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I got weepy too! However, everything has the potential to do that. Empath ticks. If it resonates then it must be true!

I totally forgot about that call. Is it just in the extended versions? My faves are Pippen’s song and Aragorn’s ‘elvish ode’ or what ever it’s called. Every time Aragorn and  Arwen see each other gets me little girl giggly. And of course, all things Gandalf.

He’s my people. -

I am actually in the process of getting me a staff similar to his, with a little tweaking. Finding the wood, in my area, that twist like on a longer limb/trunk has been daunting. I have am getting closer. A water oak (?) or something similar seems to have the similarity. My astral has a staff that is occasionally summoned, has a similar look. Except its almost white wood with charcoal grey knots. Its not as natural and intricate as the Grey/White wizard.

Anyhoo. Sorry for the rambling. I think the Cello is my frequency. Its not super low but mellow. I gravitate to “the Dude’s” of this world. They are sanctuary for my excitable personality. Ok I am really done this time 😂 probably.



The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

 However, everything has the potential to do that. Empath ticks.

That is sooo true!

I don't know if it is just in the extended version. Lol we had the extended Dvds but some disappeared after the move so we watched the normal versions online and it got me "wtf?! have we changed worldlines so much so the movie changed?!" Really freaked me out! xD

So you are becoming a wizard now? That's awesome! I'll go shaman xD

Hi DSKlausler

Yes mate Starfish is devine IMO, It would be my fav album 100% and if I could only keep one album this is it. 1.06 into A New Season is the sound that resonates with me, high pitched whining guitar, I brings me great joy and pleasure.

Best get back to work (lunch break).

Have a great day


MM had to post a Church song this morning and hence the domino effect LOL.

Hope you all enjoy. The Church "Spark"

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Whilst I am on a roll, this is the great Chris de Burgh the track is "Transmission Ends". This track has always given me goose bumps and at times teary eyes. It's about a nuclear exchange and the loosing the ones you love. Its quite poignant at this time I feel. Hope you enjoy.


The Church. - “Under the Milky Way Tonight”… I cold land a craft on that Zero Point in my sleep! Back when it came out in the USA only people in the part of California I lived in really listened to them.

The song is frigging awesome too.

This I know to be true.


Chromacat and Tas have reacted to this post.

Since you posted a Kate Bush number in your last post MM here is my fav KB track back at ya. I had the biggest crush on Kate during my teens, I really mean that. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, by far.

WaterTiger and Orionseth have reacted to this post.

Big BIG thanks for that!

Tas has reacted to this post.


This just needed to be here.

When I was a listening to it, especially at 2:50, my ears were poppin.  The left one was echoing and going in and out. My ear was echoing it somehow?? Soooo weird.

Encouragement in it for all.


Love, Peace and Hair grease lol I think that's how they say it?


Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.


Oh and an instrumental was right behind it, must be a @Mirri thing!

Tas and Ohio Guy have reacted to this post.
TasOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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