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congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Quote from Ultan McG on February 11, 2022, 12:52 pm

'Kacey Musgraves' on your torrent app of choice.

Speaking of "torrent"... I know how it logically works, but I know nothing about the major sites, or apps.

It seems that the majority (above 95% supposedly) of those files (whether music, movies or other) are acquired illegally - copyrighted material. It seems that some attempts have been made to track such illegal sites/activity. This is acknowledged by nearly everyone it seems.

So yeah, if I wanted to avoid the grossly over-priced items (movies in particular), where would suggest that I start? How robust is this purported tracking... I mean how good can it be if nearly all of the use IS illegal?



@dsklausler yes torrents are all tracked, whether illegal or not. The simplest way around it is by using a VPN. Which is something you have to pay for.

Naturally, all VPNs will have to hand over their data to their governments if requested, so a good one simply doesn't keep any data to hand over. Up to you who to trust..

When it comes to copyrighted material it's actually best to get in from the source, so to speak, which is usenet.

The "scene" groups release stuff onto usenet binaries and that is then put on dodgy torrent sites by the kiddies.

Up until a few years ago most ISPs included usenet access for free but that was shut down after the usual bullshit of "doing it for/saving the children".

These days usenet access isn't very expensive, usually about $5 a month. Frugal usenet is an example.

Because of the automated use of DMCA takedown notices, files are no longer uploaded with clear names. They are all obfuscated random names meaning that you have to use another site to find out what's what. A place such as abNZB. will let you search for relevant files and generate an NZB file which instructs your usenet newsgroup reader software on which files to download. This automation is really needed as the old-fashioned way of finding files simply doesn't work any more.

If you'e on Linux then SABnzbd+ is the way to go software wise. If Windows (or Mac) then it's (as usual) all about buying shit. Easiest way is to get usenet access from somewhere that has their own software such as Newshosting.

Because the usenet providers are the ones hosting the files, they are the ones legally responsible for illegal stuff, not the user. Which is why the files names are now obfuscated by the "scene" groups as a work-around.

I think I've gone on too much and probably lost you!

In short: Torrents are all tracked so you must use a VPN. Better yet learn how to use usenet and download the world!


Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG
Quote from Feal on February 12, 2022, 4:10 am

@dsklausler yes torrents are all tracked, whether illegal or not. The simplest way around it is by using a VPN. Which is something you have to pay for.

Naturally, all VPNs will have to hand over their data to their governments if requested, so a good one simply doesn't keep any data to hand over. Up to you who to trust..

When it comes to copyrighted material it's actually best to get in from the source, so to speak, which is usenet.

The "scene" groups release stuff onto usenet binaries and that is then put on dodgy torrent sites by the kiddies.

Up until a few years ago most ISPs included usenet access for free but that was shut down after the usual bullshit of "doing it for/saving the children".

These days usenet access isn't very expensive, usually about $5 a month. Frugal usenet is an example.

Because of the automated use of DMCA takedown notices, files are no longer uploaded with clear names. They are all obfuscated random names meaning that you have to use another site to find out what's what. A place such as abNZB. will let you search for relevant files and generate an NZB file which instructs your usenet newsgroup reader software on which files to download. This automation is really needed as the old-fashioned way of finding files simply doesn't work any more.

If you'e on Linux then SABnzbd+ is the way to go software wise. If Windows (or Mac) then it's (as usual) all about buying shit. Easiest way is to get usenet access from somewhere that has their own software such as Newshosting.

Because the usenet providers are the ones hosting the files, they are the ones legally responsible for illegal stuff, not the user. Which is why the files names are now obfuscated by the "scene" groups as a work-around.

I think I've gone on too much and probably lost you!

In short: Torrents are all tracked so you must use a VPN. Better yet learn how to use usenet and download the world!


Thanks for the info. I did some more reading. Since "everybody does it", I was hoping for a simple way to "preview" movies, or cable series. As you have described, and as I have become more informed on the subject, I have decided that this is beyond my needs, desires, or risks.

Feal has reacted to this post.

As you have described, and as I have become more informed on the subject, I have decided that this is beyond my needs, desires, or risks.


It takes a lot of time and patience to learn how to get stuff for "free" safely. In the days before music streaming services and Netflix it was very useful knowledge to have. Now, not so much.

A VPN can still be useful for things like signing up for Netflix in Turkey or Tidal in Thailand. taking advantage of the exchange rates. They're slowly catching on to that trick though..

Ultan McG has reacted to this post.
Ultan McG

A paid for, quality VPN is all you need, DSK. Well worth the outlay and usually have great offers. I use ExpressVPN; fantastic. Nord is suss and a bit sketchy, IMO. They'll definitely track you-- but unless you intend to run your own online music store I doubt much attention will be diverted your way.

And who they gonna track, anyway? Your spoofed IP address? Might as well be Ghostbusters, man.

Then just search 'how to download stuff for free and safely'. And keep it to yourself; there's still a lot of chumps out there who think paying for everything top dollar is the epitome of fweeedom and demokkkwacy.

Oh, and read Kevin Kelly's The Inevitable for a great insight into streaming-- illegal and otherwise-- as well as lots of other techy developments here and incoming-- and how the authorities are powerless to stop torrenting as it runs off blockchain tech, these days. Pirate Bay, for example. Always one step ahead, so the Legacy Authorities and their paymasters in the entertainment industry rely on propaganda such as: Oh, the original is by far the best quality, bro'. Avoid cheap imitations.

(In other words, pay for it top dollar, sucker.)

Ahem, or so I'm told, 😇.

p.s. Funny story in Korea a few years back: A manager of a top notch fashion store-- Chanel if memory serves-- in Seoul was busted and charged with selling fake stuff in his store and selling the originals from France via a contact in Hong Kong. From whom he got the top notch-- repeat, top notch-- fakes. So top notch, in fact, that an expert from Chanel France was flown over and it took him quite a while to distinguish the fakes from the real deal in most cases-- not all. In other words, the store manager was getting away with it for ages And nobody could tell the difference. Even Chanel themselves.

Hey, that might even be another allegory!

Welcome to the future.

p.s. as you well know, you should always be using a VPN on the internet these days anyway. I was advised to do so by a tekky friend years ago. That's why a good, paid-for one is a solid investment. Identity theft is a much bigger problem than anyone will admit. In Korea they use multi-layered security on pretty much all online transactions and still the perps get through regularly. There's a lot of talented guys out there pushing the limits-- again, Kelly will fill you in on that.

And I recall you saying you were computer related, employment wise-- so apologies if I'm preaching to the choir!

Feal has reacted to this post.

And Feal? there's more to you than that cute cat avatar, obviously! You can't fool us!!

Feal has reacted to this post.

I recently recollected a discussion with someone who knew some things beyond the ordinary. A bona fide intelligence spook woo woo ops guy (maybe Majestic - I do not recall) - but military (initially) - not alphabet agency.

I had asked: "How does a dude like Rain Man count 246 scattered toothpicks at a glance?"

Back then, I had suggested that he (Rain Man) had a open conduit to a non-physical, or non-human entity - and that entity had provided the accurate count nearly instantaneously. Possibly that entity had no "time" restrictions, and simply went whenever to gain the count, OR, it was simply an all-knowing entity.

My well-informed source pretty much discarded what I had suggested, not the entity possibility, but said that Rain Man just had either more, or better access to his "gray matter"... a faster calculator. I just couldn't buy that.

What say you?

Well, looks like Mr Man's prediction that these goofballs actually think 'a war' will be restricted to a European battlefield or -fields is coming to pass; they obviously didn't get Russia-China's message that they're not gonna waste time dealing with pissant client states or failed, barely 2nd world anocracies like The Ukraine.

It's quite depressing, really-- they're talking up a battle knowing nothing about the consequences when the battle is taken right to the sources initiating the aggression. Biden even said the other night in his speech that it's gonna be a tough year and Americans might have to.....wait for it....wait for it......have to pay more at the pumps!!!

If only, Joe, you silly old fool. These guys honestly think they can just watch and sell arms/munitions safely from the rear as central Europe annihilates itself. This time I don't think so, guys.

As for the autistics and the cocktail sticks, DSK-- wouldn't have a clue, I'm afraid. I guess it's something to do with an ability to focus on and manipulate a very narrow but intense sensor/receptor cognitive field as the sticks spill out of the container and onto a surface-- auditory, visual, stuff like that. They're all about narrow, focused attention fields, right? I think the 3rd Party spirits are a stretch, but there is old Catholic 'teachings' that suggest autistics are engaged with/possessed by non-corporeal entities using them for their own ends-- or to feed off emotions or whatever.

After what we now know thanks to Metallicman about Quantum Reality, anything is possible, I guess.

@ultan-mcg while it IS depressing, I've had to learn to try and take a more detached view of the whole farce. News every day declaring that Russia, really really this time, is about to attack the Ukies is getting tiring even for the normies that usually just read The Sun or other arse-friendly newspapers.

How long until they realise that their super duper evil plan to lure the Russians into a trap isn't going to work? It's obvious they don't have a plan B. That's probably good I guess. In a way we are lucky that the evil bastards in control are so bloody incompetent. Assuming someone is in control.

I visited my mother last week and so was subjected to hours of the idiot box on in the background. TV here has now gone fully surreal. It felt like I was just visiting this insane planet. Such blatant lies announced with huge false smiles and underlying malice. I hate this place. Ahem, don't get sucked in! 🙂

@dsklausler I have a few autistic relatives and my take on it is that it has something to do with the interface between the physical and non-physical, between the IS-BE and the body. The physical mind (existing in time and space) has to count all the toothpicks but to the IS-BE (existing outside of time and space) there just are 246 toothpicks. Maybe the information is passed between them somehow. I'm guessing most info from the non-physical is filtered out normally and if more gets through to an autistic person's mind there's no guarantee it would make sense to them. Anyway, that's my guess!

In lighter news, the queen has covid! on the down side it's probably just omicron..:-P

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