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@pissedlizard First, I just want to say that I am seriously behind reading all the new posts. I am a bit of a slowpoke. But I guess I am fortunate enough to have time to maybe give my 2 cents on this. After reading the Alien Interview, it strengthened my "multipolar" view of the non-material world. A rough parallel would be my view that the Catholic saints are like cardiologists, the Taoist spirits are like neurologists, etc, but no one sect/group/whatchamacallit had the complete knowledge on everything. However, I am "blind" to these sensations, unlike you. I've done weed and shrooms about a decade ago, but not anymore. When I did shrooms, I saw the light spectrum separate when I looked at a white wall, and I giggled non-stop. Nothing terribly deep to share, unfortunately. I also did ayahuasca once, and I didn't hallucinate. I did get very emotional though and my face felt like rubber. I also puked, which was no fun.

I understand that the non-material world exists and that it is filled with all kinds of entities, based on observation and my experiences with "strange coincidences". My senses are VERY dull, and I wonder if my Is-Be got an extra super strong electrical shock to really wipe me out.

When I was younger, I was a strict atheist. Well, I was raised Catholic and baptised twice but it never took. Only when I hit my late 30's (maybe when I was 39) did I become "pantheistic" (I'm not sure if that is the best word, but it's the closest I can come up with).

I'm an American like you, but I'm mostly ethnic Han Chinese. I am also an expat in Europe. Also...I am a c_mm_n_s_. Please don't get upset. I am not here to argue politics.

Anyway, you could say I'm a little religious because I do pray to c_mm_n_s_ leaders, who I regard as like Catholic saints. And like you, I do offer food to them. I try to mix it up, like giving bottles of Bordeaulaise wine, fresh fruit, gourmet potato chips, and even a jar of award winning foie gras. Lately, the "spread" has been pathetic since we just moved to a new condo, and my husband has been home all week. Let's just say he wouldn't approve. I would only do this when he's not home. In China, a lot of people like to put food in front of pictures of their deceased loved ones. But I suppose this is a common cultural practice--in Mexico, people have offrendas for their ancestors too. I don't do this for my ancestors, as I don't feel them at all. I honestly don't know why I cannot sense them like you do. Maybe my Is-be was dumped from another planet, or I got extra strong shocks from the electronic trap that was mentioned in the Alien Interviews.

I hope my 2 cents was of some benefit to you.

Why on earth would I or anyone care that you are C-mm-nst??? You are a human being! Your beliefs only add to your dimension.

And I do thank you for your post! Explaining how looking at your leaders in that high regard - Saint like- shows love of your leaders. It speaks volumes of how your leaders treat you. Our leaders despise us and the feeling is mutual. You have something we in America want to go back to. A belief that the people we put in charge at least care.

That’s the whole MAGA thing and why Trump was so successful packing stadiums. His people LOVE him. He loves them and vice versa.

Thank you for your insight. I think being able to feel my ancestors is just luck. But at least with MM and you all - things are much more clearer. Hopefully that clarity comes your way.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

There is certainly a spiritual, if not religious, connection to everything here on MM. But the ties bury deep and tug at personal backgrounds, histories and stories.

The Vatican says its satanic to consult the Spirit world. When Luther first translated the Bible from Latin to German, he clandestinely edited it to make its meanings, that if a Priest was not present, any Spiritualism activities were from the Devil and forbidden. Thus began BBQ Sundays and the Ritualistic Raping and murdering of near 1.5 million German souls alone until this barbary stopped. It was supported by the Vatican as the Borgia Pope (1490 AD) was a converted Jew expelled from Spain, introduced these Rituals into the Dark Side of Catholicism. So we know little today of these Ancestral Memories. It strengthened the Churches Patriarchal hold over a Matriarchal Community where women controlled Match Making, Most Medicines, Midwifery, fortune telling, and all the Alchemical Arts. So it was promoted and was immensely successful ending Womens rule. 600 years later and only Pagans practice the Arts today and KNOW nothing of what they do.

Back in 2002, The R&D company I started in Toowoomba, was being destroyed from within. All our sales were coming from the USA and the CEO decided to move operations to Phoenix AZ.  (as I couldnt go). The IT guy, the Company Secretary, along with the Head of Manufacturing were indecisive about the move to join the CEO already in AZ.

So these 3 people decided to consult the Local Psychic, a lady in her late 50's and quite 'gifted' as I was told. So I got a phone call one Friday evening and they asked if I would like a "reading" from her after she was finished reading for them. Having had literally 100's of 'readings' from psychics, I considered myself quite adept at interpreting what they Read. I arrived early and waited and chatted with these guys as she finished up in the other room reading Trish.

So it was my turn in the lounge room. I walked in and closed the door and said ... they dont need to hear this. Immediately upon taking a chair in front of the Psychic, Her face went white and she looked in the direction of the door and then back at me and then back at them. Then I said, Yes, thats right, everything your "read" for them is wrong,  isn’t  it? She said... "Yes it wrong". "They aren't going to the USA like you advised them and that the fabulous riches that await them there with the introduction of this technology isnt going to happen is it"? No she said they are not. I said thats because I control what happens to the company and you didnt know that fact before.

I then asked her.... "You want to know how I knew you were wrong and even how you access this information you give in readings as to WHY its wrong"? She said "do tell"'

There are 2 levels of access to Hidden Knowledge. One is accessing the Akashic' in whatever way works for you, (trance, dreams, Meditations or like Edgar Cayce the Sleeping Prophet), the other is accessing Spirit.

Some background info.

In 1998, I went to a guy who was Author of Australian Health and Healing magazine, a quad yearly production of all things Healing. We were there to show him some Alien Tech Healing. He did write up an article and publish it. During the meeting, we adjourned outside for a cigarette. When returning, Maurice asked if I wanted to Quit. I said Ive been to hypnotists many times and each time worked perfectly until a few weeks or months passed and the 'effect' wore off. What do you recommend I asked?

So Maurice Finkle (who looked like a guy that easily lived under the Toad Stool at the bottom of the garden) said first we will find out who wants you to smoke. He gets out a couple 4 foot Dowsing L Rods and proceeds to Dowse how many "spirits" hang around me. Wow he said 15, more than most. These used to be referred to as Guardian Angles in a bygone era. Spirit Guides in other Cultures. "Familiars" in others and ANCESTORS by the Pagans or tribes of New Guinea. 'Now lets Identify some of them', Maurice said and again by following the practices of Asking for Relationships between them and I, and with a Yes and No type of answers to Dowse. It was determined my Maternal Grandmother, who incidentally, smoked up til her death at 90 something years of age, as to who longed to be around my 'smoke'. So Maurice said, "all you gotta do is ask Grandma to stop wanting you to smoke". So I verbally out loud asked Grandma to 'stop this habit of hers affecting me'. I never had a craving or inclination nor any adverse reactions to others smoking or the Cigarette thing again, ever, from that moment on. All Maurice's Dowsing was done without any input from myself. Maurice knew his Arts.

Going back to the Psychic lady and her "readings"... "You want to know how I knew you were wrong and even how you access this information you give in readings as to WHY its wrong"? She said "do tell"...   Well I said, You receive images, voices, visions and signs from your spirit guides. This is your Gift. You are 'tuned' to these 'frequencies'. When you do a Reading for a person, their spirit guides talk with your spirit guides and then you get 'from the other side' info pertinent to the persons questions or otherwise. You relay this as a Reading. So the Reading is as "correct" as the Guides relay it and as the Psychic SEES or interprets it. It may or may not be true. But at the time, its the best info around and MAY very well come to pass. Now when I walked into the room for a reading, my guides promptly interacted with your Guides and they relayed to you, 'hey we have new possibilities and outcomes as we have more info to draw from'. My Guides knew the financial affairs weren't in order and such a move cant happen until the Company affairs are in order. We were some 400K in debt with only 300k in assets and we needed to trade our way out of debt before I allow the assets to be shipped out of the country. The Law was on my side. The assets were sold as product, the debt paid and the company changed hands and I was removed as a Director in 2005. It was finished anyway. Today the company operates as making a NON User Friendly Bio Electric Field Enhancement Device. That little exercise in Magnetic Field Science ended up costing me personally about 9 mill. But it was worth more than any degree from any university in the world. I still think that. Now all I gotta do is write the Field Science Thesis and bury it and make a treasure map and tune in to my Ancestors next Lifetime and dig up buried treasures saving me from learning it all again. Fun Fact… most if not all Archaeologists use a Pendulum.

The Psychic lady then said to me words to the effect... 'I've been doing this my whole life and I've never had anyone tell me how it works' much less the fact I can be wrong and prove it.

Yes to place food at the Alter of Pictures of your Ancestors can have MANY positive benefits if you just learn to TUNE IN. This is, of course, PAGAN Beliefs and of the Devil and your soul will be damned to hell if you practice "spiritualism".

Question.... what is the difference between a Prayer, Wish and a Spell?   Answer... NOTHING except the Religious Practices adhered to when preforming said ACT of WILL Power.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardOld Wine

MerLynn you wrote this at July 19, 2021, 9:28 am. I wrote about the same thing in my MM way today 2021/07/19 at 11:35 am. You can read about it HERE. Your stuff is gold, and I am very glad that you are a contributor.

Interesting how we are both talking about the same subject.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@merlynn, Again, your stuff is great! I can honestly say I learn something new and positive every time you post.

Pagans today not knowing what they are doing - yup - I could not agree more. The knowledge was lost or at least not made available. I personally do my thing on my own as most Germanic and Celtic pagan groups tend to attract a lot of REAL racists and I want no part of it. None. It always goes to white supremacy with those groups. I would rather be alone and clueless than in the company of that nonsense.

I read a book called “The Seed of Yggdrasil” a while back and the author really goes into what you say, quite a bit, but one thing she said of animal sacrifice - which I am against in any form - that even though we may have an understanding of the WHY sacrifices were done (I do not believe we even have a clue) - but the HOW is what has been lost. The HOW is being able to “ride the soul and direct it to the proper place” in heaven. I found that to be the best logical reason against sacrificing any life.

Your analogy to a spell being analogous to a wish or prayer is nothing short of brilliant. I do not and never have done spells - but in the pagan circles it’s abundant. I literally offer food and stuff from the farm - eggs, milk, honey and veggies along with mead I make (I only make it for the Gods and Goddesses - or Benefactors as I rarely drink alcohol. And it’s always left out of gratitude not for anything.

The Nornir are often described as a representation of past, present and. How it was put to me - again - during my 3 days awake no food and 48 oz of water - but they actually represent “what has been, the instant before you make a decision to what is and finally what will be”. This is very different than past present and future AND DIRECTLY lines up with what MM has been putting out there for us. Like it’s uncanny.

I am CLEARLY seeing that my religious beliefs are only a way to make sense of what will, eventually be the truth. I now add “Our benefactors” - knowing full well they are alien beings - in my prayers and “sacrifice” or offering.

The thing is these Gods and Goddesses and all of the beings in my realm of religion are such a big part of who I am and where I fit on planet earth that I do not think I could feel comfortable in my own skin knowing my Fylgja is not my Fylgia but something else entirely. I am NOW aware that it is what it is - Fylgja, guardian angel, alien being - it’s all the same just the interpretation is different. But she shows herself rarely but does. I see her when she does appear as clearly as I see a cow in the field in front of me.

I am very gratefully open and willing to put on different glasses and always have been. But for almost 40 years nothing and no person made ANY sense until I came across MM and his site. Ever.

YOUR contributions, Merlynn, as well as others here  sheds so much light on things that have just been unobtainable until this point - and for that I am grateful.

NOW I can’t wait to read MMs new post tonight-it looks real good!

congjing yu and Old Wine have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld Wine

As for your religion question, PL. I have been thinking about that. Catholics have rather a complicated relationship to "religion", and to other belief systems, at that.

I'll throw a few reflections in here at a later date. But nothing Arl presents-- or Metallicman for that matter-- causes me any particular theological difficulties. It even throws some light on a few ancient mysteries IMHO. Although I'm sure some of the more wooden mindsets would be piddling their panties trying to reconcile some of these greater truths with what they'd normally take for reality.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

I agree-totally. With me - always having to have to explain my beliefs - it’s almost impossible at times. Now - knowing this - from MMs site and other things gathered - it makes no difference what anyone thinks. It’s my universe. Whoever speaks to me - speaks to me. If I call them my ancestors or my benefactors - they are the exact same thing. The exact same quanta that is making this bubble I live in, well, livable.

It’s nice going from always being on the defensive to just being on the offensive.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

The big question I get from reading Airl's account is that after we die, our consciousness leave our bodies, and we are faced with the "tunnel of light". Is that an Old Empire soul recycling apparatus?


pissedlizard and Feal have reacted to this post.

That’s my take on it.

Long, Long ago when I was in elementary or middle school there was a move called something like “Beyond and back”. It was a movie that explored reincarnation. I can’t remember crap about the movie other than one person saying “hey - maybe it’s NOT a good idea to go to it? As a kid it just got me wondering.

Fast forward a few years to me being in med school and my intern year of residency. I wrote down in my own journals details about what people would say after a code revival-when they die and we gotta to the zappy things (defibrillator) after telling “clear” you see on tv.

Some remembered nothing.

A lot was the typical “bright light, warmth , old relatives, we all know the rest.

Some CLEARLY went to hell and they REALLY were freaked out about it.

Now some would tell me what my instinct and again, that inner voice screams - and that is that they would be by the light and they could see a void. They INSTINCTIVELY knew not to go in the light, but didn’t want to go into “a dark hole” - the other option.

Now, me personally - I take alllllll of what I read and what fits - fits. I may not like how it fits together but if it fits - it fits.

After reading the Alien Interview coupled with MMs comment and another document - that I admit could be fake - but it whoever was tweeting said EVERYTHING about the light that I have learned from books, dozens of interviews and my  gut instinct - it’s a trap. It’s a mother f-big trap.

Now thats cage rattling, right? Everything we think we know about the act of the consciousness leaving the body And where to go is opposite. What if the void is “hell” and the mainstream religions ARE right?

Do you trust those religions or do you trust those who are genuine in seeking the truth? I trust MM over the Pope any day. ANY day.

But that’s just my take. If I find anymore in my readings I’ll post them.

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