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It was a Vulcan Nomad 1600 and it was in a National Park. The road I was on is closed on weekends, I went up this past week.


If you watch it in the youtube app, you can change the settings to 4k and it should be a 360 video if your browser supports it (meaning you can see everything in 360 by moving the cursor across the screen- right click and drag the cursor, or, if on a phone, just moving your phone around).

@geisterfahrer DANG I AM GOOOOOD! haha Sorry, it just never gets old. Thank you for sharing!

These songs just pop up in my cue and they are too good not to share.


The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

An album for when I want to explore dark and scary things in my meditations. Does it not feel unsettling?

Maybe we WILL get there.

ANTI has reacted to this post.

A Dolores for you Alice. It's raw and pure. Sadly it's always the good people who leave us first hey.


ANTI has reacted to this post.

Justice released amazing music over the years.

But these guys made a godly mixtape out of the Cross album.

Top-end, heart-stopping music that makes yo think you're back in 2 BC

Wow! I feel like I’m listening to Led Zeppelin but in the future 😆 ….. you’ll want to put a Bluetooth speaker on for this one.  I’m blown away, and that’s hard to do to me with music.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

His voice projection is fabulous. Crisp and clean. Cheers for this.

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Imagine this,

Absolutely everyone on Earth wants you dead or think you are insane

Then this song plays, you undergo deification, and prove to everyone that the prophecy's true

That's what I envision happening to myself when this song plays. It's another song I can imagine Homecoming to.

An hour of wild guitar. This a very early Euro Techno Punk Band from around 1986. I really dig this sound hey. Really. Meaningless songs but the frequency is amazing. I am on my third SSS Flaunt it album (their best by far) for every time I loaned my copy it NEVER came back. At least someone else enjoyed it hey lol. If it gets a little slow skip to 43 min 30 second as the best tracks are at the end of the concert. CAN YOU DIG IT.....                            


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