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Hello my peeps. Here's an offering from one of David's best recordings of The Blue. Live in Gdansk.

It's cold, wet, and yucky outside. A perfect time for a moving, melodic, masterpiece from the master of the Stratocaster.

Alice, Tas and ANTI have reacted to this post.

I forefitted 13-ish years of my life believing I was in control of it: instead of being controlled

Despite all that I have been through, my soul remains unbroken.

It won't be long before I break out of this prison and acquire the freedom I always desired.

I've been listening to this song ever since it came out.

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TasOhio Guy

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


I LOVE IT! So chill

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

When it rains in my neck of the woods… this is the vibe rain gives me. It’s energizing no matter how much it rains.


Tas, Ohio Guy and ANTI have reacted to this post.
TasOhio GuyANTI
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
Quote from Alice on March 27, 2023, 12:48 am

When it rains in my neck of the woods… this is the vibe rain gives me. It’s energizing no matter how much it rains.


California had turned to absolute shit over the decades, but I still think RHCP is such a good pand.


I remember seeing this song for the first time on MTV, back when California was far more enticing and far less decayed/decrepit.

Ohio Guy has reacted to this post.
Ohio Guy
Quote from ANTI on March 27, 2023, 5:06 am


California had turned to absolute shit over the decades, but I still think RHCP is such a good pand.


I remember seeing this song for the first time on MTV, back when California was far more enticing and far less decayed/decrepit.

I saw them back in my days in Amsterdam, a free concert on the Dam. I was just passing by doing my things and stopped for a moment for watching. Never heard of them before. At the end they turned around, put their pants down and showed us their buts. Ah those were the days!

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TasOhio Guy

@watertiger 😆 RHCP has always been wide open. Give me a guitar and enough alcohol and I’d act the same exact Way. Great memory! Though, IN MY OPINION, they slaughtered that Hendrix song.
What happened to free concerts? They need to bring that back.

Jacob Banks popped up in my YT que, and the lyrics “What I’ve learned from a Traveler, there’s no road that could lead to Nirvana. There’s a world to discover, but home is LOVE” made me think of @guyfromafrica. Hope you are doing alright, my friend.

Love this song 🥰 It has great advice, and J Banks voice is phenomenal. Enjoy.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Video I made last Friday, hope you enjoy


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I love seeing all the new, bright GREEN coming in with spring weather. Thank you for sharing this hypnotizing video. May I ask, what vehicle are you filming off of? At first I thought you were at a park and may have been riding a bicycle, but saw there was other cars on the road and you were going really fast for a bike. There are A LOT of people walking down mountain roads... though it wasn't very curve? So this is my conclusion - you are on a WMA road, riding a Harley on a Saturday (Friday, read your post) afternoon. I say Saturday because you were driving an obstacle course of "road points". lol jk

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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