There’s no way to say things nicely. And while I want you all to remain calm, the situation is devolving. It’s horrible to see. I am sorry to announce this. Here, we present some developing events.
The collective West is on a runaway train. They are galloping towards a bridge that no longer exists, and they are carrying carloads of mad, angry, frustrated people whao are starting to kill each other in abject frustration of their hopeless condition.
It’s not random.
This entire reaction from Russia was planned years ago. Yes. It was planned by people now long dead, and being carried out by idiots who have no concept about what REAL life and death are all about.
Planned yes.
But not as they think.
The Asian nations are merit driven, desperate and angry. There will not be any mercy. They are ready to kill the “mad dogs” once and for all.
And they have a counter-plan.
Keep in mind, that every situation that we are witnessing has been planned out and war-gamed to every detail. The Asian nations know what they are doing. And I just hope that the Domain Commander can maintain “little bads instead of big bads”. Because the picture, as I see it, is truly frightening.
I will not spend too much on the details on what is going on in the Ukraine. Just a little bit. That has and is being covered by others in various ways. Much of it is disinformation. This article concerns itself with NATO deciding to get involved, and thus the United States getting involved as well.
Keep in mind that Asia is fighting for their very existence; they are very, very serious. ANd when they try to communicate theri concerns they are treated horribly and ignored by appatent imbeciles.
As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so. Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments. -Putin 26FEB22
It’s pretty obvious, as long as you trun off those screeching propaganda shrills. When you do, things become crystal clear.
We start with a review of what is going on…
Today, and throughout the Western press are articles about what is going on in the Ukraine. Most are treating it like some kind of spectator sport. With much Rah! Rah! for their side. However, the lethality and devastation of war must not be downplayed as a game.
On top of it all, there is a massive psyops going on that has convinced everyone that old grandmothers are shooting down Russian jets and Russia will surrender any day now. Sheech!
The latest political maneuver by Russian president Vladimir Putin was a game-changing masterstroke to avoid the American war trap. At every step in the build-up of tensions surrounding Ukraine, Russia has foiled US enticements to attack. To understand it all, one needs to start further back in time.
9 February 1990 — US secretary-of-state James Baker promised USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would “not [move] one inch eastward” in exchange for allowing German unification.
1999 — Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland join NATO and move several inches nearer the dissolved USSR.
2004 — Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia join NATO.
2009 — Albania and Croatia join NATO.
February 2014 — A US-backed coup in Ukraine results in a Nazi-friendly government coming to power.
March 2014 — Crimeans vote overwhelmingly in a referendum to secede from Ukraine and become part of Russia.
September 2014 — The Minsk I Agreement is signed by Ukraine, Russia, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) calling for an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons, and prisoner exchanges.
February 2015 — The Minsk II Agreement calls again for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of weapons, ceasefire monitoring by the OSCE, and the holding of local elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics on their future status in Ukraine. Differing interpretations have led to major disagreements over Minsk II.
2017 — Montenegro joins NATO.
2020 — North Macedonia joins NATO. It is apparent that there is an increasing eastward crawl, and Ukraine is also seeking membership.
18 November 2021 — Russia reiterates its red lines.
17 December 2021 — Russia presents its concerns about security in proposals to the US.
16 January 2022 — Putin identifies Ukraine’s membership in NATO as a red line in Russia-NATO relations that impinge upon Russian security. US secretary-of-state Antony Blinken dismissed Russian security concerns: “I can’t be more clear — NATO’s door is open, remains open, and that is our commitment.”
26 January 2022 — Russia received a written response from the US to its security proposals. Russia would not be pleased.
16 February 2022 — According to national-security adviser Jake Sullivan, based on credible US intelligence, this was the date that Russia would invade Ukraine. The date came and went without any invasion.
17 February 2022 — Russia responds to US and NATO proposals about Ukraine and European security.
There have been many provocations leading up to the Russian recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Among them are NATO expansion, not taking Russian security concerns seriously, the arming of Ukraine, and demonizing Russia via the western monopoly media. The final nail was the shelling from Ukraine into Donbass causing the evacuation of its civilians into Russia.
It appears to be a foolhardy act by Ukraine. If Ukraine had adhered to the Minsk Agreements, Donetsk and Luhansk would still be a part of Ukraine, autonomous though they may be. Autonomy is not uncommon within countries. Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet, Xinjiang are autonomous provinces in China. Russia also has one autonomous region and 10 autonomous areas. Nonetheless, the lure of war and playing with fire has caused Ukraine to shrink a little bit more.
As I have repeatedly stated, Russia (and China) are NOT being reactionary, no matter what anyone thinks. They are following a master grand plan, just like the United States is. It’s just that the United States plan is obsolete, easily replicated, and there no longer are leaders to set a new direction.
So don’t worry too much.
Today, I am including some minor reports that I have acquired regarding some key events inside the Ukraine.
[Item 0] Why Russia is acting this way
President Putin said so very clearly in his speech on 26FEB22;
For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends.
For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation.
This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact.
It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty.
It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions.
They have crossed it.
[Item 1] US to impose sanctions on Putin personally
The immediate reaction from Scott Ritter on this development does not bode well.
[Item 2] Reaction from Moscow on this development
Russia will fully break diplomatic relations with all countries that are going to sanction president Putin or members of the Russian govt. Breaking diplomatic relations with a nation is equivalent to declaring war.
Russian Foreign Ministry on new Personal sanctions on assets of Putin and Lavrov: “Neither Putin nor Lavrov have accounts either in Britain or anywhere else abroad.”
The United Arab Emerates will now fly Chiense trainers
The UAE will purchase a dozen of advanced Chinese jet trainers, a move that reflects a significant strategic shift in the country’s long-standing policy of obtaining solely Western military aircraft.
And this video 38MB...
[Item 3] Finland and Sweden suggest joining NATO
Russian Foreign Ministry: We warn Finland and Sweden that they will face military and political consequences if they try to join NATO.
Obviously they are ruled by moronic idiots. The last thing their leadership should do is pick sides in a building conflict.
The Chinese know their roots
I have seen this time and time again, ABC (American Born Chinese) being so proud of who they are, and their race. Great video.
[Item 4] NATO Rapid Reaction Force Activated
For the first time in history, the NATO RAPID REACTION FORCE has been activated and deployed. 40,000 NATO troops now moving into NATO member countries along the eastern border of Russia. It certainly is a clear signal that NATO is going to engage Russia
These IDIOTS are simply verifying Putin's greatest fears and cementing why he had to attack Ukraine in order to at least try to maintain peace. NATO and the US are ramping things up in both rhetoric and deed. They are mobilizing 40,000 troops to the Eastern bloc of NATO other words, WE are massing troops on RUSSIA'S Border just as we witnessed Russia do to Ukraine. WE saw that as a provocation, why the HELL wouldn't Russia see OUR movements in the same way?) -Hal Turner
Worse, “NATO” has just sent it’s first convoy of what they call “LETHAL AID” across the Ukraine border from Poland. Poland’s Minister of Defense Mariusz Błaszczak shared this picture.
This is staggeringly bad on every level. Look, Putin has said something, which was very clear. He said, to not get involved, or else you and us will regret it in the end.
It was a simple message . . .
…and they managed to ignore it.
Out of their stupidity and ego.
By doing this, they are forcing Putin to stand up for what was said, otherwise he will look weak.
This just dragged the United States into a direct, hot kinetic shooting war with Russia. Now, none of us is safe. Honestly, I think this is the spark that sets the world on fire.
If we look at the history of all this, the real problem is actually NATO.
It was NATO”s broken promise of “not expanding one inch to the east” that set this in motion decades ago.
"I have felt for 30 years ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall that we have made a huge geopolitical error. We absolutely promised the Russians that we would not extend NATO to the east. But we did," -Nigel_Farage.
After all, it was NATO trying to bring Ukraine into itself, to position US missiles on Ukraine soil.
And now it is NATO doing precisely what Putin warned EVERYONE not to do: interfere.
How to separate and herd your cats.
You know it’s really difficult to herd cats and get them to do anything. But, you know, the Chinese have a solution to this problem.
[Item 5] Russian seizure of the Ukraine CIA / SBU building
Shootings inside a building in Melitopol, Ukraine after being captured by Russian forces.
Some report of executions taking place.
FURTHER INFORMATION: This building is the Ukraine SBU Intelligence Building and yes, there is torture and execution of Ukraine Intelligence officers taking place inside this building.
War is an ugly business.
Enjoy our differences
We have been ramrodded the idea that in a “democracy” that everyone must accept diversity, but that once accepted you must conform to the approved norm. I disagree. You should embrace the differences in the world. Like this fella (bloke?) from Australia. Yeah. This video is so Australian that it drips with Aussie.
[Item 6] Central Banks Risk Being Hit With Missiles if they Cut Russia from SWIFT Banking System
Central Banks around the world risk having their main banking offices hit with Russian missiles if they cut Russia off from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Banking system, as some countries are endeavoring to do.
Such is information LEAKING out of Russia Saturday and is NOT yet “official.”
Says one Russian,
"If the Banks want to wage war against Russia, they should expect war to be waged back upon them - personally - in the buildings where they work."
Russia has plans to make war as personal and “in your face” as possible. All those people sitting behind their safe borders, and seas are going to experience real, FUCKING, war!
Cutting Russia off from SWIFT is a “matter of days”, according to a central bank within the eurozone according to a report from Reuters.
Inside Russia, plans are being reviewed as to what response the nation might make if the West “attacks” Russia economically.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was explicitly clear during his speech wherein he announced Russia would be moving to de-militarize and de-nazify Ukraine:
"Anyone who interferes will have consequences the likes of which they have never seen in history."
Hitting central bank buildings with precision missiles would likely fit that description.
President Putin’s exact quote was
“I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.”
Such action by Russia would, of course, be considered an act of war by the nations wherein the banks are actually hit.
However, a war breaking out between NATO and Russia has been a foregone conclusion since the Russian operation began.
Putin, in an earlier speech after a 6-hour meeting with French President Macron made clear:
"The military capability of Russia to NATO is incomparable. (Meaning NATO is superior) We know that. But Russia is also a nuclear power. And our capability is superior to many others in this area. If the West engages Article 5 (NATO mutual defense), you will be drawn into a war with Russia without your consent. It will be a war that no one will win (Meaning an actual nuclear war, which is the only war that most everyone agrees "cannot be won and must never be fought."). President Macron doesn't want that. I don't want that."
So Putin has already laid out the cards for the whole world to see. If the West persists in interfering with what Russia is doing, it not only may trigger a direct response with missile strikes against the Banks, it may unleash actual nuclear war.
MM tries to improve the readership’s overall health
Well, at least according to this video, anyway. video 1.5MB
So I try to help…
[Item 7] Mobile ICBM launchers on the move
Inside of Moscow? What is Putin up to?
Last night, Russian TOPOL-M intercontinental ballistic missiles – nuclear missiles – were moving on Truck Launchers around Moscow and on highways moving toward Europe.

Terrifying new photos and video have came out of interior Russia showing road-launchable TOPOL-M intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s). The TOPOL-M is a nuclear missile with a single warhead of 800 kilotons (800kt) and a range of about ten thousand kilometers (10,000km)
This is not what you deploy inside of a city, or near a city. It’s something that is deployed in the countryside. Something is up.
The fact that these missiles are OUT IN PUBLIC, and moving, should be all you need to know about where this Ukraine/NATO trouble is actually heading.
As we saw with the Russian troop build-up around Ukraine, Russia does not bluff. When they move military gear, they intend to use it.
The entire world is now in grave danger from the shenanigans our governments are pulling with Ukraine.
I also want to remind everyone that both Russia and China have anti-missile systems that can shoot the ICBMs down. The West, including the United States does not.
Meanwhile, night life in Japan
Yeah. This is sort of what it can be like in ceratin areas at certain times.
And, this cute girl… video 11MB
[Item 8] Day of reckoning is near
From the Russian Foreign Ministry Friday night: Russia is approaching the point in its relations with the US beyond which there is no return.
Whether this converts into Russia firing missiles into the Central Banks that ban it from SWIFT, remains to be seen. Clearly they wouldn’t have to do that to ALL central banks, just to enough of them that the rest decide living is more important to them.
And if they start to see their Banker pals blown up, many people think the rest would choose life rather than choose making economic war on Russia. It’s just a matter of how many Bankers have to get killed before the rest stop their economic war.
There is no question in my mind that the complete financial “house of cards” that has artificially existed is going to be destroyed and eventually rebuilt into something different after this period of climax occurs. How it will collapse, is unknown.
[Item 9] The United States is busy deleting all information about it’s bioweapons operations in the Ukraine
The US Embassy in Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. They are retained on the internet by bloogers, and published all them (now deleted by the Embassy) here;
The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy) here and in the thread below
— Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (@dgaytandzhieva) February 26, 2022
The Chinese claim that there are 17 bioleapon labatories and operational centers in the Ukraine. Not 11.
US DoD Biolaboratories in Ukraine
- Kyiv – 5,
- Lvov -3,
- Odessa – 2,
- Vinnitsa -1,
- Ternopil -1
- Uzhgorod – 1,
- Kherson – 1,
- Kharkiv -1.
- And also 2 (two) biological laboratories in the immediate vicinity of the peninsulas of Crimea and the city of Lugansk!
Which brings me to this curious article…
Report: Russia Claims they prevented US backed bio-weapons attack in Ukraine
SF: The Russian military special operation in Ukraine coincided with the planned launch of U.S. military biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa. On February 26, the US Embassy in Ukraine rushed to delete all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories in Ukraine from its website. All these documents (now deleted by the Embassy), you can read HERE.
In October 2021, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the U.S. Department of Defense published on the U.S. government procurement website an additional agreement on “combating highly dangerous pathogens. The document concerns the final stage of work on the launch of two bio-laboratories in Ukraine: in Kiev and Odessa.
The additional agreement covers the equipping and training of personnel and commissioning of the facilities. The cost of the work is 3.6 million dollars, but some figures in the document are hidden for reasons of secrecy. According to the document, the laboratories were more than 90 per cent ready. However, the projects’ completion was delayed up to seven months from the date of signing the document (July 2021), thus to the end of February 2022:
The laboratories in Ukraine were built within the U.S. Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which was launched in 1991 and was aimed against Russia and the former Soviet Union. They were funded in frame of the Biological Threat Reduction Program. Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in this field intensified after the first Maidan revolution in Ukraine in 2005.
You can read more on the U.S. bio-laboratories, including in Ukraine: HERE, HERE, HERE.
Two new laboratories are being created on the basis of the Kiev State Research Institute for Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and the Odessa division of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. The main part of the Ukrainian collection of endemic strains of dangerous disease agents is stored in Odessa. The buildings of the new biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa were built back in 2019, but were not put into operation.
The document above notice makes it clear that this project is important and urgent for the U.S. government: further potential delays are called unacceptable, and “DTRA requires the urgent completion and surrender of both laboratories to ensure the active and safe execution of the DTRA mission.”
Both facilities are owned and secured by the Government of Ukraine, but neither facility is currently performing active biological work because DTRA has asked the Ukrainian authorities not to begin work until acceptance and completion is complete, the procurement materials said.
Moscow has claimed its concern over the developing biological weapons near Russia’s borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin worried about the “purposeful and professional” collection of biomaterials of Russians by foreigners.
The on-going Russian military operation in Ukraine may stop the DTRA program in Ukraine. Anyway, the projects in Kiev and Odessa will be postponed if not cancelled. The U.S. has already spent over 2 billion dollars on such programs in Ukraine alone, and there are more in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
Now, as Russian forces are advancing in Ukraine, Kiev seems to be in a rush to hide the evidence that the USA violates the convention on non-proliferation of biological weapons. The end of the Russian operation will show.
Ok. Let’s chat a little about the Ukraine operation…
[Item 10] Day 3 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine
I found pretty decent maps on the YouTube channel of Iurii Podoliaka and I will do something ugly but, I hope, effective: add a few things to his maps with my thick black marker.
But first, this: it appears that yesterday Putin had ordered a temporary stop to the Russian offensive while talking with “Ze” but when the latter stop talking, Putin gave a “full ahead” order.
I will begin with an older (by a few hours) map of this:
The ugly think black lines are from me.
Starting at the top left and going clockwise here is what is important:
- Kiev will soon be encircled
- The Ukie forces in the Donbass are fleeing hoping to avoid being surrounded, or “cauldroned” if you wish, (look how long and narrow the red lines are around the Ukies!)
- Mariupol is almost surrounded
- Nikolaev is under attack
Now, another of these maps, but updated.
Again, going clockwise can clearly see the race between the evacuating Ukie forces from the Donbass and the attempt by Russian forces to envelop them in an “operational cauldron”, exactly as predicted.
Next, Nikolaev is either fully surrounded or will be very soon.
So, what does all that mean?
It means that we are coming to some kind of informational climax here. So far, in the West, that information is suppressed (even Sputnik and RT are under regular DDoS attack). I won’t even bother on the 500 foot high wave of disinformation produced by western PSYOPs in the social media. The bottom line is this, pretty soon I expect
- The operational cauldron in the Donbass to lock in the Ukie forces which did not have time to evacuate
- The entire coast from roughly Nikolaev to Mariupol will be liberated
- Kiev will be if not physically surrounded, then at least “surrounded by fire”, which means that main axes of evacuation will come under steady Russian fire control
Notice something else. In the 2nd map, some cities in the Russian rear are circled in blue: Chernigov, Konotop, Sumy, Kharkov and Kherson. I would add Mariupol to that list. These are all cities which were cut of from the rest of the Ukie forces, but which still have pockets of resistance inside, that is especially true of Mariupol where a large Nazi contingent appears to be ready to take its last stand.
All this is to say that the mopping up operations inside bigger cities might take a while. That is normal and won’t affect any outcome.
So right now the western PYSOPs can still throw out as many claims as it wants, but pretty soon the entire narrative will collapse, at which point the Russia-hating-and-bashing hysteria will reach a new feverish pitch.
Be mentally prepared for that.
I will conclude with something quite typical: remember how yesteryear tons of weapons were distributed in Kiev? Well, overnight, various gangs have been engaged in firefights, but not against Russians (who have still not entered the city), but against each other. Some of the wannabe Ukie Volkssturm even took a group of SBU officers prisoners. Some rumors report 60 dead or so just overnight.
Let’s hope that this crazy nonsense stops and that some Ukrainian commanders will restore law and order before their entire country turns into a “Mad Max Zone”. If such commanders are found, I am sure that the Russians will not only not engage them, but will even offer some degree of collaboration.
Putin tried to reason with Ze. Predictably, this did not work.
Now the Russians badly need to find somebody to talk to on the other side. If they don’t, Russia will have to continue to take unilateral actions and turn up the pain dial on both Banderastan and the West.
I hope to be back with a summary of the day later.
Brutal Honesty
Well, yeah. I think all of us have been there at one stage of our life or the other. video
[Item 11] Intel Drop
Great Stuff from one of my must-read blogs. HERE.
Putin, Ukraine and the Perfect Burger, an Intel Drop (updating)
VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff drops mad truth on the world about Putin and Ukraine; a must-read.

VT: We have taken the bull by the horns here. We have entered a bitter controversy over ‘the burger’…Our suggestion…as to our ‘burger hack’… Try it. We have and have run it against the best. We used a mix of ‘Triple D’ experiences, a touch of Gordon Ramsey and apply it to available materials which can be done by anyone…in ten minutes. The results will stand against anything but a Houston based Fuddrucker… their meat is beyond anything in the Midwest
We should have called this ‘The Burger War in Ukraine’
…by the Senior Editor
– Russia was promised secure borders. I was privy to what is in the agreement that paid $365 million to Gorby. The accords have been gone over dozens of times for other reasons. – Among those reasons was the coup in Georgia, replacing the government there, and the immediate move against South Ossetia. Our CIA director and his chief of staff explained it all to me while they were getting a flight for Tbilisi. I remember every word of it…which is a warning to some. – The overthrow of the Russian puppet government in Ukraine was not unexpected. Russia really got blindsided there. The move, used as cover facilities in Poland for torturing innocent kidnapped fake terrorists is also a major training facility for Gladio, alive and well. – Ah…Gladio. The new version was sold to the Bush administration…with tons of Gulf Cartel cash paid out to sweeten the pot, banked from Cuba, secret accounts in the Caymans. It is all in the recording of that FBI agent that came to us in 2012…laundering the cash…though banks tied to major US families….like those who own all those stores. We have it all…every single word. – Running Gladio this time is “Ukrainians” and “Turks.” All are Israeli citizens. They used Gladio/Freemason trained snipers, part of the teams that trained Breivik, same place. – Then they got their lists…and began hunting down not only Russian speakers but anyone who threatened totalitarian rule. This means eliminating media, killing off political rivals, and destroying trade unions. Remember Odessa…this was about wiping out trade unions. – Then they stole everything in the country…and turned it over to Israelis…like the one who ran the TV network that had a show about a mindless clown. – Then they made him Prime Minister. – Russia was always going to move into Donbass…and the reason is simple. Ukraine has totally ignored the Minsk accords…and the US has been silent. Silence by the Israel lobby that seeks both Ukraine and Crimea as homelands and plays both…Russia and Ukraine against one another…a game they are teaching to the Turks and Saudis as well. – There is nothing whatsoever wrong with the Ukrainian people. That they have been victimized here…by everyone…including the Soviet Union and Russia is very real. Putin lost Ukraine because he was lazy and distracted… – Then Ukraine was used as a power base by the Kosher Nostra to put Donald Trump into office. The Russians were able to gain 100 percent control over Trump through in-place agents around him…dozens…many of whom are still working for Russia and safe to a degree under Trump pardons. – But are they really working for Russia or are Kosher Nostra oligarchs vying for power against Putin? Spent a couple of days going over this with our intelligence officials. This is a top concern but…never spoken of. – Russia didn’t need this and Putin doesn’t want Ukraine. He wants to stop Erdogan. Erdogan and Netanyahu first tried to go after Iran…setting up bases in Azerbaijan together, bringing in weapons through Georgia…where they make bio-weapons and poison gas for the White Helmets. – Then they destroyed Armenia. – What Zelensky did with the Minsk accords, Erdogan is going with Russia over his agreements to end terrorism in Idlib and to leave Syria. Instead…he has cut deals with key families in Kurdish Iraq (all people I know personally…). – One of those deals, going back a few years, was to set ISIS on Iraq with full Turkish backing…full Kurdish backing…and the full backing of the key Sunni families in Baghdad. – In January 2014, I led a team to Baghdad to discuss ISIS and the defense of Iraq. I met the leaders working with ISIS and told them they were making a mistake. By June, with the fall of Mosul, 9 of the Sunni leaders I met with had been executed by ISIS. ‘Told ya so.’
I could go on forever…but time to discuss something more important. I have always been displeased at the burgers I make at home. Going to local restaurants, and burgers are a $45 lunch now with tip and NO drinks…An important thing with VT…several of us are foodies.
Burgers are about prep. If you want…list any favorite food and I will do the prep to make it. If I don’t know…Mike Chester will. Mike and I have been cooking together since…well since Kennedy was still alive.
Meat Selection
When cooking at home fat can be a problem. It spatters…and though fat might make a burger…pass.
Look for a small meat store that accesses local grass-fed cattle. Use a chuck or ground beef. Hold off on those briskety (I just invented that word) blends.
If you are frying…make sure you have tons of ventilation. I have a 1200 CFM Italian thing that can lift the paper off a counter. It helps.
I use one of two things…based on factors…mostly laziness…the only real factor.
One is a 12 inch…large…even 14 Silverstone frying pan with lid. I also use a cast iron grill…which sits on two burners. I have a built-in grill…I have never used it…it confuses me. (commercial range)
Prep work
Everything is about prep.
Decide how big burgers need to be…how hungry? How old? How messy?
Lots of choices.
Prep begins with bacon…I fry 4 pieces to medium crisp for 3 burgers.
Campari tomatoes…they sell them everywhere…pricey…buy them. Use two …they are small…slice them carefully and set them aside.
Onions…if you only have cooking onions, consider frying them down with a bit of sugar….like with a “slider.”
But..currently available are Peruvian sweet onions. Pick the flattest ones. Slice half of one of these…carefully…and set aside.
Velveeta. Yes….about 3/4ths of a cup microwaved to melt…and this is VERY DIFFICULT to Time. Get someone to help you..lots of stirring.
Buns are vital. To put us on common ground here, pick up a package of Pepperidge Farm buns…Sour Dough or similar. They are pricey but hold up.
I suggest steaming the buns…and that has to be done carefully…not too much…just to “release.” No toasting. No microwaves.
Or you can use fresh and go from there.
Pickle slices are optional.
Ah..secret sauce. A trick from Smokey Bones.
Make some BBQ sauce…
Small saucepan. Add vinegar…half a cup. Use malt vinegar if you have it. Then 1/4th cup molasses. Then one tablespoon Wrights smoke. I buy the quarts…but you can get a small bottle for about a buck.
You will need about a third of a cup of catsup/ketchup for the body. Sorry.
Oh…brown sugar…about 2/3rds of a cup. heat on low…set aside…it lasts forever…
Ah…now you are playing restaurant…but “good” restaurant.
Go to about a third of a pound for burgers…using the PF buns. Get the steamer going.
You can make a fake steamer with a medium saucepan, crumpled foil…a lid…water, and heat. YouTube probably shows you how. Buy a real one at the Salvation Army.
Make someone else do the side dishes…or buy them in cans.
High heat…season burgers with McCormick’s Montreal Steak seasoning…my choice.
Put bacon in the pan on medium heat…10 minutes there remove and set aside. Retain some fat in the pan. Heat to smoking…the put-in burgers…
Two flips and a minute or two with the lid…then check to see if they are done.
While this is going down…steam the buns…and watch them very carefully.
Don’t forget the Velveeta.
Hot buns out of the steamer on plates…then spoon hot Velveeta on each…generously
place burger on top…
drizzle a small amount of bbq sauce on the burger….you will see why
slice on onion..optional
mustard on the top bun…spoon it over the cheese.
Tomato slices…4 small ones usually.
Hold off on hot peppers and other stuff.
Now the bacon.
The final step
Eat immediately.
Compare to the best restaurant burger. Note that these cost about $4 each to make at home.
Forget about Ukraine.
How you act defines your sentience
Scenes from ambulences inside of China. AI records all videos, and license plates and knows who contributes to society and who does not. video. 117MB
[Item 11] My most popular article on MM right now
I wonder why?

Here’s the article for all the great juicy details…
The Shocking 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the future
[Item 12] Will our lives be destroyed?
No. Not necessairily.
There’s obviously a bunch of idiots running the West right now, and they have opened up a Pandora’s box that is going to change everything that we know and have come accustomed to.
Yet, how it might influence us on a personal level will vary greatly from person to person.
I will tell you that there is no doubt in my mind that all of this has been “gamed out” and planned to every detail. Things are NOT unwinding to an elaborate plan concocted inside Washington DC. Instead, a counter operation is in play. And I will never forget that feeling that I got when Xi Peng and Putin signed the joint memorandum last January during the Winter Olympics 2022.
Look at them.
Looks like both cats ate the canary.

They completely know what they have been doing and are doing now.
Now, let’s have a look at who is leading the West right now…
Now look at who is running the EU right now…
God, they both look like gouls.
I suggest…
If you all want to be safe, and have your families safe, move to either Russia or China. They know what they are up against and how to deal with it. Look at the Deagal Forecast.
- Europe is not safe.
- The United States is not safe.
In general, whether it’s nuclear missiles flying, more bioweapons released, or a financial collapse, the West is going to have a hard time of it. Seriously.
Have you seen America lately?
And I will advise good prudent measures that you all must do and conduct religiously.
- Run affirmation prayer campaigns.
- Monitor your Fate Forecast.
- Center your mind consciousness using Hemi-sync
- Seriously cut down or tune out the Western “news”. Remember Vault 7.
Those are fundamental. You also need to implement changes in your immediate surroundings…
- Be the Rufus in deeds and thought.
- Be part of your community. Meet people. Talk to people. Be helpful. Volunteer.
- Stock up your larder. Have supplies.
- Stock up on some cheap trade goods.
- Disposible cigarette lighters.
- Small bottles of very cheap hard alcohol.
- Duck-tape.
- Antibiotics.
- Vitamins.
- Learn to fish.
No. Your lives will NOT be destroyed.
But everything will change around you. You will need to be firmly grounded. You will need to take up a kind, quiet strength while all the rest of the world completely goes down the toilet. Be the strength that reinforces confidence.
You will need to start eating better. That’s a start.
There’s nothing so satisfying than eating a good home-cooked delicious meal and then relaxing with freinds and family. May I suggest…
Chili Con Carne Bread Pie

Chili Con Carne was an exciting twist on classic chili taste that fell to the wayside years ago. This recipe unearths the classic and finds a way to serve it up as a casserole that leaves you stuffed. Smokey paprika, peppers, and cumin all combine to make this a knockout recipe that both you and your grandparents can get behind.
Get the recipe from Recipe Tin Eats.
What are you waiting for? It goes great with beer (wink. wink.)
Now, being happy and well fed, let’s look at some reminders that life is not all doom and gloom. You all can omit these next few videos and entries if you want to really get all wrapped up in the “news”.
Chinese traditional clothing
This woman dons the Han Clothing fashion that is so popular in China these days, and walks around Europe and the United States wearing it. The looks on other peoples faces are precious. Now, THIS is what real “diversity” is all about.
Rufus stands up for the cleaning woman from a troll
Internet trolls are no different from cronic malcreants, litters or evil psychopaths. It’s up to the community to work together to protect ourselves from the bad behaviors of others who only desire to hurt, harm and cause grief. video
Troll related comic
Rufus rushes to help a man who collapsed
Rufus. Be that Rufus. video
Keep in mind that these changes are necessary
It’s programmed into humans on this eath. SO you have to ride it out. I can tell you that when the radioactive dust settles, and people crawl out of their habitats that the new world will be a much better one.
A 13 year old Tech Billionaire gives some advice.
Listen to her. She’s right. video
[Item 13] Finally, what is driving the idiocy of the collective West?
This guy pretty much nails one major contributor. I think that he has a point.
Remember; A Rufus is always there when you need help
Here, the staffing at a hospital runs to setup a testing clinic for Coronavirus when an outbreak was discovered. video 3MB
One last thing
Don’t over think.
If the SHTF goes down, the first thing that you might notice is no internet. Do not freak out. If that happens, things might be dark for a while. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And if the very worst happens, well… I’ll see you all on the other side.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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OH MAN!!!! Vel-fucking-VEETA????
Thanks for the updates
Key factor the bulk of western people do not know or understand “I also want to remind everyone that both Russia and China have anti-missile systems that can shoot the ICBMs down. The West, including the United States does not.” so if the US launch say 100 warheads only 20 reach their targets, if Russia/China launch 100 90 reach their targets. Game over USA……Love to you all. DR
With the wonderful gift of time I’ve been given of late to sit around doing nothing, scratching my arse and playing kitten-daddy, I’ve reread the Domain Q&As again very carefully. And came across this classic quote from last September, 2021.
For anyone getting their panties in a twist and feeding the hysteria tranny-monster (as hysteria is far from a real monster– well, maybe with pink frilly knickers on), I thought a sample quote would be useful for you, below.
(Context: troubling times in the very near future…because the Euro Crazy Muppets seem to be going the crazy route as we all feared they might. All the U.S. has to do is sit back and watch. Now we know why the DUMBs have been stocked up continuously over the past two years, right? The COVID bullshit is falling away and we’re left staring at the truth of what’s really governing western liberal democracies, so called– creatures that would send guns and bullets to untrained civilians and useless militaries to go up against Russian armour and their highly trained paratroopers and infantrymen. Ouch. Or to fight each other with, as is more likely to happen. Or sold. Whatever leverage the Masters have on these remote eurotrash colonies, it must be quite a thing to behold. But then again, there’s always the back-stabbings and secret deals.
Bold type is mine.)
“There are numerous clusters heading towards numerous scenarios. The most worrisome are being mitigated and controlled by the Domain. Yet, the large quantity and diversity of the various participants suggest that some kind of event will happen one way or the other.
However, please note that it will happen without anyone realizing it happening until afterwards.
There is an over reliance on electronic manipulative media. Many people believe that they know everything that is going on simply by the massive scope of the size of the media. That is a dangerous illusion. Nothing truthful will be displayed. Then when cracks and fissures in the news starts to point to some disturbing things, it will be all over and past the point of no-return.
However you can control how those difficult times affect your life. If you control your thoughts, you will control the range / extent of those influences on your life. Do not allow others to control your thoughts.
Keep in mind that the Domain is monitoring this situation very closely, and will not permit substantive destruction of the environment. However the mass concentration of evil and distorted IS-BE inmates have other ideas. And there are numerous scenarios where bad catastrophic events might still be able to occur no matter how hard the Domain tries to prevent them. Such as what happened with your World War I.”
That chili bread pie looks good. Like corn bread and chili, or cornbread and beans. Yum yum!
Been watching the news on the internet a little. Sounds like the Ukranians are holding up pretty well against the Russian invaders. Ukraine has known for a very long time that this was coming – I think I’d have armed every adult by now. They could beat the Russian tanks just by the deafening roar of thousands of 5.56 rounds hittting the tanks each second. They’d never be able to refuel because they would not be able to get out without being shot. But, they are defending their homeland, so I’m hoping they will not give up. Hopefully enough weapons/ammo will get to them to keep up the fight. Sad to watch innocent citizens being forced from their homes.
I hear a lot of Russians have defected. Also, I see there have been protests in Russia.
Looks like Putin has kicked a tar baby. I hear there will be talks between Ukraine and Moscow soon – from what I hear all they have to do is say “We will not join NATO, and any NATO missiles that can reach Moscow will be removed.” Hell, that doesn’t sound like a big deal – do it and see if Putin will keep his word and pull out. My guess is at this point, he’s looking for any way to get out before all the Russians defect.
I’m gonna make some chili and cornbread. Yum yum!
Yeah. This is a dish that every household used to make. I know that it used to be served in my elementary school to us.
The initial timeline should probably include the 2008 Nato conference in Bucharest that stated Ukraine and Georgia would eventually join Nato.
Thank you, Mr. Stranger. Your response fits in very nicely with a Q&A that I am processing at this moment.