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For me topics like these have occupied my attention for the last few years. And like you I am always trying to winnow the wheat from the chaff, and it is a hard and I think discernment is a skill in itself and needs to be developed.

I have come across differing views, and some agree with Airl, and say that when confronted with the tunnel of light, one should resist it, and instead focus on returning to the Source. That is hard to argue with.

But the vast majority of sources, as you say have that typical warm fuzzy light and love, followed by familiar beings appearing, the life review, selection of a new incarnated life etc. If this is indeed a trick and a soul recycling mechanism, then is d*mned clever one.

As for heaven and hell, my current understanding is that once we leave our bodies and go "to the other side", doesn't mean we are free from the influences of universal law. The laws that state that we use our consciousness to create reality, is as real on the other side as it is here. So in death, if one expects to be in hell, then his consciousness creates hell for him.

As for the Catholic religion, I think there is some kernel of truth. They speak of the Seven Heavens. While I do not think there are exactly seven, what the kernel of truth is that heaven has distinct layers or levels. Or rather we exist in a continuum of levels. Our physical plane is only one of them. In my mind, we spend eternity forever reaching upwards in a never ending spiral. I don't even think that the oft mentioned Source is really the penultimate goal. Surely there is something more than that. Well that is my intuition anyway, LOL.

congjing yu and Feal have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFeal

After reading "Alien Interview" and "The Geography of Heaven" I'm also left wondering about the light and the pulling souls feel towards it.

Are the whole hierarchy and structures described in "Geography of Heaven" all Old Empire systems?

I myself had a short near death experience in 2002 which changed everything for me. While I didn't see a light beckoning me I was very aware that I wasn't the body that I was moving out of. I fought my way back to my life, which was very hard, and for a few months after lived an absolutely fearless existence. It eventually wore off and I became obsessed with finding the truth.

Since reading Cayce and others when I was a young teenager I was always aware that this isn't *it* not really reality. I refuse to blindly believe in anything unless I experience it and my own universe always obliges. Even after first reading MM something popped up which kinda proved world-lines were real for me. Whether it was spiritual stuff or about UFOs etc something tends to happen that's just enough to make me accept it.

The question of if we should go into the light is so ridiculously important. Surely an answer will be forthcoming?


congjing yu, pissedlizard and keff have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardkeff

Whether or not we should "go into the light" is one that you NEED to put in your affirmations. It should be worded something like this...

I am given direction on what to do once I die, and my consciousness stays in the non-physical realms. I will be able to discern the actions available to me, as well as the traps that are waiting for me. This time when I die, I will be in control what will happen, and my choices will be such that I will have full awareness of all my history, and there will not be any amnesia at all.

pissedlizard, keff and Feal have reacted to this post.

Ok, first I really hate to be the guy with all the long winded posts. Believe me, but if it helps anyone - it’s worth it. And a lot of what I write is to explain medical things or med school things - that most people never thought of or was fed a line of crap by a nurse on the internet that claims to be a doctor. And yes, I am toying with the idea of dropping MM and email with my degrees and pictures of ID of hospitals I worked in the timeframe I did - SOLEY to protect him and the site. At least I can be vetted as I really like it here and don’t want it to get ruined by trolls.

That said, as far as hell goes. I do not know what it is. My anscestors explained it as an exact photographic negative of this life on earth. We have to face all the negativity before we move on. Now that could have been a blast of natural DMT - but who knows. But I will relate a story to you.

There is a thing in America called a DNR order or do not resuscitate. Everyone signs it saying they want to be revived or not (basically).

This is NE Ohio, Amish on one side, Appalachia on the other. Lots of farmers. This one guy came in for something and ends up in the ICU, where I was doing a 3 month rotation. He had a big family, wife and a lot of adult daughters. It was a simple procedure but it went south and ended up with us. Angry guy. Real angry at the world. So I am on call sitting at the nurses station when the supervisor who was reviewing the chart - they were still paper - noticed he didn’t actually sign the thing. But he was VERY adamant - no code - let him go. He voiced it A LOT.

I swear to you it was like a frigging switch - as soon as I look - the guy f-ing codes. And I as a resident am the only doc on the floor. What do I do? Frigging start the code. Usually an anesthesiologist will come up and run the code - because it’s someone who knows what they are doing.  The anesthesiologist was out getting is Chinese food.

Needless to say he lived but now I gotta face him. He told ME and everyone else a lot - let him die. Legally I can’t. The wife and daughters weren’t there-it was late.

So the next day that I was on - he is awake and talking.  (And I’m like - shit. Shit. Now I have to hear this.)

I walk in and the dude jumps up and is all “doc doc thank you thank you!” I’m like - I violated your wishes. I failed you as a doctor” - he said - and it was how he looked - SCARED. TO. DEATH. He was all opposite. “Give me the order to sign to revive me” - he was all into life. His family was oddly upset that he was alive though.

I talk to him later that night and he said there was no light just evil. Pure evil. He said he knew his daughters would never forgive him, but he did see hell, it was a very personal - tailored for him real - again - what does MM and others say? Personal hell. He was convinced he saw it and seen it and wanted nothing to do with it. He said he did see us working the code - he knew I was NOT confident but he lived - THEN he said we all turned “demonic” and brought him to Satan.

There is a LOT more I’ll save you all - but he was convinced. I have talked to a few others who said the same thing but this was the only white guy that I know it happened to (I have 29 hell entries in my journal - 28 black, 1 white and this is all over the country).

Since then though- all of my negativity I put out - it’s in the back of my head - I am GOING to face. It will be easy or hard. Those are my choices. I would have to rather see you in quanta land drinking a beer on the beach eating fried gator tail than on the other way down, ya know?

Anyway-I know that was long, but I hope it gives a little insight.


keff has reacted to this post.

Hey, PL don't worry about the long posts, I for one am enjoying it! You have been a blessing to us. Keep your stories coming!

A couple of questions tho:

  1. What do you mean by "code"? I am not sure if this is a US slang?
  2. Why do you think it happened to only one white guy, but to 29 black guys?
pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Thank you so much for those kind words, Keff! I can really use them right about now and it’s appreciated!

Sorry about not explaining that - again I am just trying to be succinct for everyone.

A code is a general term for a “code blue” which is when someone dies. If you are ever in a hospital in America and you hear over the loud speaker “Rapid Response team needed to room —- “- that means someone is about to die quickly or “crash”.

Tbe rapid response team brings a “crash cart” that has all the meds needed to start, stop, slow down or speed up the heart and blood pressure. 99 times out of 100 when the rapid response team is called, the code blue follows, so a whole team - minus the doc - is waiting for the person to go down.

There are many different codes and colors and they all vary from hospital to hospital - but all hospitals a code blue is the same thing everywhere in America. It’s what you see on tv with CPR and vasopressin sand epinephrine being stuck in every tube. It’s a crazy looking dance from the outside, inside it’s a delicate ballet.

We used to joke - if someone pooped themselves or a butt needed to be wiped - there is a “code brown” in room whatever. Nowadays a code brown is either an elderly patient that escaped or is lost OR something related to mental health. No joking allowed in the age of Obamacare.

I have my ideas as to why there was such a high rate in the black population. And that’s the count I took country wide - so it isn’t a localized phenomenon. Those ideas, although they aren’t, may sound pretty racist, but there tends to be a way blacks think - and if you disbelieve me read Freakonomics - more specifically the chapter “why crack dealers live with their mothers”. It has to do with impulsivity and lack of basic self control. Not everyone - but those who aren’t in that category are straight up statistical outliers.

MM had an article recently that talked about American blacks being used to basically be the brown shirt arm of Biden’s reich. Someone in the comments said it sounded racist. MM made a great defense saying it’s an observation. I don’t want to offend the person who said that, but MM is right. To say a quality happens or doesn’t to a certain race is not racist. It’s an objective response to an objective behavior. Saying what MM wrote is racist is programming. It’s not the writers fault for seeing it that way- it’s society’s fault for electing leaders that allowed this to happen here. There are genetic differences between the races. If there wasn’t there wouldn’t be races. Those genetic differences obviously aren’t all bad, but I ask anyone who says any discussion MM puts out are racist, I have a place to bring you in the South Bronx. At night. You will see racism at its finest.

That said the black population tends to be more impulsive. Impulsivity leads to negative behavior due to lack of understanding of consequences. I think also - the lack of a father figure is a big factor also. Young males are built to go hunt mammoths and run away from saber toothed tigers and shit. A kid with zero male guidance does what they want - and the downhill spiral begins.

Now they are all jimmied up about “finally enslaving white people” - a direct quote - and it’s out there -by one of the nutty black congresswomen.  The blacks in charge are ripening all the other blacks up. And as I said, in my neck of the woods it’s working. Blacks and whites aren’t interacting the way they did. No pleasantries - even in stores as employees by blacks - and it’s creating racists. DANGEROUS racists. Racists that are new to hatred. Anything new has its honeymoon period. I am not a racist in any way, but that is how my bias was formed.

Further I think the area in the brain that is genetically deficient in blacks is an area called the dorsilateral prefrontal cortex (say dorsi - lateral - pre.frontal cortex). If you were to but both of your index fingers  on where devils horns are and go about 2 knuckles deep - that’s it) - but it acts as a “filter”. It’s where the seats of impulsivity lies. Again it’s all my personal observations.

Nobody will EVER research this in the west. It’s too hot a topic.


I hope this helps!

keff has reacted to this post.

MM - thank you for that affirmation! Once again, your guidance is pure gold!


Now back to that Suns Neutral Centre as the Starting Point to understanding Energy in the Universe. I found this Site a year ago.

Its an OK site. Gives the Theory of NC. Their Thesis of the Universe is

"Reestablish the field of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is a scientific system of natural laws pioneered by John Ernst Worrell Keely (1827-1898)"  Which is fine except the name isnt to 'catchy'. I much prefer FIELD SCIENCE. (apparently thats what aliens call it)

Now when you try to understand the 2 forces in the Universe, Compression and Expansion from Walter Ruussell or North and South Pole from Magnetism, by USING Fake Atomic Structure theories, you get this Video, as their proof of Implosion or compression/North Pole Magnetism.

Notice in their "graph" they only have 3 of the 4 Phases of Energy or Elemental Frequencies of Matter. Its a nice try to prove Implosion with Explosive devices. (do remember that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction) But they fail miserably in my opinion.


What all the other theorists in Academia world today lack is..... the INVENTIONS that prove this duality of the nature of Energy and Matter. Joe has several dozen working models utilizing ONLY these 2 'forces' of nature. Joe has taken Neutral Centre to its practical applications. No one else has done this yet, not even Darren at the home of Compression/Expansion Science. Joe calls Neutral Centre "Equilibrium" others call it Zero Point.

remember what I wrote a while back here at

"The Smart Dive Motor that requires a smart meter will be released one day to the public, but why not sooner? This Tesla Designed motor by Samsung or Fisher Paykel is a motor and generator in one. All that is required for it to be 100,000% over unity is a standard car battery in the circuit. Anyone can build one if shown how and there are millions of used washing machines in the world. Particle science and electrons cannot ever reverse engineer it. One needs to understand interacting and rotating magnetic Fields. Never need Lithium again. A plain single Baghdad Battery is all that’s required. Personal Drones to fly across the Pacific non stop? Lockdowns be dammed. Want one? Here’s the entire component list. One small 12V battery, ours tested “flat” as it barely lit a 12V test light. (These washing machine motors use 4.5V to operate the motor). One 12VDC to 240VAC Invertor. One electronic motor speed controller, we set ours at 100rpm as more burned everything out. One smart drive motor in a frame to just hold it. Some electrical wires to connect these together and then by unbridging the motor, connect up a LOAD (we used work lights and bench grinders) Warning, to use a multimeter anywhere when testing will see total failure. (its ADDING another battery to the circuit and well youse all know what that means) so thus educated electricians always get it wrong. That’s the component list. Its all in how you ‘wire it up’."

Joe has 2 working models of this Motor that obtains energy from the NC or ZP. This is the Holy Grail of Free Energy and because everyone applies "electrons" and "oxygen" as their understanding of "energy" and they all FAIL to understand the Law of Opposite and Equal Actions, no one has came forward with working models. The dam thing is so easy to put together its ridiculous. BUT you do need our help to initially start on the right MIND SET as this is the KEY to Aether Energy. INTENTIONS if you will. Affirmations if you WILL. FAITH if you WILL. Or just plain believing in a higher source of Good. MerLynn, Apprentice to the Wizard of Oz... Joe and his Cells.




congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Talk about a "keg of worms"! It looks like I have some more reading to do.It does seem like an "ok" site. In numerous ways. But would be a good afternoon read, or two, maybe three.

BTW, MerLynn, it would be nice if you could put your website in your forum profile. So that anyone interested in what you comment on can have an easy access to your main body of writings.

If you don't want to do that, may I suggest (if you do not mind) put your website link at the bottom of your comments?

All of this is not mandatory, but I do want to keep a connection between your comments and your main body of writings clear and easy to attain. That is, unless you don't want any association with MM here. I get that.

Indeed, one of the strengths (and weaknesses) of MM is what we are and what we say.

If, for example, a "news" organization wants to include MM in their list of expats saying nice things about China... they won't do it. Why? Because it would generate traffic to the site. And this is not just some 20-something with a camera. We've got a lot more to offer. So they don't touch us at all, and they just leave us be. Broadcasting MM could bring all sorts of problems to them.

Anyways. Keep up your comments. I can tell by my stats that you have a fair number of readers to your comments, and their reading duration is higher than normal. Which means they read slowly and digest every tidbit that you have to offer. And again, thank you for keeping the content simple and easy to absorb.

pissedlizard and MerLynn have reacted to this post.


Once again - big thank you! Quick question before I have to do my night farm chores I am sure there will be more but the sympathetic vibratory response - is that like sympathetic nervous system? Because if it is - that’s a whole other rabbit hole I see on the horizon (quantum link between our fight/flight/fornicate and rest and digest.
I admit I did not see the video -I will tonight-but just throwing that out as a general question to your post

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
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