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Ok folks, hold on to your hats. Here we go with some old Eminem. WARNING you may experience some vulgar language in this one. View at your own risk and tell the children to go out and play or use headphones.

Alice, WaterTiger and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Cheers Alice,WT and OG

WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guy

I have always appreciated the irony of this track.

Chris De Burgh "The last time I cried"

WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guy

I think you mentioned clouds last week Alice, This would be the best version of "Both sides now" I have heard. Paul Young and Clannad, it's simply beautiful. "I really don't know clouds at all". I hope you like it.


Alice has reacted to this post.

I'm really liking A.L.I.S.O.N at the moment

Alice, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.

Thanks for that Orionseth. Liked them both. The first track reminds me of  Hemisync. Cheers

Orionseth has reacted to this post.

@tas I love it before listening to it because you remembered my clouds and found me a song. Oh WEEPY! Thank you Tas. BIG HUG and LOVE.


Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@orionseth "Always in a dream" made my heart start racing and beat out of my chest! but thank you for sharing - @tas Hemisync is what I thought too

edit: heart is still racing....


Tas and Orionseth have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

So happy you liked it Alice. its a truly beautiful song. I thought of it when you mentioned clouds but because I had posted a Paul Young track earlier that week I gave it a few days before posting 'Both Sides Now' for you.

Hugs and love back at ya.


Alice has reacted to this post.
Quote from Alice on September 27, 2022, 10:33 am

@tas I love it before listening to it because you remembered my clouds and found me a song. Oh WEEPY! Thank you Tas. BIG HUG and LOVE.


Another weepy one, fairy land!

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