This is a disclosure. This is an actual APPROVED disclosure. This is the spotlight in the dark about our extraterrestrial friends, and YOU are lucky enough to be here while it is up and running. It will go down soon. Please enjoy it while it is up.
Now, of course, MAJestic is just simply not supposed to exist. Even President Obama has told the world that there is nothing to say. You can believe him. Many do.. There is something about him that appeals to many Americans. So when he talks people listen. After all, he is the most transparent president in the history of the universe, don’t ya know.
He attractive (according to the media), smart, skilled, rich, and knows everything. So of course, you can believe him.
Or you can believe me; an unknown old stodgy man. I am not popular, rich, politically connected, I don’t have armies of followers. I am unknown. I am old. But, I do know a thing or two about MAJestic. Afterall, I held a very important key role within it for over thirty years.
Do you REALLY want to know about the world and our place in the universe? Do you really want to know what is actually going on? Do you really want the truth?
Well, here it is. As such, I am authorized to disclose a very limited and specific reality to those willing to listen.
This is it.
To begin, oh, wouldn’t it be nice…
Wouldn’t it be nice if the American government told us the “truth” about flying saucers, and UFO’s? Wouldn’t it be nice if the veil of secrecy was lifted and the President of the United States would go in front of the American people and told them the “truth”.

Wouldn’t it be nice.
Well, boys and girls, it’s NOT going to happen. It’s not ever going to happen.
The best, and perhaps ONLY, shot at knowing what is “really” going on and why, is myself. That’s about it. And, at that, I only know a very little, at least in terms in which you (the reader) can understand. I have been instructed to present this disclosure using this methodology to everyone to view.
The reader can consider this blog as the "official" MAJestic method of disclosing the "truth" about extraterrestrials, science, reality and other controversial subjects to the reader.
But, you know what? You are probably not ready for it.
We humans are relative infants compared to the rest of the sentient life in our galaxy. We think that we know so much, and are so in control of our lives, and our world. We are ignorant. We don’t know bumpkis.
“Considering further that technological development in our civilization started only about 10,000 years ago and has seen the rise of scientific methodologies only in the past 500 years, we can surmise that we might have a real problem in predicting technological evolution even for the next thousand years, let alone 6 Million times that amount!” -Dr. Colombano
To begin with…

Everything you Know is Wrong
Everything that the reader knows, think they know, read, and have studied is all wrong. It is wrong. That is the best and only way that I can say it. What we think we know is in complete variance to the true and real reality.
The truth is that, at best, humans understand only the most trivial of the mechanics of the universe. The use of a computer instead of one’s own brain to derive Maxwell’s equations is a pure example of this. We think we are masters of our world because of the tools that we fabricate. That is like saying that your wife is a gourmet chef because she makes a “killer” tuna casserole.
It’s not true. Not at all. So for starters, let’s knock the human understanding of itself down a notch or two. Humans know diddly squat about reality. We know jack shit.
I ask the reader to imagine that everything that you have learned about the world, science, the universe, man, history, and religion is WRONG.
It is wrong.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong.
It is all WRONG!
The True Reality
井底之蛙(jǐng dǐ zhī wā) refers to the story of a “frog at the bottom of a well,” who believed that the well was the whole world, and that the speck of light above him was the sun. This idiom refers to people who are narrow minded or who discount things outside of their own experiences.
Now, let me give the reader a glimpse of what the true reality is. Forget what you learned in school. Forget what you see on the television or on the Internet. Forget what you remember.
Forget it all.
Nothing is fixed. It looks that way. It is measured that way. It just seems that way. We have a past that apparently cannot be changed. We have mistakes and accidents that cannot be undone. We have trees that cannot go back to being a seed, and babies that cannot go back into the womb. To humans, it is one straight arrow of time that is fixed and follows some certain unchangeable laws.
No. It only looks that way to us within this “bubble of reality”. The truth is something different. Indeed…
Everything can be Changed
Instead, imagine reality as something that can be changed or “opened up” by people with the right technology. Imagine the three-dimensional reality of all that we know, and time and thoughts regarding it can be altered and changed easily by those with the power to do so.
Just imagine…
To us, we would see people walking in and out of the air. They would appear and disappear. It would be as if they simply walked behind a curtain, and were gone.
They just disappear into thin air!
That is the reality that I am discussing. That is the reality that I am presenting. That is the reality that I am explaining. For the reader, I ask you to suspend your disbelief and understand that you have eyes that can only see a mere three points of view. You can only see three aspects of what is in actuality an 11 viewpoint condition.
Our Limits
Our biology limits us. It limits how we think. It limits how we see and sense things. It limits how we process information. The only way that we can perceive things beyond our limitations is through assistance.
So, if an entity whether it is an “angel”, an “extraterrestrial”, an intelligent camel or dolphin, or even a physical manifestation of Peter Pan were to extend our realms of perception, we would start thinking differently. If we could see with more optical cones, we would see more colors and new horizons. If we could expand the smell receptors in our nose we could better smell the world around us. As a result, we could see the world as it really is, not what we of limited perceptions, think it is.
Likewise, if we could sense the full electromagnetic spectrum we would see just how connected we all are, and that the limitations of space are not what we think it is. We would perceive the world in a new light. We would see things in a different way.
Imagine if somehow a creature (like an angel for instance) were to have inherent abilities that are beyond the concept of man. Further, imagine that they were to enhance humans with some kind of limited perception improvement. Would that not change how we view reality?
What if the “angels” had abilities to transcend our reality?
What if they could interact with Heaven just as easily as humans could interact with a doorknob? What if they could speed up the present, slow down the future, jump into different world-lines or alter the very nature of your reality? Wouldn’t that in itself alter their way of thinking?
Imagine that the very fabric of who we ARE can be changed.
Time can be Changed
Imagine that our past can be altered, and our futures changed. Imagine a universe where anything and everything is possible, but using that ability comes at a great cost and the price for ability is costly.
In this world, portals or openings in our reality can open up and passageways to other places, times, and realities can manifest. When this happens people and things can move in and out of what we consider to be real. To an outsider, it might look like people just appear out of nothing, or walk into nothing and disappear.
That is the TRUE reality.
What we think of our “reality” is just a “room” with a fixed state of conditions. Most people live their entire lives within this “room”. As this is all they know. They treat it as if that is all that there is. They argue against anything else as blasphemy. They strongly fight for their statist viewpoint.
There are others who can enter these “rooms” of reality at will. They enter and leave. They treat the entire universe as a series of “rooms” that they can enter and leave at will.
Imagine that throughout history that people have, from time to time, observed such strange events and they have flummoxed the observer. Because the observations could not be repeatedly observed, that mainstream science has discounted the observer, but that has in no way minimized the frequency of observation.
Enter MAJestic
Everybody suspects this to be true. That is why people attend churches, watch movies such as “The Matrix”, and watch televisions shows like “The X-files”, and “The Outer Limits”. We want to understand our role in this life.
They feel that there is something more to life. They just cannot accept that what they see is just all that is. They believe that there is something more. They don’t know what it is. They just know that it is something else, something better, something more.
The Agents
So, imagine that there are those who do ACTUALLY know what the “real world” is like. They aren’t noted television personalities. They do not hold lofty positions in government. They are not attractive. They do not wear designer clothes or drive expensive cars. They do not make political policy positions verbally in public. They are not rich, successful, famous or popular.
They are different. They are metallic in their understandings.

These individuals are not gifted with special perceptions at birth. No. Instead, they are selected. They are normal guys and gals like anyone else.
They are just normal, maybe like you the reader are…
They were given and provided with perception enhancements and roles. These are the true agents of change. For they can see the true nature of reality. Indeed, they are the precious few who actually can “see outside the box”.
The Others
Further, imagine that there are others. They are not human. They are not familiar, they are different. Now, whether technologically advanced, older as a species, or with governing spiritual directives they choose to utilize such technologies.
Indeed, they are not human. They are something else.
Further, these other beings choose to interact with humans for their own purposes (whatever they may be). They select and choose the humans to work with. They make the rules because they are far superior in ability, skill, knowledge and just about everything else to humans.
Further, at some time in the past, these entities have determined to collaborate up with humans in this reality to work together for the common good of all concerned. They have created numerous organizations to support this effort. The platform for this interaction is the human common reality.
- Imagine, that I was selected to join one such organization.
- Imagine that this organization had a “role” for me.
- Imagine that I refer to that organization as “MAJestic”. I do so for my own purposes.
- Imagine that I was in this organization for thirty years and then retired.
I am a normal and average human man. For reasons that are discussed elsewhere, I was in the right place, at the right time, with the right skills, and the right abilities and offered a role within this organization. I participated in it alongside my normal, average, and often boring human life.
Dudes, real life is not a Hollywood movie. You work, get married, have a family, have children, get divorced, get laid off, get sick, have parents who die. You live life as that is the human experience. Alongside this experience, I conducted my role. It wasn’t exciting, involved international intrigue, or anything like that. It was something else entirely.
About the Disclosure Proper
Consider that the organization has two components. It has a [1] human component. It also [2] has an extraterrestrial component which had a completely different set of objectives, rules, methods and operational parameters.
I retired from the human MAJestic organization. However, I am still active in the extraterrestrial component of the organization. (They do not understand the concept of “retirement”.) As such…
- Imagine that I am permitted (by my entangled handlers) to relate my experiences to others (in a very specific and limited way) so they too can grow as a human.
- Imagine that I am FORBIDDEN to disclose any confidential material.
- Imagine that this disclosure is my FINAL and ULTIMATE role within MAJestic. As such, it might even be considered as my MOST IMPORTANT role.
This is what this blog is all about.
This Metallicman Blog
In the world today are many ways and means to communicate. We like to think that the “best” way to communicate is to be on a Presidential tweet. Or, maybe an interview on Ellen DeGeneres’s television show. We wrongly believe that CNN, ABC, the BCC or Pravda are the best and most suitable techniques for information dissemination.
That is wrong.
The reader should consider the idea that proper dissemination of information is NOT best accomplished by providing information to everyone. Rather it is accomplished by providing key information access to targeted people.
If you stumbled on to this site, then obviously you have some role in being here. Good or bad, like it or not, there is something for YOU on this site.
And that is how it works. Nothing is a coincidence in our reality. It is all a nice scripted play that we live our lives through and obtain experiences for.
I am instructed to follow certain defined rules in the presentation of information. Authorization is limited and conditional. There can be no deviations. As such;
- I can ONLY present the information in a specialized format.
- Subjects, content, and presentation are formal and ritualized.
- I am instructed to present it as if I were talking to a close friend.
- The information can ONLY be presented in a format that a reader could apply to their own life personally.
- I am instructed to present ideas and concepts regarding life as opposed to direct facts and data.
- I am permitted to select the subject matter.
- I am permitted to interject my personal feelings and thoughts.
- There are limits as to what I am approved to talk about and discuss.
- I am forbidden to discuss MAJestic operations in any detail except as an overview.
MAJestic Notes
All organizations ultimately revolve around the improvement of the lives of people in one way or the other. This is true whether or not it is the FDA, the FCC, or NASA. There is a lot of nonsense on the internet. While there are conspiracies and a host of “bad actors”, most organizations serve a prime purpose which is to improve the lives of people.
That is most certainly the case with MAJestic. No matter what the disinformation on the internet has to say otherwise. At the very start, MAJestic was established to improve (and protect) the lives of Americans. That hasn’t changed. However, the understanding and the scope most certainly has.
As such, this disclosure will not look like anything that the reader is expecting. Instead of an information filled disclosure giving names, dates, references, and hard data, it will look like a rambling blog by a grouchy cantankerous old man. As such, I talk about Heaven, busybodies, life in other nations, OOPARTS, food, and all sorts of odd things. I talk about my life, China, work, and day to day experiences. That is how this disclosure is supposed to be structured.
Life is about the experiences we have and how we use those experiences to better our lives. I was gifted (or perhaps cursed) to know how our reality actually works. By discussing life, from the point of view of my knowledge, I can impart knowledge to the reader. Which is, ultimately, the purpose behind MAJestic in the first place.
I personally cannot see any advantage in this. However, this is the way that it is to be done. Like everything, the disclosure has a purpose and a role. I remain confident that the objectives behind the methodology will eventually be realized. Good or bad, right or wrong. This is it.
Take it or leave it.
A Cautious Depiction
I am permitted to write using my own thoughts and opinions. I do take advantage of this. After all, I am paying for this entire effort out of my own (very limited) pocket. Therefore while this is an “official” disclosure, it is not what is typically considered a “corporate style” statement. So, I BEG the reader not to read too much into my opinions and attitudes. It is a consequence of my experiences.

I am, after all, an old grizzly geezer. Please keep that in mind. Heck, I still listen to Poco. I still enjoy (the music group) Bread. I have old-fashioned ideas about things. I am not hip, up-to-date, or “progressive”. Please keep that in mind.

Please kindly keep that in mind. While I tend to be sarcastic, and often make fun of people, I mean no harm. In my day, we used to do this all the time. It was a kind of a way to show respect. It is sort of like how you are to people in Boston. You swear and yell at them, and yet go out and have a beer with them later on. It’s harsh, but NOT unfriendly.
Final Warning
To read and understand what this disclosure is all about, you will need to wade through MY opinions and thoughts. I think differently. My experiences are different. The way I describe things might be offensive.
All of this might be very distasteful to you depending on your experiences and life. Hey, that is the way it is, and I understand this to be part of the package. So be it.
You might need to take a stress pill to be able to handle some of my old-fashioned and outdated opinions.

Welcome to MM.
First of all, you need to go on over to my FULL DISCLOSURE section. This is my MAJestic Index. You start at the top of the page and you go down article by article. Numerous times the articles are grouped into sub-indexes. Well, you go to the sub-index and then read all those articles and then return back to the MAJestic index. Long time readers of MM, tell me that it’s easily a couple of months of reading, but all say (without exception) that they how have a much better understanding of everything that they were asking about. It sure as hell beats trying to pick and choose from the bullshit on the internet that’s for sure.
This will tell you WHO I am, WHY I am doing this, WHERE I am, HOW I obtained this information, WHERE it came from, and WHEN it was acquired.
Once you do that, you will quickly see that this entire MM site is a transformative effort. And it is a roadmap to make you (as an IS-BE) out of the clutches of the “Prison Planet” and into the rehabilitation program that is now a “sentience nursery”. As such, this is not “just another one of those conspiracy websites”. It’s something really unique and special. And I offer tools, techniques, information, and study.
So aside from reading the full MAJestic Index, I also ask you to check on the site daily. I provide [1] Podcasts that discuss various issues, and support, [2] Tools to gain control of your IS-BE in my Affirmation Prayer Campaign Index, and a [3] Forum to ask questions and participate. Finally [4] I show you how you are supposed to act in behave in my Rufus Index. The rest of the website is filled with various information that “rounds out” what is presented to the individual searcher.
I use terms that might be unfamiliar, to you. But as you read, you will gradually see what is being presented, why and how it all fits together. Such terms as “slides”, “garbons”, Campaigns”, and all the rest are normal day-to-day discourse on MM.
An important note. A substantial redirection in my personal understanding took place when I read the authentic document known as “Alien Interview”. Up until that time, I was under the impression that MAJestic was a service-to-others organization, and the type-1 greys were a service-to-self. Now, I see things as they are. MAJestic is service-for-self, and the Type-1 greys, “The Domain” are “service-for-others”. So when you go through some of the older posts please keep this in mind. Life is a transformative venture, and changes is what you need to experience to grow. That is for all of us, including myself.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;
Direct Link to MAJestic Posts
MAJesticArticles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
To go to the MAIN Index;
Master Index.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE .
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
If you want to know where many of our extraterrestrial friends come from, go HERE.
If you want to know if there is a “forward” base of operations or community of extraterrestrials nearby, go HERE.
If you want to know if there are any MAJestic operations off-world, then go HERE.
If you are curious whether or not other intelligent life evolved on earth, go HERE.
If you are interested how the moon went into orbit about the earth and when, go HERE.
If you are curious if other extraterrestrials might want to visit the earth and set up colonies, then go HERE.