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I need you to make me a playlist 🙃 I’m loving your picks.


Dang it at 6 minute mark! I didn’t even know you could do that with a Cello! 😆 Idk why they even make electric guitars if that’s the case.… seems like a waste and limits talent

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@mirri, I do like the SaL version too! And all the memories - though I think it was message in a bottle not this one, a summer working at a sailing school in the bar and cleaning the toilets and hearing sting on the radio all the time.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Wow @watertiger !!! At sailing school, in the bar, cleaning the toilets!! The visual I got was dressed as a pirate in a bar with a scrub brush 👀 . I know that’s not what you meant, it’s just how I read it.

Days like today makes me wish we were a block a way from one another - where I could walk down the road to your house, sit on your front porch and listen to your old memories. Best kind of days, IMO.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice, yessss, come to listen to my memories! That summer thing was together with my "heart" best friend. I got in touch with her recently after not having had any contact for 25 years. We were also digging up memories, for all that we always were "having the weak laugh" (I don't know how to translate this into English, means you go all weak because of  laughing), people around really had a hard time with us, because we were always rolling on the ground laughing and taking nothing serious. I should laugh a bit more these days, yes, good to remember that!

like this:


dying laughing, crying laughing, piss yourself laughing, roll on the floor laughing, laugh till your cheeks hurt, belly roll, giggle box turned on!

#howilivemylife if I’m not laughing, I’m crying - better When they happen at the same time. I would have died a 1000 deaths with the shit I’ve dealt with in this one life time - humor is the only way I’ve made it this far … and plan on laughing my way to the grave.

I don’t trust people with no sense of humor…. You - you I trust 😉


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Oh and FYI- i almost peed myself laughing at that video. What a great sport - terrible athlete - great sport!!

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

whaaaaaat 👀  this never gets old

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

G'day all,

I must say I to liked "B" being a bit traditional but in saying that "C" was excellent. If you imagine SaL's version was the original would you like it ? I like it heaps, it is an amazing interpretation.

Alice No that's the first time I have heard that, cheers. You like it because of the long haired muscled "Fabio" dude in the clip hey :).

Miri I did like that, thank you, It was different and original hey. We all have certain sounds "frequencies, vibrations" we like, they make connections. Man I like high pitched melodic guitar, it does something for me.. But in saying that this for example stirs my blood and makes me emotional but I won't go into that. The whine of the pipes, the clarity of the snares and the marching rhythm of the bass drums. Massed pipes and drums.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Hey WT

Bog vaulting looks like fun to me hey, plenty of smiley happy people having and gaining a positive experience, adding some good quanta through that experience and adding joyous memories to who they "are". We are our experiences hey mate. 😉





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