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How the Afghan False-Flag plays into the USA's "Great Harvest" of the world and the coming WWIII end-game

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It all started with the slippery slope of 15 days to flatten the curve

this one little played q-tard video has some unique claims i've never seen made or even hinted at in any similar alt media, and this is pre-2020-election.

so the claims, that using NSA blackmail leverage for the entire world gov stage:

trump owns all the gold, in the world now

trump owns the UAE

trump owns isreal

trump owns china

trump owns NATO, and therefore the EU

-- and the kicker... not shown in that video

the antichrist will be voted in as the legit, against which the votes were counted very closely according to the newearth podcast cross refereenced three ways among some predictions she says.  and he will preside over the world and bring on the 7 years tribulation.

it's kinda amazing how this video didn't get any airplay, even among the tards like me.

if this were one in the same ascension going on, then in proper form of the darkest of evils he's throwing the deep state under the bus, which is how he treats his subjects after winning their confidence.  they're pawns. he's got an incredible shitshow for which even his worst haters would prefer him over and the triumph of a stolen election comeback, and we're supposed to see a couple years of beast-marked luxury and glory while the cities are easy targets to claim and purge until the last few years when it's thunderdome and bio-warfare mushroom clouds.

fun stuff to contemplate.



@bochen2021 yes, you are correct that is the future planned for us. Chipping, social/carbon credit, no travel, etc.

The goal for a long time has been to reduce consumption. I think this is a good goal to have, but when it comes to consumption, you have to start with the root of the problem. The reason people are over consuming is because of the subscription economy that the oligarchs set up. And the subscription economy provides the oligarchs with the justification they need, internally, to depopulate.

Basically, it's like this: they dumbed down the education system and then said, "Wow, look at how STUPID these people are!"

The problem we face is many of the people who should be opposed to what is being rolled out are in DENIAL. They benefitted in a MAJOR Way from the "old way" (pre-covid), and they are in denial that IT IS OVER. They're double jabbed, they're wearing masks, they're jumping through all the hopes, because the oligarchs keep holding out hope that things will return to normal IF they abide by an ever-expanding list of rules.

The problem the oligarchs face is the system they are rolling out is completely incompatible with Western (or Eastern) values or even human happiness or human existence. It is a nightmare, authoritarian, de-population system. And as they continue to pull back the curtain, and more of the system is revealed, more people will begin to resist. The question is will we reach a critical mass of resistance before it's too late.



congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossDaniBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

The only thing you need to know is that Israel is experiencing the highest number of daily Coronavirus cases in the world while being the most vaxxed country in the world.

This is very odd.

Meanwhile countries with no restrictions whatsoever such as Sweden, Belarus, and most of Subsaharan Africa are at completely baseline excess mortality.

The vast majority of Israeli cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all in vaccinated individuals, while literally nothing is happening in countries which didn't force the mRNA injection on it's populace.

Those nations, such as China, and Russia, who are using traditional dead-host vaccines, and strong isolation of Coronavirus outbreaks are generally the safest places to be on the planet.

pissedlizard, Goldleaf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Those nations, such as China, and Russia, who are using traditional dead-host vaccines, and strong isolation of Coronavirus outbreaks are generally the safest places to be on the planet.


MM, data from Singapore suggests you are right.

Our population has been vaccinated mostly with mRNA vaccines (81% at last count, and vast majority with Pfizer and Moderna)

But our death rates per million are still very low compared to other countries that have been using the mRNA vaccines.

  • USA 1999
  • UK 1950
  • France 1756
  • Germany 1104
  • China 3
  • Singapore 9
  • Japan 130
  • Taiwan 35
  • S Korea 45
  • Hongkong 28

The evidence appears to support the argument that isolation/mask wearing/contact tracing/social distancing are working.

I note that our population has been vaccinated somewhat later than Israel, so immune response could be still high. I have also been noticing reports that immune response with mRNA vaccines seems to fall drastically after 6 months. That could perhaps explain Israel's recent numbers.

Our data have been showing that the chances of serious disease is much higher for unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated patients make up 70% of the Critical Care wards despite being 20% of the population.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Quote from keff on September 6, 2021, 8:28 pm

 Our data have been showing that the chances of serious disease is much higher for unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated patients make up 70% of the Critical Care wards despite being 20% of the population.

what is the 'our data' source you refer to?

given the number of health professionals who are testifying absolutely the opposite of 'our data' at the cost of their jobs and their freedoms to live with their own conscience and uphold the hipocratic oath, and all from non-asian nation-states, your data sounds relatively authoritarian.

Quote from congjing yu on September 6, 2021, 1:30 pm

The only thing you need to know is that Israel is experiencing the highest number of daily Coronavirus cases in the world while being the most vaxxed country in the world.

This is very odd.

Meanwhile countries with no restrictions whatsoever such as Sweden, Belarus, and most of Subsaharan Africa are at completely baseline excess mortality.

The vast majority of Israeli cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all in vaccinated individuals, while literally nothing is happening in countries which didn't force the mRNA injection on it's populace.

Those nations, such as China, and Russia, who are using traditional dead-host vaccines, and strong isolation of Coronavirus outbreaks are generally the safest places to be on the planet.

Can I say something? Feeling extremely upset; a woman shared a video which was anti-vaccine on fb and today the sessions court found her guilty & fined her $4000 or 6 months jail if in default for sharing "fake news"; fb could just block her, delete her account. Why the government must get involved? I haven't taken the vax and still refusing to. Most places deny entry and access to us unvaccinated. This is bullying. Am writing from Malaysia.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Quote from rosalynn on September 6, 2021, 9:54 pm

Can I say something? Feeling extremely upset; a woman shared a video which was anti-vaccine on fb and today the sessions court found her guilty & fined her $4000 or 6 months jail if in default for sharing "fake news"; fb could just block her, delete her account. Why the government must get involved? I haven't taken the vax and still refusing to. Most places deny entry and access to us unvaccinated. This is bullying. Am writing from Malaysia.

the way it has been explained elsewhere is that [a big coordinated evil system] has made the determination that enslaving the densely populated urban areas is an adequate measure to harvest the yield of subjects for trans-humanist conversions. to these ends,  the technocracy players like zuck/facebook have already been compromised by every means available, primarily blackmail.

the outskirt populations, less connected, less electrified, less relevant, are also potentially the best protected by guardian spirits.  these spirits are said to be powerful enough to make it a losing investment to deliberately mess with the spiritual tribes; though they are not exempt from global disasters.

the moral of the story, as told by newearth yt channel, is study the predictions and follow the advice of the angels to leave the population centers and revert to a simple existence away from growing desperation and technological/beast "marking" of your person and life, which is said to be the one test given from the lord in end times.

the vax is just a warm-up for what's to come.  the forecast includes a crack in the earth 4-100 miles deep, a potential timeline for nuclear war, and in all of the accounts an end-time war including a world-wide religion of cannibalism and torture, mass biological warfare and the part i find hard to believe, the cyborg takeover of the subjects that consented to be marked, exchanging some short-term comforts during the famines for banishment from god's kingdom.

we supposedly have a year or two left before the crops and food are completely controlled, time enough to prepare now.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardUltan McGMemory Loss

It will sound far out to some, for sure, but they're probably also the ones who still believe 2 airliners completely demolished 3 massive, steel cored and framed skyscrapers.

(And piloted by a bunch of cross-eyed Moslems with half a Cessna licence between them. If that.)

Or that there's no evidence for the existence of aliens, either 😂.

When the Great Reckoning comes, my man, there is going to be chaos. As planned, of course.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory Loss

Yeah - EXACTLY. It’s funny - they are going to “declassify” all this Saudi linked bullshit. Nobody gives a SHIT anymore. And fewer buy the lie.

And that day of reckoning IS coming! Fast too. And of course, life just kicks it into overdrive.

I never really “learned” calculus in undergrad-I showed the professor my med school acceptance letter and he gave me a D. He had that deal with all professional school tracks.

NOW I have been given a few “tasks” so to speak - I don’t think I need to explain all THAT to you, but one requires knowledge of it, so - so be it. In my 50s. This is how I know this skin suit dies before 2036 - If I lived to see time machines I would have warned myself.

This shit sucks.

But the more I think about it the more I REALLY think you are on to something with it all being Old Empire and their net.

Something about ECT also - electroconvulsive therapy - it was never my thing, but I participated in enough during residency  - and that means just stand there - all the psychiatrist does is press the button, but as much as I saw it actually work for depressive disorders - the people were just - changed. Many said that they lost the ability to “communicate with themselves” or have voices as a consciousness. It always came back - when they needed another round of ECT,  then the cycle would start again.

Sounds about like what all of us are saying about the old empire.


congjing yu, Ultan McG and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuUltan McGMemory Loss

This Saturday is the 20th annivarsay of 9/11.... in terms of "global conciousness event", the 9/11 incident was by far the largest collective global conciousness event superceded recently only by COVID-19...

The PNAC (Project for New American Century) documents and plans at the turn of the 21th century had pinpointed the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to galvanize the American people and the global public in order to create the sort of pretext justification for the Iraq/Afghan etc wars to protect the status of the US petrodollar and to keep the OPEC members in line/check...

Merely 20 years into this New American Century, in late 2019, the COVID-19 'event/incident' happened which absolutely dwarf's the then previous "global conciousness event" of 9/11

In terms of Big-Picture Large Scale events (false flags) to reshape global society, it is all about the low-hanging fruit of the broadest categorical strokes of the brush, so to speak.....

The timing, the string of coincidences and the whole multiprong and many-layered plausible deniability surrounding this whole COVID false flag of false flags seem to indicate that in terms of controlled demolition of global civilization and the organized management of the reshaping of society to conform and align to the new norms of degrowth and collective shutdown, nothing could have worked better as the lowest baseline layer than the first layer of paint by the broadest brush of the biovirus of COVID....

When looking at the dynamics of the bigger picture, the big picture cannot and does not change. The macro realities of the world, especially from the perspective of entropy and 2nd law of thermodynamics etc dictates that in the new post-peak (peak everything) world, one way or another events will emerge and coalesce and come together in such and such a manner and way so as to effecuate the sustained shutdown and downsizing of the world....

So be it COVID, climate disasters, NWO, vax scams, carbon caps, or any number of countless events, the overarching theme is one of degrowth and artifical demand destruction as the new imperative and directive as we have finally in the first time of all human history of mankind passed the critical threshold of the point of inflection of the irreversible rubicon crossing into the final decline/ Peak Everything as human society is for the first time in its recorded history unable to further prop up the pyramid scheme by the continued timely bootstrapping of new energy sources (exponentially more dense) etc etc etc and in the longest arc of history we have just past the global maximum peak of all peaks, thereby ushering in the new reality of forever sliding down the figurative slope of oludvia gorge as we (on planet earth the 3rd isolated rock/sphere from the sun) regress back to the same fate as/of the inhabitants of Easter Island in the late stages.....

Events will self-organize to come together to seemingly orchestrate as if by magic of the so-called invisible hand (some would prescribe it as NWO Conspiracy etc) to cause to effect the continous and collective shutdown and controlled collapse of society from here on out....

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Dani have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardDani
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