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Alien Laws / Ethics

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Once upon a time, OZ had its OWN Reserve Bank that printed its own monetary needs. Once upon a time, OZ Gov't owned ALL of the Public infrastructure. (roads, rail, airports, shipping ports, bridges, telecommunications). Once upon a time, OZ was the MOST Socialist/Communist country in the world and ranked 2nd in prosperity in the World. (1902) All this was before the Great Depression of the 1930's and Subservience being forced upon OZ by the Bank of England who took over the Commonwealth Banks Printing Powers in 1933. STALIN was Puzzled by this little known Socialist/Communist country at the ends of the earth. It was in FACT an ideal Model of how to run a communist country and it stood in stark contrast to Stalins Vision which, by the way, was a JEWISH REVOLUTION and run and FINANCED by Jews until he no longer needed them and then purged them. The Jews have been itching to get even ever since. I have yet to see the 'goodness' of the chinese communist group think. I do remain ever hopeful it emerges after the Jewish Money Trick is removed from the Planet.

It has NOTHING to do with any "ISM" or "cracy". It has to do ENTIRELY with the MINDSET of its Leaders. The best Constitution in the world can be perverted by evil men and Lesbian women who seem to dominate positions of power.

What is wrong with the "West" is purely a Money Trick. Too MUCH from NOTHING. Any orderly social system can be perverted by Joos Printing MONEY. This Money Trick has been going on by a select CULT for 1000's of years and its why they have been kicked out of more than 100 countries with the latest being Germany's attempt. Trumps kids marrying into the CULT is just a changing of the Guard. His new idols are better than the old Money changers. No matter how much things change they stay the same.

The world is run by FAMILIES. Each Family thinks its SPECIAL and can live off others work. This is true for ANY Social Org or State Control Mechanism. (dumbocracy, Socialist theft redistribution, Monarchy or Fascist state. U name it) With the unlimited printing of Money, More and more FAMILIES think they can join the 'elite' and live off the workers by Super funds, Trust funds, shares, investment portfolios, Politically protected Insider trading and the like. Doing NOTHING but amassing the Money Power to force others to do your bidding. This is being COPIED in EARNEST by the CCP and its ruling families as is every other cuntry in the world. The BEAST is Multi headed. The CCP printed Millions of FAKE BALLOTS in 2020 USA Elections and shipped them in for the Demonrats to LIE to the World. Partners in crime MM. Hunters Baby killing Initiation took place in China with a Chinese child (imo)

For those of us who SEE it for what it is, its an Intelligence test. A test to stay alive until the evil is purged by the forces of Good. North Pole Magnetism is stronger than South Pole Magnetism. North Pole Energies CLEAN or Purify that which they influence. South Pole Dirties or muddles that which it influences. Those that can SEE the FIRE of the Living Energy around magnetic Fields SEE that the North Pole Energies exhibit or display MORE FIRE energies. Good always wins in the end. The Universe (God/Heaven) was designed that way. Its all about FAITH and affirmations of good intent to get on the Good Side of god. The Righteous Path.

End of rant


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pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@merlynn, First, I love your rants. This one I learned an enormous amount from and many pieces are fitting together. So, I thank you.

You said “The best Constitution in the world can be perverted by evil men and Lesbian women who seem to dominate positions of power”

This couldn’t have been said better by anyone at this time. I believe in the American Constitution. I do. After all this, it’s more unwavering than ever.

The reason it is so unwavering right now is because of that quote. The Constitution is an idea. Those ideals were inspired by God. And I do not use that term loosely.
God being the Divine Spirit of good.

Wether this is all a show, a video game, a simulation, a movie or just a bunch of random waves, this is pure evil, what’s going on. Be it how the American government is acting - which I am viewing more and more as satanic - or the manifestation of evil. Call it Satan, L-ki or whatever-it’s evil and it’s causing a lot of strife that way too many people, myself included, got and are getting tied up in.

Good WILL overcome evil. As you stated. I know this to be true. It’s getting there that is the hard part. What one person defines as “good” - another will see it as evil. Thankfully, me personally, now see that it is all about intent.

We’ll all get there though. Of that, I am certain.

congjing yu and Lems have reacted to this post.
congjing yuLems

To be controversial, the two main "systems" that work against modern American style capitalism or political correctness are communism and Islam.

Virtually every other country is trying to copy to US -  its movies, actions and morals.  One can see many countries try to bring in feminism, political correctness and diversity.  That's why in the "Daegus Report" all the countries that will see the big reductions in population and the economy are "the West."

I myself studied communism and Islam for this very reason.

There's a sort of inversion of values that occurs.  How amazing it is, that Iran and Cuba have withstood those sanctions for so long!  And North Korea's stability and military strength.  I pay tribute to the warriors in Afghanistan, who fought so well against the Brits, then the Russians, and finally the Murkans.

So, there is a strength in communism and Islam.  I daresay, that anyone who sees what the USA has become and wishes to change it, has more in common with the average communist or Muhammedan than most Americans.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@xzianchow, In America - wether you agree with it or not we have this Ideal. The Ideal is that you can do pretty much what you want as long as you leave eachother alone and abide by your word.

This means if you work, you gat paid. If you don’t, well, if PEOPLE WANT to take care of you, they will. If not the government will help for a finite amount of time.

Communism you are taken care of by the government not the self. We can argue about the flavors of communism but at the end of the day - it is. Start writing about Christianity and homosexuality in Iran and Cuba or other places. Go ahead. Tell me what happens. Go be a transsexual in Iran. Try it. Tell me how it ends. And I am not pro transsexual OR anti-Iran. But I can call a spade a spade.

But that is one difference we see.

Islam. Let’s talk Islam and Capitalism.

I am certain you are familiar with  “The Reliance of the Traveller”. You may know what that is but others here may not.

Whoever does not please take a peek. It’s the cliff note version on how YOU MUST LIVE.

the Sira flat out says HOW to live. As does the Sunna. If that’s your flavor. As does the very FIRST sura in the Koran and you and I both know it’s not - and cannot be Sura 1. (It’s the clot for non-Islam people - Sura 96) And let’s not forget Sura 9.  From the Koran-THE LITERAL WORD OF GOD!

Is that freedom? Worship MY God or pay a tax or get your head cut off? If that’s freedom to YOU - cool - that’s YOU.

Although - and YES - I know - as much as Americans were given the ILLUSION that they are free, some will be willing to die for it. Some are willing to give up everything they own for it. Some not so much.

What is really causing a lot of strife here in America it the RATE of change. We are used to getting our rights taken away slowly. So we still have an illusion of freedom.

Since Obama 2.0 took over it has been an almost instantaneous conversion. Instant communism.

If it were done slowly - we would be Stalinist next year. But nope - we are going full speed ahead.

Once they lock us down after their false flag - then they will shove one of the two down our throats. Or attempt to.

I will fight and die for the American Ideal. That is totally different than having that attitude towards our government or the tech companies who run them.

I don’t want to get all “on my journey”-ish because I am still getting on my feet but one thing I was told - very clearly by this Viking type dude was - this:

Know what to live for.

Know what to fight for.

Know what to die for.

Know these 3 things.

I will not live fight or die for Obama 2.0. I will for my family and my land. I won’t die for some guy down the street, but I will for the ideals in the US Constitution and even though those values are based on Judeo-Christian values than so be it.
They are values comparable to mine.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Well, I will be blunt.

Some how, Inelegant People confuse the name of the ruling party in china with the economic ideology which no one use. less all in China. how does communism lives with the boom of prosperity china has and having .. what about private property? most Chinese are owners of their home, or homes, and most of them with no mortgage attached, it is actually theirs. so different from latest trends in Western Capitalism. And what about all the billionaires, how exactly this works? should we ask Carl Marx? by the way, he was from a Jewish family .. OMG as they say .. Jesus, or in its original name Yeshua. By the way, it means salvation in my (and his) language, was too.
Borgia on the other side, not even close, and even if we play blaming it on others monopoly( JEWS, WITCH WOMEN, SOCILAISM, COMMUNISM, USSR, CCP, Soviet threat, Chinese threat) fantasy game, so what?
We are part of a soul, a consciousness, reside this time in a body of an American, can be Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or Muslim.. or in a body of a Nigerian woman, or a Chinese celebrity. The environment we grew up in, including our close family is the one that makes us who we are, which is super important, but it is artificial, a structure, because who we really are is much deeper and is indifference for the guised human body, sex, nationality, religion, ideology we grew with and into..
not many have the chance to review this, to grow up to the moment, to realize what is significant and what is not.

To make a point, I will come for your help regardless of who you are and what I will gain from it. I will do it because it's stronger then my physical guise ( I hope I term this right), as I react to a deeper need to do so. I even want call it the right thing to do, because it may be wrong .. you may try and kill me after. yet. I will do it.
I wish the tyranny of the US and the people behind it finishes, not because I want something bad will happen to American people, that make me sad, and my family may as well get hurt in this scenario, but I think, well, I am sure this will end much of the suffering that others all across the world suffer for many years.. people in places we don't know even how to pronounce, many in places that as Israeli born, I should be "glad" as they are my "enemies". what ever that means..
Most important, I am not crazy on any government, regime what so ever ..I agree with (some) the Founding Fathers of the US.. and with the later principle of  "that government of the people, by the people, for the people"
China is different and probably would not interfere in other people's business, this is good and its not so good.. but I do believe this change that is coming, will make an opportunity for a change, for people around the world to really form their own community, model of governance that suits them most, a model government, not a poppet one, not a so called democratic one, but a true  "that government of the people, by the people, for the people".
And Shabat Shalom for you all 🙂 I am not religious, it is just a nice tradition and manners I grew up with.. part of what makes our physical experience unique I assume..

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard


Your post is showing me where I am at yours, and many others vantage point.

I am about a few steps behind - but first when you said

“We are part of a soul, a consciousness, reside this time in a body of an American, can be Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or Muslim.. or in a body of a Nigerian woman, or a Chinese celebrity. The environment we grew up in, including our close family is the one that makes us who we are, which is super important, but it is artificial, a structure, because who we really are is much deeper and is indifference for the guised human body, sex, nationality, religion, ideology we grew with and into..”

This is where I landed.

I get it. We are all part of the ether and we lost our way. @merlynn said it better than I can in a previous post of his.

The problem is I learned how to negotiate  by a race that doesn’t like to negotiate.

Therefore there is that tiny sliver of reality - in front of me in my bubble - that says maybe this new vision is wrong and the old one right - does that make sense?

That sliver is how I am connected to the Constitution. The principles are great for a group of people at this time. You can be an atheist and make it in America. There are plenty of those success stories. That “wake up and look around - you still have a lot of bills to pay” is what brings me, personally, back to this shitty reality and even though the “attachment” to money may be diminished, I still have a farm to take care of and mouths to feed.

I see China as the Capitalism of the future. They went FROM a Maoist state that - from my vantage point - looked oppressive - to what you see today. More freedom than the USA. Just because you can’t criticize the leader of China publicly (THAT is the image the media uses to have us think there is little freedom of expression there) does not mean it’s oppressive. We can’t criticize Obama 2.0 here or we get worse than prison.

So in that sense - yeah - China does look like Utopia. It looks more like the America I knew than the America I know.

But it’s the here and now.

We are seeing the joining of Islam and the version of communism that is extraordinarily oppressive “rise over there” and have a choice to make when it comes here to the states, and it will. And here we are. Almost.

Islam and the values I have are not compatible period. Nor will they be while I am alive on this planet. We can go all day and all night for a whole Age back and forth about the “peaceful” Islam. That will be a point as useless to make as Biden in a gun store. We can go on and on. But I KNOW what Islam is and I KNOW what Islam isn’t. And I was taught to use those words very carefully.

Communism is another ballgame. We already live under Communism here, it’s the illusion of freedom that I am having issues with.

Either way, being Sabra you know what it feels like to be surrounded by enemies. You know freedom and you can see oppression.

Islam is slavery. Capitalism is slavery AND Communism is slavery.

I am done being a slave. But I will defend what I love - no matter how much you hate me or my country.

As Sabra - I am certain you get that.

Either way, @dani, you and I are on the same side of the same coin. I too, will come for you if you needed rescue. I would come for anyone who just wants peace - and I mean anyone.

And actually speaking the words “Shabbat Shalom” feels good on the lips. It feels good physically to say your greeting. Unlike here in the States where we say “hey”.

Peace to you to and yours too, my friend! We really do have a lot more in common than you think.



congjing yu, Dani and xzianchow have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDanixzianchow

PL, my friend, I am VERY aware of the jizha, and especially of what is happening in Europe and their hundreds of "no go" areas.

I will write it clearly - I am a slave!  I am not free.

People will give different dates and events, but I would put the date that the USA became a police state Kent State, 1970.

The US is already a communist country.  MM has documented this well.  We're just waiting for the false flag where they grab the guns.  Shouldn't be long.

If I may be bold, I have a suggestion.  Because I have gone through what you have.

The whole premise of this site is that the Earth is a prison planet, or was one.  The USA is the hole, the prison within a prison.  The goal isn't to reform the prison, but to escape it entirely.

You are being watched and surveilled, just like in a real prison.  Those who successfully escape prison, don't announce their intentions.   Escapees don't fight the guards, they avoid them and leave in the dead of night.

The tyranny and injustice we face on Earth is just the beginning.  Carlos Casteneda wrote about this.  Slavery here on Earth is just the start.  I am certain there is slavery in the spiritual world also.  Keep your eye on the prize - freedom - not on America, or Great Britain, or Rome, or Athens, or other failed empires.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@xzianchow, If there is one thing that I am very open to is suggestions, especially from those with much more experience and knowledge than I have, so I will take your advice to heart!

I do thank you for the words of wisdom. That prize of freedom is not in any country on this planet I seek - as I think you know.

I trust MM. I trust this board, as I know he is not letting anything getting too far out of control. Your written words I trust. They sound wise beyond my years. I thank you for them!

I look forward to many conversations. I like not seeing eye to eye on everything. But we are on the same freq I think.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Ever since I read this one quote from you I could not get it from rattling around in my head. It is, looking closer, brilliant.

“The environment we grew up in, including our close family is the one that makes us who we are, which is super important, but it is artificial, a structure, because who we really are is much deeper and is indifference for the guised human body, sex, nationality, religion, ideology we grew with and into..
not many have the chance to review this, to grow up to the moment, to realize what is significant and what is not”.

I am writing this - as a human being, not a bot, but as a person. And I write this fully from my heart.

The last part - especially - to see what is significant and what is not - it is becoming clearer. Having the time to reflect and see what priorities fit where has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.

You and I want the exact same thing, from what I understand of your writing. You want to end human suffering. As do I. I just don’t believe in ending someone’s suffering with a gun or knife. Or bombs. And I also know suffering is very relative. I “suffer” when it’s over 100 F. Conversely,  I know my “suffering” is a great day for most of the worlds population.

Thank you for reminding me of my priorities!

congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani


You wrote such interesting things I had to take some time to answer it ..

You wrote:

"So in that sense - yeah - China does look like Utopia. It looks more like the America I knew than the America I know."

What I think, it is not comparable. China is completely different, capitalism is not a value. Having capitalism does not say much on deeper level.. I think this what makes us in the west blind for that China is. We were raised under different philosophy, different way of thinking, even different civilization.

I see advantage for people, not religious in the radical or fundamentalist way, but which were raised with the notion that there is something bigger than us, which we all are part of. Bigger then nationalism which for itself had advantages and disadvantages. Or capitalism which is only a tool. For good as for bad.

I don't know why this came up when I wrote, but I leave it here as it is.

To understand Jesus truly, is to be above all this systematic mechanism which rule us for many millenniums, and make us all divide for what we are, instead of unite for the exact same reason.

This is why he did not care to die, It doesn’t mean anything.
You can crucify the physical body, but you can’t kill a spirit.

You wrote:

"We are seeing the joining of Islam and the version of communism that is extraordinarily oppressive “rise over there” and have a choice to make when it comes here to the states, and it will. And here we are. Almost."

I am not sure I understand. I am not afraid of words.. Islam or Comm, this smells kind of propaganda in my ears. But I don't really know how it is now in the US.

"Islam and the values I have are not compatible period. Nor will they be while I am alive on this planet. We can go all day and all night for a whole Age back and forth about the “peaceful” Islam. That will be a point as useless to make as Biden in a gun store. We can go on and on. But I KNOW what Islam is and I KNOW what Islam isn’t. And I was taught to use those words very carefully."

I am with you on that. my values probably are similar to yours. Keep religion, any religion, including Judaism, as it should be, in its place. between one and his creator. A persons own business.

You said:

"Either way, being Sabra you know what it feels like to be surrounded by enemies. You know freedom and you can see oppression."

Yes, only I found out my freedom had a price, others won’t have it. I have learned I have been used for other reasons then my freedom. Long time ago, Major General Smedley Butler wrote about it, it is all there. You start in giving your people freedom and end in providing services for the oligarchy on the back of other people. In the end you will end braking the back of your own people.

Is this resonates with the current reality in the states?

You said:

"Islam is slavery. Capitalism is slavery AND Communism is slavery. I am done being a slave. But I will defend what I love - no matter how much you hate me or my country. As Sabra - I am certain you get that."

The word is control. All things you mentioned are not bad for what they are, but because they are very efficient mechanism and structures which enable control. If you look under the suits, hood or Burkas, you want find much difference between the Taliban and most of the progressive Democratic or neo Republican senators and representatives. And I am being nice 🙂

And thanks again for the kind words.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
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