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This song has, and still does, describe the environment and community I have been made to live in/grow up with over the decades. Not a friendly one, not a nice one.


A very hegemonic, dangerous community. One that I had spent years (unknowingly) fighting against in an attempt to maintain my individuality and mental stability. It's been a very hard fight, but at least now things have been getting easier for me.

Alice, WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.


I was going to post a RHCP song but your post has inspired a different route.

edit: beautifully powerful song. I feel what you said.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

One for you ANTI. Strength to you my brother. Hope you like it and that it inspires you even if its just a little man.


And another one

Quote from WaterTiger on January 17, 2023, 11:27 pm

And another one

I cannot understate the number of times I have listened to this song during my teenage years, right before the 10's.


We really do live in a Mad World, but hopefully, not for much longer.


Tas. This music reminds me of the African ex-pat cheesemonger I used to buy cheese from years ago. She owned a shop called "Cheese on 62nd" and was a very sweet woman who could tell I have been through a lot of horrible stuff. Would give me extra cheese and give me stories from her time in Africa to keep me inspired.



It gives me similar vibes to this.

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This one always always gets my feet moving no matter where i am:

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Can imagine that @Mirri! 🙂

The themesong of me Circa. 2011

I was 18 at the time, and just moved to NYC



I have never been to NYC and probably would be too scared at 18. Heck I don’t really like going to ATL it scares me there too. Too much energy. I’ll stick to my small town America.

I’m really digging this song. Sounds similar to what I listened to at age.

ok - it’s a Lil Wayne kinds of day. This was back when everything he did turned gold. Your welcome HA! Jk


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Although that type of music is very common here in NYC, I cannot get myself to listen to most of that genre, or reggae, or RnB. There are some songs that I am utterly addicted to (like Eminem's music or Snoop Dogg,) but the rest gives me moot vibes. That being said, I have heard this exact song in a couple of the Dive Bars I have been to in Manhattan.



Yep, time for more Hybrid: this band I have listened to for over a decade. A lot of their tracks could be extrapolated to events I had in my life or visions I have had of the MWI and various Mantids I divined or visited unconsciously.

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