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A hour after reading QA13 I had an old 1986 Huey Lewis song pop into my head. Over and over for hours. I have not heard it for years but there I was singing away. Cheers MGP I am happy to be stuck with you and it appears your happy to be stuck with me....Get it??????

WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

Omg, Tas. Same with me. Only the earworm from Huey that's been going on in my brain bucket has been Power of Love.

Go figure! OG

Tas has reacted to this post.


a great love song

Tas has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ohio Guy on November 13, 2023, 10:41 pm

Omg, Tas. Same with me. Only the earworm from Huey that's been going on in my brain bucket has been Power of Love.

Go figure! OG

No such thing as coincidence my brother.

Big love mate

If this inspires but one person then I have had a win.

Quote from Math318success on November 14, 2023, 10:38 am


a great love song

Whilst I did not understand the lyrics I understood the clip. Thank you.

Will has reacted to this post.

Angel frequency. This is most Devine. Its one of my all time fav's. "The Crossing" (get it) Enjoy with my love.



A good track to play while I ride my bike in the early moments of dawn. The sun percolates through the NYC buildings while I think over my life and all of the decisions I have made.

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If I know me!

👀 🤔

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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