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ON 7-7-77, Timeline, Now & Later
Ra Ma Aum
Tho Ra Ma
Ai Mai Aumn

I begin to feel it now, the reaction of everything combining,
In, and all around me, without uncertainty, or the fear of death
From the Beauty of Pure Being, that is reflecting in the Sunlight,
On this Summers Day.

Giants surround everywhere, colors of green and burnished gold,
Twin tower trees, standing, frame the Sun
A gateway beyond the Pleiades
Where the Silver Star of Babylon
Has vowed to raise every candidate, up to Thee
Forever into eternity.

Come and witness this beautiful sight, watch the Sun, feel the exhilaration,
As the solar aureole melts, flooding the sky in yellow saffron light.

The Eternal Youth of Summer has come,
Descending on a big cracking current
That passes through my coil,
Like the torch of Baphomet
Forever now, blazing across my brow.

But that was then, and this, is now,
Being that I am the spark that roared,
I dwell in the silence, in the eye of the storm,
Overshadowed by secret identity.

Sitting on the desert floor, one hand holds
The scorpion, the other makes the sign of
The unicorn,that pierces the eye and heart of
The lion, whose grip, heralded on the sound of 88’s,
Pulls down the dragons fire, in the Spring of the 33’rd lunar year.

Like a column of smoke by day, and
A pillar of fire by night, let it burn, until
Nothing is left, except the whitest ash, in
The chalice of the triple flame

Across the seven streams of lustral light,
That holds my vessel aloft,
Floating on currents that
Contemplate your love, that contracts
Upon me, and holds my parts together,
In the infinite spaces of your mysteries unveiled,
Gliding into pools of flooding light
On red and yellow oars that spiral
Around blue aspiration, that thrills with the chance of union, with
The Cherished Pearl


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

As for Lynyrd Skynyrd, I knew them of course, but didn't know about the accident, until some months ago. I have no idea why. I watched a short film about it, I don't think it is a coincidence. not the accident, nor the album cover.

I refer to the album art picture. I went to see, and here in Europe they sell the record with the original album art. I have seen stranger pictures for album art, but this, very specific, especially when one of the members ( who died I think.. who is he?) is engulfed in fire was way too precise.

Now, I am not saying much, originally this could be for good not a bad reason, as it can a warning, a sign from the "future". once, I had something like that, a sign, then messages, I didn't got it, these messages, and I had more then one.

Only after the disaster happened. After, it is easy to see. believe me, when I tell, you will agree. It was so clear.

It is a very personal matter, but one day I will tell.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

One of the reasons I moved to this part of Florida was because of the words of Ronnie Van Zant.

I am a Northerner by birth. I was indoctrinated in the “yankee” views of the world. I always knew it was bullshit.

Ronnie Van Zant’s words literally drew me to where I call home. Where I am writing these words, right now.

He writes as though his land was sacred. He was a Southerner to the bone and was proud of it. In fact, the most famous video of “Free Bird” - with the Stars and Bars proudly displayed - was filmed in Oakland, CA-the blackest city in the country.

The swamp fills a soul with that pride. A pride for a land - very seriously - that makes someone want to live and breathe. It’s very ecology changes every week, bringing with it a new smell in the air, colors in the fields and sounds from all around.

It can truly, honestly, bring life to the dead. I can attest to it. I have lived all over the world. Literally. And a cool breeze from the gulf after a warm day, bringing the smells of the warm waters and citrus, birds of all species singing their tunes. The fireworks of the weeds.

It’s truly amazing. It is sacred.

This land is worth living for.

This land is worth fighting for.

This land is worth dying for.

And I have Ronnie Van Zant to thank for that.

May he Rest In Peace.

congjing yu and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDani
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