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like this song is on this mornings playlist. I love this song - haven’t listened to it in years. It’s how I’m feeling, deep inside - my reality expresses the heart without much effort.

Tas has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
  • Thanks Alice that was cool, I think Solsbury Hill fits my feelings perfectly re MM and egress. It's always been a special song for me and I now get it, it resonates. I to relate day to day life in song form Alice  all the time. It's crazy how we can remember lyrics from 40 years ago in an instant when required. Thanks for your kind words mate  I just hope MM watches, it's a special song hey.
Alice has reacted to this post.

This is the original clip Alice. I posted the cover due to the fact the vocals are more audible. The clip is really interesting IMO. Some dot points in order,

  1. The man in the hat at the beginning looks like DM's new profile image.
  2. MM is the eagle (American), The messenger.
  3. The beginning of the journey.
  4. The lyrics speak of the message and acceptance.
  5. Keeping the information to yourself as your friends will think you are a nut.
  6. Turning water into wine (escape and a new home)
  7. The coffee cup (MM)
  8. Life in a rut (reincarnation process) and walking away from it
  9. The empty silhouette"s are our old stagnate containers (DM's dream)
  10. The block figure is the DC and Domain.
  11. I will show another me, I do not need a replacement (that"s my transition from StS OE to what I am now, I have changed and do not need replacement) They The Domain are going to take me home.
  12. The cabbage girl is myself going though egress, modified and finally my new existence/home. Dm appears again.What do you think? Crazy hey
Alice and WaterTiger have reacted to this post.

Edit for above post.

"The open door will soon be shut" MM states the time is now, this life do not miss it.


The comparison isn’t crazy at all, love. It’s BRILLIANT!

Reason #987,654,321 why I love music: the lyrics to our favorite songs grow within us as we grow. They change when we change. Music is loyal, dependable, supportive, encouraging. A handful words with amalgamation of tones gives life to our lives. Music is a life of its own.

There is no greater compliment than to dedicate a song to a person (unless the song is… meant to offend, of course). I am almost certain MM will appreciate the dedication.


WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Thanks Alice and WT for seeing what this song means to, well me anyway. Appreciated greatly. I agree 100% Alice music is a life of it's own and is the four things you mention.

Funny enough MM posted a Falco track in todays post. This is "The sound of Musik" and it sums up well the joy of music. Hope you like it, I think you may WT.


WaterTiger has reacted to this post.

Thanks Tas, I throw one in too!

Tas has reacted to this post.

I relate to that WT, I do not need extravagances only the basics in life. I would sooner live in a bush humpy than a mac mansion with less hassles. Cheers WT for sharing.



WaterTiger and Tas have reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Another one:

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