Why do so many foreigners who have been to China praise China so much? I can’t speak for all foreigners who have been to China, but as for myself… I started to praise China when I realized that most of what I’d been told about this country were ugly lies. When I realized this truth, my sense of justice was outraged & I began to see the Chinese people, government & nation as a whole, not as I’d been told, but as they really are. Now let me give you some context… I came to China in 2012, and at that time I believed the mainstream narrative that “Chinese people are okay, but it’s the CCP that is evil”… And of course, I often spouted the “Chairman Mao 9 trillion dead!”, “Xinjiang!!”, “Free Tibet!!” But then I learned the ugly truth… And I started to see China not as the “evil creeping enemy” we are led to believe her to be… but... ... a traumatized and bullied child who finally had a growth spurt and became too big for the bully to have any power over her anymore. -Lisa Yuen
Here is where you, the reader, can quickly go through key China posts by subject. This is an “old fashioned” index. It does not use #tags. The index sorts critical posts by subject matter. It is not sorted by post title. It is designed for the reader to go directly to the post in question without needing to wade through extraneous subjects;
- Is it really possible that a hot war would occur between China and Taiwan?
- China and Taiwan are being linked together by high speed train
- Some videos of Chinese Military showing the real deal in context
- Why everyone from 6 years olds to those in retirement, within China, are all ready to fight tooth and nail to survive.
- China, Russia and Iran are unifying under the Xinjiang BRI
- Interconnecting China, Russia and Iran together
Modern China today
- MM factory trip into the heartland of China November 2021 (Real deal reporting)
- About all those cute little robots in China that are everywhere these days
- Snapshots of China don’t look anything like Alex Jones says
- Some glimpses of China in terms of society, fun, fashion and what not
- China and drugs

China Various
- The REAL reason why China changed the for-profit schools to non-profit
- Some videos of China discussing global politics
- The Missing Children of China
- A great rant from a Chinese expat who says “I want to talk about China”
- A first-hand experience at the starvation and famine in Shenzhen China by the Chinese regime
- Popular Music of China; Shanghai, HK and Beijing

China History & Freedom

China and America Comparisons
As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.
Some more updates on Chinese technology and general news
Learning About China
Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Anyone? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China. And thus, it’s a bunch of fun things that most people would miss. It’s all about the nuances of other cultures in other places.
Pretty Chinese GirlsPollution in China
Parks in China
The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.
Parks in ChinaReally Strange China
Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.
Strange ChinaWhat is China like?
The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you. And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.
China ExperienceSummer in Asia
Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…
Summer VideosSome Fun Videos
Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.
Fun VideosArticles & Links
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