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The great Colin James Hay. I love this guys vocals and was lucky enough to see him in one of those 10 people sittings. It was a magical personal experience.

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Just something to enjoy whilst MM is moving. Talk Talk " Life's what you make it". Hope you like it.


I love the Colin James Hay song. Never heard of that guy.

I wish I could say I was a fan of 80s music, but that would be me telling stories. I can do Talking Heads - but even that’s 70’s. “Give me the 70’s or give me death,” I say. All the best music was in that decade. You 80s lovers are a rare breed, that’s for sure. XoXoX I mean that in the most endearing way I can muster/you can take it. 😬



Fun fact- I missed my first dance competition for a free Grateful Dead concert in Atlanta in 1992 (? I think that was the year) That would make my first concert seeing Jerry Garcia in the flesh when I was 8. Ha! If that doesn’t tell you a bit about my parents…..

Took my girls to a free Fleetwood Mac Cover band this weekend. We had so much fun!!! My Girl’s were front and center the whole concert - They get it honestly.

Thank you, @tas for the tunes. 🥰

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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

❤️  Never heard this song until tonight, and yet I could have written it…. Wait! I did write it. 🤗

The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Hi Alice,

I did enjoy that, thanks for posting. I must admit I like music from Australian colonial folk (1800's) to lets say early 2000's with the exception of Rap and heavy metal. Songs like California Dreaming and it's harmonies from the 60"s to say The Church's wawa guitar sound (Marty Wilson Piper). Some of the early melodic punk from the late 70's really hits home for me, hence when the Seattle grunge movement started back in the early 90's I felt music was re born somewhat. Alice is that really you ? meaning are you Alice Phobe Lou? If so well bloody done girl, really.

Best regards


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No, I cant sing That good, but I try. 😂 I posted the wrong song. I’ve never heard of THAT song until this morning. This is the song I attempted to post last night. I guess it jumped before I copied the link.



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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thanks Alice, like that one also. I try to sing myself, try lol.


Hi MM,

One for you mate, Australian Crawl 1981 "Errol". Hope you like it man.


This tune has always meant something to me. I remembered the lyrics when it was released and still do. I'll fly a Starship across the universe divide.

I hope you enjoy it


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The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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