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Alien Laws / Ethics

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@dani, first, the time and effort you put into your last post deserves the excuse for the quick post now that I can’t wait to get back to! I have to take my dogs for a thing we do at this time - we play in the woods. There. I wrote it. But quickly:

When you say that under the burqas we will see progressives and democrats here in the states. I will go one further. I have said this before here and at this point it makes NO difference but - I know what this is. I was a psychiatrist to a group of people whose sole purpose it was is to collapse governments. For years. They said they were going to do it (this time but they were specific - all of them) and they would do it regardless of who was in charge.

I know exactly what those disgusting pieces of rat shit they are thats running the show. And I know they know this. Everyone I practiced with - all are being screwed with now because they are the caged elephant in the plane.

I am very, VERY certain, my friend, that you and I are cut from the same cloth.

I was shown a lot. I of this I know to be true. I hope it’s many peoples falsehoods.

I was shown maps. And Generals. And negotiators. I saw angels with them and demons among them. And I would put everything that I know to be real on this.

I saw what comes next for America.

Capitalism, communism - yes they are VERY easy labels because they are so subjective.

We all are that frequency. Or that consciousness, or whatever it is - yes - I am there. I am. But I saw what happens. I understand what “sacred land” means. It’s not the blood that is spilled that makes it sacred but the spirit that grows there. THAT makes it sacred.

I had given up on being a human and just wanted off this planet before I even got to MMs site. Not suicidal, but working to wait to die. Like most Americans. And I was done.

Then I was given a gift. That gift was to teach a bunch of high schoolers biology. Teen agers. These kids - I am fucking telling you are the smartest bunch I have ever met. EVER. These kids could run circles around us all day. They gave me hope for this planet. And if it sounds like I am being histrionic, believe me, I am not.

If they got the boat, we are all good for a long time.

But they don’t have the boat. It was stolen from them by the US deep state. Stolen. Planned and then stolen.

I call bullshit. I call “fuck them, these kids and these people I live with are sacred. This land, this area is sacred”

And I may or may not have bargaining chips. And will never tell.

But I know this to be true. When these people are unmasked, I don’t know what is going to happen. But they WILL be unmasked.

Every. Last. One.

Again, I know this to be true.

But I am no enemy of no ethnicity or race. Yet. If you were Muslim- communist, whatever, I would come for you if you needed it. You would be fed and taken care of. It’s not the race or ethnicity or religion I care about. At all. It’s the spirit.

Your sprit manifests in the words you type, as does mine. We are on the same side of the same coin.

But... I have dogs to learn from!

congjing yu, Memory Loss and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossDani


Let me continue where I left off.

When I wrote that China looks more like a Utopia than America - Yes, I know the differences between the philosophies - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I am writing that as a human being living in a moment in time where my ego - and that all it is is MY EGO - and it can get pretty big, believe me, but it’s my ego that is the limiting factor. I see videos of people retiring and it does look like Heaven, but Heaven to me - is evening time in the winter with a book, and my cat in my lap, sleeping. THAT is Heaven and when it happens, I never want those moments to end.
That’s paradise. But like everything, this has to be fluid.

When I wrote about the joining of Islam and Communism and what’s about to happen, I pretty much wrote that for those in the west who have had at least one eye open. To REALLY go into it would take all day, so I will be as succinct as possible.

I am making a point about individualism versus collectivism. And I should have used those terms.

I know this is a sliding scale, and as you pointed out - a loop. I will agree and go one further - it is more of the shape of the suns analemma.

I do not know your religious background and do not care what it is either way, saying you live in Israel, if you are for kibbutz living and agree with that then you are a collectivist.

I am a collectivist as well, I think we all are, but the way I would like to live LEANS more towards the individualist.

For example, the Chinese give loans easily to its people for businesses as long as you maintain that business, and it helps the community.

I believe in that right there. A government that gives the freedom to be a success. This USED to be how things were in America. Obama 2.0 got in (during the Clinton years) and destroyed it. Since the 90s it’s been a slow decline. Trump actually started to turn the boat around. That’s why you all hate him outside of the USA. You don’t hate him because he is a tv reality host turn president you all hate him because he made America strong again and the world fears a strong America. Do I want people to live in fear? Of course not. But there comes a point where my family and myself come before the collective.

That is my individual line. There are a lot of things about America that I would not trade. As it stands now-in this moment.

So when I say Islam and Communism is melding in the Khorsan area it is not propaganda.

The biggest difference between Islam and the other monotheistic religions - and I will say specifically Judaism and Christianity - comes down to that philosophy.

Islam is a COLLECTIVE religion. You going to Heaven depends on me and everyone in the Ummah. That’s why it’s so easy to radicalize people. Tell a bunch of kids that all of their family members go directly to Heaven if they martyr themselves, well YOU live with that bullshit.

Judaism is also  a COLLECTIVE religion. I have no clue about the Jewish concept of Heaven and hell and at this point it makes no difference to me (in a good way-rather than shutting my mind off of this topic I am going to research it) but the whole Kibbutz thing as well as sending refugees everywhere and a lot of NGOs that smuggle people are Israeli. They may be Americans doing the dirty work, but follow the money. It always leads to Israel. Or Soros. And as good as a kibbutz sounds, I personally think it’s a bit too collective.

Christianity is an INDIVIDUAL religion. Salvation comes from the self. The Christian messiah died on the cross for YOUR (or my) sins. But what does that mean? It means - and this is important - it means he will take all the crap your physical body did and give you his “seat” in the light. That’s all.

And that’s fine if you are going into the light. Going into the light-I am certain-is reincarnation on this planet. And for some - that’s great! You can be born when time travel is invented. Or not. Personally, since I was a kid, I knew that I was just done being on earth. As beautiful and wonderful it is, I have felt like I have just done it too many times. I have said this before, it’s like the Morgan Freeman character in the “Shawshank Redemption”. All he wants is to be paroled until the end when he just doesn’t care and says (paraphrasing) “write what you want on your form and just let me go back to my cell”. That. That’s the feeling. Write what you all want, just let me go back to my cell.

But life isnt that easy, now is it?

When I went through what I went through - I understand the philosophies and lies we were taught are just that. But some people are comfortable knowing the lie and choosing to ignore it. And it is NOT my place to convince them otherwise. There is just no time from what I understand. But there is time for me to understand that my beliefs and their beliefs are similar - and there is nothing to be afraid of if I do not accept the Christ as my savior. People in my area  are VERY religious, like you find everywhere. I was “told” where to live. As I was “told” to become a doctor. Like the same promptings you get. The place I landed in, I fell in love with. It has its ups and downs - such as the religious fundamentalism - but the ups far outweigh the downs. Just walk around my area. People wave to eachother and smile when we walk by in a store. It’s wonderful.

That said what I mean by the melding of Communism and Islam I mean that as a warning to the West. It’s not just Islam they have to worry about - its the partners and financial backing that they have to worry about. Why?

Because in Islam - as I am certain you are aware - we have a gentleman named Imam al Mahdi. The Sunni not so much but the Shi’a-that what they have been waiting for to turn the whole planet Shariah.

That may be fine for you, and being in Israel you may feel safe, but I was shown something very different than the safety of nuclear weapons. And I do not feel safe from it this far away.

Anyone who is not familiar with what I am talking about can look here:

Are hadith of the black flags of al-Mahdi authentic?

It’s not “propaganda”, my friend. It’s a warning to those I love.

You cannot understand the threat to the individual if you have always been a collectivist. You can THINK you understand it, but you won’t.

While I am on this planet I have responsibilities. Yes, I would LOVE for a UFO to come out of the sky with MM and all of you - and say “hey - it’s time to get flying”, but until then I have to eat. I have a reality that I am responsible for.

But people in the west have no idea what the East takes seriously. And they are about to find out, I believe. Once the black banners start flying in Khorsan - notice they are white now? No? Watch. Next week all the banners will be black.

Ans it will tell the entire Islamic world that Imam al Mahdi has returned.

It makes no difference if you believe it. It makes no difference if I believe it. THEY believe it.

I would rather NOT play and sit here meditate or fish or whatever. But what I was shown, well,  I TRY (and I am still learning- I still have training wheels on) what I was shown I have to play.

But I would much rather just retire. With friends and family. Building a good life for those in my bubble and be left alone.






congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

That is a lot of stuff to answer to.. I will reply as soon as possible


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@dani, You don’t have to answer, I just hope that you are aware.

Ashura started on the 19th.

Sorta coincided with America turning over enough weapons, planes, etc. to the “taliban” or “afghan army” or who ever is scripted - to turn them against the rest of the world?

Who will be responsible if - say - some of those fancy weapons America just - “left” ends up being used against ANYBODY - civilian or not?

And what happens when Obama 2.0 does to you - what he has been doing  to his own citizens - and ignores you when you DEMAND responsibility? And THEN gives you the finger?

Because he will. If he can he will. Or THEY will. WestExec. Or whatever they go by. The elites.

But back to Ashura. For those unfamiliar, there was a split in Islam when their prophet died - there are a lot of moving parts that I’m not getting into here -  BUT  - when the split DID happen and the sons  of Ali got to where they needed to go - Karbala - a big battle happened and a grandson of Ali is martyred there.

There is a LOT more to it, so Muslims - I honestly do not mean to offend by giving the cliff notes version. Especially the Shi’a. I understand how serious this is to you and respect it. And I say this because I do know Islam. And Ali is very important as is his line. And understand that I GET why you take this so seriously. As a non-Muslim who studied Islam I think the Shi’a are right! And full disclosure I WAS one of those serious Muslim haters for a time. Full blown. As an ADULT! But I studied Islam and have no hatred towards Islam. It did change my views of Islam. That hatred has actually been replaced with love. There are Muslims that I love like family. If one was stuck like we left those Afghans - I shit you not I would go grab a few families.

Mohammad was a FANTASTIC general. If anything. I give him that.

Anyway - Ashura, surrender and - the final piece - a young Imam. He is a direct blood relative to the man Husain, was martyred in the story above. A direct descendant of Ali, the closest male blood relative to Mohammad, this child Imam, frozen in time, in a well in Qom, Iran

When those white flags of the “Taliban” or “!ISIS-K” turn black - and they will turn black -

Someone might want to go check the well in Qom.

And remember - it doesn’t matter what you believe. It doesn’t matter what I believe. But there will be millions of Shi’a that DO believe - the Mahdi is here and their end times are upon us.

And being in Israel - well, you are smack dead in the middle of it. I mean, yeah the BIG battle is in Syria but a lot takes place in Israel.

In the Shi’a belief, anyway.

But then again, it’s all in what you believe, isn’t it? All of this - around us. It is because we believe it to be.

I just hope you will be safe if things “kick off” over there.

My guess is exactly what MM said somewhere. It will be orderly. China and Russia have relations with the Taliban. I don’t think there will be a “hostage crisis” or anything like that.

I do not believe the Chinese OR the Russians would put up with a blood bath. Why show the world that you intend to lead with blood on your hands versus order? If it gets bloody, everyone over there loses. For now. And that’s just a gut feeling. I see Putin and Xi as leaders who care about their people. That is noble.

We’ll see.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I am Sabra as you said, born and raised in Israel, I am direct but will try to keep it polite. believe me, it is hard for us, culture issues:)

I lived among Muslims, grew up with, served in the army with, fought against. they are just like you and me. radical elements exist but they actually exist or become important due to long time west (Britain) methods of divide and control.

Israel was the one behind the most radical group at the time, HAMAS, we did it for fighting another Palestinian group which we wanted to get rid of.

Hezbollah in Lebanon is another story, but not much different. not a direct but definitely an Israeli and American influence made its rising to power possible.

We are behind that shit. that shit is managed to keep us in power. we use it as well to keep the narrative of immortal enemy.

Taliban and ISIS are enemies. most of the issues of the radicals are among themselves and other groups and not against the western civilization. but this clash of civilization narrative from Huntington was promoted by the elites. this narrative was to replace the communist menace, after the USSR collapsed. they run it for some time, 9/11 was part of it. then Afghanistan and Iraq.

there is no Muslim threat, I am sorry. what we have is a mess and bloodshed where the US, British interests created radical groups and smash them one against the other.

when the influence of the west would be over, then we will see. it is not going to be heaven in a day, but seems China and Russia will do better job in letting nations evolves naturally.

Now, if you are afraid of Taliban, or fundamentalists Muslims, I will be clear, and MM know this as well. any fundamentalist's Muslims group on the door step of China or Russia who would try to make a mess, using MAD will be annihilated . just like that.

So, yes. you get a glimpse from behind the curtain of the intel community, Israel, which is a US command outpost since the the seventies. be proud, the US knows how to play, but now it is finished, not because it lacks good people, you have fine men and women. the best. we too. and they all serve you. well, the US elites.

but because greed had devour your nation from inside. Trump as much as I liked the guy, a piece of shit (a smile/wink), but an honest piece of shit, couldn't change this, no one could change this unless the greed monsters will be gone.

People loved Trump in Israel, I liked the guy. first time, a Politian who was not breed as one. he actually talks what he thinks, and visa versa, I don't think he was to open a war with China, as far as I know, He kicked Bolton in the ass when he found out, my analysis is different then MM, but maybe he was forced to, got crazy( Trump going crazy is a doctorate material for a psychiatrist:) ), I don't know. He wanted to get out of Syria and Afghanistan, He is not a bad guy, just a billionaire who was raised up as so, not my cup of tea. not something that could make a change. Make America big again, I am fine with that, but the elites aren't. America is an operation, you need it to control the globe. and to be honest, America should stay small to medium, because it doesn't know how to be big and humble, she goes right to supersize and then we all end up with diabetes type 2.

Israel should go humble as well, I agree. We will eat what we cooked, or what the chef had burned for us. Bon apatite my friend:) but no worries, believe it, and you, we, will be just fine.



congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@dani, Let’s face this one fact - both America and Israel, hand in hand, have done more damage combined to this planet and its people than any force we know.

America works for the elites and Israel works for Israel.

If America worked for America, it would work. America proved that up until we went off the gold standard.

Trump saw a mess and tried to fix it. Love him or hate him - he is not a part of that Anglo-elite bullshit (re: Caroll Quigleys tome-and who was Mr. Quigleys most esteemed student?-the key to the mess)

I liked and still like Trump and could give a fat rats ass about what anyone thinks of that.

He focused on his people. Those of you outside of the states while he was in office may not think so, but if you were a middle of the road American - you saw the difference 4 years made.

BOTH Israel and the USA have gotten too big to be humble - I agree - but America is like a dumb dog. It just wants to have its heat pat and be told it it is relevant. THAT is America’s main issue. So we give shit away to everyone. Now there is nothing left to give but fake money while the rest of the world collects its gold.

And we all know how that movie ends.

Israel on the other hand, is very, very different. It is a country that is NOT an American outpost. In fact, my friend, I think it’s the other way around.

And the Anglo-elites don’t like that either.

And it’s nothing against the Jewish people. Every single Jewish person I have met - with few exceptions - would give the shirt off their back if they thought you needed it.

It’s the Zionist mindset. That shit I have issues with. And that’s another post for another time - but let’s be frank if we can. The Zionist mindset is real and wants to shove its shit down my throat.

And I know what it is and want nothing to do with it. I. Don’t want some Zionist “Anti-defamation League” - a group that was supposed to monitor anti -Jewish shit after WWII, telling me what I can and can’t say in my own home.

I don’t want the Israel lobby telling me what I can and can’t do.

This is why I don’t fear a “Muslim threat”. It’s not the Muslims that we have to worry about it’s all the Israeli 501.C3’s in America.

THAT is what destroyed America from the inside. The Israeli lobby. It got in our banks and schools. It got in every corner of American life.

And I don’t fucking want it.

Israel tanked Trump. Israel got that close to him - via Jared Kushner - and did what it does best. Manipulate the shit out of the situation for its own benefit.

This isnt a slam on Israel. It’s how they operate. I am just calling it as I see it. It’s actually brilliant in its execution. But we all see now that is what happened.

If America was smart it would cut ALL ties with Israel and expel all of its diplomats immediately.

The Islamic world DOES want the world to be a caliphate. That’s their business. It is not America’s business to do anything about it unless it comes to our borders.

If that is how the Islamic world wants to live - by Sharia - that’s their business. Not mine and not yours.

I see Israel as something, like America - started out as a real good idea. A place where Jewish people could go and feel safe. I’m cool with that.

But how it deals with its neighbors after we gave it nukes - is NONE of America’s business.

I find the Jewish people to be an odd bunch in America. They obviously work lockstep with eachother - which is good-unless one walks off a cliff. But their interests do not match their actions. It really does seem like the interest ends where the gold begins. Look at how they are all acting in America.

Do ANYTHING to get Trump out, right? That IS what happened. Deny it if you want, but for a moment, I ask, look at it from my vantage point.

But that may be a perception that I am fed, no?

They get this puppet in while all the while the Shumers and Goldstein’s do their thing. Use the blacks as tools to get what they want.

And DO NOT deny this. When I was a kid I would go to “Jewish camps” up in the Catskills. They do. And it’s well documented .

So this is where we are in America today. The Jewish lobby got Trump out - and now what are we left with?

A military that took 60 days off - to look for “white supremacy” and then the fiasco we all got to witness.

Thank you Israeli lobby. Money well spent mother fuckers.

And I have done my homework on this, @dani, extensively.

I don’t fear an Islamic threat in America. It’s not the Muslims we have to worry about. Yet. Yes, there will be attacks and all of that for the show. But in the end. When everything boils down to the syrup, it’s the Israelis that are a threat to America and its way of life.

Not the Chinese. Not the “communists”. Not the Muslims.

The zionists. THEY are the threat and the enemy.

Again - look no further than Jared Kushner.

You, in Israel have a very real Islamic threat. It’s called Imam Al Mahdi and a few billion that will do anything for him.

And yes, let’s see how China, Russia and Iran act with the Taliban. My bet it will be cordial. As it should. They have their people to take care of.

But the second anyone has to deal with Israel’s mess -over there -  America will come and fuck it all up. Once again. To get a pat on the head and maybe a dog treat.

If Iran wants nukes - you have them. We have them. Why shouldn’t they? Because the US intelligence service - which is an arm of the Mossad - that the Iranians are crazy and want to kill us?

You all fight it out. Over there. Have fun.

Im going fishing.



Ok, we can agree not to agree. I think go fishing and doing the things you like are the best. especially if you live where you have abandoned nature around you.

I am sorry if offending when writing about Trump. I was translating a joke/ a saying, and it wasn't translatable..

I have (almost) nothing in common with Jewish people in the states, not religion less ideology and nationality. I have much more in common with Chinese today, they represent a model I can relate to.

Zionist who is not leaving in Israel is not a Zionist, its like a Banana declaring she is an apple. but I am not here to argue. in the united states of America, A Banana is an Apple when the propaganda machine says it is so. It is the land of the free, no?

I think the main issue is responsibility. if you are democrat it is the republican's, if it is a republican then it is the democrats. now trump enters the ring, like before him nothing existed, there was no 8 years of Obama or 8 years of Bush, Clinton ,then Bush again .. then Carter, Nixon, Lindon Johnson and Kennedy who was assasinated allegedly by a communist of course. I am sure depending on the group it was commis or jews or zionist or chinese .. never the US.. well the regime. the system. the thing for itself. always somebody else to blame.

and yes, I know, due to lobby system, some Jewish groups got very powerful, but it is the system .. and other groups are taking advantage since the system is up. there are many many lobby and interest groups, but the important ones are the one never to be blame.. because they are behind the curtains.

I truly was amazed to see it black on white: " The zionists. THEY are the threat and the enemy." OMG

"Again - look no further than Jared Kushner."

OMG, Jared Kushner.. I have no words. but hey ,if it wasn't for this guy Kushner America would have been great again .. I am sure of that.

It is never the US fault, it is always "the others", sometimes they are outside, you know the drill ..its getting boring..  and now they are inside. commis, Jews, blacks, seems that the new trend is Asians, Zionists? and anti vaccine, but wait, you blame it on one group, while other group, the blacks are being motivated to hate the Asians.. every group is being manipulated in one way or the other.. the land of individualism, well, you are all on the frying pan now. and the funny thing, you keep on blaming the

others on the pan while the fire is getting stronger.

In that sense, I think America is the greatest.

Believe it or not, from outside, you are all Americans for us, and you are being manipulated by smarter people on top, and you should work together and not fight each other. but hey .. it is the CH%%$.. or the ZI&^$.. so good lack with fixing the Titanic.

And MM, please come to help.. I think we, meaning I, are in need of a moderator ..



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I wrote a big long response. And somehow it became vapor. Sigh.

Be nice.

Do not do anything that might offend others, and take the time to explain things nicely.

If it is a hot and contentious subject, then maybe give it a rest and a break for a while. Don't hit the keyboard in anger.

In the meantime, think of good things. Life is too harsh to get all hot and bothered about one thing or the other. I'll bet that if all of us were in a restaurant, that we would all be having a great time together. So visualize that instead. ok?

Memory Loss and Dani have reacted to this post.
Memory LossDani


I honestly did not mean to touch a nerve.

If I offended you in any way, I do apologize.

Let’s agree to disagree on this topic for one week. Ok? You and I won’t touch it. I honestly do not know where it went off the rails, but I am CERTAINLY willing to take some time to re-read everything I wrote - as maybe it’s a context that is missing.

But I will reflect. And from this human heart, @dani, I am sorry if I offended you. I like you. I like debating. We are different yet so similar.

My wife says it’s “my tone” with her... perhaps here too.

Dani has reacted to this post.

PL, I have been reading the exchange of views between you and Dani, and if you will permit me, I will just offer a little third viewpoint.

We all know that the people of the US are in an uncomfortable period now. They know something is wrong, and lots of people are pointing at different things as being the cause. From the perspective of an outsider, the one thing that strikes us about the USA currently is the VERY MANY parties being named as blame worthy. They are almost always someone else. For example,

Chinese, Russians, Iranians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Communists, Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Bankers, Globalists, Dems, Republicans, 1%, Zillionaires, Masons, ISIS etc etc.

I want to tell you that the mindset of a plethora of enemies is not the norm in societies outside the US. Sure some people might have one or two parties they are obsessed with, but not like the state of mental siege that the US is in. The Pakistanis may hate the Indians. The Indians may hate the Pakistanis and Chinese. The Chinese may resent being kept down by the Collective West, but that is about it. There is no long list of enemies.

To me, it appears that Americans are now in one of the stages of grief. You will be able to define it better than me, but I think it is called "Anger"? So the people have accepted that something is very wrong, and they are angry, and looking for someone to blame.

Just as an individual has to overcome the stages of grief, I think a society has to deal with a similar process. We will know when the US is beginning to get to grips with its new reality when America as a whole stops blaming Chinese, or Russians and Jews..... and realise that the rot was caused by themselves. Because they,the citizens fell asleep at the wheel.

What went wrong? This would be the topic for another day.

But we all want the best for the USA, because a constructive and productive USA is good for the world. For now it seems that it must go through the painful process of self evaluation first, before any healing can occur.




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