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I know a little bit about bangs, Dani. And I can say for sure that the blast in the picture doesn't jive with what's being presented to us as the 'aftermath' imagery in the Lame Stream Media. If that blast was what happened, there wouldn't be any 'New Zealand aircrews' flying around taking pictures of what's on the ground. That is for sure.

Unless of course they're flying around a thousand klicks away filming battered corrugated sheds and assorted locals waving from rooftops. I believe a tsunami killed like, 3 people?

Could be just keeping the 'environmental' card in play by reminding us all how dangerous the big bad world is; and that the Green Party will keep us safe from it by the climate lockdowns they're planning post-COVID; the ones talked about in Report From Iron Mountain.

But hey, don't mind me, I'm just a conspeewacy theowisst. (As opposed to, ya know, a connoisseur of bad journalism.)

DSKlausler and Dani have reacted to this post.

Wasn't sure where to put this, but I found a rather interesting article about magnetic waves, which seem so integral to our "current" universe.

Space: Nearly 1,000 magnetic filaments are dangling 'inexplicably' at the heart of the Milky Way | Daily Mail Online


I didn't know that you'd rather not comment in the open site/blog; so noted.

As to my recent comments there about you and MM being just a wee bit different in your views on the near future for us humans, I have yet more.

The Domain indicated that the PHYSICAL earth would be damaged. That would affect ALL world-lines, yes? Of course if you differ from The Domain view, then I'm in the boat trying to ride out WHATEVER World Line, right? I don't give a shit really - blow it all up - but it would be nice to know just where we are headed... especially given that I seem to be unable to self-direct my path.

The reason you always see me write about the Domain and Old - “It’s not my fight”. I CANNOT have anything to do with that if I want to see you all prosper.

That future and THIS future cannot - under ANY circumstances - be brought together at this point in Time. It will be catastrophic for EVERYTHING And EVERYONE involved. That’s as far as I can go with that - but I gotta watch MMs stuff unfold just as he is watching my shit unfold.

This will become clearer and clearer as shit unfolds but there has been an alliance between two “Species” from the same genetic line. These two “Species” were at each other’s throats and at war for what WE perceive as millions of years.

Another “physically wealthy Species” from a different genetic line was allied with one and forced the other  into the shadows. This changed this past summer and it was sealed in Blood during the full moon this past November.

That being said - what direction does the “world” go versus what direction YOU go. That’s for YOU to look at. As I stated many times - it is a VERY lonely and uncomfortable world at times when you first start to see what reality really is. It’s VERY lonely. And that doesn’t work well for people who are lonely to begin with. I’m just letting you know as a heads up. If you get there - it’s ok. We are all “here”. Learning that EVERYONE is just a shadow is hard to swallow. After a few days it becomes part of your psyche and you move on. GETTING there is key though. You WILL experience allllllllll of this stuff that many of us write. Once you unlock that part of your brain that can process QUANTUM information you will be “taken” by your genetic line and shown - openly - what you are “programmed” to accomplish within your Multiverse.

This I promise you.

And I NEVER make promises.

It’s SO fucking crazy, buddy. It is. But MMs writings are the Rosetta Stone for “normal people” like you and me. It really is. The amount of relevant  information in ONE article - and it’s the one about Cat heaven - is staggering. But in order to really see it you gotta read one of the other articles - and master the info - first (I think it’s how the Galaxy is presented to Majestikkk or one of those named articles).

There are many other ways to get the same info, but for me - seriously just an average guy with average Human intelligence - MMs articles are above and beyond anything else out there. My students use nothing but his articles.

THEN wondering where the world is headed with you in it becomes “Where am I headed carrying this planet and all of my Quantum links”? YOU direct your future. Not me, not MM, not Biden, not Putin and not even Mickey Mouse. YOU.

You can still have religion - I do. My belief in my Gods and Goddesses has never been stronger. But MY Gods and Goddesses are fallible.Not so in others. Where you have a God that is infallible - that is just not compatible with all of this.

I live, physically, in a HEAVY Christian area. THEY have an infallible God and room for the Human to do superhuman things is beyond their realm of thinking. It’s not bad - at all - but they are being swept up in all of this. (They all stay away from me BTW-Orbs AND craft flying around my property isn’t good for neighborly business). One of my “programs” is to bridge a certain gap when certain events happen in my World Line. Telling THEM that will just make my situation here worse, but I know a few of the community leaders are ready to call me - quickly -when the spitballs start flying. I know this. Factually. Again - fucking bat-shit craziness. But more of it is in MY control right now than theirs because of the Worlds that we are living in.

What is going on with you all and the Domain - seriously - I cannot stress this enough - if that is the Game you are in - PLEASE listen to MM. Listen very carefully. He is leading you into a very very good position right now. As off the chain as some of it may sound - listen carefully.

All of this I know to be True



perolator and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
perolatorUltan McG

@pissedlizard You scored a direct hit with me on "wondering where the world is headed with you in it becomes “Where am I headed carrying this planet and all of my Quantum links”? " I think that's where I'm sort of at and don't know the questions to ask yet. It's been driving me nuts 🙂 And now i have more to ponder. Thanks! I think...

Big shout out to our other friends in the North. Remember that hair-styled effeminate idiot Trudeau said these people are a 'fringe group' who do not represent the views of the 'rest of Canada'. Take a look at the size of this convoy; and the support in sub-zero conditions; a world record. And what does Trudeau do? He declares himself isolating from COVID, and refuses to meet the truckers.

I guess the 'fringe minority' is code for blue-collar, hard-working Canadians of European descent.

Justice for these people. God, the Domain, the Mantids, whoever. Or, as the Domain have repeatedly suggested: as ISBEs, maybe we're gonna have to claim justice and exact vengeance ourselves. Nobody else is gonna do it for us.

EDIT: Oh well, looks like the Gremlins don't want the Canadian Truckers video posted. Just look up 'tanks you truckers' on Odyssey or Bitchute. The Mainstream coverage shows a few trucks only in downtown Ottawa this Saturday, but the actual convoy was over 40 miles long and supported by tens of thousands of folks every step of the way across Canada. Ottawa is at a standstill. And if anyone has been lucky enough to have driven across Canada as I have, you'll appreciate the distance, and the amount of decent, ordinary Canadians you'll come across along the way. All those folks got out to support the truckers-- a 'fringe group' indeed. What a rotten bag of shit that guy is. That's why it's so crucial for them to control the media narrative-- because when that crumbles, so will the whole house of cards. But beware, these psychotic fuckers will do anything in their power to prevent that from happening as P.L. has already suggested. Hence, the DUMBs being stocked up as we speak, I guess.

Justice. We'll have it. Soon.

Qurow has reacted to this post.

@dori2190 DM Would you share with SD? The synchronicity just stunned me. The woman doing all this research has a cat named Stormie, called the mushroom "majestic" and also was in contact with Elders. Maybe there is something for you too.

@mirri its in her inbox. will let you know what she thinks

Daegon Magus

I wish "Uncle Omar's Home of Potato" was a store I could go to. I imagine hash browns, both the paddy type ones but also the Denny's american style ones. Yum. Potato wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce, loaded stuff jacket potatoes. Oh boy, what a vegetable.. I'm off to the kitchen..

hey, here's a reminder of what's great about America and Americans, and also a reminder that, as a commenter quite rightly pointed out recently, people aren't the enemy; it's the rancid organisations and criminal capos who've seized power while most of us were asleep. They're the enemy.

Thought this was fucking brilliant myself, and as a BIG fan of C&W I'm ashamed to say this gal slipped under my radar. My old cat crew loved music, too-- pity they never got a chance to appreciate Kacey!

'Kacey Musgraves' on your torrent app of choice.

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Memory Loss
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