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He does AI generated music too. I didn't even know there was such a thing:


@tas I’m sorry to hear about your news, my friend. Sending you all my love. I did begin to worry about not hearing from you. BIG LOVE.

@geisterfahrer I use something very similar to get the girls asleep. I will try this one out next time.

Geisterfahrer has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on October 26, 2022, 6:34 pm

@tas I’m sorry to hear about your news, my friend. Sending you all my love. I did begin to worry about not hearing from you. BIG LOVE.

@geisterfahrer I use something very similar to get the girls asleep. I will try this one out next time.

My wife is profoundly deaf. When she was pregnant with our sons, anytime there was a loud noise near her, she could feel them jump. That was how we knew they could hear.


One evening, she was relaxing on a recliner, and I was playing a song on my PC by Keb Mo' called "Perpetual Blues Machine". I had been listening to different songs for a while, but when that one came on, my wife got my attention, and in Sign Language, asked me, "Are you listening to music?" I replied that I was. She then said, "He's dancing" while pointing to her belly.


This was our first son, and he still dances when he hears that song.

DSKlausler and Tas have reacted to this post.


What an incredible story. 🥰 To think we process music even in a fetus state.

Makes me think of an Alzheimer’s patient - their whole world is flipped upside down BUT MUSIC. (Some of my absolute favorite people are elderly. There is just something about them that is so precious - understanding their hilarious personalities, watching them travel with their adorable gaits, their rosy, joyous, pinchable cheeks, and the wisdom they exude  from interactions/ vesica piscis.)  The ONE THING that will snap them back from being lost amongst their memories - MUSIC. The look in their faces when I play their favorite song - like I turned on a light switch, or lit a candle in their mind’s darkness.

Thank you for sharing. Gave me chills all over my body. XoXoX.

Geisterfahrer and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hi Alice,

Thank you for the kind words, greatly appreciated hey. My sister in laws nephew was brutally and disgustingly murdered on Saturday here in George Town. The whole town is grieving and saddened at present. These things rarely happen here so it's impacted the whole community. The murderers are in custody at present, this is the only positive. Again thanks Alice for your words of support, your a good one, yes you are.

BIG LOVE back mate hey.


OH MY! I am sooooooo sorry to hear this!! 😭 My condolences. You’ll never guess what happened. As I’m driving down the road, while looking at your email 👀 Lilly and I looked up and there were paper lanterns drifting across the road. 🥰 It was as if your reality breached mine and my reality was sending a commemoration of your loss. Oh Tas! All my love, truly.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


I’ve been wanting to post this song for quite some time - I can’t think of a more perfect time to do it than now.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Beautiful Alice, thank you so very much. You have helped me today my friend, the lantern's made me tear up and the M&S track made me cry openly, I needed to release my emotions and what you have done for me today did just that and I am so grateful to you. Really I am. Much love to you Alice and thank you for being you and for caring. XX

Alice has reacted to this post.

For you Alice, thank you again for what you said and did today. It means a great deal to me. Yes it does.

Blessings and I feel the love. Really I do.

Footnote. I forgot how good this song really is. "My love is like a burning light that cuts into the mountain like a river". What a great line hey.

This one is for everybody who is attempting to get out of here at the end of this physical life. Hope you like it and love to all.

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