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Tas has reacted to this post.

Cool WT. One for you MM, I think you understand what happened at Vienna on the 12th September 1683. The day the Polish Winged Hussars saved Christendom. Enjoy man.

My new favorite

I'll give them Shelter,

Like you've done for me

And I know I'm not alone

You'll be watching over us.

Me being taught by Domain how to make the most of my dilapidated life in this Sentinence Nursery.

This one is for all the fathers of daughters, yes you Robert :). Whilst this is a Christian song it's a universal story of love and devotion. It makes me cry. Enjoy.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

When I brood and think hard about the future, this music plays in my head.

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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