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@ohio-guy, mate I have always thought of Ride Across the River as part 2 of Brothers in Arms. I am crossing the river mate, deep and wide. This one is for you my brother. "We're fools to make warOn our brothers in arms"

WaterTiger, Ohio Guy and frannya have reacted to this post.
WaterTigerOhio Guyfrannya

We can be happy here. Yes we can.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
Quote from Tas on March 3, 2023, 9:16 am

@ohio-guy, mate I have always thought of Ride Across the River as part 2 of Brothers in Arms. I am crossing the river mate, deep and wide. This one is for you my brother. "We're fools to make warOn our brothers in arms"

owww, that is a beautiful one. The feelings it triggers, always did.

Tas, Ohio Guy and ANTI have reacted to this post.
TasOhio GuyANTI

Here's one for our friend @dsklausler.

Tas has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ohio Guy on March 4, 2023, 6:08 am

Here's one for our friend @dsklausler.

OG: I appreciate the gesture, really. Tricky indeed.

I like drummers, and although Kenney is a good man on the kit, wild man Moon will always define The Who for me.

He is good here, as is the appropriate tune, no?

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy

Thank you brother @dsklausler. And yes, Keith was such an extraordinary human. Words do not describe. An exceptional soul indeed. He's still "out there" somewhere, probably with all the other great ones of the same caliber, doing good and still spreading love and joy. We're all fortunate to have experienced such a unique soul. He was and still is very much loved and missed by bandmates and fans alike. His soul lives on in another realm, I'm sure of it. And he still lives on in our memories. Thank you also for that link to the demo. I have never seen that particular one. Good stuff! Thanks again and hope you're doing well. You're a good fella, for sure. Peace, my friend.


I have found... another place to play

And slowly and steadily, I am... falling away


A fitting song for me as I progress through this place.

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WT! I needed to hear that song today! When I pressed play, the volume in my car was ALLLLLLLL the way up, so I felt the first beat dropped in my core. XoXoX

This song is going in the completely opposite direction from the music off Lucy but something  is driving me to post it. Song starts at 1:08 if you don’t want to hear Shakey talk about his “Trip-Hop” or “Jazz-Metal” future sounds.

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from WaterTiger on March 13, 2023, 10:02 pm

Hey, it's Lucy, the movie that awoken to me the idea of there being other world-lines where I could pull off the exact same reality-warping shenanigans as she did in the movie.


I love that movie so much, as cheesy it is and as severely panned as it had been.


From the first Persona Game. for one of the Bad Endings

But this song is absolutely beautiful and invokes a contemplative stupor in me.

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