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Thanks WT, I do like Clannad I must say, I have a couple of their CD's in my collection. Cheers my friend

Alice has reacted to this post.

@tas - You sounds like me with the pause before the video posting. HA!

@watertiger - My faery friend, I love it!. Makes me long for a life I can't remember. *le sigh* I loved that music, lyrics AND the video - it was all SO VERY beautiful. (thanks - cause I needed a reason to get weepy) Thank you! Such a wonderful message too. I need to go to where they filmed, FR.

I found this song a month back - hope you love it as much as I do!

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Ok where do I start. Music can be emotional, yes. The reason I have been posting songs that resonate emotionally with myself was an attempt to open a comm with either The Domain or my Mantid GP through these emotions and BINGO last night it happened. A similar emotional response to my OE realisation a few months ago. I needed a track to send to a fellow MM follower which was me, what I was and what I was about, I knew which track I was going to send her for it resonated big time back in 1992 when I purchased the album solely out of "instinct". I played this track over and over again for a couple of weeks, something was telling me "This track is about you man". I have not played it for many years but as stated I wished to share it with my friend. OK the original track was never released as a single and was produced by a small Australian recording company, no radio (now that shows my age) play. The track is a little obscure even here in Australia unless you like Tommy E. The clip is not original to the track and was made post 1992 and added to Youtube, I have never seen it in this format until I found it 3 days ago and thought, OK the video kind of fits I will send this version (It was the only version on YT that had a clip added and was not live). Over the last 2days I listened to it around a dozen times, enjoyed it but nothing more. Last night I was watching again and at 3m.26s it happened, I started to cry uncontrollably, tears of joy and happiness and I kept repeating "I want to go home" It was very emotional for myself the same as the OE realisation, tears of joy and a message. Now I am not sure as to whether it was my Mantid GP or The Domain but either way it was a comm, of this I am certain. If it was my Mantid GP it wants to go home as per myself if it was the Domain then I possibly may be going home. You will get it when you watch the video. 3.26. I WANT TO GO HOME. Turn up the volume on this as it needs to be loud to hear the background.

Thank you MM/MGP/DC. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you WT for having faith in myself. You are a true friend.

Love to you all.

Alice and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

Thanks Alice, I did like it. She is quite original. Cheers

Beautiful song Alice, fynbos, sounds very dutch, een fijn bos? 🙂 also with 2 horse friends in the background, that and the text, just triggers. Fits it all.

And you Tas, my friend, it is all so special. Thank you both!

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YAY! Break through!!!! I love this song FYI - it’s always the songs with no words, always. 😉 This makes me so happy 🥰 Hugs from this side of the world.

This is my happy place (song without words)

Enjoy and have the best day EVER!

WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

That was so good Alice, so good. At 4.30 the hairs on the back of my neck started to rise and at 4.46 I went UUGHHH. I understand why it's you happy place. I hear a hemisync type sound in it. Could be just me though and how I interpret it. Again it's bloody very good. Thank you so so much.

I kept saying to myself I may be able to open a comm through music that resonates with me, I started a few weeks back when I posted Highwayman, the last verse of the song always resonated with me, it always felt like a message, so down that path I headed (music that resonated from my past). I was a little in the doldrums (no wind in my sails as MM put it) and really needed a nudge so when I got this one I was elated. That's 3 over 6/7 months so I should feel fortunate, which I do.

Cheers to you Alice you to have the best day ever yourself and again thank you so so much for that track IT IS SPECIAL.

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Here is my little add for the day. Another old resonator for me. Jon and Vangelis 'I'll Find My Way Home. I picked this version as it has lyrics, disregard the "god" comparison but listen to the words. It will surprise you I bet.

Interestingly MM posted  Vangelis's "Conquest of Paradise" as background on todays You Tube offering (It is the theme music for the 1992 movie "1492 The Conquest of Paradise".)

Have a great day and hold on to love.

Alice and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

Bugger it I will add this also, why? well because it's dam fine sounding track. The Smiths and the great Johnny Marr "How Soon is Now". Turn it up load to get the background.

Enjoy folks.

Alice and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.


Harmonics is the nature of the human soul. I am glad you enjoyed it as much as I do. I love City of the Sun. It sets the insanity straight for me.

This one of the few 80s song I like, thank you.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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