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Glad I could help. It’s what I do, ya know? Thank you for the sweet song. 🤗

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thank you. Really. You are a good person Alice. Yes you are. 🙂

Alice has reacted to this post.

Follow up to MM's You tube vid. Be the Rufus and show heart when required. Stand tall and show compassion to others regardless of your own well being, sacrifice if necessary.

DSKlausler, Alice and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
DSKlauslerAliceWaterTigerOhio Guy

Thanks for the video.

New Rufus video out just now. And a Rufus post associated with it. I hope you all appreciate it.

Alice and Tas have reacted to this post.

I see that MM has featured a bunch from Toad the Wet Sprocket.

Here is my favorite from them, and this track is so much much more profound and warm and angry and telling than any of their "hits" (in my usual humble opinion).

I always am moved by tunes with a masterfully written and played powerful outro.

Stories I Tell

Quote from Alice on October 27, 2022, 7:54 am


I’ve been wanting to post this song for quite some time - I can’t think of a more perfect time to do it than now.

@alice : I just visited this topic after a an unknown amount of days... this is the first time that I saw that profile picture of yours. Is that you? I ask because my "real" one is quite  different from the snow leopard that I write behind.

Of course there is a story behind that embellished LinkedIn image.

I’m not really understanding the question. Yes that picture is me 👀 I don’t have LinkedIn so I’m unable to know exactly what you are referring to.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on October 28, 2022, 7:55 pm

I’m not really understanding the question. Yes that picture is me 👀 I don’t have LinkedIn so I’m unable to know exactly what you are referring to.

Many post a facsimile, avatar, alias, etcetera. Is it not true that we rarely SEE the person that we are electronically communicating with?


Uploaded files:
  • DSK_LinkedIn.jpeg
Alice, WaterTiger and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
AliceWaterTigerOhio Guy

It’s very true, though I have no reason to hide. I think it’s refreshing to know there is another human being on the other end of our communications. Questioning peoples motives Can be maddening - something I’ve spent entirely too much time doing.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on October 28, 2022, 8:08 pm

It’s very true, though I have no reason to hide. I think it’s refreshing to know there is another human being on the other end of our communications. Questioning peoples motives Can be maddening - something I’ve spent entirely too much time doing.

People are just plain crazy; a matter of perspective for sure.

Alice, Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
AliceTasOhio Guy
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