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Alien Laws / Ethics

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PL, we should sit and have a beer, or preferably wine. I live in a land of wine, it is sacred here.

I live in north of Portugal, I left Israel, around this time a year and half away in the past, as they say.

My country is no more. I have seen it, I decided to leave around a year before I did. COVID was no issue as it was no surprise, I knew something was coming, I didn’t know exactly what. COVID is not “The Thing” to be feared from, by the way, but you probably know that.

I am not saying it is end of times event, my country is no more, spiritually speaking.

I am patriotic but in a different way, this is why my heart is with China now. I am patriotic and my country is the earth, and strange as it sounds, it is not exactly so. I am trying to explain something which is not explainable, so please try to accept them as they are. This are my ideas, and my thoughts. I can never be you, and you can never be me.

A country is an artificial structure, tomorrow we may have something else, my heart lies with the ones who will take human kind further. Not materialistically, though this is significant as a base, but spiritually. And don’t confuse with religion, it is about sentience. And this is what I have learned here.

I wanted to ask you about the experience you had with the kids you taught Biology, one dream I have is creating a space, a place, some may say a school that will teach without the limitations we have today, I believe there are talents and minds who can take human kind much higher, and this can happen very fast. There are two problems. This little geniuses are all around, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Americas, many are from families who cannot give them this opportunity. Others which do get the opportunity will be put in boxes by our modern school system and will achieve 10 or 20 percent of their real ability if any.

I think that if you start early enough and with guidance that doesn’t push ideas (as Newtonian physics for example)but interduce them in a way so their minds want be blocked to others, some amazing things can pop up from the minds of kids who haven’t been doctrinized. This might sound crazy, but I believe in all my heart that this is the case, and reading again the alien interview made it clearer. This ideas are not only there and stuck in a way, they are more fresh until a certain age and after start to fade away, and we keep them there by our economic and education system, intentionally or not, this is what we do.

Would be happy to hear your ideas.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@Dani - You wrote “my heart lies with the ones who will take human kind further”.

Exactly. You and me both. And that is the decision between the light and the void - as I understand it.

You go to the light - everything you learned and experienced - gets wiped from your memory. You are still “connected” - quanta wise - all the way down to your 10^-35 relative. That’s why we all inherit “mannerisms” from, say, a parent or grandparent.

But everything you have - this life - goes away - and you come back as a human.

If you go to the void EVERYONE and EVERYTHING gets access to whatever quanta you are connected to - and you get connected to THAT huge mass quanta - or matrix - or whatever - but EVERYONE  gets it all.

We all connect in the void. In the light, you get another skin suit and have to learn - AGAIN (in my case, apparently) - another skin suit “lesson”.

As for your biology teaching question - It’s teach what the state says and ONLY what the state says. The idea is nice - if you move from place A to place B - you will be where everyone (As and Bs) Is as far as class work goes.

I tried introducing quantum mechanics to some and I was called satanic. I had to talk to the principal about it - the whole bit. They DID NOT go for it.

And that’s just fine with me. I moved here to be with like minded people.

My mind changed - I discovered quantum mechanics AND my Gods and Goddesses -  and I have to adjust for them.

This is THEIR land. I will adopt their customs or live in exile. And I do not want to live in exile.

THEN - my mind was opened, and I agree with them that the land is SACRED.

Sacred because of what GROWS on it, not what sheds blood on it. Or for it. But the land that grows the beautiful scenery I see daily. Sacred for the food I grow and eat. And sacred for those kids. Because what I know to be sacred, my heart, my love of THEIR heritage - IS sacred. And they deserve to carry that heritage on.

If I didn’t teach those kids biology - where almost all of the curriculum is based on evolution - and the culture is Jesus. It was rough for them, a climb for me.

But it was never - not once - about me. It was always about those freaking minds these kids have. I mean - fucking smart as you can get. Encyclopedic smart. ALL of them!

But they did make me see that the freedom I know - if they have it - they will have it. All of them. Across the globe. It’s the post Ragnarok generation.

So to me, this land is SACRED. It’s not about being an “American”. It’s about being a SOUTHERNER. The culture is SACRED. And when I spoke to the Christ, I TRULY understood what Sacred means.

If I was allowed to build a school I would teach both, the Newtonian sciences - and why they are important to their Christ - or whoever - as well as quantum science. But I would only offer it to those who wanted to learn that way.

Either way, the little bastards will outsmart you, me and everyone here.

THAT I am certain of.

And they will save their world.

That I know to be true.

congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossDaniBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead


I was listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd, free bird solo is something else, and I think many of the things we say and agree on, had been said in "Simple Man".

I am no southner, but it sounds cool.

Kids are the future, wars in general take this future away, for profit.

Only they take it usually from older ones, 16 or 18 and up. the coming war is different, Of course there are exceptions. Now, the plan, whatever it is, includes inoculating children, all ages. This I am sure is going to have some resistance, especially in areas as you live in.

This kids will prevail, but we need to help them. that is kind of war we cant leave them alone.

interesting what you said about quantum mechanics, I suspected you had a devilish something. LOL. this is exactly what I was talking about.

The essence of power is control of knowledge, control it much before it is news or MSM, it is cheaper and easy to perform. so this kids are being fed with evolution or bible stuff, both tailored not to learn but to make them part of the herd. one or the other. Can it be that our "science" is being controlled? this pick oil, I am sorry, is true, and same time bullshit. I agree with others here, energy is infinite and it is all around us, but as long as human self interest lie with oil or gas, that want happen. we drive to the cliff and then we fall. like all this food industry, drugs, just name it.

it is all about profit. it is not about society , or country.

I wrote too much..

I read your post, you write well. need time to think about the ideas there, but I enjoyed your writing.

And a good day for you all.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Bom dia all,

i’m very grateful to have found this space of wisdom, thank you all for sharing. I’ve been lurking for days 😉

As for education, i’m just reading the Anastasia books, her existence and her wisdom aligns very much with what i’ve been reading here.
In ‘the space of love’ there’s a lot about the ideal education. I’d screenshot the whole book if possible, it’s so inspiring.

btw i got out of dodge from the Netherlands to PT, the locals are mostly very gullible, luckily many estrangeros are more awake. Somehow PT seems not so organized which keeps me in the mindset i can ‘breakaway’ from control. As as for Dani contention it’s all about profit... why would that be if the can print money out of thin air. It’s all about control, whomever it is that wants to control us. The old empire... Just my 2 satoshis.


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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardUltan McGDani


I was just outside the sunset before last blasting ‘Freebird’! Skynard are like Gods in this part of America. If it were up to me - that would be our National Anthem.

The kids in this neck of the woods are quite happy with their religion. It’s actually nice to see. At least they have principles to go by. In other areas the school functions as a giant babysitter. They really are involved in their churches activities and it gets them out of the house and around others. More importantly they can think for themselves, something that was lost on outlast generation.

@Lydiarose, I, for one, am grateful you are here with us! Welcome in from planet lurker!


congjing yu, Dani and LydiaRose13 have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDaniLydiaRose13

When I attended university, I used to hang out with a group of other students. Peter, who was a Mechanical Engineering student, and Jay, who like myself, studied Aerospace Engineering. And we would study all the time and then go to the dorm, drink some (genesee cream ale, in the green cans at $1 for a case of 24 cans) and blast out some lynyrd skynyrd. So I well know Free Bird.

As well as Charlie Daniels, and Neil Young.

Anyways, in those days we listened to albums. And the album art for lynyrd skynyrd's album "Street Survivors" had flames all around the band. Then when their plane crashed and half the band died, the albums were taken off the shelves, and replaced with a plain background with no flames.

Now in this world line, I don't know if that was the same thing or if it was different. I know that if you google "street survivors" you get mostly the flames album art. The very few examples without flames is just a plain black background on the newest reprints of the albums. Can anyone else confirm this story?

pissedlizard and Dani have reacted to this post.

I remember that! I had a friend that had it. Odd fucking thing - I just had someone bring it up - he was a great guy who got off to a rough start but became a great man before he passed away.

But I remember that cover with the flames well.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@conjing yu:

Would you say the flames on the album somehow created the airplane crash or the other way around: it was already decided upon that one day their plane would be made to crash?

Basically the question is: What exactly is predictive programming? And apologies if you wrote extensively about that, i didn’t yet caught up on everything here. Based on my contention so far i’d say the picture (and the intent of those who created the pic) created the event.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

You could be very correct in that.

Apparently in the Aerosmith biography, there is a mention that Aerosmith had the opportunity to buy that plane, and use the pilots that flew it. But they decided against it.

The reason was that they (lynyrd skynyrd) had some "high risk" activities that they wanted to use the "old" plane for. So maybe the thoughts of the people helped contribute to the catastrophic ending that actually did occur.

What were the actual contributors were, well,  no one truly knows.

LydiaRose13 has reacted to this post.
Quote from LydiaRose13 on September 10, 2021, 9:18 pm

@conjing yu:

Would you say the flames on the album somehow created the airplane crash or the other way around: it was already decided upon that one day their plane would be made to crash?

Basically the question is: What exactly is predictive programming? And apologies if you wrote extensively about that, i didn’t yet caught up on everything here. Based on my contention so far i’d say the picture (and the intent of those who created the pic) created the event.

Yes. Now in my mind the words predictive programming conjures up London Olympics ceremonies and the Simpsons. And then it shades into the Chaos Gods of 40k Warhammer for some reason.

I remember you have written about the Titanic etc. But some of the 40k Universe has some weird ideas on using sounds or "words" to directly impact reality. Would be awesome if that could affect affirmation campaigns lol.

pissedlizard and LydiaRose13 have reacted to this post.
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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