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" A lot of their tracks could be extrapolated to events I had in my life or visions I have had of the MWI and various Mantids I divined or visited unconsciously." I call them "resonators" Music that I connected to in my past, music that I not only liked but for whatever reason I told myself to remember them. Frequencies and or lyrics. I works for me man, yes it does.

Alice and ANTI have reacted to this post.


And another Hybrid: this one I have shared on an article before.


Note the words said at the beginning of the song. It comes off as MWI/IS-BE statements. Big MAJestic vibes.

This song was the first on my playlist driving to the farm the morning. Funny story for you. (@feal this one’s for you)

I was 18-19 yo, getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I forgot to take the BIG PILL they have you take 30-45 minutes before they gased me. So while I’m in the dentist chair, and am feeling my Doc pulling my teeth way more than I should be - he asked me what my favorite band was… I responded (uh OORs) “the Doors”?? Haha. Anyhoo, his attempt to distract me worked because he started singing LA Woman to me while prying out my wisdom. “I see your hair is burning..” Best Dentist Ever! And a memory I’ll never forget.

ps i have been singing the lyrics wrong for almost 4 decades - “LA Woman Sunday Afternoon” Is not what I thought Morrison was singing! 😑

Feal and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

You think you have problems with lyrics mate, let me introduce Ken Lee. Blessings to her.


Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy


Relevant to the latest MMan post.


I love the Scarface Soundtrack

Alice has reacted to this post.

This song has been stuck in my head the past few days


Alice and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
AliceOhio Guy

One man band. Love me some Shakey. Got tickets to go see him  play last year, and the venue required a vax record 👀 no refunds. Wasted those tickets.

Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
TasOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Since you LOVE love songs. This one goes along with what the conversation happening in DMs Discord. Oooo it jerks my heart strings. To find this kind of love 🥰 maybe in another lifetime. Enjoy.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


I've always had dreams of this song.

In them, I envision myself gaining the power I always knew I had

Maybe it's the theme of Homecoming, maybe it's me re-merging with my Hive-Soul before I leave the Earth and thus regaining all my old abilities.

But... the downer ending makes me feel that the high's short-lived and it all blows up in my face.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Thanks Alice that was beautiful. Really. Here sits myself, according to others an Alfa male, an Alfa who is about love and enjoys emotional love songs. I makes me giggle at times I must admit. You are lucky Alice you may get that chance next lifetime to find that perfect love you seek, myself I don't think I will be back, this is my last hoorah. Thanks again Alice it was yes beautiful. Your on a roll mate. Lol.

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