others, but the United States is pretty much a “basket case”.

We need to look at other places, other times, other events from the lens of history. And much of what we must read is from sources outside the United States. For the United States media has created insulated “echo chambers” fully intending to keep Americans like mushrooms; in the dark.

Learn from the events outside of the USA, and discard that very popular saying that “America is special, it is exceptional, it is different”. It’s a lie. America is not immune to change. And it is long overdue. Change is coming and you all had best gather all your strength to deal with it.

Learn from other nations and what they have experienced.

Businessman shot and killed by gunfire in the early days of the Bosnian conflict.
Businessman shot and killed by gunfire in the early days of the Bosnian conflict.


You need to be prepared. No one can predict the future, and it is my sincere hope that history does not repeat itself. Bu you all should be well aware of history and of similar situations that seem to resemble what is now building up inside of America today.

You need to be prepared.

Know your history.

Ad hoc road block established to thwart an attack.
Ad hoc road block established to thwart an attack.


Be prepared. Part of that is personal. With food, gun training, ammo, and contingency plans. But part of it goes beyond that. Clan up with a group. Know your neighbors in a good and strong way. Identify who will collect your name on a list and be very wary of them. Identify what your weaknesses are and mitigate your concerns.

Do not be like the Bosnian’s who fled their villages for the woods, and then who were hunted down over the next few months by aggressive and very motivated irregulars. It didn’t work out well for them. Don’t allow history to repeat itself.

Don't be like the villagers in Bosnia who fled and ran into the woods when troops came to collect the women and take them to the new rape complexes in the cities.
Don’t be like the villagers in Bosnia who fled and ran into the woods when troops came to collect the women and take them to the (newly established) rape complexes in the cities.


One of the most important things that you can do is know how to suppress a technical. Their role is to suppress you, and others while active regulars go house to house seizing people.

If you can take down a technical, you will go a long way to suppress their activity, and even gain control of the situation. Realize that the technical is the major source of power in these excursions. Take out the technical, and the leadership and the attack and assault will more than likely break.

What is a “technical”

A technical is a type of improvised fighting vehicle, typically a civilian or military non-combat vehicle, modified to provide an offensive capability similar to a military gun truck. It is usually an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting a machine gun, light anti-aircraft gun, recoilless rifle, or other support weapon.

Usually it consists of a medium machine gun to heavy machine gun mounted on the bed of a small pickup truck. The vehicle is usually (mostly) unarmored, and the advantage of the technical is rapid mobility while producing substantial small arms firepower.

A basic "technical" vehicle.
A basic “technical” vehicle.

The Toyota pickup truck seems to be a very common platform from which to mount medium and heavy machine guns. Notice that aside from the gun mount, there is very little other modifications. There might be a large ammo box in the bed of the truck for ammo, and maybe a gas can or two, but that is about it. Usually the vehicles aren’t even painted.

Here’s another technical that is very similar to the photo above. But if you look closely you can see differences. And you all should know that one is in Syria while the other was in Libya.

Another basic "Technical" vehicle.
Another basic “Technical” vehicle.

These next two technical vehicles both have an armored shield mounted with the machine gun. They offer protection from defensive fire that originates from the target. In most cases the weapon of choice will be a medium to heavy machine gun, and supports, or is supported by a squad of regulars.

Notice that the technical would typically include a crew of three.

  • A driver.
  • A machine gunner.
  • And someone riding “shotgun”.
Yet another basic technical vehicle.
Yet another basic technical vehicle.

Cautions and limitations

Just because you see something on the internet doesn’t mean that it is wholly and completely accurate. Every person, every situation, every location, and every war is different. You just can’t simply rely on MM here to provide accurate life or death intel. And so don’t. This is just and only an introduction. If you have nothing else to go on, you can use what is printed herein as a guide to help illuminate a path to take to resolve a problem that could very well occur.

Just keep in mind that were a SHTF event to occur, it is highly likely that technicals will be involved. Being a “lone wolf” defending your homestead without a clan or a group of people for support will be lethal. A technical will be used to frighten, harass, scare, threaten, and destroy from a distance. It is not something that you can view as an after thought. It is something that you need to prepare for.

When a technical rolls into you small town or hamlet, will you be able and equipped to suppress it and immobilize it?
When a technical rolls into you small town or hamlet, will you be able and equipped to suppress it and immobilize it?

How they are used

In an anticipated North American SHTF situation (which is pretty much why we are discussing this) these vehicles will more than likely used by progressive Marxists to suppress the countryside. As such they will be used to…

  • Secure major intersections, bridges, and points of interest.
  • Secure “high ground” prior to a larger assault.
  • Capture or suppress key minor-defended targets.

Which should not be a real surprise. Of course they will be used in this role to provide quick and mobile weapons platforms. But what most civilians will need to be concerned about is as a supporting role in local assaults in small villages and hamlets.

  • Harass the civilian population. Cause them to break and be unable to provide a strong unified defense.

The technicals would be used to scare and chase away civilians and cause them to scatter in the directions that they choose. Eventually rounding up and herding the populace towards collection points where others would secure the people for relocation to “safe areas”. You can well guess what these “safe areas” are.

If you can, avoid boarding the trucks to take you to a "safe area". History clearly shows that the likelihood of you and your family surviving in those conditions is small.
If you can, avoid boarding the trucks to take you to a “safe area”. History clearly shows that the likelihood of you and your family surviving in those conditions is small.


You don’t want to board the cattle cars, hop into the trucks, or be in any way carted off by agents of the enemy.

When Bosnian Serb forces broke through two years later, about 15,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys fled into the woods. And twice as many terrified residents rushed to the U.N. compound in what was formerly an industrial zone at the entrance to town, in the hope that Dutch U.N. peacekeepers would protect them.

However, the outgunned peacekeepers watched helplessly as Serb troops took around 2,000 men and boys from the compound for execution...

... while bussing the women and young girls to Bosnian government-held territory. 

Meanwhile, in the woods around Srebrenica, Serb soldiers hunted the fleeing Bosniaks, as Bosnian Muslims are otherwise known, killing them one by one.

The killers sought to hide evidence of the genocide, piling most of the bodies into hastily made mass graves, which they subsequently dug up with bulldozers and scattered the bodies across numerous burial sites.

In the years since, bodies have been unearthed and the victims identified through DNA testing. About 1,000 victims remain to be found.

A special U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague and courts in the Balkans have sentenced close to 50 Bosnian Serbs, including their top civilian war-time leader, Radovan Karadzic, and his military commander, Ratko Mladic, to more than 700 years in prison for Srebrenica crimes.

-Seattle Times
British forces helping collect women and loading them into trucks "for their protection". Of course, we all know the price that the young women had to pay for that kind of safety.
British forces helping collect women and loading them into trucks “for their protection”. Of course, we all know the price that the young women had to pay for that kind of safety.
An estimated 30,000 Muslim refugees packed around the Dutch peacekeeping base in Potocari, just north of Srebrenica, after Bosnian Serb forces seized the 'safe area'. Mladic sought to calm them, telling the crowd they did not need to be afraid.

Bosnian Serb forces put the frightened refugees on to buses to leave. Many of the refugees were evacuated to Kladanj, 30 miles away on the edge of government-held territory.

The UN noticed that most of the refugees arriving from Srebrenica were women, children, and the elderly and became concerned about the fate of the men.

Over the week that followed the fall of Srebrenica, a total of about 8,000 men and boys from the enclave are estimated to have been killed by Bosnian Serb forces in detention or while trying to flee through the woods.

Men were crammed into warehouses, schools and barns in the area outside Srebrenica. They were shot and their bodies were dumped in mass graves. Serb forces subsequently dug up the bodies and scattered them in a systematic effort to conceal the crime. UN war crimes investigators later excavated the mass graves, but over 1,000 bodies are still missing.

-Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Europe's worst atrocity since the Nazis

During this up coming SHTF event, it would be prudent to trust no-one. Absolutely trust no one. Instead rely on your wits, family and closest friends. In times like these betrayal becomes normal. Expect it.

The After Picture.

Remains of the men who obeyed the troops, the police, and the advise of the political personages that were directing the entire situation "to keep order".
Remains of the men who obeyed the troops, the police, and the advise of the political personages that were directing the entire situation “to keep order”.


Now that you have seen the “after” pictures, let me present to you the “before” pictures. They say that a picture can say a 1000 words. Well, these two pictures taken together should speak volumes. Do not let, or allow, anyone to take you or your family to a “safe area”. No matter what it is called. FEMA camp, “holding area”, “rest area”, “UN compound”, just don’t allow it to happen.

The “before” picture. How the men were rounded up and led to a place for their protection…

The before picture. The round-up of men and women will be orderly. They will say that they will take you to a safe area; an area of peace and quiet. You know one that they have the control and you do not.
The before picture. The round-up of men and women will be orderly. They will say that they will take you to a safe area; an area of peace and quiet. You know one that they have the control and you do not.


In order for you to avoid the “after picture”, you need to avoid the “before picture“. Don’t you agree?

Other Applications

These technical vehicles can often hold much larger weapons. Typically they are anti-aircraft guns, and other such weapons. They will be able to reduce a house to rubble. We need not quibble about the size of the weapon, or predict what will be made available when. What we do know is that powerful forces are accumulating large stocks of military grade weapons for the progressive Marxists to use. My guess is that this is going to be much more than rifles, machine guns and rocket launchers.

The prepared prepper needs to be ready for anything.

Technical with a mounted anti-aircraft platform.
Technical with a mounted anti-aircraft platform.

And let’s not get all too hung up on terminology either.

A technical is a light improvised fighting vehicle, typically an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting a heavy weapon, such as a machine gun, anti-aircraft gun, rotary cannon, anti-tank weapon, anti-tank gun, ATGM, mortar, howitzer, multiple rocket launcher, or recoilless rifle, operating similar to a light (unarmored) military gun truck.


Light improvised fighting vehicles date back to the first use of automobiles, and to the horse-drawn tachankas mounting machine guns in eastern Europe and Russia.

Machine guns are commonly mounted on fast attack vehicles such as technicals to provide heavy mobile firepower, armored vehicles such as tanks for engaging targets too small to justify use of the primary weaponry or too fast to effectively engage with it, and on aircraft as defensive armament or for strafing ground targets, though on fighter aircraft true machine guns have mostly been supplanted by large-caliber rotary guns.

Technicals are typically fitted with heavy machine guns (especially the DShK and M2 Browning).

Also mounted are anti-aircraft artillery (usually the ZPU or ZU-23-2) AA guns.

It is not uncommon to see recoilless rifles (usually the SPG-9 or M40 recoilless rifle) on such vehicles, as they now become able to take down light armored vehicles and provide HE rounds to destroy houses and fortifications.

Technical with a recoilless rifle.
Technical with a recoilless rifle.

Additionally, multiple rocket launchers (such as the Type 63 multiple rocket launcher or the M-63 Plamen) have been seen on these vehicles.

In the 2012 Syrian civil war, the Syrian government said rebels used the gun mounted on cars.

Technical mounting a quad rocket launcher.
Technical mounting a quad rocket launcher.


Here’s a great PDF writeup on having mounted rocket launchers on technicals.

Makeshift rocket launchers, whether converted from existing rocket pods or of an entirely improvised design, have featured in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, Libya and, most recently, the ongoing conflict in Syria. 

Most prominent amongst the rockets used in this manner are those of the Soviet (later Russian) S-5 series. 

Over the past half a century, these rockets became one of the standard weapons for the majority of Soviet and later Russian combat aircraft and helicopters. Although Soviet forces began to supplement, and in some cases replace, S-5 rockets in many roles with the larger 80 mm S-8 series in the 1970s, the S-5 remains commonplace amongst the armed forces of many countries, particularly in the developing world.

 S-5 rockets continue to be used in both the conventional manner and in improvised launchers. In many cases, improvised systems based around surface-to-air rockets are employed as makeshift multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), often in a standalone manner. 

Launchers in this configuration appear to be used predominantly for indirect fire support, and make use of improvised weapons mounts allowing high elevation. 

In other cases, such systems are employed in the direct fire support role. In these cases, the weapons may be used to supplement existing vehicle armaments, or in a standalone fashion. 

Launchers used like this are often pintle-mounted, or mounted in a fixed or coaxial position. In at least one documented example, an improvised S-5 system was claimed to be used in an anti-helicopter role. It is also important to note the existence of other systems, including both towed and immobile launchers, remotely-operated systems mounted on radio-controlled vehicles, and man-portable single-tube launchers, including shoulder-fired examples.

Why is is important?

Well, unless you are able to respond back to an aggressive force strongly, they will destroy everything. Then, they will come back and collect the survivors. And the results will not be pretty.

Arkan's Tigers kill Bosnian Muslim civilians during the first battle for Bosnia in Bijeljina, Bosnia, March 31, 1992. The Serbian paramilitary unit was responsible for killing thousands of people during the Bosnian war, and Arkan was later indicted for war crimes. This image and the series that accompanies it were used for evidence in the International War Crimes Tribunal for the indictment and conviction of Serbian leaders.
Arkan’s Tigers kill Bosnian Muslim civilians during the first battle for Bosnia in Bijeljina, Bosnia, March 31, 1992. The Serbian paramilitary unit was responsible for killing thousands of people during the Bosnian war, and Arkan was later indicted for war crimes. This image and the series that accompanies it were used for evidence in the International War Crimes Tribunal for the indictment and conviction of Serbian leaders.


When you encounter an armed aggressive force using technicals, understand that it will involve groups of armed insurgents, of which the technical will provide a supporting role. You will need to be calm, steely, and composed. Then you need to carefully identify your targets and with a fixed mind eliminate them.

There will be bedlam everywhere. Shooting, screaming, cries, explosions, fires and smoke. Do not be shaken.

Some technicals will typically fitted with heavy machine guns (especially the DShK and M2 Browning), anti-aircraft artillery (usually the ZPU or ZU-23-2), recoilless rifles (usually the SPG-9 or M40 recoilless rifle), or multiple rocket launchers (such as the Type 63 multiple rocket launcher or the M-63 Plamen).

They can completely and absolutely destroy a small town or community. Being a lone wolf will be lethal.

Burning homes in Bosina. The rural areas were terribly exposed. The aggressors would go after people on a list that they compiled, and if that person was in a small town or hamlet, they completely gutted the entire area.


The SPG-9 can typically be found mounted on a wide variety of vehicles known as “technicals” in Somalia.

Great resources on this matter

There are military handbooks for this kind of thing. If you have the ability, I would strongly urge you to read and consult those handbooks if you can find them.

A Muslim in Bijelina, Bosnia begs for his life after capture by Arkan's Tigers in the spring of 1992.
A Muslim in Bijelina, Bosnia begs for his life after capture by Arkan’s Tigers in the spring of 1992.

The suggested methods

Remember that during this period of time, long before any shooting starts, the intention of a technical in your region is to kill.

That is it’s primary purpose. It’s secondary purpose is to destroy, and the third purpose is to intimidate.

Technicals are often used to transport people when not engaged as a weapons platform.
Technicals are often used to transport people when not engaged as a weapons platform.


Your ideal situation is to disable the technical before it gets into a position of control. What ever that might be. If you can disable the technical before it can get to a staging location, or set up a firing zone, then you have completely thrown a “monkey wrench” into the assault plans. You want this.

There are numerous was to disable a technical. In no particular order they are;

  • Immobilize it. (Shoot off it’s tires, destroy the radiator, muck up the gas, destroy the battery.)
  • Kill or disable the driver. While anyone can drive a pickup truck, if you steal the keys, it will be rather hard to move the vehicle.
  • Render the weapon inoperable. Either deny it ammo, remove the firing mechanism or clog the barrel.
  • Kill or disable the gunner. Again, you might need to eliminate numerous people, as one person after the other might attempt to man the gun.

Yah, I get it. Duh!

Now, reread the list. Remember DO NOT ALLOW THE ENEMY to define the time, or the place, or the rules of engagement. When you do, you provide him the keys to success. Do not fight a defensive war. Fight an offensive war.

Destroyed Technical.
Destroyed Technical.


You have an opportunity during the beginning stages of a conflict to disable the weapons systems, and the techinicals that you enemy is planning on using. It is at this time that he is vulnerable. He is not expecting anything. You need to eliminate the treat, or mitigate the enormity of the threat long before it manifests.

Read that list again.

If you have failed, and the enemy has decided to attack your community with technicals, then you need to still play offense. But only it will be much harder. You will need to have the technical say in a fixed location for enough time for you to attack it. And then, again, disable it so that it cannot move, and then once disabled, attack the gunner.

Do not be intimidated by the presence of this vehicle. Because that is it’s intended purpose.

Advisement’s for America during SHTF

We cannot predict what will happen in the United States. Certainly one half of the nation if pitted against the other half. And both are being gloated on by wealthy interests. Bu I would advised to shake off all of your misconceptions about who the “enemy” is. They are wrong.

Do not expect that the vehicles rolling into your hamlet will be machine-shop modified technicals. They might be pristine, off the factory floor, custom designed technicals designed for the American battle arena. Be wary. Be frosty.

Do not expect that the vehicles rolling into your hamlet will be machine-shop modified technicals. They might be pristine, off the factory floor, custom designed technicals designed for the American battle arena. Be wary. Be frosty.
Do not expect that the vehicles rolling into your hamlet will be machine-shop modified technicals. They might be pristine, off the factory floor, custom designed technicals designed for the American battle arena. Be wary. Be frosty.


It is highly likely that if a SHTF event were to occur in the United States, that urban youth would stream out from “blue controlled” areas and invade the surrounding countryside.

They will have lists and will target those on the lists as their key focus of attacks.

Then they would take on a secondary role. This would be to round up all the people and stream them towards “safe areas” which they control.

Only they won’t really be safe. They will be traps and those going there will expect historically bad treatment, and death.

Technicals form the core "heart" of an insurgency movement. It is used for transport as well as a gun platform. By taking it out, you are best able to gain control of the situation.
Technicals form the core “heart” of an insurgency movement. It is used for transport as well as a gun platform. By taking it out, you are best able to gain control of the situation.


To control the countryside they will use either existing armored vehicles as part of the DHS, and other alphabet organizations, or “home grown” technicals.

This article focuses on the technical, which is a lightly armored weapons platform that is key to controlling wide areas of contentious population. And remember…


Keep in mind that most Americans are good. It is an illusion that those at the other side of the political spectrum are evil, or that Chinese are evil, or that Russians are evil. Most people are not. Those that are pushing for a war... they are the evil ones.

You all should stop contemplating fighting each other, and both gang up against the wealthy oligarchy playing you all as fools.

Alt-Right are not evil.
Alt-Left are not evil.

Those that are pushing hatred towards others that have different views from you; they are the evil ones!

And one last point…

Perhaps Mike Pompeo would be less inclined to start and fight a war, if he took a couple of tabs of acid, drank some icy cold beers, and sat down and talked deeply about the purpose of life with one of his “enemies”. We all need to chill out, and communicate. That’s a fact, Jack.

Idea: In a small scale social experiment by Heineken, as part of their ad campaign, 3 pairs of complete strangers with (secretly) wildly-differing views went to a warehouse. There, they built various constructions in pairs and asked each other questions that were prepared in advance by the event organizers. In the end, everyone finds out that their partner had completely opposite beliefs than their own. Everyone then decides if they want to talk to their partner over a bottle of beer.

Result: Among the 3 pairs of participants there was a supporter of the climate change theory and an skeptic; a feminist and a man holding conservative views; and a transgender individual, as well as a man against gender reassignment. In the end, friendship and curiosity prevailed, as every single person decided to drink a beer together, chatted, got to know each other, and deepened their knowledge about the questions they thought they had all figured out.

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